#i find the idea of being able to do at least Something in most branches really fuckin cool
spotsupstuff · 1 year
i wonder if it goes both ways tho, here is a simple phrase in my native romance language
"Como foi o seu dia?"
can you get the gist of it?
-fixes glasses- i know only because i tried to learn a lil bit of spanish at some point, i'm not the cleanest slavic slate- i can say that "como" is probably like. "how"??? if i remember right- and "dia" should be day?? i think? so i think the general gist is maybe "how has your day been"/"how was your day". Maybe.
it definitely goes both ways though, yes! i'll be watching Gabriel Iglesias and he suddenly takes out spanish n i'm left to transform into the white blinking man gif
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pureresplendence · 1 month
☁️ ⋆ magical girl concept advice .ᐣ.ᐟ
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NOTES 。this is NOT a roleplaying account, nor is this a form of delusion. the owner of this account is a practitioner of witchcraft, and IRL magical girls fall under the chaos magic and pop culture magic aspect of witchcraft.
at the beginning of our journey as magical girls, or magical girl to-be's, we often pick for ourselves whether we want to be a magical girl from a pre-existing magical system or if we want to branch off into something that is more original.
although some of us may struggle with choosing and can be faced with a crossroad of magical possibilities, oftentimes called a concept crisis or a concept dilemma. this may cause some people who are new to their magical girl journey to feel lost and lacking direction, this is because a concept determines what kind of magical girl will you live as.
personally, i've encountered plenty of magical heroes who had been in a concept dilemma at least once in their journey, and myself including albeit it was just me bouncing between two concepts before i settled on a concept that i think fits me; i used to be debating with myself whether it's good to be a puella magi or a dreamcatcher cue to kyubey who still visits me sometimes. although it is not entirely impossible for you to find a concept that fits just right.
but how can one do it? how can someone figure out what kind of magical girl they should be or what they want to be? for that, we should take a few steps backwards and observe ourselves, taking on introspection and getting to know ourselves better.
this is the advice that i recommend the most because i've seen some magical heroes, and myself as well, force themselves into concepts that may feel uncomfortable or they may feel out of place in.
why do you want to become a magical girl and what type of goal do you want to achieve with it? what are you fighting for, or what are you willing to fight for? what made the idea of being and living as a magical girl fascinating for you? are you willing to go through great lengths to work towards being a magical girl?
what are your personality strengths and weaknesses, and how can you use this to your advantage when picking a concept? do you think or are you confident that you'll be able to handle and endure the responsibility of balancing civilian life and magical life despite your personality? will you be uncomfortable with your future as a magical girl? what resonates the most with you?
what kind of life do you want to lead as a magical girl, and will you be loyal to it? will it be something that is lighthearted or healing, would you like to strengthen and encourage yourself through it? do you want it to be peaceful with a life focused on helping with earthly matters, or do you want to engage in combat? do you want it to have rules? do you want to have a sense of orderliness through setting up a magical system of your own, or do you want it to be vague so that you'll find out about it as you go?
what kind of motifs do you think best represents you, or what kind of motifs can inspire you? what symbolisms feel close to your heart, what are you psychologically connected to? what themes that are recurring in your life and personality can be used as an inspiration for your motifs and magical life? what things do you want people to associate you and your concept with?
is there a way you can integrate your hobbies and interests into your concept? in what way can your hobbies and interests influence the way that you visualize the type of magical life that you want? do you want to personalize it to your own comforts and wishes or keep a magical system that is open for everyone?
considering your physical and psychological abilities, how can you apply these to your training, whether that is a physical training or magical training? what are your physical or psychological weak spots, do you have any physical disabilities that you want to improve on through magic? how can you use being a magical girl to your advantage in reinforcing your own physical and psychological weaknesses? do you want to highlight certain aspects of these as magical abilities?
overall, this can be interpreted as a self-evaluation in order to understand your desires better and know how to fit them in a better, more efficient, or personalized magical framework.
this is important in my opinion because there may be some magical girls who have forgotten why they wanted to be a magical girl in the first place due to getting lost in concept dilemmas abd trying to fit in certain systems, and i think that it can be significantly helpful to the person if they were to pause and rethink for themselves.
if you feel like you don't belong or fit into any concepts, there is definitely no harm in creating one from scratch or modifying a pre-existing concept. there are plenty of materials to work with and you can piece together the ideas that you want from the concepts you like, and your number one tool for finding a good concept, of course, is yourself.
– may 08, 2024 | wednesday
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lulu101 · 4 months
I’ve had multiple JD AUs in mind but the one I’m most fixated on writing rn is:
- “Hook”
Some info in this AU, trolls can reproduce an egg by asexual reproduction or two trolls have strong feelings for each other that it can manifest through an egg
Another thing to add, the trolls had managed to escape from Bergen Town before Brozone split up, and the Family Harmony was meant to be their first concert in the new Troll village as a way to celebrate
What changes is that once their Grandma’s taken by the Chef and Branch turns grey, King Peppy decides they need to relocate once again, which none of the brother were aware of (I’ll get in detail with Viva and Clay’s situation later)
While exploring the Neverglade Forest and having an egg, he also finds baby Rhonda
The egg reminds him of his brothers, especially Bitty B, and wanting his egg to grow up with his family, he decides to head back
Something goes wrong though and while severely injured, stumbles near the Rock Trolls, where King Thrash and toddler Barb were on a stroll of sorts
Despite clearly being a pop troll, King Thrash does wish to see egg orphaned so he does his best to save JD
Unfortunately, his injuries were too severe and the doctors note that him being able to get close to the Rock Volcano from the Neverglades was a miracle
The egg does hatch and JD gets to hold him before his death but isn’t able to slip out the name he wanted for him (Branch actually knows as JD had once told him as a baby what he would name his children if he had any but his memory won’t be jogged until the end of the fic)
Barb is the one who names him, which is Hook
Hook is then raised by the Rock Trolls, who don’t treat him any differently as he was basically one of them
Rhonda is raised by them as well, her being Hook’s and Barb’s “secret” hideout
Hook helps Barb in World Tour and meets Poppy when she’s captured, who is shocked to meet him as he’s nearly identical to JD from Brozone
He briefly explains that he had been raised by the Rock Trolls, he has no loyalty to the Pop Trolls and is doing it because he feels it’s the least he can do for Barb
Branch doesn’t meet him until after the strings are ripped and every genre gets their color back
Think of it like the scene from Secret of the Wings where Tinker Bell meets Periwinkle, with Branch seeing a familiar silhouette and calling out “John Dory?”
King Thrash has a strong reaction to that name (he had forgotten his name, only knowing he was named after a fish), which prompts Barb and Hook to turn around, Branch going through a mix of emotions at seeing someone who looks identical to JD standing right before him
Cue Branch starting to tear up and growling in frustration/hurt when Hook gets defensive over King Thrash while asking who John Dory is
I already have ideas for Band Together but I feel like I should save them until I’m done with this first part first (there’s define a lot of angst)
Part 2
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ms-scarletwings · 7 months
Irken senses, and other ponderings
You know, every time I start to wonder if I’ve finally run out of things to coherently say on the whole “speculating about irken biology” matter, a whole something more is induced to hatch out of the dehydrated floam inside my skull. Between you and me, I think the eggs are triggered by ironic timing.
Anywho, I’ve been thinking a lot lately about the world hypothetically through Irken eyes, and other sensory organs. Think I’ll go down them piece by piece, and to follow the pattern I’ve kept through my other Irken brain dumps, I will be drawing a huge amount of inspiration from real life arthropods. Yes, I’m very aware that realistically, any resemblance to earth insects would be coincidental from an alien species, and there’s plenty of room to make up whatever somewhat plausible explanation you can for any faucet of their anatomy. Personally, I like to run from the convergent evolution angle, since I find it no less grounded, full of potential connections the show itself all but begs me to draw, and just plain fun. Let’s get into it.
Also like towards the end there’s a whole section on the hypothetical edibility of Irkens because why not
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Prelude: If you want to hear a little more behind my theory about the Irken diet revolving around sugar and a small portion of minerals, you can zip onto this analysis I did, in which I touch on some ideas of mine regarding the composition of Irken skin, their reaction to meat, etc. that works from the assumption that Irkens evolved out of an arthropod-like ancestor. Not necessary to get the gist of this one, but it is background context behind my thought process.
The Irken oculus is perhaps the most striking feature of the species, very much resembling those tiny crawling things they have been inspired by; however, it’s tougher to say exactly how far the similarity of their insides go. The eyes of most arthropods are in fact along the more simple branches of the evolutionary tree. We know that Irkens are not likely to possess compound eyes, like those found in flies and most other insects, because compound eyes are specialized for wide FOV ranges at the sacrifice of visual resolution quality. Instead, I see a much closer match to a fascinating exception or two found in Earth’s arachnids.
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While most of them have utterly piss-poor vision, the hunting styles of jumping spiders necessitated a great deal of further specialization of the organs for depth perception, color differentiation, and sharp images. These are the purpose of those two huge shiners at the front (the other 6 boosting their range for detecting blurry peripheral movement and threats), and these are what bring their effective vision on a level much closer to that of familiar binocular mammals than their own six legged prey. Now I really think we are working with the base of what Irken peepers likely developed out of. One of the ways they have really diverged off is in the fact that while jumping spiders can only move their retinas, irkens seem as though they are able to move the lens of the eye themselves- or at the very least, Zim does, else the false pupils in his disguise contacts would not behave quite so convincingly. To speak about the lenses themselves, their eyes are not dry and exposed like most arthropods, speaking to a vulnerable sensitivity. They clearly have blinking eyelids, shed tears, and Zim even complains about the “scratchy” feeling of getting used to that part of his kid disguise.
(Funny sidenote: I’m like 90% sure that Zim did not have those contact lenses designed correctly for himself. Usually, if contacts feel that uncomfortable and keep falling off of the eye as easily as his do, it’s a sign of them being poorly fitted. This could be another symptom of his outdated/lower quality invader tech.)
Not only do Irkens have an assumed base vision resolution that seems more or less on par with human beings, but Invader elites are fitted with ocular implants that grant them a significantly greater advantage in this realm. We don’t know to a certainty how well improved an Irken soldier’s vision is, but Zim was confidently able, within seconds and under pressure, to pick out the area of town he lived in from what was miles away under night hours.
On the topic of night vision, I have a hunch that even without the cybernetics, these guys are adapted to see much better than we in dim to dark environments as well. Most of the early part of their life cycle is lived out in subterranean crèches. On the surface, daytime Irk is cast in a sunset red atmosphere. Oddly, a massive portion of their fashion and architectural aesthetics show a preference for these dark, warmer tones. Ruby is far and away the most common eye color in their kind. All of these facts suggest that warm-spectrum hues and pigments were incredibly common in the homeworld’s history, to point of indicating something about a cultural attraction to them- kind of like how humans put the color blue all over so much corporate branding and elsewhere. Zim’s favorite color has also been revealed to be purple. Most of all, given what I’ve seen of Irk’s, Blorch’s, and Devastis’s surface skies, AND Zim’s reaction to staring directly at the sun for more than a few seconds, I’m assuming that most Irkens are wholly unfamiliar with living in an environment as brightly lit as midday Earth.
