#i WANT like a fucking gluttonous beast
arc-archernar · 5 months
#vent#it feels awful#not knowing what the fuck to do#i WANT like a fucking gluttonous beast#i wanna be good at everything#i wanna be good at art and singing and worldbuilding and writing and editing and animating and academics#and i never feel satisfied#and no ones forcing me to do any of this#i just fucking want to for some reason and its destroying me#i just end up being not good at anything. im shit at studying and sleeping and keeping to deadlines#i want there to be enough time for me to explore everything#for me to learn everything at my own pace and perfect my skills#but it just feels like i have no time for myself anymore#everything i have i must dedicate to studying for a levels and its so tiring. i wanna draw and be creative too but theres so much course#content that its killing me. i want my free time back#and im forever thankful to my parents for moving with me all the way to the uk so i can learn about things that actually interest me but#even that doesnt really mean anything anymore thanks to the standardization of education and especially exams and exam boards#so my parents spent all that effort and money for nothing and i really just want to break down and cry and say sorry#but that would just hurt them even more and even i dont have the heart to do that so im stuck with this and im so goddamn tired#and of course by spreading my attention and efforts so thin everything i do is lackluster so of course my grades are shit#and i get sick often so my attendence record is also shit#it just feels like im a burden for existing like a malignant tumour#and i have to relearn how to cry. imagine that. a grown adult not knowing how to cry#i never knew there was supposed to be emotional relief when crying sometimes because whenever i cry when im overwhelmed...or anytime really#i get told to stop immediately so i got trained to hold everything in.and i get that its easy for the adults to deal with a not-crying child#but i kinda feel cheated#i want that emotional catharsis that comes with crying your feelings out and i have to teach myself how to do it#how pathetic is that#had to get this out there its just too much for me#arc 3am logs
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glacierclear · 9 months
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fuckboy!leon x gn!reader
content: hurt/some comfort, angst, apologies, reader is sad, brief intrusive thoughts, mentions of alcohol
The seasons change. You can only hope he will, too.
[ao3 link]
…and you didn’t see him for three months.
The shifting grace of Autumn gave way to ice. A once verdant campus green now muddled under gray snow, crunched with grit and soot. Passerbys did not linger. Bundled under layered coats and coiled up scarves, students hastily searched for warmth, leaving the sidewalks barren and lonely.
You relied on consistent distraction. School work that numbed your fingers. A fleeting, creative hobby that lasted all of a week. Outings with peers who’d never consider you a friend. None of it seemed to fix you.
And God, you missed him. More than anything in the world.
But the words looped in your head. The stinging from that night boiled into agony.
I don’t fucking need you.
He didn’t mean it. You knew better than to take his venom at face value. But it nurtured the foulest parts of yourself. Self-loathing feasted like a gluttonous beast, growing fat on the careless anger of his beer-fueled tantrum. Because if there was even the slightest chance of it being true…what had it all been for?
Were you truly just a warm body he used for shallow company? Is it possible you were just as disposable as all the rest?
But those thoughts were never allowed to mature. You snipped the buds and opened another lecture video, paralyzing any hint of an emotional response.
Sometimes you’d see him. In the distance, hovering at the edge of his usual crowd, smiling. Once or twice you even made eye contact, but he’d break it within the first moment, as if he had seen nothing but a fly among trash. It’s on those days that you cried. Cried and cried, until all that remained was bitter apathy.
Angrily, you wished he felt the same. You wanted him to break. You wanted him to regret every moment of that night from the instant his eyes opened that morning. You wanted him lost and abandoned and miserable, just like you.
And, truly, it only confirmed your worst fear. If you were always this hateful beneath it all, he never really needed you.
December bit frost under the brittle edges of your fingernails, and you conquered every day with the determination of an undying plague. Christmas was only a week away, and if you could just make it to the holidays, maybe you’d finally start to heal. There’s catharsis in the new year, meaningless or not. It might’ve been what you needed to forget everything. To forget him.
You trudged back home, your evening class wrapped up and concluded for the day. Friday used to mean something. It meant a weekend with Leon. Drunk, covered in gummy worms, squealing at some god-awful horror movie he rented just to get you to hold him. He used to wrap an arm around you, hugging you tight, promising to the moon and the stars he’d keep you safe from anything.
It was hard to take him seriously with popcorn in his teeth, but now you found yourself fantasizing the memory with teary eyes, although it’s probably just the cold weather.
With rosy cheeks and a dripping nose, you turned your key into the lock, kicking open your door with a disgruntled shove. It was dark. Your roommate left for the holiday early, leaving your dorm hollow and unwelcoming. You hovered in the common area, letting the mask you wore crumble off piece by piece.
Friday used to mean something. Now all you did was rot. You stepped over towards your half of the flat, reaching forward on instinct before a reactionary tug gave you pause. Your door was closed. It wasn’t when you left for class.
You listened, straining to hear beyond the chipped oak, but you received nothing. With a dry mouth, you closed your fingers around the knob, twisting, pushing your way in.
What awaited you inside nearly sent you to the floor.
He sat cross-legged by the bed, curled up on your little, brown rug. All you could see was his back, and the gaudy, expensive headphones clamped shut over his head. His head nodded gently to a beat you could barely make out, and he thumbed slowly through a book yanked off your shelf. It wasn’t the careless flipping of empty words, but the patient turning of pages of someone actually reading.
He never read around anyone but you.
You crept closer, letting your backpack drop to the ground like a lead weight, crashing and jolting Leon out of whatever paragraph he was enjoying. He batted the headphones off his ears, swirling to gape at you with wide, fearful eyes. His eyes.
Your favorite shade of blue.
“Jesus! Scared the fucking shit out of me–” He pressed a palm to his temple, panic easily bleeding away, but in its place you saw him tense, awaiting your anger.
“I scared you? You…how’d you even…did you break into my room?” You met him with accusation, though all you wanted was to hold him.
“...I mean, yeah. Duh. Not like you’d ever let me in willingly.” The dismissive tone of his voice riled you up more than you’d care to admit, and you stepped closer.
“Of course you’d stoop to this instead of just asking. What the hell is wrong with you?” The seasonal chill you felt walking home has all but melted completely. You were a live wire. “How’d you even get in here?”
“Come on. You know I bribe the janitor. We’re bros, me and Jeff.” He donned a cocky smirk.
“Oh, well, that’s great. I’m so happy for you, Leon. Now get the fuck out.” You vaguely gestured towards the exit, glowering down at him with an impatient scowl.
Leon’s smirk dropped. He set down the book, standing to his full height. You forgot how much taller than you he was.
“...no. I’m not leaving. Not this time.” His face hardened into a devastating intensity, prying out your seams one by one. “We need to talk. I need to…fix this.” You watched him flail his hands a bit, attempting to sculpt form to whatever this was.
You knew it would never be enough. No apology or heartfelt confession would repair the damage carved from three months of absence after the worst night of your life.
But you’ve always had shitty taste in guys, and he was the shittiest. You missed him more than anything in the world.
“Fine. Speak.” You settled on an impartial response, arms folded across your midsection. “But I’m really not in the mood for bullshit, Leon. I’m not.”
“I know,” he hung his head. “I know. I…” You were kind enough to grant him patience. The time you knew he’d need. Emotionally stunted didn’t even come close to describing Leon, and any effort on his part to offer honesty is effort you needed to encourage, in your own quiet way.
“I fucked up, okay? I really fucked up. Just like I always do and–” You noticed him halt, sucking at his teeth and wincing as if cinched with pain. “No. I’m not…fuck, listen. I’m not trying to like, make you feel bad for me I just…I always do this. I do, and you didn’t deserve it. You didn’t deserve any of it.”
The words came out stuttered and unsure, as if the mere concept of an apology churned the acid in his gut. And maybe it did. What little you knew of his childhood easily explained his behavior. A blood-red thread woven into his heart like stripes on a cobra.
You nodded, coaxing him to continue. You would not shelter him with yielding platitudes.
“...all that shit I said…I was…god, I was scared. Do you realize what the hell you are? What, fuck, what you mean to me? The most fucking important person in my life and I thought I was gonna lose you over a shitty party.” He was too frustrated to look you in the eyes anymore. You felt cold again. “And you’re right. About all of it. I made you go and I ditched you and then I blamed you for – fuck, and then I didn’t have the balls to do anything for two months–”
“Three months.” You interjected, your lips a thin line, the ice he walked on.
“Three…three months? Jesus, I didn’t…” Leon ran a trembling palm through his hair, wrestling his own relationship with time. “Has it really been that long?”
You nodded.
“...I’ve been a mess. I…my grades are tanking, man, and I can’t even eat.”
Against your will, you deflated with a sad sigh. He did seem skinnier. His face sunken in. His body looked frail under his sweatshirt. You wondered if any of his other friends had noticed.
