#i still need to watch kabuto
atoriv-art · 5 months
I’m deeply in love with your artstyle! What do you headcanon for the Naruto characters appearances and how did you come to that?
thank you!! assuming you mean facial features + body types and the like, it's honestly a very "vibes"-based approach AKSDMKM i wrote down a feeew of my thoughts in [ this post ] (which i doodled as i was still not done watching naruto LMAO) but it's mostly about like.. picking aspects of the character that jump out to me and thinking about how to incorporate that in my interpretation of them, a lot of the time it's their eyes (for example i Adore itachi's stupid prettyboy eyelashes so i knew i wanted to draw those) but it could be just about anything; some examples of my beloved Guys:
with itachi i wanted a 'ghostly' kind of look to him because he is very aloof and distant, i also like having him be Long and Bony for a lack of a better word for the same reason?
with sasuke i wanted a very sweet and earnest "trying to look tough but failing because he's a little guy" vibe, mostly because those are the thoughts that were going thru my brain in any given sasuke scene in our naruto watch
for kakashi i needed his prettyboy charms coupled with his depressed everything
etc! it's hard to convey how/why something comes off a certain way, and that's mostly because imo any given appearance can be used to convey any sort of idea depending on execution! it's not Just "round = friendly and triangle = angry" yk you gotta like. flavor it for the lack of a better word
i'll put the rest under a read more so it's not too long ^^
for more general examples here's my kabuto (yeah i'm a kabuto liker. woe.), konan and nagato
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kabuto (esp. in shippuden) has sharper features and i also wanted to go with a face type i'm not AS used to drawing for funsies, i also think the Angles contrast well with his (...stupid...) glasses.
kabuto is an adult but he's still very young esp when we first meet him so when drawing his younger self i'd like to put emphasis on that (especially because he presents himself as friendly), thus the slightly rounder features. by contrast in shippuden he's Going Through Some Things so the spikes in his hair are emphasized and he looks a bit more mature
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konan for me sticks out as like, "bold"? not aggressive but very intense if that makes any sense, she's a very serious person and you can tell from the moment you see her, nagato ofc has the rinnegan so his eyes have to be the main feature of his face, and similar to itachi he has a thinner body type... what i wanted with him was similarly a very serious person with a lot of edge to his gaze due to his special dojutsu. and finally on a more subjective level i wanted them to look like they match/belong together because i'm very normal about them ♥
i also enjoy conveying character through how hair is maintained, so for nagato he lets his hair grow kind of however it wants to, konan is more meticulous about hers (tho i forgot to draw her bun in that LOL), and kabuto (given when his design transitions to the shorter hair) i very much picture cutting his in a moment of crisis (pictured below. <3)
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there's also always like.. the Fullness of the hair if it makes sense, i enjoy drawing 'fluffier' stereotypical anime hairstyles a lot but i also really like having people like itachi with finer hair and such, i also think varying that between characters gives each a more unique charm :)
one should also note that a lot of the times the physical features are only half the impression, the other half is how they carry themselves and body language conscious And subconscious!
i think in general studying from life will never lead you wrong (even if your style isn't 'realistic', like, mine certainly has anime leanings), and being mindful of what kind of choice/feature you give someone and what you think that implies about them is always important :) the characters i draw are all characters i like so i try to let whatever makes me fond about them have an influence ^^
it's a constant learning process imo i personally find that even if i like how i draw faces Now i often find them wonky like, 6 months later? but i take that less to mean that i drew them Bad and more to mean i've improved lol
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nelson-and-friends · 1 year
I'm posting here because I need to advertise like a little bit.
Hi! We out at the Unovan Conservation Center (UCC) and the Pokémon Environmental Protection Agency (PEPA) are asking for donations and funding for the Entralink Preserve, located in central Unova.
Though not open to the public, we care for many endangered Pokémon, and even some Pokémon that are extinct in the wild. While most of the Pokémon in this preserve are native to the Unova region, we take care of a couple endangered or extinct Pokémon from other regions, such as Hoenn's Relicanth, Kanto's Lapras, Kabuto, and Omanyte, Kalos' Aurorus, Sinnoh's ancient Braviary and Zoroark, and Paldea's Great Tusk, Brute Bonnet, and Slither Wing.
Recently we have been going over the daily budget just trying to feed these Pokémon and pay the small amount of people that work here. Our requests to the Unovan government to increase the budget has continually been met with no's. So, we are asking for any amount of donations to keep the Entralink Preserve up and running.
You can donate HERE, and sign a petition to up our government funding HERE.
Below is a short video exploring a small section of the Entralink Preserve.
[Fading in from black is a wooded scene. On the ground, sleeping curled up in a ball is a giant, old Eelektross. It is over triple the size of the average Eelektross. It is curled up around a baby Frillish. A deep voice starts to speak.
"Hi, I'm Pokémon Ranger Speck, and I'm here to show off a bit of the Entralink Preserve. I'm currently in the Unovan section, the largest section of the preserve. Right in front of me we have great-granny Elle, our elder alpha Eelektross. She's curled up around baby Liffy, her great-grandchild. A little known fact in Unova: Alpha Pokémon weren't just rumors or legends, they were real! Under intense stress for a period of time, a Pokémon would grow stronger and bigger, just like Elle here. Today's Pokémon have 'traditionally' evolved to no longer need Alpha Pokémon.
"Elle here is the last Alpha of her kind, though her children still exhibit traits of Alpha Pokémon, such as being much larger than the rest of their species, and increased strength from birth, though those traits get weaker and weaker with each generation.
"Elle is also the oldest living Pokémon in our care, being several hundred years old. Imagine that! Well, let's move onto someone else."
The camera cuts to a new scene. This scene is a grassy clearing, with a large tree in the center. In the tree is numerous Archen, as well as a single Archeops.
"This is Bird Tree. Our Archen all live here, as well as their adoptive mother, Eliza, our Archeops. Eliza takes care of all of the Archen here. Right girl?"
The Archeops in the tree "caws" loudly.
"Eliza here wasn't actually revived from a fossil: she was found here many years ago as one of the last living Archen. She's a survivor, and that definitely shows in her personality.
"Well, that ends this little showcase of the Entralink Preserve." A thumbs up appears in front of the camera as a link shows up on screen. "Please donate! We're pretty understaffed here, and we don't get enough funding from the government. You can donate at the link on screen, or look up 'Entralink Preserve' on the internet! Thank you for watching!"]
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doomednarrative · 10 months
Alright. I said last night I’d write up my actual serious thoughts about the Chain Scenes in Kabuto and I will indeed deliver on that promise.
I think the biggest thing to remember when it comes to both Yaguruma and then subsequently Kageyama wearing the chains together is When It Happens, because it doesn’t happen for no reason, theres’s something specific that sets it off.
It happens not long after all of This:
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it happens after Yaguruma is given the chance to take up TheBee again by Tadakoro, something that he adamently refuses to do, saying he’s found his purpose/enjoyment in living in the hell that he’s chosen for himself.