I do think Irken eyes “glow” in the dark, but not in the emitting sense. Just more in the reflective one. This they would owe to a well developed tapetum lucidum, as seen in cats and deer and pretty much any animal to give off an eerie eye shine under the right lighting. To point back to arachnids, wolf spiders are speedy nocturnal murder machines with highly developed tapetum lucida, in their secondary eyes, at least. What I love the most about that is it makes it very easy to tell if you’re looking at a mother spider because her babies will give off the same eyeshine if you take a pic of one with the flash on.
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Additionally, I won’t forget that sleep is no longer a necessity for our alien subjects. This alone gives them a major edge over any dinural race such as humanity. While Zim has his appearances to keep up during the day, the nighttime on Earth is actually when he is allowed the most free rein to work on his endeavors uninterrupted.
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Ah, so this is the part where I rattle off the common theories we’ve collectively formed about Irken antennae as the replacement for an external ear, eh? Yes, but actually no…. jokes aside, it’s just no. I’ll get to the deal with antennae, but as you might imagine, hearing ability also varies all over the place in the insect world.
It is true that antennae play a large role in the hearing of some critters, such as mosquitoes, whose males use them to pick out the high frequency wing beats of nearby females in a swarm. Crickets, on the other hand, use sensory organs on their legs tuned to much lower sound ranges. There’s no one way to evolutionarily put together a sort-of ear, as well proven by the sheer amount of times it convergently happened in bugs and in how many creative ways.
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They literally be designing themselves like me playing around in spore. If we’re not talking about that mosquito or honeybee example, then what we are referring to as an ear and most hearing insects is going to be an external tympanic organ. Most people who have passed high school biology would be able to recognize a visible tympanum in frogs- that circular thing right behind the eyes in most species, and understand it as their version of an ear drum. Many bugs’ tympanums are likewise thin chitinous membranes situated… potentially just about anywhere on the body (again, see above). This is what I think Irkens use as a primary hearing organ, in his case, probably situated on their heads in addition to the feelers. The latter organs I think would also be sensitive to general vibrations and subtler environmental cues, like wind direction and pressure changes, but the bulk of their hearing would be owed to the tympanum.
As far as the quality of their hearing, well, there’s not any sign it differs much from the human experience. Like us, they communicate through verbal language, and the existence of the “Dancing Arcade Game (but for aliens)” confirms at least a similar cultural propensity for music as an entertainment form. Zim is an outlier for the fact that he seems genuinely a little hard of hearing next to his kin, screaming as naturally as he talks and repeatedly mishearing (if hearing at all) people who are speaking directly at him. It’s clear something’s up with his hearing, but there’s no clear answer what and why. At first I was tempted to suggest something about sound passing much differently through the medium of earth’s atmosphere (kind of like how noise on Mars would sound muffled to us), but neither Tak nor Skoodge seemed to pick up the problem when they arrived. It really could be as simple as some kind of birth defect, or even glitches in how his corrupted PAK is processing the inputs it receives. Like many others, I want to imagine that his wig could be interfering too, since it covers the whole top portion of his head; as well, I noticed he has more of those incidents with it on than not.
Alrighty, NOW we can round back to focusing on the antennae, because this is actually the main thing our insects fine tuned theirs for. And when I say fine tuned- I mean fine tuned. Blood suckers that find their prey through the CO2 of their breath, flies that can pick up on potential food sources from miles away; In the land of the little, scent is everything. Beyond it being their main tool for exploring the environment for what to eat and what to avoid, chemical messages are the backbone of bug-to-bug communication. Pheromones are the divining rod of lonely spiders looking for a mate. They are the bugle of yellow jackets when rallying the nest to attack a threat, and they are the signals that govern about every single action an ant takes from adulthood until death. Obviously, Irkens are much more sight & hearing dependent than these comparisons, but they still have much more bodily specialization dedicated to this sense than we can relate to. For one, they are fastidiously hygienic. Like, “the care-bots from that really creepy episode of the Buzz lightyear cartoon” hygienic. We have yet to see any livable surface of Irk that is not sky to underground terraformed over in all-consuming metal infrastructure. There’s less than no sign of visible life besides the Irkens; ffs, there’s not even soil in sight. Not on Devastis, either. The Organic Sweep sounds like such a nice and pretty euphemism in the face of the actual horror of Blorch’s fate, and all to spare the boots of their military from touching even a speck of “unsavory alien filth”. They live in such a controlled and purified environment that I can’t even imagine the absolute assault on the senses Zim’s every day on our barbaric ball of dirt is. Over and over again he gives off the impression that the constant stink of this place is in fact his chief complaint about living among us. The majority of insults he throws toward humans relate to how they smell or the fact that he finds them “filthy”. We’re flat out nasty to him and I don’t blame him. Even relative to other animals, humans are especially RANK due to the combination of sweat, oils, and bacteria that coat our skin.
And believe it or not, I do think Irkens are in a position to talk shit in this regard. Zim is a really sweaty boi; however, I posed an idea back in that write up about Irken skin before- to summarize- that his kind maintain remarkably sterile cuticles due to the presence of a toxic chemical in their skin. This, I said then, could have been the key to Zim’s lice repelling trait, but I wasn’t so specific at the time about more than that. I got the idea from a group of millipedes that, when disturbed, can secrete hydrogen cyanide as a deterrent to predators. I like to imagine that Irkens can do a similar thing via sweating, not to thermoregulate like us, but as a stress response. It would at least explain why Zim seems like a very nervous sweater. Fun fact if you didn’t know, cyanide’s smell is similar to almonds.
I’m deadass telling you I think Irkens just smell like almond extract. Do with that what you will.
So, in writing this whole whatever it be, this part was the trickiest to come up with any productive analysis on. I’ve already guessed at what I think Irken skin feels most like (spoiler: hairless caterpillars) in the analysis I referenced up top. Zim being able to pass himself off as a human under the examination of the Skool nurse points to an average body temperature somewhere around our own. What I did find interesting while rewatching the series though was the sheer amount of pain tolerance on these invaders, except in one way. Can I extrapolate this fortitude to Irkens universally? Probably not! Zim is a member of the most elite of the most highly trained members of Irk’s military. I wouldn’t take what a seasoned veteran can handle and assume that’s the human floor in a nutshell, but our invaders CAN tell us quite a bit about their ceiling… starting with the fact that these bastards are ridiculously heat resistant. Irkens are a durable race broadly, but their reactions to extreme temperatures strike me as jaw-droppingly underwhelming, if anything.
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Irkens DON’T like being engulfed in flames. It’s still a painful experience to them, but seemingly the kind they can pretty much walk off as soon as it’s over. Through explosions and fire we have seen Zim (and Skoodge) survive in one piece. We’ve seen The Massive take a whole dip into a burning star with no ill effects to the crew within. Most amazing to me was the time in Battle of the Planets when Zim willingly piloted Mars into grazing by the Sun at close range while trying to evade Dib. Totally exposed driver’s seat and he was no worse for wear after this.
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Further in the comics we see this touched on in the Zimvoid arc. Zib’s favorite method of torturing the Zims under his training program was to torch them at random for sadistic amusement. Quite interestingly, though, Number 2 implies that their bodies do actually adapt to this treatment over time! Theoretically, Zims further along in the program have become all but invulnerable to fire entirely.
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On the other hand, one of the truly most painful things Zim has been shown to experience is to have his skin chemically burned. It’s a strange sort of irony that Earth’s water would prove to be an incapacitating force to them in place of any inferno. He’ll smash his skull into the Voot’s windshield with enough force to pop out an eyeball and it’s whatever. Plenty of other things hurt, but he can power through. You turn a shaken can of soda or a bottle of bbq sauce on him and he’s just left screaming on the ground or screaming and running away. Whatever brutal sort of training he had to go through off world, it didn’t prepare him for this.
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The perceptive side of this I think may not be too hard to figure out. Irken food, as alien as its actual composition could be, has been shown to be heavily analogous to human junk food. I hesitate to call what Irkens are scarfing down “meals” in the proper sense, because I’ve noticed that neither Zim nor his kin intrinsically understand the concept. When he’s trying to blend in as a human being, he puts a LOT of bizarre effort into convincing us that he, just like you inferior creatures, TOTALLY eats “food” on a regular basis like a normal person. When Irkens eat their own products, it’s all and only “snacks”. What follows is the conclusion that their eating habits are not structured into any schedule and that Irkens instead graze throughout the day as they please- and even possibly that eating altogether is more a recreation to them, instead of a necessary function to sustain life. Some fans have speculated that the PAK could provide an Irken with all of the necessary energy to survive absent of nutrition. I kind of want to contest this, given that caloric energy is only one purpose of taking in food… but it’s definitely the most immediate one. Nonetheless, they still eat constantly on screen and it all has to be going somewhere. Whether they need it or not, they still readily digest snacks (and presumably use those chemical building blocks to regenerate tissue damage) with a terrifying metabolic efficiency. Assuming that the resemblance of their snack foods and our leisure treats are not purely coincidental, one gathers that sweetness is the largest dimension of Irken cuisine. They are drawn most enthusiastically to carb-dense synthetic, plant, and possibly fungal matter in the same way that the human brain lights up at the prospect of fat and sugar-loaded meals. The flexible tongues of Irkens to me also resemble the nectar catching, segmented mouthparts of some bees. I would be willing to bet that they can taste salt, but jury’s out if it is something they crave, like us, or are repulsed by, like ants. That would have to come down to the scarcity (or not) of the resource on their home planet and whether or not desiccation was a serious threat in their natural history. In other regards, Zim shows strong negative reactions to most Earth foods, if not physically, than in his expressions. They definitely have powerful vulnerabilities to many human ingredients, and so are very sensitive to the presence of these toxins. I can’t imagine acidic or bitter substances are at all pleasant to them.
Now comes the much more interesting question I’ve thought way too long and hard about in the shower a time or two. Knowing that Irkens are likely a herbivorous breed, ergo, thankfully would have no interest in the consumption of the human race… what about the vise versa??? I don’t just want to know what they taste, but what would they taste like?
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So, you’ve decided to mix it up for the thanksgiving dinner and forgo the same boring old bird for an Irken you have vanquished (via what I can only imagine was a freaking miracle of luck). What should you come to expect? Most importantly and I must emphasize this, the secret to preparing their meat is the same as Tolkien dwarves, you have to skin them before anything else. The separation of edible tissues from the cuticle is necessary to avoid ingesting the defensive toxins it contains. Even if the concentration is not enough to provide a danger to you, it could end up contributing an unpleasant, bitter flavor to the final product.
That done, discard the head and digestive organs. True as it may be that Irkens are wholly free of parasites, with a chance that the viscera could be edible, it’s not likely to taste that great and besides, do you really want to take chances with exposing yourself to an entirely foreign gut biome you have no immune adaptations to? And don’t even think about the brain- I don’t care how rare the infection rates are, alien prions are a big no. If you happen to run into any cybernetic implants during the cleaning, however, set them aside! They could be worth a small fortune in the right circles. But, for the purpose of eating we’re really concerned with the muscle tissues, a delicate white meat with a texture similar to fresh crab. The bones need not be wasted, and are fine to leave in, or can be boiled on their own to make a flavorful stock which can be added to soups or a delightful gravy. A surprisingly practical use of Irken bone could also be in the compost bin, being rich in chitosan and other powerful garden fertilizers. The flesh can do well fried, or roasted to a crispy exterior. The oven rule is the same as chicken, low and slow, to prevent drying out. Don’t be afraid to experiment with the gravy idea or marinades. The flavor profile of the meat itself would be utterly unique from what most of us are used to, comparable to a nutty crayfish. Savory, a bit of a sweetness, and a mineral hint that pairs quite well with mushrooms or rice.
