#i think this is the first fight theyve had ever in their friendship together
theosconfessions · 6 months
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if youd like to read the stephens from the beginning you can over here:)
if youd like to read the stephens continued you can over here:)
river- whoa...its actually nice in here?
blake-that was a question? i told you it was badass,man. only have been trying to get you over here for MONTHS.
river-well now i dont want to leave
blake- exactly why i wanted to get you over here [smirks]
river- you um..have nellie a lot now?
blake- i do yeah. her moms in the process of moving closer to her university and shit. told her since im not going anywhere id take her
river- you may not be going to a destination college blake but its still a good college..and you get time with nellie
blake- extra time with my favourite girl is my favourite thing...besides you..
river-[smirks softly]
blake- you seem kinda sad,man...
river- i left one thing out..where this all came from [taps on packet]
blake- across the country? i mean..thatll be hard but we can..oh...isnt this the college you and isla were planning on applying to together.
river-well we did apply together. before we broke up and
blake- you both got in.oh.
river- i havent spoken with her but im still facebook friends with her so.
blake- oh.
river-but you and i already went over this. what would happen if i got accepted into this place..what we would do ?
blake- riv, we spoke about it when we were just friends..its clear we are WAY more than that now. and have been for?
river- i know but we're still friends first... we said that
blake- we did and im happy for you . i am but
river- you dont trust me.
blake- i trust you,man i do
river- then why does anything have to change? why are you getting so weird.
blake- im not
river- yes the fuck you are,blake. so say what youre thinking.
blake- i am thinking that youre going to be...away from here..and youre going to fall for her AGAIN. and ill be here waiting for you like some dumbass lovestruck dude like i always have been.
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randomartist-1 · 4 months
hollowhead rant bc i've been obsessing over ava/avm and i cant stop thinking abt the hollowheads
victim is that character i want to beat the shit out of and then hug them until all their pain goes away. omfg victim was completely ripped from any chance at a normal life. he was deleted not even 2 minutes after they were created, and when they get to live, they say "fuck you alan" and create a whole ass company out of spite. and if hollowhead age is 0 years old at creation, that means he was not even 16 when he made rocket corp a thing. all because they couldnt let his deletion go, which honestly, completely fair
chosen. oh, chosen. the universe really said "hey wouldnt it be funny if we made that one guys life a living hell" and threw everything at him. he was thrown into a "survival of the fittest" situation the moment he was created, and alan just used him as an ad blocker like he was nothing but a tool. the first ever true friend he made was created to kill him, and the friendship failed bc neither knew how to fucking communicate. and then hes tortured on his GODDAMN BIRTHDAY. his BIRTHDAY. BY HIS OWN BROTHER. WTF VICTIM?? he dragged second along to help him bc he was desperate to escape the mercs but all he accomplished was getting them both captured. he must be feeling so much guilt rn omfg (to be fair it was a shit move to pull but also i completely understand his decision)
we dont know much abt dark, but it must be difficult being coded to kill your best friend. maybe the code was altered when she took chosens hand, but as far as i can tell all it did was give it powers. so assuming the code stayed, that means that dark had to fight with its own code for however long she and chosen were living together. i know for a fact its exhausting to fight with your own brain, and i cant imagine having to do it for however-many-years straight. i dont know if i want dark to make a comeback in later episodes, but i definitely wanna know more abt her.
second coming is such a fuckin sweetheart. theyve been through sm and they havent deserved any of it. they literally watched rest of the cg get ripped from them FOUR TIMES (alan ending rygb, dark murdering rygb, chosen kidnapping second, parkour episode) like they must have seperation anxiety or smth like that at this point. also claustrophobia like theyve been forced into too many tiny boxes. they literally just accepted the fact they were gonna be helping chosen when second was literally forced. they still went out of their way to try and save chosen. theyve attacked whoever hurt their friends when rygb all go down. if we continue to go with the "all hollowheads are 0 when created" logic, second is nine. NINE. turning ten this october but WTF. THAT IS A CHILD. NOT EVEN DOUBLE DIGITS
ALL THE HOLLOWHEADS ARE CHILDREN WITH THE "0 at creation" LOGIC (i mean, cho and vic are technically like 16, but still) can i PLEASE just shove them into a massive pillow fort with blankets and hug them?? is that SO MUCH TO ASK ALAN
anyways im gonna go make a playlist abt them cya
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was thinking abt how my ideal doctor/yaz is when they love each other only sliiiightly more than they hate themselves, but then i was like, you know what might be better actually? if they dont love each other at all
i mean think about it. it's easy. they cant. they havent, like, build a life together. they never had to. love is a promise they didnt make
what passes for romantic feelings for companions in the doctor i think generally is idolisation. yaz has definitely been idolising. depending on your take the doctor might also have been the object of her first queer feelings ever. shes unattainable in like every way for yaz. theres no future to imagine here. there never was. i dont think either of them ever assumed there would be either. theyve had their eyes on the finish line since the beginning
so imagine a reunion. yaz and 14. every barrier now lifted. the doctor no longer lives a life of running from one place to the next; no more being with the doctor means neglecting home. hes suddenly emotionally available too. and they both know,,,Everything. they both know everything theyve never talked about. they reach the finish line and crash over it, into each other, no one had plans for this. a mess
so time to build, right? this is everything they wanted, right? except, is it? they only know each other in extremis. two adrenaline junkies in shared search of a fix. two people unable to stop running, forcibly grounded. yaz has five years of unspoken grievances to air. the doctor about five thousand of unspeakable memories. this is two peas in a powder keg
the doctor attaches in extremes, with abandon, yaz only cautiously, with reservation. neither of them know how to do friendship very well. theyve spent years afraid of losing each other, do you think theyre gonna be able to tolerate being apart now? even if being around each other is pressing every wrong button like a novice pilot or one who never read the manual, and inevitably leads to arguments they both know are years out of date but cant stop themselves from having anyway?
their coping mechanisms might have been malformed but now theyre taken away. dont you think theyre gonna come up with something to replace picking fights with daleks? we've got ptsd à deux and nowhere to go. if they cant be helpful at least they can keep busy. picking fights with each other. having sex with each other, because hey we got this newfound queer sexuality we should try it out, right? none of this is quite right but we're not gonna stop to think now, are we? 
should we talk about the gender thing? oh but youre a timelord, billions of years beyond this petty human obsession. but, youre not. so why not obsess a little. rather this than the other stuff. and yaz likes you as a woman. and rose gets all this trans stuff. keep weaving them in because if you stop they might just fall out. of your orbit, the world, the universe, the story. you'll never see them again and you'll be all alone. again. better keep tying knots
how long until they realise this is worse than it was? how long before they can admit it to themselves? how many people to suggest, to one or the other, that hey maybe you guys should spend some time apart? go on vacation, find a hobby, get a job, talk to other people, give yourself a break. how many people to get snapped and yelled at because what do they know? what does anyone know? nobody does, nobody gets it. ryan and graham left, dan came in too late. nobody else lived their days. nobody could possibly understand whats between them. including them
it's yaz who tries breaking up, of course. takes too long to get there, but she would get there. eventually. the doctor gets mean, all "glad to be home?", all tooth and nail and you cant leave me i leave you, all scoffs and snarls, "we're not together, yaz"
"sure, whatever you say"
but if people stop watching doctor who kills himself. the doctor doesnt say this, of course. but yaz is very proficient in all the ways the doctor does not say things
"yeah well, survived it last time, so"
she doesnt clarify who. doesnt need to. the game of chicken never ended, only changed shape. who falls first, who realises first, who admits first, who stays alive longest after the universe ends. and now, perhaps, whos gonna reach for desperate measures first
place your bets
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95zintheirownworld · 3 years
from taehyung, to jimin:
"let's go for a long time, I only have you."
