#i know this is a lot and maybe tmi but i just need to get it off my chest
ashiyn · 10 months
listen. its no question about it that every artist known to human kind that make art of mr good times always make him so unbelievably hot. the man is so incredibly attractive just in general. we've established that a long long time ago! but there's just something about how people draw hc s8 scar that just. wow. i don't understand HOW. but there's. it's??? im just literally speechless every single time. i see art of s8 scar and it's like i turn into 11 year old me and the time i had my first ever crush and my brain goes blank and im in awe that someone so attractive even exists
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alo-piss-trancy · 3 months
Btw even if I don't check in here as often as I used to, I really do appreciate all of you who stick with this blog anyways c': Especially since I barely post anything 'kinky' myself anymore. So this is mostly just a gaming/media rant and personal blog now oops
In some ways I'm definitely better off than I was a few years ago, but I've also been dealing with a lot of chaos in my life and household and it doesn't look like it's gonna get fixed very soon. Mix of financial, physical health of me and family I've been heavily assisting, house things in desperate need of repair...
On top of that I've been starting to realize I might actually have developed some form of Agoraphobia from all that time I was housebound before... and other stuff, but I think that was probably the main contributor. I'm still looking into it but with how a lot of the other things I've tried to cope haven't helped, meds don't seem to touch it much, and it seems to be getting worse, it's looking more and more likely than I'd like to admit. Which sucks bc it's also going to be hard af to keep up with working to treat it with Exposure or smth if I'm buried in all the above stuff/have limited transport/places to even go. It's really freaking hard when I do rarely go out and the anxiety/illness makes it so much worse. There've been times I've had to give up and go back early after like, an hour bc I was vomiting/crippled with pain/on the verge of fainting... and that's been happening more often. Like 1 in every 3 times, and I may only get out 3 times a month at the worst points.
Idk. I'm trying. I'm keeping up with the bare minimum rn and that's all I can really say lol
Also the only problem that's actually relevant to kink blog: my drive is still at 0 or even the negatives bc I can't get my medication sorted out bc my appointments got pushed back AGAIN ☠️ So yeah. That's why there has been no writing or hc posts and will not probably be for a WHILE. On God, it's about as appealing to me as eating dry cardboard 😔 Trying to write or draw anything fun is like pulling teeth and if I won't enjoy the end result then I'm not gonna bother RIP. When I get that sorted out maybe I can finally touch my poor WIP pile again 😭
Uh yeah so. That's why I've been so absent for like... forever. I do miss checking in here but I also get in my own head sometimes about posting when I'm not 'providing' anything this blog was intended for. Which I realise is dumb bc it's MY blog and if I want to rant about video games only for like a year straight then I'm allowed to. But brains are Fun like that 🥲
For what it's worth I'm not in like, a fullblown mental crisis so please don't worry about that! I'm not in any immediate danger or smth! I do have some other hobbies I've been keeping up with and socialising in other spaces. And I've been reading. So I promise I'm not in a complete isolated depression pit 💛 Life could definitely be better and I def have some rough days, but I have been trying to take some baby steps to either fix things or keep myself sane at least lol
Idk I just felt like I should explain why I've been mostly gone for ages off and on. I do lurk here sometimes to peek at things even if I don't have the energy to show myself. But I do really appreciate anyone who sends asks or comments on my ao3 or just reads my ramblings lol 💛 Even when I can't respond immediately I still treasure the gesture and it makes me happy to see some of the same names around in my notifs/dash c': So thank you~
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raystie · 1 year
wow my last post was in Feb so despite not really having a following here I still feel obligated to say I'm going through a Bad Time both mentally and physically rn I can't even be bothered to think about or play Yakuza or do anything really. not dead but I sure feel like I'm on the way there rn. won't be here for a while take care everyone
#ray txt#well if you really wanna know the tmi details I'm putting it in the tags because I love overshsring#short version is entered depressive episode couldn't regulate my emotions constant crying and racing thoughts and mood swings#eventually psychosomatic symptoms caused by anxiety gets bad enough I start also having health anxiety and freaking out that I had some#disease or illness and that I was gonna die#if you've ever had your body feel like it's dying because of anxiety it's the typical shit#chest feels tight and like it's being crushed and like I can't breathe#random pains all over sometimes muscles or stabbing pains across torso#random nausea sweating and constant loss of appetite but maybe that was the depression#anyway after multiple crying sessions and nights where I couldn't sleep until like 8am and my parents considering putting me in#psych rehab (idea got scrapped) I go see some specialists#they check my blood piss uterus (irregular cycles I only get it every 2-4 months for years now)#and x-rays and they tell me actually everything looks fine physically! there's nothing wrong anywhere they can see and all my Levels are#perfectly Normal and Average I don't have a disease or illness or deficit#so all those pains and suffering really was just psychologically manifested and my brain made it up#andi know it's true because after that visit the chest pain was a lot less Andi can breathe better now#wait but that's not the end of it!#the gyne thinks I could have PCOS but can't confirm so I get my hormones tested and turns out I have more prolactin than normal#that fool made it sound like I Needed to get a MRI scan to check the gland that produces it in my brain or whatever#i go see an endocrinologist who says oh actually the extra prolactin is most likely just from your psychiatric medications#turns out if you take those it's commonly seen to go up so I didn't have to get scanned#this was optional but he suggested I take cabergoline to lower it and also get my menstruation regular again#and that's what I'm doing now but I feel like I had forgotten what having a period is like after always going for months without it#Oh and then I saw a new psychiatrist. because I had serotonin syndrome before and my body reacts badly to medications I've taken#he suggests a sensitivity blood test which I agreed to IMMEADIATELY because I've spent almost a whole decade taking all sorts of meds and#none of it working out#I haven't gotten the results back but he also said SSRIs are out of the question#although I've tried a bunch of antipsychotics and (prescribed) ADHD medications and they didn't work out#really want this fucking test because taking a med and then getting blasted with side effects makes me feel like a guinea pig being#experimented on
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angeltism · 9 months
not 2 keep posting literally Only Vents (and like 1 normal thing once a day) but it's nights like these I reminisce about my abuser and wonder all that "what if"s
all the sui tw/cw tags r because of shit I wrote in the tags
#➳ valentin vents#and yes i am purposefully triggering memories by listening to my playlist of songs i had full blown panic attacks and mental breakdowns to#or would listen to while it manipulated and turned me into his own little puppet while i felt disgust and. so. unsatisfied.#i hate that you all know me as who i am now#i hate that this is the me you have to see#why couldn't you all have met the sweet immature aqua who made sex jokes and who's only worry was petty drama ?#why couldn't you guys have gotten attached to him ? he would have been a better friend and partner than this aqua .#this aqua cries xerself to bed every night even if things are theoretically fine and makes her life miserable for no reason#he's selfish and always demands more and more and then plays the victim about it#she shouldn't exist . this vessel should have died a year ago when it met the person — the monster — who ruined it .#the asshole who killed innocent sonia and left his body to be possessed by the worthless maryne#i should have done it . i should have gone and chugged all those pills instead of just cutting contact . maybe he would have felt remorse#maybe I'd have saved so much money and tears and not have wasted the time of those who got to know this current '' being ''#but I've always been too much of a pussy to do something like that#oh well#i guess I'll just have to wait until the universe decides it's my time since i guess . idk . dad would miss me a lot . maybe some irls woul#too ? and mom and grandma . yeah I'll . uh . not chug an entire bottle of whatever random pills i can find in my cabinet .#i still need to get married some day . and at the very least I'm not dying a virgin lmao#ugh angways aqua stfu time go cry in uur bed like uu always do stop telling people online how uu should have killed uurself a year ago n#sharing tmi about uur trauma !!!!#tw sui mention#tw sui ideation#tw sui vent#tw sui talk#cw sui mention#cw sui ideation#cw sui thoughts#yea
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rafeandonlyrafe · 5 months
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words: 2.8k
warnings: 18+ only, smut, reader is toppers girlfriend, struggling to cum, female receiving oral and fingering, multiple orgasms, edging and overstimulation, protected and unprotected sex, cheating
“maybe you could ask one of your friends for help, top.” you pout, rubbing your hand over his shoulder, not wanting him feel any more upset than he needs to be, but at the same time, you’re not sure how much longer this can go on.
“you can't tell me what i can do to fix it?” topper asks.
“you know i was a virgin before you babe, i really don’t know.” you sigh, pressing a kiss to his cheek. “maybe ask rafe?” “rafe?” topper turns suddenly to look at you. “why him?” “i’ve just… heard talk from some of my friends. he can probably give you some good advice. i don’t know.” you shrug. “maybe it’s something wrong with me.” “no, don’t say that.” topper shakes his head, turning to pull you into him, a hand around your waist.
“you ask your friends and i’ll ask mine.” you give as an option. topper nods, pressing a kiss to your forehead, hoping the next time you’re in his bedroom, it’ll go a lot better.
“what?” rafe gawks at his friend, unsure if he heard him right or if he was going crazy.
“ive never… i’ve never made y/n cum before and i just… i need to know what to do rafe! i’m worried she’s gonna leave me if i can’t get it together and i guess- fuck! i don’t know! just help me out man!” topper paces quickly, bringing his hands to his hair, tugging on it, stressed out of his mind.
“okay, alright, jesus, just clam down!” rafe says, sitting down on the couch, gesturing for topper to sit as well. he’s not sure how long he can keep himself still, already feeling awkward and nervous about not being able to make you cum, only made worse by trying to talk to rafe about it.
“every time i fuck her, i just get so over excited and cum too quickly and i know this is tmi but i just try my best and every time she doesn’t cum and she says its okay but i know it’s really not.” topper blurts out.
“alright, well…” rafe sighs, pushing his hand through his hair. he’s never had this type of issue before with girls. “do you finger her? or eat her out? before you fuck her, i mean.” “i eat her out sometimes.” topper shrugs. “she says my tongue feels good and i can make her cum like that, but not when im fucking her, i just don’t know what to do, i just get so excited and… and i’ve never had this problem with girls before, it’s just y/n.”
“to be fair, she’s hotter than any girl you’ve been with before.” rafe comments. it’s no secret, so he doesn’t feel bad saying it, especially when topper nods.
“she’s way out of my league, thats why i’m sure if i don’t fix this she’s gonna leave me.” topper sighs.
“maybe a demonstration could help?” rafe suggests, making toppers head snap towards him, a look of fury in his eyes.
“you are not allowed to fuck my girlfriend.”
“no, man.” rafe shakes his head. “what if i’m there while you fuck her? then i can give you specifics, and she will know you are really trying. she told you to ask me right?” “yeah, i guess you have a reputation of being really good.” topper cringes at his own words.
“i am. so, let me help you, top. brother to brother.”
rafe understands why topper has such a hard time keeping it together as you lay out naked on the bed, eyes flickering between your boyfriend and his best friend, a cautiously optimistic look on your face.
“go ahead and spread your legs.” rafe says, trying to keep his tone even, to disguise the lust that he feels as his eyes move from your breasts down to between your thighs.
“can you get naked first topper? i feel weird here.” topper was shirtless, but still had his shorts and underwear on, even though he was obviously straining against the fabric. 
“yeah.” topper glances briefly to rafe before tugging them down his hips, letting his cock spring free. 
“so have you ever cum before y/n?” rafe asks.
“yeah, um… with my own fingers.” you cough awkwardly. “and when topper eats me out.”
“its really just when i’m inside of her.” topper says with a thick swallow as your thighs part, opening them wide to show off your pussy, already gleaming with wetness and a peachy pink color that makes rafe want to bend down and bury his tongue inside of your folds, but he has to behave himself, just happy to have this opportunity to see you like this.
“why don’t you finger her first? then you can show me. open her up a little, it’ll help.” rafe instructs.
topper nods, reaching down and pressing one finger against your hole. you tense up briefly before relaxing, allowing topper to push his finger in.
“is she tight?” rafe asks, without really meaning to, but he figures you must be from the way you are squeezed so tightly around his finger.
“yeah, that’s why i can never last.” topper says, thrusting his finger in and out, the slick sounds of his movement squelching throughout the room.
“does that feel good y/n?” rafe asks, eyes flickering up to your face.
“mhm.” you nod, but you don’t feel any urge to moan, needing more. “could add a second, top.” “okay.” topper nods, trying to work a second finger in, but you hiss at the stretch, primarily hurting around your entrance, despite your wetness.
“gotta rub her clit too.” rafe says, reaching over and pressing a fingertip to your clit, rubbing it. you gasp out, not just from the good feeling but from rafe touching you, like he swore to topper he wouldn’t do before he agreed to this.
toppers finger slips easily in once you’ve relaxed to having your clit rubbed. topper looks slightly annoyed, but he stays silent when he sees how much you’re liking it now, unable to hold back your moans. “oh, just like that.” you moan, eyes fluttering closed.
“see if you can add a third.” rafe says, flicking his finger over your clit before going back to rubbing.
“i’ve-i’ve never been able to take more than two.” you sit up slightly, surprised when topper presses a third finger and manages to begin thrusting it inside of you.
“aw, fuck.” you whine, trying to close your legs, but topper holds one thigh open with his hand while rafe grasps the other.
“keep ‘em open, cutie.” rafe says. “gonna cum?”
“yeah, yeah keep going-” you cut yourself off before you can yell rafes name instead of toppers.
“pull out, top.” rafe says, suddenly taking his hand away, making your back arch off the bed as you squirm, trying to chase their fingers, to get them back touching you.
“no, no, no.” you whine when topper also pulls out, leaving your hole clenching around nothing.
“sometimes if you’re struggling having her cum with your cock inside her, you can edge her first.” rafe says, switching easily back to teacher mode.
“should i fuck her now?” topper looks to rafe, before glancing to you, realizing he shouldn’t be asking permission to fuck his own girlfriend, but rafe has that type of energy, that commanding presence that easily makes him in control of any situation.
“yeah, put the condom on though.” rafe glances to the bed where topper threw a condom out of his pocket earlier. while topper slides it on, your focus on him, rafe takes a moment to reach to his crotch, squeezing his cock and begging himself to settle, to calm down.
topper lines himself up with your entrance, placing one hand on your hip as he lines himself up with his other hand, pushing inside of you slowly as you moan, eyes squeezing shut, obviously aroused and feeling good by him stretching you, so rafe is unsure what the issue is, until topper begins to move.
he’s thrusting too rapidly, overwhelming you. rafe shakes his head, “slowly, topper. deeper thrusts.”
topper manages to get control of himself, slowing down but still not thrusting deeper, and rafe realizes its because of the angle, topper not holding himself low enough to properly thrust.
