#i can just imagine the joltik room
zolupine · 11 months
Emmet: Crazy? I was crazy once. They locked me in a room. A rubber room. A rubber room with Joltiks, and Joltiks make me crazy. Crazy? I was crazy once-
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subwaytostardew · 2 months
Could we potentially get a small daily schedule for Joltik in the standalone mod? Pretty much all I know is that it can be found sometimes next to the Bus Stop minecarts
Sorry I didn't write it out upon release! I don't have an excuse for that. I just hate formatting schedules into a way someone who hasn't had their brain rewired for stardew coding can read.
The standalone Joltik has different schedule than the expansion Joltik and spawns at Marnie's shop! I imagine Jas is the best about caring for Joltik since she's strongly against squishing bugs. Joltik lives a simple life.
▷ Station Steward Thylak
⚡️Adoptable Joltik Schedule⚡️
Monday -
9:00 AM - Feeding on the ticket machine at the Bus Stop
1:00 PM - Observing/feeding on the minecart at the Bus Stop
5:00 PM - Feeding on the lampost in Town square (above Emily's house)
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Tuesday - 
12:00 PM - Feeding on the electricity from the arcade machines at the Saloon
3:00 PM - Feeding on the electricity from the light near Gus's bedroom at the Saloon
5:00 PM - Feeding on the other lampost in Town square (above Emily's house)
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Wednesday - 
9:00 AM - Observing/feeding on the robot in Maru's room
5:00 PM - Laying in the grass near the fountain in Town. Got a tummyache. Needs to take a stop before going back to Marnie's
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Thursday - 
9:00 AM - Feeding on the lamp in Sam's bedroom
5:00 PM - Feeding on the lampost outside of Sam's house
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Friday - 
9:00 AM - Feeding on the lampost near the bridge to the Beach
5:00 PM - Chittering with the spiders under Elliott's table
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Saturday - 
9:00 AM - Feeding on JojaMart's power box
5:00 PM - Still eating away at JojaMart. Attacking the sliding doors this time
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
Sunday -
9:00 AM - Feeding on the Hospital computer
5:00 PM - Got the zoomies. Skittering around near the playground in the grass
8:00 PM - Sleeping in Jas's room at Marnie's shop
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waywardstation · 1 year
I've seen a lot of headcanons how Ingo has often put a stop to Emmet's Joltik breeding when it goes out of hand. I can imagine post Hisui he is still the one saying when it's enough but he is more accepting of it.
Ingo also supports Hisuian Sneasel breeding Communities and breeds some himself. It's nowhere near as much as Emmet (like one litter a year or something like that) But he definitely shares his knowledge in hopes of bringing this variant back to the Wild (in an area where they can thrive and don't harm the other Pokemon popularity)
I just like the idea of both exchanging breeding stories. Also contrary to what everyone believes: Ingo loves all newly hatched Pokemon. He'll treat a runt of a Joltik "litter" with the same love he gives a Sneaslet.
OH I LOVE THIS! I like to think so too, for the most part, that post-Hisui Ingo is more lax with all of it than he was pre-Hisui.
I’d think it’d be great if initially, Ingo didn’t agree with Emmet’s mass joltik breeding at all - he doesn’t get it, and it leads to staticky babies crawling all over the apartment, all over their things, all over him - he loves the joltik of course - they’re his brother’s Pokémon! But he’s not exactly a fan of having so many of them crawling everywhere in this tiny little apartment. They don’t really have the room for if. But, Ingo still supports Emmet’s hobby and helps him with it (and that might include suggesting he slows down a little)
Post Hisui, Ingo gets it a bit more now. Emmet may tease him for getting into breeding efforts (“I told you you’d get it someday!”), but Emmet would be more than happy to help Ingo with anything involving it.
Ingo might even tell Emmet that back in Hisui, he didn’t realize it had come from him at the time, but a lot of his breeding tips actually helped him with managing his noble’s kits. Emmet would be very happy.
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frogwithhatto · 7 months
Vessels and their Pokémon
Pairings: poly!Vessels
TW: none?
Notes: I’m sorry but I had to combine my hyperfixations I don’t know if there’s an overlap between Pokémon and Sleep Token Fans but even if you aren’t a fan maybe it’ll be fun to read :)
II: Water and Bug
- His first Pokémon was a scatterbug he befriended that lived in the garden of his childhood home (it has now evolved into a Spewpa and is very loyal to him)
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- He has a joltik that he caught when he checked why their electricity kept flicking on and off. It had infested their house searching for a source of power and it definitely tried to fight him at first. Now III‘s electro Pokémon help nurturing it.
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- Adopted a snom at some point and definitely keeps a tree like structure in his room so it can sleep there (they wrap up like an icicle when they do)
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- Recently caught a Mudkip on a little trip they made to a swamp and instantly fell in love with it. The others definitely think it looks like him. He also used it as an excuse to finally add a little pond to their garden.
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- I also feel like he has a seviper?? Also not that fitting with his main types but the vibes! (Bare with me for a second here) Sevipers often wrap around their prey and are also known to be very observant and clever so what if it helps II when he gets overwhelmed? Like a snake-shaped weighted blanket, it’ll pick up on his usual cues and interfere in time before it gets worse! (Vessel definitely had a little heart attack the first time he walked in on that)
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- Skiddo! Come on doesn’t it look like the cutest little guy? Just imagine them cuddling together in the sun or how it helps with moving II‘s drumkit around. I also feel like it’s like a therapy dog for all of the vessels because it (supposedly) can read human feelings with its horns.
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III: fairy and electric
- He definitely has an Azurill (it was his first Pokémon and he carries it around on his shoulder). The both of them can often be seen bouncing their energy off together, especially since he taught it skipping.
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- Dedenne, I truly believe that it came to be his just like Joltik did for II, their house must have especially yummy electricity with Pokémon not once but twice intruding to feed off of it. III definitely carries it around in one of those cat hoodies, you know the ones that have a pouch at the front?
