#i say as i wrote a haru dies fic
intheticklecloset · 3 years
Cuckoo For Cocoa Puffs (Free!)
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Summary: While discussing favorite cereals, Makoto realizes Haru is holding out on him and so uses a playful interrogation method to get a straight answer out of his friend.
A/N: My very first Free tickle fic! I'm so excited to share it with you! I feel super silly about the title but we all know my history with titles so I'm just going to let it be, lol. I originally wrote this with lee Haru laughing much louder, but after giving it some thought I decided it would be more in character for him to laugh silently, so this is what I settled on. I feel good about it! Hope you enjoy it, too! ^^
Word Count: 1,064
“Mackerel doesn’t count.”
“Mackerel is all I eat for breakfast.”
“It is now, but I know you used to have cereal sometimes growing up.”
“That was a long time ago.”
“You’re not that old!” Makoto grinned, rolling over on the couch to look down at Haru, who lay on the floor staring up at the ceiling. His blue eyes slid over to his friend. “Come on. Forget cereal for breakfast; just think about cereal in general. Which one’s the best?”
Haru blinked. “Are there any fish-shaped cereals?”
Makoto laughed. “You’re impossible.”
“I don’t eat cereal.”
“You should try it! It’s good.”
The brunette waited a beat, then smirked at his friend. “Aren’t you going to ask me what I think the best cereal is?”
“Uh, sure. What’s the best cereal, Makoto?”
“Cinnamon Toast Crunch.”
Haru frowned, then glanced away. “If you say so.”
“You can’t judge me when you won’t give me an answer yourself.”
Makoto reached down to poke his stomach. “Do you have an opinion on the matter after all, Haruka?”
Haru batted his hand away. “I thought we agreed not to call me that.”
“Then maybe you should stop being so stubborn about giving me an answer.” Makoto chuckled, an idea sparking in the back of his mind as he poked his friend again, wiggling his finger on purpose this time. “Just tell me.”
Haru rolled away from him onto his stomach, grunting. “Knock it off.”
Instead, Makoto quickly descended from the couch and sat on his friend’s lower back, skittering his fingers rapidly along his back and shoulders. “I know you have a favorite cereal. What is it? Tell me.”
“H-Hey! Stop!” Haru protested, squirming. He wasn’t really reacting beyond that, but Makoto knew he’d break eventually. It was just a matter of keeping it up. The ravenette made a choking kind of noise when the taller boy started jabbing his fingers into the backs of his ribs. “Makoto!”
Makoto merely grinned, reaching under his shirt to dig purposefully into his ribs from behind. “Tell me, or I’ll tickle it out of you.”
Haru’s eyes snapped up to him in a brief panic. The usually stoic swimmer was well aware that Makoto knew he was ticklish enough for it to be a viable interrogation method, but still. He didn’t want to crumble right away just from the threat of it. He tried clamping his arms to his sides. “Don’t!”
“All right, you asked for it.” Makoto grinned, switching from digging to light scribbling, and Haru shuddered beneath him, burying his face in the carpeted floor to try and muffle his giggles as they slipped out of him beyond his control. “Jeez, you’re so stubborn, Haruka. All you have to do is tell me your favorite cereal.”
“I don’t eat cereal,” Haru tried, letting out a squeal that made his cheeks instantly turn a dark shade of embarrassed red. “Stohohop it!”
“See, I like Cinnamon Toast Crunch because it’s so sugary,” Makoto replied as though he hadn’t heard the giggly plea. “I know it’s not super healthy but I only eat it in the off season. I have to imagine you’d probably be a Honey Nut Cheerios person, or maybe a Fruity Pebbles kind of guy if you’re secretly pretty bold.”
“Mahahahakoto!” Haru cackled, giggles becoming soft laughter the more his friend focused on that incessant, light scribbling across his second worst spot. “Stohohohohohop!”
“I wonder what Nagisa and Rei would imagine your cereal choice to be. I should have them guess once I’ve gotten an answer out of you.” Makoto smiled at his increasingly flustered friend. “Feel like talking yet?”
“All right, guess I gotta bring out the big guns.” The brunette let up on his tickling and shimmied down Haru’s body to straddle his calves instead, pinning his legs to the floor. He glanced behind him just briefly to get an idea of where his feet were, then began scratching ruthlessly at the bare soles, watching in satisfaction as his normally silent friend absolutely shrieked with giggles.
“Ehehehehehehehehe! Nohohohohohoho, Mahahahahahakoto!” Haru pounded the carpet with his fists, laughing quietly but uncontrollably, unable to even wiggle his feet away thanks to the position he was in. He tried rolling over but could only flail uselessly, and seeing that triumphant smirk on his friend’s face was not helping this tickle any less. “Stohohohohohohohohop it!”
“Favorite cereal, Haru. Tell me.”
“I dohohohohohon’t eat cehehehehehereal! Plehehehehehehehease!”
“Lying won’t get you out of this situation, I’m afraid. Better talk before I go for the toes.”
Haru yelped, then slapped a hand over his mouth. “Nonono not the tohohohohohoes!”
Makoto grinned, his friend’s unique brand of hysterics making him feel giddy as well. Haru was quiet in all respects – even in his laughter, which never rose above a low chuckling even when his worst spot was being tickled mercilessly like this. The brunette knew that it was still unbearable, however, and that continuing at this pace should break him in another minute or so.
Sure enough, just a few seconds later, Haru was giggling his defeat. “Okahahahahahay, okay, fine! It’s Cocoa Puhuhuhuhuhuhuffs! Cocoa Puffs! Please, stohohohohohop!”
Makoto laughed. “You like Cocoa Puffs?! No way! Say you're cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs!"
“Stop tihihihihihickling mehehehehe!”
“Say it!” Makoto demanded, grinning. Oh, how he wished he’d gotten his phone out for this.
Haru’s cheeks and ears turned a dark shade of red as he squealed into the carpet, “I-I’m cuckoo for Cocohohohohoa Puffs! Plehehehease – Makoto, please, no mohohohohohohore!”
Finally the brunette let up, laughing himself at how cute Haru was being. He couldn’t believe he’d actually gotten him to say it! “That was great, Haru! Man, you must be more ticklish than I thought you were!”
“That was mean,” the ravenette muttered into the ground, covering his head with his arm. “Stop laughing at me. You wouldn’t stop until I said it.”
Makoto’s giggles died down, but his smile stayed in place. “Hey, you know I wasn’t trying to be mean. I just never hear you laugh, you know? It’s addicting. I wanted to draw it out as long as I could.”
“Don’t you ‘whatever’ me. I’ll tickle you again if I have to.”
Haru squeaked, scrambling away from his friend in a hurry, shooting a nervous smile over his shoulder. “Don’t!”
Makoto smirked, wiggling his fingers playfully. “Why don’t we discuss dessert next?”
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mostly-mundane-atla · 3 years
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Well I got at least two people interested (@esmeralda-anistasia and @deathsmallcaps) so why not.
Quick disclaimer: I understand that some fans can be very sensitive to this topic and take general criticisms as personal attacks and jump to the defensive. Please don't justify your ships to me if you have that reaction to anything said in this post. It's not my business and if I'm honest I really don't care. Your experiences are not mine and will not change mine and nothing I'm about to say is meant to be read as an insult.
Okay onto the rarepairs in question!
I was ten years old when the episode Zuko Alone first aired and Ursa fascinated me. She was so elegant and sweet, and yet the implication was that she was also capable of assassination. Her disappearence and the fact everyone involved kept pretty hush-hush about her gave her character an air of mystery and Zuko's memories involving her made him a great deal more interesting and sympathetic (i still rolled my eyes every time he showed up and thought he didn't deserve all the cute moments with Mai until The Day of Black Sun, and even then still thought Jet was cooler in every way, but you can't please them all). She had quickly become a favorite character and I've held onto that adoration for about 15 years now.
I also really wanted her to kiss Hakoda.
They had compatible personalities and deserved some luck in love after all the heartbreak and trials, and they both loved their children despite having to leave. Ursa was never treated as dead, just gone. She could have been anywhere and there was nothing to say she couldn't have crossed paths with Hakoda and his men.
There was also something about it I didn't quite have the words or media exposure to explain. Often, in fandom or canon, if a relationship is biracial, the partner who is fairer-skinned and/or of the dominant or invading culture, who the audience sees themselves in, is the man and the one who is darker-skinned and/or marginalized or colonized is the woman (heteronormativity got a head start on this one). There's a lot of ugly "taming the savage" rhetoric in this, usually paired with blatant misogyny that's supposed to be in the woman's favor (like suggesting that a woman could only be complicit in this culture because it was what she was told and didn't know any better). The woman's family and friends who oppose this are depicted as unfairly prejudiced against this strange man as if their distaste for people who can be or have been responsible for things like genocide or subjugation is the same as the other side seeing these people as deserving of genocide or subjugation for the crime of not being like them. Sometimes it's the other way around, where the partner seen as "more civilized" is the woman and the one seen as "less civilized" is the man, in which case the woman is often abducted or otherwise the man's defining feature is his brutishness. This supposed brutishness is both intimidating and attractive to the oh so delicate if a bit repressed captive/wife (as well as the audience) and can manifest as being fiercely protective of her, which is how he shows his affection if there is a language barrier between them. And if you grow up Native, this is easy to pick up on and often in the back of your mind, because at least 90% of your media representation likely has some aspect mentioned above.
(Man that was a lot of academic style analysis)
But the dynamic between Hakoda and Ursa wouldn't leave room for any of that. Hakoda, as an absent parent backstory, is defined by having to leave despite how much he loved and would miss his children. Ursa, as an absent parent backstory, is defined by the crime she was willing to commit for her children (for Zuko specifically, but how long would it actually take for Azula to shoot her mouth off at the wrong place and time and also be targeted by Azulon?). Ursa was the one whose willingness to kill sent her fleeing into the night. The culture of her nation betrayed her and made her choose between her own safety and that of at least one of her children. Hakoda is charismatic and a good leader, but he is also soft spoken and understanding, and above all else, gentle. He isn't here to hurt innocents. He's here to see to it that the next generation of his people will not fear invaders or raids or even know that snow can be black from soot. And he's someone Ursa can finally feel safe around and confide in, and she could be the same for him. Someone he doesn't have to be the leader for, to whom he can admit that he just wants to be home and let the tears fall.
I'm honest enough to admit that one of the reasons I liked The Search was that Ikem wore his hair a lot like Hakoda did and that was close enough to it being canon for me.
Another one is Jin/Smellerbee. Something about their personalities strikes me as being so wonderfully harmonious and I like to imagine Jin, smooth-talking and streetwise but still the most genuine person, being the one to sit Smellerbee, who never really got a chance to think about these things, down and explain that anything she might be is okay. That it's okay to not be in love with a guy friend who gave her a purpose and loyal companionship. That it's okay to like girls. That she can have more than one partner. That it's okay to be different from what's considered normal and proper and not have an easy word to describe it. And eventually she'd realize it's true. And eventually she'd realize that she wasn't teasing when she called her beautiful in a wild sort of way.
I also like to think that Smellerbee clearly has more specialized fighting skills and is very good at what she does but Jin is strong enough to bench press her no problem. And Smellerbee acts all tough (because she is) but blushes whenever Jin calls her cute or pretty because she's not used to it.
Sometimes Longshot is involved too. Not as a third wheel or the exact same kind of partner, more like a ghibli style relationship with Smellerbee. Like is it a gentle romance? Is it an intimate friendship? It's love and they know that and don't have to define it by others' perception. And Jin gives Longshot kisses so he doesn't feel left out, which gets him a bit bashful because she really could have anyone, she already has Smellerbee of all people, and she still finds him deserving of a peck on the cheek. They probably all bunk together.
This actually started from a fic I wrote but don't intend on posting more than snippets of. Basically, i was tired of a lot of fanfic tropes, especially those having to do with friends to lovers and soulmates (this world is not kind to aromantics and the last thing I wanted in my escapism was romance being established as a level up for relationships), so I wrote something to actively subvert all of them. Jet and Smellerbee were each convinced they owed the other a romantic relationship after all they'd been through together, even though neither actually wanted it, because that's how all the stories go. So after he dies, she remembers all those times that would have been romantic if either was actually interested, but were instead just uncomfortable because it was entirely social convention and no feeling. But then she comes across Jin, who she's never met before, but who takes her in her arms and reassures her and sympathizes with her, and in this tiny apartment in this seedy side of town, she feels safe. She seeks permission for every touch and kiss and tells her this encounter doesn't have to be anything she isn't comfortable with. And when Smellerbee has to leave, Jin insists she take a candle to light her way, and winks when she says she can return it the day after. She gives her an excuse to visit again. And Smellerbee blushes and accepts it.
