#i really hope my body doesn't hate me for this
When Gojo asks why we won’t just be with him we tell him that he isn’t worth it 😔🫰
He isn’t worth the body or the history… I know a lot of people like to brag about having exes and body’s but that shit is so embarrassing to me 😭 like I feel like a whore because a boy kissed me in like middle school and he was a BOY. Boys are so gross omg-anyway-
Like why would I date you if we’re gonna break up? Get out of my face bro 😔
"....Is that what you became friends with me for? I'm not interested in dating you, Gojo."
Gojo never knew you were the type to reject people like him. He was everything you wanted in a man and he knew it. Money, extroverted, very fine, strong, tall, sexy, intelligent, all of the above. So....why did you say no to his confession? I repeat, HE CONFESSED and you rejected HIM. He couldn't help but accidentally voice his thoughts.
He leans back in surprised and scrunches his eyebrows at your response. "What?" You raise your eyebrows at his answer and continued eating the food he bought you at this expensive cafe that you now loved. ".....What? Never been rejected before?" You laughed at his response and kept eating. He wasn't gonna pressure you into dog shit, he could kiss ass. You did like his qualities. But with how the dating pool is currently, you wouldn't be surprised if he had three bitches lighting his phone up currently. You had zero hope in all men unless they don't use their phones at all and instead told you the worst jokes on planet in hopes of swooning you.
You would rather not date him. He was nice eye candy though. He gains his composure back and leans on the table. "Yeah, I have been, but I felt like we were both interested in each other, you know...?" You nod, understanding what he meant. "Yeah....sorry if it seemed like I was leading you on." He shakes his head, still incredibly butt hurt inside. "No, it's not your fault."
Why did you say no? He wants to ask desperately. Too many questions filled his mind at the possibilities. Were you lesbian and he was too stupid to realize? Was he not your type at all whatsoever? Was he too stuck up like Suguru said? He doesn't know. "Is it okay if I ask what made you say no?"
You shrug and look up in thought. "Well, it's not you, it's just....too much is happening right now. And I mean with everyone. Too many people are love-bombing each other, there's no genuine connection ever, then there's 'situationships', and a looot of people my age don't have patience for long-term relationships and it's just....i feel like- ugh i guess I'll say it. But I feel like you're the perfect person to have all of those qualities. You're very attractive, Satoru, so....I don't know if I'm ready to trust you enough not to put those labels on your head. It's dumb, but yeah. And I do too much with relationships. I put too much time and energy into the person I'm with, and i hate doing that knowing that there are so many people who've just neglected my needs in return. Basically, I love trauma."
Satoru watched you the entire time you spoke, so you found it hard to continue speaking, but you managed to push through. "Fuck them." You roll your eyes and he takes one of your fries, eating them. "I'm serious. I can give you everything you want and need y/n. I wouldn't ask you out if I didn't have a major attraction and connection to you."
You didn't look impressed, but he was determined. "I agree with you. None of the girls I tried to date just wanted me for sex. I know you would treat me better than that. And I would be willing to give you the love and respect you deserve. I get....I don't want to say this, but I get really happy at the thought of being able to provide for you. All I want is you. And it's okay if you don't want me now."
He takes a piece of your cake and eats it without your permission. "I'm willing to wait."
I'm sorry I took forever with this omg. This is the start of many. I might do like 6 more tomorrow. I need sleep.
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mewogrl · 3 days
ɴᴇᴡ ꜰʀɪᴇɴᴅ✧.*
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bestfriend!megumi x f!reader
you get a new friend and your bestfriend megumi notices.
↳˳;; ❝ part of my jealous? me? never! fic, masterlist here ᵕ̈೫˚∗
content: jealousy, reassurance, the amazing megumi nd yuji friendship, start of angst, implied relationship, toge nd megumi rivalry, readers pronouns are she/her, miscommunication
wc: 924
an: this is so short nd i'm so mad i chose to do angst for him.. but i promise it will get better┊͙ ˘͈ᵕ˘͈
you feel the glare of your favourite dark blue eyes on you and your new friend, inumaki . you glance back at him but quickly look back at inumaki, not trying to seem like your uninterested in the topic he's talking about.
you were tired of megumi yapping about you not being able to get friends and him being your only friend. this was the perfect chance to humble him, and get a new friend.
megumi was walking out of the cafeteria, looking around, in hopes to find his favourite person. his eyes wander to you instinctively and he sees you talking to inumaki.
he was debating whether or not to head over to you and drag you away. not that he's jealous or anything, he just wants to speak to y/n, privately.
after a few seconds of quick back and fourth debate between megumi's brain frequencies, he decides to snatch her from inumaki. he speed-walks away from panda and as soon as he does so, inumaki wraps his stupid arms around you and embraces your warmth.
he feels his face start to heat up, and not from joy. that man pisses him off so much. only megumi should be able to feel your warmth on my body.
once he reaches where they were standing, he grabs your arm and tugs.
he quickly snakes his arms away from her torso and megumi walks off with his hand around your upper arm.
"um megumi-" you stutter, trying to comprehend the whole situation.
he continues walking away with you, heading you guys back to panda. you can almost see smoke bursting out of his ear holes.
you guys finally make a quick stop and he sighs.
"why did you pull me away from toge! you're always bugging me about you being my only friend so i make a new one and you take me away from him?" you continue, "what's wrong with you!"
he looks away, a signal he is about to lie.
"listen, y/n. you know i hate inumaki. so just make a different friend! like nobara!" lied megumi.
it's the most obvious lie ever. he has never mentioned hating toge any moment before you became friends with him. and he always mentions people he hates.
"that's the most obvious lie you have ever told me, meg." y/n replied.
he stares at you with a serious face. for a second, you get nervous and break eye contact.
"y/n, do whatever you want, but please just find someone else. i hate him." he begged. you contemplated it for a split second.
"meg, i'm sorry but he's a really cool person and i wanna get to know him. i'll be the judge to decide if he's really that bad of a person to hate." you asserted, feeling bad.
he gives you a deep sigh and nods his head in understandment.
megumi and panda slowly retreat and walk away in defeat. you glance over at toge and he's just watching. once he see's you look over, he waves and smiles. you do so back.
"no yuji, you don't get it! i was finally going to confess to y/n soon and all of a sudden toge comes along." he cried
feeling bad, yuji stares in concern, plotting on how to help his bestfriend.
