#i frickin love jax
bibbysstuff · 8 months
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an-albino-pinetree · 5 months
Warnings: Disturbing imagery, mutilation, blood, freakshow au
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Respawn company.
I was extremely inspired by the awesome doodle @sm-baby did on her blog, of Caine tearing the fuck into Jax, for the audience’s amusement
This was a lovely excuse to draw something nasty lookin 👍🏻
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jaxthekat · 2 years
My mans, my dudes, my lads...
Sometimes I think about ArtFight and I just MISS it so much
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starrtoon · 8 months
I have a personal rule
I don't allow characters that resemble animals in my lovelies list
But Jax is on thin frickin ice
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sephythespooky · 6 months
my first crush on a furry character in a show since i was a child and it's HECKING JAX
uuugh, of course it is.
and no, buddy, Eli doesn't count cause i've loved him since he had SKIN. but he is a furry now and i'm so proud of him <3
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navybrat817 · 2 years
aye i am not that anon who asked but if u wrote for jax i would combust instantly JUST ONEFIC PLEAS i frickin love sons. me n other anon r cool like that
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Between you and the other nonnie, I'm shocked as hell! I honestly feel like some days I scream into the void some days with my fics, so it amazes me that anyone wants a new character from me. ❤️ I will say Charlie's face claim will be used for an OC in a fic down the road (DARK, so not everyone's cup of tea!).
Look at that smile. It isn't fair. You and the other nonnie put a big smile on my face.🔥
Love and thanks! ❤️
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hotdamnhunnam · 3 years
Now that your rhyming has been brought to attention, I’m hopping into your inbox to say your poetry isn’t clownery, it’s frickin’ clever af!!! How you’re able to churn out so many rhyming lines is so creative, and it’s one of the things that makes your writing and fics so uniquely wonderful!
Also since you’ve been powering out drabbles of different Charlie characters these past few days, it’s reminded me that another fabulous thing you do is getting across the different personalities of his different characters! Most noticeably for me is the savagery of Jax, the nonchalance of Ray, and the cheekiness of Charlie himself!
(And I know my identity behind the 🍪 has been revealed but I did sign up to claim the emoji so heck yeah I’m gonna make some use out of it 😜)
- 🍪 anon
Omggg 🍪 anon you’re seriously gonna kill me someday with your praises!! You’re always too sweet to me I can’t take this 🥺
I hope I can live up to your kind words as I continue writing shits (and don’t worry I’ll keep your identity a secret 😜)
Hugs upon hugs, I love you so much!!! ❤️
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nedyma · 7 years
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nala-raines · 4 years
Chapter 1 Reminiscing
Adrian Raines x Nala August (MC)
Summary: Few months after Rheya’s defeat, Lily’s death, and telling the world the truth, Nala is both proud of Adrian for running for the Senate, and she’s terrified of what their future may hold. So, Adrian takes her on a surprise trip to spend some time alone together. But he has something he want to ask her for a very long time. But no matter what happens, they both want to make one thing clear on this trip, that no matter what happens, no matter what comes their way, they want to go through it. Together.
Author’s note: I know this is very long, but I hope you read and enjoy it. And this is the beginning of what I would want from BloodBound 4. 
If my friend Heidi had told me everything that was going to happen to me right before I moved to New York City, I would have thought she was crazy. Looking back back now, I can’t help but laugh at most of it, and wonder how I survived it all. But I made it through with the help of Adrian, Kamilah, Jax, Gaius, and of course… Lily. I miss her every day. But I’m so thankful for everything that she, and everyone else has done. Especially Adrian.
A few days after the press conference I noticed that I was weaker than normal and something felt off. Adrian noticed it too, he thought that feeding would fix the problem, it helped a little, but it wasn’t until I had human food that I felt better. Then one day I had stayed at the Shadow Den and left right when the sun was coming up, but then I got out of the cab ready to run to the front doors at Raines Corp., but the sunlight didn’t hurt. I wasn’t burning at all, Adrian was at the door staring at me trying to get me inside when he noticed that I wasn’t burning as well. He still ran out to get me, but that when he noticed the sunlight didn’t really hurt him either. After running a few tests, we guessed that when I gave up Rheya’s powers, some of my vampiric abilities, like the weakness, left me as well. I’m pretty sure the serum made a few permanent changes to Adrian’s body. They just took awhile for those changes to develop.
After hearing that, I was worried that Adrian, as ridiculous as it sounds, would leave me. Between the grief of losing Lily, the thought of Adrian going  through the same pain and grief of losing me a few months earlier, and with Lily gone I can’t help but remember the other people I’ve loved and lost, the bad relationship between me, my sister, and parents, it was just too much. When I told him, he just held. Told me “I love you.” a few dozen times in 3 minutes. He also let me bury my face in his shoulder or chest and cry, until I fell asleep. He’s always been there when I need him, and I know that he always will be.
