#i don't know how she'd react. i don't want to turn it into a whole thing
brainfullofbees · 1 year
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woso-dreamzzz · 3 months
Steph Catley x Baby!Reader
Summary: Steph talks with Macca
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The rest of the Tillies crowd around you when Steph settles in a seat.
She'd left training early last night to pick you up and sign the paperwork and had slept in. She was lucky Tony was so accommodating. This was a big moment and she's glad that she's got you now.
The idea of adopting hadn't been on Steph's mind at all until she'd finished a game and looked up to see a little girl holding a sign that said 'This is my adoption day present'.
There was something about it that got Steph thinking. It hadn't crossed her mind once and then all of a sudden it was all she could think about. The process was long and she was constantly flying back and forth from England to Australia to sort everything out.
"How old is she?" Mini asks.
"Six months," Steph replies, smiling down at you.
"You're going to be a great mum, Steph. If you need any help just call. I'd be happy to babysit for a bit."
"I can't ask you to do that. Really, it's-"
"Trust me," Mini laughs, patting her on the shoulder," Give it a few weeks and you'll see why I offered." Her eyes are drawn behind Steph's shoulder. "Kyra! Charli! Stop teaching Harper bad habits!"
More of her teammates come up to fawn over you but Steph's waiting in anticipation for one in particular.
You seem unbothered by all the noise, something almost everyone comments on and Steph has to offer them all a forced smile as she rocks you back and forth and pulls silly faces to make you giggle.
"You wanted to talk?" Mackenzie says as she falls back next to Steph," You sounded pretty serious. You're not dying are you?"
"No...Macca...I was wondering if I could get some advice."
"If it's about changing position then I don't recommend goalkeeper. If it's about this little angel, then I'm not sure I'm much help either."
"I think you are." Steph isn't quite sure why she's treating it like it's some big secret. Everyone will know eventually but it's personal right now and she doesn't want anyone prying.
"Steph, you're scaring me a little."
"You know when you found out about your hearing loss, did you feel like learning auslan would help?"
Macca's brow furrows. "Why would..." Her eyes drift down to you. Somewhere across the room, Kyra and Charli shriek. It's enough to catch everyone off guard, heads automatically turning to the source of the noise but you don't react in the slightest. "Oh."
"She failed her first AOAE test and then the second one too. She failed her ABR test too."
Macca reaches out gently as Steph looks at her with wide eyes. "Is it complete hearing loss or is she hard of hearing like me?"
"Like you. I've...I've got baby hearing aids for her..." Steph digs around in her pocket to bring out a little blue case decorated with whichever stickers caught your eye when she got you yesterday. You'd smacked a few of them when Steph presented them to you and she had stuck them onto the case. She pops it open to reveal the aids.
Honestly, Mackenzie didn't even know that you could give babies hearing aids.
"She doesn't really like them though. The doctor said to keep them in whenever she's awake but...She really doesn't like them sometimes and I don't want her teased when she goes to school."
"It's different," Macca says eventually as she watches your whole face be taken over by a yawn," I was much older when I found out. I knew how to speak and communicate. I...I don't think it could hurt to learn it with her although if you're staying with Arsenal long-term then you should probably do a bit of bsl too, just to be safe."
"Right, yes."
Steph had known about your hearing loss for months now. Some of the workers assigned to you had tried to warn you away from her because of it. They made you out to be a difficult case or defective in some way.
But Steph thought you were a little angel.
You were so perfect and sweet and she wanted to adopt you even though everyone told her that there were better, hearing babies to choose from.
But you had endeared her from the moment you met, smacking blocks together and chewing on your fingers.
"You should put her hearing aids in though," Mackenzie says," She'll get used to them eventually but they're no help if she's not wearing them. Did they teach you how?"
Steph nods. "Yeah."
"Can you teach me? Girls like us have to stick together. I can't believe they make ones that small."
That shocks a laugh out of Steph as she sits you upright to slip your hearing aids on.
You whine a little when they're turned on, scrunching up your face at all of the noise you can suddenly hear.
"Yeah," Macca laughs at your annoyance," It was like that for me too. It's so strange that people just regularly hear so much."
You turn your head towards her when she speaks, the first time she's seen you react to noise at all and giggle, kicking your feet.
Steph beams as she stands you up on her thighs and kisses your chubby baby cheeks, blowing a few raspberries on them for good measure.
"Can we play with the baby now?" Kyra asks, suddenly barrelling into the quiet moment," Please?"
"No, Kyra," Steph says with an eye roll," You can play with my angel after camp. You'll be seeing a lot of her back in London."
"Please? I'm really responsible! I take care of Harper all the time!"
In sync, Steph and Mackenzie both watch as Charli goads Harper into rolling off the table. Thankfully, Mini is there to catch her just in time.
"That wasn't my fault! Charli was watching her!"
"Go and play with Harper, Kyra," Steph says," This angel needs a little nap so she can greet her adoring fans at dinner. Maybe, if you're good, you can help feed her."
Kyra walks off in a huff as Steph gets up from her seat.
"Steph," Macca calls out as Steph starts to get ready to put you down for a nap," My audiologist in London does kids as well. I can set up an appointment for you if you want."
"Thanks, Macca."
In the quiet of her hotel room, you finally settle. Steph's seen this kind of behaviour from you before, on those visits before she could adopt you.
Noises still seemed a little shocking to you and strange.
You give her a little smile to show off the few teeth you've got and Steph flutters kisses upon your cheeks as you giggle ecstatically.
It's the best sound in the world and Steph settles on the bed with you on your chest. You're still giggling as she slips your hearing aids out so you can sleep peacefully.
"Go to sleep, angel," She coos to you, close enough that you can feel the vibrations of her words against you," We're going to have so much fun together."
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smusherina · 2 months
yard work - chapter 7 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her.
warnings(s): i feel like the theme is pretty established by now, still homophobia. negative talk about weight. a brief segment about Mr George's A+ parenting. as in, he's bad at it.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 8
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You accosted Cady Heron after Ms Norbury's calculus class. You took her by the purse strap and hauled her to the janitor's closet, ignoring all her indignant chirping.
You'd been stewing the whole class, glaring daggers at the back of her stupid orange hair.
"You've crossed a line." You said once the door shut behind you. She was cowering against the wall, looking like a cornered animal. "Those fucking Kälteen bars were too much."
"What? What're you talking about?" She tried to lie, to seem tough like the popular girl she was so desperately trying to be.
"I'm talking about the so-called weight loss bars you gave to Regina." You hissed, stepping closer so you loomed over her. You really wanted to get your point across. "It wasn't very hard to search up what they're really for. You don't mess with someone's body like that."
"She had it coming!" Cady finally relented, looking up at you defiantly. "She- she took Aaron from me and made out with him right in front of me all the time and then she just threw him away!" She yelled, hands clenched to fists and a red flush of rage blotching her freckled face. "All she does is spite me." She added with venom.
"Aaron isn't some trophy for either of you to own." You implored, trying to not react to her raised, aggressive tone. It would be mortifying to cry now. "I'm not saying she didn't do anything wrong, but Cady that's fucked up. You need to apologize."
"Why? Why in the world should I apologize to her? She hasn't apologized to anyone even though she's probably done something to everyone in this hellhole."
"Two wrongs don't make a right. I know that's cliche as hell, but what did you think you'd achieve?"
"We were trying to topple her. Make her lose her status. By making her gain weight, well, she'd get all ugly."
You shivered in repulsion. Regina had already sunken her claws deep into this girl.
"I... I honestly don't know what to say to you." Defeated, you said one last thing: "I'm out. I'm not taking part in your scheming anymore and I don't want to hear about it."
"It's not like you did anything!" Cady huffed.
"Exactly." You sighed. "I didn't do shit." She looked confused at that, but you didn't rightly care.
With that, you stepped out of the closet. This would probably be the only instance you'd step out of the closet, figuratively, in high school. A small victory, maybe.
"What were you doing in the janitor's closet?" You almost bumped into Regina.
Too stunned to hear her speak to you in public, you didn't get to answer before Cady stepped out as well. Her face was still flush and her clothes were a bit messy from you dragging her through the hall.
Regina's expression turned stormy. She seemed to coil back, tension rising in her body as she took stock of the state of you. You could do nothing but stare as she levelled Cady with a murderous look.
When she turned to you, you nearly flinched back. Not only was she angry, furious really, but you'd hurt her. It was clear in the way she was breathing hard and heavy, how she was shuddering the lightest bit, how her lips pinched together. When Regina was angry, only angry, she went cold. It wasn't like this. This was something worse.
"Reg," You tried to say something and went to touch her arm.
"Don't." Don't call me that. Don't touch me. She hissed, hurt turning to fear as she looked around you. People weren't staring, luckily you hadn't caused a scene, but there were always eyes on Regina.
You looked down at your shoes and, with great reluctance, walked away. It was considerably harder to keep from crying now.
Not feeling up to geography, you went to your usual spot. The number of cigarettes you smoked in a day was starting to get a little too much. You couldn't find it in yourself to care now.
Once you arrived behind the bleachers, you tossed your backpack onto the grass and sat on it. The ground was cold and getting colder by the day. Soon enough it'd snow.
What the fuck were you doing? You'd impulsively confronted Cady, angry for Regina's sake, but you hadn't been able to really say anything to her. You'd asked her what she was trying to achieve, and all the while you had no idea of what you wanted.
You wanted everything to be okay. That was vague. You wanted Regina to be not nice, but herself. She wasn't vindictive by nature. You wanted her to apologize, but couldn't open your fucking mouth and say that. You wanted Cady to stay the fuck away from her, same went for Janis and Damien.
You weren't so dumb as to expect you'd be able to convince anyone. You didn't have any weight in these people's lives. You barely existed. For Regina to change, something drastic needed to happen. Something like a fall from grace, you grudgingly admitted. It would change her, but it would also hurt her. You didn't want to do that. Maybe if her dad changed. Then again, even if he changed that wouldn't erase the past. Maybe Cady could move her somehow. Regina had taken her under her wing, after all, though for misguided reasons. Maybe there was something there.
(The pattern was hard to miss. Regina rounding up pretty girls around her. When you no longer measured up to her standards, she got Janis. Then she threw her away. Eventually, she found Karen and Gretchen. Now, Cady was next.)
You heard approaching footsteps and crossed your fingers, hoping it wasn't a teacher. Soon enough, Janis 'Imi'ike appeared before you in all her gothy glory.
"Gimme one." She demanded as she squatted down in front of you.
"That'll be fifty cents." You said back. There was only one person you'd share your pack with for free.
Janis tsked. "Fine." She reached into her pockets and after a bit of rifling handed you a coin. You pocketed it and offered the pack to her.
"Got a lighter?" She asked with the stick in her mouth. You tossed it to her. "Thanks."
You took the lighter back. She didn't say anything for a while. You could appreciate that, even if you didn't want to talk to her at all.
"So, you're out."
"Yup." You took a drag. "Espionage isn't for me."
"Even though you ruined all our plans?" You'd hoped they hadn't realized you were the mole, but you supposed that'd been naïve.
"Yeah. I'm not built for it." You looked at the slowly burning smoke between your fingers. "Y'know, you're not so different."
"What? Me and who?" She adjusted on her perch. The black eyeliner around her eyes made them look huge.
"Regina." She looked about ready to punch you. "What she did to you was evil, I know. It's not about that."
"Then what is it about?" She took an angry drag. It looked ridiculous. Sucking on the filter hard enough to scrunch her lips. You closed your eyes for a moment to not be so amused by it.
"You want revenge 'cause you were wronged. Regina, she..." You didn't want to sell her vulnerabilities to her mortal enemy, but you wanted to try and reach Janis. "She's been hurt too. It's not the same, exactly, but she's not doing this because she's rotten inside."
"You don't know shit," Janis snarled, cig nearly snapping in half in her tight grip. "You're just trying to sympathise-"
"Yes, I'm trying to sympathise with her, is that so wrong?" You interrupted her, frustrated she wasn't listening to you. Or maybe she was and just not liking what she heard. If that were the case, your words meant nothing and you were a fool for trying. Still, you kept going.
"This one time, Reg and I- I mean, Regina and I,-" You knew it was futile to hope Janis hadn't noticed your slip-up. "We were climbing the apple trees in their backyard. We had a great time, sitting up there and eating the small, sour apples, just being kids. When we got back, though, we ran into Mr George.
"Regina had on a white sundress. It was covered in grass stains and bits of tree bark. Mr George got so angry. He started yelling right in her ear, I don't even remember what he said. I was so afraid. Regina just stood there, staring at nothing. We were holding hands and she just went limp. It was as if she was used to it, like she knew exactly what to do.
"Then, he told her to get the dress to Mrs George immediately. And no dessert that day. As soon as we got away from him, I burst out crying. Poor Regina didn't know how to console me, so she just took me to her mom. She was sorting laundry in the mudroom, I think, and as soon as she saw us she just said: "Rick yelled?" Like it was so normal. Regina started crying then too."
You took a drag. "I can't stop you from seeking revenge. But I guess I'm asking you to. I'm asking the same of her. She doesn't need to take her revenge against the world, either."
Janis picked at her nailpolish. All black except for the ring finger, which was a shoddy rainbow. "If you think that sob story's gonna convince me, think again. So what, her dad yelled at her so it's okay for her to, hmm, let's go down the list, uhhh, belittle her supposed friends, degrade random passers-by, steal boyfriends like it's a hobby, breed eating disorders, and so on. Riddle me that."
"Where do you think Regina learned to treat others the way she does? Where did she learn that in order to be safe, she needed to be above everybody, that she needed to be in command at all times? Where did she learn that she needed to be mean to gain that authority? Not just mean, but vicious and cruel and fucking scathing." You raved, voice rising. "Riddle me that, Janis."
"Her daddy issues don't take away the choices she's made!"
"No, they don't, but they explain them. Doesn't intent make any difference to you?"
"You're seriously telling me she didn't intend to ruin my life when she told everybody in school that I was a lesbian?"
"I'm telling you she's a bad person, a flawed person, but redeemable. I'm not asking you to change your opinion, I'm asking you not to take this stupid revenge idea any further." You paused to take a breath. "Janis, I'm... I'm a lesbian too. She's not inherently bad."
"What?" Her voice was like a whisper.
"Yeah. I came out to her when we were, like, eleven." You'd known so early because you'd been crushing on your best friend. Wonder who that'd been. "Looking back on it now, I think she ditched me for you."
"And then she left me too, fucked me over, and moved on to her next victim." Janis looked shell-shocked. Did you really pass as straight so well? Or was her gaydar all wonky? "She- she didn't tell anybody?"
"No, I don't think so. I've never gotten any shit for it. Or, well, I have 'cuz I look pretty butch, but not like that."
Janis just looked at you, cigarette burning away. You took a pointed drag. She copied you.
"She's not homophobic. She just didn't like me." Janis said, mostly to herself it seemed. You couldn't tell what she was thinking or if this information had changed anything.
"Does that make it better or worse?"
"I don't know. It still hurts." You could understand that. "I need to talk to Damien about this."
"Don't spread any of this around." She looked at you sharply. "Obviously you're gonna tell him, I didn't mean that."
"Well. Good." She stood up and stretched her legs. "I'll think about your proposition." She said as she stumped the cig out with her boot.
You scoffed. "Bye." Proposition.
Her consideration would have to be enough for you. You stumped your own smoke as well. There was little time left to contemplate lighting a new one when yet another client came to your outdoor office. You could start charging visitors with the amount of people coming in and out of your alcove.
Regina stood above you, face still conveying not-good things, but the glassy surface of her eyes had disappeared.
