#houston x reader
horangislittletiger99 · 2 months
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He be looking like a twink and telling us to not act dumb
Bitch please you wanna be fucked dumb
don't lie
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thelocalbozo · 4 months
Bad Hiding Spot- Houston x Reader— Revised
I hate how I wrote the first one, so here’s a better written one.
Houston x gn!reader
Sitting quietly in the garage of the safe house, you watched your boyfriend, Houston, working under the escape van. He hadn't heard you walk in, he was humming softly to himself, humming a song you didn't recognize. He wasn't wearing his usual suit jacket or button up shirt, instead he was wearing a wife beater tank top, you could see his lean muscles flexing as he worked. Hearing him stop humming and muttering cusses as he dropped a couple of bolts made you giggle, he jumped a bit hearing your giggle. That made you laugh further as he bonked his head on the underside of the van. "Hi Houston!" You spoke through your laughter. He slid out from under the van and stood up, brushing himself off he walked over to his workbench, grabbing a cloth and wiping his hands off, he looked over at you and smiled a bit. "When'd you come in here? I didn't even hear you." Houston asked, a curious look on his face, he set the dirtied cloth down and came over to you and held your waist gently, kissing your forehead. "Oh, just a little bit ago..." You started, cupping his cheek, "Y'know... you look great when you're under things.." That made the ghost blush heavily at the implications, his already gentle grip on your waist loosened further as he processed words you said. You took the opportunity to get out of there before he snapped out of his flustered state. You slipped out of his grip and ran down the spiral staircase into the basement, you slid under the staircase when your feet hit the basement floor. You hid there for a few minutes before you heard his footsteps quickly moving down the stairs above you, his feet hit the ground of the basement and he started looking around, he walked past your hiding spot, you covered your mouth to stifle your giggling, you thought you were in the clear... you weren't. He turned on his heels and came back to the staircase, he stood there, hands in his pockets for a moment, before crouching down and looking directly at you, a smirk pulling at his lips. "Great hiding spot, darling." He said sarcastically, reaching out and grabbing you by your shoulders and pulling you out of the hiding spot. His hands slid down your body to rest on your hips, his grip tighter than before but still gentle. He leaned in and captured your lips in a sweet kiss, his thumbs rubbing circles on hips. "I'll show you just how great you look under me..."
He leaned in again and kissed you again, more passionately than before, with one hand on your hips, the other slid up your back, sending a shiver down your spine, his hand curled into your hair. His hand on your hip pulled you against him, his hard-on pressed against your thigh. He broke the kiss momentarily to look at your blushing face. "Please head to the exit." A crackling robotic voice echoed through the air, making you look towards the voice. Jacket was standing just outside the door to his room, cassette tape in hand, his expression unamused. Your cheeks reddened further, in embarrassment, your head drops against Houston's chest hiding your face, making Houston chuckle nervously, averting his gaze, embarrassed that you two were seen.
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
yoo,, can i get uhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh
Bain, Jacket, and Houston hcs for how they would react to their s/o being generally flirty with them specifically even while on heists ? (maybe their reactions for both before and after they're officially dating their s/o if it's not too much trouble?? tyyy :P)
apologies for the fucking radio silence on writing and shit , i’ve been caught up in other stuff to the point where i forget to write more content LMAO
You’re flirtatious — BAIN, JACKET, HOUSTON
It’d take him a minute to figure out what you were implying, but istg once he does he is a MESS
Houston would be fixing up the van and you’d pass by and say “Nice pants. Can I see what’s in em?”
He would nearly hit his head on the fucking vehicle as he rolls himself out to look at you but you’d be gone lol
Sydney would bring it up too and go “I think you might wanna fix that problem down there mate.”
If you two are dating, he’ll stop what he’s doing and he’ll look for you
Prepare for one hell of a make out session
If you two aren’t dating, he’ll just go back to work and do his damndest not to get distracted by your remarks
If you’re physical with your flirting then oh my god someone please save this man
He would just freeze up and have no clue how to respond, regardless of whether or not you’re dating him
Houston would be just as flustered during heists, loud or stealth.
Dating or not, he’ll try to dismiss your flirting to focus on the heist, but he would ultimately fail
istg this bottom ass mf
If you two are dating, stealth heists would usually end with you having to haul a very flustered Houston back to the van because whoopsies make out session
He does his best to deny that he likes your flirting, but at some point he just gives up lol
At first he was very confused like- what the fuck did any of it mean autism moment /j
Eventually Sokol slapped the shit outta him to get him to realize that you were flirting with him
Now whenever you make your remarks, he just goes red as he remembers what it means
He’ll be flustered regardless of whether or not you two are dating
And if you’re physical?
I hope you like cleaning melted Jacket off the floor
If you two are dating, he’ll eventually try to flirt physically as well [if you’re comfortable with it of course]
He’d sneak up behind you and wrap his arms around your waist before nuzzling his face into your neck and leave kisses on it just to make you all flustered 😳
And that’s just one of the things he’ll do
Now if you two aren’t dating, he’ll be a tsundere ass bitch and counter your flirting with empty threats or the middle finger as he attempts to hide his flustered face
During heists, Jacket will try to focus less on the flirting and more on the job at hand, especially if you two are going loud
Whether or not you two are dating, if you chuck a flirty remark at him, he’ll dismiss it and try to get you to focus on what needs to be done
“You’re a pretty hard hitter~ I wonder how hard you’ll be in-”
“Please pay attention.”
Stealth heists are a different story though
He’ll react just as he would if you were flirting with him outside of a heist, and while he does attempt to redirect you to the mission, he doesn’t make a true effort to focus back on it
He’ll especially be flustered if you two are in a cramped or in a blind spot for the guards
If you two are dating…
Good luck.
This mf
Regardless of whether or not you’re dating him, he’ll 100% flirt back
Usually your flirting would happen during heists since it’s one of the many times that you can actually speak to him
If you two are dating and he allows you to visit him quarters, the flirting would go on for HOURS
It would either end in a steamy make out session or a tickle fight. There is no inbetween and you can’t change my mind
During heists, you would often slip your flirting in when he’s asking you to do or retrieve something
“Guys, the thermal drill, go get it-”
“I’ve got somethin’ you can use your thermal drill on right here hehehe-”
Hoxton in the background just like “GET A ROOM YOU FUCKIN TWATS”
During stealth heists, you two would be flirting with each other non-stop
Like- Bain can’t say anything without you having a good comeback
If you’re alone on the heist, he’ll eventually let himself loose on you, regardless of whether or not you’re dating, and pull the deep rumbly voice card 😳😳
“[H/N], I swear to God, I will personally go down there and tear you apart if you don’t get your ass back on track…unless…that’s what you want me to do~?”
Regardless of whether or not you comply or challenge him, he’ll manage to get you back on task
Mostly because there were guards starting to close in on your hiding spot but still
If you two are dating and you manage to get out of the heist alive,
Expect a visit from Bain sometime soon
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lifelessfan · 5 months
#fuck cannon, payday get a different Hoxton replacement because Derek was out there getting bitches-
Houston(Derek) x reader
Relaxing in my room, I rest my legs on my chairs armrest. Head loled back and phone in hand.
Spamming a text on these phones was always a pain but...maybe it was who I was texting that always gave me sweet relief when I had finished...
We had met some time ago, I had been desperate and stuck around houses I knew were rich and didn't have many people inside at any given time, he was passing by. And by sheer accident...we met.
He had said I was doin it wrong, and took me under his wing...but now...after some months, it's more than just buddies, or at least that's what I felt.
-*hey princess, you free tonight?*
A smile pulled my lips and I happily responded, legs starting to cramp as I held them in a chokehold with no air forcing me to move slightly, but eyes staying glued to the screen.
-*yes, mothers out and father is in bed*
-*well, how about we go out. I have been having rough days in class*
-*same, see you in the usual?*
-*wouldn't have it anywhere else*
Jumping up, I pack a small bag with some essentials.
It had been a Friday, school ended a couple hours ago and I had been home doing small chores and filling in for my parents as they went on with their lives.
3 days, had it all to myself.
They never cared where I went, as long as school was giving them the thumbs up, I was free to go and do whatever I wanted.
I had thought about telling my parents about my shenanigans but...they were still my parents so I usually held back. I didn't want them mad at me of course and not like telling them my trips would help.
Now with a small bag around my shoulders, I run downstairs, past my parents' room only occupied by one person and take my keys, soon running out into the barely lowering afternoon.
Blue becomes orange, yellow and dark purple, darker colours becoming more prominent more as the seconds tick by.
Holding onto my bag, I run down the road. Past some other people and over the fences I couldn't be asked to pass normally. Soon getting into a restricted part of a park and finding the tree we both had claimed, I slowed a bit and now meandered through the grass.
-ay, y/n
Looking around, in the same place as the last...forever, I see him seated in the branches of the tree, the posture almost natural for him.
In a hoodie Similar to my own, ripped jeans and a bag of his own filled with the more interesting stuff, he smirks my direction as I smile widely and run up into the tree, soon landing myself a branch off and hugging his hip in an uncomfortable but also still soft position.
-hey Derek.
-how was school, princes?
-normal. Why did you text me? had some plans?
His smirk had dropped slightly, replaced with something resembling fear but also a hint of determination.
I was ready to comfort him the second the face morphed into anything other than the oh-so-lovable smile, I couldn't bear to see him even lower and I had promised myself to never let him slip again.
However, he speaks before I can even comprehend a thought, now a semi-confident smile to force me to listen
-yes...I had plans, I want you to join. Your free all weekend?
-of course, parents don't care and all
-...let's go. I want to get to the spot before sundown.
I wriggle my way off him. Soon dropping and waiting for Derek to also jump down, I watch as he gracefully lands, soon motioning me to come and like an obedient puppy, I follow. Curious about where he would be taking me
We both walk and talk, everything natural as we fill one another in on the time we had missed in classes.
His fights and my daring nicking, everything that had happened during the week. the sun lowered more and more until only the dark sky with stars shine above us the moon only barely saying hello. neither of us was remotely tired, still talking as we seemed to get further from the main streets and into more depopulated places.
Even if it had been an almost uphill battle, we had found many places to bounce around. It had been so fun to finally meet him again after a week and those 3 days always sparked me with some light
-I know a place, they got clean walls, wanna colour?
As Derek hops ahead, I follow close behind with eager steps. Soon enough  we come across a building, it looks like an office of some kind, with more than one level and with lights still on
-don't think this is still inhabited?
-trust me, it looks like that only because others won't bat an eye
A smile creeps on his lips as he takes out some improvised picking tools, soon kneeling down and expertly working away at the locks...It was almost mesmerising.
Eventually hearing the almost delicious click of the door unlocking, he lets me inside first, a faint "ladies first". In the end, I still stop to wait for him, letting him overtake me to lead me further up into the building that doesn't look too bad.
-are you sure?
As soon as he opens the door to the staircase, I can almost smell the fresh paint on the walls. The entire place had been bombed, from intricate art all the way to simple tags. And it all went almost to the ceiling, some hovering on the cusp of wall and second floor.
A breathless "wow" drops from my lips as he almost offers his hand, soon taking the first steps up while I am almost getting dragged behind him.
Every wall, everywhere I looked, there had been some evidence of paint, the colours almost ever-changing like a psychedelic high, with some pieces being entire terrains, it was almost mesmerising to look at.
On the topmost floors, the colours seemed to have faded, only occasional works littered; when they did, they rarely overlapped for common courtesy.
And as promised, a bit higher up, he finally tenderly lets go to show me the wall.
An almost blinding white in the fairly illuminated room and it was begging for some sort of interaction, one which Derek and I had been happy to provide.
I didn't bring my own sprays, I didn't have anywhere to put them, but Derek managed to stack up and with selective colours, had mastered the art of perception.
-so, wanna hit it?
-hell yea
Dropping his bag, he takes out a couple of cans, a wide selection on the colour wheel even if it was only 5.
And the next couple minutes are filled with noise, sights and smells almost circle around me as I work on a small corner, making something relatively uninteresting and...incomprehensible. Laughs fills the air and his smooth motions from within my peripherals make me almost embarrassed as he swings wide taking up more space than even I would be scared to touch.
Eventually, he takes a step back and deciding for a sneak peek, I look at a wall covered. Colours swirling together and masterfully tangled in one another to create a beautiful piece
-what do you think?
With a sheepish smile and a step back, he looks in my direction for an answer, I can't really say much but internally I had been fanning myself into a million.
-it's amazing, you take art?
-we talked about this, no...shut up
He comically pushes me away but I end up coming closer, a sudden urge to hug him.
-you must take some sort of lessons, maybe you go in your sleep?-
-Princess, calm down
Eventually giving in, he lets go fighting against me and I crash into his chest, hugging him close and we both expertly stay up as we balance one another out.
-and what did you make princess?
-nothing yet, still fiddling with something small
-you need to start making something bigger, gives you more space to work with
-I don't want to, don't trust myself
Even while pressed against him in a relatively uncomfortable position, I can still feel him looking down at me, a mixed expression as he tries to justify his view even if I had heard these sentences more than once.
