#i memorize the mechs
noxtivagus · 2 years
#tag later#im really good at this fight#yayy i love putting a marker on my head#i memorize the mechs#mwahhhhh#🥺 that went well !#i had someone thank me in /a for my triangle marker mwah#i received a /dote from them for that 🫶🏼#i used to help other players even as a sprout :>#now as a mentor it's basically the same but i have a new icon now#uwah i'm calling watching smth for my friend rn n#it's been nearly 2 months since i've called with anyone like this huh#it feels weird then. but now i'm reminded of how much i do like talking with people#i really don't talk w others often huh#i wonder how daily life is like for others. do they call w their friends daily?#play games together? dm a lot of people? idk#then i realize i genuinely do live a pretty 'lonely' life#i have a friend grp of 4 ( childhood friends ) n we don't talk like everyday#yeah every single interaction i have w another. god i remember n treasure them all a lot#anyways i wna rest today sigh#aaa i miss talking more w other ppl as well;; i miss a lot of ppl. i miss your voice#wah talking with others feel like a luxury for me huh#i. i think i look#pretty with my camera on rn ><#sob the hopeless romantic in me though#i wna call with. someone. one person with the kind of connection with me#sob watching this show w my friends rn is opening my mind more again rn;;#hmm if i had a double life;; or even hmm the possibilities of my reality n what i wld ideally want#help wait i'm thinking abt a lot of other things again#huh watching rn w my friends n thinking like this feels like deja vu;;;
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ceaseless-rambler · 1 year
Actually I *am* normal about the mechs because most mechs fans are Like This and normal is a statistic. We're all so abnormal about the mechs that it just makes us normal about them
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shy-sapphic-ace · 5 months
I just listened to Red Signal like ten times tonight this song is INSANE I'm still buzzing from it
My brain (vibrating at a very high frequency): NOT THE WALLS OF THE TRAIN, BUT THOSE OF A FALSE AND HOLLOW REALITY
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chazz-is-a-zelda-fan · 4 months
are you normal or do you start sobbing uncontrollably when you watch episode 25 of yugioh gx
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pangolinheart · 1 year
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Since I'm posting gposes, new gunbreaker glam!
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Mechanisms fans!!!! Thats at least 3 here now :]!!! Hellfire is great and my personal favorite album is Once Upon A Time In Space (its the first one I heard) - [|87
Allowing myself one (1) ask to just go fucking feral YOOOOO HOLY SHIT DUDE. THE MECHANISMS FUCK AND YOU ARE SO CORRECT ABOUT HELLFIRE I literally can't pick a favorite from high noon over camelot it changes every single time I listen to the album they all SLAP
Once Upon A Time In Space is SO fun but my favorite without a SHADOW of a doubt is The Bifrost Incident. It makes me go feral in ways no other albums have achieved before or since I get so excited I have to remind myself to breathe and it FUCKS LIKE HELL. Also lyfrassir edda my beloved I would do anything for this pathetic little detective
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astrxealis · 2 years
i miss e11s !! eden’s promise anamorphosis savage !!!
#⋯ ꒰ა starry thoughts ໒꒱ *·˚#⋯ ꒰ა ffxiv ໒꒱ *·˚#progging that fight is painful but really fun#especially when you have a fun static#who laugh at fatebreaker's lines LMAOOO WHORE...........#and memorizing the lines and lowkey mocking them in perfect timing (sorry. ily ryne)#also tbh that one mechanic where you need to kinda trust the one on the opposite end and either stay or move forward#depending on whether the image/shadow/whatever behind your position is raising the sword#i remember once everyone died. except for me. and ofc i had to reset bcs i was just a poor lil mch and not a healer or caster#and some clutches like me dying and being rezzed and being in the middle of 2 other players and#the space was SO small but we did it. clutch. absolutely amazing#and the luck i had for the stack to be on me while i still had invuln !!!!! LOVE moments like that#i really miss eden tbh ... the mix of the mechs and design and atmosphere and music. and esp the people i played w#having a static in xiv is th#i;m so stupd#i accidentally removed a tag up there#and removed the tag saying i removed a tag#anyways. :))#AHVING A STATIC IN XIV IS THE BEST FOR THE GREATEST RAIDING EXPERIENCE#TERRIBLE PHRASING BUT IDC AT THIS POINT.#even if my static in oce isn't the same as those people in eu where i really considered them friends and actually#interacted a lot in chat/emotes. mostly emotes tbh. but yeah theyre really great#i have never turned on mic for the two statics ive been in which i really appreciate!! <3#altho eee we're gna get our xiv friend from twt into savage sometime aside from making our own fc ^__^ m very happy#i love learning fights in ffxiv tbh. one of the best experiences ever#even if it's unsynced savage! like alexander... really really really fun. and the satisfaction when clearing it <3#hi lune you're looking over my shoulder rn and your chewing is disgusting ew don't hug me please no one LIKES u#(just normal sibling things ^^) anyways yeah. love eden#the music !!!!!!!! the ff8 (m a nerd) and PROMISES TO KEEP <3333333 my favorite.
