#horntail hall
ephemerasnape · 5 months
Battle Royal at Horntail Hall (Audio)
You and Poppy get caught sneaking into Horntail Hall. 😨 Poppy is immediately recognized by none other than our friend Macnair (Poacher Stalker).
Poppy Sweeting & (x?) Poacher Stalker
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This is definitely dark but not explicit. Technically SFW. I used a lot of Dark Wizard B & Poppy voice lines from the game!
Thanks to @wwheeljack for the screengrab!
My Rookwood Gang stuff!
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ominiscient · 1 year
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Horntail Hall
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iloveinej · 2 years
Sick of the Silence
Theodore Nott x reader
Summary: Theodore ends you friendship over a rumor spred by Rita Skita
Warnings: angst, fluff, mentions of starving, insecurities, Rita Skita
Words: 6.1k
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You sneakily made your way towards the tent that the competitors were sharing. The air was very damp today, and the weather was starting to get colder. But you couldn't understand how you were still freezing even though you had your old winter boots on, along with Theo's scarf tightly wrapped around your neck
When you stood infront the tent, you carefully lifted the tent entrance to the side and feeling lucky when you saw that Harry was the only one left.
Quickly, you took a leap, and Harry felt his soul leave is chest when he felt someone close his arms around him.
"Merlin! Y/n have you lost your mind." You didn't listen to him.
"First place Harry! And with a Horntail!" You gushed making Harry look down on the ground bashfully.
"Thanks, but you should've seen Cedric." He replied quietly, slowly continuing to peel off his destroyed items.
You sighed as you watched him, taking great sadness in the fact that he didn't even take an ounce of credit.
"Harry, you beat that dragon. With your own strength and mind. Be proud of yourself. Becuase I am certainly." You quietly said, before taking ahold of him again and bringing him into one more hug.
And you smiled to yourself when you felt him slowly start to hug you back.
What broke you out of the hug was a very bright flash, and the sound of a sharp giggle running through the tent. You and Harry quickly separated from your hug, and you felt an unfamiliar uneasiness set into your stomach as you watched Rita Skita and her magic quill.
She sighed dramatically.
"What a scandal." That was all that she said before she left the tent. This could never end well.
Theodore had never felt the feeling that was currently streaming in his veins. His fingers were grasped tightly around the peace of news, feeling an urge to tear the picture of you and Harry hugging in to shreddes.
Theodore felt betrayed. Wether it was by you or his feelings, he didn't know. But he were aware that you were not the one to blame, it wasn't your fault that you fell for Harry. But oh how he wished that he could blame you and not himself. To not blame himself for being such a coward.
He cleared his throat and forcefully folded the paper before throwing it on the table, getting a last glimpse of the title before he dragged his feet to his first class. Not having the strength in his heart to wait for you, to afraid that tears would be spilled.
Mrs Y/l/n taking her chance with the Harry Potter after he was betrayed by miss Granger for going to his rival.
You watched as Theo hurriedly walked out from the Great Hall, not even looking your way as he exited. You furrowed your eyebrows as you could catch a glimpse of his clenched jaw and white knuckles. If you didn't know any better, he looked hurt. And it deeply concerned you since that wasn't a feeling you wanted the young boy to feel.
Luna and Cho looked at you with worry in their eyes. You'd been acting strange ever since breakfast. You were not concentrating on your lessons, your hands drawing strange doodles or figures on your paper instead of writing down your notes.
They had also seen the way Theodore stormed out the dining hall this morning, but they didn't think that his pissy mood would affect yours as much as it did.
You had tried all day to get a hold of Theodore, but you almost thought that he'd disappeared from the castle grounds by how quickly he was nowhere to be seen. But the suspicions were luckily blown away when you saw him walking down the moving stairs with his friends from the Slytherin house.
"Theo!" You called, trying to catch his attention, and feeling successful when he heard you. The beat of your heart increased when searched for you, but the look that he gave you was something unusual.
The absolute anguish that his face was painted in shocked you to the core. You'd never seen him look that way at you.
But it disappeared in only a second, and instead, he looked at you with stoic eyes.
You shifted uncomfortably as he stared at you, and you felt yourself having troubles meeting them.
"Ehm, I was wondering if you'd like to study later?" The slight unsure voice that you had made you internally cringe, and you hoped that he didn't notice it.
Theodore could both hear and see your strange behavior, and it was bothering him. You didn't look like you even wanted him in your presence.
Like you were tired of him when you finally got together with Harry Potter. But he wasn't a chore for you to keep company, so he decided to make that clear. Even if something in the back was screaming at him.
"No, I'm busy." You cringed slightly at the cold tone that he used. That wasn't what you were used to. He'd never used that voice with you.
"Oh alright. I'll see you tomorrow then." But he'd already started to walk away again, trying to catch up with the rest of the Slytherins. You frowned as a dark feeling settled in your heart. It wasn't the fact that he declined. It was the fact that he sneered it at you. You'd gotten so used to his soft and melodic voice that you'd forgotten how sharp it could be.
But you did your best to not let the little spot of blackness poison your thoughts. So instead you just kept moving for the Ravenclaw tower.
It went by two entire days before you had the chance to speak to him again, and you offered to study once more. And to your relief, he said yes.
So you took your books in your hands that night and slipped through the shadows, down to the Slytherin's common room. You pretended to not see anyone as Blaize Zabini let you into the common room. You knew that they weren't fond of you, best friend and almost cousin to Harry Potter, friends with their pureblood Theodore Nott.
You silently thanked Blaize and he gave you a kind smile in return. Blaize was one of the few of Theo's housemates that didn't despise you. And you were grateful for that because never in your life would you want to get on his bad side.
When you opened the door to Theo's shared room, you were immediately hit by the smell of Peach tea, old books, and cologne. The smell of Theo made your ears warm and your nose take an extra deep breath, liking the comfort that it brought.
You quietly stepped inside and walked to the bed that Theo was sitting in. His back was resting on his headboard and a charms book was resting on his lap.
He didn't blink an eye when you stepped inside, but he probably didn't even hear you in the first place.
"Hello there." You smiled at him as you laid your books down on his bed. He looked up through his eyelashes and gave you a tight-lipped smile before he went back to the book, the "smile" already gone from his face.
You bit the inside of your cheek as you wished that your brain would shut up. It wasn't un-normal for Theo not to verbally answer you, but he would make it up with a warm smile or something similar.
Feeling embarrassed, you timidly sat yourself down on the foot of the soft bed, before picking up your charms book. Your finger ran up the old and flaked back of the book as you tried to concentrate.
Although you knew that you needed to study, the feeling was overpowered by the need to take find out what was through his pretty mind.
"So, how've your days been?" Theodore looked almost startled by your question as he snapped his eyes up to meet your y/e/c ones. But when he slowly lowered them again, you felt disappointed.
"It was alright. Was quiet." He answered absent-mindedly. But you smiled lightly to yourself, knowing it was probably a bit quieter when you weren't around. He told you once that he liked how you drowned out the silence from his ears.
"It was quite nice actually."Oh. It took a while for you to register his words. But you did, and for a while, you wondered if he knew what he said. It was a big concern of yours, that you talked too much that is. You thought that he at least found it bearable.
But you didn't want him to think that he hurt you, especially if he only thought about it as a mindless joke or comment, so you gave him a chuckle that felt like it would tear your throat open for blood.
Theodore heard you swallow hard, and it was obvious why. He hadn't thought about the words as they left his mouth. But for some reason, it felt like he should hurt you for what you did to him. Even I'd you were completely innocent to it.
He felt regret hit him exactly two seconds later like a punch in his gut.
He cleared his throat, and your eyes quickly shot up to him.
"I'm tired today, so you should probably leave so that I can get some sleep." He mumbled, looking you straight in the eye with those foreign, distant eyes.
You sighed in dismay, now knowing that something wasn't right.
"Theo, are you alright?" You placed your hand on his leg. Theo swallowed down the guilt he felt and gave you a pitiful nod. But the look in your eyes told him that you didn't quite believe him, and the thought of you caring so much about him made a little smile bloom on his face.
"I'm okay, I promise." He told you lowly, and you let out another sigh, nodding slightly before starting to gather your books.
You knew that he was lying, and you despised it when he lied. Because you always assumed that he would tell you if something was bothering him.
But apparently, he required time, and you were willing to give it to him. But not too much.
Because out of the personal experience, you know that suffering in silence would get you nowhere.
"Goodnight, Theo. Sleep well." You gave him a last smile but didn't stay long enough to see him give you one back.
"I don't know what's going on with him, Hermione." You sighed, dragging your hands over your face. The entire ordeal was stressing you out, and you didn't know what to do about it. You would try to talk to him, that is if you could catch him since he has been avoiding you like a plague ever since that night.
Hermione sat besides you in the dining hall, a frown on her face as she thought about your situation. She watched as you concealed the lower half of your face in your sweater clad arms in despair.
"And you did try to speak to him?" She interrogated and you nodded, finding interest in one of her quills.
"Yes, but as I said I don't think that he even wants to talk about it with me." It was quiet between you for a while, and you took a small sip of your green tea.
"Maybe he just doesn't feel comfortable around me anymore. I might have said something to provoke him?" You questioned yourself and Hermione stared at you with sympathy in her eyes.
She reached forward and grabbed one of your hands in her own.
"Don't think like that, by what you have told me in the past, that doesn't sound like Theodore at all. So stop letting those harmful thoughts get to you." You looked down and your and Hermoine's tied hands, before meeting her eyes and nodding. It soothed your anxious thoughts a little, to know that you had someone that would help you through anything.
The rest of the day went by slowly, as it had the other days prior. You didn't have anything to look forward to, since Theo didn't meet you after class anymore. And you were beginning to get impatient and restless, waiting for something that you weren't sure was going to happen.
You didn't have anyone to speak about music to, among every other topic that you would sit and discuss with Theo on your days. And during this time of loneliness, you realized truly how much you depended on him. He was what continued to keep your head over the water, never letting you sink under the pressure. He was what everyone would need to survive, he was like water.
And you were slowly dying without him.
You slowly rose from your bed, realizing that you couldn't lay here with your depressing thoughts. So you decided for a a stroll in the castle.
In the middle of the courtyard sat a small group of Beauxbaton girls, which were almost the only people you'd seen this entire afternoon, but oh to behold. On the other side, in the window of the wall, sat a boy with dark curly hair with his nose in a book.
And in that moment you had been patient enough.
He didn't notice when you stopped in front of him, to intertwine with the words on the pages. You didn't want to disturb him, but this time you had to put yourself first. So you loudly cleared your throat to catch his attention.
Theodore almost jumped when he heard it, and when he met your eyes he felt like his heart was jumping out of his throat. He was not prepared to see you standing in front of him.
You tilted your head as he quickly closed his book and put down his feet from the windowsill. It was an awkward silence, no one saying anything as Theodore nervously played with his fingers.
"Hi, Theo." You took the first step, wanting this game of cat and mouse to be over. He awkwardly lifted his fingers as a reply, and you frowned as he wouldn't look at you.
"Theo, I have given you time, and I don't want to pressure you but I don't think this is good for you?" You tried your best to gain eye contact, but it didn't work so you just ended up settling beside him.
"That what isn't good for me?" He sounded almost irritated and you were a bit taken back.
"That you're pulling yourself away from people, it's not healthy."
"I'm not pulling myself away from people." He nearly interrupted me, and I fretted at his words.
"So you're only pulling yourself away from me then? Why?" Theo swallowed hard at your question. He didn't dare to tell you, but he wished that he could be so selfish so that he could. But it wasn't right of him to destroy your first relationship.
"I just don't feel like talking, why can you not understand that." He told you sternly, and you saw his awkward posture and behavior melt into something harsh and hostile once again.
"I do understand, but this thing is affecting our friendship." It was quiet, and Theodore just stared out through the opposite window, not answering, or even giving a sign that he listened.
"Theodore I miss speaking to you. And I miss being with you." Theo tensed at the mention of his full name falling from your lips, and he saw you lean back as he suddenly stood up.
"Well, I can't handle you speaking to me right now. I'm tired of it, and I need space." He looked you right in the eye when he said it. And you felt your chest contract painfully as you saw no regret in his eyes.
You looked down on your lap, not knowing how to continue after your unsuccessful attempt to get him talking. And now only that but his words were beginning to hurt.
"I'm sorry Theo, I didn't want to push you." You said, your despair stuck in your throat like poison. He didn't answer, only looking down upon you with empty eyes. You tried to search for any feeling in his face, but nothing was shown, not even a small ounce of sadness.
