#i feel like this is poorly written but at a certain point i kinda just started ranting for my life
murphallo · 1 year
Your thoughts on Chenford and their relationship moving forward?
Thoughts on 5.13?
i’m having a bad time lol
i’ve been ranting and raving about this in detail for the better part of two months so i’ll try to keep this to bulletpoints. i think the way they got together was rushed (yes, rushed), poorly written, and i think they cut the burn off before the part a LOT of people waited so long for (angst, pining, arc, plot whatsoever) i think it was a bonkers decision to get such a well set up ship together in the midseason bc they were just like “eh fuck it here is good” and i have no beef with people who are satisfied with how it went down but i think when people who are disappointed express their gripes on their own damn account, people tend to purposely misunderstand. examples include “how can chenford be rushed if they took 4.5 seasons to get together?” to which i’d answer a. we are not saying chenford is rushed we’re saying the way they got together was rushed. b. it’s funny to me how people think that investing years of time and effort and heart to a ship should make us LESS invested in how they get together. c. bruh i’m asking myself the same question it’s actually kinda impressive that they managed to rush a ship after that long.
as for the story going forward, i’ve kinda lost hope in 5b at least. it’s beautiful to see them so enamored with each other and i will watch the scenes and smile at them bc they are adorable in a vacuum but as for the big picture, i find the writing overall to be quite dumb lately. i find it dumb that their biggest boundary to being together was work and they solved that in one episode in the most boring way they could muster. i find it dumb that it seems like we did not get to see the team find out they’re together. i find it dumb that we were given no reason for them “taking it slow” and then giving in after a couple weeks even though that pre sex makeout was hot as hell ngl (see what i mean?? in a vacuum!!) i find many many things dumb and weird and even though the scenes give me buzz, chenford used to have chem and story for me and tho the chem remains higher than it’s ever been, the story has, in my opinion, been shot in the face.
last week with the work thing was kinda my last straw so i am taking a break from the rookie and watching the chenford scenes on twitter bc i was getting way way too hateful watching week to week. i’d rather be a positive presence in a fandom im in so i don’t go out of my way to stare my displeasure publicly, i only do to reach out to other people who feel the way i do and want to vent bc nothing starts internet friendships like a good bitching session. i do feel like because the relationship is hitting the gas like this, we might??? be on our way to the other shoe dropping and me personally………. my prayer is a breakup lol i’m hoping they break up and then we’re actually given some proper angst and pining (even though i think we should’ve gotten that BEFORE they went canon but what do i know) now… i don’t know what they would break up over with the work issue out of the way and it would probably be something, say it with me, DUMB, but i would be willing to consider tuning in again if my trust miraculously grew back lol so YEAH those are my thoughts.
if you’re happy with how they got together, i truly honestly do not care and i’m happy you’re satisfied lol at a certain point it all comes down to personal preference, and for me personally, it feels like they went out of their way to miss every box on my checklist which is a bummer bc i used to love literally every scene interaction and bit of writing between them and now… not so much. i still love them, and i love the first four seasons, i just think the writing took a huge ass stumble at the literal worst time possible. but it would take a stronger person than i to turn my nose up at gifs of the 5x12 makeout so if absolutely nothing else, at least i’ll always have that 🤡🤡
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Light My Love - I - T.Nott
Series Summary - Follow Y/N as she navigated the wizarding world on her own, starting from her first year, all the way through to her seventh. As she falls in love and get her heart broken, how a certain friend is always there to mend her broken heart even though his is slowly getting broken in the process.
Chapter Summary - Y/N makes a new friend on the first day of classes. There is a time jump to nearly 2 months later. She receives a letter from her mother after the woman finds out about her failing grade. She finds a certain mirror after receiving said letter.
Pairings - Theo Nott x Fem!Reader(eventual)
Series Warnings - Blood purity, dark wizards, Reader is a descendant of Salazar Slytherin, pining, angst, reader will have some shitty boyfriends, Female Reader, use of Y/N
Chapter Warnings - Female Reader, use of Y/N, mentions of food and eating, poorly written angst, crying, rough parent-child relationship
Author's Note - I wanted to do a retelling of the Harry Potter series with a pureblood Slytherin character so here it is! I will probably update this slow just like my Always There series so be patient with me! After a few posts I will make a masterlist and link it to all of my posts for this series as well as on my masterlist.
Word Count - 1917
My full Masterlist
Series Masterlist
My requests are open!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
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The class she was most excited for was potions. The potions master was known for being a cold-hearted man and quite the stickler when it comes to grading but she liked a good challenge. Plus she knew that Snape had tended to favor the Slytherins but wasn’t exactly afraid to take points from the house. That was her second subject of the day, getting back into the dungeons for the next couple of hours.
As the class started, Snape was quick to spot the newest hot topic of the school, Harry Potter. “Our new celebrity,” The professor said slowly in a condescending tone. She felt bad for the boy, from her understanding he had just found out about who he was and why he was famous. She felt even worse as Snape interrogated the boy who lived, asking him questions he didn’t have the answers to. 
“I kinda feel bad,” She whispered to another Slytherin she had met earlier in the day, Lorenzo Berkshire.
“I do too,” He whispered back to her. He was the sweetest Slytherin she had ever met, a down to Earth and caring boy. It was quite a strange difference compared to his cousin and her closest friend, Draco Malfoy.
“Mr. Berkshire, Miss Y/L/N, is there something you’d like to share with the class?” Snape questioned the pair after correcting Potter.
“No sir,” They replied in unison.
Their lesson continued on as they sat quietly for the rest of the lesson. The class was rather uneventful but it was only the first class of the term, they could only get more interesting from there. As the class ended, she picked up her pace to catch up with Theo and Mattheo. “Flirting with Berkshire were you?” Mattheo teased.
“No! I was just saying that I kinda felt bad for Potter. I overheard Granger talking about him during Transfiguration, apparently he had only found out how his parents died on his birthday when he got his letter. He was just thrown into the wizarding world without a clue about it,” She explained herself.
“How could you feel bad for him? He’s completely set for life, he’s famous for something he did as a baby. You and me both know what he did to my family, Y/N,” The Riddle boy questioned her.
“I’m sorry, Matt. I didn’t mean it that way, I just meant that the boy is clueless, he doesn’t know anything about our world, just the bare minimum.”
“You’ve got a heart of gold, principessa,” Theo chimed in, throwing an arm around her shoulder.
“A heart of gold will only get broken in a family like yours,” A voice said behind them, the voice belonged to Draco.
“Shut it, Dray. As much as I love my father and mother, I don’t wish to become them.”
Their conversation was stopped as they entered their last class of the day, Charms. It was the only class where they had actually learned something on the first day, the professor showing them a wand movement that would benefit them the most in the class. As classes finished for the day, the Slytherin gang hung out in the common room until it was time for dinner. Y/N and Draco were sitting side by side next to a large window pointing into the Black Lake. She had her potions book opened in front of her as she took notes of the pages Snape had assigned.
“So, you and Berkshire?” Draco broke their silence.
“Not you too,” She whined, “No, he’s just a friend. We literally just met yesterday.”
“What about Nott?”
“What about him?”
“Do you fancy him? Or Riddle? You seem rather close with them,” He pointed out.
“Can you stop? No, they’re my friends, you know that. You’re just a trouble maker, Malfoy. Stop speculating,” She begged him.
“Malfoy and trouble in the same sentence? Salazar I should be surprised,” Mattheo said sarcastically from behind them, “How are you making sense of the reading? I don’t get it.”
“I guess I’m just a natural at potions. I mean my mother is a potioneer,” She shrugged, going back to reading the pages. She ignored the two boys who started fooling around, focusing on her book and writing in depth notes on the potion and its ingredients. She knew her way around the cure for boils potion as well as the wiggenweld potion, those were brewed the most by her mother whom she had watched millions of times making the potions. She was writing the notes on those two by memory, only referring back to the book when she was slightly unsure.
When the pestering of the two boys became too much, however, she packed up her things and went to the library where she knew it would be quiet. It was nearly pin-drop silent in the library when she entered, she had spotted Theo in a corner by himself so she went over to sit with him. He knew who it was, she was one of the only other Slytherins that would actually use the library for what it was meant for. The two friends sat in silence, studying their own topics until it came time for dinner.
It was nearly 2 months into the first term of their first year. The Slytherins had been keeping track of everything that Seamus Finnegan had blown up. The tally was now up to 10 things, the tenth rewarding Y/N with the dorm to herself for the weekend. They had a bet going and she was the first to say that Seamus would blow up 10 things by Halloween. Her dormmates agreed to sleep on the couches in the common room for the night.
She had a good day all together, she was the only other student other than Hermione Granger to get down the levitation spell in Charms, she was the only student to brew a perfect forgetfulness potion and she had won the bet. Her mood soured however when the post came. A letter being dropped in her lap by the family owl. When she opened it she noticed the familiar writing of her mother.
My dearest daughter,
I regret to tell you that you must stay at Hogwarts until the end of the school year. Your father and I have some business to attend to during the holidays. I did hear from Professor Quirrell that you are failing his class. We are very disappointed in you. The next time we see you, you will receive your punishment. We have already taken your books out of your room, we have let the house elf know that you are not to leave your room unless permitted and all of your art supplies have been burned.
Your mother
She tore up the letter, getting up abruptly before walking towards the exit. Just as she went to pass through the doors, she was practically run over by the very same professor mentioned in her letter. She recovered quickly before wandering around the castle. She ended up finding an empty room with a lone mirror in the corner. She went up to the mirror, peering into it, only to see herself happy with her parents behind her, large smiles on their faces.
Her family may have kept up appearances but her parents weren’t the nicest people. She was able to hide her true feelings deep down, repressing them until they all came spilling to the surface. She was in front of that mirror for nearly 2 hours until someone walked into the room. She hadn’t acknowledged them, just stared into the mirror at the happy family she wished she had, silent tears falling down her cheeks.
“I see you found the Mirror of Erised,” Snape said from behind her.
“I guess so,” She murmured. 
“What do you see, Miss Y/L/N?”
“My family, but we’re actually happy, not just pretend happy,” She admitted after a beat of silence.
“This mirror shows you your deepest desires. I would have thought a student as knowledgeable as you would want to be the headmaster or minister of magic, especially considering how young you are.”
“I can’t control my desires I guess.”
“It’s getting rather late, dear girl. I will escort you back to the common room so you don’t get into trouble.”
She got up from the floor, wiping away the tears on her face and followed the professor out of the room. She felt somewhat ashamed being escorted to the common room by Snape. She felt even worse when they had entered the common room, her friends starting to poke fun until she ran off to her dorm.
“What’s up with her?” Draco asked the group as Snape began to walk away.
The professor turned around, facing the group of concerned friends, “She’s not as happy as she pretends to be.” As the potions master left the room, the group was even more confused and concerned. The comment being made doing nothing but making them feel even more concerned.
Draco had a feeling he knew what was going on, he remembers her mentioning that she wasn’t doing well in DADA, failing the class at the moment. He left the common room and towards the girls' dorms, gently knocking on her door. Little did he know, the girl already had one of the friends from the group in the room. Theo was sitting beside her on the bed, letting her take her time with telling him what she was upset about.
They sat for nearly 20 minutes before she had even said anything. “My mother wrote to me,” She admitted.
“I figured that much, principessa. I haven’t seen you tear up a single letter until today. What did she say?”
“I have to stay here for the holidays and because I’m failing defense against the dark arts I’m on lockdown this summer. She took away all of my books, told the house elves that I can’t leave my room unless permitted by her and she burned all of my art supplies,” She explained.