"megumi, i may not understand fully but trust me on this! toge doesn't want anything to do with y/n that way." he reassures megumi in a graceful tone.
he stares at yuji, "that's the problem yuj.." he pauses, "he doesn't want anything to do with y/n but he'll make her fall for him. and now she's probably pissed at me for trying to prevent her from making friends."
"i'm sure she's not megumi.. just talk to her. please." yuji pleaded
megumi thinks about it. he really does want to save his friendship with you. in fact, he wanted more with you. he wanted a true relationship. he wanted you to be his and him to be yours.
but now that inumaki had showed up, all hope of that dream of his coming true is now gone.
yuji takes a deep breathe and holds it for nth seconds.
he finally releases his large puff of air and decides to give up. "listen megumi," he starts, " do as you want but at least think about talking to her. i love you guys both deeply and i want to see the both of you happy." he states with a slight smile, starting to walk away.
megumi feels regret, thinking he just pushed his bestfriend away when all he was trying to do was help him but, megumi decides that was what was best for him right now. he needs time to drown in his thoughts.
walking through the halls the next day in school, megumi feels like he has 200 pounds crush down on him when he sees you and toge talking on the bench together.
what really gets him though, is when inumaki hands you a small bouquet of hand-picked flowers and he can visibly see you melt, knowing that you always mentioned you wanted a friend like that and he had never delivered that desire.
he holds his breath and turns around swiftly as he feels little pools of water at his lower-lash line.
before he had turned around, he had seen you notice him and give a sincere look of quick sadness on your face.
he wished he could just get this heavy feeling off his chest and communicate with you.
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@1l-ynn @siythn
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vasyandii · 2 days
how'd your art get to where it is now? as in, how did you learn? do you have any tips?
Howdy Anon! Thank you for the ask :) I've been drawing since I was 9-10, so I've learned a few things and done a few things! I'll try to condense it down as much as I can!
How I learned to draw (In no particular order)
1.) Speedpaints
I watched a lot of speed paints, a lot. Any style that I found appealing I would just watch for hours on end to see how those artists applied their techniques in practice. ((I also watched a lot of sketchbook tours and animation short films))
2.) Imitation
I would try my best to imitate the art styles I liked at the time, I wouldn't post the art, obviously but it was good practice that I sought out.
3.) Consistency
Drawing is one of the easiest things to get into, you can draw on any surface as long as your medium can leave marks, and if you mess up? You just throw away the paper and start again. I drew whenever I felt like it and it really helped :)
4.) Art Books/Tutorials
It ultimately depends on what style you wish to have, I usually strive between the line of Cartoon/semi-realism so I recommend Books like Morpho and Websites like Lineofaction.com :)
Art (Not really art) Tips!
1.) Supplies ≠ Skill
Understand that your art supplies/program does not equate to your abilities as an artist. You can spend a million dollars on the best supplies and equipment, but it won't be worth shit if you don't have the technical skills to use them. Upgrade gradually as you go.
A lot of artists struggle with Executive dysfunction and Art block. Just like exercise, your mind needs rest and recovery! If you don't let it, you'll further strain that muscle! Watch your favourite shows, eat good food (this also applies to foods that make you FEEL GOOD!)
3.) Don't complain
This is just a personal tip xD You don't draw because it's easy, you draw because it's hard. Don't complain about having Art Block.
I'm not saying you shouldn't ever be capable of having a creative block, I'm aware there's going to be periods of time where you can't seem to get your art right. But you shouldn't complain about your body signaling you to take a break or how your art "sucks".
Creating art to me is like a workout (for your brain and hands), so when I hear someone complaining about having Art block I hear the artist equivalent of "UGHHH I hate the gym, I wanna work out but I caaaan't I could neeever exercise."
4.) "Just Practice lol" is bullshit.
I hate this response, really. It's an "easy way out" half-assed answer that doesn't help artists that start out. While consistency is key, You can draw and "practice" your fundamentals as much as you want, but you wont improve as much as you would when you draw the things that YOU enjoy. Once you do that, the improvement comes naturally.
You like drawing faces? You start learning how to make your faces look better. You like drawing clothes? You leave to improve in drawing clothes. And so on.
You need to ACTIVELY SEEK it out yk
5.) Growth is never Exponential.
Never EVER be afraid that your art "doesn't look as good as it did" the last time you drew, you just got back from your break, ease into it! You need to roll with the punches, and try your best to fight back!
Hope this helps! I'm not sure how helpful this advice is, since I'm not a professional artist, but these are what work for me :D
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tripleyeeet · 3 months
managed to sit at my desk and write 600-ish words for comms :')
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peribirb · 2 months
you ever catch feelings for somebody but you've spent your entire life convinced/convincing yourself that you're fundamentally unattractive and broken in a way that makes you unlovable and unsuited to any sort of relationship, and so instead of just enjoying that extra dopamine burst of seeing them around you just make yourself feel miserable for even daring to feel that way in the first place? or is that just me?
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dmclemblems · 2 years
maybe sometime I really will go into more detail about how inaccurately Houses handled recruits for the Lions besides for on this post (like for more depth), but the fact that you can recruit Sylvain outside the Lions in Houses is absolutely NUTS. the whole flirting with girls thing is so superficial and he knows it, so the whole idea of him joining any house because of the option of Byleth being female is super lame (even if Byleth was male he wouldn’t). his loyalty to Dimitri, Felix, Ingrid, and Faerghus itself would never allow for him to take up arms against his family group of friends or his home. he just wouldn’t.
I’m actually very happy that Hopes doesn’t allow any of the Lions to be recruited outside AG besides for Mercedes (not loytal to Faerghus) and Ashe (who you could argue Lonato with and the fact that he would just want to survive and surrender to any enemy because he needs to survive to take care of his little siblings). Only those two have reasons to be recruited whereas none of the other people in Faerghus would ever ever ever take up arms like that against their own family, friends and homeland.
