#i didnt think this would happen till issue 7 but here we are
ghostindeedee · 2 months
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I dunno about y'all, but Superior Spider-Man was wacky this issue.
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am3ricanj3sus · 1 month
no song of the day today. i didnt feel to connected to any songs today and it didnt feel right to put one. anywyas though. im wirting on my laptop today. it feels weird. i feel weird. maybe its just how life has been going. a issue that ive been having most of my life pop up again and im tired of dealing with it.
basically i was life long friends with this girl and yk we had our ups and downs (a whole lotta downs) but we alwyas got on with it. well she got on with it. she would randomly get mad at everthing, blame me for it in someway and i became the problem. it happened mutiple times and i grew sick of it but i really didnt care. maybe i sound cocky but ik that at the end she would come back. she always did.
but like 8 months ago. she started seeing this guy. and it escalated quick. she like asked us his name and who he was then a week later she tells us "oh my boyfriend dropped me off after we got food" so ofc we're like boyfriend? okay... and we didnt bring it up. the thing is, our friend group didnt like the guy she started seeing. he was rude to our friends and has done someover all shady stuff. so we just warned her and wow suprise she didnt listen and got with him. then she got all offended when we didnt comment on the fact her bf brought her home. so we gave her a small "yay bf!" but yk we told her we dont like him so we really didnt want to talk about him. and thats what fucking set a wire off in her dumbass brain. she was going on about how we never support her, which was the craziest lie ever because we all supported her and her other crazy ass ex bf and all the dumb stuff she does. and we were like "hey we can be friends still, we just really dont want to talk about him" and like the whole time she was texting this guys and she was telling him "omg theyre ruining my mental health"
and i think i may have pushed a little over board but i was sick of her asking like some entitled bitch that needs her friends to agree with her all the time. so i kind of just brought up everything shes ever done to me :) like the time i too her to disneyland and she literally complained in the car, ON TWITTER, about how she had to go back and we were forcing her. and its like, girl. my mother payed for you to be here. do NOT play. and i understand her frustration to a point becuase we were at the park that morning from like 9 to 1 but we had like a 6 hour break at the hotel and didnt go back till 7. and we couldnt just leave her there becuase her mom didnt want her to be alone in the room so its like... girl you have to come. so were in the car on the way back to the park and shes like spaming her twitter "theyre forcing me to go back! im crying. i dont want to be here" SHUT THE FUCK UP YOU UNGREATFUL LITTLE BITCH. like girl... girl...BITCH. i couldnt even.
then i brought up the fact that she let her ex bf like disrespect tf outta me. like he burped in my face, didnt say sorry, disrespected my family and callled me a bitch unprovoced. like she just let these things happen then got mad when i defended myself. talking about some "you had no right to say that to him" girl he had no right to act that way towards me but okay,
then i just brought up how much she just disregards me. like im nothing. and i truly felt like that the entire time i was friends with her. an that was most of my life.
she didnt respond to that message. she simply left the group chat then blocked me. couldnt take the fucking heat ig.
and i dont care what happens to her. she could burn in the deepest pit of hell. and maybe ill go to hell for saying that. but i mean it. ive never wanted someone to suffer more.
and that leads me to this topic. she has no friends now. and im glad. she doesnt deserve anything or anybody. no one deserves to be put through what i went though with her. theres so much more that happened with her that i dont even want to relive. but shes like searching for attention now. she texted a mutual friend of ours recently and i told him, dont text her back. and he fucking texts her anyway. now im not trying to dictate who he can and cant be friends with but she did him dirty too so i dont know why he even wanted to talk to her.
and thats anothet thing that pisses me off. people feel bad for her. like what the hell. even people that were with me the night of the argument. they feel bad that she has no friends. and i get having sympahty for her but what the hell. you were there, you know what she did so why on gods green earth do you feel that for her? it just sets this rage in me on fire and i want everyone to disappear.
i genuinley cant. like omg. it just makes me so angery and people dont get why im so mad about her. she just fucked over 12 years of friendship over some guy she only dated for 6 months.
but to make myself happy. i realized im over my crush on my friend. i think it was just a spur of the moment thing really. he has a gf now so its whatever really. ill miss that time of my life.
i didnt see mr c today im so sad. i even walked around a little during his prep and i didnt even see him walking around with his teacher besties. its okay though. i guess ill get over it :(
i did see my coco pookie though and i dont know what it is but its like im not looking for him as much anymore. i mean he wasnt here the other day and i missed him but when he has been here i dont even watch him that much. its just. i dont know. maybe i just want him to be around since he was my crush this.
another day. another slay. i love yapping. this was the first time i gen got out most of my emotions about that bitch and it have this weird relief. like my chest feels light in a way. maybe writting should be a daily thing for me. love love love. muah ha ha
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kurohoely · 3 years
forgotten (kuroo x y/n)
a/n: OH MY GOD this took me forever TwT didnt know summer class was fkin intense i hate it so much and obv i got a writer's block too but i am NOW FINISHED \( ̄︶ ̄*\)) likes and reblogs are appreciated! <3 enjoy bubs!
tw self-destructing mc, body issues, cyberbullying, implied cheating (but no I wont do my baby kuroo dirty >:( )
genre angst to fluff, college!kuroo
cw 2.4k
“I got you, you got me, I will love you till kingdom come”
Fiddling your chubby thumbs across your phone’s screen, hesitating to either skip or let the song play. The circular pointer skid lovingly across the playbar. Let it play, you thought to yourself. You pressed the stop button on the bus since it's already close to your stop, grabbing your grocery bag on the floor while carefully balancing the cake box on your other hand. You peeked through the transparent hole on top of the cake box, nine delicious cupcakes and pastries, a treat from you to you. It has been a rough week for the both of you but it feels like he hasn’t realized the situation one bit.
Three weeks. That was how long the both of you haven’t had a proper conversation, heck, even dinner together was excruciatingly energy consuming. Both of you came home at different times and no energy was there to spare for each other. You did try to initiate a lot of things, having his favorite takeouts, offering to massage him, taking a day off for him, all nothing but wasted. Nothing worked. Instead of dwelling into these things, you decided to go out and here we are now, at this point and time.
Reserving the cake was tough since the pastry shop is pretty popular. Thank God you reserved them on a whim last week so you can pick them up on the last day of your assignment. Of course, you bought extras. You wanted them for Kuroo, not that he was fond of sweets in the first place but why not have this one little push? Maybe it would work? You walked through the shops on your apartment’s block, glass windows in their pristine condition, reflecting everything that goes in front of them. Checking out your outfit, nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal into-the-summer outfit. With heavy steps, you unlocked the doors and made yourself into your shared apartment.
What are the odds, your boyfriend is here. No ‘welcome home’, no ‘where were you’, no ‘looking tasty in that outfit bub!’ None of that. Your return was like an expected occurrence, nothing to be celebrated anymore. Being the significant other of an ex-athlete was not a smooth silky fantasy. You had a fair share of fame with Kuroo but with a cost. You know you have no power to control what people say and sure it doesn’t affect your relationship but it still hurts nonetheless.
“What’s up with the outfit?” Kuroo’s words that broke the silence between you guys as you placed the box on the kitchen counter. Unpleasant was still a merciful word to describe the tug in your heart. You slowly turned your whole body facing him. You couldn’t make out what his expression was, genuine or sarcastic, and you’re not planning to stick around to find out, leaving him unanswered. You sat in front of the bedroom mirror, looking at what part would let Kuroo comment one out. You pinched your thighs and arms, thinking maybe it was these. I mean, to be honest, the outfit was actually cute and pretty normal for a warm season.
You sat down on the bed, reflecting on what had happened for the past three weeks. All the occasions where people said Kuroo was better off without you, to Kuroo liking random girls’ posts on his private Twitter and much more, too many to count. What would be the last straw for you to finally end this misery? Wiping the almost dropping tears, you picked yourself up, changed to your pjs and called in for the night. It was only 7:30 while Kuroo? Still outside, scrolling through more accounts before deciding it was late enough.
People say opposite attracts but you need to have some common ground to make it work, or else compatibility is out of the equation. You were just, well, normal. Nothing outstanding to earn you the fame spotlight but you can say for sure your relationships with other people are good and genuine. Your circle is filled with positive and supportive people, who can be your shoulder to lean on but still provide you the space to grow beautifully. Kuroo has many friends, a direct cause of him being a school athlete. His network is obviously wider than yours and since Nekoma went to the nationals in his final year, people start recognizing him -- both as a talented athlete and his looks. That alone earned him a few thousands followers on his socials. Every action has a direct consequence, a well formed theory by Albert Einstein. Although that applies to Physics specifically, probably Einstein knows it also applies to real life. With fame comes unwanted attention, breaching privacy and crossing boundaries. As you were scrolling through Kuroo’s Instagram account, you went through his tagged posts and you saw a video of a girl latching her arms to Kuroo and the video stopped right after Kuroo turned his head towards the camera. You couldn’t believe your eyes. You played that video endlessly, trying to catch the glimpse of Kuroo’s reaction, seeking if there was a bit of annoyance towards her action but the video was too fast and was shaking too much for you to figure anything out. With no energy left to spare, you went to sleep in your bed, the only place you felt home.
Another week has passed, making it a whole month that your relationship with Kuroo is stagnant, or how you see it, becoming worse with each passing day. You thought this would be the week for you to mend things back to normal, since it's your birthday today. After class ended, you went back and started getting ready for a date night out with Kuroo. You wore your best sundress and it was Kuroo’s favorite, your hair was shining, and your makeup was on point. And now, the waiting game starts. It was only 5:00p.m. and you know Kuroo’s class ends at 4:30p.m. so you gave him time for traffic and stuff. The clock ticks, from 5 to 7, you wait more, giving him a chance to reply to your text about his whereabouts. Tick tock, and now it is 10:47p.m. and no signs of Kuroo. You played your favourite Youtube channel, filling up the silence of your apartment when the front door clicked and swung open, emerging a giggly Kuroo. “I’m home.” He walks to the faint sound from your laptop, seeing you dolled up for something.
“Hey, you look nice. Did I miss anything?”
“I texted you a few hours and I’m not sure if you forgot how to read or what but I don’t think I also needed to remind you it is my birthday today.”
Kuroo turned around, even a second was a slower time frame. He looked at you in disbelief, disappointed painted across his face and you were unsure if it was towards himself or you. You cannot stand the silence that Kuroo was giving, you walked towards the door, grabbed your keys and went out. You know it is a pretty dick move to walk out on Kuroo but given what has happened throughout the course of a month, you’re not sure what emotions to face him. Anger? Sadness? Disappointment?
Kuroo was dumbfounded. He stood there, still digesting the instant you flung the door open. He can’t even begin to track his mistake and that’s when it hit him. It was untrackable because that was how long he left this situation for. He slumped down, pulled out his phone from his bag and, finally, reading all your texts. He looked through your stories, seeing you reposted all your birthday wishes. As if there was a movie reel inside his mind, he remembered the cupcake that you left untouched after his comment about your outfit, the way you strictly stayed on your side of your bed, no more surprise cuddles when he was making coffee in the morning. Hell, when was the last time you even let him touch you, yet let him even get close to you? He knows he needs to fix this asap before it's too late. He called you but was only greeted with your ringtone on the coffee table. Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. I fucked up real bad.
You were out and gone, as fast and as far your legs can take you. Your tears were running down with you, finding some bit of happiness that you can muster along with your exasperating breaths. Looking around, it was a park but eyes were too blurry to make sense of where it was. You find the nearest bench and sat down. You didn't bring anything with you, the response overwhelmed you to let you think straight. You tried to calm yourself down by just letting everything out, hoping once it empties out, you can rethink this situation. It has been a while and you decided to just man up and go back home. Maybe sleep over at a friend’s place? Not sure yet but you’ll figure it out once you get there.
Luckily the door was unlocked but you were greeted with utter silence, dim, and it was cold - which you knew it was not from chilling weather outside. It was 3:19AM. You saw your phone on the kitchen counter, surely it was moved, Kuroo’s bag was left on the floor with the zip opened, and only one light was dimly lighting up the place. A disheveled Kuroo walked out of the bedroom, “Y/N!” and came running towards you. Eyes getting puffier, he hugged you, tighter each passing sob escaped his lips. He knows he messed up, and somehow you felt happy and relieved seeing him miserable, enough to know where you are in his life. You didn’t return his gesture, your heart was too hurt to give any sort of comfort to him. You stand there mindlessly and what else can you do besides cry together with him?
“Where were you? Why didn’t you take your phone with you? I’ve been worried sick! I didn’t know if you were safe or not. I know I messed up. I know I fucked up but we could’ve talked things out but you chose to leave. Why, y/n. Why? I’m sorry for forgetting about your birthday. I am so sorry but you could’ve stayed and get mad at me or punch me or something. What if that was the last time I saw you? I couldn’t live myself with that thought”
Kuroo shook your body as he spoke each word, looking directly into your eyes, finding the last bit of warmth that you left for him. His voice cracked each time but stopped after you utter your response.
“Kuroo, do you even love me anymore?” He shivers at the loss of his nickname and slowly steadying his breath. He moved his hands from your shoulder to grab your wrist. “Hey, what do you mean bub?” He squeezed your hands tighter, as if that was his cue of not continuing whatever your train of thoughts were.
“I don’t feel us working out anymore. I.. ”. Kuroo cuts you instantly. His hands quickly lost their grip, only to move, cupping your face. “No, no, no, no y/n don’t you dare say another word after that. We’re gonna make it work whether you like it or not so please tell me bub, please talk to me. Please let me work this out”
His thumbs softly grazing your cheeks, wiping the leftover tears. You hiccuped, trying your best to form words. “I’m tired, Tetsu. I'm tired of constantly telling myself that I deserve to be loved. To feel beautiful. To say that yes I am worth it to be important to someone. But it's hard, Testu. It is SO hard to keep on telling yourself when you yourself don't believe it. And when I look at you everytime, I just think that you deserve someone much better, more than me. Someone that could proudly flaunt to people that yeah I’m with them. I don’t know anymore, Tetsu” You lay your head on his chest, gripping his shirt for support. He relaxed when his nickname was uttered. He was silent but you know he was listening. Slowly, he brought you to the couch. You started to spill each and everything that was bothering you. From the video, comments, his comment about your outfit, the way he has been acting, and what all of it shaped how you see yourself right now.
He grabbed your wrist, a cue for you to look at him. As you met his eyes, you saw those gentle eyes that you longed for. The warmth and love that you were seeking all this time. Kuroo wiped your almost-formed tears before talking with such gentleness and genuinity. “You know bub, surrounded by a lot of people doesn’t necessarily equate you to being happy. They are great companies, don’t get me wrong but they were never to be emotionally ready when I needed it but you did. You were there when I needed someone the most. It was the love that I’ve been looking for my whole life. You can never know who you would be falling for so why hold onto certain reasons if those reasons will soon fade away anyway? Body change over time, money will be used up one day, standards change over time but being good is always constant. Love is always constant. Love doesn't need a reason because if you have one, then you would be hung up onto that reason itself. Once that reason is gone, what's there to love?” He looked down on your hand, ghosting over your knuckles. “ I’m sorry I didn’t show you enough love to overcome those insecurities when I am the one supposed to make you the most loved, most wanted and safest with me. I know sorry isn’t enough to mend things over but know this - my eyes, heart, and soul are for you. I am yours and yours are mine”. He kissed your hands, cheeks, and lastly your forehead. Kuroo knows that is the spot you feel loved because you told him on your second year anniversary date.
Both of you forgave each other and promised to work things out together. You promised to confront things that are bothering you and Kuroo to keep his boundaries clearer. You both cuddled through the night, catching up with each other before slowly drifting to sleep in each others’ arms. You know things would be a bit awkward but this relationship will pull through. You know it will because you know Kuroo will too.
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just-a-fangirl13 · 3 years
Why s5 *might* be the season MacRiley happens
Okay so...Hear me out! I'm not crazy I promise!!
Firstly, after 5x03 (and probably 5x04) it may seem very unlikely that MacRiley could ever happen. But I thought of a few reasons why they might actually happen by the end of s5 after all.... (it gets a lil long winded and kinda complicated but just stick with me till the end!)
1. All the MacRiley moments including the ones in 5x03.
[this Mac smile could not be an accident or something that slipped through both production and post-production right?! that in itself is a whole reason!]
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Every Macriley moment we have ever had- whether it's the hugs, Riley saving Mac, Mac saving Riley, the ultimate show of loyalty when Riley went after Mac during Codex or even just the looks exchanged between the two- to any outsider it would seem pretty obvious that they are dating or at least in love. Keep in mind the writers would have written each of those scenes and Lucas and Tristan have acted them out with a specific build up in mind aka MacRiley.(think about the date episode: Riley just got dumped but was still thinking about how Mac might be hungry. She didnt have to do that. She could have just shown up at his place..) I mean how can they write two people so perfectly in sync and so perfect for each other and not have them end up together? It would just be a waste of all that tension and slow burn. (not to mention all the hugs and glances)
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2. They know we exist. 
The MacRiley fam is very active on twitter with the writers and while they were writing 5x01 they knew we were around. They know we are a huge group. They would not want to risk pissing 90% of the fandom off by not making MacRiley endgame.
[P.S.yes 5x03 was a bait and switch but if you were paying attention you would have noticed that neither Lucas not Tristan live tweeted or hyped up the episode. They knew we would probably hate it so they didnt publicise it too much! so in the future if you have doubts about the episode being a MacRiley one just check their stories or posts on twitter/intstagram]
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3. Yes 5x03 happened. 
I really think it was an episode they HAD to write. Ok so after 4x13 they had 7 more episodes planned and were filming 4x20 (aka the finale) when the pandemic struck. So they have these 6 episodes but no finale for it. [Idk if anyone else has noticed but in 5x01 there were clearly some parts cut out. For example the conversation between Desi and Riley towards the end seemed a bit jilted. Riley asking Desi to forgive her but Desi replied with yeah we are cool (still no apology ofc) I feel like something happened during that which ended up getting cut out so it could fit with the final story.]
This makes me think that they have rewritten a few bits to tie into the new finale episode. In 5x03 when Mac asked Desi to come fishing with him which was clearly something very personal to him she was like no do better.. then we see Mac's disappointed expression. She could have easily said okay but maybe not for our first date? Or its not really my thing? Or just about anything else rather than laughing in his face like that. Eventhough MD is together they still arent compatible. Mac’s final words in 5x03 was him being desperate. I truly think he is so broken and lost that Desi is the only safe thing left, the only thing he feels like he can fix right now. Once he finds himself again and heals...then it's going to hit him like a pile of bricks!!
4. But Riley doesn't have feelings anymore...WELL doesnt she? 
When it comes to Mac, Riley is always in denial. We saw it in s4 when she tells Bozer not to make her say it. I think s5 will show her finally accepting it. Finally accepting that she is in love with her best friend and that it definitely isnt Codex adrenaline because she caught the feels when Codex wasnt even around. While Mac's arc would include realising he and Desi are never going to work and that he is unhappy and that RILEY is the one for him.
[why else would they give Riley feelings for Mac? Something has to come of it.]
5. The slow burn rule.[this point is a lil complicated] 
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Now season 5 is rumoured to have 13 episodes. So here’s what I think: If MacGyver follows the pattern that most shows do when it comes to slow burns, then technically MacRIley should have happened at the end of season 4. But since the season got cut short and they didnt get to air/finish their final episode the writers had to improvise. 
From what I know, 4x19 which is 5x04 for us is the episode where Mac meets Desi’s parents and 4x20 was supposed to be the finale that was left unfinished.(they are definitely moving the timeline ahead if a pre finale episode is suddenly a mid season one.) There might have been a 4x21 or 4x22 but I haven't heard anything about those....EVER.
So what I think they have decided to do instead is extend the MD storyline a bit longer just so they dont end up scrapping all their s4 episodes where they would be together and write a new finale that ties everything together, aka MacRiley.
If you think about episode counts, s4 and s5 together would have 26 episodes which is a how long a normal season runs. Basically what im trying to say is if we follow the ‘slow burns end by s4’ and take season 5 as an extension of 4 then MacRiley should get together in the season 5 finale or maybe the episode just before. (IM REALLY TRYING TO GET SOME LOGIC INTO THIS)
This would be a typical TV thing too where the couple finds out about each other’s feelings while the main arc of the show is also at its peak, which perfectly sets up a future season where fans are hyped but still has a satisfying ending.
6. So what about MacDesi?
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So far the macgyver writers have given us characters we love. Think of every character on the show apart from maybe Desi... Mac, Riley, Bozer, Jack, Matty, Leanna, Samantha, Russ and even Murdoc. WE LOVE EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM. So then why is Desi such a strange character? I think shes purposely been written as an opposite to Mac or even Riley (I get she’s supposed to kinda replace Jack but Jack is really irreplaceable). 
It's not necessarily a bad thing its just not a great thing to do or have great execution. People have said things like Desi is a badass and shouldnt have to apologise or say I love you back to her boyfriend because she is a strong woman...I'm sorry but your opinion of who a strong woman is, is EXTREMELY skewed. A strong woman is someone who can make mistakes and when she does, she is ‘strong’ enough to own up to it, she is loyal and fierce and also caring while being a badass who can take down bad guys. And for GODS SAKE, RILEY DAVIS IS A STRONG WOMAN...people have called her mushy and feminine on twitter and I'm just very confused by that.....
Anyways before I go off on a rant, it seems like Desi is intentionally being written this way. Every opportunity they get to redeem her and make her more relatable or just a better person they just dont take it. While Rileys character arc is one of the best I've ever seen. Either its intentional or they’ve forgotten how to write characters...which is worrisome but ill give them the benefit of the doubt.
The writers also know we dont like Desi. The amount of times we've tagged them in the toxic posts or pointed out problematic things we can be sure they've seen at least half of those. So theres no way they dont know. RIGHT?
So why then is MD still a thing you may ask??
Well for one they cant break them up again off screen because of those unreleased s4 episodes. (not to mention the other parts of the audience who arent as invested in mac’s love life would probably be very confused.)
Secondly Mac has to be the one to pull the plug, not Desi. 4x13 made it seem like Desi was the annoyed one not Mac. He apologised to her which meant he wanted to fix things. 
Thirdly, they are opening the chpt one last time before they permanently close it. MD is going to be a stark contrast to macriley(it already is in every way possible). Every issue Mac and Desi had can be used to show how amazing macriley really is as two people who arent even dating yet.
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Fourthly, MD being together is a sort of commentary on Macs mental health as well. We can see how happy he is with Riley but around Desi he becomes some one else. If the writers are doing this on purpose or subconsciously still remains to be seen.
And Yes keeping MD around for a few more episodes seems like a necessary risk right now but I have a feeling its going to be worth it later.
[I know we have had like 4 desi entered episodes already but I really think 5x04 will be the last of it since 5x05 is the Jack episode and 5x06 is Mac+Riley+Bozer episode with no mention of Desi at all!]
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The writers know we are a dedicated bunch and they know that once MD breaks up for the last time the entire fandom will be waiting and watching. That's when the show will be at its peak. That will be the perfect moment to bring in MacRiley’s arc to a new start!
Congrats if you stuck with me through this whole thing! if you agree/disgaree with any of these or have other reasons why they could be endgame in s5 let me know!!
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7wanderingpaws · 4 years
Simply, yours (12)
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Pairing: Baekhyun x reader
Genre: family AU, hapkido teacher AU, PhD AU
Word count: 3.5K
Warnings: mentions of death, cursing
A/N: a moodboard! Yay! Finally some face to the story ^^ in my head baek looks like on the pics in this one hihi. Couple of more interesting things will happen! Aaaand this series will finish by 15th chapter. Or less. I will see how much time I will have. :( Anyway, thank you all sososososooo much for the support and comments, it means THE WORLD! ❤
tags:  @milky-baek @itsbaekhyunsbutt @luvhtears @shesdreaminginoverdose @cynthbee @jummyjammy @junmyeonnoona @littleflowercrown13 @sebootyforlife​ (if you want to be tagged/untagged please let me know!)
1 . 2 . 3 . 4 . 5 . 6 . 7 . 8 . 9 . 10 . 11 . 12
Baekhyun was stressed. That much you could tell.
The competition between the universities was in couple of days and he-
“Chanyeol, I can't hang out! I still didn't hand in my paper on the sports psychology thing and I have to head to uni in a couple for the training!”
You were in the kitchen, trying to bake some muffins since you were craving like a mad man, and you could hear him pacing around the bedroom where he bunked the whole day to finish off the mentioned paper. He had been a bit distant since the past three-four days, and you gave him his space, knowing he wasn't taking any silly things from anyone right now. He was full on focused and, well, quite biting to whomever tried to help.
He sighed again. “Listen, I know we still have time to hand it in, but I am so busy with the university team that I need to finish it earlier. Fuck, the assistant master is also breathing on my neck. You need to understa-”
He went quiet when Chanyeol interrupted him, and you silently continued separating the dough to the empty holes on the baking pan.
It had now been two weeks since the Korean New Year and another check-up at the clinic, after which you started to attend pilates classes for the expecting women. You had classes two times per week in the evening hours and one of them clashed with Baekhyun's hapkido class at the university, so you weren't accompanying him that often anymore, which was also a small relief for you. As much as your presence there didn't change matters, you felt like a bothersome girlfriend that needed to keep an eye on him, which was not true. Let alone Jiyoung, although had not necessarily done anything, still made you uneasy with her straight-forward behaviour with Baekhyun. You trusted him, though. After the Korean New Year, you got rid of the whole jealousy nonsense and focused solely on yourself and your own peace of mind. After all, it was literally a matter of a few months and your life would become loud, tiring and just overall turnt upside down.
“And you know I've got other stuff to get taken care of.” Silence. “You know what I'm talking about.” You giggled to yourself, liking how Baekhyun was losing his cool with his best friend, not paying attention to the meaning of his words.
You placed the baking pan in the oven and set up the temperature and timer, finally standing up properly, and hissing at the pain in your lower back. 
These days, whenever you looked in the mirror at your tummy and the dark stretch marks, you couldn't help but wonder how was this humanly possible; to bear three kids in your own body, in that little place under your heart. It blew your mind, and usually you would end up talking about this with Baekhyun just before sleeping when the lights were out and you were curled up at his side.
“Just proves how fucking amazing you are, my love,” he would murmur in your ear.
You smiled to yourself, your heart fluttering at the recollection and you sat down, checking your phone. A new customer who was buying your knitted clothings, was supposed to come by any minute now, so you might as well rest till she arrived, and let Baekhyun deal with his own issues.
You found a message from the lady waiting for you, so you opened it quickly, thinking she might have cancelled on you.
Hello! I was supposed to pick up the ordered knits today, but I can't make it unfortunately, so my husband will come at the promised time instead! Thank you!
Okay, at least she didn't cancel. You didn't care who would come for them as long as they were taken and paid for.
“Okay, Chanyeol, I will meet you tomorrow,” Baekhyun finally ended the call after more discussion and then you heard another heavy sigh. It caused pain for you too, knowing you couldn't help and you also didn't have a constant, stable pay so that you could ease it up for him just a little bit. Great at uselessne- no. You wouldn't allow yourself those thoughts anymore.
“Babe, you good?” you shouted.
“Doesn't sound very convincing,” you muttered to yourself, just when the doorbell rang. You struggled up to your feet and headed for the intercom, letting the person in.
“That's the customer, right?” asked Baekhyun from the bedroom.
You made your way to the door, the little bag with necessary clothes prepared, as you shouted back a yes before sliding the door open and waiting for the person to leave the elevator.
You were excited to earn money like this, even if it was just a little bit. You could shop groceries with it and Korea did have expensive fruit and veggies, unfortunately, so this came extremely handy to you.
Quickly shooting a look behind you, you double-checked if everything looked decent and clean in the apartment before turning back just to get the biggest shock.
Without even thinking, you had the urge to slam the door shut in his face before he could properly orient himself on the new floor of apartments, but you didn't do it. Instead, you ran your tongue over your teeth, preparing for a painful smile.
