#i shudder at how many episodes i have to catch up on.
chaoticwhoknows · 8 months
the worst part about wanting to write is wanting to write but not having anything to write about. like i want to write something for whumptober SO BAD but i cannot bring myself to put any tl characters in any more situations they need to actively be put in LESS situations but i also don’t have any other interest to write about. like how am i supposed to write about season 2 of burn notice or NEW GIRL. i am not whumping NEW GIRL like they are not whumpable To Me so im just sitting here kicking around my little thought soccer balls with no goal to shoot them into
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slutforsilverfoxes · 11 months
Sunrise, Sunset
[A/N: I wrote this in a rush bc there’s some stuff going on in my personal life and I just watched episode 9x10 and I needed a good cry 🥺]
*Warning you rn, sad Stevie ahead
“Christ,” you grumble under your breath, slipping in a puddle and nearly falling flat out on the back porch. You try to adjust the grocery bags in your hands to see where you’re stepping, juggling your house keys between two fingers as you mutter on, “How many times have I told that man to wipe down the deck after a swim? Gonna break my damn face one-”
Your griping comes to a dead halt and the bags fall onto the deck with a series of heavy thuds. It’s not water you slipped on.
“St-Steve?” you stammer out, choking on his name. As you follow the trail into your home, now resembling more of a macabre art exhibit than a kitchen, your voice grows stronger and you yell, “Steve! Steven!” Red streaks and fingerprints are smeared across every visible surface, and the sheer volume of blood on the floor sends your heart leaping into your throat.
You can hear heavy footfalls rounding the corner, and you brace yourself to meet your demise at the hands of the same man who attacked your husband minutes ago. Then panicked blue eyes appear at the doorway, and tears pool in your own as you rush into the familiar security of Steve’s arms.
“You’re okay,” you exhale sharply, hands roaming every inch of skin that you can find. Your fingers graze over several bandages along his arms and chest, across his split lip, down the bridge of his nose, and you repeat again, “You’re okay.”
“Most of that blood’s not mine,” he assures you, tenderly brushing his thumb over your cheek and giving you a moment to catch your breath.
“Is this- Is someone after your team?” you ask, taking note of his harried appearance and red-rimmed eyes as he leads you to sit on the living room couch.
He sniffs sharply and averts his gaze before answering, “Not Five-0. My team from the Morocco op.”
You take his hand and bring it to your lap, squeezing it tightly and running your thumb over his knuckles. “How many, Steve?”
He swallows thickly. “Three.”
“And…” You steel yourself for your follow up question. “And Joe?”
Giving your hand a squeeze in return, he says, “Joe’s okay.”
You take and release a deep breath, then lift his hand to your mouth and press a kiss to the back of it. “Do what you need to do,” you say softly. “Just come home to me in one piece when it’s done.”
“Angel, this might not-”
“Consider that an order, Steve,” you cut him off, lifting your resolute gaze to meet his. “You will come home to me.”
“Okay, mama,” he whispers. “Okay.”
The telltale sound of a key slipping into the lock has you jolting awake in the dark living room. Sitting up on the couch, you rub the sleep from your eyes and glance at the clock to find it’s nearly three in the morning. Steve steps inside and locks the door behind him before dropping his bag to the floor. Even in the dim lighting, you can see the weight of the world bearing down on his shoulders, and you call out to him softly.
He takes lumbering steps towards you, then sinks to his knees and rests his head on your thigh, his arms coming up to encircle your waist. “I came home to you,” he says, haunted, his voice muffled by your cotton shorts.
“Thank you, baby,” you whisper, carding your hands through his hair as he tightens his grip on you, his anchor.
“I came home,” he intones again. Your heart aches at how small he sounds, and you understand in that moment what he’s really saying to you: I’m the only one who came home. Pressing your lips to his forehead, you murmur, “You can let go now, honey. Let it go.”
His large body quakes beneath your fingertips, heaving with silent sobs as a lifetime of loss and sacrifice takes its toll. Drawing in shuddering breaths, he clings to you like you’re the oxygen he’s seeking while you rock him side to side and run your hand along his back.
The sun will come up in a few hours, and with it, a new day. But for tonight, all your husband can focus on is coming home to you and the most beautiful sunset he’s ever seen.
[A/N… again: Writing that last line broke me 😔 If you’ve seen this episode I hope you get the reference; seeing my baby sad breaks my heart and I was ugly crying by that point ngl]
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fandomtherapy44 · 7 months
Tommy x reader
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I'm trying something new hope you enjoy!
Episode 1
POV (Y/n)
The smoke you could never really escape it. It would follow wherever you went and smack you in the face as soon you went outside. It being so thick from the factories and all the cigarettes that people would light twenty-four seven. The mud was slick and if you walked too fast you would find yourself face down in it. As a woman if you wanted a job there weren't a lot of options then being a nanny to the rich considered though not many people were rich here or to be a lady of the night and have to be humiliated just to make enough money to barely support yourself. Those are just some features of small heath that make living here Hell sometimes.
Luckily, I was one of the few women that got a job where that I could actually feel okay with it. That being a barmaid at the only good pub in my opinion in Small heath The Garrison. Harry being friends with my dad really helped me to get this job it’s not that Harry thought I couldn't handle Bar maiding it’s just he didn't want me to have to deal with all the fucking bastards that liked to get handsy when drunk and there were a lot of those here. But I was able to handle them just fine after I showed them my knife if they wanted to try again.
And then there are the Shelby’s the fucking Shelby’s or the Peaky Blinders. Our Local gang but they weren’t the typical gang. I mean they would beat a man an inch within his life, but they had a reason. And I use to be friends with all of them. I am still friendly with Polly and Ada. We sometimes get a drink to catch up. But Tommy Shelby I would have taken a bullet for, but it turns out he was holding the gun.
“Hello Harry, how was the morning?” I placed down my things and looked at the man. “Uh you know our typical local drunks, but I did get a surprise this morning.” “Ohh please tell me it wasn't old man withers wanting to show his family jewels again.” I shuddered. “No no thankfully it was pleasant. It was a woman wanting a job around your age I think.” I was a little surprised. “Really and you gave it to her?” “Yeah, she seemed desperate so I was wondering if you could show her the ropes while I get some rest?” “Yes of course.” “Great thank you Y/n. She will be here shortly.”
I'm wiping down the counter when a blond slime pretty women walked in. “Hello, I'm looking for a Y/n Brown.” She had one of the most charming Irish sounding accents I had ever heard. “That would be me.” I put down my torn-up rag and held out my hand for her to shake it. “My name's grace.” “Well Grace welcome to small heath and in par the Garrison let me show you around.” 
“Well, that includes the tour any questions?” “Ahh just one who are the peaky blinders?” “I'm surprised you already known of them.” I leaned against the bar in intrigue. “I've heard whispers around and I just want to know who I'm serving here you know.” I breathed in deeply thinking about the family in question. “The Peaky Blinders are a group who don’t conduct not the typical business if you know what I mean.” “So, a gang.” “Yes, but you don’t have to be sacred they don’t hurt someone unless they have too, I mean they're a bunch of ares's but they are just people at the end of the day.” She was now intrigue with how I spoke. “You speak of if you know them.” “I do. Now.” I brought out some glasses and a bottle of amber filled liquid. “Whiskey.” “You're going to need it if you're going to work here.” I downed my glass like it was water and I just finished a race.
I let grace go home early sense there weren't that many people left. It was closing time, and a knock was heard on the doors. “Hello Ada.” I opened the door and there stood one of my last Shelby friends. “There any whiskey left from the night.” She quickly passed me to the bar seats. “I saved one just for you.” I poured a double. “So, I'm guessing from the state of you it was an amazing time with your mystery man.” That’s what I liked about being a barmaid not that I would ever share gossip but as soon as a person had more than one, they would open like a book and get so drunk that they would forget that you were the most trusted person for them for a couple of hours.
“It was, it always is.” She looked down in her glass wishing to dive in. “You know Ada who ever this man is he must be pretty special.” “He is.” “Well then why look so sad?” I wanted to know what was making my friend feel like this. “I can't tell anyone that were together not even you.” “Why?” “Because it’s dangerous.” “Well, if that's the reason then I'm okay not knowing just don't let it be a secret to long, okay?” I smiled and clanged our glasses together in friendship and secrets.
I came in early the next day I didn’t need to, but it was Saturday and there was football I didn’t want Grace deal with all that on her first day. “Hello Grace, Harry.” I put my apron on. “Y/n I thought you didn't work till later.” “Well Grace you are going to need all the help you can get today.” About an hour later the Garrison was filled to the brim with men who wanted a little luck for their bets they did. “Told ya.” I yelled out over the rowdy voices that clambering to get attention. But over all that I still hear the tapping from the window that was part of the Shelby’s private room. Grace went to answer it, but I stopped her.
“Wait grace why don’t I do that now so it’s easier for you in the future.” She nods timely in agreement. Harry looked nervous as well. I whipped the windows open without even thinking who it could be, and I was faced with the man who broke my heart. We both started for a moment before Tommy remembered his words. “I need a bottle of Rum.” He places coins on the bar even though he didn't need to. “Of course, Mr. Shelby which kind.” I was trying so hard to keep it professional.
“I don’t care.” Of course, he didn’t as long he could stupidly get drunk with his brothers. I grabbed our cheapest bottle of rum and gave it to him and then he turned to Grace. “Are you a whore?” If I had water, I would do a spit take. She didn’t know how to answer that. “Because if you’re not, you’re in the wrong place.” He took his bottle and left. She turned to me. “He’s one of the ones you told me about.” I only nodded. “Grace, you’re a friendly girl but be careful. If I say ‘on the house’ say nothing to whoever you’re serving. If they decide they want, you there’s nothing anybody could do about it.” Harry swigged a beer after that and went to attend to others. “Grace Tommy’s not like that he’s just not.” I felt some tears welling up, but I would not let them come out because I refused to cry over that man ever again.
When I got home later all I wanted to do was crawl into bed but of course I couldn't. “Mom mom wake up.” I gently nudged her. “Mhhh Oliver I don’t want to.” Oliver my father’s name. “Come on mom let’s get to bed.” I helped her up from the table and led her upstairs. I set her up and went to my own bed where a photo of my Father hung. “Hi dad I hope I made you proud today.” I finger kissed the picture and layed down while my interaction with Tommy played on a loop.
The next day at work was a little better. Grace was singing for all of the drunk lovesick men which I did not know we were doing now. One of the men who I had known for a while suggested that I join her. “Oh, I don’t know.” I really only sang for someone I don't talk to anymore. “Come on, I remember you singing like an angel in church.” Other men decided to chime in. “Yeah!” “Come on Y/n.” “OK ok.” “I got up on the table and I felt as if there were a million eyes on me. “Alright Y/n you know the song well enough?” I shook my head.
“Let's go from three One... two… Three The boy I love is up in the gallery....” I sang out and closed my eyes and I remembered all the times I would sing for the Shelby’s on our weekly family nights but especially Tommy. I was so lost in the moment that I didn’t notice that the men and Grace had stopped singing with me. “As pretty as a robin. As gentle as a dove.” “We haven’t had singing in here since the war.” Harry said with a little fear that I was confused so I opened my eyes, and it was two of the Shelby brothers there, John and more importantly Tommy. Tommy did not look happy as he stared at me. “Why do you think that is?” He storms into the private room with his brother and slams the door.
====================== The night was cold like the kind of cold that almost had a kind of charm to grab a warm drink with a friend or to cuddle next to a fire. I had gone outside to get some fresh air when I saw Tommy walking again, we had made eye contact this was most interaction I've had with him in a while. I heard about Danny one of Tommy’s best friends I wanted to run to him to be there for him, but I just couldn't. I didn't know if I ever could again. 
So, this show is way different then a CW show so it's going to be interesting to say a least. But I'm excited to try a new show then in the CW universe Hope you enjoy see you in the next one. Also, if you like supernatural I have a Castiel x reader and the originals Klaus x reader.
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hugheses · 4 months
3-23-17: 15 year old Jack Hughes is interviewed by Sherry Bassin and Jesse Pollock, starting at 48 minutes
Transcript below cut (includes an earlier snippet with Mike Traikos)
JP: Mike, there's another young player in Toronto that you've had the opportunity to study, and he goes by the name of Jack Hughes. I was wondering if you could give some input on him as a player and what to expect from him in the future. 
SB: Michael wrote an article on him. 
MT: Yeah, it's funny. We're talking about young guys, and here's the next wave of the future. Jack Hughes is still two..? years away from getting drafted in the NHL. I think he's 20, I want to say, I think he's 2019 or 2020 draft eligible. So we're talking about real young. But it's funny, when I was coming up with who might be the next Team North America four years later, I had Jack Hughes on the list, and that's how special of a talent this kid is. He's small. He's basically a Johnny Gaudreau or Mitch Marner. But, man, oh, man, he has skill. Skates very much like Connor does, really nifty kind of like Mitch and Johnny in terms of doesn't get hit a whole lot and just puts up just gobs and gobs of points so, he's a name that I think a lot of people are going to be familiar with and you know what, I think what we're seeing now with Connor I remember talking with Jack about this, was his style of play is really kind of catching on at the younger levels like, you watch Connor and nothing is in half speed it seems like he's got the puck and he's just trying to go go go and it's very rare that you see a player who's able to stick handle and carry the puck with the kind of speed and the amount of pace that Connor plays with. And yet all the young guys are now playing that way. So it's having a real trickle-down effect. And I think if you think the league is fast now, just wait until these young guys come into the league, like we mentioned Jack Hughes. And there's so many others that are kind of watching Connor McDavid play, and they're saying, okay, basically that's the kind of style I want to play. I want to have the puck, and I want to play with pace, and I want to just keep pushing it, pushing it, pushing it. And I kind of shudder to think what the league is going to look like in five years when all these speed-throughs are in the game, and they're just whipping around the ice a million miles an hour. 
SB: Oh, like if you can't skate in a few years from now, you're going to get windburn. You're going to need Nuxema to put on your neck because they go by you. But the real thing about Jack Hughes is, just like we said about Matthews being a special person, like a top character guy, just like we said about Sheifele and McDavid, like, exudes character. It comes out his fingernails. This guy's a high-character kid. I know the environment. I knew his mother before his father met her and stuff and know what they're all about. But I've often said all the time, you know what I mean? When you put character and ability together, you get a superstar like Matthews and McDavid and these guys. 
JP: Sid. 
SB: And that's in the- Sid. 
MT: And just for a little background for anyone who doesn't know, Jack Hughes, obviously his father, was a longtime player development coach at the Leafs. And say what you will about how he developed players, but this guy definitely knows the approach to take with his sons and his eldest son, Quinn, is in the National Development Program. I believe he's committed to Michigan University. 
SB: Yeah, and he's a heck of a player, like a phenomenal player. 
MT: Should be a top 10 pick, no question, in 2018. So, yeah, get used to seeing there, hearing about the Hughes kids. 
