#hsh legend
st0rmyskies · 10 months
How do each of the boys handle unwanted creepers coming up to them at the club?
Here, have a drabble about it.
I have had this scenario bouncing around in my head for months, no doubt. Thanks for the ask, anon.
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wordwitch00 · 1 year
Sex Ed
Tales from the St0rmyverse
“So this is your standard position, easiest access for where he’s gonna put his–”
“Okay, okay, I get it.” Champion was on his hands and knees, with Legend kneeling behind him and Hyrule off to the side, wondering how he’d managed to get himself into this situation.
Things had been getting more intense with Twilight recently, and in an attempt at being a good boyfriend, Champion decided he wanted to be adequately prepared for when he and Twi decided to take things to the next level.
Though now, he was partially regretting that decision.
Champion wasn’t exactly experienced, though his body might be; he wasn’t sure if he’d had sex with anyone while he was living as Wild, but since he couldn’t recall, he decided it didn’t count.
He didn’t really want to think about that anyway.
“It doesn’t feel particularly…intimate like this,” Champion craned his neck around to try and see Legend behind him, but the angle wasn’t quite right. Legend took that as permission to yank Champion upright and press the ex-soldier’s back to his front. 
“It can be, but I get what you’re saying,” Hyrule said. “You want to be able to see his face during the act, am I right?
Champion felt his cheeks flush and he nodded. He wanted to see the pleasure on Twilight’s face, to see his eyes glaze over in desire and watch as he fell off the edge into oblivion… which was so incredibly cheesy, but he couldn’t help it. Twi just brought it out in him.
He just thought it should mean something.
However, his logical side needed those ever-important logistics, so he reached out to the good doctor to ask the questions he was insanely embarrassed about when it came to sex between two men.
Hyrule had stared at him blankly for about five seconds before wrapping him in a hug and thanking him profusely. “Hylia, I wish more people would reach out before they start putting things into orifices.”
Hyrule had been incredibly patient while Champion tried to get the words out. He went over all the basics of preparation, the importance of taking things slowly, and that more lube is always better.
“You can prepare yourself in advance, or let your partner prepare you as part of the foreplay,” Hyrule said as he explained the process, two fingers extended and being worked into his other fist.
“It’s more fun if you let your partner help,” Legend had piped up from the corner of the room, behind a large box, “just sayin’.”
Champion felt his neck crack at how fast he spun around. “How long have you been there?” Oh gods, he was never going to live this down.
“Long enough to know that you’re gonna need more than just the biological aspect of this.” Legend had said as he got up from the floor and went to join them. “Rulie can give you all the medical jargon, but telling isn’t the same as doing.”
“Wait, what?”
Which is how Champion had wound up in his current position. Fully dressed, with Legend arranging them in various positions on the bed.
“Flip him over, Ledge,” Hyrule said as he twirled his index finger. The next thing Champion knew he was on his back looking up at the ceiling.
“Now this way, not everything lines up as nicely, so we gotta do some arranging,” Legend snagged the pillow Hyrule tossed at him, “lift your hips up.”
“Pillow goes under your hips. Raises them up so things are in alignment, which is the whole point.” Legend said, placing the pillow under Champion as he complied. The angle was different, but not uncomfortable. Granted, Legend wasn’t putting his full weight into it like he imagined Twi would, but he could see Legend’s face above him. Which meant he’d be able to see Twi.
Yes, this way was better.
“Also helps if you go like this–” Legend snuck his arms under Champion’s knees and pushed back, “--keeps you in the right spot.”
Champion glanced over at Hyrule, who looked more amused than anything. “Are you sure you’re okay with this?”
“It’s not like you’re actually doing anything,” Hyrule chucked fondly. “Besides, now I have a better idea of how it looks when Legend and I are together.”
“You’re considerably more relaxed than Champ here, Rulie,” Legend commented, looking down at the man beneath him. “Seriously, you need to uncoil yourself when you’re doing this.”
Hyrule patted his shoulder. “He’s right, if you’re too tense, it definitely won’t feel good. And if you don’t feel good, Twi won’t feel good, and then everyone will feel bad and none of us want that for you.”
