#i hope anyone else who’s going tomorrow or to any of the dates on the tour has an amazing time!! ✨
uhbasicallyjustmilex · 4 months
trying to be normal about the fact i’m seeing miles for the first time tomorrow but in actual fact the inside of my brain is just doing this:
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parkerflix · 1 year
—corazón despeinado
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miles morales x gn! reader
genre: fluff?? angst???
wc: 1.7k
part two here
synopsis: your friendship with miles seemed to hit a sore spot. the reason? his hair.
warnings: atsv spoilers! like big spoilers! canon divergence (miguel would hate me sorry bae)
a/n: this is earth 42! miles! just put it under here since i put the warning okay read at your own discretion from here on!
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“Ow! Que te pasa? That shit hurt, mami.” Miles sat forward, rubbing his scalp.
You sighed and rolled your eyes. Miles Morales was such a baby when it came to doing his hair. You loved doing his hair, and him letting you have full control of it, but hated how much he flinched.
“No jodas. I barely even pulled it. If you would sit still, maybe we could finish this faster.”
Miles grumbled under his breath and he sat back in the chair, wincing when you started up again.
You had been doing Miles’ hair for years, Rio being your mom’s best friend. You guys spent summers and most weekends together, always having some sort of party. Your mom owned the neighborhood beauty salon & had been showing the ropes to you.
Miles always came to you when he wanted his hair done, or if he just wanted to see you.
“So, what’s the plan for tonight? Got a steamy date?”
Miles rolled his eyes.
“A date?”
“Yeah, a steamy date with some beautiful woman or man! Or romantic, a nice stroll on the street, the sky full of stars, going to a nice dinner.”
“Ya tu sabes, I’m not the type who does those types of dates.”
“Oh, so it is a date?”
“Mira, I don’t think there’s anyone I would date.”
You reached down in your apron to grab a hair tie to finish one of his braids.
“And why is that?”
You were so focused on his braids, that you didn’t notice his eyes staring at your face through the mirror.
Miles knew that he wasn’t into anyone the way he was into you. He wasn’t sure if you knew that he liked you. Miles thought it was fairly obvious, he gave you little gifts that he knew you would like, and spent most of his time with you. His mom had pretty much adopted you into his family, showing you how to make his favorites like mofongo & empanadas. For someone so bright, you seemed to not catch the hints he threw at you.
His silence caught you off guard & you stared at him through the mirror, a little surprised to see he was already staring at you.
He seemed to snap out of whatever train of thought and sent you a half-hearted grin.
“Enough about me. What about you? Any plans?”
You shook your head, laughing slightly.
“Nah. Te recuerdas de ese guy que salí con like ages ago?”
Miles hummed as a signal for you to go on.
“Well, he asked me out again and as much as I loved the first date, I just wanted to spend the night by myself. Nothing sounds better than a cheesy movie & takeout.”
Before he could say anything else, you finished his last braid and tied it off.
“Ya terminé. What do you think?”
Miles got up from the chair and glanced at himself in the mirror, admiring your work.
“It looks good.”
You clapped your hands and gave him a hug.
“I’m so glad you like them! I know they’re a little different than usual but I thought they suit you.”
He nodded and gave you a small smile.
You were about to say something, when his phone went off.
“Girlfriend texting you?”
He rolled his eyes and pulled his phone from his jacket, seeing his uncle ask him where he was.
“Ya te dije, I don’t have anyone like that. I gotta go, but I’ll see you tomorrow?”
You nodded and started to clean your station, hoping if you finished early you could leave.
Miles placed a chaste kiss on your cheek & made his way towards the door.
“I’ll take you out for breakfast tomorrow!”
He walked out of the door, leaving you smiling and shaking your head at how cute he could be sometimes.
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You had left the salon late in the afternoon, taking a few of your mother’s clients while she handled a few other clients. You weren’t licensed just yet, but you knew you had the skills and experience to get your license as soon as you finished high school.
Your mom had some more clients after you had left & told you she wouldn’t be home tonight as she was planning on having a girls night with a few of her friends.
You had finally got home & changed into a shirt and shorts, ready to just relax and watch some movies. Rummaging through the fridge, you realized that you actually did have to order takeout, since there was nothing already made.
Checking the time, you figured you could swing by the local pizzeria, and stop by the supermarket for some ice cream. Grabbing your bag, you slipped on some easy shoes and made sure to lock the door.
At the pizzeria, you had ordered your food, and were just waiting. Sitting at one of the booths, you were slightly confused when you heard Miles’ voice come from the counter.
You turned to take a peek, and saw Miles there with a completely different outfit, and most noticeably, his braids were gone.
You were annoyed, his braids took you some time & he had already taken them out. If he really hated them, why didn’t he just tell you?
Going up to him, you tapped his shoulder.
He turned around and saw you, giving you a confused look.
“No me das esa cara, si no te gustaron, you know I would’ve changed them!”
Miles gave you an even more confused look, and started to really piss you off.
“Okay, why are you giving me that look? Seriously if you didn’t like the braids, I would’ve fixed them.”
“Braids? Do you have me mistaken for someone else?”
“Your name is Miles Morales, right?”
“Uh, yes.”
“Then no, I’m not mistaken. God why weren’t you just upfront about it with me? I would’ve done whatever you wanted, you know that.”
“What? Are you too cool for them?”
“No I just—“
“I bet you do have a hot date huh! That’s what it is.”
“Hot date? Definitely not. I am so confused.” Miles said, awkwardly scratching the nape of his neck.
The guy at the counter called your name, and you pointed to Miles.
“Stay here. We aren’t done talking about this.”
You rushed up to the counter, and grabbed your pie, thanking him and ran back to Miles, grabbing his sleeve and dragging him with you.
Once outside, you dragged him to your apartment building, stopping at the stairs, placing your pizza box there.
“What’s going on with you?”
Miles just stared at you, not sure how to tell you that he wasn’t who you thought he was.
“I’m sorry.”
You sighed and frowned. Miles rarely apologized, even when he had done something. He had always sweet-talked you into not being mad at him, knowing that you had a soft spot for him.
“An apology? That’s a first. Miles, I just wanna know what’s been going on with you. You make plans with people and don’t tell me who, which like yeah I guess I’m not entitled to that information but—” you were cut off when he hugged you, wrapping his arms around your waist.
You wrapped your arms around his neck and stayed like that for a second. You knew Miles. He wasn’t a PDA sort of person and he wasn’t big on hugs either. He wasn’t telling you something, and it seemed to weigh heavy on him.
Before you knew it, he had unraveled himself from you and you both were standing away from each other.
“I’m sorry. I’m sure this will all make sense eventually but I really gotta go.”
He gave you a look that you couldn’t decipher and left you, pizza still on the steps, getting cold.
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You didn’t hear from Miles until the next morning, knocking at your window.
You groaned and threw a pillow in that direction, knowing it probably missed.
The knocking kept going, so you got up and went to open the window not even sparing Miles a glance.
You trudged your way back into bed, making space for the both of you. He laid down next to you, having a debate if he should pull you close to him.
“Amor, what’s wrong?”
“Be quiet. I'm still trying to sleep.”
Miles let out a huff and poked your side.
“Miles, leave me alone.”
“Que hice?”
“What do you mean ‘que hice?’ We talked about this. If you didn’t listen to me at all then why are—”
You turned to face him, quickly realizing the small space in between the two of you.
You stared at his face, the sunlight giving him a soft glow. His eyes even were a different shade of brown, turning more like pools of milk chocolate. But what stood out to you the most, was his hair, in braids, neatly as if they were never out of them.
How was that possible? You saw him the night before and he didn’t have them. What was happening?
Miles called your name and you blinked, face feeling flushed at your gawking.
“You have your braids.”
He gave you a confused look.
“But last night you didn’t.”
“Last night? I don’t remember seeing you last night.”
“You’re joking right? I saw you and we talked and you left in a hurry.”
You sat up and sighed, confused and frustrated as to why he wouldn’t remember this.
“Are you sure it was me?”
You stared at him. Why did he have to say it in such a condescending tone?
“Yes, Miles. It was you.”
“It couldn’t have been me.”
“Are you calling me a liar?”
“Maybe a bit delusional. Guess you missed me that much.”
You were beyond frustrated now, and got out of bed.
Without a word, you pulled him out of bed and walked him over to your window.
“What— seriously que te hice?”
Crossing your arms, you looked away from him.
“The fact that you don’t even remember our conversation yesterday, and the fact that you’re acting like it never happened and you weren’t being weird— I can’t.”
“You can't do what?” Miles' voice cracked slightly, and he cleared his throat.
“I can't do this right now. You should go.”
“Miles.” you whispered his name, feeling so many different emotions. He knew that you had made up your mind and pressed a kiss onto your forehead.
With that, he climbed out of your room and went down the fire escape.
You sat in your room, confused by everything and feeling something new, something like a heartache in your chest.
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ikigaisvt · 3 months
quiet love
in which your boyfriend vernon likes showing his love for you in a quiet way.
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pairing: vernon x f!reader words count: 2k content: childhood bestfriends to lovers, fluff, domestic warnings: so soft but very corny, contains pretty common prompts imo, vernon's love language is not words of affirmation lol, implied that kids are mean to vernon, mention of driving, drinking, loss and exes, reader is sick at one point (the flu), a lot of food/eating talk, they are so healthy youre gonna throw up, soooo much physical affection they make me SICK (holding hands, kissing, playing with each other's hairs, hugging etc), babe/baby petnames note: omg im alive?!?!? hiii!! it's been so long since i posted a fic! this one is a birthday gift for the loml @vcrnons <3 happy birthday, u know it all already but don't forget i love u sm!!! i hope you enjoy this childhoodbff!vernon (it's ur thing) who's very very in love but very very shy to say it. hope anyone else who sees this fic enjoy too! don't forget to interact with this if u liked it, rbs are very very very appreciated! thank u<3 (also this was proofread by tired me so if there is any mistakes, ignore it pls thanks <3)
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Vernon has always been a man of a few words; when you first met him in elementary school, he was the quiet boy and nothing could get him to speak apart from spinning tops and his favorite cartoons. Still, you decided to befriend that calm boy – at the time, people used to think you were only being nice but deep down you knew: you were making a friend for life.
Going through all of the different steps of childhood and teenage hood with Vernon by your side was an experience – you raised hell together, driving your parents crazy. But it was also having a best friend to experience each other’s every first times: first partners, first time driving, first time getting drunk but also first breakup, first bad haircut and first loss. You have seen each other through everything. No, you have watched over each other through everything; wherever you were, Vernon was standing two steps back, making sure you were always safe. And wherever he was, you were always standing two steps back, making sure he was always loved.
And that’s how you both fell in love. It was slow and secure; falling in love with Vernon was never complicated or painful. It was how things dropped into place and none of you ever denied it; at the time you knew you were meant to be – maybe you always did. And so, you let yourself fall into each other’s arms, a safe place, full of quiet love.
You were 24 years old when Vernon first wanted to tell you he loved you; yet, he didn’t have the courage to fess up. Having spent his whole life showing his love through actions, he had a hard time saying it out loud. After a nice date to the cinema and the restaurant, he drove you back home, small talk and look exchanged during the trip. As soon as he puts the car in park, he reaches out to hold your hand, his thumb drawing circles.
“Had a nice time tonight?” he asks.
“Of course I did,” you answer, a blush creeping on your cheeks, “You know I always do with you,” you add, reaching out to cup his cheek.
“You need to go, you have an early day tomorrow,” he tells you, kissing your palm.
“Yeah, I’m going,” you say as you reach down for your bag and open the door, “Let me know when you’re home, okay?”
“Of course,” he says as he holds your face between his hand, “You do the same,” he adds against your lips before kissing you softly.
“It’s literally two steps away, I’m already home,” you chuckle as you exit the car.
“Won’t leave until I get the text, babe,” he smiles as he leans over the center console to look at you.
You roll your eyes sarcastically at him but still, your lips go up into a smile as your cheeks reddens from the way he so apologetically loves and cares for you. This boy would do anything to make sure you see how much he adores you. So, you wave him goodbye and it’s only when you close your front door and his phone buzzes with an i’m home :) drive safe, text me xx that you hear him drive off.
The second time he almost confessed to loving you was when you were 25. You had just gotten over an awful flu that got you bed ridden for days, unable to go on with your schedule as you normally would. You were sleeping the sickness off for hours on end, only waking up when Vernon knocked on your door to check up on you. Honestly, he knew it was only the flu, but he was so scared for you; in his eyes, you always appeared as the strongest women on earth so seeing you so weak and tired pulled at his heartstrings. He thought about confessing his undying love as you were blowing your nose – maybe it will magically heal her, he thought one night. But deep down he knew you needed someone to help you out physically and so, he did. He had taken such good care of you; he kept your home clean, did the laundry and helped you out to the shower if needed. He had thought about doing the cooking but he knew his poor skills wouldn’t get you to eat at all. So, even if you couldn’t finish your plates, he had ordered your favorite meals all week, even if he didn’t really like some of those.
It's been a few days since you last had a fever, so even if you were still blowing your nose and coughing a little bit, you could still get out of bed and hang out with Vernon. You two decided to have an at-home date, ordering your favorite meals and watching the show you recently started together. Since you were less sick you could finally finish your plate and eat more than usual; even after finishing your food, your stomach was still grumbling.
“I’m still hungry,” you whisper to yourself, not thinking Vernon would hear you.
“Yeah?” he asks, still looking at the TV as he holds a spoon full of food in the air, “Want a bite?” he says as he looks at you.
“Is that okay?” you ask, not wanting to take away his favorite food. Even when you were sick, you saw how Vernon only ordered your favorite foods – he deserved to have every bite of his favorite dish.
“Of course it is!” he smiles at you, extending his spoon in front of you, “You like it?” he asks, waiting for your nods of approval.
You nod enthusiastically, giving him a thumbs up with a smile, “That’s so good!” you exclaim before Vernon reaches for your plate. You look at him, wondering what he is up to before you see him fill your empty plate with more than half of his meal, “No, no, no,” you say, trying to reach for it as Vernon puts it out of reach from you.
“You need to eat, babe,” he says as he puts the dish on your lap, “Go on,” he smiles, patting your head before turning his attention back to his almost finished meal and the tv.
You smile down, cheeks red from your boyfriend’s attention. You notice how he gave you the tastier part of his dish – meat, veggies and a lot of gravy with a good amount of rice – and he kept most of the rice and only a piece of meat for himself. You start to eat happily, re-adjusting your position on the sofa to be closer to him. It might have been a year and a half since you started dating with no I love you’s said, but you know this is how he shows he loves you. And that is enough for you – it will always be.
It's now been two years since you started dating Vernon; you’re 26 years old, living with your boyfriend, your two cats and waking up every day with the love of your life next to you. Life is beautiful and you could not ask for more. To celebrate your anniversary with Vernon, you planned a trip to your hometown - only a 1 hour-drive from home – so you can have your date where you first kissed: at the cinema. If someone told Vernon he would one day ignore a movie to give his attention to a human being, he would have laughed at their face. But here he is. Countless of movies and shows watched with you right there, next to him, and yet you always steal his gaze away from the screen. You are just so beautiful, he thinks to himself. And when he sees you, laughing at a stupid joke from a character, he smiles with you. Not because the joke is funny, no, but because he cannot watch you without his heart filling up and his feelings pouring out onto his lips. He knew since he woke up that day, on your 2 years anniversary, that he would say it. It had been on the tip of his tongue since the first time he saw you in elementary school, smiling at everyone and saving bugs, but he always held it back. He thought it would be too soon, too fast, too much – but how can love ever be those things? he realized recently. He had said I love you a thousand times already through his actions, he had said he loved you out loud to his friends, his family, his cats. He thought now was the time you should hear it. So, all day, his head was in the clouds, thinking how to bring this up, how to say I’m in love with you to his soulmate. It happens when you pull him into your apartment at 1 am, your anniversary already over. You both get rid of your shoes, the tiredness of the day finally falling on your shoulders, before you pull him into you for a hug. Your arms stay at his waist, his heart going thump, thump, thump against yours as his cheek rest on the crown of your head.
“Gonna let you go to sleep,” you mumble against his shirt before letting him go, “I’m gonna shower.”
“Hey- babe,” he says softly to get your attention, his hand wrapping around your wrist, “need to tell you something,” he tells you as you’re pulled back against his chest, hands on his front as one of his rest on your waist, the other one covering your cheek.
“Everything’s okay?” you ask, rubbing circle on the fabric of his shirt.
“Yeah, everything’s good,” he whispers, his eyes going down to look at your lips and up again, “You’re pretty,” he speaks under his breath, a blush making its way on your cheeks – and his.
“Thank you,” you smile as you reach for his neck, pulling him down for a kiss, “You’re not so bad yourself,” you whisper against his lips.
He holds onto your cheeks, your foreheads resting against each other, “I love you,” he murmurs so low you think you made it up but as you open your eyes and see tears in his own, you know this is nothing but real life.
“Oh,” you gasp softly, taken aback, “I love you too,” you say, smiling up at the love of your life.
“I know this was long overdue and I’m sorry it took me so long-“ he starts to babble, uneasiness bubbling in his chest before you cut him off with a kiss.
“It’s okay,” you whisper, playing with the hair at his nape, “To me, you’ve said it a thousand times,” you reassure him as he blushes, chuckling softly at how you always find the right words for him, “But a thousand more wouldn’t hurt,” you tease slightly, making him snort.
“I love you,” he repeats, his arms wrapping around your shoulders as yours find a resting place at his waist, rubbing his back over his shirt.
“Again,” you say with a smile in your voice before kissing his chest in an I love you too.
“I love you,” he says against your hair, his hands making its way under the straps of your dress.
“Again,” you ask him, never getting enough of these words flowing out of his lips.
“I love you,” he whispers against the shell of your ear, leaving a kiss behind, “so much.”
“I’ll never get tired of hearing this,” you whisper, your hands meeting the end of his shirt, “I love you,” you say as you touch his bare back.
“I love you, I love you, I love you,” he says like a mantra, “I’d unlearn any other words so all you could hear is my love for you,” he whispers, his eyes meeting yours, before your lips collide – just like your worlds did so many years ago.
You’ve always found reassurance in this quiet love you and Vernon were giving each other – but maybe you liked your love being a little louder sometimes.
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thank u for reading! hope you enjoyed hehe <3
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moonstruckme · 9 months
Ok James but him and his slytherin girlfriend seem to come out of nowhere and the boys are supportive but are more mad at James for not telling them? Idk I loved your other fic SO MUCH
Thanks for requesting <3
part 1
cw: mention of injury, no details or anything though
James Potter x Slytherin!reader ♡ 1.5k words
You hesitate outside the doorway to the infirmary at the raised voices coming from inside. 