“here.” rafe grabs a pillow, a different one from the one you’re laying your head on. rafe taps your hip and you lift them as he stuffs the pillow underneath. “try now.”
topper scooches closer, now able to thrust much easier, entering you at a far better angle as he takes you repeatedly, still going too erratically, too random.
“on a beat.” rafe says. “gotta fuck her steady, can’t just jackhammer.” “i-i-” topper groans out, pulling out, much to your disappointment as you let out a deep sigh. “i can’t, was about to cum.” “damn, baby, you must be real tight.” rafe glances to you, making you blush and close your legs slightly, which is hard as you are propped up, spread open on display.
“try again, top, it’s okay.” you soothe him, keeping your voice soft and steady.
topper nods, retaking his cock in his hand, pushing it back inside. you nod in encouragement as he moves, already going to shallow and too fast to properly build you up.
“gotta rub her clit too, man. remember she’s already close from getting edged.” rafe tries to instruct, but when topper places his thumb on your clit, his movements are jerky and too harsh, almost hurting as you cringe, but in your displeasure, your cunt clenches around toppers cock and he looses control, moaning as he cums, pumping into the condom.
“shit!” topper shouts out in pleasure, before he realizes you’re looking up at him with disappointment in your eyes. “shit.” he groans again, this time angry with himself as he pulls out in shame.
“it’s okay, top.” you sit up, moving the pillow as you reach out for your boyfriend, or at least attempt to, but he moves away, looking down in shame.
“you’re gonna break up with me now.” toppers voice is sad as he speaks.
“what?” it takes you back, not expecting it.
“you’re gonna break up with me, aren’t you? because i can’t make you cum, you’re gonna leave me? god, i’m so pathetic.” “i can’t believe you think i’m that shallow.” you scoff as topper pulls the condom off and tosses it into rafes trashcan, who is simply glancing back and forth between the two of you. “that i would break up with you over sex?” “you wouldn’t?” topper questions.
“you would?” you question back, growing frustrated. “topper, i let you take my virginity, i can’t believe you thought i would do that just… just go.”
“no, baby, listen.” topper begins.
“i’m not breaking up with you yet.” you tell him. “but i need some space, please just go.” 
topper can’t hide the tears welling up in his eyes, and he doesn’t want to cry in front of you, and especially not rafe, so he pulls his clothes back on quickly and haphazardly before leaving, slamming the door shut behind him.
you sigh, burying your head in your hands. you wouldn’t break up with topper just because of sex, but his reaction to what happened makes you question everything.
“you okay baby?” rafe asks, making you jump, forgetting he was there.
“yeah, sorry, i can leave.” you move to get off the bed when rafe grabs your wrists, making you stop.
“or you could stay.” rafe says, his voice suggestive, as well as the look on his face.
“i-but topper…” “just finishing off what he started. come on, you came here for help anyways. lets see if you can cum when i fuck you.” “i-i guess it wouldn’t hurt to try.” --
rafe finally picks his head up from between your legs, cunt now bright red and covered in mess due to your three orgasms his tongue and fingers brought out of you, deciding to go for overstimulation instead of edging, now that he was the one getting to have you.
“still thinking about topper?” rafe asks, pressing a kiss to your puffy clit, making you whine out.
“no.” you admit honestly, all of your thoughts have been replaced by rafe. “fuck me, please, rafe.”
rafe smirks, standing up and taking his shirt off, pleased that your eyes glaze over as you watch him undress, jaw dropping open when his cock is revealed, already hard and leaking.
“yeah, i know i’m bigger than him.” rafe smirks as he climbs onto the bed. “but i opened you up enough, didn’t i? or do i need to make you cum again?”
“n-no.” you shake your head, already so overstimulated. “i want your cock, i need it.” “he always fucks you in missionary?” rafe asks, wanting to make you cum in the same position that topper couldn’t, proving yet another way he’s superior.
“yeah, we haven’t tried anything else.” you say, leaving out the word yet not sure if you can go back to topper after this.
rafe nods, looking towards his drawer that he knows contains condoms, going to grab one before you speak up suddenly, “you-you can fuck me raw. if you want. i’m on birth control.” rafe can’t help but smirk, nodding as he grabs the same pillow again, placing it under your hips, bringing your tired legs up, thighs falling open.
“tell me if it hurts or if anything doesn’t feel good.” rafe says. he’s sure it’s toppers' inadequacies making you struggle, but just in case he wants to take good care of you.
“mkay.” you nod, hands fisting in the bed sheets as rafe rubs the head of his cock through your sticky folds, making sure to tap against your clit, just to tease you even further.
“gonna fuck you so much better than he ever could. ‘ts why you should be with me instead, baby.” rafe says, not letting you respond or even think too much about his statement as his cock pushes inside of you, making your back arch off the bed.
“oh my god!” you shout out, moaning wildly without care as rafe begins to thrust, deep and hard, hitting spots inside of you that topper has never touched before.
“oh, fuck.” rafe groans out. “you are tight, baby.” your cunt is squeezing him, molding to his walls. “no wonder he cums so quickly.” you shake your head, not wanting to think about topper, not wanting to feel any guilt or regret as rafes hips swing forward, cock pressing against your gummy walls as he moves a thumb to your clit, rubbing it in that same enticing way that made your high build so quickly last time.
“feels really good, rafey.” you moan, raising and lower your hips slightly in time with his thrusts, forcing his cock even deeper inside of you, feeling his hot skin against yours, the first person to take you bare.
“i knew there was nothing wrong with you.” rafe smirks. “already close to cumming, aren’t you?”
despite your body being tired from your three previous orgasms, you do feel another one building in your stomach.
“yeah, thats what i thought.” rafe moves faster, rubbing his thumb more intensely. “nothing wrong with you baby, you are perfect. perfect tight little cunt.” “please.” you whine out, unsure what you are begging for as tears slide down your cheeks, purely from being overwhelmed with pleasure. you’ve never managed more than two orgasms in a night, and he’s close to doubling that.
“cum for me, doll. don’t have to beg. wanna feel that cunt squeezing around me.” rafe encourages you, pumping quickly as he pinches your clit between his thumb and finger before letting go and rubbing quickly, forcing the orgasm out of you as you scream, entire body tightening as your hips rise, high overtaking you as your eyes open to see rafe looking back at you, cocky look in his eye, but his jaw is slackened in pleasure as your cunt spasms around his dick.
“that’s it, good girl.” rafe affirms, thumb now gently touching around your clit, bringing you down slowly as his cock stays lodged deep inside of you.
you shiver as you lower your hips, breath slowly coming back to normal. 
rafe bends over your body, taking your lips in a kiss. you moan into his mouth, his tongue licking against your bottom lip before pushing into your mouth.
“you just came on my cock, pretty girl.” rafe says.
“i know, i loved it.” you hum, eyes sliding shut as rafe kisses your jaw, obsessed with the taste of your skin almost as much as your cunt.
“hmm, so two more? three?” rafe suddenly snaps his hips forward, making you realize he’s still buried inside of you.
“wait, wha-” your question is cut off as rafe straightens, resuming his same pace as if he didn’t just deliver you the most mind blowing orgasm.
“you think i’d be satisfied with getting you to cum just once?” rafe tsks and shakes his head. “we aren’t even close to done.”
taglist: @drewstarkeyslut @rafecamerongirl @f4ll-for-you @dilvcv @drudyslut @jjmaybankswifes-blog @rafescokenostril @jjsmarijuana @jjmaybankisbae @seeingstarks @angelofcigs @cece45450 @babygorewhore @vanessa-rafesgirl @michelleisheres-blog @outerbankspov @drewstarkeyswifehoe @cutielando @kamninaries @buckyswhxre @rafeinterlude @bellbottombaby @deeaardiary @rubixgsworld
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crystallilytarot · 2 months
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MDNI 18 +post
Choose a hairband! The first time they thought about / will think about having sex with you
Pile 1 - flowers
This can be a long distance connection. And in this case, they thought about it before you even meet in person. Feels like they see you in a picture, where you wear some more elegant clothes, maybe you were in the nature, and they instantly thought about seeing you naked. They find you very attractive, very sensual. You are just their type, but also something about you feels mystical, magical for them. If you will meet the first time in person, they will fantasize about having sex with you almost the whole time they travel /drive to meet you. Even if you won't have sex that time, they feel a very big sexual attraction towards you. If it's not a long distance thing, I think they are quite the same, so probably been attracted to you instantly. But you two can go to a little trip together, and on that trip, they will be like constantly turned on by you. Probably even planning how will your first night happen with them. Something about the Moon and the stars can be significant.
Pile 2 - ribbon
It's interesting, because feels like you will do something like speaking in class, doing a project in work, you are in the center of attention. They see you as a smart, confident person. Can be that you help someone, or just you seems nice, even if you are confident, you know, you don't seems to be arrogant. But after maybe you need help with something. I see a scene with a coffee machine or you can't find a book in the library, something like that. And they will find this cute. I think they like to be in control or just sorry for the word, but like a daddy /mommy. So it's not about being very dominant, it's about being caring towards you. They are probably the type who aren't impressed just because of a pretty face. But your personality does something for them. Maybe before this, they didn't fantasized about you, but after that day, it's so sudden, they will want to be with you right there, right at that moment. Infinity symbol can be significant.
Pile 3 - beads
You are either with your family or with friends, so they can't really talk to you, or not so much. Probably they will regret it after. It feels like an event where you are a little dressed up. Can be a party, a wedding, a birthday, something like that. But you will look so beautiful, I would say even sexy, they definitely want to know you better. And TMI, but when they go home that night, they will probably fantasize about you, if you know what I mean... If you are okay with that, you two can get physical at that night, because they are very turned on. It's not even just sex, feels like they imagine a lot of scenarios, wild, kinky, hot. But they don't seems like a one night stand person, so probably they don't want to scare you, and will contact you another time, a better time, but that night you will be unforgettable for them. Something with fire, and number 3 can be significant.
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bloodwrittenballad · 10 months
Satisfaction Guaranteed | Bradley Bradshaw x Reader x Jake Seresin
Summary: Maybe tipsy, tmi confessions aren’t so bad after all
Warnings: Smut, threesome, oral, pnv, swearing, mentions of drinking, readers call-sign is maze, use of the pet name baby like a lot, not proofread. wrote this on a whim. a horny whim. 18+ ONLY, NO MINORS. Please, don’t be a silent reader. Feedback is highly appreciated, so are reblog. Let me know what you think! And if you would like to see more of these three! Enjoy, and happy reading ;)
You should really stop talking.
No, seriously, you need to stop talking. The more you say, the worse it gets. You’re a few drinks in and then bam! Suddenly you’ve decided to spill your guts out - not literally, thankfully - to your two best pals. Jake Seresin and Bradley Bradshaw. Two of the hottest and greatest men you knew had now heard every single thing they ever needed about your sex life. Or, well, lack there of. “Yeah and like, noooone of my exes ever wanted to go down on me. Not one! B-but I’m expected to give them head?! How unfair is that!” You hiccuped, as you dug yourself deeper into a hole.
But what was worse, was that they weren’t even stopping you. Maybe the alcohol was hindering their better judgment too? Either way, you were never going to come back from this. The shit eating smirks on their face and the looks they shared - the ones they thought you wouldn’t notice - only made you feel like more of an idiot as you finally began to rein in your pitiful rambling. “Oh, god, I totally just ruined the mood? Didn’t I?” You said in an embarrassed little squeak, face falling into your hands as you tried to hide from their piercing gaze. “Actually, Maze, I think you just heightened the mood.” Jake said, his voice low. You looked up, hands falling back down to your side as you caught Bradley’s eyes. Maybe it was the one too many drinks you consumed, or the sexual frustration that has been building up for months, but something in the way he was looking at you… fuck, it made you feel like a giddy teenager after a first date.
“Ya know, Maze, I think Hangman is right. I also think you’re right,” Rooster began. He noticed the way your eyes lingered on his face, more particularly, his lips… You gave him a look of confusion, nodding for him to continue. “It is unfair that no one’s repaid the favor of going down on you. Hell, it’s a downright shame.” Oh Christ almighty, you had to be imagining this. There was no way he was actually saying this right now. You could just die of embarrassment right now. “But I’m thinking that could change tonight, if you want it to.”
Okay what? This really, truly could not be happening. “I- Um- Huh?” You barely managed to get out, and Jake chuckled at your response. If now was the time for teasing, he’d say you looked like a fish out of water, with the way your eyes were wide and your mouth hung open as you tried to form words. But, Hangman was feeling nice, so he decided to help you out. “I think what Rooster here is trying to get at, is that he’d like to show you what you’ve been missin’ out on. I would too,” He said with a wink. Jesus fuck.
“Y-you b-both wanna…” you trailed of. “Fuck you? Yeah, darlin’. We do. Real bad, too.” As if Jake couldn’t get any cockier already, this was only feeding in to his attitude even more. “So, Maze, what do you say? How about you let Hangman and I show you how it’s done? Satisfaction guaranteed.” Rooster chimed in with a wink, and if you couldn’t feel your heart racing at a thousand miles per hour, you would’ve figured you died and gone to heaven.
“Okay,” you said. Maybe a little desperately, but hey, they offered.
And that’s how you found yourself in this moment now, with Bradley between your legs as Jake held you against his chest. His strong, tan arms around you for support as you rested your head against his shoulders and moaned out. “Fuck! Bradley, right there!” You cried out, feeling his mustache burning roughly on the soft skin of your inner thighs. It was glorious, like nothing you felt before. Well, really, it was nothing you felt before. But it definitely wasn’t like how you imagined it, or even read about. No, this was so much better. “You like that, baby? Does it feel so good, getting that pretty, needy little pussy taken care of after so long?” Jake hummed low in your ear.
“Yes! Fuck yes! So good!” Moaning out loudly, your thighs clenching around Bradley’s head. Bradley chuckled against your pussy, the sensation only bringing you closer to relief. “You gettin’ close, baby? You gonna come on my tongue?” Bradley asked, bringing his hot mouth away from your wet pussy for just a moment to ask, but still working you with his thick fingers. You nodded, the shine of the sweat on your forehead was like a beacon as he caught sight of your face and the pleasure that was painted on it.