“You shouldn’t forgive me. I’m not really like, expecting you to. But I…I’m…” The word dangled off his tongue, the teetering step into territory unknown. “I’m sorry.”
For the past three months, you dreamed of this moment. Twisted visions of him crawling back to you on his hands and knees, begging for mercy when he deserved nothing of the sort. Over and over again, you extracted pleasure from the possibility of denying him, turning your back and thriving in spite of him.
You were sure the words would feel great. Amazing, even. But hearing them in person, hearing the shriveled warble of a man reduced to his own imitation, you felt nothing.
The silence stretched for miles. Both of you were too hurt to say anything. From the floor, his headphones faded into quiet before transitioning into another song, lyrics incomprehensible from where you stood, mirroring the noise of your own thoughts.
He broke the emptiness with a cough, and scratched his neck.
“...damn, well, I should…I’ll let you enjoy your Friday, I guess. I’m sorry. I really am, I–”
“You said you weren’t leaving.” The words came out without thinking. Leon blinked.
“...what? I–”
“You said. You weren’t leaving. Not this time. Are you really going to break another promise, Leon?” You’re not stupid. You understood your challenge was nothing more than a thinly-veiled plea to get him to stay. You couldn’t bring yourself to care. Your dignity died with the autumn leaves.
“...oh, I was…I didn’t think you’d – yeah. Okay. Yeah, I’m not leaving. Not going anywhere. Swear on it.” Leon puffed his chest a little, the hopeful beginnings of a smile creasing his cheeks. A real smile.
You shuffled closer, breathing in, filling your lungs with mercy.
“Did you really mean what you said, Leon?” It was spoken so softly, and he leaned closer to hear, just as you hoped he would.
He smelled like cedar.
“...what I said?” There’s confusion in his stare, yet he tilted his head, an eagerness to understand.
“When you said you…when you said you didn’t need me. That I was–” Whatever else you were going to say didn’t matter. In an instant, you’re strangled with warmth. Arms latched tight around your chest, your face smashed into the flesh above his heart.
“I need you.” It’s said so easily. And you knew he didn’t need to think twice. “I needed you every day and I will need you every day after today and…every year and…just, so much, man.” Ruefully, you couldn’t help but laugh. Such an indelicate way of speaking. So thoroughly Leon.
Your arms wrapped around his stomach, squeezing with a reluctant pressure. You still couldn’t believe he was real. But here he was.
“Okay. That’s all I needed to hear.” You went slack in his hold, forgoing oxygen in favor of him. He filled your mind and soul, and you never knew you could miss the scent of Irish Spring so much.
“...okay. Is…Is that it? I mean, not that I– shit, are we good? We chill?” He pried you off, cupping your cheeks with burning palms, searching your eyes for safety. Reassurance.
You wanted to give him that. But pretty words and a warm hug were only enough to quiet your demons. They did nothing to heal.
“No, we’re still not friends.” You said finally, staring away, unable to face his reaction.
“Wait, seriously? What…but I–”
“I don’t forgive you, Leon. Not…not yet.” Cautiously, you gripped his wrists, lowering his hands back to his sides. “I missed you. A lot. But it took you three months to tell me all of this. Three. Months.”
“Yeah, but…you’re actually just…gonna leave me forever? For three months?” It’s not anger in his voice, simply the aching desperation of a heart longing for closure. An answer to every question he had.
“Listen, I…we can be friends again, maybe soon, maybe later. I still wanna see you and hang out and stuff, but…it’s gonna take time, okay?” His shoulders sagged. “You have a lot of things you need to work on, and I can’t be the one to fix them. It has to be you, Leon. It has to be different.”
Out of the corner of your eye, you could see him clench his fists. A vein pulsed on his neck, and you braced yourself for the backlash. The brewing storm he hid behind when he was afraid.
But whatever happened the past three months has drained the fight from his body, and he went soft again, his posture slouching.
“I’ll get better. I will. But…can I ask you something? Can I ask you to promise me one thing? Just one?”
You stared at him again. His ocean stirred, but you stayed afloat.
“Sure, Leon.” you whispered.
“...wait for me. Promise me you’ll still be here when I come back. When I’m…when I’m fixed.” He was so close, you could study each twitch and crinkle of his face. All the voiceless ways he loved you. “Will you let me come back to you?”
It wasn’t even a question.
“I promise, Leon.”
And you loved him, too.
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eldritch-spouse · 17 days
I ain’t sure if it’s been asked but
Can we get Morell going down his Piglet?
I desperately, like a deprived man in the desert with no water, need Morell to go down on me. Would Morell do that or is he afraid of just chopping by accident from his.. urges?
Oh he goes down on you alright.
In truth, Morell is more of a fingers man. This is due to a few reasons, mainly that his digits are big and fat, and he has no nails to harm you with. He also just likes having a nice view of your face while he fingerfucks the sense out of you. If it makes you feel better, he's done this so many times that the chef has clearly gotten better at discerning the spots and rhythms that'll make a piggy squeal loudest.
Using his mouth is less frequent than the above method because he's a tad self-conscious about the absence of lips. His teeth will drag on your skin, and though his tongue is large and gooey enough to maybe make up for it, Morell feels that he's not as proficient in that. Fingers will be added almost from the get-go. Does the urge to bite flare up when he feels your tight walls clamp and flutter around his tongue? Does he feel like your clit could just be sucked right out? Yes, yes he does.
Morell is fortunately not a glutton however, so caving into base desires like that already implies some level of build up and malicious intent, or just frenzied heat stupors. Nevertheless, should the need to sample your cunt get a little too literal, Morell will withdraw to bite your thighs instead. His bites are far from gentle, being that not only is he massive, he's got the strength of a beast and those flat teeth are still abhorrently powerful in their crocodile hold of your meat.
What he does to remedy this is switch between digits and mouth. Or give himself a break, making you fuck the handle of his beloved cleaver while he pumps his cock and bites down on his own tongue. You have no idea how literally he means it when he says you have a juicy pussy. It's looking at him like it wants him to put it on a platter.
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positivelybeastly · 5 months
Sometimes I feel like beast gets treated more harshly for some things than other characters are for almost identical actions. The time travel stuff especially, but the collective actions of the Illuminati as well
Heh. You know, it's funny, I was literally just grabbing a cap of some Stuart Immonen art from All-New X-Men #2, of a really pretty X-Jet, and, because I'm a glutton for punishment, I clicked the comments. Do you wanna read them? No? Too bad, I had to read them, so now, so do you.
"Hank is so self-absorbed it's incredible. No wonder the Watcher thinks he's garbage."
"Also, i think Beast should be lobotomized for his crimes against children and the space/time continuum."
"That said: f**k you, Hank. You are so weak and arrogant that you would risk destroying your oldest and dearest friends because you can't handle Scott helping mutants? You risk destroying the timeline and destroying your friends' relationships and their very minds and spirits."
Like . . . fuck, man.
It really is all just Bendis' fault. He made Hank do something so mind-numbingly stupid, and it was presented slap bang in people's faces, and LITERALLY NO-ONE stopped to question if it was even in-character for him to do this.
It wasn't, by the way.
Be warned, disturbingly hot, smart, and urbane Hank McCoy incoming.
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THE MAN IS FUCKING SMART. And then Bendis just has him do something so mind-numbingly stupid, and no-one even blinks an eye at whether or not it even made sense for him to do it.
And do you know what makes me fucking laugh? Is that other writers were actively mocking the plotlines as they were going on, but because so many comics readers are as dumb as fucking rocks, they didn't even realise.
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Oh yeah, it IS almost as if people in the Marvel Universe regularly fuck the timestream without taking it for dinner or applying lube, I almost fucking forgot! But because Bendis decides that there are ramifications this time, suddenly Hank is the destroyer of all of space time.
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Which of the three is it? Was this something that was always meant to happen, or not? If this is something that can happen when you meddle with space-time, why did Hank do it? Why? Is? Bendis-Hank? So? Fucking? DUMB???
And you know what, I need to bring this up, because LITERALLY FUCKING NO-ONE ELSE IN THE FANDOM EVER WILL
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This was not a decision he made in his right mind? He was dying? His brain is seizing? He's having heart palpitations, in agonising pain, his mentor is dead and one of his oldest friends was the one who killed him, and he's in such a depressive spiral that he doesn't even want to tell the people around him that he's dying because he doesn't want to worry them.
But no, this is a decision that we're never, ever, ever going to let Hank live down. In fact, this decision is SO AWFUL THAT
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Fucking blow me.
I know that I'm, like, seemingly the one X-Men fan that actually reads fucking comic books rather than going off panels I see posted on Twitter (this slight is aimed mostly at Reddit, not here, don't worry), but, like . . . god, I'm just so fucking furious that I had to sit, and watch a targeted character assassination, in real time, of my favourite character, and the fandom just fucking lapped it up.