A month after things began to settle down, he started planning his campaign to become the first vampire senator. I am so proud of him. That would be another thing that I never thought would happen, me dating a senator hopeful, but I don't really care what he does as long as I’m at his side and he’s at mine. Even in the middle of his campaign, he had planned us a trip to Paris. After dinner in a restaurant inside the Eiffel Tower, a trip to the top of the Eiffel tower, we decided to go back to the ‘Love Bridge’ to see if our lock was still there. When we found our lock, he said, “ I have to tell you something.”
“What is it? You know you can tell me anything.”
“ I did get you a Solstice present last year. I just didn’t want to make you feel pressured or lose you because of its purpose.” He told me. Looking at me in the eye, with nothing but love and adoration, but there was a hint of what seems to be… nervousness.
“Purpose?” I said confused, “What ‘purpose’ could the gift have that would make me feel pressured?”
“Nala… You know I love you, don’t you? More than anything in this or any other world? No matter what or how you're feeling, or how worried you are that I would… leave you.” He asked me worriedly, like the idea of me not knowing that he loved me so much, would kill him. “I need you to know that no matter what happens or what you do or what you say, I would never leave you. Never just … never.”
I had only seen him this desperate one other time. On the day I died… but there seems to be something else in his eyes, those beautiful gray eyes. I remember the first time I met him, the first time I looked into his beautiful gray eyes. Somehow I knew back then that he was the one, the one I wanted to be with, forever. Right now those eyes are filled with worry, nervousness, and hope. “Of course I know that you love me. I know that you would do anything for me. You show me everyday, multiple times a day. I know I’ve been a bit distant lately. After Lily… and I started becoming more human… I just felt overwhelmed. I started to feel like you could do better than me. Kamilah and Serafine are just so amazing … so in that cloud … I just began to wonder why you chose me.”
He looked at me sadly, “Nala, you are the bravest, sweetest, selfless, kindest, and craziest woman I have ever met. The way you see the world, help people you don’t even know, every single day, you surprise me with something about you that makes me love you even more.” I’m shocked and feel tears well up in my eyes. He's always been the most amazing man I’ve ever met, but somehow he just keeps getting better everyday. He’s looking at me with such love, such adoration… Oh I’m definitely gonna start crying happy tears now. And as usual he wipes them away. “Why are you crying, Love? Are you hurt?” He asks worriedly.
Ever since I became more human, I started having periods again. But my senses are still heightened so the pain is worse than before. To top it off they're a bit irregular, they started to become regular, but it’ll probably be irregular for a while. Adrian hates it when I’m hurting or sick, he especially hates it then I cry because of pain. Although, today this isn’t the case. “Don’t worry I’m not crying because I’m in pain. I’m crying because of you.” I tell him, while smiling.
“Because of me?! What do you …?” He says worried. I press my lips to his. Giving him a soft kiss. Before I decide to continue.
“I’m crying out of happiness, Adrian.” I tell him smiling widely. “You make me feel so loved and cherished everyday. You hold me, tell me how much I mean to you several times a day, everyday. When I’m filled with doubt, or feel alone, or feel depressed and filled with sadness, you're right there next to me. Like last week, I couldn’t stop thinking about Lily, while you were in the middle of your campaign and trying to teach me how to run your company, you stopped and held me close and tight in your arms, let me cry on your shoulder, even though I was wearing mascara, which ruined your suit when you had a meeting with your managers a few hours later.” We both chuckled at that last bit.
“A suit means nothing to me. The campaign, the company, doesn't mean a thing to me, if you are sad or unhappy.” He says looking me in the eye. A slight smile on his face.
“I know”, I say laughing a bit. “And that means the world to me. You make me so happy. I’m just so glad that you choose to spend your life with me.” I give him the most loving smile and give him the sweetest, most loving kiss I can.
He puts one hand on my cheek, the other on my waist holding me close. “I’m the one who’s luck, Nala.” He says softly. “I’ve put you in so much danger, I’ve done… monstrous things right in front of you.” He says remembering ferals, Vega, ferals again, Langdon, Priya,the crpytoferals, the Order attack the last time we were here and the one at Vlad’s castle and at the Order headquarters, Rheya, feral island, and last but Certainly not least, Rheya again. I cringe slightly remembering everything. But nothing that happened could’ve stopped me from being at his side. He breathes out a sigh, but before he can continue I say.
“I chose to be right here next to you. I have no regrets, and remake every last decision that I made just to here. Right here. Right now.”
“And you have no idea how grateful I am to hear that.” Adrian says smiling a little. But there’s that worry and nervousness again.
“Adrian is everything, okay? You seem nervous and worried.” Then I remember something he said a few minutes ago. What gift could have a purpose that would make Adrian nervous? “Adrian, what did you mean earlier? When you said you were nervous about the gift's purpose.”