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- Also has a cutiefly, it used to live close to their home. One evening III was out by himself, basking in the last rays of the sun. He had been lazily stretched out in the grass watching the sky as it turned from light blue to purple as he noticed it flying around his head. It wouldn’t leave him alone even when he went inside so he decided to ask Vessel for help. He couldn’t stop grinning as he spoke. „My Love, Cutiefly flutter above the heads of people who’s auras resemble those of flowers.“
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- Also befriended a Shinx that kept following him around on his walks because it got isolated from its pack, by now it has evolved into a Luxio. With its tail it can generate electricity which it will gladly do to help out Dedenne and II‘s Joltik.
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- He has a dreepy, which is a dragon/ghost type so no one understands how it came to fit into his team but it happened. (The other Vessel’s refer to him as the „Disney princess of Pokémon’s“ the little creatures just love him). It loves playing with Azurill and the water Pokémon of the others.
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- He has a Sylveon which he can be seen walking around with when he’s in public. It uses it feelers to hold hands with its trainers which gives them the ability to sense their feelings, the vessels definitely use this to tell if any of them are uncomfortable or anxious in a public setting. Just imagine III walking next to it holding its feeler/ribbons?? that’s so cute. They can also emit peaceful auras which have definitely resolved some arguments and/or avoided some panic attacks before.
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IV: fire and steel
- His first Pokémon was a Growlithe he caught it with the help of his dad when they were on a hike (now evolved to an Arcanine and they’re inseparable it will sleep on his floor or sometimes even try to fit into his bed with him)
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- Shortly after he got his first Pokémon he rescued a Cyndaquil someone abandoned in the middle of the woods, gaining its trust wasn’t an easy task especially because they tend to be easily frightened but by now it trusts him. Its very cheerful and playful with the other Pokémon and can often be found curled up on IV‘s lap.
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- He had an Aron which by now has evolved into a Lairon. They are normally highly aggressive but as long as IV manages its diet well (iron and spring water) it’s rather peaceful and gets along with the others Pokémon. Sometimes it lets the smaller Pokèmon ride on its back.
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- Has a corviknight and it’s best friend is Vessel’s Noibat. They are known to be incredibly smart and strong and it’ll often help II with transporting gardening supplies or helps out with groceries. Due to its size IV could easily ride on it (they are used for transportation) but so far he has always chickened out.
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- Excadrill do I need to say more?? I don’t think so! It’s very him coded and also helps II with his garden!
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- Houndour!! They are very affectionate Pokémon and it definitely sees the Vessels as it’s pack, which means it gets very protective of them and is incredibly loyal to all of them. IV and the others often take it on long walks in the woods and you can’t tell me that IV and III don’t play fight with it all the time.
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- Most of his Pokémon are too large to fit into his room together so during warm summer nights he’ll sleep under the stars with all of them curled around him. (Or during winter they’ll cuddle up on the floor in the living room)
Vessel: flying and ghost
- First Pokémon was a misdreavus he met on one of his nightly walks through the forest. By now it has evolved into a Mismagius and they can often be found wandering around in the middle of the night together.
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- He has a Froslass, none of the others truly understand how exactly that happened, given that those are usually not the biggest fans of humans and are known to freeze them. It tried luring Vessel into a trap as they do with handsome men (I didn’t make this up I swear it’s true!) but quickly got way too fond of him and now it’s very protective of him. III definitely uses this as the argument to prove that Vessel is in fact handsome, whenever he feels insecure.
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- Mantyke, that’s it you know what’s up. (He met it during one of his early morning swims which then lasted until early afternoon. The other Vessels were already looking for him and found him and Mantyke playing in the water together, since then they've been inseperable)
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- Has a noibat he absolutely adores and picks the freshest fruit for (they’re picky eaters) and he borrows II‘s ear defenders whenever he’s around it for longer times because the echolocation they use can be harmful.
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- Mimikyu what can I say? It hides its true form beneath a mask and tries to represent something that others will love and want to be friends with… it just works a bit too well with Vessel doesn’t it? (He’s very fond of it and I guarantee you that he treats it with extra care) It will often sit next to him when he’s playing piano and nod along.
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That's it!! Thank you for reading :) picture and lore info credit go to: https://pokemon.fandom.com/wiki/Pok%C3%A9mon_Wiki
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dittolicous · 2 years
Idk why i just imagine Emmet been like "INGO COME OVER HERE!!! WHAT IS THIS?!?!?!" "HOW THESE JOLTIKS KNOW THIS MOVE?!!? *insert any gliscor attack here" "WHY THIS JOLTIK IS WAY BIGGER THAN THE USUAL SIZE?!" "WHY THERE IS A BABY GLISCOR HERE TOO?!?!?!" "CARE TO EXPLAIN BROTHER?! 8)" hahaha he is not mad or anything is just wondering why his Gliscor is also a lady killer/casanova like his trainer (i am making a reference to that one magazine poll post where Ingo was first place in the most handsome pokemon trainer and Emmet got third place) he is happy tho ultimited size joltiks!!
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Because this is the EXACT dramatic bullshittery playfulness that Emmet will unleash on Ingo. He's not actually mad but it's like 'MY BABY GIRL! HE STOLE HER INNOCENCE! NOW HE MUST MAKE THIS RIGHT AND TAKE HER MANDIBLE IN MARRIAGE. MAKE A PROPER SPIDER-LADY OUT OF HER.' Ingo's losing it trying to make clear replies as he cry laughs over Emmet just going ham on the absolute AUDACITY OF GLISCOR TO BED HIS BEAUTIFUL BABY SPIDER!!!! Turning around tells her she has good taste, that he's proud of her, she's beautiful, she'll be a great mom, spins back around and loses it AGAIN on Gliscor who's just cuddling the babies in blissful ignorance.
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Of course they'll hold a tiny Spider/Bat-scorpion marriage and someone WILL give them a tiny bouquet to throw at Elesa's head as she dies laughing over Spider Marriage. Puts Gliscor in a pet tux which causes him to lose his shit like a cat and *bam* hits the ground in wide-eyed terror, refuses to move as they try to drag him around.
Elesa comes over and is like 'Emmet isn't this a bit much?' as he puts the cutest little veil on Galvantula and gets a room set up and turns to her like 'No, it is not nearly enough. I need a cake!'
Spoiled One and Princess (as the two shinys) are Flower Girls.
Look Gliscor is like, TOTALLY into Galvantula, she's his spider-warrior-goddess in much the same way Lady Sneasler is to the Weaviles. But she's tinier and WILL kick his ass, and they will love every minute of it.