Even now, the era from the end of Avengers vs. X-Men to Krakoa is called the Lost Era in mutant history. There are SO MANY THINGS that have been completely forgotten.
Hey, remember when Emma Frost did this?
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Oh yeah, what consequences did she face for this?
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The amount of shit that sticks to Hank makes me fucking sick. Everyone gets a pass for what they did, except for Hank.
The New Avengers/Illuminati stuff is the one that gets my goat, because do you know how Hank spent that time?
Buckle the fuck in.
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Hank lacks the constitution for hard decisions.
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Hank believes in the power of good men to change the world with ideals.
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Hank will take the coward's way out, every time. The way that saves lives.
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Hank will spend the time to talk, every time.
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"We should help if we can. How could we not?"
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Oh hey, Bruce Banner, I think everyone kinda forgot you were in this Illuminati too and you get a free pass!
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That last one REALLY makes me laugh because it really does just kinda read to me as Hickman pointing out that Hank's actions in All-New X-Men make no fucking sense.
And Hank has to just.
Sit there.
And take it.
And every.
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Someone tries to put him back on the path to being who he is meant to be, some.
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Ruins it again.
Shit sticks to Hank like it doesn't stick to anyone else.
I'm fucking sick of it.
I ain't even touching the Percy stuff. That's just - phwaoooooah. Not to mention, I'm out of images.
Just sucks, man.
Just sucks.
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mramur · 8 months
what’s your favorite dragon in the httyd franchise?
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These beasts <3
nadder, zippleback, the sentinels, buffalord, eruptodon, and death song.
reasons: i love Nadder and Zippleback's firepower, body shape, and traits (nadder being similar to bird and zippleback mainly belch and barf's chaos-seeking and trickster personalities). Sentinels, the silent guardian statue-like type of dragon? fucking awesome. Buffalord, chill but will fucking kill you indiscriminately if taken away (like theyre so introvert coded). Eruptodon is similar to buffalord, like all they want to do is eat and be in their habitat, no harm will be done to you if you just let them do their thing, and they got big bodies and cool design. Deat song, cool design (bright orange color yeash) and dragon-eating glutton, and a good singer to add! whats not to love about them.
Tho if i have to pick a dragon to train i'd take deadly nadder.
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pigeonwhumps · 1 year
Sam and Lucan masterlist
Taglist: @whump-for-all-and-all-for-whump @onlybadendings @whumpofdory @haro-whumps @flowersarefreetherapy @enigmawritesstuff @quietly-by-myself
Kara's declawed.
CWs: medical whump, non-con surgery, restraints, dehumanisation, 'it' for dehumanising, non-human whumpee, werewolf whumpee, burns, amputation, briefly referenced past non-con, slavery, fantasy racism, muzzle, minor whump (Kara's between 16-18)
"Mouth open, wide as you can."
Kara obeys, and her handler forces it open even wider, fitting an open-mouthed gag into her mouth, the buckle catching her fur at the back of her head. She breathes deeply, trying to stay calm. Why would they want to keep her mouth open?
"Good. Now get on the table, paws spread."
She jumps onto the examination table, holding still as the handler straps all four paws down, the thin leather digging in. He scratches her head behind the ear, and she leans into it, the way she knows she's supposed to.
"Good girl. You stay well-behaved like this and you can keep your privileges." He ties her leash to a ring in the ceiling, keeping her head held high, and presses a button on the wall.
A man in a white coat strides in, wheeling a tray of surgical tools. Kara isn't sure what they're all for but the sight of the saw fills her with cold dread. She whines involuntarily.
The– doctor? Surgeon? Kara isn't sure – the man ignores her, taking her back paw in one hand, and a smallish knife in the other. Kara can't see what he's doing, but she can certainly feel it when he slices through her toe, nerves lighting up as they're severed. The bone crunches as he saws through it, and she whines in the back of her throat, back arching away from the pain. She feels every one of the stitches going in.
Then he moves onto the next toe, and the next, and her other back paw, and she doesn't think it'll ever stop. She can feel the blood wet against her pads, it's horrible and sticky, please let it only be the back paws. God, it hurts so much.
Then he comes into view, knife dripping with blood, and takes her front paw. And she can't stand it. She bucks away, growling, trying to pull herself back. It's impossible but she keeps trying until the doctor takes a step back.
"I thought you said it was trained to take pain."
"It is. But this isn't the pain." The handler yanks her head back until she's nearly choking on her collar and says in her ear, "You're not going to play again anyway. No-one would ever want a beast to do something like that. Shut the fuck up and be still before you lose any more privileges."
Kara gulps in air when he lets go, the doctor taking the opportunity to slice through one of her remaining toes. Her eyes go wide with the pain, and she sees her handler smiling. She whines.
"You know, it'd be much easier to work if you were silent. Oh well. That's your paws made safe and bandaged, just your teeth to go now. Keep your head still unless you want a hole in your cheek."
Kara does so, trembling with cold and pain and blood loss and fear as the doctor reaches inside her mouth and files her sharp teeth. It doesn't really hurt at first, not like her paws do, but then he gets down to the nerves and pain shoots through her jaw, white-hot and pulsing. She whines and growls instinctively but he ignores her this time.
The pain pulses from her jaw to her head, her paws throb, and she doesn't even notice it's finished until the handler unstraps her, smacking her a few times until she notices.
"Finally. You're really a glutton for punishment today, 07598. Care instructions?"
"No doing anything with its hands until it's healed. You can teach it to walk properly again in humanoid form but that's it for its feet. No bitted muzzles. And no fucking it until it's healed either. Other than that? Have at it."
"I'm not allowed to fuck it anymore anyway, now it has an owner. Shame. Off the table and follow me, 07598, and keep up."
Kara tumbles off the table at a yank of her leash, not having noticed she's been untied, and yelps, scrambling after her handler. Her paws don't skitter anymore, she notices vaguely through her haze. They won't ever skitter again.
She ends up being dragged a few times across the rough concrete, her paws too sore to move at speed, but she barely notices over the throbbing already there. When they reach her cell, her handler pulls out what looks like a sheet of bent silver-coated steel with holes punched in it. She whines, cringing back as he slaps it over her face, tightening the straps tightly behind her head. It burns. It all burns, even the straps burn. She whines, resisting the instinctive attempt to paw at it.
"Gotta make sure it'll stay nice and tight to your skin in the morning, haven't I? It's your own fault you've lost privileges. And don't expect any food, water or clothes either. After that mess in the clinic, you're not getting anything until I'm satisfied you've learned. Your new owner wants you thin anyway."
Then he ties her leash to the wall and leaves, slamming and locking the gate behind him. Kara curls up under the fluorescent lights, the metal clang reverberating around her head, throbbing paws curled over against her chest. Her face is a mass of burning, pulsing agony, she can't cover it or more of her will burn. She whimpers but it can't be heard past the metal. She can't she can't she can't, she can't do anything, it's all too much, too much too much too much, and maybe if she'd been still and silent it would've been less, but she couldn't, it was too much then and it's too much now and she won't ever be able to play again with her hands like this.
Kara's jaw throbs like it never has before, why did they have to go down to the nerves, that wasn't necessary even if they wanted to file her teeth, and she curls up tighter and sobs. She doesn't care who hears, this place is full of crying anyway.
Her little sister, in the few months between her sister discovering Kara's lycanthropy and their parents calling the hotline for her to be taken away, nicknamed her Sharptooth. Now... she'll never be Sharptooth again. Even if she did, somehow, miraculously, find a way out of here, even if she could see her sister again, she'd never be Sharptooth. She'll never play her clarinet again. She definitely couldn't achieve her dream of attending a conservatoire now.
Even if she manages to escape (and she will, one day, somehow, there must be a way), she'll never get any of her life back.
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toesucker416 · 5 months
Saw a "Strawhats as Percy Jackson houses" post and it pissed me off so badly I'm making my own.
Luffy: legacy born to Dragon, the World's Worst criminal, son of Garp, the Hero of the Marines, who we will discuss later. That said, given how Luffy is, who Dragon is, and the Will of D in general, I think Eris, goddess of Strife is a good one.
Zoro: a dignified warrior with strong "fuck around and find out" energy. If he's not drinking, he's napping, and if he's not doing either of those, he's training. Textbook son of Ares (the post was actually right about this)
Sanji: his whole story falls apart without Judge and Sora, and yet, who's to say Sora has to be his bio mom? Son of Athena, who, fascinated with Judge's attempts to perfect life, saw fit to help. Sora gives birth to mundane (for a given value of mundane, they're still genetically enhanced) triplets. Athena is simultaneously proud and disappointed in him, because he's so smart, but then he's so stupid
Usopp: the original post said Hephaestus, and while I don't think that's inaccurate, we can do better. Usopp is the skill monkey of the crew. Before somebody comes along to specifically do something, he's the one doing it. He's the de facto shipwright and musician before those spots are filled, and even after, he's the de facto trickster. In Arlong Park, when Luffy describes Usopp's role, it's not that he can shoot from long distances, it's that he can lie. So I'm saying Hermes kid.