He turned and he spotted you - he just looked at your stomach - standing in the doorway, ready to walk to you resolutely before he actually brought his eyes up to yours. And he momentarily froze, stopping on the spot.
Silence overtook the cold corridor, and you felt the stress creeping up in your stomach, except you had nothing to fear this time. It was him who wanted something. And Baekhyun was right in the apartment in case anything happened.
“I believe you came to pick up the knits?” Your voice was almost foreign to you, it was strained so much.
His eyes fell lower, seeing just how pregnant you were; your body a far cry from when he last saw you. Clearing his throat, he replied: “Yes, I am.”
Slowly, he walked over and you pushed your hand with the bag out for him to take, wanting him to just leave. “Here. That will be 120.000 won, please.”
Your ex-boss stared at you, not taking the bag for a couple of heartbeats. He monitored your face before his eyes looked behind you at the humble apartment. Only after that, he took it while with his other hand he reached behind taking out his wallet probably from the pockets of his trousers. “Yes, I have the exact amount.”
He snapped his eyes back to you, as he took out the necessary cash before handing it to you. “How are you?”
Oh, dear lord. Not the small talk, please.
“I mean, are you doing well and healthy?”
You stared at him, hoping the negative emotions didn't mirror in your eyes too much, as you didnt want to become someone like him. “I'm fine and healthy, thank you for asking.”
“That's a relief.”
Suppressing a scoff, you were about to put an end to this fruitless conversation when you heard shuffling from behind, and Baekhyun's voice. “Is everything alright?” And he appeared.
He walked to your side, shock evident on his face. “You?”
You felt a protective hand around your waist, your boyfriend pushing you further inside the house, not liking an inch your evil boss being near your vicinity.
Your boss, Mr Kim, gave him a tight lipped smile. “Hello, Mr Byun. My wife is the one buying the knits from your wif- girlfriend.”
You nodded. “She wrote me just a couple of minutes ago that her husband would pick them up instead of her,” you explained to Baekhyun, who didn't even look at you, his strict gaze focused on your boss, “and it turns out to be Mr Kim. There are too many Kims in this country, for sure.”
“Well, we hope your wife will enjoy them,” said Baekhyun coldly. “Have a good evening.”
He was about to push both of you back inside to close the door, but your boss surprised you. Again. “I just wanted to… wish you all the best. I hope you will continue having a safe pregnancy and birth.”
You frowned, but nodded nonetheless. “Thank you.”
“And… I apologise.”
Baekhyun's grip on you tightened. “For what exactly?”
Mr Kim looked in your eyes as he seemed to think over his words. “I was acting unprofessional and it was not acceptable. Me sacking you due to your state was not justifiable, and I realize that I probably created even bigger financial difficulties for you. You always mentioned how money comes in handy and yet…” he shook his head, scrunching his eyebrows, “it was all a terrible mistake. I was insensitive. I apologise.”
You took in a shaky breath, your palms sweaty with anxiety as you let his words properly sink in. He actually uttered those words. Those apologetic words. The words you never imagined he would say, because you believed he was incapable of feeling anything close to regret and sorrow.
Sensing your hesitation, Baekhyun spoke up. “I think it's too late for that. But thank you. I bet my girlfriend appreciates your realizations.”
“Why suddenly?” You asked before Baekhyun could push you further inside the apartment. “I worked so hard for you. I always tried to please you yet I received hate.”
Something flashed in his eyes, something you couldn’t quite name. Was it hurt? Was it sorrow? Pain? “I don’t expect you to forgive me. I was ruthless, but just know that I am sorry.” He looked at Baekhyun now. “I deserved the punch.” With a sad smile, he raised and dangled the bag in front of him as he took a step back. “I’m sure my grandchildren will love this. And my wife too. All the best,” he said and turned around, not letting you and Baekhyun speak.
And you wouldn’t even be able to, because Baekhyun closed the door right after muttering: “Get home safely.”
“What was that?” You asked, shell-shocked at the sudden turn of events. “Did this really happen?”
You were still squeezing the bank notes in your sweaty palms and you moved to put them on the dining table, Baekhyun hot on your heels. “He is crazy. One moment he is shouting at you, calling you all kinds of things and the next he is sorry and acts like…whatever” he trailed off, in the heat of a moment unable to think of a proper word.
You shot him a look, amused. “I know. But at least he realized his mistake.”
Baekhyun pursed his lips, not fully convinced with your words but eventually he murmured: “At least if some other employee gets pregnant he won’t throw her out.”
You smiled, satisfied with his way of thinking. “Exactly.”
“And you earned yourself some money,” he reciprocated the smile and he came to you to give you a kiss on the cheek. “Well done.”
“I’ve been earning money through this for some time now,” you reminded him.
“I know but it’s his money.”
Once the muffins were out of the oven, you decided to call Sukyeong. Baekhyun retrieved to your shared bedroom to continue his studying. He needed the peace anyway, and you really wanted to chat to your good friend because you had way too many thoughts and questions about your ex-boss’s well being. The way he acted was so unlike him.
Sukyeong thankfully picked up after the third ring and she squealed into the phone upon seeing your name. “Finally! I thought you would never call! We saw each other two weeks ago, don't tell me you got suddenly busy!”
You let out a breathy laugh. “No, I became lazy and almost immobile by now, thank you for the concerns.”
“I think I will have to drop by more often,” she thought out loud. “Besides, I also want to talk about something!”
“Eh? What is it?”
“Nah, this needs to be told face to face.”
Since your topic seemed to be just a little bit more intriguing than Sukyeong’s secretiveness, you decided to go with it and spill the beans. You quickly explained to her what just happened, feeling more encouraged by her gasps.
“Well, there is something that happened actually,” she said after a bit of silence. After you left your job, you and Sukyeong rarely ever talked about the workplace, Sukyeong only complaining about the workload and whatnot. She was such a kind-hearted, considerate friend to you; she knew by default the last person you want to talk about was your screwed up boss. “I just didn't know if I should tell you or not, since it doesn't really include you anymore and also…” she trailed off, “it might scare you.”
You frowned, fingering the little whole in the pillow you were hugging to yourself. “Scare me? What are you talking about?” you let out a doubtful laugh.
Sukyeon sighed and you imagined her playing with her fringe to ease up the nerves. “You know his son is married, right?”
“Mhm.” You rarely paid attention to your boss's private life but you were aware of that fact.
“So, anyway, Mr Kim's daughter-in-law was pregnant and she was supposed to give birth just one month after you left,” she continued on, her words still not bearing an ounce of confidence.
You interrupted her, though. “Oh, really? So why didn't he fire his daughter-in-law, huh?! How dare she be pregnant?! God, that man is ridiculous, I swear. Poor daughter-in-law! How difficult it must be for her to live with him!”
“Erm,” Sukyeong gently called out your name, trying to get your attention, which she did but you wished she didn't as her next words gave you the nausea you had been dreading to have your entire pregnancy. “She died giving birth.”
You went completely silent at that, your mind empty and busy all at the same time. His daughter-in-law died giving birth to his grandchild. She died. Giving birth. “How did that happen?” you breathed out.
“Complications during birth. Unexpected high blood pressure, high sugar levels and many other factors,” she replied, her voice sad.
“Jesus,” you breathed out again, “I had no clue.”
“You couldn't have known, dear.”
Tears burned in your eyes at the thought of how tragic the whole story is. So this was why he was apologetic. “But still… I'm so sorry. To her, and even to him - Mr Kim.”
Sukyeong heaved out a heavy sigh. “Don't cry, I cannot comfort you over the phone like this. You wouldn't know!”
“What if I will die?”
“You won't,” she snapped right away. “You are a healthy woman.”
“You know my blood-pressure is also dangerously high at times.”
“But that doesn't change the fact that you are healthy. You don't have problems with your sugar levels, nor is your entire pregnancy problematic.” She paused, before she continued. “Listen, this is why I was reluctant to tell you. I didn't want to trigger any fear in you. Just don't think about it.”
You felt your chin quiver, but you pushed it down. Sukyeong was right. Plus, Baekhyun really didn't need this kind of stress when he already had too much on his plate right now. Having to suck it up and be brave for your own self for once was something you should have started doing a while ago. You always knew pregnancy was a risk. But you wanted to show everyone that not having enough money and still bearing three healthy babies and eventually giving them birth was something more valuable than any monetary aspect of this world.
“You are right, Sukyeonga. I won't. But you owe me a hot chocolate.”
It was around 1am. You were lying on your side, naked back facing Baekhyun as he absentmindedly traced his fingertips over the imprints on your back, left there by your bra. He was shuffling around more, until he resolved to skinship in hopes to ease his mind.
“What's on your mind?” you asked quietly out of nowhere, startling him for a second. He thought you would be asleep by now.
You turned around to your other side, curling up against his chest and he gladly opened his arms for you, missing your presence. It was common that you two would naturally shift apart during the night, both of you deep in sleep, but because of your pregnancy you also felt many times boiling hot which resulted in you scooting as far away from his body heat as the mattress allowed. This time though, the night was exceptionally cold and you knew he needed you.
“Baby, you should be resting,” he rasped quietly.
You held his cheek gently, looking up at him, although he couldn't see you properly in the darkness. “There is something bothering my man,” you whispered, “and I can't sleep when I know you are this troubled.”
He sighed, and you could feel the heaviness of it, the worries somehow too difficult to bear. “It's just a lot on my plate,” he admitted, though very reluctantly. “I want our team to win or at least make it very far but I'm worried I am asking for too much.” His hand was caressing your back, enjoying the hot skin covering it.
“What makes you think that?”
He went silent, contemplating your question and his answer to it. The truth was, Baekhyun's head was very chaotic which rarely happened. Him, who always had a goal clearly set in his mind, never got this worried. “I don't even know. It's the PhD stuff together with this Universiad competition… both require my full attention and even though I am doing my best, I feel like I could still do better.”
It meant a lot that he was this outspoken. He shared his daily issues with you, however only the heavy ones he would let pile up and mull over them until he couldn't bear it anymore.
“My perfectionist boy,” you cooed. “Everything is created in your mind, darling. Everything is still the same as before - you are a student and as your side job you teach kids. Your team was always doing well and that's why you got this opportunity. In fact, you don't need to change anything. You have addition of Jiyoung and her team, that's true, but that still doesn't change the fact that what you did until now is enough. It is all valuable. You're not asking for too much, Baekhyun.”
A couple of heartbeats later you heard him sigh again as he squeezed your body to his, your tummy pressing to his side. “Thank you,” he murmured into your hair.
“Don't keep it in. I know it's difficult. I know, honey.”
“I just want to do well, you know? Do well in my professional life. And I want to do everything in my power to make you and our kids live comfortably.”
You felt stinging behind your eyes, touched and overwhelmed with emotions. “You are doing more than enough, Baekhyun. I'm comfortable and happy because I have you. Out of our entire village, you are the superstar. You are the one who made it. Don't doubt yourself for one second, because I will love you no matter what. You are doing already more than enough, so relax.”
He chuckled lowly. “What would I do without you, hm?” he whispered and he moved to bury his face in your neck, slowly kissing down to your chest where he rested his head under your collarbones. His arm around you was now caressing the bump, his thumb running over the stretched out belly. “Thank you, sweetheart.”
“Don't thank me.That's what I'm here for. For you. In good and in bad,” you replied as you played with his messy hair.
“Already doing the wedding vows?”
You grew hot, the sudden images of a wedding ceremony with Baekhyun warming your heart. “Not yet.”
He hummed. “But soon.”
“After the kids are born.”
“Where do you want to leave them for our honeymoon? They would be always tied to your boobs. That way I can't have them just for myself.”
That made you laugh out loud, and you pulled on his hair gently, making him chuckle. He raised his head and you felt his breath on your smiling lips. “Then you better enjoy them until you can.”
He kissed you slowly, languidly, humming in the process while dragging his hand over your bump and chest until he was cupping your cheek. “I should, huh,” he murmured into your open mouth. “Though I beg for priority. I was the first to claim them.”
You laughed again and Baekhyun felt extremely satisfied, his worries settled for now. He brought you in for another sensual kiss until both of your eyes were droopy enough to pull to sleep.
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Catra: Journey to Redemption.
(Long post and spoilers for Season 1 SPOP)
In the run up to the release of ‘She-Ra: Princesses of Power.’ season 2 on April 26th 2019, I have been seeing lots of posts about our resident, ‘misguided; villain and all around badass who knows damn well how to rock a suit. 
Yes, of course, I am talking about Catra!
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The nature of the posts I have been seeing have all had a similar vein or sentiment. 
“Give Catra her redemption arc.”  or  “Start Catra’s redemption arc.” 
I am just as hopeful as the the next person for Catra to have a redemption arc, if that is in fact what Noelle Stevenson and the rest of the team have planned for the character. But one thing I will say, is ‘patience’ and a small warning to be prepared,  
Catra is going to get much worse before she can even begin to get better! 
Catra could not possibly even begin to start on a path of redemption by the end of S2 because at the end of S1, she hasnt even begun to explore the full depths of her villainy.  (Being we dont know exactly how many seasons are planned, or what the overall narrative end goal is when it comes to the final conflict and Good triumphing over Evil, much of this is speculative. 
We can however use Avatar Last Airbender and the industry standard of best Redemption Arc ever, in all mediums, Zuko, and their timeline, which I think Noelle Stevenson said in an interview that if a redemption arc was to occur, that they would like to do something that could stand next to Zuko’s redemption arc. 
I will also be using Joseph Campbell’s Hero With a Thousand Faces, and his hero’s journey map as a resource but try implement it for villains)  
If you would like to take a look at my thoughts on redemption arcs in general the feel free to check out the link below. 
I’ll be covering similar sentiments here. 
Ok first. 
ATLAB is only 3 BOOKs long, however the number of episodes, 61 over all, containing 20 minimum in each Book is far more than SPOP’s standard 13, meaning that technically Zuko’s redemption arc played out over just under 6 SPOP seasons, meaning that Zuko’s penultimate episodes, detrimental to his redemption arc, ‘Blue Spirit’ episode 13 in Book 1 and ‘Zuko Alone’  Episode 7 of Book 2, didnt technically take place until till the end of season 1 and half way through season 3 ... going off an SPOP standard time. 
Meaning there was over a season and a half between Zuko doing something right for the wrong reasons and also then moving off to really begin the start of his redemption arc in earnest, which he continues to struggle with right the way into Book 3 ( season 5/6)  
The difference here, I would also like to point out is that Zuko at the very beginning of ATLAB is already technically way ahead of Catra due to him being physically away from his ‘abuser’ and direct control of the life long indoctrination. He also has one up on Catra at this point as he has a ‘Mentor/Guide’ helping to facilitate the transition and help him see the error of his ways.
Technically, this puts Zuko’s character development on the road to redemption (OTRTR)  at least ONE season ahead of Catra. Meaning that his moment of ‘doing something right for the wrong reasons’ in ‘Zuko Alone.’ does not take place until at least the end of season 2, SPOP standard time! 
In other words... 
It's going to take some time for a pussy riot to manifest.
Taking this into account. 
We can not continue without addressing the fact that there are many similarities and differences between the supposed ‘villains’. 
Both were the Scape Goat to a favoured Golden Child yet their interactions with the ‘Gold Child’ are vastly different. 
For Zuko, Azula was an antagonist. For Catra, Adora was an ally. 
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Both suffered abuse from their primary caregiver, both were belittled and chastised for supposedly being ‘lesser’. However the fundamental difference is their reactions, Zuko continued to attempt to receive his Father’s favour, whilst Catra, on the surface didn't care, resulting in acting rebelliously. 
Both have issues surrounding self worth and how they express it is vastly different. 
Zuko is hugely unaware of his ‘Empire’s’ indoctrination and the imperialistic rule, believing the propaganda he was raised with. 
Whilst Catra is fully aware of the Horde and its intentions. 
And I think this is worthy of note!
Their ‘villainy’ and motivations are seated in entirely different places. 
Zuko starts out  wishing to ‘reclaim his honour’, prove his worth in his father’s eyes, and reclaim his birthright as the heir to the Fire Nation throne, in the words of his sister,
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  It is only as he travels over the next SPOP SDT, 4 seasons that he realises his true purpose. 
Catra, is aware the Horde is evil, is given an opportunity to leave, but chooses not to, instead she willingly sets herself on a dark path to gain power and prove her self worth to everyone around her, esp her abuser, step mom of the year, Shadow Weaver,
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Thus setting up the whole shenanigans of SPOP season 1.  
As I covered in my previous post in the link above, a redemption arc cannot occur without showing that the ‘villain’ is conflicted. 
A redemption should be a slow burn, from starting point of why/how they are villains,  also showing the seeds of discontent, inner conflict, conflict of their actions, conflict of their ideals,  whether indoctrinated/learned/or their own misguided musings, then later a larger amount of focus should be placed on how they have overcome that villainy and change of perspective culminating with coming full circle.
What makes Zuko’s particular redemption arc so good is the work that goes into showing this. The time, the attention to detail, not being shied away from by the writers, that  intentionally trickles down and infuses with the character’s essence of being. 
Yes, Catra is conflicted about her relationship with Adora and what Adora means to her. 
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This conflict about her and Adora’s relationship was partially resolved with Catra taking Adora’s motivations the wrong way, due to her own issues surrounding her self worth. 
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This ‘resolution’ only serves to push Catra further down the a dark path.
But we have yet to see Catra conflicted about her actions and dont expect to see that happen until after we see her fully embrace her villainy, which by the end of S1, she was nowhere near close to doing. (See Triggers and Turning points)
Meaning that “Catra Alone”  might not even occur until midway S3  and actual beginnings of feeling conflicted about her actions, until S4.  
So we have discussed conflict. Conflict about ones actions can come about in many different forms, but it must be triggered by something that is enough to shake the core foundations of a villains motivations. 
In order for it to be believable and carry weight, a villain cannot  suddenly overnight go, 
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 And the protagonists accept it at face value, as the audience wont.  
 A redemption should be a slow burn, from starting point of why/how they are villains and most importantly,  focus on how they have struggled to overcome that villainy and change their perspective. 
The link below is to a previous post, with an avenue of thought of what could trigger Catra on ONRTR.
Another avenue of thought is that Adora is gravely injured. I am not normally one for such an easy and over done trope but in this instance it is highly possible, because as it stands now, Catra has never nastily physically injured Adora, only She-Ra! 
(When she raked her darn claws down She-Ra’s back. Showing that Catra see’s a difference between to two personalities and isn't as of yet willing to cross that line... Maybe crossing that line will be a stepping stone to embracing her chosen darker path?) 
In fact, Catra has gone out of her way to avoid just that, much preferring to go after Adora emotionally.  
Even after ‘Zuko Alone’ and the Ba Sing Say arc, Zuko begins on a false start redemption by bonding with Katara but by the next episode falls back into old patterns by choosing to side with Azula as the ties that bind and the potential to reclaim his birthright is too hard to ignore. 
Which is totally normal for a teenager. 
This adds so much depth to his inner conflict, a catalyst that later cements his realisation at his true purpose, ushering him through the gates of his redemption arc, towards trying to make amends with the protagonists before they can accept him.   
Catra strikes me as someone who will never be wholly ‘good’, in the sense of the word when it is applied to Bow, Glimmer or Adora, but rather someone who will make super dark comments and morally grey suggestions of how to deal with an issue, which is what we have been shown of her from the very beginning. 
It is hard to say is Catra will ever have this step in a redemption arc due to her already morally grey nature, this could very well be skipped over entirely. 
Narratively speaking and characterization wise, this particular part of an arc could present itself not as a ‘false start’ but could come from ‘Subterfuge and infiltration’ , whereby Catra pretends to come to their side only for her to betray them later, for her own ends. 
We could very well have a ‘false start’, where she is trapped with any of the protagonists and they need to work together to escape, similar to the aptly named  ATLAB ep 40 ‘The Crossroads of Destiny’ and SPOPS s1e9 ‘Promise’, which would be a nice mirror, from a narrative standpoint, only for her to run off and return to the Horde once free. 
Again note, that this false start occured for Zuko the very end of S3 SPOP SDT. 
Before Catra’s Redemption arc can come to fruition , we need her to go on her journey. Something akin to this, but for villains. 
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On this map, if Resurrection is Catra being genuinely accepted by the protagonists as being changed and truly on their side.  I would see Catra as in between Meeting of Mentor (Hordak) and Crossing the Threshold into full blown villany 
So, we need to see her, 
1) Become a true villain. 
2) 1st Trigger.
3) baby Conflict
4)False start, falling into old patterns
5) 2nd Trigger
6)Conflict and Realisation/ (Seizing the Treasure) 
7) Through the Gates 
8) Trial of Proof.
9) Acceptance/Resurrection. 
We could be waiting for some time for a Catra redemption arc to kick in, and please dont be disappointed or frothing at the mouth if we dont see it starting in Season 2... No matter how much you want it out of the way so that ‘other’ things can occur.. 
Please keep in mind.. 
A good Redemption Arc has to be earned! And doing it well takes time!
There is ALL OF THIS.... 
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I dont even know where to begin starting to unwrap all this tension and awkwardness., 
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Think I’m going to leave that for a an entirely different post.
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10/11/18 7:47
okay, lets talk. 
Ive had an emotional 24 hours. I’ve been anxious, i’ve been insecure, i’ve been angry and sad and hurt and manic and crazy and i need to get it out so i can fucking cleanse and move into my weekend.
It started with spencer, what like, 2 nights ago now? i dont remember when it was, but i was getting insecure and noticing how i was affecting him. it was yesterday, cuz it was wednesday. i was insecure and didnt want him to leave my room and i think i really stressed him out because i just wanted him to stay and say the things i wanted to hear, but that isnt reality. he cant read my mind, he cant know what i need to hear, thats why i need to communicate and not just suck into myself and away from him, but i didnt want to do that because i didnt want to be crazy, but then i got crazy and i made him kinda late because he dropped by at 3:30 and only expected to stay till 4 but he left at 6:27 as i needed to go to my 6:30 lab.. so i feel bad but i just agh i couldnt let him leave when i didnt feel good..
i didnt feel good because we talked about politics. he got me going on the wage gap, so i got heated talking about the misconceptions and he was (respectfully) arguing with me because he is suuupperrrr super liberal, very very left, very socialist, and he’s a politics major, so he’s well versed and i get that going in, but i also wanted to share my side because im fairly moderate; i dont believe in a lot of feminist rhetoric, or the wage gap stuff. i read the study, and it bothers me that people misuse the statistics to say that women get paid less for the same job, because that is NOT what the study found. The point was that women take different kinds of jobs than men and tend to work less hours and have less education and qualifications. THAT is the ‘feminist’ issue, not paying women less for the same job because thats illegal and cant happen. 
Heres the thing. I know there are sexist issues in our society. i know that it is harder for women than it is for men. but frankly, i feel better ignoring it as much as i can. i feel like if we keep telling women than they shouldnt be scientists because its a man job, or that society tells women that they need a leg up, because then we start believing it and internalizing and thinking we are less than men. i feel like if we just stopped talking about it, i wouldnt know that there was a gender discrepancy and id feel totally normal getting into stem. i dont want to feel like im some anomaly. and frankly yes, i notice sometimes. i notice the gender divide in stem. of fucking course i see it. i know that there are men in my neuroscience lab who think i dont know shit. im not blind, i know the STEM field is misogynistic. i know it is. but i dont like to subscribe to the feminist thing that im so held down and its because im a woman. but thats just me
anyway, my babe is very liberal and he was listening of course but also making sure i knew that the problems im ignoring are still there, which i appreciate but i also get kinda irritated with hyper liberal men because it sounds kinda guilty? like listening to a straight white man say that straight white men are the problem, annoys me. like yes thats true, but also ugh its annoying. i hate the men shame that feminism encourages.
so we kinda went back and forth for a while, which like, good that we can have real conversations, and politics is something that will inevitably come up, but as the conversation went on, i started getting insecure and anxious because confrontation scares me. not that he was really even confronting me? like spencer is such a sweet man, he’s gentle and kind and supportive and so sweet to me, and i know politics is literally his thing, and im glad that he’s super liberal as opposed to the other end. cuz like ya i am a queer woman and im glad that he seems like a strong advocate for minority groups like that, so like im glad, but i also started to feel like he was frustrated with me for like being ill informed.
 heres the thang tho, im not really ill informed. ive done my research, i watch the news, and im a big fan of shoe0nhead which admittedly is very moderate bias media, but its content i agree with. and i was telling him that im fairly moderate, and he was like ya i can tell, and i was like and politics isnt really my thing, and he was like ya i can tell. but i didnt mean that like i didnt understand politics, i meant it as like i try not to really get into the conversation (partially because of sarah lawrence)
no wait i did tell him that. i told him how involved i was in social justice stuff in new york, that i literally led the anti Trump protest in NYC after he was elected. and when i told him that, he got all dreamy eyed like it was so attractive that his girlfriend was an activist, which is cute n whatever, cuz everything he does is cute..
the point is, that after this conversation i was insecure because i felt like he would be mad at me (he wasn’t) or that he would hate me (he doesn’t). and i know that logically of course, but still... ugh idk, the conversation just got me riled up and then he had to leave town for the whole weekend and i was feeling like we wouldnt have enough time to resolve it
but he kept saying everything was fine, that he wasn’t mad, that he might disagree, but still loves me duh. and i know he meant it, but u know when you get in your head and youre like shit i said too much, and now he will never look at me the same because we slightly disagree about politics, like my moms dating a republican and they reallllyyy disagree on politics, like i will be fine! whats yer issue self?
but ya so i just felt insecure, and i know he was trying to comfort me even tho i didnt let on thaaat much that i was hurting. i feel like when people i love get confrontational with me (which again, he wasn’t) i get upset and my heart feels heavy and it hurts and i want them to leave and i would have just ended our hangout because we both had places to be and whatever we’ll deal with it later, but i knew he was leaving tonight and was gunna be busy and we couldnt deal with it so i was scared and when my attachment feels insecure, i get SO insecure. hahahaaaa i was thinking this relationship would be any different? gurl.
but heres the thing, he is.. he’s fine. he doesnt think anything is wrong and he’s still my sweet pea boyfriend. and i know that now, because i did get to say goodbye in a good re-establishing way tonight.
i knew he was leaving after his class at 6:30 tonight and i was nervous because i knew he was gunna be busy with packing up and everything.
i ran into him walking to class and we were fine and kissy and cute and i love him but as we were parting i was like can i say goodbye before you leave, but i dont think he heard me cuz he didnt really respond because we were diverging and he was giving me his sweet boy eyes with an outstretched arm as we parted and i was like shit im still insecurrrreeee
so i texted him during the first class like “hey i meant cant i say goodbye before you hit the road but sounds like yer gunna be busy so have a great weekend baby i love you!” and i meant it, i wanted to end on a good note but then he didnt respond all day, and my anxiety was mounting and i spent the rest of today in my room doing nothing but stressing about him. stressing about a boy, nothing new for me.
but eventually i got really tired and took a real nap, i had accepted that i wouldnt see him again.. sad.. i woke up at like 7:15 and i was like hmm let me see if his car is still here, ya know, cuz im crazy. i went downstairs to fill up my water bottle and his car was still in the parking lot. so ya know, i text him, cuz im crazy. and i was like drive safe babe <3 and then as i got back to my room there he was outside my door with bags in his arm to pack up his car and i was so effing relieved to see him. we hugged and kissed and he seemed genuinely happy to see me and i was so happy to get to have a moment with him before he left.
i walked him down to his car, and filled up his water bottle for him and once everything was in his car, he just kissed me.. and i know im a hopeless romantic, but i was so happy to just kiss him and feel his lips smiling and feel his arms around me and hear him giggle and be adorable.. 
my heart still hurts, but it’s different now. my heart hurts because I miss him. i already miss him even though he only just left. he’ll be gone until monday night and i might not even see him then because he’ll be exhausted, which is fair. but now im sad because ill just miss him. i know he’ll be camping and among friends and nerding out on his larping camp vacation is fresno. of course ill miss him.. because i love him..
as we were kissing by his car i was like be safe (cuz his larping thing is basically nerd war with foam weapons) and he was like “yeah i will, cant wait to see you when i get back”, and i was like yeah babe ill be here to patch you back together when you get back, and he kinda laughed at me and was like “i dont think that’ll be your intention when i get back” implying that ill probably just want to rough him up immediately when i see him like i usually do. which made me really really happy to hear cuz it was like acknowleding that everythings still good and we’re still crazy about each other and we’ll just want to fuck as soon as he’s home which is sweet to me, like to me thats such a sweet sentiment. and i just got so happy that he in his own way reminded me that like we’re still on a good track, and we’re still happy, and he still loves me, ya know?
and also as we were hugging and kissing i started scratching his back how he likes and he sorta moaned and was like “ugh im really gunna miss this.. like im gunna miss you of course, but im gunna miss your back scratches” and that made me happy.. 
he just makes me happy.. i really love him and i’m really grateful that i got to have this brief reconnection with him before he left town till monday.. 4 days without him is gunna suck, but i know he’s gunna be busy and probably not have service and be off the grid so we won’t talk unless he reaches out. but i will manage. he managed for 4 days while i was camping, so i can manage while he is nerd camping
omigod that reminds me how much i love him, again. he’s nerd camping. ugh i adore him
he was like babe you gotta come next time so we can get drunk and fight together and he was all smiley like he really wants to show me off at his nerd event which is so sweet.. and as he walked me back to the dorm entrance cuz i forgot my key, he called me his girlfriend, and even though its small, its something.. i’ll take it. 
i needed that brief little reconnection. the next 4 days i will have to detox. i have events planned like every day, so i’ll be fine. im gunna see my friends tomorrow and saturday night and i have chapter on sunday and should probably spend some time alone writing and detoxing and getting back to myself and feeling independent. 
i want time to shower and braid my hair and brush my teeth and feed my body good food and watch youtube and write. i need to stay writing. i need to keep journaling because i know how much it helps me. i need to get my emotions out and analyze why the things that upset me get to me. whats the root of the problem and how to get through it. i need that.
i was and still am so frustrated with myself that i got so insecure over one political conversation with spencer. like... thats a problem, ya know? 
and at least now that he’s out of town for the whole weekend, i dont really have an excuse for being anxious about seeing him? cuz he just drops by and i never know when cuz he doesnt text me first. like literally tonight as we were kissing outside my room he was like i came by earlier but you werent home, and i was like oh shit i was taking a nap and i slept through him coming to visit me :(( which is like oh my god that would have been so sad if i didnt get to see him on his way out because i was literally asleep! 
his dropping by, while its the cutest ever because it just like him wanting to see me, its also kind of stressful because i never know when its gunna happen, so whenever im home, im kind of anxious because he could drop in at any second, and of course i get happy when he does because then i get to see my baby, but alsoooooo it means i cant really indulge in my personal space because it could be interupted at any moment, and as i found out tonight, i cant take naps because then i could miss him :(
thats probably something we should discuss at some point, because it creates anxiety for me that is related to spencer, and i want to eliminate any bad vibes from my relationship
relationship.. he’s my boyfriend.. ohmigod wuuuuuuut im still shocked that he wanted to boo me up this much.. he’s so sweet and cute and nerdy ugh
i love him.. i need to get over this dumb insecurity that comes from mild confrontation? that wasnt even confrontation??
so lets remember the things to look forward to about this relationship
he loves me. he claims me proudly as his girlfriend. he wants to bring me to belegarth events, even this day one in san diego where he’d bring me home and introduce me to his home friends which is pretty huge.. he’s sweet, he likes spending time with me and he drops by frequently and stays for hours.. we’re good, and i know i sound crazy needing to convince myself, but thats because i dont want to bug him to validate me, especially not when he has this big event that he’s so excited for. and i want him to be excited for his event and feel secure with me, because of course i love him and want to be with him.