“I’m s’close,” you managed to get out. The grip you had on Jake arms only tightened when Bradley’s mustache made contact with your clit. Dipping your head back in a moan, Jake attached himself to the skin of your neck. Licking, sucking, kissing any and every square inch he possibly could. “Come for me, baby. Come on my tongue, I know you want to.” Bradley encouraged you, his mouth still moving on you so quickly as you approached the heavenly gates of orgasmic bliss, before coming. And hard. “Fuck, shit, oh my God!” you moaned out, swears tumbling from your mouth as your body shook with your release. “That’s it, that’s our good little baby,” Jake spoke into your ear. His words of encouragement not stopping until you touched back down to earth again
And when you finally let out a heavy breath and opened your eyes, that’s when you noticed. Bradley, still sat on the edge of the bed and between your legs, was soaking wet. And the look on his face, was priceless. “Good God, baby, look at the mess you made,” Jake said in a laugh as he looked down at Bradley, who was still looking at you in complete awe. “Damn, baby,” said Rooster as he licked his lips. “I didn’t know you could do that,” you didn’t know either. You’ve never squirted before, but somehow Bradley managed to completely change your world in a matter of seconds. “I-I didn’t either,” you spoke. “That was-” you began, but the two men cut you off.
“So hot,” they said. “Yeah,” you said in a breathy laugh. “You ready for more?” Jake asked, and that’s when you could feel it. His hard on, pressing right against your lower back. “Because I still haven’t gotten my turn, and if Bradshaw can get you to react like that, you can only imagine the things that I’ll do.”
And thus, is how found yourself, yet again, being completely and totally lost in the pleasurable thralls of your two fellow aviators fucking you. Jakes cock was buried deep in you, reaching places no one had before, as Bradley sucked on your neck and toyed with your tits and clit. The room was hot and heavy, filled with moans and skin slapping skin all around as you came once again that night. Yeah, it was safe to say that satisfied was definitely guaranteed.
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hyukalyptus · 4 months
hi hp!! did you know that orgasms could help reduce the feeling of menstrual cramps? 🤓
who among txt do you think would be most likely to… support you this way when you tell them you’re cramping :(
(totally not dealing with cramps right now nope 🤡)
- 🐳
hi!! omg im sorry its been a few days since u sent this in, hopefully ur feeling ok!
but omg! i wrote something about this on my old blog before it got permanently flagged. lemme see if i can find it~
ok..it was LONG long, so i cut it down~ shout out to @peachanonie for the thought in my inbox the first place :}
cw. periods, period sex, cunnilingus on period, period blood, everything about periods, sex toys, penetration (protection not mentioned), pet names (baby), TMI about my personal preferences lmfao.
peach: BEOMGYU!! i think he’d be a bit into bloodplay…. like the idea of it at least. but poor baby wouldn’t like the idea of hurting u like that so he’d never actually indulge cus it’s scary to him :( but! when he reads online somewhere that orgasms can be really good for periods… baby boy gets so curious
keeps reading and finds out ppl get extra sensitive when on their period too and he gets so 😳
at that point it’s just a matter of brining it up to u cus he’s a little shy when it comes to this stuff. tried to gently suggest it next time ur on ur period by hinting at it a bunch “did you know orgasms have a lot of benefits while on your period?” side eyeing you to see ur reaction LMAO he’s so cute.
but ofc ur not dumb and u see exactly what he’s doing… how cute he’d look while u tease him and make him feel small under u while u press kisses to his jaw and sweetly whisper how much you’d love to be pleasured by him if he wants to
as soon as he gets the okay, he’s practically jumping on you. starting at ur boobs and showing them LOTTTTSSSSS of love cus he knows how sensitive ur nipples get on ur period 🤭 wants to hear ur pretty noises so so bad so he doesn’t let up til he can’t take the excitement of eating u out ok ur period any longer.
makes sure everything is clean and prepared for a mess lol and then he GOES TO TOWNNNN. like i think as soon as he sees ur pretty pussy dripping with a mixture of period blood and arousal, he’d be fuckin floored and would dive straight for your clit (knowing it’ll pull the loudest moan out of u). and as soon as he actually TASTES you? instantly humping the bed. i think he’d cum in his pants quite quickly too 😭 poor baby just thinks u taste too good :( it’d turn him on so much. and with how hard you clench around his tongue, mixed with the taste of u in this state, i think he’d even maybe cum twice…… cus i know he’d be going at it for a looooooong time. just wanting to make u feel good and ease ur stress during this painful week :(
and when he finally lets up, he looks up at u with pretty little doe eyes, asking if u feel better and your heart just SWELLS at the sight of him. chin covered in ur release n blood, so so pretty for u….
already has a damp towel ready on the bedside table to clean u both up. and don’t expect him to fuck u after. no no no. all he wants is for you to gently stroke his cock while you lovingly make out, laying facing each other, til he whimpers into ur mouth that he’s cumming. pls pls PLS cuddle him to sleep, he wants to fall asleep with his head in ur chest :( and don’t even think abt getting dressed LOL u can wear underwear if u want cus ur on ur period but he will NOT allow you to get too hot in the night and ruin ur much needed sleep during such a stressful week for u! (it’s totally not because he wants to have a faceful of ur soft bare breasts to fall asleep to)
waking up the next morning to see a sleepy gyu with bed head and pajama pants laying out plates of pancakes for you both is honestly the best part.
service bf beomgyu is my weakness 😔
me: ...peach. peach. PEACH. im in shambles. literally trying to think of anything to add lmao. but...this is soooo beomgyu.
i can totally see y'all sittin on the couch together and he's just scrollin thru his phone and ur just kinda groaning and he asks u what's up. you tell him ur on ur period and cramps are esp bad that day.
and he's like "...i read orgasms can kinda help w that..." and tries being as nonchalant as he can, but u catch on lmao. AND MAYBE! bc i see beomgyu's partner being a lil cheeky—you decide to tease him urself.
"oh ya? i think i heard that somewhere too..." nd u giggle just a bit, hopping off the couch, takin out ur tampon/cup lol, and returning w a lil vibrator. u bend over, ass toward him, slippin off ur pj shorts and he's just o.O then u plop back down, legs spread, spreadin ur lips a bit nd he sees u all wet and a bit bloody...speechless. u wanna tease urself, wanting his tongue to be the first thing that touches ur clit to get that "first touch" moan you know what i mean so u just switch it on, the sound of it alone makin u wet. and u kinda just rub it around your pussy for a bit, but he can't take his eyes off u.
"awe, jealous of my vibrator, baby?" and he just swallows and stutters a bit before he takes over and does everytHING
but i definitely need to write hcs for all of them!!!!!!!!! AAAAHHHH kicking nd squealing bc—my thing (TMI ALERT!!!) with period sex is i like penetration on my period. and i love seeing the bottom of my booty just barely covered in blood afterward. it literally makes me hnnggg. so just thinkin about yj takin someone from behind on their period, booty a lil bit red AH crying ><
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gracev0609 · 5 months
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I Was Born to Love You Pt. 2
Josh Kiszka X Reader
A gracev0609/ losfacedevil collaboration.
Warnings: 18+ only, Minors DNI, Explicit Sexual content, Breeding kink.
What started in @losfacedevil and I's DMs manifested into this little treat.
Without further adieu, here is Part 2.
The sun was beginning to set and the warm glow of the sun coming in through the windows paired with the soft glow of the lamp on the end table was creating the perfect cozy atmosphere. You laid on your plush couch wrapped up in the blankets that were usually draped along the back, and you were on the phone with your best friend Janelle. You two were in the midst of one of your girl chats where nothing was too TMI. As she chatters about getting back in the swing of things, sexually, with her husband Logan after having her first baby, you offered advice the best you could. You decide to bring up, albeit a little excitedly, that you and Josh were currently trying to get pregnant.
“ We've been trying to get pregnant, and I'm not going to lie, Josh has been really into it.” You spoke into the receiver.
“Yeah? What do you mean babe? Of course he's excited.” 
“Well, I told him that I want him to put a baby in my belly and he just about jumped me,” you laughed,” and he's been, like, almost feral for me. It's really hot. I'm not sure what's so different from before.”
Now it was Janelle's turn to laugh.
“Y/N babe, you're kidding, you don't know what's going on?”
“ No, I don't!”
“ Sweetie, that's called a breeding kink. Docile, innocent Joshua has a dirty little kink.”
“Oh, my... that's making a lot of sense.. Janelle, it's seriously so hot, it's some of the best sex we've ever had.”
“ Maybe you have a bit of a kink too, huh?”
“No!, I don't think so, I mean I know I like it when he…” You waved your hand around gesturing so she would understand what you're getting at, even though she can't see you through the phone.
“Y/N, Sweetie. Please don't be so dense. That's bullshit and you know it, I saw the way you two were looking at each other when you visited last. He wants to see you pregnant with his baby as much as you want him to be a Daddy.”
A shy giggle escaped your lips, telling Janelle everything she needed to know.
“So, you really told him to put a baby in your belly? No wonder he's been feral, you're fueling his fire!”
You heard the front door open and Josh come shuffling in after his long day at the studio.
“Hey babe, Josh just got home, I'm gonna have to let you go.”
“Go on, have fun! I'm sure you've been unknowingly teasing the poor man all day.”
“Bye!” You called into the phone before pushing the end call button.
Josh came over to you on the couch, he lifted your wrapped up feet and sat down, putting them in his lap. He gently started rubbing them through the blankets, “ How was your day babe? Mine was so long, I'm glad to be home. We're almost done with the finishing touches on the album, which is exciting, but I really missed you today.”
You thought back on your day, pleasantly revisiting the thing you were keeping a secret for now. On a whim you decided to take a pregnancy test and to your surprise when you unveiled it to yourself you were met with a little plus sign, indicating that you were indeed pregnant. You thought about the little shriek of joy that erupted from your chest and the tears welling in the corners of your eyes. You were dying to tell Josh, but you wanted to make it a surprise for him. Spending the rest of the day you had left, before your chat with Janelle, you spent searching the Internet for ways to let your partner know you were expecting. After looking at cringy idea after cringy idea you decided it would be best to take him to the store and lead him to the baby aisle, and let the pieces fall into place for themselves.
“My day was pretty good, got everything done around here that I wanted to complete. How about we relax the rest of the evening?” You said sitting up and tucking your legs under yourself, bringing your hand to rest in Josh's hair, gently massaging his scalp. He lets out a little groan and relaxes into your touch.
“Feels good baby.”
Hearing the rasp in his voice sent a shiver down your spine and suddenly you were feeling needy.
“Do you want me to make you feel even better?”
His eyes open and a smirk adorns his mouth, “ What do you have in mind sweet girl?”
“Well, I was thinking about riding you, here on the couch. We still have some more practicing to do.”
Rising from the couch you start to undress, allowing his eyes to roam from your breasts, to your stomach, to your core now fully bare to him. 
He lets out a breathy, “ God damn, you're so sexy Y/N. You want me to fill you up baby?”
Kneeling down in front of the couch in between his legs, you unbutton his pants and free his hardening cock.
“Just relax Joshy, let me make you feel good for a little.” You grasped him in your hand, gently pumping his length until it was fully hard. Once you wrap your plush soft lips around his tip, he leans his head back against the back of the couch.
Slowly you bob your head down his length, fast enough to make him feel good, but not enough to get him anywhere.
His whines are music to your ears, propelling your aching need for him at every pitchy note. You brought your lips back up to the head, suctioning his tip, before giving his slit kitten licks making him shudder. He whips his head off the couch, looking you in the eyes.
“Okay, okay! You said you want to ride me?”
You pull his pants and underwear down his legs, and he rips his white shirt off, matching you in your nakedness. Rising to your feet you climb onto the couch, straddling his waist. Hastily you grab his leaking cock and tease yourself with him. Circling his sensitive skin against your clit and down to your weeping entrance.
“Baby, don't you want me to stretch you out-ohhh” his sentence cut off by a moan as you sunk down, inch by inch, until he was nestled deep inside against your cervix. You rested your forehead against his, breathing heavily, taking note of the sting of his thick member stretching you out, his hot red blotchy skin of his muscular chest under your palms. The smell of his skin, notes of his now stale cologne mixed with his natural scent. This was the father of your baby. Josh. Emotion was bubbling in your chest, the love for him so strong you could cry. You removed your face from his, breathing in the cooler surrounding air, you couldn't let him see your emotions running high, it would ruin the surprise. Gently you move your hips, grinding them against his.
“God, Y/N you're so fucking tight. Feels so good baby, just what I needed.”
Josh grips his hands against your hips, his fingertips digging in slightly, as he helps you push and pull against him.
“What are we practicing love? Wanna hear you say it.” He growls into your ear.
“Making a baby Josh. Need you to knock me up.”
His hips buck up into yours, starting his grueling pace. All you can do is curse and moan as he fucks up into your sensitive cunt, he's pushing you both closer and closer to the finish line.
“I'm getting close,” you murmur into the slick skin of his neck.
He brings his hand in between your bodies and expertly rubs your clit, sending you skyrocketing towards your orgasm.
“ That's it love, cum all over my cock. You deserve it baby, such a good girl for me.”
Your eyes roll back and you cry out into his shoulder, pleasure rolling over your body in delicious waves.
He fucks you through it, now chasing his own high, his bottom lip tucked between his teeth,” Gonna cum, gonna fuck a baby in you,” he moans through gritted teeth, “ Gonna make your stomach swollen with my baby. Fuck- I'm cumming, gonna fill you up.”
You feel him pulse and throb inside you, and then you feel the hot spurts of his cum. A feeling you're now hooked on and can't imagine not having again. He grabs your jaw and pulls your lips to his, passionately kissing you as he settles down from his orgasm. 
His eyes flutter open and a smile graces his lips, “ What do you think? Think we made a baby this time sweetheart?”
You match his smile, and have to rein yourself back from telling him, “ I hope so.”
You shakily stand up from his lap and go to head upstairs for a shower to clean up, you smile to yourself as you feel him dripping down the inside of your thigh.
“Oh, lover boy!” You called, poking your head out of the bathroom door. 