SB: And the younger brother. The younger brother, Luke, is, oh, yeah. These guys, he can go around you, the younger brother, Luke, but he'll go over top you, too. And first of all, their mother was a phenomenal athlete, okay, and high-character people. And so the brother that's with the national development program, he's the best defenseman on that team by far and I think, I think he's he's a candidate to be the best player on that team so you know these guys have come up in an environment like you said I tried to hire his dad as a coach one time and uh, because he is a very good teacher and stuff like that so as you pointed out that uh it's going to be coming in the future. This isn't the end of the great players. 
MT: There's an interesting thing about the brother too, Sherry, I'm sorry to cut you off, but Quinn is not a tall fellow by any stretch of the imagination. He might be the Johnny Gaudreau of defensemen where we see Quinn kind of break through in the NHL as a small, skilled defenseman. And I don't think we've really seen that yet. We've seen maybe a couple players here and there, like maybe Ryan Ellis, guys of that nature, but not to the skill level that Quinn Hughes has. So it will be interesting to see where he gets chosen in the NHL and what his path looks like because he could actually end up becoming maybe the first really high-end skilled, really small defenseman. And if he's able to have success in the NHL, I think that opens a lot of doors for a lot of smaller skilled players that maybe are afraid to play defense because it's always thought of as you have to have a bit of size to play the position. 
SB: Well, when I see Ellis playing, who I have a lot of respect for, I remember when he played for the Windsor Spitfires, Quinn Hughes is highly, highly skilled, very unselfish, great vision, just like we're talking about Jack. Okay. So, I mean, it's in the family. It's in the DNA and good upbringing. So we shouldn't be worried about these 10 young guns you're talking about because pretty soon you'll be writing about the next 10 young guns. 
JP: …Hearing him talk about the Hughes kids just excited me. I don't know about you but it just really made me think, how do you develop talent like this? How do you have three kids who could go on to become potential top 10 NHL draft picks? It's incredible. And our next guest, Sherry, Jack Hughes, is going to be able to tell us a bit about that. 
SB: Great young kid too. Great young kid. 
JP: Alright, we are now pleased to welcome Jack Hughes to the show. Jack, thanks for coming in. 
SB: Jack. 
JH: Hey, Sherry. 
SB: How are you doing, Jack? First of all, I wanted to tell you that we're really excited. Thank you for coming on here. I love interviewing highly talented young people that have high character, and I've known you since you were knee high to a grasshopper. 
JH: Haha.
SB: So I'm excited because I really believe in my heart, I'm not trying to be patronizing. You're the best player available in this whole province or whatever available for the OHL draft. I don't want to demean whoever got player of the year. He must be a heck of a player because I know how good you are, and I know what kind of person you are. So I want to thank you for coming on. 
JH: Yeah, thanks for having me. 
SB: No, no kidding here. So now listen, I'm going to tell something and then I've got to hear from you. Because good players and scoring. Stevie Sullivan came to, played 18 years in the NHL. I've got to tell you this quick story. And he was a free agent, and he wasn't very big. He could skate like you can skate, and he played 18 years. And we had four scrimmages in training camp, and he got 19 points in our training camp at Sault Ste. Marie. So right away, I said to my assistant manager, get him up there and we give him a full scholarship for education and stuff like that. And he was sitting between his parents and I said to him, how many points do you have in these scrimmages? He says, I don't know. I said, you're a liar. Called him a liar right to his face. And he looked at me and the parents had never met me He said I've never known a guy that got a lot of points That didn't know how many points I said how many points you got. He said around 18. I said you're damn right you got 19. Now how many points you got this year?
JH: I think I had around 170.
SB: 170. In how many games?
JH: 75, 80…
SB: 75, 80. How's your math, Minion? How is your math here? 
JP: My math isn't good, but I know that that's pretty impressive. 
SB: That's more than impressive. Now tell me something. First of all, I know your family really well. I know the upbringing. I know what it's all about. And, you know, I think your brother, Quinn, who I know very well too, and I think he's the best, for sure, the best defenseman on the U.S. team, if not the best player. I know your brother, Luke, who I think is going to be one of the best. He might even be better than you two guys when it comes to it. Now tell me about all this. When you're as talented as you are, the high character that you have, the environment that you were brought up in, tell me about this when everybody's saying you're going to be the first pick and you're the best player. How do you deal with it day to day and people talking to you? 
JH: I mean, really, I'm just trying to enjoy it. I mean, it only happens once, right? I only go through the OHL draft once. I'm just trying to enjoy it with my friends, my family. Just taking it lightly, I’m never- I’m not the cock- I'm not being cocky or anything, like shooting my mouth off. Really just like, just trying to have fun with it I guess. And not taking any pressure.
SB: Well good for you. First of all you're never going to be cocky with it. You're humble, and you've stayed at my house and everything, and I know what you are. And I think one of the biggest reasons you're a star and going to be a superstar is because of your character and because of your upbringing. So I'm not surprised, but you've got to be thinking about it, and good that you're having fun because that's what life's about. I used to tell my players all the time, winning is fun. Let's go have some fun. 
JP: Jack, your dad, Jim, was the director of player development for the Toronto Maple Leafs. And I just want to hear from you what role that helped in developing you and your brothers as hockey players and the type of training and the programs that he puts you in as kids because it's quite incredible to see. We mentioned earlier on the show that three brothers could all potentially be top 10 NHL picks one day. It's incredible to think about, and it's no coincidence. 
JH: Yeah, for sure. I mean, like, the mental things he would tell us tell us like, the things he would be telling the 19, 20 year old Maple Leafs prospects he'd be telling the same things to us when we were 10, 11, 12, 13, like just he made us think like a pro I guess and just the way we train we did so methodically like everything we did, hard work. He and my mother taught me so much. Everything I know is from them. The things they did with us, shooting in the basement, taking us to outdoor hockey. They've done so much for us, both mentally and physically. They've made us better people and better players. 
SB: Well, first of all, your mother was a heck of an athlete. Let's not forget that. And I knew your grandparents very well, and your grandmother is still alive, and your grandfather died prematurely from cancer, which just makes me, it hurts just when I talk about it. But I can tell you this, that that kind of an an environment- I tried to hire your dad as a coach one time
JH: Haha
SB: He told me to suck eggs there and so forth and so forth but anyway he did, so I know the family and stuff and tell us about this, when you're so committed like you are, because I always believe motivation is how bad you believe in something times how bad you want to attain it. I know how bad you believe in it. I know how you live it. I know how bad you want to attain it. So what is your typical week during hockey season? How often are you on the ice? 
JH: Yeah, for sure. I mean, I think we practice with practice with the Marlies, we practice three times a week, um some weeks we played once a week some weeks we played four times a week and then like as much as I can I try to get in the gym try to get stronger maybe once or twice a week and maybe do a little bit of extra skills with like groups called like, prep um pro edge power [he means Power Edge Pro] like I think that's McDavid's group. I mean we practice four times a week then spend two games so we're probably on the ice six out of seven days a week and then O mean just the fun aspects of it like when it comes to winter time, I mean me and my friends are always going to the outdoor rink and just playing four hours of shinny whenever we can. I mean, we just, I think we just live it. I mean, I love it. It's not work to me. It's all fun, right? So, I mean, I can never get enough of it. 
SB: Yeah, I mean, the thing about it is you love it by conduct, going to outdoor rinks. I mean, I grew up on outdoor rinks, and I'm a little bit – I'm a couple years older than you. But the thing is this, is that that's just an example, and you couldn't get enough of it. Like you say, you'd be there four hours, and if the ice was still there, you'd have stayed longer. 
JH: Mhm.
SB; That's your feeling for it, and that's why you're this good, and I'm excited to be able to tell people about it.
JP:  Jack you mentioned earlier that your parents really helped you develop into a good hockey player but also a good person and that's something that Sherry emphasizes just as much as anything really the importance of that and uh I think that's really great that you mentioned that. I want to ask you something in regards to the OHL. I know that you applied for exceptional status and ultimately it was denied. So I was wondering if you can talk about that experience and how maybe that will help you going forward or if it sparked anything in you.
JH: Yeah, for sure. I mean, that was such a great experience going through that process like all the interviews meeting people I did. I mean, it just made me mature so much faster I think, and I mean it was just great for me to grow up that fast I think, I know like, it wasn't really publicized or anything like that, but behind the scenes it was really good for me. Um, I think it was a blessing that I didn't get it because I mean it helped me like, it allowed myself to stay at home another year and have one more year of minor midget where I could really excel. So I think, I think that process was really good for me, like meeting the people I did, and just hearing things about the league. And I learned a lot of new things about myself as well, I think. 
SB: Well, Jack, there's no question. I mean, you've seen it. I've known it for years. I mean, what people, when they watch you, never mind your just ability, never mind his skill, Minion. He's a phenomenal team player, phenomenal team player, got great vision. If if you're open you're going to get the puck and and it's sometimes it's frustrating because when you're that- got that much ability that he does, he never shows any negativity on the ice you know, which I really respect in this guy and sometimes when you're that skilled and you give the puck and you're not getting it back, you know what I mean? He never showed any negative emotion. And so this guy's destined for big things, like big, big things. And listen, I can't thank you enough. I mean, you just, you know, just by listening to you, we know the character. We know the environment you're a product of. You know that I love your parents and love your family. But besides that, it's because of the people you are, never mind the fact that you happen to be a good hockey player. So all I know is that big things are destined for you, and I really want to thank you a lot for coming on. 
JH: Yeah, thank you, Sherry. 
SB: Good to talk to you. Keep punching. 
JP: Thanks, Jack. Good luck. 
JH: Thank you, yeah. 
JP: What a mature, young individual, Sherry. 
SB: It's hard to believe that he's only 15 going on 16, isn't it? I have said over and over with you and all the time we've got to visit since you were a little guy, okay, all the time, that the average 16 year old to 19 year old that plays in the OHL or plays in the- is a way more mature than the average 16 year old that you run to in the street because of all the decisions all the things that he had to do I mean think about what he talked about his commitment: four hours on an outdoor rink playing with his buddies. And it wasn't work. It was fun. Going to the gym regularly. Think about being the right kind of person in the environment that he's a product of. His mom and dad, I mean, who I know very, very well. You know, with the direction. And it's frustrating when you're that talented, when you're playing with players that they know they're trying their best, but when you're above their ability, so to speak, and that's not meant with disrespect to the players because they're not all born equal as hockey players, don't all have the same commitment, and you're playing with them and you don't get the puck back or you do certain things and not let it bother you because inside it's got to bother you because you think if I just got this i'm watching a game one time where he goes in tick-tack-toe how's your mama on the defenseman goes right by the guy makes a phenomenal shot scores a goal called back as a guy three zones away got a penalty and so all those 170 some points he talked about weren't one of the points and so, but he never showed that frustration, never showed frustration. Because he didn't get player of the year, whatever it is. And I'm sure this kid is a heck of a player. I'm not trying to demean anyone. But inside, when you got that competitive spirit, and especially- the guy that got it, he's a super superstar then. Because this guy's a superstar. And it was even hard for me to accept because I knew him so well but I don't want to demean the other guy I didn't see him enough and-
JP: And it's a humbling experience, one day he's going to look back at it and maybe he'll say this was the best thing that happened to me as a teenager.
SB: Yeah what you just said when you asked that question about exceptional player. 
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your grotesque, shrouded body that you loathe and I love
Read on Ao3
Rating: Explicit
Archive Warnings: no archive warnings apply
Fandoms: Critical Role (Web Series)
Relationships: Laudna/Imogen Temult
Characters: Laudna (Critical Role) Imogen Temult
Other Tags: Fluff, Angst, Smut, Fluff and Angst, Fluff and Smut, Angst and Smut, post e67, Inappropriate Use of Form of Dread Feature (Dungeons & Dragons) , inappropriate use of telepathy, the sexual implications of telepathy, First Time, Introspection, they have so much to talk about you guys, character study i guess?, for both of them?, it's Imogen's POV but it's really ABOUT Laudna, i haven't written the ACTUAL smut yet so i'll add specific tags with the next chapter, i can fit so many intimacy hangups into these idiots
1/2, 6,426 words
Part 3 of won't you sing me something for the dark, dark, dark
“Is this what it felt like?” Laudna finally asked, her voice quiet, cracked.
Imogen’s brow furrowed, her head tilting slightly as she tried to catch Laudna’s eye.
“Like what felt like, honey?” she asked, reaching up to tuck a strand of white hair behind Laudna’s docked ear. Her hand lingered on Laudna’s cheek, thumb caressing the sharp line of Laudna’s cheekbone, and Laudna leaned into the touch, her own hand coming up to cradle Imogen’s.
Laudna took a shuddering breath, finally meeting Imogen’s eyes.
“Is this what it felt like when I died?”
Having just returned from the Gray Valley, Laudna has a moment to think about her and Imogen's blooming relationship, feelings and desires waking up for the first time, and the terror of watching Imogen nearly die in the jaws of a demon.
Title from Sea Wolf's The Traitor
Y'all, this fic has been going for m o n t h s.
I started this shortly after episode 67, and it's just been a crawl, coming out in fits and starts on my phone in the middle of the night. Sage has been begging me to just make them shut up and fuck already before they talk themselves out of it.
They'll get there. They're gonna fuck, don't worry. They have a lot to talk about.
This came about because I wanted to explore what watching Imogen almost die more than once in one battle would do to Laudna, especially since they'd JUST reunited, and they'd JUST kissed for the first time, and how that would interplay with Laudna processing her own second death and it's ramifications and her awakening desires for Imogen both romantically and sexually, and how they would try to reconnect and sooth each other in a moment alone, and how fear and protectiveness could bubble over into the physical. This may be from Imogen's point of view, but it's really about Laudna, and there's something about the way you can get into Laudna's head through Imogen's observation that really gets me.
I really am incapable of writing simple smut.
I decided to chop it into two chapters (which I'm pretty sure was Sage's suggestion) because I'm hitting a wall with the actual smut and maybe posting the first part will give me some motivation.
Anyways, y'all are lovely and I promise I read all of your comments even if it takes me a million years to respond to them. Happy reading, and I hope y'all enjoy!
Find the series playlist here
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kmilipede · 1 year
~ the devil judge fics that rewired my dna ~
so uhm here’s my small silly little list of some tdj fic that has altered my soul because let me tell you. when a tdj fic hits it HITS. so maybe there’ll be a fic here that you haven’t read that you’ll enjoy here
these are all gahan because yes and also all completed because i’ve been hurt too many times before. also i love all of these fics very dearly so they’re not in any order
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➤ it’s here i’ll be with you by mcreary
➣ Mature, ~27k words, Post-canon, Angst with a happy ending
➣ Gaon keeps attempting to fix things, but somehow, one part always seems to be missing.
