#i get that the dance of the dragons is an important prequel event so it obviously cant be changed
like-sands-of-time · 6 months
Wait wait wait, explain it to me like im dumb (I am)
Viserys wanted, "needed", a son as his heir so there would be no question of succession. Sooo why was aegon 2 not immediately named his new heir? And if it's a matter of waiting a year or something to make sure he lives then fine, on his birthday? The king can change who his heir is as many times as he needs I presume, it's sort of his right as the top dude. Don't tell me he thought everyone was just cool with rhaenyra as future queen when nobody was cool with rhaenys, including the old king himself
I imagine he likely would have married his daughter to his son were they closer in age to eliminate that problem, but if he did that rhaenyra would have been almost too old to *start* having kids so with that NOT being an option doesn't she immediately take the same cast off position that eldest daughters and second sons do? Am I missing something lol
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ceoofhelaegon · 1 year
In HOTD the “prequel” episodes should’ve been confined to 3 instead of 5 and those 2 episodes should’ve been spent with the green kids, specifically Aegon (older Aegon).
He’s our 2nd main character and we know NOTHING about him going into S2 and the main action other then he’s a r***st and a pos.
All his canon character traits like going to flea bottom, alcoholism, whoring, being a sex addict and a libertine, being depressed over his inheritance etc are all either just implied, hinted to or viewers heard from the books or actor interviews. For most of us it’s the books. If you only watched the show you know nada.
On the other hand we spent SO MUCH TIME with Daemon. We saw what he casually gets up to, kinda a view his daily life, we got to know him in what I even think was too much screen time. He’s an important character but not a main character so the most time should’ve been spent on rhaenyra (5+ episodes of focus) and Aegon (10 minutes max of screen time and in 90% of that we just see him and don’t get to know him at all or it’s already the main action)
We also spent so much time with Leanor who hardly has any significance in the Dance or later events.
We spent so much time on the Stepstones debacle even tho it has little to no contribution to the main plot other then one mention of the triarchy during the dance. The stepstones plot was done imo as a way to flesh out Daemon’s character and Daemon and viserys’s relationship.
But am I wrong when I say “was that really that important and crucial to take up 5 episodes?”
Look how unfair and unbalanced the info we have on rhaenyra vs Aegon is. We see rhaenyra grow up, we see an hour long well rounded view into her life, hardships, conflicts, friendships, etc that shape her into who she will be as a character and her behavior in the later action. By the time we see her in episode 8 and the real action begins she’s a character we’re already familiar with.
Instead we could’ve gotten a good 2 episodes looking into the daily lives of the green kids at the Keep. We could’ve seen Aegon in flea bottom, wandering drunk around the keep, being dragged out of brothels, partying, sneaking out at night, creeping around serving girls in a book canon way, slacking off training and lessons, bonding with or riding Sunfyre, his relationship with his siblings and family outside of only showing us the conflict parts
The whole thing with Daemon stems from “famous actor syndrome” meaning that if an actor less well known than Matt Smith was playing Daemon we wouldn’t be spending as much time with him.
GOT had Sean Bean, I was looking into the promo for GOT season 1 and it was only Sean Bean. GOT firstly attracted viewers because of him.
Kit Harrington and Sophie Turner talked about how all of the actors had to learn Sean Bean’s northern accent because Sean Bean couldn’t do RP.
I think the same could be applied to Matt Smith, without a shadow of a doubt he is the most famous actor in HoTD, and neither him or his fans would like to have him in the sidelines.
In regards to Rhaenyra, regardless of my feelings of the character, making her the protagonist was a mistake. She doesn’t survive the whole Dance, and her death occurs way too late to be like Ned Stark dying in season 1, so we would shift focus to other characters.
Alicent survives the whole Dance, her character is one of the most important to be build up for it. Cregan doesn’t do anything to her to avoid another war breaking out.
Targaryens are supposed to be otherworldly, if we got them through an outsider’s perspective it would make much more sense. Alicent seeing Rhaenyra flying on her dragon and seeing how insane this was, and how Rhaenyra saying that Alicent should ride with her would be a great set up.
Seeing how Targaryens only care about their own, no matter what they say is also a good way of seeing it through Alicent’s eyes.
Aegon, well…he should’ve been the focus of the narrative as soon as Rhaenyra leaves for Dragonstone. How does he feel about Rhaenyra? How does he feel about the fact that he was disinherited for no good reason? Those are the questions the show should be answering.
They have the skeleton of a story, finish the building, don’t knock it down and start from scratch because it never works.
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fan-cam · 2 years
House of the Dragon, Season 1 review + analysis (contains spoilers for HOT D and GOT)
Okay so, as you may have guessed, I have a lot of thoughts and feelings about the first season of House of the Dragon (from here on out, referred to as HOT D). It’s been two full weeks since the finale aired and though I am deeply sad it has come to an end, I have appreciated taking some time to reflect and of course watch the last episode three times through.
Game of Thrones (GOT) is a pretty big deal to me. Though I did not start watching the show until May of 2019, well-after it had finished, I promptly watched it three times through in about a year and a half, and became deeply involved with Westeros using it to escape a lot of personal events as well as the pandemic. Once I finished I saw an uptick in my mental health as I was brought back to reality, which underscores how important it is to check in on those coping mechanisms from time to time (are they still helping you?), but I will always feel deeply dependent on and involved in that series. 
I was nervous for HOT D, like many, because it had enormous shoes to fill. Additionally, I don’t think we have recovered from the societal trauma that was The Hobbit trilogy, making us wary of fantasy spin-offs and prequels. But, also like many, by the end of episode 1 I was hooked. Being back in Westeros and experiencing the show in real time was truly such a gift. For ten weeks, Sundays at 9 pm became my happiest time, and each subsequent week I would listen to several hours of Joanna Robinson and Mallory Rubin unpacking each episode, beat-by-beat, on The Ringer-Verse podcast network (you must listen).
Let's truly get into it: Season 1 feels like a pre-season, working with us to recalibrate almost 200 years before GOT, and setting us up for what’s to come--The Dance of the Dragons. I think some viewers found this to be a weakness, meaning the show moved slowly and lacked the big budget battles that we saw so much in GOT (though I would remind you that episode 9 of season 2 is the first time we witness a huge battle sequence). But this is something that I loved about HOT D; I felt that we got to spend time with each character, understand where they come from, how they communicate and connect with one another, ultimately allowing us to empathize with and love them a lot more than other TV characters this early on. Preliminary seasons are hard for me in general, I prefer them on a rewatch once I actually have a sense for each character, but with HOT D I felt connected from the beginning--a testament to the slow burn, not to mention the writing, acting, shots, lighting, sets, CGI, etc, etc, etc.  
It is also very important to note that HOT D has more female-directed episodes than GOT ever did. Seems hard to believe that a ten-episode season had more than a 73-episode show? That’s because GOT had zero. Four of HOT D’s ten were directed by women and we also saw an increase in female writers. Though we had an abundance of strong women in GOT, it felt refreshing to have a story centered around the very powerful Alicent Hightower and Rhaenyra Targaryen, showcasing the intensity and depths of female friendship. This season felt way more feminist than anything GOT ever did and feels like a real strong season for the girlies. Finally, I would be remiss not to mention Emma D’Arcy, who plays Rhaenyra, is non-binary. I am beyond excited to see a non-binary actor cast as the lead in this and do an absolutely phenomenal job. Emma provided us with one of the best performances I have ever seen in the Westerosi Cinematic Universe IMHO. 
Now onto a few things I did not love. At the beginning of episode 1, Aemma Targaryen has a conversation with her daughter Rheanyra about her duty as a woman, telling her "the childbed is our battlefield", unveiling a main theme of this prequel. As I previously said, GOT is known for its big battles in which women seldom participate. In trying to create a show that portrayed woman as strong and decreased the sexual violence we saw in GOT, the creators turned to childbirth to show the pains, struggles and war that women go through in this universe. I understand the thinking behind this, however it went too far at times. My biggest qualm, which I know a lot of other viewers shared, was an over-the-top-graphic stillbirth in the finale. We know that these shows are going to push us, make us feel sick and see things we don’t want to without apology, because that is a lot of Westeros' essence, but this felt like a little much. Also its important to underscore that Greg Yaitanes and Ryan Condal (two men) were the directing/writing duo for this episode.
Another pain point for me was the addition of Aegon's dream--“A Song of Ice and Fire”. In episode 3, King Viserys Targaryen brings Rhaenyra, his daughter, into his chambers to show her his cool little knife that GOT fans recognize as the knife that arguably started the War of the Five Kings and led to Little Finger’s execution. He tells his daughter, as he prepares her as his heir, that Aegon the Conquer had a vision that an army of the undead will descend upon the seven kingdoms (AKA the story that GOT/A Song of Ice and Fire tells), and a Targaryen HAS to be in power when this happens so they can unite the realm against the evil. Why is a Targaryen the one who can unite the realm you may ask? No idea. This is a show invention and an addition that feels like a fan nod at the expense of the story. Aegon's dream brought me out of the show since it felt so out of place and, to make me dislike it even more, leads to our very controversial Daemon the Domestic Abuser choking scene further making this plot point difficult for me. You knew I was going to mention this scene and in summary I do not believe domestic violence is needed to showcase Daemon as a morally gray, complicated character.
These complaints aside, HOT D is one of the best seasons of TV I have ever seen. Dare I say that I enjoyed parts of it more than, hold for suspense, GOT. It could be the recency factor though so I guess I will have to rewatch all 73 episodes just to double check. I would absolutely recommend HOT D if you have not yet watched or are avoiding it because season 8 broke your heart. Additionally, you do not have to have seen GOT to watch HOT D: it is a prequel and though it will be easier to watch if you’ve seen GOT since you already have an understanding of how the universe operates, it is not a prerequisite. 
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aion-rsa · 3 years
House of the Dragon: Game of Thrones Prequel Trailer Breakdown
It’s been far too long since TV viewers got to spend time in Westeros. Thankfully, we will all be returning soon. Today HBO Max revealed an official teaser for House of the Dragon, the first of many planned Game of Thrones spinoffs. Check it out below.
This story is a prequel that picks up roughly 200 years before the events of the epic HBO series. The Targaryen dynasty is on its fifth king of the Seven Kingdoms. They’ve got all the dragons they could want and things are going great in Westeros. Surely, no petty family squabble over succession could possibly ruin such a great thing! Unfortunately for the Targaryen family, George R.R. Martin kind of lives for this shit. 
House of the Dragon is set to cover a major event in Westerosi history known as the Dance of the Dragons. This is when a crisis of succession leads to an enormous civil war that devastates the continent and kills off a large percentage of House Targaryen’s dragons. And those dragons are pretty important, you see. As the voiceover in the teaser indicates “Gods, kings, fire, and blood. Dreams didn’t make us kings. Dragons did.”
Though this teaser is only just over a minute long, it packs quite a bit of exciting imagery within it. Let’s break down exactly what it is we’re seeing here, using Martin’s prequel text Fire & Blood as a guide. 
Ser Otto Hightower
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House of the Dragon Photos Offer First Look at Thrones Prequel Characters
By Alec Bojalad
Fans of Game of Thrones should immediately recognize the pendant on the chest of this unseen character. That is worn by the “Hand of the King” who is essentially the King of the Seven Kingdoms’ chief of staff. Some Hands of the King are more historically significant than others and the House of the Dragon will depict a particularly important one. Though we don’t see his face, this character is certainly Ser Otto Hightower (Rhys Ifans).
The Hightowers hail from Oldtown in The Reach, one of the biggest and most powerful cities in the Seven Kingdoms. In fact, before Aegon I’s arrival on the continent and the creation of King’s Landing, Oldtown was THE city in Westeros. As such, the Hightower family that rules Oldtown is extremely powerful. Though Otto’s brother is the Lord of Oldtown, Otto has been a mainstay of King’s Landing for years. He is a deeply political man who counts the king’s brother Daemon as his biggest rival. His daughter is also quite attractive and may or may not catch the eye of King Viserys I.
King Viserys I
Ah yes, King Viserys I: the head honcho. Viserys I (Paddy Considine) is the fifth king of the Targaryen dynasty. He seems to be doing a decent job but that might just be because his reign followed that of his grandfather Jaehaerys I – perhaps the greatest king Westeros ever had. Viserys’s biggest “sin” is his love of his daughter Rhaenyra. Viserys is grooming her to be Westeros’s ruling monarch despite the precdent of patrilineal succession being set under Jaehaerys’s reign.
The prominent inclusion of Viserys’ sword in this shot might not be a coincidence. All Targaryen kings through Aegon IV wielded Aegon I’s Valyrian steel sword Blackfyre. Should someone hypothetically nab that sword in a civil war it would lend an air of legitimacy to their claim.
Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen
Ladies and gentlemen, meet Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen (Emma D’Arcy). This may be the closest this story has to a “main character.” Rhaenyra is the apple of her father King Viserys’s eye. In fact, for much of her youth she was pretty much the apple of everyone’s eye. Known as the “Realm’s Delight”, Rhaenyra has a very positive approval rating in the Seven Kingdoms. She is Viserys’s only child from his marriage to Queen Aemma of House Arryn. She appears to have a clear path to the Iron Throne … unless her father does something crazy like say, get remarried.
Daemon Targaryen
Here we have Daemon and Rhaenyra Targaryen. Daemon (Matt Smith) is the king’s younger brother and therefore Rhaenyra’s uncle. In the war to come, Daemon will be one of the most important players. He is an excellent warrior but also a bit unbearable. Otto Hightower hates him and Viserys himself isn’t too taken by him. His niece certainly loves him though. Perhaps a bit too much. 
This may not be a particularly important moment but it does serve as a reminder that the Targaryen fashion sense is so rad. This also, however, could be a fateful duel between Daemon Targaryen and Ser Criston Cole (Fabien Frankel), the latter of which loves a morningstar and who will play an important role in the palace intrigue to come.
Corlys Velaryon a.k.a. The Sea Snake
Now THIS guy is very important. This is Corlys Velaryon a.k.a. The Sea Snake (Steve Toussaint). Think of him as House of the Dragon’s Tywin Lannister, that is to say: the most powerful man in the Seven Kingdoms who does not sit on the Iron Throne. House Velaryon dates its lineage back to Old Valyria just like the Targaryens. As such the two families are quite close, with Corlys even marrying Princess Rhaenys Targaryen (Eve Best).
Even beyond his family’s power, however, Corlys is a particularly impressive man. He is a prolific sailor and adventurer who has traveled all over the world, bringing many riches back home with him. Should a civil war break out, he would be a very important ally to win.
Speaking of Velaryons, here is the whole crew. It’s unknown who is who here but the following actors have been confirmed to be a part of the Velaryon family:
– Wil Johnson as Ser Vaemond Velaryon – Younger brother to Coryls Velaryon and commander in the Velaryon navy – John Macmillan as Ser Laenor Velaryon – Son of Corlys Velaryon and  Rhaenys Targaryen    – Savannah Steyn as Lady Laena Velayron – Daughter of Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen  – Theo Nate as Ser Laenor Velaryon – Son of Corlys Velaryon and Rhaenys Targaryen
I believe we’re seeing the adolescent Ser Laenor to Corlys’s left. His wife Rhaenys is also accompanying him.
This is a conspicuous shot of the Iron Throne – the thing that each character is striving for and the thing that also no longer exists, thanks to Drogon.
Here we see Sonoya Mizuno (Devs, Ex Machina) as Mysaria, Daemon’s Mistress of Whisperers and also just his mistress. Mysaria is pretty rad. She’s a dancer from the Free City of Lys in Essos who caught Daemon’s eye. She comes to serve a pretty important role in the Dance of the Dragons and is involved with at least one unbearably cruel act. Much of Westeros comes to know her as “Lady Misery.”
Lady Alicent Hightower
Told you Ser Otto Hightower’s daughter was attractive! This is Lady Alicent Hightower (Olivia Cooker), who will soon catch the king’s eye. Here, however, she appears to be in distress. She’s running through the court in Maegor’s Holdfast and holding what could be the same Valyrian dagger that caused so much strife in Game of Thrones. What events could this cursed thing have set in motion here? It’s hard to say but it may involve her son Aemon losing an eye.
Remember how much fun the jousting episodes were in Game of Thrones season 1? So much can happen at a tourney. It’s a fun place for highborn and commoners alike to take in some sweet violence. It’s also dramatically fertile ground for many schemes to take shape. Based on the heraldry of a red archer on a green field, this tournament is being held in Horn Hill, home of House Tarly (yes, as in Samwell Tarly). The two participants in this particular joust appear to be Ser Criston Cole again and a House Tarly knight.
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In Fire & Blood, the events that set the Dance of the Dragons in motion begin at a tourney in King’s Landing. Alicent Hightower is adorned in green and Rhaenyra Targaryen in black, so when the factions eventually divide they are known as the “greens” and the “blacks.”
At first glance this appears to be a simple training session. But then it becomes clear that these two combatants really hate each other. We are likely seeing here a skirmish between one of Lady Alicent’s sons and one of Lady Rhaenyra’s. You might think that the blond-haired boy is Rhaenyra’s son but curiously all of her and her blond husband Laenor’s kids come out with jet black hair. He almost looks a little bit more like Ser Harwin Strong (Ryan Corr). Interesting.
House of the Dragon will premiere in 2022 on HBO and HBO Max.
The post House of the Dragon: Game of Thrones Prequel Trailer Breakdown appeared first on Den of Geek.