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infestedslime · 9 months
Yknow I think my favorite armored core boss (so far at least, I haven’t started my 3rd playthrough) is Ibis. Which is weird because that’s the boss that took me the most attempts and with like every other fromsoft game those are always my least favorite bosses.
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r-r-raf · 11 months
🎶✨️when u get this u have to put 5 songs u actually listen to, publish. Then, send this ask to 10 of your favorite followers (non-negotiable, positivity is cool)🎶✨️
:0! Am I one of your favorite followers 🥺 ajshaa
I'm gonna be so real though. I don't listen to music much </3 I don't know what it is about me but seeking out music was never something. I got into? I didn't even fully realize that people actually for real daughter out music from specific people until one of my friends got reallyyy into music.
But! If I had to answer! Be prepared for a lot of mechs songs bc they are so in my brain. Okay.
Gunpowder Tim vs. The Moon Kaiser by The Mechanisms
Blood and Whiskey by The Mechanisms
Hellfire by The Mechanisms
One Eyed Jacks by The Mechanisms (shocker!)
Sincerándome by Carlos Rivera
One (1) non-mechs song. As a treat.
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kimpining · 4 months
Did you know that right now you could be reading over a million words of trans lesbian communist sci-fi?
Unjust Depths is a webnovel about communists struggling for the sake of a better world, through mech combat and romance and sparking waves of liberation in the depths of the sea. And there's even an epub now!
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It's my favorite story, and its dedication to portraying the clashing ideologies and ideals of such a large ocean-spanning cast of memorable characters inspires me every day. The vast majority of its cast is trans and gay women striving and fighting for a better world that has a place for them. The willingness of the story to jump between perspectives and understandings of the world and to manage it so gracefully and effortlessly is incredible to read.
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And at the heart of it, the story is funny, romantic, sensual, just capable of encompassing so many different dimensions of the characters within and using all of those elements together with ease to shape the work into something I've been turning over in my head for years. It's got romantic cannibalism, muslim catgirls, horrors from beneath the hadal zone, toxic old women yuri, and gertrude lichtenberg. It's really good. I think everyone should read it.
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in1-nutshell · 4 months
Hello! It's me Again! Firstly, I want to say thank you so much and I really enjoy/love it!
If it's okay to request could you do another part of this request (Elita One's twin sister w/ Sg Blackarachnia)?
The reactions/interactions of other Cons, Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle (you can change/add Wasp or other cons, if you like);
Or reactions/interactions of Autobots (team Prime)?
(Takes place after reuniting with Optimus Prime, Autobots meeting Bot and their reactions/interactions to her)
also if it's okay to make a one of them as a separate request?
(Sorry if it's too much/complicated. Also take your time and thank you so much!)
She is back!!! Our Spider is back!!
I will be posting the second part to this request later on.
Hope you enjoy!
Elita One's twin sister with SG! Blackarachnia's personality reaction to Shockwave, Lockdown, Swindle, and Wasp
SFW, Platonic, Hint of Romantic, Slight Angst, Cybertronian (techno organic) reader
As Megatron’s personal and only medic in the Decepticon army, Buddy sometimes had to travel where he went. From across the mountains to someone on the opposite end of the screen. That was how she got to know many mechs in the army.
“We are going out.”--Megatron
“You and I.”--Megatron
“Me? Sorry, not today My Lord. I have to work on the med bay.”--Buddy
“What needs to be done in the med bay?”--Megatron
“Not going to tell you because then you’re just going to get someone else to do it. And no one here can organize my stuff the right way. I was trying to fix Blitzwing’s servo, my tool kit was nowhere to be found. For about half an hour I was searching for it, and it was under your throne. Who puts stuff there?”—Buddy
“You have been stuck here for the last couple of cycles. I do think it is wise for you to get out and stretch your struts.”--Megatron
“You would love to see that wouldn’t you?”--Starscream
“Wait what did he say?”--Buddy
“Nothing! We are going!”--Megatron
Megatron grabbing Buddy’s servo and leaving without a word.
When Buddy met Shockwave, it was through the main screen in the Decepticon HQ on Earth.