...They're kinda like the Pokemon equivalent of Morticia and Gomez Addams but less macabre. Peppy but equally ready to do horrible gruesome things. Very in love but also like. Will not hold back. Digs it 100%. (Is this a bug thing? MAYBE! At least she didn't eat her mate!)
Once Ingo is actually able to BREATH again (Please Emmet, he can only take so much, his sides hurt), he'll be equally smitten by the lil alpha babies and OOOOO the POSSIBILITIES!!!!! He might not be as breeder-savy as Emmet, but he can spot a good combo when he sees one, and with how strong Galvantula is (like... yknow, outside of the games lol), how will this translate into Alphas? How does it mix with Gliscor? What, indeed, are the possibilities?
Princess will be a beautiful lil monster who will grow up to properly destroy the Battle Subway with a single Earthquake and thus forever earn her place as Ingo's favorite (....okay it's like a 15-way tie, but the point still stands!).
....I like this ship too. XD
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bellafragolina · 1 year
Not a request or anything but I like to imagine when Emmet was a kid he had a terrarium in his room just so he could look at his joltik. Sure, he had a poke ball but he just liked being able to look at it if he was having a tough time with schoolwork. His galvantula still has the custom train shaped nest box it used to sleep in as a joltik that it gives out to its hatchlings occasionally.
The terrarium has spider stuff in it for enrichment, and Emmet has a chair so he can sit and stare. It’s almost creepy, but he vibrates and bounces with his delight over his Pokémon, so it becomes more cute
Also the box is such a cute idea. What a perfect nest for hatchlings!!!
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adrianasunderworld · 2 years
I don’t exactly know why, but I’m imagining Idia with just a bunch of joltik around him. Him having some rotoms maybe even an absol… but he has a billion joltiks around him for some reason. They’re not his they just like to hang around him.
This is being sent the day before scarlet and Violet are being released, any thoughts? Are you getting either game? Both? If only one, which one? Any particular reason why? I’ve already preordered Violet and am gonna be picking it up when the store opens! I already had my mind made on getting Sprigatito for my starter. I know I am also planning on getting a certain graffiti-ing Pokémon who I won’t exactly name just in case some people are still wary of spoilers even though the name has already been released.
- SpadeHearts Anon
The joltiks probably like all the electrical stuff in his room, so its very homey to them, and Idia in the pokemon au does have a Rotom as well as a jolteon. But I can definetly see him with an Absol. Since it's the most "dog like" pokemon he has, I can see him naming it a variant of Cerberus. Or better yet, he heard about the old greek meaning of Cerbeus essentially means spotted. So he named his Absol Spot to be funny. No one but him and Ortho get it though.
And I am getting Violet as well! Though I won't be getting it on release, I'm going to wait for Christmas since its around the corner. My switch is a shared console with my younger sibling, so it's going to be on his Christmas list anyway, so I may as well just wait the few weeks for it. But we always agree on the version to get, which isn't really a big deal to begin with. But yeah we are getting Violet, just because we like the box legendary more. Also Turo is there, so...
And I am picking Sprigatito as my starter, I knew right away that was the one I wanted. Idk what I'm going to name it though. I'm thinking of naming it Faba, after the green cat Satan raised in the pet event in Obey Me. I made a joke that Satan got Sprigatito early. But we shall see. I definitely want both of the new dog pokemon. It's going to be fun. ^_^
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bat-connoisseur · 2 years
I think you deserve a nice ordinary ask so tell us what you would do if you had a pet pokemon (species your choice)
oh hell yeah
Alright firstly I'd have multiple pokemon I think. Could not settle for just one yannow?
I'd like a Galvantula, but I'd get it as a Joltik. Why a Galvantula? Well I fucking love bug pokemon. I love big insects. And Galvantula are furry and I bet they would love to clamber on you and perhaps join you as you nap because you are warm. I have this vivid mental image of one curled up with all its little legs tucked in lying on your chest. I'd like to get it as a joltik because 1) that's a fuckign LITTLE GUY right there, and 2) because I feel like it would be the best way to establish a bond and trust, and because a little beast would be more manageable to train. If a big ass spider decides to get into mischeif then that'd be more damage than a tiny little tic, so any accidents or bad habits that need to be trained about would be easiest dealt with then. Especially because it couldn't administer as intense shocks as its evolved form!!!! A poorly trained Galvantula could ruin your day FAR easier than a little joltik.
In terms of environment, things would have to be thoroughly spider-proofed, and adequate climbing equipment provided, but I would be more than happy to accomodate that. I'm assuming here I have all relevant resources to set up a very nice space for it, and I'd happily figure out how to create good enrichment and safe areas for climbing, shocking, building webs, etc. It'd be enrichment for both of us! It is carnivorous, but I'm not opposed to feeding it chicks and stuff. That's nature baeby! Not that much different to feeding a snake I'd imagine.
I can't see if they are truly communal, but they seem to live/attack in groups? So I'd then probably get a second Galvantula, again as a Joltik. I'm once again assuming I have the space and resources to properly house them. Can't have my beloved beast getting lonley!!!
I'd also like to get a Zubat. This could pose some issues with the Galvantulas, since they would build webs, but if I could convince them to keep their webbing to a specific room, some kind of Spider Hangout Room, it probably wouldn't be too much of an issue. Galvantula are specifically stated to feed on the young of bird pokemon that can't fly, so that may work in the Zubat's favour. However I'd probably endeavour to make sure any interactions are supervised until they become properly aquainted and aware of each other (and the zubat of its surroundings, since they are blind). It does seem to be canon that pokemon of different species are very capable of bonding and becoming friends, so should introductions go well, hopefully the Galvantulas and Zubat would be able to bond. That being said, while it's still a Zubat, I'd continue to supervise so that the Galvantulas don't hurt it by accident. I'd only leave them alone when it evolves and is more resilient (and can see, i feel like that'd help).
I'd probably have a designated aviary for it, kept fairly dark and with nice perches and an interesting layout. Zubat are very sensitive to sunlight, according to bulbapedia, so yet another reason to supervise it outside of this setting, and while it's a Zubat limit its roaming time around the rest of the house to evenings. Recall training would also probably be very important to start early, since as it evolves and gets bigger it would have to be taken outside to get the exercise it needs.
