#horizon zero dawn x reader
xthescarletbitch · 6 months
Hello, hello! I'm here to ask a very important question:
What do you think Aloy would be like as a romantic partner? As a wife? My personal headcanons are that she'd be:
-super caring and kind
-would be genuinely curious about your interests and would love talking with you about any and everything
-shes pretty blunt and sarcastic but I feel like it'd be pretty endearing. Like she'd sass anyone who was giving you trouble or just being a nuisance to general
-compassionate and sympathetic. Would definitely hold you and listen intently if you had a bad day
That's all I got so far (I'm still gonna write that college au fic, so this was a great writing exercise, lol).
that is a very important question… one i’ve been thinking a lot about, actually. i love what you put, and i am in agreement! i’ll also be looking forward to that au. i need more aloy fics. 👀
here are just a few that i’ve thought up while playing. i hope you enjoy! 🥰
✦ aloy loves to give gifts: she knows it isn’t easy for you to sit idly by while she’s out there saving the world, so she wants you to know that you’re not out of her mind completely. she’ll stumble upon something beautiful enough that reminds her so much of you, to the point where she has to grab it and tuck it away to bring it to you later. occasionally, it’ll be an old-world item that she thinks you’ll get a kick out of. i also do not think she’s opposed to just gifting you old-world jewellery like an old-world custom. whatever it is, she finds joy in the smile that comes across your face each time she returns to you with her arms full (the joy also applies when she’s empty-handed, of course… you just missed her).
✦ aloy loves to plan dates: now, this was an idea i had after securing poseidon, but i think she would love to take you out on dates after she’s ensured the location was safe first. the date may be anything from watching the stars on a secluded mountaintop (around base, for example) to a romantic walk through a settlement to the spectacular light show in las vegas—it doesn’t matter. she just wants to be close to you and enjoy that quality time with you before she has to continue on her journey. since she sees so much more than you, i feel that her ability to plan dates is top-tier. she knows all the best sights (and how to secure them if needed).
✦ aloy is big on physical affection: poor baby is always out there risking her life for the world and craves the feeling of her love embracing her. whenever she is finally around you, she never wants to let go or be let go. she makes sure to plan her time around the many hours of cuddling she’ll need before returning to the wilds. it’s a time of catching up on all the physical affection she’s missed while she’s been gone that she knows you’ve been craving, too. she also loves to give and receive as many kisses as possible while there. the others may joke around, acting disgusted, but she doesn’t care. she’s earned it.
✦ aloy loves to give and receive praise: you’re absolutely the first person she’d call on the focus once she accomplishes something. she does it to keep you in the loop and to hear just how excited and happy you are for her. the way you praise her makes her feel so warm and loved. sure, appreciation from others is nice, but it’s so different coming from you. it feels so much more meaningful than you could ever imagine. something as simple as a “i knew you could do it” motivates her to keep going. it’s not an easy journey she’s on and your support is everything. on the other hand, she’ll also dish out the praise right back. if you’ve made moves at the base that has furthered progress, aloy will be so happy for you and ensure that you know just how proud she is of you. while it is a team effort, she is just highly supportive of you and all that you do!
✦ aloy would be protective over you: you’ve fared pretty well in the wilds and have proven that you can defend yourself, but aloy would prefer that you stay safely at the base. she knows that the west is a whole new world with even tougher machines and would sleep much better on her travels knowing that you were somewhere secure (like the base). she also likes knowing she can “go home” to you whenever she wants. sometimes, she’ll walk or ride the extra mile just to be with you for the night. she’s also protective in the sense that if anybody messes with you, she will say something. this is where i’d agree with your sass because those hands are absolutely going on her hips as she handles the situation for you. that’s not to say that she thinks you can’t handle yourself, but nobody messes with her love. even if it’s somebody else close to her, like erend or varl, she’s taking your side 100%. after the conversation, she’ll pull you close and kiss your forehead to ensure you’re okay before continuing with other matters.
✦ aloy would call you every night: this girl cannot fall asleep without talking to you. if there are times when she can’t get back to the base and has to shelter elsewhere, she has to call you to make sure you and everything else is okay. not only that, but it’s an excuse to hear your voice again. it brings her a lot of comfort to get even a little interaction with you. it would become a sort of ritual where you both would talk every night before sleep, telling each other about your day until you fall asleep (still on the call). it makes her feel closer to you, even miles away. it also makes the whole distance thing feel more manageable to deal with. there are nights where you just stay up talking to each other about random things and pretending you are right there next to each other, but you both know you’ll see each other in person again soon… it just can’t come fast enough.
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cantstoptheimagines · 2 months
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Their Reaction to You Losing an Eye
Summary — Preferences for Aloy, Kotallo, and Talanah from Horizon!