Josh had found his way into the bedroom, the thought of having to cook dinner no longer tickling his fancy. He laid sideways across the bed, face tucked safely away into the crook of his elbow, his breathing slow and even. You knew he heard you by the way he lifted his hand in a silent salute. 
“Lover boy is a tired boy.” He chucked, dropping his arm away from his face and slowly pushed himself into a seated position. A soft smile spread across your face as you straightened your back out and you reached for your hair brush. 
“So I know we said we were gonna relax for the rest of the night but I just ran out of my body wash, how does a trip to Target sound?” You called, slowly making your way out of the bathroom and over to where he sat. He rolled his eyes, leaning up to press a soft kiss to your lips. 
“You literally sucked every last ounce of energy out of me through my dick and now you want me to go walk Target for the next hour. Ugh, fine, but only if you drive.” He chuckled, reaching a hand out in your direction for some help up.
“You said we were here for body wash, not for more stuff for Bennie.” He chuckled, slowly beginning to sift through the racks of baby clothes. A soft smile spread across your face as your plan slowly began to fall into place.
Your heart hammered in your chest, just the thought of the words you were trying to form sending you into a nervous spiral. You nodded your head gently, slowly searching the rack for a gender neutral colored onesie. Josh picked out a few and held them up against his chest, showing them off to you. Lifting your hand you pointed at the tiny yellow onesie covered in a duck print that he held and motioned for him to come closer. 
“I mean Janelle did say that Bennie baby needed some new onesies - the formula she supplements with really stains apparently. But we’re not here for Bennie.” You started, proceeding with caution as you plucked the onesie out of his hand and laid it against your own body. 
“Not here for Bennie? Then what? Are you hoping for sparkles and pixie dust to fly off of these baby clothes and help us conceive?” He chuckled, plucking another onesie off of the rack. You giggled nervously, turning your attention to him. 
“I mean, not exactly, but we do have some shopping to do for another little baby.” You were hopeful he caught on as you held the onesie against your stomach. Josh chuckled lightly and reached out, plucking the onesie from your hands. 
“Excuse me? What little baby? Did my brothers tell you something I don’t know?” He chuckled. You rolled your eyes lightly, the wishful pang in your chest that it had actually been Sevda and Jake, something she had confided in you popping into your mind and caused tears to sting the corners of your eyes. Pulling a deep breath in through your nose you held it to the count of ten and steeled yourself and straightened your back. 
“No, not your brothers…. You. Us.  We’re having a baby, lover boy.” You kept your voice soft, not wanting to draw any attention to yourselves. Josh’s eyes grew wide and he closed the distance between the two of you. 
“I’m sorry… WHAT?!” He couldn’t help the volume of his voice and a soft wince kissed his facial features as his outburst drew the attention of the worker near them. He reached up and cupped your cheeks in his hands, peppering soft kisses to your forehead and nose. 
“What do you mean we’re having a baby? THERE’S A BABY IN THERE?! Sorry, sorry I’ll behave. Oh my god… I… I put a baby in you?” He whispered softly, his eyes growing wide as the realization sunk in and his hands flew to your stomach, rubbing them gently over the fabric of your shirt. You nodded gently, tears pooling in your eyes as you leaned your head forward and pressed your face into the mop of curls on top of his head. 
“You put a baby in me, your baby, our baby.” Josh kept his face hidden, a wide grin spreading across his face as he fought back the tears that threatened to pool in his eyes. He slipped his hand up under the hem of your shirt, pressing his warm palm to you skin. 
“There’s a little baby in there… how long have you known?” His voice was barely a whisper, not wanting to share his secret with any of the shoppers around them. You smiled into the soft warmth his hair cast on your face, reaching up to place your hands over his.
“Just this morning, something told me to take a test - you know I don’t track my cycle the way I should honestly. And well… a tiny little plus sign popped up.” You cooed, lifting your head from his and reached up to cup your hand around his chin, lifting his head so you could see his face. 
“I have to tell Jake.” He mumbled, pressing a soft kiss to your forehead before taking off in the direction of the store entrance. 
Jake rolled his eyes as his older brothers name lit up his phone screen. Sliding the answer bar across his screen he quickly tapped the speaker button and continued to pluck away at the guitar in his lap. 
“This better be important dude.” Jake almost growled, unsure of what could be so important as he had just seen Josh yesterday. Josh took a deep, steadying breath tilting his head towards the sky and let his eyes flutter shut. He cleared his throat quietly and counted to ten in his mind.
“Jake listen, you can’t tell mom or dad or Sam or Danny okay?” Jake quirked a brow before placing the guitar in his grasp on the floor and scooped up his phone, quickly turning off the speaker function and pressed it firmly to his ear.
“You didn’t kill anyone did you? You didn’t crash the car? Y/N’s alright, right?” Jakes mind began to move a mile a minute, unsure of what could be so important that he was being sworn to secrecy. He could hear Josh pacing, the sound of the breeze through the line changing every time he turned. 
“No, I didn’t kill anyone or crash the car, yes she’s okay. She is better than okay actually. Jake, you’re gonna be an uncle.” 
Jakes mouth fell open as tears quickly sprang to his eyes and the phone slipped from his hand, clattering to the floor and drawing the attention of his girlfriend, Sevda. She turned her head quickly and her eyes widened slightly at the look of shock on Jake’s face. She made her way over to him quickly and perched herself on the arm of the couch, reaching over to press his jaw together.
“What’s the matter Jake? Who’s on the phone?” She bent at the waist and scooped the phone up off of the floor, tapping the screen to light up the caller ID. 
Josh could hear the commotion on the other end of the line. Sevda remained calm as she tried to shake Jake out of whatever trance he was in. Pulling a deep breath in through her nose she tapped the speaker function on the phone screen. 
“Josh what have you done to break your brother? I think he’s forgotten how to function outside of letting tears stream down his cheeks. Jake, darling what happened?” 
A nervous chuckle escaped Josh as he mentally prepared to say the words once more. Sevda cupped Jakes cheek in her hand and swiped her thumb under his eye to rid his skin of the tears that lay there. 
“Sev, she’s pregnant.” 
A soft gasp escaped Sevdas lips and she turned her attention to the phone in her hand. Another nervous chuckle escaped Josh in the deafening silence, both his brother and sister in law now both shocked by the words that had come out of his mouth. 
“Hey, guys? Can you say something… anything?” Josh chuckled, reaching up to scratch at the back of his neck. He could hear Jake sniffling, and the soft words of encouragement Sevda was muttering, clearly picturing her forehead pressed up against the side of Jakes head as she whispered sweet nothings to him. 
“I’m sorry, it’s just.. I’m so happy for you Josh, you’re gonna be the best dad. And she’s gonna be the best mama, you see how she is with Jade even though she’s older.” Jakes eyes danced across the room to where Sevdas four year old Jade sat and his heart soared with the idea of her having a baby cousin. 
“Where is she, Josh? Can I speak to her?” Sevda asked, her mind reeling with just how she had felt when she found out she was pregnant. 
“She’s shopping for all the babies apparently, I thought we were here for Bennie but I’ll have her call you guys as soon as we get home.” 
Jake pulled another deep breath in through his nose as Jade found him across the room and reached out in his direction. He smiled softly at the little girl and nodded. 
“I’m being summoned to the tea party. Princesses know nothing of their Kings importance. I’m so happy for you guys.” 
“Send her all our love, Josh. We’ll talk to you guys later.” Sevda kept her voice light and sweet as she bid Josh a farewell and hung up the phone. 
A sigh of relief slipped past Joshs lips as he turned on his heel and marched back into Target, his mind reeling with Jakes reaction and how he was going to tell Y/N she made her favorite Kiszka cry. 
A soft smile spread across Josh’s face as he saw the amount of things you had strewn across the cart, things for Bennie and Jade in one pile and a couple little onesies in the other. You were stood in the middle of the aisle with you phone pressed firmly to you ear and a wide smile spread across your face. Josh sidled up next to you and wrapped his arm around your shoulders, pressing a soft kiss to you temple as you quickly finished up your call. 
“I just need you to know  you’ve made your favorite Kiszka cry and Sevda doesn’t know what to do with him now.” Josh chuckled, his eyes landing on the Aunt and Uncle onesies you had found digging around the clearance rack. 
“Janelle next?” He questioned, pointing at the collection of onesies. You nodded enthusiastically, laying out the Aunt and Uncle onesies for him to get a good look at them. 
“Yeah! She’s up for visitors now so we might as well just take advantage of it before she’s too tired or Bennie gets too fussy. Oh! And look - I found a cute cousin shirt for Jade! They didn’t tell my Princess did they?” You joked, turning your full attention to Josh. He shrugged his shoulders, folding the shirt he was holding in his hand and tossed it back into the carriage. 
“Not while I was on the phone, should I have told them not to tell Jade?” Josh’s eyes grew wide as the realization that you may want to tell Jade yourself washed over him. A soft giggle escaped your lips and you shook your head, beginning to push the cart in the direction of the registers.
“Where’s my Bennie baby?!” You cooed, pushing your way through Janelles heavy metal front door. Janelles eyes lit up as you and Josh came into view, small gift bags filled with goodies for both Janelle and Bennie in each of Josh’s hands. 
“He’s my baby. But you can have him, I have to pee so bad!” Janelle joked, pushing herself to stand with her free arm and slowly made her way over to where you stood. A soft smile spread across your face as she handed Bennie over to you and quickly ran off to the bathroom.  
“How do you think she’s gonna react? Do I need to be prepared for tears like when she told you she was pregnant with Bennie?” Josh chuckled, pressing both of the gift bags into one hand and reached up to smooth his hand over Bennies head. 
“She may cry or she may scream and squeeze me to death, only time will tell.” You giggled, leaning down to press a kiss to the baby’s forehead. 
“I missed you my Bennie boo, have you been good for mama and dada? Or have you given them a run for their money?” You cooed, watching as Bennie wrapped his tiny hand around your finger. Josh wrapped his arm gently around your waist and pressed the palm of his hand firmly against your stomach as he hooked his chin over your shoulder. He let his fingers dance slowly over the sliver of exposed sink above the waistband of your jeans and turned his head to press a soft kiss to your cheek. 
“I bet he’s the best baby for mama and dada aren’t you, Bennie? You let mama sleep right?” Josh cooed, jumping lightly at the gentle touch of Janelles hand on his shoulder.
“What is sleep? Chunky monkey is up every two hours to eat to the point I’ve had to start using formula because I just cannot keep up with his demand.” Josh turned his head slightly and pulled back from you a little bit to get a better look at Janelle. 
“For you M’lady.” Josh chuckled, handing Janelle the two gift bags that he was holding in his hand. Janelles eyes lit up as she scooped the bags out of his hand.
“Bennie baby do you see how spoiled you are?! Auntie and Uncle can’t come to visit without bringing you a gift now can they?” Janelle giggled, placing the bags down on the coffee table to her right. She pulled the tissue paper out of the top of one of the bags and reached in, pulling out a single onesie.
“Guys you know this isn’t gonna fit chunky boy right?” Janelle asked, turning her attention to you as you handed Bennie off to Josh. You shrugged your shoulders nonchalantly and tilted your head to the side as she unfolded the onesie. 
“Auntie? Why does this say Auntie?” Janelle spoke, her eyes slowly filling with tears. A soft smile spread across your face as you took a step towards her. 
“There may be a bun in my oven if you catch my drift.” You giggled, placing your hands against your stomach. Janelles eyes grew wide and the onesie slipped out of her hands and fluttered to the floor. 
“You… YOU’RE PREGNANT?!” Janelle closed the distance between you and wrapped her arms around your shoulders, pulling your body tightly against hers. 
“I don’t know how far along I am but that little plus sign stared me straight in the face this morning.” You giggled, reciprocating her hug. 
Josh’s eyes were glossed over as he gently swayed in place, tapping the sleeping baby in his arms on the bottom as he watched you both hug. He pulled a deep breath in through his nose as his mind reeled with everything that had transpired that day. You placed your hands gently against your stomach as you spoke to Janelle, something Josh was actively blocking out as he started to come to terms with what everything meant. You were going to be parents and the whole world was about to change. 
Your hands shook slightly as nerves and butterflies danced in your stomach. You looked over at Josh who smiled back at you like he was sunshine personified. He was driving you to your first OB appointment, maneuvering the road with a bit of extra care. He wouldn't admit it but he was just as nervous and excited as you were. Your eyes glanced down to his small leather bound notebook and pen he brought along and your heart swelled that he was going to take notes.
Josh followed your eyes and softly said,” I just want to be prepared. I want to know everything. I- I want to be a good dad.”
You grabbed his hand off of the gearshift and grasped it in your own, “ You will be Josh. I know it, you are so kind and so loving, this baby is so lucky to have you as their father.”
He pulled the truck into a parking spot out front of the doctor's office. 
His eyes were filled with emotion as he breathed out,“I love you.”
“I love you too Josh.”
He slowly exhales before cracking open his car door,“I guess we better get in there.”
He snatches his notebook before hopping out of the truck, rounding the front to come help you out.
Once inside the office you check in and take a seat in the waiting room. Josh leans over and asks where your paperwork is.
“ I did it online yesterday.”
His brow furrows slightly,” Oh, times certainly have changed.”
You laugh,” Josh you're becoming a dad, not a grandpa!”
He chuckles along with you and fiddles with his notebook in his lap.
Both of your heads shoot up as a nurse calls your name out.
“Come on back sweetie!”
You followed your nurse past many identical rooms until she ushered you to the last one on the left. Closing the door behind you she tells you to take a seat on the bed, and instructs Josh to sit in the chair next to it.
“So on your chart it says this is your first baby, that's so exciting! Congratulations!”
“Thank you, we are so excited!,” you beamed at her before looking at Josh with nothing but love in your eyes.
“Okay Y/N, I'm going to just check your vitals and then your doctor will be in shortly.”
You tried to keep your breathing even as she went through the routine of listening with her stethoscope and using the blood pressure cuff.
“Alright Mama, all looks good, I'll go and let your doctor know you're ready.”
You felt your chest squeeze as the reality of the situation began to set in. You and Josh weren't just playing around anymore, giving into your desires. You were actually going to be someone's mom. You knew deep in your bones you would do anything for the little life in your stomach, you were their mom.
Josh chuckles lightly after the door closes, “ The fan girlies go wild when I say mama. I'll have to start calling you Mama now.”