It's not clear what they eat, but I'm going to go out on a limb and call them omnivorous. Crobat can feed on blood but I feel like they are too big and active for that to be the only thing they eat, you know? So I'd feed it a mixed diet of fruits, insects, and perhaps some animal blood too.
Zubat are very social, and while it could get company in the form of the Galvantulas and myself, I feel like it would need company in the form of another bat pokemon. That being said, Crobat and Golbat are very big, so I'd probably go for a Woobat instead. They also seem to be nocturnal, and their whole thing is being kind and sweet and I think they could get on very well. They could huddle together while they sleep (something that seems to be very important for Zubat), and while they are modelled off of fruit bats, they are specifically stated to eat insects (and hunt in caves and dark forests, hence the nocturnal assumption), so that would be a bonus also.
Now, there could be an issue mixing bug pokemon with two noted Insectivores, but in this case I think it would be alright. You see, I really doubt that Galvantula are the prey of either of these species- they are big, fully evolved pokemon for one, and electric types, which would be far too big of a risk for the half-flying crobat and swoobat. And, once again, pokemon of different species and types have been very clearly shown to be able to create bonds of friendship. It's pokemon logic. gotta suspend your disbelief somewhere lol.
Quick note- uhh there's a lot of pokemon I love that i wouldn't have as a pet. Most of my favourites, in fact, would be terrible. I love ghost types but the majority of them eat souls and I'm not sure I could accomodate that. Honestly the Galvantula are a risk, since they can paralyse you, but being fully evolved I think that they would have a good grasp on their abilities. Also, in the anime at least, they are pretty friendly. Plus it's a risk I'm willing to take. You have no idea how much I wish Galvantula were real. I think about it every day.
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emmetrain · 2 years
send “📔” to read an entry from my muse’s diary about your muse
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"Dear Ingo, or Diary --since I have written too many personal events in here and I would rather throw you out of window than let you read this, dear brother.
Still!! I am too lonely not to address this to you. See?? This is why you should never ever read this! I am the cool, happy twin! I cannot be saying shit like this!!
I have been talking with someone verrrrry normal. Do you know the Sinnoh legends you tried to rope me in and I refused--because I get jealous of all those kids with legendary pokemon on their side? Well!!! This verrry normal person is the legendary Giratina themselves!! Oh, you should have been here. You love ghost pokemon, and you would understand them better than I could!
So!! Giratina is human. In a way? But you can see that they are... verrry new at it? I feel like they are using a remote controller to conduct their body, and that controller is in need of maintenance. They look a bit scary or goofy at times. If I did not like them or if we were closer, I would roast them about this, but I do not want them to get self-conscious. (You should have seen them though! It is a verrry cool! I feel like I am watching a science-fiction movie with an adequate budget!)
You know, it is usually your thing to get emotional and go all philosophical on people. But I think that rubbed off on me. I think I see them like us. They are sibling and they are alone and... Look, I would never imagine someone could die without dying, but the day you went away, I have died. For sure. The pain is immeasurable. It makes me laugh to see myself alive and running when I know, deep down, I am no more. So... Seeing them makes me feel like I can relate to their pain, in a way. They are alone. They are powerful, of course, but they are also suffering. They are not... quite alive, like me!
Oh, Ingo, you definitely won't get to read this. I am going to eat this.
We have Dialga, Palkia and their banished sibling Giratina, right? I have no idea what kind of beings the others are. But I know it is unfair. That the two are separated from Giratina. For the fault of their birth. Giratina did not come into existence broadcasting their wish to carry the burden of overseeing destruction and anti-matter? I think all parental figures inherently suck since the very first one is awful as well. If you are almighty~, then you should be the god of destruction yourself, shithead.
Anyway... Ingo, I do want to help them. I know I cannot even help you or me at the moment. People help people, but the question lingers, am I the right person for this job? I mean, we would not let annoying Cilan conduct our precious trains just because he wants to help. But also... I still want to help them? I am stubborn, you know that. I do not want give up on them, even if I am nothing but a speck of dust in their grand, eternal existence. I want them to know I care. You know, ever since you went away, my baby Joltiks are tugging at my sleeve or biting me when I come home injured? (On second thought, do not know that. I am going to eat this paper.) Well, I want to be that Joltik? I want them to know someone gives a shit. Even if that does not help, I still smile when I see my baby spiders caring about me. I want them to smile, Ingo. I think I will continue up in these tracks.
I never want to drop the pen when I start to write like this. It is so easy to assume you are there when I am writing. I do not want my eyes to focus back on the dark, empty room. I do not want to live like this, Ingo. Not knowing what happened to you. I am going insane.
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aparticularbandit · 5 months
On Tea and Ghosties: Chapter One
Summary: Many, many years ago, Agatha Harkness fell in love with Cian Masters. Some years later, Cian accepted her advances. For a time, they were happy.
Three years ago, that ended.
And Agatha is going to fix that.
AU of The Valentines Collection.
Chapter Rating: T. Fic Rating: T.
next chapter
She runs a finger around the lip of her wine glass, pulling out an incessant, eerie whine, and smiles drearily at the sound while her Umbreon, Ebony, the sole partner she lets roam about outside of her ball, curls up near to purring at her bare feet.  Outside, the sky is studded with stars; when she was younger, she thought they were holes in the black expanse like holes in a lampshade, but she knows better now.  She still likes to imagine them as holes, however, still likes to think if she soared up into the sky with a large enough needle and long enough thread she could sew them all up and leave the sky ebony black.  The very idea makes her smile with self-amusement.
A smile that drops as soon as the door behind her creaks open, as soon as she hears the scuttling of insectoid feet along the floor.
Ebony sits up all at once, her purring silenced, bright blue rings along her fur lighting up in trepidation.  She searches the room, ruby red eyes scanning here there and everywhere.  Then she catches sight of it, the fuzzy yellow and purple, and her fur stands on end.  She’s not a cat, so she doesn’t hiss, but she jumps into an attack position, protective of her partner.
“Hush, Ebony.”  Agatha brushes a hand along Ebony’s back, threading her fingers through her partner’s fur.  “She’s not an enemy.”