Requested by @nickeverdeen — Hey there! Can I please ask for hcs with either God Of War or Horizon Zero Dawn characters with a reader who lost their eye and is insecure about it? If for God Of War then pls hcs with: Kratos, Atreus (older or young is up to you) If Horizon Zero Dawn then pls hcs with: Aloy, Talanah (you don’t have to do Talanah if you don’t wanna) Also pls let me know if you’re uncomfortable with the request Take time and care about yourself ❤️
Warnings & Other Tags ➳ Depictions, discussions, and mentions of severe injuries (losing an eye, losing an arm); canon-typical violence.
Notes ➳ Word Count is 528. ➳ Reader is gender neutral (they/them).
FAQ | Masterlist | Fandoms | Requests | Coming Soon | Schedule 
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she would be in a frantic state of mind. she couldn’t lose anyone else after all she’s fought for, especially not you. the ringing in your ears is almost too much to handle. your vision is blurred and heavy tears are drenching your cheeks. no, not tears — blood. another wave of red appears, and it takes you a second to recognize aloy, who’s looking down at you with a panicked expression. her red hair frames her face perfectly, almost distracting you from the pain that sends shockwaves rampaging beneath your skin. it’s unbearable now that you’ve realized the extent of your injury, like your body is slowly coming to terms with what’s happened.  “aloy,” is all you can muster before everything goes dark in a failed battle against lightheadedness as aloy’s tears fall onto your skin.
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he’s the most sympathetic for obvious reasons, but his primary goal would be cheering you up at least a little bit. the crunch of snow under heavy footsteps catches your attention, nearly pulling you away from the golden sunset that falls over the surrounding mountain peaks, shielding aloy’s base from view. despite your pounding headache, you had ignored zo’s suggestion of taking a nap, disappearing for some alone time instead. but, as kotallo sat next to you on the cliffside, it was clear you had been found out. the usually stoic man offered you a small smile, which you returned. while you didn’t speak to him very often, kotallo seemed kind enough. “thought you were practicing your new aim?” he muttered. feet dangling over the cliff, you sighed, “i was. it’s harder than i thought it’d be.” he nodded with a quiet hum, sparing a glance at your discarded bow, “maybe i could help? i’ve got experience in losing necessary body parts too, after all.” a snort escaped before you could stop it. kotallo smirked as your hands flew to cover your mouth, “i’m sorry—!” “it was meant to be humorous. need to make the best of losing an arm, don’t i?” he waved you off. then, he stood, holding out his only hand for you to take. “come. we’ll correct your aim in no time.”
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she wouldn’t leave your side, come hell or high water.  a hand grips yours loosely as your surroundings come into focus. you’re somewhere inside the mountain base you and the others have come to call home. everything looks too far away and too close at the same time, your depth perception completely warped by a heavy, soaked bandage on one side of your face.  just as you touch the fabric, discovering a red tinge on your fingertips, a quiet groan echoes in the room, “don’t mess with that.” talanah gazes back at you, tired and melancholy from the fight against the zeniths. despite her exhaustion, she rises and begins checking over your injuries, quietly admonishing you whenever she comes across a particularly nasty wound. but if the way she continuously glances at the bandage on your face was anything, you suspected whatever was hidden beneath it was much worse than you thought. once she was finished, she sighed, “don’t ever scare me like that again, understand?”
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candyfloss5000 · 1 year
Love Sparked Within War
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A/N: Hi! This is my first ever peice of writing regarding Horizon Zero Dawn/Forbidden West. It's probably not punctuated correctly and don't come at me because I'm not the best at the format of Oneshots. Anyway, this takes place after the last boss fight in Horizon Zero Dawn and yn and Aloy have been travelling together since The Proving. It is short but like I said this is like one of my first oneshots.
This is it. This is the end of all corrupt machines across the regions. You and your band of allies have taken down dozens of machines - Scrappers, Watchers, Corrupters, Glinthawks, Sawtooths, Tramplers, everything - over the past forty minutes.
Now, Aloy - your most trusted friend who stuck by your side, as you both ventured out to learn more about your Focuses and the reasoning behind the Curroption - has just overridden Hades and prevented his world ending attack. Everyone cheers in glee at the victory, you can even hear people cheering from within the city itself.
Aloy turns to you with the most beautifully imperfect smile you've ever seen, which you can't help but return. It doesn't take long for you to be in each other's arms.
Suddenly, the moment is broken as you hiss through your teeth from the searing pain in your side. You body starts falling backwards but before it can attempt to hit the ground, Aloy's keeping you close in her arms. The last thing you see is her distressed face and all you can feel emotionally is the dread of dying without speaking three crucial words to Aloy.
When you wake, you take in your surroundings of the interior of the room you're in. It's a small room with only a medical bed in, which you are laying on, and a chair to your left. You assume you're back in the city and in some sort of hospital.
"Yn!" A startled, unforgettable voice says to your left. Before you know it, Aloy has moved off of the chair and is sitting next to you on the bed. You attempt to sit up and console her, but Aloy softly pushes you back to lay down. "Hey, slow down. You need rest." Aloy tells you. 