-it won't be any good princes, you got to work big and if you start small it will be harder for it to become bigger
After a second I let out a huff, letting go and looking around at the couple of people who had desired to wander so far upstairs
Maybe he was right, not many pieces both tags and throwups were small, each was almost black board sized writing.
-common, try it.
In his hand, he holds a black, offering it to me and after a bit of hesitation, I end up taking it. Letting the new cold container fill my hand as he moves me closer to an empty part of the wall.
It was a painful moment. Trying to push myself to finally give in and work on the art I had thrown around my room for so long. It was slow, Derek showing me all the small nuances on how to make it look...decent, tips and tricks others use, things he learnt himself over the time he had. his hand always seeming to hover above my own as he helped me make the smoothest lines possible
In the end, it's not...perfect, but he praised me anyway, whispered sweet words as the night pressed up on the window, the party downstairs starting full swing and leaving the streets open to new people.
-I think we should go. There is another place I want to take you.
-ok, let's go.
In no major rush, we pack everything back up, sliding the last can in with the others in his bag as we both head back down.
This time more confident with the layout, I end up bolting down, laughing as Derek follows hot on my tail, our laughter echoing and probably scaring more people than not.
As we both leave and back into the streets, I take a glance up at the building, admiration in my eyes and soon Derek joins, standing by my side and hugging me.
- common, I am sure the next train will be hitting the stop soon.
A gasp is ripped from my lungs and I look with wide eyes and a smile. One of my most perfected talents, while I had been with Derek, had been train surfing, and it was one of my favourites.
We had gotten trips far and wide, summers filled with barely days home and sleeping in comfortable beds, instead cuddled close as we watched different terrains pass by like the wind.
My smile seemed to mean everything to him and he ended up letting go, his lack of touch leaving me cold but still excited. Another chase ensued, this time I was behind him and every step felt somehow exhilarating. Even if I was as quick as I could be, it seemed Derek was attempting to be slow to let me catch up.
In any case, it was more fun, at least I knew where he was going and I would be able to catch up eventually.
It took a bit of time but eventually we had come to our stop, a platform we both knew was out of camera view and rarely monitored, and like clockwork, we both had weaved our way into comfortable positions.
The smooth metallic platform was of course risky, but we had long since adapted to our fears, we both knew this system inside and out.
As the train picked up its speed again, Derek had huddled me close under his arm, and back in his warmth, I snug closer, looking out to the sky and the ever-changing lights that never seemed to stick in my mind.
Phantom music echoes through our ears, nights sitting around in a tree house and having fun long since engrained in our minds as the presence of one another just seems to flip a switch.
Not like Derek was famous, he was relatively unknown and that's what made our time together...special, unlike other people who could have picked me up, he was a professional...but an unknown one. Other people did end up hopping across the same train, we even had small chats if they had desired to approach but overall, the night had been calming, the moon still fairly in the sky but quickly approaching its peak.
At an unexpected stop, Derek had said we needed to get off.
I had originally looked up to him, checking if he knew where we were and if it really was the right stop, and with full confidence, he had shimmied us both up and off the train, soon away from the station and an unexpected direction.
-where are we going?
I had been lucky to have picked up heavy trousers, the long grass not tickling away at my calves as we trekked through dew-covered grounds.
-I found a place, princess. think you might like it
As he took me by my hand again, we had weaved through tall trees, grass now almost diminished as only leaves and soil with ever-familiar blooming Snowdrops to litter the path to...something.
After a minor incline, we both stand over a small hill, and a bit further down, crystalising waters radiate from the now full moon's shine.
The site is amazing, like the calm sea itself but in a small bubble and with almost no hesitation, Derek had let go of my hand, soon almost sliding down the now pretty steep drop.
Even with stars in my eyes and almost hypnotized by the almost fairytale-like scenery, I still opt to follow him, soon also sliding down along with him and catching up just in time so that both of us hit the bottom around the same time.
And from below, it's even prettier.
Now no longer just a sliver of light through a door, it was now a whole room. the light no longer stopped by the leaves, but instead all out in the open, the smell of fresh water and considering lack of supposed litter leaving this place just wonderful.
-So Princess think you wanna take a small swim?
-oh do I? I would feel honoured
-no need for such language
-how could I not? It's like heaven itself here.
- it is
I didn't notice it, but as he muttered those words, all he had been looking at was me, my eyes blown wide and sparkling like the water below us, feeling like I was his everything.
Snapping out of it, we both take a second to undress. Not planning to go swimming with all our clothes but also not having bought any swimwear, we just go down to our finer clothes. I had a small bra and barely classified shorts, he had been down to his boxers and nothing else.
I don't give myself time to admire him, far too embarrassed and flushed to even take myself seriously, instead walking closer to the water.
It's cold, but...A warm cold, one I am pretty familiar with and with little hesitation, I let the level rise as more of my skin gets covered with the free-flowing lake.
Like landing on cloud 9 itself, I feel my nerves being almost stimulated in every way as I push off the last floor there is, swivelling to my back, the waves coming off me moving me in every way they could.
Now finally looking back, I watch as Derek also takes his first steps into the water, A lot more confident than my slow steps if I had to guess, and a lot less concerned about his hair.
By the point he is abdomen-deep, he flings his arms over, diving down and almost fully gone by the time I blink twice.
Giggling to myself, I wait for him to resurface, maybe a couple paces from his last position, but I am shocked pretty quickly as he appears almost directly in front of me, a smile on his face and dripping.
Almost forehead to forehead, we let the air around us change, a smile on both our faces as we look into one another eyes.
I don't know what he sees, but the colours in his eyes almost dance a sweet waltz, his breaths warming what little was above water and his light touches almost teasing as he tries so hard to not touch too firmly with the warmth...I couldn't deny it...There was something about him.
The hypnotic state is soon snapped away as his light grin changes, instead a playful smile as he expertly pushes away with a jellyfish motion, now lightly splashing me with a simple soft flick on the gem-covered surface.
The moment soon slips, now one of pure playful nature, our playfights and joking talks. Our way of getting away from our problems, and into a world that we both shared for pure happiness.
For minutes to pass, we danced around one another, an elegant show as we stuck with one another...but seemingly not like friends...There felt like there was more meaning to this. To the looks and the sudden appearance of such a place that I wished he had shown me earlier...that he must have known about earlier.
But I pay no mind, the moment is too perfect and I wouldn't give it for the world.
Of course, we eventually grow cold, the moon now having shown the time passed to have been more than the time I had perceived. And luckily with one towel he had..."conveniently" bought, we each cleaned off and got dressed, now side by side again and looking out to the still calm waters, the air fresher than anything available in the cities.
-was...There a reason you dragged me out here?
It was a random question I had thrown out, I wasn't expecting an answer but I felt it too on the tip of my tongue to just ignore.
-wanted to show you this place, it's pretty enough for you.
-was there...no other reason...
A flirtatious comment on my lips, I test the waters like I had tested this friendship so many times. I had fun with him but entertaining the idea of us being something more just always stuck a cord with me, nights under my blanket with heavy blushes.
-well...maybe one...
Looking him a bit closer in the eyes, I wait for his words...what would he say?
-remember when we had sat down with a bunch of magazines? Popular and pretty people everywhere and we talked about who we would want to be with.
-after that night, when you left...I couldn't look at my selected people because...I didn't feel the same. I hadn't wanted anyone else...Other than to be with you...
Words lighter than a feather, soft enough to put a lion to sleep, it was calming with how much confidence but also worry he spoke with.
-so...would you want to be with me? I know I'm not the...perfect person but-
-I would love to. You're the most perfect for me.
Cutting him off, I take his words and comfort him with them. Moving closer to him, our faces almost touching again but not in unstable waters, this time on solid ground and confessions having long since washed down the river
Closer and closer, it takes a mere blink before I suddenly feel his lips on mine. Soft and tender, I let him play, soon playing with him once I knew his style.
pulling away almost breathless, we rest against one another, laughs and smiles to fill in for the awkward but also comforting first kiss
It was nice. I just hope it lasts the years to come
#or I don't know...maybe they get both employed into the gang who knows-
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bigtreefest · 2 months
Chapter 1: Shuffle With Me, Houston Stranger
From: Handiwork Series
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Pairing: Mechanic! Farmhand! Curtis x Bartender! Reader
Summary: Curtis keeps a busy life between helping out on the farm and running the garage. There are some moments and places that give him reprieve, though, and one of them happens to be a bar where a certain sweetie works.
Word count: 3,386
Content/warnings: not many, mentions of drinking and alcohol, bar setting, weird vague emotional states, another guy hopelessly head over boots (what else is new, y’all should know this is how I write all my love interests at his point), menacing foreshadowing
Author’s Note: this takes place at the same time as chapters 3, 4, and 5 of YCMBWH and chapter 1 of The Rainmaker. You can technically read it alone, but the other stories help fill in some gaps. Check out the rest of the AU!
Dividers by @firefly-graphics
Outta Nowhere AU | Series Masterlist | Next >
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Curtis walked into the shop with sore shoulders and a slight ache in his heels from a long day of unexpected work and standing. His cousin had called him in to help out with a few chores at the farm since she had to run the Friday farmer’s market, so the day was long and tiresome.
The last thing he wanted to do right now was go through and double check his books for the auto body shop, so he decided against it. Even if he went through everything tonight, it’s not like it would be quality work.
He figured he’d just quickly make sure everything was in its place in the office and the garage to make paperwork easier for him on Monday and work easier for the guys in the morning. Then, he’d be able to join his cousin and her new farmhand at the bar.
Curtis was organizing his socket wrenches by size when he heard a rattling sound become louder behind him. He turned as he sensed it coming closer, seeing an old truck pull into his garage.
He looked down to check his watch. The shop had been long closed by now, and he had places to be. Based off the noise though, he couldn’t deny something was definitely wrong with the vehicle. If Curtis weren’t such a good man, he would’ve turned the patron away, but there was no saying how far a truck that sounded like that could possibly get.
He tilted his head, examining the vehicle and attempting to peer through the glare in the drivers side window when the engine turned off and he saw a pair of old, comfy shoes step down from the cab. His eyes traced up the body before him and Curtis was speechless. Your hair was just tucked under an old ball cap, nothing fancy.
“Hi, I hope you don’t mind, I’m not sure what this sound means and was hoping you had time to take a look at my truck. I know you guys are closed, so it’s no rush, but I’d really appreciate it. I’d rather know where my car is than get stranded out in the middle of nowhere.”
Curtis continued to stand there, mesmerized by you until he shook his head back into the present. “Oh, um, sure. I think I have the evening free, so let me just check on a few things real quick and I can take a look at it.”
Curtis pulled out his phone to text his cousin that he wouldn’t make it to the bar tonight.
He stuffed his phone in his back pocket, going to grab a chair from the front office as you followed. “Never good when a truck that old makes a sound like that.”
You nodded along. “Oh trust me, I know. Darn thing’s even older than me. Usually I’m able to figure out the minor stuff, but this is beyond what I know.”
Curtis nodded when he went to set a metal folding chair down by where you had pulled the truck onto one of his lifts. It scraped against the concrete floor, and he was surprised by the way you simply looked at it, as if you were offended that he’d want you to sit down.
“Oh, by the way, I’m Curtis, I own this shop.” The mechanic stuck out his hand, cleaner than you would’ve expected, and you shook it, introducing yourself.
“Ah, it’s nice to meet you. One of my coworkers actually suggested I come here when the truck started acting up. Said his best friend was the big cheese.”
Curtis laughed. “Um, he used those exact words? Or are those yours? Where are you from?”
You shook your head. “Oh no, sorry, those were my words. I think he just called you the boss, he’s the bouncer at the bar?”
Curtis clicked his tongue as he walked over to the hood of your car, propping it open. “Okay, you’re talking about my buddy, Edgar. Yeah, I’m glad he sent you to me. He works some shifts for me now and then. So you’re new to town? I go to the bar pretty often, I’ve never seen you there.”
You nodded your head tentatively. “Yeah, didn’t think it would be so noticeable I just moved here from Houston, but I’m really from here and there, lived almost everywhere. Been working at the bar for about a week now.”
Curtis nodded as he looked deeper into your engine, testing the tightness of parts and how full each fluid was. “Well how about that. Yeah, we don’t get too many people moving here, but I’m sure it’s a nice change from the city.”
You nodded and hummed, walking over and leaning under the hood of the car with him. “Agreed. I don’t think many mechanics would be this patient with me out there.”
Curtis lightly chuckled as he looked up at you over his shoulder. “Well I’ll be honest with you, patience is one thing, but you probably won’t think I’m very kind when I tell you this truck probably wont survive the next time you take a far journey if you plan to move…”
His small smile was replaced with a grimace. Maybe if he knew you were leaving soon like you seemed to do so often, he could hold himself back more. He could tell himself that there was no point in being attached, being himself for you to see. He’d hold off on the kindness that poured out to everyone he knew and loved, because it would hurt for you to take it and leave.