I mean it’s literally basic Faerghus facts that it’s a country of extremely loyal people. they’re not loyal to their customs, just ingrained in them and Dimitri is working to carefully change any toxic customs or issues while making sure it doesn’t cause any problems that could harm the citizens (like riots and shit). they have customs that can change, but their loyalty to their home and each other is part of who they are as people.
just because they’re willing to die for their country doesn’t make them all the nonsensible shit that Edelgard and Hubert say about them. Edelgard says shit like how she can’t understand why they die for their homeland instead of surrendering and choosing to live because she’s so narrow mindedly focus on the Crest system that she literally believes Faerghus is just trying to defend its old ways and stay trapped in them.
it’s literally not. it’s a country that will fight to protect its freedom from invaders and will die for their honor, loyalty and everyone and everything they love. they don’t die to protect their systems. they fight because they aren’t willing to be overthrown. Edelgard should have known that with how long they’ve been fighting Sreng away from its borders. Faerghus is full of VERY PROUD people and you can’t just walk in with an army and go “hey so I’m here to overthrow your country and destroy your systems and throw your people in power out of power”. they’re not just gonna be like oh no how scary it’s an army. they’re gonna say bitch fuck you and your whole ass army you’re gonna have to kill us to take this country.
yeah, they’re used to their systems, but the people also recognize that Sreng has been kept away thanks to the Lance of Ruin and the Gautier family’s Crest’s power. until they’re able to find a new way to manage that, they can’t just toss the system out the window. they need a plan first and then they need to find a way to initiate that. you also can’t just change things overnight and expect the populace to be cool with it. there’s a reason it’s taking longer for Faerghus to have huge changes, and it’s because Dimitri knows how to run a country. it’s because he knows the people he needs to worry about and please are the people themselves.
tl;dr the Lions are way too fucking loyal to ever leave Faerghus. Felix is also like that and him being a tsundere character doesn’t change that. him not knowing how to handle talking to Dimitri, who he shows worry about in a very aggressive and roundabout way, is not him actually hating Dimitri and wanting to leave Faerghus behind. his issues with Dimitri also don’t extend to Faerghus itself, so even if they couldn’t find common ground again (which they do), Felix would not leave Faerghus because his country has nothing to do with their personal issues. if he didn’t like something Dimitri did as a ruler, he’d want to be there as someone who can borrow Dimitri’s ear and give him advice to help him. he would not just walk away and be like oh well I guess Faerghus is fucked. he’d work to help fix the problem.
while I understand the overall reason for Houses letting you recruit basically anyone, I know it’s also a common thing that people mention how much of an asspull the dialogue is for the characters’ reason for turning on their homeland. it’s one of those things where you can’t reasonably recruit them as a real story-based ally because it messes with their core character. in the case of Hopes, it at least handles the recruit problem for the Lions waaaay better.
like... if this universe was real, you would not be recruiting them to another country’s side in war. you just wouldn’t because you couldn’t. it’s like trying to pull a single brick out of a solid brick wall with just your hands and nails. y’ain’t doin’ it.
#Three Hopes#Three Houses#and look like one of my favorite things abt Sylvain is his loyalty#one of my favorite things about him is how he won't turn on the people he loves#he doesn't even hate Miklan. he's bitter about what happened between them and that's really it#he can be mad but he also gets sad when Miklan dies. his last words after fighting him are ''Miklan... My brother...''#if Sylvain can't even find it in him to hate Miklan after what happened between them in Houses then he's never gonna turn on Faerghus#like deadass he is the guy who would slit your throat in your sleep if you fucked with Felix Dimitri or Ingrid#Hopes did so much good for his character and that angry worrying mom side of him#he's literally team mom and he will do anything to protect them#I haaaaate any concept of Sylvain ever betraying the people he would literally die for#that doesn't like much in words bc it's easy to say/write ''die for'' but that's the end of  someone's life and when it's happening#in real time it's significant and most people WOULD turn tail if they thought they'd die there#Sylvain... wouldn't do that. he'd really die for them. he would never want them to die before him#that's also why for me non-AM Sylvix endings just KILL me and prove to me that they should never have left Faerghus in the war#it's almost like karma for betraying their people and Dimitri. Sylvain doesn't get to die before them#he doesn't even get to see Felix's body. he'll never know what happened to Felix. he just gets his sword and has to live knowing#that now both Dimitri and Felix are dead and he may or may not have outlived Ingrid so like#it's literally the worst possible ending for Sylvain for his core character. outliving EVERYONE he ever loved or cared for#Felix just likes to act tough and bitchy he's just a soft dumb nerd at the end of the day who loves cats#if you put a kitten in his arms he'd probably just melt on the spot and bluescreen bc of his cute it is#and if it mewled and stared up at with giant wide adorable eyes he'd combust#and Ingrid is self explanatory like there's no excuse for her ever leaving Faerghus lol it just wouldn't happen#DCB Comments
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abyssalpriest · 1 year
Working with Leviathan be like
Leviathan: *completely both rewrites a severe trauma trigger back into something neutral and freeing, and further reconnects me to the Sky and myself off plane and pre-incarnation in the space of 24 hours* yeah nice, anyway we should play video games now I'm tired
#ramblings //#Emphasis on he works over the span of months but he really is a uh... A pool of water that doesn't drip into your mind until you open the#door. And you think you will be drowned when you do but he is so soothing. And he walks with you#And sometimes what he walks you through is really painful and it's like what the actual fuck am I doing but he stays there like#duh it's what I said would happen it's fine trust me#And you do and then it's like. Holy shit. Look what I walked through. Hope you're proud of me#leviathan //#ramblings //#Anyway. Friendship ended with Despise A Certain Game now Ending Of The Game Where She's Soothed And The Rain Fades is my friend#And. I didn't realise how much I'd become afraid to talk about me. I talk about Leviathan all the time as the sky but I don't.... Like#talking about myself as a part of the day sky and what that means. I have. Thanks to him. Had gateways opened to astral memories#that I was too scared to touch and.... I'm.... I think I'm ready to start recorroborating my info between brains in astral and physical#bodies..... I think..... I'm ready I'm... I am So fucking End Of Game Where Rain Fades right now and that makes me want to fucking bawl my#eyes out because a) I wasn't allowed in the cult I was in to go near that part of the game bc they told me the character there was alive and#she hated my guts and thought I was disgusting. And b) god the storyline involving her is just so so so so so relevant to my life post-cult#:( you know. Just :(#Diary //#The child returns to her mother the cycle is done the rain clears the ocean is infinite the workings of the cult I mean church are undone#And that doesn't scare me anymore? The cult was so.... Had me thinking that any time that game was brought up they were in control of it#and they would see me and it was their game and they made it alone and I could never just enjoy it as a video game.... It#Still hurts a little but leviathan walked me through allowing it to be neutral and admitting that I see myself in it. Because I tried my#hardest to not admit that thinking that if I did they'd be in my head but mo#No* it's... Its a communal thing. It's allowed to be relatable to a wide audience for neutral reasons. I don't have to break down when I see#it. And I'm allowed to talk about the Sky and I'm allowed to talk about where and when I met Leviathan and I'm allowed to not hide what I do#with him because others may take it as gross exaggerations for bragging rights - I'm allowed to be neutral. Just because at one point in my#life I thought astral projection was only for a select few does not mean now that I do it I have to hide it in case someone like me#takes their insecurity so far that they see my neutral declarations as an attack on them............. Anyway#The Day Sky. My beloved. You mean so much to me. I won't forget my purpose in this incarnation I will not hide it#Thanks Lev#I love that arguably calling him Lev is more controversial than calling him Tengri but it's Not just a nickname lmfao
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mosspapi · 11 months
Love watching a YouTube short by accident and it's just,,, aggressively body-shaming a dude for being "disgusting" because he's "too thin" and "not muscly enough" when he weighs more than me and is 5 inches shorter. Like damn. What must y'all think of me
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catullansparrowlet · 1 year
Opening up my camera roll before bed like "ah, self-harm 😊"
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multi-fandom-imagine · 4 months
If your requests are still open may I request Adam, Alastor or Lucifer doesn't matter which taking care of sick reader? I'm sick rn, like can't breath though my nose and sore throat all that jazz
A/n: I AM SOERY FOR MISSING THIS! Tumblr never lets me know! I hope you feel better!
