#how do i break it to my parents that 1. i won't be working at camp this summer and 2. it's because i hate zionism?
smile-files · 2 months
i think the main issue in arguing with zionists is that, well, they believe in zionism! if israel did deserve to exist, then the genocide and injustice in palestine could be argued for (not like it should be, but it certainly could) -- and zionists believe israel deserves to exist.
i, unfortunately, have a large amount of experience interacting (personally) with zionism and zionists. most of those i've talked to feel for the palestinians, and the violence they are facing, but they fail to realize (or they staunchly deny) the very, very active part israel and the IDF have had in that -- and how it's representative of what the nation has always done.
at the same time, they focus more on israeli hostages than palestinian ones -- and i know, of course, that these zionist jews i've interacted with are either israeli or have loved ones in israel, and so have a very personal stake in the safety of israeli hostages (which may very well be friends or family members), but i find it strange how much emphasis they put on hamas' cruelty in taking hostages while the IDF is doing the same thing (in essence; the exact details of who's doing it worse are important to note, but not relevant right now, because folks should realize that their side is being at least as cruel as the enemy's).
recently i was drawn into an argument with an israeli zionist (who, unfortunately, is very close to the action and tragedy by being israeli), and she was incredibly offended by my anti-zionism and my opposition to israel's abject cruelty to palestinian citizens, as it seemed (to her) like i was bypassing the cruelty hamas has enacted on israeli citizens -- which is very telling. i've noticed that we as jews have the tendency, whatever the situation may be, of focusing more on our pain than the pain of others, even if we are the ones hurting them. that person has every reason to be scared and hurt, and i'd be lying if i said her response wasn't at least somewhat sympathetic, but her pain in this horrible, violent conflict does not invalidate the pain on the other side. jews, throughout this recent crisis, have consistently not talked in depth about the constant losses in palestine -- am i suddenly being callous by focusing on those losses, and not our own? (YOUR PAIN AND THEIRS AREN'T MUTUALLY EXCLUSIVE, YOU DOLT! sorry...)
because it all comes down to believing in israel! my mom has always told me about how beautiful it is there, about her time living on a kibbutz... and sure, it might be nice. i can't argue with that. but why is it that our nationalism for israel is so strong, so virulent? i have not seen patriots as loyal for any other country. and when you criticize israel, israelis feel like you're criticizing their entire existence -- and many non-israeli jews do, as well. because zionism has been built so deep into the modern religion! it's made to be a necessary piece! belief in it is the default!
and, from the inside looking in, i can't be surprised that many jews take anti-zionism as being antisemitic -- because, to them, israel and zionism stand as the pinnacle of safety and support for the jewish people. it is impossible to argue with them about anything above that base layer, as the base layer itself serves as a foundation: so long as a jew thinks that israel is right, deserved, and necessary, no proof will sway them into hating israel. it's just impossible, and that's very frustrating.
for me in particular, i find it very frustrating, as this single idea has turned so many people i know to support a genocidal entity. they believe in and support israel, so they stand with it now -- even if they condemn its current actions, they neglect how those actions are just an extension of its inherent existence -- whether they think israel's doing the right thing or wrong thing right now, they don't really care at the end of the day, because israel, to them, is necessary in keeping the jewish people alive. they stand with it, thinking that jews can only stand at all if they do.
but a genocidal crutch is no crutch at all: it only breaks us more. zionist jews make me so mad, and the worst part is that i could never express that to them in a way they'll understand.
#melonposting#anti-zionism#israel#i am so madddd and frustrated and stressed#with the whole camp thing going on my parents will inevitably find out (and soon!) that i'm anti-zionist#and given their age and proximity -- they're so deeply entrenched in zionism that i can't even hope to sway them#it's so sad and scary (i don't want them to be mad at me -- even though that really isn't the important thing here)#but it's also philosophically bizarre... like these people have good principles!#it's just this one tiny stupid thing (believing in israel) that's effectively turned them into bad people!#<- it's weird saying something like that. because i don't think they're bad people. but they're zionist.#part of it is that they're my parents and i love them but also... they're so good otherwise. a single thing went wrong.#(okay well not a single thing but it's generally minute things y'know?)#i don't wanna hate my parents. and i don't want them to hate me. can they please for the love of god stop#(takes every jew i know by the shoulders and shakes them back and forth) PLEAAAASE FOR THE LOVE OF GOD STOPPPPPPP#anyway it's very hard for me to do work because i have this on my mind.#how do i break it to my parents that 1. i won't be working at camp this summer and 2. it's because i hate zionism?#i'm not cut out for situations like these ughhhhh why did i have to post that stupid anti-zionist instagram story in march#i could've just chosen not to take the job on my own accord and have enough time to come up with an excuse for my parents#whatever. too late for that. i dug my grave and now must lie in it#i guess it's character-building?? :')
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exhaslo · 7 months
Puzzle Pieces Pt. 2
(Mafia!Miguel x Shy!Reader)
Part 1
Warning: Eventual Smut so Minors DNI, mentions of abuse, blood, murder, language, fluff, bullying, mentions of sex
Normally, the inside of a freezer would be packed with boxes of meat or other cold food. Normally, a freezer would just be a place where workers popped in, grabbed the item they were looking for, and popped out. Unfortunally, this was no normal freezer. Behind the large wall of maze like boxes, was a large room.
Miguel's lazy gaze followed out of the maze and into the ice cold room. There, in the middle, was a man hanging upside down. Miguel's men all moved away from the hanging man, waiting for their boss' order. Miguel let out a quick sigh, watching his breathe.
"I only like to be this cold in the winter," Miguel started as he walked around the upside down, "What month is it?"
The prisoner just spat towards the floor, refusing to answer. His scowl towards Miguel and his men was filled with anger. Miguel scoffed in response and snapped his fingers. In and instant, Ben punched the man in the stomach. Peter bend down and grabbed the enemy by the hair.
"I don't like repeating myself."
"Tch, September." The man hissed. Miguel scoffed again,
"So winter is still a ways away." He stood in front of the man and pulled out a large meat cutting tool, "Vulture has some nerve having his men enter my territory. Looks like I'll have to teach him a lesson again."
"Kill me all you want, but Vulture won't be shaken by the likes of you!"
"Kill?" Miguel snorted, his cruel laugh echoing the freezer, "You must be new. We Spiders don't kill-"
Peter and Ben dropped the man to the ground, ignoring his grunts. The two brought him to a chair and held him down. Miguel's smirk grew wider as he approached the man slowly,
"Simplemente romperemos cada hueso de tu cuerpo. Una vez que hayas aprendido tu error, haremos lo que hacen las arañas y te sacaremos de tu miseria. (We'll just break every bone in your body. Once you learned your mistake, then we'll do as Spiders do and put you out of your misery.)"
It was finally time for you to go home. Your body was exhausted from working. If everyday was going to be like this, you honestly might not last. Slowly making your way out of the supermarket with some groceries, you whimpered. After walking a block, you finally cried. It was such a rough day.
The sheer pressure of everyone's presence was going to break you. Rubbing your eyes, you whimpered as people passed you by without a care. That was normal. It was normal. Shuddering a sigh, you continued to walk to your new home. No one ever checked up on you. No one ever thought to care how your feelings were. So why bother now?
Once you finally arrived home, you put your groceries away, showered and plopped onto your bed. You were too tired to make dinner. Too tired to check your laundry. Reaching for your phone, you double checked your alarms in case you fell asleep. As you did, you saw a text from one of your friends.
'Hey, so I know you don't want Eddie to know you moved, but like, he seems really worried.'
Your eyes started to tear up. Some friend. They were falling right into Eddie's palm. This was why you only told your parents and like two people about your sudden move. You had hoped they would keep a secret, but you should have known better. Which was why you never told them where in NYC you were.
'Don't tell him.' Was all you replied with.
This wasn't fair. You moved away for a reason. All you could do was hope that your parents and your two friends would stay quiet. Sobbing into your pillow, you curled into a ball and wept yourself to sleep.
If any part of you was ready for a vacation, it was your eyes. They had bags all packed up and ready to go. You had been living in Nueva York for about one month now. It was still a hard adjustment for you. The trains scared you, your neighborhood scared you, your job scared you and your past haunted you.
"The usual?" Your supervisor questioned.
You raised your head tiredly, knowing that phrase by now. It was the handsome man from your first day. He only appeared every now and then to either pick something up or to do into the freezer. If not him, then one of his men.
"Number two, zero, nine, nine."
"Yes, sir."
That was a code you still couldn't memorize. Once your supervisor left, you slowly turned to place your wrapped meat into the display case. Your gaze focused on the handsome man before you, captivated by his intense stare. You could feel your heart race as it felt like he was glaring into your soul.
Miguel had entered the supermarket, wanting to grab a quick bite to eat. He was in the area and wanted to escape his lackeys. They were about to have a meeting with another mafia gang, but Miguel had no intension of making peace.
Approaching the deli, Miguel inhaled deeply. It was busy and loud. He tilted his head, looking for the shy bunny, aka you. Once he spotted you, Miguel furrowed his brows. He approached the supervisor, demanding his usual. Once the Supervisor left, Miguel got a better look at you.
You faced him and froze. Those wide glossy eyes of yours had a wave of exhaustion. Your skin looked paler despite the redness of your cheeks. Miguel could see you tremble as you made eye contact with him. Your face turning even redder. It made him chuckle. Miguel was both amused and annoyed.
"You've gotten thinner, conejita (bunny). Are you not eating properly?" Miguel asked out of concern. Your lips parted ever so slightly,
"N-Not...um...N-Not really...B-But that's m-my fault." You whispered, shaking from his pressence.
Miguel's eyes widen as he finally heard your soft and sweet voice. It was like honey to his ears. You were so quiet that he almost didn't hear you either. Miguel watched as you played with your fingers, your sleeves rubber banded against your wrists. He furrowed his brows, wondering why they weren't rolled up any higher.
"What's your name?" Miguel asked. You flinched, glancing up at him again,
"(Y/N)." You answered.
"So sorry, sir! She's still learning the ropes here!" The Supervisor panicked as he rushed over with Miguel's order. Miguel nearly shot him a glare,
"I spoke to her first." He said and returned his gaze towards you, "It was a pleasure, (Y/N). Until next time."
You felt your breathing return to normal as Miguel parted you with a goodbye. The way your name rolled off his tongue sounded so sweet. It almost made your heart flutter. Almost. Your fear of him was far greater than admiring him.
Returning to work, you couldn't get Miguel off your mind. You had known his name for a while, but now he finally knew yours. That and he even noticed that you lost weight. Not even your closest friends or family noticed back home. Your shoulders sunk at the thought. Were you losing too much weight now?
It was hard. You always got home tired and didn't feel like doing much of anything. Whenever you did manage to make food, it was something simple and unhealthy. This lifestyle wasn't working out for you. Perhaps you needed to schedule a doctor's appointment and get professional advice?
"M-Maybe...I'll do that...later." He mumbled to yourself.
Miguel made his way out of the supermarket, still thinking about you. He entered his vehicle, letting his driver take him back to his headquarters. You were so shy. Not like any of the other girls. Leaning back in his seat, Miguel glanced over to the woman whom he fucked earlier that day.
What did he have to do to hear your moans? You weren't going to give him anything fake. Miguel resisted a chuckle as he licked his lips at the thought. His cock buried deep into your shaking body. Your moans coming out almost pornographic as he ravished you. Oh, the thought couldn't be anymore sweeter.
"Parece que tengo un conejito que cazar. (Looks like I have a bunny to hunt.)"
Next chapter
@migueloharacumslut @18lkpeters @deputy-videogamer @leahnicole1219 @synamonthy @thedevax @jolynesposts @thraetor @freehentai @2099hitmylineyline
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cas-writes-stuff-ig · 4 months
Part 2 of Cheering Her Up (A Party)
f!/nb! reader x regina george
Word Count: 3094
Reader is working on performing for the Winter Talent Show
singing for Regina
secret relationship
Jealous Regina
Jealous Reader
smut (shower sex) (drunk sex) (jealousy)
kinda will get angsty after this
(those band geeks/people who play music in the background in the new Mean Girls movie? yeah that's who the reader is friends with)
Part 1 of Cheering Her Up
Part 3 of Cheering Her Up
this was supposed to be a one-shot but idk I had an idea because i get inspired by songs and then make up scenarios in my head. its gonna get a little sadder soon so sorry DW they'll end up together <3
Soona is a person who was apologized to, who plays music in the background for the songs (plays guitar and drums)
("Soona, I'm sorry I said you were dragging during 'Revenge Party' There was just like, so much pressure on us to move the story forward through the montage. Like you know how it is" (1:22:24 in the movie))
I made Soona date the girl in the beanie (plays bass and drums)
I heavily based this off the 2024 version, but I switched around some of the events back to 2004
(2004: October Party/Aaron and Regina get back together -> Talent Show -> Aaron and Regina break up -> "You can't sit with us" -> Burn Book scene)
(2024: October Party/Aaron and Regina get back together -> Aaron and Regina break up -> Talent Show -> "You can't sit with us" -> Burn Book scene)
Regina finished her brownie and you scarfed yours down unceremoniously. You covered your mouth and spoke while you chewed “Shit sorry, I’ve been smelling brownies for an hour and I was starving” she just rolled her eyes at you. “Want another?”
Regina paused a pained expression painted her face for a moment, then she put her wall back up “I’m fine thanks”
You decided to let it go and then the front door opened, “Regina?” her mom walked in “You having a party in here?” you grabbed your phone and turned down the music.
Regina's little sister Kylie ran inside after her mom and waved at you excitedly. Kylie liked it when you were around because you'd scold Regina if she was being mean to her. Kylie just ran up to her room to change.
“Hey mom” Regina greeted but she was dismissive as most kids are with their parents
“Hi Mrs. George,” her mom liked you, but she was naive to the true nature of your relationship with her daughter. You grinned “I made brownies, sorry it’s a mess. I’ll clean it up”
“Oh! That’s so nice of you. Thank you, hun, don’t worry about the dishes, darling” She put her bag down walked toward the sink, and started washing them. “I’ve got it, I know you guys have homework. Regina be nice yeah?”
Her mom said that every time you were over because the first time you were at her house, you worked with Regina at the kitchen table, and she heard her daughter call you “…a fucking nerd”
“Yeah, whatever Mom,” she stood up and started walking toward the stairs. You thanked her mom, rushed to take off the apron, hung it up, and dashed up the stairs. She walked into her room, and you soon followed inside and shut the door.
She just slipped back into her bed and went on her phone. You sat on the bed and kicked off your shoes, and were worried “Hey ‘Gina?”
“Mm?” She looked up at you briefly, and then back down at her phone.
You paused and didn’t say anything for a moment “…Gina, do you wanna talk about what happened earlier?” That same pained expression panned over her face. You just touched her knee and rubbed soothing circles into it. "It's okay if you don't wanna talk about it."
She sighed, "It's just me, don't worry about it, kay?" you gave her a look.
She then pulled you to lay next to her and lifted your arm to lay on your shoulder, head resting at the crook of your neck. "I won't push it" you added after she got comfortable.
She pulled out her phone and rested it on your stomach scrolling through her apps. You took your own phone out and checked your grades on there. Regina opened her camera roll, the most recent item was a short video of you, you immediately recognized your own voice and she had this shit-eating grin on her face.
It was you just fifteen minutes ago, you watched yourself wearing the rather girly apron, singing, and pulling brownies out of the oven. "Regina! Oh my God, delete that, please. That's actually so embarrassing" you face palmed.
She laughed and said "Absolutely not," and sat up "Don't worry, it's for my eyes only" She told the truth because she couldn't show the video to anyone else or else they'd ask what you're doing in her house baking brownies for.
"You're so mean to me," you said with no real bite in your voice. "Your mom said to be nice to me Regina" You didn't ask her again to delete it, because once she made a decision she usually stuck by it, she always got her way with you.
She scoffed and said "I am being nice" and leaned back toward you, kissing your collarbone. It made you stop breathing for a moment, your body got stiff as she kept kissing your neck.
"God Regina, I have homework" you mustered out, she left a dark red hickey that peaked out just a little bit from your shirt, then she licked your neck "Shit" she was getting you worked up.
"It's fucking Friday tomorrow loser, chill out, it can wait an hour" She whispered seductively in your ear. Regina was right though so you submitted to her whims
"Duck, stay the night" She leaned against the bed sheets.
"Okay princess," you rolled your eyes "Anything for you," you said sarcastically, but you meant it. Regina pointed towards her closet and you found some of her more comfortable loose shirts to wear to bed. "Can I grab my guitar to practice for maybe thirty minutes though? Me and my group are practicing some songs for the Winter Talent show"
"Are you singing?" Regina asked smiling.
"If you make fun of me, I'll sleep in my fucking car, Regina" You made an empty threat. "I'm playing guitar, and doing background vocals. I'm the main singer for the last song only. I just wanna practice with the music in the back"
Your band for the Talent Show consisted of people from the Band Geeks (though you weren't part of the school band yourself). The four of you were versatile in your music skills, also being able to sing lead and backup interchangeably.
You only practiced one of your songs and opted to play ones you knew well for Regina. "I thought it was only one song?" Regina asked you.
"Thought I'd show off a little bit" you looked down at the fret board, she watched your fingers move.
"You serenading me Duck?"
You cozied into her arms too easily, over the summer, spending nights with her had conditioned you to never get up before 10AM. So you couldn't rely on your body clock to wake you up.
You set an alarm for 7AM so she could do her makeup and choose an outfit. You had left a small amount of clothes in her wardrobe that was neatly hidden away, for the nights you slept over.
In the morning you brushed her hair back and pressed a kiss to her forehead "Gina babe, you gotta get up" I brought you the brownies I made.
She sat up and smiled at you "Thanks Ducky" Shit, that smile could send you to the stars.
"Of course Gina"
That day, at the cafeteria. You slipped off your backpack and sat down across the table from Janis, and Damian. It was the third week of your Junior year.
You never stayed for the entire duration of lunch, just to eat and run to a study room where you could get some actual silence or hang out with the Soona and band you were friends with. And you never knew that Janis and Damian were using Cady to take Regina down.
Damian gasped dramatically, it surprised you. "What's that on your neck!?" Shit, your backpack moved your shirt down revealing part of the hickey Regina gave you. Some heads turned toward your table.
Janis looked "Who you hook up with?" They both leaned in.
You were bright red "No one" You and Regina actually hid your secret pretty well, which you both greatly appreciated. But you hung out with a few people, which is why they pushed harder for an answer.
Damian leaned forward "Who?"
"No one, leave it," You said, it came out a little mean since you were stressed. "Sorry" you decided to tell part of the truth and you softened up "They're not out yet, I can't say" they yielded and switched gears.
"Is that why you've been all glow-y this semester? Your face has gay painted all fucking over it." Damian gestured with his hands pointing at you.
"Please stop talking" You pressed your temples
"Fine" They changed the topic.
"Oh Cady told us of a party happening tonight," Janis said, but you didn't really pay attention
You said "Okay" and then just looked down at your phone and texted Regina. Her contact on your phone was discreet enough, it was just her initials backward. The only thing that hinted that it could be Regina was the picture of a Jeep from the internet.
You knew your contact name, but of course, you had a rubber ducky as a profile picture on her phone.
Duck: "G, they saw the mark you left yesterday"
GR: "so what? you didn't say anything right?"
Duck: "no of course not"
GR: "then we're fine"
You could see Regina looking down at her phone too where she sat with the Plastics and Cady.
You kept observing Regina, Gretchen was next to her and leaned over. "Who's 'Duck'? New guy?"
"Jesus Gretchen, haven't you heard of privacy?" Regina scolded her.
After school, you drove home and Facetimed Regina "Party tonight right?" you asked.
"Mmhm, you gonna go?" Regina was also rummaging through her clothes
"Yeah," you said and put on just a black T-shirt, jeans, and a brown jacket. "How do I look?" You propped your phone up to show her.
"Lame, but fine" Regina responded
"That was mean Gina" It stung a little but you were fine. "Oh remind me to send you the set list we're practicing," You asked her.
"Shit, gotta go Duck. Karen, Gretchen, and Cady are coming to my house to get ready" She looked at the messages on her phone "I'll see you later" she quickly hung up. You changed your shirt to a loose tank top, which revealed your toned arms and the hickey, you wanted to exact a little revenge on Regina and make her a little jealous.
Soona and the gang brought you to the party. You've been at this guy's house party three times over the summer. You grabbed a red solo cup and took it to the dance floor, and your friends joined you.
You normally didn't get this drunk unless you were with only a few people, because you lost your inhibitions a little too much. The only thing on your mind was Regina. Regina. Regina. Regina.
Your head buzzed and you looked for the familiar blonde, she was in the middle of the dance floor grinding up against some jock, which happened to be Shane Oman.
You got jealous, and when you were drunk you didn't think thoroughly. Regina didn't fuck anyone else besides you for a while, you understood 'friends with benefits' implied you were not obligated to monogamy.
You had decided to mess with Regina a little more, you joined a girl who was known for queer baiting, you didn't kiss her, but you definitely got touchy, she was lifting your shirt a little. You felt Regina staring daggers at you.
After a while, you excused yourself to the upstairs bathroom where there were far fewer people here. You wondered if that was enough to get a rise out of Regina. Then a knock at the door. "Occupied" you yelled out.
"Let me in, bitch" It was Regina's voice.
'Oh shit' You thought. You wanted to anger her enough that she texted you to come over to her house, but she broke your unspoken rule to not approach each other at parties or school. You opened the door "Shit Regina. No one saw you come in here ri-"
She slammed the door shut and shoved you against the wall, her left hand snaked around your neck, not enough to restrict air, but enough to show you how mad she was. "You're stupid," she said angrily. You looked up at her, your head still buzzed.
