#i put so much effort into everything i do
azsazz · 3 days
Pirouettes & Promises
Mafia!Azriel x Ballerina!Reader
Summary: Anon Req: Can u do a Mafia az and ballerina reader?
Warnings: None
Word Count: 1029
Notes: Not the best, but I tried.
There’s nothing that Azriel likes about this.
Well, that’s a lie. He likes you, up on stage in your perfectly blush pink outfit. He likes the likes the way the lighting washes over you, how your eyes light up when you nail a move that you’ve been practicing both in the studio or in the middle of his living room. He had all the furniture moved for you specifically, even offered to build you your own studio somewhere within the high rise, because there is no one more important than you.
He's still a little irked that you shut that idea down, preferring to take the trek to the other side of town to practice in the dingy little studio that has zero security for you. He knows this, of course, because your shiny new vehicle is fitted with a tracker, and because of the very details reports from his security detail. He bets you don’t know about the robbery that happened at the bodega on the corner of the block. The kid was fifteen and only trying to steal a bag of chips, but Azriel doesn’t like when any crime is too close to you.
That’s about everything about this situation he does like.
From his vantage point in one of the expensive boxes that he had no trouble putting on his card, he can see the entire audience. The way that they sit, silent in their seats, because your dance has completely hypnotized everyone in the theater. Some are leaned forward in their seats as they watch, utterly enraptured by you.
Azriel doesn’t like the way that everyone’s eyes are on you, watching the ways that you move and bend. You’re always so graceful, even when he’s pinning you to the mattress and fucking you through your fourth orgasm with tears in your eyes and bruises on your neck.
He wants to send his men in and reign terror on the crowd.
They’re scattered all over the place like a bunch of ants. There’s at the very least one guard by each door. Two outside his own private box, and his most trusted security detail are with him, flanking him on either side, ready to throw themselves in front of him should they need.
You don’t know that there’s one waiting outside of your dressing room, making sure no one slips inside and tampers with anything in your room while you perform. You don’t know that there are men waiting on either side of the stage, or in the crowd. Azriel spared no one from his employment on tonight.
He almost invited Rhysand, one of his most trusted colleagues, but thought better of it. They’ve been companions since their college days, but it’s best for them not to be out in the open together. Rhysand tells him that he’s too paranoid, but Azriel doesn’t care, because you are the most important thing in the world to him, and he will do anything to keep you safe.
Your final move never fails to take his breath away. Azriel’s seen it before, many many times, but with the addition of your costume and makeup, the sultry music and the sensual lighting, you are a dream. He can’t take his eyes off you.
You fucking nailed it.
There’s a beat of silence while the crowd stare in awe, before the theater erupts in thunderous cheers. You hold the pose for a moment longer before relaxing out of it, a beaming smile on your face as the excitement washes over you. Your chest heaves with the effort and your eyes rove the audience, drawn immediately to Azriel, where he’s standing on his feet just like the rest of them, clapping for you. He might not be grinning down at you, but he may as well be with the upturned corner of his mouth, as much of a smile as he’s willing to show in any public situation.
You know that in the bedroom later, he will be all smiles and compliments. Your stomach flips in anticipation, and you refrain from blowing a kiss in his direction because it will no doubt draw eyes toward your lover.
His smile falls when people begin tossing things on stage. They’re flowers, roses in a bloodred color that look like spilled blood on the floor. Your smile falters when he’s ushered from his suite and force yourself to focus on the rest of the attendees, smiling in gratitude and taking a bow.
You snag a rose from the floor on your way off the stage. Your fellow dancers and coaches alike are ready with hugs and congratulations on your dance, and you take a few moments to revel in their kind words. Azriel having been ushered from the room is not uncommon, but you were hoping he would at least stay until you exited the stage.
You get it, you really do, that he’s an important man with many enemies, but there’s a sting in your chest that he left so quickly. You want to embrace him, fall into his warmth and revel in the feeling of your perfect performance. You want his hands around your waist, holding you as tightly as possible, whispering words into your ear that make your pussy clench.
With a sigh, you shove your way into your dressing room, only to squeak with surprise when you spot Azriel, sitting on the couch, waiting for you.
He looks like sin, arms splayed wide, resting across the back of the couch. He looks as handsome as ever with his finely black, pressed shirt unbuttoned and showing off the dark curls of tattoos that ink his skin. Your mouth runs dry, even more so when he smirks at you.
“You did wonderful, sweetheart.”
You fling yourself into his arms.
Azriel catches you, because he always will, and cradles you to his chest, peppering kisses to your cheeks with a whispered, “I’m so proud of you.”
“Thank you,” you murmur back, looking up at him like the lovesick girl you are. He’s looking down at you in much the same way, and your heart beats hard in your chest when Azriel dips his head to capture your lips in a sweet, sensual kiss.
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ihopeiexplode · 3 days
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📱“Back to square one...” [← Previous | Next→]
"how much did you hear?"
"all of it"
He's fucked. Why did he even say that to begin with? He knows he doesn't mean it but then, why did he say it? Before he could explain himself further you just let out a sigh before leaving
I mean who are you to get mad? It's not like he's wrong this is all for a project after all, but then again why does it hurt? You don't care about what he said right? Were you hurt because you thought you could have your best friend back?
As you left to go outside to have some fresh air, Sukuna was left staring at where you were before you left, then uraume spoke up,
"Are you gonna do something about it?"
Sukuna didn't even say anything as he just stood up and ran after you, why was Sukuna running after you? Even he doesn't know, you two were finally on good terms and his stubbornness just had to say that didn't he.
He finally stood in front of you as the two of you were now facing each other right in the middle of your college's garden(?) luckily none was around during this,
"what is it sukuna?"
"y/n listen I—"
"If you're gonna apologize, save it you have nothing to apologize for, it's not like I'm blaming you for saying those it's for a project after all you don't have to actually like me, if this was all an act I don't blame you for it"
"wait so do you not care?"
"no? Why would I? It's not like we had something to begin with, it's not like your my boyfriend or anything"
he wishes he was. But one thing he doesn't understand is why don't you care? That should be a good thing, right? But why does it bother him that everything the two of you did had no effect on you? Did it mean nothing to you? Did he put that much effort into making you like him just for you to not care?
"why doesn't it bother you?"
"is it supposed to?"
"bullshit. Any girl would've done anything to be in your place. You get to spend weeks with me, do you know how many girls would've killed to spend that much time with me?"
"why are you making such a big fuss about the fact I'm not bothered? Does it look like I'm your girlfriend?"
That line alone made Sukuna shut up, he just stared at you as you walked away, your right, why is he making a big fuss about this, he just made himself look desperate.
He'd let out a groan of frustration before taking a seat on a nearby bench, and perfect timing gojo just happened to pass by and witness the scene
"What did you two have some sort of lovers quarrel?"
With that he'd take a seat right beside Sukuna, he'd immediately leave with a scowl on his face, as he left, gojo would just be there wondering what happened between you two
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You'd be out shopping to clear up your mind, as you were about to pay for the things you bought, as you handed your card suddenly you saw a familiar hand pulling your card away and gave his instead,
When you looked to your side you saw the man of the hour: Sukuna.
As the cashier handed him his card back, he took your shopping bags,
"what are you doing here?"
"I just wanted to...apologize for what I said back then..." Him? Apologizing? That's new he's not the type to do that
"if you think you can buy my forgiveness think again."
"I know I know, anyways who are you with?"
Before you could answer suddenly he saw someone familiar, someone too. Familiar. And who was it? No other than Yuji.
He'd immediately clench his fist the moment he saw Yuji place his arm over your shoulder smiling at you happily as you did the same,
Then suddenly your whole mood would change the moment you stared at Sukuna
"Since you wanted to come along you can carry my bags"
He'd just roll his eyes before muttering something under his breath, however he noticed how Yuji also looked
"so can you carry my bags to?"
"carry your own bags, you have hands don't you? Use them"
Before he could even say anything just one glare from you was enough for him to grab yujis bags and carry them along with yours.
He's trying to make up for what he said so might as well fulfill your requests..
He hated this. He was stuck following behind you and Yuji, he hated how happy you looked spending time with another guy that isn't him. How come his own brother gets your attention when he's right here?
The whole afternoon he's stuck watching both you and Yuji spend time with one another while he's just trailing behind like some lost puppy.
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[⛩️] @: Likes & Reblogs R appreciated! ^^
A/N: it was supposed to be more angsty but..yeah!!!
Taglist: @catobsessedlady @hellomeow12 @0-candlecove-0 @shivzypuff @swirlingcurses @1-800-choke-that-ho @attackonnat @chilichopsticks @getoxmahito @memenojutsu @uhnanix @ichorstainedskin @needtoloveoutloud @love-me-satoru @s-j320 @allthestarsarecloserrrrrrr @goj0sunglasses @svtvrnal @haitanibros0007 @punkhazardlaw @mslydiaa @jayathelostdragon @caileysdead @rixyaaaa @minzxec @rzcnlb
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zhaosbin · 3 days
Hello! If you're thinking about writing a Soobin fic, how about a Soobin x fem!reader in which they become fwb after finding out reader's bf cheated on her, so she wanna get revenge and he's such a good friend he can't help but offering himself... you can leave their relationship like that (secret fwb/affair) or maybe they become something more in the end...
Tell me what you think and feel free to change or add anything to the plot! :)
sweet revenge- c. soobin
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summary: after your boyfriend cheats on you, your best friend is there to pick up the pieces.
reader: afab/fem reader!
warnings: kind of dom!soobin x sub!reader, soobin is in love with his bestie, oral (f receiving), kissing,explicit smut minors dni
a/n: tysm for requesting!! i love fwb trope a little too much.. also for the record i am the biggest sub!soobin enthusiast but i had to make him dominant here sorry :(
slamming the door to your apartment behind you, you immediately let out a cry of frustration.
twenty minutes prior to this, you had walked in on your boyfriend of almost a year cheating on you. you always had a hunch with how distant he became but you never thought you'd actually witness it first hand.
breaking you out of your thoughts was a sweet voice, the voice of your best friend to be exact.
"y/n? is everything okay" the voice asks.
fuck. you completely forgot you and your best friend soobin were having a movie marathon tonight.
you grow even more frustrated and rather embarrassed and slowly sink down to the floor finally letting your tears run free.
soobin immediately rushes over to you, long arms engulfing you in a tight squeeze.
you try to blurt out an explanation but your thoughts were too jumbled.
"shhh, it's okay y/n. calm down and tell me when your ready" soobin says softly.
after about five minutes of sitting in your best friends warm embrace, you finally find the strength to speak again.
"he cheated on me soobie" you pout and tears slowly fall down your face again.
soobin immediately holds you tighter, cursing under his breath at the boy he never liked in the first place.
"it's his loss" soobin immediately cuts in. "you're the sweetest girl i've ever met".
it wasn't unusual for your best friend to compliment you, you grew up next door neighbors and have been inseparable for as long as you could remember. even though you were used to the compliments, it didn't stop your heart from fluttering at his words.
after a few more minutes of silence, soobin noticed your breathing going back to normal and tears no longer dripping down your face.
he took your hand and led you to the bedroom that he had set up for your monthly movie night.
you notice how much effort he put into it and find yourself pouting again, ready to apologize before he cuts you off.
"don't y/n. we do this once a month it's okay to miss out on our fifth avengers rewatch" he says smiling.
you giggle at that, your best friend immediately cheering you up after such a shitty night.
god. you think to yourself. i should've just dated him.
before your thoughts could get any more bizarre, you take a seat next to soobin on your bed.
he immediately engulfs you in his arms again, kissing the top of your head and sighing contently.
after a few moments, you glance over at soobin who looks awfully nervous about something. before you could ask him yourself, soobin speaks up.
"you know... if you ever want to get back at him or something, i'd be more than happy to help" he gently says.
you furrow your eyebrows at his comment, not fully understanding what that meant.
"you mean like keying his car or something?" you confusedly giggle.
soobin chuckles at your cuteness.
"well that or, i don't know, maybe he should feel the same pain he caused you" he says sounding more confident now.
your eyes widen a bit when you fully understand what your friend was suggesting.
you weren't gonna lie to yourself, you knew your best friend was attractive. you just never really thought of him as anything other than your friend before. but for some reason, you were enticed by his idea.
"but...w-wouldn't that ruin our friendship?" you ask nervously.