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movie-magic · 3 years
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Everything to know about the ‘Game of Thrones’ prequel ‘House of the Dragon’
Will fan disappointment over the final season of “Game of Thrones” subsided enough by 2022 that the world will be ready to return to Westeros? HBO is banking on that outcome. The cable network has a “Game of Thrones” prequel series called “House of the Dragon” in production now.
“House of the Dragon” will expand the world of the megahit fantasy series, telling a story about the golden-haired, dragon-riding royals of House Targaryen – the family that produced Daenerys Targaryen (Emilia Clarke) and Jon Snow (Kit Harington) – centuries before the events of “Game of Thrones.” It’s based on “Fire & Blood,” a novel by George R.R. Martin that was written as a companion to his “A Song of Ice and Fire” series. The first season will be 10 episodes long. It’s the first project to make it to series out of a number of “Game of Thrones” spin-offs HBO has in development. Back in 2019, HBO actually shot a pilot for a “Game of Thrones” prequel set to star Naomi Watts. But the network decided not to move forward with that one. The day the series was scrapped, “House of the Dragon” was announced.
When does ‘House of the Dragon’ premiere?
“House of the Dragon” will start airing on HBO and streaming on HBO Max in 2022. No specific premiere date has been set yet. The show recently began production in Cornwall, England, according to Watchers on the Wall, and will also film in London, Spain, and California, per Productionlist.
Who’s in the ‘House of the Dragon’ cast?
The prequel has a strong cast with a higher number of recognizable names than “Game of Thrones” had in Season 1. HBO has announced much of the show’s main cast already.
Paddy Considine – who’s most recently known for “The Outsider” but to us will always be the dad from Jim Sheridan’s “In America” – will play King Viserys Targaryen, a good man whose decency makes him perhaps ill-suited for the task of ruling Westeros. He was chosen by the Great Council of the lords of Westeros to be the king after his grandfather Jaeharys Targaryn died.
“Sound of Metal” star Olivia Cooke plays Alicent Hightower, the beautiful, politically adept, and ambitious daughter of Otto Hightower (“Notting Hill” actor Rhys Ifans), the Hand of the King.
Emma D’arcy (Amazon’s short-lived horror-comedy “Truth Seekers”) plays Princess Rhaenyra Targaryen. Rhaenyra is the king’s first born, but she’s not a man, so the Iron Throne is not her birthright — even though she has pure Valyrian blood and is a dragonrider.
“The Crown” and “Doctor Who” star Matt Smith will play Prince Daemon Targaryen, King Viserys’ younger brother and the heir to the throne. He’s a dragonrider and a brave warrior, but he’s unstable and has a cruel streak a mile wide. Otto Hightower really, really doesn’t want him to be next in line.
“Doctor Who” actor Steve Toussaint is Lord Corlys Velaryon, also known as “the Sea Snake.” He’s leader of House Velaryon, a rival house to House Targaryen, and the greatest seaman in the history of Westeros. He’s married to Princess Rhaenys Velaryon (“Nurse Jackie” co-star Eve Best), a Targaryen dragonrider who was passed over by the Great Council for the monarchy in favor of her cousin Viserys because he’s a man and she isn’t.
“Ex Machina” actress Sonoya Mizuno plays Mysaria, a former slave who has worked her way up to becoming Prince Daemon’s most trusted advisor.  
And “The Serpent” star Fabien Frankel will play Ser Criston Cole, a common-born Dornish swordsman (remember Dorne? That’s where Oberyn Martell [Pedro Pascal] was from). He’s climbing his way up in the Westerosi social order thanks to his skill with the blade. Later, he’s known as “Criston the Kingmaker” after he plays a pivotal role in one of the story’s most important moments, according to Inverse.
Who’s working behind the scenes?
“House of the Dragon” is co-created by “A Song of Ice and Fire” and “Blood & Fire” author George R.R. Martin and Ryan Condal, previously best known for creating the sci-fi series “Colony.”
Condal and Miguel Sapochnik – director of some of “Game of Thrones’” biggest episodes, including “Hardhome,” “The Battle of the Bastards,” and “The Long Night” – will be co-showrunners. Along with Martin, Condal, and Sapochnik, executive producers include Vince Gerardis, Ron Schmidt, and writer Sara Lee Hess.
Sapochnik will direct the pilot and additional episodes. Other directors include Clare Kilner, Geeta V. Patel, and Greg Yaitanes, the latter of whom also gets a co-executive producer credit. According to Insider, the show’s writing staff reportedly includes “Colony” writer Wes Tooke, “Watchmen” writer Claire Kiechel, and Ti Mikkel, who has worked as Martin’s writer’s assistant.
“Game of Thrones” and “Westworld” composer Ramin Djawadi will provide the score.
What will ‘House of the Dragon’ be about?
“House of the Dragon” is set 300 years before the events of “Game of Thrones” and “tells the story of House Targaryen,” according to HBO’s simple plot description. More specifically, it’s about a period of internal strife in House Targaryen that set the table for the house’s decline, which was complete by the time of “Game of Thrones.”
“Fire & Blood” is a faux-history book covering the reigns of many Targaryen monarchs, and “House of the Dragon” seems to be adapting only one section, which is about the reign of King Viserys I and the Targaryen civil war called the “Dance of Dragons.” At the start of the story, Viserys has no male heir, so the Targaryen next in line for the Iron Throne is his brother Daemon, who has inherited the infamous Targaryen madness (“It is said that whenever a Targaryen is born, the gods toss a coin in the air…”). Viserys doesn’t want Daemon to be king, he wants his daughter, Rhaenyra. When Viserys officially names her as his successor, it leads to infighting and backstabbing that over the course of years develops into the “Dance of Dragons,” where Rhaenyra fights her half-brother Aegon II – Viserys’ son with his second wife, Alicent Hightower – for the throne. But that comes later, and Aegon hasn’t been cast yet. Season 1 will likely be a lot of setting up of the larger conflict to come, like Season 1 of “Thrones” was.
Will there be dragons in the ‘House of the Dragon’?
You know it! In fact, there will probably be even more dragons than there were on “Game of Thrones,” because dragons had not yet gone extinct and all the great Targaryens had a fire-breather of their own.
On the show, there will likely be at least four: Daemon’s Caraxes, known as “the Blood Wyrm” for his red color and fearsomeness; Rhaenyra’s Syrax; Rhaenys’ Meleys, one of the fastest dragons in Westeros; and Aegon’s golden dragon Sunfyre. And there will probably be more as the series goes on and the Dance of Dragons begins.
HBO released some dragon concept art last year. The “House of the Dragon” dragons seem like they’ll look a little different than their “Game of Thrones” counterparts – a little sleeker and more colorful, if this concept art holds true.
Will Travis Fimmel be in the ‘House of the Dragon’?
Fans of “Vikings” were ecstatic last year when a rumor emerged that Travis Fimmel – best known for his role as Norse hero Ragnar Lothbrok on History and Amazon’s beloved historical drama – was being considered for the role of Daemon Targaryen. However, that rumor didn’t pan out, as Matt Smith is playing Daemon. Travis Fimmel is currently on another HBO Max show, the weird sci-fi series “Raised by Wolves.”
Who will play Daemon Targaryen in the ‘House of the Dragon’?
Daemon Targaryen, a fan-favorite character from “Fire & Blood” due to his swaggering, swashbuckling time spent away from King’s Landing forging his own destiny after being denied by his brother Viserys, will be played by Matt Smith, an actor already well-known to audiences for his roles in two British institutions.
Smith played the Eleventh Doctor on the long-running science fiction series “Doctor Who” from 2010 to 2013. He’s the youngest Doctor ever. He’s also known for playing Prince Philip in the first two seasons of “The Crown.”
As the Doctor, he was famous for his swoopy brown hair, so it’s quite striking to see him with his blond Targaryen wig.
How did Daemon Targaryen die?
Spoiler warning! In “Fire & Blood,” Daemon met his end during a dragon battle at Harrenhal, a castle that appeared many times on “Game of Thrones,” including the time Jaime Lannister (Nikolaj Coster-Waldau) saved Brienne of Tarth (Gwendoline Christie) from the bear pit.
During the Dance of Dragons, Daemon flew to Harrenhal on Caraxes, and waited for his nephew Aemond, Viserys and Alicent’s second son, to come fight him. Aemond showed up with his tremendously powerful dragon Vhagar, and they had a spectacular aerial fight that ended with the deaths of all four participants when the dragons plummeted from the sky into the Gods Eye lake. No one could have survived a crash of such speed and force, but Daemon’s body was never recovered, so there are stories that he survived and went to live out his days in peace elsewhere.
Some version of this fight will probably happen on “House of the Dragon,” but not until late in the show.
- Gold Derby 
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thousandeyesand-one · 5 years
Tagged by @naomimakesart
■What are your top 3 favorite houses of Westeros?
HOUSE TARGARYEN. I mean Hello! 👀
HOUSE STARK. The Ice to my favorite fire house!
HOUSE DAYNE. Extremely underrated & unexplored I would love to know more.
■If you could live during one era in GRRM’s universe what era would it be? (Age of Heroes, Valyrian Empire, Conquest of Westeros, Dance of Dragons etc.)
I'd probably be like either a weirwood & live through all of these eras lol or I'd be a child of the forest secretly surviving since dawn age at the isle of faces or something! Coz I can't choose one era 😜
■What is your favorite episode/scene from the Game of Thrones TV series?
Battle of the Bastards, Loot train attack, Tower of Joy, First look at Ser Arthur Dayne 💜 basically every time arya is on screen. But I guess S05E04 holds a special place in my heart that whole episode was about Subtle hints at jon's Parentage/Subtle-mild hints at Jonerys future magical babies/ & had perhaps my most fav scene in the show of dany & Ser Barristan Selmy bonding over Rhaegar! 
"Rhaegar never liked killing, he loved singing."
■What ruler do you think brought about the most change in Westeros, be it good or bad?
Jaehaerys I Targaryen, the Conciliator. Alysanne Targaryen, the Good Queen. I think they were the Obama's of the 7k literally inherited the realm from Maegor who almost crumbled the dynasty & the realm but they rebuilt it to last for two more centuries. While you asked Good & Bad I'd like to mention for 99% of good that Baehaerys did there was 1% of bad done by him too. The Iron Precedent of 101 A.C. that establishes male inheritance over female which single handedly caused DOD, Blackfyre Rebellions & is still a problem! If only Jaehaerys would've listened to Alysanne & made daenerys the heir! Listen to your wives Men! Make it a habit!
■If you could ask GRRM one question what would it be?
In a shitty, patriachial world like Westeros, where it is more than clear that men have build & sustained their kingdoms & legacies through Acts of War or Revenge or Want & Need to secure power. Why are women like Daenerys, Arya & Cersei criticized as would-be Mad or psychotic/Too far gone or Already Mad characters?
■If GRRM could write a short novel/series about one other family or historical time (besides the Targaryens) in his universe what would you want it to be about? (My choice would be Nymeria’s Journey!)
Good choice Naomi!👌
I would like to learn more about The Daynes man House Dayne! They are so peculiar, mysterious & any reader of asoiaf knows theres more to that house that is important for the endgame than what we know! More about this family dating back to the Dawn age & the era of the rule of Kings of Torrentine. More about Ashara Dayne & her eldest brother who is still unnamed what is his name? How did he actually look like if his son has valyrian features? was he a snack just like his younger brother?.. you know.. important questions like those needs to be answered!
■What was your first introduction to ASOIAF/Game of Thrones? Did someone tell you about it, did you see it online or did you come across it at a store/shop?
My cousin told me about the book series but I was busy with my studies at the time so I couldn't pick it up. But then the show happened & he told me about it too so I watched the first season before reading the books. Then I picked up my Jaw from the floor after watching S01 & straight away bought those books. & THAT'S HOW MY LIFE ENDED!
■What’s one thing that bothers you about GRRM’s series?
I think it's the doylism that bothers me. It has always bothered me I am a Tolkien nerd & that man wrote stories beyond human capacity & error. Middle earth is as fantasy as fantasy can be & even though J. R. R Tolkien was inspired to write his stories by the service he did in military during war his story isn't a doylist one, maybe mild references here & there but nothing as serious as asoiaf. I feel like doylism complicates everything in this story! (P.S I also never was much of a history student Biology was Life!)
■What’s one thing you unabashedly love about GRRM’s series?
The impossibly, irrevocably, unattainable & unfair high expectation of men (selective men) that GRRM has created. I mean good luck to myself on getting in a relationship or getting married coz you aint never gonna be Ser Arthur Dayne awesome or Rhaegar Targaryen & Jon Snow Broody, Melancholy sexy!
■What are your feelings about the prequel series in development at HBO right now for the Long Night?
I really really love Bran Stark & how he is connected to the rich 8,000 or longer history of Kings of Winter & the actual nature of this world, all the stuff that predates back to Dawn Age. First Long Night is something I would definitely love to watch, Fingers crossed am sure I'll like it! Also because valyria came into existence right after the First Long Night so this series only gives me hope for a Valyrian Freehold Prequel THAT WHICH I TRULY WANT!
Now tagged by @chillyravenart
Here goes..
■Which Westerosi castle would you like to live in?
Starfall, Dorne. Duh!
■Would you rather be a rich and influential lord, born into wealth and privilege or would you rather be someone who wields power from the sidelines, like Littlefinger?
I'd rather be born rich & influential because I know myself I won't be another cuckoo Lord or lady of the 7k. Plus it seems like anyone like Little Finger or varys who rises from sidelines have to sell their souls to the Satan with zero sense of humanity & everything being a race for power.
■Pick one: platinum hair or purple eyes?
I'll take purple eyes because I have jet black hair & purple eyes just compliment the fuck out of black hairs!
■Based on a tag I made once, based on your physical features, which part of Westeros/which house do you belong to?
In dorne probably House Martell.
■Who do you think will actually defeat the Night King?
I think Bran is the one who is truly going to defeat Night King.
■Three people you think will die in season 8?
Night King, Cersei & Varys. Can I add a fourth? Melisandre too.
■What would you name your dragon/direwolf?
My Dragon would be called Tzarax & my Direwolf would be called Amaris which means Child of the moon. She'd be an albino without red eyes maybe golden eyes!
■How must Ser Pounce be avenged?
Ser Pounce's daughter should train to be a faceless assassin & return all badass with many faces of cats & avenge Ser Pounce roaming around the red keep biting the hell out of anyone because Valar Mewghulis. All Men must be biten.
■Whose POV chapters are your favourite? (If you haven’t read the books... skip this and hang your head in shame lol jk jk jk)
My fav POV chapters are Bran, Dany, Jon, Arya. In that order!
Hang your head in shame lmao👏😂
■Your favourite ASOIAF/GOT antagonist? 
Varys. This dude is going to burn in the seventh hell for all the bs he has unleashed upon just about everyone he has ever come across. I would name LF too but unfortunately it seems Varys outlived him so yeah The Spider & his webs are deadly as they come.
My Questions are:
1. What is that one moment or situation in asoiaf or GOT Tv show that inspires you positively?
3. What is your favorite, ride or die character? CHOOSE ONE, ONLY ONE!
4. If you were to be the Ruler of Westeros & name Seven fighters to your Kingsguard who would they be? (They can be from the current generation of asoiaf or any fighter from any era, choice is all yours!)
6. Your own House sigil, house color(s) & house words?
5. What are your views about Robert's Rebellion?
7. Which is that one Character you wish had more screen time on the show (or) had a POV in the books?
8. Imagine Red Keep School of Witchcraft & Wizardry, which houses would the sorting hat sort these characters into? { Arya, Jon, Daenerys, Bran, Tyrion, Robb, Jaime, Cersei, Sansa, Rickon, Gendry, Joffery, Margaery, Brienne, Pod, Tormund, Hound, Missandei, Greyworm, Bronn, Sam & Gilly }
9. How do you prefer to watch the Final season? With a partner or spouse / alone by myself with no one to bug me / go to a watch party or bar episode events.
I'm Tagging @chillyravenart @naomimakesart @beautifuloutkasts @drakhus @phoebemaybe @mamadragon-daenerys @blue-roses-and-red-rubbies @northernlights37 @tomakeitbeautifultolive @toaquiprashippar @daenerys1417 @submarinesofpacific @crystalmusezz @ anyone who would like to do this i'd like to know your answers!
10. Nobody knows for sure how this story ends, but what is your ideal end to this story?
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Hello, can someone tell me the order in which to read the story of Westeros?
I’m sure someone can! And since you’re asking me, I assume you’d like me to. :)
OK, so first off, you want to read the main books, George R.R Martin’s A Song of Ice and Fire (ASOIAF):
A Game of Thrones (audiobook) 
A Clash of Kings (audiobook)
A Storm of Swords (audiobook) (if you live in the UK, this is divided into two books: part 1: Steel and Snow, part 2: Blood and Gold)
A Feast for Crows (audiobook)
A Dance with Dragons (audiobook) (if you live in the UK, this is divided into two books: part 1: Dreams and Dust, part 2: After the Feast) 
You can get all 5 books in a set, in paperback or leather bound. If you live in a non-English-speaking country, there are translations available, but people generally seem to prefer them in English.
Note the series is unfinished. We’re all waiting on book 6, The Winds of Winter (which might be out in 2018, or might not), and then the series is supposed to end with book 7, A Dream of Spring (god knows when). If you finish ADWD, and TWOW isn’t out yet, you can read the available TWOW preview chapters if you like.