You shook your head smiling,” I don't know about that.”
A light knock on the door interrupted your banter, and a gentle looking woman with curly grey hair walked in,” Hi Y/N. I'm Dr. Penza, but please call me Nancy,” she extends her hand to meet yours to shake. She turns her attention to Josh,” And you must be dad!,” she offers her hand to Josh.
His face lights up in a beaming smile,” Yes! I'm Josh, it's nice to meet you Nancy.”
“Alright Y/N, let's get into it shall we? All your vitals look great, so when was your last menstrual cycle?”
You think back, noting that you haven't had one this month or last. “We're at the beginning of the month, and I didn't get my period last month, so the middle of the month before that. Maybe 6 weeks ago?”
“Lovely! And when did you see the positive pregnancy test?”
“Last Saturday.”
“Wonderful!” Nancy grabs a pair of gloves and asks you to lay back,” I'm going to do a pelvic exam and then get a look at your cervix.”
Again you focus on your breathing as she pokes and prods, feeling for things you don't exactly understand. You look over to Josh and a soft smile plays on your lips as he is writing in his notebook that he brought along. Nancy takes notice and softly speaks to you,” You've got yourself a good one.”
“Okay, everything is looking great, I'm going to take you down the hall and we're going to do some blood work. Josh you can come along, or stay here depending on how you are with blood,” Nancy laughs lightly, helping you down off the table.
Josh smirks slightly,” Blood doesn't bother me none, I'll go with.”
You pray Josh's innuendo goes over Nancy's head, but alas it doesn't and she remarks,” Oh, honey. You really got yourself a good one.”
Your cheeks flame as you follow her out the door to another area of the clinic for your tests.
Once back in the exam room she instructed you to get back up on the table,” Do you want to see your baby?”
The largest smile landed on your lips,” oh my god yes! Yes please.”
Your doctor wheeled a big machine over from the corner of the room, which you now understood was an ultrasound machine. You leaned all the way back on the bed and Josh came to stand right behind you. He leaned down so your faces could be level. He kisses your cheek tenderly, “ I'm ready to see our little baby. Our little Sunshine.”
Nancy turns off the lights in the exam room and fires up the machine. She resumes her position by your legs and gently rolls up the hem of your shirt,” Now this stuff is going to be a little chilly at first, so I apologize!”
She squirts some clear gel onto your lower stomach and it take everything in you not to flinch at the temperature difference. She takes the wand connected to the machine and places it on your skin, rubbing it around as she looks at the screen,” Ah! There they are,” she points to the blob on the screen,” that right there is your baby.”
Before you can begin to process what you are looking at, a choked sob comes from Josh.
He buries his face in the crook of your neck for a moment, desperately trying to compose himself,” I'm so sorry!” He sniffles,” Fuck, I'm so sorry. It's just that I'm so happy. That's our baby. We created that.”
You look at his face, tears streaming down his cheeks, his eyes are locked on the little blob on the screen. You bring your palm up to cup his cheek,and your thumb softly strokes his face, as you both look at the screen as your doctor explains what you're looking at.
Josh whispers,” This is so beautiful.”
“Do you want pictures of your ultrasound printed out?”
“Please. Is it a bother if we have a few? I want to give some to our family,” you ask her as she wipes the gel off of your stomach. 
Once she returns with your pictures you can't help but zone out, staring at the little jelly bean in your hands as she explains everything else you need to know to you and Josh.
“Alright honey, it was a pleasure to meet you, and Josh, and I'll see you at your next appointment! Take care!”
The both of you walk out of the doctor's office in a haze of joy as you clutch the pictures in your hand, one for each of his brothers and your parents. 
You were quiet on the ride home, mind buzzing. Once Josh parked the truck in the driveway he asked,” Can we go inside and just lay together, let me hold you and love on you for a bit?”
“Joshy, you can love on me all night if you want.”
Stepping out of the hot shower you grabbed a fluffy towel out of the towel warmer Josh insisted you buy. Wrapping yourself in the warmth you definitely weren't complaining about the purchase. Josh was doing everything in his power to make sure you were stress free, between being at your beck and call on his days off, to making dinner, to giving you a foot massage. He insists because according to him, your body growing a baby is stressful enough, and he can take care of the rest.
You walk into the adjoining bedroom, still wrapped in your towel to find Josh walking into the bedroom from the hall.
“Hi my love. I just finished cleaning up from dinner. How was your shower?” Josh asks while grasping his crew neck sweatshirt and slipping it off, leaving him in just his sweatpants.
You grab your lotion from the top of your dresser and start lathering it on your arms and shoulders,” It was nice, just what I needed for my back.”
Josh gets comfortable on the bed, laying all the way back against the pillows with his arm above his head, absentmindedly playing with his hair. 
You let your towel slip from your body to the floor as you continue to lotion your skin. Your hands slide over your chest, and over your stomach before grabbing the lotion and taking it to the edge of the bed so you can prop your leg up.
You catch Josh's eyes as his rake over your form.
“Baby? Come here.”
He pulls you to his side of the bed and places his warm palm against your stomach.
“Sweetie, that's a bump. That's definitely a bump!”
He presses his lips to your stomach leaving soft kisses on your skin.
“I noticed it yesterday, they're getting bigger every day, ” You run your fingers over the soft shaved sides of his head.
He pulls you into his lap and you lay your head on his shoulder as his fingers caress your tummy.
Josh speaks softly,” I think it's a girl.”
“Yeah, I just have a feeling. She's going to be my little Sunshine. So many people have told me that I'm destined to do great things, and for a long time I only thought they were talking about my music. But I think I was also destined to be a father to this little baby. That's the greatest thing I could ever accomplish.”
You shift in his lap so your legs are now on either side of his hips. Cupping his face in your hands you connect your lips with his, instantly parting your mouth and sucking on his bottom lip.
After only a moment of kissing Josh whines and you feel him flex his hips, searching for some kind of friction. He trails hot kisses down your throat, the smell of your body wash and the lotion you just applied overwhelming his senses.
“I can't get enough of you. You look so divine with that little bump. Even more perfect than I imagined.”
Your breath catches in your throat,” How often have you imagined me like this?”
He sucks on the skin at your collarbones,” Every day since we started trying. Multiple times a day if I'm being honest. Makes me so hard, you're so gorgeous.”
Grinding your hips down you now feel him fully hard in his sweatpants.
He groans before speaking,” Get up baby, I need you to see how stunning you are.”
He leads you to the other end of the bed, he strips his pants and sits down on the corner of the mattress, his hard cock bobbing as he gets adjusted.
“Sit between my legs Y/N, back against my chest.”
You sit in front of him, and feel goosebumps form over your skin as your back makes contact with the soft skin of his chest, and his hard cock resting against your ass. Josh softly dances his fingertips over your skin, up your arms, across your chest, down to your swollen stomach. Going back up and grasping your chin in his hand,” Look how beautiful you are Y/N,” his other hand points to the large floor length mirror in the corner of your bedroom.
His free hand comes back to caress your stomach and he whispers in your ear,” So pretty pregnant with my baby.”
You can't even utter a word, your body is aflame with need for your baby's father, all you can do is lean back more against his chest and shift your hips down a bit, hoping he'll take the bait and touch you where you need him to. 
Josh chuckles lightly and places a kiss on your cheek, his hand cradling your stomach comes down between your legs, just cupping your heat. His other leaves your jaw and goes to wrap around your torso, knowing that you'll need the support soon.
Gently he swipes his middle finger through your slick, up and down, just barely brushing into your clit. Your eyes flutter closed as you melt against his chest.
“Keep your eyes open babydoll.”
You open your eyes again and find him staring back at you in the mirror with a smirk on his lips.
“It feels too good Josh.”
He growls,” I've barely touched you yet.”
His pointer finger and ring finger hold open your lips, and you both can see your pink skin peeking in the mirror. His middle digit runs through your slick yet again until he finally rubs a tight circle over your clit. You breathe a sigh of relief as he touches you where you need it the most. Your hips subconsciously buck up into his hand. He can't even reprimand you as he's too busy enjoying the sight of you grinding and squirming in his arms in the mirror.
“Gonna cum soon,” you murmur.
“Such a good girl, let me watch you baby.”
His fingers circle over your clit faster and you clutch onto his forearm that's draped across your body.
The fire in your stomach spreads through your whole body as you moan his name, cumming hard.
You turn your head to look at his face,” Let me ride you, I wanna watch in the mirror.”
With that he positions himself further back on the bed,” Climb on sweetness.”
You go to straddle him reverse and he stops you,” No baby, I want to look at that pretty little tummy.”
Before you can even protest that you won't be able to see he shifts again on the bed so now you'll both be able to look to your left and see in the mirror.
Straddling his hips you grab his cock, stroking him softly before smearing the precum across his slit with your thumb making him shudder. You tease him a bit more before sliding him between your legs and sinking down on his length. Sitting there for a moment as your body adjusts to his size, his hands come up to caress your stomach once again.
“I just can't get over it. You're so, so beautiful.”
“I love you Josh.”
You place your hands on his chest and start to grind your hips. You sigh, feeling so full. After a few minutes of rocking Josh snakes his hand between your bodies to rub your clit again knowing he's not going to last much longer. You clench around him and he groans, an almost pained, “ You're close?” slips from his lips.
He feels you flutter around him as a feral moan escapes from your chest and he lets go, fucking his cum into your sensitive cunt. He lets you ride out your orgasm to completion even though he's clenching his jaw through the overstimulation.
You collapse forward into his chest breathing heavily into his sweaty skin.
He gently pets your hair and praises you for being so good for him. You close your eyes and focus on the feeling of him growing soft inside of you still, his cum oozing out from where you're connected.
“I need another shower,” you speak into his skin. 
He chuckles and you feel it rumble in his chest,” Let's get you cleaned up love.”
He helps you up and back into the bathroom. Once the water is hot enough he steps in, extending his hand for you to grab. Josh reaches above his head and grabs the detachable shower head so you can have your own stream of hot water, and you mindlessly rinse away the mess you made. Josh squirts some of your body wash into his hand and rubs his palms together. Wordlessly he starts washing your body with care. His hands pause on your stomach and his eyes flick up to meet yours,” My beautiful girls.”
His smile beams, highlighting his perfect smile, the one you pray that your baby gets.
You and Josh were having a lazy afternoon with nothing to do but watch whatever movie he had desired. Both of you were wrapped up in the blankets on the couch, him in nothing but a pair of grey sweatpants and you in an oversized t shirt.
“Baby, I could really go for some ice cream,” you told him as he softly ran his fingers over the soft skin of your calf, “ ooh and some cheddar sour cream ruffles.”
“Having a craving sweet girl?” Josh asked, pulling out his phone and opening the app for delivery service.
You brought your hands to your stomach, caressing your large bump, “ She really wants Ben and Jerry's Cherries Garcia.”
Josh added every sweet and savory treat you wanted to the cart and hit check out,” It'll be here in 15.”
You smiled to yourself as you knew he paid extra for priority. You once again became engrossed in the film he had playing on the tv and soon enough your doorbell rang signaling that your treats were here. He rose from the couch and went to retrieve the goodies, you couldn't help the giggle that escaped your lips when he came back in the room with three bags from the local grocery store.
“You ordered so much!”
He took everything out of the bag and set it up on the coffee table in front of you before running to the kitchen to grab a spoon for your ice cream.
“Needed options in case Sunshine changes her mind on what flavor she wants”
You popped the safety seal and dove right in, moaning when the florally sweet ice cream graced your taste buds. Josh leans over and kisses your stomach, “ Did Daddy pick the right kind?”
You smile and nod your head, grateful for your partner's care.
He kisses your stomach a few more times, “ Ya know, I'm kinda craving something right now too.”
You take another bite of your ice cream and reply with a full mouth, “ Damn, you should have ordered it babe.”
“I don't need to order anything, just lean back and eat your ice cream.”
Josh pushes up your shirt to expose the skin of your stomach and his eyes hone in on your bare core. He lightly trails kisses down your now stretch marked skin, nipping every once in a while. You watch him in awe, the arousal pooling in between your legs getting harder to bear.
“Eat your ice cream Y/N.”
You shifted your hips down a little more, propping up the pint where your breasts meet your stomach, taking another spoonful of the sugary sweet.
Josh's hands settle in the crease of your thighs gently spreading your legs for him. He rests his head on the inside of your thigh and breathes you in deeply. 
He murmurs into your core, “ I can smell how aroused you are.”
Your clit throbs at the words leaving his sinful lips, knowing you're moments away from having them wrapped around it.
He leans his head in more, his soft curls tickling the sensitive skin of your inner thighs, and licks his tongue through your folds. He moans the second he tastes your arousal on his tongue.
“ God, you taste so good, I'm so hard already.”
The glorious warmth of his tongue laps at your labia, his tongue thoroughly lapping at every crease, babying one side and then the other. He works his way up your slit, purposely neglecting your throbbing clit. He knows that you need him to suck it into his hot mouth, to cradle her with his tongue. 
Finally he pulls your aching bud in between his soft plush lips, sucking gently at first.
You groan and decide to discard your Ben and Jerry's, destined to be forgotten about on the coffee table.
His tongue slowly rolls over your clit, he's taking his time, making sure you fully feel every sensation.
You can't see much of him due to your protruding baby bump, but you can see the slight rise and fall of his ass as he's grinding his painfully hard cock into the couch.
He slides his fingers through the slick between your legs, thoroughly coating his middle and ring finger, before prodding at your entrance that is begging to be filled by any part of him. Gently he inserts his fingers, slowly sliding them in and out of your hole. You groan and clench, begging him for more.
He curls his fingers up and starts sucking your clit harder into his mouth. His lips tighten around your bud as his tongue continues to roll around it.
“I'm so close Josh.”
He hasn't dared take his mouth away from you, only wanting to push you to your orgasm faster.
One final curl of his fingers and a lick of his tongue and you're crying out, cumming hard on his face. Through your haze you hear him moan, the way you've heard thousands of times throughout the years, the way he moans when he's cumming.
Your chest is heaving as you come down from your incredible high. The sinful combination of your sweet treat and his skilled tongue leaves you incredibly satisfied.
He gently pulls his fingers from you, sucking them clean, and then he gently licks up your release from between your legs, careful to not overstimulate your sensitive skin.