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"Shouldn't you be resting? Didn't I order you get someone else to do this shit?!" Adam didn't mean to snap but you were sick and yet here you were working.
Wrinkling his nose, he took a step towards you then lifted you onto his shoulders. A small squeak left your lips as the angel carried you off towards his room.
"Adam" you let out a small cough, too weak to struggle. "Put me down! I have to work"
Nearly tossing you on the bed, you let a groan burying your face into his pillow as he slipped into next to the spot next to you.
"Didn't you hear me? Someone else can do it." He muttered into your neck. "Now get some sleep, when you wake up I'll get someone to bring you some shit to make you feel better."
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Stopping his show, Alastor slowly made his way towards the sound of the constant coughing. Gripping his cane tightly the demon opened his mouth until he saw who it was. It was a pathetic sight really.
You curled up into a small ball coughing away, tissues all around you. He could see shivers wracking your body.
'Idiot, he told you not to stay out, he told you this would happen.'
Part of him wanted to brag about it, to gloat to you but how could he really gloat to someone he...cared about. { that was something he was still getting used too }
Now hovering about you, Alastor let out a dramatic sigh he lifted you up in his arms. "Let's go so you can be back in tiptop shape."
Groaning, you nuzzled into his chest as you let out another cough. "T...thank you." Your voice raspy as your eyes slipped closed.
"Oh dear, you do not have to thank me."
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The moment you mentioned to Lucifer that you weren't feeling well the man whisked you away to the bedroom. He did his best to make you as comfortable as possible, he couldn't have the one he loved being sick.
Sitting on the bed, he pouted fixing the cold press on your head. You were still feeling warm, he hated that, he hated seeing you sick.
Flinching from your cough, he sat down on the edge of the bed holding your hand gently. "Do you need anything to eat? Drink?....how about another blanket?"
Letting out a weak laugh, you did your best to give him a smile as you squeezed his hand gently. "Can you cuddle me?"
Lucifer's eyes went wide for a moment though his gaze softened as he nodded his head. "Anything for you."
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newwave-lesbian · 1 year
#i genuinely don't think anyone cares about me anymore#i'm so depressed and can't talk about it#i don't even really have friends anymore.#or any close friends#i know its my fault but what can i do about how hopeless i feel#i can't even do things that matter in the grand scheme of things#and i don't even really think i can listen to music in the way that i want to anymore#because i'm becoming paranoid of hearing loss#and i haven't smoked in now 3 days which in an accomplishment#but it doesn't feel like it at all because i can't even eat#i know it's a bandaid over my emotional problems and my social problems#like whatever i don't care if i don't have friends i'm smoking so much weed and listening to my music at full blast!!#and now i think i have mild tinnitus which im desperately hoping will go away#but friday will come around and i'll go back to my usual routine#and possbily damage my fucking body#which i know it's damaged aleady#like i lost 15 pounds and i was already fucking small#and then things became ok for a while but im still so underweight and i feel weak from it#but i'm ignoring all my snapchats because i hate that platform but they're the only friends talking to me#and i'm trying to chime in when i can and a least try to be a good friend#but i get so bored with communication#i'm so used to being in my own world and it is so hard to let people in#there's just too man layers that i haven't even dealt with#because i'm so selfish#like i don't even deserve to just sit here rotting away not even working or contributing to anything#i wish someone cared and yet why does talking have to be hard#why does it have to be so invasive what do i even do about confrontation#besides curl up in a ball and cry if someone even remotely triggers my RSD or an interaction didn't go well#ok i'm done typing and using tumblr for therapy i guess#which i can't afford anymore btw
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lilithandherharlots · 11 months
Too shy to tell you
miguel o’hara x fem!reader
Miguel hides your heals in hopes of making you forget you ever owned a pair...he confesses about his theft during a hot and heavy night of sex.
Warnings: This might be interpreted as possessive or an unhealthy bond. Though its supposed to be just a very shy and respectful Miguel who let's loose during sex.:]
Authors note: I am not a writer!! This is my first time righting fanfic.. like.. ever!!! So don't attack me. Though honest, constructive criticism is something that I would love to hear. Sorry if there are spelling mistakes. Also, I don't know how to put proper description..... enjoy!!!!
"Miggy?" I call out to my boyfriend who's currently towering over the coffee machine, waiting for it to brew.
"Yes, my love?" He responds with a look over his shoulder.
"Have you seen my black pointed heals? I can't seem to find them."
"No. Have you checked by the door?" He was lying.
He was lying. He was lying, and he didn't feel bad about it. The truth was he had stuffed them in the highest cupboard of the laundry room. He knew you couldn't reach it. He liked it that way. He couldn't let you open it since he had stuffed at least 4 pairs of heals in there.
