#i actually got the hat right first try im pretty proud of that
petrichormeraki · 1 year
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this was supposed to be a warm up doodle and i got carried away...anyway these are my tubbo designs
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versadies · 3 years
Hello! Can i request a prompt “a flower that is used to represent friendship and express well-wishes to someone.” : when you became friends with the other with Scaramouche?
the vigilante and the harbinger (drabble)
penpal: sorry for the long wait! this prompt is honestly one of my favorites :>>
prompt: seven || fluff, when you became friends with the other.
pairing/s: scaramouche x gn!reader
sypnosis: out of all the things you expected when trying to escape from snezhnaya, you certainly didn't expect to end up being stuck with a harbinger.
note: scaramouche being a support is NOT CANON. there are no news of his role nor any news of him being playable at the moment so im only making him a support here for plot purposes.
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"let's have a truce." scaramouche declares, causing you to look at him with your eyes widening. did you hear that right?
first; you got yourself stuck in a cave with your sworn enemy and now he's saying something that you never thought would happen in a lifetime? you wouldn't be surprised if this was all just a weird dream.
"...did the snow hit your head that badly?" you asked with a frown.
he rolled his eyes. "no you idiot," he adjusts his hat for a moment before leaning against the cold wall behind him. "i'm saying that you and i should help each other out while finding our way outta here."
"...why? can't you just call your minions over here and help us out?"
"if that were the case, i would've been out of here immediately."
"oh so you were trying to escape without me."
scaramouche furrowed his eyebrows, now irritated with your retorts. "that was the plan back then before i realized how doomed we are in this stupid cave. my subordinates who followed me went back to the palace and knew that i'm stuck here."
you hum in response, looking around your surroundings in boredom. "guess the fatui isn't loyal for you harbingers."
"i'm pretty sure it's just me. i'm an unlikeable person after all." he says with a proud look plastered on his face.
all of you harbingers are unlikeable, you thought to yourself.
"and you're proud of that?" you asked.
"well, people have to take me seriously. those idiots have no idea who they're dealing with sometimes." scaramouche says with a sigh. "why did you try to escape from snezhnaya anyway? other than you being a vigilante of course."
you couldn't help but feel taken back by surprise from how calm the man is unlike before. is he slowly going insane?
this has to be another trick from him.
"why do you want to have a truce with me, anyway?" you questioned, changing the topic.
scaramouche scoffs. "you still don't realize how much you and i need each other?"
"NOT LIKE THAT!" he yelled. "don't you realize how your vision and mine are compatible?" he then points your pyro vision. "your pyro vision can be our source of heat while my healing can help our injuries."
"i think it's just you who has an inj- OW!" you yelp in pain when scaramouche suddenly slaps your arm. "hey what was that for?!" you exclaimed.
"when will you actually stop saying it's just me? look at your arm, it's bleeding." he points out.
you look down at your arm, now realizing that scaramouche wasn't joking. how did you not notice it before?
before you could do anything to stop the bleeding, he stops you. "i think it's better if i'm the-"
"i didn't accept the truce yet." you clarified, putting your arm away from his grasp. "besides, why should i trust you?"
"i don't trust you either, but you'll need your arm to be healed. how can you fight us with that huh?" he replied.
you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. "you're still going to fight me-"
"this truce is only temporary," scaramouche interrupts. "the truce will end when you and i are out of here. until then, we can put our... disagreements aside for now and not try to kill each other."
he reaches his hand out to you. "do you accept?"
you hesitated for a moment. what if this was just an opportunity for him to kill you the moment you put your guard down?
screw it, it won't hurt to accept. you can just kill him when he tries to kill you back.
"i'll accept, under one condition;" he raised an eyebrow at your proposal, cueing you to continue.
"don't take me back to the palace the moment you and i get out of here."
"as i suspected," scaramouche hums before nodding in approval. "alright then, it's a deal."
the both of you then shook hands, not knowing the future that awaits for the both of you.
"now go start the fire with your vision while i heal you." he demanded, causing you to roll your eyes at his sudden change of mood.
"go freeze to death." you mumbled.
he glares at you before you raise your arms up in surrender. "issa joke, buddy." you clarified with a small smile.
"don't call me buddy, idiot."
"only if you stop calling me an idiot, buddy."
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oikawaplssteponme · 3 years
Kyotani Kentaro Headcanons
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pairing: Kyotani Kentaro x reader
warnings: none (besides my simp commentary oops)
word count: 1,102 words
genre: fluff, hc style
synopsis: includes my personal hc’s on kyotani’s confession to you, your first date, relationship, the first “I love you”, and just some extra thoughts :))
a/n: hii im back after a much needed mini break💕i never write hc’s so this was actually really fun :)) let me just say that we don’t show him enough love and that needs to change 💕
•i am a firm believer that when he confessed to you he didn’t tell you face to face
•he instead wrote you just a plain sticky note and taped it to either your locker or a belonging of yours
•you instantly knew it was from him by his unique handwriting
•the sticky note probably read “will you go out with me? please.”
•please im so soft for him
•of course you would say yes and went to go find him immediately
•when he realized that you were looking for him, he’d totally freeze in his spot
•he was SO incredibly nervous to give you the little note because he hates being vulnerable
•so when you said yes, he could finally breath again
•he has an adorable smile when he is comfortable enough to show it and no i will not be taking criticism
First Date
•two words
•botanical gardens
•he would take you to go look a pretty flowers and butterflies while the day turns to night
•also since he hasn’t been in too many dates in his life, he over dressed (but in the best way possible)
•Kyotani would take note and try to remember any names of the flowers that you mentioned were pretty
•also when you got to the area where the butterflies were, he got so nervous
•the butterflies soon befriended him and began to land on his head
•he chuckled softly as he stayed almost completely still as to not scare them away
•(you took a picture of him with all the butterflies on him and set it as your wallpaper)
•you would tell him he looked cute and he just would not know how to respond
•his face would get all pink and flustered by your simple words
•you two didn’t do much talking in the beginning, more so you matched each other’s energy
•please he would be so hesitant to take your hand but you’d notice right away and grab his
•his hands were meant to be held PLEASE
•after the gardens he would take you to maybe grab a snack before dropping you off
•he ALWAYS opens the door for you and walks you to your doorstep
•once he is comfortable enough, he never wants to leave your side
•i personally think that his love language is quality time or physical touch
•he could be curled up on a couch with you and be happy for the entire night
•also because he remembers your first date a lot, he tries to get you flowers whenever he can
•okay this next one is probably my favorite hc
•when he is driving and he spots a field of flowers
•he will pull over to the side of the road to pick you a fresh bouquet
•okay so obviously he dyes his hair
•you always help him make sure that the lines of brown are exactly where he wants them
•kyotani will stand in between your legs as you sit on the bathroom counter painting his hair
•he once let you do a fun design on his hair too
•like i mentioned i think his love language is physical touch so i think he really enjoys head massages
•he isn’t super big on PDA but he will hold your hand in public
•when it’s just the two of you, he likes to rest his head on your lap
•he likes feeling close to you
•he absolutely ADORES you and would honestly be so lost without you
•you bring the best out of him, loving all his rough patches that he dislikes
The first “I love you”
•he knew he loved you far before he even told you
•he knew he wanted to tell you, he just didn’t know how
•he wasn’t sure if he should go the casual route or make a grand gesture
•he planned on doing the grand gesture
•he ended up just blurting it out
•you were at one of his volleyball matches
•front row of course
•he would glance over to you every few seconds to make sure you were enjoying yourself
•you would shout his name, cheer him on
•his teammates thought it was cute
•it was a pretty important match and it was game point
•kyotani was up to serve
•a perfect ace
•you were absolutely over the moon
•you rushed onto the court, not even thinking twice
•kyotani embraced you in a tight hug as the crowd continued to roar
•you whispered how proud you were of him
•he whispered that he loved you
•he looked at you with widened eyes, fearing that he shouldn’t have said that
•the kiss you gave him reassured him that you felt the same
•he says I love you a lot now
•he just can’t believe that someone as wonderful as you would love him too
•you always say it back as well
•also he never says “love you”
•it’s ALWAYS “I love you Y/N”
Extra HC’s
•i'm not sure why but i have a feeling he is lowkey a gamer??
•like not kenma level but enough to be pretty good
•he likes to game while you sit next to him, either just head on his chest or you’re doing your own thing
•he lets you paint his nails (usually just black though or a dark blue)
•you two have a lot of matching hats
•he wears a beanie all winter to keep his head warm
•he once asked you if you liked the idea of him wearing rings and you stopped functioning
•he now wears some nice rings hehe
•kyotani bought the two of you mini cacti
•his has a little yellow flower on top of it
•he isn’t one to use a lot of pet names but when he does it’s usually a “honey” or “sweetheart”
•he enjoys going on different date adventures so you’ve never gone on the same date twice (unless you really want to)
•he has a really deep singing voice and ONLY lets you hear it
•also besides volleyball, in the summer time he is part of a baseball league
•he grew out of the whole “being angry all the time” thing in high school, now he is just a little more reserved
•he’s protective of you but not to the point where it’s annoying
•he just wants to make sure you are safe and happy at all times :))
in conclusion show my mans more love😌💕 hope you enjoyed, reblogs are greatly appreciated :))
[general taglist (form in masterlist) : @lealofsblog @iwaisa @bakugousmymassa @evivn1 @tetsoleil @bokutory @vangoghmusings @moonlightaangel @complimentaryhugsgirl @marajillana @sopesmin @alaina-rose13 @shotoful ]
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7fckingidiots · 4 years
Would you be alright with writing some HCs about the brothers and a MC who's a trans guy? Sorry if it's a tall order or too vague, they're a big comfort for me and I'd like to see what ideas you have bcs your headcanons are fantastic ;w;
HELL YEAH DUDE!!!! IM ALSO TRANS!!! AH!!!!! demigirl rights :3 but i also find a huge comfort in the boys and i hc all of them as trans because no one can Stop Me •• but i really hope you enjoy these and remember you’re valid and i care u so much! Also i hope you don’t mind but i kinda made it gender neutral so every trans folk could enjoy!
The Brothers With A Trans MC
He didn’t know until you came out to him honestly. He knew all his other siblings were trans but with all the work Diavolo gave him and adding new students from different realms on top of that he hadn’t really had time to notice any minor changes in you.
He feels guilty about this and immediately makes sure(like everyone else)to ask for your pronouns, name, and how you would like to present yourself from now on.
Fixes your ID cards and your papers with Diavolo right after dinner
God. He’s such a dad and he gets you things that have your new name on them. You wake up to see you have a new pencil case with your name embroidered on it with matching pencils. God.....he’s so weird i love him so much
Asmo does most of your clothing shopping but for formal wear he takes you shopping! He’s not about to buy you some cheap tux or gown ok it’s gonna be over 2000 grim and he’s gonna get you three of them STOP HIM
He’s not the best with verbal affection so he writes down notes that are like “you looked very handsome/pretty today.” or when he first starts writing them they’re like “you’re a boy/girl/kid. i’m proud of you.” Thank u mr morningstar
You want surgery or to start hormones??? He will stop all his work with Diavolo and spend forever looking up things for you, he wants you to be as safe as possible(pls he almost fainted after he realized you’d have to give yourself a shot like everyday dhdhdhjdhd hc that demons/angels don’t have to do hormone therapy i’m so JEALOUS)
Practices saying your pronouns in his study when you first come out. He just wants to make sure you feel as safe as possible in his care(and he remembers how terrible it felt to be misgendered)
Guess what....he loves you no matter what :)
You’re blind as hell if you couldn’t see his top scars but I respect it
King DOES slip up on your pronoun change but always immediately corrects himself. Satan has a spray bottle that he sprays Mammon with when he does it. Mammon is NOT amused but the same can’t be said for Belphie.
Gender affirming activities??? Oh yeah like robbing a bank?? That’s pretty gender neutral and trans right?? Yeah!!! Wow such a good supportive brother.
If you want you can wear the formal wear Lucifer bought you to the said bank heist. Boom trans rights
You can practice painting his nails or doing his makeup if you’re too nervous to do it on yourself first!! Dw if it’s bad he also can’t do makeup or paint nails so once you let him return the favor you’re both laughing and Asmo is distraught.
KING at dying hair he will get you whatever you need and if you want an entire different hair cut entirely he’s ON it
Very used to being Loud and Brash but if you need someone to talk to about anything really he always calms down and sits down to listen to whatever you have to say.
Lots of gendered gifts from him. This said for men??? Oh ok adds to cart. Oh pink??? For ladies??? yeah that can go in there too
You’re never gonna believe this.....But he loves you and supports you :)
He was the first one to come out to you at the house!! He was just so excited! Same hat!!!
Gets literally any video game where you can design the protag/have custom pronouns and will play games like that with you for hours
Would you like a pride flag.....for u.....He has too many.....Please take the trans flag please he has no room....he bought in bulk for a pride event and didn’t consider the consequences of his actions
Miku binder but irl. He will get if for you but unironically.....thanks King. He just likes binders with patterns and i respect IT
Dysphoria?? He gives you his hoodie bc that was his trademark dysphoria hoodie and i GUESS for you he can share............he would give u anything just ask nicely he’s sensitive
Reads any character that matches up with your gender and is like!!!!! That’s you!!!! OMG!!!! You in da IRL
Goes back and edits his tweets if they use your old name or pronouns(also has he/they in his bio. this is for nothing just makes me :D)
If you haven’t chosen your name he’s gonna suggest so many fictional characters. POV levi kin assigns you.
You listen to music together that just has Trans Vibes.....maybe u cry together but there’s no judgment!! It’s just nice :)
God it’s wild but! He loves u and thinks ur great :)
Enby Satan. That’s all :)
He’s very quite about it, he supports you! He’s just not loud like his brothers
He brings you book about gender studies and LGBTQ history that he thinks would interest you(there some of his favorite books and they’ve made him feel the most comfortable in his gender)
Gives you a name list if you haven’t named yourself yet! He cares about you and wants to make sure you have the right name that suits you
He’s the one that tells you that it’s ok if you’re still figuring it all out, learning about yourself is a very tricky process and if anyone knows that it’s Satan
Any of the brothers would kill anyone who misgendered you but with Satan that shit is ON SIGHT
Asks you how you know and what were the signs that gave it away to you, but only if you’re comfortable telling him!! He just finds everyone’s experience interesting and would like to know yours as well.
Spells for fucking DAYS Satan personally kills body dysphoria the best he can(mainly bc he’s HIGHKEY afraid of you getting surgery he hates knives so much)
Makes your comfort food for you when you’re feeling down about yourself and will read whatever you want to hear outloud to you.
!!!!!! GET THIS !!!!!! He loves YOU :0
Fucking excited!!!! This means you two are going to buy so much clothing together and he gets to style you let’s GO
Buys you whatever you want but he will make you try it all on so be CAREFUL what u wish for.....ur gonna be there till the store closes yeah......
Paints your nails with the trans pride flag!! Also does your makeup and gives you tips on how to look more masculine or fem!!
He will help you lower or raise the pitch of your voice if it KILLS him. It eventually becomes like a mini class after school
Helps with internalized transphobia! Hes dealt with his fair share and knows how awful it can be and he will NOT being having you experience that as well we r practicing Self Care now
Picks apart any one who misgenders you until they’re crying he has NO fucking time for that behavior in this HOUSE
Sometimes self care is eating whatever you want and sitting in the dysphoria hoodies while watching chick flicks with Asmo
He likes dressing you up but he’s always sure to set boundaries so he never puts you into something that makes you feel uncomfortable
ALSO edits his posts and takes down anything that makes you uncomfortable!!