Your face held a small smile, though, despite his look of worry. “Well what if I planned on staying?”
Curtis looked back into the engine in an attempt to hide the redness in his cheeks. He was warm at the thought of you sticking around. He jiggled the loose part he found, grunting from leaning over so far, before he spoke up, partially avoiding your question.
“Well, you see this right here. I’d replace it and say it would be good for another couple of years.”
You beamed. “That’s good news!”
Curtis stood up to his full height and for the first time, you noticed just how towering his stature was. Anyone else would be intimidated from a distance, but from this proximity, you could see the kindness in his eyes.
“Yes and no.” It came out softer than he had intended. “I’ve gotta make a special order, and it will probably take at least a week to come in. Do you have another way to get to work?”
You nodded. “Yeah, my apartment isn’t too far from the bar. Walking shouldn’t be an issue.”
He looked at you skeptically. “Are you sure? I know you guys have some pretty late shifts.”
“Curtis, I’ll be fine. I’m tougher than I look.” He sighed in response.
“Alright, if you say so. I’ll put in for that part and in the meantime, your truck can stay here.” He walked over to the workbench and scribbled on a piece of paper, tearing it off and handing it to you.
“Here’s my personal number. In case you need anything at all, don’t hesitate to call me. I could even set up a ride for you if you change your mind.”
You took the paper, creasing it in the middle and stuffing it in your pocket. “Well, I’ve got a shift tomorrow and I think I might get there on time if I start walking now. Bit of a ways to my place from your shop. Any chance you could drive me home so I can sleep?”
Curtis sighed and checked his watch. “Yeah, I guess so, considering I’m holding your car captive. Come on, I’ll close up and we’ll get you home.”
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As you waited for the new car part to be delivered to the shop, you kept working. Bills had to be paid. You had to keep living.
You were surprised the next day at work when Edgar had offered to walk you home after your shift, and every night after then, but didn’t question it. You were just appreciative to have a nice coworker you could trust.
Another surprise was the amount of take out orders that you’d have to give out from the bar. Most of which were going to a certain handsome mechanic.
It was Wednesday night, and the fourth time he’d come to pick up dinner this week. The man must really like cheese curds. You didn’t question it, though, as you handed him his order, asking for updates and waving goodbye with a somber smile as he left too soon, and spoke very little.
What you didn’t know was that Curtis had food at home, sitting in his fridge as he opted for the extra opportunities to see you. You also didn’t know how much he feared opening up his mouth and exposing himself by saying the wrong thing to the first person to make him nervous in a long time. Curtis was generally steady, driven, easygoing, but he could feel that world, that demeanor, start to tilt.
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Curtis had a long week. A week much longer than he expected with the extra work he had to do out on the farm instead of in the shop. Sure, he was getting along better and better with Bucky, but that didn’t change the fact that there was too much going wrong.
Cole, that little shit from high school, was back and Curtis’s cousin had gotten stuck in a mine. There was no time for sleep, let alone stopping by the bar with this much of a crisis going on.
As soon as the rocks collapsed in the mine, Curtis was freaking out. “We have to call the police, the fire department, someone to get her out of there. She might not be injured now, but I can’t say the same if there’s a secondary collapse. We need to do something. Now.”
Bucky grabbed him by his collar. “No. No police. It’ll ruin everything.”
Curtis put his hands up in surrender. “Okay then, what do you suppose we do, big guy?”
Bucky paced back and forth, biting his thumbnail with worry. “Gimme a second. I’m figuring it out.” He stopped in his tracks. “Who all knows about the mines?”
“What? What does that ha-“
Bucky cut Curtis off. “Who. All. Knows?”
Curtis shook his head and shrugged. “I-I don’t know, not many people. Me and her, her college roommate, and Jake. That’s it, I think.”
Bucky rapidly reached into the pocket of his jeans and handed Curtis a card from his wallet. “This is my associate Sam. You’re going to call him and tell him those names. We’re gonna need all the help we can get.”
Curtis immediately pulled out his phone, trusting the judgement of his new friend. He called Sam, telling him everything he could about those who were close enough to have heard of the mines. After that, he got to work.
He assessed what all would need done in the next day and did as many small tasks as he could, staying up until he could greet the helpers on the way.
All Curtis wanted to do was sleep, this was taking a toll on him, but he did his best to not let it show, to not become a grump. He just put his head down and made himself useful while Bucky waited back at the mine. At the first available opportunity, he was going to drop into a bed and nap. This week was stretching him thin.
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Meanwhile, you continued to work at the bar. After seeing him for several days in a row, it was concerning that Curtis seemingly fell off the face of the Earth. Surely that wasn’t your business, though. Maybe it was just a coincidence he was ordering food so often before. He had better places to be, like work, or maybe on a date.
Why would you care, though? He was just the nice guy fixing your car. There was no way he was going out of his way to visit; probably just had some late nights at the shop and that’s why he picked up dinner, not to see you. Anyway, work was always busy enough for your mind to be occupied. You’d at least see him again hopefully once that coveted car part came in.
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After a much easier Saturday at the farm, Curtis was ready to have a nice, relaxing time at the bar. As the crew he came with went inside, he hung back to talk to Edgar. He clapped a hand on his shoulder.
“Hey man, how’s it going?”
Edgar patted him back. “Good, I’m good. Been walking your girl home like you asked. She’s working tonight.” A smirk crept onto his face as Curtis looked down.
“But besides that, what’s going on with you?”
Curtis sighed and pulled a piece of paper out of his pocket and unfolded it. He turned a picture of Cole Turner towards Edgar.
“Um, I’m alright. A little stressed, but I’m hoping you can help. I’ve got something for you.”
Edgar looked up from the piece of paper. “What’s this?”
“Someone who we need to make sure stays out of here. And if you see him, you let me know, okay?”
Edgar nodded. “Sure thing. Have fun with your girl.”
Curtis rolled his eyes and walked through the door to catch up with everyone else.
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You were pouring out drinks for the group that came in when a familiar tall, broad form approached from the doorway. You took in the way his shoulders pushed at the flannel fabric of his shirt as he sauntered into the room. You couldn’t help the way the smile already on your face grew to see him again.
“Oh hey, if it isn’t the big cheese.” He laughed at the nickname, shaking his head as he moved to take a seat at the bar.
“Yeah, sorry I haven’t been in for awhile. Had some family matters to attend to. Speaking of which, that’s them over there.” He gestured toward the group who had just ordered food and drinks from you before heading towards the booths on the far side of the room.
“Ah! Okay, in that case, this is for you.” You grabbed a short rocks glass from the lower counter in front of you and set it up on the bar top in front of Curtis. The glass made a small thud against the finished wood as you looked at him.
Curtis tentatively grabbed it and sipped. After swallowing he hummed.
“Sweet. Like a cherry.”
You nodded. “Oh yeah. That’s because it’s got extra cherries. Your buddies over there said you’d drink whatever, so I made you my favorite.”
Curtis lowered the glass and looked at you deeply with his warm, burning sapphire eyes. His voice grew low and raspy. “I wasn’t talking about the drink.”
He winked at you and you had no idea how your legs didn’t fail you right then. You were able to quickly recover, though, shooting a remark right back.
“Maybe if you’re nice, I’ll let you test that conjecture.” You could see his cheeks grow warm at the suggestive statement. You grabbed your rag and threw it over your shoulder, leaning closer to the towering man who was just confident, now evidently bashful.
“Curtis, are you…blushing?”
His eyebrows were quick to arch as his attempt of a scowl failed to break through past a shy smile. “No! Blushing is fake. It doesn’t exist. That’s just an old wives tale.”
You looked at his skeptically, not even attempting to hide the laugh that burst out. “What do you mean you think it’s fake? You’re so red right now.”
Curtis’s eyes shifted around the room, unsure of how to respond. “I just feel really…warm…when I look at you.” He muttered so low you could barely hear it.
You wanted to keep pushing before his embarrassment made him turn away from you.
“Hey listen, I’ll be back. I’ve gotta check in with the group, but keep this stool saved for me?”
You nodded. “Sure thing.”
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As soon as Curtis returned, he was glued to his chair. He spent the entire evening chatting with you, asking about your life, and telling you about his on the farm and at the shop.
You were honestly grateful for the one bit of peace on a busy bar Saturday night. Every chance you got, you were leaning against the counter by him to take a breath, watching his friends ride the bull and dance together. What a group of great people.
“So, have you been able to make it home alright this week? I’m sorry that truck part still hasn’t come in yet.”
You nodded as you poured a line of shots for a group of girls waiting on the corner. “Yeah, it hasn’t really been a problem. Edgar’s been insistent on walking me to my door, which helps me feel better when it’s that dark out. Just makes me feel bad, though, because I think I finish a little later than his shift time is supposed to be.”
“Well that’s nice of him. If you want, I can drive you home tonight. Might take some of that load off if you’re worried.” Curtis’s eyes watched you slide the shots to the patrons as you came back to his seat and sighed.
“Are you sure? I don’t want you staying here later than you have to, either. It’s really okay. I can definitely take care of myself.”
Curtis shrugged. “I don’t doubt that at all, Cherry. But I’m offering. And I’d be a fool to prematurely end one of the best nights I’ve had in awhile. I really don’t mind.”
“Okay, then. Sounds like a plan.”
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As the night was winding down, and Curtis’s group had already come over to close out the tab, the two of you watched the remaining people prepare to head out. Who was Curtis that he knew someone with a black card? Supposedly they were business associates of the farm. Was farming really that lucrative? You guessed so.
You rejoined the present as the last few slow songs came on the juke box and Curtis held out his hand.
“You know how to dance?”
You scoffed, “Curtis, I’m still working. But yes, do you think I could’ve gotten by all this time without a little bit of knowledge?”
He shook his head. “I would’ve been worried if you did. Come on, there’s hardly anyone left. Shuffle with me, you little Houston stranger.”
You sidestepped the bar and walked out the small half door to join Curtis on the dance floor, holding both his hands and looking up into his eyes. “I’d say we’re hardly strangers now. You don’t learn nothing after hours of talking like that.”
You began to swing to the twangy music, holding each other close. Curtis twirled you and pulled you into his chest where your ear could hear his racing heart. The warmth and the scent of his cologne were comforting. His arms blanketing you, shielding you from all other thoughts besides this moment. As the song faded out, you realized you two were the only ones left besides the other employees doing the final tidying up before shutting down for the night. You reluctantly pulled your body from Curtis, left only holding each other’s hands.
“I should probably go help with the closing duties. Can you wait for me by the door?”
Curtis nodded. “Of course. I’ll be ready whenever you are.”
Curtis watched you go back to your cash register as he walked back towards Edgar, keeping an eye on you the whole time.
“So, anything interesting happen tonight?”
Edgar nodded with with wide eyes. “Um, yeah. That guy you gave me a picture of, he came by. Threw a fit when I wouldn’t let him in. Some dude in fancy clothes and a mustache was with him, too. Not sure what that was about, but they at least respected the badge.”
Curtis huffed and nodded. “Okay, thank you.”
This was not good. Curtis pulled out his phone and texted Bucky.
Next >
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Bonus A/N: Tbh, even I don’t know where this story is gonna go, but I love Curtis a lot and will need some time to find a niche plot that will do him some justice.
I hope you enjoyed. Comments, reblogs, and likes are sooooo appreciated.
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pretendfan · 9 months
[Cruel to be Kind]
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Mickey Altieri x F!Reader
[A/N:This has been stuck in my head for a while now, I’ve been working on it forever. I’m not even sure if it makes sense or even sounds like Mickey, (I may or may not have added too many movie/tv references) but it’s finally here and I kinda like it so let me know what you think!]
“How much did you really know about Mickey Altieri? Sure he was your boyfriend of course but it wasn’t until a week ago, that a misdemeanour in the sack causes an argument, and for him to realise that he had to fix this mistake quickly but the question was how?”
Warnings:18+ ONLY swearing and some smut, Mickey is a naughty boy in the sack, mentions of light choking, Mickey’s serial killer tendencies are showing, dubious ending, some smut,p in the v, straight to getting laid, Mickey’s true colours, movie quotes a go-go, kinda cheesy it is a grand gesture after all...this is oh-so loosely inspired by the first script for SCREAM 2 that was leaked where Mickey was in the role of Derek and that scene in the cafeteria which I fucking love was him serenading Hallie originally but now it’s you…
The very last thing that you wanted to do right now was head into the campus cafeteria for food, grabbing something from a vending machine instead seemed like a way better idea, and it definitely wasn’t because you were avoiding your boyfriend though no fucking way.
Your life had pretty much changed the moment you were introduced to Mickey Altieri, the guy who spoke in film quotes and spent a huge amount of time, carrying a hand held video camera around usually obscuring his face as he filmed life around him.
You knew Mickey was a huge flirt hell you were even warned about it many times, but within minutes you had found yourself caught up in his smile and those confident brown eyes, the ones that had pinned you in place when met across a busy room that night at some random party on campus.
Now fast forward six months later and a little space was definitely needed, seeing what had happened over a week ago when you had been together in his bed, with Mickey placing a large hand around your neck whilst you rode him which had shocked you a little to say the least.