Adrian looked down shyly and is definitely nervous now. He takes a deep breath, lets it out slowly, and begins to speak, “I … I love you. I love you, so much. Everyday, I thank the Lord that you are here next to me. I find it hard to believe that you are next to me, you could’ve had any one in the world and you chose me. A 300 year old vampire.”
“267 years old.” I correct him.
“Heh … Right.” He says before continuing, “I know that you are the bravest, sweetest, most amazing woman I have ever met. Better than Kamilah. Better than Serafine, Celia, ...and Eleanor.” The last one he says looking me directly in the eye.
I’m shocked, stunned speechless. I’m better than his frickin’ wife. The Mother of his first and only baby. His Beautiful baby boy, Charles. I know that they died over 200 years ago, and he grieved them ever since they died. But still … I’m moved, but still, that seems like overkill. “Adrian you don’t need to…” I try to say.
“No Nala. I mean it. The way I feel about you … the way I feel when I’m with you, no one else has been able to trigger. I’ve felt this way since the moment I laid eyes on you, when I walked into your interview… I honestly had no intentions in hiring an assistant, but I felt like if I let you go then, I would have regretted it everyday for the rest of my life.” He looks at me with some much love and adoration, I feel it everywhere in my body. I feel blush rising in my cheeks as he continues to speak. 
“I love you Nala August. I always have and I always will. I want to give you everything in this world. You say that you’re lucky that I chose you to be at my side. But the truth is, you could have chosen anyone in the world to be with and yet you chose to be with me.” He paused a moment trying to piece together his next words, as if he wanted everything to be perfect.
“Nala, I love you with all of my heart, all of my strength, all that I am. You possess me body and soul. I would give up everything I have, do anything you ask of me, just to keep you at my side. I brought you here because this is the place where you first said “Our eternity”. The place where I want to tell you that I want that as well. I wanted to ask you to take the biggest leap of my life with me. But only if you want to take that leap with me.” 
With that he let go of me, and proceeded to drop down onto one knee, pulling out a small box from his coat pocket. “I love you, I can’t really say that enough. As long as I live and breathe, I will tell you those three words, whether your answer be ‘yes’ or ‘no’. I want to see your face every morning when I wake up. I want your face to be the last face I see before I fall asleep at night. With everything that has been said tonight in mind, I ask you this. Nala August, will please do me the honor of allowing me to become your husband?”
He then flips open the velvet box, revealing a large diamond ring. The diamond in the center was enormous, and surrounded by smaller pink gems, all of which are on a double rose gold band. I’m stunned speechless yet again. He could’ve offered me a ring pop and wouldn’t have changed my answer. But my hands are covering my mouth, for a moment while I take in the scene. Adrian, down on one knee, offering me a giant diamond ring, after he asked me to marry him. I really, really, really hope I’m not dreaming right now. He’s staring at me, his eyes filled with hope and nervousness. The thing he doesn't know, is that I’ve known my answer since the day I met him.
“Y… yes.” I say quietly, just barely a whisper.
He looks at me, his eyes shining, hoping that he had heard me correctly. But before he could ask me again.
“Yes. Yes! Yes, Yes, YES!! Oui, Si. A thousand times Yes!” I say almost screaming. He breathes a sigh of relief, pulling the ring out of the box, sliding it onto my left hand ring-finger. But before he could stand up and kiss me, I tackle him to the ground, kissing him with all of the love and passion I can give him. He returns each kiss happily, with the same love and passion. I can faintly hear people cheering and clapping in the background. We separate long enough for him to pull us up, and he takes us back to the hotel where we are staying. 
We both decided to wait a few days and live in our perfect bubble, before telling our friends and family. In those few days, we walked around Paris, toured some sites, and several private celebrations with just the two of us. All the while, we discuss when, where, and what decorations we will have at our wedding.
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odetolove · 3 years
I FRICKIN LIVE FOR THE ASASI ANON SHIT!! @ Asahi mod you are friggin amazing i love you your writing is beautiful and makes me horny and just don't go anywhere pleasee (jax's side is amazing too but that's a given cause she's amazing)
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inkstained-wretch · 4 years
No one from this fandom needs to try to get Jax fired. It’s fine to let off steam and complain but it’s just not ok to try to get someone fired.
so u ok with ppl dying because of an irresponsible physician’s assistant? doctors and nurses from wuhan frickin moved away from their spouses/children to protect their family from getting the virus and jackie just fucking lets him be around her??? NEWSFLASH! the corona virus doesnt fucking care about your love story! covid can not only straight up kill u even if you’re healthy, it can make u a murderer.  ur irresponsibility can straight up kill ppl. idk about y’all but i literally cannot afford to get covid and i don’t wanna die because of some selfish people who think they’re above everyone and ignore public health policies.
i wonder how alma feels that scott is marrying someone who has ZERO regard for his life?
