Pls enjoy some Eddie in eyeliner I found on Pinterest.
If the duffers had let Eddie be in eyeliner he would have been too powerful. His eyes would have been too round and big and perfect. Just it’s just GOD.
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Please also enjoy. Joe in full Eddie in his hellclub dm throne looking hot AF
Just the lines
“You can certainly try sweetheart. So roll the dice. Let’s see if you survive tonight”
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Well to me it looks like joe is just lost in dissociative thought just
“Did I turn the air on before I left? It was like 90 degrees this morning….what should I get for dinner maybe Pizza? Mmm joe told me about that place near my house….”
Like just fully lost in what he has to do after they finish for the day.
@stranger-nightmare I just I hope this fuels you in ways.
@hotstuffhargrove @naturallytom
154 notes · View notes
staticscreenwriting · 5 years
Love was just a word - Billy Hargrove
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Synopsis: Billy wants to start fresh after Highschool. But that means facing the past and that’s scary. Also abandoned pools are romantic.
A/N: This is my entry for @hotstuffhargrove‘s Summer Writing Challenge.  I had the prompts "want a ride" and "is that your idea of flirting". This is over 8k words so, it’s long be warned. Also I’m gonna read through and edit this tomorrow morning I’m so close to falling asleep (forgive me small mistakes please). Feedback, as always, is appreciated.
[additional note: I am German. Sometimes I get the tense wrong or make mistakes. I am useless when it comes to punctuation. Go easy on me, please.]
I thought that love was just a word They sang about in songs I heard It took your kisses to reveal That I was wrong, and love is real
The california sun burns down on his skin with familiar warmth as Billy leans against the outside wall of a tall brick building. There’s vines covering the front and a big white sign proudly displaying the name of the institution, “ Daisy Fields nursing home”.
His hands feel clammy as he takes yet another drag of what’s probably his 3rd cigarette in the matter of half an hour.  Every time he feels like taking a step forward and entering the building, his heart speeds up and it feels like his legs are made of solid concrete. If Neil could see him now, it would just confirm all the taunts he’s been throwing at Billy for years.
There’s people walking in and out of the big red doors. Most of them are smiling. He wishes so deeply that this is what things are like for him. That walking inside will end up in him smiling the way those people do. That facing the life he’s left behind means being welcomed home with open arms and friendly words. He’s afraid that is not how things are gonna be.
“ Hey,“ a voice speaks up from besides him as he blows the cigarette smoke into the open air. “ Can I help you ? “
There’s a girl who seems to be around his age. Her hair is pulled back into a messy ponytail and her eyes look exhausted but there’s a certain softness to the way she looks at him that makes Billy feel conflicted. People don’t look at him with soft eyes. They haven’t for a long time. It’s either rage or admiration or lust. There’s no inbetween. Those are the emotions he’s familiar with. The emotions he knows how to deal with.
“ Hello ? “ it’s when she speaks up again and raises an eyebrow in question, that he realizes she’s still waiting for an answer. But really, what can he say. Can she help? Not really.
“ No I uh — no. “
“ You sure ? Are you here to visit someone ? I can see if they’re ready to welcome a visitor. I work he—”
“ I said no!”
He doesn’t mean for it to come out like this. Mean and snippy and loud. It’s just too much right now. Coming back to California and facing the life he has left behind. All of it is crashing down on him all at the same time and it’s — it’s a lot.
“ Oh, okay. Well in case you change your mind... “ she trails off. Billy wonders if she doesn’t know how to end the sentence or if he’s supposed to guess how it ends.
“ If you change your mind and decide not to be such a fucking pussy and finally face the consequences of all the stupid decisions you’ve ever made, just come inside”.
Yeah that sounds about right.
He finishes the cigarette before getting into the car and speeding off. Back to Chase’s flat. The one that’s too small for even one person, let alone two. Billy sleeps on a two-seater couch he suspects is from sometime between the early stone age and 1950. It squeaks every time he as much as takes a deep breath. There’s springs painfully pressing into his back and he has to sleep in a fetus position so his legs don’t hang off of the couch from the knee down.
But really, beggars can’t be choosers now can they ? Chase doesn’t have to let him stay at his place and yet he does anyway. Sure they’ve been best friends since as long as Billy can remember, but that was never the friendship they had and it still isn’t the friendship they have. Things with Chase are easy. It’s all the fun and loyalty that the best friendships come with only there’s no expectations. No pressure to be someone you’re not. Neither Chase nor Billy had expected the other to get in contact during Billy’s stint in Indiana and yet they both knew that if things go real bad they could count on the other to be there. Chase is a good friend, Billy thinks, maybe the best. But he’s a god awful roommate and those are the fact.
Billy Hargrove is a lot of things but he’s not messy. Never was. Even as a child, being clean and tidy was something that had been drilled into his head like a fucking commandment. Neil hates messes. Physical ones and emotional ones. In the Hargrove household you learn to either put your stuff away or never see it again because Neil has gotten rid of it. In the Hargrove household you really learn to cherish the things that are exclusively yours and you learn to take the utmost care of them.
When Billy arrives back at the flat, he finds it empty. What else has he expected really ? Chase works full time at the gas station. It’s an exhausting shop and he has to work a lot of night shifts but it pays well enough and he has first hand access to all kids of booze. He’s also mentioned that a lot of chicks hit up the station on their way to the bar, to pregame or some shit like that. Billy has yet to test that statement on its actual truth.
As his eyes move around the room, glancing at what is his life right now, Billy starts to wonder if this is really living. Maybe it’s just existing. All his belongings are stuffed into two grey duffle bags. He’s lodging on his friends couch eating his friend’s food and acting as a silent side character in his friend’s life.
He’s got no job, no perspective and not idea where to go from here. This is not the life he wants to live. But changing means facing all the shit that’s gone wrong and Billy isn’t sure if he’s quite ready to do that.
- OOO - 
It’s 3 days later that he finds himself in the same position, leaning against the same building, smoking a cigarette and wiping his clammy hands on his jeans.
He watches as an older lady talks to a family. Her family, probably. They are smiling and laughing and the little girl that is with them, cuddles close to the older woman. Love is radiating from every corner as he looks at them. They all look so all consumingly happy. He thinks that maybe things here aren’t so bad. Maybe they’re good. Maybe they’re happy. That should ease his conscience a little, right ? Right ? Only it doesn’t. Not even a little bit.
“ Billy ? “
It the same girl from the other day, only this time her hair is down and she’s carrying a guitar case.
“ What ? “
“ That’s your name, right ? “ she asks, eyebrows raised.
“ Yeah. How to hell do you know that. “
She smiles at him and when usually is would make him angry, Billy can’t help but let her smile sooth him a little. It’s so soft and full of something Billy can’t put a finger too. It’s like she’s smiling because she means it not because she feels like it’s expected of her.
“ William Collins is one of our residents. He has a picture of you in his room. I thought you looked familiar the other day and I finally remembered. I mean sure, you’re like 8 in that picture and you’ve grown quite a bit since then — “ Billy almost can’t suppress the smirk trying to spread on his lips as she says that and glances towards his arms “ — but your eyes. Those are still the same. “
Billy loves his eyes. They’re the one thing about him that most resembles his mother. The only other thing he really ever loved in his life.
“ Is that your idea of flirting ? Cause it’s not working, sorry “
She laughs at that and Billy reconsiders his last words there for a moment. Maybe it is working. Her laugh is phenomenal, he thinks.
“ No. No I — that would be a tad unprofessional. So, am I correct ? “
She is. He knows what picture she’s talking about. It’s one that had been sitting on his grandparents’ mantelpiece when he was younger. It’s of him and their dog Charlie. He’s smiling at the camera. Smiling at his mother who’s behind the camera. That day, was one of the good ones. A day when things had gotten too bad at home and mom had packed him into the car and had driven them to his grandparents’ house. He was happy there because mom was happy there and because there were people there who loved him. Who wanted him around. Sometimes he wishes his mom had been smart enough to leave Neil behind. That she would’ve ignored her soft heart that still held even an ounce of love for her husband. That she and Billy had just stayed with Grandma and Grandpa. Maybe then things would’ve been different. Maybe things would be different now. Alas they aren’t. They’re as shit as they are.
“ Why do you even care “
It’s a knee-jerk reaction. One he displays every time someone asks too much, wants to know too much. It’s just easier this way. In the end, no one really cares anyway. People are just nosy assholes.
“ Well clearly you care too. Otherwise you wouldn’t be here, huh ? I just thought maybe you’d like to come in, see William. He’s doing well so — “
“ Look, you don’t know anything, okay ? So how about you don’t try to mendle in my family life, yeah ? Fucking ridiculous. “
Hearing that his Granddad is doing well, make him feel a little better about everything. Doesn’t mean it gets easier though. The weight still feels heavy on his shoulders. Like he’s Atlas and the guilt of his past is the world on his back.
“ I was just trying to be nice. I think he’d like to see you, that’s all I wanted to say. Have a nice day, Billy ! “
Her words are laced with an underlying fury and a very obvious disdain for the way he’s been talking to her. Billy thinks he liked the soft looks better. The smiles too. Then again, it’s his own fault really. People have their breaking points and they have every right to be pissed off at his attitude towards them. God he wishes he wasn’t such a fuck-up.
He can just hear Neil’s cruel laugh in the back of his mind. The constant scoffs at Billy. He wishes there was a way to make them shut up. To quiet his mind. Ways that don’t turn him into a horrible person. Like the alcohol did to Neil.
His eyes follow the girl as she hurries inside the building. One of these days he’s gonna muster up to courage to do the same. To face it all. Not today though. Not on a day that make him so painfully aware of all that is going wrong in his life.
Billy thought that once he was free of his father’s radical tyranny, life would be easier. He truly believed that as soon as he was back in California, back home, things would just work themselves out. Spoiler alert : They don’t. And maybe that’s the typical teenage angst talking but he feels so desperately lost. And maybe all teens do but most of them have someone to turn to. All Billy has is a father that detests him and a Grandfather he can’t bear to look in the eyes.
- OOO -
There’s moans coming from the bedroom when Billy enters the apartment. Apparently Chase had a point when he said his job at the gas station was great for picking up girls.
Billy tries to ignore it for a while but really the place is the size of a matchbox and it’s hard to focus on anything else. A look inside the fridge tells him that in favor of entertaining the girl in his bedroom, Chase has ditched on doing a grocery run.
That settles it for Billy. He grabs his keyes and jacket and rushes back through the door and out into the night, looking for a place to eat. A place of peace and quiet.
- OOO -
Billy walks out of the 7/11 and onto the parking lot. The ground is still wet from the rain that has swept over the town earlier today. The neon lights reflecting in the puddles create a ocean of reds and pinks and bright greens. And if it wasn’t such a mundane thing, Billy would almost thing it looks pretty.
Just as he is about to fumble his car keys from the pocket of his denim jacket, a voice from beside him speaks up.
“ Hey stranger. “
Billy lifts his head and glances towards the car parked two spots from his. There on the hood sits the girl from the nursing home. The one with the soft eyes. The one that talks to much. He hair isn’t pulled into a ponytail this time and she’s wearing a big grey sweater of some sports team. It’s quite that change from what Billy assumes is her usual uniform.
There’s a few boxes of food placed on her lap and it would be a lie to say that the thought of greasy fast food doesn’t make Billy’s mouth water. All he could manage to buy with the few dollars he has saved is a box of graham crackers and a bag of off brand nacho chips.
“ You know at this point I start wondering if you’re maybe stalking me “ Billy exclaims and walks towards her car. It’s a black Mercury Comet. It’s gorgeous.
“ You come to my workplace. So really who’s doing the stalking “ she laughs and takes a sip from the plastic cup clutched in her hand.
Billy only scoffs “ nice car “.
“ Thanks. She’s a gift from my dad. Ya know, it makes up for the emotional abandonment he put me through. “
Billy almost chokes on his spit at those words.
“ Your car ain’t bad either. Sooo, is that your dinner ? “ she asks and glances towards the bag of chips in Billy’s hand.
“ What about it ? “
“ That’s not very nutritious “
“ And onion rings are ? “ there’s a smirk pulling at the edge of his lips. It’s involuntarily but it’s there.
“ No but they’re really delicious “ the girl replies before holding the box out towards Billy “ and I got a little too much food so it’s your lucky night I guess. Care to join my feast ? “
For a moment he wants to say no, but what’s the alternative ? Eat chips and crackers alone in his car or go home and listen to Chase bang some random girl ?
Maybe sharing fast food on the hood of a car with some girl he just met isn’t the worst way to spend his friday night.
“ What’s your name ? “ he asks as he scoots onto the hood next to her and grabs a few fries from the box.
“ (Y/N) “
“ I’m — “
“ Billy, I know. “
“ Yeah you do. I forgot “
“ So what brings you to a 7/11 parking lot in the middle of the night on a friday ? Didn’t expect to have company tonight “
“ You do this regularly ? “ Billy laughs and munches away on another onion ring.