"of course not. i'm your best friend and i'd do anything for you. let me do this for you" soobin rushes to say.
you weigh the pros and cons in your head, trying to logically think of what to do before that anger from earlier comes back. you wanted to hurt him as much as he hurt you, and your attractive best friend was offering to help you with just that. how could you possibly say no?
instead of verbally answering soobin, you gently press your lips against his plump ones.
he looks taken aback for a split second before he recovers himself and kisses back more passionately.
"tell me if you're uncomfortable at any point and i'll stop, okay?" he says seriously.
you nod, fully trusting him to do whatever he wanted to you anyway.
soobin moves down from your lips to your neck, stopping here and there to leave hickeys that you knew would be noticeable tomorrow.
you moan softly at the feeling of his lips against your neck, making him swallow a groan in his throat.
"you sound so pretty, baby" soobin comments casually making you a flustered mess.
"soobin, please" you beg him.
he knew what you wanted and he wanted it too. badly.
he moves down lower on the bed until he's face to face with your drenched panties.
"how are you already so wet?" he moans running his fingers up and down the wet spot before moving your panties to the side.
without warning, he presses his tongue flat against your core making you scream out in shock and pleasure.
"tastes so fucking good, better than i ever imagined" soobin says too entranced to notice his slip up.
you frown confusedly for a second before his tongue circles around your clit and the only thing you can think of right now is his mouth.
"soobin i'm gonna c-cum soon. really want your cock inside me" you say very obviously deep into your sub headspace.
soobin pulls his mouth off of your clit with a loud popping noise making you whimper at the loss of contact.
"since you asked so nicely" soobin says smiling and kissing your lips again.
he releases his (massive) cock out of his boxers and it was already dripping with precum.
soobin wastes no time in lining himself up with your entrance, gently pushing in inch by inch.
you knew that right now wasn't the time to be comparing cock sizes, but he was so much bigger than your ex and felt so much better. were you really missing out on this feeling this entire time?
after a minute he finally bottoms out, both of you letting out soft moans at the feeling.
he looks into your eyes, silently asking for approval to start moving. you softly smile at his cuteness and nod your head at him.
immediately soobin picks up the pace and your smile is replaced with your mouth dropping open.
"oh my god soobin, you're so big. feels so good" you gasp.
soobin let's out a chuckle at this, knowing your ex must've been less than half of his size.
"yeah baby? does that feel nice?" soobin says trying to contain his own sounds of pleasure.
you nod your head up and down quickly, not being able to form a proper response right now.
soobin knew that you were already pretty close since he ate you out before this and he hurriedly moves his thumb to circle your clit as he fucks you.
"s-soobin. cumming" is all you could say as your orgasm rips through you, making your entire body shake.
soobin has never been more turned on in his life seeing you like this and quickly follows after you with a deep groan.
he releases onto your stomach, cum splattering onto your mouth and chin in the process.
you immediately lick it up while staring deep into his eyes and he shakes his head in disbelief.
"fuck that was amazing" he says slowing down and eventually taking his cock out of you.
you had completely forgotten about why you were so heartbroken and upset before and once you remembered, you really couldn't care less.
the only thought in your mind was soobin.
you knew your friendship would be changed drastically after this, especially after coming to terms with the fact that you might have been in love with your best friend this entire time.
little did you know soobin was laying next to you thinking the exact same thing.
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rainybubbles · 2 days
What 141 would do if you're experiencing self-doubt ?
Ghost, Price, Soap, Gaz
(Sorry in advance for my mistakes, English is not my mother tongue. So sorry if it's badly written or if they're OOC.)
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-"I am not enough; I will never be, and you know it. You know it because, in a crowd, your gaze wanders elsewhere. Your fingers barely brush against me, and you only utter kind words without ever mentioning my beauty. I will never be like the others; I can never fill your heart. I am just a silhouette in your life, while I constantly dream of being the leading role in our film. But it’s just a film, an illusion, and I can’t be content with that."
-Out of breath, they stood before him, tears in their eyes. Their exhausted eyes let every tear fall, their breathing was labored.
-He stood motionless, rigid, unable to move, to utter a word.
-This silence was like a knife, silently cutting the bond between them, answering the unspoken with more silence.
-"I see," they murmured as they turned to leave.
-But their momentum was interrupted by his hand firmly gripping their wrist. He stood there.
-"Do you honestly think you can compare yourself to the others?" he murmured.
-"Don’t hit where it hurts, I—"
-"Do you honestly think you can compare yourself when your smile makes me forget the blood I shed? The souls screaming in my ears. When each of your breaths is a wave of desire I struggle to restrain, while for ten years, I struggled to feel even lust? When your voice, your ambitions are the only things I think about. You haunt me. I’ve tried day and night to flee from you, to distance myself, to keep you as an acquaintance, but no matter my efforts, I found myself at your feet begging for a crumb of your smile. Do you honestly think I see you like the others?"
-Stunned, they didn’t know how to respond.
"I can’t, I didn’t want to. Not yet. I can’t afford to have people to lose, but you’re here, and I find myself unable to let another take your heart."
"Then take it."
Hesitant, the soldier could see his mother, Beth, his brother, his nephew. Having someone meant being able to lose them. Having only his life meant a gentle, painless death.
-But between putting them in danger or losing them, Simon’s heart had made its choice.
-He wouldn’t risk finding them one day dead in his living room, killed by an enemy. He couldn’t. Yet the idea of having them in their living room, their house, seemed so sweet.
"It’s not that simple."
"Simon, please. Be clear, you can’t—"
His hands were on their face, wiping away each tear he had caused.
"Look at us, Simon," they murmured.
Their breaths close, the heat rising, their gazes shifted from one to the other, settling on their lips. And everything happened quickly. A moment, a second changing everything. A kiss.
"You are enough," he murmured after the first kiss.
But it wasn’t enough; starving, his heart burning, Simon kissed them again and again.
Feeling their body under his hands, their much-desired lips on his. Their breath, their scent, their sounds, their hair, everything was them, and he could only get intoxicated again and again.
They were an addiction.
"I can’t get enough of you."
"Neither can I. Don’t leave me again, Simon."
"I wouldn’t dream of it."
They were enough, more than that, they were too good for him. But Simon was a selfish man, and if they allowed him, he would stay in their affections as long as they let him.
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(Tall reader implied in this one.)
"Am I... pathetic, John? Not enough?"
On a summer evening at the base, which was deserted due to the nice weather and the open bar, two colleagues smoked outside.
-The conversation had shifted from light banter to work, and now, as dawn approached, alcohol was loosening their tongues, steering them towards deeper topics.
"Pathetic?" John repeated.
They stubbed out their cigarette abruptly.
"Sorry, it sounds childish. I'm complaining about my life when we were talking about something else. I should go to bed, I—"
They were interrupted by his gaze.
"No, I'm listening."
They sat back down, almost timidly.
"Have you been with people, John?"
"I've had my share of lovers, yes."
"Everyone has, at our age, right?"
"I guess."
"Not me."
John observed their in silence, sensing their hesitation.
"My parents say it's pathetic, being only good at writing reports, not even able to seduce soldiers in a barracks. That my ugliness, my height, are horrible traits they can hardly stand to see at each meeting. And I know they're wrong, but when I hear stories of kisses, love letters, children, marriages... I can't help but wonder: what's wrong with me? Why... why have I never felt that desire, why has no one ever had it for me? Am I... pathetic?"
John removed his cigar from his lips, his eyebrows furrowed. He stood up without a word.
They guessed he was bored by their words, their problems, and regretted having said too much.
But John knelt in front of them.
"You'd have to be very cruel to think a person like you is pathetic. If you are, then I'm just a pathetic man who desires a pathetic person."
"Not feeling desire, not having loved, kissed, or slept with someone at our age shouldn't be a shame. Love isn't a race, and if you start in your thirties, forties, or fifties, so be it. You should never feel any pressure or degradation about it. Because a man, a lover, a good one at least, will never define you. You are a wonderful person who may choose to have someone in their life, or not. It’s optional."
"It’s hard."
"I know."
On his knees, he reached out to cover their hand with his.
"You are not pathetic. Your laughter at Simon's awful jokes, that little tic after writing a report when you click your tongue, your height towering over even Johnny... I live for that. Every morning on this base, I wish to give you a report I spent too many hours falsifying just so we can correct the errors together, so I can sit next to you and feel your leg brush against mine, your scent filling my clothes, or leave my silly hat on your head in winter. I want you to see me, as I see you. Because if you did, you'd never dare, never even think to use the word 'pathetic' to describe yourself."
"I'm not asking for anything. I know your desire now, and I guess I don't meet your expectations, but please, don't let this define you."
Slowly, he stood up, his hand leaving theirs.
"Why?" they asked, interrupting his walk.
"Why what?"
"Why tell me this when you... you know I could never have that physical desire for you?"
"Because my desire isn't just sexual, I want all of you. A life without sex doesn't bother me, not if I can see your smile every morning, not if I can fix a stupid sink we bought together, not if I can admire those lines on your face every day."
"You're an idiot."
"So it seems."
Wiping their tears, they blew their nose. With a determined step, they joined him.
"Where are we going?"
"Where?" he asked
"Well, a date should be somewhere nice, right?"
A smile appeared on his face.
"I know a place," he murmured.
"Let's go."
Hand in hand, the dawn rose on a new relationship at the base.
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— Wait, talk to me, we can fix this, he said, running after you into the bathroom.
— It’s not a problem, Johnny. It’s not a disagreement, you said, sitting on the floor.
— What is it then?
— ME! I’m... I’m completely useless. Seriously, all through this party, I couldn’t speak, I couldn’t even drink. I was paralyzed by a panic attack, standing there like a statue while my friends wanted to celebrate. I ruined their moment, I... I’m not worth it. Every time they want to hang out, they look for uncrowded places because of me. They delay our meetings to make sure I don’t faint on public transport. They try to guess if today’s a good day for me before even suggesting anything. I’m a burden to them. And I hate myself for that. I hate that I can’t talk to people without overthinking, I hate that I faint in crowds, I can’t go outside when I want to, I can’t call people, I can’t even tell stories. Because I don’t have any; I’m stuck in a boring life with anxiety slowly eating me away.
— Is that what you think? he whispered. That you’re not worth it?
— Yes, you sobbed softly. Because it’s the truth.
— Do you think your friends see you as a burden? That they hang out with you because they have to?
— Yes.
— No. They hang out with you, they take your anxiety into account, they plan around your feelings because they want to. They wish they could see you every day because you’re a wonderful person, you’re a delight to be around. They know they can’t always see you, so they take care of you. I... take care of you. I can’t count the number of times I’ve wished to see you every day, to go out with you every day. But I love you too much to impose my desires on your anxiety. We love you, we do all this because we care about you. Tonight was a mistake.
— A mistake?
— We were supposed to be five, but Thomas’s friend invited more people, and it turned into a big party. We couldn’t warn you in time.
— So...
— We wanted you there, we wanted to celebrate with you, with our friends. Not with random drunk people.
— You love talking to drunk people.
— I love talking to people, period.
— I feel stupid.
— Then I’ll be stupid with you, scoot over.
— John, there’s no room to sit, we’ll be stuck in the bathtub.
— So?
He settled in. The two of you tangled up in an empty bathtub, a laugh escaped your lips.
— You’re ridiculous.
— I’m whatever you want me to be.
— Even bald?
— I admit, I won’t touch my hair.
— ...Do you... do you really want to see me more often?
— Yes. But I know how you... how you need your space after socializing.
— You sound like a personal development book.
— Maybe it’s from "Introvert’s Guide", I admit.
A sigh escaped, a smile forming.
— Thank you, John.
— No problem.
— You... you could come to my place, maybe.
— You-
— So we can see each other... more. More than just outside.
— Okay.
Slipping a key into his pocket, John could only take your hand and gently caress it.
— You deserve it, this happiness , believe me.
— I’ll try, you whispered.
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The silence lingered at the end of the line.
"You're supposed to answer after a “how are yo”, you know?" Kyle said.
Usually they would have said “yes I’m fine.”
But that wasn't the case. It never had been. But they had always managed to lie, to downplay their problems. Yet their trembling lips betrayed them, letting slip the truth.
"That's not the case."
"What's going on?"
"Nothing, I was catching up."
Idiot. Kyle Garrick was nothing if not a stubborn and obstinate man.