Then there’s the prequel short stories, called the Tales of Dunk and Egg, which take place about 100 years before the main ASOIAF books. You can read these without reading the main books, as they’re lighter and pretty self-contained, but having a background in Westeros helps. The first three stories are called “The Hedge Knight”, “The Sworn Sword”, and “The Mystery Knight”, and they’re collected in this book:
A Knight of the Seven Kingdoms
There are supposed to be more Dunk and Egg stories and eventually more collections, but GRRM has to write them first. :)
For further information about Westeros and ASOIAF, I very much recommend:
The World of Ice and Fire
Note TWOIAF isn’t a narrative story, it’s a companion book written as a in-world history book and guide to the lands of Westeros and Essos. It’s got lots of info about the world of ASOIAF, fleshing out all kinds of details hinted to in the main books and D&E. And it’s lavishly illustrated too, it makes a great coffee table book. Plus it has family trees for the three main families of ASOIAF, the Starks, Lannisters, and Targaryens. But I wouldn’t recommend reading it unless you’ve read ASOIAF and want more.
And for even more information, one of the historical events referred to in ASOIAF and detailed in TWOIAF was a civil war called The Dance of the Dragons. GRRM released two short stories in anthologies, expanding this history, but note again they’re not a narrative story, they’re written like a history book – or more accurately, like a book written by a very opinionated historian. They’re kind of dry, tbh… not dull, but they definitely are not the same as ASOIAF or D&E. If you’d like to read those, you can find them here:
“The Rogue Prince”, published in Rogues (Amazon / Kindle)
“The Princess and the Queen”, published in Dangerous Women (Amazon / Kindle)
And if those appeal to you, there’s going to be another historical short story, coming out this fall:
“The Sons of the Dragon”, published in The Book of Swords (Amazon / Kindle, coming October 10)
Important note: All three of these short stories, plus some of the historical excerpts from TWOIAF, will be released and expanded in a book called Fire and Blood, volume 1, out in late 2018. So if you’d rather not buy a fantasy anthology book for one short story, and you can wait, you might as well wait. :)
edit 11/2018: It’s out!  Fire and Blood, vol. 1 (Amazon / Kindle)
And one more thing, there’s the “map book”, The Lands of Ice and Fire. This isn’t something to read, it’s not even a book really, but it is a beautiful collection of maps of the world of ASOIAF, including many places that we will probably never visit in the books themselves – but also including a map tracking the paths of the story’s protagonists, and maps of cities like King’s Landing and Braavos.
Oh, in case you like comic books (never know), there are graphic novel adaptations of A Game of Thrones and the Dunk and Egg stories. (A Clash of Kings is currently being adapted, a new issue every month, but not collected into a book yet.) I’m not a huge fan of the AGOT comic art, though a lot of people seem to like them. But the Dunk and Egg comics are just gorgeous (the artist does covers for the AGOT and ACOK adaptations) and I love them almost more than the actual text stories. But remember, they are adaptations – not new stories, just the books in comic book format. Still, to keep this post complete:
The Hedge Knight (Amazon / Kindle)
The Sworn Sword (Amazon / Kindle)
The Mystery Knight (Amazon / Kindle)
A Game of Thrones: The Graphic Novel - Volume 1, Volume 2, Volume 3, Volume 4
So, this is probably more than you wanted to know, but I hope it helps!
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tumblunni · 7 years
I totally drained out all my items going through the victory road, and then used up my last healing before the champion, with two pokemon fainted, so it was ONE HELL OF A HARD.
And one of my pokemon was entirely new to the team- I swapped out my HM user for an altaria I caught during the climb up there. So yeah in addition to all that trouble I was also trying to quickly level up Tiamat at the last minute during these last four battles. He had Dragon Dance but then NO ACTUAL PHYSICAL ATTACKS TO USE IT WITH. The only viable TM for him was Frustration, and apparantly he warmed up to me very quickly cos it stopped being effective a few battles in. Alas! But also yay!
And then seriously I love that the champion in this game is a gym leader from the prequel, I feel so proud of her! Also her music rocks and i like the fullbody portraits for the versus screen, that was so fancy lookin. Nice little detail that your protagonist has their bag slung to the side as they pull the pokeball out, which you couldn’t see in the smaller version. (Actually, does that appear on the male characetr too?)
Okay, so I was down Jaws and Nougat, my two biggest tanks. And Jaws was also my main physical damage dealer and the best elemental matchup for everything I had to face. Aaaaaaa Now Edamame had spent almost the ENTIRE GAME being fragile AF and everyone else covering for her so she could level up. Even after finally reaching her final evolution she was still struggling to find her own niche cos of the ABYSMAL movepool that was available at this point in time. Couldn’t learn anything except psychic type moves, pretty much two TMs in the entire game would work on her and one was a support move and one was a move she already got from levelling up. So at best she could only use her huge power when there was both a good type matchup and a low speed enemy. Seriously, god, a glass cannon pokemon usually is speedy too.. poor bean friend... But anyway, now for the tale of EDAMAME’S TRIUMPHANT RETURN For some reason in this ONE SPECIFIC CIRCUMSTANCE, this defensively unendowed pokemon became a tank?? She was up facing the Hydreigon that could destroy everyone else, with no attacks that could even HIT it. Yet she could take one attack without fainting, and she could use Recover, and in combination with Excalibur’s Leech Seed she could sit there flipping the bird at this giant dragon as is slowly died of its own accord. IT WAS AMAZING And then she also managed to take down two other dragons, her glass cannon-ness finally getting to shine! Seriously, half the whole damn battle, all from her alone! MY SWEET GOOP CHILD
And then after that I was stuck desperately sailing by on every fiendish strategy i could pull out my butt! Deckard was the only one doing standard attacks, he didn’t get much of a chance to shine here cos of the annoying amount of Earthquake users but he was a good supporter holding the line when necessary And he’d been my primary pokemon throughout the entire game so I guess it all balances out? Excalibur kept up the Leech Seeding which was now my only way of healing at all. But he also did some goddamn great damage with Dragon Tail! It wasn’t very great despite the super effectiveness, cos of his low attack and the no STAB bonus. But it was a really good stalling tactic cos it forces the enemy pokemon to switch out. He just kept juggling them! And then Tiamat mostly just chipped away with Frustration, cos he didn’t have any PP left for cotton guard AAAA. But luckily enough he learned Perish Song in the last battle before the champion, and it got the PERFECT opportunity to be used on the very last pokemon Iris had left! I had two left but Deckard was on quite literally 1hp and couldn’t outspeed this lapras, so if Tiamat went down he wouldn’t be able to finish it off. But instead Tiamat took it down with him and I was left hanging on by the skin of my teeth while I took the crown!
and then like WOW the BW2 ending credits scene is really sweet and cute?? its funny that DPPT was one generation earlier yet had a far more technologically advanced end credits sequence kinda? like, it was a fully animated montage of a big scene of the heroes bicylcing home as the sky changed. And BW2 is just a literally plain white screen with scrolling text and a few static images that fade in and fade out?? But the content of it was sweet enough to make it kinda my favourite of the two. DPPT had the best end credits music and looked really nice but it was really just the same animation looped with a different sky in the background. here it was just a regular montage thing in the same style as Sun and Moon but less graphically competant, yet the framing device kinda was just.. really unique and i wish it could happen more?? Like instead of just showing all the events of the game or what the characters are doing after the game, it shows your character’s actions IMMEDIATELY after leaving the elite four!  It shows you running through all the areas of the game and meeting back up with all your friends who celebrate your victory in their own different ways. And I mean its just.. really graphically bad. The overworlds of the gym leaders + rival are really limited so its hard to tell what’s happening sometimes. And its hard to get that sense of running through the world when its static one frame pictures, i seriously dunno why its animated only at the beginning and end of the cutscene?? BUT Its also REALLY FUCKING SWEET AND I CRIED I didnt even enjoy this game and i still cried! And DEAR GOD the bit at the end where you see your mum on the horizon and run into her arms!! Sun and Moon really seemed to take a lot from BW2, I’m glad they also took the post credits mum meeting scene and rendered it in full fancy 3D. I STILL really wish the mums would get more of a role in the game, but i really love that at least now its aknowledged that like.. in-universe theyre at least aknowledged as important to the protagonist, even if theyre not important to the plot. And the sun and moon one had more of a personality and a unique design compared to the BW2 one but still i was so happy to see little Usagi run home to her mama with her champion title, as if she was the most important person to tell and this story wouldnt be complete without her. My heart just grows eight sizes imagining her staying up all night telling mum about her story all super motormouth style and then thats why you wake up in your bed when you start the postgame. She tucked you in after you fell asleep on the sofa, and went to go phone all her friends at 2am to tell them the news! ..I just really care A LOT for the pokemon mums and i wish everyone else would too.
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teamdoubleoh · 7 years
Masterlist of Already Posted Fics
Since commenting earns points and not everyone has read everybodies already posted fics, here is a list beneath the cut of those posted before the Fest begins. That way we have an easy way to pick/go to our team mates fics and comment or rec to our hearts contents
Organized by writer
List of Writers:
amottledrose (thebookworm214), beaubete, brookebond, Castillon02, Gwyllion, hippoprima, Iambid (Flantastic), IAmVengeance (Venstar),  JaimiStoryTeller, opalescentgold, sunaddicted, timetospy
amottledrose (thebookworm214)
Been Waiting My Whole Life (For Someone Like You) - Q takes independent IT contracts and James works as a security guard. All Q wants to do is start over in London after time working abroad, but he never could have imagined he would meet a blond, ex-Navy officer with a sense of humor and a ridiculously cute pet lizard.
Snapshots - James Bond and Q- perfect for each other even if they don't always know it.
00Q Jukebox - Music inspires many to write, and that's what it's done here. Each chapter will be the title of a song that in some way influences the content of the chapter. The story will be a series of short stories and one-shots featuring everyone's favorite Quartermaster/Agent. Some might be AUs, some might be angsty, others will be so high on crack/humor that hopefully you cry from laughing. All of them are inspired by the songs that give each chapter its name.
Unplanned - A glimpse into Q's mind, someone who never planned on ever loving anyone.
Double-Oh Doctor - It's dangerous to work in R and D, especially when things catch on fire.
Be The One You Bleed - Set back in Medieval England, James Bond takes the throne after his parents die, but there's more danger in his court than even he suspects. During the celebration of his coronation, a young traveler arrives: a strange man with pale skin named Q...
We Fell - An RP about Q, the angel tasked with guarding MI6, and Bond, the spy who loves him.
What's Said in the Silences - James and Alec are ex SAS who now work at a bakery in Oxford. Bond is struggling to adjust to civilian life after a career ending injury retired him from duty. Little does he know that he will soon meet a young bookshop owner, the enigmatic and curious Q.
Smile - His favorite memory of Q
Holiday Memory - It's James and Q's first real Christmas together since they began dating, and the agent is slowly remembering something that he'd forgotten a long time ago, buried under loss and pain.
Strangers on a Train - Two strangers meet on a train. Sometimes it's just as simple as that.
Happy Holidays - Q is feeling a bit like the grinch with all the holiday cheer, but James can fix that.
You Are Beautiful - After years of being together through missions and strife, James and Q are finally getting married! The big day is not without its struggles, particularly since both men are nervous about the actual event.
The Way of the Glamping - Q surprises Bond in Japan. Bond surprises Q in return.
Leavin' on a Jet Plane - James returns from a mission gone wrong and discovers something about Q.
In sickness and in health - In light of recent events here in the US, we decided that we needed a fic of James taking care of a sick Q. And that turned into all sorts of fluff :)
Kitten Q comes out to play - BDSM pet play James/Q/Alec
Pop Goes the Weasel - Memorials for fallen agents are typically somber affairs. Then James Bond gets up to speak.
Hand Talk - What better way to welcome James home than with unexpected sex?
My Fault - It was never going to be. It never could be.
Unrequited - Q knows falling in love with James Bond won't be good, but it doesn't stop him trying.
Longing - It's hard when you've been left behind. It's even harder when you blame yourself.
Second Chance - Dreams
My Skin the Colour of your Eyes - Eve sets up James and Q, not knowing about their soul mate marks.
A Kiss and a Good Scotch - James has to rescue the Quartermaster after he's kidnapped. But there's more to him than what appears on the surface.
The Hacker and the Hit Men - (I Am) Q is an up and coming hacker (and a Submissive), living next to married Doms James and Alec. When Q stumbles on something he shouldn't have seen, he has to go to his neighbors for protecti
Caring Goes Both Ways - (I Am) Set after "The Hacker and the Hit Men" Q wants to help James and Alec with their work, and he learns quickly that his Doms have a penchant for getting intro trouble.
Migraine (Prequel) - (Retirement Bliss?) Q sometimes suffer migraines from his long hours in front of his screens. He usually pushes through them. Set before the main events of the rest of the series.
The Tummy - (Retirement Bliss?) James and Q are retired now, and James is feeling self conscious.
Lazy Afternoons - (Retirement Bliss?) Cuddling on the sofa is a nearly daily activity now.
Mad Scientist - (Retirement Bliss?) Q likes to tinker...
Bail - (Retirement Bliss?) Just because they've left MI6 doesn't mean they've left the memories behind.
Gardening - (Retirement Bliss?) Everyone has to have a hobby.
Kitten - (Retirement Bliss?) Turing is getting older, so he needs a companion.
Chores - (Retirement Bliss?) Arguing over chores and picking up
Dancing - (Retirement Bliss?) Q discovers a secret James has been hiding for quite a while.
Touch - (Retirement Bliss?) Timetospy's headcanon of how James and Q comfort each other. It looks like a hug but it means so much more.
Strays - (Retirement Bliss?) James is something of an animal whisperer. Q thinks it's hilarious.
Watch Over Me - (Retirement Bliss?) All this time and James still can't properly believe that Q is really his.
Contemplation - (Retirement Bliss?) ames isn't he only one contemplating old age. Q does too.
Constellations - (Retirement Bliss?) James loves stargazing, but Q is easily distracted.
The Witches of MI6 - An old spell made in a youthful temper, an old sea witch managing in a new era, alone and broken. Old and new clash together within MI6.
Skuld - Dread is knowing a man will hold your heart in his palm before you meet him. 
Within Me - “I need it.” / Here, Q could play coy. He could pretend not to know what Bond means. He could be cruel, could mock Bond his obvious weakness. Instead he hums thoughtfully, considering. “Yes,” Q agrees. “You do."
2016 LDWS fics! - (ficlets and drabbles ) A collection of six drabbles from the 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing 2016.1 - genre: canon; theme: game; 100 words / 2 - prompt: "bet you didn't expect this"; 200-250 words / 3 - genre: AU; prompt: trope role reversal; 300 words / 4 - prompt: fantasy; 150 words / 5 - genre: historical AU; prompt: trouble; 250 words / 6 - prompt: trust; 300 words
Prompts and Bites  - (ficlets and drabbles )  A collection of all of the prompt fic and fic bites that are too short to be on their own but long enough to archive.
In the Shadow of the Forest - (Here, There be Dragons) - Written for the 00Q Reverse Bang 2015/2016! / Sent to the edge of the world to look for dragons no one believes in, Sir Bond finds something.
A Year And A Day - (Here, There be Dragons) - Bond has lived with his dragon for a year now. A long, chaste year.
In Memoria Res - Memory is a tricky business. / After Franz's machine, the cup of Bond's mind becomes a sieve.
Only Style - Q takes the job because it's a ridiculous fluff job with an even more ridiculous salary. Things only get more bizarre from there. 
Hands-On Approach - What if the scene in the ski lift had gone differently?Spoiler-tastic, obviously. [Noncon Warning] 
[...and tons of other stories, because beaubete has 77 posted Bond fics! -Cas ] 
Control - What else was he meant to do when he got caught? {DARK FIC}
Exposure - Bond is a photographer. Q is a model. What more do you need to know? (There is lace involved.)
Tangled Hearts - Nothing's ever easy when you work an almost 24/7 job, have a department to run, a boyfriend, and a cat to feed. Then there's the ever unruly 007.
No Accounting for Taste - Even though soulmates were common, James had been content without knowing who his was. He was happily married to Anne, the loveliest person he had ever encountered. She put up with all his bullshit and they were expecting a child. Things don't always go to plan though, and when complications arise during birth, James may just end up on his own after all.
Say yes? - (Diamonds are Forever) It’s Christmas Day, Q’s favourite day of the year, and Bond is nervous as fuck. He wakes Q up at 6am and Q is drowsy, half asleep when Bond starts asking questions.
Mr & Mr Bond - (Diamonds are Forever) Q and James get married.
Free to a Good Home - (Diamonds are Forever) Q has had enough of Bond's shit and puts flyers up in Q-Branch.
Another One Bites the Dust - (Diamonds are Forever) Bond has lost something rather important.
If I Had a Functional Pancreas I Could Love You - Q fears that revealing his diabetes will make Bond think less of him. Bond surprises him. (Fluffy just-established relationship fic.)
Pre-flight Jitters - Q experiences some flying anxiety and Bond offers him a (chemical) solution. Fluffy ficlet.
Wild Nights Should Be Our Luxury - Q decides that he and Bond should start having sex. Bond avoids choking to death on cannelloni
Luminous Beings Are We - In an effort to persuade Q to accept him and his feelings, Bond learns the way of the nerd and creates a special Halloween cosplay.
No Cock Tuesdays - Bond, Q, and Madeleine are snowed in and anticipating some hot OT3 sex. Only one problem: Bond’s cock is not cooperating.
And I laid me down with a will - Bond knows where he wants Q to be when the world ends. He finds him at Q Branch instead. (Written for the h/c prompt "World Explosion.")
Rubbish Flirts - Bond and Q’s first sexy weekend together ends with a bit of practical domesticity.
Post-coital Breakfast - Bond convinces Q that he had only the purest of motives when he snuck downstairs to make French toast on the morning after.
