#i could have written more but i’m trying to not go too long lmao
dream-to-be-frog · 1 year
I know this is going to be an unpopular opinion, but while I don't really think Pedro's a bad actor overall, so far I've been underwhelmed by HBO's version of Joel. They're trying so hard to play into the whole soft daddy aspect of Pedro's previous roles all because they want to make Joel more "likable". The way I knew this was going to happen when he was cast 🙄
so far it’s very interesting for me because there are some scenes where i’m like wow that was good others where i’m like. what was that.
i am enjoying the show, and i think pedro is doing pretty well but… i do agree? i’m trying to keep an open mind still but it’s like—
the crying last episode pissed me off a little. the joel in the game does not know how to identify a single emotion besides like, i dunno. protectiveness and rage?? i love that man but he is not emotionally intelligent. (the only man i love who i’d allow to be this way.)
by cutting out ALL the action i think they aren’t able to demonstrate how brutal joel can be. nothing about him in this show so far indicates to me that this man can single-handedly slaughter a whole hospital of fireflies like. it just doesn’t make sense
this version of joel is not only softer but he also can’t hold his own as well?? i like that they wanted to make him a middle aged man and not a tank and that comes with some limitations but ellie has probably saved him as many times as he’s saved her. my biggest complaint is that it seems like they’re companions because ellie doesn’t know how to travel west and has less experience. part of his considering himself a father comes with protecting her and getting protective of her. we literally don’t see that. i know they can’t have hella action scenes but i’d like at least a little bit of joel being brutal and a little unhinged bc that’s the whole point of his character—to show the lengths he’ll go to to protect her.
i’m not sure or not if the softness could be owed to pedro as a person in terms of casting, but i do agree they’ve taken away some of his gray morality. we keep hearing he killed people with tommy, killed innocents but nothing we see ever backs that up. part of what makes joel so compelling is that he’s objectively not really a good person, but he IS fundamentally human in a way that’s so relatable and logical that we forgive the literal atrocities lol
i started drafting this last week before the left behind episode but going into david next week, i think what’s going to make or break the joel thing for me is if he tortures those people trying to find where ellie is. without the torture scene i have no clue how the end will possibly make sense given what we know about him. and i really do think it’s more a thing of the script and the tv format (and only nine episodes!) not giving enough time to focus on everything much more than it is about the actors themselves (i think they’re doing pretty good, acting-wise—especially bella)
in some ways, i feel like the underwhelming feeling can some from the less drama. i get again why they can’t have too many fight scenes or whatever, but in some cases this really lowers the stakes and so it just feels less dramatic. even him getting rebar’d was so dramatic, and while i get that a normal person (not video game dads) can’t live through getting stabbed clean through, i feel like they could have still made him fall on something sharp but it’s much smaller and doesn’t go through his whole stomach? like i feel like there could have been some happy medium where it was realistic but also more dramatic and high stakes
i feel like i repeated myself a lot and i’m never good at drafting these things bc i just spit out words and don’t think about it but. i DO think it’s very enjoyable to watch, even if i think some things weren’t done quite as effectively. the way i’m thinking about it is that more than anything, this show is just a supplement to the game, as a little bonus feature. the game will still be there, as perfect and glorious as it always is.
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agaypanic · 2 months
Is this how you request a fic? I have no idea but I’ll try. I’m craving Regina George content. Can you please write something where reader is apart of the plastics but she’s not mean like the rest of them and that’s why Regina likes her. When Cady shows up and Regina has an interest in cady it’s too make reader jealous but instead cady ends up liking reader who distances herself from the plastics and then Regina gets jealous and admits her feelings so reader doesn’t end up with cady. If that makes sense? Thank you!
Craving Your Attention (Regina George X Plastic!Reader)
Request Something!
Summary: Regina George is the queen of North Shore High and she doesn’t like to share her toys, even if she doesn’t really play with them. 
A/N: kinda toxic!regina even tho thats not really a surprise. slight cady x reader, she likes you instead of aaron (also aaron doesn’t exist teehee). The girls arent homophobic bc cady tells gretchen she likes reader and regina ends up with reader (saying this bc idk if you’re gonna read this with 2004 regina or 2024 regina in mind, and obviously 2004 was a different time lmao) content warning for diet talk but it’s just part of one scene. Heavily relied on the mean girls (2004) script for this fic, so it's almost all written centered around Cady. all in third person which felt a lil weird to write because i usually write in second person lol idk if anyone’s gonna want a part 2 but imma lyk rn that im not planning on writing a part 2, mainly bc this took so painstakingly long
Everyone at North Shore High knew about Regina George. They’d be stupid not to. She was practically royalty. 
A queen bee was nothing without her little worker bees. First was Karen Smith. She seemed to give a whole new meaning to the word ‘clueless,’ but she was friendly. In more ways than one.
Then there’s Gretchen Wieners. She was Regina’s eyes and ears, whether it was wanted or not. All she wanted to do was please her leader.
And finally, there was Y/n L/n. If any of the plastics were to be deemed approachable, it was her. She was Regina’s right-hand girl, maybe even a bit more than that. But no one ever brought that up.
But then Cady Heron came to North Shore.
“Is he bothering you?” Regina tilted her head as she looked at the redheaded girl and the familiar boy who was talking to her. Y/n, who was sitting next to Regina, looked up from her food in curiosity. Regina didn’t usually talk to anyone outside of the table during lunch. The girl made a nondescript noise, so Regina turned her attention to the boy. “Jason, why are you such a skeez?”
Jason rolled his eyes, but tried to seem polite.
“I’m just being friendly.”
“You were supposed to call me last night,” Gretchen pouted, looking over her shoulder at Jason.
“Jason.” Attention was brought back to Regina with the simple call of his name. She wore a sweet smile, which meant that Jason was probably about to get a bite taken out of him. “You do not come to a party at my house with Gretchen and then scam on some poor, innocent girl right in front of us three days later. She’s not interested.” Regina then turned to the redheaded girl. “Do you wanna have sex with him?”
She looked shocked, giving an immediate no.
“Good. So it’s settled.”
“You can go shave your back now,” Y/n finished, and the four plastics waved him off. Jason walked away, but not before muttering an insult to the girls.
“Good one,” Regina said quietly to Y/n, who couldn’t help but smile a bit at the small praise. Before she could reply, Regina’s eyes followed after the red-haired girl, who was now starting to walk away. “Wait.” The single word made her stop in her tracks and look back. “Sit down.”
Regina moved her hands, signaling Gretchen and Karen to move to the sides of the lunch bench to make room for this mystery girl. After some more encouragement, she sat down.
“What’s your name?” Y/n asked sweetly, trying to ease the girl’s nerves.
“Why don’t I know you?” Regina asked, looking at Cady curiously.
“I’m new,” Cady replied. “I just moved here from Africa.”
“I used to be home-schooled.”
“Wait. What?”
Cady took a second, wondering why Regina kept saying ‘what.’ She didn’t think it was that confusing.
“My mom taught me at home-”
“No, no.” Regina laughed. “I know what ‘home-school’ is; I’m not stupid. So, you’ve actually never been to a real school before?”
As she spoke, Regina leaned more and more forward towards Cady. And as the conversation continued, Y/n wondered why Regina was taking such an interest in her. Regina never cared about anyone who passed by, too involved in the latest gossip session Gretchen had started or in Y/n’s appearance. Not that Y/n really noticed that; she was busy thinking about Regina to see that Regina was thinking about her. Either way, she didn’t understand why the blonde was suddenly so fascinated by this new girl.
“You’re like, really pretty.”
Oh… That must be why.
Y/n seemed to tune the rest of the conversation out, too wrapped up in Regina’s compliment towards Cady and the bright smile she wore while giving it. She didn’t know why it bothered her. It’s not like Regina belonged to her. If anything, Y/n, along with the rest of the Plastics, belonged to Regina.
Even when Regina brought Gretchen and Karen in close to speak to them and Y/n, leaving Cady awkwardly leaning back to give them more privacy, Y/n didn’t care much to listen. The gist of the conversation was that they wanted Cady to sit with them at lunch for a week, something they had never considered doing with anyone else in this school.
“Okay.” Regina started as Gretchen and Karen relaxed back into their seats, and Cady leaned back in. “You should just know that we don’t do this a lot, so this is, like, a really huge deal. We wanna invite you to have lunch with us every day for the rest of the week.” Regina wore a grin that meant she was up to something, but Cady didn’t seem to decipher that, and the rest of the girls didn’t know what it meant.
“Oh, it’s okay—” Cady’s tone seemed to indicate that she was about to decline, but Regina interrupted her before she could.
“Coolness.” The bell rang, and Regina’s eyes darted over to Y/n before going back to Cady. Her mischievous smile remained present as she, Gretchen, and Karen grabbed their trays. “So we’ll see you tomorrow.”
The three Plastics stood up and left the table, leaving Y/n in a slight daze and Cady confused about what had just happened. Y/n suddenly looked around, realizing that her friends had left without her, but the new girl was still with her. She figured that she should say something before leaving her alone. She didn’t have to be mean or unpleasant just because Regina seemed to like Cady.
“On Wednesdays, we wear pink.” Y/n said it with a timid but sweet smile, trying to get over the revelation that the girl she loved was setting her sights on someone else. Her hand patted Cady’s a few times before she stood up and picked up her tray. “Welcome to North Shore.”
As Cady watched Y/n leave, and as Janis and Damian dragged the redhead away to interrogate her about her interaction with Regina, she couldn’t help but feel warm. Maybe public school wouldn’t be so bad.
The next day, Cady was slightly nervous to sit with the Plastics. She felt like a double spy. Janis and Damian were under the impression that Cady was doing it for them, to listen in on Regina’s secrets and relay them back to her friends so they could laugh at the pathetic and superficial nature of it all. And sure, that was the main reason she was sitting with the girls. But Cady also returned to the table so she could bask in a new light, Y/n. 
But living in girl world came with a bunch of rules.
“You can’t wear a tank top two days in a row, and you can only wear your hair in a ponytail once a week. So…” Gretchen laughed lightly, seeming a little nervous for no reason as she looked at Cady, who was wearing her hair in a ponytail. “I guess you picked today. Oh! And we only wear jeans or track pants on Fridays.”
“Which totally blows in the winter,” Y/n muttered before sipping her Diet Coke.
“Now,” Gretchen started again, “if you break any of these rules, you can’t sit with us at lunch.” Cady seemed surprised, but Gretchen continued. “Not just you! Like, any of us. Okay, so, like, if I was wearing jeans today, I would be sitting over there with the art freaks.” She said it with a grimace, pointing over to a table a few feet away from the girls before looking back at Cady. “Oh, and we always vote before we ask someone to eat lunch with us, because you have to be considerate of the rest of the group. I mean, you wouldn’t buy a skirt without asking your friends first if it looks good on you.”
Everyone nodded except for Cady, who was processing all of these new rules she had to follow.
“I wouldn’t?”
“Right,” Gretchen said with a definitive nod. “And it’s the same with guys. Like, you may think you like someone, but you could be wrong.”
“One hundred twenty calories and forty-eight calories from fat,” Regina interrupted, reading a food bar that she had grabbed. She looked at her friends inquisitively. What percent is that?”
“Uh… forty-eight into one hundred and twenty?” Gretchen suggested, not really sure of herself.
“No, I don’t think so, Gretch,” Y/n said, trying to think of the correct answer.
“I’m only eating foods with less than thirty percent calories from fat.”
“It’s forty percent,” Cady said suddenly, proud that she was able to do the equation in her head. Everyone looked at her, expressions varying from impressed to confused. Cady suddenly felt the need to show her work. “Well, forty-eight over a hundred and twenty equals X over a hundred-”
“So then you cross multiply to get X!” Y/n finished off with a grin, thrilled that she knew what Cady was talking about. Cady smiled back at her with the same excited energy, although looking a little more subdued. Not only was this girl super pretty and friendly, but she also seemed decently smart. Maybe Janis was wrong about these girls.
“Whatever.” Regina looked at the two girls suspiciously. She tossed the food bar onto the table and stood up. “I’m getting cheese fries. Y/n, come with me.”
Taken back by the sudden command, Y/n stumbled out of her seat and followed Regina. Cady’s eyes followed her until she was out of sight, and she sighed quietly when she couldn’t catch a glimpse of the girl anymore. 
“So!” Gretchen startled Cady with her enthusiastic voice and a hand on her shoulder. As she turned to look at her, Cady realized that Karen was also gone from the table. She must’ve gone to the bathroom or somewhere else. “Have you seen anyone you think is cute yet?”
Cady didn’t know how to answer. There was definitely one person that came to mind, but she didn’t know if she should say the name. Gretchen might react badly if Cady told her, which would most likely lead to her getting kicked out of the Plastics.
But at the same time, she didn’t want to lie. 
“Well… there’s this one.. girl.” The last word was quiet and hesitant, but Gretchen picked up on it.
“Oh my gosh, who is it?” She asked excitedly. “Do you think it’s just like, a phase, or is it more serious?”
“I dunno.” Cady shrugged. “I haven’t known her too long to be sure.”
“Who is it?” Gretchen leaned forward in her seat, completely invested in Cady’s answer. It took the redhead a long moment of hesitancy to open her mouth.
“It’s Y/n…”
“No!” Gretchen straightened up, looking absolutely horrified. She looked around, ensuring none of the other girls were back yet. “You can’t like Y/n. Not only is she a part of the group, but… Okay, you didn’t hear this from me, and you’re, like, totally forbidden from ever bringing it up. But Regina is really possessive over Y/n. They’ve been best friends for, like, forever, and Regina chases off anyone who tries to so much as ask her out. And it’s not my place to say whether or not it’s more than friendship, but if I had to say something, there’s definitely something going on between them.” Gretchen took a much-needed breath, shaking her head slightly to clear her jumbled thoughts. “Look, the point is, you shouldn’t date friends. Especially Regina’s friends. But don’t worry, I’ll never tell Regina or Y/n what you said. It’ll be our little secret.”
Gretchen gave Cady a sweet smile, and that seemed to be the end of their little conversation. But for the next few days, Cady kept thinking about it.
She didn’t want to get on Regina’s bad side. That would mean no more things to tell Janis and Damian and no more seeing Y/n. And she also didn’t want to freak Y/n out. But just because Cady wasn’t allowed to like Y/n didn’t mean she wasn’t allowed to look at her. Or think about her. Or talk to her.
A few days later, when Cady was with Janis and Damian at the mall, Janis asked when Cady would see Regina next. She said it felt weird to spy on her and that she didn’t want to do it anymore. And sure, it being weird was part of why she wanted to stop. But mainly, it was because Cady had started getting so distracted by Y/n that it was difficult to focus on Regina. Which was strange, because the blonde girl was so alluring. But Janis reassured Cady that Regina would never find out about her double agent status, that it would be their little secret.
So many secrets.
“Hello?” Cady held the phone up to her ear, wondering who was calling her at this late hour.
“I know your secret.” Cady stiffened at Regina’s voice coming through the speaker. She internally panicked, trying to figure out what to do. How did Regina figure out about Cady’s spying?
“Secret?” She decided that playing it cool was the better move. “What secret?”
“Gretchen told me that you like Y/n.” Cady relaxed at the fact that Regina had learned about her other secret, before freezing again. Right now, she wondered if it would be better if Regina knew about the spying. “I mean, I don’t care, do whatever you want.” Regina didn’t sound like she didn’t care, but Cady didn’t bring it up. “But let me just tell you something about Y/n: She’s, like, never gone on a date before. It’s not that she’s not pretty or anything, but no one’s ever really been good enough for her.”
“Oh?” What did this mean? Did Regina deem Cady good enough for Y/n after so many others tried and failed? Or was this a set-up?
Honestly, Cady was so happy for Regina’s blessing that she didn’t really care.
“I could talk to her for you, if you want.”
“Really? You would do that?”
“We’ve been friends since like, pretty much birth. I know exactly how to play it.” There was a moment of silence, and Cady could picture Regina picking at her nails. “But wait. Aren’t you mad at Gretchen for telling me? Because if you are, you can tell me. It was a really bitchy thing for her to do.”
“Yeah, it was pretty bitchy, but I’m not mad.” Cady was a little mad, but she didn’t feel like saying that. “I mean, it’s better she told you instead of Y/n. I dunno, I guess she just likes the attention.” Cady didn’t know why she said that last part, but it had just spilled out of her mouth.
“See, Gretch? I told you she’s not mad at you.” Cady was a bit confused, but then another voice spoke.
“I can’t believe you think I like attention!” There was a click, and Cady assumed the Gretchen had hung up. She had no idea she was even listening.
“Okay, love you. See you tomorrow!” Cady could hear Regina’s smile, and then there was another click followed by a dial tone, showing that Cady was now the only one on the line. She then hung up herself, processing the three-way call she had just survived.
And then after that, Cady realized that she had gotten Regina’s blessing to try to pursue Y/n.
“What day is it?” Y/n asked, looking down at her worksheet. She didn’t usually do homework at lunch, but lately, some of her classes had been kicking her ass. 
“It’s October third,” Cady answered almost immediately, catching the suspicious eyes of Regina and Gretchen.
“Thanks, Cady,” Y/n said, looking up at the girl and giving her a sweet smile before returning to her paper.
“I dunno why you don’t just ask one of the Mathlete dorks to do it for you,” Regina said, looking over Y/n’s shoulder. “They’d probably even do it for free.”
“We’ve talked about this, Regina. If my teacher didn’t catch on, it would still totally bite me in the ass when I’d have to do a test all by myself.”
“You need help with math?” Cady asked, subtly leaning closer to Y/n. The girl looked at Cady, now completely distracted from her work.
“Yeah! I used to get it, but trig is crazy hard.” Y/n sighed, delicately rubbing at her tired eyes so she didn’t mess up her makeup. “I feel like I’m never gonna get it.”