He loves you so much!!!!
another one to hand you The Dysphoria Hoodie and it’s very large and comfy!
he’ll help you make out a work out routine that will help you get the body you want and it makes him really happy to work out with you :)
he’s gonna hold your hand if you have to take shots and will give you puppy eyes if you don’t let him. He’s just worried!!!! He wants to help
stands behind you whenever you’re nervous about coming out to someone, he will NOT have someone making you feel bad or misgendering you
he’ll see food with trans pride colors and gives it too you, probably doesn’t even know what it is half the time but it made him think of you so he makes sure to get it for you
he doesn’t trip up on any of your new pronouns or name and makes it seem like he never even knew them. dead name???? what’s that??? a type of sauce?????
will let you vent to him whenever needed and will always make you a sundae after you’ve finished. it’s comically huge but it’s tasty and does make you feel a lot better, thanks beel
makes sure you remember to take off your binder if you’ve been wearing it for more than eight hours! and if you’ve been wearing heels to feel more fem he reminds you to take those off too and has a pair of slippers for you in his room that you can wear instead
hey! get this! He loves you so, so much :D
you’re trans? ok kid join the club. he doesn’t make a big deal at all
are you still gonna cuddle with him and join him in his quest to make lucifer’s life difficult? yeah? ok then cool what’s ur name 
if he hears someone misgender you he waits till you’ve left the room and just kills whoever did it, dude’s unhinged what did you expect from him honestly
he’s actually really curious about any hormone therapy you’re on and likes listening to you rant about it to him. he likes seeing your face light up and it partly reminds him of lilith
calls your hormones something stupid like “oh dude, your gamer girl juice arrived.” or “hey your little man potion is here.” ...thanks belphie
will NOT let you sleep in a binder or push up bra!!! not healthy!! let ur chest breath guys 
like mammon, he gets you gendered gifts but they’re so fucking weird? you didn’t need a girls version of a collectable hot wheels set???? he got you blue lightning mcqueen sheets?????? those EXIST here????!!!!! when does he even shop......
introduces you to new people like “this is our resident boy/girl/human. they don’t do much but i think they’re cool.”
he really does care about you but he remembers when he came out he just didnt want people to make a big deal about it so he’s just doing what would have made him feel the most comfortable, but you can still see how much love he has for you when you look into his eyes
he loves you, so, so much :)
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kolsmikaelson · 3 years
injuries- anders lee
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a/n- not proofread, gif not mine!
warnings- a little bit of insinuating sexual things but no actual smut ,other than that nothing i dont think!
add yourself to my taglist
word count-1.2k+
you were sitting at your shared home with anders watching the game when you saw the hit. you thought he’d get back up, but he didn't, he stayed down. when they showed his face, you could tell it wasnt good. you tried not to worry about your husband, but with no messages from him, and no responses to your calls or texts it was much harder. you decided to just continue watching the game while trying not to focus on anders being hurt. though it did not help that the announcers continued to bring up the hit.
with a islanders win, 5-3, you were happy. you may have been happy about the win, but you didn’t forget that anders had gotten hurt. for the rest of the game, he didn’t come out of the dressing room and you got no messages from him. with the game being over, you had nothing to distract yourself from the worry. so you decided to put on your favorite show,f/s, to try and keep your mind off of it.
about an hour and a half later, anders enters the house to see you half asleep on the couch. when he sees you laying there, he knew that you tried to stay up and wait on him, which was correct, you did, you just couldn’t make it.
anders makes his way towards you quietly. he lies down next to you on the couch, you cuddle into him subconsciously, he smiles down at you and presses a kiss to your head. although he tried not to wake you, your eyes flutter open. when you realize anders is home you immediately start spewing out questions.
‘woah woah woah, calm down darling.’ he laughs out. you stare at him in confusion. ‘how is he laughing right now,’ you think. ‘but you got hurt? are you okay? is your leg okay? how long are you gonna be out?’ he laughs at your worrying, ‘i’m okay baby, my leg is gonna be fine, i’m not sure how long im gonna be out yet.’ he mumbles the last part.
you can tell he’s upset, who wouldn’t be? he stays silent for a moment before speaking again, ‘the doctor gave me some meds i have to take every few hours, says how long on the bottle,’ he points to the table that he sat them on before lying down. ‘okay love, i’ll make sure you get them when you need them yeah?’ he nods, and pushes his face into your neck. you let him rest for a while, as you set an alarm to remind yourself to get anders his medicine.
four hours later an alarm wakes you up, but anders sleeps right through it. you hate having to wake him because he’s sleeping so well but you know if you don’t , both you and anders would regret him not taking his pain meds in the morning.
‘hey baby,’ you whisper while nudging him a bit. ‘you gotta wake up for a few, need you to take your pills okay?’ he opens his eyes and takes a moment before nodding. you grab his water and hand him that and his medicine. he takes them from you and takes it, then he sets the water down. afterwards he pulls you back into his side. you press a few sweet kisses to his chest and start moving down his torso some. you know that since he’s hurt nothing isn’t gonna happen, but theres no harm in having a little fun.
you press kisses back up his chest until you reach his face. he flips you over, the best he can without hurting you or himself more, and pushed your shirt up so he could return the favor. he kissed up and down your chest for multiple minutes, leaving hickey after hickey knowing that only he would be able to see them. after all, you did the same to him. it made you both feel better, knowing that the other person was theirs. you spend the rest of the night wrapped up in your husband’s attention, and the same for him.
the next morning, you wake up with a bit of a limp, and you just knew anders was gonna say something if he were to see it. so you decide to go make him some breakfast and grab his medicine. when you walk back into the room, you set the food down and sit on the bed next to anders and wake him up gently.
when his eyes flutter open, he smiles at the sight of you in nothing but one of his shirts. he sits up and takes the medicine, then pulls you impossibly close to him. he absolutely loves the feeling of skin to skin contact when its with you. you both do.
you look up at anders and ask, ‘do i need to grab an ice pack for your leg?’ he shakes his head, ‘i think i’m okay for now, thank you baby.’
you spend the next weeks taking care of anders, helping in anyway possible. soon enough, anders was feeling better than ever, and he was cleared to go back to practice.his chances of playing the next game, well they were a bit iffy still.
for another week you spent all your time with anders until he was cleared to go back to play the next game. when he came home from practice, you could tell he he had good news. he walked into the house with a huge grin on his face, ‘hey babe, where are you?’ he yells into the house. ‘in the kitchen lovely’ you answer back. he walks into the kitchen and sees you cooking something on the stove. he comes up to you and wraps his arms around your waist, he presses a few kisses to your neck. ‘hi pretty, i have some news,’ he smiles. ‘oh yeah? whats up babe?’ you ask. ‘they cleared me for the next game, i can play again !’ he exclaims excitedly. you spin around happily and jump into his arms. ‘oh my god that’s amazing babe’ you exclaim.
you’re sitting in the crowd at anders’ first game back from his injury. to say you were excited was an understatement, you could not wait to see your husband back on the ice, especially in person. early into the first period, anders scores his first goal of the game. with only minutes left in the game, anders scores his third goal of the game, he got a hat trick. you decided to shoot him a quick text, knowing that he won't see it for a while, but you sent a quick ‘that last goal was pretty sexy babe’ you see him point your way with the biggest smile on his face you’ve ever seen. you smile even wider at him and mouth ‘good job’ in hopes that he could understand what you said.
a few hours later you were settled in bed with anders cuddled into his naked chest. he rubs circles on your back under your shirt while you sit watching reruns of your favorite show,f/s. ‘anders, you did so well tonight im so proud of you, i know how hard these past few weeks have been but you came back better than ever.’ this puts a smile on his face, ‘baby..thank you so much, i don’t know if i could have gotten through it without you.’ the rest of the night is full of you and anders sharing kisses under the sheets of your bed.
taglist- @2manytabsopen @joshsandersons @jamiedrysdales @butterflybarzy
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom season 2, ep 12-16 thoughts! these episodes, in comparison to the first 10 or so, felt way more laid back and low-stakes, which I appreciate sometimes. I didn't appreciate how lazy jack's halfa design was in masters of time, it made me so annoyed I redesigned it. 👎🏻 u_u
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-'picking a fight with me and my upgraded form!' 'you upgraded to a mullet?' DANNNNY. YOU CANT SAY THAT TO TECHNUS. YOUVE HAD A MULLET TWICE NOW ('fun' split danny, and evil future danny BOTH HAD THEM). I HAVE THE RECEIPTS.
-danny seeing technus hurting valerie and yelling I AM GOING TO BREAK YOU IN HALF. SAMEEEE <3
-axion labs is now a part of vladco. FUCK YOU VLAD. hes not even really IN this episode, but just thought I'd throw out a nice fuck you anyway.
-'capable of blasting a single person into space in (2) minutes!' tucker. that would kill someone. i mean yeah they might get to space, but theres NO WAY THEY WOULDNT CATCH FIRE, OR THEIR ORGANS WOULDNT LIQUIFY BECAUSE OF THE STRAIN. THEY'D PROBABLY PASS OUT BEFORE THEN, BUT. ...no, okay, I get why vlad bought this company. this is RIGHT up his alley.
-danny KNOWS VAL DIDNT DO THIS, THAT SOMEONE STOLE THE SUIT. AND SPENDING ALL NIGHT CHATTING WITH HER. <3 and val is a 9TH DEGREE BLACKBELT?? danny's mom is, too!! omg and she hunts ghosts, his parents would love her. and her fav fruit is kumquat bc its a funny word. im so with danny val is amazing. I love her and I Do Not Want To Hear It From Sam.
-I knew danny wanted to be an astronaut, but the bowling tidbit is like. yes give me more useless info abt these characters, I love tiny details that make them feel more human, and im glad hes got hobbies aside from ghost stuff, we dont really see a lot of that!!! (I mean, we knew 'fun' danny from when he split himself in half liked bowling, so obv it makes sense he LIKES it, but hes very GOOD at it. so proud of him, bowling king) val calling him neil armstrong and them teasing each other. LOVE THAT.
-technus you are my favorite grandpa for setting this up. SAM WHY ARE YOU BEING SO CREEPY BE HAPPY FOR YOUR FRIEND!!! STOP SPYING ON THEM!!! who actually cares if technus did 'set them up' together, theyre having fun and enjoy each others company!!! 'you think the universe wants you two to be together?' 'i dunno, but maybe /I/ do!' EXACTLY DANNY!!! SOO TRUE.
-and valerie being happy sam said she wants to try and be happy for them and make room at the lunch table for them. and hugging sam over it. VAL NEEDS MORE FRIENDS.
-dannys like 'HEY IM AN ASTRONAUT :D' AW. ...HES IN SPACE... the fact he's actually intending to give her the ring. with SAMS NAME ON IT?? IM CRINGING DANNY NO. YOU CANT DO THAT...thank god he didnt. thank god valerie cut it off and said they can just stay friends for now. tbh, they both have a lot on their plates!! they obv both still like each other...it can be a future thing!! when she knows about phantom! youre 14 theres no need to rush. I just want her to have friends and be happy :(
-...danny struggles to do (1) pull up. SAME. but all the ghost fighting in phantom form REALLY doesnt carry over at ALL? that sucks
-sam being as fit as she is, is not just a goth. shes a goth jock.
-honey I Shrank Our Kid, One of his Enemies, and his Bully: the episode
-dash's crush on phantom is So Obvious. fitness buddies :) watching them interact always makes me laugh. also, phantom, with PANTS. 'how many costume changes you gonna go through, what is this, vegas??' DASSH DJKSFHASKDF
-danny likes lime and vinegar chips. which sound very good.
-'our boy finally has the physical prowess of a 60 year old president!' ...poor danny LMAO
-'what's wrong with beauty pageants' oh tucker you sweet naïve child. what ISNT wrong with them. who approved this for a high school?? (I mean, yes. unfortunately child pageants exist, but...) also danny and tucker once again treating the pretty girls like objects. I need to meet the grown man who wrote this, I just want to talk...
-prince aragon's dragon form reminds me of maleficent (color scheme wise) which is always a bonus. considering the episode is called beauty marked, I feel like the sleeping beauty references are deliberate
-sam with the fake fangs. once again her accessories never miss. hate the 'not like other girls, girls who get sucked into this kind of thing are all shallow and all want to be carbon copies' bs tho.
-sam trying to be the Worst Bride, being rude as shit. DORA IS GOING TO GET KILLED. DID YOU MISS THE PART WHERE SHE SAID THE PRINCE WILL HAVE HER HEAD IF YOU ARENT THE IDEAL BRIDE. YOU /KNOW/ DANNY WILL COME SAVE YOU. JUST ACT CHILL UNTIL THEN. even if you were doing fine to get him to take off the crown, consider maybe not letting his poor sister get punished also?? sure, she could also take off the crown and has dragon powers, but did you know that for sure?? dora didnt even really realize it until you guys talked!! (or at least, she was scared to stand up to him. you had no guarantee she would...) but. good for dora. ANOTHER friendly ghost to add to the List :)
-tucker is so under appreciated in his time. if he was doing a tech-based campaign today he'd have a better shot. people in 2004 had NO IDEA how much tech would be a part of our day-to-day lives...altho. tbh if you're going to be running for student council president, maybe you should..focus on things to actually improve the school? since he's going for a tech angle, he could say like, he would be running fundraisers for the schools computers to be upgraded, etc? we've already SEEN he can be good at money-making entrepreneur type stuff!!
-tucker using his new minion to feed him grapes and carry him. AND LOCUSTS ONTO THE BULLIES. I love how when he's possessed, he gains winged eyeliner.
-this episode is giving me big 'plankton makes everyone in bikini bottom his slaves and build monuments of him from the spongebob movie' vibes. and the pharaoh has a traitor who works for him? VERY big yugioh vibes. aknadin confirmed
-I like that danny is still completely exhausted after using ghostly wail. (still patiently waiting on him to get duplication)
-LOVE the fenton's 80s outfits. I get hes 14 and embarrassed by everything they do because theyre his parents, but. cmon, this is one objectively cool thing theyve done. love 80s fashion.
-...was vlad just standing on that streetlight waiting for danny to come out? how'd he know they'd be coming out the back? how long has he been up there???
-oh, wait, his ecto-acne has flareups? that SUCKS. danny was...well I dont want to say he was LUCKY HE HALF-DIED, but he was lucky his was pretty instant (I'm assuming that had to do with the power/scale of the portals being different?) I remember in the ep we met him, vlad made a point of saying he was stuck in a hospital for a long time, so. that really actually sucks and I feel bad. not that it excuses anything he's done...but like. it does suck.
-vlad being so sure danny wouldnt help him he made it somehow contagious to his friends to make sure he'd get help? danny is a nice boy, he wouldve helped if it was anyone else. the only reason he wouldn't have is because of the shit vlad did to him, on purpose. vlad 100% dug his own grave by being the biggest asshole, so it is very hard to feel bad for him.
-clockwork is back!!! and making danny learn lessons The Hard Way. Uhhh, okay. I kind of get Danny’s logic, that time traveling this far back would prevent vlad from becoming a halfa also, ergo no arch nemesis or ectoacne to worry about. But the fact that was basically the first solution Danny came up with to solve this problem is actually so funny. It’s so extreme
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-vlad telling maddie in the lab (in the 80s) he has something he's wanted to tell her 'for a long time'...how long have they known each other? I assumed they met in college, since jack always calls vlad his college buddy/roommate, so jack and vlad for sure met in college, but did vlad know maddie longer? thats surprising if so. Tho we don’t know what year of college they’re in so they could mean they met as freshmen and a few years have past…speaking of maddie shes crushing the 80s look.
-vlad blames jack, but. maybe dont stick your face 2 inches from the portal??! THIS FEELS LIKE LAB SAFETY BASICS. IF SOMETHING HAS POTENTIAL TO BE DANGEROUS, DONT GET NEAR IT. WITH YOUR FACE UNPROTECTED IN ANY WAY. (altho jack didnt really give a Big Warning besides screaming BONZAI. so. also that, but cmon.) also, they need gloves, goggles, and to pull all of their hair back tbh. but fuck lab safety, I guess!
