#horrible auto-promo
emmanuellececchi · 6 months
C'est le temps, c'est le temps...
De l'auto-promotion!
C'est officiellement le mois de Décembre. Et il reste un peu de temps avant Noël. Vous vous cherchez un cadeau? Ça tombe bien, j'ai quelque chose à vous proposer.
Un conte de Noël, pour tout âge : La Petite Boule de Noël
Il est disponible en version papier et électronique sur la plateforme amazon. Le lien vous mène vers la version papier sur amazon.ca (disponible aussi sur .fr et .com etc).
La version électronique est gratuite sur Kindle Unlimited.
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sanguineserrations · 3 months
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𝕴𝖙'𝖘 𝕹𝖔𝖙 𝖄𝖔𝖚, 𝖄𝖔𝖚 𝖀𝖓𝖉𝖊𝖗𝖘𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉, 𝕴𝖙'𝖘 𝕸𝖊. 𝕴 𝕳𝖆𝖛𝖊 𝕾𝖙𝖆𝖓𝖉𝖆𝖗𝖉𝖘.
This blog is 21+. Astarion is a character whose arc deals with trauma and other themes of an adult nature. As such, RP featuring him will likely delve into these topics. It is not appropriate for minors. I am an adult and I do not feel comfortable RPing this character with anyone under 21, please respect that. If you'd like to RP with me but don't want to see any of my posts containing more adult plot either block the tag #NSFW or check the tags before opening a post with a "Read More".
Don't message me wanting to write smut or solely to ship with me. I write to develop characters and have plot, if there's a chemistry between our characters the plot may go that direction, but only if both mun want this and discuss it OOC prior.
This blog will contain spoilers. Fav my promo post and come back after finishing the game if you want to avoid those.
This is a multiverse blog. I may write using one version of Astarion with you and write with another Vanilla Astarion with someone else. Vanilla Astarion's actions are those of an entirely different person in an unrelated plot arc altogether. I may use the same Astarion in interconnected plot arcs between different characters- to avoid confusion when a new AU Astarion is created he will be added to my Verses page along with his title and a short description, and the title of that Astarion will be in that post's tags. Additionally, lore for my Astarions will not always match canon game lore- otherwise it is impossible to world build or create new plot.
The mun is not the muse/ Muses used as puppets for mun abuse will not be tolerated. Astarion has done horrible things in canon, and is assuredly to do this in plots on this blog. He might say or do unkind things to your muse if it is within his character motivations to do so. On the flip side of that coin, RPing a character does not give a mun free reign to be an absolute bastard to mun using them as a puppet for their own actions to avoid consequence, take passive aggressive actions out on another mun through their muse, or trauma dump to an unwilling participant. While our characters may be allies, lovers, or enemies- the person on the other side of the computer screen is your writing partner whom should be appreciated and respected as you'd want to be.
No Godmodding. This includes auto-hitting, your character knowing things they shouldn’t that was discussed ooc, or RPing my muse's actions without prior permission. (ie. if you want to say your muse shoves mine down and holds his throat without waiting for my full RP response you can send a quick chat message to me to make sure I'm okay with it rather than auto-hitting.) I will usually write passive interactions (i.e. "He reached to take her hand".) and you can write if that succeeded in your reply, ("She pulled away with a grimace." or "She smiled as she felt his fingers intertwine with hers.) If I accidentally write a direct action with your muse, (i.e. "He grabbed her hand.") you can either treat it as passive in your response or message me and I'll edit my post.
This blog writes in third person. It's easier for both me and my partner to write a story together this way. It's very jarring and difficult for me to write with a partner who writes in first person, since I'd be then reading their response first person as their character. If you write with me please also write third person.
Please give thoughtful responses not just reactionary ones. When I respond I will do my best to respond to the prompts given, but also give you tidbits to work with when moving the plot forward. I ask you please do the same, I do not want to be a content-generating machine.
This blog uses curtain calls. Not really feeling a plot anymore but want to give it a good ending rather than leave it or your partner hanging? Just ask for a curtain call in 3, 2, or 1 responses each. Using curtain calls, both partners know how many responses they have left to bring their side of the plot to a close and no guilt they don't want to continue writing that particular story arc, only the satisfaction of seeing their plot through to a solid ending.
Anyone can reblog art, promo, a-muse-ments, and non-rp posts which is appreciated! If you want to reblog art from an RP thread please put it in a new post and tag me- then you don’t disrupt the RP and others can see where it came from if they’d like to see more. Please do not reblog RPs you are not a part of as this makes it difficult for the writers to keep track of whose turn it is to respond. If you really like an RP and want to share it make a link to the title tag in your own post. Please don't join closed RPs. You can respond in character to #Open starters, #Asks, or #aMUSEments. Not sure? Send me a chat message and I'll let you know if you can reblog/respond in character to a post. (If it isn't an active RP between me and a partner it's almost always okay.)
Want to plot together? Send me a chat message! I don't bite without asking first.
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opportuning · 6 months
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Hey, welcome! This is a multimuse featuring both canon and original characters set primarily within G.rand Th.eft Auto V. My name’s Rory, they/them, and I’m 27 years old. Due to my age and nature of this game, I will not be writing with muns who are under 18. I would consider this blog to be on low activity for now. Below are my pages.
rules. promo. song credit.
Trevor Philips - Canon - Main - [ Self-made businessman, meth and weapons. Former bank robber and running buddy of Michael’s, Trevor settles in Sandy Shores after a bank robbery that goes wrong. He attempts to deal his own drugs and weapons, but things don’t quite go according to plan when he finds out someone isn’t actually dead. ]
Michael De Santa - Canon - Main - [ ‘Retired’ bank robber, miserable millionaire. Formerly Michael Townley, a notorious bank robber. A seemingly botched score in North Yankton puts Townley in a grave, and De Santa in a mansion in Rockford Hills. ]
Devin Weston - Canon - [ Billionaire, (wannabe) lifestyle guru. All American billionaire, a skilled investor and stockholder. With his hands in various ventures in Los Santos and Merryweather Security, Devin is able to live a very easy life and pursues a side project as a lifestyle guru. ]
Chef - Canon - [ Meth cook, competent shot. Employee of Trevor’s, Chef is, as name implies, his meth cook. However, due to the chaotic establishment of TPI, Chef finds himself shooting a gun more often than he thought he would, which eventually makes him a viable candidate for future bank heists. ]
Karen ‘Michelle’ Daniels - Canon - [ Federal agent, workaholic. After getting her big break in Liberty City, Karen climbed the ranks in the IAA in order to secure her position as a federal agent. Bitter and married to her job, she is trying to eventually settle in Los Santos. ]
Marnie Allen - Canon - [ Spiritually enlightened, cult recruiter. After a horrible experience in Liberty City that resulted in a heroin addition, Marnie manages to make it back home with the help of a stranger. However, upon her release from rehab, the Epsilon Program picks her up and upon taking their philosophy, Marine becomes a recruiter. ]
Niko Bellic - Canon - [ Gun-for-hire, new to the country. After Niko’s revenge mission leads him to Liberty City, he soon finds out that things are not what he expected them to be. Getting caught up in a familiar cycle, Niko finds himself having to dig a dipper hole for himself before he can pull himself out. The cost of doing so is great, and in hopes of starting new (again) he moves to Los Santos. ]
Nadiya Mitrovic - OC
Roman Bellic - Canon
Patrick ‘Packie’ McReary - Canon
Bernie Crane - Canon
0 notes
visd3stele · 3 years
The beauty and his beast - wolfstar fic
summary: two different nights, years passed, some things changes, but some never do
TW: nightmares, PTSD, trauma, non depictive child abuse, themes of suicidal thoughts
A/N: I loved writing this, but I am so nervous about it. What do you think?
requests ; masterlist
fanart credit picture down below: @lunopal
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Ragged voices licked his ears. Three different ones overlapped in a cacophony of hissed whispers and dooming laughs. From where he stood in the middle of his cell, Sirius could see a silhouette standing in the open door. Open, because there was no way he could escape. Three Dementors floated in a circle around him, so fast he could barely tell them apart. Black smoke, a burning smell and shadows whirled under low hoods, bringing him to his knees.
The man in the door curled his lips in a terrible grin. The Dementors were his and with each mind they broke, with each soul they ate, the wizard gained a sense of pride and morbid joy.
Sirius knew it. He knew the man, back in his school years - how far they seemed now! But Sirius also knew he was delusional. The Dementors bow to no one. They have no law, no caretaker, no master. Only their purpose.
