#i did the same with virgil in this au
monstrcatz · 5 months
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I've had a monster au in mind for so long,, and i chose roman to be fae cause i think it makes sense. whilst drawing him, my mind went weee and then all of a sudden i was taking a pic
I like how it turned out tho, it was fun to draw
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astronomical-bagel · 9 months
do you ever read a story and every single character is going through such a specific and similar manipulation that you're kinda worried for the author??
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timegays · 1 year
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Saw au because Augh-
(Ignore the broken arm thing on the first pic that’s only supposed to be on the second.)
Skull means they die in the end
Plus post trap injuries 
Elaboration under the cut!!
I should specify that they are not carbon copies of the characters they are based off kinda just. Parodies? You’ll get it.
Mischa-Adam. Young rapper in college just trying to get big. Photographs things he thinks would be cool album covers. Was put in the bathroom trap because he "wasted his time on a fruitless dream.". Head and neck scars are from when he hit his head on the toilet in that one scene. Yea. He also had a scar from getting shot by Noel. He got out alive tho after Noel came back for him.Doesn't work for jigsaw. Goes to Saint cassian college
ocean- strahm. Detective in the saw case. Grumpy and as stressed as strahm. Just graduated college recently. (Saint cassian college. In fact all the kids went to the same college.. Has the same hole in her throat from the water cube trap. Dies the same way as strahm does.
Constance- Perez. Ocean's partner in the saw case. A bit more anxious about jigsaw but not afraid to take action. Scars from when the doll exploded in her face. Was killed by Ricky I just haven't decided what happens yet <•_•>. Noel- Lawrence. Majoring in law because his parents made him. Was put in the bathroom trap because he "always is a tool for other people and never does anything for himself" Got out after cutting off his leg. Karnak made him an apprentice and he helps Karnak not get caught since he knows the law so well.Went back to save Mischa but Mischa doesn't know he's an apprentice. Lives in the end to continue the jigsaw legacy.
Ricky- Hoffman. Shhh lemme explain. Ricky is a college student working on being a writer. He was very interested in the jigsaw killer. After being enraged by someone stealing and publishing all his work without giving him any kind of recognition he took things a bit to far. He put the person into a copycat trap. (What trap? Idk.). Of course Karnak was not please and tested Ricky the same way hoffman was tested (I’m still deciding if it’s the same or diff test). Ricky the starts working for Karnak by helping him set up blueprints, build, and write the tapes. He kills Constance and Virgil. Noel kills him in the end the same way lawrence did to hoffman. Watched over Ezra when penny disappeared. penny/Jane doe.- Amanda. Went to college for some time while watching over her little brother, Ezra. She was put into the reverse bear trap (which also connected to her neck in the au) for supposedly not appreciating her life. After a  severe head injury when getting out of the trap she lost pretty much all her memories. She doesn’t remember anything about herself including Ezra and her name. Karnak took her in and renamed her Jane. She works as an apprentice by helping with getting the victims and keeping the doll instance/setting it up. 
Karnak- the jigsaw killer himself. Was a rollercoaster builder previously. After one of his coasters went awry and crashed, killing the passengers and injuring him. He was ridden with guilt and a new sense of life. He puts people into traps to make them appreciate what life they have left and to not destroy it like he did. Feels he has control over who lives and dies. Gets killed in the end similarly to John. (Haven’t decided the specifics of all that because he doesn’t have cancer but anyways-)
Virgil- Jill. No. Karnak does not marry the rat. I just wanted to include Virgil because I thought it was funny. Was just a rat in the warehouse before Karnak found him. Karnak became attached to him and personified him after being alone for so long in the warehouse. He knows all of jigsaws secrets and everything that happens. Dies in the end to Ricky’s hands because Ricky kinda began to lose it and blamed Virgil for everything that happened to him for some reason.  Ezra- Daniel. Teen who was living with his sister before she disappeared. Doesn’t know what Karnak did to her. Ricky takes care of him now that his sister is gone. Dedicated to finding out what happened to his sister and what the big deal with the jigsaw killer is. Mischa meets him later on and helps him try to figure it all out. He eventually finds out Penny is alive but she can’t take care of him anymore and barley even remembers him. He now lives with Mischa for the time being.
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transfemlogan · 3 months
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(both the same image one is underwater though)
@warnadudenexttime wanted me to do this so I did :3
IF YOU KNOW ME you know I don't have headcanons like normal, regular people. they jump around depending on the scenario or AU or fic. i don't keep one hc for everything. so this was a little hard to do because of how much my ideas will change brcause of the fucking phases of the moon but I tried my best :3
there is not age or height difference because they are the same person. whether or not ones older or taller changes on whatever, i don't enjoy like... only ONE height hc. i have multiple!!
OKAY MAIN LOVE LANGUAGES: I think Virgil's would be quality time. i thibk he loves to sit next to someone and scroll on his phone, while they do something else. he's a parallel play master. PLUS, this is shown at the ending of my negative thinking, when Virgil is just listening to music next to Logan silently in the living room. once he felt comfortable around Logan, he spent time with him. like . a cat.
i think logan's love language would be acts of service. i think logan wants to do everything for virgil. which is also shown in Fitting In, when Logan dresses up and plays along just to help Virgil feel more comfortable. I think Logan likes showing his love through actions because they don't require words & because he, someone who does a lot every day for people, knows how relaxing it can be to have someone else take care of you. i also think he likes it as a way to show Virgil how much he is appreciated and wanted here.
PET NAMES: I think Virgil uses silly petnames all of the time. i know i've already talked about this 20 million times, but his favourite is babygirl. he will call logan baby & babygirl for the rest of his life. (logan says he hates it but we all know the truth.) i can also see Virgil using those like, really cringey ? petnames idk the word. in private to be silly and embarrass logan. he's like "hey, pumpkin. my snookums." "my shmoopie"
(virgil: hey, pookie, we still on for our date?
logan: not anymore if you keep calling me that.
virgil: sorry .... snookums. my shmoopsiepoopsie pie.
logan: im throwing my book at you.)
i think Logan wouldn't really use pet names, but casual classic names, if he ever does. like dear. or sweetheart if he's feeling really sappy. i think Logan enjoys calling Virgil by his name or nickname, because he knows how much is held in that name. he wants virgil to know he likes it and that he's proud of him for telling them all.
catch logan cradling virgil's face in his hands and saying his name with such sincerity and care.
JEALOUSY: i think they both get jealous Super easily and need a lot of attention afterwards. some guy flirts with virgil and logans crossing his arms and pouting. virgil laughs and coos and holds his hand the rest of the day. someone asks for logan's number and virgils grabbing him closer and hissing at the stranger. logan kisses his forehead and rubs his shoulder. i do think logan gets jealous way more though.
EXPRESSING AFFECTION: i think they're both super reserved with their affection, but Virgil prefers physical contact while Logan prefers words. Virgil probably fixes Logan's tie or brushes his hair back casually. i think Virgil loves to cuddle with Logan and hold him close. & i think logan knows virgil needs verbal confirmation abt things. esp like at the end if my negative thinking, when he compliments him.
ATTACHMENT: i think they are incredibly overprotective of each other. they both know what the other has been through and how they've been treated. logan defending vitgil with his entire fucking life after AA & virgil defending logan in current episodes (if thomas had not destroyed analogical friendship directly in front of my eyes).
confesses first: I think virgil would confess first only because he'd want to "rip the bandaid off" like he did with his name. i think logan would keep everything inside of him forever & never let virgil know anything ever about his feelings for him. so it would have to be virgil.
intiates first kiss: once again, it's virgil. logan is a little loser who probably shakes and gets red in the face when virgil sits near him. i also think logan might not want to in fear of making virgil uncomfortable and feel rushed, so he lets virgil do it first, but virgil is also worried about making logan uncomfortable and feel rushed so he lets logan do it forst and therefore neither of them kiss for A While until virgil finally does it like 2 months into their relationship. they are idiots and losers.
says i love you first: I THINK THEY'D BOTH SAY IT FIRST. i think logan would be very vocal about his feelings for virgil, in a very awkward nerdy way, because he's always vocal with how he feels about virgil. he wants him to know that he is loved & cared for & i bet he's said that he loves virgil before they even started dating. i also think virgil would say it at first in like a silly, joking way that could be played off as him being silly & joking before they start dating & then slowly saying more seriously & then saying it 100% serious when they start dating while he's all nervous & fidgeting & logan's just "yes. i know. you've told me that many times over the years. i love you too."
big spoon: virgils the big spoon. i dont care. i dontcare what any of you say. virgil could be the shortest man ever and still want to curl up around logan. i think logan likes being in virgils arms and i think virgil is so protective of logan that he wants to hold him in his arms so he knows nothing is going to happsn.
