#honey is same height as sun/moon but looking taller because his ears
gniteruirui · 1 year
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Hewoo I will disappear after this post byeeee
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heartau · 5 years
Oooh you went to Neocity right? I’d love to hear descriptions of the boys in the words of a writer 🥰
omg this sounds fun !!! ok before i start this i just wanna say this is from what i personally saw when i saw them live. i was relatively close to the stage, enough to make eye contact and to be waved at, so i’ll do my best!!
taeyong: seeing him in real life was a little surreal because he looks exactly how he does in pictures and videos which is already jarring because he’s already really beautiful through those. he has really big, expressive eyes and the warmest smile; every time he would look at the audience he’d have this small smile that looked like pride. it was really really heartwarming to see. he has such a calming, relaxed and cute aura durings ments but once he started to perform... whew! his head also really big, honestly a lot of their heads were really big in real life which is adorable idjdjddk, but yeah!! i made eye contact with him a number of times and you would think his gaze would be intimidating but it really really wasnt! the only word i can describe the feeling i got from him is motherly :(
johnny: first and foremost, i do not believe that he’s 6’1... that man is gigantic. his proportions are so good, his leg to chest ratio is so... [chef’s kiss]. what you see of him in videos is truly what he is in real life, he’s so goofy and funny and lively and he always encouraged other members to do their thing as well. he’s honestly so hilarious too which makes me sad because it makes me feel like we’d get along really well if i knew him personally ... man i just wanna be his bff. but yeah he’s really tall, like towering over the other members tall; even taller than jungwoo, who was surprisingly tall as well. maybe it’s just me because i’m really short. he also has a small face in real life, but at the same time his features are so expressive that you dont even realize it haha. but yeah he’s just a happy, talented, gentle giant.
jungwoo: if i could describe jungwoo in one word it would be cherub-like. he literally has the softest features ever and he moves so gracefully, he literally glowed on stage and it was kinda shocking really. he was also really tall omg, like i was expecting it anyways since i knew that he’s around 6ft, but like... he’s REALLY tall. he has the SOFTEST, most honey-like voice but he speaks with so much confidence, it’s so so so cute and made me so happy. he also has really fluffy hair, like even from my seat i could see how soft and light his hair was; every movement he made that night just made his hair whip around really easily, like even if it was bleached you really couldn’t tell because his hair didn’t look fried at all. all in all jungwoo was truly angel-like and very graceful.
taeil: oh man taeil is beautiful on screen and through pictures already but in person he glows 100x more. he has really, really pretty skin that made him shine under the spotlight and his jawline is REALLY sharp omg. he’s also really short (which i was expecting... probably still taller than me though) and has a big head hehe. he’s also one of the members that had a really calming, nurturing energy, during the ments he would literally have heart eyes full of pride when he’d look at the audience, it was really really heartwarming. a GOOD butt. also his vocals are so, so, sooo good and very stable - there was one point (i think it was back 2 u(?) i can’t remember anything from that night other than my videos) where he used his headvoice for the highnote and not falsetto and it floored me - i’m a classically trained vocalist so you bet i freaked out in the audience. but yeah, taeil is just really calming and nurturing and REALLY funny too :(
yuta: yuta honestly shocked me because although i knew that he’s baby from interviews and other clips, i was still somehow intimidated by him, but when i saw them live he really stomped on my intimidation. he literally has the most fresh, most positive, most genuinely kind energy i’ve literally ever felt :( he had the biggest smile throughout the night, every time i’d look at him he’d just be grinning from ear to ear. “healing smile” doesn’t even come close to describing how GOOD his smile is in real life. he’s also short, something i really wasn’t expecting, like a good 2nd or 3rd shortest - really really REALLY funny too and a REALLY good dancer, i got some of his freestyle dance on camera and every time i watch it, i’m floored bc he hits every beat on the spot. i made eye contact with him at one point and i remember feeling just so happy and at peace, like... he’s not intimidating at all... he’s just a happy boy :(
mark: ohh mark... i see mark as a childhood friend so when he came out on stage i literally felt tears spring in my eyes. i live in vancouver and saw them in vancouver so i feel like that kinda intensified it a bit more as well. he is SOOOOOO undeniably funny its crazy, throughout the night i’d just be laughing at things he’d say (that were intended to be humourous ofc). his head also really big omg it was kinda jarring, and taller than i expected. his stage presence is so good, everytime they’d perform my eyes would sometimes land on him, literally SO good. honestly, when i walked into that venue i was expecting him to cry which i feared for because when someone cries, then i cry, but he didn’t!! although after the concert ended, when they were saying their goodbyes, they left mark alone to say his own goodbyes and when he was doing so, his voice kinda cracked before he did this bow and his eyes were a little glossy and i got SO SCARED because i didn’t wanna cry rkdndkdndk but yeah :( im proud of mark and you can tell that he holds pride in what he does as well!