You don’t need to be here, strictly speaking. James told you his injury wasn’t bad, and he has his friends to help him if he needs it, but…you can’t settle yourself down. You hadn’t liked the way he’d limped off the field, nor the tiny grimace on his face when Sirius had wrapped a bracing arm under his shoulders. It would be just like James to downplay how hurt he is to make you feel better, and the longer the game had gone on without him the more your guts twisted themselves into knots over the idea that he was in pain. 
You’d seethed at yourself and your stupid soft heart all the way to the infirmary, where now you’re frozen just outside like a coward. Something inside you is coiled tight with tension at the idea of going to see James Potter, on purpose and in public, even though that’s dumb because now everyone at Hogwarts knows about the two of you anyway. Your sappy display on the quidditch pitch made sure of that. But now that you have official and widely-known claim to the girlfriend title, you have just as much right to see him as anyone else. You shove your anxiety back into your stomach where it belongs and open the door. 
As soon as you’re inside, the voices become clearer. “—like this isn’t a big deal. The Prophet’s going to be all over the two of you by tomorrow, and we had to find out with every other fucking bloke at the school!”
“Pads, you don’t think I would have told you if I could?” James sounds exhausted, and something mutinous throbs in your heart. It’s followed quickly by the more familiar twinge of irritation at the use of those moronic nicknames they all have. “She made me promise not to tell anyone, including the both of you.” 
They’re talking about you. Of course they’re talking about you. What else could possibly be more important after James has fallen a good twenty feet off his broom than his dating life? This is why you hadn’t wanted to tell people. Hogwarts wears away at private lives like dementors at souls, and the rivalry between Gryffindor and Slytherin is too strong for your relationship with James to have any hope of remaining untainted once the gossip mill got ahold of it. 
Your instincts are screaming at you to turn around and leave before they catch sight of you, but you force yourself to keep walking. If you start letting what people think about you and James affect you now, you’ll never be able to get past it. 
Remus is the first to spot you, going still as if you’ve come to hex him, but James’ face splits into a lopsided grin that has the knots in your gut loosening very slightly. 
“Especially you,” you say to Sirius as you brush past him, perching by James' pillow and weaving your fingers into his curls. There’s a wrap around his middle. It’s very hard to appear calm and blasé when you feel like you’re going to rupture something if he doesn't promise you he’s okay right this instant. “You’d have had all of Gryffindor talking about us within an hour.” 
Sirius bristles but visibly shoves his temper aside, his voice matching your coolness as he says, “If I’d told anyone, Y/L/N, it would have been to inquire about whether anyone’s noticed you gathering ingredients for amortentia recently. James doesn’t keep things from us. Artificial infatuation is the only explanation for why he’d tolerate you and your secrets.” 
“Oi,” James says, but you pat his head placatingly. You can fight your own battles. 
“That how you got this one?” you jut your chin towards Remus, who’s looking somewhat entertained as he watches the two of you spar. “If I’m ever in need of the recipe, Black, you’ll be the first person I come to, but I don’t need to resort to such measures myself.” 
Sirius glowers at you, and James sets his hand on your shoulder just as Remus wraps a pacifying arm around his boyfriend. “Alright, I think that’s enough,” the taller boy says in his usual calm manner, and though Sirius is still tensed for a fight, he allows himself to be drawn into Remus’ side.
James nods in agreement. “I’m sorry I didn’t tell you guys, really. I thought I’d get a chance to before everyone found out, but…” He turns up his palms helplessly. “Things didn’t go as planned.” 
“We’ll get over it,” Remus says, Sirius quietly fuming beside him. “Won’t we, love?”
Sirius looks up at Remus' face, which is clearly a mistake, because he softens like butter in the sun. “Yeah, yeah, just gimme a bit,” he grumbles halfheartedly. “Anything to keep our Prongsie happy, right?”
James beams, so clearly relieved at the settlement of the conflict that you feel a bit guilty for participating in it. He kisses you on the cheek, chuckling against your skin. “You stink.” 
“Some of us stuck around to play the whole game,” you reply.
“Ouch,” James says, but he’s grinning. “Couldn’t really help that, could I?”
You give him a look to let him know you haven’t forgotten how his negligence had gotten him hurt. “Debatable.” 
You hear Remus chuckle but don’t take your eyes off James’ face, inspecting it for signs of the pain you suspect he’s hiding. “How bad is it really?” you ask, softening your voice even though there’s no chance of his friends not hearing you. 
James worries his lip, big brown eyes looking into yours guiltily. “Pomphrey says I broke three ribs and bruised my tailbone pretty badly. Minor concussion, too, but nothing serious.” 
Sounds serious enough to you. You ghost a hand over the back of his head as if you’ll be able to find and fix his hurt. He leans into your palm though, so it’s not for nothing. “I’m sorry I walked away out there,” you all but whisper. “I should have stayed with you.” 
James eyebrows pinch together. “Hey, sweetheart, it’s okay,” he promises just as softly. He knows what it costs you to talk like this in front of people, like you’re turning yourself inside out for them to judge and stab at as they please, but James has no such reservations. He dots a kiss, feather-light, at the top of your cheekbone, wrapping an arm around you protectively. “Thanks for coming, I mean it.” 
You clear your throat. “Yeah, and in my fucking quidditch gear,” you say in your normal voice, attempting to banish the heavy mood. As if your heart isn’t still beating, hummingbird-fast and fragile, in your throat. “We both need to change and shower, and then you should rest. Did Pomphrey say you could leave?”
James nods, still looking at you like you’ve cracked open in his hands (he might be right; it feels like you have, and it wouldn’t even be the first time today). He rubs your upper arm affectionately, but his voice is easygoing when he says, “Yup, I’m good to go.” 
Sirius steps forward, as though to remind the two of you that he is, in fact, also present. “Great. We’ll walk you back to the room.” 
You turn to him, not quite ready for your time with James to be up and aching for the opportunity to dote on him in private. “That’s okay, I can take him.” 
Sirius’ eyes narrow. “You can’t even get into our dorms.” 
“Please, like Gryffindor’s riddles are so perplexing.” 
“I don’t need an escort,” James interjects. He pushes himself up with a grimace. 
You halt him with your hands on his shoulders and Remus says, “Don’t be stupid, Prongs, you can barely walk.” 
“I’ve got him,” you say firmly. Sirius stares you down, but you don’t flinch from his stony gaze. You know he doesn’t trust you. You don’t think he’d willingly trust any Slytherin. Since you’ve been at Hogwarts, the talk in your house has always been that Sirius Black shuns his family because they’re all Slytherins. Although James assures you there’s more to the story than that, it’s still obvious to anyone that he considers his friends his true family. He won’t entrust just anyone with James’ safety. But maybe that’s one thing you can agree upon. 
He must see something of this in your face, because after a minute Sirius relents, rolling his eyes. “Fine,” he says. “I wanted to stop by the kitchens anyway.”
James is looking between the two of you curiously, aware that something has transpired but not quite sure what. 
You don’t give Sirius a chance to change his mind. “Alright,” you say, gripping James' forearms and helping him to stand. “Let’s go, pretty boy.” 
James drapes his arm across your shoulders gamely, and the two of you start out the door. “I don’t think that’s the insult you think it is.”
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averyakuma · 4 months
you did it! :D
Could I ask for a Husk x Reader one-shot where Reader finds Husk completely drunk in the hotel bar, and so that he doesn't get in trouble they decide to take him to his room where they have a cute intimate moment with him? Maybe talking nonsense he wouldn't say sober, or Reader confessing their interest in him? Whatever seems best to you is fine!
I’m so glad!! Of course I’d love to! I absolutely love this idea, hope you like the prompt :]
Just so you know, the misspelt words imitates how husk is drunk talking, if that makes any sense 🫢
Pairing - Husk X gn! Reader
Tags - fluff, drunk/sleepy husk, snuggles 🫢
A/N - Live laugh love husk!!
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You finished up the last things off your checklist, you sigh with tiredness when you checked off the last thing for the day. Finally!! You could finally get some rest.
As you prep your things for tomorrow, you heard a little groan from the bar, it was Husk. You went over to see Husk drunk from drinking 3 bottles of whiskey. His head was lying on the table, eyes closed. “Husk! What did you do?” You exclaimed. Husk peeked his eyes to figure out it’s just you. He sighed, knowing it was just you.
He mumbled, “I have a shitty life..” you stiffen back slowly turn loose, sighing a little. You sat on the chair next to him, patting his back. “Don‘t we all? It is hell, we all have committed some sort of sin.” You sighed again, looking down at the counter. His head was still lying upon his arms. There was an awkward amount of silence between the two. He groaned and rubbed his eye, “I just.. had a bad day, you know how it is with Alastor..”
You frowned at the fact Alastor owned his soul, and he probably got reminded Alastor can harm him any second. “Do you want to talk about it?” You leaned in closer to his face. He turned his head to you, tediously looking at you. “No.. maybe later if I feel like it..” he groaned. You saddened at the thought that he didn’t trust you enough to go into further detail, but understood anyway.
There was another moment of silence, you both just sitting next each other. It wasn’t awkward, it felt comforting in a way, looking at each other with tired eyes. “How about this.. let’s go get ready for bed, we both need it.” “No..” he turned down the offer. “I’ll help you get ready for bed, how about that?” You replied. You stood up, holding a hand out for him to grab. He was hesitant at the offer, rethinking the offer.
It was indeed true, both of you were tired, thirsting for rest. “Alright.. but your lukcy I’m letting this slide, I woaldn’t- I wouldn’t let this happen with anyone else.” He yawned in his deep, monotone voice. Your heart fluttered at his comment, smiling warmly at him. Husk grabbed your hand, legs shaking a little. You noticed this, making him wrap his arm around your shoulder.
You both slowly walked up the stairs, gradually getting to the hallway. His eyes were droopy, there were small moments of him just mumbling about random stuff or just sleep talking. You thought it was funny how he was just talking about the most random or out of context things, chuckling at some of them. “I definitely… think that Charlie and Vaggie are dating.”
It was obvious that they were deep lovers, you giggled, “oh yeah?” He nodded at your reply. “You know who’s Vaggie thoufh rifght? Sounds like vagina.” He hiccuped. “Yes I know who Vaggie is, and don’t say that, that isn’t nice at all.” You snickered. You guys both arrived to his room, setting him down on his bed.
You helped him change into his pajamas, untying his tie, taking off his hat, while he rambled about how he does some of his magic tricks. You couldn’t help but ruffle his hair on top of his head. “Your so fluffy..” you stated. You unintentionally leaned closer to his face, memorizing his face. He quickly noticed this, pulling you closer with his wings.
His wings opened as they surrendered around you, making you a couple of inches away from his face. You widen your eyes, making eye contact with him. “Husk..” you mumbled. “Yuo wanna say rhat agani?” He groaned. “Alright alright handsome little cat, time to go to bed.” You teased.
You tucked him into bed and was about to go, until you felt a grasp on your wrist. You turned around to see husk weakly looking at you. “Can you at leats stay the nihgt?.. in my bed” He grumbled. You both slightly blushed at the comment, you smiled and agreed to sleep in bed together. You excused yourself to your room to change in your pajamas, shortly returning to his room.
You snaked yourself through the sheets, making yourself comfortable. Husk quickly turned to face you, glancing at your figure. “Nice pajmaas..” “why thank you, well Goodnight Husk.” You replied, closing your eyes. Within a blink of an eye, husk wrapped his wings around you, making you closer to him, he wrapped his arms around you, snuggling closer.
You were stunned by his action, but didn’t complain. Maybe it’s because he’s drunk I guess, you thought as you hugged him back. “Goodnigth…” he replied. He fell asleep quickly, while you were wide awake, hugging his head as his head was snuggled in your chest. You thinking about something..
“Hey husk? I- I..” you stuttered upon your words. You didn’t know if you should tell husk now or later, maybe it was better to tell him when he wasn’t drunk. “Never mind, it’s okay, I’ll tell you later..” you snuggled closer to him, ruffling his fur.
Deleted scenes!
- Angel Dust was still awake in his room, bored out of his mind. He decided to take a quick walk around the hotel. He did so, getting a drink at the bar. As he was walking back to his room, husks door was creaked open. He took a peak inside, he found you and Husk cuddling each other, lightly snoring. He smirked, “oh yeah they are definitely dating.”
-The Next day arrives, the red light of the sky shines in. Husk slowly wakes up, gaining consciousness. He finds himself wrapping his wings around you, cuddling you while your still asleep. “How the fuck did this happen.” He sat up in bed and looked around his room, looking if anybody did this. He then looked at you, softening his gaze, sighing and mumbling, “I mean.. I’m not complaining about it anyway..”
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janeyseymour · 5 months
Potential part 2 to Bridge Over Troubled Water. Maybe something about them finally confessing their feelings, or the reader finishing their degree and Mel is worried about seeing them less thinking they're going back to working in the suburbs but maybe they get transferred to Abbott. That's if you're feeling up to it of course
So... this took way longer than anticipated, but it's here, and she's done (and as always unedited). I hope you enjoy!
Bridge Over Troubled Water Pt 2
Part 1.
WC: 5.5k (exactly!)
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Since the two of you finally confessed your feelings for each other, you’ve found the balance between work and home life as well as the dynamic between the two of you as teacher and aide. Really, not much has changed- you can’t blame Ava for having figured the two of you out before even you two knew what there was with the two of you. 
That was two semesters ago, and you’re quickly approaching the end of your masters degree. You’ve been seeing Melissa for a little over a year, and it’s been great. She’s your best friend, the best mentor, and the biggest supporter for you when you need to be told it’s going to be okay in terms of your graduate degree. But now that’s almost finished. You have three more final papers to write, one group presentation, and a speech to finish, and then you’ll have your masters in reading.
“You’re doing great, hon,” your girlfriend tells you as you type away furiously at your laptop at her kitchen island.
You jump nearly a foot in the air. You had been so focused on your paper that you didn’t even realize she had moved from her station at the stove to right behind you. 
“Jesus, Mel,” you chuckle once your shock wears off. “Give a girl some warning first.”
She wraps her arms around your shoulders and kisses the top of your head. “I thought you saw me move from the stove. Sorry, babe.”
You turn red. “My bad.”
“It’s alright, amore. You were focused on your paper, and I’m so proud of you.”
“I can’t wait to be done with it all,” you sigh. 
“You’re almost there,” she tells you. “And then you can just relax through the end of the school year with me and figure everything else out during the summer.”
You worry your lip through your teeth. “I think I’ve figured out what I’m doing already though.”
“Oh?” She raises an eyebrow. “And what would that be?”
You close your laptop and turn around in her arms. “I think I’m going to go back to the school I was at before- at least for a little bit. I know I have job security there, and the principal already asked me about returning to finish out the school year for one of the old second grade teachers who has to go out on maternity leave- at least to finish up the school year.”
“What?” she sounds shocked. “And you’re going to-“
“I think I have to if I want any sort of job security for next year,” you tell her. “But I’ll still do everything I can to-“
“You’re just going to leave the kids like that? Leave me like that?”
“Baby, it isn’t like that,” you whisper and pull her in closer. “You know how the teaching career paths are. And I know that my old school finishes before Abbott, so I can come in for the last week with you, and-“
Melissa takes a shaky breath. “You have to do what’s best for you, as much as it kills me… have you told anyone else?”
“Just Ava,” you mumble. “I was going to tell you tomorrow when we went out for dinner.”
“Okay.” She bites her lip. She knows you have to do what’s best for you, and she knows you’re right. You need job security. And she’ll be fine with the two classes together again; the two of you have pretty much figured out how to teach both classes seamlessly. But now she’s worried about how this is going to affect the relationship between the two of you- she won’t see you nearly as much.
“Please tell me you’re not mad,” you practically beg her.
“I’m not,” she tells you truthfully. “Just thinking about how the kids are going to miss you… how I’ll miss you.”
“You’ll see me,” you promise her. “We’re dating.”
“I know,” she sighs. “But it’ll be different. I’ll have my classes, you’ll have your class, and when we’re together, we’ll both be swamped with grading and planning.”
“I’m sure we can figure it out, hon. We’ll set aside time to grade together, we’ll see if at least our second grades line up to plan together for, and I’ll make sure that we have our time together to focus on things other than schoolwork.”
“You better,” she chuckles nervously, reaching down to palm your ass. 
“I love you,” you whisper as you set your forehead against hers.
“I love you too,” she tells you, but she’s still nervous.
When you get your degree, Melissa is the first one to wrap you up in a hug, peck your lips, and tell you how proud of you she is. Your parents are second, and they grin when they see how happy you are with your girlfriend. They had been wary in the beginning of your relationship, but now they fully embrace the fiery redhead in your life as family.
The four of you have a wonderful meal provided by Melissa at her house, and your parents sing her praises.
“My god,” your dad chuckles. “What you do with food woman… you should’ve been a chef instead.”
“I thought about it,” your girlfriend laughs. “But I’d say being a teacher worked out just fine.” She gives you a nudge and squeezes your thigh just slightly.
Dinner is wonderful, your parents head out with warm hugs and kisses to both yours and Melissa’s cheeks, and then it’s just the two of you.
“I’m so proud of you,” she tells you as you curl up on the couch together. “So proud.”
“I know you are,” you chuckles softly. “You’ve only told me a million times today.”
“Because I am,” she grins brightly and kisses you again. “My girl’s got her masters, and she’s going to do great… wherever she might end up.”
That night ends with the two of you in bed, sweaty and grinning as she pulls you into her arms. You both get good rest that night.
On your official last day at Abbott as Melissa’s aide, the kids shower you in presents, cards, poems, drawings… anything and everything you could think of- one of the kids brought it in for you- even a jar of pickles. You chuckle at that one.
“I’m assuming this is your doing?”
“I had it put on the list,” she laughs. “And I had to specifically ask for the dill, because I know you refuse to eat gherkins.”
“You’re the best,” you hip check her. 
“I do my best, babe,” she whispers back. “I am going to miss working with you.”
She hands you a note to go along with all of the kids’ stuff.
“Can I read it now, or should I read it later?”
“Maybe later,” Melissa tells you. “For now, enjoy your party, and then we do have dinner with the crew after school today.”
“We do?”
“You think we’d send you off without a true Abbott celebration?” she laughs. “Of course we have a special outing for you- down at Oscar’s- your favorite skanky dive bar.”
“You’re getting the Barbara Howard to my favorite skanky dive bar?”
“I am,” the redhead chuckles. “She loves you a lot, and I promised her it wouldn’t be too much since it’s a Wednesday at four in the afternoon.”
After many tearful goodbyes (even though you promise the kids they’ll see you for the last week of school), you walk out of the school hand in hand with your girlfriend.