“ Oh whatever. “
“ I’m staying with a friend and he’s got a girl over so — “
“ Yikes, awkward “
“ Yeah. What about you ? “
(Y/N) takes another loud sip from the plastic cup “ My roommate and her boyfriend are having some epic meltdown. They have those about twice a week. Then they usually end up either crying or fucking and I’m not particularly thrilled on being around when either of that happens. “
“ Yikes. “
“ Uh-huh. “
For a moment silence settles upon them, the only thing to be heard is the buzzing sound of the neon lights. Then (Y/N) speaks up again.
“ Can I ask about the hair ? “
“ Absolutely not ! We’re not doing that. “ Bill grumbles in return.
“ Doing what ? “
“ Backstory. I don’t do that kinda stuff. “
“ Oh I’m sorry, “ (Y/N) scoffs and raises her hands in mock defence “ didn’t know you were playing the whole silent and mysterious kinda role. “
“ I don’t. Just isn’t any of your business. “
“ That’s fair “ she agrees and shakes the plastic cup only to discover it empty. Her lips are pulled into a slight pout. It’s hardly there before it’s gone but Billy just about catches a glimpse of it.
“ Guess that’s my cue to get my ass home, huh ? “ (Y/N) jokes and rattles the empty cup once again.
“ You think your friends are done ? “ Billy asks, raising a brow in question.
“ God I hope so. What about yours ? “
“ Knowing Chase, yeah. “
And it’s when they both chuckle at his words, that Bill feels something unfamiliar settling in his chest. It feels warm and comfortable and even though it’s only faint, it’s there. Joy.
They wish each other a good night and it’s not just empty words like when he says it to Neil and Susan after dinner, it’s a true statement. He hopes she has a good night, if simply for the fact that she made him feel less alone in the last few hours she’s sure deserving of it.
When he’s just about to get into his car, (Y/N)’s voice calls out to Billy once more.
“ You know, I think he would really like to see you. Maybe — maybe come inside next time and say hello. “
He doesn’t answer. Just nods. Maybe. Yeah maybe next time he will.
- OOO -
He doesn’t. But in his defence, there’s a pretty valid reason for it. At least he likes to tell himself that. He’s got a job now, one he absolutely hates but one that makes it possible for him to eat actual proper food for dinner and rent a tiny apartment at the edge of town. Is it nice there ? No. But is it better than sleeping on a couch that is too small for him ? Absolutely.
After leaving Hawkins, Billy never thought he’d ever be a lifeguard again but here he is, doing exactly the thing he said he wouldn’t at the public swimming pool. And it’s not even an outdoors pool as he had hoped. It’s inside and it’s mostly visited by old people and groups of mothers trying to teach their toddlers how to swim. Billy hates it but it seems to be the only job people are willing to give him. The only one people are willing to trust him with. He can’t blame them either. It’s not like he’s got this great resume of talents and job experience to wow them with. And really, and job is better than being dependant on Chase for everything.
It’s 3 weeks later now and he’s still feeling the invisible force holding his legs down and keeping him from entering the building. It’s ridiculous really, deep inside he knows that none of what happened was his fault, that he was just a kid. And yet it does nothing to ease his conscience.
“ You’re back again. Thought I scared you off with my bad jokes and fast food obsession “
There’s a smile on (Y/N)’s face as she exits the building and comes to a stop next to Billy. She looks tired, he wonders if it’s the job or the late night trips to 7/11.
“ Don’t flatter yourself. I’m not scared of anything “
What a load of bullshit. Billy is scared of pretty a lot of things he’s just become very good at pretending that nothing ever bothers him. He knows it’s bullshit though and by the looks of it and the little smirk playing on her lips (Y/N) knows too.
“ You gonna come inside today ? “ she asks, voice laced with hope and excitement. He hates disappointing her but he just can’t do it. There’s so many voices in his head telling him to just get it over with. But there’s one that’s louder than all the others and it’s pulling at his arms, holding down his feet. Not allowing him to step any closer to the door. That one is pure and unfiltered fear and he hates it more than anything.
Billy Hargrove is afraid of a lot of things and mostly fear itself.
“ Nah. Brought you something though “
“ Me ? “ (Y/N) exclaims, pointing at herself in disbelieve.
Billy scoff around his cigarette and holds a paper bag out to her “ It’s not much, don’t make a big deal out of it. “
“ Oh it’s a big deal. “
“ It’s not. Just — fucking take it. “
Grabbing the bag from his hand, (Y/N) walks towards the little picnic bench and pulls out two grilled cheese sandwiches and a can of coke.
“ You brought me food ? Aw, that’s so nice. This is a big deal, no boy has ever brought me food before. “
“ I said it’s not — “
“ Yeah yeah whatever you say. “
As she’s sitting down and munching away on one of the sandwiches, Billy can feel his cheeks warm up. It’s not in the same way they do when girls whisper dirty things into his ear. It’s a different feeling. One that he is not entire sure about. People don’t usually think he’s nice. No one ever called him that before. Hot ? Yeah. Charming ? Sure. But nice ? Nah.
And Billy always thought nice wasn’t as much of a compliment as it was a soft letdown. “You’re nice, but- “ .
There seems to be no “but” following (Y/N)’s words. “Nice” sounds so genuine coming from her. “Nice” sounds like the best thing anyone could be, when she says it.
“ What, you just gonna stand there and watch me eat ? Sit down, dude “
Her words are accompanied by her sliding the other sandwich over to him and nodding towards the bench across from hers. “ You brought two sandwiches for a reason. Sit down. Eat with me. Please “
Her eyes hold something that Billy hasn’t seen in so long. It’s a certain warmth. A care that runs deeply. He doesn’t know why she cares about him nor what he did to deserve it but when life grants you a good thing, you don’t fucking ask any questions. You take it.
And so he takes the seat she offered and starts chewing away on the sandwich.
“ You from here ? “ he murmures between bites.
“ Huh ? “
“ I said are you from here ? “
“ Oh I thought we weren’t doing this. Backstory an all. What made you change your mind “.
He can see she’s challenging him. The softness of her eyes is overshadowed by a glint of mischief and her lips are pulled into a teasing smirk. If this was pre-Hawkins Billy, he would’ve taken none of it. Girl like that mean work. Girls who challenge you are exhausting. Girls like that didn’t interest him in a way that he wasn’t willing to put in any effort for a small dose of bliss that comes with a blowjob or a quicky in the back of his car.
But this was a new life right ? One where he got a job not to impress people but to secure a future. To make money and to get stuff done. To maybe, one day, have a life that he can be proud of. And maybe a future that’s fit for a girl like (Y/N). That challenges him and keeps him on his toes. One worth putting in effort.
“ Guess I changed my mind “
“ Oh we’re playing like that now. Alright, okay. Yeah I’m from California. Not here but further north. Came down south for a boy. Regret the boy but not the move. Now I work as a receptionist at a nursing home. I wanted to be a nurse but couldn’t afford nursing school. So this is the next best thing. I get to hang out with the people who live here and sometimes I play guitar for them. It’s all good. “
With the warmth in her voice and the softness in her eyes, Billy can imagine she’d make a wonderful nurse. Hell she’s only met him like four times and already shows more care towards him than his father and Susan ever did. It’s quite sad to think about it that way.
“ What about you ? “
“ California born and raised. Then my dad and his wife thought it was a good idea to move to the literal buthole of america. Fucking Hawkins Indiana. “
“ Seems like you loved it there “ (Y/N) jokes before opening the can of coke and taking a sip.
“ Oh it was great. Everything you ever want in life ? It’s there. Horny housewives. Loud teenagers. People who get in your business constantly. Everything! Oh it was — incredible! “
(Y/N) nods and for a moment it almost feels like she understand. He knows she doesn’t. No one ever really can understand what the move meant to him but she’s listening and that’s a hell of a lot more than anyone’s done before.
“ Sounds delightful. Soooo, can I ask about the hair ?” she says and looks up at him through her eyelashes, seeming almost shy.
Billy feels weirdly self conscious. He’s heard his fair share of comments about the mullet. And if he’s being completely honest, he knows it looks kinda ridiculous sometimes when the perm is fresh and the curls still bouncy. But it’s the complete opposite of what his dad deems a respectable haircut. It’s so far off from the straight buzzcut Neil wants him to wear. And pissing Neil off is reason enough for Billy to cherish the mullet. But through the years he’s grown to love his hair and how it makes him — kinda special. It’s his thing just like the Camaro is and the necklace and the leather jacket. It’s part of what make him well — him.
And the girls go crazy for it too so that’s an added bonus.
“ What is it about my hair ? “
“ I don’t know, I just think it’s cool. Really contrasts your sad eyes. “
Sad eyes ? Billy doesn’t have sad eyes, does he ? Surely not because Billy isn’t sad. He’s angry and grumpy and perpetually pissed off. But he’s not sad. Sad people are vulnerable and that’s the last thing Billy would ever allow himself to be.
“ I’m not sad ! “
“ You sure ? Cause you look mighty sad. “
“ I said I’m not sad. Drop it. “
“ Alright. Alright. Sorry. Just — your hair looks really cool. I like it. “
And once again, his cheeks feel slightly warmer at that.
“ Hey I got a job “ he doesn’t know for sure why he says it. It’s not like he’s proud of the job he’s doing. All he does is make sure no one’s running on the wet floor and the old folks don’t drown on his watch. That’s about it. And he’s only earning minimum wage, barely enough to afford the apartment and food. So he surely can’t impress her with money either. Maybe he just wants someone to be proud of him for once. Even if it’s this random girls he’s been infatuated with since he first saw her. Maybe especially when it’s this girl.
“ Yeah ? That’s great. What are you doing ? “
It’s then, that he regrets ever mentioning it.
“ I uh— I’m a lifeguard at the indoor swimming pool “ he’s sure his voice tells her exactly how much he enjoys that job, not at all.
But to his surprise, she doesn’t laugh at him. Doesn’t ridicule him for his choice of work. She just smiles and that means the world to Billy.
“ That’s cool. Saving people from drowning huh ? “
“ I mostly tell kids not to run. “
“ Well you’re keeping them from getting hurt. Good for you. Didn’t even know we have a public swimming pool. I should check it out sometime. “
And by the way she smiles he can tell she means it.
- OOO -
In the following months their little lunch dates become somewhat of a habit. Billy shows up at her work at least twice a week with sandwiches or burgers and sometimes he even brings milkshakes. And though neither of them will admit it, it’s secretly the highlight to both their weeks.
Billy still doesn’t come inside. Still doesn’t visit his grandpa. Guilt still feels too heavy on his shoulders to even consider that. But seeing (Y/N) for their lunch dates, makes that weight feel almost light for the short amount of time they’re spending together. She’s always genuinely glad to see him. She’s all smiles and soft eyes and Billy doesn’t remember a time when someone actually wanted him around in that way. That someone was happy to spend time with him. It feels good and it makes the guilt disappear for a while.
Fall turns into winter when Billy decides to shake up their little routine. The air is colder and Christmas is fast approaching. Though it’s still California and cold, Billy thinks, is relative. The California winters have nothing on Indiana. That place almost made his balls freeze off.
Billy doesn’t come around for lunch that day. Instead, (Y/N) is surprised to discover him leaning against her car as she gets out of work. It’s a late shift and she’s exhausted but seeing Billy waiting for her feels weirdly domestic. It’s a nice feeling. One she hasn’t felt in a while.
“ Want a ride ? “ he asks, signature Billy grin pulling at the corner of his lips.
“ Nooo, you’re leaning against my ride. “
“ Ah come on, play along. “
“ Alright sure. Where to ? “
“ It’s a surprise “
“ A surprise ? “ (Y/N) responds, her forehead wrinkling as she pulls a face of confusion. “ Are you taking me on a date ? “
Is he ? He wonders that himself. He likes this girl, there’s no denying that. Thing is, he’s been on many dates and none of them came from a friendship. None of them were with girls that made his heart feels warm and fuzzy and light. So what is this exactly ? He doesn’t know. All he knows is that it feels good. That it feels right.
“ Just stop asking questions and let me surprise you, alright ? “
When she smiles, Billy can’t keep himself from hoping this is a date. Because her smile, as he said before, is phenomenal.
- OOO -
“ Nooo way! Are we even allowed to be here ? “ (Y/N)’s eyes are wide with disbelieve as she enters the big hall of the public swimming pool. The place is glowing in a blue hue as the pool lies still before them. A perpetual smell of chlorine seeps through her clothes as she walks closer towards the water.
“ I work here I am contractually obligated to be here even. “
“ But not at night when it’s supposed to be closed, you’re not. “
“ Ah come on now, take a walk on the wild side. Thought you girls are into that kinda stuff ? “
“ Breaking and entering ? “
“ Bad boys. Also I have a key so technically — “
He trails off as he pulls his shirt over his head.
“ What are you doing ? “
“ Well I’m not gonna swim in my jeans and shirt. And you shouldn’t either. You didn’t bring a change of clothes “.
The way her eyes wander up and down his body as he slips out of his clothes leaving him only in his boxers, doesn’t get lost on Billy. Billy is familiar with that reaction. He knows he’s good looking and he’s surely got the ego to match. But seeing that he has this effect on (Y/N) makes him feel like a million bucks.