"95z is love."
"Jimin to me is a best friend like no other. He's the warmest person I've ever met in my entire life."
"Jimin is my one and only true best friend."
"There’s someone who made this the most beautiful moment. The first is you A.R.M.Y fans. The second is when I had rough times, people who worried about me, Jimin and the friends."
"Jimin told me he wanted to be my strength. That unleashed all the arrows charged with various emotions in my heart. I thought, how can I fight with an angel like Jimin?"
"My love."
"Jimin is mine. Minie is mine. The money made from work is also mine. Jimin is taken."
"Goodnight to you too, Jiminah. Kiss kiss."
"Can I go back to talking about Jimin?"
"Personally, I want to praise Jimin."
"When I feel blue, your smile can cheer me up."
"Jimin-ah, you're a hundred points."
"Do you want to see the face of an angel? Jiminie is sleeping like an angel."
"Do you think you're the king just because you're pretty?"
"I don't want to do it if Jimin isn't doing it."
(What part of Jimin is cute?) "From head to toe, everything."
(After picking Jimin as his moon) "You protect me. Will you protect me forever?"
"I wish I had a jimin mode on my phone."
"Don't forget. I have you in the lines of my palm."
"I want Jimin to always be happy."
"I will always be by your side, Jimin."
"I love you the most."
"I love and adore you."
"Jimin-ah, I like you the most."
from jimin, to taehyung:
"You're more than a best friend. You're my savior, and I want to be with you even when we're grandfathers."
"Lets go on forever."
"I want to live with my lovely Taehyungie for the rest of my life."
"I hope our friendship lasts forever."
"Lets be a team. I love you."
"As expected, I like Taehyung the most."
"I wanted to show you this moon."
"In Taehyungie's mind there's only me. Cutie."
"What makes me the happiest? Isn't it Taehyungie's eye smile?"
"You thought I wouldn't know? How can I not know you?"
"You like night views. I wanted to show you this. I wanted to show you the moon. I wanted to show you the fountain."
"Only Taehyung says it (I love you) back to me!"
"I love you, pretty."
"Baby bear."
"When Taehyungie and I start talking about us, we can go non stop."
"He always prank calls me. When I'm out alone, he always calls me."
(In reference to tae) "I like to keep my close friends to myself. I tend to be very possessive."
"You're really strange. Thats why I like you."
"But you are always cute."
"I will buy you whatever you want. I will take care of you."
"My baby, all grown up, I love you."
"I adore and love you, precious."
"Taehyung is the ultimate of lovely."
"My baby."
"You're so handsome."
"Taehyung has a crush on me? We're the same age so we're very close."
"Taehyung is the happiest when he's with me."
"Taehyung, your toes are so handsome."
"Whenever I hear Taehyung talk, I can feel my heart flutter and I get emotional."
"You're making my heart race."
(Bringing dozens of heart balloons to Tae) "Taehyung, this is for you. This is my love for you."
"Stay by my side, ill take care of you."
(At the fansign where he chose Tae as his best friend, special person and soulmate) "Best friend isn't enough (to describe him)."
"The person I'm closest to, my best friend, Taehyung!"
"Taehyung is precious."
"Dont worry, my love."
"I tend to keep to myself. If I have any worries, I go to taehyung."
"Taehyung-ah. I love you."
theyve really been together from high school to now, achieving their dreams, while being by each other's side as best friends and soulmates, going through all their ups and downs together, chronicling it through songs. 95 graduation when they graduated, 4 o'clock when they reconciled after their fight, the Christmas song that couldn't be, Tae taking the cover photo of Jimins first solo song, Jimin gifting Tae the bears to winter bear, and of course, the soulmate anthem, their own promise to stay together forever because they love each other so much. i love their love.
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hellerism · 3 years
jack’s fourth birthday party episode
cas has been planning this party for ages. now that there’s no god to worry about, it’s time for jack to have a proper birthday party. he’s done all the research to make sure everything goes perfect for his baby
cas tells jack he can invite anyone he wants. he decides to invite claire, alex, patience, kaia, kevin, and his friends in town (that plot where jack accidentally stabbed stacy never happened here)
dean is hesitant about letting non-hunters in the bunker, but he relents after jack gives him the puppy dog eyes that sam taught him (and after cas gives him a VERY hard glare)
the day before the party, sam and dean are called away to an emergency hunt. they promise to make it home in time for the party
the wayward sisters arrive first. jack is very excited to show them all the decorations and activities he and cas set up
(jody and donna are out on a date for the evening, which claire mentions in an offhanded ugh my parents are so lame kind of way)
when the lebanon kids get there theyre like uhhh…..do we have the right address…until jack runs out to greet them and bring them inside
the problem here is that jack has never had friends before, so he has not experienced the awkwardness of mixing friend groups for the first time
jack tries to get everyone to talk to each other, but the lebanon kids just kinda stand awkwardly off to the side for a while
patience is the first to strike up a tentative conversation with them after like thirty minutes of silence. claire is openly hostile to them. eliot annoys the shit out of alex, but she gets along with stacy
kevin arrives last. he is only here bc he was promised cake and got jack a nougat bar from a gas station on the way there
eliot is like finally another guy here! and kevin just rolls his eyes and goes to talk to claire
kevin and patience get along great by the way (“i was a normal overachieving high school student until my powers of prophecy thrust me into the supernatural world alongside people with the most fucked up trauma ive ever heard of” “you too?”)
cas who, again, has done extensive research on birthday parties, keeps trying to get everyone to play party games, but no one is into it except for jack and patience who is just trying to be nice
claire plays for a bit for jacks sake, but ends up going off with kevin to sneak beers in the kitchen
max catches them when she wanders into the kitchen for a snack and joins them for a bit. she casually mentions stealing the impala, earning claires grudging respect and a fist bump from kevin
eliot eventually gets bored of the games and wanders into one of the bunker’s storerooms and accidentally unleashes a creature. by some plot contrivance, cas is unable to fight it, so everyone else has to work together to defeat it and find friendship along the way
everyone arms themselves with random weapons, and the lebanon kids get a crash course in hunting
stacy shocks (and impresses) everyone by releasing some pent-up rage on the creature
after they defeat the creature, they all look at each other, everyone not much worse for wear other than a few bruises and scratches, and are like “hey cas? you think we could play those party games now?”