➣ for me, this is THE post-canon gahan fic. what stands out for me is while gaon may be awfully lovesick, he doesn’t completely isolate himself - still maintains and forms friendships with people. watching the development of this and the way he heals is EXQUISITE and it’s written EXQUISITELY. the yearning has a wonderful payoff too. it’s just really fucking amazing guys plz read it
➤ Gravitational Pull by Amethystina
➣ Teen, ~22k words, Ep 13 canon divergence
➣ As grateful as Ga On is that Soo Hyun rescued him from Bamboo Spear's violent mob, he can tell she's lying when she claims to have heard about it on the police radio. That explanation just doesn't add up. So Ga On pressures her to tell the truth and, to his surprise, she reveals that Kang Yo Han was the one who sent her.
That one simple admission sets off a series of events that Ga On could never have predicted — events that bring out feelings he's done his best to ignore.
And desires he realizes he might not be strong enough to resist.
➣ i like how this fic doesn’t ignore how strongly gaon obviously feels for soohyun - i mean she’s been the only person for him to rely on for years. yet despite that, gaon works through what he actually wants and feels and chooses yohan. i cannot get over how well gaon’s inner thoughts are written. in fact, i can not get over how well the characters are written, full stop.
➤ Once you say it out loud, it can’t be undone by Ivrigasked
➣ Mature, ~9k words, 5+1, Domestic
➣ Alternative title: Five times Gaon catches Yohan off guard, and the one time he sees it coming.
➣ sometime domestic-style fics can be overly sickly but this is not one!! love the follow of gahan’s relationship and it’s written so well and smoothly. the yohan pov is nice too :)
➤ Destroy Me More by saturate
➣ Explicit, 6.5k words, Ep 12 canon divergence, Sexual Content
➣ “What kind of monster am I becoming?” Gaon asks, then, and wishes he could regret it, this becoming. He knows that Yohan is a monster, in some ways. Knows that only another monster could stand on his level, be his equal, and Gaon yearns to stand beside Yohan with an intensity that hollows him out.
Yohan’s hand on his shoulder, his neck, his cheek. Gaon shudders. Wants more. Wants everything. “It may be hard,” Yohan says, and his ears are flushed red, like something in this is getting to him, too, “but it can’t be helped.”
➣ i love episode rewrites! really wish this is what happened in episode 12 ngl. absolute nailed the characters and their mannerisms and their incredibly hot dynamic. there’s some lines in this that making me go fucking feral - an absolute masterpiece when it comes to that and the writing overall is just great. i come back to this a lot just to scream
➤ Bedroom Hymns [series] by godotismissing
➣ Explicit, ~31k words, Sexual content, ….various kinks
➣ Kinky Gahan fics
➣ i mean it’s porn. but if you want some excellent tasteful well written porn for gahan these are all the PERFECT fics. some of these have pretty different …… premises but they’re all EXTREMELY hot and will unleash all the pent up tension you have after watching the amount of sexual tension they have in the show jesus christ
➤ underneath the waterfall by vi (imvi)
➣ Mature, ~21k words, Post-canon, Hurt/Comfort, Angst with a happy ending
➣ They’ve always been different kinds of wounded animals.
➣ for me, this is THE other post-canon gahan fic. it hurts sososo much then carefully puts you back together. like gaon is very sad but yohan comes back to mend him and it’s just so. everything
➤ path of the fossils by noctevicos
➣ General Audiences, ~1.5k, Fluff, Intimacy
➣ “You can touch me, you know. You won’t hurt me.”
“I’m trying not to,” Yohan says, and then his eyes widen and he freezes, as if he hadn’t meant to say it out loud.
Too late, thinks Gaon. I see you.
➣ i come back to this one a lot because there’s something so tender and delicate about it that i love. it paints such a beautiful picture. it’s written so wonderfully and it’s so just ugh everything i really just melt when i think about it
i may add to this in the future but for now. go show these fics some love 🔫
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snowbellewells · 1 year
Self-Promo Sunday: “Quite Cozy”
This one is just a little one shot I wrote ages ago, just after episode 4x02 “White Out” first aired. There were so many other amazing fics written after that episode, that this is really just one more of many. But I stayed in all cuddled up and lazy this weekend, and it made me think of this one again. 
I hope anyone who gives this a read enjoys the little look back to our pirate and princess’  beginnings.... :)
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"Quite Cozy"
By: @snowbellewells
Also available on ff.net or AO3, if that is your preference...
He is hovering, and he knows it; yet, Killian Jones finds that he cannot help himself. A mere two hours ago, Emma had been encased within a wall of ice where he could not reach her, could do nothing to help her, and could only listen as her speech grew weaker through David's crackling walkie. Sensing all the lovely verve and fire fading from Emma's dwindling voice had nearly been his undoing, and had him franticly striking the ice with his hook in desperation, even knowing that he would never make a dent in time.
Emma glances up at him now, weary eyes grateful as he presses a steaming mug of hot cocoa into her hands. Her graceful fingers curl around the warm sides; she releases a pleased hum in the back of her throat – almost a purr – and his breath catches roughly. She was nearly gone. He had felt the limp exhaustion and the tremors wracking her frame as she crawled out of the hole Elsa had made in the icy wall and nearly collapsed in his arms. The feisty Swan he was used to would never have let him pick her up and carry her back to her cruiser, would have fought tooth and nail against admitting any sort of weakness, but instead she had clung tighter – as if he would have let anyone take her away from him in that moment. It was a terrifying confirmation of how close she had come.
His heart swells slightly when she thanks him for the cocoa refill and gives him a heavy-lidded, but open, smile over the ceramic rim of her mug. Emma's eyes may look frighteningly dark in her still-too-pale face, her hair may be mussed and only partially dry from the coating of ice it had borne, but she is here and safe with him, and Killian tries to focus on that relief instead of the ebbing terror. The fact that she had not protested when they had returned to the loft and everyone began fussing over her, that she had continued to lean into him while he held her close – even after he had deposited her safely in a chair – that she had twined her fingers together with his when he took her hand in front of her family, did him more good than he wanted to admit. He still felt his stomach residing somewhere near his knees at the mere thought of her in danger, but if the incident somehow made Emma stop hiding herself away, he would count that as one small gain within the crisis of the last several hours.
"Are you sure you're warm enough, Love?" he asks roughly, voice still ragged from calling out to her through the impenetrable barrier and forcing down the despair nearly flooding him. He perches uncertainly on the edge of the couch she has moved to and reaches out hopefully. Everyone else has gone to bed for the night, and he finds himself strangely unsure of where he belongs and what she wants him to do. It's strange; she has always been controlled, capable, impervious, that to see her like this – soft and fragile – almost steals the breath from his lungs. Though he has always pushed, teased, wheedled his way into her space, waiting to inevitably be shoved back, now that she sits watching him, seeming to welcome his nearness without qualm or hesitation, he hardly knows how to proceed, whether or not to touch her, afraid she might shatter.
A delayed shudder runs through Emma's limbs, her teeth clacking hard and sending tremors down her arms and legs that Killian can feel through the couch cushions, though she tries to hide them. Sheepishly, she peers up at him through her lashes and bites her lower lip, knowing she has been caught. Her toes, still like ice cubes even through the woolen socks her mother brought her earlier, curl against his leather-clad thigh, and she actually giggles like a little girl, her mirth contagious.
"Oi, Lass!" he yelps, too delighted by her playful joy to be embarrassed at the sound he makes. "How can your toes still be so cold?"
He catches her foot in his good hand just as Emma attempts to snatch both feet back, and brings it and its mate to rest on his lap, encircling them both with his hookless forearm and gently caressing the one he first grabbed in a slow, lazy massage.
"Ooh…" Emma's voice is low and causes his stomach to flip and nerves to hum as she exhales and lets her head fall against the back of the couch. "That feels wonderful! I'll…mhmm…give you…an hour to stop that."
He chuckles, continuing the soothing motions, slightly awed that now the danger and shock have passed and she is still allowing this, letting him care for her. He is only too happy to pamper his Swan and have her as near as possible. The quiet between them is comfortable for several minutes until Emma finally lifts her head and eyes him sweetly.
"Alright now, Darling?" he murmurs, grinning widely at her, a twinkle in his bright blue eyes.
She nods, swallowing thickly, and though she is practically beaming at him, he also cannot help feeling that she is blinking back tears. Killian hesitates, not wanting to push her or ruin this peaceful moment they have together, but it spills out, "Has no one ever done this for you before, Swan?" The words sound hoarse, and he realizes the evening's emotions are finally settling in on him as well.
Their eyes meet and hold for several beats in time, then Emma shakes her head and simply whispers, "No."
Before he can think of any other response, or do anything, she pulls her feet back under her, rises on her knees, and leans over to place a chaste, perfect kiss to his stubbled cheek. "Thank you, Killian…" she states simply, "…for everything."
It is the pirate who finds himself swallowing hard now, throat working as he struggles to force out any sort of sound at all. Grabbing both of Emma's hands before she can retreat, he pulls her forward, wrapping her in his arms and holding on tightly, with her half against his side and half in his lap. "You've nothing to thank me for. I only fought for you as you deserve. …What would I have done without you, Emma?"
The breath he draws against her ear is ragged, and Emma has no other reply but to burrow into his warmth and hold him back just as fiercely.
"Are you alright now?" he murmurs low, tracing time-roughened fingers over her skin.
Emma side-eyes him, trying to lighten the serious mood between them with a smirk and an attempt at his distinctive accent. "I'm quite cozy, Captain," she promises.
Killian shakes his head at her obvious teasing, rubbing his scruffy cheek, cat-like, against her neck and holding her closer, while making sure the blankets are still tucked in securely all around her. As long as she is here, gradually warming, the shivers growing more and more scarce, breath lightly tickling his collarbone, his world is as right as it has ever been.
Tagging a few who might enjoy: @searchingwardrobes​ @kmomof4​ @jennjenn615​ @whimsicallyenchantedrose​ @jrob64​ @laschatzi​ @apiratewhopines​ @cosette141​ @elizabeethan​ @xsajax​ @the-darkdragonfly​ @sotangledupinit​ @winterbaby89​ @spartanguard​ @therooksshiningknight​ @xarandomdreamx​ @thislassishooked​ @tiganasummertree​ @optomisticgirl​ @scientificapricot​ @tomeandflickcorner​ @teamhook​ @revanmeetra87​ @gingerpolyglot​ @gingerchangeling​ @wefoundloveunderthelight​ @anmylica​ @donteattheappleshook​ @stahlop​ @justanother-unluckysoul​ 
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thinplacesradio · 1 year
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a stone wall covered in light gray paint, a silver elevator button panel installed, two circular white buttons in black squares with braille beside. the one on top points up. but the one on the bottom is pointing to the right. the image is distorted by VCR static. text reads:
listen here, or anywhere you find your podcasts. transcript under the cut:
[static, radio tuning]
[Traveling Sales Rep: Don’t touch that dial! We’ll be right back, after these short messages.] [static, radio tuning]
Hello and welcome to Thin Places Radio. I’m your host,
and it is the middle of the night. But don’t worry. You’re not alone.
[Thin Places theme]
[low rumbling, intermittent distant clanging and rumbling]
I’m coming to you claustrophilic from my studio, which is what I like to call this ornately dark-paneled elevator I am currently trapped in, who knows how many feet above the earth. The display is out, so there’s no light to tell me which floors I'm stuck in between - my money’s on 17 and 18, because I love a prime number. There aren’t any lights overhead, either. Just the pale yellow glow of the lobby button that I pushed. Or - was it the top floor? Because that one’s lit up, too. 
I can hear a groaning down in the cavernous space below me. It sounds metallic, but not the way the elevator would creak and shudder along its own ropes. It’s getting a little bit louder every time I hear it. [metallic growl] Like it’s getting closer. 
So what is Thin Places Radio?
Well, you can call in about anything strange that you've got going on in your life - feelings, omens, premonitions, hauntings. 
Can you hear someone moving around on the floor above you, even though there isn’t a floor above you?
Are you having trouble believing what you’re seeing?
Is your house haunted? Do you kind of like it that way? 
Call in, get it off your chest. Lines are open.
[click] [voicemail:]
Uh, have y'all ever heard of a change blindness experiment? You can find a bunch of them on YouTube, if you Google - they’re either called experiments, or pranks, they’re basically pranks. They’re made to demonstrate that people just don’t notice s**t? Typically what they’ll do is they’ll have someone behind, like, a register counter, and when someone looks down to, like, open their wallet, they’ll just switch people who are at the register. And no one ever says anything, or acts like it’s strange, or notices, at all, until it’s pointed out to them - and sometimes, not even then. 
I don’t… think anyone’s pranking me? Like why… why would they… why.  Because, especially ‘cuz it’s like, the same girl, over and over again. But it’s different people every - so - [huff]. The Family Dollar behind my house. There’s always this girl in there, working the register - she’s always there. And she’s really nice? She recognizes me, and I recognize her. It’s just, every single time I purchase anything, I - it - she gets replaced? By different people? But only for that - it’s only while money is being exchanged. I’ve kept my eyes open, I’ve, like - not looked down, at all, and it’s like - frame to frame, it’ll just -  for one second, there’s a different frame and there’s a different person. But when I walk away? It’s her again. 
I think - I think I’m just being pranked, but like, again, f***ing why? I didn’t agree to be pranked, or to be in some kind of experiment. Nothing bad ever happens? It’s just that. It makes me think like - do people not notice? Do people in the videos and the experiments not notice, or do they just never say anything? You know? Maybe they just - it’s easier to just be like, well, I guess I’m wrong, or just forget about it. Anyway. I guess I’ve said something now. Yep. Thank you. 
It’s so easy to shy away from what’s right in front of us, caller. How can you trust yourself when that trust has led you astray? You must be getting pranked, you must be in some kind of experiment. How can you trust other people, either, when they haven’t been honest, or had your best interests at heart? 
You know that what you’re seeing is real, even though it can’t be. It can. It is. You kept your senses sharp. You paid attention to the cashier at the Dollar General. Has anyone else? Maybe. Anyone else isn’t your responsibility. [searching music] It’s easy to say that the cashier might not be, either. But, I lied. Everyone else is always our responsibility. Not to try to control, or change. But to share in the fabric of reality, however strange a hue that fabric takes. 
It’s so easy not to say anything. It’s easy not to pry, not to be rude, to see that crack in someone else’s armor and look away from the blood that’s coming out of it. I don’t know what’s happening to the cashier. I don’t know why she’s always there, or if she knows what’s happening to her, or how she feels about it. I don’t know how she’d react if you said something, anything. I don’t know how you would even bring something up - are you okay? How are you doing today? How was your week? At the start, that transition between someone you see and someone you know can feel impossible to navigate. Sometimes that change never happens. But something in her recognizes you. And you recognize her, no matter what she looks like in those in-between moments. It’s still her. It’s still you. 
Something weird, listeners? The current price of Power Steering Fluid at the Dollar General closest to you is three dollars and seventy five cents. It is currently out of stock. Someone keeps drinking it.
[click] [groaning and rumbling, louder] [light flickering loudly]
All the buttons are lit up on the panel, now, flickering. There’s no one to boost me up to that panel I can see above my head, slightly out of line with the other squares in the ceiling. But that’s okay. Someone in the interconnected universal fabric left a box in here. I think I can reach it myself. 