It had actually caused a huge argument with you fighting off tears, whilst Mickey had told you that sometimes he just had to be “Cruel to be kind” as if that actually warranted his behaviour.
…leaving you needing some space despite all of the weak apologies, that had fallen rapidly from your boyfriends soft lips.
A few thoughts had clicked into place after that incident, you mostly realising how intense Mickey was in real life almost like you were seeing a new side to him, it had both opened your eyes and kind of turned you on in equal measures.
…but that was the very least of your worries right now.
Because the last thing that you wanted was to break up with Mickey, but he had now stopped apologising to you even though you were in turn avoiding him, yet you didn’t want to be the first one to bring it up.
…seeing that you knew exactly how much the guy loathed rom coms despite being a goofy sweetheart usually.
“Are you really sure this idea will actually work? Surely someone will stop you-“
“Lighten up Derek it’s happening ok, but just know that you are my shitty accomplice in all this.” Mickey cuts off his roommate with a wide smile, and a hint of sarcasm playing on the tip of his tongue, whilst he scanned the cafeteria for your face.
“You must’ve done something real bad to have to go this low to win back y/n.” Derek retorts with a deep chuckle.
“It’s either I make a grand gesture or this right here becomes my evil origin story.” Mickey declares with a shrug, knowing full well which one he would rather go for, but right now wasn’t the time.
“You are so weird, Altieri.” Derek states whilst shaking his head with a small smile attached.
“Well I blame the movies, Feldman.” Mickey shoots back with a knowing grin on his face, because things were going exactly to plan it was all too perfect.
It had been breaking news even to Mickey that he would actually meet someone he could care about, here at Windsor college of all places where he had other things to be focused on, but you had been such a distraction it actually made the experience of being here all the more worth while.
It wasn’t as if he had tried to voice these thoughts to you, but then Mickey had gotten a bit too rough in bed yet he had definitely seen the gleam in your eye, when he had tightened his grip only for you to move off him very quickly.
…only because some idiot had knocked on the dorm room door and run away, totally killing the moment between you two.
Mickey knew that he owed you big he wanted you to know how much he cared, how far he had come with you by his side if it hadn’t been for your being Sidney’s roommate, he would never have gotten closer to her absolutely fascinated by the brunette’s past life.
…he really did still want to interview her some day with his video camera, and list of questions about her ex Billy and his idiotic friend Stu because they had been such amateurs.
But for now he just needed this idea to work like a scene straight from a nauseous romance movie, Mickey would win you over with his goofy charms and still have you by his side, that was what he wanted at the end of all this for you to be with him in the long run.
…he had many reasons to be sitting here right now in this cafeteria, and all of them came back to you despite working better alone it turned out he had a heart after all.
The thought did naturally scare him because Mickey was known for being a slut around these parts, he usually hooked up fast and often but after meeting you that had come to a sudden halt, actually respecting you enough which made him feel like a whole new guy.
…but there were parts of him that not even you knew were there, but you would do pretty soon if all this worked out like the way he hoped.
Having quickly walked past Hallie McDaniels who was waiting for you outside the cafeteria, you were almost out of the building scot free until your roommate Sidney catches you with a swift tug on your arm to stop you, grudgingly spinning around on your heels to meet your fate.
Alongside Mickey you had also tried to avoid your friends, but that clearly hadn’t worked because Sidney Prescott was looking at you with excitement on her face, which was a good look on her after all that had happened back in her hometown.
…both the massacre of Woodsboro students and then the aftermath, a town in mourning and the bitch Gale Weathers blowing a shitstorm through it all.
Which was maybe happening again would you believe a serial killer on campus, it sounded like a bad horror movie but this was Sidney’s real life, being reduced to two bodyguards following her everywhere and putting all the other student bodies on edge.
…three students dead already the second year of college was starting to scare the hell out of you.
Yet regardless of this you now saw the smile on Sid’s face, showing how brave she was which you couldn’t even begin to imagine seeing how you were avoiding Mickey, and he wasn’t even a killer just a dude who had gotten a bit too adventurous in bed.
“Aren’t you supposed to be meeting Hallie for lunch?” Sidney asks in a teasing voice dropping her hand from your arm whilst you fantasise about leaving this moment very quickly.
“I can’t I have a class soon-“
“Yeah in like two hours y/n so what’s the rush?” Sidney asks with a questioning look that you didn’t even have an answer to retort back with.
“No rush I-“
“Need to eat lunch! I’m sure Mickey is in there as well you guys haven’t been together much for the past couple of days.” Sidney informs you like you didn’t already know what was happening, an itch to suddenly tell all to the brunette next to you is hard to resist.
“Yeah we had an argument.” You begin in a low voice, but when you notice that Sidney doesn’t look very surprised you add “But I guess everyone knows about that it’s just I’ve been super busy.”
“Either way mickey will find you, so you might as well go and face the music in the cafeteria.” Sidney explains with a misplaced laugh, kind of like you were out of the loop on some inside joke.
“Er, sure fine I have time to grab a quick bite I guess.” You nod despite the rest of your body which was in flight mode, making you want to run away like the victim that you were.
“Perfect, so let’s go!” Sidney cheers grabbing hold of your arm again, as you both head back towards the cafeteria, ignoring the curious glances from the guards leaning against a wall.
“Sid? You do remember that the food here is trash-“
“Oh is it?” Sidney replies only half listening as she pushes open the large dark brown wooden doors, pulling you into the very last place you wanted to be right now.
…with the mall cops hurriedly following behind you both wearing pained looks, which somehow matched your face perfectly.
Noticing the looks from other students whilst being with Sidney, you see that she hasn’t even batted an eyelid, walking confidently towards the line for food tugging at your arm to hurry up.
Your eyes betray you by glancing over towards one of the tables the group sat at often, so of course you spot the back of Mickey’s head as he leans across the table, talking to a bemused looking Derek almost without a care in the world unlike you.
…his dark brown spiky hair sticking out in a million directions, whilst his hands moved around to his animated voice, because the guy was always talking he rarely paused for breath.
This thought makes you think of Sidney and how overdramatic you sounded right now, she had actually been through some shit whilst you had just discovered that your college boyfriend had a kink, which tracked because you had heard a lot of stories about Mickey in bed.
The guy had his own collection of rumours that had made their way to you, on the same day as meeting him you had become even more invested after learning that he liked to use his tongue a lot, which again tracked because you had first hand experience of this.
…both in and out of his bed because the guy would never stop talking sometimes, and the only way to distract him, was with a quick kiss seeing how that always worked in your favour.
“Hello ladies!” Announces a voice that makes you finally look away from staring at Mickey, to come face to face with Randy Meeks a friend within your group, with an embarrassingly obvious crush on Sid that was oh-so-clearly unrequited.
“What do you want?” You ask Randy grumpily unaware that, right now Mickey’s brown eyes were staring directly into your back, as all three of you had joined the line for food.
“Just haven’t seen you around for a bit, how are things with you and the mouse?” Randy questions with a cheesy laugh, whilst staring at Sid who looks down at her feet instead of helping you out.
“Me and Mickey are fine just ignore the rumours-“
“So you still haven’t dumped his stupid ass yet then?” Questions Randy sounding almost in pain as he reaches his point by adding “Man, that guy is so lucky you know that you could do so much better than him!”
“I think that you could do better than this Randy, maybe go and watch some more movies-“
“Is that a date then?” Randy asks you with a wiggle of his eyebrows as he steps back, into the busy crowd surrounding the cafeteria only to disappear seconds later from view.
“In your dreams.” You mutter to yourself making Sidney giggle as she hands you a tray, but you just grab some bags of chips instead ignoring the look on your friends face.
“Are there really rumours about you and Mickey?” Sidney asks making you look away from the staff behind the counter, to see her dark eyes watching you very carefully.
“Probably, but all I know is that we are fine I think, don’t want to overthink things it’s just a college romance-“
“I could easily see me and Derek staying together!” Sidney cuts you off in a dreamy but quiet voice like she hadn’t realise she had just shared that nugget of information.
“I just want to make it through lunch-“
“Let’s go and sit down with everyone else then!” Sidney cuts you off for the hundredth time, but you let it slide because you had other things on your mind currently.
Thoughts like what if Mickey had told the other guys about what had happened, sure college was a time to be adventurous but you didn’t want to get a name, even though you did get asked a lot as to why you were dating the “freaky Tarantino obsessed” guy from film class.
…mostly by Randy who always seemed surprised, that the pair of you were even together still.
But you were the only one who knew Mickey deep down, like how thoughtful he was and not to mention goofy by quoting whole chunks of scenes from movies, even attempting to act out the parts and then critique his own work the guy was a dork to be sure.
You had also often wondered about past girlfriends, the ones who helped fuel some of the rumours around campus that he was a cheap ride, but you knew since meeting him that he was true to you but you weren’t sure how much that statement rung true anymore.
“Are you coming or are you just gonna stand there all day?” Sid asks with a giggle as you pay for your food, then quickly decide to follow her and see what happens, likening yourself to a Dr Pepper commercial.
…what was the worse that could happen?
Not looking where you were going you soon walk straight into the back of Sidney, quickly glancing over her shoulder to see Randy had stopped your roommate in her tracks, because he could never be too far from Sid sure they were friends from before but the guy was obsessed.
“Now what-“
“Did I ever tell you guys about the time when I made mouse boy look like an idiot?” Randy cuts you off with a ridiculous question, that makes Sidney laugh at the face you were currently pulling.
“Mickey would kick your ass if he ever heard you saying that.” Sidney announces with a firm nod, knowing how these two worked when stuck together for too long.
…Randy and Mickey were well- known for always fighting like, well cat and mouse.
“He hates that affectionate nickname you’ve given him by the way.” You reply with a wry laugh.
“Mere foreplay.” Randy retorts with a shrug of his right shoulder.
“Can we get past now-“
“Sshh!” Randy cuts you off once again which makes you glare at him, but he was too busy looking back at the table, where your boyfriend was currently sitting to respond to you which was super rude.
…what was people’s problem today, because sure you had woken up in a mood but this wasn’t helping one bit.
“Are you ready then?” Derek asks looking away from Randy who was talking to his girlfriend Sidney, still with those two idiot looking guards on her tail, which was for her safety of course but he could’ve looked after her a lot better.
“Too late to back out now!” Mickey responds with a smile, because he really was doing this the set up was ready with everyone in their place, plus the euphoric rush he was suddenly feeling reminded him of another time in his life.
…one which makes a smile widen across his face from the graphic memory alone.
“Tone down the smile dude you’re looking a little crazy.” Derek states rewarding Mickey with a look, whilst his roommate shrugs his shoulders unable to stop smiling.
“Hey, this smile gets the ladies!” Mickey declares matter-of-factly, whilst his eyes watch Derek who didn’t look quite convinced.
“Oh sure!” Derek laughs deeply picking at the rest of his fries, but nudging his roommate hard when he notices that you and Sid were finally approaching the table.
…it was game time!
“Babe!” Mickey cheers getting up from his plastic chair to pull one closer for you, noticing the blank look on your face which annoys him briefly, but he continues to focus on the task at hand instead.
“Hey Mickey.” You state with a small smile attempting to make an effort, noticing that both Sidney and Derek, were watching you very closely which wasn’t weird at all.
“And where have you been y/n?” Announces Hallie entering the scene stage right, whilst dropping her plastic tray heavily onto the table, with a look of pure annoyance fracturing her pretty features.
“I’ve been busy-“
“Well did you just forget that you were supposed to be meeting me?” Hallie questions cutting you off whilst still sounding very annoyed, which was all on her really because you hadn’t actually accepted the invite.
“Yeah, but we are all here now!” Sing songs Sidney with a smile aimed at her boyfriend whose blue eyes sparkle back, it was enough to make you skip lunch altogether thanks to a hint of green eyed jealousy.
Sure you liked romance movies which was obviously a criminal offence in Mickey’s eyes, yet he did let you watch the odd one but only if you placed your hand over his mouth, because otherwise he would be ripping into the whole story from start to finish.
“Including the bodyguards looking completely out of place over there.” Hallie states pointing to the two men in dark suits, staring over at our table like something was suddenly about to happen.
“Any of them take your fancy?” You ask Hallie with a smirk, because she was always talking about being the third wheel of the group, even though Randy was clearly single but deeply preoccupied.
“Old white dudes, er no thanks!” Hallie brushes off your comment with a shake of her head, holding up her can of Pepsi to signal that the conversation was now over.
“So, how are you doing Sid?” Derek asks your roommate who rewards him with a quick kiss, which makes you glance at Mickey but he was currently staring into space.
…why did this all feel so fucking awkward?
Not to mention the fact that Derek kept looking from you then back to Mickey, watching you both as if something was about to happen which wasn’t helping your mood at all.
Mickey gives his roommate a dark look when he spots him staring at you, this wasn’t part of the plan he needed to move things along and have this all work out, knowing full well that you hated lots of attention but he wanted you to know how far he would truly go.