"But I'm fine. I've survived worse-"
"At what cost?" Aloy interrupted your protest, sternly. "You have scars that are uncountable and you get a slight limp whenever we hike for too long." She continues, silencing you. You haven't realised how observant she is with you. Even though, you have noticed small things about her aswell, like the way her sunset orange hair shines in the sun and how her green eyes reflect the stars in the night.
After a moment of silence, Aloy speaks up again. "When I saw the blood that soaked your clothes and when your eyes closed, I thought I lost another person in my life that meant the world to me." She confesses. "Another person that I..."
Seeing the tears that well up in Aloy's eyes, you take it upon yourself to sit up. "I know." You tell her softly and take her hand in your own, making her turn her gaze to your eyes.
"I don't know what I'd do without you." Aloy admits, her voice barely above a whisper, while a few tears slide down her face.
Staring into one another eyes, neither of you could help but lean in towards each other. You both seal gap between you and lay a kiss on each other's lips. A kiss that says all the words that the both of you were too scared to say, a kiss that seals your forever love.
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gravity-reject · 1 year
This is my first time posting on tumblr and I wanna start writing some fanfics for fandoms that interest me. I will write for any of the following fandoms, platonic or romantic. I can also write for poly relationships
The Last Of Us 1/2
Mortal Kombat
Until Dawn
Red Dead Redemption 2
Horizon Zero Dawn
My Little Pony (Pony reader and SFW ONLY)
(List Will Be Updated)
I write NSFW and SFW
Yandere stuff is OK! Just specify in ask!
All my fics will be GN unless specified.
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maybemanymuses · 2 years
Setting This Up
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Hello! My name is Chai and I created this blog with the intention of creating content for underrated characters in various fandoms. I'm basing the priority on requests I may receive and how difficult it is for me to find content on those particular characters.
Here is a list of fandoms that I currently write for. This list is subject to change.
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Apex Legends Mass Effect Dragon Age Cyberpunk 2077 The Walking Dead Game Watchdogs 2 Dishonored Assassins Creed Odyssey/Valhalla Yakuza Red Dead Redemption 2 Life is Strange 1, 2, and True Colors The Last of us Skyrim Detroit Become Human Beyond Two Souls Horizon Zero Dawn Pokemon Devil May Cry Greedfall
Haikyuu Yowamushi Pedal Naruto Diamond No Ace Death Note
Arcane Young Justice Teen Titans Castlevania Avatar The Last Airbender
ERROR 143 Blooming Panic First Bite When The Night Comes Errant Kingdom Andromeda Six
Each will have a masterlist showing what characters are eligible.
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Finally, the rules:
All stories will be x readers and will be gender/race-neutral.
All characters will be written 18+ unless specified otherwise and in the case that they are not depicted as 18+ no NSFW will be written.
I'm okay with smutty content in general.
No yandere/Noncon content.
Underrated characters only please that is the purpose of this blog.
For requests, you can send an ask or leave a comment, either work.
Minors DNI with ANY NSFW content here, please. Don't get curb stomped.
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new blog, new beginnings
A post to announce my new reader-insert writing blog! (formerly only a writer for Critical Role, im branching out!)
my name is Ellie and i want to write for the following fandoms:
Fallout (New Vegas, 3, and 4 - mainly companions)
Dragon Age (not Oghren, Loghain, or Sebastian)
Horizon Zero Dawn / Forbidden West
Red Dead Redemption 2 (not Micah or Bill)
Feel free to send in requests or i'll be reblogging some prompt idea lists soon!
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thegnomelord · 1 month
speaking of a cod apocalypse (i think actually idk i just skimmed over my tl) thoughts on the boys becoming some sort of fucked up mutated creatures?
like they're soldiers, right? and assuming the government sends them out to deal with whatever apocalyptic shit there is, surely one of them makes a stupid mistake that'll cost them their lives. fast forward to them succumbing to whatever radioactive shit decided to live in their bodies, and they're dead but alive? and like... just grotesque things. they're still them, just more brutal and monstrous. maybe their skin is melting off, maybe they're growing another limb or two, maybe they have teeth growing on their head.
anyways, thoughts on this kind of genre???? :))))
(i think itd be cool if like.... some of them merged together, just a mass of limbs and skin :33)
Okay, consider: Horizon zero dawn world, full of killer machines and tribes n shit, combined with the virus from the Prototype (that and darksiders are my fav games of all time tbh) also body horror, specifically the blend of machine and flesh bh, is my favorite shit :Dd this is a rough idea
So like as killer machines were sweeping across the planet, devouring everything in sight and replicating, a disease was created that, it was hoped, would be able to infect and eat away at the metal. But it fails, the virus ends up infecting the soldiers that are fighting against the machines and just, combining the human and machine.
The world eventually goes so far to shit that everything on the planet dies. The war machines become deactivated and some of the machine/human mutants are sealed away in bunkers to be used as experiments.