Something stopped the elevator on purpose. Some angler that swims through the earth. [clang] It’s hungry. But that’s not its fault. [rumble] It needs to eat. We all do. I just don’t think I'm going to stick around to figure out what its diet might be. 
[creaking, clanging] [the host’s voice echoes:]
Ah, f***. Floor 13. Of course it’s floor 13. [pause] Prime number though.  
Thank you for listening, callers, and thank you for calling, listeners. I hope you feel a little bit lighter. I know I do.
As always, our number is 717.382.8093. that's 717.382.8093. Until next time. [creak] I'll be somewhere around here.
[elevator dings, opens]
[static] [Traveling Sales Rep: visit us at the - diner just off -] [Various Garbled Voices: ]
Thin Places Radio is a podcast written by Kristen O’Neal and produced by Kaitlin Bruder. The voice of Your Host is Kristen O’Neal. Tonight’s voicemail was left for us by Hayes.
Editing and sound design are by Kaitlin Bruder, and the music tracks you heard in tonight’s episode are: the Thin Places theme, by Miles Morkri, and Umeed by RANA.
If you have a story to tell or a question to ask, give us a call at ‪(717) 382-8093‬. The lines are always open.
[Thin Places Theme outro]
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television-overload · 9 months
Get to know your fic writer (no pressure):
1, 4, 13, 16, 22, 25 (add link if you want), 40, 54, 56
Ooh yay! Thanks for the ask! I think I copied these all over correctly. I was bored so I went in-depth 😂 Here we go:
1. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi-chaptered fics?
I've been sitting here for like 5 minutes trying to figure out which I prefer 😂. I find myself coming up with multi-chapter ideas more often I think, really grand plots that I definitely don't have time to devote attention to. I also run into the problem of not knowing how to fill in between the parts that I do I have ideas for, so true multi-chapter fics are a rarity. I've had a few times where a one-shot turned into a multi chap, and THOSE tend to work better and are way more cohesive. One of my favorites is one I wrote for Star Wars (wrong blog, oops 😅) but both chapters were a lot stronger than my usual stuff, and it performed way better on AO3 which was really gratifying.
I've always wanted to write a true masterpiece where readers are anxiously awaiting the next chapter, like so many I've read, but I don't know if I've ever gotten there yet. Maybe a few when I used to write NCIS stuff on fanfiction.net.
4. Where do you find inspiration for new ideas?
Songs, a lot of times. They hit me in the feels. Sometimes a line in a fic I'm reading will spark an idea, something I haven't thought about, a new interpretation of an existing scene from the source material. Gifsets, Tumblr meta analysis, movies I'm watching. So many places. I feel like half of them come to me when I'm at work, which is very inconvenient. The aforementioned Star Wars two-shot was half written on the bus ride home from work in the notes app on my phone. I've written several in the aftermath of particularly good or bad episodes/movies. Fix-it fanfic is always great, I feel like I need to write more of it.
13. What’s a common writing tip that you almost always follow?
I haven't done this for very long, but lately in my adulthood (as opposed to my teenage fics *shudders*) I've actually been pretty good about writing out an outline and going back to edit later. I used to just spew everything in a word doc and barely go through it before posting, but now I reread it to death, mostly to make sure it flows well. My outlines are, shall we say, extensive. The Star Wars fic I'm working on now had 20 chapters outlined and it totaled over 20,000 words. I've basically storyboarded the whole thing and then I go through and convert that to actual scenes. Important dialogue moments I want to hit are included, cause I know I'll forget them if I don't write them as they come to me. It helps me to be able to see the big picture, so that I don't give up on the project halfway through. But for spur of the moment fics or most one-shots, I still mostly write as I go. Occasionally if I have a thought that I want to make sure to include in a later scene, I'll just tack it on at the bottom of the doc and delete it once I get to that point and I put it in writing.
16. How many fic ideas are you nurturing right now? Share one of them.
They're scattered all over the place so that's a good question that God probably only knows the answer to. Some are barely even ideas but take up a line or two in my notes app on my phone. Some probably live only in my brain, forgotten until something triggers me to remember that I was thinking of writing it 😅.
I'd love to do something with @irish-trish 's prompt to fill in the scene from NCIS "She mentioned you at the funeral, I could see what she felt." It sounds right up my alley, but there's a Star Wars fic week coming up in September that I want to actually do on time this year, so I can't allow myself to shift focus to NCIS quite yet 😭
Other than that, I want to write a second chapter to my X-Files fic "Field of Dreams" where Mulder gets to play catch with his son. I really loved writing that fic.
22. Are there certain types of writing you won’t do? (style, pov, genre, tropes, etc)
Nothing spicy. I don't think I'd ever write in first person unless it was in the form of a letter. Other than that, I think I'd do pretty much whatever. It's just a matter of what I have the skills for I think 😂
Not a fan of AUs, except canon divergence, obviously. To me, the way the characters meet is so integral to who they are that it can't be changed much or it just doesn't feel like them. I've read maybe one fic that changed how characters met (Mulder and Scully) but that was the result of time travel and all sorts of things that warmed me up to the idea, plus the characters as we know them were still there. Alternate universe in the truest sense. I got distracted, what were we talking about?
25. What fic do you wish you got more of a response on?
The two fics I think of as my comfort fics, ones I found really peaceful and natural to write, would have been nice to see get more attention. I've been writing on and off for like a decade now (😳) and I've only ever really had one fic truly pop off in terms of kudos and comments. Which are literally my life blood 😂. But a lot of my older stuff I look back on and I'm like, yeah, that wasn't that great.
My Star Wars (Obi-Wan and Satine) one shot "this could be such a dream" I found really emotional and relaxing to write. I was kind of surprised it didn't go very far, but it was part of a weekly challenge thing so I suppose it makes sense in a way.
To get back to the TV shows I write for, though (since that's the focus or THIS blog), I really really loved my X-Files fic "Field of Dreams", in large part because I love that movie which inspired it, and I love a domestic, peaceful and content-if-not-happy happily ever after for Mulder and Scully. The movie itself makes me cry and feel so many feels, and I thought the connection to Fox Mulder was a really good one.
40. If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
I would welcome anythinggggg, that is my dream!! I haven't really written anything I'm super proud of yet in the NCIS fandom that I feel would warrant art, but maybe someday! I'm working on a Star Wars "Sound of Music" type looooong fic rn and boy, the amount of work I've put in, I would die if someone were engaged enough to be inspired by it.
54. What’s your favorite part about the fanfiction writing process?
Honestly, I get so excited to post it. I hope people will enjoy what I've written. I've read so much great fanfic, that I just want to contribute my 2 cents to the fandoms. Getting comments (as rare as it often is) literally makes my day and makes it all worthwhile to me. Any form of engagement, interaction here on Tumblr, that's what I strive for. But I also write for me. Exploring ideas I've never seen done before, filling in gaps in the fandom, I love it. Those comfort fics I was talking about, I love to just go back and read. It doesn't really matter, in the end, if they touched other people like they do me. I like them and that's what matters. The fics I'm not so proud of? I've been transferring them over from Tumblr and fanfiction.net anyway because some of them have received really lovely comments and people might enjoy them despite how I feel.
56. What’s something about your writing that you pride yourself on?
I hope I'm improving on descriptive language. I want to bring out emotions in my writing, and I think there's been definite improvement since I started. I'm also thankful that I have a grasp on grammar and spelling and all the typical writing conventions. That can be a turn off to a lot of readers if it's a complete mess, so luckily I was always a pretty harsh editor throughout my schooling 😅
Get to know your fic writer
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woodsfae · 2 years
Babylon 5 S01E12: Signs and Portents
edit: less depressing, whew!
Fingers crossed for Susan/Talia content, since it opened on Susan Ivanova! Ivanova needs a timed sunlight lamp for those difficult, dark wake-ups.
Secret Jump Point? If the Raiders are hopping in and out with almost no notice, and are disappearing two hours before they should be able to get to any known jump gate. It would make sense.
Sinclair wants to investigate what happened to him in his missing 24 hours. Logical.
I'm always down for G'Kar bickering with Londo Mollari.
"Before you set out on a journey of revenge, dig two graves," is what G'Kar's deep and only desire to see the Centauri genocided reminds me of.
A ponytail-less Centauri-ess? She's awfully cheerful. "Fire, death, pain, *collapses*" Better forewarned and forearmed as to any destruction of Babylon 5, of course!
"She's been wrong before. On my first birthday she said I would be killed by shadows."
Oh. Yeah, that's definitely going to be how he goes out, and probably this episode, too.
Delenn! I've missed you. And immediately, mystery and suspense. There is a high level of mysticism implied, with just enough skepticism that I'm never quite sure how sci-fi or magical the setting is. An intriguing blend.
Aspiring to rule things is so tedious. The glory would turn to ashes so quickly. All that paperwork. *delicate shudder*
If I was Aunt Prophetess I don't know that I could stay in a place where I was continually seeing death and destruction.
Raiders aboard Babylon 5, eh? Gnarly. I'm not sure if their goal is to steal the Centauri Eye, to destroy Babylon 5, or some combination of those and other things. Either way, I'm guessing there will be some death and destruction a la Aunt Prophetess.
Getting real fae vibes. Be careful with your words when speaking to oddball folks asking "What do you want? Is that really want you want?" Big bummer that Londo's deep desire is for the Centauri to have the undisputed Empire in the Area again.
It's so easy to bring weapons on Babylon 5 and attack people with them. Garibaldi is falling down on the job. How on earth do the ambassadors not have permanent security details on them? Still, I support people stealing from the Centauri ruling class.
"The ship's too small to make its own jump point," more tech details! Large vehicles can do solo jumps. More questions abound with this info.
No one better ever doubt Aunt Prophetess again. Ladira, per Londo.
"The Shadows have come for Lord Kiro. The Shadows have come for us all!"
Kosh out-weirding the weirdo "what do you want" guy. And doing it by being less cryptic than any point so far!
This is a far better space battle than many I've seen. The station really helps with pinning down where and how far. But did they get the thief and Lord Kiro? I couldn't quite track that.
I very much doubt that's the last we'll see of the Raiders, Garibaldi.
They did not catch the thief and Kiro, who was collaborating not brave, and is now being double-crossed! By the Raiders! Who's ransoming him and the Eye! And blackmailing him! It really is no more than he deserves.
The Shadows got Kiro and the Raiders. What are the Shadows?
"A gift, from friends who don't know you have,"
and it's the fucking Eye. Fae vibes increasing. good fucking grief. I have no idea what's going on.
"We will find you, Master, we will find you,"
who the hell is Morden?! I do not know what's happening.
Cut to a casual conversation over the urinals. I did request a lighter episode! edit: pfffft, here's where that gif goes, lol.
More plot! A lighter episode that's Big Plot focused. Just what the doctor ordered. The Minbari rejected every potential commander for Babylon 5 till Sinclair's name came up. They handpicked him via noping their way down a list of generals and rulers.
And, though Garibaldi didn't say this, they kept it so quiet, Sinclair didn't even know it wasn't just an assignment.
Aunt Prophetess sees the death/destruction for Babylon 5, still. Although she doesn't see absolutes. Nice that her visions aren't deterministic. Her bow seems like a very deliberate choice. Is a much higher status also in Sinclair's future?
It’s a few days since I watched this, so I can’t recall where in the episode this gif goes, but I’m giggling over the Boys having a conversation over the urinal.
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Solidarity forever! For the union makes us strong.
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flightfoot · 2 years
One Does Not Love Shadows ch.2
Thanks to @wackus-bonkus-maximus for betaing!
At first, Marinette thought she was hallucinating. 
It wouldn’t be the first time she’d heard Chat Noir’s anguished shrieks or seen him out of the corner of her eye. It was especially bad those first few months when she couldn’t go through the night without waking up in a cold sweat after having a nightmare of Chat dying, transforming to give him a call—and then remembering it wasn’t just a nightmare. That it had actually happened. 
Every so often she’d be walking down the street and hear a familiar pun, or catch a glimpse of some cat ears, and her heart would soar for just a moment. Only for reality to come crashing down once she got a closer look and realized the jokester was just some random kid, the cat ears merely accessories on a cat-eared hoodie and not riveted to a familiar mop of blond hair.
So when shadows stretched across the city, cat-eared figures dancing across the walls of her room, she just assumed she was having a worse episode than she’d ever had before. 
She buried her face in her pillow, trying to drown out her partner’s cries. She could do nothing to save him now. 
“Marinette!” Tikki called out urgently.
She looked up, trying to focus on Tikki and not on a nearby twitching shadow of a tail. “Sorry Tikki, I—I can’t—I’m seeing him everywhere again, I—”
“Marinette, I see them too!”
She looked up, dropping the pillow she’d been hugging to her chest. “This…how–?” she said numbly.
“I don’t know. It feels like Destruction, but…” Tikki looked around as the shadows knocked a few of Marinette’s lighter papers onto the ground. “I’ve never seen this before.”
The Black Cat Miraculous.
If it was active again, if Monarch was using it—
Marinette surged to her feet. She couldn’t bring Chat Noir back. She’d tried, over and over and over, throwing Lucky Charm after Lucky Charm into the air in the vain hope that this time, somehow, her partner would come back to her. 
But she could avenge him. Take back Chat Noir’s Miraculous from his murderer, and make him feel the same pain her partner had as he crumbled into dust. 
Opening her balcony door, she climbed up, trying to get a better view of the city.
Areas of dark and light intermixed, sending tendrils of darkness racing down the streets. The shrieks from the shadows merged with Parisians’ cries of alarm as they ran from the darkness. Any object the shadows passed rattled, some trash cans even tipping over, but so far little harm seemed to have occurred. Those who couldn’t avoid the shadows shuddered as the darkness slipped over them, but that appeared to be the only effect.
Squinting, Marinette looked towards the darkest part of the city, a roiling sphere of darkness enveloping some far-away building, occasional bits of white flying off into the distance. 
Her heart dropped as she recognized the location. Before she was even consciously aware of her decision, she found herself transformed and racing over rooftops towards a familiar house, one she’d stood nervously outside of many times, trying to figure out some way to persuade the owners to let her in.
Her mind raced almost as fast as her legs. Why would Monarch target the Agreste mansion? And why so destructively, so obviously? If he just wanted the Miraculous Grimoire Gabriel kept, he didn’t need to result to those kinds of measures. It’s not like any of Gabriel’s security systems were powerful enough to stop a motivated Miraculous wielder, especially one with the Horse Miraculous.
No, this looked like he was sending a message, not simply retrieving an item. She swallowed thickly, churning over every time she’d interacted with Adrien as Ladybug. It seemed painfully obvious, looking back on it, how deeply and openly she’d cared for Adrien. 
Monarch must have realized it as well, how caring for Adrien gave him another avenue through which to hurt her.
She’d already had one person she cared about stolen from her. She wasn’t about to let Monarch kill Adrien as well.