“She’s a twat,” Theo said bluntly, causing her to laugh loudly.
“What? I’m just telling the truth, she's a twat. Just because you have a single bad grade, she punishes you to an extreme. It’s not like you’re failing any other class, just the one. I’m failing like 3 of them right now.”
“You know how my parents are.”
“Unfortunately true. I’m sure the Malfoy’s will let you join them on Christmas. Or I could stay here with you. You know what, I’ll stay here with you and we’ll have the best Christmas.”
After her talk with Theo, her heart didn’t feel as heavy, a little bit of the weight was lifted off of her shoulders. The Italian boy doing his best at cheering her up and trying to take a bit of weight off of her shoulders.
On the other side of the door, Draco had heard her laughing causing a small smile to appear on his face. He was happy that she was even slightly happy for even a short amount of time. He saw her as a little sister even though they were the same age, he was fiercely protective over her and knew how her parents were. He was just happy to hear her laugh thanks to the bluntness of Theodore. Draco was able to sleep a little more peacefully knowing that she had someone to cheer her up other than him.
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idsfantasy · 6 months
Okay so, head up, I think your videos are cool and I respect the effort and work you put into theories. I also understand not every theory is going to be actually reflective of views, instead following different roads of logic to see what seems the most likely.
But the big reason why I think robot people being in the games is such a reviled concept by so many people, is that it feels like a lame twist that doesn't really accomplish anything and doesn't really go anywhere. And part of that is the source material it comes from. (Warning: long and emotive analysis incoming)
In the actual Fourth Closet book Charlie being a robot isn't handled well. She's written as a mostly normal human person with internal emotions, struggles, and thoughts only to be completely discarded because she's "not real". As soon as it's revealed, she immediately kills herself and Elizabeth with no narrative buildup, and the only possible resolution is a cliffhanger ending that is never fully explained and left up to speculation. We don't really feel the weight of this on anyone, except possibly John, who never discusses it with anyone and never actually ponders what that might mean beyond feeling bummed the girl he wanted to date is dead and also not human. It also gives Circus Baby a very needlessly convulted backstory for the sole purpose of having her run around in a humanoid form and double down on the henchwoman characterization introduced in FFPS.
It doesn't even really explain much beyond a few strange lines and wonky plot threads, it's a thing that happens and despite Charlie being a protagonist she doesn't really get to react to this.
Sammy is completely dismissed as a concept despite it being such a big deal in TSE and TTO and the whole point of Charlie's arc of acceptance and grief. And we get one line saying he's actually alive... and living with the mother Charlie herself mentions talking to in the past. It's a mess.
The only character who is made more intresting and given more weight by this reveal is Henry. Because it changes perception from "flawed man struggling with mental health but ultimately a very loving to father" to "all the above but also with those flaws much more prevalent and damaging". It's fascinating because what he does is incredibly messed up on so many levels, yet entirely understandable. Henry in the novels is a straight up antagonist, not a villian, and not actively malicious, but someone very poorly coping and causing harm by proxy. And that's reflective of a lot of people who are understandably struggling and need support, but at the same time refuse help and find themselves sinking deeper while their loved ones feel helpless. It's deeply tragic, and leaves Henry being a much more nuanced character, mainly because of the fact Charlie doesn't know quite how to feel about him. When she's still allowed to have thoughts, at least.
The whole point of the Charliebots is that grief and loss can make vulnerable people susceptible to delusion, and how that effects the children around them. Both the Charlie-bot and Circus Baby are shaped around trying to conform to a grieving parent who wants them to fill a role that at a certain point, they simply can't. The moment Charliebot stopped living past the age of three, she simply wasn't reflective of that real little girl anymore. She was someone new, based on the hopes and dreams her family had for her. The Charliebots are so so intricately linked to this theme, that I really feel removing the idea of androids from it is kinda insulting to the whole premise.
William blatantly says he couldn't build robots like that, Circus Baby is build upon a failed experiment her modified for his own use, even the Twisteds were implied to be a joint effort. He also simply didn't see his kids in the same way, I truly don't believe he would drive himself to that same point of delusion for kids he just doesn't love.
I've seen some fanauthors right really compelling narratives around these ideas, but they simply aren't in the actual texts. To approach something purely logistically is to deny to narrative and emotional potential of it.
Yes, it's 100% possible. I don't doubt Scott might try to do it. But that doesn't make it impactful. So if he doesn't want to engage with the premise outright, and doesn't say it outloud, then why should I care either? If he's not going to committ to the idea and explore it, then neither am I.
Glad you generally like my videos! And I understand that perspective, but I disagree. Honestly, I think robot people works great thematically for the modern era.
Ithink part of the interest with Charlie being a robot is that she's a robot, but she IS alive. She's not the original Charlie, but because of Henry's emotions she has her own soul.
With William, his goal iirc wasn't to create a human *looking* robot. His goal was to find a way to create that same spark of life that Henry did, but he wasn't able to. Elizabeth was the closest but she's still an actual human soul inside a robot.
When I suggest that robot people are present in the modern games, I don't think they were made out of love, and I don't think they have that artificial soul that Charlie in the books had, hence the connections to CC and Elizabeth. Heck, we know for a fact that there are robot people present in Tales, so why would that be impossible in the games? The issue wasn't making a human looking robot, it was giving said robots life.
Just because we can't see the end goal at the moment doesn't mean there isn't one. Additionally, assuming Scott isn't going to engage with the premise or saying it out loud is probably something to steer clear of. After all, the main evidence I use for Gregbot isn't the weird vision or him looking like the Crying Child, but the wall code in the Sister Location room that describes Gregory in SB to a T while also saying "I built the breath they hunt drawn to life not real still keen" etc. That seems pretty "out loud" to me given the obscurity of most things in these games tbh.
So I do think Scott has committed to the idea. That's why there are 3 robot people in Tales. That's why there are 2 Vanessas. That's why there's the wall code in SB. To me, it seems as though the themes of Help Wanted and onward are highlighting where the line is drawn between the real and the artificial, the virtual and genuine. And imo, having characters who blur the line between the mechanical world and the real and the spiritual adds pretty well to that whole theme. We just haven't seen everything play out yet since we're only partway through the arc.
I understand if you disagree, but I think writing it off as something to consider would be the wrong move personally. Hope you have a nice day :D
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iobartach · 24 days
name — Nix
pronouns — anything at all tbh, i don't mind!
preferred comms — leaning more towards discord than tumblr; i am just a slow replier / not available at times. so gimme a shout if you ever wanna share discord usernames!
name of muse — miguel o'hara / spider-man 2099
experience in RP — coming up fast on 18ish years this july, i think? 🥴tumblr's been the platform i've used the most, i came over from bebo, the original version, way back in the day, and also gave forum and discord server rps a go, but eh, i just like the format of tumblr more? especially for being able to make themes and stuff.
best experiences — fortunate to have had plenty of 'em! with miguel though, i have to say it's been especially fun? i really missed the whole aspect of meeting new people and crafting plots / crossovers when it comes to RP, as i had slowed down on writing for a while to get my career started. but now, i'm so glad to be back at it , more often!
pet peeves/dealbreakers — ahhh, let's see, i've gotten laid back af the longer i've been writing? the things that i appreciate nowadays are when folks take the time out to read over my guidelines, headcanons, bio (it's so poorly written, i am so sorry) etc, but i'm not gonna be a hardass about telling you to do so, either? like, someone taking the time to read my hcs is cool! going the extra mile and mentioning them in threads / plots? damn, kudos to you, i can't thank you enough! and if someone has any questions? my door's always open, i will ramble at you until the crack of dawn about miguel if you give me the chance 😂 but yeah with all that said, i'm not gonna hassle or bother folks if they don't read my stuff or ask me questions.!
that said, though, i do wanna point out that there are some specific things to my flavour of miguel that i'm trying to be consistent about? which, for anyone who's known me for years shouldn't be surprising to hear. i've been meaning to add them to my pinned post for my own / other's reference, and 100% accept that i don't call or jot them down as often as i should, it's all kinda just sitting in my head! oops!
and well... to that end, i'd also like to tentatively say... please don't automatically make assumptions / presumptions about my take on miguel, either? 🙏 yes, he's arisen from the atsv version, which i acknowledge can attract certain... notions. but, at the same time, please respect that he's not a soundboard or a thirst trap. he's a guy that, in my telling, fucked up, royally and is trying to deal with that, in his own way.
same also goes for no meaning no. both in-character and out-of-character. miguel will be blunt / react accordingly to things he doesn't vibe with (physical touch, dehumanising comments [deliberate or otherwise], etc), especially with strangers / unfamiliar people -- and for myself, i've been in enough rpcs for long enough to not allow myself to be strongarmed into doing certain things. i'd expand more about my previous experiences, but a munday post ain't the place for that, so yeah. i just would be grateful for any acknowledgement of this. all i wanna do is write one spidery guy, in relative peace, at my own pace & leisure. cheers !
muse preference ( fluff, angst, smut ) — i'm a glutton for a bit of everything, but i kinda lean lately more towards action and slice of life. fluff is good, but i try to approach it so that i don't overdo it -- same with angst, i thrive on it, but again, all things in moderation ! and of course, if mutuals ever feel like i'm leaning hard towards a particular genre (which i've a tendency to do!), feel free to pull me back a bit, i won't mind!
plot or memes — memes are the balm for my soul, i stg <3 i love how they can be icebreakers, as well as the perfect thing to spark some muse inspiration after spending the weekdays working. i do love to plot, too, and i've been thinking of doing a lot more of it lately, especially as i grow to learn about another mun's muse, but i'm also a bit of a slow burner when it comes to that, largely because of how much of my week is taken up by work (a blessing and a curse :() . so if you're fine with plots & long form threads progressing over months, absolutelyyy hit me up! 👀
long or short replies — cackling me + short reply is rarer than hen's teeth🤣 i can't do one-liners for the life of me, so you'll always get a small paragraph or two. i love doing long replies, especially if my writing muse is thriving, but never fear about matching reply length or anything! i just ... can't shut up, sometimes, lmao.
best time to write — weekdays are a huge hit or miss 🥴 sometimes, i'm able to write, more times, i'm not. so weekends, when i have the time to chill and relax, not stress about things, is when i find my motivation to write thrives the most
are you like your muse? — in one very specific way maybe; little patience for assholes 🤣 . i'd love to be able to take things on the chin, but eh, stupid stuff can get to me at times. if anything, i feel i'm more like miguel's brother gabriel, and i both love and work in tech rather than in science. worked a two-year stint in a medical corpo and i came out the other side vowing to never again do that. 🥴 i'd also love to be a smartass and have miguel's dry wit, but alas i'm just a funky irish potato.🤣
Tagged: @pzfr
Tagging: anyone who wants to steal this!
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gerardpilled · 2 years
how certain is it that ftwillz is frank
okay so i'm not going to go into a ton of detail about this because I feel like the convos around it kinda border on invasive sometimes. After all, it's emotional poetry that Frank didn't want to attach his name onto regardless of how poorly he consealed the secret.
Basically, it's pretty obvious ftwillz is Frank. Anyone please correct me if I'm wrong but basically ftwillz started as a myspace in 2008 that would post poetry supposedly written between 2006 and 2008. Not a lot of documentation of the published work from the early years remain that can be proven to be real.
Even in the early days people were theorizing it was Frank mainly because ftwillz was one of the handful of poets featured/promoted by Skeleton Crew, Frank's company at the time. The poems were posted to myspace, but a few would also be cross-posted to the Skeleton Crew website where they were only credited to ftwillz. The original ftwillz myspace also at one point said the user was a Scorpio (same as Frank), but as far as I could tell that info would be changed a lot? Same as the age being changed a lot, claiming to be middle aged at one point (Frank was ~26).