“Can I open it now?” You clutch the envelope Melissa had handed you earlier in the day.
“If you really want to,” she rolls her eyes playfully as she opens the door for you. “But you can’t get all weepy. We have our friends to meet, and they don’t need to know I’m soft for you.”
“Everyone knows you’re soft for me,” you tease her. “Janine fully walked in on you massaging my back the one day in the teachers’ lounge because I had terrible cramps.”
“And I told the kid that if she told anyone, she’d regret it,” Melissa tells you.
“And then she told everyone, and you still haven’t made her regret it because you love me too much to harass our friend.”
“Shut up. Are you going to read it or not?”
“Maybe later if it’s going to make me cry.”
“I really am dating a softy, aren’t I?”
“You really are,” you grin innocently. “And you love me for it.”
When the two of you walk inside, everyone else is already there with drinks in hand.
“Aye, there’s our girl!” Jacob grins and wraps you up in a hug. “You did it!”
“I did,” you chuckle as you awkwardly pat his back before pulling away and being passed around to your friends. 
You make eye contact with your usual bartender, who just smirks and starts pouring your drink for you. He slides it over to you with a wink and a nod of the head. “Congrats, kid. We’re gonna miss having you come around here.”
“I think everybody forgets that I’m not really going anywhere,” you laugh as you take a sip of your beer and find your way into Melissa’s side again. “This one’s keeping me around for a long time, so I’ll be around.”
“But it’ll be different,” Janine argues. “You won’t be at Abbott with us anymore, and you won’t get to see half the stuff we talk about!”
“I wish I didn’t have to see half the stuff we talk about,” you joke. “And I will be back for the last week of school. It’s really just these three weeks that I’m filling in at my old school.”
There’s a nagging thought in the back of your girlfriend’s mind that tells her that might be your actual last day at Abbott if you decide to go back to your school in the suburbs.
“I, for one,” Ava cuts in. “Am glad that I will no longer have competition over who is the hottest in the school.”
“Ava!” Melissa rolls her eyes. 
Everybody raises their glasses towards you and cheers to you and your accomplishment.
After quite of few hours of drinking, exchanging silly Abbott stories, recounting how you and your girlfriend tiptoed around each other’s feelings for quite a bit before finally just biting the bullet and dating and how Ava won a shitload of money off of Mr. Johnson over their bet, and some good bar food, your crew starts to head out.
“You did good, sweetheart,” Barb hugs you gently. “Gerald is here to pick me up now, but I assume I’ll see you on Saturday for shopping?”
“You will,” you mumble into her shoulder.
“I’m just going to miss you so much!” Janine wipes a tear as she lunges forward to hug you.
“I think she had a little too much to drink,” Gregory takes his girlfriend by the hand to pry her off of you. “Congrats, Y/N. Hopefully, you’ll rejoin us at Abbott soon.”
“I’m with them, but it was really great getting to work with you!” Jacob grins. “And getting to see our favorite toughie soften up for you has been-“ he cuts himself off at the glare from your girlfriend. “I’ll see you around, Y/N.” The three of them exit quickly, Jacob and Gregory half carrying Janine.
That leaves you with Melissa, Ava, and Mr. Johnson.
“I’m actually going to have to do my job in that room now that you’re leaving,” Mr. Johnson sighs. “It was nice having you around, kid.”
“Thanks, Mr. J,” you chuckle. He gives you a gentle pat on the back, downs his beer and heads out.
“I know you’re going back to your old school, but…” Ava tells you. “Know Abbott will always welcome you back with open arms- even if that means I’ll have competition for who is the hottest.”
Your girlfriend rolls her eyes as she pulls you closer by the hip. “It isn’t a contest, Ava. It’s Y/N, and then me… The Philly twelve and Philly eleven.”
“Yeah, whatever,” the principal laughs. “My mans is here, but I’ll catch you later.” She heads out.
“I’ll take the tab now,” you tell your bartender. 
“It’s all covered,” he waves you off. You glance to your girlfriend, who shrugs. “It’s on us… for our favorite teacher crew, celebrating one of our favorite teachers from the crew.”
You leave a generous tip before you and the redhead head out of the bar.
“Did you have a good day?” Melissa asks you gently as you get into the car.
“I did,” you smile softly. “It was a bit over the top, considering I’ll continue to see everyone, but… it was all very sweet.”
“You know we all love you,” your girlfriend tells you as she pulls her car out of the parking spot. 
“I know,” you say softly, resting your hand on her thigh. “And don’t think I’ve forgotten about your note. I’m waiting to read it when we’re inside.”
“I do need to get ready for work tomorrow… my first day without my gorgeous girl next to me. So I have to shower when we get home.”
“That’s fine. I’ll read it then.”
Your girlfriend tries to tempt you with a dual shower, but you politely decline.
“I actually need to shower, you actually need to shower, and we both know nothing gets done when we shower together,” you tell her pointedly.
“Actually,” she smirks. “We both get done.”
“Melissa!” you groan.
“I’m not wrong,” she grins as she strips her clothes, hoping to entice you. It doesn’t work, but she knows you’re watching as she heads into the bathroom.
With a shaky breath, you take the card out of the envelope that she had given you at school today. It’s a beautifully decorated card- one that she clearly put a lot of effort into making special just for you. You open it to see her beautiful penmanship.
Y/N, it reads. Congratulations, amore. I’m so unbelievably proud of you- you did it! I never had a doubt in my mind that you could do it, and I truly consider you to be one of the brightest lights there is in this odd profession we’ve found ourselves in. 
I want to take this time to tell you how eternally grateful I am to have found you. I know we got off to a rocky start- I was angry at Ava and my last aide, and I was about to admit defeat when I stormed into her office. When I looked at you though, all that stress melted away. I would realize later that any time I looked at you, I would feel more at peace. 
I expected you to waltz into my room and add to the mayhem, much like Ashley did, but you proved me wrong from the start. You immediately proved that you were a pro- that you were worth keeping around. From your organization to the way that teaching and classroom management just comes so naturally to you… you’re the real deal, babe. 
And somehow, in the middle of the absolute chaos that we call our classroom, I fell for you. I was able to see every side of you- the professional and the personal. I was able to see the way that you worked seamlessly between organizing papers and handling the students in a matter of minutes of you being there. I saw the woman who is tough on the kids when they need it, but also knows how to soften up for a student who needs some extra love. I saw the goofball who isn’t afraid to be the butt of a joke because you create the joke and embrace it. I’ve loved watching you maneuver all of the staff- who even I haven’t figured out quite yet. I watched you grow professionally, but I also watched you grow personally. I’ve loved being able to be here for you through it all- all of the highs of celebrating when you got a 100% on an essay you worked your ass off to write by a deadline, to loving you through when your professor gave you a wrongful failing grade and we worked our asses off to write a better paper. I’ve loved watching you come into your own and figure out who you are. But mostly, I’ve loved loving you. I’ve loved being able to hold you on a good or a bad day, being able to cherish our time together and make memories that I never thought I would have. I’ve loved being your person, and you being mine. Thank you for being my person, thank you for letting me be your person, and here’s to you, my love. Congratulations.
She signed her name at the bottom with a heart scrawled next to it, and you can’t help but wipe a few tears away. You look towards her bathroom and smile when you hear her voice singing softly. You strip down before heading into the bathroom.
“Hon?” she calls.
You step into the shower with her, and her eyes are immediately all over you. You crash your lips into hers.
“I read your note,” you mumble against her lips. “I love you, I love you, I love you.”
That night, the two of you hardly get any sleep.
You take the next few days off to ensure that you’re prepared for your new second graders, and then that weekend, you and Melissa find yourselves diving into your work to make sure that everything is just as it should be. You know you’re in good standing with your school, but you want to make sure that you still impress.
You end up staying at your apartment out in the suburbs (you aren’t even really sure why you have it anymore- you almost stay exclusively at your girlfriend’s in Philly) on Sunday night so that you’re closer to work.
“I’ll be fine, Mel,” you promise her over the phone as you’re driving.
“I just know that you’re nervous, and sometimes your anxiety gets the best of you,” she sighs into the phone. “Are you sure you don’t want me to stay over with you?”
“I mean… you know you’re more than welcome to, but that commute for you is going to be a bitch tomorrow,” you chuckle. 
“It’s a worthwhile sacrifice for you, my dear,” she tells you. “Let me pack a bag, and I’ll be there not long after you.”
After a night of Melissa assuring you that you were going to be just fine- it’s just first day jitters, you wake up to an empty bed. You can smell breakfast being cooked. You yawn, get yourself dressed for work, and stumble into the kitchen. Melissa is already ready for school, and she’s just plating breakfast when you walk in. She smiles gently at you, pouring a cup of coffee for you as you slowly make your way into her arms.
“Good morning, my love,” she whispers, kissing your head. “Are you ready?”
“I’m gonna have to be,” you mumble into her shoulder.
“Well, I have to head out if I’m going to make it in time for the news, but I’ll drive back here to hear all about your first day? We’ll cook up somethin’ nice?”
You nod. “I love you. Thank you for staying over with me to help calm my nerves.”
“Anything for you,” she kisses you softly before slinging her bags around her. “Keep me updated throughout the day.”
Your first day is great. The kids are so excited to see you, your old coworkers are thrilled to have you back, and you don’t necessarily miss the piss stench that would waft itself in from the streets at Abbott.
But you find yourself comparing this school to Abbott- the odd little school in center city that has your heart. You find yourself missing sitting in the teacher’s lounge with your girlfriend and your friends, joking over whatever happened that day. You find yourself missing the knowing glances from Melissa when one of your kids says something funny. You catch yourself looking for someone to share a look with, even if it’s just one of the camera men you’ve grown fond of. 
After your first day, you drive yourself back to your apartment, fully ready to pour over quite a few notes and start planning for the next few weeks. Melissa strolls in not too much later, a grocery bag in hand.
“There’s my girl,” she smiles and makes her way over to you. She kisses you deeply. “How was your first day, amore?”
You shrug. “It was nice being back.”
You don’t fail to see the way her shoulders shrink slightly. 
“But I missed you today.”
“Well, you have me now, before I have to head back to my house,” she tells you. “I’ll cook us up some dinner?”
“That sounds wonderful,” you smile as you wrap your arms around her.
“I can’t really cook if you don’t let me go,” she quips. Begrudgingly, you let her go. “So tell me about your day.”
You do. She cooks dinner. The two of you find your way into your bedroom. After quite a few rounds, she sighs and cleans you up.
“So…” she sighs softly. “When will I get to see you again?”
You bite your lip. “Maybe this weekend?”
“Baby, that’s… four days away.”
“I know, but I’m already drowning in planning, and the kids are working on some of their projects from their teacher that I’ll have to grade, and I-“
“It’s okay, love,” she promises you, knowing you’ll get worked up. “I’ll see you on Friday?”
“I’ll come down for the weekend,” you tell her. “I promise. I might have to do some work, but we can spend the weekend together.”
She nods, kisses your nose, then your cheek, then your lips before slipping out of bed. 
You don’t end up seeing Melissa on Friday, or Saturday, or Sunday. You actually don’t see her until the following weekend until she comes over to your place after you hadn’t texted her all day on Friday. She’s worried about you.
“Y/N?” Melissa calls as she uses her key to let herself in. You’re asleep on some papers that you’re attempting to grade. “Oh, hon,” she sighs.
She shakes your shoulder gently, and you immediately sit up straight in a panic. Who was in your-
“It’s just me, amore,” she whispers and kisses your head. “It’s just me. You’re alright.”
You bring your hand to your chest as you continue to try to steady your breathing. “You had me so scared.”
“I’m sorry to just drop in on you,” your girlfriend apologizes. “I got worried when I didn’t get a text this morning or at all today.”
“I’m sorry,” you immediately say. “I’ve been up to my eyeballs in grading… and I may have taken a cat nap.”
“I think the cat nap took you, love,” she chuckles. “Have you slept at all?”
“I slept for like forty-five minutes last night?” you blush. “I was up making sure that all of the things for the last week of school were ready.”
“Babe,” the redhead says sternly as she lifts you into her arms. “We’ve talked about how that’s not healthy.”
“I know, I know,” you sigh as you cuddle closer to her. “I just-“ you yawn. “I want to make sure everything is perfect for them next week.”
“You need sleep. And you always could’ve called me to ask for help.”
“You have both classes though,” you mumble, sleep already threatening to take you. That’s really the last thing you remember until you wake up again. Your girlfriend’s warm body is pressed up against yours, and you roll over to look at her.
“Sleep,” Melissa grumbles against your head. You feel her press a delicate kiss to your temple.
“I have to finish everything up,” you sigh as you try to pull away.
“I graded everything, and I made sure their bags were all made up, and I made sure the stuff for their party is in order… you really need to utilize your classroom parents more; how much did you spend out of your own pocket?”
“More than I’m willing to admit,” you mutter. You pull away from her slightly as you realize everything she did for you. “Mel. You didn’t have to-”
“I didn’t have to, but I wanted to while you got some much deserved sleep. Now, did you eat before you fell asleep grading?”
You shake your head sheepishly against her chest.
“So if I order Korean, you’ll be happy?”
“You know how to treat a girl right,” you sigh in content. Your eyes flutter shut again.
“I’ll call it in and wake you the food gets here,” she chuckles as she kisses your head again.
Your final week with your second grade class passes quickly, and while you grew to love those kids, you find yourself thrilled to be able to set foot back in Abbott with your girlfriend. Ava had graciously added you back on as an aide, even if just for the last week of school- the lord knows Melissa needs help calming down over thirty children during the final few days of school.
You’re greeted with whoops and hollers as you enter the break room. It’s like nothing changed. Melissa makes your coffee in the mug you usually drank, you sit in between the two veteran teachers while you watch the news, and then the two of you walk hand in hand down the hall to your classroom.
“Do they still remember me?” you ask her quietly as you perch yourself on her desk.
“They’ve been chattering about you nonstop,” your girlfriend tells you. “They’re so excited to see you ag-”
“Miss Y/N!” one of your kids comes running in. She immediately tackles you in a hug, and you have to place a hand on Melissa in order to steady yourself before you wrap her up in your arms.
“Hey, baby,” you grin. “I missed you!”
“We missed you!” the little girl grins.
As the rest of the kiddos come trickling in, they greet you with bear hugs and lots of chatter about all of the things the redhead has been teaching them. 
Before you know it, you’re saying goodbye to the Abbott crew for the summer, and probably for the foreseeable future. You had been offered your position back at your school in the suburbs, and you hadn’t been offered a position at Abbott- as much as you would love to come back. You leave the school helping your girlfriend carry a few things out of the classroom with a sigh.
“It’s been a good run,” you sigh softly. “I’m going to miss this place.”
“Abbott’s gonna miss you,” Melissa mumbles quietly.
You spend the summer with the fiery redhead, often times at the beach. Occasionally, Barbara would join you, but for the most part it’s just you and your girl.
The beginning of the school year starts to creep up on you quickly though. You’re actually in the middle of decorating your new classroom, Melissa holding the push pins for you when your phone starts to ring.
Your girlfriend glances over at your phone. “Ava’s callin’.”
“Hand it here,” you request, a confused look on your face.
“Hey,” you say into the phone, as you cradle it between your ear and your shoulder. You continue to try to pin up the bulletin board. “Trying to get ahold of Melissa?”
“If I wanted Schemmenti, I would’ve called Schemmenti,” she tells you bluntly. “No, girl, I’m trying to get ahold of you!”
“Oh?” You pause your actions.
“Girl, Latisha just quit ‘cause she got a new job. Suburban white girl couldn’t handle it,” the principal of Abbott says. “So, naturally- as owner of the school: I thought I would bring you back! As a third grade teacher!”
Your eyes grow wide. Melissa’s do too; she can hear the loud woman through the speaker. 
You stammer out a “W-what? R-really?”
“Of course!” she grins into the phone. “So, what do you say?”
“I- I have a contract at Old Eagle,” you say softly, a frown on your face.
“So break that bitch!”
“I-“ you pause. You glance at your girlfriend looking at you hopefully. “I can try. When do you need an answer by?”
“Today,” she sighs dramatically. “If you can’t take it, I gotta hire someone else, and it’s gonna be a bitch trying to find someone two weeks before school starts.”
“Let me- uh, I have to go talk to my principal, but I- okay,” you start to think out loud as you climb down from the desk you’re currently standing on.
“Get back to me soon. I can’t hold this job for you forever,” she tells you before hanging up. 
Melissa is looking at you with curiosity. “So, what’re you gonna do, hon?”
“I’ll be back,” you tell her as you give her a quick peck on the cheek. “I have to try to quit.”
You practically sprint down to the principal’s office. You speak with the principal about your situation, and despite his efforts to keep you at Old Eagle, you tell him your heart belongs to Abbott. 
Two hours later, after far too much paperwork, you return to your classroom- your almost classroom. Melissa had finished your bulletin board for you, and now she’s scrolling through her phone with her cat-eyed glasses on.
“Sorry, hon,” you apologize. “I didn’t think it would take that long.”
“Well?” She looks at you imploringly.
“I have to call Ava and tell her I will be accepting the second grade position at Abbott,” you grin brightly. “And then I have to take all of this down to set it up in my own classroom- right next to yours.”
Ava is delighted with your news, telling you she’s thankful that she won’t have to interview “any boring ass people who will leave in three weeks anyway”. Then she tells you to get your tasty ass into Abbott today if possible to sign your contract and start decorating for your class.
“I know we were supposed to have a nice dinner tonight, but-”
“You signing the papers to get your contract at Abbott is way more important than our dinner, amore,” Melissa says as she starts taking down the things you’ve place around. “And besides, we can always have a nice dinner afterwards.”
The two of you head down to the school in Philly, you sign your papers, and start to set up your room before heading back to her house. You pull your laptop up, eager to sign back in to your Abbott email and check your roster for this upcoming school year. She cooks, and by the time dinner is ready, you’re looking for apartments to move into in Philadelphia.
“Whatcha lookin’ at, hon?” she asks as she slides your plate over to you. “I know you ain’t still looking at your roster.”
“Apartments,” you sigh. “I figure now that I don’t have any ties to my suburban school and my lease is up in October, I might as well make the move out here.”
Your girlfriend bites her lip nervously before blurting out, “What if you just moved in with me?”
You have to stop yourself from dropping your jaw. “What?”
“I mean… you’re always here and spending the night anyway. You have a drawer at my house. Why not just- move in?”
“Are you being serious right now?” You ask her as you stand and make your way to her side of the table. 
She gives a noncommittal hum. “It’d make sense. If you-”
“I would love to,” you tell her as you crash your lips together.
The next few weeks are hectic for the both of you. In between preparing for the school year, packing up your apartment, and then development week, you both are up to your eyeballs in work. But you’re always together, and that’s what matters.