claire gets way too competitive, which backfires when she teams up with max, who keeps throwing games to let stacy and jack win. patience and kevin dominate as a team. alex ends up teaming up with eliot and tolerating him for jacks sake
jack is beyond thrilled that all his friends are getting along now
sam and dean get back after theyve cleaned everything up from the fight and are about to have cake
sam and dean: “how was the party?”
everyone exchanges look with each other. “uneventful”
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nekoflame · 3 years
Please talk about Techno’s character on the dream smp if you want
dghksjdh ty anon for lettin me talk abt techno,, u didnt specify anything so uh, im gonna talk abt techno n ranboos relationship bc i just think that peer pressured gang is good
so obviously we know that techno and ranboo’s first canon interaction is the butcher army and that techno didnt really know much about the butcher army other than that they wanted him dead and that they arrested phil, but ranboo is the only one after the execution to go back up north and try and talk to techno and ranboo does give techno his stuff back (with a little bit of threatening but like, what really could techno have done to ranboo in that scene. he had a backup set of armor that he knew was bad and a pickaxe and ranboo had all of his stuff. techno was solely relying on being intimidating and he wouldnt have actually done anything, i think the only reason ranboo was so quick to be like “actually yea just take it” is because techno had just managed to kill quackity with a pick and quackity had full netherite and a diamond axe) and then the two get along fine because ranboo explained that “hey, i was just kinda dragged along and i didnt want to fight you at all”.
their relationship stays pretty positive afterwards, being boosted by ranboo giving techno four netherite ingots and not snitching on phil’s escape, and the first real conflict they run into is techno spawning a wither in l’manberg, and ranboo very quickly does what techno wants, getting technos items and handing them over (unluckily for technos deal punz was nearby n helped out but hey, ranboo later laughs it off with techno) because he realizes that techno literally just wanted a wither star and hey, this way he makes sure l’manberg knows where he stands with them. obviously then the festival happens and ranboo gets outted as a “traitor” and techno stands up for ranboo. techno rarely ever stands up for people (the only people he ever stands up for are himself, phil and tommy. you can make an argument for him trying to physically protect wilbur, but he doesnt ever try and use his words to defend wilbur like he does when phil is put under house arrest or dream accuses tommy of blowing up the community house), and ranboo is this kid hes barely talked to, came along with the people who tried to murder him, and then gave him back all his items AND four netherite ingots. outside of that they haven’t really interacted and techno still decides to say “i dont know this kid. ive never met him in my life” (and he says it before tommy does. tommy stood up for ranboo after georges house was burned down and techno beat him to saying “we have never talked to this kid. he hasnt been to my house since i was almost executed”)
and then doomsday takes place and ranboo is the only one to take techno and dreams threat seriously and try and move his stuff out of l’manberg and then during doomsday techno finds ranboos book (not knowing its his at first) and goes “whats do not read?” and ranboo INSTANTLY bolts for techno. ranboo goes “hey thats mine” and techno says “alright, take your book and go. i have no problems with you, and nobody will know if you leave”. he tells ranboo that its okay to run away, which nobody else was saying yesterday. everyone expected him to fight with l’manberg and then were mean to him after his speech about sides but techno looks at him, without even KNOWING about that speech and goes “you dont have to be involved. if you want to leave you really can”. techno, without knowing, actively supported ranboos beliefs. and then once doomsday is over, phil asks techno if hes okay with ranboo moving nearby and techno says “yeah, thats fine, he seems okay” but hes still wary of ranboo and ranboo tries his best to just not get on technos bad side.
n then ranboo gave him an axe and techno had to state that he doesnt care about this gift when it really affects him because nobody else ever gives him gifts (tommy gave him pigstep, but hes not sure how he feels about tommy right now because tommy hurt him a lot. all of his other items hes gotten himself) n then techno n phil go form the syndicate after ranboo drops the huge “hey i may have one of tommys discs and i may have blown up the community house” bomb and while techno laughs it off at first, he is genuinely worried about that fact and it makes him pull back a bit of the trust he had put in ranboo because in the week ranboo had been living there he hadnt destroyed anything and actually made him a gift and made a cow farm. despite what ranboo said, techno still also is considering him for the syndicate, even if he really is “just some guy” because he Does like ranboo. recently ranboos been the only one other than phil that can get techno to open up about things. techno admits, to ranboo--someone he doesnt know very well and doesnt really trust--that pogtopia holds lots of bad memories for him. theyve gone on multiple adventures together and they really are becoming friends even if techno wont say they are because hes still getting over the fact that tommy hurt him when he swapped sides.
technos opinions are conflicting when it comes to ranboo but i do think he really wants to be friends with ranboo and i think thats show by the whole “sensei” bit that they started and that whole stream in general. it really is setting up the base of their friendship and i really do think it can only go up from here
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tricewithaz · 3 years
Genya and Nikolai friendship hcs??
Ah yes my fave underrated duo. Ive touched on this a bit here.
Your local chaotic fire sign x air sign duo
Genya is probably one of the few people to never feel attracted to Nikolai and vice versa. Theyre entirely platonic.
That being said: they do flirt. a LOT. No ones surprised anymore, even if what they say is very explicit. They also tease David about it, saying that maybe Genya will leave him and become queen, but its all fun and games. David and Nikolai would trust each other with their lives.
Im positive their affinity started over favours back when they were younger. She fixed his dark circles, got rid of a cut on his lip after a fight, erased inconvenient love bites. In return he would get her sweets or new clothes.
They also had to put up with the queen's encounters with her aristocrat friends with both of them found boring and ridiculous at times, but the gossip was always good. They crossed looks in understanding while she brightened a duchess' eyes and he praised a countess' grace.
Ofc they got to interact more during the war. Theres a lot of chemistry between them and banter and conversation just comes natural to them.
Weve seen this before bur: Nikolai being protective of Genya 🥺🥺
I totally see them singing and dancing together in parties and weirdly enough theyre perfectly sincronized. The will ALWAYS steal the scene at some point in the night. Even during the day while working or walking one will start a song and the other will continue it.
No one ever talks about the fact that theyve both have similar experiences with the Darkling with very similar emotional and physical consequences. Probably a very big bonding point for them. When Genya first gets injured im sure Nikolai (as well as other people like Alina and David ofc) made sure to make her feel loved and boost her confidebce in her physique as well. On the other side I think Genya helps him get used to the physical reminders of what hes suffered, making sure he knows shes there and she understands him.