Tanner's Mission - Tanner goes on a mission to thwart his arms-dealing doppelgänger. Bond goes undercover and tries out a new form of transportation.
In the Office - Q makes a mess of Mallory in his own office; Mallory enjoys the hell out of it.
A Case of Good Etiquette  - Having recently moved into Q's house, Bond returns from a mission to find that his first welcome home has gone a wee bit awry.
Waiting for Spectre - Fills for MI6 Cafe prompts on Tumblr, written pre- and post-Spectre. Chapter eleven: Felix helps Bond on a mission; Bond wins a bet. James/Felix ficlet
It is not the wine that makes us drunk - Bond, Moneypenny, and Tanner take Q out for drinks to celebrate the end of a very long day. Fluff ensues, including Q's glasses getting passed around like a party favor and Bond having an honorable intention.
Q Branch Professionalism - Q finds his staff acting inappropriately.
Exit, Pursued by a Bear - One of Bond's targets tries to hide in the wilderness.
The Trick is Slick Code - Bond decides to woo Q in a way that Q will surely understand--with technology! Meanwhile, Q strongly suspects that Bond just wants a new Aston or something
First Cat to Feed - (Cats to Feed) The story of how Q, with a little help from Bond, acquires a cat after Skyfall. 
Worth Killing - (Bond Women Loving Women) Camille finds out that Mr. Greene’s boss has a daughter working with Medecins Sans Frontieres in Bolivia. She pays Doctor Swann a visit, hoping to find leverage and discovering something else.
For Want of a Moneypenny - (Bond Women Loving Women) Moneypenny changes the course of events on Silva’s island. Séverine lives.
Sparks in Six Saloon - (Bond Women Loving Women) Moneypenny helps out a woman who’s gotten on the wrong side of Mr. Greene. Old West AU.
Due Donne a Roma - (Bond Women Loving Women) MI6 and Lucia Sciarra both need the Spectre goons in Rome to go away. They work out a deal that involves Moneypenny.
Acceptable Loss - (Bond Women Loving Women) Field agent recruit Moneypenny starts dating Fields and learns a hard lesson.
A Conversation in Heaven - (Bond Women Loving Women) In the afterlife, Vesper asks Severine an important question.
Motivation - (Bond Women Loving Women) Yusef’s captors instruct Vesper to make a drop in Bolivia. Camille gets curious about why someone from the British treasury would walk into a known criminal hang-out.
Table for Two - (Bond Women Loving Women) The Treasury sends Vesper to Macau; the people who hold Vesper’s leash send her to meet Séverine.
A Question of Commitment - (Bond Women Loving Women) Back before Ms. Dowar had been an MP, she’d asked M to call her “Claire.”
Five O'clock in the Morning - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing.
Hello Weekend - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Transform, genre-fluff, Fibonacci number sentence per paragraph construction.
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: AU “I must be dreaming.”
Sputter - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Bright.
Nothing Gold Can Stay - Eve goes on holiday alone and picks out the perfect Secret Santa gift for Q. 
2020 - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Dare hurt/comfort
My Little Finger - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Dialogue only 
My Heart Will Go On - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing. / Prompt: Fusion “I expect you to die.”
Big Spoon - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing.
Prompt: wager. First word beginning with "M." Second word beginning with "I." Last word must be "six."
Blackbird - James Bond didn’t need anything or anyone. He had already lost the war that circumstance had waged against him. When his affection for Q flared, he got the love he never had, and the home he never knew he was missing. 
Baby - Written for alby mangroves’ Lip Service – the Panfandom Commentfest.
Give and Take - Q wants and gives all that he could (exploding tech, hidden feelings, secret fears). Then he realized he should just take instead because Bond was more than happy to give.
A Bit of Supernatural in Your Life - Daemons are supernatural manifestations to meet human desires and expectations and MI6 decides to summon a couple of them to join its employment roster, such as one for protection, one to replace a lost Quartermaster. Bond's inextricably stuck dealing with them for better or for worse because that's how his luck is.
Iambid (Flantastic)
Le Beau Garçon - Bond comes home from a mission to Q.
Oh, Won't You Be My Valentine? - Q has a crush and asks Bond to help him out.
Completely Plastered - After a mission in Bruges goes horribly wrong, Bond finds himself confined to Medical. / In which Bond is a bloody awful patient, Eve is a crafty cow, Tanner is oblivious and Q has some wonderful ideas about how to relieve a 00's boredom.
Never Fearful - In a post-apocalyptic world where technology is a thing of the past and magic runs riot; James Bond, a warrior cleric of the Palace of Vauxhall, is the ultimate fighter.  / Will his bone-deep hatred of magic prevent him from protecting House Emisyx’s last, best hope for peace? And what is the deal with the kid with the goggles anyway?
Beholder - Bond's own concept of beauty.
One More Bruise - It’s been eleven hours since M changed the status of field agent 007, Commander James Bond, from ‘Active’ to ‘Missing in Action’.
Silence Is Golden - James Bond is a porn star who's been in the business for years. Q is the newcomer who's been drafted in as his co-star.
La Rata - Fourteen years ago James Bond lied to the man he loves and now that lie has come back to haunt him. / As the time approaches for him to confess what he did, he thinks back to the events that led to them meeting
Blacktail - When M loses patience with the way that James Bond conducts himself while out on missions she thinks she has the ideal solution. She has no idea she's about to change the agent's life forever.
All I Am - Finally falling into bed together after months of flirting, Q has a confession to make. Q seems to think his secret might scare Bond away. Bond thinks all his Christmases have come at once.
The Birthday Girl - When Eve Moneypenny’s birthday celebrations go wrong there's one man she can rely on to make everything better - her friend, Bill Tanner.
Breathe With Me - When James Bond goes back to MI6 following his disastrous relationship with Dr Madeleine Swann, Q wants nothing to do with him. / Then there's an accident in Q-Branch...
Lumos - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry holds its secrets well.  Born six months after the famous battle in which Voldemort was defeated, James Bond is just weeks away from leaving the school when he stumbles across an unusual portrait of a young man.  Who was the mysterious ‘Q’ and why does James get the feeling that the painting is in terrible danger?
The Valentine Dinner - Bill's determined to make Eve a lovely dinner for Valentine's day. Unfortunately things don't go exactly as planned...
The Glastonbury Sprite and the London Spy - A chance encounter at the Glastonbury Festival leads to a passionate relationship between James Bond and Thomas “Q” Holt. / When James's true identity is suddenly revealed and it abruptly ends their relationship, James realises that he is in love and he will do everything he can to try to prove it to Q. Even if that means digging into his twin brother’s past.
Kissing It All Better - James visits a poorly Q.
2017 Last Drabble Writer Standing - A little collection of drabbles which I wrote for this year's competition over on MI6-Cafe's page on tumblr.
This Is Our Beginning, Coming To An End - (Devotion) Following the aviation accident which killed his family, Q uses a wheelchair. Fiercely independent, this is the story of how he fell in love and the three times he allowed James Bond to carry him.
I'm Right Where I Belong - (Devotion) After four years together, Q and James are as happy as they have ever been. This is never more evident than on a rare day off spent together. Although the dark repercussions of their employment are never far away, even the quietest day can be filled with surprises.
Dress Up In Dreams - (Devotion) James and Q's lives are turned upside-down when a kidnap plot sees them both taken, hundreds of miles apart. For Q it's a battle of wits and survival. For James, it's as much a fight against his own demons as the people who take him. [rape/non-con]
The Evening Shift - (Devotion) James Bond, from three different perspectives.
All Of Our Ghosts And Secrets - (Devotion) Following on from the events of Dress Up In Dreams, James and Q's relationship is struggling but a terrible injury turns out to be a blessing in disguise as they are thrust into a series of life or death events.
Grabbed By The Ghoulies - (Halloween Fun) Q takes dressing up for Hallowe'en far too seriously...
That's Just Wizard - (Halloween Fun0.) Just what did happen in that deserted office?
The Assumption - (The Surprises) Unbonded Alpha James Bond would lead a pretty solitary life if it wasn't for his Beta friend Q. They get on well and Q always knows the best restaurants. However James soon learns that Q is full of surprises...
The Homecoming - (The Surprises) What was supposed to be a straightforward covert op for the alpha James Bond turned into an extended, deep undercover mission.  Almost six months after leaving England he returns to London and the omega he was forced to leave behind; his beloved Q. / He thinks he’ll surprise Q by turning up unannounced in the middle of the night. As it turns out, Q has a much bigger surprise waiting for him...
The Arrival - (The Surprises)  It’s been a hectic time for alpha James Bond since returning home and finding out that his omega Q is expecting twins.  On leave from field work, James has spent his days trying to make up for lost time by being as close to his mate as possible and learning all he can about the intricacies of giving birth.  Unfortunately all his training hasn’t quite prepared him for things not going quite according to plan…
The Nanny - (The Surprises)  Three gorgeous pups and James and Q are still surprising each other.
IAmVengeance (Venstar)
The Subterranean God of MI-6  - The mind of a God is never still, even when it’s forgotten what it once was… Q flickered between himself and Hades on the way home, the riders in his train giving him wary looks and space, something about him now unsettled them. The kindly grandparents pulled their purses and coats close around them. The large youths pushed their earphones further into their ears, trying to lose themselves in the sound of their music. Small children peeped shyly out at him from over their parents shoulders. Those same parents would glance back and then quickly pull their children down to face away. Q kept his head down as he exited the tube station and made his way to the entrance to his building, bypassing the elevator and running up the stairs, where he finally stumbled through his doorway.
Getting A Word In - Some days, Q is so busy that James feels like he just can’t get a word in. Maybe it’s just the right word in or maybe it’s the right place.
Just Checking - You can’t have it both ways, much less three. I’m either a Wizard, or I’m...
Ping! - Old people and technology. Somehow 007 had accidentally group texted him and 006. There’s an attachment included and being curious in his little soul, Q opened it...
Inhale, Exhale - It was supposed to be routine, simple bodyguard duty for the Quartermaster of MI-6...instead it ended in a series of mistakes.
A Price -Death came to me on sock footed feet, stepping softly and silently across the hall floor, for it seems that Death didn’t care to wear shoes. For the MI6-cafe challenge for October.
Just Dance - Q walks in on some agents, absolutely killing it at Just Dance 4.
Banner Graphic for rivermoon1970 - IT'S A BANNER. THAT'S MY SUMMARY. YO. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!
Good King James - A short re-telling of one of my oddly favorite Christmas carols, Good King Wenceslas.
The Boffin and The Badass - a rewrite of a holiday favorite, The Holly and The Ivy. Sing along! inspired by Rigel99's pics titled "The Boffin and the Badass"
The Greatest Responsibility is to Hide the Truth... Because Superpowers Suck. - Sometimes the greatest responsibility is to hide the truth from the ones you think you know. Other times, the greatest responsibility you can have, is saving each other’s asses. Bond has a secret that he doesn’t want anyone to know, it’s what fuels his “resurrection” hobby. Okay Alec knows, but they’re besties, he was bound to find out! Q is suddenly hit with a secret that he doesn’t want anyone to know, except for his cats and Rufus the roomba, or else he could be stuck in a lab forever and not as it’s Supreme Overlord! A failed kidnap reveals what the urban hero and the supreme lab rat have in common. They must get their shit together and work as a team, for the greater good and a bit of kissing.
Memoirs of a Quartermaster - You can wish for a different beginning for your ending, but sometimes you’re not allowed that luxury. In Japan, a pair of siblings are sold by their fisherman father. One to a geisha house (okiya) and the other one, to a brothel. Along the years of training and failure, one sibling escapes from the brothel where they lived and the other is left alone, becoming indebted to their okiya. However, years later, he earns the opportunity to become a taikomoshi apprentice, with the help and support of a successful ally. While still a young man, he falls in love with The Commander, at a chance meeting. Years pass before they meet each other again...
Growing Up - Now, it wasn’t that James couldn’t remember how he passed most of his youth, it’s just that it wasn’t very pleasant. So he chose to forget, like we all do.
There's Always Cats - It used to be a lonely walk, but with the discovery of two little fluff balls, Q's valentine's day might not be spent alone.
Demons by Candlelight - if you summon it, it will come.
The Bond Letters - Q has a whole notebook filled, with private writings, all about James. James was unaware of this, until he stumbles across a small, ratty, tatty notebook that was so at odds with the pristine and crisp Quartermaster. James was never supposed to ever find it or be aware of how Q really felt, but spy is always a spy. Now James can't help but wonder what it would be like to actually be on the receiving end of something so powerful outside of the journal writings.
Summer Bucket List - bond has a list. a list of things to do that will be done. he also has a reluctant quartermaster
1000 Paper Things - there's an old Japanese legend that if you make 1000 paper cranes, you get a wish. for james, well, he only has 999 paper things. not sure if it counts but q seems to think so.
The Witches of MI6 - An old spell made in a youthful temper, an old sea witch managing in a new era, alone and broken. Old and new clash together within MI6
The Origin of R -There comes a time, when your past catches up to your future. For Adam, the future Quartermaster (although he totally doesn't know this, sssh don't tell him), this is how his meager beginnings at MI6 collided with R’s rebellious nature, and how she came to be. Desperate to escape a situation of her own making, R turns to an old hacker mate and drags him through his own worst case scenario of past meeting present...they adopt a trusty 00 agent along the way, or perhaps, he adopted them.
Mission to Invite - (Mission Transcripts) It was just supposed to be the weekly read through, followed by Tanner summarizing the bullet points to M. Unfortunately, Mallory had requested unedited copies of the most recent missions, regardless as to if they were complete. 007 and 006’s joint mission had been part of that call for transcripts.
Mission to Date - (Mission Transcripts) Another transcript review by Tanner and another job of reminding a couple of agents that the Quartermaster of MI-6 is NOT a customer service agent or a call...center...girl.
Mission to Play - (Mission Transcripts) The minions need reminding that the deadly agents are not playthings, especially the Double ohs. Alec continues to try and be helpful.
Mission to Sell - (Mission Transcripts) Q’s eyes closed and he listened to the two agents as they left the safety of the hotel room for the unknown risk of the auction. To sell, perchance to buy - ay, there’s that rub. For in that sell of death, what dreams may come? Q twisted the lines of Hamlet for his own purpose. Slowly he began to work at his bindings.
Mission to Steal - (Mission Transcripts) The minions looked around the room, there were very few of them left in the branch. There were a few other double-oh’s in the field presently, but 006 and 007's mission was the only active mission that was currently going tits up, with one of the most important and heavily guarded assets in dire straits. They looked to R and she began to give orders.
The Trap - (2017 DRABBLES FOR LDWS) Demons keep the wings of angels that they kill as a prize.
Transformation - (2017 DRABBLES FOR LDWS) MI6’s ruler Queen M, sent Q, his protectors, his feline advisors and Q's true love James Bond into the future to be reborn through the power of the LEGENDARY QUANTUM OF SOLACE. Q and James can transform into the SPECIAL GUARDIANS OF MI6. They fight for love and justice, and in the name of MI6, they’ll punish you. (DON’T LOOK AT ME LOOK AWAY!!!)
When the Sky Fell - (2017 DRABBLES FOR LDWS) That which we are, we are; made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. When he is gone, I work my work, but he is still mine.
Seducing Q - Bond comes to a realization that he wants his quartermaster for more than just a night and sets out to win him over.
After Seduction - Originally called Teasing, changed the title when I decided to add other drabbles to this
Stillness in Silence - (Bonds of Friendship) Doctor John Watson runs a rather unique practice, its entire purpose is to help those who are deaf or mute, either by birth, illness or trauma. Sherlock is brought to his practice by his concerned older brother after he spends months refusing to speak. Things do not go as planned or expected for any of them. 
“It’s for me.” 1 -  (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt: Somebody says “it’s for me” - whether a question, statement, or demand. Have fun! 
Flash Fics Set 1: 2- (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt: You get into your car one morning only to have your GPS inform you that it forgot all directions and needs your help remembering them.
Phrases Said 16 -  (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt “Have you lost your damn mind!?”
Phrases Said 19 - (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt: “I need you to pretend we’re dating…”
Bad Advice - (Bonds of Friendship) Q is in need of some advice and decides to ask his best friend for it.
Christmas Preparations - (Bonds of Friendship)  Jasper and Jim set up the flat for Jasper's first Christmas with his partners.
Different Paths - (Paths Taken) Soulmates Alec Trevelyan and James Bond find themselves at odds when Alec is given a mission that he assumes that James knows about. But they’ve both been betrayed. James’ briefing isn’t the same as Alec's. Alec’s life undercover is hard, and becomes harder once he learns his soulmate has been killed. Feelings of guilt and anger cause him to fight back against MI6 for his loss. When James turns up unexpectedly, he is shocked to find his soulmate is still alive - a soulmate who attempts to kill him and sets a chain of events into motion that he never would have expected.
Night Out - (Paths Taken) Time stamp event during Alec and Q living in Paris
Wrong Answer - (Answers Verse) Nine years is a long time to be undercover and the longer Alec's mission drags on, the harder it gets. He doesn't expect the teen he is given to actually change the course of his mission, but that's exactly what happens
Through the Ages - (Answers Verse) A series of short stories about James Bond, Alec Trevelyan, and Q over the years in the various life times. Each one is complete as is and will include which tags belong to it in the notes at the top of the story.
“It’s for me.” 5 - (Answers Verse) Prompt: Somebody says “it’s for me” - whether a question, statement, or demand. Have fun!