“I can help you!” Cady said, excited over this opportunity. She had always excelled in mathematics, and now Y/n needs help with that exact subject? It seemed like fate.
“Really?” Both Y/n and Cady missed the slight glare that Regina was giving them. 
“Oh right, Cady’s like, a total nerd.” They also chose to ignore Regina’s snide comment before sipping her Diet Coke.
“That would be amazing, Cady! Maybe I could come over after school today or something?”
Cady was about to say yes, a million times yes, but Regina butted in.
“Y/n, you’re coming over to my house today.” It didn’t really feel like Regina was reminding her of forgotten plans. Instead, it sounded like Regina was coming up with a reason for Y/n to be unavailable. Cady’s suspicions were confirmed by the confused look Y/n gave the blonde.
“I am?”
“Oh… Well, how about tomorrow?”
“Perfect!” Cady spoke quickly and enthusiastically before Regina could say another word.
Over the next month or so, Cady tutored Y/n a few days every week. It quickly became their favorite part of their days. After helping with a few problems Y/n was stuck on, the two girls would get distracted by conversations about whatever they wanted to talk about. Neither of them felt the need to filter themselves in fear of being made fun of by one of the other Plastics, mainly Regina. Topics ranged from the latest gossip to future plans to their favorite things in media. If Cady had never heard of something Y/n brought up, which was the case nine times out of ten, the tutoring session would turn into a movie night or music party.
“Oh my gosh, so…” Y/n and Cady were in the middle of watching a chick flick that Cady had never seen when Y/n suddenly spoke. “I’m having a Halloween party at my place. We usually do it at Regina’s, but for some reason, she didn’t feel like doing it this year. Are you gonna come?” 
“Yeah, sure.” Cady’s response made Y/n smile brightly, a sight that Cady could never get sick of.
“Awesome!” Y/n sat up from her slouched position, her excitement waking her up from her slightly tired state. “It’s a costume party, which’ll be a lot of fun. I can give you a flier with all the info tomorrow. Even though I know you’re invited, you need the flier to get in. It only admits one person, so don’t bring anyone else with you.”
“Grool.” Y/n blinked in slight confusion, and Cady realized what she had said. “I… I meant to say ‘cool,’ and then I started to say ‘great.’”
Y/n giggled, which made Cady’s cheeks heat up.
“Right. Well, grool.” The two laughed, and then Y/n looked down at her watch. “Oh my gosh, it’s so late. I should probably get going.” With the help of Cady, Y/n gathered her things. “See you tomorrow!” In a flash, Y/n kissed Cady’s cheek before walking out of the room and leaving Cady’s house. Cady’s cheeks felt like they were on fire, and she lightly touched the cheek Y/n had kissed.
One thing that no one told Cady was that on Halloween, many girls opted for very revealing costumes rather than actual costumes. So when she arrived at Y/n’s house, she stuck out like a sore thumb in her dead bride attire while her friends wore tight clothes and animal ears.
“Why are you so scary?” Gretchen asked with concern, looking at Cady’s appearance with wide eyes.
“It’s Halloween,” Cady said with a shrug, not knowing what the problem was.
Suddenly, a hand touched Cady’s arm, making her jump. But she quickly relaxed when she saw who was touching her.
“You came!” Y/n squealed, bringing Cady in for a hug. The redhead felt a bit flustered by the contact, plus seeing Y/n in her slightly revealing outfit. When they broke the embrace, Y/n held Cady by the shoulders, surveying her outfit. “And you’re a… zombie bride…?”
“An ‘ex-wife.’” Cady replied, using her fingers to air quote.
“Well, I love it.” Y/n finally let go of Cady, although she wouldn’t have been opposed if she kept holding onto her. “You want something to drink?”
“I’ll be right back.” 
Y/n squeezed Cady’s arm for a quick moment before turning around. She weaved her way through the crowd to get to the kitchen, where a shit load of different drinks were scattered on the counters. She started mixing a drink for Cady when she felt a presence behind her.
“What the hell is Cady wearing?” Regina asked, squinting to see Cady from across the room.
“She’s a zombie bride!”
“She looks like a freak.”
“Regina!” Y/n set down the bottle she was pouring and looked at the blonde. “Be nice.”
“Whatever.” Regina rolled her eyes, pushing her hair off her shoulder before leaning on the kitchen counter. “You know, you should probably be careful around her. She has a giant crush on you.”
“What?” Y/n’s eyes snapped to Regina, immediately curious. “How do you know?”
“She told me. She tells everybody. It’s kinda cute, to be honest. She’s like a little girl.” Regina laughed, and Y/n tilted her head and raised her brows, silently asking for more details. “Like, she writes ‘Y/n plus Cady’ and stuff like that all over her notebook. And she made this shirt that says ‘I heart Y/n’ and she wears it under all of her clothes.
“Oh, come on.” Y/n sighed and rolled her eyes, figuring Regina had been joking. “That’s not funny, Regina.”
“I’m serious! She’s, like, obsessed with you. And who can blame her?” Regina’s hand reached out and brushed a stray lock of hair away from Y/n’s face. When Y/n looked at her friend, she was suddenly closer than before. “I mean, you’re gorgeous.”
“If I’m being honest… I hate the way she looks at you.” Regina grabbed Y/n’s chin before she could look away, forcing them to maintain eye contact. “It makes me sick. She should know better than to think she has a chance with you.”
“What are you saying, Regina?” Y/n’s voice was barely a whisper, but the blonde heard her loud and clear despite being in a crowded room with blasting music and semi-drunk teenagers.
“I’m saying you’re mine, Y/n.” With every word, Regina inched closer and closer. “I don’t want you to be with Cady. Or with anyone else.” 
Regina closed the small gap between her and Y/n’s lips, wrapping her arms around Y/n’s body to keep her close. After the wave of shock washed over her, Y/n reciprocated the kiss. Neither of them cared about any of the people around them watching. Including Cady, who watched from across the room with watery eyes and a breaking heart. 
Cady had lost Y/n to a competition she didn’t even know she had. Y/n had finally gotten the girl she had been wanting for years after being kept at arm’s length away. And Regina had once again ruined someone else’s happiness for her own.
Regina George Taglist: @wedfan2 @pyro-les @natashamaximoff-69
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strulovitches · 4 months
first move (?)
cbf!lance x f!reader
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summary : basically you and lance are childhood best friends and one day when he was sitting spread eagle it makes you h*rny and some suggestive stuff ensues.
a/n : inspired by lance sitting spread eagle in that one video. you know which vid i’m talking about. this has been in my notes for so long and it really isn’t written very well but i just thought i should put this out there in case anyone would enjoy it lmao. so,,,, if you’re a lance enjoyer,,,, have fun!
you locked your phone, staring at your reflection as the screen turned dark. qualifying had just finished about half an hour ago and from where you were standing in lance’s motorhome you could still hear the distant cheers outside, undoubtedly celebrating a rare occasion where pole position was a car that wasn’t a red bull. lance had invited you to this race, just like all the other dozens of times you have attended a grand prix weekend. the relationship you have with lance is kind of cute, both of your fathers were long-time friends which meant that you knew lance ever since he was a little boy racing go-karts around montreal. growing up together, you were there when he first won his go-kart championship and he was there to comfort you when you first failed your maths test. a childhood best friends trope at its finest.
more than a decade has passed which has seen both you and lance grow to become a man and a woman. you thought about how lance was no longer a scrawny boy with a bowl haircut. he grew to be a handsome young man, his job requiring him to train religiously and as a result gain muscle. his skinny arms, ones which you used to compare with chicken legs grew thicker, his chest wider, and he soon towered over you. throughout these past few years, you always found yourself staring at his shirtless torso a bit too long during both of your family’s annual yacht trips together. you wanted to cup his face in your hands and at the same time his broad back made you wonder what it would feel like your dig your nails into it. you chastised yourself, how could you have thoughts like that about your childhood best friend? despite that, you weren’t oblivious to the glances lance would give you as well. lance too, noticed your physical changes.
his cheeky teases turned into flirtations and once innocent hugs lingered a bit longer as you both savoured being held by each other. so were both you and lance sort of pining for each other? well, yes. has anyone made a first move? nope. (but maybe that’s going to change now)
lance walked in plopping down on the couch with a huff. his legs were spread and arms on the couch rest throwing his head back
you felt like you were in a trance. your eyes trained on his neck watching his adam’s apple bob trying to catch his breath from his sprint. the sweat on his face was dripping on to the towel he had on his neck. he was always so sweaty after sessions in the car for some reason. your gaze trailed down his body seeing how his fireproofs perfectly hugged his biceps, chest and torso. the longer you stared at his thighs made thoughts made your mind wander about what was beneath his pants. slowly, you felt your face flush. the heat pooling in your stomach was starting to intensify the longer you spent gazing at him.
you broke your trance to find a pair of cheeky brown eyes already staring back. a stupid cocky smirk plastered on his stupid handsome face. obviously, you’ve been caught checking him out.
‘like what you see?’ and so, the teasing game begins
you give him a once over again, trying to sound nonchalant. ‘definitely’ you paused. ‘close your legs before i do something stupid’ you continued, fumbling with your phone to calm down your racing heart.
he let out a laugh. ‘i’m intrigued now. come on, nothing will be too stupid.’ you hear him persuade.
moments pass. were you really going to be the first one to make a move?
fuck it. you placed your phone on the table and walked towards him, never breaking eye contact. stopping in between his legs you gaze down at him. he still has that stupid smile on his face.
staring into his eyes, you slowly start to kneel. your hands place themselves on his knees as you feel the plush carpet underneath your knees. you could see his eyes turn dark and his smile falter. his relaxed posture becomes apprehensive, slowly sitting up at this turn of events. you smile as your hands slide up his legs and place your cheek on his thigh, lips dangerously close to somewhere he would rather them be. clearly, there’s no need to explain what something stupid is.
‘happy now stroll?’ you lilt, seeing his jaw clench at your precarious position.
‘no, show me what you’ve got’ he continues.
giving him your best doe eyes, you bring your lips to the canadian flag printed on the navel of his racing suit. hands still on his thighs, you start kissing each letter of his name printed. you could feel your chin brushing against his crotch every time you shift.
‘how about now?’ you tilt your head looking up at him.
he doesn’t look too happy when he cups your jaw with his hand. ‘teasing isn’t nice you know.’ he says, brushing your bottom lip with his thumb.
you catch his thumb between your teeth as you give it a lick. a teasing glint appears in your eyes, opening your mouth to release his thumb. ‘then don’t start’ you finish, pushing his legs wider as you use the momentum to stand up as you move to amble away.
what a fucking temptress. he curses in his mind. ‘1-0 stroll! it’s your turn to make a move!’ he hears you yell out. just you wait baby, just you wait.
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soft-mafia · 9 months
Cupcake [Buggy x Reader]
warning: oc insert, fem reader, dom Buggy, Buggy detaching his parts(just his hand), porn without plot, literally just porn, I’m being self indulgent, grinding, Buggy calling himself daddy
a/n: So I guess I’m becoming a clown fucker blog :( this is actually really rusty. I haven’t written in a LONG time so please forgive me for how bad this is😭I’m just feeling really self indulgent right now. Also he might be a little out of character to some? I’ve watched the live action but I’m also trying to watch the anime too(which is over 1000 episodes😭) I’m trying my best to get his character down and the idea was to kind of mix both the live action and the anime version of Buggy together in this fic? Because I think both iterations are HOTTT. Although I don’t think it’s executed well. This is also my first Buggy fic so please bare with me, I’m sure I’ll get better as I go on lmao. Don’t worry, I’m not forgetting about Hisoka— I’m just adding one more clown to my collection.
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Buggy’s floating hand gripped Y/n’s hand tightly and held it against the bedsheets, it was a mix of both a comforting hold and one of firm dominance. His other hand, attached to his body was holding onto one of her legs, holding it in the air while the other one was on the bed. The sharp movements of his pelvis thrusting back and forth created loud slapping sounds as his skin hit hers.
“You better take it.” Buggy laughed gruffly through loud grunts and groans as he thrusted firmly into her, his gloved hand gripped hers as the bed creaked beneath them. Y/n trembled and whimpered, moaning as she watched Buggy’s girthy cock slide in and out of her pussy. His long blue hair was out of its usual pony tails and draped down his impressively built body.
He bore his teeth, the grip he had on her leg tightened as he sped his pace. “Fuck that’s good.” He grunted under his breath. He leaned forward, attaching his hand back onto his wrist as he now towered over Y/n, his long blue hair acted kind of like curtains framing Y/n’s face as it fell off of his shoulders.
The blue haired clown took Y/n’s leg and let it wrap around his torso before moving his hand to grab her waist, he squeezed it firmly as he plowed into her, firmer and faster. His grunts and her groans got louder. “S-Slow down..!” Y/n moaned; tears of pleasure completely clouded her vision, the overwhelming sensation of arousal was too much to handle; the way Buggy was ruthlessly thrusting into her, manhandling her— paired with his low rhythmic grunts and groans, she was so close.
“Cmon baby I know you can take it.” Buggy just laughed, “Such a sweetie, you’re doing just fine, look at you.” He spoke against gritted teeth while grinning, he let go of Y/n’s hand to put it on the other side of her waist.
He could feel how wet she was on his dick, it was driving him crazy. Buggy had incredible luck— it was crazy how fortunate he was in life, having a girl like Y/n was just the cherry on top of all of his fortune, because every pirate warlord needed a cute girl on their arm right? Why was Buggy so lucky? He had no idea, he wasn’t going to question it either, he was going to take advantage of everything life had to offer for him.
“Ghhh!” Buggy grunted, his brow furrowed tightly as he screwed his eyes shut, his hands slid their way up Y/n’s waist so they could grab at her bare breasts, squeezing them between his fingers. Y/n arched her back at the action with a loud, strained moan, pushing her breasts further into his grip. Buggy was so close, that twitching feeling in his abdomen— it was orgasmic, it made him sweat. He growled softly while exhaling.
“I’m so close.” Y/n whispered, her arms were wrapped around his neck, his mouth was pressed up against her forehead. He was getting a bit of saliva on her, and his stubble brushed against her face which was a bit uncomfortable but neither of them cared about that right now. Buggy could feel Y/n tremble and that alone brought him closer as well. “I’m gonna bust all inside you.” Buggy snickered, inhaling and exhaling before thrusting deep into Y/n; Buggy came inside of her, his warm sperm painting her inner walls. Y/n moaned deeply as she felt his cum fill her up. “Buggy!!” She moaned.
Buggy groaned and leaned back up, holding both of Y/n’s legs up beside his torso now as he looked down at her, sitting on his knees on the bed. He was still inside, his cum leaked out of her and around his dick. “Damn that was good.” Buggy snickered hoarsely, grinning while breathing heavily, coming off of his high.
Buggy rubbed up and down Y/n’s legs. “You didn’t let me cum.. again.” She groaned. “Ok, ok. Yeah I know.” Buggy groaned, pushing his long hair behind his shoulder and letting it fall down his back, “Don’t bitch at me about it you know daddy always take care of you.” He laughed softly before pulling out and leaning back, sitting against the headboard before pulling Y/n onto his lap, dragging her by her ankles.
“Hey!” Y/n squeaked as she sat up. Buggy patted her on the ass, smacking her a bit as his cock laid between her thighs, resting up against her belly. “Grind on me, cupcake.” Buggy said with a grin, he leaned his arms back and rested them on the top of the headboard as Y/n began to rub her pussy on his length, her hips trembled as her wet clit rubbed his cock. Buggy groaned, his thigh muscles clenched slightly at the sensation, he held her hip with one hand, rubbing up and down her waist and thigh, then moving his hand back to squeeze her ass, grinning when it made her whimper. His other hand popped off and floated down to rub at her clit, helping her bring her to her climax.
“Come on baby, come on..” Buggy groaned, watching her pussy rub on his cock just did things to him, his chest rose up and down as he breathed out. Buggy’s cum was still dripping out of Y/n’s pussy as he rubbed her clit with his fingers and cock, her pussy clenched, she felt so close- so close.
Y/n groaned and whimpered, leaning forward, resting against Buggy’s chest as she came, finally, her whole body was twitching. Buggy immediately wrapped her arms around her, holding her tightly with a big grin on his face. “That was great.” He laughed.
Y/n’s eyes fluttered, her face was buried in the crook of his neck, his slightly musty scent invaded her nose; it wasn’t unpleasant though, it was kind of attractive and made her snuggle into him more. Buggy’s embrace tightened; he loved holding her body against his, it felt so good, he closed his eyes before inhaling and exhaling.
It was getting late, and Buggy had planned to stop somewhere the next day. Considering Y/n had already fallen asleep, he succumbed to his own slumber as well.
-time skip-
“WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU?! HAVE YOU EVER HEARD OF KNOCKING?!” Buggy growled as one of his crew members suddenly opened the door— greeted to a half naked Y/n, and Buggy who was in the middle of putting on his boxers. The crew member was rightfully flustered, covering his face and turning his body away “I’m so sorry Captain Buggy!! I should’ve knocked!!”
“I have a lady in here dammit!!!” Buggy growled, signaling towards Y/n who had actually fallen back asleep, sprawled out on the bed, still only wearing her bra and panties.
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zhongliologist · 1 year
Research Hazards | 30 Nights Series
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Pairing: Alhaitham x afab!reader x Kaveh
Genre: SMUT
Content Warning: threesome, double penetration, blowjob, cunnilingus, anal, creampie, trapped
Words: 5.7k
A/N: Happy Holidays! This is my present to y'all who're still here lmao Anyways, this is part of a series that I barely started, so I won't promise I'll post regularly. Consider this an advance ksksksks Also please ignore genshin lore stuff in this fic, i took all the liberties i had so it's not accurate lmaooo
Tagging: @yostresswritinggirl i know you've been waiting for this lmaooo
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There are three types of people in the world when faced with a life or death situation.
The first one tends to be a little too overdramatic.