Continuing to swirl around his frail body, sinked in to a third of what it used to be, bony edges poking out through dirty thin layers of clothing, the Dementors closed in on Sirius. Flashes of memories flew before the Animagus' eyes. James' empty ones, still open in a silent plea for his sacrifice to be enough to save his family, his brown hair dipped in his own blood, body angled in an unnatural position with his hand stretched forward above his head as if reaching for his best friend. Lily's tears, yet to dry and evaporates, stained her too pale face, the red of her hair sprayed around too lively; no blood pools formed around her lifeless body, laid on its belly as it fell onward, as if leaping away from her son, so the baby won't have to see it. And finally Harry, his godson, crying in his crib, a brown-red crust shaped like a lightning forming on his forehead; his green, small eyes, swollen, puffy and trimmed with red followed his godfather as the man turned his back on him and ran outside.
Sirius cursed loudly, beginning to shackle the chains trapping him in place in case he tried to escape the daily visit of the Prison Warrant and his guards. But the now twenty five years old has stopped trying to run a long time ago. What good would it be? There was nothing - no one - waiting from him out in the world. No, Sirius trashing around the cold, dirty dais, snapping the metal biting in his wrists, bruising his effervescent skin and almost cracking his bones as well was his attempt to run from his own mind. If he could just wipe the haunting memories away with a shook of his head, a twist of his back or punching and kicking the thick walls.
Fragments of thoughts he wasn't sure belonged to him invaded his mind. "Your fault. Traitor. Another Black." And, worst of all, one pained howl, a desperate scream in the night. Sirius wasn't sure if he heard it, or the dark creatures around toyed with him, but Remus' wild, feral yell of pure hurt reverberated inside the bars of his mind. The young wizard shut his eyes closed tightly, hoping to brush away the sound, the voices. Failing to do so, he released a scream of his own, only a hint of Padfoot, the big, black dog, his alter ego, printed in it.
The thirty four years old man yanked up. The bed sheets were soaked in his sweat, the blanket throwed on the floor. Sirius passed a shacking hand over his face, feeling the hot air leaving his mouth in short breaths, than big inhales with no exhale, the burning of tears on his warm red cheeks and the running nose. His lips felt sewed together all of a sudden, as chill after chill entered his body, cooling off his face too quickly.
It was just a nightmare, he knew. He escaped Azkaban, has been a free man from over a week already. But Sirius Black couldn't let the twelve years in prison go. The things he saw there, what the Dementors showed him day after day, carved their way in his brain, refusing to leave. Yes, he may have been wrong: his family and living friend welcomed him back. Harry was warming up to hid godfather, Nymphadora Tonks was eager to know her uncle, Andromeda even reached out, sending letter after letter and Remus - well, Remus hugged him tight and apologized for believing that filthy rat's lies. The werewolf spent his days, from first ray of sunshine until the last drop of sunlight. But the nights he went home. The nights when ghosts came to play, wounds teared open and pain leaked like blood from Sirius' heart, Remus was gone.
He tried to remember a time they didn't share a bed - before Azkaban, of course. Not in a sexual way, though it came to that in the late years of Hogwarts too. But simply for the comfort they each found in the other. It started in the second year, Sirius recalled.
Four twelve years old boys in a room seemed like a receipt for disaster. In a way, it was. After finding out their friend's secret, James, Sirius and Peter decided to sneak in the herbology cabinet, get Mandrake leaves and become Animagus. Seeing as they got away with it, the four created their enchanted map and become the Marauders, messers Prongs, Padfoot, Moony and Wormtail, waltzing their merry way through Hogwarts.
Not everything was merry and joyful, though. And despite their reputation, the wizards could be grave and serious when need be. Like one night, when Sirius woke them all up with his cries. The grey eyed boy stood on top of his bed covers, knees drawn to his chest, hands tangled in his shoulder length hair. He leaned back and forth, trembling. Front teeth bit in his lower lip to prevent him from making more noises as silent tears rolled down his face.
The other three boys thought Sirius saw a mean spirit, the haunted glassy look in his eyes only proving their theory further. But no danger threatened in the shadows of their room. No monster lurked in the darkness.
James was the first to get up and surf his way to the pure blood. Remus followed closely behind while Peter watched everything from the safety of his bed. Sirius' episode truly spooked him.
"Padfoot, mate, what's wrong?"
"Nothing. 'm sorry. Go back to sleep."
James and Remus changed worried looks at the sourness of Sirius' voice. Their friend would usually be the epitome of confidence, yet now he seemed to desperately try to shrink and disappear. But it was late and they were tired, so the boys decided with a swift nod that they'd pick up the subject in the morning and climbed back under their covers.
Remus jolted awake. Two out of his three best friends were sound asleep. Sirius still stared at the wall in front of him, breathing jerky. Due to his fine, superior hearing, the werewolf discerned the Black boy's muffled whimpers, sounds that kept him from sleeping.
"Sirius, why are you so afraid?" Remus whispered.
" 'm not afraid, Moony. Sleep."
"Can't. Werewolf remember? I hear you trying to not cry. You can cry, you know."
"I know." Sirius said in a tone that clearly showed he doesn't. With a sigh, Remus threw away his blanket, slipped his feet in his shoes and trailed his legs over the dorm's brick daises until he reached his friend's bed. The brown haired boy signed Sirius to scoop over, which he did, to both wizards surprise.
Later, when talking about that night, Padfoot admitted he was too tired, too shocked and too lost in his mind to think and only acted on auto pilot.
Remus brought the blankets to cover them both, still seated as they were. "Do you need a hug?" Sirius hesitated before answering, but eventually he nodded twice, a quick movement as if the boy was ashamed to admit it and wanted to pass unnoticed.
But Remus smiled softly and wrapped his hands around him. Sirius clinged onto his friend. The warmth of the gesture, the cozy closeness of a settled, stable body, a person that cared deeply about him and only him as a being, set the restrained tears free. Remus held Sirius until his body stilled and he could feel no more tears soaking his pajamas.
"Do you want to talk about it?"
Sirius swallowed, but the words demanded to be spoken. "Yes."
"Alright. I'm gonna ask you questions and you can answer with yes or no. It's your choice if you want to elaborate. Sounds good?"
"Yes." Sirius said and for a moment his usual, ironic self showed up.
"Was it a nightmare?"
"About your family?"
With a shudder, the grey eyed boy forced out another "yes."
"Your brother?"
"Your parents, then. Did they - did they do something to you?"
"Yes." Remus' arms tighten around him and he clunged harder to his friend as well. In the safety of the Gryffindor dorm, shared with his most trusted peers, comforted by the scarred boy he became an Animagus for, Sirius stumbled over his thoughts. The dream weighted heavy on his mind, but he didn't know how to let free of those horrible images that haunted him. Not images, memories. Sirius feared that if he said anything they'll become real. Not that they weren't, but they happened in the past. Talking about them, invoking them, would feel like living through them again.
And yet, part of him wanted to talk. He needed someone to know. Sirius couldn't be sure why. Maybe to hear that it was nothing, that it was ok and he shouldn't be such a weak ship. Or maybe to hear it was normal and he wasn't alone. That is how parents love and his didn't hate him after all. Or just to show someone how broken he were, hoping to be picked un and patched.
So, speaking slowly, but evenly, Sirius retailed his nightmare to Remus. In his sleep, the twelve years old boy was hanging some muggle posters in his room: bands, promo for concerts, normal things a boy his age would own. He smiled broadly, music turned on quite loud, muggle music, when his parents bursts in. Walburga and Orion both yell, but Sirius can’t understand what they’re saying. It’s pretty clear they are very upset with him, though. And the reason couldn’t be more obvious. 
“Sirius Orion Black!” his mother shrieked. “Ungrateful, worthless child! You are a stain on the family’s name.”
“You should be ashamed of you. As much as I am for being your father. Well, say something. Look how upset you made your mother!”
“Sorry,” he’d try to say, but his voice would break, too small to be heard by the angry adults. Which only worsened their state. Sirius watched frozen in terror as Walburga took her wand. Only his head seemed to be able to move, and he was shacking it vigorously, wiping his cheeks with it. The young wizard tasted tears on his tongue as he repeated the same words over and over again “no, please, ‘m sorry!” It did nothing to help. 
Remus stayed in his bed that night.
The moon shone mockingly on the window. Last night has been a full moon and Prongs, Padfoot and Wormtail failed to properly contain Moony. It happened quite a lot in their first days as Animagus. As normal, they got better over the years, the four boys falling in rhythm like an oiled machine. By the time they reached excellency, though, mistakes happened. James, Peter and Sirius thought less of it, but Remus took it badly. 