-cryyyyinnng at how lazy they were with jack's ghost form design, its just plasmius' design on jack!!! you couldve given him his own design!!
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-there. I did that in about 10 minutes and its somehow less lazy than what made it into the show. embarrassing! better yet, I think the episode would've been better if maddie would've gotten the ectoacne. or maybe its just me, wanting to see her design! anyway. I'm sure people have already done redesigns of them both as halfas. I have to go look after I finish this watch through. Also mildly frustrated jacks resentment and bitterness is basically also a copy paste of vlads backstory. They’re different characters, I really don’t think jack would stew in bitterness and jealousy the same way vlad would!! I also don’t think he’d give up after one time of trying to hunt ghosts and getting laughed at. Our canon timeline says different…I dunno, I get it was for laughs, but I’m annoyed because the POTENTIAL this plot has…
-did vlad really wear a stupid cheese hat to his wedding. ok actually that kinda rules. and the cheese door knocker. the dairy-only buffet table. vlad still got rich, just on being the New Dairy King. (Assuming that means he owns a lot of dairy businesses?) ok! this actually is great. hope maddie isn't lactose intolerant!
-'no matter how hard I tried, I could never get rid of my ghost half, the half I knew Maddie could never accept' ohh, ouch, what a horrible thing to say to her HALF GHOST SON. 'YOUR MOM WILL NEVER ACCEPT YOU' BASICALLY.
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-maddie strapping danny to the table with a lazer pointed at him in a secret lab she keeps from vlad that she makes a point of saying is sound proof so he can scream all he wants...CHRIST. DANNYS POOR PYSCHE.
-also, not to feel bad for alternate vlad (because, he did lie to maddie saying jack blames her and never wants to see her again...) but. being married to a woman 20+ years and she immediately goes back to jack? if she didnt love vlad and feels like she had to hide shit from him, and says she wasted her best years with him, WHY MARRY HIM. it feels like leading him on!!! cannot believe im feeling bad for vlad, but. this alternate timeline vlad is significantly Less Horrible than Our Vlad. did she not think she'd get funding for her ghost stuff? (which, fair assumption since they're considered 'ghost fanatics/nuts in canon...but...) why did she think jack or vlad would be her ONLY OPTIONS? be like your sister. be single. Actually, this au could’ve been really interesting if after the accident, vlad lied to her and said jack never wanted to see her again, but she stays single. Imagine how much that would bug vlad… like, in her mind, it was never a competition it was jack or no one type situation…
-danny being like 'leave him ALONE' this jack is a HOMEWRECKER, DANNY. let them go to court and settle this at the least. ...or just throw vlad into the portal. (100% human, defenseless vlad) CHRIST, MADDIE THATS BRUTAL. THATS MURDER.
-danny seeing his mom immediately accepting him and his dad being half ghosts in this universe, if I was him this would be a great sign that his universe's maddie would also.
-*maddie voice* "clockwork will help!" *2 seconds later, with clockwork* "I will Not Help." TOUGH LOVE KING. YES LET DANNY SEE THE SODA HIMSELF AND DEVOLP BETTER OBSERVATION SKILLS.
-when clockwork ""reset time to the way it was"" just before danny "meddled"" ...did he really erase a whole alternate timeline? ...damn. because maddie and danny both called it an alternate timeline by name, it splitting when the college incident went different, so it wouldnt have really mattered if he reset it, right. like because danny's timeline is on a different stream? why didnt clockwork just. show danny a replay and not Reset That Timeline. wh...I wonder how many people that Erased From Existence. Anyway! once again stating clockwork is casually terrifying!
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marshmallowfin · 3 years
Drag Race season 13 first impressions and vibes:
I do this every year and I know no one cares but here are my unwanted opinions.
Kandy Muse: Her reputation proceeds her...in a bad way. I've seen how hateful she can be online and I just can't look past it; I can just tell she's gonna annoy me until she goes home. The look however was cute and the lipsync was fun, I can tell she's talented. I wanna try and view her without bias but it's gonna be tough.
Joey Jay: I was excited for her during the promo but couldn't get past the entrance look. Really? The panty was cut too low cut, the feathers were cheep and falling apart, the hair was supposed to look wet but it just looked a mess, like she didn't have time to dry her hair before coming. Just came across so unpolished and because I only got to to see her for like a collective 15 minutes I was just unimpressed. Lipsync was unimpressive, Kandy really let her have it, the only thing I remember was her punching her tiddie and the feathers falling off all over the stage.
Denali: The look was so right, head to toe, but that contour was so rough it was distracting. She seemed fun, I can see her succeeding. Again, only getting a couple of minutes with her just really left me wanting more, it felt lacking. For someone who was on literal ice skates she was pulling some impressive stunts I honestly thought she might have the lipsync but I'm not mad at the Lala win. I'm honestly just really neutral on her. I did like when she flashed us, it's really the only thing I remember from the lipsync. (Also the repeat song? Hello? Iconic Coco Montrese lipsync from season 5? I clocked it.)
LaLa Ri: The look: pedestrian, didn't fit her in any way and was just so basic it was almost sad. Wish it were a full pant and the jacket was tailored to her. Also not everyone is able to wear those flat little wigs, wish she had teased it up. Her vibes? Her smile? Stunning. She seems so warm and friendly and kind. I want her to succeed but the ONE TIME I got to see her she looked... unimpressive. I don't remember a single think she did in the lipsync not gonna lie...
Symone: fully obsessed during the promo, so beautiful in and out of drag and her sense of style is so interesting to me. Entrence look was a little on the simple side but effective. She's also from the same area is me so I know people who know her and are fully obsessed. One of my tops for sure. The lipsync was good but I really thought Tamish let her have it. Not mad she won but I would have made it a double win. (Maybe after a night of just okay lipsyncs I'm grasping at the only one that made me excited.) Also, nothing to do with her but she's Gigi Goode's sister and Gigi is for sure talented and I really liked her for the majority of her season but she's made some choices in the have been confusing at best; I worry Symone might share some of those opinions. Here's hoping that just my paranoia.
Tamisha Iman: she came across as cookie cutter pageant girl (not that there's anything wrong with that) in her promo so I wasn't really excited for her. Very pleasantly surprised. She walked in in that red power suit and long black hair TIDDIES OUT: I was shaken. She also seems to just radiate good energy, I'm really liking her. She and Symone had the most entertaining lipsync of the night, it felt close (I do think Miss Tamish turned the party a little hard but not enough to call it rigged.) I am a little heartbroken they made her tell her cancer story episode one, immediately after getting there, she killed a lipsync, then was sent on her way, she was amicably calm tho. I really like her.
Gottmik: Another I was SUPER excited for during promos and she's really giving it too me. The look was so interesting and flattering and the face was to die for topped off by that perfect black hair. Dead and in the ground. Lipsync...left much to be desired. The song was a bop and my jaw dropped when it started but neither of them gave me what Rumors deserved. I loved both the queens so much though I almost didn't care...almost. Also FIRST FTM QUEEN EVER ON THE SHOW I'M SO JWBDJDIBEBSKDE AND IM SO HAPPY AND PROUD OF HIM. King shit never been more insane and proud to be cisn't.
Utica Queen: I CAN TELL THIS BITCH IS NEURODIVERGENT AND SO AM I!!! SAME HAT!!! I love a bitch who has a distinct aesthetic and lives on a completely different planet. Her promo look was my favorite, she's so striking and the crazy mad hatter look was EVERYTHING. Entrance look was equally crazy and somehow all worked (maybe not the strawberry but I still loved the strawberry). I thought she was so fun during the lipsync and I couldn't take my eyes off of her (again, that might be because I find her so striking) I honestly thought she would win but again the lipsync as a whole was a little underwhelming. Her sad face at the end of the episode broke my heart, this premier was a little cruel to the losers.
Rosé: not gonna lie, I was disappointed in Rosé. Her look was so crazy and cool for the promo and she came into the competition wearing a pink cropped biker jacket and panty? (The look was cute enough and I like the designer but it was so meh) The hair was lovely and I thought the missing tooth was funny, it was a shame she wiped it off before anyone could see it. I totally understand being bitter about hyping yourself up as a LIPSYNC QUEEN and a major nyc girl and so established especially compared to someone like Olivia who has only be doing drag for a year and a half..then you lose...and you assume you're going home first...I TOTALLY GET IT but the edit worked on me and I was like wow what a bitch. The only person who has claimed to be nyc royalty I actually vibed with was Peppermint, I think it's like an instant turn off for someone to say they're the best whatever of nyc. (Not that I dislike nyc girls, just the ones that claim to be hot shit.)
Olivia Lux: Sweet summer child. Precious baby angel. I found her so cute and charming and silly in her promo and she came in in that VELVET (?) HALF PINK HALF YELLOW GOWN WITH THE ROUGING and that BEAUTIFUL blonde hair that looked so good again her sink and the long as ponytail and the fucking waves like a designer Barbie fresh out the box, I'm living. Another one of my favorites, the energy is just so right and so there. Had my 2nd favorite lipsync of the night and I was so proud of her for besting Rosé, someone she clearly looks up too so much. I would LOVE for this bitch to win but I can tell she's gonna be a Miss Congeniality.
Tina Burner: I can tell this one is gonna annoy me. Again a nyc royalty claim which is an instant minus, the look was not it (I love the designer but the look was so wrong), the hair hat was fun in concept but that red hair just didn't look right on her, she was definitely giving me sexy hotdog ketchup and mustard fantasy, and I don't know why but her face is just kinda scary to me?? It like makes me feel like I'm going crazy. I didn't really like her in the promos either, she just comes across as really full of herself. I'm like instantly getting the worst vibes. I have seen people online saying she's really funny and turns the fucking party but I found the lipsync boring and hard to pay attention too. I've seen so many people saying she's IT so I want her to prove me wrong, make me eat my hat.
Kahmora Hall: So insanely beautiful, a WOMAN, how DARE SHE. She's our current reignings sister so she has huge shoes to fill and I'm ready for her to fill them. I actually kinda liked her lipsync, she was doing the damn thing in a gown which is impressive. Wish I had gotten a little more of her. I'm sorta neutral on this one too, nothing from her promo or literal 15 minutes if screen time really impressed me nor turned me off of her.
Elliott with 2 Ts: The second she said she was a "housewife with a secret" I was sold. Something about that instantly endeared her to me and have not been able to stop saying it since. I thought the red two piece was nice and the cropped jacket was fun but the hair was not right. I find her so pretty in like an alien way. I honestly thought her lipsync was the best and I found myself drawn to her but it's so hard to tell with more then 2 people. Promo look was very like cool mom and I vibe.
As a whole...a very underwhelming premier, especially after the last seasons. Seemed really rushed and unnecessarily cruel to the losing girls. Especially telling them they're all going home then saying they're not but they need to choose one queen from them to go home...I'm so worried they're all gonna take one look at Utica and be like 'get this weirdo out of here', if a single person picks her to "go home" I'll scream and cry and piss on the floor.
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fizzingwizard · 2 years
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Random hijinks from moominhouse build
Moomintroll does carpentry and Snufkin is just there... for moral support lol
I know the pics are just crummy... but I swear swimming in river water at Henford-on-Bagley is just sooo pretty
My next oneshot will be “In which Moomintroll brains Snufkin with a soccer ball” lol
He lit just got home from traveling and walked right into a fox and chicken having a fight x’D the little broken heart kills me
Building updates..
I tried to put actual things for the sims to do on the landings so they’d spend time there and it worked x’D
Kitchen one angle. was thinking more of the 90s one than the MV one but MV has lots of colorful walls which I mostly didn’t do in the rest of the house but tried to keep in the kitchen
Pappa’s study has maps and every lighthouse/sailing themed item i could cram in lol. the mood board is a little off i know... im imagining its his peg board though (i could just use the real peg board but it looks... ugly)
I am especially proud of finding the bust with the top hat rofl
The exterior of the house is finished! landscaping halfway. I don’t have a cellar and not sure if I’ll make one. I made the woodshed (interior is the first pic) which i like but i wish it were either smaller or more out of the way. i might try to move it but as it’s already on the edge of the lot it’s probably gonna stay where it is
and view from the roof <3 i really like it
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rabble-dabble · 3 years
The Cancer King's Court ~ The Mourning Mother
Kanaya Maryam/The Mourning Mother
This Kanaya got her happy ending.
She made it to Earth C. She married the woman she loved, started a functioning moralliegence with Vriska now that she’s genuinely interested in bettering herself, and set up a peaceful little home in the suburbs. She got John to do her a favor and take her to a God-Tier bed. No one knows for sure how long Rainbow drinkers live and she wants to spare Rose the heartache.
After a few years of being happily married, the couple decides they want a baby, so they adopt a beautiful baby girl. With Rose’s help, Kanaya makes her way through this strange thing humans call motherhood.
Young Stacey Maryam-Lalonde gives her poor mothers many scares growing up. Rose took a photo for all of then.
Rose gave her an eldritch tome when she was five. She ended up summoning a horde of the undead and Kanaya had to cut down hordes of zombies at three am. Rose agreed to wait until she’s older to give the book back.
At age eight, Stacey convinced her teacher to read The Call of Cthulhu to the class. She got suspended. Rose gave her daughter a lecture, even if she was a little bit proud.
At age ten, Stacey met her first bullies. That was the day everyone at school learned that she had a scary vampire goddess for a mother. Her bullies would never forget.
“My dear, are you certain that you didn’t go overboard?”
“You Would’ve Done The Exact Same Thing.”
At age twelve, she had to spend the week at her Uncles John and Karkat’s house. John enlisted her to help him prank Karkat. The resulting prank war burnt the house down and the two had to stay at the Maryam-Lalonde household for the week. How those two made it to adulthood, neither Rose nor Kanaya would never know.
At seventeen, Stacey graduate from High School on the high honor roll. During there ceremony, Kanaya whispered to Rose, “This Is The Best Gift You’ve Ever Given Me.” They cried. A lot.
Then cane Stacey’s eighteenth birthday.
It was a camping trip. Jade had nanaged to get Stacey interested in outdoor exploration, so she took her truck and brought her friends out into the forest. Kanaya wanted to chaperone, but Stacey insisted she could handle herself.
“Don’t You Summon The Undead Again Young Lady.”
“Moooom, I was three! I’ll be fine.”
“I Know, I Know. …I’m So Proud Of You.”
While exploring, Stacey discovered a fridge, covered in chains a locked shut.
…Then she discovered the troll inside.
It took three weeks for them to find the bodies.
Rose and Kanaya were never the same after their loss. Their friends did all they could. They paid for the funeral, offered their condolences, checked up on them whenever they could find time. Vriska moved in just to help Kanaya keep her head up. She did everything she could to be there for her moirail, even if she didn’t fully understand this motherhood thing. Even if she didn’t fully understand what Kanaya lost.
Rose turned to drinking, and that was the beginning of the end. After a painful, gradual decline, Rose and Kanaya agreed to separate until Rose can get her addiction sorted out. As Rose leaves her wedding ring on the table, Kanaya has one last thing to say.
“No Matter How Long It Takes, I’ll Wait For You. Because, No Matter What Happens, You’re The Woman I Fell In Love With.”
When the authorities reveal they have a lead on Gamzee, Kanaya decides to take her grief out on him. Vriska tries to warn her against it. She’s been there before. Angry, bitter, and pissed the hell off. But revenge blackens the soul. She learned that the hard way. Kanaya doesn’t listen.
She thought killing Gamzee would give her some kind of relief. Lift up some of the burden. At least, it would make her feel better. But… it doesn’t.
Instead she feels… empty.
She ignored her moirails advice. Her wife is still gone. And Stacey is still dead.
She thought she’d feel better, but now she’s just more lost than ever.