“This can’t be the end! I have so many projects to do, so many masterpieces to make! Al-haitham, you take responsibility for this! If you didn’t insist that we take this route, we could have been out by now!”
The second prefers to be more logical; the problem solver.
“Don’t be so pathetic, Kaveh. How about you use that brain of yours to find a way out instead? Out of us three here, you’re the most knowledgeable with machinery. You should know at least one loophole.”
And the last one is what people would call an “opportunist”.
“Take your flirting somewhere else, you two. I’m in the cusp of an academic breakthrough. This room is like no other! Completely unique from all the ruins attributed to the god of time! So exciting!”
“We are not flirting!” “Your imagination knows no boundaries, YN.”
You shrugged, crouching near an impression on the wall. “Hm. Whatever you say.”
This unique arrangement, or whatever it was, simply formed out of necessity.
As students of the Akademiya, it was required to submit a final research paper before graduating—a cumulative opus of all the learnings and skills one has acquired through their time as a student. You never had any trouble in writing your own paper, but the subject you chose was a behemoth, a wide gap in the tree of knowledge that has yet to be studied thoroughly. Despite your brilliance however, you only had one brain and that was hardly enough to tackle the mystery of the god of time. Besides, you needed the expertise from the other Darshans to make full sense of any discovery, and they probably need your expertise as well—a win-win situation, in your honest opinion.
And that was how you ended up with Al-haitham and Kaveh—geniuses, yes, but probably the most insufferable pair in the entire Akademiya.
“Al-haitham, Kaveh,” you called out as you stood up from your position and walked towards the two with notebook in hand. Al-haitham was standing front of a wall, trying to decipher what was written, while Kaveh was busy studying the walls of the room.
“Have you figured it out?” Al-haitham asked, looking up. He was always the sensible one between the two, but only when it comes to intellectual pursuits.
“No, not yet, but I do need a sounding board,” you replied, standing beside him. “An alternative assessment, if you will.”
“Fine by me. We’ll listen to your ideas first before we share our own thoughts,” Kaveh said as he stood before the both of you.
“So our current predicament is that we’re trapped in this room, which was triggered when we stepped on that platform, causing the walls to cave in on us. If we want to get out, we have to at least understand what had trapped us and why.”
Both men nodded at you. Al-haitham glanced at you, his stare a little too long than normal.
“Makes sense. Go on.”
You cleared your throat to divert your attention to the subject at hand. “Well, here’s the thing. Previous research claim that these ruins are dedicated to the god of time, yet now that I’m here seeing it with my own two eyes, touching it with my two hands, I have to disagree. And I believe the both of you think the same way.”
Kaveh and Al-haitham exchanged glances, yet it was Kaveh who first spoke. “While it is important not to jump into conclusions right away, I do agree with YN. The architectural style, the motifs…they do look similar to Istaroth-attributed ruins yet not quite. The flower motifs on the wall could easily be mistaken as triquetras. If we reexamine previous papers and note our recent findings, a trove of new discoveries is possible.”
Nodding in agreement, you listened to what Kaveh had to say, until you were distracted by how his lips moved. Soft, pink and plump…would it feel as delectable as it appeared to be, you wondered. Wait. This is not what you should be thinking in this situation YN!
“We should be careful here,” Al-haitham interrupted your thoughts. “Refuting previously recognized research is already an endeavor in and of itself. While it is disappointing that these ruins are not related to the ruins of Dahri, we can get enough data here to write an additional paper, alongside our main research subject. With that said, figuring out who this place is for should be the first and foremost priority, for the paper and for our safety as well.”
“I’ve seen you look through the writings on the wall earlier. Did it leave any clues?” you asked, gazing up at him. For some reason you felt hot and uncomfortable all of the sudden. Perhaps it was just the jungle humidity finally getting to you.
“Ah yes. It was also the reason why I had to agree with your assessment. The writings sing of praises for the goddess of flowers, as well as of hopes and wishes for ‘new seed’ to sprout and ‘new buds’ to bloom. It was also in a language which emerged at the same time as scripts from King Deshret’s empire and from ancient Sumeru. If these were ruins attributed to the god of time, Khaenri'ahn script should have been used and there should be no mention of the goddess of flowers.”
“How interesting,” you exclaimed, trying to rid of unnecessary thoughts forming in your head. “What you both have noted all points to the goddess of flowers. I assumed the same case as well. Yet there are no records of buildings dedicated to the goddess, so what makes this one different? What does the writings on the wall allude to? What is this place for? Why are we trapped here?”
“Alright!” Kaveh exclaimed, making you yelp when he suddenly placed his hands on your shoulders. They were heavy and big. “Let’s take a break for a while. I, for one, would like to rest on a comfortable place.”
The ‘comfortable place’ Kaveh was referring to was of course, another invention of his. Both you and Al-haitham watched the blond unfurl his portable chaise lounge with jaded eyes, all too familiar with Kaveh’s tactic of showing off. If he wasn’t a master craftsman and architect, you would’ve deemed him a simple man.
“Of course, the both of you are free to take a seat. Don’t be shy now,” he smirked, and at that point you understood why Al-haitham was ceaselessly cruel to him.
“Al-haitham if you’re not going to punch him sooner or later, I will do it.”
The Haravatat scholar simply shrugged at you; indicating that you should get used to it. “If I were you, just humor him to keep the peace and quiet. The archons know we need some silence to think in this situation.”
“Fine,” you retorted back and marched towards Kaveh. In a huff, you ungracefully plopped yourself on the chaise, surprising even Kaveh himself.
“You’re…” sitting so close to me, was what he wanted to say yet it was suddenly so difficult to get the words out of his throat.
“What is it?” you asked, wondering why Kaveh covered half of his face with his hand all of a sudden.  
“No, I just…” he couldn’t say it. There was no way he could tell you that you smelled so sweet and delectable, enough to remind him of baklavas drizzled with honey. Drizzled with honey…he could lick it off of you—
“What’s gotten into you, Kaveh? You wouldn’t be thinking of anything inappropriate, would you?” you asked in the midst of a laughing fit. You just couldn’t help but giggle at the way his face morphed into an expression of horror.
“O-of course not! I…” he stammered but eventually composed himself. “Don’t you think it’s a bit warm in this room?”
“Well, there are no windows. It could also be the combined body heat of us three,” you shrugged. “I’m more concerned if we’re gonna run out of air before we can get out of here.”
“Oh, about that. There is a draft coming from the gaps on the walls, so there’s no chance of suffocation.”
“Well, at least we have that. But I do agree, it’s been warm for a while now, it’s making my skin stick to my clothes. I should at least remove one layer.”
Kaveh stared at you in panic, wide-eyed and flushed. He was already having inappropriate thoughts of you; your bare skin would do massive damage to his self-control.
“Wait…!” he reached out to you, hand on your arm. You gazed at him curiously, mulling over at the weird mood the both of you were in. If you were a little more honest, you could feel a haze creeping around you and Kaveh. You were just too scared to acknowledge it.
“Oh, come on! I’m just removing a jacket, no big deal!” You shrugged him off, finally getting rid of the stuffy outerwear required of students while on field, and went back to your place beside the blond man.
Kaveh had to train his eyes somewhere else to avoid looking at your shoulders and neck. Yet even if his eyes found purchase on a nearby rock, his imagination was betraying him with images of you flushed and ready underneath him, calling out his name in sweet and illicit whispers. There is no way he wouldn’t get hard right now. Get a hold of yourself, Kaveh!
Unbeknownst to the blond beside you, you weren’t in the best of shape either. It took all your mental prowess not to get overwhelmed by lewd thoughts—thoughts which involved the blond and the ash-haired scholar. All the intellectual talk from earlier had you weak and bothered, weirdly turned on from how Al-haitham discussed his thoughts while Kaveh shared his. For some reason, the desire to be pressed between both men was clawing at you. You wanted to feel their bodies against yours, touching and caressing all your sensitive spots until the three of you were one incoherent mess.
“What are you two even doing?”
The sound of Al-haitham’s stern voice brought you back down to Teyvat. You were thankful he was still sane, otherwise you might’ve not been able to come back. Kaveh, on the other hand, was still stubbornly looking at the distant wall.
“YN, scoot over,” Al-haitham ordered. He didn’t wait for you to move however, instead, you were forced to make room for him on the now crowded chaise, making you bump against Kaveh, who was definitely not pleased.
“You could at least wait, you know?” you remarked irately. “It’s already so hot and humid as it is…”
Removing his beret, Al-haitham kept his gaze on the wall in front of him much like Kaveh. “It’s not my fault this chaise lounge could barely fit three people.”
“Do you have a problem with it Al-haitham?” Kaveh interrupted, a lilt of frustration present in his voice which wasn’t there before. “You should be thankful you’re not sitting on the stone floor.”
In your position, the two of them looked rather silly bickering at the walls they were facing, as they avoided getting a glimpse of you and of each other. It wasn’t hard to guess that Al-haitham was feeling the same way both you and Kaveh did, and he was trying his best not to succumb to it.
“Did this room smelled particularly sweet when we went in?” you asked, interrupting the both of them.
“Hm? Oh no, I don’t think so. It was just like any other ruins we previously visited,” Kaveh replied, instinctively looking at you. That proved to be quite a mistake however, as his eyes began to ogle at your bare shoulders, neck and arms. The temptation to touch you was all too real and difficult to resist. Any time now, the tightly-wound thread holding his self-control would eventually snap.
“I’ve noticed it as well…the room does smell faintly of sweet flowers and padisarahs.” Al-haitham added as he glanced down at you, imagining all the things your mouth can do for him. Like slow-moving poison, illicit thoughts were invading his mind, pillaging all that is logical and reasonable until all he could think about is you. You being violated by him and Kaveh; you crying out their names as they fill both your holes; you laying on the chaise stuffed to the brim with their seed.
You watched Al-haitham as his mind wandered. You could tell he was losing his own battles, overcome by intrusive thoughts. If Al-haitham himself had succumbed to these thoughts, then forget about finding a way out. Your minds were too preoccupied to do any analysis at that point. The question now became clear to you—for how long are you three able to maintain self-control? If that wasn’t possible, what will happen to the three of you?
“A conclusion seemed to have crossed your mind, YN.”
It was Al-haitham, who had met your eyes directly. Peridot orbs on yours, you noticed the ferocity of his gaze, as if a fire was smoldering deep within him which he could barely contain. He was at his limit, and you were nearing yours too. You could only withstand so much mental battles, especially not against old leyline energy.
“This was a miscalculation in our part. Who would have thought we’d encounter something like this deep in the forest?” you replied, voice becoming low, body becoming pliant. “The flower motifs, the inscription on the wall, all the scattered decorations. It makes sense for this place to have that kind of purpose.”
“So what now?” Kaveh asked, leaning against the back rest of the chaise. “I don’t think I have the energy to resist whatever is happening.”
“Let’s just see where it goes,” you shrugged, allowing Al-haitham’s hands to cup your cheeks and Kaveh’s arms to wrap around your waist. “We are already too far gone.”
The next few moments were difficult for you to follow. After allowing your carnal urges to took hold of your actions, all you could remember was how everything felt so good.
The two men slowly ravished your body. You remember Al-haitham pressing his lips against yours, nibbling your lower lip until you allowed him to explore your mouth and play with your tongue. Kaveh, on the other hand, had monopoly over your body, lazily embracing your waist with one arm as he fondled your chest with his hand. He liked to bury his nose on the crook of your neck, inhaling your scent and leaving his marks all over your skin. Suffice to say, their ministrations left you bare and naked.
There were no words exchanged at that moment, just pure and unbridled lust.
You delighted at the sensation of having both men caressing you, making you feel good. In the haste of it all, the blond had you sitting on his lap, his hands cupping your breasts and rubbing your nipples, while Al-haitham’s lips travelled down from collarbones to your stomach; leaving nips and splotches of color in his wake. Your hands could only do so much; wrapped around Al-haitham’s shoulders as you accepted it all.
Kaveh couldn’t believe he finally had a taste of you—his deepest desires finally coming into fruition after years of longing. Although he had to share with Al-haitham, there was no other opportunity like this. He could finally touch you, caress you, tease you as he pleased. There were no eyes to stop him, no boorish ego to tell him he was being unprofessional for liking you as your senior. Maybe this was what he needed after all.
“…Kaveh…” you moaned, looking up to him for a kiss which he easily obliged. He went immediately for a French kiss, sliding his tongue against yours in a soft and needy kiss. Kaveh groaned into your lips as you pressed your butt against the tent in his pants, reminding him to remove his clothes as soon as possible.
Al-haitham watched the exchange with half-lidded eyes and lips ajar. It was turning him on in all the right ways. As a man of rationality, he had never thought he’d enjoy a voyeuristic view of you making out with another man, much less Kaveh. But the sight only made his dick harder, prompting him to bite hard on your inner thigh.
“Come on now, YN. Don’t tell me you forgot about me,” he growled as he lapped on the bite mark he had just left on your skin. “Let’s hear you moan.”
With those words, the man completely ravished your thighs—leaving nips and bites but altogether avoiding the place where you needed him the most. You were trembling, keening in pleasure, mind numbed by the sensations both men had put you through. With hands tightly digging into Al-haitham’s hair, you collapsed against Kaveh’s chest as you begged the other for more.
Annoyed at the attention you gave to Al-haitham, Kaveh had his hand under your chin and turned your head to face him. Meeting his scarlet eyes, you melted under his gaze—once again joining lips in one sloppy kiss. He easily drowned out your moans with his tongue, delving deeper into your mouth until all you could feel were his soft plump lips.
Aware of how quiet you had been, Al-haitham pushed your legs up and dove right at your center; sucking your sensitive nub without any warning. Your body shook immediately, pulling away from Kaveh’s lips as you reveled at the way Al-haitham was lapping your juices which had been spilling out since earlier.
“…Al-haitham…! Wait—!”
All your pleading went to deaf ears as he continued eating you out, even to the point of inserting his tongue into your hole. It didn’t help when Kaveh suddenly pinched your nipples, flicking them until they were raw and sensitive. He was back on marking your shoulders and neck; his bites now more intense and feral. You could only grasp on thin air as both men drove you to your climax. Tears welled up on the sides of your eyes as the pleasure became so unbearable, with no choice but to take it all in.
“Fuck, fuck, fuck….! I’m…!”
As Al-haitham sucked hard on your clit; as Kaveh bit hard on your shoulder, you instantly fell to your climax—body shaking and trembling as the pain and pleasure mixed into something indescribably intense and rendering your mind completely blank. You screamed at the overwhelming stimulation, squirting juices into Al-haitham’s mouth which he gladly licked.
The two men gently laid you down on the chaise as they stood in front of you, breathless and horny with cocks painfully hard. Silently, they undressed as you watched—your eyes tracing the contours of their muscles and biceps, their beautiful skin riddled with beads of sweat and bodily fluids. Desire bubbles up from the pits of your stomach once again.
Finally, you saw a glimpse of their erect members, both glistening with pre-cum. Head overridden with lust, you almost salivate at the sight—Kaveh’s was pretty, pink and rather long and slightly girthy, while Al-haitham was thick and veiny; almost as muscular as his toned body. Both men smirked at how you were ogling at them.
“Seems like you want more, YN,” Kaveh remarked as he sat at the end of the chaise, spreading your legs apart. “Surely, we can give you more. Isn’t that right, Al-haitham?”
Normally, this would prompt more bickering from the two, yet they have different priorities right now, and they can set aside their differences for later.
Al-haitham scoffed, hands giving his cock a few pumps before placing it near your lips.
“How about we start with a blowjob? I’m sure you know how to do it, don’t you YN?” There was a mocking lilt to his tone that normally irritated you, yet at that situation, it turned you on for some fucking reason.
At first, you gave the head tentative licks, lapping at the beads of pre-cum spilling from the tip. You then began swirling your tongue around the head and sucking it. Eventually, you licked the underside of his cock, thoroughly covering his member with saliva and pre-cum which earned a deep growl from the man. Locking gazes with Al-haitham, you finally took him in, mouth stretching at his girth. If you weren’t drowning in lust, you would’ve complained at the pain, but at that point, all you could think about was how you were sucking his large cock while Kaveh was rubbing his on your drenched slit.
And speaking of Kaveh, he was busy pleasuring himself—pressing your thighs together around his dick which was brushing against your sensitive clit. If you hadn’t had Al-haitham’s cock in your mouth, you would’ve moaned every time Kaveh would rub on your sensitive bud; yet you could only roll your eyes to the back of your head; seeing stars on the process. It was a delightful distraction, and both men seemed to have made it somewhat of a contest of who could maintain your attention.
All of the sudden, Al-haitham shoved his dick into your throat, making you gag. Holding your head, he was effectively fucking your mouth, as you took it all in. It was painful, but fortunately Kaveh was there to distract you, pressing his thumb on your clit as he continued sliding his cock on your wet cunt. You could no longer tell which was which, allowing your body to feel everything.
“Fuck, YN….I’m going to come in your mouth…” Al-haitham muttered through gritted teeth.
“Wouldn’t you like that, YN?” Kaveh cooed, face flushed as he continued to fuck your thighs. “We’re gonna cover you with our cum…”
With a few strokes, Al-haitham stilled in your mouth and pumped his cum into your throat, while Kaveh spilled his seed on your stomach, almost reaching your breasts. Not able to swallow of Al-haitham’s essence, you allowed the mess to drip from your lips and down to your body. The image of you covered with their seed was enough to keep both men hard even outside the influence of the room. Even after coming once, it wasn’t enough. They had to have you.
Lifting your chin up, Kaveh captured your lips for the nth time, tasting Al-haitham on your tongue. The thought seemed to drive him crazy, as he probed deeper into your mouth, groaning, sucking your tongue and biting your lips. Lifting you up, Kaveh met eye to eye with Al-haitham, both seemingly agreeing on something.
