#how to lose weight fast exercise at home how to lose weight in 4 easy steps
ketogenic12 · 2 years
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mortiskiller · 10 months
Could you give me genuine advice on how to gain weight? I don’t eat enough in a day and I’m not exactly well off where I can buy myself fast food every single day. Any advice/tips? My goal is to gain an additional 30 lbs. I don’t have a feeder but I would love to be overweight again. I just want to be fat again!!!! It makes me really disappointed bc I’m stuck at this weight right now.
Gaining weight is hard if you don't stick to a schedule, especially if money is an issue.
1. You may need to have repetition in your diet. Pasta, beans, chicken thighs, and root veggies are cheap and easy to cook. With some solid recipes and time, you can easily eat 3k or 4k calories a day with those ingredients. Before I got a good paying job, I had a stable of about 4 recipes I rotated through each week to stay on budget but not lose weight.
2. Liquid calories are easy but not cheap. Cream is a typical option given the calories per dollar ratios. Usually, $1 is roughly 750 calories for a quart of cream. Try to mix with with simple ingredients like syrups, fruit, or baked goods for some better flavor.
3. Know your exercise level and how many calories you need to maintain your weight. My daily requirement of calories to not lose weight is around 3500 since I work out quite a bit. If your job has you on your feet or moving a lot, you need to be aware of calorie deficits. It's not fun to track calories, but given your situation, you may have to. Your body can't store fat if there are no excess calories to do that with.
4. Light to moderate exercise helps to keep your appetite normal and helps you feel hungrier faster. I am at a point with my workout routine that I can eat 2k for a meal and be hungry in less than an hour. Walking, weight lifting, and even yoga at home can be a great help.
5. Weight fluctuates, and that is ok. In a month, my weight goes as low as 285 and as high as 310, depending on some of the factors listed above. Your weight will not always be going up given you say money is a limiting factor.
6. Your body may not be geared toward gaining, and that's fine. Some body types struggle to gain or keep on weight. It's part genetics, part hormones, and part metabolism.
That is a lot and I am sure others have advice as well. Overall, there is no full proof way of gaining short of massive quantities of food all the time. It's easy to gain when you can spend 2k a month on take out!
Personally, don't be disappointed about not gaining. It's easier for some people for a number of reasons. Find what works for you and celebrate the little victories on your journey!
Hope that helps!
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diettoxsupplements · 14 days
Weight Loss Products in Abu Dhabi | Diettox
Losing weight can be a challenging journey, but the right products can make it easier and more effective. If you’re in Abu Dhabi or Dubai, finding the best weight loss products is crucial to achieving your health goals. At Diettox, we offer a wide range of high-quality Weight Loss Products in Abu Dhabi products to help you on your path to a healthier, fitter you. In this blog, we’ll explore some of the best weight loss products available and how they can support your journey.
The Importance of Weight Loss Products
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Popular Weight Loss Products
1. Fat Burners
Fat burners are designed to increase your metabolism and help your body burn more fat. They often contain ingredients like caffeine, green tea extract, and L-carnitine. These components work together to enhance your body’s fat-burning capabilities.
2. Appetite Suppressants
Appetite suppressants help reduce your hunger and control your cravings. Ingredients like glucomannan and Garcinia Cambogia are commonly used in these products. They help you feel full longer, making it easier to stick to your diet.
3. Meal Replacements
Meal replacements are convenient and nutritious options that replace one or more of your daily meals. They are low in calories but rich in essential nutrients. These shakes and bars are great for busy individuals who want to ensure they are getting balanced nutrition while reducing calorie intake.
4. Detox Teas
Detox teas help cleanse your digestive system, reduce bloating, and support weight loss. Ingredients like dandelion root, ginger, and green tea are often used in these teas. They aid in digestion and help your body eliminate toxins.
Why Choose Diettox?
At Diettox, we provide a variety of effective weight loss products in Abu Dhabi and weight loss products in Dubai. Here’s why you should choose us:
1. High-Quality Products
We prioritize quality and ensure all our products are sourced from reputable brands known for their efficacy and safety. Our selection includes only the best products to support your weight loss journey.
2. Wide Range of Options
Whether you’re looking for fat burners, appetite suppressants, meal replacements, or detox teas, we have it all. Our wide range of products means you can find exactly what you need to meet your specific goals.
3. Expert Advice
Our team of health and nutrition experts is here to guide you. We offer personalized recommendations based on your individual needs and goals, ensuring you choose the right products for your weight loss journey.
4. Convenient Shopping
With our easy-to-use online platform, you can browse, select, and purchase your preferred weight loss products from the comfort of your home. We offer fast and reliable delivery services to both Abu Dhabi and Dubai.
5. Affordable Prices
We believe that everyone should have access to effective weight loss solutions. That’s why we offer our products at competitive prices, providing you with the best value for your investment in your health.
Tips for Successful Weight Loss
1. Eat a Balanced Diet
Incorporate plenty of fruits, vegetables, lean proteins, and whole grains into your diet. Avoid processed foods and sugary drinks. Portion control is also key to managing your calorie intake.
2. Stay Active
Regular exercise is essential for weight loss. Aim for at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous activity per week, along with muscle-strengthening exercises.
3. Stay Hydrated
Drinking plenty of water helps control your appetite and boosts your metabolism. Aim for at least 8 glasses of water a day.
4. Get Enough Sleep
Adequate sleep is crucial for weight loss. Aim for 7–9 hours of sleep per night to support your body’s recovery and overall health.
5. Use Weight Loss Products
Incorporating weight loss products in Abu Dhabi and weight loss products in Dubai from Diettox can provide the extra support you need to achieve your goals. These products can enhance your efforts and help you stay on track.
Achieving your weight loss goals requires a combination of a balanced diet, regular exercise, and the right products. At Diettox, we offer a wide range of effective weight loss products in Abu Dhabi and Weight Loss Products in Dubai to support your journey. Explore our selection today and take the first step towards a healthier, fitter you with Diettox.
More other information:https://diettox.com/
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7 Best Fitness Exercises for Weight Loss
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Hello readers! It’s well known that exercise is crucial for maintaining a healthy weight, which is essential for overall body function. Regular exercise not only keeps you fit but also lowers the risk of heart disease and type 2 diabetes. 