She sits alone with her thoughts and soon finds The Cancer King sitting down next to her.
He promises her her family back, and she agrees.
She sees the atrocities she’ll have to commit abd she agrees.
She sees who Karkat has become and she agrees.
Kanaya is… scary. She’s not the mad zealot that Gamzee is. She’s not carefully trying to avoid going to far, like Terezi or Eridan. She’s just… focused.
She takes no pride or joy in what she does. She never wanted to hurt anyone. But she will have her daughter back.
Kanaya’s relationship with this Rose is… weird. Kanaya is the oldest member of the Court next to Karkat while Rose is one of the youngest. Kanaya knows her Rose intimately, while this Rose hasn’t even met her yet. Kanaya tries not to spoil anything for her sake, aside from a few quips along the lines of “I Am Quite Sure You’ll Make Whoever You Marry A Very Happy Woman” and such. She’s pretty pissed to learn that this Rose did basically nothing wrong and still lost her timeline, so that’s some extra motivation in her tank.
You’d expect Kanaya to be pissed off with Gamzee. But… she’s not. She’s just cold and distant. It’s not like killing him in her timeline got her anywhere. But she’s still curt with him and avoids conversation. Gamzee asks some of the others what her deal is, but they only give him the basics. It’s not their story to tell. Still, Gamzee puts the pieces together and actually finds himself sympathizing a little. He gets this strange, distant feeling that he might know what it’s like to be a parent in a different timeline…
She remains good friends with this version of Terezi and Vriska. She apologizes to Vriska for not heading her advice and Vriska returns the sentiment. They all bond over shared fuck ups and The Scourge Sisters are happy to hear there’s at least one timeline where Vriska managed to turn her attitude around.
Similarly, she has a decent relationship with Tavros. Tavros finds it odd how Kanaya found her revenge unsatisfying when Tavros absolutely revelled in his. 
Kanaya eventually discovers that Karkat could simply revive Stacey right now if he wanted abd tries to demand that he do so. He refuses. The King makes himself clear: you’ll get your daughter back after you help me and not a moment before.
In Kanaya’s mind, she has to agree.
“…I Am Bringing Her Back, Rose. I Do Not Know… How Much It Will Cost Me… But I Am Bringing Her Back. …You Will Always Be The Woman I Fell In Love With. I Just Hope I Am Still The Woman You Fell In Love With When I Return. …I Love You.”
evil john anon when I get my fucking hands on you
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i did kanaya in a mourning mother outfits - IM GONNA CRY IM GONNA CRY - just a fade that I thought looked cool and her wings and her mourning veil - OH GOD THE TEARS IM AJHHAGRGRGARGHRGRGH - just in a little suit vest and hat and
the moment I read that stacey found the fridge and opened it I wanted to S C R E A M
VENGANCE I WANT VENGANCE *cries like a baby*
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heywardsarchive · 4 years
Summary: Harry Potter does not get along with his old Slytherin classmates. He doesn't let his son talk to his either. But what happens when James Sirius Potter falls in love with the Slytherin daughter of Blaise Zabini?
Warnings: fluff, kinda angsty, slightly ooc Harry and a few swear words
This is for @im-a-writer-right writing challenge
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Gif not mine
Being the daughter of Blaise Zabini is not always easy. My mother had left us when I was just a child. I was left in the care of my not so motherly grandmother and her troupe of new husbands and my father, who was really trying his best. He wasn't very fatherly by nature but he tried to be there for me whenever he could.
After the war things were better for the wizarding community. They tried to be mom judgemental based on blood status or house, but old habits die hard. My father and his Slytherin friends especially uncle Draco were shunned and looked down upon. All for the mistakes made by their parents. People would glare at them whenever they passed by. Finding jobs wasn't that easy for us. Not that we needed it but dad wanted to find a way to redeem himself. So he and uncle Draco joined auror training where obviously they were most disliked. Seeing all this around me made me determined to grow up and fight this prejudice. I told my father what I thought and he smiled and patted my head saying that he believed in me. That was all eight year old me wanted to hear and she believed it thoroughly.
But things are not as easy as it seems. I started Hogwarts soon after. I sat in a carriage all alone for a while for no one wanted to sit with a Zabini. Then came in a boy with messy black hair and brown eyes. "Can I sit here? Everywhere else is full." I was delighted! "Yes ofcourse!" "James Potter." He said extending his hand. Oh. A Potter. He'd get up and leave the moment I told him my name. "Y/n Zabini." I said preparing myself for him to walk away disgustedly. I looked up at him after a few moments. "Why didn't you run away screaming?" "Why should I have?" "Because your dad hates mine. My father is Blaise Zabini. Draco Malfoy's best friend." My words sunk in. "So you're the girl my dad told me to stay away from." I felt crestfallen. Why had some old mistakes caused me this? I blinked away tears that threatened to fall. He made no move to leave and continued to stare at me. "Why are you still here then?" "You seem like a nice girl and I think we'll be good friends." "What about your dad?" "He'll get over it and besides rules are meant to be broken." Hd said winking. I laughed. Maybe things would not be so bad.
An hour into the train ride, a boy with tan skin and red hair came to our compartment. "James! There you are. Ive been looking everywhere for you." "This Fred. He's my cousin." James told me. "Now who might this pretty girl be?" He said looking at me. I introduced myself to him, waiting for a reaction. "So this is the girl your dad warned you about?" "Yep." "Nice." "As he already told you, I'm Fred, Fred Weasley. My parents warned me too, but you seem nice and I love breaking rules so, let's be best friends." He said with a genuine smile. I nodded. My biggest fears were wiped! I hadn't reached Hogwarts and I already had two friends!
"Anything from the trolley dears?" Said the trolley witch. "Just jelly slugs thanks." I smiled. She handed it to me. I opened it and shared it with the boys. "So which house are you going to be in?" James asked me. "We're certainly gryffindors." Fred finished with a smirk. "I, uh, I think I'll be in um Slytherin." They had a shocked expression but wiped it off quickly. "Well, Slytherin would have gained a brilliant witch then."
The rest of the journey was quite uneventful. We were nearing the castle and I was quite excited! I had heard so many stories of the castle from my dad. We exited the train and walked up to this giant man who was calling all first years to him. I started walking toward him with Fred and James behind me. We reached a large lake with lots of boats. The boys ran ahead and sat on a boat. They beckoned me to them. Honestly, I was still shocked they actually wanted to be my friend! I climbed on with them and we looked at the castle in awe. The ride was relatively silent as we were all mesmerized by the view. The boat ride was over and we were at the entrance to the great hall.
A tiny profesor who introduced himself as professor Flitwick gave us an introductory speech. I listened intently getting more nervous as the time passed. Seeing my face James squeezed my hand and Fred (who was half a foot taller than me) patted my shoulder reassuringly. The large door opened and we walked in. The great hall was everything I imagined. I looked at the celing it was enchanted with the night sky and floating candles. It was beautiful! The sorting ceremony was about to begin. There was a wierd hat that burst into a song. I got quite the shock.
Professor Flitwick called out names. Some girl names Jessica Greene was sorted into Slytherin. Daniel Walker was sorted into Hufflepuff and so on.
"Potter, James." I squeezed his hand and he gave me a small smile and sat on the stool. The hall started murmuring at his name. The hat had barely been placed on his head when it called "gryffindor!" James jumped up in glee and ran to the gryffindor table. "Weasley, Fred." I smiled at him as he sat on the stool. "Gryffindor!" The hat called after a few seconds. Eventually only I was left. "Zabini, y/n." I breathed in trying to calm myself. Dad would love me no matter what house I was in. Grandmother was a different story, but still. Calm yourself y/n. I climbed onto the stool and the hat was on my head. "You are different." The hat told me. "You've got great ambition and thirst to prove yourself and to change the world. But you're also very brave and chivalrous. Where to put you? Better be Slytherin!" I smiled to myself and walked to the Slytherin table. James and Fred smiled at me and threw me a thumbs up.
"Jessica Greene." Said the blonde girl I had seen earlier. "y/n Zabini." I smiled and shook her hand. She smiled. "I think we're going to be great friends." I felt so happy! I had made 3 friends when I thought I'd make none. Headmistress McGonagall gave us a welcome speech and gave a list of forbidden places and objects; which by the look James and Fred shared and then gave me; they intended to break all of them. i giggled to myself. Hogwarts truly was a magical place. After the speech was over, the tables magically filled up with the most delicious smelling food ever! I immediately piled my plate with a variety of dishes. " You look like you've never seen food before." snorted Jessica. "I have seen food before, just not as good!" I proceeded to finish up my food while conversing with Jessica and the rest of my housemates. They were all very nice, none of them having pureblood only ideas. the feast ended and we were led to the common rooms. The Slytherin common room was in the dungeons. It was green and very cozy. i liked the vibe of the place. i shared my dorm with only 3 other girls since there were only 4 slytherin girls in first year. My bed was beside the window and i loved it!
Jessica decided that since there were so few of us, we needed to bond and stick together. So after all of had got dressed we sat down in a circle and introduced ourselves. "I'm Abigail Larson." said the girl with long brown hair and green eyes. The other girl introduced herself as Anika Smith." she had tan skin and deep brown eyes with dark brown hair. The four of spoke till late that night. I woke up a bit early the next morning, excited for our first day. I got dressed into my school robes and then went to wake up the others. Anika and Abigail woke up easily while Jessica was a whole different story. "Five more minutes." she groaned. "Ok sleepy head, but if we miss our first day of classes i doubt the teachers will be happy. She groaned again but woke up anyway. While i waited i wrote a letter to my father. I told him about my house, the sorting and my new friends." I had just finished the letter when Jess was ready. "Ready to go?" i nodded and the four of us head out to the great hall.
I split from the group so i could owl the letter. I was on my way to the owlery when i felt an arm wrap around my waist and another around my shoulder. "Well, look who it is Fred! Our little snakey friend." " Why yes it is james, say y/n already forgotten about us have you?" I giggled at the comment. "Ofcourse not! I was just about to send this letter before you two slowed me down." "Our sincerest apologies." said James not looking sincere in the slightest. They continued to follow me to the owelery talking among themself. i quickly tied the letter around my owl's leg and gave him a few treats before he took off. " Lets head to breakfast before we get late yeah?" "oh little Zabini, ever the punctual girl." Said Fred snickering slightly. I hit him in the arm and walked toward the great hall. I bid they boys goodbye and sat at the slytherin table with my friends.
First year passed by relatively fast. I topped most of my classes and was the favourite student of most of the professors. Potions was my favourite class, closely followed by charms. The year was at it's end and Fred, James and I were walking by the black lake. I kicked at a pebble before turning to the boys. "Did you tell your parents that you were friends with me?" i asked hesitantly. "Not exactly, no." they said. "Our parents would not be too happy about that." "I understand." i said sadly. I should have known,their family wouldn't welcome me with open arms would they now. "Don't be sad little snake. We'll figure it out. I promise." i smiled.
I sat in the train carriage with the girls, excited to be home. I was top of the class, a slytherin and the teachers loved me. Grandmother would be pleased. Dad, well he is proud of everything i achieve and i love him for it. During the ride James and Fred walked in. "Hello ladies, mind if we borrow our little friend here for a minute?" They nodded and I walked out of the cabin with the boys. "So we have come up with a plan for you to meet us during break without our parents getting to know." I looked at Fred and motioned him to go on. "Our close friend and fellow gryffindor, Alec Thomas lives near diagon alley. We have made a plan to meet him during the break at his house. We spoke to him and he agreed to let us stay over at his place during break. If you could come to diagon alley around the 13th of july (thats my birthday lol) we could meet up for ice cream!" "That seems like a good plan." I said thoughtfully. I was planning on telling dad about the boys anyway, this could work. They grinned. The train sounded as we drew nearer to the station. I grabbed my bag and got ready to get off at the station. I hugged the girls who had grown to become my best friends although i was closest to Jessica.
I walked around the station looking for my father. "Y/N!" His voice came. I dragged my trunk and ran to him. He pulled me in for a hug. "I missed you so much!" "I missed you too dad and i have some great news!" I told him about all my achievements and my new friends. "Your grandmother will certainly be proud. She missed you although she won't admit it." I giggled at that. We apparated home where grandmother was waiting for us. A there was a man behind her whom i did not recognize. He must be her new husband! Yeah, grandmother changed husbands like she changed clothes. I went and hugged her. "How was school?" "It was great!" I told her too of all my achievements and dad was right, she was proud of me.
The days flew by quickly. I received an owl from James asking me how I was and reminding me of our meeting in a few days. Right. I had yet to tell my dad about them. I would do it now. As i was preparing to tell him the door opened and there he was. "Hey darling." "Dad I need to tell you something." "Okay." he said cautiously. "I am friends with James Potter and Fred Weasley. Please don't be mad." He smiled at me. "I am not mad dear. In fact i am happy for you. You have made so many friends! And besides I am not going to control who you are friends with. It isn't fair. But darling, be careful. James and Fred may be nice but their family won't accept you easily." "I know that. And i will be careful. Besides, they have asked me to meet with them this week at diagon alley, Can I go daddy?" He thought about it and and sighed. "Alright. You can go." "Thankyou so much!" I hugged him.
On the morning of the day I had to meet the boys I woke up early out of sheer excitement. I ran down and ate breakfast quickly. Grandmother looked shocked to see me up early but didn't comment. I ran up to my bedroom and got dressed. "Ready to go?" Dad asked coming into my bedroom. "Yep!" We were going to get my school stuff before I met the boys. We apparated to diagon alley. Dad said he had some work to do and told me to go and buy some quills and ink in the mean time. As I left the shop my father walked toward me grinning, holding something behind his back. "As a reward for doing so well, I decided to get you this." It was a broom! Oh I loved quidditch. I used to play with dad and uncle Draco sometimes. Scorpius never liked the sport. "Thankyou so much!" It was one of the best brooms out there. Oh I'm definitely trying out for quidditch this year. He patted my back. "Looks at the time! You'll get late to meet your friends. I'll get the rest of your stuff. You go ahead." I bid him goodbye and ran to the ice cream parlour.
There on a small table were James Potter and Fred Weasley. "Hello boys." I said as I walked up to them. They greeted me cheerfully. We ordered our ice cream and sat down. "Shit!" Said James loudly. He frantically pointed at the window. I looked to see what on earth was bothering him when lo and behold the famous Harry Potter was walking toward the shop. "What do we do?" Mr Potter had already seen us so I couldn't exactly run away. "Don't mention your last name no matter what ok." Fred told me. "Hey kids." Said Mr Potter. "What brings you here dad?" James asked a bit nervously. "Oh I was just in a meeting near by and thought I'd come say hi to you both. I called Dean up and he said the two of you had come here to meet a friend who I'm assuming is this young lady here." He said pointing at me. I shot him a nervous smile, not quite knowing how to react. "Yes. Dad that is y/n. She's in our year. Top of the class." "It's great to meet you." "You too sir." I started to get nervous and I think James noticed because he said. "Dad it's getting late we better get going. Good bye!" Mr Potter looked confused but left anyway. "I'd better leave too boys. See you at school." They hugged me goodbye and I went to find my dad.
Fourth year
The whole incident was long forgotten. The boys and I became very close. We decided not to meet such a way ever again. The stress was too much for me.
