#i link it to tumblr. but i dont think most people understand how active tumblr still is
yousaytomato · 2 years
Big fan of the way Dracula Daily hasn't broken out of Tumblr in any real way
primarily, because I love being able to casually mention it to non-tumblr friends like I'm just that kind of cool, intellectual and cultural person who signs up to projects where you read a classic novel over the course of 6 months, and not because it's a big social media trend.
Whilst, actually it is a big social media trend, and I get to make and see lots of stupid memes and just, have fun with y'all in this space
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marengogo · 1 year
Poor tae 😭😭😭 jikookers are so scared that some people or ex jikookers could hate the poor tae.. but i dont see you care or defend jimin from tkkers all these years. Anyway i'm so happy that taekook finally became the ship that everyone in this fandom wanted, and jimin has distanced himself from that toxic tk. Congratulations for tk marriage.
P.S. when you see taekook rising and jikook disappearing at the same time, it's normal to think that these 2 things are connected.
Welcome to the Sonyeondan Colosseum Anon!
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When you say Poor tae, please correct me if I am wrong, I am assuming you mean Kim Taehyung, right? One of the seven members of BTS, right? Let me pull up a quick stat, for those who are not familiar with him. This article claims to have taken this figure from Forbes, April 26, 2022, and Forbes supposedly says that:
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As you also can see, Tae may be many things but most certainly he seems to not be poor. For reference here are also JM and JK:
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Oh and since we are at it since I am sure that the ARENA is also curious about it, here is the Hyung line, why not!:
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Hyung-line looking fab and deliciously expensive …
But, I digress 😬 … when you say people I’m guessing you mean, active users of the bird app, aka Twitter, or even here on Tumblr, and lets add YouTube and any other form of social media, since we are at it... right? So basically what you are saying is you think that $20 Million worth Kim Taehyung might be losing sleep over people hating on him because they believe that two of his other $20 Million worth members are in a relationship … right? Please do correct me if I am not understanding your statements.
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If that is the case, I can assure you that Tae, and all the other members in BTS are okay. I am certain of it. So please do not worry, they are going to be just fine. As for Jimin needing protection, I was not aware that I could apply for that! I don’t think that I have the resources nor the abilities but if my anonymous typing can help in protecting Jimin from his bandmates please sign 👏🏾 me 👏🏾 the 👏🏾 fuck 👏🏾 up 👏🏾!
Once I pass the selections, (because I am sure that not everyone can just waltz into the Protect Jimin from Taekook Squad, but I, I am hella good, in fact I am the best at what I do, so trust me when I say that I will get in)  I will request a private audience with Jimin to discuss his security detail, which I am sure you can arrange since you seem to know so much about him, I assume you are fairly close to him. So please: make. it. happen.
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Now … I will admit that I wasn't aware of the fact that Taekook got married. I’m not sure how I missed this bit of information as I am always on top of everything, but we all can slip, every once in a while. So I must agree with the fandom that congratulations are indeed in order for the newlyweds! I am truly thrilled and wish them the best in their joint life to come. I do however believe that perhaps getting married right before entering the military in a homophobic country isn’t the best of decisions BUT I stand by them and their decision.
What I would need you to do though, is to let me in on that wedding gift register, you really seem to be quite close to the boys so I’m sure you have a way to get me on it. I want to show Namjoon that you don’t have to be cheap, and I can get the most expensive gift on that list. Jussyain’: I also know people.
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“When you see taekook rising and jikook disappearing at the same time, it is normal to think that this 2 things are connected”
… Honestly, I'm flabbergasted at how much I am learning today. I do feel ashamed and inadequate. I promise you Anon that I’ll make sure to be ready for when Taekook divorces and Jikook gets married in the next developments; I swear: I will not fail this time.
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Always fairly and squarely yours,
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yonpote · 1 year
can you plz talk more about allie tricaso's video on the phandom 👀 i do not have any energy to dive into it but i would love to hear your thots
sure! here's a link for people who do wanna give it a watch, i really enjoyed it, she came at this topic from the perspective of someone who used to be (in her own words) a toxic demon phannie. she talked about how people like sh*ne d*wson and onionson would just mention dnp's names in their videos to get views, and she talked about how the community would sexualize or scrutinize dnp in the wildest ways, one of my favs that she brings up in the video was someone had photoshopped dan like basically on top official phil in a spooky gaming video and claimed that THIS REALLY HAPPENED GUYS I TURNED THE BRIGHTNESS UP AT THIS TIMESTAMP AND OMG which is honestly hilarious to me
tbh i feel like in a weird position cuz i feel like arguably the stuff i post about them could be read as demon phannie? and i definitely used to be on all the pw locked blogs and watched That etc etc but i always like validate my actions to myself by being like, well im not fuckin @ replying them about this shit and honestly most of the horny stuff i post abt them is tongue-in-cheek and i hope yall dont take it too seriously and understand like, when fanfiction is fanfiction and when reality is reality (i could probably do better to post tone indicators for that tho sorry) (but thats also why my blog is 18+ lol yall are adults hopefully ! use ur discretion !) BUT AT THE SAME TIME do demon phannies even exist anymore if theyre both out and dan is saying "basically yeah" to being a couple and they are just Like That in videos now? idk
i actually commented on the video about how like, dnp have always been pro-fanfiction and pro-fanart or at the very least they have never actively discouraged it, i mean they wrote their own fics in their book for christs sake and dan has admitted to reading fic multiple times lol. so like even when they were very denying of being gay and no-homo howell was a whole thing, dan still made a video about shipping (that got deleted but its out there) that was like "oh you wanna write a story abt me fucking my friend? ok fine but YOURE GONNA MAKE MY FAVORITE POKEMON GOLDEEN???" or like in the tumblr videos they would poke fun at like phil dying in fic or "why are we kissing at the radio station so unprofessional" but never hated on it or told ppl to stop which i think is interesting.
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cpunkwitch · 9 months
answering my questions p2
[pt: answering my questions p2]
ask game 2 (link)
whats the most recent encounter of ableism you've had, online or irl?
my dad calling my condition "just labels" when i told him my mom and i suspect i have arthritis. "you guys and your labels, you liike labels too much"
2. whats the worst encounter of ableism you've had, online or irl?
unsure what the worst one would be, they all suck imo. i guess any ableism coming from my dad, because hes my dad so it tends to hurt the most coming from him.
3. whats the funniest encounter of ableism you've had, online or irl?
tried to think of a few things but they werent so funny so im not sure. maybe my dad saying he though i was an old lady when he first saw me with my cane picking me up from college last year?
4. whats something an ableist said that stuck with you and for what reason?
i cannot remember anything specific
5. whats something you want ableds to understand?
main point: ask consent before daring to touch anyones belongings especially mobility aids and not every disabled person will have the same limitations and experience with their disabilities. we arent inspiration porn, we are human beings functioning differently from you.
some people will be okay with you moving their cane aside or something AS LONG AS YOU ASK and keep it within reach of them. some people in a wheelchair can walk or use other aids on different days, some people dont use any any aids but still cant do th e same activities you do let alone they way you do them for the same length of time. some only use aids on rare days, some have perfect use of their legs, some have to have assistance with mundane tasks, so on and so forth.
a disabled person in the olympics, competing in a sport, creating things while in a wheelchair or walking with a cane etc are not there for you to go "wow so amazing youre so strong and brave im so proud of you for doing this despite your disability" they do it for them, with their disability and never for your degrading "positivity". you wouldnt say that if they werent disabled, why arent you saying congrats to the others who do the same thing as them too? is it just because youre singling them out for being disabled? fuck off with that.
6. got a story involving ableism that you like to share/feel like sharing/find amusing? can be yours or someone else's story.
likely have tonnes of stories about my parents ableism. if you prompt me i can probably some up with something to talk about but sometimes i need specific prompts like "your parents reaction to your first mobility aid?"
specifically ones that i find amusing though? normally ones that arent mine and they came from either youtube readings of tumblr or reddit posts, story times or someone pissing off my mom.
i do remember when i walked into the dollar store the cashier asked what happened when she saw my cane and i went "oh i was born with a defect in my spine :D" and watched her deflate with a quiet "oh.." what were you expecting?? how is that question ever not awkward?
7. dumbest or funniest question someone asked you about your condition and/or aid?
answered in 6 i guess
8. if you dont have one, do you think you could benefit from a service animal? if so, what animal would you like?
therapy, or emotional support cat or rabbit? i cant do dogs, im terrified of dogs. cats and rabbits i could handle. im actually unsure what else there is but iv looked into getting an esa a while ago and the only reason my mom said no no matter how many times i bargained is because we live in too small of a house thats constantly a mess.
im never allowed to get a rabbit while i live with her, she hates them ever since one horny rabbit years ago bit her leg.
parents were really mean about me wanting a bunny rabbit and im still holding it aganst them.
9. do you have an ideal mobility aid or ideal disability aid in general?
easy to move wheelchair, easy for me anyway. one with a no handles so no one can grab them. maybe a basket or something on it too idk, that way everything not in my lap or in my bag hanging off the side or something? idc if its motorized or not tbh
when im finally out of my crappy parents house, i'll look into gettingone.
10. whats something you wish ableds would stop doing/do less of?
asking dumb questions and touching our stuff without permission
11. whats something you wish ableds would do more of?
hold doors open regardless of ability, regardless if they have a mobility aid or not. treat people the fucking same.
12. whats something in the community you dont see talked about enough?
i know its talked about in other places but i dont actually run into the discussion much, people talking about living with an able-bodied partner or another phys disabled partner while being disabled themselves and what its like/what to expect etc.
i do plan on eventually moving in with someone and id like to hear more stories about home life with roommates or partners.