And then there's Teo/Haru and Teo/Ty Lee. No special reason I just think both would make a cute couple and want Teo to be happy. He's a good boy, more people should love him. Let him impress people with wheelchair tricks and get smooched.
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northernscruffycat · 3 years
Tagged by @101flavoursofweird
I’ll tag @pandirpus @krokonoko @my-artblog-is-ssjumi @yallemagne @amberrgalaxy @swamp-y and anyone else who wants to do this. But this is a pretty long one, so don’t feel like you have to :3 (On that note, I’ll be putting most of this under a cut for exactly that reason)
How many works do you have on AO3?
131 at the moment. But some of those are different oneshots from FFN that I posted into one fic when porting over to AO3, so I’d be fascinated by what the actual amount of fanfics I’ve written is.
What’s your total AO3 word count?
1242922 words
How many fandoms have you written for and what are they?
Just counting what’s on AO3, so far I’ve written for 17 fandoms. They are: Free!, Professor Layton, Hades Game, Steven Universe, Pokemon, Ace Attorney, Yu-Gi-Oh DM, Yu-Gi-Oh GX, Yu-Gi-Oh 5d’s, Sonic the Hedgehog, Super Mario, Dr. Stone, Tintin, Night in the Woods, GetBackers, Good Omens and Cooking Mama What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
‘just wanted to write a fic where senku says ‘get excited’ during sex’ (My SenGen oneshot that gets a wave of attention whenever a new chapter or episode of Dr. Stone comes out)
‘laughable’ (An Ares/Hypnos oneshot I wrote purely as a sample for a zine app and underestimated how popular that ship is lol)
‘the prince with specific tastes; the king with specific regrets’ (THAT Theseus fic. My absolute fave thing I’ve ever written)
‘Shallow Grave, Shallow Bae’ (A Reigisa fic based on Octopimp’s 50% Off! abridged series of Free!; I honestly do think this fic slaps and I’m glad folks like it)
‘Barrel of Monkeys’ (The AsaIku & KisuHiyo collab fic I wrote with Amber that was a lotta fun and I’d love to do something like this with them again one day for a different fandom. Also, I feel like we captained the small KisuHiyo fandom with this fic back in the day)
Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I generally respond to comments. Almost always, unless I really can’t think of anything to say in reply, which is pretty rare. Comments make me so happy and I just want to let people who do comment know that I appreciate them.
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
I think the angstiest fic I wrote was a Free! fic called ‘Moves Across the Land’ - the premise of which is that Makoto died as a young adult of an illness and each chapter is a different person in his life receiving a letter that he wrote for them before he died. But that one had an optimistic ending, with Haru and Kisumi unexpectedly finding a newly strengthened friendship in sharing the grief of Makoto’s death. So I guess technically the angstiest ending I wrote was a short Archie/Maxie oneshot where Maxie gets killed by Kyogre lol
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes, but I ended up agreeing with it! Waaay back (probably more that 10 years ago at this point), I wrote a bunch of Layton/Rosetta oneshots that I now don’t stand by. One of them, in my naivety, I went too far with and breached uncomfortable territory. I got a couple of comments about how uncomfortable it was, so I ended up deleting that particular fic and felt better after it was gone.
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I am a fledgling at writing smut, which is probably obvious to anyone who’s read my smut haha. When I do write it, I prefer to focus on the dialogue between the characters - I like a banterous smut scene. Also, they’re usually pretty tame. I like writing about handjobs, blowjobs and wanking the most when I do write smut.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
Again, not that I know of, but that would be awesome! A few years ago, a kind person messaged me about potentially translating my Layton fic ‘Grasping Liquid’ into French, but I don’t think they went through with it in the end. Though honestly, the dialogue and slang in that fic is pretty much illegible in English, so I reckon it’d be a tough fic to translate.
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
Yes, the aforementioned ‘Barrel of Monkeys’ that I co-wrote with @amberrgalaxy It was a lot of fun and I love it :D
What’s your all time favorite ship?
Hmm... I don’t think I have a single all time favourite. I jump through a lot of OTPs and they always mean a lot to me, but it wouldn’t seem fair to pick out a single one that’s always shined brighter than the others, because that’s not really how my hyperfixations work. But my current favourite ships are Momus/Heracles (to be narcissistic) and TheseZag from Hades Game. While my oldest ship that I’m still invested in is Yami/Seto from Yu-Gi-Oh DM.
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
Shockingly, I don’t have any right now. A few years ago (I think 2018?), I made a point of going back and finishing ALL my old WIPs that I’d left hanging but intended to finish, even for fandoms I didn’t plan on going back to. So that freed my conscience of them and felt pretty good. At the moment, my only WIP is ‘if found please return to the underworld’ - an AU where Zagreus does make it to Olympus, so Hades sends Theseus, Asterius and Meg to try to get him back. But I’ve only just started writing that one, so I do hope to stick with it until it’s finished.
What are your writing strengths?
Dialogue. Definitely dialogue. I’m told that I capture the canon voices of characters pretty well and that’s always what I’m trying the hardest to get right, so it means a lot to me. I also feel like I’m good at keeping a fic flowing, without being bogged down by too much detail. But the downside of that is that I often sacrifice description, so I still hope to find the balance. Since Hades Game has more flowery prose than I’m used to, I think getting into that series actually helped me with this.
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I do not think I am experienced enough to be able to pull this off well and would worry too much about making mistakes.
What was the first fandom you ever wrote for?
It was Pokemon, but those fics aren’t online anymore. The oldest fics you can still find buried somewhere with my name attached to them are Sonic fics.
What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
‘the prince with specific tastes; the king with specific regrets’ - Sometimes I look back at that fic and wonder if I actually wrote it, since I avoided falling into all of my usual traps: I researched it properly and frequently, I kept the focus on the five main characters instead of getting distracted by introducing a million other character like I usually do, I plotted the fucker out from start to finish instead of winging it, and I worked the flashbacks into it in a way that balanced the present-day out instead of distracting from it. Also, I got the whole thing written in about two months, instead of staling for years. ...Whatever possessed me when I wrote that fic, please come back. (It was the first time I’d had two weeks off together in about three years, so I think that had a lot to do with it) OH YEAH and that same kinda villain OC who I recycle in every fandom I’m in actually landed this time. It brought me so much joy to see how much people loved to hate Momus. Those two months when I was posting that fic are easily a highlight of my life. :D
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tinygamertris · 3 years
@nagiru It got super long again! Can we use Read Mores from now on to keep the length down?
Oh man re-reading every good YamaHibi fic there is I KNOW THAT FEEL. I am such a rarepair person and even the commonly known ships I am into tend to have minimal fic. There are some lovely fics out there for them though. The other main pair I have from DeSu2 is Saiduq/Hibiki because they are just darling, but Yamato and Hibiki are my first and most enduring love. (I’m the person who wrote male-Tico/Hibiki fic on AO3 in case you’re wondering. Look upon my works ye mighty BNFs and despair that you cannot comprehend the level I operate on.)
Yamato staying in the Akashic Stratum for the chance to make sure the new world will have Hibiki in it? I legit cry every single time I replay Record Breaker because it’s so beautiful. If that’s not the purest damn expression of love in gaming then I don’t want to know what is.
Oh man that anime. That goddamn anime. I own it on DVD and have watched it a grand total of once because I played the game first and spent the whole time going “WAIT NO THAT’S NOT HOW ANY OF THIS GOES!” I will admit the animation is incredibly high quality though, Everyone looks remarkably good and the battles are all top notch. Just a pity everything else completely missed the point of the game... 
(Although everyone who died disappearing from the end credits? That was fucking TOP NOTCH. And Daichi’s death was absolutely tearjerking.)
Yeah, that battle system is just awwwwful in the first two games. I should probably retry them now I have my contacts and the surgery but when I first played them I legitimately couldn’t read any of the in-battle text. And I’m pretty sure I played them before my vision started going downhill too... 
Shin Megami Tensei 4 and Apocalypse are bloody good games! I love them a whole lot, and I’m really sad that the final dungeon of Apocalypse is such a goddamn (hah!) nightmare because it keeps me from replaying it as much as I’d like to. But just. Goddamn. If Jonathan and Walter aren’t just a perfect illustration of why Law and Chaos is so much more compelling a dichotomy than Good and Evil. I could go for hours about the complexities of the plot and how terrible it is that the boys who accompany you to the alternative dimensions probably aren’t the ones you go back to your home reality with and how different everything would end up if Navarre came to Tokyo and just augh. I HAVE FEELS ABOUT THESE GAMES.
In Sofie’s story Sofie herself takes over as the primary Psi-element teammate. Lucca describes it as ‘taking the pain and turning it into a weapon’. She’s at her most dangerous when she draws on memories of Shinjiro, which should say everything about how I view the Psi element. It really is a pity that Haru is so easily written out, but it also says a lot about the writing team... 
I still haven’t played Persona 5 Royal. I know I should but a. I promised myself I wouldn’t until I finished the Sofie fic so I wouldn’t get bleedthrough and b. I’ve been playing a LOT of Elder Scrolls Online the last few months and every time I think ‘I should play it’ I end up thinking ‘BUT THAT’S LESS TIME WITH MY PRECIOUS BOIS IN ESO’ and not doing it. It’s been sitting on my game shelf since it released here in Australia.
I think Yamato and Miyako both have legal training but Miyako is the one with the right skills to really shine in court. Yamato’s bluntness and utter refusal to tolerate fools is not going to work well in a courthouse setting, as amusing as it would be.
The fight in question is the one when you have to fight Septentrione-Miyako to rescue Saiduq! There’s two options for winning the battle: thrash the crap out of Miyako, or get Yamato into position to release Saiduq with the Dragon Stream. As angry as I always am at Miyako at that point in proceedings I always pick the ‘rescue star fluff’ option.
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twilightknight17 · 3 years
So I almost disqualified these anon asks for using “every single [fanfic]”, but honestly the fact that we’ve moved to actually looking at the game itself feels strangely like progress. Plus, this is technically at least halfway to a new topic. You’re still harping on about Goro, but at least there’s a second target.
I have given you homework, though. Hope you don’t mind. You lot really need to start providing some evidence for the things you’re claiming.
I might jump around a bit while answering this, because three asks worth is a lot to cover, but let’s talk about Okumura along with the usual bullshit, under a cut!
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P5 really doesn’t delve as deeply into the nuances of its morality as it could. They definitely gloss over a few things that could have been really interesting explorations of character motivations or potential conflicts in the group. (Conflicts that would have been a lot more interesting than Morgana throwing a temper tantrum.)
Not exploring those things leads to a bad habit in the fandom of black-and-white thinking when it comes to characters, instead of making the slightest effort to read past the surface level. People seem very quick to assign labels of “good” and “evil”, instead of accepting that maybe characters can be morally grey.
That’s what you’re doing now. So:
Homework: Please show specific examples from the game:
- where it’s implied that we are supposed to “want them to hurt Akechi.”
- where it’s implied that Akechi wanted to kill Ren “out of fun”
Because why would the game need to disprove something it didn’t say in the first place? It’s not the story’s fault that you’re making wild assumptions.
Anyway, let’s jump and talk about Okumura!
I think the issue is that, when looking at the situation around Okumura, all the nuance is eclipsed by the fact that he didn’t deserve to die like that. Okumura received disproportionate retribution for his crimes, and between the media immediately turning on the Phantom Thieves (because it was being manipulated), and the kids panicking and worrying about Haru (because they never wanted to kill anyone), the rest gets set aside. Hell, it took them two days to remember that there was a possibility that Black Mask got him, they were so freaked out.
And there’s not really a moment to go back and discuss, “Well, yes, he shouldn’t have died, but he did still do horrible things”, because at that point, that would just be disrespectful to Haru. She’s mourning her father, and the lost chance to get back the man he used to be.
(Which is a different issue, because Haru wasn’t going to get him back. He was going to go to jail. There wasn’t going to be a happy family afterwards. But... I’ll chalk that up to teenagers not thinking ahead. It’s not like they think about what becomes of their other targets, either. I did read a really good fic once where Akira had to admit in front of Haru that he thought she was better off with her dad dead. She didn’t take it well.)
Homework: Please show specific examples from the game:
- where it’s shown that Haru actually, specifically forgives her father. The third semester does not count, because that’s an idealized version of her father.