…not that you knew how insanely obsessed Mickey could get with things, but all he cared about right now was getting you back on his side, because you were somehow a duo stuck together through thick and thin.
Sure Mickey liked to act solo usually but ever since meeting you, he felt lost by himself so he wanted to show you his whole world, but first he needed to make things right before the real truth came out.
“The sorority house is hosting another party this weekend-“
“Please tell me you are not talking about the fucking Delta’s again!?” Mickey cuts off Hallie who had been talking to Sidney, all about the pretentious sorority sisters that she seemed to gossip about all damn day.
“Excuse me-“
“There are far better things in life than being a Delta!” You cut Hallie off for once as she narrows her eyes at you instead of replying.
“Aren’t you interested in ever joining Delta then?” Begins Mickey nudging one of your elbows with his as he then declares “I would like to see you in one of those little skirts.”
“Not a chance!” You retort with a wry smile that makes Mickey laugh loudly at your admission.
“I think that you would look cute in a pink two piece.” Hallie announces with a fake smile aimed at you, because she knew you hated the colour pink it was a whole thing.
“If you mean a two piece bikini then I definitely agree!” Mickey retorts with an over enthusiastic laugh, which causes you to shake your head firmly in the negative.
There was no chance in hell of you ever wearing a bikini, or joining Delta for that matter but they were far more interested in Sid than either you or Hallie anyway, which suited you fine but the latter was still pretty beat up by the fact.
You turn to look at Mickey to see he is talking to Derek again who is pointing over at something, or someone near the entrance to the cafeteria not that you cared, but you knew it was now time to try and talk to your boyfriend just maybe not here with everyone else.
“Are you ok?” Sidney asks Derek when you also notice at the same time, the suddenly guilty look appearing on his boyish face, whilst he tried to act nonchalant which wasn’t working.
“Dammit.” You swear you hear Mickey say under his breath, but then he quickly recovers by saying to your roommate in a louder voice “I sure am Sidney thanks for asking!”
Then with a well- worn goofy smile on his face Mickey suddenly stands up from his plastic chair, pushing up the sleeves on his dark purple shirt as his brown eyes finally meet yours, at the same time that you hear music begin to play noticing Randy across the cafeteria holding up a big red boom box high in the air.
…shaking his head like he couldn’t believe this was happening right now, because in fact neither could you.
Glancing back at Mickey you see him bouncing slowly from left to right, his hips swaying in time with his open hands as he winks at you, making your eyes widen as you suddenly recognise the music playing…
“If I should stay. I would only be in your way. So I'll go. And yet, I know, I'll think of you each step of the way...” Mickey starts singing incredibly off-key with you watching him in horror, placing a hand over your mouth, as he proceeds to leap back onto his seat then hops up directly up onto your table.
Derek moves the tray’s occupying the table space as Mickey continues to sway to the music, hand now on hip as he turns round to face you whilst you look up feeling helpless.
“Please stop.” You mouth the words quickly to Mickey but he just shakes his head, then carries on straight into the chorus holding both his hands high above his head.
"And iiiiiiiiyyyiii, will always love you oooooowuoooo, will always love you!” Mickey carries on singing even getting a high note or two, before he pulls a face from hearing his own voice echoing loudly around the large room.
Clearly all of this was garnering the attention of everyone in the cafeteria, some pulling the same face as you whilst others were clapping along, because Derek was also now out of his seat as well encouraging others to wave their hands around and join in.
Mickey snatches some notes from another students hand, because they had been waving them at him shoving them into his pants pocket, causing people to start throwing chips in the air around him.
The student body were responding in kind to Mickey’s declaration, of singing a cheesy song but he was used to pulling more crazier stunts, yet if this got you back in his bed then the real fun would truly begin.
“What is even happening here?” Hallie questions in disgust unable to believe, that Mickey somehow knew a freaking Whitney Houston song.
“Someone’s being romantic!” Sidney laughs as you close your eyes embarrassed, wishing that you had never even come into the cafeteria in the first place.
“Mickey please-“
"And I hope life treats you kind, and I hope you have all you dreamed of. I wish you JOYYY." Mickey cuts you off whilst singing the next verse, deciding to jump onto another table coincidently where two of the Delta’s were currently sitting with their mouths both wide open in shock.
“You’re standing on my sandwich!?” Snaps sorority sister Murphy, brushing some of her blonde hair away from her bare shoulder in disgust.
Mickey winks down at the blonde before he turns and blows you a kiss, still singing if you could even call it that, but you knew exactly what he was doing and damn it was actually working.
Everyone is literally clapping now besides you of course as you watch Mickey leap to another table, almost missing it because he was so tall and clumsy but getting his footing right, he then decides to belt out the crescendoing chorus clearly invested in the song which makes you smile widely.
“And I will always love you!!!!” Mickey practically shouts the last line his hips swaying ridiculously, as he then jumps down to rush back over to you, the mall cops finally approaching Randy who drops the red boom box.
…holding both of his hands behind his head like he was under arrest, but they just walk away from him instead, turning round to take in the surrounding commotion in front of them.
“Go to him!” Sidney states practically pushing you from your chair, standing up in a daze as seconds later, Mickey is right in front of you at the same time the music had finally been switched off.
“Well that was a surprise.” You state over the loud clapping, noticing the wide smile on Mickey’s face as he catches his breath his brown eyes staring, as you suddenly melt all over again just like the very first time that you had ever met.
Cheering still fills your ears as you glance to see one of the guards approaching Sid, who was too caught up in watching what was unfolding, with a look on her face that suddenly told you that she was somehow a part of this.
…why hadn’t you noticed any of this until now?!
“I did it all for you.” Mickey explains with a cheeky smile on his face as he then hurriedly elaborates “I know we still need to talk but I want you to know, that I’m all in and I can’t apologise enough.”
“I’m all in-“
You stop talking when you see Sidney is trying to be escorted out of the cafeteria, but she stands her ground with Derek taking hold of her hand, both of them grinning at you and Mickey which causes a smirk to appear on your face.
“Tom Cruise did it better!” Randy exclaims as he approaches the table, whilst some of the students are still watching with wide smiles and grins on their faces.
“I clearly wasn’t doing a fucking Top Gun routine!” Retorts Mickey with a roll of his eyes as he flips Randy the bird, shaking his head at the audacity of his classmates idiotic words.
“You’re way hotter than Tom Cruise by the way..” You inform Mickey who places one of his large hands flat on his chest as he grins wickedly.
“Firstly I clearly got inspiration from the bodyguard, hence the song and secondly, duh I’m taller than Tom Cruise so it’s obvious I’m way better.” Mickey explains with a know-it-all look that you knew very well.
“So now it’s getting personal-“
Before you can finish that sentence Mickey leans down, his lips brushing against yours as you accept the kiss, ignoring the shouts and cheers from all around the cafeteria just focusing on this moment right now instead.
Curling a hand around the front of Mickey’s dark grey tee, you pull him closer to you intensifying the kiss that could easily go on forever, but he eventually is the first to step back to take a breath.
“What was all this in aid of am I missing something here?” Hallie asks loudly holding a finger to her mouth, looking as if she was gagging but clearly she was just jealous.
“Derek you should take notes!” Grins Sidney having finally got the guards off her back, who were both stood at the front of the food line queue looking pretty out of place yet again.
“I bet that I could sing a lot better than Mickey!” Derek announces with a laugh, as he proceeds to sing a line from another Whitney song you notice, seeing the look on Hallie’s face as she rolls her eyes heavenwards.
“Just leave it to the professionals.” Begins Mickey with a laugh as he explains “Because in this scenario I’m definitely the true professional!”
“Don’t go changing your major just yet!” You inform Mickey, with a cheeky look on your face that you see, he very clearly appreciates.
“You would have gotten away with it to if it weren’t for your shitty singing voice!” Randy misquotes a line from a Scooby Doo cartoon, complete with inoffensive voice that makes Derek laugh at least.
“Ruh roh.” Mickey announces with a perfect impression of the aforementioned cartoon dog.
“Did you know that it wasn’t just Scooby Doo who spoke like that, in fact Astro from the Jetsons was the first-“
“As informative as this conversation isn’t, I do need to go take my girlfriend and have a few words with her.” Mickey cuts off Randy holding out a hand in front of his face, as if to prove that this conversation was now officially over.
“Yeah, words right!” Derek laughs causing Sid to shove him with her left hand against his broad shoulder.
“If you are implying that we are about to head back to my dorm room and get laid, then you would be completely correct!” Mickey states with a wink aimed at you whilst you feel your cheeks start to heat up.
“So you need to stay away from our dorm room until this time tomorrow, at least!” Mickey explains to Derek whose laughter disappears when the news sinks in
“But I need to study-“
“Not a chance.” Mickey cuts him off and with another wink complete with smug smile, the kind that drove you wild he takes your hand and the pair of you finally walk out of the cafeteria.
Rushing out of the building together hand in hand, you let out a laugh that you weren’t aware you’d been holding, causing Mickey to stop and face you quickly.
“I missed having you around, so from now on I won’t be letting you out of my sight.” Mickey states taking a step closer to you, whilst his eyes filled with that intense gleam again.
“I’m not going anywhere.” You inform your boyfriend biting your bottom lip playfully which obviously gets his attention.
“No, you are never leaving my bed but we can totally take it slow again-“
“That is the last thing I want right now.” You tell Mickey in a firm voice which makes him cut off whatever he had been about to say.
“What part?” Mickey questions placing both of his hands behind his neck, which of course shows off his muscles that were prominent and a brief distraction for you.
“Don’t go treating me like a porcelain doll, I can take a lot of things.” You announce even surprising yourself, spotting the wide eyed look from Mickey as you state “Just ask me next time, if you want to do something different in bed, because you might actually like the answer.”
“I can definitely do that!” Mickey nods whilst you notice, the look of pure adoration highlighted on his face, which causes you to grin back at your boyfriend playfully.
“I know you can so shut up talking because we need to get back to your dorm room.” You clap causing Mickey to grab one of your hands, and spin you around on the spot, just like something out of a rom com which was very cute.
“I love you.” Mickey states without a second thought in his mind, looking down at you with that confident smile you simply adored.
“I know.” You reply with a straight face aimed up at your boyfriend.
“At last you get a Star Wars reference, but I do also mean what I said.” Mickey informs you in case this conversation was becoming a little confusing.
“Me too.” You inform Mickey with a nod as he wraps an arm around your shoulders, pulling you towards him as your face meets his chest, and you start to finally relax feeling your bad mood disappear as you hugged your boyfriend tightly.
“Get a room!” Shouts Randy appearing behind Mickey with a disgusted look on his face, interrupting the moment with his bad timing.
“Go away Randy.” Mickey states darkly whilst rewarding him with a look that spoke volumes.
“What? I helped you win your fair maiden back and what thanks do I get?” Randy questions in a stupid voice complete with idiotic face to match.
“You carried a boombox-“
“It helped you get the girl!” Exclaims Randy cutting Mickey off with a wave of his hands.
“Let’s talk about this later-“
“One last thing.” Randy begins with a laugh which makes you roll your eyes hard as he asks Mickey “Is Evil Dead 2 a sequel something you have a clear hard on for or is it a remake?”
“Oh my god, it’s clearly a remake talk to me about Army of Darkness that’s an obvious sequel!” Mickey informs Randy his voice steeped in sarcasm whilst his classmate just laughs in his face.
“You are so wrong-“
“Hey Mickey, weren’t we going to go somewhere?” You cut Randy off at the same time that you give your boyfriend a wide eyed look.
“Oh yeah!” Mickey begins with a deep chuckle as he states to Randy “I’m off to go and get laid something you wouldn’t know anything about.”
“I disagree, I know a lot about it!” Randy replies flippantly as he adds “ I’ve watched the movie Basic Instinct a million times.”
“Paused on that one scene right?” Mickey questions with another laugh causing Randy to nod in agreement, both lost in their own Sharon Stone fantasy.
“Do I need to leave you two alone-“
“Of course not babe, let’s go!” Announces Mickey with a cheeky smile, highlighting his chiseled jaw and brown eyes that looked ready to burst.
“Be safe! We don’t want any little Mickey’s walking this earth quoting James Cameron movies.” Randy shouts in despair even holding out a hand in front of him to add to the moment.
“I say we take off, and nuke the site from orbit.” Mickey quotes with a loud chuckle because he always liked to quote his favourite movies.
“It’s the only way.” Declares Randy also quoting the classic film Aliens, then with a nod he walks off in the other direction finally you were alone again.
“You two are so cute together-“
“Back to mine room now!” Cuts in Mickey tugging on your right hand, pulling you towards him as he starts to walk fast like he was on a mission.
Heading back to his dorm room at break neck speed you finally arrive, with Mickey falling onto his messy unmade bed, pulling you down on top of him with a look on his face that said it all.
“Who knew that you were such a secret romantic?” You ask with a sigh when you feel Mickey’s hands, grip tightly onto your hips whilst you straddled him, still both fully clothed but hopefully not for much longer.