You lean up and you're able to see his face again. His cheeks are flushed red, and his lips and chin are shiny with your juices. His eyes are a little droopy, high on pleasure.
“Did you…”
A sheepish smile adorns his lips as he rises to his knees, a large wet spot now sits on the front of his sweatpants, making the fabric a dark grey.
“I- uh..”
You stare at the stain on his pants and breathe, “ That's so hot babe.”
“ I couldn't help it, you're so beautiful. I love worshiping you.”
You stand up from the couch and grab his hands, pulling him up with you.
“I'm going to need you to get ready for round two, lover boy.”
He chuckles as he follows you through the house towards your bedroom.
His eyes are locked on the little peek of skin he can see when the fabric of your shirt swishes. The smallest glimpse of your ass cheeks. Once you reach your bedroom you turn to face him and pull your shirt off, his eyes study your body, he admires the changes you've gone through since becoming a mother. Your breasts are a bit heavier, your stomach swollen with his baby, dotted with stretch marks that you don't hate because your body is changing for your growing daughter. 
“ I need you to fuck me deep, baby.”
He pulls down his now soiled sweats, his length already starting to harden once again.
“Go lay on the bed sweetheart, I'll be right over.”
He grabs the waterproof sex blanket from the closet you've invested in since this activity has gotten messier than before. He comes to find you on the bed on all fours, back arched. Josh swallows thickly when his eyes trace the curves of your figure.
“You're going to kill me,” Josh mutters.
He makes his way to the head of the bed and grabs a few pillows, he covers them with the blanket and spreads the rest of it out.
You watch him inquisitively, cocking your brow up as to ask him what are they for?
“It's so you have something to brace yourself on. If your arms get tired, I've gotta make sure my girls are safe.”
He leans in and kisses your temple.You position yourself hovering over the pillows like Josh instructed, and lean down into them while wiggling your ass in the air. You call to Josh over your shoulder, “ Come on Daddy, I need you inside me.”
A shuddered breath escapes his lips, and you feel the bed dip under his weight as he positions himself behind you. His knuckles brush against your ass as he pumps himself in his hand a few times. A sigh erupts from your chest as the soft pillowy head of his cock makes contact with your wet slit, he glides himself up and down coating himself in your arousal.
You feel him shudder slightly before pressing himself at your entrance, slowly entering you, letting your body stretch against his. Once he was fully sheathed inside your warm wetness you feel his large palms glide up your back to your shoulders. He gently kneads the muscles of your back paying special attention to your lower back, which he knows has been feeling a lot of strain lately. He rubs his thumbs in circles over the taut muscles and you just about collapse forward into the pillows. After a few blissful moments of relaxation he moves his hands further down, kneading the flesh of your ass beneath his palms. 
“Can you start to move Joshy? I want it.” You whine from the pillows.
“Shhhhh Y/N. Just let me worship you. Just focus on the feeling. I'm rubbing away the pain as my cock stretches you out. Feel me deep inside.”
You groan as you know he's right. You relish the way he fills you so completely. How you're connected as one. You feel his love radiating off of him, he's caring for you in ways no man has ever done before, and no man will ever do besides him. 
Gently Josh rocks his hips forward, unable to deny himself any longer. The slow drag of his cock hitting all the right spots makes you groan yet again.
“That's it sweet girl, just take it. You take me so well.”
His hands slide from your hips down to caress your stomach. Josh leans forward to check in on you,” Doing okay Mama? You still feel good?”
You pant, “ Feels so good Josh. I love you.”
“I love you too Y/N,” he pointedly thrusts his hips in an achingly slow rhythm. 
A chorus of praises including good girl, and beautiful goddess slip past his lips like a mantra as his slow pace gently guides you to your ends.
The knot in your stomach is tightening as his hands find your hips, fingertips digging in tight.
“You're almost there, I feel you fluttering around me.”
You cry out as your orgasm takes hold, blissfully washing over you.
“I'm there too baby, gonna fill you up, fuck,” his pace faulters and he chases his orgasm quickly drilling into you as his fingers dig even further into your hips. Josh moans lowly as his cock throbs and spurts his cum, painting your walls. 
“Fuck…” he drapes his body over yours, his forehead resting on your back.
Gently he pulls out his softening cock, hissing at the cool air. He peppers kisses on your back before guiding you to lay on your side. You giggle as your limbs feel like wet noodles.
“I'm ready for a nap now,” you told him sleepily. Sex always relaxed you and made you tired, but even more so now that your body has been making a little human.
“Rest baby, I've got you.”
Josh pulls you into his chest, ready to indulge in a nap himself.
After just shy of a two hour nap you wake up feeling gross and sticky still laying on the blanket that housed your mess.
You tap on Josh's chest trying to wake him as he continues to snore away. He quickly intakes a breath of air,” Hi baby. Sleep good?”
You laugh gently at his quick response as if he wasn't in a deep sleep, “ I did, but we're all gross I need a shower”
You raise up slowly and scoot to the end of the bed trying to maneuver your body out.
“Do you want my help?” Josh asks, watching you struggle, silently wishing you could remove and reattach your baby bump when convenient.
“No, if I can't do it now, I'm going to be SOL when she gets bigger.” You tell him, sitting on the edge of the bed catching your breath a bit.
He smirks to himself at your independence, guessing that his daughter will take after you in that aspect.
Josh follows you into the bathroom and turns the shower on nice and hot. He sits down on the covered toilet seat watching you as you admire your bump in the floor length mirror.
He furrows his brow and asks,” What's that?” Pointing to the little black and blue marks on each of your hips framing your stomach.
You blush slightly, “ They're bruises.”
You walk over to where he sits as you know he's going to want to inspect them.
He traces his fingers over the purpleish dots, “ I did this? Are you okay? I'm so sorry baby, I didn't realize I was gripping you so tightly.”
He starts fussing over you, “ Joshy, it's okay! I like it. I liked how I got them and I certainly like seeing them. Don't get upset, please.”
He places his hands on your stomach and places his lips to the bruises on your hips, his facial hair tickling your skin, “ I love you so much”
He kisses each bruise before placing a kiss to your bump, and that's when he feels a small push against his palm and he freezes. His eyes grow wide and a smile grows on his lips,” Was that what I think it was?”
You can't contain your smile either as you lock eyes with him, “ That was a baby kick, honey. She kicked for the first time.”
He presses his lips against your stomach yet again,” Hi my little Sunshine, I felt you! Daddy loves you so,so much. I can't wait to meet you.”
Josh stands and wraps you in his arms,” God, I can't wait to meet her, and hold her against my chest.”
“You know, we still have to name her.”
Josh scoffs lightly, as if you didn't know already, “ Her name is Sunshine. She's the light of my life, I think it's fitting.”
“Joshy, no, that's too peace and love and all that.”
He shrugs his shoulders, “ I'm going to call her Sunshine regardless.”
You roll your eyes lightheartedly as you step into the shower, him following right behind.
Josh and Jake were always going over to one another's house throughout the years you've known them, so it wasn't a surprise when you came home from the grocery store to see Jake strumming a guitar on your couch.
He set the guitar down,” Hey Y/N, do you need help with bringing in the bags?”
You sat down onto the couch next to him, “ Actually, yeah if you could. Shopping really took it out of me.”
Without another word he got up and went to retrieve your groceries.
Josh came back into the living room with two cocktails in his hand,” Hey baby, that was quick, I'm glad you're home.”
Jake came back in, armloads of plastic grocery bags in his arms,” Yeah, he wouldn't stop checking his phone, he was very worried about you going to the store by yourself.”
Josh opens his mouth to protest, but couldn't find the words since Jake was right.
Jake turns his attention to you, sitting back down on the couch to your right as Josh sits to the left, “ How have you been feeling,Y/N?”
“Not too bad, mostly just tired. I'm officially 5 months along now, I feel like she's getting bigger every day.”
Jake chuckles lightly, “ I mean, she kinda is isn't she.”
Josh sets his drink down and moves his hand to lay flat against your bump, “ The other night we felt her kick for the first time and it was the coolest thing Jake.”
Jake smiles at his twin.
“ Come on Sunshine, I know you want to kick your little feet out for us,” Josh cooes.
“Babe, I don't think she's going to do it on command.”
As the words leave your mouth, you feel your baby press on the right side of your stomach. Quickly you grab Jake's hand and press it over the area she's nudging, next to Josh's palm.
“Holy shit,” Jake whispers. His eyes widen as he looks at Josh. You notice Jake's eyes soften and he leans in and places a gentle kiss on your temple. He looks at you, “ You're so beautiful,” his gaze shifts to your stomach and then to Josh,” This is so beautiful. Thank you for letting me experience this with you.”
“Jake-” you start.
“I just, I just love you guys okay?”
He removes his hand from your stomach and you wrap your arms around him instead, “ She's going to love you so much, you're her Daddy's other half.”
Pulling away from you slightly, he wipes his under eyes, “ Damnit Y/N, don't make me cry.”
It was later on in the evening after Jake left to go back home to his love Sevda, when you decided to make a quick pasta dish for dinner. 
You were sauteing the onions and garlic on the stove when you felt Josh's hands wrap around your frame and settle on your stomach. He rests his chin on your shoulder as his fingertips work their way underneath your shirt caressing your skin softly.
“Hey Mama, dinner is smelling really good,” he murmurs into your shoulder, “ I've been doing some research.”
You cock your head, turning to look at him before adding the tomato sauce into your pan,” Research? What for love?”
He rubs gentle circles over your bump as he continues speaking,” Well baby, you've made me quite aware that you aren't thrilled with the idea of Sunshine being her legal name.”
“So I've been scouring the Internet for names that mean Sunshine, and I've found the perfect one for our baby.”
“ The perfect one? Let me hear it.”
“ It's a Polish name meaning serene, shining light, or sun ray.”
“ Joshy, tell me the name!”
You smiled immediately, you imagined your daughter, beautiful brown eyes with a smile just like her father's, Halina.
“It's beautiful. I love it babe.”
“ You do?”
You turned to face him,” I really do. It's a beautiful name, you picked it with so much care. And besides, you're going to call her Sunshine anyway.”
He chuckles, “ You know, you're probably right.”
Months slipped by in the blink of an eye, quicker than you had ever thought possible. Your bump had grown substantially, causing every other part of your body to be in pain. Your hands flew to your back as you pushed yourself the best you could to stand from where you were perched on the couch. Josh's eyes never leaving your form as you waddled somewhat uncomfortably down the hall.
“You okay?” He called, flashbacks of the night prior dancing in his head, not wanting to upset you if you weren’t in need of help. 
“Just wanna bath is all.” You called back, trying to stretch out your sore body the best you could. In the blink of an eye Josh was at your side, helping to lower your body down onto the closed toilet lid before he went to work drawing you a bath. You watched on with adoration in your eyes, the man taking the best care of you. 
“I can do it Yknow.” You grumbled, fighting for every ounce of independence you could still grasp onto. He rolled his eyes softly, pouring a cap full of your favorite bubble bath into the stream of the faucet. 
“I know you can but I don’t want you to. C’mon, up.” He chucked, holding his hands out for you to grab and hoisted yourself up with his help. Josh made quick work of stripping your clothes, making a point to fold them neatly and place them on the toilet lid - the comfy clothes being the only clothing you felt comfortable in. 
Josh helped you step into the tub, holding your hand securely. A soft sigh slipping past your lips as you lowered yourself gently into the scalding hot water. Josh sat on the floor next to the tub, resting his arms against the cool porcelain and dipped the tips of his fingers just below the waters surface. 
“How was your day, darlin?” Josh drawled, his mind wandering as you told him about the chores you completed and how many times Halina damn near made you throw up. His eyes remained locked on your side profile and he bent forward slightly, plucking the folded wash cloth off of the side of the tub and dunked it into the water, laying the now warm cloth over your bump. A sigh escaped you as the cloth warmed your skin and you reveled in every palm full of water he trickled over the cloth. 
“She’s kicking, she likes that.” You cooed, reaching out to wrap your hand around Joshs’ wrist and placed it flat against your bump, giggling as she kicked right in the middle of his palm. 
“You kicking daddy, Sunshine? Don’t worry I’m keeping mama warm so you stay warm.” He chuckled, rubbing his hand over the washcloth to create a little more warmth. Your eyes fluttered shut, enjoying the way Joshs hand felt against you. 
“You’ll never guess what Sam did today,” Josh started, slowly spiraling into a soft rambling about his day at the studio. Sam’s shenanigans causing giggles all around while Jake - ever the business man - lost his mind because they were too busy playing around. Your head started to twinge, too many thoughts whirling about it, and Joshs voice wasn’t helping your head.
“I love you babe, but can you just shut the hell up for one god damned minute?!” Your voice was louder than you meant for it to be, the words echoing off of the bathroom walls as they slipped past your lips. Joshs eyes grew wide and his shoulders trembled as he pulled back slightly and he averted his gaze to the water. He continued to gently trickle warm water onto the washcloth covering you. 
“I… I’m sorry.” You mumbled, your bottom lip matching the quiver of your voice as your eyes filled with tears. Pushing yourself to sit you turned your head in his direction and placed a soft kiss to his forehead. Josh nodded slightly and pulled back, reaching over for the hand towel hanging over the corner of the sink to dry his hands. 
“It’s okay, sweetness. I’ll go clean up and leave you alone for a bit if that’s what you want.” A soft but sad smile spread across his face as he reached out and placed a reassuring hand against your back. You shook your head vehemently, reaching out your damp hands to curl them into the fabric of his shirt and pulled him closer to you. 
“No! I’m… I’m sorry I didn’t mean to snap. My head it… there was just a really sharp pain went through my head and it felt like an ice pick.” You couldn’t help the tears that spilled over your eyelids as you buried your face in his chest. 
“What do you need, sweets? Do you want to get out and go lay down? Do you wanna stay here? Do you want me to leave you alone?” He kept his voice soft and sweet, knowing she needed the gentle nature rather than his upset. 
“Can you help me get out and maybe cuddle with me? Please?” You bottom lip jutted out in a pout as you held your hands out in his direction, a silent request for his help. He nodded again and stood, grasping onto your hands to steady you as you stood and wobbly stepped out of the tub. Josh wrapped the towel he had set aside gently against your shoulders and stepped aside for you to leave the bathroom. 