donghyuck: MAN... donghyuck literally has the most beautiful skin i’ve ever seen. i know i’ve said this before but he glows, like he literally glows, fullsun is an appropriate nickname for him. he emitted nothing else but cute, happy, mischeviohs energy during ments but once he started performing his vibe changed so drastically it was crazy - especially during wake up and baby don’t like it. there was one part during baby don’t like it when he pressed his forehead against taeil’s and when i tell you how much i lost it because i wasn’t expecting it... oh man. i also see donghyuck as a best friend; i was born a week before he was and our natal charts are exactly the same save for our moons, so seeing him rip it up on stage was so so soo good it made me so proud :( i made eye contact with him somewhere during summer 127?? I WAS SO HAPPY AFTER like it was refreshing omg i sound so silly but im telling the truth iddndkjd he’s also shockingly tall as well, around mark’s height, maybe even taller, and REALLY long legs. like a good 90% of his body was made of leg didjdjdjd but yeah donghyuck is just... he’s really the sun and he was meant to perform.
doyoung: i will start this off by saying; i left that venue as a doyoungzen. doyoung... whew... he also shocked me because through videos and pictures i was NEVER intimidated by him at all, i honestly genuinely always just saw him as cute baby but man oh man. you know when you just KNOW that someone’s rich by the way they hold themselves? that’s doyoung... he’s really regal-like and holds himself really gracefully, like a strict prince type. he intimidated me SO much that night (in the best way possible... sexy intimidation... dont worry) like his energy was just so... intense. i made eye contact with him a number of times and when i tell you how SMALL i felt just from meeting his eyes... my goodness. he has really broad shoulders and a tiny waist, also really tall, small-ish head. his features are REALLY sharp like it’s crazy, i really have no other way to explain it. he also has really pretty hands, nimble-looking fingers. he was really adorable during ments and at one point kept hopping which was so CUTE but even then... man. his energy is just really intense. i ended up making him one of my ults after i left the venue.
jaehyun: deep inhale... so. jaehyun. honestly its kinda silly because i can remember so many details from the other members but i feel like once it comes to jaehyun i’m at a loss of words because of how in SHOCK i was to see him up close bc as you all know he’s my ultimate bias, it was my three years with him a few weeks ago. but gosh... jaehyun... i really can’t see the whole “cold prince” image they give him bc he’s so chill and relaxed? ok wow a few memories are coming to mind now; he has a really big head, which i was expecting because i’ve seen people talk about how big his head is but yeah it’s big but it’s CUTE he’s just a little bobblehead :( i made so much eye contact with him that night too and god like. i got some of those moments on camera and you can see through the videos how i’d just FREEZE every time we jefkenfkd he’s just... really chill, really relaxed, let the other members do their thing, but at the same time really silly and had this aura of confidence which was really nice. a lil shorter than i expected omg but his skin was reeallllyyyy nice and he’s very pale irl omg. he waved at me and my friend at the end of the show and i also got it on video and like... every time i watch it its just so surreal cuz like ... 😭 LIKE WHAT NOW how am i supposed to live the rest of my life now knowing i reached my peak at neocity like .... bruh
all in all these boys are just so talented and have the best stage presence ever, and they’re super SUPER interactive with the fans. beingin the crowd during touch and replay was just so... nice :( it was truly one of the happiest moments in my life and i hope that they come back soon !!! i also hope that the next time i see them, winwin is part of 127 again as well :( and lastly, i also hope that whoever is reading this sees them in the future as well bc u deserve it!!!
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danishprince · 5 years
redid this 92 questions meme from 4 years ago for Fun and Profit because i like seeing how much i’ve changed over the years. not tagging anyone, but if you want to answer the questions, go wild
what was your…
last beverage? woter
last phone call? a confidential call to a research lab at my university because they’re studying alcohol use in young adults and wanted to know if i fit the criteria to be in the study (i do, so i get money for it fuck yeah)
last text message? i told my dad that our neighbors got two of their trees cut down and his response was “Wwwow”
last song listened to? currently listening to “evening prayer aka justice” by ezra furman!
last time you cried? maybe like saturday or sunday? not really sure
have you ever…
dated someone twice? nah
been cheated on? don’t believe so
kissed someone and regretted it? eh i’ve had a few kisses that i look back and kinda cringe at because we were really drunk or i was Not Into Them or whatever, but actually, truly regret? no. 
