#i think im just horrible at judging ppl's character
kaiwry · 2 years
This whole @virginnotsaint-deactivated20220 and @faaeish-deactivated20220718 situation is so confusing to me because these were two ppl I followed and interacted with and they seemed genuine to me (but idk I can be naive at times). So I just didn't expect them to just act like they are open to conversate and then just deactivate after they get backlash.
Sorry if this is vague but I can't bother with linking everything for anyone that doesn't know what's going on 😅
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lesbianspirirt · 2 years
Masterlist: D.R Ideas
hey! this is a masterlist (obvi) of D.R/I.R ideas for you<3 please let me know if you like it, what reality you're going to shift to, and what other shifting content you want to see from me
just a nsfw warning, there are some mature themes in a lot of the media listed, as well as some jokes, swears (i think idk tbh), all below the cut
ALSO: please remember that reality shifting brings you to real worlds, the people in those places are REAL they have feelings, thoughts, they aren't just characters there!
Once Upon a Time (it's a T.V series based on fairytales, but it's kinda dark, never watched it tho so idk much about it)
The Wolf Among Us (telltale video game, similar vibes to Once Upon a Time)
Stranger Things (never watched it, but it looks horrifying so yknow)
FNAF/Five Nights At Freddy's (might start working on one for myself, kinda want to be a paranormal investigator in that world)
Elden Rings (I know nothing about the game so if this suggestion is ass just ignore it lol)
Halo (looks like a cool world but again idk what its like so)
Squid Game (don't remember if this was in my other lists and too lazy to check)
Minecraft (maybe not blocky cuz like that's nightmare fuel)
Days Gone (video game)
World War Z (never seen anything from it but i think there's a story and characters with personalities)
Detroit: Become Human (i think i already added this in the other lists but whatever)
Red Dead Redemption
Doki Doki Literature Club (maybe, like, a normal version without the sentient computer storyline)
Yandere Sim (maybe remove Yan-chan cuz obvious reasons 😨)
Life is Strange (idk, seems pretty chill but idk much about it either)
Heavy Rain
Watch Dogs (kinda boring unless you're a super-hacker but hey, i need to fill this list lmao)
The Walking Dead Game: Michonne (don't think a lot of ppl know about this one)
Beyond Two Souls (kinda scary ig but cuz of the paranormal shit going on in that world)
that's all the new stuff, everything below this is form my other 2 lists since this post is a masterlist lol
Disney (I personally want to shift to experience the story of Frozen and Tangled since it's hinted that they're connected also bc I'm Norwegian)
Modern! A.U of media from your current reality
TMNT (whatever version you prefer)
Teen Titans (i can't remember if I added it to the last one lol)
Justice League
Villain (not an excuse to kill, torture, etc.)
Sims (there's lot's of lore, lot's of the pre-made characters have cool stories, some are hot too)
Domestic (live a domestic life style with anyone you want to, you could have a few children or live like a house-spouse)
Divergent (recently. the movies were added to Canadian Netflix, it's kind of like The Hunger Games and isn't too bad other than the horrible love interest it should've been Christina and Tris they would've been so cute)
High School! A.U of media from your current reality (for example: Arcane in a high school setting, can be set in whatever decade or world you want)
Decade! A.U of any media from your current reality (script out the bad things cuz good god if it's anything like this reality, you'll be leaving asap)
Time Traveler (y'know, time travel)
Totally Spies
The Princess Bride
Percy Jackson
The Wizard of Oz
Avatar (the blue one)
Pirates of the Caribbean
Criminal Minds
Bob's Burgers
Modern Family
Artemis Fowl
The Maze Runner
The Owl House
Z Nation
The Walking Dead Game
Deadpool (his sidekick, side-chick, im not judging)
The Outsiders
Ouran High School Host Club (be rich, incredibly desirable, both, neither, whatever)
Your own Spiderverse world
Avatar The Last Airbender
The Legend of Korra
The Last of Us
Everything Sucks!
Birds of Prey
Monthly Girls' Nozaki-kun (make manga with an unlikely group of friends)
Royalty D.R
Victorian Vampire D.R (maybe like just make yourself need rare steak instead of humans or something)
Animal D.R (try out living as a cat with some sweet folks or live as an ant idk just make sure that you can still think DO NOT let yourself forget to keep your human consciousness)
No Nips D.R (can you tell that I’m running out of ideas?)
Decade D.R (you got a favourite decade? one that has music, fashion and movies that you love? yeah)
H2O: Just Add Water (stay away from the condensation tho)
Genshin Impact (powers and you could be a god ig)
D&D (basically a fantasy D.R)
Randomly Generated Rom-Com (you don’t know what kind of story you’ll get to live through plus it’s a rom-com, no sad shit here)
any Tremors movie (movies are scary af, not really recommended but its your choice)
Miraculous Ladybug (make sure you script out the uh, odd things)
Ghost D.R (scare, harass, haunt, whatever you want!)
Rage Room D.R (have a D.R thats just a room full of shit to break)
Pillow D.R (lonely and tired? just shift into a world where you’re sleeping on a hot persons thighs/boobs)
Mario Universe
Zelda D.R (based on whatever game or the show from like the 80s)
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tears0fsatan · 2 years
i love your stuff so much, it's so refreshing to finally see obey me content without ppl making the mc/reader female (esp since they're literally not even female in canon). anyways, would you be willing to write a male reader confronting leviathan's low self esteem?
𖥻 characters... leviathan x m!reader
𖥻 genre... angst / comfort + lil itty bit of fluff :D
𖥻 warnings... confession happens!!!! reader gets called pretty boy ooo, maybe ?? a little ?? ooc ??? at the end ?? i couldn't resist my apologies, kinda cheesy lololol
𖥻 a.n... AAA oh my god thank you so much ૮꒰/ฅ//ฅ//꒱ა  your words mean so much to me because that's my entire reason for posting my work on tumblr !! also im sorry if i don't write levi well ,, i've forgotten most of the story so i base how i write him off of the audio dramas lololol
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leviathan couldn't help it.
he hated the way mammon would cling onto you. he hated that you let him hog all of your time. every time he saw the way his older brother walking beside you as if he were attached to your hip, he felt a spark of envy within him.
why couldn't you do that with him?
however, another part of him, a larger part of him understood why you never approached him the way you did his other brothers. i mean, why would a normie as amazing as you want to pay him, a lonely, sad, disgusting otaku, any attention? after all he had done? he was lucky that you were still able to look at him.
while he knew it was in the past, he couldn't stop thinking about how horribly he had treated you when you first arrived. for demons sake, he nearly killed you! over TSL no less!
although long has passed since then, sometimes he still couldn't figure out for the life of him why you persisted in making a pact with him, after all he had put you through.
"levi, may i come in?" your muffled voice broke him out of his reverie. of all times, why had you decided to pay him a visit now? were you like, a mindreader or something?!
"oh shit- yeah, yeah! just give me a second!" in a haste to hide his disheveled appearance, he accidentally tripped over the leg of his chair, causing him to let out an embarrassing yelp.
"oh my demon lord! levi, are you alright?" you rushed over to him and began checking him for any sign of injury, your voice so kind and caring he couldn't stop the shame that seeped into his bones, he flinched away. he couldn't let you get near him.
he couldn't taint you with his sins, you who had attentively listened to his mindless rambles about his favourite characters, you who hadn't judged his interest in video games and anime, you who had treated him with so much care and love he didn't know how to react ninety-nine percent of the time.
what had he done to deserve this? did he even deserve this? why was someone as sweet, perfect, (handsome) and genuine like you wasting your time with someone like him? anxious, lame, otaku, sinful leviathan?
with every second that passed, the deeper leviathan spiralled.
"levi, what's wrong?" you had spoken so softly he thought he was hearing things. the avatar of envy shook his head, fat tear droplets beginning to make their way down his face. in an attempt to hide himself, he tried shuffling backwards, only to find himself with his back against his bathtub.
"nothing! nothing's wrong! just-just get away from me!" he screamed out, hoping it would hurt you enough to kick you out of his room.
the demon's eyes remained focused on the floor and he muffled his sobs, tears falling faster as time passed by.
he had heard you getting up, except instead of hearing your footsteps head towards the door, you were walking towards him. you said nothing as you took a seat beside him, giving him time to cry it out and recover when he was ready.