"You think I'm going to buy that?"
"Kyle, I'm not sure that..."
"You just admitted what I've been waiting for months to hear. I'm not letting go."
"You were waiting?"
"Do you really think I believed you? You... you talked about your neighbor for hours to avoid my questions, please, just answer me."
"Have you ever wondered why I always seemed to mess everything up?"
"I wonder every day. My parents barely talk to me, I did an art degree to avoid finishing my bachelor's and being in debt, I started a history degree only to end up cleaning after my graduation, unable to find a teaching position. I lost my apartment, my dog, my first love, and my second. And my college friends. And today, my job, and they all say the same thing, it's my fault. So Kyle, tell me, did I ruin your life too?"
The sound of the line crackled.
"You can't lie, I..."
"Your parents are disappointed that their prodigy of a child didn't do what THEY wanted for you. Your art school was filled with artists copying from the internet. Teaching positions come and go every year. You're just young, and as for your friends, they were nothing but hypocrites, taking advantage of your notes and then leaving. Your exes had their flaws and projected them onto you. They're all idiots if they think you're the bane of their existence, because now, they must realize how much you helped them. You mattered. You matter."
"I wouldn't know who to call, who to tell the stupid things I see here to forget if you weren't there. I know you ask me to describe the scenery in each of my calls so I don't remember my missions, that you don't talk about my work to give me a bubble. And it matters to me, you matter to me enormously."
"I'm just trying to... help you."
"Then let me help you in return. Why don't you... why don't you come to my apartment?"
"Kyle, what?"
"You don't have a job anymore, do you? Rent is expensive and you have nothing holding you back. Come to England. My parents know a university, you could work there as a teaching assistant or find something else."
"Because you deserve better. I don't want to play the savior, I... it's selfish, but knowing that when I come back, I'll find you in my apartment is a selfish wish. I can't just settle for calls anymore, I want to hear your voice every morning."
"As friends?"
"I see."
"But if that's how you see us, then I'll respect your choice and my offer will always stand."
"I can't ask you to let me move in with you if I know that."
"I'll do anything for you."
"You're stubborn."
"I... I'll think about it."
"You haven't given me an answer."
"Do I really need to?"
"No. I... damn it, I wish I could kiss you."
"You'll have to wait until you come back."
"I can't wait."
If you want more : masterlist.
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Lucifer X Fem! Pornstar! Reader SMUT
A/N: God I'm finally done with this! I've been so excited to share this! Hadddd to try to write my own getting caught fic after reading and getting inspired by @heart-of-the-morningstar's Behind (Not So) Closed Doors fic, (If you haven't read it obviously go read it right now) and maybe I've got another idea for another one. Tehee~ I LOVED writing this, and I hope you like it!
Synopsis: Reader used to be a pornstar, and Lucifer gets caught watching one of your films.
Content Warnings: 18+, MDNI, Heavy Smut, mentions of porn, masturbation, voyeurism, teasing, edging, oral (m receiving) and fingering.
Word Count: 7K
Divider Source: cafekitsune
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You used to be an actor for Valentino. You quite enjoyed doing those long films, and they started to gain a lot of traction. However, after a while, Valentino had tried pushing you towards doing shorter films that didn’t have any plot outside of the erotic parts, and you refused, effectively showing him that you no longer had any worth to him. When you first arrived Hazbin Hotel you were quite literally at your lowest; losing your only job since arriving in Hell and having been kicked to the curb. However, since getting there it has done nothing but good for you. You have gained a new home, safety, and a small community to be a part of, so you’ve done everything you could to be helpful to its’ cause.
Quickly Lucifer had caught sight of this, and you were able to form a valuable comradery between the two of you in your efforts to help Charlie. Almost instantly the two of you clicked, from being able to share similar senses of humor and a mutual hate towards Alastor the bond you formed made the two of you stronger. However, you never really spoke of your past with the King of Hell. You were scared that it may put him off, or disgust him, and he would no longer want to be friends with you. You knew how he used to feel for sinners, and you didn’t want to give him any reason to hate you. 
You and Charlie were up early that morning making breakfast together for the other residents of the hotel. Cheerful music played and flowed through out the kitchen as the two of you hummed and worked at a steady rhythm together filling the area with an aroma of sweet, fluffy pancakes and scrambled, seasoned eggs. A small smile formed on your face as you looked towards the princess who was hard at work. 
“Do you think we should make some bacon too?” 
Charlie’s warm humming finished, and her long blonde hair flipped to the side, as she turned to look back and answer you. 
“OOooh! If you’re finished that would be great!” 
With a small nod, you made sure to push all of the yellow fluffy eggs to separate dish as you worked on placing the strips onto the hot pan. The meat sizzled and popped within the grease that pooled below. By the time the food was officially cooked, a few of the others had joined the two of you in the kitchen, and started to make their own plates, eating happily at the dining table and island that the vibrant room held. For the others that hadn’t arrived, like Husk and Lucifer, you joined the princess in setting nice trays to bring up to their other rooms. Then for a final touch you placed a small glass vase on each of the trays with a small set of flowers that Charlie had brought inside. Abruptly, after the two of you finished, a rush of dark green smoke enclosed the trays, and pulled them away to the doors of the respective residents. 
After feeling the chilling magic send the food away, you glance over to Alastor who gave you a bone-rattling grin and turned back away to eat your own breakfast with your friends. You decided to take a seat next to your old work friend, who sent you a much warmer smile, and settled your fingers around some silverware to pick up bites of the pancakes you helped make. 
While everyone was eating together Lucifer was hard at work in his workshop putting together a specialized, custom rubber duck. He had spent several days on this, creating different prototypes, but never was fully satisfied with the result. He wanted, no needed, for this one to be perfect so that he could present it to you. Maybe then he could have some confidence to finally ask you out. He had been tiptoeing around the idea for a while now, but it never seemed like the right moment for him. Of course, he worried that you would reject him, how couldn’t he be?
While he continued his tinkering the king turned on some background noise to accompany him. Lucifer wouldn't normally watch or enjoy television because he believes it scrambles the brain, but during his stay at the hotel he has astutely learned that using current technology is a sure-fire way to piss off the radio demon, so naturally he invested in one for his room. He was grateful for it too because it was able to help him tune out any wandering thoughts, totally not about you, that normally invaded his mind during the noiseless hours. 
Quiet clicks sounded from underneath his hand as he screwed together a small piece to place inside of the little rubber gift, but before he could finish with the piece Lucifer whipped his head around to the abrupt sound of knocks that resonated throughout his room. 
“Char Char?”
He called towards the door but didn’t get an answer. The blonde groaned lightly as he stood from his work bench and stretched out, rolling away the strain his muscles had from his sitting position. Satisfied after a few stretches, he started his trek towards the door. Lucifer barely noticed, but the television shifted to another movie after the previous finished as he walked past. Once he placed his hand on his golden doorknob, he turned it to open and revealed a mahogany tray with a couple plates full of a nutritious breakfast, a tall glass of apple juice, and a small glass vase with a set of orchids. Then next to it was a small bottle of golden syrup and a folded note. On the note was a wish good morning with small hearts drawn to it, in your handwriting. A small smile painted its way across his face as he looked over the tray. Slowly Lucifer bent over to grab the little slip of paper, and traced his thumb over the ink as he stood back up. She's so sweet. His heart warmed as he looked it over and reignited his motivation to finish his small gift. 
Inspired to get back to work, Lucifer was quick to bend over once again and pick up the tray you and Charlie set up for him, however he was interrupted by the echo of a familiar voice. Before he could identify who it was, he turned his head to look through the hallway, to no avail. Then he heard it again, a little clearer now, he recognized that it was coming from behind him, and Lucifer turned back towards his room. Calling towards the room, he searched for the source and soon inferred that it was your own. Leaving the door to close behind him, he turned his head towards the large television that stood over a grand dresser, and soon his jaw dropped. On the screen held an image of you in elegant clothing, arguing with some other sinner that you were with. He froze, mouth remaining slack, and eyes widened as he watched the film. The script seemed quite cheesy and dramatic, but he had never seen you like this, and he especially didn’t know that you had been involved in recording a film, and a lead at that. Once the initial surprise weared away, he took a few steps away towards a bed that stood across the television and sat, watching the movie closely. 
He remained entranced and engaged with the film as it continued. Lucifer was mesmerized with your acting as your character involved herself in more and more romantic activities with the character that filled the role of being your “love interest”. He couldn’t believe or understand why you had held this away from him. You were good, really good. Lucifer continued to watch as the two main characters were put in a room together, only to realize that there was only one bed to share. He chuckled lightly to himself at the predictable nature of it all as he leaned his head against his hand. However, after a few more moments, he wasn’t able to keep such a comfortable position. The scene had quickly shifted towards something more pornographic. His eyes widened once again, and he roughly wrapped his hand around his mouth as loud moans flooded past your lips from the love interest’s touch. 
He wasn’t sure why he was so surprised that the film had took this turn, it was hell after all, but his body tensed as he watched your hands wander down the other actor’s chest and before he could stop it, rapidly his own mind wandered on and imagined how your touch would feel on himself.
“Shit shit shit…” 
 Logic told him that he shouldn’t watch any further, especially since you hadn’t even told him about this, and he was about to leap towards the remote until he saw the camera zoomed in towards you and your passionate touch, causing only more torture for the poor devil. His face flushed, and it wasn’t too long until his hardened arousal started to pull his attention towards it. He felt small twitches under his boxers after every exaggerated moan that the speakers poured out, and soon he felt the absent-minded need to buck his hips for any friction that he could get. 
You remained content in the kitchen, sitting close to your friends, and slowly eating the food off your plate as you made small conversation. You laughed lightly as you watched Angel continue to tease another sinner from across the table throughout the meal, and after you finished the last few bites of your fluffy eggs you took the opportunity to help Charlie. Taking your dishes and a few plates from the others that had finished before you, you made your way across the kitchen to the large steel sink. You easily rinsed off any of the remains that were left behind, before filling the vessel with hot soapy water and starting your task of scrubbing away anything that you may have missed. 
The princess was quick to take her place next to you, grabbing a small towel, drying off the ceramics, and putting them away. It was a successful meal that the two of you started together and now cleaning away together. Soon some of the others brought over their plates and left the kitchen after giving the two of you a thanks. Then, Angel Dust was the last one to walk over. 
“Thanks toots, delicious as always.” 
You gave the spider demon a smile and a nod as you continue scrubbing with the yellow sponge, not expecting anything more out of the conversation. 
“Short king never came down, disappointed?” 
Of course. He nudged you with his elbow as small flush ran across your face. The actor never hesitated to tease you about your relationship with Lucifer; you rolled your eyes towards the demon, and lightly gestured towards the princess as you looked back at him. Hoping the knowledge of her being there would shut him up.
“What are you trying to say?” 
Angel Dust looked you up and down and raised his brows in response with a smug smirk laid across his face. He hummed lightly, waiting patiently as Charlie finally took a few steps away to put away some of the dishes she had dried. 
“You should go up there, finally make a move toots.. Alone~” 
This again? A small scoff escaped you, and you turned your head to look over to the spider as you set a clean cup to the side. You caught sight of his wiggling eyebrows and let out a small laugh. 
“Angel, you know I won’t” 
He shook his head and rested one of his hands on his hip. He was getting tired of this song and dance between the two of you. 
“And why not?” 
It was your turn to raise an eyebrow at him before you returned to your task, explaining your reasoning once again.
“First off, I don’t think he feels that way.” 
Before Angel could interrupt you, you speak a little louder and look back at him as you continue. 
“Second! I don’t know if he would like me if he knew what I used to do. What if he finds out and he’s disgusted?” 
A light laugh runs out of the actor, and he rests one of his elbows onto your shoulder as he leans down against you. 
“Sweet cheeks you were hot in those films, 10/10, if he saw them, he wouldn���t know what to do with himself.” 
Before you could respond, Charlie spoke up brightly from behind you. You didn’t even realize she was back to dry more dishes. 
“Whatcha guys talking about?” 
You whipped your head around to respond frantically, but the arachnid beat you to it.
“Oh, I was just tellin her she should go check on your dad.”
You wanted to send the spider demon a glare, but Charlie looked over to you with a glittering grin. 
“Oh, that’s a great idea! He’s probably working on something, and you know how he can get tunnel visioned when he works on something!” 