"No miggy, they aren't here." You say after checking everywhere by the front door.
"Idk what to say, baby... we have to leave soon. Just throw on a different pair and I'll buy you some new ones later."
He was a liar... and he was damn good at it... until he wasn't.
It was 2am. This insanity started hours ago, but Miguel's stamina wouldn't let down. Your soft moans could fuel him till sun rise, and he would love to do this forever. But unlike him, you have limits. Limits to your ability to stay strong, or at least keep yourself up right. But he doesn't really care. Your begs for a break won't succeed with a constantly starving man like him.
"One more round, please baby... please. I need you." His desperate begs caress your tear stained cheeks as he whispers them softly, leaning over you and filling you with sloppy thrust.
"Miguel- please.. It's too much.." You whine as you try to pull away, gripping desperately onto the sheets.
"Last one.... I promise..." he lies.
He said the same thing the last 4 rounds. If he could have it his way he'd continue. But he knew you couldn't keep going for much longer, so he used this opportunity to tell you what he couldn't bring himself to say otherwise.
"I lied..." he confesses. Watching your tits bounce with every rough trust, keeping himself busy while you tried to form a reply. It took you a while, but you managed to let out a soft hum, waiting for him to explain himself further.
"I took them. Your heels.. I fucking hate those things.." he thrust get faster as he says it. Hoping to make your brain foggy enough to not remember his confessions in the morning.
"I like your height, so why do you wear those weird things?" His heart felt lighter as he told you.
"I like that your height forces you to get on your tippy toes every time you want a kiss from me.. and even then, I have to bend over to reach you.... I like that you rely on me to reach those high shelves. Every time you ask me, you grow as red as a rose...."
You can feel his movements speed up. You can barely hear him... your mind fuzzy from pleasure. Lewd sounds of skin slapping against skin felt like white noise at this point. The dim shadow of his frame covering you completely.
"You're so small under me.. your body falls any way I bend it..." At his point, he was just speaking the first thing to cross his mind.
You didn't hear him, and he knew it. Seconds later, you feel his weight shift, the mattress by your head sinking under his heavy hand as he leaned in and whispered.
"Please don't take that away from me."
His words were demanding. He felt exactly what he said. Even though your eyes were shut tight, you knew his eyes were locked on you. His breath heavy, as if he just confessed a dirty secret. He kinda did...
"Promise me.... Promise me you won't wear them and I'll help you cum."
As tired as you were. You wanted it. You needed it. You needed him. So you give in.
"F-fine... I promise."
"You promise what?" He smirked hearing your whiney voice.
"I promise I won't wear the heels!!"
The pleasure he got from you saying that was immense. He shifted his weight once more as he changed your position like a marionette doll. Spreading your legs apart. His hands wrapped around your thighs, and his claws dug into your skin. The stinging pain of it was a wake-up call, causing you to gasp for air.
This position caused him to go deeper. The sticky mess from your previous rounds was being pushed out of your aching hole. The sound of his hips hitting your ass grew louder with every precise thrust. They got louder and louder until they stopped. Your thighs had clenched closed as you hit that high you were chasing. And you took him with you. Tightening around his pulsing cock in a way that made him fill you to the brim once more.
He watched your body shake. Your hips jerking forward. He would usually take that as his sign to keep going, but your fucked out face was telling him you couldn't take another thrust.
"You did great my love..... my little angel~" He cooed gentle praises as he rubbed your claw marked thighs.
"I'll buy you the cutest flats."
A thing he didn't know.. is that you lied, too. His secret cupboard was emptied, and your heal collection was restored... and yes.. he pouted in silence.
The end
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i9eto · 3 months
ᵎᵎ 𓏲 ❛ you treat me so well
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TAGS ◝ nsfw, porn without plot, overstimulation, belly bulging, choking, edging, slight orgasm denial, pussy slapping, throat fucking, praising, degrading, lots of petnames, blowjob, deepthroating
PAIRING ◝ gojo satoru x f!reader
SUMMARY ◝ satoru hates being sent away for the sake of completing his mission. he would especially miss your hole after being away from you for days on end
NOTE ◝ i haven't written smut in SO long so i apologise in advance if it's awkward. hope this doesn't flop and tank i'd kms
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“nnh… ‘toru, i can’t…” you whined, you forced yourself to look down, where your limbs were intertwined with each other, his cock disappearing inside your abused cunt. “you can, baby.” he said without an ounce of hesitation, almost immediately — like he had expected you to say something.
you shook your head, both him and you could see how red your labia has become from all the friction that was caused by satoru’s veiny cock rubbing against your sensitive skin. “i can’t–! i really can’t,” you continued to whine, almost exasperatedly, and you noticed the look on satoru’s face — he was furrowing his eyebrow like he was annoyed, and indeed, he was.
“c’mon sweetheart, you’re spoiling the fun for me. i’ve been away for a week, and you’re telling me you can’t handle more than this?” he frowned, his hips thrusting particularly hard into you, creating a bulge on your stomach. you can’t help but let out a loud moan, your eyes quickly rolling into the back of your skull. “mmf!” you gasped when he brought a hand to slap the lower part of your abdomen, dangerously close to your cunt.
satoru leaned down towards your ear, “be a good girl for me and keep that pretty little mouth shut, so i can fill you up with my cum, yeah?” he whispered, his teeth slowly grazing over your earlobe. you forced your eyes to open, looking at him from the corner of your eyes, tears were accumulating from the overstimulation, and again, you shook your head.
a loud sigh escaped the man’s lips as he pushed his hair back, his blue eyes staring down to your naked body that was drenched with sweat. satoru stopped moving his hips, and in a split second, he pulled his cock out. you let out a gasp at the sudden emptiness that fills you. “satoru, w-why…?” before you could even finish asking your question, you could already tell what he was up to.
he moved closer to your face, straddling you. his cock hung right on top of your lips, and you could feel your mouth watering. “open.” it was an order this time, not a request. he was clearly not in the mood for jesting. “if your pussy can’t do the job for me, i’m sure your other holes can be of use. open.” his voice hardened as he repeated his demand. 
you let your mouth hang open, your tongue sticking out. your eyes locked with his, while he spat on his palm and used it to pump his cock a few times. “don’t you dare use your teeth.” he warned before pushing his cock into your mouth. in a matter of seconds, your entire mouth was filled with the size of him, your cheeks quickly turned hollow as you sucked, your tongue swirled against his length as much as it could.
