#i WANTED to be wrong. /CHRIST/ i wanted to be wrong so goddamn bad
spider-man-2o99 · 10 months
ok i’m still On Break do not take this post as a sign that i’m like. Actively Tumblring again yet because i’m still not, 4 the most part, but i have had my ear to the ground for special interest things, of fuckign course, of course, bcuz i’m me, and i. just. i am .i’m so fucking sorry to all the new SM2099 comic fans who are only just now realizing just now how dire the straits are, here, LMAO. it has been this way for Years. earnestly and from the bottom of my heart i love spider-man 2099 so much and also nobody on the goddamn planet Cares About Him At All or can even fucking write him half-decently unless every single celestial bodie in the fucking milky way galaxy comes into perfect fucking syzygy, i think, i think, i think. why did u think we (me) had a psychotic episode after that fuckin movie dropped. fucksake. lord above. because it’s all always “ohhh being yourSELF and telling your OWN story your OWN way” until you Look A Certain Way and ARE A Certain Way and Have Symptoms That Look Frightening and Don’t Move Around Like ‘Normal’ People Should Move, fuckin’ freaky-ass creature beast-thing, and so on and so on and so on, Christ all-fuckin’-mighty. gets tiring. but. anywaygs.
it is far easier to be destructive, than constructive. so. ahem. sorry. refocusing. it seems quite simply that just yet another goddamn story missed the point that 90s future spider-man is a story about very plainly and simply loving each other as people. it’s a story about a severely depressed, miserable, cynical little man who finds new reasons to live in every kind person he meets, and there is an open earnesty to that, if nothing else, that no movie can take away 30 years later. anybody can decide to try and be a better person than the one they were yesterday, and that is goddamn important. to portray anything otherwise was an unfathomably cruel decision, on sony’s part, and as soon as we got trailer evidence that they were leaning into his more “intimidating” features back in ~dec. 2021, i.. pretty much Knew it was what they were gonna be doing with him. why wouldn’t they? i mean. who actually even cares about this obscure nobody, right? c-listers are the tried-and-true adaptational chameleons, anyways; they sure suckered in dumbasses like me, who still took blind hope in hook line and sinker, thinking he’d be important to the film, or at the very least portrayed sympathetically to his 30 years of established comic history as a character who is consciously aware that he is an adult survivor of fucking child abuse. but. c’est la fucking vie, i guess.
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I swear to god it is impossible to exist for more than 3 consecutive minutes in this fandom these days without wanting to murder someone
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storm-of-feathers · 1 year
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wlntrsldler · 2 months
I keep imagining the first time Luke and Mr. D met after Luke's hickeys/scratches went viral
here is how i think that conversation played out (suggestive content ahead):
"shit, five star, your dad is calling me," luke mumbled, eyes wide as he looked down at his phone. "he never calls me."
connor snicked from his bunk in the tour bus, "well, given that the whole internet is talking about you right now after the show you gave them last night, i'm not surprised."
"ha!" travis exclaimed, sitting up on his bed. "put it on speaker. i wanna hear him yell at you."
you rolled your eyes, "he's not gonna yell at you."
luke turned to you with hopeful eyes, "you think so?"
"well, he's probably not gonna yell at you," you scrunched your face up, rethinking your words, "like 55% chance he won't yell at you."
"i don't like those odds, babe."
"answer the fucking phone, luke."
luke clicked the green button on his screen, chewing on the nail of his thumb. he rolled his eyes, pressing the speaker button as travis kept egging him on. chris and clarisse opened the privacy curtain of chris' bunk to listen in on the drama.
"hey, mr. d," luke cleared his throat, ignoring the quiet giggles from the boys when his voice cracked. "what's up?"
"is my daughter with you?"
"say no," you whispered. so you were wrong about the odds. your dad was 100% about to yell at luke and you selfishly didn't want to get your ass handed to you just yet. you were going to avoid your dad's calls for as long as possible.
"uhh... no?"
"oh jesus fucking christ," you sighed, smacking your palm against your forehead, "that was soooo convincing."
you heard your dad type on his laptop before shutting it. there was some background noise that subsided after you heard the shut of a door. it seemed like your dad went into his office to get some privacy.
"hey, kid," your dad said, no doubt addressing you now.
"hey, dad," you rubbed the back of your neck awkwardly, leaning down to speak into the mic of luke's phone. "how are you?"
"don't start with me," he said, "would it kill you both to not do whatever it is you do that results in those pictures? pictures that are all over the internet by the way!"
a snide remark was on the tip of luke's tongue, because yes, it would kill him to not do the things that resulted in the pink marks on his neck and the healing scratches on his back, but that didn't seem like the right response.
"dad, you never had an issue with them taking their shirts off during shows before. and luke has gone out on stage like that before."
luke cringed, remembering one too many instances where he'd gone out on stage with hickeys all over his neck. it felt like a lifetime ago now, as if ever since you walked into his life that past version of him was someone he didn't recognize anymore. he much preferred remembering the name of the girl who left him marked up, especially preferring that it was only you who did that to him.
"that was before he started dating my daughter!" he replied, "i don't want to know anything about your relationship, but i'm in an unfortunate situation where i happen to manage the career of your boyfriend's band so i have to deal with it sometimes. so for the love of god, please please, stop."
"i'm so sorry mr. d," luke mumbled, "i completely forgot about them and by the time i realized, it was too late."
you could practically see your dad pulling at his hair, a habit he had when he was in stressful or awkward situations. he didn't speak for a good thirty seconds and then he sighed, "just keep your goddamn shirt on."
luke gulped, "got it."
when your dad ended the call, the entire bus erupted in laughter, including you. luke's face was as red as a tomato as he groaned and buried his head in his pillow. your shoulders shook as you giggled, laying on top of him. he instantly turned his body to wrap his arms around you.
"that wasn't so bad," you cooed, running your fingers through his curls, "and that was a shit apology, baby. you were smug as hell on stage when people pointed out the scratches."
"i wasn't thinking of the consequences of my actions," he said, "i was caught up watching people connect the dots that my girlfriend is not only hot but a fucking animal in be--"
"okay, that's our cue," travis cut off, closing his curtain. connor followed his head, popping in his airpods. clarisse sent you a wink before she disappeared behind the curtain with chris.
"i'll stop leaving hickeys on you," you kissed his face, enjoying how flustered he got. "but i can't promise too much on the scratches."
"i'm gonna stop taking my shirt off at shows, i think," he mused, toying with the hem of the shirt you wore. "i don't think i can take another surprise call from your dad. i think it took years off my life."
"your fans will be highly disappointed," you teased, leaning over to his ear, "but if you're gonna keep your shirt on, does that mean hickeys on your abs is fair game?"
luke licked his lips, tugging on his own curtain to give you two some privacy, "absolutely."
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wynnyfryd · 4 months
Trailer park Steve AU part 49
part 1 | part 48 | ao3
cw: angst, canon-typical violence
It's a totally normal Tuesday the day it all starts going to shit.
Eddie's got a show at The Hideout, and Wayne's got a rare night off, so Steve's at his boyfriend's place without him catching a basketball game with Wayne and Ernie. He did try to go to the show, to be fair; wanted to, but Eddie took one look at the way he was cradling the side of his head and winked at him to "sit this one out, big boy," so here he is: drinking beer with two old men and watching the most frustrating game he's seen all season.
"Oh, what the hell was that?" he begs the tiny screen, jumping out of his seat to pace a tight circle and rake his hands over his scalp hard enough to pluck a few strands. Beside him, Ernie shakes his head and mutters "goddamn disgraceful, that's what" and in the kitchen Wayne munches happily on a fresh plate of nachos, taps his bald head with a half-eaten chip and warns, "Quit tuggin' at your hair 'fore you wind up lookin' like this."
"Whatever, old man." Steve rolls his eyes, but he loosens his grip. Drags his hands down his face instead. "Don't act like you're not loving this."
Wayne laughs, a broad, smug smile that's pure Munson mischief. "Never claimed otherwise," he says, then he pops a cigarette in his mouth and tells them to get their wallets ready.
Bastard. His team's doing fine tonight. (And sure, the bet was only five dollars, but it's a point of pride, damn it.)
Steve turns his attention back to the game, where the ref is making yet another call that's so laughably bad Steve's not sure how he isn't getting decked for it. A stray elbow to the face, at least. Fucking something.
"Jesus Christ," he mumbles; still pacing, arms crossed. "If they don't fire this idiot, I swear..."
He turns to Ernie for back up; remembers that Ernie's got a lapful of Misty the cat right now and quickly looks away. Creepy little thing still freaks Steve out (even if Ernie's stroking her fur like she's a harmless stress toy and not the razor-clawed, rat-chomping demon she really is.) He still can't look at her. Gets queasy just thinking about all the "presents" she's left him since he moved in.
Ernie catches the way his shoulders tense. "Didn't think you'd be afraid of a little pussy," he teases, scratching the cat behind her ears.
Misty gives a low rumble of approval.
Steve's stomach flips. "Whatever," he scoffs, looking anywhere but at them. "That thing's bad luck. No wonder we're losing."
He settles back into his seat, and the game goes on — and on, and on, until the score gets so embarrassing that Steve considers just getting up and yanking the TV plug out of the wall, or maybe storming out of the place in protest — and he's about to beg Wayne for mercy, ask him to change the station to anything else, when the front door opens so softly it sets off alarm bells in his head.
Steve whips around at the lack of sound. Knows immediately that something is wrong, because Eddie Munson doesn't do quiet. Eddie Munson comes home like fireworks going off: Crack! Whizz! Bang! He's always a burst of noise and energy; he's a fucking racket; Wayne's said so a million times — muttered it angrily when Eddie's music keeps him up, grumbled it fondly over breakfast while he tries to stop himself from falling asleep face-first in a plate of eggs.
Tonight Eddie comes home quiet as a thief. A mouse trying to evade the clutch of Misty's claws. His head's hung low as he shucks off his boots, his face obscured by frizzy hair.
Steve's across the room in a heartbeat.
"Baby?" he whispers, trying to peak behind the curtain. Eddie won't look at him, but his breathing sounds off; labored and whistling, and his hair is matted with something dark. "You okay?"
"Fine," Eddie croaks.
They both know it's a lie.
Steve lifts a hand to gently tip his chin up, but the moment his fingers graze skin Eddie winces and tugs away. "Okay," he says, pulling his hand back. "Okay, I'm sorry, just— can you look at me? Please?" He softens his voice, tries to coax Eddie out. You're safe here; you can trust me.
When Eddie finally looks up, Steve's heart lodges in his throat.
His face is ruined. Caked in dried blood, the skin below his left eye like an overripe eggplant: deep purple and threatening to split down the middle, to spill rotten juices all over the floor. There's a cut above his brow, another nick between his eyes, and— fuck.
His nose is broken.
Steve's gonna kill someone.
"Who did this to you?" he asks, deadly quiet. Whoever it is, they're not living to the morning. Steve's got a car and a nail bat and a boy with a broken nose, and he's going to kill whoever did this to him. "Eddie." He grips his biceps; shakes him a little. Insists. "Eddie, tell me who did this!"
Eddie hiccups a weak sob. Lips shiny with blood and tears, and Steve lets go; feels horrible for making it worse, for letting his anger get the best of him. He wraps Eddie up a gentle hug, cradles him against his chest and doesn't care if Ernie sees. He doesn't give a damn.
"Fucking—" Eddie grunts against Steve's shirt, his teeth chattering around the word. His throat clicks when he swallows. Sticky with blood and phlegm.
Hospital, Steve thinks. Blood loss; sepsis; shock.
Eddie gulps a ragged breath and tries again. "Fucking assholes," he gets out, "they took our- t-took our—" The words cut off with a pained whimper, and he breaks down and just cries. Cries and cries until the heaving subsides, until it lessens to muted trembling in Steve's arms. There's fresh blood on his shirt.
Eddie's blood is on his shirt.
He looks up, eyes wet and wide, and then Wayne's there; two strong, weathered hands firm on Eddie's shaking shoulders. "Is it bad?" he asks Steve. No nonsense; demanding answers. Decorated veteran.
Steve nods without a word.
"C'mon, kid," Wayne soothes. "Let's get you cleaned up."
part 50
tag list in separate reblogs under '#trailer park steve au taglist' if you'd like to filter that content. if you want to be added please comment and let me know (must be over 21; please either verify in the comment or have your age visible on your blog)
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taintedcigs · 8 months
GETAWAY CAR — rockstar!e.m. x f!reader
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← prev chapter // next chapter →
✦ summary: in which eddie takes you for a trip down memory lane and you finally read the note. (wc: 9.4k+)
✦ warnings — ANGSTANGSTANGST, argument </33, yelling, crying, mentions of sa (nothing happens) like its not brought up AT ALL it's insinuated like the tiniest bit, mean!eddie, kinda asshole-ish? pining and slowburn, strong language!, mentions of alc*hol and drg use and a toxic/ab*sive relationship, food!!
✦ pairings — rockstar!eddie munson x fem!reader, past billy hargrove x fem!reader, eddie munson x chrissy cunningham
✦ authors note — sorry for the wait but i hope a 9.4k chapter makes up for it omg! also feel free to chat with me in the asks abt this series (and anything tbh) pls!! not proof-read pls ignore mistakes!! ive been struggling with this chapter A LOT. its not at all how i wanted to write it but i was just tired of holding it off :// so hope u guys enjoy and this is like the last fluffy chapter lmao its all angst from here on (well kinda)
series masterlist | series playlist
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His nose skimmed against yours, a mere breath away from the temptation of your soft lips, everything you’ve been wanting on the tip of your fingers.
But you couldn’t do that. It didn’t matter if he was sorry or if it was casual. Chrissy still existed. And he still kissed her in front of you.
Friends, is what he promised. And this was going to ruin it.  
“Please, look at me,” he pleaded, you could hear the desperation in his voice. Your eyes blinked open slowly, how close he was to you had your eyes widened. 
"I-I don't even know what's wrong with me," he breathed out. "I feel like...I feel like I'm losing my goddamn mind, and I don’t even know what just happened,” he said in a strained voice. 
“I-I just… I look at you, and I’m absolutely terrified.” He gulped. “It terrifies me that—” He stopped himself before he could spew out more. 
It terrifies me how much I would do for you, he wishes to say, but he doesn’t, he can’t. 
“I can’t—we shouldn’t be doing this." He stammered, quick to lean away from you.
“I-I know” You agreed hesitantly, because you knew this was a bad idea. But your stomach burned at the thought that he wanted to not kiss you because of Chrissy. Was he actually going to be with her now? Did he lie about things being casual? 
“Do you…” You took a deep breath, “do you like her?” Your voice was strained, it was barely above a whisper, but Eddie heard you loud and clear. 
Your heart rate picked up quicker than you intended it to, you leaned further away from him, your mouth flooded with a bitter taste. 
“No!” His eyes widened, he answered it so quickly that the idea that he was lying sank further into you. 
“No, I-I don’t know… I just-” He breathed. “We agreed to being friends… We should keep it that way, and I can’t keep doing this,” he stammered. “I need to stop hanging on to the past.” 