Charlie giggles lightly thinking over her father’s small quirk, as she looks over to you. 
“I don’t want to leave you to clean everything Charlie.” 
You retorted, trying to escape the spider demon’s incessant setup. You wouldn’t hear the end of it if you went up there. 
“Oh, don’t worry toots, I can help her!” 
Charlie looked over to Angel with practically sparkling eyes, and then back to you insisting that you should go. Heavy drops of frustration started to fill you, knowing that you wouldn’t be able to back out. 
“Okay! but I’ll be back with his dishes, okay?” 
You gave the two of them a reminder of the tray that you helped set up for him this morning and stepped away to dry off your hands. You shoved the wet sponge towards your old work friend and started to walk out of the kitchen. Your last view of the two in the kitchen was Charlie back to being hard at work, and Angel Dust using two of his limbs to make an erotic gesture, and one other to make a phone next to his ear. You flipped him off as you made your way out and started your trek to the elevator. 
As you arrived at his floor, you stepped through the engraved elevator doors, and walked towards his suite at the other end of the hall. It wasn’t too long before you were in front of his door. The mahogany tray was still there, left abandoned and now cold to your dismay. You worried over Lucifer. Had he really been that distracted with his project to not answer his door? You just hoped that was the issue, and he wasn’t spiraling again. You started to speak as you twisted the gold encrusted doorknob open. 
“Lucifer! You missed your breakfast, are yo-?”
As you slipped the door open, a mixture of moans started to pour past the large crack. You froze until you had heard a recorded line. 
“YY-yeah useee mee~”
Is that?? Your heart started to rapidly pound against your chest as you realized that Lucifer could have been watching a rerun of one of your films. Shame pulled your heart strings. You pushed open the door, tray still in hand, and words were ready to fumble past your lips to try to explain yourself. A small click sounded behind you as the door shut behind you, and your jaw dropped at the sight. You looked towards the television to reaffirm your thoughts, then back at Lucifer. Fuck he's gorgeous. He laid against his mattress unabashedly pumping his member, as his head leaned against his headboard. The pretty sight caused a strong heat to swiftly pool within you, and your thighs quivered with anticipation. You felt a strong fiery magnetic pull force you to take a step towards further, and before you even realized the heavy tray you held had tipped forward in your lack of attention towards it. 
Before you even arrived at his door, Lucifer groaned down at his predicament, and looked back towards the screen to see a large image of your cheek pressed against the others sinner’s cock. His eyes bulged at the sight, and his body grew more desperate for relief. His teeth clamped down onto his bottom lip as he worked through the choice whether or not to relieve himself or not, and quickly decided to go against his better judgment for it. The blonde huffs, pushing his pants and boxers down and away to quickly rid himself of this issue. Lucifer revealed his desperate standing member, that already had started leaking precum running down his length, leaving it slick and ravenous for friction.
He grunted as he felt the cool air against him and wrapped his hand around it. Lucifer started slow strokes up and down the whole of his length. His head leaned back, hitting the top of his headboard, as he continued the slow pace. Lewd noises from the film flooded his ears, as his mind ran through images of you: your tongue running up the side of cock, wrapping your pretty lips around him, and taking him fully down your throat as you did on the screen in front of him. Then to other images: pushing himself deep inside of you, making you scream his name, and screaming your own in return. Eventually low groans started to leave his throat as he started to quicken his pace, and his eyes fell shut. As Lucifer started to rapidly rush down the course of an orgasm, his free hand gripped the sheets next to him, and low repeated whimpers of your name slid off his lips like a prayer. 
Just as he found himself on the edge, a loud crash and shatter reverberated around his room. Panic rushed his veins, as he abruptly ripped his hand away from his length to hastily jerk up a blanket up and across his body. Lucifer then looked towards the source of his interruption and saw you. Shame, overwhelming shame, filled him as he saw you. What was he thinking!? There was no hiding the humiliation he felt. You stood just inside of his door, breakfast tray slightly tipped forward and your eyes rapidly switched between him and the television on his wall. Lucifer worried that you would scream at him, and rid your relationship with him all together, but instead the quick realization of the mess you had created had you setting the tray down. He watched in shock as you got on your knees to attempt to clean the spilled apple juice, and shattered vase. As you were about to grab the first piece of glass, he snapped his fingers, poofing any of the messy evidence away. You looked back up at him and watched him as countless apologies started to fumble its way out of his throat. 
His glossy eyes stared over to you as you approach his bed to sit on the edge, feeling the overwhelming warmth cover your face as you look over towards him. 
“I- it’s okay… I mean that’s what it’s for.” 
Slightly unsure of yourself, you crawl a little closer to the man, and he backs up until his back hits flush against his headboard. Lucifer remained ashamed of his actions but grew slightly confused as he watched you get closer, getting more aroused by your actions. You stopped crawling, your weight now falling onto your knees once you were close, sitting in front of him. 
“And you’re not grossed out?”
“What? No?” 
You asked as you looked over to him, with worrisome eyes, and Lucifer looked back at you with concern and a large bundle of confusion. He shook his head feverishly and waved his hands. Why would he be grossed out? You should be the one that was repulsed by him. He yearned to move forward and comfort you but stayed like stone in his spot, as to not make you uncomfortable. His answer was enough to push away some of your insecurities as you continued. 
“Is that what you want?”
You gestured towards the screen that continued to play, now on a scene of you riding the love interest of the film. Lucifer gulped slightly as his eyes turned back to the television, feeling his cock sinfully twitch once again in anticipation from the film. Then he turned his head back to you, who stared back at him wantonly. 
“N-not exactly…” 
Were you assuming wrong?? A small panic raced through you, and stuttered your actions, but allowed him to continue. He saw the panic in your eyes. Realizing his fuck up, he continued to fumble through his stuttered words. 
“Wait! No, no no no n-no! What I mean is.. I.. I want you.. I need you.”
He emphasized his last words as he leaned forward towards you. Your own heart stutters from his statement and pushed your thighs together slightly as you allowed your hand to move up and brush off some of the sweat that collected across his brow. Then you gently held his face, tracing his cheek with your thumb as you met his softened eyes with your own. 
“I need you too.”
His lip trembled slightly from your words, and he pushed himself forward off his hands. Then a small smile pulled at your lips, as you met him in the middle to press your soft lips against his. Your heart continued to pound hard against your chest as your lips met. Feeling the euphoria of finally being in the moment you wished for so long. The first kiss was gentle and slow, as you continued to trace gentle circles across his cheek. Lucifer chased after your touch for a moment as you pulled away to look at him, and he looked into your eyes. His own woozy smile graced his blushed face after the shared high of your first kiss and after you laughed lightly at his expression. Once you pushed away the pieces of blonde hair that had fallen out of place, you moved forward to kiss him once again. 
Soon your lips pressed further against his, and the pace picked up to a more feverish one. Taking initiative, you opened your mouth a little to allow passage for your tongue to brush against his bottom lip. He almost too hastily opened his mouth to match yours and you started to massage your tongue against his skinnier split one. He melts further into your touch, proving himself to be like puddy in your hands. A smirk spreads across your face as an idea hits you, and with a slow hand you place your fingers onto the edge of the blanket he hastily threw over himself to bring it down. Lucifer pulled his face away from yours, and his breath broke into heavy, hot pants as he wipes away the saliva that connected the two of you. 
“Y-you don’t have to!” 
Lucifer stares into your eyes, worried that the two of you were advancing further than you were more comfortable with. You bit your bottom lip, grateful for his kindness, as you reassure him. 
“I want to help you finish your movie, Luci. Would you like that?” 
Your voice carried a seductive edge, and Lucifer swallowed hard while nodding eagerly in response. With a small giggle, you returned to slowly removing the blanket from him. He clenches the sheets beside him in anticipation and bites his lip down hard. The ravenous look you held had him feeling desperate for your touch. As you finally pulled the covering past his waist, you got an up-close view of his hardened arousal. It stood tall, leaning against his stomach, practically quivering, anxious for more. You quickly threw the cover away as you stared down at the sight. The pure white member was slick with large amounts of his precum, and the head’s color was a pretty pink contrasting from the rest of him. Pushing past the thoughts of pouncing on him right there, you looked back up at him as you tugged his shirt lightly. He helped your efforts and practically ripped off his shirt as you pulled his pants past his hooves to leave them abandoned on the ground away from you. 
Breathlessly you looked his body over, admiring his pale white skin that was warm to the touch. He truly was Heaven’s prettiest angel. 
“You’re so beautiful.” 
Your hand traced his chest and stomach as you whispered. He picked up on your compliment and if he could blush more, he felt it. Lucifer watched you as you looked back towards the film, and realized you were just on time for the next scene. Your lips pulled to a tight-lined smirk as you moved to sit on your knees to his side, and he looked over to you slightly confused. 
“If you need me to stop, tell me, okay?”
Lucifer nodded towards you at your request, but the king hadn’t completely comprehended what you had suggested earlier, not quite understanding why you were at his side now. Amused, you laugh lightly and grasp his chin to lead his sight back towards the screen. Leaning in close, he felt your hot breath against the shell of his ear. 
“The movie, pretty boy.” 
You cooed, and he quickly put the points together. Realizing the teasing he was probably about to endure he bit back a whimper and stared back at the screen. The television displayed an exaggerated scene. The camera zoomed in showing only you as you started to grind against the other actor. Your moans streamed out the speakers, helping you overwhelm his senses. His cock twitched against his stomach, and luckily for him your hand gently wrapped around him. Lucifer felt a fleeting sense of relief as you touched him, and you started to press small pecks against the lid of his ear. You prompted leisurely pumping him at a slow pace, aiming to pull any pleasure out of him you could, as you continued your sweet affection across his ear and down his neck. Continuous translucent pearls ran past his slit, sliding down his head. A grin grew across your face at the sight, as you rubbed the slick precum up and down his member. 
It was pure torture for him to only watch this fake version of you, and agony to keep his hands to his side. You continued your cruel pace up and down, and Lucifer writhed and moaned from your strokes. You eagerly continued to fulfill your incessant need to pull more of these precious sounds, and luckily for him you allowed his hip movements, but you kept stopping those in mind for the future. Lucifer started to plead between his desperate gasps and moans. 
“Please.. p-please faster.”
You obliged and picked up the pace to keep a quick momentum. Your small pecks changed to more exchanges between open mouths kisses and small bites against his chin and neck. His own breath picked up and grew more ragged as he clenched his eyes, focusing on the waves of pleasure. Noticing this, you lectured him with a teasing tone. 
“Ah. Ah… Luciii~ the movie?” 
Lucifer whimpered, and obediently forced his eyes open to watch the film. His jaw fell, and remained open as continuous moans left his throat. His legs quivered, and his hips bucked up into your grasp as he felt a tight thread start to rapidly coil within him. 
“Fuck FUUuck, Yes!  I- I’m gonna-!” 
As Lucifer started to rolling towards the edge, you ripped your hand away from his member. A loud whine escaped from him as he continued rutting his hips up searching for the friction that was taken away from him. Before he could complain, you explained your cruel punishment. 
“You’re not even close to the end yet Lu~.” 
He turned his head to look back at you. Lucifer had been pulled away from two orgasms now. Sweat soaked his skin, his cheeks flushed, and drool colored with a hint of golden blood ran past his lips leaving a glimmering line down his chin. His desperate expression forced a tingling heat started to pool within you, and you felt your own panties slick beneath you from your arousal. 
“Can’t you at least finish this scene for me?” 
Lucifer hesitantly agreed, nodding toward you and reluctantly turned his eyes back towards the film. His body tensed lightly as he prepared himself for what was next. A mischievous grin twisted your lips upwards, as you wrapped your fingers around him once again. You returned to the pace that you left off with, and he choked back his breath from the brutal swift pace. He begged out to you, whimpering out your name as he writhed under your touch. Ironically, he wanted to pray for release.
“What…? I thought you wanted me to go fast Luci~?” 
The next few minutes felt like hours, as the scene continued on. It was truly addicting for you watching the painful pleasure you brought him with simple strokes, feeling your own body slick and wanting for more. 