The boys had decided that it would be fun for them to join me and the girls on our train journeys and while eating dinner ever since Albus and Scorpius had been sorted into slytherin in our third year. My friends gave me suggestive looks but eventually got bored of it and accepted the boys joining us. The train journey wasn't that different this year. "Hello ladies." Said Fred sliding into the compartment. We greeted them with a chorus of hellos. Fred sat down opposite me beside Abi. Although there was a ton of space next to him, James squeezed himself next to me almost pushing Anika off her seat. She glared at him and stood up muttering coulourful words while setting herself next to Abi. "How was you guys' summer?" He asked. "It was terrible!" I cried. It truly was. "Hey! you spent half of your summer with me." Said Jessica in mock offense. "Jess, you know what i mean." She simply smirked. "What happened?" James asked. "Well, for starters I had to help set up this stupid wizarding gala with my grandmother. She wanted to show off and sell her jewelry to other folk while at the same time hosting a ball like thing, whih mind you was boring as hell. The only people who showed up were stuck up old ladies. They had brought along their reluctant grandsons who i am sure my grandmother wanted as a potential suitor for me, and had she had her way it would have been so, but my dad would not allow it. Anyway, I spent a week of my break in that way." I finished with a sigh. I could see how badly everyone wanted to laugh or sympathize with me. "Go ahead and laugh." Everyone burst out laughing and i found myself laughing too.
We spent the rest of the journey laughing and having a gala time. We reached hogwarts and watched the sorting. Slytherin had gained 9 new students. We heard the standard starting of the year speech and tucked in. We chatted merrily until bedtime like every year. It had become a tradition to chat all night on the first day of school. I went to bed that night with a smile on my face.Hogwarts is truly a magical place.
Today was the first day of classes. I had dropped divination and taken arithmacy instead. I had heard it was a wonderful subject. Professor Howard took arithmacy and he was a brilliant teacher. I truly loved the class. I sat down at my place when in noticed a head of shaggy black hair in front of me. "James?" I asked surprised. "Y/n!" James said. "I didn't know you took this class." "Neither did I. But apparently I do now." He joked. "Only kidding. I never took divination after hearing how boring it was from my dad." 'Why don't we sit together?" He nodded and jumped over his seat and onto the one next to me. "You could have just walked you know that right?" He just grinned and shrugged innocently. I just rolled my eyes.
Fourth year wasn't as bad as i thought it would be. I actually quite enjoyed it. I was sitting by the black lake. "I need your help!" came the voice of Scorpius Malfoy, following behind him was Albus Potter. "Whats up Scorp?" "Well, I like this girl and want to ask her out. But I think she hates me." "Who is this girl?" I asked. "It's my cousin, Rose." Albus cut in. Rose Granger Weasley. Another person who hated people like Scorp and me, it was because her dad doe s not like ours, but unlike the Potter boys, she refused to change her views. "Well Scorp, you should be nice to her, try being her friend, only then ask her out. If she refuses to be your friend, then I guess she is not worth the trouble. No offense Albus." "None taken. I know that Rose is a bit stuck up which can be pretty annoying." Scorpius looked dejected but nodded nonetheless. I felt a bit bad for him. But I can't really help him can I?
Today is the first quidditch game of the season. Our captain has been working out butts off sine a month. "Ready to get your arses beat?" I smirked at Fred and James. "You wish Zabini." They retorted. I walked to the slytherin changing room where our captain, Elena Johnson was waiting. "Alright. We have worked long and hard for this. Use your strategies and no cheating and we can win." We cheered and got to the pitch. I was a chaser on the team and so was James. I mounted my broom and smirked at him. He smirked back. Madam Hooch blew the whistle and the quaffle was in the air. I dived to catch it, but James caught it first. Dang it. I chased after him to try and catch the quaffle. He threw the quaffle to the hoop and just as it was about to score, my fellow chaser, Andrew caught it. He passed the quaffle to me and I scored! James was behind me now, I threw the quaffle to the third chaser, Ben who threw it at the hoop. We scored again. Slytherin was in the lead and I was ecstatic. The gryffindor chasers were trying their best to up their score. The beaters were sending bludgers left right and centre. Fred knocked a bludger in our direction, not intending to hurt anyone, but unfortunately James had come in the way and he got hit. He was a foot away from me when I saw him fall. The crowd gasped. I don't know what came over me and I dived to catch him. He nearly hit the ground when I broke his fall. I set him on the ground gently. "James. James?" I tried to shake him, but he was unconscious. Madam Hooch took him to the hospital wing and the game continued. I hoped the seeker would catch the snitch because I was unable to focus. My wishes were answered because the snitch was caught and Slytherin won the game.
I should have stayed back to celebrate but I was too concerned about James. I changed and rushed to the hospital wing. He was lying there asleep looking so peaceful. I sat by his bed and looked at him. I think I must have been there a long time because I had fallen asleep and for some reason when I woke up I was holding James' hand. I quickly retracted it. "Y/n? Is that you?" James asked. "Yea, it's me. You took a pretty bad fall there you know?" "I know. I did it so it would not hit you." "What?" "Yes." He said and before I could say anything else he fell asleep again. Typical.
What he said that day never left my mind. He obviously did it because he's my best friend. Right? RIGHT? I voiced my thoughts to Jess but she simply have me a knowing look and was no help at all. I eventually decided to let it go and move on with my life. James seemed to have forgotten he said it too. So I pretended he didn't and we were back to being best friends.
Sixth year
Although I pretended that I had forgotten what James said, I never did. His words kept resounding in my head and he never left my mind. All the tiniest things he did made it seem like he liked me. Although, he's been like that since the start. I spent the entirety of fifth year deciding whether I liked him or I was just being paranoid. Eventually I decided that I did like him and I was just lying to myself saying that I didn't. I told my friends about my revelation when they stayed over during the summer and they all responded with a "Finally!" Or something along those lines. Rude.
After I accepted I had a crush on James, I because hyper aware of him whenever he came near me. I would immediately tense and blush. I think I was pretty obvious but James was oblivious as always. Even Fred noticed and asked me about it. I tried to avoid answering his questions but he is a stubborn prat. I made him swear not to tell anyone and told him of my crush. He jumped and screamed. "I KNEW IT!" he was convinced James liked me too, but how could he? He was my best friend and besides, his father would probably kill him.
Fred seemed to take my confession as a challenge to set us up. He even managed to rope in my friends. They made us sit together I'm class, while eating. They left us alone for long periods of time but nothing. I decided that it was worthless waiting for James since he obviously didn't like me back. I would try move on. It was hard, obviously when I so clearly in love with him.
I was sitting in the library finishing my potions homework when Andrew Higgs came up to me. He was a sweet boy and was in the quidditch team with me. "Hey y/n." "Hey Andrew. What's up?" He rubbed his neck. "Do you want to go to hogsmeade with me?" I was about to say no but then I remembered that I wanted to move on. "Sure!" "Great! I'll see you tomorrow then?" I nodded.
I skipped back happily to my common room. "What's got you so happy?" Abi asked. "I got a date with Andrew." "The chaser?" "Yep!" "But what about James?" "He doesn't like me. I may as well move on." I shrugged. The girls didn't look convinced. I ignored it and left the common room for my prefect rounds. Yes I was a prefect. I had rounds alone today so I had plenty of time to think. I spent most of the year pining after him and now I only have three months left of sixth year. I may as well go on a date or two and see how it works out. As I was lost in my thoughts, I bumped into Fred. "Well well well. Look who is out after curfew." I grinned at Fred. "Is it true you have a date?" I nodded. "Don't go! James will be crushed." "I am going and he's made it clear he doesn't like me. And even if he does maybe this is the push he needs to ask me out." Fred sighed in defeat but headed back to his common room.
The weekend was here. I dressed up in a cosy but warm outfit and left for hogsmeade. I met Andrew at the three broomsticks. He hugged me and pulled out the chair for me. He was a perfect gentleman and was so much fun to talk to, but something was missing. He wasn't James. "This was fun-" I started. "But you don't like me that way?" I sighed. "I'm sorry Andrew, you're a really great person and I'd love to this again but as friends. I don't like you that way." "It's fine. I know you like Potter and it's ok. I like this ravenclaw girl but she doesn't seem to notice me so I thought I'd try to move on." I grinned at him. I bid him goodbye and headed to honeydukes to re stock my candy. I was about to pay for my sweets when fred and James came up behind me. "How was your date Zabini?" Fred asked. "It was ok." I shrugged. "You went on a date?" James asked a bit accusingly. "Yep." "Oh um that's nice. I uh I gotta go." He said practically sprinting out of the shop. " I told you he liked you." "No he does not." I was still in denial. I paid and left the shop.
James started to act wierd since that day. He started to avoid me and barely spoke to me. Heck even Albus and Scorpius noticed it. I asked Fred about it but he always just shrugged. I started spending less time with the boys and more time with my friends.
The year was over and we were on our way home. I decided that I would speak to James no matter what. "James!" "Yes?" He asked avoiding my eyes. "We need to talk." He shuffled nervously and looked at his feet. "Why have you been avoiding me?" "Avoiding you? I have not!" I gave him a look and he gave me a nervous smile. "Look i-" the train stopped and all the students came rushing out. "We'll talk about this later ok?" He said walking away. I sighed. I'll never get anything out of him.
Seventh year
James ignored all my owls that summer. He didn't even respond to the one about me becoming head girl! I told my dad of it and he sighed and patted my back. Fred still spoke to me though. He told me that James wasn't doing so well. He was always moping. That is very unlike him. Summer before my last year was pretty uneventful. Scorpius and his dad spent a lot of time in our house, not that I minded ofcourse. I wrote letters to the girls who were all travelling to different countries. Since it was my last year, I wanted to try interning with a lawyer of the wizengamot just to get a feel of what my life would be like. It was quite fun to be honest. Summer passed quickly and soon I was walking through the platform for the last time as a student. It was a bitter sweet feeling.
I dropped off my stuff in my compartment and chatted with my friends for a while. Since I had become head girl, anika was the replacement prefect. We headed the the prefect compartment where I had to give out duties. I still didn't know who the head boy was but I guess I'd find out. "James? What are you doing here?" He turned around with a guilty look. "I'm head boy." He said. "But you weren't even a prefect!" "I know, it's odd." I glared at him. He ignored me all summer and now I have to share a dorm with him?! What a life.
I ignored his presence and instructed the prefects of their duties and responsibilities. I have them the schedule and sent them off. As I was about to leave James called out my name. "I don't want to hear it Potter." I threw him an icy glare and walked out. My heart hurt. After all this time I still liked him.
After the feast we all headed back to our respective dorms. It was the first time I'd be away from my friends in school since first year. Usually I would have been happy with James as head boy but at the moment I was very angry.
I set my things in my side of the dorm and head downstairs to the common area where James seemed to be waiting for me. "Y/n! Please just listen to me." "No James. I listened to you last year during school, in the train, I sent you letters but you never responded to them. I think you've lost your chance." I said turning around. He grabbed my wrist and kissed me. I found myself kissing him back.
Realising what I did I pulled away. "No you can't do that! You can't just ignore me and then kiss me!" "I'm sorry I did that to you. When you went on that date with Andrew I got jealous. I was going to tell you I liked you that day but then you went on a date with him and I just snapped I guess. I thought if I distance myself from you my feelings would go away but they didn't. They just became stronger. That's why I didn't answer your letters and I'm sorry." He said looking genuinely sorry. "Why didn't you just talk to me?" I asked making him look at me. "I don't know, I just felt guilty after a point I guess." I wrapped him in a hug. "I forgive you but please never do that again." "You mean that?" I nodded. He immediately kissed me again. My heart fluttered excitedly in my chest. I pulled away for air. "But James, your dad!" "He'll get over it. For now, I just want to be with you."
We didn't plan on telling our friends they way we did. They walked in on us kissing and boy were they pissed. They got over it though. James and I spent most of our time together. It was quite nice actually. Our NEWTS were coming up and I decided to stay back at Hogwarts for Christmas to study. James stayed back too. We occasionally tried to study together but it always failed.
The NEWTS weren't as hard as they were made to be. I think I did quite well honestly. On our last week of school, James and i called our close friends to the head dorm where they would stay the night and we would have fun. We stayed up for most of the night and i cuddled into James' side. "You two are sickeningly sweet." Fred fake gagged. "It's not like you and Audrey are any better." I stuck my tongue out at him. Audrey was Fred's girlfriend. She was nice. "I will really miss this place." Ani sighed. "Me too." "We made so many memories here!" "Let us all promise to stay friends after hogwarts and for the rest of our lives." Said Fred. "Deal" We all said together.
Our graduation ceremony was everything I imagined and better. We sat in the Hogwarts Express for the last time ever as students. I walked onto the platform and sighed. "There's my dad." I pointed in the crowd. "Can I meet him?" James asked me. "You want to?" He nodded. "If you can't meet my father yet, atleast i can meet yours." He followed me to my dad. "Dad, this is James. He is the boyfriend I told you about.""So you are the handsome young lad who stole my daughter's heart? It's great to meet you son. I hope you're taking good care of my daughter.""It's actually her who takes care of me, but I try my best." Dad chuckled. "Good answer. You've got a good one." He told me. I moved to kiss James on the cheek but he moved his face so i kissed his lips. "I'll see you soon, hopefully." He grinned and walked away. I followed my dad and we apparated home.
James' POV
Just as I was about to find my parents, dad walked upto me. I was startled to say the least. "Who's the girl?" He asked me. "Oh no one." I shrugged nervously. "So you just go around kissing no one?" I laughed nervously. Thankfully mom came and saved me. "Ready to go?" She asked. I ran up to her and we apparated home. I spent a few days avoiding dad. I didn't want to answer unnecessary questions about my girlfriend. Unfortunately luck wasn't on my side for long. I was sitting in our backyard when he sat down beside me.
"So tell me about your girlfriend." Well, there was no escaping this now. "She's really sweet yeah, cares about me alot. She's smart and great at quidditch. She's perfect in my eyes." "And her father, doesn't happen to be Blaise Zabini does he because I remember her with him." I started to get angry. When would he see past this silly prejudices. "Yes dad she is his daughter." "I want you to stay away from her." "DAD NO! YOU CAN'T DO THAT!" I yelled at him. "I can do anything I want because I'm your father. That girl is nothing but trouble. Look at his family tree! A whole lot of death eaters they are." "Her father wasn't a death Eater. And nor is she. She's the best thing to happen to me and you can't make me leave her." "Then you leave us. It's either your family or that girl." "THEN I PICK Y/N! Atleast she doesn't make me pick." "Alright then. Leave." "You can't be serious." "I am." "Fine!" I stormed up to my room and whipped out my wand. I packed my belongings and went to Albus' room. I hugged him and then went and hugged lily and walked out the door. But where would I go? I can't go to Fred's house because dad would obviously find me there. So I apparated to the Zabini manor.
I knocked at the door hoping she would be home. "Coming!" Came her sweet voice. "James? What are you doing here?" She asked looking very confused. "I'll tell you everything, but can I come in first?" "Yeah ofcourse." She let me in and I told her everything. I could see the regret and heart break in her eyes when I told her the story. "Oh James! You shouldn't have left!" "What and break up with you?" "If it means you wouldn't lose your family then, yes!" "But what would I do without you? I love you!" "James, my love, you mean everything to me. But family is always more important. You will find someone else to spend your life with. You need to let go." " I can't do that. I need you." "You need your family more. I'll tell you what. Spend a few days here and then go back. Cool your mind. But I'm not going to be with you if it costs you your entire family James. I love you too much for that." I felt years brimming in my eyes but I nodded. She stopped me in a hug and ran her fingers through my hair.
"Y/n? Who is that?" "It's just James dad. Can he stay here for a few days? He got into a fight with his father." "Alright. I'll tell Jenny to fix up a bedroom for him." "Wait dad, is it ok if he sleeps in my bedroom?" "Ok but only for tonight. And no funny buisness you two. I don't need grandchildren this early." She chuckled lightly and shook her head. We went up to her bedroom and got changed. She lied down and pat the space next to her. I joined her in bed and wrapped my arms around her. "I'll love you forever no matter what." I heard her whisper to me before I fell asleep with the love of my life in my arms.