However, Goro does mention that his targets were doing the same thing as him during the engine room confrontation. While Goro doesn’t name Okumura specifically, the implication is there. And Wakaba isn’t mentioned, but considering how many people support the theory that Wakaba experimented on Goro...
I kind of want to write a oneshot of Akira/Goro and Haru/Futaba arguing about this now. Can’t really hit harder than, “You killed my mother!”/”Your mother tortured me with illegal experiments for a year!” X’D
Anyway, when I wrote Cascade, Okumura not being killed by Goro was meant to be a result of the Thieves getting to Goro earlier. He hesitated, because he was with the team. He’d been with them for an entire Palace, he knew how a change of heart worked, and his sunk-cost-fallacy mindset was starting to change, even just a little. It wasn’t because Okumura was a “tragic figure”, and you can’t really compare that to canon when the situations were different.
Now. Regarding this bit:
“the writing and the tone is that he, not Shido, is to fully toblame for the worst stuff. Why else do people still say he approached Shido intending to kill from the start?”
Shido’s perception of Goro is literally a soulless puppet that does whatever it’s told. Shido is ordering people killed just so he can become Prime Minister, and lets other people request targets in exchange for political favors. Shido has no qualms about having his allies killed when they’re no longer of use. That’s right there, in the game. How do you get “Goro is to blame for everything” out of that unless you’re a brain-dead idiot just looking for reasons to hate him? A powerful man orders a teenager to do horrible things, with the implication that there will be consequences if he refuses, and it’s the teenager’s fault??
During the confrontation with Shadow Shido alone, you get:
Shido mentioning that he “controlled” Goro
Haru saying specifically to Shido, “You even killed my father.”
Shido admitting that “It was thanks to me that Akechi was able to properly use his power to begin with.”
And then there’s the SIU Director before Futaba’s Palace, saying that the plan to trap and frame the Phantom Thieves was “too brutal to be [Akechi’s] own idea.”
Homework: Please show specific examples from the game:
- literally anywhere where it’s implied that Goro’s offer to Shido was specifically about killing people
- literally anywhere where it’s implied that any of this is Goro’s fault alone
Because as far as I can tell, the only reason people claim that Goro showed up at fifteen years old and offered to murder people is because they’re idiots, interpreting the character in the worst way possible because they already hate him. The most likely scenario is that Goro showed up with a pitch of, “I can use these powers to get inside information and make your opponents embarrass themselves.” Shido is the one who started using him as a supernatural hitman, the “”“proper””” way to use his powers.
If the SIU Director thinks the Plan was too brutal to be Goro’s idea, and Goro himself refuses the order to kill the rest of the Phantom Thieves, I find it very hard to believe that he started out as a killer. Technically, he never says he wants to kill Shido, even. In the end, what he wants is basically a change of heart.
Because really, as the Thieves point out, they’re not so different.
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akechicrimes · 4 years
Director's commentary on The Emperor (the one with Yusuke leading up to Madarame's change of heart)?
the emperor
i have this wild story because the original premise was, in short, that i wanted to explore what it’d be like for yusuke to have to take care of his own abuser in the days leading up to madarame’s change of heart, since change of heart victims tend to be despondent and dependent on others because they just got psychologically lobotomized. 
but as i was reaching the end of the story i was like, oh fuck, i need a cool climax to end this story. so i was like. ok. hmmmm. what if i wrote an ending where yusuke kills madarame and ann helps him bury the body. 
so i wrote a huge chunk of the emperor intending for yusuke to straight up murder madarame. but then when the moment came, i was like. ok. yusuke. do it. pull the trigger. 
and he just. would not do it.
i spent like, two, three real-time days trying to make him fucking kill madarame and he wouldn’t. when im writing characters like, say, adachi, going from “my feelings are hurt” to “i should blame this woman and then kill her” is a hop and a skip away; for a character like goro, going from “i need to make my father acknowledge me” to “i will commit murder to do that” is also a close step; but for a character like yusuke, going from “i have incredibly complicated feelings about the abuse madarame did, the fact that he murdered my fellow students AND MY MOTHER” to “i should kill him for that” was just a huge gulf. it was so far out of his realm of acceptable actions that there was simply no way that i could push him to do it. it would have taken a novel’s worth of words to convince yusuke to do something like that. 
then i tried to force the issue with, ok what if an accident happened to madarame and he died that way? and every time yusuke’s response would have been to take the fucker to a hospital or something, or to help madarame in some way, like a well-adjusted human being, who might hate madarame quite a bit but still would not want to be responsible for his death, even inadvertently, and for that matter, still did feel quite a bit of attachment for madarame anyway.
it’s was so insanely frustrating but also kind of made me like yusuke a bit more? eventually i gave up, wrote an ending where madarame doesnt die, slapped a “character study” ao3 tag on it and called it a day. LOL.
some more serious notes on the emperor below the cut:
i read in a lit theory class that teachers teach their students through acts of violence, which i took to mean that teachers forcibly changing their students into unnatural shapes and cutting off parts of the student that they dislike... the theory we were reading wasnt actually about that thesis but it stuck with me and that’s essentially the idea that became the emperor
the same idea of course spread into the idea that creating art was a violence, and that raising a child was a violence, and that yusuke was madarame’s student, child, and artwork all at once. of course in turn yusuke turns that back on madarame by asserting control over madarame in turn and reshaping madarame into new and different forms through his own types of violence
the other premise was that i thought it was really odd that if you steal a target’s heart early, characters like haru and yusuke have to take care of their abuser while their abuser is semi-comatose and dependent on their care until they revive enough to confess. which i thought was really interesting and complicated, having to take care of someone who hurt you
the emperor was started like a whole six months earlier where i tried to write 500 words a day (and failed miserably) but it meant that i wound up writing the passage about the girl without a name, yusuke standing in front of the atelier in the beginning, the dream that yusuke had about madarame’s boss fight killing him, the ending paragraph, and a few others. i kind of just threw them down and didnt know where they were going until later
i eventually decided on a hard format of each day until the change of heart, and after i figured that out, i started to just drag and drop some scenes wherever i thought they’d fit best. none of them were written in that order
i had to rewatch a lot of yusuke’s scenes to get a better grip on his character and it reminded me of how insanely misogynistic his character is in canon, all of which i simply did not feel like dealing with, so i toned down his “major misogyny” to just “latent misogyny” and called it a day
ask for the director’s cut on a fic i’ve written
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dame-lazarus · 4 years
Tagged by @seethemflying — thank you!
rules: it’s time to love yourselves! choose your 5 favourite works you created in the past year (fics, art, edits, etc) and link them below to reflect on the amazing things you’ve brought into the world. tag as many writers/artists/etc as you want (fan or original) so we can spread the love and link each other to awesome works!
Joke’s on all y’all, though, because I only have 5 fics out there, so enjoy this director’s commentary on my entire oeuvre 🤪
1. Lost and Found — I used to not really like modern AUs in this fandom, but now they are all I read and write. This one is my favorite fic I’ve written: narrated by Sansa Stark, backwater oil heiress, it’s the story of her rescue after being kidnapped by Petyr Baelish and her slowly-going-off-the-deep-end mother. Operation Qarthi Freedom vet Jaime and champion biathlete Brienne meet (reluctantly) on a dating app, and on the second date, Jaime tries to impress her by taking her out in his private plane. It fails: Jaime crashes the plane in the Riverlands and they are rescued by the Brotherhood without Banners—a cult with whom Sansa has been living this whole time. This came together from two separate prompt ideas, and I am very proud of the result. It was so much fun to write: the juicy darkness of the modern iterations of LSH and the Brotherhood; the transposing of different US regions onto Westeros; the hilarity of modern J/B in the Riverlands; and hearing Sansa’s sassy commentary on it all. Plus I got to use all my esoteric cult knowledge! I do love putting Jaime with religious extremists; he just laughs in their face, and my teenage self is delighted.
2) The Red Thread — a post-season 8 AU and my first fic in the fandom. Jaime survives the collapsing of the Red Keep by accidentally time traveling to the future, where various people send him on a quest and he has to deal with facing Brienne and the world he left behind. It is a canonverse AU loosely inspired by the Netflix show Dark, where people time travel through mystical caves and have to deal with the fact that time is unchangeable, despite how much they want to be able to fix terrible things in their lives. (If you know Dark you know I GREATLY simplified the weirdness of this show.) I originally had this fix-it idea where Jaime ended up in Essos raising his son by Cersei after she died in childbirth, and then when the son was a teenager, they stumbled upon another teen who looked like Cersei, claiming to be his kidnapped niece, sending him on a path back to Westeros. The son got cut, and time travel got added; last fall/summer there were a number of fics where Jaime and/or Jon gets sent back in time to do it all over again, and I remember thinking that if they had seen Dark they would know it was futile! I am very smug at my cleverness at sneaking in snark at the show, Jaime snark at the ridiculousness of his circumstances, and iconic Dark lines/images in a Westeros setting. The shipper in me enjoyed exploring a J/B reunion with a time gap for Brienne only—they are both amazed at the second chance and just need to work themselves up to it. I also cannot! believe! I finished it!
3) Loyalty — another LSH modern AU, though this time with the worst possible outcome. Brienne and Jaime are on opposite sides of an organized-crime-family-feud conflict and he is coerced into becoming a double agent, which he secretly feels is the right thing to do. He falls for Brienne, but knows he won’t survive the circumstances. This story was inspired by a scene from the book Say Nothing, about the IRA’s Disappeared. Dolours Price was responsible for driving people to their execution; she recounts being devastated when she had to take her good friend to die and they both went through with it (in part because of their devotion to the cause and in part because not doing it would be worse.)
4) Meet Cute — this is a metafic about two people who meet on a neighborhood watch app and transition from enemies to lovers by flirting in Game of Thrones jokes. I liked the idea of exploring how pop culture brings people together; academics and pundits always talk about how sad it is that all our relationships are mediated by mass culture and digital technology, but there is a lot of joy to be found in it too.
5) Tamed — Jaime and Brienne receive a mysterious lion as a wedding gift, and hilarity ensues. This fic is short and fluffy but it had me giggling maniacally the whole time I wrote it. I love Lannister humor. I think this is the most fun I have had writing anything.
Tagged: @djeli-beybi @scoundrels-in-love @robotsdance @nire-the-mithridatist @kurikaesu-haru @tawktomahawk
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hey-hamlet · 4 years
aka, my friend who hasn’t watched bnha got really pissed when I told her about Bakugo and Izuku’s old middle school. So pissed, in fact, that she wrote almost 3000 words of a character created solely for this purpose beating the tar out of Bakugo. 
Shes my idol. 
(I edited the names for spelling and edited the dialogue for speech patterns in exactly two scenes. See if you can pick all 3 edited lines) 
“Happy birthday Arlea!” Arlea Hunter started from where she was sitting and chewing on cereal like it was going out of style. Aunty Chitose placed a small cake on the table by Arlea’s bowl, a single candle on top, she gave her a bright smile.
“Thank you! You didn’t have to get me anything,” Arlea said, looking at the cake, it looked delicious. With white frosting that was layered thickly and the words ‘Happy birthday’ scrawled in purple icing. Arlea blew out the candle. Putting her hands together. Squeezing her eyes shut to make a wish. Her Aunty ruffled her hair.
“What are you saying? Of course I’d get you a cake, although it’s a bit little, you can’t share it with your friends.” She said.
“It’s ok, I wouldn’t want to share it either way.” Arlea pointed out. “Except for you of course,” she added, standing to pick up the knife from the counter. proceeding to cut it into quarters.
“Oh, thank you very much, and I’m going to eat three pieces then?” she asked.
“Alright fine, Uncle Hideki and Hanabi can have some too.”
“You two will have to pack it then, since you’re almost late for school.” My aunt pointed out, moving back to the kitchen. Arlea glanced at the clock and almost swore. Scrambling to pick up her lunchbox and carefully pack the cake.
“Hanabi come on down! There’s cake here for you!” Arlea’s Aunt called. it was accompanied by the sounds of frantic footsteps. Eventually Hanabi made it down the stairs, with school bag in hand and her blonde streaked brown hair bouncing around her heart-shaped face. The little princess of the family, with sharp bright blue eyes and a killer smile. Arlea really took time to reflect how different their families were.
Her cousin was a year younger than her, and had an outgoing happy personality, cute sized, whereas Arlea was willowy, with straight drab hair that looked almost black, black eyes. and while she had a quirk of an infectious smile. Arlea’s dove wings wasn’t exactly as useful. It’s not as if she could use them. she reflected ruefully
“Thanks mum!” Hanabi squealed, sitting at the table. “Not now, pack it or we will be late.” Arlea commented. Hanabi glancing at the clock and jumping up again.
