#i gotta draw harrow next i need to get it out of my system
wildflowercryptid · 8 months
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my beloved besties, i've gotten really tangled up in these towers.
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voltrontranscript · 3 years
VLD S8E4: Battle Scars
Season 8 Episode 4: Battle Scars
Transcript by @dragonofyang
Summary: In a race against time as a weblum approaches Olkarion, the paladins have to piece together what happened to destroy the once-vibrant planet and all its people as flashbacks reveal the destructive powers of Honerva’s white Altean mechs.
[Google Doc]
Hunk: Okay, that’s the third star system we checked in the last eleven days, and we still haven’t found a single clue about any robeasts.
Pidge: Actually, that was the eleventh star system in the last three days.
Hunk: Was it, really? Oh my gosh. Okay, see, I’m so worn out, I can’t even… you know.
Lance: Uh, count?
Hunk: No. Think.
Allura: I know this is not ideal, but the intel we received from the Galra cruiser in Lahn’s fleet identified one of those robeasts within this quadrant. We must find it.
Keith: Unfortunately, we just don’t know how current that information is.
Pidge: Also, this celestial quadrant is two hundred and thirty thousand lightyears in diameter.
Hunk: I can’t even process what that means.
Pidge: Okay, picture five fleas searching for another flea on a dog that’s the size of Earth.
Hunk: Ugh, all this talk about fleas is making me itchy. Are you guys feeling itchy?
Lance: Pidge, why can’t you and Hunk just make a robeast tracker thingy, you know? Do some math and science stuff. Then put some components together and bam, it’s done.
Allura: Perhaps we should set our heading for the Altean colony.
Keith: We talked about this. To get to the colony, we would have to travel through the Quantum Abyss.
Pidge: Plus, Kolivan said the colony no longer exists.
Allura: But there will be clues there, something to go off of.
Keith: Traveling through that abyss was one of the most harrowing experiences of my life. A single misstep could turn a six-month journey into a ten-year journey. The creatures, the environment, everything in there wants you dead. Except you.
Allura: I’m tired of hearing what we can’t do and what we don’t know.
Lance: Allura, we just want to make the best decisions--
Allura: The Alteans were my people, and the last of them are being exploited as soldiers in someone else’s war. You don’t understand.
Lance: I understand what it feels like to see someone I care about hurt so much.
Allura: I’m sorry, Lance.
Hunk: Okay, maybe we head to Olkarion. We’re just a few galaxies away. They might have some information on any unusual sightings.
Keith: Hunk’s right. Olkarion is a great spot to regroup and evaluate our situation.
Pidge: And it’ll be awesome to see everyone again. I wonder what kind of technological advances they’ve made in the last few years. Oh, man! If they figured out a way to untangle the uncertainty principle, new precision calculations could open the doors to a flood of innovations!
Lance: I think I understood, like, three of those words.
Keith: Allura, what do you think?
Allura: Perhaps a trip to Olkarion is best.
Hunk: Alright! Let’s do this!
Pidge: Hailing Olkarion. Be advised the Paladins of Voltron are en route. This is Pidge… hailing Olkarion. Do you copy?
Hunk: Are they not home?
Lance: Probably too busy untangling calculations. Am I using that right?
Hunk: No, not even close.
Pidge: I’m guessing there’s a delay due to our distance. We’ll probably receive their reply on the way.
Keith: Paladins, if we want to get to Olkarion quickly, there’s only one way to do it.
[Voltron transformation sequence.]
Keith: Engage wings!
Lance: Welcome to Olkarion’s galactic neighborhood. Did we ever hear from them?
Pidge: Actually, no, which is strange. I’ll try and contact them again. Whoa! We got incoming! Something big is headed our way at an incredible speed.
Lance: A Galra cruiser? Some kind of weapon?
Allura: Is it a robeast?
Keith: Shield up!
Lance: What the heck is that thing?
Hunk: It’s a weblum! Keith, look! We’ve been inside one of those!
Keith: How could I forget?
Pidge: Um, what’s it doing?
Hunk: Actually, it’s creating scaultrite. Pidge, you would love it. It’s this amazing chemical process--
Lance: Science talk later! We’re in its line of fire!
Keith: Thrusters!
Lance: Should we go on the offensive?