Thennnn in 2013 Frank started using tumblr as his official website where he would post little poems with one of the first posts being a ftwillz poem, with one or two words switched out, and credited to himself. Again, ftwillz had non-zero notoriety at one point, but it would be a bit weird for Frank to plagiarize a random myspace poet. Especially one his company worked with in the past.
As far as I know, he never posted another one? There was an ftwillz tumblr that posted stuff at one point that's still up, but there's no evidence that's him (especially with fandom hype - it could easily just be fake). There's been a few docs that went around trying to document all ftwillz work but only about 5 of them can be (without a doubt) traced back to either the original or Skeleton Crew myspace.
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gardenerian · 11 months
so i have something to ask regarding ian, what do you think about the gay jesus era? i know it’s probably his most hated era but i also know that he admitted to being off his meds so how did you feel about it?
hi there ❤️ i've written a bit about this before (see here, here, and here kinda). those are some long metas, so i'll sum it up here in a (hopefully) more simplified way.
there are moments in the season where ian asserts that he is taking his meds - and i actually believe him. but i think the one-two punch of losing monica and mickey, combined with the cause he takes up with trevor/the shelter, triggers an episode that's greater than what his meds can handle. so at a certain point, i think he gives up on them, either bc he knows they're not effective, but more likely bc he thinks they're slowing him down.
honestly, i think gay jesus is a poorly-executed storyline that could have been great. not necessarily the cult/church/van aspect of it, but it makes sense to me that there would be a religious element to this episode. he was feeling so lost, and it could have been a much more powerful piece of ian's overall story. he's looking for meaning, he's looking for something to base this post-s7 life on... it makes sense that the delusion would grow from this.
it's one of those things, so common with shameless, where i see what they wanted to do. we don't see much of ian's perspective in this season, so the mania of it all isn't totally clear. it's almost like they wrote themselves into a corner and then decided at the last second to have it come down to mania in the last couple of episodes. because we don't see ian in any of this, he kinda just looks like a dick for several episodes until the storyline hits its peak.
so.... i ultimately feel kinda let down by the storyline. i see the bones! i see where it could have been good! but it feels so devoid of compassion for ian that it just falls flat. but that's what i think! what do you think?
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hidingoutbackstage · 9 months
If you don't mind, how exactly is Ashley in the remake a perfect victim? Also, I think you mentioned something about her being oddly patriotic in the remake once. Could you elaborate on that also, if you did?
Of course I will take any excuse to talk abt Ashley at length (and any excuse to criticize re4make lmao) Long meta under the cut
Basically when I say that remake Ashley is a “perfect victim” I mean that she is written in such a way that she is exactly sympathetic to the audience without anything negative about her for maximum sympathy points. This is especially true when you compare her to her characterization in the original.
In og re4 Ashley is a scared, kidnapped 20 year old. She screams for help when she gets kidnapped because that’s a game mechanic and the whole point of the game is to rescue and keep Ashley safe. But her scream was “annoying” or “obnoxious” to a lot of players (which, like, skill issue? I played 4 and would only hear her scream once or twice per action scene she was present for, because keeping her safe was my priority. That’s literally the point) Ashley also feels and looks young in the original, which is true. She’s 20 years old. That’s not that much time to be an adult, especially for a girl who’s likely been very sheltered since she was at least 16 (when her dad became president) if not her entire life. She’s scared. She’s going to react to her feelings of fear when she sees herself coughing up blood, or hesitate before jumping off a ledge. But fans saw that as her being childish (again, she is only 20) She’s also sexualized by Luis (and the player if they decide to be a creep) and rightfully has an angry/disturbed reaction to it. But fans saw that as her being “bitchy” instead of a justified reaction. You’re supposed to fear for Ashley’s safety. She’s vulnerable. Your purpose is to protect her. But people would talk at length about how much they wanted to harm and kill her because she was annoying, or had poorly written dialogue they didn’t like, or because she was childish, or she got in the way of the gameplay (again, skill issue) or, above all, she didn’t “deserve” to get rescued.
So for the remake, they decided to adjust her. And I do think adjustments were necessary! They could’ve made her outfit more practical (they didn’t) they could’ve reworked some of her mechanics for the new style of gameplay (they did) and they could change moments of dialogue and game mechanics to be less creepy towards her (they did thank fucking gd) but the other changes? Were unnecessary and actively focused solely on endearing her to the player, which left her a shell of a character and a perfect victim with nothing to her as a person. She’s a textbook prop character.
Starting with her appearance, they did my girl so fucking dirty in the remake. In the original she’s clearly meant to be young, with her soft, makeup-less face and outfit that looks pulled out of a Tiger Beat issue (I’ve compared her outfit to 2000s Ashley Tisdale, which I think might’ve been inspiration for her but I can’t say for certain) but the remake ignores that. Instead they decide to make her look much older, and it blows. They give her a full face of makeup (like they do for all their women nowadays but w/e) and a hairstyle that covers her ears (because apparently people found her ears in the original unattractive???) they give her fucking BLUE EYES which makes no gd damn sense as she had brown eyes in the original, they give her an ugly orange blazer to wear overtop of her classic outfit which is something a 20 year old college student in the early 2000s would never wear to a party, I don’t care who she is, they give her tights under her plaid skirt when they could’ve just given her pants (they should’ve given her her beta outfit, honestly, but they didn’t) and an eagle pin and eagle necklace because get it? She’s Baby Eagle, she’s the daughter of the president. That’s her only fucking character trait, “President’s Daughter” (that kinda bleeds into my “she’s annoyingly patriotic now” thing but I’ll get back to that) So Ashley looks way older than 20 now, which is disappointing. They could’ve really leaned into how young and innocent and scared she looks if they wanted her to look like an actual 20 year old in 2004 instead of a 20 year old Instagram influencer in 2022 (who they actually based her face on)
But not only does she look more mature, she acts like it too. She’s quieter now, doesn’t scream for you every time she gets kidnapped, instead there’s an on-screen visual indicator as to how Ashley’s doing, which I do think is a better game mechanic (I might just be a very visual person lol) but the only reason they did that was because fans of the original wouldn’t shut up about how annoying her screaming was. In the remake, aside from some of the darker cutscenes, the only time Ashley cries out in genuine sounding fear is when Leon himself gets critically injured. The only time she’s allowed to show real fear is when she’s caring about you, the player. It rubs me the wrong way. She also doesn’t kick and scream as much when being picked up, and instead of dying, mostly, she just gets knocked to the ground and you have to pick her up, and when you ask her if she’s okay, she meekly says yes.
She’s also “more useful” when she Does Not Need To Be. She puts out the fire on Leon after the Mendez fight. She helps Leon turn cranks in the castle. She doesn’t need to be given herbs for healing anymore, so she’s less of a “burden” to you and your limited resources. She takes the Plaga out of Leon’s chest (like she did in the original) (but it’s offscreen for some reason?) She’s also your hype man! She’s constantly telling you how cool you are and how impressed with you she is and how great you’re doing in the gun range and how she wishes she could be like you. Like okay I guess, but if you pay attention, her dialogue almost never talks about herself, it’s about Leon or the situation they’re in. She, like the game itself, never considers herself first. Which is ridiculous, since she’s the focus of the entire gd damn game.
They amp up the torture she and Leon go through, which I honestly like, I think the og was lacking some in the horror department with the concept of an infection that slowly takes over the mind and body of those infected, it at times felt more silly than scary, like their irises physically turning red. So I think the changes to make it more terrifying are welcome, and man are they terrifying. Ashley is stripped of her coat and scarf and has that black goop stuff forced down her throat with symbols painted on her face. It’s tough to watch. But the scene makes you feel more for her so it did its job.
Ashley being separated from Leon also isn’t her fault this time around, so you can be more sympathetic towards her. Instead of panicking and running away and being separated from Leon, this time her mind is taken over by Saddler, which separates her from Leon. See, it’s not her fault! Her mind was taken over! So there’s nothing to angrily blame her for <3
The reason I’m so furious that remake Ashley is a perfect victim is because they felt the need to make her a perfect victim. Plenty of people, myself included, played the og and LOVED Ashley, she was a cute character with some funny lines and moments and she was endearing, like a little sister to Leon. But because of the toxic male gamer space at the time and the large distaste for victims who are imperfect, those who yell and get angry and are too loud or obnoxious, the makers of the remake felt obligated to make her more endearing to the player, so you would have a REASON to sympathize with Ashley. Which we didn’t need! She’s a 20 year old whose been kidnapped! That itself should be enough of a reason to feel for her! But the remake has to play up her endearment to the player, make her not scream too much, not make her imperfect or too loud or too angry or too obnoxious, just a prop character who’s here to make you feel good about what a good job you’re doing and who’s physically attractive and thus you’re programmed to like her. It’s fucking exhausting and annoying is what it is.
Despite how it looks, I’m not a 100% re4make Ashley hater. I think they DID improve upon things that needed to be improved, mainly how she was treated by the narrative. Now she hides in lockers instead of dumpsters (it doesn’t happen much but still) and the game doesn’t grossly sexualize her, and the devs were clear that they wanted nothing romantic between her and Leon, and they did improve upon some mechanics, like I said I like the visual indicator that Ashley’s been kidnapped because it actually shows you where she is instead of you having to listen for where she is or look around a group of 10 enemies to find the one carrying her. There was just SO much potential to have Ashley be a really good CHARACTER, but the team was so focused on making her palatable, they forgot to give her any semblance of a personality.
(Oh and while we’re here, another reason I hate her lack of character/personality is because they WERE able to give character and personality to other characters, i.e. Luis, Krauser, and fucking Salazar, but not to the woman who’s the main focus of the fucking game. Beats me)
Okay now for the patriotic stuff. I fucking hate it lol. Og RE4 was willing to talk negatively about the American government, which was interesting! This game came out during Bush’s presidency and the war on Terror. There was a genuine disdain for America from other countries, hence why the villains in the original were so anti-American and their plan revolves around making sure “America won’t think they can control the rest of the world” and all that. It’s INTERESTING. The problem is that America is so far up its own ass now, that people would likely boycott or dislike a game with an anti-American sentiment in it. Which is actually such bullshit for RE4, by the way? The VILLAINS are the anti-American foreigners, you play as an American hero. If they were so worried about the game coming across as anti-American, just point out that it’s the VILLAINS who have that point of view, and you’re good. There was no reason to hide the anti-American sentiment the villains have as much as they did in the remake.
Ashley furthers this idea that the game can’t be mean to America by being annoyingly patriotic. There was NONE of this in the original, btw. Her father was the president, and she wanted to go home. That was it. Now, she has a line where she tells Leon she would like to become an agent like him, saying “We can protect the U.S. from any and all threats” like boooooo that’s so lame. Like I said, her necklace and pin are both eagles. There’s no character reason for that, it’s just because she’s the president’s daughter, and an eagle is a symbol of America. Also Leon later jokingly says to her, “keep this up and I’ll be out of a job,” furthering the idea that Ashley, upon seeing a cool badass American soldier, is just smitten with the idea of becoming one herself. She’s an insert for all the people watching/playing who are the reason Call of Duty keeps making games, hoping it’s username will sign up for the military. It’s a tool for propaganda. ASHLEY is a tool for propaganda. It’s completely stupid
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twinksintrees · 2 years
time for my Henry Oak character playlist breakdown everyone
It’s so long and I’m not sorry. fair warning it gets very sad at certain points and I did make myself cry while writing it. enjoy <3
Woodland: it's a song about being in nature and all that. “We are all creatures of the sunlight” is a very Henry concept. It also has a very whimsical vibe that suits my boy well I think.