“I can’t be late today! I promised Haru I’d help her paint one of the school festival posters.” Hanabi grabbed her back and bolted for the doorway. Arlea shifted past, letting the girl go past her without knocking both of them over. She turned back and packed the second piece for Hanabi, placing both lunchboxes in her bag. She was used to her airheaded cousin forgetting things, and definitely loved her for it. Hanabi made Arlea feel good and reliable. Isn’t that a sad realisation? She mused. heading out the door at an angle and calling her goodbyes to her aunt.
“Come on! move those wings, if we’re late I’m blaming you!” Hanabi called, she grinned at Arlea without any malice. Setting a brisk pace along the sidewalk. Arlea caught up easily, she was taller than her cousin by a couple centimetres. Arlea wasn’t exactly new to Japan, her mum had been from here, and she’d been born here. but growing up in a different culture entirely, and coming back at the age of 15, 12 years later was an… experience.
Specifically the school life, ending up going to Aldera middle school wasn’t exactly fun. It wasn’t a great school, but her area wasn’t a great area, and it would be expensive to send two near-high schoolers to a private school. Public schools weren’t a problem though, after all, if Arlea could survive a public school in Woodridge Australia, she could survive anything.
The school gates loomed ahead and Hanabi called out to her friend Haru. A small girl with curly dark hair, glasses, and a shy personality. Haru smiled, waving at us both.
“Good morning Hanabi, Senpai!” she greeted. Arlea gave her a smile, Hanabi was already dragging her off however.
“I’ll see you at lunch!” She called back. Arlea gave a little snort, unlikely, until she figured out Arlea had her lunch. She didn’t blame her cousin. They had only gotten closer over the past year Arlea had been here, but that probably wasn’t entirely by choice. It’s been a year since Arlea’s mother died, and she had to move to this second-rate school. At least she could get into a better high school.
She was sitting with her friends when Hanabi came running over. A slightly panicked look on her face. I smiled at her.
“Forget your lunch today?” Arlea asked her as she reached where Arlea and her friends were eating lunch, a small little side-hall that was open enough to have cool air come through and bright enough for a nice atmosphere. But as she drew closer Arlea’s smile fell. She looked absolutely terrified. Pale faced, on the verge of tears.
“The- that kid in your grade! They’re… beating him up.” She said between sobbing breaths. Hanabi reached her too. She was crying.
“That’s Deku, leave him be, it happens.” One of Arlea’s friends commented. Hanabi cousin looked at him, her face starting to get blotchy as the redness of running took over her straight panic.
“They look like they’re beating him to death! They’re not stopping!” Hanabi rushed out. Arlea looked at her, then stood up.
“Where are the teachers?” Arlea’s friends watched her silently, a few of them staring at their lunches, but no longer eating them. There was something wrong about this situation, sure people were bullied in Australia, but it tended to stop once a teacher was in view.
“They’re just watching!” Hanabi half-shouted. Arlea turned an accusing eye on her friends. Seeing no support on the kid’s side. no cry of outrage.
“Where?” She asked seriously, ignoring the slight shake of  her friend Satoru’s head. Hanabi took off though, and Arlea went after her. Haru following them from behind. Taking a couple shortcuts through empty classrooms Arlea could see where people were gathered on the second floor above one of the yards, staring down at the commotion. Hanabi was slowing down. Arlea slid to a stop next to the furthest student, hearing someone shouting.
“I’m doing you a favour Deku, you’re better off dead than quirkless!” The voice below called up, loud enough to be heard from here. Arlea felt a cold snap of rage, gripping the windowsill she jumped up, Hanabi turned back, calling her name. Arlea leapt out, aiming for Bakugo. One of the popular kids in her grade. He had a cascade of sparks, ready to use it on the kid that was already bleeding from most of his face. His shoulder looked dislocated too, he looked up at Arlea through one eye, the other puffed shut, his lip was broken and bleeding, and he had a serious burn mark on the right side of his neck.
Arlea heard movement and turned her attention. Bakugo stood up, disorientated, Arlea looked at him, gripping her hands into fists, temper, temper. If she lost it now the teachers might actually do something.
“What the hell is wrong with you?” one of the ones holding the boy asked. she turned on him.
“Let him go, or I’ll cut off your creepy salad fingers.” Arlea said. he let the boy go, he crumpled to the ground.
“Get lost, or I’ll give you the same to you, shithead.” Bakugo replied coldly, walking over threateningly. Arlea looked at his face, altogether much too perfect, maybe a broken tooth might teach him a lesson. She decided. He reached her and she rounded a hit on him before he could see the fist coming. The wet slap of her flesh against his face satisfyingly echoing in the semi-empty yard.
“Bakugo!” Someone called from behind, Arlea turned as one of the less active of the bullies ran at her. She gave a cold laugh, before leaping on him, wings outspread in a terrible arch as she twisted into the air, bringing the entire force of her body and slamming into him.
“That’s enough!” someone shouted, Arlea stood, the bullies standing back as a teacher walked this way.
“Oh, is it? And was it enough when they were beating this kid in front of you? Or are you so piss-poor at your own fucing job you couldn’t be bothered actually interfering?” Arlea shouted at him. She stuttered through the Japanese, not exactly fluent, but good enough that the meaning came across strong. The teacher went red faced, walking this way in angry strides, Arlea looked at him, temper ticking so close to being officially lost.
“You’re lucky I’m letting you off for this one, but you’re going to detention for this-“ The teacher stated. He grabbed Arlea’s wrist.
“For what? doing your job for you?” she asked. The teacher turned to look at her.
“How dare you.” the teacher hissed.
“The fuck is wrong with you, why would you waste all your breath on a quirkless bastard?” it was Bakugo again. Temper officially lost. With a swipe, she took the teacher’s legs out from under him, before turning on Bakugo, he put his arms up in defence, seeing the attack this time but not counting on the amount of force behind it, people never did. But wings were extra body mass, no matter how hollow the bones. The two of them fell.
There was only a short scramble, before Arlea was sitting on his chest, hands wrapped tightly around his throat. His eyes bulged. Gripping her wrists, trying to ease the pressure.
“Unfortunately for you, my mother happened to be quirkless. She’s gone; because of scum like you.” Arlea said, a smile on her face as she strangled the boy. “Call this your official warning, if you ever mention that little quirkless thing again, you or any of your little boys. I’m going to hunt you down, slit your throat from ear to ear, and watch you bleed out with a smile on my face.” Arlea wasn’t joking either. She’d almost killed people for less. Bakugo’s struggled became desperate, tears and spit rolling down his face.
“Stop it,” A hoarse voice croaked. Arlea glanced back. the kid was sitting up, looking this way, barely conscious. Arlea turned back. She let go of Bakugo’s throat, not before giving him two more solid hits to the face, one of them crunching at his nose. She stood up, turning back. The teacher must have hit his head, because he was sitting up with a dazed look in his eyes. Arlea turned to look at the kid who was staring back at her with fear. “Don’t - Kacchan’s going to be a hero, it’s only because I’m-” the boy stuttered.
Arlea turned to look at the people on the floor, the two still standing watched her with fear. She turned back to look at Bakugo, who was coughing and staring up at her.
“Quirkless?” She ground out, teeth audibly grinding against each other in her rage. “It’s ok because you’re weaker than him?” She turned back to Bakugo, snarling. “Newsflash asshole, heroes help people weaker than them. You’re no hero, just a twobit jackass with too many people fawning over your flashy quirk.”  Arlea turned back, grabbing the boy by his good arm and wrenching him up. Taking him towards the infirmary, the kids gathered gave her a wide berth, except for Hanabi, who walked forward, and helped support him on the other side, being careful of his arm.
“Are you ok?” she asked softly. the boy looked at her. but she was looking at Arlea. Who’s jaw was ticked tight, fury in her eyes.
“I’m going to burn down this fucking school.” She replied coldly in English. Hanabi winced,
“I’m sure… that if he knew, he’d not have talked that way.” Hanabi responded softly, Arlea felt her anger cooling. Her cousin trying hard to calm her down and making an effort to speak in English made her feel better.
“If he knew and actually had the audacity to say that, I’d have already killed him.” Alrea pointed out. reverting back to Japanese.
Hanabi gave a shaky sigh, “Mum is going to be furious…”
Well, that she already knew.
Surprise, surprise, Arlea was called to the office. She walked there, blood still on her uniform, sitting down politely on the waiting room chairs. The woman there was tense, not looking at her. After a while, the phone rang, and the woman picked it up, putting it back down.
“Please make your way through.” she said, giving Arlea a tense smile.
Arlea stood up, taking a breath. Inside was a furious principal, the concussed teacher, two police officers, and someone who looked like he was a hero. She stopped at the door, looking at the hero and freezing. Well, that didn’t bode well.
“Arlea Hunter, I am appalled by what I’ve heard this afternoon. You were a good student, top of your class, an outstanding reputation. But today you not only attacked 3 of your peers, but a teacher as well. These men are here to escort you off my campus, you’re hereby expelled. I’ve called your aunt to tell her that you’re being escorted to the station. Honours exchange student or not, I will not tolerate that kind of violence on my campus.” The principal, who Arlea was shocked didn’t run out of breath halfway through, was red-faced. Furious, the teacher was watching her with a smile.
Arlea turned to him. “Really? Not only will you let another student burn Deku’s face off, but you’ll stand there and smile when the only person willing to stand up for him is being sent off?” She asked. The teacher paled.
“She’s lying!” he immediately cried. Arlea crossed her arms.
“Bakugo told Deku to kill himself because he was quirkless, then went ahead to hit him again, and everyone stood around and did nothing. This student who had the audacity to think he was going to become a hero.” Arlea was enraged now, walking to the desk and slamming her hands down.
“What the hell is wrong with your teaching staff? A single boy was being beaten to death on your school grounds by four people and your staff did nothing! What kind of sicko school do you run?” She was screaming now. then turned to the police.
“You want to take me to the station? Good! I’ll be a valuable witness, and I’ll proudly stand against Bakugo, what kind of sick psychopath burns the face off one of his peers?” She rounded on the principal again. “I’m also surprised that you called my aunt, you should have kept quiet, because you know she’s just going to come here and take my side. And when there’s an internal investigation? You’ll find me watching you burn to the ground with all the rest of your staff. You run an institute that’s supposed to support your student base, and watch them grow. Their parents are relying on you to keep their children safe, and you’re sending one of them home with injuries nearly every day!” Arlea pulled herself to full height, looking down at the man sitting there, getting paler and paler at her accusations. “You should all be ashamed of yourselves.” she hissed out finally.
There was a tense silence, neither the teacher nor principal would break it. Arlae had just gone and blurted out their failures in front of two cops and a hero. If that didn’t scream ‘doomed’ she didn’t know what did. The hero spoke up first.
“Today has been quite the eventful day for everyone involved. What I suggest happens is that Principal Satoru runs an internal investigation into this matter. Bakugo will be flagged to watch for quirk abuse on U.A records. I also suggest you discuss a solution with Arlea Hunter’s aunt when she arrives, so that expulsion can be avoided.” The hero said calmly. Arlea blinked at him.
“How can you speak reasonably in this situation?” She asked, outraged. The hero pinned her with a steady gaze.
“You were also using your quirk maliciously in body slamming a student. If this Bakugo is punished. You will be also, if the student who was injured decides to go ahead and press charges, then we will do something about it and bar him from entering our academy, if what you say about him wanting to become a hero is true. You may find yourself with the brunt of the punishment however, the student you attacked was not Bakugo by the sounds of it, which means you didn’t use your quirk for self defence either.” The hero turned and walked to Arlea, putting a hand on her shoulder.
“In this instance, it would be logical to just let it go. It would be a shame to lose a potential student with such a strong motivation for justice.” The hero nodded his goodbye to the principal and left. giving Arlea an encouraging smile. She didn’t feel it, wanting instead to throw her fists around and continue her angry outburst. Trying to attack a hero would be a tad ambitious. It also made her feel worse that he thought he saw justice. But it was just selfish, bitter anger. Just piss-poor timing for Bakugo to be an asshole. A year ago today her own mother killed herself over the same words. You’d be better off dead than quirkless. Arlea glared at the two people left in the room. before turning and walking out again. she needed a good cry behind the furthest building, at least before her aunty arrived.
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kareofbears · 4 years
bullets 1, 2, 4, 8 and 9 would u kindly bear?