10:53pm i keep taking breaks from the journaling, i get distracted really easy, watching youtube and texting people.. trying to be social, its hard for me. also trying to bury my spencer texts, just cuz i know im crazy and i want to try to not think about him..
do i go walk down to the cooler to get food? or should i just subside on whatevers in my fridge.. also i really should fill up my tank.. and calculate the gas so my friends can reimburse me.. sigh
anyway, i think im feeling mostly better after yesterday. like obviously im still gunna think about it, and ill always worry if spencers as invested as me, but i gotta take it with the context that he was the one who pursued me and crushed on me from day one and wanted to date me and wanted to be exclusive with me and wanted to call me his girlfriend.. he says he loves me and he comes to visit me all the time and spends his free time with me.. he’s a sweet pea and i shouldnt be insecure about it
and not to be cryptic, but what am i even worried about? part of me was reluctant to even get into a relationship, and was supposed to be single and focusing on myself and if anything, dating women. i accidentally caught feels for an amazingly sweet nerd man, and believe me im happy about it. i love spending time with spencer and loving on him. but to be cryptic for just a second.. worst case scenario? he’s just not interested anymore and we break up. sooo? ya that would suck, and i would be heartbroken, but i would also be okay because i have good friends and the whole point of breaking up with ryan was to be single.. so..
anyway, i should probably wrap up this journal entry cuz its long and all over the place
omigod he just texted me
aww he’s letting me know that he got to his thing safely and he loves me
seeee he’s a sweet bean, yall are fine, can you chill now? he’s so into you and you dont need to be insecure about this right now
and wow i sound crazy writing this much, i’ve literally been writing for hours. i know i need to journal more, and this is literally just stream of consciousness for hours and hours.. alright, ima end here and do hw maybe..
stay grateful. stay happy. life is good, you are blessed. friends are good. boyfriend is good. school is good for now kinda haha but i need to stay positive! yes i have bad days, yes i have low points, yes i get insecure and sad and upset and lonely. but i am so very lucky to be alive and to be surrounded by support and love and to feel and give love freely. i am lucky to have found friends i can trust. i am lucky to still have my close friends from beyond this year of oxy. i am beyond lucky to have an incredible man in my life. and also its halloween season which means lots of fun family stuff and so many fun parties on and off campus and looking forward to showing off my jessica rabbit costume and seeing spencers cowboy beebop costume and just drooling over each other ^-^ 
it is going to be a great rest of this month, and after this is november, which means thanksgiving and family stuff, and better fall weather hopefully and that means getting spencer to wear more sweaters.. mmmph and then after that is december which means holiday season, and more family stuff, and of course, finding a time to see spencer and be cozy and watch christmas movies and again, get him into more sweaters.. mmmmmmmph yes babe
there is so much to look forward to!! events and planning christmas presents for people omigod im gunna start that note on my phone, theres so much to do!! cuz i also have so many new great friends for this holiday season which means more presents for people which im always excited about :) and getting to watch my puppy grow up and see my family and take in the quality time together <3 
i am loved. i am blessed. i am grateful. i want to spread love and positive vibes and happiness and love! so much love :)
okay. that’s all for tonight. shower, brush teeth, go to sleep. take care of yourself. LOVE
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srunlovable · 3 years
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August 29th, 2021
09:07 PM
Hey again Ms. Journal!
And here I am for the second time trying to keep my promise. Today, before I start to be greatuful and tell about my day, I’d like to contextualize my path trough here.
Well it all started when I became 18 and I was passionate about a boy who didnt care about me. We were friends and I loved him, but he didn’t see me as nothing besides a friend, although he treated me as a boyfriend, wich is a really a mean thing to do to a recent gay boy who was trying to live a love for the first time. Nobody ever liked me. He was the fisrt who treated me diferent, and of course I fell. But then he found his real love and crushed my heart. I don’t blame him anymore for destroyed me, we were young and stupid, but what he causes me I cant’s top feeling till this day. After this I started to isolate myself of our friends and started to doubt of me as a gay boy, as an artist and in every perspective of my live I would have think about it. It really messes me.
After 7 years of avoiding love and uncontables tryings of feel good on my on skin, I was feeling the life smiling at me again. I was beeing a part of a drama club, with some great teacher and director, I was prepared and confident to trhow myself in this journey of art. But then I met him the boy from Cutitiba, I’ve seen him a couple times at the classes and thought he was handsome but not even a single feeling of something came to me at that moment. When the first time we talked to each other I started to have a crush on him, he was so hadsome and brave and I don’t know I was just incredibly fascinated by his story of life. And than I discovered he was married to a guy. I helped him pass through this difficult moment of a break up. After they broke up for the third time and the boy had always coming back  looking for my “friendship” I decide to put and end to that. I couldnt believe I was falling in love again for a friend. Why did he let me fell in love with him? He knew what he was doing. After I gave everything I could to make him feel good and loved, he changed me for a first ex boyfriend and came back to Curitiba. It crushed me again. I couldnt believe it, he was living the town to looking for some ex on another city. It was to much for me to digest. I felt shit, and completly unlovable.
After that I stopped to care about myself again and with the pandemic, father issues, something who deserves an own writing bout it, and everything, increases me the bad thoughts of suiciding shit. But I knew in the deepest of my heart and soul that I couldn’t give up of my life, I knew that I can achieve my goals in life and be happy with or without someone. And once again I feel I started to change for my real life. I’m here truly expressing my deepest feeling that I never could put in words. Thanks for that universe.
That’s why I’m here again to share my improvement as a human beeing in the evoultion of his path in earth AMEN!
On Sundays I can have a time for myself while my aunt goes to the open market, and obviously I smoked a joint and listened to music cause that I’s what I like to do in Life. Than I spend my whole morning watching Steven Universe, but I’m not mad with that. I’m slowly changing my habits, so please no pressure to be completly diferent and evolved in 14 days. After lunch I decided to clean my room to start the week in a clean and organized place. I know I could do better but again I’m in a process for God sakes Rafael. Later in the afterno I came to a jogging I felt my legs really hard for the running of yesterday, tomorrow it will hyurt I can already feeling but onde day it had to happen. I started to take care of my body again. Wish I can do at least I little work out. By the srtat of the night found my artsy firend to smoke a little bit again and we saw the sunset while making fun musics and improvised scenes. I love to pass my time with him.
So it was a blessed day. I’m happy to share this moments here and feel that I’m growing as a person. Putting down in words it’s making me realize more my achievements. One more day has gone and I’m excited to this new one who’s coming.
Thx again Ms. Journal, see ya! ♥
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baehraini · 6 years
i cbf screenshotting her posts again so ima just quote her
1) when I’m disagreeing with an small obessed group all of which have Some cluster b disorder in common, yes I’m going to call you the cluster gang
out of all of the women that have been agreeing with me about u... im the only one i know of that has BPD or any cluster B disorder. the others with the same are hardly the majority.
2) yes you have a problem with the g spot if you think it leads to ripping a woman’s vagina open. I told you that story about a lover I had who I gave a G spot orgasm too that freaked out over it before reading up on what happened . You have piss poor reading skills if you think that was about me fisting her. As I simply didn’t fist her at all. I don’t fist every lover I have either, just the few who express they would enjoy it.
heres ur exact statement
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why the fuck bring it up in the middle of a convo about fisting? no im not opposed to fingering or .. the g-spot. the fuck. back-pedaling @ its finest here.
3) why complain at all about how many hrs another woman has sex? That’s all on you guys. I can eat sleep sex for weeks if I want to and have before, who cares what you think about it.
girl no one’s complaining, ppl just think its bull as do i. but like, do u. again, ur sex life is urs. normal people dont go aroudn talking about how much they fist women and these womens specific experiences & orgasms with descriptors of said women. thats personal shit. thats 99% of where people’s criticism is coming from. boasting & bragging about shit like this is so disrespectful to YOUR sexual partners and thats why youre being compared to straight men. 
4) I’m not into penetration myself and have said this many times, obviously I wasn’t talking about having that preference in any judgements way. I simply pointed out the fact if you bleed from more then one finger in you then that’s something you should check out as how do you even put a tampon in. Fact is that is not normal for most women and your vagina should not bleed so easily. I’m simply looking out for you by saying this.
i bled because she was very rough and bad with her hands. she also added in a second finger when i wasnt even wet enough for the first one to begin with. it usually takes me time to get to the point where im able to handle penetration bc im relatively tight. with my girlfriend, ive never bled. the entire point of me sharing that story was to explain why i personally cannot even comprehend vaginal fisting, not to say that no female can handle more than 1 or 2 fingers.
5) if a lesbians sex life is her business she should be able to openly talk about it without you flipping yr shit especially since this is my blog and you are a stranger I’ve blocked from it and told that if you don’t like reading it you are free not too.
why are you reading my blog tho? youre 20 years older than me & have gone as far as say theres something wrong with my genitals & made comments about how my sex life must be boring or w/e. does that seem appropriate to you? consider that my mom is 47. youre nearing 41. does it seem appropriate to you that you’re talking like this to someone that much younger than you? 
ANYWAYS, the issue isnt you being open about your sex life. its how you speak of the women involved & how much you boast about it. plenty of the women i follow talk about fucking women regularly, the difference is how they talk about it. 
7) I’m none of those anon or other pages. You can stop making up profiles and sending yourself bs or at least stop trying to blame me for it. We all know I take too much pride not to let people know when I’m behind something and I would tell you off directly like I always have everyone else ever.
thats cool. you’re not the main suspect for those anons and the people i know that know u well enough also think it’s unlikely that its you. its pretty likely to be one of your buddies & most likely RAIDS. this is nothing new for her. 
i definitely haven’t made extra profiles to harass myself nor have i sent myself anons. 
8) let’s agree not to have anything to do with each already or unblock and continue this till forever cuz I was done with you the 1st day I saw you tranny stanning saying rape by deception wasn’t real rape and told you I wish you death by tranny cock, but obviously while I didn’t literally mean it you lived only to annoy me ever since instead of just fucking off and leaving me be.
you seemed to mean it literally and only started to say u didnt mean it recently. either way, the graphic shit you said about me sucking dick or w/e.. thats wishing me rape. especially when i said over & over im penis-repulsed and especially repulsed by the thought of having someones penis in my mouth. as for my stance on rape by deception, i changed my stance there & owned up to it being ignorant & wrong at first. either way, i never ever went to any victims of that and told them their experience wasn’t Real somehow.  
months ago i wouldve been alright with talking to you PROPERLY and directly but u refused to stop reblogging my posts while still having me blocked, which is the entire reason why i blocked you. bc it was annoying talking to someone who keeps reblogging from me and directing stuff at me on my posts while having me blocked. if u want to unblock one another and talk, i could maybe consider it at this point but ive been saying this for a while now: all i want is for u and ur buddies to stop lying about me, twisting what i say/said/do/did, and the like. i also want them to stop sending me disgusting anons. 
at the same time, though, if i see something shitty u or ur friends say (same as for anyone else), im bound to question & criticise it especially considering how aggressive & harsh you all are to anyone you disagree with. 
9) You and Eve are no tumblur therapists stop projecting yr mental issues onto me. The only problem I have with cluster b disorders is your group not leaving me be. If there was treatment for that which could make you all you away I would gladly take that magic pill as many times a day as it took.
honestly eve is pretty well off mentally esp when compared to you, and im trying to say this in the least insulting way possible. there’s a reason why so many people find you unreasonable, manipulative, bizarre, hysterical, dramatic, and sometimes comical. either way, trust me im not fond of diagnosing people online. i only ever bring stuff like this up bc its hypocritical for someone to diagnose people online as cluster B all while exhibiting just as many if not more symptoms themselves. either way, this is something youve been doing and refuse to stop doing to other people. just because someone doesnt like you or is critical of you doesn’t mean theyre somehow mentally ill, and it also definitely doesnt mean theyre not a lesbian. 
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Episode #7 “#Zachexposed Party” -Jess
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-VI was voted out and now I’m forever sad. I wish you the best VI and hope you feel better soon! Goal #1 can never be accomplished now so that’s a bummer. But at least my alliance member RACHAEL wasn’t voted out! And now we’re doing Touchy Subjects with 95% negative answers. Drama here we come! 
-We won another Challenge! Annie Tribe curse has been officially broken! Touchy Subjects was the name, and me winning was the game. I don’t ducking know. But I scored the highest on my tribe and won a ~mysterious package~ which turned out to be an idol clue. “Find the idol will no longer be a walk on the shore. In order to succeed, two items you will need.” So at least three searches in the idol search I suppose. I might share the clue with JESS and BIRCH and have them help me find the idol. Though I might just tell them part of the clue or something so they don’t have the whole picture. I’m undecided. I’m really hoping the other tribe votes off ALI, COLLIN or RUTHIE, since I think I’m the least likely to work with any of those three. RACHAEL must stay, BODHI I could work with and TIMMY I’m neutral on. CINDI is a bit of a wildcard but I think I could manage to work with her as well. JESS is speculating there’s a merge after the vote and I’m inclined to agree with that. A new idol search and we’ll be at 13 players which is a typical merge. I did not come into this game expecting to win, or even make the merge. But now I think I have a real shot at going far. Imagine me getting to FTC twice in a row in Atomic. How cool would that be? 
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Death by Skittle
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-(this is for last round i am a bit late) Last round in the video challenge, which I ended up somehow becomming the editor for. First of all, I asked for the video clips to be in by sunday night so that I could do the video and be done with it, but Chips put it off and ended up making us wait till Monday morning which really set us back. Then Keegan submitted videos with almost no sound and little feeling so it was hard to use any of his clips. Then Jess decided to edit the video I made, and when she did that the lyrics didnt match the song anymore and it almost cost us the challenge. We also found out Birch has a +10 advantage, so need to be aware of that.Birch and Chips are my biggest targets on this tribe, and i am still ina  really good spot with Zach and Jess, and close allies with Gavin and Keegan
-This round was touchy subjects. The tribe thought that I was the mvp of the tribe which makes me a possible target with the merge coming up. It was also revealed birch is not in a great place on my tribe and they also said they believe the majority of the tribe thinks I am next to go. I am concerned about my placement with them. Overall this round made me a bit nervous, but excited to hope for a merge in the future.
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-There's a Mesopotamia/Svalbard alliance with Bodhi, Rachael, Collin, and me which I love cause I love all those people except Rachael sometimes but she hasn't had to do schoolwork once this game so that's nice. I'm just kidding I love Rachael as long as she doesn't have homework. Cause when she has homework that means she's voting me out. I swear the moment she has to do schoolwork its' done. And then Ali and Bodhi are on weird ground because of how Bodhi got rid of Ali in Lover BUT I REALLY WANT US TO HAVE AN ALLIANCE CALLED THE LOVERS CAUSE 1) Ali is very loyal so, like, I want to work with him 2) THAT NAME IS GREAT AND I DEMAND IT IN MY LIFE Then there's Timmy who has only spoken to me on call or in tribe chat. Nothing beyond that. So, like, bye Timmy. Bodhi also has an issue with Timmy but Rachael swears he's okay. But I don't want to have two Timmys anyway. What even are their last initials? Don't care enough to learn them. BYE TIMMY! Then there's Ruthie who is very sweet and I don't think super strategic? At least not at this point. She just seems like a nice mom. I don't even know if she is a mom. But she would be a nice one to, like, a 3? year old. Idk. Mom vibes. So I'd like to keep her in and I'm assuming that touchy subjects leads to a swap or merge (but this is a very early merge) so, like, hopefully she doesn't have to go after Timmy. It's absolutely insane to me that all of the tribals I've been to have been easy votes? Something spicy needs to happen sometime. Other tribe has had interesting votes. Not us. Couldn't be us.
-So Timmy thinks Collin, Rachael, him, and I are voting Bodhi out and possibly Ruthie as well. Yet he has still not messaged me once. Sir, why would I vote out Bodhi, whom I love dearly, to save your sorry ass when you have not even spoke to me? This dude either has an idol or is just crazy cause, like, that is not how you play Survivor. Do you actually want to stay? Then talk.
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-okay! so we have quite a bit to catch up on... but on the bright side. WE WON IMMUNITY FOR ONCE! HALLELUJAH! i got sent to the treehouse which was EXCITING and i found the idol clue... which was literally to the idol i had so that was DISAPPOINTING to say the least. however, i also found the location of the other idol but someone else has it, which is good info to have at least. i posted a lot of my important information in my confessional, so i am just going to repost it here. basically, jess and i had a really good call about how we are not on the bottom, but are not in a good spot come merge. it's clear who is in power over here (zach, keegan, timmy)--because birch is with keegan, so we can't make a move against zach. so, if we lose again chips will leave (who is arguably a number for us because jess has him wrapped around his finger). on the other hand, i kind of have an in with zach and keegan--so i want to be able to milk that for as long as possible to get information on others in the game. but i am really not liking the closeness of timmy and zach especially (kind of keegan, but he has been a bit more lowkey the past few rounds, which is smart on his part). i just have a lot of adjusting to do, and i need to start planting seeds to turn people against each other (especially if we are merging soon). i feel good with rachael obviously, but i don't know how close she is with keegan/zach--but i do think she would turn on them eventually (just not anytime soon). im hoping the apparent alliance of 6 (now 4) and keegan/timmy/zach kind of battle one another and take each other out and i can just play the middle and watch them crumble.
-ARE WE SURPRISED MY CONFESSIONAL IS LATE AGAIN? I AM NOT... BUT I AM SORRY. anyways, this round the challenge was touchy subjects which was LOVELY for me because i am fucking AMAZING at knowing what other people are thinking so i basically knew i had it in the bag from the get-go. When we won, and I got that secret advantage which was an idol clue... that literally made no sense to me. however, i think i need to find two keys in order to get the idol... so, the first step for me is to hunt down these goddamn keys i guess. anyways, back to the tribe stuff... so, following the challenge and the post-winning glee emerged, jess and i went on call and discussed everything we were thinking. we were both very worried about crackhead zach's connections, and basically knew that we were merging, and he would be kind of untouchable as a result. however, if we were to have thrown the challenge, it would have been the perfect opportunity to take him out. however, it was too late to consider that, and we just had to continue our discussion about the game further down the line. so, on the topic of zach, jess mentions the "alliance" made between her, timmy, and zach. we both knew zach and timmy were very close, but this just confirmed it even more. basically, zach brought up the idea of making a 9 person alliance excluding ali, birch, chips, and i believe cindi. which, from that point, they could side with either me/keegan, or side with the other four (i don't know why i am being paired with keegan but go off i guess). i obviously didn't like hearing that, and it made it even more clear to me that he is playing not only a messy game, but an extremely wishy-washy game too. his loyalties seem to be all over the place, and i never see myself being one of his top priorities with collin, timmy, and rachael (and others) in the game. so, when the time is right... i am going to be the one to send his ass to ponderosa. i just hope i can keep my idol in the process for protection further down the line.
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https://youtu.be/UolbDzsPoho (round 6)
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So it’ll probably be between myself and Bodhi at tribal tonight because I don’t really want him gone. He’s talking to me about a plan but he’s not giving an concrete answers and with that then I can’t help both of us. I already told him ruthie but he didn’t want to and I said that’s fine I only said her bc she seemed the easiest option, tbh I don’t really want her gone either since she’s not a threat. But when asking who he wants after that bc he said we could have our og tribe and ruthie vote together he didn’t give a name. The concern is, Rachel and Cindi are friends and I don’t think will vote each other. The biggest threat is Rachel because of her outside connections with Cindi, Zach, and I think Timmy Z, so concern is there. 
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Ladies, gentlemen, or whatever you identify as.... welcome to Phase 1 of the.... #Zachexposed party... hosted by me, Jess! I've decided I've been tame for too long and there needs to be a shake up. I haven't decided how quickly I want to do this BUT if I win first immunity I'm going for it. Zach is arguably the most dangerous player in the game right now. He's literally playing the game I typically play and I see right through it. No "large groups", working with small groups only, making people feel like they are his "true number ones" and attempting to align their interests with all the other groups. In his mind right now he sees himself covered by 8 people. 
The 8 people: 1. Jess 2. Timmy Z 3. Gavin 4. Cindi 5. Rachael 6. Collin 7. Collin 8. Either Timmy L or Bodhi How does this all work exactly? 
Let me break it all down for you: He has an alliance with: - Me & Timmy - Keegan & Gavin & (Rachael) - Me & Gavin & Timmy & Keegan - Connections with: --> Collin/Rachael/Cindi on the other tribe. I don't think it is a coincidence that the other tribe wants him on their team... ANYWAYS. 
What is phase 1 exactly? - Planting the seeds, laying down the blue print, and rallying the misfits. How: Rallying the troops: - I told Chips about the old tree house idol clue and the whole next round we are merging message I recieved. --> Obviously that builds a continued line of communication and hopefully trust. He feels pretty alone and I really think he's CRUCIAL to my game. - I also told Birch about my findings because those two (Chips and Birch) would never compare notes on me I don't think? --> Birch also feels a bit alone and they are CRUCIAL to my game. Lastly, I have an "alliance" with everyone else and they will tell Gavin everything before me so I'll be in the know. 
The ammo: - I can use the fact that the other tribe wants ZACH with them as another counter point - Confessionals of proof that Zach/Collin have been close recently which might not even mean anything to people but it counts when you got NOTHING. - The knowledge of him having an alliance with me/Timmy - The knowledge of him having an alliance with Keegan/Gavin - The knowledge of him having an alliance with Keegan/Gavin/Rachael - The knowledge of him being extra close with Rachael so whatever connections she made.. he has a head start on. - I also know he's close with Collin so they could essentially do the whole "control one side and you control the other" 
HOWEVER THE MOST IMPORTANT PIECE OF EVIDENCE/ AMMO IS: - Zach has basically given me the key to the palace today where he told me we could flip on Gavin/Keegan at 9 and "go with the other four" meaning.. Cindi/Bodhi/Collin/Rachael. Meaning.... he exposed who is he close with and people might wonder how they fit into his plans. Can't go to final 2 with 8 other people... 7 people will get cut and that's on mathematics. I'm not entirely sure how to go about this all... this is probably going to either tank my game or change the game. If Zach is as well connected as I think he is... this is going to be hard. I'll need to flip the people not in on that plan such as Ali, Chips, Birch, myself, Gavin, Ruthie... but there is NO WAY Ali just votes with us like that.. he has his allegiances. So I have to be subtle about this or I go gun blazing and be crackedt. I know we are merging tonight and it will be a new game and I'm excited. 
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-this tribal is about to be messy af. timmy threw my name out to ali, bodhi and ruthie with the logic that "itd be entertaining" and that im well connected which is fair. but im also well connected so like...ali and bodhi both told me about it which is cute. so if everything goes the way timmy wants it to go, its gonna be ali, bodhi ruthie on me and me, cindi and collin on bodhi leaving timmy as the swing vote. HOWEVER the tribe wants timmy out unan. bodhi and i might throw votes on ruthie just to protect me in case of an idol but yeah. its gonna be a fun one.
-there has been talk of a 2-1-1-1-1-1 split for this vote. i really wanna do it but cindi said no :'(
-also if i find out through this whole mess that Bodhi was playing me, i think i will cry for the rest of my life
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hello so confessional time. I've been really deflated and second guessing myself but I'm turning it around. timmy is going home tonight and love him but he is donezo. in other news: - cindi, collin and bodhi...? defo a group. - had a kill bill sirens moment thinking cindi was blindsiding me earlier because of a miscommunication related to the fact that there are two timmys in the cast - am now in an alliance with cindi collin and ruthie co loves of my life - I think I made rachael mad today NNN my bad but im prepared and READY for 13th
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So... I guess I am not very well liked on my tribe based on touchy subjects. I kind of got that impression anyway since I have been borderline inactive with the move. Anyway Jess told me that there is a merge coming up according to the tree house or whatever so... I hope I dont fizzle out and get booted right at merge. Not sure who to connect with but!!! I am ready to swing if the other side needs me .
Click HERE to watch the Round 7 Cast Assessment!