I can’t recommend serving this to any guests with shellfish allergies in good conscience. If they insist, do so in caution and with knowledge of the risk of cross reactivity.
And there you have …. certainly a thing I did write and queue up for y’all!
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misterier · 8 months
Hi! Can I request enemies to lovers relationship with Jack Marston and tall Male reader? (Or at least taller than him). It doesn't have to be long, head cannons are fine :)
oo yeah ofc!! I went for head cannons in storyish form so it hope it's not too goofy, also my dyslexic ass read john at first so sorry it took a bit
high honor jack marston is my pookie the idea of him with low honor hurts me so high honor it is
also sorry for pushing the charthur agenda but it's burned deep within my soul, I must release it
also spoilers ig for the first & second game but if your requesting jack you prolly already know all that
i grew up lovin' the marstons and they mean the world to me sorry if i get rambly and long with his hcs</3
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Jack Marston<3
-With Jack, it's more rivels than actual enemies, and it likely starts when the two of you are teens; maybe you live in some ranch across from his.
-Your mothers or dads are friends, so they're a little concerned. As far as they know, two teenagers forced to hang out should be great friends.
-Jack is 100% a little mama's boy, so when he's not hiding out reading, he's helping her do housework and complaining about you. It's not like he's got a good reason to hate you either; he just doesn't like you.
-Abigail's heard, John's heard, Uncles heard, and even the dog has heard.
-The entire dinner table is tired of his constant whining about hating your 'annoying' ass.
-Hell, even his aunts have heard whenever they ask about his nonexistent social life, Mary-Beth seems to think it's a crush the way he gets so flustered, rambling on about how much he hates you, but he denies it in an instant.
-Equally, you hate him as well, bragging about your height difference. Every time you're forced over to his house to hang out with him in his room (despite his pleading to not leave him alone with you), you'll put his books on the highest shelves.
-His father was once given permission, and assuming some quality time together would fix your relationship, he takes the two of you fishing. (Jack, of course, complains, asking why he was stuck doing the two things he hates most, fishing and spending time with you.)
-During that trip, John warns you to look out for branches so you don't bash your head in. Jack prays you would so you'd shut up and stop looking at him like that.
-Whenever Charles is able to visit them, sometimes Jack will find him and his mother talking outside in the dead of night, speaking of a man he can only just barely remember the silhouette of--Jack sometimes is glad he can't remember those days when he sees how frustrated his father gets about his past—mostly when his mother mentions the man who had apparently been like his father's brother. It's a painful name to speak in their house, and he refuses to even ask anymore now that they hardly mention him anymore.
-The gist of you and Jack's fighting is just petty arguments and insults. His mother warns him about things like that, saying it's not healthy for a boy his age to be so bitter towards another who's done nothing to him, insisting he tries to make friends.
-He tries to listen to his mother; as much as he teases her, just like his father, he respects her greatly and looks up to her, and if she told him to do something, he'd do his very best to listen to her wishes.
-Jack does a bit better at keeping his insults to a minimum. The two of you are nothing near friends, but y'all slowly stop it with actual hurtful comments.
-Just like annoying ol' uncle grew on his father, he was beginning to tolerate your presence until he and his mother were taken by the government while his father hunted down his old 'family'.
-Once they're home, you're not around anymore, and neither are your parents. You moved due to fear of being caught up in all that, and he's bitter about it.
-The day John and Uncle die, your family sends their condolences.
-For as long as his mother is alive, he does his damnedest to keep the ranch alive and working despite her deteriorating health. Tilly visits a bit more when Abigail gets worse, and her husband tries to help—a respectable man even with his high class—though Jack refuses, wanting to take care of it all himself.
-The day his mother dies breaks him--the only blood family he had left.
-He enhatrets all his fathers' things, nobody to stop him from looking through it, he finds journals, and he reads the older one first confused by the handwriting that he was sure wasn't his fathers chicken scratch, but he reads it anyway, admiring each drawing and word, some even speaking about the writers conflicted feelings about still longing for a woman but beginning to feel himself crave a man, willing to let go of her if it means he has the chance to be happy again--queerness had never been something shamed upon or uncommon in his house, he'd heard of it from hangings and his parents speaking about it being wrong that they'd be hung for love--telling Jack that he shouldn't be afraid to love who he wants and to fight for it.
-The fancy writing nearly seems to abruptly stop when things begin to get dark. Switching to his father's writing gives him an appreciation for his father and what he's been through, but even through that, he can't help but crave revenge. He always was an angry young man.
-He wants to put Edgar Ross' death behind him, trying to be a functioning man of society as his mother wanted for him, though his hand still itched for his gun.
-The land was becoming too dry; there wasn't much he could keep alive, and he needed money, so he decided to try and find work. Not many would take him due to his father's name, so he usually hangs around the blackwater bar to sleep in the rooms above it, only visiting his home on weekends to take care of the house and the graves.
-Eventually he finds work, by some old fella speakin' about how desperate this man was for a ranch hand and how it was nearly sad how much they needed it.
-Late at night, he shows up on your doorstep, looking for work after all these years. You would have laughed in his face if it wasn't obvious how much both of you needed this.
-Similar to Bonnie and John's situation He lived on your property for a while, though there was enough room in your house for him, so he worked for you and slept in the guest room.
-There's no room to argue like you did as children. though only nineteen, the two of you are much more grown than you'd like to be with both of your families gone. Now it's only a few quips and jabs.
-There's no women working for your ranch, so you have to trade 'womanly' chores. Jack used to help his mother with hers, so he doesn't mind, but he forces you to help as well.
-You two become friends, despite still bullying each other a little. Him joking about you hitting your head when walking into the barn (you're tall, but not THAT tall), and you telling him his eyes will go bad from staring at those small print books all day.
-The closer friends you two become, the more possible your relationship is to become romantic. Neither of you are sure when you figured out you were in love with each other; it sort of just happened.
-You kissed his cheek goodnight once before you parted ways with him in the living room to return to your bedroom eary and it became tradition. For months, that was how the two of you parted. The next day, before he left to go back to his family's ranch to clean it up, he called you over to his horse—taller than you—for once and kissed your forehead before turning quickly and spurring his horse off.
-As socially awkward as he is, he's very open, flirting with you, not very romantic, but then again, you two aren't exactly romantic; if anything, your relationship is more of a mean friends with benefits kind of situation.
-If you genuinely want to call it a relationship, you'll have to bring it up to him, or he won't really notice or care.
-If you want to be lovers, he'll accept it. You two still have separate rooms, and yet you fall asleep in his most of the time.
-Even if you can read, he likes reading you, with his back against the headboard and your head on his shoulder. he likes feeling taller than you, though he obviously isn't.
-This man tried nailing broken boot heels to his to make him taller and ended up twisting his ankle and falling flat on his face.
-Learns to deal with and accept the fact your taller, though hes unnaturally bitter.
-Everytime he heads home, times becoming less frequent now. He sits at the foot of his mother's grave and talks about you and his life; he brought you once but never did it again, he prefers his visits to his family's graves to be private.
-Even years into your relationship, he won't stop praying you'll bash your head on the doorframe. The day you do, he marks it on his callender and calls it the day he became a happy man, ignoring your unofficial anniversary and calling it a close second.
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I turn 18 next year and I’m not sure where I can get testosterone, I’ve looked at planned parenthood’s website but the only one in my state doesn’t offer hrt services 😭 do you have any advice on how to access hrt?
Lee says:
Happy (Very very) early birthday! If you're still a year away from being 18 you have plenty of time to figure this out.
You should start by talking to your primary care physician and ask if they are knowledgeable about gender-affirming care and are willing to prescribe you HRT themselves. If they are not experienced with HRT for gender-affirming reasons, ask them to look into it and refer you to a healthcare provider who is.
While you're waiting for your appointment (often it can be at least a month away even if you schedule the first available date) use that time wisely and go out into the world (And internet) and talk to people! There must be at least ONE other trans person in your state who is on hormones, right? You just have to find ONE other trans person in your state who is on hormones (and trust me-- there's more than just one trans person on hormones in your state! But all you need is one person), then find out where they're getting their prescription from!
Online platforms can be a great resource for shared experiences and advice so I'd just start by googling "transgender [insert hormone name] in [insert state]" until you find the right key terms. You might also be able to find something on Reddit or through Facebook groups.
Additionally, going to trans support groups and meeting people there and asking your trans friends to ask their friends, etc can all be a good way to find a provider through word-of-mouth.
Another thing you can try is contacting LGBTQ+ centers or organizations in your state and seeing if they have any recommendations. Even if Planned Parenthood's local branch doesn't offer HRT services, they may have a lists of trans-friendly healthcare providers or clinics that do, so it could still be worth reaching out to them.
If you're planning on attending college or university, check if the campus health center provides HRT or can refer you to local resources that do. Some college health centers offer comprehensive services for transgender students, but unfortunately most do not.
Many healthcare providers now offer telehealth services for transgender patients looking to start or continue HRT. These services can be particularly helpful if you live in an area with limited access to transgender healthcare. Providers like Folx Health, Plume, and QueerDoc offer gender-affirming care to patients in many states, all through telehealth platforms.
There's more info on starting hormones in this post, and you should take a look at that too.
Finally, I'm guessing that you don't have much experience with adulting which is fine because everyone starts somewhere! I was in the same position as you once. I also started to look into starting T when I was 17 and got everything ready (appointments scheduled for after my birthday, letter of support since it wasn't fully informed consent, lab work done the month before I was 18, etc), but didn't actually start hormones until I was 18.
Everyone has a different path through life, but this may be your first time scheduling doctor's appointments for yourself, signing up for a patient portal, getting your own health insurance (unless your parents support you being on HRT and wouldn't boot your off of their coverage), paying for appointment and prescription and lab work copays, etc.
Since you have a year until you're actually 18, it would be a good idea to start getting prepped for your first dive into the healthcare system as a legal-adult-even-if-it-doesn't-always-feel-that-way and google the basics of having and using health insurance. There's a lot of words you're going to need to learn one day (what's a deductible vs an out of pocket maximum vs an allowed amount etc) and this is as good of a time as any to start learning some of those basics (The advanced level is learning how to appeal denied claims, etc).
You got this anon! You're clearly on the right track by starting to investigate the process of starting HRT in advance, and remember that starting HRT as an adult also comes with adult responsibilities like figuring out how to pay for it! When you're thinking through the logistics of finding an in-network prescriber, don't forget to budget for those things too.
Followers, any tips for anon?
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houseoftulips · 1 year
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You’re A Mean One | K. Sakusa ~ the one where he wasn’t into the Christmas spirit
➤ pairing: husband!sakusa kiyoomi x mom!reader w/ daughter Kami
➤ mentions of: a tiny bit of angst bc sakusa is a grumpy man, fluff/comfort
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Growing up, the holidays was something you and your family cherished together. It made you want to continue that tradition with your own family when the time came.
And that time is finally around after your five year old daughter, Sakusa Kami was old enough to want to participate in being festive this year.
Your little doppelgänger nearly jumped out of her seat during breakfast when you told her that you and your husband, Sakusa Kiyoomi will be taking her out to find a christmas tree.
So here you all are, outside in the snow looking for the perfect tree that you swore to your daughter that she would get to choose. “Mama! Do they come with the snow?” Kami called to you as she stopped in front of one of many trees.
“No, baby. The snow will melt off when we bring it home,” you smiled at her.