“but, fuck. Each time, I try to, you just… prevent it!” He admitted, without realizing the weight his words held, your brows pinched quickly. 
“I prevent it?” You enunciated with an exasperated chuckle. 
“Jesus fucking Christ,” you mumbled under your breath as your body turned away from him, elbows holding onto the edge of the pool as you swiftly lifted yourself up. 
Eddie just looked at you, baffled. “Do you realize how unbelievable you are?” You spat, looking down on him with your hair still wet and your dress uncomfortably stuck to your body. 
“What are you talking about?” He gave you a puzzled look.
“Nevermind,” you huffed, facing away from him.
Eddie groaned, following you as he exited the pool swiftly. “Why do you even care?” He asked, breathless. Taking another step closer toward you. 
“I don’t,” you lied with a gulp. You were a bad liar. And Eddie knew that. 
“You don’t?” He narrowed his gaze, giving you a second chance to open up, but he knew you were too stubborn.
“I don’t.”
He huffed. “Fine.”
“That…” He paused, “was a mistake.” You could feel that horrible ache in your chest return. Sure it was a bad idea, but a mistake?
Did he really hate you that much?
“What does that mean?” You swallowed hard. Your heart was breaking the more he spoke, you wanted nothing more than to shut him up. 
“It means we-I shouldn’t have done that,” he corrected himself with a tinge of disappointment in his tone. But what exactly did he mean by that? Did he mean that the almost-kiss was a mistake because it could ruin your potential friendship? Or did he mean it in a way that suggested he liked Chrissy?
Those words were enough to have your heart drop into your gut; your whirlwind of thoughts were mocking you, the idea that Eddie had a chance of liking her was eating away at you, and all you could do was stand there and watch it all unravel. 
You parted your lips to speak, but all that could come out was a weak mutter of, “okay.” You turned your back on him quickly, picking up your jacket from the ground. You put it on in a struggle, fighting back the tears that were pricking your eyes. 
“What are you doing?” He asked with a puzzled look, and you refused to look back at him before your feet picked up. He didn’t seem to realize why his answer truly crushed you.
“I-I’m going home.” Your voice was barely audible; there was a lump sitting in your throat, causing your breathing to stammer.
“With what exactly?” He huffed, following behind you. 
“I don’t know,” you muttered with a roll of your eyes. “I’ll figure it out… I always do, don’t I?” You shrugged. 
“Don’t be ridiculous, I won’t let you walk alone like this. You could catch a cold, or something could happen to you, Pinky." His voice was laced with concern, brows furrowed as he hurried to your side.
“I don’t care,” you muttered with an emotionless expression.
“I do!” 
“Do you?”
“Of course I do!” He spat. “Please, don’t do something stupid and reckless. I can take you home,” he mumbled with a huff. There was no fucking way he’d let you walk home alone. 
“And I have a towel in my car,” he added, you slightly huffed. It was chilly, your dress was soaking, and he was right. There was no way you could get home without him. At least until you were willing to freeze off or get hauled by whatever was roaming in the forest. 
You followed him to the car with a simple nod, Eddie still failed to notice why you had gotten so upset, not realizing the implications his words held. 
By the time you got into the car, you were shivering, faintly muttering a ‘Thanks’ to Eddie as he wrapped the towel around you, brows creasing with worry, but he didn’t know what to say to you. 
Usually, he wouldn’t have let it go; he would’ve tried to get it out of you and ask you if you were okay, but when you were this upset, it was no use. 
The ride was silent except for the faint sound of Eddie’s mixtape filling the space between the two of you. He had asked if you had anything specific you wanted to listen to, but you shut him off with a faint shake of your head. 
Your heart was aching. Like he had just ripped open your chest and taken it without a care, not noticing how tight he had been squeezing and releasing it. As if he were toying with it. 
And you felt nauseous. You weren’t sure if it was because you didn’t get a chance to eat all day or because of that mocking thought in your head that told you that Eddie wanted Chrissy.  
Once your stomach grumbled, your question was quickly answered, your cheeks heated up as you crossed your arms against your chest in an attempt to shut it up. Eddie gave you a slight chuckle. “Munchies?” He chuckled. “Do you wanna get something to eat?” He asked with a reassuring smile. 
“I just wanna go home,” you grumbled as your gaze refused to meet his. “C’mon,” he muttered with a huff. “Do you even have anything to eat at home?” He asked all-knowingly. You shook your head, you didn’t; your fridge was empty; it was late, so you couldn’t get any groceries; not to mention, your messy kitchen was in no condition to cook. 
“Are burgers still your favorite food?” Your face unintentionally lit up at that; he was definitely thinking about Benny’s, and your mouth-watered just at the idea of their cheeseburgers. 
“Benny’s?” You asked with an involuntary smile on your cheeks, and Eddie swallowed a deep breath. That curve of your goddamn plump lips was driving him crazy. 
“Yeah, do you want to go?” He muttered slowly. “O-okay,” you mumbled. 
First the Wheeler House, then Billy’s stupid camaro, then the pool, this goddamn van, that mixtape, and now Benny's... this whole day had been a nostalgic mind fuck for you. You couldn’t complain, though; no matter how upset his words made you, you were still so pathetically happy to spend some time with him, ecstatic that he didn’t let you go. 
And so was Eddie. That’s why he had been holding his tongue back; he wanted to know why you cared so much about Chrissy. Sure, what she did with Billy was horrible. But it didn’t make sense. There had to be something he didn’t know.  
By the time you guys arrived at Benny's, it was past midnight, so, the place wasn’t packed, of course, but surprisingly, there were still a lot of tables besides the two of you. Eddie let out an ‘Aha!’ sound once his eyes caught the booth that was nestled in the corner. 
The same one the two of you always shared. The white light loomed over its padded, dark maroon seat, and you slid onto it with a huff. Your senses were immediately greeted by the mouthwatering aroma of toasted buns. The air was infused with a disgusting smell of frying oil, but all of it smelled irresistible to your growling stomach. 
Once the two of you got situated, Benny was quick to rush to your side. “Welcome to Benny’s, what can I get you—” 
"Oh my god!" Benny's eyes widened, his face breaking into a wide grin. "Didn't expect to see you! Jesus, how long has it been?" He chuckled, his memory working overtime.
A smile adorned your face, Benny had always been nice to you and to Eddie, giving you one too many free meals, always telling you that it was not an issue despite your protests, knowing of your absentee parents, just like the rest of the town did. 
“Very long,” you added with a chuckle, “missed your cheeseburgers.” You pouted. 
"Yeah?" Benny's excitement was palpable. "Mmhmm, nowhere in New York does it as good as Benny's," you hummed sweetly.
"Now, you're just butterin' me up!" Benny dismissed with a chuckle, eliciting a warm smile from you.
"But, New York, huh?" Benny inquired, raising an intrigued brow. "I've seen this one around, a lot, even last week." His finger pointed toward Eddie, prompting your brows to furrow.
Last week? 
“So that's why you weren’t with him.” He added, realization dawning on his face. Eddie was quick to shoot a painful gaze toward you, one that almost said, ‘no, she wasn’t with me because she left me’, You didn’t know how it was possible to share a language just through your shared gaze, but it had you physically gulping. 
“Uh-uh, yeah,” you mumbled, your gaze avoiding Eddie’s. 
“I gotta say though…” He leaned down, almost like he was telling the two of you a secret, “It’s really nice seeing the two of you together, again.” Benny said with a sly smirk.
“‘Bout damn time y’all got together,” He teased further. 
Your eyes widened in unison, both sets of cheeks warming before you spoke up. 
“Oh, no—” You were quick to dismiss with your hands.
“We’re not—” Eddie joined in your protests.
“So, what can I get for you, lovebirds?” He hummed casually, ignoring both of your protests. Your eyes locked before both of you shyly avoided each other’s gaze. “The usual?” 
“Uh-uh, yeah," Eddie grumbled, suddenly more interested in the wooden table. 
When Benny turned toward you, “same for her, but with extra pickles.” Eddie said almost automatically, your brows pinched together and Eddie mentally cursed himself, “I-I mean… if that’s still your order…” His words smushed together, cheeks quick to heat crimson red. 
“It-it is," you mumbled. 
“Alright, comin’ right up,” he threw a wink at the two of you, clueless of the awkwardness apparent in the air. 
It was stupid, all this back and forth all day. You weren’t kids anymore; you should have been able to just be friends and hang out, not fight. Yet, somehow, it had spiraled into a seemingly impossible situation.
Talking it out wasn’t going to do anything. If the two of you wanted any chance to salvage whatever your relationship was, you needed to talk about the bigger picture; everything needed to be spilled out. But neither of you wanted to do that. 
Unspoken feelings were lingering, and none of you knew when they would boil over. Both of you desperately wanted to cling to the promise of being friends and make the most of it. 
There were a lot of things you could say to him; you could choose to talk about Chrissy, you could choose to talk about L.A.; hell, you could choose to talk about his nerdy game, but your curiosity got the best of you, and before you could help it, the words spilled out of your mouth. “What were you doing here last week?” 
Eddie was almost taken aback by your question, not expecting you to be curious about him again after icing him out for so long. “I like coming here,” he shrugged. “Whenever I’m in Hawkins, I drop by, you know, to write some stuff.”
“Here?” Your face scrunched, finding it hard to believe that a greasy diner could ever be inspiring. 
“Yeah,” he chuckled, “most of our second album was produced in this bad boy.” 
"Are you serious?” Your brows raised, “and the rest of the band is just okay following you here?" You narrowed your gaze playfully, your hands finding a resting place on the worn wooden table.
Eddie’s mouth twitched with a smile. “Yeah, actually, they’ve gotten pretty used to it,” he confessed, “you-uh… I don’t know if you ever got to listen to the second one-”
"I did," you interrupted, voice resolute.
“Y-you did?”
“Of course.”
Eddie hesitated before asking, "What did you think of it?"
“Great record, are you kidding me? It had such a unique sound… You know, like, a timeless quality that makes it stand out?” You said excitedly, and he nodded with a raised brow, “that much?” He asked hesitantly.
“I’m not kidding, Eddie. You know how I don’t pull punches with music; if it wasn’t good, I’d tell you in a heartbeat.”
"Which one's your favorite?" Eddie asked, his curiosity piqued.
You pondered for a second before answering, "oh, definitely Aurora!"
Eddie's shaggy bangs fell onto his forehead as he leaned closer, listening intently. "I mean, 'I just kinda died for you, you just kinda stared at me' is genius," you said, your voice filled with admiration. You didn't dare look him in the eyes.
"And really, really sad," you continued, a hint of melancholy in your tone. "The idea that you could give the whole world to someone, to the point where you describe it as dying, and they don’t even see it... it sounds awfully painful." You gulped, your eyes fixed on the worn wooden table. You weren’t stupid; you knew why it was named Aurora; you knew what the lyrics were alluding to.
His car. The same car that the two of you drove around in. The same car drove the two of you out of Hawkins. 
You knew he liked you way before he let you on, and you wish you knew. 
Maybe if you weren’t dating that douchebag, maybe if Eddie said something sooner, maybe if everything that happened when the two of you left didn’t happen… Maybe just maybe, the two of you’d be together now. 
Maybe if the timing was just right, it wouldn’t be like this; he wouldn’t have whatever he had with Chrissy. You wouldn’t have been in New York. 
But what were you supposed to say? What could you say that would change all of this? Even if you told him about what Chrissy did, even if you explained why you had to leave him in L.A., there was no use. The truth couldn't turn back time. You two had ventured down different paths, and it was painfully evident.
He wasn’t the Eddie you knew, and you weren’t the Pinky he knew; it was too fucking late. 
Eddie's mouth hung open in surprise; he hadn't expected you to delve into the song's meaning like this. Aurora was one of the heaviest songs he had ever written, and he held a special attachment to it. The label and the rest of the band had embraced it, which was surprising since they usually rejected his heartbreak songs, wanting more of that unbridled rage. 
He didn’t answer you; there was a weird tension between the two of you again, so you diffused it with, “but kinda lame that you decided to name a song after your car,” while eyeing Eddie to gauge his reaction.
Eddie chuckled. “Oh, bite me,” he teased, "but yeah, that one was also written here, in that same spot you were sitting.”
“Shut up!” You said, hand playfully reaching out to nudge him. 
"And to your question... I can't tell you why I was here last week," Eddie confessed, his voice carrying a hint of mystery.
Your stomach twisted at that, and you didn't know how many more punch-in-the-gut revelations you could handle today. "Why- uhh- why not?" You asked hesitantly, your words stuttering over simple syllables.
"Because then I'd be spoiling the note, dummy," he said, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
A deep breath of relief escaped your stomach, and you chuckled. God, he was a douche. "Wait... so does that mean... I have a song in my pocket?"
"Not exactly."
"I'm the first one to see it, huh?" You asked excitedly, hand teasingly dipping into your pocket.
"You and the rest of the band," Eddie huffed, offering a sheepish grin.
You gave him a quick glare. “You know I could leak this to the press and make millions, right? No more dealing with rude customers, and no more nine to five hours stuck in a record shop?”
He narrowed his gaze. "You can't get shit for that," he mockingly retorted.
"What?" You frowned.
"Yeah, it's basically like the first chorus and some gibberish notes, it's worthless," Eddie explained.
You pouted. "Aww, damn it."
"I'm kidding, I'm excited to read it,” you reassured with a wink, “you know… Maybe I could give you some notes on it? Review it?" You suggested.
“Didn’t know you were a musician.”
“Rude!” You huffed, “I may not be a musician, rockstar. But I sell records for a living. I can promise you, I listened to many more records than you did this year.” You said with a playful smirk.
"How's that like?" Eddie asked curiously, his deep brown eyes resembling longing and curiosity.
You leaned back against the cushioned booth, letting out a wistful sigh. "Working at a record store? A rollercoaster,” you chuckled, “lame in some ways, but also incredibly fascinating. New York's a whole different world compared to Hawkins."
Eddie couldn't help but study your face as you spoke. He noticed the faint traces of insecurity in the way you held yourself—an air of loneliness that came with moving away from everyone you knew and your family leaving you.
"But also, it took me a while to get used to it," you continued. "Nancy and Jonathan used to visit me a lot; they've really helped me adjust.”
“And you know, of course, Robin and Steve, too,” you murmured.
Eddie’s brows shot up at that. So everyone but him. 
It was a sting he couldn't quite shake, burning at his skin, that you decided to abandon him but were fine with everyone else, including Steve. 
Your absence in his life had left a void he couldn't fill, ever.
Yet, here you were, replacing him like it was nothing. 
Eddie knew he had no right to be jealous; you two were just friends, right? But it ate away at him; that feeling seeped through him, even though you were never his to begin with.
His face burned, and his jaw clenched involuntarily. He could almost feel the taste of bitter jealousy in his mouth, considering how it was overtaking his senses. “Steve?” He questioned; gaze seeping through you, an unbrittled rage ready to tip at any moment. 