But Kageyama, who still hasn’t completely lost his faith in being heroic, in doing things on the side of Light, isn’t as keen on just giving up this chance like Yaguruma is, so he instead rushes towards it. He takes back TheBee, and it goes about as well as expected (read: he fails at it yet again.) And afterwards, when he’s laying on the ground defeated, he reaches out to Yaguruma again, the only person who still looks at him as an equal even in the aftermath of failure, and basically asks if he can fix things for him.
And the thing that kills me is in that moment, after Kageyama’s defeat with TheBee deciding he still isn’t worthy of it anymore, we see this happpen:
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TheBee literally presents itself to Yaguruma again. The offer of "you can be the one to use me again, I find you worthy once more" is on the table. And he Still refuses it.
And I think what kills me with this is that TheBee here ends up saying two different things at once in this One scene, for both Kageyama and Yaguruma. To Yaguruma, watching Kageyama try out TheBee again, trying to play the hero on the side of Light, and once again failing so hard at it, it kinda ends up reaffirming what he was already believing, that the two of them are in hell and there’s no point to even Trying to play the hero, because it ends badly every time they try. They will always be failures, so why try to change it? They’ll never live up to Tendou and the others, so it’s better to stsy together in the darkness.
And yet, by the very nature of TheBee offering itself to Yaguruma again too, it’s also contradicting that entire notion. It’s basically saying to Yaguruma’s face "Are you really so set in those ideals? Are you sure you’ve really killed off that part of yourself that wants to do good?"
And it ends up being Right in that, because what does he do the very next scene??
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He goes out on his own as Kickhopper not only to defend Kageyama for getting his ass beat, but also to help Kagami and Tendou to defeat a Worm together.
And it’s something he clearly doesn’t think super well of himself for doing, because while Kgaeyama is happy to see him after all is said and done, he’s clearly annoyed with both Kageyama and himself for the whole thing:
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He’s starting to see that Maybe, Kageyama isn’t as wrong as he wants to think he is, and that having him around is actively challenging the ideals of darkness and hell that he was fine and comfortable being in all this time.
Which then leads us of course to The Chains:
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Yeah, the chains are funny/weird as hell and quite a reaction to thinking "hm, I’m failing in my edgy ways, I need to reinforce my beliefs somehow so this drastic measure seems like it’ll help do just that." But when you actually take all the context into mind, it kinda Makes Sense why he does it (and why Kageyama then joins him, because he seeks approval and acceptance and he knows following Yaguruma’s example will get him that.)
Yaguruma’s not cool with the fact that his own supposed beliefs were being actively challenged by those around him, he doesn’t want them to be. He doesn’t want to believe in the possibility that maybe he’s still capable of being good and that it’s Worth doing so. And so he brings out the chains as a way to force his hands Away from doing Anything that might interfere with those beliefs. If he literally cannot act on things due to being bound up, then it’s a problem solved for him and one he no longer needs to worry about.
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jyoongim · 1 year
Always the Fool
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Prompt: “I just want it to stop hurting”
~Yes to Heaven~
Y/n knew she had to let go again.
It was the only to save everyone…but was it selfish to want him to live?
Itachi had kabuto in an Izanami, an infinite loop and was coming clean to Sasuke of his burden. Sasuke, either in shock or anger refuted. Itachi turned to y/n and smiled gently as he approached. 
Tears were starting to swell as he took y/n’s hands in his, “Don't cry for me” he bumped his forehead to y/n “How can I not?” y/n said in a shaking voice. He huffed slightly and embraced y/n, immediately y/n tightened her arms around him and began to sob “Its wasn't fair! You shouldn't have had to save them!” he said nothing but soothed y/n hair as she vented years of anger “Why!? Why did we have to suffer for the sake of the village!? Its not fair!....why…”  she reared her head back to look at him. He looked the same, even in death, he was the most beautiful thing. She felt her own eyes change when they made contact with his Sharingan. Itachi smiled softly “who would we be if not to suffer for the sake of others?” she hated his vagueness.
Truly hated it.
“Is it selfish of me to want you to stay? I dont want to accept this as my reality…please I cant” she dropped her gaze as she felt another rack of sobs breaks through her chest. 
Itachi knew that there was nothing he could say that would ease her pain. Time was ticking and they needed to end the reanimation jutsu soon.“I know you wouldnt sacrifice anything for the sake of the village y/n, but would you sacrifice anything for me?” he asked. y/n head shot up “Of course!” 
“Then sacrifice me…for my sake” he whispered as he stepped back and began performing the hand signs for the reversal of the reanimation jutsu. 
There was only the last thing…and she didnt want to do it. Itachi looked at her and nodded softly.
Itachi was the only one (or few) who knew of her true nature and abilities.
She placed her hands on the ground and felt her heart break along with the seals that were placed for the reanimation jutsu.
She turned to Itachi and watched as he gave his last atonement to Sasuke and approach her. 
“I am happy the last thing I could see were your lovely eyes y/n” he smiled as he began to disperse… y/n teary eyes went wide and met him halfway and she couldnt help but hold unto him tightly. This time Itachi returned her tight embrace and softly pressed his lips to her forehead
“I’ll always love you y/n, in this life and the next” and with that he was gone…forever…
All were grateful for whoever had ended the reanimation and in the aftermath, many shinobi on the battlefield was still in shock over the event of seeing their past loved ones and getting to have closure. Kakashi was on the search for Y/n. Following her chakra led him to the cave where Itachi and Sasuke had their battle with Kabuto. There he found a tranced Kabuto, a distraught sasuke, and a wailing y/n. He slowly approached y/n and she practically latched onto him.. “y/n wha-” “He did it” kakashi blinked at her. She looked at him dazed, tears staining her cheeks, and eyes red. He was stunted. y/n eyes were switching back and forth in her distressed state. “Y/n calm down” he shook her a little. “He did it to save the village” he didn't know who she was referring too “Y/n who stopped the reanimation jutsu?” her eyes focused a bit and gave a smile sad “Itachi” Kakashi eye(s) went wide at the realization.  
y/n began shaking and  let out a strained gasp as pressed her hand to her chest and started hitting it as another wave of grief hit her. “Y/n-No!” kakashi tried to restrain her but it as if she couldnt stop. “Why why why why why why!” she wailed. Kakashi had never seen her like this 
Breathing heavy, chest scratched and red, y/n eyes were glossy and blown and she looked at kakashi, gave a sad smile as she wrapped her arms around herself and said
“I just want it to stop hurting”
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gotinterest · 11 days
Agito: haven't finished but it probably wins I really just need to sit down and finish I only have a few episodes left and it's been MONTHS
Faiz: love has never lost so badly
Hibiki: LOVE LOSES**
Den-O: haven't finished cause the big bad guy started boring me but I'm a bit Scared and Concerned.
Kiva: Have not watched this one to be honest with you
Decade: Also have not watched this one yet sorry I'm holding off till I finish all the other phase 1 Heisei shows
W: Haven't finished but from what I can tell LOVE WINS HETEROSEXUALLY AT LEAST
Fourze: Haven't finished but from what I can tell I think love wins?
