#i repeat:
blutopaz15 · 1 year
comfortable (or spoons, explicit edition)
rated e, 4.2k
canon s4/s5 ages...don’t like, don’t read!
“Are you, uh…comfortable getting more comfortable?” he asks, finding some words at least as he pulls at his gloves and cuffs, his eyes wandering: to the dirt, to the fire, to the sky…to her. “With me?”
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averseunhinged · 2 months
wip wednesday i made it wooooooo
this is the only even remotely coherent section of the all human actors au that has been making me cry tears of blood. yes, there is still a bracket. no, i didn't even try to figure it out. i am TIRED.
it's mildly raunchy crack. like pg-13, probs? idk.
In the car on the way home, Klaus made an ill-considered midnight call to his sister, given that Rebekah was three hours ahead in New York City, where she’d been shooting a sit-com about struggling models for the past month. She probably would have been less alright with it if Klaus hadn’t spent the whole call whining about how he’d met the girl he was going to marry, but she thought he was a loser. He woke up the next afternoon to cottonmouth, a deeper sense of foreboding than usual, and about fifty text messages, first from Rebekah, and then from the group chat with the rest of his siblings, deservedly ripping the shit out of Klaus.
The third time he met Caroline was at an industry do, this time much less a party than a press event. [SUPER POPULAR FILM FRANCHISE] hadn’t come out yet, but his Times profile had, which was simultaneously the most horrifying portrait and the most accurate. He’d been giving a lot of thought to the person he was versus the person he wanted to be, and it was all weighing on him. So, when he saw Caroline, his first impulse probably shouldn’t have been that this was his chance. If he’d been thinking more clearly, he probably would have realized that he wasn’t in the best headspace.
“Bekah,” he breathed to his sister, because of course Rebekah was there. Rebekah had been witness to every crushing defeat of Klaus’s life. “She’s here.”
And because Rebekah was a bloodhound for Klaus’s humiliation, she immediately picked up what Klaus was putting down. “Who? The girl you’re going to marry? Where?”
Klaus surreptitiously pointed out where Caroline was standing in a cluster with a few other women, but he was already on the move by the time Rebekah was hissing, “Oh, fuck! Wait, Nik. Goddammit.”
And the thing was, Klaus was a bit foolish. He knew this. He wasn’t unintelligent, but outside of his career, he’d never been known for making well-reasoned decisions. He was impulsive, and while he’d shaken off much of the resentment and aimless rage of his late teens and early twenties, his temper still fueled his choices at times. He wanted to change, was actively trying with some measure of success, but it was an ongoing process. He was all the way across the room before he realized Caroline was surrounded by a veritable coven of women he didn’t want to attempt to flirt in front of. One of the Petrova quadruplets—either Amara or Elena, given that he knew Katerina and knew Tatia—Bonnie-fucking-Bennett, who was flawlessly styled and probably still had no idea who he was, and Hayley Marshall, who had spent years watching Klaus try to make removing his shirt while wearing elf ear prosthetics sexy for MTV and getting into on-set fistfights with Kai Parker for being a smug little fuck who couldn’t be bothered to show up for his call times. So, Klaus was stuck without any chance of a classy retreat.
Regardless, he managed to collect a cheek kiss from Hayley, finally introduced himself to Bonnie, did the awkward yes, our siblings are fucking nod with confirmed-to-be-Elena, and greeted Caroline for a socially appropriate amount of time. It broke down when he had to make a conscious effort not to focus the entirety of his attention on her, with middling success, if Rebekah’s almost silent snickering and Hayley’s bemusement were anything to go by. But after a few minutes, he was, if not relaxed, at least doing a reasonable facsimile of charming and was a bit blindsided when Lorenzo St. John seemed to materialize out of nowhere to press a glass of white wine into Caroline’s hand and wrap a proprietary arm around her waist. Klaus had never met him before, though being in separate wings of the same franchise allowed for a very few degrees of separation, but Klaus couldn’t blame the man when he spent the entirety of their introduction and subsequent conversation watching Caroline with a cross between adoration and hunger so intense that Klaus felt uncomfortable witnessing it.
Eventually, Elena was pulled away by a director with more industry pull than was necessarily warranted. Hayley excused herself to hit the bar again, and Klaus knew her well enough to interpret her shrug and half-smile as better luck next time, pal. Finally, he made up a barely sensical excuse about not having mingled enough and dragged Rebekah away, who parted from Caroline with a hug and farewell that spoke of more familiarity than he’d been aware of.
“Well,” Rebekah said, like the unsympathetic twat she was, “I do believe she’s the girl he’s going to marry, too.”
Klaus pointed a finger at Rebekah, as disgruntled as ever that his younger sister had inherited both their mother’s sweet, lovely face and her innate, bloody-minded sadism. Klaus might have been taller and bulkier, but the extra mercilessness made the difference for Rebekah whenever they’d brawled over snacks, or the remote, or one of her useless, cockwomble boyfriends.