YOOOOO V!!!!! howdy!!! kinda crazy that you wanna hear me keep yelling about things but i am SO not complaining (honestly my beta is so tired of hearing me talk about these things lmfao). not to mention i love this specific ask post so im like, salivating. i’m assuming the same ask since i havent reblogged a numbered ask game list yet? and im also going to assume that i should just go in deeper about 8 and 9 since i answered that one already but hey, no problem i got a lot to say about dialogue.
1. What’s something you’ve written that you know is OOC and you just don’t care?
first though, i wanna talk about ryuji (story of my life). i like to write him as someone who’s actually really smart when it comes to people, and he knows how to work with them. i like to write him as someone who’s sensitive who has extremely high E.Q. 
cool, and now it’s sumire time. 
look. writing sumire, you have to make her at least somewhat ooc because she ain’t got much going on in canon!!!! if i write her exactly as she is in canon it would be like speaking to a cardboard cutout--you’re not gonna get much out of it. she’s written too blandly for her to be interesting, but she has these tiny aspects ingame where she’s actually quite complex. she’s selfish, actually. she’s an outsider, even in the third-semester. i think she’s quite conniving, and she’s not as naive about the world as people might think she is. but all of these are just hints and the game doesn’t do anything with it!!!! i have my problems with sumire (a lot of them) but she truly doesn’t deserve the hate she gets--she doesn’t deserve hate, she deserves criticism. that’s why ive been writing her quite a bit lately, i wanna breathe live to her in a way atlus didn’t. 
2. What’s the most overrated thing you’ve written?
ugh. it absolutely has to be this fic called “Visiting” i wrote for the marvel fandom. i won’t link it because i think its really cringey and self-indulgent, but it’s on my ao3. it got pretty big for some reason, but it’s so...blegh!!!! i hate remembering i what i wrote in it!!!! another one is probably my fic called ergo, eraserhead which i will link because im quite proud of it still. on the flip side, i dont think any of my persona 5 fics will ever get as big as these two fics, and i’m so relieved by that. 
4.Something a commenter did point out that you wish they hadn’t.
oof...someone pointed out a flaw in the plot. not technically mean or anything, like they were quite nice about it, but i remember being devastated. i was on the skytrain platform when it happened and i was just so sad for no reason lmfao 
8.Something you love to see in dialogue.
hmmmmmmm i love to see interesting dialogue. very vague, i know. i like it when the author has obviously taken time to think about the dialogue, maybe even going as far as to say it out loud to make sure that the flow is smooth. i like dialogue that does more than one thing--instead of having boring dialogue that’s obviously just there to ensure that the viewer can understand the plot (i’m looking at you, star wars prequel trilogy), it also serves to help the viewer understand who these people are and what their dynamic is with their group. dialogue is really really hard to write, and that’s why good dialogue is something that should absolutely be praised.
9. What’s your fandom’s most overused trope?
alright if you want me to bring up soft!goro i guess i’ll do it (sike ive always wanted an excuse to yell about fandom akechi). obvious disclaimer: yes i know fandom is the space where people are allowed to interpret what they want with whatever character they choose, but this is my overly long persona 5 post, and if i’m asked to complain i’m going to complain. 
i talked more about it in this post, but i’ll say the gist: every character has a fundamental value that i believe you should never compromise on, because if you change it or get rid of that value, you are no longer writing that character. you’re allowed to change whatever else, but that value should not be changed. an example is akira’s love for his friends: you change that, you’re not writing akira anymore. you change haru’s motivation for kindness in the face of adversity, that ain’t haru anymore. but these are just my examples--different authors can have different fundamental values for different characters. 
so back on soft!goro, my fundamental value for akechi is his cynicism. he will always always assume the worst in the world, even if he’s finally moved on from what happened to him. even if he finds people to love who love him back, even if he escaped to another country where knows his name and he doesn’t have to hold up any appearances anymore, i believe that that cycnism will always be a a part of him, for better or for worse. so soft!goro is an interesting concept, because it reminds me something very specific: it reminds of the end of p5r bad ending where the bad reality prevails and akechi turns into someone unrecognizable. because...that’s what soft!goro is. 
soft!goro is akechi without the cycnicism--you take that cycnicism away, and you’re not writing akechi anymore. you’re just writing some random guy at this point. and no, it’s not because i don’t want him to be happy--if anything, i have so many ideas of a grown up akesumi fic that i’d love to write. no, it’s because i think even in the far future, he will still have this core belief. it’s an unshakeable fact about akechi. it’s what made him turn into who he is, it’s what led him to commit attrocities, it’s the reason why he died. that cycnicism is engraved in akechi, no matter therapy he may get, or whatever love interest he has, you can’t get rid of that pessimistic outlook that he has. 
of course, there’s exceptions to every rule. for example, i have an idea of wriitng an akesumi fic post akechi’s first therapy session. but i’m just saying that as an overall factor: to get rid of akechi, is to murder this complex character for someone generic. 
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tachinanabananase · 5 years
makoharu fic rec list? 🙏
Oh gosh, where do I even begin with this!! So many fics I love, and sooooo many amazing authors, some who I’ve even been lucky enough to become friends with! I’ll do my best to include as many as possible and that I remember (it’s been a while since I went through my favorite fics, and I’ve read so many that keeping track is difficult. Like you really have no idea. there’s 24 pages of history in my AO3 account, and that doesn’t include one’s I’ve read while not logged in. So you can imagine, it’s hard to separate them all in memory).
But first, a few quick things:
 1. These are in NO particular order, just as I found them in my history :)
2. Sorry this took me so long to answer, I got caught up re-reading a few of them while I was trying to refresh my memory...
3. Don’t be surprised most of them are NSFW. I tend to filter my fics specifically looking for it because I’m a shameless hoe so sue me
4. My descriptions are super unhelpful and mostly just my thoughts about the fic but not actually a summary of it. I recommend reading the summaries and tags as they’re listed on AO3 for more details and sensitive content warnings! 
Here we go!
Frenzied by Thesis - I always always ALWAYS recommend this fic. It’s one of those ones I still go back to and read sometimes. It’s wonderfully suspenseful, so angsty and full of delicious smut and has a happy ending, so like, what’s not to like? 1000% a favorite fic of mine.
Dead Reckoning by furiosity - lol my AO3 history says I visited this fic 55 times if that doesn’t say how much I love it I don’t know what else will 
I drove all night (to get to you) by maybeillride - This one is short, but I really like the way it reads, it has a great flow and overall the tone is just super captivating. The dirty stuff is brief at the end but it’s just descriptive enough to get you all warm and tingly inside :))))  
Winter in the City by relativestranger - This fic. I followed its updates religiously and the chapter titles are a gem. I really enjoy how this author takes the time to create a world and really paint the picture of each scene, plus I love college AUs that don’t try too hard to overdo anything. Also, slowburn is the key to my heart
Coral and Bone by @macbetha - Okay sorry if this one is obvious but Macbetha is a fic writing god in this fandom and honestly, I like this one of theirs best. Talk about mermaid AUs. Very immersive, well written as usual. I’ll be honest, I haven’t had the chance to read the last few chapters, but I’m sure they’re just as good as the rest of it. 
tomorrow, you might love me by nezumiprefersdanielleovershakespeare - Alrighty so I didn’t remember what this one was and I reread it and wow holy shhhiiiiiiiit this is something else. Mostly canon compliant with their high school storyline and domestic af. Plus the way this author writes is so captivating and also very Haru, it’s like spot on. Gives you the major feels, some healthy angst, and of course a wonderfully happy ending. 
Just Friends by FruitsOfPassion- if you know me and read my fics, you KNOW this is my kind of fic. Sloppy drunk mistake hookups that lead to lots of miscommunication and angst before they both realize they’re in love with each other. Also if I remember correctly, this one is v dirty ;) 
Touch Me by Gemmiel - okay there are so many good fics in this one series alone so I just recommend reading them all. The author is 10000000000%%% and there’s a really nice balance of smut and fluff and everything in between. Honestly just read everything by them it’s worth it! 
connotation by magicianprince - this freaking fic. This is the fic that deadass inspired me to write my whole Hot for Teacher series. I have no other words, it holds a special place in my heart because of that :) 
Can You See Me? by choking_on_roses (orphan_account) - another fic that heavily inspired me. I love Rockband AUs with all the glam and drama and of course, angst. Once again, fair warning this one is unfinished and I’m pretty sure abandoned (I know, I’m still sad about it too), but it’s a damn good read still.
Had we but world enough, and time by anditwasstinky (thewicked) - Mermaid au, hella long and an emo rollercoaster ENJOY
His Camera by LensMind - Makoto has a very dirty secret, and Haru happens to find out and simply cannot get enough of it. Very much a guilty pleasure fic, sooo juicy and the actual epitome of sexual tension and just ugh. I’d definitely consider it a favorite of mine...
Take Me Home by otp_tears - This one is really cool. A bit of sci-fi, memory loss, and a hell of a lot of angst. Basically Haru’s consciousness is transferred to a new body after he “dies” from an illness, and he has to deal with remembering who he is and his relationships while Makoto has to deal with separating the Haru he knew from the Haru he is now. It’s very sad but also a super interesting concept, the author did a good job tackling a difficult fic like this! 
2/13189000 by tothemoon - this fic is the ultimate rec. I see it in everyone’s posts, but i can’t NOT recommend it because it’s amazing. So there you go enough said just read it k thxbye 
Finger Slip by thoughtless_dreamer - phone sex fic ENOUGH SAID 
safe landing by heinsou - I found this on my fic-rec tag on my blog. It’s the way that the fireworks scene SHOULD have gone. Emotional rollercoaster but wow soooo worth it because this author makes you feel shit real good
A Kingdom For You and Me by @datheetjoella - I have an unending amount of loving words for this fic and this author. Joella has been a fic writing inspiration for me for I don’t even know how long. I can pick out her writing style without even looking at this point. She’s incredible, and has written plenty for than just this fic which I also HIGHLY recommend (and not just because one of them is a special gift for me :3)
Me Too by Flightless_Bird - Ohh ho ho I remember the first time I read this, it gave me major goosebumps. Basically Makoto shows up for one of Haru’s swim meets and there is hella sexual tension right before Haru’s race  It’s one of those fics that makes you wish there was a 10,000 word sequel for... other things...
Between the Raindrops by westgate - Makoto is home alone during a rainstorm and Haru is his knight in shining armour! I’m weak for protective Haru and first kiss fics, and this one is certainly a gem.
The Voltage of Our Heartbeats by @datheetjoella - another Joella fic (not surprising lmao) but this one really gets me because coincidentally, her and I were both working on power-outage fics at the same time when she wrote this. I really loved hers though, so I couldn’t resist putting this one down too hehe
Okay I’m running out of patience and quickly realizing theres so many fics I love I could work on this ask for days so here’s a second Fic Rec post I made a while ago with some repeats and a few others that are definitely worth a mention. It might be more helpful too because when I made it I actually was currently reading some of them or remembered a lot of them better.
I hope this is some sufficient reading material for you, anon! And please don’t forget to check out the fics of yours truly as well hehe 
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eigwayne · 4 years
Fic Writer Tag Game
Tagged by @amethysttribble. Thanks for the tag, friend! 
Stats are all from AO3, since incorporating my LJ or FFnet would make my head explode. Maybe I should just import all those... Anyways, my AO3 is mostly Gundam stuff because I haven’t posted anything in ages. I don’t have much up and I write for niche fandoms, so my numbers are probably a little laughable. But that’s okay! I love each one of those hits, kudos, comments, and bookmarks~
AO3 name: eigwayne
Fandoms: The Silmarillion, Gundam Seed/Seed Destiny, Gundam 00 and sometimes/someday? Tales of Zestiria/Berseria
Number of fics: 18 (again, only on AO3. And the counting is odd because I changed the way I post my Gundam flashfic from individual fics to a chaptered collection fic. None of the Silm stuff is on AO3 yet, either)
Fic I spent the most time on: Okay, this one’s not on AO3, but @amatterofdestiny. This one is taking so much time and research even when I am working on it! Door of Night (the time travel elf WIP) is getting close, though.
Fic I spent the least time on: Probably one of the song drabbles (write for the length of one song). I basically stream of consciousness those, and many have only minor editing. For the AO3 fics, that’d be one of the ficlets in  Drabbles for the Musically-Inspired.
Longest fic: On AO3 currently,  Setsuna That Was and Saji That Will Be  (7588 words). A Matter of Destiny and the Silm longfics will surpass it, someday, but for now, them’s the numbers.