Theodore slowly started to walk past you and you followed him with your eyes as he walked. You felt helpless and afraid. Like if you didn't do something right now, he would leave you forever.
A painful huff left Theodore's pink lips when he felt something squeezing him painfully hard around his slender waist. And he didn't have to look down to know that he would see your y/h/c hair, and he certainly didn't want to, since he would be at his knees, apologizing the second he did. So he just stood there and stared. Not move his arms to embrace you, but neither moves out of your hug.
You waited for him to embrace you like he always did. For his arms to envelope your head while he stroked your hair. But nothing came. His chest was tense against your cheek, but you didn't care. You were not going to let him go until he at least patted you on the back.
"Y/n, let go." He tried to instruct you, and he sighed when you only tighten your arms harder around him. He let his head fall to the side in frustration. It didn't matter that he liked to have your arms around him, because right now it was painful, and it was not because of your hand grip.
A spark of hope ignited in your chest as you felt him move his arms, and you felt yourself relax when his fingertips grace your sleeves.
A yelp left your throat as you felt his slender hands take a hard grip around your wrists. He easily pried your hands apart as you were in slight shock, and he swiftly threw your arms off him before storming down the corridor. Past a certain black-haired male with round glasses, with good ears to be added.
You watched him walk, to get away from you as if you were the pest. Labored breaths escaped your nose as your tears were kept at bay. Storming away from the corridor, you needed to find a place to be alone at.
Later you found yourself on a stone staircase with your head leaned against Harry's shoulder and his arm wrapped around your shoulder. He tried to console your choked cries, but nothing seemed to help. He realized that this was the first time that you'd cried in front of him. Remus used to tell him how you were a sensitive child when young, but Harry would've never guessed. Especially by the lack of despair, you showed during the years that you'd known him.
A cold wind went through the open wall, and he watched as the sky cried with you.
Footsteps were heard in the distance, but your cries made you unable to hear them. Harry turned his head towards the opening as he heard someone stop in it, and was surprised to see Nott in all his glory, looking at you with guilty eyes.
Harry suspects that he didn't notice him at first because it seemed to take a second before realizing whose arms you were in. And when Theodore met his eyes, they turned into stone. But Harry wasn't blind.
He saw the heartbreak since it matched the eyes that Hermoine had for Ron after I said something idiotic.
When Mattheo and Blaize entered their shared room, they were expecting to find Theodore with either you, sleeping, or his nose in a new book. Not his back faced against the door, head in his hands and elbow resting on his legs as pitiful sniffles echoed through the room.
Their conversation came to an end when they realized what was happening, and they gave each other a look before walking up to the bed.
"Nott, what's up with you?" Mattheo asked carelessly, earning a jab in the ribs.
"Don't be a twat." Blaize hissed.
Theodore quickly wiped his cheeks and eyes before sitting up in his bed, leaning his back on the head board with bent knees.
He didn't look at them.
"Nothing of your concern." His voice cracked.
He did end up telling about the things that'd happen, obviously not in detail, but enough of the story so that his two friends could understand, and later leave them alone.
Blaize couldn't decide on where to stand. Theodore was his friend, and he understood what situation he'd gotten himself into. But he also thought that Theodore had been a dick.
"Come on Nott, it's only a girl. There so much better things in the world than girls." Mattheo casually said from his bed while he changed his rooms for his evening clothes.
Blaize snorted from his place on Theo's bed, and Mattheos head emidiatly snapped towards him, sending him a deadly glare.
"Like you know how to fall in love Mattheo." Blaize adjusted his collar at the emotionless voice of Theodore, and he waited patiently for Mattheo to snap at him. But was mildly surprised when he only laughed at him.
"I'm serious, I don't know what to do. I don't even think I can do anything."
"But it's just a crush right? It will fade in time Theo." Blaize thought that he's words would bring a little bit of comfort to the distressed Slytherin. He wasn't right.
"I haven't met someone that cared for me like that since my mother died."
The room went airily quiet. And both of them turned towards Theodore, who was again carrying tears in his long lashes.
꧁Two months later꧂
Second tournament
He felt weak. And the screaming of different students around him was hurting his eardrums. He wished that he could crawl back to his bed, or maybe just to lay down on the damp wood under his feet.
Thedore looked sick. His face had gained a new gray colour to it, and usual circles under his eyes had increased tenfold. It had even gotten so bad that his clothes wasn't fitting as they should anymore.
He anxiously chewed on his nails. He hadn't caught a glimpse of you in two entire days. He was aware that you weren't talking anymore, that you haven't had an interaction since that day two months ago. But he felt guilty, but he's chance to apologize was ruined by his pettiness when he saw you in Harry Potters arms, and since then he thought that it was to late. Though it didn't stop him to keep you in check.
Ever since that day, he'd watched over you. Not following you or starring at you. Only making sure that you were still there. He remember those days that he hadn't caught a glimpse of you. He wouldn't be able to sleep, loud thoughts making it so quiet in the room as he wondered where you were.
The water started to ripple when he saw Cedric Diggory emerge with Cho Chang in his arms, your friend.
The Hogwart's students exploded in shouts and jubilation of glee as he was pulled up from the watter.
Theodore didn't give to shits about who won. The need to find you was growing by the second, making his mind go hazy.
The Durmstrangs shouted proudly as Viktor Krum came out of the water, Hermione Granger besides him, looking very confused and cold.
Another one of her friends.
Gasps, shouts and screams was heard when, instead of Harry, two girls apeared in the water.
Your head violently turned as you heard the shouts around you. And you realised quickly that you'd been rescued from the second task. But you didn't mask your confusion as you were met with a young blond girl instead of Harry, but you didn't have any time to waste so you quickly helped her towards the stand.
When you were finally dragged up people started to surround you with blankets, pats on the back, and even a few hugs from the closest.
You didn't even notice when Harry was shot up from the water since you were shaking in your shoes while feeling over stimulated by the people around you.
"Y/n!" You didn't get time to see the person that had desperately shouted your name, becuase before you even had time to think, arms had circled your neck and you were quite forcefully pulled into someone. And when your nose hit their chest you emidiatly realised who it was.
Theo was holding you in a death grip, squeezing you as you slowly circled you arms around him.
"Theo." You whispered, and with the call of his name he let you go, but he didn't leave you. He messily took of his green and grey scarf, and began to wrap it around your neck  and when he was done with that he darted to quickly wipe your still wet face with hid cold hands, felling desperate to feel your skin.
"Theo." He stopped, hands shaking and eyes wide. You didn't look at him with anger. You didn't look at him with a sad eye. You looked worried. His face was slimmer and he certainly didn't look all to well. He was breathing heavily, as if he just ha been pulled out of a nightmare.
He watched intently as you raised your hand to his cheek, and butterfly erupted in his stomach. He almost wanted to cry when you stopped yourself.
You hadn't forgotten how he treated you. You wanted to, but the actions had already been done and the words had been thrown. And he hadn't even apologized.
"Nott!" Mattheo roared as the crowd started to leave and Theadore requlantly stood up before leaving you and his scarf to go to his friends. You followed him with your eyes as he got into the boat, taking some time to just look on his face.
He is so beutiful. With hid straight nose, sharp jaw and big tired brown eyes. You wanted to blame the heat on your cheeks on the drastical temperature changes, you couldn't believe that you were still so in love with him after everything he's done.
You yelped as you were hoisted up on your legs by two pair of arms and smiled when you saw a drenched Hermione and a happy Ron on your sides.
"What was that about?" Hermione asked you, not hiding her excitement.
"Yeah, Nott just hugged you infront of the entire bloody school, what's gotten into that bloke." Ron said in disbelief as you began to walk towards the boats.
"Oh don't you get Ronald, it's love." Hermione smiled happily, and you laughed as Ronald shook his head until you realised what she said.
"What do you mean by 'love'?" You eyed her carefully, but she casually ignored you as she sat down on a boat, dragging you and Ron with her.
"She has a bet with Fred and George about who's going to confess first. Fred and George thinks that Nott is going to confess first by the last trial." Ron explained, before Hermione interrupted him.
"And I believe that Theodore is going to confess sometime around the second task, more exactly, today." You looked at Hermoine with a fish mouth. In your entire time of knowing Hermoine, you have never heard her make a bet. Especially not on a so stupid thing as your love life.
"What makes you belive that? He hasn't spoken to me in two months!" You exclaimed while holding up two figners.
Hermione looked at with an odd expression.
"I'm sorry are you blind? Have you seen him the last week. He's been looking at you like a homeless kitten. It's sad really." Hermione looked forwards again and you only shook your head at her.
"But why did no one bet on me to confess first?" You slapped your hand of your mouth as you realised what you said, and Hermoine let out a gasp.
"So you do like him!?" You hushed her quickly, looking around you to make sure that no one was listening to you conversation.
"Shut it, I don't need the entire school to know." You hissed when the boat came to a stop.
"Oh belive me, the entire school does already know." Ron concluded as he stepped out from the boat. Hermione glared at him as they walked, but he only smiled lightly.
Suddenly, they stopped and you casted your eyes forwards, only to see Mattheo Riddle and Lorenzo Bekshire standing infront of you. You looked in between them quiestongly.
"Uh, hello." Lorenzo said bashfully with a smile on his face. Ron and Hemoine looked doubtfully between the two boys as they stood infront of them, Lorenzo trying to make small talk while Mattheo looked like he'd rather be anywhere else than infront of them.
"Alright that's enough." Mathheo interrupted Lorenzos talk about the weather before grabbing you by your upper arm and dragging you away from your friends.
"Come on, we need to talk." You looked in panic back towards Ron and Hermoine, who booth looked as confused as you felt. You looked at Lorenzo as he caught up with you, and gave you a bright smile, which you returned with an unsure smile from yourself.
You wanted to ask where you were going, but you didn't have to when you saw the rest of the slytherins, along with Theo standing there and talking mindlessly.
You emidiatly tensed up and tried to struggle out of Mattheos hard grip.
"Nuh uh. You two are going to speak to each other today. I'm tired of getting woken up by Notts crying in the middle of the bloody night." He mumbled, and began to drag you towards them again.
Had Theo been crying?
"Nott!" Mattheo yelled, gaining the attention of the small group. Theodore felt his heart drop when he saw who was with them. As if it were an instict, he tried to find a way out of it, not really feeling the need to meet your dissepointment for real.
But a hand on his holder stopped his head from moving around.
"Theodore, this is your only chance to make it right. You have to tell her." Blaize whispered, and Theodore pursed lips knowing that he was right. So with heavy feet, he walked up to you.
Lorenzo gave you a nodd, before walking along with the rest of the group, who was giving you strange looks before Lorenzo had started to sho them away.
It was quiet, the only thing that was heard was the splashing of the waves against the shore, and the wind blowing in the trees.
"Theodore wha-."
"How are you and Harry?" You watched as his face contorted into a fake smile, stuffing his hands even further down his black coat.
"Me and Harry?" He looked at you with his eyebrows together, as if it was obvious that it was you and Harry.
"It's... good? I'm sorry I don't really understand." Theodore sighed as he kicked in the dirt, feeling anxious towards your calculating eyes.
"Are you still cold?" He asked, finally finding the courage to meet your eye once again. He swallowed hard when he saw your sad frown as you shook your head, trying to apear to be glader than you really were.
"No, your scarf is warm." Now it was your turn to look away. His big brown eyes were starring at with the same softness that you hadn't seen for two months.
"I-.. I'm sorry. I never meant to be so... distant." He chocked out. He looked like he was in pain. And he probably felt like it to. You looked at him as he swallowed and harkeld as he waited for you to say something.
"Did i do something, Theodore?" You said in low voice. For the first time ever, you felt intimidated by his precens. The way his body slightly towers your own, how his eyes constantly loomed over you face.
"No. Of course not." He sighed after a beat of silence. He took a step closer to you, not feeling comfortable to be so far away from you. An you looked at him with questioning eyes.
"Theodore, if you're going to say something i want you to say it now, otherwise I'll leave." It was quiet for a moment and Theodore felt stuck.
He watched as you sighed deeply, looking down on the ground before swiftly walking by him.
Theodore reacted instantly. Before you were able to walk any further, he quickly took a strong hold on your wrist forcing you to stop. And you ended up standing shoulder against shoulder, with his against the lake and your eyes on the leaf covored ground, turned towards the forest.
"Y/n." He said. You didn't react.
"Y/n, look at me." He sternly ordered, and you could feel that he was staring at the side of your head. His hand slightly tightened in an almost possessive way around your wrist, and you couldn't lie that it brought a nervous feeling to your stomach.