Alarmingly, the World Health Organization reports that over one billion people worldwide suffer from obesity, with the numbers rising daily. Despite this concerning trend, regular exercise and workout routines can help prevent overweight and obesity, thereby avoiding related health issues. 
A daily 20-minute workout can burn calories, boost mood, enhance metabolism, strengthen muscles and bones, and reduce the risk of various disorders. This blog will outline how to maintain your fitness for weight loss with seven simple exercises. Keep reading! 
7 Best Workouts to Lose Weight 
Achieving weight loss requires both physical and mental fitness. Here are some effective and easy-to-do workouts that yield positive results: 
1. High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) 
For quick weight loss, include HIIT in your exercise program. HIIT involves short, intense bursts of exercise followed by brief recovery periods, making it one of the most effective workouts for burning calories. HIIT can be adapted to various exercises, such as bodyweight exercises, sprinting, or cycling. Some examples include: 
Jumping Jacks 
Russian Twists 
Mountain Climbers 
Jump Rope 
High Knees 
Lunge Jumps 
2. Running 
Running is a simple and accessible exercise for weight loss. You can run indoors, like running or on a treadmill, but running outdoors offers the best experience and results. Adding walking after an intense run helps cool down the body and repair muscles, further aiding in weight loss and fitness improvement. 
3. Cycling 
Cycling is not only beneficial for health but also eco-friendly. It’s a fun activity that can be done solo or with friends, improving muscles and joints while promoting weight loss. Enjoy this enjoyable workout to maintain your fitness for weight loss. 
4. Swimming 
For water lovers, swimming is an excellent full-body workout that burns calories quickly. It’s gentle on joints, making it ideal for those with joint issues or injuries. Swimming is a fast and effective weight-loss exercise. 
5. Jump Rope 
Jump rope is an excellent cardiovascular exercise that requires only a rope and some space. It engages multiple muscle groups, enhances coordination, and burns calories at a high rate, making it great for weight loss. 
6. Strength Training 
Strength training involves lifting weights or using resistance to build muscle and boost metabolism. Consult a fitness trainer for a personalized plan or use apps like ToneOp for guidance. Strength training is essential for sculpting your body and increasing metabolism. 
7. Yoga 
Yoga improves both physical and mental health through postures, breathing exercises, and meditation. Various asanas reduce stress, enhance mental clarity, and build stamina. Poses like Surya Namaskar help burn body fat and promote weight loss. Practice yoga regularly for effective weight loss. 
 7-Day Home Fitness Plan for Weight Loss 
Here’s a simple week-long weight loss workout plan. Start gradually to avoid injury or overexertion: 
| Day | Workout                    | Duration | Calorie Burn (approx) | 
| 1   | Jogging                     | 30 Min   | 300                   | 
| 2   | Bodyweight Exercises       | 45 Min   | 400                   | 
| 3   | Yoga                       | 60 Min   | 250                   | 
| 4   | Cycling                     | 35 Min   | 350                   | 
| 5   | Rest (Stretches)         | -        | ~100                  | 
| 6   | High-Intensity Interval Training | 20 Min   | 450                   | 
| 7   | Swimming/Jogging ��          | 40 Min   | 500                   | 
Why Are Workouts Important for Fitness? 
Incorporating workouts into your routine is vital, alongside balanced nutrition, for various reasons: 
1. Foundation of a Healthy Life 
A nutritious diet and regular workouts are key to a healthy life. Exercise promotes heart health, strengthens muscles, and improves flexibility. 
2. Mental Well-being 
Exercise releases endorphins, the “feel-good” hormones, reducing stress and anxiety and promoting a positive outlook. 
3. Weight Management 
Workouts help burn calories, boost metabolism, and increase stamina, essential for weight loss or maintenance. 
4. Improved Sleep Quality 
Exercise improves sleep quality by regulating sleep patterns, leading to better rest and overall well-being. 
5. Enhanced Immune Function 
Exercise boosts the immune system by maintaining metabolism, eliminating toxins through sweat, and improving blood and immune cell circulation. 
The Final Say 
Understanding the benefits of workouts can motivate you to start a suitable routine. The exercises mentioned are effective for weight loss and can be done at home or outside. Fitness for weight loss can lead to a healthier, more active life. A little push can kick-start your journey. For personalized guidance, consider consulting fitness experts at ToneOp 
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drvitaltips · 2 months
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womenfit2 · 4 months
You Don't Need the Gym to Lose Body Fat. 7 Ways to Do It at Home
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For many people, reducing body fat is one of the top reasons they exercise. A balance of exercise and diet can lead to a whole-body trimmed physique. As little as 15 minutes of exercise daily can benefit you greatly.
Despite what you may have heard, you can't target a specific area for fat loss. Many studies have disproven spot-reduction techniques, such as abdominal exercises or upper-body resistance training. Fat cells from all over the body can be broken down when we exercise; they don't break down in one specific area.
Below are some of the best ways to lose fat right in the comfort of your own home.
1. Get your steps in
Walking is an ideal workout to do outside the gym. It can be done around the neighborhood or at a park. On good weather days, you can also get some much-needed fresh air. Plus, it's free and you can take your dog with you, if you have one -- pets need exercise too!Walking is also a body fat buster. One study found that healthy postmenopausal women lost 3.9% of body fat after 30 weeks of walking and 1.8% after 15 weeks of walking. While we can't target specific areas, walking can help lose belly fat.According to Nature, 30 minutes of walking most days of the week showed a significant reduction in body weight and body fat percentage. The study even found that 30 minutes of walking may be as beneficial as 60 minutes (with a healthy diet).
2. Try intermittent fasting
One diet trend that has risen in popularity over the years is intermittent fasting. As the name suggests, this is where people fast for a certain time, and then eat at other scheduled times. One study review found that subjects who fasted intermittently had weight loss ranging from 0.8% to 13%. The idea is to force the body to use up its immediately accessible sugar stores and start burning fat.A perk of intermittent fasting is that you can customize it to your preference and ability to abstain from food. According to John Hopkins Medicine, fasting can last for a certain number of hours every day or even just eating one meal per day for two days out of the week. For instance, you might only eat during an eight-hour period each day and fast the rest of the day. It's important to note that intermittent fasting is not for everyone, especially those at risk for disordered eating or during pregnancy. Before trying intermittent fasting, consult with your doctor to ensure you follow the best plan for you and your goals.