“You knew!” he hissed. “You knew I was going to make a fool out of myself!”
“Hey, there’s no stopping you when you’re on a mission to embarrass yourself. It’s one of your more endearing qualities. And you never said who she was.” Rebekah shrugged. “She’s on my show. Just started filming last month. I don’t know her very well, but I knew she had a boyfriend doing some off-Broadway, avant-garde bullshit with those Augustine lunatics.”
Klaus sighed and slumped a little bit. Rebekah patted him on the shoulder in their family’s typical manner of reluctant, suspicious affection and wandered off to find Stefan, who tended to spend these things hiding behind a pillar, or a large plant, or on one memorable occasion, a standee of himself, and drinking with the quiet desperation of an introvert who might have to talk to people he didn’t know.
The last Klaus saw of Caroline, Enzo was nuzzled into her temple, saying something for only her to hear. Her head was thrown back, laughing, and she looked like everything Klaus had ever wanted.
(But was terrified he’d never find.)
Life went on. Klaus’s world changed dramatically when [SUPER POPULAR FRANCHISE MOVIE] was a hit on an unexpected scale. The box office returns were obscene, and because Klaus got in on the ground floor and his agent was great at her job, he suddenly had more money, and far more fame, than he knew what to do with. But with that came the freedom to do the projects he really wanted to do. Really cared about. So, he was busy. And he was still trying to be better, be the person he wanted to be, not the person it was easy to be.
But he also had too many first dates and hardly any second ones, before he and Aurora decided to get back together for the fourth time. Predictably, it blew up in a final, spectacular way when Klaus had to spend an obscene amount of time in transit, traveling from his shooting location in Hungary to hers in Vancouver and back, just to find out she was fucking around on him again. The thing about Aurora was that she never overtly cheated, because there was always a nebulousness about where he fit into her life that manifested in her casually dating other men without calling it dating. It had been the perfect arrangement for him when he was twenty-three and more cheekbones than brains, but that wasn’t who Klaus wanted to be anymore.
He tried to take a step back after that, but the next time he was in L.A., he slept with a stylist he’d worked with a few times before. Then, he went back to London for his thirtieth birthday, got ratarsed on celebratory Nebbiolo with his best mate from RADA, and had an accidental threesome with Lucien and his fiancé. This resulted in a hungover call to Freya the next morning that was an unflattering shade of gay panic to his only queer sibling—aside from Henrik, who didn’t deserve to be subjected to Klaus’s post-coital regrets—over being a newly thirty-year-old celebrity who tried butt stuff for the first time and didn’t hate it. Freya was a good enough sister that she didn’t hold it against Klaus, but also enough his sibling that she nearly choked to death on her tea, laughing, and crisply informed him that even primarily straight men had prostates.
So, it’s not like he was pining. He wasn’t. But there was a certain level of wistfulness on the rare occasion when he did think of Caroline, which he tried not to do very often, given that he was certain the next time he heard anything about her, it would be because she was engaged to an increasingly renowned British actor with what Klaus could only hope would someday be a hairline that receded more than his own.
(Except it wasn't.)
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jvzebel-x · 4 months
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fantaghoul · 3 months
Hey everyone, the full Nimona movie was posted on YouTube for free in the Netflix channel. Anyone who couldn’t see it because you didn’t have Netflix, now’s your chance
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chirpbudgie · 11 months
hay :-) so our discussion of gidget in rtaos… not necessarily canon to the au but i liked what we talked about a lot
cws: just food mentions, i think. and a lot of upset boys.
They’re back, they’ve got Their Narrator and they’re safe. Everyone’s somewhere on the verge of tears, triumphant and distraught in different measures. But the storm has passed, the clouds have cleared to a blue sky.
Spencer takes a deep breath. There’s just one more thing he needs to know. He checks all the small spaces first, around and under the couch and in the cupboards he should not be able to fit in but can. Gidget has a tendency to hide when he’s upset, after all.
Leigh almost instantly catches on, and soon they’ve got a small search party. A few minutes turns to ten, turns to twenty. There aren’t that many hiding places, are there? He has to be here somewhere—Gidget was the first to go through, right? Nancy sent him ahead early. By all accounts, it seemed that way.
Would he—no, Gidget knows better than to leave the house without his key. Right? But if he was panicking, then…
Spencer paces in his room, hands shaking. He’s a single category-0 event away from tearing the place apart. Gidget is nowhere to be found and he can’t handle that after hearing those screams. He slumps against the edge of his bed.
A whimper.
He looks around fast enough to give himself whiplash.
He didn’t make his bed, so the blanket is pouring off the side, but it’s also moving. Spencer pulls it away slowly, as to not startle his boy.