Smirking as he devoured your lips, Kaveh had you on his lap again, his cock now lined up on your cunt. Without saying anything, the blond lowered you to his dick, grunting at the novel sensation of your walls wrapped around him. His lips kept any of your moans from escaping, as he allowed you to feel the shape of his cock in your pussy.
All you could think of at that moment was how good Kaveh filled you up. He was prodding you at the right places, his size making you stop to adjust to him before he can plow into your cunt. The way he was kissing you didn’t help either. The constant stimulation had made your body so sensitive that even a brush of Al-haitham’s hand on your neck or Kaveh’s low growls was enough to make your body spasm.
You begged for him to move, but the blond could only smirk at you as he laid the both of you flat on the chaise with you above him.
“Oh no, we’re not done here, YN. Al-haitham has to prepare you.”
With those words, you suddenly felt cold wet fingers prodding your other hole, prompting you to turn around. You were greeted by a grinning Al-haitham who pressed a few kisses on your back.
“We don’t have any lube right now, but I’ll make sure you’re ready for the both of us.”
As Al-haitham kneeled down, you could feel his tongue rimming your hole, licking and prodding until you were crying out at the strange sensations.
“Wait…no…! That’s…!”
“Relax, YN,” Kaveh assured you as he nipped on your ear. “It’ll feel good later on. Just let Al-haitham pleasure you.”
You could no longer tell how long Al-haitham took to make you feel good, but you could tell that your rigid body was gradually becoming pliant to his touch. Perhaps you already came several times, you weren’t sure as the pleasure seemed to have overlapped each other with no end in sight. By the time you noticed, he already had four digits pumping in and out of you as he lapped on your juices, while you moaned against Kaveh’s shoulders.
“Look how well you can take my fingers, YN,” Al-haitham whispered to your ear as he continued to pound his fingers into your ass. “You think you can take my cock now?”
As the ash-haired man flicked a particular spot inside, you could only cling to Kaveh for support, yet the blond himself was also struggling, trying his best not to come even after your walls keep tightening around him.
“Al-haitham…” Kaveh grunted, beads of sweat falling from his temples. “Hurry up…I don’t think I can last much longer…”
Al-haitham clicked his tongue as he shoved his fingers deep into you, making both you and Kaveh groan. “So impatient…perhaps you both need a lesson or two.”
“Well, how about we switch places instead?” the older man asked, his irritation evident.
Yet the other man only smirked, “Maybe later then.”
Finally pulling out his fingers, Al-haitham coated his member with your essence, rubbing it against your hole until he lined it up. Noticing what he was about to do, Kaveh pulled your now swollen lips once more for a kiss, effectively distracting you.
Gradually, Al-haitham pushed his fat cock into your ass, stretching you out in proportions you had never considered before. Having both Al-haitham and Kaveh inside of you had your eyes rolling to the bank of your head, the intensity enough to make you faint. But you were intoxicated with whatever energy was in the room, so instead of actually fainting, you were flooded with pain that was so good that it had your body shaking uncontrollably.
“Breathe slowly, love. Take it easy,” Kaveh whispered sweetly to you, noticing your heavy breaths. He made carefully placed kisses on your jaw and down to the crook of your neck to soothe you. He knew Al-haitham would definitely abuse your hole, and he had to at least make sure that you’d come out sane after this. His ministrations seemed to have worked though, as you collapsed into his embrace, whimpering while taking in both cocks in you.
It didn’t take a while for both men to begin moving. The contrast of Al-haitham’s sharp and harsh thrusts to Kaveh’s slow but long-drawn pace left you an incoherent mess, no longer able to perceive everything that was happening to you. You felt as if you were one big bundle of nerves, drooling and screaming every time their cocks pushed against a particularly sweet spot in you.
Yet you were not the only one on the brink of losing their sanity. Both Al-haitham and Kaveh were acting on complete impulse and desire—with their hands on your waist, plunging into you as deep as they could, relentlessly chasing after their high. They wanted to fuck you over and over again and spill into you, marking you as theirs inside and out. Then rinse and repeat.
“Hey, can you feel it?” Al-haitham asked Kaveh in a breathy voice, grinning as he continued to pound into you.
“Feel what?”
“My dick—“
In one huff, Al-haitham shoved deep and hard into you, which made your walls contract around Kaveh’s.
“Oh fuck…!” The other groaned out, gripping your waist tight as he threw his head up. That was incredible, if he was being honest.
“You liked that, didn’t you?” the younger man smirked as he bent over your back and took a handful of your hair. “YN seemed to have liked it as well.”
“Shut up,” the other simply glared even though his face was completely flushed.
“You should learn from YN, Kaveh. At least, they’re being honest.”
Al-haitham only chuckled as he continued to drive into you, completely mesmerized at how you were clamping around him, how your hips would bounce every time he would thrust sharply, how you were moaning his name on Kaveh’s lips. In normal circumstances, he wouldn’t have imagined himself desiring you so intensely like this. Unlike Kaveh who obviously had a crush on you, you were more like a like-minded individual to Al-haitham; someone who he could match wavelengths with. He could spend the whole day everyday with you without worrying about anything, and he would feel rather lonely if you weren’t there. Was it different from what Kaveh was feeling about you? He thought it was, but now he wasn’t sure anymore.
Al-haitham felt you tighten around him once more, probably prompted by Kaveh playing with your chest. He could feel himself slowly climbing into his climax, his dick twitching inside of you.
“I can’t…no more…I’m…” you managed to croak out, voice hoarse and dry from all the screaming.
“It’s okay...” Kaveh cooed as he pressed a kiss on your forehead, “we’re cutting it close too…”
“Cum with us, YN,” Al-haitham encouraged.
This was the moment you waited for, feeling both their dicks plunging in and out of you. You reveled at how full you felt, at how you were drowning in so much pleasure that your mind just turned off on its own. This moment where you were all in the brink of your climax was something you chased after—it was the height of all anticipation, of all the build-up. Soon, it will spill over into waves of ecstasy; devouring the three of you whole.
With their erratic paces and their ragged breaths, both men ravished both your holes as they try to reach their peak. You yourself was feeling the brunt of their thrusts, with knuckles white from gripping tightly on Kaveh’s shoulders and eyes rolling to the back of your head. A single hard thrust from both men had you collapsing on your orgasm, walls tightening as your body shook intensely. Following after you, Kaveh painted your walls white, spilling his seed deep into you with a loud growl. Al-haitham finished last, pumping his cum into your ass until it spilt over your hole.
Losing strength, Al-haitham slumped beside you and Kaveh as he tried to catch his breath. You could’ve passed out at the moment, if only the both of them weren’t still hard and ready to go. You yourself weren’t as satisfied as you ought to be, now beginning to miss their deep and sharp thrusts.
“Seems like we’ll have to satisfy this place before it would let us stop,” Al-haitham remarked, pulling out from you with his cum spilling out.
Helping you sit up, Kaveh also pulled out from you, groaning in the process. He wouldn’t want to admit it but he was as eager as you started; evident from how hard he still was despite coming twice.
“You can still take more, can’t you YN?”
“We’ll help you, so don’t worry about anything.”
Climbing back on the chaise, Kaveh pulled you to his lap while Al-haitham captured your lips with a grunt escaping his mouth. That all led you to Kaveh pounding your ass this time while Al-haitham shoved his cock into your pussy—your juices mixing and staining your skin. Imprisoned in the room, the three of you had no perception of time, thus it felt like you were fucking for eternity with no chance of calming down.
The three of you tried every position possible in order to satiate the brewing desire ever-present in the pits of your stomachs. One time you were riding Kaveh while you had Al-haitham on your mouth. Another time you were held by Al-haitham, wrapping your legs around his waist as he fucked your sore cunt raw, while Kaveh was pressed behind you, cock plunging deep in your ass. Both your two holes were full of their cum, spilling out on your thighs and legs.
At that point, the three of you were unbothered where this was going. If this was where you meet your end, you could just imagine Al-haitham’s look of disappointment and disgust. That was hilarious in and of itself, but you couldn’t bring yourself to care anymore. You just wanted to have them both by your side, filling you with their seed over and over again.
By the time you came to notice, you had already awoken yourself from sleep. Both men were lying close, bodies splayed over you as if you three had passed out from fucking too much.
But there, on the periphery of your vision, you saw a door, which wasn’t there before. You rubbed your eyes to check if you weren’t imagining things, but fortunately enough, you weren’t. It was there.
“Kaveh! Al-haitham! Wake up!” you exclaimed, pinching their noses to wake them up.
“Wha…? What happened…?” Kaveh asked, groaning at how heavy both you and Al-haitham were.
“Could you tone it down please?” the younger man scolded, still planning to go back to resting.
But as you were about to move, all the activity you did came crashing on you.
“Oww my fucking back!”
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“And so, that is the conclusion of our research on Ruin No. 255b. While our paper is far from conclusive, we would like to take another look at it for more study.”
Al-haitham ended your presentation with a resounding applause from the panel of sages. They were more or less satisfied, saying how the three of you always produced great research which definitely warranted high honors upon graduation.
“But still, I’m curious,” the sage from the Amurta Darshan began. “This section here…on how leyline energy affects an individual’s libido. It’s so incredibly detailed that I have to ask how you were able to get this data.”
You smiled nervously, as you exchanged looks with the two men. “Well, we just had a few volunteers…”
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webslingingslasher · 11 months
Hi Mm this is socks lmao, but could I request something with reader having a horrible day where everything goes wrong, nothing feels right, and she's tired of like carrying the world and everyone one else on her back and Peter is just the sweetest guy ever babying her and hold her while she cries? Yep that's me, but with no Peter
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sowwy it took so long, i had a few requests for this and put them all in one giant pot. i also hope everyone here is feeling better ❤️
Totally broken, you just needed someone to hold you. 
It had been an awful day of an awful week of an awful month. Punch after punch, you couldn’t take anymore. Holding yourself the entire walk to the frat house, only allowing yourself to sniffle and keep a steady flow of tears, nothing too hysterical to pass in public. 
Almost tripping over a curb you choke back a sob, all you could do was manually breathe and think of the path to the house. You weren’t even sure why you wanted to go there anyways, you’d never gone to Peter before all upset and choked up. 
And knowing him, he’d hate it and send you away informing you that taking care of your crying mess wasn’t in his job description. 
Focusing on breathing, you knocked at the solid door and prayed Peter would answer, save for any of his brothers mid breakdown. But, like most of today and this week, things did not go in your favor. 
He wasn’t your boy. 
“Is Peter here?” shoddy breaths, you’re about to collapse in a sob, you shouldn’t be here. “Actually, nevermind, I’m,” you inhale sharply, tears skip down your cheeks, “I’m, um, gonna go home.” 
Spinning on your heel a warm hand closed around your wrist tugging you inside, “no, you’re not. Parker would fucking kill me if I let you leave like this.” Wiping your cheeks and trying to pull away, “he wouldn’t want to deal with me, I should…” shaking his arm off and trying to make a dash before he caught you by the hood of your jacket. 
Gagging you pull at the neckline, “what the fuck, Ethan?” 
“Parker!” He calls up the stairs, adrenaline killing your tears, trying to pull away but useless in his grip. Jerking the fabric, trying to release it from his hold, “let go, Ethan!” 
“Parker!” Wincing at the shriek in your ear, “see? He doesn’t care, I sho-” 
Your shoes squeak on the floor, holding your jacket as far as you could from your neck when Ethan dragged you across the landing of the house, fumbling into his chest to stop the tension. He was being anything but gentle, raising his fist to pound at the wall. 
“Parker! Get the fuck down here!” 
While trying your last attempt to break free, Ethan twists the hood in his hold, causing you to pause in an awkward position, if you moved you’d be choked. “Ethan, I swear to fucking god I’ll-” 
Stomps on the stairs.
“Say my fucking name one more time, Keznek, I fucking dare you.” 
Like a deer in headlights, you freeze. The second Peter hits the landing his frustration was washed into concern, not even caring his brother and best friend was watching, pouting all soft. You weren't crying anymore but the evidence showed, written all over your face was a cry session.
“My baby,” feathersoft, his words scooped you up and held you. Ethan’s hand dropped the second Peter took a second step, abandoning post and taking the stairs two steps at a time. Standing in front of you, his thumbs run under your eyes, “why’s my girl so sad, hm?” 
Suddenly, that lump in your throat you’ve been swallowing won’t stay down. Blinking fast trying to stop tears, which fails useless as your bottom lip trembles and he’s being so soft and he’s never been this comforting before. A sob escapes, the dam breaks. 
Peter’s never seen you cry before, you’ve called him once before while upset and he thought that hurt him. Watching you cry and desperate for air makes him break, he’s never had a girl come to him so broken. He doesn’t even know what to do or say, “give me a cuddle, c’mon, I know how happy that makes you!” 
Instantly you’re wound around him, exhaling shaky breaths in his chest while he scratches slowly at your back. Tears bleed through his shirt but he doesn’t say a word, he thinks he might be making it worse because you’re getting worse. 
Racking breaths made him push you away, he was genuinely scared you’d pass out. 
“Okay, c’mon. Take a breath and follow me, okay?” Choking as you gasp, his hand holds yours tight until you reach a room off the kitchen, Peter sits on the edge of a couch and holds your hands. “Deep breath, baby.” You try to do it but fail, whimpering an apology. “I’m not asking you to stop crying, I just need you to breathe.” 
It’s weak but he takes it, “one more for me,” it’s smoother this time, rubbing at an eye to clear your vision. Gulping, you force yourself to take another deep breath, this one ceasing the tears for the moment. 
Peter pushes himself backwards to sit on the couch, patting the small spot next to him you follow the command. Your butt in the small space, legs thrown over his lap. “You almost knocked yourself out, trouble.” 
He’s trying to lighten the mood but you just feel vulnerable and sad, resting your cheek on his shoulder you sniff. Voice breaking at the words, “I’m really sad, petey.” And fuck, he hates that nickname, but the way you uttered it, like a child with a terrible confession, made him want to hold you and never let you leave. 
Hands tickle up and down your legs, “wanna tell me why?” 
Blowing a shaky breath you shug, a tear falls when you blink. 
“I mean, everything?” To Peter, it sounds like you’re holding back and he won’t stand for it, not until he knows what made his girl cry like that. 
“I’m here for you to unload, I’m trying to take that,” he gestures to your body, “and put it here,” crumpling the tension into a ball and forcing it into his heart. 
“I failed my math test, I was fired from the campus store, Zoe and Lana are fighting and they want me to pick a side but I know they’ll get over it and then I’ll always be the asshole that chose a side, and to top it all off my sister called me and I felt like it was my job to give relationship advice cause,” you give a dry laugh, “obviously, I’m in the right position to tell people about their shit boyfriend.” 
A shit sandwich, you were right. Everything was wrong. 
“What can I do for you?” 
Because he feels helpless, but he’s done more than enough already. 
“Just… hold me.” 
“I can do that.” 
And he does, even a little longer after you said you were finally okay. 
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kisses4kaia · 5 months
i’ve been seeing ppl do sej x coryo x reader and all the time i see dom sej, switch coryo, and sub reader and it gave me this idea.
i think it would be interesting to see dom coryo, switch sej, and sub reader. yes ik this is very much ooc BUT IDGAF 😵
the plot could be that coryo and sej find the reader’s diary that she kept hidden in a shoebox. in the diary she’s saying things like “oh i want coryo or sej so bad omg”(obviously not like that LMAO). i feel like you could put romance into this plot too by having them see that she also would write about these cute scenarios abt them both. TEETH ROTTING THINGS EVEN.
i’m not sure if coryo would be more gentle with sej bc in my mind he(coryo) would be the one to actually consider the things in the diary. sej is up for the idea, but he’s nervous abt doing this with coryo bc duh it’s his best friend.
anyways, i hope this is interesting enough to do bc i liked how you wrote sub sej!