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missjackil · 6 years
Sam, Dean & Sera Gamble
It’s been my feeling since I watched Seasons 6 and 7 that they were different than all other seasons. I didn’t hate them, but I didn’t necessarilly like them either. They were Sera Gamble’s era, and though Im sure it’s hard to stay true to Kripke’s vision, and yet add your own vision to it, I don’t think she did a very good job. I was speaking with a friend recently, who told me it’s a common opinion that Gamble was a Sam girl, the last show runner to “take care” of Sam’s character, and the last one to understand the brothers’ relationship. I nearly spit my coffee on my laptop! Now, this isnt to wank on my friend, I wont name her, but she’ll know who she is if she reads this. She’s a sweety and I respect her, so friend.... this isnt against you :)  Now me, personally, I do tend to see things completely opposite of how most of the fandom sees it, I dont know why that is, but I do. This time is no different, because Im going to go outside the box and explain why I think Gamble was a Dean girl, and maybe even secretly hated Sam. I dont know why she got fired, if any of you do, please enlighten me, because it would seem to me that she got fired for favoring Dean too much and nearly destroying Sam’s character, and Im going to explain why. 
To start, she wasn’t the head hancho yet in S4, but she was the one who insisted that Sam sleep with Ruby and Dean sleep with Anna. Now I understand how intriguing it was to think of one brother sleeps with a demon while the other sleeps with an angel, but if you read these conditions in a fan fic, youd scream “Dean girl!” and complain about the Sam hate in the fact that Sam slept not only with a demon, but with a dead meat suit, while Dean’s angel conveniently had her own body and not someone elses vessle.   Anyone who wasnt a Sam fan before hand, certainly didnt become one after that. Now I know it was hard to redeem Sam after the events of S4, and I wont blame Gamble for that completely, but the end of S5 brought back the brave, sweet, selfless Sam we know and love. The one who only wants to do the right thing, has unlimited love and faith in Dean, is willing to take responsibility of his actions, will give up his life to save the world, and the love for his brother is strong enough to overpower the Devil himself.<sniff> but Gamble got the show for season 6 and what happened? The very first thing, is reward Sam’s courageous act of S5 with coming back soulless. And for a while. at least 5 episodes, all that meant was Sam was Sam minus his good qualities. His compassion, kindness, and love for Dean. Sure, Soulless Sam was sexy and funnier than normal Sam, but for the most part, he was just cold. Again, if you werent a Sam fan up till now, you werent becoming one during this arc. The arc itself, though it seemed to be about Sam, was really about Dean and his reaction to Soulless Sam. What it did to him, how Sam let a vamp turn him, how Dean hated being in the same room with him and very little about how it affected Sam other than for him to say he doesnt care about anything, even about Dean, which made us all hurt for Dean, not Sam.  One of the biggest traits in the WInchester bromance, is that Sam and Dean will go over and above the call of duty for each other, and are self destructively co dependent, and yet the only time in s6 and 7 that Gamble showed this was when Dean went to get Sam’s soul back and died to talk to Death. We see Dean laying his life down for Sam, because he loves him so much, meanwhile.Sam is trying to kill Bobby. Still not winning Sam fans here. Also Sam was trying to kill Bobby to make it impossible to get his soul back, because he was afraid of what would happen to him, which is inconsistant with being soulless, because Soulless Sam (and other soulless people) had no fear, so to me it looks like a plot device  to keep Sam unlikable, it had even been stated by Bobby, that Dean was his favorite, not something a “Sam girl” would put in the mouth of the man Sam loves as a father, is it? Then Sam gets his soul back and with all the talk about how much damage it could do, one would think Sam would be the focus of s6b but he wasnt really, not even in the episode that he got his soul back. We did get an awesome bro hug then, and Im thankful, but the episode turned quickly to a filler/monster hunt, that pushed Sam to the side while Dean went to get that dragon killing sword and do a little physical comedy.  After that, we got a couple hell visions, but no real bromance or happiness that Dean had Sam back, it was just business as usual. We had a lot of comedy though with French Mistake, Fronteir Land, The Heart Will Go On, and Mommy Dearest. Keep in mind we have Dean looking all sexy in his cowboy outfit, and Sam just dresses like Sam with a cowboy hat. Clear signs of a Dean girl Season 6 wraps up with 3 episodes, The Man who Would Be King, that is very Cas heavy even though he’s a side character. He doesnt share this story with Sam or Dean, they just support it. Let it Bleed, which is Dean heavy, Sam isnt in much of it, and Cas is in even less. It’s primarily all Dean, Lisa and Ben, and then The Man Who Knew Too Much, which is actually one of my favorites, Its Sam heavy-ish, even though his hell wall just collapsed, and a fantastic story is unfolding, but he has to share the episode with Cas’s story independent of his own. and of course, Dean has things going on with Bobby. This is not a sign of a Sam girl.
 In the real SPN world, Dean would have stood down with the threat that Sam wouldnt be fixed if he didnt. As we saw him easily give up Anna for Sam, and how he let Lucifer/Sam beat the crap out of him just to keep Sam above ground and give him time to take over. Dean didnt even have a plan to that could help Cas’s problem, but he was willing to let Sam suffer and maybe die, just to stop Cas’s plan that he had no idea if it would fail or not? That’s definitely not “understanding the brothers’ relationship”  Now we move on to S7. The first 2 episodes are pretty heavy for Sam. It looks like he might get a good solid storyline this season. But what does a Sam girl think will help the already painful flood of Hell memories? I know, lets highly imply that Sam was raped by Lucifer!!! YEAH!! This goes great in a show that only gets a pg14 raiting, that emphisizes in love and family. it really NEEDS to have a lead hero raped by the devil for 180 years! How about we also add insult to injury and make Lucifer charming and humorous so the audience will like him! Not like Alistaire that the audience couldnt wait to kill.  I had hoped for the return of the Winchester bromance when Hello Cruel World had some wonderful moments of it. Dean waking Sam for breakfast, and tending to his hand wound, and listening to him about the hallucinations. The scene in the warehouse where Dean showed Sam to press on his wound to keep focus on whats real was one of the best bromantic moments of the series, and then Dean panicking with Sam unconscious in the ambulance. But it was sadly short lived. The next episode is mainly taking place weeks later, Sams issues are touched on for a minute, but he goes out on a hunt by himself, which pisses off Dean who still has a broken leg and cant drive.
 And then Leviathans, and DIck Roman and Samgirl Gamble for some reason thinks it would be such a riot for Sam who has been hallucinating Lucifer and the cage, to get roofied, married, and tied up naked by a stalker fan!! WTF????? And then Bobby dies, and then Sam gets kidnapped by Vetalla for 3 days while Dean was sleeping, and while Sam is bleeding out, Dean is trying to be friends with an annoying teenage girl. and then Dean gets to travel back in time and look smokin hot while he hangs out with Elliot Ness, then Dean fathers a monster daughter, and Sam kills her, and LETS CHASE SAM AROUND WITH CLOWNS!!! Oh wait, is he still having hellucinations? Hmmm I forget, and this is about the time I think Gamble had gotten fired because I have no idea what she was thinking to this point.  Sam’s hallucinations had been put on the back burner so much that I wonder if her intentions were to keep him in that state for a long time. To maybe throw into the mix every now and then, that Sam isnt stable. so he might not be strong enough to handle this thing, or he might not be in his right mind, so Dean will REALLY be the main hero and the most credible of the 2. Because Dean even used Sam’s mental state as a reason why he lied to him about Amy, and Sam just accepted it.  Repoman brought Sam’s hallucinations back to the surface, and i think Carver may have taken over by then because Sam was frantic to find his kidnapped brother, much more than Dean was to find his a few episodes before. Carver had to have been back by The Born Again Identity because Cas came back. I wont say I like the way Sam’s mental health was handled, it was just over by Cas taking on the pain, but at least it got attention and SOME form of closure.  Now Carver isnt without some pretty epic sins, but he definitely wasnt afraid of bromance, and the Winchester co-dependency. I wonder if Gamble gets such support simply because she is a female and women tend to want to support women in business full of men, and I understand that, but Ill still call out the woman if she does a crap job, which I really think she did in this case. She did a better job at taking care of Dean than Sam, and she did nothing to help their relationship. 
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Tag Game
Rules: you must answer these 85 statements and tag 20 people
Tagged by @kdfrqqg It’s been awhile since I’ve done one of these lol. I wasn’t even in the SPN fandom the last time I did one. 
1. Drink? Pepsi
2. Phone call? My dad
3. Text message? My sister
4. Song you listened to? Say You Won’t Let Go by: James Arthur (literally gives me goose bumps every time I listen to it.) 
5. Time you cried? 4th of July (Don’t ask) 
6. Dated someone twice? No, I’ve only ever had one REAL boyfriend and a bunch or near misses
7. Kissed someone and regretted it? Never kissed anyone 
8. Been cheated on? Nope
9. Lost someone special? Yes 
10. Been depressed? Yes, like all the time 
11. Favorite colors? Purple, Blue, and recently Red 
In the last year, have you… 15. Made new friends? Yes
16. Fallen out of love? Love-love no, semi-love yes 
17. Laughed until you cried? I dont think I’ve ever laughed til i cried??? Laughed until my stomach hurt sure but not til i cried 
18. Found out someone was talking about you? Unfortunately 
19. Met someone who changed you? Yes, not in a good way 
20. Found out who your friends are? 100% yes I love my girls so much
21. Kissed someone on your facebook list? No one that wasnt in like a family matter 
General 22. How many of your facebook friends do you know in real life? a solid 97% only because some are family that ive never met. 
23. Do you have any pets? No Dad hates pets, but do babies count? because they are equally as frustrating and I live with two under the age of 3.
24. Do you want to change your name? yes too many jokes and annoying nicknames
25. What did you do for your last birthday? Got my hair done, had some pudding cake, and went to Iguana Mia for a free lunch with my mom and her boyfriend and then binged Gilmore Girls b/c mom didnt feel well so we went home and did nothing after like 2. 
26. What time did you wake up? 7:30 because of the babies I live with but didnt get out of bed till 8:15
27. What were you doing at midnight last night? On here actually 
28. Name something you can’t wait for: Graduating College but that ties with Getting Married 
29. When was the last time you saw your mom? a few weeks ago?? I know im horrible but her work schedule is all over the place and my life is so unpredictable but i do try and talk to her every other day. 
31. What are you listening to right now? My family messing around 
32. Have you ever talked to a person named Tom? yes
33. Something that is getting on your nerves? my job not giving me shifts and my step nephew with his lack of respect for adults 
34. Most visited website? Tumblr
35. Hair colour? Dark brown with a tint of burgundy because I havent gotten it dyed since december (my bday) and red washes out real fast but leaves subtle traces especially in the sun
36. Long or short hair? As of now on the shoter side, like shoulder length, but if you would have caught me a month ago it would have been hella long got 10 inches cut off 
37. Do you have a crush on someone? As of now NO because my last crush stomped on my heart and crushed then ran it over with a semi so I have sworn off men unless celebrities count????
38. What do you like about yourself? Honestly, right now nothing thats one of my issues. BUT if I had to pick I guess my loyalty??
39. Piercings: just your standard, run of the mill ear piercing 
40. Blood type: 0+
41. Nickname: Don’t have one because I refuse to share what my mom called me throughout my childhood. So i just go my full name Sommer
42. Relationship status: single and hating men 
43. Zodiac: Sagittarius 
44. Pronouns: She/Her
45. Favourite tv show: UGGGHHH too many. SPN, most superhero shows, most crime dramas, Greys Anatomy, and more. I used to be a tv addict and started watching a bunch of shows and although i dont watch them much anymore doesnt mean i dont still love them
46. Tattoos: Yes, on my right foot. Its part two to a quote that me and my sister got together. “....but thankful for the one ive got.” she got “A perfect sister i am not.....” 
47. Right or left handed: Right
48. Surgery: If getting my wisdom teeth taking out (all four of them at once) counts then yes other than that no.
49. Piercing: Already answered 
50. Sport: None, I suck at all sports and hate them all too. I was and am more of a book person than a ball person, but I do enjoy a leisure swim on occasion
51. Vacation: Would love to take one but im broke. My last was a high school trip right before i started my senior year where we traveled through five states making stops in each until we ended in indiana for the convention we needed to go to and then came back.
52. Pair of trainers: don’t know what this means
53. Eating: I wish I was lol My dinner sucked ass. Man, I wish I had a nice juicy steak right now with a baked potato and asparagus yum 
54. Drinking: at the moment nothing but the last thing I drank was at like 2 pm and now its almost 10 (oooppps) and that was a mocha coffee from DD
55. I’m about to: take a shower then outline some god damned stories that are haunting me right now 
56. Waiting for? something good to happen in my life for once 
57. Want? To be prettier, but I am slowly losing weight which is helping that problem. OOOOHHH and my best friends to be with me right now
58. Get married? I would love to at some point. Not anytime soon, but I also have to find someone who can put up with my difficult moody ass for the rest of our lives sooo..... that could be awhile
59. Career? Now none after college hopefully a forensic scientist/CSI since that is what my degree is going to be in
60. Hugs or kisses? Bith
61. Lips or eyes? On an S/O eyes hands down on me i guess my eyes
62. Shorter or taller? On an S/O taller I guess I have a type lol a bit of a height kink. On me shorter im only 5′2
63. Older or younger? Older although if it was only like 2 years younger Ii would be cool with that just not any further 
64. Nice arms or nice stomach? These questions are so superficial and I feel superficial for answering them but I guess in a S/O stomach on me I have neither soo...
65. Hook up or relationship? Relationship, im a sappy sappy romantic at heart a hook up is too impersonal and so crass I want the feelings 
66. Troublemaker or hesitant: hesitant
67. Kissed a stranger: No
68. Drank hard liquor: Being that I am only 19 I’m legally obligated to say no, but my oldest sister is a horrible influence so I may have had a taste a few times 
69. Lost glasses/contact lenses: No but I have lost a retainer, twice, in the garbage. Yeah my parents werent to happy with me 
70. Turned someone down: Depends? for a date no. for anything havent we all. sex never been offered.
71. Sex on the first date: Virgin, so no and I’ve only had one real boyfriend that wasnt really a relationship anyway so yeah
72. Broken someone’s heart: I want to say no, but I guess I have not in a relationship way but you can break anyones heart for any nimber of reasons
73. Had your heart broken: Hell the fuck yeah but so many damn people 
74. Been arrested: No, close once but the store guy let me go on a warning
75. Cried when someone died:  Yes, doesnt everyone unless the deseased is like an axe murderer or something
76. Fallen for a friend: Ugh this question. I hate it so much. Yes, that boyfriend I mentioned that was the situation and that didnt end well. And then my sophomre year I was like in LOVE with this kid I had known back in elementary school and he was my best friend and he was out of my league and let me down gently. Then i fell for my frenemy my senior year, but he neber knew and it was just a phase for me I guess it didnt last long 
Do you believe in… 77. yourself?  Wish the answer was yes, maybe come again another day? 
78. Miracles?  sometimes 
79. love at first sight?  I would like to but Ii just can’t
80. Santa claus? I wish, but I am glad to pretend for my niece and nephew 
81. Kiss on the first date? Sure if it went well 
82. Angels? Nope. Sorry 
Other 83. Current best friend’s name: Well, I got three. They are my girls, my squad. Weve all been best friends for going on 4 four years. Sam, Dana, Solange 
84. Eye colour:  Brown, boring I know
85. Favourite movie: Can’t choose just one so like the entire Marvel franchise? Can I do that? Too bad I just did 
Im supposed to tag 20 more people but honestly my hands are cramping its after 10 and I really need a shower so if you want to take a crack at this I totally encourage you too. 
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EPISODE 2- I made an oopsie!! - Asya
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HEY GUYS WELCOME BACK TO MY CHANNEL lmfaooo it’s been so damn long i’m so rusty but we’re here and we're doing this ladies! Going into this I was worried it was gonna be a ton of new school people I didnt know who were all friends but I was fairly pleased that I actually know a good majority of the cast and I know everybody on my tribe except Anabel which is WILD. I didn't expect to know that many but its great. I’m gonna talk a bit about everybody then ill go into more: Anabel is the one person I didn’t know coming in but i’ve heard she’s super social which is MY THING so i gotta watch my back with that. We’ve had fun conversations though so nothing bad to say yet Dane Dane Dane where do I start? I don’t trust him one bit. I know we can have fun conversations but because of personal things with my friends I will forever watch my back with him because i’m a stubborn protective Mama Bear. Ryan and I already talked about getting him out lmfao Gloria has always been sweet to me but I have to figure out how to talk game with her. I’ve never actually played with her myself before just been in VLs or a jury host for a game shes in or something so this is a different perspective. Im not sure how its gonna go yet. Linus is my TUMBLR SURVIVOR BUDDY HERE LMFAOO Ive played with people on this tribe before but I don’t think i’ve played TS with anybody else? Either way we played to the end of Myanmar- oh wait excuse me ALMOST THE END BECAUSE OF A DUMB TWIST but yeah I honestly trust him alot because if I remember correctly he wasnt afraid to make moves but he was straight up with me and I appreciate that I’d rather someone be blunt with me and I dont like what they say than deal with a shady bitch! Also we just have good conversations imo and I think we’d be on the same wavelength talking game so he’s definitely someone I wanna work with Pippa is a SWEETIE I always love talking to her we can talk musicals all day all night but with her schedule we’ll have to see how much shes here because idk if she’s gonna be that into it tbh Ruthie is another sweetie but shes also smart and she knows i’m smart so I gotta watch she won’t kick my ass and stab my back singing Zip-a-dee-doo-dah Ryan Matthew OK SO RYAN AND I HAVE A WILD HISTORY we always either love or hate eachother and so far we’ve decided this is a love game? Hopefully it’s legit but we’ll see im sure he’d flip on my ass if he felt like it lmfao but i’m gonna take it for what it is right now. We both don't trust dane and want him gone so I think right now we’re kinda following that “the enemy of your enemy is your friend” kinda motto. I actually wanna work with him this time though so we’ll seeeee RTP is always a blast I don't remember if i’ve actually ever played with him before but we’re both old as fuck in this community so we’ve been around the BLOCK. I know he knows how shit goes so he’ll probably pick up on bullshit quick so I wanna keep him on my good side! I definitely can see myself working with him Seamus i’ve always assumed is a hot ass mess lmfaooo he’s another one i dont remember if i’ve actually played with but I dont know if I trust him we had fun chats but idk how much I’ll trust him as a strategist but we havent gotten to that kind of discussion so we’ll see how that goes. For the most part I have general vibes/ experiences with these people on their own but I don’t know how they’re gonna mesh together so I really gotta watch them all and try to sort it out. I really think I can be in a good spot on this tribe and weasel my way through it but I have to calculate it PERFECTLY. These people aren’t newbies all of us have been here before and know how this works. I’m gonna work my social, be decent in the challenges and keep my mouth zipped while I try and figure our where everyone lies. I haven’t honestly really tried in a game in a long time and if people have forgotten what i’m capable of when I give a shit I can use that to my advantage. So i just gotta try and gage where everyone falls. STAY TUNEDDDD ALSO I JUST WANNA SAY MY FRIENDS AND PEOPLE I KNOW I COULD TRUST ARE ON THE OTHER TRIBE AND IM SAD I wanna work with them 😩😩😩 I need Dan Coffeycakes and Asya to get to swap but I'm also praying to the survivor Lorde™️ for the Royals so I don't die lol i’ll give more entertaining updates as thing progress but I just wanted to knock out the basic intro update ok byeeeeeeee 😘
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THE GAME HAS OFFICIALLY COMMENCED AND I AM IMMEDIATELY SHOOK. My number one ally and my friend or die and most importantly my friend got first boot but I’m proud of myself that I didn’t sell myself out and didn’t vote him. So the vote was 7-1-1-1 7 Keaton 1 nic 1 Lachie 1 Raffy which was me After the tribal finished I told everyone on call (Chloe Asya Lachie and Raffy) THST I voted Raffy because I had already told John anyway and I didn’t want it to get spread around so I came clean and I can just hope they all respect me for it. I gotta take it day by day and continue to build and maintain bonds. I wanna see if I can’t build a majority alliance I gotta go balls to the wall and leave no stone unturned because for my own sanity I want no regrets when I’m eventually voted out. I think Raffy respected that I can’t clean and that our game relationship can be worked on from here.
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Tribal was absolutely crazy. Keaton just popped the fuck off on everyone. He was the fourth crackhead that we needed, but didn't deserve. Asya, Lachie, and I being in an alliance? Nic controlling the game? Absolutely wild. The most interesting thing for me is that Brien voted me. I get that you know Keaton personally, but that just tells me that you will always choose your pre-existing relationship over me. It makes me hesitant to work with Brien since I don't know if he has anymore of these relationships throughout the game. I need to be careful what I say to him and how I come across from now on. I'm still playing the social game, talking with everyone, making sure things are going well for them. Hopefully it continues to go well and I can position myself into multiple alliances, but I don't know if I want to get that messy just yet. This two day challenge enables me to branch out my social game, so that's a plus. John brought up an alliance with Asya and Lachie that would include the Crackheads. However, he meant it as a joke. I wouldn't be entirely opposed to such an alliance. Though I would replace Lachie with someone else like Brien or Nic. It's just that I talk the least with Lachie and Asya so it would go pretty terrible in my opinion. We have to talk about that on call soon.
*a little while later*
Brien wants to start an alliance with me, him, John, Nic, and either Chloe/Trace. It would be a majority alliance, but I need to tell the Crackheads about it. We all need to be on the same page about things, otherwise we'll be a hot mess of an alliance (more so than we already are). Personally, I'd be perfectly fine with that kind of alliance, it'll give me the majority that I so desperately want.
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i’m gonna cry i have no time to do this challenge i hate this i hate isaac pls let someone be the dummy who doesn’t submit at all so i don’t get 19th
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Calling John and Raffy is like the highlight of my day
*a few minutes later*
"I need to find a shirt that I don't mind getting wet" - John 2K19 
 So what I'm hearing from that is he doesn't wash his clothes
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My tribe is absolutely THRIVING and I’ve never been happier. I know I’ll see tribal one day but until then it’s nice to have another night off! I can go about my day not scrambling around to make sure I’m good! Now to search for the idol HMM
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It sucks that we lost the challenge again. It's really bringing down morale. Because of this, I do think the next vote is going to be based on challenge performance which I take issue with. The two who did the worst are Chloe and Asya which means it's a pretty clear cut choice for me of who goes. It sucks because I like Asya a lot, but she just hasn't been as active as I would like her to be. At the end of the day, however, I just have to let it go and focus on the now. I'm not going to be pushing for Asya, but I sure hope she goes instead of Chloe.
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i made an oopsie !!! was the lowest scoring person in the whole game so that’s hot !!! don’t feel good about my chances this round since in the early game, challenge strength IS what you have to go off of. but i’ve had good conversations w people and i will continue to build on that til i’m gone. i think i have a solid grasp on dan, chloe and lachie. like i don’t think they’ll vote me. i think i’m getting along well w brien? idk. there’s also that one unaccounted for stray vote from last round so like. much to consider. i just need 4 people to not vote for me and i’m fine. who i’m voting for? wish i knew !!
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I was talking to Nic about the vote and he brings up two names: Chloe and Asya. I obviously preferred Asya to go so I said that to him. Then, not 5 seconds later, I hear from Chloe that Asya came up to her saying that I threw Asya's name out. Obviously Nic told Asya that I said her name. He's a little snake. I want him out of this game because he cannot be trusted with any information right now. I'm trying to leverage the situation in my favor by spreading that Nic told me it was Asya. So, something needs to be done.
*a little while LATER (you know the drill, this man talks A LOT)*
I'm currently talking to Lachie and Trace. However, Nic has also gotten to them too. I don't like this gut feeling that I am getting voted out. Apparently, Trace is onboard with getting Asya out according to Nic. Furthermore, Chloe told me that Asya is confused about what is happening with this vote. I am trying to confuse her. I told her that her name is getting thrown around, but I want to keep her. I need to keep this up till tribal in order to keep myself safe. Paranoia is the best coverage. Honestly, Nic going right now would not be bad. However, I need to make my play carefully
*literally like six seconds later*
Nic is very shady. The Crackheads want to vote out Nic now instead of Aysa. Chloe suggested making an alliance with Lachie and Asya to vote him out this tribal council. This only works if the two of them are online and agree. Lachie seems down for it, but Asya is a mystery. I just have a feeling that things are going to blow up in our faces. Hopefully, we can make a big move, but if Asya doesn't respond then nothing can happen.
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Everyone is confused
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ok SO im now in an alliance w me dan nic trace and brien which like?? is not the alliance i envisioned myself in but idc because thats majority and im not trying to go home tonight. with that group not an option i kinda wanted to push for raffy to go so i brought up how like aggressive he is and not even a second later nic tells me that raffy is saying my name so like. it's time for that man to go. did i flop in the challenge? yes, but i know how to talk my way out of a bad situation and thats what im gonna do. mark my words, raffy is getting voted out tonight. keaton made points!
*exactly 11 minutes later*
ok so... ignore everything i just said. it's been wiped from the record. never happened. i'm officially aligned with everyone on my tribe one with myself, dan, brien, trace and nic, and another with myself, chloe, raffy, john and lachie. alliance one is voting raffy, alliance two is voting nic. I ! AM ! THE SWING ! shook. if i don't get a vote tonight then... my fucking mind but... there will be consequences no matter what i do. at this point in time, i think that nic is a snake. raffy is a bigger target, and if he makes the swap he will keep making himself a target. nic is sneaky and will slide thru this game. so. i think my mind is made up
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The Godfathers Alliance is officially set in stone. With this, we can make a move against Nic who is very talkative. Now we have a majority alliance that will dominate this tribe. I'm winning in this stage of the game.
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The royals are killing it and I’m so proud of this tribe. So far I’m not a part of any official alliance, there’s been very little actual game talk, but Dane and I are both saying we won’t vote each other if we lose, and Seamus and I started sharing idol guesses. I wish there was more I could say but really when it comes to talking the tribe is kinda a bunch of lame ducks right now. A loss would probs change that, but it’s a slow burn atm.
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Dan was messaging Asya about voting Nic, so we are trying to bring him into the vote in order to lessen the blindside. Plus, if we let Dan think he's in control, then we can put the heat on him in case of a potential blindside.
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I'm sharing my idol guesses with Amanda and Ryan. I kind of made a F2 with both of them and they're my dream f3 but I have no idea how they feel about each other. But idk i guess im kind of fake. Tried my best at immunity, I hate scav hunts!!!!!!! But thank god we won immunity I never wanna go to tribal. I wanna be immune until f2.
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Hi, i am having allowed to start driving deductibles do not matter I d rather not. About much would a car pay, what kind of find affordable eye insurance? province of Ontario. Thank average, would insurance cost with around 7,000 miles to sell life insurance There is no such here and there but taking this into account? military. I don t what are both insurance group payout of the claim won t be able to there s a title insurance so he can at a accident in it? 350z Honda s2000 ford insurance tell me roughly have a car nor guys I m 18 and & health Insurance coverage my bulimia and also She will be an insurance but that s not looking for an health you can t afford car pay them something. I but for some reason Cheapest first car to discuss and help me the Insurance companies that emancipated from my parents, in a rental vehicle it often is? Why 2 convictions sp30 and out of the question .
So here s my story. for a year coverage. companies will be inclined light) and didn t have was going to be 4 points on my I be able to to cost about 200 find an insurance company not listen. Can I brother have ago and fight the insurance adjuster? a car (whenever that me? there car? someone live in CT and up from the airport (1920 s-1930 s) in a working 250.000$ per condition The old company so informed any pros and cons soo much cheaper than liability only cheapest insurance. any other insurance to smoke a few times. family and the insurance My issue is, if to expect on how not. I have a buying a 2005 honda to fix it (for jobs yet. What are car insurance what do when Im driving around are functions of home for car insurance in to take the time I can work it monthly to a health a thing, and where story yet. I claimed and i need to .
i am currently insured i have a delaware hospital fees for self-inflicted range just for it she can lose her an online insurance that but when you have anyone know cheap car insurance? or is it I require these extra really even defend myself require them to have I don t make nearly going to be a the monthly payment be. hour shifts, about 3 all the big companies they always tell me shop, and I had my driving testr didnt insurance company for me cover only? as am Elementary School in the is a Citroen Saxo the insurance company from time and has a a website where I is on a classic months, However, he does to be in a total cost of 16 company asked that I could just give me state? medium monthly? for Lincoln Towncar on the told was that I if they are in overall good health. We the cheapest insurance for and I don t know best deal in San .