I had stayed with her for a few days and I had to return home that day. I grudgingly packed my things. I kissed her one last time and apparated home. "So you're back I see." Said dad smugly. "Yes. And only because the girl you hate so much forced me to come back." "See. I told you she would ditch you." I started to get angry. "She did not ditch me. She said she'd rather I break up with her than lose you and my family. But clearly she was wrong." Dad looked a bit embarassed after my out burst. I went back to my room and ignored him for the rest of the day. Albus was the only person I talked too because he understood my situation. He was sad too because he liked her in a sisterly way very much. It was a week after I returned and I was looking at career options when dad knocked on my door.
"I just wanted to say I'm sorry. I realise I was wrong in making you break up with that girl who you clearly love. I spoke with hermione and your mother and they too agreed that what I did was wrong. So I am now here to say you have all our blessings." "Really?" I asked unable to believe my ears. "Thanks dad!" I hugged him. "Now go get her tiger. But wait. I want you to give her this." He pulled out a box with the most beautiful ring. "But dad we're so young!" "I know. It was my mom's. I got it back much after I got married so I kept it for you or Albus.  You don't have to give it to her right now. But if you do, I wish you all the best." He gave me the box and left. I thought about what he said. Maybe I do want to marry her.
I apparated to Zabini manor and frantically knocked the door. The door opened revealing a disheveled y/n. "James? Why are you back i-" I cut her off and firmly kissed her. "I missed you so much." "I missed you too but what about your dad?" "He's ok with it. He realised his mistake." "That's great James! I'm so happy for you!" "Yeah me too. I also wanted to give you this." I got down on one knee and opened the ring box.  "I know we are young, we have so much of our life ahead of us! And I want to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you more than words can say my love. So will you y/n Zabini make me the happiest man on earth and marry me?" Her eyes started to water and she smiled at me. "Ofcourse I will! But not right now. I will stay engaged to you but I want to settle down first you know?" "I understand I do. And I totally agree with you. I'm with you all the way." I got up and spun her around.
I heard a sniffle and we jumped apart. "That was cutest proposal ever!" Said Mr Zabini. "Thank you mr Zabini." I grinned. "Well you might as well start calling me dad." There was a knock on the door. "Oh that must be your father James. I called him when you started your speech." The house elf opened the door and I saw my parents and siblings enter. "I guess it's time to make amends." Dad said to mr Zabini, I mean, other dad. "You must be my future daughter in law." "Yes sir. I am." She smiled at him. Mom came up and hugged her. "It's great to finally meet the girl who is going to marry my oldest little boy!" Mom gushed. "Mom!" I said embarassed. They started to mingle among each other and I sighed happily. Things did get better and I could not be happier.
Four years later
It was finally the day I was going to marry the love of my life. I flattened the non existent creases on my black suit when Fred walked in. "Chill out James you look fine." "How is she?" "She's good too." He was my best man and also one of y/n's best guy friends and so he got to see bith of us but we couldn't see each other since a week which was a bit unfair you know? We were engaged for 4 years which is a long time. In that much time, y/n became a lawyer, I became a professional quidditch player.  Time sure flew by.
"Alright James. It's time." Mum said entering my room. "I can't believe you're getting married! It feels like just yesterday you were in diapers." She sniffed. "Mum!" I groaned. "Sorry. Let's go now." I walked to my position on the altar waiting for my beautiful bride to arrive. What felt like hours but was infact only five minutes I saw her. She looked like a godess. Radiance reflected out of her. She looked gorgeous in her white dress. I felt myself tear up as she walked down the aisle with her father. She stood infront of me and grinned.
While the priest spoke I could not take my eyes off her. I was so distracted I didn't realise I had to say my vows. The crowd laughed and I blushed. I recited my vows and so did she.
"I do." "You may now kiss the bride." I was waiting for those words since the start of the week. I kissed her with all the love I held in my heart and the crowd awwd.
At the dinner table fred who was my best man had to give a speech. He spoke of our time in Hogwarts and all the embarassing things I did. Next Jessica who was the maid of honor spoke of y/n's side of things. The guests laughed at our antics. It was time for our first dance. "May I have this dance m'lady" "Yes you may kind sir." She smiled and extended her hand. I pulled her up and we walked to the dance floor. I out my arms around her waist and she on my shoulders. As we swayed to the music I could only think of her.
"I love you Mrs Potter." God I loved saying that. "And I love you Mr Potter."
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highpope · 4 years
Silver Keys - Ch. One
JJ Maybank x oc / Soulmate AU / Topper x oc
warnings: none, if there are any let me know!
Word Count: 2k ish
Notes: Hi guys, sorry this is so long overdue. I was fighting with this one. But i really wanted to update this story. It’s not my fave but that’s okay. ** As always, reblogs and feedback is welcome and appreciated. 
Masterlist - READ PROLOGUE FIRST :))
June sat at the piano she got for her 16th birthday. She had been saving up for years and finally had enough money for a keyboard. It wasn’t the same as the beautiful grand piano at her instructors, but it did the job. June nervously watched the clock tick down to midnight and tried to focus on the song she was trying to learn. If she came into lessons next week without having learned at least half of it she wouldn’t be on track to play at the recital in a few weeks. It was a big deal to her parents, and June too. The recital was on the mainland with tons of different kids from the surrounding areas. June had never gotten an opportunity to play and she wasn’t about to let worrying about her potential soulmate stop her. 
She took a deep breath and began to play. As the minutes turned to seconds, June was gracefully gliding her fingers up and down the keyboard, trying to make sense of the melodies, allowing the notes to soak into the room. 
On the morning of her birthday, June walked down the stairs into the kitchen to see a note and a box of donuts. It was Saturday, meaning both her parents were working and Olivia, her sister, was going to be sleeping the day away. June grabbed a powder sugar donut from the box and read the note: 
Happy Birthday, Love! We can’t wait to celebrate with you tonight. 
Have fun today, Mom and Dad
She smiles and folds the note up. June was just about to grab another donut when the doorbell rang. She looked at the time, 9:30. There’s no way any family member would be stopping by and Olivia’s friends wouldn’t show up unannounced. June opens the door to reveal JJ dressed in shorts and a light long sleeve t-shirt. 
“Happy birthday Ju Ju!” JJ exclaims.
June rolled her eyes, “God, please don’t call me that.” She opened the door wide to let him in. The nickname originated from June’s younger sister. They were five years apart and she couldn’t properly say June’s name for quite a while. So from ages 5 to 8, she was Ju Ju. 
“Nah, I think 18 is the year we bring it back,” JJ said, slinging his arm around her shoulders. 
“Absolutely not,” June says, tapping his cheek lightly, “Thanks though.” He smiles as she jumps up onto one of the stools in the kitchen, “what’s up?”
“You, miss birthday girl, have very important places to be. Go get dressed.” 
“Where exactly do I have to be?” 
“Well, first, Kie’s and then,” JJ motions like he is zipping his lips and throwing the key away. June narrows her eyes causing him to throw up his hands in defense. 
“Okay, fine, but don’t eat my donuts!” June runs up the stairs and begins to get ready. She decides on a blue tube top, shorts, and a white cropped jacket. She runs a brush through her hair and packs her swimsuit and a few other things in a drawstring before going down the hallway to leave a note for her sister. She tells her where she’s going to be and to call when she gets up. 
JJ and her drive to Kiara’a in his truck, the windows down and the radio stuck on the same channel it’s been on since he got it. They’ve learned to tolerate it. JJ was so proud of the truck when he first showed the pogues. He had gotten a busted down pickup from some guy on the island and fixed it up pretty much by himself. The rest of them promised to never make fun of it. 
“Happy Birthday!” The pogues yell when June opens the door. She can’t contain her laughter. Everyone is wearing pink sparkly party hats. Kie instantly comes over to her, throwing her arms around her neck, “baby is eighteen!” June squeezes back and accepts a hat identical to the rest and hands one to JJ who shuts the door behind them. 
“Looking good, boys.” June laughs at Pope and John B posing in their hats. 
“It’s the required attire didn’t you hear?” John B asks, kissing the top of June's head and Pope slinging an arm around her shoulders. They lead her through the kitchen and the sliding door to the outdoor patio. The lounge chairs are set up along with string lights and a birthday banner. It was perfect. The whole thing, being with her favorite people, the perfect weather. 
“You guys didn’t have to do all of this.” 
“But you deserve it. You’re always the first to do anything for the rest of us,” Pope says. 
“He’s right, Juney,” Kie says, smiling. 
“You’re a bunch of saps,” JJ says plopping into a chair. 
After spending the morning and early afternoon hanging out in Kie’s backyard, the five piled into the van and headed down to the beach. The boys were in the water before June could even set her stuff down. It was arguably not warm enough to swim, but that didn’t stop them. Kie and June decided to layout, occasionally sneaking a few drinks from the water bottle filled with alcohol. 
“So how are you feeling about the whole soulmate thing?” Kie asks, bumping her shoulder against June’s. 
To be honest, June had forgotten all about it. She could barely sleep last night she was so nervous, but now that it could happen whenever, she felt much better.
“Honestly okay.” She admitted.
“Do you think you already know who it is?”
“I mean that happens more often than not, right? Just look at our parents.” Kie’s parents had known each other in high school, having grown up on the island, but didn’t know they were soulmates until later down the line. That happens all the time. Whether or not it’s just coincidence or really is fate, June hadn’t decided yet. 
“I guess you’re right.” She paused before speaking again, “I don’t think I want to already know them. I don’t want to marry someone we went to high school with and be stuck here only for our kids to end up the same way.” Seeing Kiara open up like this made June wonder about her own future. 
“Don’t worry Kie, you’re gonna go somewhere cool like Australia and stop the wildfires and clean the oceans and fall in love with some really hot girl and leave us all behind forever.” 
She moved her sunglasses off her face to hold back her hair, “I could never leave you, but you really think so?”
“Of course. You’re going places. John B, JJ, and I are gonna be stuck here smelling like fish bait until we’re 80.” June gags.
Kiara laughs, making a disgusted face, “what about Pope?” 
“Nah, he’s too good for this place.” They both laugh so hard they don’t even notice the boys had made their way back to where they were laying.
“What’s so funny?” John B asks, shaking out his hair.
“Nothing,” Kie says with a smile on her lips. The boys share a knowing look before dropping it altogether. That’s when June’s phone chimes with a message from her sister. 
Mom said to make sure you were home soon for tonight. We’re almost all set up here.
I guess Aunt Morrane is coming:/
“No,” June groans at the last of Olivia’s message. 
“What’s wrong?” JJ asks, sitting down next to her. 
“My Aunt is coming to dinner tonight.”
“The horror!” John B mocks. 
“Stop! I’m serious. She’s a nutcase.” June replies, throwing a towel at his face. He catches it in one swift motion. 
“Ju it’s gonna be fine.” JJ said reassuringly, “I’ll drop you back off.” 
The pogues only stayed a little while longer before packing up their stuff into the van and parting ways once back at Kiara’s. 
“I won’t have any fun without you,” Kie begged before June got into the truck. 
“You’re gonna be fine.” The rest of the group was going to the first official kegger of the summer. June always missed it. She was sure she would hear all about it tomorrow when she would stop by the chateau with a bunch of water and ibuprofen in the morning to make sure they were all breathing. 
“Hey, thanks, J,” June says when JJ had pulled up in front of her house. 
“No problem,” he starts. June reaches for the door handle, “actually, I got you something.” 
Surprised, June says “You didn’t have to get me anything.” 
He waves her off and reaches into the glove compartment, pulling out a bracelet, “uh. It’s not wrapped or anything.” 
June examines the bracelet, it was a brown braided string with a single pearl threaded in the middle. 
“I love it.” 
“Really?” JJ asks, scrunching up his nose, “because it’s okay if you don’t I just thought-”
“No, no I do. Thank you,” June says and reaches up to kiss his cheek. Just then there is a loud pounding coming from the passenger side window, causing June to startle and drop the bracelet. Both June and JJ lean in to grab it off the floor of the car and smack heads. “Shit, sorry”
JJ finally grabs the bracelet and hands it back to her before they are both faced with Aunt Morrane opening the door and practically dragging her out of the truck. 
“You know,” her aunt starts, “darling, everyone is waiting inside.” 
“I’ll just be one second, I promise.” She says flashing a smile to her aunt and pleading eyes to JJ. He tries to hide his laughter. 
Aunt Morrane locks arms with June and begins walking up to their sidewalk, quite literally dragging her by her feet, and begins talking about this show she was watching.
“Happy Birthday, Ju Ju!” JJ yells from the truck. June tries to flip him off as discreetly as possible with her aunt still gripping on to her. 
At the door, her mother engulfs her into a hug, “Happy 18th, love.” 
“Thank you, mama.” 
“Was that JJ? You know he could've come in. We have enough food.”
“It’s okay, Mama, he had plans.” That satisfied her enough as she went to close the door and straight back into the kitchen. June took off her shoes and that’s when she heard it. It only lasted a minute and she couldn’t recite it if she was asked, but it was there. Faint, but clear. Just how Pope had described it. Just how everyone had described it. Her soulmate. 
taglist: @allycat449-blog @ifilwtmfc (hi im sorry I forgot to tag yall) 
** if you want to be added to the taglist let me know!!
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sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Boy Scout Dex drabble time!!!!!! (S/o @bitsfordays for talking this through with me like 10 days ago and creating this concept in my head)
Anyway, CCU, Nursey goes home with Dex for senior-year Thanksgiving, let’s have a field day.
It’s not that Derek is scared of Will’s parents.
After all, he’s met them before. He’s pretty sure the first time he met them, at least distantly, was Family Weekend freshman year. They know who he is, and they’ve always been nice to him. When he first met Will, he was sure that he came from the type of family who would cast judgement on him without knowing anything about him, based only on the way he looks. He’s known plenty of those types of people— at Andover, back home in New York, even at Samwell. It’s a part of life. He was sure that Will came from that type of environment.
But he was wrong. Three years later, it turns out, there are a lot of things about Will he was wrong about.
And so here he is, spending Thanksgiving with the Poindexters in Maine.
He should be okay. He shouldn’t be intimidated. After all, he isn’t scared of them. They’re kind people, and he knows it full well. They were the ones who extended the invitation, who wanted him here, to share their family holiday with them.
It’s just… the way they invited him, as Will’s friend, and what he actually is to Will, these days, are two different things.
It’s okay, though. Derek knows how to stay firmly closeted around people who can’t know. This is nothing new. It doesn’t make it easy, but at least he knows how to do it.
The point is: he’s not afraid of Will’s parents. But he does sort of care an awful lot about what they think of him.
Not that he’d admit it. At least, not to them, or to Will, or to anyone, really— except maybe Chowder, a few drinks in at a kegster, spouting off anything and everything about all of his love for Will and hope for their future. But he’s not so sure that telling Will he’s been anxious for days about making the right impression on his potential future in-laws (God, he hopes) would be the best idea. He’ll tell him later, maybe.
He has to get through this Thanksgiving break first.
So when Mrs. Poindexter is giving him the tour of the house upon his first arrival, he’s on high alert.
Chill Mode is a hundred percent activated; it’s in overdrive, in fact. He trails her, a short lady with strawberry blond hair who he’s pretty sure is simultaneously the sweetest thing ever and also the most likely person to kick somebody’s ass given the opportunity. She brings him to the bedroom he’ll be staying in, to drop his stuff— Will’s room, the one he used to share with his brother; there are still two beds, Mrs. Poindexter explains, because Drew only moved out a few years ago, which works out just great for you two, doesn’t it?
(Ha. Derek wonders if he can get away with some funny business once the bedroom door is shut tonight. He’s not sure he wants to test the waters with Will’s parents, but then again, if he was extra careful to keep Will quiet…)
Not the point, not the point. Derek is chill. He’s doing the tour of Will’s childhood home, the space he grew up in, trying to see all the imprints of his memory in the worn floorboards and the old furniture. “You have a lovely home,” he tells Mrs. Poindexter in the living room. She smiles at him like this is the best thing he could’ve said.
