#i hate writing for unpleasant. /silly
ask-regretevator · 1 month
Dear Unpleasant, your very sigma, the most skibidi alpha beta i've ever known, your very fanum, and very rizzful
In other words i think ur cool
[They look flustered]
W-wow! Heh... you really mean that? That's so skibidi, bro... you're really rizzing me up here....
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neganium · 5 months
Was wondering why the internet was bugging out when I remembered that preloading videos via this site's Mp4upload link makes everything else run like complete shit. Beginning to second guess my capricious idea of watching the original Pretty Cure at nearly two in the morning.
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angeltism · 9 months
so fucking bored oh my god ughhh
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obeymefanlol · 2 months
silly headcannon
mc will just lay/sit on diavolo bed while diavolo is doing work at his desk they willing talk to keep him company sometimes they talk about their day or ask questions
this however is not good because it has cause some law changes
mc: is poly marriage legal in devildom?
diavolo (not listening enough to know what question panicked but knows its a yes or no): yes why wouldnt be? (he probs into the law he has to change)
mc: its a illegal in the human world
mc : is it legal for humans to kill a testy demon?
diavolo(hearing kill and demon): as long as its not one of the sins
sometimes he will have to stop and stare them down most times if he hears their name
mc: is it illegal to kiss mc? (trying to see if he is listening)
diavolo (unpleased with the words illegal kiss and mc in the same sentence): it is not i dont wish to make that true (pout glare)
mc: is mc above the law?
diavolo(hearing mc ): yes but i dont dare write it down
all fine they dont ask for that bad of laws and barbatos knows and finds it amusing he gave diavolo a recorder so he could keep his word
such law incude
demons have to pay the parking meter if they tie a elephant to it
no lying to mc (they asked in a way to not mention their name)
diavolo must give affection to mc
barbatos must keep a hated food off of mc plate
mc is always almost always correct
see barbatos lets them get away with it but if it is too bad he inrupts by one word however if mc meantion their name or pouts they win granted the paperwork gets changed
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rottenpumpkin13 · 29 days
okokok I love how you write out all of your little stories, and whenever I stumble across one of your post, I know I'm in for a treat, But I just need to know:
ASGZC and their response/reaction to having to take Buckly's cold and flu medicine.
Like their slogen is not wrong, it works fast but man, is that shit RANCID.
Angeal: "You guys need to man up and take your medicine. Do you know how many people aren't as fortunate to have access to medication? I guarantee you it's not even that bad." *he takes a swig* "SON OF A BITCH THAT TASTES LIKE WHAT DEPRESSION FEELS LIKE. AGGGGHHHH. GHUUHAJAHHHHHHH."
Genesis: *sniffs the bottle* "I would rather publicly announce my aversion to Loveless and that Sephiroth is better than me in every way than drink whatever bottled abomination this is."
Cloud: "You guys are pussies. Do you have any idea what kind of stuff we had to eat to get by in the winter? Your tastes buds are too soft." *Cloud takes a sip* "HOW THE FUCK IS THIS LEGAL? THE TURKS SHOULD USE THIS TO TORTURE INFORMATION OUT OF PEOPLE. BLECH."
Zack, drinking it with a silly straw: "I don't know. I like it! If I focus hard it kind of tastes like orange soda." *Angeal wrenches the bottle away from him because they realize Zack is hallucinating after having a nervous breakdown from how bad it tastes*
Genesis, after being dared to publicly announce his aversion to Loveless and that Sephiroth is better than him in every way: "I bet it's hardly unpleasant. You'll find that my taste buds reflect the resilience of a true SOLDIER, and my endurance surpasses your wildest imaginings." *he takes a sip* I HATE LOVELESS. I LOVE SEPHIROTH. LOVELESS IS OVERATED. SEPHIROTH IS BETTER THAN ME IN EVERY WAY. DON'T EVER MAKE ME DRINK THIS SHIT AGAIN I BEG OF YOU.
Sephiroth: "I fail to comprehend the commotion. Judging by the ingredients, it appears to be a highly effective remedy for cold and flu symptoms. Considering my past experience with medication, I highly doubt the taste will be an issue for me." *Sephiroth takes a sip* Sephiroth:
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kyouka-supremacy · 3 months
If we’re talking about sexism in BSD can we talk about Dazai Osamu’s Entrance Exam? (Not the anime adaptation) I really really really hated how Dazai and Kunikida would talk about Sasaki right in front of her like she wasn’t even there?? And just how they generally were with her…Reading that light novel was a genuinely unpleasant experience more times than I’d like to admit solely because of how egregiously gross it was when it came to Sasaki's character and how the guys would treat her. I've never seen anyone talk about it but it's been bugging me for a while now.
I understand how that's all sorts of fucked up. I haven't read the Entrance Exam novel but in my opinion the Sasaki / Kunikida / Dazai anime scenes rub just as wrong. There's really the whole deal of talking in front of women like they were lesser / objects which is plain atrocious. But then again, the bsd novels produced the unfamous Naomi description, so it's really the author giving their worst apparently.