"Gina I-" You tried speak, but her hand squeezed a little tighter for a moment, before loosening her grip to grab your jaw.
"I'm gonna leave this party, and you're gonna meet me down this fucking block. We're going home" Regina's voice was full of venom. "Do you understand?" you could smell the alcohol on her breath, and the smell of her perfume.
You let out a faint "Yes"
She called an Uber and you stood behind her like a kicked puppy. You were in deep shit. It was already 2AM when you left the party so everyone in Regina's house was asleep.
When you got to her house she practically dragged you up the stairs and pushed you onto the bed roughly "The fuck you think you were doing at that party?" She's never been so angry at you before.
"Regina, I'm sorry I-" you stuttered, she was mad at you and it scared you. But the alcohol in your blood and the way she towered over you, making you feel helpless, made your core ache with need.
She stripped off her shirt and straddled your hips, Regina took your arms and held them above your head. "You're a fucking tease" You were both still incredibly drunk.
"Regina, I'm sorry let me make it up to you" You pleaded with her.
She wore a mean smile "And how do you plan on doing that baby" You tried to wriggle yourself out of her grip, but she used her entire body to keep you down.
The more you tried to escape, the more pathetic you looked. Face flushed, pinned under the prettiest girl you've ever seen. "Shit, I'll do whatever you ask Gina, just say the word"
"Yeah baby?" she smiled "Whatever I ask?"
"Yes," you said breathily, though it was hot, you were scared of losing her favor. You wanted to be in her life as much as possible, you were obsessed. Anything to please her.
"Strip, get in the shower" She let go of your arms, climbed off you, and rid herself of the rest of her clothes. She turned her back towards you and walked toward the bathroom, then without turning, she crooked her finger, telling you to come follow her.
She didn't need to turn around to know you were watching her every movement. She turned the shower on and walked inside "Kneel" You did, she looked at your mouth and then down between her legs. Water beat down your back. "You know what to do baby" You nodded and started to gently kiss her clit, "Don't tease, just get on with it" Your slow kisses to her pussy turned into you sucking on it hard.
You looked up at her, and you made eye contact. She moaned then said "Keep that up baby, and I might forgive you" she gripped the back of your hair and it made you whine into her pussy. "Fuck- use your fingers too babe" Coating your fingers in her slick before slipping two fingers inside of her.
"God you feel so good," she said as you started rhythmically curling your fingers inside her cunt, you took your free hand and held her up. "Oh fuck" she arched her back and pushed her hips hard into your face. You kept your pace while she rode out her orgasm. She pulled your head away, and when she let go you just kissed her thighs.
"You satisfied, Gina?" you still were on your knees she brought you up and kissed you
"No, nerd. I wanna break you" Regina knelt now and saw her there you ached for her to just get on with it. Eating her out pulled obscene sounds out of her and made you wet, and she swiped a finger through your slit. "You're so wet," Then she slid two fingers inside. "If I let you finish, you gonna promise to be good for me, baby?"
Her thumb started to circle your clit "Sh-shit, yes Gina"
"Look at me" you looked down and she pressed your clit hard.
"Fuck Regina, I'll be good" you swore.
"Promise me?"
"Promise" You gasped out as she increased her pace.
Heat gathered in your stomach and your skin felt hot. You closed your eyes and tilted your head back, moaning Regina's name like a prayer. "Gina- fuck, I-"
"Words baby" Regina cooed.
You panted trying to speak, you finally gasped out "Gina, can I finish, please? please?"
She smirked "Only because you're so cute when you beg" She sped up "Come for me, come for your owner baby"
You covered your mouth in fear of waking up everyone in the house. Your body felt like a firework, and Regina knew how to play you like a violin.
She stood and kissed you, and her anger had dissolved. Just as you regained your breath, there she was to steal it away from you again.
You knew Regina was a bitch, but you couldn't help but melt into her touch when she washed your hair or kissed your shoulder. Her attention was intoxicating.
You lay in bed with Regina and brushed her hair behind her ear. "Gina, about you kissing Shane tonight." you paused to really think about your words. "I know we aren't together like that, but you know me, if you start dating someone else, whatever we have has to stop"
She hesitated for a second "Of course Duck" she paused again "I only did it to keep up my reputation" Regina said. It was partially true if you wanted to keep up the secret. Regina had to play her part, she had to conform, it was comphet but you didn't bring up your thoughts to her.
"Gina, I'm sorry I was acting like that at the party" You apologized for making her jealous. You knew why you were jealous, but not why she was. Did she like you? Did she just want to fuck you? You never would expect anything beyond sex and friendship from her even if it broke you inside.
But she read you easily "Hey babe, did you get jealous?" she was smug about it, and you crossed your arms. "You did huh?" She provoked you but she held your face so gently and rubbed your cheek with her thumb, that you felt your attraction to her fall far deeper than you could control.
She gave you butterflies whenever she was around. You just responded with "I'm sorry"
"It's cute, Duck, you're fine. But don't do that again yeah?" She kept holding your face "At least not with that bitch you were dancing with, she’s such a loser babe"
"Yeah, fine fine. But anyone who isn’t you or your gang is a loser to you” you teased.
"Whatever. Now come here and hold me, baby" She had you wrapped around her little finger, more so than anyone else. You felt your feelings for Regina grow, but you didn't dare to confess. You didn't want to lose what you had.
You lay on your back and Regina laid her head on your chest, then you were stroking her back and held her close to you. You kissed her forehead sweetly and lovingly, earning an adorable 'Mm', and you were getting slowly coaxed into sleep by her gentle steady breathing.
Part 3 of Cheering Her Up
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citrustan · 7 months
slipping through my fingers [1] (myg)
title: will i ever see you again?
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pairing: min yoongi x reader genre: dilf!yoongi, exes and co-parents au, angst!, fluff, smut summary: yoongi usually has an explanation for everything. why can't he talk you through this? warnings: [it is important that you read the prologue before this]
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It takes you a good five minutes to gather yourself. Yoongi doesn't dare to disturb you.
Still leaned against the wall, you take a few steady breaths.
You don't know why but you don't cry.
The news of him dating another person is enough for you to have an intense breakdown, let alone marrying someone.
This will forever serve as a reminder that you weren't enough for Yoongi.
You kind of just want to go straight to bed. Pretend this never happened. Just deal with it later.
After your break-up, a big part of you always thought you'd end up getting back together. And that no matter how long it takes, Yoongi would be your endgame. He was it for you.
Over the past year, your contact with Yoongi had reduced. He was always busy when you called. Always working.
But now that you think about it, it was you who assumed that he was working. He never claimed he was.
For all you know, he could've been dating.
Pfft. 'Could have.'
He most definitely was.
And he didn't tell you. Not even your friends told you about it.
You don't know what's worse.
You're pushing yourself away from going into a dark place. Where you begin to wonder.
The only question that refuses to budge is: What does she have that you don't?
In all honesty, you wish he never told you. You don't want to know what type of a person his future wife is. You do not want to know if they'd have children together. You do not care if they buy a house together, or if they already have one. You don't want to know.
And you don't want to think about what it'd do to Nao.
When you begin to truly register the possible consequences of Yoongi's marriage, you feel anger. It spreads through your veins in a millisecond.
Had Nao already met this woman? You doubt that because she never told you about it.
Would it be confusing for her to understand what's going on?
Is that woman going to be parenting your child too? You violently shook your head. You won't allow that.
You are her only mother.
The pressure in your chest only deepens the more you think about this.
Yoongi has stolen your peace.
How are you to move on from this? And you hadn't even confronted half of the thoughts you're having. The anger never subsides.
He's going to send you right back to therapy.
"_____?" Yoongi comes looking for you.
You cannot afford to lose your composure in front of him. You don't want to give him more reasons to be grateful for your break-up.
You had to step away for just a bit longer, "I'll be right back."
You were about to turn and hide in your room when you feel Yoongi yanking your arm back.
With a surprised yelp, you pull it back just as forceful.
"Talk to me." Yoongi pleaded with his eyes.
"I...-" You trail off. The words were caught in your throat. I don't want to see you again, ever.
This was such a disaster.
How does one move on from this?
"_____. I'm sorry." He tried again.
Yoongi had it all planned. He was going to sit you down and ease it in on you.
Instead, he chickened out and ended up dropping a bomb on you out of nowhere.
He's usually the more composed one out of the two of you, and he screwed it up.
You sigh, "I don't know why you're apologizing."
After a moment, you swiftly walk away from Yoongi and peek into the living room.
Nao's attention is still on the movie.
"Has she met Nao?"
Yoongi shook his head profusely, "I wanted your permission first."
At this you're confused.
Unable to separate your emotions, you sarcastically laugh. "My permission to let your daughter meet her father's future wife?"
It's like a bell ringing in your mind. Your laugh transitions into a bit of a manic one, "What if I told you no? What happens then?"
Yoongi kept his calm, "Then she won't meet her now." You scoff.
Immediately, you give in, having no interest in continuing this conversation. "Then do whatever you want. She's your daughter too. I can't make decisions for you."
You start to walk away from him when he stops you, "_____. Let's just... talk."
“I don’t want to.” You sternly announce.
This would be a lot easier to handle this if he just got mad at you. It’d be easy to hate him if he were being unreasonable. In all honesty, even then you’d probably never be able to truly hate him.
“_____, I’m sorry,” Yoongi softly brings your attention to him. His eyes were directed towards your feet.
It doesn’t phase you. His blanket apology for whatever happened doesn’t make up for anything.
You want to ask him what he was apologising for. But you don’t really want to go there. Not in front of Nao.
You cannot subject her to this instability anymore than you already have.
“Ask your daughter if she wants to meet your wife,” you spat, “Not me.”
Yoongi knew you were angry. He also knew exactly why. Still, he can’t bring himself to talk you through it. It’s too soon. He needs to let it simmer.
As much as you don’t want him to think (know) that you’re just bitter for very obvious reasons, that ship has already sailed.
You don’t think you can do a whole lot to salvage it. Might as well ride it out for now.
With the risk of sounding pathetic, you turn your body towards him. “How come you’re marrying someone else?”
Yoongi’s mouth opens and closes a few times before he sighs deeply.
“_____...” He coos, “I’m sorry. I don’t want to hurt you.”
There's a pause, a moment where the air seems heavy.
The noises from the TV sound muffled. Time slows down for you to hold yourself together.
“I don’t want you to ever doubt yourself, _____.”
That’s not under his control. Hell, you yourself can’t help it.
“I don’t,” you lie.
“I want you to know that it wasn’t an easy decision. I just… She broke me. I don’t know how but I changed.”
That’s what you get for respecting his boundaries.
This is a slap in your face. He better not be saying what you think he is.
“She convinced you?” You question him pointedly.
So, you could’ve ‘broken’ him too? So much for not being an overzealous girlfriend slash baby mother.
“No! I just changed my mind about-“
You wouldn’t let him finish, “No.”
“No?” Yoongi was starting to get a little agitated.
“I… don’t want to know.”
“Okay. That’s okay. Let’s talk tomorrow,” Yoongi agreed.
The two of you take a little break from the almost heated conversation you just had.
“I’ll finish up in the kitchen. Are Mimi’s bags packed?”
“Yeah, just need to get her toothbrush after she’s done.”
Your ex-boyfriend’s nickname for your daughter was Mimi, and you preferred Nao. Nao prefers Nao too but she’d never break her daddy’s heart like that.
He gives your arm a subtle squeeze as he moves past you to get back to the kitchen.
You head to Nao’s room to get her bag as she excitedly follows you in.
Turning to her, you tilt your head towards her, “Did you turn the TV off?”  
“Yes! And I unplugged the wire.”
“Good girl.” You give her a genuine smile.
You don’t know what your future is going to look like with Yoongi’s wife in the picture. What if Nao doesn’t like her? What if she doesn’t like Nao?
Your heart drops at the thought of them having a kid. What if she pushes Yoongi to leave you and Nao?
No, he’d never. You’ve got to give him more credit than that.
Is she pregnant? Is that why he wants to marry her?
You were pregnant too.
You already know you’re going to kick Taehyung’s ass for not warning you about this new woman in Yoongi’s life.
“MOMMY.” Nao’s scream brings you back.
“I’m sorry! Mama’s here. W-” - “Daddy’s calling.”
Okay. Deep breaths.
“Go on ahead, I’ll bring you your bag.” You then instruct her to brush her teeth at her dad’s.
Nao hugs your waist, burying her head into your side. It tickles a little.
Then, she runs off to find her father.
Soon, you follow her and drop her bag by the door.
Yoongi reappears from the kitchen, drying his hands with a paper towel. He stops in front of you and waits as Nao jams her feet into her pink Crocs.
Seemingly in deep thought, you stand by them. You don’t want to end tonight on a weird note. Even though you’re hurting, you can’t let him see it. For so long, you just assumed you’d find your way back to each other even though you never actively put effort into it.
Now, it seems downright outlandish.
Your next moves are not to save face but an attempt to actually move forward.
“Yoongi!” You call out to him as if he were miles away.
A little startled, he raises a brow at you in question.
“You should introduce them.” You nod, mostly to yourself.
At this, his expression changes. It’s softer and… almost aching.
“And congrats.” You added shyly. “You deserve to be happy.”
Your vision began to blur.
You gulp and smile. Yoongi knows the smile. He begins to extend his arms, inching towards you, as if he were about to embrace you.
“Mommy.” Nao winks, blows you a kiss, and runs out of the apartment, breaking whatever moment the two of you just had. You scrunch your brows at the now-empty doorway.
Yoongi scoffs in amazement.
“You should go,” you urge him out of the door, not allowing him to respond to you. “Now. Bye.”
Yoongi simply allows you to push him out, still a little stunned by the two of you.
“Make sure she does her math homework!” You get the last word in as you slam the door in his face.
Had your daughter not distracted you, you don’t know what you’d have done.
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₊˚.🎧 ✩。 underwater by red velvet ₊˚.🎧 ✩。
note: these song recommendations go great w the story!! u should give it a listen :*
thank u for all the love and attention you've given to this little project 😍
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adambja · 16 days
The Guide - the only post you will ever need to understand how your subconscious mind works!
1. Time isn't real
Let me break it to you! Time isn't real at all cuz think about it all these hours and numbers are made by humans!
But how?!
They just track how the earth moves around the sun and that's all
Yes without time there will be morning and night and still these hours aren't real
Subconscious mind reprogramming is instant
That's why I always add it to my tapes as benefits and that's why I made the benefits! cuz it bypasses the conscious mind and it makes it easier for your subconscious to make it reality!
So basically it all comes down to what you assume!!
2. Languages
I got that question a lot about what if I can't speak English, will the affirmations work?
Yes ofc they will
whatever it's affirmations only or my tapes
Even if you make your own tapes it will work!!
3. Thoughts
Is it really "it is what it is"?
Yes, it is what it is
For ex.
if you think you already got 50k US DOLLARS you already have it it's that simple (like that success story a girl experienced with one of my free tapes she manifested 50k US DOLLARS! - also this one success story - The tape is on YouTube btw)
Again it all comes down to what you assume!
4. Assuming
Assuming hmmm... Do you know that all your thoughts are assumptions?
But there are two things about these thoughts!
Did you assume that they are real and true?
Do you assume that whatever you want is already achieved?
Do you assume that you are always right?
Or did you assume that it can't happen cuz you think you are lying!
Just be honest with yourself
Get a piece of paper and write everything you think about down ABOUT A SPECIFIC MANIFESTATION YOU GOT ON YOUR MIND!
And if you think you are lying why? Ask yourself! Make all that noise go away and clear it for yourself! You deserve better
Now this gets us to another point which is your manifesting self-concept and your self-concept they are very important for ur existence like they are the core of your life! So a little advice work on them then do whatever you want!
Cuz it changes the way you think and what you assume
So like a person with a bad or mid self-concept they will always assume the worst for themselves
Another person with a good self-concept they will be aware of who they are and what they are capable of!
5. Thoughts, Feelings and beliefs!
Again and again
How you feel is created by thought
Subconscious programming → beliefs → feelings → thoughts
So if you keep saying "oh I am sad" multiple times you will be sad it's just that simple
Use it for your own good!
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And imagine what... Right now
Your beliefs will reflect in your reality after one thought instantly after reading this post so be careful cuz i already manifested this while typing this!
And listen to in control tape by me on YouTube!
Basically you can always create beliefs instantly cuz you believe that time isn't real... Did you know what we are doing here? Just assuming the best for us but you still have to be constant to get used to it and make it a part of your programming like everyday
Someone like me I enter the void every time I nap and sleep I got used to it and I don't even feel tired anymore when I wake up there and I don't use it that much anymore!
I literally enjoy how easy it is in life to do whatever I want and experience whatever I want!
6. Simple assumptions to have a good relationship with your subconscious mind
I will give you 10 affirmations from my paid subconscious mind tape at the end (I know it won't be the same as the tape itself because of the benefits but still it might help you guys!)
Do you know that your subconscious mind is here for you like a parent it's like your personal assistant - it has everything about you, your memories and it controls ur whole life it accepts every single thought you think about unless you say it it's not something you accept so it gets in your subconscious mind like "oh I don't accept this"
Even the negative statements your subconscious mind knows it negative!! Same thing with the positive statements
Like for ex.
I am not a bad person - negative statement
Your subconscious mind acknowledges it!
Your subconscious mind won't take it in like "I am a bad person" without the "not"
Even the same thing with
I am a good person - positive statement
Your subconscious mind acknowledges it TOO
IT IS simply WHAT IT IS!!
It's not the opposite at all as some weird bloggers said! Or even that book about the subconscious mind it's called "the power of the subconscious mind by Joseph Murphy" it's full of bs and limiting beliefs - I genuinely hate it
I literally saw a coach in Saudi Arabia on X (PREVIOUSLY Twitter) selling a whole course for almost 30k USD and sharing all the limiting beliefs in that book and that was months ago!
I hated how some people let some crazy stuff like that get to them without doing their own research or just creating their own rules!!
Be a little independent please for your own good
Your subconscious mind can be programmed instantly YOU DON'T NEED ANY TIME all you need to realize and understand is that yes "I always reprogram my subconscious mind instantly" and YOU JUST NEED comfort and just repeating the affs - this is a way
Another way to do it - make your own tapes and it's just repetition
Another way to do it - simply be it be whatever you want to be! Like it's already you!
One last way to do it - my free tapes + paid tapes they are very effective they work from the first listen because they have benefits again what actually made my tapes get that much success stories is the benefits
I am gonna upload 2 new free tapes they are small but very effective! Everyone here will like them!!
🎀10 Affirmations for your subconscious mind🎀
from my paid subconscious mind tape
Me and my subconscious mind are one.
My subconscious mind already accepts everything I say as true.
My subconscious mind already accepts everything think about as true.
My subconscious mind is already my best friend forever.
My subconscious mind always helps me with everything.
My subconscious mind always loves me.
My subconscious mind always helps me reach my highest potential in this lifetime!
My subconscious mind already believes what I want it to believe easily effortlessly quickly and instantly.
My subconscious mind always manifests everything I want easily effortlessly and instantly.
I have a perfect relationship with my subconscious mind.
Thank you guys for all the support and love and I hope this post helped you!
If you have any questions you can always send an ask I will be happy to answer them whenever I am free! Also you can dm me if you want a paid tape or a custom tape!
One last thing these tapes are with benefits they aren't like any other tapes that are available everywhere these days! 🎀
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annwrites · 1 month
exactly what he needs, pt. 2 ♡ ⋆。˚ | pt 1 | pt3 | pt 4
— pairing: nate jacobs x fem!reader
— type: ficlet (multi-chapter)
— summary: you & nate hang out in your room (after he snoops through it right in front of you), then ask each other questions, & he dresses & does your hair before you head out to spend the evening together.
— tags: conversing, getting to know one another
— tw: sexualization, lying (nate manipulating the truth), dollification
— word count: 6.2k
— a/n: I edited this numerous times, but fucked myself over by writing part 1 in present-tense to begin with, which I'm not always great at. So, if I messed up the tenses anywhere, please ignore it. Going forward, I'll probably be publishing further installments in past-tense.
Next post will be reader & Nate going shopping & having dinner!
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The next morning when you wake, it only takes a few minutes for you to remember that Nate will be there in a little less than an hour, and the nerves immediately set in.
Surely people will see you getting out of his truck. What will they think?
You shake your head. It doesn't matter. Not really, anyway. You don't much care what any one person of the student population thinks of you.
You know high school is just a blip—a very brief moment in time, where it seems like every little thing you experience can be the end of the world, but it's really all just the beginning.
People will think whatever they like. It's not your job to try and change their minds. Not that trying to do as much would work anyway.
Once you've quickly showered, dressed, pulled your hair into a high ponytail to keep it out of your way, and eaten breakfast, you don't even have time to wait by the door as Nate's truck pulls up. You quickly pull on a pair of boots and step outside, locking the door behind you.
When you look up, your stomach does a flip when you see Nate holding the passenger-side door open for you.
You walk over to him. "You don't have to get my door for me, you know."
He shrugs, taking your backpack from you, setting it in the backseat with his. "I want to."
You tell him thank you as you climb inside and he shuts the door behind you.
Once you're on the road, he's the first to break the silence. "You can listen to whatever you want on the radio."
In truth, it's a bit too early for music for you. "I'm ok."
"Did you eat already?"
You nod. "I had a bowl of cereal."
He gives a slight frown. Not a very healthy start to your day. Something full of sugar.
"Do you want me to pick you up something on the way?"
Your eyes go wide. "Oh, no, I'm fine. Thank you, though. It's nice of you to offer."
He decides tomorrow he's bringing you breakfast, and he won't be asking for permission beforehand.
You're both silent again for a moment and the truck slows as he pulls up to a red light. He briefly wonders if you know how to drive. If not, he'd be a more than willing teacher.