A sad sigh slipped past your lips as you perched yourself on the foot of the bed, your eyes never leaving Josh as he made his way over to your nightstand and grabbed your favorite lotion. Tears prickled the backs of yours eyes as you realized that he was going to rub your legs, lotioning up the already soft skin - something you felt you didn’t deserve after snapping. 
“You don’t have to.” You mumbled, wrapping the towel you held even tighter around your shoulders. Josh shook his head gently and made his way over to you, tossing the bottle of lotion down next to you and let the rest of your clothes fall to the bed, holding your shirt in his hand. 
“Here, let me help you before you get cold.” He mumbled, crumpling the shirt up in his hands and slipped it easily down over your head, pulling it out so you could slip your arms into the sleeves. Your bottom lip sat in an almost permanent pout, watching as he knelt down in front of you and pressed a soft kiss to your bump, running the hands he had just covered in lotion over your now stretch mark covered skin. 
He sat back against his feet, letting his hands trail slowly down the length of your thighs, massaging the taut and overworked muscles. Your eyes fluttered shut at the feeling of his hands on you and you leaned back against your elbows, supporting your upper body weight as he slowly worked his way down the length of your legs. 
Josh fought the urge to press his lips against every inch of skin he could reach, opting to kiss up the length of your inner thigh. Your arms had finally given out and you laid spread eagle on the bed, exposing your center to his hungry eyes. He caved in to the primal urge burning deep in his chest and pressed a soft kiss to your core, pulling the softest gasp from your throat. 
He placed a kiss against your clit, pulling back just enough to sneak his tongue out and caress the sensitive bud of nerves with the tip of it, causing your legs to jolt. A soft chuckle rumbled in his chest as he slowly began to work over your core, paying close attention to your clit. Your hand snaked down towards where he was nestled and you threaded your fingers through his hair, holding him in place as he worked his tongue in tight figure eight patterns around your clit. The build up in your stomach tightened quickly, the sensitivity from the hot water you had been soaking in still clinging to the bundle of nerves. 
With one flat lick of his tongue from your entrance to your clit, your legs wrapped around his head of their own accord as the band in your stomach snapped and your orgasm washed over you in waves of pleasure. A soft smile spread across your face as he removed himself from your core and wiped his mouth on the towel you had once been wrapped up in. Josh made quick work of slipping your underwear and pants back onto your body and stood, holding his hands out to help you sit back up. 
“Scoot up, let’s get some rest, okay?” Josh cooed, place a soft kiss to your waiting lips. You did as you were told and slowly made your way up to the the top of the bed. Josh made his way around to his side and laid down, reaching his arm out for you. Slowly you curled up against his side and pressed a soft kiss to the side of his neck. 
“I’m sorry for snapping.” You mumbled, fighting the new tears that were prickling at your eyes at the thought of yelling at him. Josh shook his head pressing a soft kiss to your temple. 
“Shhh, get some sleep my girl, you need every wink you can get.”  
With that you kept quiet as your breathing eventually evened out and you slipped into peaceful slumber while his fingertips traced patterns up and down your spine.
Part 3.
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aquaquadrant · 2 months
I was wondering if you had an estimated date of when you will post the next HTP chapter?
Like, leaving us on such a cliffhanger must be a crime! It cant be legal!
Anyways, while I wait for it, Ive decided to copy paste every chapter into a doc and mark it up color code style for all my over analyzing needs. It took me an hour but it was worth it.
Have a good week and take care :)
(This is meant to be genuine, not mean or passive aggressive, just so you know. While I indeed am anxiously awaiting Chapter 10 by highlighting the chapters on a doc like that one photo of a bible page that’s highlighted with different colors. This isn’t meant to be mean or pressuring, take your time and take care of yourself)
⬆️(Ah poo, Im an over thinker
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hey there, no worries y’all- i love seeing my reader’s enthusiasm and it’s reassuring to see continued interest in the series. i’d been hoping to have BOTH of the final ‘from eden’ chapters done before summer. but i have to admit, progress on the next chapter hasn’t been as forthcoming as i’d expected, for a couple reasons.
the first is health-related. not to be too TMI, but i recently got diagnosed with crohn’s disease. my symptoms started ages ago but have really ramped up in the last couple months, and the diagnosis was a lengthy and involved process (started the hunt back in november, presumptively diagnosed after a colonoscopy in feb, definitively diagnosed when biopsies came back over spring break) and even when i was simply waiting for results, it occupied a lot of my mental capacity. and ofc it happened to line up with me turning 26 and needing new insurance, which has caused lots of delays. anyone dealing with the american health care system while chronically ill will tell you it’s a frustrating, exhausting process. as of right now, i’m still waiting to start treatment 🫠
but honestly, even more than that, the biggest thing stopping me from writing is… me? 😂 so there’s this thing that happens after i post a chapter that’s like… decision paralysis? except it’s just that sometimes, i literally can’t bring myself to start the next chapter. it’s like, i have this unfounded fear that all my writing up until this point has been some magical fluke out of my control, and i’m not capable of ‘pulling it off’ again. i guess you could call it a form of imposter syndrome (which i already encounter enough in my vet school life). it gets worse after posting something that was a particularly massive undertaking or was insanely well-received bc i’m scared i won’t be able to top it- even though the impact of storytelling is supposed to be cohesive, and it’s unrealistic for every chapter to be ‘bigger and better’ (what does that even mean?) than the last one because they serve different purposes at different points in the story. i know this, rationally, but that doesn’t stop the irrational fear of failure from making me avoid writing.
i’m not sharing this to make excuses or garner sympathy, or fish for compliments, and certainly not to make anyone feel guilty for asking about updates. i just feel like maybe this will resonate with anyone who has the same experience. and also to share hope, because despite how often this feeling rears its ugly head, i’ve still been able to push through and get back to writing- and i’m always very happy with the result. sometimes it just takes longer than i’d like (pro tip: writing on ur phone is less intimidating, tho it’s more of a pain). but in any case, the next chapter of ‘from eden’ is well underway and i still hope to have the series done before summer’s end^^
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
Josuke Fluff Alphabet
requested by: anon
based on this post
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He's an adventurous and goofy guy, so I feel like he's got two ways that he enjoys hanging out with you. One would be just finding new places. By that I mean he would literally just take you to random places in Morioh and you would always find something new every single time. Next would be just hanging out at home or getting food. He likes video games so he definitely wouldn't mind having a player two and just eating junkfood before cuddling on his bed and having his mom wake you guys up yelling for you to get out lolol
Omg everything lolol. But what struck him first was not your looks but your personality. He heard you make one joke and nearly lost it lol. Like he was so attracted to who you were as a person that when he really got to know you by your looks, he fell head over heels
Even though this guy can have his fair share of anger issues, we have seen more than once how level headed this guy can be. He can sense emotions on others and know when to help them but also when to leave them alone. Feel free to tell this man how you would prefer to be comforted early in the relationship because he will treat you exactly how you prefer to be treated. He wants more than anything to help you the way you need it! Also, he will more than likely get you a teddy bear <3
I feel like one of his dreams is to travel the world, so to do that with you would mean the world. He wants to know more about the Joestar family too, so I think he would want to meet people like Jolyne and maybe even Giorno when he hears about him, so you two end up going to a lot of places together. But yeah I feel like for him traveling the world with someone he loves would honestly be his everything <3
I feel like you both are very equal! Not one of you is more dominant than the other, but one can take the leader role when the other is feeling down. You help charge each other's batteries as to not tire yourselves and it's honestly amazing
Okay, this might be Josuke's weak point tbh. This man has anger issues, we've seen how he reacts to his hair lol. Now, he doesn't get angry at you often, pretty much almost never! But when you do fight, he gets this ego where he feels like he's right. This can cause you guys to fall out for a couple of days and it sucks. But after a while, he does come around and he apologizes first and IMMEDIATELY forgives you when you apologize. This doesn't happen often, but when it does, it kinda sucks for sure
You two are a team constantly working together and Josuke never fails to notice this <3 He knows how hard working you are and how much you do for him to make him happy. He will show his gratitude through words and acts of service I think. But more than anything, he is grateful to you because you not only bring him so much happiness but a lot of fun too <3
Nope. He will NEVER hide anything from you. He doesn't give a crap if you look through his stuff either, not that you will, but he really wouldn't care. He is SUPER loyal and will even tell you tmi stuff LMFAOOO. You're like Josuke I didn't need to know that and he'll just be like, we're partners, aren't I supposed to tell you everything?!?!?
Honestly, you didn't change him much. He never stopped being the goofy guy you met and that's a good thing! He didn't feel like he needed to change for you and he didn't want to make you feel like you had to change for him. You two have gotten through a lot together and every day you inspire him to wake up the next morning with something to smile about <3
He can, yes. lol. He thinks you are the most beautiful person in the world and know that other people may think that, which can make him a little insecure, so when he sees you talking with other people sometimes he will get a little down in the dumps. Just remind him how much you love him with a kiss on the cheek two minutes later and he is right back to being Josuke!
OMG YES! Have you seen those lips????? Like mans knows how to kiss frfr. He will hold you by your back and pull you close before smiling into the most perfect kiss in the world every single time. How does he do it??? We may never know. The first kiss though was great! You two were on one of your adventures when you started dating and in the middle of the woods or something he just pulled you close and told you how much he liked you and gave you a kiss on the cheek. You had to be the one to pull him down by his collar for the real kiss tho lolol
He told you in a library LMFAO. You were studying or something and Okuyasu just told Josuke to go for it. He sat down next to you and whispered, "Hey, you're pretty cute... would you mind getting a coffee or boba sometime?" How could you say no to that?
I think he likes the idea, but he doesn't want to rush. I feel like it would take him a really long time to propose. Not because he doesn't love you because he loves you so so so so much but because it just took him a little. He didn't want to rush into anything and really just enjoyed what you both have had for a long time, so rushing into marriage just wasn't on his mind. He would need to talk to you first and then expect the cutest backyard proposal and smallest, but most meaningful wedding ever <3
Goober. We all know he would LMFAO. And sometimes cheesy names too like honey or cupcake, but those are rare. Get used to goober lol
GOO GOO EYES ALL THE TIME. This man cannot keep his lovey eyes off of you and just swoon. What a cutie lol. It is VERY obvious to others lolol He would express his feelings through words a lot and also through acts of service <3
He honestly doesn't mind PDA. He won't be like making out or anything, but he loves hugs, hand holding, and little kisses and doesn't mind if you're out in public! He would definitely brag about you, but not like an object, just be so happy that he has the best partner in the world that he loves so so much
Humor. He will never be a boring partner, so that you can expect! He tries his hardest to be entertaining, fun, and a good partner!
I feel like he's more creative, but doesn't mind a cheesy dinner or something. I think you both would have a jar of fun dates and pick out of it every weekend lol.
Oh hell yeah!! He is your number one supporter, especially if you hadn't had anyone in your life be a support line! He will help you however he can and believes in you more than anyone!! He knows you so well that whatever you want can be done and he will be there cheering you on!!!
No actually. He really likes having goofy things to do, but doesn't to make your relationship exhausting. He never wants to feel like dates are a chore or anything, so you do have a routine somedays. He wants those fun dates for sure, but those can be rare and way more fun that way!!
He knows you better than anyone. He is so easy to open up to and such a good listener that you trust him so so much. He cares for you and will let you take your time with things. He is super empathetic, so know that he will forever be behind you with a smile helping you out best he can :)
You mean the world to him, so without you, he would feel a little empty. Sure, he has great family and amazing friends, but you were his last missing piece and you filled it! If you were gone, that would eat him up a bit. You're equal to friends and family though, just because he loves them all so so much, but since that is so important to him, that's everything <3
He sleeps on his tummy and when you wake him up with kisses, he is so warm and always has the cutest smile on his face when you wake him up <3
YESSSSS!! He loves cuddles and kisses! It makes him feel like a lil baby and he can't help but giggle when you two have super fluff moments like that <3
He gets really pouty and again, feels like a piece is missing. He will call you every day if he is able to and just check in! But yeah, he gets really pouty and pissy lol
If need be, yes. He will protect you in any way he can ESPECIALLY if it's related to a stand of sometime. He is willing to protect and be there for you at all costs, but won't if he doesn't need to. He would prefer to have a cute fluff relationship and doesn't want to press it if he doesn't have to.
jjba masterlist (2) (3) | pinned post
2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated <3
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ineffable-rohese · 2 months
Using the relatively safe space of Tumblr to write about TMI personal stuff...
I've been thinking about it a lot, and, like, I'm probably a 97% cis woman. And that last 3% is just wishing I had a cock. Or maybe I'm 100% cis but just would be a bit happier if I could swap my bits out?
I remember being like 16 and trying to figure out if I was secretly a boy because I liked girls and wanted to have a penis. And came to the (so far correct) conclusion that, no, I like being a woman. I am just also very queer. But that desire to have a dick never really left.
I kinda wish there weren't generally-permanent vocal side effects with T, because I'd strongly consider going on it for a bit just for bottom growth. But I'm a singer, so not an option for me.
(Also, I know that gender-affirming care can be unconscionably hard to get even when it is literally life saving for folks, as opposed to my "I'd be 10-15% happier in my sexuality if I had something closer to a penis than I do now." But, you know, if we lived in a society that wasn't so stingy about letting people upgrade their bodies to fit their needs...)
I've thought about a packer from time to time, and I think I'm just not brave enough to try it? I also think I might like it too much somehow? Which I know is not a thing. But still... It's probably something I could try out in some different ways at least in kink spaces.
Anyway, no real point to this. Just over sharing to the queers in my phone in hopes of it not just spinning around in my head.
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ghouljams · 4 months
Aspiring slut anon again. I liked most of your advice but one thing is a sticking point that kind of upset me? The thing about I probably won’t come. Like men get to finish but I don’t? How is that fair? That’s one of the biggest reasons I’ve been put off by sex. Sure, sex feels good, whatever, but if it ends before I’ve gotten an orgasm, meanwhile my male partner got his, how am I supposed to be okay with that? That feels like letting someone use me as a fuck doll to get off. I know you said you’re not a slut like the way we’re talking about, and believe me I’d ask the more appropriate person if I knew who that is, I’m not trying to like center all of my insecurity on you. I just don’t understand how “you probably won’t come” is something I’m supposed to just accept when it’s representational of an unfair sexual dynamic.