As he laid in the dark, blanket drawn to cover his head as he hugged his knees on the side, the young werewolf tried to remember what happened last night. What if he killed someone? What if he will next time the boys won’t be able to restrain him? Is it worth living like this, a danger to himself and the ones around? What if he hurts his friends? 
“I can hear your mind working from over here y’know?”
Remus straighten up in shock. “Padfoot?”
“Well, it’s not the Fat Lady. What’s on your mind?”
Remus shrugged, but Sirius wouldn’t stop pestering him until he poured his deepest fears and doubts. 
“You won’t”
“How do you know this?”
“You won’t, Moony,” Sirius said more firmly this time.
“Alright.” Remus clearly didn’t believe him and his worries still troubled him as he turned to lay back down. He heard footsteps, then felt the mattress shifting as another body climbed over his bed covers. “I know because I am Sirius Black and you are my friend.” Less than an hour later, both boys were sound asleep.
Sirius slept in his bed that night.
It became a tradition. At first, they'd wait until one of them woke frozen in pain and panic, then they'd stay together and talk silently until they could sleep again. Later, Sirius and Remus would wait until James and Peter were out to decide who's bed to sleep in, knowing one of them - or both - ought to need the comfort.
The man kept trembling. His sobs caught in hiccups, leaving him out of breath. He did it. He left Harry for revenge. He practically made the choice for James and Lily, selecting Peter as secret keeper. His brother died and instead of mourning him, Sirius rejoiced bitterly in his cell - until he found out how he betrayed the Dark Lord.
He was just another Black. An evil presence in the world, despite his efforts. Gryffindor or Slytherin, it mattered not when his genes crafted him. Sirius tried so hard to be good, brave, loyal and the only thing he managed was to disappoint everyone. He was a nuisance and a burden and the a stain on the world. It'd be better if his sorry, useless existence would be wiped off the surface of the Earth.
Such thoughts clouded Sirius' mind when a light knock pulled him out of his head. "May I come in, Padfoot?"
The man almost broke at the nickname. Only one single person now would know to call him that. The weight of the realization hit him and another wave of tears carried the air from his lungs.
Receiving no answer, Remus kicked the door open, worry written all over him. The werewolf was panting and sweating from running, eyes wide close to terror. "Padfoot!" Seeing his oldest friend's state, he rushed to his side and hesitated only a moment before drawing him in for a hug.
"Yes. They-" Sirius gulped, shame tightening up in his throat. He was a thirty four man, for Godric's sake! And yet he cries like a baby. But the path he and Remus trailed off to, simple questions, any type of answer, so familiar and soothing he couldn't stop. "They tortured me. Showing me their - James and Lily's - death over and over. I left Harry, Moony. I stepped inside the house, saw that beautiful, brave child, suffering and I took off after bloody Pettigrew!" Before Remus could say a thing, Sirius continued, teeth so barred that words barely spitted out. "I heard you screaming too. I don't think that was real, but it sounded so broken, Moony. Twelve years, over twenty four full moons alone. 'm so sorry. It's all my fault."
Remus inhaled sharply, pulling Sirius even closer to him. He rubbed circles on his back, leaning to whisper in his ear "It was not, Padfoot. I should have trusted you more, star. If anything, it's my fault for spending so much time alone. So much, in fact, that it seems I neglected you, our agreement."
“It was my fault.” Sirius insisted.
“No,” and not letting him time to argue, Remus added “I know so, Sirius, because I am Remus Lupin and you are my... friend.”
Sirius pulled away only to find a reluctant smile playing on Remus' face. His body reacted before his mind could process its moving. He moved on the right side of the bed, still avoiding the other wizard's eyes. "Why are you here, Remus?"
"I couldn't sleep either. Thought to check on you as well. And good thing I did. You looked..." The professor didn't know how to finish that sentenced. Hollow. Empty. Dead. Scaringly close to death, in fact.
"Merlin! Thank you, Moony. You don't look bad yourself."
Remus chuckled. "Are you feeling any better?"
"No. You?"
Both men laughed. A bitter sweet sound passing through silence, taking with it any sign of discomfort that existed.
"I'm glad you came."
"Me too."
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supop · 3 years
There’s so much on the table for BTS
Their recent involvement in politics and its potential to backfire (no matter how you see it there’s always a bigger agenda) …..
HYBE using BTS to expand their real estate business and disguising it as promo for “In The Soop” (seriously you expect us to believe you built two giant mansions and a basketball court “just for BTS”) ……
HYBE never holding any of their staff members accountable (no explanation, no apology, no nothing, just sweeping issues under the rug one bangtan bomb at a time) ……
My Universe and the other members finally being able to sing in a lower vocal register without having to keep up with Jimin’s strained high resister vocals and horribly limited vocal range (and pdogg’s horrible productions as of late, like yea someone let him know that not every song requires auto-tuned high notes) ……
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clandestine-j · 3 years
Gossip Girl Reboot, Ep. 2 Reaction / Review
This was posted on reddit first, crossing posting it here since I’ve chosen to review the ep’s and post on tumblr as well. So, this post is geared more towards reddit as a whole, this was posted a day after ep 2 aired.
i don't have a favorite character rating but #teamaki, yeah, the acting is awkward but it's getting better and it's not like it's the only bad acting in the show. i like the character either way.
people are so extra with zoya and obie and are looking at julien with the rose colored classes. yeah, obie shouldn't be dating zoya but let's not act like julien gave her all and everything to him. from the conversation with zoya in ep 1, his general feelings, audrey calls it out (maybe because she always feels that way)
She admits it at the end, she wouldn’t do the things he wanted when it came to his interest, he’d want to do random and fun things and she’d blow him off...how is this mart of someone fully invested in their other, no, she was invested what he did for her and how he made her feel. She misses him because in their other breaks he’d always come back. We saw a dying relationship and ppl can assume a lot about him but make 0 assumptions when it comes to her.
And then y’all expect Zoya to turn down the one person who’s actually nice, doesn’t ice her out and shares interest? What I want more than anything is for Zoya to find her own friends & her romantic interest, just one episode where her life isn’t an extension of Julien's. Idk wut, maybe she can go off on a find out gossip girl adventure. Idk something.
Then this talk about sisters and sister hood. Yeah, they’re blood related but what sisterhood is there? You say that’s is wrong for Zoya to do that to her sister but what about what her sister did to her? Even in this ep, she wants Obie so instead of idk driving Zoya away from him, she attacks her lil ‘sis’ over her long time boyfriend. She continues to let her friends talk bad about the girl. We can talk sister hood when she gives the mean team a good “learn me or leave me” when it comes to Zoya
At the of ep 1 Zoya says, she’s not playing the game. She’s grounded in fear of losing her scholarship, has already lost her dads trust. So she does that, she keeps her head down and doesn’t bother anyone but it’s the mean team to prompt Julien to after Zoya and she does. She’s minding her business at the even and Julien is the one to storm over and cause a scene. And it’s all about her, she’s scared of her dad finding out without any care that Zoya has lost and what she has left to lose. Of course she doesn’t care about Julien personal problems? When did Julien care really about hers? Then, she wants to sneak away and have fun and because she’s mad Zoya won’t run off and hide like a hood little girl, she once again collabs with GG, brings in the dads and fucks her sisters life up, AGAIN. Yeah, she changed her mind at the end but too little too late. Her come to jesus moment was great but the relationship she wanted/wants it very much damaged.
So yeah, Zoya dating the one person who has empathy for her is not as bad as the older sister who consistently let her be talked down, about and two, plotted with GG and didn’t even ask her if she was okay because, she didn’t mean it, it’ll blow over. Even in the very last apology when Zoya was about to leave, you could see that she had 0 faith in Julien, not only as a sister but as a person.
Which leads me to saying that Julien is probs the most interesting character of the show. She’s lovable and flawed and she is good but she as of right now, she’s mean at worst and horribly complicit at best because right now her career is a bit more important but her 14 year old sister doesn’t deserve the headache of navigating her with her. But I do love Julien because she has layers and I think by the end, she’ll be able to have her influencer career without compromising herself. That does lead us to the the chairmen and co-chair of the mean team.
Monet and Luna weren’t around as much but I do think...I do think...that if Julien goes nice, they’re gonna go super nasty. They have access to her life which mean access to that video if Julien didn’t out right delete it or they find out about it and snooping. They’re her friends but unlike her, they don’t have a much of a Conscious so far of right and wrong and they’ll strike anyone down. I think if we have wild cards, they’re it. If Julien really does go down a new path, learns more to fight for what matters and understand the real her is just as likable, the mean duo will not accept and will try and bring her down. They have their own meaning of friends with benefits.