And just like, the 141 becoming a blend of steel and flesh in the grotesque approximation of what they used to be, able to strip away parts of other machines and graft them to their own forms.
Gaz was the first, fighting on the front lines back when he had foolishly believed the killer robots could be defeated. He had gotten separated when he got infected, the fear secondary only to the pain as his flesh literally melted into the corruptors, bone and muscle becoming tangled in gears and wires until all he could feel were his numerous stilt like legs now scrambled to gain purchase on the blood soaked ground . Turned into some weird metal scorpion bellow the waist, weaponry weighing on his back and coolant full wires snaking across his body, Kyle had passed out from the pain, his body further changing in his slumber to grow skin and eyes over the raw metal.
He woke up deep underground in a bunker, turned into a science experiment.
Price was next. He was a soldier turned scientist, working on a subfunction of the teraforming AI that would work to clear the world of the virus that had unleashed. He was the soft voice of comfort Kyle would listen to when they pricked and prodded him, the person Kyle spilled his heart out time and time again.
It came as little surprise when Price became infected. He had started to feel lethargic and sick for the few days, all of it going unnoticed as no one knew how the virus affected humans. That was until he came in contact with a Plowhorn, that changed him into a bulwark of flesh and metal, a living tank with a heavy crest of horns sitting on his head and thick metal plates to protect him.
Price and Kyle kept each other from going insane, figuring out the worst part of the virus — they had become immortal like the machines, but still felt pain like people, pain muddling their brains when pistons and gears would grind against flesh again and again until it regrew in a different way.
They were finally freed when the people experimenting on them died and the AI released the locks of the doors. They emerged hell knows how many years later, taking the first steps into a reborn world that was still crying in it's cradle.
Soap was amongst the first humans to emerge from the mechanical cradle, thrust into a wild and untamed world full of strange machines, with no tools but his hands. While out trying to scavange some of the metal from downed glinthawks he was attacked by Scrappers, ending up infected with the virus that had been slumbering in the earth. Soap became like the sphinx, glinthawk wings attaching to his back with wires, talons merging with skin and pushing out bone, the body of the scraper combining with his own until he was unable to stand on two legs, forced to crawl on all fours and screech in pain through distorted vocal chords until Price and Gaz found him. They took care of him until he was used to his body enough to soar through the air about as well as he could run across the earth.
Simon was the last, born to a tribe that valued strength and worshipped the machines above all. And Simon is the only one who's convergence to steel has any semblence of thought or preparation. He had spent years hunting Fireclaws, tearing off the intact pieces and pistons after every hunt until the shamans of his tribe deemed him ready to become one of the metal gods. The change was slow and painful, bones melting and hardening around new metal, body getting bigger and flesh stretching to fit the new frame, heavy claws weighing on his muscular arms until Simon had become Ghost.
It wasn't what he expected. What he had done in an attempt to fit in amongst his kin served to further push him away as his tribe worshipped him as one of the machine gods, erasing his name as Simon. It was a relief when he met the others, finding comfort in their disfigured and grotesque bodies that looked so similar like his own.
And then you meet them.
Maybe you're a foolish mercenary that stumbled too far into the wild, maybe you're one of the subfunctions of the original teraforming AI that gained sentience. Either way, you didn't fear them, you tried to talk to them, to get to know them even when every societal law of your tribe deemed them as monsters and demons.
And on one random evening, when they had all settled into a rough cuddle pile, scarred flesh over sharp metal creating enough of a cushion for you to sleep in the middle of them all — safe and warm... It occured to them: you are nice, you are kind, and they want to to stay by their side.
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xthescarletbitch · 3 months
I've never requested writing before so idk if this is how it works (lol) but I saw your requests were open for Horizon and I'd love to see something along the lines of Aloy and her s/o are out hunting machines and her s/o gets injured (nothing like life ending, just enough to be concerning. I'm a whore for the hurt/comfort trope🫡)
If it's not something you're interested in writing, that's okay! Love your account regardless 🤭😆 No rush if you do write it, take your time 🫶 It can be in headcanon format or whatever you wanna do 😋
(Also I saw on your request page that Jinx from arcane was one of your fav characters- I. FREAKING. LOVE HER.)
thank you so much. <3 and jinx is amazing! i hope to write for her again soon as well.
hurt (aloy x reader)
sfw, but i still prefer no minors
cw: shitty title, mentions of injury and bleeding
word count: 1600+
author’s note: this is my first ever hurt/comfort, so i hope you like it! i feel like it was rushed through, but i also had no idea how to do it, i'm sorry. hopefully i'll get better with time. :)
“okay,” aloy begins, pointing toward a lone machine up ahead. “that one’s a sawtooth. it’s a combat machine weak to fire.”
you nod your head and scribble the notes down in your journal, even attempting to make a little doodle of the machine itself. “weak to fire. got it.” 
aloy waits patiently as you document a few more things about the machine. she ensures that all bases are covered so that you can do so in peace. 
you had asked her to take you machine-hunting to gain some more knowledge about the machines you tinker with. aloy has always done an amazing job bringing you what you needed, but you aspired to know more, to see more. at first, she was hesitant about bringing you along, assuring you that she could tell you all you needed to know. after some convincing and a promise that you wouldn’t get hurt, she caved. and now, here you are.
you tuck your journal back into your sack and look up at your eager girlfriend. she has that sweet smile across her face as she anticipates the hunt about to begin. 