Nami: this one's hard to say. One of the simplest backstories, and yet, such a multifaceted character. Navigator. Cartographer. Thief. I almost wanna put her in Hermes with Usopp, but that feels like cheating. Still, I don't have a better idea at the moment, so I'll just stick with that.
Chopper: that is a reindeer.
Robin: not a demigod. She has enough problems being the sole survivor of a buster call, the only one who can read the Poneglyphs, and having the largest starting bounty in history. I entertained the idea of making her an Athena kid, but it felt wrong somehow.
Franky: the original post and I see eye to eye on this one. Franky is an orphan from nowhere who builds war machines as a teenager. He's so clearly a Hephaestus kid.
Brook: Son of Hades, a forbidden child. Old enough and spent enough years isolated that he doesn't get why this is such a big deal.
Jinbe: As much as I'd love to make the First Son of the Sea a son of Poseidon, I feel as if his story works best if he earned his strength and reputation.
Right, crew out of the way, let's get to some extras. Yonko first.
Whitebeard: Zeus. Zeus isn't just the God of thunder and the sky, he's also the king of the gods. That makes him a god of hospitality, as well. And what's more hospitable than adopting literally hundreds of children because growing up an orphan sucked so bad? Not to mention that, within Riordan's continuity at least, Zeus is the worst deadbeat of the lot, so making his son the pinnacle of fatherhood in Shonen anime just feels right.
Big Mom: Also Eris. Big Mom and Luffy are, fundamentally, the same. Two gluttons who want freedom and equality for all, with horrible abandonment issues. The difference being, Luffy had Shanks to set a good example for him, while Big Mom had a life of crime. If their roles were reversed, they would have each other's lives, and we'd be watching Big Mom Piece (ngl that'd go so hard)
Kaido: Kaido is something called an Oni, but what does that mean? It looks like he has horns and he's stupid big. I kinda want Kaido not to be a demigod, because he's a monster. The King of the Beasts, the World's Strongest Creature, a dragon waiting in a castle for someone to kill him.
Shanks: Manga spoilers in this one. You've been warned.
We recently learned that Shanks is Figarland Shanks, son of Figarland Garling, leader of God's Knights. He's a celestial dragon. I'm not sure if you've seen One Piece, but celestial dragons aren't good people. They steal, rape, and kill with impunity, and Garling is especially cold blooded among them. However, the celestial dragons are also an example of Oda doing Nature vs Nurture again, and Shanks is his example of that. Shanks is found in a box by the Roger Pirates at God Valley, and the King of the Pirates chooses to raise Shanks as his own. Anyways, Shanks is mortal, although all the CD's are probably legacies.
Blackbeard: I'm not saying anything on this one until we get more backstory. For a placeholder answer, I'll say Apate, goddess of deceit.
Buggy: Aphrodite, because have you seen that man's sex appeal? Plus, people believe him way too easily, he gotta be charmspeaking.
That's it for Yonko, let's get the original three Admirals, and then some important miscellaneous characters and we'll call it a day.
Akainu: who needs to be a demigod when you're HIM? Wallahi we're not ready.
Being serious, though, I'm a "Rocks Pirates killed Akainu's family" truther. His narrative role is best fit by him being just some guy.
Aokiji/Kuzan: Speaking of fan theories, he's 100% Brook's son.
Kizaru: Given how he usually drones when he talks, and he never seems to take things seriously, I'm saying Dionysus. I will double down on this if/when he betrays Saturn.
Garp: remember a thousand years ago, when I talked about Zoro and his "fuck around and find out" energy? Yeah, Garp regularly talks shit about world nobles *to their faces.* Ares for sure.
Roger: I'm feeling either just some guy, or Athena. Something about the search for the One Piece, a quest for lost knowledge and absolute freedom, feels very Athena to me.
Ace: See Roger. That's the only part of his story I'm touching, because his backstory is lowkey perfect.
Sabo: just some guy. He was always just some guy that Luffy and Ace liked, and it's one of his greatest qualities in a story littered with lineages of heroes and special races.
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starvation-l0v3r · 7 months
my internal sin, ive battled for a very long time. i may be just an ana blog to you but i have a hidden beast a desire to consume all i see. it burns to see what i do with my mouth how much disgusting amounts of food i eat. she wasnt always here i mean i found such comfort in eating i dont know why, maybe because it tastes so good . how pathetic, ive spent my days wondering why it wasnt ana. why couldnt i find comfort in starving. nowadays i do, i never eat during the day but at night she erupts, after hours of thinking of food i cave. i find myself opening every cupboard trying to find something that satisfies me. but food never does. it just leaves me with this terrible feeling like 'what did i just do, im gonna be fat forever' but ladies (or whomever) there is a brighter side. self-control she is whom i welcome who i want to consume. it makes me feel good to say no. to be so powerful saying that i will not eat that or do that. even if glutton tempts me even if im one step away from eating that entire fucking fridge i call upon her and i am able to stop able to free myself from EVER feeling like a stuffed up pig again.
so please if you also cannot stop glutton (binging) seek self-control
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siremasterlawrence · 2 years
Hypnoverse Of Shenanigans
Titans: Tale Of The Blue Ghost
Part 1
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Hawk woke up in a crazy frenzy as the light burns on bright, the doors do his room swing open and the alarm goes off.
He jumps up and out of bed racing to the command center, swinging the chair he is in disbelief.
In to the command center he hits the main platform and dawns his Hawk costume persona and all.
“The sensors must be off I guess”
“What the fuck was that?”
“Dick? Is someone hear?.”
“Fuck you!”
“Oh I’ll be fucking you”
The sheer chills of his words sent his bones in to feverish pitch coldness then a hand invisible one at that holds him down.
“Who are you?”
“What do you want?”
“You and all The Titans”
“No get off my ass”
Hank blanks out completely in to pitch black darkness, long gone is that serious grim like facial expression.
He stands in front of the mirror in lust with himself, lifting his arms he licks it tasting the salty sweat persperakting from him.
“My name is Hank Hall Aka Hawk and I am a bitch for The Blue Ghost.” He say shirtless on a Instagram video. The real Hank Hall watches in horror at his hijacked body.
Part 2
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Nightwing and The Titans return home to see the entire entrance open and no alarm going off.
They reroute the protocol to shut down and head up to the main floor racing on to the scene.
What they could not understand is angry, raging and wicked Hank Hall eating like a glutton and dancing like a fool.
“Hank? Are you alright?”
“Oh I’m fine babe!”
“I’m not Hank though”
“Wait! What?”
“Hijacked his body bro”
“Who on earth are you now?”
In the mirror Hank Halls image fades in to the back as hot breath over takes it and a invisible finger rolls.
In a unbelievable scene from a movie it is spelt out one letter at a time The Blue Ghost.
The team makes a move unfortunately the ending is near for all Hank no longer has the will to fight.
“I can’t move “
“I’ll end you…you…you fiend”
“How? Honestly you hero types”
“Giving up is not in our natural “
“Neither is being amicable apparently”
“Fine then, you will fall just like Hank”
He snaps his fingers as the team I scattered all over town except for Nightwing who stood up.
“You are next Nightbitch, get him Hank”
“Hank stop, fight It noooooo”
Part 3
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“Release my friends asshole”
“Oh! Welcome Jason Todd”
“Hey buddy! Do you want to join us?”
“Where is The Blue Ghost”
“Here, there, and everywhere”
“You sound like The Matter Hatter”
“Why are you resisting?”
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“We are having the time out lives “
“Plunge in to the madness”
“We love it and so will you”
“Hhhhheeeelllllpppppp! Nooooo”
“Relinquish me at once “
“Or what?”
“You will do what ?”
“You will do absolutely nothing so shut up and accept the madness “
Part 4 - 5
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Inside the mansion Jason, Dick and Hank are all stripping naked and dancing to the inherently rotten music.
The room is filling up with sweat and heat overtaking their senses and they fully submit for life.
Take part in the joy and the delight of pure innocence and adult abandonment of senses.
“Be who I aim to be”
“Destroy your comrades”
“The world is our toy”
“I can sense is approach…he is here “
“They both are “
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Connor well enough and truly has his own share of drama being a clone of two men.
“Hand it over guys”
“Hand what over?”
“It the ghost…whatever”
“In to the rabbit hole”
“What is this Alice and Wonderland?”
“You are telling me but we have to play along “
“I know, I know “
“To save them”
“For our friends “
Superboy Aka Connor El speed down to the lower levels and meets his doom in mid flight.