"whatever it is, i hope you know that i wouldn't judge you for it." you affirmed, eyes trained on your fiddling fingers.
"well, you should." levi sniffled and wiped his face before sitting up straight. he couldn't stop himself from flinching when his shoulder brushed against yours.
"okay no, i'm not having any of that." before the avatar of envy could look up, he felt your nimble fingers gripping his cheeks and forcing him to look at you.
"what's going on with you? every time i try to get closer to you, you flinch away. what's going on in that pretty little head of yours? i'm here for you levi, i wanna help."
the demon tried pulling his face away, but the look you gave him made him stop. how could you say these things to him? why do you even care about someone like him? surely there were better things that required your attention.
"why do you care? i'm just some lonely otaku and you're a normie... so why?" leviathan made sure to emphasise normie, almost like he was subconsciously trying to create a distance between the two of you. he was trying so desperately to find a fault in you, to make you see him the way everyone else sees him, so he wouldn't get his hopes high.
"yeah it's true, you're a shut-in otaku, but you're also leviathan, grand admiral of hell's navy. you're leviathan, who's passionate about the things he loves. you're leviathan, the one who always listens and pays attention to my rambles. you're all of those things and more, levi." said demon looked at you through a mist of tears as you brushed his bangs out of his eyes, "it's also because of all of those things that i love you. you wouldn't be you if you weren't some lame, lonely loser."
"you're too good to me, mc. are-are you sure you're not an angel?" leviathan sobbed out, hands cradling his head as he cried. you sounded so sincere, it was hard to not believe you. but why him?
it was something he just couldn't wrap his head around no matter how many times you told him you loved him despite his faults.
"if i was, would you even believe me then?" you joked, making levi let out a small chuckle. while he was still a bit iffy, what you said partially rang true. the two of you said nothing for a while, both of you moving to rest against the bathtub once more only now with the demons head resting on your shoulder.
"you're the pretty one here. prettiest boy i've ever seen." levi mumbled quietly, hoping you wouldn't hear (that was a lie. he wanted you to hear. bear with him please he's in denial).
you laughed, hand going to pat his hair (which totally didn't make him malfunction internally no not at all).
"i'll always be here to remind you that i love you even with your flaws." you stroked his overgrown indigo hair, "to hell with your insecurities."
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© 2022 TEARS0FSATAN. please don’t repost, modify or translate my works anywhere!
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dyketubbo · 9 months
take this w/ a grain of salt bc I'm a pretty romance neutral/positive aroace but man the qjaiden discourse is so ??? On like, both sides. because yes, you can ship qjaiden, she's aroace, some aroace people can and enjoy being in relationships, and yes, cc!jaiden is aroace and as far as we know she has no interest in romantic relationships at all. but the way people have been repeating, constantly, "aroace people CAN be in relationships!" It just feels so much like, "how dare you want the aroace character to be completely uninvolved with romance. that's a horrible stereotype" and it's like no??? some people are completely averse to having any romantic relationship at all. why is it bad people are headcanoning q!jaiden like that? Why are people saying "characters can be shipped outside of their cc sexualities" like? Yes??? and I know a lot of people have been assuming about her preferences which is the real problem. if jaiden wants to rp a romantic relationship then she can, because she knows what she's comfortable with. if she doesn't, that's great too. Acting like not wanting to ship her with anyone is somehow arophobic, or misogynist, or whatever is just?? and then the cop-out of "ok but qpr" in this fandom esp is like. with the exception of parrotduo, I think this fandom is really... weird about qprs? Like, ship what you want but some ppl treat qprs as "romantic relationship... LITE" like qpps can act romantic but some don't? and qprs aren't just a "not shipping" thing either. like "I'm not shipping them, it's a qpr" and like technically? but if someone just doesn't want anyone to have a romantic relationship or a QPR with someone then it's like "but soulmates/everyone feels love/everyone's family" like it's so determined to put a label on every relationship. like THIS is romantic, THIS is queerplatonic, THIS is familial, and just a weird obsession with relationship dynamics. obviously my examples aren't EVERYONE, I've seen people who are great with this and I can't see every opinion but I think people just need to be more normal about people who are apathetic/averse to relationships as a whole in media
anon please know every word you said here is literally what ive been saying this whole time and its fucking CRAZY how few people get it. its about how people need to fucking justify being aroace and especially being aromantic. so many people both in and out of our community expect us to defend ourselves, to defend the ways so many of us refuse to engage in what is expected of people. we must still want some sort of intimacy, and sometimes it still isnt enough. even when qjaiden already has someone she considers a partner in a nontraditional matter with roier still you get people who just wont settle with letting aroace people and characters just.. not engage with amatonormativity. even aroallo people are told theyre disgusting and weird BY OTHER ASPEC PEOPLE for experiencing sexual attraction without the romance and its awful!!
and like i said at some point it stops even really being about the characters because im fully aware that qsmp is a media thats very focused on defined relationships. its one big family and theres a whole web of people in romantic and sexual and queerplatonic and simply platonic relationships alike and i wont fault the ccs for having fun because uh. its their characters. theyre not at fault for people being weird about them
but never are people allowed to just Be. i get judged for wanting qprs to be tagged as shipping, to still not want to see characters making out or being intimate just because it isnt romantic. actively harassed for it, even! because people didnt want to acknowledge such, because people got so hung up on the fact that i mentioned cc boundaries and wanting people to recognize kristin that they tunneled in on all that and completely left any genuine discussion in the dust, even actively smearing my name for it to the point where i saw people who were agreeing with me thinking that they were dissenting and they were right while i was wrong as if we werent on the same side
at that point.. its not actually about the characters, really, is it? and its not actually about the characters or boundaries here either. because even when i tried to come up with defenses so i wouldnt be mocked and not taken seriously for simply saying "this still touches on repulsion. i wish people saw qprs as shipping especially when theyre actively depicting them as intimate. i wish people recognized that queerplatonic and platonic are two different things. (isnt it weird, how it had to be marriage, how two friends couldnt care about each other more than nearly anyone else and still simply be friends, nothing else? isnt it weird how it just replaces amatonormative romance with something else, because you arent allowed to be close unless youre something other than "just friends"?)"....
people still got upset. people still were awful about it. to me, to those who stood by me, to the subject as a whole. and i wouldnt be surprised if theres people out there who are like how i was, feeling like they have to justify being uncomfortable. feeling like they have to justify being unapologetically aromantic and romance repulsed and nonpartnering and whatever else. feeling like they have to justify wanting qjaiden's aroaceness to be recognized as a reason to just let her be, no romance required.
at some point the constant chant of "aroace people can still love! aro people can still get into relationships!" stops being validation and starts going from "can" into "do" into "must". and then we're back at the beginning, and all the naughty naughty aspecs who still deviate from the norm fall right back into the cracks. because never, never, are you allowed to just exist if it isnt in a way that all the people on all these sites that still prattle on about how "love is what makes us human!" can approve of
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tiptapricot · 2 years
MK liveblog ep 2, Summon The Suit
The sudden pan up from sand FUCKS
The security footage scene is both so cute n sO embarrassing
Also I want JB n Steven to b bros they seem like they’d b rlly goofy n fun
“Larry in maintanence is going to absolutely shoot you”
The Human Resources scene is rlly nice asmr
Steven having to give up his name n symbolically himself as he further journeys into his life falling apart makes me YELL
The guy at the storage locker place says he never forgets a face but isn’t put off by the accent, did Marc never talk to him?