lost someone special? it’s been awhile since anyone close to me died. my maternal grandma (and step-grandpa) are getting pretty old/less healthy though so i’m like starting to already feel weird snatches of anticipatory grief for that which :/
been depressed? i’d say so yeah, on occasion
been drunk and vomited? fun story i briefly thought i was allergic to alcohol freshman year because i’d throw up every time i drank. TURNS OUT however i just was a dumbass who didn’t know how to hold their liquor
list three favourite colors: hot pink, teal, black
in the last year, have you…
made a new friend? yes indeed
fallen out of love? cannot say that i have
laughed so hard there were tears? oh constantly. though i do that regularly because of the dumbest shit, so that’s not, like, an anomaly
met someone who changed you? YES the professor of my psych lab whom i ADORE
found out who your true friends are? yeah, or at least i feel way more comfortable and grounded in my friendships than i did. which is cool!
found out someone was talking about you? i overheard my coworker at our (drama-filled, my god) orientation leader job bitching about some other coworkers, but then what she said about me was “yeah katie’s pretty cool” so i was like :) :) neat
kissed anyone on your facebook “friend list”? hell yeah babey
general questions.
how many of your facebook friends do you know in person? the vast majority. there’s a few Spelling Bee Kids who’ve just added me for Spelling Bee Clout that i don’t know irl, but otherwise i don’t really add people i don’t know
how many siblings do you have? 1 (one) 16-year-old bröther
do you have any pets? 1 (one) very old round guinea pig named hamlet
do you want to change your name? eh not really. i’m not, like, obsessed with it, but it’s a decent name and i have no urge to change it
what did you do for your last birthday? i turned 21, but it was a monday, so i went to a restaurant with three of my friends and ordered 1 (one) Alcoholic Beverage. then later that week i went to a coffee bar that serves alcohol later at night with some of my other friends and had more Alcoholic Beverages there
when did you wake up today? 9:30ish
what were you doing at midnight last night? being asleep lmao
something you cannot wait for: going to arizona and later going back to kentucky for senior year of college (holy fuck)
when did you last see your mother? like 15 minutes ago, she’s doing laundry or something
what is one thing you wish you could change about your life? where 2 begin. uhh i wish i was more naturally outgoing instead of having to consciously turn on my Extrovert Persona in certain scenarios and end up getting super drained from it. i also wish i knew what the fuck i was doing with my life but i think that’s just, like, The Eternal Twenty-Something Mood (at least i hope it is dear god)
what are you listening to right now? the song “rodeo” by lil nas x, which PERSONALLY said gay rights
have you ever talked to a person named tom? yes multiple, and every tom(my) i have hated (sorry if you’re a tom and you’re a decent human bean)
what’s getting on your nerves right now? i have to do a bunch of important life and school stuff but i am procrastinating it! so i guess...my brain
most visited webpages: twitter, tumblr, discord, instagram, the dear prudence advice column on slate dot com lmfao
blood type: o+ i believe, but i am too smol to donate blood so i do not know for sure :(
nicknames: some of my friends refer to me over text as k8e and i love it tbh. also katie itself is a nickname
relationship status: single but like, kind of a thot
zodiac sign: virgo sun cancer moon cancer rising 
pronoun: they/them but she/her is also fine
primary school: private lutheran school
middle school: the same private lutheran school
high school: public school
college: university of kentucky for undergrad and also a concurrent grad program (long story). maybe more grad school???? somewhere else??? or not???? I Don’t Know
hair colour: honey blonde
long or short: hair? just got it cut short in january and it was the best decision i ever made
height: 5’6"
do you have a crush on someone? define “crush”
what do you like about yourself? i’m a good listener and writer and also sometimes my Funney Joaks land
do you have any tattoos? nah. i am afear’d i’d regret it
are you right- or left-handed? right-handed
first surgery: some ear procedure thing in kindergarten. if that doesn’t count i got half my wisdom teeth out the summer before college and the other half the summer after freshman year (but was technically awake for both) 
first piercing: ear piercings when i turned sixteen
first best friend: uhhhhh my friend stephanie from home-preschool? or this girl named grace who was my kindergarten best friend but then moved away
first sport you joined: i believe dance classes when i was but a little peanut
first vacation: idk? we went to san diego when i was two i think? don’t remember it though
first pair of trainers/sneakers: good question. had some boss-ass light-up shoes once 
right now i am…
eating: popped corn
drinking: woter 
about to: hopefully write this [bernie sanders voice] damn email, but who is to say : - )
listening to: my liked songs on spotify (currently “i think i’m going to kill myself” by elton john)
interested in having children? if that’s how the proverbial cookie proverbially crumbles, yeah. that idea seems really far away even though i know high school classmates with kids.