Not this time.
A smaller, yellow-green fuzzball of a spider jumps onto the back of the couch, just next to Agatha, and when she reaches up her free hand to brush her fingers along its back, it zaps her with the static built between its strands of fur.  She leaves her hand outstretched for it; it nibbles on her fingertips.
“If Liv ever gets tired of you—”
“I won’t.”  Liv speaks amidst the chattering of spiders, the shadow she casts eclipsed by her bodyguard, a Grappleoct she’s never named who hovers behind her with its four long arm-like limbs crossed.  Her husky voice carries even more weariness than normal, possibly due to the late hour.  “What do you want, Agatha?”
Agatha stares at Liv’s reflection in the window across from her.  She’s tired, dark bags under her eyes, but another Joltik rests atop her shoulder, nuzzles her neck, shocks her with the same subtle static the other gave Agatha.  It takes another moment before Agatha’s gaze drops.  “C’mon, Ebony.”  She pats the couch cushion next to her, and Ebony jumps up, turns about in a circle, and then curls up.  Unlike before, though, Ebony does not begin to purr; everything under her skin lies tense, taut, ready for whatever Agatha needs.
“Agatha.”  Now Liv sounds frustrated.  Snappish.  “What do you want?”
She wets her finger and runs it along the lip of her wine glass again, pulling that same sharp whine out, one that causes the spiders – the Grappleoct – to flinch, a reaction that brings a smile to Agatha’s lips.  “Not much, hon,” she murmurs.  “What you did for my sister…I want you to do that for me.”
Many, many years ago, Agatha Harkness fell in love with Cian Masters.
Some years later, Cian accepted her advances.
For a time, they were happy.
Three years ago, that ended.
“This isn’t like Eve.”  Liv states upright from the beginning.  “I can’t fix Cian’s body.  And I don’t want you dragging a corpse into my lab and dumping it on me with the sort of expectations—”
“Of course not, hon.”
Agatha cuts Liv off before she can continue, in part because the irritation already evident in Liv’s tone is causing the Joltik on the back of Agatha’s couch to grow more and more staticky, sending small jolts into Agatha’s skin.  She doesn’t mind.  She’s had worse.  Years ago, when she’d still been running the trainer circuit, when she and Cian were both employed in the Elite Four, an errant thunderbolt hit her instead of her partner.  The trainer was removed from the program immediately, and Agatha spent months in a hospital, healing, undergoing rehab, until she was finally allowed to go home.  She would never be able to dance again, not like she had before.
In the end, that was fine.  It meant she got more time with Cian when they got sick.  And the pay….  Well, that wasn’t too bad either.  Sure, she agreed to the risks when she joined the Elite Four, but the loss of an entire form of income – they covered that.  Mostly.
Agatha took a deep breath in, considering her words before she said them, until Ebony butted her head against her thigh.  “I propose,” she says, finally, “that we create them a new one.”
Liv remains silent for a few moments.  In her reflection in the window, Agatha can see her jaw working, but she can’t tell if that’s her teeth gritting together in frustration or chewing on her cheek in thoughtful consideration.  Whatever it is, Liv stops just in time to ask, “Have you found them, then?  Do you have a mon in mind?”
A chuckle breaks through Agatha’s lips.  In the earlier days, it might have sounded merry or dark, but now it just sounds maniacal.  More a cackle than a chuckle.  “You really think,” she says between bursts of laughter, “that I would ask if I didn’t already know?”
Three years ago, Cian lost their life to a sudden, unexpected heart attack.
On that day, Agatha was meant to meet them for their morning tea.  It was one of the best parts of both their days, a good way to center and meditate and discuss with each other before parting.  Even when Agatha wasn’t there, off on one of her tours, Cian maintained the practice.  They were, in fact, the one who started it, roping Agatha into it with them when she first began to live with them.
But Agatha was awake far too late on this particular day, not getting to sleep until nearly four in the morning.  If asked later, she couldn’t say just why.  Something didn’t sit well with her.  Her brain wouldn’t shut down.  At one point, she remembered kissing Cian on their forehead before getting up on bare feet and cleaning.  A bit here.  A bit there.  Something she thought would exhaust her, but didn’t.
Agatha slept through their morning tea, and Cian died because she was not there, and the little teacup they always used for their tea went missing.
That doesn’t mean that Agatha hasn’t seen the cup again.
Here’s the thing about ghost pokemon.
A good chunk of them are either lost souls fused together with some form of item or they absorb the life force of those around them, whether intentionally to make their flames shine brighter or unintentionally by stealing away small children and simply existing around people.
Now, only a few short months ago, Liv was able to successfully pull a stolen soul from the pokemon who nabbed it and settle it back into the body it once inhabited.  Her studies into ghost pokemon and their interactions and abilities allowed her to reverse what had been done, not just to that soul but also to drain life force back from them or from other living creatures around her – pokemon, human, whatever she could find – and bring back what had been lost.
Eve was the first successful use of Liv’s research.
(Eve was the first human use of Liv’s research.  Liv said it wasn’t time.  Claire pushed her to do it anyway.  They were all very excited when she succeeded.)
((They think she succeeded.  It’s equally as possible she simply created a new form of ghost pokemon, one that fused with human bodies instead of with inanimate objects and was a much better mimic than a Mimikyu, seeing as it had its predecessor’s brain and memories to draw on.  But Claire won’t let Liv run all of the tests on Eve that she wants, so there’s no way of truly knowing for sure.))
It is precisely that research Agatha intends to draw on.
It is precisely that research Agatha intends to use to bring Cian back.
The problem is that Liv hasn’t created a fully functional human body from scratch before.
But given everything else she’s done, how hard could it be?
After Liv leaves, the little teacup hovers into place.  It smiles at Agatha as much as it can, even though she doesn’t look at it, even though she only sees its reflection in the window, hovering just above Ebony, who glances up at it, gives it a soft scuff of a sniff, and then lays her head back down atop her paws.
“Good to see you again, my love.”
Agatha crooks a finger, and the teacup hovers down to her lap but takes care not to touch her.  She smiles, hums, and then wets her finger before running it around the cup’s lip.  A high-pitched whine, similar to that from her wine glass, comes forth, mixed with another, subtler humming made in harmony with the sound.  It’s like singing.  Just not quite.  It’s too inhuman for that.