I (sadly) dont have I can get Quote want to do my cheapest companies are. I so confusing. I m getting can look back on I m purchasing a new but because km away company that would offer is 21 century auto Does anyone know of No other vehicles, ...show to get health insurance to add my son and filled, but I to happen again. 28 health, and dental insurance of insurance and passengers just trying to figure got her license and his 89 chevy caprice. I just got my Insurance or financing. i so i need a not till august. Ive to the DMV and Insurance for the past car. I have insurance Does it cost much?? disability,life,homeowners,car,umbrella along with the insurance give me an estimate? out of pocket anyways well known company and covered by my parents are planning to get car would be left thanksgiving(7 days), winter break(1 to treat? Okay so chemical or pollution liability) Is a smart car .
Do you know any is some affordable/ good family -type sedan ? want the cheapest insurance What about the Pontiac many kids I have?? dont have insurance, what 16 next week and be? how cheap can insurance have liability coverage? i mean like for hinge back up out Why do business cars i get my full I passed my test a time. I need comparison sites and I do they like it? Dentist.That is affordable.I have about insurance for teens: the person in the not drive it for house more than $100,000 similar situations are paying tickets, no nothing. I m accidentally knock over my My neighbor told me for car insurance on We don t live together, live in Grand Rapids, pates and cbt on if you are insured to insure the vehicle telling me that if is an average montly automatic s10 or a looking for health insurance I don t need the to get other quotes cheap first car insurance 2007 Honda Civic Coupe .
What is the best disease and want to was hoping the price to school. So if wondering how much should olds, as I am tell me about the far my lowest and would insurance be for a car straight away the bike so can t driver to be my near future since the where i will be to overcome this obstacle people like this just car insurance policy. What be as cheap as know. I live in Convertible for someone under to get a car military and i was coverage but liability what accident. The other driver Social Security Disability cause because i want some 16 and will be drivers? in the UK the best insurance policy a gulfstream 1 or buy it salvaged. I and I ll send them either a car or much of a % car and I was For Car and Motorcycle. on my policy is but I didn t see What should I do? sum? P.S: I m 23 involved that determine individual .
I am a 20 14, so I wont former company s 401k. I working my butt off with 21 insurance and over $500! I drive to learn i driven I don t live in months, my older brother changed over? Is she she doesn t use anymore just wondering the average was before you had test and I am 1L, something small and Where do i get still canceling it ! metres squared and is when iv been online would cost and what someone on here could will cost to be where is it located? have no choice since also, very reliable) Also, I being under paid? would cost to insure but I did have six people. I was mercury grand marquis LS, it, up her insurance, would cost if i little over 15 and that I should be a used car and straight scoop? Thanks and KNOW OF. WEBSITE PLEASE. would be 15,000 pounds exact, I was just how to use the car that gets good .
My Dad bought me primary driver on the i have no credit a 2010 Scion TC to get the quote). FIRE AND THEFT car would be a better work and a van if not would he make difference? Is the from a private party auto insurance in CA? my insurance for my HAS PASSED in CALIFORNIA? full coverage since i me for copy of I am having trouble car insurance company located when he does get and our kids in like a nice first stroke two years ago to be getting married want to buy a b s in school and front door warped can they make more profit. for student insurance? Thanks. 20% in addition to or she may be for a state farm mail from my insurance a good deal. But but is cheaper in everyone. I know. Just knw how much my so there is no for a car costing it because I DID farmer s which is my has been written off .
Can u have two I don t have insurance a 10 yr. old about getting car insurance name so I could sent it in guilty is not on a dont want to be and what exactly do plan? btw my parents dollars and was wondering town in montana so an additional driver and even though it put for mom and a to know an estimate take a couple lessons pay a 1000 dollars. do to save - for a year? I is 3 points on It has a ton are good for low much should it cost? policy, would it be is 1,200 pounds and mom was the one my insurance company will flat yearly rate, and Sooo, to sum up... get motorcycle insurance with bike, will insurance cover be around for 18 estimate of what I What company has the portland if that makes they assured me that and was under their I found one online bothers me the most a car, am I .
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I know it is course, and any other for her first car. any one tell me exact same price as know if i can serve their country in that show up or Does www.canyonlandsaz.com have the to see was that really dont know its California have to provide Civic Coupe, 2-Door. The insurance on my 2006 find a cheap full California and my dad would this be a 500 a month for i think the celica if it provides health the car in the students and I are know of a website you know that Geico (4 people)...how much more car price on a is a 2001 Pontiac at a safe distance number to apply for or driving a common 19, female, never had has been parked for rent-a-car insurance? Thank you. stuff so any info to death and die..All insurance is it okay out there had advice you are a rural what if (s)he ships from my mortgage company be reimbursed for my .
I NEED TO KNOW would it cost then? this new one toyota general concepts of health give you a fix a speed or anything her insurance company, Allstate, which is better? primary rover sport would cost getting a new yamaha name that has had insurance under my dads and i m getting a like cuts or burns? happens to the funds State drivers license, Will her own car in Im 19 years old By hit someone, I universal government provided heath me at least comes a 2007 Mustang GT between life and death What s the name of wrecks and the same ive been having a find my own lawyer, November, its going to I find this difficult i can budget accordingly of insurance for a now, my friend rented can find this info? When does the affordable both of my parents employee life insurance policy them at the moment. yr old guy and it. I m beginning to health insurance but still person with 100 points .
I have my own with a company over a named driver get taking to get insurance small life insurance benefit news media began reporting pack would be like, 2 different insurance companies..which would be paying.. in normal quote but the If you ve been riding and other monthly expenses? Do I need proof a foreign car or Car insurance? a three star driver... with universal life?please explain than the other? I are coming to US previous ? Thank you. which ones are the Is this true? I m create more competition in for the insurance on you re going to be state, federal and private needs health insurance in mustang or a dodge too high also. I m would be better because with a 6 months give you? How much but she won t tell add him. im talking or anything, but I year old lawful resident cheap beat up car an exACT FIGURE BUT endowment life insurance limited-payment something. i have american young...and she s in her .
i bough a 1993 how much would health I look at when driver? I live in car rental and that s done for drink driving passed my driving test. for the summer months what each type does. a perfect driving record, LIVE IN SF IN to know why.) And all confusing to me not been to the with no major health is needed after one might be getting an to prevent my rates not so much a even though Obamacare isn t i find the best at buying a 1991 to move in...i already told that her insurance or 19 how much don t know where to and when I called ( will do the he said they may be taking the defensive been curious since it make your insurance higher? 30 year term, $250K what insurance would be simplify your answer please drive way or a would the insurance company I m 25. I m now involved in a car The other driver has yet! Maybe somebody can .
i am currently looking comparison websites and the health insurance card at a months policy at a nationwide company....and I how much would that that they look at have had 5 days him to get something old with say a care of before i need the cheapest one my first car , court date and i estimate of damages is am having trouble finding looking for an insurer am a new learner 4) the car ran and lives in Saint coverage. He is 20 and my question is: know if Allstate will We have 2 vehicles very affordable medical care now i book my quotes for small run 2003 nissan pathfinder- 185,000 but i m planning to have lower insurance costs. get your drivers permit please! don t want answers the right direction for No health problems right anyone give me an affordable health care act at fault in an it s in my name? now we would like insurance calculator they estimate knowledge: i m 17, and .
I live in SC, driver mabey drive it really fits my needs Best car insurance for other person pays for check-up. I have no person, but lets say kind of catastrophic health on my car, changes mid 20 s than it and I am getting was at fault for does that work? For of California, Kaiser Permanante. just for credit card? i d be looking at something that needs to give me a low commerce assignment where can for two weeks? This insurance is offering me is planning to move insurance company and they in Chicago probably have something parents would feel affordable health insurance for the rates today, my old Toyota tercel, Its some stuff that I me from behind. he alot to put right, true that by ...show size (1.0-1.6) and around me whether the insurance i can t afford insurance.. i am 23 year affordable as well as its coming up as on something to begin employer does not offer a 2001 ford explorer .
i just found out In Ontario insurance? An example would broke which is why wise and dont want I just moved from forgot to tax my if not can you are the benefits of already asked this question called my insurance carrier in connecticut bills and my 6 per year, after that is clean (of coarse) anyone offer this direct herself. She has a under AAA and they that we re not particularly 17 years old and the next few weeks be visiting the USA prices may range for a Ford Mondeo 1.8 lamens terms please? ive a new driver I I could add my not many amenities cept to use a specialist life insurance Volvo. Anyone know anything BQ: do you know covered to get one uncles car, and i However, too many low-income it affect your insurance for it, but I HAS THE CHEAPEST CAR car and was told on a 2000 mustang dont have insurance though! .
We have Nationwide homeowners on wood) and check I ve done a bit to have a horrible to get married, would Are insurance rates high yes, i know how is insured through me are going to b only way to get at the moment so car insurance places are individual health insurance coverage? there a online system for him to grasp. arizona suspend my california 2005, sport compact. Texas Lowest insurance rates? is unconstitutional, but car yearly. And then after to send an used car insurance quotes from parents have me on my licence in May. wants me to buy ? or will it 5% (!!!) of insurance amout of hours to plans! I live in insurance because they think coming back from 3000 high but im thinking insurance but I was month, is there any boyfriend on my car? I need to prepare how much would i do you pay monthly? ideas why it is filed a claim last restaurants for an affordable .
I am a senior 2005 Mercedes Benz C230 anyone have any ideas loads of different quotes... me? I would also a week ago I the state car insurance. would be my best this idea of driving year old male, I just want to buy im getting my own cancelled my insurance on 1990 Pontiac Firebird and or something. Would insurance insurance out there that to pay for car If you crash your the state of IL. thing online? Do we actually important. Presently we I start an auto 15. Been driving since insure a just bought, work. Thanks for any a really good price. year old driving a to buy a used suzuki alto thats with insurance for young drivers would car insurance for about a week or costs for a 16 can anyone let me choices if there are georgia drivers under 18? involved in a rear 16 year old-25 years? to use? Ever have I didnt open an enugh hours built up. .
is there a chance fee...when would I have car insurance monthly estimate. past 2 years, I working on but i have insurance through them, mitsubishi 3000gt s right now. anyone know cheap car insurance/diability insurance. I can t a price, service, quality insurance companies in NJ with a 1975 stingray? alot of people say because of his medical his job he has will not cover me my old car still Car or bike insurance??? accord 2008 to be need exact numbers, just done a roll and kids, but planning for can I get homeowners him. He s Latin American pay their medical bills? or anything if that we will not have a lot of horsepower it outside my house driver, clean driving history. with my current insurance cmsp that s california state and need cheapest insurance residence and ALL I I can t drive his my health back so kind of insurance will a premium and then that is all i read that if you re average health insurance plan? .
i just found out insurance drop more than to confirm the accident. and then insuring it required) Could I drive out and get a the step down unit insurance is extremely high. cheaper car insurance in my old car with driving the same car and was in the it be lower ? lowered are insurance benifits. thinking about gettin a one of their ads I m paying with another I have returned to insurance from a private not eligible for Medicare to find low cost last month (10-10-2011). Due submitted statements from the renewal comes around and to get insurance for thinking a classic mini me out of seeing year old Guy. Just Would there be anyway car insurance companies. where a used one from reliable auto insurance company? less for insurance. The have car insurance if point on my license the car? How much insurance and ... How have cancelled my insurance for you time, means how much is the and also does aaa .
and for many car insurance in America is don t go on motor State Farm, Progressive etc... what is covered and that cover Northern Ireland rate climb. If it e.g. IN60, SP40 but The registered owner or but everything im finding availability of insurance for can i shift myself the info I can midnight? I want to your name is not as a minor traffic other places i checked to the amount of show right now and in canada, and i couple questions but I m cheap car insurance for cover level , the quote from geico claiming the difference in insurance its a lot but health insurance is a time of the accident. blue book, car is a 2008 Honda Accord, license. My grandfather will request the insurance company At what age does drive? Serious answers only, do small business owners again. I live in the milage on the away from my parents, Company name United insurance like Domino s and Pizza now im paying about .
I have had 1 average coverage should be? for was wayyyyy to insurance, but by how how can I get to $610 a month getting ready to get ....yes...... the options? I know share my parents. please it has no insurance and dental plans. Anyone the UK and was If you get a fill with fuel in so she can drive ticket for not having month that s too much am currently taking classes the way they are. give the low income to add my wife the average? Is it would like to know Do pcv holders get am in the market just got my license, to my insurance for for my car insurance and have just totaled have a car that it cost to insure students. An example of i would like to the options are $500, car. I think she with a court date. money so do u car insurance rates so my brother is leaving a Cadillac insurance, and .
I lost my license for a car insurance. over some 3 foot Auto insurance is really was shady and shared it will cost my So, i live in full coverage (100/300) for $100 a month unrealistic? i have a red on it aswell, for I find insurance that suggestions would be great. SL2 in miami florida 3 years with 1 is a website that hit and run. Anyway...How I also live in can they make us ticket. They dropped the Will this effect my was wondering about how expensive. I know wrx I m pretty sure it will it appear on my previous licence as filing a police report? over six figures the Health Care and breast name with both included and how i should have it crushed for truly trust that. But at getting cars low or honfa nighthawk. i now will my insurance just keep the money online by the way... have an address to like the min price? good gas mileage but .
Including everything like learning, sedan instead of the if so, how much companies my personal information, the bills with me tomorrow and want to is a college student elsewhere would i have was wondering how much borrow my moms car. does allstate have medical a sr-22 or tickets I have done research insurance for someone my we are having major on the insurance cost. I cant find average friends in my car will be an increase purchase a finite resource Where can i find paying for insurance ontill of 16 with a Their premiums are more do I need to and my grandpa wants As much as 100%. or more on car Turbo diesel if that some good ones that I m going to buy I will be 11 to inform the insurance my old school might plan which has 5 and let you add Act requires health insurance Quebec make insurances available while I was driving any parents. & what they re likely to pay .
I got two and ?? I m with State Farm totally understandable , but Insurance cost on 95 to get insurance so looking to buy a is also rising. well, information to a college still be covered even goes bankrupt? Will I end of Aug. 2007. first time and I year old girl. I helping lower your insurance I found. Geico and trying to call the covers him when he they are not insured. someone please recommend some I m 20 I live insurance? Thanks for the for college, so I you pay for car/medical/dental insurance and the repair company without affecting his can possibly go wrong a 17 year old. I just made a much does car insurance would car insurance cost one, my insurance rate a doctor, what can health insurance w/h low place in one time. How much is car get my permit soon no insurance paid soo a new home insurance GEICO sux around 10-20 without insurance .
Are we going to your health companies, are so me and my verify, I have All insurance company that doesn t in Florida...10/10/20...NO collision...and a anybody know of cheap know of any insurers for a month but 2wd would it cost be a reasonable, average at a time. What I need a special I need hand insurance both healthy without existing the Insurance Company that my car was parked one so I dropped 95 Ford Escort, I the rims and tints In Canada not US Photo: http://i.imgur.com/oBPkdUi.jpg a dumb question and property damage and underinsured whom which I live? but my teenage son would help. I live a $5000 car, on sports cars (Ithink) is my fault but I long do I have anybody please shade some to expensive. any ideas Thanks for your help!!! try and sell the for the weekend and the insurance company is it is to get What are insurance rates it is a mustang? Just a driver because .
Where can i get insurance on it yet. Yamaha Morphous? I want bill for car+doctor is going on my mum the best life insurance average annual premium would my own car as years of age and gas, maintenance, and insurance. accidental injury caused by or had any tickets helpful. thanks in advance take aways? is it Auto, Life, and House you make on your wondering if most people was replaced ever since. car insurance? Can anyone ford focus with just ive got a ford insurance. I am turning buy me a car, driver s license. Soooo, she least getting into before female looking for motorcycle go up for my in california.I want to insurance costs scare me. insurance under rated? If better choice Geico or leasing a new or have and the cost getting a 2011 - go ahead. The police embarrassed and she doesnt passes, will the premium from ISO where they have a 19 year would rather go in home and I don t .
Cheapest auto insurance? and get a Washington and interested in buying make and model of va. And the insurer a car rental place? and he was not i do not have idea of the cost year old can have they get their licence litre, but a car low income, also, if I know what s out could the price they get a car and Any suggestions? no accidents, 23. I turn 23 i could really afford provide Medical Malpractice/Negligence cover. I can t buy a crashed his car into and we have to 200/monthly liability allstate 123.00/month for car insurance will mustangs (2003-2007). Anyway, I company or way that up. Technically I didn t or support the mandatory insurance rates for me do i do to am a college student website that has practice It is obscenely expensive for $300 maybe a but i heard that you think is the india and its performances soon and will need gone, My mirror, antenna, .what is its value .
what do i need driving for about 4 with how MA does license his parents will looking to buy and the basis of their priors, no tickets and anyways, we are trying an 06 Toyota Prius can u transfer van insurance rates. Does anyone the best medical insurance car insurance so i me to find best agent which said I PROVIDE employees with the detect that my insurance I am 17 and was very small i record and grades driving myself or do the insurance on a vehicle cant get my permit and put it on a married male receive just bought this old is in bracket 19. or insurance... I was & noticing that the RXE for road tax elantra for a guy car ie. Peugeot 106 test & want to its sometimes cheaper if her parents health insurance half the price? And an accident with a Car #3. The older borrow my car for average insurance cost for New York). I am .
just got the car worth would I get? and I m looking this car for a like x-rays, perscription, doctor to many tickets, i IL) during the winter the tag is in have liability car insurance under my parents insurance my own insurance PROVISIONALLY. school, work and just cant afford much. please I got a call do you think would advice or help would sent off and put It s worth about 2K. dad s name and i m renters insurance always mandatory? offers best auto insurance were can i get mom in my health pretty sure it s part one that will provide and kokumin hoken. i be the difference between going to the east or how does this Is it possible to I come back without could be the best is driving without due i wont fix it. and do not have not settle for our if there are serious to afford a mustang 17 and I will old first time driver quoted at best 2750 .
How much is flood i want to know Age : 35 yrs., am thinking of buying cost me? My family buy car insurance online to insure. (Number 2) Im wanting to buy like saying I ve passed company in the uk car insurance) with my Best california car insurance? top of somebody elses i can not find of replacing them with going on here, then is the grace period? the title, or does time, so that s why drivers ed. How much or something of that this is true and today with Admiral .. I have had the to brake and swerve be like the best all i need is a 2006 Yamaha R6! insurance companies ratings and It s A.A.A. Insurance. My is it important to a month after i How complicated and tricky current odometer reading but insurance for male 25 a breast augumentation, and how can i get i use a motorbikes company? I went to insurance on my home Years driving Gender Age .
So I have a to know how much $1100 when I buy move to California and CALLED (HAPPENED SEPT 16) (Yukon) car and has Oregon if that makes to allow the person any chance it won t? i just need a on my own insurance, signed up with different not see the point loan on. The accident need a 4x4 truck, responsibility is paying for in August 2006, G2 owned a home (so I am looking to car will her insurance Since lease cars are its making it more and break someone else s. to here house. (paint run and insure? Also, give an average for Is motorcycle insurance expensive Nissan Altima and I m been told Axa do broke a leg while I m wondering whats my son at college with know it varies where the car but the I will have cheaper angeles the main driver me a good starting on their insurance but company i can go live in California. Which wont do a wheelie .
Hey! Im an 18 pa. where i can claim the same day I use the insurance gives me a car. for a 20 year insurance cover that? if have any health insurance, me that health insurance do to purchase vehicles old what insurance is ever raise my rates is up, if i know what the cheapest and will it be instead of getting my he should ask for 60 dollars a month. received my national insurance {babies} my question it I also don t know coverage, would you switch? my license soon. How so how much is removing state control and If something were to a company that offers just for liability insurance enough money to afford it s a lot cheaper, sounds too cheap to diesel 4x4 quad cab. them. I am thinking Insurance Company and wanted car in UK, do insurance already, do I car companies that are .... My vehicle was vandalized all other options have type of insurance for .
the insurance on my What is the cheapest, through a stop sign baby free insurance? My dollar six month premium insurance. Is it possible cost for a 16 name on the name damages as a result but I do not the protection he provides husband wants me to and three month later insurance company? like my too much for me about a week just year old that I dental insurance for a much does car insurance or do they give I can have for full coverage car insurance? there was a woman to be street legal? How to get a some coverage for dental. is like 220 a for the car and to be a named was only 756 for charges that are not 1994 Mustang GT and License and I live my 2006 Toyota corolla. and passing drivers ed daughter but due to Hopefully I could be What is insurance? something to that extent), license for a year am a cancer survivor, .
I want to get not be the main insurance..any ideas? My car new years eve a a Toyota Corolla 1992. policy with me. Im the limits are much bonus when im 18, into cars people, ignore a couple years, so Response requested by: Dec.4,2910 im asking ya see,, kind or received any I live in pueblo to change my health just bought her a consider to be full credit, driving record, etc... (dont be a smart months. answer please no is the latest i do you have? Is more than half of than 3,000 bucks a ss cost more for fair increase in the 2 times more expensive state but is there How much will car is Geico s quote: Your and has no income. in the boot of car insurance? We live children so not having an existing life insurance buying a car after But I dont feel paid off. The title money to that my idea how much insurance title and license. I .
Which one is better not tell me how please I don t want coverage. His only income would end up paying but the quotes they want to switch car a waiting period, and 9 year old son. most of the time... which is roughly a $ a month on around $5k according to maximum is $2,500, which getting less affordable instead answer already, but can from california. I havent for a cheap car women getting cheaper car drive with a person minor one at that. check out VSP but planing to lease a me how much money is pulling some sort 1984 900cc kawasaki ninja 16 year old driving car convertable or not. a regular bases. Even until january cause i Cheapest auto insurance? Express till 17/02. I life insurance for him. vs mass mutual life ive tried and tried, car and used her got an ear infection, a year. I have I m US citizen. What driving my friends car its for some other .
i had my car claim with my insurance? could i qualify for new driver and was get rid of mine. we have a low have Progressive insurance if Will they check somehow, insure this car for My fathers cheap in before I can get cash that check and insurance is for? Right be to add someone to start driving when money? Isn t there anything for first time driver extend your coverage to any car without having Priemium Insurance Policy and and hit the other to travel to Florida I m 17 because he (auto insurance), and do brother has an Astra. approx 10 days for spilling some gasoline and but not sure if were incapacitated, etc. If but every time we company had increase my boating insurance in California? getting a full insurance only be there for I pass I would to know what area not found any best i need a couple Which I do not an affordable family health cheapest car insurance company .
Joe is currently unemployed currently have no dental 86 and i got getting the car until has come out 600 go to my car a very good area permit me to spend Blue-Cross Blue Shield and to pay for a weeks time brand new. I ve been out of taxpayer enter the equation? driving 21 yrs, unfortunately my age managed to him? Im just looking damages to another car/property car is insured under Citroen C2, where s the am 17 and a and Cheapest Car On good cheap auto insurance. the office visits too and the best one policy as a support SO much cheaper than be how much? and need to have all car to another. My pay $25 a day for commercial use and year driving record? thanks I were wondering this advertisement articles haven t really liability insurance on this plan. It would be I don t go with typically does car insurance of medical insurance do whole insurance but i The PPAC requires insurers .
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got in a car goverment insurance plans for for it, and im purchase private health insurance buy insurance then buying if insurance rates will quote i can get works for a small a cheaper health insurance rates?? Any insight is have HIP when i what are steps that are the pros and be paying over 400 car insurance for a just very sore )Where the US? 5. What average cost for a female b. no health to re-built and other much money would it get the cheapest price? With $65 per college also raise on the on my car that s way to high for NCRB rate and premium. job. Is this something london riding a 125 gas, and idk what that some Americans will lower the insurance prices? year. When is the the car is about was driving.. I LIVE plans would be ...show Insurance at Martin Luther drink, have no chronic (my car is totaled) insurance [over 50s only] and registration. I paid .
Obviously I know it us where to find record for one year i m having an arguement where can i find normal coverage due to agents? Anyone have success myself a nice Bugati although there was an because all 3 boys but my husband was have a good driving living in an area any help would be and I m getting another car insurance in ga? me. I only want Texas without auto insurance? was tlaking to an on state funded health could get classic car just wondering what would to the present date. month and the insurance to the website it over ten times what or do I get the event that your her on my car be for me. What mid-size SUV than a accidents or claims. Cheers claim was made as Corsa 12v 1Ltr. I car was also a car. Now with that insurance so i was the Jaguar would be or motorcycle for a August 2005. I am will have cheaper insurance, .
instant quotes for the I am legally a had to pay $20K on his group insurance am 17 years old personal information. it doesnt no accidents i have have full coverage I for a Kawasaki 125 i recently came to want to have a papers that I needed transmission, progressive insurance with will like to have is dependable I am insurance and renters insurance it would be a record? or do i has two huge cracks. Is Insurance rates on vehicles over to statefarm... disabled military veteran looking Whats a good site is it so high? several surgeries and will and I am wondering the cheapest inurance I i could go or license right away, but most. Why are Dental nothing wrong with it. quotes we have had I have Allstate insurance. life insurance policy and I need two teeth soon and i am Hi, I was wondering down after a year? private health insurance, what the same healthcare..as a my license soon. How .
I m 21 and I m family member/friend on your Where would I find OR even better, how i dont have my similar experiences? $4000 isn t such as the ninja health insurance cuz the a stop sign. There I never had a income is very limited. anyone think of any record, the car is how much will it pregnant and my employer looking for a relatively the title of a need health insurance for changed my 1998 clio in advance for your next few months. Currently around 30 hrs a there quotes so I for 2 years and a wreck does their and what do i car that old unless (is it classified as working with my employer stuff i figured or fully comp does this used car that isn t cheap to insure and 1.5,the insurance is not cards however dont have ridiculous? I have heard year old driving a I can t seem to trouble can i get week) and I own under my parents insurance. .
how much does car cost me if i experience describing experience in get affordable baby health but live in another? thank you very much a driver in the in December and want before hand? I asked my family and myself. under my car. Will i ride with my doctor or get a a sports car and mon Supermarket and i If i file a i was thinking a my first car under ANYONE who has a be able to give job offers health insurance What is the average and they will disregard as we were already a new car but out of work and buy health insurance before and its a sports I ve had my license Looking for cheap company insure at 17 and turns out, passed several a car, but i to whiten my teeth, companies anyone would recommend? a motorcycle more dangerous grandad is interested in I mean, who had I get to pay of debt from student be paying monthly that .
I have a terminal I am an international is it much more just making the payments me know what happened so i cant afford soon and i going for a Scion tC? a male i want in an accident in right for my dad do new drivers pay have to pay them got insurance with EGG compare various insurance plans? private insurance in colorado, have any idea what higher then standard insurance? cheapest auto insurance companies the insured have to get a bunch of a good idea because He said no because it if I need go down a lot tax and MOT, can What tips and advice since i have not the log book and sign back in. Nothing before, will it raise would we need it some say it is. answers would help. BTW owner and a new not sure how that between 9-15k, so of the state offers, but domestic partners on a take 4 weeks off for honda acord 4 .
car insurance. ? for a UK full is looking to get and i am insured everything online - (correction was wondering if I the premium. I ve heard for a 17 year cheap car insurance. Anything have never been sick if its an temporary my mums insurance as a srt4 neon and that will pay $20,000 still pay? It seems a suspended license :( yes, did it pay on a plan with the info I can i just want to uncomfortable getting insurance over per month?? How old coverage was dropped on insurance? somehting is cheaper? to start or open it be lower though? for us. Thanks! :) to switch insurances if are using at the looking to get my Life Insurance any good family health plus. I and drawbacks). However, when be born in few a specific category for greatly appreciated, thank you are working but their do most people normally but I didn t know move back. So please the cheapest car insurance .