Marc’s clothes being in the storage locker… gOd
Steven’s autistic interest blocking out any fear on a magical floating scarab
“Idc how bloody handsome you are,” Steven that’s kinda gay :-/
Marc looks so worried n then Steven’s just like: lol you’re fuvking ridiculous lmao
Marc eyes on th gun
Khonshu walking down the hall w the lights is sO fucking creepy
The freeze frame my beloved💖
Layla’s intro is so good her character is like immediate
Layla don’t tap on the glass :-/
When Layla first sees the poetry book she probably thinks Marc was missing her but then Steven starts reciting a thing OiuhHhh
The music being soft n sweet but also unnerving n out of place
Marc’s already in the little door mirror in the background when the divorce papers come out lol
Layla baby I love you and you are so emotionally unstable this episode lmao
Also her jacket already kinda resembles the scarab stuff
Dialogue still hits clunky this ep idk why
This is why you never talk to cops Steven
Love that the Harrow goons that come after Steven r based off the Lemire orderlies
Steven head bonking on the car window for his life
Marc’s voice is so gentle but firm when he’s not angry, and he sounds so tired and I love him
Steven is just close to tears oh baby
Harrow stop touching him all caring like it’s creepy n I hate you
“Wow beautiful 😌” (tomatoes)
God the cult is so…. Unnerving
Harrow as MK sounds so fucking creepy
The lil American man…
Confused and eating soup, the best way to be except in this case
Steven just slurpin soup n not listening. His lil “alright… 🤨” while he doesn’t listen to harrow n is so funny
I think you should actually kill Donna Steven. Get her ass.
Steven I love you so fucking much
“Then don’t”
Steven looks weird w his outer coat buttoned up
Layla walked into danger so confidently bc she was so used to always being able to trust Marc to b there n support her like breathing but Steven isn’t Marc n things r diff so they have to run
Steven’s panic attack…. The overwhelm is done so well god being trapped between two ppl n the silence and the disorientation n Laylas distress n then her saying his name being what grounds him
The jackal hits on the door like a heartbeat
I love the mr knight suit being a real costume so bad the MCU has made me love cloth also it’s GORGEOUS
Marc ur accent ily
Layla seems so off her game this ep bc she’s being introduced to so much along w Steven n she doesn’t expect to fight monsters
Steven laying facedown in the middle of the street looks so goofy
“That was a hell of a punch back there” THIS SCENE MAKES ME BITE WOOD
oh I never realized bystanders actually got hurt in the background
The vibes the vibes I’m I’m im normal
“Gotcha! >:-)”
Marc in Steven’s clothes looks so off
The way letting the suit off is like a release, like he can breathe
Then his paNIC
Harrow do u just judge that man to kill him for no reason I hate u
The shots of London r lovely
God Marc is so pathetic n tired n sad
this scene is so
its so
its so
marc is still trying n his voyce is so fragile n steven is so angry n atbhis end point
oscar acts across fromnhimself so well
marcs growing anger n just just the arguneny n marc being so worn out and high strung
khonshu sounds so good in this scene tye VOICE ACTING HIS LAUGH
khonshu i hate you i hate you
Near and dear as she is to him indeed Jake lockley my beloved it’s what she deserves
I love the ending songs so much but this is probably one of my all time favs
The hallway flickers between Steven’s apartment, the storage locker hall, and the Duat asylum
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tartagliaxx · 3 years
first off, hello 🤷‍♀️ anon! sorry i missed you out
and secondly, dw, marius is my favourite too lol, he reminds me a lot of my younger cousin who i lived with when i was younger. i was always the one who took care of him and marius calling me older sister just set off so much memories of my childhood. the both of them are also vv similar in personality, attention seeking, playful and artistic so i always see him whenever i look at marius.
artem is probably my second favourite ngl, ever since i read his ssr where he was jealous and got drunk (what a good combination lmao) i just grew so soft for him. at the end of the day, he's just a vv soft sweetheart who's insecure that we'll leave him :(( i have like 3 ssrs at lvl36, two of them are artem cards and the other is luke. i vibe with luke too bc i love the childhood friends trope, it's top tier. and as for vyn... i have vv mixed feelings abt him. i feel like he could so easily see through me if he was real and i'm just like, how about no. he's rlly pretty though, like rlly pretty.
*major spoilers*
and you've finished the archon quests!!! personally, i feel like the ending felt a bit rushed(?). it's weird bc i thought the resistance war against the raiden shogun was supposed to be the center of the story, but it just devolved to us helping yae with the entire war being swept to the side. and i already knew somebody was gonna die, and as soon as i saw that teppei had become the captain, i just knew.
it's interesting bc i would love to explore what happened to la signora and scaramouche to make them so disregarding of human life. like, i don't like them, but i want to understand their minds. it's sad to read signora's artifact's background honestly. and the fact that her crown said she used to be called rosalyne, that she had perhaps once led a more innocent and naive existence. i dunno, to me it seems like a good ending for her honestly, she had already lost herself after her lover's death and brings pain to many others, i don't think she can rlly return to being her again.
and honestly, a lot of people are talking abt scaramouche not telling signora he already had the gnosis and saying that he orchestrated her death, i don't rlly think so. i feel like he's just that apathetic to human life, even if it's someone that stands on his side, he just doesn't care enough. it also says how he never got along with anyone, not even his fellow harbingers, so i don't know why ppl expect him to seek out someone he doesn't like just to warn her of danger.
i vibe with scaramouche and la signora as the antagonists bc they're good antagonists, but as characters, well. other than the fact that they're pretty, they have like one likeable trait and that is their loyalty. they would do anything for the tsaritsa even if it cost them their life. i'm rlly excited to see what the tsaritsa has in store for us in the future.
considering our sibling is nicknamed 'the prince/princess', i wonder if there's gonna be a day where we're gonna have to go toe to toe with them. if we had them backed them into a corner with no way out, i wonder if they would kill us. it would be an interesting twist if we could actually die, but i feel like the protagonist halo will prevent it lol and i'm sorry bc god, this is so long.
— r. anon
marius. that’s the tweet. man,, you dont realize how in love i am w him?? like,, this man was literally my only hope when i fell horribly sick. i cant w myself now that i’m hearing it w my own voice. it must be nice to remember the good ol’ days… i despise my cousins and i dont have siblings so i dont really have that sort of connection w him. to me, his onee-san is just a joke? a petname? idk but it simultaneously makes me so mad and giddy just like childe’s existence does
i like vyn bc his vibes are sus but at the same time, he’s cares abt our mental health 🥺👉👈 no one’s ever said shit like that to me… jokes aside, luke is seriously threatening his spot bc of his blushing bs like pls 🤲 i’m so weak for that shit give me more. artem makes me soft too like,, he keeps mentioning that he trusts us and he’s just…. HE’S A BIG TEDDY BEAR THAT BLUSHES AT LIKE ACCIDENTAL HAND BRUSHES GRRRR. in conclusion, i love them all.
but man,, give me ssr luck… literally, im in pain…
now that the excitement’s worn off, i can now judge things properly. i think that… the pacing is horrible. like the plot is good, genuinely, but there’s just,, so much to explore abt this. if you think abt it, this is the climax and yet we didnt get much. scratch that. we got a lot but it’s all underdeveloped that it felt like nothing. we go to sangonimiya, got promoted, became captain for like, one sec before we are sent onto an investigation that didnt really produce any results bc app teppei alr knows everything? and then the delusion thing is a good plot point but it’s not really explored? just… a lot of things are left unexplored and i think that story wise, a lot of the possible lore explanations went down the drain. it would’ve been nice if we saw more abt the rebellion and if we had gotten to know whats the real deal w the commissions but eh… idk… i would’ve rather done more quests abt this whole storyline than like… do that whole dance w the three people who lost their vision in 2.0.
if im going to be honest, la signora is such a wasted character. like maybe her death was just for the shock factor or maybe it’s to prepare us for more harbinger encounters in the future.. idk but she’s such a good character from what we’ve seen but we know jack shit abt her and her motives. we know a little from the artifact set but beyond that, what do we have?
precisely! that’s how i feel abt this whole thing when we’re talking seriously. like w ei, i dont really agree w whatever they’re doing but i want to understand why they do the things that they do. everything has a reason and their psychology is just interesting to me.
i think scaramouche’s nature makes it easy for him to disregard human life. call it arrogance or whatever but ultimately, he’s seeing himself as smth above all these people bc he’s more or less capable of standing toe to toe w a god. why should he bother telling signora? it’s not like he gains anything if he does. i think that when he got the gnosis, he’s just ‘well she dies if she dies. who cares abt that? i dont have any need for incompetent colleagues anw’ i agree and i dont think he orchestrated her death but at the same time, he just allowed it to happen too.