"If you don't mind, I'd like to ask you something personal. If you do, just tell me to fuck off and you don't have to answer."
You look at him. "Ok..."
The light turns green and the truck picks up speed again. "I noticed neither of your parents were home yesterday. Were they both at work?"
You grow quiet for a moment, a pregnant pause settling between the two of you as you look out the window at the passing houses.
"My dad was...is. He travels a lot for work, so he's not home much."
He nods, deeming it good news, at least for him. "And your mom?"
You're quiet for even longer this time. Then, "I've never met her."
Minus Lexi, you've already divulged more to him in that short sentence than you have to anyone else at East Highland.
"I'm sorry to hear that." He's not sure that he means it. He despises both of his parents and, if anything, in this moment, is envious of you, due to your lack of relationship with both of yours.
You shrug. "It's fine."
He wants more than just 'it's fine'. He wants to know more, as it's clear it's something which bothers you. He wants you to give him emotional vulnerability for just a moment. Something he can use in the future to work his way in closer to you.
"Do you know anything about her?"
You shake your head. "My dad refuses to talk about her. After a few fights when I was younger where I tried to get him to, I gave up. It's probably for the best. She made her choice, and I think me knowing anything about her would just make things...more difficult. My life, I mean."
Even if you still felt like you were chasing shadows sometimes.
He nods. If nothing else, it's one less person he'll have to go through to be with you. Two less, from the sound of things.
Finally, he turns into the school parking lot, taking his usual spot and he shuts the truck off.
"I'll get your door for you," he states before getting out.
You unbuckle yourself, not sure what to think of his insistence with the whole door thing. It just doesn't seem to be something men much concern themselves with anymore—getting a girl's door for her—at least not teenage boys, that is. But perhaps he's different. Maybe it's just the way he was raised.
Nate opens your door and grabs his backpack, sliding it over his shoulders, then grabbing yours as well.
You get out and go to take it from him, but he continues holding it.
"Turn around."
Your brows furrow for a moment, but do as he's asked. You quickly realize what he's doing and adjust your arms as he slides your bag onto your back. He's really going the extra mile to be a gentleman, you think.
Once the truck's doors are closed and he's locked the vehicle, he places his hand against the small of your back as you walk into school together.
You look perfectly calm on the outside, but on the inside, your anxiety levels are rising with each pair of eyes turning your and Nate's way.
When you spot Lexi, the look on her face is nothing short of bewildered. Next to her sits Cassie, who's fuming.
You're torn away from looking in their direction by Nate coming to stand in front of you. "See you in third period."
You nod and give him a small smile, going to sit with Lexi, despite Cassie giving you that same glare from yesterday. A worse one, really.
"What the hell was that?" Lexi asks, her tone full of concern as you sit down beside her, setting your bag on the table.
"Nothing. He just drove me to school, that's all."
"And home," Cassie says, voice full of malice.
Lexi looks from her sister, then back to you. "The two of you are not hooking up."
You flush. "No. He just gave me a ride, that's all."
"Ok, but why would he do that? The two of you never talk. You're not even friends."
You do your best to ignore Cassie's unsettling stare.
"I'm just—" You immediately shut your mouth. You should've thought further ahead, should've thought about what excuse you would give people when they inevitably ask why the two of you are hanging out all of a sudden.
Nate asked you to keep it a secret and you aren't about to betray his confidence. If you do, you're sure he'll fail and never bother asking for help again.
"Just what?" Lexi prods.
"We're just hanging out. It's not a big deal. I promise."
Suddenly, Cassie stands, angrily grabbing her bag, jerking it off the table and storming away.
Lexi rolls her eyes. "Just ignore her. I don't know why she's still hung up on him, anyway. He treated her like crap." She shifts in her seat, facing fully toward you now. "What I can believe even less, however, is the fact you're giving him the time of day. He's an asshole. He was abusive toward Maddy and wanted to keep screwing Cassie so long as she kept it a secret. He uses people, Y/N."
Abusive? You knew he and Maddy had argued quite a bit, but nothing that severe.
"What do you mean by abusive?"
She shrugs. "I don't know much, since she and Cassie obviously aren't friends anymore. But I know a good portion of it, at least, was emotional. Maybe verbal, too. Then again, I don't think she was any better." Lexi glances behind you, and you don't dare turn around, now worried the subject of your conversation is who she's looking at. "She gives as good as she gets."
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Once the school day is over and you go to drop off your books at your locker, you find Nate leaning up against it.
He smiles when he sees you and you give him a shy smile in return.
You put your things away, then look to Nate.
In truth, what Lexi told you had gotten to you a bit. You try to tell yourself that it's all nothing more than hearsay, and you're only tutoring—not dating him—so whatever had occurred between he and Maddy and Cassie is none of your concern.
"You ready?"
You nod, and, just like this morning, he places his hand firmly against your back.
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Once you're in his truck, you notice Maddy staring at you today, just a few cars away. She and Kat are both looking in your direction, Maddy clearly getting worked up and Kat obviously trying to calm her down, and your eyes widen when she begins heading in Nate's direction.
Before she can reach him, however, he gets in the truck and pulls out of the lot, leaving her standing there, staring after the two of you.
You're glad whatever was about to happen has just been avoided.
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Over the next week, you and Nate go to your house every day after school to study. You gradually get to know more about one another, like you learning he has a brother—which you'd somehow managed to forget over the years—and he tells you how passionate he is about personal fitness, something to which you don't much relate.
It'd been abundantly clear since day one that he dislikes his father. But that dislike—even if he talks about him very little—clearly, somewhere along the way, became loathing. It's all in the tone he uses, the language he uses when he's brought up.
But the thing that always seems to calm him—make him happier—is talking about you.
He asks you every question in the book: favorite food, color, flower, song, type of music, art, what you want to be when you graduate, the kind of house you want to live in. The list is endless.
And then the day came when he asked to see your room, with you standing awkwardly in the doorway as he surveys every inch.
He starts with your bed, your fluffy white comforter with small pink flowers printed across it, and your plethora of pillows. And then he notices the small brown teddy bear leaned back against said pillows. He briefly picks it up, smirking to himself, then looking at you.
“Do you sleep with this?”
Your face goes blood-red. “Y-yes.”
He studies it for a moment longer, making a mental note to one day buy you one himself, wanting you to sleep with one that’s come from him instead.
In truth, while you think about you sleeping with a stuffed animal as embarrassing—at least for another person to now know about—it’s a major fucking turn-on for him. You’re that innocent that you still sleep with a teddy.
He sets it back down, throwing a “that’s very sweet” your way before moving on to your bookshelves.
Not that he’s read or heard of the grand majority of the novels you have, he can tell by the titles and covers alone that they’re all either romance or fantasy. He supposes he understands that: you trying to escape through stories. Stories where you can go somewhere else, be someone else. Have a new family, new friends.
And then he thinks it incredibly sad—just how lonely you are.
It’s not like he isn’t already aware of it, because he is—has became more and more so as the last week has gone on. Everyday he’s come to your house it’s been empty. But to see your shelves crammed full of books—your one attempt at escaping into a better life—he vows in that moment to start working faster at bringing the two of you together into a relationship.
You need him.
You like stories about princesses trapped in towers and white knights coming to save them? Then that’s exactly what he’ll be for you. He’ll rescue you from the lonely hell you’re living in and give himself to you fully. He’ll dedicate all of his time that he can to you. And he plans to spoil you fucking rotten.
He looks over the various trinkets you have set on—and on top of—those shame shelves. Porcelain figurines of unicorns and cats, a small jeweled crown, some candles and a few faux plants.
He turns back to you. “Which one is your favorite?”
You shift nervously from one foot to the other. “The Lord of the Rings, actually. I…I really like Éowyn and Faramir’s story.”
He nods.
He’s never watched the movies, and has obviously never read the book, so he makes a mental note to at least do some reading on the characters you’ve mentioned to understand you better.
He then looks over your entertainment center and the small collection of DVDs you have alphabetically organized in one of the cubbies. Beauty and the Beast, Ever After, Stardust, The Last Unicorn, The Princess Bride, among a few others.
He then steps over to your closet and pulls the doors open without even asking your permission first.
You don’t much react to him doing so, supposing that everything in there you’ve worn to school at some point anyway.
He’s met with skirts and sweaters and dress blouses. Another thing he’s going to have to change—your wardrobe. It isn’t exactly “frumpy”, but it isn’t feminine enough for his taste, either. He wants your clothes to reflect who you truly are. Sun and baby doll dresses, and tennis skirts with the right pretty tops will suit you far better. Sandals and delicate flats. Your hair curled and actually down for once, perhaps with a bow in it. And he’ll buy you a few nice pieces of expensive jewelry as well. Maybe take you on a shopping trip to Tiffany one day.
He closes the doors in front of him.
What he really wants is to go through not just your bedside table, but also the top drawers of your dresser. He's curious if you've ventured into the territory of lingerie and sex-toys yet. And if so, what your preferences are.
He doesn't like to imagine you using more than a vibrator on your clit to get yourself to orgasm. As for lingerie, he doubts that you own any, but he often pictures you in lacy panties and pastel teddy nightgowns.
He adds such things to his mental shopping list of things to one day buy you.
Speaking of orgasms, however, he'd come thinking of you nearly every night for the past week.
He imagined you on his bed, naked, your pussy soaked for him, your legs spread wide as he teased you until you were begging for him to put himself inside of you.
He imagined all the things he'd teach you in bed, sure that you're inexperienced.
And only after you promised him that you're his—belonged to him and wanted no one and nothing else but him—did he finally join your two bodies together.
Finally, he sits on the edge of your bed. He then glances to the chair which hangs from the ceiling in the back left corner of your room, directly facing where he now sits.
You walk over, sitting in it.
He then lays back on your bed, feet still planted firmly on the floor, arms folded behind his head—God, he’s so tall.
“Do you not get lonely here?” He asks, turning his head to look at you.
You lift one of your socked-feet onto the chair, wrapping your arms around your bent knee. You shrug.
He shakes his head. “Don’t do that.”
Your brows furrow. “Do what?”
“Act like you being left alone all the time doesn’t matter. It matters; you matter.”
You remain quiet. Then, “I’m used to it. I like being alone.”
He refuses to believe that, knows it’s bullshit.
You’d only spent a week together, and only a little over an hour every day at that, but it’d not taken but a couple of days for you to—at times—talk his ear off. At one point, it’d nearly gotten on his last nerve, until his stomach dropped and heart broke when he realized why: how fucking long had it been since you’d had someone—anyone—to really talk to? Someone who bothered to truly listen? How long had you stayed silent, withdrawing further and further into yourself, until you’d built up an entire fantasy world within your mind and soul, which became your new reality?
And so he promised to himself—and mentally to you—that he’d never, even if it were true—tell you he doesn’t care what you have to say. He won’t be just one more person to hurt and let you down. Just like he knows you won’t be as much to him.
You’re good for him. He could tell as much from the first day he spoke to you.
He stares at you for a moment, making you squirm. “I don’t believe that.”
“Ok.” You don’t particularly feel like arguing. He can believe whatever he wishes.
He frowns. He dislikes that you don’t seem to much care what his opinion of you is. He supposes it’s a strange dichotomy. Going from Cassie who, it was all she cared about, to you, who clearly can’t care less.
“You’re really telling me that talking to barely anyone at school, except occasionally Lexi, and being alone in this house all the time doesn’t ever get to you?”
You shrug. “It’s just what I’m used to.”
In all the talking to him you’d done over the past week, all of it had been surface-level. About history or the new book you were reading, or something you’d read in a news article. None of it was actually truly about you.
If his plan to get in deeper with you—to know you like no other person on the planet does—is going to work, then you need to give him more.
“What if it wasn’t?”
“What do you mean?”
He shrugs, looking up to the ceiling. “What if we started hanging out more often than just when we study after school? We could text or something, too.”
You appreciate his being concerned for you, you think it really kind of him. Even if makes you the least bit uncomfortable. You tell yourself it’s simply because it’s something you’re not used to: someone showing genuine concern for you.
“I don’t want to be a burden.”
He looks at you again. “You wouldn’t be. I like spending time with you.”
You’re not sure how to respond, so you just say thanks.
“I feel like for the last week I’ve done nothing but ask you questions about yourself. Is there anything you want to know about me?”
He’ll never admit it, but your lack of interest in him hurts his feelings. It makes him feel like you aren’t nearly as attracted to him as he is to you.
“I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable.”
He smirks. So that’s why. Always so fucking considerate; his sweet girl.
“You won’t.”
You think for a moment. The things you really want to ask him about are too personal this early on (even if you’d told yourself such things were none of your business, you can’t help wanting answers). Like why he despises his dad so much, and what happened with him and Maddy and Cassie. And what happened at that New Year’s party which landed him in the hospital?
You start smaller. “What made you want to play football?”
He considers giving you some bullshit answer—which will seem a plausible enough explanation—and giving you the actual truth. Finally, he decides on both. “It gives me something to do, for one. A reason to push myself harder. It gives me something to focus on. And football is a contact sport. So when I’m pissed off, I finally have something to take it out on.”
“Like when you’re angry with your dad?”
He grows silent.
“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have-”
He shakes his head. “It’s ok. It’s not like I’ve exactly been subtle about my dislike of him.”
He doesn’t elaborate further than that.
“So…what’s your favorite color?”
He laughs. “I don’t know. Black, I guess.”
Somehow it seems fitting for him.
He looks at you, able to read you. “But that’s not the kind of question you want to be asking, is it?”
“I don’t want to overstep boundaries.”
He leans up on one elbow. “Then how about we make it fair? You ask me one actually personal question, and then I ask you one. And we both have to answer. No matter what. As soon as one of us refuses to, I head home.”
You think about it for a moment, worried about the sorts of things he may ask, but you have an out. “Deal.”
He smiles. “Alright, ladies first.”
“Will you tell me what happened during New Year’s?”
He sits up fully then. “Fezco smashed a bottle over my head, then beat me within an inch of my life. He got the upper hand immediately by doing what he did with the liquor bottle. He almost fucking killed me, all for a worthless druggy.”
Your brows furrow. “Who?”
“Rue went to him with some made-up story about me harassing her and some friend of hers online. When in reality I want nothing to do with her. So then he threatened to kill me and finally fucking tried to.”
“Why would she do something like that?” It feels like he isn’t giving you the whole story. He’s laid out the edges of a puzzle, but is withholding the middle.
He shrugs. “She’s a drug addict, how should I know?”
Before you can reply, can think of a polite way to say: so what’s the real story here, he takes his turn.
“How come we were never friends?”
“What do you mean?”
“I mean, we’ve known each other since we were five-years-old. We grew up together, have known each other for over a decade now. And only in the last week have we really finally talked, or spent any amount of time together.”
You lean back in your seat. “Well, just because you grow up with someone doesn’t mean that fact has to serve as some prerequisite to becoming best friends or something. Sometimes people, even from a young age, just don’t click. You were always running around on the playground, playing sports with others. I was always sitting off to the side and reading or coloring or playing with toys. I guess you were just more outgoing than me.”
“You know what they say: opposites attract.”
You tell yourself he’s just referring to friendship.
He lays back again. “Well, it may’ve only taken eleven years, but we’re friends now. I just… I just wonder what things might’ve been like had it happened sooner.” He sighs, then, “Your turn again.”
To an extent, you wonder that, too. Mostly just what it would’ve been like to have a best friend for that long.
“What happened between you, Maddy, and Cassie?”
“Not going to give me an easy one, huh?”
You let out a small laugh.
“Me and Maddy had been together since sophomore year. I guess we just grew comfortable with one another, even if we weren’t always happy. Even if it wasn’t always healthy. It didn’t start out toxic. We were happy at first. For awhile. A long while. But she just…it was like she wasn’t pleased unless we were fighting and then making up.
“It was just a constant cycle of her beating me down, then trying to build me back up again through sex. She just…she made me feel like shit about myself. As both her boyfriend and a man. It was like it wasn’t bad enough: the shit I dealt with at home with my dad. She just had to become one more problem in my life that I was forced to deal with.
“I’d hoped that if I loved her hard enough, if I gave her enough, she’d love me back the way I wanted to be loved. The way I loved her. Turns out I was just a fucking idiot.”
Tears sting your eyes. You feel so sorry for him. To be so young and to have already known an emotionally abusive relationship was heartbreaking. It was one reason why you refused to date at such a young age. You were all too young to understand yourselves, nevermind another person. Not in the context of loving and taking care of them, at least. You all were barely even fully-formed people yet.
So that was what Lexi had been referring to before. Just like everything, there were always two sides.
“And Cassie?” You ask, softly.
A muscle in his jaw feathers. “Just a giant fucking mistake. We first hooked up a couple weeks after Maddy and I had broken up…again. It happened on New Year’s Eve. I just…maybe I was trying to get even for what Maddy had done to me at the beginning of the school year—fucking a guy in the pool at McKay’s house—right in front of everyone.
"And then we hung out more, and at first I thought she was different. Maybe better for me. Until she started blowing up my phone with hundreds of calls and texts, screaming one night in my room about how crazy she was, how she’d never let me be with anyone else. How she was better for me than all the rest.”
Your brows raise. That unhinged? Cassie had always seemed so sweet and demure to you. But you’d also hardly ever been around her outside of school.
And dating—being in relationships—seemed to sometimes bring out the worst in people. Facets they themselves didn’t even know they had.
“I’m sorry, Nate. I never knew Cassie was so…” You trail off, until he fills in the rest for you.
You laugh. “I wasn’t going to say it like that, but…” You shift legs, wrapping your arms around your other one now. “Your turn.”
He remains lying back, wanting this question to come off as something he’s casually asking. Whereas, in reality, he’ll be holding onto every word of your answer.
“Have you ever dated before?”
You feel like you suddenly want to use your out, but refrain. It’s a simple enough question, with a simple answer. “No.”
He looks over at you. “Never?”
You shake your head. “Nu-uh.”
His brows raise. He’d never known you to have a boyfriend before, but until recently he’d not exactly kept tabs on you.
It surprises him.
“Have you never kissed anyone or had sex?” He prays the answer to both is no. Also hopes you don’t cut his questioning you short.
You’re quiet for a moment, the two of you just staring at one another. Until, finally, you decide to answer. “No. And I’m not ashamed to say it. Not having done either of those things is a choice, just like having done them is as well.”
He sits up, hunching over to try and hide the erection he can feel forming.
No one has ever been inside of you—not in your mouth, not in your pussy, and not in your ass. Another pair of lips have never even touched your own, another tongue has never tasted you. Another pair of eyes has never explored your lovely naked body.
He wants to know what you do, then, to satiate yourself when the mood strikes. Do you rub at your clit until you come? Do you finger yourself—he wonders if your hymen is still intact? Do you bunch a pillow up between your legs, humping it until you've finished and the case is soaked? Or do you take and rub your teddy against your wet, needy pussy until you’re sore and can’t take it anymore?
God he wants to know what you fucking taste like. Wants to feel your fingers in his hair as he goes down on you. Needs to know what your perfect pussy feels like around his cock.
But he knows it’s too soon for any of that. For you, at least.
“That’s not something to be ashamed of. Not nowadays. You should be proud of yourself for having held out this long. I admire it.”
You shrug. “It’s not that hard to do.”
He smirks. “That’s because you’ve never done it before. Once you’ve been with someone in that way…giving up that kind of intimacy is difficult.”
You think any kind of intimacy must be hard to let go of after having it. Whether it’s emotional, intellectual, physical…sexual. Maybe it’s one more reason you keep most people at arm’s-length. If you never let anyone in, then you’ll never have to worry about losing them.
You clear your throat. “My turn.”
He lays back again.
“Can I ask about your dad?”
He flexes his jaw. “What about him?”
“Why do you hate him so much?”
There’s a long pause and then he finally sits up. “I guess it’s time for me to go.”
You plant both of your feet on the floor, now sitting on the edge of your swing-chair. “You don’t have to. I’m sorry. I was just curious. Since he always seems so…perfect, you hating him, I guess, is just a source of confusion for me. Then again, maybe that perfection is the source of it: your hate. I don’t know.”
“That’s part of it. But not all.” And that’s all the answer he’s willing to give you.
Letting onto his hate for his father in the first place was a mistake. But that loathing sometimes seeped out. And he feels like he can be honest with you. He trusts you. So, sometimes he lets go a little. That lid he keeps so tightly screwed slips loose sometimes in your presence.
He stands and you fill with guilt.
You’d gone too far. You’d known better—that asking about his father would end up being a mistake—but you’d brought him up anyway. And now you’d ruined the day.
“You really don’t have to leave. We can talk about something else?”
He pretends to consider that for a moment. When in reality, he’s all too-pleased that you’re so eager for him to stay.
Then, he steps over to you, standing in front of your seat, towering over you as you look up at him. He briefly thinks that this would be a perfect position for the both of you to be in as you take him into your mouth.
Then, he kneels down. One week was all it had taken for you to bring him to his knees.
He reaches up, grabbing either of the ropes the chair hangs from from on either side of you. “It’s Friday.”
You smile nervously. “That’s very observant of you.”
He smiles, letting out a small chuckle. “I just mean that it’s only four o’ clock; still early. We could go do something together.”
He begins to lightly swing you, just barely.
“Like what?” You ask quietly.
He shrugs. “Whatever you want. I could take you to dinner, take you shopping. I’ll take you wherever you want to go, even if you just want to drive around.”
You don’t know how to respond to his offer. “You don’t have anywhere else you need to be?”
“Not at all.” He wants so desperately to touch you, but he sees you like a newborn fawn, easily frightened; skittish. So he refrains. For now at least.
You glance to the set of glass doors beside the two of you which lead into your backyard. At the sun still high in the sky and tree branches blowing lightly in the wind. And then you look back to Nate, seeing no good reason to waste such a beautiful day cooped up inside.