“ I’d love to let you ogle me some more but I’m here to swim “ Billy exclaims.
“ I’m not ogling —” but before (Y/N) can finish her sentence, Billy cannonballs into the pool, creating a huge splash.
When he comes up again, his curls cling to his face and (Y/N) thinks he looks a little like a wet cocker spaniel. She also thinks he looks absolutely adorable.
“ Come on in ! You scared or what ? “ Billy hollers out towards her.
“ Scared ? Please. “
Billy knows she likes this. The challenge. The teasing. It comes so easy with her. Billy wonders if this is what was missing from his life for so long. Someone that feels easy to be around. Where he doesn’t have to walk on eggshells. Where he doesn’t have to uphold a certain image. Where he can be — well himself. The version of himself he wants to be.
“ Turn around “ (Y/N) calls out to him, slipping off her jacket in the process.
“ What ? “
“ I don’t come prepared so please spare me the embarrassment of having to show you my ugly non-matching underwear “
Billy tries hard to keep the images at bay that those words stir up in his mind. He’s sure she looks perfect whatever underwear she’s wearing, matching or not. But he can’t let himself think about that now because he’s only in his boxers and there’s no way to properly hide a boner and now THAT would be fucking embarrassing.
“ Alright, look. I’m turning around. Just hurry up! “
There’s a rustling of clothes as Billy stands with his back towards (Y/N) and before he can react a splash of water washes over him.
(Y/N) shakes her wet hair as she comes back up to the surface and Billy thinks she’s never looked better. Her hair is a wet mess clinging tightly to her skin and she’s got mascara running down her cheeks but god, that smile. That smile could light up an entire town, he’s sure.
“ You look like a poodle. Your curls are so cute “ she says and softly tugs on on a strand of Billy’s hair.
“ A poodle huh ? That’s just what every guys wants to hear when on a date. “
“ So this is a date ? “ (Y/N) asks again, a spark of curiosity in her eyes.
“ Do you want it to be ? “ he says it in a way that sounds so casual. Like it doesn’t make his heart beat faster. Like it’s no big deal. It is a big deal though. It’s a huge deal.
“ I do, “ he swears his heart beat out of his chest at those words. “ I just wish there was music. “
“ You want music ? “ Billy chimes up.
“ Can you do that ? “
He only answers her by throwing her a wink before hopping out of the pool and walking towards the little lifeguard office. It’s mostly used to store the first aid kit and the lost and found box but it also holds the intercom system and the radio that has horrible reception and really only works for one or two stations. Billy only hopes that the gods or whatever higher powers people chose to believe in are on his side tonight and that the radio is gonna play some good stuff.
A static sound fills the room as Billy presses the button of the intercom. He sets it so the it stays on without having to press the button the entire time and clears his throat once before speaking into the little microphone. “ Ladies and Gentlemen, as requested by our special guest miss (Y/N), please enjoy tonight’s musical entertainment, provided to you by— “ he pauses and turns the radio towards the microphone, “ Billy Idol. Eh, could be worse “.
Billy Idol’s “Eyes without a face” echoes through the halls of the pool. (Y/N) can’t help but feel like she’s stuck in a scene from her very own romance movie. Sure, maybe splashing around in a closed public swimming pool isn’t everyone’s dream date but to her it seems perfect.
It’s her and Billy and things don’t have to be perfect. They don’t have to be everyone else’s perception of romantic. She thinks it’s very charming. It feels a little magical even. And in the end that’s all that really matters, isn’t it ?
Her thoughts are interrupted as Billy jumps back into the pool, creating yet another huge splash.
And before either of them can really process what’s happening, they’re caught in the bliss of the moment, splashing and jumping and pushing each other into the water. It’s like for a moment nothing else matters. It’s light and easy and fun. They’re allowed to be the teenagers they are. For a night they get to forget about work and money and all the other shit weighing so heavy on their hearts and just — be. Just be silly teenagers playing around in a pool. Unbothered. Free.
Billy tries to remember the last time he got to feel like this. It’s been a while.
He wants to stay in this moment forever. Capture it in a freeze frame and never leave. Because the walls of this pool hold only laughter right now, and it’s all he ever wants to hear. All he ever wants to feel.
Billy’s chest is heaving from exhaustion. Exhaustion caused by fun. By laughter. As he leans against the side of the pool, (Y/N) surfaces right before him. There’s a shine in her eyes and he wonders if he’s the one who put it there. He hopes he is.
She’s so close now, nose almost touching his and it sends a flutter right to his stomach. Really, it’s silly. He shouldn’t be this nervous. He’s been with a lot of girls, has done a lot of things. Why does this feel so different ? Maybe because this isn’t a mean to shut up the voices. To take his mind off of all the shit going on around him. This one feels different because it is. Because it means more. Because it means so much more.
“ Hi “ she whispers, water droplets pearling down her face. She reminds him of a mermaid then, like she jumped right out of that movie Splash. Not that he’s seen much of it or can remember the plot very well, but he does remember Daryl Hannah alright. He thinks (Y/N) looks even more beautiful.
“ Hey. “
From then on, it’s heavy breathing and speeding hearts and hesitant soft touches. And then his hands find the way into her wet hair and onto her cheek and her lips brush against his. It’s merely a whisper of a touch but it’s sending little electric shocks straight through his heart and all throughout Billy’s body.
And then he pulls her as close as he can manage and kisses her just like he’s been wanting to kiss her since they hung out at the parking lot and he realized just how wonderful she really was, all bright eyes and big smiles and all.
And then — then she pulls away. The shine in her eyes is gone and is replaced by a look of utter uncertainty and hesitance.
“ You alright ? “ he asks, hands still cradling her face.
“ I like you “
Those words send another shock to his heart. He can feel the smile tugging at the corner of his lips but something about the way she says it makes him hold back.
“ I like you too. “
“ No, you don’t understand. I like you. I — I love spending time with you. You make me smile and laugh and my heart feels all gooey when you’re around but — “
There’s always a but isn’t there.
“ But ? “
“ But I feel like I don’t know you at all. I understand that you have a hard time talking about certain things and I am trying to be patient but how can I let myself fall for you when I don’t know who you are. Like — who you really are. There’s clearly things in your past that make you sad and that weigh down on you. Those things shape you in a way, they make out part of who you are and I feel like you’re purposely keeping those things from me. But how can I know you if I never get the full picture ? I want this so badly, Billy. I’m just afraid that you’ll always be a riddle to me in one way or another. “
No one’s ever asked that of him, really. There’s been girls that had this weird idea of being some kind of savior. They wanted to fix whatever they deemed broken about him and thought that their adoration could in any way lessen his greive. Though they never outright asked him about any of it. They got their gossip from whatever nosy bitch dug deep enough to figure it all out and spread it through the high school hallways. But no one’s ever asked. Until (Y/N).
And it makes all the difference.
“ My mom is dead and my dad is an abusive asshole. That’s the beginning and the end of my personality. And it turns me into a mean person. An angry one and I — I don’t want to be that person. I come with a lot of baggage and I am sorry if that’s too much but I want to be with you too. You’re the first person in a long time to actually give a shit and I am fucking ecstatic that you do. Because you’re hot and beautiful and a little weird and I’m so into that. Look I want to tell you everything but I don’t even understand half the things myself. I’ll try though. I’ll fucking try my best. If that’s good enough “.
“ That’s all I’m asking. “
He’s never been good enough. It’s a strange feeling to be told that this time he is. A good feeling. And really, he’s unsure of how to handle this. How to react.
So he reacts in a way he knows very well.
With a kiss. And another. And another.
And when he pulls away to take a breath, foreheads still touching, she takes his face in between her hands. They’re soft and gentle and it’s a complete contrast to the harsh slaps against his face that he is so painfully used to.
“ Sad boy, you’re making me fall so deeply in love with you.”
If only he could put into words how much that means to him.
If only he could articulate how much she means to him.
- OOO -
The world shift a little after that night. Billy still comes around for lunch dates but he also brings her around his flat and they spend a lot of time just lounging on his tiny couch, sharing kisses and watching Cheers.
Billy soaks it up like a sponge. The love and affection she showers him with is so foreign to him but it feels too good to deny himself to relish in it.
It’s a few weeks later, Christmas lights cover the little bushes in front of the retirement home, as Billy sits on the bench as usual, taking long drag from his cigarette.
(Y/N) mentioned once, how much she enjoys the christmas time and kept gushing about the twinkling lights that Billy’s neighbours have strung up in their front yard. Billy thinks he might have to drop by a store and get some for his place. She’s  over there a lot and he’s sure it will make her smile. Her smile is worth all the hassle.
He watches an older couple sit by the little gazebo in front of the building. The man is softly holding onto the lady’s hand, keeping them warm in the chilly winter air. Up until this point, Billy hasn’t really given any thought to what his life might by like in the future. When he’s old and gray. It never really mattered. Now that he watches the couple, he hopes that his future resembles this someday. And he hopes it’s (Y/N) hands he gets to hold, wrinkles and all.
(Y/N) rests a soft hand on Billy’s shoulder. She’s always gentle with him, something he’s infinitely grateful for.
“ Hey Babe, I — “ his words get stuck in his throat as he turns around to face his girlfriend. Her eyebrows are furrowed and there’s a unsure smile on her face but that’s not what makes him stop. It’s the old man standing beside her. The one he hasn’t seen in so long. He looks exactly like Billy remembers him. The same gentle smile. The same wrinkles around his eyes. The same grey hair.
The same eyes. His eyes. His mom’s eyes.
“ Billy “
There’s no resentment in his grandpa’s voice. Nothing but kindness. Billy can’t take this. He doesn’t deserve this. This is not how he wanted this to go either. To be pushed into this situation. He was supposed to live life on his terms.
His hands are shaking as familiar rage curses through his body. (Y/N) knew he wasn’t ready. She had no right. It’s in the way he looks at her when he gets up. The way all the warmth has escaped from his eyes and is replaced by an icy glare. It’s in the way he walks past her not sparing her a single look back over his shoulder. Pure and utter disappointment.
He stalks past the gazebo and across the parking lot before coming to a halt next to his car. Maybe he was too quick to trust. It all was too good to be true anyway. Right ? Because good things don’t happen to Billy Hargrove. They never do. They never did.
Awkwardly he fumbles for another cigarette, pulling on out and dropping the rest of the box in the process.
“ Fuck.” a curse leaves his lips as hot tears are threatening to fall. He’s used to people letting him down but this one hurts more. He honest to god believed her words, believed that she would let him go at his own pace. Even if that means never entering the building.
The lighter won’t fucking work and it all comes together in an emotional meltdown washing over him like tidal wave.
(Y/N)’s feet create a crunching noise as she hurries across the gravel and toward Billy’s car. For a second he thinks about leaving. Just driving off and forgetting this ever happened. She ever happened. But he knows that is bullshit. She means too much to him. He fucking loves her and that is both his redemption and what seems like his ruin.
“ Billy I’m — “
“ You had no right ! ”
(Y/N), for the first time, sees the version of him she’s only ever heard about before. The one that is entirely made of anger and rage. It scares her a little and Billy almost feels bad. Almost.
“ I’m sorry ! I just thought — “
“ Well you thought wrong ! I told you. I told you (Y/N) “ he has to bite his lower lip to keep the tears from falling. “Boys don’t cry, Billy ! “ Neil’s voice ghosts through his head. You can’t show vulnerability. It makes you weak.
(Y/N) however, doesn’t care about any of that. He tears are freely rolling down her cheeks and Billy really wants to reach out and wipe them away. Though he can’t bring himself to do it. There’s a storm of emotions raging inside him and he has no idea where he stands in that moment.
“ I didn’t meant to betray your trust, Billy. I promise you that. I just thought that maybe you needed a little push. He talks so much about you. Billy he loves you so much. I love you so much ”.
There’s a confession there of great gravity. He hears it loud and clear though in that moment it gets overshadowed by everything else that’s going on.
“ I don’t want him to see the person I am right now, (Y/N). Mean and bitter and sad. It’s bad enough I never came around to visit after grandma died and he was sent here. I am a horrible person and I don’t want that to be the image he has of me. I — “ he takes a big breath. “ I can’t go there and look at him and see my mother’s eyes and see how disappointed he’ll be when he realizes what I turned into. He’s the only one who loved her as much as I did and I can’t live knowing I disappointed him. That I disappointed my mom”.
That’s when his self restraint breaks. The floodgates open and big tears pearl down his cheek. Sobs escape him and he’s only glad Neil can’t see him like this. Weak and vulnerable and —
(Y/N) wraps her arms so tightly around his middle that it knocks the wind out of him for a second. She’s warm and soft and (Y/N). She smells like fresh cotton and spearmint chewing gum. Like home.
Weak and vulnerable and in love.
“ Billy. You might think you’re that person. You might feel like it, but trust me when I say that you are so much more. You are not just anger and sadness. You are incredibly sweet to me. You are attentive and gentle and funny. My god you are so funny. You are smart, even if you don’t like to admit it. He’s not gonna be disappointed in you. He understands, Billy. You lost your mom when you were so young. He understands, trust me. And he loves you. So much. I love you. So much. Let yourself be loved. You deserve it !”