13. have you ever tried out someone else's mobility aid before?
i once used my brothers crutches when i was maybe 4? dont fully remember why he had them but i remember that day i picked them up. it was an xmas party.
14. whats something thats supposed to be an accessible accommodation but just turns out to be more of a hinderance for you and why?
i used to have an answer for this and i dont remember what it was.
15. whats something you see thats overhyped in regards to disability or cripplepunk?
overhyped/overrated imo? yet another question i no longer remember my answer for jfc who's taking my memories? /cj
i remember there was something that was talked about a lot that was really not worth all the hype to me but i guess since the talk of it died down and i stopped seeing it in the tags/on my dash i completely forgot what it was specifically.
im a very "out of sight out of mind" person..
16. whats something that you see people talk about constantly in the community and are now tired of?
answered in 15 ig?
17. have you ever made characters with disabilities? if yes, tell us about them and their disability?
oh yeah lots, which book or fandom shall i start with?
off the top of my head theres "escape", "the adventurers" and "afterwards", maybe even "the four witches", original books of mine. as for fandom related characters, my oc macey comes to mind first. shes a marvel/avengers oc (in general not just mcu). im happy to talk about any of these, you can even ask if i have a character with a specific condition, i probably have a dnd npc or two from one of my campaigns who have it if none of my book or fandom oc's have it.
i like character creation..
18. what are your favourite disability headcanons?
about everything i post to @/beecanons and @/your-fave-is-crippled that isnt expressly canon, and the stuff i plan on posting.
19. whats a disability you want to see more or better representation of/for?
honestly my first look at anemia in media was vampire knight and diabolik lovers... please give me better rep.. i need to see more anemic characters that arent just "whoa im dizzy" and "oops passed out cuz a vampire drank my blood"
20. free space!
feel free to ask me to elaborate/expand on, clarify or just ask whatever you'd like, my inbox is alway open!
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[ID: banner reading "dni if... proship, transx/id, syscourse/discourse blog, anti-mspec lesbians/gays, anti-lesboy/turigirl more in pinned rentry. this blog is protected by the addams family, the de rolo family and co." in all black lowercase text. It has a grey cloud background. On the left is the De Rolo coat of arms with a cobweb in the top corner and symmetrically flipped on the right is the symbol of Vox Machina with the same cobweb in the bottom corner :End ID]
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g0dtier · 3 years
Ok look even i realize i cant make a post like that before elaborating so as someone who has an art degree, was groomed themselves and was raised by someone who worked with teenagers who were groomed specifically for 20 years, heres my take on why tumblrs mentality towards fiction (&real degeneracy) is wrong and what you can do to help victims
Im gonna leave out the whole "fiction = reality" shit because at this point everyone knows it doesnt, they just cherry pick where to believe it does. This is not a black and white issue. Fiction may bring up something that was already there, but since none of us are shooting celebs because of books or molesting animals cause furry shit exists, its safe to say theres a line. 1000s of teen boys idealize that one dipshit from fight club. 99% grow out of it. The few that dont were already fucked up and wouldve ended up blowing some shit up either way. No, ao3 is not normalizing pedophilia and you are in no way helping victims. Youre kind of being a detriment.
Pedophiles may use fiction to groom kids, but they did that before fandom existed as well. There is no big difference between using fiction of 2 teens vs fiction of 2 adults to groom a kid cause a pedophile will either say "youre so much more mature than these fictional kids" or "youre so mature for your age you might as well be an adult, i think this fictional adult couple really represents us" and the minor will still take it as a compliment because that is the point of the action. The reason the abusers can take advantage of them is because they want that validation, for reasons listed below. The form that validation comes in doesnt matter.
Tumblrs mentality is purely focused on outrage. Its about hating the perpetrators and pretending people who arent perpetrators actually are, not about helping the victims.
People here have a wrong idea of what a relationship between a minor & pedophile looks like & how they function. People forget that while to us normal people the minors come across as victims in a horrifying situation (which they are), to the minors themselves it doesnt look anything like that. The problem with many of these relationships is not that the minors dont know what theyre doing or are doing it against their will, the problem most of the time is that they, in their minds, are active participants who choose to do this.
Pedos often actively look for kids in fragile situations. No self esteem, bad home life, severe depression. These are the reasons kids want the validation i listed before. Theyre vulnerable to it because they dont get any of it anywhere else and here theres an adult figure just giving it to them.
The point of a grooming is to give the kid validation and make the kid rely on them. To make the kid believe that the adult is the only one who understands them. Its to put the responsibility of the abusers mental wellbeing on the kids' shoulders in the kids' head. And 99% of the time kids already have a close relationship with the abuser when it gets to that point because of aforementioned validation. They create codependency.
So you know what angrily screeching "pedophile!" at any adult interacting on any level with a teenager does? It gives the abuser a reason to call themselves the victim and itll give the minor, whos likely already reluctant to be open about something an abuser does making them uncomfortable because many of them already have low self esteem and dont trust their own judgment and are scared of the consequences (for example: losing what to them is the only person that understands them) even less likely to talk about it. Because regardless of what tumblr thinks, most of these kids do not realize theyre being abused until much later. Theyre not waiting for someone to give them an out.
And no, no matter how hard you try, youre never gonna convince teens that the person theyre talking to is abusing them. Almost every single victim talks about how they hate abusers but how theirs isnt one, adults included. Theyre just misunderstood, or lonely, or really didnt mean it like that. Teens arent gonna listen to randos on the internet trying to convince them the 23yo who "relies on them for help and who is only in love with them, a 15yo, because theyre just really special and cool" is an abuser. Teens are gonna do stuff behind the back of others and lie about it because teens have a really bad case of "dont tell me what to do" syndrome.
What you CAN do to help teens:
- vote for more funding to health care, specifically mental health care. I know everyone rags on cps but cps does not take away children for no reason and will ALWAYS strife to work it out with the parents by offering personal help if possible
- strife to create a safe space for teens to talk about their experiences. Demonizing any adult interacting with children, no matter how creepy it may seem to you or me, makes the victims more reluctant to come forward. Theyre abuse victims. Adult abuse victims dont respond well to "girl youre being abused leave him!!" either. They respond a lot better to "wow dont you think he shouldnt treat you like that? Dont you think your feelings matter and hes being unfair to you?". You need to demonize the actions, not the context of the relationship because teens have already decided the context itself is fine and its usually not what they have a problem with and they wont till theyre older, no matter how hard you try to convince them.
- giving teens safe spaces to learn/talk about sex and what is or isnt right in a relationship. Most pedophiles are not stable. Theyre often codependent or manipulative or overbearing. Teach kids how to recognize these signs and that theyre not ok.
What doesnt help teens:
- taking down ao3 or yelling that some horndog on twitter drew an adult character looking too young. Taboo fiction is not linked to actual degeneracy and doesnt normalize any of it and is not a more succesful tool to help groom kids than anything else. Pretending it is will make minors less likely to seek help tho because the fear of backlash as stated above.
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junisfics · 3 years
hi! sooo i’m thinking about maybe setting up an account and starting writing but i’m so nottt used to this platform and i’m really nervous about it all because i feel like an actual 80 year old trying to figure it all out. are there any tips, tricks, tutorials, etc. that you suggest? thank you, pretty! 🤍
hi !!! so i've gotten a lot of questions about this and i've also seen a lot of newer users confused about how to work tumblr so i'll try and help you the best i can :)
i will be explaining in terms of the tumblr app, since most users start on the app and once you understand the app, it will be much easier to understand desktop!
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navigation. (the bar at the bottom of the screen)
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this will get you everywhere you need to go. literall y this will help you with everything you need.
starting with the right most icon, the home shaped icon, this is your dashboard.
the dashboard (also called 'the dash' or 'the tl') is where youll see all content that's posted into the tags you may follow or the people you may follow (theres also the option where you can see posts that other people like, but i personally keep that off to stop clutter).
when you first make an account, it's probable that tumblr will already have your dash filled with random things based off what you clicked in the sign up process. but dont worry, you can easily unfollow those by clicking on the magnifying glass icon and following one of the things i go over next
search is the next icon. this is where youll look for things you want, find your followed tags, find new blogs to check out, or see the trending tags.
regarding fanfiction, the search is very very easy to navigate. all you do is type in a character name + the content you want for that character (ex. eren jaeger smut, ex. eren smut, ex. eren yeager smut) usually all name variations will work !
when youre in your search results, youll see a bar right under the search bar that looks like this:
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this is how youll refine your results.
for example, if you want to look at the most popular posts, click "top"
if you want to look at the most recent posts under that search, click "recent"
if you want to look at only the posts that are tagged as "eren smut" and not the posts that are similar to eren smut, click "tagged". speaking of this, every search you make will have a tag, if you want to follow that tag, click the blue follow icon next to your search and everything tagged as such will appear on your dash.
the next things are the ones i use the least, but its all up to personal preference. gifs are where youll only find gifs, tumblrs are where you'll find the most popular tumblrs regarding that tag (this is an easy way you can figure out who to follow first), photos is obviously just photos, and the list goes on.
creating a post.
the icon shaped like a little pen thats highlighted in blue is where youll create all your posts
you can write whatever you want, include picture, include links, include songs from spotify, include gifs and all that.
while youre typing, and after youre done typing, you have the oppurtunity to include tags on the post you created. these tags will help you show up in searches !
but dont worry, if youre not done with your post but want to save it, you can save it as a draft ! at the top of your screen youll see a "post" icon, and next to that youll see three little dots "..." when you click on these dots youll have a whole bunch of options on what you want to do with your post !
the little smiley face panel is seperated into activity and messaging
under activity is where youll see all these things called "notes" (likes, reblogs, comments, mentions etc). notes are NOT just likes, so please dont think you can only liike posts. notes are comprised of all the things i listed. this is not instagram.
in messaging is where youll have all your dms ! to create a new message, just click the little plus at the top right.
your profile.
the profile icon is, of course, your profile.
this is kinda how youll appear to other people. you have your name, bio, theme that your profile is etc
this isnt too important to be honest, what is important is your settings tab at the top.
im not gonna explain this tab cuz thats gonna be a reallllll long time, but a lot of it is self explanatory and is super easy to figure out if you just explore a bit :)
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gettin-bi-bi-bi · 3 years
Hello everyone, I hope you’re doing alright. I know i’m going to ask something “dumb” so to speak but is it possible to “brainwash” yourself into being queer?