In his bedroom, Luka strummed his guitar, having returned to Paris for summer break. He’d felt on-edge these past few weeks, despite how peaceful Paris had been lately. Reuniting with his family and friends was a treat, but with Monarch still out there…
He frowned. Monarch still hadn’t attacked, and he didn’t know why. It had something to do with Chat Noir’s faked death, he was sure of that, but how those two things connected…
He shook his head. Adrien looked stressed whenever Luka saw him—in person anyway, he looked as immaculate as ever in advertisements and interviews—but otherwise unharmed. Whatever was going on between Adrien and Monarch, it was likely to be delicate, something that could be tipped in a disastrous direction with one wrong move. Without a clear idea of what to do, best to just leave it. He’d just keep checking up on Adrien as he always did to make sure he was okay.
As he was practicing a particular chord progression, a shrieking noise broke his concentration. Shrieks, yells, and screams weren’t all that unusual on the Couffaine houseboat, but these had a decidedly less melodious quality to them than normally occurred during band practice. They sounded familiar in a way he didn’t like.
Hands shaking, he pulled out his phone, typing in a search for videos of Chat Noir screaming. There were more of them than he would’ve liked. Heart in his throat, he pressed play.
The screams and shrieks sounded hauntingly close to the cacophony reverberating through his room.
The door of his room banged open. Juleka shot into the room, face bloodless. Luka let his guitar clatter to the ground, catching his twin as she landed next to him, curling up against his side. He hugged her close, gently stroking her hair. “What’s going on?” he asked gently. He wanted to just stay here, comforting his sister. But the sounds… if he was right about the culprit…
“Shadows… shrieking… Chat Noir’s ghost…” she mumbled, only a few words clear enough for him to make out.
She nodded.
Gently, he extricated himself from her grip, wincing as he did so. He didn’t want to leave, she needed him, it was the first time in a year since Monarch had last attacked, she didn’t want to be alone and—
Another one of Chat Noir’s anguished, distorted cries tore through the air. 
He winced. Juleka needed him,but Chat Noir—Adrien—needed him more. 
“I need to check on something,” he said, sending a reassuring smile at his sister that he didn’t truly feel. “Don’t worry. I’ll be back.”
She grabbed for his hand. “But—!” 
“I’ll be safe. I promise. Just stay here and make sure that Mom doesn’t panic about both of us being gone. We don’t want to provide more targets for Monarch.” He winced as he said it. If Juleka was akumatized, it’d be bad. But if Luka was akumatized…
He stopped that train of thought. There was no sense making himself a more tempting target for Monarch than he was already.
Charging out onto the dock, Luka surveyed the city. Shadows flew across the skyline, cries ringing out as they raced by. Sometimes when one held still for just a moment, a swish of a cat tail or twitch of a cat ear could be seen.
His stomach churning, Luka grabbed his bike, heading for the epicenter of the shadowy apocalypse. Pedaling furiously, he cycled towards a place he’d grown familiar with, and one he wished he’d investigated further—the Agreste Mansion.
Ladybug swung through the city, avoiding any stray bit of debris that flew her way. There was surprisingly little. A few trash cans fell over as shadows passed over them, or the occasional flowerpot tipped from its perch, but otherwise not much else.
Or so she thought, until a billboard with Adrien’s face crashed to the ground in front of her, the shadows descending on it like hungry ants, ripping it to shreds. 
If she’d had any doubts before on whether Monarch was targeting Adrien, they were gone now. 
As she approached the mansion, a flash of yellow and blue caught her eye. 
She blinked. Why would Luka head towards the screaming maelstrom of darkness and destruction? Sure he was brave and would help any way he could, but he was also sensible. He wouldn’t put himself in danger without good reason, not unless he thought he could help.
She bit her lip, conflicted. Any hesitation could cost her, but…
Luka’s grim look of concentration as he biked convinced her. She didn’t know what was going on, or whether Monarch was even at the center of all this. If Luka was this determined and willing to head into a war zone with no special powers or protection, it was probably important. He might even have information that could help her avenge her partner. 
She swung down in front of him. His wheels skidded as he quickly braked, turning to the side to avoid hitting her. “Luka, what are you doing here?” she asked quickly, keeping one eye on the sky. If Monarch was here, she didn’t want to miss her chance. 
“I saw the shadows and the screams and—Ladybug, do you know what’s happening?” he asked. Something in his expression seemed…off. He looked scared, of course, but there was a hint of something else as well. Not quite sorrow, but more like…shame?
Shaking her head, she grimaced. “My kwami says this feels like Destruction, but she’s never seen this before. On the way here I saw the shadows rip apart one of Adrien’s billboards, and with the centers seeming to come from the Agreste mansion—”
“The shadows are connected to Adrien,” Luka said. It sounded less like a realization he’d just come to, and more like a statement of fact.
She frowned. That wasn’t how she’d put it, but he wasn’t wrong. “They definitely seem to be after—”
A figure moved out of the corner of her eye. Whipping around, she turned to face it, squinting. For a moment she thought it was just another shadow. Then he jumped into the light.
The man (and it was a man, not a shadow) had dark green hair, a tail, and cat ears. 
She knew him. 
Her eyes widened. “Cat Walker?”
How could he be here? Monarch had the Black Cat Miraculous, not whoever Fu’s second choice had been!
Then Monarch leapt up next to Cat Walker, placing a hand on his shoulder.
And Marinette saw red. 
As she leapt towards them, she found an unexpected weight clinging onto her arm. “Let GO!” she shouted, wrenching her arm out of Luka’s grasp. “Monarch needs to pay!” She trembled, drinking in Cat Walker’s falsely innocent-looking form, his princely attire that concealed the blackness of his heart. “And if that traitor’s helping that murderer, especially using my partner’s Miraculous, he can join him,” she hissed.
“Don’t hurt that Cat wielder!” Luka insisted. “I don’t think he’s evil.”
“HE’S HELPING A MURDERER!” she yelled, turning away from him. She couldn’t let those two sick bastards out of her sight. The scales of justice would be balanced, Monarch’s ashes providing recompense for her own failure to protect her partner. If Cat Walker got in her way, he could join his boss. 
She froze. “...What did you say?” she whispered.
Luka wouldn’t meet her eyes. “Chat Noir isn’t dead,” he repeated. “Two years ago, I—I saw both you and Chat Noir hit by Wishmaker. I know who both of you are. He’s been alive this whole time.”
“You—you said you didn’t see. I—I asked you if you’d seen!”
“I’m sorry, Marinette,” Luka said. “I lied.”
“Why? Why would you lie about that?” she asked, her voice building, a year of rage and sorrow and guilt letting loose. “And why would you keep it a secret that Chat Noir’s alive?!”
“I didn’t know what to do!” he burst out. “Adrien was alive, Chat Noir was dead, Monarch wasn’t attacking, and Adrien still had his Miraculous on his finger!”
Her mind stopped. “...Adrien?”
Luka nodded. “Adrien is Chat Noir. Always has been. And he’s had his Miraculous on him every time I’ve seen him.”
“You think this other Black Cat is still Adrien,” she said. 
He nodded. “I don’t know for sure, but it seems likely.”
Why would Adrien—her kitty—be with Monarch? Why wouldn’t Chat Noir tell her he was alive? And why had the attacks stopped for so long? No matter how she turned it over in her head, it didn’t make sense. 
She knew what others might think—that her partner had betrayed her, that Adrien wasn’t who she had always thought he was.
She couldn’t believe that. Even when Félix (she suppressed a rush of rage thinking of him) had pretended to be Adrien, she hadn’t fallen for it. She knew he’d never say those things, that something more had to be going on. With Adrien also being Chat Noir, the thought of him betraying her, betraying Paris, was impossible. He’d never hurt his friends if he could help it, and he’d rather die than hurt her. He’d proven that often enough. 
No. Something more was going on here. And if Monarch got between her and rescuing her partner, she’d put him through the same fate she’d thought he’d inflicted on Chat Noir.
“I won’t hurt him,” she promised, her gut churning at the thought. If Luka hadn’t stopped her, hadn’t fessed up…what would she have done? She turned a hard glare on her friend. “But we’re talking about this later.”
Luka winced, but nodded. 
She threw out her yo-yo, swinging towards Monarch and her partner, and hopefully some answers too. 
She didn’t see the tendril of darkness deposit a small bracelet at Luka’s feet.
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mlobsters · 11 months
supernatural s7e1 meet the new boss (w. sera gamble)
is this the first time they've used slow ride? i've thought about doing an edit to it because it's very spn/them/dean. the only thing i liked about the part of the new top gun movie i watched was how they used it in the bar. ha (#i have a hardon for fighter jets and fast bikes like anyone else but come on) slow ride. sleazy.
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excessive zoom made me laugh the first time too
CASTIEL Sam, you have nothing to say to me; you stabbed me in the back.
lol. god in this fucking tan trench coat
CASTIEL I thought the answer was free will. But I understand now. You need a firm hand. You need a father. And I am your father now. Be obedient, children.
sorry i just keep laughing. this should be serious but i'm having a hard time finding it anything but comical
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DEAN Imma fix this car. Because that's what I can do. I can work on her 'til she's mint. And when Sam wakes up, no matter what shape he's in, we'll glue him back together too. We owe him that.
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haha amazing. cas is doING GREAT with all this newfound power
DEAN Seriously though, Bobby. Look at our lives. How many more hits can we take? So, if Sam says he's good.. GOOD.
BOBBY You believe that?
DEAN Yeah.
DEAN hesitates for a moment.
DEAN No. You wanna know why? because we never catch a break. So why would we this time? I just.. just this one thing. You know? but I'm not dumb. I'm not going to get my hopes up just to get kicked in the daddy-pills again.
a) i was hoping sam would tell dean what was going on but now we get instead of him overhearing something that ensures he'll hide it sigh b) daddy-pills??? *shudder*
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CROWLEY: Is everybody's boss. What do you think he's going to do if he finds out we've been conspiring? You do you want to conspire, don't you?
cheap but sheppard always puts his back into those and comes out funny
this extended chest burster scene with cas, okay. who could have predicted trapping millions of souls into a ... human vessel? angel? anything?? and just keeping them in there would go wrong!!
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good old untitled 1 and 2,
*quirky heist music*
why are they doing the spell in the house they are currently burgling?? haha this quick cuts of them doing the spell stuffs
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DEAN You're welcome.
DEATH This is about Sam's hallucinations, I assume?
well look at that, not even an episode before the the cat's out of the bag. that's a good thing for me at least
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SAM No, I don't. But, look, I was pretty far gone sometimes myself, and you never gave up on me.
DEAN Yeah, and it turns out that you're about the same open book as you've always been. Hallucinations? Really? I got to find out from Death?
SAM What was I supposed to do?
DEAN How about not lie? How about tell me that you've got crazy crap climbing those walls?
SAM Why? You can't help. You got a lot of pretty severe crap swinging your way lately, and -- and I thought --what? I thought why burst the one good bubble you had left? It's under control.
so sam is gonna try to appeal to castiel. talk about turning the other cheek
SAM Hey, Castiel. Um… Maybe this is pointless. Look… I don't know if any part of you even cares, but, um, I still think you're one of us, deep down. I mean, way, way, way off the reservation, but…
if they keep saying cas is a family member, will i one day believe it?
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well this lucifer hallucination is horrifying. good job
CASTIEL I'm gonna find some way to redeem myself to you.
how about fixing sam's brain that you scrambled! misha's getting a workout. now he gets to be leviathan(s). had to drag out sam's hallucinations somehow while also dealing with the souls business
death is a fun character, i'm glad he's continuing to pop in
0 notes
cjsinkythoughts · 3 years
His Only Contact
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Avenger!Reader
Word Count: 1014
Warnings: Falcon and the Winter Soldier Spoilers!!!! A little angst, a little fluff, no cursing (I think)
A/N: This is a quick thing I wrote because I can’t sleep after watching that episode. I have so many ideas. I might continue this, too (just like everything else I write because I’m incapable of writing one-shots), but I’ll probably just write a few drabbles here and there when new episodes come out. I also added HBC’s Lucky in Love prompt for Day 19 in here, which is Odds.
Find my Day 14 Prompt here - Spring Forwards - and my Day 18 Prompt here - Ocean Eyes, Cherry Lips, Ivory Keys
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Shooting up. Greedily sucking in air. Sweat sliding down skin. Adrenaline rushing through veins. Wide eyes darting around the room.
Another night. Another nightmare. He was starting to think he’d never get another restful sleep.
The floor was hard beneath him, far better than the soft, malleable mattress he had in his practically empty room. The TV was on, as it always was, the soft glow making his eyes squint. The apartment was silent except for his pants, empty except for his shuddering form. He’s shirt was off - he didn’t like it sticking to him, it was too constricting, and he always ran hot anyways - his sheets tangled with his legs.
Reaching over to the small couch besides him, his hand slid over the cushions until he found what he was looking for.
He flipped open the small phone, going straight to the Contact page. He only had one in this phone. This phone no one knew about except them two. Not Sam, not his therapist. No one.
He quickly dialed the number, leaning back against the couch and letting out a puff of air. Finally, after a few rings, an exhausted voice came through, hoarse with sleep.
“Hey…it’s me.”
“Oh. Hey. Is everything alright?”
“Yeah, no. Everything’s…I’m…we just haven’t talked in a while.”
“I know. I’ve been meaning to call, but-”
“No, no. I get it. What you’re doing is important.”
“You’re important, too, Buck.”
Bucky took a breath, a small nod moving his head. “Uh, so, how’s the search? Found anything yet?”
“No. I’m in Edinburgh right now. They met here right before the whole thing in Wakanda…I thought she might come back.”
“No such luck?”
“No…you know what she did. What she’s capable of. The odds of finding her…” He heard her sigh and a frown etched onto his features. She sounded tired, but she spoke before he could bring it up. “What about you? How’re you doing?”
“I dunno, honestly.”
“Yeah. Okay, that’s fair. How’s therapy going with what’s-her-face?”
He chuckled, running a hand through his hair. “It’s basically the same every session. ‘Are you having nightmares?’ ‘Are you making amends?’ ‘Are you following the three rules?’ ‘This is part of your pardon.’ Yadda yadda yadda.”
“Is it helping at all, at least?”
“I guess. The amends thing gives me something to do if nothing else.”
“Are you following the rules, though?”
“No one will know if I don’t.” The giggle she gives makes him brighten up. “I got lunch with Yori again on Wednesday.”
“Oh? How was that?”
“Fine. Good, even. I guess. I dunno. He set me up on a date with the girl who works behind the counter at Izzy.”
“OOooo! Fun! Is she pretty?”
“As a picture.”
“What did you do?”
“Played Battleship and drank. A lot in my case. Not that it did much...”
“No, no! Not like that! She made it into a drinking game! I was losing.”
“I’m a super soldier assassin. I don’t have x-ray vision.”
“Okay, okay. What went down after Battleship?”
“I, uh…I ran out on her.”
“Oh no. Why? What happened?”