as for signora, i’m actually surprised? for the most part, i think that the harbingers took their posts for selfish reasons. for scara, it’s to entertain himself and pass time. for childe, it’s to fight and grow stronger. for dottore, it’s to conduct dubious research w/o anyone stopping him. i expected signora to have some similar motive like power or money but it seems like she does actually believe in the tsaritsa? it would be very intriguing if signora’s main motive in becoming a harbinger is simply bc she is loyal to the tsaritsa and her will. bc in contrast, i think scara and dottore are more loyal to the fact that the tsaritsa can give them what they want, not bc they actually like her. actually, idek if they’re willing to die for her lol. like i wouldnt be surprised if they suddenly abandon post in a life or death situation but who knows…
in any case, they are very good antagonists. i like yo think that the tsaritsa isnt as bad as the game portrays her to be… of all the gods, she’s the one im looking forward to the most but… haha… what version would that be….
i’m almost certain that they’ll make us fight our twin maybe before we face the unknown god? if one of them dies, i would be very sad. like legit. but knowing mhy, well, our twin is almost 100% a walking death flag.
anw i’m shutting up rn— i also spoke too much kahdjabdhakbsjansb—
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miioouu · 3 years
Okay the route goes like this (I might miss something but my brain wants to forget this memory so I don’t blame it.)
So seven (I think) suggested we open up a Rika circus so she can be liked
She was humiliated in the circus and shit
Her abusive parents were there
She was forced to marry the person who molested her as a child (why???)
Everyone in the RFA is gathering together and laughing and having fun, then you black out and see seven congratulating you while explaining what happened to Rika guilt trip style
Also that RFA gathering was a fake scene that’s supposed to make you think you got a good ending, it’s worse than the bad ends honestly
I’m sure I missed something but come on! This is already bad kshdk
Rika was sooooo abused, like, okay, she was an orphan, had mental illness, was bad at school, verbally abused by her parents, maybe even physical, apparently got molested as a child or something, some kid at the orphan told her to start the cult and got hit in the head with a beer bottle.
And what? Did she get hit by a bus while walking to Walmart too???
This is too much man, do you understand why people were furious with V’s after ending? Even people who didn’t even GET the judge ending was furious with how hard they tried to redeem Rika, V WASNT EVEN THERE HALF OF HIS AFTER ENDING-
Also Rika’s behind story was basically explaining how Rika’s life was so hard and she was so abused and this girl in the orphanage was the one who told her the idea so it’s not Rika’s fault ok
It is Rika’s fault, you’re really good at making round characters Cheritz, but redemption arcs... you’re horrible. That girl in the orphanages character only existed to take the blame from Rika. She has no other personality.
Also I really don’t mind the people who go like “it’s okay you don’t have to forgive me uwu” because IM that person shfjkd, I really do mean it that they don’t have to forgive me because if I do something I know they shouldn’t, so like I kinda know how he feels, but he just has really bad judging abilities, dude, stop putting all the burden on yourself and share it with the others, you’re breaking this group apart more by saying nothing, so please just let go and tell them the truth.
-🐱nonny who is very pissed at this after ending
Hmm, i hate how cheritz described Rika. Described isn't the right word. But i hate how they thought that giving her all these problems is like an excuse to why she's acting that way. A lot of ppl who went through similar things, never end up like rika... Rika has a severe mental illness, i feel. It could be cause by all of those things that happened to her, but those aren't the prime reason yk? I don't know a lot about psychology, but this whole deal doesn't make any sense.
If they wanted to focus on rika so much,,, why didn't they give her a route on her own. People chose V, bc they want to be with him, they don't care about Rika and her shenanigans.
I dont mind people like that. But some of them (that could just be my personal experience) when they say things like that, it comes out as manipulative and they guilt trip you into staying with them, around them, even tho that's a very toxic environment. I think it all depends on the person and their intentions. I think they just wrote V weirdly a bit. Also, am i the only one who feels like the og mystic messenger routes are the best. Like i like V and saeran's route (well what ive seen of them) they give quite a good background for the characters and go deeply into the story. But something about the way it's written, and them as characters is a bit off. Idk.
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alanncs · 4 years
hi my angels ! my name’s dani , i’m from toronto ontario aka best city in the worldt , & i’m 20  !  i’m the kelsey m on the main  &  i can’t tell u how excited i am to have wealthy up n running again !  i literally can’t wait to plot with all you beautiful peoples , so pls like this  &  i’ll slide in the dms , otherwise u can also hit me up on discord 𝒎𝒈𝒌'𝒔 𝒘𝒉𝒐𝒓𝒆 .#1958  !!  i’m gonna put all you need  2 know about alanna below aaand i hope y’all like her ! <3
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new york’s very own alanna d'alessio was spotted on broadway street in gucci bee sneakers . your resemblance to hailey baldwin is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty first birthday bash . while living in nyc ,  you’ve been labeled as being reticent , but also gracious . i guess being a scorpio explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be anything pink , the lingering smell of weed , and a cigarette between her fingers . &  ( cisfemale & she/her  )  +  ( dani , 20 , she/her , est . )
                    *  /   𝑠𝑡𝑎𝑡𝑖𝑠𝑡𝑖𝑐𝑠 .
full  name  :  alanna  marie  d’alessio  .
age :  twenty  -  one  .
hometown  :  new  york  city  .
zodiac  chart  :  scorpio  sun  ,  aquarius  moon  ,  libra  rising  .
character  inspo  :  alyssa  (  the  end  of  the  f*cking  world  )  ,  marissa  cooper  (  the  o.c  )  ,  hanna  marin  (  pretty  little  liars  )  .
                   *  /   𝒃𝒂𝒄𝒌𝒔𝒕𝒐𝒓𝒚   !!  tw  : kidnapping , ransom , drugs
alanna was born heir to the d'alessio family which came with the billion dollar dynasty that her parents created . 
her dad is an italian government official  but they grew up in ny basically bc her dad is an ambassador/representative for italy  &  her mother is a super model who also wanted to raise her kids here having lived here her whole life , and so they did . 
she had everything handed to her on a silver platter and her parents expected nothing but success from her because of how wealthy they were, they knew they would never have to worry about providing for her and her siblings , and so they spoiled her with whatever she asked for and more
but that came with a price, she was expected to do everything they wanted of her, go to an ivy league college, follow in one of her parent’s career footsteps
alanna did just that, she got amazing grades in high school and was head of many student clubs, organized prom, got almost perfect on sat’s and exams, and busted her ass to get into a good college despite the fact that her parents could’ve easily gotten her a spot if she didn’t do as well as she did
her life was going so well, she had the perfect boyfriend, perfect group of friends, was on her way to brown university in a couple of months, her parents and her couldn’t have been in a better spot with their daughter
the last thing they expected was for someone, a stranger, to get their hands on their daughter . a week after her 18th birthday , she’s walking to school on a monday morning and before she knows what’s happening , there’s something over her head and she’s being dragged into a van and taken from her life
the one thing that was expected, was the $10 million ransom she was held for
basically her dad had some shady dealings with the italian mob & didn’t pay his debts to them for some time - so they kidnapped alanna in retaliation for that
they kept her for 3 days before her parents were able to work with the authorities to get her returned and pay the people in full
surprisingly, she was returned alive but she had to spend two weeks in the hospital afterwards with injuries
once alanna was returned, she wasn’t the same
she told the police what happened to her , but only barely . she didn’t tell her parents or anyone else about what they did to her when she was gone .