"Move aside." She commanded. You shuffled off of your backpack obediently, planting your ass on the damp grass without complaint. Her pants were more expensive anyway.
"I was telling Cady she'd overstepped." You blurted before she could get a word out. "I'm sorry if it was, like, a bad move I just... I felt like I needed to say something."
"Yeah, well, that was stupid. You shouldn't have made it seem like you knew me." You winced sadly. "I don't need you to defend my honour. And you also totally ruined any leverage I had with that."
"I'm sorry." You kept your head down, looking intently at the grass.
"Hmm." She just hummed. You couldn't read her like you usually could, preoccupied with keeping yourself calm. "What are you doing for Thanksgiving?"
Confused by the sudden topic change, you looked at her. She was leaning her elbow on her knee, her temple on her fist. She had on a little smile, like she hadn't just shamed you. You should've probably been relieved. She wasn't mad. But you were still in it.
"Uh, I'm..." You shrugged, trying to regulate. "Dad isn't coming home, if that's what you're asking."
"Okay, you're coming to mine for Thanksgiving." She said so easily. "Mom will be thrilled."
"What? Thanksgiving at the Georges?"
"That sounds like a shitty TV show. Like Seinfeld."
"I'm serious, Regina." You swallowed. "Are you sure that's a good idea?"
"It'll be fine. If you act like you did the other night, everybody will be charmed." She grinned like that was an inside joke between you two. "Only my aunt and cousin, mom's side, are coming. I think you've met Riley. Aunt Josie is cool."
You were starting to feel sick. You knew her, at least thought you knew her, but her switching up how she treated you whenever she felt like it was getting tiring. What did she want from you? How were you supposed to act? Could you even ask without her getting mad or you embarrassing yourself?
You had conviction in that you liked her, wanted to protect her, and would be on her side, but was that enough? Did you have enough strength to sustain the rollercoaster that was Regina George? It felt as if there was no other option than to keep riding. You couldn't exactly jump off unless you were prepared for certain death.
"I've met Riley." Your tone must've been telling of how drained you were feeling. Regina tilted her head at you.
"Are you okay?"
"Yeah, yeah, just tired." You didn't want to be around people for the rest of the day. You wished you could just go home, nap, and have Regina there. Your Reggie, a little bitchy but funny, the side of her she only seemed to show when you were in private.
"You could go home." Her suggestion was tempting.
"No, dad's gonna yell at me again if I skip any more classes." He'd already called you earlier that month. It hadn't been pleasant, to put it nicely. Fifteen minutes of him berating you over the phone felt like a split second compared to the hour-long rants he'd go on when he was home. So, it could've been worse.
"I'll come over to yours later." She stated rather than asked. Obviously, you had to say yes, however reluctantly. "We could go shopping, too."
"You'd take me shopping?" Now that was new. You couldn't help but be a little pleased by that.
"Grocery shopping."
"Mom says it's best to get some of the ingredients for Thanksgiving early." Regina recounted, crossing her arms and leaning against the metal backing. Your backpack had her elevated so she was a little above you. A change in pace.
Even her lower chin looked good. Damn.
"This early, though?"
"You know her. She's neurotic."
"Maybe a little bit."
"So, you'll come?" Resigned, you nodded. "I'll come to yours and we'll go."
"Why aren't we taking your car?"
"It's too recognisable. Duh." Yeah. Of course. How could you forget? "We're going pretty late, too. Less foot traffic."
You hummed. It wasn't as if you could change society. Even if things were different with Regina, you still couldn't be seen getting too cosy with her. You could like her from a distance and that was that. You could be a good friend and that should've been plenty. Really, above anything, you wanted her to be happy. With or without you.
That thought grated on you. You didn't want to lose her. You weren't sure if your choices made it so that you already had.
Why did everything have to be so hard?
Notes: This was originally supposed to be the climax chapter, but it seems we're still climbing. Next chapter then! Look forward to it :)
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism, @9unknown0, @sage-rose2000, @massive-honkas, @nattys-swiftie, @likefirenrain, @luz-enjoyer, @dandelions4us, @natashamaximoff-69, @alexkolax, @jareaul0ver, @here4theqts, @charleeeesworld, @natsbiggestfan1, @brocoliisscared, @yellowwallflowers, @scarlettbitchx
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avatar-anna · 9 months
bad idea, right?
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As you slipped a gold hoop through your ear, you wondered if you were making a huge mistake.
You weren't, you knew you weren't, but the butterflies swirling around in your belly were making you anxious. This was nothing, so why was your body reacting this way?
"Well don't you look hot!"
You turned to look at your roommate, jumping a little in front of the mirror. "Thanks."
She took that as her cue to come into your room, settling on the edge of your bed as you finished getting ready. You normally wouldn't mind, you and Marissa hyped each other up before dates all the time, but you didn't think she would be in favor of this particular outing. That alone warranted you to question whether or not this was a good idea, but you were confident it was, so you pushed it aside.
Well, not good, per se, but not bad either.
"Is that new? I've never seen you wear that top before."
You looked down at your cropped sweater, the one you'd cut yourself yesterday after buying it. The amount of time it took for you to figure out what to wear tonight was too embarrassing to admit—and perhaps what was more pathetic was the hours of shopping you did—but at least you'd settled for something that was on the casual side. The last thing you needed was to come off as if you thought about tonight too much, or worse, you didn't want anyone thinking you had expectations.
Shrugging, you hoped you appeared more nonchalant than you felt. "No, this was just... something I had deep in my closet."
No. "Really."
Having snagged the last earring in the set of holes on your right ear, you moved to the left. You pretended to focus hard on your task, even though you could've done it without the mirror, but now you were trying to hide your blush from your roommate. If she sensed something was off, she'd keep questioning you, and you really couldn't have that.
"I didn't even know you were going out tonight," she said. From the reflection in the mirror, you saw her eye your outfit one more time. "Where are you going again?"
"I never said," you told her. "It was kind of a last minute thing. Someone from class invited me."
"Like a date?" Marissa asked you. "Wait. Is this who you've been going out for coffee with the last few days?"
You winced, your hand having slipped and stabbed your ear on accident. You didn't realize your roommate had been keeping such close tabs on you, which was probably a good thing seeing as you lived in a big city together. But you hoped Marissa wasn't too perceptive. She'd kill you if she knew. So you put on your best smirk and said, "Could be."
Marissa kept peppering you with questions about the "mystery man," but you wouldn't budge. You couldn't. Finally done with jewelry, you turned around and presented yourself to her. "How do I look?"
"Like whoever you're seeing tonight is gonna fall to their knees when they see you," Marissa said.
"Perfect," you said. That was exactly what you were going for.
On your way out, the anxiety in the pit of your stomach continued to build, messing with your head and making you think this whole thing was a bad idea. It probably was, but maybe it wasn't. But then again...
"Fuck it, it's fine," you muttered. Then, over your shoulder, you called out to your roommate, "Don't wait up for me!"
"Text me at 12:30 so I know you're still alive!" Marissa called back from the couch where she was watching, re-watching, Pride and Prejudice. "And don't do anything I wouldn't do!"
Too late for that.
"Thanks for coming over."
You nodded as you took a sip of your wine. "Thanks for inviting me."
Harry grinned before sipping from his own glass. "This isn't weird, is it? I know inviting you over for dinner seems a little forward, but I feel like enough time has passed that we can catch up as friends, right?"
Friends. You really were an idiot. You'd been stupid enough to think that after the first few catch-up coffee dates, this might've been more, which was completely insane. You and Harry broke up almost two years ago now. When he texted you saying he'd moved back to the city, you agreed to see him and catch up, as any two people who used to know each other would. Then it happened a few more times, and then he texted you asking to come to his place for dinner, and you'd been confused but intrigued. Now you just felt silly.
"Y—Yeah. Of course. So, um, how—how are you?"
"Good. Just, you know, getting settled in the new apartment and finding my footing as a proper adult here and not a student. Did you know the Thai restaurant on 28th closed? I went..."
You listened to Harry as he spoke about moving back to the city, your eyes focusing on different parts of his face as you tried to determine which parts of him had changed and which stayed the same. Overall, he looked a little older, but that made sense seeing as a lot of time had passed since you'd last seen him. He had stubble on his cheeks and around his mouth as if he was trying to grow a mustache, something he definitely couldn't do when you were with him. His hair wasn't long anymore, but curled around his ears and reached just past the nape of his neck. He looked tanner, more muscular, more handsome. You could only hope he was thinking you looked more beautiful too.
"—about you?"
"Huh?" You hadn't realized that you zoned out the last few minutes.
Harry grinned, like he knew you'd gotten caught up in staring at him. "I was asking how you've been? Good, I hope? I mean, since I saw you two days ago, I mean."
Nodding, you took another sip of your wine, yet another thing that had changed since you were together. In school, it was whatever you could afford from the off-campus corner store. Now you were drinking from a bottle that had to be expensive. You couldn't even pronounce the label when Harry showed it to you.
"Good, I guess," you said. "Still in school, still working."
"At the MET, right?" Harry asked.
"Yeah. I'm doing guided tours right now, but once I get my master's I can start doing more research-based stuff."
"That's exciting. I know you've always wanted to work there," Harry said, inching closer to you on the sofa. It was currently the only piece of furniture set up in his apartment besides his bed. He'd apologized when you arrived thirty minutes ago. You didn't mind, though maybe you should've. Maybe this really was just a catch-up, not a hookup. When Harry invited you to come over, you thought there might've been some subliminal messaging, but he hadn't made a move, and the less-than-put-together apartment screamed that he wasn't trying to impress you.
Promptly, you attempted to drown your shame and embarrassment with a longer sip of wine.
"Thanks. You should stop by sometime. I get to give out free tours."
"I'd be happy to."
He hadn't done anything wrong, but now you just felt like an idiot. The entire time you were getting ready, you wondered where tonight would lead, debated if you should cancel or not because of said wondering. And in the end, maybe you should've because if tonight had told you anything so far, it was that you were hung up on your ex and all he thought of you was someone who could get him into the MET for free.
Tonight really had been a bad idea. Maybe even a terrible one.
"Um, is your restroom through there?" you asked, pointing at the shut door closest to you.
Harry looked over his shoulder to where you were pointing. "Yeah. Sorry, should've mentioned that earlier."
Setting your glass down on the floor, you stood up and hurried to the bathroom. You sat down on the closed lid of the toilet and pulled your phone out of your purse and shot a frantic text to Marissa.
You: i need you to call me with a fake emergency in five minutes.
Marissa: what? why? what's wrong?
You: i was an idiot
You: i'll explain when i get back
Marissa: five minutes?
You: make it four
Putting your phone away, you turned the faucet on so it seemed like you really had used the restroom. Now that Marissa was going to bail you out, all you had to do was finish your wine—it was really good, to be fair, so that wouldn't be a problem—and wait for her call. This night was not going in the direction you expected, and it was probably for the best to cut it short instead of letting it drag on. Dinner smelled amazing, and you'd wanted to share a meal with Harry more than anything, but now you just wanted to go home and wallow in your own stupidity.
When you came out of the bathroom, Harry was standing in his small kitchenette in front of the stove, stirring something that smelled delicious in a saucepan. With his back turned, you let yourself stare unabashedly for a few seconds before picking up your wine glass and polishing off its contents. With the small clink of the glass being set on the counter, Harry turned around, dimples set deep in his cheeks as he grinned at you.
"Dinner should be ready in a few," he said. "Here, come taste."
You knew you shouldn't have, you'd already made enough slip-ups tonight as it was, but you walked the few steps to his side anyway, opening your mouth when he raised a spoon to your lips.
"Wow," you said, honest shock in your voice when you tasted what he'd given you.
"Good, right? I've picked up a couple tricks over the years," he said, pulling the towel off his shoulder and reaching down to open the stove and pull out a pan.
"Yeah, you could never cook like this when we—Is that lasagna?"
For the first time tonight, Harry seemed sheepish. "Yeah. I was kind of hoping it was still your favorite. You used to love the one from that small Italian place a couple blocks from campus."
Had you read the situation wrong? Harry wouldn't have just made what he thought was your favorite dish on a whim. It was possible he still considered this thing you were doing platonic, but you foolishly hoped you weren't the only one who had expectations.
Before you could say anything, your phone rang. Damn it, you thought, pulling your phone out of your purse. You answered it, trying to quickly come up with a way to call off the fake emergency. "Hey, listen, now's not a good—"
"I'm locked out of our apartment!" Marissa cried dramatically. If Harry hadn't been watching you, you would've rolled your eyes. You loved your roommate, but she didn't need to wail. "You need to come back immediately or I'll freeze to death!"
"It's the middle of July, M," you said, trying to put some intention in your voice to let her know you were fine.
"You know I have poor circulation and it makes me cold!"
"Have you tried calling the super?"
"I need you!" she wailed again.
"Okay, okay. I'm on my way," you finally said. "See you in a few."
When you hung up, you looked up at Harry, apology dying on your lips when you saw the disappointed look on his face.
"That bad, huh?"
You knew he wasn't talking about the phone call. "Maybe it's just me, but things feel awkward between us. I think we should stick to coffee from now on, you know? That seems a lot more friendly than—"
If you'd had any doubts about where Harry's mind had been regarding tonight, they were completely wiped away when he surged forward and kissed you.
You told yourself the gasp was because you were surprised, not because it felt so good to kiss him again after so much time had passed, though that did not go unnoticed by you. Everything about his lips on yours felt achingly familiar. Harry parted your mouth with ease, his hands sliding down your waist and gripping firmly. Your body reacted almost of its own volition, every one of his touches garnered an immediate response. When he settled his teeth on your bottom lip, your hands gripped his hair, when his hands squeezed your body appreciatively, you wrapped a leg around his waist, when he finally detached his lips from yours and began kissing and licking a stripe down your neck, you sighed and arched your back into him.
It was too good to be true. The way you felt, how pliant your body immediately became, his hair as it tickled your chin the lower his kisses went. It lit you on fire, made you want to burn brighter.
You didn't even know what you were going to say, but Harry took it as you needing him. He raised his head back to yours, taking your bottom lip between his own and sucking, his thumbs dipping below the waistline of your jeans casually. You leaned into the kiss, wanting more of the fire and intensity from the first one, but Harry wouldn't move any faster. His kiss was slower now, more drawn out, like he was attempting to taste every inch of your lips and savor it. It left you even more breathless than before.
"You thought I didn't want this? Want you?" he said, his teeth nipping at a spot where the zipper on your sweater opened.
"Thought that the smell of my favorite perfume on you wouldn't drive me absolutely mad the second you walked through the door? I've been trying to be polite. I've been trying to be a gentleman because it's been so long, but maybe we can skip the pleasantries, hm? What do you think, mon rêve?"
It all became too much as he began to grind his hips against yours. He was still taking his time, as if there was nowhere else he'd rather be at the moment, and to be honest, you didn't want to be anywhere else, either. Using the nickname he used to call you put you over the edge. My dream, he called you, because he swore no one in real life could be so perfect that he had to have been dreaming when you met.
Bad idea or not, you weren't going anywhere. Even if this was just one night, you would make it count.
But the buzz of your phone had you pulling away with a start.
"Don't," he murmured, pressing the word against your lips with his, slowly reaching for the hem of your sweater to pull it.over your head.
"She'll keep calling if I don't answer," you said, obliging Harry's hands and hoping he would understand what you were trying to say. You weren't going anywhere, but if you didn't answer now, Marissa would track you down and come here if she was under the impression you were in trouble.
"Don't go," he said this time, kissing the line of your jaw up to the shell of your ear. "Just stay."
"And what happens if I do?" you asked breathlessly.