“She, uh…she started talking about how nice it is for me to spend time with Yori and his son…I went to tell him, you know. I looked him in the eye and opened my mouth…but I saw a picture. Of his son.”
“It wasn’t your fault, Buck. You know that. It wasn’t you.”
He didn’t feel like arguing with her, so he just agreed. “Yeah. I guess.”
He could feel her suspicion through the phone, but luckily she decided not to pursue the topic. She always seemed to know what to say and when. “Did you have a good time at least? While you were there I mean?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I guess. I was - I was really awkward, I think. I dunno. It’s been a while.”
“But it’s better than online dating. I told you that was a bad idea.”
“You were also the one who told me to jump in head first.”
“Not on the internet. You psycho. There’s really whack jobs out there.”
“Takes one to know one.”
“Hey!” He chuckled at her faux-offended tone, picturing her hand over her heart mockingly. “That hurt!”
“Kidding. You know I love you.”
“As long as you know I love you back…have you talked to Sam lately?”
“Uh…no. Not…not recently. How is he?”
“He’s fine. We just talked earlier. He’s in Louisiana right now with his sister. He’s got some family dilemma he’s trying to fix. He, uh, he gave the shield up earlier this week. Apparently the new Smithsonian exhibit is pretty good. Maybe we’ll check it out sometime…what do think?”
“Yeah. Maybe. Sometime. Are-are you coming back soon?”
“I was planning to. I really don’t think I’ve got any chance of finding Wanda at the moment. Or Vision for that matter. I still can’t believe SWORD didn’t contact us. I’m so pissed.”
“I know. Maybe it’s good you didn’t get informed, though. We all know how you get when it comes to the team.”
“The Avengers are my family, Bucky. I’m loyal to a fault, you know that.”
“Yeah. I do. I think Steve rubbed off on you after all those years.”
“You think?”
They fell into a comfortable, contemplative silence, Bucky’s eyes watching the screen of the TV still glowing from across the room. “What if I dropped by tomorrow? Is that too soon?”
“Tomorrow as in today? It’s one o’clock here.”
“It’s five here. So tomorrow as in tomorrow. I’m tired.”
“Either one would be fine, but yeah. Get some rest. Call me when you have your flight information.”
“Okay. You get some rest, too. Or, at least, try to. You sound tired.”
“You know I don’t sleep well without you.”
“I’ll be there tomorrow. Promise. Then we can stay in all day and you can catch up on sleep.”
“How long will you be here?”
“As long as you need me, James. Good night.”
Bucky hesitated, before shaking his head. “G’night, doll. Sleep well.”
“Good night, Buckaroo.”
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adorablelokie · 3 years
Loki series masterpost called “let’s debunk this” or alternatively “jfc can you stop twisting the words of everyone who worked on the show for 5 seconds!?”:
I spent years waiting for this show to come out, collected every bit and piece of info regarding this project there was, practically inhaled every (source! not clickbait or just skimmed over the headline) interview the creators and the cast involved gave about this show and I’m so sick and tired of people twisting their words to fit their narrative and create issues where there are none.
So hopefully, HOPEFULLY this post clears up at least some of the most popular “NoBoDy KnEw WhAt ThEy WeRe DoInG! eVeRyOnE tElLs Us A dIfFeReNt ThInG!” ‘takes’
Under read more because this will be a longer one
1. “Waldron queerbaited us by saying there would be love stories in the show and listed Lokius as one of the love stories! Oh and then he went on and said that fans are gonna take it the wrong way :( “
Waldron didn’t queerbait you. 
Waldron’s quote (as many, manyyy others) was taken out of context. But what else is new in this fandom, huh.
I highly recommend actually listening to actual podcast interviews if available because written text often takes out the context of what was actually said in the interview. Don’t even get me started on clickbait sites *shudders*
On June 3rd 2021 Waldron’s podcast interview (as well as the article) came out. During the interview he was talking about how one of his friends gave him a writing advice, how “every story is a love story in a way”
Here’s a bit of a transcript:
I: “I was talking to someone much smarter than me who was just talking about how every story, should be a love story. That Wandavision is so compelling because it’s a love story and, this is at the beginning of Falcon and the Winter soldier, he was saying,’Falcon and the Winter soldier should be a love story about Sam and Bucky, it doesn’t have to be romance, it can just be about, you know, these two characters coming together.
MW: “I think that’s great, James Poncel, who’s one of my friends and collaborators, he said that before and it stuck with me that every love story is a love story or something like that, and it’s true. And that can be a story between a father and a son. Goodwill Hunting is a love story between Matt Damon, Robert Williams’ characters. So I’m always looking for that.
MW: I think Mobius was always, uh, we knew so much was going to ride on casting that character because you know he serves as kind of the face of the TVA and in a way, and as you can see from the trailers somebody that was gonna have a lot of interaction with Tom and his energy was gonna have to complement Loki’s energy in a compelling way. They had a relationship obviously, from Midnight in Paris, they’ve worked together on that for a little bit and they instantly clicked creatively and so, you know, that, I would say Mobius and Loki, that’s one of the love stories that you might see in Loki for sure. Although if you print that the fans are gonna, like, take it the wrong way-”
I: “No, no, I won’t, I won’t, I won’t put it that way. Don’t worry.”
MW: “I know our fans-”
I: “In that context I know what you mean. I mean, you referenced ‘Catch me if you can’ before. And I would consider 'Catch me if you can’ a love story between Tom Hanks’ character and Leonardo Dicaprio’s character.”
MW: “Exactly. Right.”
Nothing, absolutely nothing about this is queerbaiting.  
Love story doesn’t have to be romantic as in the “yeah these two characters totally like each other in that way.”
We know different sorts of Love. I think most of us are familiar with the TV trope concept called “The Four Loves”
- Storge: love and affection among family members - which Loki shows through his devotion to his family already in the very first episode.
- Philia: aka, friendship, a strong bond between two friends - this is the kind of love Loki and Mobius share. Hell, even Renslayer and Mobius share a strong friendship, no matter how complicated that one is.
- Eros: aka romance, aka the “I’m in love with you” type of love. This is the kind of love Loki and Sylvie share
- Agape: aka unconditional love. The most selfless kind of love, it’s the kind of love where you care about the other person so much you put them before yourself. An example of that is Loki and Sylvie’s scene in episode 5 where he willingly stayed behind to help her, despite him being able to get to safety. Or episode 6 where he willingly jumped in the direct line of fire, took the risk, just to get through to her. Or the famous “I don’t want a throne. I just want you to be okay.”
This show provided us with all 4 types of loves and this is where the “there will be many love stories in the show” comment comes into play.  A love story doesn’t have to be romantic. It can be familiar, it can be platonic!
Loki gave us all sorts of Love stories.
Also, his “wrong way” comment wasn’t Waldron implying that shipping two male presenting characters is wrong or shouldn’t be encouraged. 
What he was trying to do was clear up what he said so that his quote wouldn’t be taken out of context in the written article by the interviewer, hungrily waiting for clicks. I mean, how many articles were written with “Loki showrunner promises love stories!” as the headline?
Waldron is fully aware of how all this works and he was trying to further clear up his words so as to not give fans a false sense of hope that we would get an actual romantic sort of love story between Loki and Mobius.
And I fucking appreciate him for saying that. This, basically saying “yeah they’re just friends and will simply be just friends” is much, MUCH better and welcome than the creators of TFATWS basically saying “watch and find out.”
Whether you like the guy or not, he is right. Fans - with the ‘help’ from clickbait articles and sites that more often than not take things out of context - misinterpret things all.the.time.
Loki and Mobius were never, never, meant to be romantic. Everyone spoke of them as colleagues, friends (yes, even Natalie Holt), that they have a friendship and fellowship sort of thing going on (according to Tom in the recent Empire interview) or in Kate Herron’s words, their relationship is even paternal
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So no, nobody queerbaited you with Lokius. Nobody promised you anything, in fact the people involved actually went out of their way and confirmed they’re strictly platonic.
“But Kevin Feige said Loki and Mobius will be one of the most popular pairings!” A popular pairing doesn’t mean they will have a canon romantic relationship. Sam and Bucky is a popular pairing and they’re not canon. Steve and Bucky is a popular ship and they’re not canon. 
That brings me to take #2:
2. “But Marvel confirmed Loki would have a female and male love interest and they queerbaited us!!!”
Marvel didn’t confirm shit. Learn how to tell a difference between a rumour and an official statement coming from Marvel or even one of the trades (Deadline, Variety, THR even)
This rumour came from Daniel Richtman’s Patreon. For those who don’t know who this man is, he’s a scooper. Of sorts, for all mcu, dcu etc related things.
What you need to know about this guy is that while he’s pretty alright with knowing when trailers for certain movies drop, he’s really inaccurate with his actual plot related scoops. Like, really, really. 
Whenever he actually has an info that he’s pretty confident in, he either posts it himself on twitter (like with recent info regarding certain MoM cameo) or he puts it under double checked section of his patreon. The ‘Loki will have male and female love interest came from his unverified section’, meaning, he heard the rumour, posted it as something he’s heard but even he wasn’t confident in it.
Of course certain MCU Update accounts picked up on that and ran with it, regardless of the fact that the rumour was extremely likely to be completely fake. And fans spread it like wildfire to the point it caught interest of actual media sites like PinkNews for example.
No, Loki was never, absolutely never promised by anyone working on the show or by Marvel that he’d have a male love interest. 
That unchecked rumour did more harm than good to this fandom and I wish, I basically beg you to please always, ALWAYS, double, hell, even triple check everything you hear or read on the internet. Check the source, listen to the interviews, it doesn’t take much, but it certainly stops from people getting their hopes up, just for them to be completely shattered once the show comes out and they realise nothing they heard was even remotely true which then causes them to turn on the creators.
Same goes for that rumour from a few weeks ago, which said that Loki could potentially get a male love interest in second season.
That one is also straight up fake. Kate Herron never said in any interviews that Loki would have a male love interest in second season. In fact, she’s not even returning. 
Next thing: 
If you see a We Got That Covered article with a very juicy headline like “Loki might have a male love interest in season 2″ or “Ryan Reynolds wants Mobius in Deadpool” for example....just scroll right past it. Don’t give them clicks.
We Got That Covered is the clickbaitest of all clickbait sites. Literally everything they say turns out to be inaccurate. 
Never. Trust. WGTC.
3. “Natalie Holt said Loki sees Sylvie as his mom so that means InCeSt!!!!”
Once again. No.
Yet once again someone’s words got completely misinterpreted. She never said Loki views her as his mom or that she’s basically his mom or whatever. 
What Natalie meant was that Loki looks at Sylvie with similar look of devotion and love as he looks at his mother.
She further explains it in three separate interviews (pls watch these)
Basically Sylvie and Frigga’s tracks are similar because they are the only two women in Loki’s life with whom Loki formed a deep emotional bond.
Also she mentions in three separate interviews that she’s been harassed on Twitter because of that one interview, because of the words that the FANS misinterpreted to fit their “sylki is bad” narrative. The fact that she brought that up in three separate interviews, totally unprovoked, just shows how much fans’ misinterpretation of her words actually bothered her and wanted to clear that up.
She also says that Kate Herron and Sophia di Martino stick together through all of this and that Kate advised her to just mute/filter harassment :) 
She straight up says Sylki is not incest (what a shocker /sarcasm/ ) but I know some of yall are gonna ignore that bit as usual anyway. 
Natalie also explains in the video how she intentionally made Loki and Sylvie’s love theme even more romantic, so yeah, she too, was onboard with their romance and knew what she was doing.
I mean, what else did you expect?
4. “The director said that she wanted friendship between Loki and Sylvie and promised their relationship would be platonic! She LiEd!!!!”
Once, once more. No.
Back when episode 3 of Loki, Lamentis, came out, Kater Herron had an interview with Thrillist where they talked about the new episode and that particular episode alone.
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They were discussing the events of episode 3 and all she said was that the episode was some sort of character study, not necessarily (that’s the key word here, pals. she didn’t say ‘not romantic’ because obviously the first signs of their romance were already being planted, but the focus was on that sort of relationship just yet) romantic but just like, two people getting to know each other, figuring out how to proceed etc.
What happened then, was that sites like The Direct for example misinterpreted/took her words out of context and made it seem like their relationship was never going to be anything else than platonic throughout the entire season/series, which clearly wasn’t the case. And I still see people who dislike Sylki spreading those screenshots around all.the.damn.time. to fit their “nobody was on the same page/same library narrative”
Meanwhile Kate never said their relationship was or would be strictly platonic. And let’s be real, so many people already noticed their chemistry and the way their scenes were framed, it was a wonder some didn’t clock it till they straight up said they fell in love. And even then people still refused to believe it. 
Besides, Loki/Sylvie romance was already in the first pitch of the script and it was one of the things that fascinated Kate so much she wanted to be part of the project.
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In fact, she even talked about the love story in the Assembled episode which was filmed last year, while they were shooting Loki. You know...months before ANY actual interviews started being conducted. 
She was extremely pro Sylki since day 1.
In fact, literally everyone was on board the romance and knew what they were doing.
the writers, Kate, Tom, Sophia,...hell, even Holt and Arkapaw for example
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“It gave us all a compass point to walk towards as a team.” - Tom
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“Something that me and Tom spoke about was that we both connected with the idea of self love across the show and the character's in a lot of pain at the very beginning and he starts to heal and has growth as the show goes on, so I think that was the fun part of it honestly, and like, the character that has an answer for everything, like, what's it like to see him be tongue-tied around someone, because you know he doesn't always know the right thing to say to Sylvie and I think that again feels very real to people when they speak to their crush or you know, I think it was funny seeing him...I remember me and Tom talking about that and being like "God, I've never seen Loki like this ever." You know, never know, not knowing the right thing to say and I think for us that was the important thing.”
Yes, even Mr. Executive producer, the guy who’s been playing Loki for more than a decade now and arguably knows him better than anyone, Mr. I’m-going-to-give-free-Loki-lectures-to-everyone, Mr. I’ve-wanted-a-romance-for-Loki-since-forever was onboard it. He was literally working on the show since the beginning practically. He literally helped shape it, helped Waldron set the tone/dialogue. Why do you think he wouldn’t be onboard it!?
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Even Tom was aware Loki needed to be changed, explored in the ways he hadn’t been before. 
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Tom literally wanted an exploration of Loki’s romantic side for years now. Yes, he spoke of Amora, but Sylvie IS the mcu’s version of Enchantress at this point, whether you like it or not.
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Tom has been involved in this show since the start. If he didn’t want anything, or thought it wouldn’t fit, he WOULD bring it up and they WOULD remove that. 
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This is a very good post regarding that “5% of ideas” quote. I recommend checking it out.
“In life we all go through struggles but we can’t do it alone, and if we can have people we can trust it lightens the load and gladdens the heart. And I think the relationship between Loki and Sylvie is about that connection, that they learn, each of them, to care about the other.” - Tom Hiddleston in Assembled episode
Also since we’re on the topic of Assembled, I’m just reminding you of that beautiful segment dedicated to Loki and Sylvie’s relationship when Tom talks about love.