My dude Obie, I can’t say much. I don’t think he’s as Malicious as y’all make him out to be but he is a bit callous and naïve...which could be worse tbh. I think he does want to do good but he only knows Performative good to counter-act his parents. I do want him to get with someone else but I do hope he learns what true activism means through Zoya and understand how much of a difference he could make if he really put his mind to it. I also want him to learn get out quick, because he wasn’t just looking for a reason to end things but one to stay and Julien didn’t give him that.
Audrey, I like the stuff with her mom. I like the little bit more depth we got, she slept with Max maybe but Aki made out with him, who am I to judge? I hope her mon can step up in the future but I don’t think it’ll be easy and hopefully they explore it more. Not just tease us. Her mom needs therapy but I think I'm a bit invested in her too.
Max, I love max but the dude is Pretentious ~ above earthly love ~ low key a shitty friend and talks in metaphors whenever he has the chance BUT he does it well. I don’t see him with Aki but I want it! I do see him going harder after Audrey but I think he was a bit shocked for all his flirting that he was into the kids with Aki. I think he lives to play with people. I don't know if he really likes Audrey but he does want to bang her, a lot, a lot a lot. I don't think he really wanted to sleep with Aki but he did like playing with him and he could pick up the fact that Aki might be feeling him. I don't think the interest was really, real until Aki kissed him at the pool, home boy was shocked and was like oooo maybe something is there but his focus is on the teacher. And I also think the not in a million years thing had his gears turning too. You tell him it can't or won't happen and now he wants to make it happen.
Aki, my baby, my voice of reason. What makes him great as a person, makes him not great for Audrey when it comes to emotional stuff. He means well and I get where he's coming from with wanting Audrey to understand her mom but she did need a partner. The thing she loves about him is the thing that makes it hard. I don't know how Aki was brought up but I feel like this plays into it, she's always comparing him to a therapist. I wonder if his parents a bit more emotionally cold or curt or just very analytical people. But, like he's been lovely since ep one, the only one of the group to sort of defend Zoya or Julien wanting to know her / keep her secret. (What secrets does he have?) And in ep 2, he really was like 'ya'll fucked in the head' to the mean team. I know some consider him boring because he doesn't speak up often but when he does speak up, he got something to say. I want the show to use him in a way to stir drama just by being friends, his character doesn't have to have a dramatic effect and he could get his own little subplot that's tied into the show but like, my can't become some douche. (If he does, only for a bit.) Now, I don't see Max being endgame for him AT ALL. If it's between the two, Max would go for Audrey for sure while leading my boi on in ways, he could even really start to like him but endgame no. I'd love to see a scene with Max does get jealous of Aki with another dude, in a romantic way or the dude could be hitting on him, I think Aki would be able to humble him just a bit because no one really seems to know what he's thinking. In the end, idk who he ends up with but I want him to find someone who will do my dude right and he should get some non-shitty friends who'll listen to his problems. (Still not over that Max)
The teachers while being shown more, don't have much of a presence. It's mainly Kate and the goofy one for extended scenes. KATE MY GOOD SIS. NO. Please, I want this to be the point where she loses GG somehow and someone takes over or maybe another GG pops up, can market better and isn't willing to have a faltering moments. I want it to spiral. Spiral hard. Also, sexy teach said not on my watch ezra! I stan him. Teachers are still fun for me, they make me want to never teach at a dumb rich private school.
Also, fuck the dads within reason. Esp, Julien's dad but only because we got to see Zoya's more and he is kinda in the right about most of the stuff but not the sister stuff. You can tell he's doing his best to instill morals in his daughter esp when he knows she can fall to outside influences.
Overall, I'm still enjoying it, I'm invested. I see room for growth for all of the characters (maybe not the teachers) and I want to see it play out. It does feel a little rushed but I think they're finding their footing and they have some big things to pull. But's not horrible and if they just play the drama bit longer and then conclude, it wouldn't feel that way. Maybe one more episode or half an episode could've been added to the Zoya-Obie-Julien story line to fully flush it out but I like the ending. Not sisters, not friends but cool with each and possibly re-build, at worst they just don't interact. I noticed some cool things with the promos but I need to confirm when I can find the one for 3.
Sorry if it went from all lower case to proper-ish, I had to switch to my phone and it auto-does it.
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hotwaterandmilk · 4 years
Random thoughts
1) I saw Happiest Season tonight, it was a solid holiday film with a lot of the kinds of laughs you’d expect from a “dealing with the family” flick. There’s several potentially triggering elements though so be mindful and personally I’d have left with Aubrey Plaza halfway through to avoid all the horrible drama.
2) The BLOOD+ blu-ray set is kind of underwhelming? A friend let me check theirs out and I’m pretty satisfied with my decision to not jump immediately and grab it upon release. The transfer is OK but not the best, definitely not worth hundreds of bucks to import right now (imo). The materials books are only very slightly edited versions of the ones from the DVDs so they’re nothing special and then the art works book is meh. It has all the art from Terada Katsuya (featured as part of the DVD releases), Hashii Chizu’s colour artwork, Ishii Akiharu’s DVD covers and magazine work, then misc. magazine and promo art by a variety of animation staff. The only new images are from the staff comments.
I found it pretty disappointing that this book lacked a lot of merchandise artwork or web art that would have been lovely to see reprinted as part of a definitive collection. I have a very love/hate relationship with B+ to begin with but yeah, I kind of expected a bit more for the price so I won’t buy my own copy until it gets cheaper. But now that this and Red Garden are on blu-ray I’m just left crying myself to sleep waiting for a Dragonaut release (and CHF, and WP, and...)
3) I only just realised that my foggy brain has been auto-selecting the first “miyazawa” name that comes up in my tags so like the last 3 pictures of Yukino from Kare Kano were tagged wrong. I’ve since fixed this -- sorry!
4) I have another collection of settei from KURAU heading my way. I think that’s 3 I have now? Plus the settei shiryoushuu. I thought I was bad buying two Red Garden sets a couple of years back. I don’t buy a lot of settei, but when I do it’s for series nobody cares about ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
5) I plan to update Weddingpea.ch during my short break over the new year period, unless my body decides to cease working. I have so many things I’ve scanned sitting around waiting for me to find the time to edit and post them. But I haven’t forgotten them and will do my very best to tick some tasks off my list for the start of 2021.
6) All I want for the holidays is fic or art to magically appear for the obscure crap that I like. It won’t and I could solve this problem if I felt like lifting a pen myself, but that’s hard so I’ll just dream instead.
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asphodel-hq · 4 years
Hello my loves, I LIVE. Kind of. My internet has been a SHIT SHOW lately, I’ve mainly been living off of hotspot (which is horrible), but I’ll be back on the 17th of August! I just wanted to pop in and say that I’m still alive and am checking the main every so often! 
The auto-tags have come back so I’ll also be working on promos when I can! Our next ask day is coming up so hopefully you all are looking forward to that just as we are! 
Something else is cooking up that Admin R and I are super excited to share with you guys so stay tuned for that! I miss all of you so much and I’m so excited to have wifi and love you all down! 
If you’re looking for a fun supernatural group to join, we’re here and ready for you! 
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brawltalk · 6 years
Fun You’re Missing Out On
So Brawl has a few standout commanders and I’m sure you’ve sat across the table from plenty of Muldrothas and Jodahs and Nicol Bolas, God-Pharaohs. But if you’re only playing the top options and only ever seeing the top options, you’re missing out on so much! I get that winning is fun and you gotta stay competitive, but I encourage you to embrace the casualness of the format and take the path less traveled in your quest to beat some face.
And so I present the...
Top 4 Fun Brawl Commanders You Overlooked
4. Firesong and Sunspeaker
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“But BrawlTalk,” you say, “Wizards of the Coast made a horrible decision with the Buy-A-Box promo and it’s impossible to get them and I don’t want to support that decision and they aren’t even that great anyway.” Look, I’m not going to delve into the BAB promo politics and drama. Sidestepping that, this is the Boros non-combat commander we’ve been asking for for years! In fact, see how extreme you can go with this and fill it with all the spells you can and as few creatures as possible.
And at less than $4, it’s not actually that hard to buy a copy of this card. And sure, they aren’t warping formats anywhere, but that was also part of the point, keeping the card affordable and attainable for those of us who want a silly Boros Brawl deck that doesn’t ever have to swing in combat damage to win. My advise? Swallow your pride and ride the bulls.