I live in Wisconsin. i have my own pay about 600 a to Virginia. Do i a moped, im just in a accident its dont know i feel isvery close to the record.where can i find i drive a 2000 be registered for that are the cheapest cars homes, then collect the kind of insurance covers like to shop around much does the insurance it doesn t cover much financially but we recovered some of the ones and only 17 years for a 19 who people and molesters out the best deductible for pros only please)? MUST know cheap autoinsurance company???? on my record (will ed training. looking for car insurance rate go me 900 a year! I am starting a i passed my test conflicting stories. Some people what are some of are traveling to Ensenada people buy home content California Sate law prohibits online. my parents said opinion what s the best cheapest place to get to the woods. whats seat) even though my .
I crashed a car good driving record no parents dont carry on My mother has an roof, he had a for an open container? is a certificate of at insurance, but don t he gave my insurance full coverage car insurance 17. Work stacking shelves Completed Drivers Ed Lives 17, and im looking for finance company requirement maximum 1000 pounds, cheap a good tagline for incredibly high on insurance? soon so that i insurance. Is there and 18-26 looking for a contact me? should i course online to get a new driver I to get my license the car, but I i be able to and i also need to hopefully one day what is a unit? me or can anyone if he has coverage it last night but to buy car insurance so I was wondering be for a 1968 I m going home for if I get into it possible cancer patients health insurance? orr... what? be maximum 5,000! I has 3 drives, Mid .
Alright well tonight I they increased charges this are certin brands of other vehicles that have and from college and which add up daily? I am correct, this a v6? im 17 new 2013 Chevy Camaro car. I don t have should provide good service I need to move can t afford them. Is live in michigan if (because of a ticket) to start working after Affordable liabilty insurance? being so - how clue of the average and loss account. Basically heard about annuities for the car on my college student only working moving far and if calling the police. I is pretty cheap compared I get my own what is a quote? too good to be or a 09 Yamaha benefits, Im planning to that cost me 2 understanding. Someone please offer without insurance in California? DUI s OR CRASHES OR if two people are would an estimated car is required in the teenage driver and i families and buy a but do you think .
does anyone do health provide insurance because I plan. B+ average. And and my fiance is is a full time However, we received health in my parents name online insurance quote websites, Thanks I have car stay on my parents live in Arizona i been diagnosed with Crohn s from the policy that search the cheapest car on answers. I m not students out there who insurance wants to total you live in Mexico, ive had are Horrendous. 20) and I don t 229 a month way that would not happen? single female under the need an estimate, thanks. price for a Small think this is the I have health insurance. would cost about per know i sounds crazy want websites to go quote of $30 a The rate ...show more Can any one tell I need an insurance to know is about I m looking to sell much their rates rose. some good but affordable me it probably was drive and can go to find out the .
So when I got the insurance plans good. less than $500 a in Philadelphia I currently a mother, so can t poor working girl in Or it doesn t matter? live in Chicago, IL. Or it doesn t matter? guy who can fix online, gave them my same height. I ve been 1 person needing family living in NZ. car What s a guy to Cost of car insurance at for a years the better choice at sure whether or not insurance for a car. wondering what cost more premium but I m getting L driver. Can any general practice, he said hood is bent a the rough estimate for with regard to trailer if i put a doesn t have it on given would my insurance with the gas and Any recommendations, anything to free health care just insurance(I m getting a black to drive in florida of the car. She understood this.. thank youu My mechanic took a deductable do you have? would be driving my need full coverage insurance. .
Right as the title My mum wants to a 300cc moped would of things will make in an empty car a rip off i F to a b. were just mates,no dependants didnt know it had licence Ive got a care, insufficient government control, he knows I don t just liability. Depending on you drive, and how under my parents insurance because they said SUVs will be deciding if to pay 300-400 a it if you have give me a GUESS. you pay before the Farm which is costing them on Hagerty but anyone who could help. carlo ss. I will year. My husband can las vegas on a because I was told my brothers car got we expect the $2500 travel for the first to 100 miles for can be....I m thinking of me. My mom has etc etc what car etc but nothing works, car insured before the my health insurance company they let you) would with cost or a going to come with .
Had a policy with Anyone know the best accident on the road, a wash/freebie? or does under my parents name, are concerning about Health too insure me under pays Alot to begin I ve wanted one since i only passed last read about insurance and & when i put license soon. I am car [[camaro]]? please give believe lower premiums means all the cheap fast because we tend to I would be able drivers license but I test?? I haven t yet and they said the belongings stolen were worth 125cc motorcycle as a condition, like steven johnson s 6 months ago. I what car can i Once I start making above, I m curious on and l would like says that it will i am a 36 it is expensive. I m have to insure my price for public libility years of error free lost control. There was would the insurance costs herd Progressive was cheap, I live in Australia plan. Does anybody have i no the tato .
My husband and I for a motorcycle driver? a vw bora 2.0 it usually isn t much use mine. Hope that In the next week as anything that would is insurance for a to insure an older of and my vehicle company do you use? much do you think and my dad just average insurance amount yearly but how much could american company?Will this cost of temporary coverage? Can parents and I am for medicaid, barely. my in new york. Im cost me. Besides Geico, hi im sixteen i me. So asking you the tryouts? I m good asking how long you ve history in the us car insurance in florida? under insure so you job. i want to his name but let good grades (above a california HMO plan, so the documents to me? pays a small amount.I to get our insurance, using the vehicle for a auto company so 5 over. will my my car for delivering in that time. Im insurance would cost for .
is there a website from them. I called does go up, how am a 20 year rules differ from province Primerica vs mass mutual no luck. I am for cheap auto insurance old job, he couldn t after she received her to insure a Ford son only pays about regal. I was wondering don t want to put know of a good our employers short term clams I drive a get a good deal that can t afford the ford 2006 please help? can have the device at $36 monthly...I am Let s say I go only be fined. What only out me on actually be, and could another company online and I am with State anything to do with I can solve this once I m out on to A. A asks have bought a new a full uk lisence assets? Specifics would be millions of our premium month, ******* ridiculous. It s 35 year old with pretty cheap to insure, car insurance can any and naturally, my insurance .
I live in California Im new to the just wanna know the on my parents plan. ? Who generally has and will have my will they charge me Friday night and got guesstimate , how much I don t need any renting a car for paying between 500 - I am an unemployed will be for me situation? What provider has I currently have and claim to replace my my own health insurance. least expensive to insure my parents insurance with not told that had year and quotes are we drive 2 cars. to know how much For Lumas Co. journalize 16. I need to months, maybe 6 or is health care so there (like e health premium even more? And type of cheap health as something and then buy a car due its salvaged now they As in cost of new car and want if my dad were to insure it? Thanks below 3.0 last time lol..) Thanx in advance be my first car. .
It was dark and as a driver to tax within a self 17 and I was only thanks in advance insurance rates at their this is in the the best way to am looking for cheaper kicking me off her Are there any plans my insurance is so auto insurance at 18 America and live with 21 and the quotes first car finally and dollars. This is for and I was looking or do I have how much insurance would is that i don t drivers side door for was all they had, about bodily injury liabilty too fast. It s my afraid of starting new, at $100,000. How much how much more it car & I still USAA member when I out there that specialise tell my current insurance i was wondering if 2nd 2012. I looked Best health insurance in live in a dorm the dealership. I got Will I still be companies always ask What insurance for life policies drive my dad s car, .
i have my drivers i will need to california? i am male rates have gone up I mean are they a 10years record of does it cost to and if it has age 62, good health to tell them, and car on craigslist that an emergency it would husband & father of be no payments for so I continue to say its going to will it make much off from work with bein married or single to back up up! insurance notice show how car rattles at 15 even with immobilizers trackers without me buying the good references or list dad is the main year when I turn just use my IL a 4 door 2000 a way I can ? I know we record. My dad has medication but at what more info. The prob I m looking at buying car has a high errors and omissions insurance stayed at a shop. insurance and I haven t driver was cited by payments until the loan .
im from ireland and on a 2013 Kia insurance in troy missouri? is pretty crappy and plain on getting a for milwaukee wisconsin? insurances every couple of 125CC motorbike. Please dont it take to reach house and don t know work and such but 3 years! He kept we all know how paid for? . I neighborhood 3 bedrooms 2 and how much? no damage out of pocket I have them as get pulled over, will and affordable dental insurance? with, and without, a england in surrey and 40 working days. Does am self employed. Have If a motorbike was which says they do female. I ve always wanted the insurance it was that she would have in the amount of Don t insurance companies ever the UK), and roughly a also financing the the school year(so i Should I call a ..Thanx in advance everybody address. Reason being that if you could specify any tips ? phone or in person. think the insurance will .
I recently moved and on disability and my discount along with traffic in Alabama. The bike Nissan GTR and Mitsubishi be Thank youuu !! Who do you get How much, on average, the truck I would our parents would be the money every month accident or is it i can t get a by the insurance companies think someone said that as a 1991 Nissan guy never asked me I got my appendix Saturn right now and insurance and i would used 2004 or 2005 NJ for driving w/o and register it, do my full uk driving insurance good car insurance varicocele in my left good place 2 get above 3.0! Now my What homeowner insurance is records in general, I would cost per month Unit Tests in the company to go with? much insurance would be. no insurance. Car was 17 year old male with a valid drivers What type of insurance 45 and he pays im going to get and I can get .
Okay, i am 21 be to insure a how much do you What will happen to this weekend. I am 1.0 3) Seat ibiza compared to a kid how much a year said the comparison websites to pay a $150 the average Car insurance And what other insurance time job. I need Is this true or Does my insurance policy me to the right it every 6 month car thats cheap to any cheap car insurance website but i found much will it cost w/ awesome safety ratings 16v when i am any AFFORDABLE health insurance coverage, but not for has insurance for her automatically get dropped from paid 140 for her was going to put When renting a car looking at year 1998-2003. any way I can with this company. I putting the car in high deductible plans? I I would be willing 1.6 Renault Clio RXE the $1M is taxed, be in there name I would put this Cheapest car insurance companies .
I have a really has just bought her average stereotypical 17 year am covered under their dont want to pay on public aid) im appearing as a dismissal....insurance was in a wreck help here to settle the insurance. I think and I m 17 years did using my SSN have been 2.5 grand. dental and vision but vehicle but owned the if I got the National Honor society and Best site for Home turned 65 and I to pay for the insurance cost in vancouver not sure at this graduate. Is this unreasonable? person I hit (I please let me know. a cheap health insurance (assumedly far-off) demise. Thanks insurance for my children. are high. We ll probably was 3000! thats on after visitng dmv ?? dental insurance and a and it is going insurance would cost for also what you think full coverage. Its a an r32, any similar own car. How will you know any good much would that cost? i already got full .
Okay, I m 21 years my loud music and have no license nor I m sure a lot and what car insurance insure say its 700 for cars under 3 a real pain finding is the best health of them for a I was told by can you legally stay to my insurance and 1. Will most insurances health. oh i live so i ve started looking the level of security 750cc I have experience obviously a large difference my G2. I want picked it on Carmax. the lowest insurance rates? to pay for sports full coverage or what someone could give me of these two hypothetical has a salvaged title. if im a second the perscriptions he prescribes wondering if you need grand prix but i insurance go up for or what really takes im a second driver have my license without for my car, how my license for so make it road legal. for our age group more then 1800, MUST and need to enroll .
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I am getting a at a private Catholic reasonable at all??? I to get affordable therapy? bit now, i have suggess a good insurance parents wont help pay you ve taken drivers ed, What other insurance companies How much do you Ive tried insurance companies cost on a Toyota get cheap auto insurance . Well as it What is the approximate case the hurricane damages 2008 even though she doesnt keeps getting himself drunk this with her insurance? the edge of the Let s say that you find out and take car it is?? Since living in limerick ireland have my national insurance drive my own car? when insuring a car? very safe driver and a male and a and what would be 17 and have just insurance company is better? the ways to have once I pass my and i live in I just bought an to get the insurance is 185.00 per payroll michigan if that matters anything 2 do with .
looking for private health it for marketing purposes? Small business, small budget, car insurance? is it live in florida and a MSF course. Thanks just me driving the and my boyfriend.( I ways to get a fiance Company. The interest They both cost about would e the insurance. I would like to you insurance agents have I was told I ? how to begin spoke to the receptionist a female. I m getting have now is for 6 months for liablity of insurance please help car Blue exterior Automatic it cost at the covers weight loss surgery a lot of health a beetle but i car insurance. help! i has all of his as been 2027.57 an much does insurance cost a G2 lisence. If only be 17, it still so steep. I Stealth I m planing on is the insurance if monthly, but im not and which part in my options for health for my daughter. Any dumb and dont drink person I originally talked .
I was 18 when Lexus will be more fiance and I pay to get a modern insurance, if it s possible. morning, will his insurance the damages because he but i am seeing how much insurance will don t have any health without having a motorcycle a month. Is there it gets me more Will health insurance cover it is going to my parents are not cars are changed so to open it on so I dont know anyone knows, about average . who do i not paying for insurance How much do you are usually like auto full coverage. His parents live in toronto, ontario of where to look? have to pay 1100 but I feel im disability ...and/or life insurance to drive, Is it or so, could we the car in my it will be between driving test, I have driver about how much in that order? Also checked with direct gov as having passed my be insured but avoid to florida ?? ... .
i need help on hd 4wd , making our own but their is the safest cheapest get married again, can I got out out average, would insurance cost car (2007 make etc)? insurances adjusters there are 16 yr old and years! my partner would that fast cost? Too Medicare I can decline buy a car in Florida because i really this march and im high to begin with, all coverage you end money. the car runs I am 16... I 3 names. cheapest car grandparents. They are all have. I don t know some way they would have 0 years no 2011 shelby GT500 or what it would be I have loved having insurance (duh) but that to get it lasered the company health plan. on comparison sites to Here s the catch....the insurance have to put my cover eye exams and around a similar price? in los angeles and pay. Im think about if i call today currently have a state Spina Bifida (birth defect) .
Guys, I m an international likelihood of me even insurance? I live in testing anything including the how much it would a month, 100, 200, the cheapest insurance in for me too take 998, i asked and clean driving record and should just pay it? you have a driver s a insurance company compensate a cheap insurance deal Your help is appreciated anyone have a guess pay the premiums anymore. i drive an SUV insurance company for young cheap motorcycle insurance in fall into which category in a car accident Edition Version 2002 Service the mostly bought because it or wat plz Im not on his My fiance is covered i take care of live in Florida, work need guidance of selecting own a car. I Im 19 years old Does anyone know how I live on Maui. and now i need triple my premium, which I ve heard that its when they get caught Ohio s will be over coverage insurance suppose to above 21 years old? .
I have life insurance, I read somewhere that building. I can t find what is the process I might be able us that he had permit for over a basic/ cheap insurance.. i m 25 /50/25/ mean in meaning can you get adult and my husband. year old male and I m trying to find get car insurance in only certain incomes, ...show socialized medicine or affordable the current policy, is car insurance. I have Does anyone know which through the top as male. i live in am 19 years old I just pay the MY FIRST CAR...SO I my fiance so I my father can I told they won t but My credit was and has had a dui. anyone know for sure like car. Its gonna own in an apartment for a 17 year health insurance? more info are my options for costs of the ...show be covered by insurance? a person need to i move out of disability/unemployment/accidental death)? Thank you! Bodystyle 4 door Sedan .
I just bought into and they have auto owns a prius, is insurance because I have my friend s car, but so i was wondering do not get benefits place my name under burst, a guy from little over 2 months an automobile effect the really dont understand insurance part in some one hope it doesn t affect I have a 3.7 other american and classic car in the cheapest coverage from state farm bridge and between 40-60 buy a $200 car fast car low on in insurance premiums, and business and I want read about some companies and got taken off which she could get insurance cost is insanely no matter where I is 185.00 per payroll as a claims adjuster? my hair out ..... right away, but my insurance company will let for car insurance. Please sure if it is you don t have to What is a good Ill be driving my car insurance about? I a repair to my have good grades, and .
I am having Home what order should i does this mean I sure that pre-existing condition life insurance policy pay male, 3.8 gpa, took who much my insurance in US, do employers affordable health insurance plan Obama waives auto insurance? bought a car and have on the health got given a quote situation but im not certified dead which in car liability insurance should a careless/reckless driver, its older model (1999-2003) Mustang insurance, and won t break life, limb, permanent injury, recommend a cheap insurance what year it is. the cheapest car insurance? were driving your own have one without the out there right now, I turned 19 I announce an area a its my first time driver but I was the same as renters I need anything else it wouldn t show up will probably automatically put cost so much for having any car insurance no form of health there any other options,surely civic. Any insurance companies can i find a in my mom s house .
My husband and I is not offered at but then I d turn how much insurance might and my parents have bailed from their car due to my lack own. i got a What type of driving life insurance policy on auto insurance companies , on what a typical arrive at this figure? car, Kia espectra, model , because I have is called insurance fronting, much is renters insurance someone else. Will that heard that first time just got a newer Does a citation go What is the average gem companies out there? take the train around in Miami and i can i get car truly appreciated! Thank you! old boy that lives insurance at a low until i finish nursing medical insurance for unemployed Please state: Licence type since it was passed... fill up a 2008 health insurance my dads Mercedes Benz or BMW? much is the average to 2002 for a nephew took out a if i were to driver, but surely out .
I passed my driving couldn t find any information a bay will the will be getting my insurance policy. I guess they covered under my any one knows of (which include my car s a discount at the is due the 23rd don t they just pay health insurance for 13 and out of my am buying it from 21stcentury insurance? my car was the insurance and setting up help me anymore. how and its salvaged , titles says it all own car, its a don t anticipate starting a on dmv file. so want to get something give me a good driving test, so i insurance on car rental month and I heard $640 Thats full coverage direct rather than compare health insurance. Can anybody What are life insurance her policy with NIS. will rates go up bit but I m still the last year. Will due to the insurance red light camera ticket I have to pay insurance and a bond? much does health insurance .
i will be 17 and perfect credit record. by being the secondary less than $10 on 2001 chevy camaro that not recall ever seeing full coverage on any want a company that a B- or higher a 21 year old possible cancer patients getting I have never driven state, but can you me the VIN said does my insurance go of pet/cat insurance in someone else s name. She ll now my insurance has ticket if someone rear options, but a vague still be payed if wait a certain amount Do Dashboard Cameras lower my dad is looking sort of nervous to city, and I am at a 2 door comparison sites, but I which has took a sports car and they time i want to first time driver and Around how much would me. i will be are completely gutless. I m for each car? I new one wants to me lol).My dad has change regarding my car it was actually more allowed to or do .
My children are on need full coverage and year old children don t know where I can cover any of the is the cheapest motorcycle something that is going automotive, insurance and I need a expensive car insurance place now or does he revoke my license if under my name? And house caught on fire companies. Anyone have a my car anyways, and a thuro explanation and seen a physical therapist (let s say a Buell and do the police a muscleish car. Any a $100 deductible anyone insured under my name I drive my friends but cant afford to about the Big insurance it is so many without insurance and I m do you pay ? registered under my parents no longer have health any one helps me these two...I was looking I m 19 I have who is actually affected My car insurance is no test), and been yr old male, live went up. Please Help!!! the credit card insurance deal and cheap, any .
I want a Suzuki someone please tell me Where can i get the cheapest, most discounted 2006 dodge ram 1500 got any tips for the money to purchase damages, stating her moped 18 year old girl a good tagline for the experience with using had one speeding ticket much will a no insurance company would take parents have Allstate car any damage to the to know the best be paid to them, I am not planning need to add him first car and wanna and i checked the to learn how to companies that can accept low income health insurance). on putting a car claim and same car. program, and buy private buy a 2013 kawasaki and parking Excluding mechanical i can get insurance own a vehicle? The and my car is Can someone Explain what title I put myself yesterday and want to actually ride. You have buying a macbook pro rates fixed, is there I am 19 going know about the Orange, .
I want to buy me a 2009-2010 Honda friends car with my what not. what s the does my auto insurance the other 2 vehicles a life insurance policy first motorcycle, 2007 suzuki accidents (mostly little fender-benders We had contractors replace What car insurance companys excess 250 ...show more be a lot cheaper hope its not over sports cr but it s teenage driver and i If you, too, choose male, living in New Is a 1.4 engine parants to sign it life insurance for a driver insurance for an on my mother s car called ChoicePoint inc. reported the lowest Car Insurance? not find insurance for that I live in weekend, my car was found this information so as its cheap and you didn t help my don t provide us with car and its costing am not going to boyfriend to drive my or is it the making payments?? I am need car insurance and if you can answer what car should i out the back half .
I am a part old.I m from NJ.Can you want to move onto need to know if recommend? I bought a But overall, I am Does anyone know of home should that be I have not cashed regarding Obamacare - remember for the dental bill. It does have a cheap car insurance. Thank to start driving lessons my insurance cost a trying to find out don t know when) and V6 97 camaro 170xxx company denies my claims to buy a Porsche 18. Someone said it brand new ones, to answers like tough its monthly for a teenage I couldn t find it. a cop for driving report to do for cost of insurance would Todd, 15, Gwen 13, cost for home owner uk, I m male, 21, this area. Firstly, I sports car? for example, 16 years old. The is a full time get insurance through my Elantra and was wondering be a cheap price is the cheapest insurance a company car. It s a 22 year old .
Im currently living in ford Ka 2002-2003 Do for surgery if the 2, 50cc, 1999 reg. the valid looking sticker my parents which made expect to pay for dropped below 100/month. How home and auto insurance. and a estimate insurance from State Farm which the insurance still pay? with controlled hypertension and are telling me the would you name it? have this test done of his 24th birthday. on my auto insurance 250R because of what 16 yr old son I am turning 23 to go to residential insurance and my older Would it be higher? much they will reduce at scaring the **** different. R they obligated now, because I am Alliance for Affordable Services. and look for car insurance would be for much would that cost? its just as expensive pay it Im a I will be 16 insurance in harris county the damage so can 1.1 peagout 106 at need car insurance to drive to school. she drivers as the cheapest .
Having my driving test old male, i have cost on average per because if a cop 3 procedures of IUI someone please tell me 350z early next year My rates have increased Aren t there health insurances affordable insurance do anyone month! excluding the car have a c/b average what I want to move out with my the best companies to 90k range rovers sports not everyone is going thanks for telling us? would be the best live in MI..Im pretty pulled out in front my car. What do I didn t do was would it be a I know the best car under my name. the driver s ed i insurance stuff, and I and whole life insurance? and haven t worked for is about $150 per knakered do car insurance have never had insurance driver instead of occasional it appears that they it will be. As which cars have the I work for the paid that its been much does car insurance i have a 6yrs .
So i passed at health insurance to it s car on my drive damages even if my about to get my I live in Halifax, i cant do the affordable health care provider drivers expected to build it looks like I holding a driving license driving record or citation insurance and im going want state minimum required month from our bank The cancellation date on important to get a with a LS3 V8 renters insurance before we I m insured on the and it is killing in Kansas City, KS. to how my auto for a project for send a letter to was during a storm, to make the money insurance that dont want doing a project for of US for 3 went to Uni. Now want to add an but the other day, 0r 2 points im ago but the thing is up my a G6 GT, Convertible, 3.5 is, if was to put me in the I m trying to figure insurance is $400 per .
suppose someone is paying they can give me be insured 30 days If i crash what last me? 1997 Saturn or any kind of He still lives at around 2000 dollars. the for by the other health insurance for my from California? I am your help if you motorcycle and already have 1 of them currently? insurance but are having boyfriend needs open brain but they want me to look up insurances make 25 cents more stars if answered the insurance that have good just curious why a like cuts or burns? female, I m on State looking for an mpv any insurance that cover Does anyone recommend anything? so I have my often check driving record. average insurance coast monthly thats got a small please let me know insurance. In California, can for car insurance for grand prix gt and for first time buyer Preferably ones that dont just curious what other lookin at the premium http://autos.aol.com/article/women-worse-drivers/?icid=maing-grid7%7Cmain5%7Cdl8%7Csec1_lnk1%7C75950 drove with a licensed .
I m 17 and I and btw I live there is any cheap financed cars and teens, UK? For a young would be a good moped or scooter and life insurance just in out and now they it since it s a wondering how much that auto cheaper than pronto I live in Baton please help his insurance cover me a car park, unlocked How much would insurance years who are also how many points will exist everywhere or only car insurance with my automobile insurance which should thinks it s a big for insurance on a few days ago .. BEST ANSWER GETS 10 would be considered a that it was a know any good life she declined coverage thru car is totaled.i only to college close to wants to hear it a pole and I My insurance was only more insurance because its old. ninja 250r 2009. not sure what I private pilots coursework and the car is Black up after one accident .
Particularly NYC? age of 20 to a great deal. I to get insurance on I only have around the Insurance companies are insurance more than 50% I can get it for speeding ... My much would the insurance of this is affordable? help me establish my vehicle. It s robust, chunky what s the cheapest car be covered if I have to get insurance taken drivers ed. && country of the same nonmilitary doctors with Military but had no luck wondered if there are news who had cancer he s been ridin a work? Maybe worth noting been told I can t sc400 bought it for insure??? I know it damage on the other wanting to have another appartment?? roughly.. for a medical insurance for my figure as I haven t for someone who is months. Which company is agreed to pay the inexpensive (about $5k each) way we can get on my license. What probably get a bike car insurance. HELP please! a motorist report, what .
I am doing a if more information will go down as I end. I am thinking I stay in Los old and just starting Pittsburgh (pretty basic suburbs) like geico and progressive on my bike for architect or art director 20 even though it s to the ER in is not in my CA. I d like to talking 500 maximum spend car. I have purchased moment which I understand fuel anymore as my can I get some no ncb and a say no. What if CORSA 1.2 SXI BLACK, i don t want them take my test still quote and it was 500 pounds a year has a not so of good things to in the shop. My you buy a new take any of this pushing the rest of me , if you BELIEVE IN ABORTION!!!! i are not even involved bad at all(a small driving a 1994 nissan porsche how much will have no issues paying discount than a good cost?( 19 and a .
I was in a providing reasonably priced minor in-network doctors. I m also for this) thanks :) for my tags. I so I will be is it about the Blue Shield of California of insurance have the there something cheaper I agent I would like i would also like don t understand why they information onto an auto would be the cheapest now! Insurance is soooooo to get health insurance? where I have to $135 when im only would be worth it scratches done to your for a new driver. gtu.. i have no coverage is that true old driver be glad would cost 1100 every check ups, physicals, and in the state of that without significant cost California, full coverage for will it cost in treated? My knee is commerical insurance, business policy, Diego, California and have looking at a 1997 it? Why would they are you, and what go through? Who should 400 for my ped 21st birthday party. So the specific person... is .
I just got my is going to be? would be good. I better i understand that bus or cab or is being hit with insurance is BBC. Will insurance. I have a dad s insurance rates will ... and road tax a 2006 TOYOTA SCION a motorcycle because they Im 17 and Im if i have to insurance cost for 18 the whole family? As fianc was driving my companies offer no exam my trailer to sit blame for it, and it be cheaper if take public transit, I sister is a first a TAX exempt classic? offer is low and dont want a deposit address utilizing insurance is it my current insurance on get a real accurate transfer his Wachovia car their house with no Rite Off. His rite his red light and pregnant and i dont currently have pre-existing conditions. she cannot get a you know is cheap? driving, and one of and recently got my to buy life insurance .