Curses: well I mean. The oak’s are cursed by the doodler, the song slaps, the crane wives have a very henry vibe to me, it just felt right to put this one on henry’s playlist. “There’s a fire in my brain and I'm burning up” could very easily be about Henry's anger, constantly coming to the surface no matter what he does to calm himself. “When this house don't feel like home” can be about Oakvale and how Henry never felt truly at home or at peace there. “Won't you stay with me my darling/when the war starts in my heart” could be about lark, and the rogue card. Henry wants Lark to stay with him, to love him, but Lark can't do that. That starts a war in Henry's heart, does he ignore his son's request for space, or does he accept when Lark sets down a boundary with him, using the very technique Henry taught him against him?? (he listens and gives lark the space he needs, no matter how much it hurts to see his son hate him.) “the devils after both of us” is sung from henry's perspective, and is about the doodler curse affecting both him and his sons.
Someone new: henry’s polyam and has a lot of love to go around. That's it. also hozier slaps.
Flowers in your hair: “when we were younger/we thought everyone was on our side” can be about a young, naive henry not realizing how hateful and harsh the human realm can be. The title is just sweet. I think Mercedes often puts flowers in her hair for fun/to feel cute and I think Henry really likes it. Idk this ones just nice and i think i found it on another henry playlist.
Hello my old heart: I hadn't thought too deeply about why I put this one on here but reading through the lyrics again I think it's Henry talking to his younger self when he returns to oakvale. “Every day i add another stone/to the walls i built around you/to keep you safe” can be both henry talking to his younger self, Hen, and being like ‘hey we make it out of here it's okay’ but it can also be henry protecting his sons and doing everything he can to make sure they never feel controlled and stifled the way he was as a kid.
This is me trying: the title alone. Henry tries so hard. And yet. And yet. “My words shoot to kill when I'm mad/i have a lot of regrets about that” is the most henry lyric ever written. Henry just tries so hard and yet his kid still hates him, Sparrow grew up to be far too similar to Barry and if Henry knew that information it would break him.
Father: This one is only on here because I saw it on a ton of other dndads playlists and I was like “oh okay I can kinda see it working for Henry '' so I put it on. I don't have a lot of personal connection to this song or a lot hc’s for why it fits for henry. That being said, the lyrics ``and I believe that yeah dad maybe no one is perfect/but I believe that you were pushing your luck” can be applied very well to Henry talking about barry.
Heirloom: of all the dads who need to hear they’re more than their fathers son, I think Henry needs to hear it the most.
Grow as we go: this is one of the best love songs ever written and i think it's very oakson from henry's pov. He's willing to stick with and help darryl as he changes and shifts and figures himself out. It's all very sweet and just akdhfjhlkjsdf adorable. I love them.
seven: baby henry was far more wild and crazy, similar to Lark and Sparrow. this whole song is a nostalgia fest for the kid life he had in Oakvale that he’ll never get back.
I have made mistakes: this is going to be a long one, prepare yourself. The phrase “i have made mistakes” is so sad when applied to henry because he blames himself so heavily for things that were out of his control, or reacting ‘poorly’ when he was trying the best he could. “The promises i've made, i continue to break them” is specifically about the gauntlets of ogre power, when henry promised to give them to the boys and then he took them away again. “All the doubts I've faced/I continue to face them” is Henry's general anxiety surrounding his parenting. “But nothing is a waste if you learn from it” is Mercedes's wisdom keeping him calm, i think she's a very calming and reassuring voice in his head and presence in his life that keeps him grounded when he starts to spiral. “We have lived in fear and our fear has betrayed us/but we will overcome the apathy that has made us” is about growing up under Barry and his whole obsession with being perfect and how that fucked henri up. I also think it works as henry talking to ron, and them bonding over being stronger than their dads think they are and especially with the next line “we are not alone in the dark with our demons” i just think its this really powerful message of connection and care between these two very traumatized dads who are just trying their best and trying to not let the actions of their fathers completely ruin their lives. “How can i face you now/when we both know how badly i have let you down?” is henry talking about lark.
Dirty paws: my friend showed me this song and I really loved it. I imagine this song is a story Henry would tell to Lark and Sparrow as a bedtime story or a lullaby even.
Slow and steady: this song is about Henry's inner anxiety. “I move slow and steady/but I feel like a waterfall” Henry tries to be calm and collected and he meditates and tries to keep control, but sometimes his emotions get too much, his anger and insecurities take over no matter what he does. “Two wolves running in the wind” is Lark and Sparrow.
Growing up: the whole concept of living your life and going through it with love and freedom in your heart is a very Henry concept. “There lies my loyalty/with my friends to the end” is Henry talking about the dads, his loyalty lies in them to the very end. “I used to close my eyes/to what stirred under my bed/now theyre open wide/to the monsters in my head” is all about how Henry views his parenting and lark and sparrow. He used to look away and deny how chaotic they truly were, down playing it all with ‘oh they're just free spirts’ etc. etc. but over the course of the adventure and with the help of the other dads he learns he does actually have to start reining them in and that scares him. “Instead of claws they whisper lies/sinking fear in quiet steps/so i will fight in the light/till my final breath” is henry’s fear of being like his father if he expresses his anger towards his sons, his anxiety and inner voice feed him lies and play on all his trauma surrounding his father. But the second part of those lyrics is the other dads supporting and helping Henry, assuring him he's not his dad, it's good to place boundaries and say no, it doesn't make you a bad parent or just like your father. With the help of the other dads he can begin to fight the inner voice in his head.
Ready now: I don't really know why I have this one on here, it's just calm and soothing and very Henry-like to me.
Cats and dogs: “my roots have grown but i don't know where they are” is henry's confusion over his past and where he belongs. Also it's partly on here because of the title, there are several songs on here with animal/nature themed titles that gave very henry vibes to me.
Allies or enemies: ah. The big one. “Are we allies or enemies/this will be the death of me” is henry talking about Lark and the rogue card. Are he and Lark enemies now? Will his son really hate him forever? The never ending questioning and pain and sorrow of the situation will forever haunt henry until the day he dies. “Remember when i could tell you not to smile when you were mad/and you would always crack/and we’d both be laughing in the end/now you're not so quick to forget” henry is thinking back to before, when Lark was little and they would fight and squabble but it was never to serious, henry would crack a joke and Lark would laugh at his dad and things were good, if chaotic. Now Lark doesn't forget, his anger isn't so easily dissuaded. Lark’s anger at his father burns hot and intense behind his eyes, never relenting, there is nothing henry can do to help his son. It breaks his heart. “All is fair in love and war but I can't fight with you anymore” is Henry giving up. He can't bring himself to fight his son. “What happens now? Do we have another go?/do we bow out and take our separate roads?/i’ll admit i've had my doubts/but i want to let in not out” is henry asking himself what to do after they return home. Does he keep trying with Lark now that they're out of the realms? He knows his son wants nothing to do with him, but he can't help but want in, he wants to be there, to take care of his beautiful boy. And then the chorus repeats, over and over again, with no answer. Just like Lark and Henry.
Mess is mine: this is another one on here for the title alone, the mess that is the rogue card and Lark hating Henry is something Henry will forever blame himself for, that mess will always be his.
Kiss me: just a really sweet, nice love song for henry and mercedes.
Small hands: I've cried to this song so many times, okay. The amount of LOVE and CARE in this song. drives me insane. The whole opening bit makes me think of Henry, but especially “i can't fix what was done to you/but i’ll shield you from the rain” because like. Henry can't fix what was done to his friends, the dads, and he can't fix or solve all of their own problems and traumas, but at the very least he can be there for them. He can be a safe, comforting presence in their lives. “And if the fire in your chest comes out/well i’ll hold you all the same” is henry talking to Lark, it doesn't matter to him if Lark is angry, he’ll still show up for his kid no matter what. He’ll hold his son all the same. And then at the very end “and if you need to take this out on me/then you know i won't complain” is SO henry and lark core. Henry will let lark take all of his anger out on him, and after a certain point he won't say anything back. He's already tried, and lark will continue holding onto this hatred and rage until there's nothing left.
The anthem of mr dark: “i never have the time to do the nothing that i want to do/im always rushing around being what other people need me to be” is all about henry being a people pleaser, stemming from his childhood where Barry was a piece of shit who never let his son do his own thing and projected this image of perfection everywhere he went. “I'm starting to see that isn't me/and my freedom isn't free” is directly about Barry and henry's childhood in Oakvale, henry blames himself for not being perfect, but that was never his fault, and it takes him a long time into adulthood to figure that out. “I’ll learn to let go/and learn to say no” is something henry needs to do and actively works on. He needs to give himself forgiveness and space to breath.
Talk to me: this is just on here bc henry’s always the one wanting to talk about feelings and is playing the constant emotional support. He wants to be approachable and make people feel safe, he wants to be let in and he wants to feel trusted (i am so projecting here but idc). This song, like ready now, also has a very soothing sound that really works for henry imo.
Happy accidents: oakson song. “You love me but you dont know it yet” is henry knowing that Darryl’s queer and loves him but isnt fully ready to admit that, so he keeps quiet about it, lets Darryl take it at his own pace. And then the rest is just a cute love song thing for them. They deserve nice things, and if canon won't give them that, I will.
Dear wormwood: ah. This one is about his dad, so it's sad. You've been warned. “When i was a child/i didn't hear a single word you said/the things i was afraid of/they were all confined beneath my bed” i think when henry was a child, when he was Hen, he kept things from Barry, he hid who he truly was, he tried to copy this ‘perfect’ persona when Barry was around. Any part of himself that didn't fit that image was swept under the bed, so to speak. “But the years have been long/and you have taught me well to hide away” when Henry comes back to Oakvale, the urge to present as perfect as possible comes back, being himself around his father is hard, but he can't pretend any longer. Now, we’re jumping out of order of the timeline a little bit, but “there before the threshold/i saw a brighter world beyond myself” is very literal in this case, with henry fixing the mirror and seeing another realm. A brighter place for him to be, away from his father. “And in my hour of weakness/you were there to see my courage fail” is Barry blaming Henry for being angry, for expressing his emotions, calling that his hour of weakness, telling him he was failing for showing that. Henry doesn’t know what he’ll do when he’s around his father again, until the anger and hurt takes over and he snaps. “Planning without acting/steadily becoming what i hate” i don't have a real analysis for how these lyrics fit henry but they make me Feel Things in my soul and sometimes that's enough. “I have always known you/you have always been there in my mind” even after falling through the portal, even after the amnesia, Henry can't get Barry out of his head. He's always there, the voice behind all his insecurities, telling him he's not good enough, etc. etc. “but now I understand you/and I will not be a part of your designs” Henry sees his fathers past in the dungeon in oakvale. He sees hildy come through the portal, he watches his father grow up on speedrun and he understands his father better. But he will never be a part of his design, he will never be so cruel and twisted and horrible as his father was, not only to him but to all of Oakvale as well. “I know who i am now” is pretty straightforward, and yet so impactful. After Oakvale, Henry knows who he is, he knows his past, he has a better connection to himself and to his family. “I know who you are now/and I name you my enemy” Henry takes a stand against his father. His father has gone too far, hurt to many people, and has hurt Henry's own children. And Henry will not sit back and let this go on any further, he names his father his enemy, and will do whatever it takes to defeat him. “I know who i am now/i know who i want to be '' Henry will be his own person, he will not copy his fathers mistakes, he will be better. His sons, his two beautiful boys, will only know love and support from him no matter what. God, I'm emotional over this song. Christ okay. “I want to be more than/this devil inside of me” is henry about the doodler, this family curse that has affected him and his sons since they were all born.