she didn’t speak , eat or sleep for two months after she got home
she spent the last few months of her high school in bed, she didn’t attend her graduation, deferred from going to brown in the fall, she didn’t see her friends anymore and she broke up with her boyfriend
the people who took her were never caught & she is still to this day completely terrified of going anywhere alone
she never walks anywhere alone  
it took her months to be able to get back to doing normal things again and being who she was before
to this day ,  alanna still struggles with the memories and the ptsd from what happened to her , but she doesn’t speak to anyone about it and she refuses to bring it up in any scenario
she also has a horrible relationship with her father now , having trouble forgiving him for what happened to her
some people know about it as obviously, being as famous as her family is, it was on the news at the time, and everyone she went to high school with knew what happened so sometimes it can be hard to avoid it
she wants to forget - here comes her secret - she got into drugs after the kidnapping and it quickly spiraled out of control , now she can’t seem to function without them because they’re the only thing that make her feel normal and make the memories fade
anything she can get her hands on rly
but the media think she’s an angel , her reputation has been kept p much pristine her whole life . and her parents have no clue how much she’s struggling or how much she’s changed . so if this were to come out , it would tarnish not only alanna’s reputation but her family’s  as well
                                         *  /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚  !!
after deferring from brown ,  alanna knew she had to find some way to keep herself occupied and make money , even though she could live off her parents for however long she wanted
alanna wants to be . miss independent .
so she started getting into modelling , bc of her mom it was easy for her to book gigs
she was able to book gigs like adidas , guess , calvin klein  etc  !
so  that was super exciting for her bc she got really into it and  enjoyed doing it sm
she started acting about a year ago - started off in a few movies , & now she’s currently starring in a netflix series - smth similiar to elite or on my block !
oko so in high school alanna was super bubbly , and just like the really overly nice girl that would talk to literally every 1
but it worked for her bc she was  voted prom queen  and valedictorian ! even tho she missed graduation . yike
Anyway now ! she is not v much like that anymore , except  when she’s super high .
since her kidnapping alanna has been closed off and aloof . in general , she’s not as talkative
she says what she thinks but it usually comes in one word mumbles
can sometimes b very entertaining  . she’s kinda like paris hilton a little bit
also think Marissa from the oc !!
call her a  spoiled brat she’s gonna be like “ yah… and ?”
she  can be very selfish to a fault  in certain situations
and very defensive if she feels attacked, judged , put into a corner , physically cornered , etc
she’s a hopeless romantic at heart and dreams of having an epic love story
but she  has Hella trust issues which easily lead to commitment issues for her so … she will cheat “by accident” lol
that’s why she tries to steer clear of relationships but she also has such a big heart she  falls in love 5 times a day sffsdkj
also w  how much this girl  can sleep around it’s not happening any Time soon 4 her ! she enjoys being single a lot
Bc she likes to get wild
shes like nicole richie on the simple life when she’s partying  lmao
like she likes 2 fuck with ppl sometimes lol , like she will flirt w anyone and everyone just cus she’s bored
umm she lives  in sweatpants n crop tops !
her hair is either in a  bun or just down , she’s rly lazy when it comes to hair and makeup   . like if her makeups done someone else did it lol
Unless she’s like fully in the mood
ooverall she’s a rly sweet lil bean whos just scared of humans ! :’(
um ya idk im always developing  her but IF U read  all this  ilysm !
here’s her pinterest board for more of an idea !
                                  *  /  𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅 𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔  !!
EVERYTHING   !  here is a link to my wc page & a link to my wc TAG which are both full of ideas so  msg me  & i’ll throw tons of ideas at u <333 let’s do it i luv plotting sm okay
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fairycosmos · 4 years
When i look in the mirror i don't see a pretty girl, i just see a young girl, and that's what people like and love, that i'm young. I can't help but think that when i, inevitably, get old, people aren't going to like me anymore, and what's more worrisome, i wont love me anymore bc i just come to believe that if im not beautiful(and that means young) im not worthy of people liking me or even loving me. And it's horrible, and i know its false, but i know that its true to some extent too.
:(( i think a lot of people can relate to that, especially other women. our worth is so often defined (in the eyes of others) by our youth and how conventionally beautiful we are perceived as. it’s a very empty way to view a person - to reduce them to such a natural and inconsequential part of their existence. overcoming the confidence issues and the complexes this sort of treatment gives us is often a life long task. it’s alright if it takes a lot of time and effort for you to grow into a level of self certainty that doesn’t depend on the opinions of those around you because you’ve been taught for so long that everything does. i think it’s important to begin with examining why you only feel you can love yourself if others like you - especially if they’re judging you in such a narrow way. you can see logically that their standards are baseless and nonsensical. and if they only value you for your looks, they’re not deserving of everything that you are anyway. there are so many people in this world who will like you for your heart, it’s not asking for too much or impossible to find. even if it seems like it is right now. i know it’s a LOT easier said than done, but i really believe that breaking out of this mind set and healing can happen even AS you’re processing hurt/anger/confusion + whatever else you need to feel. it’s alright to be upset. i dont blame you for the simple fact that it hurts. but just because you’re frustrated that ppl are so (for lack of a better phrase) brain washed by sexist ideals, doesn’t mean you can’t start questioning them and drawing strength from within rather from outside sources. there are a lot of women who talk about getting older as if it’s a very freeing thing. whether or not society is ‘happy’ about it, we grow and we defy everything that they expect us to be and at that point living is a radical act. but we go on anyway, we’re loved anyway, we enjoy the world anyway. because at that point we have learned enough about ourselves and about other people to know that there’s no wrong way to exist. because at that point, it just doesn’t fucking matter. you’re not going to feel the same way about your future as you do right now, once you’re actually living it, you know? the romanticisiation of youth is one of the worlds biggest lies. they just want us to keep chasing something we can never have. plus it’s a symptom of p*dophile culture, but thats a whole other conversation. in reality, we spend more time being middle aged than we ever spend being young - and even then we’re still learning new things, we’re still beautiful beings (beautiful by many definitions) - the world doesn’t end at 30. ultimately, growing up means finding more confidence in our words, actions and experiences rather than in superficial factors that are beyond our control. we’re able to do that because we can refer back to times when our character mattered more than our appearance. maybe right now, you’re just too young to see that like i am. perspective and hindsight will give you so much. and again, the world imposes this self hatred on us from birth, so of course it’s going to impact you. it may be a presence for a long time in the back of your head. but you don’t have to buy into it and you don’t have to view yourself through such a critical lens. if you catch yourself doing so, question where it’s coming from and whether or not it has any actual truth to it. can you trust the narrative enough to live your life by it? try to think about the people in your life, and what you treasure about them. i’m sure it goes way beyond how nice they are to look at or how old they are. anyone with common sense will treat you the same way. ‘worth’ really isn’t something that has to be earned, or something that you can lose with time. you were born with it, and you’ll die with it. but you don’t have to beg anyone else to understand that. if they don’t, it’s because their perception is fundamentally flawed and extremely shallow, so they’re the ones losing at the end of the day. it’s THEIR issue. and it’s not fair that you have to deal with it, not at all. but i really do believe in our own self growth showing us the solutions to our current worries. ppl are fucking mean and disgusting a lot of the time, but if they prove that they’re only around you cause you’re young or pretty, then that’s where you get to draw the line and distance yourself from that toxicity. which is a skill that takes some practice, setting your own boundaries, but very possible nonetheless. anyway so sorry this got long, i really hope you’re able to see that you’re so much more than your practicalities, and that as the years go by, you’ll realize it more and more. ALSO i got your other message and i’m 🥺🥺 literally blushing so much, you’re absolutely the sweetest. i’m honoured to be a comforting presence. i know how hard things are right now, but you’re really not alone. thank you so much for taking my words on board and for caring about my thoughts. take care of yourself and let me know if you ever need a friend ! ily 💖
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themikewheelers · 5 years
It’s probably too early for theories but basic ass question that probably is gonna be asked for another 2 years until season 4... do u think hopper’s alive? and that he’s the American the Russians were talking about in the ending scene?
i dont know. i rlly dont. ive already seen ppl theorize that and i dont know what to say, because i want more than anything in the entire world for that to be true, but i dont want to get my hopes up, and honestly when im this emotional about it i cant rlly judge whether thats a logical, plausible theory or not. on one hand, i do understand ppl who are saying that scene needed to have a deeper meaning beyond just showing the russians are still messing around with upside down stuff, and people who say its odd for them to specifically mention “the american” (as opposed to just saying like “not that one... choose the next prisoner” or smth). Like what’s that theatre term, how you’re not supposed to include anything on stage unless it serves a purpose? Like that I guess. But at the same time I just. I rlly think he’s gone. That devastates me beyond belief, but the end just felt too much like a tribute to him and a memorial kinda for him to come back after that. 