You didn’t seem to notice it, though. For someone who was usually very perceptive, it flew right by you—that slight tick in his jaw, the way his fists curled, the storm raging beneath the surface.
“Yeah,” you murmured, his head turned away from you, gaze fixed on anything but your face. The other corners of the burger place was suddenly very interesting to him as he grappled with his own emotions.
“It’s pretty crowded in here, right?” you remarked, trying to draw Eddie into the conversation and gauge his mood.
“Uh-huh,” Eddie replied, his gaze remained distant, thoughts elsewhere.
Concern etched across your face as you pressed further, “Uh, are you okay?” Something seemed to be bothering Eddie, and you couldn't pin-point what it was.
“‘M fine,” he dismissed with a wave of his hands. 
He had to distract you and do something else because he was being super fucking weird, and you weren’t dumb; you could read him like a book. 
He didn’t want that awkwardness or tension to reappear; he wanted to talk to you freely, he couldn’t let his insecurities ruin this for him. 
Eddie’s attention turned back to you,  “is that what you want to do with your life?” his brows raised, “The record store, I mean.” He didn’t want to sound rude, he just wanted to know more.
“I don’t know… I never had much time to think about it.” You gave him a small smile, shaking your head gently, “also, I can’t really afford to think about it anyway.”
“But what do you want to do?” He probed.
“Anything concerning art… I mean I’d love to be a tattoo artist, too. That’s the likely path I’m going down, dunno if the salary is good enough, though.” You shrugged, “but you know what I’d love to be?” Eddie leaned closer, his eagerness clear. 
“What?” He asked, genuinely intrigued.
“Someone came in like a month ago, this bearded guy with lots of tattoos… We had a new album coming to our store that day, and he wanted to see them,” you mumbled with a warm smile, eyes glistening with a dreamy glow. “Then he told me about how he was a tattoo artist, but helped make some of the cover art for that album, and then something just like clicked in me.”
“I used to draw with the hope that maybe it could connect with someone, you know, like it did with me… I spent half of my childhood drawing and listening to music as an outlet. Whenever my parents left, whenever they were absent in my life despite ‘being there’, or whenever they had a screaming match, plates thrown at each other, the first thing I did was sketch, anything, on the notebook.” You mumbled, “or I listened to a record, and I let it consume me, in the hopes that it would drive me away from reality, diffuse the pain, even for a split second, and it worked,” you said with a simple smile. 
Eddie hung on to your every word, his gaze never wavering, admiring that creative spirit shining in you. “Art and music shift the world in the best way possible, and maybe it is dramatic but it also saves lives in a way, you know, by helping you get through something, or making you forget. And that’s my biggest wish… to have my art be important to someone, to make them feel like they��re not alone, in any way possible. So when I saw how that guy combined music and art like that, I thought, this is fucking perfect, this is what I need to do.” 
Eddie’s brows pinched together, “why haven’t you done it?” he asked, his voice a soothing lilt that could melt any doubts away. He could listen to you talk about your passions for hours, the way your eyes glistened with hope, that little quirk of your brow did when you found something interesting, it was heavenly to him. 
“C’mon Eds, be realistic,” you murmured sadly. “Half the people that work for a good record company or with a good band have fancy art degrees, they have connections, they have the money, the time to do it. No one’s going to want a nobody who doesn’t even have a college degree from a small town.” Your lips pressed into a thin line.
“Bullshit,” he spat quickly, dismissing the way you so quickly diminished yourself, “I was the trailer trash of Hawkins, and look what happened,” he encouraged in a harsh but also a warm manner, leaning closer. 
“Yeah, but you’re also a guy, Eddie.” Your voice wavered as you pointed out, “t-they have different expectations for women who don’t have those connections, or don’t come from like insanely rich parents… If you know what I mean,” you said with disgusted frowning upon your face, chill running down your spine. 
Eddie immediately picked it up, his face growing to one of concern, “W-wait-” his voice quivered, the color drained from his face quickly, you immediately knew what he was implying and shook your head, “no, no, not me! But I heard lots of stories in New York, it’s just disgusting,” your face scrunched. 
“That’s awful,” Eddie’s jaw clenched in anger, he knew there were a lot of scumbags in the industry, and it pissed him off that he could do nothing about it. He already felt guilty enough that he didn’t realize what a narcissistic asshole Billy really was, he wanted to help any way he could. 
And then, like a sudden light bulb went off in his head, an idea illuminated his mind. “Have I ever told you that our record company is in need of a new art director?” He pouted teasingly. 
Your eyebrows shot up as a giggle escaped your lips. "You're funny," you said, playfully skeptical.
Eddie, ever earnest, replied, "I'm serious."
“I-I can't do that," you said shyly, your fingers toying with the hem of your dress.
Eddie leaned in, and retorted with a, “and why not?"
“It-it feels wrong, and you don’t even know if I’d be good-“ you hesitated, not fully convinced if this was a good idea.
“Bullshit,” Eddie countered firmly, a small smile gracing his lips. “I know how great your art is, and I know how much you care about music, the way you describe it is exactly the reason why I love it so much.” Eddie always took you seriously and encouraged you about your dreams, no matter how unrealistic it was. 
“You know what you said earlier about how you wanted your art to matter to someone?” You nodded, eyes glistening with hope. 
“Your art is important to me, Pinky. The ones you sketched in your notebooks, is what helped me write some of my lyrics. The drawings you made when you were bored in class, the ones I have hung up on my wall still at the trailer… they mean so much to me,” he said in a hushed voice, he dragged his arm on the table, quick to point to the tattoo on his forearm. “This tattoo, is what helped with Corroded Coffin’s symbol bats, you do realize that, right?”
Skeptical, you scoffed, "you guys always had bats as your thing."
 “True,” he agreed, “but your design helped bring it to life.” He shrugged, “and you know the band better than anyone, maybe you could help us with our next album cover, too. I don’t think I could find someone more perfect for the job.” Eddie shrugged and smiled warmly.
Your protests were gently silenced by Eddie, who insisted with a soft determination, “No but’s, just say yes, please.” His voice was sweet, sickingly sweet, you couldn’t say no even if you wanted to, and this was the perfect opportunity. 
“I mean I’ll just have a talk with them, show them some of your stuff, so, no promises. But I can be very, very persuasive,” he teased, a wink thrown your way.
You stammered, the excitement bubbling within you. "Y-you'd do that for me?” He nodded surely, “even after everything that happened?" Your tone was muffled, laced with insecurity.
"Anything for you," Eddie reassured as he leaned closer, that familiar, small smile tugging at the corners of his lips.
With your heart aflutter, you finally agreed, excitement breaking through the barriers of your insecurities. "If—if you really are okay with it, I-I'd love to."
“Of course,” he affirmed. 
“Alright!” Benny chimed in, interrupting the two of you. “Two cheeseburgers with a side of fries, and two milkshakes.” He hummed, settling the food in front of both sets of hungry eyes.
“Enjoy, lovebirds!” He said with a smirk, sauntering away to the kitchen. 
“Thank you!” Both of you exclaimed with happiness as you dug into the food.
As you munched on the crispy fries, you admired the other tables, each one occupied by a slice of life that you couldn't help but find intriguing.
One table was for a family of four. All you could hear was the distressed children, their whining echoed through the restaurant. The parents looked drained, faces etched with exhaustion as they juggled plates of half-eaten food, desperately trying to calm down and distract their kids.
Another table was occupied by a couple who was in a heated argument. The man wore a scowl, voice raised in anger, while the woman looked like she was about to cry, her eyes pleading for understanding.
But the last table was the one that you couldn’t tear your eyes away from, it brought a smile to your face. “Oh my god, look,” you said in a hushed voice, gaze pointing toward the booth that was nested in the far right corner.
Eddie was already face-first into his food, “later, ’m eating.” He grumbled. You poked your tongue out at him playfully. “Jesus… Forgot how grumpy you get when you are hungry,” you hummed, flinging a fry in his direction, causing him to pause mid-bite and chuckle.
“Oh, you don't wanna play that game with me, sweetheart,” he teased, dangling a fry in front of your face.
You grinned, your eyes dancing with excitement. “Just one look, and I’ll be out of your curly unbrushed hair, Munson,” you joked with a giggle.
His eyes rolled quickly, “you won’t stop until you get what you want, will you?” He asked with an annoyed tilt of his head.
You shook your head with a giggle. “Fine,” he huffed jokingly, dipping the fry in his hand into the vanilla milkshake, making an exaggerated sound of satisfaction as he devoured it.
“Gross.” You commented with mock disgust, and he rolled his eyes in response.
“Just tell me which table.” Eddie leaned in, his curiosity piqued as your gaze moved toward the couple at the adjacent booth. The girl was wearing a plaid mini skirt, expertly paired with a statement crop-top covered by an oversized leather jacket wrapped around her shoulders, likely borrowed from the curly-haired brunette sitting on the opposite side of the booth.
Her head was thrown back, and laughter danced in her eyes as she hung on to every word of the story he was telling. The curly haired brunette guy had a graphic band-tee and a guitar pick adorning his neck. Mascara smudged and eyes all red; you knew they probably had a long night. 
It reminded him of something, or rather, someone. 
He looked at you with his brows scrunched up, and you replied to him with a giggle. Both of you were thinking the same thing. 
“That’s fuckin’ weird.” Eddie mumbled with a mouthful of his juicy cheeseburger. “Are those our… doppelgangers?” 
“Right?” You almost mirrored him, taking a bite from your cheeseburger as you leaned further on your elbows. “What do you think their story is?”
“Uhhh-” Eddie grumbled, “us from five years ago?” His mouth partially obscured by the burger as he chewed thoughtfully, a furrow in his brow. 
“Such a detailed story!” You mocked. He couldn't help but notice how the dim diner lighting accentuated your features—plump lips looking so soft from the way you frustratingly groaned—which brought an unintentional smile to his face.
You were so breathtakingly pretty; even when you were munching on a burger, he was absolutely whipped.
Eddie shrugged, that shit-eating grin still on his face. He looked you dead in the eye before he took another big bite, stuffing more fries into his mouth. 
“Fine, I’ll give them a story,” you narrowed your gaze, “and you can keep eating your gross milkshake dipped fries,” you mocked, straightening up your back as you leaned closer, licking your lips before you spoke.
“So the girl… she’s pretty, like really, really pretty.” You said with a sly grin, your gaze now focused on the couple in question; if he wasn’t going to participate, then you could just drag this further. 
“And there’s the guy." You gestured toward the other booth, gaze narrowing as you turned back to Eddie. “He’s just... there, I guess, kind of looks like a douche,” you mocked, mouth scrunching as you looked at Eddie all-knowingly, head tilted to the side.
Eddie scoffed, responding with a lighthearted yet passionate defense of himself. “He looks like a total stud,” he grumbled in between bites with a smirk, “and that band-tee? He’s so fuckin’ cool.”
“Oh, yeah?” You challenged, “I think he’s a total nerd, bet he’s telling his dorky D&D stories to his best friend.” 
He stuck his tongue out, a carefree grin on his face, “Hey! You said you loved my campaigns!” He exclaimed and playfully tossed a soggy fry at you. 
You gasped dramatically, reaching for another fry to retaliate before Eddie’s unreadable expression had you frozen. “Shit, I totally forgot, what time is it?”
“Oh, you’re not getting away with that, Munson, we’re in a full fledged food war now,” you teased, holding a fry aloft, your gaze narrowing in mock seriousness.
“No, no, I’m serious.” Eddie insisted, causing you to huff in response. You turned your back to try to read the old-fashioned clock that stood on the wall. 
“Uh… 1.15, why?” you replied, your brows furrowed in confusion, trying to understand him.
“Shit! Shit, shit!” He cursed, getting up quickly while he started gathering his things.
“What?” You asked with a puzzled look.
“Wayne!” He exclaimed making you furrow your brows.
“What about Wayne?” 
“I promised to pick him up after his shift,” he explained with a sigh. “You know, since I kinda have the car.”
"Well, when did it end?” you inquired, still calm as you took another bite from your burger.
He eyed you with urgency. “15 minutes ago,” grumbling, he shoved whatever was left of his food into his mouth. 
“So, I’m going to see Wayne?” You asked with a smile. 
“If we don’t hurry up, you’re going to see me dead,” he exclaimed dramatically, making you roll your eyes. 
“You need to inhale all of that, now!” He screeched, and you looked up at him with a pout. 
“Now!” He snapped, hands clapping in front of your face. 
“Okay, okay, jesus!” You groaned, taking a deep breath, before you shoved a generous handful of fries in your mouth. 
When Eddie led you to the car, all you could think about was how Wayne would react—would he be mad at you? Would he be disappointed? 
Goosebumps appeared when a chill ran down your spine, you didn’t know if you could handle it. Wayne had been a staple in your life up until you left, he fed you, he listened to you when you needed it, he gave you a place to sleep, and he always reassured you that you were always welcome in their home.
And you didn’t even bother to say goodbye to him. Not that you didn’t want to; it’s because you couldn’t. When you and Eddie left, it was in a hurry. You had no time to tell anyone, not even Eddie told Wayne until you two were half-way there to California. 
But it still didn’t stop your guilt, it still didn’t help the way your stomach twisted at the mention of his name. 
Your feet picked up quickly as the thoughts filled your head, only stopping when Eddie called out to you. “I have to tell you somethin’” Eddie mumbled, eyes squeezing shut. 
A huff of air was quick to escape your lips, you knew it was too perfect to end like this, you knew he was going to ruin it. 
“She-uh… she’s coming to brunch tomorrow.”
You froze in place, almost everything fit like a puzzle in your mind now, and you didn’t know which emotion to feel first. 
Anger, jealousy, or sadness. 
And all three of them hit you at the same time. Because it made sense now, it was clear. He liked Chrissy. He wanted Chrissy. 
He wanted to move on with her. 
He had your heart in his hands, but this time he wasn’t toying with it; he was stomping on it, over and over again, not stopping until he was sure it was beyond salvageable. 
Hand almost frozen in the place you opened the car door without a word, settling into the passenger seat like nothing had happened. 
“Shit,” he cursed under his breath before he opened his side of the door, getting inside swiftly just to turn to you, “are you not gonna say anything?” he asked, voice carrying a desperate tone.
Your gaze remained fixed outside the window, your cheek pressed against the cool glass. “We’re going to be late,” you replied with a cold, unfeeling tone. Silence filled the car, mirroring the gaping void that now existed between you two.
Thankfully, Aurora didn’t give him any trouble when he started the ignition with a key turn, and the engine roared to life. You didn’t want to speak; you didn’t want to say anything to him. You wanted to save all of your emotions, contain them in the depths of your mind, and cry yourself to sleep. You didn’t want him to know how much this crushed you. 
But you couldn’t just do that; too disappointed to let it slide, the words escaped your mouth like a dam breaking, “I can’t fucking believe you.” 
“Just, listen, I-I didn’t even invite her-” Eddie tried to explain, but you weren't listening, you didn’t care, you were letting it all out. 
“How would you fucking feel if I kissed… Jason in front of you?” Eddie opened his mouth to answer, but you continued, “how would you feel if I invited him to brunch tomorrow?