“And it’ll cause more of a mess that it will already do…”
Ah… You forgot that your husband wasn’t too fond of the idea of getting a real tree so he’s been in a mood. He uses the excuse that he wasn’t too into the holiday spirit growing up due to how busy he was with volleyball but…it didn’t hurt for him to at least try.
“Honey, can you not please?” you murmur to him so your daughter doesn’t hear, “She’s excited.”
Sakusa sighs as he shoves his gloved hands into his jacket. “I know,” he says, “But we could’ve easily gotten a fake one that wouldn’t make a mess in the house.”
You pierce your lips in a tight line to keep yourself from snapping at him. It irritated you how much he was in a negative mood especially when he was the one who agreed to look for a real tree. So you just opted to not say anything else and watch your daughter happily run around the lot of trees to choose.
“What ‘bout this one,” Kami pointed towards a rather…dead looking tree.
“It’s dead, Kami,” Sakusa said straight out.
Kami pouted slightly as she looked at the tree. Even though it was dead, he didn’t have to bluntly point it out. “If we get that tree we won’t be able to put all your pretty ornaments you made for me and papa. Try looking for a greener one,” you encouraged her.
She nodded with a small pout on her face and continued to walk ahead of you and Sakusa. Once you see she’s far enough away from you guys, you look at Sakusa with a pleasing look.
“Why did you agree to this if you’re just going to ruin the experience for her?” you ask.
“The experience of looking for a tree?” he rolls his eyes. “Baby, this will be too much work to maintain and I’m not going to be the one to clean all that mess up.”
You took a deep breathe to prevent yourself from yelling at him in public and in front of your daughter. “I get that but you agreed to this so please keep it at a minimum,” you pleaded at him.
“Fine,” he mumbled.
It was quiet for a moment as the three of you continued to look for a tree but Kami just couldn’t find the perfect one. Just like you when you were little, she wanted to find the most festive looking tree just like the ones she sees in the movies.
After about 20 minutes of looking around, the three of you rounded a corner into the next aisle of trees and finally you heard a happy squeal.
“Mama! Papa! Look!” she pointed with a happy smile towards a green and full tree. The pine tree was so full that you could barely see through the branches so it was perfect to your eyes and your daughters.
But that happy moment didn’t last forever the moment you heard a scoff beside you. “No. Absolutely not. Do you realize how many bugs might be hiding in there. I’d rather you pick the dead tree than this,” he grumbles as he looks at you.
“Kiyoomi!” you snap. But before you could scold your husband you hear some sniffles. You and Kiyoomi nearly break your necks hearing the familiar sniffles coming from Kami. “Baby… Don’t cry…,” you pleaded.
Fat tears. All of the fat tears she could muster spilled out of her eyes. Kiyoomi’s dad instincts kicked in and went straight to comfort her but she shook her head with her hands out in front of her.
“You’re so mean, Papa!” she cries, almost making you want to cry, “Yur’ a grinch!”
Kiyoomi’s heart throbbed hearing Kami’s cries. He knew what she meant by being called a grinch. He watched to American movie with her for the first time a few weeks ago and it made it feel guilty.
“Hey, princess,” he said in a comforting tone as he slowly walked up to her again, “I didn’t mean it-,”
“NO!” she screamed. You knew she was on the verge of throwing a tantrum in public so you walked passed your husband to pick up your daughter who immediately wrapped her arms around your neck and legs around your torso.
“Shhhh, Kami it’s okay,” you comforted in a hushed tone as you rubbed her back. You turned back around with anger in your eyes as you looked at Kiyoomi. “Let’s just go home,” you said which only made Kami cry harder and Kiyoomi feel even worse.
“Baby-,” he pleaded, “I didn’t mean it like that.”
“What else did you mean, Kiyoomi,” you snapped, “I ignored your ignorance while we were dating and before we had Kami but I’m tired of it.”
You then walked away from him towards the car as you tried to calm your crying daughter down. Sakusa was left in the aisle by himself standing in a pool of guilt covered snow.
Yes, he wasn’t looking forward to the mess and possible bugs a real tree would bring into the house but he knew it wasn’t right to let it get to his head. He felt even worse knowing that you sucked up his grinch like personality all these years and continued to have the holiday spirit so he walked behind you towards the car in silence.
The car ride and the rest of the day going into the night was quiet in the house. Kami calmed down during the drive back home because she ended up crying herself to sleep. She needed to get her nap in anyways so you were kind of relieved but it still made you sad that Kiyoomi didn’t even want to mask how much he didn’t want a damn tree.
So you ignored him throughout the day. You couldn’t even look at him either so you stayed with Kami in her room as she slept and left him to sit in guilt.
Kiyoomi stared at the ceiling in the living room in silence as he tried thinking of ways to make up for his grinch behavior but he knew a simple sorry wasn’t going to cut it. He stressfully rubbed his eyes with the heel of his hands with a groan before looking at the time.
3:14 pm; he needed to go to practice soon but he didn’t want to leave you guys like that after what happened. So, he had an idea.
You didn’t realize that you fell asleep till you woke up with something poking your cheek. You hummed in question as you look over to your right and see your daughter with the same pout on her face.
“Hi, baby,” you smiled at her as your cupped her swollen cheek. She looks like Kiyoomi when she wakes up from her sleep, you thought. “Are you feeling better?” you ask.
She shook her head no and laid down on top of you. You could only say so much to console a child so you physically comforted her which seemed like something she wanted anyway.
You looked out her window to see that it wasn’t snowing anymore but it still stuck to the ground so you thought that maybe going to the park to play in the snow would lift her spirits. “Why don’t we go to the park? We can build a snowman,” you kissed her head.
Kami lifted her head with her sweet smile finally on her face with a nod. So you tell her to get ready while you left her room to let Kiyoomi know but he wasn’t home.
“Asshole left without saying anything,” you mumbled to yourself. You assumed that he went to practice since he doesn’t like driving in the snow too much so you brushed it off and got ready yourself.
After you and Kami got ready, you both left to house to walk to the park. Being there seemed to lift her spirits even more as she made snow family and snow angels. Kami also enjoyed you throwing into a pile of snow which what Kiyoomi would do in the backyard.
About an hour or so went by and it was starting to get colder so you and Kami decided to walk back home hand in hand. Kami kept giggling as she heard the crunch of her footsteps against the snow. You were lost in thought as you guys came up to the house to lost to notice that Kiyoomi’s car was in the driveway.
“Papa’s home!” Kami called out.
Your eyebrows scrunched together in confusion because he wasn’t gone as long as he usually is for practice. You brought your keys out to unlock the door and immediately went into shock.
Kami squealed in excitement as you were too stunned to speak. The whole inside of the house was covered in Christmas decorations galore. You almost couldn’t see your furniture because of how much lights and other decor was taking up every crevice in the house. And as if your daughter couldn’t scream any louder, there it was…the exact tree she pointed at earlier.
“Mama! It’s the tree!” Kami screamed as she ran towards the decorated plant as you remained at the front door too stunned to speak. Kami was too busy eye boggling the tree that was covered in the ornaments she made at preschool to notice how quiet you are.
“I had the team help me get it done,” a soothing voice said to you.
You looked over at Kiyoomi who you assumed came from the shower due to his wet curls. “Why,” you ask out of disbelief.
“Well,” he nervously laughs, “Hearing that your daughter called you a grinch is a good wake up call. And I found a cheap blanket to put the tree on top of to catch any of the dirt. I’m sorry about today… It was uncalled for…”
You couldn’t help but look at him in admiration despite how much you want to be mad at him. You couldn’t help it. You have seen you’re home decorated like this since you moved out of your parents house so many years ago. It felt like you were home again.
“Baby?” Kiyoomi calls to you due to your silence.
You instantly smile at him almost wanting to cry on the spot due to how happy you are. “It was uncalled for but I love it, ‘Omi,” you said to him.
You can see the stress leave his body as he let out a sigh of relief. It made you laugh a little bit seeing how hung over he was over the incident earlier. He walked over to you and wrapped his arms around your shoulders to put you into a tight hug. “Thank god,” he murmured into your head.
“Don’t get too relieved, my love. You still have your daughter to say sorry too,” you giggle.
“Ah…,” he smiled as he turned around to look at Kami who was still mesmerized by the tree with you still in his arms, “How does it look, princess?”
Kami turned around with her pretty smile — your smile, he thought. “It’s pwetty, Papa!” she said happily as she ran into his arms, “I love it so much!”
“Good,” he kissed her cheek, “Am I still a grinch?”
Kami giggled and shook her head no. “No more Grinch, papa. Pinky promise?” she held out her tiny pinky.
“Pinky promise,” he smiled as he locked his pinky with hers, “Now go get undressed, we’re having a movie night.”
Kami ran out of Kiyoomi’s arms with happiness radiating off of her. You couldn’t help but smile at the sight. You swear your cheeks were going to fall off.
“Hey…,” Kiyoomi whispered to you. You looked up at him with a soft smile silently answering him. “Look up,” he said as he pointed up wit his eyes.
You looked at him in question then up towards the ceiling to see a mistletoe attacked to the doorframe. Your cheeks flushed in red because even after all these years of being with him, you e never kissed Omi under a mistletoe. Kiyoomi smiled softly as he gently cupped your cheeks in his warm palms.
“I love you, Y/n,” he whispered against your lips before pressing a loving kiss on your lips.
You smiled into the kiss and even as he pulled away. “I love you too, Omi,” you said before he leaned his head down to give you another but longer kiss
“YUCK!!!” Kami gagged in the background.
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rowanraven08 · 2 months
Unsolicited tmagp rant no one asked for part 3 (hang in there guys this is a very all over the place one):
So. Idea. We know someone, presumably the OIAR, is listening. They’re able to tap cellphones and things too, not just listening through the office computers. It definitely could be the OIRA, they do seem like a likely suspect, they’re a government branch, they’d have the power, but what if it’s not them?
It’s not unreasonable to say the OIAR is connected to the eye, if the fears work the same in this universe (I’m running on the assumption they do) the it makes sense. Cataloging supernatural statements, sounds familiar. But we don’t know how long the recordings been going on. My thinking is that it’s Jon, maybe Martin? And Jonah, who is the most likely Augustus. So we’ve got two eye avatars in these computers, how do we know it’s not them listening in and tapping the phones and everything? We don’t know how much autonomy they have currently, I don’t think Jon (Chester) would choose to listen in, but maybe he’s making an exception since it’s a new universe? Or it’s involuntary, that he’s not able to control it, just needs to watch.
There’s also the case of Colin. He knows something for sure, whether that’s mainly paranoid driven conspiracy theories or actual information is yet to be seen. But it’s not hard to figure out whatever is going on is connected in some way to FR3-D1. Now the fact that Colin is sneaking some time on the computer in episode 10 is pretty telling. He knows he’s that messing with them could raise suspicion, seeing as he asks Celia to not tell Lena. He was using the work computers specifically so he needs to access something in FR3-D1’s program presumably. If he’s poking around in that code, digging through stuff he knows he shouldn’t, it makes me wonder if he knows about Jon, Martin, and Jonah(?). Because this man is thoroughly obsessed with this system, has spent nearly two years trying to figure out how it works. The voices have been reading out statements for a year.