And ppl are comparing it to El’s “death” in s1 and I have mixed feelings about that too. People are comparing the post-credits scene to the s1 scene of Hop with the Eggos, and to some extent I understand that, but also the s1 eggos thing was just such an obvious hint as opposed to just saying that the Russians have SOME kidnapped American. Also, for season 1, we rlly werent MEANT to think El was actually dead. Like obviously it was horrible seeing her die and everyone was emotional, but it was obvious in the finale, partially due to the eggo scene, that she wasnt gone for good. You cant say that for Hop. If they do mean that as a hint that he’s coming back, that’s not an obvious hint. they want us to believe he’s dead. Plus, el and hop are just v different characters. Hopper is obviously such an important character to the show and he drives the plot in so many ways, but its possible to write it around him. And they could do that for El too, but its not the same. Bc in some ways El IS the show. Her very being is a crucial part of the plot. I’m not saying they can’t kill her off, but I am saying it’s VERY different to hypothetically kill her off compared to any other character on the show, regardless how important they might be
And there’s just other stuff too running through my brain. Like would they do another fake-out death after El in s1? Would that be too repetitive? Or opposite, would they def do it as like a parallel then? Or the fact that David has said he knows how the show ultimately ends. Him and Millie are the only cast members who know that. So does he know bc he comes back with a bigger role than ever, or did they tell him as a courtesy bc the Duffers adore working with him and if they have to kill him off they want him to know what will happen next anyway
Honestly, I rlly rlly rlly dont know. I hope so. More than anything. But I wouldnt get my hopes up for anything rn. Maybe if during interviews and stuff there’s hints and stuff about a return maybe think more about this, but otherwise I wouldn’t get too caught up with smth that very well might just be us desperate and looking for any reason to believe he’s alive.
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brvdleysaved · 5 years
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ok first off b4 i say anythin else dnt...... judge bradley’s blog rn i dnt get my laptop bk until wednesday so i am? stranded in a photoshopless land. it’s very tragic. anyway. and scene! je suis... nai oh me..... bk again w probably my fav muse of all time so let us! leap right in! p.s. her pinterest is here
CIS FEMALE — ever hear people say BRADLEY MILLIGAN looks a lot like MARGARET QUALLEY? I think SHE is about 24, so it doesn’t really work. The PSYCHOLOGY major is a SENIOR that is from QUEENS, NY. They can be +ADVENTUROUS, but they can also be -ABRASIVE. I think BRADLEY might be SHEEP. They are living in OFF CAMPUS BUT AFFILIATED WITH BALTA. ( nai. 22. gmt. she/her. )
the kind of sour cherry only certain people have a taste for
once drank a bottle of spiced rum, insisted she could still do a cartwheel and accidentally kicked an old man’s front tooth out in the process. proceeded 2 collapse into a flower bed and laugh so much abt it that she cried
barely takes anything seriously 50% of the time and is angry the other 50%
if she was a coffee she’d be black with five grains of sugar that you couldn’t taste until the last sip
father runs a gang n strip club in queens called ‘no angels’ tht fronts an affluent drug trade, primarily coke. his name is tony milligan n his gang is p infamous around there fr being jst like…. completely cutthroat n awful. they were nicknamed ‘tony’s rottweilers’ by locals bc he bsically has all of these trained dogs on leash at his command n they’re still a growing organisation tday
he’s pretty much the worst human being alive n bradley hs like….. a lot of issues with herself as a result of years of toxicity n abuse
in terms of more family bkground info her mum’s name was alyssa n she vanished when bradley was 12. jst like…. into thin air. nothing. no note. zilch. gan! n when bradley asked her dad abt it his response was essentially “guess she didn’t love us enough to stay”. as bradley’s got older tho n become (without intention) more involved in the business side of things, it’s become pretty clear there was far more to the story. they had a horrible marriage n tony ws quite violent at the best of times, which didn’t help the fact tht alyssa ws struggling a lot w severe depression n rly just… not in the mindset to b dealing w anything else on top of tht, even where motherhood ws concerned. bradley p much… would look after her a lot n they’d both b scared of her dad n it was just a whole mess. anyway im rambling bt basically tony (bradley’s dad) gt wind of alyssa sleeping w men tht worked fr him n he just… got rid. bradley’s kind of worked out over the yrs tht her mum didn’t jst leave on her own accord n tht something must hav happened to her bt she’s too scared of her dad to ever directly accuse him
when her mum went all of her dad’s cruelty pretty mch got channelled straight onto her. it ws diluted between two before bt as u can probably imagine her upbringing was jst…. a steep downhill decline frm tht point onwards
she learnt ways 2 deal w the incurring trauma bt they weren’t healthy ones at all! bsically jst. will do or take anything fr the distraction. chases a thrill like it’s the only way to remind her she’s alive. has absolutely no regard fr her own wellbeing n sometimes gets other ppl in trouble too bc she’s so insatiably reckless
high functioning alcoholic. if u ever see her w a coffee cup u jst kno tht one sniff will confirm high alcohol percentage. honestly idk hw she does it her liver must b yellin
she hd….2 separate stints of psychiatric hospitalisation n she never tlks abt it. like ever. acknowledging she’s been vulnerable is her worst nightmare n bc of the way her dad raised her she always thinks any sign of struggling within herself is weakness. truly does…. not kno how to properly emotion
honestly. im probably missing a million things bc i kind of feel like a microwaved shrimp as i write this bt. basically her life is jst the worst a true… abomination! bc im evil like tht sometimes
loyal to a point of fault. if she cares abt u and u murder a man in cold blood she’ll brawl anyone that says ur guilty
honestly wld probably fight a person over anything. sometimes she’ll jst be having a bad day n she’ll burst n take it out on whoever says the wrong thing. a minefield!
has the worst luck in romance…. ever. the majority of her past bfs hav been absolute beasts n as a result she kind of has the ‘romance is dead n love is a lie’ mentality
speakin of which i feel like she’s bi bt wldnt have dated a girl or anythin. like guys r probably…. her preference just bc historically theyv treated her worse n she hs a very self destructive personality like that. sexy!
dresses like courtney love, 2014 sky ferreira and a character from this is england had a baby. mostly wears stolen clothes from strangers and jackets that swamp her. hair is p much always a wild mess n she usually hd kind of smudgy/smoky makeup bcos apparently she’s allergic to combs and generally looking presentable… relatable content
personality wise she’s v sarcastic. sometimes blunt. kind of has a habit of…. assessing a person n she’s quite perceptive bc she’s been trained to b by the way she always has to monitor her dad’s expression fr the slightest emotion change. she’s quite confident n can p much mke a conversation out of whatever. sort of independent too like she hs a bunch of friends bt she doesn’t care abt going out places alone if she’s in a certain mood n jst wants…… to get into chaos. she’s probably kind of known around campus/town bt itd b a 50/50 balance between bein known as intimidating n bein known as that one girl tht always gets into anarchy
likes: fishnets, stealing cars, water guns and whiskey
dislikes: amy schumer, honesty, yellow tulips and going home
in terms of Plots
hm. mayb someone tht knows her frm home/queens??? like tht frequents no angels (her dad’s strip club) or picks up frm there or smthn
i feel like she probably deals coke bt its like. Select Dealing. like she doesn’t need....2 do it fr income or anythin she jst. gets bored n is like cool may as well mke some money n possibly get robbed ig! anythin fr the thrill! 
anyone..... shes brawled in the past like. she’s literally a menace i cnt express this enough. wil jst randomly throw a drink in someone’s face fr no reason bc she’s bored. she’s probably pissed off 1000 diff ppl in 1000 diff ways. the possibilities r endless n i jst think tht’s a sexy prospect!
fwbs perhaps??? exes??? (probably ws a tumultuous relationship wtever.... ur muse is like like bradley is. a handful)
mayb someone tht she met at an aa meeting when she hd to go fr a court mandated thing one time after bein arrested fr public indecency. i feel like there’s probably a rly expensive statue somewhere thts fancily Sculpted n she like. did a flying kick n kicked the dick of it off n gt arrested fr it
ppl she....... Goes Wild Goes Crazy w. truly jst the most self destructive person alive so anyone w a similar mindset wld b a hellish bt fun combination
on the contrary a gd influence cld b nice perhaps? like someone tht genuinely cares abt her n she jst doesn’t kno hw to compute it
um. honestly the world’s our oyster. hmu n we cn brainstorm if none of tht catches ur eye!