“If you tell anyone I will kill you.” Mickey whispers with a smile, which makes you roll your eyes back at him with a giggle.
“There is so much I don’t know about you Mickey, but I want to learn everything and more!” You decide leaning down to kiss Mickey gently, your breath hitches when you feel his tongue brush roughly against yours.
“So you want to know the full Mickey Altieri story?” Mickey asks when you nod and bury your face in his neck, lips meeting skin as you loss yourself in the moment.
“It’s not even a good story.” Begins Mickey making you sit up to see the uneasy look on his face as he continues “ But if you ask me again soon I will definitely tell you.”
“I will hold you to that.” You tell Mickey in a teasing voice noticing the smirk appearing on his face.
“But for now I just need you to take your clothes off.” Mickey informs you with a wide smile, as he lifts up your white tee shirt revealing bare skin.
“You don’t have to ask me twice!” You reply making short work of your tee shirt, quickly removing it over your head and grinning when you spot the look on Mickey’s face.
“That’s a good start but you’ve missed a couple of items of clothing-“
“Want to help me?” You question cutting off Mickey with as innocent a look as you could muster under the circumstances.
“I thought you would never ask.” Mickey demands moving a hand to the button on your pants, deftly undoing it as he then proceeds to pull down the accompanying zip.
..tugging the pants firmly down your hips revealing black underwear, which makes Mickey whine as you work together to get the offending item of clothing off as soon as possible.
Sitting back down onto his lap makes you feel exactly how much he wanted you, his hard cock pushing against the zip of his pants, making you brush your clothed pussy over him which causes him to jerk his hips upwards.
“Fuck!” Mickey curses grabbing at your underwear, but in the end he just moves some soaked fabric to one side his fingers brushing against your pussy lips causing both of you to groan at the same time.
“I need you-“
“Don’t I know it, damn you’re so wet just let me get a little something from my pocket, and the we will be all set.” Mickey declares with a smirk, as he moves one of his hands down to his pants, pulling out a silver foil packet that he rips open with his teeth.
“Hurry up!” You cry sounding bratty even to your own ears, causing Mickey to arch an eyebrow at you making your pussy muscles clench around nothing in anticipation.
“Somebody is excited.” Mickey states with a smile as he undoes his pants causing you to move back a little, watching as he puts on the condom then slowly pulls you closer back to him.
“Ready?” Mickey asks with a smirk as you silently move your body forward, locating the tip of his cock rubbing your lips along his length, then finally taking him as your pussy is filled causing you to cry out.
“You feel so good right now, but please don’t move for like a second or ten ok?” Mickey questions gritting his teeth like he was moments away, from blowing his load which would have put a dampener on things to say the least.
“Did you really miss me this much?” You ask in a low voice moving your hips ever so slightly, to be rewarded by Mickey’s cock throbbing against your pussy walls.
“Of course baby, but if you keep that up this won’t last at all, and I know you don’t want that.” Mickey places a hand on your face then curses when you tease him again with a quick bounce on his cock.
“We can go slow-“
“Or I could in fact do this and hold you in place.” Mickey demands moving his hand down towards your neck, placing it on your throat whilst you give him a small nod, and then gasp when he grips harder keeping you very still on his throbbing cock.
“I don’t want to be anywhere else on this planet right now.” You tell Mickey meaning every word, as you close your eyes and sigh when you feel him, starting to slowly rock his hips causing you to bounce on his cock desperately.
“You won’t be, we’re skipping class and are doing this at least twice more before going to grab some food!” Mickey states with a wide smile the very one that drew you to him, and right now you couldn’t get enough.
“Sex and then pizza what more could a girl actually want!” You giggle then groan when you feel that oh-so-delicious warmth build up, hitting low on your stomach the sensation making you clench hard around his cock.
“A very important double bill of Tarantino movies is always fun?” Mickey questions with a hiss feeling that you were getting close, he was beyond ready to finish but he wanted to tip you over the edge first.
“If I say yes will you fuck me harder?” You reply with a question of your own which goes unanswered, but Mickey must’ve understood when he kicks it up a gear, and pretty soon you feel yourself tipping over and losing glorious control.
Afterwards you roll off Mickey whilst he discards the condom, laying next to him to catch the look on his face, him studying you with those intelligent dark brown eyes.
“So you really want to know my story then?” Mickey asks getting up from the bed, pulling up his pants as he heads to the door double checking the lock was on which was strange.
“Is it boring?” You question back slowly sensing the instant mood change in the room, feeling cold suddenly but then you spot the look on Mickey’s face.
“It’s colourful.” Mickey states with a shrug whilst his face, contorts in anger causing you to wrap your arms around your front self consciously.
“Are you ok?” You ask Mickey noticing how he was flexing both his hands very tightly, and his jaw was locked tight causing him to scowl.
“You tell me bitch!” Mickey states in a dark voice his whole body language transforming suddenly, which makes you feel something you hadn’t ever felt before in front of your boyfriend.
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totaly-obsessed · 1 month
Ramona Bachmann Appreciation
Request a player | with @alotofpockets
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themissinghand · 9 months
Dr. Stone: Growing Up With Stanley Synder
Note: Received a request from anon but sadly lost the OG request message. Thanks for the request though! Always open to taking requests, and for other fandoms as well! 
Summary: Headcanons of what it would be like growing up together with our favourite sniper king. 
Pairing: Stanley Snyder x GN! Reader! 
Warnings: Spoilers for the characters, but no canon plot. For anime watchers, don't search up Xeno or Stanley if you don't want to be spoiled!
Childhood Friendship:
Stanley Snyder has been friends with you since you were kids. It’s not really a choice, considering you two were practically neighbors, and your parents being friends with one another. 
Even so, Stanley felt like you two just clicked upon the first meeting. 
Stanley never thought you two would share many similar interests and hobbies.
Often, Stanley would spend countless weekends with you, playing sports, watching movies, discovering hidden gems in the city, and pranking others. 
Stanley’s family were incredibly supportive and happy that their son were getting along with you so well. So they often invited you to go over whenever your parents had work overseas.
They encouraged open-mindedness and respect between the two of you as you two sometimes fought and got mad at each other for little things. 
Stanley learned to apologize and forgive, how to be stern and patient, and be the kind and responsible “other brother” in your friendship
Back then, he was just your childhood friend.
Realization of Feelings:
Stanley began to realize his feelings for you when he was in high school. 
He found himself blushing around you and getting nervous when you smiled at him. 
He cared for the little things, and didn’t want to disappoint you when he got in trouble with his guy group.
Stanley became increasingly protective of you, always looking out for your well-being. 
He'd insist on walking you home after school and making sure you were safe.
Sometimes, he would even go out of his way to take care of you when you were sick.
Stanley developed a habit of calling you at night. Asking about your day, and tell you about his. 
He loved these late-night conversations, just you and him, sometimes sharing stories, gossip, dreams, fears, and secrets. 
Stanley found comfort in these talks, and it was during one of these moments that he admitted to himself that he had a crush on you, and can’t let you go.
Courting & Confession:
Stan isn't afraid to show his affection, like offering to carry your backpack or complimenting you about your looks, knowledge or personality.
He often buys you food and eventually became your personal professional driver.
Stanley reached out to his closest friend, Xeno, about his feelings, seeking advice on how to confess. 
Xeno encouraged him to be honest with you but also cautioned him to respect your boundaries in the case that feelings aren’t reciprocated. 
(Xeno was sure that it would be, that sneaky little Einstein)
One day, Stanley finally mustered the courage to tell you about his feelings. 
Stanley and you sat together under the beautiful night stars during one of your many weekend hangouts, and it was then he blurted out his confession. 
“Hey Y/N, you know, we've been friends for so long…practically since babies. You know you were really ugly back then.”
“Oh shut it, like you weren’t a brat.” A shared nudge and chuckle.
“Hey, there's something I need to tell you." 
"Yea? What is it, Stan?" 
"Well, it's just... ah screw it, I really like you. Not just as a friend. I mean, I like you a lot. More than I've ever liked anyone.” 
From your looks to your personality to funny moments and lovable times, his rant went on for a bit like a kid describing his favourite cartoon.
"Damn, I know it's probably weird to hear, and I understand if you don't feel the same way. But can you give me an answer soon?” 
Stanley closed his eyes and waited patiently for your answer. At this time, he really wanted to smoke.
"Stanley Synder, you dummy. You know, I've been feeling the same way.” Stanley felt a hand on his shoulder, waking him up. 
“I was just too scared to say anything."
"Yeah, really. I've liked you for a long time too, Stan. No matter how much of an annoying show-off and-." He pulled you into a little hug which cut you off, but you didn’t mind. 
The hug now felt a little differently than before.
You two stayed like that for a bit, relishing in the peace and quiet, in relief.
"So, what do we do now?" 
"How about we keep being us? We don't have to change anything about our friendship, just add a little extra something."
“Hmm, that sounds perfect.”
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pix3lplays · 6 months
Hey I managed to make something on my own haha-
-Dr. Xeno and Stanley Snyder: Sleeping habits-
Dr. Xeno: For a while, even after you started living together, you didn’t realize Xeno even slept. This is because he’d come to bed (if he did decide to come to bed that night) really late, after you’ve already fallen asleep, because he’s ALWAYS working. He’s an early riser too. So it’s hard to beat him to the coffee maker. You just wanna do something nice for him and make him a coffee in the morning but Noooo he’s ALWAYS up before you. When you do happen to be awake when he finally comes into the bedroom for sleep, you find he paces around a lot before bed. It’s kinda his way to unwind and organize his thoughts before bed. Sometimes he’ll tell you what’s on his mind, and even though you usually can’t keep up with all his science talk, you can appreciate what he’s doing. Other times he’s just ranting about people he doesn’t like. That or Stanley’s smoking habits… Xeno’s not really the most cuddly at night, but at least he takes the claws off before bed. He just…doesn’t find it comfortable, being touched, any time of the day. The most you might get is him tracing his fingers up and down your arms or back. It’s something he does to let you know he’s still awake and thinking about something. Almost like he’s just…inviting you to dare ask. So yeah a lot of time in bed with Xeno is Not spent actually sleeping or cuddling or doing anything romantic. Just. Talking. Which is okay too. You like listening to him talk. And eventually…FINALLY…he’ll roll over and his breathing will even out and you’ll know he’s finally asleep. He’ll be up again in about two hours though.
Stanley Snyder: He also stays up pretty late. Not Xeno levels of late, but pretty late. Still, you’re usually awake and waiting for your darling lover to come to bed, even if it is midnight or one o’clock or so. You don’t know what he could Possibly be up to. And you know Stanley. He’s vague and mysterious so he Probably won’t tell you anyways. Unlike Xeno, Stanley isn’t shy about cuddles. When he’s had an especially long day, he essentially collapses into bed and buries his face into the crook of your neck. It’s his own way of being romantic, while also letting you know that he just wants to sleep, so don’t expect too much from him. In fact, Stanley’s very much a no nonsense guy. Any cuddling or whatever tends to happen on his terms. Not that he’s Against you initiating things. He’s just not always in the mood unfortunately. This man sees bedtime as a pretty straightforward thing- He comes to bed, he falls asleep, he wakes up in the morning and gets back to whatever he was doing. You have to initiate stuff like any pre sleep conversations, otherwise he falls asleep very quickly. You know Stanley. He’s not much of a conversationalist. But if you want to talk before bed…sure. He’ll listen. He Also wakes up early, but on days that aren’t too busy he might wait for you to wake up so he can say good morning. Unfortunately nighttime tends to be the only time you really get one on one time with him. So even if he’s exhausted from the day, he’ll always pretend like he’s doing fine. For your sake. He can stay up a little longer for you, if that’s what it takes to make you happy. It’s a small sacrifice in the long run.
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lilmaymayy · 9 months
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snzhrchy · 1 year
don’t know if the dr stone fandom is even alive but i’m willing to take requests for it !! so hit my inbox w/ reqs :p
especially hyoga & tsukasa
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Wanna have sex with Houston in the back of the van
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thelocalbozo · 1 year
Bad Hiding Spot, Houston x Reader
Hello silly little post
You sat quietly, in the garage of the safe house, admiring your boyfriend who was under the escape van, fixing it; Houston. He never heard you walk into the room, he hummed quietly. Watching him work on the van was a favored pass time if you weren’t doing anything, watching his muscles flex as he grabbed and pulled at things under the vehicle, and if you were lucky he wouldn't be wearing his suit top and jacket, this was one of those times. Eventually you spoke up,
“Hi Houstonnnn~” 
Houston bonked his head, trying to look at you. 
“Son of a bitch ouch.”
Houston rolled himself out from under the van, to look at you, smiling wide, sitting up. 
“Hey Sweetheart” Houston said, coming over to where you are, kissing your forehead. “When did you come in here?” Houston gave you a curious look. 