3. Lift heavier weights
This point might seem counterintuitive since we just covered how you can't burn fat in one specific region, no matter how many stomach crunches you do. But you can balance weight training to target multiple muscle groups or work on certain body parts as part of a whole-body workout. That may give you more balance and a lean appearance and help with body composition. If you don't have dumbbells at home, check out these household items that double as weights.Weight training can also help lose fat while building muscle. Studies show that 3 pounds of lean muscle weight gain corresponded to 4 pounds of fat weight loss. Resistance training has also been shown to reduce body fat percentage, body fat mass and visceral fat (the fat that surrounds your organs).Resistance training, be it with weights or bodyweight exercises like pushups, is recommended by the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention for at least two days a week, so it can be a fairly easy exercise to fit into your schedule.
4. Start running or jogging
Another great exercise idea to lose body fat is to start running or jogging. Like walking, you can do it around the neighborhood or in a park, so it's free. If you are concerned about the weather, you can also find an indoor track at a gym or community center. You can also consider getting a treadmill to run or jog at home. Sprint training is especially good at busting the fat, where you switch how fast you run every several seconds. The CDC also recommends 150 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic activity, 75 minutes of vigorous-intensity activity or a mix of the two every week. The CDC lists walking at a rate of a 15-minute mile as moderate activity and jogging or running as vigorous.
5. Focus on high-intensity interval training
This type of exercise, often shortened to HIIT, is where you exercise as hard as you can for short bursts and then spend some time doing lower-intensity training. A perk with this exercise is that it can be any activity that gets your heart pounding, from jumping jacks to stair climbing, so it's customizable based on how much room you have and what equipment you have around.It's a fat buster too. It may result in a modest reduction of overall and abdominal fat.You can do 30 seconds to several minutes of hard-as-you-can working out and then one to 5 minutes of recovering with a lower-intensity exercise level. These workouts typically go for about 30 minutes, including 5-minute warm-ups and cool-downs, but can be tailored to suit comfort and fitness levels. Typically, the aim is to do these sessions five times a week.
6. Eat the right foods
You can also focus on your diet. While there are no foods that'll magically burn your fat, there are foods that can increase your metabolism. Most of these foods are high in protein and good-for-you fats, making you feel fuller longer.
Some foods to incorporate into your diet if you're trying to reduce fat, as listed by the CDC, Healthline and the World Health Organization, include:
➡️Fat-free sugar-free yogurt, such as Greek yogurt.
➡️Fatty fish like tuna, herring or salmon.
➡️Fruit.Green tea.
➡️Whey protein.
➡️Olive oil.
➡️Grilled chicken.
7. Get enough quality sleep
We tend to associate burning fat with endless exercise and painfully restrictive diets. However, getting a good amount of rest can also help get rid of the fat. Staying awake for too long can make us eat sugary foods to stay awake, give us tired and ineffective workouts, and it may even contribute to stress and inflammation, leading to poor workout recoveries.One study found that not getting enough sleep decreased the proportion of fat weight loss by 55%. Another found that better sleep quality was linked to more weight and fat loss. Another study found a positive relationship between sleep duration and body fat loss.The Mayo Clinic recommends adults get seven or more hours of sleep at night. Sleep needs can vary by individual, so adjust higher if seven doesn't quite feel like enough.
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michaeljamie359 · 4 months
Burn Fat Fast with These 4 Easy Exercises You Can Do Anywhere
<h2>Easy Ways to Burn Fat Without the Gym</h2> <p>Many teenagers want to lose weight quickly, but it can be tough to find time to workout these days. Whether it's homework, after-school activities, or just feeling too tired, exercise often gets pushed aside. But did you know there are simple things you can do right at home or at your desk to burn fat?</p> <h3>Sit Straight for a Core Workout</h3> <p>Sit up tall with your back not touching the chair. Take 10 deep breaths while pulling your belly button towards your spine with each exhale. This stretches your back muscles and works your core. About 15 calories burned!</p> <h3>Squat Where You Sit</h3> <p>Stand next to your chair. Slowly lower into a squat while breathing in, then gently sit and repeat 10 times. For an extra challenge, bend your knees and hold for 30 seconds - you'll feel the burn in your thighs and butt. Around 20 calories burned here.</p> <h3>Stretch it Out</h3> <p>Grab your chair and stand behind it. Lift one arm above your head while lowering it back down, raising the opposite leg behind you at the same time. Hold for 30 seconds on each side to stretch your back and glutes. Another 20 calories gone.</p> <h3>Walk in the Water</h3> <p>Have you heard of "water walking"? Sounds easy but it's way more tiring than normal exercise since water is over 12 times harder to move through than air. Fast walking in a pool burns a ton of calories - about twice as many as a 5.5 mph walk on land in the same time! Give it a try next time you go swimming.</p> <p>Simple moves you can squeeze in anywhere to slowly melt the fat away. Staying active doesn't need to be complicated - you've got this!</p>
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thedietfantasy · 1 year
7 Benefits Of Diet Meals Delivered - Meal Delivery for Diet
Maintaining a healthy diet can be challenging, especially in today's fast-paced lifestyle. Between work, family responsibilities, and other commitments, finding the time to plan, shop for, and prepare healthy meals can feel overwhelming. This is where diet meals delivered can offer a convenient and effective solution. In this blog, we will explore the benefits of diet meals delivered and how they can support your health and wellness goals.
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• Convenience:
One of the primary benefits of diet meals delivered is their convenience. With diet meal delivery services, you can say goodbye to time-consuming grocery shopping, meal planning, and cooking. Hiring a professional chef can save time and effort in the kitchen. In addition, they are delivered right to your door, eliminating the need to go out and pick up meals. This makes it easy for busy individuals, professionals, or families to prepare healthy meals without the hassle of meal prep.
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The Best Diet Food Delivery Services and Benefits
• Portion Control:
Diet food delivered services typically provide portion-controlled meals, which can be beneficial for those looking to manage their calorie intake or maintain portion sizes. This can be especially helpful for individuals trying to lose weight, as portion control is a key factor in weight management. In addition, the meals are often nutritionally balanced, ensuring you get the right amount of macronutrients (carbohydrates, protein, and fat) and micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) for optimal health.