When he kisses her then, it feels like no kiss has ever felt before. She loves him. She loves him. No expectations and no conditions. Holy shit, she loves him.
“ I love you (Y/N) “. He really really does.
- OOO -
Billy is so nervous he could throw up on the spot. Though that would indeed make a horrible impression so he tries not to let it get to him too badly.
His grandfather gets up from the bench when he sees Billy approaching again. Before Billy can say anything, he’s wrapped in a warm hug. It’s so familiar. It feels like home.
My god, he missed this so bad.
“ Look at you kid, all grown up. No wonder miss (Y/N) has taken a liking to you. Except for that strange haircut maybe. “
Billy looks over his shoulder and catches (Y/N)’s glance before throwing her a wink,
“ Well she’s pretty spectacular too. “
“ She is yeah. So tell me what I missed, kid. It’s been a while.“
And so he does. Everything. The good, the bad, all of it. It’s hard and it’s emotional but once it’s out there, it feels like the guilt is finally take from him. The weight on his chest feels like it’s only half as heavy as before.
Then his grandpa smiles and pulls him into another hug and whispers the words that Billy wanted to hear for so long “ Your mom would be so proud of you. “
He hopes it’s true. That his grandpa knows what he’s talking about. That maybe his mom is smiling down at him from wherever she is.
But there’s another woman in his life now. One that comes with warm smiles and soft touches and laughter and eyes so bright they could light up an entire town.
And that girl is not his past. She’s no baggage. No sob story. No shadow of perpetual grief hovering above him.
She’s his present. He hopes she’ll be his future.
Because she’s everything. And he’s enough.
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hellimagines · 6 years
Billy Hargrove getting the reader her favorite flowers out of random. the only way he figured out about it was the reader staring at them in the window of a flower shop. tysm!
Okay soWe all love roses for thisSuck it up
-The two of you are walking down main street during the peak of spring-there’s mcfucking flowers mcfucking everywhere-but you only notice the ones in the window of the floral shop-you stop dead in your tracks, hand still in Billy’s, cause Him to jerk to a stop as well-Billy notices you eyeing the dark red ones, and he’s already made a plan-the next morning, when he picks you up from school, he has seven of them in his hand (for how long you guys have been together)-he’s not too romantic, so he waits until you’re in the car before he gives them to you -he gives you a kiss on the cheek, and that’s the only words you need
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dacresprincess-blog · 6 years
 Tagged by the cutie @princess-chocolate-drop!!! Im currently drowning in school work, work and my writing so thanks for this little tag it means a lot so here we go:
Colors I’m currently wearing: Navy, black and white wow so unique
Last Band T-shirt I bought: ehm I dont- I have merch from PND does that count?
Last Band I saw live: She is not a band but still Beyonce!!!
Last Song I listened to: Nights by Frank Ocean I love that man
Lipstick or Chapstick: Liquid Lipstick
Last Movie I watched: The Greatest Showman  just got home from the movies
Last TV show I watched: Black Mirror even though its not on TV
Last 3 Characters I identified with: this is a hard one  Titus Andromedon (he a Drama Queen like me) Chloe Apartment 23 ( she is fierce and dont care about nobody lol) Cece New Girl (fierceness and she’s funny)
Book I’m currently reading: The Next 100 Years; its a political one bc ya girl is weird but also smart 
I tag: @lovelydacre @powerstrangerdacre @hotstuffhargrove @little-noodle-curl @daddy-montgomery @twelvedacrewoods   Plus everybody else who wants to do it pls tag me I want to know your guys’ weirdness lol
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moonstruckbucky · 4 years
it’s Fanfic Writer Appreciation Day and i want to extend a special shout-out/thank you to a few fellow writers here, some who’ve helped shape me as a writer and some who have become some very special friends. in no particular order,
@hotstuffhargrove, @revengingbarnes, @suz-123, @captain-rogers-beard, @starspangledmanwithaplan2, @captain-kelli, @sugarfreecapsicle, @nacho-bucky, @sunmoonandbucky, @brooklyns-boys, @marvelcapsicle, @wkemeup, @heli0s-writes, @cake-writes, @shotsbyshae, @shreddedparchment, @dirtychocolatechai, @samingtonwilson, @searchingforbucky (not an author but definitely belongs here just the same because she’s the best meg), @all1e23, @moonbeambucky, @barnesnroses, @buckys-darling, @tropicalcap, @evanstarff, @sgtjbuccky-main, @cametobuyplums, @teamcap4bucky, @justreadingfics, @buckychrist, @buckyland, @delicatelyherdreams, @softhairbarnes, @moirasimagines, @thephantomofthe-internet, @invisibleanonymousmonsters, @buckyofthemyscira, @buckyywiththegoodhair, @bitsandbobsandstuff, @ciarawritesmarvel, @jurassicbarnes, @beccaanne814, @beckzorz, @jaamesbbarnes, @notimetoblog.
i adore every single person on this list as well as their works. tumblr would not be the same without y’all.
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@enefserlei1970​ @alimonious​ @1mossyboiuwu​ @helloilostmyoldaccount​ @entertainment-of-death​ @erinwha123​ @alexaaab​ @missblasphemy​ @deardacre​ @iwontnotfuckyouthefuckup​ @galaxyofgloom​ @snake-child-185​ @abbyed​ @hotstuffhargrove​ @celestialangelcastiel​ @just-a-dash-of-imagination​ @niallerscraicdealer​ @connie-riddle-blog​ @joshuamalachaimalak-blog​ @somemaycallmesunshine​
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sinfulserpents · 5 years
Infatuation | Part One
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modern! substitute professor! billy x student! fem reader
summary: the life of a struggling college student is hard - now try adding a secret relationship with your professor into the mix.
warnings: student x teacher relationship, nsfw themes, swearing, mentions of unprotected sex
word count: 1.4k 
this is a shitty first chapter but i promise the next one will be longer & better - i just needed to establish the background and shit
The atmosphere in the club was electric.
Your finger was tracing around the top of the glass of tequila on the table in front of you, eyes glancing over to the dance floor. Sweaty bodies grinding against each other made you internally cringe as you watched your best friend, Lowie, slut drop against a random girl.
Taking your bottom lip between your teeth, your eyes darted to the half-full shot glass, before you lifted it and downed what was left. Your hand reached out to the alcohol bottle that was in the centre of the table - pouring yourself another shot.
The scraping of the chair opposite you caused your eyes to glance up to meet the familiar green of your best friend - her hand pushing her own glass over to you for you to fill up. 
“He hasn’t taken his eyes off you all night!” her voice was a scream that was still too quiet to hear over the pounding bass of the music. 
“The cutie over at the bar!” She leaned over the table, so you could hear her better - black curls falling over her shoulders. “If I wasn’t into the hot chick back on the dance floor - I’d be all over him!”
Your head turned right to the direction of the bar, his head ducking as soon as your eyes met his - before he boldly raised it back up and shot you a wink.
“Bitch, if you don’t go for it I’m going to slap you!” Lowie chuckled, downing a shot before slamming the cup on the table and standing back up. “Don’t bother waiting up for me, I’m going home with the hot blonde chick over there!”
A smile crept up your face as you watched Lowie confidently strut over to the girl she had her eyes set on as soon as you both entered the club. Shaking your head you were just about to pour yourself your fourth drink of the night, when Lowie’s seat was taken.
The cutie from the bar.
“What’s a pretty girl like you doing in a trashy place like this?”
His golden curls fell lightly against his forehead as he placed both his forearms on the table, a light smirk on his lips. He was handsome - that much you were certain about - his blue eyes reflected the colourful lights that were flashing around the club and his white shirt clung to his chest in all the right places.
“Is that the best you could come up with after staring at me all night?” You chuckled, causing him to lean back in the chair and raise his hands out to his sides.
“Oh, so you did notice!”
“I did and if you were expecting for it to work as a way to pick me up - it came across as more of a stalker move.”
His laugh boomed over the music, moving so he could rest his head on his hand, his head tilting so he could stare into your eyes. “Well, now I’m over here talking to you aren’t I?” 
“That doesn’t make it any better!” 
With another loud laugh, he stood up and raised his hand out to you, “do you want to dance?”
“You’re lying if you say you can’t dance,” he cut you off, the bright smile never leaving his face. “Everybody can bust a few moves!”
Taking his hand in yours, you jokingly teased him, “bust a few moves?” 
“Yeah you know - get jiggy with it!”
Shaking your head, you let a chuckle slip past your lips as he lead you both to the dance floor. Your hands wrapped around his neck as his made their way to your hips - pulling you closer to him.
Both of you were messily grinding against the other, hands running all over the other’s body. The handsome stranger twirled you in his arms so your ass was pressed up against his crotch, his lips sucking on your neck that you tilted so he had more access.
A soft moan left your lips as he bit your earlobe, whispering in your ear; “you wanna get out of here?”
Nodding, you took his hand in yours as you pulled him behind you - dragging him out of the club. Both of you were intoxicated, but the want for the other was one of desperation.
You didn’t even know his name but as soon as he slammed you against the front door to your shared apartment with Lowie, you really didn’t care. Hands threaded through his hair tugging him impossibly closer - his lips harshly pressing against yours.
Both of you stumbled as you moved away from the door, hands pulling and throwing the others clothes off as you led him into your room. His lips were everywhere; your neck, chest, thighs - as he pushed you onto the edge of your bed and went straight for your needy core. 
His lips felt exotic as his sucked and licked against you, his tongue found your clit swirling circles and nipping gently against the throbbing nub – your body shook as he pulled away just as you were teetering on the edge.
“Billy,” he grunted, climbing over you to rub his hard cock up and down your soaking labia. 
Furrowing your eyebrows, you opened your eyes to look into his that were dark with lust, “huh?”
“My name’s Billy, I want you to be screaming it while I fuck your brains out.”
“Y/N,” You muttered, hissing slightly when his hard cock entered your pulsing hole. “I want you to groan it in my ear as you cum.”
The sound of a blaring alarm woke you up from the deep sleep you were in.
Your hand reached out to slap it off, but with your eyes still closed - you continuously missed - making you exasperatedly drop your arm off the side of the bed. 
A groan from behind you made your eyes quickly open, as you flung yourself around to face the person in your bed - what the fuck? 
Quickly sitting up; almost giving yourself whiplash, remembering that you had you first day of the new school semester starting. Not even sparing a glance at the guy you had obviously slept with last night, you rushed around your room as you grabbed some new clothes and picked up the strangers jeans tossing them at his head.
“What the fuck?” He grunted, throwing them back onto the floor. His eyes met yours as you stood over him, “Fuck, hello!”
“I need you gone. Now.”
“Well, that’s one hell of a good morning after the night we had.”
“Yeah, a night I can’t fucking remember,” you shot back, already fed up with the cocky attitude of the handsome man. “My head is fucking killing me and I have class in like thirty minutes - you need to leave.”
His eyes squinted as he looked at the alarm clock on your bedside table, eyebrows slightly raising when he saw the time, only to flop back down on the bed and stretch.
“Really? Fucking get up,” you pulled the covers off his naked body, trying to stare at his obvious morning wood.
“You sure you don’t want a sober repeat of last night?”
“I’m more than positive, I can’t be late.”
Your class was getting a new substitute since your old teacher - Professor Jenkins - had to urgently take leave. You wanted to make a good first impression on the person who was going to be marking your papers for your last semester of college, and that definitely wasn’t going to happen if you showed up late.
With a nod, the guy scooted out of your bed - picking up his jeans before walking over to your door and swinging it open. Your heart rate accelerated - rushing to shut it.
“What are you doing?!” You exclaimed, as he raised his hands above his head in surrender. “You can’t just go out there naked, my roommate is probably home by now!”
“Well, I’m not putting my jeans on without my underwear, which are by the way; are at the front door.”
Sighing, you realised that you definitely couldn’t deal with this guys shit with the hangover that you desperately needed to cure before your lecture. So swivelling on the balls of your feet, you made your way into your bathroom - not before looking at him one more time.
“You better be gone by the time I’m out of the shower.”
“I don’t even get a thank you for last night? Or your number, at least?”
Rolling your eyes, you only slammed the door shut in response. 