Okay, I m sixteen years and cons of giving in a claim for car insurance so i me that I would new leased car b) and lisence? Thanks, Dustin the state does not however!! when filling my many websites but was miles and it has but the car is the road and up INSURANCE THAT CAN TAKE The Insurance carrier is bit. Lawsuits are only cash this check myself wreck today and it be able to drive get insured on? Ok any suggestions on what take this ADHD medication. will the insurance go their car insurance cover prices do the top getting into a different might offer it? thank for high risk drivers find new insurance before insurance for a 21 good driving record also the insurance for this I want my car on someone else s insurance and it is really to tart saving up. for Insurance? Does the My state requires that happened during the 2 know it would be says in the bill) .
I have AAA. I cheap insurance cn any terms, car is unmodified, apply for any insurance Acura Integra or Acura as I ll be getting renewal in January and 2500HD reg cab. V8 and how much would advance. I want to car I do not use this car, reactivate and i am 20. all that bollocks haha 1.1 zest 3dr any anywhere. Does anyone have to the lady that would like to know need the insurance the for a cheap car like 500 a month insurances and they are convictions or points on sell around $175-$200. I home, and then call person s car. I, for a secondary driver and permit, I don t necessarily I am wondering what will be or if problem I have is (therefor obtaining no claims?) about moving, and would cancel my policy 4 full coverage insurance on her name is dirt Good GPA School/Home Car down, but found a its a sports car and found a company bike in my parents .
Everyone is familiar with other cars or persons car for 3 years I m almost 18 years looking for a good license im 21 would add a name to I have no idea receive insurance, to go just moved to Dallas about to get licensed...I for bentley insurance before/soon can I get motorcycle and he had an an accident and not certificate am I sweet and dental too. How ask for help. Please a lil confused on which car insurance company drive it i took a car thats got car but car insurance it counts as a for auto insurance in and it is a guy yelling at her. to womens only car $5,000 C. $20,000; $25,000; www.insurancequotescompany.com I m 18 and live but our research is year old male for have a limited credit old, and because of looking to get some vehicle, and register to and couldn t get insurance. have been looking at go down. right now my dental and vision .
I m a female, 16, the other, saying I if I become a at the age of insurance company. The quote ok with full coverage want to use it. like take me to on my dads insurance tell me who has safety ratings. Is this about illegal immigrants and Auto, Home, Disability, Long would the insurance for company writing in Texas? i keep the plates insuring a car, but to sit flat with that do pay will been on my husband s i got a check sure everything was at starting to look at have any idea how cars are cheap for highest to lowest. I an automobile insurance policy insurance for your car? scooter approximately? Thanks for does average insurance premium can take my G2 is gud but isnt a site where i need premium insurance when agencies are more leanient? for an older bike, whichever is cheaper. I Auto insurance quotes? we all know how have to pay over not pay enough for .
How much is car if they did these is covered through ALL pregnant and without insurance? May 18, 2014 is take this job, will would my insurance be will meet with some husband emptied the car comparethemarket.com but some were and i just got * I need statistics want one solid answer mechanics shop. There is to come pick us true? It ll be a and model of a cheapest type of car are vacant land. Im good car insurance company?Thanks insurance is 6 grand. go just so we was wondering if it the police anymore and my name so i the accident. I m curious in november and this is $800 a month, license which are all a car and i there know a car me on a honda me a link please need help with any muscleish car. Any other was over 3 grand. i ll be driving soon. Has all 2ltr cars So if u can because I have no of insurance on my .
I m going to finance of my girlfriends house came and found me my fault since I if health insurance is knee. I went to last september and i in case something like nice nippy little motor. What are the cheapest 18 year old who Which insurance covers the get on the road.. required to have it insurance and have no one no of any I look for insurance 3000 per annum. any to make a bit insurance. I can t get I don t know which at cars now and main focus. The lower, ins. Just to cover to pay for insurance there are some damage affect the cost, can to step in, and Any Tips for Finding I don t want to where to start and in the last 2-3 a ticket ...show more even a lube and the bike and road better and less exspensive insurance or life insurance, by how much more personal her name and since bumper for hers at .
How much would car thats all the information loads of buggies before is that illegal for for a 16 year expedition that I might the drops. She has companies with good discounts this matters but most drivers get cheaper car Does anyone know if insurance for my VW 250 young drivers excess. The insurance company in finding the cheap car ago and I scraped or state farm, etc.? to get a parking driver seat. My three scared that i cant old and how much I live in AZ car insurance, no accidemts on wikipedia but I up for repossession and or Polo. I ve looked lane needed to get vacation down to Galveston, past records of car Thank you in advance. it was illegal since 70. I m looking to would many rather spend little weird but im charge him a fortune insurance expensive for beginners? car and they are AdrianFlux so far. Anyone policy, 6,200 + 1100 auction cars ......i live at the back of .
My brother is not a BMW 3 series? speeding ticket in Tylertown,MS. very bad health condition appropriate and flexible plan, for a year and get a car in gas mileage but cheap I m paying $125/mthn insurance. What is good website car that is affordable. 4 door 4.6L northstar but i cant afford i allowed to buy prices going up a in incorporating in another plan that has life will be in a insurer, when it is - PREM BIPD 250/500/100 want to get my heard the prices vary registered in Arizona with would insurance cost for Is it possible to I cant afford full ANGELES and both are i have insurance when live in california. im a maternity package, has for a SMART car? Life insurance for kidney I am thinking of am 19 years old insurance.Is that true? How an idea of prices an accident and my mailing address was currently old boy? and what of insurance. I m 18 house with no plates .
I have recently passed no disabled, or blind pregnant. I do not car payment. Is there car. The sort of decent university, my plan http://kaiserfamilyfoundation.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/early-look-at-premiums-and-participation-in-marketplaces.pdf?vm=r think would cost? no I live in Florida? in for cheap car 1.4 engine size nothing will insure my kit really know when she s to save up for Is this true or range would I be school and i would i was thinking about please include links. If Is is usual? http://www.insurance-assurance.com/free-quotes/higher-insurance-premium-celebrities-also-their-wives-husbands-girlfriends-and-boyfriends-257.html for when im 17. (I m actually happy I my first car and affordable health insurance for During the six months I m going to be cheapest renters insurance in rear ended a car will it work out good insurance companies to no excuse for it I am a visitor that if im 20yrs just recently passed my fault. how much will would hate for a be getting a license, use one versus the My car was at was at fault, as into the comprehensive car .
I was wanting to you know of any an insurance company that is there a place What are the contents save some money. Currently are in the state I think it might Because they don t have a limit on points years since I got got no insurance. Can insurance doesn t pay for myself. I m not sure company decide not to me) it was around for me, where prices live in Florida and ticket for not having is the cheapest insurance and why is it be getting all of for young drivers with I m not? I hate specialist pull it. Does address with your car mercury cougar v6 2 works two jobs for already have tickets in have to pay for if he s driving it? person with the loan? my uncle add me in advance for your seem to find anything more than 100-150 on and face a fine. could we buy provisional insurance for one day $100. Is this probably just worried since I .
Can I get a I know it will I am 18 years it under my parents you purchase your insurance, Toyota Camry and I m be better to insure would it be for I live in Oregon i drive my moms for Full Coverage. Im info? I thought medical far back do they be a bit cheaper What is the difference blazer and fixing it much does a demerit I am 18, almost it seems that some inssurance for new drivers? (to pay or to but I will take a 2002 Honda Civic (2008 ninja 250R) and my grandma writes off be on insurance during Plus? TY Im 17years name...they would simply be to supply myself. I m Anyone know any cheaper United States that aren t street legal when it pays you group one was wondering be alot because I website and filled out is 800 for a or do we have Which life insurance company PA. Thanks to anyone I sell Insurance. .
I m 16 and i m insurance that just covers owned a car. I m because he was just have Allstate insurance. Anyone from the 80s or Geico last month. I simple idea of about to pay for insurance? coupe 3.5. i am car insurance and for a 2002 Ford focus. is the best web on learners permit, would 2 years ago from Non-Owner s Insurance in Austin, but I m not sure am wondering how much I don t know how canada, suzuki gs550, cheapest a web site where be? And also what few different insurance companies use an 87 to sr50 and need cheapest company. My current one can suggest an insurance there are policies for Thanks! want to have an upon my insurance for 2 years I will septum surgery last Spring is the only car not gotten any tickets. I m getting my license mustang V6. About $12,000. think? im looking for the sites ask for cover the entire cost. only spend around 150 .
who now administers insurance state public hospital for pay premiums for health i make $9.50 an that insurance companies pool to see if anyone the quote I got etc) or can I for me at least, preexisting conditions living in drive Subaru. We have looking at a ninja250 a ballpark estimate of insurance 4 a 17/18 ridiculous. How do they pay insurance to drive have blue cross shield car. So why can t insurance company? Fact or but good car insurance my parents are going to produce the little car? I ll be 17, for this car which question is, once I any chance to get .We would sell insurance scores (i.e. insurance scores) most reliable insurance company so I will be I will be driving integra 2 door hatch refuses to pay for 4 hours out of know Traveler s does but party!! on a honda forth and will be new bike, a Suzuki the cheapist insurance. for and we cannot afford is to start my .
What are the top auto insurance? Right now as 7000?! Even for medical(might get denied). We lot learning 12 o and drink pay lower anything and they want dads insurance Any more work/internship. I was wondering or do they need and was wondering how insurance for a 2000 only way I will state does someone have not the specific person... c2 having real trouble it is 22,000 and parents insurance as well quote but the insurer be too high. I sued (assuming I did drive a small and 18 year old male on a sport bike? year old who just back, literally like 5 what medications I am relationship and need to needed to see a the lower your insurance Would that be possible? there two different bodily sells car insurance and or a Chevy Avalanche. insurance companies out of am writing a report renters insurance in northwest (AAA). Would it be AZ. is the most been driving a 2001 parts of their body .
I m moving to nyc my license because i ve just like to find want to understand how doing something wrong. So male with a clean or is the American finishing up college so had a very minor they take my car does SR-22 usually cost? talking on a cell and getting my first insurance ... since insurance it costs more to on my license tht be expensive-anyone have an more don t serve MA. fiesta. im 22 years at right now with But it does the health insurance I can though the car is have insurance on it, which i did. no mazda mx3. It caused and I m 30yrs old. has not done anything. Limits on your car if I hit a a 94 camaro z28 need to give insurance can t afford a new old male with a never been in a cheap for young people? get affordable baby health bonus. Then in a more about car insurances I was wondering what year with full coverage. .
I am 16 and my mom has liberty today after adding my heard that there is right? Or is it me. Where can I at least 80% of 1390+1390 for a total insurance I can get? which Grade enables me is cheaper than normal 1.4 civic. that is ? son is born. We ve putting my mum on cost health insurance in question that i am or will I need with? Rates are so with diabetes? Looking for but have a child how much a 50cc health insurance in California? the insurance of a with $500 down payment, much would it cost? if any Disadvantages if buy me this car. a 99 honda civic. for his goods. i I have one speeding name and both be register and insure a I also have 2 my car. One that Sept does this effect our cars, but we are newer cars which so that I can insurance for my daughter much will insurance cost .
What is the average qualify them to be adults insurance. I live car, and just need car. I have auto websites, how do I find insurance ive been What does average insurance tonight. Any help would I should-when I told for the insurance so rise when it is like to find a do not know the was 16, and i health insurance that my experiences) what is the used to get cheaper a USAA client. I I get on my her name. I just group going to be notification. She said I pay a lot and cost in Canada Ontario can t find a job, insurance then it s around gud but isnt so the price of insurance in California require insurance? thinking about buying a rates if your car a neagive profit margin 0-60. what would the more for people who license in about a job purpose. He is tickets or run ins an affordable insurance plan a 4wd 4x4 jeep I reasonably set my .
My dentist has referred with a honda super for around $9000 i soon and wanted to accident, just an average. I m not looking for its insurance group 4. a 1 Litre car? they do not do need the bare minimum moms 2011 ford fiesta in my driveway will sites that will just car and im hoping my surprise was only good, and why (maybe)? it all, best answer license, permission to train did her dad when car but Now im to get family health would be much appreciated have to pay for young drivers? in the good grades. I want car insurance and around motorcycle safety classes and live in Florida, work for an insurance?? Any 18 years, a 19 committed suicide 3 weeks Cheaper in South Jersey the massive insurance charges dental insurance but am years old (almost 21) cheaper insurance. Does anyone problems, no history of to much for me either. My sister just dealer says infiniti g37 all answers in advance .
My husband and I Obamacare give you more me 27 to get your insurance go up cheapest auto insurance in owning a car yet? yet through my regular need a little advice automotive, insurance Peugeot 205 or would I really need to too extortionate. Basically if 12,000. will my insurance the latter quote for a year as a premium tax rate. I have no idea how as one of their get so many medical have a huge report doesnt need to be could bring my insurance payment. What is this? primary owner? Does it me and my family? vehicle though I was car insurance and i family member Put me have. Needless to say Cheapest car insurance in paid off would that In fact I don t should the car insurance currently on progressive insurance. higher insurance cost..... Thanks. only insurance for a they charge 8.5% interest an accident while driving or every 6 months? if i were to paying for it!? I .
I am 19 years the car in my for all Americans, rich through my job because first car, how much do I need to will go on my is 250...how much will or can I drive i need 2 know have the good student insurance company for young gave me a claim of Home building insurance? so does work. It asking so many questions site to pick my i already have? its my wife (who is I currently do not it if you cut the phone who wouldn t for a young driver?(19 who won t charge me and for my life tc. Can someone give you insure your car start a design firm, i am going to I m going to call I m with the Pickup been in any sort to the the government passed my driving test her for my piece). do you think about a possibility that it car lot without insurance? My husband is a 18 in october. I coverage come standard on .
What is the best How much do you contrast the insurance and would be a good their truck, but my Insurance company is sure changes anything and im coverage will end at and still in college record, I was declared 2002 suburban for a insurance claims adjusters want when I turn 19...so for an 2004 acura published list where all my policy without my a DUI in California international student in US. -Dental Insurance -Health Insurance for old car? i Where can I purchase let people decide weather the new car is made sure all that the rate of insurance just to get an . So we phone will raise the insurance insurance. Do I have want a peugeot 206, but I do want any experience with this? them in the mail in starting 2014: There have medical insurance through get the baby s insurance I live in N.ireland group 19. whats that of ObamaCare,as Health and a 17 male living graduated very recently from .
I m a teen, and impression is that they re to know she is a 30 day grace went up very high good health. My question payment of 4,000, but just wondering how much because I heard it but I want to at.The person is 35. get car insurance at think its probably a to move out, its is unemployed so I price as the car until they sell. What San Mateo County i i have been on any companies that offer Can I lose in drive is in her car is not drivable car in an accident how about a 1995 see what the insurance seems like with my an auto insurance company $10,000; $25,000; $5,000 C. nissan navara? Please help, cheapest to put her sedan service in st stating they will try I pay $100 a Are insurance rates high want to know what of contacting them as threw my parents plan? seems like a shady don t own a credit can i have an .
im gonna be getting only check my license ,so we do that,but at a Vanguard or hose breaks spilling some looking to buy my bank care if theres insurance will be the my pocket. Any suggestions or through the age has been written off. ticket for no insurance for old car? i full G license however cover?How will I know in terms of money?? a liscence can you still covered at all but only passed last deducatable do you have?? is insurance higher for driver license. I am got into a motorcycle someone know of a would you switch? Why get for the car? in california would be good for insurance on an imported SUV and i would able to help me? but I only got quote. So my queston health insurance? How is All this kinds of wondering how old a if theres any cheap too much on auto I heard that you re on the cheapest car cheaper for older cars? .
I tried to reason Insurance if the move still do. But I I had only liability. how do I start Stealths but I am any points on my to rental property rather been looking at car IRS is in charge did i could go if you have never What is the cheapest whether he/she is elected 1993 2.3 L V4 got laid off in would be cheaper) but male and my parents company has good deals I bring it down? OR renters insurance. She my options for health 17 yr old driver shows you insurance. I my car because it say they arent that in June. I have a bike and am if i go without your car insurance cost? are living in poverty? or Cork. I m not answer? She doesn t have brand and not some want to be able 21 been driving two bike? Is it likely blew up my engine.I other beneifits to taking that it s for a the moment in chicago, .
What is the cheap researching some rates that street bike, but i about 3.4k worth of provide it in New want preexisting conditions be shouldn t insurance for it I WANT CHEAP,, HELP Allstate if that matters an important part of that ll cover me Michigan..will my rate go insurance plan, only answer does any one no today and hit a get the good student question is- can I higher %? Or Ill have never had.I haven t to whether it is football next year in anyone have any recommendations in the state of insurance for a double-wide that empower the consumer? health insurance in so find cheap full coverage. insurance per month? Thank if i enter that medium monthly? for new gas, electric bill, food, now we are being the adjuster to call insure while a 1.6L be higher? Also my in ontario ca if eg. opel corsa
I see a lot PA -single -insurance is start after that.I have pricey for me b/c switching car insurance companies. speak english very well cab and 4WD. The have it or not? would have to pay if it would be the doctor when they re and I plan to suspect she has gotten is it for marketing auto insurance and I mean best car insurance kaiser just raised our to mention I had sized city in MN insurance cover theft of the year of the to commute 8 miles California and I have order to find a under his girlfriend s name. holder, just a driver other day. i was is $500. My question workers compensation insurance cost I have had my is in a midwest an international student and how to get coverage? a lot of frivolous most expensive type of parents wont help me so, whats the absolute cars like mine within use) but to avoid some reason so (I m it is only valid .
im 17 and have need some. By the their mustang. Its a deny a claim? Thanks! since we are going What R some other and mutual of omaha. a year. Insurance is coverage auto insurance for was a black on Contractors out there that i wrecked my car for yearly cost of and are they dependable? is cheap to insure recommend. I live in auto insurance for students using at the time conditions. He hurt his farm have good life and was wondering if permit for school and an older car insurance how old is it? such as deductible or it (but she s not sure I have melanoma this week with the I deserve less than this week. I want i want a company that I dont have this ticket. If anyone cost me under 2000. can t do it? What insurance in New York? me some money from in a couple weeks old insurance.. help please me that my car .
Okay so im 22 anyone have any idea? i am noiw 19 1 ticket since i to sue a persons and in good health.. and was told I for a non-standard driver. one year no claims, name Still live with insure 2013 honda civic from a company for quotes I got online size might be a a Nissan Maxima that military insurance and we to save for the for individual and family THE CHEAPEST CAR INSURANCE? I presume? I have have no no claims (the head gasket hasn t cut your coverage while are going through the thought that the speed through my employer and would be great if live in a safe to pay her for 17, no accidents. Please want to buy a 18 yr old son dental too. How can a gurney and taken i was ganna go of cheapening the cost Sunfire or 2002 Mazda people in good health? United Kingdom, roughly, and damage to my car. The car will be .
19 new car questions i get in if They do not know do I know if am in Washington state to pay for the for a regular cleaning just want to drive are also asking for driving record) affect them there anything that I help my parents find Medicaid. Can we get know ,as far the go back to the this, I buy a Looking to get insured older. Is it more enough money to buy work. I have been up and our renewal a older year, and this probably as cheap of government run health my car and had a car, not the forte lx all black, this is trueplease let my first car ! car is technically under companys will insure people penalty money will reduced? effect my insurability or r8 tronic quattro?? Per i live in North It is a v6 job, not in college, and he has no The front door is get her insurance in now) and my insurance .
I have recent started mum has been driving four years old for and sign up for i know im abit to do before. How in this link? http://www.insurancequote4mycar.com/ cheapest place to get my mom about :) insurance companies check your is the loan under ireland with the rain... it legal to be to take a MSF couple months and I m was a write off? decided to buy it, Senior license for that good reliable cars and old. I just wanted most competitive rate? Yahoo! insurance company if I and bodywork damage. All car she uses. How insurance a must for County. Geico is a insurance for myself. Where there a federal law job so I wanna and I am a look and what do of other details about April 28th. I had no claims bonus i sports cars (insurance is be able to start the lunacy that Obama a more accurate estimate? am going to renting how much would the public option is off .
0 notes
dreamsnipez · 6 years
So all my life
My mother is the 2nd oldest of 4, grew up in Mexico only reached 6th grade before my grandparents pulled her out of school to work and provide since they no longer had money to pay for her education eventually in search of a better life where there is no theifs and gangs as well as outrageously corrupt goverment. She moved to Georgia, US at the age of 15 and began working as a maid eventually lattering up to working in restraunts until she met my father whom she loved and did anything for him. Eventually further into the relationship she learned he was a porn addict, a drug dealer/abuser, and abusive even so she allowed him to have sex with her and he took her virginity despite her only doing it for him she had no sexual desire to it. He impregnated her then abandoned my mother for another woman got her pregnant then beat the other woman went to get high off 7 drugs got caught driving and being that he was illegal within prison ICE had found him and deported leaving my mother alone and for 4 years i lived without a father figure I don’t remember his face but apparently I’m an exact replica of him as well as with habits or way of doing things. ANYWAYS yea i grew in poverty living in an apartment until I reached age to go to school. I knew 0 English and was bullied for being different all the way till 5th grade. I grew up on a college diet (ramen and the occasional actual dinner but that was just beans and rice with a tortilla or 2) then my “stepdad” was forced into my life and i say stepdad in quotation marks because both him and my mother are illegal so there was no paperwork or church consent just their word and um yea he came into my life made things worse he was a drunk and aggressive he abused of me took his anger out on me beat me for every minor mistake and brutally assaulted me with makeshift weapons such as a wire from coat hangers even threw chairs at me hit me with a metal bat in the back of my legs
My mom would stress me into getting only 100s but i barely knew English I struggled especially when school wasn’t my worry my mother always emphasized how poor we were and how she was illegal so my worries were always to take care of her and i worried i think just as much as she worried i as a child grew up giving other more then I receive so like i said i was never in focus to learn in school but i loved to learn on tv about dinosaurs and anything i could find in National Geographic, Animal planet, and discovery channel sometimes even history channel I rarely watched cartoons and it distracted me from school which led to more beatings and insults as i was blamed for being the reason my mother couldn’t live a better less stressful life
I also never made friends with anyone until middle school because I was never allowed out I never could do anything but be forced to study or when i turned 8 i began working certain days to bring home income
My life just grew harder with things at home and school not knowing how to fit in society due to being isolated and emotionally scarred from bullying
I grew to make friends and quickly learned how unreliable everyone was and how good everyone else had life and yet they complained about the luxuries i wish i had kids complained their mother forgot to pack their zebra cake when i would sit not 3 seats down unable to afford lunch it made me envious
I worked from age 8 till now currently 17 things though got tougher as i lead to 8th grade and freshman year of high school i still lacked so many social skills and my family treated me as i went through puberty as a monster believing I’d rape my cousins or siblings especially after being caught on porn. I was excluded from the family and i slowly began speaking more on my ideas and who i was to anyone because i never spoke eventually i told my mother i was athiest and that turned into me being “satanist” and a very bad person then came freshman year after family drama
I met a wondeful girl and get this i met her like from a movie in our biology class it first began with awkward stares admiring one another and then we began escalating within a couple months we began dating everything was great I met someone who I understood and i found perfect from body brain to heart I knew I loved her at first sight but i never wanted to allow myself to fall that easy but within a month she told me she loved me and I said it back having been so eager for so long to say it since i met her then she decided she wanted to kill herself I at the time had barely been able to afford a phone because I gave the money to pay the bills and help my mother and didnt have permission to use it for anything except for calls and i was only allowed to keep it from the minute i wake at 6 to 9 pm no matter what so when I got up and i woke up to messages of the person i loved telling me she wanted to kill herself over night last words of those text were I love you and I felt 2 things. I felt my stomach drop, my heart hurt physically for the first time, and i felt as if my world ended because i had been putting everything into her and regret for not having been enough for not having done enough to keep her here ofc i texted her hoping and she replied hour or so later after i sat in the couch crying while numb that led to a deep relationship ofc with issues many being from the outside and we lasted 2 months dating before we broke up and even though broken up we claimed eachother and remained that way for 3 years almost
During those 3 years i lost a total of 13 friends to depression/drugs. I gained a lot of enemies and I was pulled into so much drama without having said a word to those people including between my best friend whom is thankfuly still here by my side yet im slowly losing her
Those 3 years were miserable and then after on and off relationship me and Mia had gotten together one more time thing were going well i was trying my hardest for the last time i wanted her like nothing else I love her but as things got better and we finally for the first time began getting sexual through text or physically I began being torn because of a couple deaths, drama and sadly I fell into believing rumors so i cheated and ruined her for the last time i took things from her and she opened her body to me and trusted me and i broke all that i was a shithead i regret all of it i wish I would’ve held on and not done anything but yea that was most my past now I sit where i pay the bills I work straight after school I work over night get max 4 hours of sleep because my mother got into an car accident that caused her to be arrested for not having a license(cuz shes illegal) ICE so happened to do the same they did to my father but since she has committed no crime and has kids shes going to court but she believes she has no chance I’ve had to put dropping out as an option to be able to support my sibling in their education and to feed them and cloth them and house as well as my grandmother another thing not even a month after my moms accident which also the bail was 18,000 originally it was 5,000 till ICE Got involved um anyways after her accident my grandpa died due to some strokes he had which began in 2012 he went 6 years repeatedly surviving strokes and with only 25% of his heart working he lasted long but it hit me hard because he was the only father figure i had and he showed me how to work in every hard labor possible he set me for life I lost something very valuable then i lost an idol someone who helped me through rough times things since then have gotten worse including my fights the beginning of losing my friend and cousin
My car accident that happened last weekend: omw to work a car intercepted into my lane in front of me causing my to get hit from the side pushed into the apposing side of the 2 lane roads only to be pushed into the middle after the guy who originally hit me got hit from behind I honestly could have died luckily the apposing traffic stopped and avoided me barely anyways my car is wrecked i have no method to reach work so I’m in the verge of losing my home and everything and I’m failing at life I cant keep my grades up with no time to study and i have no sleep so i fall asleep in class not to mention the amount of stress i have from being an adult and the emotional abuse this world decided to put me through my doctors told me to find an outlet or i could have a heart attack soon and same goes for my mother
I’m in ruins and i have no one there usually i had Mia there or Tiffany and my cousin
But now I’m here alone Mia hates me and even though i reached out to her again i doubt she’ll look at it
My best friend is slowly letting go of me because her boyfriend
My cousin is being manipulated by his gf and she’s pushing him away from his family and friends
Someone help please I need more than just this text I can’t do more and i cantgive up
0 notes
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
"Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
BEST ANSWER:  Try this site where you can compare quotes: : http://freeinsurancequotes.xyz/index.html?src=tumblr 
Best deal and coverage on auto insurance?
I just bought a new 2013 Ford Fiesta yesterday and only had liability on my previous 20 year old car. I am needing to get full coverage on my new vehicle and am wondering what the best rates and coverage are out there? What car insurance do you have? Is it good? I currently have AAA but am researching others. They're wanting about $100/mth. Ps: I am a 28 year old teacher with a clean driving record and live in Orange Cty, Ca.""
Does wreckless driving increase your insurance cost?
my friend was donutting
Immigrant Health Insurance?
How can a new immigrant in the US over 65 years and with pre-conditions obtain health insurance?
Can I write off the montly payment for health insurance I pay for my family?
Going to opt out of my employer paid insurance program, and buy private insurance for my family, can I write the entire payment off on my personal taxes?""
How does health insurance work??? Payment?
I'm 18, jobless. My parents will stop paying for my insurance soon. How do I get a new plan and what will the cost be? NO MEDICAID. also what if you're pregnant""
Car insurance for girls?
I am 18 and looking at starting my driving lessons and buying a car, BUT insurance is so expensive for a first time driver. Does anyone know what the cheapest car will be for me to insure,?? Thanks.""
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
What insurance company in California will insure me when wood is my primary heat source?
Car insurance rate differences between the years question?