Hunk: No, no. They may be dangerous, but they’re essential for the universe. Think of them like giant space bees. Keith and I learned all about them from a video that Coran made. There was some rule, like, “If you don’t want to be killed stay away from its gills”?
Keith: That wasn’t the rhyme. It’s “If you don’t want to be dead, avoid its head.”
Allura: We don’t have time to listen to you rhyme!
Hunk: You just--
Keith: Hunk!
Allura: Where is that weblum going?
Pidge: According to my calculations, it’s headed towards… Olkarion.
Keith: Then we better get there first.
[Transition to Olkarion’s surface.]
Pidge: They were our allies, our friends.
Keith: Paladins, I know this is a difficult moment, but we need to get to work. That weblum is headed here right now, so time is short. Our top priority is search and rescue. If there are survivors, we need to find them, and we need to find out what happened here.
Allura: There is only one thing capable of this.
Keith: Well, let’s confirm it.
[Cut to each paladin conducting their search.]
Keith: I think our worst fears have been realized.
Hunk: What do you see?
Keith: The physical wreckage and destruction patterns are just like those on Earth.
Allura: Our findings are the same. It appears the quintessence was siphoned out of Olkarion as well.
Hunk: Lance and I took readings. We picked up trace elements of psyferite. That’s the same metal the creature on Earth was made from.
Allura: Why did this robeast attack Olkarion of all places?
Lance: Maybe because it was a central part of the coalition.
Allura: Maybe. I just get the feeling there’s something more to it.
Keith: You might be right, but we don’t have any way to confirm it. Right now, we just need to focus on finding survivors.
Allura: Pidge, have you picked up anything? Pidge, do you copy? Pidge?
Pidge: I know this place. This is where Ryner taught me how to bond with the forest. The Olkari people helped me to make that connection. I learned more from them than I ever thought possible. Allura, they had so much more to teach the universe. And now they’re gone. Huh? Huh?
Allura: Pidge. Are you alright?
Pidge: You didn’t see it?
Allura: See what?
Pidge: The forest, it was back to how it was before. There were girls playing.
Allura: Maybe this place is trying to show you something.
Pidge: What?
Allura: The Olkari had a profound connection to the land, just like you do. Their history could be etched into the very soil for you to see. Concentrate. See if you can tap into its energy.
[Transition to a flashback of Olkarion shortly before its destruction as Pidge watches.]
Olkari Girl: Come on! Follow me!
Pidge: Huh? We need to get to the city!
[Cut back to the present as Allura and Pidge return to the city, then the flashback resumes with Pidge watching.]
Pidge: Ryner.
Allura: You can see Ryner? What is she doing?
Pidge: The robeast! It’s here! We need to get closer. Ryner!
Ryner: Get civilians to evacuation pods and launch them immediately! Have all military personnel report to battle stations. Scramble the mechs for counterattack. Come with me!
[Cut back to the present.]
Pidge: Ryner. It seemed like she was talking to me. Or it could have been to the soldiers. I don’t know.
Allura: All the answers we’re looking for could be here. We may be able to find out where this beast came from and where it’s going next. There might be some clue here about the Alteans.
Pidge: If there is, I will find it.
Hunk: Guys, we have a, uh--we have a major problem here.
Lance: Hunk released some low-orbit trackers outside of Olkarion on the way in. The weblum just set them off. We have about ten minutes to evac!
Keith: Copy that. Everyone to their lions! Let’s go, now!
Allura: We can’t leave yet. How long do you think you can hold it off?
Lance: Hold it off? It’s a giant space worm! We can’t hold it off. What are you talking about?
Allura: Pidge found a way to tap into Olkarion’s history. She may be able to find out what we need to know, but we need a little more time.
Keith: Alright, we’ll buy you as much time as we can.
Allura: Copy that. Thank you.
Keith: Hunk, Lance, we need to hurry! I got it on scanners. Let’s intercept it.
[Flash back to the fall of Olkarion.]
Ryner: Go, go, go! We need to preserve the information from the communications tower! Keep the beast at bay as long as you can.
[Cut to Keith, Lance, and Hunk in space.]
Keith: We need to get it to divert its course.
Lance: And how do we do that?
Hunk: How about like this? Uh, my idea isn’t working!