Somewhere only we know: oakson song. see my breakdown of it on Darryl’s playlist post for a full explanation.
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serpenteve · 1 year
Last two questions i’m sorry, i hope i’m not bothering you
What do you think Aleksander would have done if at the start of them kinda circling each other or just early on she was like “you only like me because i’m the sun summoner and also immortal”? Would he even be self aware enough to seperate the difference between that and his feelings for her?
Also i keep seeing people saying that he just…never would have been able to be with her in a healthy way no matter what happened because time had just ruined his ability to relate to people, even potentially alina, in any way that they would have worked. I’m of the mind that everything would have worked out had bAgHrA not ruined everything. Book darkles maybe but show aleksander seemed like they could have really had a shot
Not at all! I love getting asks and speculating about things lol
I think answering both these questions depends a lot on your interpretations of the characters. I think the reason why there are so many different theories and interpretations of Alina and Aleksander (as well as other characters, tbh) is because neither are written consistently. At least with the Darkling you can say that he's the villain or that he plays his motives close to the chest to keep you guessing. But Alina is written pretty poorly and seems to only come to certain conclusions or take certain actions because the author needed her to do so for the sake of the plot. Very few of her actions and thoughts come across as an organic expression of her character---whoever her character is supposed to be.
That said, here's my personal take:
I don't think Aleksander could have separate out his feelings at the start because he's spent his entire 500+ year life being the only Grisha of his kind. As a summoner, it would have been very isolating as he mentions summoners usually work in pairs. Also, it's possible he lived most that life assuming he was alone and the myth of a Sun Summoner was just that---a myth. So when he discovered Alina, I really do think he had to radically rethink his entire life plan, his identity, his purpose, the meaning of all his centuries of being alone, etc. Like,,,,,,he really put all his eggs in the Alina-Is-My-Soulmate-And-We're-Gonna-Change-the-World basket ☠️
He was pretty distressed when she lost her powers at the end of R&R because I think it pretty much doomed him to an eternity of being alone.
However, with whatever crumbs we get in Rule of Wolves, it seems like even though Alina is no longer Grisha, he still feels attached and drawn to her because of how she challenged and bested him. I think meeting Alina made him feel something he had long forgotten: being human and being vulnerable and feeling like maybe there was someone in the world who could understand him, however brief that was.
I think he genuinely tried to see Alina as a useful human lightbulb in his geopolitical plans but then he caught feelings and those feelings caught him by surprise.
Being immortal and being hunted for so many centuries probably did erode his humanity over time and ruin his ability to relate to people. However, I like to think his love for Alina could sneak up on him when he least expected it. We never really saw them in an actual relationship with Alina in the books so it's kind of all speculation and fanfic at this point but I do I think they'd have reached a more equal partnership if the story was stretched out to be over hundreds of years where both characters can grow and change and influence each other along the way.
I could also see that happening within the text of Shadow & Bone had different writing choices been made and Alina being a different kind of character.
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dmclemblems · 2 years
Kinda weird how the devs said "if the characters feel ooc we meant for it to feel that way" when actually applies to... so few characters? Like, even Caspar who also seems different from how he usually is, he's actually basically just like he is in 3H's CF route (bloodthirsty, always itching to fight, not really caring about justice more than he does being allowed to throw a punch, etc.). Pretty much everyone in the game really do feel like "this is what they'd be like without Garreg Mach/Byleth" - which is to say, most of their base personalities and ideals are kept intact, and it's only the TRAJECTORY of those personalities and ideals that are changed. Which makes sense, because Byleth and Garreg Mach didn't, like, CREATE these characters, only LED their characters down a certain path.
It REALLY IS only Claude who feels outright "different" from his 3H counterpart. His personality is changed (not as confident, not curious at all, puts innocents in danger) and his ideals aren't really the same either (from "wanting togetherness through openness" to "what if I just expand my influence lol"), even though neither of those things were really influenced by either Byleth or Garreg Mach? Or at least not to the extent Hopes tries to sell. So Claude's the only character that feels "different;" Claude, the character whose writing is, not-so-coincidentally enough, the BIGGEST issue like 90% of players have with the game as a whole.
So ngl, call me a tin-foil hat wearer, but it really DOES feel like the devs only said that to cover their asses about SPECIFICALLY their writing wrt Claude. Like you and others have done, all that needs to be done to show that 3H Claude and Hopes Claude aren't congruent versions of the same character is... a side-by-side comparison, and nothing else. There's no way the writers of Hopes didn't catch that, unless they really ARE that incompetent.
I dunno lol, maybe I'm just hoping that the writers have SOME sort of recognition of how massively they messed up Claude's character and are just trying to say whatever they can to cover it up. Genuinely can't believe anyone other than Edellygard fans (or "Claude fans" that never actually liked how Claude acted in 3H) can look at Hopes Claude and say "yup, that's Claude being in character."
I’ve been feeling like the reason they did this with Claude is because they figured both Dimitri and Edelgard had their “did not great things” arc in Houses but Claude didn’t. It’s like they tried to do that so that all of them had points in their stories where they did crappy things, but they just went too far for Claude’s story. Part of what I particularly don’t like is that it’s just a mess. With how you have characters telling him he’s wrong over and over but then everyone being pumped to fight Faerghus, it’s like they couldn’t decide if they wanted the characters to be good or bad.
Generally the only consistent character was Lorenz, and even he sometimes had instances of just... not seeming to care. Not to say he was written poorly, because this game did amazing for him, but when they were in battle he behaved like they were in any old battle at war against the Empire and not invading an innocent country. Other than that he’s the only one I found was pretty much the same all around and/or not one note about everything (ex. Raphael not caring that they’re murdering all these people as long as he gets to punch people with his muscles and eat later, literally not caring at all whatsoever about the lives they’re taking and behaving like they’re not even people but just training dummies).
While overall some of them feel the same at their core like Raphael and Caspar, I can’t help but feel that many of them were turned very one note. Hilda got lucky and got a lot more personality, but she still fell into the category of not really giving a shit about anyone but her immediate allies. Hell, she didn’t even remember that it was Felix who came from Fraldarius, so she obviously didn’t care about her classmates who weren’t in the GD. So, it’s not to say personalities got changed, but more what they stand for and their morals got warped. I do agree that most players take issue specifically with GW/Claude, and I know some took issue with SB (for Edelgard too and not just Claude/the Alliance). The only time Claude was actually Claude was in AG, and even then the game kept pushing the concept that Claude was tricking them or planning to backstab them through almost every main character’s opinion. It was just out of place and thrown in as a nod to the other routes instead of actually making sense.
I wouldn’t mind if this was like a... Claude villain arc or something where he went down the wrong path and became unrecognizable, but the narrative tries to say it’s all a good thing and that he’s doing things that will benefit Fodlan. Even if he himself was genuinely convinced of that and still was within the boundaries of a villain arc that would be fine, but the rest of the narrative would have to convince us that the people around him aren’t on board. Despite that so many playable characters and even NPCs think what they’re doing is wrong, everyone stays with Claude and insists they’ll be there for him to the end, yadda yadda.
What I would’ve liked in GW is if Lorenz defected to the Kingdom and a handful of other characters did too. Especially Yuri for example, who is very devout, doesn’t agree with what they’re doing, thinks they’re cruel (specifically, that Claude is vicious if you recruit Ashe for making Ashe fight his own allies and friends which would be a very strong term to use if he didn’t really feel that way), and comes from the Kingdom as well as has family and allies/friends in the Kingdom. Hapi was pretty, er, unhapi (im sorry don’t unfollow me for my sins) too in GW and also came from the Kingdom iirc, and if Yuri left I think she’d be on board with him.
Another interested thing they could’ve done is have Raphael be upset and decide to stop fighting because it doesn’t seem beneficial to the Alliance and could in turn affect his sister if the Kingdom ends up harboring a grudge and eventually striking at them in return. I think Houses Raphael would also be pretty against invasion, because he never struck as the type was who just... all muscle, totally stupid and didn’t care about other people’s lives/livelihoods. Unfortunately in this game Raphael doesn’t care one wit about a single thing in the entire world except his sister, his muscles and food. Houses Raphael at least had a bit more substance going for him.
Also, if Lorenz left I think Ignatz would too since he’s a Gloucester knight.  Marianne could also stop fighting because she’s admitted in GW that she doesn’t think Rhea is evil, and she clearly doesn’t agree with invasion. That would leave Claude with, close ally wise, Hilda, Holst, Leonie, Lysithea, and Shez (and Judith if she survives, not counting Nader since he’s kinda... on and off, here and there). Not sure what Balthus would do if he was stuck choosing between Holst and Yuri tbh, but that would have been an excellent story to follow for him, especially since his story is usually extremely limited to gambling, fighting/training, and his childhood with Holst. Actually giving other characters conflict and having to question what they’re doing because they have friends splitting up and being forced to choose sides could’ve been a much better addition to the story than actually going through with fighting Rhea in the end.
After that I think GW could’ve had a route split, where Claude either fixes his shit depending on your choices and things get better so his allies return and continue to fight with him, while understandably being cautious and scrutinizing him, or you get a bad ending where Claude doesn’t get better. In that situation I think you’d probably be fighting your old allies (Lorenz and co) and probably having to kill them. Claude would either continue fighting to get to Rhea, having to choose between his goal of killing her by killing his friends in the process who didn’t agree with his invasion of the Kingdom (or killing so many people form the Church just to specifically get to Rhea, because his issue seemed largely with her and not the entirety clergy but he did kill tons of them because of his issues with Rhea), or stopping his fight and realizing just how many people he’s gotten killed when it wasn’t necessary.
Unfortunately it seems like Claude wouldn’t have understood how far his actions were going unless people left, and... that’s kinda what should’ve happened.
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luanna801 · 2 years
If you're still doing character bingo I have to ask for Cassandra Cain~
Listen, I am ALWAYS here for anything you want to send me. <3
And of course I'm delighted to talk about Cass!
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"They are soooo cool looking" - I don't think I can say it better than this post did about Cass's classic Batgirl costume: "the only one who is more goth than batman. the pinnacle who will never be beaten. who else would take the batgirl costume and add a skull-looking thing as a part of the mask. who else would look be a silent specter of death in the night. she is the reason i made this goddamn list and i will never recover from this Look"
(Although, as a nitpicky comic nerd, I will note that of course original credit for the costume actually goes to Helena Bertinelli, who wore it first.)
"wasted potential" - WHERE DO I EVEN START HERE. Again, I'm not up on the current Batman comics (but what I hear is often... not encouraging), but in this case I would feel confident saying this no matter what, because even if they were writing Cass magnificently now, it wouldn't make up for the LITERAL DECADES they spent absolutely squandering her character, from poorly-written Heel Turns to shoving her on the backburner to outright ERASING her character from existence when the New 52 started.
"if they were real I would marry them" - I mean, what more can I say here? Cass is Wife Material. <3
"they're deeper than they seem" - I think it's VERY easy for her character to get reduced down to "strong and silent ninja stereotype", and lose all the different layers and facets to her. I think we've seen a bigger push to acknowledge her fundamental kindness and heart lately, but someone (possibly you?) made a fantastic point that even when portrayals get that right, sometimes they just make her too... bland? Cass needs a certain amount of WEIRDNESS and unpredictability to her. And I think it definitely often gets overlooked just how deep her psychological scars from everything she's been through go. You've made some fantastic posts about how she's actively suicidal for a large part of her Batgirl run, and yet I think that often isn't talked about.