Shockwave had all her information from her Academy records. To say he was skeptical of Buddy’s position on the team was an understatement.
It wouldn’t be the first time the Decepticons would have a former Autobot change sides. No doubt Buddy would be the last one to do so either.
In this case, however, it nearly seemed too good to be true.
Shockwave going through going through Buddy’s file before the video meeting.
“Let’s see here… death certificates with no body found… former student at the Autobot Academy…several medical certifications, impressive… Special powers? Strange... Excellent marksmanship… Former protégé of some field tech, boring… Most likely to follow the Prime status? Unexpected but nothing more…what… had connections with Ultra Magnus?!”--Shockwave
It truly seemed too good to be true, but he kept quiet about his skepticism to himself. His first step was to get close to Buddy and try and get some information on them. Maybe find out if she is a mole or any potential blackmail material.
Shockwave was expecting someone sketchy trying to fill in the stereotypical Decepticon role or an Autobot with a poor, and or, offensive Con skit memorized.
Not someone who had their own unique style that would be associated with Decepticonism and who deeply cared for their comrades.
“Lord Megatron.”--Shockwave
“This is our newest chief medical officer on Earth, Buddy.”--Megatron
“Hello Shockwave, it is a pleasure to meet you.”--Buddy
“Erm—thank you Buddy, is it? Such a peculiar name.”--Shockwave
“Yes, it isn’t a common name or one that sparks any fear into the sparks of the enemy but, that is who I am. How has your day been?”--Buddy
“My what?”--Shockwave
“Oh, sorry was that not an appropriate question to ask?”--Buddy
“I—it has been a good day as of now.”--Shockwave
“That’s good to hear. We can’t have one of the Decepticon’s top spy’s in a rough shape can we?”--Buddy
“Top spy?”--Shockwave
“Yes! I have read a little bit about your work through the reports.”--Buddy
“You’ve read my reports?”--Shockwave
“You’ve read some of the reports?”--Megatron
“Of course! They are interesting to read. And it also doesn’t help when you leave some of the data pads out in the open My Lord. Especially around my work area.”--Buddy
“Don’t you have to go and reorganize the medbay’s newest supplies?”--Megatron
“Oh yes! Good-bye Shockwave! I do hope to get to know you better and that your work is truly—”--Buddy
“All right, all right I’m going. Bye!”--Buddy
Buddy walks out of the room.
“… She seems like a nice addition to the medical wing.”--Shockwave
“… I am not looking for a relationship now, My Megatron. Anyways Buddy is not my type.”--Shockwave
Shockwave was left a bit confused after that interaction with Buddy. It only got worse once Buddy had willing gone to the screen to contact him.
“Hello Shockwave!”--Buddy
“Hello Buddy. Has something happened? This call was unscheduled.”--Shockwave
“I know but I wanted to talk to you.”--Buddy
“About what pray tell?”--Shockwave
“I’m not sure I am following…”--Shockwave
“Last call you seemed… well you seemed a little bit lonely. It cannot be easy keeping up the façade of being Longarm Prime all day, especially in front of the council, Ultra Magnus, and the entire Elite Guard.”--Buddy
“…It is not. But there are certain bots here that are a bit dimmer than the average bot. It makes things easier. One of the Prime’s has the IQ of a bag of rusty bolts.”--Shockwave
“Is that so? Ouch! Do tell more.”--Buddy
“I believe one of the Autobots are on to me.”--Shockwave
“Are you sure? Do you need back up or something?”—Buddy
“No, not at the moment.”--Shockwave
“Good, you can never be too safe.”--Buddy
Shockwave was in denial of the friendship that was forming through those calls. He didn’t need friends talking to his audial all day long!
It’s not like he looked forward to having those talks with Buddy.
Absolutely not.
It’s not like the two of them have swapped personal com lines to further talk about personal things and away from the prying optics of other Cons that entered the room.
It isn’t until one late night he realizes how deep he is in.
Longarm listening to yet another boring presentation with the other Primes, trying not to stab Sentinel’s big chin with a pen. His mind slowly wondering what Buddy is going to talk about this time when he tells them about Sentinel’s big chin.
He freezes.
Oh no…
He has a friend.
He has a good friend now.
How does one keep a good friendship like this from falling into pieces in the face of a war?!
A little while later Shockwave starts searching up ‘Ways to keep good friend’ on Bing.
Blurr opening the door, giving Shockwave just enough time to go back into Longarm form.
“I know there is a spy here Longarm! I can feel it—what are you looking up?”--Blurr
“Umm… engex bottles.”--Longarm
“Oh really! What years are you looking at? I personally think—”—Blurr
Longarm/Shockwave sagging in a bit of relief from the scare.