Deciding His Future - (Real Legends: Moments in Time) Aiden's a young adult now and its time to decide what he wants to do with his life
Interesting Person - (Real Legends: Moments in Time)  Aiden's observations lead to him meeting one of his classmates he finds interesting
Q's Gift - (Moriarty Twins) Q's twin decides to do something about his love life for their birthday, it definitely doesn't go as anyone expects.
Lost in the Echo - (Legends in the Multiverse) Alec's thoughts over the years
Diverted - (Legends in the Multiverse) What if Jon met James first instead of Alec?
Of Unicorns and Fate - A unicorn goes searching for the others of his kind, along the way he meets those who would both hurt or help him, and a most unexpected thing, he finds himself in love
Cuddles and Threats 6 - Prompt: laying in bed with each other, one whispers “I could beat the shit out of you” and the other says “I know”. Thoughts?
Around the House 19 - Prompt: Must use these words: Screwdriver. Curtains. Phone. Chair
Phrases Said 1 - Prompts: “Who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?!” and “Before you decide to murder me, let me explai n
Our Soulmates 7 Sentinel Verse 1 part 1 - Prompt: Soulmate AU
Our Soulmates 11 Sentinel Verse 1 part 2 - Prompt: Soulmate AU
Sugar and Kisses - In which Q is (terrifically) bad in the kitchen, James is sweetly indulgent (with ulterior motives), and Q and James are (very much) in love.
For His Wallet - Bill doesn't know what he's done to deserve this. It's all Moneypenny's fault anyways. Christ, who has this much money?
Redamancy - If you write something on your skin, it will show up on your soulmate's skin as well. James doesn't quite fall in love over physics discussions and cheeky book quotes and coding and riddles inked onto his skin, but he comes close. And then he actually meets Q.
Meow - Cats - James never was fond of them.
Tea Party For Two - "Good afternoon, Q. May I help you with your little predicament?"
Unspoken - It’s as normal as they get and they’re both fine with it: in the end, they don’t need words to profess their love.
Il Marionettista - He hadn't expected things to be the same as when he had walked out of MI6, his mind clouded by the illusion of a happily normal life and Madeleine's sweet perfume - 007 wasn't naïve: MI6 moved at a dizzyingly quick pace and those who didn't manage to keep up disappeared, promptly replaced by someone who supposedly was more competent
Shade: Blood - Q's head snapped upwards so quickly and forcefully that the protesting of his vertebrae was clearly audible and jade-green eyes burned with incredulity "What?! I don't do fieldwork"  / "This is going to be so far from fieldwork that I'm wondering whether we'll even be payed" James smirked, folding his hands behind his back so that he wouldn't give in the itching need to comfortingly pat those messy curls - somehow, he knew Q wouldn't appreciate it.
Lovers' Spat - James smiled cheekily, icy-blue eyes twinkling "Have I told you lately how adorably fluffy your hair is?
White - As James watched Q and Danny shriek like bloody children in the snow blanketing the park, courting pneumonia with childish glee, he couldn't help remembering the quote from the TV adaptation of "North and South" his lovers made him watch and think that Thornton was wrong: hell definitely wasn't snow white.
Hole In My Head - There's a hole in Q's head, where Silva used to be and that now he's trying to fill with James' presence
All About Us - “He looks delicious, doesn’t he?” Raoul smiled sweetly, his lips seductively brushing against Q’s earlobe and fingers possessively tightening onto his jutting hipbones. / [...] / “I think he needs to be gagged” Q offered quietly, leaning back in Raoul’s embrace as if to find a new position to better contemplate the way sunlight was painted over that tanned skin, stretched taught over deliciously powerful muscles.
Burning Ink - The day the youngest Quartermaster ever in the history of MI6 and the legendary 007 shook hands in front of a vaguely mocking and depressing painting by Turner, they both ignored the simmering heat burning a name on their skin. / [...] / The day a desperate young man like any other in London and an early riser jogger brushed fingers while swapping a bottle of water in the cold and humid air of a grey dawn, the surprise was so great that their paths immediately parted and left them to wander alone the city with the feeling of having let luck slip out of their hands.
Lingerie - "Wow" James couldn't prevent the three words engorged with admiration and lust from escaping his suddenly dry mouth "Wow" he praised again after uselessly and desperately gulping down nonexistent saliva: the vision offered to him truly was worthy of such honest and bare admiration.
#improper use of marshmallows - Q was bored to death, alone and sprawled on the still unmade bed, gorging himself with sickly sweet and gummy marshmallows and the tablet propped on his stomach to better watch stupidly cute cat videos
Yellow -  00QAD - Relationship
Hearts In Atlantis - "Stop frowning, mi querido, or you'll get wrinkles" Raoul ruffled Q's curls passing by, leaving a freshly baked biscuit by his elbow - a white chocolate and almonds concoction designed to uplift bad moods "You're usually not so pensive after having just woken up" he pointed out.
Bottled Happiness - "You do know that you don't need to bring me presents?" Q inquired as he caught Bond leaving a neatly wrapped package at the corner of his eyes. / 007 smirked and moved the little box in front of the boffin, who still was focused on the screen of his laptop, its light and algorithms reflected on the smudged lenses of his spectacles "I just want to show my appreciation for your hard work, Q"
Blossomed Hope - "Are you okay?" she kept asking and no, Q was not okay - very far from it. But he lied smoothly at her with a smile, not trusting his voice not to betray him if he let it out his vocal chords "You could come to dinner: James has been telling me how he misses your takeaway nights here in Q-branch"
Violet Hour - The first breath of fresh hair burned down Q's throat and he gasped, coughing and laughing with exhilaration at the same time while he spied at the horizon with half-closed eyes, the brilliance too much to stand for his pupils used to the darkness of the ocean's depths. His pale arms were thrown open up towards the sky, seafoam sliding down his wrists as if the ocean itself was having difficulties with letting its fairest child go; not that the flimsy hold would have ever been able to hold Q back, not once he managed to peel his eyelids open and the vastness of the world was forever seared in his retinas - an invisible brand of ownership.
00Q LDWS - I realised I never posted these so, here they are
Selfish Prayers - "Why do they always make them look like glorified whores?" James muttered, shivering as he remembered the late High Priest - an odious fat man that had been made leader of the Cult at the questionably venerable age of sixty-seven - thusly clothed; at least, he was thankful that the new High Priest was such a finely boned and handsome boy.
Royal Presents - Saying that James Bond wasn't a particularly big fan of Christmas would have been a pretty big understatement: he quite detested it, in fact, and tried to avoid anything to do with it - especially at work, which was the reason why he always requested to be sent out in the field, preferably in a country where Christmas wasn't celebrated.
Shattering Stars  -  James selected a piece by Rachmaninoff he knew Q was particularly fond of and tried to pretend everything was fine.
Twisted Games - "Last time Bond fucked you, the whole floor heard you" Silva tutted reproachingly, reaching over to spoon some cream into his tea. / Q merely arched an eyebrow: it wasn't as if he cared whether anyone knew about the little arrangement he had with Bond - and neither should his colleagues care, since having a sexual relationship with the agent didn't prevent him from doing his work. Anyway, it was widely known that Bond was his favourite agent: the fact that they were fucking couldn’t have changed that much people’s already malicious opinions "Jealous?" / "You don't even know where that cock has been"
Ode To The Broken - "Grow a pair, Q" 002 snarls over the comms, gritting her teeth as she scales the wall just using her pigheadedness and a huge amount of luck. / Q rolls his eyes: she could have easily used the elevator - after all, he could control it easily "Of what? Boobs?"
00qad LDWS - What it says on the tin
Feathers In My Head - (Tumblr Kink Meme) Josephine Bond. Of fucking course, Q should have bet her favourite sweater on it: the woman not only made heads turn with her natural and sensual beauty, enhanced by her colourful attires and heeled shoes, but she also conjured a nervous atmosphere with her reputation of ruthless assassin clinging to her even in the safety of MI6.
Break Time - (Tumblr Kink Meme) "I just want to know one thing" Q panted [...] "Why do we always end up having sex in my office?"
The Odd One - (Omega!Bond series) "James, you're painful to watch" / "Don't watch then" James shot back, turning on his side to have a look at his arse: he knew it looked good but instead of being plump, its cheeks were toned and firm.
One Of A Kind - (Omega!Bond series) To be honest, James had never particularly been fond of cats [...] but Q and the cats came together as a package deal and James had welcomed them all in his flat, which no more was depressingly bare.
E.T. - (Alien!Q series) "That's... a mouthful" James pointed out rather uselessly. / "You can call me Q" the other said with the poshest accent James had ever heard in his life - keeping a startled laugh from escaping his throat was quite an hard job.
Rainbow  - (Alien!Q series) James had some bad mental associations with red: it was the colour of blood - freshly spilled or already drying - and of gore; it was the colour of Vesper's sundress when she had drowned under the scalding Venetian sun of an Italian summer; it was the colour of Q's skin whenever he was hurt and in pain.
Comets - (Alien!Q series) "Will you stare at him for much longer or are you dragging him home any time soon?" Eve asked, a teasing grin appearing on her lips
Octopus - (Alien!Q series) "What is it?" He inquired [...] / "It's a lifejacket: it will keep you afloat in case you fall overboard" / "Does it come in another colour?"
Riding in Cars with Spies - (la Vie en Rose) Riding along on a test drive with James Bond is never a good idea. /  Unless it turns out to be the best idea Q has ever had.
Slippery When Wet - (la Vie en Rose) He took the last few steps to the door, paused a moment, then burst in, assuming his firing stance and scanning the room. The refrigerator door was open, and he could see someone bent over, rummaging around in the crisper. / “Oh for the love of….” / He recognised that arse. He could pick it out of a lineup, should the need arise.
Acapulco - (la Vie en Rose) Something is missing in Bond's idyllic retirement, and he can't place what it is...
Descent - (la Vie en Rose) Q had been tiptoeing around the flat on eggshells or weeks. The tragedy was that Q was still on that beach, hundreds of kilometers away, lost along the dark shore as he tread over the remains of the battered and broken bits the ocean had seen fit to throw against the sand. It hadn’t been eggshells under Q’s feet as he tried to navigate himself back to the wreck of his happiness, a sand castle that the tide had reclaimed and broken into nothingness. No, it had never been eggshells. It had been the ever-widening drifts of the remnants of his life ground into his raw soul without mercy.
I'll Be Seeing You - (la Vie en Rose) A drink. He needed a drink. Maybe it would shake something loose from the cobwebs that were his unreliable memory.
Acapulco (Reprise) - (la Vie en Rose) Madeleine frowned. She turned and re-entered the bedroom, stopping at the dresser to retrieve her mobile. As she reached for it, a small slip of paper caught her eye. It was tucked underneath the vase filled with day old flowers, a routine she had adopted in futility to inject some kind of joy into the room that had become their battleground.
Writing on the Other Side of the Wall - (Either Side Will Do, 00Q) What happens when you drop a heavy bag through your neighbor's wall? Head wounds and dinner dates, apparently.
Writing on the Wall - (Either Side Will Do, 00Q)  What happens when you drop a desk through the wall of your flat? Q's about to find out...
Before My Eyes - “He must choose,” Death had said in the slow, raspy voice of wind through dead leaves. “And since you knew him in life, you are the one to give him this choice.” / Why me?” / “Because he loved you.”
Tease - It’s been a long day. Which isn’t an excuse for shouting, really, but Bond is leaning against Q’s desk, hands shoved into his pockets, which does things to the front placket of his trousers that Q would rather not be thinking about at the moment, but can’t seem to ignore, and his frustration is leaking out of his mouth.
Save Our Souls - The first time I save your life, it’s an accident.
007 Fest Ficlet Collection - The following ficlets are what I created during 007 Fest 2016. They were based on a prompt list I created - one quote for every day. The ficlets run the gamut from crack to angst to tooth-rotting fluff, so each one has a small content explanation in the notes. Fic rating is for only three or four of the 30 ficlets collected here. Most are T/M.
00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing Contest Entries - These are my entries for the 00Q LDWS contest held for 007 Fest in July 2016.
Cup cakes and anniversaries - Q makes cupcakes to celebrate, but James ruins his plans. Or does he?
For the Love of Peach Pie - After discharge from the Royal Navy in 1946, James finds himself adrift with no clear future. Hoping to find direction, he travels to America./ In which Q is a mechanic in a small Midwestern town, M runs a diner, and life still isn't as simple or peaceful as anyone would like.
A Face in the Dark - When Q suddenly vanishes, James tries everything to find him with no luck.
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jaimistoryteller · 7 years
Team DoubleOh Fic Masterlist
Since commenting earns points and not everyone has read every bodies already posted fics, here is a list beneath the cut of those posted before the Fest begins. That way we have an easy way to pick/go to our team mates fics and comment or rec to our hearts contents
Organized by writer
List of Writers:
amottledrose (thebookworm214), beaubete, brookebond, Castillon02, Gwyllion, hippoprima, Iambid (Flantastic), IAmVengeance (Venstar),  JaimiStoryTeller, opalescentgold, sunaddicted, timetospy
amottledrose (thebookworm214)
Been Waiting My Whole Life (For Someone Like You) - Q takes independent IT contracts and James works as a security guard. All Q wants to do is start over in London after time working abroad, but he never could have imagined he would meet a blond, ex-Navy officer with a sense of humor and a ridiculously cute pet lizard.
Snapshots - James Bond and Q- perfect for each other even if they don't always know it.
00Q Jukebox - Music inspires many to write, and that's what it's done here. Each chapter will be the title of a song that in some way influences the content of the chapter. The story will be a series of short stories and one-shots featuring everyone's favorite Quartermaster/Agent. Some might be AUs, some might be angsty, others will be so high on crack/humor that hopefully you cry from laughing. All of them are inspired by the songs that give each chapter its name.
Unplanned - A glimpse into Q's mind, someone who never planned on ever loving anyone.
Double-Oh Doctor - It's dangerous to work in R and D, especially when things catch on fire.
Be The One You Bleed - Set back in Medieval England, James Bond takes the throne after his parents die, but there's more danger in his court than even he suspects. During the celebration of his coronation, a young traveler arrives: a strange man with pale skin named Q...
We Fell - An RP about Q, the angel tasked with guarding MI6, and Bond, the spy who loves him.
What's Said in the Silences - James and Alec are ex SAS who now work at a bakery in Oxford. Bond is struggling to adjust to civilian life after a career ending injury retired him from duty. Little does he know that he will soon meet a young bookshop owner, the enigmatic and curious Q.
Smile - His favorite memory of Q
Holiday Memory - It's James and Q's first real Christmas together since they began dating, and the agent is slowly remembering something that he'd forgotten a long time ago, buried under loss and pain.
Strangers on a Train - Two strangers meet on a train. Sometimes it's just as simple as that.
Happy Holidays - Q is feeling a bit like the grinch with all the holiday cheer, but James can fix that.
You Are Beautiful - After years of being together through missions and strife, James and Q are finally getting married! The big day is not without its struggles, particularly since both men are nervous about the actual event.
The Way of the Glamping - Q surprises Bond in Japan. Bond surprises Q in return.
Leavin' on a Jet Plane - James returns from a mission gone wrong and discovers something about Q.
In sickness and in health - In light of recent events here in the US, we decided that we needed a fic of James taking care of a sick Q. And that turned into all sorts of fluff :)
Kitten Q comes out to play - BDSM pet play James/Q/Alec
Pop Goes the Weasel - Memorials for fallen agents are typically somber affairs. Then James Bond gets up to speak.
Hand Talk - What better way to welcome James home than with unexpected sex?
My Fault - It was never going to be. It never could be.
Unrequited - Q knows falling in love with James Bond won't be good, but it doesn't stop him trying.
Longing - It's hard when you've been left behind. It's even harder when you blame yourself.
Second Chance - Dreams
My Skin the Colour of your Eyes - Eve sets up James and Q, not knowing about their soul mate marks.
A Kiss and a Good Scotch - James has to rescue the Quartermaster after he's kidnapped. But there's more to him than what appears on the surface.
The Hacker and the Hit Men - (I Am) Q is an up and coming hacker (and a Submissive), living next to married Doms James and Alec. When Q stumbles on something he shouldn't have seen, he has to go to his neighbors for protecti
Caring Goes Both Ways - (I Am) Set after "The Hacker and the Hit Men" Q wants to help James and Alec with their work, and he learns quickly that his Doms have a penchant for getting intro trouble.
Migraine (Prequel) - (Retirement Bliss?) Q sometimes suffer migraines from his long hours in front of his screens. He usually pushes through them. Set before the main events of the rest of the series.
The Tummy - (Retirement Bliss?) James and Q are retired now, and James is feeling self conscious.
Lazy Afternoons - (Retirement Bliss?) Cuddling on the sofa is a nearly daily activity now.
Mad Scientist - (Retirement Bliss?) Q likes to tinker...
Bail - (Retirement Bliss?) Just because they've left MI6 doesn't mean they've left the memories behind.
Gardening - (Retirement Bliss?) Everyone has to have a hobby.
Kitten - (Retirement Bliss?) Turing is getting older, so he needs a companion.
Chores - (Retirement Bliss?) Arguing over chores and picking up
Dancing - (Retirement Bliss?) Q discovers a secret James has been hiding for quite a while.
Touch - (Retirement Bliss?) Timetospy's headcanon of how James and Q comfort each other. It looks like a hug but it means so much more.
Strays - (Retirement Bliss?) James is something of an animal whisperer. Q thinks it's hilarious.
Watch Over Me - (Retirement Bliss?) All this time and James still can't properly believe that Q is really his.
Contemplation - (Retirement Bliss?) ames isn't he only one contemplating old age. Q does too.