Shortest fic: Sparkling Day (290 words)
Most hits:  Happy Birthday Setsuna! (321) (btw. today, April 7, is Setsuna’s birthday, so if you’re a Gundam 00 fan, you should do something to celebrate!)
Most kudos: Also Happy Birthday Setsuna! (28)
Most comment threads: Where the Stars Fall (3)
Most bookmarks: Spring Cleaning (the Setsuna/Saji kitchen smut) (8)
Total word count: 21917 published on AO3.
Favourite fic I wrote: Setsuna That Was and Saji That Will Be. It’s basically a 5+1 fic, but with past lives, telepathic aliens, and literal Best Friends Forever. I got to research ancient cultures and think about Setsuna and Saji’s sex life, which is really all a history buff/ SetsuSaji fan really wants.
Fic you want to rewrite/expand on: If I was going to rewrite any fic, I’d probably rewrite my first Slayers fic, but that’s not on AO3 (and a big ‘fuck you’ to that reviewer who thinks Lina Inverse wouldn’t blow up her friends for the sake of comedy, it’s been 15 years and I still think you’re an asshat, did we even watch the same show? I’d keep that scene just to spite you). ANYways, there’s a fic from Gundam00week where I did a sort of passage from a 00/Zestiria crossover. I could definitely expand on that.
Share a bit of a WIP or a story idea you’re planning on: I posted recently about my WIPs, but my major focus fic-wise is The Door of Night is Breaking (Door of Night), which is the time-traveling Celebrimbor and Finduilas I sometimes post snippets of. In fact, here’s a snippet from the prologue (Content/Trigger Warning for implied domestic tension, gore, and Sauron-style elf-banners):
That night was only better than usual because his father and mother weren’t speaking to each other. Celebrimbor went to bed without hearing them say a single word directly to the other. He curled up on his side, forgoing an Elvish reverie for the hopefully dreamless sleep of mortals.
It didn’t work.
He dreamed he was walking in the abandoned streets of ruined Ost-in-Edhil, wearing nothing but a simple linen robe. Rubble cut his feet and he left blood-stained prints as he walked. The air looked jagged, a fog of crackled glaze.
At each intersection, there was a banner made from a corpse.
First came Haru Finwë. Then his mother’s brother who died at Alqualonde. Then Haru Fëanor, and it was as if he had opened the floodgates. Ost-in-Edhil turned into a twisting, corpse-lined maze. As he approached his manor near the workshops, he could see Gil-Galad, or at least someone wearing Gil’s armor.
‘Gil-Galad is a fiction,’ he thought but he remained silent. The location of the Three was not the only secret he took to Mandos with him.
Tagging: I would tag some of my Gundam peeps but I know them all from my RP blogs and don’t remember their screennames. But if you’re feelin’ the stats game, please feel free to consider yourself tagged!
Now, if you gentle readers will excuse me, this reminded me that I haven’t posted in forever so I think I’ll get something up.
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auncyen · 4 years
writing scraps from this year
- "Everybody's Fool" [...I'm pretty sure this had no context besides being an Evanescence song that I like and that sounds like it could fit Joker, especially in a Palace fic.]
- Ryuji worries--he messed up and killed Okumura's shadow, too aggressive, everyone is appalled at the thought, tells him no -Ren brought Futaba in on the significance of Akechi knowing about the Metaverse, upsetting Morgana [both these bullet points were for things in Shuffle Time, but I'm pretty sure I'd probably use them for independent fic if I used them now. Okumura goes down REALLY easily once you get to him himself, and I just had this stray thought that, especially since head injuries can be unpredictable in the real world--like, Ryuji in the boss fight, worked up for Haru's sake because shitty abusive dads, just winds up and absolutely slams Okumura's Shadow, surprised but satisfied that he instantly goes down--and the Shadow seems fine, if weak, in the conversation afterward, so all's well that ends well, and even after the mental shutdown Ryuji doesn't immediately think of it--but then one night he just happens to think of the way his bat connected and Okumura's head banging against the helmet when he hit the floor and concussions and sometimes they're fatal and oh god he ruined another team, it's his fault Okumura had a shutdown, he killed someone-- thankfully he goes to Ren about this before he goes to Haru or the police, but he's nearly having a panic attack and Ren is just like no. NO. This was not you, something else was going on, calm down. just hold on and we'll figure it out. I imagine this is while Ren is suspecting Akechi but right before he's sure enough to tell the team so like. HE'S EXTRA PISSED OFF BECAUSE NOT ONLY IS ONE FRIEND'S PARENT DEAD, ANOTHER FRIEND IS BLAMING THEMSELVES FOR IT the point of Ren telling Futaba about Akechi early on was just to add another little wrinkle to Morgana getting upset enough to leave the team, I think. He'd felt "special" as Ren's confidant at least, and he'd liked knowing that only he and Ren knew about Akechi even if he knew they'd tell everyone else as soon as he showed anything concerning. But Ren thought it might be prudent to know about Akechi's background, so he asked Futaba to look into it as well as why Akechi was a person of interest, and Morgana understood that it made sense to tell Futaba, it just...became another way that he was no longer needed/important.]
Ryuji & tutoring? Ren paying Kawakami to help him figure out study method for Ryuji--doesn't want her going directly to Ryuji because it might embarass him/make him stubborn - or Makoto tutored Ryuji when he was a first year--both found it frustrating, but he got acceptable grades before the Kamoshida incident happened--she wants to do better this time. (Sojiro helps them figure out what's getting in Ryuji's way, gives a mini-lecture to both of them? Tells Makoto that if she's going to be in charge of people she needs to help them achieve their best rather than forcing them to follow a method that doesn't work for them)
-Ren has a guess that there are PT-like people in hometown of Inaba, but for the completely wrong reason-- Adachi's sudden confession seems like a change of heart, as well as the oddities in the confession (which probably aren't public but Futaba would hack that shit as soon as Ren started talking about the odd midnight channel and weird murders and supernatural-seeming shit and everyone goes METAVERSE???) - Ryuji thinks it's a shame the group never went big, Ren points out that they couldn't really do much in sleepy Inaba - the overall thrust is that Ren is deeply invested in being able to continue Metaverse activities even after he goes home, and Futaba and Morgana both enable this instead of thinking more and becoming concerned about why this is so overly important to Ren
- Sae gets Metanav on her phone? [...This is...all I wrote down for this. as an aside of the whole interrogation room plot, Sae would theoretically be granted the app on her phone--at least, if Yaldabaoth thought she'd be useful to Ren. Since canon does nothing with this, I guess he didn't. BUT WHAT IF? idk]
- Mishima accidentally Metaverse with Ryuji [THIS IS ACTUALLY HOW I WROTE IT? lol the idea was he was telling Ryuji about a Phansite request while they were trying to verify its authenticity, so naturally he manages to hit all the keywords while they're in the vicinity of the Palace] - Ryuji panics, gets them back immediately, tells Mishima to NOT mess with any apps that might appear on his phone - tells the others at PT meeting -and Ren just...sighs. "now he's going to flip when he doesn't get the app" - hold up, Ren. How you know that? everyone pumps Ren for more info on Igor once he comes up, Mona is tipped off that something is wrong with Ren [this was...actually another thing that was supposed to come up in Shuffle Time! GEE, MAYBE THE ISSUE I'VE HAD WITH SHUFFLE TIME IS TRYING TO DO TOO MANY THINGS. basically this was playing with both the fact that Ren doesn't really seem nice to Mishima sometimes and that Ren knows more about the app than the others do and for some reason doesn't tell them. Ren is pretty sure Mishima's not ready to awaken to a persona, so he'd be useless in the metaverse, so he's not a candidate for the app. While he's right, at least within the timeline of the fic, the way he acts about it rubs Ryuji wrong and the fact that he knows things about the app and hasn't been saying rubs EVERYONE wrong. This was supposed to be set before the rank where Mishima is challenged to change himself and Ren acknowledges afterward that even if Mishima isn't ready for a Persona yet, he has more strength than he gave him credit for. He also apologizes to Mishima for holding a grudge about the leaked record and tries to be kinder to him afterward.]
KO Gamplay & Story integration -Ren gets knocked out in mementos, bad fight - cut to interrogation room: "...And that's when 'Ren' died." - Sae is not impressed & Ren needs to stop bsing. he smiles & tells her to be patient so he can explain...the crime she truly wanted to ask him about... - back to fic's main time: others manage to revive Ren, but he's acting strangely - his 'ego' has been wrecked & his personas are out of control. his friends can help keep him in check but only for a while, and even then he's not quite himself; whoever is with him gets responded to by a Persona of their arcana, so he flits wildly between personalities between meetings with confidants and pretty much needs to be supervised in public settings to make sure he acts...semi-appropriately (morgana being around means he's usually in Magician mode) - eventually, though, the matching arcanas is an issue with Akechi drawing out Justice personas that know 1) there is an assassin in the Metaverse and 2) Akechi has access to the Metaverse. Principality, which guards nations, waits until he is certain Akechi is the Black Mask. Then murders him in the real world. And that's why Sae is interrogating Ren in this timeline.
-Ren's POV of Stall & Crash -"warden" Arsene, punishment/handcuffed/restraint -"I know you're not real" "I am as real as your sense of self... ah, but you don't have a good grasp of that, do you". [u know how in p3 out of control Personas hurt their real selves and p4 is basically EVERYONE'S Shadow being pissed off at their real self? yeah this was basically Ren's guilt at considering selling out his team, albeit while heavily drugged, causing Arsene to manifest as an abusive warden who 'allows' Ren to still be able to use his Personas but makes it very clear he's not worthy and hurts him at times. I don't think I did this mostly because while it's proposed as Ren's POV of Stall & Crash, Ren being unstable to this degree beforehand wasn't really evidenced in that fic and I thought it might be fun to play with but also I would HOPE he wouldn't start Shido's Palace while like this. ...may work better as a completely separate fic?]
- Clean-Up the Heart - Ren calls Kawakami before realizing BAD IDEA - she gets suspicious and invents a reason for him to request her so they can talk - they have a heart-to-heart - that's it that's the fic [...lol. to add a bit more: the idea was to set this either while Ren is still playing dead, or right after he's allowed to come back to school. He really needs to talk to someone about everything that's happened but he doesn't want to place more stress on Sojiro or his teammates, so he thinks about the other confidants he knows and...Kawakami should be okay, right? He shouldn't tell her about any of the scarier stuff, but maybe he can just talk a little except he clams up as soon as she answers and hastily says it was a misdial Kawakami doesn't quite buy that as she can tell he sounds genuinely off, so she just...makes up on the spot that actually. she's a little tight for cash, and she knew she said she'd do things for him for free, but if he could hire her just one last time? and ren's just like "oh. okay. sure" she basically cleans up his room and then goes 'okay, one, I'm not actually having money problems, you don't need to pay me, and two, now I KNOW something is wrong because I lied and said I was having money problems again and you haven't been nosy about it even once. What's wrong?" and that's how she gets Ren to open up, at least a tiny bit.] holy cow this got long so I'ma do the rest in a different post I guess
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lampsabout-moved · 5 years
The Persona 3,4, and 5 Rewrite FAQ Masterpost
Everything under the cut! Including my plans, current fics, and spoilers for all three!