There really isn’t even a big shift in moving in with your girlfriend. She was right. Half of your things were there anyway; now it’s just official that the two of you share a home. And it truly feels like a home- much more of a home than the dingy apartment you had out in the suburbs ever was. 
On the first day of school, the two of you walk in hand in hand, having taken only one car. You watch the news together with your crew, and then you head off to your own classroom. She heads to hers. And when you go to stand outside of your room to greet your new students, you catch a glimpse of Melissa. In that moment, you know you made the right choice. Abbott is home. Melissa is home. 
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augustvandyne · 3 months
An Addie ask for you!
Addie sees y/n getting hit on at a bar, which y/n he clearly uncomfortable with. Addison swoops in and saves the day
this just drew my attention immediately and i actually need this to happen to me. friend addie who swoops in to save reader, but reader has a fat crush on addie?????
also a tiny bit of angst
saving grace
You grimace as a big whiff of scotch reaches your nose. This man has been talking for at least twenty minutes about something you didn’t care about, and he wouldn’t go away.
He also kept inching closer to you, and you sat up straighter by the minute, ready at any time to reach for your pepper spray.
You look around the bar once again, looking for someone - anyone from the hospital. But there’s no one here.
You’ve stopped turning your head when someone comes in the door, because you’ve honestly lost all hope for a saving grace.
You huff out a sigh as he changes the topic to his job for the twelfth time. You were tired of hearing about how his work crush turned him down and that he needs someone to fulfill his needs.
You tense when you feel a hand grab your hip, but relax a bit when the familiar smell of Addison’s perfume reaches your nose.
“Hey,” Addison smiles, leaning down to leave a kiss on your cheek. “Go along with it.”
“Hi love,” You smile up, leaning up to place a small kiss on her lips.
It wasn’t hard for you to pretend to be with Addison, because you already wish you were. And you’d be lying if you said you’d never fantasized about it before.
“How was your day?” Addison takes a seat on your side, moving to push the man out of her way.
Your cheeks heat slightly, “Fine.”
“Derek wasn’t treating you bad again, was he?” Addison frowns.
This was all normal conversation to you, but it held more intimacy than normal. Probably because you just had your first kiss. You loved it.
“Hey, lady!” The guy slurs.
Addison holds up her pointer finger to silence him, “Because I’ll talk to him for you.”
“Oh, you don’t have to,” You shrugged and look down at the counter. “It’s my fault for messing up.”
“Hey,” Addison shakes her head, tilting your head towards her again. “Don’t say things like that.”
“I mean..” You sigh. “He’s not lying.”
“Y/n,” Addison frowns. “You’re extraordinary. If Derek can’t see that, then maybe you should study under another neurosurgeon. Or even switch specialties all together. Come work with me.”
You shake your head, letting out a small but breathy chuckle, “Maybe.”
“I’ll request you for next week,” Addison gives you a look, and you’re lost in her eyes for a minute.
“Hold on,” She tells you, turning in her seat. “If you don’t stop breathing in my ear, I will kick you in a place you don’t want to be kicked.”
“Sorry lady,” He put his hands up. “But that’s my date. We were here first.”
“That’s my girlfriend,” Addison turns her body, her hand on her hip, and her head tilted. You imagine her eyebrows are raised, because the man backs off, going to bother someone else.
You let out a sigh, “Thank you, Addie.”
“Of course sweetheart,” Addison shrugs it off.
“No, really,” You smile gratefully. “I almost maced him. If you had been a few minutes later.. I might have been facing charges.”
Addison laughs at that, “I don’t doubt it. I see you gripping your spray.”
She grabs your hand and removes it from your pocket.
A tingling sensation is left on your skin after she lets go, and you look away, embarrassed, because you know none of this would ever be real.
“Thanks for the help,” You put some money on the bar table. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Why?” Addison stands. “I just got here.”
“I’m tired,” You try to shrug it off, but she isn’t having it.
“Did he actually do something to you?” You see fury growing in her eyes. “Or was it Derek? I’ll talk to him tomorrow, just stay here.”
You shake your head, “No.. it’s not that it’s..”
She looks at you like she’ll listen to whatever you have to say, but you know it’s not real.
“You know what? It’s nothing,” You laugh at yourself bitterly, pushing the door to the bar open, and breathing in the fresh air.
“Talk to me,” Addison grabs your wrist, pulling you back into her.
You spin into her arms, your hands landing on her shoulders while her hands are on your back. Your breath is caught in your throat at how close your faces are.
“Addison..” You bite the inside of your cheek. “You don’t feel it, do you?”
“Yes, Y/n. I have for a while now,” Addison admits softly.
“Me too..” You smile. “Since you started here and gave me my first cup of coffee from you.”
Addison smiles at the thought.
“Can I kiss you?” She asks, lifting a hand to your cheek.
“Please do,” You nod vigorously as her lips meet yours.
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xpao-bearx · 1 year
"Like A Virgin"
Steven Grant x Fem!Reader/Jake Lockley x Fem!Reader/Marc Spector x Fem!Reader
Read Part 1 HERE
Read Part 3 HERE
Read Part 4 HERE
NOTES: Y'ALL the way my jaw literally DROPPED when not even H A L F a minute after I posted the first part, you guys were already exploding my notifs which I wasn't expecting AT ALL I swear Oscar Isaac's really got us sluts in a chokehold O_o
THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOUUU!!! 😭❤️❤️❤️ This is truly wonderful and encourages me a lot, especially since this is my first ever Moon Knight fic AND the first time a story of mine blew up this much! This is also great cuz I've been terribly sick, but of course ✨️priorities✨️ I gotta shower our Moon Boys with some much deserved lovin' and it's just so fucking nice to see that it's paying off! \(^o^)/ I was so happy and inspired that I couldn't resist and just HAD to write this second part ASAP!
Dissociative identity disorder is also briefly mentioned here and if I made any mistakes, then I apologize and please kindly correct me. And I feel like the ending may be a bit rushed, but it's the best my tiny brain could think of!
I'll shut up now and I'm very proud and excited to present... PART 2!!! 🥳 And if you'd like to be tagged for any of the next parts, feel free to tell me!
Also Marc does something very asshole-y here oop
TAGS: @autismsupermusicalassassin @ungracefularchimedes @pimosworld @ababynova @sweatyroadcowboyjudge @anapnovo-blog @am-3-thyst @harrys-tittie @zukoisbabee @wiltedwonderland
Part 2: You made me feel I've nothing to hide
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After work, instead of heading home, you rushed straight to the nearest boutique to buy yourself a new dress for tomorrow night. The butterflies in your stomach were doing somersaults and you felt as if you could spontaneously burst into song like in those cheesy musicals your former college roommate was so obsessed with.
You knew the employees were all looking at you oddly as you constantly giggled to yourself like some lovesick schoolgirl while you perused through endless racks of the latest fashion. Of course you knew you were acting ridiculous--crazy--but wasn't that what attraction or, dare you say, love did to you?
Besides, you wanted tomorrow to go perfectly. In your eyes, Steven Grant was already perfect--perfectly imperfect or imperfectly perfect, you didn't know or care which was which. You just knew that you liked him. A lot.
And it relieved and pleased you to the moon and back that he actually felt the same! So, who cares what anyone else thought?
You just hoped that after tomorrow, Steven would like you enough to go on another date. And another. Then another...
Maybe you were looking--wishing--too far into the future, but you swore you could almost hear wedding bells chiming in the distance.
God, is this what happens after being a total virgin for twenty-something years? There was absolutely nothing wrong with being a virgin, but your insecurity bugged you. What if you weren't at all what Steven expected?
But another part of you, a positive ray of sunshine, clobbered all your doubts. For once, you were going to be brave! You were going to take a leap of faith! You were going to control your life!
Because, in the end...it was worth it. Steven was worth it. Sure, you've experienced various crushes throughout your life, but not like this. Not with Steven. This felt more...serious. Adult.
It felt as if right from the get-go crossing fates with "Steven with a V", your life was about to change--for the better.
Of course you were afraid, and yet you've also never been more sure of something in your entire existence. You've been waiting this long and you're glad you did, and now you were ready to jump head first (and head over heels) into whatever adventure was in store for you--with Steven.
You then squealed excitedly when you spotted the perfect dress, ignoring the judgmental stares other customers shot you as you hurriedly grabbed it like a child in a toy store.
Yes, tomorrow was going to be a dream come true.
You arrived at the restaurant thirty minutes early. It was totally embarrassing how eager you were, but you couldn't help yourself. Though at least with how early you were, you snagged a good table overlooking the restaurant's beautiful back garden strung with fairy lights and you can have some time to calm down before Steven came.
And you looked stunning. Your hair tumbled down in elegant waves, light makeup adoring your face and donning the contact lenses you rarely used. And the dress you bought fit like a glove; it was the shortest dress you now owned, stopping around your thighs. It was baby blue and had an off-the-shoulder style with some frills, and it hugged your figure just right.
You felt very self-conscious. You've always fancied clothes like this, but never actually had the guts to wear them--until now. Did it really suit you? But you couldn't deny that you were happy and, truly, isn't that all that mattered?
"Shall I get you started, ma'am?" A waitress snapped you back to reality and you shook your head.
"Not yet, thank you. I'm still waiting for my...date." The word made you blush furiously, as if sharing a dirty little secret.
The waitress smiled and nodded, leaving you by yourself once more as you sighed wistfully.
You took out your phone from your purse, checking the time. 6:45 p.m. Alright, not too long now. And you double checked that the address you texted Steven was correct, which it is.
You settled back in your chair, peering over the garden and giggling softly.
"I'm right here for you, Steven."
"It's about time, innit?" Steven murmured, glancing over anxiously at his wristwatch for the umpteenth time. It was already eight p.m., a whole hour past your meeting time (not to mention he arrived embarrassingly early). And he was just informed by one of the servers that the restaurant was closing in thirty minutes, to which a pitiful look was also casted to him.
"It's not 'about time', Steven. It's late." Marc gruffly pointed out, Steven seeing Marc's reflection glaring back at him from the shiny silver flower vase set in the middle of the table. "Face it: she's NOT coming."
"Don't you dare say that." Steven's voice was barely above a whisper, but there was a certain edge to it that one would normally not hear from the soft man. "Y/N would never do that. Not her. She's just running late, I'm sure. Traffic and all."
"Oh, please, we both know that even the traffic here doesn't take this long." Marc scoffed. "Stop kidding yourself, Steven. She's. NOT. Coming."
Steven frowned, and with a shaky hand he pulled out his phone. He should've called you since way earlier. It was the logical thing to do, after all. But he was...scared. Scared that, maybe, a terrifying maybe, Marc was right.
He found your number and called you, pressing his phone to his ear as it began to ring. He didn't realize he was holding his breath until you finally picked up, voice groggy.
"Y/N..." Steven heaved a relieved exhale. "Hey, uh, I'm at the restaurant. Guess you got stuck in traffic?" He chuckled halfheartedly.
A long, dreadful pause. And then:
"Fucking EXCUSE me?"
Steven's eyes widened, having never heard you swear before. He was just about to ask what was wrong when you continued without skipping a beat.
"Are you playing with me, Steven? Is this what it is?!" You definitely sounded angry, but he didn't miss the faint sniffles coming from you. Shit, were you crying? What the hell was happening?
"How can you be such a...such a DICK?!" You shouted, causing him to jerk his phone a few inches away from his ear. "I fucking waited for you like a total idiot until closing time, you prick! You never showed and you never answered my calls! What the fuck can you POSSIBLY gain from toying with me, huh?!"
"W-Wait, I don't understand!" Steven was nearly hyperventilating, all the colour draining from his face and his mind running a mile a minute. "I-I'm here! Right now! D-Didn't we agree? Friday night, seven p.m.?"
You were dead silent. Steven was going to check if the call was still connected when you beat him to it.
"Steven... It's Sunday."
Steven froze. Then his eyes landed on Marc's reflection, refusing to meet his gaze and it clicked.
"Y/N." Steven said slowly, steadily, despite feeling like crying himself. His eyes were still on Marc, cold and pissed. "Please. I promise I have an explanation. I just... God, can we meet? Y/N, please, I'll come to you."
"No need." Tears threatened to spill from Steven's despondent eyes at your flat response, before you suddenly added: "I'll come to you. You said you were at the restaurant, right? Stay there."
You ended the call, and Steven flared at Marc--no longer caring if other people perceived him as a lunatic fighting with himself.
"Why the fuck would you do that, Marc?"
"Steven..." Marc struggled to find the right words, and the asshole actually had the audacity to look ashamed. "Listen, she's nothing but a distraction--"
"You always think you know better, yeah?" Steven laughed humourlessly. "A distraction? YOU stop kidding yourself, Marc. This is not just your life, but mine. And it's about fucking time you stop being such a selfish bastard!"
"Um, sir?" Steven winced, greeted by a baffled waiter. "We'll be closing soon, so I'm gonna have to ask you to leave if you're not ordering anything."
Humiliated and repeatedly babbling apologies, Steven abruptly sprang out of his chair and dashed outside. He sighed deeply and collapsed listlessly on the ground, finally allowing the tears to fall.
He vaguely heard footsteps approaching until he saw a pair of worn bunny slippers in front of him. His eyes heavily dragged upwards, finding you staring back at him with an unreadable expression and breaths coming out in ragged pants.
"Y/N!" Steven jumped up, surprised you actually came despite the way he--the way Marc--treated you. Your bloodshot eyes and the dried tears on your cheeks only made him feel even shittier, much more fucked up than any beating he suffers on a mission.
Because at least with those, he can be confident that he and the boys would win no matter the challenge. But with you?
He had everything to lose.
Your hair was a total mess; glasses slightly crooked and you were in your pyjamas, a matching set of a purple tank top and shorts with stars and moons. The only thing you had covering you was a purple silk robe, drawing it closer to your chilly body as your eyes narrowed at Steven.
You should be mad at him, and you were. Still, despite everything, you hopped on to the first bus you saw and scrambled the rest of the way here as fast as you could.
But now that you were here...what in Khonshu's name were you going to do? You could scream at him with all the pain you haven't had the pleasure to release like you did on the phone, but you'd just be wasting your breath. Then again, he wasn't lying. He really is here. And it confused you more than anything.
And seeing him like this, looking so...sad. Well, it made you sad. Him miserably clenching onto a heart shaped chocolate box, fat globs of tears cascading down his cheeks as he gawked at you with his pretty doe brown eyes.
You raised your hand, and Steven shut his eyes as he braced himself for the slap he very much deserved--only to be met with your soft palm, wiping away his tears tenderly.
"Explain to me, Steven."
The travel to Steven's apartment was spent in deafening silence, but it brought upon a strange sort of comfort. Unconsciously, you hugged Steven's black jacket that he had offered you earlier even closer to your much smaller frame. It soothed your nerves, being completely enveloped in his smell; fresh soap with a hint of musky cologne.
Once you reached his unit, you couldn't help but smile. It was just so...Steven. It was a bit messy, but a good kind of messy. You didn't really know how to describe it, but it warmed your heart especially when you saw a giant fish tank with only one goldfish.
"Cuppa tea?" Steven asked to which you shook your head, facing him fully.
"No. I'm a 'get over it' kinda girl so whatever your explanation is, I'd rather we just nip it in the bud." You huffed before you halted, biting your lip. "Oh, uh, sorry... Of course, if you wanna have tea, you can. It's your home, after all."
Steven laughed, his first real laugh that entire day. "Are you always this nice to blokes you should be mad at?"
"Only if they are really into Egyptology and have beautiful brown eyes and gorgeous curls." You rolled your eyes though you couldn't suppress your grin before you cleared your throat, getting a hold of your stupid giddy self. "Now, explain."
Steven's demeanour instantly shifted, serious now and quite uneasy. But he nodded and gestured towards the couch. You walked over and plopped down, Steven sitting next to you and keeping a respectful couple inches between the two of you.
He looked down at the ground, carefully considering his words before meeting your gaze solemnly. "Have you ever heard of dissociative identity disorder?" You nodded, previously learning about it in Psychology class and researching about it due to personal interest. "That's...what I have. I'm an alter within a system, and there are two others--Marc Spector and Jake Lockley."
"Am I correct to assume that when you asked me out...it wasn't actually you?"
Steven blinked, rather startled that you were taking this so well. "Yes. Jake was the one who asked you out."
"Was he also the one who didn't show up for the date?"
"No, that would be Marc." He grumbled. "And listen, I'm truly sorry about him. He's a right twit. It may not have been me who didn't show up, but that absolutely doesn't excuse the hurt it caused you. I am so, so sorry, Y/N."
Your brows furrowed, mulling over this new revelation. But...you believed him, especially when it explained all those times you secretly caught Steven muttering incoherently to himself or staring at his reflection and quietly reacting to something. You were curious about more, of course, but Steven didn't have any reason to lie about such a serious matter. And if he was lying, there were plenty of other things he could say. But the way he acted, and just the look in his eyes--he knew the risks of opening up to you, but he did it anyway.
You clasped his hands in yours, sighing. "I know I look calm right now, but trust me, I'm freaking the fuck out." You chuckled, and Steven felt safe enough to join you. "But... I trust you, Steven. And I believe you. Tell me one thing, though. Are you...into me? Like, at all?"
"Of course I am!" He replied in a flash, making you both pause before erupting into easy laughter. "Why would you even have to ask that, love?"
"It's just... Well, if Jake was the one who asked me out, it made me wonder if you really did like me." You mumbled, looking away.
Steven gently grasped your chin, tipping your face back towards him. "I've liked you since the day we met, Y/N. In your pink skirt and the cute little pigtails you had." He smiled, eyes so amorous and gleaming with sincerity. "Truth is, I've wanted to ask you out since forever. I'm just not as...forward as Jake is."
"And that's fine. But hey, we gotta thank him 'cause Lord knows I'd just spiral into a panic attack if I ever made the first move." You chuckled. But it gradually died down as Steven continued to stare at you, and you never thought you would ever have someone look at you the way Steven did; as if you were precious treasure hidden within a sacred tomb.
Slowly, ever so slowly, your body started moving of its own accord. You were leaning closer, closer, closer--a mere breath away from his lips before he piped up.
"I'm also Khonshu's Avatar!"
"Say what?"
"Um, well, you see--" He stammered, mentally slapping himself.
'Don't say anything, Steven.' Marc warned, and it took all of Marc's willpower not to seize control and actually slap Steven.
But it was too late now. Steven already said too much, but he wanted to be honest with you. Utterly so. And since you wanted to nip this in the bud, now was the best time more than anything.
"Erm... You've seen the news, yeah?" He didn't grant you the chance to respond as he rambled. "Masked vigilantes... Moon Knight and Mr. Knight? They're actually...Marc and I."