His hand slowly started to raise from your wrist, his fingertips slowly tracing the length of your arm, and you wanted to belive that you could feel the warmth of his fingertips through the layers of your soaked clothes and blankets.
"I want to be selfish." He spoke lowly and melancholy. You were confused because it didn't even sound like he was speaking to you.
His continued up towards your face, and you took a deep breath with you felt his knuckles starting to steadily graze your cheek.
"I love you."
You snapped your head towards him feeling anger rise faster than a rocket in you chest. Angry tears hung in your lashes, and maybe in different scenario you would have been happier, but your butterflies had no chance do defeat the flames of your anger.
"You're a coward." His face fell the second he heard your words.
"I know my love." He sadly smiled at me as he soothed his palm over you cheek.
"You didn't speak to me for months, only because you liked me? You hurt me, Theo." You tried to confirm what you were hearing, but it was hard to keep your voice steady.
"I didn't speak to you for months because I'm in love with you." His forehead made contact with the side of your head.
"I didn't speak to you for months because if I did I would become selfish, and if I did I would destroy everything that you and Potter have together." He slowly lowered his head, so that he could peck you by the ear before he left, but was disappointed when you abruptly pulled away from him.
"What is this constant japing about me and Harry?! I have never in my life been in love with him, let alone dating him!" You shouted, your frustration running amock as you realized how utterly dumb Theodore Nott was.
"You ignored me for two months because you thought I was in love with Harry?" You quietened down when you saw the startled eyes that Theo gave you after you shouted.
He didn't answer, only continued to stare at you with big eyes.
"Theodore Nott, if you had just told me about your feelings nothing of this would have happened. I would be yours by now if you just to-" Something warm touched your top lip, which made your voice get lost in the autumn air. Your eyes were blown wide as you saw Theo being so close to you with your eyes closed, his big hands on your cheeks and his soft lips on yours.
He slowly cracked his eyes open, and he felt his cheeks become red when he saw your pupil-blown eyes starring at him
"Close your eyes." He mumbled shyly against your lips, and when you did as he said, he collected one more kiss. This on being directly in the middle of your lips.
Your arms hung limply at your sides as you tried your best to kiss him back.
When he pulled away his breath was much shakier than he intended it to be, and he felt embarrassed when a lonely tear escaped his eye.
You quickly stood up on your toes, and kissed him right under his closed eye, tasting the salt of his tear on your lips as you pulled away.
"I'm sorry. I should never have done that to you."
"Theo I think I'm in love with you."
꧁ end ꧂
I think it was a little half as but whatevs
Thanks to @eunoiathewriter for helping me with the idea!
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barnlarn · 9 months
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Did I spend most of yesterday doing silly fanart of my Ravenclaw HWL character? Yes.
Riley Morgan is a rabble-rouser from the underbelly of London who's better at throwing hands than he is at slinging spells. Riley and Poppy bonded over "dragons are cool as heck" and "oh wow my parents were horrible too!". The two of them just took down Horntail Hall.
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nena-96 · 2 months
Written for @corneliaavenue-ao3
The Tortured Potter’s Department fest
Tw: mentions infertility and past trauma
Word count: 2,465 read below or on ao3
She Can’t Do It, Without Him
Summary: Ginny’s usual midnight trip to the Room of Requirements gets interrupted when Harry makes himself known. Thus, causing a secret that tormented Ginny to come out into the light.
It’s been months since the Battle of Hogwarts and yet it feels as if it was just yesterday. Except it wasn’t how was it possible that even after all the repairs done to the castle, it still had this unwelcoming sense of agony and despair?
It was as if no amount of cleaning charms used to scrub the blood and grime from the stone walls, the pain would forever remain. Even if the glass windows were fixed, she could still remember when there were shards of glass all over the ground, from a deadly explosion, courtesy of a few Death Eaters.
Even though everything was ‘fixed’ it absolutely didn’t mean that everything was going to be the same again. Everything was different, nothing was ever going to be the same again. But that feeling changed when she visits the seventh floor, more specifically the Room of Requirements.
It was usually after curfew, when everyone was fast asleep, that’s when she would push the curtains from her four posters open and double-checking that her dormmates were indeed asleep. She didn’t want to bother giving anyone an explanation as to where she was going. It became her night time routine, no matter what, she always made her way to the seventh floor.
That was the only time she could pretend like everything was normal and just for a while she could believe that she wasn’t broken.
After making her way out the dorm, then sneaking out from the common room with the invisibility cloak that Harry had let her borrow, before she left got on the Hogwarts Express at the beginning of term. This made it easier for her to roam the halls without being detected by anyone, even though her posture suffered from all the times she had to crouch down to make sure the cloak covered all her body. Luckily, she hadn’t been caught and she plans to keep it that way.
Once she arrived, to the seventh floor, she took the cloak off and let it drop to the floor and waited to think of the place she wanted to immerse herself into. However something was off, it felt as if someone was watching her at this very moment, she could feel her heart start to beat faster than before. The tiny hairs on her arms stood up, yet, she wasn’t going to show an ounce of fear.
Whoever was behind her, should think twice before trying anything. She had survived multiple cruico’s from the Carrows, when their reign of terror in the castle was at an all time high. If she managed to survive an unforgivable, she will survive anything that crosses her path.
Ginny grabbed her wand tightly, just as beads of sweat began to form on her forehead. Whoever was there, better wish that Madam Pomfrey wasn’t off to bed at this time.
Quicker than a stunning spell, Ginny turned around and pointed the tip of her wand at the throat of….Harry?
No. It couldn’t be.
He wasn’t here, he had Auror training with Ron all the way until next week. This wasn’t Harry…..then why did this man have the same scar on his forehead? It looked like the same one she had traced so many times both with her fingers and her lips?
Even his hair was in the same state of disarray, and his green eyes…..that reminded her of fresh pickled toad. Yet, even with all the similarities, she couldn’t risk anything, she can practically hear the words that Mad-Eye would always say, ‘Constant Vigilance’.
“What tattoo did I say you had, when we were in the common room?” She asked, while waiting for the man in front of her to answer. One wrong answer and it’ll be all it takes for her to fire the hex that’s on the tip of her tongue.
“Hungarian Horntail! To be specific you said it was across my chest.” The reply came out quicker than ever, it was him and not someone else. Realization crept into her as she lowered her wand from Harry’s throat.
“What are you doing here, I thought you had training?” She asked him, once she placed her wand securely into the pocket of her robes. Not missing the way Harry rubbed at the spot where she had her wand pointed at his throat a few seconds ago.
“My schedule changed, and I sent you an owl but you never replied back. So I decided to come see see that you were fine.” Harry said his voice filled with concern. She didn’t like it, he didn’t need to worry about her anymore, there wasn’t a war going on.
“I’m fine, you may leave now if you want-”
“Oh, come off it! Don’t lie to me Ginny, I’m not going anywhere. In case you forgot I’m also friends with Hermione, and she mentioned in a letter to Ron that you weren’t fine.”
“Oh, it’s nice that my git, of a brother tells you everything.” She replied coolly.
“That isn’t true, look Ginny, he’s worried about you. We all are, please don’t do this-”
“Do what? I’m perfectly fine.” Ginny said before flashing him a smile that didn’t quite reach her eyes. Hopefully the obliviousness that Harry had kicked in so he wouldn’t notice the truth in her lies. She needed him to go, and live his life without her. Why couldn’t he understand how broken she was? Why now when she wants him to be the most oblivious git in the world, he is suddenly paying attention to every thing she does or doesn’t do.
“Don’t play me as a fool, I know something is wrong. I had this feeling ever since you stopped replying to my letters and refused to go with me to Hogsmead.” Harry said as he walked closer to her, she could feel the warmth from his body and smell the woodsy aftershave he had on.
Momentarily her senses were clouded by him, and that scared her to the core, she couldn’t afford for her senses to betray her by welcoming happiness into her life. Not when she deserves to fall into the abyss of loneliness and despair.
Which is why she turned her head away from him, trying to focus on anything other than the man who was in front of her. “I’m fine,” she gritted out, “There’s no need for you to have come all the way down here just to see how broken I am.” She cofessed, not realizing what she had spoken until it was too late. She saw the way Harry’s green eyes widened in shock before looking very confused.
Fuck, there was no way she could escape this. Dammit, why couldn’t they just pretend she didn’t say anything and go their separate ways?
Oh right, that was impossible because it’s Harry, the boy-who-lived-to-wreck-her-plans, it was never easy keeping things from him. It was only a matter of time before managed to make the truth spill out from her own mouth.
Silence filled the empty space between them, the only thing that could be heard in the corridor was the sounds of their breathing. That was until Harry broke the silence, “What do you mean by broken?” His voice was laced in worry, it made her internally squirm, she didn’t need his pity and the thought made her want to die.
“It’s nothing, I didn’t mean-“
“Stop, you don’t need to pretend that you can do this by yourself. You’re not alone Ginny, I’m your boyfriend so stop treating me like your bloody fool!”
”Not for long, you won’t be,” she muttered quietly.
“What did you just say?” Harry’s voice had become hard, his emotions erased completely.
She shook her head, and wiped at her eyes, not at all surprised at the tears that had begun to fall. Fine, if he wanted to know the truth then so be it, it wasn’t like she couldn’t do this with a broken heart, anyways.
Then again, what would be left of her heart once she tells him the truth?
“Gin, if you don’t say anything….I swear to Merlin-”
“I can’t have children.” She interrupts him, before she lost her nerve she continued with shaky breath, “Madam P-Pomfrey…after I visited her because of these awful cramps I’ve been getting. S-She had ran a few tests and told me that, from the effects of the cruico’s I s-sustained from the Carrows….I won’t-“ she choked off into a sob.
”W-What?” Harry said softly, Ginny just shook her head and whispered, ‘I’m so sorry’, before covering her face with both of her hands and letting her tears fall.
She couldn’t do this, why did it have to be this way?
Fuck, why did she have to be a failure?
Why couldn’t she-
Harry’s shouting had effectively pulled her from the thoughts that tormented her. Yet, she couldn’t face him….how could she look into the man she loves and further break his heart with the truth that she was broken-
“Please….look at me.” Harry said, as his calloused hands gently pulled her hands away from her face. Her eyes were closed tight, as she bite her bottom lip, wishing that maybe this was just a horrible dream and that none of this was real.
Except….it was real, nothing was going to change that.
”Love….please, open your eyes” Harry spoke once more, his voice laced with emotion it caused her to slowly will her eyes open. She had to blink away the tears that blurred her vision. She felt Harry bring wipe the tears from her cheek, and that’s when she noticed how his eyes…his beautiful green eyes were now red-rimmed. It was all because of-
“I need you to know….that no matter what I will always be there for you. You don’t have to go through this alone….you have me forever.” Harry spoke gently as he brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. She didn’t deserve this…not his pity, he needs to know that she wasn’t going to hold him back from starting his life even if it meant watching him be happy from the sidelines.
After all she can do this with a broken heart…..but she couldn’t live with herself by breaking his heart in the process. Which is why she pulls her hand away from him, and tries to ignore the coldness she feels.
”Don’t….don’t try to soothe me with beautiful lies, Harry when I know the reality isn’t pretty.” She said once her breathing slows down.
”I’m not lying,” Harry said quickly, and lifted up his hand to show her the scar that he had from Umbridge’s blood quill. “See this, it’s physical proof that I’m not bloody lying.”
”Harry…you deserve someone who-“
”Don’t you dare say what I think you’re going to say.” Harry interrupted her once more, “I want you to understand that I love you. I don’t care how many times I have to say this but it’s the truth, you are the only woman I’ve ever loved and will ever love. You are enough and I will never leave your side.”
”You don’t understand. This changes everything, don’t you see? I can’t give you what you want, not now possibly not ever and I-“
”You’re everything that I want!”
Ginny didn’t say anything, as she felt Harry grab her hand and place it over his shirt. She could feel the beating of his heart against her palm, as his green eyes stared into her brown eyes, with such intensity she almost looked away.
”Now I’m going to speak and I would appreciate it, if you don’t say a word.” Harry nodded and held her hand tighter than before, all she could do was nod.
For a few minutes there was nothing but silence surrounding them. Neither of them moved, much less looked away from one another, that was until Harry briefly closed his eyes and shook his head.
”For longest time….I was alone, always thinking that I wouldn’t be capable of being loved by anyone. That maybe my life was destined to be hidden away in a cupboard, and away from the world.” Harry spoke, she felt him rub his thumb across her hand. It was as if, he was trying to stay anchored in this moment and not fall into his own past.