In late 2019 i got into a fandom with queer rep (and started using my Tumblr account more actively) so I got in contact with more queer people. I felt like an impostor as the seemingly only cishet person in our little group, so i started digging again in questioning my sexuality and gender. “Again” because i did it before but i concluded i was cishet, as I was way more attracted to men than to women and i wasn’t “deviant enough” of my agab to really consider myself nonbinary, but i must admit i did believe your attraction had to be 50/50 (or *at least* 75/25 to the “gay side”) to count as bi, and that the concept of nonbinary reduced women and men to their stereotypes, and later that they had to be neutral or completely detached from binary genders. To clarify, I would’ve never thought bad of someone who identified as nonbinary for doing so, but i’d be like “well that’s your life i guess” and don’t bother with it.
I’ve had several identity crisis since then, from not feeling queer enough to feeling bad about becoming too queer to comfortably fit in with cishet norms. Even though I am nonbinary (or think i am nb at the moment), I dont fit in with most nonbinary people in online spaces because i’m not transmasc (or id as trans at all) and most enbies seem to be, which is fine because its their identity and they’re lucky enough to have several people who share their experiences.
Anyway, I went from being sure I was cishet (or that I still counted as cishet) to not really understanding how someone can be comfortable being a binary gender or being monosexual. I just don’t get it anymore, and that is the main reason I think sometimes that I have brainwashed myself, especially since i am “pretty close” to being a cishet woman, but deep inside I know that’s not true, and even if most people saw me as that it would be an oversimplification of who I am.
This ended up longer than expected (sorry) and I think I just need a confirmation/justification of how i’m not actually brainwashing myself, or if that’s even possible.Thanks for your time. This blog has helped me a lot in the past, especially with dealing with my bisexuality, but as you can see i’m still a work in progress. I really appreciate all of you 💜
Everything that you say screams "queer" to me. You repeatedly say that you know you are bi and non-binary, that you are not a cishet woman. You've questioned this before and it obviously doesn't pass, so you keep coming back to it. You are drawn to other queer people and media that depicts queer people - not to "brainwash" yourself but because that's whom/what you relate to. Because you're queer. And you show all the common signs of internalised queerphobia - for example not feeling "queer enough" or like an imposter. That itself could be used as a proof that you really are queer. If you are literally afraid of "not being queer enough" then you are probably queer. Actual straight and cisgender people are pretty okay with being straight and cisgender.
Nobody just "brainwashes" themselves to be queer. People grow and learn more about themselves and the world. You've learned more about the queer community over the last few years than you knew before, and that new knowledge in turn helps you to understand your own sexuality and gender better. For example: you previously thought that bisexuality had to be "50/50" or be stronger "on the gay side". Thinking that you'd of course not be able to identify with that and went "back" to thinking you are straight. But now you know better about bisexuality and it's only resonable that you'd now realise that you're actually bi after all. That isn't brainwashing, that's just education and personal growth.
Since you say you've known this blog for a while you may have seen this already but I'm going to link my post about internalised biphobia here anyway. Please check it out and see if any of those tips can help you work through your internalised queerphobia.
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usermaha · 3 years
i wasn’t tagged but can i join pls i liked the questions
why did you choose your url?
i thought this wouldn’t be taken lol. also im a sensitive person, and some people in my life don’t seem to get the message, so this is to smite them on a blog that they dont know exists ha that will show them
any side blogs?
no :) this was initially a writeblr and i had another url for simping after taylor, but i couldn’t keep track of them. so heck, whatever i wanna do on tumblr, i’ll do on this blog. my followers can die mad (i was joking thank ya’ll so much)
how long have you been on tumblr?
i used to open tumblr and look around taylor tags since, like, 2015, but only started actively running this blog in 2021 when evermore came out
do you have a queue tag?
no :)) again we do what we like (TWICE, Eyes Wide Open, Track 4), i’ll have five text posts in one day if i have a lot to say, then nothing for a week, maybe reblogs
why did you start your blog in the first place?
evermore came out and i just had a lot to say 
why did you choose your icon/pfp?
i found it on pinterest and i knew, the red vibes. the picture evokes so much without having a face in it!! the gorgeous beige toned background!! the contemplation, the melancholy i feel when i listen to the album
why did you choose your header?
vintage record store very red vibes, i think it matches the pfp really well
what’s your post with the most notes?
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how many followers do you have?
43!! 🥰 blessed. 
how many people do you follow?
how do you feel about ‘you need to reblog this’ posts?
there’s this overwhelming wave of political discourse, while im glad these things are finally being said, being in a position where i can’t do much about things, it takes a toll on my energy. so i try to read and understand the posts to be educated but avoid reblogging, unless i find the links or information to be genuinely helpful to other people
do you like tag games?
not that much
do you like ask games?
yesss! i wanted to do a red one i found but noone sent anything :( i think ill do it anyway
which of your mutuals do you think is tumblr famous?
nope we are all hustling in the swiftie community, but yeah they’re all more deservedly more ‘successful’ than me
 do you have a crush on a mutual?
@discoball13 gives me notes on my posts i notice it boo and thank you!!
ill tag all my mutuals, i love all of you: @13cloverblooms, @xcleanx, @kissesonswifts, @discoball13, @tanglledupwithyouallnight also @andysambrg​ reeshika my tumblr bestie
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DOA Bullshit and Bias Hubbywrangler is always in the comments foaming at the mouth whenever someone says less than positive things about DOA. Your autocratic bullshit only works on DOA; you cant control what people say online and you certainly cant ban them for having an opinion, but since you enjoy being an asshole to those who are scared of joining DOA, have felt unwelcome there or discriminated against, why not say something that really matters? The other moderators dont comment on things here, but a mod did on IG and had her ass handed back to her, why not give it a go here? Fantyfofo and MANY others got banned with no warning because they cast doll mannequins to make wigs, something that was not in the rules before banning them - no warning and not allowing them to fix their "mistake". This is unfair, specially because theres just a big red banned on their username and most assume its scamming; you know the damage that this does. when people question this, you just brush their frustration off. Youve sometimes said that these people are lying and the ban was actually not what this person is saying. Well, why not put in the reason why someone is banned? Youve already placed an obnoxious BANNED title under their name, its only fair for everyone to know why they were banned, so no one would accuse you like they have in the past for power tripping. You know the average user would see the banned title and avoid purchasing or dealing with said person - even if the ban was because they made another account, made a mannequin head or ffs, disagreed with a mod offsite. Before you say no, I know for a FACT that Aimeeeee banned a person because they had a disagreement with her on LJ, if you need names, its Hi3ru. I also know of the bullshit secret section of DOA that got hacked and leaked over a decade ago with Sal3m and JaM3 being particularly the shittiest of them all. Dont give me this non-biased bullshit when you obviously dont know how to be anything but biased. This may not be the case these days, but the secret section was there, anyone who has been in the hobby for a long time would remember it or has seen it. There is zero recast tolerance on DOA, yet Mannie admitted that she posted her recast and got suspended for it, when others did the same mistake but got banned permanently, please make it make sense. How is she not banned permanently? How is she still active in the forums when not only did she post her recast, but she admitted to it on her tumblr, and had made tutorials on how to purchase one safely? When being fair, the rules should apply to everyone; that does not mean your friends get to be exempt from it. Speaking of, how do you expect to be the "authority" on everything BJD, when even mention or linking of recasts get you banned or suspended? Do you think a newbie, or someone who has english as their second language will first assume its a fake? When a person wants a discussion - note discussion, not statement - on recasts to educate themselves to make an informed decision, is met with a suspension; how likely do you think they will get a recast out of spite for being "shunned" from the community? No sense in spending too much, "artistic integrity" when the artists and the "head" of the community is hostile towards you. This is such a missed opportunity for DOA to make something great, actually make a difference and encourage being pro-artist instead of bullying a person who is questioning it (no, those who made informed decisions on purchasing recasts can fuck off). I had my recent feedback deleted off my page because the moderators suspect the feedback is from offsite and is against the rules. Did you know, that when you get banned, there is no reply or appeal? You have to send an email which never gets replied to. The other thing; there would be an archive of dolls being sold. Clothes and accessories? Once its sold, its gone. The feedback I got was from those sales AND DOA suspended me because they suspected it was offsite sales. Putting that on the side; why limit feedback on DOA to only sales done on
DOA? IG and FB allow feedback from everywhere; as long as you have experience with that buyer and that seller, that should be the only thing that matters. Having the problem transaction thread for members only is also a decision I wont understand. Yes bad feedback can be linked to the feedback page, but how am I supposed to see and judge the feedback if there is no access to the bad feedback linked, because problem transactions are members only? People are fed up with the rules and tip toeing on DOA. Conversations have become so inane and stupid that I feel my IQ drop every time I read the debate section. The forums used to be enjoyable with actual meaningful conversations and now people only go to DOA to read the problem transaction threads, or BJD news. The discussions is nothing but people talking about their purchases, their missed purchases or purchases they hope to make. There is no conversation and you have no one to blame but yourselves because of the free use of bans, suspensions and this shitty punishment point system you threaten people with. You honestly need to get over yourselves because others see you as intimidating. Some mods are better than others, but generally speaking, you guys are power tripping assholes who are way to proud to get with the times and realize that the current way of running the forum is outdated. This is why many see DOA as an archive; talk too loud and the librarian shuts you up; only old threads have any value. Why do you think people have moved to discord, facebook and instagram? You know what would be nice? Allowing name changes. People will pay for it if you provide it, and you can always link the past usernames on their profiles like ebay. Let people change their names. Not alot will pay for extra doll profiles, and extra DOA PM space, but they will pay for name changes. If anyone else has anything to say, please sound off in the comments. H0bbitwrangler has defended DOA a lot, and they are an active mod that comments and lurks here; let them know what you think because they are trying to make DOA seem like the only ones having an issue are those who were banned "fairly".