"Steven, this is--"
"I'll show you, Y/N. I'll summon the suit."
"Summon the soup? What is happening--"
Steven stood up, and a split second later there was a whirl of white. And sure enough, there was none other than one half of the mysterious heroes you've been seeing a lot on the news recently; his glowing white eyes locked with yours, crisp ivory suit and batons clutched tightly in his hands.
"Look, I know this is a lot to take in--"
"Handsome..." You blurted out before you can restrain yourself.
"Huh?" Steven blushed underneath the mask, and you were the same as your cheeks tinted crimson. Then you rose from the couch, closing the gap between you two and removing his mask.
His curls stuck every which way and his eyes were as wide as the full moon, making you giggle. "You're so handsome, Steven. And yeah, this is a fucking lot to take in. To be honest, a part of me is still wondering if this is all just a dream." You reached up, caressing the side of his face sweetly and smiling. "But...thank you. Thank you for being honest with me."
His batons dropped to the floor, trembling hands hesitantly settling on your hips. You noticed his Adam's apple bob as he looked down at you, tears once again glistening in his eyes. Happiness, relief, adoration--how can so many exhilarating emotions crash over him all at once?
"Can I be more honest?" He whispered, resting his forehead against yours as he gazed deeply into your eyes. "I...want you to stay with me."
Your cheeks hurt from how impossibly wide your smile has stretched, wrapping your arms around his neck and nuzzling his nose with yours.
"I'm staying whether you like it or not, Steven with a V."
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leclerc-s · 7 months
the blue - part four
masterlist previous next
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i think i like him...
congratulations, you're officially the last person to know
the way you look at him but don't worry he likes you too
easy, the way he looks at you
well, you look at him like he hung the moon and he looks at you like you're the only person in the room who matters to him.
no! and risk our friendship? no fucking way
it worked out for me didn't it?
yeah, but it's different.
how is it different amelia?
i don't know it just is.
god you're a fucking idiot. no wonder we're related.
okay rude
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i'm being an idiot.
do you want to go on a date?
fuck i like you do you like me?
am i fucking 5?
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so you meant to send it to someone else?
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amelia, it's okay. i get it if you meant to send it to someone else. it's fine.
jesus fuck how can i write songs but not get through this one fucking thing?
okay, fuck it. i can do this.
do you want to get lunch with me?
i mean we already have plans for tomorrow, so yes amelia, i do.
okay, that was uncalled for.
forget i said anything. it's okay. i get it. i hope we can still be friends.
read 13:28
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amelia screamed into the nearest pillow scaring her little brother. she had hoped that oscar had gotten busy and wasn't just ignoring her, she didn't want to ruin her friendship with him, not over some stupid feelings.
"mum! she's doing it again!" paddy shouted. nikki holland walked into the room watching as her daughter continued to scream into a pillow. nikki shooed her youngest son out of the room, which he did without protesting. he did not want to watch his sister cry knowing there was nothing he could do. last time she had sobbed for 45 minutes when they were alone without telling anyone what it was about. to this day paddy suspects it was harrison’s fault, it always seemed to be these days.
nikki sat next to her daughter waiting for her to stop her screaming. when amelia's head popped out from inside the pillow, she smiled at her mom. nikki knew her, she knew it wasn't a genuine smile, something was upsetting her.
"what's wrong?" nikki questioned her daughter. amelia smiled, "i’m fine mum."
"no, you aren't. talk to me, is this about harrison?"
amelia groaned, "did everyone know about that?"
nikki nodded, "we did honey. now what's wrong?"
"am i unlovable? is there something about me that people don't love?"
"what?" nikki questioned, "no, you aren't. you're the most loveable person i know, and i'm not just saying that because i'm your mother. what makes you think that?"
"i asked oscar out on a date. he only said oh. i thought he liked me, tom said he did."
nikki pulled her daughter in for a hug, the girl placing her head on her mum's chest listening to her heartbeat, "i'm sure you caught him off-guard. let him get back to you, don't assume the worst."
amelia opened her mouth to reply but was interrupted by a knock at the door. she exchanged looks with her mum before standing up and going towards the front door. she gasped in surprise when she noticed who was at her front door.
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i need a favor
what happened to hello tom? how are you tom? how's your day going tom?
hi tom, how's your day? how are you? i need a favor.
i'm great oscar, thanks for asking. what favor do you need?
i need your address
excuse me?
well amelia's address
can i ask why?
i fucked up. amelia asked me out on a date and all i said oh. i have to fix this.
and you plan on fixing this how?
by taking her out on a date? and apologizing profusely for fucking up.
at least you're apologizing. i'm still waiting for harrison to apologize to amelia.
don't fuck this up piastri and my sister is staying with my parents right now. she didn't want go home to her empty apartment yet.
i won't, now what's her favorite flower?
tulips, she loves tulips
take care of her oscar
i promise
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amelia gasped in surprise at who was at her front door. oscar smiled at her, holding a bouquet of tulips in his hand. he looked a bit relieved that she had been the one to answer the door. oscar has silently prayed her parents or brother hadn’t been the one to open the door, that would’ve been awkward.
"hi," he greeted, "i was busy so i didn't answer your text. does the offer still stand?"
"of course," she whispered. oscar held the flowers out to her, "these are for you."
amelia grabbed them, "tulips are my favorite, who told you?"
"a little spider," oscar joked. amelia laughed, and oscar felt his heart skip a beat, "so about that date?"
"now?" amelia questioned, "i'm not dressed properly."
oscar took in her appearance, she was wearing a t-shirt and jeans. a simple outfit and yet she was still the most beautiful girl he had ever seen, "i think you look beautiful."
amelia blushed, "i have to go put these in water," she told him. oscar nodded, "i'll wait here."
paddy appeared behind his sister, "i'll do it. go. get out of the house for once."
amelia jumped, "when did you get here?"
"i saw a cool car in our driveway, i had to know who it was," paddy explained, "hi oscar. what kind of car is that?”
"hello," oscar greeted, “it’s a mclaren.”
"of course it is,” paddy joked, “i want her back home before midnight," paddy threatened, switching his demeanor from the kind boy he had been moments ago.
"paddy!" amelia scolded. paddy and oscar laughed, "this isn't funny."
"it kind of is," oscar said, "she'll be back before midnight mr. holland."
paddy sweetly smiled, "she comes back in tears or anything less than happy and we will hunt you down. understood?"
"yes sir."
"good," paddy said, handing her a jacket and pushing his sister out of their home, "have fun but not too much fun!"
the boy giggled maniacally before oscar held a hand out for amelia to take. she took his hand, ignoring the butterflies in her stomach at the cause of that simple action. paddy closed the front door as the two began walking towards his car. he shared a knowing look with his mother and he made his back to his room, she fondly rolled her eyes at her youngest.
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amelia quickly realized oscar piastri was nothing if not a gentleman. he had opened the car door for her, shutting it behind her before rounding the car and sitting in the driver's seat. he gave her a bright smile before leaving her family’s driveway. the two talked for what felt like hours but was only a few minutes as oscar parked his car in front of a coffee shop. amelia gasped, it was her favorite shop in her hometown, she turned to look at oscar and he just gave her a bright smile.
"you're brother helped out more than i would like to admit," oscar softly said, "but this was the best i could do on such a short notice, you kinda caught me off guard."
amelia smiled at him, before leaning over the console of his car and hugging him, "it was better than my idea."
oscar pulled away from her, ignoring the closeness of their faces, "what was your idea?"
"attempt to cook lunch for us, fail, and order food," she joked.
oscar laughed at her joke and amelia smiled again, at least someone in her life liked her jokes. her brothers didn't understand her jokes half the time, except for paddy, he always got them. her parents didn't understand them at all and her friends always told her not to underestimate her skills. the truth was amelia was a shite cook, there was no denying that, she was a great baker but cooking was a no go.
oscar gave her a final look before getting out of the car, rushed to her side and opened her door, holding a hand out to her, "shall we?"
amelia laughed, "we shall," she said as she intertwined their hands, oscar gave her another smile before leading her inside the coffee shop.
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ameliaholland 'in a world of boys, he's a gentleman'
view all comments
landonorris AMELIA? WHAT IS THIS?
↳ ameliaholland it's an instagram post lando. duh.
↳ ameliaholland that's a secret i'll never tell.
samholland1996 AMELIA? WHAT THE HELL?
↳ ameliaholland isn't it such a cute post?
↳ samholland1996 NO! WHO IS THAT??
↳ ameliaholland please refer to my earlier comment.
harryholland64 AMELIA GRACE HOLLAND!!!
↳ ameliaholland yes??
↳ harryholland64 ANSWER THE FUCKING PHONE!!
↳ ameliaholland can't i'm on a date 🤭
oscarpiastri oh?
↳ ameliaholland oh?
hazosterfield oh.
↳ username the difference between their comments is hilarious to me
username where are the overbearing and overprotective comments from paddy and tom?
↳ username those two probably knew.
danielricciardo AMELIA?? HUH?
↳ ameliaholland cute post right?
↳ danielricciardo i've joined the list of your brothers, i don't know who he is but i'll break his face if he hurts you like you-know-who
zendaya i'm sorry? why wasn't i told about this??
↳ ameliaholland i'm sorry z! it just happened! i'll text you the details later!
↳ zendaya i'm holding you accountable to that!
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oscarpiastri posted a new story
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seen by logansargeant, landonorris, ameliaholland and others
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¡leclerc-s speaks! they're my babies who just had their first date. they are not dating, not yet. the hard launch is when they start officially dating, i'm working up to that. i also clearly don't know how time works so ignore that plot hole, i'll probably fix that later.
¡disclaimer! this is in no way making assumptions about the people involved in this story, this is all fake. it is a fanfiction please don't take any of what is said seriously. this is all for entertainment purposes and as a creative outlet for me. enjoy!
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slytherweasley · 1 year
Mine now (Pansy Parkinson x reader)
Warnings: smut, public teasing & dirty talk, oral female giving/receiving, rimming
Summary: y/n is obsessed with Pansy which intrigues Pansy so she invites y/n to a party in hopes to get to know each other.
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You’d zoned out and completely shifted your attention to Pansy who was sitting across the room. Every chance you’d see Pansy you’d always be mesmerised by her. Her radiant confidence and beauty is what attracts you and everyone else to her.
You’d never spoken a word to her and you’re not sure she knows your name.
Pansy turns her head to look over at you and catches you before you could look away but she gives you a quick glance before looking away. You’re sure she knows something is up by the way you’re always looking at her.
After class you meet up with some of your friends you see Pansy walking past with her Slytherin friends. A few of your friends groan when they notice her “She thinks she’s better than everyone” you stay out of the conversation.
Everywhere she walks, people move out of the way for her, most people including you are intimidated.
At lunch you sit at the Ravenclaw table waiting for your friends to arrive when someone sits beside you. You look over to see Daphne Greengrass, Pansy’s friend. You can’t lie you started to panic, did Pansy send her here to tell you to back off?
“There’s going to be a Slytherin party tomorrow night, it’s invite only and you have to have the password to get in so no friends are allowed just you.” Daphne continues to tell you the password and not to mention it to anyone. She gets up and walks away.
You were quite confused, you weren’t friends with any Slytherins which is why it doesn’t make sense you would be invited unless she mistakenly confused you for someone else.
You got ready for the party and lied to your dorm mates and said you were going on a date and not to wait up for you. You assumed Pansy would be there so you dressed up a bit and put on some makeup.
You made your way to the Slytherin common rooms and gave the password. The common room was filled with people everywhere. You walk over to grab a drink and spot Pansy in a circle of friends. You make eye contact and she looks away again.
You skull your drink and pour another one, you didn’t know anyone here well enough to hang out with so you just tried to enjoy yourself. You’d kept your eye on Pansy and finally she was alone. You felt enough confidence partly because the alcohol helped numb your anxiety.
“Hey” you say “Hi” she replies “I’ve wanted to talk to you for months but I can never seem to find you alone” “what do you want?” She asks bluntly.
You take a deep breath in “do you want to dance?” “With you?” “Yes” “then yes.” You take her hand and drag her to where everyone is dancing. You hold onto her hips as she grinds on you.
Her bum moves against your pussy and you feel yourself getting wetter as she grinds on you. Your hands don’t leave her hips until she turns to face you pressing a kiss to your jaw. She slips her hand under your skirt and rubs you over your underwear. You had to keep quiet because it was still crowded and anyone could look over.
“Fuck I can feel how wet you are” she whispers in your ear breathing heavily. Her hand quickly slips into your underwear as she rubs up and down making your legs quiver. You hold onto her tightly as you start whimpering and moaning trying to keep quiet “that’s it, tell me how bad you want me” “so much, I want your mouth and your fingers and your pussy, I want all of you.”
Pansy stops rubbing your pussy and you sneak away from the party to her dorm. She starts stripping as she gets inside and helps you out until you’re both completely naked. She lays you on the bed and starts to kiss you, if felt like a dream, her naked body pressed against yours as you kiss.
“I’ve always dreamt about this” you mumble between kisses “I’m about to make all your dreams come true.”
She pulls away and makes her way between your thighs, she presses soft kisses that turn into more passionate and hungry kisses. Her lips kiss up to your pussy and she begins to eat you out. Her tongue laps up your cunt as she tastes you. “Fuck so good.” you moan.
Pansy positions her pussy on your face as you eat her out she can give the same pleasure. Each lick of her clit, she lets out a small moan against your clit.
Her tongue moves from your pussy to your ass where she places a small kiss and her tongue teases your entrance. Her tongue swirls around rimming your hole. “So pretty” she mutters.
Both of your mouths consistently work at each other until you’re both so close. “Make me cum” Pansy demands.
You both moan against each other’s pussys as you finish. Pansy lays beside you pressing a kiss to your mouth.
“You’re mine now, I don’t do casual I do exclusive relationships” she says looking lovingly into your eyes “perfect because I don’t want anything less than that” you reciprocate the kiss to her lips.
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leggerefiore · 8 months
How do you think Submas, Colress, Maxie, Archie, and anyone you wanna add on react to their s/o surprising them by wearing a virgin killer sweater?
cw: 18+ content, nothing overly explicit just mild horny,
characters: Ingo, Emmet, Colress, Archie, Maxie, Larry, Nanu
● The Subway Boss sat in his office, finishing up some end of day paperwork that had suddenly caught up to him when Emmet decided to vanish early over a 'Joltik emergency.' He felt exhausted from the unexpected number of trainers who had come in today and thought of nothing but going home to you. A nice evening in with his dearest would have him in working order for tomorrow. Though, he hoped you had gotten his text that tonight's date would be cancelled. He would have called, but it was too difficult to pick up a signal in the station for some reason.
● Ingo had lost himself so much in his paperwork that he failed to notice the sound of his office door squeaking open. Though, he did notice a hand pressing against the sheet he had been scribbling on. His eyes went up, and he felt himself choke back a gasp. You stared across to him in a dark knitted dress. Its short length and halter back left him shocked. Little was left to his imagination as he watched how the dress hugged your curves. Then, he snapped out of whatever trance the clothing item had put him in.
● “Dearest!” Ingo shouted and averted his eyes from you, trying to pretend his heart was not racing nor was his face flustered, “What are you wearing?! Don't tell me you walked here in that?” The idea that you wandered the Nimbasa streets in such revealing attire made him worried. He trusted you to handle yourself, but other people could be awfully cruel. His job gave him an unfortunate view to that quite often. You grabbed his tie and pulled him forward for a kiss, silencing before he could fall into an endless chiding about social norms.
● When you pulled away, he felt in a daze for a moment. Then, he quickly snapped out of it when he saw your clothing again as you stood up straight. Ingo hoped that was not what you had been planning to wear on your date before he cancelled. “I apologise for having to so abruptly change our plans,” his eyes went back to his paperwork, afraid to stare at you any longer for fear of his mind drifting, “I-I'll finish up here quickly, and then we can head home together.” He made a quick glance to your eyes. You seemed to be pleased. Sitting down on the office couch, you rested your head in your hand as you watched him. His heart could only race as he tried to finish the documents he had been working on. This evening was going to be a tiring one, he could tell.
○ He hummed as he waited in his train car for the Battle Line. You had promised to surprise him there through a sudden text. Naturally, he excused himself from doing some executive monitoring to instead wait for you. Ingo's scolding would come later, but there was nothing he enjoyed more than a thrilling battle. It was only increased when he went against you. His eyes went to the door again eagerly. There were many reasons he loved your visits to his line, but nothing he could say aloud. He zoned out as he waited, going to pet his Galvantula, who had decided to curl up in his lap.
○ The door finally opening shocked him out of it. Emmet's eyes shot wide as his posture stood erect. A sharp breath left him. A white knitted dress hugged your body much too well. Its length left your legs too his full view while the halter style of it left your back and sides exposed to his – and everyone's – eyes. He gasped. This would not do at all! Emmet hated the idea of anyone else seeing you like he did. All twenty trainers you faced before him had seen you, too.
○ “Darrrrling,” he cooed threateningly as he approached you, “I am Emmet, and I do not want anyone else to see you like this.” You gasped when he suddenly flung his coat off and covered you with it. “Ingo will already be upset with me for me skipping out to meet you here, so you better show me a good battle in exchange,” he took his position away from you. You felt amazed by his newly trained resistance. It was not like him at all.
○ A battle followed in which Emmet seemed especially aggressive. His upset was apparent. Your streak met its end to the younger Subway Boss, just as many had before you. Except, your loss clearly held more in it than missed BP. His grin turned into something mischievous. “We have exactly twelve minutes before we reach the next platform,” Emmet's gloved hands found your hips, the feeling in your exposed skin, “I can be verrry fast, thankfully.” You shivered. It was best not to tempt the beast you thought as he pressed you against the metal wall of the train and latched on to your neck while rolling up the dress.
🧪 Colress tapped away on his tablet as he stood under a wonderfully placed awning to shade him from the Alolan sun. You had asked him out to a date at the Malasada shop, but you had yet to appear. He wondered what was taking you so long. There were not really any actual threats on the island, as he has made sure multiple times due to his paranoia relating to incidents in Unova. Just as he was about to call you, your voice shouted his name. He turned in the direction of your voice.
🧪 His eyes went wide at your attire. Yes, it was hot. Much too hot for his preferences, but thankfully, his outfit was kept temperate through water cooling. Your outfit, however. The small knitted dress barely left a thing to the imagination. It sat high above your knee and left your entire back exposed to wandering eyes. He readjusted his glasses. An unexpected choice, surely. His heart race and his blood rushed to places that he would prefer it not to in public. You stood across from him, allowing him to completely take in the form of the dress – Well, rather, the form of you.