Wizard: Haven't watched and I've been avoiding spoilers so please don't tell me.
Gotchard: It's still ongoing so we don't know yet
Drive: Haven't watched.
Ghost: Haven't watched
Ex-Aid: Haven't watched but from what I can tell love wins in this one.
*well it will. Eventually.
**the love of the writers, cast, crew, and fans is what lost
***Zi-O is just the Blade 2 parter to ME
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
So now while I wait for my hair to process
Red Lights AU am I right?
When Orochimaru and Kabuto are bright back to the village to stand trial Danzo knows it’s all over.
There’s no getting around it.
As soon as the Yamanaka gets his mind into Orochimaru’s every sordid deal he ever made with the snake Sannin — every threat, every demand to work faster, every picture of a bow with hair like moonlight thrown at Orochimaru’s feet as a reminder of what he has to lose — are all going to be dragged up and the resulting investigation into Root is only going to find more and worse things.
So he decides this is his moment.
The leaf village will fall today.
And he’s starting with that den of whores and thieves that popped out the biggest pains in his ass he has ever known.
In Hokage tower Maruto and Aki are watching Inoichi interrogate (is it an interrogation when it all done in someone’s head?) Orochimaru when the first explosion rocks the village.
Inoichi staggers as his grip on Orochimaru’s mind is broken.
As one the three flowers, the three that lived and breathed the spirit of the district, still and turn towards the window.
Towards the smoke they can already see rising.
Naruto and Aki are gone before anyone am an even think to grab them, hurtling through the window and over rooftops to already burning district.
The seals that had protected them during the invasion are nowhere to be found, two of the gate entrances to the district (where the fighting seems to be the thickest) are glowing signaling that their seals have been activated, but the other two are still down.
Aki and Naruto look at each other and move.
There’s no shepherding civilians through the gates this time. No safety to be found on the other side. There are only two flowers (one just a Chunin with a vest that still doesn’t fit right and the other who never even received the tank of Genin) cutting their way throughANBU level opponents trying to get to the other gates.
Orochimaru looks at his old teammates, already prepping themselves for battle, and does the one thing he swore he would never do.
He begs.
“Unseal me!” He hisses at Tsunade’s distant eyes. “They will be slaughtered!”
“You didn’t care when you attacked,” Jiraiya snarls back.
“No men of mine came close to the district. Everything I’ve done has been for them.”
Tsunade and Jiraiya won’t fight for the district. Not when there were other more vital locations to protect. Kabuto would, was already standing at his elbow ready to be his arms yet again.
If they didn’t unseal him Orochimaru would kick the bastards attacking his home to death. He didn’t need his arms. Didn’t need his chakra. Not when his clan was on the line.
“If you don’t do it I will,” Another voice, Inoichi picking himself up from the ground hisses.
The two “loyal “ Sannin look to each other for a long moment. Tsunade is the one that turns to him and dispels the seal on his chest with a pulse of chakra. “If you fuck my on this Orochimaru I will kill you. Do you understand?”
He does for all he doesn’t answer. He is already running, leaping from rooftop to rooftop with Kabuto on his heels, to fight for the district. To fight the monster he knew would be waiting for him in the center of it all.
He is honestly impressed that Tsunade thought she would kill him before Rin had the chance to should he turn traitor on them again.
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chanfictions · 2 years
Hello! So glad prompts are open. Can I request 25 or 22 for Kabuto? I don’t know if two prompts are allowed so choose either if not possible. I’d ask to make it nasty, but don’t want to put pressure.
Kabuto x Reader 
18+ content - minors, DNI.
Prompts: "close your eyes" and in the spirit of "be a good girl and hold still"
Slightly smutty. Knife play, fear kink, sliiiiiiight medical kink if you really squint.
Kabuto wanted to watch you squirm, to test your resolve. How deep did that trust run, he wondered. Who would flinch first?
Shallow breaths, sweet little whimpers – the rapid thrumming of your pulse beneath his fingertips only made Kabuto's saccharine smile widen as he crooned sweetly in your ear.
"What's the matter, don't you trust me?"
A slim, shiny length of metal glimmered in your periphery, flushing your face with heat. You swallowed the nervous squeak lodged in your throat, biting your lip and squirming against the warmth of the firm body at your back. "O-of course I do," you choked in a breathless whisper as you turned your head to shy away from the blade.
"Then close your eyes," he murmured, voice dripping with a sort of superficial reassurance that had you second guessing your life choices as his other arm tightened around your torso, his hand still resting gently over your throat to allow his fingertips to take in every flutter and jump in your racing pulse. 
He hummed sweetly in response, trailing the flat edge along your cheek and over your jaw before the smile in his voice grew low and cold when he spoke again. "Don't make me repeat myself."
The heat flushing your face began to trickle downward, swirling in your chest and belly before pooling firmly between your legs. The blade caressed the lump in your throat as you swallowed thickly and finally obeyed, beginning to tremble in a confusing mix of fear and arousal. Gods, Kabuto was a monster when he wanted to be, but to be fair, you were the one who asked for it.
"Good girl." He pressed a kiss to your temple, taking the blade lower, catching the neck of your shirt and admiring the way your chest shuddered in your attempts to not let it heave in anticipation. It was delicious. He could practically taste the adrenaline pumping through your blood, seeping through your pores, filling every little puff of air you exhaled. The frighteningly sharp edge slowly sliced right through the front of your clothes like tissue paper. Agonizingly slowly. Kabuto wanted to watch you squirm, to test your resolve. How deep did that trust run, he wondered. Who would flinch first?
You gasped when you felt the tip scrape your belly, lurching backward reflexively, only to be admonished with a condescending tut.
"Ah, ah – what did I tell you last time?"
A whine resembling his name trilled in your throat as you struggled to meet his demand for stillness, but dear gods, you couldn't hear anything over the rush of blood in your ears. Your mouth had gone dry. Your legs had gone weak with need. Kabuto's firm hold on you was the only thing keeping you upright.
"You know I have a very steady hand, but that won't matter much if you buck into the knife," Kabuto cooed softly in your ear, adoring how you desperately tried to keep it together while he expertly sliced through the rest of your shirt. "Though, I suppose I can just fix you up if you slip, right? That does make things more exciting."
He wasn't serious, was he?
You swallowed nervously again. The brat in you wanted to tease, to push his buttons, to challenge him, but logic screamed in your ear not to because Kabuto was a capricious man. Just because he said loved you didn't mean he wouldn't cut you just to make a point. Even with his warm smiles and seemingly caring demeanor, he could just as easily turn cold and cruel – a shadow of his master still lingering somewhere beneath the mask.
It was too easy to forget that your sweet, mild-mannered Kabuto was dangerous. 
You felt the trailing edge of a blade glide across your skin like silk – displaying the wielder's masterful level of control while dangling a not-so-toothless threat over you. He hummed softly to himself as he traced purposefully over your vital points with that cold, sharpened steel, sending a nervous shiver racing up your spine, trapping your increasingly urgent drinks of air in your chest. 