BTW i totally think Nikolai thinks Genya is gorgeous and Genya thinks the same of Nikolai, even if sexual or romantic attraction arent involved. And they make sure the other knows, beyond the jokey flirting.
Genya is sort of a mom. friend of sorts and she acts like such with Nikolai lmao.
Shes also one of the very few people that is completely honest with Nikolai and empathetic of him. Shes always the one to bring the more serious issues to him and makes sure to listen to him and be comorehensive, but also call him out when necessary. In fact shes probably the first to tell him to stop being an idiot with Zoya tbh
Are you going to sit here and tell me Nikolai isnt the best man at David and Genya's wedding and the godfather of their children.
Actually the only reason Genya isn't Nikolai's "best woman" is cause she's Zoya's maid of honor.
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noorengels · 4 years
reasons i am sad (friendship edition)
in year 4 my best friend invited everyone to her birthday party and not me and they all actually kept it a secret really well they almost pulled it off except she held her party in la plaza which basically is the hangout spot for families in that area i spent all my fridays there playing until midnight bc literally everyone from school would go. so i was walking home with my entire family inc grandparents and uncles and we went through la plaza and there they were! every single one of my friends at her party! apparently her mum didnt let her invite me bc apparently i hit her which i didn’t i hit another girl so her excuse is invalid and its the first time ive been so publicly excluded i cried on a bench.
in year 7 we hated this girl bc she was so fake i genuinely believe she is a psychopath like she has all the symptoms except shes in set 5 maths lol so my friend was like what if i spread a rumour about her and i was like lol do it and she did and for some reason i was blamed??? and lost all of my friends and she bullied me so hard but i didnt realise bc i was “friends” with her bc our mums were friends so shed like walk with me to lessons and talk to me while belittleing me and idk she was just a fucking bitch she made me feel so horrible like it was emotional bullying but also like telling everyone who i liked and saying lmao you literally have no friends “count how many friends you have? omg you literally cant even reach ten can you???” like in front of everyone but then shed also be really nice to me at the same time like idk it was like she was my friend but she bullied me it was so horrible saffa i hate you and the original friend who spread the rumour went on to become her best friend for like 6 years so uh hate that
managed to make friends with people not in my class in year 8! which sucked bc saffa had alienated people in my class so now they all just didnt like me i was the weird girl with no friends because of her and it was so horrible bc id always be forced to join the ready made groups between friends by the teacher  bc i didnt have a group to work with or id get paired with the weird girl like i was only the weird girl after saffa made everyone hate me this girl was weird bc she just is idk 
in year 10 they made a gc without me! i basically created that group tho like i gathered these friends i hade made in different lessons (obviously not in my main class lol) and they literally just??? decided to exclude me for no reason. and then theyd talk about what they talked about in the gc in front of me like “omg remember last night on the gc” isha ur so fucking boring no normal person talks about their gc with the same people again do u have no other conversational points smh
in year 11 it got so bad to the point where once i sat with them and they all just left! like they took their stuff and moved to the table behind me i wanted to cry so bad i did at home i think its the worst one out of all of these because it happened to my face? idk saffa was horrible too but this was just “were leaving” idk like ive never felt as horrible as i did in that moment i cant even describe how im feeling rn reliving it
its okay bc i made friends with my best friend from sciences + history bc our surnames are next to each other so we always sat together! i honestly clung to this girl after that bc i refused to spend a second longer with that other group after 3 years of enduring not even being liked by ur friends so i made friends with her friends which was easy bc yes! 
so by the first term of year 12 i had three friends! in fact one of them was like ur not having a birthday party??? im taking u out to eat so my first birthday event thing in literally years was all thanks to arun i am honestly so grateful for him he didnt even go bc he was busy and we planned it the day before my birthday but it was literally me and two friends eating pizza at zizzis and im crying so much rn but year 12 was when i found people who genuinely cared about me
we established a group of like 8 lol and were planning a holiday for the end of year 13! very skam of us! we had a gc and everything! we were gonna go to spain bc im spanish so i could speak!
this trip was unspoken of in year 13 and i was like lol kinda weird um okay but nope nothing weird about it they just created a chat without me and were still going to spain!!! one of them even sent me screenshots of their airbnb to translate its like u want me to know lol
i did complain to one of them but thats it i was just hurt on my own and coronavirus happened so it got cancelled anyways so i won really
in yr 13 i also got closer to this boy called adam! i remember my friend was like you two would get on so well idk why ur not friends and i was like idk its adam lol do i really want to and yes i did bc he is in fact the isak to my sana! but anyways i hate him but i love him we have that kinda friendship where were alwAYS trying to beat the other one up and honestly the most heart felt goodbye when schools shut was between us both bc at first we were fighting and then he just stopped and his eyes softened and i was like whats wrong with you why arent u punching me and he went come here and we hugged and its like wow despite being a dick ill miss you
anyways so uhhh quarantine we skyped often it was fun and then restrictions were lifted i went to spain and the second i land they all stop talking in the gc????? like im abroad not dead why are u creating a new one??? this gc was agressively spammed so i know for a fact theres another im not stupid
i come back from spain and theyre like can we meet!!! we meet three weeks later and theyr like i missed u so much im so happy uou came i love you and it felt really genuine like they genuinely missed me
two days later i find out through snapchat theyve all gone on holiday together!!!!!!!!!!!!! all of them and just ofc didnt invite me they went to the beach for two days and kept posting about it and im so bitter about it like bro???????? why so secretive????? like i cried so much when i saw bc they still just idk why does every single friendgroup ive ever been in exclude me like i must be the problem theres no other explanation for it i am not the kind of person people want to have around i am so funny but im a bitch and will come for ur ass because i have the inability to lie i have no filter either which i know makes them dislike me i know it does but thats the price you oay for being my friend i just say things as it is becauxe i hate secrets bc secrets are always about excluding me so i rather be honest and upfront but that clearly puts people off bc im too upfront and im not getting a personality transplant im not tryna be boring but im so sick of always being the one on her own
adam was relevant uh hews my only friend rn he checked up on me the other day so cheers adam for making sure im not completely isolated
the funny thing is that all my friends hate adam bc “hes a dick” hes not he just says things how it is were so similar so if they hate adam they hate me and im over being hated lol bye!
i start uni next week and i clearly have no social skills so im not gonna make friends im so scared of being lonely i hate being left out
this went from sad to full on angry like i was crying at some point and now im fuming like im so hot rn my blood pressure isnt doing okay
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koyurim · 4 years
its okay to not be okay 15-16 (fin)
the payoff of a tightly-woven, effective story is the happy ending feels so earned and emotional. even though we’re saying goodbye to our trio, i know that they’re going to be staying in my heart for a very long time. 