Champion nodded. The last thing he wanted was for Twi to feel bad, so he took a few deep breaths and tried to let go of the tension in his limbs.
“There you go, that’s better,” Legend said with a half smile.
“And you don’t have to rush right into anything,” Hyrule continued. “There’s plenty of things you two can do that feel just as good.”
With that, Legend backed off and allowed Champion to sit up again. He sat cross-legged, staring down at his hands. “Thank you for this, both of you.”
Hyrule reached out and took both of Champion’s hands in his. “Anytime. You hear me?”
“Anything else you want to know, might as well ask now,” Legend offered from his reclined position. Champion thought for a moment.
In for a rupee, he supposed. “You got any tips for… giving good head?” Champion practically whispered the last part.
Hyrule and Legend looked at each other and smiled before the latter got up. “I’ll get the props.”
I like to think Legend pulled out a big anatomically correct purple dildo for this particular demonstration.
This idea has been in my head forever and it's finally out. Yay!
Might post to AO3, might not...
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Creator: 黄狄山HSH / yuanben752
Source: https://yuanben752.lofter.com/post/1f512b9f_2b462c7a1
Permission was granted by the artist to upload their work | Please do not repost, edit, or upload to any other websites. Please support the artist by bookmarking and liking the artwork.
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poodle-anon · 9 months
Poodle Anon’s Fic Directory
Hey there! I’ve written a bunch of stuff that’s had to be on anon, and since to my knowledge you cannot add them to a series within Ao3, I thought it best to collect them all together here in one post with a semi-arbitrary order. Currently doing this all on mobile so things may be a bit off in formatting but they SHOULD all be under link/link on ao3.
Most of my things draw from the Townhouse AU created by the lovely @st0rmyskies, but I do NOT consider my own works to be related to Linked Universe, personally. We serve linkshipping here, sir.
Have fun!
Champion's upbringing was not as easy as some. Extension of lore from Home Sweet Home: The Brave, and the companion piece to HSH:Run, and I suggest you read that one first. Gen fic, Champion-only. HSH/DF compliant. Heavily features hallucinogens/bad trips, cults, and hazing. Oneshot, 3,008 words. Mature
Digital Footprint
Champion returns to his body and all of Wild’s leftover possessions and data. Like nudes. So many of his own nudes that he does not remember taking. Self loving (in many forms) ensues. Champion/Wild. Attempting to be HSH Compliant. Cis!Champion (started before trans!Wild was canonized). My smut magnum opus for some reason. Work in Progress. 5/? chapters, 16,484 words (so far). 18+ (with some sfw chapters)
Breathe Out, So I Can Breathe You In
This one's The Weed Fic (™) where Legend and Champion smoke some, have a heart to heart, and get handsy. Legend/Champion, background Legend/Hyrule. Digital Footprint compliant but not really canon. Semi-HSH compliant. Trans!Champion Oneshot, 4,632 words. PG-13
Once, and In a Fantasy
Champion finds an old video of a fling he had with his longest running crush (Sky) once. Jealousy and jacking off ensue. Wild gets to have all the fun, doesn't he? Sky/Wild, Sky/Champion (unrequited). Digital Footprint compliant but not really canon. Semi-HSH compliant. Cis!Champion. Oneshot, 1,750 words. 18+
What I Am
Champion has a bad time with some of Time’s old habits, and both are terrible at communicating. This is their get-along lakehouse. Followup/hypothetical addition to What We Are. Involves heavy discussion of dysphoria, discomfort, and failsex/sudden safewording. Champion/Time. Based on LMTCOY Oneshot, 2,000 words and counting. Unpublished wip you can ask me about. 18+
Unexpected Obstacles
Champion has some old trauma that dies pretty damn hard, sometimes getting in the way of his sex life. Or: champion accidentally pulls a knife on Twilight during sex and is then sad about it, but everything turns out fine because Twi is a goober. Champion/Twilight. Sorta HSH compliant. Oneshot, 998 words. 18+
Poodle Anon’s Speakeasy Kinktober Collection (2022)
Super secret server I’m in did a kinktober! Had a lot of fun with these, it’s all over the place but just oneshots. Many different ships (primarily HSH), but includes OC Link, and canon-inspired situations 7 chapters, 6,861 words, 18+