“wait! i have something for you,” aloy exclaims, reaching into her own sack. she pulls out a bow and a few arrows, extending them out to you. “i had varga tweak it a bit.”
you grab the items from your girlfriend’s hand. you look over the bow, dragging your fingertips along the wood. it is smooth–very clearly in pristine condition. you notice the wood dyed in a shade of your favourite colour with your and aloy’s initials etched on it, a feature that only widens the smile you already have. 
“aloy,” you finally say, urging a sigh of relief from your partner, who was worried that you didn’t like it. “it’s beautiful. thank you.”
she smiles and admires you as you look over it some more. “i figured that you’d need one if we made this a regular thing.”
“oh, we will,” you assure, playing around with the string of the bow and aiming it out toward the sawtooth ahead, which is still unaware of your presence. “this will be a memorable hunt to kick off future ones.”
aloy shows you a few techniques with your newly acquired bow. you’re still at a distance away from the sawtooth, so you can do so safely. she stands behind you, her arms on top of your own, moving your body into place. of course, she will be there the entire time, but she still wants you to know how to protect yourself. “you can never be too careful,” she always says.
after you get the hang of it, aloy moves on to the focus on both of your temples. “do you remember what i taught you?”
“yes,” you nod. “i just tap on it, and it’ll give me some more information about the machines i see. i should also be careful to not get too distracted by it while the machine still roams.”
“very good,” she smiles and crosses her arms. “i think you’re ready.”
“really?” you excitedly ask, wanting to get into the action already.
she nods her head and takes a deep breath. “follow my lead, okay?”
aloy moves to a crouching position and gets back behind the rock that you both conversed behind before. you watch as she peeks above the rock and studies the sawtooth with her focus, seemingly opting to track the machine’s path. as she asked, you follow her lead and do the same. you can now see the path that the machine will take if left undisturbed–which won’t be for long. she crouches back down and looks at you, giving you a look to let you know that it is time to press on. 
she moves to a patch of grass right next to the machine’s track. you follow along, quiet and prepared, with your bow in hand and an arrow at the ready. aloy taps her focus once more and assesses the machine. you assume that she is highlighting vulnerable parts of the sawtooth–an act that you do as well. you note that you probably shouldn’t use fire arrows at this distance on its blaze canister. thankfully, you only have standard arrows. shooting the body will be your best bet with this machine.
with her bow and arrow in hand, aloy begins to aim at the sawtooth. its back is now facing the two of you, so it is a better time than any to attack. you ready your own weapon, aiming for its legs. you think you could slow it down if you get the right shot in. 
aloy turns to you once more, mouthing the words, “ready?” 
you nod in response, which aloy follows up with shooting her first shot at the sawtooth. the machine turns around with a quickness, looking directly at the two of you. your cover is now blown, so you must be on guard and ready to dodge. the predestined path no longer matters. 
the machine lets out a deep growl before sprinting towards you. aloy rolls to the left while you roll to the right. the sawtooth follows aloy, who manages to evade its melee attacks each time. she swings her spear here and there but ultimately moves to get some distance between the two so that she can use her bow. you follow behind the machine, shooting arrows into its back. you wager that the machine only has a quarter health left, but is definitely putting up a fight.
aloy shoots her own arrows into the machine while in a state of constant movement. you admire that she can be so steady with a bow despite being in motion. you note this to document later in case you ever encounter a sawtooth again. she’d have to teach you how she does it, but it was no doubt contributed to by rost’s training. 
you shoot the final arrow into the beast, causing it to fall in defeat. it causes you to get all giddy because it is your first machine kill. aloy runs to you, smiling. she pulls you into a hug and kisses your forehead.
“you did great,” she tells you once she pulls away. “i’m very proud of you.”
“thank you,” you smile. “i have to go grab my journal! i’ll be right back.”
with that, you leave aloy’s embrace to go to your sack behind the original rock as she goes to the machine to start scraping it for parts for both of you. you reach the rock and kneel, picking up your bag to rummage through. as your hand searches for the journal, you sense that you’re not alone.
you turn behind you to hear a loud noise and witness a blinding flash. you quickly stand up and reach your arms out in front of you, trying to gain your sight back. you hear your name being called but still cannot see a thing. you walk forward a bit, only to be thrown back as the machine strikes you. you feel your body hit the rock hard as your sight somewhat comes back in time to see an arrow pierce the machine’s big eye. aloy follows soon after.