This wasn't a rekindling of a relationship, you knew that. Perhaps it was the familiarity of your embrace in a city filled with millions of people making you both feel drawn to each other. You'd broken up a long time ago for reasons that had yet to be discussed, one night wasn't going to change the history you shared just like that. You knew that even as you got ready to come over to Harry's apartment tonight. This was just...
"Two people can reconnect, can't they?" Harry said. He hooked your other leg around his hip and sat you on the small counterspace, his eyes heavylidded as they roved your face. His gaze sent butterflies alight in your belly, making you feel things you hadn't felt in a long time.
Before you knew it, your ankles crossed over one another on the small of his back. Your hand carded through his hair, and you grinned a little when Harry shut his eyes at the feeling of your fingers against his scalp.
Phone call forgotten, you leaned in, but moved slightly so that you kissed the corner of Harry's mouth. You kissed him all over, starting with his cheek, then along his jaw to behind his ear where you knew he was sensitive, making sure to leave a mark, just because you could. You couldn't contain your smile as he groaned and pulled you closer, held you tighter.
Your phone buzzed again, this time with a text. You didn't want to, and you could tell Harry didn't want you to, either, but you pulled away to look at it.
Marissa: hello?? i thought you were fleeing?!
"Are you?"
You held your phone close to your chest, having realized Harry read your text with you. Not letting him see the screen, you typed out a response, then locked it and set it down.
"This could be messy," you said, not sure why you were trying to talk yourself out of this. Or whom you were trying to talk out of this.
"Maybe," Harry said, running his thumb over your lip so that it separated and bounced back into place.
"And you're the one who said we were two friends catching up," you said.
"Friends hook up all the time," he said, undoing his belt with one hand while the other continued to play with you bottom lip. When he fiddled with the strap of your bra, you didn't stop him from gently urging it off your shoulder.
"I think—" the words died in your throat as Harry dipped his thumb past the seam of your lips, effectively shutting you up.
"And I think," he said, lifting you up and bringing you to the edge of his sofa. "I think I'd like dessert before dinner, What do you think, mon rêve?"
This whole evening screamed bad idea. There were too many tangled strings, too many unanswered questions, too many unknown variables. But Harry was already kissing his way down from your collarbone, his teeth grazing your skin in all the spots that made you keen and your breath hitch. Maybe it was a bad idea, but you'd come over anyway. Might as well see it through.
"Fuck it, it's fine," you muttered, gripping Harry's hair between your fingers and directing his path of burning kisses with little care for the aftermath that was sure to bite you in the ass tomorrow.
Harry was gone the next morning. Disappointed? No. Surprised? Maybe. It definitely meant there wouldn't be an awkward goodbye, but it also meant this really was a one time thing.
Which was good. You got it out of your system, got him out of your system. Last night was just a trip down memory lane. An excellent trip, but it was over now.
You stretched your arms above your head, working out the aches and pains from last night's fun. It had been a while since you'd been sore from having sex, and you'd kind of missed it—knowing that the night before had been so good that it carried over into the next day. Days, sometimes.
Searching for something to cover you up, you spotted Harry's shirt from the night before. Walking around in one of his shirts wasn't what you were going for, but it would have to do until you found your own clothes. Sliding it over your head, you prepared to stand on wobbly legs when the turn of a lock sounded at the front door.
Frantically, you rubbed at your eyes and whipped the shirt back off before lying against the pillows again as if you were still asleep, which wasn't hard seeing as you were still exhausted. Your heart was racing as you heard Harry step into the room, humming as he fiddled with his keys and kicked off his shoes.
You figured he would wake you up, but he didn't. To your surprise, Harry slid back into his bed next to you, his arm snaking around your waist and lips sponging kisses onto your bare shoulder. "You awake?" he mumbled, his thumb rubbing circles on the warm skin just beneath your breast.
Pretended to wake up, you breathed in deep and said, "A little."
"I don't have a coffee maker yet, so I went down the street. There's a latte with your name on it in the kitchen."
You smiled wide without really meaning to. You'd been thinking he'd just left to avoid an awkward conversation, but it seemed like you were both eager to put it off as long as possible. Shifting in Harry's arms, you turned to face him through half-opened eyes. His hair hung in his face, grazing the sunglasses he'd yet to take off. His sweatshirt was a little cold to the touch from being outside, making you shiver a little.
"Are you cold? Here." Harry pulled the sweatshirt over his head and helped you fit it over your head, which still had your hair wrapped in a silk scarf from last night.
When it was on, you grinned at the feeling of his warmth wrapped around you, of a cologne that was foreign to you but just as head-spinning. Reaching up a hand to his face, your fingers grazed his sunglasses. "What are these for?"
"My terribly embarrassing dark circles. I get those now," Harry said, one corner of his mouth turning up into a grin.
You weren't sure if he was in the mood to chat or drink the coffee he bought, but now that you were facing the broad expanse of his chest, all the tattoos that were familiar and the ones that weren't, you didn't want to do either of those things. Leaning forward, you kissed his chest, creating a path with your lips all across his body. Harry's stomach flexed, and you could feel the quickened beat of his heart when you passed over it. It made you grin as you worked your way down and sucked a hickey on his hip.
"You can tell me to stop," you said, just before reaching the waistband of his sweatpants and underwear, prepared to do away with both of them in one go.
"I don't want you to," Harry panted. He groaned at the cold air as you rid him of his clothes. "Still—Fuck, Y/n—Still reconnecting?"
You nodded, too caught up in what you were doing to speak. After a few minutes, though, just as you felt he was close, you inched your way back up and kissed him, your leg sliding over his waist.
"Yeah. Reconnecting."
When you came home later that morning, Marissa was already awake and waiting as you walked through the door in your jeans and a hoodie that definitely didn't belong to you. She took one look at the sweatshirt and shook her head at you with a sigh.
"He's the one you've been meeting for coffee?"
You hung your head. "Yeah. He moved back about two weeks ago."
Marissa slid you a mug filled with steaming black coffee, the smell alone waking you up slightly and bringing common sense back to your brain. You took it between your hands appreciatively, blowing over the top instead of meeting her eye.
"You know this isn't going to end well, right?"
Now it was your turn to sigh. "Yeah."
But fuck if it didn't feel right.
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apocalypseornaw · 10 months
Two New Winchesters
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Dean Winchester x reader
With Chuck gone a new surprise happens
Warnings: some cursing, fluff lots of fluff
You stared at yourself in the small mirror over the sink as you waited for the timer you'd sat on your phone to go off. You could hear Sam walk by the bathroom and knew it you took too long Dean would come looking for you, he was excited about the pie festival you loved seeing the smile on his face but the mention of pie had turned your stomach. That wasn't like you, you weren't as fond of the dessert as your boyfriend but the thought of it had never made you sick before.
After you'd thrown up a time or you'd sat in the cool floor of the bathroom and suddenly the date seemed to pop out at you when you checked your phone to see what time it was. You were late, like a few weeks late. With everything that had happened with Chuck the thought of your missing period must have slipped your mind. You felt your stomach flip again as you pushed yourself to your feet and opened the bathroom door.
Dean of course was sitting in the hallway just outside and smiled when you came out "You ok sweetheart?" You nodded slowly "Yeah, I don't know what that was. I'm going to run into town and pick up some meds just in case I'm trying to get that stomach bug Alex said was going around. Can you finish packing for me?" His green eyes were full of worry as he said "If you're not feeling up to it we don't have to go, the whole point was getting time off to spend with you and Sammy"
You smiled and kissed him softly, grateful that you had brushed your teeth twice after getting sick "I'm ok Dean. I want to go, I just want to make sure I don't puke in baby. She'd never forgive me" He smiled at that "Sure you don't want me to go with you?" You shook your head "Yeah because then we can leave as soon as I get back and clean up for the ride"
He didn't look too convinced but kissed you again and said "Ok. I'll finish packing for you but call me when you leave the pharmacy so I know you're ok" "I promise"
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The timer going off nearly made you jump out of your skin. You could hear Sam talking to someone and felt your heart drop Dean called your name right before you glanced down to two pink lines looking back at you.
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Your mind was in overdrive as you stared out the window. Sam had offered the front seat but you took the back saying you wanted to have the option to stretch your legs or lay down should you need it. You knew Dean was worried about you and you were trying your best to plaster a smile on every time he looked your way but you had no clue how he would react to this news. Yeah with Chuck gone all of you had discussed moving away from hunting so much but moving away from hunting and starting a family was two different things.
What if he didn't want the baby? You had always been so careful but with everything that had happened you'd missed a pill or two. You laid your head back against the seat willing sleep to come but it never did. When Dean parked the impala and looked across the backseat you smiled at him "Promise not to make yourself sick?" You asked with a laugh and he winked at you "I promise"
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What started as peaceful road trip to a pie festival now had you, Dean and Sam stalking a nest of mask wearing, kidnapping vamps.
You took the machete from Dean and glanced towards the barn one of the vamps had pointed you to. "You good sweetheart?" He asked and you half smiled "of course. Let's go get those kids back"
You sliced the head off one vamp then looked up in just enough time to see Dean get shoved back towards a piece of rebar and felt your knees go out from under you. You didn't realize he missed it or that he'd killed the vamp that shoved him, your entire world had went black at the thought of Dean being killed.
Dean's voice was frantic when he called your name after seeing that you were on your knees, fear of something happening to you pushing any other thought out of his head.
"SAM!" He hollered as he ran to your side, Sam not far behind him. When he made it to your side you flinched hard then threw yourself into his arms,sobbing "Sweetheart, what's wrong?" He had no clue what had happened. Your hands moved across his back as if looking for a wound "The rebar. I thought..." you trailed off and then he understood, from your vantage point it looked like he'd been stabbed.
"Cmon sweetheart, you really think something like that is gonna take me away from you after this long?" He spoke softly, trying to lighten your mood but the look in your eyes made his stomach drop. Something was wrong, you were shaking in his arms "Y/N, what's wrong?"
You looked at him then over at Sam before sniffling "I'm pregnant and I thought I lost you without you ever even knowing" you buried your face into his chest as you cried.
He was stunned for a moment, you were pregnant. That was why you'd gotten sick, why you'd been quiet on the car ride. You were carrying his baby, you were gonna be parents.
You glanced up at Dean after a moment passed filled with silence "Are you mad?" He looked down at you and it was clear your question had offended him "Why would I be mad? Not like I wasn't there helping to make the baby. I love you and we were already talking retirement, what better reason?" A grin split his face before he nudged Sam with his foot "Hear that Sammy? You're gonna be an uncle!"
Sam laughed lightly and you could hear the relief in his voice "Y/N I love you like a sister and I will love my niece or nephew, I just hope they act more like you" Dean scoffed and Sam added "I'm gonna go find the boys and give you two a minute"
Once Sam walked out Dean pulled you into a kiss before saying "I'm sorry I scared you" you laughed with a few unshed tears still in your eyes "Sorry I scared you"
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You could hear Dean groan as Miracle dug his way between the two of you on the bed. Since your stomach had started growing nearly daily Dean's dog had quickly become your dog, you couldn't go to the bathroom without your furry shadow sitting just outside. The only problem was at times he didn't even want Dean touching you.
"Hey fur face, my girl and my baby. Scoot" you laughed hearing him argue with the dog. "Oh you think it's funny huh?" Dean asked once miracle moved and he could curl up to your back, one hand coming to rest on your stomach "I really do" you teased and he moved to rest his head on your side so he could talk to your stomach "You hear that? Your mama thinks it's funny that I get kicked out the bed for the dog!" As if in response the baby kicked his hand and you had to stifle a laugh when he cut his eyes up at you "She's already taking your side!"
You raised an eyebrow "Maybe she needs a name and she'll stop be argumentative" he nodded "What was the final contenders again?" You reached for the nightstand so he helped you sit up then moved so you could lean against him as you read the names "Ember, River, Quinn and Trinity"
"What's your favorite?" He asked and you shrugged so he nodded, taking the list from you he moved down the bed until the was laying between your knees, facing your stomach "Ok little miss Winchester listen up. We got some names here kid and you're gonna help pick one" you laughed when she squirmed again at the sound of his voice.
He grinned at you "Ok we got Ember" she didn't kick. "Howabout River?" No movement. "Quinn?" He asked and for once she didn't move at the sound of her daddy's voice which was unusual. Dean nodded as if he was mid conversation with someone "Ok kid last option how about Trinity Winchester"
She kicked hard and you'd never seen Dean smile broader as he looked up at you "Trinity it is"
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A few months later you were at Sioux Falls general in the maternity ward. Jack had managed to clear up the past to the point that Sam and Dean were no longer forced to use Campbell as a surname in public so Trinity would officially be born a Winchester.
You knew Alex had purposely asked for the day off so she could be with the rest of the girls. Her, Claire,Patience and Kaia had taken up an entire corner of the waiting room. Jody and Donna were in and out of your room while Sam paced the floor between the waiting room and your room and Eileen was helping Dean to help you.
Labor had started around three in the morning when your water broke. It wasn't until around nine that Trinity decided she was ready to come out. After some tips from Jody on how to move to help labor around nine thirty you were laying in the bed with Dean sitting next to you and a tiny pink bundle wrapped up in his arms.
Everyone had left to give you three a few minutes while they made calls to Garth and the Banes twins and everyone else who was waiting "She's perfect" Dean whispered. She had your hair color but her daddy's green eyes. You looked up at him and saw tears in his eyes "Dean, are you ok?"
He nodded "Yeah, just Y/N... I promise I'm gonna be a good dad. No matter what" you felt yourself start to tear up at that. "Oh baby, I know you will. You raised Sam and you already love her. I know how your head works, you're not John and I'm damn sure not Mary. Trinity will be raised with two loving parents that would quite literally fight heaven or hell for her along with a gangle of insane aunts and uncles and a couple cousins not to mention the one over heaven is basically an uncle and her auntie Rowena is over hell. She's gonna be safe and she's gonna know her daddy loves her"
He leaned over and placed a gentle kiss to your lips "I love you" you smiled into the kiss "I love you too" about that time Trinity cooed so Dean laughed "And we both love you"
You laughed when Kaia told Claire that Trinity wouldn't break if she wanted to hold her "She's right ya know. She's little but sturdy"
The room was full and people had called and video called all day to congratulate and see if anything was needed. Rowena had even sent a bouquet of your favorite flowers and a rather hefty gift card for baby supplies.
You noticed that Sam and Dean were standing to themselves in the corner talking but it's not like that was anything out of the normal. You didn't think anything of it until Dean cleared his throat "um considering ninety percent of the people me and Y/N call family are in this room, I want to do this now"
You cut your eyes at Sam who was making sure Eileen had read Dean's lips. He met your eyes at smiled slightly. Dean looked at Trinity before looking at you "Sweetheart, you've been at my side through so much. There were times you had every right to kick my ass or call is quits. I'm a pain in the ass and loving me isn't easy.." "Dean" you warned but Sam spoke up "He's getting to the point in his own way"
Dean nodded towards him before continuing "My point is I never thought about love like what we have and now that love has bought us a daughter and.." he half laughed "Well thanks to Jack, Trinity is legally a Winchester in every way so I think it's time I off the name to you too if you want it" "What?" You asked softly and he smiled before pulling a ring out of his pocket "Will you marry me?" You nodded quickly "Of course"
He slipped the ring on your finger before placing a kiss on your lips. "Hear that Trin? Your daddy finally proposed to your mommy!" Claire cooed at her making everyone laugh. Dean cut his eyes at her and she shrugged "Just saying, I would've put a ring on it years ago if I would've been you"
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moongothic · 5 months
The reason I ended that Crocodad AU where he finds Baby Robin-post where I did was because I actually just don't know what would happen next, where things would go from there. Let's talk about that.