cw: blood, choking, attempted murder
in these last two episodes we get a bunch of satisfying reversals!!!!!!!!! now that moon-young is trying to create distance between her and the moon brothers, the moon brothers are the one who stubbornly stick to her side. typically, i despise the ‘we must separate bc you wont ever be happy with me’ plot device that typically appears at the tail end of a drama, but this felt really in line with moon-young’s growth and ability to understand herself. in the beginning, moon-young does whatever she wants without regard to how she imposes herself on others, however, with her mother’s reappearance, she really pulls back because she now sees that she can cause harm AND she cares about kang-tae/sang-tae and DOESNT want to harm them anymore!!!!! so this withdrawal didn’t feel pointless/just there to create drama. 
however, as kang-tae learns from director o, just because we harm and are harmed, doesn’t mean we can live alone (humans are social creatures). human relationships are messy and hard and acknowledging that your relationship wont be perfect, but that doesn’t mean you’re not willing to put in the work to be messy together!!!!!! kang-tae winds up saying many of moon-young’s former lines to her, and in this way, she sees that her impact on him is not just a negative one. his confession was a hilarious and powerful moment where we see how much he’s learned to lean into his emotions and how much restraint shes grown herself. she’s helped him grow so much and he’s willing to fight for them to be together even though it may be a hard path to overcome the reality of what happened with their mothers. 
moon-young also gets love from everyone around her, from sang-tae, juri and her mom, and jae-su. and this community helps her understand that the warmth we show each other keeps us going and keeps us grounded. and she decides to accept the love they give her into her life. from accepting this love and learning that she has the capacity to love, i think moon-young’s reached a point in her journey where she no longer has to write fairy tales to communicate with the world. and im SO PROUD of her. 
and through this, we at last, we get our HAPPY ending!! but this ending is not theirs, it’s only their beginning. as juri’s mom says, they all have a lot of learning and growing left to do, but they’re now in the position where they can actively pursue that instead of just coping!!! kang-tae can learn to nurture himself and pursue what he wants in his future studies. sang-tae is learning to be independent and grow up apart from his brother. these brothers finally have developed a secure enough attachment, where the show can end with them parting ways for the first time in their lives. and moon-young gets to have the family that she didnt grow up with and live with the care of those around her/that exists within herself. they still fight and bicker, but they also get a chance to BREATHE now that theyve formed healthy boundaries. their camping trip feels like a reset before they face the world again on their own terms, to find their own happiness. 
our side characters also get the conclusions they deserve!!!!! particularly JAE-SU!!!!!!!!!!!!! i was so happy he got the recognition for being such an amazing friend to kang-tae all these years. when kang-tae finally called him hyung, we see how much kang-tae’s grown to understand having a big brother is not a curse/burden. and he finally is at a place where he can accept all the love that jae-su gives him. jae-su also gets a great moment with sang-tae where sang-tae decides to quit. we see that jae-su has also been relying on the moon brothers for company and friendship, but now they’re all at a place where they can healthily pursue their own paths while still holding each other in their lives. im excited for jae-su to make his own life!!! 
juri’s mom also gets the appreciation she deserves from the moon brothers, as their ‘fake real mom’. she’s truly the BEST mom in the world! she doesnt try to control any of the characters and just speaks truthfully to them, encouraging them to grow while looking out for them!!!! ugh! juri’s a lucky daughter. 
juri and sang-in’s ending was also cute enough for me, but not too much! i think their relationship will be slow going and im glad that nothing was rushed. the decision to stay in the countryside was also nice, i love that we dont have to ‘go back to the city’ to resume/have lives that are worth living. 
we also get to see how much the patients have grown on their journey. there’s still lots of healing to be had for each of them, but they’ve grown so much. it was heartwarming to see old patients come back and smile with each other, they’ve all formed a really supportive community. and (again) im so proud. 
overall, this finale felt so well earned. the growth didn’t come out of no where and the emotions were all so raw and human. i still didn’t believe that nurse park was moon-young’s mom, but i dont think the point is how believable that part is, rather the focus and point is the emotions that moon-young goes through when she faces her mother who’s haunted her for so long. even though, i wasnt convinced by how moon-young’s mom became nurse park, i was glad the show didnt focus on those logistics, because, truthfully, they are irrelevant to our character’s growth and journey. i keep saying this over and over again, but i am in love with the emotional journey and growth that this show took us on. the story was so well planned and written and i think there were very few missteps in the drama. im so sad to part ways with the troublesome trio, but i know they’re going to be starting journeys to find their own paths and they’ll all have each other along the way.
additionally, when it comes to moon-young and kang-tae’s relationship, i really appreciated the frankness that the show approached sex and intimacy. it wasn’t some taboo subject, but it wasn’t overhyped/things weren’t needlessly sexualized. also once, moon-young and kang-tae settle, touch is effortless/not made into such a big deal and their comfortability with each other was a fantastic touch. i can continue to see them growing with each other, calling each other out on the other’s bullshit, loving and supporting one another, and finding new adventures each day together.
thank you to moon-young, kang-tae, sang-tae, and the rest of the cast and crew for your vulnerability in bringing us along with you on your journey.  i wish you all the best!! 
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spiritwinding · 4 years
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for the duration of the classic games, sonic was Incredibly reserved. talked to no one and only used sign language when necessary, had no social life outside of talking to flickies and other woodland creatures, just was Completely isolated from people. he was SUPER close to his parents, and having them die made him essentially swear off of. talking to people. to steal lyrics from wicked: 
too long i've been afraid of losing love, i guess I've lost well if that's love it comes at much too high a cost
meeting tails and his relationship with him is what made him talk and start to accept friendship back into his life, that he Needs companionship and can’t get by on his own and that a life alone is a miserable one, but it was a gradual process that spaned the adventure games and sonic heroes, so here’s a rambly post about some of how sonic went from a hermit to the VERY anime friendship guy he is in sonic forces!