🧪 “Oh, what's the occasion for this?” he asked as he slid his tablet into its smaller mode. You grinned cheekily. Of course, this was to mess with him. Your bravery was something to be commended. He smiled at you. “Hmmm… Was there some deeper psychological meaning by you inviting me out for Malasadas?” he pondered aloud, “If so, I'd rather we return to our hotel room.” You agreed, naturally.
🧪 However, before you both began to trek in the direction of the hotel that the Aether Foundation rented out for you both, Colress unexpectedly dropped his coat on your shoulders. Its weight was unexpected with it being a mobile computer. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders, “I'm still a man, and I would prefer if others did not look at you in such a way.” You shivered at the coolness of his coat and the comment's meaning. “There was a new Colress machine that I had been meaning to try anyway,” his eyes held a certain emotion. You could only swallow at the silent promise.
🪨 He sat at his desk, typing away at his computer. Ever since his plans had gone horribly wrong, he had been attempting to figure out other ways to better aid humanity. It was tiring, but his team had been thankfully accepting of the shift. You, too, had. He felt a bit bad having dragged you into everything. Conversations between you both had felt much too formal and uncomfortable to be something shared between lovers. He pushed his glasses up to rub his eyes before going back to his computer.
🪨 His stream of focus was interrupted by someone clearing their throat. The Magma Leader's eyes broke from the screen to gaze across his desk. He gasped. You word a short, maroon knitted dress. It was dancing much too high up your thigh than any alteration of the magma uniform he would allow. The halter-neck left your back and sides exposed to his eyes. Maxie was much more shocked than he would like to admit by your new choice in attire. It was only worsened when you decided to lean over his desk to make sure you had really captured his attention.
🪨 “I-I don't think I will approve that if you intend to make that your variation of the uniform,” Maxie tried to scold you. His body felt far too warm as his heart raced too fast. Your hands cupped his face as you stared directly into his eyes. “Dear, why are you even wearing something like that?” he finally broke down his walls of formality. His brain was rushing with too many thoughts. Your vacant reply of just wanting to was something he did not believe for a second. Especially when you pressed your lips to his for a kiss. He felt breathless when you parted from him.
🪨 It had told him everything that he needed to know. Maxie swallowed. That certainly was not a uniform request, and you intended it solely for his eyes. His gaze went to his nearby bedroom. “I see…” he found himself nodding dumbly, “Well, if that's what you want, then, I will be more than oblige you.” He got up from his seat. Whatever awkwardness had been lingering between you both seemed gone in this moment. He needed a little stress relief, too.
💧 Archie scratched his head as he stood outside of the Aqua Base. You had asked him to meet outside for a date, but you had yet to show up. He wondered if you had got lost but shrugged off his worries. There was not a chance you forgot since you had been so insistent about it. His attention instead drifted to the sea. A Sharpedo rushed through the waters off from shore while a few Wailmers lazily floated about. Everything was scenic with the evening light hanging above. Great for a date. He checked his phone for any missed messages, but he did not see any.
💧 Your voice calling his name caught his attention as he shifted his gaze away from the pokemon to see you walking across the sand to get to him. His eyes went large. A navy blue knitted dress was all you wore besides a pair of shoes. Its short length made him blink a few times. Granted, it did not seem worse than a swimsuit, yet his mind seemed to wander. The open back with a fluttering ribbon made him a bit worried. How far you walked in that? There were some weirdos out there.
💧 “Luvdisc!” he rushed over you and brought his arms around you for a right embrace. Thankfully, there were not that many people out on the Lilycove coast right now, or he would be a bit worried about people seeing you like this. “What's up with that outfit?” he asked. The view from up close unfortunately held a stronger effect as he could see more closely how it hugged your curves just right and exposed your skin in a tantalising manner. You grinned up at him with a giggle. His heart raced. He needed to calm himself as his wetsuit also left little to the imagination if he got too excited.
💧 “I hope ya still don't expect a date when you dressed up like that,” he let out a big guffaw, “C'mon, let's get inside. I think you've had your fun.” You smirked up at him before burying your face into his nape while pressing your body close to his. Seriously, his poor heart. You were lucky he was so fit, or he might have fainted. Archie lifted you with a grunt. “Let's have some fun together, yeah?” his own smirk was more effective than yours had been as he carried you into the Aqua Base.
🍙 Larry grumbled as he waited outside the gym building for you to meet up with him. You had insisted on going for a walk through the streets of Medali for a change up from the routine the two of you had fallen into of lazy evenings. He had managed to somehow get out of work early despite Geeta's terrifying expression. Apparently, hearing he had a date had made her feel a rare empathy as she let him off to meet with you. Your voice got his attention as you called out from him. He bit his lip to silence himself.
🍙 Your clothing left little to his imagination. A sky blue knitted dress came to just on your upper thigh while leaving your entire back to the world's view. It was entirely inappropriate for walling, he thought. It was just an accident waiting to happen even when aspired with the leggings you had seemingly added. His hand came to readjust his tie as he cleared his throat. The last thing he needed was Geeta or any of the league members hearing about this. You lifting your arm to wave at him revealed too much skin of your chest for him to feel comfortable with.
🍙 You barely got a word in before Larry had his suit coat covering you. His expression was a forced deadpan as you could see gears turning in his head. “What were you thinking?” he asked with a sigh following, “You said a walk, didn't you? I don't think it would have ended well in that.” You pouted at him and grabbed his hand tightly. His suit coat completely covered any possible exposed skin, thankfully. Though poor Larry could feel his heart race at the sight of how the fabric hugged your form just right. You tried to protest, but the businessman was not hearing it.
🍙 “Let's head home,” he pulled you along with him, “I know you might be a bit younger than me, but you should be well aware of the looks those kinds of clothes attract. I'm not interested in sharing that with anyone else.” Exhaustion from both work and whatever this insanity was left his head spinning. Jealousy even ate his mind as he worried about whom all could have seen you on the walk from your shared apartment to the gym building. You nearly jumped at the look in his eye as he turned back to you. “How about we spend the evening in a different way?” he offered, “I doubt you'd what I want to do lazing around.” The way you beamed at him made him wonder if that was your true intentions all along.
🌑 Nanu sat up on his couch with a Meowth, kneading the blanket in his lap endlessly. Moonlight barely broke through the lowered blinds of his home as he yawned. You had texted him unexpectedly and said you were popping in for a late night visit. That usually either meant you were lonely or horny, sometimes both. He decided he had nothing better to do and did not mind losing some sleep, but now he was getting worried something had happened to you with how late it was getting. He did not want to actually do his job, but if you were in danger.
🌑 Thankfully, that was proved to be unneeded when the door clicked open. You entered not long after. His eyes narrowed. A dark red knitted dress hugged your body much too well. He swallowed as he noticed the short length of the dress and open back when you turned to shut and lock the door behind you. Just what were you wearing now? Horny seemed to be your reason for a late night visit, but he could not condone walking around in such a risqué outfit. He cocked a brow up as you sat wordlessly beside him.
🌑 The Meowth skittered off with you sudden movements. Nanu sighed as he leaned forward. He could see into the dress from the side when you leaned a certain way. His tongue clicked. You jumped when he brought hand to grip your thigh. “You like gambling, huh? I have a friend just like you,” his voice held a light teasing tone, “Did you walk from Malie in that? Or did you fly?” You tried not to reply as he slid the hem of the dress up a bit. It was clear you intended to fluster him, but he did not play fair.
🌑 You pressed your lips against his to catch him unawares, but he got you against when he caught both your arms and pinned you against the couch. The Kahuna hovered over you threateningly, red eyes not letting his feeling shine through. “Nice and gentle?” he asked with little context as you did not need it, “Or rough and hard?” You swallowed and gave your reply. Either way, he gave a smirk as he moved to push the dress up. The old man easily met your needs that night.
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schoenht · 1 year
hi!! is it okay if i request headcanons for lilia, rollo and riddle dating someone who's a very quiet person and they don't show their emotions that often, however, they're still very affectionate, they just show it in a different way? for example, they really like to make gifts for their boyfriend and they also like to hug them when they least expect it! they still wish they were able to talk about their feelings for their bf more easily, but they hope that he doesn't think they're too cold or anything like that! thank you if you write this!!
p.s. totally not one of your homies
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↳ quiet but affectionate s/o
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characters: lilia vanrouge, rollo flamme, riddle rosehearts
genre: fluff.
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LILIA absolutely adores you, even if you are not as talkative and contrast to his way of showing his love for you. He knows that you show your love in your own way and he always looks forward to receiving these actions. If you give him a gift, expect to find him taking great care of it. He has a collection of your gifts and at night, when he cannot sleep or does not want to, he stares at your gifts with the softest smile on his face, thoughts of you running through his mind. It is not easy to catch him by surprise when it comes to hugging him, but when you do, he chuckles and immediately hugs you right back. He thinks that you being able to sneak up on him is adorable and even more so when you are grinning at him as you tighten your grip around him. He does not let you go for a while after this though, be prepared.
"Ah, you have surprised me, my love! But of course, I am glad to see you here. I always am glad to see you."
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ROLLO likes how you will show your love in all sorts of other ways because he is the exact same. He does not say it out loud, preferring to do little actions for you. If it involves any assignments or anything work-related, he is going to help you. But when it comes to you showing your love for him in tiny gifts, he can't help but feel flustered about it. He takes good care of your gifts, placing them on his desk when he can. No one is allowed to touch them, he glares at anyone that tries. But sometimes, if you lurk around his office, you can find him softly smiling at the gift he has placed on his desk. He does not push you to speak about your feelings, your form of showing affection is enough to tell him. Catch him off guard with a hug is quite easy; he always gets flushed afterwards, though. He tries to cover his face with his handkerchief but it always ends up falling and he becomes redder by the second. He hugs you back and does not let you go, if only to save himself from your light teasing at his red face.
"Perhaps next time...you could give me a warning? No? I will someday catch you off guard in return. But in the meantime, please have this. It reminded me of you and I thought you would like it."
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RIDDLE does not see this as any sort of problem since he enjoys your presence over anything else. He will spend so much time with you that he does not mind the silence, it is comforting. He does not expect to get gifts from you or have you help him. When you help him even without him asking, he is always surprised because he did not have to say anything yet you were more than willing to help. Your gifts all make him turn red but his eyes are so bright and fascinated by what you have given him. He says he will treasure it forever and he does. He keeps it safe in his room and puts it where he can see it first thing in the mornings. Hugs that catch him off guard are secretly his favorite because they usually come when he's stressed internally and you're there to help him out. You are just his favorite person to be around and he would prefer being with you than anyone else.
"Would you care to accompany me to the shop? I wish to buy something of importance. ...It does not involve our tea party tomorrow, I just want to know what kind of tea you like, that's all! But will you come with me?"
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bluewhitehues · 4 months
Hug | Kim Mingyu
Summary: You secretly like your bestfriend chan,he has no idea and sets you up on a blind date with his friend and hyung Mingyu.
Genre: Angst? (Little bit), comfort, strangers to lovers, fluff
Pairing : Idol Kim Mingyu × (f) reader
Warning: mentions of anxiety
Part 3
The drive to your apartment was quite awkward, mingyu dropped you off and you guys parted ways saying bye.
There was a longing in Mingyu's heart.. he really had prayed and hoped that you both will get along, may be will go on few more dates to know each other . But alas that didn't happen.
After going home you showered and made yourself some quick dinner ...you were eating when you got Chan's call, at that moment all you wanted to do was curse at him shout at him so you picked up his call, " you should've told me if you had a death wish why pull such a stunt chan? " you were talking so calmly he got scared "hey why are you talking like that you're scaring meeee"
He cut you off "FIRST OF ALL STOP SHOUTING..and what's wrong with it if he's a celebrity and you're not? I'm also an idol and you're bestfriends with me I don't see any problem here? And about the other thing ..y/n I'm really sorry I lied about it being a blind date but if I had told you you'd have said no.. he really likes you ,that idiot thought we both are a thing can you imagine lol, and then I guessed that he likes you and he didn't deny so I came up with this plan ...also he thought you knew and said yes to the date with him ,he didn't know okayy? He might be coming for me I'm so dead ...see.. I worked so hard for you and you're not even grateful-,"
You huffed loudly "Grateful my a$$.. you should not do this with anyone's feelings chan he must've felt so bad he thought I said yes and was all excited do you know how bad Im feeling?"
Now chan got alarmed , "hold on, why are you feeling so bad? WAIT TF UP DID YOU BY ANY CHANCE SAY NO TO HIM ??? I SWEAR TO GOD Y/N-"
And now in this one fine moment your pretty brain realised you gotta tell chan ..AND WHAT WILL YOU TELL HIM ???? OMG ...I said no to Mingyu because I like you? Because I like someone else? He knows literally everyone in your life and would not believe your lie and now you're freaking out you don't even have mingyu's number, what if you tell one lie and mingyu tells another you'd be caught right away so no you need to talk to Mingyu.
So you blurt out, "N-NOOO we just- we just went through it...AND OMG I'M REMEMBERING IT JUST NOW I left my purse in his car and I don't even have his number IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT send me his number right nowww" and you saved the moment just like that (you hoped it didn't sound too fake or extra)
Chan thinks something is fishy but thinks he'll find out anyway so he doesn't press you anymore.."you couldn't even ask for his number yourself seriously y/n you've got no game-" That brat thrives on teasing and annoying you.
"if you don't shut up and just send me his number right now you won't only have to worry about mingyu coming for you... sleep with one eye open cause I'm also coming for you-"
He laughs at you, " ok, okay let's all calm down..check your messages I sent the number..also you owe me full explanation and details tomorrow"
"whateverrrr bye."
"hey atleast tell me how was the date."
"NO.. someone once said *That's all you're getting* " you quoted his words from when you asked him about who is gonna be your date.
He whined about how that wasn't fair before you ended the call.
You were nervous as fuvk because what are you going to say to Mingyu it already feels bad enough but now you've to come up with a plan to tell chan. So before chan could go to Mingyu,you called him.
After dropping you off Mingyu went to his and wonwoo's shared apartment, where as soon as he entered wonwoo asked him about the date. Mingyu said it was okay, good, wonwoo then asked him why does he look so sad ..mingyu said he doesn't think it'll work out that's why ..and asks wonwoo to not to tell others about anything because he knew just like that all of them will know, that means chan will know as well and he promised you he would not let him know,he'll keep it a secret.
He was about to go to bed when you called him he was surprised but he picked up the call.
"uh Hello Mingyu? It's me y/n ...sorry ,did I disturb you?"
"Hey no you didn't ..what's up everything ok? "
"yeah everything's fine just uh Chan called me actually and I don't know what to tell him..I just I thought we should tell him the same thing so he wouldn't doubt ...I'm sorry I feel terrible to trouble you like this".
"I told you not to say sorry ..you can talk to me comfortably just how you talk to your friends it's ok .. "
"okay I won't say sorry again."
He smiled a little ..he has never talked to you that much, that too on call it's first time hearing your voice..he thinks you sound so sweet and he wishes he'd get to talk to you more often.."hmm that's good ..also about chan what options do we have?"
"if I say I like someone else he won't believe me so that's out of the option ..and If I say I said no he'll ask me the reason.." you sighed "I can't seem to find any reason to tell him"
"I see um then...we can just say we decided to be just friends? "
"that sounds good" you thought that's the safest answer.
"yeah soo.. is it ok for us to be friends? " He really wanted you to say yes .. he'd manage with just that.. being your friend.
You can't see him yet you can picture his hopeful eyes..."will you be ok?..with being my friend" You ask.
Mingyu thinks a little ..he thinks he'll take it as much as close he'll be able to stay with you he'll take it, it is dangerous but right now his heart,mind, soul everything just decides that yes they want it..
"Honestly, I've mostly seen you from distance yet I thought you were amazing so..I...I would like to be your friend and who knows someday you'll realise I'm hotter than chan and finally confess to me ..wow I would like to see that day." He's mischievously smiling right now and then he hears it your laugh..one of his most favourite things in the world ..he could hear it forever.
You laugh.."Mingyu seriously" he also laughs a little with you.
"I'd like to be your friend too mingyu but ...I know how it's like to be friends with someone you like..and I wouldn't recommend that ...it can be hard sometimes." You don't want to think about those moments again when you're trying to move on but you wouldn't want mingyu to feel like that as well.
He sighs," well I'm a tough guy " he's not...but he'd do anything to get to know you better ..he doesn't want to regret anything in his life.
"Ok then it's settled ... we're friends from now on"...you're smiling now
"yeah we are ...I like it" he's smiles softly.
Author's note: Hey everyone this is it for today, hope you enjoy it❤️
Part 4 👇🏻
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flufallo · 14 days
Um.... I found a random quote generator
Cat king: Hello all, it is I, your favorite person.
Charles: Actually, Edwin is my favourite.
Cat king: Okay then, it is I, that bitch.
Edwin: Do you have a self-care routine?
Jenny: "Keep going bitch" said to myself in different accents.
Charles : Do you guys want to see a butterfly?
Niko: Ooh, yes please!
Jenny, with their laptop open: I'm not going to stop working to look at a stupid bug!
Charles: It's not a bug though...
Jenny: ...
Niko: ...
Jenny: Well I still don't want to see.
Niko, realizing: Please don't throw-
Charles : Whee! *throws a stick of butter*
Monty: Edwin keeps forgetting which WiFi network they're supposed to use.
Monty: So I renamed ours to "Edwin, use this one" to help them out a little.
Charles: How would you like your coffee?
Crystal : As dark and as bitter as my soul.
Charles, shouting to someone behind the counter: I need one vanilla latte with extra cream and sugar!
Cat king: Fuck you.
Esther : No u.
Cat king: I'm down.
Esther : You're like 2, what the fuck-
Cat king: I AM NOT 2!
Cat king: Monty is a strings kid. We must sacrifice them to the band gods.
Charles: Yes.
Crystal : You're right. It'd be a good initiation for me.
Monty: Wait, guys, what about the truce we signed-
Charles: What truce?
Cat king: *sigh* The truce that we must destroy all the choir kids and leave the strings alone.
Esther : Wait, I'm a choir kid!
Everyone else: *prepares for sacrifice*
Squad reactions to being called straight:
Jenny: The fuck, no I'm not.
Edwin : Excuse the hell out of you?
Cat king: Ding dong, you are wrong!
Charles: Who told you that? And why did they lie?
Niko: Rude.
Esther : *punches the person*
Esther : At least try to sound slightly more sophisticated when you threaten someone.
Cat king: Oh, I'm sorry. I should ask; dost thou want to engage in a duel, my good bitch?
Esther : Somehow that's worse
Jenny: Well, if you're not at least a little bit gay for your friends, then what kind of friend are you?
Monty: What makes a bigger memory than a passionate kiss?
Edwin: A stab wound.