Gidget’s face is flushed from old tears, eyes puffy and brimming with unshed ones. He un-wedges an arm and makes a grabby hand. He says simply, “sssssduck.”
What the fuck. Spencer can barely squeeze his arm in that gap. A relieved laugh bubbles out, bordering hysterical.
“Found him!” Spencer calls down the hall.
It takes some tugging to get him out. Someone has to squeeze under the bed and help from beneath because his leg got stuck. They can’t pull the bed out, because that risks Gidget hitting the floor and manhandling him, and the boy won’t let go of Spencer anyway. Bruises have already begun to form where he squished himself too much, but the rescue mission is a success.
This is good. Spencer needed a distraction after everything that just happened. He has his boy to care for now, who probably hasn’t eaten yet. It’s been a rough day, so something gentle on his stomach. Some rice and maybe some veggies. A peanut butter granola bar if he’s feeling adventurous.
Gidget starts to whimper every time he’s alone, so they settle for a piggyback ride to the kitchen. Leigh holds him so the boy can watch Spencer move around the kitchen. He’s the only one who can make white rice how Gidget likes it. (Which is crazy, because he microwaves it. That’s not even cooking.)
The poor boy is exhausted, they can tell. His face is still blotchy, like he was crying when they weren’t looking. He refuses to eat unless it’s fed to him, and even then he takes longer than normal. At least he accepts water; they have to refill his cup twice.
“What’s wrong, little buddy?” Spencer asks gently. He could catch that wobbly lip from a mile away.
{I don’t feel good} Gidget signs. Tears are flowing like a waterfall again with no sign of stopping.
Leigh, still holding him, puts a hand on his forehead. His eyes go wide. Spencer checks too and has a similar reaction.
“Why don’t we get your bear? It’s past time for your nap.” Spencer’s just about out of words for the day, but he’d do anything for his boy.
Gidget whimpers a little. It’s as close to an answer they’ll get. He’s drooping like a dying flower.
It helps sometimes, being the same person in technicality. They can tell what pajamas he wants, how he wants to be tucked in. That he’ll get fussy if they leave before he’s asleep. And Spencer uses his special trick that always helps Gidget relax. It takes much longer than usual, but when his goodnight kiss comes, he’s out like a light and barely wakes until the next morning.
(The thermometer reads 102.4° Fahrenheit. When the sun goes down, it’ll be 103. Just how much contact did he have with Perry, anyway?)
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krakenshipwreck · 2 years
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niemernuet · 2 years
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T minus 10 days
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everoutoftouch · 2 months
If you have Spotify reblog this and tag what your number one song on your “on repeat” playlist is.
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 19 days
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License to Kitty.
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nataliescatorccio · 1 month
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"I could be really brash and really loud and really dressed however I wanted to and almost made [Chappell] on purpose a drag version of myself so I can be whatever I want. It allows me to feel really safe exploring those aspects of myself. I’d never be able to do that if I took myself super seriously with pop. I think that the project has allowed me to be a part of the queer community in a deeper way because I'm not observing from the outside anymore. I feel like I'm in it. I am the queer community–it's allowed me to just feel queer, feel like a queer person and feel freedom in that."
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exoflash · 6 months
a concerning amount of witchblr will be like "um actually new years was stolen by europeans from the ancient god scroobus mcdoobus" and then you actually try to research scroobus mcdoobus and it turns out he was invented in the 1940s by a conspiracy theorist who powdered every meal with ketamine and thinks that queer people are reincarnated fish
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hinamie · 26 days
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I'll rip in hands and teeth and take a bite
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heroingirl1995 · 8 months
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AITA for lying to my dog about food being 'spicy?'
A while back I taught my dog what spicy foods are (by letting her sniff them and saying "Uh oh! Spicy!") and she figured out that it means it'll smell/taste bad and she immediately loses interest. It was initially an accident but it became really handy in getting her to leave food alone if it might hurt her.
Recently though I've started saying "Uh oh! Spicy!" about any food I don't want her to eat. If she's sitting and staring at me eating a regular non-spicy snack and I don't want to share, I'll tell her it's spicy so she'll stop begging for it. She believes me 100% of the time. She does have a 'leave it' command that she obeys as well, but she always acts so sad whenever I tell her to 'leave it' and it's something she wants.
I feel a little bad because she's an older dog (10y/o) and maybe I SHOULD be sharing my snacks with her, but sometimes a man's gotta enjoy his food in peace without a little creature gazing longingly at him the entire time and crying like the world's soggiest beast.
Included is a picture of her making her very best begging face so that everyone can accurately judge how evil I am for lying to her.
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What are these acronyms?
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luminarai · 10 months
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hey, hi, I was just on the former bird app and came across this info from a brand new study and now I cannot stop screaming internally??? what the actual fuckkkk
theres' an article from the guardian here and here is the actual study:
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hel7l7 · 4 months
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I don't know how to talk about this
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