interested in getting married? yes, but if and only if i meet the right person
ready for a career or have one? [sobbing]
which is better…?
lips or eyes? eyes generally, but lips are also Good
hugs or kisses? k i s s e s. i lov to kiss. love hugs too though if it’s with friends
shorter or taller? actually being a similar height to me is optimal! 
older or younger? mmm i tend to subconsciously lean older, but younger is fine too
romantic or spontaneous? the wording seems to imply that “romantic” and “spontaneous” are opposites which just isn’t true. both?? 
nice stomach or nice arms? arms i guess?
sensitive or loud? my first impulse was “loud” but like....loud in that i tend to gravitate to people who are more extroverted than me, but not in terms of being overtly annoying or demanding.
hook-up or relationship? :^) judging by my History(tm) it’d be committed hook-up, lol. but like either is good. am not about sex with a stranger though.
troublemaker or hesitant? troublemaker ~vibes~ but not actually, like, a danger in any way. being hesitant can be cute, but i myself am often pretty hesitant so it can become an Awkwardness Standoff more often than not
have you ever…
kissed a stranger? no, but came damn close in greece
drunk hard liquor? oh yeah lmao
lost glasses or contacts? i’m sure i’ve lost a pair of contacts somewhere in there
had sex on the first date? depends on your definition of “sex”, and also on your definition of “date” really, but also Yeah
broken someone’s heart? i hope not, but i think maybe :/
had your own heart broken? ....ish?
been arrested? nope
turned someone down? yyyyyyep
cried when someone died? not in my memory? though i might have
fallen for a friend? :^) haha oh yeah
do you believe in…
yourself? i try oh my god do i try
miracles? i think
love at first sight? nah. i think intrigue at first sight is a thing, or lust at first sight, or even just a bizarre extraterrestrial sense of Knowing, but real genuine love? nahhhh son you gotta know someone deeply for that. mortifying ordeal of being known and all that
heaven? mm yeah i’d say so
santa claus? no, and i haven’t for a hot minute there
kissing on the first date? lol yeah kiss away
angels? fuck yeah sometimes they’re circle things with 56879879677 eyes and they’re cool af
well in review i have indeed changed quite a bit from myself four years ago! in summary i am more of a thot and also drink alcohol. idk. my answers then ~seemed~ more sure of myself in terms of, like, this façade of being chill all the time, but less sure re: how i related to other people. all my angst on those questions was about school instead of general personhood. 4 years ago i also definitely /remember/ being insecure (at the time) about the fact that i’d never kissed anyone/etc., but my answers themselves don’t look that way. (sidenote being insecure about that kind of thing really isn’t worth it, everyone does life at their own pace.) whereas now i feel more open actively discussing my insecurities (see above re: future plans/etc.) instead of just boxing them down and pretending they don’t exist. as a high schooler i thought i was bad at being a person, and i feel like i’m a lot better at being authentic with myself (and ergo, being a person) now. though of course there is no right way to be a person which is something i still frequently have to remind myself.
ANYWAY yeah that was a fun waste of an hour feel free to use these questions for yrself
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shepardlives · 7 years
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jinkl · 7 years
Fanaccount of Hi-Touch in ASTROinSG 170306
Short summary: I have a super vivid memory of hi-touch; the boys were incredibly enthusiastic, sweet, sincere, and full of love for Arohas 💜 💜 💜
My Music Taste was clever enough to hold the events 2 hours before the real fanmeet, so the boys were full of energy, excitement, and giggles. They really put their all into interacting with every single fan, and I know there’s quite a few fanaccs going around saying theirs was a blur, but mine was the opposite lol. My friend knows Korean so she kept saying cute phrases (she told Myungjun “Thank you for being born”, bless her heart) but I didn’t want to botch the language so I stuck with an English “Thank You!” and tried to project my sincerity and heart. 
Member’s impressions under the cut 💜
Sanha is the cutest baby!!! Honestly!! He was all smiles and giggles and nods ahhH while waiting for the next group of people to come he’d flap his arms and do all sorts of dumb aegyo fan service for us,,, CUTIE. 
Myungjun was such a sweetie, he had a smile that can outshine the sun, what a babe hgjdsfgad i wanted to wish him happy birthday but i wasn’t sure if i should use korean or english and just gave up and said thank you and smiled HAHAHA (also, he’s short for guy standards but boy aint that smol!! he was taller than me and i’m average haha)
Binnie was next and I remember this the clearest!! I touched his hand and said “Thank you~” and looked up at his face and was stunned for a sec because he was leaning forward slightly to accommodate my height and his gaze was so incredibly sincere! I have this 1080px HD memory of his face, his black earrings, his smile... He wasn’t perfect, he was REAL. He was so real and standing in front of me and looking at me and projecting his sincerity and I was just temporarily overwhelmed like... wow. Moon Bin you are such a sweetheart, bless u baby. How tiring it must be to look at all your fans like this, but he really put in so much effort.