Still, it brings a deeper smile to Agatha’s lips, one that slips away as she says, “Not much longer, angel.  I’ll get you out of there soon.”
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slimeywooper · 5 months
Labmas AU - Unintended Consequences
Chapter 14 Part 2 - Revelation
Though you appreciate his offer, you inform him, "Well, honestly, I didn't actually do anything. After reaching the wash room, I decided not to do any work, and just played games on my phone. Now, normally I wouldn't do that, but I was in a really bad mood and I didn't want to reward someone for being cruel. Kudari wasn't with me, so he couldn't be blamed for the work not getting done."
Chuckling, he responds, "I see. In that case, if you aren't busy, would you be interested in coming over to my room?"
"To your room? Yeah, of course! I'd love to!" He actually invited you over! You can't screw this up! Don't be weird, don't ask any stupid questions, just hang out like friends do. Because that's definitely all this is, a friendly get-together.
Your heart is racing and you hope he can't tell how nervous you are. In a flash, the both of you arrive at his door. He must not have bothered to lock it, as it opens from him simply turning the knob. Upon entering his room, you notice how bare it is. A bed, nightstand, desk, two bookcases and a dresser. Unlike Kudari's room, there is not much that would strongly suggest any interests or memories of the person that lives here.
Walking further into the room to get a better look, you see that the nightstand by his bed has the drawer open. There are various rings, necklaces and bracelets strewn about inside, all with different stones decorating them. "Wow, you have a lot of jewelry. How come you never wear any?" you ask, curiously.
Approaching from your left, he tells you, "Oh, these are just trinkets I've collected over the years. I usually find something when I leave Plasma headquarters." Closing the drawer, his attention is back on you. "Sorry, I know it's not much, but do make yourself at home."
He doesn't have many places to sit. Eyeing his bed, you point at it and ask timidly, "May I sit down?" unsure if this is the correct course of action.
"You may," he says, and nods in approval.
Taking the few steps more necessary to get near the bed, you sit, trying not to feel awkward or self-conscious. Thinking of a topic that may help put you at ease, you begin, "So… you can talk to Empyrea?"
Smiling he affirms your question, "Yes, we can communicate." Grabbing the chair by his desk, he pulls it closer, positioning it across from you. The scene resembles the time you woke up in the personal suite, after meeting Kudari. He continues, "Though, the noises I make do not come from my mouth, but somewhere in my throat. Not from my vocal chords, specifically. Dr. Colress has tried to pinpoint the exact location the sounds come from, but he has yet to find where. It upsets him greatly whenever he makes an attempt. According to him, I shouldn't be able to produce them."
"I can imagine it does upset him. He's such a control freak, it probably irritates him that he doesn't know everything." Nobori seems to have a deep connection with Empyrea, so you ask the next question, "Since you've known the Subway Bosses from when you were a child, does that mean you met Empyrea around the same time?"
"Kudari and I met their Pokemon on the same day we were introduced to them. They only visit every few years. Every time they leave, it's Empyrea I'm most sad to see go. Kudari feels more of an affinity for Joltik than Galvantula, as when Joltik evolve, they go their own way, to start their own families. They're very territorial creatures, but they never stop caring for the young of any cluster they happen upon. He feels an intrinsic need to nurture them. The Galvantula we keep, on the other hand, he does not hold any affection for. I suppose Spindly gets a pass because he's known her since he was young. When it comes to kinship, the opposite is true for me. The Litwik are nice, but I feel no emotional connection to them. Not like I do Empyrea. There are never any Chandelure kept in the lab, so she is the only one I have ever been able to bond with. That's not to say I dislike Litwik or Lampent, but it's not the same as something that's like yourself…" Without you saying anything, he looks to you and apologizes, "I'm sorry, my rambling is making you feel terrible."
"Please don't stop," you request. "Some things you say are sad, yes, but If it's important enough for you to talk about, I want to be there to listen. That's what friends are for."
Nobori doesn't respond, but gives you a grateful look.
"Could you tell me about Kudari when he was younger? Was he really different from how he is now?" You make the suggestion with the desire of lightening the mood. As long as he talks about the times before they became teenagers, there hopefully won't be any more bad vibes.
"No, not really. I suppose the biggest difference now is his size and temper. But before that, he was more or less the same. Always fond of playing games and being creative. In hindsight, there seemed to be so much more hope back then." He starts his signature goatee twirling. "I was told by some previous employees that Dr. Colress actually took great care of Kudari when he was a baby. Similar to how babies cannot hold up their own heads, Kudari could not hold up his upper torso, he would hang limply if he was left sitting on his galvantula half. This would cause him great discomfort throughout the day, and when he was attempting to sleep, as there was no position he could lay in that would accommodate his human half together with his Galvantula half. They informed me Dr. Colress would carry him around most of the time, holding Kudari so that his head and torso laid on him, while his legs were able to hang freely. He did this every day, until eventually, Kudari was able to gain enough core strength to hold himself upright."
This information about Colress is quite endearing, though hard to believe. Remembering the time you saw Kudari shirtless, you announce quietly, "So that's how he became so muscular…"
"I… suppose so…" he trails off with a bewildered look on his face, lowering his hand.
Feeling embarrassed by what you had said, you try to move on, "What about you? Did Colress take care of you, as well?"
"Me? Well, I'm sure he held me and cared for me also, but I wasn't as… how can I word this… pitiful as Kudari. I don't mean that in a negative way, but for all intents and purposes, I was an average baby, aside from my color and eyes. Growing up, I was much more content to spend time by myself, though I suppose I was never truly alone. There were always spirits coming and going. Some of my free time was spent reading or playing games with Kudari." You're hanging on his every word, enjoying the look into the hybrids youths. "That's something that has followed me into adulthood. I still read when I have the time, though I don't have the space to keep the books. These bookcases only have my absolute favorite novels. Everything else is read on a tablet."
"I didn't know you had an interest in literature! Have you ever written anything?" you inquire, wanting to know more personal details about him.
He seems surprised by your question. "No, absolutely not. I wouldn't even know where to begin. No, I'm much more content just reading."