The sexism in bsd is pathologic. Something I've brought up before but that is really explicative to me, Dazai going “The murder must have occurred in the early morning, because that's the only time of the day a woman wouldn't be wearing make-up”. And it's probably silly of me to pick up on such a small thing when wearing make-up is debated within feminist spaces itself, and it's probably something I have personal issues with, but the way in the story it serves the role of an objective hint, something plain and unconfutable, that women are expected to wear make-up at every hour of the day and them not doing so is just absurd and unthinkable… To me it really speaks of how the world of bsd is a world were women are expected to fit a determined ideal that is very distant from reality, and the author really has a very limited understanding of what women are actually like irl.
If we’re talking about sexism in bsd, can we talk about what was up with the Yosano / buisnessman (?) scene in chapter 7? It's been two years since I've watched and read that scene, and I still can't figure out what it's supposed to mean or convey. First, Yosano is shown being tame and overly polite towards someone who was being extremely rude; then, after he hits her and tells her to know her place, she replies “Well, a thousand pardons, sir. Would it be more womanly for me to crush your puny ××××× under my heels, perhaps?”. Now, her reply is somewhat funny, but really, doesn't mean anything. And I'm not talking about the censure. Why is her behaviour so fluctuating and inconsistent? What does womanhood has to do with anything here? Why would she be so polite and then suddenly backtrack? Really, why was she being polite in the first place to someone being so vulgar and disrespectful towards her? Honestly, that doesn't feel Yosano at all. At most it feels like that's supposed to portray how a woman is expected to react in an imaginary and unrealistic world, but that has so little standing potential irl, not even Yosano in this manga could hold the charade for long, and the result ends up looking awkward and nonsensical. Every time I see this scene I'm just like… What is going on here. Not even in a judgemental way, just as in “I seriously can't understand what the author was trying to say with this”, and frankly, I don't think they do know either. It really makes evident their struggle to write female characters, like women were this strange, foreign, very abstract concept that's impossible to crack or relate to. And when the answer is so simple, that you shouldn't write women as an unknown and indecipherable species, but simply as people— it would almost be endearing if it wasn't so detrimental. I won't even get to her “It is an era of equality for men and women” line which, put in the context of this manga, comes off as the most unfunny joke ever. Here, I can see what the author was trying to do alright, nodding to irl Yosano Akiko feminist viewpoints, but making the character Yosano talk in cheap feminist slogans to rival mcu movies ends up doing her a disservice more than anything, and I doubt it would leave the actual Yosano Akiko positively impressed at all.
If we’re talking about sexism in bsd, can we talk about how Kouyou should be the next pm boss, and the fact that the spot is canonly reserved for Chuuya instead is insane and nonsensical and outrageous to the point that even CHUUYA agrees on the fact that she should be the one? You know, Kouyou, the powerful ability user, experienced, senior in hierarchy, who has been shown to be both loyal to the current boss Mori and close to him on a personal level? Compared to Chuuya who never wanted to be the boss in the first place? But he gets to be either way, because the concept of a woman pm boss is just unthinkable. I feel like there's more reasons to cry for that Cannibalism stage play scene than the Flags' voices.
If we’re talking about sexism in bsd, can we talk about Higuchi? Can we talk about Lucy? Bsd offers so many examples of its sexism, we could be here to talk about it for days. At this point I feel like I might come across as someone who loves hating on things, but in reality every time I write a post of this kind it's a desperate prayer to the author: “Prove me wrong! Please, prove me wrong! Write women with layers and agencies! Expand on their virtues and flaws and ambitions! Dedicate narrative arcs to them! Prove me wrong!”
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spopsalt · 3 months
More miscellaneous She-Ra pins I found while sorting through Pinterest that made me want to die and my commentary on them. Pt. 2
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Don’t you have to at least like eachother to be family? Thaws guys aren’t even friends. The only ones that get along are Scorpia and Perfuma, which was forced as hell, and Frosta is on okay terms with most (not all) of the characters listed. Everyone else tolerates eachother at best, or seem to flat out hate eachother at worst.
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For example… Just gonna drop a little fun fact here, Mermista is the only Rebellion member who can breathe underwater. So, pairing that knowledge, along with Mermista’s subtle-as-a-bat-to-the-face hatred for Entrapta, and her overall unpleasant personality that leads me to believe she would do this without batting an eye, I’m fully convinced this fanart is just Mermista trying to murder Entrapta via drowning, and they made Entrapta seem too stupid to realize it. Listen, I watched Steven Universe, and specifically remember one of the eventual protagonists did try to drown others the same way. But at least they called her out for it at some point. Lapis didn’t seem to regret it, but at least they call her out. Knowing that Perfuma yoinked Entrapta off a high-ass rock, and could’ve killed her by doing that and didn’t seem to care… Idk, I feel like Mermista casually trying to drown Entrapta and Entrapta being portrayed as obliviously smiling because she’s treated as too dumb to live could easily be something I could see happening in canon. No, it hasn’t happened in canon, but it’s just so in line with the writing that I could see it.
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Double whammy here. Some fans must be gymnast level flexible with how much they’re reaching. This is literally just her sleeping. Lots of people sleep that way. I mean, if it was the canon reason she does this, I wouldn’t take it so much as a sign of shipping as much as it’s a sign of Catra being entitled. Girl has a bed and chooses to take up half of Adora’s. I get that real cats do it, but real cats are also not the size of a teen girl and taking up that much space. I definitely don’t think the way Adora sleeps has anything to do with Catra. I’m just saying if it did, it wouldn’t be great anyway.