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2012 Kpop
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Now, let’s talk about K-pop groups you may or may not know about. 2012 brought a wave of awesome new groups. I was fairly new to the K-pop scene so I just went exploring and discovering new groups and boy am I glad I did that, because now I can tell you all about these hidden gems:
So in this year, Gangnam Style happened, yeah everyone knows that bUT DO YOU KNOW WHAT ELSE HAPPENED??? YEAH, THAT’S RIGHT, B.A.P DEBUTED!!! They were amazing, ruthless, powerful, just wow, no wonder they became my ultimate group right away cause did you see their debut MV?? Bunny aliens that invade the earth to save their dying planet?! it was wild y’all Also you should definitely watch Bang&Zelo’s Never Give Up, although it was released in 2011 I’m still gonna mention it here, because it was that good.
Debut: Warrior - B.A.P 
Another debut that many people may know is that of EXO. Before their real debut, they actually had released some mv’s like History (y’know “enjoy the mayo”).  I don’t know what it is with aliens this year but they seem to like this concept because also EXO turned out to be aliens with special superpowers from a dying planet named EXOPlanet. Till this day I can still hear the iconic “When the skies an-”
Debut: Mama - EXO
Y’all know GOT7? Then y’all must have heard about JJ Project a.k.a JB and Junior!! Jaebum and Jinyoung appeared in the k-drama Dream High 2 just before their actual debut, and boy did I LOVE Dream High 2. So obviously I was sToKeD for their debut, and they didn’t let me down. You should definitely also listen to Hooked.
Debut: Bounce - JJ Project
Let’s talk about my humongous crush on Jung Ilhoon, shall we? That boy man entranced me from the very first beginning. BTOB’s debut was wow, ilhoon was wow, I was wow. I remember watching their MTV Diary late at night, I watched them all and my mom got mad lol but I was so so so into BTOB, and along with B.A.P, they were my ultimate favourites. (pssst.. MTV Diary BTOB is still one of the best reality shows out there, i’m not saying you should watch it but i think you should, they are absolute crackheads)
Debut: Insane - BTOB Wow - BTOB (!!)
VIXX debuted with Super Hero and they had a comeback the same year with Rock Ur Body. Both VERY good songs and that’s why I’m so mad it isn’t on Spotify, this was my jam y’all, why you gotta do this to me, just put in on Spotify please. They actually have more songs from their earlier days that aren’t on Spotify :((
Debut: Super Hero - VIXX
Okay, then AOA happened. I absolutely LOVE their debut song, 10/10, chef’s kiss, just listen. Till this day Elvis and Get Out are my favourite AOA songs. 
Debut: Elvis - AOA
DO YOU KNOW C-CLOWN??? YOU SHOULD cause without this group we wouldn’t have that frickin’ handsome hot sexy Aussie dude named CHristian Yu, insta: @/dprian (thought i was gonna say Bang Chan or Felix? ¬‿¬)  They debuted with Solo but you should rather watch Far Away Young Love, this mv is so good, the story line, the song, the boys… 12/10. Sadly they disbanded back in 2015 and all the members went their own way. Christian founded DPR, and “Maru” or simply Jaejun debuted again in 2019 with the group TREI (you should definitely watch their debut mv, i love it so much)
Debut: Solo - C-Clown
Let me tell you about a group that literally said in a song that they “f*ck like a p*rnstar”. Yes, it’s a South-Korean group from 2012 we’re talking about. Big Star. They are iconic, unapologetic, energetic, i freaking love them. They all went to the survival show ‘The Unit’ in 2017 and you may know Feeldog from that. “I rap like a monster and I f*ck like a p*rnstar….my rap always kills the track, at night I always kill the girl” yeah they did that
Debut: Hot Boy - Big Star (this debut is uhh… interesting)
Y’all, this group deserved so much better, I mean, their songs were absolute bops but I guess they were just ahead of their time. The Wonder Boyz! Wonder Boyz were being mistreated by the CEO of their agency, they were assaulted, verbally abused and the CEO allegedly also stole from them, it was horrible to hear this, they had so much potential. I liked how they made the songs theirs, matching it to their unique voices. So far I know they only have two mv’s. After their disbandment, they all went their own way and I’m happy to report that they are doing well. Young Boy changed his stage name into Roscoe, and is now part of DPR (we gang gang), K or Taehyun is now active as Owol (definitely listen to Why), Master One is now known as V-Hawk (Tokki mv) and I don’t really know what happened with Bak Chi Gi but some sites say he became an independent artist.