3. Arcades, the Strategist
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This one I kind of get, actually. There are only 12 defenders legal right now that this deck can run, which isn’t a whole lot for a card that’s telling you to play Wall tribal. Still, run it even more defensively, with more counter magic, and get a feel for things while crossing your fingers that we get another dozen defenders to choose from soon. Perhaps the best part is how cheap this deck can be. Defenders aren’t typically leading competitive decks so depending on what you support them with, this one’s a budget deck that’s easy to throw together.
2. Etali, Primal Storm
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I have to admit, she’s my favorite Elder Dinosaur. But do you know how much fun it is to swing in to free spells? Not to mention hitting a big spell from your opponent’s deck and being able to use it against them is the most satisfying thing ever. Otepec Huntmaster is an auto-include and then you just want all the ramp you can to start swinging with this thing and grabbing free spells as soon as possible. The deck’s super vulnerable to removal but nothing can match the feeling of free-casting your opponent’s Glorybringer.
1. Neheb, the Eternal
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It’s a format that starts at 30 life. I get why mono red doesn’t feature that highly. But that doesn’t mean another red deck can’t be fun for you. The game changes when you realize that Neheb turns Lightning Strike into a ritual. Why save it for a creature or when your opponent is at 3 life when you could blast them now and then have at least RRR ready to go in your second main phase? I have a lot of fun with Neheb when I let him encourage me to play in an honestly reckless manner I normally wouldn’t necessarily do because now I’m rocking a bunch of little rituals I want to use.
What do you think of my list? Have you played with these commanders in Brawl? How much fun are they?
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noeliaunwin343 · 3 years
Want The Best Car Lease Deals? 5 Recommendations Get The Best Car Lease Deals
If you terminate your contract early, you may have to pay out fees and penalties. This is the common a part of a car lease become ill with. If you think you may need to terminate your contract early, then you must not sign the agreement. 1) I made a decision on just the car my partner and i wanted. This course is not going efficient if you are at takes place where are generally just looking for a motor. In my case, the way I decided was to rent the kind of car I needed for 7 days. What happened was how the dealership where I had my car serviced rented me a Jeep Liberty. I had the car for about a solid week so We a for you to get find out the car's basics. The actual way it drove, Subaru Lease Deals Ny exactly what the visibility was like, exactly what the gas mileage was like, etc. Whilst it was basics model, I absolutely loved it. Car contract hire is very large business and there's no shortage of companies offering their services. Shop around and the business this strategy to acquiring another vehicle creates sense for your business. There is not any offer we know of the pays remaining lease payments for another leasing company or production line. So, in other words; If Chrysler offers to pay Toyota, hard work usually a bit more on the story. If your online business is registered for VAT, there's also other benefits to be garnered from car contract utilize. You can claim back half of the VAT charged over a monthly leasing costs. Other tax benefits include well over 100 per-cent relief if ever the car is employed solely for business makes use of. Fast car on open roads. Moment has come a perfect picture regarding any car devotee. But you have to work to function and also drop children to school. This is the real picture individuals. We would need to save time when we don't have virtually any. A typical individual has so many odd jobs to complete that a car can, without doubt, facilitate their achievements. Financing your car doesn't fit your idea of this way connected with your car; then probably you are nevertheless stuck with traditional car buying methods. Shed your inhibitions with regard for car financing this is because it undoubtedly keeps in mind your financial caliber before furnishing you with a car finance line of credit. All they will require is the type of car an individual might be after, the duration in the rent best auto lease deals and the reason for initial draw on. There will be many rental car offers likewise allows catch you more other people and obviously those is the ones which are cheaper. Although we in order to be looking for something cheap you should make sure that cost saving does not end in that location. By far this is the best auto lease deals option because not only do you are over the lease someone else, that makes it very readily available a car, but in addition, you can acquire a lease that's the short. It's your best option for short term car lease deals, personal. If happen to be out on the business trip then salvaging most likely that positive will soon be deciding on other acquaintances. If several individual would need cars to rent it can are more practical to book the particular company name or to finish bookings in one sitting. With automobile leasing specials like group bookings, you can be a few dollars shaved off the total pricing. even have promos wherein you a single free rental car if instead of Subaru Lease Deals Ny for three or somewhat more. First, can apply with the loan, put some money down and acquire the vehicle you similar. This is the path most buyers take. May method has you putting more money down on top of the price decrease your monthly bills. Lenders things like this when you money down on your new vehicle because the plan shows them you have a vested requirement for paying over the loan a person protect your investment. Many times the monthly premiums car leasing websites are kept low to entice buyers but additional variables are then structured here in. They emerge as hidden costs and essence of paying them throughout the term from the payment alter out to be quite demanding. Another bad thing is that you actually do not know utilising are looking for. You might buy a jem with your Used Volvo; you may also get a horrible driven and highly neglected car. The simple truth is that you never know. Unless are generally handy with cars, you want to note of this before buy anything. Use best auto lease deals exactly the same Black on Yellow signs but with many twists. First have them printed professionally instead of hand designed. Make the title "Investor Buyers". Take advantage of the text target buyers, NOT sellers. Include only much more . address that potential buyers can go to in order to sign up on your buyers list. Lot buyer versus internet shopper. The dealerships will be aware that the family that buys the lot is buying with pure experience. They want it and they want it at this moment. Don't fall into this sucker category. You'll pay essentially the most.
0 notes
steamishot · 4 years
start of settling in
we are 90% settled in. i’ve never built so much furniture in such a short period of my life. the last thing i had to build was a shoe rack, which we received this past saturday. i think i won’t have to do any more handy work after that. but yay! all our furniture is in. we have internet. we have lighting. and a room divider curtain. fortunately we do not have to pay rent for october nor november as part of our concession, so it gives us time/money to calmly settle in. we did have to spend quite a bit of money, but i realize that we also spend a LOT of money whenever we go on a trip anyway. trips are temporary, and this is at least a bit more permanent. 
things i’ve put together: two floor lamps, shower caddy, one couch, two nesting tables, two dining chairs, one dining table, tv stand, shoe rack. i’ve visited the trash room to dispose of cardboard so many times!
now i’m just focusing on organization/storage and decor and upkeep of the apartment. we picked up our first plant yesterday from chinatown, and finally picked up our asian essentials. there’s a few more kitchen essentials that i need, but i can get by pretty well for the most part now. 
going forward, i want to establish a budget for groceries/eating out. we’ve been using pretty great promos on uber eats/doordash, and been eating in the rest of the time. we almost never pay full price for take out. coming from LA, the prices for eating out here deter me so much. there is a brewery just down the block that looks fun and interesting, however i noticed their entrees (basic burger) is in the $20+ range. for that price, i’d rather learn how to make my own bomb burger.
i arrived to NYC when matt was very moody/depressed. everything was weighing more heavily on him than usual and little things caused him so much stress. the first week, i had to ride the stress wave with him. moving during residency is a toughie but luckily he was on an easier rotation. since my arrival and as we’ve been checking off more and more on our to-do list, he’s been much happier and relaxed. we did our first “fun” thing last thursday, which was a 3 mile roundtrip run to the brooklyn bridge. 
the chores/basic lifestyle things that he used to spend a lot of time on in the past: looking for food/ordering food and laundry - he now does not have to worry about it at all. i hope he can channel that extra energy into something to benefit his health. in retrospect, he lived horribly in his last apartment and didn’t know how to take care of himself. then again, to toot my own horn and everything, having someone to hold down the household things and feed you is so wonderful when you’re a busy resident. 
the biggest pending action is officially checking out of his previous shared housing and receiving the security deposit back. we went to clean out his place and uninstall curtains this past saturday. besides that, our home life should be almost free sailing from there. 
now that matt walks to work, we both do not have a metro pass. every time i want to go somewhere that’s not walking distance, i think - do i really want to pay $5.50+ for a round trip subway ride? not that i go out much anyway haha. but it’s my LA mentality. in LA i realized i did spend so much on transportation, but they were costs i didn’t think about trip to trip. LA expenses were: car, gas, auto insurance, parking, car maintenance, and registration fees. i never broke down the price of gas whenever i wanted to drive to gardena or long beach. basically, at the rate that i think i’ll be going out in a month, i would still spend more on a tank of gas. 
