hyah-lian · 3 months
A tragedy lads. Lost my wallet and want snacks.
Well more specifically I want some chicken breast that isn't frozen because I want to try cooking something and I thought of something that would maybe taste really good
Also. I want. A red bean bun and/or coconut cream bun. Because I didn't have my wallet last night either and missed my opportunity to buy one of my favourite snacks
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adrift-in-thyme · 7 months
They better not cast Tom Holland as Link I swear to Hylia
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tgrailwar · 1 year
Oh no, Greater Grail, we're dying of suspiciously unmentioned wounds. Please, we need...to tell you something...Please...come closer...we need...to get you into range...of our words...(and swords...)
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Musashi: "Oh... ohhh my god... my Master is right... cough cough... I got hurt real bad... time out... RULER, I need a time out..."
RULER: "Your vitals are fine."
Musashi: "N-No... you gotta check closer... I'm out of your scanning range... or something... cough..."
RULER: "I said your vitals are fine. What are you rambling on about--"
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Musashi: "Hyah! 'One-Last-Time-Sneak-Attack' Slash!"
RULER: "Oh, you are OBNOXIOUS!"
Vote HERE!
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sugar-and-spite · 3 years
i purchased breath of the wild the other day and it'll be here tomorrow and it's the first zelda game i've ever actually played so i'm both excited and incredibly nervous
zelda fans what is your wisdom
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zakthefiend · 5 years
Intimate Sparring
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((Hello new OTP! This lovely pair was made by @haleth, someone I wish I discovered sooner! The art is made by @drew-winchester. Not gonna lie, been looking for a nice pair for Varian(almost thought about tossing my hat into that ring!) but I’m glad I found this one. I’m rambling, I hope you enjoy!))
“Hyah!” A shout rang out from behind the castle, along with the sounds of metal clashing with each other. If investigated, you would find the king of Stormwind, Varian Wrynn, was sparring with a night elf. The two have been spending hours clashing! Varian assaults with brute strength and raw power, while Zireael parried and countered each strike.
Varian lunged at her, swinging his greatsword with outstanding ferocity! His blow was just blocked by Zireael, who know uses the opening to stab him! Varian pulls back just enough for the blade to miss. Now the elf made her move, swinging her sword down towards the king. 
Suddenly, Zireael dropped to the ground and swipe kicked the back of his knees! Varian fell on to his back, and right before he could get back up, the night elf pins him to the ground! “I win~” She aid, breathless and proudly. She smiled to her achievement, despite her looking like she ran a marathon. “What are you gonna do now, your majesty?”
Varian smirked, “Why don’t you lower yourself a little more and claim your prize, Zir?” His little flirt had her blushing a little, but this did not stop her. She slowly lowered her head to his, and their lips met. Despite how ferocious the two of them fought, their kiss was gentle to the other. Varian’s arms wrapped around Zireael’s body, while Zir would place her hand on the back of his neck.
Before things could go forward however, they were stopped by a guardsman that happened to catch them. “Your majesty, didn’t your advisers ask you to not do intimate things in such public?” Ziri looked over her shoulder, her cheeks turning dark violet when she saw the guardsman. Then, Zir got off the king, a displeased look covering much of his face. No one likes to be stopped midway of anything they like doing.
“Is there anything you wish to report, guardsman?”
“Yes, Jaina wishes to speak with you about a few things regarding some shipments of books coming in from Dalaran.” He answerd.
Varian sighed, as his responsibilities finally caught up to him. “So sorry my love, but I have to go.” He placed a kiss on her cheek. “See you hopefully soon.” He said, as he walked off.
“I’ll hold you to that.” She called back, picking up the dropped sparring weapons and putting them back away. She would go wash up, as she was covered in dry sweat, mud, grass, and dead bugs.
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Ike/Camilla C-S Support
Written by @tct-psychoticnekomata
Camilla: Oh, Ike dear~
Ike: Princess Camilla, right? I heard you managed to make a comeback against Lady Lyn. Well played.