“mm, that’s it, baby.” he grunted, thrusting deeper. his cock hits the back of your throat, and you fought back the urge to gag, your eyes rolled back, and drool had begun to drip from the corner of your mouth. “you’re good at this, baby, but it’s a shame it’s not as tight as your pussy.” he said, his free hand snaking up your body from your breast, stopping at your throat.
“fuuuck.” satoru couldn’t help but groan as he squeezed your throat, resulting in it clenching around the head of his throbbing cock. you choked out a few coughs, your eyes watering from the lack of air. “ngh!” 
your desperate whines and muffled moans had fallen on deaf ears as satoru started throat fucking you, his hips snapping in and out of your mouth, and you were completely helpless to it. “you’re so fucking cute when you use your mouth to good use like this.” he praised, using his free hand to caress the side of your cheek. 
despite how tired your jaw was beginning to feel, you continued to keep them open as wide as possible, whenever he pulled out until only the tip of his cock was left in your mouth, you made sure to give it a few licks, knowing that it was sensitive.
satoru would shiver each time, but he appreciated how good you were for him, and fuck, you look incredibly pretty taking his cock with your mouth. it makes him want to bury his cock deep in your throat for hours, and he might just do it.
you slide your hand down to your cunt, your middle finger playing with your own clit. you couldn’t help it, you were getting wet again just from sucking dick.
satoru took notice of you trying to reach your own high, and immediately grabbed your hand to pin it above your head, his other hand that was choking you goes down to slap you right on your pussy, his eyes piercing into yours.
“i’m close,” he announced breathlessly, watching how lush your lips had become around his length, “you’re gonna drink it all up, yeah?” he asked, and you nodded. he had a satisfied smile on his face, giving your cheek a few light slaps, “good girl.” he said, pushing his cock all the way in, your throat bulging with the outline of him, your nose pressed against his base, taking in his scent — and god, he smelled so good.
you could feel warmth dripping down your throat, satoru keeping his cock buried deep into your mouth while his hand wiped away some of your tears. he let out a low moan as he pulled out, his thumb tracing over your swollen, red lips. “i should fuck that pretty mouth of yours more often, don’t you think?” he asked, and you — mind too clouded with lust to think — could only nod to whatever he was saying.
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brainfullofbees · 1 year
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middlepartmatt · 1 month
“you're buried in the pillow, yeah you're so loud... but i'm about to show you, baby, slow down” — SLOW DOWN, chase atlantic
SUMMARY: you and matt have been enemies since you were kids, but one night when you're forced to share a bed with him, everything changes.
WARNINGS: smut, mainly dom!matt, mainly sub!reader, oral (fem receiving), doggy lol
AUTHOR’S NOTE: first smut on here i am NERVOUSSSSSSSSSSS but anyway this is an outtake from my matt fic on wattpad causeeeeee i can't be getting cancelled on that silly little app... i hope u enjoy lol. ALSO if you don't like smut that's not really my issue so just don't read it!
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"I'm not sleeping in here."
Matt rolls his eyes, crossing his arms as he looks from you to the bed, then back again. 
"Nick and Chris are already asleep," he says. "So unless you wanna go and wake them up, you're stuck with me."
You sigh, looking around the room.
"I'll just sleep on the couch," you decide.
"It's not like we haven't slept together in the same bed before," he reminds you, referring to when you would have sleepovers with the triplets back when you were kids. He pulls off his black tee and climbs into the bed. "So just get in."
Your eyes widen, but you obey, climbing in on the other side. You immediately roll over, turning away from Matt since you knows he's facing the middle. Why does he always have to face the middle? It infuriates you.
To your surprise, Matt doesn't say anything else. Considering you'd just been having an argument for five minutes about the sleeping situation, you'd expected him to try and get in one last dig at you before you both go to sleep. He's not done that though, instead he's fallen completely silent.
You know he isn't asleep. When Matt's asleep, his breathing becomes heavier, a little ragged, but right now he's silent as ever. You shift uncomfortably under the blanket, not sure what to make of the situation. Matt's right; you've slept in a bed together before, yet it feels weird now, with his brothers in the room just next door.
But it's not just that.
It also feels weird because of the fact that you feels the need to cross your legs, and that your heart is beating faster than usual. Matt's room, which is usually freezing, seems boiling hot right now. You're thinking that it just might have to do with the fact that Matt's currently shirtless.
Matt moves, causing you to be snapped out of your thoughts and jolt at the movement. You inhale sharply, feeling your eyes on her back.
"'s something the matter?" he questions.
"Nope," you reply quickly, but your voice betrays you. 
"You sure?" Matt hums. "You seem uncomfortable."
"Just shut up and go to sleep," you snap. Matt just chuckles.
"Night, angel," he says, using that infuriating nickname he'd given you back in elementary school. Angel. It's not supposed to be a compliment, but rather make fun of you for supposedly being a goody-two shoes, which you personally don't think you are.
"Night, hotshot," you answer. You started calling him this a few years ago, when he was promoted to main goalie of the lacrosse, and also when he and his brothers started getting popular on YouTube. Annoyingly, he doesn't seem to hate the nickname as much as you hate yours.
You closes your eyes but still, your senses pick up on his every breath, every shift of his body in the pitch black darkness. Yeah, you're definitely not getting any sleep tonight.
You hear Matt moving around, then suddenly feel something cold on your waist. It takes you a moment to realize it's Matt's hand, now resting lightly on your hip.
You stare straight ahead, refusing to acknowledge the touch. Maybe it's an accident? you think, but there's no way Matt would accidentally put his hand on you.
Okay, now you are most definitely not getting any sleep tonight. Not that you really mind though, to be honest. 
You feels his fingers slide up your stomach, tracing the curve of your hip. You shiver involuntarily, and his hand slides back down, grazing the hem of your tank top.
"Is this okay?" he whispers, and you just nod. You're not even sure you'd be able to speak, anyway.
You then feels his hand move upwards again, slowly, deliberately, until it reaches the bottom of your breast. You gasp softly, arching your back slightly, offering him better access. His hand cups your tit, squeezing gently, making you moan softly. His thumb brushes against your nipple, sending a jolt through your body.