Also apologies in advance, this post got obscenely long. Again. I don't know how this keeps on happening.
(If you wanted the minimum context without having to read the whole OG post, just scroll down to the Plot Section and read until the end from there)
But just to give a minor recap: They're in the tombs of Alubarna, Cobra's dead and the second the guards notice their king has gone missing they're going go searching for him. So there's no time to mess around, Crocodile and Robin need to leave as soon as possible before they're discovered, otherwise they'll risk getting reported to the World Government for assasinating Cobra and boy howdy Croc's not going to be a Shichibukai for long if that happens. The two are there to just get what they want. Crocodile wants Pluton. And the Poneglyph says its in Wano Country
What the hell are either of these two going to do? In this scenario?
'Cause on one hand, there's Robin, who could be scared shitless of Crocodile and unsure what to do next.
If Robin tells him, will Crocodile kill her because he doesn't need her anymore? Because he got what he wanted?
Or might he lash out at her and kill her because the weapon isn't in Alabasta as he had assumed?
But if she refuses to tell him, he'll kill her anyways, won't he?
She can't run away from him anyways, he'd catch her in seconds.
Should she lie and give him a fake location nearby in the hopes of creating an opportunity for her to escape?
But even if she managed to escape, she'd be back on the run from the Government all over again, fighting for her life, all alone.
(Minor note but it's worth pointing out that Robin probably wouldn't know about Wano's takeover, she might not know who Kaidou is, let alone what the Yonkou are, or where Wano even is. Like we know it's a bombshell of information, but Robin wouldn't know where on The Scale of Bad News it'd land, and that could also add to her fear of telling the truth)
Like I think those would be the kinds of thoughts that would run through Robin's mind, and even I can't tell what she'd do.
And on the other hook, we have Mr Murderdile. How the fuck would he even react to whatever Robin would do?
I mean I don't think he'd actually kill Robin if she told him the truth about what the Poneglyph says. I do think he would Fucking Furious and deeply hurt if she'd refuse to tell him, if she'd lie or tried to flee, as these would be acts of betrayal and we know Crocodile would not take that well. Would he kill her for betraying him? Possibly? Since he could see her as a threat to his son's life (the priority), I don't fucking know man. That could very much turn into like a "Doflamingo killing Rocinante" moment for Crocodile in this AU.
But what the fuck would he do if he found out Pluton was in Wano?
Mind you, by this point the country would've been freshly taken over by Kaidou, and it's only been 2-5 years since Crocodile would've had his ass kicked by Whitebeard in the New World. Like that trauma would be Quite Fresh in his mind. I don't think Crocodile would be stupid enough to try to go to Wano. It'd be stupid fucking dangerous, and surely he'd know that. And not just in the "he could get killed by Kaidou" kind of way, but because surely Crocodile would realize Kaidou was sitting on top of Pluton as they spoke. Even if he didn't know about it yet, if Kaidou found out about Pluton being directly beneath his gigantic ass, it would be Fucking Bad. And thus going to the island with the only person on the planet who could reveal the exact location of the weapon would be a stupid ass move. (Of course, without the heir of the Kozuki Clan Pluton can't be released and Momo has just been yeeted into the future, so even if they did go they wouldn't be able to open the borders of Wano, but unless the Alabastan Poneglyph explained that then neither Robin or Crocodile would understand that)
So if Crocodile's only goal in life at this moment had been obtaining an Ancient Weapon so he could nuke the World Government and then go be with his son (since nothing in the world could threaten his child anymore and force Crocodile to keep his distance to keep him safe)... And he found out he was far, far too weak to even obtain that weapon... What would Crocodile do? Knowing he wouldn't be able to do what he wanted, that he wouldn't get to be with his son ever again?
(Mind you. There is a whole discussion to be had about whether or not Crocodile was suicidal during Impel Down/Marineford and if his petty revenge against Whitebeard was a borderline suicide mission. Because unironically I think there's like a 40-50% chance that could be the case. And I'm pointing this out because if Crocodile was canonically suicidal after failing to take over Alabasta, how would this scenario in this AU be different? Aside from the obvious time commitment, and the way Crocodile's traumas would be much more fresh at this point compared to canon)
Like. What can he do anymore? What's there left for him to do?
Fall into absolute despair and give up? Allow the royal guards to find and capture him, and let the WG throw him in jail for assassinating King Cobra for no reason? Or just kill himself on the spot because what would it matter, he'd die eventually anyways? God knows, even if he wanted to keep on opposing the WG, between the Dragodile Divorce (and however the fuck that might've played out) and Crocodile probably not approving of Dragon's methods for revolution (too idealistic, soft, and slow), ditching his Warlord-status and fully joining the Revolutionary Army wouldn't suit Crocodile either. He's a pirate, not some hero of justice. And he's never going to be strong enough to defeat the WG himself, all alone. That's what the Ancient Weapon was for to begin with.
So, what would he do now, when his final option had been crossed out, labeled impossible. Would death be the easy way out, and at least give him the peace of mind knowing his son could never be linked back to him and put into danger because of him?
But what would happen to Robin?
If Crocodile allowed himself to become captured and go to jail, Robin would be doomed too. Between his hatred of the Government and Robin being an innocent child, surely he didn't want the Government to get their hands on her, they'd just put her to death. But what else could he do? Tell her to run? Leave her to fend for herself all over again? Alone? Would he have it in him to tell her that?
Or would Crocodile's anger and spite at the Government be more powerful than his despair? Would he rather flee with Robin for now and figure things out later, when they're not in some ancient tombs with the corpse of a king where they could be found out any second and be in far deeper shit than they're already in?
And I think this is where we circle back to what Robin would do, first. Because even if Robin told Crocodile the truth, there's still multiple ways she could do that, and depending on how Robin went about it, that could influence Crocodile's reaction too, couldn't it?
If the two hadn't become too fond of each other yet, and Robin very calmly told Crocodile Pluton was in Wano, I think he could just become kind of catatonic in shock and horror, falling into despair. Maybe without saying a word he'd just walk out of the tombs straight to the guards without ever looking back. Abandoning Robin and leaving her running for her life again, alone.
But Robin is at this point a 12 year old child***
The sheer intensity of this situation could become too much for her. And if she had become fond of Crocodile, if despite everything she still wanted to stay with him because he had been the only source of safety she had had in three years... what if she just burst into tears, and told Crocodile she was afraid of him and what he might do to her because he might not like what the Poneglyph said? What would Crocodile do then? How would Crocodile react to that? To this child being not just brutally honest, but emotionally vulnerable and showing him that she WANTED to trust him? If Crocodile had been emotionally flipflopping between trying to remain emotionally unavailable to Robin because he didn't trust her, and trying to be caring (partially because he was intentionally trying to manipulate her and partially because he genuinely felt bad for her)... Would this become the moment Crocodile himself realizes he has to decide if he's going to be a cruel pirate who only cares about his son's safety, or be Robin's guardian? Either demand her to just spit it out if she knows what's good for her, or comfort her and tell her he would never hurt her regardless of what the Poneglyph said? And... almost regardless of what Crocodile would choose, could Robin's outburst still like... both soften the blow of the bad news and emotionally ground Crocodile? So that he wouldn't fall into despair?
If so... Guess the two would just have to flee then. Leave their hostage (be it the (unconcious???) pregnant queen or baby Vivi) behind, and just leave Alabasta. There'd be nothing left in that country for them anyways, nothing but people who could catch Crocodile and report him to the World Government for assasinating their King (mainly Shaka who could probably tell their king was murdered by a heavy smoker thanks to his DF and then realize it was Crocodile if he ever gotten within sniffing distance from him), leading to his Shichibukai Status to being stripped from him. Escaping and never coming back would be their priority.
Whatever the fuck would happen next is a bloody mystery though
Like IDK maybe, after getting over whatever emotional turmoil he'd be going through, Crocodile could start building an organization of some kind?? But this time with the intent of wrecking Kaidou's ass and taking over Wano himself????? (Roccoco Works wouldn't nececarily have to be a secret organization either since if he wanted to take over a non-WG Affiliated country from some pirate... He could just do that. The WG shouldn't care. He would have to be extremely careful though to make sure nobody ever found out his sweet little assistant/secretary Miss Sunday was actually Nico Robin. Also if he was the Rev Army's Secret Sugar Daddy he'd have to be extremely careful who he would hire to work for him. Like the hiring process would be extremely selective still, if not more-so than with BW?) Also he could spend a fuck ton of time just working out to get as swole as humanly possible. Because god knows he'll need to if he wanted to actually fight Kaidou and survive with all his limbs still in-tact. Maybe try to get friendly with Moria too knowing Moria has some serious beef with Kaidou and could be down for getting revenge one day. But mind you, this would be A Whole Process which would no doubt take years if not decades.
All while looking after Robin. Because he was all she had and he couldn't possibly abandon her now. He's in too deep.
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And this is where my brain finally hits a brick wall with this AU, I can't imagine how shit would go down from here on. Because IDK, this whole thing started out more as a thought experiment (of "how would things be different if they met earlier") and the further you go down the timeline it stops being wild what if-speculation and more just a fanfic lmao
***(Look if I'm not wrong, the year Luffy was born Robin should be going 11 turning 12, right? (And Croc 27 -> 28). But if enough time has passed that Vivi has been born, well, Robin's birthday is a few days after Vivi's, so she could've turned 13 by now. Or hell, this whole shitshow of a scenario could take place on her birthday if you wanted to be really evil) (But if I'm wrong and Robin was 10 -> 11 the year Luffy was born, then she'd be around turning 12 at this point) (This shit is so complicated aaaaa 😭)
One more note because I might as well put them in the same post
So in my mind, if Crocodad Real IN GENERAL then it would make perfect sense to me if Crocodile's reason for wanting his funny little military nation and to obtain Pluton was to nuke Marijoa and just delete the World Government so his baby boy would be safe. Because god knows if the Government found out Dragon had a son (or that he had been involved with the Revs/plotted against them and that he had a son), that baby boy would become a target for the WG. Thus he couldn't even take his child with him and raise him like Bege or Big Mom did with their kids. Like it wasn't even an option. And because that's like my default headcanon already, I'm obviously applying it to this silly Crocodad AU.
But it raises a fun question; what would Crocodile tell baby Robin about his motivations?
Like, I can perfectly imagine Crocodile explaining to Robin that he hates the WG and wants to destroy them, and that not only would Robin be safe with him (not just in the "I won't hurt you or turn you in to the Marines, we're on the same side", or the "I'm stronk and can protect you from danger" way, but also "the WG can't find you if you're under my wing" way), but also if she helped him find an Ancient Weapon, she could help him defeat her greatest enemy for once and for all and become free herself.
And that's not a bad deal, now is it.
But even if Crocodile explained that to Robin when they'd first meet, just to get her to agree to coming with him, surely it would take Robin some time to actually start trusting Crocodile, after spending the past three years on the run. 'Cause in her mind, either the Government Approved Pirate was lying to get her guard down (so it'd be easier to hand her over to the WG), or the Government Approved Pirate was explicitly admitting to being a backstabber and couldn't be trusted. But hey Papadile could maybe win her trust with some time, plenty of books and maybe a few plushies
I'm sure Robin would wonder WHY Crocodile wanted to destroy the World Government. And Crocodile sure as fucking hell would never tell her it was because he had a son, god knows he would not trust her with that information. I'm not sure if Robin would ask about Crocodile's motivations, and even if she did, I'm sure he'd find a way to respond in a truthful way without telling her anything (Like arguably he isn't free from the WG either, he can either play and pretend to be on their side until they decide they have no more use for him, or try to eliminate them first and ensure his own safety. So he could tell Robin that as an excuse) (Kill-or-Be-Killed is not a great life lesson to be teaching Nico Robin Age 12) And you know, not knowing why this Scary Pirate wants a weapon of mass destruction would raise alarm bells in anyone's mind. Robin isn't stupid.
And now we circle right back to the begining of this post. Again. This post is a fucking timeloop, there is no escape. What would Robin do when Crocodile would ask her to read him the Poneglyph. Because there is that option that she could try to ask him Crocodile why he wanted to destroy the WG, then and there. Possibly defiantly, possibly calmly, possibly with tears running down her little face because she's scared out of her mind and wants to have faith in her guardian, but is unsure because the situation she's found herself in is a train wreck and Croc's on thin ice. And would she start with the question right away, or would she first tell the truth and then, after seeing Crocodile's reaction, ask him about it? And would Crocodile tell her? The TL:DR; of it? That he had a son whom the WG would want dead if they ever found out about it, a son he wanted to protect? That that's what this all was about?
And how would Robin feel about such a revelation?
Because on one hand, it could be calming for her, to understand that Crocodile wasn't out for world domination like a cartoon villian or anything, that his motivations were actually understandable. He just wanted to protect his family. But on the other hand... if Robin had been (conciously or subconciously) hoping to find a father figure in Crocodile... would finding out that Crocodile had his own son, his own family somewhere out there... Would that knowledge break Robin? Because in her mind, even if she hadn't wished for it conciously, Crocodile could never become a father for her? Because if/when Crocodile would get what he wanted, he'd just go be with his son?
Keep in mind. Robin's core fears and trauma come from not just betrayal, but also abandonment. A fear of being alone. Even if it was for Robin's own sake, her mother left her behind. She wasn't able to find friends or community in Ohara at all, even with the people of the library she felt left out because they wouldn't allow her to participate in the Poneglyph research (understandable on their part) And even when Robin's uncle and his family "adopted" her, she was treated as an other in the family. An unwanted burden, a servant. Not a real member of the family.
Finding out Crocodile had a family he wanted to return to could in her mind mean she was going to become abandoned again, left behind to fend for herself. Even if the WG wasn't out to get her, that would still be absolutely soul crushing for a child. And even if Crocodile did decide to adopt Robin, would she not be afraid of being treated as an other in that family too, because she wasn't his daughter? That he'd never love her the way he'd love his own son?
How would the truth behind Crocodile's motivations actually make Robin feel?
And one final gut punch before I go:
Would Crocodile struggle with some kind of guilt and shame over looking after Robin when he had his son somewhere out there? Would he be beating himself up inside because he couldn't stop himself for caring so damn much about this poor kid, but didn't want to treat Robin like some kind of a replacement for his own child? And would those feelings get even worse after finding out he couldn't even get Pluton because the bloody thing was hiding under Kaidou's ass? Would Crocodile feel horrible about how he had to abandon his son seemingly forever and then found himself looking after some other child instead?
Also. If the Dragodile Divorce was bad, especially in the "Dragon wasn't particularly accepting" kinda way, and if Crocodile had this deep fear inside of him about whether or not his son would ever accept him as his other dad and/or be upset about not having a mom (a fear that could get worse over time since he wouldn't have been with his baby from the begining, that he'd have to show up in his child's life later, praying for acceptance and forgiveness for having to leave him behind)... Would Robin potentially expressing that she saw Crocodile as a father-figure kind of break Crocodile (in a good way)? Not just because of the gender affirmation (for the recently transitioned guy mind you), but also because it'd mean that there was at least one person in the world who looked at him and thought they wanted him as their father? And could that happiness then like ADD ON to whatever guilt Crocodile could also be feeling?
These two are such broken people. I can not help but to wonder if they'd be able to navigate through their complicated emotions and find the healing and comfort they both so desperately need.
Anyway yeah that's the post, hope you enjoyed The Thoughts
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xxxdreamscapexxx · 1 year
Today I woke up having thoughts and I wanted to share them with you!