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Swindle and Lockdown met Buddy at a weapons meet.
Megatron had invited Buddy to meet his arms dealer and favorite mercenary, Swindle and Lockdown. Buddy didn’t get much information on the two, being that they were on the borderline sections of potentially ‘sell outs.’
“Lord Megatron, is there any more things I need to know about these two mechs?”--Buddy
“Lockdown will not speak out of line. He is more interested in getting the latest gadgets for his collections.”--Megatron
“Mod collector, got it. And this ‘Swindle’?”--Buddy
“Any price he tries to get you to buy is a terrible one. Leave the bargaining to me.”--Megatron
“And when you mean bargaining, you mean peacefully or using intimidation?”--Buddy
“You are impossible sometimes.”--Buddy
“Only for you.”--Megatron
“Here’s our stop.”--Megatron
Swindle had been told beforehand that Megatron was bringing someone else to meet him. The new medical chief, from what he understood.
He thought about displaying a couple more weapons for this new Con, maybe get them to buy something.
Swindle placing a big cannon on the table.
“That’s a bad idea Swindle.”--Lockdown
“Oh hush! You don’t know what he is like.”--Swindle
“First, she. Second, I did my homework.”--Lockdown
“But they could have a fascination in cannons once they see this beauty.”—Swindle
“Like I said, I did my homework. I heard around that the medic isn’t too found in weapons.”--Lockdown
“If that is true, then why would she even want to go to a weapons meet with Megatron?”--Swindle
“I don’t know—Speaking of which, look who’s here.”--Lockdown
Megatron landing on top of the platform with huge mechanical spider coming off of his back as they both transformed.
“I thought you said Earth spiders didn’t get that big!”--Swindle
“That’s the chief medical officer, numb nuts.”--Lockdown
The two Cons were not expecting Buddy.
Well, more Swindle, after all, Lockdown did do his homework.
Lockdown kept to himself while politely introducing himself to Buddy. She politely responded back with a small smile.
Swindle kept on showing the weapons to Megatron as the other two made small talk about modifications.
“Hey Buddy!”--Swindle
Lockdown mouthing ‘no’.
Megatron wondering what this was about.
Swindle wrapping an arm around Buddy.
Megatron’s optics are staring at it like it did a capital offense.
“What do you think of these bad boys? I’m sure that there is something here that has caught your attention.”--Swindle
“Oh? Sorry I’m just here to visit, I’m not interested in buying.”--Buddy
“Oh please, I’m sure we can work something out. You’re the new chief medical officer, right? How about I show you some of the tools I—”--Swindle
Lockdown coughing.
“Lockdown and I got at another exchange. Top notch and… and…”--Swindle
“Umm, Swindle are you feeling, okay? You’re looking a little bit queasy?”--Buddy
Swindle just now noticing the Death Glare Megatron was giving him, specifically at the arm still wrapped around Buddy’s frame.
Swindle quickly dropping it.
“How about this, Buddy. I give you these tools, for… free. For free, and you tell everyone at the base about the great deals you got here!”--Swindle
“I mean, I could—”--Buddy
“That’s wonderful! Here they are and here are the weapons you purchased Megatron!”—Swindle
Megatron still glaring but nodding.
“Oh! Okay, Bye Swindle and thank you for the tools. I’ll be sure to tell everyone back on base.”--Buddy
“Anytime Buddy!”--Swindle
“Good-bye Lockdown. I hope you have a good time finding those new mods!”--Buddy
“Much obliged Buddy, bye.”--Lockdown
Megatron and Buddy transforming, Buddy getting on Megatron’s back as he zooms out of there.
“… Did you soil yourself?”--Lockdown
Swindle brushed him aside and continued organizing his stuff in his chassis.
Lockdown just wondered if one day he might see Buddy again. It was nice to have someone else besides Swindle to talk to sometimes.
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Buddy met Wasp under less pleasurable circumstances.
Buddy had been taking a break from the stuffy base one night and decided to take a walk on one of the islands nearby.
They had been walking around the area when they heard noises.
Like rapid little pede steps.
It couldn’t have been the Dinobots. Their steps were a kin to a mini earthquake.
It was someone else.
Quickly, she webbed herself to a nearby tree and watched.
A small green mech appeared from the brush.
He looked scared.
But what could have scared him?
Sure, Grimlock and the others were a bit much but if they were after the mech then Buddy would have heard them.
No, someone or something else was after the small guy.
Buddy freezing.
“Wasp, I know you’re out there! Come out with your servos up!”--Sentinel
Wasp making more whinnying noises.
