#i love neil gaiman
theinksimpression · 5 months
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I promise I draw more than michael sheen its just the art block has been hitting hard.
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goodomens-girlie · 8 months
huh, I wonder where Neil and Terry got the idea for Crowley and Aziraphale
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the world may never know
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valleyvex · 2 months
I love and live for middle aged white woman activities @the-marauders-are-ghosts
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thecommonmold · 10 months
Everyone after good omens season 2 episode 6
Also this is the realest thing I have ever seen.I understand this on a higher mental and emotional level
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mentallyinsanebsdfan · 6 months
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Aaaaaa!!!!! Good Omens season 3 is finally confirmed!!!!!! THE INEFFABLE HUSBANDS ARE COMING ON SCREEN AGAIN 🩷!!!!! Thank you @neil-gaiman for this amazing early Christmas gift!!!!!!
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noodlesinagony · 3 months
neil gaiman is to modern literature what tim burton is to filmography
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mythical-illusions · 9 months
@neil-gaiman is honestly one of my favorite people, especially since he's on Tumblr. People will go to him and ask the most bazaar questions or just tell him about their crappy days and he LISTENS.
He sits there and takes the time out of his (probably very busy) day to answer asks about basically anything. Giving advice, comfort, or just answers to silly questions. A lot of his asks aren't even ABOUT stuff he writes, but people trust him and feel comfortable enough to ask him silly things.
And I just think it's absolutely wonderful. He knows how important he is to us and just takes his time to give us a little something more, and not a lot of people (specifically celebrities) do that.
Anyways, I love Neil Gaiman even though sometimes his writing makes me sad
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kinny-meow · 4 months
I hope Neil Gaiman knows I drew a stick figure of him on a paper and my English teacher hung it up.
It was a paper about your future goals, with a little spot to draw a picture of a person who’s your inspiration.
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asimplestrawberry · 11 months
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junglemindless · 10 months
btw just watched good omens. and everyone should too. is basically the bible fanfiction with gay people is perfect
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medusaspeach · 1 year
Hello, I hope this isn't a weird question or that I'm asking the wrong person, but since you mainly draw Greek Mythology, I thought I'd give it a shot. Do you know of any books retelling/or simply telling Greek Myths, like that one Norse Mythology book by Neil Gaiman? I've wanted to learn more but I'm overwhelmed by simply searching the internet. I thank you in advance, and it's totally fine if you don't wanna answer this! I know it's a really odd and out of pocket thing to ask.
Not weird at all :) I bought "Classical Mythology" by H. A. Guerber at a Barnes and Noble like.... years ago and have only recently cracked it open. It's definitely not perfect, and it refers to most of the Greek gods by their roman names, but it covers many classical myths and is easy to follow otherwise.
Also just want to throw in that Theoi.com has a lot of great info that's pretty neatly categorized.
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theinksimpression · 5 months
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Ive come to accept my fate as a GO fan artist
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goodomens-girlie · 6 months
theater kids be like “ I just yes and my way through life”
Neil Gaiman/Good Omens kids just “wait and see” their way through life
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valleyvex · 3 months
the 'delulu is the solulu' girls when I tell them about the man that follows me and my foxy from fnaf hallucination
the 'delulu is the solulu' girls when my best friend for the first time talks about her issues with someone and they say he should be put in a mental hospital
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thespecialhell · 9 months
I really need to watch S2 of Good Omens again but here are my thoughts on that marvelous disaster of a finale fresh off the first viewing.
1. Metatron is a shady bitch. What's he doing tempting Aziraphale like that? Something's up I tell you.
2. What's with Az being so ready to give up the bookshop just because Metatron dangled a shiny promotion in front of him? For the last 2 seasons he was barely stopping at murder to prevent purchases but after a single conversation he suddenly went from 'you haven't actually sold any have you?' to 'nothing lasts forvever?' I don't buy it. Where's the switch? Who was that really? Which conniving Angel is hiding behind Azzie's face? WHAT HAVE YOU DONE WITH AZIRAPHALE, NEIL!? 👀
2.5. That not being Aziriphale explains not only his readiness to abandon his beloved bookshop but also why the kiss was so awkward and stiff and why Aziraphale seemed to not know what to do. Hear me out. An imposter that returned from the conversation with Metatron after stuffing Aziraphale in the back of a Heavenly Beemer would be trying to act like Aziraphale but wouldn't quite understand the depth of his love for the bookshop or his dramatic wee snake.
An imposter would know that Aziraphale and Crowley are close and would have a reason to make Crowley believe that Aziraphale was leaving out of choice. The Angels are dense but I think they'd figured out by now that they couldn't just kidnap Aziraphale without a cover, Crowley would go absolutely bananas and they (the Angels) have some sort of plan they want to go smoothly and don't want to deal with that right now, thank you very much. No, they'd have to make it look like Aziraphale was leaving willingly. They'd know that Crowley wouldn't bite on the whole 'you could be an Angel again' line but I think whoever it was pretending to be Aziraphale didn't see that profession of love speech or that last-ditch-attempt kiss coming. They were totally blind-sided which is why Az seemed so confused and unsure about what to do with his whole damn body. The real Aziraphale was a school girl at prom finally working up the nerve to ask her crush, who she's been pining after since 3rd grade, to dance just hours before. You can't convince me that Az wouldn't have melted blissfully and triumphantly into that kiss. There probably would have been a little foot pop.
Clearly Heaven had misjudged exactly how close the pair had become and they just learned a vital piece of information there. Aziraphale touching his lips? That wasn't an 'oh my Heavens, Crowley loves me, what am I going to do, I can't believe he kissed me' and so forth kind of gesture. That was an 'oh my word, we had no idea it was this bad, this changes everything, they'd die for each other, I was just kissed by a Demon!' kind of a gesture.
3. Assuming that really was Aziraphale because let's be honest, my theory has so many holes in it it's starting to look like that Louis Sachar novel, I'm honestly just amazed that Aziraphale didn't Fall after tripping on all that pride!
'Metatron thinks I deserve to be the next Gabriel? Of course he does, I'd be great at it!'
'I'd have the power to restore Crowley's Angel status? Gimme the power!'
'We could make Heaven so much better because we're better than everyone else!'
'Crowley looks so sad and angry over there and I do so want to run away with him now that I know his feelings for me but I'm not about to do the Apology Dance and admit that I'm making a huge mistake so I'll just follow though with this terrible idea because I'm too proud to beg forgiveness from my Demon.
Pride, all of it.
4. What an absolute flex to end the season on a cliffhanger in this age of streaming uncertainty. There's no contract for a third season, no guarantee we'll get any more, just a big black hole of question marks in that department and Neil decides to end it like THAT?! There are so many ways to end stories that provide satisfaction and closure in one narrative while leaving room for a new direction but no, Neil chose pain instead. Dude is a sadist.
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mentallyinsanebsdfan · 6 months
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What a great day to be alive
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