"They got done DIRTY by the fans" - In spades, and I'm actually going to call myself out here, because I've been guilty too. When I first joined the DC fandom, I feel like the general consensus was that Cass just wasn't a relatable character and people often didn't understand her, and I just kinda took that at face value and assumed it was true for far too long.
There was a lot of "Oh, Cass is awesome, but I just don't GET her like the other characters", and on the one hand that's fair enough, we all connect with different characters, but I think it creates this endless feedback loop where fandom content isn't created about the character, and so people in the fandom don't start gaining a better understanding or feeling more connected to them.
I also think it can be the kiss of death to put a character up on a pedestal as an Important Character and not talk about the things that make them human, flawed, lovable, etc. etc. - I think people tend to do this from a well-meaning place, but in actuality I think it ends up alienating fans and making them feel like they can't connect with the character. (This was a huge problem with me and Wonder Woman at first, too.) Ultimately fans don't want an Icon, they want to connect to the character as a person, so you have to talk about the characters in human terms. All the more so if they're Important Groundbreaking Representation(TM).
"didn't get enough screentime" - In the comics too, but also- literally! Put her on our screens, please, DC! Put her in your animated shows and movies! Put her on the big screen! And no, whatever the heck was going on in the Birds of Harley Quinn movie doesn't count. Can we can an actual adaptation of her character onscreen pls?
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Always There - Chapter Three: S.Snape
Summary: Y/N Potter was left with a baby to care for after her brother and sister-in-law were murdered by Voldemort. One person was there for her, a person she didn’t expect but soon became her comfort person, Severus Snape. During Harry’s third year at Hogwarts and her third year as Herbology professor, a few old friends come around again. Y/N has to handle the feelings of these old friends being around again as well as handle her feelings for a certain potions master all while she tries to hide these things from her godson.
Series Masterlist
My full Masterlist
Pairings: Severus Snape x Female Professor Reader, Potter!Reader x friend!Remus
Chapter Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader(No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, Harry growing up in a loving home, mentions of death and murder, mentions of Azkaban, shittyly written angst, mutual pining, Wormtail, Remus is kinda a dick but redeems himself
Series Warnings: Female Reader, Potter Reader (No physical description of reader) probably shitty writing, OOC Snape, Harry grows up in a loving environment, mentions of death and murder, poorly written angst, Remus is a shitty friend, poorly written pining,
Please let me know how I can improve my writing and being more inclusive to POC as I am whiter than white. Please also let me know if I have to add more to the warnings! My messages are open as well as my asks!
I am starting a taglist so leave either a comment or something in my asks if you would like to be tagged in any of my works or just this series!
Author's Note: Please let me know how I can improve or if you find any errors! Correct me, don't be afraid to! I want to improve my writing and become a better writer so any feedback or advise is welcomed!
Word Count: 2968
My asks are open for questions, suggestions and feedback!
Feedback is welcomed and encouraged!
not my gif
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To say that Y/N was deeply hurt by her nephew was putting it nicely. It was quickly approaching Christmas, the Potters usually opting to stay at Hogwarts, this year that was still the case, however the aunt and nephew were not on speaking terms. During the holiday, Y/N spent her day in her room, laid up in bed staring into the fire crackling inside the room. She hadn’t even left the room for breakfast, or lunch and now it was close to dinner.
She heard a knock on the door but ignored it, knowing it was probably Severus or Minerva trying to get her to eat again, the two had been switching off checking on her since her argument with Harry. She knew that they were just trying to help but she couldn’t be bothered. The knocking came again, Y/N opening the door with the wave of her hand. She hadn’t turned to look at whoever it was, she didn’t even say a word. Too much was running through her mind, she always tried to run from her thoughts but sometimes she just couldn’t help it.
“Darling, I brought you something to eat. And someone would like to talk to you if you’re up to it,” Severus spoke gently. She still hadn’t acknowledged the man nor the other visitor that joined him. “I don’t think she’s up to it. Maybe another day.” Instead of hearing footsteps leaving, she heard footsteps getting closer, stopping at the edge of her bed. Remus’ scarred face came into view as he sat on the floor next to her bed. 
“C’mon dove, talk to me. Tell me what’s wrong.” Remus was met with no answer, it was like she was in a catatonic state. She wasn’t reacting to anything, everyone was getting so worried that they were about to get madam Pomphrey. “You really think James would want you to act like this?! No, he would want you to talk some sense into Harry! He would want you to get off your ass and do something about it!” Remus was yelling at her at this point.
“Don’t yell at her like that!” Severus snapped at him. 
“Don’t you dare talk about James like that ever again! Don’t tell me how to parent Harry, you lost that privilege when you left!” Y/N screamed at him, shooting up in her bed so she was sitting up. Remus had a smirk on his face, he knew just how to break her when she needed to be broken.
“My work here is done, see you later Snivellus,” Remus said before getting up to leave the room. However, the door slammed shut when he opened it. He turned to see Y/N standing up and stalking her way towards him.
“Don’t you dare talk to him like that ever again or I swear to Merlin your furry little problem will seem miniscule,” Her voice was threatening as was her stance. 
“Okay now dove, relax. It was harmless.”
“I don’t care, I hear that cruel name come out of your mouth ever again, it will be that last thing you ever say.” Severus’ face felt hot, his heart picking up speed, nobody had ever defended him so fiercely in his entire life.
“Let’s go take a walk to calm down a bit, darling. You haven’t been out of bed in a couple days,’ Severus chimed in, it was his attempt to diffuse the situation which seemed to work because she backed away, finding her robe and a pair of slippers and putting them on. Remus had taken this opportunity to leave the room, the pair being left alone like they enjoyed being. The two professors were the kinds of people that tended to like being alone, however, when the two were together they were happy as could be, they enjoyed each other’s company.
Severus escorted her out of her room and led her to the gardens. The air outside was cold but welcoming, snow coating the ground, snowflakes falling sporadically around them. Severus had wanted to know what was going on in her mind so he asked, Y/N answering him truthfully. “The whole thing with Harry was kind of a kickstarter to it. The holidays make it worse though, I know James was a complete ass to you but he was my brother. He was my best friend and it still hurts a lot to not have him around during the holidays, y’know? Christmas was the best time of year for my family when we were kids, everyone would be at the house, Sirius, Peter, Remus, mum and dad would be home and me and James would have a blast. Getting into the firewhiskey and playing stupid muggle games. I miss it,” She rambled.
“You are allowed to miss your brother, you knew the best parts of him whereas I knew the worst parts of him. I want you to know that you can come talk to me whenever, don’t let these things pile up to the point where you don’t get out of bed. I care about you Y/N, quite a lot so I want you to talk to me when you need me, when you just want to say something that comes to your mind, come to me,” Severus replied, his voice had changed, it was almost softer when he was speaking to her. It was almost like if he spoke too loud or too harsh, she would break.
“Did the coldest professor of Hogwarts just admit he cared about me? Who are you and what have you done to my Severus?” She joked, his heart skipping a beat when she said ‘my Severus’. Merlin, did he want to be hers and her his. She took note of the silence and the hint of red on his cheeks, a smirk coming to her face, “Did I just make you blush? Severus Snape can blush?”
“You’re a pest, you know that?”
“Only to you, but that doesn’t answer my question, Severus. Don’t avoid it.”
“No, it’s from the cold, are you happy with that?” Severus asked her, he knew that she knew he was lying. She could read the man like a book but she decided to let it go. The two of them continued their walk, Y/N shivering slightly when a particularly bitter gust of wind blew through them. Without even thinking, Severus took off his cloak and put it around her shoulders. Her heart picking up speed at the action, now it was her turn for her face to get hot.
“Won’t you be cold?” She asked him, concerned, about to take off the cloak. Severus placed his hand on her shoulder stopping her movements, her heart skipping a beat once again at the slightest touch.
“Don’t worry about me darling. I’m okay,” He smiled at her, his heart was warm with the care and concern she showed for him. She was one of the most selfless people he had ever interacted with. As they walked, the pair seemed to get closer and closer together, talking about anything and everything, their hands brushing often, their feet moving in sync. Before their hands could smack into each other again, Severus took her hand in his, gripping her hand firmly but not too tight, she could easily pull her hand away if she wanted. However that was the last thing she wanted to do, instead she squeezed his hand and gripped it just as firmly, much to his enjoyment. 
As they made their way back inside in a comfortable silence, Y/N heard squeaking by her feet, so she looked down. It was Scabbers, Ron Weasley’s pet rat. She stopped in her tracks to avoid stepping on the old rat, bending down and picking him up in her free hand. She got a closer look at the rat and almost dropped him in realization. “Oh my Godric! Peter Pettigrew! Severus, it’s Peter! His animagus was a rat and he looked exactly like this when he transformed!” She exclaimed, holding the rat close to her body no matter how much he wiggled and tried to get free. 
“Are you sure? He’s supposed to be dead and this looks like Weasley’s rat,” Severus replied, trying to talk her off a ledge even though she wasn’t on one. She was sure, 100% sure it was Peter. She gave Severus a look before dragging him to the headmaster’s office, knowing he’d be there. Once they had made it into his office, she presented Dumbledore with the rat.
“Why are you giving me a rat Y/N?” He asked the Potter woman in confusion.
“It’s Peter Pettigrew! Severus, get some veritaserum, please. I need answers,” She replied, her voice filled with desperation. Severus gave Albus a look telling him to go along with it before getting a vial of the truth serum.Although Severus had complete trust in Y/N, she had been through a lot as of late so he was a little unsure, however when, the woman pulled out her wand and gave it a wave at the rat who quickly turned into a man, he was shocked. Him and Dumbledore had a look of surprise on their faces, the potion master’s quickly turning into pride because Y/N stuck to her gut and trusted her instinct.
“Y/N, little Potter, dove, how are you?” Peter rambled as Dumbledore sent an urgent notice to the Minister of Magic. Peter was put into a chair, hands and feet tied to the chair so he couldn’t flee. Remus bursted into the office with the Minister in tow.
“Give him the serum Severus, we have some questions that are needing answers,” Dumbledore spoke. The black haired man walked toward the former rat and forced some of the serum into his mouth and down his throat. They asked a few baseline questions, asking his name, where he had been for the past 12 years.
“Who was the secret keeper for my brother and Lily?” Y/N demanded.
“It was me. Sirius was never secret keeper, James thought it would be too obvious.”
“You sold them out! You were the one who got James and Lily killed! I’m gonna fucking kill you!” She screamed at the man, a pair of arms grabbing her and pulling her away from him.
“Calm down, love, please. We need to get your answers, right? You need to keep calm so you get them,” Severus told her gently, her lips brushing her ear as he spoke, the action making her shiver slightly. She listened to his gentle breathing which acted as a soothing agent to her, keeping her as calm as she could although her heart was racing and being weighed heavy with guilt and betrayal. She felt guilty because for all of these years, she had believed that Sirius had sold out James and Lily when it was really Peter, who was right in front of her for the last three years. She felt betrayed because she had trusted Peter and believed the man to be dead but it turned out that she was wrong about that one. 
“Did Sirius kill those muggles?” Remus asked him.
“No, that was me. I framed him,” Peter admitted. With his answers, the minister deemed Peter Pettigrew a criminal with the sentencing of a dementor’s kiss. He was set to get the kiss in three days' time, for the wait he was to be  put into Azkaban. 