I imagined Wanda being a boner early in the morning, so needy that she had to touch herself while looking at your naked form sleeping. She'd start getting closer, looking at her cum from last night's activities still leaking out in your hole. She'd do her best to be quiet, grunting as she pumped her hand on her cock, the other holding your panties to the side so she could see you. She'd whisper things about how beautiful you are and how good you're being for her, helping her feel good even when you're sleeping. And as she feels herself get closer, she'd shoot her cum inside you all at once without waking you up. "It's where it should be." She just doesn't want to waste something you'd beg her for if you were awake. And besides, it's your reward for being her pretty girl.
Oh waw! You wrote the whole thing by yourself!
When you do wake up, feeling messy and needy, you walk downstairs to find her, trying to straddle her and get her to please fuck you.
Of course, she pretends to think about it, kissing you lazily and telling you that she's so busy and that she has work to do, just so she would drive you crazy.
Knowing your girlfriend very well and knowing what gets her going, you sit on the kitchen counter while she makes coffee and you spread your legs, playing with the mixture of her cum and your juices, spreading it over your clit and moaning. "You know, baby, if you're too busy, I don't mind taking care of it by myself."
Now that has her attention and she swats your hand away, taking her rightful place between your legs and rubbing her bulge against you teasingly. "Don't be like that, honey. You know I'm the only one allowed to touch that pretty pussy. You wouldn't want to start your day getting punished, would you?"
Despite her threat, her cock is rock hard and throbbing in her boxers and she pulls it out, stroking it suggestively. "Is this what you want? Go on, baby, beg for it."
She makes you plead and beg for her, while she rubs her cockhead through your wetness and gets you ready, before she finally gives you what you want.
Her big, thick cock spreads open your walls deliciously and your hands fly to her neck, so you'd have something to hold on to, while she starts to slowly build her pace.
Wanda adores the way you moan and whimper, the way you squeeze around her, how tight you are, how needy you are... All for her. And you're not ashamed to admit it either. You know you're feeding her ego, but you don't care, you love her when she's cocky.
"That's right, baby, moan for me. I want everyone to know how good I'm making you feel."
"There you go, nice and full, just like you wanted. I'm the only one who can make you feel this way. The only one, who can please this pussy, the only one, who can turn you into a desperate mess."
"Feels so good, doesn't it, baby? You love it when I'm inside you. Anytime, anywhere, all this pussy wants is to be full of my cock and my cum."
"You take me so well, sweetheart. You always take everything I give you, just the way a good girl should. Even when you're asleep, you just take me so well."
She realizes that she let her little secret slip and she waits with bated breath to see how you'll react, but you just pull her closer, kissing her lips and smirking as you get impossibly closer.
"Is that what you've been doing, baby? Did you like using me while I sleep? Did you like filling me up? Show me how you do it. Cum inside me."
Wanda has no idea what she expected, but it certainly wasn't this and your dirty talk had gotten her so close, so she uses her thumb to rub at your clit, wanting you to come together.
The moment you feel the spurts of her cum inside you, you let go, your walls pulsing around her and giving you one of the best orgasms of your life.
When you come down from your high, Wanda just smirks, lifting you from the counter and carrying you to her office chair and sitting down, your legs still wrapped around her securely.
"There, baby, nice and full, just like you wanted. Now you'll stay here while I work, won't you? We wouldn't want all that cum to go to waste."
She makes you cockwarm her for hours, feeling you drift off at some point and she smirks. In just a little while, she'll get to wake you, by fucking you all over again. But you asked her to show you, right? You certainly wouldn't mind, isn't that right?
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axcel-lucci · 7 months
For the next Full Moon request, female reader asked the ASL trio to babysit her children. How would Law react to that? Would he be jealous or comically annoyed? Whenever female reader is busy, or Law is on important meetings, she'd always ask Luffy, Ace, and Sabo to watch Corazon and Clara. Everytime Law's on a business trip, the ASL trio would always stay by female Reader's side to company her. Yes, Ace is very bad influence, always give Clara and Cora tons of sweets and 🍬. If you want, you could make Law 'punish' her by having rough sex in his wereleopard form, which would not only make her pregnant, but also carry either triplets or quadruplet! Damm, Penguin's not kidding when Law's in his time of the moon cycle.😂😊
Full moon
A/n: so like-- idk how to do some parts of it, but yeh- but don't worry, I'll try the other half.
My masterlist
Full moon og series
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"Don't worry sweetie, uncle Shachi and will take good care of you." (Y/n) said as she comforted Clara.
Meanwhile, Cora refuses to let go of law. Hell, he'd have to take off his clothes if he wants to leave.
Then again, it's the first time the two toddlers would be away from their parents for the night. Considering they're now five.
"Hush now... We'll be back in the morning, we promise..." (Y/n) smiled as Clara pouted.
"How come papa can come and we don't!" She huffed
"You little-!!" Law groaned as he tried to pull Cora off him only for the kid to grip his shirt even tighter
"No." The boy muttered.
"Hmm... What about this..." (Y/n) smiled, "me and papa will bring you and Cora to the aquarium next week, what do you say?"
"Aquarium... And pool!" Clara says happily
"Mhmm, we'll take you there as long as you two be good little babies for uncle Shachi, yeah?"
"Okie! Cora! Quick! Papa and Mama will bring us to the aquarium next week!" Clara said as her brother immediately let's go of Law and hoped down.
It was now clear who Cora listens to other than his parents...
Giving the twins a quick kiss, Law and (y/n) left to go and have their date.
It's been a while since they had a date...
Totally not because of the twins being born.
(Y/n) had to physically restrain Law from anything when it's his time of the moon cycle...
And right now, Law is restraining himself in order to get this date the most romantic it's ever been.
"You are so unlucky" (y/n) laughed, "it's full moon. But you ARE lucky the kids aren't home. So I guess that's a win win"
"Stop teasing me..." Law groaned, "or else I'll turn this car around and just fuck you senseless. Fuck the reservation."
She just chuckled, "I know... But it is quite nice that... You know..."
"I know..." He echoed with a small smile.
They soon arrived at the restaurant with a small chat.
One that would distract him from his urges to just pounce on her at the parking lot.
It was a blur after that, really... Them eating, having a great time, Law handing her a bouquet of flowers, and they're on their way home.
But as soon as the front door was closed and locked, Law let out his tail and ears that begged to be let out the whole evening, he sighed in relief once they were out.
"It was so suffocating..." He groaned and he wrapped his arms around her waist as she removed her make up.
"Why didn't you tell me? We could've left early" she laughed as he nuzzled his face against her neck.
"I want you to have a good time..." He pouted and was on the verge of throwing a tantrum.
"Anywhere with you is a great time, Law..." She smiled as she turned around in his hold and placed her hands on his cheeks, "how's your moon cycle taking a toll on you?"
"Oh right"
Before she knew it, she was being thrown on the bed roughly as law crawled over her. "You teased me all night long" he growled as he took off his shirt
"Technically, just 4 hours worth." She laughed softly once more as he huffed and pulled all her clothes off, "law... You're that hungry?"
"What can I say? My beautiful wife is just as beautiful as no one because in my eyes, you're the prettiest girl I've ever seen" he smiled softly and kissed her deeply while squeezing her mounds of flesh.
"You've always wanted to this, Huh?" She chuckled, knowing he loved to stare whenever she'd breastfeed the children.
"I wonder if there's some milk left..."
"Are snow leopards like cats? Really?" She smiled as he lowered his head to her right mound
"I don't know what you're talking about" he huffed, the thought of being compared to a cat astounds him.
He licked her nipple just a little and squeezed it, seeing some milk leak out.
"Law... If you're really going to drink that..." She groaned before mewling at the feeling of him biting it, "... Fuck... Be my guest..."
He smiled a little before sucking the ever living shit out of her nipple, milking her until it's gone for now and switching to the other, all while (y/n) made small noises as she blushed slightly.
Law eventually had enough and sat up, licking his lips.
It was evident he was happy by how his tail was standing up.
"Law..." She smiled as he took off the rest of his clothing and leaned against her
"Yes, love?" He asked with a smile.
"You..." She chuckled softly, "you're kind of a cat."
"Oh please-"
"And I love cats..." She smiled
"Mmmhh... You better do." He huffed before placing a hand on her thigh, sliding it inside and up to her wet folds.
He sat up slightly just to pull her legs far apart and see her glistening entrance just waiting to be played with.
"Come on Law..." She whined a bit before gasping at the feeling of his thumb rub against her clit and his tattooed fingers plunge inside her.
His fingers played with her insides, rubbing, curling them, and even squelching them against that spot inside her that made her see stars.
"L-law...! Please..." She gasped as he pulled his fingers out and observed them.
She watched as he licked his fingers clean.
He eventually settled between her legs with a chuckle, "my apologies if you wouldn't be able to walk tomorrow... Like usual."
"Oh shut up" she huffed
He rolled his eyes playfully as he placed her legs on her shoulders and aligning himself to her entrance.
"Now be a good girl and just keep moaning for me, alright?"
"Mmhhhm..." She whined a little before gasping and arcing her back when Law plunged himself inside in one thrust. "Law...!"
"My bad... I forgot it's also been a long time since we had this..." He chuckled, he clearly intended that to happen
"You little-!!" She groaned but moaned loudly when law pressed her legs down to her shoulders and started to thrust deep inside.
The position let him be as fast and as hard as he can without any trouble, in which he immediately did once he realized that.
(Y/n) soon turned into a moaning mess, pleasure filled tears streaming down her face and her eyes rolling back as Law continues to bully her sorry cunt.
"That's right baby..." He smiled, "moan for me..."
He thrusted even more after that, determined to make her come at least twice before he leaves his seed deep inside her womb. The tip of his dick pressing against her cervix every thrust.
The first time she came, she was still sensitive and Law kept going. Not letting her rest, overstimulating her to the point of her second orgasm.
"L-law...! I-i cant-" she gasped and moaned loudly.
"I know, I'm close..." He groaned, "just a little bit more."
After a few more, Law came deep inside her. Against her cervix.
She can feel his warm seed planting deeper than her womb.
"L-law...! Ah..." She gasped.
"Oi... Don't sleep yet. I'm still not done... Remember... It's been 5 years since we last done this." He smirked darkly, "we're finishing it. Tonight."
"Oh dear..."
Next day...
"Mama... Why do you look so tired?" Cora shyly asked as the two watched Clara annoy the hell out of Law by climbing on his back.
(Clara is a little gremlin)
"What...? Oh... It's just uhm..." She hummed, thinking of an answer to an innocent of a toddler.
"Papa just put a baby inside mama. You'll have a sibling in a few months" Law smirked as (y/n) glared at him
"Huh? But then... How does a baby get INSIDE of mama?" Clara said as she paused for a moment
"Ah- well..." (Y/n) hummed
Ace and Sabo wanted to meet the little ones, only for them to be more behaved than Luffy who's literally chewing his now much more durable leash.
"Mama... Why is he wearing a leash...?" Clara asked
"He's... Uhm... He's uncontrollable sweetie..." (Y/n) answered.
"Mama..." Cora called, "where is he...?"
"NOT AGAIN!" Sabo and Ace yelled.
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ashen-char · 1 month
you like that? 🔞
ship: max fox (better things) x gender neutral reader
warnings: explicit smut, discussion/exploration of kink, exchange of power
summary: max doesn't like being treated too softly. so she tells you just how she wants it
word count: 1900+
notes: ok so i got asks abt max smut like this and this and clung to this idea of it being soft/fluffy. inspired by this ask about power bottom!max and this about bossy max. there's a lot of ideas in these i wanna explore more too!
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"You're too sweet to me," Max says. Usually, she tells you this with a smile. The gentle treatment was nice. Different. From dating all the wrong guys that only wanted her for her body, being so obviously liked was a blessing.  But today she says it like she's noticing something.
"Yeah?" You sit up, hand holding hers as you lay on your futon together.
Laying in the afterglow of a particularly satisfying session of making Max fall apart over and over with your mouth, you're still a bit hazy. 
How am I meant to help it, you think, when she's so adorable?
Lifting her hand up to your lips, you kiss it all over, from the back to the meat of her palm. Max laughs. She stretches her fingers when you reach them, enjoying your simple affection.
"Is that a good or a bad thing?" you ask.
"It's not what I'm used to," Max says, giving a small sigh. "That's what's weird."
Searching for the truth in her big brown eyes, you can see how in conflict she is with herself. She likes it, you both know she does. Max enjoys your romantic gestures, swoons at the cheesy compliments and affection even if she swears she's too cool for it. Your girl is softer than she'd like to admit. But there is an honesty in what she's trying to share with you.
"Don't think that I don't appreciate the..." she pauses, trying to find the right words. "The softness. I do." Max affirms this with fixing your hair as it falls over your face, tucking a stray strand behind your ear. "I chose you."
"Sure," you say. Nodding, listening like always.
Max is an angry person. Passionate and rough around the edges, never pulling her punches. You take the time to think things through. You'd never want to hurt someone you love and yet Max thrives in these yelling matches, her whole family getting into fights and being closer in the aftermath. It wouldn't be far fetched to think that she'd like some of that in her romantic relationships too. That she'd feel uncomfortable if it was too easy. If she was the only one bringing that heat.
"I should mix it up sometimes? Be a little rougher?" you ask.
"Yeah. Yeah." She nods quickly, almost too quick, like the very thought of you using a little more force excites her. Then Max bites her lip. A flush goes over her cheeks, suddenly embarrassed with admitting that.
Before you can react, she turns from you, grabbing a pillow and hiding her face in it. "God, I sound so thirsty," Max groans, words muffled.
You chuckle. If anything, she sounds cute. She's ashamed but honestly that's a huge thing you like about her. Max always knows what she wants. "That's not a bad thing, come on," you say, taking the pillow away. "You can tell me anything. You know that."
She pouts up at you. It's like Max wants to melt your heart on purpose! Those full pink lips could get you to do anything. How dare she complain about how well you treat her when she's being so cute that you wouldn't dare do anything else? Leaning in, you kiss that pouty expression away.
"I'm being ridiculous," Max whines.
"No, you're not!" Another kiss, this time to just her bottom lip. When she juts it out like that, you feel the urge to bite it. "I wanna hear!"
"It's like you're not interested." Before you have the chance to refute that, Max puts up her hands. "I know that's stupid! But, like, when we're you know-" she makes some vague hand gestures. You think it's funny that she swears like a sailor but is embarrassed to say the word sex in front of you, even if you've literally been inside of her an hour ago.
"Uh huh," you say, encouraging Max to keep going as she hesitates.
"You're soft. And slow. Until I tell you to give it to me," a flush. Max immediately hates her choice of words. "Until I make you go faster. And it's nice sometimes. But sometimes I feel like I need you to touch me or I'll die. And the fact that you can go slow is like you don't feel the same? You don't need me the same?"
Ah. Probably not the time to kiss her then, even if she's so kissable when she's moody. You don't want Max to feel insecure. You two simply have different ways of showing that you want each other.
"Sure. I get that." You do like touching her, and you think Max already knows that so you don't bother saying it.
Max feels an urgency when it comes to your more physical moments, while you're all about affection even then. You like leading her through the pleasure, giving her more and more. And those preferences have clashed. When you slow things down, something in Max wants to snap at you. She has before, actually. It was hot.
"I just-" Max's jaw clenches. It's hard being so vulnerable. "I hate that I feel like I need to push you to see if you actually want me. I don't want to push you, but sometimes it's like you don't even care."
"Max." You sit up.
You hate that she's beating herself up over this when in reality, the times you've been most excited has been when Max has taken control of the reins. When she's told you to go harder, or faster, or to pull her hair. You hate that you haven't communicated that well and that your girlfriend was left wondering if she was bossy and made you do things.
"Hey, look at me," you say, tilting Max's head up with your finger under her chin. "I like it when you tell me what you want. It's so hot."