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devondeal · 5 years
Captain Marvel character assessment - NO SPOILERS.
So i just saw Captain Marvel and this movie was judged horribly prematurely. Now to each their own and every person enjoys different things and if this movie wasnt your cup of tea, good for you, you know what you like. But some of the criticism is just ridiculous. Before captain marvel even hit theaters, posts were judging Brie Larson's ability to act based on behind the scenes pictures and only because she wasnt smiling or showing charisma, that meant this movie would suck. Thats extremely premature. You dont know what scene theyre filming and you dont know the context, therefore an extremely bad form of judging Brie Larson's acting talent.
Finally, with the movie out, some say her performance is wooden. Now this i respect because these judgements are made by individuals who already saw the movie and whose opinions naturally vary. But personally, i dont see Carol Danvers as wooden because she's a lot like me. Yes, there are real ppl whose humor is dry, expressions are more subtle, and have a flat voice. Marvel characters in general have this extraverted charm to them and i think Carol was so jarring to some ppl because her charm was introverted. Her humor and personality was more internal. Like you could tell she has inside jokes with her close friends but with strangers, she's bit more distant. However, i am willing to admit that for those who find her wooden, perhaps i myself, am also wooden by their standards and im ok with that. Everyone enjoys different types of ppl and thats fair but dont go saying that Carol is not realistic as a person just cuz extraverted characters are generally more likable to the majority audience.
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i think the whole makoto and kid scenes are so boring like they feel so pointless because we already have so many things going with so many other characters that are more important to the plot that makoto all the sudden being like oh my god im a trainer is so dumb like of course you wanna be a trainer i saw that coming from like day 1 but why make makoto so horribly boring?? like at least make makoto interesting if your going to shove him down my throat :/ i just miss the old seasons
Well, we thought his dream was to teach kids, I no nothing about Makoto training pros. He can’t even put Haru back on his feet when he loses focus and inspiration, he’s gonna train pros who he hasn’t met who have a lot of pressure on their shoulders? Yeah, right, they’re not the same as kids. Idk what he’s thinking, he’s no Sousuke who can train and assist grown up people. Man, Haru assisted Rei better and he’s Haru! I mean… So no, I haven’t seen it coming, they didn’t have to put everybody into the professional world.
As for boring, well, I guess it’s like to each their own cup of tea. Somebody is satisfied with their characters not moving far during the plot development, some people are not. I heard comments like “I can just watch Makoto sit in the university all day”. I personally can’t be satisfied with watching Haru sitting in cafes and running around trying to find unnecessary people or Rin discussing muscle magazines, even tho I love them to death. Whatever makes ppl happy, I try not to judge much (I’m lying lol).
I’m not mad about him much, because I don’t really care, I mean, yeah it’s sad, but he was Makoto, he is Makoto, he’s always gonna be the same Makoto, I’m used to them shoving at me at least one episode dedicated to his character nonprogression. That one thing didn’t change. I miss old seasons for different reasons :D
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calamity-bean · 6 years
I love margaret wells, I know she fucks up a lot and is literally incapable of saying the right thing at the right moment to the people she loves but I feel so bad for her because she is so stressed. And I feel ppl are sometimes unreasonably harsh on her. Like at the end of serious one everyone is like mags save my babies, save this woman, catch a murderer ring and she's like im sorry i'm trying to cover up a murder i did rn can this wait five minutes???
Agreed! Lord knows Mags and I don’t always see eye to eye, but she’s one of my very favorite characters and, I think, one of the best written and acted on the show. Considering the profound strength of Harlots’s cast and writing overall, that’s really saying something.
Related to what you say about people being harsh on her and her fucking up … I think one of the main reasons I find Margaret so compelling is that her actions, both the good and the bad, are so PROFOUNDLY rooted in the type of life that she’s lived. Her priorities (and, hence, the philosophy she lives by and pushes onto her daughters) are inextricably rooted in her traumas, hardships, joys, triumphs, and escapes: being sold as a child; her twisted bond with Lydia; escaping that bond; achieving independence through financial security. So much in her worldview and her parenting style and her choices under pressure, etc., is tied to what she’s been through in life.
Is Margaret’s worldview “correct”? Was it the right way to raise Charlotte and Lucy? Can she be blamed for missing the signs of Lucy’s trauma? Was she right to kill George Howard? Right in how she handled the aftermath? Right to betray Emily’s location to Lydia? When it comes to Mags, I find that I spend less time trying to judge the “correctness” of her actions and more time just … sympathizing with what terrible pressure she’s under, financially and socially and interpersonally … With how inextricably her psychology is woven into her actions … With the fact that so often, she’s cornered into these horrible situations where there just ISN’T any 100% fool-proof, objectively perfect choice. 
Mags fucks up a lot, in big ways and small, but fuck it, she tries. Constantly, she is trying to do right by her family and by her girls, in the best way she can see through the framework that defines her view of the world, and sure, she makes questionable choices, sure, people get hurt because of her … but I see where she’s coming from, and I appreciate that she tries.
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lastofmars-a · 6 years
 but hlksdrljasljdr i keep thinking abt mars being a polytheist society where its kinda like ancient greece where like all the different gods are acknowledged n worshiped but different churches / sects worship different gods so like jonns dad was the head priest of h'ron'meer but there's also c'erid'yall, and other gods that i cant remember that im gonna look up on the wikipedia cuz theres a few others i thikn idk. anyways jonn is also an active worshipper of h'ronmeer (whos god of death and dreams and fire and some other stuf iicr) and still practices as a worshipper, mostly thru meditation / prayer. he likes to keep that religious practice alive and others and is always happy to talk to ppl about his religious and spiritual beliefs as a martian bc  he wants to share the little slice of his culture hes preserving with his friends and family. i havent decided abt major religious holidays or aything in mars culture but i believe that mars isnt a capitalistic society ( tho it probably still has some different social classes which is a whole nother thing ) so idk like...... what holidays would be as a concept bc if every day is technically a day off for ppl who dont need to work then  hm.
god i have so many ideas abt martian culture and im FASCINATED by the concept of a species that doesnt really have an economy like earths bc its outside of capitalistic structure so everyone focuses on like, arts and sciences and doing whatever the fuck you want mostly. i think there is still class structure but i think its a lot looser than one would expect. i also think there is some kind of oligarchy / council running things but for the most part its technically just for show . anyways theres SO MUCH abt martian culture thats just interesting to me, besides the fact that its outside of a rigid binary or even rigid adherance to the CONCEPT of gender as a whole and like ........ no capitalism = more focus of the arts and sciences . also the role that manhunters have in this society if not to uphold a patriarchal, racist capitalistic status quo like cops do in our society like .. .. theres so mch that can be explored while still examining the flaws of martian society ( mainly deep, deep ableism and a lack of understanding or care abt ppl with disabilities as a whole and a  lot of denial / shadiness towards the white martian / green martian split way back when generations back where white martians were mass exiled from mars and a whole lot of other stuff but yeah )
also theres no imperialism bc theres no army , just a ‘militia’ pf peacekeepers in the form of the manhunters ( who do have an academy for training but it is 100% volunteer and also a part of martian culture as a role and a highly respected one at that ). what does class look like outside o f the context of capitalism? outside of ppl who dont have needs like food or water? i mean shelter is a need but i dont think homelessness is a problem on mars ? what is a society that can ignore conquest and imperial pursuits and colonialism like? 
they do have good defenses but p much all weapons are banned on mars. nobody has any interest in making them and martians are usually physically strong enough to defend themselves w/ out one. but what about ancient mars history? there WERE weapons back then, and there WERE poisons and other horrible things but they arent being used and they were p much left to rot or put in museums. 
does the concept of ‘good’ and ‘evil’ exist in the same context on mars? jonn though he loves earth clearly struggles with a lot of crimes and atrocities he has witnessed since coming here, and i truly think he understands that humanity is inherently good despite that. honestly i htink aliens who judge a species/humanity on the crimes of a certain group instead of understanding that society as a whole is a deeply complex and often flawed thing is an overtired trope. i dont think jonn believes humanity is right or wrong but rather a species and a population of ppl with vastly diverse cultures and beliefs and structural imbalances that sometimes need some help righting. i think jonn can identify with the struggles of humanity without condeming it and writers who write him as disgusted with the evils of humanit y without really examining the roots of those evils (lookin at you b.endis and s.cott s.nyder ) are lazy writers who overplay the same tired aliens are black and white trope .  i also think that jonns outside (read: not objective but OUTSIDE) perspective is so important when dealing with issues and when raising questions and he can bring things from a martian perspective to solve problems and i love that abt him!! jonn is in such a unique position !! and he uses 1000% of it to do good, which is why i love him as a character, despite him being flawed and makin mistakes he is 100% a good person. 