Buddy quickly snapped out of it and webs him up into the tree with her.
“Shh! Don’t scream, I’m here to help. But I can’t help you if you continue to scream, okay?”--Buddy
Wasp nodding slowly.
It was Optimus and Sentinel.
As much as Buddy wanted to know what was going on with both parties, her attention was on the shaky mech that looked like he was about to have a panic attack.
Wasp didn’t know what to think at that moment, but right now this bot was helping him get away from the Elite Guard so he decided to play along.
The Autobots suddenly came out of the brush.
Buddy and Wasp froze seeing them from their hiding place.
Wasp was already looking for a way out when he saw his savior start to shake.
At first, he thought it was out of anger and that they were going to pull out their weapon and start shooting up the place.
Until he saw her optics.
Big, wide, shaky, filled to the brim with fear.
He had seen those optics before. Those were his optics sometimes.
What had those Autobots had done to this Con to get a reaction like this?
Buddy thought that she had finally come to terms with everything that had happened, especially when Optimus showed up.
Seeing Sentinel there sent another wave of flashbacks her way. It was too much; it was too much. She knew that she should have been listening in on the conversation, it could drop some important information for the team.
But the flashes of Elita’s smile, Sentinel’s antics, and Optimus’s laughter filled her senses like no tomorrow.
Buddy was in such a shaky state she didn’t know it until the little green mech held her servo gently. Like one would do to their kid if something was scaring them.
He was trying to calm her down.
She slowly stopped the shaking as the Autobot’s left the area. After a bit more of waiting, the two climbed down the tree.
“Thank you. I’m sorry you had to see that. I was the one trying to help you and you ended up helping me.”--Buddy
“Wasp is glad you okay. Nice lady bot scaring Wasp a bit.”--Wasp
“Again, sorry about that… Wasp? Is that your name?”--Buddy
“Yes. This is Wasp.”--Wasp
“Well, I’m Buddy. You have some scratches on you. I have a med kit with me, I can fix those up right now if you want.”--Buddy
Wasp looking at Buddy hesitantly before nodding.
Buddy getting to work.
“You are doing such a good job at staying still Wasp. Most of my patients like to move a lot. You’re doing so much better than they are right now.”--Buddy
“Wasp doing good job?”--Wasp
“Yes, yes you are Wasp.”--Buddy
“Buddy bot too nice to Wasp.”--Wasp
“No one can be too nice Wasp. It’s just that sometimes… sometimes empathy can get lost in wars like this.”--Buddy
“Wasp don’t like Autobots.”--Wasp
“I feel you Wasp…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Buddy bot? Hurt Buddy bot bad?”--Wasp
“…Yeah, you could say that…”--Buddy
“…Autobots hurt Wasp too.”--Wasp
“I’m sorry to hear that Wasp…”--Buddy
“Wasp sorry for Buddy bot…”--Wasp
“Welp, I finished fixing those scratches and dents.”--Buddy
“Thank you!”--Wasp
“…Would you like to come with me to the Decepticons? That way you’d be safe from the Autobots.”--Buddy
Wasp pausing not sure what to answer.
“Listen, you don’t have to answer that right away. That’d be selfish of me to expect that from you right now. This is my private channel, if you need me, just call me.”--Buddy
Wasp in amazement simply nodding.
“You take care okay, Wasp.”--Buddy
“Bye Buddy bot!”--Wasp
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jovial-thunder · 3 months
More IRL Lego Lancer!
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We played the Tomb of Delios one-shot by Katherine Stark. Some NPC comp / sitrep spoilers ahead.
I used the backs of old trivial pursuit boards for grids, egg cartons, poster tubes, and a big Roomba box + insert for terrain.
I coated the cardboard with this flour and glue paste recipe I found on youtube.
I found a bunch of cheap-ish large lego octogons and walls online for the modular buildings, then greebled them with misc urban details I collected from my local bricks & minifigs bulk by-volume bins.
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Our PCs were a Swallowtail artillery (callsign Bandit; an SSC plant in the union auxilliaries), Störtebeker striker (callsign Roadkill, silver-nanite kintsugi'd mechromancer), and Black Witch support (callsign Egret, disgraced princess (gotta be one of my favorite genders)).
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The elite cataphract ended up playing trapdoor spider for most of the game; hiding in a magical healing forest (thank u support o7) and grappling PCs back into the forest with it.
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Its scariest turn was popping out, structuring the Bandit and destroying his siege stabilizers, and lassoing it back into the forest. Egret came to the rescue and finally did the cataphract in with perimeter command plate/impact lance/crit thrown tactical knife overwatch combo.