Once you took a deep breath to gather your thoughts, he scoffed. “That’s not the same thing, Pinky. Carver made my life a living hell, he was a miserable bully.”
You should tell him, you should tell him what exactly Chrissy did to you.
You should tell him the whole story of that night at Steve’s party. 
The part he didn’t know. 
But you don’t. 
Because you’re too busy to worry about whether he actually wants to be with her or not, your mind felt full, anxieties and worries dancing around in it. 
“And Chrissy kissed Billy!” Your mouth dried up when that name left your mouth, you could feel that dreadful feeling consuming your chest. 
That night was still a blur to you—the way you caught them, the things Chrissy said to you, the way Billy swore that she initiated the kiss. 
Eddie shook his head. “She said it was a misunderstanding.”
You rubbed your fingertips on your forehead in disbelief. “And you believe her over me?” you asked, tone carrying a tinge of hurt and betrayal. The question hung heavy between the two of you.
“No, no!” He yelled out. “Jesus fucking Christ, stop putting words in my mouth, Pinky!” Eddie groaned in frustration, his hands gripping the steering wheel. “She explained it was a misunderstanding, and she does want to tell you that, too… maybe you could talk to her—”
You let out an exasperated chuckle, not interested in entertaining the idea. “no fucking way.” 
“If you want to be with her, then just fucking say that, Munson, don’t do all this fuckin’ bullshit,” you added, crossing your arms against your chest. 
“I don’t want- oh, you’re unbelievable!” He snapped, head bumping against the headrest of his van. 
“You make it fucking impossible to start over!”
“Wh-what does that even mean?” You retorted back.
“J-just when I’m about to start over, just when I-I’m going to…” He rolled his tongue inside of his cheek in rage as he paused to better explain himself. 
“I find a picture of you in my wallet that you put… or, or Nancy and Jonathan tell me that you invited them over…” You were on the brink of retorting when he continued, “or, or, you- you just barge back into town like you never left; talk to me like nothing fuckin’ happened.”
You didn’t dare to open your mouth; everything he said made you feel guilty. But everything he felt, you felt, too. Each time you felt like moving on, each time you wanted to try to be with someone, you physically couldn’t. 
Maybe it was selfish that you liked hearing him feel the same way too. That’s why the way he was being so vague about whatever he had with Chrissy was like a stab to your heart, in the most non-dramatic way possible. 
“You know… I used to think you were the best thing that ever happened to me… I used to think that you w-would always be in my life. That you’d be the one fuckin’ person who’d never leave me.” Eddie's voice trembled, and your throat was quick to tighten, lump forming as his words began to sink in. It felt like the car grew darker the more he spoke, your world crumbling down with it. 
“I was wrong about all of that... all you fuckin’ did was ruin it… You ruined my life.”
The faint strains of heavy metal playing on the car's stereo seemed distant, before you spoke up, wobbly lips slurring your words. “I… I r-ruined your life?” You slumped back on your seat with his words slicing through you like a knife, gnawing at your insecurities.
“Y-you really think that?” Words barely escaped your lips, voice quivering. 
He opened his plushy lips to speak, but he couldn’t answer; words died down in his throat, his gaze fixated on the road, lips pressed into a tight line. 
That in itself was an answer, you knew it, and he knew it. You felt exposed to him, like he knew your insecurities but still did nothing to hide them. 
You couldn't help but feel a hot prickle behind your eyes, the unshed tears were getting harder to hold back. You bit back on your wobbly lip, in an attempt to conceal the pent-up emotions that were begging to be let out. “This… this whole thing was a mistake,” you murmured, voice hushed and heavy with regret. The words felt like stones in your mouth, bitter and unpalatable. 
“We-we were caught up in ourselves, ther-there’s no fuckin’ way we could ever be friends,” you continued, driving home the painful truth, just so you could hurt him like he hurt you, just so you didn’t want him to know how pathetically you still wanted to be with him in any way possible. 
“I agree,” he grumbled, eyes still on the road. Tears streamed down your cheeks, tracing glistening paths along your cheeks, you didn’t even attempt to wipe them. Sniffles punctuated the air, body shuddering with an attempt to suppress your sobs, but then again, they were drowned out by the heavy metal music that echoed in the car. 
Eddie’s gaze fell on you every few seconds; but you didn’t seem to notice. And the guilt ate away at him, too, his brows furrowed in agony. He knew that wasn’t what he meant to say. He didn’t mean it in that way, you didn’t ruin his life; you never could—well, not until you left him. 
His knuckles tightened on the steering wheel; this wasn’t how everything was supposed to happen. He didn’t even invite Chrissy; she asked to come, and of course Eddie said yes, what else could he do? So he just wanted to give you a heads up. Just so things wouldn’t get bad between the two of you again, but he managed to screw it up.
Grumbles and some curses were all the two of you could hear when Eddie pulled up to Wayne’s workplace. With a huff of breath, your car door hung open. “I’ve been waiting for thirty minutes, rockstar; you better have some good fuckin’ excuse-” Wayne’s eyes widened the second his gaze met your sad figure.
“Jesus H. Christ!” Wayne exclaimed as if seeing a ghost. “Am I seein' that right? Is that who I think it is?” Despite the heartache gnawing at your insides, you managed a smile.
"Hi, Wayne," you mumbled shyly. Wayne, however, wasn't having it. "Oh, you're not gettin' off with a simple 'hey,' come over here, kid!" He said excitedly, pulling you into a bear-hug. The embrace was tight enough to make you giggle and sniffle, an unfamiliar smile on your lips.
“Where the hell have ya been?” Wayne inquired once he let you go. 
You tried to get up, offering him the front seat, he shook his head, hands holding you down by your shoulders, not wanting to interrupt the two of you.
You told him about everything—New York, your job, how you got here. Everything. 
And all Eddie did was drive; he didn’t look at you or even Wayne for all that mattered—not a single glance. And of course, this didn’t go unnoticed by Wayne. 
“Alright, kids, you two are bein' weird…” Wayne grumbled, glancing at Eddie. “Tell me what the hell happened. Some kind of lover's quarrel?” Eddie scoffed, and you couldn't help but snap your head in his direction.
"Somethin' funny, boy?" Wayne added, narrowing his gaze at his niece. Eddie sighed but still avoided both of your gazes.
“No, no, uhh- nothing happened.” He murmured.
Your gaze narrowed, and you couldn’t help the anger inside of you. “That’s funny, that is not how I remember it.” 
Wayne’s brows furrowed before he leaned closer to the front seat. “What happened, P? You know you can always tell me anythin’” he murmured with a reassuring tone. 
Eddie scoffed, rolling his eyes, but you ignored him, “he is with Chrissy,” you said, scrunching your face as you turned to gauge Wayne's reaction.
Wayne's brows tilted together, his eyes narrowing as he tried to remember that name. “You remember her? Strawberry blonde hair and-”
“The blondie that made you cry?” you nodded, “with that Hargrove kid?” 
“See, even Wayne remembers,” you grumbled, slightly elbowing Eddie to get a reaction out of him, only earning an offended huff.  
“I never liked him, you know,” Wayne continued, large hands gesturing vaguely to emphasize his point, “always thought you were way too good for him. A guy like him has no business with my Pinky.” You leaned further into the headrest, fingers fiddling with your jacket as you gave Wayne a weak smile. 
“Should’ve listened to you,” you hummed. 
“So Eddie is with her?” Wayne mumbled, face souring. 
“Boy, have you lost your damn mind?” Wayne was quick to chide Eddie, who was drumming his fingers on the steering wheel in an attempt to not snap at either of you. 
But it wasn’t working. 
"I told you I'm not with her!" he hissed, voice dripping with irritation. He shot a glare at Wayne through the rearview mirror, but his words were directed at you. 
“How would you explain kissing her and inviting her to our friend's brunch!” You snapped in Eddie’s direction. 
“Eddie, tell me you did not do that!”
“It-it’s not like that, Wayne.”
“Oh, really? What is it like?” You gruffly asked, curiosity and hurt evident in your tone.
“Eddie…” Wayne warned him shushingly with a disappointed look, he could see how much you were hurting, and he knew Eddie was a bit oblivious.
“What?” he groaned.
“Don’t worry, Wayne, he just enjoys playing with my feelings,” you replied with a scoff, fingers tracing the pattern on the car’s leather seats, a relief to your pent-up emotions.
“Oh, you’re one to fuckin’ talk,” Eddie muttered under his breath with an out of place chuckle, his anger overflowing after holding it back for so long. “Newsflash, princess. You weren’t the one to wake up all alone in L.A. with one fucking note, I was!” He yelled, words punctuated by the heavy breath he took between each sentence. 
“You should be grateful you have two notes in that pocket of yours because I barely got one!” 
“Will you stop bringing that up?” You plead, lip wobbling as you bit on it harshly to stop your emotions from spilling. 
“‘I can’t do this, sorry.’” He recited your words, and you refused to look at him. “Five letters, Pinky. Not even six. Five. You left me with that—no goodbyes, no nothin’, just a sticky fuckin’ note attached to the fridge.” His head snapped toward you.
A loud chuckle left your mouth, you turned to him with rage, and Wayne knew he had to step in or it was going to get ugly, even uglier than, whatever this was. “This isn’t even about that-”
“Alright, alright!” He interrupted, hands waving in the space between the two of you. 
“Simmer down, both of you! I know the two of you have a lot of unresolved shit… but don���t burn this bridge,” he warned, “not again.” Wayne’s words were quick to disperse the emotional fog that had surrounded the car. 
“The thing, whatever the hell it is, that y’all have… people spend their whole fuckin’ life lookin’ for it… Don’t be dumb.” That was enough to have the two of you shut up. 
“Talk it out.” He said, firm but fair. “I know you’ve both been hurt, so, be honest with each other, and apologize,” he continued, urging both of you to confront each other.
“Okay?” He asked, head hanging in the space between the two of you. 
“Okay,” both of you mumbled in unison, backs turned toward each other.
‘Too late’ was all you could think; that bridge was already burned. There was no way the two of you could ever go back now, right?
A sigh of relief escaped your lips when Eddie finally pulled up to your house, you didn’t waste any time saying goodbye to Eddie before turning to Wayne and giving him a hug. 
“See you around?” You asked with a hopeful smile.
“You better!” Wayne warned playfully, evoking a giggle from you. “You gotta drop by sometime, promise?” He asked with a sly grin, he knew exactly what he was doing. 
You didn’t want to see Eddie anymore than you had to now, but if Wayne asked you to do something, you’d do it in a heartbeat. 
You looked back at Eddie, your gazes connecting for a second before both of you turned away. “Uh-huh, promise,” you mumbled before exiting quickly. 
“What the hell are you doin’, kid?” Wayne exclaimed the moment you left, causing Eddie to look at him with a puzzled expression.
“Walk her to her door, for Christ’s sake!”
“I-I don’t think that’s a great idea,” Eddie explained hesitantly.
“Where are your manners?” Wayne scolded him, raising his voice. Eddie grumbled in frustration but ultimately gave in, cussing under his breath as he exited the car to follow you.
He ran after you, breathless once he finally caught up to you. “Sorry, I should’ve walked you-” He mumbled
You shook your head interrupting him, “no, it’s fine.” 
“So, uhhh…” He started, gaining your attention back to him. “Goodnight.” Eddie grumbled with a scratch of his head, barely able to look at you. He didn’t want to leave things like this, but the damage was already done. You could see the guilt in his eyes, but it didn’t matter now. 
He wondered what you would think of the notes; would you even read them? Would you get mad at him for the things he wrote? 
“Goodnight, Eddie.” You muttered back, turning to the door as you avoided looking at him, your finger shakily retrieved your key as you fumbled with it, doing everything in your willpower to not turn back at him. 
Eddie walked away with the same thoughts eating away at him. Were you going to look back at him? The temptation got the best of him, and he turned with a shy nod. You were struggling with your keys, muttering in frustration, and the sight unintentionally brought a smile to his lips before he hurried back to his car.
The moment you heard his car door open, you turned, slowly and reluctantly, only for your gaze to meet Wayne’s, who had an all-knowing smirk playing at his lips, waving at you. 
You gave him a shy smile before you hurriedly turned your back, finally opening the door and rushing inside. 
“You idiot lovebirds are goin’ to be the death of me,” Wayne grumbled to himself with a shake of his head, watching the way you scurried inside.
Once you locked the door, you rested against it, a sigh of relief escaping your lips. Your thoughts were swirling,but there was only one thing that was overpowering everything else; the note. 
You furiously searched for it in your pocket, curiosity filling the course of your veins as you fished it out of the left one, your hand shaking as you held it in front of your eyes. 
The words scribbled in the closed note had your heart racing, afraid of what it was going to say, once you fully opened it, your eyes roamed through it quickly.
The note was dated a week ago. 
Don't fool yourself,
She was heartache from the moment that you met her.
My heart feels so still
As I try to find the will to forget her, somehow.
Oh I think I've forgotten her now.
(Is it obvious this last line is sarcasm?) 
Your fingers traced the line that had the parenthesis and were crossed out. Eddie’s notes. If you the tears that escaped your burning eyes weren’t distorting your vision, maybe you would’ve appreciated some of the lyrics, and his funny notes, even though they were messy and all over the place.
I don’t blame you, but sometimes I wish we hadn’t met. (This is kinda too out there, but there could be something from this???)
Your heart pounded against your ribcage—that familiar ache that never fully left returned with a sharper pain. It hurt that he thought of you in this way. He thought you ruined his life, and now he wished he had never met you. 
Those thoughts sank into your brain, and the anger that came with them was something you couldn’t comprehend. There was a lot more of the scribbled nonsense that you couldn’t read, other lyrics that were scratched out. 
Your hands were shaking once you flipped it over. The other note was dated today. 
I lied, didn’t I? I think I would prefer all the heartache in the world to not knowing you. I didn’t even realize that until today. Until I saw you across the room. And I can’t even explain how good it felt to look up and see you standing there. Even with that frown adorning your face.
Your tears hadn’t stopped, falling onto the piece of crumpled up paper and making a mess. 
You felt like an idiot; you should’ve told him when you had the chance, and you had a lot of them. You were angry that you let everyone walk over you. You were angry that Billy had gotten away with everything. And now, Chrissy had a chance with him without ever paying for the consequences of what she did. 
You couldn’t let that happen.
You didn’t want to be polite with your sadness anymore You didn’t want to absorb everyone’s pain to make sure they were okay. And you hated that that’s what you did essentially did when you didn’t tell Eddie about Chrissy. 
You paced around the room, biting down on your nails. 
Should you tell him? Or was that too selfish?
Because if you wanted to tell him, you had just the perfect opportunity to tell him and confront Chrissy; the brunch. 