Camilla: No need to call me princess. A Hero such as you is well past formality. Besides, that was all just a matter of luck, really. Honestly, I thought I’d lose most of the way through. I do hope the poor dear isn’t beating herself up over that last mistake.
Ike: On the contrary. I got a chance to talk with her. She intends to learn from it and better herself for it. She holds no grudge against you, by the way.
Camilla: Ufufu. There’s no need to worry about me, darling. I can handle more then my fair share of grudges. That being said, you won’t hold back against me now, will you?
Ike: Absolutely not. And you better not hold back either. I want to test my skills against you properly.
Camilla: I’m glad we’re on the same page. May the best fighter win~
[Ike and Camilla have reached support rank C.]
Camilla: This feeling certainly is familiar.
Ike: I don’t intend to slip up like Lady Lyn did though.
Camilla: Oh, I don’t think you do. But keep on your guard now. I did promise not to hold back~.
Ike: Hyah!
Camilla: Umf! … That’s another victory for you then. You really are the fighter they say and more, Ike. Sparing with you has been nothing but delightful.
Ike: The same goes with you. I’m always glad to find another partner to test my steel against. I’ll be quite honest as well… I was hoping you would be as powerful as I’d heard.
Camilla: Oh?
Ike: I’ve heard some of the soldiers about speaking rather nasty rumors about you. I don’t care for gossip, but the things said have been nothing but slander. Of course I questioned (y/n) about it and (s)he was furious, but I wanted to see for myself just how capable you are.
Camilla: Awwww, that’s so sweet~ Truthfully, I know there are many who are jealous of me. Some envy my position, some my strength… some even envy other more carnal assets of mine. I notice you haven’t once made comment on them. You’re such a gentleman.
Ike: Even if were I inclined to look down, Titania would have my head in a vice.
Camilla: She sounds like a good mother to have.
Ike: Well… she is like a mother, yes. My actual mother died while I was still young, so she’s the closest I’ve had.
Camilla: Oh…. I’m sorry, Ike. I promise my intent wasn’t to-
Ike: I know. I’ve come to term with both my father’s and mother’s passing. Besides, this isn’t about me. I’m more worried for you, what with all this cowardice about.
Camilla: Well, you are just darling, Ike. But as I said before… I can handle grudges. And the rumor-mongering going on here is absolutely comedic when compared to what I faced before.
Ike: What you faced before?
Camilla: It’s… a long story. I’ll tell you after our next fight. Consider it your reward if you can beat me~
Ike: Heh… I admire your confidence. Alright then.
[Ike and Camilla have reached support rank B.]
Camilla: Well fought again… Once more, I’m soundly beat.
Ike: Not quite soundly. I was losing a lot of ground there.
Camilla: Well I still lost regardless. But it was still fun, I assure you.
Ike: You seem happier after last time.
Camilla: Mmmnh… I still owe you that explanation, don’t I?
Ike: Only because I won.
Camilla: Very well. The envy and slander that comes my way from these soldiers is nothing new to me. But it’s easier to handle because these are nobodies, worthless infantile miscreants I can forget about when I go home. When I was younger, though, that was my life… and it came from within my family.
Ike: Your own family tormented you?
Camilla: My father, the King of Nohr, had many concubines. My own mother was just another woman at his beck and call, but like the rest of them, she dreamed of being queen, of having greater power. So she used me in her game of thrones and power. I either had to kill my half-siblings one by one or I to die myself. The fact that I’m here before you now should tell you what choice I made and of course… she praised me for it. But while the servants could do nothing about it, many of them knew. And they talked… and talked… and talked.
Ike: Gods…
Camilla: This isn’t the first time I’ve heard such unpleasant words. I know it won’t be the last. But I got over that the day those damned murders ended. I have a family to protect and a kingdom to guard. I don’t have time to agonize over the ramblings of those beneath me.