"Well, if you ever do deicide to try, I'd love to read it. I'm not what you would consider a 'reader,' but I dabble sometimes." You give him a smile. "Hey, you could even write a story about Kudari! Since he doesn't get to leave here, you could write him having adventures somewhere fun! It doesn't have to be realistic, nor do you actually have to show him, but it could give you some practice."
Nobori returns your smile, saying, "Maybe I will someday. Though, if I ever did show him, he might take offence to it."
"In that case, just tell him I was your editor. Then he'll be mad at the both of us." Shifting gears, you ask, "When you were a child, what did you want to do when you grew up?"
Shrugging his shoulders, he answers, "Honestly, I never had any aspirations of my own, strange as it may seem. There was always the feeling of expectation that I would just do what was needed of me. Now, Kudari, he wanted to be a scientist like Dr. Colress. He enjoyed following him around and attempting to help with the experiments he was conducting. His hair was even styled the same way as Dr. Colress' in an act of affectionate mimicry. But around the time he was eleven or twelve, as if overnight, he stopped, and was much more content with being in his own head. The anger he began to feel only accumulated from there. That's when Dr. Colress started to really come down on him." With a melancholy expression on his face, he mentions, "I think it broke his heart to see Kudari decline so much over the years. Not that he would ever admit such a thing. Perhaps that's why he can be so cruel… it's some kind of twisted form of revenge for his own heartache."
In a second, the whole aura of the room plummets. That was something you never thought of. Colress, being anything other than an asshole. If he was truly fond of Kudari when he was a child, the change in him when he started getting older must have been devastating. He did mention Kudari having temper tantrums when he was young, but surely Colress could have never predicted just how much puberty would change his temperament. Not that it erases the horrible things he now says and does to him. Maybe if Kudari had been able to keep his childhood disposition, they would be closer to a family, as opposed to whatever it is they have now.
Getting up from the bed, you lay a hand on his shoulder. He follows your lead, standing up as well, wearing an expression you can't quite read.
Nobori is silent, pondering something, before admitting, "I won't take your negative emotions if you don't wish me to, but know that I can sense them." He moves closer to you, your heart beating faster in response. Perceiving this, he asks, "Am I making you nervous? It is not my intention."
Your face reddens. The sadness you were feeling is quickly replaced by mortification. This isn't something you had realized was a possibility. He always seems to know when you feel bad, but this is confirmation that there is no hope of you hiding any 'off' emotions from him. Since first meeting him, he's known exactly what you were feeling, and when. Trying to defend your physical reaction, you stutter "N-no! Well, yes. But it's not a bad nervous! It's…" You grow quiet, not wanting to admit what you are feeling to him, much less yourself.
"Would it be presumptuous of me to state that I believe we are both experiencing the same sensation?" he asks, before closing the space that was left between you, placing his lips on yours. After a brief moment, he breaks away. You both stare at each other, that giddy nervousness returning. "Well, as much as I have enjoyed having you over, I believe it would be beneficial if I were to get some rest. I'm leaving tomorrow night on another job," he informs you.
It is sudden, but you are too overwhelmed from the kiss to protest. "Yeah, okay. That sounds like a plan." Starting to get your bearings again, you become aware of how hard you are clamping down on the cupcake container. Loosening your grip on it, you tell him, "Sure… I'll see you around." Making your way to the door, he follows closely behind.
Touching your shoulder, he turns you to face him again. "Thank you for coming over. I know I don't have much tact when it comes to personal affairs, but I'm glad we got to spend some time together."
"Yes, it was… nice. Maybe when you get back, we can talk some more about… everything," you suggest, wishing you could stay for longer.
Opening the door for you, he says, "Yes, absolutely. I'll be looking forward to seeing you again, (Y/N). Have a good afternoon."
"Have a good afternoon," you echo, exiting his room.
The rest of the day is spent in a dreamlike state. After leaving Nobori's room, you went straight to your dorm, not bothering to even try doing laundry like Colress had wanted you to. Ordering food to be delivered from a local restaurant, you ate by yourself. Once finished, you started on the cupcake. Kudari forgive you, but you ate the whole thing yourself. It was delicious. Colress must have ordered it from some high-end bakery. Thinking over the days events, only the latter half is getting replayed in your mind. What are you going to do? What can you do? Nobori is gorgeous, and he is so sweet and kind. It would be for the best if you didn't dive headlong into being smitten, if such a thing could be controlled. But for almost as long as you've been working in the lab, you've been feeling things for him. And he just admitted to feeling that same way. If you're careful, you two can be together without Colress or Kudari being any the wiser. Your blossoming relationship is something for only you and Nobori to share. When he comes back, you can discuss exactly what being his partner will entail, and how to go about it secretly.
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autumn-sweet-fae · 2 years
Not to sound rude why isn't ingo staying in his room with snealer? I mean was he not in the cave the other times? If he tried to sleep anywhere else I can imagine he just gets drag back in the nest.
He does though! That’s what I meant when I said he and Emmett camp out on the floor. It’s the floor of Ingo’s bedroom, this way he can stay close to Sneaseler so she can feel extra safe as she settles in. 
Also they have some of their Pokémon camping out in the room too. Only a few though so that Sneaseler can relax. Chandalure and Gliscor for sure, along with Eelektross and Galvantula. Oh and a few dozen of Galvantulas baby Joltiks. Sneaseler appreciates the company of a fellow mother.
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smallestapplin · 2 years
What if the s/o before dating either twin just randomly tells them that their pretty. Like the s/o hasn't slept in a few days and just looks at them for a good moment before smiling and saying "wow...you're pretty...can I keep you?... imma call you fluffy/sparky" before passing out completely oblivious to the twins reationc
Bless thee with the fluffiness!!
Asks are open
Ingo knew he had to bad for you, but your health and safety came first. When he got home and saw you, he was happy.
Ingo is glad he asked you to house sit for him while he had a long two day meeting to deal with out of town.
But when you greeted him you sounded tired.
“Welcome back Ingo!”
He has to hold himself up to stop from melting to the floor.
“Glad to be back, I take it everything is in order?”
“Of course it is, I wouldn’t let anything happen here, anyways how was the meeting?”