Lance: Okay, okay, well, what were the rules with this thing?
Hunk: I’m drawing a blank. I’m not good under pressure!
Keith: It’s still heading for Olkarion! We haven’t slowed it down at all!
[Cut to Pidge and Allura on the communications tower as the flashback continues.]
Olkari Officer: How did we not pick this thing up on our scanners?
Female Engineer: It just appeared!
Pidge: Just like on Earth.
Olkari Officer: How could that be? Wait, bring up our scanner logs. Those anomalies we detected recently. I can’t believe I didn’t see it before. The anomalies are from the warping of space-time. This creature came through a wormhole.
Ryner: Transfer all data from this facility to a safe location off-planet, then evacuate immediately!
Olkari Officer: Understood. What we just discovered could save billions of lives.
[Cut back to the present.]
Pidge: It was a wormhole. That’s how they travel.
Hunk: Pidge, Allura! I’m sorry, but you’ve gotta get out of there immediately!
Pidge: I need more time.
Allura: I’m coming up to help.
[Cut to Keith, Lance, and Hunk in space with the weblum.]
Lance: Over here! This way! Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa! Too close! How’d you guys beat this thing the first time?
Keith: We never beat it. Trying to get it to alter its course is an entirely different thing than collecting its scaultrite.
Hunk: Alright, that’s it. I’m calling Coran. Coran, come in!
Coran: Hunk! Hello there.
Hunk: Coran! You’re there! Okay. Um, I’m sorry to make this quick, but we need to stop a weblum from eating a planet, like, right now! Any chance you know how to do that?
Coran: Well, it’s definitely been a while, but in my younger days, me and my cohorts would have a little weblum fun.
Hunk: Coran! We’re kind of in a rush here!
Coran: Right. Let’s see, if I remember correctly, all you need to do--[static hissing]--on the trilo-mutarth, which you’ll find under its dorsal--[static hissing]
Hunk: Oh, no. No, no, no, no, no! Not this again! Our connection is breaking up!
Coran: --resulting in face boils, a runny nose, and cosmic light radiation poisoning. And if you don’t do this, you’ll expand to twice your size and pop like a balvax.
Hunk: Okay, that conversation took a lot longer than I expected, and I learned nothing. Allura, thank you!
Allura: Please hurry, Pidge.
[Cut back to the fall of Olkarion.]
Ryner: Hurry! Everyone on board. It came for something. Find out what.
Pidge: It came for the cubes. Why? Ryner, can you hear me? Do you know why the beast wanted the cubes? Please, talk to me!
Ryner: Hurry! Everyone on!
Pidge: Ryner, please! Ryner!
Olkari Girl: I’m scared. I don’t want to leave!
Ryner: You mustn’t cling too tightly to the past. The Olkari have always been able to adapt and move forward. It is our greatest strength. And it will live on in you.
Olkari Girl: But, our home…
Ryner: The old must give way to the new. It’s the way of the universe. Now please, go.
[Flashback fades away and Pidge becomes aware of the present again.]
Allura: Pidge! Pidge, are you there? We can’t hold this thing off any longer. You need to get out of there!
[Cut to Hunk in Yellow Lion.]
Hunk: There she is! The planet is clear!
Keith: Everyone, fall back away from the weblum!
Lance: It’s… it’s all gone.
Allura: I’m sorry, Pidge.
Keith: I wish we could’ve done more.
Pidge: Thanks, everyone.
Hunk: If you think about it, this isn’t really the end of Olkarion. Weblums eating dead planets is just the first step in a process that leads to the growth of new stars, planets, and galaxies.
Pidge: The old gives way to the new. We need to contact the Atlas.
Allura: Why?
Pidge: Because it turns out the Olkari weren’t done teaching us a few things. They showed me a way to track the robeasts. Their information is going to save billions of lives.
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boasamishipper · 6 years
rise up and salute the sun
Summary: In which there are hangovers, dragon-print pajamas, and a misunderstanding or two. / Or, how Soren met General Amaya for the first time.
A pause.
Another pause.
Quick as a flash, Soren’s hand flies up to grab Claudia by the wrist. Unfortunately he misses and ends up grasping at thin air for a few seconds before returning his arm to his side. Maybe if he’d opened his eyes he’d have made contact, but since he feels like he’d been trampled by every horse in the kingdom, he senses that opening his eyes isn’t happening anytime soon. “Shh,” he mutters. “Lower your...mouth siren.”