Lucifer never asked you to stop, so you edged him on and on, pulling away if you needed to keep him from releasing until you recognized that the pornographic scene was close to the finish. Enthusiastically, you prepared yourself to finally fulfill his wish. Keeping your strokes steady, he watched with surprise as you moved your place back in front of the man and gave him a warm smile as you leaned forward to lick his weeping head. The new sensation had Lucifer’s head reeling as he absent-mindedly bucked his hips forward. As you continued, you hallowed your cheeks, and wrapped your perfect wet lips around him, taking him fully down your throat. Lucifer practically saw stars as his cock was engulfed down your throat. Your eyes gazed up at him, as you practiced your skill, tracing your tongue up and down the side of him as you pushed your head up and down at a steady pace. 
“S-so so so perfect.. F-feels soo good!"
Lucifer’s eyes stayed fixated on you as you used your freehand to lead his own to your hair. He eagerly took the opportunity and wrapped his fingers through your hair pulling it as softly as he could in his predicament. Quickly the familiar feeling of the thread coil tightens, and you were able to understand him instantly as he pleaded with you once again. Though this time, you gave him your acceptance with a small nod, and not a second later he was seeing stars. 
“Ahhh fuck! Th-thank thank you thank you!”
His glazed over eyes clamped and he clenched his teeth as his head hit his headboard. Lucifer felt his mind stop as shockwaves of rippling pleasure ripped its way through him. His body jerked up from underneath you, and you kept your lips wrapped tightly around the tip as you gave him slow strokes to help him through his orgasm. You swallowed the thick spurts of his seed that leapt out of him, making sure to collect everything before you pull yourself off of him. He watched eagerly as you licked your lips and took in the addicting sweet taste of his angelic cum. Wiping away any of the left-over fluid across your chin, you made your way over back to his side and placed a gentle kiss to his cheek. You cooed, whispering sweet things into his ear, as you held his hand, and rubbing your thumb gently over his knuckles. 
Once he was finally able to form a full thought, a wobbly smile formed across his face as he leaned his weight onto you. He took in a deep breath before pulling your knuckles to his lips to place a gentle kiss to the surface. A small sigh escaped from you from his soft touch, and you looked over to view his tiresome glow. After a few moments, a light tug of concern pulled at your heart, as you worried about the small possibility that you may have gone too far for a first time. 
“It wasn’t too much was it?”
He rigorously shook his head before he turned his body fully to look into your eyes. 
“No… no! you were perfect hun.” 
You matched his gaze, and the tender affection that radiated off his expression gripped your heart. He traced gentle shapes on your knee and moved forward to press his lips lovingly against yours. His warm fingers weaved through your hair and held you close. You felt his lips turn up against yours, and he pulled himself flush against your chest as your arms naturally wrapped around his neck. Lucifer pulled himself away before leaning his damp forehead against yours. As the two of you remained in your place, a silent peace fell on you. He was the first to break it with a hesitant whisper. 
“I love you..”
You picked up your hand from around his neck to trail through his hair as you reciprocated his words. 
“I love you too.”
You could feel you heart thumping in her chest, as the two of you meet together in the middle. Warmth flowed between them during this gentle, slow moment, and Lucifer achingly dragged his claws down the bottom of your thighs until he was able to hook his hands under your knees. With his hands anchored in your legs he pulled you up until you sat on his lap. Instinctively your legs wrapped around his waist and Lucifer’s lips pulled away only just enough from you to share his shaky hot breath. 
“Please, let me make you feel good too.” 
The blooming heat within you was fertilized with his words, and you agreed to his request with a low whisper, and he gratefully took this opportunity using your position to lift you and lay you against the cool sheets. A light gasp escaped you as he brushed your hair out of the way and traced his lips down the side of your neck. Once he reached the crook of it, he grazed his teeth against it, receiving a delightful shiver from you. His lips turn up against your skin, and his tongue moves past to roll over your sensitive skin as he moves one of his hands from your thigh to bunch your shirt up past your chest. Your breath hitches as his hot black claws tenderly trails from your navel up to your chest to cup and fondle your breasts. Mindlessly your head pushes back against the plush pillow, and heavy gasps pour out of you as he starts to circle of areola, and gently roll your nipple between his forefinger and thumb sending shockwaves to your abdomen. Lucifer readily moves down to be between your breasts and continues his nipping slowly down towards your navel, pushing your pants and damp underwear down during the process. As his attempts to remove your clothing gets blocked by himself between you, he sits back and is able to get a full view of your sensual state. His mind reels at the sight. Your eyes were half-lidded, holding a hungry expression, and your mouth hung open just enough to allow heated pants to run past your lips as you stared over at him. Slowly small marks started to show, decorating your skin from his previous nipping. Your arms laid at your side after being taken away from his neck as he laid back, waiting to return to their earlier position. 
“So.. beautiful...”
He muttered under his breath as he pushes the clothing past your legs to throw off beside him and sinks down to his spot between your legs. You watch him plop down between your thighs, and suddenly the sound of his breath hitching runs to your ears as he examines the hot, soaked, slit that laid there. As he continued leaving feather-light kisses on your inner thighs, you feel the soft circles Lucifer draws around the sensitive core that had your deep entrance clenching for more. Your hand made their way to his blonde hair and his eyes remained straight on you, entranced by the small sounds that slipped from your throat and the view of your glistening cunt, as he riled you further. As one of his prolonged circles ended at the bottom of your entrance, your breath gets ripped from your lungs as he plunges one of his fingers deep inside you. Lucifer had to steady his foggy brain after feeling you: hot, soaked, tight, and pulsing around him. The blonde thought that he could practically cum right there just from the feeling of you. Slowly he starts to make a consistent pace, thrusting his finger in and out, and in and out of you all while curling it upwards to pull the most pleasure from you. Your head tipped back, and your toes curled as the heavenly drag of the tip of his finger, reached in places your own couldn’t, and sent your shockwaves to your core. He adored this; Lucifer wanted nothing but to please you, to treat you like the goddess he felt you were. It wasn’t too long until moans and praises pleaded for more. 
“Sh-shit Luci.. So.. good for me..”
His eyes glimmered from the praise, as he stared up at you from your slit, deeply into your eyes as he continued, making sure to study your reaction to find what exactly made you feel absolutely and utterly blissful. Not even a moment later his lips parted allowing his tongue slip through, and he made quick work to flick it up across your pleading clit. The sudden wet attention had your hips bucking from underneath him, against his face and hand.  Sonorous moans continuously gushed out of you. He excitedly continued his attention inside you, as he started to suck the sensitive bud intently as he continued to flick his tongue up it at the same pace of his finger. Your tight grasp started to pull at his scalp, and hot white pleasure overwhelmed your mind, as you arched your back up off the bed.  Lucifer pleaded with pent-up whine came from between your legs as you tugged his hair. Then soon a skinny scaly tendril wrapped around one of your thighs joining his other hand to pull it back as Lucifer plunged another finger with the other, causing the tight thread that started it’s endless knotting within you threatening to split. 
“F-Fuck Love I’m gonna-!” 
Your toes curl at the feeling and your melodic warnings of the impending results of his touch graced his ears. Lucifer was unrelenting, continuing this pace as he aimed to tip you over that edge. A few seconds later you felt the thread snap, causing your legs to tremble under his touch, and your back arched further up from the bed. Harmonious whines and moans flooded out of you as trails hot fire overtook your mind and body while you released from underneath him. Lucifer calmed the pace of his fingers down, and watched, mesmerized by you and your walls pulling his fingers further as he helped you ride out your orgasm. As the arch of your back relaxed, and your breathing steadied, he slowly slipped his fingers out of your tight grip. 
“Sooo gorgeous hun, and so…” 
He spoke lowly as Lucifer moved up to face you and positioned his hips back in between your soft thighs. Slowly his fingers were placed to the surface of his lips, pushing past, as he made a show of sucking the slick that coated him. A heavy breath fell to your ears as he allows the fingers to leave his mouth and used his tongue to lick his fingers frivolously. A smirk paints his expression as your eyes met his once again. 
“... delicious..”
You couldn’t help but smile back at him as you see his face. You admired his expression as you saw his chin glisten with your slick and saliva and his half-lidded eyes looked towards you like you were the sweetest dessert he had ever tasted. A whisper of a laugh falls out of you between heavy breaths, as your arms wrapped tightly around the back of his neck, and the tips of your fingers raked through his blonde locks.
Delicately, he held your cheek to lean forward and give you another honey-sweet kiss. For a while it remained as tender and sugary as it started. His lips parted to massage his tongue against yours, and you could taste a faint hint of his blood and you spread across it. You would live in this fleeting moment of connection forever if it hadn't been for the damned need to take a breath. As the contact between the two of you was split, Lucifer could feel your heated breaths against his cheeks. The two of you cherished each other's comfort as you pressed your foreheads against each other once again. A soft smile graced his lips as he savored being with you and held you close.
It wasn’t long till the blonde started to feel the natural need to have you closer. Then he pulled you up against him; your legs instinctively wrapped their way around his hips again. However, your breath picked up as you felt his newly, almost forgotten, arousal against your core, and watched as a guttural groan sneaked its way past his clenched teeth. You looked over to him and whispered to open his now clamped eyes.
His eyes flickered back to yours as you spoke and felt as his breath hitches at the sight. He looked towards you lovingly; You practically glowed beneath him. Your own breath was bated, and your eyes brimmed with an emotional passion, and fervor. You may have been in an intimate position, but this was so much more than the film he was watching before, and he was relishing having you.
All of you with him. 
“Fuck me Love…” 
Bonus Scene:
Angel Dust continued cleaning the resident’s dishes and took over drying them as the princess moved on to round up the other sinners for an exercise. Then the engraved kitchen doors creaked open with a groan. He didn’t question it too much as he saw the feline bartender stepped in and brought the now only half-empty tray to the sink. A simple clink sounded besides the arachnid as the tray was set against the counter, and Angel looked towards Husk with a raised eyebrow. 
“Not hungry or what?” 
Husk looked back to him after he strolled towards the coffee machine and rubbed his temple, trying to will away a migraine that started to form.
“No, those two are finally fucking.” 
He could hear the creaking and moaning through the floors. Angel Dust’s jaw dropped as he set his rag and plate down, and the corners of his lips curved devilishly. 
“Hell yeah finally! That’s all me baby! I did that! Pay the fuck up!” 
Husk grumbled with a small roll of the eyes, and turned back to him after he poured the black steaming liquid into his mud. The pornstar looked back to him with his hand outstretched and a smug grin that revealed his shining golden tooth, but despite Husk’s small frustrations he handed over the twenty that Angel was looking for. 
a/n: Haha poor Husk, anyway, hope you enjoyed! <333
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bittersnsweetz · 3 days
ohhh my god i just realised why i love narumitsu so much, despite the obvious (mutual pining, slow burn, one-sided enemies, to friends, to distant friends, to close friends, to lovers all that good stuff)
its BECAUSE they have a shared emotional journey that is so narratively satisfying to me that as im typing this im barely able to contain my stimming
phoenix defends miles, so convinced he can save him and is almost blinded by that fact because he knows edgeworth as so good and so pure and he totally definitely absolutely would never willingly hurt anybody and then he ghosts him for a year which phoenix obviously interprets as yet another person abandoning him, leaving phoenix to pick up the pieces, and that whole time phoenix is beating himself up because wow this is just like when he put all his love on the line for dahlia and it turns out she was just using him this whole time and the absolute mess of emotions that arises when edgeworth comes back, alive, with no apology whatsoever.
and then two years later phoenix loses his job and edegworth is trying so hard to help and be there for him while also juggling his prosecutor job and the challenges that arise from adjusting to a new justice-driven mindset, but phoenix is already closing himself off and refusing to talk about it because hes stingy and secretive and edgeworth has seen the stingy in passing but never to this extent, where he can tell that phoenix NEEDS someone but apparently that someone isnt going to be him. and he's on call with him one night and he hears trucy for the first time and hes mortified because so many complicated emotions and questions arise from that alone: "wright are you sane" "wright are you seeing someone" "wright why didnt you tell me about this so i could help you" and i do think edgeworth gets overwhelmed by all this at once, the secrecy, the daughter, the friend who visits phoenix every now and again, the lack of healthy communication. and suddenly everything that he thought theyve worked so hard to build together has come crashing down and theres nothing phoenix will let him do to help
and its the shared parallel of the initial proposal to help "let me defend you"/"let me be there for you" being completely rejected and the repeated efforts to do so being met with a sudden shift (prosecutor miles edgeworth chooses death/i have a daughter and a new friend who helps me now) and how its so difficult for the both of them to realise at the time that its for their sake that they're doing it, that neither of them are doing this to hurt the other intentionally (although for phoenix i definitely think theres spite involved, but not to the degree to which edgeworth ends up experiencing what he does emotionally), and the idealisation that gets completely shattered by reality
just. UGH. the full circle that is them, after everything is said and done, finding closure in each other again, however non-linear that journey is, and, this is important, CHOOSING to still stay with the other through anything and everything that comes to pass, and truly SEEING the other behind their professional masks. Seeing them entirely and not just the attractive parts. im rabid.