The Swallowtail never took any voluntary movement after deploying its siege stab round 1, but between rainmaker knockback, the aforementioned trapdoor spider incident, and allied ferrous lashes, and a few rams, it was pingponged around the map pretty significantly.
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"Come out Rainmaker, I just want to talk."
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The final threat to the objective was when a bastion clambered up onto the pipeline to contest them. The Störtebeker (whose mini was having trouble standing up on the pipeline) pulled an indiana jones and just shot it down.
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For the pre-battle narrative section, I made two 4-step clocks out of lego and a minimap as the party visited various districts of the city. Both were totally unnecessary but I think added a lot to the IRL experience.
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All in all, it was a lot of fun! Things that worked well/could be improved on:
The aforementioned mini stability. I should add more baseplates to the minis to making moving and standing them up less finicky.
As cool as the egg carton bottoms are, having flat surfaces is just better. Going to stick with the tops going forward.
The grid ground floor worked great. I should trace more grids onto the egg cartons and larger boxes. I also made a few measuring sticks out of dowels and that was super handy.
Witchdice on phones continues to work well for PC character sheets.
I made a handful of status tokens that we could put next to mechs. They were handy for consumable statuses like lock-on, but less so for memorable ones like exposed and hidden.
We needed more little indicators for misc systems like Javelin Rockets and Iceout Drone.
It was fun to be able to follow up "how do you want to do this" with "you may now destroy the mini".
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docwritesshit · 1 month
for my last ask this week, could I have platonic traffic light trio x reader friendship headcannons please!
Traffic Light Trio x Reader Platonic!
You, MK, and Mei were the original trio. It took after LBD for Reds to join
The one place you can all agree to hang out is the arcade. MK can play games, Mei can go race with the go-karts, Redson can go play the more carnival games, and you can just rotate between them
Reds and Mei have to have one go kart race while there. You and MK switch cheering for either one
MK and Mei have to play Monkey Mech for at least 20 minutes. You and Reds just play whatever game is near them
You are stuck trying to herd cats when it’s time to go. MK and Mei always beg for five more minutes while Reds is just… somewhere. They knew MK and Mei would wear you down so she’s just doing her own thing until they get a text from you that it’s time to actually leave
If it’s a movie night hang out, put on Big Hero 6. It’s always a favorite for various reasons among the group
Mei has got you all onesies. Reds got a cow, MK got a monkey, Mei got the lizard cause she couldn’t find a good dragon one and also lizards are cool
You all went out clubbing once.
The club got burned down in the process From what? You don’t know cause all three took blame for it and the flames were a rainbow of colors
If anyone of you are sick, you are all sick after wards cause MK and Mei believe cuddles solve everything and they drag Redson into it
You and MK are the main cooks. Redson can’t because he is banned from the spice cabinet unless it’s his own meal and Mei burned water once
You all try and pay your equal share but with two people who had has millennia of “fuck you” money, they always offer to pay and you and MK have to politely refuse until they wear you down
Everyone has everyone elses coffee/favorite caffeinated drink order memorized.
Thats all!
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falliay · 1 month
Hello! Sorry to pop in suddenly but I was looking through your wonderful blog here and saw Copper, your OC, and i was wondering if you would be okay with sharing some Copper facts? I'd love to hear about him and his story if that's okay. He seems so interesting.
No pressure tho. I'm just being curious. I love your blog!
Oh of course I can talk more about him! He’s for sure my most popular TF oc (considering I barely do anything with them)
(Gif by @pineapplestix , number 1 Copper fan)
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Name: Copper, of Iacon
Faction: Autobot
Alt Mode: a Metal Box
Equipment: Photon rifle, datapad, jet-pack
Abilities: His alt mode, although seemingly useless at first, serves as a shield to him whenever things get too messy (similarly to a turtle in it’s shell). Hidden in his right thumb is a microphone which he uses to record his interviews. Due to his small size, he’s pretty stealthy and can go unnoticed by bigger mechs.
About: Copper is an aspiring historian and archivist who travels around the galaxy to document and store information about the war and its participants. He’s curious, brave, reckless, and sometimes rather apathetic. Due to his impulsive need to get more information for his writings, he tends to jump into more danger than he can handle. Most bots see him as an annoyance, frequently interfering in battles to interview those fighting - others, however, see him as a very sad and lonely individual who’s trying anything to be at least a bit useful and memorable during this war.
During the narrative, he is also shown to not really understand the meaning of being an Autobot or Decepticon - and that he was an Autobot for the sake of being safer around his own teammates, which isn’t necessarily true because he did suffer a lot of harassment and bullying for his “uselessness” in battle.