Dongmin was next, and he was. The Sweetest™. I don’t have as clear a memory of him as bin but I remember how gentle his gaze was, how sweet his eyes. Just intently looking back at you, really gave the impression that he was making sure he imprints it in his mind. Honey,,
Jinwoo was next and I was Not Ready. My bias, my love, my love, my love. Instead of holding his hand stiff and fingers closed, he held his hands slightly open so our fingers could cross slightly and it was a lot more natural and there could be more of a connection. (When watching fancams of the other showcases I tried anticipating how they did hi-touch but it all varied so I didn’t get my hopes up. But boy,,, I love you. Bless.) I put as much sincerity as i could into this and I looked into his eyes and paused slightly before saying, with more emphasis than the other boys, “Thank you.” I tried to let him know how much he means to me but I also didn’t want to come off as crazy fan so I just sort of smiled at him. He probably didn’t get it tbh HAHA but he looked back at me and smiled. He was so real. So incredibly stable, and kind, and gOD I love him.  
Minkyuk’s my friend’s bias so she said something elaborate to him and got his attention for longer HAHA so when I reached him after her he was slightly less into it. He did the same open hand thing as Jinwoo and I was less surprised this time so I could really feel it, but the guard was prompted me to rush so I couldn’t do much after blurting out a quick “Thank You!!” But it’s 100% ok because we got the video of their interaction and she asked him “Do you like pink?” because she was wearing a bright pink shirt and he REPLIED “I love it!” and they did finger guns at each other jhshsdagjs DORKS i’m so happy for her so Yes, Minhyuk is incredibly sweet and interacts a lot too. 
Cat 1′s basically got to see the boys for 45 min more than the other categories. The hi-touch was up on stage, so you could still watch the boys interact with other fans, even when you were done/ hadn’t gone for it yet. I was Cat 1 Row B - my row went relatively early so I spent the rest of the time watching (with an AMAZING view), I couldn’t peel my eyes off?? Bless this amazing organising by MMT, i love yall.
Full fanacc here
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such-as-it-is · 7 years
The World is round - Chapter 2
There were times when Maro would climb as high as she could through the canopy of the swamp, only to be disappointed with the sight of nothing but tree tops and the hills which surrounded the swamp and kept all the water and the life forms of the swamp captives within. Never did Maro imagine the day where she would be on top of one of these hills looking across out into her freedom. Alas, that day would be today. The climb upon the mountains was a treacherous one, but nothing the young lady could not handle on her own.
So, without further ado, she made the final stretch onto the hills peak and climbed up to meet her fate. When finally she hit the peak, awaiting her was the most awe striking site she had ever witnessed to that day. Bewildered, she took a minute to take it all in, and yet another moment it realise what she was to do with it.
To the east, lay the coast of which she had planned her journey around. Taking in the ocean was something particularly difficult, for to bare witness on such a body of water without any obstructions was such a contradiction to what Maro was used too. Being raised in a swamp, meant water was everywhere, but the only idea she had of water was the one she had been given by the swamp itself.
Directly north lay grasslands. Rocky and terrain with the occasional small cliff here and there and every now and then lay a tree or some bushes.
In the very distance Maro though she could see a village. ‘That has to be my first destination’ she thought. Conveniently enough, to the west lay a thin stream that looked like it would go to the village. Maro assumed it was her best bet to follow the stream, because it did not look like the coast would take her to her newly decided temporary destination.
The northern hill face was smooth, laced with grass rather than mud and sharp rocks like on the other side. Maro took one of the large swamp leaves from her backpack and smiled as she placed it on the ground, while hopping onto it.
The ride was sensational. The wind in her her, the sun coming down on her, the rush of the speed. When Maro hit the bottom, she roared with laughter and joy until she could no longer muster any breath. A final tear was shed for Ora as she got her swag together and began her way to the stream.
‘This is no waterway...’ she thought to herself as she finally made it. It was now around midday and despite all that walking and not having eaten anything that day, she was still energised. And she was right too, this indeed was no waterway. This was a river. And if the moon could make some of the waterways in the swamp flow, then by the spirits, it could make the rivers flow. Such power presented in the water had never been seen by this young lady. She walked by the stream as it plowed through itself, causing currents so strong, it looked like it could have swept away everyone in the swamp all at once.