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ectonurites · 3 years
a very very genuine question: so its bad to repost art but no one says anything when people repost things from the source material/creator's sketches.....why?like sure everyone who likes it may recognize the style but there are plenty of fan artists i recognize immediately, new or old art, with or without. to me it just feels the same, like either dont repost art or people should be able to repost stuff, i dont see how they can work at the same time. and this isnt me saying people should be allowed to repost and all that bc i do understand the theory of why reposting hurts artists, just that the logic doesnt seem to fit once it extends to famous artists/creators. just bc its official and easily recognizable makes it okay? how does that work? again, there are plenty of fanartists who are easily recognizable and lose no money when people repost their work (bc they posted it for free) and from my own observation, it seems it just, somehow, makes them want to do art less (from what i have read from artists themselves). why do we not consider that when it comes to official creators? wouldnt they also feasibly be less motivated seeing their hard work plastered across the internet for free when thats the sole way they make their income? and its not a system where its solely sticking it to the man bc it hurts the artists income, as well. but if it makes them happy to see people enjoying and sharing their work with others, drawing interest, why isnt it the same with fan artists? people often repost art, not out of malice or intent to claim credit, but bc they enjoy it + want to share it, esp on social media where sharing isnt a feature (instagram, for example) again im not trying to justify reposting, just confused about the contradiction
First of all instagram does have a form of sharing posts- stories. Which yes they are temporary by default, but you can use the highlight feature to collect your favorite things you’ve shared from people right there on your own profile AND it links back to the original post and can permanently be on your profile as long as you keep it there. You can even label them and everything! But then moving on to answering more of your actual questions
To start: this is a very complicated thing. And I feel everyone trying to answer it might have slightly varied opinions. 
I personally see a pretty clear distinction between ‘Officially published/released’ works (like comic book [as like you’ve probably seen I frequently post comic panels] or other materials that may have been released in creator guides, official video game art, promotional art for things, etc etc) as opposed to like, personal work and fanart. Because with official works:
There’s usually a source to buy it and you should if you’re referencing it a ton (while I don’t own every comic I’ve ever read I do have a lot and if I did read something first through illegal means [because some comics are just straight up hard to find due to age/being out of print] and enjoyed it I try to seek out a physical copy after if possible)
There is a level of far wider recognition (I know you personally might find fanartists’ styles recognizable but like, things that are in mainstream media.. have just such a higher profile. it’s not really comparable) 
If you’re not supporting the official release you’re harming the big company that published it far more than the individual artist (like, the individual artist probably also wouldn’t appreciate it, because it can effect them for sure as well, but they’re not gonna be taking the brunt of the damage unless it was entirely self-published work, which I’d definitely categorize differently from what I’m mainly talking about here.)  
Often fanartists/professional artists who aren’t that well known, in addition to wanting to just create work for the sake of it, also want to build their own platform, to have an audience that they interact with. Or like, if they’re offering commissions, a bigger platform puts you in a position where people will actually see the art and want to commission you. When you say reposts of smaller artists’ fanart doesn’t ‘loose them money’ because they didn’t charge to post it, you’re missing the fact that it makes them loose out on proper linked-back-to-them exposure. Especially like, when a repost account on insta or something says ‘ah yes credit to [username] on tumblr’ the vast majority of people who see it aren’t going to then open up a whole different website and look for the artist. Some people might! but if there’s anything i’ve learned from working professionally in arts marketing it’s that people want things that are convenient and directly in front of them. Someone who wants to see more works because they liked one is significantly more likely to click on the username of someone who posted it rather than opening up a browser or a different app and searching a separate name put in the caption. 
Then honestly, I do feel weird about reposts of professional artists’ more personal works unless the artist has stated they’re fine with people reposting with credit. It should be about the comfort level of the artist. I think a lot of professional artists who aren’t in a position where they’re as worried about building a platform, because they already have one and might have professional connections/opportunities already lined up, might not really care about reposts especially on a website they don’t use. (Like tumblr. I’m coming at this mostly from a comics artist perspective here, but most professional artists I see are waaaay more active on twitter and instagram than tumblr) If it’s a website they don’t use, it’s not taking away from the platform they had been building there for themselves. And also, some artists really just don’t give a shit, which is their choice they can make with their work! But that’s not a universal thing. One artist being fine with their personal art being reposted =/= all artists being fine with it. 
In my own experience as a fanartist, when I see my art reposted without credit, especially when it’s art I’ve also already posted on the same platform... it’s definitely disheartening. Even worse is when the repost gets even more attention than my original post. (something that has happened to me multiple times!) Like, it can get so upsetting!  Because it lets me know that someone else was using my art to build their platform and I got exactly zero benefit out of it. Then when it’s reposted with credit it’s a little less annoying, but I still don’t... get much out of it. Especially if it’s an instagram repost and they credit my tumblr not my account on there, since insta captions don’t actually do links unless it’s to other insta accounts. Also with insta for example, I have a 'business’ account set up so I can look at and track popularity of my posts and see how they’re doing as something to keep in mind when considering posting times, etc etc. When other people repost my art there I have no control over it. That sucks a lot! Also, when I quite literally ask people not to repost my art (it is IN! MY! DESCRIPTION!) and they still do, it’s just straight up disrespectful. I asked for a boundary to be respected with my work and people have just completely ignored it. That doesn’t feel good at all.
But, conversely, I’m gonna talk about my more professional irl work for a sec. I’m a graphic designer, so I do things like posters, logos, etc, When I design a poster for a client that is meant to be advertising something, even if it’s got my own original illustration or something as part of it, I know my name isn’t necessarily going to be attached to it the same way as it is with my personal work. I get a credit line somewhere, but that’s in a fine print probably not even on the poster itself at all, but that’s like, part of what I signed up for. I already get paid separately, I am giving permission for my work to be out of my own hands in that way. Professional work for a client is often setup in some way similar to this. I don’t get mad when I walk down the street and see a poster I made up somewhere without it directly ‘linking’/referencing back to me (aside from maybe my signature if it had an illustration), in fact I go ‘OMG ITS THERE ugh wait i see one pixel is off oh noooooo” and then move on with my day. It’s just an entirely different situation because that kind of work has a different arrangement from the start, where you know it’s going to be put in a different type of circulation.
So yeah, my word isn’t god here, but I definitely see official releases as having a different set of permissions based on the fact that they are published in an entirely different situation. And I think reposts of personal art aren’t cool if the artist isn’t okay with them, no matter how big a platform they have. Other people probably approach this with a slightly different perspective, but that’s mine!
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uncloseted · 3 years
i related to effy an unhealthy amount when i was only 13 when i first watched it, but at the time i wasnt doing drugs, homewrecking, doing anything that young lol. however i was extremely mentally ill but undiagnosed, and so confused but i found solace in effys character because of how similar i felt to her. flashforward to being 20 now and im a nic addict/borderline drug and alcohol addict that forgets to take my prescribed antidepressants and antipsychotics. i cant tell you how many events of effys life have mirrored mine now 7 years later, both the pretty but mostly the ugly. it all feels like a joke to me, and the thing is of course it wasnt effy the fictional character that did this to me, it was the fact that i was genetically and epically set up to do this to me for as long as i existed and i saw myself in her too young. everyone ive ever met and started to befriend has fallen in love with me, has found me beautiful, and then seen my flaws and hated me even if they didnt tell me to my face. ive been a horrible friend and partner and im flighty and unreliable and destructive. i never saw effy, or a person like effy, find a happy ending and im afraid even when im at my manic highs i will never find a lasting happiness and will always accidentally self sabotage until i die. what im trying to ask is, how can i save me? i know its dumb to ask a random tumblr user but ive been following this blog since i was 13-14 and since you know effy through and through, you might know a little about me. its a long shot. (i’d also like to say this isnt a cry for help and im safe/not actively suicidal so i dont want you to feel like theres any pressure like that, but i did use this ask box as a free therapy session.)
I'm a bit biased, but I don't think there's anything wrong with asking a random Tumblr user at all. I'm happy to be a free therapy session when you need one, and I'm really touched that you've trusted me with your thoughts and feelings for so long. Hopefully I've been some help over the years 😆
Coping with mental illness can be really, really hard, but the good news is that with the right tools and support system, you can absolutely recover. It sounds like you already have a psychiatrist in your life, which is a great start. If you've having trouble remembering to take your medication, it might help to set calendar reminders on your phone, set up text prompts to remind you to take your pills, to link taking your pills with something else you do every day (like brushing your teeth or eating breakfast), or to reward yourself for taking your medication (for example, putting a piece of candy in your pill box that you can eat after taking your pill).
If you don't have one already, a therapist might also be a good idea. It can take a while to find the right therapist for you, so schedule a few appointments and see which therapist you "click" with. A therapist can help you work through any reluctance you might have towards taking you medications, as well as helping you come up with day to day strategies that help you achieve your goals and helping you work through the beliefs that you hold about yourself and the world that may be holding you back.