"Really?" she asks. There's a hope to her voice, an eagerness now that she knows she wasn't ever pushing you to do something.
Max melts into your touch like she can't help it. She thrives under your assurance and care. It's part of why you're so sweet to her. But sometimes, and now you know it for sure, even a girl as sensitive as Max needs some rough loving. You'll let her tell you when that is.
"You're so sweet that I felt bad asking you to do certain things," she admits. "Every time it'd hurt, I was loving it, but I couldn't say anything because you'd slow down if I told you."
She's right - if you had known that you were hurting her, you probably would've stopped things right in its tracks to check on her. "It's alright if you like that. What gets me off is when you're feeling good," you tell her. "And if that's something that gets you off, I wanna do it. I'd do it all the time."
The thought of hurting Max on purpose doesn't appeal to you, but pleasing her sure does. You could get into it if that's what she needs. And the few times she's asked you to rough her up - to give it to her harder, grip her hips tighter, spank her harder - you've actually liked it.
As you're thinking about that, what you'd be willing to do and not do, Max shifts. She tilts her head back so her throat is exposed, a silent invitation, a gesture of vulnerability. Asking you to get aggressive with her. That invitation breaks its silence when Max says, voice raspy now, "bite."
When she tells you what to do, the mood in the room instantly heats up. No longer are you two expressing your desires for future intimacy, because the intimacy is here and now.
Your hands go to her waist, eyes staying on hers. A quick nip to her exposed pulse point as you test if this is what she meant. You pull Max closer, a moment of hesitance as you silently ask if this is alright, if you're finally fulfilling what she's wanted all along.
"Harder," Max whispers. Her shiver and that breathier tone tell you all you need to know. She wants you to make a mark on her - something to remind herself that she is so so wanted. Of what she has with you - that it's real. "Bite harder."
Max pushes her body into yours when you go in for the next bite. Higher up, more to her throat. You adore the idea that she's letting herself go, finally asking for what she wants and knows that she can get it from you. The pleasure that she's clearly getting from you listening ignites a spark in you, confirming something you always knew.
"That's it, baby," she whispers, a little breathless. You can tell Max is getting wet - she's clenching her legs together to give herself some friction. "You know just what I want, right?" She runs a hand through your hair. "You just want me to tell you."
And you do. You bite your way along her throat, leaving red marks along her delectable flesh where her neck was pale, untouched. Anyone seeing Max would know that you did this. These are your teeth marks on her skin, it's your mouth that's making her shiver and moan. Her hand tightens on your hair, guiding you down now.
Lower, and lower still. You find yourself with your head between her legs, tongue lapping away at Max's most sensitive spots. She cries out demands and praise in equal measure. "Yes, there," one moment and "fuck, don't you dare fucking move," another.
There's no guesswork now, not when Max is being so vocal about her needs. When you've got her pretty little clit between your lips, she tells you to suck so you do. When you're licking along her slit, Max tells you to flatten your tongue so you do. When she's quivering, cumming, soaking your mouth and chin and you think your job's over, she tugs you back to her cunt.
"Tell me you love this," Max breathes out.
"I love this," comes out of your mouth so easily. Not one to give up, your jaw might be aching and your tongue tired, you'll stop when Max tells you to. "I love this pussy. You taste so good, Max."
Hungry. You eat it like you're starving and God does Max dish out commands like she's been power hungry for forever. Both of you seem to like it better like this. Max could tell you to do anything right now.
But you dare to give her one command of your own, as your fingers are shoved deep into her cunt and your tongue flicks against her clit. "Come for me."
She convulses. Your pretty girl melts into you one last time, panting and gripping to your hair for dear life. "Fuck, baby!" Max really is so adorable. When she breaks, her body wracking with ecstasy, it's like you're the one feeling it. 
"Kiss me, please," Max says, less of a command than a beg now.
You surge up from your spot between her legs, smashing your lips against hers. Max can taste herself, you know, and that makes it that much hotter. Her sweet tang is addicting. You'd fuck her with your tongue for eternity and say thank you to her for letting you. 
She bursts into giggles and you can't help but laugh along with her. "I think I could get used to this," Max says. "I should boss you around more often."
"Mm, I'd like that." You lick her wetness off your lips, excited for the next time already.
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gemini-sensei · 10 months
Not What You Think | Tattooist!Hawk x Chubby!Reader
Tattoo Parlor AU ○ Based off of this POST ○
CW: suggestive themes, vulgar language, mentions of needles and healing processes (unedited).
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"So did she actually get a tattoo or did you fuck her?" Tory asked. She was sitting at the worktable in the lobby, working on a drawing for a client. Her eyes stayed on the paper, but her ears were pert as the parlor fell quiet.
Hawk was trying to eat a granola bar, having just sent his newest client out the door with a "have a nice rest of your day" and an appointment card to come back for any touch ups her tattoo. She'd been very sweet, very easy to work with. She sat well, except for one little uncontrollable thing...
She moaned a lot during the session. Hours on hours of moaning. Fairly loud moans as well.
He almost choked on the granola and chocolate in his mouth upon hearing the question. It still made him cough and as he did his best to not die, Tory barked with laughter. She was the only one.
Then Robby spoke uo. "I thought he might very been killing her."
"Oh my god, I know," Tory groaned. She stopped drawing and sat back in her chair, finally looking up. "No one should be making those kind of noises back there."
Hawk finally regained his strength amd wits, taking a sip of long overdue water. "Shut up. Everyone reacts differently to getting a needle stuck into them a thousand times. And I was tattooing the the backs of the thighs, she's a little thick, so they were sensitive."
"I'm sure she enjoyed you grabbing her thick ass thighs," Tory snickered.
Hawk glared at her, but she only smirked in response. However, before he could come up with a witty comeback, someone else interjected.
Demetri grimaced. "I can't stand here and listen to this anymore. It was bad enough hearing the... noises coming from your room. I don't need any speculative imagery to go along with it. I have a two o'clock coming in soon, so maybe don't talk about it anymore either."
With that, he let the room and walked down the hall to his work room. He shut the door for some peace and quiet. Tory rolled her eyes and gathered her stuff.
"Whatever, she's just lucky she was the only one booked while she was here. I saw how embarrassed she was walking out of here, so I can only image how much worse it would have been had the rest of us has someone here," she said. Then she stood up and sighed.
Miguel let out a huff that was between disbelief and astonishment. "Yeah, my client had to reschedule. Kinda glad he did."
Robby shrugged. "I'm just waiting on walk-ins honestly."
Tory smirked and looked at Hawk. "Lucky, lucky you."
"Shut up, Tory," he spat, tired of the teasing.
They all cleared out of the lobby except for Miguel and Hawk. Miguel was at the reception desk, working on the computer as the phone rang. He greeted the person on the other end with his usual enthusiasm and Hawk walked outside, looking for some fresh air.
As soon as he was outside and leaning on the wall, Sam was walking up from her car. She smiled brightly and pushed her sunglasses up. "Hey, Hawk!"
"Hey," he grumbled.
Her smile quickly turned into a frown. "What's wrong?"
If anyone had a fix to a problem, it was Sam. That was part of her job after all. So even though it was a little embarrassing, he told her about what happened. "I had this new client come in. She was looking for a new shop to go to because all the ones she went to before never wanted her back. I wasn't worried about it. She's really sweet, too, so I didn't understand what everyone else's problem was."
"Did he kick and scream or something?"
"Break something?"
"Then what did she do?"
"She moaned. A lot. Like, the whole time I was tattooing her."
"Oh." Sam's pulled an awkward face before fixing it. She became thoughtful. "So what's the problem?"
"She's coming back for touchups and the second half of her tattoo."
"I see," she mused.
Things became silent and Hawk thought there was no way to fix this. There wasn't even a "real" problem to solve, but it sure did feel like there was. He rested his head back on the brick wall behind him and sighed. Just as he thought there was no hope, only further awkward situations, Sam let out a loud,
"Aha! I got it!"
"What?" he asked her, standing from the wall and turning to her hopeful.
She smiled. "You have your own studio at home, right? I know you've tattooed Miguel up there plenty of times. So why don't you just invite her out there for a more private setting. Surely that will be a lot better for you and especially her."
"Invite a stranger to my house? Are you crazy?"
"What's the difference than picking up a girl and taking her home?"
They were quiet for a moment, then Hawk sighed, knowing she was right. He supposed it wasn't a totally bad idea either. So he relented and nodded to her.
"Okay, I'll call her in a few to rearrange some things. Can't be too hard, right? And it's just a tattoo. What's the worst that could happen?"
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hesbuckcompton-baby · 23 days
Better Off - Bernard DeMarco x OFC - Chapter 7
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Masterlist | Chapter 1 | Chapter 2 | Chapter 3 | Chapter 4 | Chapter 5 | Chapter 6 |-| Chapter 8
Summary: On the day of Charlotte's wedding, Susie and DeMarco grow closer than ever
Warnings: Discussions of death, language
Word Count: 3.5k
Tags: @xxluckystrike @latibvles @footprintsinthesxnd @mads-weasley @joyfulbookreviewmarvelspy @justheretoreadthxxs
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The scent of someone else's perfume filled the bathroom of the Thorpe Abbotts village hall as Susie stood in front of the mirror, craning her head forward to get a better look at herself and ensure not a single hair had managed to slip out of place. Usually, she couldn't have cared less about such a thing. But today was Charlotte's wedding, and the thought of embarrassing her in any way was mortifying, so today she would play any part that was required.
With a creak, the bathroom door was thrust open, and a pair of women hurried in together, chattering amongst themselves as they reapplied their lipstick in one of the other mirrors. Susie swore she recognised the pair, but out of uniform everyone looked so different. It seemed it should have been easier to pick faces apart when everyone wasn't dressed identically, but she found that her mind was drawing a blank.
Sneaking behind the women and out into the corridor, Susie let out a sigh, arms swinging at her sides as she impatiently awaited the moment that they could finally make their way to the chapel for the ceremony. She'd spent all morning hanging bunting and streamers in the main hall in preparation for the reception, but now it seemed there was nothing left to do but grind her teeth and wait for the time to pass.
"Oi!" A voice hissed from the other end of the corridor, and Susie frowned as she turned, finding Maeve staring at her from the furthest doorframe. Cropped, yellow hair curled beneath her ears, and a maroon dress falling past her knees, she looked wonderful, but her confusion-stricken face gave her pause.
"What?" Susie called.
"What're you doing? Get in here!"
Now it was her turn to frown in uncertainty, hesitantly accompanying her to the end of the hall and pausing in the doorway. Charlotte was stood over by the window, the morning sunlight shining against the silk of her dress, creating a glowing halo around her as if she were some heavenly vision. She turned as Susie entered, a sudden look of relief washing over her. "Oh, Susie, where have you been?"
"I dunno. Just sort of... wandering. Was I supposed to be in here?"
The two women stared at her for a moment, sharing the same slightly dumbfounded expression. "Well. Yeah. Your sisters are married, aren't they? You should be a pro at this by now."
Susie shrugged. "Oh, well, I didn't..."
"I didn't do the whole bridesmaid thing. They all figured it wouldn't be my thing. I just... sort of went with it."
Neither seemed to quite know how to react to this, frowning sympathetically. Charlotte took a deep breath, crossing the room towards her and taking both of Susie's hands in her own. "Well, I want you here. After all the hours you spent helping me with this dress, don't think you're getting an easy out."
Letting out a chuckle, Susie finally smiled, a grin creasing her cheeks as they flushed a bright shade of pink. For a second she almost hugged her, the sudden urge unfamiliar, but she restrained herself for fear of messing up her hair.
"Alright. Tell me what to do."
DeMarco stood patiently outside the church, attempting to catch his reflection in one of the stained glass windows as he tugged at his jacket, trying to get it to sit right. He had begrudgingly accepted the nerves that fluttered in his chest, the realisation leaving an odd taste in his mouth as his gaze flitted from the church doors to the end of the path, squinting in the midday sun. A crowd of guests had gathered here, but he was yet to spot a familiar face, the men around him all friends of the groom from the RAF. For perhaps the first time since arriving at Thorpe Abbotts, Benny was alone. Susie couldn't have come fast enough.
Tearing his eyes from his own reflection, he glanced towards the sound, a somewhat confused smile curling his lip as he spied Susie, carefully making her way towards him as she darted between gravestones, wobbling on her heels slightly in the uneven grass. Pinned back behind her ears, her curls rolled over her shoulders, seemingly redder than ever against the powder blue of her dress, which rippled and swayed with every movement. For a moment he was slack-jawed, unable to form a word of greeting to call out to her until she was standing right in front of him. Her shoulders were relaxed, jaw unclenched. She was smiling. DeMarco had gotten so used to having to coerce a smile out of her that it was almost jarring.
"Afternoon," Susie nodded, brushing something off his shoulder as she came to stand beside him. From the way her gaze lingered at the church door, he could tell they were about to head inside, but in that moment he couldn't quite bring himself to care about the wedding.
"You look... really pretty, Suze," He uttered. Her face reddened almost instantly, gnawing at the inside of her cheek. DeMarco could practically see her fighting the urge to tell him to shut up. But she didn't say it.
One of the groomsmen called from the doorway, and the guests that had been lingering on the grass began to file their way inside towards their seats, ready to finally begin. One by one, he watched them walk past and disappear into the old, stone building, but Susie didn't move an inch. Like the heels of her shoes had been nailed into the ground, she remained wholly still, almost as if she'd forgotten that she was even supposed to be there. He stayed firmly at her side, not saying a word until it became clear that she wasn't moving any time soon.
"... Susie?"
"Haven't been in a church since..." She breathed, so softly it was scarcely audible. DeMarco didn't need to ask what she meant. Feeling a sudden warmth against her palm, Susie glanced down to find he'd taken her hand in both of his, squeezing it with gentle reassurance. She looked back at him, and he swore he'd never seen such softness in her expression before, eyes welling with nothing but warmth, utterly without reserve for the first time.
"This'll be good," He promised. "Yeah?" A smile had begun to worm its way into her expression, the corner of her lip curling upward as she nodded, hand still in his as she turned towards the church door. As they crossed the threshold, he lifted her knuckles to his lips, briefly kissing the skin as a snort of laughter escaped her.
She'd elected to take a seat at the very back - he suspected the idea of being able to make a quick, quiet exit appealed to her. But once they'd sat down, it was only moments before Charlotte arrived, bracketed by her parents as they made their way to the altar, where a grinning RAF officer awaited her. She looked marvellous - the gown was truly a testament to her talent - but as the bride passed, Benny couldn't help but remember that night two weeks ago, when he'd seen Susie in that same dress. Eyes wide, hair wild, bumbling and clumsy beneath the folds of fabric - and yet it struck him then that she had looked infinitely more wonderful to him than anything else he could possibly recall.
Even as the ceremony went on, Susie didn't seem quite capable of settling, drumming her fingers against her thigh and thumbing the pages of the Bible on the shelf in front of her, never once falling entirely still. She was certainly paying attention, but she could scarcely go a few minutes without letting her gaze wander towards the door, as if debating whether or not she could make a successful attempt at escape. Leaning back against the pew, DeMarco stretched his arm out along the back of her seat, softening the hard wood when she rested against it. Wordlessly, Susie leant sideways against him, the movement ceasing in her hands. He smiled, letting his head tilt to the side to briefly tap against hers in silent acknowledgement.
She could feel warmth filling her as she rested against him, and Susie wasn't quite certain if it was more from the press of his body against hers or the rush of blood rising to her cheeks, heart pumping harder, forcing it to move. It was a strange sensation, and one that caught her entirely off guard. How could the simplest of actions put one relationship so drastically apart from all the others? She'd known comfort - known contentment - with so many others before. With her brothers and sisters, with Charlotte and Maeve. Yet it had scarcely felt so simple, like something she didn't have to earn.