Constellations - (Retirement Bliss?) James loves stargazing, but Q is easily distracted.
The Witches of MI6 - An old spell made in a youthful temper, an old sea witch managing in a new era, alone and broken. Old and new clash together within MI6.
Skuld - Dread is knowing a man will hold your heart in his palm before you meet him.
Within Me - “I need it.” / Here, Q could play coy. He could pretend not to know what Bond means. He could be cruel, could mock Bond his obvious weakness. Instead he hums thoughtfully, considering. “Yes,” Q agrees. “You do."
2016 LDWS fics! - (ficlets and drabbles ) A collection of six drabbles from the 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing 2016.1 - genre: canon; theme: game; 100 words / 2 - prompt: "bet you didn't expect this"; 200-250 words / 3 - genre: AU; prompt: trope role reversal; 300 words / 4 - prompt: fantasy; 150 words / 5 - genre: historical AU; prompt: trouble; 250 words / 6 - prompt: trust; 300 words
Prompts and Bites  - (ficlets and drabbles ) A collection of all of the prompt fic and fic bites that are too short to be on their own but long enough to archive.
In the Shadow of the Forest - (Here, There be Dragons) - Written for the 00Q Reverse Bang 2015/2016! / Sent to the edge of the world to look for dragons no one believes in, Sir Bond finds something.
A Year And A Day - (Here, There be Dragons) - Bond has lived with his dragon for a year now. A long, chaste year.
In Memoria Res - Memory is a tricky business. / After Franz's machine, the cup of Bond's mind becomes a sieve.
Only Style - Q takes the job because it's a ridiculous fluff job with an even more ridiculous salary. Things only get more bizarre from there.
Hands-On Approach - What if the scene in the ski lift had gone differently?Spoiler-tastic, obviously. [Noncon Warning]
[...and tons of other stories, because beaubete has 77 posted Bond fics! -Cas ]
Control - What else was he meant to do when he got caught? {DARK FIC}
Exposure - Bond is a photographer. Q is a model. What more do you need to know? (There is lace involved.)
Tangled Hearts - Nothing's ever easy when you work an almost 24/7 job, have a department to run, a boyfriend, and a cat to feed. Then there's the ever unruly 007.
No Accounting for Taste - Even though soulmates were common, James had been content without knowing who his was. He was happily married to Anne, the loveliest person he had ever encountered. She put up with all his bullshit and they were expecting a child. Things don't always go to plan though, and when complications arise during birth, James may just end up on his own after all.
Say yes? - (Diamonds are Forever) It’s Christmas Day, Q’s favourite day of the year, and Bond is nervous as fuck. He wakes Q up at 6am and Q is drowsy, half asleep when Bond starts asking questions.
Mr & Mr Bond - (Diamonds are Forever) Q and James get married.
Free to a Good Home - (Diamonds are Forever) Q has had enough of Bond's shit and puts flyers up in Q-Branch.
Another One Bites the Dust - (Diamonds are Forever) Bond has lost something rather important.
If I Had a Functional Pancreas I Could Love You - Q fears that revealing his diabetes will make Bond think less of him. Bond surprises him. (Fluffy just-established relationship fic.)
Pre-flight Jitters - Q experiences some flying anxiety and Bond offers him a (chemical) solution. Fluffy ficlet.
Wild Nights Should Be Our Luxury - Q decides that he and Bond should start having sex. Bond avoids choking to death on cannelloni
Luminous Beings Are We - In an effort to persuade Q to accept him and his feelings, Bond learns the way of the nerd and creates a special Halloween cosplay.
No Cock Tuesdays - Bond, Q, and Madeleine are snowed in and anticipating some hot OT3 sex. Only one problem: Bond’s cock is not cooperating.
And I laid me down with a will - Bond knows where he wants Q to be when the world ends. He finds him at Q Branch instead. (Written for the h/c prompt "World Explosion.")
Rubbish Flirts - Bond and Q’s first sexy weekend together ends with a bit of practical domesticity.
Post-coital Breakfast - Bond convinces Q that he had only the purest of motives when he snuck downstairs to make French toast on the morning after.
Tanner's Mission - Tanner goes on a mission to thwart his arms-dealing doppelgänger. Bond goes undercover and tries out a new form of transportation.
In the Office - Q makes a mess of Mallory in his own office; Mallory enjoys the hell out of it.
A Case of Good Etiquette  - Having recently moved into Q's house, Bond returns from a mission to find that his first welcome home has gone a wee bit awry.
Waiting for Spectre - Fills for MI6 Cafe prompts on Tumblr, written pre- and post-Spectre. Chapter eleven: Felix helps Bond on a mission; Bond wins a bet. James/Felix ficlet
It is not the wine that makes us drunk - Bond, Moneypenny, and Tanner take Q out for drinks to celebrate the end of a very long day. Fluff ensues, including Q's glasses getting passed around like a party favor and Bond having an honorable intention.
Q Branch Professionalism - Q finds his staff acting inappropriately.
Exit, Pursued by a Bear - One of Bond's targets tries to hide in the wilderness.
The Trick is Slick Code - Bond decides to woo Q in a way that Q will surely understand--with technology! Meanwhile, Q strongly suspects that Bond just wants a new Aston or something
First Cat to Feed - (Cats to Feed) The story of how Q, with a little help from Bond, acquires a cat after Skyfall.
Worth Killing - (Bond Women Loving Women) Camille finds out that Mr. Greene’s boss has a daughter working with Medecins Sans Frontieres in Bolivia. She pays Doctor Swann a visit, hoping to find leverage and discovering something else.
For Want of a Moneypenny - (Bond Women Loving Women) Moneypenny changes the course of events on Silva’s island. Séverine lives.
Sparks in Six Saloon - (Bond Women Loving Women) Moneypenny helps out a woman who’s gotten on the wrong side of Mr. Greene. Old West AU.
Due Donne a Roma - (Bond Women Loving Women) MI6 and Lucia Sciarra both need the Spectre goons in Rome to go away. They work out a deal that involves Moneypenny.
Acceptable Loss - (Bond Women Loving Women) Field agent recruit Moneypenny starts dating Fields and learns a hard lesson.
A Conversation in Heaven - (Bond Women Loving Women) In the afterlife, Vesper asks Severine an important question.
Motivation - (Bond Women Loving Women) Yusef’s captors instruct Vesper to make a drop in Bolivia. Camille gets curious about why someone from the British treasury would walk into a known criminal hang-out.
Table for Two - (Bond Women Loving Women) The Treasury sends Vesper to Macau; the people who hold Vesper’s leash send her to meet Séverine.
A Question of Commitment - (Bond Women Loving Women) Back before Ms. Dowar had been an MP, she’d asked M to call her “Claire.”
Five O'clock in the Morning - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing.
Hello Weekend - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Transform, genre-fluff, Fibonacci number sentence per paragraph construction.
Where There’s Smoke, There’s Fire - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: AU “I must be dreaming.”
Sputter - Written for the 2017 00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Bright.
Nothing Gold Can Stay - Eve goes on holiday alone and picks out the perfect Secret Santa gift for Q.
2020 - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Dare hurt/comfort
My Little Finger - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing. Prompt: Dialogue only
My Heart Will Go On - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing. / Prompt: Fusion “I expect you to die.”
Big Spoon - Written for the 2016 007 fest Last Drabble Writer Standing.
Prompt: wager. First word beginning with "M." Second word beginning with "I." Last word must be "six."
Blackbird - James Bond didn’t need anything or anyone. He had already lost the war that circumstance had waged against him. When his affection for Q flared, he got the love he never had, and the home he never knew he was missing.
Baby - Written for alby mangroves’ Lip Service – the Panfandom Commentfest.
Give and Take - Q wants and gives all that he could (exploding tech, hidden feelings, secret fears). Then he realized he should just take instead because Bond was more than happy to give.
A Bit of Supernatural in Your Life - Daemons are supernatural manifestations to meet human desires and expectations and MI6 decides to summon a couple of them to join its employment roster, such as one for protection, one to replace a lost Quartermaster. Bond's inextricably stuck dealing with them for better or for worse because that's how his luck is.
Iambid (Flantastic)
Le Beau Garçon - Bond comes home from a mission to Q.
Oh, Won't You Be My Valentine? - Q has a crush and asks Bond to help him out.
Completely Plastered - After a mission in Bruges goes horribly wrong, Bond finds himself confined to Medical. / In which Bond is a bloody awful patient, Eve is a crafty cow, Tanner is oblivious and Q has some wonderful ideas about how to relieve a 00's boredom.
Never Fearful - In a post-apocalyptic world where technology is a thing of the past and magic runs riot; James Bond, a warrior cleric of the Palace of Vauxhall, is the ultimate fighter.  / Will his bone-deep hatred of magic prevent him from protecting House Emisyx’s last, best hope for peace? And what is the deal with the kid with the goggles anyway?
Beholder - Bond's own concept of beauty.
One More Bruise - It’s been eleven hours since M changed the status of field agent 007, Commander James Bond, from ‘Active’ to ‘Missing in Action’.
Silence Is Golden - James Bond is a porn star who's been in the business for years. Q is the newcomer who's been drafted in as his co-star.
La Rata - Fourteen years ago James Bond lied to the man he loves and now that lie has come back to haunt him. / As the time approaches for him to confess what he did, he thinks back to the events that led to them meeting
Blacktail - When M loses patience with the way that James Bond conducts himself while out on missions she thinks she has the ideal solution. She has no idea she's about to change the agent's life forever.
All I Am - Finally falling into bed together after months of flirting, Q has a confession to make. Q seems to think his secret might scare Bond away. Bond thinks all his Christmases have come at once.
The Birthday Girl - When Eve Moneypenny’s birthday celebrations go wrong there's one man she can rely on to make everything better - her friend, Bill Tanner.
Breathe With Me - When James Bond goes back to MI6 following his disastrous relationship with Dr Madeleine Swann, Q wants nothing to do with him. / Then there's an accident in Q-Branch...
Lumos - Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry holds its secrets well.  Born six months after the famous battle in which Voldemort was defeated, James Bond is just weeks away from leaving the school when he stumbles across an unusual portrait of a young man.  Who was the mysterious ‘Q’ and why does James get the feeling that the painting is in terrible danger?
The Valentine Dinner - Bill's determined to make Eve a lovely dinner for Valentine's day. Unfortunately things don't go exactly as planned...
The Glastonbury Sprite and the London Spy - A chance encounter at the Glastonbury Festival leads to a passionate relationship between James Bond and Thomas “Q” Holt. / When James's true identity is suddenly revealed and it abruptly ends their relationship, James realises that he is in love and he will do everything he can to try to prove it to Q. Even if that means digging into his twin brother’s past.
Kissing It All Better - James visits a poorly Q.
2017 Last Drabble Writer Standing - A little collection of drabbles which I wrote for this year's competition over on MI6-Cafe's page on tumblr.
This Is Our Beginning, Coming To An End - (Devotion) Following the aviation accident which killed his family, Q uses a wheelchair. Fiercely independent, this is the story of how he fell in love and the three times he allowed James Bond to carry him.
I'm Right Where I Belong - (Devotion) After four years together, Q and James are as happy as they have ever been. This is never more evident than on a rare day off spent together. Although the dark repercussions of their employment are never far away, even the quietest day can be filled with surprises.
Dress Up In Dreams - (Devotion) James and Q's lives are turned upside-down when a kidnap plot sees them both taken, hundreds of miles apart. For Q it's a battle of wits and survival. For James, it's as much a fight against his own demons as the people who take him. [rape/non-con]
The Evening Shift - (Devotion) James Bond, from three different perspectives.
All Of Our Ghosts And Secrets - (Devotion) Following on from the events of Dress Up In Dreams, James and Q's relationship is struggling but a terrible injury turns out to be a blessing in disguise as they are thrust into a series of life or death events.
Grabbed By The Ghoulies - (Halloween Fun) Q takes dressing up for Hallowe'en far too seriously...
That's Just Wizard - (Halloween Fun0.) Just what did happen in that deserted office?
The Assumption - (The Surprises) Unbonded Alpha James Bond would lead a pretty solitary life if it wasn't for his Beta friend Q. They get on well and Q always knows the best restaurants. However James soon learns that Q is full of surprises...
The Homecoming - (The Surprises) What was supposed to be a straightforward covert op for the alpha James Bond turned into an extended, deep undercover mission.  Almost six months after leaving England he returns to London and the omega he was forced to leave behind; his beloved Q. / He thinks he’ll surprise Q by turning up unannounced in the middle of the night. As it turns out, Q has a much bigger surprise waiting for him...
The Arrival - (The Surprises)  It’s been a hectic time for alpha James Bond since returning home and finding out that his omega Q is expecting twins.  On leave from field work, James has spent his days trying to make up for lost time by being as close to his mate as possible and learning all he can about the intricacies of giving birth.  Unfortunately all his training hasn’t quite prepared him for things not going quite according to plan…
The Nanny - (The Surprises)  Three gorgeous pups and James and Q are still surprising each other.
IAmVengeance (Venstar)
The Subterranean God of MI-6  - The mind of a God is never still, even when it’s forgotten what it once was… Q flickered between himself and Hades on the way home, the riders in his train giving him wary looks and space, something about him now unsettled them. The kindly grandparents pulled their purses and coats close around them. The large youths pushed their earphones further into their ears, trying to lose themselves in the sound of their music. Small children peeped shyly out at him from over their parents shoulders. Those same parents would glance back and then quickly pull their children down to face away. Q kept his head down as he exited the tube station and made his way to the entrance to his building, bypassing the elevator and running up the stairs, where he finally stumbled through his doorway.
Getting A Word In - Some days, Q is so busy that James feels like he just can’t get a word in. Maybe it’s just the right word in or maybe it’s the right place.
Just Checking - You can’t have it both ways, much less three. I’m either a Wizard, or I’m...
Ping! - Old people and technology. Somehow 007 had accidentally group texted him and 006. There’s an attachment included and being curious in his little soul, Q opened it...
Inhale, Exhale - It was supposed to be routine, simple bodyguard duty for the Quartermaster of MI-6...instead it ended in a series of mistakes.
A Price -Death came to me on sock footed feet, stepping softly and silently across the hall floor, for it seems that Death didn’t care to wear shoes. For the MI6-cafe challenge for October.
Just Dance - Q walks in on some agents, absolutely killing it at Just Dance 4.
Banner Graphic for rivermoon1970 - IT'S A BANNER. THAT'S MY SUMMARY. YO. HAPPY CHRISTMAS!!!
Good King James - A short re-telling of one of my oddly favorite Christmas carols, Good King Wenceslas.
The Boffin and The Badass - a rewrite of a holiday favorite, The Holly and The Ivy. Sing along! inspired by Rigel99's pics titled "The Boffin and the Badass"
The Greatest Responsibility is to Hide the Truth... Because Superpowers Suck. - Sometimes the greatest responsibility is to hide the truth from the ones you think you know. Other times, the greatest responsibility you can have, is saving each other’s asses. Bond has a secret that he doesn’t want anyone to know, it’s what fuels his “resurrection” hobby. Okay Alec knows, but they’re besties, he was bound to find out! Q is suddenly hit with a secret that he doesn’t want anyone to know, except for his cats and Rufus the roomba, or else he could be stuck in a lab forever and not as it’s Supreme Overlord! A failed kidnap reveals what the urban hero and the supreme lab rat have in common. They must get their shit together and work as a team, for the greater good and a bit of kissing.
Memoirs of a Quartermaster - You can wish for a different beginning for your ending, but sometimes you’re not allowed that luxury. In Japan, a pair of siblings are sold by their fisherman father. One to a geisha house (okiya) and the other one, to a brothel. Along the years of training and failure, one sibling escapes from the brothel where they lived and the other is left alone, becoming indebted to their okiya. However, years later, he earns the opportunity to become a taikomoshi apprentice, with the help and support of a successful ally. While still a young man, he falls in love with The Commander, at a chance meeting. Years pass before they meet each other again...
Growing Up - Now, it wasn’t that James couldn’t remember how he passed most of his youth, it’s just that it wasn’t very pleasant. So he chose to forget, like we all do.
There's Always Cats - It used to be a lonely walk, but with the discovery of two little fluff balls, Q's valentine's day might not be spent alone.
Demons by Candlelight - if you summon it, it will come.
The Bond Letters - Q has a whole notebook filled, with private writings, all about James. James was unaware of this, until he stumbles across a small, ratty, tatty notebook that was so at odds with the pristine and crisp Quartermaster. James was never supposed to ever find it or be aware of how Q really felt, but spy is always a spy. Now James can't help but wonder what it would be like to actually be on the receiving end of something so powerful outside of the journal writings.
Summer Bucket List - bond has a list. a list of things to do that will be done. he also has a reluctant quartermaster
1000 Paper Things - there's an old Japanese legend that if you make 1000 paper cranes, you get a wish. for james, well, he only has 999 paper things. not sure if it counts but q seems to think so.
The Witches of MI6 - An old spell made in a youthful temper, an old sea witch managing in a new era, alone and broken. Old and new clash together within MI6
The Origin of R -There comes a time, when your past catches up to your future. For Adam, the future Quartermaster (although he totally doesn't know this, sssh don't tell him), this is how his meager beginnings at MI6 collided with R’s rebellious nature, and how she came to be. Desperate to escape a situation of her own making, R turns to an old hacker mate and drags him through his own worst case scenario of past meeting present...they adopt a trusty 00 agent along the way, or perhaps, he adopted them.