Kabuto chuckled at your expense, teasing the knife's tip under the curve of your breast, back up to your throat – delighting in the way your pulse jumped again when it crossed your jugular. This was such a fun game, and oh, did he ever love to win. He knew your body was being needled with static from how close he had you to hyperventilating – how the terror of what he could do with that blade left you soaked and aching for him. "Deep breaths," he murmured in a cold, clinical taunt.
It was so close to being too much. What were once tempered inhales had grown shallow and ragged, further unsettling your already frantic heartbeat as the razor edge lingered on the soft flesh beneath your chin, threatening to spill your life force all over the stony floor if you dared disobey. Teeth chattering from the tension held in your jaw, your lip quivered and body trembled as you whimpered and pinned your back against him, your mind getting lost in a thickening bog of fear.
Such a delicate dance it was, balancing you on the brink like this – and Kabuto was so very good at it.
"Shh," he soothed, his grip subtly becoming more comforting than confining as he took a measured step backward, setting the scalpel aside for a moment and settling on the edge of the bed with your shaking body between his legs. You were putty in his hands now – reduced to a heap of empty-headed nothing and entirely at his mercy. The warmth of his palm replaced the chilled metal at your throat, trailing down over your collarbones before beginning to glow softly and coming to rest over your heart. "Deep breaths," he said again, tone shifting to something more caring and kind as the menacing veil began to lift. 
Your haggard respirations began to smooth and slow as you let yourself sink into his chest, submitting to his will and turning toward the warmth of his shoulder. Kabuto carefully laid you back onto his sheets and braced a hand next to your head, drinking in the heavy, adoring eyes that now peered up at him as he delicately traced his knuckles over the curve of your cheek. You were so weak, so subdued, so disarmed like this – a fragile little thing that needed to be handled with the utmost care. He smiled quietly, leaning down to cradle your face in his hand, brushing his lips ever-so-softly against yours. 
"Now, where were we?"
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waffliesinyoface · 1 year
anyways i just read all of naruto in like a week so i am now qualified to have The Most Correct Opinions.
Land of Waves arc is unironically the best one
its also the ONLY standard mission in the entire manga?? literally, at no point does anyone interact with a client after tazuna, its all in response to orochimaru/akatsuki. Naruto your resume is ridiculous. The reason Kakashi is 6th Hokage is not because Naruto wasn't strong enough, but because he needed to learn what the actual job of being a ninja entails. Yes you are very strong but you do need to have a basic grasp of paperwork systems.
Its kind of weird that, out of all the akatsuki, kisame is the one who hangs around the longest. Most of the others show up, do their bit, and then are immediately killed. Kisame is introduced first and dies last.
i've already mentioned this in another post but the Cycle of Hatred thing does not work. It worked as a motivation for Pein, but like. The reason the villages kept declaring war on each other wasn't for revenge, it was because their economic system was inherently tied to being the one with the strongest military and also they were paranoid that if someone else got too strong they would be invaded first.
Related: they should've had warring clans exposition and details about the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd wars BEFORE Pein showed up. If there were more details about wars in the past presented in a tragic-but-still-overall-necessary light, then Pein showing up and going "you miserable bastards trample over everyone weaker than you and deserve to be punished or it." It would have had more weight. Literally you could've slotted this during Naruto's initial training with Jiraiya as a follow-up to Hiruzen's "The chuunin exams are a replacement for war" speech.
Sakura why the fuck didnt you marry Ino
Kishimoto did Sakura so dirty at every turn. Literally every time she gets screentime she goes "THIS TIME... I WILL BE THE ONE WHO PROTECTS YOU...!" and has a cool moment, and then gets immediately overshadowed.
Literally at one point she's like "in the chuunin exams i was so weak... i hid behind you guys at every turn" and i felt like I was going insane because both during wave and the chuunin exams she has moments where she's like "yeah i dont have any special powers but i DO have a knife and you're going through me FIRST, fucker" which is honestly way cooler to me than like 90% of all the jutsu bullshit. Literally she stands in between a berserk gaara and a crippled sasuke armed with nothing but a kunai and pure fucking grit.
its very funny to me that the first time naruto ever does a nature transformation its rasenshuriken. Kakashi woke up in a cold sweat one day and realized he forgot to do the most basic teaching about chakra theory when they were genin. Whoops.
Im sorry but i legitimately do not care about the sage OR his sons OR the reincarnation twist. Its not interesting to me and I WILL be ignoring it. I'm all for the sage being reminded of his kids or the idea of history being cyclical, but explicitly going "no youre a reincarnation, this was Fated" is dumb and kishimoto SHOULD feel bad.
Edo Tensei arc is unironically very funny to me. Kabuto is having a mid-life crisis and has turned into a snake about it, and has decided to raise a bunch of dead badasses for. reasons. honestly i am not sure how his goals required obito or the akatsuki??
Anyways he raises a bunch of badasses and WHOOPS theyre all comedians. Deidara and Sasori are bickering, Itachi is being even more of an unhinged control freak than normal, the Mizukage is curbstomping everyone while berating them for not hitting the weakpoints he's explicitly telling them about, Tobirama is annoyed at everyone but mostly himself for actually coming up with this jutsu, and madara puts his entire plan on hold for a minute because he sensed his ex boyfriend and got incredibly horny.
Orochimaru gets brought back to life and promptly goes "actually i take back my plans about konoha, watching sasuke is INFINITELY more entertaining. Also I'm going to help out against the akatsuki because Kabuto's snake fursona is a tacky knockoff of me and I'm disowning him for being lame." I also liked him being chummy with Tsunade, that was very cute. I kind of wish Jiraiya HAD gotten edo tensei'd so that all three sannin could have been reunited on the same side? It would have been cute??
I feel strongly that Sakura and Karin deserve to go to some hot springs together and mutually complain to each other about being unfortunately attracted to the most misogynistic man on the planet after kishimoto himself. Orochimaru and Ino can tag along because they LOVE gossip and complaining.
Gai being the only person on the planet strong enough to beat the crap out of Madara is great, actually. Yes you can block all ninjutsu and genjutsu, but can you block his fists? No.
The "special chakra" produced in uchiha brains is actually entirely unrelated to the sharingan. It mostly just causes brain damage. This is why Madara, Obito, and Sasuke are all Like That.
Obito's heel face turn and the ensuing team up with Kakashi is, against all odds, actually good. I am willing to overlook Obito temporarily coming back from the dead through sheer willpower both because its cool and because we've already established chakra is bullshit and ghosts exist.
Obito your plans are dumb, your motivation is stupid, your critical thinking skills are nonexistent, and your coping mechanisms are insane. Somehow I still like you, despite this??
Does anybody at all like kaguya. Anybody.
Everything about the epilogue annoys me. Mirai and Sarada can stay, everything else I am actively choosing to ignore.
Frankly I'm confused and appalled that kishimoto wrote sasuke and naruto like that, and then put them in heterosexual marriages with other people.