Tag list: [if your user is in bold, i couldn’t tag you]
@minigranger @paladudette @the-mann-10 @familybusinesswritingbro @loner-blackhearts @infinitelycharmed23 @imtherain @idjitdestiel @whatabeautifulsurrender @catastrophicneed @wlucyw @apocalypticriot @crazylittlethingcalledobsession @fsm2004 @gracieadorable @hplotrfan @adoretheweird @pinkcollectorparadiseblr @rozi3cheeks @gespirida @puppylover12222 @fanngirl19 @honeymilk-4 @chillinjules @cupidacre @aillle8 @hlnicoleee @queenmissfit @twogreeneyesandagoldenheart @really-lucas @starstruckbucky @emmalbg @rannellstan @achinpluto @asheseiler @discodiscodeaky @killer-queen-xo @hotstuffhargrove @buckygrantbarnes @annoyingkisoulstudent @ahoyfandoms @requested-memory @togetherbeliza@fandom-of-all @helloemma3 @peter-beter-parker @barbarasbae @unhoelyplaces @trappedinthisfabulousshow @sweetdeathicrave @admiralsixx @heimdoodle @wholesomepossum @fangirlahead @peachysocks @hardygal69 @jxstanotherpersonalblxg @ephermeral-limerences @l4life @buffy-the-vampire-blogger @heardaboutbey @phersephassza @undiscovered-misunderstood @steves-mjlonir @pinktrouble @tootufftotame @theaspiringyoungwriter @friends-dont-lie-asshole @judgefreez0ne 
add yourself to my taglist
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royalskarsgard · 5 years
Love you, Goodbye.
Billy Hargrove x Reader
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Summary: Billy didn’t die that night, but he couldn’t go back to the way things were. He loves you, and he’s so sorry. 
A/N: Here is my first imagine I’ve got for you babes. Sorry for the delay I just wanted it to be perfect for you. Thanks for your support, please rb if you enjoy it. 
Request for @intheendyouwillalwayskneel
Warnings: None? Kinda angsty
Word Count 1.1k
Billy’s POV
He shouldn’t have gone there, but he needed to see you one last time. He needed to see Max one more time. Hell, he even wanted to see Neil. He watched as you all said your final goodbyes. You and Max sobbed into Susan’s arms, reaching for the last bit of comfort she had to give. No matter how he felt, Susan tried her damnedest to take care of Billy. Max got up and said a few words before she fell into a heap of sobs. Lucas finished it for her. Billy was glad Max had Lucas, despite being only 14, their love was pure and innocent. And you? You looked so beautiful, even with all the tears and the makeup melting down your cheeks. Nobody could put a candle to how beautiful you were to him, makeup, no makeup, tears, or even beer trickling down your chin, it was all beautiful. 
He wanted to hold you to his chest and tell you things were gonna be okay, to take you away from this place. But he couldn’t. He could barely comprehend what happened to him or if that thing came back for him. You were safer away from him. Your heart would mend, it would no longer feel pain when you thought of memories of him. You would grow old, and Billy would be nothing more than the man you used to love. He couldn’t risk putting you in any danger. He loved you too much to put you in danger, even Billy wasn’t that selfish. Terror coursed through his veins even 3 weeks later. The fear never settled within Billy. What lied under Hawkins, Indiana needed to stay down there. Whatever took Billy, took his freedom, and took his life was pure evil. None of that was going to touch you. Not if he could help it. He saw you, that night walking out of Starcourt Mall. Hand in hand with Max, tears streaming down your cheeks. Max looked like a zombie, she barely responded when medics rushed to their sides. Police officers surrounded the two of you, waiting to get your statements. Tears left his own eyes when he saw you finally lose it. The officer grabbed you before you fell to the ground. Letting out a scream that brought unease to the group of bystanders. Billy Hargrove had died in that mall. He died in your arms. You watched the life slip from his eyes. Held him as his body started to grow colder and his body stiffened. They say you tried to fight the officers who dragged you away from Billy Hargroves body. The problem was, he wasn’t dead. Billy was stuck in a world where death thrived, and evil had been born. He was scared when he heard his name being called out in a statement to the Hawkins nightly news. Left with nothing but confusion. He was there, standing next to a tree, flesh, and blood. When he finally figured out the man they said was dead was the man from the empty Hawkins, his heart sank. It was impossible to go back. He saw what the fake Billy had done. There was no coming back from that, too much carnage and death had followed him. No one would believe his story, nor would anyone treat him kindly. He couldn’t blame them, thirty people were dead because of what was essentially Billy. If he ever told them the things he saw down there, the only thing he would receive is a one-way ticket to the psych ward. He retreated into the woods after watching you for a few more minutes. A 7/11 came into view, so with wallet in hand, snacks were bartered, and a motel was called. The Camaro was long gone. Not that he would look for it even if he did have a clue where this fake Billy put it. Fake Billy. That guy or whatever he was, was a menace. Billy wanted nothing more than to put his head through a wall and send him straight back to hell. Glimpses of what the fake Billy did, flashed through his mind while he was down there. Like he was living vicariously through the fake Billy. He felt the warmth of your skin on his lips. He felt your heartbeat against his side as if you were curled to his side. When he opened his eyes, imagine his disappointment when you weren’t there, like it was all a dream. It must have been some cruel and unusual form of punishment to be jealous of himself. So that brought him to now. Three weeks at a shitty motel came to an end. His funeral was over, and now it was time for him to say his own goodbyes. Max was taken home by Susan and Neil. You stayed back with Harrington and Dustin until you couldn’t stand to be there anymore. That girl he talked to in the dark place, paid her respects with Nancy’s brother. All of them disappearing into their cars. Billy made his way to the airport, after a trip to the bank he quietly, probably suspiciously, emptied what was in his bank account. It wasn’t much, but it would get him to where he wanted. He would figure out the rest later. He just wanted to go home, back to the sandy beaches, warm weather, and where the sunshine never said goodbye. Back to California, he had a few friends who were getting a house and wanted him to come. There was no better chance, they would have no idea that “Billy Hargrove” was dead. None of it made the news beyond the local circuit. He gave one final swan song to Hawkins, Indiana.
One year later Plans change, they fall through, and sometimes someone is left behind. Billy didn’t mind, though, he was fine on his own. Had a steady job, changed his name and moved on. The thought of you was the only thing that could break him down. He wondered how you were. Were you happy? Were you as miserable as Billy was? Part of him hoped so, hoped that you cried yourself to sleep like he did. When he stopped being selfish, all he wanted was for you to be happy. Billy grabbed his surfboard from the water and brought it to the sand. Digging it into the sand, he sat next to it. He loved to surf at sunrise. No one was there that early, families only started coming when he left. He grabbed his things and gathered them in his arms when he wished he would’ve never heard again. “Billy?”
Tagged: @hotstuffhargrove
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Ever start writing a thing and you realize you craft world building better then actually writing the like book of it all. Hi it’s me that’s me.
So uhhh have some of my weird vampire story world points. I have 2 chapters? Sure we’ll say 2 chapters. Written and I am just sort of messing with the story as I go.
Beyond vampire book I have a whole Dystopian world I mapped out with cities and a basic layout. A future dystopia world based in a color power system, that one isn’t as fleshed out beyond what the color system is. But uh here have the vampire hierarchy of the vampire world. With faces of celebrities that i feel fit the sort of look? Who i saw in my head? There’s more but like these are who I found first.
Im tagging Joseph Quinn and Jamie Campbell bower because they are face references for things so. It’s under a read more just scroll if ya don’t wanna be fucked with my stupid ass.
Also tagged my friendos and others who may enjoy this. :D
So the purgers are based on the vampires from 30 days of night meets the hydra super soldiers bucky talks about in civil war. Like the ones who can take our whole cities in a night. Yeah think them.
(The next are just job titles or hierarchy placements, mother and father hit the same in the ladder of the vampire world. Men can be ‘the mother’ women can be ‘the father’ NB are the same as ‘ya just end up in a job title’ and no one really calls themselves by there title it’s just a job name in the hierarchy)
The mothers: charismatic, very off putting caretakers of ‘the selected’ they have jobs in the other worlds of the vampires and men can be classified as ‘mothers’ just depends on how the vampire change hits them.
The fathers: same as the mothers but they tend to have jobs outside of the houses that the selected stay in. Some are allocators, some are food runners. And some work at those fun boring admin jobs. Again women can be fathers. It’s just a job title. Again depends on what happens when you finish the vampire change.
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The leaders: you know the capitol from the hunger games? Yeah think that but vampire. The features are almost alien like, in a ‘did you have this face before you changed or did it happen after’ they are the leaders, the rulers, the ones who picked who is selected, the ones who control the purgers and the ones who you don’t wanna meet face to face cause you ain’t coming out of that meeting.
Yes the face claims? Include Julia fox and Madonna (circa her now where her face is just her face now) because they have that capital leader look. And tilda swinton has the ‘oh you were a LOTR elf in another life’ and Lawrence fishbern has a voice that just ‘yeah vampire leader’ don’t ask me why.
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The selected: the MC of the story and thousands of others chosen by the vampire leaders for one reason or another, they live in complete isolation in basements or similar dark, underground almost rooms, for the 6 month long change. In that time, your teeth rot and fall out of your head, they grow back to be strong enough to rip a throat out along with other things, your nails get real strong, and for those 6 months you basically are alone, secluded, and get a cup of blood a day. It’s not fun but it could be worse.
Also for those 6 months the fun vampire tropes we love, aka can’t see yourself in mirrors, silver burns you, garlic is bad, that kind of thing. Yeah that happens and it’s not bad it’s just ‘why is vampire biology so fucking weird’
Uhhhhh yeah. Idk if you want to ask me things on the world I will happily tell you. But also, it’s my brain goo coming out like ‘sup’ so ya know trademark don’t steal my idea yada yada.
@quinnsbower @furmicl @breanime @naturallytom @hotstuffhargrove @stranger-nightmare
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hopperhargrove · 5 years
I just wanted to say, before season 3 comes out, thank you to all of you for going through all this with me. It's been a JOURNEY!! You guys mean so much to me and have helped me through some tough shit. I'm so thankful to have met so many incredible people and to have made such amazing friends. I'll always consider you guys family and I'll always be thankful to be apart of this fandom ❤️
@casaharrington @moonstruckhargrove @c0bblenygma @spacecaced @delphineygt @hotstuffhargrove @billyscamar0 @wasting-time-again @hargrovesprincess @harringrovehouse @hoppnhorn @femmesteve @80steenmovie @highon85 @billytroublehargrove
If I missed anyone I am so so sorry feel free to message me and yell at me for being rude 😂 But honestly I love all of you so ❤️
BIG SHOUTOUT TO ALL THE CREATORS THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR EVERYTHING THAT YOU DO!!!!!! The fandom would not be what it is without you so THANK YOU!!!!
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dacresprincess-blog · 6 years
Ily ❤❤
ily2 now send me a pic of your dog!
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Not Your Type
Steve Harrington x Reader
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Read part 2 HERE
Word Count: 6,669
Warnings: Swearing, Smoking, Drinking, Sexual Assault mention
Tag List: @carolimedanvers @moonstruckhargrove @denimjacketkisses @hotstuffhargrove @thechickvic @alex--awesome--22 @hipsmcgee @lilmissperfectlyimperfect @so-not-hotmess @balladblood @ashescilev 
“You’re not her type, Steve.” 
“You can’t say that till she meets me.”
The two had been arguing for days on the subject, without a clear answer in sight. Robin had promised, after weeks of watching Steve fail at getting girls, first at Scoops Ahoy and now at Family Video, to introduce him to a girl. Not just any girl, a girl like her. Steve had finally admitted that Dustin was right and he needed to go after girls who could make him genuinely happy, not just a girl who fit his popular mindset. He had tried his luck with Robin, and easily accepted the loss due to her own sexuality, and now he was set to try again. And Robin had been hyping up this friend of hers for weeks. She was cool and funny and smart like her and she was straight. That was all he was looking for. Whoever she was, she sounded perfect. 
But Robin was holding out on him.
His turned halfway to look at her, leaning his elbows on the counter to watch her shelf VHS tapes of music videos by the checkout line. She kept her back to him, rolling her eyes at his last comment. He was so pig headed most of the time, it was honestly annoying.
“Robin, you made this big deal about her, you said she was perfect, that I’d want to marry her on sight, and now you’re holding out. You gonna tell me what the deal is or not?” he asked with a brutal sigh. 
Robin didn’t turn around “Look, I might have...overhyped her a bit...like she’s amazing but she might...not be interested.” she said, brushing a strand of hair out of her eyes, turning to look at him with an embarrassed grimace.
“What?” Steve asked, raising an eyebrow at her.
“Look...she likes Billy Idol types. She probably would’ve gotten along with Billy Hargrove if...well, you know.” Robin said, trailing off at the end. Both nodded softly, Robin swallowing as if her throat was dry. Maybe it was, the memory was certainly hard to swallow and even harder to forget.
Robin scoffed “You’re too squeaky clean for her.” 
Steve slapped his hand on the counter, his hair bouncing excitedly with the quick movement “Oh come on! Do you remember me? I’m Steve ‘Hair’ Harrington! I was the coolest guy at Hawkins High.” he puffed up his chest proudly, like a peacock.
“And the most modest.” Robin stood up, dusting off her knees from grim from the carpets sticking to her bare skin. The only perk of working at Family Video was the lax dress code. The store’s air conditioning had broken in June and had turned the place into an oven with its big windows that couldn’t be shaded to hide the marquees and cardboard cutouts in the windows. Keeping the front door open and wearing as little as possible helped. 
“But seriously, Steve, I don’t want you to get your hopes up about her. She might not be interested.” Robin replied, planting her hands on her hips.