• Customization:
Many diet meal delivery services cater to different dietary preferences and restrictions. Whether you're following a specific diet like paleo, keto, vegetarian, or vegan or have food allergies or intolerances, you can often find a diet meal delivery service that offers meals tailored to your needs. This allows you to enjoy delicious and nutritious meals that align with your dietary goals and preferences.
• Nutritional Quality:
Diet meal delivery services often prioritize using fresh, high-quality ingredients to create balanced and nutritious meals. Many services also provide nutritional information for their meals, allowing you to track your intake of calories, protein, carbohydrates, and other nutrients. This can be particularly beneficial for those who are conscious about their nutrient intake or have specific dietary requirements.
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Should I explore meal delivery options in NYC?
• Time-saving:
As mentioned earlier, diet meals delivered can save you time on meal planning, grocery shopping, and meal prep. This extra time can be utilized for other activities, such as exercise, spending time with loved ones, or pursuing hobbies. This can help reduce stress and make your daily routine more manageable while allowing you to enjoy healthy and delicious meals.
• Variety:
Another benefit of diet meals is the variety of available meals. Most services offer a rotating menu with different breakfast, lunch, and dinner options, providing you with a diverse range of flavors and cuisines. This can help prevent boredom with your diet and keep your meals interesting and enjoyable.
• Portability:
Diet meals delivered are often packaged in convenient containers that are easy to transport, making them a great option for those constantly on the go. Whether at work, traveling, or running errands, you can take your pre-prepared meals with you, ensuring you have access to healthy food wherever you are.
Read More:
Why you should choose a meal delivery service?
How To Choose The Right Meal Delivery Service For Your Diet Goals
The Future Of Diet Food Delivery Services: Predictions And Trends
Top 5 Weight Loss Meal Delivery Services To Try
The Ultimate Guide To Diet Food Delivery: How To Choose The Best Service
In conclusion, diet meals delivered offer the convenience of pre-prepared, portion-controlled, and customizable meals that are nutritionally balanced. They save time, offer variety, and are portable, making them a convenient option for maintaining a healthy diet.
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pixels--galore · 1 year
How To Lose Neck Fat Fast In A Week
Everybody loves to appreciate our beautiful faces, no matter what time it is. However, having saggy and fat parts can make it difficult to feel that joy. A double chin is a sign of serious concern for your face. Double chin is when the muscle between your jawbone and collar bone starts to accumulate fat. We have compiled 12 easy and effective exercises that can help you reduce neck fat quickly at home.
With regular exercise and a healthy diet, you can shape your neck and reduce the double chin. To prevent your problem from getting worse, it is important to keep your posture correct. This article will show you 15 easy exercises that can be done anywhere to reduce neck fat.
What causes neck fat?
There are many factors that can lead to a buildup of fat around the neck. These factors can be understood so you can reduce the amount of fat around your neck.
1. Age:
Your appearance is influenced by your age. As you age, your once glowing, tight skin begins to lose elasticity. Your skin will look more saggy and double-chined as a result.
2. Genetics:
There is a high chance that you will develop it if you have a double chin, or skin with very little elasticity.
3. Obesity:
Although obesity may not directly impact the fat around the neck, it can be a contributing factor. Due to our lifestyle, junk food and little exercise can lead to obesity and double-chins.
4. Posture:
Your body’s muscles are dependent on your posture. In order to strengthen the neck and chin muscles, you must maintain a correct posture. You can end up with a double chin if you don’t correct your posture.
Effective Exercises To Reduce Neck Fat:
These are the best and easiest exercises to lose neck fat quickly. Each activity is explained step-by-step. Let’s take a closer look at them.
1. Blowing Air
Blowing air can help you lose weight and loosen your neck. It strengthens the muscles around your neck and cheeks. You will get a slimmer look by targeting your cheeks and chin.
What to Do:
Place your spine straightened on a low back seat.
Your head should be pushed back so your face faces the ceiling.
Hold your lips together to blow air out of your mouth.
Keep going for approximately 10 to 20 seconds.
Keep your neck in this position, and then slowly let go.
This exercise can be repeated 2 to 3 times, or as many times you like.
2. Fish Face
The fish face is a great exercise to tone your cheeks and chin muscles. The fish face will stretch your cheek muscles and reduce flabbiness around your neck.
What to Do:
You can sit or stand comfortably.
Now, suck air from your lips and cheeks to create a shape that looks like a fish’s mouth.
For at least five seconds, smile in this pose.
You will feel the heat in your jaws and cheeks when you do it.
It can be repeated as many times as you want.
3. Chewing gum:
Many people have a bad habit of chewing gum. It can also reduce the fat in your neck. Chewing gum can help reduce double chin in many different ways. Chew it every day and you’ll notice a difference in your jaw, face muscles and jaw. You will feel more satisfied with the food you eat, and won’t succumb to your cravings by chewing gum.
4. Ball Exercise
To make your workouts more fun, add a tool or device to your routine. You can have fun with this ball exercise while losing weight around your neck by keeping a small, squeezeable ball nearby.
What to Do:
It is best to do this exercise in a sitting position.
Keep your back straight and relax.
Now, place the ball under you chin.
Slowly lower your chin and apply pressure to the ball in the opposite direction.
This can be done 20-30 times per sitting.
5. Neck Glides
Neck gliding can be done in a forward-backwards and to the sides. This reduces tension and makes neck exercises more effective. These exercises can also be done regularly to shape the neck.
What to Do:
1. Side:
Standing straight up or sitting comfortably in a low back chair with your legs apart,
Move your neck left and continue to glide.
Move your neck to the right, and then return to the centre.
You should do it at least 20-30 more times on each side of your neck.
2. Front:
You can sit or stand in a comfortable place.
Take a deep, slow breath. Now move your neck forward and push your jaw as far as possible.
For 5 seconds, hold it and then push back. Repeat this 20 times.
6. Self Neck Traction
Regular exercises can help you get rid of fat around your neck. Self neck traction can help you get rid of excess fat around your neck. This will help to remove neck humps and relax adjacent muscles. It also relieves pain.
What to Do:
Place your body on the ground, with your entire body touching it.
Now, extend your legs at a 60 degree angle.
Slowly place one hand on the back of your head, and the other on your chest.