He smiles. “Good.” He stands, offering you his hand.
You take it, doing the same. “I’ll just be a minute, I need to change again. Don’t really want to go out in sweats.”
He nods, going to leave, then stops by your closet. He pulls the doors open and you watch as he pulls out a light-pink sundress, then turns back to you, holding it out in your direction.
“You don’t have to wear it, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on you at school before. Just thought it might look nice.”
You gently take the dress from him.
He speaks before you can tell him no. “I’ll be waiting in the living room. Take your time.”
Once the door has shut behind him, you look down at the dress in your hands, then at the things you usually wear—the clothes you feel most comfortable in—beckoning you from your closet.
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While you dress, Nate leans back on the couch, hoping you wear what he’s picked out for you. In truth, he wants to dress every inch of you. He wants to do your hair, your makeup—even if you never wear any. He wants to pick out a cute matching pair of lingerie for you—so only he knows what’s under your clothes—your shoes, your jewelry, even your perfume.
He isn’t sure why it means so much to him—perhaps it’s just another thing he feels the need to have control over. He wants you to look nice. He knows you’re capable of matching his ideal picture of what he wants you to be in his head.
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When you finally emerge from your bedroom fifteen minutes later—you’d spent half of that time sitting on your bed considering putting the dress away—he’s left speechless.
You’d put on the dress, along with a cute pair of sandals, your toes already painted a pleasant shade of pink, which just so happens to match the item you’re now wearing. And between your breasts hangs a necklace.
You stand in the entryway awkwardly, one of your hands clutching your other arm. “I feel ridiculous,” you whisper, your face red.
He stands, coming to position himself in front of you. “You look beautiful.”
You’re surprised by his response. Wearing something which shows off so much of your body makes you want to crawl out of your skin.
You’d considered putting on a cardigan to cover your arms, but it’s almost ninety-degrees outside. So you decided against it.
He reaches around to the base of your ponytail, his thumb, index and middle finger gripping your hairband. “May I?” He asks, looking down at you.
You feel dumbstruck by the sensation of the base of your hair in his grip, so you just nod.
He gently pulls the band free, your hair falling over your shoulders and down your back, coming to rest just above your ass.
He’s never seen hair as long as yours before. Why the hell do you keep it up all the time?
He flexes his hand, the holder now firmly around his wrist and he reaches up with both of his hands, running his fingers through your soft hair, massaging your scalp as he styles it.
You just stare up at him, his face the picture of concentration as his fingers work against your head, through your long strands of hair. Your eyelids droop just a bit out of the feeling of relaxation that comes over you, goosebumps rising on your arms.
Nate takes note of that, as well as the quiet whimper in the back of your throat as his fingers brush against the base of your neck for just a moment. He likes that you like the way he’s touching you. He wants to know what other places his fingers and hands could explore that would get him similar results.
Finally, once he deems your hair presentable to his personal satisfaction, half of it falling down your back, the other half split evenly over both of your shoulders, he slips one hand into his pocket, the other coming to rest under your chin, making you look up at him again.
He feels blood rush to his cock at the flushed, lax look on your face as your hooded eyes stare up into his own.
“Why don’t you wear your hair down more often? It looks very pretty like this.”
“It gets in my way,” you state, your voice now having a dreamy quality to it.
He really likes you like this. All soft and submissive and dressed how he likes. He wants you wrapped around his finger sooner rather than later. Completely his in every single fucking way imaginable.
Today will be one step closer to getting that future.
He deems what you’ve said a good enough answer, but he knows you’ll have to get used to it. Your hair being down suits you far better than it being up.
He steps away, walking over to the door, holding it open for you.
Once you’ve locked it behind you, he holds open the passenger side door of his truck for you, same as always, shutting it firmly once you’re inside.
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echobx · 3 months
figure you out part 2 - jj maybank x fem!reader
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summary: y/n and jj do many things that my parents would call disgusting bc my parents are prudes :)))
warnings: angsty, cheating, fluff, smut smut warnings: p in v, oral (male and female receiving), fingering, cock warming, over-stimulation, aftercare
word count: 5.7k
author's note: idk what I'm doing okay. just vibes. also, why do i do cliffhangers all the fucking time? (wtf is this summary also? idk how that shit works)
part 1
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y/n was taken aback at first, but all of her worries, all the pain and exhaustion, slipped away the moment her lips locked with his. He started with a few small kisses, his right hand securing her neck as the left one grabbed her waist, pulling her closer into him. His tongue grazed her lips and she let him in. It felt wrong to kiss him, but it also felt right. Most of all, it felt long overdue, as if she had waited for nothing else ever since their first kiss at twelve years old.  His tongue dominated her mouth as they shared breath and spit. Small gasps were leaving her as he grabbed her waist a bit tighter until he pulled away, but still leaving a few dozen more small kisses on her lips.  "Bet he never kisses you like that," JJ breathed heavily, a wide smile on his lips.  "Fucking asshole," she hissed before pulling him back into a kiss. Now that she had gotten a taste of it, she couldn't stop. She hadn't felt like this in a long time. Actually, she had never felt like this because no one had ever been as perfect as JJ was.  He smiled into the kiss, his hands grasping her waist under the shirt. Her skin was incredibly soft and warm, and it made him dizzy to feel her like that when he had never gotten the opportunity to.  "I'll apologize tomorrow morning," he growled as he picked her up and carried her into the bedroom. y/n's legs hooked behind his back and her hands in his hair, while JJ's grasped her thighs and ass before they both fell into bed. 
"This is a really, really bad idea, Maybank," y/n growled as she watched him get up to take off his clothes.  "It's the best idea I ever had, princess." He smirked while pulling his shirt over his head. y/n's breath hitched as she looked at him. He looked better than she had remembered. The nights had been long and lonely, and sometimes the only relief she could find was by picturing herself next to him, falling asleep in his arms like she had done thousands of times while growing up.  "You're not so bad yourself," JJ chuckled while looking at her. "I've always loved to see you in my shirts. But right now I would rather see it off."  He crawled into bed, only his boxers still on his hips. She tried to take off the shirt, but he stopped her.  "I'll take care of that," he whispered before kissing her again. Then he moved down, starting at the seam over her slip he slowly pushed up the fabric of the old shirt, trailing kisses up her stomach and towards her tits. Revealing first the left one, pressing the flat of his tongue to her nipple before gently nibbling at the hardened bud. y/n moaned and gasped as he left tiny hickeys all over her boob before revealing the right one and treating it with similar affections.  "Now you can take it off, princess." He smiled greedily before turning his attention to the nightstand.  She pulled the shirt over her head and threw it to the floor next to his clothes.  "You won't find what you're looking for," she giggled.  "That's a bummer," he sighed.  "So not." She shook her head and his eyes widened.  "My turn now?" she asked with a smile, and he fell to the side so she could climb on top. 
"You know how much fun we could have had without those stupid rules?" y/n grinned down at him. His hands grasped her thighs as she leaned down to kiss his body. "You're so hot, Maybank."  "So glad we aren't breaking any rules then, at least not the important ones, because you technically aren't a Pogue anymore," he chuckled but the way she dug her fingernails into his waist made him hiss in light pain.  "Dangerous thing to say while I'm on top of you, asshole," she hissed and let go again, going back to kissing him and moving farther down with each kiss until she met the waistband of his underwear.  "Hold my hair, will you," she smirked before pulling the briefs off just enough for his hard dick to spring free. 
She had heard about his size, she had assumed a lot towards it too, and although they had been close she had never felt the urge to ask, but now she was actually impressed. The saliva started to build in her mouth as she looked at him and with another small glance up at his face she licked over his length.  "Fuck," JJ gasped at the sensation. His hand immediately grasped her hair to hold it out of the way as she started to suck his dick. Her tongue flicked over his tip and around before she started to take him in fully.  JJ couldn't resist the urge to thrust upwards into her. Hitting the back of her throat a few times before a single tear ran down her cheek, but she didn't gag or give him any notion to stop. She looked so perfect with her pretty lips around his cock and after some time of doing nothing more than thrusting into her and her tongue playing with him in various ways, he felt like his dick would explode from how good she made him feel. He wanted to pull out, knowing well enough that not everyone was into it all, but she held him back.  She hollowed her cheeks a bit more, trying to create an even worse vacuum effect than she had before. His eyes rolled back as he shot his cum inside her, and she made sure to take in every single drop of him.  y/n got up and took a sip of water to wash down the remaining cum in her mouth, while JJ just lay there, completely exhilarated and unable to move because of what she had just done to him.  "Your first blowjob or what?" she laughed, and he turned to look at her.  "No, but the best one for sure," he panted, and she smiled triumphantly. 
"How long do you need?" she asked and nodded towards his flaccid cock.  "Depends," he smirked.  "On what?" she asked, but it didn't really matter what he said, she knew she would do it. This night was her one mistake that she had allowed herself to make, and she wanted to make it worthwhile. "On what you wanna do next." He held out his hand, and she took it, lying down beside him.  "I already did what I wanted to do. It's your turn now, Maybank," she whispered, and he immediately got on top while kissing her.  "Has anyone ever fucked you with just their hand or do they all think their tiny dicks are enough?" he teased before pushing the fabric of her panties to the side and pushing his fingers inside of her. "You're so soft, so very perfect, princess," he growled as she rolled her eyes back with pleasure. 
"I'm waiting for an answer," JJ hissed and rapidly pulled his fingers back out.  "No one, just me. Only ever me," she gasped and bit her lip.  "Maybe I should let you do it by yourself then," he chuckled before biting her hip so she would lift it, and he could free her from the flimsy fabric.  "You're so fucking beautiful and so very fucking wet for me, princess," he mused while slowly petting her along her swollen folds. His lips and tongue were tracing over her body while his fingers arched up inside her in a continuous thrusting motion. Moans and gasps slipped out of her throat, and she got even more eager when he started to stimulate her clit with his thumb. No one had ever made her cum but herself. He wouldn't have to know that, though, that the only real pleasure she had ever managed to receive was one she had to take care of herself.  But JJ was incredibly good at understanding what her body needed and what it liked, even better than she was herself. Every little twitch and moan was something he memorized, and then he kept doing it over and over again, only repeating what she had shown him to want until she felt like she would burst.  "Cum for me, baby," he growled, and she did. Her legs trembling and her breath hitching as she spilled out around his fingers, but he didn't stop thrusting until the whole of the orgasm had washed over her.  "Fuck, you're beautiful like that," he praised her as she tried to regain some of the strength in her legs. She had never had come as hard as he had managed to take her.  "Do you need a break, darling?" he asked sweetly, and she nodded. 
JJ laid down beside her and pulled her into his arms. "Be honest, has it ever been this good?" he whispered, and she had to laugh.  "No, had to fake it every single time. They don't care, you know," she mumbled while holding onto him.  "That's sad, but you have me now. I would never dare to not take good care of you," he simpered, but y/n didn't have the guts to tell him yet that this could never be more than a single night. One night of hopefully many happy mistakes. "It's hard to even get close to an orgasm when they go in and are done five minutes later. And then they seriously asked 'did you?' as if it wasn't fucking clear that the only one who had fun was them," she complained and JJ laughed.  "How good are you at faking it," he pondered, and y/n took it as a challenge. She started to loudly moan and grunt and even scream.  "Oh god! Yes! That's it! Right there! Faster! Harder! You're fucking me so good!" she cried out before falling into a deep laughter. "You're really good at that," JJ chuckled, but she just shrugged. "Years of training, my friend."  "How are you feeling?" he asked quietly and pressed his face into her hair.  "Better. Way better. Also, never had anyone care about me after, feels nice," she mumbled.  "There's many benefits to sleeping with JJ Maybank," he chuckled and kissed her cheek.  "I could eat something," y/n sat up and looked down on him. "Real food, not Maybank. But I'll take that again, later." She winked at him before getting up and leaving for the kitchen.
"You don't have much food from what it looks like," JJ said from behind her as they stood in front of the opened fridge, completely naked.  "What time is it?" she asked and grabbed for her phone that lay on the island.  "Why is that important?" he asked, confused.  "That's the fun part," she grinned at him before walking over to a drawer and pulling a slim blister out of it. She took the small pill with a bit of water and then went back to staring at the fridge.  "You're on birth control?" JJ asked, but she couldn't really tell why he was so confused about it.  "Yeah, to your own luck tonight." She flashed her eyebrows at him. "Why? You aren't having any sex with him. Why would this precaution be necessary?" He asked and she looked away.  "Because his parents don't want a slip-up to happen. They like me a lot, but I'm still from the Cut. They are scared that I will seduce him and have a baby in wedlock. She even went to my gyno with me to make sure I was healthy and that I would actually get it prescribed," y/n admitted.  JJ simply hugged her because he knew she needed the comfort. The more they were together on their own, the more the two of them realized how much easier everything would have been if JB had never insisted on putting up the rule.  "I mean, the thought of making sure you're healthy and have choices, that's good, right? But I don't really like the part where they don't trust you enough to go on your own. I don't like them at all, but that shit is just next level crazy," he mumbled into her neck.  "I know," she sighed.  "I'm clean too, and if I wasn't, it would be too late for that now anyway," he laughed and pulled away enough to look at her. "Very funny," she tried to stay sincere but had to laugh too. "It's good that you look after yourself, though. Especially good for me right now," she grinned before kissing him again. The idea of a late night snack was thrown away as she only focused on what she had wanted ever since she learned what it meant to sleep with someone.  "I want you to fuck me, JJ," she moaned in between kisses. 
Back in bed, y/n leaned over and grabbed the small bottle of lube from her nightstand.  "Don't make that face, I know what I'm doing," she laughed as he looked at her slightly hurt. "Jay, you know I'm wet, but this is, so I can feel it all. I swear to god it's going to be so much better like this." "How do you know that?" he asked, and she laughed again.  "I have little helpers, and no matter how very excited I am at the start, in the long run, this shit always helps out more," she explained, and he nodded while putting a tiny bit of lube on the tip of his hard cock.  "How do you-" he wanted to ask again, but she just pulled him in, her lips on his as her hand took a hold of his dick. Flicking it over her slit a few times before guiding him inside her.  She gasped at the feeling of having him fully inside her, and his head fell to her shoulder. "You feel so good, asshole," she moaned silently as he started moving.  "How will I ever wanna fuck anyone else, baby? God, you're so soft and perfect," he hummed. "Can I fuck you slowly, princess?"  "You can fuck me in any way you like, Maybank," she pressed out before fully focusing on the feeling of him. How perfect he fit into her, as if they had always been made for each other.  His arms were around her back, holding onto her shoulders, just like her legs did to his waist. He made sure to thrust deeply, focusing on every tiny noise she made. How she whimpered, moaned and gasped as his dick brought her pleasure.  With time, he fastened his pace and her breath started to hitch. She could feel every vein on his throbbing cock rubbing against her walls, and it drove her crazy.  "Jay!" she gasped, and he lifted his head from her neck, where he had left more than a dozen hickeys over time.  "Make me cum, JJ," she hushed before another blissful moan slipped from her lips.  "Look at me, princess, I want to see you when you lose yourself. All just for me, baby," he growled greedily, as he kept his pace steady but reached down with his right hand and started to rub her clit in the same rhythm. It didn't take her long to finish as he focused solely on her pleasure. Her eyes rolled back at first, but JJ pulled her back in, holding her chin in his hand as he kept on fucking her through her high until she felt like she had nothing left inside her. Her legs stopped trembling, and her moans died down into whispers.  But all of that changed the moment JJ came. His cum shot into her, and she gasped at the unknown but pleasant feeling.  "I love you so much, y/n!" he moaned while holding himself steady as his orgasm died down, and he collapsed on top of her. 
"You love me?" she asked after they had just laid there for a while. He was still not ready to pull out, but he knew he had to.  "I do. Is that a problem?" he asked while pulling out and getting up.  "You can't love me. We can't be together." She pulled the sheets over her body as if she was scared that he would see something that he hadn't already. "What is this then? Are you really that cold? Have you changed that much? I can't believe it, and I fell for it. I fell for my own game." He shook his head as he scoffed and picked up his clothes.  "What are you doing?" she asked in fear.  "I'm leaving, y/n! Fuck, you can't even see what you are doing. You left me! Eight months is a hell of a lot of time, and you never texted or called or even looked at me when we crossed paths. And now, you let me have you just to tell me that you don't feel the same? That you're still going to marry that fucking Kook? What's wrong with you?" he cried out at her. "You can't love me," she mumbled and shook her head.  "Why not? Just because it took me forever and a broken heart to realize it doesn't mean that it's not true. I do love you, I think I always have. You were my first kiss! Do you even remember that? Or that we were the only reason John B added that stupid rule to the pact? I guess you've forgotten it all. Kooks don't need friends as it seems," he finished and turned around to leave, putting his shirt over his head. 
"I can't- JJ!" she cried out and jumped out of bed, dragging the sheet with her. "What? Do you want to hurt me some more? Should I rip my actual heart out so you can go on and stomp on it?" he yelled but stopped as he saw the tears streaming down her face.  "If you do, then my whole fucking plan isn't going to work. You can't love me because I can't- I have a future, I was ready to make the sacrifices so that my kids wouldn't have to grow up like we did. I can't love you because I already lost you," she wept.  "You've never truly lost me, princess," he hushed while taking her into a hug. "And you shouldn't have to sacrifice a single thing to be happy." "I never wanted the car. Stupid car. I shouldn't have accepted it," she murmured into his chest as the shirt dried off her tears.  "It's not a real engagement, no one but the family knows, you can easily break it off," he suggested as if it was the easiest thing ever.  "I owe them a lot. I got into college because his dad knows the dean, JJ," y/n sobbed.  "You're too smart for that. You would have gotten in on your own terms no matter what. And also, you're already in, they can't really revoke that, especially with your GPA, princess." He kissed her head and it actually calmed her down.  "What do we do now?" She asked quietly.  "What time will he be back?" JJ asked with a mischievous grin on his face.  y/n thought about it for a while before replying. "Tomorrow night, around 6pm. Why?"  "That just means we have over 12 hours to ruin this very fancy apartment in every way you can think of, before we pack all your shit and make a run for it." He pulled away and grinned at her.  "That's a terrible plan. We should start on the couch," she giggled. 
"You still haven't eaten anything," JJ said as she pulled him towards the couch.  "I only have ice cream," she answered while pushing him to sit on the couch. "Stay right there, but maybe take your clothes off again." "What do you wanna do to me?" His question was more out of curiosity than anything else, there was little to nothing that he would have said no to. "You'll see." She smiled and walked back over into the kitchen, where she grabbed a spoon and the small ice cream bucket out of the freezer.  Meanwhile, JJ had taken off all of his clothes, throwing them over the coffee table.  "Hold this." y/n handed both items to him before she straddled him in his seat. One hand on his hard dick and the other on his shoulder for stability. "Look at me," she ordered as she slowly let herself down on him before plopping down on the last few inches.  "That was so hot, baby," he gasped, and she simply kissed him with a smile on her lips.  "Way worse like this," she hushed as she rolled her hips a single time. "Be a good boy and hold still while I eat." She started eating and he stared at her. He had never even thought about doing it like this, and now it was the only thing he ever wanted to do. To be inside her as she gently squeezed his dick once in a while smirking at him. It was too perfect to be true, especially when she dripped some ice cream on her tits, and he could lick it off. He loved her and her perfect tits and the tight pussy that squeezed him so hard that he nearly lost himself just like that.  JJ was occupied by sucking on her nipples when his phone rang. y/n reached for it as it lay next to his clothes on the table, and she picked up and turned the call to speaker mode without saying a single thing. 
"JJ?" John B asked and JJ signed her to stay quiet. "What do you want," JJ asked while staring at her. She had put the empty ice cream bucket on the table behind them and listened carefully to what the two young men were saying. "Have you apologized yet? I feel like I might have overreacted a bit last night and I don't want you to sleep on the streets," John B sounded concerned, more so than JJ had ever thought to hear him be when it came to him.  "I mean, I wouldn't call it an apology. But I'm working on it," JJ grinned. "And you don't need to worry, I'll be back tomorrow. I'm being taken care of rather well right now."  JJ thrusted up into y/n and a loud gasp left her because of the sensation.  "You're so disgusting, JJ. Don't even tell me because I already threw up in my mouth just now," John B complained.  "Okay, then I won't tell you that Sharky is so very grown up, she even swallows," JJ laughed and y/n ripped the phone out of his hands.  "You're a fucking asshole, Maybank!" she sneered before hanging up on John B. 
"Am I?" JJ teased and grasped her hips.  "Yes," she hissed and wanted to get up, but he held her in place.  "No, you're gonna fuck me now. And I won't let you stop until you can't move on your own anymore," he whispered into her ear before nibbling on the sensitive skin right below it.  "I'm not going to do that. You can't force me," she gasped as he started to fuck her from below.  "You don't even like it gentle, I know you. You want to be fucked like it's the last day on earth, and you want that every single time. Isn't that right?" he growled.  "You don't know that," she moaned and started moving her hips, although she really didn't want to. But she had no control over it, her body and instincts were working against her mind and to fight it would just make it worse, but she did it anyway. "I had just hoped for him to be awful, but that he doesn't even know you like that makes it so much better. He has no idea what I stole from him," JJ laughed lightly. "I'm not an object," she admonished as they kept on slowly fucking. Her head leaning against his and her hands in his hair.  "No, you're a whole fucking goddess," he mused before kissing her deeply and turning themselves around so he could take over again.  He started thrusting at a faster pace while kneeling in between her legs as she lay before him. Her head was pressed into the pillows on the couch, trying to muffle her lustful screams and moans.  "You're gonna cum for my baby. Cum for me," he gasped, but she didn't give him the satisfaction yet.  "Faster, please," she yelped, and he obliged. Bringing himself so close to his own tipping point that it was hard to maintain the pace while looking at her. Her tits jiggling and their pelvises clashing against each other.  "Gonna cum," y/n moaned and did in the same moment. JJ couldn't hold on any longer either, and their juices mixed together and spilled out around him as he forced himself to fuck her through his own orgasm. He pulled out and held up her hips even higher than before just to dive in head first and licking over her slit while she was still trembling.  "Oh god!" she yelped at the feeling his tongue brought her. She wanted to drown in it. To never have to stop to feel this perfect. It didn't take him long to finish her off a second time.  His tongue flat against her slit and clit before dipping into her in thrusting motions. He sucked on her clit, and then he fucked her with his tongue just to go back to focusing solely on her clit. It was a constant mix of pleasures, and she was so overwhelmed by it that she came into his mouth. He licked her out until she was no longer gasping, and her legs had lost their grip around his head. 