You can't help but let out a small whimper. His fingers are still pinching your nipple between his thumb and forefinger, and you can feel you core starting to throb.
You close your eyes, biting your bottom lip. You can feel his breath on your neck, and you slowly pulls his hand off of you so that you can turn around to face him. You tilt your head up to meet his lips. His tongue slips into your mouth as he kisses you deeply.
After a second you break the kiss, panting. "Matt," you say, barely above a whisper. 
"Yes, angel?" he replies.
"You shaved," you point out. Last you'd noticed, he had a little bit of stubble where he hadn't bothered shaving the last couple of days. 
"Thought it would make for a smoother ride," he murmurs in response, and he kisses her again. You feels yourself getting wetter at his words as you kiss him back, your hands roaming over his chest. Matt kisses your neck, trailing his tongue along your skin, and you arch your back once again, pressing yourself against him. You can feel him against your front, and just the touch of his dick against you only makes you needier for him.
Matt moves his hands down your body, pulling your tank top up over her head. You lift your arms, allowing him to remove it completely. He trails kissed on your collarbone, before moving down your stomach. You lie back, letting him take control. 
You lets out a soft whimper as he reaches your pyjama shorts, toying with the edge of the waistband.
"Matt," you whimper. He doesn't reply, pulls them down along with your underwear, exposing you.
"You're so wet," he muses, a grin present on his lips. "Is this all for me, angel?"
"Obviously," you answer, rolling your eyes. Becoming impatient, you grab a fistful of his hair and pull him towards you.
He licks your slit, tasting you. You moan, arching your hips towards him. His tongue flicks over your clit, making you shudder, before he begins sucking on it gently. You moan louder now, grinding your hips against his face. He licks your clit again, and you cover your mouth with your hand to stop yourself from crying out.
Matt pushes two fingers inside of you, causing you to cry out in pleasure. You grab onto his shoulders, digging your nails into his skin. He slides his fingers in and out of you, making you writhe beneath him. You bite your lip, trying not to make too much noise.
He puts his thumb on your clit, rubbing it slowly. You're slowly coming undone, moaning loudly, but he doesn't stop as he continues to rub your clit while he fingers you. 
"I want your tongue again, hotshot," you say breathlessly, and Matt simply grins before obeying, moving forward and licking up your slit once again. You yelp, her whole body responding to his action. "Keep going," you order, and he does, tipping you over the edge.
"Fuck, Matt, fuck," you whimper as you cum, legs shaking under Matt's touch. 
You collapse onto the mattress, breathing heavily. Matt kisses your stomach, moving up to kiss your lips again. You taste yourself on his lips and you moan, reaching out to stroke his cock through his pyjama pants. Matt exhales sharply, bucking his hips into you.
You smirk, pulling down both his pyjama pants and boxers, before taking hold of his cock and stroking it gently. He groans as you run your finger over his slit, stroking him faster until you can feel him about to cum. Already. 
You stop, and he glares at you. His eyes are dark in this dim lighting, fueled with desire just for you.
"Don't tease me, angel," he says quietly.
"What?" you ask sweetly. "I want to taste you."
It looks like it takes all of Matt's strength not to cum at your words. Instead he just nods, and so you climb on top of him, straddling him. You crane your body downwards, and he watches as you take his cock into your mouth. You swirl your tongue around the tip, making him groan.
You take more of him into your mouth, bobbing your head up and down. He holds your head, thrusting his cock deeper into your mouth. You gag, but refuse to pull away.
"Just like that, baby," he tells you, his hand still gripping your hair tightly. "Fuck," he whimpers, and you almost come undone at the sound alone. "Jesus, angel... yeah... just like that," he mumbles to himself, eyes closed as he throws his head back while you continue to suck him.
You feels him finish, shooting his hot cum into your mouth. You swallow it all, moaning, and he finally pulls you off of him. You sit up, wiping the cum from your mouth. Once you've regained focus, you see that he's already half-hard again.
"Want me to fuck you?" he asks nonchalantly like he wasn't just whimpering for you moments before. You just nod, moving up and kneeling on the mattress. Matt gets behind you, rubbing his cock against your opening. Without warning, he slides it inside of you, making you gasp.
He begins fucking you, pushing his cock deep inside of you. You moan, pressing your ass further up against him.
"Matt," you groan, causing Matt to thrust faster and harder. "Matt," you repeat, and he moans.
"Keep doing that, baby," he tells you.
"Matt," you breathe. It's all you can say as he continues fucking you, his cock going deeper inside of you with every thrust.
"Fuck, angel," he mutters. "You have no idea what you're doing to me."
He continues to fuck you, making you scream out in pleasure. He pulls your hair, and you groan at the harshness of his touch. You arch further into him, noticing how it makes his hips buck harder into you.
"Matt," you whisper, hearing the way he moans loudly as his name leaves your lips.
"Angel, oh my God..."
"You there yet, hotshot?"
Matt shakes his head, refusing to fall for your teasing. He pulls out, causing your mouth to fall open in shock, before he rubs his tip against your clit. You moan loudly, wanting nothing more than for him to continue fucking you as he was before.
He slides his cock back inside of you, and you whimper in pleasure. He thrusts harder into you, making you cry out. He starts fucking you faster, making you moan even louder. On a high, you reach between her legs, playing with your clit.
"Am I not good enough for you, baby?" he questions, laughing dryly.
"Help me out here," you answer. "I'm almost there, fuck!"
He reaches down, grabbing your hand. He makes you keep playing with yourself, all while he fucks you harder, making you moan louder. He pulls your hand away, and you cry out.
"I'm cumming, Matt," you whimper, and he unravels at the sound of his name leaving your lips, thrusting harder as his orgasm bursts through him. You finish too, letting out a loud moan as you shudder, the feeling coursing through your body.
Matt pulls out, and both of you immediately roll over and lie back down on the bed. You lay in silence, apart from their ragged breathing. A moment later, he turns to face you.
"Still not wanna sleep in here?" he asks smugly. You roll your eyes.
"I said sleep, not fuck," you scoff. "Now shut up or I'm gonna be showering alone."
Matt does in fact shut up.
AUTHOR'S NOTE PT.2: hi LOL ??? i never know what to say in author's notes it's always so awkward but anyway... feel free to request anything you wanna see: matt, chris, or both!