Keep your pressure on your chest and use your other hand for pulling your neck up as high as you can.
You must feel the stretch in your neck for at least 10 seconds.
Slowly relax into a resting position.
You can repeat the exercise 15 to 20 more times. It is recommended that you take a five-second break after each five stretches.
7. Neck Stretch:
Neck retraction is the best type of stretch to improve your forward line. You can also reduce the back humps, which are extremely uncomfortable and unattractive.
What to Do:
Standing straight up with your feet in front of you, place your hands on your sides.
You can tilt your head a little lower, but not round your shoulders.
For 10 seconds, keep your neck down.
Slowly draw your neck back until it feels comfortable.
Keep at it until you feel pressure in your neck. Hold the stretch for 10 seconds.
Slowly raise your neck to a normal position.
Do ten sets at minimum three times.
8. Neck rotation:
Rotation is one of most effective exercises for removing neck fat, particularly double chin. Rotation increases blood circulation to the shoulders and makes them more durable, which helps prevent shoulder problems.
What to Do:
Either stand straight up or use a low back, straight-backed chair. Your feet should be apart.
Turn your head clockwise, without moving your shoulder.
Rotate your neck in a circular motion, and stretch as far as you can.
Before you stop at the original position, rotate your neck 20 times.
You can repeat the process 20 times in reverse clockwise.
Once you feel comfortable, you can increase your count gradually.
It is important to keep your spine straight and not bend your shoulders.
9. Chin Slap
Chin slap should be performed several times per day in order to be effective. It can be done anywhere and anytime. This exercise was used to control double chins and keep your chin strong in the old days.
What to Do:
You can sit or stand anywhere.
Make a fist using another hand while holding one hand behind your head.
Begin by slapping your lower chin or double-chin.
After the initial slapping, increase the speed and continue slapping until you are comfortable. Don’t overdo it at first.
It should take at least 10 minutes.
For best results, it should be done five to six times per day.
10. Lip Pull:
Lip pull is a type of exercise that can help tone your jawlines and chin muscles. This exercise is easy to do:
What to Do:
Keep your head straight and keep looking forward, just like you do every day.
You can push your jaw out as far as you want, but keep your shoulders still.
Lift your lower lip as high and as far as you can until you reach the limit of your jaw extension.
For 10 seconds, hold this position and then return to your previous position.
This cycle should be repeated at least ten more times, and then gradually increase the number.
The stretch is most effective under the chin, jawline, and lower jaws.
This exercise should be done after eating.
11. Open and Close the Mouth
Many people may wonder how opening and closing our mouths can reduce fat. It is something that we do every day, even though it may sound silly. However, it is important to do it right in order to achieve the results you desire.
What to do:
Keep your head up straight and in a comfortable place.
Do not move your shoulders. Push your neck as far as you can.
Now, open your mouth wide and close it again. Slowly do this.
Every time you open your mouth, you can feel the tension in this area of the neck.
This routine should be repeated 10-15 times per cycle to see visible results.
Take a break between to allow your muscles to heal.
You can also tone your neck with a pause.
12. Side Stretches:
It is impossible to control the amount of fats that are deposited in our bodies. Fat deposits can be placed in a variety of ways. To burn excess fat deposits horizontally, you will need to add side stretches.
What to Do:
Keep your shoulders squared and relax while standing straight.
With your right arm around your neck, touch your left ear.
Slowly bend your neck toward the right shoulder.
For 5 minutes, remain in the same position and then release.
You can repeat the process with your right arm and left ear.
13. Towel pulls
Towels can be a great addition to neck exercises. These simple stretches can be used in many different ways to achieve the curvy neck that you desire. These stretches help prevent fat accumulation and shagginess in the throat.
What to Do:
You can roll a towel down to your shoulders.
Join the ends together and pull the towel and your head in opposing directions.
For best results, do it multiple times.
You can also do it sideways.
Place a towel around your neck, but not sideways.
Keep your shoulder straight and repeat the process.
Tips to Reduce Neck Fat
Reduce the amount of calories that you consume each day.
A great way to lose neck fat is by losing extra weight all over your body.
Keep hydrated by drinking lots of water
Simply do the neck exercises described in this article at your own pace.
Healthy carbs and lean protein are your best bets.
Instead of eating junk food, eat fruits and vegetables.
It is important to detoxify your body of all toxins. This will help you lose weight quickly. You should gradually increase your exercise, but not overwhelm yourself. Warm water is best for the neck area, as it helps to reduce the accumulation of fat.
We want to know your thoughts on these 13 top exercises to reduce neck fat. We are happy to help you find the best answers and solutions.
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how i lost weight so fast!
- don’t be too worried about a binge. (i should probably take my own advice) but make sure not to get in the habit of it and lose motivation
- drink so much water. i drink about 3 liters a day. you’re gonna have to pee a lot though.
- exercise. i run track so my exercise is track practice but on weekdays where i don’t have practice i do a little workout at home.
- walk a lot. i get up and move whenever i can and walk the longer way to get more steps.
- this isn’t best for everyone but i never have more than 600 calories a day. at this point in my ABC diet i have been limited to 200 like every day which isn’t easy.
- since i eat dinner with my family it’s hard to avoid dinner but i am vegetarian so i have pretty healthy dinner. it is usually fish, pasta or rice, and vegetables. i’m not very good at having small portions but i drink water in between every bite.
- for breakfast i have 5-10 blackberries which is at most 8 calories because it’s important to have breakfast. i don’t eat during the day (which is super easy especially because of school) and save the calories for dinner.
- never eat before 7am or after 7pm. your food needs to digest before you sleep.
- don’t eat alone. only eat in front of other people so they don’t get suspicious.
- drink water when you’re hungry. that usually makes the hunger go away.
- i saw someone say curl up in a ball when you’re having hunger pains or pains from drinking a lot of water and that 100% works.
- get sleep. i’ve been sleeping about 8+ hours a night.
- eat high fiber foods. i got super constipated at one point and i had to take tons of laxatives because of my lack of fiber intake. i lost 4 pounds after finally using the bathroom.
- stick to low calorie foods. when i finally do eat i eat fruit and veggies. specifically blackberries, blueberries, broccoli, cucumbers, apples, raw green beans, etc. a good snack is seaweed.
- green tea. it’s not very tasty imo but it’s good for you.