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Idk about same, but it’s definitely similar energy. But these fans gotta realize it’s not a good thing…
Also, I hate how Glimmer and Bow are just smiling and letting it happen. I don’t even like Glimmer or Bow that much, but I can confidently say that they’re better friends than this. I swear, their writing in S5 was utter trash.
Like how you said, most of these people just tolerate each other at best, and hate each other at worst
Yeahhh given the Mermista is VERY obvious in her distain for Entrapta, I doubt it's just some cute silly thing
Damn Catradora stans back must hurt from all the streching their doing. That's a common sleeping posistion? I sleep like that, does it mean I'm making space for my abusive sister to sleep at the edge of my bed like a dog?
Ah yes, two people disobeying their love interests boundaries while nobody does anything to stop them when the other person is clearly uncomfortable..how romantic
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ladyelainehilfur · 2 months
yooooo this might be a hot take, but the ATLA writers just aren't good at writing convincing romances.
Sokka/Suki was weird bc Sokka randomly forgot about Suki when he met Yue
Aang/Katara was weird because of the age gap and Aang being emotionally immature compared to her.
Zuko and Mai had that "I hate you too" thing and while "I love Zuko more than I fear you" is a fire line, they literally broke up in the comics so did it even matter
Korra/Mako was awkward bc why did Mako emotionally cheat on Asami??? Then cheat on Korra when Korra was gone?? I understand teenagers are complicated people but that's nasty work.
Bolin/Eska was just for comedy, but when they tried to spin it as if he actually had feelings for her, it felt very spontaneous. Bolin/Opal could've been cute, but Opal basically putting him on romantic probation felt unpleasant.
Varrick/Zhu Li developed at breakneck speed
Tenzin and Lin being exes was cool tho, they had an interesting dynamic
All this to say shipping wars are silly but not the fandom's fault bc the creators don't know how to make a canon couple a fanbase can be ride or die for.
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mossandb0nes · 16 hours
i hate humanity, but I love humanity. We stink, we're noisy, messy, so detached from what is natural that we're almost like infants in our ignorance.
But I love humanity. I love my brother, and I love the child at his work who drew him with a mustache (something he thought they wouldn't even notice). I love my father, and I love how he listens even when I only have unpleasant things to say. I love the silly little people on the internet who post things that are helpful or relatable or joyful. I love the people who write books about flora and fauna and fungi. Though I haven't seen them in years, I love my friends from the psych ward, the people who kept me sane and listened to me sing myself to sleep, reminded me to make my bed and put my socks on, warned me about the psychiatrist, taught me how to make the food bearable, brought snacks to me when staff wasn't looking, held my hand, laughed with me, helped me exercise so my muscles wouldn't atrophy, let me know that everything would be okay.
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archaic-stranger · 1 year
tips for.. not procrastinating; ya girl needs it
yeah! as usual, some of these might work for you while others won't. some trial and error will give you a better idea of what techniques are helpful. here are some strategies that i've found effective:
make a list. this is a pretty basic one, but even knowing what you want to get done is a step towards getting it done. break large tasks into manageable, specific, steps - instead of "write term paper", try "research for term paper - 30 min".
a general to-do list is great, but you can also go a step further and sort tasks by how aversive they are. often i procrastinate because there's one thing i really don't want to do, and i'm avoiding it by not doing anything at all. once you know what the most aversive thing is, give yourself permission not to do it. set it aside and pick something less unpleasant to do instead. essentially, procrastinate on something you really don't want to do by doing something you only sort of don't want to do.
have fun with it. brew a cup of tea, put on your favorite music, or use a pen with your favorite color of ink. making your space more appealing won't completely stop you from procrastinating, but it might make it a little easier to get started. try romanticizing the task - you're not taking notes for a class you hate, you're a scholar unraveling the secrets of the universe. it's kind of silly, but having fun, in whatever way works for you, will make it easier to get things done.
just get started. i'm sure you've heard this one before, but it really does work. set a 10 minute timer, or tell yourself you're going to do one math problem, and see what happens. if that's all you get done? great - a little bit of work is far better than none at all.
have someone hold you accountable. this goes hand in hand with the last one - getting started on a task is way easier if someone else tells you "okay, you're going to work on this for 10 minutes". sometimes a bit of encouragement or positive reinforcement from a friend or family member can make a big difference.
plan ahead. when you wake up, set aside a certain time later that day and decide what you're going to work on. it's easier to tell yourself "in two hours, i'm going to work on my math homework for twenty minutes" than it is to say "right now i'm going to get everything done". like with the to-do list, plan tasks that are manageable and specific.
finally, take care of yourself. procrastination isn't always a bad thing - sometimes it's your brain and body letting you know that you need rest. if you keep trying to be productive but just can't find the motivation, remember to be gentle with yourself. procrastination isn't a moral failing - there's nothing wrong with you as a person if you're struggling to get work done. if you have the opportunity, take an evening off. watch some tv or go to bed early. letting your brain rest might feel like a waste of time, but you'll feel more refreshed the next day.
good luck! you've got this, and don't be afraid to ask for additional help if and when you need it. if you're a student, your school might have resources available to help with procrastination and task organization. if not, there are some more in-depth articles here and plenty of other internet resources available to people struggling with the same stuff you are.
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shuetan · 1 year
Mirror Wally -- Reflection AU
I've gotten an idea for a new Welcome Home AU, and I'm not sure if it's been done before, but I decided to go with it anyway!