Persona 3 Rewrite, titled “Pull The Trigger” (https://archiveofourown.org/works/18834676/chapters/44696302) -Hamuko is the main character, and protagonist! She does all the major plot important things, cause it’s what she deserves. -Minato is not excluded though! He is still a part of S.E.E.S, and is a senior student. He takes the role of the Navigator. His Persona is Eurydice, to mirror Hamuko’s Orpheus! -Fuuka is no longer the team’s Navigator! I’ve reworked Lucia into a battle oriented Persona! She uses the nuclear skills from p5, and has a big fuck off sword. -Yukari/Hamuko/Aigis RIGHTS! -Minato/Akihiko RIGHTS! -More LGBT Rep! -Not as many social links, mainly cause i’m not a big fan of the P3 SL’s, keeping the party members and a few favorites. -Both Elizabeth and Theodore are included, with the added addition of Theodore staying out of the Attendant fight. They are represented by the Temperance social link. -Shinji still dies, sorry!  -Ken isn’t used in combat as much, cause he’s 9. Same with Koromaru.  -Operation Babehunt? Don’t know her! The gang meets Aigis when Hamuko spots her on the beach. -The Awnser’s time loop isn’t just hand waved??? It’s def more explicit with (SPOILERS), Metis’s whole deal of being Aigis’s Shadow? -Little stuff, like Pharos ending everything conversation with “Time Never Waits”, Hamuko using ultimate personas after finishing social links, Rio’s inclusion, Hidetoshi’s exclusion, Fuuka being trans, etc, etc Persona 4 Rewrite, titled “Part The Fog”! -First off, Kanji is mlm, and Naoto is a trans boy. Those are the stories that Atlus wrote, but refused to follow up on. Naoto’s arc is about accepting himself as trans, Kanji’s is about him recognizing himself as gay. -Kanji is now the Navigator! Featuring a redesigned Take-Mikauzachi! Rise takes his role as an active party member. -Soukanji rights!!! Yukichie rights!!! Naorise rights!!! -Yosuke, Yosuke is bi. His social link itself is about overcoming his internalized biphobia and homophobia. It’s not his shadow’s main focus, but it’s a part of it. -Rise’s shadow is no longer a pole-dancer! her shadow takes the form of a clown like Rise, putting on a LOVELY carnival (her dungeon) to get people to look at her for who she really is. She finally takes off her make-up in the boss fight, splitting into a bunch of different rise’s and begging her to tell her who “The Real Rise Is?”, kinda like P4TA. -Adachi is dead. Full stop. He does not come back for P4AU. -Speaking of spin-offs, Kanami Mashita! After the events of P4D, she gets a Persona of her own, Laetitae! -Biggggg social link changes. A disguised Kanami, Amnesiac Labrys, and Sho all apear as Social Links. Kanami being The Hanged Man, Labrys being Strength, and Sho as the Moon. Other SL’s changed accordingly. -Marie is still present, and is more integrated into the story. She is one half of Izanami, and willingly erased her memories after seperation. She herself carries Fog with her, and appears...off. She has a too-long shadow, her smile’s a little too wide, her eyes a little too yellow, rain seems to follow her.  -Teddie is not a perv character. He’s close to the plot so I couldn’t write him out??? But he’s not as pervy as he is in canon, just a flirt. Also Teddie’s Bi, so jot that down.  -I really liked the concept that Rise’s non “Risette” personality was harsh and aggressive? So she’s really rough around the edges when she first meets the IT, only warming up to them after her dungeon is completed. Think Severa from FE13. -Overall, a lot more actual truth finding, a lot less homophobia and transphobia. Persona 5 rewrite, titled “Invitation To Freedom”!  -this is the one im most excited for HOLY S H IT -okay so, -redesigns for everyone’s phantom thief attire. especially the girls. Ann’s design is more like, a mix between her persona and Shego from Kim Possible? If that makes sense? Less dominatrix, more cutesy evil queen. (Makoto is more knight like, but is still spiky like a biker, Futaba resembles a video game merchant mixed with a tech super villain, and Haru is full on Musketeer.) -MORGANA ISN’T CREEPILY INTO ANN. NO MORE ANN BEING CONSTANTLY SEXUALIZED. G O D -speaking of Ann, her entire awakening scene is reworked. No more writhing for my girl. She still kicks the sword and kills Cognitive Ann tho. -Pegoryu rights!! Shihoann rights!! Okujima rights!! Kasutaba rights!! -Akechi joins during Kaneshiro’s palace, along with Makoto! Makoto gets herself in too deep thanks to her being over-protective, and Ren folds, saying that they need someone with detective work to help them, and as much as he hates it, Akechi’s probably been onto them for awhile now anyway. -Akechi is still the traitor. -There are not one, not two, but three players in Yaldaboath’s game! Whose’s the third player? Kasumi Yoshizawa! -Kasumi actually has her own team of Phantom Thieves! They interrupt The PT’s antics the palace, messing with them in Mementos, being rascals. her team includes Hifumi Togo, Sho Minazuki (the weird uncle who followed her into the metaverse), and an OC! (She’s currently based oN Hatsune Miku because I do what I want.) [This was inspired by a tumblr post I saw once,] -When I say that Kasumi messes with the PT, I mean like. They have this elaborate plan to steal Madarame’s treasure, but whoops! Kasumi has already swiped the thing and is a making a break for the exit! -Along with the standard chapters, smaller ones will be added to give the reader Kasumi’s perspective! She is also a wild card. -Goro lives and has a palace, sorry atlus!! -That one scene where Ryuji gets beat up for scaring everyone? Not fucking happening babey! -All those extra cells in the Velvet Room? there are only three! This is how Kasumi and Ren figure out each other are Royal (Codename still pending) and Joker. Miscellaneous
-I am currently in the process of adding more Personas and Demons to a growing roster so I can give each Arcana an even amount! Most info on the actual Personas, their skills, and the associated Social Links, can be found here: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1uHJv26RnGryvx_yhfzloPzIQUAB_cYOtwyzWGAxKdlQ/edit?usp=sharing EDIT: i completely forgot that most of the new personas im adding are from Bayonetta!
-also im indecisive so uhhh help me decide P4 protag and p5′s protag’s name!
https://www.strawpoll.me/18128738 (P4)
https://www.strawpoll.me/18128740 (P5)
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vixxscifiwritings · 7 years
The Struggles Of A Fanfic Writer
AU - Fanboys!AU Genre - Fluff/Comedy Warnings - None Word Count - 1422
Summary -  Kim Wonshik writes 6Keys fanfiction. And like most fanfiction writers Kim Wonshik struggles with that one idol group member.
Find all parts here
“I just saw the music video for Lady Gaga’s paparazzi” Wonshik typed.
“I haven't seen it yet. Brb” Jaehwan responded.
“Go watch it! Because it just gave me a fic idea” Wonshik told him.
“aksjdhs Don't you already have like 50 WIPs already??”
“Kim Wonshik. I swear to god if you leave that high school MiRa (Miya x Ara) fic unfinished and unresolved then I will jump off a cliff and my spirit will haunt you for eternity” Jaehwan swore.
“I will finish it! Eventually! But get this, this might be MinEul (Minah x Haneul)” Wonshik replied.
“Ugh. I hate you but I am listening” Jaehwan said.
“Did you see the video yet??” he asked.
“I just did! Akdjdhskal it was all very rated. You're writing MinEul smut aren't you?” Jaehwan asked and Wonshik could feel the suggestive eyebrow wiggle through text.
“It does have… sexy times in it” he agreed reluctantly.
“HOE GO DO IT INSTANTLY”  Jaehwan yelled over text.
“You are a pervert” Wonshik scoffed.
“You are the one writing it! Besides, I am starved for good MinEul smut okay!! What is the entire storyline?” Jaehwan asked curiously. Wonshik rarely wrote for Haneul so this would be interesting.
“Well… Minah is a famous celebrity and Haneul is her girlfriend who seduces her only for the fame. And Minah comes to know of this but the couple is already very popular and she knows she will lose fans after the breakup so she stays in the relationship” Wonshik explained.
“You cry even when my fics have a happy ending”
“That is besides the point! Why is Haneul always evil in your fics? Are you an anti?? Why can't my fellow Aries sister Minah be happy?!”
“I don't hate Haneul lol”
“She's your favourite and hence she must suffer?!? Is that going to be your explanation?? I hate you fanfic writers. Also I hate myself because now I want to read it!”
“You love my fanfics~ That's how we became friends”
Wonshik laughed as he typed. Jaehwan had been one of the few readers when he had started writing 6Keys fanfiction and the first to read and leave comments. Wonshik had fallen in love instantly and ever since then Jaehwan had been his go to person for all his crazy fanfic ideas.
“One of these days Kim Wonshik… one of these days...” Jaehwan complained.
“Okay. I will be back after I write something”
“Okaii! I shall be fanboying with Sanghyuk over his new crack video”
Wonshik closed the chat window and opened up a doc.
He had the idea in his head. Minah was to be an upcoming singer. Suddenly too famous and with everyone's eyes on her next move. And while she was glad her music was being recognised, she was all alone and easily disillusioned with the bright lights and jazz.
Till Haneul came along that is.
Haneul would be the that girl that stood out in the club. And Minah was inevitably drawn to her. Oh oh oh. Maybe the affair should be secret. A forbidden love. And that would be what drew Minah into the scandal.
Except Haneul wasn't innocent at all. And beneath the alluring smiles lay danger and greed. And Minah took a while to realise it but she does and then she would delude herself into believing that someday Haneul would love her for her. Or maybe get jaded but keep her around for company because she was all alone and didn't have anyone else.
Maybe Jaehwan was right and he was extremely evil for doing this to his girls but… that was the thing about angst fics. It demands to be written. (Somewhere John Green was getting teary eyed over his references. He just knew it)
So Wonshik put his headphones back in and put Paparazzi on repeat. He was going to write a heartbreaker! Honestly the excitement of a story was the best.
What to take as the opening? Hmm… Maybe he could start at the club scene. When Minah first meets Haneul. He could clearly imagine it. Minah would be in one of those private rooms that overlooked the dance floor. And Haneul would be on the said dance floor. Dancing sexily enough to attract her attention.
No no no. This trope was so tacky. And kinda sleazy. Gross. Maybe they should meet at the bar. Get to talk. That would be a more organic attraction. Hmm.
But what would you say to a pretty woman? What would a pretty woman say to another woman? Like how would a girl pick up another girl at a bar? Much less do it artistically enough for a fanfic??
Well Google sucked. Wobshik took a moment to blink. Lesbian pick up lines and tactics was something he had never thought he would google in his life. It ranked above the time he googled how to murder using ball pens in his list of weird things.
Anyhow, back to the topic. Which was embarrassingly still lesbian pick up lines.
Maybe Minah and Haneul should just start at the hotel room after the club. But that would mean starting with the smut right off the bat. And if you thought Wonshik was bad at handling pick up lines…
Wonshik sighed. Maybe he should eat some chocolate pudding. The sugar in his blood would jump start his brains.
Oh oh oh. There was the Ceci shoot from last year which has a lovely gold and black theme. Everyone had looked sexy. Maybe that would work as better inspiration.
Wonshik opened up Hakyeon’s blog. He had a sideblog dedicated to Haneul and his tag system was amazing.
Now that he thought about it, he never had this problem with any of the other 6Keys members. Of course it was easiest to write anything for Ara and Bora. Miya was his bias and his longest and favourite aus were dedicated to her. Haru was the youngest and hence he had a strict no mature theme rule for her. But he had an abundance of cute fluff for her.
So why was Haneul a problem?
“Did she have another Ceci shoot?” Wonshik asked out loud when he saw a very different set of pictures appear. This time the theme was red and white and she was wearing a long flowing red gown with red white and pink flower crown.
The set was interesting… The lighting brought out the red very well. It was set in the ruins of old Greek style building. Had they shot this while 6Keys were on tour in Europe? Wonshik kept scrolling and liking the posts. He added a few to the queue on his own 6Keys fan blog.
“Why are you stalking Haneul on my blog??” Hakyeon’s message popped up on the chat window on the page.
“I'm not stalking her!” Wonshik replied indignantly. “I'm just looking for fanfic inspiration.”
“Why? So you can kill her and break my heart yet again??” Hakyeon asked bitterly.
Wonshik bit his lip. Hakyeon had never forgiven him after Haneul had died in his mafia au. But to be honest the entire story had even been written because Wonshik had imagined that scene first and then written the rest of the story around it. It had also been crucial to Bora’s character development. Haneul’s death would be what prompted her to finally kill their enemies and become the true mafia lord of the city.
“I won't kill her this time. I promise” Wonshik said.
“I don't trust you” Hakyeon replied.
“Fair enough. If it makes you feel any better then I updated the Miya x Ara fic yesterday. It's all fluff” Wonshik told him.
“Yay *__* “ Hakyeon replied and went offline. Wonshik laughed and prayed that Hakyeon would forgive him for the fic to come.
Speaking of which, Wonshik had no idea how to start that. The Ceci shoots had given him an idea for a different au for Haneul altogether. But what to do about paparazzi au MinEul?
Maybe he should start with a different scene and then come back and write the starting. This time he would post his fic only after finishing the entire thing. No more making readers suffer because of his erratic update schedule.
The blank doc stared at him.
Wonshik stared at the blank doc.
He groaned and opened the chat window with Jaehwan.
“I have a writer’s block ;A; “
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guttersnipequeen · 7 years
The Easter Egg
@bananacreamphi and I wrote this one-shot as part of an au that has spiraled out of our control. It’s an au based off of the TV show Westworld, which is a cool sci-fi western, but what you would need to know for this fic it that every you know and love from Mob Psycho 100 is a cyborg, in a “park” set to resemble the world we’re familiar with from the anime, and unaware of it. Kota and Haru are two horrible original characters meant to reflect the average behavior of a guest to the park. 