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amy-s-king · 1 year
Shed Pounds the Healthy Way in 2023
Proven Strategies for Successful Weight Loss
The best ways to lose weight in a healthy manner in 2023 are likely to include a combination of the following:
1. Eating a balanced diet that is rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein, and low in added sugars and saturated fats.
2. Engaging in regular physical activity, such as brisk walking, cycling, swimming, or other forms of cardiovascular exercise.
3. Monitoring and tracking your progress, such as by keeping a food diary or using a fitness app.
4. Making sustainable lifestyle changes, such as cooking at home more often and planning meals in advance.
5. Don’t be afraid to ask for help. Seeking support from family, close friends or your community.
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It's important to note that weight loss should be done in a healthy and sustainable way. Eating a balanced diet is one of the most important aspects of losing weight in a healthy way. This means focusing on nutrient-dense, whole foods that provide your body with the energy and nutrients it needs to function properly. Fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and lean protein sources such as fish, chicken, and beans are excellent choices. Avoiding processed foods, added sugars, and saturated fats can also help you lose weight and improve your overall health.
Physical activity is also essential for weight loss, as it helps to burn calories and increase muscle mass. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate-intensity exercise, such as brisk walking, cycling, or swimming, most days of the week. Strength training is also important for maintaining muscle mass and improving overall health, so try to incorporate a combination of cardio and strength training into your routine.
Monitoring and tracking your progress can help you stay on track and adjust as needed. Keeping a food diary, for example, can help you identify patterns and make changes to your diet. Similarly, tracking your weight, measurements, and body composition can help you see how your efforts are paying off.
Lifestyle changes are also important for weight loss. Cooking at home more often and planning meals in advance can help you make healthier choices, while also saving money. Reducing stress and getting enough sleep can also play a role in weight loss.
Seeking support. If you find yourself struggling it can be helpful to enlist the support of your family or close friends to help you stay on track with your weight loss goals. Consider joining a support group (if you can’t find one locally there are plenty online) to help you reach your goals.
Finally, it's SO important to remember that weight loss is not a one-time event, it's a lifelong journey. It's not just about losing weight; it's about adopting healthy habits and a lifestyle change that you can sustain long term.
Lose weight fast and effectively with this easy-to-follow keto diet meal plan! CLICK HERE
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superstore110 · 2 years
5 Ways To Get The Best Use Out Of Your Home Treadmill
The #1 fear that people have when investing in a home treadmill (or any piece of exercise equipment) is that they won’t use it.
You know the story. It gets delivered, you set it up and enjoy it for a few days…and then it sits…and waits.
A few months down the road, you notice how dusty it has become and how much space it’s taking up. And you remember how much weight you were determined to lose by using it faithfully every day. But now, unfortunately, it doubles as a clothes rack.
Never fear. This article will help you make sure that DOESN’T happen.
A treadmill provides the best overall cardiovascular workout & it’s still the number one exercise machine for those who want to lose weight. So it’s an investment in your health that will pay large dividends…if you are prepared to get the maximum benefit from it!
Here are 5 easy ways to get the BEST use from your home treadmill:
#1) Do your research first
Make sure you look at what each treadmill offers you and compare it to your unique needs.
For example, if you live in a condo and/or like things neat and clean, a folding treadmill might suit you best. If you want a folding treadmill, do you prefer a manual folding treadmill (like most folding treadmills) or do you want a shock-assisted folding treadmill with wheels on the bottom that’s easy to move?
If you like to drink water during your workout, make sure there’s a water bottle holder included in the treadmill console (it might surprise you how many treadmills do not have this feature.)
Do you get bored easily and need a challenge? What about getting a treadmill with lots of user programs or one that is iFit compatible?
These things may seem little and maybe it might cost you a bit more; but if it means you’re actually going to enjoy your workout it will be well worth it!
#2) Place the treadmill in a ‘happy’ spot.
By ‘happy’ I mean well-lit, open and stimulating. Don’t put it so you face the bare wall when you walk or run. I’ve tried this this and the workouts don’t last long! If you get bored easily, put it facing the television or facing a window where you can have an attractive view while working out.
Rooms and spaces have definite ‘feels’ to them and that will affect the success of your workouts. Make sure your treadmill is placed in an area that makes you feel energized, happy and mentally stimulated.
#3) Get your exercise arsenal ready BEFORE the treadmill arrives.
Do you like listening to fast music when you exercise? Do you like watching your favorite movies? What about reading magazines? What inspires you to work out and feel your best?
Get these things ready even before your treadmill arrives and you’ll be three-quarters of the way there. Have several workout or favorite CD’s around. Get your favorite movies or shows on tape. Gather your favorite magazines.
By having an ‘exercise’ stash around your treadmill, you’ll be inspired to workout AND you won’t be stuck running around looking for something to do when you want to start exercising.
Again, this may seem simple, but it works. Why do you think gyms have magazines, televisions and CD players handy?
#4) Make an exercise plan.
Before you start working out, try making a plan, a “roadmap to your rock-hard body” so to speak. By writing down how long and what kind of workout you’ll be doing in week 1, 2, 3, 4 etc, you’ll get yourself psyched up for success.
Remember that every time you workout, you are planting the seeds for the kind of dream body that you want.
By having a plan, you can see just how many seeds you’ve planted (and even how long it will take to start reaping the results!) Have fun with it and you’ll be motivated to achieve your health goals (and get maximum benefits from your treadmill!)
#5) Track your progress
Ok this is related to #4 but it’s more of an ongoing thing. By tracking your progress every day, you get a major sense of accomplishment which snowballs into even greater fat-burning results.
I suggest you have ‘minimum goals’ like “I’ll walk for at least 10 minutes.” or “I’ll do 5-30 second intervals.” These are easy to do and you’ll probably go beyond them – which will encourage you even further and heighten your sense of accomplishment.
And of course, you’re also getting maximum benefit from your treadmill!
Those are 5 ways to get best use from your home treadmill. Just remember that even a little bit of preparation will pay off large dividends in the long run.
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melissadanlove · 4 years
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40 Pound Weight Loss Transformation!
Check out my weight loss system: http://tiny.cc/CinderellaSolutionz
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keto-diet-corner · 3 years
What are tips for weight loss?