He can practically feel his little sister’s unimpressed stare. “Are you drunk?”
“No.” I wish. Then maybe I wouldn’t feel this awful. “I went out with some of the knights last night,” he says. Ha. Knights last night. That’s funny. He makes a mental note to tell that to his fellow knights once they wake up and crawl out of the alleyway they’d all passed out in. “There...may have been some drinking.”
“Soren, you know you have a delicate system.”
He opens his eyes, and Claudia’s expression painfully swims into view. Still, he’s not about to stand for that. Even if he is currently slumped against the wall outside his father’s office. “No I don't,” he says, hoping that he sounds a lot more confident than he feels. “I can handle myself just fine.”
“You’re wearing your pajamas.”
Soren looks down at himself. Huh. So he is. He does vaguely remember changing out of his armor before coming into the castle this morning, but he’d assumed he’d had the foresight to change into actual clothing, not his dragon-print jammies. Oh well. At least they’re comfortable. “What do you want, Claudia?”
“You know how Dad has that super important meeting later this week?”
“Sure.” Viren had only been talking about it for the last three days straight. “The one with the head general.”
“Well…” Claudia stretches out the word like a piece of chewing gum, giving it at least ten more syllables than it needs. “I just got a messenger hawk and I found out that the super important meeting was getting moved up to today and I gotta go find Dad and tell him before the general gets here and can you stay here until I get back?”
Soren blinks. “Uh—”
“Great, thanks!” Claudia throws her arms around him in a quick hug before sprinting off down the hallway, calling over her shoulder, “Be right back!”
Well. Okay then. Soren presses a hand to his forehead and walks into the office, collapsing behind the desk. It’s a pretty comfortable desk, actually. Not as comfortable as his bed, but still nice. He rests his head against the wood, closing his eyes and enjoying how cool it feels against his skin.
I’ll just stay like this for a few minutes.
Just a few minutes.
Just a few...
“Are you the unmitigated jackass that’s been talking to King Harrow about cutting off funding for the military of Katolis?”
Soren’s eyes snap open.
For a moment, all he can do is blink blearily and try to get his bearings even though it feels like his head is going to split open from the sheer volume of this interruption. Still, he makes an effort to focus. He’s still in his dad’s office, but he’s not alone anymore. Two people are staring down at him—a redheaded, frecklefaced man and a woman with short black hair and a scar on her cheek—and they both look pretty angry. Well, at least the woman does. The man looks like he’s not really one for confrontations.
After a few seconds of the three of them staring at each other expectantly, Soren realizes that they’re probably waiting on him for some kind of answer. “Um,” he says. “What is happening right now?”
The woman gestures something—is it a rude gesture? Even if it is, he’s too hungover to be insulted—and the man says, “I’m General Amaya.”
General—oh. Oh , right. The thing he’d promised Claudia he’d do. The favor while she went to go and get their dad. Where is his sister, anyway? She always manages to find their dad faster than he does. Still, he figures he can be semi-diplomatic while he waits for them to show up, so he says to the man, “You’re General Amaya?”
The man looks taken aback, as does the woman. She starts gesturing again, and the man says, “No, I’m General Amaya.”
Ooooookay. Well, that clears things up. Soren doesn’t know if it’s the hangover or the lack of sleep but he seriously has no idea what is going on here. Is the man General Amaya or isn’t he? And why is the woman looking at Soren the way his father does after he makes stupid jokes at dinner? “Help me, ‘cause I...I don’t…”
The woman tips her head back like she’s looking for help from above. Soren can relate. The man snorts and steps forward. “ She is General Amaya,” he explains, pointing at her with the air of a parent explaining why one and one made two. “I’m Commander Gren, her interpreter.”
Interpreter? Why would— oh . Soren fights the urge to facepalm as a wave of understanding finally washes over him. The woman is deaf, and the man translates her angry gestures—not insults, but sign language—into words. “Oh,” he says stupidly. “Oh, okay. I’m Soren.”
“You’re Lord Viren’s son?”