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thatsneakymedic · 8 months
October Writing Challenge
Day 6 Black Cat
It was any other day and Sasuke asked Kabuto a favor to occupy him to go visit the Sky District to go buy some certain weapons and ninja tools for himself. Since Kabuto has never been to the place before, he decided to come along since there might be a chance that he might find something that he would like to take for himself.
He notes to bring a lot of money, but also to not make it obvious that he has money.
Following Sasuke closely, he stops to see a rather unusual black cat that seemingly looked like it was taking a nap and that was selling a grounded up ginseng in a jar on it's small table with the money note sign that said "50000 ryo." on it as well as other medicines that Kabuto notices that are hard to find. While still following Sasuke and not wanting to wait for the owner to greet him, he pays the cat the money with a wad of cash attached to a rubber band and he puts it on the plate before taking the money. He was sure that he paid it but he didn't have the time for it so he had to hurry to follow Sasuke.
The cat opens it's eyes and it takes the money off the plate to avoid any thieves from stealing it from it but then it stared at Kabuto as he watches him leave with it's eyes widening with dismay.
After spending the day buying himself some things from the other stalls while Sasuke talked to a mysterious old woman and her granddaughter who were surrounded by cats. They managed to get out of the city safe and sound.
"You sure you got everything you need Sasuke?" Kabuto asked as he keeps the items he bought to himself. And also made sure to not show off his money too much.
"I did. But next time. Don't stall me." Sasuke replied coldly as he looks on ahead, and Kabuto narrows his eyes at him. It wasn't really him but the other way around. Thankfully Kabuto knows the location so that he can always come by since his own shopping was cut short because of Sasuke.
As he puts his hood up, he hears a small meow cry from behind him and he turns around to see the black cat with the bag on it's back following him. Kabuto rolls his eyes, he doesn't have time to deal with this thing. So he tries to shoo it away, but the cat doesn't budge and it still followed him.
"Hey Sasuke, I think we need to hurry back to the hideout. I forgot that I have some things to take care off. And the sooner we head back, the sooner you can take those "naps" of yours." Kabuto is the first to leap, and Sasuke's eyebrows furrowed as he follows.
Even for a normal cat, they can't even follow shinobi leaping on the trees like this....
5 hours later...
They make it back to the hideout and they go their seperate ways. Either to shower, eat some food, or rest. Kabuto planned to do all three. And before he could at least close his door, the black cat that had somehow followed him darts into the room.
"What the hell?!" Kabuto's eyes widen as the cat makes a leap onto his bed and it meows at him again. "It's you again. Are you following me? I don't want to be your owner, so get out of my room and find some old woman to keep company."
The black cat stares at him and it refused to move no matter how often he attempted to shoo it away. He even sent his own summoning snakes after it, but the cat would stealthily always escape the snakes and would disappear for a few moments till returning once again. Staring at him with those green/blue eyes.
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Since that day, Kabuto's week has been hell. Thanks to that cat.
Whenever he tried to eat anything, the cat would not only stare at him for the food, but it would also try to steal it too. It was worst at night when he tried to sleep and the cat will not only follow him, but it would invade his room and startle him by staring at him while he slept and would often slap at him to try to get his attention. Worst was when it made a leap and it jumped onto his groin and slammed down on his dick, startling him awake and in pain.
It got to the point that at every corner of the eye, the cat would still be there. Stalking him. Scaring at him by either jumping or hissing at him. And it would always bring dead mutilated rats and snakes to his doorstep, reeking the entire hallway with the stench of death.
Kabuto's appearance was that of a madman, his eyes were tired and annoyed from the lack of sleep, and his hair was unkept and loose. Since the cat kept taking his hair ties to play with and hide. And he hasn't eaten properly since the cat would dart and leap at him that he couldn't enjoy his meals.
The little creature brought so much scorn to Kabuto that he would ask others to get rid of it, only for the cat to outsmart all of them. Including the dogs that they brought to sniff and hunt it down. Shockingly the dogs will end up dead by the morning.
The final straw was when the cat had the audacity to purposely knock over the very jar of ginseng that Kabuto bought from it onto the floor before he could reach it. Scattering and mixing the tiny broken glass along with its contents within the mixture.
Finally he had enough and he turns around as soon as he could sense the cat behind him and he shouts at it, "What?! What the hell do you want?! I had enough of you! I should've never came along with Sasuke if I knew that I had to deal with a pest like you harassing me on a daily basis! Get out. GET THE HELL OUT!"
The black cat blinked as it looks up at him and it sits down to lick it's paw for a moment, as soon as it was done grooming it's paw. It's mouth opened... and it spoke. "Have you ever considered to wonder why I'm following you in the first place? You goddamn cheapskate!" It reaches into it's backpack and he pulls out a receipt bill that Kabuto paid. and it throws it before him on his feet.
"It says that you paid me in full, but when I counted the bills. You owe me 100 ryo and by the time I tried to tell you to pay the rest of it, you ran off like a coward and you attacked me like a brute! I tried to talk to you to pay up, but you kept driving me away! Thief! Snake! You horrible human!" The black cat hissed angrily as it lets out all of the curses at him.
Kabuto's expression was a shocked one. This whole time?! This damn cat could talk and it made his week miserable over a small amount of 100 ryo?! It's no wonder it managed to outsmart all of the dogs and the shinobi and it managed to get away from every attempt to kill it.
It was part of the ninneko cat society that Sasuke mentioned before he was heading inside and told Kabuto that he didn't prepare the catnip to get invited in. Hence why Kabuto had no idea.
This whole time. The cat wasn't just a pet on a shopping stall. It Was the store owner and seller!
He crosses his arms as he tries his hardest to maintain his composure, "You just want me to pay you the rest of the money, Right? And then you would leave me alone?"
"If you don't mind! Pay it in full, I want to go home. I don't want to stay here any longer than I need to!" The cat hissed again in annoyance.
Kabuto then beckons the cat to follow him to his room and the cat follows him while keeping it's distance from him. "Wait here."
"No, you might try to rip me off. I don't trust you human! I'm going inside of your room too!" The cat stubbornly insisted as it follows Kabuto as he gets the money for the thing.
He even counts it and when he counted to 500 ryo, he puts it in front of the cat. "There. 500 ryo. Not a single cent missing. and I'm not giving you a tip for all the shit you put me through."
The cat looks over the money and it quietly counts until it was satisfied enough with the amount. "Keep your tips, human. It's not like you can count properly anyways!"
Kabuto opens the door to let the cat out of his room, the exit fortunately was nearby so he could trust that the cat would know where to go. "It was nice doing business with you."
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The black cat then turns around to hiss and make one last offensive gesture at him before it finally leaves and disappears into the halls and out of the base.
@lunyraartistry (thank you again for the challenge!)