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onlyhuis · 4 months
pro bono
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member — lawyer!wonwoo x lawyer!reader genre — smut, fwb to ?? word count — 1.1k synopsis — you and your coworker jeon wonwoo have been working on this case for months. now that it's finally over, he shows you that "for the public good" doesn't mean that he can't be good for you, too. aka: lawyer wonwoo fucking coworker reader after winning a case smut warnings — descriptions of female anatomy, prone bone (the title is a pun hehe), creampie (shocker i know!), spanking, hair pulling, dacryphilia, mirror sex, coworkers fwb!wonu, gratuitous descriptions of how wide wonu's shoulders are just because i can notes — requested by @junhuisms sorry this took so long bff </3 — lots of love to @onlymingyus for proofreading !! — probably some legal inaccuracies bc i know nothing about the law i'm just here to fuck the hot man so go easy on me pls. i really meant for this to be a longer fic but it's been in my docs for almost a year and i've been trying to not pressure myself to write a certain amount so i hope this is still able to live up to your expectations :) i know i've been pretty mia recently but i'm trying to get back into the swing of things so feedback is super super appreciated! hope you enjoy! note #2 — tumbly still hates me and is super finnicky about putting my posts in the tags so i haven't been able to use my regular divider image bc it bugs out :(( i've tried everything i'm sorry but pls lmk how you like this new one!
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you’d been working on this case for months, and it had been one to make or break your career. weeks upon weeks of research, reviewing documents and studying laws to make sure your arguments were seamless.
the upside to all this work, however, was that you got to know your coworker wonwoo better, who you’d been assigned to work on the case with. and by “get to know him,” what you really meant was “get railed every night after work”.
and tonight, after the trial had wrapped up and the court’s final decision had ruled in your favor, you found yourself where you’d grown accustomed to spending all your nights: in his penthouse apartment, and more specifically, in his bed.
the floor-length mirror in his room was one of your favorite things, because no matter what position you were in or how you were angled, you could always see wonwoo. see his broad shoulders, see his muscles flexing, see his abs tensing right before he cums; and god, it drives you crazy.
but it drives him even more crazy as he fucks you into his mattress, watching in the mirror’s reflection how your eyes are squeezed shut and tears stream down your cheeks onto his pillowcase. 
it’s one of his favorite positions, as you’ve learned over the past few months, to have you lying flat on your stomach as he fucks you from behind. with your body at this angle, he can get so much deeper into you, you can practically feel it in your stomach, and with only just a handful of thrusts he can make you fall apart on his cock in a matter of seconds. 
tonight, however, it’s taken less than that to make you cum. the pride of winning the case has him on a high, and he barely even needed to get you stretched out first. but he did anyway, his face buried between your thighs for what felt like eternity until you were pushing his head away and begging him to stop teasing.
you yelp as he twists his hand in your hair, yanking your neck back so you can see your reflection in the mirror.
your eyelids droop heavily, jaw hanging open as wonwoo meets your eyes in the mirror. “you see how well i fuck you, baby?” he groans, squeezing your hip with his other hand. “taking it so fucking well… i’ve fucked you stupid, haven’t i?”
all you can manage is a moan as tears begin to form in your eyes from the pleasure. you whimper quietly, noises muffled by the pillow as you struggle to catch your breath in between thrusts. you can already feel the burn of another orgasm in the pit of your stomach, and wonwoo’s hands pushing down on your lower back are making it impossible to hold back.
“my good girl,” he coos and he lets go of his hand in your hair, barely giving you a chance to catch yourself as your head falls forward and back down onto the pillow. “don’t hold back those pretty sounds. let everybody hear how you like to celebrate your wins. you deserve it, baby.”
“just as much a win for you— as it is for me,” you manage to gasp out. you struggle to keep your eyes open but you force yourself to, determined to see the way his face contorts in the mirror. his eyebrows furrow as he adjusts the angle of his hips, staring down at your ass, back arching into him and forcing his cock deeper with every stroke.
he leans down over you, caging your body with his own, his mouth brushing against the back of your neck. “we both know you did most of the work. and this… this is your reward.”
“wonwoo—” you moan out brokenly as his hands knead your ass roughly, grabbing at your skin and spreading you apart so he can push into you with more force. you clench around him and he curses, his hips starting to stutter.
without warning he pulls out, rolling you over onto your back. you whine at the sudden loss and at the ache in your muscles, but wonwoo just leans forward over your body to kiss you and suddenly you forget everything you were thinking about. you’re so caught up in his mouth on yours and his hands sliding over your body that you barely even notice when he pushes his cock back into you, never breaking away from your lips as he starts out a steady rhythm, gradually building back up to his pace from earlier.
finally he pulls away, sitting up to put his hands on the back of your thighs and push your legs up to your chest. your breath catches in your throat with each thrust, your mind reeling as you concentrate on the feeling of him so deep inside you, pressing against that sweet spot over and over again.
his broad chest is the only thing that fills your vision as you cum, and your brain barely registers the words that leave his mouth in that deep, gravelly voice you’ve become accustomed to hearing nearly every night. 
“taking every inch so fucking well,” he grunts, forehead glistening with sweat. “god, you look so good taking my cock.” his movements become more and more desperate as he starts to chase his high, his fingers digging into your skin so roughly to the point that you know you’ll find bruises there in the morning. 
still breathing heavily, you whine out his name one last time, sending him over the edge right behind you in a matter of seconds. he lets out a guttural groan, continuing to snap his hips frantically as your walls squeeze around his throbbing cock.
wonwoo chuckles, handing you your purse and helping you shrug your coat on as you attempt to wipe the smudged mascara from your cheeks with your thumbs.
“same time, monday night?” you ask as he walks you down the hall to the elevator, holding the doors open with one hand.
he nods, not even making an attempt to hide the grin on his face. “you keep winning cases like you did today, and you might as well just move in. save you the trouble of calling a taxi every night.”
you laugh, knowing he’s not serious but your heart races at the thought anyway. “you keep fucking me like that, and i might take you up on that offer.”
he hums and raises his eyebrows, but you can tell he’s pleased. “i knew having that mirror installed was a good investment.”
you might not be getting paid for taking on pro bono cases, but just knowing that you’re helping people makes up for it. and of course, the compensation you get from your coworker is more than enough to keep you coming back for more. 
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