(logan: virge, please— i would... like to hold you in my arms at one point in our relationship.
virgil: absolutely not. what if something happens and i cant do anything because you're holding me. im holding you for-fucking-ever, baby
logan: what happens if something happens to y—
virgil: unrealistic. now come here.)
worrier: do i need to explain this one. hes got anxiety guys idk what else 2 explain.
better with money: logan probably writes out all his expenses in a little notepad & virgil runs to hot topic and 7-11 as soon as he gets a pay check so he can by another band t-shirt for 30 dollars & get a slurpee . it's his little boy treat. & then he's poor.
more experienced: NEITHER OF THEM THEY'RE BOTH NERDS WHO'VE NEVER TOUCHED ANOTHER MAN IN THEIR LIFE. they are awkward and strange but its ok. they talk about their relationship to the other sides and they all stare at each other like "why are they like 2 middle school boys in love for the first time" & thats because they are in fact 2 middle school boys in love for the first tims.
wakes up first: logan has an alarm & virgils been awake the entire night & has not slept in 20 hours
steals blankets: somehow, despite originally curled up around logan, logan Always wakes up to virgil being curled up in their blankets while he's freezing. even on movie nightnor when they're just sitting next to each other, virgil will snatch the blanket away
normally cooks: i think they both want to cook for the other and care for each other. you know that orange trend oj tik tok where couples will say they want an orange but dont want to peel it & it's supposed 2 see if the other person will peel it for them. logan's that green flag consistantly. virgil doesn't even have to say he doesn't want to peel an orange. he will pick up an orange & logan will teleport into the room going "do you need that peeled? let me do that for you." virgil's consistantly asking logan if he's hungry and bringing him snacks. they could be Anywhere & virgil will go "have you eaten or have you just been working all day?" & pull out a fucking granola bar from his pocket & force logan to eat it. they hang out & the 1st thing virgil does is get logan food. virgil will and has tied logan down to feed him food. it was a very strange convo when patton walked in on virgil straddling logan on the couch and spoonfeeding him soup.
And LASTLY... 3 SONGS FOR THEM. my analogical playlist remake is still in the works, but
arms tonite by mother mother — i think it could work in the perspective of either logan or virgil
And hey, you, don't you think it's kinda cute / That I (I) died (died) right inside your arms tonight? / That I'm fine even after I have died? / Because it was in your arms I died
I cry hard because I have died, and you're alive / I try to escape afterlife / I try hard to get back inside your arms alive
first date by blink-182 — 100% virgil's nervous rambling
Is it cool if I hold your hand? t Is it wrong if I think it's lame to dance? / Do you like my stupid hair? / Would you guess that I didn't know what to wear? / I'm just scared of what you think / You make me nervous so I really can't eat
When you smile, I melt inside / I'm not worthy for a minute of your time / I really wish it was only me and you / I'm jealous of everybody in the room
loser by sunday cruise — i can see this as a pre-aa analogical song
I don't care much about you / But I wouldn’t mind if you liked me too / Kisses on your hands, meet me in the bathroom / I wanna be alone with you
I’m a loser just like you / Way too scared, too confused
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bi-shop · 1 year
um hello ! have my concept for an rtc swap au . none of the swaps are down to a T so penny won’t start rapping about money in autotune but they do share a lot of similarities . think ‘what happens if this character is in their situation?’
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STILL GETS DECAPITATED AS YOU CAN SEE , but she's been identified by her foster family so she wasn't left in the dust
i'm sorry but there has to be a bunch of pent-up rage in this girl's system her entire stay in uranium is just being misunderstood like i'm plenty sure she has a Lot of resentment for the town because of it
swaps with mischa ! shares the traits of being in another family, definitely having a youtube channel ... and feeling homesick .
really misses elysium but knows going back there is impossible . there’s no changing that
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lost and confused . very awkward . a Creature
retains most of her memories from her past life but that’s it . ‘the pushed aside and just seen as nice here’ is exaggerated to the point that’s the only thing people remember her for
swaps with jane , won’t be seen as a freaky monster but the choir does get creeped out by how often she dissociates throughout the competition
”oh yeah , i remember helping ocean with her crutches , and the choir … fall fair was fun … i was also helping with the blackwood cafe…” “but do you remember anything about yourself?”
”none that doesn’t pain me”
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still has talia , in fact he still shares the same motivation of wanting to move back to ukraine to marry her .
HAS A BETTER SITUATION IN THIS ONE . is constance's adoptive brother but they weren't really too close ...
swaps with constance as you can tell ! despite being in a better situation he never felt like he integrated into the community and still has this resentment for canada
did it take a horrible accident for him to make peace with it ? probably
of course there are other characters (if you're curious, ricky is noel, noel is ocean and ocean is ricky, and i did somehow get karnak and virgil in the au) these are just the ones i put the most thought into SGHFS i hope to make the rest when i get back to my computer
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prodigal-explorer · 6 months
my tss headcanons that make my fics/ideas/profile unique!!
basically headcanons that i rarely see other people share but i love them and i talk about them on the regular!
(also most of these are gonna be about roman lol)
1. roman is dark skinned, and not even like a teeny tiny little tan either he’s like DARK dark skinned and so is remus, but remus is a tiny bit lighter than him.
2. roman has a lightning mcqueen nightlight that he uses to tackle his fear of the dark. he also regularly has nightmares.
3. in high school aus, roman is not popular. he is not the queen bee, he is not the mega powerful guy with a lot of friends. he is an OUTCAST! whether it’s because he’s a spoiled brat who was never taught social skills, or he’s a theatre nerd who never stops talking about music and art and poetry. this man is not heather chandler reincarnated, he is a high school outcast 😭
4. virgil is wayyyy way way buffer than roman 😂 he is not a weak little noodle getting carried around by the valiant prince roman, he is a tough, silent guy carrying around his whiny dramatic twink.
5. on that note, virgil is the strong and silent type, but he’s not like super shy and meek or super mean and snappy. i love my virgil to be somewhere in between. he’s got some snark, but usually, it doesn’t get expressed out loud. i would compare him most linearly to matthew cuthbert from anne of green gables.
6. logan is so protective. this man deserves a brother of the year trophy because i make him the big brother in so many aus and he is just such an amazing brother figure because he cares so much and he cares about keeping his loved ones safe.
7. on that note, logan is SO kind to the weak, harsh to the strong. and janus is the same way. enough said.
8. every single side is capable of causing damage. i see so many people who make every other side realistic and then their favorite is so innocent and special and physically incapable of doing wrong. thats not me. everybody can and has caused irreparable damage and its delicious.
9. roman has a massive sweet tooth and virgil has absolutely no spice tolerance.
10. NONE OF THE SIDES ARE SKINNY LITTLE TOOTHPICKS. WE HAVE ENOUGH SKINNY LITTLE TOOTHPICK REPRESENTATION WE DONT NEED MORE. “patton is so small and petite” NO. patton has a dad bod, logan has belly for days, virgil and remus are muscular af, janus and roman are curvy bodyodyodyody. and they’re all BEAUTIFUL. AND THATS THE LAW. like where did all the stick figure side stuff come from?? not even THOMAS is that super mainstream body type that every single popular character ever is. i can’t wait for the world to get tired of writing endless skinny characters. (AND I AM NOT BEING OFFENSIVE I AM LITERALLY 110 POUNDS MYSELF SO I CAN SAY THIS.)
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mjthenonc0nformist · 1 month
Random Ride The Cyclone AU idea
I've had this idea for a while and it was inspired by two posts which I unfortunately don't have the credits to as I don't remember who made them :(
But in this Au all the choir come back to life.
As the choir members die the are transported to a limbo state place where they meat a fortune telling machine named karnak. The kids are scared obviously but Karnak explains the situation. Karnak explains to the kids that one of them had the chance to win a prize to go back to life with the kids having to prove themselves that they were fit to go back. Each of the kids would give a unanimous vote to decide who got the lucky chance to live again. Karnak tells the kids that he will die too as a rat he named Virgil would chew through his wires killing them both. The kids had one hour and each of them explain why the deserved to go back. The hour ran up but the kids found themselves all coming back to life. It was a massive shock as all of them had to explain what had just happend. We are set with the kids just coming back life sitting outside baffled in the night.
In this Au Jane still appears the same way as she did in the musical with her doll life appearance and no memories.
The choir sit there on the ground and begin to notice wounds on them judging from the severity it was if theyd come from the cyclone rollercoaster disaster. Ocean calls and ambulance/the police and they're all taken into hospital. Fast for worward a month and the choir had to adjust to living back to normal life before the acident. Jane was sent to an adoption center ready to be adopted as she had no memories of her previous parents and couldn't track them down so she had to get to be adopted. Noel and Ricky would come visit Jane at the adoption center causing Noel to invite Jane to stay over his for one night for a sleep over. Jane meets Noel's mom and after a few nights of staying there Noel's mom adopts Jane.
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darlingvernon · 1 year
you've got mail! | 03.