Beast Boy transforms in to bird soaring in his glory and then he is brought down in one foul swoop.
“Oops! The Blue Ghost rules supreme.”
The end
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eldritch-spouse · 10 months
Me being the 4th person sent to her table. I'm sweating, gulping, trembling like a leaf, and smiling nervously. I place all the dishes I'm carrying in front of her. Which isn't nearly enough.
"Apologies m-ma'am, the o-other entrees need a bit m-more t-t-time to prepare. In the-Would you b-b-be interested in s-some c-complimentary wine?"
[Hhn I rushed this because I lost steam.]
TW: Vore thoughts.
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Vorticia hisses.
Peckish isn't doing it justice today. Neither is famished. Being the Queen of Gluttony is hard work, but being a mother manages to be harder still.
Especially when one of her kids is being stubborn. She can only nag and warn so much until her patience is all but decimated and she has to leave so as to not make a scene. Thus, Vorticia's respite is her grand dinner tonight.
She specified wanting nothing less than the best of the best, from her Ring, from beyond Perdition- Betrayer, if it wasn't such a rushed decision on her part, she would have requested for that mushroom monster's services. He's better than a full-blooded glutton at what he does, which is bizarre enough to make Vorticia wonder if he's not just a tiny fraction demonoid in nature.
As she lounges, facing the table alone, the Queen's rational side acknowledges that the delay in her servant's work is due to poor timing, poor arrangements. They can't perform miracles-
But that doesn't stop her from slamming her fist on the table and sending a vicious rattle of a snarl through the halls, no doubt making the very kitchens quake in terror. The long-since emptied trays clatter and some tumble off the side entirely.
Maybe she should just storm in there herself, pick and choose from the gaggle of lousy fuckers making her wait...
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" Remember, she likes it when you smile, so get in there and give her a big old heartthrobber! "
You stare at the greenish imp with complete bewilderment, hands on the entrée-full cart you're about to carry into the dinning hall.
How did it come to this?
One day you're working business as usual, the next you, and all your coworkers, find out the bastard made a deal he just couldn't commit to- And the high-ranker he slighted decided that payment would come in the form of lives. Your lives. You don't know where the rest of your coworkers are, things got messy quickly when you entered Gluttony. Most of them are probably already dead, bits of their flesh stuck between a random demon's gnarled teeth.
Not you. You had the immense misfortune of ending up in the Queen's mansion. Her kitchen, actually. And while initially a part of you only wondered how painful it must be to have your organism boiled alive, or thrown into a furnace- The horned chefs and assistants made it very clear you weren't going into any sort of pan or platter.
You're going raw.
You're one of the Queen's little mice tonight.
Want to live a precious moment longer? Just make it interesting.
How you're going to do so when you're butt-ass naked and on the verge of tears, coming to terms with your own mortality, is anyone's guess.
" Y- You... You have to be fucking kidding me. I'm just supposed to- To go out there a- and smile?! "
The imp chortles, though the jolly mask slips off their face upon the tilt of a curly-horned head.
" Listen- We're all having a bad time right now. Don't make this about you. "
The fucking nerve.
" No! "
You're not going to walk into the jaws of whatever beast is making a racket beyond this long and ominous hall! That's madness, pure mockery! They're making a joke of your very existence, like you're some underpaid circus freak.
Eleri, as you've heard them being called, plucks a knife from one of the carts other imps are rapidly bringing into the dinning area. It's sharp, that much doesn't surprise you, what has you on edge is the way that it's hooked upwards, like it's meant to stab into your flesh and shred it as it's dragged upwards, snagging your entrails along, maybe even your soul.
It's a foul-looking thing and you know this imp will pierce you with it.
" You can get in there on your own two feet, or I can fetch a spare cart for your corpse, please choose quickly. "
You're going to die either way, but no, you can't let go of those few little moments that cooperating would offer you. Your silence speaks loud enough to echo through the walls.
" See? " They nod, peculiar eyes gleaming with no small amount of smarm. " Chin up! Make a good impression. "
The knife is set down on your own cart, Eleri accompanies you to the massive doorway leading to the dining hall, opening it with some effort to allow your entrance as well as the speedy getaway of mildly rattled kitchen staff.
Nothing could have prepared you for the sight of the Queen of Gluttony.
To be fair, you don't quite know what you were expecting. But it wasn't anything like her.
This absolutely massive "gigante" of a serpentine woman, all shimmering, sickly yellow scales from the top of a sharply flared hood to the very tip of a majestic tail... Are those mouths on her tail? They must be, each one sharper and bigger than the last. Your gaze flits to what you thought were adornments on her neck, but reveal themselves to be two extra heads, smaller, vaguely chaotic in the way they evaluate their surroundings, snipping and hissing at each other.
She's covered only by dark, thin-looking robes that exposed a well-fed belly and the sides of sizeable breasts. You'd never quite seen a serpentine female with a chest this defined... But by no way in Hell are you complaining, eyes stuck committing the details of each scale to memory- Amidst all the images of horror forever carved into your mind's eye, this one will stand as a dirty little outlier. Your destroyer, in her feminine, horrifying glory.
You suppose if you had to be consumed by anyone, it might as well be a person as enticing as her.
You walk inside with a mute gulp, eyes plastered to the spotless metal of your cart, a terrified reflection meeting you. Maybe if you're quiet and small enough, she'll mistake you for an imp and let you waltz back out like nothing was ever amiss. Now isn't that a hopeful thought?
Another sharp, cutting noise sends a shiver up your spine, and as soon as you steal a glance upwards, you find her eyes glued on you. Rich golden pools freeze you on the spot, and truly, the only thing that's missing here is the rat's tail that should be tucked between your legs.
The Queen observes you for long, painful, silent seconds while the imps around you scurry to lay things out on the table. You cannot find your will, your voice, your step. Fanged lips stretch upwards, her head tilting slightly in appraisal as you sweat, bare and fragile. When a servant warningly bumps your side, survival instincts kick in and you mimic them, placing entrées on the table's length and trying your best to ignore the scalding intensity of her gaze on your form.
If you run, she will hunt you. If you scream, she will rip you. If you cry, she will laugh.
This is a predator, and everything belies the fact that you've now entered a very dangerous game.
Smile, Eleri said, she likes it.
" ... Is thiss suppossed to be all? " The massive infernal being starts, and she doesn't need to raise her voice for fear to sink into everyone's bones.
The imps around you gulp and toss looks between themselves, trying to convince each other to speak first and chance evoking her wrath further, their tails curled around their midsections and legs protectively.
No one talks.
Something slams onto the ground out of nowhere, rocking the very room quake. It takes you a bit to realize it was her formidable tail.
" Answer me! "
You straighten like a plank.
And maybe because you're taller, maybe because you're naked, the Queen's gaze deviates towards you again, ever fiery.
Every second that passes adds another furious crease to her complexion, and even if rage is an admittedly majestic look on the monster woman, you'd like to milk this mockery of a dinner for all it can offer- Before she decides to sink her fangs through you. You need to speak. You need to say something, her bumbling assistants are only making it harder for you to stay alive here.
" A- Apologies ma'am, the- The other entrées need a little m-more time to prepare... "
You bullshit, doe eyes blinking upwards at the tyrant. She immediately makes a different expression, as if appalled you muttered anything at all. You hope the imps are smart enough to play along.
" Uuhhm- " Frantic eyes dart around, finding the surprisingly large bottle of what you assume must be some Hell-brand wine on your cart. " Would... Would you b- be interested in- In some complimentary wine? "
It's difficult to make yourself smile. It feels strained, more of a desperate showing of teeth than genuine emotion. A plea for mercy that you aren't sure you'll find in that scaly hide.
The Queen makes a show of deliberating on your offer, what was once a steady hiss melting into a much less acidic hum. Eventually, she adopts a different position, leaning forward and downward to be more at eye level with you. It's impossible to tell whether it's meant as a threat or a show of good faith.
So entranced with her eyes, you only now notice movement on the long table, clawed hands sliding towards you a goblet big enough to fit your head in. Wide, fear-addled eyes dart from the hellish inscriptions on it to her face, waiting.
Finally, after a pause where your very blood seems to pump hard enough to burst your poor veins -What a song it must be to her ears- The royal speaks.
" But of course. "
It comes out smoothly, soft, nowhere near the level of agitation and poison her previous outbursts had sported. It feels like mockery, at first. But when she doesn't strike a cruel blow atop you, you figure there's no time to waste.
Carrying the bottle itself is harder than you'd like, and as your form wobbles in fear and exertion, it's truly a miracle that none of the liquid spills out. You're not sure what she'd do to you if you ruined that expensive table cloth... Better not linger.