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tizeline · 8 hours
May I ask, what is Leo and Draxum's relationship like? Is it good? Neutral? Or bad?
Uhhhhh well it's not exactly perfect, but I would say it leans more towards good, Draxum and Leo do both genuinely care for each other. I know that in the most recent comics their relationship appears a bit... strained to say the least. Because it is. BUT you should know that this is the most strained their relationsip has ever been up to this point. The reason for that is that this is the first time Leo has really openly and completely gone against Draxum's orders, Leo has never been as much of a rule-follower as Raph or as dedicated to the cause as Mikey, but he generally tends to go along with whatever his father wants. So Leo actively working against his family is new territory for all of them, that paired with Draxum's stubborness and self-rightousness (which makes him quite bad at being diplomatic in this situation) just causes even more cracks in their relationship.
That being said, things weren't all sunshine and rainbows before this, there has been an underlying tension building between the two of them for years which also acts as fuel to the fire in their most recent disagreement. I've brought it up before (and I'm gonna keep bringing it up whenever it's relevant) but one of the biggest dilemmas Draxum is dealing with is his duties as a father clashing with his duties as the warrior alchemist who has tasked himself with saving all of yōkai-kind. He created the turtles to aid him in that task, because of that he puts a lot of time and effort into finding their unique strengths, their "use" for a lack of a better term, to focus on improving and perfecting. It's similar to in canon, Leo feels insecure about role on the team because he doesn't feel like he has a Specific Thing™ like his brothers do. Only this time, it's kinda reinforced by the way Draxum acts.
And listen, Draxum doesn't actually love any of his sons more or less based on their "use" to the team, he views them as his children first and his soldiers second. But regardless of whatever his internal feelings are, because he's so dedicated to the plan he ends up spending more time with helping Mikey and Raph perfect their specific skillsets while Leo has a tendency to get a little overlooked. So from Leo's point of view, he's convinced he's the least favorite child! Oopsie! So again, like in canon, he acts like a show-off in an effort to get attention and praise, which a lot of the time just ends up backfiring on him cuz it makes him appear impulsive and immature.
This is something that starts off as a relatively small problem that just keeps getting more and more serious the longer it goes unadressed. By the time of season 1 Leo has more or less accidentally cemented himself as the "class-clown" of the family, so when he tries to argue about Draxum's plan neither his dad or his brothers really take him seriously. It's just Leo being Leo again, no biggie, he'll get proven wrong like he always does and they can all have a laugh about it later! But verbally disagreeing with Draxum is one thing, the fact that Leo actually goes and takes direct action against his family in such an extreme way is completely new, and it definitely throws them off. So Leo's hurt that his family refuses to listen to him and his family is hurt because they feel like Leo betrayed them.
So overall... yeah things are pretty dire in the entire Draxum family right now, especially between Leo and Draxum. They ARE gonna reconcile though! Leo's insecure role in the family has been a problem that's been going ignored for years now and the situation boiling over is gonna force everyone to actually adress it. It'll take some time, but Leo and Draxum are gonna talk things out, despite everything they do love each other, they both want to get along, they just need time to figure out how to actually accomplish that lol.
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ahqkas · 5 hours
Gryffindor! Reader who always try to avoid mattheo because of the beef between houses. But mostly because of the rumors of the riddle brother. Mattheo knows this, it’s like a game of cat and mouse as it only ends up with mattheo teasing her until she’s flustered.
© ahqkas — all rights reserved. even when credited, these works are prohibited to be reposted, translated or modified
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THE ANCIENT RIVALRY BETWEEN GRYFFINDOR AND SLYTHERIN WAS A WELL-KNOWN FACT AT HOGWARTS. it was a feud written in tradition and mutual dislike, carried on through generations of students. for you, a proud gryffindor, the tradition was not just a historical detail but a daily reality. especially when it came to avoiding mattheo riddle, the short tempered slytherin whose reputation preceded him.
it wasn’t just the typical house rivalry that made you steer clear of mattheo; it was the swirling rumors about him and his name. the whispers in the corridors, the hushed conversations in the common room – all painted him as someone to be wary of. despite this, there was an undeniable allure to him, a magnetism that made it increasingly difficult to ignore his presence.
mattheo seemed to take great delight in your attempts to avoid him. it was like a game of cat and mouse, one he played with a mischievous glint in his eyes. he had an uncanny ability to appear wherever you least expected him, always ready with a teasing remark or a sly smile that made your heart race.
one afternoon, you were hurrying through the courtyard, hoping to reach the library before dinner. the winter sun was low in the sky, casting long shadows over the cobblestones. you quickened your pace, hoping to evade any slytherins who might be lingering nearby.
"running from something, gryffindor?"
the familiar drawl stopped you in your tracks. you turned to see mattheo leaning against a stone pillar, his arms crossed over his chest and a smirk playing on his lips. his dark curls fell into his eyes, which sparkled with amusement. he enjoyed this game between the two of you too much.
"no, just trying to get to the library," you replied, trying to sound indifferent. "some of us actually have work to do."
"ah, always the responsible student," he teased, pushing off from the pillar and sauntering over to you. "but you know, all work and no play makes for a very dull lion."
you rolled your eyes, but your heart was pounding against your rib cage. "i have enough excitement without adding you to the mix, riddle."
he stepped closer, his gaze intense. "oh i doubt that." he reached out, brushing a strand of hair from your face. the casual touch sent a shiver down your spine. "why do you avoid me, really?"
you looked away, unable to meet his eyes. "you know why," you muttered.
"because of the rumors?" he asked and his voice visibly softened now. "you shouldn't believe everything you hear."
"it’s not just the rumors," you admitted. "it’s . . . well, you're you. and i am me. gryffindor and slytherin don't exactly mix well."
"who says we have to follow the rules?" he said, his tone challenging. "maybe we can make our own."
you couldn't help but glance up at him, caught by the sincerity in his voice. "why do you care so much, mattheo?"
"because i like you," he said simply. "and i think you like me too, even if you won't admit it."
your cheeks flushed, and you looked away again. "you’re impossible," you muttered, but there was no heat in your words this time.
"and you're adorable when you're flustered," he teased, his smirk returning.
before you could respond, the bell rang, signaling the end of the break. you took a step back, needing to put some distance between you and the overwhelming presence of mattheo riddle.
"i have to go.”
"i’ll see you around, princess," he called after you, his voice filled with a promise.
as you walked away, you couldn't help but smile. despite your best efforts, mattheo riddle was getting under your skin. and maybe, just maybe, that wasn't such a bad thing after all.
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crushingcasanova · 2 days
I can’t stand those who are desperately looking for someone, anyone to obsess over to fix themselves, especially when they do not truly care for you. My general philosophy about this kind of thing is that no good thing comes so simply and quickly--you have to put in effort and get to know someone beyond initial attraction to what you believe they are like.
Get to know the real me. Leave behind all frivolous, superficial “flirting” and actually indulge yourself in learning about someone you find interesting. With time, I’ll tell you everything you need to know: what makes me tick, who I am, and so much more while I get to know you too. Don’t lead with the end goal of filling a hole in your heart, but lead with the hopes that we’ll work together as a pair.
We are not missing halves, we are two complimentary pieces. The moon and stars, the winter and summer, sweet and sour--each can exist without the other, but with one another they become something so much more beautiful. Don’t see me as yet another replacement for something you’ve lost, but rather as a new experience for you to love and cherish, and I’ll cherish you too.
But please: if you only want me because of what I can give you and not who I am, love yourself before trying to fill that space with something that won’t fit. A relationship started like that is only doomed to fail.
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ilypaigebuckets · 2 days
hi so basically pretend this isn’t a day late!
plot: small blurb of you spending kate’s day with kate!
Happy Birthday - Kate Martin x Reader
the aces had welcomed kate into their team with open arms, and along with that they welcomed you too. you were your girlfriend’s best friend, hype woman, confidant, and her stylist. whenever she went you were there too, and vice versa. that was why when you were invited to travel with the aces to the dallas game as a special gift to kate for her birthday, you couldn’t resist. you had planned on going anyway, not wanting to miss your girlfriend’s birthday, but a free plane ticket and a spot next right next to kate on the plane was definitely a plus.
“time to wake up, birthday girl,” you whispered into your girlfriend’s ear as you placed your hand on her shoulder and lightly shook her. the blonde rolled on her back and pulled you into her chest. she attempted to bury her face in your hair, and you laughed at her antics. kate was not a morning person. while the warmth of kate’s body heat was nice and cuddles with her were always tempting, you knew kate needed to get up. you gently hoisted yourself out of the nest of warmth and comfort you called your girlfriend’s chest and stood up to your feet. you grabbed her hand and started to pull her up. “i know you’re sleepy lovey, but it’s your birthday! aren’t you excited?!”
the very sleepy form of your girlfriend got up reluctantly and pulled you in by the waist. “since it’s my birthday, i can be as clingy as i want right princess?” you couldn’t help but giggle at her, she was the sweetest.
“of course, kate!” you said as you led her into the bathroom to start getting ready for the day. kate didn’t need to do much, as she never really wore any makeup. you, however, wanted to look nice for your girlfriend’s special day. you did your makeup routine as she stood next to you with her back pressed against the wall, a dazed and sleepy smiled plastered to her face. once you were finished kate came up behind you and wrapped her arms around your waist, burying her head in your neck.
“my pretty baby,” she muffled into your neck. you smiled softly as her sweet words tickled against your skin. you loved mornings spent with her. just then, you remembered what you’d planned to give to kate to start her birthday off special. you grabbed her hand, gave a quick kiss to her knuckles, and lead her back outside the bathroom to the bed. you rummaged through your purse hanging on the door knob and pulled out an envelope.
“here,” you said as you handed it to her, “you can open your card now, and then you’ll get your gift after the game.” kate rolled her eyes at you, but smiled.
“honey you didn’t have to get me anything. having you here with me this year is more than enough. you really didn’t have to-“
you put a finger up to her lips to shush her. “just open the damn card, martin.” she nodded and started to open the envelope. her fingers worked slowly and carefully, in an effort to preserve the card and envelope for later.
the card read: HAPPY BIRTHDAY BABY! 24! i can’t believe you’re such an old lady. i hope you have the best day ever my gorgeous girl, you deserve it! you’re such a light in my life and im so blessed to have met you. you’re my sunshine and you deserve the entire world. i hope you know how grateful i am for you, and everything you do. it doesn’t go unnoticed and i really hope you know how much i appreciate you. you’re my soulmate, kate. there’s no better way to put it. i was put on earth to love you. i hope i do today justice in making your birthday as special, spectacular, and lovely as you are! and i hope you’re ready to have some fun ;) :) i love you beautiful girl. you’re my whole world!
“oh my god, y/n. you’re actually adorable i’m gonna cry!” kate pulled you in swiftly to a hug. you chuckled lightly and leaned into her, your forehead resting on her chest. “there’s a lot more i could say, but i figured it’d be better if i just told you in person. but we’ll save that for tonight! now c’mon babe, you have a game to win!” you tugged your girlfriend over to her suitcase, urging her to change. you were so excited for what the day had in store, and were forever grateful you could spend your girlfriend’s special day with her.
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🎈emoji so I’ll see it:
ok so I’m a middle schooler (M), yes I’m 14 (old enough to be on the site) and today we were doing some end of year activities (eg. signing yearbooks, playing games, etc etc). And I was talking to a friend of mine we’ll call her V. Suddenly I was approached by a teacher who said that a kid (let’s say Jessica) wanted to talk to me. I was like “oh ok sure.” Jesica approached me and brought me a card. Now some background on Jessica:
So Jessica is autistic and in all different classes than me. I’ve interacted with her a few times, she seems to have some friends? I don’t really know. In the past I tried to be her friend not knowing she was autistic (this is the possibly asshole part) but her behavior was really strange as she would often say odd things that made me uncomfortable (not perverted or anything but just really awkward) and would really kinda creep me out so once my class with her was over I never spoke to her unless she initiated it which only happened once or twice. Another thing that really bothers me is that I co-lead our showchoir group with V and another student and it’s a difficult job that requires a lot of participation and effort from all the members. Yet Jessica hardly ever does anything, she just sits in a chair half the time while everyone else is working hard. I know that it’s a spectrum and not all autistic ppl are the same but there’s two other autistic dudes who both work super hard and help out a ton!