Debut: Tarzan - Wonder Boyz (This one’s really good i swear) Open the door - Wonder Boyz 
More debuts worth mentioning:
Nu’est, the big brothers of Seventeen! Their debut song was a bop, really, and Ren was so beautiful. Also, I really digged their hair styles. Face - Nu’est
Y’all know the legendary female Park Jimin from ASC? Y’all know her beginnings with 15&? Y’all should watch these angels: I Dream - 15&
Ailee also starred in Dream High 2 and her debut song was so so so good, just listen. Heaven - Ailee
Lee Hi!!! Love this girl. All her songs are good man. 1, 2, 3, 4 - Lee Hi
100% They were just HOT. Bad boy - 100%
Lunafly yO these kings deserved better. I mean, an acoustic band singing in Korean, English ánd Spanish. If you don’t know them, you missed something good. Super Hero - Lunafly
GLAM said gay rights, just look up their lyrics. Do I need more things to prove that their debut was iconic? Party XXO - GLAM
D-UNIT 2012 was the year of the badboy aliens but let’s not forget the badgirls because they killed it. Luv me - D-UNIT
24K they debuted with Hurry up but their comeback U R So Cute is just so cutesy and very different from their debut concept, ngl that song is my guilty pleasure.
The year of the humble beginnings of EXID! Before Up&Down, there was Whoz that girl - EXID
Tiny-G you may know Min Do Hee from her acting in Reply 1994 and Gangnam Beauty. Their debut mv is soo cute Minimanimo - Tiny-G
A-Jax I remember being really intruiged by their mv’s, not really sure why but just take a look yourself: One 4 U - A-Jax, Hot Game - A-Jax
Mr. Mr. no not that song of Girl’s Generation. They have a whole history with members leaving and members being added but if you overlook that, they still have some good songs worth mentioning. I actually don’t recommend watching their debut song, just watch one of these: Do you feel me, Waiting for you
Big Bang’s legendary comeback: Fantastic Baby 
G-dragon’s Crayon a.k.a my go-to shower song
Super Junior had a comeback and they were Sexy, Free and Single and ready to bingo ;)
Just Teen Top had a comeback with Be ma girl a.k.a the proper way to ask yo crush out
Beast (now Highlight) summer comeback: Beautiful Night
Block B’s released some really good content like Nillili Mambo and NalinA
Boyfriend as angel/demon princes !! Definitely a must-watch: Janus
B1A4 had a really good year, I loved all their comebacks: Baby Good Night, Baby I’m Sorry (you either love it, or hate it), Tried to walk
Shinee’s back with Sherlock a.k.a soy un dorito
Also the year f(x) swept us away with Electric Shock
Some more iconic things worth mentioning imo:
BTOB and B.A.P had a dance stage together and it was a-ma-zing
This  🤯 KMF 2012 really gave us the best performances
Teen Top on Weekly Idol doing random playdance and turning violent
B.A.P’s killing camp and Ta-Dah! It’s B.A.P and MTV Diary B.A.P I’m a sucker for B.A.P, is it obvious ?
Actually all MTV Diary’s from 2012 are top quality procrastination content (C-Clown, MyName, VIXX, JJ Project, BTOB, B.A.P)
This compilation pretty much sums up 2012′s vibes 
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ghoststar-au · 5 years
Blogs I Admire
In no Particular Order
Warning: This is literally just me showering praises over all of these artists and having fan panic attacks. I love of these creators with all of my fragile little heart.
As the title says, this list has no particular order. If you asked me to try, I'd curl up in horror.
1. @badgerclaw-of-shadowclan
I'm going to be honest- I came for the awesome gore pic of Swiftpaw's death. It was so detailed and realistic, I keep grinning when I see it. That was a gore standard I aspire to meet. When you get agitated messages from people not apart of the warriors fandom in the notes despite tagging it, you know you did good.
On that note, I'm also very sheepishly thankful for them pointing out that cats are rectangles. That'll probably help me in the long run. Style will be something interesting ro develop and I definitely want them to be an art parent.
2. @climbdraws
Aaah! The acurracy! The fantasy! I think I've bumped into their YouTube account? I'm not certain but if they're the same account I'm thinking of, I'm gonna cry. I love anatomy and the expressions. It's that semi-realism that I'm aiming for with my work.
3. @am-i-too-old-for-warriors-yet
Just look at that anatomy. And all of the improvement. That's some inspiring crap right there. And it's not just with cats either because they do dogs and asdhklfk. Okay, okay. I'm calm now.
...no I'm not. Ahshfhfksojeijejldf
4. @eviadriart
Not much for me to say here other than the backgrounds. And i say there's not much for me to say because it goes like this:
Them: *posts picture*
Me (happy): *sobs*
5. @trunswicked
Look. I am a simple cat artist. I don't understand other species' anatomy. So when I see stuff like this, I lose my freaking mind.
Reptiles are not my strong suit (and as an httyd fan, that hurts to admit) and dragons are next to impossible for me sometimes. It's a lot of practice I need to do and I'm aware of it.