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✦ final authors note —ALSO THE CHRISSY STUFF WILL BE REVEALED NEXT CHAPTER. IM SORRY FOR TEASING IT SO LONG BUT THE REVEAL IS GONNA BE GOOD I PROMISE LMAO. if you like this series pls support me by rbing liking and commenting ily thank youu🫶🏻 [EDIT: i forgot to say this but ofc the lyrics are not mine they are by jeff buckley’s incredible song “forget her” i listened to it A LOT writing this chapter👀 also if u can guess what the chapters title is inspired by ily]
permanent taglist (lmk if u want to be added): @mandyjo8719 @kellsck @batkin028 @hideoutside @sashaphantomhive @nabiiturner @andvys (ILY.)
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cressthebest · 29 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 28
chapter 47:
1. 😟😶 no one even got to say goodbye. i- WHAT THE HELL??? FUCKING RIDDLE
2. i’m at least happy that remus, james, and pandora can all take care of each other during the games.
3. im actually highly worried about regulus being a death eater. too worried, actually
4. “Regulus realizes it as he sits there, never moving or doing anything at all, just breathing; he isn't scared this time. Not even a bit.”
reg not being scared makes ME scared
5. “He had planned to kiss Remus' mask one last time, and kiss Remus, too.”
of COURSE it’s ALWAYS wolfstar that tips the tears over. why does THAT make me sob???
6. oh shit. it’s a maze
7. “”Come now, surely you wouldn't harm me and little Draco, would you?"
"I'm going to give you one chance to run," Sirius tells her, holding still, "and take little Draco with you."”
LMAOO they both know she’s lying out her ass
8. “It's Mavis and Velvet; they'd done exactly as they promised they would. They found weapons, found each other, and they died together. Their bodies are splayed out on the ground right beside one another, curled close in death like the lovers they were in life.”
oh shit oh shit oh shit i’m starting to cry again. i feel so bad for them, but don’t blame them in the slightest. it’s what i would have done
9. “and there's just this quiet, momentary mourning and respect for two people who loved each other and decided, together, that they would not participate in a game as cruel and sadistic as this one. They went out together, in complete control of their own fate, and they never deserved anything other than a long life full of love.”
crying HARDER. this would be the turning point in the games for me. i shit you not, i’d start teaming up and trying to break out the fucking arena
10. “And then, unprompted, Regulus' voice rings out, nearly snarling. He's addressing the sky, the audience, the Hallows in a low hiss of derision when he declares, "When you take them, you take them together, and know that it's your fault."”
i know i’m quoting this whole little section, but it’s IMPORTANT and it HURTS and everyone in that arena is being human right now instead of trying to survive. they’re all united on the front that they’re human and understand what it meant to love
11. i’m not surprised that the “first” kill of the arena was made by sirius. especially since it was to save regulus
12. WAIT YALL ARE GONNA LAUGH AT ME FOR THIS!!! sirius killed twelve people in the arena the first time. just like how he was blamed for twelve deaths in canon. i. it took me too long to make that connection yall
13. oh CHRIST i forgot that they planned to kill marlene’s parents in front of her right before she went in the arena. i’m so sorry. i want to comfort her
14. “Someday, Riddle is going to fuck with the wrong person, and they're going to slaughter him, and on that day, the whole world is going to shine just a little brighter” 👀 side eye
15. sirius has too much trust in regulus and i understand why and i see that, but BABES you’re so wrong
16. “In fact, they're all eyeing him like they're considering just killing him now so they won't have to deal with the headache he is sure to be. He's so ridiculously fond of each of them, truly.” 😶😑😶 blink blink. my dear. you need therapy
17. i- eli got in the arena and took a GODDAMN NAP- no fucking way. that’s wild y’all
18. regulus hating the rain is so me. and i’m not even exaggerating. reg hates the rain and refuses to go in it. if i get wet from the rain, the second i get indoors, i start having severe panic attacks over getting wet. i don’t blame him in the slightest.
19. y’all. people have really got to stop challenging regulus. he says that he’s gonna kill a person or stab them with a fork or brutally maim them if they kill/insult james or sirius. and every damn time, people still test him. and every time, he goes through with it. why do people not believe him?? he SAID he won’t hesitate
20. the authors notes are literally me on the previous point (19):
“regulus: i am telling you explicitly what i will physically do to you if you do This Thing
everyone else: *does it anyway and is immediately shocked when he follows through*
😭😭😭 me fr
remember to respect zar’s wishes and fanfic laws! do not buy fics! do not repost crimson rivers on other sites. please and thank you.
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katyawriteswhump · 5 months
364 days later (Steddie holiday drabble)
Written for @steddieholidaydrabbles, day 30/31 prompt, New Year's Eve/Resolutions I AM SO SAD IT IS NEARLY OVER!!!!
When Steve is hurt on New Year’s Eve, he discovers there’s only one person he can truly go home to.
WC: 918 Rating: T CW: off-screen/pre-fic violence including domestic violence. Tags: hurt/comfort, fluff. Established steddie.
Also part of my steve whump fic series (mainly steddie) on ao3
“I hadn’t a clue where else to go,” says Steve, an odd tremor in his voice. 
Steve hadn’t knocked, hadn’t announced his arrival. Eddie simply opened the trailer door and found him. God knows how long he’s been standing at the bottom of the steps, cradling one arm in the other. It’s dark, but it’s screamingly obvious something’s wrong. Steve’s hair is kinda ruffled for starters. 
“I mean, yeah, we have a date later,” Steve rambles, “being New Years Eve and all that crap, and… uh…”
Holy shit! Eddie jumps down to him, freaking out big-time. Blood smears one side of Steve’s face, his lip is bruised, and his harsh breaths cloud the icy air. Eddie wants to hug him tight; instead, he briefly clams up, super-terrified. He’s never seen anybody so robust appear so… brittle.
Gently, he cups the uninjured side of Steve’s face, curves an arm around him. “What the hell happened?”
“I did it, man. Finally. My dad… I, um…”
“Your dad did this?”
“He wishes,” Steve says, snarky.
Eddie seriously can’t fathom whether he’s lying: “Who else, man?”
“Got jumped leaving work, and I… I…” Steve’s wretched laugh crumbles into an even more wretched whimper. Eddie catches him, as his knees buckle.
“Okay, big guy, I gotcha.”
He bundles him inside, sits him on the couch. Steve stares spacily, hugs his arm, rocks himself. 
Momentarily, Eddie literally flaps. Then he grabs a chilled beer from the fridge, douses a clean cloth in water. He coaxes Steve into holding the can against his swollen wrist, while Eddie dabs the blood from his face.
“Gonna sting,” warns Eddie. Steve hisses. “Sorry, Stevie.”
“It’s fine. Christ, I’m okay.”
“Not buying that BS today. Not sorry.”
Eddie frowns, concentrating hard. The cut, fortunately, has clotted already. He binds Steve’s wrist with a make-shift bandage. Steve mutters about getting kicked a LOT, when he was curled on the ground, shielding his face. Eddie feels sick, soothingly shushes Steve’s gasps of pain. Possibly as much to comfort himself as Steve. “Look, we should get you to the Med—"
“No way. I’ll fix… Listen, I finally did it,” repeats Steve, as his eyes flutter closed.
“Yeah? Did what exactly, Babe?”
 “Carried out my New Year’s resolution.”
Steve barely recalls how he got here.
He’d driven around aimlessly. His wrist hurt so bad that he goddamn cried, too far gone to give a shit. He couldn’t think; he was drowning, sucked deep into thick, suffocating waters. Some crazy inner compass drew him to the one place he could pull for the surface.
He found himself outside Eddie’s trailer. Standing there stupidly, hurting and shivering. Not even yelling to be let in. Now, he’s inside and getting warm with Eddie, who asks again what happened.
Crap, does Steve even know?
He honestly couldn’t ID his attackers. Sorta knew why he was attacked, being guilty of so much these days—hanging with geeks, being a king that lost his crown, not to mention his boyfriend being Eddie ‘spawn-of-satan’ Munson.
Then his Dad.
The look he’d given Steve, when Steve arrived home bruised and bloodied. 
“He didn’t need to say it,” says Steve, head resting on Eddie’s shoulder. “It was written all over his smug-ass face. You deserve this.”
He’d yelled his butt off about Steve making trouble. Shoved Steve around a bit, knowing he was in no shape to fight back.
“I told him to stick it. Left with basically nothing. Okay, the car, though that technically belongs to him, and… Shit, where am I gonna go?”
His tardy reality check hits like a baseball bat to the gut. Huddled against Eddie, he’s shaking, breaths hitching, hating himself for it. Eddie wraps his other arm across Steve and holds him. 
Simply holds him.
And yeah, he calms a little.
“Seriously, don’t sweat it,” says Eddie. “You can stay here till you’ve figured stuff out. Forever, if you need.”
Steve glances up, swipes angrily across his damp cheekbone. “Uh, earth to Eddie? Wayne?”
“He’ll cuss under his breath. And love the heck out of you. Already does. What’s one more overgrown brat?”
“C’mon, he’ll—"
“Look, I’m genuinely blown away. It’s New Year’s Eve and you’ve already nailed your resolution.”
Steve buries his face again, and… Woah! He’s laughing. Eddie’s kickass painkillers are working, or… Screw it, life never sucks so bad when he’s with Eddie. 
“Leaving home was last year’s resolution,” he mumbles toward Eddie’s armpit.
“Oh.” Eddie plants a soft kiss on Steve’s hair. 
“Yeeeeah. I’m only, like, 364 days late.”
Eddie’s still freaking that he should get Steve better help. However, Steve is a dead weight against him, knee curled in Eddie’s lap, and refuses to budge from the circle of Eddie’s arms.
New Year ticks by, lost in a gentle, lingering kiss. Eddie ghosts his thumb, featherlight, down the uninjured side of Steve’s face. Steve scrunches his good hand tightly in Eddie’s hair, deepening the kiss more passionately than—given Steve’s bruises—Eddie dares.
“Happy New Year, Babe,” whispers Eddie, when they break apart. A sneaky smile plays on Steve’s lips. “What?”
“I hit a winning streak,” says Steve, “I’ve smashed this year’s resolution already.”
“Do I really have to spell it out, dipshit?”
Fixing deep in Steve’s eyes, Eddie’s grin spreads slowly. Dammit, this was going down as the worst and best New Year ever, and sure as heck the most shamefully sappy:
Oh, I get it. Falling in love.
“Back at ya,” he says, and tumbles forward into another kiss.
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Can I request your favorite v3 and dr1 characters with a reader that is like mikan please? :D
Love stuff like this !! I had a lot of fun so these are very very long lmao! Feel free to rq more stuff like this (ex s/o that’s like ibuki, etc) I love this stuff smmm it’s fun!!
Mondo is so goddamn protective like holy shit. With an s/o he’s normally protective but if you’re like mikan holy shit 10x worse, to the max. The day you met, he thought you were scared of him due to his reputation. He just thought you were maybe a bit more timid than most and he felt bad when he told you his name and you asked him if you were allowed to remember it. “H-hey.. of course you can remember my name..” The first time he greeted you good morning you were shocked, and again he thought it was because of his reputation, though it still strikes him as odd. “W-what did I do? Why are you so damn surprised?” “I-I’m sorry! I just didn’t expect you to greet me back!” However he would eventually realize something was very wrong when you thought he was mad at you, and offered to take off your clothes to make him happy. “I-I’m sorry for making you u-upset! Should I take off m-my c-clothes?!” “W-what!! No!!? Don’t do that!!” He knows how he can be, especially around somebody he likes, but Jesus man that should never be a solution to make somebody no longer mad at you. Ever since he became so much more protective, but would be sure to tell you calmly (for once?) that you shouldn’t give yourself up so casually like that. “Listen, I don’t know why the hell you did that but for the love of Christ, don’t do that for anyone else. Your body shouldn’t be thrown away that easily unless it’s something you want.” Whenever you tell him stories about the bullying you received growing up, it makes his blood boil. The more the two of you talk, the more he realizes that you’re just shocked anyone would talk to you, greet you in the morning, etc. but he’s glad when you finally start getting more comfortable and opening up. When you mention how grateful you are for him, because he’s the only one that forgave you for your existence he feels horrible. “Hey, enough with the forgiving bullshit. I like your existence dammit.” He’s quick to shut down any negative talk about yourself, and tells you not to apologize over shit you shouldn’t apologize for. “Quit apologizing, I told you it was fine.” “I-I’m sorry! I-I mean!” “Heh, it’s whatever” When it comes to your … tripping .. he’s quick to either cover you up or help you up, with a big blush on his face. “You just fell babe, it’s fine. Don’t worry about it.” + defends you against anyone that’s mean towards you, yells at them so loud and scary bro nobody is fuckin with you. “Quit your babbling, nobody can understand you.” “I-I’m sorry! P-please forgive me!!” “HEY DOUCHE WHAT THE HELL DID YOU SAY TO S/O?!” you worry for him a lot, but he has to constantly tell you he’s a tough guy and he doesn’t need you crying over every little cut he gets. He tries not to get too on your ass about it, since you immediately start to feel bad.
Ishimaru is noticeably a lot more gentle and soft around you? He yelled at you for being late for the first time, but you immediately apologized and started to cry and beg for his forgiveness, offering to take off your clothes, or sound like a pig. “I-I’m so sorry! Please forgive me! I c-can take off my clothes o-or.. imitate a pig! O-or-” “N-no!! w-where’s all of this coming from! Don’t do any of those things!” He of course rejected this idea! But for somebody he thought was just timid and shy, he was getting more worried about your well-being and didn’t want you to get hurt in the long run. “S/o! You should not offer your body just like that! You can get seriously hurt and taken advantage of!” He started paying more attention to you, greeting you specifically, every morning. He felt his heart shatter when you were genuinely surprised by him greeting you. “S/o?! Is something the matter?!” “I-I’m sorry! I-it’s just that.. it’s the first time a-anyones ever greeted me back!” However, as time went on and the two of you got closer he’d get used to your behavior and he’d be more pleased the more you got used to him treating you with human decency. He feels horrible that you went through so much harassment and abuse growing up. He still had to remind you to have some self respect for yourself though. When you mention that nobody other than him forgave you for your existence, and that you’re grateful for him he feels horrible! You seem to always find a new way for him to feel bad for you. “Hey! I love that you exist! If other people aren’t happy for your existence that’s too bad for them! You’re amazing!” He is constantly telling you how good you are as well, he doesn’t want you to talk negatively about yourself at all. Whenever you trip his entire face goes red but he’s very quick about covering you up and yelling at everyone else to look away. “I-I’m sorry!! I-I didn’t mean to make you see me like t-that! P-please forgive me!!” “It’s okay s/o! You just tripped! You didn’t mean to!!” And he will always defend you against anyone that’s mean to you, but people usually back off since they don’t want a lecture and detention for life. “Take back what you said to s/o and accept your due punishment!” he appreciates when you worry for him, if he were to ever get hurt. He is the same with you.