“I’ve been here for a while” You smile at him, standing up. “Y’know you look real pretty when you’re under things~” 
Houston blushes bright red at the statement, covering his face trying to process the comment, while his face is covered, you quickly leave the garage, down into the basement. He composes himself for the most part, half hard from the statement, quickly trying to find where you had run off to. You didn’t go far, in fact once you got to the basement you hid under the stairs, not a great hiding spot. He ran down the stairs above you, you put a hand to your mouth, to not let him hear your mischievous giggling. He looked around, asking if anyone had seen you down here, to your misfortune, Sokol sold you out, he had watched you run down here and under the stairs. The ghost walked back to the stairs, your breathing hitched as he got closer, he crouched next to you.
“Your hiding skills are impeccable” He said sarcastically, smirking at you. Quickly he dragged you out of hiding, pulling you into a passionate kiss, arms around your neck, you rested yours on his hips. He pulled away slightly, to catch his breath, before you pulled him back in for another long kiss, which quickly turned into a heated makeout session. His kissing became rougher, swiping his tongue across your lips, asking for permission, you did not open your mouth, teasing him. One of his hands trailed down your body, to your crotch, making you gasp from the sudden touch, he pushed his tongue into your mouth, starting a battle for dominance, generally speaking he was not the dominant one, this was a special circumstance however, he took control of what was happening, this was starting to look like you were gonna fuck in the middle of the basement. 
"This is the wrong way." The voice of a young woman loud and clear, then the click of a tape recorder.
End. lmao
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crispy-bonnie · 1 year
- Okay anyways-
- I read your thing about flirtatious s/o, and was like 😳->😏
- Idk if this goes against the rules bc it is limey so (if it is just lmk and delet)
- Can we get uhm.... Jacket, Sokol, Houston, Dallas and for absolutely no reason Dozer for this?
- So can we get a situation where Reader and him have to (for random plot reasons) hide in a tight spot??? Like a locker or something
- This is during/just after a fight so Reader's preeeetty tired
- So they just rest their head on him
- And he's trying so hard not to... not to have.... UHHHHHH-
- I hope you know where this is going???
- (He's trying not to wiener)
yeah this is chill with me ! if i ever write overly spicy stuff , then you'll most likely find it on my alt that's dedicated to the juicy stuff . also no i'm not giving the tag for said alt lmao also , this post in particular is VERY long and took me fucking forever to finish . my writing clearly started to deteriorate towards the end LMAO . consider this a valentine's day special lol i'll be making a special cut of this on my side blog once i get my requests done so stay tuned for that ig
Despite such a quiet heist, it was still one of exhaustion. Having to worry about the guards, running past civilians and praying that they don't see you, it's draining. Luckily, a fellow heister volunteered to stealth it with you, making the experience a tad bit easier.
You and Dallas were tasked with tagging a truck with a GPS tracking device whilst the other two heisters, Houston and Hoxton, stayed behind. This truck contained voting machines that you two have to hack, but none of the trucks were labeled, therefore you had to find clues on which ones had the things you needed. The two of you were tucked in a shipping container, waiting for guards to pass while looking through the boxes to see if there was anything indicating the right or wrong truck.
"D-Dallas...? Can we take a quick breather..?" You huffed, your legs cramped from crouching and your body coated in sweat from all the running and sneaking about. Despite the container being so large, the two of you could barely squeeze yourselves inside, as there were boxes packed rather tightly inside. Your legs were entangled in his, both of your torsos just mere centimeters away. You were panting heavily, the tight space making it harder to gather oxygen.
"Sure..are you alri-" He was cut off as you leaned forward, your head now resting on his shoulder as your arms wrapped around his waist. Dallas could feel his face heating up from underneath his mask, but not because of the awkward atmosphere. He stared down at your heavily breating form attempting to gulp down the words that were stuck in his throat.
You were brought out of your heated daze when you heard Dallas groaning softly, in which you pulled back ever so slightly to face him. He had one of his hands pressed against the boxes whilst the other was holding up his mask. You could feel his legs shaking ever so slightly as he tried to curb the attempts to buck his hips towards yours.
"Are you okay?" You hummed, bringing your hand up to his and moving his mask off of his face so you could make sure that he wasn't dying underneath it. However, just as you unveiled his lips, both of his hands shot up to grab your mask, ripping it off before slamming his lips against yours.
The scent of cigarette smoke and his freshly ironed suit filled your nose, the bitter sensation of nicotine and the sweet taste of him now in your mouth as his tongue pressed against yours. Your eyes fluttered shut, now resting your hands on his shoulders to pull him closer. Time seemed to slow, everything melting away as you focused on him and only him. Not even the sounds of gunshots or the bickering of the other two heisters outside pulled you out of the trance that the two of you were stuck in.
Let's hope the others don't find you two in that shipping container...
It was a quiet night. The only sounds heard being rain drops tapping softly against the window and the chatter among the attendees of the auction. As much as the gang wanted to try to place bids on the artifact being auctioned off, they knew that it would take a big chunk out of their vault, and it would most certainly not be a guarantee of even getting it. The criminals instead opted for attempting to steal the item. After all, it was one of the many things they were good at.
Ears sharp and eyes peeled, you crawled down the halls as fast as possible, making sure to keep yourself out of sight from the guards and cameras that littered the building. Houston followed behind, keeping an eye out for anyone approaching. The two of you thought you were safe, but the sound of a gun unholstering and a voice shouting at you two brought you two to a halt.
Turning around to face the guard, he glared the both of you down for a good few seconds. He proceeded to fish his radio out of his pocket, but you had whipped your gun out to shoot it to bits before he could say anything. Next thing you knew, unsilenced gunshots had been fired from the guard's gun, now alerting others. The crowd below was now startled, spooked whispers and gasps echoing from the crowd. The sounds of these sent panic into you, making you directly headshot the guard before grabbing Houston by the wrist and pulling him away.
You shoved yourself and Houston into a storage closet, shutting the door behind you as the alarms started to blare from outside. The closet was unfortunately very tight, but it was the only hiding spot available so that you could wait for the rest of the crew to arrive and save you from this mess. Your hands left the doorknob just after you locked it, letting out a huff of relief before leaning your shocked form against the wall.
"I'm sorry I-"
"No it's okay, it's okay. We didn't know he'd be there." Houston sighed, placing his hand on your shoulder before pulling you close. You took a minute to process what was going on, the sirens, the screaming, and soon the warm embrace that you found yourself in. He continued to whisper reassurings into your ear as he let you relax into him.
A few minutes in, you could hear Houston muttering your name ever so softly. Almost like he was trying to get your attention. You pulled back, looking into his now half-lidded eyes before asking: "Are you okay..?"
"Sorry I just- m- my- ngh..~" Houston pulled his hands away from your waist, bringing one up to his mask and the other down to his pants, the other now gripping onto his belt desperately. He moved his mask off to wipe away some of the sweat that was coating his forehead. Your face flushed red once your eyes trailed down to his crotch, his current behavior finally making sense to you. 
"We should- sh-should get back to the missio-" He went back to pull his mask back on, but you brought your hand up to stop his, soon pulling it away to swipe your mask off and let it clatter to the ground. "No no..." You hummed, your face now inches away from his. The red on his face became brighter as you grabbed at his pants, pulling at them ever so slightly. "Let's take care of your little friend here first~"
It was an intense battle. The constant bangs and pops of guns firing, screams of the cops that were being mercilessly shot down as well as the heisters' demands for things like coolant for the drill or to reboot the power, and most importantly, the earpiercing sound of the giant drill burning its way into the glass flooring that blocked the criminals from the stacks upon stacks of cash that they were after.
"SOKOL!" His name erupted from your throat as you fired your weapon at the horde of cops that continued to try to get to the both of you. Your body armor was sparing you of the bleeding you would've had to endure if you didn't have it, but it still hurt regardless. "We're under heavy fire here!"
"БЛИН- I KNOW!" The Russian cursed loudly, also trying to fend off the swarms of cops. Wave after wave, they just kept coming. It was like there was no break to it. You were starting to get exhausted and your armor was starting to deteriorate under its constant abuse, struggling to reload fast enough to be able to continue shooting cops down. You whipped around to face Sokol, but you could only catch the faint image of him grabbing you by the wrist and running through a doorway.
It was a blur, especially with how fast he was running, but soon you finally processed that you two were in a locker room. You could hear the heavy boots of the various cops stampeding their way down the stairs. Within a matter of seconds, you found yourself and the Russian heister now stuffed into a locker, the both of you dead quiet as you two waited for the cops to pass.
It felt like forever until you heard the footsteps of those pesky cops started to fade away, in which you finally managed to take a deep breath before finally leaning against the wall a little more. You looked up at Sokol within the dark confines of the metal locker you two had been stuffed in. It was only when you glanced to the side when you realized that he had both his hands firmly planted next to your head, effectively pinning you within the locker.
Blinking a few times, you focused your gaze back on him, realizing that his mask had been shoved out of its place, now showing a good portion of his face. You could see his platinum eyes glinting at you with an almost feral intent, his hair scattered and no longer its in slicked back state. From what you could see with the little light provided, his sweat-coated face was dusted pink, his jaw hanging slightly as be panted harshly.
"You know..." He started, his voice low as if he were growling, bringing his left hand away from your head only to rip his mask off, as well as yours. He proceeded to grip your chin and pull you close, nearly closing the gap between your lips and his. "The drill has quite a long time before it's done, no?"
You could feel the heat rushing to your face and down to your crotch because of his behavior, letting out a small whimper as he left a soft kiss on your lips. The hardness in his pants was pressed against your thigh, his hips moving ever so slightly and bringing friction between the two surfaces. Sokol leaned into your ear, nibbling at your earlobe gently before purring:
"Why don't we... pass the time... милый?"
Jacket wasn't very fond of stealth, and neither were you. Of course, Bain made the two of you go on this heist anyway. Why? Who knows, and you honestly couldn't care less. You just wanted to get the heist over and done with.
The two of you were infiltrating the GenSec arena, in which there was vault that was in need of cracking. There was a concert going on for a musician going by the name 'Alesso'. The music was bumping from the stage itself, so loud that the two of you could hear it whilst in the halls behind the concessions.
You had to find the C4 that was marked in some of the storage closets, said closets being marked with a red X. However, what the two of you didn't know was that there were going to be a few guards patrolling this area. You currently had some of your lockpicking equipment out, desperately trying to get the reinforced door open. You could feel Jacket nudging at you, knowing that there was a guard nearly.
Just before the guard could even get a proper glance of the two of you, you managed to get the storage closet open, soon getting pushed inside by Jacket as faster than a lightning bolt. He quickly kicked the door closed, hearing the lock you had just picked click as the metal door slammed shut.
"That..." You breathed, your chest rising and falling harshly as you found yourself staring into the beady eyes of Jacket's mask. "That was close...huh?"
You attempted to push yourself up, only to realize that Jacket had both of your wrists pinned to the cold concrete floor. Letting out a quick chuckle as to try and make the situation a little less awkward, you attempted to get up once more.
"J-Jacket...? I think- I think we're safe now-" It only took a few seconds before you found both your mask and Jacket's thrown to the side, the lack of his mask now revealing his reddened face and almost feral expression. His eyes stared into yours with a feverish yet lucid glow, his face starting to inch closer and closer to yours. "Jacket what are you-"
You were cut off as he rammed his chapped lips against your own, his kiss animalistic and rough in nature. It was only after he pulled away when he realized what he did, his grip weakening and his eyes widening. Jacket was about to reach for his tape recorder, but you stopped him, your voice weak but words clear as day:
"K-keep going~"
"Damn it, FALL BACK! NOW!" You could hear Captain Winters screaming the demand into the radio, causing you to nearly panic, more so that you already are. You knew the Payday gang would put up a fight, but if Captain Winters himself was telling units to fall back, then you know something was wrong. You glanced up at your fellow colleague, a Skulldozer that you were good friends with, who was just shooting down an unfortunately no longer fellow cop. You would be gloomy about the fact, but you had no time for that, as the two of you were on the fourth floor and in immediate danger.
You were just about to whisper to him about the Captain's demands, but when you felt a bullet just barely graze your armor, your attention was pulled away. You focused your gaze in front of you, now seeing one of the masked criminals with a submachine gun slowly approaching you. Your face paled upon the sight, now frantically looking for a way out. You caught a glance of what the Dozer was facing, and much to your dismay, you found that the both of you were being closed in on by two of the clown-faced criminals.
Squeezing your eyes shut and ready to accept your fate, you were pulled out of your trance of fear, as well as being pulled out of the hall the two of you were in and into a room. It was only a matter of seconds before you realized that the Skulldozer had pulled you into a room nearby, holding you closely by the waist as he looked around for a hiding spot.
Just as the door to the room was kicked open by one of the gang members, you two had just barely managed to squeeze yourselves into a closet, holding your breaths and praying that he would leave soon. Luckily, upon scanning the room, the criminal backed out of the place, giving you the opportunity to gasp for air.
"Oh thank god-" You managed to say inbetween gasps. You pulled the mask obscuring your face down, revealing your pink-tinted cheeks and slightly ajar mouth. "God- all this can really work up someone's heat, huh?"