Moving on to talking about addiction for a bit. I strongly believe that addiction doesn't come from some type of inherent lack of willpower or moral failing, or even really the drug itself. It's the need to escape reality. And that's actually supported by scientific literature; most famously, the Rat Park experiment by Bruce K Alexander. Practically, we've seen that same thing in the aftermath of Portugal's decision to decriminalize all drugs. They took the money they were using to keep drug users in prison, and instead invested that money into reconnecting people who struggle with addiction to society. Their goal was to make sure that every person who struggles with addiction has a reason to get up in the morning and has a support system within the wider society. And it actually worked- injection drug use is down 50%, overdoses and HIV infections have massively decreased, and rates of addiction decreased as well. It's much easier to quit when you have something motivating you to keep going.
Why am I telling you all of this? I guess what I'm trying to get at is in order to recover from addiction, I think first people need to understand what the reality is that they're trying to escape. What can be done about those issues? Who's in your corner trying to support you, even if they're not doing the best job at it? Where else can you get the social support you might need? What are you passionate about? What would make it feel worth it to get up in the morning? I think instead of focusing on the drugs, or the alcohol, or the cigarettes, maybe we should focus on solving the root problems that make those attractive options. That's one of the reasons a therapist is a really good idea; they can help you figure out what those root problems are, and provide resources and tools to help you fix those problems.
In terms of practical, do it yourself advice for dealing with addiction, there are a couple things you might try. I did a whole post on evidence-based ways to set goals and follow through on them here, so I won't rehash it in this post, but basically:
Try to set goals that are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time bound. For you, this might be something like "My goal is to have only one drink a day (measurable and achievable) for week (time bound) so that I can be more reliable for my friends (relevant)".
Instead of trying to quit something, replace it with something else. For example, "when I feel like smoking, I'm going to do ten minutes of learning Korean instead". Learning something new is easier and more exciting, and so new habits are easier to maintain that breaking old ones. Find a new hobby that you've always wanted to do or that's exciting to you, and try to focus your energies on that to distract yourself.
Identify any obstacles (such as environmental triggers) that you might run into, and develop contingency plans for working around them. This might be something like, "when I drink coffee in the morning, I want to smoke, so I'm going to switch to tea instead." If you can, get rid of all environmental triggers that might remind you of your addiction or trigger a craving.
Get someone else involved. Tell a friend about your goal and have them check up on you. Your fear of disappointing them will help you stay on track.
Put money on the line. Give money to a friend with the understanding that you'll get it back at a set date if you've achieved the goal you set. Tell your friend that if you fail, they should donate the money to a group or cause you really hate.
Write down the reasons you want to quit, and put them somewhere you know you'll see them. Whenever you want to engage in an addiction behavior, read through that list first.
For bonus points, add to that list your contingency plan for when you want to engage in an addiction behavior. These may include ways to redirect your attention or distract yourself until the craving passes.
76% of people who wrote down their goals, actions and provided weekly progress to a friend successfully achieved their goals.
You might also try an addiction recovery app, such as these, or doing Cognitive Behavioral Therapy worksheets on your own if you can't access a therapist right now.
There are also some things you can try in order to improve your mood. As much as I hate that this is true, consistent exercise has a huge impact on mood. If you can, try taking a 20 minute walk outside, 3 times a week. Other (boring) things, like making sure you're getting 7-9 hours of sleep a night and eating regularly, can also make a big difference in mood. Some of you might know that I'm a little bit obsessed with the free Coursera class "The Science of Well-Being". It has a lot of great evidence-based tips and tricks for how to build happiness, and I highly recommend it if you're trying to live a happier life. These include things like journaling, meditating, noting things that you're grateful for, helping other people, and having regular social interactions.
Finally, a few philosophical thoughts. One of the Four Noble Truths in Buddhism is dukkha. Basically, this is the idea that suffering is an innate characteristic of existence in our world. When I was younger, I never liked this concept, but I think now I kind of get it. It's impossible to be happy 100% of the time, and that shouldn't be our goal. Suffering is the comparison by which our lives gain meaning. But we can do our best to minimize our suffering and the suffering of others, and ride the wave of suffering when it does come. And each time we ride that wave, we can learn techniques to manage it a little bit better, and to make it easier the next time. We will sometimes sabotage ourselves out of fear, but we can learn how to do it less frequently and for the consequences to be less dire. We can learn how to forgive ourselves for our flaws and what we've done in the past, and learn from those mistakes so we don't do them again in the future. It's also okay to backslide, to struggle even after you've made progress. You're never back where you started, because you've always learned more and experienced more.
I know I've thrown kind of a lot at you in this post, and I don't expect you to try all of it or for all of it to work, but hopefully something in there is helpful to you. You can get through this. You can save yourself, but please, also remember to let others help save you. You don't need to do this on your own. And just like I have been since you were 13, I'm always here to give a free therapy session and to lend my support ❤️❤️❤️
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btsficfinds · 4 years
im not trying to be rude or insensitive or something but why do you not just link the fic or say what the name is of the fic they ask instead of repeating that its under a certain tag when they have said that they couldnt find it before? Honestly its mainly something i noticed admin rumu does, and i just dont understand it because isnt it just easier to link the fic seeing how you found it alrdy anyways? Or atleast tell them what its called or smthing not just ‘look up that tag again its there’
Again im not saying this to be hateful! Its just something i noticed that admin doing because the others arent like that....
// hello! okay so first, there is an ongoing issue with people not bothering to read our tips page or properly check through our tags. we are very grateful to those who do but there are some who don’t even bother to do a quick google search - which relates back to the tips issue because there’s an entire post about how to use google to find a fic. our tips page is there for your benefit, so that you don’t have to wait days for one of us to answer your ask. 
second of all, ALL of us will direct them to check under a certain tag. admin rumu just happens to be the most active of the three of us so you see more of her posts with that than ours. there are multiple reasons why we don’t just link the old ask or tell them the name of the fic even if they say they’ve checked the tags (see below). we understand that it can be difficult to know all the relevant tags to check, which is why we tell them the specific tags they can use to find it. telling them the tags it can be found under gives them a guaranteed way to find the fic on their own. 
the ONLY situations in which previous posts are linked is if there is no way they could have found it based off their information or if the previous ask was missing that tag. the reason we ask people to check the tags is because:
a) tumblr gets wonky with links (especially on mobile) 
b) linking past asks or just giving the answer encourages people to send an ask without looking for it themselves. if they can get the immediate answer from us, why would they bother learning how to do it on their own? we are here to help people find fics but we do not support laziness. when we repeatedly get asks for fics we have already found, we don’t get to the asks that actually need our/our community’s help. from the outside looking in, linking may seem like it’s very easy for us to do but we have to do this multiple times a day and it is time consuming. linking = convenient for you but inconvenient for us.
c) again relating to our tips, there are many people who do not check the tags at all. some people seem to think trying the search methods in the tips is an either/or situation, but that is not the case. ALL of them should at least be attempted before sending an ask.
d) there are times where people will say they’ve gone through our tags but when we follow up later we find out that they didn’t do so or didn’t do it the way we had instructed. we know this does not apply to everyone (there are some who make honest mistakes), but there are also some people who just want us to do all the work for them.
e) we understand that there are a lot of tags but if everyone checked the tags on their own (properly) it saves us (and you) a lot of time. keep in mind it can take up to a week for us to respond, and that could be a week you have to wait before getting an answer that was ALWAYS available to you. if done correctly it may only take a minute to find the fic. browsing a tag can be very simple. on any tag page, holding fn + down arrow key (the page down keyboard shortcut) till ALL the asks on the page load, and using ctrl + f (the search in page shortcut) with a specific keyword will give you the fic you are looking for.
we are always open to speak privately if any of you don’t understand how to google with quotes or use our tags properly. once you know how to do it, you can do it on your own and you won’t have to seek our help! 'give a man a fish and you feed him for a day; teach a man to fish and you feed him for a lifetime.’
we understand you had no malicious intent and hopefully this explanation clears things up!
- the admins 
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musashi · 4 years
whatever im just directly responding to this one because apparently if i don’t you’ll just take every other post i make out of context
Okay, for anyone concerned, here’s the end to the tumblr user musashi saga. To reiterate, the original sin is that I blocked her without comment. 
the original sin is that you did something i’ve repeatedly stated is heavily traumatic. reducing it to you blocked me is an intentional downplaying of my feelings and baggage. i have a disclaimer in my BYF to not befriend me if you are incapable of ending a friendship civilly and instead ghost/abandon people. you read the BYF. You read the disclaimer. you did it anyways. you blocked me without a word. i thought we were friends, and you sliced me out of your life without so much as an explanation.
Because I saw her post this shit beating others down all the time. And I got tired. And then she did it to me.
i literally don’t know what you’re referring to. there’s no link here. i don’t beat anyone down. sometimes people mistreat me and i get rightfully mad at them for mistreating me. beyond that, i literally just blog about pokemon. in another post you said you unfollowed me over hazbin hotel or some shit, which is an animated show i’ve never seen and have no opinions on.
[screencap of a personal post where i’m clearly panicking]
cool! nice one. real empathy and compassion showing here.
I didn’t say any of this, aside from that we weren’t friends.  (edited to point this out.) We literally had only talked on a cursory level a handful of times. 
you’re literally missing the point. you said that we weren’t friends, and used that as your defense for literally blocking me. it doesn’t MATTER if you personally thought we weren’t friends. I thought we were friends. I thought you liked me. my feelings were hurt, i was crushed. just because you think its NBD “she probably doesn’t even remember me” doesn’t mean you are absolved. You may have thought that, and I believe you thought that, but you were mistaken. This made me even more upset--not only did my friend block me, but my friend didn’t even consider us friends.
even if i didn’t consider us friends, what you did to me was wrong. but the fact that i did and you don’t just means it hurts more. that’s literally it. i recognize that i didn’t mean to you what you meant to me, but that literally does not mean anything you did was okay. i don’t know how to spell this out further!!!!!