sonic is pretty prickly and easily irritated in adventure 1 and is still stuck in his Cool Lone Wolf kinda ways? avoids amy very obviously, openly says shes weird, frustrated with knuckles, very dismissive of tails etc. at the same time when he gets separated from tails when they crash in sa1 he’s genuinely sad and concerned for him, and prioritiizes how chaos would feel if locked in the master emerald while still rampaging. he very clearly cares about people, he’s just. distant and has kinda bad people skills. during sa1 sonic starts to realize he needs to listen to his friends and be more tolerant with them, though (amy stopping him from destroying gamma, how theyw oulda probably noticed birdie had an emerald if sonic hadn’t blown off amy so quickly, everyone bringing the chaos emeralds at the end), and he starts to? get along better with them? calls knuckles buddy in sa2, definitely gets along better with amy, puts a lot of his faith in tails when he gets shot out of the ark, AND fights with shadow at the end, is much less prickly in sa2 and just in general starts to embrace this group theyve kinda scrapped together
speaking of sa2, though: shadow! sonic has always had a short temper depending on the situation, but particularly in sa2 he didnt take kindly to a) being accussed of shit he didnt do and b) excUUse me how dare you copy me? like me?? still, he was definitely intrigued by shadow, and sonic is Painfully curious by nature, not to mention the whole affinity for chaos energy thing. kinda lilke a pull to the stuff. i also think sonic GETS aloof grumpy characters, because even if he wasnt ever grumpy, just short-tempered and kinda irritable, he was definitely aloof, and gets what it’s like to struggle to connect with others when you’re afraid of losing them. throughout the game they both come to respect eachother, and ultimately the fight they have at the end is. the first team fight sonic has? he has to put his trust in someone in the battlefield, really learn how to keep an eye on himself AND whoever hes fighting with, which is different than not hurting civilians for example. they both constantly ask eachother how theyre doing and sonic suggests to shadow that he needs to rest and that he can tag in. like regardless of everything that happenned during the game sonic cares about shadow, and whether by necessity or otherwise, trusts him to fight alongside
so when shadow, someone sonic probably considers somewhat of a friend, who was fighting with him and who sonic wanted to keep a close eye on, dies when he’s right next to him AND super sonic it doesn’t Feel Great. sonic felt responsible for shadow falling, for one, and for two, that’s someone he cares about dying. again. when thats what he wanted to avoid by essentially dissappearing from society: he didn’t want to lose people. of course losing shadow si very different and less painful than losing his parents, but it’s a reminded of what he’d been running away from all this time, and what he’s potentially going to go through again if tails, knuckles or amy die, too.
so he goes on another ‘vacation’ between sa2 and heroes-- distances himself from everyone else again, both to Repress and also to start to start to go back to the lonely nomadic lifestyle. the thing is, after going through what he did with everyone, tails in particular, he misses them. he misses company, now that he got it again, and realizes he doesn’t want to be alone again. being alone sucks, no matter how much you double down on it.
and tails and knuckles Show Up-- like they find HIM rather than the other way around. they come back, like a boomerang, and all three of them go to defeat eggman again, in an Entirely trio-based game, where sonic learns hwo to be a better teammate, and how to depend on others in a fight again. shadow turns out to be okay*, and at the end everyone refuses to let him fight neo on his own, and he’s? kinda overwhelmed? that he’s gathered people who are willing to support him, and that return like boomerangs, too
he wont be alone, because his friends will always be there to have his back, and he can always count on their help!! superpower of teamwork babyyyy. annd at the end, instead of going off on his own, he TAKES tails and knuckles with him!
sonic at the end of the day needs companionship. he leans towards ambivert and needs a Lot of alone time, and loves his personal space, but he needs to know someone is there to have his back ykno? he loves people, and needs people, and hates being alone like... in life. not like running alone or travelling alone, but just. having no one in his life is almost kinda terrifying. he knows what thats like and is aware he doesnt want to go back to having no one know his name except for the local flickies he saved from eggman.
*note: sonic definitely has unresolved shit from Everything That Has Ever Happened, aside from his parents deaths, because he’s so desensitized to all of it and just.. always Has to function, it isnt a question, and shadow ‘dying’ isnt an  exception. definitely not as bad as other stuff, like the guilt for everyone who DID die, but he never worked through? much of it? because unless it specifically worms its way to the surface, sonic doesn’t know it’s There, and even if he picks up on somethig he won’t adress it unless it’s Baaaaad, and that’s only a recent thing. repress and move on, thaaaaaaat’s life pal. it doesnt help that sonic is honestly seen as Emotionally Invincible by everyone around him, so who would think he has baggage abt somethign that happenned when he was 13? (btw he was 13 in sa2 which is a Yikes!) he feels he failed shadow, particularly because it was. the ‘death’ that happenned right after he also blamed himself when his mom died in his care. he works through the occasisonal thought about it by just! trying his best! not letting it happen again! but again, never worked thru it, never told anyone. someone write this w/ me somehow blease
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barlieandthescouts · 4 years
Charlie Gardener High School Headcanons Also I Don’t Know How To Spell So Ignore The Typos And Misspellings
One of the smartest kids in school
Usually skips out on lunch and eats a PB&J in the back of the lunchroom to avoid getting made fun of
When Bruno found out, he joined Charlie three days of every week
Charlie was flustered at first but slowly got used to Bruno hanging around
They’ve gotten shushed by the librarians quite a few times
Charlie's part of the student council
Hes the treasurer because he's good at math and budgeting
He figures he wasn't popular enough to be elected president
He prefers his role as treasurer anyway
He's also captain of the debate team
He's very good at arguing
Like, scarily good
No one should have the power to be as persuasive as Charlie is
Once the new teacher picked a fight with Charlie
Charlie won
His favourite class is Science
He breezes through it, because logic and data is his best friend
His favourite is chemistry, how everything has its place and has controlled change
He gets an A+ in science, math, and english
He gets an A in all his other classes
People would think he obsessed over his grades, but he doesnt really give a fuck
He really just wants to learn more stuff
And he knows he gets honour role anyway, so he doesnt pay much attention to them
He plays piano sometimes
Not that often, though, just occasionally, but if he put his mind to it he could become a prodigy
He’s won first place in every science fair, except for one
He is pissed that he didnt win the 7th grade science fair
A freaking volcano won, which he thinks is very uncreative
He doesnt usually put his tropheys and ribbons on his shelves and walls
Most of his ribbons and tropheys are stashed away in a box at the bottom of his closet
One day while Bruno is over studying (more like slacking off, really) he finds the box and brushes off the dusk before proudly displaying the tropheys in Charlies room
Charlie attempts to put them away again, but Bruno won’t let him
Theyve sat on his desk untouched since
Charlie grins when he sees them now
Hes constantly fidgeting around with his wristwatch
c o n s t a n t l y
bored?? fidgets with watch. nervous??  fidgets with watch. Focused??  fidgets with watch. Literally always  fidgets with his watch.