"Hehe...yeah.." Dozer responded quietly to you, in which you found oddly concerning. It was clear how draining the situation was, but usually he'd have some sort of witty remark or joke to respond to you with, but he seemed a bit sluggish this time around.
"Hey...are you okay?" You hummed, reaching your gloved hand out to the Dozer. He seemed to back away just a little bit upon your approach, causing you to retract your hand instead. "Do you need be to get Winters to call an extraction team? I can-"
"I-it's really hot in here..." He whimpered out, his legs trembling within his heavy armor. You were about to ask if he needed any help taking his armor or anything off, but you were cut off by his voice as well as your flustered response to it: "Or maybe you're just heating up the room~?"
"I- y-you-" Your face was nearly as red as your uniform, your nervous stuttering eliciting a chuckle from the Dozer that was pressed up against you.
"Y'know..." Dozer hummed, flipping his face plate up so you could see his lustful expression through the glass of his helmet, his other hand pressed against the wall next to your head as he purred:
"Maybe we can have some fun while we're still here~"
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i-willstealyourtoes · 4 months
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can i have
houston x reader x hoxton headcanons
where the reader gets easily flustered [specifically by the two]
and both of them take notice and are like
“hey i bet i can fluster them more”
and it becomes like- a competition
bonus if it becomes spicy 👁👁
I AM SO SORRY I TOOK SO LONG 😭 Ur girlie was going through it with writers block and so forth
Houston + Hoxton flustering their s/o
- Okay starting off, I totally think pre-relationship they were at each other's throats (more than usual, I mean)
- It took a lot of convincing (on your side) for them to eventually agree with a polyamourous relationship
- And even after they agreed, they still fought
- Yo ass ain't winning 💀
- But whilst it was usually them sabotaging eachother pre-relationship, now it's just them trying to one-up one another
- Expect at the start of the relationship for them to be rather clingy, with Houston's arm around one side of your waist and Hoxton's round another (yes, it was really awkward but also funny)
- Both of them make it a competition to see who can make you fold faster
- Which I relatively easy, considering you might as well be an omelette the way you fold (as requested by crunchy)
- Hoxton would slide beside you on the couch and wrap an arm around you, using that voice (you know what I mean) to get you blushing
- "Hello, love. How're you doing?"
- He would purposely move the hair behind your ear (if that isn't possible, he'd probably just caress your face a little)
- Houston would notice this, and sit on the other side, completely ignoring Hoxton and putting all his attention on you
- "Hey babe. Look at me, would you?"
- They would totally eye eachother (the girls are fightingggg)
- Houston would use his finger and glide it across the underside of your chin, guiding you to face him
- "That's my girl/man/partner."
- Hoxton sees the way you blush strongly, and while he does revel in your flustered expression, he also grumbles in annoyance knowing that Houston won this time
- Don't worry, he'll win the next time ;)
- A few days later, he comes up to randomly whilst you're working at your desk and just pulls you up by the shirt and pushes you against the wall
- (Fictional men RAHHHHH)
- "Did you think I'd let him win? I thought you knew me better, love..."
- Houston was literally about to go flirt with you again when he saw you and Hoxton
- He definitely left trying to think about what to do to one-up this
- Hoxton passed by him a few moments later, his hair a little messy and his tie a little out of place (if you wear lipstick then he definitely has some marks on him now)
- "Beat that, wanker."
- By the end of the week, you had both of them pinning you to a wall, Hoxton on one side and Houston on the other
- "Come on love, come with me..."
- "I could treat you so much better, baby..."
- Hoxton would glare at Houston, and Houston would do the same
- "Don't listen to him, love, you know I'd give you a good time..."
- "I'd have you screaming within minutes, you know that, babe..."
- You manage to push past the extreme flustered feeling to remind them that they're both with her, and they shouldn't be fighting (though it is quite amusing)
- They would argue and say something like 'he started it', but they know that'd be unfair and they did agree to this
- They'd stop trying to compete... for like a week
- Expect your life to be a roller-coaster of romance and slight competition for your love (even though you can give it to them both)
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Rachel Daly x Reader
Part Two: Dashed Hopes
AN: Shoutout to @yourwosogirly and @ac3may for helping me through the writers block this chapter gave me, ly 🧡
Turning up at camp and shuffling towards the building with your bags you couldn’t help but recognise the familiar blonde figure on the steps out front with her new beau. Too far across the car park to turn back without looking suspicious you had to keep walking, hoping to anything godly that neither would notice you. “Oh my god! (Y/n) is that you?” screeched the familiar voice of your ex best friend. Fuck. Time to put that Drama GCSE to good use! “Oh my god! Becky? I haven’t seen you in years!” you squealed in fake excitement as you pulled her in for a hug. “Wait.. you know each other?” Rachel seemed surprised yet extremely worried about the altercation that was happening in front of her. “Yeah we used to be besties, what happened to that?” Becky twirled her hair around her fingers as she pretended to forget why you fell out years ago. “You shagged our best mate’s boyfriend” you said bluntly, the fake smile wiped away and resting bitch face firmly back in her place. “And now you’re shagging my ex! Funny how things change aih.. unlike your clothes” tugging at the shirt hanging off of the brunette’s slim body. “Rach, you took my favourite shirt? I’ve been looking for this for weeks!” You knew exactly what you were doing but why the hell is she wearing your shirt? You wanted to rip it off her along with the extensions glued to her head. Unfortunately you have a reputation to uphold now and had to deal with things amicably, no matter how much you wanna hit her. “Wait, this is.. yours?!” Becky exclaimed disgusted at how she was wearing an ex’s shirt that she thought was her girlfriend’s. “Yeah.. Rach used to love me in this, didn’t you babe?” smiling sweetly and stroking Rachel’s arm, determined to wind them up as much as possible before you have to act professional until the end of August. Rachel visibly gulped as she scratched the back of her head which was her tell for when she was feeling awkward. “It’s sooo nice to see you both again, byeee!” Lies. Big fat lies. The extremely heavy sarcastic sweetness that rolled out of your mouth was undeniably two faced. You thought you’d be more hurt seeing them together but you kept your horoscope this morning at the forefront of your mind - you’ll be tested today but remember you’re better than them - couldn’t have been more true if it tried!
Strutting into the welcome meeting feeling like all the cards were in your hand, you were pleased to see some of your old friends again. There was a few you played with for England when you were younger and made your way over to sit with Georgia and Keira. Your overnight plane from America had only landed a few days ago and the jet lag was starting to catch up on you now - hoping Sarina’s talk would be quick so you could get some sleep. Your dreams of a few hours shut eye were quickly shattered, Sarina clearly hadn’t got the memo and bunked you up with none other than your ex. For fuck sake Sarina! Asking to have a quiet word with her after everyone left she said that if you found someone to swap with you could but was stern when she added “if you can’t work with her then we’re going to have to discuss your position on the team”. Brilliant. Get along with your run away bride or get kicked from the team, what an ultimatum. You’d been fighting to be recognised from over the pond for years, Rachel was gonna get a call up no matter where in the world she was but not you. You’d climbed the England ranks since 15 but knew moving to America would put your national career on the line. You were convinced you’d have made the senior team a lot sooner if you had stayed in the WSL.
Dragging your bags up to your room you stood with your hand on the door knob for some time before gathering up the courage to enter. You didn’t need to be nervous as the bags dumped on the bed told you Rachel had gone elsewhere. The luggage reminded you of how she would never unpack from travelling and it drove you insane. Busy sorting out your things you didn’t hear your ex enter until you came out of the bathroom. “Hey” she mumbled awkwardly as you both clocked each other. Moving your headphones to sit around your neck so you didn’t seem rude, “hi” you replied in a way that was unsure about how this was going to work. “I took this bed as I know you don’t like being next to the door but I can move if that’s changed” she said picking at her fingernails. You replied that you’re fine where you are and started listening to your music again while continuing to unpack. That was until your headphones died and threw them onto the bed disgruntled at how you’ve now got to listen to your ex breath the same air as you. Spending what felt like forever in silence until Rachel made the first move “I’ll get your shirt back to you” her voice somewhat perky like she was trying. There’s nothing you would want more, the way it was slightly faded and shrunk a little in the wash made it show your belly button. It was your old uni top and you loved how it reminded you of simpler times but your voice didn’t say that. “No it’s okay, it looks good on her” you shrugged, it wasn’t a lie per se but it wasn’t the whole truth - it deffo looks better on you and Rachel seemed to think so as well. “It looked good on you too” she said quietly looking over at you. Well you didn’t expect to hear that today! “Yeah it did, thats why it was my favourite” you hammered back with the same stiff eye contact she was giving you. “That’s why I kept it” she shrugged, “what to give to your next fiancée?”. Oops, that was meant to come out jokey but it deffo came out defensive and argumentative. “No, she wasn’t meant to find it” throwing her legs over the side of her bed and putting her face in her hands. “She tidied the house while I was out one day and found it, I couldn’t tell her it was yours. It still smelt of you and when I was sad I’d hold it. She washed it and put it on, I was so mad but I didn’t really have the right to be angry with her.” Rachel stood up from the bed “(y/n) I hate what I did to you, I just missed England so bad after the Euros, I needed to be with my family” she tried to win you over, to be honest the first part of her speech was quite cute but the last part hit a nerve. “I was your family too Rach, we were getting married! Do you know how humiliating that was for me? Calling all the suppliers, all of the guests, telling my family that my future wife had ran away? Just left me in a strange country you convinced me to move to!” your arms were flailing and your voice was raising. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it to turn out this way!” she pleaded but you had seen red. “Then what the fuck did you mean to happen? You didn’t talk to me, you just left! You kissed me and said you loved me, waited til I fell asleep then fucked off on the first plane out of Texas!” you yelled. “I’m not proud of my actions” she said approaching you from across the floor “(y/n) let me explain, please sit down” grabbing your hand and trying to guide you towards the bed but you were determined not to get pulled into her sob story and snatched your arm away. “Your time for explaining was the minute you thought about leaving, now get the fuck out my face!” Pushing past her to reach the door, maybe you should have taken the bed closer to it for a quicker escape.
Bursting into Millie and Mary’s room where some of the others had gathered, “eurgh!” you bellowed making your entrance known “someone swap with me! I can’t stay in that room with her!” pleading with your teammates. “(Y/n), you’re gonna have to get along with her for the sake of the team” Mary tried to reason with you. “I could do that a lot better by not bunking with her” begging the girls to swap rooms with you but they were all settled and didn’t want to move their stuff again. “Millie please, you’re her best friend why wouldn’t you wanna bunk with her? I’ll do your laundry until we leave” trying to bribe your ex’s best friend. “I think it’ll be good for you two to talk things over” she said taking you in for a hug. You sighed feeling defeated, “what’s there to talk about? She set up a transfer without telling me and waited until she could disappear in the night! I’d rather sleep on the pitch!” throwing yourself back onto her bed in frustration. “That’s not what she said went down” Millie said confused. “Well that’s exactly what happened!” you projected around the room. “She said you broke up with her after she moved?” Mary said quizzically. How did she think the truth wouldn’t come out? Why did she tell everyone I broke up with her? “That’s absolute bollocks, you believed that? You know I loved her more than anything! I would have come home too, I wouldn’t have moved there in the first place if it wasn’t for her!” curling yourself up into a ball as the tears started to run again. “Okay, I’ll swap alright but you still need to try and get on with her.” Millie turned empathetic and stroked your back giving you comfort.
Knocking on the door Rachel was surprised to see Millie standing there with her bags. “Why did you tell us (y/n) broke up with you?” pushing past her to get inside the room. Rachel couldn’t believe you’d got someone to swap with you and that the truth was out, rolling her eyes acting like you were the one being childish. “Can you blame her for swapping?” Millie’s arms folded, sticking up for injustice came easy to her. “It was just simpler, I didn’t think she’d be here” Rachel was pacing the floor trying desperately to figure out a way to wriggle out of the mess she had made. “You didn’t think she’d get called up so you thought you’d never have to see her again? She’s an amazing player Rach, you thought you could leave your old life behind and never get found out! I’m your best friend, why did you lie to me?” Millie’s voice was raised, she was protective of the first time campers especially ones that had been wronged by someone she holds so close. “Because I knew you’d hate me!” Rachel’s eyes started to fill up with tears as she felt interrogated. “I wouldn’t hate you Rach, I’m disappointed though! You just left in the middle of the night? She was gonna be your wife!” Millie was getting more and more irate with every word that was coming out of her best friend’s mouth. “I know! I’m sorry!” Rachel yelled across the room at her. “And who the fuck is this new bird? You do know Sarina told her she’s got to get on with you to stay on the team right? You’ve put her whole career in jeopardy and she’s a bigger person than I would be cause I would have knocked you out by now!”
“Look, I don’t need both of you yelling at me okay. I know what I did was shitty but I have my reasons, no one will let me explain!” she pleaded to have her side heard. As much as Millie didn’t want to give Rachel the time of day, she was inquisitive of why she did what she did. The defender threw herself onto the bed and patted the mattress beside her for Rach to scooch in. No matter how much she was mad at her right now, she knew she must have had a good reason.
Part Three
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