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depressedhatakekakashi · 11 months
Thank you!!! (I swear i wasn’t ignoring your ask i just wanted to come up with a ficlet idea and it was mo easy my brain decided to call it quits on me for a bit today XD)
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Kakashi wasn’t used to being approached by people randomly in the streets with work. Outside of the office people generally understood that he didn’t want to deal with paperwork, meetings or general Hokage’s work.
Not everyone knew that, of course. Or even if they did they weren’t guaranteed to care too much about how he felt about being presented with a task while he was trying to relax.
Case in point: Kabuto.
Kakashi had been enjoying a relaxing sip of tea after an exhausting day of meetings with Konoha’s resident annoyances, otherwise known as the elders, when Kabuto walked right up to him and slapped a paper down on the table in front of him.
“Hello to you too,”He sighed, barely paying the paper any attention as he focused on Kabuto. “Did you need something?”
“Your signature,” the man answered as he jabbed a finger into the paper right where Kakashi needed to sign. “For an extension to the orphanage.”
“An extension?” This was the first he was hearing of such a request. “Why does the orphanage need an extension? It was just built three years ago.”
A fact that he knew well. He’d signed the papers and agreed to Sasuke’s suggestion of having Kabuto take care of the the kids that would be placed into the orphanage.
“There’s more kids than the original building design accounted for,” Kabuto explained with the same calculated approach he’d always used when speaking with Kakashi. “I currently have fifty kids who are sharing rooms because we ran out of space.
Fifty kids. That seemed like a lot for a building that had been created to accommodate one hundred. Clearly they had underestimated just how many orphan’s would be in need of a new home after the war ended.
The problem was, if Kakashi signed the paperwork and sent it through the regular channels it would take months, if not years, for the extension to be built.
That was too long for those kids to be crammed into small rooms together with little or no privacy.
“Alright,” he sat up and claimed the pen that Kabuto had set down on top of the file. With three quick strokes it was officially signed. Work could move ahead without issue. “Ah,” he used the pen to smack Kabuto’s hand when he reached out to reclaim it. “I still need that.”
“For what, exactly?”
“Well, I have a plan that might shorten the time you’ll have to wait for the extension to be finished. Of course,” a realization struck. His plan wouldn’t work if Kabuto was in the building when he brought along the shinobi he was thinking of using to complete the job quickly.
Narrowing his eyes, Kabuto searched Kakashi’s face for an explanation. “Don’t tell me… will he help?”
“For you? No,” there was no doubt about it in Kakashi’s mind. If Tenzo knew that Kabuto was anywhere near the area he’d refuse to come, and that was fair. Kakashi would never force him to occupy the same space as the man who’d tortured him. “For me? Well, it’s possible.”
It would take a lot of sweet talk and a little bit of bribery, but he was sure he could convince Tenzo to do it. If anything it would get him away from his mission of watching over Orochimaru for a short period.
A break that he was certain Tenzo desperately needed.
Setting the pen down, he grabbed the cup of tea he’d been nursing before Kabuto had so rudely interrupted him and held it under his nose. The gentle aroma of green tea filled his nostrils as a wave of calm washed over him. “Just give me a few days,” he continued, already working on a plan to convince Yamato to do the job. “And make sure you’re out of the orphanage when I tell you.”
“Alright, if that’s what it takes then fine,” turning his back to him, Kabuto took two short steps forward before stopping and glancing back at Kakashi over his shoulder. “And… thank you. The kids will appreciate it.”
Settling back into his seat Kakashi raised his cup of tea into the air. A small gesture that Kabuto returned with a simple nod before continuing down the road back towards the orphanage.
Once he was far enough away that Kakashi was certain he would no longer be able to hear him, he slumped back into his chair and stared down at the paper he had just signed. “Now, time for the hard part.”
He wondered if there was anything in the world he could offer to Tenzo in return for his help with the extension. After all, Tenzo hated Kabuto with every fiver of his being, and for a very good reason.
He’d have every right to laugh in Kakashi’s face and tell him to take a hike.
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doomednarrative · 9 months
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As I've been watching Kabuto a second time with friends, I've been paying much closer attention to the beginning arcs of Yaguruma and Kageyama both. And this moment with Yaguruma cooking his tofu for Tendou stood out to me much more on a second watch than it did the first time.
Because argubaly, I think you can make the case that this right here is kinda the thesis for his character arc of the entire show.
Yaguruma is someone who is immensely prideful. He puts a lot of value into being the leader of Shadow and the holder of TheBee, he looks out for his men and cares for them a lot. But when he first meets Tendou, a lot of that goes out the window due to his own pride being trampled on after how good he sees Tendou is both in and out of suit. Tendou is also someone whos very prideful in his own abilities, but the difference between them both is that where Tendou is concerned, his own pride usually ends up playing into lifting others up to reach their own potentials (Kagami especially) and he isn't immune to letting people help him when it's needed.
Yaguruma is a lot different. His own pride tends to overshadow his better qualities, and it gets both him and his men hurt, and eventually leaves him ousted from Shadow all together. And he knows its his own fault, at least at first.
What's Really the killing blow to him though, and the thing that sends him down his whole hopper spiral, is when he thinks he might have a chance at redemption and repairing that broken pride, only for it to be absolutely crushed underfoot not just by someone random, but by the person he was closest to within Shadow, aka Kageyama.
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Like that had to hurt a lot! And I could go into how this affects their relationship as a whole in another post, because thats its own thing really, but here it still has to hurt. Something Yaguruma was once fit for is no longer even something he's Considered for, and it's going to someone he once failed to protect that he really cared about. Talk about a failure of the highest degree.
It's no wonder he does end up the trashy depressed goth we see later on. At that point theres no pride left to have, so why even Try reaching for it? It's easier and much less pain to just stop trying all together. And in the end, that's still losing to himself too.
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toujokaname · 1 year
Raindrop-covered Show Window / Episode 4
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Author: Nishioka Maiko
Characters: HiMERU, Souma
"Mm? Uhmm... Strange."
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Season: Winter
Location: Saison Avenue
A few days later.
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HiMERU: —For the time being, it's complete. Well, that should do.
(For a first attempt, it turned out quite well. It will likely meet the program producer's expectations.)
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Souma: Hmmumumumu...
The katana is essential in shaping who I am. The katana is a samurai's life. It is the proof of my existence. If that's the case... It might be good to complement the katana with matching armor.
Now that it's settled, let us get started straight away!
So, arrange the armor here in the center... And then, place several swords around the armor...
Oh no! I've messed up...! It looks more like a spider than a samurai! I am not a youkai, after all...
Shall I remove all of them at once...? Nay, without a katana, I am the same as miso soup without miso!
In that case, to honor the samurai spirit, I'll display only two swords—a katana and a wakizashi[1] . A large piece of armor would have an overwhelming presence, so I will only place the kabuto...[2]
Like this... And then...
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Souma: Next, fill the vacant spaces around here with kabuto and katana that have a familiar feel—
Mm? Uhmm... Strange.
Certainly, it has a calming atmosphere, but isn't this just like any ordinary tokonoma...?[3] What should I... What on earth should I do? Ummmm...!