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I have a lot of ideas for this little universe, and I tried my best to put a lot of thought into the mirror that y/n initially buys from the auction!
I think it's a little hard to put into words all my ideas, but a couple are..
• Mirror Wally really dislikes water because of how hard it is to stabilize himself (with all the ripples and whatnot). This includes the ocean! He doesn't like big bodies of water, it's scary! Think of- getting lost in an Ikea or Walmart with a bunch of random strangers (reflections)! That's how it feels for the poor guy! He also really hates fun mirrors because of how it feels when his body suddenly changes in that reflection
• Mirror Wally and Canon Wally are two separate entities! I like to imagine he was his own character in the show. It's a silly little thought conjured up by that one post Clown made talking about how Wally stares at himself for hours in the mirror! I like to think he has staring contests with Kammie (That's what I call Mirror Wally haha).
• If you place Kammie (his mirror) in front of another mirror, he will cry :( The infinite mirror thing throws him off because.. It's like being in a room full of clones, but you can see through all your clones eyes. It would be chaotic!
• Kammie likes to be mischievous from time to time. Like a cat! Like, you'll be in the kitchen doing dishes, then you turn around for a second and turn back to see the faint reflection of Wally in the window. That or he shoots little lights of reflection at you, like a laser pointer (He's not very good at reflecting off stuff like that though haha, he prefers to stick to mirrors).
• Adding onto that last thought, he feels really loopy and has a hard time thinking with a faded reflection. It's almost like being half-asleep in that sense.
• Another thing- He can steal other reflections and can return yours, but the reason he stole yours in the first place was because he can't communicate with others unless he's their reflection.
• Kammie misses his Wally severely, and he doesn't know where he is. After the show cancelled, they tossed the mirror away, and it went from person to person until he happened upon you. He just needed someone to talk to about everything :(
• Kammie can draw and write on the mirror, like in Coraline with that one scene! He loves to do it whenever there's nothing to do, and if you draw on the mirror with a glass marker, he can bend the colours on his side of the glass to make colourful drawings!!
• If you break Kammie's original mirror, he will unfortunately die :( He's not aware of this, and I don't think anyone really is yet, but the reason for this is because the mirror has a sort of magic to it. It keeps Kammie's essence alive. It's like if you break a magic wand! The magic still exists, but you can't use it without the wand itself.
• But if Kammie cracks, his reflection will be wonky, and he'll get hurt (depending on the fracture). It really depends, but it's still unpleasant. Imagine breaking a rib! That's what it feels like
Okay, that's enough for now haha! I could go on for hours and hours about my silly little fella, but I'll hold off for now! Maybe I'll give more info as soon as I draw more content for him!
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thefandomenchantress · 5 months
what's ur favorite aspect of xanvid, acevid, xanace(? if that's their ship name), and the three of them together?
(Warning: TW For discussion of EDs, as well as the fact this is at least a little self-indulgent)
This is such a fun question heh heh heh! I’m gonna have a lot of fun with this one. (Thanks for asking me, by the way).
I know this isn’t too deep or anything, but making ‘Xander is a huge simp for David’ jokes is one of my favorite pastimes while writing these two. I think it’s very funny.
I’ll be completely honest, at first I only shipped Xanvid because I knew most of the fandom did. Mostly because I somehow forgot this scene happened:
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And that scene is the one that probably adds the most substance to their relationship, so forgetting about it took away what is probably one of the most important aspects. That being that Xander actually tries to treat David like a person, not a product or a celebrity.
I think Xander and David would probably be good at hyping each other up when they’re down, or providing each other comfort when they’re sad. Seeing as Xander has experience with grief I don’t think he’d push too hard for David to be happy all the time, which is pretty vital.
The more silly aspect I like is the banter. Ace is always great for fun banter because he never shuts up and doesn’t hesitate to state his opinions, at least most of the time. So most characters can have an entertaining back-and-forth with him.
But post-personality-reveal David in particular is fun for me to write, since he acts like such a smug little bastard. His above-average way with words can pretty much make Ace do what ever he wants (or at least in the beginning, when Ace can’t detect his trickery), and usually what he wants is to fluster Ace as much as possible.
But I guess a more serious one would be why I started shipping them in the first place. Both David and Ace’s careers have merged with the rest of their life in one way or another, and in very unpleasant ways. Both are the only two to show distain for their talents in some capacity, (excluding Teruko and sort of Rose, who doesn’t exactly hate her talent as much as she hates that she got caught and is in debt).
Whit says he didn’t share David’s secret because he doesn’t want to ruin David’s career, and when he phrases it like that it seems stupid, but considering the fact David basically built a whole new personality he’s been crafting for years and is the only thing he lets people see, you slowly realize that ruining his career essentially destroys his life. His image has been his primary concern for so long and now it’s forever tarnished. Which does make his sudden move to get everyone killed make a bit more sense, since perhaps David believes his life is essentially over anyway. Without his image and by extension his career, what is he left with?