Anyway she insisted that it had to be a surprise and told me to close my eyes and put out my hands. I absolutely hate closing my eyes in public due to the worry that someone will touch me while my eyes are closed but I didn’t wanna upset her so I did it anyway. When I opened my eyes she’d placed a folded over piece of paper in my hands. She’d written a card in pink magic marker, it was almost illegible so all I could make out was “my full name and grade, the date, summer (have a good summer?), and school. She asked me to read it out loud so I mumbled a bunch of sounds together to make it seem like I was reading it even though I couldn’t tell what it said on account of the handwriting. She seemed satisfied so I thanked her telling her how much I appreciated and moved to leave when she said “and what do we say?” Confused I said “thank you”. I think that was the right answer? She then put out a hand toward me which is a pretty normal gesture in our school meaning you want the other person to dap you up. So I did, to which she seemed confused and tried to shake my hand. She then said “don’t I get a hug? You have to hug me right?” I HATE hugs. It brings back traumatic memories and I really really could not bring myself to hug her epesecially since I didn’t know her well. “I told her I’m sorry but I don’t do hugs. I just really don’t like them.” She looked disappointed at that and then said “that was really sweet of me right, writing you a letter?” I didn’t know how to reply to that so I said “yeah it’s great.” She replied saying I had to right her back and that I should “write it at home and give it to her the next day”. Knowing I’d forget, I just grabbed a piece of paper and wrote it to her right there. It was a simple paragraph on a different sheet of paper with the usual stuff, “have a good summer, you’re really cool, good luck in hs” the kind of stuff you write in someone’s yearbook. she seemed satisfied and she put her hand out again so I dapped her up again. She then shook my hand vigorously and walked away saying she’d see my tommorow.
I hated everything about this encounter but I still feel like I did a good job being nice and stuff even though I have a hard time being patient with people that pressure me to do things (eg. Writing her another letter, hugging, affirming her over and over, the handshake thing). Idk V said it was a strange situation and I handled it fine but again was not hugging her bad of me? Or like did I mess up in some other way? I have no beef with autistic people at all and I’m friends with a few of them but is it wrong of me to just not like her?
Also thanks for reading all that but if it was too long:
TLDR: autistic girl wanted me to hug her as thanks for her writing me a letter and I declined, aita?
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multimousefanatic · 17 hours
You know what I want to see more of?
Alya and Marinette bulldozing into the same task and everybody sidestepping out of their way because if you thought they were each a force of nature when they put their mind to something separately, just wait until they combine their efforts
Nino’s bummed because he got fired from his part time djing gig over a misunderstanding? Watch out because Alya and Marinette are marching their asses down to talk to his boss. Nothing you can say or do will stop them and if Nino doesn’t get his job back after that? You can bet they’re already formulating an extremely convoluted plan B
Oh Nathaniel’s in love with Marc and Marc’s in love with Nathaniel but they’re both too scared to admit it? Marinette and Alya are on the case and those boys will be a couple by the end of the week if they can help it. Cue the montage of Alya and Marinette doing everything in their power to create the perfect romantic moment for them.
Idk I just think they’re both so headstrong and they’re both not afraid to go overboard when they put their mind to something and there’s so much potential for them to do that together
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ultrabean · 1 day
Follow up
okay, so following up to the post I made earlier today-
Now that I've calmed down I think I can articulate what I'm trying to say better. The one thing I'm concerned about is what I did after my driving test.
I know my outburst was foolish. I should have controlled myself a lot better, and not kicked the trash bin.
Technically speaking, i don't think what I did was a criminal offense. I didn't hurt anyone and the trash can didn't break. All I did was indirectly piss off the driving officer, and well, I wasn't even mad at him. I was mad at myself. I even said so when he asked me. So, maybe i'm not going to face jail time.
But what is likely to happen is that the equivalent of the DMV in my country is going to give my parents a call. What they're going to do, I have no idea. I'll take the day as it comes.
Anyways, on to the rest of my life stuff.
My parents are tired. They are very tired of me. Today when I told them what happened, they started comparing my behavior to my cousins and my brother. The usual Asian stuff, "why can they get higher grades, but not you?". The funniest one was when they said one of my elder cousins (who is a girl) passed her driving test on the first try. "Shame on you" according to them.
It's funny. Because when I got back my results, my extended family and cousins were all congratulating me. Even my parents seemed happy, and they said it was respectable. I could branch out to more paths in the future. And yet today? They said it was actually quite mediocre. And that I'm still a disappointment. I even asked them on the day I got my results "Are you disappointed?" and they said no. Lmao.
They've put a lot of effort into ensuring that I have the best future possible. But, this is what I'm giving them in return. More emotional stress.
My mom thinks that, because I think my art is so great, that because I post online and a few strangers give me likes it makes me think that I'm some big shot artist. Yet she said that she knows artists out there who are leagues better than mine. My dad thinks the same.
The truth is, obviously, I don't think my art is the best in the world. Yes, there are people better than me. I just do this because I love doing it.
And with the love of it, comes the fear of losing it. I got into UTDR pretty late into the game. Around mid to late 2022. This was a time in my life when i was experiencing some emotional troubles as well, and man it gave me so much joy. So much so that I dreaded growing out of it or "not being able to enjoy it enough".
Well, lo and behold the inevitability of life. In reality, my drawing tablet was never really mine. It belonged to my dad, who just downloaded procreate for me to draw in my free time. I guess i fell in love with that too much.
Like i said before, today he wiped it clean. Everything. All my old art, unreleased concept art, WIP pages. All gone. And with the rest of my college life ahead of me, I don't think i could continue the comic as planned. Even if I somehow managed to re-download procreate.
I think this is all i can say for now? I thank you guys for the support and kind words, but I'll likely not be as active as I used to be. However, I won't be gone. When I can, I'll try to talk to some of you guys online, because I genuinely do enjoy it.
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coichii · 2 days
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Trapped - BANG CHAN pairing: bf!chan x gen netrual! reader
genre: angst, comfort, enstranged relationship
word count: 0.8k
warnings: nothing specific !
A/N : let’s not talk abt my break… no promises about a return, i just felt inspiration at 10pm on a thursday :p | this is one of my better pieces if i do say so myself 😚
You sighed loudly as you stared blankly at the computer screen.
Recently, you had been caught up with this 4 page essay that your chemistry professor insisted be done by tomorrow, and you had barely touched the first paragraph.
Lately, everything had felt like it was going down hill. School had been tumbling essay after essay on top of regular work, your friends who you assumed were your people had been ghosting you, and your family had been absent too.
But worst of all, he wasn’t there.
At first, Chan would just claim to have some extra work at the studio to finish, insisting that a wave of inspiration just hit him. This didn’t bother you much at in the beginning, the extra time only keeping him away for an extra 30 minutes before he came home and took care of you.
Then, it started getting bad.
He would stay in the studio for full on hours, sometimes not coming home until 2, or insisting he’d stay at the dorms that night. And on the off chance he actually came home, he never had any energy to focus on you.
You thought this wouldn’t bother you much, telling your self that this was just the price of dating an idol.
Telling yourself this as a tear rolls down your cheek.
You didn’t even realize you began to cry, mind too focused on somehow finding a connection to the previous sentence. Mind to focused on how much you want him to comfort you and tell you it will all be okay.
Like he used to.
You didn’t notice the front door open, too busy swimming in your thoughts. In walks Chan at some unholy hour of the night, probably around 2am.
“Hey y/n, what are you still doing up?” Chan expresses, surprised since he usually finds you fast asleep this late into the night.
When he doesn’t get a response, he moves closer to you, assuming you may have had in earpods. However, when he sees the tears running down your face rapidly, something you only just realized, he starts to panic.
“Y/n? Baby what wrong?” He asks, obviously worried. Slowly you begin to look over to him, not even sure if you recognize him anymore.
“Oh. Your home.” you scoff, standing up, disappointed at how he only started caring now that you’re crying. “Shocked that you even remembered that I live here.”
“Baby, What? Where is all of this coming from”? Chan said, slightly angry, which completely set you off.
“I don’t know Chris, where is it coming from? Maybe from the fact that you barely come home anymore! Or maybe it’s that you don’t check on me or even ask me how my days going! Chris, you put 0 effort into me..into us anymore. I’m tired of coming home from an exhausting day and having no one to talk to, no one to be near, no one to love! You’re barely even intimate with me anymore- honestly i can’t name the last time we were!” you screamed, finally getting out everything that had been building up for the last month.
“Christopher, what i’m saying is you don’t care about me anymore. All you do is work, which I didn’t mind at first but now, you don’t even put any attention on me. It feels like you don’t want me anymore- like y-you don’t love m-me anymore.” you choked, falling to the floor in sobs.
Immediately, Chan ran towards you and scooped you in his arms. He began to slowly rub his hands alongside your back, whispering sweet nothings in your ear.
Holding you tight, talking to you sweetly and slowly, crying with you as you cried. Those were all the things you missed from the man who layes next to you.
Once you began to calm down, Chan started speaking. You assumed it was going to be a pile of excuses, but no, it was sincere enough to make you tear up again.
“Y/n, first I want to thank you for letting this off your chest, I had no idea that my absence meant this much to you. I have been so busy with work and music that I have lost sight of what is most important to me… which is you. I am so sorry, that you had to deal with everything, and I am so so sorry.. that i wasn’t there. I promise I’ll make some more time for you, no matter how packed my schedule gets, i’ll never let you feel like this again. I love you so much baby.” Chan declared, pulling you into a kiss.
This wasn’t any kiss. This was a kiss where he confirmed everything he previously stated was far from false. Deep and passionate, yet still loving and innocent.
After pulling away, the looked you in your teary eyes, only confirmed the truth.
The truth being that while it would be hard, and not everything would be immediately fixed, he was going to make it work one way or another.
For you.
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goodluckclove · 1 day
Hi Clove, I have a question. What do you think about using AI like ChatGPT for brainstorming?
I don't mean making it do everything for you but using it as a crutch. I'm a pantser at heart, but as someone whose brain can't put two coherent thoughts together, I find the process of making my thoughts legible almost impossible.
Can AI be helpful like this, or is it really not a good idea? In any case, I'm probably robbing myself of learning experience by taking shortcuts. Thoughts?
~ defeatistwriter (can't send this from my sideblog RIP)
Hi Deffy!
So I'm going to be outright and say I'm heavily biased against the use of AI in writing. I was a copywriter in a marketing agency that decided to nearly fully incorporate early ChatGPT into our workflow, essentially reducing my job from writing to just prompting. I have firsthand experience in knowing how faulty and just plain frustrating language models can be. It disgusted me so much that I quit the stable office job and started making sandwiches at the grocery store.
At the same time, I know this situation has nuance. People are using AI in creative writing more and more, and for a lot of them I can see why. Ideas can be hard to parse. I can feasibly see someone using AI as a jumping off point for their creative work in a way that still involves effort and human insight. And while i told myself I would never do this again, I respect you as a creator and I want to give an honest attempt to understand where you're coming from before I just go AI BAD.
So this is going to be a long one.
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Let's fucking go.
So I started simple by asking Chat for an idea for a horror story. This is what it came up with:
How about this: The Forgotten Town: In the heart of the Appalachian Mountains lies a forgotten town, its existence erased from maps and memories. Decades ago, a tragedy befell the town when a series of unexplained disappearances occurred, leading to its abandonment. Years later, a group of urban explorers stumbles upon the town, intrigued by its mysterious past. As they venture deeper into its deserted streets, they uncover disturbing clues hinting at a dark secret hidden beneath the surface. Soon, they realize they are not alone in the town, and something malevolent lurks in the shadows, preying on anyone who dares to uncover its secrets. As night falls and their numbers dwindle, they must race against time to unravel the town's horrifying truth before they become its next victims.