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Author: darlingvernon (prev nonrevblr)
Pairing: Chwe Hansol x Fem Reader
Genre: strangers to lovers, college au, penpal au
Rating: 18+
Warnings: swearing
Word Count: 4,791
Description: The concept of Equivalent Exchange is not foreign to you, and since you need Jeonghan to participate in a Social Experiment for your Psych Thesis, you inevitably have to participate in his too. It isn’t the walk in the park you thought it would be, especially when your penpal Vernon keeps knocking down the walls that you’ve built; scratching an itch you couldn’t reach.
Author's Note: i'm so sorry this took so long! i had a couple of other projects before i could finish it. i am... not entirely happy with it because i was working another fic with a different writing concept so i think i lost the writing style near the end there. anyhow, i'm still putting it out because if i touch it anymore i'll end up scrapping it. hopefully, you guys enjoy it. please, let me know what you think! happy reading!
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This place is one of your absolute favourites. 
The hole-in-the-wall cafe, Casa Mia, is only a couple of blocks from campus and you stumbled upon it one day when you were out on a walk with Jeonghan. The exposed bricks paired with the mason jar pendant lights give it a rustic feel and with the added touch of mismatched tables and chairs, it nevers fails to make you feel at home and cosy.
On one end, the wall is lined up with shelves from the floor to the ceiling and filled with a random assortment of books from The Aneid by Virgil to Eragon by Christopher Paolini. The next book on your reading list is The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde, which is just on the shelf over from where you’re sitting. 
However, right now you’re balls deep into Shakespeare’s Romeo and Juliet instead, sitting across from Wonwoo and his thick rimmed glasses, nose buried in A Midsummer Night’s Dream. The pair of you have been grouped together for your English Literature report on ‘Romance: Comedy vs Tragedy’ and this beautiful Friday morning, is one of the only days you both have available to meet up.
“Are you still reading?” Wonwoo questions, sitting back as he stretches his limbs. “Or have the words started to blend together to you, like they have for me?”
“Neither,” you answer truthfully. “I’ve been a little…”
“Distracted?” Wonwoo offers, smirking when your eyes go wide, like a deer caught in headlights. “You’ve been on the same page for some time now and your eyes keep drifting towards your laptop.”
Placing a hand on your chest, you feign offense. “Jeon Wonwoo, have you been watching me?” you ask, scandalised.
Wonwoo rolls his eyes, laughing at your antics. “Just watching to see if I’m going to be left to do all the work,” he jokingly accuses, and earns himself a smack on the arm. 
“I would never.”
“Yeah, I know.”
“Sorry, I’ve just got a lot on my plate with my stupid Psych Thesis,” you explain, but don’t divulge any further. It’s not a lie that your thesis is laborious, but he doesn’t need to know that the real reason you’re distracted is because you’re itching to see the reply from your penpal.
Wonwoo nods, accepting your answer. “I can imagine,” he hums, “Jeonghan seems to be stressed about it, too. He was complaining about having to go out on all of these blind dates. Though, he did come home with a little skip in his step last night.”
This piece of information perks you up but you try to be subtle about it, knowing Jeonghan would kick your ass if he finds out you’ve been prying about him behind his back. “Oh, really?” you ask, nonchalant. “Did he say anything about it last night?”
Just as Wonwoo’s about to answer, your phone vibrates incessantly on the table, interrupting him.
“It’s almost like he knows that we’re talking about him.” You shake your head, turning to face the phone towards Wonwoo so he can see that Jeonghan is ringing you. “What do you want, you heathen?” you answer the call.
“You ungrateful brat,” Jeonghan bristles on the other line. “Is this how you say thank you after I went on that date for you last night?”
You roll your eyes even though you know he can’t see you. “I’m pretty sure that you’re the one who’s meant to be thanking me,” you remark, snidely. “Wonwoo said— ow!” You shoot Wonwoo a glare after he lightly kicks you on the shin.
The other line goes quiet and you almost think that Jeonghan’s hung up until he quietly asks, “What did he say?”
Across from you, Wonwoo’s hand gestures closing the zip of his mouth, before joining his hands together in prayer, begging for you to spare him. Considering you still need him for your English Literature report, you do just that and throw yourself into Jeonghan’s hellfire instead. “If I shout coffee for the next two weeks, will you spare him?” You tempt the demon. “I need him to finish his end of this Shakespeare report before you off him.”
“I’ll see you soon,” Jeonghan smugly accepts your bribe and hangs up.
Slowly, you gather your belongings, shoving them in your bag as you prepare to make your way to the library to meet Jeonghan, making sure to kick Wonwoo in the shin as a payback.
“What was that for?” He glares, rubbing his aching leg.
“It’s your fault that I owe him,” you huff. “Don’t even think of making funeral arrangements until you’ve finished your share of our assignment.”
“My fault?!” Wonwoo’s mouth gapes at you. “You’re the one that almost sent me to an early grave. I haven’t even met the Hermia to my Lysander yet. I’m never sharing any more ammunition against Jeonghan with you ever again.”
“You wouldn’t dare,” you challenge. “Don’t make me go Tybalt on your ass.”
Rolling his eyes, Wonwoo grabs your laptop for you. “How about a truce?” he suggests as he hands you the device. “We can both take Jeonghan down together.”
“Sounds like a plan.” You thank him. “I’ll send you my half of the report in a couple of days. See you later, Wonu.”
Waving in farewell, Wonwoo watches as you exit the cafe and head over to meet your doom.
Some might wonder why you would bother to go to Brew’d, the campus cafe, when you can easily purchase coffee at the cafe you were just at, but nobody knows Jeonghan as well as you do. Even though he only ever orders an Iced Americano, he swears only Brew’d makes it well and he’s sure to complain your ear off if you thought otherwise. 
“I didn’t think I’d see you here today,” Joshua comments as you approach the counter, punching in your usual order in the register.
With a sigh, you hand over the money required for the purchase. “I could say the same for you,” you reply, shoving your wallet back in your purse. “You don’t usually work Fridays, right?”
“Don’t get me started.” Joshua rolls his eyes and heads over to the coffee machine to start on your drinks, with you following. “I had to cover because someone called in. At least it’s a short shift and I finish in about half an hour.”
“I’m jealous.” You pout. “I have another couple of hours with Jeonghan and this stupid thesis before I go to work.”
“Eww.” Joshua wrinkles his nose in disgust. “Too bad we don’t sell any vodka here. I could’ve added some in your coffee to help.”
“Joshua, did I ever tell you that you are my favourite?” you declare, touched. “It’s the thought that counts. Also, don’t tell Jeonghan about you being my favourite.”
Joshua laughs as he hands you the drinks. “Of course, I have to tell him,” he scoffs. “That demon needs to be taken down a peg or two.”
“Okay, I take it back. You’re no longer my favourite.”
“No take backsies!”
Rolling his eyes, Joshua gently ushers you out of the cafe. “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure to be dressed up at your funeral,” he remarks, bidding you farewell from the door.
“I’m going to haunt you!” you yell, not bothering to look back to see his reaction as you quickly make your way to the library, hoping to have a few minutes to yourself before Jeonghan gets there to view your pen pal’s reply. 
Weaving your way expertly through the crowd, you reach your destination in no time, only to be disappointed when you find the hired study room still occupied. Lightly tapping on the glass to announce your arrival, the group of students give you an apologetic nod and start gathering their belongings.
“Well, you look like shit,” Jeonghan comments upon his arrival. 
“Is that what you said to yourself in the mirror this morning?” you retort. “Don’t make me throw your coffee in the trash.”
“Then I’d have to murder Wonwoo tonight. His blood will be on your hands, and the same goes for his part of the report.”
Rolling your eyes, you deliver the Iced Americano into his outstretched hand before entering the now empty study room. Sitting across from Jeonghan, you quickly unpack your belongings and get straight to the point. “So, how was last night?” you ask, voice ladened with genuine curiosity.
Jeonghan relaxes in his chair and contemplates your question for a moment. “I’ll give you the short version since you’ll get the long version in the report,” he starts, “but it was honestly a lot of fun. Stephanie was really sweet and adventurous and we went on almost every ride. That’s why we were late last night.”
“I did think you guys would get along,” you reveal. “I’m glad it worked out.”
Laughing, Jeonghan resumes his position with his laptop. “Same here.” He nods. “It would’ve put me off going into the other dates if it didn’t. Anyway, how did you go?”
“Surprisingly good,” you admit, knowing he would find out anyway. “Bands boy sure is interesting. Anything else you would like to clue me in about him?”
“Tsk tsk, _____,” Jeonghan teases and you want to lean forward and sock him straight in the face. “That isn’t how this works and you know it. Whatever you want to know about him, you can ask him yourself. I need this to be as organic as possible.”
Sighing, you turn your attention to your own laptop and bring it to life. “You’re no fun.”
“I’ll tell you everything you want to know once this social experiment is done,” he promises before adding, “if he hasn’t told you by then.”