(this was long asf i’m so sorry 😭😭 also, this doesn’t have to be a long ass fic! if you think this would be better as a longer fic or shorter fic, GO AHEAD‼️‼️)
YES I LOVE ! plz don’t apologize i loved hearing ur thoughts . oh and i changed some minor things about this but i still hope u enjoy💞
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your blood ran cold as corio stood at the foot of the bed, your fuzzy pink diary in hand as sejanus stood next to him, arms crossed and a smug look on his face, as if he was trying to contain laughter. “god, i would die happy if i could sit on coriolanus’ face and have sejanus stuff his cock down my throat,” corio quoted your journal, an devilish, amused, smile tugging at the corners of his lips. “such dirty words for such a shy girl. don’t you agree, sejanus?”
he meets the blond boys eyes and nods, in modest agreement. “i don’t know, corio, i’m not all that surprised. i mean, she practically begged to join our group for the project,” he cocked his head slightly as he reasoned, all too casual about the situation.
he hadn’t lied, when professor click assigned a project for groups of three, you immediately got to batting your eyelashes and flattery with the two boys. at first, your intentions were pure, only wanting to ensure a good grade for the assignment, and it made the most sense to try to get with sejanus and coriolanus, for they had the highest marks in the entirety of the class. you had wanted nothing but an ‘a’, until you began noticing how beautiful corio’s eyes were in the sunlight, and how full and plump sej’s lips were when he pushed a pencil through them in concentration, and you hadn’t even realized you’d begun spiraling. you entrusted your diary with all the details of your infatuation for the boys, and as you wrote on late, dark nights, you’d never expected to have the subjects of your logs read it. you were utterly mortified, and your paled expression did not conceal it well. “oh, come on now, darling. don’t be ashamed, we aren’t judging you,” coriolanus cooed at your rigid posture at the head of the bed.
today was supposed to be the last day. the last day you were working on the project, and you’d let them into your empty home, into your bedroom, and onto your bed. you had let them linger in your room while you grabbed your school bag from the living room, facilitating them just the right amount of time to snoop if they so pleased, and you should have known that they did. in their defense, how could sejanus even be blamed for reaching for the blush book sitting in such plain sight on your nightstand? how could coriolanus be at fault for reading more when the first page had ‘corio ♡’ and ‘sej ♡’ written about 30 times all over the lined paper? when you’d returned, completely oblivious to their snooping, corio had hidden it behind his back and obscured it from your view. it was only when you turned to grab a pen off of your nightstand, the nightstand in which you retired your diary to every night, that you noticed the pink rectangle missing. slowly, you turned to face the boys who were standing, your innermost thoughts and secrets in corio’s hands. “i-it’s not what it looks like, i promise. i just…” you’re stumbling over your words nervously and you can feel sweat forming on your brow.
corio just laughs before sejanus takes the book from him, thumbing to another page. “all i want is for sej to hold me in his strong arms while corio eats me out. i need him to call me a good girl, i need it, i need it, i need it,” as he reads, his voice is monotonous, but his face reads touched, pleased. he looks over to corio, and upon viewing the expression on his face, knowing exactly which gears are turning in that head of his, he shakes his head. “i don’t know, corio. is that really a good idea?” sej is hesitant, but the blond boy just keeps staring at you with hungry eyes, the brunette boys apprehension not deterring him from his goal one bit. “sejanus, she obviously wants it if she wrote a whole fucking novel on how bad she needs to get her holes filled by me and you,” he reasons, speaking as though you are not in the room, which sent shivers rampant all over your skin. “but together?” sejanus squeaks and corio’s expression of amusement shifts from you to him. “what, you don’t want to? because i’ll be here? c’mon, sejanus, let’s not pretend i can’t see you’re hard at the mere idea of seeing me cum inside of her,” sejanus just rolls his eyes and redirects his attention back to you. “you want this?” he’s walking slowly, closer and closer to you, you who’s sat pretty at the head of the queen-sized bed, like an unsuspecting doe while the wolves prey on you hungrily. coriolanus walks around the other side, and your senses are on fire, watching your two classmates stalk towards you with primal lust swirling in their deep eyes.
you can only nod weakly, afraid that if you were to make a sound, your own voice would betray you. “words, sweetheart,” corio says in a singsong voice, his hand reaching out to your chin, jerking it to force your eyes to meet his. “please,” you squeak, lower lip almost quivering. the blond boy pouts at you, before using his free hand to fall between your thighs, flipping your skirt up before petting your cunt over your embarrassingly damp panties. corio’s digits move skillfully as the pads of his fingers press through the fabric and onto your clit, pulling desperate whimpers out of you. you haven’t forgotten about sejanus in the slightest, hyper aware of his looming presence, but you were much too afraid to break eye contact with corio, so you simply whisper faintly under your breath “sejanus,”
corio lets up on his grip of your jaw and allows your eyes to land on sejanus, who’s palming his bulge through his trousers. his eyes read your needy ones before grabbing your hand and replacing his own. you gasp at the how large he feels even through the layers of fabric, and have to bite your lip to the point of breaking skin so as to contain a moan. corio’s ministrations feel good, so good, but it’s not enough. “more, please. need you, need you both” your eyes begin pricking with tears as you look back at the snow boy, face rendering as a plead as your hips buck weakly into his hand. “i know, baby, i know,” corio leans down and for the first time, presses a kiss to your lips, before pulling your panties to the side and sliding his middle digit into you with ease. you moan against the sweet lips on yours, and turn to face sejanus, eyes begging for permission as you toy with the button on his trousers. “go ahead, pretty,” sejanus breathes out, pleasure building up within him. as well as you can manage while under the influence of gratification corio is invoking upon you, you undo the button and the zipper of sejanus’ pants and pull them down along with his boxers, allowing his cock to spring free. you were mesmerized at first glance, he was beautiful; girthy, but still quite lengthy. prominent veins ran up and down him and his tip was a dark shade of vermillion, weeping with pre. you swear you thought drool was coming out of your mouth, because sejanus just smiles knowingly, guiding your hand back onto his cock.
at the same time, corio adds another finger to your tight cunt. his other hand comes in to use the pad of his thumb to draw calculated, deliciously meticulous, circles on your sensitive bud. you can tell sejanus is close from the way his eyes flutter shut as pleasure overtakes him, from how you can feel him twitch in your hand, and you know your release is coming soon, too. and when it does, pleasure courses through your veins, you had never felt anything like the orgasm corio talked you through. “fuck, yeah baby. cum all on my fingers, hm? poor, pretty, baby. so wound up f’me,”
not long after, you feel sejanus’ seed spill onto your hand, a string of explicits falling smoothly from his plump lips, along with moans of your name and praises for how good you make him feel. when his eyes reopen, you suddenly feel bolder than you did 20 minutes ago, and stare him down like he’s the prey, while licking his sperm off of your pretty, delicate, manicured, fingers. sejanus thinks—no, he knows—that could’ve made him cum again on the spot if corio hadn’t interjected, his tone a starved and vicious growl.
“on your knees, now.”
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spence-whore · 11 days
Ray of Sunshine
Spencer Agnew x Reader
Request: Hi, can we have one like the Damien Haas imagine Stressful Days but with Spencer?
A/N i apologize that it has taken me forever to get this one up. I also apologize for it being super duper short. I have been struggling writing some things and honestly this was one of them because i have been having a bit of a tough time and didn’t really know how to help myself. This made me really step back and made me realize, I need to take care of myself more. I’m gonna be honest with you. I don’t like this one. I have written better things. I might just be too tough on myself but I hope you enjoy this though:) also, please remember. I fucking hate editing things. I edited this as best as I could lmao
Spencer felt like something was off today with his partner and he couldn’t tell what. You would usually send him goofy stuff throughout the day but today, you had only sent him a good morning text. A few hours passed by and Spencer sent you a text, asking if everything was okay. You had responded with a, “yeah:)” but he felt like that was a lie. It was driving him insane because he was stuck at work and wanted to be able to help you.
Little did Spencer know, you were stuck at home on the couch. You had called off from work for the day and was just laying there staring at the ceiling. You had attempted to clean up and even cook for yourself but you just simply couldn’t do anything for yourself. You got frustrated at one point, yelled, threw the rag on the counter, and went and jumped on the couch. You knew that Spencer was worried about you but you didn’t know how to vocalize that you just weren’t all there mentally.
Work was just draining you so much. You worked at a place you were not happy at. Spencer had offered to help you get a position at Smosh plenty of times but you turned him down each time. You didn’t want to crash together, work and a relationship; it just didn’t feel right to you. Everyone at your workplace was so unbelievably negative. They were so rude to you and just took out so much on you.
“Goooooooooooooooooood.” You groaned throwing a pillow over your face.
You had thought about maybe taking a shower, maybe that would help you? While getting up, your phone had buzzed, so you sat there and looked at your phone.
spence<3 : would you want to go for food when i get off work?
You smiled and responded.
you: could we maybe get takeout and just sit in the car and eat?
He didn’t respond right away, so you decided on taking a long shower.
You had turned on music and got in to just metaphorically drown your worries away.
Around twenty minutes had passed and your phone goes off. You reached out of the shower and dried your hand off, so you could grab your phone.
spence<3 : hey, i got off early. I just went ahead and got take out and brought it over. I’m here right now but don’t feel like you have to rush in the shower. Take your time<3
Right after you finished reading the text, you heard a light knock at the door.
“Hey babe, is it okay that I just came on over? I didn’t know if you wanted alone time today or something.” Spencer shouted through the door.
“Spencer, honey. I always want you around. I’ve been done for a while, so just let me dry off. I’ll be out in a second.” You responded after turning the water off. “The door is unlocked, if you want to open it.” You said after wrapping a towel around you.
You were in the process of fixing your hair out of your face whenever Spencer opened the door.
“Hey pretty thing. What’s been going on with you today?” Spencer asked walked up behind you and wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“I’m just so mentally drained.” You said trying to laugh but it fell flat. “Work has been killing me. I’ve been looking for a new place but can’t find anywhere’s.”
“I heard some of the people over at Mythical are looking for assistants. It’s not the same company, so we wouldn’t be working together. You could apply and I could talk to someone? Maybe put a good word in?” Spencer suggested then placed a quick kiss on the side of your head.
“Maybe, I dunno. Can we just talk about it in a little bit?” You asked, looking at him in the mirror while feeling tears welling in your eyes.
“Of course. I got some little treeeeats for a little guy in the living room.” Spencer said stepping
You turned around and just stared at Spencer for a second then pulled at his arms, so he would open them. He opened them and just yanked you into a tight hug. You stood there for a minute with your face in his chest.
“As much as I love you and love holding you, I am so hungry.” Spencer whispered while you just giggled into his chest.
“Let’s go eat then you goober.”
The two of you walked into the living room and you could’ve cried. Your apartment wasn’t that much of a mess but it had gotten a little messy since you haven’t had the energy to be a human. While you were in the shower, he had picked up all of your trash, thrown your clothes and stuff into the washer, and put your dishes into the dishwasher. He also had your favorite flowers sitting in a vase on the table in front of your couch.
You just froze and didn’t know what to say. “I thought maybe I would help you clean up a little. I know you usually use cleaning as a way to de-stress. So, I knew something was up whenever I came in and saw you had random things laying around. I just thought maybe it would boost your mood a little if I helped you out then got some food in you.” Spencer said from beside you with an awkward smile on his face and shoving his hands into his pockets.
“Have I ever told you how much I love you?” You asked while sitting down and opening the pizza box that was sat in front of you.
“I have a little bit of an idea.” Spencer responded and chuckled a little. “Whenever we get done eating, would you want to go riding around? We could go to that area that overlooks some of the city and get ice cream or something?”
You just nodded your head while stuffing your mouth with pizza.
The two of you sat on the couch for a little while, eating loads of pizza and watched your favorite movie.
It’s so funny because any time someone tells you that they are mentally drained, they want alone time. They don’t want to be around others and just want to rot in bed all day. You used to be that person.
After you met Spencer, you only ever wanted him around whenever you felt down.
He felt like rays of sunshine after a rainy, horrible day.
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capriciouscapsss · 1 year
How Will You and Your F/S Spend Your 1st Valentines Together ✧
Hi guys I’m back! Life’s been...catastrophic BUT that’s for another day so enough on that and lets quickly redirect and focus on the fact that reading requests are open again!! Alsooo open requests means PACS full of love being written 🙏🙏   soo yeahh… today’s pac will be made in honor of Valentines day just sailing by, a PAC dedicated to how your Valentines will be spent at the side of your F/S. Now this will focus more on your first Valentines together so keep that in mind when choosing....so with that being said LETS GET STARTED 💞
todays's muse of love is my idol elizabeth taylor in Cleopatra, a true icon and master of romance, who else to tell you how to spend the day of love with the one we love than the queen herself. we have four piles; intuitively choose the one you're most drawn to. 
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Pile I. A Wink Worth Billions
[2oS, 4oW, 7oC, 2oC, 10oP, KnoC]
Stop being so cheeky pile 1. We get it you’re god’s favorite damn. Literally what other cards could have been more perfect?? Pile 1 get ready for the prettiest Valentine’s Day ever. Most of you haven’t had a Valentine’s Day where things went right, and this person wants to make sure that it goes perfect. Honestly your first Valentines will probably be spent in the early stages of your relationship. Like I’m not getting that you guys will be together for a long time before Valentine’s comes. So you both are in the state of mind of wondering if you both should play it cool and go casual your first year or if you guys should actually go all out and throw caution to the wind. And you know the thing about you both being together is that you both immediately feel the love with one another.
You both don’t fall in love gradually, it’s more like it comes hard and strong and one minute you both are meeting and the next you both are scrolling for hours on your phones trying to come up with the perfect gift. As I was writing this I got the vision of one of you going back on text convo’s to see if the other person has mentioned something they’d want or liked. Like that’s how much one of you is stressing. Although I don’t think it’s in a bad way, more like in a “the possibilities on what we can do are endless” kind of way. For the people that are barely getting to know your person, because I do feel like there’s that select few who won’t be serious with their F/S on Valentines, will be asked to bring things to a next level that day. Say we have a couple who’s barely getting to know each other and want to take it to the next level, the more masculine energy of the two will be more proactive and plan to make the connection more serious. For the people that are already in a relationship with their F/S the day off, I’m getting that they might pop a big question the day off. I’m not getting marriage lmao don’t worry, more like talk on the future like moving on or meeting each other’s parents. Or even planning a trip. Something that signifies making things more serious.
Also, I think that the masculine energy in this connection could be feeling real nervous about planning this as well lmao. Like there’s an element of “things are going so well, I don’t want to mess it up” combined with “but things would be even better if they said yes.” Ultimately I think your first valentines will make you both stronger at each other’s side. The bond will be strengthened and new steps will be taken moving forward. So to recap, with the masculine energy it’s going to be all about planning an event around making your relationship more serious. Something pretty that strengthens your unions. And for the other in this connection, it will be more focused on finding the perfect gift. Finding a gift that’s perfect for them but also doesn’t look like they’re coming on too strong. Lmao the energy the other person is exuding is equally as nervous, they’re going to want to take it further as well but will at the same time be nervous about initiating the conversation. Instant red flushes and heart palpitations when their partner initiates though, they’ll feel breathless. + Little tidbits I see include you saving them from doing something emberassing. Say they’re talking and walking but almost slip, you’ll help them last second. Or it could even be something like, if they’re the masculine energy and you the feminine, they could be talking to try and approach the elephant in the room but start trailing off nervously as they get closer leading you to prompt them enough to broach the topic. I also think that attire will look darker Valentine’s Day.
You both will be wearing darker clothing and if makeup is involved it’s more on the lighter side. Kind of elegant chic. NOW for a special select bunch of you I do see a proposal. I know, I’m sorry!! This is just for a select few of you I promise, and it’ll have to do more with you both being friends before the connection even started. Cause again, the love is still new, but sometimes when you have a long story with someone you just want to marry them as soon as you finally have them in your arms. So nothing out of the blue, don’t worry, more so this is for those going from friends to lovers. Also there will definitely be s8x okay that’s it bye. 
A little visual of the energy I'm getting
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Pile II. The Royal Treatment
[KnoP, 5oW, 7oP, The Justice, 3oP, 10oW, QoP, the chariot]
baby pile two’s you are all so stubborn. And your future spouse is too. You guys probably have known each other a long time before you guys actually spend a Valentine’s day together. I’m getting almost like a sad vibe here? Like one of you has physically watched the other go on dates and so on in Valentines day. It could be that you both were friends before you were lovers and going out together is something new but also bittersweet? One of you keeps thinking what it would be like if you both just realized sooner and got together earlier. You guys both want this to be beautiful and right and amazing but you two don’t want to communicate when trying to talk about it. You both are acting like you guys are on the same page when I’m not even sure you guys are reading the same book
. You both are acting like this is no big deal because the other person is doing so as well. But in reality it’s a very big deal and you guys want to rejoice that finally!! you guys are together. You both might be talking to your friends and family members like “I just want this to be special”, and the whole time the other person assumes that you guys aren’t excited. Like I mean this probably happens and goes on until either a day before or the very day of the event. I even think you both argue when the truth comes out. The feminine energy in this connection will not lash out but rather retreat inward and stop talking? Almost like they want to complain but they’re going to feel like they’re making a big deal out of nothing and will retreat forward. Now I think the masculine energy in this connection is more new to this whole dating and emotions thing, and even though they don’t really understand how to fix this (that’s also been bugging them) they don’t want to be shut out on a day where things are supposed to be happy and okay. So I think they approach but it just spirals into a fight. Again you both are soo stubborn so you both will probably be just afraid to admit that you want this day to be celebrated more.
I can see you both arguing. Until one of you just snaps and admits that it’s not fair. As I wrote this I started to hear what it would sound like and it not only sounds, but it feels very in the heat of the moment. “I wanted this to be special and you don’t even care.” is what I heard. The other’s very confused, not even sure about what they’re talking about until they start piecing it together. I imagine it going from something very tense and angry to still and warm. A trickle of realization and hope. The masculine energy was the one doing the prodding I think, asking a bunch of questions in alarms and defensiveness. Asking what they did and why are they being ignored. The other then suddenly getting fed up and blowing up. Telling them the truth just to shut them up. I think that you guys are then going to be silent for some time before eventually talking and apologizing. It sounds almost like you both are then taking the time to finally talk about your feelings and leave it all out in the open. After time, we have the chariot card describing the last of it so I can see you both deciding to do something. A quick plan where you both have a destination in mind. One of you is smiling softly while the other’s making quick jokes as they drive over there. Hands are being held and smiles are being shared. Lots of eye contact once you both arrive to wherever it is you went.
No letting go. + Little additional tidbits I can see is the plans being made after the argument being very adventurous. Maybe it’s a long drive to where you both are going but it’s a celebration to the realization of feelings. A celebration that should’ve been planned a long time ago. I can see you both touching each other a lot as well. Hands around the waist of the others, neck kisses, kisses on the top of the head, etc. I think people didn’t really expect you guys to last long either or even have much in common which is why it was even more important that you guys celebrated the day of love together, and when you weren’t doing it like it deserved you both felt bummed. We have the masculine being more of a social butterfly in this case so yeah they’re definitely going to be the one that is badgering and demanding to fix the problem. In this case I could see the feminine being more of an introvert and instead choosing to keep it all in. Yeah, to end this off, I do see a long drive ahead of you both when you choose where to go. 
A little visual of the energy I'm getting
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Pile III. Entrancing and Falling
[4oW, 3oP, 7oP, PoP, The Hermit, The lovers] 
Pile three you guys are the ultimate couple. Now let me start by saying this, MONEY IS BEING SPENT here. Like loads of money. I don’t know if you guys know about the couples that spend close to thousands of dollars for Valentine’s day and treat if like it’s nothing big? Yeah that’s you both. There are some cultures where it’s like that, where Valentines day is meant to be celebrated in big and meant to go crazy with the theatrics and you both do not disappoint. To be completely honest with you, I keep trying to summon the energy of you guys individually but it doesn’t really come out leading me to believe that you both are locked in and really solid when the days rolls by. Are you guys the type of people that lose their identity when they fall in love? No. That being said, are you guys so enamored that you both think of each other as their world? Yes. So do you both not want to talk to anyone but your own partner the day of Valentines? Again yes lmao.