"Definitely ruined this couch. What's next?" JJ asked after pulling her back up and into his arms. "Are you okay?"  "How did-" she couldn't even form any coherent sentences yet, her mind still overflowing with hormones.  "Always wanted to eat you out, princess, and you taste so good," he hummed before kissing her passionately. There was so much love between them that it was hard to imagine that they hadn't always been together.
"I'm gonna take care of you know," he said as he got up and carried her into the bathroom. Sitting her down on the small chair that had usually held the towels, but he had thrown them to the side to give her space to sit. Then he turned on the faucet at the bathtub and pulled a bottle of bathing oil out of the cabinet. "Roses," he smiled and let a few drops of it fall into the warm water.  He picked her up again and stepped into the bathtub with her. The water was still rising around them, and it was very warm, but she didn't mind the heat.  "Talk to me, princess," he said after y/n had turned around and pressed her back into his chest. His head was resting on her shoulder, leaving fleeting kisses on her skin.  "I've never cheated on anyone," she mumbled as the realization of what they had been doing came crashing down on her.  "I've cheated a lot, never on anyone, but with them. It's sad how many of these assholes don't appreciate what they have. I wouldn't even dare to think about not fucking you. Maybe he's gay, that would be a reason," JJ mumbled.  "He's not gay. I gave him a hand job once, after that he said it was 'sinful' or some shit. That's why I didn't tell him," y/n admitted.  "Remember that asshole? The first one? I broke his nose really good, just one hit," he chuckled. "You broke his nose?!" she gasped and turned her head to look at him.  "He hurt you in the worst way possible. I should've done more than that," he scoffed.  "Promise me to not hurt Travis, no matter what happens," she whispered, and he nodded. "Promise. But I think fucking you in his home over and over again, and stealing you away, is already a lot of pain. At least it would be for me." "You love me that much?" she asked, a bit perplexed. "I've always loved you this much. I would have nearly run into those shark infested waters to get you, if you hadn't been so much braver and smarter than me," he chuckled. "I totally forgot about that," she laughed. "They would've killed you. You go nuts when you're scared. But they were harmless, they really didn't want to eat me, I promise."  "That's exactly what you said back then, too, and I still don't believe it, darling." He leaned his head against hers. 
"I love you too," she whispered with a smile on her lips. "Why does it feel so relieving to say that out loud?"  "Have been locked up for so long, those feelings, that they became too heavy," he mumbled with a light sigh.  They stayed like this for a while until JJ turned off the water. He shifted behind her, and she whimpered at the slight slouching of her body against his.  He put his arms back around her, pulling her into him with a kiss to the back of her head. "Now that you're not going through with it, why would you even consider it? And I mean you, not what your parents think," he asked softly, and she let her head fall back onto his shoulders.  "I don't know, I guess I was lonely. Maybe I would have never even gone out with him if he hadn't asked me in the middle of the hallway at school, during a break. I'm so bad at saying no to people," she sighed.  "You always said no to me," he gasped jokingly. "That's so not true, I only say no to you when it will literally get you thrown in jail or worse," she argued and he laughed lightly. 
"Can I get back to your question now?" she asked, and he nodded.  "Will do my best to not interrupt again," he whispered before kissing her cheek.  "He's sweet, gifts me shit and all. He never made me feel bad for anything, apart from the sex thing, but other than that he's a really good guy. I just thought, because my parents said it was a safe way of getting off the Cut, instead of my crazy plan- I thought it was the right choice, that I would eventually fall in love with him. I heard a lot of arranged marriages work like that, they can stand each other, like each other even and then the love comes after that," she explained.  "Do you think he loves you?" JJ whispered the question and y/n had a hard time finding an answer. They had never said the words, she wouldn't have meant them anyway, so she had never seen a reason to.  "I don't know, actually, maybe he does. I think he could, I'm not sure. Would you do everything he did for me if you didn't love the person?" y/n looked at him, hoping for an answer that would make leaving easier, but he couldn't provide her with one.  "I would give you the world if I could," JJ said and kissed her. He never wanted to stop doing it. He never wanted to stop kissing, touching, loving. He had waited so long to be with her, and he wasn't going to let go that easy.  "You've already done more than anyone ever attempted," she hushed as they broke apart.  "Gonna attempt so much more, darling," he chuckled, brushing his nose against hers.  "I thought we had to do all of that tonight, but now that's out of the window. Unless they rip my head off," y/n mumbled.  "How much better are you feeling?" he asked with a mischievous grin on his face.  "Why? What are you planning?" She was a bit scared, but she followed him out of the tub anyway.  "It's a crazy idea, but it might just work. You trust me, right?" he smiled at her while handing her a towel.  "I do, but I would prefer to know what you want to do," she answered, but he just grinned and left for the bedroom as soon as he had dried himself off.  He came back into the bathroom and handed her his old shirt to put on. "Stay here, I'll come get you in a second." 
JJ went into the living room and opened both the heavy curtains and the glass doors that went out onto the balcony.  "What are you doing?" He heard y/n's scared voice coming from the bathroom. "It's going to be okay," he assured her while walking back.  His hands grasped her waist under the shirt, and he pulled her up to carry her. Her arms and legs looped around him as he carried her onto the balcony.  "I can't be here," she cried, her eyes screwed shut. She tried to focus on the feeling of sand beneath her feet, waves crashing in; surfing had always been her safe place, but even now it wasn't enough. "Focus on me and nothing else," JJ hushed before kissing her. He managed to let her forget where they were in this short moment, and she was very grateful for it.  "I wanna take you, right here, right now, will you let me?" He asked gently, and she nodded, her eyes still closed.  "Look at me princess," he whispered, and she slowly opened her eyes, focusing only on him and not the gloomy fear that she got from her surroundings, from being so high up it felt like touching the sky.  "I need you to say it." His hands were caressing her thighs as he held her up. "I want you to see the stars and sea when I fuck you. Do you think you can do that?"  "Yes, JJ," she answered with a light nod. He smiled happily and let out a whispered, "good."
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littlejuicebox · 6 months
LittleJuicebox Masterlist
Click here for my AO3 account. (Converting is a WiP).
If you’d like to be added to a tag list, please DM me and I can send you the google doc link. I have decided to keep tag lists for each individual series so you only get tagged in the ones you want.
My personal favorites are denoted by a +.
GN reader is denoted by a * otherwise assume Fem reader/OC.
Titles colored red are smut or other mature themes, 18+ only.
AstarionxWren Series:
This is a canon-adjacent passion project which focuses on Astarion and Wren, a ranger half-elf with her own backstory. She is based off my first Tav. Do you like angsty slow burns where two broken people find one another and learn to love again? Then this one is for you.
Chapter 1 / Chasing birds to get high (PG) + Chapter 2 / Between comfort and chaos (PG) Chapter 3 / Sunshine and midnight rain (PG13) + Chapter 4 / Protect the flames (M/Gore) Chapter 5 / Blue and silver bonded (PG13) Chapter 6 / Remember how it feels to have a heartbeat (PG13) Chapter 7 / Give peace a chance (M/Smut) + Chapter 8 / Dancing in a burning room (M/Gore) Chapter 9 / Lavender haze (PG-PG13?) Chapter 10 / I want to hold your hand (PG13)
Midnight Chimes Series:
Your parents own a tavern in Baldur’s Gate, and Astarion was somewhat of a regular when you worked at the bar in your younger years. You don’t exactly trust him. Now you’re an apothecary owner based in Waterdeep, and when the two of you crash on the beach, you aren’t exactly thrilled to see him there, too. But things aren’t always what they seem.
1 / The Prologue +
2 / Three years
3 / Luck +
4/ Ringleader
Midwinter Carol Series:
Eirianwen and Astarion were in love before the Ascension ritual changed his behavior toward her. She refused to become a spawn, and they went their separate ways. The story starts when they run into one another fifteen years later; Eirianwen returned to the city to deliver some news to the pale elf. Meanwhile, the Ascendant had a night time visitor that convinced him to change his ways, and he believes his ex-lover might be the key. Will he be able to change after fifteen years of living life as a debauched degenerate?
1 / The Prologue +
2 / The Barrier
3 / The Carriage
4 / The Auction +
5/ The Repeat
6/ The Affliction
7/ The Interrogation
8/ The Scheme
9/ The Snake
AstarionxReader One Shots and Mini-Stories:
Mini-Stories are grouped together in order and denoted by a “Part X” in sequential order after the title. These are in general "timeline" order and follow my (admittedly self-indulgent) headcanon for Spawn Astarion x Tav but can definitely be read as OneShots. All stories are AstarionxReader, some allusions to reader having spellcaster ability but otherwise no real description apart from being female in about 3/4 of the fics.
Act 1-2:
The little things.
Before someone steals your queen
Act 3:
Drunken nights*+
The nail salon
You'll stay still, won't you, little love? +
Mermaid whiskey+
Baking Cookies*
Astarion talks in his sleep Part 1*+
My Sun, My Moon Part 2+
Glowing in the Underdark+
Reflections on one year of marriage
Highharvestide Part 1
Highharvestide Part 2
The wish spell worked.+
Little bump.
Labor and joy
Skin to skin.
Little lockpick.
Beach babies.+
A growing brood.
Puppy love.
Pre-BG3 / Random / Ascended Astarion OneShots
Midnight chimes / The Original One Shot
Pre-BG3. You’ve known Astarion for years… or at least, you’ve known of him. You think he’s a rake, but one night he changes your mind. The series "Midnight Chimes" started based off this "prologue."
A Midwinter Carol / The Original One Shot
“A Christmas Carol” but Ascended Astarion is Scrooge. He sees you after your break up 15 years ago, and then has an unexpected nighttime visitor showing him past, present, and future. Will he be convinced to change his ways? The series "Midwinter Carol" started based off this "prologue."
Naughty or Nice?
You’re Ascended Astarion’s little toy in the middle of a party. TLDR; he’s tease and a BDSM dom.
Dancing on my own
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obeymematches · 1 month
Hi! I was the one who requested the daughters one. Can you write it for the undateables?
sure thing bestie🫡 sorry I made you wait 💔
With his Daughter
● As the future Queen of Devildom you'd think his daughter is the perfect little girl in pretty dresses holding tea parties with her stuffies....
● My sweet summer child...
● She's a menace.
● You know girls usually take after their father. Diavolo is a fully grown adult and he can still be a menace.
● Can you imagine what he was like as a toddler ?? ● His little girl LOVES speaking her mind and Diavolo is very supportive of this habit. He adores how little kids think; and say the obvious. He damn sure won't be getting in the way of her freedom.
● Little girlie also likes to climb trees, play in the mud, prank the staff, if you get her one of those electric cars from the Human World she'd never get out.
● Likes to yell and throw tantrums; this is the only behavior of hers which Diavolo dislikes, though he is very patient with her regardless. Explains to her why she is being too much right now BUT let's go get icecream instead just to calm down.
● Think of Muffin from Bluey. Exactly.
● She is hectic, she is faaar from perfect, but his daddy doesn't let anyone tell her off or make her feel bad about it.
● As the other parent.... you hardly can rest with this two but if anyone, it's you who can slow them down a bit if this is not your style.
● He has experience raising kids, though usually sons.
● He was not prepared for his daughter to steal his heart so effortlessly though.
● He is absolutely in love since day 1. She was just born and now he'd do anything for her.
● Though she is not going to be so spiled to do whatever she wants, she must learn to be nice and polite - though I think she is a much calmer kid than Diavolo's, for example.
● She likes to pick flowers, play on the swing, dress pretty, and she likes to give kisses. She also likes to help her daddy cook!!
● Her dad is so proud of her, even when he is tired he refuses to rest unless they had playtime.
● Antoher person with experience; though the infant stage is new for him as well.
● He'd absolutely love his child no matter the gender, but his little girl is a copy-paste version of him of course he is obsessed.
● Gets up every single time she cries, does anything to calm her down, has endless patience. ● Hardly ever gets frustrated even when he hasn't slept well in years. Truly a perfect example.
● Likes to go on trips as a family!!!
● Very soft-spoken with her, explains everyting as many times as needed.
● His daughter isn't too spoiled but she has everything a kid needs. Has simple toys, non of that loud flashy stuff.
● Loves to read her stories inside, in the garden, on the road, doesn't matter he just wants to make sure his baby is set for a good, creative, happy life.
● Okay I doubt he was the protective kind BEFORE becoming a father..... and he is not going to change AFTER becoming one either.
● Kids must learn how the world works right?
● It is the best for her to experience everything.
● Yes he is there to calm her down, provide aid, etc, but he is not going to stop her from touching a thorn for example
● Like superglue his daughter is right there with him at all times. He can only use the toilet if he manages to leave without her noticing.
● I loove to imagine him carrying his daughter on his shoulders!!!
● Ah imagine him playing blocks with her 🥹 Building the prettiest castle just for her to destroy!
● Likes to wear matching colored clothing with her
● His heart breaks to shreds when she refuses to eat anything he cooks... there is no going back from that. Easily the worst feeling he had in the past centuries.
● His daughter is very clever for her age at all times. She might tutor some of her classmates if she likes them.
AN: did you know the base of your personality is inherited from your parents? yes you might change on purpose here and there, yes society, your culture also shapes you as you grow, but the base material you have to work with is inherited
AN 2: i have no clue where part one is but i trust it is on my blog somewhere 👉👈
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janeyseymour · 2 months
Won't You Be... My Neighbor?- pt. 5
Part 1. Part 2. Part 3. Part 4.
Summary: JJ is with Joe, and you and Melissa are at the hospital.
WC: ~1.7k
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JJ is screaming, crying, terrified. His father has just taken him from the place that he’s finally gotten used to calling home- from the two people that he feels at home with. His shoulder is on fire, and the way that his father is driving is more than scary.
But he’s silenced when Joe’s voice comes booming out, screaming at him to shut the fuck up, and his cheek is smacked. The little boy is reduced to silent tears that pour down his face continuously. He wishes that his momma were with him- that you were with him protecting him like you promised you would. He still can’t believe that you couldn’t make good on your promise- and even at his young age, he doesn’t fault you. He knows that if it were up to you, he would still be safely tucked into your arms in the bathroom and waiting for the police to arrive.
“Fuckin’ Melissa,” he shouts as he slams his hands on the steering wheel. “Fuckin’ fuckin’ the lawyer- no wonder the bitch won. Gonna fuckin’ kill her the next time I see her.”
JJ’s eyes widen. This is not the father he knew. He knew of Joe to not always be the most helpful or father of the year when it came to parental responsibilities- no, that was all Melissa. But he’s never gone around cursing like this in front of his son- never threatening to harm his mother. And he… he smells awful. What is that smell? The answer to that silent question is: vodka, not that the young one would be able to identify that scent. His father reeks of vodka, and he only continues to bring the bottle to his lips as he drives. The little boy is nearly thrown out of his seat as his father slams on the brakes, just narrowly avoiding a car that is coming at him. And before the four year old knows it, he’s seeing the skyline of the city off in the distance behind him.
“I want Momma,” the little one whimpers from the back. “I want Momma and Y/N.”
“Well, you aren’t getting them,” Joe sneers. “You’re mine now.”
Even at the young age that JJ is, he knows that’s not true. He knows that the reason that they were in court earlier today was because it was to determine where he would stay- the judge had explained that much to him and had even asked him who he would rather be with. Of course, his answer was that he wanted to stay with Melissa. He told the judge how Joe never played with him, was never home for dinner or for bedtime. JJ explained to the judge that Melissa was the best momma that he could ever ask for- that she was always there for cuddles, to play, make breakfast and dinner, that she gives him more love and hugs than anyone in the world, and that his momma is his absolute favorite person. He remembers that he told the judge that he loves where he lives now… he mentioned that he loves living there because you reside just down the hall, and you’re his second favorite person. He silently cries in the backseat as he quickly buckles himself in, praying that he’ll be reunited with his momma and you- and soon. 
The ambulance arrives not a few minutes after you place the call, and your heart breaks as they lift her onto the stretcher and she cries out in pain. Melissa is always so strong, not one to show that she’s struggling unless it’s in the confines of her own home- but this is something even beyond her. She can’t do anything other than writhe in pain- both at the hurt in your ribs and at the aching in her chest as she is terrified for her son’s fate.
You climb into the medical vehicle and hold the redhead’s hand the entire time. She doesn’t even register the absolute searing pain in her sides anymore- now she is just concerned for her son.
“They said they would have people meet us at the hospital,” you promise her. “And when I mentioned the Schemmenti name, the operator seemed shocked. So, maybe you always knowing a guy will work out in your favor.”
“If they don’t send Tommy to me, I will raise hell,” she grits through her teeth.
When the two of you arrive, the man in blue is indeed the one that she mentioned, and she feels the slightest bit of relief at that.
“Melissa Schemmenti, you look like hell,” the officer whistles lowly.
“You blues better fuckin’ get Joe,” is all the redhead grits out as they wheel her into the back. “Take Y/N’s statement, and get Joe.”
And so, while she is being assessed, taken back for various tests to ensure that there is no internal bleeding or anything of the likes, you sit in the room while the doctor tries to insist on also examining your own wounds and speak with Tommy. You brush off the doctor- your only focus right now is getting Melissa’s son back home safely.
“I don’t even know what happened,” you tell him honestly. “All I know is he was piss drunk, and I fought tooth and nail to keep that little boy safe.”
“Ma’am, any information is valuable.”
“Okay,” you will yourself to think back to just about an hour ago. You close your eyes, trying to concentrate, and you’re taken back to the apartment where everything had just happened. “Melissa and I were asleep on the couch… and I woke up when she started screaming. He- he had a bat. And he beat Melissa senselessly while screaming that she was fucking me- we are not… He beat me in the side. She told me to get her son, JJ- uh, Joe Jr. We raced to the back rooms where he was sleeping. I somehow got him despite him hitting me with the bat in the leg. We were locked in the bathroom, and Joe- he broke the door. I held onto him as much as I could. But Joe was stronger and… he pulled…” you start to break down remembering the way that JJ had screamed. “JJ’s arm got pulled out of its socket. And then he took off with him. By the time I hobbled my way to the door, his car was out of sight.”
“We’ve already sent an amber alert out for him,” the officer promises you. Do you have any photos of the little boy to help identify him?”
You pull up a photo of JJ on your phone, one of him with Melissa and Joe.
“Please,” you whisper. “Please find him.”
The officer, in a rather out of character move, places his hand over yours. “With Melissa’s family being involved? Yeah, we’s gonna find that little boy, and Joe is going to pay.”
“Good,” you wipe at your tears. “And when you do find him, take him to whatever hospital is closest… God, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get that ear piercing shriek of his out of my head.”
“He’ll get taken care of,” Tommy promises you. “Just like Melissa is now, and how you should be for that knee of yours.” He gestures to it. “It don’t look right at all.”
“I’ll get to it,” you wave him off. “Right now, Mel needs all the care she can get, and JJ is our top priority.”
“Just remember that you can’t help them if you aren’t helping yourself,” the officer tells you as he pats your hand once more. Then he’s trailing back to his other colleagues to tell them what you had said.
You’re led back to Melissa’s room, where they have her in a bed now. Her eyes are foggy, and you can’t tell what she’s thinking. The doctor comes in a few seconds later.
“She’s high as a kite right now,- it was the only way to get her to stop cursing us out for not letting her find her son,” he tells you. “Three broken ribs from what he did to her.”
“I didn’t want it,” the redhead in the bed slurs out. “I just want my son.”
“And we’ll find him, Mrs. Schemmenti,” the doctor promises. “For now, all you can do is focus on getting better.”
“I don’t give a shit if I get better or not,” the woman is as feisty as ever. “All I need is JJ.”
“Mel,” you whisper as you limp your way over. You press a kiss to her hairline, and even with all of the morphine she’s on, she manages a smile. “We’re going to find him, and he’s going to be just fine. I promise.” You only hope that you can keep that promise- because your guilt will eat you alive if you can’t. The thought of something worse happening to that sweet little boy makes you sick to the stomach, and you have to choke down the bile that threatens to come up.
“We’re going to keep her overnight for observation,” the doctor informs you once you’ve choked it down. “But then she’s going to be released. Will you be the one with her?”
“I will be,” you confirm.
“Then you should let us check you out too, so you can help her the best you can,” he presses again.
With a roll of your eyes, you let them examine you, but you are adamant that you do not leave the redhead’s side. She falls asleep during the checkover, and all they tell you is that you’ll be sore for the next few days.
“Not as bad as her,” you sigh as you rub your thumb over Melissa’s knuckles. 
“Get some sleep for now,” the doctor tells you. “The police will be back tomorrow morning to get her statement when she isn’t drugged up, and we’ll instruct you on recovery for her in the morning.”
You insist on them wheeling a bed into the same room as the teacher. Your beds are right next to each other- close enough that you can grip Melissa’s hand softly in your own as you fall asleep, and as your drifting off to sleep, you feel the redhead squeeze your hand gently. 