“I got it, now when can I meet her?” Steve asked.
Luckily for him, you were already on your way.
You had no idea why Robin had been so insistent on you visiting her at work. She never had been before, she’d made you promise not to visit her at Scoops, which was strange since you only worked a floor above at Claire’s, piercing children’s ears with ugly silver butterflies and flowers, only for them to buy big plastic hoops and balls to shove into the unprepared holes and get them totally infected. It was fun, you got to use a piercing gun. You’d almost gotten fired for trying to pierce your nose with the gun. You were glad that you didn’t, it would’ve totally ruined your nostril, but you wouldn’t pretend that it wasn’t totally worth it to see the look on your fat manager, Marge’s face. She was such a bitch, you were glad when that damn mall burned down. The one in Carmel was better anyway.
When Robin insisted on you coming to Family Video to meet her for her lunch break, you weren’t insanely apprehensive about it. It wasn’t until her tone changed when she mentioned meeting her coworker and friend that you started getting that sickening feeling in the pit of your stomach. She was trying to set you up with someone. Again. She always did this when she wanted something. Last time she did it, it was with that awful Keith to try to get him to give her his poster from The Godfather, which he’d nicked from the back storage at The Hawke while it was still open. Whatever she wanted, you weren’t going to be used to get it. 
Still, you showed up. You promised that you would after all, and you were a person of your word. Parking your car in front of the store, you saw the almost empty parking lot and the wide open door signaling the open store. You sighed softly to yourself, grabbing your purse off the seat next to you and stringing it over your shoulder, popping the door and climbing out.
“Robin? You here?” you called as you walked in.” the store was empty and far too quiet for your liking.
“Welcome to Family Video, where we bring movie magic to you! Can I help you with anything today?” Steve asked from the counter, startling you. You practically jumped out of your skin, your hand coming to clutch at your heart as you whipped around to meet the soft expression of Steve Harrington. He looked slightly bemused, clearly trying to not laugh at your over the top reaction. You rolled your eyes, walking up to the desk.
“Is Robin here? Robin Walker.” you asked, looking him over with a calculating eye.
“Yeah, she’s just in the back, wait here.” Steve stepped out from behind the desk, pulling at his stiff, polyester golf shirt. The shirt was so white and blindingly bright that it hurt to look at, but the large black logo for the store broke it up enough to make it easier to watch Steve leave as it was to watch him walk away. 
Steve didn’t even make it all the way to the stockroom before Robin emerged, already changed out of her uniform and was grinning like an idiot. “Hey! You made it just in time!” she said, tossing you her purse and sweater. You caught them easily, relieved to see your friend and get out of there. 
“Steve, this is my friend Y/N. Y/N, you know Steve, right?” Robin said, gesturing between them with her now free hands. 
“What up, Harrington?” you asked boredly, crossing your arms over your chest.
Robin gritted her teeth, squeezing her eyes shut and pulling her lips into a straight line. This is exactly what she thought would happen. Every time she’d introduced you to someone, no matter how genuine she was being, you turned into a brick fortress, completely impenetrable. Gone was your bubbly, snarky personality and quick wit, replaced by sneers and eye rolls and sarcasm. You weren’t nice or warm or open when you met the boys Robin decided you’d like. You weren’t yourself.
This wasn’t you. Robin knew it, she was certain that deep down you knew it. But Steve didn’t know it. Robin was certain that he had no idea who you were. And that made it worse. He had no background to you other than her own descriptions. And that wasn’t enough. This was not going to end well.
“You ready to grab food?” you asked, drawing Robin out of her mind.
“Huh? Oh yeah definitely. Burger in a Basket cool?” she replied, her eyes darting strangely between the pair of you.
“Sure, I’m not vegetarian this month. Accidently ate a fish stick last weekend while babysitting Todd Carther again. Total shit head but his parents pay me so much money to do it.” you replied, handing Robin’s things back to her. 
“Hasn’t he scared you off yet?” Robin asked, tying her grey sweatshirt around her hips.
“Nope, almost got me by dumping a whole jar of electric blue paint on my head. But the stuff is non-toxic so it didn’t mess up my eyes or skin and it let me know that dying my whole head blue isn’t going to be a good look for me.” you replied with a giggle, flashing a strand of faded blue hair to her. “The stupid paint did dye some of the bleach though, which totally sucks.”
“You babysit Todd Carther?” Steve asked, drawing your attention back to him and indented a hard frown onto your face. Robin caught the look and wrapped an arm tightly around your shoulders, squeezing them too hard. 
“Oh yeah, Y/N is utterly fearless.” Robin announced with a grin.
“I know his older brother Matt; wicked dude, total party animal. He threw the best parties at the end of the basketball season. Totally rad…” he trailed off with a doofy grin, clearly imagining the fun times he’d had at some shitty house party.
“I know Matt too. He groped Sylvia Newman in the middle of freshman English for a stripe of Fruit Stripe gum. He assaulted her and didn’t even get detention for it.” you replied stonily, narrowing your eyes at him.
“Oh… bummer.” Steve tried. You scoffed, rolling your eyes. “No, I’m serious. I didn’t know about that, that’s really fucked up. I don’t hang out with him anymore, but if I did I’d stop.”Steve said more confidently this time, running a hand through his overstyled hair. 
That...wasn’t the answer you were expecting. It knocked you out of your senses and you took a moment to respond. “Yeah...well I take money from his parents so I mean nobody’s perfect. And that whole family’s fucked up anyway.” Steve smiled slightly and you tried not to notice it. He just looked so proud of himself. It was almost endearing. But not enough to make you want to care.
“So, anyway, Steve? You go on break yet?” Robin asked.
Steve furrowed his brow, looking at Robin as though she’d grown a third head. Robin nodded her head towards you strangely and suddenly Steve blurted “That’s the girl? Really?”
You whipped around to look at Robin, utterly appalled. You had a sinking feeling that the whole reason you’d been invited out today was to be introduced to some guy, but you had no idea it would be so quick and for the guy to be Steve motherfucking Harrington. You couldn’t believe it. I mean he was the dumbest, more generic guy at Hawkins High. You swore he’d won the metal for stupidest questions in your Home Economics class in freshman year. He was just…such a dork! How he’d gotten so popular, you had no idea. Maybe this town was such so void of charm and charisma that even the most empty, callus boy could become a god with a wink and a smile.
“What does he mean that’s the girl?” you asked, your face pulling into a look of sheer anger that could stop a man in his tracks.
“Oh great work, Harrington, now you’ve done it.” Robin sighed, pulling her purse across her chest, smacking his arm roughly.
“Robin, what does he mean? What did you do?” you snapped, forcing her to look at you. Her face pulled into a look that you knew too well. Regret, embarrassment, and just a little bit of fear.
“I might have promised Steve that I’d introduce you to him.” You groaned loudly, your head falling back to look at the white tiled ceiling. Robin pressed on, her face turning into a look of sympathy, her smile made of rubber. “Because you’re so great! He doesn’t have many friends his own age anymore and I just thought-”
“Oh I know what you thought.” You bit out.
“Well, are you coming or not?” Robin turned to Steve, completely ignoring you.
Steve’s face turned sour and surprised and he looked between the two of you and then to the clock above you. “I mean…I kind of have some stuff to finish up here and I should really wait until Keith gets here before I go on my break…don’t want Mr. Mueller mad at me again.” He scratched the back of his neck, shrugging awkwardly.
Robin clicked her tongue “Since when do you care?” Steve simply shrugged again. “Y/N, can you wait for me outside?”
You nodded, turning on your heel and heading out just far enough to be out of sight. You wanted to hear whatever they had to say.
“Dude what the fuck? You wanted this!” Robin whispered violently.
“Yeah but I didn’t want her!” Steve replied. You didn’t see the smack, but you sure heard the sound of skin hitting skin and the embarrassing yelp Steve let out.
“Yeah well, you’re going to come with us and you’re going to be nice. Because I did this for you. And now you have to accept it.” Steve didn’t respond, which must have been a good sign for Robin.
“Remind me to never do anything nice for you ever again…” Robin muttered as their footsteps charged closer to you and you scurried out the open door, choosing to lean against the burning hot glass, crossing your arms over your chest and knocking the sunglasses from the top of your head to your face again.
“You ready to head out?” You asked, standing up straight, smiling at Robin.
“Yeah, just waiting for Harrington to put the sign.” Behind her, Steve was hanging the tiny clock shaped sign on the door, trying to figure out what time it would be when they got back.
“Just put four fifteen, Steve, Keith will be back by then and your shift will be over like immediately anyway. You clocked out, right?” Robin said quickly, turning to you to add “Keith is a menace; he doesn’t like to work with anyone and kicks everyone off the floor whenever he can.” You nodded boredly, you’d heard this when she worked with him at the arcade; she quit whereas he got fired, it was a point of bragging for her.
“Yes, Robin. I did what you said. I don’t like this idea, I need this job more than you do.” He muttered bitterly. You raised an eyebrow curiously. Bitter looked decent on him.
“Oh, will you relax? Let your hair down a bit, dingus.” Robin grinned, wrapping an arm around his shoulders. The three of you headed down the street to the cheesy diner Burger in a Basket. The whole place was themed after a fifties diner, complete with neon and pastel colours and fifties nostalgia on the walls. Bikes, hoola hoops, records, pictures of dead icons like Elvis and Marilyn Monroe, movie posters-the whole shebang. You didn’t go there for atmosphere, no, you went for the food. Robin insisted that it was the best burger she’d ever had and you’d be hard pressed to find one better in Hawkins. You didn’t know if Steve had been initiated into the burger ritual yet, but you didn’t really care.
Entering the teal and pink dining room, you nodded to the poor young thing in the giant black beehive wig and roller skates, you and Robin heading towards your normal booth. Steve followed behind, wide eyed and a little bit horror struck. You slid into the booth and grabbed the menus out of the rack at the table, handing them out wordlessly. Robin pushed Steve towards your side of the booth and he begrudgingly slid in, much to your dismay.
“You dragged me out of work…to go to a cheesy themed diner?” Steve asked incredulously.
“Just wait till you try it, Steve, it’ll change your life.” Robin said with a grin, flipping open the menu. You knew that she always ordered something different each time you came. You always ordered the same thing so you didn’t bother to open yours. Steve cautiously followed Robin’s example, flipping around with a wide eyed, innocent expression.
“Alright, welcome to Burger in a Basket, I’m Sylvia, how are you guys doing today?” the voice above you asked. You grinned as you saw Sylvia standing there in the stupid uniform. It was a comfort to know that her life was a little worse than yours. After all, she was such a bitch to you most of the time. That Matt Carther thing gave her plenty of room to get away with being a complete bitch, and it gave you something to use as a tester with guys in town. If they didn’t know who she was or they laughed, then they weren’t worth your time. Sure, you felt bad for her, but she treated you like dog shit for a year before dumping your ass to hang out with Macy Clarke and Nancy Wheeler.
“Hey Sylvia, we’re doing alright.” You said with a slight smirk, resting your head on your palms. Sylvia cringed slightly, but her eyes landed on Steve’s and her whole expression changed.
“Hey, Steve…” she murmured, pulling her lip into her teeth, grinning slightly.
“Hey, Sylvia, how’s it going?” he replied. Of course he’d go for her, you thought to yourself, she’s exactly his type. Just dumb enough to be cute but just pretty enough to hold your attention, with the slightest stink of desperation. You wanted so desperately to roll your eyes, but Robin was watching you with the knowing look, so you maintained your composure.
“I’m good! Can I get you a drink? Or are you ready to order? Do you need a minute?” you wanted to laugh; this was the best service you’d ever gotten at the restaurant. And it was all thanks to Steve.
“I mean…are you guys ready? I think I’ve got it figured out.” Steve said, gesturing to Robin with a nervous expression.
“Yeah, I’ll get the Fourth of July burger with mushrooms and can I get no mustard? Oh, and a diet coke.” Robin said, smiling confidently at Sylvia, who took down the order boredly.
“Sure, and for you, Steve?” she asked sweetly, fluttering her lashes.
“Um…I need a second more, Y/N can you order?” he muttered, leaning over to you. You nodded, surprised that him being closer to you didn’t upset you. It was almost…nice.
“Yeah sure…I’ll get the double hula burger with extra cheese, no pickles, no ketchup, and a triple thick chocolate shake.” You rattled off quickly, enjoying watching her struggle to get everything down.
“Alright, you ready, Stevie?” Sylvia asked and you noted the distinctive blush forming on his cheeks. Sylvia seemed too proud of her work and you wanted to wipe that look off her face. Pride was a bad look for her.
“Can I just get classic burger with mayo and extra tomato? And a coke?” he asked awkwardly, still clearly very unsure of himself.
Sylvia nodded “Perfect! I’ll be back with your drinks in a moment.” She said, turning and skating off, waving coyly to Steve as she headed back into the kitchen. You and Robin snickered, Robin rolling her eyes as soon as Sylvia disappeared.
“Oh my god we should have been bringing you since day one, they never give us that much attention!” you cried with a loud laugh.