Mission to Invite - (Mission Transcripts) It was just supposed to be the weekly read through, followed by Tanner summarizing the bullet points to M. Unfortunately, Mallory had requested unedited copies of the most recent missions, regardless as to if they were complete. 007 and 006’s joint mission had been part of that call for transcripts.
Mission to Date - (Mission Transcripts) Another transcript review by Tanner and another job of reminding a couple of agents that the Quartermaster of MI-6 is NOT a customer service agent or a call...center...girl.
Mission to Play - (Mission Transcripts) The minions need reminding that the deadly agents are not playthings, especially the Double ohs. Alec continues to try and be helpful.
Mission to Sell - (Mission Transcripts) Q’s eyes closed and he listened to the two agents as they left the safety of the hotel room for the unknown risk of the auction. To sell, perchance to buy - ay, there’s that rub. For in that sell of death, what dreams may come? Q twisted the lines of Hamlet for his own purpose. Slowly he began to work at his bindings.
Mission to Steal - (Mission Transcripts) The minions looked around the room, there were very few of them left in the branch. There were a few other double-oh’s in the field presently, but 006 and 007's mission was the only active mission that was currently going tits up, with one of the most important and heavily guarded assets in dire straits. They looked to R and she began to give orders.
The Trap - (2017 DRABBLES FOR LDWS) Demons keep the wings of angels that they kill as a prize.
Transformation - (2017 DRABBLES FOR LDWS) MI6’s ruler Queen M, sent Q, his protectors, his feline advisors and Q's true love James Bond into the future to be reborn through the power of the LEGENDARY QUANTUM OF SOLACE. Q and James can transform into the SPECIAL GUARDIANS OF MI6. They fight for love and justice, and in the name of MI6, they’ll punish you. (DON’T LOOK AT ME LOOK AWAY!!!)
When the Sky Fell - (2017 DRABBLES FOR LDWS) That which we are, we are; made weak by time and fate, but strong in will. When he is gone, I work my work, but he is still mine.
Seducing Q - Bond comes to a realization that he wants his quartermaster for more than just a night and sets out to win him over.
After Seduction - Originally called Teasing, changed the title when I decided to add other drabbles to this
Stillness in Silence - (Bonds of Friendship) Doctor John Watson runs a rather unique practice, its entire purpose is to help those who are deaf or mute, either by birth, illness or trauma. Sherlock is brought to his practice by his concerned older brother after he spends months refusing to speak. Things do not go as planned or expected for any of them.
“It’s for me.” 1 -  (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt: Somebody says “it’s for me” - whether a question, statement, or demand. Have fun!
Flash Fics Set 1: 2- (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt: You get into your car one morning only to have your GPS inform you that it forgot all directions and needs your help remembering them.
Phrases Said 16 -  (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt “Have you lost your damn mind!?”
Phrases Said 19 - (Bonds of Friendship) Prompt: “I need you to pretend we’re dating…”
Bad Advice - (Bonds of Friendship) Q is in need of some advice and decides to ask his best friend for it.
Christmas Preparations - (Bonds of Friendship)  Jasper and Jim set up the flat for Jasper's first Christmas with his partners.
Different Paths - (Paths Taken) Soulmates Alec Trevelyan and James Bond find themselves at odds when Alec is given a mission that he assumes that James knows about. But they’ve both been betrayed. James’ briefing isn’t the same as Alec's. Alec’s life undercover is hard, and becomes harder once he learns his soulmate has been killed. Feelings of guilt and anger cause him to fight back against MI6 for his loss. When James turns up unexpectedly, he is shocked to find his soulmate is still alive - a soulmate who attempts to kill him and sets a chain of events into motion that he never would have expected.
Night Out - (Paths Taken) Time stamp event during Alec and Q living in Paris
Wrong Answer - (Answers Verse) Nine years is a long time to be undercover and the longer Alec's mission drags on, the harder it gets. He doesn't expect the teen he is given to actually change the course of his mission, but that's exactly what happens
Through the Ages - (Answers Verse) A series of short stories about James Bond, Alec Trevelyan, and Q over the years in the various life times. Each one is complete as is and will include which tags belong to it in the notes at the top of the story.
“It’s for me.” 5 - (Answers Verse) Prompt: Somebody says “it’s for me” - whether a question, statement, or demand. Have fun!
Deciding His Future - (Real Legends: Moments in Time) Aiden's a young adult now and its time to decide what he wants to do with his life
Interesting Person - (Real Legends: Moments in Time)  Aiden's observations lead to him meeting one of his classmates he finds interesting
Q's Gift - (Moriarty Twins) Q's twin decides to do something about his love life for their birthday, it definitely doesn't go as anyone expects.
Lost in the Echo - (Legends in the Multiverse) Alec's thoughts over the years
Diverted - (Legends in the Multiverse) What if Jon met James first instead of Alec?
Of Unicorns and Fate - A unicorn goes searching for the others of his kind, along the way he meets those who would both hurt or help him, and a most unexpected thing, he finds himself in love
Cuddles and Threats 6 - Prompt: laying in bed with each other, one whispers “I could beat the shit out of you” and the other says “I know”. Thoughts?
Around the House 19 - Prompt: Must use these words: Screwdriver. Curtains. Phone. Chair
Phrases Said 1 - Prompts: “Who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?!” and “Before you decide to murder me, let me explai n
Our Soulmates 7 Sentinel Verse 1 part 1 - Prompt: Soulmate AU
Our Soulmates 11 Sentinel Verse 1 part 2 - Prompt: Soulmate AU
Sugar and Kisses - In which Q is (terrifically) bad in the kitchen, James is sweetly indulgent (with ulterior motives), and Q and James are (very much) in love.
For His Wallet - Bill doesn't know what he's done to deserve this. It's all Moneypenny's fault anyways. Christ, who has this much money?
Redamancy - If you write something on your skin, it will show up on your soulmate's skin as well. James doesn't quite fall in love over physics discussions and cheeky book quotes and coding and riddles inked onto his skin, but he comes close. And then he actually meets Q.
Meow - Cats - James never was fond of them.
Tea Party For Two - "Good afternoon, Q. May I help you with your little predicament?"
Unspoken - It’s as normal as they get and they’re both fine with it: in the end, they don’t need words to profess their love.
Il Marionettista - He hadn't expected things to be the same as when he had walked out of MI6, his mind clouded by the illusion of a happily normal life and Madeleine's sweet perfume - 007 wasn't naïve: MI6 moved at a dizzyingly quick pace and those who didn't manage to keep up disappeared, promptly replaced by someone who supposedly was more competent
Shade: Blood - Q's head snapped upwards so quickly and forcefully that the protesting of his vertebrae was clearly audible and jade-green eyes burned with incredulity "What?! I don't do fieldwork"  / "This is going to be so far from fieldwork that I'm wondering whether we'll even be payed" James smirked, folding his hands behind his back so that he wouldn't give in the itching need to comfortingly pat those messy curls - somehow, he knew Q wouldn't appreciate it.
Lovers' Spat - James smiled cheekily, icy-blue eyes twinkling "Have I told you lately how adorably fluffy your hair is?
White - As James watched Q and Danny shriek like bloody children in the snow blanketing the park, courting pneumonia with childish glee, he couldn't help remembering the quote from the TV adaptation of "North and South" his lovers made him watch and think that Thornton was wrong: hell definitely wasn't snow white.
Hole In My Head - There's a hole in Q's head, where Silva used to be and that now he's trying to fill with James' presence
All About Us - “He looks delicious, doesn’t he?” Raoul smiled sweetly, his lips seductively brushing against Q’s earlobe and fingers possessively tightening onto his jutting hipbones. / [...] / “I think he needs to be gagged” Q offered quietly, leaning back in Raoul’s embrace as if to find a new position to better contemplate the way sunlight was painted over that tanned skin, stretched taught over deliciously powerful muscles.
Burning Ink - The day the youngest Quartermaster ever in the history of MI6 and the legendary 007 shook hands in front of a vaguely mocking and depressing painting by Turner, they both ignored the simmering heat burning a name on their skin. / [...] / The day a desperate young man like any other in London and an early riser jogger brushed fingers while swapping a bottle of water in the cold and humid air of a grey dawn, the surprise was so great that their paths immediately parted and left them to wander alone the city with the feeling of having let luck slip out of their hands.
Lingerie - "Wow" James couldn't prevent the three words engorged with admiration and lust from escaping his suddenly dry mouth "Wow" he praised again after uselessly and desperately gulping down nonexistent saliva: the vision offered to him truly was worthy of such honest and bare admiration.
#improper use of marshmallows - Q was bored to death, alone and sprawled on the still unmade bed, gorging himself with sickly sweet and gummy marshmallows and the tablet propped on his stomach to better watch stupidly cute cat videos
Yellow -  00QAD - Relationship
Hearts In Atlantis - "Stop frowning, mi querido, or you'll get wrinkles" Raoul ruffled Q's curls passing by, leaving a freshly baked biscuit by his elbow - a white chocolate and almonds concoction designed to uplift bad moods "You're usually not so pensive after having just woken up" he pointed out.
Bottled Happiness - "You do know that you don't need to bring me presents?" Q inquired as he caught Bond leaving a neatly wrapped package at the corner of his eyes. / 007 smirked and moved the little box in front of the boffin, who still was focused on the screen of his laptop, its light and algorithms reflected on the smudged lenses of his spectacles "I just want to show my appreciation for your hard work, Q"
Blossomed Hope - "Are you okay?" she kept asking and no, Q was not okay - very far from it. But he lied smoothly at her with a smile, not trusting his voice not to betray him if he let it out his vocal chords "You could come to dinner: James has been telling me how he misses your takeaway nights here in Q-branch"
Violet Hour - The first breath of fresh hair burned down Q's throat and he gasped, coughing and laughing with exhilaration at the same time while he spied at the horizon with half-closed eyes, the brilliance too much to stand for his pupils used to the darkness of the ocean's depths. His pale arms were thrown open up towards the sky, seafoam sliding down his wrists as if the ocean itself was having difficulties with letting its fairest child go; not that the flimsy hold would have ever been able to hold Q back, not once he managed to peel his eyelids open and the vastness of the world was forever seared in his retinas - an invisible brand of ownership.
00Q LDWS - I realised I never posted these so, here they are
Selfish Prayers - "Why do they always make them look like glorified whores?" James muttered, shivering as he remembered the late High Priest - an odious fat man that had been made leader of the Cult at the questionably venerable age of sixty-seven - thusly clothed; at least, he was thankful that the new High Priest was such a finely boned and handsome boy.
Royal Presents - Saying that James Bond wasn't a particularly big fan of Christmas would have been a pretty big understatement: he quite detested it, in fact, and tried to avoid anything to do with it - especially at work, which was the reason why he always requested to be sent out in the field, preferably in a country where Christmas wasn't celebrated.
Shattering Stars  -  James selected a piece by Rachmaninoff he knew Q was particularly fond of and tried to pretend everything was fine.
Twisted Games - "Last time Bond fucked you, the whole floor heard you" Silva tutted reproachingly, reaching over to spoon some cream into his tea. / Q merely arched an eyebrow: it wasn't as if he cared whether anyone knew about the little arrangement he had with Bond - and neither should his colleagues care, since having a sexual relationship with the agent didn't prevent him from doing his work. Anyway, it was widely known that Bond was his favourite agent: the fact that they were fucking couldn’t have changed that much people’s already malicious opinions "Jealous?" / "You don't even know where that cock has been"
Ode To The Broken - "Grow a pair, Q" 002 snarls over the comms, gritting her teeth as she scales the wall just using her pigheadedness and a huge amount of luck. / Q rolls his eyes: she could have easily used the elevator - after all, he could control it easily "Of what? Boobs?"
00qad LDWS - What it says on the tin
Feathers In My Head - (Tumblr Kink Meme) Josephine Bond. Of fucking course, Q should have bet her favourite sweater on it: the woman not only made heads turn with her natural and sensual beauty, enhanced by her colourful attires and heeled shoes, but she also conjured a nervous atmosphere with her reputation of ruthless assassin clinging to her even in the safety of MI6.
Break Time - (Tumblr Kink Meme) "I just want to know one thing" Q panted [...] "Why do we always end up having sex in my office?"
The Odd One - (Omega!Bond series) "James, you're painful to watch" / "Don't watch then" James shot back, turning on his side to have a look at his arse: he knew it looked good but instead of being plump, its cheeks were toned and firm.
One Of A Kind - (Omega!Bond series) To be honest, James had never particularly been fond of cats [...] but Q and the cats came together as a package deal and James had welcomed them all in his flat, which no more was depressingly bare.
E.T. - (Alien!Q series) "That's... a mouthful" James pointed out rather uselessly. / "You can call me Q" the other said with the poshest accent James had ever heard in his life - keeping a startled laugh from escaping his throat was quite an hard job.
Rainbow - (Alien!Q series) James had some bad mental associations with red: it was the colour of blood - freshly spilled or already drying - and of gore; it was the colour of Vesper's sundress when she had drowned under the scalding Venetian sun of an Italian summer; it was the colour of Q's skin whenever he was hurt and in pain.
Comets - (Alien!Q series) "Will you stare at him for much longer or are you dragging him home any time soon?" Eve asked, a teasing grin appearing on her lips
Octopus - (Alien!Q series) "What is it?" He inquired [...] / "It's a lifejacket: it will keep you afloat in case you fall overboard" / "Does it come in another colour?"
Riding in Cars with Spies - (la Vie en Rose) Riding along on a test drive with James Bond is never a good idea. /  Unless it turns out to be the best idea Q has ever had.
Slippery When Wet - (la Vie en Rose) He took the last few steps to the door, paused a moment, then burst in, assuming his firing stance and scanning the room. The refrigerator door was open, and he could see someone bent over, rummaging around in the crisper. / “Oh for the love of….” / He recognised that arse. He could pick it out of a lineup, should the need arise.
Acapulco - (la Vie en Rose) Something is missing in Bond's idyllic retirement, and he can't place what it is...
Descent - (la Vie en Rose) Q had been tiptoeing around the flat on eggshells or weeks. The tragedy was that Q was still on that beach, hundreds of kilometers away, lost along the dark shore as he tread over the remains of the battered and broken bits the ocean had seen fit to throw against the sand. It hadn’t been eggshells under Q’s feet as he tried to navigate himself back to the wreck of his happiness, a sand castle that the tide had reclaimed and broken into nothingness. No, it had never been eggshells. It had been the ever-widening drifts of the remnants of his life ground into his raw soul without mercy.
I'll Be Seeing You - (la Vie en Rose) A drink. He needed a drink. Maybe it would shake something loose from the cobwebs that were his unreliable memory.
Acapulco (Reprise) - (la Vie en Rose) Madeleine frowned. She turned and re-entered the bedroom, stopping at the dresser to retrieve her mobile. As she reached for it, a small slip of paper caught her eye. It was tucked underneath the vase filled with day old flowers, a routine she had adopted in futility to inject some kind of joy into the room that had become their battleground.
Writing on the Other Side of the Wall - (Either Side Will Do, 00Q) What happens when you drop a heavy bag through your neighbor's wall? Head wounds and dinner dates, apparently.
Writing on the Wall - (Either Side Will Do, 00Q) What happens when you drop a desk through the wall of your flat? Q's about to find out...
Before My Eyes - “He must choose,” Death had said in the slow, raspy voice of wind through dead leaves. “And since you knew him in life, you are the one to give him this choice.” / Why me?” / “Because he loved you.”
Tease - It’s been a long day. Which isn’t an excuse for shouting, really, but Bond is leaning against Q’s desk, hands shoved into his pockets, which does things to the front placket of his trousers that Q would rather not be thinking about at the moment, but can’t seem to ignore, and his frustration is leaking out of his mouth.
Save Our Souls - The first time I save your life, it’s an accident.
007 Fest Ficlet Collection - The following ficlets are what I created during 007 Fest 2016. They were based on a prompt list I created - one quote for every day. The ficlets run the gamut from crack to angst to tooth-rotting fluff, so each one has a small content explanation in the notes. Fic rating is for only three or four of the 30 ficlets collected here. Most are T/M.
00Q Last Drabble Writer Standing Contest Entries - These are my entries for the 00Q LDWS contest held for 007 Fest in July 2016.
Cup cakes and anniversaries - Q makes cupcakes to celebrate, but James ruins his plans. Or does he?
For the Love of Peach Pie - After discharge from the Royal Navy in 1946, James finds himself adrift with no clear future. Hoping to find direction, he travels to America./ In which Q is a mechanic in a small Midwestern town, M runs a diner, and life still isn't as simple or peaceful as anyone would like.
A Face in the Dark - When Q suddenly vanishes, James tries everything to find him with no luck.
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scriptscribbles · 7 years
I know you didn't reblog it but I saw an ask post on my dash about "5 things you'd change about a TV show/book/fandom if you could" and it seemed like something you may like doing sooooo (1/2)
I give you: Davies Who, Moffat Who, Sherlock, Game of Thrones, ASoIaF (as a separate 5 things to the show), Star Wars, aaaaand Class for good measure. Have fun! 😉
Thanks, anon! This sounds fun!
Davies Who 
Donna remembers. I don’t care how. Just, not this violation of her agency.
Use Donna to call Ten’s hubris out.
Kill Queen Victoria. It was the original plan for series 2, and it works far better for the story arc. The whole thing is about consequences for Ten and Rose and their behavior, them creating Torchwood through their irresponsibility, but as is I think it lacks the sting.