After a beat, Harry spoke again, this time he opened his eyes and looked directly into her eyes. It felt like he was looking into the depths of her soul, trying to make her understand.
”That was my future, to be alone. Until, I fell completely in love with a girl who accidentally placed her elbow into the butter dish, and who also wrote the most unique poem that I’ve ever heard before.” Harry winked at her, as he brought her closer to him.
“Fucking git.” She laughed through tears, it was then that she realized he was smiling at her.
”Ah, what did I say Miss Weasley? No talking, if I may recall. I suppose I’ll have to take some points off from Gryffindor in order to set things back in order.”
”Oh, really and tell me how can you do that if you don’t go to this school anymore?” She teased him, that’s when she realized how foolish she was in keeping him in the dark about this.
“Don’t tell anyone but I heard that McGonagall has a soft spot for me.”
”Does this mean I should be afraid that McGonagall is going to steal you away from me?” Ginny pulled her hand away from him and placed it over her chest like a dagger was pushed into her chest. “I didn't know you had a thing for older woman.”
”Oi! You know what, fine you caught me. It’s the biscuits that managed to make my heart swell up.”
She rolled her eyes and couldn’t help but laugh and it honestly felt so good. She hadn’t felt this carefree in such a long time it was insane, how Harry could manage to put her at ease.
It was then that she realized how foolish she was to ever think that Harry would feel differently towards her.
“Gin,” Harry said once they sobered up from laughing, “I love you and nothing will change that. You are one of the strongest and most beautiful women that I’ve ever seen in my life. I know you can do anything by yourself, hell you can do it with a broken heart and still manage to see things through. Except, you don’t have to…because you have me, and I will never let you go through this alone.”
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marketfreshfics · 2 months
The Stratagem Strain - Part III
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Plot summary: Arriving at Hogwarts for an advanced graduate program on the direct appointment of the Minister for Magic himself, Paisley Gallos anticipates a successful sixth year of classes. Unbeknownst to her, she is a pawn in a sinister ploy orchestrated long before the start of the school year.
Tags: violence | angst | blood | vampires | tragedy | forced proximity | regret | denial of feelings | NDEs | eventual smut | dark magic | accidental death | read on AO3
WARNING: This chapter contains scenes of graphic violence, blood and gore.
Theophilus Harlow was never fond of taking orders, despite his immaculate delivery on the follow-through. Were it anything else besides this momentous occasion, he’d employ one of the handlers at Horntail Hall to check this mess off the to-do list. His compliance was bound to Rookwood's authority and reinforced by the occasional galleon payment. Thus, albeit warily, he resolved with a trademark determination to see this task through to its conclusion.
No stranger to the grittier aspects of his line of work, this assignment would undoubtedly earn him a prominent mention on his professional dossier. The honour was not lost on Harlow; he understood the weight of the curse that churned within his gut—a responsibility he considered both a gift and a source of potent authority. Every detail of the forthcoming endeavour had been meticulously planned, and he stood poised to initiate the chain of events with unwavering resolve.
Naturally, there was a sense of accomplishment. Pride and prestige for being entrusted with setting the components in motion, toppling the first domino, privy to watch as the rest of them fell on the next in line, the forward momentum of disaster and death brought on by his move. He could watch from his vantage point at the start of everything and see the fruits of his labour sprout, bud, flower, and decay in that kingdom of the beginning of the end. The prospect made his mouth swim.
Still, the idea of whetting his whistle with swill this evening fouled his insides.
“Mudblood little bitch.”
“What was that, boss?” The Ashwinder recruit piped up, tugging his snake-emblem bandana over his mouth and nose.
Harlow let out a curt groan. “Keep an eye out. They’ll be along any moment now, and I want to get the jump on ‘em.”
The recruit fidgeted with his wand, tossing it between his palms. "And, the plan?"
“She’ll be travelling with another student,” Harlow interjected with a steely edge. “Make quick work of them, y’hear? Can't leave any witnesses.”
The Ashwinder shifted his weight uneasily, swaying back and forth like a jittery pendulum in an attempt to quash his nerves.
Harlow sighed wearily, the weight of impatience palpable. “Oh come now, don’t bloody well tell me you’re one of those soft ones. You let an Ironbelly singe your arse hairs off, but the idea of snuffing out a mopey teenager is too much?” 
“They’re just kids, boss.” 
Harlow threw him a loaded cannon of glare.
The Ashwinder relented, throwing his hands up. “Alright, alright! I’ll get it done.”
Harlow sniffed the air, catching a faint lick of life on the barely-there breeze. Even through the slight mist, he could discern the subtle aroma of two heartbeats, synchronized in rhythm, growing more tantalizing with each step forward that carried them closer. It was a slow build to savour, a crescendo of anticipation, waiting for the wren to perch so the fox could snap it up. The sensation thrilled Harlow to the core, matched only by his unrelenting thirst.
As footsteps scattered pebbles on the path, marring the scent of blood with upturned dirt, an involuntary growl bubbled within Harlow's throat.
“Which one are you taking, again?” The Ashwinder wielded his wand, his gaze darting toward Harlow for guidance.
Harlow pinched the brim of his bowler hat, his gaze filled with predatory intent.
“The girl. Dispose of the boy, whatever means possible.”
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It wasn’t every day that Paisley found herself comparing ratios of Bertie Botts bean flavours based on package size, but Sebastian seemed intent on making it a topic of debate, no doubt to help distract her ping-ponging fears. His freckle-dusted grin broadened before he popped another unsuspecting bean in his mouth, and his complacent expression deemed it savoury. “Honestly, I think the amount of bad versus good beans depends on how the candymaker was feeling that day.”
Paisley couldn't help but emit a derisive snort. “You cannot be serious.”
“There’s a kernel of truth to it,” Sebastian argued. “I’ve been a loyal customer to Honeydukes since my first year, even had the odd treat of stopping in before that when my parents were still around.”
A twinge of discomfort knotted her insides at the underlying tension there. Instead of addressing it, plenty dredged in the difficult anxiety of the present, she deftly changed tack. “Do they change flavour varieties often?”
“Nah.” His response was a chew of sound, of gelatin lodged between teeth. “They’ve been pretty consistent since I was a child, I’m guessing far beyond that as well. But I often wonder how they decide which boxes receive more good beans than bad." A sudden spark of animation lit up his features. "I swear, there was one week when I indulged excessively, and every box I opened contained nothing but delightful flavours! It felt like striking gold. Must have been a stroke of luck from the sweets-maker himself..." “Perhaps someone warmed his bedroll.”
Sebastian nearly choked on his candy. “That’d do it-”
The paradigm shifted so abruptly, so entirely, as Paisley was snatched up before her brain could detect the threat, a blur of broad, striped waistcoat dragging her into the dense cover of the Forbidden Forest. A silencing charm swiftly cut off her shrill scream, planned and executed with chilling precision.
And before Sebastian could even react, dropping the box of sweets to retrieve his wand, he was already dodging a blasting curse from an Ashwinder. 
“Paisley?” The underlying silence behind the zips and thrums of spell barrages heading his way caused Sebastian's voice to become tense mid-battle. He prioritized shield charms, suspecting, correctly, that the dark wizard would employ some more unsanctioned forms of magic. A hex narrowly skimmed his shoulderblade, passing over the arc of his shield spell, and the Slytherin countered with Confringo.
The Ashwinder was fast on his feet, tucking and rolling in the nick of time, and as he took a moment to right himself Sebastian bolted off the main path, diverting towards the Forbidden Forest, sprinting along the dirt path and past the countless signs foreboding the danger within. 
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Caught in Harlow's overpowering grasp, Paisley found herself ensnared, her resistance futile against the immense force. She made twisted attempts to break away, but she was entangled in his sinister hold, her flailing movements a tragicomic dance of rebellion against an unchangeable force.
As Harlow's eerie laughter echoed through the air, Paisley's heart sank as she realized how far they had travelled in what seemed like an instant. A chilling sensation enveloped her as she struggled to make sense of their inexplicable journey, of the distance traversed in moments. Her logical mind desperately sought answers, even in the face of danger.
“Your little friend is trying to find you,” He looked at her with disdain, his breath fanning heat and horror on her face. She sensed the spell that had silenced her starting to weaken, her audible grunts of resistance serving as proof, while Harlow continued chiding her. “But I doubt he’ll be so friendly once he does. Perhaps he can be your first meal…”
“What the devil are you talking about?” Still confused by his uncontrollable power over her, Paisley mumbled under her breath as she writhed in fruitless attempts to break free. It terrified her, for more reasons than one.
Harlow grinned darkly at her, then leaned in, mouth open wide, targeting her throat.
Paisley's spell struck Harlow point-blank, the abrupt impact freeing her. She took advantage of the moment to scuttle backwards, creating distance, but the outcome of her quick wandwork was nightmare fuel in itself. The spell shredded through his shoulder cap, flaying his skin, altering his silhouette. The sight of his exposed bone, with its pale pink and white hues, was disturbing enough, let alone the flesh torn asunder to reveal the pulsating agony beneath. The dark wizard howled more in shock than pain, exhaling forcefully through his flared nostrils as he glared knives into her. 
“You bitch…”
It would have been an ideal opportunity for escape then, but as Harlow composed himself, Paisley observed in startled fascination as his shoulder miraculously started to heal right before her eyes. A network of muscle fibres wove around his humerus, connecting with the sinew of bone and nerves, while a fresh layer of skin and visceral enveloped it all, similar to wrapping meat in butcher paper. The bizarre nature caught Paisley off guard, and as Harlow approached, he smirked with irritation. “Well, that pissed me off.” He lunged toward her, but she managed to evade the forward motion, relying on her agility to navigate through the thick bramble around her. She winced as the thorny branches snagged on her forearms, leaving angry, red, weeping scratches on her skin. Her sole focus was to escape from his line of sight, so she could stun or maim him further.
Harlow's head twitched, the scant scent of blood piercing the veil of focus, and a snarl-turned roar ripped from his throat. In an instant, her attention shifted behind her, fully aware that his threat dug beyond the mere barrier of simple harm. With determination, she raised her wand and unleashed another spell, this time shooting Glacius with intent.
The freezing charm struck Harlow's dominant arm, fusing his wand to his palm. With determination, he clenched his jaw as he shook off the layer of frost, raising the conduit of his dark magic to hurl a stun toward Paisley, which she promptly dodged.
Engrossed in an intense exchange of magic, the two ventured further into the Forbidden Forest, the canopy of trees growing denser, the daylight diminishing rapidly. And despite how steadfast she was in her resolve, Paisley couldn’t help but sense that fate had already predetermined the predicament. She glowered at Harlow, before dodging a disarming spell, countering with---
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“Bombarda!” Sebastian nearly swung a full rotation around a tree trunk, narrowly evading the Ashwinder's attack. With wide eyes, he observed the enemy preparing to cast another spell his way. Ducking each of his limbs behind the sprawling white oak, he anticipated the impact of the spell on the tree. As the fractured bark shattered and splinters flew outwards, he seized the opportunity to unleash a torrent of Incendio toward his attacker.
“Ah!” The Ashwinder yipped, evidence that Sebastian’s spell hit paydirt. The wizard shook off the stray flames, caught on his pant leg, but it wasn't enough to hinder. “You’ll get raked for that!” He hollered, but Sebastian was already on the move, rolling down an embankment to transition to an entirely different path, intent on confusing his pursuer as he ambled upright into a full sprint again. He refrained from looking back, as the audible crunch of gravel beneath his feet served as a constant reminder of the Ashwinder's near pursuit. Projectiles of red swiftly passed by in close proximity, his erratic running pattern seemingly far from foolish for how effective it proved, and at one point he observed that he managed to dodge a stray tail of green light from a spell he had never seen before--
“Petrificus Totalis!”
Sebastian's body went stiff, his arms rigid at his sides, and he collapsed to the ground, letting out a pained groan as he felt the sting of broken skin along his forehead. The shit-eating grin of the Ashwinder evolved to a guffaw, much to Sebastian's chagrin. He approached Sebastian, panting with self-assured swagger, as if he had just proven himself by outsmarting a student. “About time you stopped trying to scurry off, little rat.”
The dark wizard nudged Sebastian’s petrified form and rolled him over, rendering him face-up. He sneered down with disdain in a sordid, pathetic demonstration of authority. “I’ve got you now…” Sebastian sensed the wane of the petrification charm, though he remained motionless, not letting a single breath escape. Drawing upon his duelling experience, he awaited the moment when the unsuspecting Ashwinder would raise his wand, providing patience over power. There would be one opportunity, no more; with the incoming Expulso spell at such proximity, the sheer force of impact alone would likely stop his heart.