I think the big thing about how much he’s noticed has to do with whether or not Jon and friends are actually coded in. Ofc with eldritch powers and stuff it’s possible they’re just there, consciouses stuck in there by spooky magic stuff. But to me at least, having their brains coded into this computer on its own is scarier. Think back to tma 65. About how you just couldn’t code someone’s mind into a computer, how the one story of a man who tried ended up stuck and awful and in pain. “The angles cut me when I think.” And I’m terrified that’s what’s happening to my boys right now, that they were somehow coded into this, and in pain because of it.
So if that’s the case and they have actual code there’s no doubt in my mind that Colin has seen that. And of course he’d know it’s not right, even if he doesn’t know for sure what it is. He also said that a YEAR ago (around the same time the voices would have started) he figured out it was “written with some kind of propriety German source code,” further supporting the idea that Augustus is Jonah. I also find it interesting the use of “propriety” here, maybe I’m looking into it too much, but a code isn’t something I’d describe like that. But the thoughts or brain of Jonah Magnus or something? I’d describe that as propriety. But if that is why it was in German, then they can affect the code in some sense, again, likely written in. He read what that code said, and if it said anything about Jonah, he would have seen it. He’d combed through this whole system enough to see something was written in German for god’s sake, IF THEY’RE CODED IN HES SEEN IT AND HE KNOWS.
I also find the interaction with Sam a bit weird, obviously, but I don’t mean the paranoia about being watched. When Sam brings up the email, he brushes it off. “If you’re going to get this worked up over a weird email, you’re going to freak when you see the real stuff.” I initially assumed he meant the statements by “real stuff.” But he doesn’t actually deal with statements. He could definitely mean the OIAR and how they’re (maybe) surveying them all. But just because the branch they work for is terrible and spies on them, that’s not really a good reason to brush off a weird INTERNAL email so quickly. Okay.
The OIAR is probably awful and evil. But they’re not gonna start sending emails from their servers from people who don’t officially exist. If I (someone who knows next to nothing about computers so don’t take my word for it) heard that there were internal emails being sent by someone not apart of the company, my rational assumption would be hacking, or some sort of security fault. But that’s not even a possibility to Colin, he accepts it’s weird without even thinking, and just says that there’s worse things. So if he’s not worried about it being hacking, I’m ready to guess he knows the emails are coming from the little computer men. So this isn’t a new thing. And I wonder if Jon tried sending Colin something before. So if a weird email is normal to Colin, and he knows where it’s from, then that’s probably what he’s referring to as “the real stuff.” Because the real stuff to him is computers, nothing else, to the point he dumps therapists cause they’re not tech savvy enough.
The bit in episode 1 is clearly suspicious too, “Best Colin can figure, something broke and whichever genius made the program ran some redundancy through the sound card.” BUT THATS NOT HOW IT WORKS. It was such a bad reason, that even Alice and Sam (who don’t have much knowledge of computers as far as I know) saw through it. Knowing Colin there’s no way in hell he’d come up with that theory and just be content to leave it be, and not spend all his time trying to figure out WHY. It was a lie, it has to be.
Now that was a very long and chaotic ramble, so uhh, to sum it up for folks who are smart enough not to read this, I think It’s Jon, Martin, and Jonah listening in and tapping phones, not the OIAR. And I think Colin knows they’re stuck in the computer, and is choosing not to tell anyone.
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vveris · 7 months
Loki and Sylvie are the same person. Shipping them is weird. Point blank. I’m going to go on a very long tangent but it’s just because I’ve been very passionate about this since the first season.
Before starting this, I’d like to make something very clear. Loki and Sylvie are distinct people with different life experiences and personalities. I get that. However that does not discredit the idea that they’re variations of the same being.
Ok so, let’s start very simply. How do I know they’re same person? Two things
1. Lamentis-1
Something I find most people overlook when claiming Loki and Sylvie are two different beings is Lamentis. Before this episode, it was established that nexus events are undetectable during world ending events, which is why Sylvie could live at the end of the world. But on Lamentis-1, Loki and Sylvie caused an event so unthinkable that they were able to be found by the TVA. That nexus event was them (or at least one of them) developing feelings for the other. Normally you’d imagine that someone developing feelings for someone else wouldn’t be able to cause a nexus event at the end of the world. But since they’re the same entity, falling in love with a variant of yourself is catastrophic.
“But couldn’t it be that the event happened because they’re just from two different universes?”. I can understand that, but Mobius, a man who’s literal job is to know anything there is to know about variants, literally points out how weird it is that Loki fell in love with himself later in the season. But if that’s still not enough to convince you, think about Miles and Gwen. ATSV clearly shows Miles falling for Gwen, and yet they don’t cause a nexus event. Why is that? Because despite being from different universes, they’re not the same being.
2. Speaking of the spiderverse:
Here’s the fun part where I get to explain the difference between a being, a variant and a destiny.
A lot of people who ship Sylki argue the point that if Loki and Sylvie are the same person, then so are Miles and Gwen. …no lol. See Diagram A for a very important explanation.
The base characters are what the movie characters are based off. The characters that branch off are their variants
As you can see, Miles and Gwen do not come from the same base character, but Loki and Sylvie do. Cool so if two characters originate from the same base character, they’re the same!!
Now, often I hear that what makes Loki a Loki is their role/destiny. And yeah! Part of a Loki variant is their destiny, but, destiny isn’t everything.
See the MCU Miles I put on my diagram? I wanted to prove that destiny isn’t what ties variants together. See, MCU Miles isn’t a hero, he’s just a one off comment Donald Glovers character makes. He is not a hero, not a spider person, just a nephew.
Similarly, ITSV’s Gwen and live action Gwen do not share the same role/destiny in their universes. LA Gwen was just a citizen, who died like a lot of her variants. ITSV’s Gwen is the outlier of her variants, her role isn’t to be a spider person, yet she is one anyways.
I’d just like to point out now that the reason King Pens multiverse machine brought Gwen and Peter and the others to Miles’ universe was not because it was reading Miles true DNA, but the unique mutated genes that the spider(pig, in Porkers case) gave the spider people. Idk if that was obvious to others but it took me a couple rewatches to figure that out (+ it help’s discredit the whole “Miles and Gwen are the same” thing.
Overall, Loki Laufeyson and Sylvie Laufeydottir are variations of the same person, even with different personalities and life experiences (because they wouldn’t be variants if they were carbon copies of eachother).
I had more points to make but I literally forgot since it’s been 5 hours since I’ve first got worked up over this. I will update if I remember :)
Ship Sylki all you want, just please don’t ignore how weird it is (and also how one sided and semi toxic it is in general)
Also, I’m so up for discussion as long as y’all are civil about it. I don’t want to argue with people who are passive aggressive or otherwise 👍
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moonsunpenguin · 4 months
DFF Theory (after after ep6)
I've only started watching the show Monday and basically binged all 6 episodes in one day. And since then my brain can't stop thinking of theories, so I'll just dump them here and maybe revisit them after ep7. This will contain spoilers (at least until episode 6).
I've read on here that the show is reminiscent of 90s slasher movies and I would agree with that. As it starts with how most 90s to early 2000s slasher films start: teenagers/early 20s going into a secluded area to have fun, drink, and do stuff, only to find themselves hunted by a mystery killer. 
I was never a big fan of slasher films but I do love puzzles and DFF poses a good one!
At the beginning we are told of a sacrifice-offering cult that may or may not reside in the woods where they're going. With this, they're already planting the seed that there might be some supernatural stuff going on in the area and added to the show's eerie vibe. It also gave the audience a plausible reason on why some characters (Tee and Top) were scared of a "curse". Why Tan, Phee and White are sure the things happening aren't supernatural in nature seems to hint that they are either skeptics or they know something the others don't.
The way Uncle Dang was taken out though, it boggled me at first until the latest ep where it showed he was also there when they first filmed at the cabin. It made me think maybe he was also present when those awful boys did whatever it was that they did. But given that it was relatively painlesslear compared to Por's days of agony, I'd say his involvement is probably very minimal. Maybe just like Fluke he just turned a blind eye?
The way the "masked man" was slowly taking the original friend group out one by one, feels like they want them to suffer but not by their hands. Like, they want the og boys to unknowingly be the cause of their own demise. With how Por ran unto a tree branch by himself and how Top took it out when he went cuckoo. Fluke was also suffering, the stress of taking care of Por and knowing he may not be able to save him accompanied by his fear of being a suspect in an investigation diminishing his chances of becoming a doctor. It's a feat that he can still think clearly. Even though we do see him almost crack a few times already. 
It feels as if whoever's behind the "masked man" wants the og boys to lose their minds and they are slowly succeeding. 
The last of the og boys that seems to not be close to losing his mind is Jin. It gives off that idea that maybe he's somewhat safe because he wasn't as bad to Non as the others. But, after learning that Phee is Non's lover (ex-fwb?), it raises the question: why would he get close to Jin? When he knows Jin is part of the group that were awful to Non? My theory for this is that, Jin did something worse than the other 4 did. He made Non think that he can be trusted and betrayal from someone you put your faith in to hurts a lot more than from others you consider enemies. And I think it's what Phee is doing, he's gaining Jin's trust so he can make him feel whatever he did to Non. 
Also, I feel like Tan and White are in on the whole scheme and one of them is New. 
I'm excited for Saturday so I can revisit these theories and maybe make some more after the episode
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shinescape · 2 years
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Hidden Stripes
Tiger Hybrid Hoshi x Healer Reader
tw: mentions of wounds and scars, a bit angsty :)
note: this idea struck me out of nowhere and here we are. enjoy the read! ✨
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Pacing was not enough, you need to see him right now. Biting your newly cut fingernails as you walked around the small cottage, worrying over your companion that hasn’t come back since morning. “I should have gone myself. Where on earth is he?” You stomped out of frustration. 
It was too dark now, you doubt he could see his way to your place if he decided to walk. Earlier, you had asked Soonyoung to gather some scattered branches further up north and he happily accepted your request. But now you regretted ever asking him to do such measly things. Without much thinking, you picked up the lantern that idly sat near the door, as if waiting for you to use it. 
Gripping tightly on the lantern, you took a deep breath before twisting the door knob open. The air was cold and temperature had dropped drastically, especially at this time of the year. The scattered tweeting and chirping from the forest birds was definitely more prominent and despite living there for quite awhile now, you were scared of what’s beyond the tall trees of the isolated woods. 
You managed to take one step out of the door when something in darkness knocked you back inside. You scurried away, eyes flickering to what it was only to find Soonyoung flat on the ground. He looked up at you slightly and gave that familiar smile as always. Lips curved all the way up as his eyes turned into crescents. “I’m back.” You stepped over to him and helped him up to the bed, kicking the door shut as you went. 
“Why are you limping, did you hurt yourself again?” 
“No, I sprinted over and got tired.” 
It was not answering your question but you accepted it for now. You told him to sit down, but he motioned his hand up and was about to take off the cloak he was wearing. It was a piece of garment you’ve never seen before and he wasn’t wearing it earlier when he left. “I brought back firewood as promised.” The hooded cloak fell off along with a bundle of thick wood that was on his back.  
“Thank you.” 
“Anything for you, my love.” 
Shaking your head at his words, Soonyoung laughed back in return. You walked over the fireplace and placed the new bunch beside it. As you turned to walk back to the bed, you saw him wincing as he stretched himself. He didn’t notice you hurried over to his side and jumped when you gripped his shoulder. 
“You are hurt.” 
“I told you, I’m not.” 
“Take it off, Soonyoung.” 