Trigger warnings for panic attacks, and dehumanization and just feeling really bad. 
I can’t believe we’re doing this on Mob’s birthday.
Haru struggled to keep up with Kota. The older boy was shorter but had surprisingly long strides, while Haru tended to walk slower. It was also Haru’s first time in the park and he would have appreciated having some more time to stop and appreciate the recreation of early 21st century Japan.
Kota had been really insistent on visiting a middle school because of a secret glitch that could be unlocked or something. In truth, Haru had been more focused on the video of the superhero place that was playing on a huge screen in the main lobby. One guy had punched a monster and its guts had exploded all over the place. That was the kind of thing Haru had wanted to see when he first considered visiting the park.
Kota slowed down, distracting Haru from his train of thoughts. He nearly ran into Kota due to the sudden change of pace.
They were already at the front gates of a middle school.
Kota turned to him with a wide grin. “We’re here.”
A bell rang and the students flooded out into  the courtyard, freed from the confines of their school. Haru figured most would wander among the students and terrorize them in the open, but today Kota had one specific person in mind.
Haru followed where Kota was pointing, only to find that it was a boy dressed in the same uniform as all the other middle schoolers with a scowl on his face.
“That one?” He questioned. “With the spiky hair?”
“That’s him.”
Had Kota not pointed it out, Haru wouldn’t have been able to distinguish the student from the others in the courtyard. As it was, he was struggling to tell who human.
“Come on,” Kota demanded, already surging ahead. Haru sighed and followed him into the crowd.
Kota seemed to be trying to blend in with the rest of the students, and Haru followed his lead, until Kota turned to him with a wide grin. He nodded in the direction of the middle schooler they’d been stalking. They’d managed to get behind him.
Before Haru could ask him what they were supposed to do, Kota snuck up right behind the student and slung an arm around him like they were old friends.
Haru rushed to catch up to them.
“Ritsu, buddy, what’s up?” Kota asked, amiably. Ritsu tore himself away from Kota. He looked startled and angry, but there was a hint of fear in his eyes.
“What do you want?” He asked, sharply. His eyes flickered from Kota to Haru, and he backed up a step. Looking around, Haru noticed that the courtyard had mostly emptied.
“What, I can’t say ‘hello’ to an old friend? And I wanted to introduce you to Haru,” Kota said.
“Hey,” Haru nodded at him.
“I don’t know you,” Ritsu said, firmly. Then with a little bit more doubt, “I don’t know you.”
Kota turned to Haru, smirking. “You see this? It’s already starting. They really need to fix this guy up.”
Ritsu stared at them, shaking a little. Haru had to remind himself that he wasn’t actually a real person.
“Hey, how’s your brother doing?” Kota asked, casually.
Ritsu immediately became defensive. “What do you mean? What do you want with nii-san?”
“I was just asking, geez,” Kota said, checking to see that Haru was still paying attention. “How long has he been your brother anyway?”
“I don’t understand,” Ritsu replied, his voice trembling slightly.
“I think he means, like, how long have you been assigned the role of his brother?” Haru chimed in.
Ritsu stared at him. “How - long - nii-san? I - I - he -”
“Who is your brother, anyway?” Kota asked with a smirk. “You seem real protective of the guy, considering he doesn't exist.”
Ritsu’s face went from confused to horrified.
“What—I—nii-san...n-nii...” He doubled over like he had been stabbed. Tears formed in his eyes as he started convulsing. “He - he - I…”
Haru glanced over at Kota, who shook his head and clicked his tongue. “Honestly, Ritsu, you're such a drama queen,” he clamped a hand on the now-kneeling boy’s shoulder. “He's not real, is all. None of this is! It's not a big deal.”
Ritsu opened his mouth, but instead of speech, a few hisses and stammering clicks came out. He opened and closed it a few times, desperately trying to voice his silent agony. Tears streamed down his face.
“What are those noises?” Haru asked, intrigued but a little disgusted. They sounded almost speechlike, but the pattern was too off to resemble anything alive. There was something about his extremely human reaction contrasted with the odd mechanical sounds he was making that created a kind of dissonance. Of course he wasn't human.
“I don’t know, it almost sounds like this piece of junk old computer my Dad used to have,” Kota snorted.
Haru snickered despite himself. “Yeah, I can kinda hear it.”
It was kind of funny, but in a way that made him feel a tinge of discomfort. Ritsu had knelt down, wrapping his arms around his torso. He’d stopped whimpering, instead alternating between stutters and odd clicks. He trembled uncontrollably, keeping his gaze focused on the ground.
“They know they don’t need to breathe, right?” Haru asked.
“No, they’re not supposed to,” Kota said.  “Actually, if we push him further we can probably get him to stop. I’ve seen them forget they’re supposed to be human before and just stop breathing. It’s cool in a creepy kinda way.”
“Are we going to do that?” Haru asked, almost wishing he wasn't so curious about what would happen.
“I mean, if you want to,” Kota said, shrugging. “We did come this far. Might as well go the whole way.”
Ritsu looked up at them then, his hyperventilating having died down. He tried mouthing something, but no words came out. It seemed he had decided to plead to his tormentors for mercy. It was pathetic.
“Maybe we should just leave him... ” Haru mused, looking away. “This is getting kinda gross.”
“Whatever dude,” Kota shrugged. Turning to the frightened host, he patted him on the shoulder. “Nice seeing you again, eh Fritsu? Shame about the whole brother thing though.”
The boy on the ground flinched at the words. As the two turned around to leave, Haru could hear the clicking start up again.
“Maybe it's for the best,” he said more to himself than his friend. “They'll find him and fix him up to normal like this, and put him back with his brother...who is his brother, anyway?”
“Beats me,” Kota shrugged. “Rumor has it he doesn't even have a brother. I never bothered to check, though. You wanted to visit the superhero part of the park, right?” he pointed out. “You've humored me, we can go check it out now.”
“Actually…” Haru said, glancing around. “I might want to see what else is around this part of the park while we're here.”
Kota’s face split into a grin. “I knew it would grow on you!” He exclaimed. “Come on, there’s so much fun stuff about this place, we should check out this other middle school because there’s this kid - and his hair - you just - you have to see it for yourself.”
“Alright, let's check it out,” Haru conceded. He just hoped there weren’t anymore secret glitches Kota wanted to trigger. He needed a breather before trying that again.
On the pavement in front of Salt Middle School, Ritsu Kageyama stopped breathing and froze.
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datheetjoella · 7 years
if u r up for it Strength and AAAALLLLL those questions!!!! but if u don't want to do them all then 1 to 5!!;u; (i like.. almost always choose strength 'cause it makes me nostalgic fhsdgghj sorry about that!!)
Of course I’m up for all of the questions! ^^ Thank you for sending this! (And don’t apologise!! I’m very glad that you like Strength enough to ask me about it!)
1. What inspired you to write the fic this way?
I could summarise what sparked the idea of Strength in one sentence. However, I’m not going to tell you because it is a spoiler for a scene that has not been written yet and I’m really, really excited about that scene and therefore I don’t want to spoil it. So let’s just say I got a certain idea that sparked the concept of this fic.
2. What scene did you first put down?
The very first scene at the beginning of the fic: Makoto sleeping over at Haru’s house and Haru noticing that Makoto’s acting different from usual. I always write in chronological order so naturally that was the first scene that I wrote. However, the first scene that I imagined and crafted out in my head was the scene that I mentioned above.
3. What’s your favorite line of narration?
I am never able to answer this question. It’s simply impossible for me to pick one line that stands out, because most lines are pretty meaningless without the entire context and the other lines. Therefore, I decided to do something a little differently: I’m going to share one of my favourite lines in the wip of chapter 5. So, this chapter has not been published yet so it can still change, but it’s a tiny, tiny preview.
‘Although Makoto was usually more reserved in terms of physical contact as well, Haruka figured that he felt the same need, to have the closeness of someone he could build upon, someone to hold onto and be held by during the most difficult time of his life.’ 
4. What’s your favorite line of dialogue?
Same with the last question, I find it hard to pick a fav so I’ll show you a line of dialogue from chapter 5 as well. This is kind of a spoiler, but I’m confident that not many people will read this, anyway, so it’ll be a little inside spoiler for a few. 
‘“You really love Onii-chan, don’t you?”’
5. What part was the hardest to write?
Honestly, it’s not a specific scene but more the factor of tying plot-points together, if that makes sense. When I’m in the middle of a scene I know what’s going to happen and how it’s going to continue, but I always have difficulty ending one scene and starting another in a way that flows together nicely and doesn’t feel like it’s odd. I hope I succeed in it, haha.
6. What makes this fic special or different from all your other fics?
I’m not sure, to be honest. To me, for some reason, Strength just has a very special place in my heart. It’s weird to say this about my own fic and I’m not trying to toot my own horn or anything, but I think that Strength may be my “best” fic in terms of story and development. I’m sure not everyone agrees with this or likes it, but I suppose I’m kind of proud of it. I work really hard on it, even if you wouldn’t say that because I only update like twice a year. I just hope that other people like it, too. At least enough to stick around till the end, which I’m definitely going to write.
7. Where did the title come from?
I have no idea. Usually I find coming up with titles to be one of the hardest things to do, but for some reason, in this case I just knew from the start that it was supposed to be titled “Strength”. Because to me, Strength captures everything this fic is about. In order to battle with cancer, you have to be strong, physically but especially mentally. And when someone you love gets cancer, you want to be there for them and support them throughout everything. You want to be their strength - which is what Haru wants to be for Makoto. To me, “Strength” symbolises Haru’s unconditional love and support throughout these bitter times for Makoto. But I suppose it’s open to interpretation.
8. Did any real people or events inspire any part of it?
Yes and no. I wouldn’t necessarily say that anyone or anything inspired the fic itself, but I’d rather say that I, as the author, was inspired by some people. Not any people I know, but I’ve done my research and watched documentary-esque tv shows about children with cancer and I suppose it sort of affected my view on the entirety of cancer. And with that, I can write this fic from my heart. So, indirectly I suppose.
9. Were there any alternate versions of this fic?
Yes! I already told you but in case anyone else is reading this, I’ll say it again:
In the very first idea for Strength, everyone had cancer. Everyone. Haru gets diagnosed with cancer as a kid and is admitted to a hospital where he meets Makoto, who also has cancer. One by one other kids come in (Nagisa, Rin, eventually Rei and Ai) and the story would be about their lives at the hospital. In this version, at least one person died and that would be Nagisa - no spoilers on any other characters because that might spoil the real concept.
So I suppose you can all be glad that Strength developed into what it is now.
10. Why did you chose this pairing for this particular story?
It’s MakoHaru. Everything is MakoHaru.
11.What do you like best about this fic?
Pfft I don’t know. I suppose the emotional rollercoaster that the readers are subjected to. And the unsure ending, that is also fun.
12. What do you like least about this fic?
This fic is taking me a lot of time and therefore, my writing style changes throughout the fic. I’m not really much of a fan of chapter 1 anymore, for example. If I were to re-write it right now, it would probably be a little different not in terms of plot but in terms of style, I suppose. I don’t have time for that anyway so it’s just going to stay as it is.
13. What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
I listen to all kinds of music, really. But for this fic specifically, I listen a lot to ‘Save Our Last Goodbye’ by Disturbed. This song is about the loss of a friend but that does not necessarily mean that the story will go one way or another. It just really puts me in that sad, sad mood. For the more “happy” moments, I listen to ‘I’ll Be There’ by Hollywood Undead, and although this song is also about the loss of a friend which again, doesn’t have to mean anything, it has a more upbeat melody and that perfectly symbolises the tone of this fic for me; even in the happy moments, the sadness and agony is always hidden underneath. Next to that I’m a fan of Yiruma’s piano music, which is absolutely gorgeous and is great for writing anything in general.
14. Is there anything you want the readers to learn from this fic?
Not really; the main purpose of this fic is to entertain, not to inform. Although I want to give representation for both cancer patients and their loved ones in this fic, I’m not exactly the most valid source of information. Of course, I do my very best to make things as accurate as possible, but I wouldn’t blindly believe what I state because I’m just a writer-person and not an oncologist.
15. What did you learn from this fic?
I learned a bunch of stuff about cancer, acute lymphocytic leukemia to be exact. But I also learned that writing angst is so much fun and I love leaving the readers in the dark.
Thank you so much for asking me all these things!
Ask me about one of my fics
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