Once the spell manifested, Sebastian immediately flicked his wand upwards, uttering, “Protego!”
As expected, the shield deflected the spell. It ricocheted and returned to the caster, sending the dark wizard flying backwards in a somersault through the air. His cry came to an abrupt halt as he collided with the nearby cliff face, a sickening crunch sealing his fate. 
Wholly unprepared to investigate after the Ashwinder remained still for several heart-wrenching seconds, Sebastian pivoted on his heel in the direction where his newfound companion had been taken away. He hoped above all else that the last of his luck had not run up just then.
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Luck was not generous to Paisley. Her competencies in magic combat were remarkable, with spellwork finessed from dedication to her craft, Still, she was not prepared to take on Harlow, deftly avoiding her spells and leaving her in frustrated awe of his dexterity. He appeared to defy the laws of physics with every blurred sidestep, and Paisley couldn't help but wonder whether he had enhancement beyond what mere mortals could achieve.
Paisley was abruptly pulled airborne towards her kidnapper, who yanked her wand from her dominant hand with a grin before she hit the ground. Her struggle only amused her impromptu captor, his smirk a testament to dominance. 
Harlow caught Paisley’s leg, and despite her kicks and thrashes, his inhuman strength managed to keep a hold of her, dragging her through the underbrush without cause or care for the scrapes and bruises she acquired along the way. “Let, me, go!” She grit through a clenched jaw, curling her torso upright to claw his arm, anything to get him to release her or loosen his grip, but her attempts were met with cruel indifference.
“Ah, a fighter are ye?” Harlow’s snide remark sunk in, wholly entertained as he pinned her to the dirt with an elbow pushing between her ribs, forcing the air from her lungs faster than she could welcome it in. “ That’s good, you'll need it… but for now, you’re just makin’ this more difficult than it needs to be, kid.”
His mouth opened wide, angled at her neck, his intentions clear. When the realization hit, panic surged through Paisley, her cries of terror rending the air as she pleaded for salvation, her mind racing with thoughts of escape, of rescue. Had Sebastian managed to escape from that other wizard? 
In the depths of her terror, Paisley clung to a desperate hope, a fervent wish that she alone would bear the weight of the impending tragedy. It was a selfish plea amidst the chaos of her ordeal. She prayed, with every fibre of her being, that she would be the sole victim of Harlow's depravity this fateful evening. For in that moment of anguish, the alternative was too monstrous to contemplate — the thought of another soul enduring the same fate, the same agony, was a burden far too heavy at this moment. And so, amidst the turmoil that harassed her hopeless soul, she clung to that solitary hope, a fragile thread of solace in the darkness that threatened to consume her whole.
His razor-sharp incisors lacerated her jaw as he missed his mark once, twice, then thrice, still a novice to feeding on something so alive and virile.
Paisley was determined to thwart his progress, writhing and coughing through the pinch point of his arm to her chest. Harlow muttered an expletive, withdrew his wand, and prodded her chin.
“Arresto Momentum!”
Paisley was rendered immobile, and her fate was sealed.
Harlow gave no pause or reprieve, finally biting into Paisley’s throat.
Suction pulled her jugular into his mouth, and he consumed her blood, her accelerated pulse practically flushing it to him willingly, as each heartbeat became a morbid offering. Paisley's final scream rent the air as the stopping charm faded, its fruitless attempt at intervention fading into obscurity, and the darkness swallowed her gargled pleas.
At that moment, Sebastian let the echo of her howl guide the way, his heart clenched with a mixture of dread and despair. The flicker of hope that sustained him faltered, its fragile flame threatened by the relentless onslaught of despair, like the first unsuccessful attempt to blow out a candle, bending the flame to near extinguishment.
“No…” A cold dread settled over him in a suffocating shroud. Sickening certainty assured him that his intervention would come too little, too late, a bitter realization. The burden of self-doubt bore down upon him with crushing force, doubling his center of gravity until he felt liable to collapse under its oppressive weight. He couldn’t manage to keep a classmate safe on a routine trip to Hogsmeade; what good was he for even attempting to cure his sister? Paisley’s already sapped strength was being let out entirely, her heartbeats slowing, her lungs rendered dormant. But for all the pain of holding on, therein lay a tranquil acceptance of the inevitable. As her life came to a close, she felt a strange sense of peace wash over her, as if the forest itself conspired to cradle her in its embrace. In the stillness of that fateful moment, the spectre of death loomed ever closer, its gentle whispers beckoning Paisley forth with a solemn invitation, and it was an all too familiar friend in the end. 
And yet, amidst the darkness, a yearning stirred within her.
Oh, how she wished she could see the stars one last time…
Before she lost consciousness, she witnessed Harlow slash his finger, inserting it into her mouth, and then spreading his blood across her tongue. Fortunately, at that point, she lost the ability to taste.
And then Paisley slipped into the very last sleep she would ever experience.
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celestial--sapphic · 13 days
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I thought it would be fun to create graphic versions of all the signs, letters, notes, newspaper clippings and other documents which feature in my Poppy Sweeting x f!MC fic Kiss me (like you wanna be loved) 🎨
This letter appears in the fourth chapter and is opened by Poppy during breakfast.
You can read a snippet of the scene where it features below the cut ⬇️
“I think it’s her latest recipe.” Poppy says before she has even unfolded the note, obviously recognising the handwriting. She scans the parchment quickly and then unexpectedly offers it to Evelyn, who takes it gingerly. The Hufflepuff opens up the feed bag to inspect the treats, as the Slytherin reads.
My dearest granddaughter, Poppy’s grandmother’s writing curves elegantly against the parchment.
I am very excited to inform you that my rhubarb has finally come into season and I have been treated to a bumper crop. There was more than enough for the beasts and for me to make several tartlets (they are frozen and await your return). 
Please do let me know the reaction to my latest infusion, as the holly one was such a hit. 
In other news: 
I recently discovered our resident fairy population has laid a fresh clutch of eggs, they are likely to hatch before you are home.  
The Winthropes are still suffering with their gnome infestation, I daresay they do not make it easy for themselves. 
When Mr Chopra’s son delivered my shrivelfigs on Wednesday he was quite insistent that he saw a quintaped on one of his deliveries. I attempted to explain to him – as you well know – that firstly, such beasts are not native to Sussex and secondly, that if he saw such a beast he would not have lived to tell the tale. I am not sure I changed his mind though, he was quite convinced. 
I hope Highwing is well and you are both staying out of trouble. I am pleased to hear you are spending more time with friends at Hogwarts though, both in your house and otherwise. I might be a biased old hag but they are very lucky to have you. 
Do make sure you are looking after yourself and focus on your studies, even if that means spending less time near the pens, your O.W.Ls are important.  
All my love and affection,  
It feels odd to read a letter directly from Poppy’s gran, almost like an invasion of privacy despite the Hufflepuff willingly handing it over. It doesn’t escape Evelyn how easily, how absolutely unconsciously, Poppy did pass the parchment over to her. At one time, Poppy’s family was a secret which she clung close to her chest, hardly revealing anything to anyone – not that there was anyone she was close enough with anyway. For a long while her gran was, in many ways, the only real person in her life and her parents a source of sadness, shame and unresolved anger – emotions which Evelyn had been privy to on only a couple of occasions; Horntail Hall being one. 
No doubt letters from her gran would be read and closed with no second set of eyes seeing them; no one to discuss the content with. But Poppy has opened up more and more since they entered this strange more-than-friends space they find themselves in. She has shared a menagerie of details, stories and funny little facts. Everything from her gran’s research (past and present), to places they have gone on holiday (Whitby, Llandudno), and what it's like at their house at Christmas (cinnamon cider warming on the stove in the morning and games in the evening). The simple act of her handing Evelyn a letter from the most important person in her life is perhaps the most significant thing to date in their burgeoning courtship; more than the private, intense kisses, more than the murmured confirmation of feelings, more than the increasingly courageous touches over their respective uniforms. 
It feels personal – deeply intimate, even. 
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saibug1022 · 11 months
Safe & Sound
Word Count: 1.9k
Sebastian Sallow x Ominis Gaunt x Ambrose Varyn (Male HL MC)
A/N: So this is my first time writing for Hogwarts Legacy which is my new unwilling hyperfixation. I'm obsessed with these characters and this game. This specifically exists in a sort of gray area between dating and pre-relationship, so honestly it can be read either way :)
As he turned the corner out of Fig’s sight Ambrose had to grab onto the wall to keep from falling as his legs nearly gave out from under him. He regretted wearing simple robes to Hogsmeade rather than his armor or even a heavy vest, just something thicker. Something thick enough he wouldn’t have been able to feel the hand on his shoulder as he was forcefully disapparated away. He could still feel that hand, the harsh grip on his shoulder. He could feel it all throughout his talk with Professor Fig and the Keepers no matter how he tried to hide it.
He knew he had a mission to complete so he tried to force everything down; the pain from the fight, the way his hand shook around his wand, the flashes of sickly green in his mind’s eye, how spells and that hauntingly familiar phrase echoed in his head. He shoved it all away behind a wall to force himself to focus, yet Fig must have seen something as before the Keepers could reveal the final repository he urged Ambrose to rest after what he’d been through. He pointed out how Ambrose would never survive a fight with Ranrok and his loyalists while half dead on his feet and no matter how Ambrose tried he couldn’t argue. So he’d left.
With every step he took it become harder and harder to keep the wall up. But he was managing. He didn’t have time for any of that. He could deal with it later, with all the other things he’d shoved behind the wall to also deal with later. For instance, everything that happened with Sebastian and Anne and the guilt of not being able to cure her, Natty getting cursed, Horntail Hall, Lodgok’s death, finding the dead body of Tobbs in that cave, the lies in his letters home, the fact that he had yet to receive a single letter from his parents…
But it was still up. The wall may be splintering, letting echoes and feelings and shaking hands through, but it was up. That was what mattered. He needed to get some sleep, bother Garreth or ask Professor Sharp for a particularly good healing potion, then return to the map chamber and reconvene with the Keepers. 
His footsteps echoed hollowly on the stairs to the Slytherin common room. He wasn’t surprised at the silence, it was abysmally late. Yet as he reached the bottom he realized there was a sound, the familiar sound of particularly thick pages. The turning stopped.
“Ambrose?” That oh-so-welcome voice called out. Ominis. Ominis. Of course, he’d wait up. Ambrose had been a bit vague in his owl as to where he was going and to not expect him for the rest of the day’s classes or dinner. There was a small grunt as well. “Sebastian, get up, he’s back!”
“Stop kicking me,” Sebastian complained. Ambrose almost laughed. They both stayed up waiting for him. “I know you’re blind Ominis but he isn’t here.”
“He’s on the stairs, I heard footsteps and I can hear him breathing. Though it sounds oddly staggered.”
“Staggered? That can’t be good. You don’t think he’s injured again do you?”
“I don’t know, he’s just standing on the stairs.”
“Why is he- Ambrose?” Sebastian called for him again and Ambrose took a deep breath as the shaking began again. He was fine. Just reassure his friends and he could go on with everything. 
Ambrose made it down the last few stairs where he saw Sebastian already on his feet and Ominis standing up. He offered Sebastian a smile but Ominis’s eyebrows were scrunched up a little in concern. Sebastian made a small gasp before Ambrose could even get a word in. 
“My God, what happened to you?” Sebastian exclaimed and Ambrose winced. 
“What is it, what’s happened?” Ominis demanded. 
“He looks beaten to hell, Ambrose, you should be in the hospital wing!” Sebastian practically flew across the common room and put his hand on Ambrose’s shoulders to look him over. “Are you alright?”
Ambrose tried to say ‘yes’. ‘Yes, I’m fine’, ‘Just tired’, something. But instead, as he watched Sebastian’s worried eyes flit about checking for injuries and saw Ominis appear next to Sebastian and reach for Ambrose’s hands, all he could think about was how terrified he’d been. He remembered diving behind a crate and curling in on himself, arms shielding his head, as curses and spells flew at him, narrowly missing him and slowly destroying his cover. He remembered tears gathering in his eyes as he tried to recall the faces of everyone he loved, wanting them to be the last things on his mind. He remembered thinking he’d never see them again.
But they were here. He saw them again. He had been so sure he was going to die, or worse. 
But he was alive. 
The boys he loved were here.
And the wall just fell.
Instead of a flippant dismissal or some sort of sarcastic comment a small whimper came out instead. His eyes burned as tears gather once more but this time he was safe enough that they could fall. By that point, they were going to fall even if he tried to stop them. 
“Oh Rose,” Sebastian sighed and pulled Ambrose into him. 