Yeah that's - fine? It's fine. It's fine. But it's also a little more detailed than I would prefer to make something that's actually my idea (Of course, I could just only use a fraction of this). I know phrasing makes a big difference with language models, so I asked again and instead of "idea" I said "concept".
How about this concept: The Whispering Woods: Deep within a remote forest lies a grove where the trees seem to whisper secrets to those who dare to listen. Legend has it that the grove is cursed, haunted by the spirits of those who lost their way in the woods. When a group of hikers decides to camp in the forest, they stumble upon the grove and are drawn in by its eerie tranquility. But as night falls, they begin to hear whispers in the wind, voices from beyond the grave urging them to leave before it's too late. Ignoring the warnings, they soon find themselves trapped in a waking nightmare as the forest comes alive with unseen terrors. Each step deeper into the woods leads them closer to the truth behind the curse, but also closer to their own demise. Will they uncover the secrets of the Whispering Woods, or will they become just another tale whispered among the trees?
Wow. it's the same response format. Also, it's clear by now that Chat's concept of horror as a genre is drastically reduced into what if something happened, but it was scary? So maybe horror is not the right genre. Let's try romance!
I tried asking it for possible meet-cute scenarios. Let's see what it comes up with.
Certainly! Here are two more meet-cutes for a romantic story: Shared Adventure: The protagonists find themselves on the same guided tour of an ancient castle or historical landmark. As they explore the winding corridors and hidden chambers together, they bond over their shared fascination with history and archaeology. Their mutual curiosity sparks a series of lighthearted adventures as they playfully race to uncover the secrets of the castle, all the while growing closer with each passing moment. Chance Encounter at a Farmer's Market: Amidst the bustling stalls of a local farmer's market, the protagonists accidentally collide while reaching for the same ripe fruit or artisanal cheese. Their initial embarrassment quickly turns into laughter as they help each other gather up their fallen purchases. They strike up a conversation about their favorite local foods and recipes, and before they know it, they're sharing a picnic lunch together, surrounded by the vibrant sights and sounds of the market.
Notice how Chat said that it was giving me two more meet-cutes? That's because I cycled through about ten to find two that weren't just...boring. Like imagine you asked a couple how they met and they were like we wanted the same cheese. I'm sure it happens, but like...ugh. No.
Let's try a setting.
Cozy Coastal Town: Set in a quaint coastal town nestled between rugged cliffs and a picturesque shoreline, this setting offers a charming backdrop for a romantic story. The town is known for its cobblestone streets lined with colorful cottages, bustling seaside cafes, and breathtaking views of the ocean. With its laid-back atmosphere and friendly locals, it's the perfect place for the protagonists to escape the hustle and bustle of city life and discover each other amidst the soothing sound of crashing waves and salty sea air. As they explore the town's hidden gems together, from secluded beaches to cliffside trails, they find themselves falling in love amidst the beauty of the coastal landscape.
This is something. This is a description of a location. What I'm not a fan of is how just basic it is. Wouldn't a romantic story be more interesting if it took place someplace you wouldn't expect? Also, fun fact, Chat reused hustle and bustle of city life from a previous meet-cute prompt because language models are hack writers.
Subterranean City: Beneath the bustling streets of a modern metropolis lies a hidden world—a sprawling network of tunnels and chambers that form an ancient subterranean city. Discovered during the excavation for a new subway line, this forgotten underground realm is filled with mysterious ruins, luminescent fungi, and underground rivers. The protagonists, drawn together by their shared fascination with archaeology and exploration, embark on a journey to uncover the secrets of this hidden city. As they navigate the labyrinthine passages and encounter ancient artifacts, they find themselves drawn to each other amidst the ancient wonders and dangers lurking in the depths below. Amidst the echoes of the past and the glow of bioluminescent flora, they discover that love can flourish in the most unexpected of places.
You know what? I'll give it to you, Chat, this is a more unexpected location for a romantic story. It's also such an insane overcorrection that I have no idea what to do with it. My options here are either the movie adaption of Mamma Mia or some sewer person love story? That's the scope, here?
I'll do one more before I get to my final point. Many romantics stories have that archetypal misunderstanding, right? Can ChatGPT think of something like that?
Assumed Identity: Due to a case of mistaken identity, one protagonist, Jamie, believes that the other protagonist, Jordan, is already in a relationship with someone else. Unbeknownst to Jamie, Jordan was merely helping a friend and is actually single. This misunderstanding creates a barrier between them as Jamie tries to suppress their growing feelings for Jordan, believing that they are unrequited.
Wow. Holy fuck.
Here's the thing, Deffy. I know this probably isn't how you brainstorm. I gave it an honest shot, and now I think I can honestly say in good faith that you are a better writer than ChatGPT. You are smarter than ChatGPT. You are more creative than some language model that can only spit out what it's data-munched off the internet.
The thing about these language models is that, at least in creative writing, they have yet to produce an original concept with nuance. They can't. The software says variations of what it's seen online. In earlier versions I told my team they had to search answers to make sure they weren't outright stolen verbatim from other sources.
You've seen that Assumed Identity answer in like a billion romcoms. Same with meetings that start with two people reaching for the same anything - which, by the way, I would just let them take it and move on with my day. I'm socially awkward I'm not about to flirt with someone when I think I almost stole their cheese or pastry. Even with the ideas like the spooky abandoned Appalachian town that might not specifically be from one thing, doesn't it kind of sound like it could kind of be from like a bunch of things?
This is not me roasting you. You are not a bad person for wanting to do this. You want to write and I know can write. I legitimately don't believe you when you say you can't form a cohesive idea and if you need it I'm happy to talk you through at least creating enough of a concept to write something.
If you need to brainstorm, there are better ways to do it. Writing a horror story? There are Youtube channels that document real-life horrors - and not just exploitative true crime stuff, I'm talking niche lost media disasters, online mysteries, the kind of tragedies that are otherwise unspoken of. Want to write a romance? Maybe scroll Reddit's various relationship boards to get some voyeuristic inspiration into the trials and successes of various kinds of love.
Have no fucking clue what to write? Find inspiration in your favorite media property. Write a version of you that isn't you and change the outcome of a moment from your past, good or bad. Write a story about a mouse birthday party. Shortcuts aren't always a bad thing, Deffy, but you're capable of far more than i think you expect of yourself.
Fuck ChatGPT, by the way. Never again.
Okay one more.
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sick fuck yeah.
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smoothoper44tor · 1 day
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World Champion and most hated person award
(🔖) Pairing: max verstappen x male reader
Face claim: Dylan O’Brien
(🔖) Summary: Along with Max’s first World Champion title comes a huge wave of hate. He is hated all along social media, maybe Lewis was right, maybe he did bored them. Jake doesn’t think so despite being his biggest enemy on the grid; Max deserved his title, and he will make sure everyone else knows so.
(🔖) Warnings: social media hate, bad mental health, hate, cussing, oc to Ferrari for 2024, English is not my first language.
masterlist prayers 1617
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❤️ liked by lewishamilton, ferrari and others
A wonderful year with its ups and downs! I’m very proud to call Mercedes a home and remember our 2+ years friendship with joy and love. Thanks to all the Mercedes crew and my teammate Lewis for such an awesome experience, also, thanks to Logan for being one of my biggest supports right now. Peace out🙌
logansargeant: Congrants 👏👏
user1: Jake to Ferrari is my 13 reason stop it
mercedesamgf1: Forever in our hearts, Jake 💚
user5: I think toto would have lost it if it was Lewis moving to Ferrari
user3: not the Logan mention 😭😭😭😭😭
ferrari: what a man!❤️
   ↳ user64: admi😃?
   ↳ user7: amen brother🙏
   ↳ user98: admi so real for that
user2: can’t wait for Max’s downfall
   ↳ user6: Max floopstappen
user4: this max guy is so unlikeable 🤢
   ↳ use67: he be acting so uninterested about everything like go fcking home nbody will miss ya
a month later !
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“It looks good on you” Jake announced, his unmistakable brow movements accompanying his words “The trophy.. winning” A blush creeped Max’s cheeks, letting a nervous laugh out.
“Thanks” he blurted a high pitched thanks, tucking one strand of hair behind his ear.
“Sadly for ya’ it looks better on me” standing tall, he hit the dutch’s shoulder from the other side of the table. Max moved his head in denial, unable not to laugh “Look ahm- I have already won a championship and I’m not gonna retire with just one, so I won’t put it easy for you”
“You didn’t put it easy this time” Max fidgeted.
“No need to lie” Jake blurted out a laugh “I have a good contract for next year and I’m gonna fight for it” He sure was, with Ferrari his possibilities to win grew back again. Max was not having an easy way next year “Let’s do this: next win I have you take me out to good restaurant, buy me champagne and tell me all night how good of a driver I am”
Max fall quiet, his ears burning. How could he possibly say no to a dinner, to a date? His whole body started shaking at the very tough.
“What do I get?” He mumbled ”If I win I mean”
“Well, what do you want?” A smirk lighted his features, Max could have anything he wanted.
“I don’t know” A million ideas crossed his mind as minutes went by.
“Fine, you think about it” Jake gestured with the knife, trying to eat his pancakes “It’s not like your gonna win” he added with a chuckle.
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 。・:*˚:✧。 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ 。・:*˚:✧。 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ * 。・ੈ✩‧₊˚
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maya68 @americanlordupdat
Jake arriving yesterday to the paddock, Saudi Arabia. Via @jaquelinnroseg.
56K retweets • 689 Quote Tweets • 79 Likes
💬 🔁 ❤️
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❤️ liked by logansargeant, mariejeannpaul and others
Very very very thankful to my team and partner. The sacrifices and the effort finally pays back. Thank you for so much!!! Let’s see each other next weekend and hopefully beat Max’s ass again, love ya🙌
charles_leclerc: Very deserved partner!
logansargeant: Well done 🙌🙌
   ↳ jakepaul68: love ya 😎❤️
   ↳ user2: (@jakepaul68) stop being so cute😭
   ↳ user86: (@jakepaul68)have ma kiiidddsss 😫😫😫😫
pierregasly: well donde mate👏👏
user3: the post race videos 💀
   ↳ user8: Max was flirting so aggressively
   ↳ user3: (@user8) like bro we already know you have the hots for each other but chill a bit
fernandoalofficial: incredible performance 🙏
   ↳ jakepaul68: appreciate it mate 💪💪💪
user5: first man to break max streak without him Dnfing
   ↳ user7: I just know they passionately made out after that
maxverstappen1: well done man💪💪
   ↳ jakepaul68: Hope my car looks good from behind❤️
maya68 @americanlordupdat
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Ferrari video post Arabia Saudi win. Via Ferrari reels.
56K retweets • 689 Quote Tweets • 79 Likes
💬 🔁 ❤️
   ↳ Jan68 @committee77777
Charles face 💀- he’s like “what other friends
do you have?”
   ↳ Marcos @marcoletohum
Bro Charles knows something is going on
*ੈ✩‧₊˚ 。・:*˚:✧。 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ 。・:*˚:✧。 *ੈ✩‧₊˚ * 。・ੈ✩‧₊˚
[maxverstappen1] you have 3 new notifications !
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❤️ liked by pierregasly, schecoperez and others
Celebrating both of our victories 😤 (@maxverstappen1)
user6: what’s max even celebrating lol
user68: Max got some tonight I just can tell
charles_leclerc: Wow
   ↳ charles_leclerc: have fun guys!!
   ↳ user2: (@charles_leclerc) Even Leclerc is surprised
user4: something weird is going on
ferrari: Very deserved ❤️ liked by creator
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❤️ liked by danielricciardo, maxverstappen1 and others
Miami Vibes 💖 Get kitted out before our first trip Stateside in 2024 🇺🇸 🔗 in bio to get yours
#F1 #RedBullRacing #MiamiGP
jakepaul68: Uff so hot papi 🔥🔥🔥🔥
   ↳ user42: the real pr nightmare
   ↳ user9: did you get hacked 🌝?
   ↳ logansargeant: bro 😀
   ↳ schecoperez: 🤔🤔🤔
   ↳ pierregasly: caught in 4K lol
jakepaul68: can’t wait to beat Max’s ass again🤗
   ↳ user11: I swear these two 😭😭
   ↳ maxverstappen1: simply lovely
   ↳ user6: (@maxverstappen1) don’t act as if u didn’t loved it
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