Playing With Your Food
Collab with our dear St0rmy! Wild and Dark as vampires, per Blood Lust, give gorey head to their boyfriends. Under-discussed kink, CW for dick squick, and blood/minor gore. There are Flesh Descriptions. Wild/Time (my bit), Twilight/Dark (Stormy’s bit). Blood Lust compliant. MIND THOSE TAGS. Oneshot, 3,016 words, VERY 18+
Broken Mirror
Time is goaded into fucking Dark over his desk, harkening back to the days of their misspent youth under control of various entities where they also fucked against a wall when they were supposed to be killing each other. Not really a hatefuck, more like an annoyed-fuck? Smangst. Dark/Time. LMTCOY/HSH compliant-ish. Kinda rough but Dark is into it. Mind the tags. Oneshot, 2,348 words. 18+
Practical Exam
Direct followup to Chapter 18 of Let Me Take Care of You Sky gets a final “test” before “graduating” his Dom training. The test? Time has wanted this flyboy's dick since the first day of their training, Sky sweetly obliges and Time gets turned into a puddle of mush (rare subspace). It’s very cute. Time/Sky. LMTCOY compliant. Mostly aftermath of their scene and some aftercare. It’s cute. Mind those tags!!! Oneshot, 3,538 words. 18+
Bunny Love
Legend and Hyrule mess around and get all cute and gross like the happy couple they are. They’re going to give me fucking cavities. Legend/Hyrule, established relationship. LMTCOY compliant. Short and sweet. Oneshot, 899 words. 18+
Bonus: Followup to @miniscrew-anon's febuwhump fill! Champion wakes up from his second bonkening that returned him to the world, and starts getting caught up on what he’s missed. Guard boys being friends. No ship (gasp). HSH: The Brave compliant. Oneshot, just under 500 words. PG-13
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orgaslink · 5 months
WIP game; Miracle, Omegaverse, WildLight Pole??
Thank you for the ask!
Miracle: Set in Stormy's HSH AU, this WIP is a "What If" in which I started thinking about Marin being okay and very suddenly (and very unexpectedly) tracks Legend down to Time's house. Needless to say, Legend is very surprised to see her.
Below the cut for discussions of NSFW content:
Omegaverse: omg I have so many little wips for this trope. I have Hyrule and Legend bonding as my closest to being finished but I have ideas for an AU Link's meet and I can't decide if I want it set in Omegaverse or not. Also have lots of thoughts on Omega!Dark which again, might be it's own AU or might not. I'm too indecisive!
WildLight Pole was part of a prompt game in a server I'm in, I think the prompt was "sex in unusual places" and I decided that Wild was a pole dancer who invited Twilight along to a practice session. Twilight was mesmerised and fun times happened.
I reallllly need to get writing these wips, I'm just too indecisive and it slows me down. That and I lack confidence 😅
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harryfeatgaga · 1 year
Unpopular opinion but I feel Satellite is a superior song to As It Was. If Harry does with Satellite same streams, sales, air play as AIW then he will be going down as a legend because two songs that big two separate summers? Iconic
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star-ocean-peahen · 2 years
hhhhhhhhnrgh now im thinking about HSH.........i want to work on the townhouse (esp. LEGEND'S ROOM) SO BAD but i cannnn't because i promised myself i wouldn't play the sims at this time of day.......
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rachelchinouriris · 1 year
HIIIIII JACKIE HAPPY BIRTHDAY I HOPE YOU HAVE A WONDERFUL ONE!!!!!!! 🥺 you are one of the best people i’ve met on here hehe i love youuuuu take care always dear 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 love that you share the special day as hsh double slay cunty serve legends MWAH 🥰🫂
THANK YOI RIRI MY LOVE 💜💜💜💜 truly an honor to share my birthday with harry’s house 💜 love you bby 💜💜💜💜💜💜
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st0rmyskies · 4 months
i have a hc that legend and wild met via weed
This is a reasonable hc. They definitely met out at the club, and Wild's enthusiastic friendliness wouldn't be deterred by Legend's surly nature. He'd see somewhat-depressed dude alone at the club, immediately think "FRIEND," and pull up to chat with him like they've known one another forever.