Ambrose just went, letting himself be pulled in and secured by arms around his waist and a hand stroking up and down his spine. He fisted his hand in the back of Sebastian’s shirt and buried his nose in Sebastian’s neck like he could hide from the world in there. His shoulders shook with sobs that still couldn’t quite make it out. 
He was drowning. That was the only way to describe it. The wall was a dam and when it broke everything he’d fought so hard to ignore just came flooding in and now he was drowning, suffocating, in everything. Memories and thoughts and feelings forced their way into his heart, his mind, his lungs, until he could hardly breathe. He clung to Sebastian like he was driftwood in a storm. His breath came in stutters and hiccups and he could barely feel Sebastian around him.
Children should be seen, not heard.
I was bringing it to you…
It’s dragon fights.
You can’t hide!
Ammy when are you coming home?
Ambrose jolted at the feeling of another set of arms around him. Hands trailed down his arms until they found his and intertwined their fingers, not moving them from Sebastian’s back, simply holding them. A chest pressed against his back and a head rested between his shoulder blades. Ominis stood behind him, Sebastian in front, both holding him securely and just letting him shiver between them. Even with what was on the horizon, it was the first time since meeting Professor Fig at the carriage that he felt well and truly safe. That feeling, the feeling that he could finally afford to breathe, was all it took.
A sob finally ripped itself from his chest, so violently it hurt his ribs and got caught in his throat. After that came another and another, tearing themselves free and taking his strength with them. The pain of his injuries crept back in but still, he just sobbed and sobbed until he didn’t have the breath nor the energy to cry anymore. He hadn’t even noticed his legs crumpling or the cold tile floor beneath his knees because Sebastian and Ominis had simply held onto him and come down with him. They let him fall apart but they acted as anchors, keeping him from being completely washed away.
When his sobs turned to hiccups he managed to sit up. Both boys let him but neither moved from where they sat as Ambrose wiped at his face.
“What happened?” Ominis asked, much softer than his fearful demand from earlier.
“Your owl just said not to expect you for classes or dinner and that you were going into Hogsmeade then an errand for the Keepers,” Sebastian added. “Who did this to you?”
“Rookwood,” Ambrose answered, though he could barely make out the name himself his voice was so rough. 
“Rookwood,” Sebastian spit out the name. His hands clenched into fists so tight they began to shake from the tension. “Where was he? I’ll go back there and make him pay for this.”
“He’s gone, Sebastian,” Ambrose shook his head. “I-I killed him.”
“What?” Ominis breathed. Ambrose turned to him with a pleading expression he knew Ominis couldn’t even see. 
“I had to,” Ambrose swore. “I didn’t want to but him and his Ashwinders grabbed me from Hogsmeade and trapped me in these ruins as every Ashwinder in the highlands showed up all at once. They only stopped when I killed Rookwood, I-I had to, Ominis, I was going to die, they were going to kill me.”
“Breathe, Ambrose, it’s alright, I believe you,” Ominis reassured him and Ambrose felt the tension creeping back into his shoulders release again. He’d been scared enough of losing Ominis to his own death, but the thought of Ominis choosing to never speak to him because he’d lived, well, that was somehow worse. “Are you alright?”
“I think I just answered that question,” Ambrose chuckled humorlessly.
“No matter how you’re doing emotionally you need to go to the hospital wing,” Sebastian said. “You’re covered in bruises and I think you’re bleeding, you look awful, and that’s with your robes on.”
“You say the nicest things, Seb,” Ambrose hummed. “I’ll be fine I just ran out of Wiggenweld potions, I’ll get some more in the morning.”
“Or you go to the hospital wing now,” Sebastian insisted. He tried to pull Ambrose to his feet but Ambrose refused to budge. Maybe he did need attention for his injuries. But with how late it was he’d just be forced to spend the night in the hospital wing and that wasn’t what he need right now. He needed safety and warmth and familiarity. “Ambrose-”
“Please, Sebastian,” Ambrose muttered. Sebastian paused. “Not tonight. Please.”
Sebastian hesitated, even Ominis looked like he was going to agree with him, but finally, Sebastian sighed and knelt back down.
“Fine,” Sebastian relented. “Right Ominis?”
“Really?” Ominis sighed. “Alright. But if Wiggenweld doesn’t fix you right up in the morning then you’re going straight to the hospital wing without discussion.”
“Deal, you worrywart,” Ambrose teased.
“We are at least getting you to bed,” Sebastian declared. “Come on, you. Up you get.”
Ambrose considered arguing further, finding for once that the Slytherin common room’s floor was the comfiest floor he’d ever sat on, but he relented and let the two boys lead him up to their dormitory. To his surprise, however, rather than being sat down on his own bed, he was led to Sebastian’s. He almost said something but instead bit his lip to hide a smile. The three of them changed and crawled into Sebastian’s bed together, positions mirroring that of earlier, and Ambrose let himself ignore what may come in the morning. Just this once, he ignored his mind and listened to the feeling of warmth in his heart. He was safe here. 
For now.
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sosonris · 5 months
Poppy and Thomas
And their little trip to Horntail Hall
Courage and stupidity PART 2
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
Instead of becoming a lame ass cop after the final battle, Harry gets to travel the world.
He looks for magical creatures with Luna and hunts down rare magical plants with Neville. He explores Australia with Ron and Hermione. He hangs out with Charlie in Romania and has Bill show him the sights in Egypt. He sees Narcissa Malfoy in France with a beautiful woman on her arm and the first honest smile he has ever seen on her face. He gets lost in America where no one knows who he is. He goes to museums, art galleries, and music festivals and finally learns about both worlds he was born to.
He changes his style every week, one day with hair that goes down nearly to his ass, braided with charms and beads and whatever else Luna could find, the next its cropped close to his head and dyed a blinding pink. He experiments with leather jackets and ridiculously tight pants. He wears dresses and learns how to do makeup. He gets piercings and finally gets that Horntail tattoo Ginny joked about, along with a sleeve to honor all those that he lost. He learns that putting time into himself isn’t a waste and that he had never deserved what had been done to him as a child.
He has a string of relationships, some good and some bad, none of them for very long. Men, women, neither, both, each of them teaches him something and each of them leave a mark on him in one way or another. He learns how to love in the way adults love instead of the desperate yearning of a child who has never had anyone, clinging onto those around him with ragged nails bitten down to the nub. He learns that he had never been a freak.
And when he finally comes home, changed at the very core of him, he throws himself into learning. He gets a degree on his own time and when he approaches Minerva with his resume and a sheepish smile on his red-painted lips she takes it from his tattooed fingers, runes for protection to go with the lily on the back of his hand that covers a scar full of hate and pain, with a smile and tells him that she expects to see his lesson plans by the end of the week.
Harry’s classroom and office are covered in mementos of his travels. Bits and bobs that his students press him for their stories when they don’t want to finish their lessons. Sometimes he indulges them. Sometimes he doesn’t. Sometimes he wears robes while he lectures at the front of the room. Sometimes he wears a slouchy sweater and a skirt that hits his ankles. Sometimes he is in a band shirt and ripped jeans. All through it, his students adore him. They know he will listen to them when they are having problems understanding or issues with friends. They know he will protect them, standing between them and Peeves’ more cruel pranks. They know he cares for them, every kid that steps through his classroom door, even the ones who spit his name between clenched teeth with hate in their eyes for the ghosts that haunt everyone touched by the war.
As the years go by he, like slughorn, is also known for collecting, but in a different way. It starts with a sad little Slytherin girl, with too thin wrists and eyes surrounded by dark circles. It takes all of a month for him to be officially awarded custody through the new Department of Magical Family Welfare headed by Hermione and funded, in large part, through his own generous donations. His daughter blooms under the positive attention becoming a happy, sweet thing that runs through the halls with a familiar ghost with laughing eyes and mischief in his voice. His son, a fierce little Puff who keeps throwing himself into fights, comes next, tempered under Harry’s careful guidance. He becomes Hogwarts dueling champion by the time he’s a third year. His next child, his clever little Ravenclaw who isn’t great with people or emotions but has a mind more brilliant than anyone he has ever seen. There are others, some that stay and some that move on to other families, but all of them are his children. His kids. Christmas time in the Potter home is a madhouse with owls going in every direction and color coded stacks of presents for each of their family members.
After everything Harry gets to grow, to heal, and gets to change the world in a way that doesn’t include violence and pain and a broken body laying face down in a forest clearing.
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helenadurazzo · 1 year
Shines Like Gold
Welcome to the finale of the four part storyline featuring Poppy Sweeting, Garreth Weasley, and Zsuzsi Schröder as they go on another quest to beat the poachers to the golden snidgets in a secret locale.
As I said before, this series happens simultaneously with my Sebastian, Ominis, and Phineas stories and after I finish the next four parter, everyone will come together for my rewrite of other side quests as well as the main quest
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Zsuzsi fully expected that looking for Dorran would be a much longer and more difficult. She worried that they would run into the other centaurs again, and such an encounter would be dire if Dorran had not been able to reason with the rest of his herd. However, it seemed like Dorran saw something in the stars as he met them not too far from the edge of the forest, standing their silently, listening to the sounds of the forest.
“It is good to see you again Dorran,” Poppy greeted the Centaur with a smile
“I am glad you three have returned in one piece.” Dorran smiled with a chuckle, “good that you made a safe return. I did question the wisdom of sending you on a path at a time when that path was unknown at best, deadly at worst. But the acumen of centaurs is neither personal nor partial. The skies tell us what is to come - and often we do not know what we have seen until it has come to pass. Many, many moons ago. I divined a series of events, their meaning long evaded me- until you three brought news of the snidgets and their poachers pursuers. Now, was there anything you discovered?”
“The moonstone summoned mooncalves allowing them to dance as if it were a full moon.” Garreth explained, “Zsuzsi sketched a picture of their dance pattern.”
Zsuzsi pulled out her notepad, flipped to the proper page and showed it the Dorran, “I am not a master of sketching mooncalf dance patterns but this was the design I was able to replicate.”
As Dorran carefully observed Zsuzsi’s sketch, Poppy gently asked, “Do you know why or what it means? Does it have to do with the snidgets?”
Dorran nodded and handed the notepad back to Zsuzsi before turning to their group, “The breath of knowledge can be as wide as the sea and yet only run so deep. I believe the symbol created by the mooncalves’ dance marks the place where the snidgets are hidden. And serendipitously, I believe I know the very place that the symbol refers to. I have only see the symbol once before, on a rock face in the cliffs of the forest, it’s not too far from here. You three should make haste there. The snidgets that have been kept there for so many years may no longer be safe. We cannot afford to lose the snidgets once again.”
“Are you not coming with us?” Garreth asked.
“Do not fret.” Dorran comfortably said, “I need to speak with the herd about this. I will meet you at the symbol in the rock as soon as I can.”
“Thank you for everything Dorran.” Poppy smiled.
Dorran nodded farewell, “Good luck.”
“This looks to be the place.” Garreth breathed as he, Zsuzsi, and Poppy approached a stone castle ruins not unlike the one they found where the Hebridean Black was. However, unlike those ruins, these seemed to be more in tact and even livable.
“And look up there!” Poppy pointed out, “The symbol above the entrance, it looks exactly like the ones the mooncalves made at the henge. Of course Dorran implied as much but to see it up there is even more reassuring.”
“So this is where the snidgets are hidden.” Zsuzsi assumed, “Not the place I’d first think of but I guess that is what makes it a good hiding spot.”
“Indeed.” Poppy smiled, “I am glad we seem to be a step ahead of the poachers, although I personally believe they aren’t the brightest in the world as they rely on brute strength to achieve their ambitions.”
“It is it a little strange we haven’t heard anything from them.” Garreth cautiously stated, “It is almost like how we did not hear anything about them after we stole the dragon egg from Horntail Hall.”
“I assume they are still trying to decipher my Gran’s research.” Poppy guessed, “There was a fair amount after all. And unlike them, we have Dorran on our side and as long as we hurry, by the time the poachers get here, we will be long gone and the snidgets will be safe.”
“Should we wait for Dorran?” Zsuzsi asked
“He said he would not be too long so I think we should just go ahead.” Garreth replied confidently and bravely, “We are in a rush after all.”
“True..” Poppy hesitantly agreed, “Plus it looks like we will have to do a bit of work to figure out how to get into these ruins in the first place. There does not seem to be a particular entrance.”
“Perhaps Schröder can find this secret and hidden entrance.” Garreth pointed out charmingly, “She is the Ravenclaw out of all of us.”