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HiMERU: (Sure enough, you seem to be struggling considerably.)
(Good grief... That's why HiMERU said it in the beginning. If only you had listened obediently back then...)
(If things continue like this, the program will lose its momentum, so HiMERU wants you to listen to him today.)
Souma: Hmmgh— Hm? Is something the matter, "Himeru"-dono? Do you need something from me?
HiMERU: —HiMERU has been watching you for the past few days, and it appears that you're still having difficulty with the display design. If you'd like, he's willing to provide some advice.
Souma: Uu... It's true, but... But, however... The point of this program is to have a showdown...
HiMERU: Kanzaki-san. It's precisely because it's a showdown.
Souma: Because it's a showdown? What on earth does that mean?
HiMERU: Let's see... HiMERU would say that just because someone is an opponent, it doesn't mean that you should needlessly avoid them...
For example, there's a famous anecdote from the past where Uesugi Kenshin, who was seen as the strongest during the Warring States period, sent salt to his longtime enemy Takeda Shingen of Kai Province. [4]
HiMERU believes that extending a helping hand to the enemy is not a hindrance to a good competition.
Souma: Indeed... Even renowned warlords who raced through the turbulent period of warring factions had moments when they needed someone's assistance in times of trouble.
HiMERU: Yes, that's right. HiMERU thinks it's beneficial to have a space where people can cooperate with each other, so that they can bring out their best.
Souma: Understood. In order to make this a better showdown, I would like to ask for your advice.
HiMERU: HiMERU is glad you understand. May he inquire about your progress?
Souma: In fact, it's as "Himeru"-dono said. I haven't made much progress.
In my own way, I had done prior research on the meaning of "dispurei dezain", and decided to make the subject "my individuality". I thought it was a good approach, but...
Initially, I haphazardly tried placing various things that seemed to symbolize me, but it only resulted in a mess, and that's the current state of things.
To be honest, I am at a loss as to where to go from here... I feel completely lost.
HiMERU: Hm... So that's it. HiMERU understands your situation.
Though, as he listened to you, he began to wonder. Is what you currently have in place truly "your individuality"?
Souma: Huh? What does that mean? The katana is a samurai's life. It is the proof of my existence...
HiMERU: Certainly. HiMERU understands that you perceive the sword you always carry as if it were an extension of yourself.[5]
But from his perspective, it seems that the items placed here—including the swords—were chosen because they're what others desire from you. You may call it clerical, business-like.
The image people have when they see you may indeed be that of a samurai, a sword, and Japanese aesthetics...
But wouldn't it be better to think more flexibly and not get too fixated on those elements?
Souma: Hmm... I'm not familiar with "shou windous". Is that the reason why it didn't feel right, even after I incorporated something I am familiar with?
HiMERU: Well. Even if you understand it, there's nothing to be done if you can't come up with an idea to dispel it.
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Souma: ......
—If that's the case, there is something I want to try.
HiMERU: Something you want to try... you say?
A wakizashi is a short sword. When worn together with a katana, it was the official sign that the wearer was a samurai in feudal Japan.
A kabuto is a helmet worn by samurai.
A tokonoma is a recessed space in which items for artistic appreciation are displayed.
For better context, an excerpt from Uesugi Kenshin's Wikipedia page: "There was an incident when the Hōjō boycotted salt supplies to Kai Province. When Kenshin heard of Shingen's problem, he sent salt to Shingen from his own province. Kenshin commented that the Hōjō had "performed a very mean act". Kenshin added, "I do not fight with salt, but with the sword"."
The word HiMERU uses here, 分身, has some other meanings, such as "alter ego" and "other self", as well as being related to doppelgängers and cloning. It can also relate to the Buddha, something I found interesting given the other allusions to Buddhism earlier in the story.
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mokutone · 2 years
@reverseforgoodluckxx replied to a post:
I'm also watching through Shippuden, it's fun to see other people's thoughts on it! Yamato has gone full PROTECC towards Naruto - he got over that "If you can't continue on, we gotta leave you behind" stuff from the Bridge Arc REAL fast 😂
to be fair to yamato though, that mission was a mission regardless of naruto's participation, like. even if naruto died or was incapacitated whatever they would still have to go to the bridge to meet kabuto
right now, naruto IS yamato's mission. like, the 9tails is so unstable rn that his whole purpose accompanying naruto on this mission when he is ALSO kinda needed to rebuild Konoha—is that if he steps away and naruto loses control, (without his special dadmagic seal jutsu to help) there will be hell to pay. he kind of can't leave naruto alone rn, because the mokuton is the only thing keeping the fox in check aside from narutos incredibly fragile emotional state
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dark-elf-writes · 1 year
What if the Naruto Kabuto and Kakashi is the team that go to wave? and that, with medic nin here, they mamage to save Haku?
*kicks in the door*
But backing up to the start of wave:
Most of it is the same: the fight with the Chunin, the reveal that things are more than what they seem, the fight with Zabuza the first time.
Naruto and Kabuto are a far more terrifying combo of course as they have been training together for years at this point against far stronger opponents in far less ideal locations. They move in silent concert, seeming to read each other’s minds as they switch between guarding and attacking as easily as breathing.
But they still get to wave and continue guarding and helping where they can.
(Naruto is mostly on guard/food collection duty because the minute he go close enough to the water it was like coming home after so long. His non venomous summons help gather fish and other foods from the ocean even when he is acting as bridge guard/ offering as many shadow clones as he can spare to try to hurry construction tf up.
Kabuto is kept busy going from house to house healing what he can and making those he cant heal more comfortable in any way possible. Even when he’s not actively healing he’s collecting ingredients and making whatever he thinks will help.
Any time they can spare they are working on… something. Kakashi isn’t entirely sure what exactly they’re planning but he trusts the two of them to look out for each other and not let things go too far.)
Naruto still meets his mysterious new friend in the woods. They talk about people that are important to them. Naruto, still fresh off the hurt of the original team seven and having grown up at Orochimaru’s knee and seeing the hurt he carries from his own team, slips in that sometimes the people that are important to us aren’t always good for us and leaves Haku thinking.
Then the fight of the bridge happens.
Then Haku takes a chidori to the chest.
Everything stills for a second.
Then Kabuto, still hurt but determined, hits his knees next to Haku and starts healing him.
They watch with horror. Not even Tsunade would be able to put him back together again. No one had the kind of control and reserves needed to be able to heal such a bad wound. Then a strand of visible chakra wraps around Kabuto’s wrist while he works. Sharing chakra. Giving Kabuto a practical ocean of power to draw from and allowing him to continue working.
With anyone else it would never work. The control Kabuto has over his chakra is absolute. Practically unheard of. He had had plenty of time to practice in his years spent cooling his heels. And Naruto… no one has the chakra reserves Naruto does. He will never have the control of his brother, not when it would be like trying to take a single drop from an ocean, but he has the power even after their battle and can offer his brother the help he needs.
It’s a move them at requires absolute trust on both sides. A move they made and perfected in every spare moment they had on this mission as if they had known this exact moment would occur.