Jenny: You are now one day closer to eating your next plate of nachos.
Monty: That's the most hopeful thing I've ever heard.
Niko: But what if I die tomorrow and never eat any nachos?
Crystal : Then tomorrow is nacho lucky day.
Niko: I just want someone to take me out.
Crystal : On a date?
Cat king: With a sniper gun?
Esther : Both if you're not a coward.
Cat king: Is this mistletoe?
Edwin: Uh, no, no, that is basil.
Cat king: Too bad cause if it was mistletoe I was gonna kiss you.
Edwin: Yeah, no, it’s still basil.
Charles: You know what’s funny about Edwin? They’re my best friend, and anyone who’d hurt them is someone I’d murder, probably.
Charles: I’ve only had Edwin for a day and a half but if anything happened to them I would kill everyone in this room and then myself.
Cop: What are your names?
Esther: Don't tell them, Cat king.
Cop, writing: Cat king...
Esther: Crap.
Cat king: Nice going, Esther.
Cat king: Uh oh.
Monty: I’m taking a look at your numbers, and it doesn’t look good. You have a lot of measurements. Quite a few variables.
Charles: Is that… bad?
Monty: Variables are the #1 risk factor for outcomes. The past is a big contributor to the future.
Charles: Isn’t that just causality?
Monty: Causality is the leading cause of death in this country.
Charles: So what are my odds?
Monty: Do you have a family history?
Charles: Of what?
Monty: Just, in general.
Charles: …Yes?
Monty: Oh no.
Niko, texting Edwin : *sends a voice message*
Edwin , texting back: I’m a little busy, is it urgent?
Niko: No, don’t worry, just listen later.
Edwin : *presses play*
Niko's voice message: THERE’S A FIRE-
Monty: Onion rings are vegetable donuts.
Esther , used to Monty being dumb: Sure...
Monty: Your stomach thinks all potatoes are mashed.
Esther : Okay?
Monty: Lasagna is spaghetti flavored cake.
Esther :
Monty: Lobsters are mermaid scorpio-
Esther : Jesus, that one is a little-
Jenny, interested: No, no, Monty, keep going.
Crystal : But we’re friends! I was building up to calling you a nickname soon!
Edwin: That’ll never happen! In fact, you just lost “Edwin” privileges. From now on, you can call me by my last name or ‘Hey, you.’.
Crystal : Come on, Edwin.
Edwin: *glares*
Crystal : Come on, Hey you.”
Crystal : That shirt looks great, Charles.
Charles: Thanks.
Crystal : But I bet it would look even better on Edwin's floor.
Edwin: Are you hitting on Charles... for me?
Cat king: What do we think of Monty?
Charles: *sighs* Nice pal.
Crystal : I think they're gay.
Esther : What am I supposed to do?
Monty: If I were you? I’d try and make peace with whatever deity, pantheon, or Divine Other you believe in.
Esther : I’m an atheist.
Monty: Then just get ready to die I guess
*playing twister*
Crystal : Right hand red.
Charles: *ends up on top of Edwin *
Edwin: You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
Crystal : I stopped spinning like 15 minutes ago. Honestly, I'm surprised you didn't notice
Cat king: So... who's the big spoon and who's the little spoon?
Edwin: We're chopsticks!
Cat king: Well... that's cute!
Cat king: Does that mean you two snuggle together perfectly?
Charles: No, it means that if you take the other away, the only thing the other is good for is stabbing.
Monty: Do you want to play 20 Questions?
Edwin: Sure!
Edwin: Whats your favorite color?
Monty, laser fucking focused: Triangle. Do you like men?
Edwin: I love the term 'partners'. Are we dating? Are we robbing a bank? Are we the dedicated detectives who investigate these vicious felonies and are members of an elite squad known as the special victims unit? Who knows
Cat king, to Esther : All right, let’s tell each other a secret about ourselves. I’m going to go first– I hate you.
Cat king: I’m a bad person, I’m a very bad person, I’m a horrible person.
The Squad:
Cat king: No you’re not, Cat king! We still love you, Cat king!
Esther : This should be illegal!
Jenny: It is.
Jenny: What scares you guys the most?
Charles: Werewolves!
Niko: Sharks.
Edwin: The unstoppable marching of time that is slowly guiding us all towards an inevitable death.
Monty: Edwin.
Charles: What do you think Cat king will do for a distraction?
Edwin: They'll probably, like, make a noise or throw a rock. That's what I would do.
*Building explodes and several car alarms go off*
Edwin: ...or they could do that.
Charles: Pfft, you should meet Niko, they're such a tsundere.
Monty: They... they just stabbed you.
Charles: So cute.
Cat king: All in all, a 100% successful trip.
Niko: But we lost Esther .
Cat king: All in all, a 100% successful trip!
*Cat king falls over*
Monty: Cat king! Are you alright?
Cat king: Is that you, God?
Monty: What?
Cat king: It's just, you sound a lot more like Monty than I expected.
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i want you to want me [johnny 'soap' mactavish x f!reader]
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🢒pairing: johnny 'soap' mactavish x f!reader 🢒words: 2,986 🢒warnings: SMUT AHEAD - friends to lovers, sex on the first date, unprotected sex, some dirty talk, oral sex (m and f receiving), woman on top 🢒summary: you finally take soap up on his offer to take you out. by the end of the night, he ends up in your room.
🢒a/n: so this is basically a friends-to-lovers speedrun. sorry, not sorry.
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You and Johnny were fast friends. Anyone who met him had a tough time not being his friend. He was funny, spontaneous, and charming in his unique way that drew people in. At times, he could get a little cocky, but even then, he was magnetic.
And he liked you—a lot.
The truth was, you were afraid to take things any further with him because you two were such great friends. There was some harmless flirting here and there, but there was no denying the attraction between you. It was apparent to everyone else as well.
Johnny wanted you, and he wasn’t afraid to say it, even in a joking way. He looked at you from across the table and winked, and you stuck your tongue out at him.
“I’ll show you what you can do with that, lass,” he warned with that cocky smirk.
“In your dreams,” you teased. Even when he looked away, your gaze lingered on him. You checked your watch and jumped up. You needed to be in bed to be up bright and early to lead PT tomorrow.
“Leavin’ us so soon?” Soap asked.
“Yup. Bye, losers!” you joked before walking away. You counted the seconds in your head for how long it took Soap to follow behind you.
“20 seconds this time, Johnny. You know how to leave a girl waiting, huh?”
“Don’t be like that,” he said, feigning sadness. “Got something I wanna ask ya.”
“Should I be worried?” You stopped and looked at him.
“No,” he chuckled. He rubbed the back of his neck. Was he nervous? “We’re all going out tomorrow night, and I was wondering if you’d like to…accompany me….”
His words trailed off. He knew that every other time he asked something like this, your answer was no.
“I know you’re going to say no, but I’m a persistent fella,” he said.
“No shit,” you joked. You pretended to think, tapping your chin with your finger. “Sure, I’ll accompany you.”
“Okay, well, can’t say I didn’t—wait, what? Did you say yes?” The smile on his face grew tenfold.
“I said yes,” you giggled.
“Holy shit…fuck…um…I’m gonna hug you now,” he warned before wrapping his arms around you, making you laugh even more.
“You better let go of me before people get the wrong idea, Johnny.”
“Would that be so bad?” he asked, pulling back to look at you. His hands still rested on your waist.
You shrugged. “I guess it wouldn’t be too bad.” You ruffled his hair, and he let you go. “I’ll see you tomorrow.”
“Okay!” he said excitedly, the smile never leaving his face.
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Leading PT kicked your ass, so you were excited about going out tonight and not thinking about anything but having fun.
Soap knocked on the door as soon as you stepped out of your bathroom. You looked through the peephole and watched how he smoothed down his clothes, ensured his hair was straight, and ran his tongue along his teeth before you opened the door.
“Thank God,” he said as he hugged you. “I was afraid you’d stand me up.”
You pulled back. “You think I’d do that to you, Johnny?”
“No. I mean…I don’t know. I know I can…ruffle yer feathers sometimes and—”
“Let’s have fun tonight, okay? I’ve been looking forward to this.”
“You have?” he asked in shock as you walked into the hall and closed the door behind you. “I mean…of course you have. I’m a blast to be around.”
“Oh, Johnny, you never cease to amaze me,” you teased.
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As always, Johnny made you laugh until you cried. You found that he was even funnier with a few drinks in him. His accent became a bit stronger too.
“I hope you don’t mind…” he started.
“What?!” you yelled over the noise of the pub. He leaned in close, his lips touching your ear.
“I said I hope you don’t mind, but these drinks are making me wanna be very honest with you right now….”
“I thought you were always honest with me, Johnny.”
“I am, but…this is different. I want…I want…” he stammered.
“You want?”
“You!” he shouted, and you blinked at him.
“I’m pretty sure I already knew that,” you told him.
He shook his head. “Nah, you don’t get it. I want you.” He gave you a look, and finally, it clicked.
“Oh…oh!” You quickly brought your drink to your lips and finished it all. “Excuse me.” You stood quickly and walked to the bathroom. Luckily, it was empty.
You stared at yourself in the mirror and pondered. It’s not like you hadn’t thought of it before, but that was in your private thoughts. It’s not like you thought you would ever really sleep with him—it was just fun to think about.
You worried that it would make him see you in an entirely new light if you had slept with him so quickly.
“Who the fuck cares?” you mumbled to your reflection. After a few more deep breaths, you walked out of the bathroom and found Johnny wallowing in his whiskey. He perked up once he saw you making your way over.
“Look, I’m sorry if I made you uncomfortable…” he started.
You leaned so you could talk in his ear. “You wanna get outta here?”
He was taken aback. If his eyebrows went any higher, they would be at his hairline. “Like…now you mean?”
You nodded, then turned to the others. “I’m going. Bye, guys!” You walked out, and a few moments later, Johnny joined you.
“I-I think they might know,” he said.
“Of course they do. Do you care?” you asked.
“Not if you don’t.” He seemed a lot more nervous than usual. “Um…it’s probably not a great idea if I drive.”
“We’ll Uber and come back to get your car tomorrow. Sound good?” You looked at him, and he was staring at you in disbelief.
“Are you real?” he asked.
“You’re not that drunk, are you?” You found an Uber that was only 2 minutes away.
“So, this is happening?”
“Yup. There’s our guy,” you said, pulling him along by his wrist.
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He appeared to be in a daze the whole way back. He did so in a complete trance when you told him to follow you to your room. Even when you let him inside, he just stood by the door.
“Johnny?” You kicked your shoes off and stood in front of him. “Are you okay?”
“I think so. Yeah.” He finally looked at you and smiled.
“Hey,” you said.
“Wanna watch some TV?” you asked.
“Sure.” He took his boots off and joined you on the small sofa, tensing up when you put your legs across his lap.
“Is this okay?”
“Yeah.” He smirked and relaxed a little more.
Before long, you two were more interested in what the other had to say than the television. You could listen to him talk for hours on end.
“When are you gonna kiss me, Johnny?” you asked.
“You want me to?”
You nodded. “I’ve always wanted to know what your lips feel like.”
“Really.” You sat up on your knees and moved closer to him. He cleared his throat and wet his lips quickly before leaning in. You met him halfway.
The kiss felt so natural—like it was meant to happen. He sighed happily, and you deepened the kiss, nearly laying your entire top half over his lap.
“Wait,” he breathed, then shrugged his jacket off before helping you climb into his lap and kissing you again.
You had always loved his arms. As you kissed, you rubbed them, feeling the dips, veins, and muscles running through them. When you found his hands, you brought them up to your cheeks. He pulled away to look at you.
“What?” you wondered.
Slowly, he traced your lips with two fingers and then pressed against them lightly. When you opened your mouth, he smirked. You closed your eyes as his fingers slipped deeper into your mouth.
“Look at that,” he whispered, and you opened your eyes. “Good girl. Look at me when you do that.”
You whined playfully, but you’d be lying if you said hearing the words good girl coming from him didn’t turn you on.
He pulled his fingers from your mouth only to claim your lips again. He didn’t care if there was saliva all over them or your chin.
“Are we fucking tonight, Johnny?” you asked as you swirled your hips against him.
He gave a long exhale, watching you grind on him. “What kinda question is that, lass? Fuck…just like that…”
Suddenly, you grabbed his arms and pinned them to the couch before leaning in very close.
“Do you wanna fuck me, Johnny?”
“Y-Yeah, I do.”
“That’s better.” You slid off his lap, and he was about to protest until you were kneeling in front of him.
“Oh, lord…” he mumbled.
“What’s wrong?”
“Okay. Don’t kill me for saying this, but you have no idea how many times I’ve gotten off to this very scenario with you.” He swallowed hard.
“Oh, you mean with me on my knees…sliding my hands up your thighs until I reach the button of your jeans…which fit you perfectly, by the way.”
“Thanks,” he chuckled.
“…then I carefully unbutton and unzip your jeans to find…boxer briefs…I knew it.”
“Wait, you’ve been trying to figure out what type of underwear I wear?” he asked.
“Duh. I knew you were a boxer briefs guy.” Before he could say anything else, you slid your hand into his now unzipped jeans, finding his cock through his underwear.
“God in fuckin’ heaven,” he said through his teeth.
“Oo!” you exclaimed. “Is that all for me?”
“Fuck yeah, it is,” he groaned.
“Can I put it in my mouth?” you asked.
“Please,” he gasped.
You carefully pulled him out of his boxer briefs and stroked it a few times, using your thumb to spread the precum at the tip.
You sat up a little more, then looked into his eyes as you spit on his cock. As soon as his eyes rolled back, you wrapped your lips around him.
“Fuck! You fuckin’….ah!” He gently held your head as you bobbed up and down slowly. “Look at you suckin’ my cock. Eyes, lass.”
You looked him in the eye and took him as deep as possible, making yourself gag.
“What a good fuckin’ girl. I love that sound. You wanna do it again for me?”
“Mm!” was the only answer you could give as you took him down your throat again.
“Guess that’s a yes.” He threw his head back and pumped into your mouth gently. “Can’t believe…fucking…happenin’…” he groaned. With a growl, he pulled you off his cock and kissed you hard.
“Why did you stop me?” you asked, voice a little rough.
“That’s not how I wanna finish the night,” he said.
You giggled as you undressed. His eyes grew wider and wider.
“What a fuckin’ gift you are,” he said. You started walking away but told him to follow, leading him to your bedroom.
“This is better.”
He nodded. “It is. Lie down.”
“No. Not until you take everything off.” You sat on the bed patiently as he undressed.
“Are you gonna say something?” he asked after you only stared at him for a while. He looked as though he was going to cover himself up.
“You’re lovely, Johnny.”
“Thanks, doll. Now, can you lie down for me?”
“I can.” You lay flat on your back with a giggle.
“Are you always this giddy during sex?” he teased as he climbed onto the bed.
“Ask me again next time,” you said.
“Next time,” he repeated before kissing you again.
He explored your body slowly, using his hands and his mouth. You could tell he liked your breasts because he spent much of his time there—sucking, biting, playing. He moved down to your stomach and kissed every inch of it he could.
You knew where he was going after, but nothing could have prepared you for his…skill. He teased you at first, kissing and biting at the soft skin of your inner thigh. When his tongue finally found your slit, you cried out so loud you were sure everyone could hear you.
“John!” you cried, and he pulled away. “Why…why…”
“Did you just call me John?” he asked.
“Yeah. So?” You held onto his hair, trying to force him back down.
“I thought I was Johnny….”
“John…please!”…you begged, and he chuckled before giving in. “Yes, John! Yes!”
“Yeah, that’s my fuckin’ name,” he said against your pussy. He swirled his tongue around your clit as he slowly slid a finger inside you.
“Don’t stop,” you whined.
“Jesus, you’re tight,” he said.
“Thank you,” you joked before he sucked on your clit, making you whimper.
“Cum for me, darlin’. Go on.”
“Yesssssss!” As you came, you held his head against you, and he slurped at you hungrily. You eventually let go and tried to catch your breath.
“I could have died there, but what a lovely way to go,” he joked, and you rolled your eyes.
“I’m just gonna sit on your face next time.”
“Please do.” He laid back, putting his hands behind his head. You turned and looked at him.
“I’m sorry, are you tired already?”
“What? No. Just catchin’ my breath…”
“Good.” You straddled him.
“Whoa!” He grinned up at you. “This really is a dream come true.”
“This is almost my dream come true,” you admitted.
“Almost?” he wondered.
“Yeah. It would be complete if you wore a kilt,” you laughed.
“Oh, very funny.”
“Yes, I know I am. Thank you,” you said before bending to kiss him. You rubbed your pussy along his cock, letting him feel how wet you were.
“I need to be in there,” he said.
“Oh yeah?”
“Yeah,” he grunted.
“How badly?” You reached down and wrapped your hand around him.
“Real bad.” He was breathing heavily.
“You want me to ride your cock? Make you cum inside of me?”
“I’m gonna cum on the outside of you if you don’t stop that kinda talk,” he joked.
“You can put it anywhere you want.” With another kiss, you sank onto his cock, and you both gasped.
“Anywhere?” he asked as he grabbed your ass, urging you to move.
“Yeah.” You kept your upper body against him as you started bouncing your ass on his cock. “But I want it inside me.”
“The good girl gets what she wants,” he said before groaning loudly. Holding you tightly, he began thrusting up into you. “She wants cum in her pussy, she gets cum in her pussy,” he growled.
“Fuck, yes! Please, John!” You could barely keep yourself upright anymore. He must have noticed because he rolled over so that he was on top now.
“Rub that pretty little cunt for me, yeah?”
“Yeah,” you whined. You loved that he looked down to watch you play with yourself as he fucked you. It didn’t take you long to cum again.
“God, you’re practically gushing all over me,” he said, tilting his head and watching his cock move in and out of you.
“You’re too far away,” you complained, holding your arms out to him.
“Sorry, love.” He leaned in and rested his forehead against yours. “How’s that?”
“So good,” you moaned. “Cum inside me. Please, John.”
“Close,” was all he could say. He was grunting with each thrust now, his brow furrowed in determination.
“Cum inside me, Lieutenant.”
“Ah fuck! I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum. I’m gonna cum….” He let out a sound close to a roar when his orgasm first washed over him then he was whimpering.
You both lay there quietly. His head was on your shoulder, and his eyes were closed.
“Hm?” He opened one eye.
“You okay?”
“You kiddin’ me? I’m better than I’ve been in a long time. Christ,” he mumbled before pulling out of you and rolling onto his back.
“That was…”
“Pure dead brilliant!” he finished, and you looked at him before laughing.
“That’s one way to put it. Be right back.” You rolled out of bed and did a little run to the bathroom. When you came back out, you were sure Johnny would be sleeping, but he was wide awake.