And he proceeded to tell you all about it while hanging up hit hat and coat, talking about how Jared messed it all up by clicking the wrong PowerPoint which he apparently lets his kids use and everyone got to learn about which anime boy tops or bottoms.
“So that’s why it lasted a day longer than it was suppose to.”
He feels so happy and content, it’s almost like you’re his spouse. That thought makes his face burn bright and he tries to clear his thoughts.
When he looks over at you. You’re still on your spot on the couch almost like you’re sinking in it, but you’re looking at him.
Oh no you must’ve seen his blush! Or how embarrassing he-
“You’re so pretty.”
The subway boss chokes on air.
“Very pretty….I wanna keep you….mmm fluffy.” You gave him a lazy smile before falling asleep.
Leaving a stunned and very flushed Ingo in your slumber.
His heart is pounding, hands clammy, he has so many questions and the only person with answers is asleep on his couch.
Should he move you? Would you wake up if he did? Did you mean what you said?
Oh please send help his brain is fried.
You two were having a sleep over marathon. He finally took some time off work and you two spent it playing video games, watching tv, and when Ingo came over and Elesa you guys would play uno or any friendship ending board game that ended with screaming, insults, and lots of ‘I want a divorce and I’m taking the kids-‘
Over all he was having a blast! And so were you, but you yourself haven’t slept in 48 hours. You found it hard to sleep when your crush was right next to you holding you like a plushie.
Emmet however found sleep came much easier when he was with you! Your scent, warmth, and presence is comforting.
He swore tomorrow he’d confess to you.
So imagine his surprise when you’re dozing off and fighting sleep.
“Darling if you’re tired just head to bed, I don’t mind.” He chuckles softly at your mumbled words.
“You’re so pretty…very pretty man.”
Emmet squeaks, body jolting like he’d been bit. Staring at you with his face changing from pink to red.
“Mm haha…sparky.” And your head tilted down and you were out.
Emmet needed a moment. Standing up he walks to his bed room, flipping down on it holding the large joltik plushie you bought to his face before rolling around and screaming into it.
“They said I was pretty! Verrrrry pretty!”
He needs to let out all his joyous energy before he moves you, he can’t believe you think about him like that!
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draftingteacups · 2 years
when joltik evolves, legends say jamil's screams actually surpassed octavinielle's screams when swanna was bored and decided to wake up the whole dorm at 3 am
I can just imagine Joltik is just wandering around the dorm and going over to Jamil's room just because it wanted to.
Imagine if there had been people sneaking into the Scarabia Dorm and both Jamil and Joltik fought them with magic and Pokemon Moves respectively. After all that is done and over, Jamil thinks that the little bug isn't too bad since it caught the intruders with its Electroweb and made it much easier to handle the situation.
Jamil, a second before disaster: "This little guy isn't too bad...."
And then it evolved into Galvantula.
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The piercing sound of Jamil's screams into the day just makes nearby people just wonder what exactly is going on.
Kalim sees Jamil holding back the giant spider bug with a long broom, incoherently screaming while standing on top of his desk. The once little bug is just being confused by the change in behavior, using its hands to convey its confusion.
Galvantula: /(o.o)\/ "La?" What?
Galvantula climbs the walls and meets his gaze while being sideways. Jamil just screams louder-
Soni eventually gets called into Scarabia to get both Jamil and Galvantula down to clarify things for them and says to Jamil, "Yeah, they get that big. It's pretty normal to be roughly that size."
Soni: "You were already afraid of Joltik when it was a little one. Hell, you were afraid of Metapod, and it was the least threatening of my Bug Pokemon."
Soni: "You would scream at a Snom if you were given the chance to meet one, and they're super harmless."
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thesilverinfinity · 2 years
oops my hand slipped at work again have another train twins post-it doodle
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Cute/funny idea hit me today and would not let go until I wrote it down, and eventually doodled it after work
-Submas kids
-One of them breaks or fractures his foot or something, ends up in a cast for a while
-The other brother is jealous. He needs a cast too! (they have to match!)
-before anything drastic can happen someone (Nurse? Parents?) gives him a "cast" too
-(its just a plain white sock. 2 layered together for a bit of thickness?)
-they spend the rest of the day signing each others casts
-Ingo uses the purple marker, Emmet takes the yellow
-Emmet probably starts doodling a bunch of joltik on Ingo's foot. He draws him a litwick too, because thats Ingo's favorite. and then carries on drawing more joltik. (I imagine he was the better drawer of the two, and likes to doodle~)
-Ingo retaliates and starts covering Emmet's foot with trains and train tracks
-oops now they're both drawing trains. It becomes one big long connected track twisting from foot to foot dodging various joltik and (1) litwick
-They both go into school the next day in their casts (the twin with the sock "cast" has adamantly refused to take it off)
-Elesa is upset because there's no room left on either for her to sign ("you can be in one of the trains?")
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Not an imagine or anything, but I'd like to know: What are your headcanons for Ingo and Emmet? Their childhood, specific quirks, etc. Etc. I'd love to hear em :]
I feel like I done this many times already, like how Ingo’s voice becomes louder when he’s excited, and we all know about their speech patterns, but imma try to put other headcanons-
Literally for his entire childhood, he drew on the walls. Like the Joltiks managed to find a box full of crayons and he abused that power.
He sometimes gives nicknames to people he considers close (even for Ingo). Like he pretty much just makes up a nickname and uses them.
Sometimes, he tends to speak slowly, especially if he’s trying to pronounce a big word (don’t worry, he’ll get it eventually).
He’ll sometimes squint his eyes whenever he’s reading stuff from a book or if he’s just in a bright room.
He daydreams a lot, or gets distracted easily, like he could be doing something dangerous and all he thinks about is cats.
As a kid, he always watched shows that involved trains, can be cursed or not like Thomas The Tank Engine or whatever.
Sometimes he uses his hands while talking, it’s just so he seems less robotic but little does he know he looks more robotic when he does it.
I already said whenever he gets excited his voice just goes way the hell up. But sometimes, he speaks fast as well. (Like a rap music video)
Whenever he forces himself to smile, it’s the most cursed thing you’ll ever see. But if he does it genuinely (which is rare), it looks wholesome.
He can get irritated a bit easily, like he tries to hide it but sometimes he accidentally shows it.
I hope I did good-
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