Courtesy of it's size, the length of time required to fill the goblet allows an awkward pause to stretch on between the two of you. The ceasing of goosebumps on your back is enough of a tell that the large woman has diverted her attention to something other than yourself. You don't look up when she snaps her fingers, instead hearing a cacophony of movement and rushed apologies as every single imp in the room leaves hurriedly.
Finally, you manage to tip the large glass bottle back in time to avoid another potential spill, setting it on the cart and feeling overly proud of yourself for not fucking it up. You sure are being a person right now.
Glancing back, the Queen has already lifted said container to her face. You stand politely, bare and sweating yet trying to seem as unbothered as possible, even going as far as trying to crack another pitiful smile at her. The monster woman holds you still as stone with her gaze as she sips her drink, and you dare not guess if her look is one of hunger, or desire when she scrolls the length of your figure.
The floor sure is interesting. Where are those tiles from? You wonder how much each singular piece is worth. If only-
" Sit. "
" P- Pardon, ma'am? "
A crease wrinkles her forehead for a second, this distant echo of the frustration she mostly managed to sweep aside. It says everything, you better not make her repeat herself.
" Ssit, human. Dine with me. "
Scales point to the empty chair opposite to Vorticia. It's large. Larger than it ought to be for someone as small as you, though this whole table looks lived in, as if many people -Many demons- Frequently gather around her.
It will only put a deceitful distance between you two, for no matter the position, you're always a mere reach of those gargantuan arms away.
Still, even if this is some cruel game of cat and mouse for her, you're not foolish enough to turn it down.
" Of course ma'am. "
And you sit, bare of ass on cold leather, alert enough that you can feel the patterns on it against your skin. You have no idea what to do with your hands or where to look.
She swirls the wine in her goblet pensively, still examining you like an oddity.
" Do you know where you are, dear? "
" Hell. " You chance a peek at her eyes. " Gluttony. "
She smiles. " Do you know who I am? "
Your gulp was loud enough to echo. " The... The Queen? "
There's a sharp sound.
" Do you know who I am? " The demoness repeats.
Honesty might save you. " No, ma'am. "
" I guessed so. " And when she chuckles, a sound low yet feminine, elegant, you find yourself amazed for a moment. Charmed by the snake. " My name is Vorticia. "
You nod attentively, another stretch of silence unfolding before she pointedly raises a brow.
And such, you begin introducing yourself as well. Your name, where you come from, a piece or two of your identity dragged out by her intense staring.
" It's- It's a pleasure, ma'am. " Not really. At least not in these circumstances.
" Oh likewise. " Vorticia makes a dismissive gesture, grabbing a plate and sliding the entirety of its contents down her gullet fast enough that you hardly had time to guess what was on it.
" I simply musst ask- What brought you to my Ring? "
She says it as if you're no more than a tourist, here to sight-see in Gluttony.
" My- My boss. " You start, met with a blink from her. " He made a deal he couldn't finalize. As c- compensation, we were taken from our work directly into... Whatever nooks and crannies there are here. And I... I landed in your kitchen. "
The Queen makes an amused sort of hum, the sound rising to a "hhm!", as if it pleased her that this was the outcome.
" At my table no less. " She jests.
" Yea- Yes. "
Watching this woman destroy the entrées in front of her is nothing short of magical. They can barely be called entrées when they're more than twice the size of a proper main dish, but to her, they are truly less than morsels. Vorticia hardly chews, hardly tastes, opening those jaws, stretching them beyond sightly means just to stuff them down the hatch as soon as possible. A tongue, no two- Three?! Darting muscles clean everything she brings up to a T. And even if she carries herself with a flair nothing short of perfection, she eats like a fucking pig.
The noise of her slurping on plates and sucking the flesh off bones is as foul as it is oddly lewd to you, and it doesn't help that thick drool strings her lips to the cutlery, breaks on her chin. You almost imagine a different type of wetness on her scales, and her oblivious grin has you heating several degrees more.
" Are you not hungry? " Vorticia finally stops gorging to focus on your tense form.
Truthfully, you haven't touched a single thing on the table. Not that you aren't hungry, being next to so many gluttons in a short span of time has you famished. But politeness and terror keep you in check.
" I have invited you here out of the goodness in my heart, to eat with me, not sstand there like a limp animal! "
" I uhm... I- "
Looking at her face tells you something vital. She's extremely upset that you're not eating. That's the only thing those shrinking pupils and suddenly freezing room tell you. And, in hindsight, it makes sense. A glutton is offering you food -Which isn't something they just do- So to reject one's gift when it's already so hard for them to part ways with their meals is kind of like slapping one across the face.
Like slapping the Queen of Gluttony across her serpentine snout.
You don't want to do that.
" Eh- Ex- Excuse me! " You nearly chatter like a skeleton. " I'm just... In shock. "
Clawtips tap a slow rhythm on the table, her tail shifts, a spare hand urging you to elaborate.
Fuck it.
" In... In all fairness, Queen Vorticia, I thought I would be the dinner. "
Moments of silent blinking pass.
And then, surprisingly, she erupts in jubilant cackling. The most heartfelt, stupidly contagious bout of mad laughter you've ever heard. There's tears in her eyes.
" Oh, that's too cute. You're preciouss. "
Well. At least you made her laugh? The imp in the hall did say that was a good thing, that it would help in keeping you alive for just a minute longer. A heat settles on your cheeks when her fit of mirth dies down, and the demoness spares you a look far too soft.
It couldn't be that she's drunk already, could it? No. A goblet that small wouldn't even give her a buzz.
You almost don't mind her staring now.
" Would you like to be? "
Just as a sense of calm was tentatively trying to take hold of your limbs, it's thrown off the window again, and your eyes widen to almost the same width as the massive dinner plates on her table.
" Y- Your dinner? "
" Yess. "
What the fuck kind of question is that?
" N- No ma'am. "
She pouts. The Queen of Gluttony actually pouts at you, then shakes her head.
" Only a fool would reject a hungry glutton. "
And when Vorticia licks her scaly lips, tongues flirting with her fangs, darting their length in your general direction for a fleeting second, it all clicks in your fogged brain.
Realization dawns on you with the heat of a thousand suns, and thus, you simmer alive on the chair she so graciously offered you. At this rate, part of you will die in humiliation if a wet spot forms on it.
Maybe... Maybe you spoke too soon. It would certainly be a very memorable experience to be eaten out by such a formidable woman. Though there's nothing to say she won't get ahead of herself and simply gobble you up like a crouton mid-cunnilingus.
Even then, getting to orgasm before you perish is probably a merciful end. As merciful as the bowels of Hell can be to you.
" ... I misunderstood. " You eventually squeak, in disbelief you're actually going to try this.
The Queen rises in her seat, another breathy sound escaping her throat, not quite a hiss but just as sharp, inordinately pleased with your receptivity.
" Oh, we wouldn't want that now. " The Queen nearly purrs. " Come nibble, allow me to make things as clear as crystal. "
When the serpentine demoness starts clearing the space directly in front of her, you can only warily take a stand, not too eager but definitely curious. She beckons you with long fingers and the hypnotizing sway of a split tail.
When you've circumvented the long table to stand by her side, the royal gluttoness dips to whisper into your ears. You can see past her flimsy robes, a close up view of generous tits distracting enough to nearly make her words fly over your head.
" You're going to ssit on my table, morsel. Then, you're going to part those soft little thighs for me. "
A lock of your hair is twirled condescendingly around her digit.