Before you can utter a retort, the words ‘You’ve Got Mail!’ suddenly rings in the air. Without a care about what Jeonghan could be thinking right now, you open the email with haste, fingers fumbling over each other as you do so.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Your Turn 12:10AM>
i finished my essay woo!
your move, girl magnetic
x sweet dreams
“Damn.” Jeonghan whistles. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that.”
“If you don’t shut the hell up,” you retort. “You’re the one lighting up this room brighter than the fluorescent light while you write that report.” Jeonghan is about to utter a comeback when you add, “By the way, I sorta promised to tell him the story behind Girl Magnetic and I wanted to ask you about it first because I wasn’t sure if it’s too much information.”
“Yes, it is,” Jeonghan agrees. “I’m sorry but you’ll have to offer him something else.”
Sighing, you nod in agreement and type out another apologetic reply. The sinking feeling in your gut of having to disappoint your pen pal is beyond unpleasant and you don’t want to make a habit of it. With a shake of your head, you rid yourself of the negative thoughts that are brewing in your mind, not wanting it to show in your message.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Your Turn 1:15pm>
nice work, bands boy! i’m super proud of you :) 
unfortunately i can’t tell you the story behind girl magnetic after all *siiiiiiigggghhhhhhh
jeonghan vetoed it. apparently it’ll reveal too much about me
but! he has given me permission to tell you all about it later on
i’m really sorry *cries
so in exchange, i’ll answer any other question (that doesn’t reveal too much about me) with no complaints! so hit me with your best shot!
regretfully, girl magnetic
You read through your letter once before sending it away, almost wishing you can reach through the screen just to take it back. The dread sets in and you sink down your chair, wanting the ground to swallow you up.
“God, stop being such a drama queen,” Jeonghan reprimands. “It’s just a delay in response, it’s really not a big deal. He won’t even bat an eye because you can still tell him something else.”
“Fuck you. Why do you have to be the voice of reason?”
“Isn’t that why I’m your best friend?” he asks rhetorically then proceeds to jab his index finger towards your laptop. “Now, hurry the fuck up because I need that report before you leave for work.”
Sitting up, you refer back to the blank document staring back at you and start writing your report, mumbling quietly to yourself about needing to find a new best friend. Jeonghan laughs and you know it’s because he thinks he’s a diamond in the rough and that you won’t find anyone else like him. Quite frankly, he’s right, but you won’t be the one to inflate his already huge ego.
Your allotted ‘thesis time’ concludes in a flash and you start gathering your belongings, preparing to make your way to your shift at the diner. Just like before, Jeonghan hands you a piece of paper, but this time it contains a question.
What is something you’re passionate about?
Staring at the piece of paper, you can’t help the laugh that escapes you. “Why is it so serious this time?” you question, a brow raised in confusion.
Jeonghan merely shrugs. “The topics will be a mixture of both easy and hard questions and will most likely alternate because I’m trying to see something. By the way, the reason I handed you the question this time is because I want you to initiate for this one.”
“Sounds good, I’ll get on it as soon as I get his reply,” you inform Jeonghan, shoving the note in your back pocket as you bid him farewell. “I’ll text you the details of your next date later!”
Meanwhile, Vernon lugs his tired body up the stairs of the frat house and deposits himself on the comforts of his bed. After a long day of classes, his plan was just to have a nap and relax for the rest of the night but unfortunately, his Music Theory professor had given his class another essay to complete. Pulling his phone out of his pocket, he quickly orders himself some takeout and decides to start working on his essay as he waits for his food to arrive.
Turning his laptop on, he’s surprised to find a reply from you waiting for him in his inbox. Honestly, when he found none as he checked this morning, he couldn’t help but feel a little disappointed. But, he quickly shut that down especially since he’s realised how busy you are. Nevertheless, seeing your pseudonym on his screen has given him the bout of energy he needs to get through his essay.
“Hansol, I’ve got your food,” Jeonghan calls out from the doorway, a plastic bag held hostage in his hand.
“Thanks,” Vernon replies as he walks towards the elder. “You here to give me the next question?”
Jeonghan shakes his head. “Nah, I want her to initiate this time because there’s something I’m trying to see. I’ve already given her the question and she’ll hit you up again after she finishes work.”
“Sounds good.” Vernon nods. “Is there anything else?”
“I vetoed her from telling you about Girl Magnetic” —Jeonghan rolls his eyes— “and before you start, I’m just delaying her from telling you. It’ll reveal too much and this experiment is just in its beginning stages! Instead, she’s giving you something else in return.”
“Fine.” Vernon pouts. “This all better be worth it.”
“Oh, trust me,” Jeonghan replies, smug. “You’ll be thanking me once this whole thing is done.”
Vernon watches as the elder retreats and shuts the door behind him none too gently. Only Jeonghan could walk into a room and suck all the happiness out of it. With a sigh, he opens your email, shoving pieces of chicken in his mouth as he reads through the words.
Your apologetic tone and regret is evident, even if you didn’t say so yourself. It makes Vernon want to forget the setback in your friendship, especially after speaking with Jeonghan, considering the matter is out of your hands. Besides, your counter offer is there, just as he was advised and it’s another offer that’s hard to pass up.
Taking a moment to himself, he sits back and tries to consider what question could give him as much satisfaction as the story behind Girl Magnetic would have given him. It doesn’t take him long to decide and he sends his reply back sooner rather than later since he’ll most likely be knee deep in his essay before long.
It’s well past dinner time by the time you arrive back in your dorm. Fridays are always the longest days on your schedule but you don’t mind it most of the time as it makes the weekend that much sweeter. Heading straight to the shower, you wash off the stress and tension in your body and prepare yourself for a relaxing night ahead.
It’s when you’re making yourself a cup of tea that your phone goes off with a notification from Jeonghan.
[9:00pm] thing 1: don’t forget to send me the details about my date tomorrow [9:00pm] thing 1: and don’t forget about your penpal
Sighing, you walk towards the couch where you unceremoniously threw your purse as soon as you arrived, fishing out the notepad that had the details of Jeonghan’s date on them.
[9:04pm] thing 2: you’re meeting patricia at mi casa for brunch at 11am [9:05pm] thing 2: and thanks for the reminder! [9:05pm] thing 2: i’ll get onto it now
Fetching your mug from the kitchen island, you make your way to the desk where the laptop is. Sighing, you take small sips of your tea, not in any hurry to read the email your pen pal has sent. Once you’ve finished the last drops of your drink, you know you can’t delay any further and opted to get the whole ordeal over and done with.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Your Turn 6:28pm>
don’t even sweat it! jeonghan explained everything to me. 
i don’t mind keeping the mystery about you for a bit longer, it’ll make getting to know you later even more interesting :)
another offer i can’t refuse? i think you’re spoiling me haha.
hm, well i’m plenty curious when it comes to you but let’s go with something easy.
what music are you into?
x bands boy
ps. jeonghan says you have the next question ready?
If you could describe your pen pal in one word, you would go with unpredictable. He never acts or reacts the way you expect him to and even his question is unexpected. But he’s right, it makes the whole thing rather interesting, and you find yourself plenty invested.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Passion 9:03pm>
hey, b! 
(i hope this is okay, having to type out our full usernames all the time is so tiring T-T)
thank you for going easy on me haha
i’m honestly into most music, but my playlist is usually filled with your typical punk/emo/indie rock music lol. it’s probably not what you expected right? but i’m definitely not opposed to some carly rae jepsen or avril lavigne lol.
and yes! jeonghan has given me the next question which i spoilt in the title of the email:
what is something you’re passionate about?
i’ll go first!
my passion is… writing. this is also probably unexpected huh?
i’ve always been super into reading and always found myself daydreaming and imagining other ways stories could have gone and one day decided to put my thoughts onto paper and i’ve never looked back.
i can’t wait to hear about yours!
waiting patiently, g
Biting your lip, you sit back and think about what just occurred. There’s not a lot of people who know that writing is what you’re truly passionate about and you’ve often held back on revealing that fact to anybody because of the sometimes negative reactions people have about the occupation. It surprises you that there was no sign of hesitation when it came to telling Bands Boy about it and you don’t know what to make of it.
Is it because you know that you have to be truthful, mostly anyway, for Jeonghan’s experiment to work? Or is it because Bands Boy is just somebody behind a screen, a complete stranger who you may never meet and therefore will never be able to tie this conversation back to you?
The only other possibility you can think of is that despite him being a stranger and despite the short amount of time you’ve known him, he’s managed to start breaking down the walls that you’ve carefully built around your heart. It’s scary to think about, especially with how careful you’ve been but you have too many things on your plate to worry about so you push it to the back of your mind.
It’s when Vernon was about to get up to grab a drink in the kitchen when his notification goes off, alerting him of your email. Desperate to quench his thirst for information more than his thirst for a drink, he settles back onto his gaming chair and opens your reply. The grin on his face grows at every line he reads and not wanting to waste a single moment, he chooses to write back to you straight away.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Passion 9:15pm>
hey there, g!