After walking along side of it for sometime with admiration, Maro was struck with an idea. This idea which was sparked by a lone branch witnessed floating down the river at a high pace. She continued walking along the river collecting large sticks and carrying them along with her. After she deemed she had enough she separated them into two piles and tied them up with vines, along with the leaf she used to get down the hill, neatly lined up between the two piles. She had now constructed herself a little raft.
She grabbed it from either side and held it up in front of her. She took a couple of steps back, and then with a run up, she jumped into the roaring river, face first with the raft underneath her.
She let out a high pitched shriek as she hit the water and was pulled with the force of an angry parent down the river. Terrified out of her wits, her heart raced as the tips of her fingers started to ache from latching onto the raft so hard. She was too scared to keep her eyes open, but to scared to close them, ripping down the river at speeds she never even thought where possible, the world around nothing but a blur. After what seemed like an eternity of being swept away, her worst nightmare came to play before her eyes.
Rapids. Large sharp rock sticking their way in the path to try and account for a difference in land height. There was no time to think, let alone act and yet that didn’t stop Maro from letting go of the raft and waving her arms in front of her in the attempt to waterbend the raft to her will. The raft did in fact turn around, however, it kept its course the same, resulting it to smash itself directly into one of the rocks ahead. Maro was thrown as full force at the pile of sticks which bound the raft as it too was thrown onto the rocks. Large cracking noises could be heard by Maro, but the next thing she knew was total darkness.
It seemed like she was just floating around in the darkness, waiting for her to be transported into whatever came after death. And it came. In fact, in stated tugging on her legs. This made Maro uneasy and she struggled against it, but as she did so, she found that she no longer was able to breathe and starting to feel pain in her ears and nose. The pulling succeeded as she was brought out. The world once again came into focus around her. Could this be a new life? No… The river came into focus and so did the net that was stretched out across it. As she was dragged across the land she started punching and kicking the air while coughing violently.
“Calm down now… You’ll choke” said a deep male voice from above. Maro took his advice and started tried to calm down, still coughing out all the river water left in her system. She sat up and vomited into the ground. Maro tried to catch a glimpse of the person who saved her, but he was already at the river.
“This raft thing of yours in going to kill the fish!” He said with a hearty chuckle at the end as she retrieved all the tangled bits of sticks and leaf from the net.
“S-So-...” said Maro, but she was cut off.
“‘Was only fooling around. You just make sure you’re alright and get all that water out of ya” said the man who was big, burly and hairy, looking like he could have been in his late 30s. He was wearing battered, torn up clothes that were stained with dirt and filth. His hair was short and as black as the night.
“What’s going on here then?” Said another male voice from behind the the lady. She turned around to see another burly man, only taller. From the front she could see his deep brown eyes and wearing the same kind of clothes and the first man. His skin was black from drit and muck, so it’s true shade was hard to determine, although he looked to be around the same age..
“I think I found our solution” said the first man.
“What? She’s so small…”
“So is Matts. And anyway, we don’t really need a big one for this”
Maro mustered the energy to get up on her feet. As she did so she found that her chest and neck started to ache dearly.
“I’m sorry about any trouble I’ve caused. I’ll just be on my way th--” she started coughing uncontrollably. Each cough was agony to her now frail neck. The first man came closer to her.
“You’re not going anywhere in your condition” he said firmly looking up at her for he was slightly shorter than she was despite his brawn. “I insist ya come to my house. ‘ave a spare bed ya can sleep in”
Maro examined her surroundings for the first time. It now seemed like she was in the heart of the village, for there were wooden buildings everywhere and people and carts walking along a dirt road parallel to the river. Houses and shops and markets and wanderers moving around, getting on with their daily routine, but only on the east side of the lake, for that’s where the village stopped.
Maro tried to muster a reply but failed and instead collapsed on the ground losing her consciousness.
For the third time on this adventure, the world around Maro came into focus as she woke up. But this was no world, this, was a room. Softness of such as bed was unknown to Maro as she hurled her blanket onto the other side of the room and leapt out of her bed. She was feeling quite a bit better now. She examined her body to assess any damages. The first thing that came into mind was the scabs left behind on her left forearm from when she fell in the swamp. They were about healed now. On the bed Maro noticed some blood stains. Although her neck suffered the most pain, some of which was still echoing now, no exterior damage was to be found upon it. On her chest, right above her right breast, lay is whole bunch of bleeding scratches and one really deep cut leaning to her center, and to the young lady's absolute horror, there was a small thin string curling up around her cut. Eeeeek! She shuddered just looking at it. She took her hand and tugged on it to see if it would come out, but it just felt super surreal, like there was a tiny little elbow leach inside of her. She decided the best thing to do would be to just ignore it.