This is kind of giving me Scorpio Venus energy. Like “I share you every day please just be mine for today.” Or days. Like mentioned before your partner wants to go big. And its liely that each year aftet that they’ll go bigger until they run out of ideas and even then they’ll ask around if that’s’ their last option. Why last option? Your person likes thinking of their plans for you. They pride themselves in being the one that knows you the most. They pride themselves in having you see how much effort they put into their gift since to them, their act of service, means more than just picking something out. I could see you both going out to little Valentines day parties before the actual day and people asking you and your FS what you’ll be doing and your FS just grabbing onto you and shaking their head. They’ll be telling no one about their plans by the way, they don’t care for others telling them if it’s a good idea or not like this person is so confident in their abilities of knowing you lmao. I can see them planning a trip for you both. Almost like a surprise getaway. It could be to an actual spot outside the country or to something as simple as a weekend spa. Whatever it is it will only involve you both. It’s going to be their version of a relax spot away from the world. Away from problems and into a world shared only by you two.
Like I said this is so Scorpio Venus, because even though it looks very flashy and big, all you both really crave are closeness and intimacy. There’s layers to this. Sweet words are exchanged. Thousands of I love you’s. I think you guys might even be told by other people that see you what a wonderful couple you two make. You both are also very patient with one another in the days you disappear. No rushing, just relaxation and love. Walking to a restaurant holding hands and buying flowers from someone nearby. Feeling the night warm up and being able to wear a more revealing outfit. This is another reason as to why I think you both are going to go on vacation, when trying to intuitively channel I get hot and humid weather. The kind that makes hair curl. Wearing more summer based outfits.
So to recap it would be something beautiful because of the attention to detail. Everything done bigger than need be. But at the same time it’s special because of the intimacy that you both share. It’s quiet in the way that there’s peace but electric because of the sensation you keep on sharing that “hey! I think they might be the one.” + additional tidbits I’d like to add would be that the feminine energy in this connection is holding on more. Kissing, hugging, they’re the one initiating the contact. Your FS could be a fire sign, particularly Aries or Leo. You both are already very comfortable with each other by the time you go out. One of you could be a serious workaholic that yes gains great money but also doesn’t have much time off so this could again be something that you both are particularly excited about since it means more time together. 
A little visual of the energy I'm getting
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Pile IV. Seductive Woman
[QoW, 5oP, KoW, 7oC, AoC, 4oW, AoS] 
Pile 4, my previously heartbroken pile. Honestly you don’t know what to expect the day of Valentines. You’ve just decided to go on a new date not long ago prior and you’re not sure where it’s headed. The date you go to before this happens ends up being your future spouse. It’s exciting and fresh and new and honestly no one can blame you from being excited. They’re intelligent, well-spoken and charming. I mean they seem like the complete package. Like I mentioned before you probably haven’t had the best of luck with love when you’re close to meeting them. It’s possible that you could’ve just gone through a break up that left you feeling emotionally battered. You’re not wanting to do the whole love thing anymore. Ever dated someone that made you lose your spark? Your previous relationship will have you feeling like this. You’ve gone from being someone full of life, vivacious and bold to maybe someone more insecure and guarded. Protected. So going on a date was something really big for you.
And then going on a date on Valentines day? Something even bigger. But I don’t think you’re getting your hopes up. Almost like you’re excited because speaking with this person was fun. But at the same time, you’re just going with the flow. Letting things fall where they may. They on the other hand, are coming ready. Like they have thought and thought of about a million things they could possibly do at your side that wouldn’t be too much or too boring. You know it’s funny how most of the piles have been trying to keep between that imaginary line of it being just perfect and not too this and not too that. Like Goldilocks, it must be just right. I can see them checking the reviews for places on Yelp or just talking to people around them on what places would be good to dine in or what places they’ve gone to that a person like you would like. I got the funny image of them describing you to the person they talk to like “they’re like this and they do this and etc.” and honestly, they might just nail it. This is a more lighthearted version of Valentines.
There’s shy looks and glances but also hand holding and the occasional kiss. There’s so much banter and dry wit passed around too. I get the image of you both talking with big smiles on your faces as you eat dinner. It’s not like your trying to keep the smile up, it’s more like it won’t like your face. You both are just so amused with each other, like you’ve met your perfect match. You share the same humor and you see of yourself in each other. What they are is what you are as well. I think you both start acting much more romantic as the night is ending. Like you guys start seeing at each other’s lips, or casually touching at each other more. The attraction is real, but so it the chemistry between you as people. So to recap, we have you and this person being together after a tough period in your life. Nothing serious but leading up to it as the night goes on. + Additional tidbits I get from this pile is the Aries like behavior that you both have when together. Being brave and bold with one another, laughing and teasing the other person. They will be more well off than you are so be prepared to have them pay for everything. This is the type of person that even because it’s your first dates out with each other, they will not allow you to contribute a single penny. They’re definitely more affectionate as well, you being more awkward and not knowing how to respond to the flirtatious remarks but being a pro at handling the teasing. They’re very well spoken like I mentioned earlier so be careful cause they are great at flirting and making someone blush. You both talk about interests a lot the day of Valentines, and you guys could focus a lot on doing little things for each other. For example, say you go out to dinner; one person will put their hand on the small of the back of the other, push out their chair, etc. You both will be very attentive to the needs of the other person. I could see them also being in a field having to do with Law, that message came to me very randomly but take that as you may. 
A little visual of the energy I'm getting
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Okay that's all! That was a long reading and it definitely has so many mistakes but I hope you enjoy reading! Have a great day/night and take care xx 💕💕💕💕💕
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always-andromeda · 3 months
Hi, I was wondering if you still take requests? If you don't that is perfectly okay with me, I don't mind! But if you can, would you be willing to write headcanons or something about Javier Peña (Narcos) with an s/o that doesn't really like pda or super affectionate stuff? Again, if you don't want to you don't have, I'm fine either way! (really trying hard not to sound like I'm peer pressuring you or being passive aggressive 😣) but, yeah, like if you ever have time.. thank you so much!
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𝐰𝐚𝐲𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐬𝐞𝐞𝐢𝐧𝐠
𝐩𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 ⟡ Javier Peña x F!Reader
𝐰𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 ⟡ 600
𝐬𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 ⟡ Javier learns the different ways of seeing a romantic relationship, or, a drabble about Javier being with a significant other who isn't quite comfortable with his usual charms.
𝐚𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐧𝐨𝐭𝐞 ⟡ Oh, my sweet anon, you don't sound passive aggressive or anything of the sort whatsoever!! If anything, I apologize for taking so long to get to this. I've been trying to urge myself back into writing a little bit more and this was a nice little challenge to help me reach that goal. I've been obsessed with Gia Margaret's album, Romantic Piano, these days and I ended up listening to Ways of Seeing on repeat while prattling down these ideas, so naturally, I've named this piece after that song. This isn't my favorite thing I've ever written? But it's been a hot second since I've been regularly writing fanfic so forgive me lmao.
𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 ⟡ slightly established relationship, Javier crosses a physical boundary, allusions to Javi and reader having a sexual relationship but nothing explicit is described (regardless, minors, please do not interact), overall fluff and healthy communication
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He wasn’t used to this. Any of it, really. Having a lady friend was a new one and by far the most surprising turn of his life at that point. But a lady friend who shrugged off his little touches like he was a pesky insect was another thing. At first he figured it was a reputation thing. Having him slung around you in the halls wouldn’t attract the good kind of attention for either of you. He could handle the jabs and jokes; he always had.
It’s why he hadn’t thought too much about it the first time he caught you in front of the copier and placed a hand on your hip. “What’s that you’re working on, querida?” he’d asked in that low, gravelly tone of his that usually drove you wild.
He swore he felt you jump; momentarily startled before you straightened your shoulders and pushed them back. He couldn’t see your expression, but he already knew he wouldn’t find an ounce of reciprocation to his teasing there anyways when you answered firmly, “Messina asked for copies of this report. She’s got a meeting in twenty minutes.”
Javier’s hand slid around your front, fingers playing at the edges of your top. “You think that’d be enough time?” he mumbled.
You swirled around on your heel and glared at him with a raised eyebrow, “For what exactly?”
“I thought that we had something going…?”
“Just because we have something going it doesn’t just give you the freedom to accost me whenever you want.”
Javier took a step back and folded his arms, getting ready to rocket into defensiveness. 
Before he could get a word in, you continued, “I know that you’re comfortable with the flirting and the teasing…but I’m not. It’s fine when it’s just the two of us.” You struggled to get an accurate grasp of your words, “But outside of that…it’s just…uncomfortable? Do you get that?”
His stomach sank as he was reminded of the type of men he’d helped put away in the past. The kind who had no regard for anyone or anything aside from their own wants. He thought of those butterflies in his chest whenever he caught your eye from across a room. How they glittered with the allusion of a secret; that secret being something special that only you and him shared. Your eyes were now shadowed with a layer of caution. How quickly those butterflies of his had turned into an invasive species.
He slowly raised his hands, admitting defeat before divulging, “I apologize. I– I didn’t mean to overstep.”
You blinked a few times before turning back around and grabbing the stack of fresh papers from the printer. “I think we should set some boundaries.”
“Boundaries? What kind of boundaries?”
“Well…for now…let’s keep the public displays of affection at a minimum. Can we do that?”
“Of course. Whatever you need. I hear you,” Javier nodded firmly.
As you started to tell him goodbye and head towards Messina’s office, one more thought popped into his mind. He reached forward to place a hand on you before stopping himself and clearing his throat instead. “Wait–”
The corner of his lip curled up into a smug smile. “Just to be clear…we’re still okay on the private displays of affection, right?”
You rolled your eyes and replied, “We’re alright in that department, Peña, don’t you worry.”
“Sounds good, keep me posted if anything changes,” he said with a quick wink before sauntering away, leaving you cradling the warm papers against your chest, knowing that you could tell him if anything did change.
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thatdeadaquarius · 1 year
m thinkin abt the “blunt vs flowery” language thing and…… in the year of our lord 2023, i don't even want to imagine how far back we'd have to go in genshins timeline until we see ‘hey shawty' written on a cave wall-
you try to be better about it, sometimes, using only the fanciest words and the most floral of tones, but all you ever succeed in doing is giving zhongli flashbacks to the archon war-
in the same vein: modern humor. would literally make them think "is this some sort of divine joke im too mortal to understand?" except even the archons need to cite sources on why a piece of bread falling over would be funny- maybe you slip sometimes, but you only ever get halfway through like “i’m neurodivergent and a minor” before you realize they don’t know what that means— “what if i had blue hair and pronouns” but they’re just sitting there like… doesn’t everybody have pronouns….? and kaeya has blue hair- are you implying he’s divine? what about chongyun?? xingqiu??????
anyway um. this is me bringing up my unfortunate (but very funny) habit of saying “i’ll boil you like soup” whenever i’m mildly inconvenienced and hoping it triggers Thoughts about the casual/slang threats we make and how they cope
sorry if this reads incoherently it’s 1am for me rn— also i’m debating becoming a regular anon here, are your applications open? 👉👈
SORRY IF I RAN U OFF BY NOT REPLYING QUICKLY!! BUT I’D LOVE TO HAVE LABELLED ANONS! I’ve already added some taken name I could see in my mailbox so check the pinned post and choose whatever isn’t taken! phrase or emoji, etc.! :)
this isnt super long bc ur stuff seemed chill on its own/idk what I could add! So I just focused on one aspect
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gif is literally everyone reacting to you trying to speak “flowery” like them lol
ALSO u guys probably dont remember bc I took so long but I’m still writing/going to post that Blunt Lang. AU Fanfic One-Shot! so here’s some quick headcanons ill add on ive got anon!!
No TWs/Content Warnings. SFW.
so this was gonna be chill but-
like anon said about even the archons having to pull out sources/cite your stuff to understand it, like finding really old tablets/scrolls/carved wall words 😭
u giving Zhongli a history lesson/brush up LMAO
If ur annoyed at them u just need to make more jokes, leave em scrambling for their pocket notes LOL
I like to think since you sound the OLDEST
that the ancient shit like Phanes/Four Shades/Seven Sovereigns are the closest in speech
(look theyre all alive and shit for my genshin, goddamit i still gotta tell u guys abt my genshin fill-in lore au)
and they’re closer to the “beginning of history” in teyvat so theyd get more references
theyd literally understand u the best and they like, all in the Abyss or like deep in Teyvat,
so u just casually strolling up to Azdaha’s place instead like
“How’s your day been Azhy?”
“Same as the days many before, my lord. How are thee?”
“Good enough, hey, why don’t I bring some food from my old world by that I’ve made for you to try out? Something new, y’know?”
camera pan left to see Zhongli looking up, then back down as he scribbles notes trying to better understand, Xiao has crossed his arms and is squinting, Ganyu is behind Zhongli and is trying to peek over his shoulder, Cloud Retainer and other adepti have like hidden nearby to overhear lol
“Please do not disturb your countenance my Wànsuìyé, the vernacular is pleasant to mine ears and sufficient for speech.”
“I shall, uh, try my best Zhongli, thought I know ye have- wait- thy have? Whatever, accepted it, I shall keep attempting to better match thee!”
He’s literally just → 😰😣💀
(flashback to at least 1 really ancient/old god he had to fight for his life against, they were the hardest battle he’s ever faced, and Azhdaha was helping him by that point too, so it wasn’t even like he won alone… rip zhongli got ptsd)
He keeps trying to subtly stop you from practicing it, he also desperately discourages others from helping you 😭
(Zhongli was about to be called Rex Lapis again when Venti was trying to get on his last nerve by constantly encouraging you to speak fancier, but in the incorrect way, at dinner with them one time)
Like that last content with them pretending not to kow each other but 5x the tension and Venti is fooling around even more so than usual lol
Safe Travels,
💀 ♒
♡the beloveds♡
@karmawonderss / @0rah-s / @randomnatics / @glxssynarvi / @nexylazaa / @genshin-impacts-mee / @wholesomey-artistt / @thedevioussmirk
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whalesforhands · 10 months
ik gojo is the clingy type. but like how clingy??? i’m sure dyf!mc gets overwhelmed because she def seems the type to not be used to affection.
how clingy? wouldn’t u like to know lmao. just know he’s clingy AND whipped in dyf au
you are right in the sense that she isn’t used to affection, but know that i’ve written dyf!mc to be very very very very very touchstarved. which is also why u don’t see her complain much/at all when being touched by the main 3
It’s cold. You need to wear more layers.
You feel shivers start to trail down your spine, your undershirt suddenly not feeling quite enough as Gojo wrapped his own uniform blazer around you.
His extremely chilly, cold feeling blazer.
Unrelenting and refusing to let you out of his hold.
“Satoru…” You’re trying not to push him away, the cold radiating from his body AND his snow covered jacket making your chill resistance even lower.
“Could you let me go?”
“But you’re really cold!” You’re now struggling against his grip, trying to get off his lap and his arm unlocked from around your waist. So that you can free yourself from his scarily glacial chill. Why does he run so cold?
“And? You feel really nice and warm. Like a little warm water bottle! He smushed his cheek against yours as you struggled to push him away, squirming around.
“Nwooo, stop!” You shove his imposing cheek away with a glove-clad hand. “You’re too cold!”
“I think you’ll look cute even with a little bit of frost bi-“
Suguru has saved you, flicking his partner’s forehead hard enough for him to let you go.
You act quickly, lunging into Suguru’s open and waiting arms instead, ensuring that the fluttering jacket didn’t touch the ground as you hung it on your arm instead.
“Thank you! You’re a lifesaver!” You whined, reaching pulling your muffler on properly from its disheveled state.
Gojo really was a walking fridge.
“Noooo-! My personal heater!” He grabbed at the air as he dragged himself forward, aiming to grapple you into his deathly embrace of ice and teeth chattering.
Geto quickly swerved, dodging him and maneuvering you as Gojo stumbled on his feet.
You let out a sigh of relief. Another few minutes of guaranteed non-Gojo heat.
You’ve thought you’ve escaped. Thought.
“Thank you and all, Suguru but…” You start to panic a little as you feel his arms tightening around you.
“Could you perhaps let me go now?”
He simply smiles down at you, eyes closed in what seemed like bliss as he continued to hold you.
Goddamn weather.
“Suguryunnnnn, make way for me!” You shuddered at the expanse of incoming freeze when you felt Satoru wrap his long arms around the both of you.
“Then all you have to do is look at him like I taught you, okay?” Shoko reaffirms, holding you by your shoulders, determinedly looking you in the eye as you stare back at her.
“Target spotted. Into action, brave soldier.” You’re immediately flung outwards, a strong chest catching you as you rubbed at your nose, looking up at the ‘target’.
“Satoru,” You began, your hands nervously twiddling with each other as your eyes surreptitiously peeked back at Shoko hiding behind a wall, flashing you a thumbs up.
Time to put the mission into play.
Your eyes met his smiling face.
“There’s a new crepe shop that-“
You’re taken aback. “I… Didn’t finish my sentence?”
Gojo hummed, hand sweeping out snowflakes from your hair.
“You ran out of allowance money right?”
“I was right, wasn’t I?” He squishes your face in his cold hands as you struggle to think of a retort. You can’t give away Shoko’s plan so easily, even if he was right!
“Awwwe, don’t worry.” He now pinches one of your cheeks, before wrapping you up in his arms.
“I’ll buy you as many crepes as you want!”
Suguru and Satoru were actually going to head off to the crepe shop together for a date.
They were thinking buying back some for you and Shoko, but since you so cutely asked Satoru, they simply left with you.
You invited Shoko along.
The crepes tasted strangely sweet when you all ate them together on a bench at a nearby park.
You want to go again soon.