Have Rose not end up with the Doctor. I know, they’ve got star-crossed true love and all that. But I think part of what made them compelling was that they were so gleefully, ignorantly doomed. They were grinning and laughing and flirting from battlefield to battlefield and there’s a wonderful contrast in that. But they also need to face the consequences. I think something like Hell Bent for them would be better, something pushing Rose to realize that it’s in her best interest to leave him even as it breaks her own heart. I think the parallel world stuff is good, though, particularly since Jackie ends happy.
Give Mickey and Martha their own stories in their episodes. Let them be appreciated more for their own strength rather than sidelined by the Doctor’s dismissive attitude. And, uh, don’t have them randomly in a relationship out of nowhere. Build it up or don’t do it. Also, have Martha remain a Doctor rather than a soldier.
Moffat Who
I hate calling for monster returns, but a story of something like the Mara for Amy in series 7A or 6B. Something to suggest the trauma she’s had and the abandonment through surreal imagery. Stuff like Asylum of the Daleks or The God Complex acknowledges it well, but I want more. It’d be even better if she realizes she’s being taken over early but struggles to tell the Doctor or Rory because she’s afraid of them dismissing her. Moffat’s really good at inside head stories so it’d work well I think, particularly if they got Hurran in for it like so many in that era did.
Show us River’s wives. Clara and Jane Austen. Canton’s husband. I know these things are incidental to the plot, but the representation means so much more when you can see it. I love it as it is but I do think more is called for and is a reasonable request.
Cast something other than white people in The Rebel Flesh/The Almost People. Like, I think it’s a really underrated script, but a story about the plight of the oppressed needs a diverse cast, and it just utterly fails that.
Paternoster spinoff. Let it be the SJA to Class’ Torchwood, eh? They lend themselves so much to silly adventures, and they provide amazing representation. Only hurdle I could see is in their heavy makeup work, but I’m sure there’s ways around it, like Strax wearing the Sontaran helmet or Vastra her veil.
Get Davies back for an episode. I know Moffat’s tried, but, like, try harder. Please?
Make the nature of Irene’s sexuality and her attraction to Sherlock clearer because that discourse is hell
Reduce the quantity of not-gay jokes. They do make sense in acknowledging a long history of speculation and I don’t think they need to be excised entirely, but there is a bit too much
Kill John instead of Mary. It’d change up the shape of series 4 a fair bit, particularly given Mary has far less aversion to killing and would probably make quicker work of Eurus’ puzzles, but there’s gotta be stuff to be done with that. Perhaps her not being willing to kill anymore after seeing John shot? That could be interesting. I dunno. I just feel like, good as series 4 was, there’s a better version where John takes Mary’s place and Mary John’s.
More Sally. I know the actress was unavailable for series 3, but it’s a huge blow in diversity to a show that has basically none.
Cut The Blind Banker.
Game of Thrones
Get rid of all straight white men in the writing staff. Let me be clear, there is nothing inherently bad about someone being straight, white, or a man. But as there is so much ignorance towards intersectional issues in a text that needs to be aware of and critiquing them (something Martin generally does well in the books and is sort of a main point of the series), that needs to be shaken up.
Stannis would never burn Shireen and that was the dumbest plotting decision ever. No. Just no. Now, his wife, she would. Melisandre would. His soldiers would. But he wouldn’t. Seeing him pressured to burn his daughter or else the troops will leave him for not being sufficiently devoted to the red god could be a good way of keeping the beat while removing the out-of-character side to it. But as it is it just does not function. At all.
More of Sam’s book scenes. The show gets a bit too fixated on the upsetting material, upping torture and violence to extreme levels, when some of the strongest material is in the quieter character work. Sam and Gilly taking the boat south is one of those.
A different direction for Sansa. I’m not saying keep her in the Vale and out of the plot, I get why that’s an issue. But don’t subject her to Ramsay. Or to rape. Actually, too much Ramsay is easily one of the show’s biggest problems. They seem to think he’s compelling because he’s awful, but instead he’s just awful.
Make Dorne the planners like they are in the books. The show has gotten so much drama out of the likes of Littlefinger and Varys, surely the plotting of Dorne like in the books could make for excellent television. I’m not saying it needs to be the same as it was in the books, there are changes for a reason. But they were changed in the show to the most ridiculous and incoherent thing yet.
Cut characters/plotlines. Yes, they all have thematic points to make. No, that does not make them all good storytelling. Many of the strands could be condensced, combined, or cut entirely. Not to say the show is the best example of that, just that there is sound logic in changing it because it just doesn’t flow as a story.
If you have to keep alluding to the sexual violence and critiquing it, please muster more sympathy for the victims. Would it hurt, for example, to have a PoV chapter for Shae, right at the end, so we know who she is? Or for Jeyne to get some agency rather than focusing just on Theon?
Have some victories. So many of the plotlines are subversions of classic narratives, like with Robb or Quentyn or Ned’s downfalls. But there comes a point when it gets too repetitive. There’s other twists stories can take that also build in the drama of the world. And if they’re so important to subvert, a standalone novella might be a better approach. For now the amount of these dead-end plots clutters an already chaotic series to make the pacing turgid and the overall scope confusing. Plus, the basic pleasure of telling a story involves victories as well as twists and horrific fates. I know this series is about subverting those pleasures, but it should do that by also finding new pleasures in unexpected places.
Deliver on teased developments. I know a lot of that’s a problem because A Feast for Crows and A Dance with Dragons are transitional pieces to get the characters in the right place after the climactic events of A Storm of Swords, but it means after five very long books we are still reading setup for things we have been expecting for literal thousands of pages, with new characters dropping in for even more setup. It makes the books frustrating to read at times. And saving all the shocking twists in all the storylines for the end of each of the books just makes it even tougher going.
More of the original cast. The series keeps adding in new characters, and while many of them are indeed interesting, it’s frustrating when Sansa, Jon, Daenerys, and Arya’s arcs are all grinding to a halt and their chapters become increasingly spread out. At the very least, if you’re going to keep adding PoV characters, do it like, say, Brienne was done. Have them expand from a prominent character’s storyline and then branch off into their own. Like, I love Jon Connington, but the man is utterly disconnected from basically everything. And there are so many disconnected plotlines now that many of them barely move at all.
Star Wars
Erase every racial stereotype alien
Poe kisses Finn on the forehead or something while he’s unconscious in The Force Awakens. Maybe an “I love you.” I need it for reasons.
No kid!Anakin or kid!Anakin flirting with Padme.
Either make Padme or Obi-Wan the main character of the prequel trilogy. Padme is a more interesting angle to see Anakin lose it from I think, and has better access to the political storyline Lucas clearly wants to tell. And Obi-Wan gets a lot of the most compelling material, his plot in Attack of the Clones in particular feeling like a hint of a far better film.
Cut the Bodhi interrogation stuff toward the beginning of Rogue One. Just have the pilot talked about a lot like they do and have them not actually meet him until the cell. Because as is, he breaks up the first act’s pacing quite badly and distracts too long from Jyn’s story.
Less dialogue. I love a lot of the dialogue, but the show really needs more showing and letting the actors emote.
Make the two-parter one part. As it is the pacing just does not work at all.
Put Detained before the heart stuff. At the moment, the characters take too long to come into focus, not really doing so until Detained. It’s a good opportunity to take an already dysfunctional group, identify their flaws and tensions, and make that a focus of the series earlier on.
A different approach to the Shadowkin. Commit to an approach. Are they comedically rubbish? Terrifying menaces? A parody of toxic masculinity? An othered evil species? They don’t quite hit right and that hurts the plot arc. Also, their voices are edited poorly and that makes them hard to hear.
Promote the damn thing. Air it in a reasonable way in a reasonable hour when people will actually see it. Don’t just cut it loose and expect the Doctor Who brand will save it. If it utterly fails to get renewed, it’s down to how poorly it was promoted.
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aion-rsa · 3 years
A Comprehensive History of George R.R. Martin’s NFL Draft Takes
Game of Thrones author George R.R. Martin loves three things above all else: writing exhaustive descriptions of feasts, killing Starks, and watching NFL football.
When the “A Song of Ice and Fire” creator is not writing the most impactful bit of fantasy storytelling since The Lord of the Rings, he follows his two favorite football teams: the New York Giants and the New York Jets (yes, supporting two teams in the same city is highly unusual and yes, he’s apparently fine with it). 
Martin is fond of expounding upon his fandom in interviews (including this one with ex-NFL defensive end Chris Long) and also documenting his sports pain on his LiveJournal blog, “Not a Blog”. The Westeros story shepherd has been blogging steadily since pretty much the dawn of blogging in 2006. And over the past 15 years, he has marked 235 posts with the “NFL” tag. 
Perhaps it shouldn’t be a surprise that Martin is using a blog the way blogs were intended to be used – providing professional updates with some informal sports observations sprinkled in. But I’ve personally never been able to get over the novelty of one of pop culture’s most important, sagacious figures, jotting down his ill-conceived sports takes just like the rest of us weirdos. I mean, get a load of this (which is baseball-related, not football):
Grown men wishing to bear the child of their favorite professional athlete is the sort of thing usually left to fringe sports talk radio shows or drunk group text chats. And yet, here is the writer of A Feast For Crows’ genius “broken man” monologue just throwing it out there for public consumption. 
It’s like finding out that J.R.R. Tolkien used to submit his sports takes to The Times in the 1940s. “Yes, Stanley Matthews is talented but I fear his training regimen too rigorous for him to maintain the proper energy for the Three Lions to overcome France this year.”
Sadly, we do not have Tolkien’s football takes (apparently rugby was more his speed anyway). Since we do have Martin’s though, it’s worth examining how his many NFL opinions and predictions have held up over the years, particularly his commentary surrounding the NFL Draft.
The NFL Draft, in which NFL teams select college players to augment their rosters, occurs every year near the end of April or beginning of May. Martin, bless him, frequently likes to record his thoughts on the Jets and Giants’ draft during or after the event. Of the 235 NFL posts on NotaBlog, at least 12 of them deal with the draft. 
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This year’s NFL Draft begins on April 29. A GRRM post about it is sure to come soon after (unless The Winds of Winter is taking up too much of his time). Before George offers his thoughts on this year’s selections, let’s take a trip back through memory lane to grade some of his previous years’ takes. 
Bear in mind, that this list of Martin’s draft takes isn’t truly exhaustive. His blog for the 2020 draft, for instance, doesn’t include too many spicy opinions so it’s left out. But should you want the entire list of George R.R. Martin’s sports musings, I know a guy who wasted countless hours compiling all 235 posts.
George R.R. Martin’s NFL Draft Takes
The Post: April 26, 2019 – Day One The Takes: 
The Jets should have selected defensive end Josh Allen over defensive tackle Quinnen Williams
Daniel Jones at 6 was an overdraft from the Giants. They should have chosen Dwayne Haskins
Analysis: It’s probably too early to tell on George’s first prediction though Williams looks to be the slightly better player now. George’s second take, however, is way off. Not because Giants QB Daniel Jones has been particularly great but George’s preferred QB Dwayne Haskins had a disastrous tenure in Washington, getting released midway through his second season. Cumulative Take Score: 0 for 2 (0%)
The Post: April 7, 2018 – Feeling a Draft The Takes:
The Giants should take Saquon Barkley
The Jets should take Baker Mayfield
Analysis: One of George’s most charming sports quirks is an avowed love of running backs. The running back position isn’t as important in the modern NFL as offenses become more pass heavy. The Giants drafting running back Saquon Barkley was very defensible though and hopefully he will recover from the knee injury that wiped out his 2020 season. George was also dead-on in urging the Jets to take Baker Mayfield. Unfortunately for him (but fortunately for yours truly) the Browns took Mayfield with the first overall pick. The Jets took Sam Darnold as a consolation prize and he is already no longer on the team. Cumulative Take Score: 2 for 4 (50%)
The Post: April 29, 2016 – NFL Draft Round One The Takes: 
The Jets did well in taking linebacker Darron Lee over Memphis QB Paxton Lynch
The Giants should have picked pass rusher Shaq Lawson
Running backs Ezekiel Elliott and Derrick Henry will be good.
Analysis: George sniffed out Paxton Lynch’s futility like a Lannister plot. Darron Lee was pretty much a bust but at least he wasn’t Paxton Lynch. The Giants should not have chosen Shaq Lawson – their Eli Apple pick worked out perfectly fine. Here, George once again reveals his great taste in running backs. Though the position may no longer be as important, GRRM is one hell of a RB talent evaluator. Zeke Elliott and Derrick Henry are among the best backs in the league. Cumulative Take Score: 4 for 7 (57%)
The Post: April 27, 2013 – NFL Draft, Day 3 The Takes:
Ryan Nassib is Eli Manning’s successor
Taking Geno Smith will set the Jets back years.
Analysis: Ryan Nassib was not Eli Manning’s successor. Who’s to say if Geno Smith set the Jets back years or if they are just a poorly run organization? Either way, we’ll give that one to George since the team has had only one winning season since picking him. Cumulative Take Score: 5 for 9 (56%)
The Post: April 27, 2012 – NFL Draft, Round One The Takes:
“I am not at all happy with (the Jets) choice of Quinton Couples (sic).”
Cleveland had a good first round.
Ryan Tannehill will be a bust. 
Analysis: George was right to be upset with the Coples pick. Unfortunately, George erred severely in trusting the Cleveland Browns to draft well. He undoubtedly was excited about the Browns drafting one of his beloved running backs, but that running back, Trent Richardson, was out of the league within a few years. George’s Ryan Tannehil prediction looked prescient for the first half of his career. Now – not so much, with the QB turning his career around in Tennessee. Cumulative Take Score: 6 for 12 (50%)
The Post: April 25, 2009 – NFL Draft, Day 1 The Takes:
The Jets and Giants were right to not draft Percy Harvin.
Kenny Britt is the best receiver among himself, Hakeem Nicks, and Brian Robiskie
Analysis: The Harvin concerns were understandable but he had a pretty decent career, all things considered. Hakeem Nicks was better than Kenny Britt. George was surely happy to be wrong though as Nicks is who the Giants drafted. Cumulative Take Score: 6 for 14 (43%)
The Post: April 28, 2007 – NFL Draft, Day One The Takes:
The Jets had a better day than the Giants
Brady Quinn will have a better pro career than JaMarcus Russell
Analysis: George nailed prediction one. The Jets drafted Darrelle Revis, who ended up being one of the best players in franchise history. George also nailed prediction number two but that’s because just about every other player in football history had a better pro career than JaMarcus Russell. Cumulative Take Score: 8 for 16 (50%)
The Post: February 5, 2006 – Super Bowl XL The Takes: 
The Jets should draft D’Brickashaw Ferguson
“So another NFL season is now done, which means that Sunday becomes a work day for me once again. That should please everyone waiting for A DANCE WITH DRAGONS.”
Analysis: George’s first take here was absolutely correct. Ferguson was a Jets stalwart for a decade. Of course, I couldn’t help but share that second, non-football prediction. It turns out the people were not pleased as A Dance With Dragons would not arrive for another five years.  Cumulative Take Score: 9 for 17 (53%)
Bonus George R.R. Martin NFL Takes
And now, a few other George R.R. Martin NFL Takes that have nothing to do with the draft…
The Post: September 1, 2017 – The NFL Is Coming The Take: “I have the feeling that I am going to be starting a lot of blog posts with ‘Life is miserable and full of pain’ this fall, at least where the Jets are concerned.” Analysis: Yup.
The Post: January 15, 2015 Locker Room Shuffle The Take: “(Rex) Ryan’s opening press conference with the Bills was very impressive. He seemed to be the old Rex again, brimming with confidence and swagger, all leavened with a healthy sense of humor. He promised to make the Bills a “bully,” a team that no one will want to play. I believe him.” Analysis: Of all the Jets coaches in Not A Blog history, Rex Ryan might be Martin’s favorite. He believes (pretty accurately) that Ryan did not get a fair shake in New York. But things in Buffalo did not pan out well for Ryan either. He was fired after two seasons and a 15-16 record.
The Post: March 15, 2013 – Free Agency Follies The Take: “Oh, and the Patriots… what a vile thing is Evil Little Bill (Belichick). The way he treated Wes Welker is disgraceful. Man has absolutely no loyalty to anyone. Watch and see, when Tom Brady’s talents start to fade — and they will, it happens to all of them — Evil Little Bill will ship him out as well.” Analysis: I don’t doubt that George was right that Bill Belichick would send Tom Brady packing the moment his talents start to fade. Where George erred, however, is that Tom Brady’s talents are never going to fade. He will never retire or even die. Brady left Belichick and New England in 2020 of his own volition…and promptly won a Super Bowl in Tampa Bay.
Jets or Giants: Which Team Makes GRRM More Miserable?
Indulge me on one last bit of George R.R. Martin NFL nonsense. Occasionally, Martin will begin or end one of his football-related blog posts with the phrase “Life is meaningless and full of pain” (sometimes, he swaps “miserable” for “meaningless”).  
This is a notion that many sports fans should know quite well. Following a professional football team is mostly a never-ending series of woe and disappointment. And since Martin supports two NFL teams, he gets to experience twice the level of disappointment. But which New York football franchise causes George more pain? To find out, I tracked every “Not A Blog” post that contains the phrase “life is meaningless/miserable and full of pain” and figured out which team was making his life miserable. More often than not, it was both teams, but occasionally only one team was the culprit. The finally tally is:
New York Giants = 25 blog posts mentioning “life is meaningless and full of pain.”
New York Jets = 23 blog posts mentioning “life is meaningless and full of pain.”
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This is a fairly surprising result given that the Giants have actually won two Super Bowls in the time since Martin has been blogging. But it turns out that pain cuts deeper than victory. 
The post A Comprehensive History of George R.R. Martin’s NFL Draft Takes appeared first on Den of Geek.
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