“Just because I have to answer a riddle every time I have to get into my dormitory doesn’t mean I can find a secret entrance.” Zsuzsi informed him, “but I will certainly try.” She said as she walked forward, examining the courtyard.
There were three pillars, two were placed on a circular pattern while the third was in the middle, with a perfect space to put the moonstone in, not unlike the henge they had previously discovered. Curious, she carefully placed the moonstone in to see what would happen. She had half expected mooncalves to come once again yet that did not seem to happen. Instead, the moonstone glowed and seemed to trigger the glowing of two different runes on the doorway arch. Zsuzsi walked a little bit closer to the doorway to examine the specific runes.
She turned to Garreth, “You took ancient runes did you not? Can you read these symbols for me.”
“I may not be as good as Hearst but let’s see.” Garreth commented before coming next to Zsuzsi, after examine the runes he spoke once again, “Each seems to reflect a different natural element. The two with the glowing outlines seem to be the symbols for light and air.”
“Intriguing.” Zsuzsi noted.
“Do you think the pillars move?” Poppy suggested, “If they do then perhaps putting them in the proper positioning, to where they align with these symbols, will allowing the door to open.”
Garreth playfully shrugged his shoulders, “Suppose it’s worth a shot.”
It took a few different tries to get the proper positioning of the pillars to be perfectly precise. It almost seemed like potion making, one small error could cause the whole process to not properly function. Zsuzsi was just glad the pillars were capable of moving using magical methods as they looked extremely heavy and difficult to push or pull. However, soon enough they were able to pass through the doorway and entered into a darker room lit by candles.
“Look at the murals on the wall!” Poppy was the first to make an observation about the room, “They are all creatures. This seems to be such a relaxing place, unlike any of the oppressive poacher camps.”
“Basically this is a place where creatures can be free and unharmed by human civilization and greed?” Garreth assumed.
“Exactly!” Poppy beamed. “The aura this place gives off is one of safety and serenity.”
As they continued walking, Zsuzsi stumbled into another room, it’s walls filled with books that stretched up to the sky, “Whoever built this place certainly liked to read.”
“So probably a bookworm Ravenclaw like Amit or Marie?” Garreth noted.
“Probably.” Zsuzsi chuckled, as much of a stereotype it was for Ravenclaws to love research and reading, Zsuzsi had only read a couple of books of magical origin during her time at Hogwarts so far that were not a part of the curriculum. Yet, this place seemed as vast as the restricted section of the library at Hogwarts was rumored to be. But instead of it being filled with books about dark magic, these seemed to be filled with novels and research account about any type of magical creature you could dream of. She turned to Poppy with a smile, “Based on everything you have told me, your Gran would love it here.”
“She would!” Poppy exclaimed in agreement, “I can’t wait to tell her all about it.”
As they reached a balcony that overlooked what appeared to be a ballroom, Garreth made a request, “You think me and Zsu will be able to meet her some time? She seems like a remarkable woman.”
“I’m sure I can arrange a meeting.” Poppy smiled, “My gran’s home is so quaint and beautiful, creatures never seem to show any fear when approaching her backyard. Almost as if she were like one of those princesses from muggle fairytales.”
“Sounds so enchanting.” Zsuzsi noted, “I would personally enjoy seeing what your Gran’s study is like.”
“It’s truly remarkable, reminds me a lot of this place except on a smaller scale, you’ll never know what you will discover next” Poppy explained. “And-“
Suddenly a voice broke through their whimsical wonder, and it certainly did not belong to Dorran, “Little Poppy Sweeting!” It called out in a taunting fashion, “Forgot to cover your tracks?”
“What was that..?” Garreth whispered
Before someone could answer his question, the sounds of Apparation were heard all throughout the structure as poachers filled the room. In addition, there seemed to be some other dark wizards with them such as a man in a old fashioned black suit and top hat and a bald man with a bowler hat. While she did not vividly remember any of the poachers appearances whenever she retold the stories of the recent events to Marie and Samantha in the privacy of their dormitory, she recognized many of the faces as the poachers that resided at Horntail Hall with their disgusting dragon fighting ring.
“No…” Poppy breathed, defeated
“Well, well, well.” The man with the top hat began tauntingly, “So these are the three students causing trouble for my allies. Perhaps you are friends with the three Slytherins who have been causing me so much strife recently.”
“How did you find this place!” Poppy spat.
One of the poachers, the one who seemed to be in charge of that section judging by how closely the woman stood next to the man in the top hat and his assistant, replied callously, “Just a bit of luck from some vague journals.”
“Why don’t your children do us a favor and tell us what you know of the plans of Phineas Hearst and his two companions.”
Ever since Poppy told her and Garreth about what she overheard about the poachers and their connection to Rookwood’s gang not so long ago. Zsuzsi always suspected they were after Phineas for some reason but she did not know why. She did know he had a talent for seeing ancient magic, basically everyone in their year knew that if they watched how much time he spent with his mentor to hone his skills. He was truly a nice guy and to think someone like him was being hunted down by dark wizards to be used as a pawn was infuriating.
“You’re despicable! Poppy called out to them in a horrified tone, “The lot of you! Don’t you people have anything better to do. You are not getting those snidgets!”
Suddenly, the rushing sound of an arrow came above them and towards the man in the top hat. In fact, it probably would have stroke him in the chest if he had not quickly cast a protego charm. Zsuzsi secretly wished that the arrow did meet its target, it would have certainly relieved the world of a cruel face.
Dorran and Elek emerged from behind them, the former encouraged them to stay strong, “Ready your wands!” He informed them, “The fight has only begun.”
The next few moments were a blur. Zsuzsi instinctively hurried down to the main floor and started hurling spells. In particular she cast a couple of spells causing the man with the top hat’s hat to be set on fire, causing him to run around like a screaming child. Poppy seemed to enjoy the sight as she hurled spells with just as much speed, it must have made her feel like she was doing a right in the world and getting back at them for doing such a horrific break in of her gran’s home. Garreth was the most skilled dueler of all of them and cast many knock back jinxes and banishing spells as if it was nothing, it was truly admirable. Surprisingly, even though they were outnumbered, the poachers and their colleagues were not putting much of a fight as Zsuzsi would have expected, perhaps they were all just talk.
Zsuzsi looked over as Garreth breathed heavily, “I think that was all of them..”
Dorran approached them with haste with Elek trailing behind, “Are the three of you unharmed? I had hoped to return before it was too late.”
“We are fine.” Poppy assured him after catching her breath, “but if you had not gotten here when you did..”
Elek seemed to be quite impressed, initially Zsuzsi thought he was just admiring the structure itself, that was, until he spoke, “You three fought with us against your own kind.” He then smiled, something Zsuzsi was surprised the leader of the centaurs was capable of after their last interaction, “I am glad to have witnessed this. I now believe all that Dorran told me.”
Dorran turned to Elek, “They are the ones I saw in my vision.”
Elek nodded in understanding, “Come let us finish your work here. After all, not all of the events have yet come to pass.”
Zsuzsi wandered around and stood in front of a door that looked oddly familiar. Almost similar in the design to that strange clock Phineas, Sebastian, Ominis, and much earlier, Anne, always enjoyed meeting at. A Latin phrase had been etched in on the top ‘Tantum genus cor transeat‘, unfortunately Zsuzsi was not sure what it meant. Soon enough, out of know power of her own, the sun and moon dials on the face of the door started spinning, allowing the door to open, revealing a woodland paradise that seemed to perfect to be real.
As they walked into the room, Dorran motioned over to a nook near by where the tree met the ground, “There they are.” There, three golden eggs shimmered and were protected by a radiant barrier. Once they got closer, he turned to the three of them, “Now all that remains is to break the charm.”
“You want us to-“ Poppy beamed, as she looked closer at the golden eggs, however, rather than pulling out her wand, she turned to Zsuzsi in particular, “You should do it, I only ever wanted to see them safe, and I have to thank both you and Garreth for helping me do so.”
“Of course.” Zsuzsi smiled as she pulled out her wand and cast a quick counter charm to make the shield disappear. As soon as she did, the eggs started rattling and hatching, allowing beautiful birds with feathers of gold to peak out with chirps that were music to the ears.
“Merlin,” Poppy exclaimed, “They are lovely.”
Garreth turned to the the group, “but what happens now?” He asked, “They can’t care for themselves and surely once word gets out about their reappearance..”
“No harm will come to them.” Elek assured the Gryffindor, “The centaurs will see to that, you have my word.”
Poppy smiled at Dorran, “Thank you for helping us find them and to fight for them.”
“It is you three who deserve the merit.” Dorran pointed out wisely, “You three did what the poachers never can, remember that. You have fought bravely, allow us to take the mantle and assist you in your future endeavors.”
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ephemerasnape · 4 months
My AUDIOS are now hosted on ao3! 💜🎩
For ease of access, and because I realized I have my own domain now, I am hosting all of my audios myself and posting them directly on ao3. All previous audio posts on ao3 have been updated to have the files embedded directly rather than linking to tumblr.
This will make it easier for everyone to bookmark their favorites!
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If you're not familiar with any of these, most of them are x f!listener. No use of Y/N or MC but you are MC most of the time. It's safer to assume they are all adult-oriented although there are some exceptions. DR = Daddy Rookwood
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➔ Victor Rookwood Shorts - DR x You
A Big Day - x MC A Bone to Pick - x MC All in a Day's Work - x Ashwinder Just a Little Blood - x MC Daddy's Pleasure - x You (GN) Dirty Talk - x You
➔ Bred by Victor Rookwood - DR x You
➔ Rookwood's Revenge - DR & Ashwinders x You/MC
➔ Goblin Supremacy
Goblin Supremacy - Ranrok x You/MC, DR My Little Angel - DR x You/MC
➔ The Rookwood Gang
Comeuppance - Ashwinders/Poachers x You/MC A Wicked, Wicked Man - DR x You/MC
➔ Captured by Rookwood - DR x You/MC
➔ Epic Rap Battle - Rookwood vs. Aesop Sharp
➔ Bait & Switch - Sebastian, Ominis & DR
➔ Welcome to Hogsmeade - DR x You/MC
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➔ At the Mercy of Macnair - Poacher Stalker x You/MC
➔ The Pledge - DR & Silvanus Selwyn x You/MC
➔ Rookwood's Revenge - DR & Ashwinders x You/MC
➔ Battle Royal at Horntail Hall - Poppy Sweeting &/x? Poacher Stalker
➔ The Rookwood Gang - Ashwinders & DR x You/MC
➔ Harlot of the Highlands - Poacher Executioner x You/MC
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➔ Sebastian & Ominis Shorts - Various
A Moment Alone - Sebastian and a surprise guest Talk to Me - Ominis x You/MC Bait and Switch - Sebastian & Ominis, Victor Rookwood Sebastian's Pleasure - Sebastian x You (GN)
➔ Today's the Day - Dark!Seb & Ominis x You/MC
and last but not least...
➔ Miscellaneous
Battle Royal at Horntail Hall - Poppy Sweeting x Poacher Pigtails' Revenge - Piers Pemberton x GN!Listener Epic Rap Battle - Victor Rookwood vs. Aesop Sharp The Sexual Obsession Iceberg - Various
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Please don't forget to leave kudos and comments (don't make a witch beg). If I said they didn't matter to me, I'd be lying!
Don't worry, I am not moving or deleting anything from Tumblr.
*it's a pun. I think I'm funny. I'm definitely punny, at least. 😝 womp womp
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legoharrypotter1 · 7 months
The Evolution of LEGO Harry Potter Sets Over the Years
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LEGO and Harry Potter, two iconic and beloved brands, have had a magical partnership that has spanned over two decades. Since the first LEGO Harry Potter sets were released in 2001, fans of both the wizarding world and the colorful bricks have been treated to a series of sets that have grown in complexity, detail, and scale. In this retrospective, we'll take a journey through time to explore the evolution of LEGO Harry Potter sets, from their humble beginnings to the enchanting creations we have today.
2001-2007: The Early Years
The partnership between LEGO and Harry Potter began in 2001, coinciding with the release of the first Harry Potter film. The initial sets were characterized by their simplicity and charm. They featured iconic scenes and characters from the early books and movies, including the Hogwarts Express, the Sorcerer's Stone, and the Chamber of Secrets.
These sets provided a glimpse into the world of Harry Potter, with minifigures of the main characters and magical accessories like wands and broomsticks. While they may appear quaint compared to later releases, these early sets were instrumental in establishing the LEGO Harry Potter brand.
2007-2010: The Hiatus
After several years of producing Harry Potter sets, LEGO took a hiatus from the wizarding world due to changes in licensing agreements. During this time, Harry Potter fans had to make do with the existing sets or seek out discontinued sets on the secondary market.