TAGS: @schemmentis @thesapphictimelady @marvel210 @itisdoctortoyousir @morgana-larkin @thesamesweetie @doesthatsuggestanythingtoyou @marvels--slut @gwennybriggs @megamultifandomtrashposts @lemz378 @http-sam @melissaschemmentisbranzino @imaginesmultifandoms @sexysapphicshopowner @lilfartbox1 @maybe-a-humanbean @imlike-so-gaydude @sapphicxrat @a-queen-and-her-throne @sunsol-22 @notinmyvocab @melanielaufeyson @dvrkhcld
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pedrithink · 1 year
prenuptial ✩ kylian mbappé
summary: you and kylian are getting married and the subject of the prenuptial agreement comes into play, but kylian is not so sure about this.
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notes: this is going to have a part 2, so… don’t worry!!
"I think we should talk more about this." You say offhandedly and attract the attention of Kylian who was distracted by the movie you were watching.
"Hm?" Kylian arches his eyebrows and turns to look at you. "About what?"
"About the prenup." Kylian settles better on the couch and pauses the movie. "Your family is right, I think we'd better sign an agreement before the wedding and separate your assets."
Kylian bites his lower lip and frowns. He most certainly does not want you to think that he and his family do not trust you.
"You know it's not because they don't trust you, right?" Kylian strokes your face lightly and you crack a little smile as you nod your head slightly.
"Of course I know, Ky. They just want to have the confidence that I won't marry you and steal all your money." Your voice sounds comical and Kylian faces you making a disapproving face. "That’s okay, love. I know and I agree with them."
Kylian softens his gaze and moves his fingers down to caress your waist as he pulls you closer to him. "I don't want your money, Ky. I really don't care and don't even want 1% of it. I just want to marry you and love you."
The smile that grows on Kylian's face melts your heart and only grows even more in your chest that urgency to marry him.
About two or three days ago, you were at Kylian's parents' house and this conversation about the prenup came up. You understood that they wanted to touch on this topic in a light way, without wanting you to feel offended by it.
Of course, you are not offended, much less upset. In fact, you even understand. Kylian and his parents fought for many years to get him to this level. You understand that it's many millions and that they want to have the confidence that it won't vanish overnight if something goes wrong with your marriage.
"I just want you to keep in mind that none of this has anything to do with any slightest suspicion about your honor." You listen carefully to what Kylian says and let out a tiny smile. "I trust you with my life, but my parents..."
"I know." You hold Kylian's hands. "They just want to have the confidence and affirmation about what can happen in the future and it's okay."
Kylian makes a doubtful expression and you let out a chuckle as you run your hand over his face. "Hey, seriously. You're worrying more than I am."
"I just don't want you to think we don't trust you."
You let out a sigh. "I know it's not about trusting me or not, Kylian. It's millions of euros." Your eyes widen a little and Kylian lets a little smile grow. "I'm fine just having you by my side and that's it, I have my job and I can live on my little money. It's not that much, but I'm proud of it."
Kylian knows that you have always struggled to earn your own job and money. You don't come from a rich family and even less are you rich now, but you manage to get by with your money and you have an amazing life. Kylian always helps you with some things, but you make it clear that you don't want his money to support you. You are aware that he has much, much more money than you do. But, you don't let small things get in the way of your relationship.
You're proud of what you've accomplished and Kylian is also extremely proud to see how hard you work for yourself, for your family, and even for your relationship.
"You are the hardest working woman I know, I am proud of you." Kylian leaves a soft kiss on your head and snuggles you into his arms.
You stay like that for a few minutes until you break the silence and pull away to talk to Kylian. "I'll text your mother. Have her straighten everything out and we'll sign the contract."
Kylian shakes his head in affirmation. "Okay, fine."
You don't realize it, but Kylian sits for a few minutes thinking and thinking about what you have talked about. He knows it is necessary and understands his parents' position, but at the same time, confusion overwhelms his mind.
You share a 7-year relationship, you have known and loved him since he was a "nobody." You've been by his side through the best and worst of times, and you've always made it clear that you support his dream of becoming a football player.
For a few minutes, he feels selfish for depriving you of something you also fought to earn.
"Is everything okay?" When you notice Kylian's frown, he shakes his head to disperse his thoughts and shakes his head in very dubious confirmation . "Are you sure?"
"Yes, my love. Rest assured." He casts a wink at you and extends his arm for you to return to his embrace. "I just got lost in my thoughts."
As you talk about again, Kylian can't get it out of his mind that he urgently needs to talk to someone and get this doubt that persists to linger in his mind.
[part 2]
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mikachacha · 7 months
𝙰𝚕𝚕 𝚃𝚘𝚘 𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚕 (𝙱𝚊𝚍𝚊 𝙻𝚎𝚎 𝚡 𝚁𝚎𝚊𝚍𝚎𝚛) 𝙿𝚝. 3
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Synopsis: Bada wanted you to stay in Korea with her as she found work there but then your relationship is falling apart rapidly.
Warnings: toxic relationship and behaviours, angst. This'll be pretty heavy so please if you're not into this kind of stuff, you can ignore this update and wait for the regular fluffs and smuts 🫶🫶
(A/N: i hope none of y'all are experiencing this in real life or if you have experienced this, im so sorry that you have gone through such shit relationship but don't give up, yeah? Things will get better eventually.)
Prologue | Part 1 | Part 2 | Part 3 | Part 4 |
Part 5 | Part 6 | Part 7 | Part 8
It hasn't been well for you and Bada ever since that incident while meeting her friends. You still couldn't believe how she can do that to you. You wanted to get away but at the same time you want to mend your relationship with her. You didn't wanna lose her despite everything that has happened. Plus she's showing lots of effort for you to forgive her. She even got an apartment in Seoul so you and her can live there and won't have to pretend to be best friends anymore like you did at her parents' house. It was a big step for you both but then it also meant that whenever a fight would break out between you and her, you had no one to run off to.
"Jesus.. You scared me!" you exclaimed. You were in the kitchen, making some tea since you just couldn't fall asleep. You've been having a hard time falling asleep the past few days as thoughts plague your mind. Bada noticed you weren't in bed next to her so she got up and searched for you, only to find you making tea in the kitchen.
"I'm sorry my love.. Didn't mean to scare you. Was just confused since you weren't there beside me. Having trouble falling asleep?" she asked and you nodded. She wrapped her arms around you, pulling you in for a warm embrace and kissing the top of your head. You melted in her arms. You missed moments like this with her.
"Baby.. I may need to go back to the states soon. I got a job offer there." you told her and she hugged you even tighter, like it's her own way of telling that you shouldn't go back and to just stay with her in Korea.
"Y/N.. Do you really wanna leave me all alone here? I got this apartment for us and then you're gonna go back to the states?" Bada's questions made your heart ache. You didn't wanna leave her despite everything.
"I.. I don't know if I'll be able to find a job here, Bada.. I don't speak Korean that well and I don't want you to shoulder all the expenses for us." you tried to reason with her that led to an hour long discussion about applying as an English teacher there or working from home as long as you don't leave her. You were tired and just wanted to sleep so you agreed. The next morning, Bada helped you search for jobs before she went to her own. She has been hired as a teacher at a dance studio nearby and she's got to work with artists as well. You're happy for her since it has been her dream to be able to work with artists and teach people to dance.
"So baby, we're going somewhere this Friday. The studio is holding a welcome party for me and I want you to be there with me. I want you to meet my workmates and some friends." Bada said as she came home one day. What happened when you last went out with her to meet with someone didn't end up well but you wanted to move past that and you also didn't want to disappoint her so you agreed to go with her. You really don't want to start an argument with her as you're still trying to fix your relationship up.
"Yeah.. Is it a formal event? Do I need to really dress up?" you asked and she placed her head on your shoulder. She played with your hand, drawing patterns and kissing it.
"Maybe a dress would be fine. It's not too formal plus you look amazing either way." Bada says that made your heart flutter and heat to creep up your cheeks. She really knows how to win you over even with just words.
The night of the event came and it was rather chill. You didn't feel that out of place since you've been studying Korean when you had time to spare. You were able to hold conversations and didn't cling to Bada that much. You were having fun, chattering with some of Bada's friends when you saw something that shattered you to pieces. It was Bada and a girl who looked so familiar. It was Redy, one of Bada's exes before she started dating you. She was clinging to Bada like they're still a couple and the sight made you feel physically sick that you had to excuse yourself to the bathroom. You're just crying there, trying to convince yourself that it's probably nothing and that you're just overthinking stuff when the door opened and there stood one of Bada's dancer friends.
"Hey are you okay? What happened? Should I call Bada to come here?" the woman asked and you shook your head, wiping your tears away. You're embarrassed that this stranger saw you in a vulnerable state.
"Y-yeah I'm okay.. Sorry you had to see me like this.. But I'm good, everything's good. No need to call Bada." you assured her and she offered to help you freshen up which really helped you calm down.
"I'm Monika by the way and if you need to talk to someone, you can reach me via Instagram." Monika says and you followed her on instagram to which she reciprocated. You thanked her and gave her a hug just in time that Bada came in the bathroom, looking for you and saw you hugging Monika. The look on her face terrified you and your heart sank knowing that this will be another fight between you and her.
Monika excused herself when she saw Bada and now, you're left alone with your girlfriend who looked really pissed off. She looked at you before grabbing you firmly by the wrist and basically dragged you back to the car. The whole car ride was filled with deafening silence but it was a whole different scenario when you were finally inside your shared apartment.
"So what was that all about? Lusher told me that you excused yourself to go to the bathroom and haven't returned after 20 minutes. What were you doing there? Flirting with Monika?! What the hell is wrong with you, Y/N?! Am I not enough?!" Bada yelled at you and you flinched. She was still holding on to your wrist rather tightly and it's starting to hurt now.
"Let me go, Bada.. You're hurting me.." you told her and she did let you go but she didn't stop yelling at you and accusing you of cheating.
"Hurting you? Have you ever thought about how much you've hurt me when I saw you hugging Monika?! Who knows what else happened there!" Bada was absolutely furious and you're starting to get pissed off as well. She's accusing you of cheating yet you saw her and Redy looking like they're still together while Bada couldn't be bothered to even check on you, spend at least a minute with you in that party.
"You're really going absolutely crazy about me hugging Monika when you were the one having her ex cling to them and couldn't be bothered to check on their girlfriend the whole night! I was crying in that damn bathroom because you were never there for me, you were paying more attention to your damn ex more than me! How was I supposed to react to that, huh?!" you finally snapped back and Bada just stormed off to your shared bedroom and locked you out so you slept on the couch that night.
The days went by and you could really feel you and Bada drifting apart. She wouldn't even look at you, wouldn't speak to you. It was horrible and you felt like everything was your fault. How did it come to this? What went wrong? Where was the Bada you once knew and loved? You were about to message her when a friend messaged you first, asking if you and Bada broke up since all your pictures together are apparently deleted from Bada's socials which was a shock to you. You checked and sobs wracked your body at what you saw. It was true, it seems like Bada has erased you from her life already.
With a heavy heart, you grabbed all your belongings and packed your bags. You left the apartment and booked a hotel. You're just gonna stay there for a bit until you can find a cheap apartment to stay. You were planning on leaving Korea once your contract with the company you're currently working at ends. You deactivated all your socials and only kept in touch with your friends and family from the states. You just wanted to be alone and away from Bada to really think things through. To think if the relationship is still worth it or if you needed to just let go of it.
@lil-elliesgf, @efyyylee, @hwm1hyun, @mikaleialt, @bunnywonyo, @badaswifey, @mrs-grim-reaper
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poemnic-tarot · 3 months
The Next 3 months Forecast - Timeless PAC Reading⛅️🍎
(Disclaimer: This is a general reading please only take what resonate. For entertainment purposes only)
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
Check out my master list: PAC Reading Master List
This is a PAID Reading example!!!!. If you resonate with is you can order a paid reading from me exactly like this here: Paid Reading
Don't forget to save it! screenshot for future Guidance!!
This is a Timeless PAC Reading, it will apply to whatever time you are reading this.
⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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Pile 1🫧❄️
Energy check : The frog
"Treat yourself like how you want your parent to treat you"
Pile 1 you might feel a bit conflicted between to keep going or stopping or resting for a while. It is conflicting to you because you feel quite burdensome, like you have a lot of things to do and on your plate.You may have a conscious or unconscious high expectation of yourself to get everything done, even-though you don't really feel like it at all. You might feel depleted and in need of a break and it is vital that you do so. We cannot run with an empty fuel or even if we do we won't go far either.
It is time to nourish yourself with self care activities that you might have been putting off. Put down worries and stress for a while and if resting make you feel guilty, it is also the perfect time to examine on the reason why that is. Rest is your birth right, no need to earned it.
Pile 1 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
❄️🫧1st Month - 5 of swords🫧❄️
"Freeing yourself was one thing, claiming ownership of that freed self was another" - Toni Morrison
The Artist greatest tortured has alway been the process of creation. It is when we have no idea if what we are currently working on will turn out like we hope for/or expected. That is how life is, a process, a work in progress. Remember that there is no destination to reach. It is indeed the journey that we must focus on.If things are up in the air right now and nothing has been decide yet, it is only because we ourself haven't make that decision. And deciding what to do is part of the process, instead of attaching fear, insecurity, nervousness, certainly uncertainty, around the process of not knowing yet. We can rewrite the story by changing it to anticipation, into excitement and entertaining what life have to offer you. Your life story is yours and you can change the genres at anytime.Is this life a tragedy?, a mystery?, a love story?, an adventure or just a slice of life. Whatever it is, you decide. By changing our perspective we changed our story suddenly.
And there is power in choosing, in giving yourself choices. God like power equivalent. There's a lot of fears attach to giving ourself choices that's why not a lot of people do it. "I don't have a choice" is a common phrase because it is easier to have everything up to fate. This is the time/opportunity to ask yourself what you want your fate to look like?. Freewill is on your side and whatever you decided, that is your fate. We do not know our fate by searching. We know our purpose by already done the deed then we decided that THIS is what we want to do. I want to do this, I choose this =your fate. Fate follow your decision. How many times/area in our life where we can 100 percent said that we choose this ourself?.
We are finally free from the unconscious drive, now it is time to live with intention. And that might feel uncomfortable and even hard but trusting in yourself is key. They say knowing is half the battle, so know thy self. Getting to know who you really are, what you really want to do will help you navigate this time easier.The most important thing is, you don't need to figure out the outcome of your decision or how it's going to turn out. All you need to make sure is that do you want to do this?.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 14. Ask for help
'What do you really need? be willing to accept support. There is so much support available to you. You only need to ask for help and you will receive it. Let go of fear and pride as they do not benefit you nor give you what you desire.'
Signs: 555, 1414, fishes, island, blue, water, Pisces, Aquarius
Songs: Is it love by Loreen
You'll find me in the echo of the dark Workin' on the riddle of your heart Lost you in a maze, now let me out Is it love? Is it love? Is it love?
Poem: Will You Fight? by @cant-find-my-name There's no beauty in this pain if incarnation exists I wish to never feel it again Life too hurt to live I have nothing else left to give Put me out of my mystery I demand to be free All these trials and tribulations You think you won't get over them But you did before So what's another one? But they go on and on You realised it won't be done The hardship are endless I have been giving my best That's the circle of life Will you give up now Or will you continue to fight?
Quote from Pinterest:
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🎐✨2nd Month - The fool ✨🎐
"It's okay that you're not who you thought you would be".
This is the time for experiment, for adventures, of discovering who you decided to be. We are alway learning about ourself so don't be surprise when a new side popped up. Be curious. What identity/story /belief are we so attach to or that we keep telling ourself?. I'm not the type to do that, or I cannot do this because I am not XYZ enough. How about we see ourself as a blank canvas for a change and that the empty space is not to be fear but to be fills with infinite possibilities. To achieve or want something new, firstly we must also become someone we never been before. For example, if you want to be a healthy person who is fit, then become someone who frequent the gym or do workouts. It mean tuning our frequency to match the vibrations of our desire outcome. For the little things and the big ones.
This world is our playground, this world is our oyster, and we are an avatar whose here to learn and have fun and become as many things as possible. Non attachment is key towards outcome, identity or how the story will unfolds. We do not know what will happen but one thing we know for sure is that every new day is a new lesson to learn from.
Embodies the energy of creation/ take inspiration from around you. Everything you go through or witness have a connection towards you one way or the other. Any ideas/creative projects that suddenly strike you is no coincidence, it find you deliberately. Every things that has been created was an idea once and if there's one that has found you, do not be afraid to answer the call. Be curious.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: Have faith. Trust your faith in this situation.
"When we honestly believe things will work out, our faith will confidently see us through. It can be challenging to move forward when you aren't sure what the outcome will be. Stay present with whatever is in front of you right now. You may have doubts or fear when you take a step forward or make a decision, but faith gives you the courage to continue"
Signs: daisy, dandelion, Sun, tiger, Golden butterfly, golden wings, crocodile, balloon, 33, yellow
Song: Coming back for you by Fireboy DML
Well I pray that the universe Gives you way more than you deserve When the tears fall like shooting stars Remember who you are Just look up to the sky you'll see
Poem: Who You Can Be by @cant-find-my-name
When you stop holding tight To who you thought you were And instead be open to new
Possibilities of you Then you'll see Who you truly are Or can become Weak foundation must be undone Old identity forgotten Mind full of limitations Cannot attract abundance Because you are not open To receive them It's time to wake up and see See the possible version Of Who You Can Be
Quote from Pinterest:
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🍭🍡3rd month - 2 of wands🍡🍭
"Every next level of your life will demand a different you".
Pile 1, in this time the way forward is open for you. Keep your momentum. You are unstoppable. Your energy is unstoppable. You are a force to be reckon with, take action towards your visions. If you have vision/ideas, a dream reality, this is the time to take action towards it. The need for movement is not from doubt or fears. From now on, 'I want to act with love' and you might learn that the decisions and action after that will be different than the way you operate before. Because when you operate from love, there's a certain confident, an inner knowing and an unshakable faith that everything is going to be alright. Because it has alway been that way.
Everything in this universe is right, nothing is wrong. When you realise that, whatever action you take, will alway be the right one. You will be able to clearly see the Success in your ventures as you move forward. The picture you painted in your head is coming together in real life. This reality is unfolding in a way that you alway know to be true. In a way, deep inside you know that this universe has alway favour you. Everything is working for you, it is time to accept this truth and work for ourself.
There will be a lot of energy within us this month, use this wisely to propel our goals forward, in any area of our life.
Richard L. Evans Quote: “Your direction is more important than your speed.”
When you finally pick a direction walk towards it with head held high. You choosing your own path/way is already success in itself.
Stars Dragons Oracle quote - Find your light and follow it home - until you realised that with every step you are already there.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 24. Focus on love. Look for the good in everyone.
"Focusing on the love will change and heal any negativity that is there.How you perceive a situation has a lot to do with how you feel about them."
Signs: Letter JJ, orange, sunset, Dragons, lantern, 2423,
Songs: Rise by League of Legends, Mako, and The Word Alive
Higher and higher you chase it It's deep in your bones, go and take it This is your moment, now is your time, so Prove yourself and RISE, RISE Make 'em remember you RISE Push through hell and RISE, RISE They will remember you RISE
Poem: Confident by @cant-find-my-name
So this is what confident feels like It's no longer undefined It's no longer random burst Unexpected, at the mercy of when it Will emerge Now I can call on it Anytime At the tip of of my fingers At the top of my tongue My body oozes of confident Trust in oneself is the definition To give it my all To not hesitate or keep myself small With my inner strength With all my might I will stand tall In the front line and face it all
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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Pile 2🌦🌕
Energy check : The wolf
"I understand if the wound is greater than an apology can cure"
Pile 2 You might be dealing with disappointment right now. If something or someone has turn out differently then you expected, this is an opportunity to let go. We think we might have a great idea of someone and if that person deviate from our view of them, life might suddenly does not make sense. That someone can also be yourself. If things or person actions does not make sense to you, we can only ask ourself if we align with their actions or not. We can't control people but we can control how we response to them. We human are a unique individual but we are not that different from each other. WE all have the same fundamental needs, the need to belong, the need to be loved, the need to fulfils our own desires, the need for stability/security.
What motive/base intention drive you?, and people close to you. The base alway determine the action. And what kind of action are you okay/align with to fulfils that particular need of yours. And what actions simply doesn't.
For you, the end doesn't justify the means. Even if the intention is good but the action to fulfil that needs is hurting you in some way either from others or even yourself, it is okay to acknowledge that that is not the way you want to proceed. Understanding what you can or cannot tolerate is key.
Pile 2 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
✉️🪄1st month - 7 of pentacles🪄✉️
"You can try again tomorrow"
Pile 2 You have infinite chances.You might be questioning where is your reward for all the hard work you did?.The real question is, how can I become the things I want?. People might not realise it but even with the desires for material goals or material obtainment is to fulfil a certain need/emotion within us. For example, stable income for the feeling of security, a physical home to fulfils the feeling of belonging. We do not need to wait until obtaining those things to feel that particular emotions. We can cultivate a sense of security within us now. If you seek abundance, embody it, become it because you are what you attract.
We must ask ourself why we made importance certain goals in our life. And if our efforts did not show case in obtaining that goals, do we lose something in the process?. There is never a lost in trying and if you have try, you have already gain. Wisdom, lessons, getting to know another side of yourself. Different situations bring out a different you, different outcome bring out a different you. It ask you what do you truly value?, your hard work or the result of it?. Aren't both equally important?. So why do we disregard one when the ending is not what we expected?. If the same way hasn't work for you before, why not try a different way?. What are we trying to achieve here?. Who are we becoming in the process while we pursue our goals? do we feel lighter or heavier?. You have work hard to become who you are today, but strip away the obvious, who are you really?. What is your soul like?. Do you know what your soul feel like?. If the situation seem like it isn't working for you, it time to take back your power and make it work for you.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 33. Appreciate this moment. Every situation is an opportunity to grow and find love.