(by DaemonBG on Twitter)
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Extra facts!
- He has a British accent (it was a joke at first, not canon)
- He loves ice cream
- At first, I wanted him to not be able to transform - but him being a box would be cooler in my head
- His alt mode is a reference to the Companion Cube
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thirteen-jades · 5 months
Finally got around to playing Armored Core 6 (thanks @self-loving-vampire!) and I’m loving it so far. The movement is a hell of a lot of fun, which is a good sign as movement is usually the first thing I start complaining about in a game (this is mostly a me thing, I just like being fast and zippy and it’s very easy for games to start feeling sluggish if they have fairly normal movement). The weapons feel nice, I’m getting a feel for how it plays, and I quite like the aesthetics. Mechs are cool!
I had some vague knowledge of the game before playing but even so I wasn’t really prepared for just how blunt and on the nose it is about the fact that you’re the bad guy here. In one of the early missions, you come upon a pack of trash mobs and a radio line plays of some guy talking to his comrades. He says something to the effect of "there's just one of them, we can do this!" in the wavering voice of a man who has never fired a gun before trying to find any amount of confidence before he puts his life on the line for his home. And then you unceremoniously blow him and all his friends straight to hell and move on. It doesn’t even tell you which enemy was talking, he’s just another faceless mook for you to brush aside on your way to destroying the objective.
Every now and then one of them will ask why you're doing this, and there's literally no answer to give them even if you could. The game doesn't even pretend that you're fighting a ~just war~ or something, they're just like "yeah, these guys are the Rubicon Liberation Front. They're getting in the way of our corporation exploiting their world, go destroy them" and then you do. And it's not even very difficult. They've got terrible equipment and no training whatsoever and just don't stand a chance. But you keep getting to hear their comms, and those comms keep painting an ever clearer picture that you’re not a soldier fighting a war so much as a grown adult beating a bunch of children to death. Nobody tries to justify what you're doing in any way whatsoever, your handler in the intro makes a comment like "y’know, if we make this job work then we'll strike it rich and you can buy your life back" and that's it. Regardless of what “buy your life back” is referring to here, it’s plain that you’re in this purely for selfish motives.
And that’s to the extent that 621 is even deciding to do this at all. So far it’s also done a great job of dehumanizing the main character completely, and you never really make any decisions beyond which of two missions to do first and how to build your AC. People keep referring to them as their handler’s dog, nobody expects them to have anything to say or any opinion whatsoever, and that’s great because as a matter of fact they don’t have any opinion about any of this. They’re just here to blow up whatever they’re told to.
The most memorable instance of this so far, and what really made it clear that this isn’t just the game not wanting to voice the MC or something, was one of the early mission briefings. You’re tagging along with some ACs from one of the corps, and the guy in charge of their in-house fighters at the end of the briefing says something to the effect of “now sound off!”, followed by a beat of dead silence. Then he says “eh, good enough” and ends the call. This makes it clear this isn’t just a pre-recorded message; it’s someone talking to 621, expecting a response, and not getting anything. It’s a little detail that I laughed about in the moment, but I really like how telling it is about your character as a person.
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writeyouin · 7 months
Can i request reader and mtmte skids spending time together at swerves, with the conversation going to bad pick up lines. Skids takes it as a challenge and what starts off as cheesy pick up lines devolves into smooth come ons that has Reader flushing like mad and badly keeping their composure as Skids tries to figure out what makes them tick. Thanks!!!
Skids X Reader - Pick Me Up and Take Me Home
A/N – So, I wrote this twice because the first copy accidentally got deleted today. Oh well, I’m happy with it.
Warnings – None.
Rating – T
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“Grab your coat, you’ve pulled.”
You looked at the mech addressing you to see if he was telling a joke. One minute, you were sitting peacefully on a barstool at Swerve’s, reading your book (a universal sign of not wanting to be disturbed) then there was this mech, telling you you’d pulled, in a lame attempt to ‘pull’ you himself.
What was his name? Roller? Gearhead? Something else entirely? Honestly, you had no idea. He wasn’t one of your friends aboard the Lost Light. Probably just another mech too curious about sex with a human for all the wrong reasons. It wasn’t that you wouldn’t be intimate with a bot, but to borrow a worn-out phrase, they could at least buy you dinner first.
“No thanks,” You said coolly.
“Sorry, what?”
You sighed and closed your book, swivelling your seat so as to face the offending bot.
“No thank you,” You enunciated the words slowly and loudly.
“But- But Getaway said that would work,” The unnameable bot wheedled. “Was it the pick-up line itself?”