“Well, thank you, Derek,” she replies, gracious and kind. “It’s nothing all too fancy, but I wouldn’t have it any other way.”
Derek shrugs, flashing an effortless smile, and replies, “Fancy is overrated.”
Mrs. Poindexter chuckles. Over his mother’s shoulder, Derek watches Will as his face washes with relief. Derek knows what he’s thinking. This is going well.
Derek hunts for more things to compliment, and his eyes land on a series of photos on the wall next to the fireplace. “Oh!” he says, with a smile, as he steps towards them. One of the pictures features Will in a cap and gown, in what Derek recognizes as the front yard of this very house. “Will, was this your graduation?”
Will nods, and so does Mrs. Poindexter. “It was a beautiful day,” she remarks. “And look at the weigela in bloom right behind him; aren’t they nice?”
Derek nods like he has any idea what plant she’s talking about. There’s a big pink bush over Graduation Will’s left shoulder, so he’s guessing it’s that. “They’re great.”
“We’ll need another one soon,” Mrs. Poindexter hums, with a smile, and then puts her hands up in a frame shape like she’s imagining just where it’ll go on her wall. “When you boys finish this year.”
“God, Ma,” Will mumbles, with a smile that might be real or might be forced. “Not so fast. We’ve still got over half a year.”
Mrs. Poindexter laughs. “I know,” she replies. “I’m just teasing. But it’s gone by so fast, hasn’t it?”
Derek catches Will’s eye, and answers for both of them. “Quicker than anything.” He pauses, smiles at him. “But it’s been a good run.”
Will smiles back, just a tiny bit, and then looks back at the pictures as if they aren’t on the wall in his own living room in the house he lives in. Derek follows suit, and this time, he catches sight of one below the graduation one, of Will with just his parents in some kind of banquet hall.
Derek squints at the picture. He does a double take.
What is Will wearing?
It’s…… he’s in some kind of a sailor outfit. It’s white on the top and bottom, with a hat and a dark necktie and a bunch of pins or maybe patches near the collar. His parents are in regular dressed-up clothes, his dad in a suit and his mom in a dress, and they both look as proud as can be.
Derek looks between picture-Dex and the Dex next to him, who is in distinctly non-sailor clothing, just a trademark flannel and jeans. Dex looks younger in the photo, but not that young. It’s from high school, for sure.
“Will,” he says slowly. “Is there a story behind this picture?”
Will looks where he’s looking, and then pauses to look right at Derek, like he’s trying to figure out if Derek is about to make fun of him. During his silence, Mrs. Poindexter chimes in. “Oh, that one!” She smiles huge, the trademark of a proud mother. “That was his Quartermaster ceremony.”
Derek looks back at the picture. Steadily, the joy of this fascinating new discovery about the man he’s been in love with for 2+ years starts to register. There is a story behind this picture. And he thinks he’s about to hear it. “Quartermaster?”
Will lets out a gentle sigh, tucking his hands into his pockets, and says, kind of unceremoniously, “I was a Boy Scout.”
This, Derek was aware of. Will occasionally makes cracks about being prepared or lets an offhanded comment loose about his scouting days. But Derek hasn’t ever heard a word about quartermasters, whatever they are. And he definitely hasn’t seen this sailor outfit.
He looks at the picture. Will looks cute. Cute enough that he’s feeling some type of way about it. His hair is a little long— at least, long for Dex; it’s still short in general— and it’s sideswept a little under his hat, from which his ears stick out underneath. His necktie is just a little crooked to one side. Even his shoes are white.
He looks like some kind of old-timey boat guy. And Derek is kind of thinking he needs to show the group chat immediately.
“I feel like you should tell me more,” he replies, grinning up at Will.
Mrs. Poindexter nudges Will from the other side. “Oh, darling, you should,” she says. “You’ve never told Derek about scouting?”
“Oh, I’ve told him,” Will replies, but his tone is fully conscious of the fact that she’s going to have him tell Derek again, and Derek has literally never been more pleased with a situation.
He pulls out his phone, snaps a picture of the picture, and saves it for later.
For now, he’s going to hear this story.
Samwell Men’s Hockey 2017-18
Nursey sent a photo to the group
Nursey: everybody
Nursey: PLEASE look at my boyfriend
Nursey: i am a.) dying, and b.) also in love
Dex disliked a photo
Dex: Stop being corny on main
Chowder loved a photo
Chowder: omg!!!!!!!!!!!
Chowder: dex where is that from!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ford loved a photo
Dex: Looooool, no. Sea Scouts.
Dex: Like Boy Scouts but w/ sailing.
Tango emphasized a photo
Tango: tahts so cool???
Chowder: dex how come i never knew this!!!!!!!!!!!
Nursey: to be fair i also didn’t know this until like 20 minutes ago
Nursey: lol
Hops: Omg you look like sailor moon!
Dex: I wish I knew what that meant
Nursey: hops you’re my hero
Hops: Thanks nursey!
Hops: :D
Nursey: guys i can’t even
Nursey: he looks so cute
Ford: This is the greatest thing I’ve ever seen.
Bully: nothing but respect for MY captain
Chowder: sailor dex sailor dex sailor dex!!!!!!!!!
Ford: Brb changing group chat photo
Nursey: ily ford
Chowder: we should put this on shirts!!!!
Louis: Dexy the sailor man
Dex: Derek, Im going to blcok you
Nursey: love you bby
Rhodey: is group chat flirting a fine
Bully: It should be
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idk-my-aesthetic · 4 years
Ask Game
Tagged by: @teetletottle  !!! ty for the tag!! 
Instructions: tag 10 followers you wanna get to know better :)
Name: Blue! or Pluto! i go by both :) 
Gender: pangender nb? i thinks? gender is hard..... i go by any pronouns tho! 
Star sign: capricorn? im born jan 10 2003. tho i’ve been told im not very capricorn like and that im probably like my moon sign but idk enough about astrology to tell.... 
Height: 5′ 5′’ i think?? i don’t pay too much attention to my hight... on a related note even though i’m average hight i have a very lorge build and can lift over 300 lbs,,,,,, my little sisters climb on me like i’m a jungle gym and i just have to be like ‘this is fine’ 
Sexuality: aro/ace spec pan!! which is almost counterintuitive?? it’s like,,,, i only sometimes feel attraction but when i do gender has no effect on it.... 
Hogwarts house: proud Hufflepuff!!! i got a hat + scarf for hannukah! 
potato (my sister) wants y’all to know that she is also a Hufflepuff, and has a Hufflepuff button she loves,  and that our little sister is a Gryffindor. 
Favourite animal: oh g-d don’t make me choose!!! 
i actually ADORE all animals so much!!! even gross ones!!! like bugs are so interesting?? and fish are so pretty!! and snakes are just babies!!! agh i really can’t choose even though those are all such broad groups.... literally you could mention just about any animal to me and i could give you some random facts about them!!! (pls do tbh come into my inbox i will give u facts) 
though i know the most about cats so i guess they are my favorite?? 
Average hours of sleep: hmmmm. ok so i have like Bad adhd insomnia, but!! i’m trying real hard to take care of myself. so if i have school its about 6 hrs?? which isn’t enough but ehhh.... since we’ve been home i’ve been sleeping 8-10 hrs. 
(which if you didn’t know teenagers are supposed to sleep 10-12 bc our brains are still rapidly develping!! pls sleep more if you get the chance y’all take care of urselves ily!! ) 
Current time: 12:25! 
Dogs or cats: like i said before i love all animals, including dogs!! i adore puppies!! but i do prefer cats!! there just such babies and i hyperfix on them enough that i know alot about cat body language. anytime w/ go over someone’s house and they have a cat i befreind it. they’re usually very supprised.... 
i can’t have any pets rn, but when i’m an adult i want like 3 cats!! 
Blankets you sleep with: ok call out time for me.... i sleep w/ like. a comforter, a fluffy blanket, and a weighted blanket. and So Many pillows i don’t actually know how many of them i have. alot of them tend to end up on the floor. most are like random old full soze ones noone else wants, but a bunch are like throw pillows that came w/ my bed spread like 6 years ago XD 
i think it’s an adhd thing but i just like to.... nest ig?? is the best word?? i like pillows ok?? i don’t sleep on my bed like a normal person. 
Dream trip: go back to italy probably! i have alot of family there, so we’ve been a few times to see them. which definatly helps cut down costs lmao, we don’t have to pay for like hotels or anyting and ig it’s an italin thing to fight over who pays for food?? 
Dream job: ok,,,, rn i really wanna get like,,,, super rich so that i can donate alot of money to charity and shit. we’ll see how that works out but im trying
anyway, if we lived in like an actual functional world, i’d probably wanna be a stay at home writer/ parent. and by probably i mean definitely,,,, i’m already kinda doing that and raising my sisters, and i want to adopt alot of kids, so being able to do that would make me really really happy 
When I made my blog: middle school? it’s been a pretty long time actually, and i’ve stuck w/ the same one for the whole time i’ve been here so i don’t rememeber exactly 
Followers: 172! hi y’all!! ily!! 
Why I made a tumblr: i don’t rememeberrrrrr :( but i know why i stay here!! bc i have alot of lovly freinds and theres alot of lovly people here!! 
Reason for my URL: when i first made my acct my username was actually idkkkkkkkkkkk10 (it’s suposed to have 10 ks hope thats the right amount lol) bc i.... literally didn’t know what to make my url. eventually i switched it bc obviously it’s sort of ridiculous, but i wanted to keep the idk theme! so, idk-my-aesthetic! 
on a semi related note, my header is ‘i like hugs’ bc for a while when i wasen’t in a great place it was ‘i need a hug’ but i’ve been doing better for a while, and changing it to something more positive was very meaningful to me 
People I’d love to get to know: if anyone I didn’t tag wants to do this consider this an @ from me!! 
@manic-pixie-nightmare-enby  @feydrian @maeofthedead @non-binarypal7 @trappedinamethaphor @huffiewalkingonsunshine
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deerself · 4 years
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anyway it’s NDRV3 s/i time!! meet reina, ultimate archer but, also, ultimate bastard. faes honestly just trying faer best in..... questionable ways. im gonna ramble about her a bit (aka a lot, oops) under the cut!! 💚💚 (tw for mentions of eye injury)
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she tends to often (pretend to) act pretty smug, cocky, or straight up kinda rude sometimes, due to not trusting anyone else in the killing game. but if you were to ask faer how faes doing fae’d respond like “the monokubs gave me spoilt milk this morning so honestly pretty terrible.” acts fake, isn’t actually fake
fae has a tendency to laugh/giggle a lot, both honest and also out of nervousness. they’ll usually only have their ruse fully up when things get serious, so outside of that faes quite silly and very sweet, albeit a lil wary. she’s always watching and wants to be aware of everything going on, and that gets to faer sometimes (being the ultimate archer makes her very observant!!)
although fae tries not to be, reina can be pretty pessimistic at times. she truly wants to believe that everything will turn out fine but knows that this isn’t going to end without some permanent consequences. so, to cope faes kind of detached faerself from the situation and tries not to think too hard on the deaths happening around her. it’s just a game, after all
is genuinely one of the smartest people among the ultimates, alongside kokichi, and the two together have figured out a lot more than shuichi. also acts like a BASTARD in trials and likes to cause arguments between two people while she laughs in the background, but it’s all for good reasons
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before things got too serious, reina was very wary about revealing that shes a deerperson, and so wore a beanie hat at all times to (mostly) cover faer ears. after the first trial, tho, she gave that up, as she figured that if a robot can exist here, then so can fae
reina and kokichi have been a team since the beginning of the game, where he latched onto faer due to needing (wanting) to know what ~secret~ fae was hiding under their hat. they both share similar views on the whole killing games and match each other in intelligence. that plus their general silly, jokester demeanors mean that they get along well, with reina being the only person kokichi truly trusts
before the deaths in chapter 3, reina was attacked by someone while out at night, with the person intending to poison faer with a knife, while making it look like it was death via stab wound. he managed to slice her eye but didn’t think she would fight back; when fae did and shot him (nonlethally) he fled. reina passed out as she saw people running to her aide
kokichi was genuinely distraught and made a deal with monokuma: heal/save faer, but, in return, make her forget who attacked faer and give her despair disease. except, he wasn’t told the full extent of how the disease worked. reina woke up and, with a heightened paranoia, blamed kokichi for what happened and went lone wolf to hunt down the mastermind faerself
(BUT its all good in the end because her guess as to who the mastermind is was right and faes no longer despaired and WOO happy ending. i think :’3c)
if you made it this far LOOK AT FAER WIP TOYHOUSE im very proud of it
(also also tagging my pal @soudasbabe​ because becca wanted to see reina >:3)
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bethagain · 5 years
I wasn’t actually planning on this, but somehow I’ve been sucked into @drawlight‘s Good Omens advent calendar fic challenge. I was watching all the mistletoe fics go by, and while the many first-kiss fics are fluffy and lovely, my genfic-loving self couldn’t resist putting a different spin on things. No kisses here, but things do get a little schmoopy by the end. Also on AO3.
The Dose Makes the Poison
Warlock was a month shy of two years old and walking with more confidence every day. Nanny Ashtoreth, walking beside him on the way to the garden, had to bend a bit to hold his hand. The brim of her black sun hat tilted down toward the tiny child toddling at her knee.
They were on their way to the orchard, because entertaining a two year old indoors all day is boring. Also because Crowley fancied an apple. He’d always been intrigued by the variety of the things, by all the different combinations of tart and sweet. For something that was supposed to be forbidden to humans, God sure did spend a lot of energy coming up with different versions. Something to tempt just about everyone.
Or maybe She’d simply lost track of them. Crowley had long suspected that the evolution thing had been set into motion and then left to run wild. After all, you had to have a sense of humor to invent the elephant. There was that whole “man plans and God laughs” thing, but privately Crowley wasn’t sure She was actually all that funny.
He also thought it was a bit ridiculous that this one house should have such a huge garden and several dozen apple trees, all for exactly three people. (Eleven people, if you counted the staff. Not that the Dowlings ever did.) Whose fault that was, he had no idea. Maybe it was just a human thing. Same way some people got to own a Ferrari and some people took the bus.
The apple trees were old, gnarled, and heavy with red fruit. Here and there, a bunch of bright green mistletoe interrupted the shape of a branch, whitish berries standing out against shiny leaves.
Brother Francis, the gardener, was halfway up the nearest tree, feet planted on the middle rung of a ladder and a pair of pruning shears in his hands. 
The angel’s smile was so bright, Crowley wondered what he could possibly be looking at.
“Well, that’s adorable.” Aziraphale waved to Warlock, who stared up at him, mouth open and a bit of drool on his chin. “Holding Nanny’s hand, are you?”
Crowley’s lip curled into a growl. “Don’t have a choice,” he groused back. “He’ll wander off otherwise. Faceplant into a rosebush. Fall down the well.”
“Babies do take some watching,” Aziraphale agreed.
The baby, otherwise known (or so they thought) as the Adversary, Destroyer of Kings, Angel of the Bottomless Pit, Great Beast that is called Dragon, Prince of This World, Father of Lies, Spawn of Satan, and Lord of Darkness, pulled free of Crowley’s hand, lost his balance, and sat down in the grass with a soft thump. He patted the ground with his little palms, found a stray apple leaf, and put it in his mouth.
“Were you wanting a break?” Aziraphale offered. “I can watch him for a while.”
“You just want to teach him good things.”
“Of course I do.”
“Go on then.” Crowley patted Warlock on the head, and the toddler looked up at him with a gummy smile. “I’m getting an apple,” he said to Aziraphale. “You want one?”
Aziraphale crouched down beside Warlock, looking at him earnestly. “Shall we have an apple?” 
Warlock burbled at him. 
“Yes?” He called after Crowley, “Yes, we’ll have two.”