Gojo got strawberry, Geto had chocolate banana, Ieiri matcha.
Regardless of what you picked, Gojo had stolen a bite of yours, you willingly gave Geto a bite of your crepe whilst he fed you back his own, and Shoko and yourself shared crepes with each other.
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sp0o0kylights · 7 months
actually I should probably go in order so I don't lose track of what I have and haven't asked about yet, huh? so back up at the top: number 2 adopt a jock!
IGHT heeeere is more adopt a jock!
Thankfully I have a lot of this one written its just all scenes lmao
No guarantee this stays in or where it'll end up buuuuuut:
Gareth had left his jacket in the drama room. 
Unwilling to go all the way around to use the door’s they usually did, instead opting for one of the stage’s side doors. 
Which put him at what happened to be the best angle to watch Eddie’s pet mean girl put his face in their fearless leader’s hands. 
Like he really was some kind of tamed pet.
Gareth froze, barely daring to breathe as Eddie stroked his thumbs along Steve’s cheeks. “You’re okay sweetheart.” He murmured. “It’s just me.” 
“I know.” Steve responded, and his voice was so full of pain Gareth’s eyes grew dinner plate wide. “I just--I--” He choked on air, chest rising and falling too fast. 
Panic attack, Gareth identified immediately. He himself got them sometimes, as did Tiff and Eddie. Perks of being a loser in a small town, where people could and would pick you out of a crowd. 
“Breathe.” Eddie commanded, tone so sweet it gave Gareth chills just hearing it. He was stumbling on something private here, something he had never expected. 
If he interrupted, Eddie would murder him. 
“Take your time, I’m not going anywhere.” The metalhead murmured. 
Steve made a wounded noise, and Gareth could practically see the exclamation point appear over Eddie's head. 
“I mean it. I won’t leave you.” 
“How do I know you’re not just saying that?” Steve choked out. 
Eddie stayed silent for a moment and Gareth  but then he was reaching into his shirt and pulling out his necklace. Taking it off his neck and putting it on Steve’s. 
“This was my mother’s guitar pick.” He said it softly, so softly Gareth could barely hear. “She passed away a long time ago and it’s one of the few things of hers I have. So long as you have it, you also have me.” 
“You asked me to prove it and I did.” Eddie continued, bulldozing right over whatever protest Steve had. “You mean something to people, Steve Harrington. You mean something to me.”
Another wounded noise, this one wet, as if Steve was crying. 
Slowly, gently, Eddie pressed their foreheads together, the two of them practically sharing the same breath. 
Gareth slowly, carefully, began walking backwards, trying not to make a sound. This was too fragile for him to ruin, and he spent a moment praying he wasn’t discovered as he slowly snuck his way back out the drama room. 
Eddie deserved his happiness, and so too, did Steve. 
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slytherinshua · 2 years
𝐍𝐨𝐰 𝐥𝐨𝐚𝐝𝐢𝐧𝐠. . .
˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ genre and tags: fluff. felix as a dad. han makes an appearance. pregnancy fic(?). baby stuff lol. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ warnings: uhh adorable baby stuff and some kisses. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ pairing: felix x fem!reader. ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ summary: adorable fluff with felix as a dad, ft. han ♡ ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ wc: 1.7k ˚₊· ͟͟͞͞➳❥ a/n: i hath risen from the depths of my 2 week hiatus and brought you this lmao. the first part of this had been written for a long time and it was just rotting in my drafts waiting for me to finish it. the title is shit btw. enjoy! ♡
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“It’s fine. I’m fine. Everything’s fine.” You whispered as you tried your best not to hyperventilate. Your body shook slightly as you sat on the bathroom floor. Tears stained your cheeks and your nerves kept spiking up again every few minutes.
The little blue and white test that you held in your hand was the source of it all. Or maybe it was the 2 red lines it showed. Or the baby that you were now aware was growing in your womb. Or the fact that this was all happening while Felix was away for a short time due to promotions.
You two had always wanted to have kids, but there was no guide you could read to feel ready enough to be pregnant, or be good parents. 
It might have been the worst or best time to find out. You were so overwhelmed with everything, but despite that you felt so so happy. 
You had just come home from the most stressful day at work, and had not seen Felix for almost a month. But the joy you felt underneath your nerves was just what you needed to feel a bit better.
The past month had been all sorts of overwhelming, but nothing compared to this moment. It felt surreal that your life was about to change forever.
Your phone started ringing and the beginning of “Cause I Like You” echoed through the bathroom.
You looked down at your phone, seeing the screen display his contact. Your eyes widened. You hurriedly grabbed the phone from off the floor and answered it, holding it up to your ear.
“Hey Love!” His voice sounded like music from the other side of the phone, a much needed comfort amidst your anxiety.
“Hi baby.” You breathed. "You're okay", your brain told you over and over again, and you started believing it now that you could hear his voice.
“Did you miss me?” He asked cutely. Thankfully, the phone didn’t pick up uneven breaths or slight sniffling from all the crying..
“Way too much.” You smiled, feeling a million times better in just 10 seconds, and all because of talking to him.
“Aww, baby… I’ll be back in 3 weeks… it’s not that long.” He said, and you could tell from his voice that he was trying to convince himself of the fact too.
“We can last 3 more weeks… I have a surprise for when you get back actually.”
“Really?” You could hear his voice perk up in excitement, before dropping slightly again, “But I told you not to get me anything.” The pout in his voice was very clear and you couldn’t help but giggle.
“This one was a bit unplanned.”
“Hm…” He hummed, “Can I have a hint?”
“Nope~ You’ll just have to wait, my love.”
“Fine.” He sighed. “I have to go… but I’ll call you tomorrow, okay?”
“Mhm~ Love you…” You sighed, missing him like hell.
“I love you too. Stay safe, okay? I’ll be back in your arms soon. Bye!!”
“I love you~!” He sang as he hung up, making you smile again.
You looked down at the little gift box you held in your hands. It had the pregnancy test in it along with a baby onesie and baby bottle. There was no way he wouldn’t get the message from this. You just needed to give it to Felix once he walked through the door in 5 minutes. Easy, right? 
The morning sickness had set in a couple days ago, but you tried to not mention it until Felix knew you were pregnant. He would be so worried about you if he knew you were throwing up and feeling sick without knowing the reason.
The doorbell chimed and you stood up immediately, setting the gift box down and going to the door. There he stood on the other side of it, the brightest smile on his face.
“I’m back~” He giggled.
He pulled you into his arms immediately, kissing your cheek and swaying from side to side. You sighed and hugged him tighter, the feeling of having him back in your arms was better than anything else.
“I missed you soooo much… I just wanted to be back with you all that time.” He pouted and you pressed a kiss right on the pout.
“Me too…”
Once he had gotten food and settled on the couch, you grabbed the gift box.
“Remember the surprise I told you about?”
He looked up from his muffin, eyes wide with excitement. You handed over the little box and sat back down beside him. He cracked his knuckles in anticipation, making you giggle. 
“Just open it.” You urged.
He didn’t need to be told twice, as he lifted the lid off of the box, revealing the baby things. He picked up the test, and bottle. You noticed his hands start to shake slightly and the recognition dawn on his face immediately. 
He turned to you, eyes teary, “You’re pregnant?”
You nodded softly, starting to tear up as well just from seeing him emotional. He pulled you close into a hug, struggling to stop the tears from flowing down his face.
“I love you.” You whispered into his ear, pressing a kiss to his cheek. He nodded, sniffling and wiping his eyes.
You laughed, “You’re such a baby. I didn’t expect you to get so emotional.”
“I’m gonna be a dad, how could I not get emotional?” He croaked, and broke down again in tears.
“Cutie…” You whispered, not being able to help the smile that stayed prominent on your face. You loved him so much.
“Are you sure you’re okay?? Do you want water?” Felix continued to ask while you two set up the nursery together. He wanted to do it by himself and let you rest, but how could you not want to decorate as well?
“I’m fine, don’t worry about us.” You smiled, opening up another box filled with baby things.
Felix smiled at you, eyes filled with so much love for you and his daughter that you were carrying. You were almost 34 weeks and your baby bump was very visible. Felix thought it was the most precious thing in the world. He would talk to the bump all the time, and singing to it was one of his favourite things to do.
Finishing up the nursery was more fun than you expected. And when surrounded by adorable baby things, it was hard to fight back the smiles and excitement for when she finally arrived.
Once everything was finished, there was an added bookshelf with children’s stories on it, paintings on the wall, stuffed animals, pillows, a soft rocking chair, and a consistent theme of Teddy Bears. The walls and furniture all matched as well, everything going together in soft brown tones with a scattering of pinks and greens.
“Do you like your room?” Felix asked, kneeling down so he was in level with your stomach. “I think it looks cute… Just like you and your mom.” He pulled up his your oversized sweatshirt and kissed your tummy softly, making you smile.
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“I’ll be back in 2 days, are you sure you’ll be okay with Quinn?” You couldn’t help but feel bad that you had been called on a business trip with little warning. 
“It’ll be fine, love. We’ll have fun without mummy, right Quinn?” She paid no attention to his words, too immersed in playing with his fingers. “See, we’ll be fine.” Felix smiled.
“Okay. I’ll get going then.” You gave Quinn a kiss on the forehead and Felix a kiss on the lips before stepping out of the house as Felix waved goodbye.
He hummed, taking Quinn over to the kitchen and setting her down on the counter as he took out food from the fridge to make dinner. As long as Quinn had her stuffed bear, Waffle, she was content. 
“Dada?” She smiled, looking at him with doe eyes, and his heart melted at the sight.
“Yes baby?” He hummed.
Incoherent babbling followed out of Quinn’s mouth, and Felix nodded along.
“Mhm… You’re so right.” He cooed, eyes full of love whenever Quinn tried to have a conversation with him. She had only learned a couple of words so far, but they could get the attention of Felix anytime.
Soon after Felix put food in the oven, his phone rang. He picked it up, smiling as he read the caller ID. Jisung had called.
“Hi!” [ . . . ] “Mhm! we’re doing well… Y/n’s just gone on a business trip so I have her allllll to myself.” He smiled widely, making Quinn giggle.
“You’re free? You should come over… Can’t keep up that ‘favourite uncle’ status if you don’t come over, now can you? Chan hyung might overtake you~” Felix teased, soon hanging up the phone and turned his full attention back to Quinn.
“The Quokka is coming~~” He sang, patting Quinn’s hair softly.
“Qui…kka?” Quinn tried, drawing Felix’s attention as he looked at her with visible heart-eyes. 
“Quo…kka.” He sounded out.
“You got it!! My baby is so smart, aren’t you?” He praised, scrunching up his nose and giving her a nose kiss.
“Quokka!” She said excitedly, making Felix smile wider. She kept repeating it amongst giggles and kisses as the two waited for Han to come over.
A knock was soon heard, eliciting giggles from both of them. Felix went to answer it, but was swiftly ignored as soon as Jisung spotted Quinn standing in the middle of the living room with Waffle. 
He came over to her, immediately picking her up in his arms, both of them smiling widely. She went to grab his cheeks, and Jisung giggled.
“She learned a new word just now.” Felix said, leaning on the counter smiling at the two of them. “Baby, do you want to tell uncle Han what you learned?” 
“Quokka!” She exclaimed excitedly, making Jisung’s eyes go wide. He turned to Felix, in disbelief that he just heard the word Quokka come from Quinn’s mouth. Felix’s face held a giant grin and he laughed as he saw Jisung almost tear up. 
“My lovely, adorable, baby!!” He let out, making her giggle as he sniffed back his proud tears. 
“I think you might keep that favourite uncle status.” Felix said proudly, checking on the food in the oven. 
“The members will get so jealous when I tell them!” Jisung said excitedly, making Felix laugh.
It was safe to say that Quinn was adored by everyone.
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shuchu · 2 years
‧̍̊˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙ off collab with the boys ˙˚˙ᵕ꒳ᵕ˙˚˙‧̍̊
characters: vox akuma ; mysta rias ; luca kaneshiro ; ike eveland ; shu yamino ; shoto
take note: this headcanon is written with a gn!reader who is also a vtuber from nijisanji en and the boys have a crush on the reader. also, in this, the reader is a complete lightweight lmao sorry (≧▽≦)
author notes: this is a very long post, it’s kinda like separate one shots for the boys but in headcanon form? idek lmao halp (・_・;)  the boys won’t confess now, i’ll write a separate headcanon on how the boys would confess (≧◡≦) i tried my best with this but if any of the boys are ooc i’m so sorry! as usual, feel free to send in feedback and/or requests (´。• ᵕ •。`) decorative dividers credit to: @/mykaesu on twt *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
enjoy lovelies! ♡
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a little backstory:
the luxiem boys and shoto were under the impression that it was just them meeting up, with the addition of ninaur of course. however, nina had messaged you on discord after they had planned to meet up and asked if you would be down to surprise the boys since she knew how close you were with them. you agreed immediately and started making plans to travel to Paris (wink wonk). 
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the day finally arrives and you’re standing outside the door of the airbnb that they were at. 'badum badum badum' you can hear your racing heartbeat in your ears, you’re nervously pacing to and fro with 3 boxes of pizzas in your hands waiting for nina to open the door to let you in. you could hear their voices from outside the door, they were currently streaming. this was your first time meeting any of your co-workers in person and you were lowkey freaking out a little. suddenly you hear nina go, “oh hold on, i think our pizzas are here!” you sucked in a breath and tried to calm yourself down. she opens the door and goes, “oh, wait a minute…who’s this?” nina stands to the side to let you in and you smile, saying, “did you guys order some pizza?”. you see the boys’ eyes widen in shock and next thing you know, you’re engulfed in a big group hug. 
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his eyes widens and he’d go, “no fucking way…”
after the group hug is over, he hugs you again tight and says, “it’s so good to meet you in person.”
when sitting on the couch together with the boys, vox would sit next to you and rest his arm behind you, on the back of the couch
vox would want to spend as much as time as he can one-on-one with you, so he plans to do lots of collabs with you. him being there for moral support while you play FNAF being one of the many collabs
when you get jumpscared, you whine at him and he coos at you saying, “aaawww…does y/n need my help? did they get jumpscared again by bonnie? aawwww…”
you’d swat at him telling him to shut up and insist that you’re fine. the smug bastard just chuckles and says, “alright then, if you say so love.”
he would be flirting and bantering with you so much during the collabs, talking about how cute you are when you blush and get flustered
your fans would go crazy and say, “(you and vox’s ship name) fans are well fed during the off collab."
fan art of vox and you will flood both your twitter feeds, vox liking as many of them as possible, even retweeting some
vox would be very helpful, constantly asking if you need help with anything especially with setting up stream or whether you need to use any of his equipment
i have a feeling that you and vox would have many late night conversations where you guys would talk about anything and everything
if you wanted to go shopping he’d be more than happy to accompany you
he’d be so patient, going to all the different shops with you and complimenting you when you go to try on clothes
vox would definitely offer to carry all your bags even though you insist that you don’t need help
when you all go to a bar, vox would definitely be the one to take care of you if you get drunk
under the influence of alcohol, vox might let it slip that he likes you but you were too drunk to register what he said
to help get you home safely, he'd princess carry you back to the airbnb
if you have a hangover the next day he’d tease you first and say with a smirk on his face, “i didn’t know you were a lightweight.”
you’d roll your eyes and tell him to shut the fuck up. at that he would chuckle and say, “ah…but you love it when i tease you.”
he would then hand you aspirin and water, then leave to go cook some soup to help you feel better
when you thank him for helping you get over your hangover, he’d just say, “of course, i’m glad i could help y/n.”
when you're leaving, vox gives you a long tight hug and speaks softly so that only you could hear him, “i loved spending time with you, let’s do this again soon. i want to spend more time with you.”
you’d rub his back and say, “it’s okay voxy, we can still hang out online. i enjoyed spending time with you too you silly demon man.”
“don’t miss me too much y/n.” cheeky bastard
mysta’s eyes widen and his jaw drops, he can’t believe that you’re right there, in person, in front of him. he feels like he’s dreaming
after the group hug is over, he would say, “you’re shorter than i imagined.”, chuckling right after
you’d punch his arm and glare at him saying, “is that how you say hi to me huh? mysta rias from nijisanji en’s luxiem.”
he’d then hug you and say, “i’m kidding, i’m kidding, it’s good to have you here y/n.”
like vox, i feel like mysta would want to spend a lot of one-on-one time with you, since well, he has a crush on you
he would try to be subtle about his intentions but we all know how that will go lmao
he would arrange for as many collabs as he can with you and gets a bit jealous when the other boys arrange multiple collabs with you too
during your collabs he’d try to make you flustered and he loves the fact that he’s able to see your reactions to his flirting in person
although, when you flirt back, mysta becomes a spluttering, stuttering mess and the fact that you’re able to see his reaction in person makes it 10 times better
you then tease him about it saying, “aaawww is little mysta all flustered?”
he’d respond and say, “w-what? noooo…i’m not, i have no idea what you’re talking about.” “you’re literally as red as a tomato right now mysta.” “that is such cap y/n, don’t believe them chat.” flustered mysta >>> 
mysta would definitely make you laugh a lot during your collabs, at the end of every collab both your cheeks and stomach would be hurting
multiple clips of the both of you flirting and bantering will flood twitter, mysta would secretly bookmark all of them so that when he gets home, he can look back on them and relive those moments when he misses you. i cri, he's so precious
mysta would also be very helpful, lending you equipment when you want to stream and helping you with technical difficulties whenever they pop up
like vox, you and mysta would also have many late night talks, he’d fall even more in love with you after those talks because he feels like you understand him and that you would never judge him
mysta would constantly ask if you’d want to go out to get some food with him, secretly hoping that the others won’t tag along
he’d also set up movie nights where if you guys watch a scary film, he’d instinctively hug you and hide his face behind your shoulder
but he’ll end up holding your hand throughout the entire movie which he is secretly really happy about
when the group of you go to a bar for drinks, both of you get absolutely hammered because you both are lightweights
you guys end up giggling a whole lot on the way home, stumbling and almost falling flat on your faces multiple times, resulting in vox needing to hold on to the both of you all the way home
the next day, both of you are down with a hangover, mysta stumbles into your room and collapses on your bed saying, “urrghhh y/n i feel like shit.” you groan and respond, “uurrgghh me too.”