And something similar could be said for Ace. Being a jockey is dangerous enough as it is, but with the brittle bones that come with an eating disorder like anorexia (which is what I assume Ace has, though I may be wrong), this risk of injury or even death only increases. In fact the mortality rate of anorexia alone is higher than most mental illnesses. So it’s fair to say that despite his fear of death and things that could hurt him in general, Ace is putting himself in a lot of danger to preserve his career as a jockey. His constant trips to the gym seem to indicate his works out a lot to maintain his weight as well. Despite the fact he hates horse-riding, he is risking his life to keep competing. And since he just got outed for having an eating disorder by Veronika, presumably on (inter?)national television, I’d say there’s a very high chance that he won’t be allowed to race again. So not only has his career been thrown away, but what he has dedicated his life to.
This rant is all to say I think that they could relate to each other in this way, and thus understand what the other is going through. They could help each other figure out where to go from here, and that kind of thing.
(This one ended up being really long, whoops…)
I’ve never written anything of just the two of them before, but I still like them as a pairing. Probably because rivals to lovers is one of my favorite things ever (Hence my love of Teruvid).
My favorite silly aspect is probably that the height difference is very funny to me. Xander’s 6’0 and Ace is 5’5 and I can just imagine them doing this thing:
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Where the taller person easily holds back the shorter one, who is trying and failing to attack them (Hope you like my stick figure art haha).
Honestly part of the reason why I’ve never written something with just them is because I’m still trying to figure out why they work together. Xander doesn’t have much patience for Ace’s antics, so having them get along would most likely require Ace to tone it down long enough for them to have a heartfelt moment.
I think once they managed to have a bit of an understanding of each other, however, it’d be fun to see Ace of all people have to talk Xander out of getting in fights. Ace may threaten to fight people, but he won’t. Xander, however, has no qualms about being in a fight if he thinks it necessary. And seeing Ace, who has the habit of saying ‘you wanna fight!?’ to people he barely knows, having to stop him would be funny. Because even if Ace won’t admit it he cares about Xander’s well-being and in a fight he’s bound to get hurt.
Hmm…I guess I just feel like they kinda balance each other out, y’know? Xander and Ace’s more hotheaded and reckless tendencies can be balanced out by David’s more generally calm demeanor. Ace and David’s pessimism can be balanced out by Xander’s more cheery yet realistic outlook. David and Xander’s lovey-dovey approach is balanced out by Ace being a grumpy tsundere. I’m not great at putting it into words, they just kinda work. To me, at least.
Yaaaay I finished! Sorry this took me so long, I had trouble putting into words exactly what I liked about these ships. But thanks for asking I really love talking about stuff like this!!! <3
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larsisfrommars · 7 months
BG3 Santa Playthrough #5
Finding The Healer Nettie:
Yet another person endangered by those wretched goblins! She gave me one of those terrible upsetting soul coins for saving her life, why are they so commonplace around here?!
Why are these children yelling at each other? Perhaps I can help resolve this quarrel, if they’re fighters than they should stay, to protect the children at the very least!
This ox is unusual, I hope it is of no danger to the tieflings here. I’d hate to lengthen my naughty list.
Oh look it’s that young man from before! He’s teaching the children to protect themselves, a terrible necessity. They should be laughing and playing! Not fighting! If it means wiping all trace of goblin from this place to protect them, I’ll do it.
So he’s hunting devils, dangerous business, imps were bad enough, if she’s out there we ought to stop her!
This woman is poisoned, what kind of “nice old woman” would do something like that! It’s the least we can do to fix her up!
These children seem to have made a habit of stealing. None of them seem to have parents, I fear it may be out of necessity, hopefully this behavior does not fester. I think it’s safe to say I won’t have to worry about this Silfy girl turning to such things in the future, poor dear. Mattis may have to go on the naughty list if he’s not careful.
This bard, Volo, is quite silly, might as well indulge him he’s clearly writing a children’s book, though maybe going to a goblin camp is a bit dangerous. Hope he’ll be alright!
They’ve taken a child? My gods what kind of druids are these?! We must go help her!
This woman dares threaten a child! That is not what I was taught of Silvanus, the great woodsman would never condone such things! Surely she must see reason! Thank goodness she’s capable of it.
Shadowheart is hurting, she seems to every time we do a kindness, perhaps that is why she sees it as weakness. Whoever did this to her is DEFINITELY on my naughty list! Poor thing is afraid of wolves too, perhaps I shouldn’t have turned into one back at Jergal’s temple. Though she didn’t seem scared then.
Gale appreciates what I’ve done, though I hope that girl has learned that sticky fingers tend to smudge at the best of times.
Of course, sticky fingers against greater evils might be acceptable, and I’m starting to think maybe these particular “druids” should be on the naughty list, given what we’ve seen. It seems we must investigate Kagha’s unpleasant allies if we’re to help these tieflings.
At last we’ve found Nettie! Let’s tell her what happened and hope she can help us! I ought to be honest with her, its the best policy after all! The more she knows the more she can help us!
Could everyone please stop suggesting my death as an alternative to whatever is happening to us! First Astarion, now this woman! So long as I draw breath I will use every effort bring joy and safety to children and I’m not about to let anyone put that in jeopardy. Not even myself I suppose, I will take it, but only to appease her. And if it comes odien to it… protect what matters most. There are children in this grove, after all.
Perhaps this Halsin will have a gentler solution than what the dwarf has given us. Best we go find him, but first, to resolve this nastiness between Kagha and Zevlor!