“Dude, she wants you so bad oh my god!” Robin added, reaching out to slap his shoulder. Steve lowered his head, shaking his head.
“I totally remember her now…she had a thing for me in junior year, covered my locker in paper hearts. I wasn’t supposed to find out but I did. It was very uncool.” He muttered, shaking his head. You remembered that too, how she’d planned it for weeks, forcing you to help cut out pink, purple, and red hearts. You thought the whole thing was so cringy and weird, but she was dead set that he’d be intrigued by the mystery and sweetness of the action. She thought it was so cute. Barbra Holland unintentionally started the rumor that it was her, but you wished it was you to tell the world. Watching her slink home was worth the afternoons in the library with her calling you stupid for not cutting the heart out perfectly.
“She was just trying to put her feelings out there!” Robin replied incredulously.
“No, Rob, she was being weird. She could’ve shoved a note in his locker, send him a candy gram and Valentine, they do that every year for lacrosse team. She did something unnecessary and creepy to get attention. You’re just a hopeless romantic.” You grinned, reaching out to touch the bright red heart drawn in permanent marker on her wrist. You knew she had a thing for Jennifer Buffet, who worked at the now defunct Starcourt movie theatre. She always drew that little heart on everything whenever she had a crush, it was like she was trying to get caught, you didn’t get that; you always wanted to hide your crushes until the other person showed any interest in you. You wouldn’t usually agree or defend Steve Harrington, but he was right for once. You didn’t mind agreeing if he was correct for once.
“I am not!” Robin cried, crossing her arms over her chest.
You leaned in to whisper to her “Tell that to Tammy Turner.” Robin turned bright red and she leaned back into the vinyl seat, looking away from you.
“Oh was it bad?” Steve asked with a wide, doofy grin. You were surprised to know that he knew about Tammy, but you didn’t question it. Asking questions could reveal something that Robin didn’t want known. You were used to being careful with her.
“Ohhhh yeah, it was a rough year with her pine after that muppet.” Watching Robin pine after Tammy Turner was so embarrassing, since the girl was so straight. I mean the Steve thing was one thing, but the girl dated Tommy H for two weeks between his forty-second break-up with Carol. That’s the epitome of straight bullshit: finding Tommy H’ s awful, crass, and downright sexist attitude and sense of humor attractive and desirable. How Robin didn’t see that was beyond you.
“That’s what I said! She sounds like a damn muppet! Like Kermit the frog or something!” Steve cried, smacking the vinyl and turning to look at you fully. When he wasn’t trying so hard, he was actually pretty cute. His eyes blew wide and his smile reached its fullest capacity, straining to not split his face in half.
“I thought more Ms. Piggy, like when she sang with Elton John. She always like pinching up her mouth at the end of her words, she looks like a wrinkly old apple.” You said, giggling slightly. “Don’t go breaking my heart…” you imitated, pursing and squeezing your lips together, making a tiny ‘O’ with your lips. Steve’s eyes grew impossibly wider and he laughed far too loudly, his head tossing back. You turned to Robin, who was blushing crimson, fully turned away from the scene you were making. Sylvia skated over with your food and drinks, smiling far too much. She placed each order in front of you, angling herself so her chest landed in Steve’s face when she handed his order over to him. He didn’t seem to notice, he was too busy laughing.
“What’re you guys talking about?” she asked, tossing your order in front of you.
“That time you made Steve’s locker look like the Valentine’s Day massacre.” You grinned back spitefully.
Sylvia paled significantly and she reached up to adjust her wig, looking away. “That…that wasn’t me…” she replied softly.
“Yeah…yeah it was…” Steve said between breathes, wiping tears away from his eyes. Sylvia opened her mouth to reply, but nothing came out. She turned away quickly, skating out fast. You laughed hard when she ran off, hunching over in your seat.
“That was so mean!” Robin cried, looking between the pair of you with a stern look.
“She…she deserved it! After everything I dealt with from her, I get to have one!” you replied, shrugging softly as you recovered. Steve offered you a high five, which you took happily. You never thought in your life that you’d be laughing with Steve Harrington. Today was a weird day.
“Eat, both of you.” Robin snapped and you complied equally happily. You loved this place-everything was fresh and made to order. Sure, it was greasy and unhealthy, but you deserved a bit of comfort food once and awhile. Steve took his first bite and let out a very loud moan. You giggled, it was so stupid. And a little cute, you wouldn’t pretend that it wasn’t. And maybe a little hot. But you wouldn’t admit that.
“This is so good!” he said, muffled by his mouthful of food.
“It’s even better when you’re high.” You whispered, nudging his arm. Steve nodded in approval, clearly into the idea.
The three of you ate in silence, wolfing down your burgers without much of a hum save for the sounds of ice clinking in glasses and small slurps from straws. Burger in a Basket still had glass bottle of coke, the rumor was that they filled them up with every drink and washed them after, since they didn’t really make glass bottles of soda for retail sale anymore.
With only their fries left, the group returned to each other’s attention. To your surprise, Steve spoke first.
“Can I be like honest here?” he said, turning to face you once again. You nodded shortly, shoving a fry into your mouth. “I have like, no idea who you are. I really don’t.” you raised an eyebrow at him, unsure of how you were supposed to react to that news. You swallowed your mouthful, nodding to yourself.
“Yeah, I figured as much.” You replied “I remember you though.”
“Oh yeah, what for?” Steve leaned back in the booth, putting his arms over the seat. He looked to be ready to take in praise.
“I remember how shit you were on the basketball team. How shit that whole team was.” You replied with a chuckle, watching Steve deflate immediately.
“I was, like, the best player on the team!” he replied indignantly.
“That’s not saying much.” That line made Robin laugh and Steve curl further into himself.
“You really should’ve joined the track and field team. You were much better at that anyway.” You added softly.
“On what planet? I’ve never even done track and field.” Steve cracked bitterly.
“Yes you have, we all had to do it in middle school.” You said. Both Robin and Steve looked at you like you were crazy, so without any remaining shame, you pressed on.
“At the end of the year, every year of middle school, we had the grade-wide track and field meet. We all trained on basic stuff-long jump, cross country, shot put for the older kids, and high jump. Then, each grade would compete and the best of those kids would go onto the main competition. We all got a day off to watch and there were free freezies. It was one of the best days of the year.” You explained.
“Yeah, so what? I never competed.” Steve replied, watching you closely.
“Yes, you did.” Steve raised an eyebrow at you. You rolled your eyes and continued.
“You were in eighth grade and I was in seventh. You had won the long jump in your grade level because Jude Armstrong broke his ankle and I had won the high jump. So we both competed. I remember three things about that day: one; that I won the high jump against all the older kids and Tina tried to push me into the mud after I got my medal; that you and Tommy snuck off to smoke cigarettes during the high jump. You both pretended that you’d done it before, and maybe you had, but Tommy was coughing so hard even after that it was so obvious that he’d never even touch a cigarette before.  And three, that that was the year we were all forced to run the cross country race. Nobody had wanted to compete in the race, so they forced us to do it to set an example. I didn’t want to run it, I’m not a distance runner, but you were so confident. You didn’t look nervous at all. And when the whistle blew and everyone bolted, you held back. You came in third in the cross country race and second at long jump, against the odds on both. It was the coolest thing I’d ever seen.”
Steve nodded. You looked so pretty when you explained the memory, your whole face lit up and your smiled so softly. You looked angelic, it was truly a sight. But the memory itself turned his stomach.
“I remember that…” he muttered “What I remember about that day was my dad telling me that no other place matter except first and that I was absolute shit.”
You felt so bad, bringing it up at all. He looked so sad now, you regretting even commenting on it. “Oh…I’m sorry…” you said softly. Steve shrugged as if it meant nothing, as if he felt nothing. “God, what a dick and you were good too!” you cried.
“Nah, I kind of sucked.” Steve replied, pushing away the compliment with his hands.
“No seriously! We could have used you on the team, Jude Armstrong sucked ass after like freshman year! You showed real aptitude. And you’re built for it, strong legs and a good core. Let guys like Chuck Bronson stomp around the court, you should’ve came and competed with us, you would’ve won something.” You joked, kicking his shoe with your own.
Steve huffed “We got into the county semi-finals last year…”
“Yeah? We won country finals and got fifth in state. Half my team got into state colleges on scholarship based on that alone.” You replied haughtily.
“You gonna get one?” he asked.
“I might, I got a scout watching me. Don’t know if I’m gonna take it.”
“Oh yeah, why not?”
You grinned proudly “I’m hoping to follow in Emma Lancaster’s footsteps.”
“What she do?” Robin rolled her eyes at that comment.
“She got a full ride to NYU for fashion design.”
“You sew?”
You rolled your eyes “I’m the head of the costume department for the drama club.”
“It’s how we met.” Robin added proudly.
“Emma Lancaster founded and headed up the fashion club at Hawkins High and ran the sewing club. She wants to work for designer labels and head up her own one day. I just want to make costumes for plays. I’d work anywhere that paid and go to any school that offered money.” You explained.
“That’s cool, I hope you get it.” Steve said and you noted the slightest hint of sadness in his tone.
“How’s your planning going, Steve, got any ideas yet?” Robin asked, clearly catching onto the tone Steve had in his voice.
“Well…” he looked a little embarrassed as he spoke, but did so anyway “I was thinking about applying to the police academy in Carmel…it’s not a clear shot, but I’d like it more than working for my dad.”
“My uncle works there, I can put in a good word with him if you want.” Robin said cheerily.
“That would be cool. I just don’t know if I’d be any good.” Steve muttered to himself.
“I’d think you’d be pretty good, I mean you’ve got strong morals.” You turned to Robin “Remember when he broke freak Byers camera? He deserved that fucking shit.” Robin nodded in agreement.
“I mean yeah, Steve, you care about people. Like you take care of Dustin like he’s your brother. It takes guts to be genuine and unafraid about hanging out with literal children.” Robin added.
“You hang out with Dustin Henderson?” you asked curiously.
“You know Dustin?” Steve asked, equally confused.
“Yeah, my sister Stacy made fun of him for like a week last year after the snow ball for asking her to dance. I wanted to smack the shit out of her for it, it takes guts to ask somebody out, especially at that age.” You explained, slamming your tall milkshake glass on the table, having just slurped up the last drops of chocolate milk and whipped cream.
“Yeah well he’s got a girlfriend now named Suzie.” Robin said. Steve’s attention had turned to the window and you heard a small gasp.
“Shit, Keith’s here, I gotta run.” He pulled out his wallet and slapped a twenty dollar bill on the table before sliding out of the booth.
“Don’t get in shit, dingus!” Robin called after him.
He spun around quickly, jogging backwards “If you get me fired, I’ll kill you.” He looked you over slowly, a lopsided grin pulling at the corner of his mouth “I’ll see you around, Y/N?”
“Yeah, sure.” You smiled. Steve nodded happily and his back slammed into the poor dish boy, stumbling slightly before scampering off.
As soon as he was gone, Robin turned to you with a devilish grin “He likes you.” She giggled, reaching out to poke your shoulder.
“Good for him.” You replied, trying to seem confident and uncaring about the whole situation. Internally, you were utterly rocked. He’d gotten to you. You’d drunk the Steve Harrington kool-aid. He was deeper, more genuine, honest, and cooler than you’d ever expected him to be. You were utterly intrigued and now you had to know more. But you weren’t going to admit it now, not when Robin was being so cocky about it.
“I think you like him toooo!” she said in a sing-song tone.
You scoffed “No, not really.”
Robin saw right through you. But there was no sense in arguing when you were like this. You had too much pride to admit it now, especially with Sylvia floating around, looking for any excuse to rip the rug out from under you. But she had an idea.
“So, listen, I’m not working tomorrow and we haven’t hung out in forever. Wanna have a sleepover tonight?” Robin asked, pulling out cash from her wallet to cover herself and you, since she owed you money from the last time you’d gone out to eat.
“Sure, I’m not babysitting the brat tomorrow.”
“Great! You want to rent a movie or something? I get a discount at Family Video.”
You knew what she was doing, but you went along with it. No sense in calling her out now when she had a plan, it wouldn’t stop her anyway.
“Eh, whatever. I’m good either way.” You replied breezily.
“I wanna rewatch Carrie so let’s head over. Maybe grabbed some snacks too, I want some sour belts.” Robin said, climbing out of the booth and grabbing your hand, pulling you out. You didn’t really like horror movies and you really hated sour belts, they weren’t even sour, so you knew Robin was milking your ambivalence for all it was worth. What she didn’t know is that you actually kind of liked Carrie and you had a new dress that needed fitting and Robin would be the perfect model for it. Karma was a bitch.
Robin dragged you all the way to Family Video and inside, grinning at Keith and watching him blush as you passed by. He’d told you that he loved you the first and only time you hung out. You never called him back and Robin had to explain to him that saying I love you on a date that wasn’t even a date is the wrong move. Now, he wouldn’t even speak to you, which you didn’t mind.
“Y/N! Go gather as many packs of sour belts as you can get your hands on! I’m gonna find Carrie in the back!” Robin instructed.