Dislikes gym class
Dislikes the locker room more
Always wears matching socks
His sock drawer is organized and he cant remember ever wearing mismatched socks
His shirts are neatly folded for the most part
His desk is messy organized
To anyone else, it would look messy
But to Charlie everything is in its place and he can find his papers and his stuff easily
On his bookshelf he has a few neat trinkets among all of his books
He has a seashell from the only family trip hes been on, he has a candle he burns when hes really stressed over something, and he has a few rocks that are special to him among other things
His favourite trinket is a small wooden giraffe that Bruno carved for him
He had run up between classes, given it to him, then ran off
When Charlie has a big academic event or is doing something that makes him nervous, he keeps the giraffe in his pocket as a good luck charm
Makes his younger brother a brown paper bag lunch every morning
Has been close friends with Mari since grade school
She’s the first one that he came out to as gay
And vice versa
They talk about boys together sometimes
And life
Theyll sit on the beanbags in Mari’s treehouse and talk for hours sometimes
Theyve only ever had one argument
Theyll go to Pup N Taco all the time together
Some people think that the two of them are lowkey dating (theyre not)
They kind of have the friendship that Simon and Leah have (from Love Simon and Leah Off Beat books)
Charlie isnt the best at baking
He’s got cooking down like an ace
But baking is dififcult
He doesnt get where he goes wrong- baking is like science
Measuring the ingredients and mixing it and following the steps perfectly-
But no matter what he does he just doesnt understand baking
Bruno is an ace at baking, although he would never admit it
Bruno has tried countless times to show Charlie how to bake, but Charlie is hopeless
Charlie enjoys giving up and sitting at the counter and watching as Bruno bakes
He tells Mari all about Bruno when they talk, and Mari smiles, knowing what Charlie doesnt
Until he meets Bruno, Mari is the only one who he will let call him anything other than Charlie
Mari’s nickname for him is “Periwinkle”
Because in the first grade when the teacher asked everyones favourite colours, while all the other kids said simple things like “blue” and “red” and “pink”, Charlie said “periwinkle”
When Mari got a car, she picked up Charlie and his brother most days on the way to school so that they dont have to wait in the cold for the bus
Charlie often spends his free study period in the library, getting his homework done so that he can work on his own projects at home
Once Bruno lent Charlie one of his leather jackets
He wore it up until the moment he gave it back
Bruno said he could keep it, to Charlies delight
When he cant sleep, Charlie wraps up in Brunos old leather jacket
these were all trash but i hope you liked them
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howlitecritical · 5 years
New character arcs and new back story because canon sucks again
Main 4 cast with notes on characters that need notes for changes to make sense  Garnet: yesyesyesyesyeysyes everything good about this show. There’s not enough garnet centric things where she’s just herself and not about ruby and sapphire. More information on Garnet. Shes stoicly funny and just murders people with words sometimes. show her being rose’s top tactician. turning the tides of the war that were never in the crystal gem’s favor. maybe theres a fun earth thing shes into. Her room is the heart of the temple for a reason now. Its a balance between pearl and amethyst. The bubbles are organized, but she has her own side space with things she does as hobbies. She has a collection of antique books that she likes to read lava side and she often meditates to see corrupted gems and a future in which the CGs encounter them. maybe she even draws them out to combine ruby’s need to Do with sapphire's need to Know. Fusion is still very important to her, but not she has plot relevant interests that make sense with her character. Her character arc involves her being the first of her kind. shes something completely new! just like steven is. and for that not to bind them together is silly. She wants the best for steven and he makes her want to be an even better leader now that rose is gone and shes the only one left. she makes him think about his actions and slows down his hyper activity when he or amethyst are trying to do something reckless. From him she learns that it’s okay to let her guard down more. Homeworld might come back, but it’s not all on her shoulders. the CGs are a family and they’ll protect everyone together. Garnet in jailbreak is the first time we know shes a fusion and before that we get more about her character not just from environment around her, but her reactions to things. Maybe she feels like she needs to be in control because shes afraid that without rose, homeworld is more a danger than ever.
Amethyst: I like most of her progression actually!!! a few things I’d mess with is when she’s unnecessary hurtful to people she loves, like greg, when she shape shifted into rose, and peridot when she all but threw her stuff into the ocean. these things need to be gotten rid of, or addressed by the narrative. I’d also like to see her hanging around Vidalia wayyyyy sooner or to have a reason why they dont. As for reasons, maybe Amethyst did or said something hurtful toward her, lashing out at her for whatever reason that made their friendship strained. while a decade is a long time for a human, for a gem its nothing. so while she feels bad, Am’ isnt going to apologize herself!!! she didnt do anything wrong!!! and maybe Vidalia is the first person steven convinces her to apologize to. Steven teaches her compassion and is, in return, the gem he can relate to the best. He goes to her first with gem issues and she acts like an older sibling, trying to teach him or cover up mistakes so pearl and garnet dont find out. I think i’d like a progression of Am’ refusing to apologize to Vidalia, realizing that she was wrong and apologizing to greg, but he breaks down and can’t move past that, rendering their friendship difficult and strained as a “sometimes apologizing isnt enough and you have to change your behavior“ and then the third beat with peridot either not happening at all, where she doesnt throw someone’s comfort items into the ocean which, i think steven shouldve realized and stopped her from doing anyway, BUT if you just NEED that mistake on her part, i feel like this could be a “sometimes, you dont know how bad you hurt someone and you should apologize when you find out“ with peridot being hurt and not talking to her and amethyst has to do a big gesture to show shes sorry. I also feel like that fleshes out amedot as a ship and while i dont care about who peridot ends up with, i care about story and the way im going to make this story go, lapis will be in that fun moral grey area and i want more options in terms of story telling and of fan choice. Also!!! explore the possibility of her being deep cut and thats why shes a runt. she only looks smaller but has all these strengths because of it!!! it fits in really well and bismuth or peridot maybe because she was made for kindergardening, could tell her about it and watch her get excited because shes not ”wrong“ she never came out “wrong“ shes just different and thats okay!
Pearl: Was white diamond’s pearl, first of all! that makes every interaction more interesting, because no only did she defect from homeworld, but she defected from the Queen of homeworld and everything it stood for basically. We learn more about how homeworld operates and what places in society each gem fits from pearl, because while she doesn’t believe it herself, she isn’t kept from talking about diamonds now and what one she served. in this funky fresh au, she is sent by white to make sure the new diamond they’re cultivating from earth comes out properly (aka where the fuck did russia go) and getting her equipped with all of the technology she would need to properly rule. this is where she first meets a quartz soldier. at first she’s taken aback by the quartz’s forwardness, no one had ever talked to her like... an equal before. shes not sure if shes allowed to speak, though, she knows theyre waiting for a response. Their first interactions always begin with her requesting permission to speak. They have to wait a few more years for pink to emerge and while they’re there they slowly become friends as the life is leeched out of the area. we could have a snapshots of them waiting for together, rose getting bored and convincing pearl to come do things with her, slowly breaking her out of her shell. Pearl’s difficulty and character arc comes from not just rose and getting over her feelings, which is perfectly fine, but doesnt need to be her only trait, but finding out who she is now, not just after rose, but with humanity as a whole. with the war well and truly over. she wants to learn about what rose thought was so important to fight for, to die for, and because of that, we get her partaking in human activities that arent eating or drinking, because she still dislikes them. While Garnet reads and collects books, i think pearl being really into her weapons collection is a good idea to flesh her out more. Where did she get her swords from? Well thats a mystery. She mentions someone she cared about a long time ago made them for her and thus we get some fun bismuth foreshadowing.