So while I came for the awesome cats, I stayed for the AWESOME dragons gah! I need to get on that level.
6. @songsteps-designs/@songsteps
Everything they make is so frickin fluffy and soft looking. The cats are fluffy slinkies that fight like they're dangerous. Their Jayfeather design is amazing and this is a hill I will die on okay?
7. @annoyinghorse
Look. I have a confession to make. I was and probably always will be a Saddle Club gal okay? Horses are terrifying amazing creatures that deserved fear respect from everyone. I love horses but their
Anatomy. Freaking. Sucks.
I praise anyone who can draw horses properly ans especially different kinds of horses. I'm always so happy to see their work cross my dash and they took the Horse!AU idea and ran with it and I-
There is literally one other blog I saw with this but I saw annoying horse first and I will always associate it with them.
8. @clockbirds
...shut up. I'm not crying over art, you're crying over art. Just because they have awesome backgrounds, amazing textures, gorgeous dynamics, faint worthy fantasy creatures-
*sobbing intensifies*
Okay so this one is a little personal. When I first startes drawing warrior cats, I came across their DeviantArt. I fell absolutely in love with this style and everything about it. This is exactly where I wanted to take my skills and abilities for so long. I loved the art they did for all their rp's ams stuffs. It's a literal goal in life to reach a point where I can look at their art and then at mine and smile concluding I finally got to that starting line.
And I mean it. I've always considered them the starting line. The line where all the well esteemed and fantastic artists branched. That is the level I desire to meet. When I draw my battle cats, this is what I want to achieve and everytime I see their work I'm reminded of it.
This got really long but yeah, they're an art hero of mine. Appreciate them.
More to come and this list will probably end up extensive so yeah.
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vandalshq · 5 years
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oh my goodness !! can you believe we have the privilege to accept ten amazing applications? thank you so much to everyone who submitted an application and put time in effort into our funky little meme group. we are so incredibly thankful for all of you.
under the “keep reading” you can find all of our acceptances and a nice little note about your application from the admins! 
although we’re going to open in less than twenty four hours, you will still have the full twenty four to submit an account! unless receive a message from you asking for an extension, we’ll sadly have to reopen your role!
we’ll see you all tomorrow at 5pm EST to roll out the accounts and send out the discord link!
did you let the goats out [THE BABY DOLL]? or should i call you... [ALESIA WILLIAMSON], if that’s even your real name.
max: tina, we’re so glad to have you in the group! i absolutely adore alesia and she’s such a stellar baby doll. leigh anne? also a goddess. everything about your application was great, but i especially loved your touches on her true loyalty towards her family and how she often feels like being kind can be an obligation. i can’t wait to see what else you do with miss sia! welcome!
ruby: wow i love u kind hoe!!! honestly sweet characters who have their limits and just frickin SNAP are so interesting to me and i????? fell in love with sia immediately. i love her devotion to her family no matter the cost, and i cannot wait to officially meet this legend
did you let the goats out [THE BENEFACTOR]? or should i call you... [MAXIMILIAN BEAUREGARD VANDERBILT], if that’s even your real name.
max: mr. maximilian... you are the alpha max. Blease be my sugar daddy. karina, i am in love with this man. matt is such a spicy fc choice for him and really only bass boosts my love for him ngl. the benefactor sincerely has one of my favorite motives and i loved the way you worked with it. thank you for bringing us such a spicy king and i can’t wait to see you put this amazing character into action. welcome, welcome, welcome!
ruby: okay karina i see you???? i loved reading about maxim’s family relationships and how that influenced the man he is today. also… pls… pay my college tuition. i’m thorsty. i’m so glad you went with the idea of the benefactor being older, because as the development of the group went on that’s totally the energy i kept getting. we don’t stan business majors but we DO stan maxim.
did you let the goats out [THE BENEVOLENT]? or should i call you... [CAROLINE IRVIN], if that’s even your real name.
max:  caroline... a true legend. brenna, the benevolent is such a sweetheart and you did such a great job capturing this. i shed a heart shaped tear at the mention that caroline cried after receiving a b on a test. my heart hurts that the unholy trio may not let caroline live. i can’t wait for caroline to throw some great parties at nana’s and to see all the great things you do with them! welcome!
ruby: brenna you really Did That, huh??? i can’t wait to meet the queen of peer pressure hrtgefrsd okay seriously, caroline deserves the world and like.. why’d you bring her to leighton? nastie, nastie florida. NE-WAY, can’t wait to scare tf out of our queen ((:
did you let the goats out [THE DIRTBAG]? or should i call you... [SETH WOODS], if that’s even your real name.