She also says that I am falsely claiming that I did not block her – a claim I never made– and also that I never apologized for unfollowing her, when in fact I did, repeatedly, trying to get this to stop.
YOU DID NOT APOLOGIZE. I DON’T UNDERSTAND WHAT YOU ARE TRYING TO GAIN FROM LYING ABOUT THIS. you keep saying this! what do i have to do to prove you didn’t apologize? does ANYONE reading this have ANY ideas??? Elliot literally won’t state, anywhere that i can FIND, WHERE he supposedly apologized. alledgedly, he’s sent me apologies MULTIPLE TIMES EVEN??? i dont know where i’m supposed to be looking. my tumblr DMs? my tumblr asks i think? i pretty obsessively read my ask box, i don’t have access to DMs but i never received any, of that I am sure. this is important to me and i would remember! you have not contacted me! the closest you have come to contacting me, besides publicly talking about me on your blog, is frantically sending my friend marcus a bunch of messages about me and then BLOCKING HIM AS WELL. ALL of this i learned because marcus came to me incredibly confused (as was i) asking why my name was coming up all of a sudden. that is ALL i have heard from you. there have been no apologies, no one on one chats. it is WAY easier for you to prove to your followers that you sent an apology than for me to prove that i didn’t receive one, so can you please? can you give me ANY ideas on how to prove that i’m telling the fucking truth? literally WHAT do i have to gain from lying about this????? do you think i get some kind of sick enjoyment out of this shit??? do you think having someone i thought was my friend on the opposite side of things makes me happy??????? do you think i enjoy this?? i don’t understand what you think i have to gain from lying! i didn’t receive an apology, a clarification, a single word from you! this is all the talking you have done with me. public talking, and talking through marcus. you have not contacted me. the last time i heard anything from you was probably an ask or dm you sent me months ago. i wish you would either believe me or just admit you didn’t apologize and send me even one message and have EVEN ONE CONVERSATION with me! i don’t understand how THIS is easier for you! i don’t understand why THIS is the way you did things, and why you’re insisting you tried any other approach!!! i literally just want to understand!!!!!
Literally please compare this post to what I have ACTUALLY said about the situation on my blog. 
ok i will
literally right here you posted an interaction between us. it’s just an ask where you asked me a question about getting to your ask and i responded. you go on to say ‘how am i supposed to get ‘friendship’ from this?’ and then you go on to talk about how i answered some other asks before yours, denoting the asks i answered as ‘friends’ and (correct me if im misunderstanding!!!) implying the ones i didn’t answer as ‘not friends.’ but that doesn’t make any sense. my friendship level with people has nothing to do with how readily i am to answer their asks. what asks i answer depends on time, energy, how compelled i am with the topic at hand, and a lot of other things. im looking at this screencap and i don’t understand how I’M supposed to get “not friends” from it. you posting this made me feel like you were reading deeply into every single interaction i had with you... i dont understand how i was supposed to know that the way i responded here was “unfriendly,” and i don’t understand how i’m supposed to know that me answering certain asks in a certain order has any connotation other than the literal one-wendy is answering certain asks in a certain order. and yeah sometimes i burnout or lose steam and just delete all my asks or don’t get to some. i didn’t realize i was being monitored on that too... thats what i was talking about in my personal post you very rudely put on display. i just thought we were friends, i didn’t realize there were all these... micro-interactions i had to be monitoring? i didn’t realize this stuff would make a difference about if you liked me back or not, i thought we were just friends and we liked each other already.
you also said:
She genuinely never called me by my name. She didn’t know how to spell it because she’d never spelled it before. My friends know that my name is not spelled like that because it’s 1 letter off from a very famous person. This wasn’t a guilt trip; it was truly just hurtful for her to address me by name the first time when she was calling me an asshole.
i didn’t know this was a social faux pas either. i am honestly really bad with names and even if i’ve known someone for years i will nervously check their blog to make sure i am getting their name right. i didn’t nervously check yours because when someone hurts me i can’t bear to look at their social media for fear of what i might find there. but i think “she spelled my name wrong and therefore we weren’t friends” (my understanding at least) is kind of drastic. if that is the case, i really don’t have as many friends as i thought i did.
sorry i did that, in any case. i’ll learn from it and not do it in the future.
I hope doing so makes it clear the extent to which a popular blogger (WHO I LITERALLY HARDLY SPOKE TO BEFORE THIS) 
like you literally just keep twisting the knife in. i don’t know how to tell you that how much i am able to talk to people has nothing to do with how much i like them and if i consider them a friend or not... this is hurtful. you keep bringing up how little we talked, or how i talked to you, and its hurtful. i just don’t understand why it’s so hard for you to understand that, esp when you’re autistic also. how have you not experienced exactly what you’re doing to me? someone who doesn’t understand the way you value a person’s company because they’re not allistic ways? i can’t talk to my friends all the time. sometimes, the most i can do is a like in their direction, a response to something they sent me, or even just silently reading their posts. 
what about this is not clicking? my ways of showing love and appreciation are different. you were in my private discord server, something that is HEAVILY vetted due to past abuse and full of people i consider my closest friends. you were someone i followed on tumblr, something i do not easily extend because of just how much rhetoric on this website upsets and overwhelm me. and regardless of if we didn’t talk enough by your standards, you still liked so many of my posts and i regarded you fondly and enjoyed seeing you and considered you my friend. just because my ways of showing appreciation were not in alignment with your ways or your standards, that doesn’t mean they don’t exist or matter.
has been intentionally manipulating my words and actions to make herself feel better about losing a follower she thought was cool, through her own actions at that. 
i’m not a “popular blogger,” who “lost a follower,” i’m a person who lost a friend. if i am really this... image you’re painting of me, of some social media influencer with “tens of thousands of followers” (i’m. not?? i don’t even have one 10k, let alone several) then why would i care about losing ONE?
i don’t know how to spell this out clearer. i’m traumatized. my trauma centers around repetitive abandonment from friends, more specifically blocking/softblocking/deactivating/moving blogs. to paint you a picture, there are certain posts on this website that actively trigger me despite being harmless, because they were the last post at the top of a friend’s blog before the friend remade their entire social media just to leave me in the dust. sometime’s i’ll be scrolling and some errant funnyman text post will send me spiraling.
and that’s what you did to me. that is why i am upset. it has nothing to do with making me feel better, it has nothing to do with manipulation, i do not need to manipulate this situation and to say that about a borderline having a fucking breakdown because someone perpetuated a horrible trauma she’s lived through time and time again is fucked up, wrong, and shitty. you are constantly downplaying my feelings by acting like just because you didn’t consider me a friend, what you did was okay. you refuse to talk to me one on one, or show me any indication of the apology you keep claiming you sent. and now you are acting as though this speaking out i am doing has to do with some ~tumbler dot corn callout dramaz~ instead of a person lamenting and hurting on her personal blog about yet another person hurting her in a very easily avoidable way.
i don’t know what “my own actions” are that drove you away. you didn’t have a conversation with me about them, or if you did i never saw it. i just woke up one day and you had blocked me. i still don’t know why you blocked me. i just know all the reasons you think it was an okay thing to do.
You can genuinely read back to see that what she claims I am saying and doing is at best self-aggrandizingly misinterpreted, and at worst actively and maliciously misleading.
maybe things wouldn’t get misinterpreted if you instead communicated with me instead of just ghosting me and trying to talk yourself out of the guilt of it. i don’t want to misinterpret anything, i just am having trouble understanding why you did any of this to me and your answers to all those questions aren’t helping me understand because i can’t ask about them in real time.
I am reiterating the same shit because it’s the truth. Her desperation to convince her tens of thousands of followers that I’m “lying”, while asserting that I said things that I did truly actually not and you can literally just go see that on my blog in writing, is tremendously telling.
i clarified some here, but i still don’t know where i’m supposed to be looking for this apology. 
again, i don’t have tens of thousands of followers, and me posting on this blog isn’t about reaching an audience or whatever, it’s about... processing the pain you’ve caused me.
I will say it bluntly now: You are not a person I would ever want to be friends with. 
thats fine, but i wish you would have just told me that instead of doing this. a lot of my friendships end because i was incompatible with a person who doesn’t feel the need to traumatize me to avoid having a conversation. you could’ve just shot me a DM and told me it wasn’t meant to be, and i could’ve thanked you for your time and moved on with my life.
I cannot be emotionally manipulated in such transparent ways, and I am not impressed by you. If that makes you mad, I hope the fire keeps fizzling.
my suffering won’t make your life better, and demonizing me won’t lessen the guilt of what you did to me. you’ll heal a lot faster if you just admit to even just yourself that maybe you could’ve handled things more gracefully. 
Tumblr media
this is exactly what you did to me. and you confronted one of my friends asking for space/understanding about why it hurt you. right here you literally ask marcus, word for word, what i wanted for you. the hypocrisy you’re showing me is astounding.
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lgbtpolitics · 4 years
Realising I am a lesbian (this is gonna be long)
This is not something I talk about much because I see it as something personal and not for public discussion. Equally I feel that online discussions, especially on tumblr are steeped in this idea of "winning" an argument, "proving" you're allowed to say this or that and "owning" your "opponents" and I dont like my personal story to have any part of that.
But the recent discussion I was just having made me reminisce a lil bit so I'm gonna talk about it now. Because I feel like where I'm coming from on this is pretty relevant.
Something you need to understand is that I was not popular in primary school. I had like barely any friends. I basically got it into my head that I was more mature than everyone else, and I was like, so excited to go to secondary school. I watched all the rom coms about high school and I just saw it as my chance to be the super popular girl, that dates all the boys, and everyone loves etc. This fantasy of myself as the next regina George was something that really kept me going during that time. And I went to secondary school and tbh I got my wish- ofc real life isnt as dramatic as the movies, there was no dramatic walking down the halls with everyone in awe- but for all intents and purposes i was relatively popular, had my little girl gang, and most importantly, loads of boys fancied me. I got my first kiss age 11 and just felt I was succeeding in life. I subsequently got slapped in the face with the realisation that I was a lesbian.