The Path To The Shadow Druid Rendevous ->
<- Entering The Druid Grove
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2af-afterdark · 8 months
Now that all the devils plus Michael and Raphael have been revealed (and bonus Valefor, sorta) you gotta give us ur opinion on them/their kinks!!
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I started answering this ask before I got the second one. Gonna cheat and combine the two~
Uhhh.... I made a list for the ones we already had a while ago. I have no idea where that list is now... It also may be outdated, so I guess I will make myself suffer again and give my (updated) opinions on these men after the game has come out.
First of all, I adore all of these men so far. They are all silly with a touch of dark undertones and dripping sexiness. I am down so bad for these men.
Satan - He's the boy. The man. Our chum. He is sooooo possessive. I love him. I love his design. He's not my top pick, but I could understand him being someone's favorite. His kink is spanking which I am sort of meh about, believe it or not.
Sitri - IF HE CALLS ME SOLOMON ONE MORE TIME!!! He started being a charming look, he's loyal, but I really hate that he won't get it through his head that MC is not Solomon. His and Satan's dynamic is interesting though. I find his kink kind of strange. I think it could be cute in the right situations, but otherwise it is not my thing.
Zagan - I originally didn't think much of him, but after meeting him... HE'S SO FUCKING CUTE!!! His design is still pretty lackluster, but there is a special kind of love for character's who are so shy they have trouble speaking. I'm a couch potato, so I can't understand being aroused by physical activity. Lol
Leraye - I AM SO SORRY BUT HIS DESIGN STILL SUUUUUUCKS EVEN THOUGH I LOVE HIM!!!! He is a puppydog of a man and I love him! I will fight to protect his smile. His kink isn't my thing, but it is relatively harmless. It's not like a squick for me or anything.
Paimon - Not my cup of tea. He's fine, I guess, but I find reading his lines to be frustrating (I know it's the visualization of how he speaks, but reading it bothers me in a way hearing it doesn't). I also just didn't find his personality to be too memorable. He was... there. Not bad, not good. His H scene is the one I actually dislike (mirror? no thank you). A shame, because blood is hot. An amazing kink, honestly.
Belial - I loved him the moment I saw him and meeting him in the game only confirmed that (eyes are my design weakness -- both extra or lack of, so the bangs killed me). He is just amazing. I have adopted him. When he tries to speak even though it is painful, I weep. I would hold him just to feel his warmth and share mine with him. His kink is said to be recorded music, but his H scene was about body writing. I, too, love body writing. I understand him.
Astaroth - I haven't actually met him yet. He is the only member of Gehenna I have yet to met, not even pulling him in the gacha >.> I wish I had more so say, but I simply know nothing about him (other than he is still hot as shit). If he wants to whisper dirty things in my ear though, I am all for it.
Ppyong - Friend shaped sunshine of my life. I would die for this little ball of joy. Please, I need a plush of him immediately.
Jjyu - A funny little motherfucker. I would give him chocolate.
Mammon - I cannot believe how much of him I got right (sort of) personality-wise. He is so fascinating. And his tiddies be huge. I love him. He is loved. His refusal to cover his massive chest is a blessing. As someone blessed with all the ass and no tiddy, I appreciate an ass man. Plus he'll let me grope him back? What a man!
Bimet - What a catty, unpleasant man. I have no desire to interact with him at al- NEVERMIND! SAW HIS H SCENE AND IT REWROTE MY BRAIN CHEMISTRY! I NEED THIS MAN IN MY LIFE RIGHT THE FUCK NOW.
Eligos - His design makes me weak. I want him to be a josou seme so badly. His desire to be a sugar baby makes me want to throw money at him. I am very normal about him. His kink is... after reading it, I wonder if I have that too, or if I just like the anesthetics.
Valefor - He looks like a knight, but I have yet to meet him. He's hard to place since he was revealed by accident originally. Not a whole lot to say about him, but I am a sucker for the knight and his leige trope. His kink... as long as I get to hold him and hug him, I guess it works? I don't really understand it but it seems fine.
Beelzebub - Uhhhhh..... I just pulled him so I am learning about him now. So far, he's weird. Just a weirdo.
Bael - Someone please get him some therapy. He needs it after the shit Beelzubub puts him through. I want to hold him gentol. I want to make dinner for him while I chain Bell to the desk and make him actually do his own work. Please do not sniff me >.>
Stolas - A little nerd. A dork. I want to pick on him. Not sure how his kink works when he's in hell...
Amon - I know nothing about him. I do not know how his kink works when he's already in hell? idk
Naberius - I read what his favorite food was and my desire to know him vanished. Fan of petplay though. Also, his chest be buxom.
Leviathan - I am fascinated by him. Genuinely. He's stories are so interesting to pick apart. It's also interesting that almost all of them have elements of dubcon. I love that he's prideful and envious. I will choke him <3
Foras - I still need to learn more about him, but I love his design. He's so pretty. Please do not perceive me.
Barbatos - Not my cuppa when it comes to his design, but he's fine otherwise. Don't actually know much about him.
Glasyalabolas - Ignoring his kink... What an interesting man. I need to know more about him.
Asmodeus - Uhhh.... Assuming it's the Love Unholyc one, he looks good. He will suffer from being the first devil ever, so he has the most simple design. Can't wait to see what his kink is. Can't wait to see how they deal with the fact that he once fell in love with a human and has an entire line of descendants.