Blood was stained upon her silly excuse for clothes, most of which become torn and she was pretty revealed. The door creaked as she opened it. Maro took a moment to appreciate that someone had built this house while her eyes scanned their surroundings and all the details became apparent. In Maro’s entire experience, such an intricate structure was astonishing and utterly profound.
“This way honey” came a gruff female voice from the right side of the corridor. While Maro had no idea why the voice would be called for honey to come, she thought she might go and find out what the deal with that was. She walked along the narrow corridor of rosewood admiring every door she passed as she made it to a large room with a table, some chairs and the source of the voice.
“Oh dear, that river fucked you up something good” said the woman. She looked like she was in her late thirties, with a long narrow face white flushed out eyes.
“You’ve been out cold for a solid day” She continued. “Please siddown, help yourself”.
On the table there was a variety of different meats and vegetables, as well as something which Maro had only ever heard about and always wanted to eat. Bread.
It was at this point when Maro had realised how truly hungry she was. She had figured that is her body was trying to signal how hungry she was, the signal may as well have been an earthquake. Or at least, that’s how it felt. Maro quickly took a plate, and before filling it she said “Thank you so much for looking after me. If you didn't pull me out of that river I would have died”
“Hush now… Eat”
Maro smiled warmly at the woman as she started to nom on the exotic variety of a meal that was on her plate. Meats from things that she had never even seen before let alone tasted, and the warm bread which went spectacularly with the meat was treat of it’s own.
“You dropped this on your little trip here. It was the only thing in the wreckage that we could recover. This is real good quality with its oil paints… Kept the water right out” she laughed softly and put the world map on the table, still neatly sealed with it’s red ribbon.
“My name is Fay and my husband who saved you is Takip” said the strange woman. “Welcome to Forgaway. We are a small mining village a couple of days away from Omashu.”
“Mining?” said Maro with interest. But then, the door opened, and in came Takip.
“Yes mining” he said in his deep voice. How he heard what was being said, Maro would never know. His skin was now clean so Maro could see the light shade of brown that it was. He was carrying his pickaxe, which he put up on a hook next to some other pickaxes. Through the open door Maro could see more houses and brown skinned people as they walked on by. Takip closed the door and sat down.
“My name is Maro” She started with a firm voice. “I am a traveler, but I am out of money right now”. Maro thought it would be a good idea to hide her swamp origins.
“You have a very interesting way of traveling” said Takip and then Maro blushed and compressed herself in her seat.
Takip sat himself down at the table and started filling his own plate.
“And what the spirits are you wearing?” he asked, taking a good look at Maro.
“My clothes did not survive my journey here. I had to improvise on the way”
“I’ve never seen leaves so big before” said Takip
“Where are you headed to, anyway?” asked Fay
“The Northern Water Tribe” replied Maro with confidence.
“Well you can’t leave here with clothes like that…” said Fay.
“That right. You can work in the mines. We pay handsomely for good work, and there happens to be a couple of openings right now” said Takip.
“Well that sounds great!” said Maro happy that it was this easy for her to find a job. “But what’s a mine?” She asked.
Takip laughed. “From an isolated place eh? Well, mining is the start of society, you see”
“Oh spirits, not this lecture again” said Fay rolling her eyes as she ate.
Takip ignored her. “Mining is where the cycle of money starts. People receive money for providing goods and services and also give their money to receive such things as well. The mines are a large network of tunnels that we built and dig in order to obtain the precious metal from which money is formed.”
“I see. And you want me to help you dig?”
“Errrrr… No. You’re much too small for that. Mining is really tough work, even for large people like me. That’s why not everyone can do it and why not everyone can just make tonnes of money strait up. Here’s the thing though, maintaining a mine requires more than just mining it. I want you to help build the scaffolding that keeps the mine walls from collapsing. It’s just putting up wooden boards and nailing them together”
“Sounds good to me” said Maro optimistically and smiled.
“Great. You can start when you feel up to it, and stay here until then”
And so, the sun set and rose again, and a new day came. Maro got up from her blood stained bed and went with Takip into the mines and learned how to build and maintain the scaffolding of the tunnels.
“Are you sure you’re ready to start? I think you need to do a bit more recovery”
Maro agreed with Takip’s statement. “Maybe, but I’d really rather start”
“Why so eager? Rest up!”
“As much as I value your hospitality, I find it hard to swallow knowing that I haven't earned it”
All the hammering and carrying the boards and nails around was tough work for Maro. And she always tried to stay out of the way of the miners. Witnessing the earthbenders loading and carrying the minecarts along the rails was always a particular treat. She loved to observe how different earth bending was to water bending. However, she was slow at her duty and as a couple of days went by she decided she needed some over time.