The thugs and gato come. Zabuza gives his life taking gato out. A final gift to Haku, buying time so he could keep living.
They take Haku back to the village when the bridge is finished. He spends some time in T&I before it’s confirmed that he was never technically a Shinobi and was only doing as Zabuza asked. He’s listless. Untethered. He has nothing left. No skills he can use to live a civilian life. No one crazy enough to allow him, a former enemy, a place on their team.
He’s offered a place on team kakashi, and what else can he do but agree?
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apollostea · 6 months
How about some HCs for Kabuto and a prisoner who tried to escape, while willingly getting hurt in the process? Like breaking their own thumb so their hand slides out the shackles or stuff like that?
Thank you for the question, Anon.
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This is a good question.
Here’s what I think would happen in a situation like that:
• Kabuto has had various types of prisoners under his watch. Warriors, criminals, liars, manipulators, and many more so it’s likely he’s dealt with something like that before.
• When he comes to check into the prisoners cell and sees they’ve escaped their shackles, he’ll be surprised.
“Those are powerful restraints, how is that possible?”
He’ll think to himself until further inspection.
• Once he takes a closer look at the prisoner, he’ll see what they’ve done to get out. Wether it’s breaking their thumbs/fingers or slicing parts of their hands off, he’ll be a little surprised but will berate them in his usual demeanor.
“Look at this… You’re so desperate to get out that you’ll do this? Hm? How pitiful.”
• After degrading them for such a desperate effort to escape, depending on how severe the wound is— he’ll leave and come back with his medical supplies to heal them or will heal them right there with his mystic palm technic.
“There we are. Let’s not do this again, hm?”
• He’ll watch over the prisoner more to ensure they won’t do it again, if a prisoner hurts themselves it becomes his responsibility even if he doesn’t need to heal them, he still prefers to.
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thehollowone16 · 6 months
3 and 15 for the end of the year ask game!
Thank you very much for the ask!
This took awhile to answer because you made me reread my own writing, and I wanted to answer it properly.
3: Your favorite scene of the year:
Kabuto used up the rest of the sunlight walking aimlessly. He wasn’t looking to go anywhere in particular, but he ended up atop the Hokage monument, watching the sunset. He sat atop the Fourth’s head, not sure how he got there.
It wasn’t like he had anywhere else to be. No one was waiting for him back at the apartment. Besides, this had always been one of his favored spots, away from crowds, but allowing him a complete view of the village.
Kabuto did what he did best. He turned his attention to what he could control. After Lee’s surgery he’d help rebuild the village. From this high, it was easy to mentally map the damage the invasion of Konoha had caused. A trail of destruction with its origin in the stadium where the Chunin exams had ended. That had been Sasuke’s match against Gaara, hadn’t it?
 Kabuto tapped his fingers on his kneecap. He didn’t like physical labor. He’d never been strong, especially for a shinobi. If it got him out of staying in his apartment all day though, helping with the repairs would at least keep his mind safely away from reality. After that he’d be back in his element. Spy work would keep him from ever needing to think again.
“Soon,” Kabuto said, leaning back. He took his glasses off and rubbed his eyes. “Soon you’ll be out of here and you’ll never have time to think again.”
Kabuto sat back up, staring down at the village, biting his lip. “How do you do it, keep marching on like that?”
From this high the people were unrecognizable dots, like pieces on a game board. They moved in a kind of controlled chaos. Even so, Kabuto picked apart, and made mental notes of their movements, watching a few specific people and tried to figure out their routine. Some habits never die, Kabuto suspected he’d be inclined to automatically gather information until his last day. Several people moved like shinobi, leaping to and between rooftops.
Kabuto rested his chin on his hand, it was this kind of grandstanding that made him uncomfortable with Konoha shinobi. Well, any kind of shinobi really. So many of them were the kinds of people who thought they were the most powerful, important, person in any room they were in. That mentality ended with a bigger, quieter, fish eating them. Seven Chunin exams under his belt, and this was one of the few things about Shinobi he was certain of.
“Should I be more charitable?” Kabuto asked. He kicked the Fourth’s stone hair when he wasn’t given an answer. “Hm, quiet are you? I guess I can respect that.”
He should be more charitable. Maybe they were trying to convince the civilians that Konoha was still strong, maybe even strong enough that tragedy would never touch it again. It would be stupid for anyone to believe that. He’d yet to be convinced of Konoha's intelligence as a concept.
“You know, this isn’t a good exercise, it doesn’t take enough focus,” Kabuto said. Again, the Fourth’s stone head didn’t offer any good advice, bastard that he was.
Kabuto groaned loudly, laying back and staring at the stars. No matter how hard he tried to distract himself, his mind went back to Sasuke. Oh, he understood Kakashi not letting him anywhere near Konoha’s prodigy. It didn’t make it sting less though, not out of shame, or even the knowledge that Konoha still didn’t trust him. He’d be given ample trust in time.
No, the reason he was irritable was that he wouldn’t have the satisfaction of playing a part in keeping the boy from Lord Orochimaru. Kabuto knew he was clever. It was why he was worth being traded between factions. He was certain he could find a phrasing that would bypass the seal. There were, after all, many things he could say that would undoubtedly cause Sasuke doubt about Lord Orochimaru’s ability to give him the power to defeat Itachi Uchiha.
“I don’t think I’m that necessary though, not on that front,” Kabuto said, rolling onto his side so he could go back to looking at Konoha.
He doubted the boy would go for it. Sasuke may be unsatisfied. with the rate of his growth right now, but he had strong bonds with the people of Konoha. If Kabuto had someone look at him with the same expression Naruto had when he found Sasuke awake in the hospital…he struggled to think of anything that could convince him to leave them.
End scene
I generally don't like my writing. I'm trying to move to having more of a neutrality to it though. I wanted to pick a scene I'd enjoyed writing the first time and editing. Also not something too recent.
This scene is from LP 1. It's kinda the moment I started enjoying the story. I think I finally got into Kabuto's head a bit here. I still have a ways to go with writing him in a way I like, but this kinda had me thinking I might be able to enjoy writing him. More than just, this is a thing to write and finish. Something I could enjoy on par with my original work.
15: Something you learned this year:
This was also hard. I graduated college this year, moved halfway across the country twice, and began focusing on a long fanfic rather than original novels.
Writing wise? I'm kind of learning to enjoy writing again. I don't wanna say a complete process. I still can't reread most of my writing. It's lesser though. I can finish my own projects now, something I've struggled with for years. It's not about being perfect I suppose, not the first go around. I'm learning to edit, identify my issues rather than just cringing and restarting.
Fanfic helped a lot with that. Even if I'm the worst author to write Kabuto I'm one of hundreds. So it's easier to just go "ok I'll just tell the story I see here" than fixating on doing it the right way. Soo, kinda getting over perfectionism? Not there yet, and this isn't to say I haven't got to improve as an author but, maybe I'm getting there. Maybe someday I'll be able to release a piece and just be proud of it. Here's to 2024.
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