How many times had she let her mind wander back to the night of the bombing raid? The night she'd bitten the bullet and finally called her sister, the night he'd first seen her cry, the night he'd held her without ever having to ask. With it pushed back into the past, Susie could finally admit to herself that it had been the safest she'd felt in months - quite possibly years. She hadn't thanked him as well as she should've. She knew that.
When Charlotte kissed her new husband for the first time the guests around them erupted into applause, echoing against the arched stone ceiling above. For a split second, she hesitated, failing to join in until she felt DeMarco's arm retract from its place behind her, freeing up his hands to clap. Once she too joined in, she was as raucous as the best of them, and yet Susie was ashamed - ashamed to think that, if he had not moved, she might not have clapped at all, simply watched in silence as one of the only people to offer her friendship married the love of her life.
When had she become distractable?
The village hall boomed with the swing of the band, the boys who played the officers' club having kindly volunteered their services for the night as wedding guests paired off and danced across the polished floor. Susie's hands were folded behind her back as she stood before the makeshift bar, fingertip tapping out the song's rhythm against her palm as she waited for her turn to order. Next in the queue stood one of the women she'd passed in the bathroom that morning, hair falling in jet-black rolls, red lipstick stark against the paleness of her complexion. The woman seemed to recognise her, turning with a friendly smile, and Susie suddenly realised that she had been one of the ATS recruits from the hut next to hers - although her name still didn't come to her.
"This is great, huh?" She asked with a grin, gesturing across the room. "Charlotte's done such a great job."
Susie nodded along, realising she probably looked shell-shocked as she brought her eyebrows back down her forehead. "Yeah, yeah - it's really great. She's been so excited, I'm just glad it went well," Glancing over to the dancefloor, she spied her friend, swaying side to side in the arms of her beloved pilot. Susie had only met Freddy a handful of times, but he'd always seemed a decent bloke to her.
"Amazing what you can pull together in times like this. Y'know, I'd just love to have something like this someday. Bigger church, maybe, but... you just can't beat a good country wedding."
"Uh, yeah, hundred per cent. Me too, I think."
The other women raised a brow, shooting Susie a questioning look. "Really? I dunno - you never seemed like a marrying type person to me."
Something sank. The bartender handed the woman her wine, and for a moment Susie fought the urge to throw it in her face. She didn't even know her.
"Oh. Um. Well, I dunno - probably."
"That's so cute," The woman tilted her head to the side, and she swore she could've strangled her. "Well, I'll see you around!"
Forcing a strained smile, Susie offered a curt nod, scared to utter another word for fear she might say something regretful. Instead, she waited in pained silence until the woman was entirely out of sight, before stepping up to the bar and ordering two pints, jaw painfully clenched the entire time.
DeMarco was smoking a cigarette outside, the warm glow from inside the hall bathing his back in a yellow light as she approached the open door, a glass of beer in each hand. A puff of smoke escaped his mouth as he turned, expression lighting up as he noticed her arrival, holding out a hand to accept his glass.
"Oh, you're the best," He grinned, flicking his cigarette onto the ground and stomping it out, already moving back towards the door as he spoke again. "Let's head in."
"No-" Susie blurted, halting him in his tracks. "I mean, you can. I'm gonna stay out here for a bit."
"You okay?" He asked, frowning slightly. She nodded hurriedly.
"Oh, yeah, yeah, no - I'm fine. Just... yunno... loud in there, innit?"
Humming in agreement, still visibly sceptical, DeMarco took a sip of his beer, wandering a little further away from the hall and taking a seat in the grass where the sound from inside was muffled. Careful not to spill her drink, she joined him, feet tucked beneath her as she sat cross-legged on the ground.
She wanted to ask him then - do you think I could be the marrying type?
But he would have said yes regardless, just to make her feel better. That wasn't what she wanted.
Her siblings had all done it - had moved away into their happy homes with their husbands and wives and children. Even Ellie had had a boyfriend - and they'd always been suspicious of her brother Owen and his flatmate, John. There had to be a deficiency - nothing else could explain it. If they'd all come from the same place, all lived the same lives, then the only outlier was Susie herself.
The only problem was Susie.
DeMarco clicked his fingers in front of her face, snapping her back to the present. "-you do this thing where I can't tell if you're listening," He said.
"I'm listening," She assured him, although she had no idea what he'd been saying. He was leant back on one elbow, raising his beer to his lips between sentences, clearly in the middle of a story.
"Ok, so then I told Gale-..." He trailed off, eyes narrowing up at her. "You weren't really listening, were you?"
"I'm sorry," Susie admitted earnestly.
Benny shrugged casually. "Don't worry 'bout it, doll. Something on your mind?"
"Oh, no, it's not-"
"Nuh-uh, come on," He urged.
She sighed, before taking a long sip of her drink. "... We're friends, right?"
DeMarco almost choked on his beer, blinking rapidly as he cleared his throat. "Well... yeah. I mean, we're - we're... Yeah, I - I'm your friend, Suze. Course."
"I just... what do you actually like about me?"
He sat up straight, brow furrowed in concentration, taking her question with complete seriousness. "Well, you make me laugh - even when you're mean to me, 'cause I know you don't mean it. And you're smart, and you don't give a shit what anyone else thinks of you. You're brave - you stand up for people when they need it... and even though you're scared of caring about other people, you do it anyway, 'cause I don't think you can help it."
Susie took one long breath after another, fighting to keep her heart rate level and to stop the tears threatening to prick at her eyes. She hadn't noticed as it happened, but whilst he'd been talking DeMarco had absentmindedly reached for her, winding one of her curls around his finger, back and forth, over and over. It didn't seem that he had realised either, for once he finished speaking he dropped it, frowning slightly at himself.
"I do care," She breathed. "About what people think of me... Just not people I don't like."
"And there's a lotta people you don't like."
Susie cracked a smile, a huff of laughter escaping her. "Exactly."
DeMarco grinned. The moonlight bathed him in a blue-tinted glow, his eyes darker than ever and yet still so very gentle. This wasn't the same man his friends seemed to know - not the 'Benny' they yelled for across the pub in the middle of a game of darts, not the daring pilot with his wise-cracking charm.
There were so many ways in which he could hurt her.
And so many reasons why he wouldn’t.
"I like you."
I care what you think.
"I know."
She tilted her glass to her lips, feeling the last few drops of beer slide smoothly down her throat. These weren't their first drinks of the night, and she could feel a distinct sense of fuzziness creeping in, blurring her thoughts together.
"I didn't thank you properly - for the other week. After the raid."
He scoffed, shaking his head. "Nah. You don't gotta thank me. I wanted to do that."
"... Yeah?"
"I waited for you, didn't I?"
The corner of her lip curled upwards in a soft, melancholy smile. They hung in silence for a while, a thousand unsaid implications stewing in the air before Susie could think of something to say.
"I, uh. I had to go through my sister's stuff after she died - figure out what to do with it all, y'know. And I found this old diary - I had no idea she kept one, and I still dunno how she kept it a secret when we were all in together like sardines. But there were these pages in the back, all these sums, and - she was shit at maths, right? Just so shit at it, I had to help her with all her homework, she never got it. But she'd done all these calculations, and I was trying to figure it out, and I realised it was all the money she was making from working at the paper shop - she was trying to figure out how long it would take, how much money she'd need to move out and go live somewhere else.
"Except there were all these other numbers that I couldn't understand - and it didn't make sense to me until I found one of my old payslips from working at the cinema. And then I realised... she'd been doing the maths for us both. She always wanted me to come too - she didn't want to leave me behind."
Susie couldn't quite fathom why she was telling him all this - what it meant, what she expected him of all people to take from it. But DeMarco listened nonetheless, a look of utter focus creasing his expression as she took in every word.
"I think when she died it felt like I lost my future too. Like, I didn't even know she'd been planning it, but it always made sense. She was the only person who I always felt like was looking out for me, like I wasn't an afterthought to. And... I'm not mean because I want to be. I'm just angry. All the time. Because she should've been the safest you can get and she still died, and I guess I just didn't see much point afterwards. So I found other stuff to be angry at - stuff I could actually do something about."
He said nothing, just stared up at her, something indiscernible to her in his eyes.
"... Shit, do I sound like an insane person now?"
"No!" DeMarco bolted upright from where he had been reclined slightly against the grass. "No - no, not at all, Suze," Lifting a hand to her face, he swept her hair to the side, fingers combing through her curls as he leant forward to press his lips to her temple.
Susie wasn't quite certain what had come over her, but the moment he was close enough she reached out, wrapping her arms around him and collapsing against his chest, chin tucked into the crook of his neck. He returned the embrace without a word, sucking in a long breath as he stretched his arms around her shoulders, holding her tight.
"Sorry, I'm like a... fucking basket case who's not very fun to hang out with," She joked, voice muffled against his collar. As she let out a slight huff of laughter, he felt the warmth of her breath against his neck, his body momentarily tensing.
"Susie. I am so uninterested in hanging out with anyone who isn't you."
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noroi1000 · 11 months
Nyan XII - Stalker Cats
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A/n: In this chapter are my arts for the chapter....I'm a bit ashamed of it because it didn't turn out pretty well. But I am sending you this. Please don't laugh 😅
The black cat hit the white cat lightly as he continued to meow.
His blue eyes looked at him questioningly from behind his glasses.
His ears still droop from being sad.
White fluff so sad. But mostly he was jealous.
It was a terrible feeling.
You didn't betray them. You just went out with your friend...
But they feel jealous of it!
They're supposed to be your cats when you go out with some other guy?!
They weren't mad at you because you sure love them. But they were mad that this guy still thought he could get you! You could only be his friend!
Can't he understand?
You were their girlfriend.
Even if you didn't know the whole truth about them, they never lied.
Why do they sometimes disappear from home? Because they are Jujutsu sorcerers. They can't stay indoors all day as cats, even if they would love to.
But unfortunately the world is unfair.
But they feel that what is happening is also an injustice.
If Yuki wanted war, he'll get war.
Is this supposed to be a rival? He doesn't stand a chance against them!
They will make him rest.
Because you are their girlfriend.
Suddenly, the white cat jumped onto the railing and jumped off the balcony, landing noiselessly on the pavement as a human.
His friend, whose girlfriend you were, landed right next to him.
Black smoke drifted lightly at his feet.
"We can't walk around as cats in the city." Satoru said, standing in a white plume of smoke.
"This is just a discovery for me. If we had at least worn the collars that (y/n) gave us, it would have been better. Some idiot wouldn't threaten to lock us in a shelter." Suguru said, taking steps forward to make the smoke disappear completely.
"You know, wearing those collars isn't so bad. At least people will see what she gave us. As if marking us as hers. Not everyone gets a collar from their sweetheart."
"When she gave it to us, she thought we were cats. Normal cats. Not people. You were the one who finally wanted to show her."
"Prefer to eat cat food from a bowl on the floor? Besides, if it wasn't for that, she'd probably be with someone else! She would have another boyfriend! Probably this guy! If we didn't hurry, it would be too late!" he said with a sad face. His cheeks were slightly grim.
"Come on, come on. You're right. And now we have to ensure that we don't lose her."
"It'll be faster as a cat." He laughed, and suddenly there was a levitating white cat in the alley.
"You know there's a dogcatcher in town?"
The cat meowed.
Basically, there was a shelter here.
However, there were a lot of stray animals on the streets, or those that had escaped and the owner couldn't find them.
They don't want to be compared to animals that have run away or been left behind.
But they also can't constantly change into a human and then into a cat.
It would be more suspicious if the two big cats disappeared and suddenly reappeared.
They are sorcerers, and people know very little about sorcerers.
They cannot know much because the world of Jujutsu is a mystery to them.
And it's best to keep it that way.
But they think you'll have to find out someday.
They will have to explain it to you in detail.
They don't want to scare you.
It was hard for you to accept that your cats turned into people. In two men!
That must have been terrible for you!
And now they have to tell you right away that they are Jujutsu sorcerers? That they have powers that normal people don't have?
That there are curses in this world?
There are curses here. Even with you. But since they're with you, nothing comes close to you.
That's why they can't leave you.
How can you react to the fact that there are monsters invisible to you?
Flying cats, cats that teleport.
Cats that turn into people.
And if you weren't with them, you would be unaware of how much you could be loved.
Even if they're half-two purrs who are jealous that you have a friend who's a guy.
And he is a bit like Ijichi. And they don't want you to replace them - handsome, tall and manly. For something like him - shorter and looks like he just went to high school. Even though he probably might be older than you.
They're just better.
That's why they will do everything to make you stop noticing your friend and pay attention only to them.
Even if they are assured of your love still because he is just a friend.
But he fell in love with you...
And you are their girlfriend. He can't just fall in love with someone else's girlfriend and want to go out with her!
Therefore, they must do something to show him clearly that he has no chance.
Because they're with you and he's about to let it go.
That's why two cats were running on the roofs of buildings, jumping between them and looking for you on the sidewalk.
The glasses disappeared from the head of the white man to find you faster.
And suddenly he jumped, clearing the way for the black cat. Causing his friend to hit his fur and they both nearly fell over.
But Gojo didn't care and looked down at the pavement.
Showing Geto that you're there.
His purple eyes met your face as I was talking to your friend, smiling. His fluffy tail twitched in annoyance.
How can someone like him make you smile? He's probably so boring!
Even though you're going to work now... They can distract you somehow.
Or do something to show that they are your boyfriends and he has no chance to change that.
Just what could they do?
They can't get your attention over the phone because they didn't take it from home.
And cats don't have pockets.
As the black cat turned to look at his white friend, he was standing on the edge of the alley, and suddenly saw a fluffy white cat jump from there.
He ran quickly to the edge, seeing the human form of his friend standing around and white smoke disappearing.
His hand was combing his hair.
His eye remained with a thin pupil until he saw you. And it became normal, or better yet, expanded. He smiled slightly.
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And next to him was now a black cat that would have scared him if it hadn't sensed him coming.
Behind him moments later, Suguru was standing watching Satoru's smile.
"What do you do? Whenever you smile like that, you're planning something." He said, leaning his arm against the wall next to him.
Suddenly, he came quickly closer and grabbed your wrist, pulling you away from your friend.
He pulled you into an alley between corporate buildings and pushed your back against the wall, connecting your lips.
Making you blush, but you kissed back.
And your friend watched the scene with a little blush and wide eyes.
They win this round.
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maxsimagination · 5 months
𝘁𝗼𝘂𝗿𝗴𝗶𝗱𝗲 𝗜𝗜 - 𝗺.𝗹𝗲𝗼𝗻
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warnings: probably a kiss or something, two parts
• part 1 • part 2
it had been a week of training, a week of getting to know mapi. we had exchanged numbers after she'd offered to take me out and show me the highlights of barcelona. we had decided on today, hence why i was up at 6 in the morning.
i didn't know where we were planning on going, mapi said she wanted to surprise me. my phone pings with a text from her saying she was out the front. i grabbed my things and headed down, excited for what she had planned.