Sakura is extremely protective, as you may guess. She is naturally protective of people she deems needing protection, but it grows the closer you become. She pitied you, and often observed how you interacted with those around her. It’s easy for you to grow more comfortable, but it took time. She had overheard you offering to take off your clothes for another individual because they were angry, and it upset her, wondering how this was a conclusion you came to whenever somebody was upset with you. She would stop it right there, and excuse the both of you. “My dear, please don’t offer yourself so easily. Your body is something to be treasured, and shouldn’t be given up so quickly.” she would feel awful about finding out everything that happened to you, the torture and abuse you dealt with. She would not only feel somehow more protective but she would want to deal with said bullies/abusers. When you mention how grateful you are for her forgiving her existence, or when you thank you for treating you like a decent human being, she is quick to shut it down. “I do not tolerate your existence my love, I love your existence, I live for your existence. I want to give you the world and more.” She does not let you apologize for things you shouldn’t apologize for. “Do not apologize. You’re safe around me.” She is also quick to catch you whenever you fall, so no incidents will happen with her around. And nobody has the balls to be mean to you, especially in front of Sakura. But everyone has to learn their lesson, I suppose! And she will show them what for. However if you insist on no violence she will threaten. “You say anything like that to them again, and I will make sure you cannot use your limbs anymore.” she also takes note of how you worry for not only her but others when they get hurt, she loves seeing your rare stern side. She finds it cute :3
Toko can be a bit… much.. at times. She definitely made fun of you at first, but she eventually started to get annoyed when you just took it and did nothing of it other than whine and cry, in her own words. She eventually started to see herself in you, and tried not to target you so much. She in fact saw it as an opportunity to befriend you, since god knows you don’t have any friends either. Perhaps you can bond off of that. When she overhears you offering to take off your clothes for her cause she was angry, she’s quick to say “h-hey! Don’t do that s-so suddenly! Don’t take off your clothes just cause you p-pissed me off! Take them off cause you l-like me! Or a-something normal like that!” She’d listen intently to the horrible life you were dealt, and she’d open up about her life as well. She kinda figured you had a bad life as well, she just didn’t know how bad it was. It hurt knowing how much you had gone through. When you start to thank her for things like saying good morning, or thanking her for forgiving your existence she’s very quick to yell at you to shut the hell up. “W-would you stop! I don’t hate your e-existence or anything okay! S-so cut it out!” “Q-quit thanking me for stupid shit” and when you apologize for things you shouldn’t, “quit apologizing for stupid shit” most people couldn’t be bothered to be mean to you due to your relationship with toko, she can be quite the earful when it comes to people bothering you. But people must learn the hard way. “S-shut the hell up! What do you know a-anyway! You’re s-so ugly! I-I bet t-that’s why you gang up on a/o!” She at times gets annoyed by you worrying for her but in the end she appreciates it since it shows you care for her, in fact she actually fangirls about it. “W-would you stop worrying about me! I-I’m f-fine!! I-it is sweet though… y-you’re so thoughtful and c-caring..” cue her being a weirdo. She gets embarrassed whenever you trip, so she lets you get up but yells at anyone for looking at you in such a vulnerable state. “I-it’s fine s/o.. don’t be e-embarrassed”
Rantaro feels protective of you almost automatically, it’s at first glance and he feels like he needs to protect you. Like it’s a natural instinct of his, and at first he’s not sure why, but as he talks to you he quickly understands it. The first time he had spoken to you, it was honestly to ask for your name to get to know you, he automatically wanted to form a close relationship with you. He’d quickly know you as a rather timid individual and he’d go out his way to greet you every day, talk to you about things and hoped he could form a close bond. His heart broke upon seeing how shocked you were by him interacting with you. He knew you probably didn’t have people talk to you much, maybe that’s why you’re so shy?? But he’d learn there was much more to you, how you’d offer to take off your clothes when somebody was angry. He’d be quick to shut that down though. “Hey, s/o. You shouldn’t offer yourself all Willy nilly like that, yknow? Your body is a treasure, it shouldn’t be shown just like that.” he sympathizes with you, when you tell him about the bullying you received he tries to discretely ask you their names. You clearly appreciate how nice he is to you, thanking him for talking to you and forgiving your existence but he tries his best to brush it off. “Hey, I like having you around babe. You’re great.” He often wonders if his protectiveness of you comes from the guilt of being a shitty older brother. Maybe that’s why he tries to be kind to a sweetheart like you. Aside from loving you of course. He’s chill, but when it comes to you feeling bad about yourself and apologizing for things you shouldn’t, or being picked on, he’s kinda snappy, but he’d never snap at you. “Hey, don’t apologize for that. It’s okay.” “Don’t say that to s/o ever again. You will regret it yknow.” However he finds that rare stern side of yours when others are hurt really sweet and cute, it shows how kind you are. He’s quick to help you up when you fall in rather suggestive positions, and he tries to move on with his day. “Hey it’s okay, you just fell. No worries.”
Kaede is a friendly person, she tries to interact with everyone. However she is quick to notice your surprise at her interacting with you at all, which makes her notice you rather quickly. You were so happy whenever she greeted you in the morning or asked to spend some time with you, she thought it was cute how happy you got, but it made her feel bad that nobody hung out with you before. “A-ahhh?!” “W-what’s wrong?!” “I-it’s just! N-nobody’s ever wanted to spend time with m-me before! Are you being p-punished for something?” she definitely starts to hang out a lot more often with you, and is happy the more comfortable you grow around her, enough to tell her the bullies you’ve dealt with and the torture you had to deal with your whole life. She’s convinced you’re a perfect Angel that could do no wrong. When you offer your body up to people, given what you told her, she knows why. It only angers her more. “Hey! You don’t have to do all that for anyone just to make them happy! Do it because it makes you happy! Yknow?!” she tries to brush off you thanking her for talking to you, and forgiving your awful existence. “Hey.. your existence isn’t awful. I like talking to you and I like you!” She’s always reassuring you you’re fine, like when you apologize or when you trip in suggestive situations, she’s quick to help you up and is a bit embarrassed but that’s all. “Hey it’s okay! Don’t cry! You just fell! No biggie, right?” She’s very defensive when it comes to you, so even though she’s kind towards others she will not let people talk badly to you. “Knock it off right now! S/o didn’t do anything wrong!” she adores when you take care of others, she thinks it’s sweet. It’s a rare side of you.
Miu has probably made fun of you a bit, to be fair. When she sees an easy target she takes it, plain and simple. She thought, you’re totally the kinda person bullies love to pick on, this should be funny! She constantly made gross pervy comments, but she never actually went through with wanting to see you naked. She honestly thought you only offered her that because of her vulgar attitude, but when she heard you offer it to others, she knew something was wrong with you. She started to feel.. bad. So she’d talk to you more, and slowly over time became less of a bully and a genuine friend. “Hey!! Would you stop offerin to take off your fuckin clothes already! Do you want a dick in you that bad?!” she has her own ways of trying to make you have more self respect, even if it’s only a little. She’s happy you trust her, when you tell her about the bullying you dealt with. She has a hard time trusting others herself, but she finds you’re easy to trust due to how you are. She’s totally showing those bullies what for one day, that’s what she tells you. “Your amazing genius girlfriend will deal with those nasty bitches one day! Doncha worry! Hah-ha-ha!” when you apologize for things, when you thank her for actually learning to forgive you for your pathetic existence she gets annoyed. “Jeez would ya quit with that shit! Stop apologizin!” but she’s honestly quite shy about her feelings for you, with a blush she tells you “I-it’s not like I just tolerate you… it’s more than that…” she used to laugh when you’d trip and land in certain positions, she honestly thought you did it for the attention. Nowadays she helps you up, with a little blush, she still tries to laugh it off though. “If ya wanted to fuck so damn badly you didn’t have to trip all lewdly! Ya coulda just fuckin asked me! Ha!” She’s quick to defend you as well, your girlfriend does her best! “Fuck off flat chest! Go sit in the corner and play with yourself! You’re just jealous s/o is packing more than you!” She acts annoyed when you worry for her, she has a tendency to get hurt when investing. “I’m fucking fine! Stop worryin about me!” but she does secretly enjoy you worrying and the only time she sees you so stern, she likes it!
Gonta tries to befriend everyone, including you. He would wonder why you were so shocked he was even talking to you, so you often had to clarify it was because not many people went out their way to actually talk to you. Gonta tried to understand that, and he felt.. well.. bad! You seem very nice! Why wouldn’t people talk to you? Because of this he makes a constant effort to talk to you in hopes it’ll make you be less shocked when he talks to you, and puts you in good spirits. He’s glad when you feel more comfortable around him and open up to him as well, he feels horrible you had to go through so many awful things! How could people be so cruel to you?! He’ll never understand it. When you offer to take off your clothes, he’s quick to tell you not to. Not only is this flustering him but that doesn’t solve anything in his mind, he’s a little too innocent to understand. “Gonta not understand how this would make miu feel better. Gonta think that showing off your body like this is not good. Gonta not smart, but gonta understand that much.” Whenever you apologize for things you definitely shouldn’t apologize for, he feels terrible. “Gonta is sorry for making you apologize!” he enjoys talking to you, so when he hears you thank him for doing so, and forgiving you for your existence he feels troubled. “Gonta like talking to you. But gonta not sure what gonta is forgiving s/o for.” He’ll eventually understand what you mean, but would insist he isn’t forgiving anything? You have good existence, what’s there to forgive? He also always catches you before you trip, so no lewd positions happen on his watch, not that he’d know that kinda thing would happen though. Probably for the best. It’s rare to see gonta so upset and angry, but he absolutely will be when it comes to people being mean to you. Given how he is he doesn’t always notice but when it’s blatant he is quick to jump in and say “that not nice! Be nice to s/o! They did nothing wrong!” gonta always comments on how kind you are, how nice it is to see you care for the injured and how worried you get!
Kokichi thought you’d be an easy target for his teasing, at the end of the day though he found that you getting upset like that was not preferable. It wasn’t fun to tease somebody who didn’t defend themselves at all and didn’t even get angry with him. So he stopped bothering so much. Eventually though, he grew to care for you more upon hearing you offering to take off your clothes for somebody because they were angry, he was quick to jump in and distract both you and said person, and make them angry at him instead. He’d tell you, “hey dork! You really are asking for trouble, offerin your body like that. What’s your deal?” he does make the effort to get to know you a little more and befriend you in his own roundabout way, but he learns to not tease you so much since he doesn’t get anywhere doing that with you. It’s fine though, he doesn’t mind it much. He does wonder, and asks you why, you’re so surprised everytime he comes to talk to you. “I-it’s just that.. n-nobody talks to m-me. A-and I figured I was t-too boring for somebody l-like you anyways.. d-don’t get me wrong though! I-I’m very happy you w-want to talk to me! P-please dont change your mind!” he definitely felt bad about that, you seemed lonely. He could relate to that. It felt easy, trusting you. You were kind and.. easy to trust. It scared him, actually. Anytime he wanted to push you away he felt bad about it, knowing that not many others would talk to you and take an interest the way he has. When he disturbances himself and you apologize, he just tells you it’s nothing. “S/oooooo! We talked about this! Don’t apologize for dumb things, kay?” but eventually he gives in, and allows closeness with you. When he hears you say how grateful you are he talks to you, how he forgave you for your terrible existence, it sealed the deal for him. You trust him implicitly despite how he is, the least he can do is do the same for you, the timid sweetheart he’s come to know. He doesn’t know how to tell you he doesn’t tolerate your existence though. Or forgive you or whatever. “There’s nothing to forgive you for hun! Jeez, what are you even on about?!” when you trip, there’s not much he can do other than distract the others, by fake crying and being obnoxious until you get back up. He doesn’t comment on it or mention it, he wouldn’t tease you for that. He also deals with anyone that’s mean to you accordingly, he finds these people extremely pathetic and he has no tolerance for them so he vocally roasts them. “Maybe you bother somebody as cute as s/o cause your jealous, maybe? I mean I don’t see any other reason why a trashy pigfucker like you would even bother with them.” You’ll also find he really loves that stern side of you, it’s a rare side and it’s shows you’re being stern because you care for the injured. He purposefully gets himself hurt just to see you worried, because it’s sweet. “D’aww! Doting all over little ol’ me! You’re so sweet hunnn!”
Keebo goes out his way to talk to you, since you seem easy to talk to. At first glance, but he finds conversations with you to be rather difficult at first, however he quickly learns what gets you talking and what interests you the most. Whenever you feel bad about rambling he’s quick to tell you “it’s fine, I’m the one that asked. Do not worry about upsetting me, you were just talking about something you were interested in.” this robot isn’t off put by your personality, but he does wonder why you’re so timid. He comes to the conclusion you may have been abused, only after you offer to take off your clothes for somebody you potentially upset. He would be quick to get you out of that situation. “S/o! Please do not offer yourself so easily! Your body is something to be treasured, not given up like it’s nothing!” he at this point suspected you were bullied, and you’d confirm his suspicions in detail. It saddened him to hear all that you had to say about what those bullies had done to you. But he wanted you to know that didn’t have to be your life anymore now that he’s around. He tries his best to read you, whenever you apologize for something that isn’t something he hears many people apologize for he genuinely wonders if people have gotten mad at you for minor things like that. “You don’t need to apologize for that, it’s fine. Do not worry.” and boy does he get sad when you thank him for talking to you and forgiving you for your existence. He’ll tell you to the end of time that you matter to him if he has to. Your clumsiness worries him though, what if you die or something?! He never says it out loud, but because of this he’s always making sure no incidents happened. It happened a couple times before he started being more aware and making sure you didn’t trip, but at the same it didn’t happen he thought he was going to overheat. You’ll find he often tries to defend you if anyones terrible to you, “hey! Leave s/o alone! They did nothing wrong!” And probably proceeds to threaten to take a voice recording of them at some point. Kiibo likes your more stern side, it to him shows you have some confidence in what you’re doing, for once. You know what you’re doing, he hopes to see that side from you more.
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serialkilluh-1996 · 1 month
There are too many r@pe fics in the 'Call Of Duty' and horror movie communities.
This is a long ass rant BTW so thank you so much if you actually stay to listen to me complain.
I'm a huge fan of masked men, gore, horror movies, and Call Of Duty. They're all very fun things, even if seen as boyish or grim to the average Joes and Janes of society.
HOWEVER, there is a huge issue in both communities. Glorifying sexual assault. Groping, grooming, full blown rape. It's ridiculous. Both communities have a myriad of writers who write about nothing but manipulation and straight up noncon.
And you know what makes this worse? From experience, I've seen that there are FAR more rape fics in the Call Of Duty community than in the horror movie community.
Can you believe that shit?
What does that say about society? That there's more SA fanfiction about law enforcement than criminals and demons?
Does that make sense to you?
Horror movie fans, although unhinged, treat their kins and fav characters like they're just misunderstood and can be helped and even with the disgusting amount of SA fics, they still treat the characters like chill guys who are mentally ill and can't be trusted with knives.
But Call Of Duty? Nope. It's surprisingly fucking easy to find a fic about Simon Riley being overly dominant, possessive, and pretty fucking predatory, when in Canon, he's just... He's just him. Simon is not a rapist. He is a good man trying to do his goddamn job. Why would he want to "use and abuse" anyone? Do yall not know his lore? His dad literally used to abuse him. HE FORCED HIM TO KISS A FUCKING SNAKE AND SCARED HIM WITH ANIMALS, FOR CHRISTS SAKE.