Dantalian - I don't like his look. I don't like school stuff. BUT FUCK IF HE HASN'T BEEN ONE OF THE UNITS CARRYING MY ASS! Also, I love his mini-comic. He's such a babe, just not the babe for me. Also, his kink is fun to play with.
Phenix - What a little freak (affectionate). I love him as much as I thought I would. Everything he says drips sexual tension and he's just living his best life.
Ronove - I read one fucked up line from him and fell in love. What a gremlin. What a menace. I adore him. His kink is... yeah. I could be convinced to join him for some dubious surgery. I have seen and written worse.
Belphegor - Not revealed.
Bathin - He sure is there. Just hanging out. His kink is life goals but not sexy.
Gusion - Sir.... are you okay? I don't think you're okay. Love the tired businessman vibes though. That is such a mood. Not keen on his personality though. I feel like he'd be the kind of person that annoys me, but is the one I want to work with because he gets shit done. Attraction to smart people... I guess? As a himbo lover, I cannot relate.
Andrealphus - Did you notice he isn't in the game yet? Like, you see him in two loading comics, but he's not in the gacha. It's weird. He also wasn't in the voice announcements. He's just... there but not? Still a great design though.
Paradise Lost
Lucifer - I have seen him twice in other devil's comics and I would die for him. I still think the horn on the back of his head is dumb though. He is such a deadpan character, but has some funny moments. Dacryphilia? It can be hot.
Marbas - I love him. I adore him. I will spoil him rotten. He is my healer and his introduction in chapter 4 is just beautiful and painful (not for him but the way he interacts with others). I would gladly tie him up 👀
Morax - This man... I am worried for him. His desire to be hurt makes me wonder if he and Dantalian don't share the same kink....
Buer - I know nothing about him! His kink is... whatever. I don't get it though.
Gabriel - I am so normal about him. Absolutely normal. He is a terrible person and I am into it. I want to tie him up, brush his bangs aside, and kiss his stupid face.
Michael - AHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAH! I'm in danger. His design is so cool but his kink is.... no.
Raphael - I'm so bored by his design. There's nothing wrong with it, but t's pretty basic yanki vibes. Also, his fetish is kind of... Meh? Being defiled? I can think of a few ways to take that. If he's more into the getting dirty part, I am out.
Minhyeok - A friend. A dude. I feel bad for him just sitting there.... waiting. I am not attracted to him, like, at all. He's a freak surrounded by even freakier freaks. He loses. Sorry, dude. Also, I am insulted that he taught me the scientific name for a panty fetish.
Solomon - I saw him once. I want to see him again. His design is just sooo jfibvbbvwogoiroi! Help!
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20 Question Writer Ask Game
Thank you so much @galbrand for tagging me!
⚜️1. How many works do you have on AO3?
155 😮
⚜️2.What's your total A03 words count?
Over a million (again 😮)
⚜️3. What fandoms do you write for?
Rings of Power, Game of Thrones, Star Wars Sequels and Critical Role
⚜️4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Unsurprisingly, these are all Game of Thrones ones;
High Garden, Bye Garden
I Should Be Over All The Butterflies
A Year In The Life
The Kingsguard & I
All modern AU, which will come as no surprise to those who know my Haladriel fics as modern romance seems to be my happy place.
⚜️5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do try to, though I do get a bit in my head and self conscious sometimes and think I should be cooler than just saying thank you to everyone who’s left a comment.
⚜️6. What's the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
Probably -
⚜️7. What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of my fics have happy endings, to be honest, so anything that’s tagged with ‘fluff’ will have a one :)
⚜️8.Do you get hate on fics?
I’ve had unpleasant comments once or twice, but thankfully it’s not a common occurrence.
⚜️9. Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I do, yes. I’ve written both F/M and F/F so far and am planning on writing some M/M for my Celeborn/Galadriel/Halbrand OT3 fic - eventually.
⚜️10. Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
No crossovers, but lots of niche AUs :)
⚜️11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I’m aware of, no
⚜️12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but it’s not something I’m against
⚜️13. Have you ever cowritten a fic before?
Yes :) Both for Jaime/Brienne and Galadriel/Halbrand
⚜️14. What's your all-time favourite ship?
I’m going to say Jaime/Brienne but I also have a massive soft spot for Jadiza/Worf from DS9
⚜️15. What's a WIP you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I started a Hunger Games AU for Jaime/Brienne and Arya/Gendry back before I went on my pandemic hiatus. I’d love to finish it but I think the inspiration for that one has passed now.
⚜️16. What are your writing strengths?
I think that would probably be world building and character backstories, both of which I find a lot of fun coming up with
⚜️17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I find dialogue hard, especially when it needs to be the kind that pushes the story forward. It can feel a little forced at times and I do have to talk it all out loud when it gets to that point
⚜️18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
There is a little German and French in In Sickness and In Health but that’s only because of the wonderful @somebirdortheother helping with translation
⚜️19. First fandom you wrote for?
Harry Potter (Bellatrix/Voldermort), though that was very silly and unpublished. Game of Thrones was the first fandom I put any of my writing online for.
⚜️20. Favorite fic you've ever written?