Ike: I see. You’re quite incredible, Camilla. I don’t think I could’ve ever brought myself to kill family.
Camilla: “Incredible” is not the word I would use to define it, Ike…
Ike: Perhaps not. But the way I see it, you did what you had to in order to live. And now that you’re still alive, you can do what you need to in order to make sure such a thing never happens again. Isn’t that still incredible?
Camila: … Fuhuhu… I suppose it is, when you put it that way.
[Ike and Camilla have reached support rank A.]
Ike: The gauntlet is almost over now.
Camilla: A shame too. I’d come to look forward to our battles against each other.
Ike: As did I. But we’ll still be able to fight alongside each other at the very least.
Camilla: True. And I know you’re more capable then most out there. I’m going to miss you when I have to return home to Nohr.
Ike: As will I. But Camilla… one day, I want to find a way for us to meet again. Though I have a war to win back in my world, I don’t want us to be permanently seperated.
Camilla: Oh? And what has you feeling so clingish, hmmm?
Ike: It’s because I love you.
Camilla: Ahhhhh~. … wait. Huh?!
Ike: I’m not the greatest with words, but I want to say at least that much. All the time I’ve spent with you, be it fighting against you or talking with you, has been more than enjoyable. I don’t ever want that to end, so I want nothing more then to stay at your side.
Camilla: I see… I hope you know that if it’s my political status you seek, I intend to give up my right to the throne when Nohr is safe.
Ike: The thought of being royalty doesn’t intrigue me in the slightest, I promise you.
Camilla: Well then… I’m happy to hear that. There are many things I do not fear. But the thought of you loving someone else or, even worse, using me as a tool for power… I’ll admit that thought terrified me. I care so deeply about you, I wouldn’t know what to do if you ended up like my father.
Ike: Well, I don’t mind spending any amount of time to prove to you I’ll never treat you like that. So… shall we have one last battle, Camilla?
Camilla: I would enjoy nothing more, Ike.
[Ike and Camilla have reached support rank S.]
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chemicalbrew · 6 years
by @kpoppingllama ! thank you v much, i love these questions lol
(putting a read more here because this has gotten quite long. i’m tagging @hyruviandoctor , @hyah-through-hyrule , @hanabira , @clint-bartcn , @derezzing and anyone else who might like to do this bUT none of y’all are obligated to answer these)
Name: Veronica
Gender: cis F
Star sign: Scorpio
Height: is fake and does not exist (jk, it’s just hard to measure for me and i don’t really think it’s important)
Put your iTunes playlist on Shuffle. What are the first 6 songs that popped up?
ok here’s the thing: i have my playlist on shuffle all the time and i was listening to it when i got tagged so i’ll just start writing it down once the current song (Bloom by ODESZA which is frankly a classic) ends
Daft Punk - Emotion (i find this song really good for revising and reading books you’re interested in, it just serves as white noise for me these days but it doesn’t mean it’s not good on its own!! HAA might be crap compared to the other three albums but it doesn’t mean it’s utter trash. It honestly amazes me that the duo was able to come up with a multitude of quite fine tracks in a matter of weeks, so...)
Forest Follies from Cuphead (thinking abt it now, I probably should delete it, it’s not all that good rn :/)
Daft Punk - Indo Silver Club (i always forget about this song but it’s really amazing and coming back to it like this feels like meeting an old, hella extroverted friend who you love very much no matter what... actually i feel this way abt most of the Homework album, AND I LOVE IT...)
Daft Punk - Teachers (Extended mix) (oh my god what a wonderful coincidence! especially since this version of the song’s always been my favorite solely because of the first three minutes being a pure instumental of the original!! i mean, i like the way the names are called off too, but what makes the song so good is precisely the instrumental..)