“my love!” she shouts, immediately crouching by your side. “i’m so sorry i wasn’t here.”
her hands roam across your apparent injuries. all you feel is pain in your head and abdomen. you look up at your girlfriend to see her face full of intense concern. you lift your hand to rub the sweat from your forehead so it doesn’t get in your eye, but upon glancing at said hand, you see bright red blood. within the next few moments, everything gets blurry, and your head feels light. aloy mutters a string of concerns as you fall back in her arms, barely able to keep your eyes open.
your eyes flutter open a few hours later, and your vision is clear again. your head is still pounding, but the spots you saw are no more. you sit yourself up on your elbows, looking around at your surroundings and being unable to tell where you are. you do spot a campfire and your flame-haired girlfriend stirring something over it. 
“aloy?” you question, rubbing your eyes as you sit up even more. 
she turns around quickly, the edges of her mouth turning up at the sound of your voice. “my love, how are you feeling?”
“my head is killing me.”
“it will. you hit it pretty hard,” she gets up from her spot and comes to kneel by your side. “i’m so sorry again. i should’ve protected you.”
you place a kiss on her forehead. it wasn’t her fault, and you assure her of that. you glance down at your abdomen, where a sharp pain lingers. you notice some stitching. 
“i had to stitch you up. you were bleeding pretty badly. your forehead, too.”
“oh, aloy,” you say, a note of concern in your own voice. “i’m the one who should be sorry. i didn’t mean to put you through that.”
she takes your hand in her own and kisses it, shaking her head. she is just relieved that you’re awake and able to talk to her. it was a very lonely few hours.
“get some rest, please? i won’t let anything more happen to you.” she kisses your forehead this time and then your cheeks. “i am so glad you’re okay.”
“i don’t suppose you’d let me join you hunting again, huh?” you joke.
her hand squeezes yours tighter. “we’ll see.”
you lay back on the makeshift bed she created for you and let your eyes close for a few more minutes. the smell of whatever aloy is cooking is in the air. not only could you not wait to eat something, but you also couldn’t wait to be back home in your comfy bed, wrapped in the arms of your lover. you open your eyes once more to admire her. you feel very lucky to have her. 
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pastel-peach-writes · 6 months
Hi!!! Could I please request an aloy x sibling reader headcannons please for their protective relationship please?
Two Peas In A Pod | Sibling!Aloy Headcanons
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╰┈➤ PLOT: Headcanons of Aloy as your sibling
╰┈➤ WARNINGS: Not Proofread, No Use of Y/n, Cursing, Mentions of Loss, No Mercy Aloy, Lower Case Intended
⍣ ೋ Enjoy!⍣ ೋ
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– older or younger than you, aloy is protective as hell and dares for someone to mess with you
– because you're related, you would be shunned as well and the close-minded Nora would talk about you behind your back
– gossip is inevitable and something aloy can't prevent, but she sure as hell can knock someone out for talking ill of you
– you don't like the talk either, but there's no reason to fight someone about it
– again, younger or older, aloy would totally tease, question, and bug you about you liking someone or having a partner
– at first, she'll act disgusted about the thought of you being romantic with someone, but then she'll grow to like the person
– y'know... after she investigates and spies on them to see if they're good enough for you
– older sister aloy is very protective, can be quite stern and goofy, but younger sister aloy is unhinged (as all younger siblings are)
– younger sister aloy would dump water on you when you're not expecting, purposely go out of her way to give you mild heart attacks, and never leave your side
– no matter the age gap or difference between you two, aloy is always bugging you about the questions that burn in her head
– she would ask rost, but she's been banned from asking him so many questions throughout the day.
– it's not like her questions are serious (some are, but she and rost discuss those later)
– a lot of her questions are questions she already knows the answers to. aka, the reason why rost banned her from asking so many questions
– okay okay
– when you guys are out training or out in dangerous parts of the world, aloy wants you to never leave her side and will constantly turn to check on you
– you two would walk for maybe a couple of feet, then her head snaps towards you to make sure you're safe
– twig snap? she heads towards you and her hand is already gripping your arm to stay close
– if you slip away to gather some healing plants or to, y'know, take a shit, all hell would break loose in aloy's mind
– "where are they?" "where did they go?" "they better be alive otherwise I'm killing them myself" "oh please be alive." "wait... is that them?"
– once she finds you, she's relieved but then swatting the crap out of your shoulder.
– "you can't run off like that! you could've died." – "but i didn't! :D"
– she would complain about you to rost when you gather to eat, but aloy complains about you wandering off so much that rost has learned to tune her out.
– if you ever get captured, aloy is slaughtering anyone in her way.