This changes a lot, but my top three are a Battlestar Galactica AU;
A Jaime/Brienne/Cersei threesome
And an ongoing Roman Era Haladriel fic;
No pressure tagging @somebirdortheother @jhalya @myfavouritelunatic @scriberated @niennawept @lady-of-imladris @theriverwild @starlady66 @makeshiftdraco @demonscantgothere
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bitegore · 2 months
🍄Describe your wip/one of your wips in the format of “_ + =__”
okay for the sake of my fucking sanity i am NOT going to presume I get any real wiggle room here. or i will do another 400 line proof. because it is fun but oh my god it takes so long.
((Felyx + Taran)(Rex + Haven + Taran) + fake dating)^spite = fireworks
♻️A scrapped idea for your current WIP(s)
not sure it qualifies as a "wip" because I haven't actually decided to pull it out of the graveyard of abandoned-works out-of-progress yet - call it a wip-aspirational or something lol - but the more I poke at Haven and Taran's actual story the more fun I have thinking about siccing Rex on the two of them. In like 2020 or 2021, so, a good while ago at this point and at a time I'd describe myself as "rusty" I started working on whatever the worst version of a meetcute is (ending in the equation above) lol. If I recall correctly my endgame then was that the three of them would fall into a stable orbit. I think that's kind of silly now. They're not that kind of people.
other scrapped idea, same story: Rex and Taran were meant to get along. That's not happening. It's a lot funnier if Rex and Haven (both deeply, deeply difficult people to get along with who hate accommodating for other people) can find a way to coexist pleasantly but Taran, resident NormalGuy who is extremely accustomed to unpleasant asshole bullshit, genuinely cannot get over Rex's various fuckeries beyond, like, the civility of "I recognize that you are living in my house now because the other person who lives here really likes you, and I don't want to have a screaming match in my own fucking kitchen." I tend to make Rex tolerable to speak to when I write him on his own because it's narratively difficult to use a protagonist who will just spit anything handed to him in someone else's face, but in this particular setup he is actively attempting to get Taran's genuine actual hatred on purpose because he's under the impression that's the goal and he's having fun with it also, so it lets me just make him a huge cunt asshole too which is more fun than having him show any scraps of humanity anyway :D
ok let me come up with something you have actual interest in lol
The Rex & Casey conversation fic I was working on ran into an unrecoverable roadblock (I decided the premise needed work) and has to be restarted in a different place with a slightly different version of Casey (tragic!), so one of the things I had to scrap to keep it rolling is Rex commenting on the color of the sky. It's really sad for me because I always think it's funny when you have a guy In a hell dimension like "damn... this place is weird.... the sky isn't bright red, it's eerie". But I can't justify The Story bringing Rex into The Real World as a Plot Element now that I know more about how it works, so I
Aha. Well. Actually. I can't justify Alan using The Story to bring Rex into The Real World, because I know how he works. Might have fixed my opinion on my own premise.
We'll see, I'll sleep on it. It needs to cook longer anyway. I also realized (aw2 spoilers) (for serious) (skip this paragraph now if you havent at least finished the first run of the game) if it happens in The Story In The Real World it's got to be situated between Saga's first time going through the loop with Alan and the Final Draft, but I still haven't found enough time to watch t full playthrough of Final Draft, so I'm sure when I hit Zane's part in there and then endgame I'll know a bit more about the direction I want to take.
🤔What’s a story you’d love to write but haven’t even started yet
Anything like that I have, either it's so busy being a concept I cannot write it yet, or I've started it just to make sure I won't forget it XD so it's hard to come up with. And most of the concepts are less "this is the kind of story I want to write", so much as "this is the kind of effect I want it to have". You know. I want to write something ~mind-bending~ or I want to ~do talking animals but cool~ or whatever.
A lot of words to say I'm drawing a huge blank on this question.
I think - and this is something I keep approaching with different stories but not leaning into, because, frankly, I'm the first line of concept-check for myself, and i get bored - I'd really like to try a story that works as one extended record-scratch. You start at the very end, in a scene that means basically nothing to anyone, and then in the events of reading the entire rest of the story you get more and more context until the very end of the book is the exact same scene as the first part, like, down to the description, and then it just loops infinitely. Something you could read spiral-binding style so it doesn't really have a "start" or an "end", just points between chapters with cardboard so you can close it anywhere, if it's a physical book. you know, some experimental shit.
Unfortunately I find time loops boring as hell to write. This would be ONE loop, so it'd maybe be better, but I'm still kind of burnt on being willing to touch another timeloop from how badly I did not enjoy the one I wrote for an exchange like two full calendar years ago. And also I do have other things to be doing.
That's also not a story! That's a plot structure! I might as well say I want to write The Hero's Journey for all it really tells you 😂 at my heart I'm a parodist, I'm going to need to see someone do it wrong and decide to do a better job than they did to really get a fire lit for an actual narrative here. I do love me some themes of insurmountable stupid bullshit you put yourself into on purpose because you decided you could surmount it and then discovered you couldn't, and some futile attempts at some stupid shit for retroactively-really-dumb reasons that weren't worth it, so it'll have that. as seasoning. because what is a permanent stable timeloop but one person committing suicide over and over? I'm only really able to approach the properly frozen-in-sequence ones as either Hand Of God (boring) or Sunk Cost Fallacy On Steroids (fun! interesting! miserable in a slightly unusual way!) so...
....well, it's going to have to keep simmering, because I like what I've got in the broth, but there's no meat in there yet, only spices. It would make a terrible meal right now. But it answers the question, I think.
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