1. Weight loss is 80% diet, 20% exercise. It doesn't matter what you exercise for or how much you exercise. Go to the gym and pat your buttocks for 2 hours, and don't leave until your clothes are sweaty. All right, now head over to McDonald's to buy Big Mac, Large Fry and Coke, and Reese's McFlurry. Let's see what happens. Chances are, nothing. OR, you could have a healthy, light meal of meat and vegetables, then walk for half an hour. The actual weight will fall off you. 2. Don't share your progress on social media until you reach the goal. This is more psychological than anything. I saw so many people going to the gym on January 1 and posting some long, passionate posts on social media about the life change they are making. Then they have their friends like / love their three-digit post, giving them slaps and backing. Well, what happened after that? They already have the authentication they're looking for, and their motivation fades. So they stopped going to the gym around January 10. You can argue for another reason, but that's my opinion. Don't tell anyone what you're doing. Don't brag about your progress to anyone. Stay humble. Do it yourself. 3. The first time you go to the gym, take it easy. There are a lot of statements that are put into exercise t-shirts and posters that are contradictory controversial. "Pain is weakness leaving the body." "No pain fails." "If it doesn't hurt, it won't change anything." Yes, well, you're not wrong. But how motivated will you be when you wake up the next day and your whole body dies from the sudden torture it just suffered? Usually, the pain from the first time to the gym will not go away in 4 or 5 days. It's hard to find the motivation to go back to a place that made you feel that way, with no tangible results. Work out for no more than 45 minutes and don't push yourself to the edge. Walk for ten minutes, run for five. Do some resistance training, then go home. You will have a better chance of going back to the gym the next day, or two days later. Besides, if you lose weight fast, you'll gain it back quickly. Take it slowly and it will be easier to maintain it. 4. Let's talk exercise. You can go as hard as you want, but it depends on the results you want. Especially if you have a lot of fat, you can also lift weights to turn it into muscle. But I don't think you have to be religious about your exercise as long as you have control over your diet. Walk for 30–90 minutes a day. For me, this is the most important form of exercise. It will give you the best results if you are diligent about it. Yoga. Don't let anyone tell you that Yoga isn't intense enough and won't change anything about your body. You will become more flexible, better in balance, have a better understanding of how your body moves around, and if there are any exercises that get rid of back pain in general, it's yoga. 20 minutes a day is all you need. Cardio is lightweight. Walk for five minutes. Run for five minutes. Walk for the year. Run for the year. Stop. Twenty minutes is all you need. Resistance / Weight free. Go ahead and beat yourself with this if you want more body shape and if you want to burn more calories. It will help you the most during your fat loss period, but again, don't be so hard that you paralyze yourself for days. Do enough to slowly tone over months, not weeks. Do push-ups every day. This is just you are working with the natural resistance of your own weight. Starting with ten. Can you make it to twenty? About thirty? I work fifty a day. Not much, but it keeps my biceps and triceps visible, and it keeps me disciplined in following a daily routine.
5. Let's talk about diet. You can read all kinds of literature that will tell you I'm wrong. Again, this is what worked for me. Cut out foods with excess carbs and sugar. No more potatoes. No more bread. No more chips, crackers or cookies. Cut off the sugar. No soda. No alcohol. No "diet" at all. There's nothing like aspartame, stevia, or high-fructose corn syrup. No pizza. Stay away from sugary fruits and other "natural" sugars. Without peanut butter. No jelly / jam / preservatives. Avoid large amounts of sodium, as in Soy Sauce. All your sandwiches, burgers, and burgers / sandwiches should be “naked” or wrapped in lettuce. So maybe instead of what you can't eat, here's a list of what you can eat.
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myhealthmag · 4 years
Best Methods to a Healthier Weight
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When it comes to health, little matters more than weight. Maintaining a healthy weight can lower the risk of 13 different cancers – plus stroke, heart disease, diabetes, arthritis, and many other chronic conditions.
And some simple, doable weight goals can have important health benefits – for everyone. Just keeping your weight steady – no matter your current weight – has payoffs, as can losing as little as five to ten pounds if you’re overweight. Getting down to a healthy weight and maintaining it has even bigger health benefits.
In this speedy age it’s hard to maintain health and fitness. We need a lot of time, money and expertise. For the same reason the doctors and Physicians are recommending fitness supplements more than ever. These formulae work best if you are recommended the best. Being a nutritionist, I am recommending a Best Weight Loss Supplement For many months. It gives my clients speedy results, satisfaction and stability. Zero side Effects.
 It’s an excellent Fat cutter, energizer, cancer prevention, age restriction, immunity booster and health glower at the same time and in the short time. In maximum 7 weeks you get a slim smart body, shining cheeks, active brain and high level (tested) of immunity. Click Here to see its review.
These eight ways can be your guide, whatever your goal. They highlight simple changes to how you eat and how you move. Start today with one or two. Then, build from there.
1. Eat healthy plant foods – and fewer animal products
You’ve heard this before – and for good reason. A largely plant-based diet filled with fruits, vegetables, beans, nuts, and whole grains is not only good for overall health, but also good for keeping weight in check. Among other things, it can help you feel full longer, and with fewer calories.
2. Choose smaller portions
Portion sizes have ballooned over the years – and our waist sizes along with them. A single fast food meal can have more than a day’s worth of calories, sodium, and unhealthy fats. But even at home, we’re serving ourselves more food. Choosing smaller portions is a great way to keep calories and weight in check. Eating out less is best, and when you do eat out, pick an à la carte item rather than a full meal, or split a dish with a friend. At home, keep to recommended serving sizes and try smaller plates, which can make recommended portions feel bigger.
3. Avoid sugary drinks
Sugary drinks – such as sodas, energy drinks, juice drinks, and many coffee drinks – are a major source of extra calories and have been found to increase the risk of obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. Cutting back on sugary drinks is an easy way to shave calories from your day. And getting down to zero is best, even for 100% juice. Try no-calorie fizzy water and unsweetened coffee and tea instead.
4. Cut back on added calories
We add a lot of extra calories to our food, and often without even thinking about it. Things like butter, cheese, and bacon on a potato; sour cream on a burrito; and sugar, whole milk, and whipped cream in our coffee. These calories can really add up over time. Cut back on these extras or try some lower calorie options instead, such as salsa, tomato, cheddar powder, and non-fat milk.