He would want his s/o to have a better life than what he went through. And don't even get me started on Soap. All yall serious? He himself implied he wasn't very violent in an interrogation scene that I vaguely remember like this:
Hostage: you gonna cut my hand off?
Soap: not my style, but he might. *he says pointing at Ghost*
(Im mid writing this and I am really realizing I am defending fictional men against rape allegations lord what is going on, I wanna be Phoenix Wright so bad)
And you know what REAAALLY pisses me off? The way they try to DEFEND THAT SHIT. MAKES ME SICK.
"Oh, well Michael Myers wouldn't care about consent because he doesn't care about people's lives" you sound dumb. It's giving "if it'll kill, it'll rape" like bro what? This is like that saying "if it can bleed, it can breed" in reverse and I hate both equally. And then these motherfuckers will be like
The bdsm community is all about consent. Ever heard of a safe word? It's called role-playing, and they (almost) always have boundaries. By calling your illegal fantasies BDSM is bashing them and they DO NOT claim your crazy ass.
I'm not gonna name any creators, because at the end of the day, it's not like me dropping their accounts will get them banned or investigated, but I actually saw a post where someone CONFRONTED the writer's nasty ass Call Of Duty fics, and their legit response was like:
"Okay? And? I write dark romance. I add warnings. Everything isn't all puppies and kittens."
You are genuinely ignorant if you think basic consent is puppies and kittens. Rape is not dark romance.
As for the BDSM community, They get enough hate as it is, and 50 shades of Grey has already ruined them as it is, stop bringing them into your bullshit. You like being choked by masked men? Cool. You like rough housing and aggression? Sure. That's cool. I completely agree with that. But PUH-LEEEASE, bitch, stop calling grotesque shit like this "BDSM" and "Dark Romance".
I'm not vanilla, I'm a decent human being. You need to start realizing the problem is you. I can't stop you from writing it, but call it what it is and stop being a pussy.
You know what you write and you know what your read.
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artiststarme · 1 year
Steve’s No Good, Very Bad Day
This is something a little different from what I usually do so I hope you guys like it! Please leave your thoughts and title ideas in the comments!
Steve was just wrapping up at work one day, getting ready to run some errands when the kids stampeded through the door. He hardly even had time to sigh before Dustin was trying to negotiate for him to give them a ride to the community pool. 
“Steve, it’s eighty four degrees outside right now and the community pool is a mile away. If we bike there in these conditions, we could get heat stroke and die. What kind of friend would you be if you let us die when you could’ve prevented it? Since we all know you’re my best friend, you should give us a ride.”
“Dude, no. I have errands to run and I’m really not in the mood to babysit,” Steve said, shaking his head. He had better things to do than drive them around town all day. Like buying himself groceries and toilet paper, interesting stuff. 
“Please, Steve? We’re counting on you! Just give us a ride and we’ll leave you alone for the rest of the weekend!” Lucas bartered. 
“I’m hosting DnD at my house tomorrow,” Steve said, completely deadpan. 
“And we’ll leave you alone until then!” Dustin jumped in. “Please?”
“Son of a bitch, fine! Go wait by my car. Jesus Christ, you’re truly annoying. You know that, right?”
“Thanks Steve!” Dustin called and ran to wait by his car. 
Steve just sighed and shook his head. He didn’t sign up for this. He loves those kids but goddamn, he just wanted one day to himself after working customer service and faking smiles all morning. Nevertheless, he climbed into his car and cranked the AC before heading towards the pool. 
“So where’s Will, Max, and El? Are you guys hanging out with them today too?”
“Of course we are,” Dustin answered snootily. “They’re our friends.”
“They’re meeting us at the pool,” Lucas added. 
“Well, thank you Lucas for answering my question,” he turned to look at Dustin in the passenger seat. “You need to lose the ‘tude, Henderson. I’m doing you shitheads a favor. Tone it down.”
“Sorry,” Dustin muttered. 
They traveled the rest of the way in silence with only the soft tones of Simon and Garfunkel playing softly through the radio. When they turned into the pool’s parking lot, something felt off. Steve couldn’t put his finger on it. Nothing looked out of the blue but something was wrong, he was certain. 
“Stay in the car, I’ll be right back.” He opened his door and Henderson opened his as well. “Dustin, please. Just stay in the car for a minute.”
“Wha- but…”
“Dustin!” He gave him a confused look but shut the door regardless. 
Steve saw Max, Will, and El rounding the corner and ran up to them. They looked fine too but something still felt off. His stomach was twisting in warning and he didn’t know why. 
“Hey guys-”
“Steve? I didn’t know you’d be coming. We could’ve used the ride,” Max snarked.
“Listen, something feels off. Get in my car,” Steve told them. His heart started beating faster and he could feel sweat dripping on his forehead. His adrenaline was going crazy and he didn’t know why. 
“Steve, there isn’t enough room. We won’t fit-” Will tried to explain but he was cut off by the sound of gunfire. El threw up her hands to telekinetically redirect the bullets and Steve tackled Max and El to the ground. 
He lightly smacked his head on the cement but he picked himself up soon enough. When he looked around the parking lot, there were dozens of government agents facing El with their guns drawn. 
“Eleven. We are with a secret department of the United States government. If you come with us peacefully, we’ll let your friends live.” As the woman in charge was talking, Steve noticed a man standing behind El raise his gun to her head. 
“El!” He jumped up from the ground the pushed her away from the path of the gun as it fired. He felt a sharp, searing pain in his shoulder and then he was back on the ground. 
“Steve!” She looked over at him but he just shook his head with his teeth clenched. 
“Kill them!” He felt bad about ordering a kid to kill the fifteen agents, not for them but for her. She didn’t deserve to carry their deaths on her conscience. But as he saw all of their necks snap in unison, he couldn’t help but feel a little relieved. 
All of the kids surrounded him worriedly. The boys looked slightly nauseous while Max and El were looking at his shoulder in concern.
“Steve? Are you okay, buddy? I’m pretty sure you got shot.” Dustin told him gently, just as he had in Billy’s Camaro all those years ago. 
“El… you okay?” Steve asked her quietly. It was getting harder for him to speak. It felt like there was a fog over him that was pulling him under.
“Of course I am okay, Steve. You were the one that was shot,” she told him matter-of-factly. 
“Hmm, yeah makes sense. Fucking... figures,” and then he lost consciousness. 
When he woke up, it was to a bland hospital room. His head ached, his shoulder throbbed, and his throat was dry. As annoyed as he was with the situation, Steve was glad that he had been there for the kids. Who knew what would’ve happened if he hadn’t gotten there when he did. Would El have that man’s bullet in her head? Would Max and Will be dead due to a slew of bullets? He’s glad he would never have to find out. 
He was so lost in his thoughts of what could have happened that he didn’t notice Hopper stepping in until he spoke. 
“What the hell were you thinking?” Hopper hissed angrily. 
“What do you mean?” Steve asked in confusion. It almost seemed like Hopper was mad at him but he was pretty positive that he had no reason to be. 
“Why the hell were you taking the kids to the pool? You know that people are after her and you just took her out into the open? How could you do something so stupid?!”
Steve’s entire body flinched at his comment. “Hop, the kids were going anyway. The only reason I was there was to give Dustin, Lucas, and Mike a ride. The other kids were meeting them there. I didn’t do anything wrong.”
“You’re the adult, Harrington! You should’ve told them no and then none of us would be in this situation!” 
“Hop, I’m sorry. Next time I’ll be more careful. I know it must’ve been scary to see your kids like that…”
“You’re not my son!” He screamed at him in fury.
Steve’s blood turned cold. “Wh-what?”
“El is my daughter and your actions almost got her killed! And you put all the other kids in danger too. I don’t know if Joyce and I can forgive you for this, Harrington.”
Hopper shook his head derisively one last time and stalked out of the hospital room. Steve just laid there in shock. He didn’t know why Hopper was so mad at him or why he decided that Steve wasn’t worth any effort anymore. He didn’t know why he always pushed away his parental figures but this was three people now that he managed to disappoint so it had to be an issue with him. All he could do was close his eyes and cry at the unfairness of it all.
Between visits from Eddie and Robin, Steve was alone. The kids were banned from seeing him due to what Hopper had coined ‘reckless endangerment’ and it wasn’t like he had anyone else interested in visiting him. So it was a surprise when a chastened Hopper entered his room. 
“Hey kid, how are you doing?” He asked him softly. 
Steve just stared at him. He wasn’t sure where he and Hop stood after he screamed at him just a few days prior. 
“Look Steve, I want to apologize. I uh, I didn’t have all of the information and I blamed you when it wasn’t your fault. I know now that you were there to protect the kids and you did a great job other than getting shot and getting another concussion. I’m sorry.”
“I meant Will. When I said you were worried about your kids. I meant Will and El. I know you don’t consider me your son, why would you? Literally no one wants to be my parent so I get it-”
“Steve, I do consider you my kid. I shouldn’t have said that and I only did out of anger. You didn’t deserve that and I’ll make it up to you. You’re going to move into the house with us until you get better,” he promised him. 
Steve just shook his head though, “don’t worry about it. Eddie is going to stay at my house until I can use my arm. You don’t have to worry about it.”
“Harrington, I don’t care if I have to kidnap your sorry ass. You’re staying with me, Joyce, and the kids until you’re better.”
“This is part of your apology, threats of kidnapping? What the fuck, Hop?” Steve exclaimed, absolutely perplexed. 
“Yeah, did it work?”
Steve huffed, “get me some orange Jello and I’ll consider it.”
They had a ways to go until they were back to where they were but they’d get there. Steve would forgive him in time and Hopper would forgive himself eventually too.
Permanent Tag List: @doubleb11 @nburkhardt @zerokrox-blog @newtstabber @i-less-than-three-you @carlyv @pyrohonk @straight4joekeery @trippypancakes @conversesweetheart @estrellami-1 @suddenlyinlove @yikes-a-bee @swimmingbirdrunningrock @perseus-notjackson @anaibis @merricatty @maya-custodios-dionach @grtwdsmwhr @manda-panda-monium @lumoschild @goodolefashionedloverboi @mentallyundone @awkwardgravity1 @anzelsilver @jestyzesty @gregre369 @mysticcrownshipper @disasterlia @lillys-weird-world @messrs-weasley @gay-stranger-things @pnk-lemonades @coolestjoy30 @strangerthingfanfic
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linddzz · 4 months
Whooooo! I found ya! Down to business:
Are there any fic recommendations for baggin/shield or pitch/frost that you like(d)?
I am absolutely feral
What are 3 of your most favorite fics that you’ve ever read?
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Ya found me! Let me say that the notifications of someone going through old fics and commenting are ambrosia. You are a treasure and a saint of a person!
And oh man I had to dive into my old bookmarks for these! I'm good at remembering snippets or vibes of fics but not the fics themselves. I will warn that a lot of my fave pitch/jack stuff tended to be pretty dark. It's not like, a thing I regret or say is wrong, and I still enjoy/love a lot of it! I was in a dark place mentally and that reflected in the stuff I was reading and creating. Who actually has a good time in their early to mid 20s?
Mostly warning because most of my stuff since then skirts the edges or flirts with the darkness but doesn't feel that need to go deep diving.
Second warning is there may be less here than you'd think! The more I write for a ship the less I read, because my brain gets very dumb and the self doubt gets Real Bad. This is all non-exhaustive of course! I wouldn't even say this is my Best of The Best it's just what's coming to mind at the moment. There's way more in the AO3 bookmarks
Pitch/Jack fics
In the Dark - series by @charmed7293 romancing the monster under the bed is maybe not always the best idea
The Syntax of Programming Languages, and, Why Some Code Talks in Accents - by Midievil. I'm biased here bc this was a gift fic inspired by my The Device Has Been Modified, but it done showed me up bc it was written by someone who knows more about actual coding than me
Shadows and Light - this series by @not-poignant is The Classic of the ship. Since you liked Things That Were you'd most definitely like this one. And unlike me, Pia actually finishes things!
I swear to God there were a lot of fics by @insufferablearchanist that I loved but they nuked their old AO3 and I can't ever remember shit.
Thorin/Bilbo fics
Prayers to Broken Stone - @avelera the beauty and the beast flavored au you didn't know you wanted
Comfort in the Sound - by northerntrash. Ok. Yes. It's Bilbo/Thorin/Bofur but like. Trust me on this. Road trip throuple shenanigans
Patchwork Robe - @hallsofstone2941 I am not immune to stupidly adorable modern college au one-shots
Possession - aljira. You liked Sanzigil, you'll like this :)
Marriage in the Manner of Dwarves - series by diemarysues
Other Fandom Faves (that come to mind. I've been reading fanfic since like 2002 ok there's a lot that has made impressions over the years that I just lost track of dkdjdk)
Taking Everyone For A Ride - by Nonymos. Venom/Eddy+Anne/Dan. typical Eldritch shenanigans plus polyamory. Unhinged and weird, just how I like em
The Only Way Out Is Down - @avelera Newt/Hermann. The second PR movie was so bad I wanna erase it from my memory but my god did it spawn some AMAZING fics, including this one that rewired my brain
After Zero - by what_alchemy Newt/Hermann. A bunch of delightful smut
The Wine Dark Sea - @moorishflower Dream/Hob. Siren! Dream au. Jesus Christ. Holy fuck. Goddamn. Gorgeous, monstrous, surreal, Unhinged4Unhinged behavior. Listen. I work with octopuses. I know what their arms feel like and that has ruined almost all tentacle shenanigans for me ok?? This fic got past that hangup.
If I Please You - @moorishflower Dream/Hob. It feels like a modern retelling of an old medieval fairy romance goddamn
And finally. This series. The series.
So. I very recently refound this series and I'm almost hesitant to post it. Because as I was reading it again I kept having to put it down and sit in horror at the realization that I read this fic when I was in college and it actually rewired my brain. I realized everything I have written was trying to recapture what this fic did to my synapses. I was chasing after vibes that I did not realize originated in this fic for me. Me sharing this risks everyone who reads it and has read my stuff also going "ooohhhh you're just doing this again huh?"
It is the very specific combination of "Character A: openly unhinged, obsessive, violently romantic and unnerving/Character B: seems so chill and just happily rolls with CharacterA being insane, because they are also secretly insane." It's the combo of a codependent bonkers relationship with humorous banality of their day-to-day.
It's also a Johnlock fic.
Anyway, The Paradox Series rewired my brain so deeply that I didn't even realize it rewired my brain until over a decade later. I swear I have been unaware of how much my writing has been leaning on what this did to my brain.
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winchestersickness · 7 months
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Sorry anon I somehow deleted your ask 😔 but here's the rec! I went through my ao3 history and picked these, I hope there's something you haven't read yet and that you will enjoy :))
Gift Horse, Mouth, etc.
Sam gets accidentally stuck with a curse that can only be lifted by acting on his deepest hidden fantasy. Dean thinks it's hilarious, and why won't Sammy just tell him what it is already? It can't be anything that weird. Right?