When the town had gone to sleep and the moon came out, Maro rose from her bed, grabbed her torch and treaded down deep into the mines to where she was building the scaffolds. But on the way something most interesting and unexpected happened. She was at an intersection carrying some boards, nails and her hammer trying to remember which way she needed to go, when a man came up from behind her. He was startled as she quickly turned around.  
“Hello” she said wondering what his business was at this hour. He was a young man, about 3-6 years older than Maro. He had a handsome face glowing in the torchlight which hazel eyes and short hair, as black as the night. He was carrying a pickaxe.
“Do you have unfinished work here too?” She asked.
He nodded and shuffled into the middle of the 3 terminals while Maro had just remembered to take the left. Never again did she see the man in the mines nor did she never talk about it.
The days went by as Maro worked proficiently in the mines, especially now that she had a proper understanding of intricacies the carpentering work. She lived in the village like a local, always exchanging greetings with the folks and discussing gossip. She used her mine money to buy proper clothes which made her look like a true earth kingdom citizen, except for her skin tone, which was otherwise a dead giveaway. She bought a compass, and Fay had taught her how to use it. She bought a new backpack, more or less the same size of her own makeshift one, but with more compartments. Eventually she moved out of Takip and Fay’s house and started staying in an inn in the center of town, where she would pay her own board. The men and women of the village loved to spend afternoons in the inn, drinking, singing and discussing gossip. She even started to learn the names of the caravan traders who stopped by as well as the cartmen who would transport gold into Omashu in return for properly fashioned money as well as other goods. Maro once tried the ale that the villagers drank and decided she never wanted any of that again. As the nights grew older the men grew more weary but also more lively. She started to learn the songs and joined in with the songs and the conversations. She heard all sort of rumors, such as the one about the underground earth rumble pit and the one about how the mines would mine themselves and the gold piles would sometimes rise in between days. They had named the spirit which would do this for them Benyi, and they loved Benyi and treated him as their own. Of course, no one has ever seen or heard from Benyi, he was just a Forgaway Legend that was pretty new. People however had knows those who would earn some kind of respect through the illegal fights in the pit. As well as all that, she also heard news from Omashu, which was apparently a big city. They had some fire nation diplomacy issues there, but that didn’t really interest Maro and figured it wasn't a big deal anyway since the 100 year war ended before she was born. She made friends with many in Forgaway and heard many stories about the world. People who used the be soldiers and those who traveled the world seeking glory. Just like the villagers in the inn Maro grew weary and lively over the course of her stay at Forgaway. Finally the social life was hers to cherish and eventually she would be let into a local secret and got to see matches in the pit. But not once did she lose sight of her bigger picture. In fact, she started to form such bonds of the villagers that she did not want to leave, and It was at this point she realised she had to do it now. And so, she chose to leave without saying goodbye to anyone, thinking that this would be the most efficient way.
It was a sunny afternoon, similar to the one that she had came to Forgaway on. The villagers were getting along on their day and Maro, who was supposed to turn up to the mines that day had her bags packed and ready to go. She Walked along the village traveling north east until she was stopped by Takip. She stood idly just staring at him and him at her. After a long silence he finally said something. “So that’s it then? You got what you needed and you’re off now”
“Come now, it’s not like that. I couldn’t bare to say goodbye to anyone” she said.
“Don’t worry. You owe us nothing”
“No, I owe you everything” she said, tears starting to form in her eyes
“I told you many stories Maro. But there was one I neglected” He started
“Fay and I used to have a son, you see…” And so he started telling a story about a boy with hazel eyes and hair as black as night who was not quite the strongest, but what he lacked in strength, made up for in witt. Takip spoke of him as though he had died long ago but as it happened, he was excommunicated from his family for failing to live up to the expectations of his father (amongst other mistakes).
Ever since Maro came to the village she had never really stopped crying about anything. About injuries in the mine, about memories of her past and even about sad stories she would hear from the villagers. But to see Takip starting to shed tears himself was indeed unheard of. And yet here it was, happening before her.
Takip had never since seen his son again. He spoke of how taking care of Maro was his own way to making up for the fact that he failed his own son. He said that if he could take back his decision, he would do so instantly.
He told the story with such detail and emotion, that by the time he had finished up, darkness already fell on the world.
“It’s night time already. Won't you stay one more night and leave in the morning?” he said, not stuttering as he spoke anymore.
“I’m afraid I can’t bare to bring myself to see the village folk once again, Takip. I will travel through the night. But can you please do me one last favour”
“I think I left a beam in the east wing unstable. Could you fix it up for me before morning?”
Takip smiled. “Right away. Oh and if you ever see him, send him my way” he said as he hugged Maro and she turned around, walking off into the night, not daring to look back
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