" And I'm going to eat you. "
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ask21771 · 9 months
what your superhero crush says about you
Superman-you’re basic
Batman-you’re basic but you want to seem dark and edgy
Wonder Woman-you like strong principled women and/or are into s&m
Flash-you’re impatient
Green Lantern-you want someone who can literally give you almost anything
Aquaman-you have a fetish for fish smells
Martian Manhunter- you have a very dirty mind
Hawkman-you’re a history nerd
Harley Quinn-You’ve had to issue restraining orders  against all you’re past relationships (also you want a threesome with a lesbian couple)
Oracle-You’re into nerdy girls
Green Arrow-You’re basic but you didn’t want to look like a Batman bandwagon chaser (Also you remembered to watch the CW more readily then you’re loved ones birthdays)
Black Canary-you’re into screamers
Blue Beetle-You have a thing for lovable losers (Also you sent death threats To Geoff Johns, Greg Rucka, and Judd Winick multiple times)
Booster Gold-you either like him for his complexity or you’re as money hungry as he used to be
Nightwing-you want a male version of Nikki Minaj
Red Hood-You’re into bad boys with tragic pasts 
Red Robin-you hate how he’s still a teenager even though he’s been around for 31 years
Robin-Chris Hansen will be paying you a visit soon
Superboy-You were really glad that his wife and kid were retconned out of existence
Superboy-Prime-you have issues (srsly seek help)
Cyborg-you’re SUPER into vibrators
Beast Boy-You're a closted beastiality enthusiast  and you wish Raven would just die
Raven-you either are into strong assertive women, tragic women or a mixture of both (if it’s the version from the first animated series definitely both) you also wish Beast Boy would just die
Starfire-You HATE that her outfit got less and less revealing over time
Amanda Waller-You have ZERO self respect
Peace Maker-you’re either alt right have a John Cena fetish or both
Stargirl-You like the sweet innocent type  
Spiderman-You have zero self respect and zero regard for your life
Wolverine-You like Batman but with a bit of s&m throw in
She Hulk-you have several fetishes you don’t want anyone to know about
Hulk-you’ve got a real thing for angry sex
Jean Grey-you have issues with commitment
Rogue-if you could find a way to die in the sack with a smile on your face after a night of incredible sex you would
Spiderman (Miles Morales)-you want happened to the real Gwne to happen to Spider Gwen
Deadpool-You get yourself thrown into the behavioral health wing at hospitals just to get a hook up
Thor-you’re favorite place to get laid is Renaissance fairs
Scarlet Witch-you’re into the crazy dangerous type
Iron Man-now I ain’t saying you’re a gold digger
Mister Fantastic-You don’t care how your partner treats you
Daredevil-you believe love is blind
Fire-you want a threesome with her and Ice
Ice-you want a threesome with her and Fire
Catwoman-You want a relationship that’s like a roller coaster always going up and down
John Constantine-the phrase glutton for punishment was invented to describe people like you
Supergirl-you wanna fuck the homecoming queen
Power Girl-Do I really need to say what this says about you
Black Lightning-That one Young Justice episode awakened something in you
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cheemken · 10 months
About the newest Champion Villain AU, you asked about which organization would Hau join since there is both Team Skull and The Aether Foundation. I think him joining the Aether Foundation would make more sense if we go with the direction that he wants people to respect him
The Aether Foundation is a front for Lusamine’s ultimate goal of opening a portal to Ultra Space. While they are a Pokémon sanctuary, they also conduct experiments on Pokémon and even cloned a Pokémon which they named Type: null. And if I remember correctly then in the first game when Hau and the player first meet Lusamine, an ultra beast nicknamed UB-01 appears though a portal before quickly leaving
Now think of Hau, a boy who wanted to be respected by others but was laughed at for being a child who was “trying to hard”. Almost the same reason as Iris. But seeing the powerful Pokémon appear in front of him, he knew at that moment that he needed to get his hands on one of them. He’ll prove he’s better than staying in his grandfathers shadow by showing all of Alola how strong he truly is
Lusamine accepts his deal, his strength in exchange for letting him capture an ultra beast. She honestly only accepted because he’s close to the player and Lillie, the latter who stole “Nebby” from her. And Nebby is needed to even open the portals in the first place. She was just going to discard of Hau once she finally got Nebby from Lillie
But luckily for Hau, people tend to underestimate children. And Hau’s team is no pushover, even without an Ultra Beast
(Also I know he isn’t champion yet at this point, but imagine if instead of Kukui being the final challenge, it’s Hau. And he wins the title for Alolas Champion with the help of the Ultra Beast he caught)
Oughghghbhfjxhd there's just smth abt Hau playing all dumb and such when he's not to trick people and I fucking love it ncncnc
Like he's friends w Lillie and such ofc, but despite that he never told her abt Lusamine and her own plans bc it's ruin his and he won't get that cool and strong Pokémon he just saw
Oughfjxsn Hau also double crossing Lusamine?? Or when he sees Lusamine w Nihilego and helping Selene stop her, he also wanted to help Selene hunt down the other Ultra Beasts just so he can have one for himself. And ofc, Selene let him help, it's better than to just do it on her own. The two of them went on their ways, and just chmdnd idk idk but like, the thought of Hau having Guzzlord is dope hahaha
Idk smth smth symbolism of being gluttonous, an insatiable hunger for not only food but power.
Like cbdmdn can you imagine this tiny boy as acting champion, down to his last Pokémon, and he pulls out a Beast Ball, calling out the pkmn within, letting out this huge ass mfer of a pkmn, it's thunderous cry was heard in all corners of Alola, and he smiles at the challenger, smiles at his friend, and just "let's make this a fun battle, Selene!"
And ofc Selene's fucking vibing, no wonder, no fucking wonder, Hau insisted on keeping that one. Guzzlord may not have the best attacking power of the rest of the Ultra Beasts, but it's sure as hell tanky as shit, even w the quad weakness to Fairy. Selene only has one pkmn left, and while she has no problems losing, there's smth abt the glint in Hau's eyes that made her determined to try, that she should ateast put up a fight, that she must win. So she calls out her Primarina, she has faith she can win this fight, they've battle the other Ultra Beasts, and they've won. But,, unlike before, Guzzlord now has a trainer, a very skilled and strong trainer, a battling prodigy, and she knows better than to underestimate Hau.
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variousqueerthings · 2 years
Heyyy bestie guess who...
I think your point about love interests is so right, there's less of a focus on how they interact because they're just friends in the later seasons, theres no winning over a nurse moment because they don't need to be won. Also I miss ginger :(
I like your idea about the names and faces mixing too, it plays into the idea of time blurring so three years plays out over 11 seasons.
His fear(?) that he's seen and done too much over his time there is also so interesting, he doesn't feel like he deserves love or affection almost. I mean this in an aro or non aro way too, im even thinking that it would be really interesting if Hawkeye realised his views and feelings about romance and romantic love while in Korea and it took a long time for him to realise that it wasnt something that the war did to him, that it was just a natural part of who he always was.
Also heres where i admit that I stopped watching around season 8 i think(?) because, as you said, of the way the show seemed to constantly punish Hawkeye and how the support he'd had from the beginning has been draining away. (with the exception of Margaret, but one person can't hold him together when he's trying to hold everyone else) I do plan on finishing but i just got away from a similar problem and I don't want to watch it happen when I haven't talked it out properly first lol.
Also all of his lighter moments in the later seasons, especially the ones you mentioned, lack the sort of catharsis he really needs. They're all still about what he does for others, i cant speak on it until i watch them of course bit there seems to be much less gestures and acts of kindness for him.
Okay last points! I really feel like its too late to start censoring fuck my dude, that ship has sailed. I plan on saying more about your last response but its such a beast that im leaving it for my train ride tomorrow where I'll hopefully be able to put it together<3
I hope your train ride is good!
I am personally a glutton for pain (yes I'll leave that phrasing as it is), so I don't mind seeing him upset and worn down 😈
but I definitely feel like he's not given so much softness -- and the turning point was around season 8 I think, because I literally documented Moments between him and BJ and Margaret in s7 (+ season 8 was when Radar left and Period of Adjustment happened and Preventative Medicine was near the end of s7....), and I guess it's because he's increasingly Keeper Of Narrative Themes (vs other characters who carry mainly themes related to themselves and their personal journeys), which puts him in a slightly disconnected space -- the Narrator, Mad Max, Puck, (my flatmate was like "Horatio is also depressed and gay and tells the narrative" and they're not wrong) etc.... so even when he's having fun with the others, or having a moment where he's been relinquished for a second from Narrative Themes to be in the ensemble it feels to me watching like he's on a leash (no I won't change that phrasing either) -- he's still in the prison of the story, it's just giving him a bit of enrichment here and there, but less and less as we careen towards The End
also about aromanticism (forgive me if you already know + you know... things Many Queer People Feel For Similar Reasons) is that it's framed as brokenness by wider society. Romantic Love is the highest form of connection between people and so not being drawn towards this idea is an indication of something being wrong with you and a lot of aro people internalise that
and so the idea that Hawkeye can't disconnect his "incorrect feelings" from war trauma + his thematic role in the Story in which he's being increasingly separated narratively from the others... *charlie day meme*
all of this to say, yeah yeah "communal sub sounds sexual and also that," but mainly I think if someone cradled the back of his head while they gave him a really big hug (kinda like in s7 "Ain't Love Grand"), it might break me (and also him) and that I will on my rewatch document when we've had a moment like in "Peace On Us" where for a second Hawkeye is protected from the violence of the role he plays by the whole camp throwing him a party
(also that Stars and Stripes + Bottle Fatigue + Heal Thyself + Dreams were s8 and I don't know what I'm trying to say there but it certainly makes me stare at a wall)
(also this isn't to say that other characters aren't also occasionally doing their turn as Keepers of Themes or even that Hawkeye-centric episodes tend to be that, so much as when there's ensemble work happening he's increasingly given the War Is Hell perspective)
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lydiathane · 2 years
Prompt #5: Cutting Corners
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The times were getting dire and I knew it. I think about it constantly, ruminate on how I let it get so bad, what the turning point was where I became a danger. I’ve never looked at myself that way, you know? All my life, I’ve been a predator for one thing only, and I would never characterize it as being afraid of me, because what can the Void really fear when all it knows is appetite? What did it ever have to fear when it could just as easily drag me under, too? For the longest time, I was controlled even when I knew I was compromised; I worked out a system, albeit something of a shameful one, and I kept satiated on the aetherial table scraps of what devils I slayed. Fair’s fair, isn’t it? It was my one way to prove my worth to the world in exchange for letting me live this unnaturally long, shitty little existence. Where did it go wrong?