(oh, you’re so right! it’s a lot better to refer to ourselves like this)
wow, you never cease to amaze me
you’re right, i really did not expect any of those answers honestly
thank you for sharing them with me. i know that sometimes it isn’t easy to do so, especially with a complete stranger. so, i’m honoured that you’ve allowed yourself to be so open with me. i’ll make sure to thank you properly for your efforts and hope to return the favour soon!
so, writing huh? does this mean you actually want to become a professional writer? which field? journalism? novels? research?
and wow, it totally makes sense now as to why you’re doing psychology. 
hm, so what is something i’m passionate about?
mine is fairly simple: my passion lies with making music i enjoy
and when i say that, i truly mean it. i don’t make music to match the trend or to go against the grain so i stand out. the music i make isn’t always set in any particular genre. i just… want to make music that i like… if that makes sense? haha
now that i know you’re a writer, do you wanna… maybe… do a collab someday?
i am shocking when it comes to lyric writing haha
you wouldn’t mind helping me out with that right?
surprised, b
ps. what are you up to on this fine friday night?
You wouldn’t dare tell anyone how fast you ran to your laptop as soon as it notified you of Bands Boy’s response, almost tripping over your own foot and face planting on the floor. As your eyes glide through the words, you can’t seem to find yourself going past the first half of his email. Tears pool at the corner of your eyes, threatening to spill over but you are able to compose yourself in time. 
Yet again, he’s managed to put your mind at ease and made sure that you didn’t regret opening yourself up to him. However, you don’t let yourself delve deeper into these uncertain feelings, forcing yourself to move on and read the rest of his message so that you can answer him.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Passion 9:37pm>
omg i am so down for a collab!!
i’ve never ventured into lyric writing before but i am up for the challenge
i promise not to let you down!!
yes, i want to become a professional writer. a novelist in fact.
and yes, that’s why i’m doing psychology. i’m hoping to gain a better understanding of people and why they are the way that they are so that i can use it to improve my characters :) 
you know, i think it’s really cool that you just want to do music that you enjoy. there’s so many musicians out there who just do whatever’s popular and are only in there to make money and not much else, so you’re a breath of fresh air. 
i can’t wait to hear all the songs you create, i’m sure they’ll be great!
especially with me writing your lyrics ;) haha
oh, and i’m not really doing anything tonight but resting. i’ve had a big day with classes and work on top of that so i’m ready to wrap myself in a blanket and sit on the couch for the rest of the night.
what about you? i hope you’re not doing another essay lol
ps. you can thank yourself for the reason that i was able to open up to you :) 
Grabbing your laptop, you carry it to the couch and place it on the coffee table as you reach for a cushion to bury your face and scream into.
Meanwhile, Vernon gingerly rubs at his shin after tripping over on the stairs and bashing it against a step, in his hurry to get back to his room. Your email announces its presence as soon as he walks in and he makes sure to lock the door behind him before settling himself back on his chair and reading your message.
The smile on his face is so big that he can barely hide it behind his hand. Taking a deep breath to try and keep his cool, Vernon wipes his clammy hands on his pants and nods to himself before replying.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Passion 9:52pm>
no take backs on that collab!! i’m gonna hold you to it!!
i’m so excited i’m literally buzzing with ideas already hahaha
i think it’s super cool that you’re working on your very own novel
how far have you gotten with it? is it already in the works?
if you ever need someone to make a soundtrack once your novel becomes a major motion picture, you know who to hit up ;)
damn, you had a full day that’s for sure
work huh? i guess you’re probably not allowed to tell me where lol
your guess is half correct… i’m technically not doing an essay but i’m already doing some research since it’s due on monday
in need of saving, b
ps. hopefully i can keep making you comfortable enough to continue opening up to me :) 
The smile on your face from receiving his reply eventually turns into a frown as you read it a second time, when you realise that it’s time to cut your conversation with him short once more.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Passion 10:06pm>
i’m still world building right now. i have a bunch of random pieces of writing here and there but don’t have anything concrete just yet
omg would you really? i’ll definitely have you make me a soundtrack either way!!
let me go ahead and write my workplace to the list of things i’ll be revealing to you once this experiment is over haha
and i can’t believe you have another essay to do. it’s like your prof doesn’t want me talking to you lol
you know what this means right?
feeling bad, g
Groaning, Vernon drops his head face down on his desk. Yes, he knows what it means. An obstacle towards getting to know you more has presented itself yet again. It does feel like fate is working against the both of you but he isn’t one to give up so easily. Besides, Jeonghan did promise him that he still has plenty of opportunities to find out more about you.
Especially once your anonymity is no longer a hurdle to him.
<To: Girl Magnetic> <From: Bands Boy> <Subject: Re: Passion 10:24pm>
i know what it means *sigh
i hope you know that nothing will stop me from getting to know more about you once your thesis is finished
not even these damn music theory essays *shakes fist
determined, b
His reply stuns you. Albeit, his forwardness always does. But, you appreciate it nonetheless because it leaves no room for confusion. At least not from his end. Now, the only thing you have left to wonder about is how you feel about him.
<To: Bands Boy> <From: Girl Magnetic> <Subject: Re: Passion 10:33pm>
i’m looking forward to it
waiting for that day, g xo 
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TAGLIST: @teapartydreams @aperson394 @cixrosie
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© darlingvernon
pls do not copy/repost my work
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purplecrayonismine · 11 months
Hey, it’s The Girl With the Redundant Name (hazy_azazel) again because somehow I discovered Ride the Cyclone and your Sanders Sides AU a year late on the same day—I love it, I love Janus as the fortune-teller, and I love the irony of Virgil sharing a name with the rat, lol. As a side note, if you didn’t know, Internet Archive has the full musical on it if you still want it. Hope you’re having a great day!
Hi!!! Thank you that is an awesome musical and I will stand for that AU tell the day I die!!! i dont know if I ever posted it but Logan, role is supposed to be this one :D! Just postín this in case I did ot shfhshfdhf
Also dont worry, a dear friend of mine shared it with me and now I have it downloaded <3
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Also, crazy that it's been a year, I got obsessed with it while procrastinating homework, and I still have like 5 months left to finish my postgrad ahshshshshs
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football masterlist
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masterlist of masterlists // character list
updated: April 22nd, 2024
Note: All fics with fem!reader are indicted in the warnings, otherwise it’s gender neutral:)
S = smut // F = fluff // A = angst
header by @benzicons​
Jude Bellingham 
Slow & Steady (F/A) 
DMs roll into iMessage and that follows the string into FaceTime calls and next thing you know, he’s falling head over heels for a girl he barely know. Too much happens too fast and they’ll never be you.  (fem!reader)
Christian Pulisic 
The Florida Heat (F) 
Christian’s on vacation back in the states with his wife and twin boys, but a summer day winds into life changing news. (fem!reader) 
Football Fields and Race Tracks (F) 
When a race car driver and a footballer fall in love, your life revolves around race car tracks and football fields; he promised to marry you on track and on field, he did just that. (fem!reader)
Virgil Van Dijk 
The Red Carpet (F)
Virgil and reader are married to each other and the lack of public knowledge of said marriage causes more than a few rumours to fly around (actress!reader) 
Team Colours (F) 
When your mum works for Liverpool and when you shows up to the AXA training centre in a man city jersey, Virg makes it his job to correct it. (fem!reader)
Portugal Pretenders (F)
Virgil is desperately in search of a date for Robbo's wedding. After he finally convinces you to join him as his girlfriend for the weekend, it’s up to the two of you to convince the boys that you two are just as in love as Rachel and Andy are. (fem!reader)
Trent Alexander Arnold 
The Captain’s Sister (F)
Jordan’s baby sister comes to visit for a few weeks and a certain someone catches her attention. - insta au (fem!reader)
Erling Haaland 
Can’t Get Away From You (A/F) 
You get into a fight with your boyfriend and storm out. Your boyfriend on the other hand, doesn’t think it’s a fight and follows you. What happens when the power goes out and you two get stuck in the middle of no where? (fem!reader) 
John Stones 
Nothing Without You (F)
Two best friends deny they love each other until life forces them together in every way possible. - based on I Have Nothing by Whitney Houston (fem!reader)
You Snooze, You Lose (A/F) 
You live and you learn, you love and you lose. Two people who grew up together lose touch and reconnect later in life. Things are left unsaid and you know what they say, it all comes out in the end. (fem!reader) 
Kostas Tsimikas 
Behind The Lens (F) 
The photographer finds her muse, the only thing is everyone seems to notice but them. (fem!reader)
Ruben Dias 
Almost Isn’t Always (A) 
Ruben is facing a ghost from the past in the most heart breaking way imaginable and she brings along a friend, making it worse for him. (fem!reader)
Helping Hands (F) 
Ruben’s birthday comes around and reader, their son, Chris and the other players put together their efforts to surprise him with a birthday party. (fem!reader) 
Thiago Alcantara 
The Wavelengths I’d Go For You (F)
Your boyfriend takes you home after 10 years and he decides to surprise you with a day on the water and a little something else. (fem!reader) 
Neymar Jr 
Surprise! (F) 
your old friend invites you on a trip, the same time that your birthday falls for. you think he’s forgotten all about it but he surprises you, showing you that you’re the only thing on his mind. (fem!reader) 
Jack Grealish 
Hallways Hold Our Secrets (F) 
Your brother keeps pestering you about moving on from your terrible ex and you do, but he just can’t seem to piece it together yet. (rodri’s sister!reader) 
Andy Robertson 
Perfect Match (F) 
You and your favourite co worker decide to try a new dating app for the first time and end up as each other’s matches (fem!reader) 
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princeanxious · 2 years
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Part two to that supervillain roman au, context for this comic strip sketch under the cut:
So. For one, both quotes spoken arent mine they are raw lines sourced from a list of tumblr shitposts.