Please Tell Me Who I Am
A/B/O AU. As a beta, Sam shouldn’t even be attracted to his alpha brother (much less be yearning for Dean to finally take that last step into claiming him officially) but, a few compatibility issues aside, they’re happy with the pseudo-mateship they’ve got going on. At least, until a hunt-gone-wrong ends up with Sam being cursed into an omega. He and Dean race to find a way to reverse the spell before it’s too late…but now Sam’s not entirely sure if he even wants to be cured.
Post-Cage!Sam seen through the eyes of others.
(more under the cut)
In Loco Parentis
“Sam, are you,” Dean pauses, squeezing his eyes shut for a second because his brain just doesn’t want to catch up. “Are you jerking off and thinking about Dad?” (Sam is 15).
take the things you love
The thing is, Sam’s reinforcing every bad behavior Dean’s ever had with this kind of shit. Fucking Sam stupid over the hood of the Impala? Dean’s wet dream—unfortunately also Sam’s—but more importantly the implicit validation of every claim Dean thinks he has on Sam—unfortunately every claim Sam’s lizard brain wants Dean to have. (Sam knows his brother wants to possess him. It's a point of internal conflict.)
There's An Enochian Incantation
Dean finds a spell to create a weapon to banish leviathans. It involves an Enochian incantation. The last thing Sam's already-fragile mind needs is to hear words in the language of angels.
brother only wants
Sam breathes like it takes effort, and then he says, "Wanting you was the very first thing I realized was wrong with me. It was how I knew there was something sick inside." (One of them had to fall first. A story about devotion.)
Hands Away
When you’re horny and alone with one person in one room for a long time and you’re sixteen and all you’ve ever been taught is to love your brother more than anything, it doesn’t seem like that far of a leap to start imagining what his mouth would feel like around your dick.
Squint into the Sunset | Glare into the Gloaming
The 70k-word nonlinear coming of age story that literally no one asked for. "I know you want to give him the world, Dean, but you were never supposed to give him this."
Taking Advantage
Sam is doing everything Dean tells him to. It’s weird, and Dean wants to get to the bottom of it so he pushes Sam. Sam breaks.
I'd Gladly Lose Me To Find You
Sam takes a vow of silence in order to pull Dean out of Hell, but by the time Dean comes back, Sam's lost more of himself than just his voice. Splits off completely from canon after the season 3 finale.
One Going On Eternity And Counting
Some boundaries were never meant to be crossed ...
with hearts that are guilty, not remorseful
“I’ve wanted you since I knew what wanting was.” It’s a fact, as plain as the day. The sky is blue. Their mother was killed by a demon. They hunt monsters. Sam wants Dean. “I’ve loved you for longer, I think.” “God,” Dean’s voice is barely a whisper, raising a hand to grip his own hair by the roots and pulling. He looks absolutely wretched. “I fucked you up, didn’t I?”
When You're Not Here
The third time Sam Winchester comes to school with bruises, Mrs. Davidson decides it's time to intervene - before it's too late.
Sticky fingers, that’s what Dean always calls him.
Bullet for my Valentine
Stupid. He is so goddamn fucking stupid. Running his mouth like a fucking idiot, not knowing when to leave well enough alone. Bad enough that he just practically talked dirty to his little brother, which, Christ – he must be more stressed than he thought if his self-control mechanisms have started malfunctioning that badly. But no, no, he came up with a scenario straight out of a bad slasher film, as if that is something normal people talk dirty about, as if that is something Sam would seriously enjoy. As if – As if Dean hadn’t hunted his own brother through the maze of the bunker, eyes black and hammer raised to strike, not even a full year ago. As if Sam hadn’t, just a few weeks back, knelt at his feet, neck bared, waiting for Dean to deal a fatal blow with a fucking scythe.
I haven't been reading spn fics for long so idk if all these are well known already, but I loved all of these (a couple of them are platonic). hope you'll like them!
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green-eyedfirework · 6 days
Grant didn’t know what was happening.  He remembered collapsing while fighting against the Titans, his vision graying out as a wave of dizziness stole over him, some long-forgotten instinct crying out that something was horribly wrong, but everything after that had blurred into a miasma of colors and sounds and scents he couldn’t distinguish.
“Shh, omega,” a female voice soothed.  “Shh, we’re going to help you.”  Grant didn’t like the tone.  It sounded placating and condescending, and why the fuck were they referring to him by gender?  He was the goddamn Ravager.
Grant attempted to get up, pulsing the wavering strength in his body, but ended up shrieking and collapsing back down when a jolt of agony ripped through him.  “Enough, Subject 87,” someone snapped, a firm voice Grant knew all too well.  Dr. Marchand.  “Stop these hysterics.”
Fury rose up—hysterics?!—but before he could do anything with it, a gloved hand shoved between his head and the hard surface he was lying on, and pressed down.  It felt like the breath had been punched from him.
“Calm.  Down.”  The doctor’s voice was half a hiss.  “You’ve already destroyed your own body with your aggression, the least you can do is not send yourself into a cardiac arrest.  Christ, I knew bringing omegas into the trials was a bad idea.”
Grant, forced submission keeping him still, couldn’t do anything but make a thin whimper.  His body wasn’t listening to him.  His limbs were limp and restrained, there was something digging into his arm, and the bright white light above his face was making him dizzy.
“It’s okay, Dr. Marchand—after all, we did agree that an alpha’s genetics wouldn’t have been altered quite as much by the serum,” the female voice chirped, offensively cheery.  “And a beta wouldn’t be able to pass on the traits.  The experiment isn’t a total failure!”
“Yes,” Dr. Marchand said coldly, and ice slipped down Grant’s spine.  “Thank God for that.”  The hand pinching his scent glands disappeared, and Grant thought he saw a face in his half-blind vision.  “You’re almost more trouble than you’re worth, Subject 87,” the doctor sneered.  “But maybe the hole between your legs will be of more use.”
The what?  An alarm started blaring in the back of his head, but before Grant could do anything, the haze was crawling back and the darkness took control.
Grant panted through the gag, suppressing the keening call for pack.  He wanted Mom.  He wanted Joey.  Fuck, he’d even take Dad, that was how desperate he was, he wanted his pack, he needed his pack, he needed someone.
He’d never felt so alone.
A waft of cold air brushed over him as the fans cycled on, and Grant couldn’t bite back the thin whine as chills rose across his skin.  He was lying stomach-down on hard leather, arms and legs firmly strapped in place, with so many drugs pumped through the IV that he could barely keep his eyes open.  The bench forced him into an arch, his knees spread wide, and every brush of air reminded him that he was utterly naked.
It was degrading.  Grant felt like he was in a bad movie set a hundred years ago—breeding benches weren’t real, they sure as fuck didn’t exist in the US, he’d grown up with the reality of always being prepared for alphas with bad intentions, but being drugged and subjected to human experimentation and breeding had not crossed his list of concerns.
No one knew where he was.  Anyone who knew where he was certainly didn’t care.  He hadn’t spoken to Mom in ages, Dad in years, and he’d blown up at Joey the last time he called.  No one was even looking for him.
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wolfiemcwolferson · 9 months
Their flight is delayed again - Maxiel please. For prompts!
Danni, sorry to make you wait so long for this. I have a very specific brain rot happening right now.
Daniel taps his phone on his thigh twice. Thinks.
Max’s jet is in New York right now he thinks. It’s about 50/50 if this works. Max could pull his phone out and call it up and get it rerouted and then Daniel would be forced to fess up. Tell Max he’s the one that changed their flight to tomorrow afternoon.
But Max looks over at him, smiling at him like he has every goddamn time he’s ever looked at him - like he’s the fucking sun.
“Hey,” Daniel whispers as Max plants himself beside Daniel on the couch in this ridiculous suite. They need to be on that plane tonight. No turnaround. Daniel thinks it was purposeful. No time to get stupid in Vegas.
“Daniel,” Max says, burying his face into Daniel’s shoulder. “Why are you not packed? I think we paid enough for this suite, they will come and -“
“Flights delayed.” Daniel says in a rush. “Til tomorrow. Bad luck, Maxy.”
Max blinks. “Our flight was delayed this morning.”
He’s caught.
“Daniel,” Max says, slow and purposeful. “Why do you want to stay in Vegas? Is it your hand? Does Liam need to -“
“Christ,” Daniel huffs, “hands fine. I wouldn’t have been able to -“ and then he makes a jerk off motion because he’s an idiot who can’t even say it, so what makes him think he can ask Max to -
Max narrows his eyes.
“I was thinking maybe we could go see Elvis.” Daniel tries to laugh, but it comes out wrong so he swallows and tries again. “Tomorrow morning.”
Still not even a question. Still not even anything.
Max is looking at him funny. Sideways. Like he doesn’t understand him. He had only looked at Daniel like this one other time. That night Danny said he was leaving the team and the memory makes his throat go tight.
“Be clear with me, Daniel.” Max says. “What do you want to do tomorrow?”
Daniel takes a deep breath. He can say this. If only to keep Max from looking at him like that.
“Marry me, Maximus.”
Max sucks his lower lips between his teeth - something he hasn’t done in a long time. “You did not have to lie about the flight, Daniel. You could have just said that and I would have said yes, of -“
Danny tackles him down against the couch to kiss him hard, laughing when Max shoves at him. “Lying to me, not a very good way to start a marriage -“
Danny has to show him exactly how well his hand has healed to get him to stop talking.
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Australian GP 2024!
Mads' Race Recap!
Oh my jesus lord christ alive this was a goddamn good day. OK, I'll try to remain calm, but that is VERY difficult under the circumstances of my 3 best boys getting the podiums. But, I shall do this in order of constructors. Also, thanks to @lipringlrh for edging me through the entire bloody race cause she knew what happened, I swore I was going to be sick.
Red Bull - Nice qualis from Max, and I can't say I wasn't happy with Checo's three place penalty, just because I definitely think it helped the main race. Everything was all honky dory, then Carlos overtook and I was just like 'OK Carlitos, sure'. Then Max was slowing down... Then Lando and Charles passed, and the everyone else. The brakes were smoking, I was screaming out of pure joy. Now, don't take this the wrong way, I love Max. BUT, this provided my boys some very good opportunities. I reckon if Checo hadn't gotten the penalty, he could've tried to pip in front, but I won't dwell on what didn't happen.
Ferrari - WE GOT A FUCKING FERRARI 1-2 BABYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!! HOLY FUCKING SHIT WHEN I TELL YOU I LOST MY GODDAMN MIND IT IS UNPARALLELED! Anyway, I'll be constructive, for a moment, at least. Charles and Carlos had some mental quali pace, so how they didn't get pole is a little crazy to me. Alas, none of that matters now. The second I saw Max go, I was like 'oh fuck we've got it'. Carlos DOTD and race winner, barely 2 weeks after having his appendix out and he doesn't have a seat?! Absolutely diabolical. It was sweet how he went back to singing Smooth Operator, I was waiting for it. When I heard the commentators saying that they may swap the positions so that Charles could lead the WDC, I was shitting it. Yes, I wanted Charles to win, but I didn't want it to be because of something stupid like team orders. Charles can win without needing it handing to him, and it would've been so damn disrespectful to Carlos. Every year that a team has finished 1-2 in Melbourne, they've gone on to win both championships... It's our year, I'm telling you.
So happy to see them back at the top, both of them did incredibly, Charles was pulling pace out of God knows where for that fastest lap. And the strategy was good???? Like, bringing Charles in when he said he needed to? Listening??? Nice stuff. Hearing the Spanish and Italian anthems was absolutely amazing. Also, I feel like this really highlights how special Ferrari is. The team were screaming that Italian anthem like there was nothing more important to them, and they were all hugging and having a whale of a time. It was just so fucking nice to see Charlandos up there, so fucking good. So so so so so happy, Forza Ferrari. Everyone is a Ferrari fan.
McLaren - OK, so, quali wise, Lando kinda came out of nowhere. I feel like Oscar was just... There? We were racing, it was the 'rarri 1-2 with Oscar in P3 at his home race, it was lovely stuff. Then they swapped the positions. Can someone please tell me why they swapped the positions? Pretty sure it was something to do with either less pace or more recent pitting or something, but I'm not 100% sure. As much as I love Lando, I wanted him to stay down in P3 just for that Ferrari 1-2. I needed it. The last few laps, I was looking at the delta between Charles and Lando, and I was relieved to see that it wasn't changing. Super happy for Lando, Oscar did loads better at his home race, nice one for all.
Mercedes - What the hell is going on here? Like, Lewis' qualis weren't good, George's were fine, nothing bad but nothing spectacular. Now the race was something else. I can't really blame Lewis for his problem, since it was a mechanical issue obviously as opposed to driver error. From what I saw of George, he didn't even do anything that bad. One minute he was fine, the next he was turned on his side. I may not want Merc to get points, but I don't want a crash to be the reason why. He's OK, so that's all that really matters. But, as for the car in general, there's something wrong with it. It's not just a one week thing where it's a bit off, this has been consistent. Yes, George had a nice P3 in qualis the other week, but the pace just wasn't there at all in the race. I just don't know what's going on with them at the minute, and the fact that they're so behind the Ferraris and McLarens is concerning.
Aston Martin - Pretty mediocre all together, I've seen varied opinions on Fernando's 20 second pen. Some said he was kinda to blame for George's crash, from what I saw, he was just avoiding George after the fact. I don't really know, so I won't comment until I watch another replay. But yeah, nothing too special, but they do need to up their game.
VCARB/RB/REDBULLSHITTYEDITION - Yuki Tsunoda. Well bloody done babe. Got extra points thanks to the Fernando penalty, even if I didn't really see him during the race like... at all. But, he must've done a pretty damn good job to end up all the way in eighth before the end of the race. Now, Daniel. What is this man doing? 12th is not bad, but when your teammate with less experience in the same car is doing that much better than you in your home race, you know something's up. I love Danny Ric, but Carlos is more likely to get that Red Bull seat than he is at this rate. Slightly disappointed, I won't lie.
Haas - Both drivers getting points? OK, OK. I actually think Kevin could've gotten higher in qualis if Checo hadn't impeded, but I'm glad Checo was put down on the grid. Overall though, nice drive from both, nice to see them get points.
Williams - Right, realistically, what harm would it have done to let Logan drive? It wasn't his fault, Alex has fucked it at that circuit so many times at the same place, and Alex didn't even get points. It wasn't fair, and he took it like an absolute champ. #justiceforlogiebear #cancelwilliams
Kick Sauber - These guys need to fix their pitstops I swear to God. How many times are they going to get that wheel nut stuck on? They did 1 good one for Valtteri, but they screwed up all the others. Zhou's pitlane start was unfortunate after it looked like his front wing just... fell off. Someone said the car reminds them of a wheelie bin, I completely agree and can't see it any differently.
Alpine - Pierre 's fault for getting the 5 second penalty, but other than that, they were shit as usual. Pierre was running pretty high for a little while, then just kind of... fell back. I can't help but laugh at them, I know it's mean, I just find it so bloody comical. I think FC Versailles is just a distraction, but he has just invested in a Tier 3 league, unheard of French football team... Nice one, I guess.
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