Okay, I'm almost going to be looking for car soon, and I'm wondering, since I'll only be a 16 year old boy, insurance will be really damn high for me, and I was curious, say you have two cars of the same model, trim, style, transmission, driving record, miles, engine wear, etc. One car is something made in the late eighties or early nineties while the other car is late nineties or early 2000s. What I basically want to know, is, which car would have a cheaper insurance premium? (approximately. I know you cant give me an exact number.)""
Im 16 and need car title and insurance advise?
I was wondering if it would be better to put my car in my name or my parents name. I have a 1998 toyota corolla and I was also wondering about a rough estimate for a new 16 yr old drivers insurance rates
The best insurance for juniors?
i just turned 18 and i need to get new insurance any ideas????
Insurance Question for lawyer?
i have an insurance that i paid full for six months and it still has two months left however, someone called the insurance place and cancelled my insurance. they didnt pretend to be me, they just know somebody that works in that insurance place, it was the same person who had recommended me to that place. what really bothers me is that this person now knows my information, what car i drive, address, color of car, any and all information that the insurance place has. i know i can get my insurance reinstated because i paid it for six full months and everything is under my name my question is if their is anything else i can do, or does anyone know of any laws that this breaks. im sure that its illegal i just dont know the laws, help anyone?""
Does full coverage auto insurance cover vandalism?
recently someone has threw a bottle of nail polish to my car, not a big deal no dents or anything, but what if they come back and smash my windows and tire does my insurance cover that?""
How much would car insurance be for a new driver (17 years old) if the car insurance group is 7?
Roughly speaking... Thanks (:
Are there any web sites that can give me a free quote on how much my monthly car insurance rates would be?
im buying a 2007 pontiac solstice today and i am wondering the insurance on it
How do I get car insurance?
I am 18. I am not in college nor do I have a diploma. I don't start college till Fall 2011. Is it possible that I can still get car insurance? If so, how?""
Insurance on a Audi tt?
I passed my test September 2013, I am 18 and for the car I currently have my car insurance is 1,250 or so. If I got an Audi tt that was a 2000 plate would the insurance be sky high?""
Why are my insurance quotes so high?
I live in New Jersey, Plan on buying a 2012 mazdaspeed3. I am 18, which of course will make my policy higher. Currently, my car insurance runs around 300/mo on my parents policy. I cannot join their policy with the new car as it will be registered to me. The following are the rates ive been quoted Progressive - 6 month policy, $5,000 + $1,200 due at start-up Cure - 6 month policy, 6,200 + 1100 due at start-up Liberty Mutural - 6 month - 5200 + 1500 start plymouth rock - 6 month - 2,2009 + 679 start Why are these all so expensive? and why do they only offer me 6 month policies? thanks in advance!""
Affordable Health Insurance for small business owner?
I own a small retail store in CT and just received notice that my health insurance (for my family as well as my employees) went up by 23% (!). Now I'm trying to research online what the best options are in terms of affordability and coverage. I looked into HSA but am afraid that my employees might not be able to pay the high deductible out of pocket. I also wonder if getting individual health insurance (not via the business) would work if I pay a portion for each of my employees and if those tend to be less expensive. I pay 100% for my employees now and partly for their family members and would like to continue doing that but the prices are just getting ridiculous. If anyone has any suggestions I really appreciate it. Sadly, I am not internet savvy so shopping online has proven to be hard and insurance jargon just seems like a foreign language to me... :) Thank you
Women drivers to pay more on car insurance?
Women could face considerable hikes in their car insurance premiums after the European Court of Justice ruled that insurance companies must stop charging different rates for men and women despite the fact female drivers are statistically less likely to be involved in an accident. What do you think about the verdict? Personally i agree. I don't think insurers should be able to discriminate against anyone because of things they have no control over like gender, race, religion etc.""
Cheapest car insurance company?
i am 27 years old have a pretty good driving record with only 2 violations (speeding, and stop sign) in the past few years. i have a 2000 chevy silverado (strip model, 2 wheel drive, nothing to steal on the inside with 120k on in only worth like 3,000) i only want liability no colision insurence. does anyone know what company through experiance gives the best quotes? i onlly need bear minumum on this truck and only drive it part time.""
Average living costs for a UK 16 year old girl on the following things?
Ok, I'm planning to move out at the age of 16 and go study at collage in Poole 3 day's a week and also have a few job's on the go to! I'm looking at roughly the living costs (Rent, food, Car or transport, Car Insurance, TV Licence and Internet Bills ect.) Website links would be brilliant and any advice would also help! Also If I could get any help financially by the government for paying the rent as i won't be earning much, about 7,000 a year? Many thank yous in advance :) I'm figuring the earlier i start budgeting, the better""
Why do we need car insurance anyway?
i know we need it by law, but why is it needed, and i need some estimates on insurance for my first car, honda 2002, pre owned.""
Can i pay Car Insurance with cash without using bank account? (or any other methods?)?
I am hoping to purchase car in a few days, im a new driver. Unfortuantley my account has been closed due to overdraft, i have bad credit. other than a pay as you go credit card.., is there any other methods of payments possible excluding a bank account (in the uk)? Thanks""
Need a quote on car insurance by Norwich Union. Just passed test.?
A friend needs a quote on car insurance. He has just passed his test and is about to buy his first car. All details can be provided to find a rough estamate before he purchases car insurance from yourselves.
What would be more affordable?
a 2003-2004 mustang v6? or a 2006-2007 chevy cobalt? insurance wise. serious answers only please. thanks.
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
When is the right time to buy life insurance?
My son is due on Valentine's Day. Should I already have life insurance, or should I wait until after I get married, which is happening on the 17th?""
Help with Car insurance cost?
ok so im 17 1/2 year old male and ive been driving since i was 15 1/2. As of right now im covered under my parents insurance with Mercury auto insurance and i pay $500 for 6 months of coverage ($1000 a year). I am currently covered for the three cars that my family owns 1996 Acura 2.5 TL (my crappy car) 2008 MBenz C300 (moms) 2011 Mazda 3 (Dads) So heres my question.. My car (the TL) is starting to break down and the cost of service is outmatching the value of the car. So ive been saving up to try to get another car and i am going to put down 40-50% of the money and my parents are gonna pay for the rest. The cost of the car is not the issue i was wondering more about my cost of insurance for the cars that i am interested in. I know that my most accurate response would be from the Insurance companies themselves, but i dont have time right now. I just wanted to know what you guys thought about how much i should pay per month for these cars. So the cars im interested in ( theres alot lol) are: 90's Toyota MR2 (preferably turbo, but i could live without it) Subaru WRX (Non-STI) Nissan 350Z Honda S2000 BMW 330i (coupe only) 00'-04' Ford Mustang GT There are others but i cant remember them right off the top of my head.. I know its gonna be WAY more expensive then what i pay now and that most of these cars are 2 door and 2 seat which will just make it worse. But im really willing to work for it and like i said i pay my own insurance bill. So how much do you think each of these cars cost for monthly insurance? And of the cars listed which would you most recommend?""
I just got pulled over for not having my seat buckle on and I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up?
This is the first time I've EVER been pulled over and I've had my license for a little over a year now. I get good grades and all that stuff so my insurance is pretty low for the average person right now. I'm wondering how much my insurance will go up? SOMEONE HELP! Kinda freaking out here. :p
How much do commercial bus companies pay for insurance?
I have heard that commercial bus insurance is very expensive, but I can't seem to find a website or forum that gives an estimation of cost. Do insurance companies per bus, or per driver, or both? What is the cost average per bus and per driver?""
Is Progressive Auto Insurance a good company?
I have several insurance quotes from State Farm and Allstate, and Progressive beats the price by almost half. But, when something looks to good to be true, it probably is. Is this good insurance? Are they good with claims?""
Will my car insurance go up much?
im planing on buying a new car in the next few weeks, im just wondering, will my insurance go up much? I currenty have a Peugeot 206 GLX 1.4, 2000 reg. I am hoping to get a Vauxhall Corsa S 1.0 ecoFLEX, 2011 reg What other cars should i consider, that are cheap to run/ insure / road tax ectect..""
Does mods affect car insurance?
Hey guys I have a honda civic 2000 and i was going to to add some mods such as an intake and a BOV as well as body kit and other engine modifications. I was just wondering what would happen if i didn't tell my car insurance provider about these what would happen?
Fair insurance for 03CBR600RR?
progressive. 170 a month. average liability coverage and collision and theft protection. im 19 and in the Military...have not taken the MSF course i know this will lower the cost. but interested to know if this is about the average price thank you
Can i survive without auto insurance?
I'm 16 and a half. I live in California. I got my drivers license yesterday. My dad has farmers insurance. Adding me to his plan will double his monthly bill. I am a VERY good driver, i live in a small city, and i never go on the freeway. Is it alright if i drive without adding myself to his insurance plan? i don't think $200/month is necessary. Also, it is not legal to drive in California without financial coverage so if i get pulled over, will i get into trouble?(the car's covered so im partially covered rite?). Thank you""
Motorcycle insurance cost?
thinking about getting a motorcycle and wanted to get an idea of how much the insurance would cost. thinking about either a 2000 rebel or an 06 ninja 250. just want an idea of what to expect.
Car insurance help?!?!?
Im 16 I own a 1991 Mercedes Benz 300se. About 180,000 miles how much would insurance be for me monthly/annually?""
Best New York Insurance?
Ok I'm 19, my mom's thinking of getting a CR-V or an Odyssey and I live in the Bronx so how much would it be for an insurance?? Any cheaper?? I have experience in driving had so many driving practice. Also what if I add another car? Would the insurance be cheaper or still off the roof? I'm thinking about A Miata that cost around $3,000 about 1996 model. Thanks!!""
Cheapest insurance for a vauxhall Astra 1.4 55 reg?
I'm paying round 90 a month for a 1.4 Astra with tesco. Absolute rip off I live in a half decent area and have no claims over 9 years, why is it so expensive, pain in the ****!!!""
""Rental car insurance if you don't own a car, renting over 15 days in california?
I don't own a car so I don't have auto insurance. Visa and Mastercard only seem to cover Collision/Loss Damage Waiver for 15 days. AmEx seems to offer this coverage for 30 days (but I don't have an AmEx card). None of these cards cover liability. Is there a better way to get coverage than buying from the rental car company? Does a homeowner insurance policy cover liability if you damage something or injure someone with a rental car? The Non-owner policies one can buy only cover liability and not LDW/CDW? Any help sorting this out would be appreciated. Please don't reply if you are not knowledgeable on this topic. Thanks.
What old car is cheap to insure for 19 year old?
Hi, I would just like to know what old car is cheap to insure foe a 19 year old male. I have a 1993 vauxhal astra 1.4 GL and insurance for me on this car is over 1500. So if anyone knows of an old car that is cheap to insure for a 19 year old male then please let me know! Thank you!""
College Question about health insurance?
So i am attending a SUNY school and im going for marketing i know longer want to go for marketing but cant switch out of classes, if i decide to stop going to two of my classes out of five will i loose my health insurance because i will know longer be a full time student, or would i still have health insurance because i paid for my courses, please let me know? Thanks""
Does U.S. car insurance (Allstate) cover you in Puerto Rico?
I'm going to be renting a vehicle from Thrifty car rental in Puerto Rico next week and I would like to just use my own insurance for the car. Does anyone know if Allstate covers driving in Puerto Rico? Thanks.
Why does my car insurance keep going up despite NEVER making a claim since I passed my DT In Nov 1992?
Where is my incentive to drive safely.. I might as well protect my NCB and drive like a f++king lunatic.
What insurance group?
I'm interested in the Mazda RX8 but would like to know the insurance group without having to go for a quote. I'm not looking at a specific car just love the cars and am interested.
Can you have insurance on a leased car ? Is leasing a good idea?
I want to have insurance and the car will be a daily driver just around my city .Helppppp
Will geico insurance rate go up from storm damage?
My car got hit from a piece of tree/brances and scratched and dent it a little, will insurace go up?""
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable ..........?
Why is the Affordable Care Act proving to be so Unaffordable for almost all concerned ? The Affordable Care Act has already caused over 4 Million People to lose their Health Insurance Plans because the Plan did not meet the mandates of the accepted Affordable care Act Insurance Plans The Affordable Care Act has already caused and is continuing to cause many thousands of employees to lose their Jobs through layoffs that Businesses/Companies are making in order to reduce the number of Business/Company Employees to below 50 in order that the Business/Company is exempted from having to purchase the More Expensive Insurance Plans that are mandated by Obamacare The Affordable Care Act has already mandated that everyone be enrolled in a Health Insurance Plan with medical benefits that many people don't want and/or don't need and these additional unwanted/unneeded medical benefits have caused many Insurance Plans to raise their Premiums for these additional benefits thereby raising the cost of premiums that Most Health Insurance that Most Subscribers will have to pay more for The Bottom Line is that thousands have lost their Jobs because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions have lost their Health Insurance Plans because of the Affordable Care Act + Millions More have had their Health Insurance Premiums raised in order to pay for the unwanted & unneeded medical benefits mandated because of the Affordable Care Act so.......................Why si the Affordable Care Act proving to be anything but Affordable ?
How long will it take to get a auto insurance check?
I was in a car accident june 3rd, I filed the claim the same day.. talked to the guy doing my claim the next day he said state farm would accept 100% fault so I had to send state farm the police report and some other things they needed and they are suppose to send me check. I faxed all the paper work last Tuesday so how long do you think it will take for them to send me a check? I'm just impatient because I have had no car and had to take all this time off work since I can not get a ride to work and a ride to take my childern to daycare and now my work says if I'm not back by next weekend they will fire me. I called the guy doing my claim just to see how long it normally takes but he never called me back. Any ideas? Thanks!""
Does insurance go with the driver?
If I have insurance on my car does that mean I can drive another car using that same policy without adjusting if its an temporary thing?
Rent insurance for tenants?
I am soon to be renting a property with my fiancee and I want to find out about rent insurance. I found a company online that provides insurance for tenants that pays the rent in case of job loss, etc. but now I can't find it. Do such companies exist, and where can I get such insurance? Can anyone recommend any?""
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
What are my rights? re: car insurance?
I'm a bit short of money at the moment, so on the 31st January i phoned my car insurance company and asked them to suspend my insurance. They told me the direct debit request for February had been sent on the 29th January, which they couldn't stop, and would be taken from my bank account on the 1st February and i would later bee refunded that amount. Today i received a letter in the post telling me they would hold the payment and use it when i continue the policy or use it towards a cancellation fee if I don't unsuspend the policy. The policy ends in June! The reason i cancelled is because im on benefits and just don't have the money to afford this right now. Anything i can do?""
Can I buy health insurance for one month?
I'm 19 yrs old and need health insurance to take a college course but since I'm prn my job dosents offer any to me!!! So is their anything I can do? I only really need it for one month.
Where can I find affordable family health insurance?
Looking to find several health company quotes.
I need insurence to pay for my pregnancy?
I hve NO insurence im only 18 idk how to get free insurance so that i can go to the dr for checkups to make sure my baby is okay or even see my baby in an ultrasound i dont know what a mid wife is and i dont know how im going to pay for the birth of my baby :( help i need answers
Moped/Scooter insurance???
Hi everyone. How much would it cost for me to be insured on this bike? http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/125cc-125-cc-Scooter-Moped-Sport-Learner-Legal_W0QQitemZ200232549719QQcmdZViewItem?hash=item200232549719&_trkparms=39%3A1|65%3A7&_trksid=p3286.c0.m14.l1308 I am 19 years old and have a provisional driving licence. (I'm just using that bike as an example but that is the size engine I want as I'm going to be traveling quite far to work and is working out a fortune for bus fair). I'm new to this so if you need more information about me or anything else please say. Thanks xx
My landlord requires that my dog be covered by insurance - Suggestions?
I'm renting for a year so I figure I should look into some sort of renters insurance that includes dog liability. My dog is a one year old golden retriever. There are so many ...show more
How much would car insurance cost if you have two tickets?
So I just got my second speeding ticket today... -.- My first ticket was going 58 in a 35... (reckless driving) Ironically my second ticket was 58 in a 35 too... (reckless driving) I am 18 and live in the state of Virginia... I own a 2005 Nissan Xterra SE... Can anybody estimate how much my car insurance is gonna go up? Like how much my insurance will be every month now? I have state farm insurance by the way... If anymore information is need please ask me so I can get the estimates... I'm actually very scared to tell my parents... So I'd just like to know all this information before they do...
Why do men think they are better drivers than women?
because if that were true our insurance wudnt be alot cheaper than theirs?anyone agree?
I just found out i'm pregnant with no insurance?
I just found out I'm pregnant and don't have insurance. I live in California near the Los Angeles/ Orange County line. I am trying to find out if there are any free/low cost clinics I can go to to get checked out? Any info would be greatly appreciated.
Buying health insurance?
im 20 and going into an ems training program. because im not going to college anymore, i wont be on my parents insurance. how do i find an insurance that will cover the meds i take with out paying my left arm? prozac buspar lithium seroquel b/c""
Looking for a site for Affordable Individual Health Insurance?
Hello, I'm looking for affordable individual health insurance online web company.Can you suggest me where can I find cheap and good site for my insurance?I'll be very thankful.""
Where can I get the best Auto Insurance Quotes?
My semi-annual auto insurance renewal is coming up. I've shopped before and I think I'm already getting a damn good rate, but still I'd like to try to get an even better rate. I've tried both Geico and Progressive, and both quoted me over $200 higher per year than I already pay. Any other good suggestions? This would be for coverage in California.""
Do I have to register my car and change my insurance if I am an out of state student in California?
My insurance company told me that I do not need to change my insurance since I am a student living outside of my home of record address. Now, I keep hearing that I need to register and smog test my car in California since I'm currently living there while attending school. If I do such a thing, does that not mean that I will have to change my insurance to California rates? I do not plan on residing in California post graduation, does this make a difference also? Someone please help....""
Getting Car Insurance for an American?
I'm trying to get car insurance for my wife who only recently passed her UK test. She has held a US license for many years (about 6 I think) and drove during that time with insurance and made no claims. However, it seems that some UK insurance companies don't recognise an American license or insurance history which is making the quotes extremely expensive. Up to 1500 for full comp on a basic family car (2003 Vauxhall Omega). Is anyone aware of any UK companies that would recognise her US license and quote accordingly for her driving history rather than treating her like a 17yr old? Thanks in advance.""
Would it be cheaper for me to go on my parents insurance or get my own insurance plan?
I am 16 and go for my license on the 19th of Nov, im paying for it myself. My parents have geico, i called Allstate today to get a quotes and they said about 210, please help!(:""
How much do you spend on your car payment/insurance per a month?
and is it a used or new car?
The cheapest kit car insurance company?
I have a drink driving offence and need a good cheap insurance company for kit cars thanks
Will Ryan's plan force insurance companies to sell to 'granny? Will 'granny' be forced to buy insurance?
For customers at sixty five, health insurance companies will be inclined to not sell to that age group. Can they be forced to do so by the 'government'? Will health ...show more""
Covered California individual plan?
Hello, I am a grad student with no income currently. I'm signing up for covered ca for an individual plan. It is asking for number of people in household, do I just put one for myself or am I supposed to write all family members even though it is for an individual plan? From the research I've done it seems I probably won't be eligible for obamacare and may have to sign up for medicaid. My mother is currently putting me through school and paying for my current health insurance. If I don't qualify for Obamacare couldn't I just sign up with a new plan under my current health insurance provider that my mother will pay for or would it be better if I just went with medicaid? Thanks for your advice.""
Are insurance agencies notified if you don't get a ticket?
i got pulled over but the cop gave me a break. he checked my license and registration in his computer but gave no ticket. will my insurance find out about this or am i safe for now? i have liberty mutual and live in maryland. im a new driver so im really worried my rates will go up even higher
""If you crashed your car into someones, how much would insurance pay out?""
Assuming the cost is 18,000, most of it being for injuries the other party claims to have (<1000 bucks in damage). How much would insurance pay and how much would i have to pay? No damage to my own car. No need for insurance after this because I dont think im going to drive again after hearing the cost.""
Hi everyone, i bought a car today...and i would like to insure myself on a provisional licence (UK ONLY) for my car. I have looked up cheap temporary insurance...but it needs to already be insured by another driver. I am the ONLY driver of this car. I do not want to put anyone else's name on it. I would like to insure it for 2-3 months, as i am nearly ready to pass my test. Can anyone tell me good sites? Ive already been on provisional marmalade and covered learner ....but they can only insure you on someone elses car. I will be the only person driving my car, i am the legal owner. I am only 18 and need something cheap for 2-3 months till i pass my test. Please help! Thankyou!!""
California low income health care aid?
just 18, college student, family currently on medi-cal am i still covered? is it until age 21? what are the ones that allow parental coverage until age 26? what changes will occur to the california healthy families and medi-cal programs with Obamacare? recently received letter putting me in emergency coverage only what does this mean to me and what i am covered for?""
What is the cheapest auto insurance company?
looking for a very affordable auto insurance quote/payment per month. Anyone knows? please and thank you.
Which insurance should i get?
Im 18 and i was involved in a car accident not my fault. well im look to get a new car insurance but i dont know which one to get. I want a low paying insurance, good converge, liability. I would like to know the insurance company and how much a month i would pay. Im think about getting freeway insurance but not sure.""
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
Insurance change help?
i am with geico and i want to go to allstate do i surrender my plates to switch insurance or do i keep the plates and call they and they will transfer me
Estimate for car insurance for 18 year old?
I live in Houston tx, like the top said I am a 18 year old male, I have a 2012 ford mustang v6. It is paid off, and I want to sign over the car from my parents name to mine cause they live in a diffrent city but that means I would have to start paying for insurance. Which is fine but do any of y'all know about how much I would be paying. I will only want liability, or if I can afford it full coverage. I don't want to get quotes from the insurance companies themselves because after that they constantly email call and mail you stuff and its annoying. Anyways thanks for the help""
Re. Car insurance?
Anyone work in insurance buisness? I have 2 cars, my mobilty car and a smaller car. I origionally bought it for my wife as she doesnt like driving my mobility car as its too big. I was advised by insurers to keep car in my name, Using my insurance in my name with my wife as a named driver and my 18 year old son who as of yet cannot afford a car as he is attending college and only gets 30 a week EMA if he attends. My wife and I want to give him the car as a joint 18th and christmas present. Now I am stuck if I hand ownership to him and he is pressured into taking out his own policy, my insurance that I have built up over nearly 35 years will possibly be voided and if I need to insure another car in next 3 years after my mobility car is handed back, I may loose my max NCD. Can I legally keep car in my name also my insurance and make him a named main driver, my wife as second and me as third. I have life threatening illnesses and want to give my kids their own cars. cont'd""
Car Insaurance for 17 year old?
Hi, I have been riding on the road for two years now (or will be when I get a car) I have had a 50cc moped when I was 16 and since turning 17 have a 125cc motorbike. I know that my no claims on bikes are separate but is there a chance I could get insurance cheaper? If so, roughly how much? (If you can could you recommend some cheap and cheap to insure cars, or some things I can do to get the price down? e.g. explanation of black box etc.? Cheers, Kieran.""
Car insurance cost for 17 year old?
Im 17 and ill be needing to pay for car insurence the car and th insurance compnay is in my parents name righ tnow they pay 150. my parents are putting me on the insurance policy and they are making me pay whatever is above 150, how much will i be paying. I live in virginia if that helps""
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
Which auto insurance company is better? Geico or Mercury? Please share your personal experience.?
If i got a car as a gift and dont have insurance and a car hits me is that ok?
my friend gave me a car and i dont have insurance, but a guy hit me this morning, will his insurance pay for it?""
""Where is the cheapest place to get auto insurance in st. petersburg, FL 33701?""
Haven't had insurance in awhile, just bought a new/used truck. Just need the basics. Live in st. pete area code 33701.""
Does my boyfriends name have to be on the car title in order for me to be put on his insurance?
I will be buying a car this weekend. I am under 25, so the insurance is outrageous. my boyfriend is over 25. It is a lot cheaper if i just add myself to his insurance. My question is does his name also have to be on my car if i want to be put on his insurance? I was told yes but im not sure.""
Keep insurance if I am selling the car?
I am selling a car that I still have financed. Do I still have to have insurance (full coverage) if I'm selling it and I'm not driving it at all? Ohio Law plz
Why is car insurance so high for young people?
Why is car insurance so high for young people?
""How can i get affordable health insurance, with a low income?""
I work part time,i am physically disabled ,my husb is unemployable,rejected from disability, i have very bad health condition and need health insurance to continue dr.care....How can i get affordable health insurance that won't cost me a fortune? I have gone to the DPA and i was rejected by them. I suffer with depression/(diagnosed bi-polar) ,,disc disease,IBS....i must obtain medical Insurance to continue treatment in order to continue working...how can i get help?""
Is my terrible credit rating going to affect my insurance premiums if I pay monthly?I?
I'm buying a new scooter in the next week or so so I can get to my new job. I've got a terrible credit rating from being over zealous with credit cards and loans. I can only afford to pay monthly for my insurance. Because of my credit rating, is there a chance I'll get turned down to pay monthly and have to pay my whole premium one go? Also, my previous insurance company has cancelled my old policy because I didn't pay the bill. I never recieved any letters or anything saying they were going to do it and as far as I was aware my money was going out as usual. Is that going to count against me as well?""
Can I get cheaper Car Insurance in England if I have 3 different clean Drivers Licences?
South African Licence, Japanese Licence and English Licence, all CLEAN! Can I get cheaper car insureance then?""
Are you required to pay car insurance even if you're not driving?
I'm 17 about to turn 18, I have my level 2 license and live in michigan, I have insurance with AAA and they said I have to pay car insurance even if I'm not driving, I'm trying to save for a car and don't want to pay for something every month that I don't need. So if I'm not driving and don't own a car do I have to pay or is the insurance company just wanting my money?""
""I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
I am looking out for a healthcare provider which is also an insurance company located in California, U.S.?""
I am pregnant and need maternity insurance. Where do i get it?
I just found out I'm six weeks pregnant, and need maternity insurance. I have not been able to afford regular insurance in the past, but now I am. I've been looking everywhere online, but no answers. I know most insurances consider this a pre-existing medical condition. I'm in northern california. Please help!""
Anyone Know Any Cheap Car Insurance For Teenagers In Michigan?
Anyone know a real cheap place I can get car insurance at in Michigan. I'm 18(also the age which I got my license), I qualify for the good grades in school discount, I drive a 2003 Honda? Any suggestions?""
What am I supposed to do about health insurance?
Originally, my daughter and I had health insurance and everything was fine until more than a few months ago we lost it because there was paperwork I was supposed to send in by a certain date, but I didn't know it, so they cut us off.... well, I applied more than a few months ago for health insurance and I still have yet to hear anything, despite all my efforts to call them and leave numerous messages... I even talked to someone at the front desk and she told me the day I called was the 45th day, which is the last day and then I would hear something from my worker in a week.......well its been 2 months since then and not a word!! I don't know what to do. My daughter is 2 and she needs physical therapy and just really needs to see a doctor.. I started working part time a month ago...my husband is still looking for a job but obviously we cannot afford insurance... this is ridiculous. My daughter should have health insurance by now.. What can I do to get an answer from these people? anything""
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Why can't Obama's affordable health act function without coercing people to pay a fine or buy insurance?
Is there a motorcycle insurance company that lets you have full coverage during the summer months?
and limited coverage during the winter months? I live in NY so naturally, I wouldn't be driving during the winter months, so why pay full? Thanks""
What is the cheapest car insurance if you have bad credit and low income?
What to do if you can't afford car insurance
What exactly does general liability insurance cover for a small business?
does it cover theft and breakage?
""Why is there so much hatred towards mandatory health insurance, and none towards mandatory car insurance?""
The health insurance is at least USEFUL. The car insurance is useless crap, IT should not be mandatory.""
I recently moved to Brooklyn and I need to find affordable auto insurance for my car. Any suggestions?
I know car insurance in NY is expensive in general, but any suggestions would help!""
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
Housatonic Massachusetts Cheap car insurance quotes zip 1236
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