2010-2011: Return to Hogwarts
The hiatus came to an end in 2010 when LEGO reacquired the Harry Potter license. This marked the beginning of a new era for LEGO Harry Potter sets. The designs became more sophisticated, and the sets grew in size. Notable releases during this period included the massive Hogwarts Castle set, which featured detailed interiors and iconic locations like the Great Hall and the Room of Requirement.
2018-Present: The Golden Era
In 2018, LEGO introduced a new wave of Harry Potter sets, marking the start of the "Golden Era" for lego howgwarts castle enthusiasts. These sets have set a new standard for detail and playability. Some of the notable features of this era include:
Minifigure Diversity: LEGO has expanded its range of minifigures to include characters from all seven books and eight movies, ensuring that fans can collect their favorite witches, wizards, and magical creatures.
Highly Detailed Sets: The sets have become increasingly detailed, with more intricate architecture and advanced building techniques. Iconic locations like Diagon Alley and Hagrid's Hut are brought to life with remarkable accuracy.
Interactive Features: Many sets now include interactive features, such as moving parts, hidden compartments, and play functions. For example, the Hogwarts Castle set from this era features rotating staircases and secret passages.
Collectibility: LEGO has embraced the collectible nature of the Harry Potter universe, releasing sets that cater to different aspects of the wizarding world, from the Hogwarts Castle to the Quidditch Pitch and magical creatures like Buckbeak and the Hungarian Horntail.
Expansion of Accessories: The variety of accessories has expanded significantly, with an array of wands, broomsticks, and magical items that allow for creative play and customization.
The evolution of LEGO Harry Potter sets over the years is a testament to the enduring appeal of both brands. From the early, simpler sets to the intricate and immersive creations of the present, LEGO has continued to capture the magic of the wizarding world and bring it to life in brick form.
The "Golden Era" of LEGO Harry Potter sets has elevated the franchise to new heights, offering fans the opportunity to build and display their favorite magical locations and characters with unparalleled detail and playability. As the partnership between LEGO and Harry Potter continues to thrive, fans can look forward to more enchanting sets that will keep the magic alive for generations to come.
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turningbubble · 1 year
does richard hang out with poachers? i feel like he would have fun at horntail hall or dragon fighting rings if he can get away from his friends to visit in secret.
He would be interested the first time he's there, but I think he'll lose interest quickly since he prefers doing things himself instead just watching dragons fight.
Though he probably likes to sometimes sneak in and let lose some dragons to cause chaos, it's way more fun to see people panicking (and hurt) XD
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hatigave · 1 year
AUTHOR FINDS A PLACE TO GO . wanders through the halls of hogwarts until he wiggles himself into a classroom he should not have been in. his own is far away, shades of pastel a mere memory when he treads into the domain of a colleague. ❝  ⎯⎯⎯ you know, i know a thing or two about dragons too. ❞ HE LIES SO EASILY. one day he had known about the creatures, these days, his knowledge has slipped from his mind like water between his fingers. he had done his travelling, for now, the poet was tired of a life on the road.
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❝ dare i say that my knowledge of them might just rival your own. naturally, had your position not been taken i could have applied for it. i am certain albus would have been delighted to receive my, rather impressive, resume. ❞ EVEN THE FAMOUS GET LONELY. and he, child of the stars, takes a seat on the other's desk. ❝ just out of interest, though, purely hypothetical, a spar between two highly intellectual professors. if one were to obtain a freshly laid horntail egg, how many, and once again this is purely a hypothetical question, flasks could one fill with the liquid if the egg was to be cracked open before the creature could develop ? ❞
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@dragonthroned rhaegar ♡'d
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quizlyco · 6 months
Buckle up, Muggles and magical beings alike, because it's time to embark on a whimsical journey through the enchanted halls of Hogwarts with the most extraordinary quiz of all time – the Harry Potter House Quiz! Yes, you heard it right, we've concocted a potion of questions so potent that even Professor Snape would raise an eyebrow in approval. Whether you're a seasoned wizard or a mere Squib, this quiz promises to unveil the mystical house at Hogwarts where you truly belong.
Now, before we dive headfirst into the world of floating candles and talking portraits, let's take a moment to appreciate the sheer brilliance of J.K. Rowling's creation – the wizarding wonderland that is Harry Potter. Just saying the words "Harry Potter" sends shivers down the spines of Potterheads worldwide, and if you've ever dreamt of receiving that acceptance letter from Hogwarts, your time has come. This isn't just any run-of-the-mill house quiz; it's the key to discovering your magical destiny within the hallowed walls of the castle.
In the spirit of mischief managed, let's not beat around the Whomping Willow – you're here for one reason, and one reason only: to determine which Hogwarts house is your ultimate sanctuary. But wait, don't apparate away just yet! We've sprinkled a touch of wizardry on this quiz, making it more spellbinding than a game of Quidditch. From the Gryffindor courage to the Ravenclaw wit, the Hufflepuff loyalty to the Slytherin cunning – your fate is about to be revealed.
Unveiling the Enigma: The Wizarding World Awaits
Now, as you embark on this magical journey, keep your wand at the ready and your incantations on the tip of your tongue. The first spell we're casting is the "harry potter house quiz" charm, ensuring that you, dear reader, are in for a treat like no other. Picture this: You're strolling down the cobblestone streets of Diagon Alley, a sense of anticipation in the air. The fluttering of owl wings echoes in the distance, and suddenly, the Great Hall materializes before your eyes. The Sorting Hat awaits, poised to determine your destiny with the grace of a majestic hippogriff.
Decoding the Magical Alphabet Soup: HP House Quiz Extravaganza
As we venture deeper into the heart of this quiz, let's talk alphabet soup – the kind that swirls and twirls with the essence of HP magic. Yes, we're not talking about your mundane ABCs; we're diving headfirst into the world of HP house quiz acronyms. The letters G, R, H, and S are about to become the compass guiding you through the intricate labyrinth of your wizarding fate.
G: Gryffindor Glory or Gallivanting Gryffins?
Ah, Gryffindor, the house of courage, bravery, and the occasional bout of recklessness. If you find yourself yearning for the spotlight, craving daring adventures, and possessing a heart that beats with the rhythm of a lion's roar, Gryffindor might just be your haven. Forget the fear of the unknown – Gryffindor stands tall, ready to embrace every challenge with the ferocity of a Hungarian Horntail.
R: Ravenclaw's Riddles and Rapture
Are you the embodiment of wit, wisdom, and an insatiable thirst for knowledge? If the answer is a resounding yes, then Ravenclaw is where you'll find your intellectual soulmates. Picture a tower high above the clouds, where the air is thick with the musings of dreamers and the pursuit of excellence is a way of life. In Ravenclaw, it's not just about the journey; it's about the intricate dance of the mind.
H: Hufflepuff Harmony or Hasty Hufflepuffs?
Hufflepuff – the often underestimated house that's the epitome of loyalty, fairness, and an affinity for all things cozy. If your heart beats in sync with the rhythm of the earth, if you value friendship above all else, and if the idea of a never-ending feast brings tears of joy to your eyes, then Hufflepuff might just be your hidden gem. Loyalty isn't just a word here; it's a way of life.
S: Slytherin's Serpentine Sophistication
Now, let's talk about Slytherin, the house where cunning meets ambition, and the word "subtle" takes on a whole new meaning. If you possess a shrewd mind, an unquenchable thirst for success, and the finesse of a Parseltongue, then Slytherin is calling your name. Forget the stereotypes – Slytherin isn't just about dark arts and pure-blood mania; it's about navigating the intricate dance of power with elegance.
Navigating the Magical Maze: House Quiz Hurdles and Hilarity
As you traverse the virtual corridors of this quiz, be prepared for a rollercoaster of emotions – from the thrill of discovery to the amusement of uncovering which magical creature would be your pet. We won't spoil the surprises, but rest assured, the journey is as entertaining as a Weasley twins' prank.
The Inquisitive Pottermore Twist
Now, let's throw a curveball into the mix – Pottermore, the digital haven for all things Harry Potter. Think of it as the Marauder's Map for the digital age, guiding you through the nooks and crannies of J.K. Rowling's wizarding world. Pottermore doesn't just spill the beans on your house; it delves into the depths of your magical persona, revealing your Patronus, wand, and even your Ilvermorny house. It's the ultimate digital companion for any wizard or witch eager to explore the intricacies of their magical identity.
The Quizzical Quest for Your Hogwarts House
Back to the heart of the matter – the quiz itself. Picture it as the enchanted mirror of Erised, reflecting not your deepest desires but your truest self. The questions are designed with the finesse of a master duelist, weaving through the fabric of your personality and magical inclinations. From choosing your favorite magical creature to deciding the fate of a misplaced Remembrall, each query holds the key to unlocking the door to your Hogwarts home.
The Wizard's Dilemma: Choosing Your House
Now, as you inch closer to the climax of this magical saga, you might find yourself torn between the allure of Gryffindor's bravery and the subtle charm of Slytherin. The Sorting Hat might hesitate, but fear not – your destiny is written in the stars, or rather, in the enchanted code of this quiz.
The Hogwarts House Quiz Dilemma
Are you the kind of wizard who thrives in the limelight, leading the charge against the forces of darkness? If so, Gryffindor beckons, offering the thrill of adventure and the camaraderie of kindred spirits. Picture the common room adorned with crimson and gold, the fireplace crackling with the warmth of friendship, and the ghostly whispers of the courageous echoing through the tapestries.
The Art of Decoding: Ravenclaw's Riddles
Alternatively, if your mind is a labyrinth of riddles and your heart beats in sync with the pursuit of knowledge, Ravenclaw awaits. The common room perched high above the grounds is a sanctuary for the curious minds, where books are cherished, wisdom is revered, and the pursuit of truth is a never-ending journey. If you find solace in the company of thinkers and dreamers, Ravenclaw might be your celestial abode.
Hufflepuff's Hearth and Home
Perhaps you're the embodiment of kindness and loyalty, valuing the simple joys of life and the bonds of friendship. In that case, Hufflepuff extends its welcoming arms, offering a haven of warmth and camaraderie. Imagine a common room adorned with earthy tones, the aroma of freshly baked treats wafting through the air, and the laughter of friends echoing through the cozy space.
Slytherin's Subtle Seduction
On the flip side, if you navigate the intricate dance of power with finesse, if ambition courses through your veins, and if the allure of the cunning beckons, then Slytherin might be your destined domain. Picture the common room draped in shades of emerald and silver, the air thick with the whispers of ambition, and the shadows concealing secrets known only to the serpentine minds.
The Grand Revelation: Your House at Hogwarts Awaits
After navigating the magical maze of questions and facing the dilemmas of the Sorting Hat, the moment of truth has arrived. Your Hogwarts house awaits, shimmering with the promise of adventures, friendships, and the magic that only the wizarding world can offer. Will you find yourself surrounded by the bold and brave in Gryffindor, immersed in the intellectual musings of Ravenclaw, basking in the loyalty of Hufflepuff, or embracing the cunning charm of Slytherin?
The Wizarding Aftermath: Beyond the Sorting Hat
As you revel in the glory of discovering your Hogwarts house, remember that this quiz is just the tip of the Triwizard Tournament iceberg. Your journey in the wizarding world has only just begun, and there are countless magical experiences awaiting you. From exploring the Forbidden Forest to mastering the art of spellcasting, the wizarding world is a canvas waiting for your unique magical imprint.
The Post-Quiz Musings: Beyond the Houses
So, you've discovered your Hogwarts house – now what? Don't be too hasty to stow away your wand and close the book on this magical chapter. Dive deeper into the lore of Harry Potter, explore the intricacies of the magical creatures that inhabit the wizarding world, and unravel the mysteries that lie beyond the castle walls. Whether you're a seasoned wizard or a curious Muggle, there's always more magic to discover.
In Conclusion: The Magic Lives On
In the grand tapestry of the wizarding world, your Hogwarts house is but a thread, woven into the fabric of your magical identity. The Harry Potter House Quiz is not just a whimsical diversion; it's a portal to a realm where magic is real, friendships are everlasting, and adventures are boundless. So, dear wizard or witch, revel in the magic of this quiz, wear your house colors with pride, and let the enchantment of J.K. Rowling's creation continue to captivate your heart.
Now, go forth, explore the corridors of Hogwarts, and may your magical journey be filled with wonder, laughter, and the occasional Chocolate Frog mishap. After all, in the wizarding world, the magic never truly ends – it merely transforms into new and exciting chapters of your enchanting tale. Until next time, accio adventure!
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