Now this was like, unacceptable to me. I basically promised myself that it didn't matter, I was gonna stay closeted forever, I could still date boys, no one needed to know. This idea i had that my attractiveness to boys was my sole life force was not going away any time soon. So i did that. I dated boys, and I was enjoying it too. I knew I wasnt really into them (do not @ me about the ethics of that this is middle school it was never gonna last regardless) but really the whole point of dating them was to satiate my need to be the super attractive girl, not actual feelings. That was true before I realised I was gay and it was still true afterwards so yeah I was still getting that same buzz, the delight of realising someone's into me, scrutinizing him with my friends, gossiping about it- I was loving it. So far none of this is sounding very gay I know. The thing was these relationships would never last longer than maybe like 2 months. That's not that strange for that age group, hence why no one picked up on it, but after the initial hype wore down, after it became something in my life not a new adventure I was just bored and I started to hate it. I remember this would change really rapidly, almost overnight I would go from being so excited about him to just wanting him nowhere near me. I like kinda knew this was because of my sexuality but like I said, as far as i was concerned I could basically just be straight and only think about women in private so I didn't scrutinise it too much.
Anyway fast forward a few years of this. When I was 18 I moved somewhere new, much more accepting place with -SHOCK- other, out, gay people. This was like crazy to me and I came out to a handful of my friends. It was bliss honestly. However to my, and my friends, surprise I did not stop getting with guys after I'd come out to people. It was really weird for me, I just like could not stop seeing guys like a dating prospect. I was not actively dating guys but like sometimes kissing them at parties stuff like that. I remember thinking that I needed to stop getting with them if I wanted people to believe me that I was gay, but then thinking, if i need to try then surely I'm not gay, like what is this? So when I went to uni I came out as bisexual. I really wanted to come out at uni because i was ok with people knowing now, but I was scared of like making announcements to people so going away was like, my opportunity to just let people know when I first met them and it would be a casual thing. And I just decided I was gonna say I was bisexual because saying I was confused felt too personal to share with people I was just meeting but also if I was still getting with guys, any discussion of how I could be a lesbian also felt too personal so i was like ok I'm bisexual now. I dont mean this like I actively lied, I mean more like, I just told myself I must be, because i seemingly could not stop getting with guys.
So yeah for a couple of years I identified as bisexual. I basically changed my mind because of one event. What happened was, there was this guy on my course who like, I had noticed before, but not in an attraction way (not even fake attraction, like I had not even thought about him as hot, or someone i would wanna get with i just knew like who he was). And whilst out with some friends of mine, they were getting all giggly and gossipy about how cute this guy is. I just saw them like laughing about something and then one of them turned to me and said "Dont you think x is really fit?" And in that moment, suddenly, I thought he was really fit. I dont mean I lied and pretended to join I mean in that split second I suddenly started to feel something towards him that I did not before. And for some reason, this time I was acutely conscious of the fact that I did not find him attractive before she said anything. And this event really stayed with me and I was pondering it for ages, and started to realise that basically every guy I'd fancied up to that point I'd actually done the same thing with. Like I would have no inclination to get with a boy until he or someone else put the idea in my head. And I was latching on to that idea every time. And this feeling was not following through, I'm not gonna go into detail about sex I was having but basically yeah it didn't hold up. And just like that, I basically just realised that a lot of my attraction to men was the same as it was when i was 12 years old: all about about the idea of it and not really about them, or my enjoyment at all. I linked this back to my obsession with being this figure of "girl all the guys want", despite the fact that I was now studying science at university, not doing make up and nearly all my friends were guys etc, I'd basically entirely let go of this persona, but the impact of having spent my whole life was that I could not distinguish between someone I liked and someone I liked the idea of and I could see it really clearly all of a sudden.
Initially I thought it was just me. Like I'd concocted this image of myself that had convinced me I was bisexual for years. Up until I started reading about other lesbians experiences with this- I wasnt alone and I wasnt even the oldest person just realising it. That was another big factor was that I felt way to old to still be questioning my sexuality, especially considering I was now out of the closet, I was involved in a lot of lgbt activism and politics and I just felt a bit pathetic. Realising this was actually a really common experience, actually including feeling more of this "attraction" to men after coming out, was honestly not just a huge relief to me but also just made me feel more comfortable identifying as a lesbian, and not feeling like I had to justify every past relationship I'd had with men in order to do so.
Now I actually still have a lot of friends who think I'm bisexual. I do tell people I'm not, but they dont believe me a lot of the time, and I dont blame them. I understand that I got with a lot of boys and they just see that and think "shes definitely bi". They're mostly men, quite a few of them are straight and people just arent aware that this is a thing that lesbians experience. That pretty much concludes my story, and I just wanna say that the reason I'm posting this is not, as I said at the top, about "winning" this "argument" I was having, I just want people to see this stuff. I just shared contrpoints video where she talks about the same stuff, saying how one of my friends actually got in touch with me after seeing that to say he kind of could see what I meant about me being a lesbian. Call it comphet call it whatever you want. The point is, it is a common experience, and it is something people struggle with, even after realising that that's what it is, it doesn't go away when you put a name to it. Recognising it does help though, it's been a while now since I've even contemplated being with any man. Also when you do feel that stuff, it helps to just ask yourself if what you're feeling is attraction, or a buzz from the idea of it. Having an understanding that it's not just about forcing yourself but actually you feel something genuine, but that that something is not attraction really helps to understand it aswell.
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babylon-cal · 4 years
feel free to answer all of them or just some of them or just ignore this all together, whatever you’re comfortable with, and then tag however many people you want! thanks for tagging @i-like-5sos <3
1. what was your first encounter with fanfiction?
i remember it was sometime in 2012, i used to do one directoin quizzes on quotev and i saw a fanfiction called “Trapped” which was about Harry and I remember liking it (at the time). That was the first one i ever read. 
2. your favourite creation of your own of all time if you create stuff (feel free to link it)
It’s definitely Do You Love Me? which is a 2 part fic with Calum!
3. what vibe are you going for with your home decor (or what vibe do you wanna go for one day, if you don’t have your own place atm)?
i never thought of it, but probably something simple or minimalistic but with a nice of pastel colours where I can. 
4. first fandom you ever joined? what was it like? on what platform did it happen?
I was a belieber but the only person I ever talked about him to was my best friend, so the first fandom was definitely 1D and i started interacting with other fans on Tumblr and Facebook LMAO
5. what are your sun, moon and rising signs, and do you think they make sense in relation to how you know yourself?
Libra, Libra and Pisces. I think they make a lot of sense, in a few aspects of mu life like how i view relationships - being the absolute CHEESE MELT i am, and my tendency to want to enjoy lavish things (with my money ofc thats why I don’t do it) and other things im too lazy to get into
6. if you write and/or read fiction (original or fanfiction), do the tropes/plots/character types you typically seek out to read and/or write about reflect something about you as a being or how you see the world?
Reading, not so much. But when I write, not for all, for most, I tend to implement a character trait or reaction that they have that is a bit of me, that way, i can really form a character that seems human and know how to describe things in a way that would relate to the character (aka how i would) in certain situations. I can get REALLY into it sometimes fully immersing my emotions into certain plot instances and can sometimes tear up at it lmao  
7. what is the hardest obstacle you’ve had to overcome so far in life?
Not to be like OH MY LIFE IS SO HARD bla bla dumb shit but i don’t really think I can pinpoint an instance in my life where I look back and think “damn that was the hardest thing i ever had to go through”  and I’m pretty sure what would be the hardest thing, is something I’m still dealing with so maybe down the line in the future, i’ll come back an update this :) 
8. what is your all time favourite song(s)?
It changes constantly, but i would say See Through by The Band Camino, Therapy by All Time Low, dying together by GOLDN and Flashlight by The Front Bottoms are definitely up there constantly. Can’t choose between the 4. 
9. what do you look for in a person you wanna keep in your life, be it a friend or a romantic partner or anything in between?
Sorry for the most generic, boring ass answers but someone who is intelligent and understanding. It’s literally just those two. I don’t really have something to “look for” other than that, because if I vibe with someone, I vibe with them. I don’t even notice when they are being understanding or have intelligent insight cuz it would more often that not, just happen. 
To go into the real romantic shit, someone that would take long drives with me in the middle of the night, listening to our favourite songs - that we have to at least share cuz music taste MUST match - and kiss me at the red lights. Someone that wouldn’t mind dancing in the rain if I wanted to or be totally down to stay indoors and cuddle until the sun comes out again. Someone that brings me a cup of tea when I’m doing my work and give me a kiss on the head. Someone that knows how I like my coffee or how I feel about flowers and what my favourite ones are because they want to. 
Right, that didn’t happen. 
10. this is a bit of a difficult one, but have you ever had a moment of clarity, a conversation with someone that made you go “oh!”, or anything along those lines?
Yeah usually, when we’re talking about things either person isn’t as well versed with. You learn something new everyday, truly. 
Gonna tag : noone, cuz my moots arent active anymore and I literally dont know who to, thanks for the tag tho lovelyy!!
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sirjustice234-blog · 4 years
How its told
In the metro-dome thing, we u see 1 strolling against the wall on the pavement it means they love solitary lives and food as can leave in Canada or Russia if their character were aint bad on food and its known that way as that i 1 signs and more which may bring animosity against ya and u know not. Other signs from the above attract the attention of other nations, and when accepted and can live larges u can come out and in at intervals but when u do something bad on the way like wanting this and that woman kinda, u r chained so u change ya character or the going out privilege wont be extended to you again. Most African and 3rd world leaders don't like the former case, reason 4 ya derailment in ya activities
And even paints can be made with yogurt or cuddled milk when maize seed placed inside the mixture with much water in the boom process and even wedding cakes or picnic/birth cakes.