If that just so happened to take place while Legend was outside for a smoke break, well, yeah. I can see that.
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miniscrew-anon · 1 year
HSH Febuwhump Day 27 - Survivors Guilt
Obligatory Legend Chapter. I mean, how could I not with a prompt like this?
Some details from the past pay a bit of homage to another talented writer’s work, “all the go-inbetweens” by AnonymousCatastrophe405. It’s s Legend/Marin prequel fic and I highly recommend it!
There was a place on a corner. A bodega, maybe. Or a little pharmacy. Or a general store. He can’t remember. A young woman worked there. Bubbly, mouthy, a real gossip. But she was nice.
Then there was a middle aged woman. She had three dogs - BowWow and Ciao and Mr. Chow and fuck Why are those the names he can remember? - and he’d pass by and sometimes take them for walks. They were always excited to see him and, secretly, he was excited to see them too. 
There was a bar there, too. Near the marina, used by tourists during the summer seasons and always filled with rich assholes. The bartender was a rich asshole, too, he remembers. A real dick. Legend thinks they might have been friends anyway. 
The place was near the cafe.
He can’t remember what it was called, or who really worked there. He remembers the kitchen vividly though. He was there for a few hours a day, washing dishes and working over the stove to fill orders. The coffee machines and freezer and the little custodian closet filled with mops and cleaner solution. 
He remembers the mangoes. 
It’s frustrating that he can remember that little bin of fruit more than he can remember the woman who owned them. That he can remember the first bite, over a cup of espresso with lemon, more than the woman who cut it open for him.  That he can remember that he never got to try them with Goron spice like she recommended more than he can remember her damn name. 
Legend stares at the small display of fruit, knuckles white around the plastic handles of his shopping basket. It’s late afternoon in Termina and Legend is standing in the middle of a supermarket, basket filled with bare essentials. 
Hyrule will be home in half an hour. Legend needs to be done cooking by then, or the student is going to go to his classes hungry. He doesn’t have much time to waste. Legend left the apartment to grab a few things for dinner. Cooking is just one way he’s able to earn his keep. Even though he knows its nothing compared to everything Hyrule has given him. Food, shelter, company - a reason to keep going.
(It’s sad that he needed a reason to keep going - as if living for livings sake isn’t enough.)
(How many people died? How many hopeful souls were lost while his sorry ass got to live? How many with dreams and goals were swept out to sea to drown? Doesn’t he know how many people would have given anything to survive?  And here he is thinking about squandering his secondthirdfourth chance? How goddamn selfish is he-?)
It’s raining today. The ick of the city is being dredged up by the torrential downpour. Rain makes him feel on edge. Maybe it’s the way it makes his clothes cling to him. Or the rotten smell of wet garbage. Or the puddles that dampen his socks. 
(It didn't make him feel musty before. He thinks he used to like the rain.)
He doesn’t have much money to waste but he still leaves the store with a single mango. He doesn’t acknowledge its existence until he’s put away everything else and his casserole is in the oven, already set to be done the moment Hyrule walks through the door. 
Then it’s just him and a piece of fruit. 
He stands across the room from it, arms crossed and guard up. As if he expects the damn thing to stand up and attack him. It doesn’t. Of course. It just sits there on the counter. Benignly. 
It makes Legend's eyes itch. 
It’s bittersweet cutting it open. The smell is nostalgic. As is the stickiness of his hands. And the calming motion of peeling back the skin and exposing the bright orange flesh. Legend cuts it in half and puts one in the fridge for Hyrule. 
He takes a bite out of the other. It was sweeter in his memories.
Legend has issues but he’ll be okay. Probably
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wordwitch00 · 9 months
Holy shit, I did another chapter of this instead of A Family Made... I should be grounded.
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clockend · 1 year
line-up, tiki-taka, legend, and socios! for the football ask game 💙 (hope these aren't too many hshs, anyways i hope you're having a great day!!)
Tiki-taka : What style of football do you appreciate the most ?
attacking football with lots of possession baby!!! wengerball my beloved!!! a beautiful build-up, one touch, like that's peak for me and i'm very happy that arteta is aiming for something similar...