5. “Sylvie and Loki share the same DNA!!!”
No, they don’t. 
First of all, nowhere in the show was it ever implied that variants share the same DNA or that they are related in any shape or form.
What they do share though, is the same temporal aura. Aka, soul,essence, a role they play in their respective universes. That’s how the TVA determines and identifies the Variants.
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Even Natalie Holt and Michael Waldron denied it.
Saying Loki and Sylvie share the same DNA would also mean that you believe all other Lokis in the void (Alligator, Boastful, Glamshade, Pokey, Brute and countless other Bandit Lokis) share the same DNA. Yet, they all look different.
Yes, Sylvie’s father (as far as we know is a Laufey), but it’s not the same Laufey as Loki’s. Just like there are variants of Lokis, there are also variants of their parents, relatives, friends, etc.
Variants aren’t the same person. They just share the same role in their universes. 
In a few months we’re gonna get No Way Home with three different Peter Parkers (Tom, Tobey and Andrew’s) and they’re gonna be variants of each other. Are they also genetically related? 
Not to mention the three spidermen all have their own, very different families, aunt Mays and Uncle Bens.
Variants are different people, they each have their own background, their own history, autonomy, they aren’t related - they just share the role of a same being, be it a role of being a Loki variant, Peter Parker variant, Aunt May variant....
Also, they intended to include a Mobius variant who was half eagle but yeah, tell me again how all variants share the same DNA lol
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And lastly, do you truly, truly think Disney would greenlit a canon couple if they were related in any shape or form?
6. “Sylvie was just manipulating Loki lmao, she doesn’t love him.”
She was the one who initiated their Lamentis Nexus Event, she was the one who took a major risk and self pruned in hopes to find Loki, she pretty much said Loki was her only happy memory, she was the one who initiated the kiss and sent him away to safety.
Sylvie is guarded. She literally raised herself in apocalypses, living in shadows and death and Loki is actually the first person in her entire life she has grown and allowed herself to come close to.
Like Sophia said, Sylvie has feelings for Loki but she just doesn’t know how to express them to him because all this is new to her (just as it’s new for Loki. Neither of them have ever experienced anything real when it comes to romance)
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Sylvie had to do this. She spent her entire life planning this mission, it was impossible for her to stop at that moment, no matter how strong her feelings for Loki and Loki’s for her are. Ultimately, killing HWR brought her no relief, and now regrets everything.
Sylvie didn’t kiss Loki because she’s cold and knew how to manipulate him at his weakest spot. She kissed him because she wanted to, because for her it was a goodbye. They turned around and she grabbed the Tempad during the kiss, but the kiss was a genuine expression of her feelings for him.
She also didn’t send him to some random TVA intentionally. She wanted him safe because obviously, she cares about him, he’s legit the only person she’s ever came to care about, and her intentions were to send him to the TVA they know, to his friends, because ultimately she just wanted him to be safe.
Tom has also already weighed in on that and basically said that Loki won’t stop searching for Sylvie in second season so it’s safe to assume that they will be reunited and talk about what happened, because in the end technically none of them betrayed the other. 
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Sylvie didn’t betray Loki because they both knew what they went there to do. To kill the man behind the curtain. She didn’t use his feelings for her against him. The kiss was real.
Loki didn’t betray Sylvie. He wanted to talk it out with her, to find the common and proper solution, but she was too clouded with anger towards HWR that she misinterpreted Loki’s intentions. Loki didn’t want the throne or to side with HWR. Ultimately, all he cared about, all he wanted in the end was for Sylvie to be alright and according to Tom, Loki was afraid that if what HWR had said was true, then perhaps Sylvie wouldn’t be alright.
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7. “Loki and Sylvie come from the same timeline because there’s only one timeline in the mcu!”
Sacred Timeline isn’t one timeline, but it consists of numerous realities that all follow the same predetermined path. Sacred Timeline is basically some sort of a blueprint as to how each and every variant reality should run.
The Sacred Timeline isn’t just one universe. It consists of numerous separate, unique universes/realities/timelines (they use that interchangeably, but as shown in Ep.1 & Ep.6 it’s ultimately the same thing) that are all roped, woven into one stream of time, manipulated to follow the same path. That path is called The Sacred Timeline.
The meaning of The Sacred Timeline and what it actually represents is both visually as well as verbally explained in Episode 1 and 6.
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“Eons ago, before the TVA, a variant of myself lived on Earth in the 31st century. He was a scientist and he discovered that there were universes stacked on top of his own.”
He Who Remains starts by explaining how one of his variants (a Kang variant) found out about the multiverse, how there were other universes stacked on top of his own.
His variants were then able to made contact, interact and for a while everything was OK.
“They shared technology and knowledge. Using the best of their universes to improve the others.”
However, that peace didn’t last. Variants started conquering other universes.
“The peace between realities...erupted into all-out war, each variant fighting to preserve their universe and annihilate the others. This was almost the end...ladies and gentlemen, of everything and everyone.”
Which brings us to Miss Minutes’ video. It’s not just propaganda, there’s lots of truth in there regarding the creation of The Sacred Timeline. Except that the Time Keepers are basically just a stand in for He Who Remains.
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“Long ago, there was a vast multiversal war. Countless unique timelines battled each other for supremacy, nearly resulting in the total destruction of...well, everything.”
Miss Minutes’ video basically echoes everything said by He Who Remains.
Again, universes = realities = timelines. It’s used interchangeably.
To put it simply, the most important part of the video is the very beginning of the cartoon. We see these different, unique timelines/universes (they even pointed out their differences with different colors) all being roped into one singular stream.
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The Sacred Timeline isn’t just one timeline/universe, but it comprises of an infinity number of unique universes.
“But then, the all-knowing Time-Keepers emerged, bringing peace by reorganizing the multiverse into a single timeline, the Sacred Timeline. Now, the Time-Keepers protect and preserve the proper flow of time for everyone and everything.”
The Time Keepers are basically He Who Remains himself in this case. He explains to Loki and Sylvie in episode 6, that in order to stop the war and preserve peace, he weaponized Alioth, created The Sacred Timeline and once he did that, all he had to do was manage the same flow of time.
“I weaponized Alioth and I ended... I ended the Multiversal War. Once I isolated our timeline, all I had to do was manage the flow of time and prevent any further branches.”
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Again, The Sacred Timeline is just a path. It’s a rope, full of different threads (universes).
Each universe is different, people, beings are different, the world is different, they are all unique in their own way. But once He Who Remains created The Sacred Timeline, they all started following the same flow of time, a path predetermined by He Who Remains.
That’s how we have different Lokis. Our Loki. Sylvie. Boastful Loki. Gator Loki. Bandit Lokis.....they’re all unique beings, they’re not the same person, they share no biological relation, their parents, families are different, their worlds are different, literally everything about them is different.
The only thing they share is the same role. The role of a Loki. That’s it.
And that role should end with death at Thanos’ hands.This is their predetermined path.
For example, and this is a bit of a spoiler for No Way Home I suppose....
in No Way Home we’re gonna get three different Peter Parkers. One played by Tom Holland, one by Andrew Garfield and one by Toby Maguire. They will all play variants of each other. They’re all Peter Parkers, they all have Aunt Mays, Uncle Bens, families etc....but ultimately none of them are the same. They’re all different in their own way. They look different, their aunts are different, their uncles are different, their families are different etc....basically they share no genetic relation to each other. Absolutely none. They all hail from different universes, they all play the same role in their universes, but they aren’t biologically related to each other.
That’s why the TVA uses Temporal Aura to detect variants. Because being a variant isn’t about being the same person and sharing the same DNA. It’s all about the role and if you want to be more poetic, a soul. But that’s it.
Loki, Sylvie, Boastful Loki, Alligator Loki, Bandit Lokis...absolutely none of them are related to each other in any shape or form.
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He Who Remains made sure that all universes, all different, unique beings who live in those unique universes will move in the same direction. To preserve some resemblance of order and prevent another war started by Kang variants.
It doesn’t matter how different everything between universes is. It doesn’t matter if in one universe Loki resembles a human being and in another he’s an Alligator. As long as they follow the same path chosen by He Who Remains.
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And when something happens and timelines split from The Sacred Timeline, these branches could be created from numerous universes. Because again, The Sacred Timeline isn’t just one universe, it’s made of infinite number of different universes (yes I intentionally keep repeating myself)
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And these branches from different universes can and could further branch off into infinite number of timeline branches and/or eventually clash with each other thus creating another war led by Kang Variants. That’s basically where the TVA comes in with their pruning. To stop branching, prevent Kang Variants to run free and start a new war.
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When Sylvie stabbed He Who Remains she didn’t create the multiverse. She merely freed it, allowing the unique universes to create their own path. The Sacred Timeline, which is basically just a path, no longer exists at this point. Sylvie gave each universe freedom.
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Ultimately this will lead to another Multiversal War, but for the time being each universe, each being has freedom to take the path not predetermined by He Who Remains.
1. The Sacred Timeline isn’t just one universe/reality/timeline. It’s a just a path and it consists of numerous different unique universes that all simply just follow the same flow of time.
2.The multiverse always existed but was manipulated to follow the same flow of time. Sylvie merely freed the multiverse, she didn’t create it.
3. Each universe is different, unique in their own way. People are different, their worlds are different. That’s how we get such different variants.
4. Variants aren’t the same being. They’re all their own person, unique in their own way, they have different DNA, different parents, different families, different worlds,...the only thing they ‘do’ share is the same essence, soul, a role they play in their respective universe.
Waldron had an SC interview where he explained the concept of multiverse and the sacred timeline.
8. “Waldron said Loki and Sylvie’s relationship is perverse!” 
Waldron never said that. A BBC’s reviewer made a joke in their review of episode 2 (that was before us, the GA were able to watch the show) that the events of episode 2 would create numerous fanfics with Loki and “Lady Loki” hooking up.
That was before most fans even knew ‘Lady Loki’ is in fact, Sylvie.
No one actually working on the show actually said that Loki and Sylvie’s romance is perverse, bad or sick.
Because it’s not.
In fact they called it beautiful, fun, atypical, interesting.
9. “Waldron tweeted ‘end of file’ which means he’s fired!”
Lol, no.
Back in July Waldron tweeted a still of Loki looking at his “file ending” and fans, mostly antis, quickly jumped to conclusion he had been fired and started celebrating
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Waldron actually later cleared it up and said he was simply going on vacation.
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In fact, Deadline had the exclusive of Waldron signing up a deal with Disney & Feige and part of that deal was to return for season 2 in some capacity. 
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Basically, Feige and Disney really like this guy and why shouldn’t they, he did a fantastic job with Loki :)
Also, people can moan and spit venom at the show all they want, it changes nothing. As Waldron himself said; they’re there to tell their own story. Not fanservice.
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And anyway, with the exception of Kate Herron, it seems like that the crew (and cast) for Loki is going to stay pretty much the same, as Eric Martin also confirmed they’re already working on the script for season 2.
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10. “Waldron said he never watched previous movies with Loki!!!!”
He clearly watched all of them. I can’t believe he even had to clear up that, it’s just ridiculous at this point.
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The fact that some of you thought that a head writer, showrunner and executive producer didn’t watch any movies with Loki in it before writing this show is just so absurd I’m honestly embarrassed. 
 11. “They promised us more of Loki’s magic!!!”
And...we got it?
Like, the series literally massively upgraded Loki’s magical abilities. We found out he can actually teleport without an infinity stone, his telekinesis is strong enough to stop a fallen building, he can create magnificent illusions of the entire Asgard (”We’re stronger than we realize.”), he can enchant.
A lot of things ended up cut as well (and before you start arguing that this means the creators have something against Loki, scenes getting cut happens all the time. Even those who you’d love to see), for example Loki turning Thor into a frog and Loki shapeshifting into Sylvie to fight Sif.
We also saw Loki shapeshift and use magic in more ‘everyday’ fashion, like drying himself, creating fireworks, conjuring and vanishing objects.
Just because Loki didn’t use magic all the time, doesn’t mean they didn’t explore it at all or that they nerfed him.
And his story is far from over anyway.
This is it for now, but I feel like I’ll have to add up to this masterpost soon enough anyway. 
But after weeks and weeks of this “no one was on the same page!” I just wanted to compile all this together into one post and show that “yeah, no, everyone was in fact on the same page. It’s just fandom creating issues where there are none.”
473 notes · View notes
terichii · 3 years
Stalking | Haitani
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Warnings: clumsy english text, typos
Can I just write something before I see these beautiful boys in the new episode?
You knew for sure that you had already seen this guy. By a stupid accident, one day he helped you collect your things that were scattered all over the street. Since then, he surprisingly often began to catch your eye. You noticed him on the way to and from work when you went to the store or just walked around the city. Sometimes he was passing by you and smile, which was confusing, but sometimes you noticed how he was watching from afar. In the end, it was like being paranoid. It seemed that you were about to see these two braids that callused your eyes, sitting on the sofa in your living room.
And you've come to terms with it. Almost. Until something happened.
"You've been finishing up pretty late lately."
"Eh?...",- the familiar voice sent shivers down your spine. You froze, unable to move. But you didn't want to turn your head because you probably knew it was him. Now it was just like a terrible dream that did not want to let you go.
"Do you need a ride?"
Swallowing, you turned around. Yes, it was him. That creepy guy with those stupid braids that you hated. Leaning on the steering wheel of the bike and propping his chin on his hand, he looked at you with a narrowed eye and a grin.
"Uh...n-no, thank you, I'm not far here...", - but you're lying and it seems that he understands this. The time was really late, and you live far away. But right now you were thinking about how to escape from him. You walked further along the street, periodically glancing at him and speeding up your pace. If you had the opportunity, you would have run with all your might now, but you knew that this opportunity was not there. You definitely can't overtake a bike.
The guy caught up with you, looking right into your face, the grin became even wider when he realized what was going on, it seemed that he felt you too well, - "Are you afraid of me?"
"What?? Of course not", - the words, full of indignation, literally burst out of you. No, you weren't afraid of him, you were already sick of seeing him. Isn't that right? Right? ...
From your harsh words, he looked thoughtfully somewhere up into the night sky, before turning back to you, - "That's how...but…"
But you're already gone.
Pausing in mid-sentence, Ran began to look around, peering into the depths of the dark streets. He pursed his lips when he realized where you went – to a remote alley. The place is not the safest.
Your rapid footsteps echoed hollowly from the concrete walls of the narrow alleys. Hoping to take a shortcut and get out of here as soon as possible, you wound through unfamiliar courtyards until you once again came to a dead end.
"Damn",- your thoughts began to get confused again, a tight lump rose somewhere in your throat, you felt panic. If you go back, he will be there. But you're tired of looking for a way out.
"Hey, baby, are you lost?"
Lost in your thoughts, you did not notice how three criminal-looking guys turned out to be nearby. One of them came up to you with an imposing gait, unceremoniously grabbing you by the waist, the disgusting type pulled you closer to him.