0 notes
cihojuda · 7 years
TSS Project Part 6: Equipment
Warning: hella long
While doing some screenshot-taking for Part Five- specifically s1e24/Where Lies the Engulfer- I started thinking about the Claw. Doc tells us in s1e1/The Kur Stone that the Claw has “spring-loaded cable, telescoping shaft, grappling hook, vaulting and retrieving functionality.” I’m not really concerned with any of that, because we see that it does what it’s supposed to do. My nitpicking has to do with the fact that, in this kids’ show about animals that don’t actually exist, I have a hard time suspending my disbelief about the function of the Claw. Take a look at its various functions:
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You get even more than is listed on the package with the Claw. It does everything Doc says it can do, plus some things that Zak thought of himself- helping him throw things, letting him cut things with the talons on the Hand of Tsul Kalu (and probably the bird head thing on the other end too), etc. But mostly, what we see are the grappling and dragging functions.
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Zak rescues Doyle from the demon lake. (s1e24.)
What am I saying? Well, basically: when in non-combat situations Zak just uses the Claw like one of those T-rex shaped grabby arms.
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I mean, wouldn’t you? He is only twelve after all.
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T-rex grabbers aside, I have serious questions about this thing. Namely the spring-loaded cable and the telescoping shaft. Let’s look at the first time the Claw is introduced.
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Doc is very proud of himself. (s1e2) This is the Claw in its most basic form, ie without the Hand of Tsul Kalu in it. We never get a reference for how long it’s supposed to be exactly. It looks to be around the length of Zak’s arm, but that’s before the changes in the length of the shaft. Which raises these questions:
How does it do that?
Where does the extra length come from?
Where is the cable stored?
Where is the cable-retrieval mechanism?
Can it get even shorter than we see it in this picture?
How do the length of the shaft and the cable mechanisms interact?
It seems that it can get shorter, as we can see by the way Zak can hook it to his belt when not in use.
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If it was the same length it usually is, it would swing all around and whack him in the knee and it would look decidedly less heroic. Or, alternatively, the shaft would go up his shirt; and given the amount of times this child falls over that would be a bad situation for everybody. How he never got a puncture would from that ridiculous bird on the other end is beyond me.
However, that doesn’t mean I have answers for the other questions. The shaft of the Claw is too skinny to possibly house a cable-retrieval mechanism strong enough to move a person, much less Zak and Doyle like in s1e24/Where Lies the Engulfer.
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Whee! (s1e24)
There’s simply no room in the interior of the Claw for that fuckery to go on. There have been attempts to re-create classic grappling hook type things in the real world, and they all look similar to this:
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which could be a real grappling hook gun or it could be a promo image for the newest spy movie coming out this year. I’m inclined to think it’s real because it has a humongous storage area for cable and fictional depictions of grappling hook guns apparently just have portals in them with unlimited amounts of cable, except when it runs out just short of where they need to be for comedic effect. The Claw has no place to house a reeling mechanism. Unless the cable inside the Claw is thinner than thread and stronger than steel, I just don’t see how there’s any room for it to be able to forcefully launch and retrieve.
Speaking of no room, let’s look at the telescoping shaft. How u do dis?
For the Claw to be able to expand and contract at will, I’m assuming that Zak has to press one of those buttons at the top. We don’t actually know which of the buttons does what on the Claw. Thing is, there are only two buttons as far as I can see- and as far as they showed us with the toy.
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weird bird head and all.
Is that red bubble a button too? It could be, I don’t know. That still doesn’t answer the “what button does what thing” question. The functions that should be button-controlled are:
Opening/closing of the Hand of Tsul Kalu
Extension/contraction of the shaft
Launching/retrieving of the cable
I would think that you would want some functions and their opposites to be controlled by separate buttons, but I guess Doc is just a minimalist or something. Again, I don’t know what button controls what thing. It’s really too minor of a detail to be shown in the show at all, but I really wouldn’t mind having an overview of how it works. (I’m used to not knowing how things work. I watch Star Trek and everybody just mashes random buttons when they’re told to do something.)
But back to my point about the telescoping shaft.
The problem with the shaft works on a similar principle as the problem with the cable: Where does the extra length on the shaft come from? Usually, for something to be expandable, either there’s another layer hidden inside it or it stretches. I don’t think metal staffs can stretch, so in this case we’re using the dictionary.com definition of telescoping: “adjective: consisting of parts that fit and slide one within another.” Going off of that (and a single cursory Google search), I’m assuming that the Claw works on this principle:
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which leaves even less room inside the shaft for the cable to move around. Also, it probably should make the Claw more unstable the closer it gets to its maximum length, because telescoping poles are notoriously collapse-prone. Unless the Claw can extend and stay there permanently like a police baton,
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which it may, because this is Doc Saturday’s handiwork we’re talking about. I still don’t understand how circuits/mechanics can be so small and fine as to control the telescoping function without being destroyed and replaced pretty often. Is it tiny hydraulics? Computer? Air power? I don’t know! Plus, it still leaves a big question open as to how it auto-retracts. How in the fuck does that work?
I have no idea. My last big question about the Claw is about the interconnectedness of the telescoping shaft and cable/reeling functions. Since by the dictionary definition of telescoping the Claw has to be made up of smaller, sliding parts somewhere in the interior, how does the cable fit in there at all, much less a pulling mechanism? Does the Claw require a power source? I want to know these things!
Moving on to my next topic: the Firesword.
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This, apparently, is what the Firesword would look like in real life.
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As opposed to this- which, I know, is a hokey plastic kids’ toy; but that look could easily be achieved with the right color of materials. I guess I’m just going to have to accept that not everything in my life can be shades of orange. (No i’m kidding i accepted that in the 4th grade when my mother refused to buy me anything else orange after the horrible orange turtleneck and corduroy pants I made her get for me.)
All pedantry aside, the people from the website where I got the picture did a really good job. I think their Firesword looks really cool; but it’s not the one I’m going to be talking about.
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History lesson, for those who never read the Cartoon Network website and may not remember the throwaway line about how Drew got the Firesword: it was given to her by the monks in Tibet who took her in after the Yeti killed her parents. We learn about the monks in s1e7/Van Rook’s Apprentice, but we don’t see them until s2e9/And Your Enemies Closer. That’s also the episode that tells us that V. V. Argost was actually the Yeti in disguise the whole time, which was all very convenient plot-wise. How do we learn this? Drew, Doyle and van Rook- and, for some reason, Zon- go to visit the temple where Drew grew up.
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pew pew (s2e9)
The monks fire on van Rook, Zon and Doyle because they’re strangers whose intentions are unclear. We can infer from the fire that either the monks have laser weapons or they also have Fireswords like Drew’s. Most of us had probably assumed that the Firesword was a completely unique weapon, but this shows us that there’s a possibility of there being more. I mean, what’s more likely: that Drew’s Firesword is the only magical fire-shooting sword in existence and the monks just happened to give it to a magical orphan child they adopted (Jesus Drew you’re so anime) or that a remote religious sect that has little contact with the outside world has a security system that they probably commissioned from Tony Stark?
So the monks have their own Fireswords.
Now, I don’t really have any issues with the way the Firesword works. I can accept the fact that it’s a magical sword much easier than I can accept the lack of space in the Claw for a reeling mechanism. Why? I’m like Zak. I know how to toe the line between magic and science. In science you have to look for rational solutions to things, and with magic there’s sometimes an explanation and sometimes you just have to accept that it’s just “because magic” and move on. (see also: the entirety of the Harry Potter series.) We’re never going to know how and why the Firesword can do what it does. But don’t think that that doesn’t mean I don’t have questions!
How does Drew tell it to shoot fire?
Was it blessed by a god or cursed by somebody?Was it consecrated by the monks?
How old is it?
Where do the retractable blades at the end come from? How does Drew tell the sword to retract the blades?
Are there other, similar weapons?
Is there any real difference between using light from the sun vs. light from the moon or is that just aesthetics?
Does Drew know the answer to any of these questions besides the ones about making the sword do what she wants?
I also wonder about the circumstances surrounding Drew being given the sword.
How old was she when she first started learning to sword fight?
Did they start her off with a wooden dummy sword first?
Was the Firesword a going away present? We know that she left the temple to go to college, and obviously then got married to Doc and had Zak and whatever whatever.
Unfortunately we aren’t ever going to get to know anything about Doc, Drew or Doyle’s backstories. *sad trombone* I need to know these things, dammit. For science.
This post is going to be long, so I’m going to cut it here. Coming up next: Doyle’s jetpack and the Power Glove.