Daft Punk - Daftendirekt (ok i was gonna excuse myself for my rambling but?? this is the third song from this album in a row and... i don’t even know what to say. I’ve always loved this one as well though)
A Secret Course from Mario Sunshine (i’ve never played this game, shame on me... i just heard it in a random youtube video and fell in love with it instantly bc i love both the SMB theme and acapella renditions lmao)
wow that was a lot more songs from DP that i expected... and Superheroes played right after that too! so now i’m just sitting here with the volume cranked way up (bc there’s no other good way to listen to Superheroes, trust me) in sheer amusement... and yeah i’m honestly a little disappointed that no CT songs came up bc it’s literally all i can listen to these days lol
Grab the book nearest to you and turn to page 23. What’s line 17?
okay, so the closest book to me is my e-book which i’d been reading before turning on the PC, and the actual book i’ve been reading on there is Committed by Elizabeth Gilbert, so let’s open the 23rd page real quick...
“...escape doomed love — may soon discover...“
wow very informative
Ever had a poem or song written about you?
uhhh, I don’t think so, but i think a friend of mine tagged me in a poem written by someone else quite a few times and i did feel flattered by it... but actually it’s deleted now so i can’t answer this question properly ://
When was the last time you played air guitar?
hmm, that’s when you strum your hands in midair pretending you’re playing an invisible guitar, right? i don’t think i have that habit tbh. but what i do tend to do is wave my one of my hands around like i’m conducting with it, hahaha. and i literally did that last night!
never mind, i just did it now without noticing when Guardia Castle’s BGM started playing... why is this soundtrack so fuckin powerful
Who is your celebrity crush?
oh, definitely porter, no questions
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(sorry, i’ve been losing my shit over this pic for the past few days)
What’s a sound you hate? Love?
the... i guess it’s the thunder roaring or smth?? in the 2300 AD overworld?? idk but it scares me literally every time
alternatively, as much i love Homework, i have to say that Rollin’ and Scratchin’ is one of the worst songs i’ve heard in my life... doesn’t mean it has no charm though
as for sounds i love... hmmm... ok, screw it, Link’s voice definitely counts. and it doesn’t even matter which one we’re talking about :ppp
Do you believe in ghosts? How about aliens?
not sure if i believe in ghosts, but i like to believe in one’s dreams having deep meaning, if you know what i mean
aliens are definitely out there though.
Do you drive? If so have you ever crashed?
I’ll never be able to (shout-out to physical disabilities!! yay!!!)
What was the last book you read?
by choice? see above. wouldn’t recommend it though, even if you enjoyed the previous book (eat pray love). this one is quite different. frankly a small part of me cant wait to be done with it and go back to the regularly scheduled zelda fanfiction lmao
in school? mmm let’s see here... The Queen of Spades by Alexander Pushkin.
people say that Pushkin is one of the greatest poets to ever exist (honestly i can’t blame them, his writing is really great and stands the test of time well), bUT i don’t feel this way about his prose. this story in particular did not impress me at all... just look at its wikipedia page and you’ll probably understand my feelings
so yeah, all i honestly want at this point is good zelda fanfiction, of which i actually have plenty
Do you like the smell of gasoline?
um?? how on earth would one like it?? it’s one of the worst things on the planet
What was the last movie you saw?
pretty sure it was Wonder Woman
i liked it a lot actually
What’s the worst injury you’ve ever had?
honestly every time i walk too carelessly and fall down feels like the worst injury ever, because even though the pain is temporary most of the time, i still can’t help but always fear something’s gone really wrong
and also i can’t think of anything else
Do you have any obsessions right now?
*screams into the sky*
okay, sorry. i know at least one person (wink wink) saw this coming though
every single rat can fuck off however
Do you tend to hold grudges against people who have done you wrong?
most of the time, yeah. especially if i’m the one who’s done me wrong
you can thank my father for me being such a grumpy person
it’s all in the genes
In a relationship?
platonic? yes, i hope that people i consider friends think of me the same way
romantic? nah, too early for that
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septimusheapfan · 7 years
To the Badlands
Another Jenna story ‘cause y'all know I’m obsessed with Jenna. What might have happened when Simon and Jenna were on the way to the Badlands (hence the title). A little fanfic crazy right now, ngl, but enjoy all the same. :) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Jenna was cold and scared. That, to her, were the two simplest things that she understood in the mess of her thoughts. Everything else was indecipherable.