max: seth is my husband now sorry about it. for real, i have a weakness for him. a soccer player and a certified prankster? i hope the one girl he’s got the feels for is me. on a real note, i love everything that you’ve done with seth thus far and can’t wait to see him in action. charlie, you’re doing amazing. welcome to hell!
ruby:  seth??? oh, you mean my bf, right! you captures the dirtbag’s energy so well, charlie, i just cannot believe!!!! and none of the wayback boyz being cis? iconic and legendary, thank you for blessing us, wtf. 
did you let the goats out [THE FACADE]? or should i call you... [JINSEOK “JAX” HEO], if that’s even your real name.
max: jax… a sweet sneaky child. joanne the scammer is fucking quaking. i love the idea of how he tried to specifically reinvent himself after moving and i can’t wait to see all the stuff he tries to get away with. sincerely jax is my hero. i can’t wait to get to plot with him and see him scam the entirety of leighton university! welcome! 
ruby: i’m so glad that jax is just.. someone i want to beat up. listen, alex trimboli was one thing, but knowing jax on a deeper level and reading about his loneliness?? really made me feel for the character more than i already did i… i’m gonna punch him for being so loveable while also being so hateable. i’m so excited to know this wildin dood
did you let the goats out [THE MATERIALISTIC]? or should i call you... [CESAR REYES], if that’s even your real name.
max:  thank you so much for blessing us with cesar. seriously, i’m in love with one (1) asshole and his name is cesar reyes. diego is sexc and was an amazing faceclaim choice too like wtf?? i’m in love with everything about cesar but i’m particularly (eyes emoji) to see who he’ll have his eyes on. i hope it’s me! i’m kidding. maybe. regardless, welcome!
ruby: vandalshq is cancelled, welcome to my cesar fan blog. okay look, i.. I gotta be honest- i’m a little whipped. you captured the carefree energy that the materialistic gives off so well, and i’m SUPER eyes emoji about his alibi tbh.. no spoilers (;
did you let the goats out [THE NETIZEN]? or should i call you... [VIOLET CHAMBERLAIN], if that’s even your real name.
max:  moe… loml… thank you for blessing us with the netizen. i want to give violet the biggest kith. i loved how you made her an astrophysics major and your touches on her anger. i love an intelligent and angry queen! i can’t wait to fall even more in love with violet when i see her on the dash! welcome to leighton!
ruby: hey angry legend!!! listen, it’s been like two days and i.. still can’t stop laughing at GOAT LUVR. please for the love of god, use me as your fortnite skin violet fhjgryterfwd. okay seriously your application was fantastic and i adore your daughter. thank you so much for applying, love!!
did you let the goats out [THE SIREN]? or should i call you... [KRISTINA ‘KIT’ CASSIDY], if that’s even your real name.
max: sabrina carpenter as the siren… can you see the sweat dripping off my forehead? kit is such a queen and i’m in love with the whole “hey violet meets haim meets billie eilish” concept. i can’t wait for kit to make her comeback and see all of the amazing things you do with her. welcome to leighton! 
ruby:  this was such an interesting take on the siren i was so HYPE reading your application, kee. listen.. I love a good loser turned HBIC story, and her band????? had me gagged, i would have never thought of it. i love that you made the skeleton your own while also keeping the same energy the canon character had. kit pls kiss me
did you let the goats out [THE TRENDOID]? or should i call you... [NICHOLAS “NICO” BRITTON], if that’s even your real name.
max:  nico is a king. seriously. i loved how you decided to go more in the awkward direction with him and can’t wait to see you play him out on the dash. for confidentiality reasons i can’t go into detail, but that last paragraph on the motive section of your application? SPICY. i’m so ready for all things nico. welcome!
ruby: laaaauuuraaa you did that!!!!!!!! the “fake it till you make it” approach to living is so interesting, and i’m so glad he’s more of a mess than i am uthgrfed. you really had a great concept of the confusing charm that the trendoid holds, that feeling of being both the biggest meme AND everyone’s dirty little secret. i’d kith him
did you let the goats out [THE WISEACRE]? or should i call you... [HARPER FITCH], if that’s even your real name.
max: harper… my… heart… god i am in love with them. the wiseacre is my favorite skeleton (on the dl) and bria, you did such an amazing interpreting them and creating this spunky little character. i can’t wait to see harper in action and see what they do to follow up #freebetty. my new philosophy may be my least favorite song ever but i love it oNLY for harper. welcome, babes!
ruby: this character is a whole headache like… thank you, bria. harper, please protest the launch of this god awful rp thanks thurgekrfsd okay NO listen i!!!!!!! i screamed, this application was so detailed and fun, and you had the most beautiful pinterest board, as well as such a fun mock blog. those musing posts??? exactly what i pictured for the wiseacre!!!!