If you truly do not believe that sex can be fun without that moment at the very end, then don't have sex. I have a lot of thoughts on this, but I'll try to keep it short.
The reality of the situation is that most afab people don't orgasm with a partner, at least 50% of the time. This can be because of stress, anxiety, a lack of stimulation, a lack of lubrication, feeling a lack of connection to their partner, or any combination of things. The orgasm gap is a real thing and you're right it isn't fair, but if you're thinking about sex only in terms of orgasm, then you're not going to enjoy the experience of it.
Most men, the men you should be aiming for when you're looking for folks to sleep with, want you to come. They will actively do their best to make sure it feels good for you, and they'll try to make sure you orgasm. That doesn't mean it will happen. If you really want to up your odds you have to get real comfortable with telling the person you're hooking up with what you want and what feels good, you're going to have to direct them. I don't want it to sound mean when I say, I assume you do not have the confidence to do that with someone you've just met if you are a virgin.
Not to be too TMI Bestie but I don't come every time I have sex with my partner and that man... whoo he is good at what he does... I still have fun, and I still enjoy the activity.
I'm going to say this as nicely as possible, but please remember that I am an older sibling(mean by birth) and also a random person on the internet(that you don't have to listen to): If you are not considering yourself an active participant in sex, or you are only concerned with your own pleasure, you do not sound mature enough to handle being a slut. You are not a "sex doll" being used by your partner to get off because you should be actively participating in sex. Sex is not a thing that is done to you, it is a thing that you do with someone.
"You might not come" is something you need to accept as part of sex because sex can be disappointing. It's not magical, it's messy and imperfect, and sometimes you don't come. That's it.
Fanfiction glorifies orgasm as this thing that always happens during sex, because fanfiction sex is wish fulfillment, everyone comes all the time and it's great! And maybe you will come your first time! It's a good thing to shoot for and hope for, it should impact your partner choice, and there's nothing wrong with going in wanting it to happen. But if it doesn't, what then? Will it still have felt good? Will you still have had fun, gotten some enjoyment from the experience?
Being "ok" with disappointment is part of being mature. Not everything is always going to be perfect and give you exactly what you want. Sex is just sex. You can have fun without a big finish.
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bunabi · 3 months
as someone who has acted in not exactly the way your sister does but in a similar enough way, i want to say genuinely i hope she gets better, both for you because you don't deserve to be put through that especially not by someone you cant get away from, and for her because i know firsthand living that way with that kind of inability to trust in someone is exhausting to the core. for you especially i hope you have ways to get away and keep your own head adn recuperate. and i hope you have a good week aswell
there's nothing I'd love more but at this point — two months deep into family therapy — I'm not sure
she genuinely cannot control some of the things she says, she doesn't even remember most of it, but the things she does recall she refuses to apologize for, and pushing her to account for it leads to her shutting down emotionally, going on a rant about spirituality, or going no-contact
every time I've express sentience or set boundaries or tell the truth she loses it 🧍🏾‍♀️ I cant begin to explain how it feels knowing someone you care about prefers you as their punching bag, not as a human being with thoughts and feelings of your own, but like a doll
sorry this is so long and TMI I just needed to vent about it </3 maybe my transparency can help someone out there reading this
I still think family therapy is worth doing though because my mom and I, at least, have learned a lot more about each other and healed old wounds
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jmdbjk · 1 year
Bangtan Weekly Report...
So a lot happening in here in the last 24 hours. Joon's appointment took everyone by surprise. Seems legit significant and I wondered if this will affect his military service... not in the fact that he would be exempt because of it... not implying that at all. What I'm wondering is after he completes his basic training, would he just go ahead and shift into some kind of position where he is also associated with this particular activity in the military? Stationed at whichever areas are doing this activity and such...
I think for sure it will definitely add to his future opportunities and influence in the public arena. It’s so exciting for him!
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Also: Yoongi headed to Japan. I love that shirt, vacation vibes. I hope he was able to rest a little bit and get something to ease his coughing though. I know he keeps saying don't worry, he's not sick, but something is up because you don't hack up a lung like that after walking a few hundred yards for nothing.
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Also today: Tae headed to Japan Spain! He looked dressed for an island party. It's been a while since we've seen him wear earrings. Or, I should say an earring since its only one. AND THE HAIR! I'm not a big fan of the frizzy perm but he is squeezing all he can out of his 20s before enlistment with the ash blonde hair moment again!
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How does he even see where he's going? How did anyone recognize him? That hat reminds me of a woven straw basket I used to have in my dining room.
TAKE TWO!!! A new OT7 song coming!!! Soooo excited!!! Maybe we'll get a teaser! Produced by Suga and written by RM and Hobi!!!!!
!!!!!!! NEW GROUP MUSIC!!!!!!!
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Also today: someone now pointing out that Kookie discreetly moved a small object out of camera view during his garbage disposer repairman live on Feb. 27 ...
How did I not notice him doing that when I watched the live... so now someone is saying it resembles a car key fob... for a Porsche...hmmm, who do we know that drives a Porsche? ... ummm.... I don't know... it could be, or not? It's got a reflective chrome button looking area on it. It's white and car key fob shaped...
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Of course, it could also be a vaper or his own car key fob or something else... a tube of lube (Kookie... please put stuff away after you use it, I know its handy there but still... TMI you know?) ... I need more visual info.
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Also today: I see people grumbling (outright bitching) about the commercialization of Festa/BTS... commercialization = selling out...
This is my take on all of that (and probably an unpopular opinion, but anyways...):
People are all for their "sold-out" king when a random t-shirt or shoes they are wearing or an insulated mug sells out, but our guys don't see a penny of that.
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And now you're saying official BTS merch would be somehow unsavory... a money grab... even though money from the sale of THAT DOES go into their pockets?... please think through what you are saying...
And commercialization in the form of sponsorships is not good? How is it not good?...Sponsorships are great!
Here's the deal... money makes the world go round... so that exact thing is what will help perpetuate the longevity of BTS, those sponsorships will give BTS a shit ton of money in return for licensing/promotion and underwriting big ticket projects.
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It keeps BTS alive in the public eye and keeps the income coming in order for them to do first class work and endeavor to promote themselves and give us great events. Fabulous purple fireworks shows are not free. Sponsors help underwrite the cost of that. And because these events are happening will also indirectly help the many small businesses in those areas because of the influx of visitors to these events.
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Turning the city purple creates excitement about BTS and reminds locals that BTS are global cultural ambassadors. Army should be hella proud of that.
What other kpop group is getting news coverage for their 10th anniversary? None.
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Deep pockets allow BTS to book stadium tours, so the more chance more of us can see them in-person.
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The day the money stops flowing will REALLY be the day BTS retires.
If we are who we say we are and intend to support BTS no matter what happens... IF WE ARE IN THIS BANGTAN SHIT FOR LIFE ... and what we are given right now is merch and purple corndogs, then I will buy a keychain or a book or eat purple tteokbokki, or whatever, along with whatever music is released. If you really are against it, then don't buy anything but don't act like what they are doing is disgusting.
Anyway, its been a full day. We are headed into Festa season for the next two weeks and beyond. The timeline seems focused on positive things. Or maybe that's my imagination. I am going to enjoy it while I can.
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prettyboykatsuki · 8 hours
if its not too tmi, the guide to making your girl cum might still be useful 😭 my gf and i are both in our first relationship and any help would be welcome
i have so many asks fdjslk?? abt this. like no bullshit at all maybe fifteen. but sure 👍🏾 note i am no sex expert or really anyone u should listen to but you know. i get okay reviews
first things first - the most important thing is learning to communicate with your partner. ik u have heard that many times but every body is different and if you can take instructions well, making someone cum is much easier. like. people say it all the time for good reason but just focus on listening more than anything else
also im using woman / she + her but this advice applies to any afab people who are not currently talking T👍🏾 testosterone changes some stuff so i'd give diff advice on some parts abt touching n stuff
learning how to take an apply what ur told is truly like 99% of the game
for women in particularly - u should probably carve out a chunk of time. most women need at least 15 minutes if it's with a partner (often more) and if it's your first time tg it's good to take each other apart and get comfortable
also somewhat obvious but you absolutely cannot forgo foreplay. truly cannot be overstated but u can't. lol
if share the same parts, u are already at somewhat of an advantage as you have some ideas on where to touch etc. neck and chest are always safe bets, and so is inner thigh etc. deep kissing is always also a safe bet. don't overthink it too much, just do your best to communicate both appreciation and attraction
foreplay also starts before getting naked being genuine. undressing someone or showing sensual affection is your friend. ik this sounds corny but its very genuine advice lol
a lot of foreplay is both to build arousal but also getting someone out of their head. a lot of women in particular tend to get really hung up on various aspects of the process. if you can effectively get them out of that mindspace, you're already on your own way
sometimes dirty talk is good and dirty talk does not need to be crass - making sensual small talk can go a long way. praising how she looks or feels, showing your enthusiasm by telling you're looking forward to making her feel good.
thank you is also always safe in that process. thank you for letting me touch you, thank you for trusting me to make you feel good etc. and if you're not feeling confident - it does the same job as something more dirty lol
here is some more specific stuff 👍🏾
a lot of getting 2 know someone sexually is figuring out various sensitivities and pressure. generally speaking, women tend to lean one way or the other when it comes to pressure on different areas of the body for foreplay.
(usually of course, there is some mix of both - but at least in my experience there is more general lean one way vs another)
some people prefer softer touches and caressing and some people prefer more deep pressure and groping. always start on on the soft end and move towards the other slowly.
some parts of a womans body are too sensitive to be touched directly, and they may highly prefer indirect contact as their choice of pleasure. if a womans clit is too sensitive, you might want to stimulate the area just around or underneath instead of directly touching their clit. use their clitoral hood as a buffer essentially.
the clit itself firms up but it's an entire area inside of your body. and what's exposed is just one nerve. its why touching or rubbing the sides can still make effective foreplay because internally the clit has a whole body etc
the hardest part about clitoral stimulation is reading reactions. but the clit will respond to pleasure physically most of the time. try things deliberately, and time your tongue or fingers in a way that lets you gauge their reaction
if someone is feeling good - you'll usually get a very faint throb. you have to look for it to notice it sometimes, but the intensity of that throbbing is what will tell you. clits are similar to dicks in that way
same thing goes for nipples usually. plenty of people like it being touched or sucked directly (again it is all abt sensitivity and pressure) - but it's common for the area to be too sensitive.
touching around, through / over the fabric of their top (this works better with non-silky materials / stuff with no slip), and underneath can also do the job. if the nipples are sensitive to the point of being unpleasurable - the swell underneath the boobs is often a good place to show affection. u can try running your fingers underneath to cup and squeeze instead. or just
the no slip thing is because rougher fabric give nice friction. being touched through cotton feels different from silk. its more hit or miss in my experience
im going to break down the advice about actual fucking into three parts so bear with me .
the most important thing for ALL of this is fucking consistency. listen to me im being so serious. when you hit a rhythm do not stop. ESPECIALLY if she tells you not too.
oral: this one is tricky because there's truly not a universally good way of eating pussy. it's like... four of the above skills wrapped in one skill. so even if i wanted to school you in i don't think i could lol
my best advice is to remember the above about pressure and sensitive and start slow. stimulate the surrounding areas with your tongue, do a lot of teasing. if she's too embarrassed to tell you things verbally, this will usually push her to showing you at least. if she bucks up against you that's a good sign to give a little more pressure.
building pressure is important here. she will feel pretty much every part of your tongue, so make sure you are careful and listen to what she says or does. when you find the rhythm to lick, it's normally safe to suck on her clit (from light pressure to deeper pressure like before)
you will know when you're hitting the right everything because it will start to pulse in your mouth and she will squirm more. when you're there, stay there and don't move unless you're going to die. learn to breathe through your nose lol
FOR PENETRATION THERE IS TWO THINGS. and most time you will still want to pair with clit stimulation but rmb 2 ask.
fingering: the vagina is one of those things that is very hit or miss. with fingering in particular. for most women, it feels better to have another person do it. and it's best combined with clitoral stimulation so it can often be a two-handed affair or used as a sidepiece to oral.
the most pleasure will be felt around the actual opening and against the gspot. the opening has a lot more sensitive which is why the thrusting motion feels good. the g-spot can also feel good, but keep in mind that a gspot orgasm is internal and can feel especially intense. so just be prepared for what reaction you might get and maybe getting pee-d on. or squirted on. or both.
finding the g-spot isn't complicated, it will feel a little textured and have a little more give. with enough arousal it will also be swollen and easier to find.. you will hear a lot about the come hither motion, but what you're actually doing is rubbing along the upper walls.
again, everyone is different but honestly - i've had good luck combining a thrusting motion with the rubbing motion. use your wrist to move so you don't get tired. you can pick what fingers to use but middle and pointer is go to, so you can angle your palm against their clit (in the instance you are just using your hands).
dildos: if i tried to explain how the strap works we would simply be here all day, so i will be talking about the dildo as a separate appendage used with your hands and not as part of a strap-on. strap sex is too much of a science lmao
almost all of the time - using a dildo is trying to create the same stimulation as above with gspot pressure, but that's not the only way. there are several angles and those angles hit different things, so it's worth experimenting with this. but for internal orgasm and using dildos - you want to understand comfort and friction.
lube is your friend, but too much slip can make it feel like nothing so build up the lube slowly. some resistance can feel pleasurable and is often ideal. with dildo, you also want to keep in mind the rigidity and maybe buy a toy together. a dildo can be too hard or too soft depending on what it's made with
internal orgasms rely a lot on muscle tension and angling, as well as pace. everyone is different and there is once again no universal way but your best bet is a rhythmic, pushing up motion. if you're using a dildo on your partner, i recommend put a pillow underneath their spine for easier angling.
you need to build tension to release it and keep tension to cum. the need for steadiness and rhythm comes from that. if you're wanting to make someone orgasm, some physical tension can really help - so asking your partner to grab your hair and hold onto your wrist can be helpful. giving their muscles something to flex and hold can redirect focus and help with intimacy so let her pull your hair or dig her nails in your back or grab your wrist. it will actually get u closer to the orgasm
remember most of all though to have fun and feel good together. sex isn't a performance, it's a mutual act of pleasure. too much pressure will kill your boner. good luck 🫡
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