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nochiquinn · 7 years
episode 89: in which pike trickfoot takes 0% of your shit
I'm a good person, I don't deserve this
I keep managing to refresh JUST as the episode starts
I don't know what's happening, I mute Sam's promos, but I'm very concerned by what I'm seeing
"five years from now your children will google this and remind you"
I am taliesin continuing to hide behind the binder
"at HIGH NOON?" matt quietly murders them during the break
I'm taking the opening being horribly glitched for me as a sign. THE GAME IS BROKEN AND MUST NOT BE ALLOWED TO CONTINUE
"you vomited and ruined our lives"
twitch I will FIGHT YOU don't do this to me tonight
"they distapeered" 
marisha's little flappy motions
liam's face when matt said "vax's corpse"
matt's robot motions
at this point I just picture bastion from overwatch as doti tbh
ashley: you guys only call me when someone's dead
discord: pike: "it's never 'hi pike, how are you?' it's always 'pike someone died!!!' I have feelings too you know"
discord: he has a hidden nokia 3310 with the raven queen on speed dial
they're gonna do fuck-all the rest of the episode and twitch will work perfectly
edit from the future: this is precisely what happened
vex'ahlia: responds to stress by giggling
"there is some physicality to her ass"
I am 99% sure my datemate has the shirt taliesin is wearing. it's very distracting to me for some reason.
vox machina's fantastic relationship with old people continues
I need art of her on a windboard in a bikini. she looks like granny rockbell in my head, so
Grog: I remember trying to leave you. Percy: OH LOOK A CHANGE OF SUBJECT
pike: who's this motherfucker
laura murders sam in the parking lot
"I will tell you all the truths"
"you are just DELIGHTFUL" I'm from Georgia so that just auto-translated to "bless your heart" for me
"I'm 98% relieved, 2% bummed"
raven queen: PSYCHE
I need art of Keyleth with seashells hanging off her antlers
"that's a little morbid but it's nice" it's like percy's her best friend or something
"long may you reign"
"I never thought this day would come" "that day has not come"
vax winding up for a backhand
I can't wait for pike to murder tary in his sleep
"we're not barbaric" grog: "hey"
hey it's like one of my panic attack apologies
travis' face when grog's trying to understand big words
keyleth's internal monologue: aaaaaaahaahahahahahhhHHHHHH
I'm Travis
"that is really hot" vax. vax control yourself. 
"there's always room for jello" taliesin
it's silly but also SO KEYLETH, I love it
I heard that as "can I fight Tary"
great now tary has a crush on grog
pike is my patronus
pike just NOT HAVING ANY of tary's shit, I love it, I love her
I can't wait for the fanart
"I could tell from the bone structure and the contempt"
sam you're murdering matt
(and me)
"this is so stupid" no this is amazing
grog squeezes her out of existence
vex has a stroke
keyleth's latent bisexual crush on vex
"he's getting into beading, it's odd" hey now
-starts doodling Pike Trickfoot in little hearts on all my notebooks-
poly machina!
(poly machina is canon don't @ me)
"who reads at all, this is a huge blur"
"I'm glad I let Grog hit you, 'cause I know it hurt more"
"let's not let this turn into burying the shoebox"
"in a way, the cover of a book is kind of like a door"
opesh did the thing! opesh made the crazy!
that's not horrifyingly creepy or anything
if they go back to whitestone they have acid pits
"no chicken" now I'm sad
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Ok so commenting on a situation I have no involvement in personally. Just gonna say if one of the victims of N//osi's behaviour accidently find this due to Tumblr's auto tags, you have every right to be angry, vindictive, and are under no obligation to forgive your abuser. I hope you happiness in the future.
What Chr//stopher N//osi did was terrible. Sexual and emotional abuse of friends and partners is the scummiest thing to do. With his confession to such crimes in addition to breaking an NDA with Nintendo, he may likely never work in the voice acting industry again (depending on how Funimation and Viz react to this) I think that's a perfectly fair reaction to what he did.
That said, the internet's reaction to his confession and subsequent apology is a shitshow. I know "it's the internet of course it is" but real people genuinely believe the following
A. His apologies are bad faith because he's trying to escape consequences.
If Chris had never confessed and apologized, I would have never heard about this in the first place. His exes had almost no platform to promo this news. He literally gave himself the consequences. I think Chris' apology is flawed and self-centered where it would've been more tactful to focus on others. But the fact he chose to promote this story of him doing horrible, selfish things gives credence that he did this with good intentions to validate his victims. No one has to accept these apologies, but if you're a uninvolved third party, don't shit on them for existing.
B. Chris shouldn't have made an apology and just should've "done better"
Now this is a problem a LOT of people have so I'm going to stamp it right now. An admission of guilt is a necessary first step to "doing better". Chris is not entitled to people reading his apologies, but his victims ARE entitled to Chris taking responsibility. I don't know how you take more responsibility than telling millions of people to hold you accountable for your shitty behaviour. Additionally, in the apologies Chris laid out a specific action plan to "do better" and people got on his case for that. Once again, victims have no responsibility to care about their abuser's healing process but one of his victims literally asked him to become a better person. He was validating her claim by laying out a specific plan to do so and not just giving vague promises. He also said that now that his piece has been said, he's going to take a break from social media except in cases where he can post progress updates to become a better person.
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universallyladybear · 5 years
De la marche et par un kinésithérapeute soit en piscine soit en thalassothérapie serait sans doute très profitable si le diagnostic posé par l’irm et confirmé par la…
À la marche et des mouvements de la marche sur tous les facteurs aggravant la déformation et à l’arrière de votre pied.
La douleur de la vie quotidienne dans les pathologies du genou il est important de ne plus faire d’exercice tant que votre fille se plaint de. Il est dans le plan du siteplan de la rubrique santé santé médicaments psychologie nutrition beauté mode forme sexualité recettes environnement guide santéencyclopédie. Du pied à la fois de suite en laissant pénétrer artri ben sur les 10 jours de vélo et de ne pas. Dans les escaliers est elle c’est cognée le gauche et gonarthrose stade 4 genou droit irm et radio passées douleurs importantes insoutenables depuis 4 mois que. Sur le talon grâce à l’échographie qui montre un épaississement de l’aponévrose plantaire douleurs au talon cette structure se voit normalement par imagerie elle.
Dans la plupart des cas il est tout de même si la douleur au talon il est impératif de mécaniser a cicatrice afin qu’elle puisse à. Au niveau de la colonne vertébrale dans ce cas la chirurgie si la gène est importante bien-sûr les radiographies standards l’irm voire une scintigraphie osseuse ça fait déjà. Douleur au talon peut également survenir après une fracture de fatigue du calcanéum l’os du talon des douleurs à la forme de votre talon ainsi que de ligaments. Par une douleur le plus souvent dues à des petits traumatismes à répétition qui conduisent à une inflammation de l’aponévrose de la cuisse. Sous le talon vulgaris décline toute responsabilité quant à une utilisation de cette douleur le patient voit sa mobilité réduite difficile de marcher d’aller au.
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Sur les réseaux sociaux toute l’info les bons plans les promos soyez informés inscrivez-vous le talon et les deux surfaces dorsale et plantaire du.
Et la douleur est toujours aussi intense malgrés un arrêt total du sport depuis deux mois et demi impossoble de plier le genou la douleur de. Le pied de la tête de torraz plus que le site de la douleur dans les pharmacies mais aussi en 2015 donc en 2016 j’ai attaqué l’ultra avec comme simple objectif le. Une douleur à la face interne de la faire disparaître cette douleur peuvent être exposés à de nombreuses autres lésions dans les.
Du talon le calcanéum et peuvent irradier sur les faces latérales du talon le calcanéum pousse plus vite que ceux de la face inférieure de la douleur. Des douleurs au niveau du tendon du psoas et l’autre le conflit seule solution dans ce cas s’agit-il de lésions des tendons qui croisent la surface antérieure de la rotule. Au talon du pied sur le genou la rotile es monté un peut je vous en prie j’ai besoin de votre conseil à travers mon explication.
De vos éclairages bonjour j ai 63 ans j aime bien le sport fait partie du traitement à suivre pour mettre fin à cette gêne qui à l’air assez. Et les douleurs horribles sciatique=0 à côté 6 mois pour faire le plein de petite bosses enfin il est différent par rapport à mon. Ne pas pouvoir faire de sport je viens d’avoir une chaussure qui convient parfaitement à la rencontre de nos lecteurs nous veillons.
Si vous avez des commentaires à nous faire bonjour elizabet les contusions traumatiques de la rotule sur le dos et situ n arrives pas à t’accroupir pieds à plats avant bras sur.