He chuckled, thinking you were joking but the stern look you gave immediately quieted him down. He may be stronger and feared by most but not right now. You watched as he reluctantly took the piece of clothing off and hung his head low after doing so. There was nothing unusual on his arms and torso but when you moved to see his back, Soonyoung backed away to the wall. 
“Let me see it,” He shook his head furiously, like a child protesting after not being able to get what he wanted. “Please?” you knelt down and cupped his knee, moved your head closer to see his face. 
“I hate showing it.” 
“But, it’s hurting you. The least I could do is heal them for good, hmm?” He was not looking at you still and his cheeks were fuller than before. Soonyoung was pouting as hard as he could, thinking you would change your mind and let it off this time.
“Fine.” He murmured out and you were glad he gave in. You crawled up the bed and sat right beside him. You held on his forearm and spotted him frowning at you. He was still putting on a fight. 
“It will be done in a minute, please?” You smiled a bit when he moved forward, revealing his full back to you. At that moment, your smile faltered instantly. He had multiple scars across his back. Some were fresh wounds and you wondered what caused it. You lightly touch the long strokes and without realising a tear trickled down as you counted how many there were. 
With eyes closed, you focused your energy on healing him. As the fresh wounds start to heal, the old scars won’t disappear. The purplish bruises were still there as well. For as long as you’ve been a healer, this never happened before. Before you ran away to the woods, you’ve healed all sorts of sickness and wounds, no scar will stay after the treatment. But somehow, his scars won’t go away. 
Soonyoung sensed your distress as you were still tracing the long strides and frowned deeper. “Why won’t they go away? It…it should be gone by now.” You sobbed feeling helpless that you couldn’t fully recover him.
“It’s fine. Those don't hurt anymore.” He heard you sniffling and was about to turn but you hugged him all of a sudden. Your action surprised him but he let you hold him. Tears trickled down your cheek onto his back and you couldn’t help but bury your face on his warm skin. 
Soonyoung may be different but he doesn’t deserve being treated that way. As you sobbed on his back, you wondered if he would have to go through this his whole life. You felt him patting your hand, trying to calm your sobs. “Don’t cry, sweetheart. Take it as my battle scars.” That made you cry even harder and arms hugging him tighter. You then move to rest your cheek on his back and could still see the faded scars. 
“I don’t understand. Why won’t they fade off like the rest.” The small cottage fell into silence after. He was still patting your hand lightly as if lullying you to sleep.
“I’m cursed. I’m not a true human. Maybe that’s why they won’t disappear.” You felt your heart squeezed at that and he continued. “I was passing by a farm earlier and stopped to see the cows,” he stopped to smile for a moment. “But I forgot I was in my tiger form so the farmer chased me and started hitting me. H-hey what are you doing?” Soonyoung eyes darted around, body suddenly feeling sensitive from the way you were peppering kisses on his bare back. 
“No one has kissed them better before, so I’m doing it now.” 
He unwrapped your arms, turning around, facing you completely. Face solemn as he took in your tear stained face. “Are you not scared of me?” 
“I think it’s a bit too late for that. Besides, you could have devoured me the first time we met but gave me wild berries instead.” You leaned closer, cupping his cheeks and smiled as he pouted at the memory of the first meeting. “I’m not afraid of you and I never will.” 
“And I’ll make sure to protect my dear healer for as long as I live.” His glassy eyes shed a tear as he held onto your wrists and leaned forward to kiss you.
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gayroman · 1 year
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OKAY SO the document has some incredibly embarrassing notes and ideas + its linked to my email with my full name so i'm not gonna share a link to it BUT here are some screenshots from it + pictures and stuff
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re-reading some of these, i have no idea what the fuck i was talking about
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i have no idea when these photos are from but they are sooooo tbhc the frontman #To Me
i liked the idea of the frontman coming with his band to the moon and being the in-house lounge band, (hence part one being "lounge singer shimmer") and playing there for a while. the part in star treatment about being a little too wild in the 70s, i think, could be imagined as the frontman is now a little past his peak - or at least, this is how the public/audience sees him. which i say because i think that a lot what builds up the character is the perception of how they are viewed by the people who consume the product, in this case, the art and the singer. i was reading annotations of tbhc songs on genius.com and i found this one for the lyric "maybe i was a little too wild in the 70s" that i wanted to use a bit as a background for the character: Alex Turner himself could never have been too wild in the 1970s; he was born in 1986. As such, here he is most likely playing the role of an aging rock star whose career peaked in the 70s and is now forced to get by as the resident singer at the futuristic Tranquillity Base Hotel and Casino on the moon. This narrator crops up a number times across the record and is used to draw parallels between his form of isolation and that of Turner.
i didn't want to see it as "forced" to take the job as the lounge singer, but instead as a way to seperate from earth, and who the singer was in the 70s - too wild. to be able to become a more refined artist (for lack of a better word). it might've been a post from you, or from a mutual or something, that talked about how alex turner will sing about the melacholia of achiving your dreams and the sadness that can come with that. i can't find the post but i do think this idea is very interesting, and can lend into the characterization of the frontman, and what drives his emotions. genius says this about star treatment: Turner personifies a washed up lead of the fictional band The Martini Police, and crafts a rich metaphor for how idolized celebrities are never seen except from a distance, similar to the light of a star. i think that the frontman should feel very disconnected to the people around him, less so to his band, but especially the guests at the hotel. just like how the monkeys went from am to tbhc, i wanted to add that a bit to the plot. the frontman, now sliding away from the 70s persona he had, wants to branch out and try something new. but sex sells! even though he no longer wants to be that guy, or play that role, he still wants to make something people will love. so its a bit about deciding to just do your own thing and create the art that you want to create without the worry of what the consumers will think. art, not a product.
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i hope this makes sense. please tell me to shut up if it doesn't.
i also wanted to play a bit into the idea of double lives, and personas and playing character, although i haven't quite worked that out yet fully. that's why i called part seven i think it was??? "i suppose a singer must die." i also considered using "what a death i died."
i think also themes from the car can also be pulled into this, because i think, more than any other two am albums, the car and tbhc are a little connected. with mr schwartz and how he, the actor mr schwartz, is connected very much to the people working on the set, who help him get into character. big ideas with coming up with something new and being excited about it. "your horrible new sound" lyric in sculptures of anything goes. the lyric about keeping on the costume to use as a writing tool in body paint. themes of being a performer rather than being a lover and being in love. but idk man, maybe this makes no sense at all. but the car and tbhc are sister albums To Me because they are my two favourite am albums and they will always be loved by me. ALSO pretty visitors and the look into fame at such a young age. also the dream synopsis and the bourne identity by tlsp.
i also thought a bit about how the hotel might look. the taquería - "the information action ratio", a lounge, obviously, where they will perform, a pool, a spa, all that stuff. so its most like a resort than a hotel. and i thought the line "everybody's on a barge /floating down the endless stream of great tv" and the idea of giving the hotel a little movie theater called "the barge" as a little nod to the lyric. visually, 2001: a space odyssey is, of course, a huge inspiration in terms of looks. i don't know if you've seen 2001 but there's this spot on a space station where its all very white and blank except for massive, bright red chairs. i like the idea of decor like that, maybe even a spot just like that, to pay homage to the film. i think also "retro realism" is a good jumping point. how people from 50 years ago imagined what the future would be like. blade runner, that sort of thing.
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i think also "retro realism" is a good jumping point. how people from 50 years ago imagined what the future would be like. blade runner, that sort of thing. 1950s astropunk. taking inspiration from older science fiction movies rather than newer ones. also vintage interiors and hotels that look like the one in the shining.
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i did also think about the idea of leaning more into a horror, like psychological, but i think it should be more of a study in character. a tbhc horror film would still be cool though.
so yeah. idk if any of this makes sense and maybe i'm off my rocker and don't understand the album at all. but it's a little fun to think about.
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firecoloredwater · 1 year
What if: it was standard for shinobi children to have an animal (a regular animal) sealed to them while very young, in order to give that child the animals’ abilities later, in a werecreature-ish way.  (Specifically, the type that has a distinct “inner wolf” with its own instincts, desires, and reactions.)
If everything goes perfectly, the result is a shinobi who can shift between human and animal size and shape, and also any combination in between, as well as having the option to give themself senses equivalent to their animal while in human form.  In exchange they have a few, controllable animalistic instincts/tendencies, like liking catnip, wanting to sunbathe, wanting to build/sleep in something nest-shaped, etc.
Of course things usually don’t go perfectly.  It’s pretty normal for shinobi to not have perfect control of shifting: that might mean they simply can’t access certain forms, or can be startled into/out of forms, or more specific things like “can use eagle eyesight, but only if shifted at least halfway to eagle size/mass.” It can also result in things that make being a shinobi completely impossible, such as someone with a rabbit sealed to them who exclusively reacts to battle by running or freezing, and can’t overcome the rabbit instinct in order to fight.  Or, in the worst cases, with the person being overwhelmed completely, turning into an animal, running off, and never being seen again.
I find this especially interesting because while you get all the usual werecreature opportunities (“hahaha no I don’t like him at all.  Can’t imagine why my inner animal is so mad at that other person for flirting with him!  No idea at all”) a character can have basically any animal that exists, BUT which animal they have is usually dependent on what their parents would choose/want for them, and not what necessarily suits them.  So some characters will end up at odds with their own paired animal’s instincts/traits.
Anyway!  I have lots more thoughts but I have rambled through the basics already, and I’m really curious what anyone else makes of this!
More tangential thoughts under the cut.
A sealing is believed to work better if A: it’s done while the kid is as young as possible, and B: if the kid and the animal are as close to the same (relative) age as possible.  If the animal is much older than the kid, it’s more difficult to use/control; if it’s much younger, it’s weaker.
Different clans have different traditions regarding which animals they use.
Some clans use one or a few animals exclusively.  (The Uchiha use domestic cats and hawks or falcons, with very few exceptions.  This is probably the most common approach.)
Some take that extra far, and have a specific breed of an animal that they created and maintain specifically for the purpose, which exists nowhere else.  (The Hyuuga probably do this, though I don’t know which animal they use yet.  Probably one for the branch house and a different breed/animal for the main house.  Nara, of course, use their deer, so they’re also in this category.  The Yamanaka might as well, but I’m undecided.)
Some use whatever is available/useful.  (The Senju did this.)
The Inuzuka are considered weird as fuck because they don’t seal their kids to any animal at all (because their dogs are independent people, and they aren’t going to seal their kids to anything ELSE).
I don’t know what the Aburame are doing.  They could probably seal bugs to themself?  But they also might just not seal anything to themself, like the Inuzuka don’t.
Culturally, sealing a bird to a kid is complicated.  It still happens a lot, because flight is so useful for a shinobi that needs to escape or spy.  But bird forms and traits are difficult to use in a fight (can you give yourself talons?  Sure!  But they’ll be on your feet, which is not nearly as convenient as being able to sprout claws on your hands) and are considered particularly Awkward for girls/women, because of the whole shirt vs wings thing.  Girls do still get birds sealed to them sometimes, though, just not as often as boys do.
It’s fashionable among shinobi to go around with a few of your animal’s traits visible, but you’re not supposed to keep the same traits visible for long.  So the fashionable thing to do would be to have cat ears during lunch and claws at dinner, and a tail the next day.  It’s a way of showing off control of your animal/its abilities.
But that’s like the supermodel version of the fashion.  Most people don’t have perfect control and being a shinobi at all is still impressive, so going around with the same animal trait visible all the time is still Very Cool.  (This interacted weirdly with Naruto’s whisker marks.  He tried REALLY HARD to convince people they meant he was cool, but didn’t succeed very well.  Some people thought he’d drawn them on.)