“Everything okay?” he asked.
“Pure dead brilliant,” you teased.
“Hush. Gimme a minute,” he said as he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. You watched his tight little bum the entire time.
When he walked out, he froze when he saw you looking at him. “So…do you want me to go?” he asked.
“No. Do you want to go?” you asked.
“Then get back in bed.” You smiled as he walked over excitedly and jumped into bed. “I have a super important question to ask.”
“Oh boy…okay…” He turned to you and propped himself up on his elbow.
“Why the haircut?”
“That’s your burnin’ question?” He made a face. “I dunno, really. I don’t quite look right with too much hair, but I don’t look right with too little hair either, so…it’s a good in-between.”
“Good to know.”
“I mean…do you like it?” He reached up and touched his hair.
“I do.” You moved his hand and played with his hair.
“You think this will change anything between us?” you asked.
“No, I don’t, but if you’d rather not do this again, I get it.”
“Just promise me that we’ll always be this close.” You put your hand on his chest.
“Lass, I don’t think two people can get any closer than we just did.” He laughed, and you hid your face in his neck. “Nah, I know what you mean, in any case. I ain’t going anywhere.”
“Good.” You wrapped yourself around him, and he put an arm around you.
Pure dead brilliant.
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Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x reader
Word count: ~4.5k
Summary: It's your birthday and you and Wanda have big plans
A/N: Wanda, Wanda, WANDA. Sometimes you don't think things through...part 2/3 of Wanda getting in trouble with her SO
Warnings: Angst, conflict, sketchy behavior
You turned 25 today and besides being old enough to rent a car, you hadn’t ever expected this birthday to be special. You hadn’t given a lot of thought to it honestly, but at this point in life, you hadn’t expected to really be dating anyone, especially not a criminal. You are still trying to come to terms with that despite it being more than a year since you met Wanda. You wonder sometimes how different your life would have been if you hadn’t noticed her that day. Would you even be dating anyone? Would you have met at any point? You'll never know the answer to either of these questions and you didn’t really care.
All you cared about was that tonight Wanda had promised to take you to dinner and then spend the rest of the night with you doing whatever you wanted. You had considered what this could be because you had a lot of options. You’d concluded that whatever you did was going to involve food, cuddling, dogs, horror movies or sex. You’d like them all, but you knew what happened when you got greedy.
The only thing you really wanted was to spend time with your girlfriend who you didn’t see nearly enough. Sex would be nice too since it had been over a week, and it was your birthday, but sometimes you just took what you could get.
You frown again as you look to your phone for the fourth time in ten minutes. Wanda had been very communicative this morning when she’d wished you a happy birthday and told you that she’d pick you up tonight at 6. You’d talked to her a little more before she’d gone to work, and now that classes were over and it was 5pm, she wasn’t answering your texts or calls.
You tried not to worry because you knew that she couldn’t have her phone in front of her all the time. You just hoped that she wasn’t going to be late.
“What do you mean you can’t make it?”
You hope you sound as annoyed as you really are because it’s 6:10 and Wanda is just now calling you to cancel. Not just dinner either. She’s cancelling your entire night with her and you are very close to blowing up at her and crying right after. You listen to her excuse; her normal work excuse and you suddenly feel as insignificant as they come. You frown deeply and try not to cut off Wanda’s rambling apology. You've heard it all before, and despite hoping that tonight would be different, you're reminded once again that you're not a priority for her.
“I’m so sorry, detka, but this is something that can’t wait. If it doesn’t happen tonight I won’t have another chance for months and I’ve been working on it for almost a year. I promise we’ll do something tomorrow, okay?”
You don’t respond immediately because you don’t know what to say. Rather you don’t know how to say it without sounding as deeply disappointed as you are. You’d been looking forward to this day for weeks because you were certain that if any day you’d convince your girlfriend to ditch work, it would be today. Still, you suppose there’s nothing you can do about it now but pout, and you sit back down at your dining room table with a sigh. You’re wearing a nice dress that you know Wanda likes, and you’d actually done more than just run a brush through your hair. Still, it didn’t matter, you were sure that you’d just spend the night on the couch now that it was just you.
“Okay. Good luck, Wands.”
You don’t say anything else before you hang up on her. Sure it’s a little childish, but you mostly don’t want her to hear you cry. You sit in the kitchen for a few minutes feeling sorry for yourself before you go to the fridge and get one of the cupcakes your friend had brought to class for you. You smile slightly at the reminder that you do have people who love you and would spend your birthday with you. You practically inhale your cupcake before opening your phone and going to the group message you have for your friends.
Hey. Someone had to work tonight, so now I’m all alone :(
It only took 2 minutes for two of them to text and then the third to call you to make plans. They weren’t going to let you sit home alone and depressed on your birthday. They were taking you out and you were going to celebrate whether you liked it or not.
Wanda was still feeling guilty when she met with her client a little while later. She knew it was futile to hope that this would go quickly and that she would be able to see you before an obscenely early hour. She couldn’t help it though, and she clung to this thought just to get her through the nearly two hours-worth of drinks and smelly cigars. She was actually thinking she could go home around midnight when negotiations were finished, but afterwards she’d been promised a celebration and was escorted to a club.
Wanda decided that she’d drink more at this one because she had a bad feeling that she wouldn’t be seeing you tonight.
“Come on Y/n! You only turn 25 once!”
You are still cringing when you and your friends arrive to your third, and hopefully last, stop of the night. You’d been taken to dinner at the place that you’d reserved with Wanda and despite it being ridiculously expensive, your friends covered it all. Then you’d gone to a bar and had a few drinks and spent a couple of hours laughing and forgetting that you’d been ditched tonight. You were so grateful that your friends had your back and you had been ready to call it a night after that when you were told that you had one more stop.
“We’re getting you a lap dance for your birthday!”
You’d been stunned and sightly horrified by the prospect of this once you’d realized they weren’t joking. Something like this didn’t interest you, and even as you walked into the club and saw a lot of beautiful women, you still weren’t comfortable with the idea. You figured you could buy yourself some time by dragging everyone to the bar for drinks. You might be able to make them forget why you were here altogether if you got them drunk enough.
“You’re not serious.”
Wanda looks to her left to where Steve is standing next to her looking as uncomfortable as she is incredulous. She did not guess this is what ‘celebrating’ would entail, and she’s already planning a hasty exit when she and Steve follow the group of men into the gentlemen’s club. She’s never been here before and she’s eternally grateful when she’s immediately hit with the too strong smell of perfume and faint cigarette smoke that hits her as she walks through the doors. She sighs inaudibly as she looks to the large booth that the group is starting to fill. She barely spares the vast room a glance as she tries to decide how much she’ll be able to drink.
“Sit, please. We’ll close the deal with a little celebration.”
Wanda doesn’t have time to ask what that means when three women, three dancers walk over to them. She has to keep her mouth from dropping at the fact that they are basically naked. They have tiny triangles and strings that comprise their tops, and thongs that leave nothing to the imagination. Wanda watches in muted horror as 2 of the men are led away from the table and the third woman holds a hand out to her. She’s already trying to come up with an excuse when the client she had to impress spoke up.
 “Ms. Maximoff. Please, enjoy yourself. On me.”
Wanda flounders and looks to Steve for help but he can’t really do anything. He can’t speak up just like she can’t refuse without seeming rude. This deal is too important for it to fall apart now, and Wanda takes a deep breath as she stands up slowly and takes the blonde’s hand. She hopes hers isn’t sweaty but she’s so nervous she feels like she’s sweating bullets. This is not what she planned on doing tonight, and she tries not to think about how you'd react to this.
Wanda looks back to Steve who understands and stands up to follow her. Polite or not, Steve was Wanda’s security detail so he went where she did.
“I’ll just stand outside.”
Wanda tries not to panic at the thought of being alone with a dancer who’s been paid who knows how much to do who knows what. She knows that this place is higher-end than the normal strip club, but that didn’t mean she wasn’t about to get an eyeful. She tries not to think about how she should be at home with you right now watching a terrifying movie. Instead she’s here trying not to watch as she’s given a lap dance that she’s only accepting for the sake of being polite.
“Relax, dear. You’re so tense. Let me help with that.”
You’re laughing at your friend’s joke when you notice him. You’d glanced around the club just out of curiosity, and you stop cold at the sight of a familiar face. You frown and try to figure out if you can sneak away to talk to him. You finish the rest of your drink before excusing yourself and insisting that you’ll be right back.
You hurry across the room and look around for the bathroom before trying to get the man’s attention.
“Hey! Steve, what are you doing here?”
When Steve hears your voice, he begins to panic. He turns to see you shooting him a confused look, and he takes a moment to wonder what he’d done wrong to be put into this situation. You’re dressed up, probably out with some friends since Wanda had to change her plans, but why you ended up here of all places, he’ll never know. Steve tries to offer a small smile, but you speak up before he can ask what’s on his mind. He has to swallow the lump in his throat at your suspicious look.
“Wait, who are you here with?”
Steve doesn’t really need to answer. Not when his eyes widen before his gaze goes to the boring black carpet beneath his feet. He avoids your eye contact successfully for only 3 seconds before he has to look back up at you.
“Is-is Wanda here?!”
You look around for your girlfriend, but you don’t see her anywhere. You don’t see anyone you recognize and you’re about to start looking in every room for her when a door opens nearby. Wanda spots Steve and nearly runs to him, but the sight of someone in between the two of them makes her stop short. When she realizes who it is she nearly vomits.
“Steve, let’s--.”
You turn around slowly at the sound of your girlfriend’s voice, and you see someone barely clothed leave the room that she just left over Wanda’s shoulder. You just stare at Wanda and she stares at you for a minute before you feel the urge to cry overwhelm you. You spin around on your heels and head back to the bar to tell your friends that you’re going home.
“Y/n, wait!”
You realize that Wanda’s following you and you spin around again to shoot her a glare so vicious it stops her in her tracks.
“Don’t fucking talk to me. I’m leaving and you better not fucking follow me.”
You get a minute alone to thank your friends for taking you out before claiming to feel sick. You stay with them long enough to book a ride home, and show them that you’re not going to get murdered before you head outside. Despite being able to relax briefly to hug the trio, you feel yourself tense immediately when you realize that someone’s followed you out here.
“Did I not make myself clear?”
It was hard to misinterpret what you’d said, but Wanda was desperate for you to understand what happened tonight. She hadn’t skipped out on celebrating your birthday with you to come to this glorified strip club. Well, she had, but she really hadn’t wanted to. She would have much rather spent the night with you.
“Y/n please. Let me explain. I’m here with those stuffy looking men for work. I didn’t want to come here tonight, I promise.”
You’re not looking at her. You’re staring out into the night and looking between your phone and the stagnant parking lot waiting for your ride to get here. Still, you can’t ignore her completely and you take a few seconds to process what she’s said. You’re not sure what to believe. You’re angry because Wanda left you alone on your birthday, and in an attempt to salvage the night you’d run into her at a freaking strip club of all places. You honestly knew way too little about her work because this is not something you would have ever expected your girlfriend to do.
You’d imagined her in shootouts and torturing lowly criminals. Maybe she’d sit around and drink with a bunch of old white guys and discuss their business of murdering people as casually as if they were talking about the weather. You hadn’t expected them to frequent places like this, but putting a little more thought into it, you realize it’s not completely unreasonable. You hate it, but you could see why a group of ‘stuffy men’ might want to end up here.
That said, there was no circumstance where Wanda could justify what she’d just done to you. She could tell you it was a for work, or that she had to just keep up appearances but you didn’t care. It was betrayal any way you looked at it, and for this you didn’t even want to look at her.
“Did you also not want a lap dance because it looks like you got one?”
Wanda falters for a second time as she tries to come up with an explanation. She knows that you might not believe her, but it’s the truth and she can’t tell you anything else.
“I didn’t. Detka, please. I swear I didn’t. I just--.”
You realize that your ride is pulling into the lot and you thank whoever is listening that you’ll get to escape this conversation. You already feel tears starting to fall as you consider what Wanda did, or swears she didn’t. You squeeze your eyes shut and shake your head before you take a deep breath and step toward the lot.
“Why should I believe you, Wanda? You never told me what your work involved but I can’t imagine that cheating is part of it. I don’t care what you have to say. We’re through.”
You don’t look back as you get in the car that pulls up to you and asks for your name. You ignore Wanda’s pleas as you slam the door behind you and turn away from the window. Wanda watches as you drive away and she curses under her breath before turning around to run back inside to find Steve. She doesn’t care what happens with her deal anymore. It should be closed and if not, well she’ll figure it out later. Right now, she needs to do whatever she can to make this right with you.
You don’t make it easy for her. The next day, you go to class like usual, but otherwise you’re locked in your apartment with the deadbolt in place so Wanda can’t get in. You listen to music to both block out her voice and your intrusive thoughts whenever you’re at home, so you barely notice as Wanda comes and goes. Rather how she doesn’t leave at all. She spends hours sitting outside your door calling and texting you, but it all goes unanswered. She spends nearly 24 hours trying to get you to talk to her before you even look at her.
“What is it, Wanda?”
You barely pay her any mind as you walk down the flight of stairs to the parking lot to your car. You have class soon and you’re probably going to be late, but you’d known she was out here so you didn’t want to leave. You’d delayed it as long as possible and you hadn’t been prepared for the sight of Wanda outside your door. Despite knowing she was there; you hadn’t expected her to look so haggard. She was still wearing what you’d seen her in at the club, and she looked exhausted. You were pretty sure that if you tried you could knock her off balance with just a touch.
“Y/n, please, can I just tell you what happened?”
You continue down the stairs and start rifling through your purse for your keys with a shrug. You don’t even want to go to this class, and the closer you get to your car the less motivated you are to even bother.
“You can talk all you want, Wanda. I’m just not really interested.”
You open the car on just your side, watching as Wanda stops behind you and considers her options. You get in your car and watch as Wanda steps closer, nearly falling as she loses her footing. She’s barely hanging on and despite being angry at her, you don’t want to see her hurt herself.
“Well, um-like I told you it was for work. We’d closed the deal but Mitch had wanted to celebrate which I hoped meant drugs or something. I didn’t expect a fucking lap dance and I didn’t get one. It was horrible. I just sat there and talked about you for a few minutes before she took pity on me and said she’d tell them I cooperated.”
You start the car but stop short when she says this. You can tell that she’s telling the truth. She’s crying and you’d listened to enough of her rambling voicemails to match what she’s telling you now. You sigh in defeat as you roll up your window as Wanda continues to cry. You’re not going to class anymore. You don’t care enough and you’re too worried about Wanda to leave her alone right now.
Wanda barely notices you roll up the window or turn off the car as she wipes her eyes. She’s so tired and crying now is making her already existing headache excruciating. She needs to lie down and probably eat something, but she can’t leave. She can’t leave until you know how sorry she is and that she won’t give up on you. She needs you to know that she loves you.
“I’m so sorry, Y/n. I love you. P-please don’t leave me.”
Wanda is startled by the sound of your car door slamming again and she jumps at the sight of you. You’re standing in front of her as you sigh in defeat, and reach out for her with a frown.
“I’m not leaving. I hate this class anyway.”
Wanda doesn’t know how to respond, but she just follows as you lead her back upstairs to your apartment. You wrap your arm around hers to hold her steady as you open your door. She’s started to sway dangerously and she just watches wide-eyed as you lead her into your place.
“Come on. Let’s get you cleaned up.”
You sit Wanda down on your bed as you search for a change of clothes for her while the tub fills. You figure sitting down will be better than trying to get Wanda to shower now, and you know she’ll feel better if she gets clean before falling into bed. You find her clean clothes and set them and a towel in the bathroom before waving her in there. You make sure she has everything she needs before leaving her alone. She’s a little confused by your change of heart, so she only manages a stunned ‘thank you’ as you head to the kitchen.
You’re making food for you and Wanda when you hear her come out of the bathroom. You’d figured she’d stay in there longer, but the sound of her footsteps coming down the hall tell you that you thought wrong. You look up from the pan in front of you to see Wanda’s clean and changed into more comfortable looking clothes. She still looks tired, so you hurry to finish up her food as you gesture to the counter.
“There’s some water for you. I’m sure you’re thirsty.”
Wanda nods as she goes to sit at the counter with a sigh. She leans on it heavily as she tries not to fall asleep before she gets to eat. She’s starving, but she’s also very aware of the fact that you’ve barely responded to her pleas and explanations of what happened. She can tell you’re still upset, but she doesn’t know what you’re thinking right now and it’s stressing her out.
“Stop stressing. I’m not just getting you back on your feet before I kick you out.”
Wanda looks up in surprise and you can’t help but smile slightly at how stunned she looks. You hate that she’s so worried, but you’re not going to lie to her. You finish up plating her food before you walk over to the counter to hand it to her with a smile. You grab her a fork before sitting down beside her with a sigh.
“I’m still angry and despite how much I want to just make it about my birthday, I really just hate that I had to see you at a fucking strip club.”
Wanda cringes slightly at this but she just waits for you to finish. She’d spent a couple of hours lying against your door last night wondering how she’d feel if she’d been in your place. She would have been furious and she probably would have dumped you on the spot too. That said…she knew you’d never do something like this to her. She didn’t care about the circumstances; you’d never entertain anything so suggestive if you were in a relationship. It was a little complicated and difficult to really rationalize because of it. You sigh again as you run a hand through your hair. You’d been doing this nearly all day and you’re sure you’ve pulled out a fair amount at this point.
“I don’t want to know about the details of your work, Wanda. For both of our sakes, but I want to be able to trust that you won’t do something like this again.”
Wanda’s already nodding but you don’t give her a chance to speak up. She’s still holding her fork and not eating as she waits for your verdict. She wouldn’t blame you for not wanting anything to do with her after this, but she prays that you’re more forgiving than she’d be. She knows you are. You’re also not as prideful as she is, so again, it’s not fair to try to judge you based off her own standards.
“So don’t do something like this again, or we’ll be over, okay?”
Wanda reaches out for your hand and you only hesitate for a second before you take hers. She squeezes it and you take a deep breath as she promises to not fuck up like this again.
“I won’t. I promise. I won’t step foot in there again, or any place like it.”
You nod and offer Wanda a smile as you push her glass towards her. She gets the hint and she starts to drink and then eventually eats what you cooked for her. She’s not sure what she did to deserve you, but she’ll be damned if she does anything to lose you for good.
“Good, well eat up. I haven’t slept in almost 24 hours and would like to go to bed.”
You can’t help but laugh as Wanda near shovels the food into her mouth, and you reach out to stop her as you shake your head. She looks to you nervously with a mouth full of food and you can’t help but sigh in defeat. You love this idiot and you hope she doesn’t give you a reason to leave her.
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