"Challenging circumstances rarely make sense at the time. It is important to face what is happening so you can learn the lessons. Ask the angels to show you what is important in this moment."
Signs: 333, Conch shell, seashells, angels, archangel Ariel, Yellow
Song: Thank God I Do by Lauren Daigle
I've started breathing The weight is lifted here With You, it's easy My head is finally clear There's nothing missing When You are by my side I took the long road But now I realize I'm home with You, I'm home
Poem: Why isn't That Me? by @cant-find-my-name
I look up at the sky And saw people fly My immediate thought was Why isn't that me? What else do I need to feel more free? To feel happy What is the formula for greatness? And why don't I have it? My confident is all but a grand Emulation What do I lack that they don't? How can they spread their wings without care And why don't I dare Going for it too? Is it hard work or talent Or is it bravery or passion? Both which I can't find within me So if I want to be up there too I have to find the success recipe I need to solve this inner Mystery
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🍓🫧2nd month - King of pentacles🫧🍓
"Because we can't see what's ahead, you have to trust that dots will somehow connect in your future"
Pile 2 This is the month to build a strong foundation on what you valued, what you truly believe in. We managed to get this far but we know we can go much farther. This life is a journey and in a way you have "made it". The trust you have in yourself never lead you astray. Your faith in your visions, instinct, your own path will alway lead you home. In a way, you were never lost, you alway know where you are heading to.
This has been a long journey for you but it is a worthwhile one. You have achieved so much, time to acknowledge THAT. You know who you are, you are stable inside yourself, you trust your path like never before. And it is these differences in you that will transformed your outer reality. As above so below, as within so with out. You can clearly see in front of you now, no obstruction, no confusion. You alway know that there's no need to rush, it is not the destination but the journey that is the most exhilarating and satisfying.The fulfilment is in the way there, life is a never ending journey and you cannot wait to invent a new path for yourself to embark on.
Slow and steady win the race. and you know that wherever it is you're suppose to go, you are never late. You are alway on time. And having fun, taking in the view, smelling the roses, on your way there is what define your experiences more than the destination.Life become fulfilling to you now as you seek more experience that feeds you rather than deplete you.
"I don't want to feel better, I want to know better. I should have known that God is not in the meal but in the sharing of the meal. I should have told you that holiness resides in needing each other, in acts of survival made generous."
Julian K. Jarboe ( I saw this post in tumblr and was call to put it here)
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 28. The union of Hearts. A love connection defies explanation.
"It is important to recognise the significance love has in your life. Shift your attention to the essentials in your relationships. Celebrate the wealth of love present in your life. This card is prompting you to redirect your awareness from your goals and desired outcomes, onto your relationships."
Signs: 111, 88, 28, constellation, Centaurus, open fields, Black knight, shield
Song: At All Costs by Ariana DeBose and Chris Pine
If happiness was a tangible thing It would be you If you'd have told me the feeling you'd bring I'd think it untrue And people search for a wonder like you All of their lives You still amaze me after all this time
Poem: This is Truly Tragic by @poemnic-tarot
Have I been worried about the result? Anxious about the outcome? And in the in between time Missed all the fun? Mind, what a tragedy This is truly tragic I've only lived for fleeting moments That in the big Picture Doesn't contribute to anything Now I get it, I will try not to live in stress Of course I have my worries But now I know when To let it rest
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❄️💫3rd Month - 7 of swords💫❄️
"One can be the master of what one does, but never of what one feels"
Pile 2 in this month you might feel quite independent. It is encourage you to go your own path. Solitute or spending time by yourself might be what you needed. No need to be agreeable with people if you have a different opinion. You learn more by listening, especially listening to what's not being said. If there is a revelation or a certain truth or even a shift in perspective revealing themselves this time we can take our time to come to term with it. No need to react right away, or identify with it. We can observe the behaviours of other to determine if it align with us. Feeling differently than what we should feel doesn't mean we are wrong or that we should conform. Accepting our individuality is key, our uniqueness is what will set us free.
If something is crumbling down let it fall. You cannot save a fake foundation. You know the truth will alway come out, and the truth is never meant to hurt you, but only to set you free. Free from flock mentality or the matrix. When you have seen you cannot unseen. And how ever you feel about it is up to you and yours alone no need to hold back on our feeling or frustration, or anger.
Original path mean designing your own blueprint. If this world seem fake to you suddenly, know that your mind, your belief is what makes your reality. Your belief will set your path, do you believe in freedom?. Because it become yours when you believe in it. You are not trap here, you are on a solo journey. Hang in there, discard the need for things to make sense. YOUR REASON can be different from other people that's why you are leading a different life than other people. You are the truth that this world need, if this world is filled with illusion, you are the real gold among plastic. A truth seeker, a truth speaker. Observe the truth, find it, become it.
Signs: 777, snow, white, crescent moon, Hummingbird, morning glory, sea, blue flowers, lava, magma, a record player
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 31. Love makes the difference. love helps heal past hurts and provides a sense of security and self - worth.
"Love is strong and can endure anything. if you trust love everything else will fall into place.When there are challenges, it is important to keep your heart open."
Song: Hummingbird by James Blake and Metro Boomin
And hummingbird I know that's our time (that's our time) But stay on Stay on, stay on with me And hummingbird I can never unsee What you've shown me Stay on, stay on with me
Poem: Four Of Wands by @cant-find-my-name
With hopeful seed You planted your needs And wish them well Hoping they grow To abundance more For you to sell But What are flowers? And what are weed? Which shall you keep? Which is which? You cannot tell In Four Of Wands You have built But slowly, reality seeps in Like stained water, dripping into your ideal dreams Your house must sustain Strong concrete standing Firm foundation as storm rolled in It won't be blown apart As you will make sure That you're not building a house of cards
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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🌸⚡️Pile 3⚡️🌸
Energy check: The Lion
"This moment will just be another story someday"
"You can try again tomorrow"
Pile 3, you might be feeling sad or nostalgic lately. But there's no specific situation to cause this particular emotion.You might be feeling like you have outgrown your environment and people around you. You feel like you cannot relate to your usual people, things, or even hobby. What you used to vibe with, there isn't the same connection there anymore. You feel like the same things, people , places just doesn't do it for you anymore.
This is because you have gone through a massive transformation. You have ascended spiritually, at first internally, then the outer reality will let you know that it's time to go. You feel like the same thing does not satisfied you anymore. In a way, your soul is seeking something new, a new adventure, a new challenge. You are ready for the next level. You will slowly transition to new things naturally as the same old routine, hobby, places you used to frequent will not quench that thirst of yours.
Yes, it's okay to feel sad, even grieving the past, but also you can celebrate. You made it Pile 3, you have mastered your growth. A new chapter is awaiting you. In fact, you are already on your way there, the feeling of dissatisfaction is the first clue.
Song: The Hills by Rachel
Have you ever noticed That your house don't feel like home? (Home, home) In a room that you've outgrown Scrubbing at the writing on the walls (walls, walls) Everybody's been there So you try your best to leave (leave, leave) I was told the grass is greener But it's just a fantasy, it seems
Pile 3 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
🍏✨1st month - 7 of pentacles✨🍏
"Stretching his hand up to reach the stars, too often man forget the flower at his feet."
Pile 3, this is the month of appreciation. You do not need to look far to feel satisfied. We can concentrate on what we don't have yet, who we want to be with, where we want go. Those empty spaces are not a representation of how worthy you are or not. You are worthy as you are, with or without what you seek. Put in effort and focus on what you actually vibe with. Ask yourself what you rather be doing. Work smarter not harder. You know you can do it when you decide to. Trust that whatever you put efforts in it will grow. Just like how you did yourself. Energy flow where attention goes.
You witness the result in yourself, when you poured into your self you notice how much you grow. Everything in life is like a plant, a tree, or a flower. Everything we want to build need focus, attention, efforts and energy, as well as the right environment and nutrient. Whether that is people, project, work or habits. Adjust accordingly, what do you need the most right now. To feel better physically?, rest, to grow a business? consistency. We know what everything need in order to become the beautiful flower we know it would. Give yourself three things this month Pile 3, Time, Patient and faith. When you apply this to your self or the things you want, you have everything. You reap what you sow, anything you focus on and put energy in will eventually grow. No matter how slow, the flower will inevitably bloomed.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 30. True Love. this love is once in a life time.
"Unconditional love is easier said than done. maintaining the love in a relationship takes more than good intentions. Positive intentions are a solid first step, but it is better to learn how to nurture your relationship each day."
Signs: 144, 72, 11, letter T, Pig, white snake, fireworks, better late than never, guitar, Elf, Ocean waves, sparrow
Song: On The Ground by Rosé
I worked my whole life Just to get right, just to be like "Look at me, I'm never coming down" I worked my whole life Just to get high, just to realize Everything I need is on the Everything I need is on the ground
Poem: Skills and Hard Work by @cant-find-my-name
Take up the skills and Devoured it Eat it up for breakfast The component you have it The natural talent and hard work Two plus two equals Our passionate love It's not hard at all It's who I am My habit is practice Putting formulas together For my benefit I want to conquered the world Then so be it If I can't make bread from scratch Then Victory? Forget about it
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🐇🌙2nd Month - The Tower🌙🐇
"Biggest lesson: Don't ever think it can't happen to you."
"Remember how far you've come instead of how far you've to go"
Pile 3, in this month you must remember that everything is going according to plan. It might not seem so but we have to accept that we are not all knowing. All we can focus on is trust in the process. Notice how every time we ask/pray for something we get the opposite?. For example, you wish for true authentic love, the universe will reveal where that is not present.Maybe even magnify it to you where true love isn't.A big red arrow pointing to show you that what you pray for is alway there, but we must transformed it into exactly what we ask for.
Keep calm and continue what you're doing. If the ground you're standing on is crumbling, let it fall. You asked for this.There's a quote that goes something like this"people witness The violent it take to change but no one knows the violent it takes to stay the same" Choose your hard. Nothing is wrong. Everything is right within this universe. What you're witnessing is transformation. The cocoon is transforming into a butterfly. But in between that, how violent, chaotic is the change?. Transformation is not pretty, it might even look like destruction. No matter what's it look like this month, remember that the transformation is alway in your favour.Keep that in mind. When the planet moves, it move in your favour, it moves for your greatest good. The process of transformation is not for the feint of heart, it require trust and calmness and the ability to breathe as illusion breaks.
'Demolish the fortress of yourself so that your truth may flow free from the ruins.' explanation of the Tower card from Tarot of Stars eternal.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 15.Practice Compassion. See things from a fresh perspective. Love and compassion always bring positive outcomes.
Signs: Red, purple, Mars, Fire signs, blue tit, blue feather, blue crystal cluster, forget me not, blue rose
Song: We Are The Champions by Queen
I've taken my bows And my curtain calls You brought me fame and fortune And everything that goes with it I thank you all But it's been no bed of roses No pleasure cruise I consider it a challenge before The human race And I ain't gonna lose
Poem: Peace Will Find You Somehow by @cant-find-my-name
If you're scare of things going wrong Then, you're scare of living Cause life will almost alway goes wrong Darling, Your lesson here is to learn To be okay with chaos Cause it will happen Or happening There is no stopping Peace cannot be found when all is all Peace can be found now Even in the midst of War During bloodshed and Violence All around If you take a deep breath Plant both feet on the ground Even then Peace will find you somehowQuote from Pinterest:
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☘️🌾3rd Month - 6 of cups🌾🍀
Pile 3, this is an intense time for you. Where you feel everything so deeply, you might notice that every senses is intensify.Your taste buds, scent of smell, especially your emotions. When you're happy it's so high and when you're low it's so low. This might feel like a rollercoaster time period. Pleasure and pain goes hand in hand, you could say one cannot exist without the other. But we do not have to be at the mercy of pleasure or pains. They do not or should not define our life experiences. Everything in this UNIVERSE is neutral. You are the one defining your experience as pleasure or pain or even both. It's doesn't have to be either or, it can be either and.
What experiences do you categorise as painful and which are defined to you as pleasurable?. It possible to have both in one day, if you define today as painful you have already limited it capacity. To define is limit. Remember you can have both in one, if this day start as not so good, the rest can change to better. You are the one who define your experience not the other way around.
You can either see the experiences you had as a mistake, or a lesson to learn or grows from. There is no mistake or accident in this universe, everyone you meet or everything you've been through is to shape you to who you are. Ask yourself who you want to become, and see every experience after that as a lessons to help you transform into that person. Reconnect to joy not pain.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 3.Back to what you love. Re-evaluate your desires.
"You are meant to live a life of happiness. Bliss, love, relationship and wealth are your fate. you can change your mind at any time and do something you have always longed to. when you do something you love, you reconnect to your bliss."
Signs: 33, scorpion, dove, Video games, Playground, tree roots, 66
Song: You say by Lauren Daigle
I keep fighting voices in my mind that say I'm not enough Every single lie that tells me I will never measure up Am I more than just the sum of every high and every low Remind me once again just who I am because I need to know Ooh-oh You say I am loved when I can't feel a thing You say I am strong when I think I am weak And you say I am held when I am falling short And when I don't belong, oh You say I am Yours And I believe (I) Oh, I believe (I) What You say of me (I) I believe
Poem: Turn It Around by @cant-find-my-name
Turn it around You have it the ability Trust it you do Turn Negative into Positive If that is too much Turn it neutral Nothing is against you It is all a projection Or your bias assumption As well as Misplace subjection In the grand schemes of things You are fine, you are doing alright Maybe you expect too much, Maybe you were expecting fireworks and parade To indicate Victory But small wins count The fact that you are here today Is proof enough for you to seeQuote from Pinterest:
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
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🫑Pile 4🐁🌽
Energy check - The Bear, Whale
"Getting no message is also a message" Pile 4 you just ended a big cycle recently and it was tiring. It was a long arduous journey. You might feel like you just run a marathon or the equivalent. Maybe in the outer reality it seem like you haven't done much but, energetically, you have just transmuted a big, big cycle. Well done. Great job.
When you decided that you deserve something better, instead of keeping yourself small, you want to not only survive but thrive. The inner work come first. And the inner work was the hardest part.You passed the hardest part, take a rest and give your self a pat on the back. You might think there's still things you want to do to build to try and you will.Look how far you have come. But we must acknowledge all that we did first before we can move on.
You have an inner knowing inside you that you want to follow, you know your purpose and you are eager to start. Preparation is key. Just like before running a marathon you must first train your stamina, your body, have a consistent routine, adjust habit accordingly, and whatever else you need in order to start your race and move forward in that direction.What small little foundation that need to be done in order for you to run a marathon? to start running?.
Song: Rise by Katy perry
I won't just survive Oh, you will see me thrive Can't write my story I'm beyond the archetype I won't just conform No matter how you shake my core 'Cause my roots, they run deep, oh
Pile 4 if this is your current energy then these are your next 3 months.
(Remember energy is alway shifting and changing depending on our present decisions)
🍥🪶1st month - The fool🪶🍥
Pile 4, this is a big month for you. This is where your journey start. You might feel magic in the air. Literal electric charge in the atmosphere. Luck is on your side. This is a favourable time for you to embark on the path that you alway dream of. Everyone have that thing on their mind, secret desires or wishes that seem impossible every time we think about it ( for example, moving to another country, change job) Do you have something like that in your heart?. This month is when we face it, surrender to it calling. We are finally answering and asking our desires what does it want us to do?. Give me the first step and I'll take it.Start your preparation to stay ready (for example, moving to another country, research the visa, law, and documentation etc,) What else should we do except follow our soul?.
Fear, doubts, is a natural part of life but they will be taking a backseat while you are literally flowing, walking on air, walking on water as you call it. Your intuition is quite strong and it's important to let it lead you at this time. Nothing have to make sense. We don't have to know everything, just the next step is enough. We don't have to know where we're going, that's part of the fun. You had ended a big cycle recently and if you were wondering, when will the next one start?because it starting to feel stale in the old chapter.
This is the time of a new chapter for you and it might seem like everything is up in the air, but that usually how everything start. Let the positive energy and the dawn enveloped you. Feel the sun on your skin and bask in your New world.Every new path is a path back home and home is where your heart is.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 3. Back to what you love. Evaluate your desires.
"You can change what you are doing at any time. You do not have to feel stuck. Go back to what you know and, more importantly to what you love."
Signs: Pink, Green,1010. Dove, golden energy, roses, sun
Song: The Last Of The Real Ones by Fall Out Boy
I was just an only child of the universe And then I found you And then I found you You are the sun and I am just the planets Spinning around you Spinning around you You were too good to be true Gold plated But what's inside you But what's inside you I know this whole damn city thinks it needs you But not as much as I do As much as I do, yeah
Poem: Divine’s Call by @cant-find-my-name
Heavy rain calls for Lightning
But it’s hard to predict when the strike
Will come
You hardly would miss the Rumblings
The electric energy as charged as the sun
You know we will intervene
For the greatest good of all
It’s time to step out into this world
Instead of keeping yourself
You know you can conquered earth
Ocean, Heavens
You did it many times before
And each time
Your name will never be mistaken
As nothing but
The Divine’s Call
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🌸🌕2nd month - 7 of Cups🌕🌸
“It was never a question of biology of nature or nurture. I know now that we heal up through being loved and through loving others”
Pile 4, Watch out for this month. There might be a lot of distraction. A lot of people or even tasks that might asked for your attention and it is important to be extra discerning this month. For we might find that the month has passed by and you might feel like you haven't got anything you want done.Things that you resonate with. If you want to finish a project, a book, a new hobbies/skills be mindful of how much time and energy you're putting in. Because if you find that the progress is slow, we must be realistic and ask ourself did we poured that much energy in it? if not then we might want to do more of it.
There might be a lot of options coming to you this month but the most important thing to keep in mind is, to choose the option that is the most rejuvenating, healing, the option that pour into you or return your energy. Whether that is people, project, jobs, friends, events etc. There is only one rule for you, do I feel drained or rejuvenate with this?. What would a person who love themselves do? Ask yourself this question again and again no matter what situation you are in, because the answer to it is the clarity you're looking for to avoid confusion. If you feeling extra muddy and blurry on your choices this month, do not make any important decision. Give your self time and patient and never pressure yourself to quickly choose, Because you have time alway.
If anything or anyone doesn't give you time and pressure you to choose quickly or threaten that it will be gone, whether it is a job, person etc. Do we want to associate with something that does not give us time to think about it? because what meant for you will never pass you by. Pile 4, what is yours will only wait for you.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 15. Practice compassion. see things from a fresh perspective.
"Walking in someone else's shoes can bring us to a tender understanding that may always bring positive outcomes."
Signs: blue tit, crystal Geode, squirrel, Wind chimes, ocean waves
Song: LIMBO by Keshi
I've just been goin' through motions, back and forth like a ocean I am a fraud, I am the shit, hoping that nobody notice Bang chest in the morning, head down in the night Drink less if I wanted, strike up with a light And square up, I'm the mightiest Myself in the fight, hurt twice, but I tried it No advice for this shit, might die for this shit Do I feel alive, feel alive, feel alive?
Poem: Blue Or Red? by @cant-find-my-name
Feeling lost but I know I am guided I don't hold the map I followed the stars The constellations showed me the path Only I can see I choose to go my own way And the journey is lonely And vicious Many times, I've thought to maybe Stop And let the conventional normalcy Control me Like everyone else Being different made you a target Everyone chooses Blue But I said Red Now they can all see My choice in all it's glory They all went for ordinary But I decided to create my own Fate
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🎏🪄3rd Month - Ace of Wands🪄🎏
"You don't notice your progress in life because you are always raising the bar"
Pile 4, Fist of all for this month please recognised that you have done a lot, You have come so far and this need to be recognised especially this month, by you. You might feel inspired to start a new project, new hobby or even a new chapter in life. One of the reason might be because you have clear out a lot of old energy, whether that is old relationship, friendship, past wounds, etc. You did so much to be at a place of non attachment. A blank/clean slate, you might feel like nothing is holding you back anymore, you might find that it's easier to go for or do the things you've alway wanted. And you are right. You can use this fearless/bold energy to birth that creative project, or book that ticket of yours. Whatever it is follow your courage and inspired action for it will lead you to the answer you might not know you seek.
In the past you might have asked yourself what am I doing this for?, why do I keep going? or why am I fighting so hard for my dream? These might be your question in the past that will be reveal to you this month. You will know why you chose what you've chosen. This is what you were seeking without knowing. This is what you were waiting for, your signs, your signal, your path. And when you encounter it you will not miss it or mistaken it for anything. Whether that is a person, a career, a life purpose, or even where you will live. And this meeting will set fire to your soul and ignited your passion once more. Which will propel you towards a new, long, but promising future/chapter. Please look out for it but do not seek it, it will find you especially when you feel inspired to act suddenly. Let your soul take the lead this month and watch it surprise you. Watch out for an important person, partnership, soul family this month, wink wink.
Advice from Whispers Of Love Oracle: 27 Spiritual Connection. A relationship has a connection that goes beyond this lifetime.
"Everything happens for a reason. Some people come into your life to help you learn a lesson and they will make a real impact on your life. Whether it be with a lover, a primary partner or in a relationship for growth, a spiritual connection is important to you now."