At the cusp of annihilation, I let myself go. When the blasphemies came, I had one last burst of courage to face what came and try to live with a modicum of dignity in case it all went to shit. And when I couldn’t take the pressure of putting my sword through beasts who had only just been children, or families I had only just tried to comfort right in front of my fucking eyes, I walked away. I turned tail and became a glutton on The Basilisk to watch the sunset of humanity from the center of an orgy and grew sloppy with my discipline from there on out. Even when the apocalypse was cancelled, I never came back from that. I let the hunger and madness take root like some shitty little weed, and what started as a perfectly manageable issue became a spread of pernicious, deep-rooted tangles slowly killing me within.
What started as intrigue after a motley group of Garleans rescued me into their autocarriage became a smoldering coal, and technology quickly filled the role of the first real hobby I ever let myself have that didn’t involve gambling or getting fucked up. And when I finally had the chance to turn my newly-kindled interest in magitek into a job, I jumped on it without hesitation, because who in their right mind wouldn’t? But it was about more than just passion, I wasn’t ready to go back to my former life, I wasn’t ready to face what was waiting for me, and most of all I wasn’t even sure it was safe for me to do it. So instead, I spent my days in the old man’s garage with my arms buried in machine guts, inhaling fuel vapors until I’m sure my insides turned blue (thankfully, decades of smoking prepared me). Did you know combusted ceruleum puts off aether? It’s noxious, but what about me wasn’t at the point I was huffing dregs to ward off the growing chasm of hunger? You’d think this was a red flag for me to turn my shit around, a complete five-alarm fire blazing bells at me to pay attention to my needs, to stop trying to run from the rot and just turn and face it. The days were a blur. I didn’t face it.
At this point, I was doing periodic tours back in Garlemald to meet with a rescue corps comprised of native Garleans who knew how to operate machinery, and Eorzean aid groups who were still reaching remote parts of Ilsabard to convince the locals to come out of hiding and save them from a certain death. I had a clever system in place, one that I thought harmless. No, even worse, I thought it was for the greater good. I volunteered for the longest hauls, the loneliest stretches where I knew I’d be driving for twelve, fourteen hours at a time. Nobody wanted it, but where else do I exist except at the margins? I volunteered gladly for reasons nobody could comprehend, but what better time to safely take my fill of a living entity than when they were sleeping in the passenger’s seat? This unique means of sating myself meant my extra provisions could be shared with them since I didn’t need it. It meant that if the vehicle broke down in the middle of that white hell (and it did, on more than one occasion), my odds of survival remained higher than if I were any ordinary fuck.
With every route, I found myself less satisfied with the measured amount I was taking, so I’d keep pushing myself to work longer days, to pick up more passengers, always more. The problem with this plan is that at some point, you start doing your job so well that the passengers become fewer and farther between as a natural result, and any normal fucking person would’ve been happy about that. There are not an unlimited number of people who need help when fleeing a dead nation, but me and this hunger, we had no bottom, we saw no end. It had been at least a week that I was driving and refueling and driving and refueling when I found a remote farm that had yet to be checked over for signs of life. My wicked heart skipped a beat when I saw fresh footprints leading around the property...
There’s a lot here you can call a confession, but how fucked is it that the worst part of it all is something I still can’t bring myself to say? I’m not ready to talk about it. I thought I was, but I can’t, and I don’t think anyone would understand even if I tried. I’m still too ashamed of the result of letting my curse fester, and anyone can put two and two together about what happens when a wolf tends your flock. They needed me, and I’ll never forgive myself.
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curveybay · 3 months
With just the blink of an eye, Glenn was in Heaven.
He didn't care that his face was smothered in a inescapable mound of luscious titflesh, he didn't care that his arms and legs were immobilized by the soft, pillowy arms of his college friend and he certainly didn't care that his arm-length and thigh-thick dick had now shredded its way out of his miniskirt, lodged in between a delightfully plush pair of gigantic bosoms.
No, all that mattered to him now was the all-encompassing ocean of silky soft body fat that surrounded him like a blanket of pure bliss.
Everywhere they searched, his smooth and slender fingers found more enticing curves and rolls to gently caress, and he treasured each one like he would the hand of a lover. Georgia said something about a hotel room, and about her leotard, so he supposed she'd burst out of it and was running there to punish his indiscretion.
Only fair, really. Part of him wanted exactly this, deep down. He loved punishment, especially from girls like Georgia, and the thought of what retribution she had in store only made him clamp down harder on her supple form, gripping it greedily like a boa constrictor.
'Hopefully she sits on me...'
Was the only coherent though he could form.
Georgia's face was red, partly because her hand-crafted cosplay had been swiftly reduced to ribbons and partly because of everything Glenn was doing; partly because of her own gluttonous hunger. Ever since her time at the Deville Estate, Georgia found it nearly impossible to refuse any food, causing her to gorge and feast whenever she could. As well as, whenever she ruined her clothes, she became hornier than ever; almost like her brain shuts down and she turns into a horny, needy beast.
Her body grew hot, her pussy trembled with excitement, and her belly growled with a new hunger as she felt Glenn wriggle and move under her tight grip. His cock grinding against her belly and smothered in between her two jiggling mountains of titflesh, while his fingers explored her curves and rolls as she ran toward her hotel room, each galloping step accompanied by the thunderous clap of her two gigantic ass cheeks. Feeling each new weighty step alongside Glenn's fat nutsack slapping against her pussy, left Georgia struggling to maintain her sanity as everything was making her hornier and hornier.
Oh, I am going to punish him! If he wanted me to be this big, then I'll crush him with it! Oh, I am gonna sit on his face until I forget about my leotard, and then I am gonna fuck him until I can't feel my legs.
Georgia threw open her hotel door just as she finished her thought. The horny nerd quickly peeled Glenn off of her body and tossed him onto the bed and lorded her heaving body over him. "You're not leaving until I say so, got it." She opened her glistening thighs and without waiting for Glenn to acknowledge what she said, she buried his face deep into her pussy.
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arfthewizard · 3 months
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i was hungry at 2:59am and i was like i want taco bell so i opened uber eats (devil app) and i was looking for food and i didn’t even rlly want taco bell tbh it was just the only place open at 2:59am besides like mcdonald’s and fheir delivery fee was 5 dollars and i was like no that’s too much so i got taco bell and i was looking at the menu and i was like shit i can eat more than this number 2 supreme combo with large baja blast and i got to thinking abt it and i was like damn u know what i could eat two meals maybe even three at this moment and then i saw the masterpiece the taco bell menu called meal for 4. so i was like im gonna get this taco bell meal for 4 (online exclusive) and i ordered it and it was like 25 dollars and like 15 mins later my uber guy was like hey can u call me rq. and i was like oh no but i called and uber guy was like hey bro they’re fucking out of crunchwraps. what the fuck u mean they’re out of crunchwraps its taco bell that’s the crunchwrap place the place where you go to buy crunchwraps. so i was like damn if im not getting my crunchwraps that’s kinda ass dookie i spent too much on this fuck ass order to not get my 2 crunchwraps so i’m jut gonna cancel the order i guess so i tried to cancel the order and uber eats was like fuck u u gluttonous beast if u wanna cancel the order its gonna be like $35 and i was like damn. so i didnt do that i just told my uber guy to see if the taco bell guys can switch out the crunchwraps for like some more tacos or something so he asked the taco bell guy and he was like yeah we can’t do that. so i was like double damn. so i was just like fuck it its too much money to cancel this order i’m just gonna take the L and get the food without the crunchwraps. and this whole time my kickass uber driver was bending over backwards to get me my food ngl shoutout to dwaine the uber eats guy. so like we were on the phone and dwaine the uber eats guy was trying to get them to substitute some of my bullshit for other bullshit and he was like god this day has been rlly shit and i was like damn i lowkey feel bad so when he got my measly meal for 4 minus two crunchwraps to my house i tipped him like $10 mind you this was at 3 am inthe morning. and then i brought it inside and i realized i forgot to say no ice in my baja blast again like i always do so that kinda sucked too but that was my fault so idc and i sat in my nasty ass bed watching pirated adult swim cartoons and ate like 3 tacos and 2 chicken quesadillas in my bed with my dog like a fucking putrid fucking hog and i also wasnt able to finish it all because it turns out meal for 4 is not meant to be eaten by one person
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