While walking along the narrow paths in the tea bush plantations, u can just pluck few leaves say 100 per person, lets say u r 10 as well as with sisal plantation then marshal up and make many in the boom process and even can set a mini-tea processing unit to process the same to make u rich overnight dude like with KS state has 1 and many i know not. Plucking as walking and Christ with king of the jew to bring out the above reality another version. Click the link below 4 more as even Negros were eying the same with coffee, tea, pyre thrum, maize, sugar cane and sisal by making much out of buying personal plots that harbors the same and that's the confidence of their coming here as last rescue, so think twice if u want to manipulate them as they can be well ahead of u as have searched 4 tea markets in their nation and dense nations like Brazil and Nigeria to sell to and learn ya dialect to compose music to get ya share as they go back. So the govt to reduce land on tea to plant food crops as a 10 hecter farm when plucked and made artificially as explained below takes care of all Kenya export or other nations which import buy small quantity and make their own factory to employ her citizens by making much leaves out of the few bought
The countries in the below link can boost of top producers yet not as they can be lazy to tilt as make artificial one in the boom process b4 mixing with real ones to sell to other nations to make them a head in-terms of Forex yet no handwork but gimmicks which if those nations sold to have learnt can do the same with buy less and making artificial 1 to mix, still selling to her customers at the no mixed type price, lest all the tom harry and dick knows about it to make theirs at home to reduce the extra-profit of no-work getting into the above people pockets, currently whats happening dude with like SA, India or Nigeria, dem poor if the client nations learns the same
So the govt should take rapid measures fence the plantations where the start of the plantation beyond the fence is even 3-5 meter to deter hand plucking that make dubious business people rich ahead of others destroying the nation with the women they marry and kids out of such practices dude
Much yogurt mixed with water makes the gadget body not appear thick and vice versa, when the above or cuddle milk is placed on a floating cabinet or big like super drum and in the dark u rinse ya face with face towel b4 hurling to the mixture and boom a big yacht formed dude or cut banana placed into the mixture above and u sprinkle cold water with copier syringes and boom the same formed or inserting spare-parts of the yacht or photo in the mixture above.
Buy Russian TV to show shakiness as overtaken economy now u bring your own brand around in the link below, lest they change their rude posture or change will change them as per now as their dirty ways marked/truckled of thwarting others progress far from their spheres, control ya waters dude as my message                       
We were fighting me against ya and vice versa, so don’t send folks to ambush me that i ought to have opened 1 a/c 4 that time to post never to return to it, like sometimes i do 4 some days b4 resorting to the above as they see an additional writing. Its me not u and why u see that yet 4 like 5 years u have refused to accept the fact that if u guess the email  of tumblr a/c u cant return to it. Looking 4 places to eat at, stop dude, me i will hurl u with stone lest police shoot me even in their post which when i report the same they have placed women with big 4heads which dont know where they are going. Look 4 ya types dude, u big 4headed women, i can be ya client in prostitution but not in matrimony dude period.
They came to ya door, Congo blooded men who still think Kenya IS RICH and they will manipulated the negro women as they have purported and what u like is what u like so competing with ya. Bringing kids they played part to up-bring while disrespecting ya and at that time have a sad face as if they talked to God, if u fail to hearken to their plights, kinda, u risk going to hell and they are here to help u get out of the same which as below is a big lie. Lazy people of no definition dude but the above is pure jealousy gimmick. They think at that time u live good, so after get ya poor story they immediately belittle ya which again is u show signs of maneuver, they show you their risk watch “SA“ in Swahili to signal u of organized theft in SA as i have explained it in sirjustice199 where a friend inducts u, with u if u do the same they have organized a shoot out 4 ya cause if they eliminate ya in the country it will be known is the Big man friends which can be catastrophic so they wanna do it the SA way dude liaising with some Chinese, Indian and Russian people. Big shame dude, your kids we mark, once all go well they are point of elimination either via frustrations or killed in other unknown ways dude.
Yeah, he has refused, yes i have refused and who is you dude, who now wants may food and kinda stay at my premise. Shoot me from the back or hurl grenade at me, you gays of no shame. Even that SA i want to make poor not to be thinking of getting to it like with how to make artificial oranges, fruits, eggs that don’t spoil the teeth, making electric poles and AE generator and Pay TV as u can google new African countries with home made such as 2goinvoice online source they get the same by placing money online as explained above. They monitor ya cash in pretense, u r lazy of little income but deep down want to send kinds to ya house. Very bad character indeed. If u can understand judgement is done in Minneapolis, get their, and if still not then playing insane to get buy or needs killing as king of the jew come in handy to solve that puzzle dude. Memorandum building in Clinton ave Minneapolis-  Jesus alluding in swahili Mfalme wa yawhodi. They even say now u r Christo yet u have warned them many times of the same wanting to hit ya eye and still come back to ya the next minute wanting ya food together with their kids, eti they got something special in store so in future dont want mant to join to benefit from them, so u feel early as they are feeling to stop yet when u ask them of that thing, its hacking a tumblr a/c to delete which the software u have used they know not cause each timke u visit the cyber u download a new 1 altogether from the net and use as u open another everyday tumblr on their placed on computer software like mozilar and chrome which if they find the same when you left not logged off, they get happy they have the software they want to shift the a/c to cement the jew/Egyptian thing will rise to no avail dude. Stop guys and resort to farming as u have always done or other feasible ways known after heavy consultation dude. An advice bro
Kikuyu are now engaged in war as violence and the Somali to cement the truth in the link below that their teeth will be made white not with milk but by Hydrogen peroxide made out of Euphorbia in the boom process that if people could have not known the same they could be placing such in toothpaste can and selling like 300% above normal price as teeth whiteners so they build USA as most people use such to white their teeth from them and the bible was written to talk of the future that Christ is not yet buried or crucified as which year was hydrogen peroxide that use to teeth unearthed? Along time dude even b4 Africa colonization and their eye aint dark as the white eye rather red but can be brown out of illicit liquor sold and another reason they buy from Mr Hindu another set as can shift ya teeth to be white sometimes b4 they shift ya normal teeth or if u have eaten deep fried Nile perch hot they got nothing to do. So the people who changed the bible must rethink twice b4 they say they are insane reason why Kebi went their to investigate the above whether true or false.
They detergent in the bottled pictured below as 1 send me that link in my Fb as a text has the ripple effect of shaping ya head and very smoothing ya face. Try it women, stop much with ya face to no avail as the mirror u got aint perfecto dude, u may think 1 got to plastic surgery if they use the same
When after making holes to below the earth crust on ya boarder line from below as u now know the bearing, place cameras with lights which only can be switched on when need be as the camera got night vision to monitor any intruder objects. The camera can be wireless as the boosters that connects to such place at intervals until it reach near the hole as they USA the cooker timer and a dynamo technology to operate so no worry dude or just used cabled wire with like supplied electricity. No need 4 placing drones beneath if such proves futile or expensive to ya, moreover the camera should look down to monitor intruders coming from down as the mention in the former case looks forward as with Christ posture on cross after and b4 he died. Read between the lines dude, don’t be over taken by time.
The whites knows that kebi has defeated them, yet they want to know which kind of abuse that fellow will push forward maybe in terms of their old age skin type or of race as many are kikuyu and masai/trukana blood which kebi likes not and even more as he leaves his Fb not logged off so 1 can do the art of abuse b4 he is queried dude. India still rich with plastic surgery as they can shift ya baldness with a new airline from 1 who is shot or due to be buried, teeth or any body part dude and that’s the remaining strength dude
Kebi with Amagy mkubwa, get the story dude, dont wait
Magy come and shower, amagy answer my legs are swollen, or am experiencing a slight headache, an old some1 from Kenya countryside bad smell choked me to make me loose control to hit my head on the floor to bring the same, Now amagy come and cook my eyes are heavy will not make me tomorrow work good at work, or am applying make up a friend of mine is coming to pay me a visit, amagy come wash plates, it will erase my nail polish, amagy come mop the floor, am sleeping if i do so tomorrow i will be late 4 work, amagy i have bought food at the local Mcdonald, amagy insinuates gives me 2-4 minutes babe am coming and Finally amagy come and we have sex, amagy ni seke seke, oketo ng’amruok mbele ma yaani ameweka kutobwa mbele, setting her legs atease is her 1st another job as made easy without of thinking of the dubious tricks she purported b4 or wanting to play like still young yet grown. Middle life crisis, big shame girl, nene kaka-ongiyo kebi ka-ochongoriyo bird as women watch Christ crucifixion tentatively as if missing the grinding ripple of kebi tendentious manhood. Change girl, it high time.
Their is a certain glass like bulb that u can open as it houses the many bulb technology inside, when burns up u get them out and close the big bulb and still works. On the tip of the big open like bulb it has a step down transformer 120-240 to 30 V which the place inside bulb uses to brighten the whole house as if it was the normal 240 bulb releasing their4 less heat and radiation to ya body and a big plus 4 people who don’t want much heat in their houses at night.
Now its end signs with alternator generator u have disturbed Kebi 4 almost 5 goods years and with this will not take even 1 year to elapsed b4 u r finished lest u change. With source with aluminum bars are not yours 4 u to claim only the cooker timer and dynamo technology, question is why not the former to be claimed or u make? Stop dude!!! Time 4 reckoning is handy as a day of judgement around the corner dude the same Italy makes even small and cheaper more than China made 1 like Linz or Merrali Alternator Generators.
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