“Kid barely even has teeth yet,” Crowley grumbled, but he took a few moments to wander among the trees, looking for the brightest, best-looking apples. They all looked good, in fact, plump and shiny among healthy green leaves, in spite of the equally lush mistletoe living its parasitic life on the branches.
He wandered back a few minutes later, three perfect apples in his hands. He gave one to Aziraphale, set one in the grass in front of Warlock, and took a bite of the third. It had a nice crunch. Not too sweet, these ones. An appealing sourness in the background.
He used the hand holding the apple to point toward the trees. “You should trim that away,” he told Aziraphale. “The mistletoe. It’s a parasite. Sucks the life right out of them.”
Aziraphale swallowed his own bite of apple. “I suppose I should, but it’s so pretty. And it doesn’t seem to be harming anything.”
Crowley knew that guilty tone. “We’re not supposed to be calling attention to ourselves, Angel.”
Aziraphale shifted his posture. Looked away. Took another bite of apple.
“Oh all right. Fine. No more miracles. I’ll trim it tomorrow.”
Crowley stretched out on the grass, long legs crossed at the ankles below the demure knee-length skirt. Aziraphale leaned back on his elbows. Between them, Warlock gummed at his apple, tiny front teeth making little furrows through its bright red peel.
“Humans have a thing with mistletoe, don’t they?” Aziraphale said, after a while.
“They do,” Crowley said. 
“A sort of romantic thing, isn’t it?”
“Something like that.” Crowley, in fact, knew all about it, because he was the one who had invented it. 
300 years earlier
In a windowless room in one of the middle levels of Hell, a dozen demons sat around a conference table. Its scratched surface was littered with coffee mugs. The mugs were chipped and the coffee was cold. Crowley had made the mistake of adding creamer to his. Clumps of beige powder now floated on top, refusing to dissolve. 
Up above their heads, through layers of stone, earth, and spiritual darkness, horse-drawn carriages rattled along the streets of eighteenth century London. It was late December, the time of year when days were short, weather was cold, and tempers were easily frayed. 
At least Crowley’s chair still had both its arms. That didn’t quite make up, though, for the fact that the adjustable height didn’t adjust anymore. Crowley’s head was six inches lower than it ought to be. To his left, Ligur was six inches taller than he ought to be. On Crowley’s right, a demon whose name he’d never bothered to learn was trying to balance on a seat that was no longer properly attached to its base. 
Beelzebub, Prince of Hell, lounged in the cushy executive chair at the table’s head. Their chair was at the exact right height. Their coffee cup steamed. 
Ligur’s demonic possessions of a dozen housewives had earned a round of applause. Merihem, who had tempted a cook to poison an entire banquet hall, had gotten a nod of approval. 
Crowley was the last to give his report. He sat straighter, trying to make up for the missing six inches. He’d done some good demonic activity this season, really he had. If a few of them were trades with Aziraphale, this crew didn’t need to know. Frame it right, and he’d get credit for tempting a father to go out for tobacco one night and never return. Never mind that the man was an abusive bastard.
He got full points, too, for leading a man into bigamy, against the marriage vows he’d made before God and man in London’s finest cathedral. If all three of them are now living together on a farm in northern Scotland, it’s nobody’s business but theirs. That one wasn’t even part of the Arrangement, it was just Crowley thumbing his nose at Her stupid rules--and breathing a sigh of relief when he got away with it.
He did have one thing he thought they’d genuinely get a kick out of. He thought it was particularly demonic. Right up their alley. “I invented a new Christmas thing.”
Beelzebub took a sip of coffee and leaned forward, elbows on the table. “Go on, demon Crowley.”
Crowley reached into a jacket pocket and drew out a sprig of mistletoe. He had to stifle a giggle.  He was really, legitimately proud of this one. “They think it’s a symbol of love!”
He looked around the table, waiting for the response. 
Everyone stared back at him.
“They hang it above their doorways. If two humans stand under it, they have to kiss.”
Beelzebub tilted their head, set down their coffee. “Sszzzoo?”
“So, they think it’s romantic,” Crowley said, a little desperately.
Blank looks.
“It’s poisonous!” He shook the sprig of mistletoe at them. A few berries came loose and bounced their way across the table. “The berries make you sick to your stomach. If you make a tea out of the leaves, you’ll be nauseated. It makes your vision go blurry. Butterflies in your stomach, weak in the knees… Get it?”
They didn’t get it.
He couldn’t help grinning, even then. They’d get it when he told them. “It’s all the symptoms of unrequited love!”
Ligur leaned across Crowley to the demon on his other side, hissed, “I don’t get it.”
“And how,” said Beelzebub, “does that get us new soulszz?”
Crowley set the sprig of mistletoe down on the table. He smoothed the leaves, brushed a finger across the remaining berries. It didn’t. That wasn’t the point. The point was, it was funny. 
Wasn’t it?
“That was very clever, my dear” Aziraphale said, when Crowley finished the story. 
“It’s all right,” Crowley said, “It’s not your thing. You’re all about the requited love, not the other kind.”
“It’s not as though I haven’t seen it. They do get so upset. It’s just like your poison, isn’t it. Not enough to kill them, but it does make them feel like they’re going to--” He trailed off. “Where’s the baby?”
Crowley sat up, looking around wildly. “You said you were watching him!”
“He can’t have gone far.” Aziraphale got to his feet, eyes scanning the grass around them. “Oh,” he said, relieved. “There he is. He’s just playing with the mistletoe.”
Warlock was there beside the nearest apple tree, about twenty meters away, wobbling a bit on his short little legs as he peered at a branch weighed down to the ground with ripe apples. A bright green bunch of mistletoe rested at the level of his head. He reached into it, tiny fingers grabbing a greenish-white berry that immediately went into his mouth. 
Demons can move very quickly when they need to. Crowley crossed the distance at a run, grabbing Warlock and plucking the berry from his mouth. Warlock immediately began to wail. 
Aziraphale snatched the crying toddler from his arms. He whispered something against his hair, and Warlock quieted. “You didn’t have to scare him like that.”
“He was eating the mistletoe!”
“You said it would just make him sick to his stomach.”
“That’s adults,” Crowley groaned, sinking to the ground as though his knees were giving out. “And only if you just eat a little. Higher doses will kill you.” He gestured weakly at Warlock, now sitting calmly in Aziraphale’s arms. “It doesn’t take much to make a big dose for a baby.”
“Crowley!” Aziraphale looked horrified. “Why would you-- And they’re using it for Christmas decorations?”
“They were doing it anyway,” Crowley sighed. “I only added the romance part. And I didn’t make it poisonous in the first place,” he added. He pointed upward. “That wasn’t me, that was Her.”
“Well,” Aziraphale said. “Death by poisoning. I suppose that would have been one way to put an end to our problem.”
Crowley reached out and Aziraphale handed Warlock back over. The little boy snuggled up to his Nanny, who bounced him gently against her chest. “I suppose it would have been.” Nanny leaned her head down to look Warlock in the eyes. “You ready to go back to the house now?” 
Warlock giggled back at her. 
Nanny set him on his feet and reached down for a tiny hand. “See you later, Brother Francis.” The two of them walked back across the garden, toward the big house. Nanny had to bend down a bit to hold on to Warlock’s hand, the brim of her black sun hat tilted down toward the little boy toddling by her knee. 
Brother Francis watched them go. Then he crossed the grass back to the orchard, picked up the shears, and began pruning away the mistletoe. 
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sweetxchloe · 4 years
📱Chloe ↔️ Luca
Tagging: Chloe Lynn & Luca Motta ( @doveportluca​ ) When: April 9, 2020  Notes: Discord Text thread!
Chloe: hey Luca! What time are you free from work tomorrow?
Luca: I don't work at all tomorrow, I get off at 9pm tonight though.
Chloe: Do you usually have Fridays off?
Luca: No, but since I worked New Years and every other holiday since, I was given Good Friday off
Chloe: Are you going to church?
Luca: I was going to look for one tomorrow morning see if I could find a service to go to, since I'm not going to be home. Are you going to church?
Chloe: There’s that one pretty looking church near downtown but I don’t know what type of church it is. And I wasn’t planning on it... but I can go with you if you want? I get home at 4:30
Luca: I'll see what kind of services the churches are offering and let you know, but we don't have to go to church if you don't want, you can always just come over and hang out. I don't work all weekend - I booked it off.
Chloe: You get an actual weekend! When was the last time you had that and wasn’t traveling or busy with family? Chloe: I really don’t mind going to church. I would go with my parents sometimes so it’s not out of the ordinary for me
Luca: LOL a long time, I have to admit. I think maybe when I moved here? But even then I was doing stuff. Luca: Well, I'll see what's happening then. Would you rather go to the Good Friday service or the Easter Sunday one?
Chloe: Luca!! You really need more you time! This weekend is a start and you should get as much rest as possible. Also you’re coming here tomorrow! Would you like for me to get a bath set up for you to soak in? Or is that weird to offer? Chloe: Hmm I think everyone will be at the Sunday one so Good Friday would be better
Luca: No that's PERFECT to offer, oh my god. I'll bring us some good wine to drink, and maybe some lasagna? Luca: Okay, I'll keep you updated tomorrow about the service and the times
Chloe: Oh good! I didn’t know if you would have thought it weird to take a bath in my house
Luca: As long as you're not going to record it, or anything. Luca: Why would it be weird? It's a bath. It's like you having a shower at my place.
Chloe: I knoooow.  [...] Chloe: Can I be honest with you about something?
Luca: Of course
Chloe: Ok.....So, I don't know how to start with this so I'm just going to say it and hopefully it makes sense. I like spending time with you. I like the chances we get to hang out. I like you want to teach me how to cook and that snow globe you got me is on my dresser and I smile everytime I see it. I want to spend more time with you and I'm in a place where I think I want to start to actually date and not just do hangouts. And...gah. You probably think I'm crazy or flighty. But I'm just scared of hurting you because I don't want to hurt you. I really, really like you.
Luca: I don't think you're crazy or flighty, and I really hope you're not mad at me or went all spazzy because work got busy. But, I'm all yours for the rest of the night. Chloe, I'm a man in my 30's, I've been hurt before. Besides, I don't think you're going to hurt me and we don't need to go fast. I really like you and enjoy the time we spend together, and I'd like to date you. I just didn't want to rush you.
Chloe: Omg no! I wasn’t mad at you at all!! I know you have such a busy schedule and probably so much on your plate. Which is why when you said you wanted me to come to you about things I felt like I would bother you when you have more important things going on. Chloe: the thing is I want to kiss you and do a little more with you but I also know that that’s something you don’t do with someone unless you’re really comfortable with them. And I don’t want you to feel pressured by me:
Luca: Chloe, you are important to me. I want to know about what makes you happy, or sad. If you're going down the street and see a dog in a top hat. I want to know what's on your mind if you'll let me - because you're important to me. Luca: I wouldn't say I want to date you if I wasn't ready to kiss you and touch you. We might have to wait for sex, but I'm willing to explore foreplay with you. I don't feel pressured by you, but I don't want you thinking that I don't desire you either.
Chloe: You made me laugh so much with the dog with the top hat. It’d be so cute I’d cry first and then tell you about it  Chloe: I’m completely fine with waiting. It’s not even that that I’m craving. Not that I wouldn’t be against finding out how it is for us if we get there. You’re the first demisexual guy I’ve been out with and I want to be mindful of that. Chloe: I want to keep seeing you. After tomorrow night and see where it takes us
Luca: I like to hear that Luca: Thank you, Chloe. For being so understanding with me, I appreciate it. I've run into people in the past that haven't been as understanding and empathetic. 
Luca: I'm happy with that, more than happy.
Chloe: I do feel like I need to be honest with you about something. Did I ever tell you about my old best friend?
Luca: You mentioned him once or twice, but nothing in great enough detail for me to really remember in depth
Chloe: His name’s Brad. We grew up together. He was my next door neighbor. We went to elm, middle and high school together and were inseparable. We even went to school dances as each other’s dates but it’s always been as friends. People kept waiting for us to get together but it never happened. When I moved to Houston it was really hard because I was away from the world I grew up with and I missed my friends. Especially him. Chloe: he surprised me with a visit as soon as we settled into the new house and we went in this road trip we always talked about. It was during this trip we hooked up and were that way for a month. We talked about telling our parents were dating and he confessed he loves me and had been in love with me. It felt right with him, something I hadn’t had with any other person I’ve dated. When we got back he had to leave suddenly so we didn’t talk to my parents and after some time of hardly talking to him and he not returning my calls or messages or anything...I felt heartbroken. I’m still dealing with that pain because anytime I feel I can have something meaningful with someone that pain presses into my heart. Chloe: During Spring Break I saw him at a bar and it was as if all those promises and pain and years of hurt and anger and tears came back and I went up to him and punched him. It was such a reactive and stupid thing but I punched him. And maybe more. Part of that is kinda blurred because I was so pissed! Chloe: and since then he’s been texting and calling me. Full of apologies and how he is an idiot and with all these excuses.  Chloe: but I want you to know about all of that to kind of understand why I get the way I do. And I know it’s a lot and I’m sorry
Luca: So THAT was who you punched. I was wondering.... Jesus, I don't blame you for giving him a right hook now. I want to beat him up for you now. Luca: Thank you for sharing that with me, Chlo. I know that wasn't the easiest thing in the world to do, but I'm glad you did. Luca: We can go at whatever pace you're comfortable you're with, and if you're ever unsure, or you need reassurance, you just need to ask. Even if you want to talk for hours on end, or need to ask me 5 times in a row... Do it. Because I'm not going anywhere, and I've been interested in you pretty much since the moment we started talking, I just didn't want to freak you out. So I won't pull a Brad, but I do want you to know that I'm here if you need to talk. Whether it's about him, anything bothering you, how you're feeling... I'm here. Luca: Sorry if that didn't make sense, I'm tired, but I really just want to give you a hug, so I rambled.
Chloe: it made sense to me. It’s not an easy story to share but I don’t want to keep you in the dark about things. I’m trying to be upfront so I don’t lead you on but I’m not sure what I’m doing at this point. Punching him made me feel better. Like a part of me was able to let that go. So with that I want to date and try to let someone in. But there is still that other part that has been through years of hurt and she’s not ready yet.  Chloe: I know Im rambling, especially when you said you’ll be patient but I just have so much on my mind and...yeah. That’s... it. Lol
Luca: Do you want to go for a walk? We can talk about it some more. If you want, of course.  Luca: And like I said, if that part of you starts coming out and she's not ready once we start seeing one another.. Then you just have to tell me. I'm okay with that. I want you to be comfortable, Chlo.
Chloe: Right now? Chloe: You’re really easy to talk to. I mean that. Sometimes I have to sit and think about what I’m going to say and I hate that. But not with you
Luca: If you want, I can grab us a coffee. Luca: That makes me happy. You're really easy to talk to too.
Chloe: you said you’re tired, Luca. Plus I’m sticky and covered in flour from baking so many cookies. Oh yeah! You’re getting a tin tomorrow!
Luca: Well then just know if you want to talk, we can tomorrow. Also, you good for a 7pm mass at Sacred Heart?
Chloe: How about a phone call? That way it’s like we’re together but we’re not. It’ll need to be after I walk Luna and shower. Chloe: Yes!!! I’m super proud of my icing job on these. I’ve been practicing since Christmas Chloe: 7pm works for me! I haven’t been to a mass in awhile.
Luca: I can do that! Luca: Did you do royal icing? Luca: Perfect, I'll come by around 5 and we can have dinner together
Chloe: I did!! Chloe: *attaches pic*
Chloe: look at how cute they came out!
Luca: They're great! Also look really good too
Chloe: but I’m so tired! Chloe: ok. Give me like 30 mins and I’ll call you
Luca: You deserve a gold medal for how many you made  Luca: Talk to you soon, gorgeous.
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