Somehow its come into my mind that the way that Roman came to be a supervillain was because of a dare/promise to his twin brother when they were kids when one of them had just been discovered as having super powers(they both had powers, but they’d both been raised trying to hide it and live a normal-ish life before getting dragged into what we’ll dub “super youth school” or whatever for the forseeable future, bc they knew that that was easily a life sentence to hero work whether they wanted it or not.) Remus got found-out first bc his powers control fluctuates with how much control remus has over his own head at that moment. Roman was dragged along with even if he hadnt been found out as twins were known to share the super power trait more commonly than if only one did, regardless of when/if their powers actually manifested at the same time.
So at like 13 they’re dragged to this super school thats def more like a training camp but a *littol more* ethical than u would think it was. Its not a super horrible place, honestly. But Roman’s still trying to hide his powers. This is made easier by the fact that he and Remus do not have identical powers but instead entirely seperate/opposite foils in a way? Remus has more access to offensive power-sets while roman is more defensive.
One day a super nasty Actual Supervillain plans and executes a sudden and devastating attack on the school, first aiming to collapse the building and then taking out any stragglers inside, because, yknow. These kids could be the future heros of his undoing(oh how right and yet so*wrong* that turns out to be) and taking a chunk of this generation out now atleast delays the eventual inevitable.
Its in this event that Roman is with a fellow classmate Remy, and Remus is in a dif part of the building, with classmates Janus, Patton, and Virgil. Remy wasnt gifted with super strength, but Roman had quick enough reflexes to summon a hard-light type shield from the collapse. Only he and Remy and maybe one other student out of their entire classroom makes it past the initial collapse, and while Remus has a quick regeneration factor, that doesnt mean he has invincibility so much as super strength in the sense that he wouldnt withstand the inital collapse but it probs would kill him.(lucky for remus, Virgil is a prodigy at teleportation and manages to get the four of them out safely and *far* away from the chaos. ….at the same time, this group roughly around ages 16-18 realizes this is their only real chance to run and escape this place for good and have a second chance at living low-profile normal-ish lives for a while, and thus make a *run for it*)
Roman and Remy manage to lay low and eventually get rescued by an active superhero, all the while Roman doing his level best to maintain the lightshield to keep the weight of the building from crushing them for *hours*
Essentially, the brothers end up believing that the other is dead from the disaster, the others even legally registered as such for years. And that silly kid promise of ‘if you win, we can become superheros, but if I win, we’re becoming super villains.’ It was just like, another one of their running jokes growing up. At a young age, Remus saw a major appeal in becoming a super villain, and Roman saw a major appeal in becoming a superhero, and as twins sometimes do, their young-adult counterparts came to the exact same conclusion(again, at different times but still the same decision in the end) after the collapse: “I’ll be the best super [hero/villain] i can be, for you, because *you* never got to.”
And Remus? His first order of business? Making his first superhero debut by offing the fucker that killed his brother and all the other helpless innocent lives that hadnt deserved to die.
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Proper Wing Care
Roman isn't that great at taking care of his wings himself, so Virgil has to step in sometimes.
| Ao3 |
Warnings: None
Pairings: Prinxiety
Word Count: 481
This is a tiny little ficlet for Day 2 (I'm a little late yes shh) of @prinxietyweek (the prompt being Feathered Wings)
This fic also takes place in the same universe as 'We'll Save You' because I'm trying to write little extras for some of my aus (even though the main fic isn't finished cough coughfdklflsd) This likely takes place before Janus came into the picture, but really it could fit anywhere.
I'm also not doing all the days, so there's that.
“Stop moving then, you dunce,” Virgil hissed, gently prodding at Roman’s tawny feathered wings, “Your wings need preening, this is your fault.”
“But I hate preening,” Roman whined, his wing almost whacking Virgil straight in the face as he moved again out of spite, “You’re always so mean about it.”
“Just because you’re always so resistant,” Virgil said, grumbling as he gently pulled Roman’s wings back into the position he needed them in for what must be the hundredth time since they’d started twenty minutes ago, “It’s only this bad because you avoid it and then complain that your feathers are messy.”
Roman groaned, leaning backwards until Virgil had no choice but to catch him around the waist to make sure he didn’t fall completely - Roman’s head settled backwards on Virgil’s shoulder. He pressed a chaste kiss to Virgil’s jaw and Virgil chuckled, reaching back to ruffle Roman’s bonfire-like hair.
“So you want me to do your ear tufts first, huh?” Virgil teased, he’d barely touched one of the outer feathers when Roman squawked, scuttling back to put an arms length of distance between them, his wings fluffed up to the point where he looked like an angry puffball. Virgil couldn’t help but laugh. 
“You know you’ll feel better once it’s done,” Virgil said, rolling his eyes, “And you usually like me touching your feathers, I don’t get why you hate this so much.”
“It’s just so- picky!” Roman pretested, folding his arms, “And you always tease me!”
Virgil sighed with a soft, fond smile, “If I agree not to tease you, will you sit still so I can preen your wings?”
After considering for a second, Roman hummed, “Let me sit in your lap as well and we have a deal.”
It was harder to reach the wings when Roman was too close to him, but in the end Virgil relented and let Roman sit in his lap as he systematically ran his fingers through Roman’s thick feathers - straightening any that were out of place, getting out any that were broken or stuck after molting and of course making sure the wings were properly oiled and clean. 
Roman said he hated it - but that was really just because Virgil teased him endlessly about how he let it get bad enough that Virgil had to step in every time. Virgil was almost certain - somehow he could tell by the now half dozing Roman in his arms - that Roman secretly enjoyed it when Virgil did it. 
And if - once Virgil was finished ensuring Roman’s wings and ear tufts were in the correct state - Roman dragged Virgil to the centre of their nest of a bed so that they could fall asleep cuddling with Roman’s newly preened wings wrapped firmly around them both like a feathered blanket… 
Well, Virgil certainly wasn’t going to deny any opportunity to cuddle his partner, now was he?
General tags: @full-of-roman-angst-trash @your-local-random-dino @cutebisexualmess @glacierruler @roseianxiety @bella-bugatti-frogetti-baguetti (if anyone wants to be added, let me know!)
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littlerat2 · 2 months
School Dances Suck... Most of the time. (Part 1)
A highschool AU where everyone is struggling through Junior Year! When Janus is forced to go to a school dance, he usually just sits in the corner with Virgil and Remus. But this time, they have dates, and Janus doesn't. There will be multiple parts. I don't know how long this will be, but I've been thinking of expanding on everyone a little bit :)
Words: 1875
Warnings: None that I can think of for this one part, but please, please feel free to let me know if you think I should add some.
Author's Note: Apologies if there's any issues with spacing or formatting. It's my first time posting a fic on Tumblr, or, well, anywhere. I'm a tad new at this, but I'm sure I'll get the hang of it in time!
Janus sat alone in the corner of the gym. He hadn’t expected to be alone tonight.
Virgil was always his resident loner friend at school functions. Neither of them wanted to be there, but their parents always insisted. So the two always sat in the same spot and talked. And sometimes, Remus would keep them company too. But tonight, even Virgil had been dragged away to the dance floor by Roman. Remus had even managed to convince Logan to dance with him smack dab in the middle of the gym.
So Janus sat alone, counting the minutes until he could go home, and watching his friends dance.
Janus scrolled Tumblr on his phone for as long as he could before it got boring. When it eventually did, he returned to his spiteful watching of the crowd. But before too long, he heard someone sit down next to him. He turned to see Patton.
He’d only met Patton a handful of times. They sat next to each other in their AP Psychology class, but Janus didn’t talk to him much. Other than borrowing a pencil or charger was the extent of their interactions. But Janus had heard of Patton from others. He was friendly with everyone, very generous, and kind. Most people were at least acquaintances with him.
“Hey, Jan!” He beamed.
“Hello, Patton.” He turned to face him, adjusting his hat.
“I like your skirt!”