"hola, i hope your excited." i was grinning when i hopped into her car. "of course i'm excited, the mapi leon is taking me to see barcelona." she laughed at my humour and we drove out of my street to where ever mapi had planned. barcelona was a beautiful city, the sun was rising and the colours were thrown through the sky like a painting.
even though i didn't know where we were going, my head was still out of the window most of the time, enjoying the beauty of barcelona. it took just under an hour but mapi had driven us into the heart of barcelona, to the arco de triunfo. i was in awe, i had never seen anything like it.
i took a couple of pictures of it, before mapi took one of me with it, then i asked someone walking past if they could take one of me and mapi. i thanked them when they had and mapi tugged my hand back to walk to the car and show me to our next place.
we had drove past castell dels tres dragons, and i managed to get a picture of it, then mapi pulled up to museo picasso. it was a beautiful art gallery, over 4,000 pieces were on display.
we walked through the building, admiring the artwork, although i was pretty sure that mapi's eyes were on me the whole time. after that we went to three other locations; mural del beso, muralla romana and el cap de barcelona. finally, to end our day out we stopped off at a sushi place.
"this is amazing, thank you so much mapi." i thanked the woman profusely, she had shown me the most amazing places, my camera roll was full. "no problem, y/n." we sat together eating our sushi, when i had a thought. "is your real name mapi? or is it a nickname?"
i knew her as mapi, but i swear ingrid had told me her full name before. "my full name is maria pilar león cebrián." she had a shy look on her face and i smiled gently at her admission. "that's a beautiful name." we spent the last bit of our time speaking together before we had to drive back home. another hour later we arrived at my apartment and i had to get out.
"thankyou again for today. i really enjoyed it." i pushed my luck a bit and leant forward to press a kiss to her cheek before hopping out of the car. i looked back to see mapi, stunned in the drivers seat and blushing. "adiós, y/n." (bye, y/n.)
it was training day today. i groaned when that thought came to mind, i wanted it to be yesterday so i could see all of the landmarks mapi showed me again. ingrid was picking me up again this morning so i waited for her 'i'm here' text before i grabbed my stuff and went outside. when i got into the car she immediately asked about yesterday.
"how was it?" "it was incredible. she showed me the most amazing places and took me for sushi at the end." i rambled on about how much i enjoyed the day with mapi. ingrid was smiling while listening to me go on about it. "you really like mapi, don't you?" she asked with a knowing tone.
i had to pause for a second to let it register. all my feelings ran through my mind as i took my time. "i think, yea, i do." clearly ingrid wasn't expecting that answer from me as she whipped back to me. "wait really?" "yea." a growing smile turned into a giant grin on ingrid as she drove. "oh my god, you have to tell her! she definitely has a thing for you."
"she does not! she was probably just being nice yesterday." i knew i was kidding myself, i had pecked her on the cheek yesterday and she was blushing. if she was just being nice she wouldn't react like that. but my humility stood in the way of that thought.
we finally got to camp nou and both walked in together. everyone was in the cafeteria so we went to join them. mapi, aitana, patri, alexia and marta were all at a table together. ingrid beat me to the seats and chose to sit next to alexia, which left me to sit with mapi. i knew she did that on purpose.
we all started talking and continued for a bit before i got hungry and went to get some food. i was gone for about ten minutes, there was a line, and unbeknownst to me ingrid had started talking with mapi.
when i came back, they didn't realise i could hear them and i caught the last bit of the conversation. "... me gusta mucho y/n." (i really like y/n.) i stopped where i was, not wanting to interrupt what she was saying. but ingrid spotted me and beckoned me over, which caught mapi off guard and she stopped talking.
i walked back over and sat down next to mapi, trying my hardest not to act awkward. i think ingrid knew that i had heard and could understand what mapi had said and she nodded at me, trying to get me to talk to her. i have in and told myself 'fuck it, why not'.
i leant towards mapi and whispered in her ear, "a mí también me gustas mucho maría." i could see her tense up when i said that, she didn't know that i knew spanish fluently. "¿de veras?" (really?) she questioned me. "sí." (yes.) i nodded. she grinned at my confirmation and grabbed my hand to lead me away from the table and out to the hall.
"you're telling me that you knew spainish this whole time?" i laughed.
"yes, it was ingrid's idea."
mapi just laughed at that.
"of course it was. well in that case, ¿quieres ser mi novia?" (will you be my girlfriend?)
i grinned at her.
"absolutamente, maría." (absolutely, maría.)
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imagine-knb · 5 months
Reaction or headcanons please. Remember the hot spring ep? Imagine if the boys had a girlfriend who got to join the trip. How would team Too react if Momoi teased them by declaring "I got to see your girlfriend naked before you did!" ?
Aomine: "Hah?! And you're not gunna give me the details?! I thought we were childhood friends."
He'll start pestering Momoi on all the things she saw; how big your breasts were, how thick your thighs were, were you shaved or natural? How intimate his line of questions are has her completely red and she yells at him for being a huge pervert. It doesn't phase Aomine however, and he simply says he'll just have to find out for himself sooner or later. The way he smirks and licks at his lips when he says it is downright lecherous.
Imayoshi: "Hmm? Are you so sure about that?"
Imayoshi has a knack for being able to turn conversations around on people. He starts saying things to Momoi that would imply he's already seen you naked — perhaps he's done more than just see — and it starts to make her flustered instead. When he starts describing, in detail, the cute little beauty mark you have on your inner thigh, she covers her ears, red in the face. She doesn't have to know that he was lying and just making an educated guess.
Susa: "Well, yeah, I guess that's only natural it would happen that way."
Susa is a bit more logical in his response. Of course Momoi would get to see you first, considering the whole hot spring situation and the fact the both of you were in the same bath, away from him. Still, a small pit of jealousy forms in his stomach. He'd never force you to show him faster than you were ready, but of course, now he can't stop his imagination from running wild. He starts daydreaming about what you must look like.
Wakamatsu: "S-So what?! That's not an issue!"
Momoi simply bringing up the fact that you were naked just on the other side of the hot spring wall from him has Wakamatsu going slightly red. He's even more embarrassed when he gets called out for not having seen your bare body already and retorts with flustered yells that he wasn't as big of a horndog as some of his other teammates. Still, he can't help but feel jealous that Momoi had seen something he'd only been able to imagine so far.
Sakurai: "D-Don't tell me anything!"
In front of Momoi, Sakurai is downright embarrassed at the insinuation that she'd seen your more intimate parts before he did. He's covering his ears, trying to block out all of her teasing remarks and even starts making noises to drown her out when she starts describing what you look like — he doesn't know that Momoi is lying about the details she's sharing. Later, he's a bit pouty about it in front of you, but doesn't want to admit why.
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neppednep · 1 month
Hey! If you're busy feel free to ignore this, but could I please get some romantic headcanons for Red Hood? No hard feelings if you don't want to, since she's not on the masterlist or anything, or if you just don't want to do it. But if you do end up doing it then thanks a lot for taking the time out of your life, as well as keeping this blog running.
I wish you a good day, as well as luck in any future endeavors!
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Red Hood Romantic HCs
I wanted to make a part for Dorothy too, but I've been busy as hell, so that'll probably come after I get through a couple other asks.
Also, if a charcter isn't in the Nikke masterlist, feel free to still request. I have to remake it one of these days because of the photo limit. Anyways, sorry for being late and hope you enjoy.
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》 Being in a relationship with Red Hood can be a mixed bag. On one hand, you two really do love each other, even through the whole alien invasion, pretty much the end of humanity thing. On the other hand, you two don't get as much time together as you used to and even that is an understatement. Between her new duties as a Nikke and worrying whether or not she'll make it back home after her missions, it can get stressful.
》 You would be lying if you said it was easy when she first became a Nikke though. The two of you weren't exactly well off, living in a relatively small village away from most of the fighting. You didn't really think much of it, not realizing just how bad it was until raptures practically appeared out of nowhere, killing everyone in sight. While you were evacuated… you couldn't find her. The only proof of her existence being the cassette player she gifted a friend of yours.
Your breath freezes in your throat as you stare at the red haired woman, proudly walking down the street with a gun damn near twice her size tossed over her shoulder. You don't even know what to feel.
》 Imagine your surprise, spending months thinking she was dead until you saw her and a few others, still alive, receiving a hero's welcome at the city you were staying at.
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You couldn't even move, practically stuck in place as you stare at the spitting image of your supposedly dead girlfriend.
She scans the crowd, her eyes eventually land on you, having to double take before stopping dead in her tracks. You have no time to react before you see a huge smile on her face. Her weapon falls to the ground with a loud crash and the next thing you know your feet leave the ground as you're taken into a bone crushing huh.
No words really needed to be spoken between the two of you, everyone else in the crowd forgotten. You just bury your head into her large chest, letting reality sink in.
She's still alive and back with you, so you won't complain.
》 It really doesn't seem like much has even changed, besides that hug she goes right back to how everything was before. Immediately dragging you off with strength you didn't think possible. She wasn't a small woman by any means but it just wasn't human. After she introduced you to her squad and catching up, you found out she wasn't. It was a lot to take in. She did die… kind of? Then got turned into some powerful android who fights aliens for the sake of humanity.
》 Irrelevant. By the end of the day you two were in your house, listening to the cassette player she never seemed to get tired of.
》 She did seem a bit different though, only through very small things anyone else wouldn't really notice. Red Hood was definitely more clingy than she used to be, not to mention she was practically treating you like you were made of glass most of the time. It wasn't a bad thing though, just relaxing in her arms, getting the pillow treatment.
》 It did kind of suck when she had to go out on missions. She was on the best and one of the only squads around, but you still worried whether she'd make it back home or not.
》 Dates are certainly fun. Taking you to a shooting range, though not letting you shoot her gun of course, as you'd probably do more damage to yourself than the target. She's quite fond of showing off in simulations, or just going to see a movie or concert, though needless to say those are exceptionally rare these days.
》 Speaking of shooting ranges, out of everyone in her squad, Snow White is someone Red Hood loves to bring around. She's a nice girl, if a bit childish but she definitely looks up to Red Hood, and you to a certain extent. If you like guns or shooting, she'll be coming over a lot to run ideas through you or just hang out, almost seeing you as an older sibling.
》 Definitely protective of you. Not that many people would really try to hurt you. Your girlfriend is part of the Goddess Squad and an android that can tear through even the strongest Raptures with ease. Even then, she won't resort to violence too quickly, usually just using her words to drive them off. If that doesn't work… a flick probably won't kill them.
》 Red Hood is more romantic then her relatively rough and playful exterior lets on. You can't really blame her, you two didn't have the best life growing up, after all. Some nights it'll just be you two staring into the setting sun in a comfortable silence. She does still have a girly side buried deep somewhere in here, though it rarely comes out. She claims doing stuff like that just reminds her of what she’s fighting for, but with the way she stares at you, you know it's deeper than that.
》 It was quite the surprise when one day, out of nowhere, Red Hood approached you saying she was going on her last mission. You were a bit confused, but she brushed it off saying she's been fighting for long enough and wants to spend the rest of her life with you.
》 Was… that some kind of proposal?
》 If it was, you didn't have time to blink, let alone even ask before her face flushed red as she gave her usual smile and speeding off. You just chuckled and shook your head. She was always a free spirit, and you know she'll be back. She always comes back.
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seramilla · 14 days
So follow up to the homophobic heaven au ask. After Emily comes out to Sera and gets told that it's not love she'll grow out of it and to not tell anyone about it especially the elders. Emily is confused and hurt by Sera's response but what sticks with Emily is that Sera's reaction isn't angry, disappointed, disgusted or sad but instead terrified even when Sera tries to act like she is one of those it's clear to Emily she's mostly acting but Sera's fear is clearly genuine. She decides to try and figure it out she goes and talks to some other angels not coming out to them but more talking about the idea of someone liking someone of their own gender saying a human told them they were worried if their kid would get in because they are gay. Now all the angels who were alive before Lucifer fell supported heaven during that mess but most in the years since then have become somewhat disillusioned and or think the elders are too harsh or disagree with them on some points. So they tell her maybe and explain the whole story of Carmilla who was Sera's best friend and fell after it was revealed that she was in a relationship with a woman and didn't say who it's clear that angels Emily is talking think the elders response was wrong and they talk about how shocking and kinda of messed up how Sera seemed to not react to lossing her best friend and why they have kept somewhat distant from her. Emily realizing the fear how close Sera and Carmilla were described and some other things thay seemed odd growing up concludes that Sera was Carmilla's lover and decides next time she sees her sister to ask about Carmilla.
"Who's Carmilla?"
Hearing that name in her little sister's voice sends such a pang of emotion through Sera's entire body, that she nearly falls over from the shock of it. Slowly, Sera turns to face Emily, who is sitting patiently and humbly on the couch in her office. She's looking at Sera with genuine curiosity -- this isn't some trick, or a gotcha, or a way to get the upper hand. She genuinely wants to know.
When Emily had asked to "talk" earlier that morning, Sera had thought it would be something about the newest wave of Winners about to enter Heaven that day. She thought it could be about virtually anything else; she hadn't expected to be reminded about the woman she's tried all these thousands of years to forget.
"Where did you hear that name?" Sera asks, trying to remain calm, but failing spectacularly. Her eyes are blown wide, and she's shaking all over. She can't stop herself from sweating.
"I don't want to say," Emily answers, meekly.
"Why not?"
"Because I don't want you to punish them."
Oh, Emily. Ever the selfless, self-sacrificing, considerate angel who always puts others' wellbeing before her own. Sera worries so much that she's going to get herself in trouble one of these days. The type of trouble Sera can't protect her from.
Sera bends down in front of Emily, taking the younger woman's cheeks in her hands, stroking them softly. Emily is so small. So young. So fragile in Heaven's eyes.
"I won't punish them...but if you really won't tell me, then may I ask why you're asking?"
"Umm...someone...some people...told me that you cared about her very much. That you were inseparable. Best friends. But when she fell, there were rumors that it didn't even bother you. That you didn't care. But I didn't believe them, Sera! How could you not care? After everything you'd been through together! That's not the Sera I know!"
Sera's fighting back tears now. Just hearing Emily speak that name, and remind her of the special bond she'd shared with Carmilla for so long. Carmilla had opened her heart, made her see herself, and Heaven, and the entire concept of existence and what they're doing up here, in a different light. And to protect herself, she'd pretended nonchalance. She'd acted like it hadn't bothered her, so she could stay here, and make some type of difference in Heaven, even if it was only a little one.
She'd wanted to make Carmilla proud. Now, hearing Emily talk about her again, brings all of those memories and hopes for good intentions to the forefront. After the way Sera had guilted her sister, instead of being honest and explaining things to her...how she'd condemned her sister's actions as confusion or just a phase...Sera wonders how much Carmilla would be ashamed at what she's become.
She's become the thing that she hates most.
"I did care," Sera confirms. "I cared a lot when she fell. So much, that I kept it bottled up inside. To protect myself...and to protect you."
"Sera, did you love her?"
This question of Emily's also catches Sera off guard. Her instincts tell her to lie again, to brush it off, and say no, of course not, that's a sin! The old Sera would do that. She'd do it in a heartbeat. But Sera already feels guilty enough about the way she'd handled Emily confronting her with her feelings about other angels. About women. That she likes women, too.
Emily is so much like her. It's scary how much her sister is a reflection of the High Seraphim.
So Sera tells her the truth. The entire truth, for once in Emily's life, and not some half-baked version of it. Because Emily deserves that much.
Sera sighs heavily.
"I did. I did love her. I loved her so much. Heaven took her away from me. And then they gave me you. And I thought that was recompense enough, for a while. But then I did you wrong, Emily. I lied to you. I'm no better than they are. I'm so sorry. I loved her, and I love you. That shouldn't be a sin to say. Emily, I want you to love as fully, as wholly, as I did. I want you to love as much as you possibly can. Do you hear me? No matter what I or anyone else says. I take back everything I told you before. Can you ever forgive me?"
Emily smiles. There are tears in her eyes. Of course Emily would forgive her. She barely had to ask.
"Of course, Sera. I love you. And I just want you to be happy, and feel loved, too. That's all I've ever wanted for you. Thank you."
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