She felt dizzy, as if she couldn’t keep herself on her feet once she saw Peter get taken away, Remus and Albus following behind. The slytherin noticed this and grabbed her at the waist before she could fall. “Love, stay awake, open your eyes, come on,” She heard his voice but he sounded like he was underwater. She looked up at Severus, panicked.
“What’s happening to me? Sev, I’m scared,” She whimpered, Severus's heart breaking at the sound.
“It’s okay love, you’ll be okay. I’ll take you to Poppy, she’ll make you better.” After hearing his voice, she succumbed to the darkness, falling limp in his arms, causing the professor to panic. He picked her up and rushed to the hospital wing, he knew she would be okay. She would be okay.
Y/N hadn’t woken up until the day before New Year’s Eve, she was unconscious for 5 days. Severus, Harry, and Remus refused to leave her side. Severus had a serious chat with the Potter boy about the way he had treated his aunt as they were waiting for the herbalist to wake up.
“I hope you realize the amount of stress your aunt was under and the distress this childish argument caused her. She cares about you quite a lot Potter, you are the most important person in her life and you hurt her quite deeply. When she wakes, I expect you to fix it, if you don’t you’ll have to deal with me,” Severus explained to the boy he got to watch grow up.
“Yes uncle Sev. I’m sorry,” Harry replied rather guiltily.
“It’s not me you should be apologizing to. And it’s professor Snape when we are on school grounds. Only uncle Sev outside of school.” Harry just nodded and returned to his aunt’s side.
Whilst she was out, they had found Sirius Black and deemed him a free man. Double checking when he agreed to take truth serum in front of a courtroom before he was actually set free. He had yet to visit Y/N, Harry and Remus, unsure of how the two would feel about him after being away from them for 12 years.
When Y/N began stirring, the three wizards got excited, all of them straightening their posture and watching her intently, waiting to see her eyes open. When they finally did, Harry practically threw himself onto his aunt, apologizing profusely, refusing to let go of her. “My boy, I forgive you. You felt betrayed, I understand that. I should’ve told you about Siri to begin with instead of hiding it,” Y/N explained tiredly. She gave her nephew a kiss on the cheek before he sat back on his chair and gave his uncles a chance to say hello to her. Remus was next. “Moony, I’m sorry for acting like such a bitch. You’re still my brother, you always will be.”
“Don’t you dare apologize dove, I deserved it. I left and it wasn’t fair to you, you lost James, Lily, Sirius and me within a few days. I shouldn’t have left and I’m so sorry I didn’t realize it sooner,” Remus explained. She opened her arms wanting a hug from the man which he gladly gave her. Once the two friends released each other, it was time for Severus. Remus and Harry decided to give them a little bit of privacy, leaving the room but peeking into the hospital wing to spy on them. Severus using the muffliato spell he had created so the two couldn’t hear what they were talking about.
“Sev, are you okay? I bet that was a lot for you to witness, huh?” She asked the long haired man.
“I should be asking you that, love. How are you feeling? Do you need anything?” He asked.
“I just need you, can you lay with me so we can talk?” Instead of verbally answering, he did as she asked, laying himself down next to her on the small bed. Because the bed was so small, she had turned on her side, scooting herself closer to him until she could lay her head on his chest, his arm closest to her holding her body close against his side, his fingers tracing absent-minded shapes on her back.
“I’m glad you’re okay,” Severus said, “You gave me quite a scare.”
“I’m sorry, I honestly don’t know how it happened, did Poppy say why I passed out?”
“She said your body was too tired and malnourished to handle that amount of stress so once your adrenaline wore off, you collapsed.” She hummed in response, nuzzling her head into his chest a little more, listening to his heartbeat, it was soothing her and putting her back to sleep. “Still tired love?”
“When did you make that switch?” She questioned out of the blue.
“What switch are you talking about?”
“The switch from darling to love. When did that start?”
“I don’t know, I hadn’t even noticed. Do you want me to stop?”
“No, I quite like it. Now I need a new thing to call you. Maybe handsome? No, how about honey? I like that one, what do you think honey?” She thought out loud. As soon as the term passed her lips, his heart sped up which made her smile at the sound. “Sounds like you like that one,” She teased although her heart, too, sped up when he called her love or if he looked at her a certain way. Instead of him replying to her teasing, he tilted her head up by grasping her chin gently and guiding her to look at him. The two of them hadn’t noticed but they were leaning closer together. As soon as their lips touched, all thoughts and ailments felt like they had melted away. They were just focused on each other, how their lips felt together after pining after one another for so long.
They got interrupted by a black dog jumping onto the bed, growling at Severus and showing its teeth to intimidate him. Because the two were startled apart, Y/N didn’t get a good look at the dog until her heart had stopped racing and the blissful feeling started to fade. She looked into the eyes of the dog before realizing who it was.
“Sirius Orion Black.”
@acupnoodle @chxelsxaa @fluffyrat365 @fanficwriter5
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quarra · 2 years
LOLOLOL don't worry, I DO enjoy your Caskets and Cookies series!
My first and truest love in Tropes is WEREWOLVES, and while A/B/O is Not the Same, I find I enjoy a lot of "non traditional" type takes on it in the same kind of way that I enjoy werewolf stuff. This is very true of the Casket and Cookies stuff. Give me extremely ALLLLLL the "i don't really get why my body is doing this OH SHIT" sensory stuff. :3
Re: Dooku more generally, I really, really love sci fi that talks about "how do you go on after you went a little Evil? what does repentance look like?", as well as "what does forgiveness look like? How do you get to a point where you CAN forgive someone?". I feel a lot of those Vibes in your work in general, and in your Dooku stuff in specific. Don't even get me started on "THEIR FATAL FLAW WAS ALSO THEIR STRONGEST STRENGTH" stuff, which is a really easy theme to improvise on from the various Star Wars Canons Characterizations we have of Dooku.
anyway, (⁠◠⁠‿⁠・⁠)⁠—⁠☆
Oh WHEW. Lol, good, I'm glad that worked out.
A/b/o is definitely hit or miss with me. Once in a while it scratches an itch, especially when I play with with what's expected from those situations and see what shakes out. Knotting is hot! But wow sometimes the social meta built into the stories makes me sigh, lol. That just means i have to write it myself! :) Be the change and all that, you know?
The Caskets and Cookies series does that a lot and it tickles me to no end. It plays with expectations a little bit. As with all of my fics, I love the fine mix of crack, humor, and feels/angst. Crack treated seriously is the best genre.
I also agree with the redemption stuff. I love a certain type of villain and I *love* a good redemption arc. I love giving Dooku some options on what's going on with him and how, or even *if*, he can come back to the Light. I feel like he is one of the characters in Star Wars who could have made such a difference in the canon story line if only he'd stepped two spaces to the left, you know? Jango Fett is the same way; he's involved in so many galaxy shaking events. I've got a wip where I explore more of him, too. How does one try to come back from doing to many terrible things? (Sorry, its a later au of an au kinda thing, set *after* the currently partially-written next story arc of 212th guide, so it won't be posted until that stuff is done and posted, which means it likely will be a whiiiile before anyone sees it.... but let me tell you I am *so happy* about the stuff I have for Jango in that fic.)
I think in the end I just don't like Star Wars canon very much and I'd much rather change it to be less grim. Ultimately, Star Wars is a series about hope and good triumphing over evil, which is great!! ... it just seems like too often the evil has to destroy 99% of everything good first. I'd like to see how things could go if they aren't totally fucked. I like seeing people figure their shit out *before* a billion people die, though sometimes after very painful mishaps caused by poor choices or bad luck or both, and then see Good succeed.
Because, really, humans are like that. Everyone ever has done shit they regret. How do we move on from that? *Can* we move on from that? What does that look like?
Setting these themes in an extremely grand way (sometimes) makes them paradoxically feel more real. A real person might agonize over being thoughtlessly cruel to an acquantance (for example), or maybe regret a certain poorly thought out choice, even years after the event. The guilt, shame, and anger that builds up around the event can feel disperportionate to the offence. Same with suffering. A person may be in mental agony but have no way to externally justify that their pain is real, especially if they have no emotional support.
But a character in a story can do the worst things imaginable. They can suffer more than anyone could reasonably survive. And their pain, guilt, and anger are real (in the story, you know what i mean), their offences and injuries are very obviously awful and thus their guilt, shame, and pain are justified. From that place of authenticity, we can explore a story of redemption or recovery. How *does* that work, especially for the worst of the worst?
Such stories are catharitic to read and if done well can be satisfying on a very visceral level.
These are such exciting ideas to play with! More so if the basic story premise is wacky, because then I get the most amazing comments that are like, "why the fuck is this weird thing so great??"
This is why I fanfic, lol.
...... also, Christopher Lee as Dracula was hot and he has a phone sex voice and i am weak.
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lixxen · 2 years
Sometimes I remember I have a 78k word (74k hits) Peter Parker centric AU/rewrite of the MCU on AO3 that is dark and sad. It adds major changes to Peter's life and in retrospect is kinda poorly written/dealt with. It was supposed to end at chapter 13, but when I got there people asked for more chapters
So depressed me up and wrote a whole arc about Peter being kidnapped and his disembodied arm got delivered to the Avengers as a threat. Just because I was going through a bad break up and was genuinely just upset and wanted to write the most heartbreaking and gorey thing I could (because I used to be a Danganronpa writer back in the day and went into detail and use it as a way to express myself and make myself feel better)
It was followed up the next day by fluff and extras as a sorry, but the damage was done. So many people gave me backlash and told me I ruined my story and they weren't going to read whatever I put out next. Even if I redid it. It hurt my ego and feelings, because as a writer I wanted to have my readers feel what I was feeling when I wrote it. I expressed this many times to my readers. I knew I had gotten my point across with these chapters and it genuinely wasn't too far off from the rest of the story content wise. It was just a bit too detailed and squeamish
So I basically got bullied into deleting 20k words worth of writing (about two chapters. Ps I didn't delete the extras, which are the only evidence I wrote that part) and it haunts me to this day
But then I get these comments to this day (it was originally written in 2018) and it makes me happy to this day
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Shit like this makes me happy. I'm slowly rewriting the story since I feel like 2018 me dealt with certain aspects the wrong way and that people could get upset with how it's worded. Also my writing has improved greatly and I want to show it
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genlirema · 2 months
Feel free to pick whatever fandom you wish to talk about!
common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
worst part of fanon
number of fandom-related words you've filtered
8. common fandom opinion that everyone is wrong about
“______ fandom is the nicest fandom in existence we’re all just soft babies uwu”
“______ deserves to be WORSHIPPED, I follow ______ religiously AND YOU SHOULD TOO”
News flash folks: There’s a good & bad to every fandom, regardless of the age demographic and/or what the canon material is. I ain’t naming any names/fandoms, but those who claim there’s nothing wrong with the fandom are either too disillusioned to accept otherwise or too “religious”/devout to see the bad side, to the point where they may try to indoctrinate you into believing the fandom are just good little angels who can do no harm and/or the canon is absolute law that everyone should follow. Then watch the hypocrisy as one part of the fandom tries to call out the other for being too bigoted, only for the latter half to harass the former for not being “true” fans.