That’s right, he’d worn his new favorite outfit. If he was going to be forced to sit in a gym with a bunch of people he didn’t care to know, listening to shitty, outdated music, he was at least going to look good. He wore a brand new silk skirt that lapped at his ankles, with a simple black blouse, topped with a black shawl with yellow rimming, and a big, floppy black hat. And to top it all off, half of a masquerade mask over the aged burns on his face.
“Thank you,” he said, smoothing his hands over his skirt as he did. Patton nodded, smiling. “Why are you sitting alone?”
Janus scoffed. “Because Virgil and Remus abandoned me! “ He huffed. “Our parents make us come to every school dance, and we sit right here and hate it together. But this time, Virgil has a date.” He hissed the word ‘date’ like a curse. “And Remus managed to extort Logan for a dance too. So I’m here. Alone.”
“Oh, Jan… That doesn’t sound fun. But, aren’t you happy they’re enjoying themselves?”
“Obviously,” Janus snapped, regretting it immediately upon seeing Patton wince. “Sorry.”
“That’s okay,” Patton said, incredibly patiently. Janus didn’t know how he managed.
“I'm glad they're happy. But I'm still here. Alone.”
“Well, you're not alone now.” Patton stood up, offering his hand with a smile. “What do you say? Treat me to a dance?” He asked hopefully. Janus looked at his hand for a moment, blinking.
“You? Dance with me?”
“You don’t have to,” Patton said, looking a little dejected.
“No, that’s not what I meant. I just- won’t people look at you weird?”
“Why would they?”
“Why wouldn’t they?” Janus motioned toward the singed side of his face. “I’m not really high on the social ladder here, Patton.”
“You are.”
“And why would that matter?”
“Just dance with me, Janus,” Patton said with a softness Janus had never heard from him. Patton’s voice was always gentle, but this was a different kind of gentleness that Janus couldn’t quite place. He couldn't say no to that.
He took Patton’s hand, and watched his face light up. Patton guided Janus to the middle of the gym, and started dancing with him. And god, he was terrible at it. He’d not only stepped on Janus’ toes, but someone else’s. He was a hazard. But it brought a smile to Janus’ face. He looked at Patton and held back a laugh, taking both of his hands. He led with the grace of a professional. Patton seemed surprised by this.
“What? Didn’t think I could dance?” Janus asked, a slightly amused smirk on his face.
“I- well, I didn’t think you’d be this good at it!” Patton admitted. “You said it yourself, you don’t like these dances.”
“Years of practice, darling.”
“Do you dance a lot?”
“Not by choice. My parents have had me in lessons since I could walk.” Janus rolled his eyes. He felt Patton hesitate. “This is the first time I’ve really enjoyed dancing.” He said, and Patton seemed to brighten at that. “Well, a real dance, anyway.”
“What do you mean, a real dance?”
“Well, sometimes Virgil, Remus, and I will dance in the rain, but it’s not like… a real dance. It’s more of… frolicking.” He looked down to see Patton smiling fondly.
“You three are close, huh?”
“Yeah. We grew up together. They’re… They’re like my family. More than my actual family, even. I mean, not my mom. She’s great.” Janus smiled softly. Why was he telling this to Patton of all people? He barely knew him. But something about the man was so easy to talk to. Like he’d listen for hours, no matter what you were talking about. Before he could treat himself to that rabbit hole, Patton’s voice lured him from his thoughts.
“Aw, that’s great! That’s kind of like Roman, Logan and I. What do you say we check on them?” Patton looked around, pointing to Logan and Remus, who had now migrated to the outskirts of the gym. Remus had Logan in an awkward looking hug, but Logan, surprisingly, was smiling, very wide. Remus seemed to be happy, so Janus was satisfied.
Next was Virgil and Roman. They weren’t hard to find at all. Roman usually commanded all of the attention in a room, and tonight was no exception with his red, sequin covered skirt. He stood by the DJ, whispering to them while Virgil stood off to the side. Then, a moment later, a Paramore song started blasting through the gym. Virgil’s face bloomed into a smile, and Roman pulled him close, dipped him dramatically, and said something to him. Whatever it was, it seemed to have flustered him, as his face turned beet red.
Janus burst out laughing, but his gaze was soft. “It’s been awhile since Virgil has looked at anyone like that. It’s nice to see him so happy again.”
“Same with Logan. Don’t tell him I said this, but he gushes about Remus all the time,” Patton giggled.
“Come to think of it, Remus has been talking about him a lot too.
They seem to understand each other… somehow.”
“Even I don't understand Remus,” Janus said fondly. He didn’t know what possessed him to say what he was about to say. “I don’t really know Roman that well, but Logan seems cool. And you… I’d like to get to know you more. And the others. If, um, if you wouldn’t mind.” His head caught up with his words, and he cleared his throat, his face suddenly hot.
Patton smiled. “I think I’d really enjoy that.”
“Good,” Janus said, looking away awkwardly. “So, um, Remus, Virgil and I usually go to dinner after these kinds of things… Would you like to join us? You can bring Roman and Logan. I’d be happy to pay for all three of you.”
“That’s a lot of money, Janus,” Patton said, a bit of a guilty look on his face.
“Money is just an object. My parents and I are far from struggling. Really, I insist.”
“I don’t think Logan will let you pay for him.”
“He can suit himself. But I’m still paying for you.”
“I pay for half of it.”
“Deal.” Janus chuckled.
The Paramore song Roman had played for Virgil now faded into slow, soft music.
“Do you want to leave after this song? Remus doesn’t really like slow dances, and Virgil is usually tired of this many people by now. And, I think I usually see Logan reading in the corner by now.”
“Yeah. But I still have you for this song.” Patton gave him a look, and smiled. “I’m not great at this, but-”
“Not to worry! I can show you. Just follow my lead.” Janus felt himself smiling wider as Patton nodded, determination in his eyes. As Janus led, neither of them said a word. Patton was concentrating, mostly staring at their feet, trying to copy Janus’ movements. When he got a vague grasp of it, he looked up at Janus, smiling wide. Janus had a small, fond smile on his face, too.
Janus took Patton’s hand, spinning him around. He was a little flustered, but adjusted quickly, with a few bright giggles. Janus felt a few laughs bubble up in his stomach as well. He had this warm feeling in his chest, and his face hurt from smiling so much. What was this? Why did Patton have this effect on him?
Any other time, he’d back out right now. Leave, and never look Patton in the eyes again. He was already in too deep for his liking. He’d asked Patton to dinner for fucks sake! But if Virgil and Remus had found people they tolerated, why couldn’t he? Besides, after tonight, he didn’t expect many Patton-free days, even if he tried. And he wasn’t sure he wanted many Patton-free days, after all.
He felt at ease. His friends were happy, Patton was happy. And, he was happy. He would be content to sway with Patton all night. He closed his eyes, taking in the peace of it all.
Maybe getting close to Patton wouldn’t be so bad.
He hadn’t even noticed the song had ended, before Remus bumped into him, hard.
"Hey, Jan!”
“So, what are our dinner plans tonight? I was hoping that maybe…”
“I already offered to bring Logan when I invited Patton.”
“Awesome!” Remus cheered, pumping his fists in the air. That earned a soft chuckle from Logan behind him. “Virgil asked if we could leave soon. It’s a little loud here for him.”
“Yeah, we’ll go in just a second. Could you go get him? Tell him to bring Roman too.”
“Are you feeling alright, Jan? You hate people.”
A laugh escaped Patton, but he quickly covered his mouth.
“I'm feeling particularly generous tonight, Re. It's been a rather nice night.” He smiled, his eyes flicking towards Patton for just a second, though he wished his gaze could linger on the other man.
Remus raised his brows at Janus with a smug look.
“Fuck off.” Janus shoved Remus lightly. “Go find Virgil! And take Specks here with you.” He flashed an apologetic look toward Logan, who waved it off, seemingly unbothered.
“Fiiiine. We'll meet at your car.” Remus scurried off, dragging Logan behind him by the arm with no warning.
Janus turned back to Patton, melting as he smiled.
“I think we should do this again,” Patton said, and Janus' chest felt warm again.
“My family hosts a spring masquerade every year. If you'd like to come, I'm sure my mom would be delighted to know I'm coming with someone this year.” “I'd like that.”
Janus decided to test his luck. “Then, it's a date.”
Patton went red, but he smiled. “I can't wait.”
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Hi omg I'm the anon who did the Get Scared + Addams Family Dukexiety au thingie recently I have several things to ask
1) can I be 👑 anon if you don't have one? I love your page ngl I'm a big dukexiety shipper and wanna come drop off little au ideas or headcanons or tidbits if you're willing to have me here
2) I really wanna write a oneshot that mixes the two. Like spooky gays playing uno to Get Scared and talking about meeting Virgil's parents and then Remus ACTUALLY going to meet his parents? Ngl I'm in love with this idea wait I too want to write this
Heyo!! 1. You absolutely can be I only had one Anon that signs off and it's not the same so you're good also hell yeah you're M O R E than welcome here I L O V E your ideas and hcs!!! :}D 2. P L E A S E do that sounds so fucking cool and I'd read the hell out of it!!