Legend : Do you have an idol or at list a player from the past that you admire or respect ?
of COURSE like im a huge sucker for early prem history and esp with arsenal like i adore the invincibles and i feel so blessed we had these players play for our club <3 but my main arsenal legend is probably ian wright i adore the man. i do have sort of a reluctant respect for roy keane i think he's funny and he's a great pundit as long as he doesn't talk about arsenal lmao
Socios : For you, what power should the fans have in a club ?
fans should have a lot of power. a club is nothing without the fans and the fact that the fans' power has been so diminished in the last decade is disgraceful but at the same time the 'fans' behaviour especially online is also disgraceful. it takes two to tango etc the relationship between the club and the fans should be very open and very properly established, otherwise it's just soulless and its like lol big words from me, someone who supports a prem club but u know
AND already answered line-up !!!!
thank u so much SORRY for the word vomit but as i said i loooove blabbing <3
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seasons-of-spice · 2 years
Well it certainly has been a time since i made any posts. But here i am!
bringing you a new chapter to some (very late) Kinktober prompts! have day 12 of the Speakeasy Discord Kinktober event! Corruption and Roleplay!
You can find it here to read and enjoy~ just be warned that it's Explicit and thus, if you do not like to read it or are a minor then please don't read it (or go ahead and do. I won't stop you. but if you are a minor please do not interact with me for my safety and your own)
I do have to thank @st0rmyskies for making such a fun au to work with and also for making links to my previous stories/chapters! I am very forgetful that i have a tumblr here half the time! i hope you all enjoy reading it! (also, anon comments are disabled. if you want to comment you have to be logged in some way. too many bad apples have stopped me from trusting anons)
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lozbotwfanart · 2 years
Chapters: 8/? Fandom: The Legend of Zelda & Related Fandoms Rating: Mature Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Link/Link (Legend of Zelda), Dark Link/Link (Legend of Zelda), Twilight/Dark Characters: Twilight - Character, Dark Link, Link (Legend of Zelda), Time - Character, Ghirahim (Legend of Zelda), Four (Linked Universe) Additional Tags: Romance, Emotional Hurt/Comfort, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Yeah i made dark fluffy, what about it, hsh townhouse, Townhouse AU, Linked Universe (Legend of Zelda), Car Accidents, Idiots in Love, Suicidal Thoughts, Suicide Attempt, Depression, References to Depression, Implied/Referenced Self-Harm, Self-Harm Summary:
Dark expected many things in his life.
From his landlord bothering him to stop playing loud music at night, to Impa showing up to lock him away again, he was prepared for a lot of things to happen at random. Even for Time to show up to punch his face in for no reason? That had recently made the list. But his handsome barkeeper stopping by with a packed bag and a pained expression?
Not one of them.
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riktor51 · 3 years
I'm so bad at it but I can't stop thinking about playing it! #HomeSweetHomeSurvive today and my daily grind on #ApexLegends later! Hope you can make it
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antijacob · 3 years
i love ur cats omg tell us more abt them 🥺
i love u for loving my cats also. link is my baby boy he’s 6 and i’ve had him since he was 8 weeks old everyone in my family adores him if he’s in the room we all just stare at him and he knows he’s amazing and loved. he does like to sit on ur lap but he loves to be held like a baby and he’s recently become a fiend for wet food he used to not like it at all but he harasses me constantly now as if he’s been starved for days. he’s also a big baby about the cold and it’s the only time he’ll snuggle he’ll sit right on you or crawl under your blankets with you :((
and then recently i adopted a second cat she was 11 months when i got her but now she’s 1 and i literally. i work at a pet store and she was up for adoption there i went and picked her up to give her some snuggles and the second i picked her up it was just instant serotonin i texted my roommates a pic of her and was like u guys need to meet her im in lvoe and then we adopted her shhshs. she’s a menace and digs up and eats a lot of our plants and she is a brat to link sometimes but she’s so cuddly she will sit right on your chest n purr away and she love love loves to just sleep her day away in the sun everytime i’m wondering where she is bc it’s been a few hours since i’ve seen her i peep my head into my sisters room and she’s sprawled out on the bed in a patch of sun. she’s also so sweet to my niece she lets her pet her which my niece loves bc link won’t let her within 6 feet of him shshsh
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