I’ve fallen into this trap before, and all it really does is put the fandom & canon on a pedestal instead of treating it at face value. It also paints this black & white worldview where if people don’t like the fandom or if you don’t agree fully with them, you’re automatically ostracized as a degenerate and/or a scum of the earth. It’s the general nature of the internet, I know, but that doesn’t make it fair or normal (and it’s not good for my mental health at all c’:)
Perhaps it’s due to my religious upbringing, but I get very uncomfortable when people start joking about a fandom becoming a “religion” or that they “worship” a certain fandom. Yeah, yeah, you can chalk it up as “just a joke”, but some people may take it too seriously, whether unintentionally or on purpose. It’s just a franchise, guys, not a cult, it’s not that serious. As a wise munchy monk once said: “Not everything you like is gonna be five stars, and that’s okay. You can like something that is not very good and kinda dumb. I would know, I love Kingdom Hearts.”
10. worst part of fanon
I’m…not really sure, actually? I don’t pay much attention to fanon, and while there are some superficial headcanons in the fanon that I may not agree with, I mostly see it as a minor inconvenience that’s easy for me to ignore? You can raceswap and/or genderswap the Enstars idols all you want, you can have as many AU Sans as you want, you can be a diehard Prinxiety shipper all you want, but I really don’t care ._.;
Just…please don’t try to shove it down people’s throats? This kinda ties back to the first answer again, but as long as you’re not doing these things to harass others or prove that it’s “the best”, then that’s valid.
11. number of fandom-related words you've filtered
I actually had to count cuz there’s a lot apparently c’:
I counted 13, but they’re all from 3 different fandoms: Harry Potter, RWBY, and Pokemon. The first is a fandom I don’t care about that got really annoying at one point so I had to filter out the bs, but the other two are franchises that I…share a love/hate relationship with now c’:
Half of it is to avoid spoilers while the other half is because of the mixed feelings I have for the fandom and canon. In general, I sincerely hope that someday the creators/writers/developers of these two franchises would one day get their act together and write something meaningful, but considering both franchises have ironically finished their 9th installment with little to no improvement, that’s probably not going to happen any time soon c’:
More specifically however why did they had to make Bmblb canon in RWBY I really don’t want to blame the shippers for ruining the show but considering how poorly written the ship is and how it drags on for 4 FRICKING VOLUMES when we could’ve spent more time on BETTER CHARACTER AND PLOT DEVELOPMENT I’m hard-pressed to consider otherwise c’:
As for Pokemon…most of the tags are Scarlet & Violet related, or more importantly DLC related (the rest is Legends Arceus related which I still haven’t played cuz I’m poor c’:). Don’t get me wrong, I actually kinda enjoyed the game…before the DLC arrived c’:
(Also if you thought I was being ranty before this then you’re not prepared for what’s under the cut I apologize in advance for the Teal Mask/Indigo Disk spoilers the inbox and my face is on fire c’:)
It’s just…why did they make us bully Kieran like that? Why did we have NO CHOICE but to LIE to him about meeting Ogrepon? Which drunken Gamefreak exec thought this would be a good idea? What’s the point of dialogue options if they all lead to the same result? Ironically, I can forgive it in Nemona’s case after you become Champion (even though I hate her guts) because at least then the “choice” didn’t have any REAL consequence. We CRUSHED a child’s DREAM. TWICE. WE are the antagonist, NOT KIERAN. If you’re GOING to make me question the consequences for capturing not one, but TWO LEGENDARIES, why did you have to make me do it over a 14-year-old who CLEARLY DOESN’T DESERVE IT?
You know why we have villainous teams like Team Rocket, Magma, Aqua, Plasma, or even Flare, Gamefreak? Because it gives the player a moral reason to contain immeasurable power (i.e. the Legendaries) before a greater evil gets to it first. Sure, it’s stupid. It’s not true for every Legendary. Mewtwo isn’t even obtainable until AFTER you become Champion. But AT LEAST I didn’t have to grapple with the consequences for doing so. Listen, I’m all for subverting tropes & dealing with the consequences of our actions…provided it’s done correctly.
But Kieran??? A literal child??? Who had ZERO NEGATIVE CONVICTIONS for obsessing over a Legendary???? Hm, I wonder how this could’ve played out better…oh wait. You HAVE done it better before.
Did we have to lie about meeting Suicune to Eusine back then? No, because he was already there. He stood WITH us, as a PARTNER. We saw the Legendary TOGETHER. Did we have to worry about Eusine getting too obsessed just to get to the Legendary first? NO. BECAUSE HE’S A MATURE ADULT AND WE’RE BOTH WORKING TOWARDS A COMMON GOAL. Did he turn desperate and insane when we captured his prized obsession? NO. HE FUCKING. CONGRATULATES YOU. WE INSPIRED HIM TO BECOME A RESEARCHER. HE’S NOT MAD AT US, HE’S INSPIRED BY US.
Why couldn’t it be the same for Kieran?
Look, I’m not saying Kieran is this “pwecious little uwu bean who did/can do no wrong”. No. That’s not the point. You can have an obsessive character, you can love ‘em or hate ‘em all you want, but for the love of God, PLEASE DON’T ANTAGONIZE THEM FOR IT IF IT’S NOT IN THEIR CHARACTER. KIERAN IS A TEENAGER. OF COURSE HE’S GOING TO BE OBSESSED WITH A LEGENDARY. ITS. NOT. EVIL.
Because you know what happens when you do do that? When you twist the narrative so bad to asinine mary-sue levels of bullshit just to give us what we want? We become no different from Kieran or Eusine. Nay, we’re much worse. Because we “wanted” it more. Because we “deserved” it more. You know how fucked up that sounds? No one “earns” a Legendary. It’s a privilege, a miracle, a gift from God, you could say, to contain phenomenal cosmic power within the palm of our hands.
Who are you to say that we deserve it?
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chocmoon-latte · 3 months
All of these OC ideas are GOLD. Think you can come up with some stories and or voicelines for them? Especially the fic writer and super mutant comedian, if possible.
You're in luck, because I had actually already started writing down some descriptions for them. They were extremely brief initially, but since you asked, I decided to extend on them and add some quotes, just to get a better feel of the characters.
Ryder Warren - Eccentric raider
Ryder always knew he was destined for great, whatever the definition of it may be. A happy-go-lucky and seemingly sweet guy, it's hard to imagine that he was ever a raider. He initially joined up a local group after coming across a poorly written flyer headlining "raiders wanted" and mistook the word "raider" as a misspelling of his own name. Ryder saw this as a sign of his destiny, thus furthering his own perceived greatness, and he joined immediately.
Ryder is agile, great with close combat weapons, and a skilled technician. There's just one little quirk of his that sets him apart from the rest though - he talks to animals. Not in the "aww, aren't you cute" kinda way either. No. He full on converses with them. You see, Ryder has a very special ability - or so he claims to. He believes he's like an animal psychic of the sorts and that he can translate even the smallest noise from a creature into intelligible language.
Although humorous at first, the schtick got old quickly with the raider gang, who have recently decided to send him out on a "great and epic quest" alone through the wastes.
"People think I take too many chems, but I ain't even seen a chem before! Do you have ANY IDEA what Mr. Mittens would say if such a thing were true?!"
"Hold up! I'm getting an incoming message from this deathclaw. He's saying… oh my god! Why would you say that? That's HORRIBLE!"
"Did you know if a dog jumps up and down three times, spins around and then barks, it's a sign of distress. What do you mean I made that up? That's completely factual!"
"Yeah, I'm on a quest of epic proportions. That's what you get when you're a super cool guy like me."
Ghastly - Edgy ghoul
Ghastly is younger than most ghouls but has still progressed past the average human lifespan. He mostly keeps to himself but can often be found purposefully throwing himself into extreme and dangerous situations in an attempt to get his kicks. More often than not, he's unsatisfied with life. Not because he hates it, but because he's "already seen it all", and according to him "a ghoul gets bored at some point".
So what's a ghoul to do? Ghastly's current interests are set on doing the wildest, most thrilling thing a ghoul can do - go feral. Regardless of what those around him say. In his mind, it's the next step towards killing dullness and the occasional seasonal depression. However, some people have speculated that he's just wanting an excuse to be violent without fully taking the blame for his actions.
"Ryder tried to set me up on a date with a mole rat once. Took me about 45 minutes before I could explain to him why that was a bad idea."
"There's a certain kinda joy you get outta drinking a rat poison, snake venom cocktail that a human just wouldn't understand."
"Every few years, I like to switch up my moral code to keep things interesting. Spice things up, if you will."
"If god's real, then why'd he remove all my sick tattoos in the ghoulfication process?"
Mr. Shady - Suspicious robot
Mr. Shady is a unique Mr. Handy unit that was designed with the task of espionage in mind. His personality is a combination of hundreds of hours of being trained on spy movies, as well as his modified core programming. He spends a lot of his time quite literally hiding amongst the shadows and handing out weird notes to people in secret.
Mr. Shady has a bad habit of giving out veiled threats towards people, regardless of if they're good, bad, young or old. Even if you're on his side and he's on yours, expect regular disturbing messages from him.
"The names Mr. Shady, but my friends call me Shades. Too bad they all died under mysterious circumstances…"
"If you ever feel lonely, just know I'm always watching… with all three eyes."
"No matter how far away you are, I'm always thinking about you and all the unfortunate things that could potentially happen to you in a less than hundred-meter radius while your back is turned."
Humor Bone - Super mutant stand-up comedian
There's two things Humor Bone loves more than anything else in the world - funny jokes and humans dying. So he combined the two in his life long pursuit of happiness, laughter and death. If there is a stage, he is on it every chance he gets.
Humor Bone believes it's his overwhelming charisma and sense of humor that makes him so likable and compels whatever bar or restaurant that is open to let him perform. Reality is though, people are just too afraid of him to say no. Especially when the punchline of the jokes are always about some guy brutally dying. Everyone's too scared to tell him to get off the stage or move him from the premises, so people around him are always stuck listening in horror at whatever kind of joke he comes up with next.
"Why the long face? Just think about humans exploding in the sun! That always makes Humor Bone feel better!"
"Why did the human cross the road..? HE DIDN'T! HE WAS SMASHED BY CAR!!! HAHAHAHA!"
"Humor Bone needs new material, but killing would be bad publicity stunt. Unless…"
Addie Jaxon - Anxious author
Born and raised in NCR territory, Addie left to pursue her lifelong dream of being an author, though she refuses to ever show anyone what she writes unless it's selling material. Rumour has it she went AWOL after a couple of her close friends in the republic came across one of the stories she wrote about a forbidden love between a human and a ghoul and it's haunted her ever since, so much so that she's cut ties from everyone altogether.
She goes by the pen name "AJ" and sells personalized poems and short stories to people on her travels, each of which are beautifully written, but her real passions lie within the sappy love stories she hides in her book underneath her pillow every night.
"Does no one care about art anymore? Or the little things in life? Because I do! Like... a lot."
"Hey, don't touch my books! They're full of REALLY boring stuff. Like uh… science and math homework and… Oh. Right. I'm an adult and I never went to school."
"I wish MY life was like a forbidden, tragic love story! Ok, that's a lie. But hey, in theory I do."
"I really need to put myself out there if I wanna make a living out of what I do, but I'm worried about how many people would be able to trace me back to... that time."
The Codney Brothers - Creepy cowboy duo
Rodney and Todd Codney are identical twin brothers who insist on being together at all times and often speak in riddles, sometimes finishing each other's sentences. A lot of what they say is nonsensical and often has little to no relation to the conversation at hand. What's worse that is their constant unnatural smiles on their faces. What do they know? Do they have something sinister planned? A dark past? Or are they just like that for shits and giggles?
"We're Rod and Todd. The Codney brothers. Just like the cod fish. And a knee. What a peculiar sight."
"What has hands but can't clap?"
"A cowboy rode into town on Friday. Two days later he left on Friday. How odd indeed."
EDIT: Forgot to add in the last pair! I'm so tired today.
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