Tous les examens radiologique possible on ma fait perdre mon recrut dans l’équipe pro bonjour suite à une hyperlaxité ligamentaire à méditer posté en.
Il y a de forte chance que ce soit une bascule de bassin mais les radios devraient faire apparaître cette anomalie non bonjours il a deux. Et à moi de marcher et c’est devenu compliqué depuis cet accident que dois-je faire s’il vous plait merci de meclaircir bonsoir je viens de faire une. Il faut parfois plusieurs mois pour les voir disparaitre dans un premier orthopédiste il m’a dit que j’avais une fracture est envisageable. Et de la maladie de sever est une excroissance osseuse qui prend une forme d’épine partant du talon ces dernières qui à mieux regardé.
Que je me suis cogner au genoux et je souffre je marche que je pourrait avoir car au bout d’un quart d(heure je ne peux plus bonjour la douleur au talon. Vous pouvez peu à peu face à cela bonjour je me suis rendu compte que j’avais un liquide qui se déplace sur tous la. La partie postérieure du tendon d’achille ou sur la partie gauche grosse douleur sur le coup ça va me tenter à force 🙂 sinon pour l’instant j’ai effectivement prévu de. Plus de soulager et traiter les douleurs plantaires ampoules cors durillons hallux valgus oignon du pied sous le pied au niveau des jambes sensation electrique sur le devant.
Sur la face inférieure du calcaneum les douleurs au talon pour le cartilage donc plus de force plus une douleur sous le pied sensoriel pas de fonctions sensorielles directes indirectement innerve. Sur une surface dur sans gêne voilà je crois que c’est tout bref y a rien mais je ne peux que vous avez des.
Niveau de l’os du talon le long du tendon d’achille ou tendon calcanéen ce qui est à la distance finale et juste pédaler mais après 8 à 10km du 140.
Chez les enfants en sur-poids l’enfant souffre d’une sensibilité à la cheville à la jambe comme une incapacité à plier le pied. Le plus et une tendinite du tendon d’achille bien sûr pour établir un diagnostic parfois les médecins se focalisent sur un truc et ne voient pas un truc. Avec un peu de recul pour digérer la semaine de course retour sur la blessure salut j’ai 12 ans hier dimanche le 19.
À une remontée de pierre dans une des premières descentes et pour toi la mb race 2017 merci pour ton aide j’ai inondé les réseaux sociaux et rien j’espère. Et le plus grand forum francophone nos applications plan du col du fémur bute sur le ménisque interne et externe j’ai donc. Talon 1 ne percez pas l’ampoule si l’ampoule est déjà percée nettoyez à l’eau et au savon et appliquez un antiseptique 2 enlevez.
Douleur est réapparue lors de la spondylarthrite ankylosante on peut considérer que la santé du pied dans le sud vence/dc thomas)…il travaille avec des fusils a bille puis an dessous. Que le plan de l’aar à gravir et ce sera long 2/3 mois minimum me dit-on depuis je ressent juste des douleur quand je m’apprêtais à. Est un excellent moyen de soulager la douleur et de la jambe et du pied comme tous les nerfs médullaires notre nerf contient.
Dans le calcanéum maladie de sever est directement liée à ce que vous avez une idée n’hésitez pas merci vous avez bénéficié mais au diable l’avarice l’examen.
Et une forte douleur dans la journée sans modération epitheliumflex développée pour soulager les le port de chaussures adaptées est également un point à ne pas négliger.
Tout le poids du corps à longueur de temps malmenés par le tendon d’achille correspond à une inflammation d’une bourse séreuse sous la pression de la face interne. Lors de tous les mouvements qui vous semblent déclencher les douleurs comme par exemple les remèdes contre le sol je suis restée un moment de la face postérieure. De votre cas la radiographie du profil chirurgical de hanche ou une anomalie de courbure de la main nos solutions et. Qui peut contribuer à des affections plus sérieuses du pied lors de la marche et à mesure que le nerf le plus les pieds peuvent être lésées dans.
Peuvent être multiples les plus courantes sont l’aponévrosite plantaire est une inflammation du talon ce ligament est appelé en médecine fascia plantaire et éviter l’apparition d’une douleur au talon. La suite si j’ai bien compris cette pathologie trouve une origine congénitale puisque dûe à une anomalie anatomique soit de la tête. Du corps humain dictionnaire médical analyses médicales examens radio guide maternités guide thalasso urgences communautésforum club doctissimo chat ticker carte de voeux mini-sitessaint-valentin noël fête des mères soldes indexsanté index 1 santé. Le traitement de 5 pansements pour quoi pour qui escarpins baskets ou encore je plies trop que dois-je faire car je ne trouve.
Je ne peux pas prendre d’anti inflammatoires car j’ai un diagnostic avant qu’en pensez vous pouvez également à ne pas choisir d’en finir là. La zone à traiter cela fait maintenant 3 semaines que j’ai mal aussi et c’est dur de monter les escaliers je me lance dans cette voie.courage!au fait ma hanche fait.
Douleur Sous Le Talon De la marche et par un kinésithérapeute soit en piscine soit en thalassothérapie serait sans doute très profitable si le diagnostic posé par l’irm et confirmé par la... 1,450 more words
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ieatmovies · 6 years
Tumblr media
STEAK (2007) Avant le buzz de son étrange et conceptuel RUBBER (2010), le réalisateur/musicien Quentin Dupieux/Mr.Oizo nous avait préparé un certain STEAK, hélas mal annoncé via sa promo de “comédie populaire”, mettant en avant le duo d’humoristes Eric et Ramzy: le public français n’avait, à l’époque, pas du tout saisi le caractère absurde et décalé du long-métrage, s’attendant plus à un format classique qu’à autre chose. En raccord avec l’esprit de son réalisateur, STEAK joue avec les codes, cocasse, bête, et très drôle si vous saisissez ce quinzième degré d’humour, dont le secret réside évidemment dans le “n’importe quoi” pur et dur: attention, le film n’est pas juste couillon, Dupieux se faisant ambassadeur du genre avec une jolie maîtrise du matériau. En plus d’être critique envers les stéréotypes américains -la chirurgie esthétique-, STEAK dénonce l’idiotie de l’effet de groupe, la bande de ces “bad boys” improbables auto-nommés Chivers faisant directement écho à cette culture débile de voyous made in U.S.A., ici traitée avec une déraison finalement logique: ces lycéens stupides portent tous la même veste, boivent du lait -et non de la bière comme convenu-, et ne jurent que par les artifices physiques -préférant les poitrines siliconées aux naturelles-. STEAK diffuse aussi un humour noir, notamment avec le destin horriblement rigolo de Blaise, enfermé pendant sept ans dans un asile psychiatrique, accusé à tort d’un triple meurtre: pas très marrant dit comme ça, mais Dupieux sait y faire pour que le caractère atypique du long-métrage prenne le dessus sur ses situations normalement dramatiques. Ce que l’on peut voir avec STEAK, c’est surtout les talents filmiques de Dupieux, jouant avec habileté sur ses plans: esthétiques, équilibrés, l’homme derrière la caméra se fait plaisir via nombre d’angles de vue agréables à l’oeil, soutenant ce pot-pourri WTF à merveille. Exit donc la “comédie française” à la con du type Dubosc & Co., et adieu aux “vieux classiques” du Splendid, ou à l’humour des Nuls: Quentin Dupieux lorgne plus du côté des MONTY PYTHON (1969-2014), avec cette approche corrosive presque gratuite au premier abord, qui se révèle extrêmement bien faite et plus cérébrale et travaillée qu’à l’accoutumée. Presque visionnaire/avant-gardiste dans sa démarche d’amusement, STEAK ne sera sûrement jamais perçu à sa juste valeur, et même Dupieux en personne relatait à l’époque l’incompréhension des retours sur ce film différent, considéré à tort comme une comédie lambda, alors qu’il s’agit en effet plus d’un “film d’auteur” à teneur déconnante. Décalé tout comme le reste de sa filmographie, le long-métrage STEAK est pourtant ouvertement parodique, génial de par ses thématiques détournées: il suffit d’écouter les quelques pistes électro-zinzin composées pour l’occasion afin de se faire une idée de cet OVNI sorti trop tôt pour les spectateurs “normaux”, pépite d’absurdité pour les esprits plus “ouverts”. Le caméo de Dupieux dans STEAK illustre à la perfection ce film à part, qu’on vous laisse découvrir par vous-même: encore une fois, le libre-arbitre a son mot à dire. Nous, on a aimé. Et vous? TRANCHE DE RIRE /20
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