“can i stay in your bed with you for today? i don’t wanna be alone.” “sure mysta.”
you both end up sleeping the day away with shoto and vox bringing the both of you aspirin, water as well as your comfort foods to help with the hangover
when you're leaving, mysta comes up to you and gives you a hug, saying, "thank you for making this trip so enjoyable and fun, i'll miss you. let's meet up again soon okay?"
you hug him a little tighter and thank him for such an enjoyable trip as well, agreeing to another off collab soon
luca would yell your name and be the first one to run towards you with his arms wide open. ugh i love luca sm he's so cute uweee
he would squeeze you to his booba so tight, chuckle and say, “it’s y/n! in person! POGGGGGG!”
throughout the whole trip luca would constantly be making tik tok references and doing the “AUUGGHHHHH” sound, making you laugh so much
when you guys are just hanging out in the living room, he’d say, “hey y/n, check out this tik tok.” the both of you would spend hours watching tik tok videos with each other and laughing your asses off
luca would organise as many collabs with you as possible, one of the many collabs might be It Takes Two, since the both of you have never played it before and luca thought that it’ll be a good idea to play it with you during the off collab
luca plays as cody and you play as may (or vice versa), when you guys get to the part where cody gets the nails and may gets the hammer, luca would keep shooting the nails at you/hammering you down with the hammer and laughing all while doing it. once you get free of being nailed/hammered down, you’d run after him with the hammer/nails, yelling, “LUCCCAAAA!!!”” to try and hammer/nail him down as revenge. the both of you would progress through the game super slowly because of luca and his trolling
luca finds it super cute when you run at him to try and get revenge from all the trolling that he’s doing 
so prepare yourself for luca griefing you a lot for the whole duration of this game
from all the tik toks that the both of you have watched together, a repertoire of inside jokes were created and when the group does collabs together, the both of you would be giggling at jokes that only the both of you get, leaving the rest confused
when the group of you would go out for food, luca would always be down to try something he’s never eaten before. so when he tries something he likes, he’d look at you and go, “y/n, this is really good! i like it!” and you’d clap and say, “pogggg! i’m so proud of you luca!”
when the group of you goes shopping, luca would always find a way to make you laugh. luca would pick up a pair of sunglasses that look really bizarre and say, “hey y/n, you think i should get these glasses?”, you’d giggle and tell him that he looks ridiculous in those glasses
when you try on outfits and ask luca for his opinion on them, he’d always go, “y/n poggggg! yes, get them!” and when you go back into the changing room, he’d blush a little because he thinks you look amazing in everything
when the group goes out to a bar for a drink, like with mysta, both of you get absolutely hammered
luca and you would start doing random dances and giggling when the other looks stupid doing it, not caring if people were looking
vox and nina being the ones to make sure the both of you get back safely
somehow luca doesn't get a hangover, but you do, so luca brings you aspirin and a glass of water. he then says, "it's okay y/n, just pog!" you groan at that and say, "luca please."
luca would be there to help you get over your hangover, bringing more water whenever you wanted some, going out to get your favourite food and keeping you company
when you're leaving, luca engulfs you in a hug and says with a pout, "nooo y/n why're you leaving me?" 
you pat him gently on the back and assure him that more off collabs will be planned in the future and that you both can still hang out online
he'd nod while still hugging you and says, "thank you for making this trip so fun y/n, i'll miss you."
"i'll miss you too luca." i'm so soft for him uweee ( 〃▽〃)
ike would be one of the last few to join the group hug because he’s just so shocked that you’re literally standing right in front of him
he’d hug you again after the group hug and say, “aaahhh, it’s so good to see you y/n!”
he’d make you try caviar toast, let’s be real, mans is addicted to that stuff (≧▽≦)
ike’s social battery drains pretty quickly but he’d make sure that he’s around you, you guys don’t have to talk, he just loves being around you
ike would arrange to do multiple collabs with you, a clubhouse games 51 collab being one of the many collabs
since ike has a crush on you, flirty ike comes out to play, occasionally slipping in flirty comments whenever the chance arises
when you guys play connect 4, both of you get equally competitive so you’d both be taunting each other and trying to trick each other into making a wrong move
when ike wins and you just flop back onto the backrest of the couch feeling defeated, he sits closer to you saying, “aww you did really well y/n, you were 1 step away from beating me.”
he’d rub small circles on the back of your hand to help you feel better. i’m ascendingggggg 
when you win, ike goes, “what the hecky?? i did not see that coming, good job y/n!”
both of your twitter feeds will be full of fanart of the both of you, ike likes as many as he can and retweets a lot of them too
ike would take the time to get to know you properly and by the end of the off collab he would know your likes and dislikes like the back of his hand 
this might be ooc but i see you and ike taking a nap next to each other, with your head on his shoulder possibly
the rest will see it and go, “aaww”, nina will probably snap a photo secretly and send it to ike because mama knows ~
i feel like ike would ask you to accompany him to cafés for a little mid day snack or for brunch perhaps
ike and you would definitely be the ones to clean up and tidy up the airbnb, you guys would be dancing and singing along to vocaloid songs while cleaning. married life with ike brainrot go brr
when you guys go shopping, ike would be like luca, he’d compliment every item you try on and thinking about how stunning you look in every single item of clothing you try on
“y/n…you look amazing!!! definitely get that outfit and the other items of clothing that you tried earlier.”
when the group goes out to a bar to drink, i feel like ike would get tipsy and would be a little more flirty than usual but of course you’re too drunk to even realise that he’s flirting with you
i’d imagine that ike has a higher alcohol tolerance than you do so he’d end up wrapping an arm around your shoulder and vice versa, making sure that you get back safely
he would definitely take care of you the next morning when you’re nursing that hangover, bringing you the aspirin and water, then hanging out with you for the whole day, sitting beside you and reading a book, just scrolling through twitter on his phone or writing a novel, getting you whatever you need when you ask for it
when you tell him that he doesn’t have to stay with you, ike says, “i enjoy your company y/n, so don’t worry.” with that soft gentle smile (*/▽\*)
when you’re leaving, ike would give you a long hug, rubbing his thumb slightly on your back saying, “it’s been such a pleasure spending time with you y/n, i hope we can do this again sometime soon.”
“likewise ikey, i always enjoy spending time with you.” i cri, i love ike
shu would also be one of the last few to join the group hug because he’s stunned and at a loss for words but he’s so excited to get to spend time with you in person
he’d give you a hug and squeeze you a lil saying, “eyyyy y/n, welcome to paris, happy to have you here!”
shu is such a memer and has such zoomer humour that you’ll be laughing tons throughout the whole trip and shu appreciates that you laugh at his zoomer jokes
shu would also want to collab a lot with you, so plan a valorant training week with him as your coach
you’ve been watching all the other hopconners and want to give valorant a shot
you’d ask shu to coach you with the pien face and hoo boy, how could shu say no to that face, you got him blushing
“u-uh yeah, i’d be happy to coach you!”
he’s secretly so happy that you asked him to teach you
during the valorant stream, shu would sit beside you and get you to do some aim training first
at first you’d struggle with flicking your crosshair to the targets’ heads so shu stands behind you with a hand resting on the back of your chair, the other on your hand (asking permission first of course) to guide you on how to flick to the dummy’s heads. this made me blush (//▽//)
you’d get the hang of it really quickly after he demonstrated to you and he’d be so proud of you saying, “eyyyy! you got it y/n!”
your chat, consisting of the yaminions and your fans couldn’t see what was happening behind the scenes but saw how patient and gentle shu was being with you. your chat would be flooded with comments saying, “awww shu and y/n are so cute!”, “i feel like i’m third wheeling.”, “shu sounds so proud of y/n, that’s so cute!”
when you guys play unranked valorant games together, shu would definitely try his best because he wants to impress you. so when you hype him up as he’s getting kills and compliment him after saying that he’s absolutely cracked at the game, his heart flutters and he gets a little flustered. he’s so cute
during all the collabs that the both of you do, shu will slip in compliments whenever he can and he’d drop a few flirty comments here and there just to see if you’d get flustered. if you do, he finds it really fricking cute
if you have any technical difficulties, shu will be there to help in a heartbeat. he ain’t called shupport for nothing
shu would ask you if you’d like to go grab food with him and if no one else asks to tag along, he’s secretly really happy because he gets to spend more time with you alone
shu would definitely ask you to watch anime with him and if you end up falling asleep on his shoulder while watching, he’ll stay there and take a nap with you because he can’t bear to move when you look so cute resting on his shoulder like that
shu likes being around you, so if you’re hanging out in the living room, he’d be there too
if he watches something funny on youtube he’d show it to you so the both of you can laugh about it together and if he finds fan art or clips posted to youtube about the both of you that he likes, he’d show them to you on his phone
when the group goes out to a bar, both you and shu would get drunk after 2-3 drinks and shu gets a little bolder when he’s drunk so he’d probably start flirting a bit more. when you flirt back, shu blushes and gets all flustered
vox and ike will help get the both of you back to the airbnb safely but the whole time, shu will be holding your hand because he wants to make sure that you’re always with him and that nothing bad happens to you on the way back. protective shu >>>
the next day, shu would somehow not get a hangover but you will and he’ll be the one taking care of you. when you give him the pien face, asking him to give you headpats and stay with you, shu’s heart melts and he pats your hair gently, lulling you back to sleep
when you’re leaving, shu gives you a big long hug where you guys sway a little side to side. you giggle and he chuckles saying, “eyyy y/n, i really enjoyed hanging out with you during this off collab, let’s arrange for more in the future okay?”
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shoto would also, like luca, run towards you immediately with arms wide open, yelling your name excitedly
after the group hug, shoto would give you a hug and squeeze you tight saying, “aaaahh im so happy you’re here y/n!”
shoto is kinda like a mix of vox and shu, he has zoomer humour but makes a ton of dirty jokes too so every time shoto makes a zoomer or dirty joke, you’d look at him with a deadpan face and say, “shoto...”
i feel like shoto would do minecraft collabs with you because they’re chill and relaxing , you both would make a little village of your own and go on mining adventures. sounds so relaxing (─‿‿─)♡
i also feel like shoto would get you to play valorant with him and shu but flirting with you throughout the whole collab making poor shu a thirdwheel (≧▽≦)
“hey y/n, if you clutch this i’ll give you a kiss.” “h-huh wait, what?” 
chat would be flying saying things like, “ayo???”, “shoto??”, “he said he would what??”
but you end up getting shot by the enemy because you were too flustered
shoto just chuckles and says, “maybe next time y/n.” but secretly his heart was racing
if vox is unable to be there when you plan on playing FNAF due to other collabs, shoto will sit in for him
whenever you get jumpscared, he’d get jumpscared too, occasionally (≧▽≦). but he’ll place a hand on your back, rubbing it slowly while encouraging you
“c’mon y/n you’re at 4am! it’s do-able, i believe in you!”, “YOU DID IT WOOOOO! i’m so proud of you!”
shoto would also compliment you a lot especially when he likes the outfits that you wear
“sheeesh y/n you look good!”
shoto would definitiely treat you to sushi, he’d ask, “hey y/n, would you like to go on a little sushi date with me?”
in the mornings shoto would also cook pancakes for you if you haven’t had anything to eat yet
“wait you haven’t had breakfast yet y/n? i’ll go cook up some pancakes for you real quick, stay right there.”
when you wanna go shopping, you bet shoto will ask to tag along. i wanna hc that shoto has pretty good fashion sense so he’d help pick out some outfits for you to try on. every outfit you tried on has his jaw dropping every single time. “omg, y/n you look amazing! you better get this outfit because holy crap you look so good.”
after all the shopping both of you would get boba, find a little bench to sit down, rest and chat a little
shoto would also be one to ask for you to watch anime with him, if you guys are both not in the mood to go anywhere. the both of you would just hang out in the living room of the airbnb watching anime. he’d sit right next to you with his legs crossed. after watching a few episodes you guys will just hang out, talking about what you thought about the few episodes that you’ve just watched
from all the collabs that the both of you have done, there will be lots of fan art of the both of you. shoto likes and retweets as many as he can. he would show them to you on his phone if you aren’t busy or if the both of you are just hanging out on the couch
when the group of you head out to a bar for some drinks, shoto has a higher alcohol tolerance than you do so you’d end up getting drunk after 2-3 drinks whereas he’d end off the night being just tipsy at most
you thought shoto was flirty before? meet tipsy shoto. shoto would definitely be flirting with you the whole time you guys were drinking. 
“you know what? this tastes pretty good, i’ll probably want a little more later.” 
“i know what i want a little more of later too.” 
“just kidding...unless?” ( 〃▽〃) shoto please
shoto would wrap your arm around his shoulder and he does the same to you so that you won’t stumble and fall while you guys are heading back
if you get a hangover the next day, shoto will definitely be there to help you get over your hangover. he’d be there to bring you anything you want. you want ramen? he’ll go cook it. you want sushi? he’ll go out and get it. you need more water? he’s on it. he’ll be right beside you the whole time, keeping you company 
when you’re leaving, shoto gives you a long hug, rubbing your back slowly and says, “i loved spending time with you y/n, i’ll miss your presence...” pien shoto is so cute uweee
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sunsuns-babie · 4 months
If I Get My Way | 05. free food + written part (755 wrds)
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A/N: It’s been awhile since I’ve written something so be kind during the written part because I’m trying lmao. I promise it will get better the more I get back into this!
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Sunoo found himself running down the halls and even down a couple flights of stairs eager to get to the courtyard to see Y/n. In his excitement he didn’t have the patience or thought to wait for the elevator let alone take it, which would’ve been more convenient. He knew this wasn’t really anything grand just her giving him his notes back but he still wanted to make a good impression. Sunoo just really wanted her to like him not even in a crush way, he was more than willing to take things slow. At the most he just wanted her to like him enough today to be his friend.
Rushing out of the dormitory dorms he decided he needed to calm down and get his heart to stop beating crazy. Was it the adrenaline or the butterflies in his stomach that felt like they were trying to force their way out of him through his bloodstream?
Now walking at a speedy pace he started getting nervous the closer he got and the more he could see her figure waiting for him. A few feet behind her Sunoo decided to call out to her but started rambling talking a mile a minute. Embarrassed he just kept talking with his cheeks burning crimson.
“Y/n! I’m so sorry if I made you wait too long… I didn’t mean to inconvenience you or anything—“, white noise is all he could hear as he kept rambling. Sunoo hadn’t even looked up to see her face yet, his ears even started to burn. Before he could go on any longer he felt a hand touch his shoulder.
“Seonwoo chill. It’s fine, calm down”.
At this point he knew his cheeks and the tips of his ears were redder than a fire truck, he hadn’t even actually looked at her and he was a mess. Finally he looked up to her face and frowned. “Are you okay?”
Y/n sighed rubbing her forehead for a second.
“I’m fine. My head just hurts, here”, she handed him his notes that he only now realized she had put colorful reinforcers on them and placed them into one of those clear protective sleeves. “Thank you…”, he trailed off seeing her wince, “Are you sure you’re okay?”
“I told you I was”, she snapped. Sunoo felt his heart sink a little at her cold attitude but he didn’t let that deter him.
“I know but… have you eaten today?”
“No, I’ve been working on a project with one of my friends. I’ll eat something later, anyways we done here?”
Sunoo hesitated and after a beat said, “Do you want me to buy you something… to eat I mean?”
“No”, she replied with a bit of venom that had Sunoo wondering if he did something wrong which Y/n noticed before correcting herself, “I mean… you don’t have to, we aren’t friends or anything”.
At this point he knew his flushed skin had cooled down but he could feel the pink hues making a comeback, “No I know but please? Can I get you something I just— please?”
Y/n looks at Sunoo taking a minute to ponder whether or not she should accept his offer. She wants to decline him again but she is hungry besides he’s not that bad, a little weird but he’s okay. No one’s weirder than Beomgyu she thought.
“Fine. But I don’t want to eat on campus and don’t think this means anything”.
Sunoo’s eyes widen in surprise that she even agreed in the first place despite her bluntness, “T-That’s okay… uhm yeah… but I don’t have my license so… we can try and catch a bus…?”
“We can take my car, hurry up before I change my mind”.
“Yes ma’am!”, Sunoo says with a little salute and a failed attempt at suppressing his giggle. Y/n observed him for a moment causing slight insecurity to creep into him until she broke the silence by simply saying, “Cute”.
Sunoo smiled brightly at her which causes the jaded girl to smirk at him amused.
“You’re paying though since you offered, which means you can’t complain if I break your bank”.
Then she walked away from Sunoo off to the parking lot, it took him a minute to spring into action after his initial shock. Looking like a baby fawn taking its first steps he stumbled after Y/n, she didn’t spare him a second glance but he could hear her laughing at him.
“You walk too fast! Wait for me!”
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IN WHICH: Kim Seonwoo aka Sunoo is a Sophomore at Decelis University and has a crush on the pretty Music Education Major Y/n Marsh. Seems like a match made in heaven since he’s also a Music Education Major and has had a crush on her since Freshman year when he met her at orientation… well sort of. He’s a little delusional about her but that’s okay, right? When finally given the opportunity to get to know her and potentially date her some weird things start happening that Sunoo doesn’t quite understand… which leads to the postponement of his grand plan to confess his feelings for Y/n. At the end of the day does he get the girl or does he miss out and think of what could’ve been?
ALSO IN WHICH: Sunoo and Y/n’s friends also have their own storylines and side quest relationships happening simultaneously with theirs.
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taglist opened 🏷️: @clairecottenheart @littleaprilcherryblossom
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