5. Start the day with a healthy breakfast
A healthy breakfast can give you energy for a busy morning – and keep hunger pangs away until lunchtime. Include a couple different types of healthy foods, such as fruit, whole-grain bread and cereal, low-fat plain yogurt, or an egg or two. Avoid foods such as sugary cereals, doughnuts, bacon, white bread, and whole milk.
6. Move your body
Being physically active is a great way to maintain or lose weight, especially when paired with healthy eating. Any amount of activity is better than none, but when it comes to weight control, the general rule is: the more, the better. Try to work up to around five hours of brisk activity a week. Choose something you like that gets you moving – and do it regularly. Cutting down on the amount of time you spend sitting is also good, even if you exercise. Stand as much as you can during the day. When you do sit, try to take a short walk once or twice an hour.
7. Hop on the scale
Hopping on your bathroom scale once a week or more is a great way to keep track of how you’re doing with your weight. Weight gain often catches people by surprise. By weighing yourself regularly, you can keep surprises at bay and make any needed adjustments to what you’re eating and how active you are. It’s especially good for helping to keep off pounds that you’ve lost. For an added bonus, keep track of your waist size with a tape measure. Putting on inches around the middle, even if you’re a healthy weight, can increase your disease risk.
8. Keep a food diary
When  it comes to keeping weight in check, calories matter. So, it can be helpful to set a daily calorie goal and use a food and drink diary to track your calories throughout the day. Apps and online tools can make this pretty simple. Some days you’ll be over your goal. Some days below. It’s the overall trend, though, that is most important and lets you know if you should make any adjustments.
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smart-psiants · 3 years
How to Lose Weight Fast: 14 Things You Can Do to Lose Weight Quickly!
Everyone wants to know how to lose weight fast. We know the usual "watch your diet and exercise regularly" routine. But if it is as simple as that, then there wouldn't be so many fat people in this world!
 Amidst all the lies and hype surrounding the weight loss industry, it can be hard to separate the hype and lies from the truth. That's why in today's article, I'm going to share with you 14 things you must do to lose weight fast. Following these 14 tips will help you to lose weight safely and stay lean all year-round.
 How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #1: Stop eating only salads
 This is a well-known habit especially among female office workers. You order a big salad with nothing but greens. Your colleagues see what you eat and applaud your efforts to lose weight. But before 2pm, you get hungry and start looking for cookies and chocolates to snack. How's that for one step forward and two steps back in your fat loss attempt? While there's nothing wrong with having salads for lunch, you should add some good clean protein such as eggs and chicken breasts and also good fats such as avocados or guacamole into your salads as well. Remember this: Every meal should have a protein element. These protein and fat make you feel more satisfied after the meal and will sustain your blood sugar levels for a longer period so you won't be looking for unhealthy snacks around the office right after lunch.
 How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #2: Replace all the unhealthy snacks at home and in your office
 Contrary to popular belief, snacking is actually productive for fat loss. Snacking on healthy snacks in between meals will help maintain a steady blood glucose level and also keep your metabolism elevated. Since people snack on convenience and the general availability of food around them, it is important to keep only healthy snacks such as dark chocolate, nuts, trail mixes, fruits or even beef jerky within easy reach. Throw all the others away. Or give them to a colleague you hate.
 How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #3: Start a simple exercise routine
 Every fat loss program needs to have an exercise component. It doesn't even have to an actual exercise like jogging or swimming. If you have never exercised before in your life, you can even start something as simple as brisk walking every day for 20 minutes and work up the intensity from there. The main objective is staying active and turning up your metabolism. As you get fitter (and you will), crank up the intensity and challenge your body to reach new heights of fitness.
 How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #4: Stop the steady state jogging
 If you have been jogging for some time and haven't seen any significant weight loss results, then it's time for you to move on to more challenging exercises. Jogging is a good exercise to build your cardiovascular endurance, but not the best for fat loss. To effective burn fat, you need a workout that elevates your heart rate to at least 80% of your maximum heart rate and burns the most number of calories in the shortest period of time. Full body exercises such as burpees, squats, deadlifts, shoulder presses and rows gives you the most bang for your time spent on exercising. Perform each exercise for 30 seconds with a 30 second break in between for 3 sets before moving onto the next. Do this for 10 - 15 minutes a day and you will see results beyond what you have experienced from months of jogging.
 How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #5: Don't avoid carbohydrates completely
 When carbs replaced fats as the main contributor of weight gain, many people are avoiding all known types of carbs completely. I personally have a colleague who shuns carbs like the plague. Let me set the record straight. Not all carbs are bad. Our bodies need carbs to function properly. Carbs are our bodies' main source of energy. In fact, our brain functions primarily on carbs. Depriving your body of carbs can have detrimental effects on your body. Every type food has its time and place to be consumed. As a general rule, you should only consume low glycemic carbs such as brown rice, dark leafy vegetables, multi-grain bread, oatmeal, etc. High glycemic foods such as bananas, juices, white rice, potatoes and other processed foods are best consumed only right after an intense exercise.
 How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #6: Set realistic and measurable goals
 A lot of people give up on a training or fat loss program after a week or so because they did not see the results they were expecting. First of all, you have to remember that you didn't get fat overnight. So you should not expect a miracle weight loss to happen as well. Setting realistic and measurable goals will help keep you motivated and continue towards your ultimate weight loss goal. So what considered as a realistic goal? Losing 0.5-1kg (1-2 lbs) a week is a realistic. Losing half an inch on your waist after two weeks is realistic. Of course, you have to be completely honest with yourself when you are accessing these goals. Ask yourself if you are really following the exercise program religiously? How many times did you cheat on your diet?
 How To Lose Weight Fast Tip #7: Focus on building muscle
 Some people may disagree with me that exercising and muscle-building is important for fat loss. To me, fat loss is all about changing our body composition - reducing the fat mass and increasing fat-free mass (muscles). Increasing fat-free mass will invariably contribute to the lowering of fat mass. For each pound of muscle your body has, you burn an extra 35-50 calories a day. Fat on the other hand burns only 2 calories per pound. So the more muscle you have, the higher your metabolic rate will be. And contrary to popular belief, having more muscles is what will give your body those sexy curves that the opposite sex desires.
Check out our blog for more on this topic. Click Here.
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