Most of my headcanons for specific characters are for the Founders because that’s the corner of fandom I’m mostly in, but:
Sasuke got a typical Uchiha animal sealed to him within a few weeks of being born (as would be normal for the kids of shinobi clans).  Probably a domestic cat but maybe a hawk of some sort.  He’s good at using/working with it in the way that he’s a genius generally and good at everything, but hates all instincts he gets from it.  He may have grown up hearing cute stories about how Itachi insisted that Sasuke HAD to get this particular animal, in which case he hates everything about it.
Naruto has the kyuubi, and no regular animal at all.  No one is sure if adding a regular animal after the fact will do something weird and dangerous to the kyuubi seal, and definitely no one wants to risk it.  This contributes to him being considered a loser in the academy, because he can’t draw on animal senses or other traits (like claws) to use.
Sakura, as the child or civilians, didn’t get an animal sealed to her at all until around when she became a genin.  Being a tween instead of an infant she had a lot more say in what she got, but she used that mostly for “what would Sasuke like?”  On the other hand she IS smart, so she probably picked something that’s known first for being pretty, but is also very useful.  A swan would work very well but is kind of the obvious answer.  A cat is also likely, especially if Sasuke has a cat too.  Regardless she struggles for a while with how to keep the animal happy/cooperative, since she’s not used to having non-human instincts or desires and finds some of them a bit embarrassing.
Kakashi has a wolf.  He REALLY wishes he had a dog, or at least a wolf that looked more like a dog, but.  That’s a wolf.
Hashirama has an Ussuri brown bear.  Powerful, impressive, but not overly aggressive; a very good standard (Future) Leader/Clan Heir animal.  Butsuma might very well have the same, and if not, he probably has a Japanese black bear.  (The Senju don’t limit themselves to one animal as a clan, but they do have sometimes very specific thoughts about what’s appropriate for/conducive to someone’s position in life.)
Tobirama has a dog, either Kai Ken or Kishu.  Useful, obedient, loyal, but not particularly friendly to anyone outside his immediate family.  Great for the second in command/backup heir.
Itama has either a Blakiston’s fish owl or a Long-eared owl: great for sneaking and spying in places/ways that bears and dogs can’t.  Mostly this was to cover the bases that Hashirama and Tobirama didn’t.
Kawarama has a boar: powerful, dangerous, and aggressive to the point of recklessness.  It was meant to make him a better weapon.
Madara skipped the “domestic” part of the Uchiha standard domestic cat and has a tiger.  He likes to give his hair stripes.  Unusually (for a shinobi that has the ability) he almost never gives himself claws because that would ruin his gloves.
Izuna has a... well, a bird.  I’m eyeing the black kite (known to spread fires in order to hunt) and Lidth’s jay (aesthetic corvid), but really any hawk/falcon/similar would work equally well.  Could get into eagles too.  (Or hummingbirds, for humor.)
Mito probably had an ordinary fox, and had some thoughts about binding the kyuubi to the ordinary fox in order to eventually merge them and make the kyuubi a bit more mortal/manageable.  It didn’t work though, for her or for Kushina (who might well have had an entirely different animal to begin with) and Naruto doesn’t have a regular animal at all.
I think that edo tensei summons just... don’t have their animal anymore.  It’s a flaw that frustrated Tobirama immensely.  All of those abilities are gone, so in this verse edo tensei versions of people are significantly limited relative to how they were while alive.  Not enough to make them weak, but it’s a pretty dramatic omission.
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copperbadge · 2 years
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Kinda did a punchlist for my cleaning tasks today! Getting ready for the holiday season, at least a little. 
I now have a bin of “craft stuff that needs completing” and some of it is easy to do, so this morning I made and hung a fabric holiday wreath, which came as a printed sheet of fabric with the instructions on it (I like to keep the instructions so I sewed them to the back of the ribbon hanging from the wreath). I was able to stuff it because I went into storage and got out both the big bag of stuffing and also my eldritch fake Christmas tree. I was thinking of trimming it, but I’m traveling and would rather trim it when I get back in case the cats get Ideas. 
I also sewed a few masks that were waiting to be completed (not pictured), and then I managed to find the fusible fabric backing at the same time I found the stuff that needed fusing, a miracle in itself, so I trimmed and “backed” all the smaller cross-stitches that I had done, which will go onto something as patches at some point. All four of the ones you see were from patterns designed by @shitpostsampler (the Mickey ears was my own design -- from before Disney was being quite such a massive dickhead -- and I condensed the Cheese Is Hubris pattern, but both used a base design from shitpostsampler). They have a lovely shop full of patterns and kits here! 
While I worked I listened to “How Charlie Trotter Made Chicago A Culinary Capital” by Citycast Chicago; I did NOT care for the remarks made by the filmmaker being interviewed, and I think her description of his behavior indicates why Chicago’s culinary scene is so deeply, profoundly toxic. Also listened to The Indicator’s “Crypto and GDP Quiz” (missable) and “The Origins of Russian’s Drones” by The Journal, which was both depressing and unsurprising. Shocker: most of their drone components originate in countries sanctioning them. 
[ID: Three images; top left, a photograph of my front door, a heavy-looking grey door with a peephole; hung on the door with a strip of dark thread is a fabric wreath showing small woodland creatures on a green and red background, with a large red fabric “ribbon” hanging from it. Top right, a Christmas tree, designed to look like a birch branch with lightbulbs on the ends, actually looks more like some kind of tentacle monster; it is not yet trimmed, but has hooks glued to it for later trimming. Bottom image, four small cross-stitch designs; they read “There’s no being sorry under late capitalism” with an image of Mickey Mouse ears, “All Cheese Is Hubris” with a pattern of babybel cheeses, “Sin Bin”, and “Cursed Object.”]
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quanticowrites · 5 months
Future Planning (Branch Connally x Reader)
•• I hope you all enjoy! ••
Holding your phone up to your ear, you could already hear the annoyed tone of Branch's voice. He was out with some high school buddies and you'd promised not to call him. You hadn't anticipated crashing your car in the ditch and getting stuck inside. You were just happy you were tipped on the side and not on the roof.
"(Y/n)-" He started.
"I crashed my car." He stopped whatever he'd been starting to say and went still. You heard the bar's music in the background. It was a George Strait song.
"Did you call 911?"
"You are 911."
"Not three drinks in I ain't." He sighed. "Are you alright? What happened?" You winced, looking down at your legs. You knew they weren't broke, but they were trapped where the car dented inwards. You were pinned.
"The car's on its side in the ditch by Willow Creek...and I'm stuck in it."
"(Y/n), Jesus Christ!"
"An Elk jumped out in front of me! What was I supposed to do?"
"Don't swerve to avoid it!" You heard the music get quieter before ultimately hearing the door to the bar shut behind him.
"Oh yeah, because hitting it head-on is a much better idea." His lack of a response told you he got your point. The engine of his truck revved as he got inside.
"I'll call the station and get Ferg out there. I'm on my way too."
"Thank you, Branch." He huffed.
"Don't thank me yet, you're still in the car." You smiled. "I'm going to hang up now baby. You'll be alright?" You looked around at the interior of the car and took a shaky breath.
"I'll manage."
"I love you, (Y/n)."
"I love you too, Branch." He hung up and you stuffed your phone in your jacket pocket. Without Branch and with your newly broken window, you were able to hear an Elk call in the distance. Probably the one you'd almost hit. A dog howled closer. At least you hoped it was a dog. The last thing you needed was a pack of wolves to find your crashed car. This stretch of highway past Willow Creek was surrounded by acres of protected forest. It was also a great place to think, which is why you'd been driving through in the first place.
Branch was the first man to give you a shot. You'd never even been on a date until your mid-twenties. Being a bigger girl most people weren't interested, but Branch had been. The moment he'd met you as a "Secretary in Training" to Ruby at the Sheriff station he'd go out of his way to talk to you or buy you coffee on his way to work. Ruby loved having you around as she started to ease into a full retirement, and the more time she took off the more time you had with Branch. Almost a year ago the two of you moved in together at his house. Now you were thinking about the future, the future you wanted to have with him. You wanted to ask Branch Connally to marry you. It wasn't very traditional for the woman to ask the man, but you couldn't stop thinking about asking him. You'd been driving this stretch of highway to think for years. Before you made any major life decisions you drove from Durant to the next town over to think with a clear headspace. Thankfully, you weren't that far out of Durant now. Considering Branch was probably at the Red Pony, he wouldn't be much longer.
You perked up at the sound of a truck engine. The tires squealed as Branch put his foot on the brakes.
"(Y/n)! Damn it, girl, you didn't tell me it was this bad!" You laughed, tears brimming at the edge of your eyes. It wasn't that bad, honestly, but it was scary.
“I'm fine!”
“You know you can't lie for shit.” He hissed out as he attempted to turn the car over by himself. “Damn!” He huffed. “You wedged it in there, this bitch ain't budging.” He sighed. “Ferg better hurry the fuck up with that tow truck or I'm kicking his ass.” He went quiet for a minute. “You sure you're alright?”
“My legs are pinned but other than that…just a little shaken up.”
“Yeah, I bet.” He clicked his tongue against his teeth. Something he did when something was on his mind.
“Okay, say it.”
“Say what?”
“Whatever you’re thinking about. You did that tongue thing again.”
“I don't do a tongue thing!”
“Yeah, you do, I just heard it!”
“How the hell could you possibly hear that from inside the car?”
“You're like directly next to me, Branch. Come on.” He let out a small laugh.
“Fine, fine. I was-.” You both went silent as the sirens on Ferg’s Dodge Charger started to echo through the hills. “Took him long enough.”
“Don't you blame Ferg, you probably broke the law getting here.”
“Did not.”
“Oh, then how fast were you going?”
“The reasonable amount when your girlfriend calls you and says she crashed her car.”
“Which is?”
“You don't wanna know.”
“(Y/n)! You okay?!” Ferg yelled as he ran up to the car. “Oh my god!”
“I'm fine, Ferg! Just…flip me back over!”
“On it, (Y/n). The tow truck drivers hooking up the cables now.”
“Do it slow. Her legs are pinned.”
“You got it, Sir.” The new voice must have been the tow truck driver. You looked out the windshield at the sideways view of the creek bed. Your headlights illuminate the cattails and tall grass. You could see the water tricking past. Looking at that helped calm your nerves a bit, but trying to keep your head up at this angle was getting tiring.
“Alright, you ready to be turned right side up?”
“Okay, brace yourself!” You tensed up and screwed your eyes shut as he turned on the tow truck's pulley and the car started to shift. The metal of your car groaned as the pulley slowly brought your car back to being on all four tires. You held in a yell at how it jarred your entire body, not wanting to worry Branch or Ferg any more than you already had. You’d just barely opened your eyes again and Branch was right at your window, leaning in.
“Fucking Christ, (y/n), you weren't kidding when you said your legs were pinned.” He reached down and tried unlatching the door and cursed under his breath. “We're gonna have to cut you out of there. Ferg! Tell those Firefighters to get the Jaws of Life up here!”
“Firefighters? When did they get here?”
“They came as backup in case we needed ‘em.” Branch grunted as he tried to pry the door open again. “If we couldn't get you out ourselves.” You nodded, trying to ignore how hot he looked with the red and blue lights illuminating the side of his face. Now wasn't the time to be thinking that. He smiled. “I gotta get out of these guys' way so they can get you out. You do what they ask, alright?” You smiled back at him.