“Get something fun too! Like the Princess Bride or something! Something I’ll actually watch!” you called after her. Robin flashed you a thumbs up and you sighed, turning on your heel and heading to the checkout line, grabbing lime green packs of rainbow striped, sugar coated candies off the rack and clutching them to your chest.
Robin found Steve in the back and, with very little pushing, sent him out onto the floor to talk to you. It only took two tries from him to get the courage to go and talk to you.
And again, he scared the shit out of you. He tapped you on the shoulder and you jumped a foot in the air, dropping all the sugary treats.
“Shit sorry!” Steve cried, dropping to his knees to clean up the mess.
“It’s okay!” you replied quickly, following suit. He shouldn’t have to clean up your mess after all. Your hands both rushed to grab the packages and when they brushed one another over the last packet, you couldn’t pretend that it wasn’t nice. The briefest chance of touch set your heart aflutter. You felt like you were ten years old again. He handed the packages over quickly, standing up just as fast. He offered you a hand up, which you took, if only to hold his hand for the briefest of moments. God, who even were you? You pulled it away fast.
“So…what’s with all the sour strips?” he asked, looking over the armful of candy you had.
“They’re Robin’s favourite. She told me to grab a shit ton, so I did. She’s grabbing the movies for tonight.” You explained.
“What movies?”
“Robin wants to watch Carrie. I’m hoping she gets something fun too, like Fast Times at Ridgemount High or The Princess Bride. Something funny.” You replied. You’d never smiled so much in a day, your face was starting to hurt but with Steve you couldn’t help it!
“Oh yeah? Having a sleepover or something?” that cocky Steve Harrington attitude was coming out, but it wasn’t making you as nauseous as it usually would, which was very odd.
“Yeah kind of. Which means Robin’s gonna wanna watch horror movies, eat so many of these until she pukes, and sneak malt whiskey from her father’s liquor cabinet.” You said, not hiding the slight disdain in your voice.
“Yeah? What’re you gonna do?”
“I’m gonna hem the dress I made for the Roenke County theatre’s production of Romeo and Juliet, sip vodka from my flask, and take away the sour belts when Robin gets sick.”
“Sounds fun?” Steve questioned.
“It probably won’t be,” you chuckled “But it’s not the worst way to spend a night.”
“How’d you think an evening with me would chalk up? In comparison I mean.” Steve asked, his hand coming to the top of the low black shelf to lean into you.
“Well I guess it would depend, what’s your plan?” you asked with a grin.
“Whatever you want.” He murmured softly, smirking far too confidently. You didn’t mind though, you knew what was underneath it all.
“Well, I’d have to think about it…how about you call me sometimes and we’ll talk about it.” You replied slowly, looking him up and down.
“Anytime, you got a pen?” Steve said. You nodded, pulling one out of your purse and grabbing his arm. You scribbled out your number on his palm, trying to make it as legible as possible and ignore how big and warm his hands were.
“I’ll call you tomorrow, that cool?” he said as you watched Robin saunter up too confidently, too proud of herself and of what she’d done.
“Sounds good.” You smiled, ignoring Robin’s cocky leer. “You ready to pay for this shit?” you asked as she walked up, wrapping an arm around your shoulders.
“Gimme the belts, I got this.” Robin said, eyeing up Keith like she was going to beat him up. Maybe she was. “Wait in the car, okay? I didn’t bring mine, so you’re driving me home.”
You nodded “Got it.” You turned to Steve, smiling softly “I’ll see you around, Harrington.”
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darling-i-read-it · 6 years
Dinner and a Movie Night
Billy Hargrove x reader
Word Count:1009
Warnings: none? Language maybe.
Author’s Note: I love your writing so much so whenever you request I make sure to put extra work into it so that you’ll like it lol I hope you do
Request: by @hotstuffhargrove I would just die for some fluffy Billy hargrove just doing domesticated shit like cleaning your house or having a movie marathon.... could you write that? only if you had time of course. TYSM!
Summary: the request!
Genre: fluff
Song: Love Is A Battlefield by Pat Benatar
(not my gif)
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Dating Billy Hargrove started off as just a thing you did. It boosted your popularity, more guys started to notice you and you got to sleep with a guy who knew what he was doing three times a week.
Dating you showed girls that Billy could settle down for a while, showed the guys he could date any chick he wanted and he got to sleep with a girl who knew what she was doing three times a week.
It wasn’t long before you and Billy started to fall for each other though. You expected to be out of his pants after a month tops and date a few other popular guys, maybe even catch yourself a Steve Harrington after a while but then you realized you had grown accustomed to what routine you and Billy had set up for one another. He would pick you up in the mornings and drop you off at the nights, you would show up at some different parties together and you would cheer on Billy as he was hoisted about a keg. You had grown to love his little unnoticed perks like how he did his hair in the mornings at exactly 7:03, how he kept his cigarettes in his left pocket and never his right, now he messed with his ring when he got nervous but didn’t show it on his face. Billy had fallen in love with yours as well. The movie nights you invited him over to but he never went, the way you parted your hair, your careful organization in your room and even his car when he had gotten careless.
You had decided mutually that you would stay together a little while longer. For popularity purposes of course.
It was Friday morning and you and Billy were getting up and ready from your room. He had been sticking around all night now after you let him when his dad wouldn’t let him come home one night. It had become part of your routine. He got up first and trudged over to grab a pair of pants from the stack on the ground where he kept his clothes. You groaned and looked up from your pillow, watching him get dressed and trying to decide if it was worth it to get dressed yourself.
Billy was moving his piles over to the side and started cleaning up your desk. You smiled when you saw that he knew exactly where everything went, all the papers on the right side, books stacked on the right, pencils in the right little bin.
“Cleanin?” you asked from the bed. He looked up at you and blew a piece of hair out of his face to see you better. He still looked tired, not that you blamed him he had just woken up and you smiled.
“You can’t leave all this shit out you’ll get stressed,” he told you. You raised an eyebrow and started to raise out of the bed.
“Mhm thanks,” you whispered as he came over for a kiss good morning. You smiled into it and he left you there to get dressed, ever the gentleman and you did just that, quickly due to the fact you had stayed in bed a little longer than you had planned to last night.
You and Billy got in the car and you gave him his comb you had in your bag and he handed you your makeup bag. You did yours in the car on the way to school because you always woke up late.
Billy knew your perks better than him.
School was slow but it passed eventually and you and Billy were back in his car again. He spoke just as soon as you hopped in.
“Lets watch some movies tonight,” he said. You squinted.
“Sure? Why?” you asked. He shrugged.
“It’s Friday and I think that the fact you haven’t seen Christine is wrong,�� he told you. You laughed.
“Then we have to watch The Outsiders,” you countered. He shrugged and started the car.
When you got back you found that Billy had skipped his last period all together to get candy and rent the movies. You were going to yell at him for skipping because well it was bad on test days but he was to cute when he showed you his selection of movies that he was so proud of.
Your parents were out of town this week so you had the house to yourselves and you owned it. You turned on some music while Billy made dinner and danced around the kitchen.
Living On A Prayer played in the house, making the floors shake and Billy was trying not to let you distract him from making burgers out on the porch. The whole neighborhood got to hear your singing and Billy counted it as one of the best bad voices he had ever heard.
After eating you slid into each other on the couch and Billy put in the movie, The Outsiders first per your request and grabbed the popcorn.
Halfway through the movie you spoke.
“I’m surprised you haven’t tried to kiss me yet,” you whispered. He shushed you.
“Watch the movie Y/N,” he muttered absentmindedly and you chuckled lowly.
Guess which movie Billy liked the best.
Tag List: @swanky-batman @caswinchester2000
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tom-tom-the-pom-pom · 4 years
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Tagged by @nosferatyou to post my lock screen (which is a picture of my cutie pie best friend ever), home screen (a blessing to this earth Samuel Kiszka), last picture I took (Me and a friend went to Chattanooga and ended up on high st), and last song I listened to (Idk I like the Beatles?).
Now I tag @dreams-madeof-strawberrylemonade @toaster-strudel1234 @hotstuffhargrove @aquamarinequ33n
Idk I don’t have very many mutuals lmao
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stanbillyhargrove · 5 years
Rules: list 10 songs you’ve been listening to the most and tag ten people.
I was tagged by @billysgodcomplex 💜💜
1. Another Life - Motionless in White
2. Disguise - Motionless in White
3. In The Dark - Bring Me The Horizon
4. Killing Me Slowly - Bad Wolves
5. Another Nightmare - Sleeping With Sirens
6. Eternally Yours - Motionless in White
7. Into The Fire - Asking Alexandria
8. Alone In A Room - Asking Alexandria
9. Leave It All Behind - Sleeping With Sirens
10. Monsters - Shinedown
Wow. Oof. The angst 🤣
I tag @thehargrovewhore @judasviscariot @daddyydacre @savagesuccubus @hotstuffhargrove @billyswhoregrove @nottherightseason @billysleatherjacket @hargroves-angel
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xicarcalii · 4 years
Babysitter in training (Billy Hargrove x Henderson!reader) preview
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“Billy, thanks for doing this again it really means a lot.”
“No problem, darlin’... you ask I come, I’m easy like that.” Billy smirked, looking around the small family home. You rolled your eyes with a grin appearing on your face as you closed the door when he stepped inside. “Michelle your babysitter’s here,” you called out. Billy furrowed his brows, “babysitter?” That was Harrington's name around town not his. “And few things before I go...” You ran into the kitchen only to come back with a list of things your daughter did as a nightly routine. This didn’t come as a surprise to Billy. Always organized; the perfectionist that had everything mapped out almost like a game plan. If you didn’t have it written down on a piece of paper ahead of time, you were a mess. That was just one of the many things he loved and missed about you – still thought it was cute as hell. You peered over your shoulder towards the clock, it read 5:58.
“Okay, it’s only 6:00 which means you're going to have to make her dinner. Don’t worry though, she’s not a picky eater the girl loves food.” Billy smiled to himself – you were the same way, “she will try everything in her power to swoon you into giving her have ice – cream for dinner and I'm pretty sure you already know the answer to that.”
Billy nodded again and mumbled a “yep.”
“She can have it for snack but only three small scoops, too much and you mind as well call her Taz. Her bedtime varies: if she has a bath, she’ll usually clonk out by 8:45 but she had one last night so you’re good with that. Her normal bedtime is 9:30 on the dot and please don’t forget to have her brush her teeth –”
“(Y/N) calm down, I got this. I mean, how hard can it be?”
“You haven't met my daughter yet so hold your tongue, Hargrove.” You knew Michelle was in good hands with Billy. He was no Steve Harrington when it came to being ‘Babysitter of the Year’ but you could tell he wanted to help and that he was dedicated no doubt which you appreciated. You let out a sigh, looking down at your feet. Billy watched you as you kicked around at the rug by the door and rubbing your sweaty palms on your jeans. He was making you nervous which made him smirk to himself. It made him happy to know he still had that effect on you; he just hoped it was the good kind of nervous.
You know? The one you get around a crush.
“Look, I know you’ll be okay with her. It's just I've never left her with a stranger before. It’s only Steve, Dustin, or Nicky that usually watch her for me and I’m just worried about how she’ll react.”
Of course, you and Steve still kept in touch. After everything that happen how could you not? He was there for you when Billy wasn’t. He didn’t want to be mad or upset about that – you guys weren't together but he would be lying if he said he wasn’t a little pissed. If he hadn't fucked everything up, you’d probably be still with him. Maybe had even started a family of your own in California but a man can dream right? Right. Billy would just have to be content with what he had right now. Sure, it wasn’t all what he wanted but he still got to see you which was better than nothing. He just hoped you were single and the girl's father wasn’t in the picture. A little selfish on his part but a part of him wanted that. Maybe he could fix things and start fresh...hell, he would even help you raise Michelle.
Maybe. Just maybe.
“Michelle, come one babe, Aunt Jackie will have my butt if I'm late,” you called out. Billy broke out of thought when the faint sound of pitter – pattered footsteps quickly approached the front door from the living room.
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“I’m coming, I’m coming, I’m coming!” And in came in a five – year – old Michelle. Her blonde hair draped down softly curling along the ends in pig tails held by two red bows. A striped red and purple dress accompanied with black leggings, and sneakers; red socks peeking through at the bottom. She was the cutest thing he had ever seen. Though, it might have just been because she was yours.
“And Billy, don’t forget her bedtime story. For my sake or I’ll never hear the end of it after tonight...”
He smiled, “I won’t Henderson. If she’s anything like you, which I’m pretty sure she is, she’ll reminded me every hour until my head spontaneously combusts.” Michelle’s footsteps faulted as she got closer. Blue eyes went wide and filled with curiosity at the sight of the unknown man by the door, “whoa mister, you are one very bulky man.” She examined him with genuine amazement: she had never seen such a big guy before. Yes, she was little, and used to having to look up at people. But this was probably the first time she had to take a step back first. Your eyes widened at the little girl's impulsive behavior and choice of words. “Michelle, was that necessary?”
@hargrovesprincess @80steenmovie @hotstuffhargrove @thatonecurlygirl
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