– if you know TLOU, think of a really aggressive ellie who after she gets the information she needs, murders the person when she's done with them
– in a fiery rage after seeing you locked in a cell or cage, all aloy can hear is ringing in her ears and her mind clouded with angry thoughts
– she's already lost rost, she can't lose you too. you're the only family she has left
– after getting you out from whatever containment you find yourself in, aloy goes silent.
– you think she's mad at you, but she's not. shes processing over the fact that bad things can happen to you. she thought those types of thoughts were her anxiety talking, not an easily accessible reality.
– when she's done processing, she's emotional and hugs you.
– you're definitely bruised from the hugs, but aloy doesn't care
– that moment on, she declares to never, ever, let you out of her sight
– you're valuable to her, this she already knew
– but when she thought she was going to lose you, life didn't seem worth living.
– a life without you, a world without you, a universe without you, seemed dull, boring, sad, and grey to aloy.
– like it or not, you're aloy's world and she would be stupid to let you slip through her fingers.
WC: 582
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skeletondeerart · 2 years
If you haven't done this one already, would you be ok with reader who takes care of an injured Aloy?
Let Me Take Care of You For Once, Please?
Aloy x Fem!Reader | Word Count: 995
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I sat in silence as I watched the rain trickle over the edge of the shelter. Aloy has been unconscious for around four hours as I wait patiently for her to wake. My throat is raw and my eyes stinging with oncoming tears as I observe her chest barely moving under her clothes and bandage peeking between her hair. I had already stripped her of her heavy armour, only leaving her undershirt, pants, and woollen boots to try and aid her body in healing.
I was unsure what to do at this point, having used all the remedies I had on my person and raided the chest at the shelter. Light rains branched across the sky soaking the soil underfoot, I wrapped my cloak around Aloy’s torso to keep the bite of the rain at bay. Perhaps All-Mother blessed us both when I stumbled across this site with a limp Aloy in my arms.
I was no Doctor, only a simple tinkerer – a tinkerer way out of their depth – I sat cross-legged beside my lover as I waited for Aloy to wake. My mind flashes back to the ambush.
Aloy and I were on another hunt for parts to improve Aloy’s draw power on her hunting bows. We were following the tracks of Leaplashers, and I thought their spark coils would be the most suitable. The path is clear until we reach a canyon enveloping the tracks. Aloy marched onwards as I trailed with my bow, spear, and blastsling holster.
The tell-tale screech of Leaplashers echoed throughout the canyon as they lock onto us from above.
A startled gasp falls from my lungs as several Leaplashers pounced down from above circling us both.
With a brief glance at Aloy, we immediately assumed our positions back-to-back. I launch an adhesive bomb into the Leaplashers' legs to subdue them and then infect them with purge water. Switching to my tear arrows I rip off their power cells and finish them off with an advanced hunter arrow. A strangled grunt left Aloy as I spun on my heel to see what happened, we were both launched across the dirt and rock by an Apex Leaplasher that appeared out of the blue.
Despite fronting the blow Aloy managed to dive her arm under my head as we collide with the sharp stone walls of the canyon. A wheeze left Aloy as a stone collided with her temple, rolling to a stop.
“Aloy!” I gasp as I roll over to see her slide limply down the wall. I immediately abandoned the hunt as I fire advanced adhesive bombs to slow down the machines, hauling Aloy into my arms and escaping into the grass.
I ran until the machines were no longer recognised by my focus, slowing down to catch my breath. Looking down I adjust Aloy in my grip wiping her hair away from her eyes as I see a shelter up ahead. That is what led us to the current predicament. I poke the fire with a piece of kindling watching the tip ignite slowly before throwing it into the fire with a sigh.
A groan awoke me from my stupor as I turn to see Aloy clutching her head, I shuffle closer to her and place my hand on top of hers.
“You hit your head pretty hard there, I cleaned you up as best I could with what we had on hand.”
“Ha – thanks for that, my love.” Aloy smiles before wincing, gingerly caressing her temple again.
“Just rest up, for the time being, we will head back to the base at sunrise,” I say as I press my side up against her as if shielding her from cold. I rummage through my satchel and pull out a wrapping of cloth, I unfold it to reveal two portions of preserved beef, I hand Aloy the larger one bracing her back as she moved to sit upright against me. I lean back on my non-dominate hand as we eat in blissful silence.
Aloy silently looks down at her portion and tears off a chuck offering it to me.
“Yours’s smaller, take some of mine.” Aloy offers, her eyes gazing at me through her fiery hair, concern swirling in her emerald eyes.
I could only smile graciously as I gently pushed her hand away and whispered, afraid to break the moment.
“It’s ok, my love. Take it, you need it more than me” I could only chuckle at the pout that formed on her features.
“Oh, come now, I’m not the injured one, am I?” I jest, wrapping my arm around her torso and rocking her lightly side to side with a giggle.
“Oh, shush you-” Aloy whispers playfully hitting my thigh that rests against her own.
We continued eating until I brush the remnants off on the cloth, I then lean over to clean off Aloy’s hands as well, despite the grumble that emitted from Aloy herself.