She looked up at Simon, who was staring dead-straight ahead. Of all her indecipherable thoughts, the most confusing and complicated one was the most important to her, so it jumped and shouted and echoed around her mind. One word, a question: why?
Simon is her favorite brother, or at least, he was. She thought he felt the same. Simon loved her and took care of her. He was the only brother who knew how to cheer her up, and the only brother she wanted around when she was sad.
A huge lump started forming in the back of her throat, and a single tear started to sting her eye. She blinked it away. Whatever happened, she was not showing Simon that she was scared. She was going to be Queen now. She had to act like a Queen would. A Queen would show courage, and so would she. So even if she wanted to scream and shout and sob and cry, Jenna Heap, stubborn as always, kept a straight face.
Everything around her was green. This place is the Farmlands, Jenna recognized it from the paintings in her classroom back at the Ramblings. It was a very pretty sight. With the steady trotting of the horse and the great expanse of green in front of her, the sun on her face, she started falling asleep.
A while later, Jenna noticed something different. Nothing particularly loud or disturbing woke her, it was the sudden change of pace. That was when she realized she didn’t feel the horse’s trotting anymore, and the empty feeling behind her told her that Simon wasn’t with her on the horse either.
“Well, Princess, are you coming or not? What, do I have to carry you down the horse now that you’ll be Queen? I can kneel down so you can walk on my back down the horse, Your Majesty,” came Simon’s mocking voice. His words stung Jenna, but she was determined to not let Simon know, so she just kept the blank look on her face and slowly shook her head. “There’s no need to do that, Si. You know perfectly well that I can get down a horse by myself,” she replied curtly. Simon, leaning against a nearby tree with his arms crossed, spat at the ground and bitterly answered, “I know nothing about you. You’re nothing to me.” Jenna decided not to answer.
She stood there for a few minutes, looking at whatever she could see of the Farmlands. They stopped beside a lake so that the horse could drink some water. Simon sat in the shade of a tree, and Jenna had no intention of joining him. “What now, Princess,” Simon mocked her again, “drink from the lake while you can, or is the lake water not good enough for Her Highness?” Jenna ignored his mocking tone this time around and just said, “I’m not thirsty, Simon.” “Well, stop standing around there, then, and find something to do!” Simon told her, irritated as ever.
Just then, at the corner of her eye, Jenna noticed a little farmhouse not far from the lake. She thought that if someone was inside, Simon couldn’t do anything if she got the help of whoever was there. Refusing to spend much time thinking about it, she made a run for the house.
Jenna had only gone a little way when Simon noticed that she had tried to escape. “Stupid brat,” Simon cursed, as he flung himself onto his horse and jabbed him in the belly with the spurs on his boots. “Go, Thunder! Hyah!”
Jenna was almost there. Feet pounding and her heart beating out of her chest, she was almost to the house. Just then, she felt a hand grab her tunic and lift her in the air. Jenna felt Simon’s foul breath on her ear as he held her. “You listen very closely to me, Princess. You cannot get away from me. If you become too much of a bother, I’ll kill you myself, and believe me, I won’t be sorry. You understand?” Jenna stared at Simon with a blank look, determined not to give herself away. Simon looked at her with a mix of disgust and disdain, and he threw her onto the saddle, in front of him, and he sent his horse thundering towards the Border Mountains.
Jenna knew, at that moment, she lost her chance to safety, and she had absolutely no idea what was going to happen, so she held on, the horse beneath her galloping away and bringing her to a place she knew only one thing about: it wasn’t a place where she wanted to be.
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hyah-lian · 3 months
Rambling at myself mostly but also trying to figure out what do....