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prodigal-explorer · 2 months
Do you want to trade vampire aus? Bc me and my friends vampire au has janus and virgil and roman (and remus)
We actually have like 4 bc im obsessed with vampires but like The Main One lol
omg absolutely!!! i would love to!!
here is my vampire au:
Roman is a young teen who is infatuated with everything mythical and magical. He knows everything there is to know about magic, it's an extreme special interest of his. And he has a large forest outside his house that he regularly explores, hoping that he will find a mythical being one day.
And one day, he does.
Janus is a young vampire, the vampiric equivalent of a teenager. And when he and Roman run into each other, Roman treats Janus with kindness and curiosity, which is not what Janus expects. His older brother, Virgil, has always told him that humans are dangerous and back-stabbing. But Janus is a lonely boy, being raised only by Virgil, who is battling an extreme addiction to human blood and working hard to raise Janus and provide for him without coming near humans and risking killing them.
Janus and Roman become fast friends, especially when Roman discovers that Janus is a vampire, and is extremely happy to have finally met a mythical creature. Janus doesn't really feel any extreme craving for Roman's blood because he has never tasted human blood before, so he has no idea what he is missing out on.
Meanwhile, at Roman's house, there is father, Patton, and his older brother Logan is sort of like a ward of the family. Logan is not Roman's biological sibling, nor Patton's biological son. Logan sort of acts as a built-in babysitter for Roman, especially because Patton has gone mad. When Roman was very young, his twin brother, Remus, died in the big forest, and ever since that horrible day, Patton has lost it, insisting that a rabid vampire killed his little boy, and that he vows to find the vampire that did it and kill him, so that he can keep his surviving son, Roman, safe from harm. Every day, he searches in the big forest for the vampire, but as a result, he neglects Roman and Logan, leaving them to their own devices for very long stretches.
Logan thinks this is ridiculous. After all, vampires don't exist! He, and every other human in their lives, believes that Remus fell out of a tree, and that was how he died. But Patton knows the truth.
Eventually, Janus introduces Roman to Virgil, and Roman introduces Janus and Virgil to Logan. It goes about how you would expect: Virgil and Logan both think that the other is strange and shouldn't be trusted, but Roman and Janus work hard to bring the four together, and it eventually works out when Virgil and Logan realize that they have the same goal: to protect their little brothers from harm.
But what happens when Virgil decides to fully trust these humans as well as Janus, and tell them something that he never dared to tell anyone? That the day he realized he needed to stop pursuing human blood was the same day ten years ago, where he found a tiny little boy in the woods and sucked him dry, killing him. And that the little boy looked identical to Roman.
And yeah! That's my AU!! I really really like it, and it gets even angstier when you consider the possibility of Patton discovering Janus and Virgil and figuring out what they are, or Logan realizing that Virgil was indirectly the reason why the family fell apart.
It's just cool. Yeah! I would love to hear about your AU!!
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cowgremlin11 · 9 months
Romeo and Juliet Vikdecai AU
So I'm seriously considering making a full Romeo and Juliet AU. I was having breakfast with my roommate and he helped me fit in a few gaps that were missing crucial characters, which then snowballed to me being bale to complete fitting in the character list.
I'm tempted to turn this into a large fic or (more realistically considering my schedule) a series of small comics. If I turned it into a fic: it would be very long. I'd either have each chapter be each scene, or 5 chapters revolved around each act (longer to write). It'd be true to the original play to the best of my abilities. If I turned it into a comic: It'd be quite scattered and all over the place.
I may do a mix of both? Write the fic and draw complementary scenes to post here. I'm mostly trying to think about my college schedule and everything I have to write for my creative writing courses. (Maybe I could talk to my short fiction prof about this!)
Here's what I have so far:
Tumblr media
Missing characters: Zib, Wick, Lacy, Nina, Gracie, Zulie, Virgil, the pig farmers, rest of the band, Church, Kehoe, Ruby.
Not all of these missing characters need to be filled, and there's a few where I have an idea how to incorporate them (namely the band and Zulie, I have an idea that during the Act 1 Scene 5 party they could be there,) and there's a few that aren't relevant enough to truly be needed for this au (the pig farmers, Gracie, Church, Virgil.) In a perfect world I'd have a place for all of these characters and it would work out with no gaps, but this is a Romeo and Juliet Vikdecai AU. It was never meant to fit perfectly because obviously Tracy never wrote these characters with this sort of AU in mind..
Elaboration for why I cast other characters the way I did under the cut (LOTS OF WORDS):
Viktor as Romeo is... a little tricky. Same with Mordecai as Juliet.Obviously, they're not going to be changed fundamentally JUST to fit the au. I have the plan for Viktor to be more of a sad sack than a romantic, hence why Viktor's canon wife has been cast as the girl who rejected Romeo (also he's bisexual.) Viktor starts this AU in such a sad spot, but the hard part comes in when you remember that there is no war trauma. There is no PTSD. This is my biggest hurdle when writing most aus, not even just Vikdecai aus. (You should see the cowboy au!) Now Mordecai, I have a plan. He's very true to the Mordecai we see in canon, just without the Heller family (as they wouldn't exist here.) There's no Rose, no Esther, and no Mama Tzipporah. But when you think about it, that doesn't quite stop Mordecai from being the way he is! He's still this nerdy, rude, analytical twerp that Viktor grows attracted to. I am most excited to work out the party scene. Perhaps Mordecai catches Viktor's eye not because of his beauty, but because he's the 'brought a book to a club' trope. The other's can wait, why the hell is this guy reading at a party.
Atlas and Mitzi are the Montagues, because this idea revolves around Viktor being of the Montague house, but seeing how Mordecai is part of the Capulets in this AU, I felt the need for Atlas to be dead so it's more true to the canon story. It also saves me on writing Atlas, a character we don't know much about personality wise (we can only theorize and speculate.) Rocky as Mercutio WORKS TOO WELL. I know there are some people who would make this au with a RockyxMordecai focus (I hate that ship too much) BUT IT WOULDN'T WORK! ROCKY IS NO ROMEO, ROCKY IS A MERCUTIO. THE QUEEN MAB SPEECH PEOPLE! Freckle as Benvolio is just very funny to me, and very fitting with Rocky as Mercutio. I have ALWAYS read Benvolio as this nervous little guy following around Mercutio, and if I'm remembering this right Benvolio is good in a fight. This just works!!! Balthasar is Romeo's trusted friend, and the one who tells him of Juliet's "death." I didn't know where else to put Ivy, honestly, and this is the closest we'd get to 'Romeo's trusted friend.'
I don't know what to do about Lady Capulet? She's a very important character in the play, as she speaks with Juliet many times, but there is no canon character who would be Asa's wife, and I don't know if Asa even HAS a wife. Perhaps I could put Nina there, but that would be VERY awkward seeing how Rocky and Freckle are part of the other house. I may make an oc for that role? Someone stuck up and stiff to contrast Asa's dad vibes. THAT OR: since Juliet's gender swapped in this I could cut Lady Capulet altogether and have Asa be the one to come talk to Mordecai about the marriage and such. Might just do that... Mrs. Bapka as the nurse is an idea from my roommate that I love too much to not do. She wouldn't speak a word in english, obviously, and that can cause a lot of issues story-wise, but 1. who else would the nurse be, I'm struggling and 2. THE COMEDY OF IT ALL. And also-I like to think Mrs. Bapka does know Mordecai! He goes to visit Viktor and this tiny little grandma comes over without warning and they know each other! And she's a neutral party who could want the best for them both.
Dom as the Prince is purely because who else would go there, and the Prince is a character who keeps the peace. Almost like Dom is trying to keep the peace in St. Louis by putting an end to the criminal bootlegging? I think it's a good fit.
I think Serafine as Count Paris and Nico as Tybalt is the funniest option. I almost had those characters filled in as Wes and Fish (inspired by @melffen 's Beauty and the Beast fic having Wes be Gaston, and Count Paris is trying to marry Juliet, you can see where my thought process was) but then I realized,
Where do the savoys go
That doesn't QUITE fit the personalities I'm going for (works in the BatB au since Serafine's better as the witch! I loved the subtle casting of her as the with more than you'll ever know)
Wes and Fish as the two Capulet's who get into a fight at the start of the play is a much funnier outcome.
The Arbogasts as the clergy characters is too funny for me to not do. Originally I had the idea of Abelard as Friar Laurence, but I was hesitant due to 1. main couple is gay and 2. HELLFIRE, so I swapped him and Bobby when I remembered Friar John exists. Elsa is a good fit for the apothecary, since you know. Nurse. Quackenbush is a backup who's more like a stunt double just in case something goes wrong when writing her character.
Thank you for coming to my TEDtalk, if you have any ideas ANY AT ALL, please feel free to rb this with said ideas, or just come into my dms if you want to help me with this idea!
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