Signs: Wands, Red, green, 444, 27, Saturn, crown chakra, Purple
Song: Taylor Swift - Begin Again
And you throw your head back laughing Like a little kid I think it's strange that you think I'm funny, 'cause He never did I've been spending the last eight months Thinking all love ever does Is break and burn, and end But on a Wednesday in a cafe I watched it begin again
Poem: Song Bird by @cant-find-my-name
Song Bird you grew your wings
And strengthen your voice
Now your words glided ears
Like gentle melody
Of glowing river and easy breeze
The beat rhyme with the rhythm of the hearts
Everyone will hear your songs
But they might not understand it right away
And that's okay
No need to adjust the tune or
Filter it down
No need to be scare if
You are too loud
This volcanic sound
Will echoes around
And reaches the vibration
To the ones
That needed to know and get your lyrics
They would not question it
So Songbird
Sing your song
And speak your words
Every creatures will sing along
Quote from Pinterest:
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⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧 You Are Loved ⭐️ 🫧 ✨ ✿ 🌧
Thank you so much for reading!! 🧿See you soon!🧊
Check out @cant-find-my-name for more of my Original poetry or Follow my IG PoemNic🍤
Check out my YouTube channel for more Pick A Card - PoemNic-Tarot🍧
Donate to support me. Thank you in advance!:🧃
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herrscherrofyatta · 2 years
Let you break my heart again
Tighnari x reader
angst, no gender/pronouns are used to describe reader
summary: after lashing out on you, Tighnari can't help but feel the distance between you two and you find someone interesting in Mondstadt
part 1 part 3
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The blonde traveler who's name is Lumine, sat with you in Sumeru city, she had seen you in the village and was a bit confused on why you were in the city now, did Tighnari send you here for something??
"um, I'm not speaking terms with him anymore so I moved back to the city with my parents." You explain, it been weeks since Tighnari said those things about you. "I also left my position as a forest watcher..."
Lumine frowned at this, "but Collei said you loved working there."
You pursed your lips, looking to the side, "I'm just...not suited to work there." You say in a quiet tone, rubbing your arm. "I dunno if he even knows I'm gone, probably not." Letting out a forced laugh, "maybe too much with work again."
Lumine watched your expressions, something must have happened between you two. It must have been bad since your self confidence has gone down tremendously.
She begins to think, maybe you just need a change of scenery? Yeah that's it!
"...how about I bring you to Mondstadt?"
Raising your head to look at her, you give her a confused look, "Mondstadt?"
She nods, a smile on her lips, "mm! I have a friend there, he mentioned something about needing someone to help him."
"Help him? With what? I don't see how this involves me." You lean your chin onto of your palm as you stare at her with confusion.
She begins to tell you everything she knows.
"Tighnari, where's Y/n?" Collei asks, peeking her head inside the hut he was in and he continues to work, scribbling on the paper.
"they must be in the forest, probably being careless again." He answers rather harsh, this makes the girl a bit confused.
"Hm? But they're not there?" She says with a confused tone in her voice.
He stops writing to look pick up the next price of papers he needs to read over. But upon seeing them, he recognizes your neat handwriting and he begins to read what you wrote.
Maybe it was an apology letter or a report on the areas you patrol often.
But his heart drops, "Collei."
She tilts her head, "when was the last time you talked with Y/n?"
She thinks, "I think...maybe three weeks ago? They said they was going to spend a month trying cleansing a few areas. Why? Did something happen?"
He lets out a shaky breathe, eyes glued on the words written on the paper he was holding.
You had quit your position and left the village.
Your cheeks are bright red due of the cold air hitting your face as you clutch the cloak closer to you to provide warmth to shivering body.
Your eyes widen at the sight of the snowy mountain in front of you, completely memorized at the sight of it since you were never allowed to travel far.
"It's beautiful." You huff out, smiling as Lumine pats her back at a good job before you begin walking up the mountain while her walking beside you.
Halfway up the mountain, you look at Lumine, "this Albedo person...what's he like?"
She just smiles at you, "just wait and see, you won't be disappointed." You feel even more excited to meet him.
Once arriving at a cave, you let out a sigh of relief at the sight of fire as you quickly tried to warm yourself up. The potion Lumine had given you had wore off an some time ago.
It seems like the fire wasn't help as you kept trembling, you frown as tried to make yourself warm.
A white coat was draped over your shoulders, an unfamiliar scent filled your nose as you look back to see a young man around your age smiling at you.
"Albedo." Lumine greets, "this is Y/n."
You turn around as he holds out his hand, "it's a pleasure to meet you, I heard many great things about you from the traveler." Your eyes shine at this as you shake his hand.
"Is it true you can cleanse things?" He asked and you quickly nod your head.
"Yes! My family has been doing it for decades but it seemed to die out at some point." You explain, holding the coat closer to you, "I tried mastering my ancestors technics but....so far I only caused trouble back ho—where I worked at." You fix your words, the village no longer felt like home to you.
Albedo lets out a hum, placing a hand under his chin as he starts to check you out.
You blink at this, suddenly feeling self conscious at how this attractive guy was staring at you so intensely.
He shakes his head, "yes, you'll do just fine. Come, we have things to do. Traveler, if you'll excuse us."
You don't register the fact that he grabbed you by the hand, tugging you deeper within his lab.
Lumine just watches, waving at you two before leaving.
"What you mean they quit!?" Collei yells as soon as Tighnari returned fron Sumeru city, he went to go see if you were staying with your parents but turned out you left without a word almost a week and half ago.
Collei had found your letter when Tighnari left earlier. She felt confused, sad, so many emotions she was feeling this very moment.
Tighnari drops his head, "I....I think this is my fault—"
Collei snaps her head at him, "what did you do?"
He does respond, covering his face with his hand, "I need to find them."
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sunandmhoon · 10 months
Your lips my lips...
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Genre: Comfort/Fluff/Mild-angst Pairing: Ni-Ki X Reader Summary: “You know what else I regret?” he finally spoke up. His eyes darting quickly to the countdown. 1 minute, It was now or never, he thought. w/c: 1473 MASTERLIST; OTHER WORKS A/N: hehe second story of the day!! I hope you like it ^^ -mari
In another world you would be happy. Maybe in that world you would be stood amongst the crowd in the Big Apple, adorning warm clothes, a scarf wrapped carefully around your neck–courtesy of your boyfriend, who just can’t help but bundle you up. Maybe in that world the count down would be for a new year. A new hopeful year full of new experiences, new beginnings, new worlds.
But you don’t live in that world.
In fact, the world you’re living in currently may not even be a world anymore after five minutes. The clothes that you’re adorning were not soft, nor comfortable. They were rough and heavy, but you had to wear them to survive. The scarf around your neck, covering your mouth was replaced with a mask to keep the smoke out. The countdown on the big building was not counting down to a new year, a new hope, a new beginning. It was counting down to an end.
In all your seventeen years on this earth, you never had a boyfriend. You never had the time to confess your love to the one you wanted, the one you trusted, your soulmate; Riki. Every moment spent felt like a race against time, cautiously hiding from any predators, always sleeping with one eye open.
Maybe the end of the world was more of a blessing than a curse. At least you won't be dealing with life like that right? It just all seemed unfair.
04:00 [1 minute down]
“What are you thinking about?” a voice interrupts your inner monologue. His eyes looked worried. It makes sense though, you thought, the world is ending.
“What is there to think about,” you laughed dryly. It was true, nothing can change in only five minutes. “We’re all gonna die. I think I’m just accepting it.” your eyes not moving from the countdown.
“That’s kind of depressing,” he chuckled lightly. That always amazed you about him, the way he made any situation brighter by simply being there. “I guess it’s true,” he adds, “But do you ever think that maybe, even if it's such a small chance, that maybe something or someone will save us?”
The hopeful tone in his voice almost made you believe him. But you’re past that. Believing.
“Nah, I don’t think so,” you shook your head, “that would be a miracle, and I don’t believe in those anymore.”
“Why not?” Oh Riki and your curious mind.
“Because,” you start, “Look at the situation we’re in right now. Even if the miracle happened, it won’t change the world.” you sighed. “Say, we got more time on this earth, we would still suffer either way.”
“I guess you’re right,” he nods. A part of your heart breaks at the sound of his voice losing its brightness, “I just wish I could have more time to do the things I’ve always wanted to do.”
“What are your regrets?” you asked, focusing your attention on him this time. You only had 3 minutes left on this earth so why not spend those last times admiring what could have been?
His jet black hair, overgrown and framing his face. Stray bangs are always moving untamed despite how many times he combs his hair back. The moles on his face, decorating it as if little chocolate chips on a cookie. His eyes, sharp and intimidating yet somehow always full of love and care. His lips….
“Well, that’s a loaded question,” this time he’s the one looking at the countdown. “Well, I wish I spent more time with my parents, maybe my siblings too. I wish I wasn’t such a bitch, you know,” he laughs. He looked at you, eyes focusing on yours. In his pupils, the image of regret, heartbreak and desperation.
“What else?”
“I also regret not being brave enough.” his eyes never left yours. Scanning and taking in your face as if he was carving it in his mind. “I regret being a coward. Not speaking up when I wanted to.”
“You’re not a coward, Riki,” you smiled softly, “you’re one of the bravest souls I’ve ever met. Look, we’re alive right now because of you.” you reached out for his hand. His soft, comforting hand. The hand that had held you on cold nights, fed you when you were sick, lifted you up when you fell, wiped your tears, tended to your injuries. His hand.
“No Y/N, I was a coward.” his eyebrows creased, guilt seeping through his veins, “you always stood up for me at school everytime someone said anything bad about me. Yet I never had the balls to stand up to those who talk shit about you.” his eyes looked so guilty and angry that you feared he was nearing tears, “I was so selfish that I put my popularity over you–my Best friend. And where’s that popularity now? In the fucking trash.”
“Hey,” you took your free hand and cradled his face, “We’re just kids, what did we know, hm?” you graced a small smile on your face in hopes that it would calm him down. “Sure, there’s so many things we could’ve done but, it’s all in the past now. What we can at least do is to think about all the good times.”
Your words left a silence in the air, a silence filled with silent wishes, longing looks, sad smiles. He had put his hand over where yours were on his face. He squeezed it three times, looking at your eyes, then your lips, then your eyes again.
You felt flustered under his strong gaze.
“You know what else I regret?” he finally spoke up. His eyes darting quickly to the countdown. 1 minute, It was now or never, he thought.
“I was such a coward, I know I already said that,” he starts, “But It’s something I regret so deeply because it stopped me from telling the truth. Telling the people I love my true feelings. My mum, My dad, My sisters…” he took a deep breath. “You.”
Time stopped for you. The countdown was slowly ticking but for you it wasn't moving at all, the only thing in your mind right now was Riki, You and his words.
“Yeah,” he squeezed your hand softly again, bringing it down from his face to his lap. Playing with your fingers, afraid of your eyes. “I feel so bad for telling you now, I’m sorry if its bothering you, but I can’t handle keeping it to myself anymore.”
“It’s okay if you reject me,” he laughed dryly, “It’s not like anything will happen anyway. I just wanted to let you know.” his fingers worked softly against your hand as if it was a piece of glass. “I’ve loved you for the longest time. Everything you did, I always admired from the way you smile and even on your worst days. I don’t know how to sound poetic or deep around you because you make my mind go crazy, Y/N. It’s frustrating the way you make me feel, you know,” he smiled.
“Riki..” you took your hand from his fingers. This made him freeze. Had he crossed a line? Did you not like him back? His heart was already shattering in his chest when your fingers feathered his chin and lifted it up.
“I like you too,” you smiled, “for the longest time too.”
“We have such bad timing don’t we?” he smiled, the biggest grin you have ever seen. In the dark skies of the ending world, his eyes were the brightest thing to ever grace the planet. “We could have been a couple for all our life!” he whined playfully, hiding his face against your neck. “We could’ve,” you laughed back, “but let’s not waste our last time here, hm?” you took his head in your hands, bringing down his mask as he did yours.
“You’re so cute,” he pinched your cheek. You giggled as if the world was not ending. Because in your eyes, your world just started. It didn't matter that you were dying in a matter of seconds because at least you get to end it happily, in the arms of the one you love.
“Can i?” he looked at your lips, love flooding his eyes.
“Of course.”
10 9 8 7 6 5
In the other world, there would be fireworks as you kissed him. The clock would strike 12 and a new world would begin. In this world though, you don’t see anything but a bright light. Eyes closed, drunk in the feeling of his lips on yours. Lost in the feeling of his arms around you. The world may have just ended with you both with it.
You don't care though, you’re already in heaven in his arms.
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vividwritinglove · 10 months
Hello I have a request, if you don’t mind✨🤍 I hope you like my idea🫶🏼
Carlos x reader trying to have a baby, but after some failure, during the summer break with all of his family in Mallorca they got the big news (baby Carlos is comingg). After a year they come back to the summer house, as a parents, dealing with baby Carlos, with his sister and his mother🤍
I’m very curious to see Carlos as a dad🥹🫶🏼
Omg - I had to do this request! Carlos (in my mind) is the sweetest Dad and so supporting during the pregnancy and the labor.
I wanna give a TRIGGER WARNING on this one, not for pregnancy loss, but for not getting pregnant instantly and the frustration and stress it comes with. You’ve been advised. Hope you enjoy anyways.
"It will work next time, mi vida." murmurs Carlos against your temple and then presses a loving kiss on the same spot. This gesture passes you by. Dejectedly, you look at the negative pregnancy test you are holding in your hands. It is already the fifth practice cycle and it just won't work. The initial anticipation you and Carlos felt when you decided to have a baby six months ago is almost gone. You know that you have to give yourself and your body time. But on the one hand, you also put yourself under endless pressure, which is absolutely not beneficial to become pregnant.
During the first 3 months you were still relaxed. But when Carlo's sister Blanca happily announced that she was already 12 weeks pregnant and Carlo's parents were so excited about their first grandchild, your inner clock started ticking. Up until that point, no one knew that Carlos and you were trying to get pregnant too and you both decided not to tell anyone. The last thing you wanted to do was to squeeze Blanca's joy with your gloom.
You are happy for her, even for Carlos, who will be the world's best uncle to his niece or nephew. You will never forget the sparkle in his eyes when his sister announced the good news. That's how much you wish you could give him the greatest gift on earth yourself. Even though Carlos would never admit it in front of you, he suffered just like you. But he wants to be strong, for you. To catch you and comfort you if the next test is negative again.
The next cycles come and you are again not pregnant. In the meantime it is getting to your psyche. Everyone around you seems to get pregnant easily or you are confronted with babies in any way. You read out about a different diet, tried true remedies for natural conception and even look up for artificial insemination. You withdraw yourself more and more from the public, accompany Carlos less or not at all on his race weekends and generally don't want to go out or see anyone anymore.
Carlos is worried. Really worried. He's never seen you like this before, and he doesn't want to see you like this. After a hard weekend of racing, he comes home to find you in bed in the darkened bedroom, as you've been doing so often lately.
"Mi amor?"
"Hmm..." you grumble in response without turning to him.
He lies down in bed next to you. For a few minutes you lie next to each other in silence, until Carlos finally breaks his silence.
"I needed you..."
"Carlos, I can't."
He quickly sits up and turns you to face him. You're a little startled by his brash manner and look at him expectantly. Tears start to form in his eyes. Your heart breaks, and only now do you realize that you are not the only one suffering.
His breathing is faster, you feel his frustration. He has so much on his mind right now, your relationship, which should not be ruined by this, and then the pressure to deliver good results at Ferrari. And of course the great desire to become a father himself. You hug each other tightly and cry together. Long, certainly over half an hour, but it’s good for both of you. You finally release a lot of the pressure and negativity that has built up in the two of you over the last few months.
After a while you look around the room, "I hate this room!"
Carlos looks at you questioningly. It wasn't that long ago that you two moved into this new apartment in Madrid.
"I want to remodel it!"
"Whatever makes you happy!" agrees Carlos.
The very next day, your new project begins and it takes in all your time. You order paints for the furniture. You buy new lamps, bedding, pillows, decorations and a comfortable armchair. You don't let anyone help you, you want to design everything on your own to just be distracted and productive. After the bedroom, you also get to work on your office and the guest room. It helps you to find yourself again in the few weeks of renovation. Carlos also notices your positive change of mood, which makes him feel happy.
Your sex life revives. It's no longer a must, just passion. Like it used to be. You let the cycle calendar be a calendar and only pursue your desire and lust. Just switching off your heads. The last races before the summer break you accompany Carlos again on the weekends and the races are going increasingly better for him. He got back on the podium and even managed to take his 2nd race win. This was so enormously important for him and brought him back his necessary self-confidence. It is only incidental to mention that you two have multiple uninhibited and passionate sex that night.
Like every summer, you'll be spending your summer break in Mallorca with Carlo's family. You are looking forward to it, as you love Carlo's family more than anything, but at the same time you are very nervous, as Carlo's sister recently gave birth and will of course take her newborn daughter with her. You are excited to meet her, but it will bring you back to the fact that you are still not pregnant.
You are in the kitchen with Carlo's mother, preparing dinner, when the new little family enters the living area. Reyes immediately drops everything to greet her daughter Blanca and granddaughter joyfully and warmly.
By now, Carlo's family knows about the attempts of you to get pregnant. They also noticed your changes and Carlos finally told his mother about it. Everyone is very understanding, however, you did not want the joy of the newest Sainz family member to be squeezed. Blanca looks at you immediately as her mother takes the little one from her. You smile at her and approach her with open arms. She hugs you gratefully and you congratulate her again on her beautiful daughter.
For the time being, cooking was out of the question. Everyone is enchanted by the sweet little babygirl. She is literally passed around, until it was quiet and everyone looked at you. Only and alone the baby was crying.
"Would you like to hold her?" Blanca asks timidly, hoping not to hurt you.
You swallow hard, but then smile slightly, "I'd love to."
As you take the little girl in your arms, she immediately calms down and stops crying. She fixes your big and bright eyes and you get lost in hers too. You put your index finger in her little hand and she immediately squeezes. At this contact all your dams break and tears run down your cheeks. Carlos puts his arm around your shoulder and leans his head against yours. Carlos' mother also sits down next to you and strokes your back. You quickly calm down and hand the baby back to Carlos' sister.
"I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you sad." Blanca apologizes to you as she joins you in the kitchen to help you prepare dinner.
"I have to apologize. I just can't control myself lately and I don't know what's wrong with me." you mumble to yourself as you chop the vegetables, "I'm so emotional and I start crying at everything. On top of that I'm so tired and for the past few days my boobs have been hurting so bad."
"Querida." Blanca holds you by the arm, stopping your cutting motion, "When was the last time you had your period?"
You look up from the cutting board and start calculating in your head. You shake your head and reach for your phone,
"According to the calendar, last week. I didn't came though." you say almost in disbelief and look up at Blanca who is already grinning widely and jumping a little on the spot. After the fallout, you've cursed this app and didn’t used it for several months to track your period properly.
"There should be a pregnancy test upstairs in the bathroom," she says, grabbing your arm and together you sprint off to the upstairs bathroom.
The test is found quickly. Fortunately, the test is still durable and you go through the instructions. Even though you have done countless tests before, you were so nervous that only Blanca's presence could calm you down. She lets you do the test alone and gets Carlos in the meantime. There was no way he was going to miss this moment.
"Mi Amor, what's wrong?" asks Carlos in surprise as he enters the bathroom. Your gaze wanders to the sink and now he also recognizes the test. "It still needs 1 more minute." you say, showing him the timer on your phone.
You both sit down on the edge of the bathtub and Carlos reaches for your hand, "If it's not, then..“
"Then we'll just try it again, without pressure and stress!" you finish your sentence and give him a passionate kiss on the mouth, "We can take care of your niece and practice with her first on how to be parents.“
You both smile into another kiss and are interrupted by your timer. You take a deep breath, squeeze Carlo's hand again, put your phone aside and reach for the pregnancy test. And then there they are, 2 bright lines. Carlos looks back and forth between you and the test. You're in a state of shock. He is confused.
"What does that mean?" he asks excitedly and reaches frantically for the package, "What do 2 lines mean? It usually says pregnant or not pregnant!!!"
You cheer and scream and now Carlos also understands that the test result is positive. You fall happily around each other's necks and Blanca also rushes into the bathroom and hugs you both tightly. The commotion upstairs is not hidden from the rest of the family for long. In the meantime, Carlos' younger sister Ana has also arrived and is more or less greeted with the news. Reyes and Carlos Sr. are falling from all clouds and warmly embrace you and their son.
"I can't believe we're going to spend next summer here with two little grandbabies," Reyes says overjoyed, showering you and Carlos with kisses.
1 year later
It’s the morning you arrive on Mallorca at the vacation home of the Sainz family. This time you travel with more luggage than usual. More than half of it, belongs neither to Carlos nor to you, but to your son Antonio, who is currently taking his nap on top of you.
This bundle of joy saw the light of day 3 months ago and has since turned Carlos and your life upside down in a positive sense. He looks just like his dad, thick dark hair and those dark beady eyes. He is the most beautiful human being you have ever seen and are so thankful to be his mommy.
"Can I get you something to drink, querida?" asks Reyes softly as she approaches your cot, gently stroking your son's mop of hair.
You nod and smile gratefully at her, "Let’s get inside. I'm sure he'll be hungry in a minute."
As softly as you say it, this was Antonio's cue. He wanted his milk, and he'd best have it now. As soon as you enter the kitchen to warm the breast milk in the bottle for you, Carlos jogs toward you and takes Antonio from you, "Let me feed him, mamichula!"
Carlos wants to spend every free minute with his son. Especially during the stressful race weekends, he sees him far too less. It makes you so extremely happy to see him like this with Antonio and you are grateful for the greatest partner at your side and the best father of your child. You hand him the bottle and contentedly your son drinks the milk. You sit down next to Carlos on the sofa and rest your head on his shoulder.
"It's so good to be back," you murmur dreamily, kissing his shoulder.
Before Carlos could answer, he is interrupted by his niece, who will celebrates her first birthday tomorrow. The little girl with the brown curls, climbs up the couch and wants to get on your lap to see her little cousin. You pick her up and immediately her eyes are on your son. She puts a hand on the bottle and together they feed Antonio.
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