“Enough, let me take care of you for once? Please?” I whisper leaning into her to catch her gaze. With a sigh, she relinquishes and lets me clean between her fingers and under her nails.
With a satisfied huff, I place everything back into my backpack and aid Aloy back down on the bed roll with gentle hands. I then situate myself beside her and watch the small fire crackle away as Aloy slips into slumber. I pull myself as close to Aloy as I could get, my mind nagging me to keep her close in case her injury worsens. I lay there unable to sleep, staring at the gentle breaths of my beloved and keeping the hair out of her eyes.
“I love you- so much,” I whisper as I dig my nose into her shoulder falling into my own slumber.
“I love you more” Aloy whispers as her eyes crack open and gaze over my sleeping figure. Her arm draws me even closer as I subconsciously squeeze her back.
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itstotallylily · 3 months
I'm sorry, but the lack of Aloy x Readers on this site- especially the smut ones? Dude, there ain't any. NONE. NOT EVEN HEADCANONS-
Idc if this seems outta pocket, I'm just a girl in NEED. RATTLING AT THE BARS OF MY CAGE. I'M LIKE A FERAL ANIMAL.
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candyfloss5000 · 1 year
Being Zo and Varl's child headcanons
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Zo is the best mother in the world.
She teaches you how to respect Earth and all of its living organisms, she also tells what to fight for (your home, friends, innocent lives etc.)
Zo spends less of her time at "The Base" and in Plainsong after the Zeniths are defeated so she can focus more on you
Oh and you're 100% babysat by Aloy, Beta, Alva, Erend, Kotallo and Sona
Because of Aloy, Beta, Alva, Erend and Kotalla babysitting you since you were a toddler, calling them you're aunts and uncles has become a second nature to you.
Oh my god my poor baby Sona when she first met you :,(
My girl was in tears when she first saw you because of how much you resembled Varl when he was a baby
Zo first introduces you to "The Base" when you're thirteen she also gives you you're own Focus then aswell because she thinks your a responsible young person and deserve to know the knowledge of your ancestors
Aloy definitely teaches you how to hunt (with Zo's permission of course) whether it's the wildlife or machines. Moments when you use your Focus to identify machines weakspots with Aloy's guidance, make her realise how much you reminder her of her younger self and how much she reminds herself of Rost.
Beta does what she does with everyone else - she explains the knowledge of the Old Ones to you in simple terms to get you to comprehend it
Alva teaches you about all sorts of information from data cores whether its agriculture or astrology or hydrophysics just anything she finds fascinating or thinks you'll find fascinating
Erend is a big father figure to you. Aside from Aloy he was one of your father's dearest friends. Erend tells you stories of your father, how loyal he was to his friends, how selfless. Not a day goes by when he doesn't tell you how proud Varl would be of her
Kotalla doesn't visually show affection, as he shows it in different ways. To you his form of affection is teaching you how to be a warrior and teaching you how to perfect everything he's taught you. You might not visibly see it, but Kotalla does adore you and would fight for you anywhere, anyday
Sona takes you East for months at a time to show you where Varl grew up - the Nora, the Carja and the Oseram lands. She teaches you their cultures, beliefs and history.
Growing up without a father was rough for you. Yes, you had more than you could ask for, but there still is that one piece that's missing from your life. You're family has picked up on this, by how you zone out sometimes or go through periods of silence. Aloy found a slight coping mechanism for you because she uses the mechanism herself. Whenever you feel detached or conflicted you can activate a hologram of your father with your Focus to talk to. Aloy does this with a hologram of Rost and it helps her get through her long journeys.
Oh and don't think for one second that your family of warriors won't be there for you.
You've got an important arena trial? Auntie Alva is cheering you along all the way no matter what.
Bullies at school? Uncle Kotalla will send them a death stare that could stop their small pathetic hearts.
Kidnapped by bandits? Don't panic, your badass grandmother Sona will destroy them and come to your aid.
Threatened to be an Outcast by The Chorus because you're part Nora? Sit back and watch mother Zo talk some godamn sense into them.
Questioned on your intelligence? Auntie Beta will argue agaisnt them and pull up your progress on your knowledge of the Old Ones with her focus to prove them wrong
Allies turn on you? Uncle Erend won't hesitant to smash them apart with his hammer.
Mocked for being fatherless? Aunt Aloy will convince you to challenge them in the arena so you can beat their ass.
Got a lead on something big? They're with you all the way.
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elliessmissingfingers · 4 months
thinking about writing fics only bc there aren’t a lot of my fav pookies !! and that’s a crime!!
(okay there is a lot of focs for like abby and ellie but liek ykwim)
but i’m just gonna write whatever comes to mind
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muraar · 1 year
Please where are the x reader fics horizon fandom????
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cabotwife · 4 months
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xthescarletbitch · 7 months
when you get really into a character, but there are very little written works for them
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