So big question. I am going out tomorrow morning but adhd med reintroduction is harder on me than I thought. As in. I am functional for like 4 hours before headache and stomachache make me couch bound until kinda around bedtime tbh.... but then I should sleep anyway. And today I still have a headache and stomach weird but that's most def. Because I haven't had enough water or food because I didn't want to throw up
I am eating and drinking now that it's a little easier and I reeaaallly need to apologize to my one friend bc I didn't completely comprehend what she meant when she said starting her adhd meds sucked this bad. I believed her and knew it wasn't nice but this suuuucccckks
I'm just happy I'm home alone or the added anxiety of People In My Space And Observing And Percieving Me would make it worse.
So. Idk if I just skip taking my adhd meds tomorrow and hope I don't get overwhelmed, or if I take them as late as possible since it's for maybe 5 hours out at most, or if I should take them and hope I can push through until I'm home.
I have no idea where the big ass bottle of tylenol we have is, which has been unfortunate, but I found other stuff like gravol/ginger candy that'll help (more help my anxiety) and can probably bug my friend to bring tylenol. And just. Do that so I can function better and take them?
Hmmmhmmmmmmmhmmmmmmmmmmm ugh this is annoying. And frustrating bc I know it's my meds and I gotta just get thru a few days maybe a week of this shit and then it's smoother sailing so it's complicated for many reasons I am nnnnot emotionally equipped to process or address rn
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hyah-lian · 3 months
I have half made 2 (two) shitty little crochet things
i want a freaken nap but don't wanna screw the sleep thing up more hhhhh
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hyah-lian · 3 months
program planning.
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hyah-lian · 3 months
Finally finally got some hot steam buns that I have been wanting for like a week. So good. Also one of my fave dessert buns had a 2 for 1 deal, and I got spicy shrimp chips so j am very happy.
And I could fill my tank just about half way, and I still have like 10 in cash left for emergencies.
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hyah-lian · 3 months
Plan was:
- ''''rapidwagon'''' delivery work
-draw MMLink haunted moon
Plan is now:
-have showered
-did some dishes and laundry
-nap and hope readjustment headache and angry tummy feelings go away soon. I forget how starting back on the higher dose of adhd meds is harsher than the old dose
-at least bring my clean stuff upstairs and maybe do more cleaning
-maybe sketches, as a treat
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hyah-lian · 5 months
"Bite down on this!" Sky shouted, knocking his fist into the teeth of a Yiga soldier who was holding down Warriors.
Sky's one arm slipped off the table with the motion, toppling him over as he cracked a dozing Time across the jaw.
Time took it on the chin like an absolute champion and the two of them clattered to the floor of the inn, neither with eyes yet fully opened.
The pair laid in an awkward lump, stunned and blinking away sleep and stars.
"Doing wha' now?" Time blinked heavily as he prodded and massaged the sore spot.
"Oh- OH!" Sky stumbled back, motion stuttered by a huge yawn, "Ti-ime, what?"
"What?" Time echoed back.
"Bite down on this~" Legend snorted from behind Sky, "UP you get, time for you both to go to bed, I think."
"Shit, he didn't break any teeth did he?"
Wars was hoisting a still bleary-eyed Time up to standing. A few of the others who were still awake were stifling laughter into their arms or hands over the outburst.
Time gave a bloodied grimace he tried to play off as a grin. It felt like all his teeth were still in place, but Goddesses was it sore.
"Oh Gods, did I?" Sky yawned again before continuing, "Wh- I don't even remember what happened..."
"You and me both," Time scrubbed at his face. "Water under the bridge, and time for heroes under the blankets, get going."
He waved off everyone from the table to the inn's stairs. Some groans and mumbled half-sentences from the drowzier heroes being half-carried off to bed.
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hyah-lian · 2 months
I am so tired I think I could genuinely sleep but like fjdkfnjefn I do not want to. I want to stay up and read and do stuff
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hyah-lian · 2 months
I fixed my furniture that was semi broken and like a good 60% of what was wrong with me went away
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