"Why are you so tense, relax, we can help you with this, right, guys?", - the guy looked at his friends and laughed, they also took up his initiative.
Unpleasant laughter causes a headache, for a second you thought that you could just give up, that this is not happening to you and it has gone too far.
"Take your hands off!!", - pushing him away from you with a sharp jerk, you jumped back a couple of steps.
The guy staggered, but stood on his feet, although an unpleasant aching pain spread over his chest, which caused his cheerful mood to instantly evaporate, giving way to anger, - "Catch this bitch."
After these words, you immediately slipped back into the narrow alley along which you came, when the others ran after you. Out of the corner of your ear, you heard threats flying after you. You ran, running out of strength until you found an even narrower alley with containers behind which you could hide.
Footsteps and voices echoed past your shelter, sweat broke out on your face, and your legs were buzzing because of the heavy load, but you were still sitting stiffly on the cold, dirty asphalt, unable to move and breathe calmly.
But the panic again covered you when the steps were approaching in your direction, and the shadow fell on the wall of the building opposite. But you breathed a sigh of relief when you saw the tall figure of a guy you already know. It seems that for the first time you were happy to see him.
"Are you okay?", - an excited expression appeared on his face as he looked you up and down and held out his hand to help you up.
"Yes, I was just a little scared...", - you accepted the help and got up on your numb legs, brushing off your clothes from the dirt, - "Thank you for...oh...you have blood on your cheek", - you didn't understand why you were worried about him, seeing only a small scratch on his face, but...from this angle, you noted that your pursuer was very cute, which made your cheeks turn pink.
"Hmm?", - passing his hand over his cheek, he looked at his fingers, which really had smeared blood on them, but..- "It's not mine", - the guy smiled gently, which caused you confusion, but you were calm.
"Do you see how many problems there are just because you didn't agree to my offer?", - a light chuckle eased the tension between the two of you as he held out his hand to you again, - "So can I give you a ride?"
Confused, even more, you looked uncertainly into his eyes and, not seeing the danger, carefully put your hand in his, - "I think...yes."
"I think it's starting to rain...", - a familiar voice drawled thoughtfully to your's right, while you were standing at the intersection and was waiting for the green light.
From surprise, you turned around and shuddered – in the crowd of people waiting for the signal, there was him - a guy with blond hair and a very ordinary sharp face. The purple eyes shine a little, brazenly looking at your's face. Without turning around, he opens his umbrella right at the moment when the first thunderclap sounds somewhere in the distance.
"Aren't you afraid of getting wet?", - It became obvious that this guy was talking to you, taking a light step past those standing around.
"No", - you whisper, taking a step back.
Suddenly, a beep is heard behind him. The cars on the road freeze, and the flow of people rushes forward, carrying you away. Your thoughts were confused as your legs desperately carried you somewhere ahead. You had already passed the crossing, but something made you turn around. Your heart stopped for a moment, then began to pound wildly – you saw him among the huge mass of heads. His blond, disheveled hair shone like the sun from under a black umbrella. It seems that he also noticed you – a friendly smile appeared on his face. Lifting his umbrella, he waved vigorously at you with his free hand.
This innocent gesture caused a wave of icy goosebumps to run down your back, and you hurried to escape from a crowded place to some courtyards.
You ran for a long time, ragged breath coming out of your mouth until the strength left you, and you stopped. You needed to catch your breath. The rain was beating harder and harder on your head. Your hair and clothes were soaked through
"You'll catch a cold if you keep running like this," - he suddenly heard very close to your ear.
You jumped on the spot and turned around. It's him again! And how does he manage to catch up with you, while maintaining an absolutely calm appearance?..
The guy came closer, taking advantage of your confusion. He held out his hand. Cold…
His angular hand slid onto your forearm and, moving up, pulled uncomfortably on your wet sleeve.
"What do you want from me?...", - you whispered very softly. Your voice was hoarse, frightened. You were shaking all over.
A real hurricane of thoughts was spinning in your head. The first meeting was on a clear evening, a sweet, promising conversation. When did everything go wrong? Now he was following your constantly. At first, he seemed unobtrusive and courteous – he met you, accompany you through dangerous streets to the house. But...after one of the meetings, everything changed. Or not?
"I just want to walk you home", - as always, he smiled warmly with his simple smile, as if he did not understand how creepy he looks now, in their "accidental" meeting. - "Yes, and this rain is so not at the right time. And I see you don't take an umbrella…"
"Fuck off already!", - you screamed and started running again, leaving the frightening interlocutor in slight confusion.
The rain was falling harder and harder, blurring the view with a solid wall. Where did you run to? You didn't care anymore. A straight section, a turn, another turn, a wide street that you run diagonally, ignoring the indignant shouts in the back. The lights of the signs and windows dance around you. Everything merges into a strange nightmare, where bright colors are just decorations. Your heart continues to pound wildly, the noise of blood in your ears is deafening.
That's when you bump into someone's thick carcass. An elastic blow throws you to the wet asphalt. Your hands are burning with pain, and you finally come to your senses.
You were now sitting in some dark alley, where neither lonely windows nor the black doors of various eateries do not go out.
A moment of confusion.
"S-sorry", - you rise, leaning on a skinned palm. It stings. – "I just…"
"Are you lost, beautiful?" - A high-pitched adult voice was heard.
You lookup. In front of you is a heavy man significantly exceeding you in height. He chuckles slightly as he looks at you. And now he was reaching out to you
"Let me examine your hands...", - a hard grip shackles your right wrist, pulls forward.
You are overwhelmed by panic, you can't resist it, are absolutely tired. From despair and pain, you began to howl softly.
"Well, well", - the man encouraged you, smiling maliciously, continuing to pull you to him. – "There's nothing terrible here, dear, now I'll help you get rid of the pain…"
The other hand was also close to your body. It seemed that something irreparable was about to happen.
"Don't...please let me go!", - you whimpered and squeezed your eyes shut in a fit of hopelessness.
And then something happened.
You opened one eye, unable to restrain a strange curiosity. The man let go of your hand, and all his attention was now focused on the guy standing almost between them. With one hand he continued to squeeze the umbrella, the water from which was just trickling down the rough man's neck, and with the other, he was squeezing his fat wrist.
"I think they told you to let go," - he said seriously, looking straight into the small, surprising beady eyes.
"What?", - that's all the boar said, after which he tried to crush the stranger with his mass, stepping forward.
What happened next, you remembered vaguely. More precisely, you just didn't have time to remember exactly what happened. The guy only smiled rapaciously at the fat man's movement, after which he made several blows so fast that you simply did not catch them all. Just sharp shadows under the light of a lone lantern suddenly crashed into a thick carcass. The pig didn't even say anything, just fell back, collapsing on the garbage bags against the wall.
Realizing that it was all over, you turned her gaze to your pursuer and were amazed. He stood there, absolutely calm, smiling affably and holding out his hand to her.
"It's dangerous to go home alone. Can I walk you out?"
A lump rose in your throat, but you immediately overcame herself and took the stranger by the hand. - "Yes, I think I should agree"
You smiled sweetly back at him, then obediently stood under a wide umbrella, and together you moved to the exit of the alley.
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companionjones · 3 years
Against The Wall
Fandom: James McAvoy
Pairing: James McAvoy x Fem!Reader
Warnings: Smut, Cursing, Slight!Insecurity 
Author’s Note: This is my first smut. It’s taken me forever to write one, and this is the first successful of many tries. Hear me out, it’s technically based on the episode of SNL that McAvoy hosted. I don’t know why. I meant to write the smut part of this first, then the regular part where they meet and get to know each other and stuff, then post them in reverse order. But, the thing is, I don’t feel like writing the other part. So you’re just getting the smut. This takes place at the SNL afterparty that week, or at least it starts there. Enjoy. Also, if you’re my friend in real life reading this, I am very uncomfortable right now.
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    “What do you say we get out of here?” James parted from you, breathless.
    Your whole face warmed up. “O-okay...”
    James smiled then, and leaned back in to kiss both your cheeks, then your lips once more.
    The two of you exited from the back. As soon as you were out of sight of others, James pinned you against the brick wall of the alley. He started kissing you again. You could feel him inhale against your skin.
    “James...” you breathed. You meant to sound less desperate than you did.
    “I love how you say my name.” He separated from you just enough to tell you. “So breathless and sweet and...fuck.”
    You couldn’t help but moan at that...but the two of you were in an alley. “James?”
    His hands had ventured down, and he had started squeezing your thighs. He parted from you, though. “I know, I know. We should take this to an actual bed.” He had walked a little away from you, and a smirk grew on his lips once he got the full view of you.
    Breathless, lips swollen and red, you were leaning against the wall for support.
    He continued, that smirk still present, “I couldn’t help myself though.”
    As your heart hammered in your chest, you looked him and down, too. His bulge was prevalent in his pants, and it was also obvious that James wasn’t taking his eyes off you any time soon. Your body seemed to have used permanent marker to keep that smirk on his lips for good.
    “We can keep going here, if you want,” you offered. “It wouldn’t be my first time, outside like this.”
    His breath got caught in his throat. His gaze wandered over you once more. “Don’t go saying things like that to me right now.”
    “I’m serious,” you held.
    James stepped back to you. He wasn’t touching you again, not yet. “I want this to continue, though. Outside of this. You and me. I want you to know that.”
    You should’ve guessed before then, but surprise still flashed in your eyes. Your gaze was fixed on his lips. Your own mouth twitched up at the same time. “Yeah?”
    “God, yes.”
    A full smile started to grow on your lips, but you interrupted it by kissing him again.
    James pulled away again though and bought himself just enough time to ask, “Are you su--”
    “Yes,” you answered before he could finish, and captured his lips again.
    In reply, James moaned lowly, and you were sure your legs would’ve given out had he not been pressing you against that wall again.
    James didn’t waste time after that. Swiftly, he reached under your skirt to discard your underwear before he came back to cup your face with both his hands. With his left hand, he tugged the hair at the back of your head for a moment before his hands slid downward. In their journey, they cupped your breasts as well before hooking to the back of your thighs. “Jump, darling,” he whispered just as he captured your lips again.
    You did as he said, he caught you, and James pinned you even further against the brick.
    “God, darling,” he moaned against you. “I’ve wanted to do this for a while,” James finished with a giddy smile. His lips barely had enough time to form those phrases when they weren’t against yours.
    You smiled, too. You teased, “I’ve waited longer,” and that earned you a deep chuckle.
    James moved his hips against your for what was definitely not the first time that night, and both of you moaned.
    James undid his belt and jeans, and suddenly something was even more obvious than it was before. He teased his dick against your folds, and a few more moans slipped from his throat.
    “Are you gonna fuck me, or wha--”
    His cock slid in, and the sounds the both of you made were louder than anything that had left your lips yet.
    “So tight, so fuckin’ tight,” James commented, almost desperate.
    “...Baby...I’m just gonna need a second. Fuck, you’re huge.” Your voice broke on the last word.
    James passed the time by nipping and sucking behind your earlobe, then where your neck met your shoulder, then he made his way to the symmetrical side of you.
    “Baby?” you called after a couple of minutes.
    “Yes, darling?” He leaned away from you so he could catch your eyes. A teasing smile was playing at your lips.
    You flashed your own smile in return. “Move.”
    “Of course.” He went to kiss you again, but a sigh left his lips before he could. James slowly moved his dick out of you, then slid it back in.
    “Fuck, James...” you breathed.
    “You’re perfect, darling.” He captured your lips again, and another needy moan sounded from his throat.
    After a few tentative thrusts, you broke the kiss again. “James? Baby, I need you to move faster.”
    James obeyed your words and started speeding up. Soon, his hips were snapping against yours at lightening speed.
    You whimpered at almost every thrust. How could you not? James’ moans were louder than yours, but his were farther between.
    He made up for it by whispering breathless, sweet nothings to you, including but not limited to... “You feel amazing, darling...So good...So fucking good...God fucking dammit, I don’t know how long I’m gonna last...This is perfect...You’re perfect, darling...”
    Eventually, James bit your neck and sucked with a force that was almost painful. “Fuck. Darling, I’m gonna cum soon.” Him biting at your neck was him trying to hold himself off.
    You bracingly kissed him, and informed, “I’m close too, baby.” You could feel the coil tightening in your stomach, and your cunt must’ve been getting tighter too because James was having trouble holding himself together.
    “Fuck, fuuuck.” His thrusts were getting sloppy, but he was trying his best not to slow down. James’ fingers started digging in under your thighs where he was holding you up.
    How much effort he was putting into not cumming before you turned you on even more. That, on top of the feelings of his cock sliding in and out of you and his arms holding you close did you in.
    Right before, you suddenly noticed that you had been so caught up in the act that you had your eyes shut most of the time. You wanted to look into James’ eyes as you came.
    Your hands had been resting on his shoulders and grabbing onto his shirt most of the night, but you brought your hands to the sides of his face to bring it in front of yours. “James,” you alerted him.
    He had his teeth gritted and his head was on your right shoulder because he was still holding himself off for you. When you brought him to look at you, his mouth fell open as soon as he met your eyes because as soon as he did that, you were cumming.
    “Jesus Christ,” he cursed, his eyes going out of focus as he snapped his hips against yours one last time. He shuddered, and finally spilled himself inside you. His cum came out in three bursts, then James let out a small, gratified moan and leaned his forehead against yours. His eyes slid shut again. “You were fucking spectacular, Y/n.”
    You chuckled at that, and kissed him again.
    After a few more moments, James pulled out of you. He let you down, and you put back on your underwear.
    After that though, James pressed you against that brick wall again. He kissed you once more. “I was serious about this continuing. I want to see you again. Preferably in a restaurant and not in an alleyway.”
    You laughed again, and kissed him again. You wouldn’t complain if that pattern stuck for the rest of time. After you parted from him again, and your gaze was on his lips, you licked your own. Your smile faded to a look of slight insecurity. You met his eyes again. “You sure?”
    He smiled in such a comforting way, it made your heart swell. “Darling,” he told you, “I haven’t been this sure about something in a while.”
    You couldn’t help but grin at that, and you couldn’t recall a time in which you were happier.
    James’ gaze trailed down to your lips again, and he pulled you in for another kiss. His hand that wasn’t holding yours was tangled in your hair, and his smile had not left when the two of you broke the kiss.
    “You wanna come back to my apartment?” you offered, “Maybe round 2 in an actual bed?”
    “Your place?” A different smile was playing at his lips then, as if him being in your apartment was a step forward in intimacy.
    You realized that it was. You didn’t back down. “Yeah. My place.”
    James brought your hand that he was holding to his lips. “Lead the way, darling.”
    That, you did.
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! I can’t believe I finally wrote my first smut! I hope you liked it. Fill up that heart and reblog if you did. If you have the time, I would also really appreciate a comment. If you would like to read more, I have more fics over on my page. You should check it out. Thanks again! Have a nice day, night, or whatever time it is for you! <3 <3 <3
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