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marshmalleaux-queen · 5 years
Pokémon Let's Go Pikachu: thoughts so far
My team thus far:
Pikachu (M) - Timid, Takes plenty of siestas
Daxter (M) (Beedril) - Sassy, Likes to relax
Karpe Diem (M) (Gyarados) - Timid (ironically), Likes to thrash about (unironically)
Izroul (M) (Kadabra) - Lonely, Nods off a lot
Jax (M) (Machoke) - Sassy, Somewhat vain
Other Pokemon I caught that aren't part of my team but I still like:
A female oddish named Ladydrake (like mandrake)
A female Paras named Library
A male Mr. Mime that I've named "Ash'sRealDad"
Pokemon I want in the future:
A Gastly for my main team, because to this day I still frickin love Gengar
-In the likely event I cannot fully evolve said Gastly, I will keep it as a Haunter, use it explicitly for traveling purposes, and name it Ghost Rider
Reviving the Helix Fossil I got and naming it Lord Helix (I wanted him for my main team but if that's on Cinnabar then I'll have to reconsider my options)
- Alternatively I could capture myself a Pidgeotto/Pidgeot and name it Bird Jesus, then I'll have a way to fly and still keep the reference ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
- Just found out you can't ride Pidgeot what the hell. fuck okay Bird Jesus won't fly then
Other random thoughts:
Resisting the urge every second to rename my Pikachu Ryan Reynolds (Much like I resisted naming my first Fennekin "Firefox" like everyone else did)
Zippy Zap is broken
I named my rival Blue because I figured he was just some redesigned version of Blue who would act/talk the same and I wanted to stay true to the RBY games, but then the ACTUAL Blue showed up after I beat Brock and I was like "ah fuck" now there's two Blues and I am WAY too far in to change my mind
- That being said the actual Blue is kinda cute in this game ngl
Can I no longer talk to my Magikarp now that he's evolved into Gyarados? Is he now reduced solely to being ridden? Can I no longer raise his friendship by interacting with him? Am I only able to raise it now just by walking?
- I have a thought that since I can talk to Pokemon like Persian and Rhyhorn as I'm riding them, I must be able to do the same with Karpe Diem - but until I can surf with him (Er, 'scuse me - "sea skim") I won't know for sure
On that note can I never interact with Pikachu like I did before now that he's on my shoulder?
I am still waiting for the day where I can walk with my Bisharp and Hawlucha and Phantump. All the games have been slightly off from being the perfect game for this. HGSS had the "following" mechanic for 4 generations of Pokemon, but it wasn't Gen 5/6 yet so I didn't get to have my favorites. XY and up had Pokemon Amie/Refresh, which let you have some of that closeness with your babs. SM/USUM had walking animations ready for 800+ Pokemon but didn't use barely any of them. Lets Go used some very good and versatile 151+ walking/interaction animations but didn't use the rest of the 700. My brother says it'll never happen and that I'll never get to walk with my Bisharp, but unless Satoshi Tajiri personally comes to my house and tells me himself that my living blender will never follow me down Victory Road, I refuse to believe it will never happen
I know it's called Let's Go Pikachu/Eevee and that's the point, but I'm still going to be mildly irked that you can't pet your other Pokemon like you can Pikachu/Eevee
You can pick your skin tone at the beginning and wear matching (or mismatching) clothes with your starter partner but you can never change your hair or eye color. There's no option for people with green eyes (I don't have green eyes but I know this'd probably piss off a lot of people who do) and you can't be the whitest skin tone and have dark hair. So essentially I can pick from 50 different outfits to play dress up with my electric mouse but if I want to look like my pale-ass, dark-haired IRL self then I'm shit outta luck I guess
Jessie and James are here and they're very true to their anime counterparts, that's pretty frickin cool, but Meowth should be talking imo
Shorts are still comfy and easy to wear
I'm still not as hot as Brock
I still got scammed out of 500 for the Magikarp but jokes on him bc Karpe Diem is gonna wreck everyone's shit
I'm a little gay for Lorelei
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baracks · 7 years
backstage question anon here !!!! i love talking about this show honestly so what are your thoughts on the relationships???? I LOVE BECKETT AND VANESSA and i’m ???? with alya and miles because they’re both really immature with the whole “frances! it’s either him or me” and alya had an ego and miles was just,,,, extra also what’s up with the whole kit and jax thing ???? why????
Hello!!! And yes ik Vanessa and Beckett are just so perfect together i love both of their characters individually and together its just an overload of amazingness
And yeah ik what you mean about miles and alya..the whole season I was like why are you both playing yourselves and each other you’re obviously still in love….Im obsessed w their whole ‘connection’ thing and they sound so frickin good when they sing together but individually both of them did some dumb things this season
And kit and jax are so disgusting !!  When jax was like who’s that cutie and kit turned around I straight up wanted to die i liked it so much better when they were nemesis-friends and kit just called jax out when he was being stupid…..when they’re together it’s gross af lol
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