“Yeah.” He sits up straighter in his chair. He’d been hoping that the general knew who he was because of his prowess in knight training or because he was in charge of training Prince Callum (even if said prince was more interested in drawing pictures than drawing his sword in battle), but being known because of his father isn’t that bad. “And...you’re General Amaya.”
“What were you expecting?”
“...a man.” God, he hopes he doesn’t get relegated to stable duty for saying that.
Thankfully, General Amaya just looks amused. Or at least her interpreter does. The general looks as stoic as ever as she gestures to herself. “I’m a woman.”
As idiotic as he’s aware his next sentence is going to sound, Soren needs to clarify exactly what’s going on before he continues. “You’re the head of the Katolis military?” And—oops. That hadn’t come out exactly like he’d wanted it to. “Not that I think there’s anything wrong with that. Women are cool and the military’s cool and a woman leading the military is just—cool. Very cool. It’s cool.”
General Amaya raises her eyebrows so high that they almost disappear underneath her bangs, and Commander Gren does not look impressed. The general starts signing again, this time faster than before, and Soren admires the fact that the commander can translate without skipping a beat. “Yes. Anyway. I have three different sources, one from the Breach and two from the...”  
Soren, who’d been in the middle of standing up from his chair so he could look the soldiers in the eye, stops, wondering why the general had stopped. “Everything okay?”
General Amaya signs something, and Commander Gren says, “Why are you wearing pajamas?”
“Me?” He’d have to be dumb to misunderstand the firm nods they give him, and he looks down at his dragon-print jammies with a wince. His head feels ready to split open, and all he wants to do is curl up in bed underneath a million blankets for the next century. Who invented cactus juice anyway? They should be stabbed. Soren wants to stab them.
General Amaya clears her throat, and Commander Gren gestures at him as if to say, “Well?”
“Right. Um, because—” Wait, is he allowed to tell General Amaya that he’d been drinking? He is still underage, and even if she’s not his commanding officer, she probably has the power to dismiss him and his dad will kill him if that happens. Maybe he can just play it off like a joke or something. “I, uh—I—tell you what, let’s…let’s just take a deep breath for a second while I try and remember, y’know, where I am right now…”
He walks around the desk, and the general covers her nose. “Are you drunk?”
Well, so much for that idea. Giving them both a sheepish grin, he mumbles, “I have a very delicate system.”
General Amaya just sighs like the weight of the world rests personally on her shoulders—which, he supposes, as the head general of the Katolis military, it kind of does. She begins to sign, and Gren begins translating at once. “Okay, look, I’m being perfectly serious about this. Ever since the egg was destroyed, there has been more danger around our borders than ever, and I want to know why your father is trying to convince King Harrow that his studies need more funding than the military.”
Just as Soren is trying to decide how to respond to that, there’s a knock on the door. Commander Gren turns around, followed by General Amaya and Soren, who almost cries tears of relief to see his sister and father standing in the doorway. “Hi,” Claudia says cheerfully. “What’s going on?”
“General Amaya, Commander Gren,” Soren says, “this is my sister Claudia. Claudia, this is General Amaya and her interpreter Commander Gren.”
Claudia waves, and Viren steps into the room, easily slipping into what Soren likes to call his smooth politician mode. “General Amaya, I apologize for being so late. Soren, Claudia, you may go.”
Thank the deities. Soren practically flies out of the room, managing to get halfway down the hall by the time Commander Gren finishes saying, “If we could get down to business?”
Claudia catches up to him right away, and Soren glares at her as best as he can around his headache. “Well, that took you long enough.”
Claudia doesn't look remotely apologetic. Then again, he should’ve expected as much from his annoying younger sister. “They were making jelly tarts in the kitchen and I got distracted.”
Sure enough, there are jelly stains on her robes. Probably persimmon. Soren wonders if Prince Ezran and Bait had been down there with Claudia, all three of them stuffing their mouths full of pastry while he’d been getting humiliated upstairs. She owes him big-time. Big enough to manipulate the laws of magic and invent something to cure his hangover. “Do you have any idea how dumb I looked in there?”
“No more than usual, I bet.” Soren sticks his tongue out at her, and Claudia does the same. Then her mischievous expression turns thoughtful. “So the head general is a woman.”
“And she’s deaf.”
Claudia nods decisively. “Cool.”
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