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primes And multiples of 8
oh Thank You this sure turned out to be a bunch of questions lol, what else is better for keeping occupied on go stupid sunday
2: Favorite book?
lbh i don’t have one 
3: Favorite fictional character?
oh god lmao i mean again when it comes to Favorite ___ i have no *real* answers but atm i keep just sitting here staring at the quant don’t i
5: What’s your favorite fictional ship? (Canon or otherwise)
even with the “i don’t have Favorite anything” factor even this is always like. my ass doesn’t know how to Not like, think up a good half dozen or more potential relationships or whatever and decide they’re all fun……im rarely like “wow even narrowed down to this one particular Media i live and die by this otp within it”…….boring answer but really like even if this was applied Just to some particular work where i’m [staring at a Fave] or whatever i still dunno if there’s anything where i’m not #about [multiple possible Relationships]
7: List 3 negative traits you have
ooh fantastic. let’s lump “Too: passive / avoidant / nonconfrontational” into one, rest in pieces u_u. #2 im a lil temperamental lmao like, bit too much sometimes. #3 despite number one there i also don’t have a world of restraint lmfao which is just like. how i be but can certainly be a downside sometimes
8: How does someone become important to you?
idk i virtually always meet ppl via Mutual Interest……my social sphere is mainly “friendly acquaintances” or whatever where it’s like i may or may not have talked to most of them in the past >[0.5 years]………just a process really of “we Keep Interacting” and “we like each other” lmao like. it’s both very not difficult and also. difficult lol
11: How do you decide when it’s time to cut someone out of your life for good?
uhh not like there’s a strict analytical methodology here but i guess it’s like “hmm this person makes me p miserable / i do not even actually like having them in my life” lmao
13: What are your favorite lyrics currently?
ooh the “currently” Might make a Favorite question easier but i don’t even have Favorite Lyrics Currently lmao. it’s lucky if i’m even paying attention well enough to stuff to absorb the lyrics the first like dozen times i listen to a song and also i’m rarely like “oo Resonant” when it comes to lyrics anyway?? does it count if more than survive gets stuck in my head….even then it’s like. i always like the “of all the characters at school i am not the one who the story’s about” while Blatantly Being The Protagonist lmao b/c like…..idk i never like story structures where the protagonist is just like clearly kinda elevated like Obviously The Hero B/c They’re Better Than Everyone Around Them or something like more important / deserving than other people and i definitely find it harder to care about / connect with Protagonists / ~main characters~ who are treated like that. and obviously bmc is really not about that either lmao i appreciate that a lot
16: What is something you really want?
i think we can all agree our lives could be improved with money. also….in these times of covid…….. :| would want literal immunity for people……..april 2020……
17: If you could make a wish, what would you wish for if you knew it would come true?
i mean damn see above like. got the Wish Tiers like “personal things re: myself in particular” and “for people i personally know / smaller stuff i care about” but like damn in this day and age especially it’d be like well, Humanity Not Being Destroyed is kinda a thing isn’t it. can’t have any slightly more fun wishes b/c these [systems] will be like [exists and affects everything horribly]
19: How do you handle heartbreak? Is it something that’s easy for you to get over, or something you struggle with?
is it easy for anyone to get over!! i don’t have to deal with romantic heartbreak though which i guess is what it means. galaxy braining that issue lmfao
23: What do you want your future to be like?
man ties in with 16 and 17 but also like we sure exist under capitalism always don’t we, and it’s tricky when like “it would be nice to have a small personal apartment to live in wouldn’t it” is this fever dream for all of us. but it Would be nice. having the time and money for Making Food whenever you feel like, right. it’s always like “if i was in a situation where i could just bake something due to Feeling like it i’d probably be doing okay” lmao. love to have access to healthcare someday. it’s all like depressingly low standards that are also depressingly ~unrealistic~ lol like i do not Ponder the future much. i also don’t have like, longtime aspirations/dreams or even Not longtime ones so i can’t be like “would love to have a career in/doing ___” but also yknow im good with I Don’t Need A Dream Job, would just like jobs to be non-horrible and to have time to like, do shit on my own outside of that, b/c that’s what i like to do lol…..but then also it would be fun to like, one way or another, get to spend a lot of time putting effort into some kind of in-some-way-Collaborative Project / Endeavor and get to be really engaged. the idea of getting to be around multiple people who it’s fun to be around and it doesn’t feel super temporary is Wild like, intimidating to listen to “the bar song” b/c i’ll just cry after 3 seconds. also i just like to be around people like, used to think that being anxious and all i wouldn’t want to live in a city but probably the opposite’s true….yeah i like to have a space where i can be alone / unobserved but i also like to at any time be able to be Amongst ppl even if not interacting with them (and also im usually more relaxed interacting w/ strangers than ppl i know)…….but really i have no details i’m just fingers crossed that at any given time i’m more than a couple steps away from like the post about [body wearing the funniest hat you’ve ever seen] lmfao and like. would rather not die in a pandemic either
24: Have you ever met someone you never thought you’d become close to?
in an “and i was right” way, sure lol, but otherwise i don’t think so
29: Do you think zodiac signs can influence someone’s personality to an extent?
it’s like Not Really But How Would I Know and yet i’m gonna kill everybody doing the shit just treating it like alternate myer-briggs types like delete your tweets 
31: What does ‘self care’ look like for you? 
#selfcare idk. me passing out or making the effort of getting food? great to step outside and pet a cat i guess but also that’s just fun. i don’t have a real methodology or approach here either. is me reblogging ask memes to ask for attention / distraction self care? is Napping to reset the mood self care? you be the judge
32: If you could go back in time and re-live your life up to this point, knowing everything that you know now, would you make different decisions?
eh not really……tfw everything that is the way it is now including “knowing what you know now” is a result of everything having happened exactly the way it already did……..
37: Have you ever been surprised by someone staying in your life?
i’m like Only surprised by it
40: What makes you feel confident?
thinking abt the tweet(?) which is like “when ur walking around in public pretend crazy in love is playing”……being around the lgbtqs obviously…..feeling able to Be Funny b/c like. that depends on the people i’m around too lol.
41: How do you show you care?
love languages……..uh i will do Favors. acts of service or whatever lol. i also like to give gifts. compliments??? idk it’s hard to judge this lmao i will cheer someone on, usually figuratively lol…….Liking A Tweet idk. an attempt was made
43: Which of the seven deadly sins do you feel represents you the most?
we need better sins. am i vainglorious for being opinionated / stubborn. "being not cishet” probably would be considered lust, and that’s a pretty important thing lmao. lust for life….the illicit sexual desire of being An Lgbtq…… i feel like i can be impatient, so i supposed that’s wrathfulness……hard to choose just one and yet again also. the list bites
47: What are you passionate about?
easily a lot of stuff that i find Engaging b/c i’m just sort of like that but i mean. easy answer is just: [interests]
48: Have you ever started to try learning about a subject only to realize it’s not something you enjoy?
not really……if i’m trying to learn something myself i probably had some level of “already knowing i like it to some degree” to even have the motivation in the first place
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