“Honestly, it was a myriad of things,” You replied, irked that you were forced to continue such an inane conversation. “But for the sake of your ego, sure, let’s say it was just the pick-up line. If you knew anything about me, you’d know that that is one of the lines I hate the most. There’s no witty wordplay, it’s grossly presumptuous, and really, it’s just dull, overused, and lazy.”
“But hey, that’s just my opinion. So, why don’t you go and try it on someone else. Go on, off you pop,” You said nodding your head towards the exit.
The bot lamely left, not even bothering to walk; he used the wheels on his pedes to roll away sadly. You still didn’t know what he was called, but with a depressing exit like that, you decided to nickname him Mopey Joe in lieu of anything better.
Now that you were free, you swivelled your chair back to the bar. You were about to re-open your book, when a voice to your left said, “Were you on Star Trek because someone set their phaser to stunning.”
You glanced at the bot who sat on the corner stool. He had been there all night, reading something on his data pad. You knew his name, even though you had scarcely spoken to him before.
He was memorable.
You had seen him around the ship multiple times, always doing something different. He seemed to hold the belief that any skill was worth learning.
“Really? You too?” You asked sardonically, your hand on your cheek. “This another one of your skills, or are you just trying to beat the last guy?”
“Just having some fun is all, unless you’re not up for it,” Skids grinned, an unspoken challenge in his tone.
“I’m up for it if you are,” You perked up, glad to poke fun at the failed flirtation.
“Good, because it’s your turn.”
“If I could rearrange the alphabet-”
“I’d put you and I together,” He finished for you. “A little overused, isn’t it?”
“Just a warm-up,” You said tartly.
“Okay,” Skids stroked his chin, his processor filled to the brim with things he could say. He wanted to win. There was no prize, but life was a game, and he, its champion player. “What’s your favourite number?”
You raised an eyebrow, to which he inclined his head as if suggesting you play along.
“All right, I’ll bite, uh… 42.”
“42? That’s alright, I suppose. My favourite number is yours.”
“Smooth, if the other participant is playing,” You conceded. “Uhh… Okay, I got one. I’ve heard of Optimus Prime, but you hottie, are Optimus Fine.”
“Ooh, your tone really helped carry that one. Suggestive, but not too much, a nice flirty edge. That was good, and well catered to Cybertronians. Impressive.”
And so the game went on. Occasionally one of you would pause to order the other a drink or to ask a general question about each other’s lives.
You learned that Skids was a theoretician, who tended to daydream.
“Was that an electric shock? Nope, just the thrum of my spark when I saw you.”
He, in turn, learned that you enjoyed comic books, films with practical effects, and weren’t sure what job you wanted on the ship; only that you desperately wanted to find some area to work in.
“I didn’t believe in God, but there must be one if someone as stunning as you exists.”
He loved Earth music and had developed a collection since being stationed there years ago.
“Are you secretly a Decepticon? Because you have conned me into loving you.”
He found that you were actually at Swerve’s trying to learn how to adapt to social situations since you usually felt too awkward to enter public spaces.
“I should take up weightlifting. It’ll give me the strength to pick up hot mechs such as yourself.”
He grinned at that. You learned that you adored that smile… and the mech it was on. You memorised it, and the way it lit up his optics.
“Nice legs, what time do they open?”
You sputtered a laugh. He learned that he loved the sound of your laughter like liquid happiness tickling his audials. He recorded the sound.
Finally, Skids looked around, finding that Swerve was grabbing his mop bucket, the subtle sign to any remainers that he was going to shut the bar within the next few kliks.
“Huh, guess we should be going,” Skids noted.
“Yeah…” You murmured, eyes downcast at the thought of parting from Skids, “I suppose we should.”
“Oh, just one more line first, I think I have a winner,” Skids grinned mischievously.
“Yeah? Go on then,” You settled yourself back atop your seat, awaiting the next line to make you chortle.
Skids got down on one knee. Your breath caught in your throat as he leaned close to whisper, his lips gently grazing your earlobe, “What’s bright red and something I like sleeping with?”
“… I- What?” You asked.
He pulled lightly back, then kissed you, just staying long enough to feel you get closer before he pulled back, leaving you longing for more.
You reached up to cover your burning cheeks.
“I- I have to go,” You stammered, stumbling off your stool.
Skids smiled as he watched you leave. He was going to call you tomorrow, then every day after that, and never once would he resort to ‘Grab your coat, you’ve pulled.’ You deserved more, and he was happy to provide you with witty wordplay, humour, and romance to boot.
Once more before leaving, he played back the sound of your laughter. Primus, you fascinated him. He planned to do everything he could to find out what made you tick.
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