“Yes, dear.” He tried to be cool as he backed out the window, but failed. He bumped the back of his head on the top of the door. You could hear one of the firefighters laugh.
After the Firefighters got you out and had an EMT give you a checkup, Branch loaded you into his truck and drove you both back home. You went to get out of the truck yourself but Branch got his arms under you and carried you into the house and set you down on the couch. He left you alone for a few minutes before coming back into the living room with a bottle of whiskey and two glasses of soda.
“Here. Figured you'd want something stiff.” You took one of the glasses and held it up as he poured in some whiskey before taking a nice long sip. You sighed.
“Thank you.” Branch settled at the other end of the couch and poured his glass. He turned, licking his lips. “Hey.”
“You never told me what you were thinking about back at the car.” He blinked.
“Oh, right.” He shifted so he was facing you, sitting on his legs. “What were you doing driving out there?”
“You know I think better when I'm driving.” He nodded. Wanting more. “I was thinking about…asking you something.” He leaned back a little.
“Ask me what?” He said, setting his glass down. Giving you his full attention. Well, this wasn't how you pictured asking Branch but…after tonight you needed to tell him.
“I…wanted to ask you if….you’d want to marry me.” You jumped at how fast he threw himself onto you and slammed his lips into yours. You felt the glass of whiskey slip from your hands and clink onto the table. Somehow managing not to spill a drop.
“Course I’d marry you.” He puffed out as he pulled away, wiping at his mouth. “That's a stupid question. You're the best girl a guy could ask for.” He smirked. “You need me to remind you how much I love you?” You could feel the blood rushing to your face.
“I wouldn't mind.” He laughed, climbing off you and whisking you up into his arms.
“Then let's get Wedding planning.” He headed toward the bedroom.
“The bedroom?” He winked.
“That's where the best planning starts.” You weren't sure what kind of planning you could get done in the bedroom, but you couldn't wait to find out.
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@stanathanxoox , @nikkiwierden , @malindacath , @havlindzk , @countrygal17a , @memyselfandmaddox , @octobersmog , @mizzezm , @diaryofafan17 , @emmitheacefangirl , @a-sad-excuse-of-everything , @marennnx
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bloodgutsdevilcake · 2 years
In her Room on her day off, Luisa struggles with letting herself relax so you try to help her but she ends up helping you instead.
SECOND PERSPECTIVE, Use of the nickname “cutie”, Praise kink, Soft dom loisa, Body worship, Fingering, Hickies on the thighs, Eating out, 69ing, overstimulation
1991 words
After the miracle got restored, Luisa has been trying to get better about taking breaks, “trying” being emphasized here. She schedules herself to take a day off at least once a week so as not to overwhelm herself and to give her time to get used to doing nothing. Luisa had never been good at doing nothing. Even now as she sits with you eating lunch her hands are twitching to do something. 
"Can someone help me-" you hear Peppa start but as she enters and sees Luisa stand abruptly from the table, disturbing both of your glasses, she turns back around to find someone else, cautiously. Luisa huffs, her shoulders slump and she has a pout that makes your gut twist. Taking Luisa's thick, strong arm gently in your hand, you guide her to sit back down next to you. Your hand glides down from her arm to her hand and you hold it gently, like it’ll break.
"How about we go back to your room? That way no one can interrupt your day off." You suggest, knowing full and well that it'll take a little more convincing to get her to follow you. She’s stubborn at the best of times, but that’s one of the reasons you loved her so much. Her strong resolve always made you feel secure. You could not waver on this, she needed a break, she deserved a break and deserved to be able to relax just like anyone else in the village. 
“C’mon, love. Wouldn’t it be easier to relax in your room?” You got up and guided her out of her seat, she let you lead her all the way to her room with the smallest smile as you held her hands so softly. 
“You’re right. I need to take a break.” She reluctantly agreed. You lead her over to her bed and let her sit on her own. You took off your shoes, deciding comfort is the most important thing right now, and stepped over to the record player. You selected a light guitar vinyl to set the mood. When you returned to Luisa, you sat behind her on her bed and started to rub her shoulders. She hummed in appreciation as you rubbed the knots out of her muscles.
“Thank you, cutie.” Luisa blushes, her hands covering your own on her shoulders. “I really appreciate you being patient with me.” 
“Of course, I just want you to feel comfortable. You deserve it, after everything you do for everyone.” you hum smiling back at her. She reaches behind to scoop you up and places you on her lap. She kissed you, her lips firm but her hands on your hips were so soft and comforting. She moved away from your lips and placed little pecks on your cheeks. Her arms wrapped around you and pulled you into her sturdy form, she was so warm which contrasted the stone detailing in her room. Her chin sat atop your head as you cuddled, your hands reaching around to rub and lightly scratch her back. 
“You know,” Luisa hums “I think I just thought of the perfect way to relax.” You looked up at her curious. Of course you want to help her in any way you could with whatever idea she came up with. When she met your eyes, she leaned down, startling you with a kiss. She was slow, even with the abrupt start, but forceful. It contrasted how gently she held you, how softly her big hands trailed up the middle of your back to cradle your head, her fingers slowly entangling in your hair. Her hands didn’t move an inch when you both parted slowly.
Breath only returned to you when you held her honeyed gaze. Her brows were furrowed but her smile held such a contentment to them, like holding you was all she ever needed. Her breathing slowed from the kiss and you relaxed enough to let your hands wander over her. You traced along her spine branching out to her shoulder blades. Her breath hitching at how slow and gentle you were, barely tickling the skin down her biceps. Your hands held her shoulders firmly, asking her to fall back onto the bed. 
“Today’s supposed to be about you.” you pout, your form barely shadowing her as she laid before you, blushing beautifully. Slowly you reach to untuck her shirt from her skirt, your other hand cradling her cheek. You straddle her waist keeping closer to her torso. You want to see her, see all the faces she makes, you want her, everything she is, is a treasured moment you refuse to forget. 
“Is this okay?” You rasp your hand under her shirt to rub soothing circles against her waist. When Luisa nods, her voice failing her as she tries to catch her breath, you trail kisses up her neck smiling. As soon as you trail your hand any higher, she rolls the two of you so she’s on top, careful not to put too much weight on you, just enough to hold you down. You gasp, out of surprise and the sudden weight against your pelvis. 
“Hey, hey I’m supposed to be on top this time. I wanna make you feel good.” you stuttered, looking up at her hunched frame cradling you on the bed. She nuzzled her face into your neck, the wisps in her hair tickling against your skin. 
“But,” she breathes in, inhaling your scent, “You’re just so-” Luisa sighs, hugging you closer. “My cutie, I just can’t help it.” You wrapped your legs against her waist giggling slightly. She untucks your shirt, throwing it off you as fast as she could without ripping it, not that you minded. Her head went straight to your chest, trailing kisses around your nipples and up your throat. 
“You’re so beautiful.” she hums taking her own shirt off, exposing her chest, but before you could reach out she dived back down to play with you more. Your arms wrapped around her as you moan out praise. She left red and purple marks down your neck and chest all the way down your hips, just before your pants. 
“Let’s get rid of these,” she nearly ripped them off as she pulled off your pants and replaced them with kisses and nibbles starting from your ankle down the inside of your leg. “Look at you,” Luisa purred, “so good, you’re doing so well, cutie.” Her hands reached you before her mouth could, gently prodding and rubbing your hole. You couldn’t stop twitching, each callus on her fingers, each bump and wrinkle, each kiss she gave you only added to your burning core. Your fingers found purchase in the waistband of her skirt.
She took the hint immediately, only parting from you enough to pull her skirt and bloomers off. Now, with you both naked, you laid in the bed together. You played with her boobs, kissing and sucking on them from under her as her hand went back to your hole. Finally, she entered you, the tip of her finger pushing through you, stretching you out so prettily for her. It barely burned after she started pumping into you. 
“So pretty, so good for me. You’re doing so good.” She hums looking at you through her eyelashes and soaking in your moans. When she added another finger, you whimpered. She was going so fast, you could barely keep up, but it felt so good. Her thumb rubbed at your sensitivity. Her lips attached themselves back to your neck, whispering sweet nothings into your skin. Her other hand held firm on your hip, stopping it from bucking or even twitching. There’s going to be a bruise on it later, you knew, a bruise of her hand left by an ongoing orgasm, the perfect sign that you belong to her. 
She added more fingers up until you trembled around her but even then she didn’t stop. She relentlessly rubbed you, attacking that specific spot in you that had you sobbing out, for more, for a break, it didn’t matter to you at that point. You needed something and you trusted her to give it to you. Give it to you she did, at your third orgasm she finally pulled her fingers away from you, leaving you empty and shaking. 
When you thought she was finally done, you tried to get yourself on your elbows, before she pushed you back down. Her face aligned with your quivering hole, watching it contract around nothing, before she leaned down to your thighs. Slowly she took the skin in between her teeth, sucking and nipping blue and red marks into them. Claiming you, keeping you close, and overstimulating you to the brink of stupidity. You feel so warm with her. She’s so soft with you, keeping you close without ever crushing you. She would never hurt you, but she could. She could lift you over her head, throw you, crush you, but she never would. She wants you safe and happy, and you always are with her. 
Your thoughts are drawn back to the soreness between your legs when you feel hot breath tickling it. You gasp out when you feel her wet tongue lap at you. You were still wet from your previous orgasms and your slick started covering her chin as she continued her assault against your most sensitive parts. You looked down at her, your hand grasping at her hair while your other holds her hand, fingers intertwined. Through all of this debauchery, the stimulation sending your nerves on fire and keeping your head fuzzy, all you could think about was how beautiful Luisa looked. Her eyes were so focused on your sex and her mouth was glistening as she mumbled how good you tasted. Her hand holding you down flexed against your twitching hips, the veins protruding and fingers digging into you. The one holding your hand was softer and relaxed but desperate to keep you there. You needed her. You needed to feel her twitch around you, just as you had around her. 
“Please, Luisa, my love, let me pleasure you too,” you gasped, causing her to look up and meet your eyes with a lifted brow. 
“Of course, cutie, ” she smirks at you, shifting so that her pussy is over your face while she has easy access to your hole. You lean up to lick at her clit. You swipe your tongue around it, earning a groan out of her which vibrated through you. You felt the need to bring more out of her like an itch in your veins needing to be scratched. She was addicting, her scent, her taste, you needed everything. 
Luisa shook above you as you licked through her folds. Her thighs clenched and she dripped onto your face just as you released. She faltered onto her elbows, taking deep breaths. You rubbed her ass, soothing her from her high before she sat up. She moved to spoon you from behind, holding onto your waist keeping you near her chest.  
“You did so good for me,” she rasped, her voice scratchy but calming. You huddled in her chest turning so you could hug her back. 
“How are you feeling?” you asked, voice small and cracking. She pulled you closer to her. You were so tired, you didn’t think you could keep your eyes open anymore. 
“I feel great! I could use a nap, though.” her giggle rumbled through her chest, making you feel lighter than before. You can’t help but smile, not only had you finally gotten Luisa to enjoy her day off but her happiness has always been contagious.
“I could too. C’mere.” You held her impossible close as you both nodded off in your messes, not even bothering to cover up from the cool air. You didn’t need to, Luisa gave you plenty of warmth as you wrapped one leg over her waist. You finally dozed off when you heard Luisa’s light snoring.
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