Rose:  And rose..... god... we could of had it all by adele plays in the background anytime i think about her. Here we have a very beautiful fat woman. Shes framed as elegant and regal by the show time and time again and i LOVED that. however after the pink diamond reveal, I have such mixed feelings about her. No more diamond bullshit. Shes the first gem that popped out. Technically she’s too early and she goes to stand guard around the birthplace of her diamond. That is where she and pearl first meet. Pearl is the first gem she ever talks to and while she innately knows stuff about home world, shes pick up a lot from the humans that live nearby. theyve shown her kindness and given her furs to wear and in turn she helped them heal their wounded by crying on them. (yes she still has healing powers sue me) she loves the humans and takes to befriending them before pearl shows up. The two of them get close and after pink diamond pops out, rose realizes what the creation of gems truly means for the world around her. They’re killing what was here before them. This isn’t creation. It’s an invasion. Being the only quartz out so far, shes forced into the role of commander for pink. Her favored soldier. And the more she does what she was “made for” the more she hates it and the more she hates the diamond authority. she convinces pink that some humans are worth keeping. As a curiosity, my diamond. they could prove useful to terraforming other planets or moons to accept life and in time, gem cultivation.  She gets poofed while trying to save someone from the group of people she first made friends with. Maybe pink shatters whoever poofed her for not following her orders because of course Rose wouldnt defy her. rose is Loyal, unlike the rest of you lack luster garbage. Rose comes back with her iconic dress and shes here and queer and shes fucking Done with this shit. she hears about the shattering on her behalf and she goes to pink and asks why and she feels sick to her stomach because star, my diamond, she isnt Worth it. she isnt worth the cost of someone else’s whole Life!!! Oh rose... you’ve always been soft hearted. in this time, Pearl is quietly there. waiting to be called back by white as pink pearl has just been sent to take her place. And this is it. This is the moment rose decides to rebel. according to homeworld, her life should be no more than any other quartz. her life shouldnt be traded for that of others. So why? Why did pink do this? Do the gems in her court mean nothing to her? This is the first time a gem has ever summoned two weapons. A Sword and Shield. A knight turning on her master. She tried to attack pink. to poof her. to send a message right here and now that gems are all equal. that a lowly rose quartz is strong enough to take on a diamond! She fails, but only partly. she manages to strike a blow, but pink stays in tact long enough to strike on of her own, sending rose retreating into her gem. This is when pearl has to make a choice. No matter what she’d be shattered. Pink’s wrath when she reforms, white’s when she finds out about what happened. This is a death sentence. But if its a death sentence, its one she’ll choose for herself. she takes rose’s shield and uses the face of it to shatter pink herself, scooping up rose’s gem and getting as far away as fast as she can. This is the start of a war.
Steven: Oh boi. So i love steven, but theres moments where hes just... not good and the story doesnt stop him from doing that. So if were gonna say hes a kid with emotion based powers, we know hes soft and sweet and excitable. sometimes he pushes people too far because hes trying to do what he thinks is best. I want him to wrestle with the fact that his mom, this person everyone says is good, killed someone. she did something so horrible and she never killed anyone again, but she still did it once. I’d like him to get bits and pieces of his mothers memories and so we get to see the world and flashback things that happened in real time. Maybe he tries to talk to pearl about it, but she still wont instead of cant. He feels like an outcast and everyone would rather his mom be there, but they have him instead. basically a lot of his earlier character arc stuff before garnet and pearl talk to him about how homeworld was. They dont think hes old enough to hear about war, but it seems war is coming back and hes unprepared to face it without learning more. he facilitates more interactions with the townies and now its not just a war of gems against gems, they have humans on their side too and they’ll win!  
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virgosaturn · 6 years
Jupiter in Synastry
House overlays
Jupiter in the 1st: the Jupiter person feeds the ego of the first house person. They make them feel proud of their own existence and easily boost their confidence. Around the Jupiter person, the house person simply feels better. More optimistic. The Jupiter person enjoys boosting their partner up, as that is one of Jupiter’s goals. They also genuinely enjoy the House person for not only how they come off in situations, but how they face the world, project themselves, and perhaps look as well. Emphasis on the outside could be apparent here. The couple may focus too much on appearances and the House person in general.
Jupiter in 2nd: $$$$ together. Expansion planet in money house. The Jupiter person could help the house person in acquiring money, lending their own visions. As far as the other themes of the second house goes, Jupiter may not feel as comfortable, although I think affection can still run rather high. The house person may want to spoil the Jupiter person, be around them all the time, and be very affectionate - enjoying the Jupiter persons positive aura. However, Jupiter can feel stifled easily and may not be comfortable with lots of affection, time together, and spoiling and it may be something that needs to be worked out.
Jupiter in 3rd: communicating about EVERYTHING AND ANYTHING. topics after topics. expansive, flowing ideas between two people. neither knew they could talk this much, but then again no ones ever stimulated their mind in that certain way. Jupiter loves how the house person communicates and eats up every conversation, finally feeling like they found someone to keep up with them. the house person loves the stimulation too and feels similarly about having someone on their same level, energy, and style.
Jupiter in 4th: if have a family together, likely to be a big family. Can’t stop reproducing to the point the Jupiter person may prefer the House person to be impregnated if the house person is female and capable of pregnancy. Jovious home life together. They could be at work all day and as long as they get to come home to each other, their spirits are brought back up and they feel rejuvenated. the house person will never be bored living with the Jupiter person or if they are parents together. the type of parents to bring their kids into an ever expanding love circle, where they always try to brighten their children’s days and boost their self esteem.
Jupiter in the 5th: enjoy each other immediately. Like from the first date they felt like they had had some of the most fun they could’ve had with someone! Jupiter can keep up with the House person, whether this is through reading all the same comic books as them as quickly as them or going to as many parties as them. They expand to meet the interests of the House person or they could’ve easily already been really into what the House person loves. A probably very well liked couple that loves being in social groups and showing how full of light and fun their relationship is. A lot of fun sex, not necessarily super deep though. There can be a lot of glossing over with this overlay, where serious issues aren’t talking through, or anything serious for that matter. Be careful to not just have a superficial relationship simply because you are both entertained.
Jupiter in the 6th: Jupiter may help the House person with their day to day work: chores, job, what have you, which the house person really appreciates. The Jupiter person will enjoy hearing about the house persos day to day activities more than anyone else! They will help lift their spirits if they have a bad day at the office or wherever. They will help the House person let loose more and have fun and possibly neglect their daily work a bit, which may be ok as long as it’s not in excess. The house person probably needed to be less tense about their work and the Jupiter person helps them w that! However, the house person can feel like the Jupiter person doesn’t take enough seriously and causes them to miss important things they need to be doing. The two will have to work on balancing work and play and attitudes about both.
Jupiter in the 7th: Love is like a daydream with this person. They both feel like they’re walking on the funnest cloud they’ve ever been on! It’s a constant excitement in every area of the relationship that both people were looking for! They may bicker from time to time, but they have a blast together doing practically anything. The Jupiter person boosts the house persons ego and may make them feel as if theyve found their match. The house person probably also boosts the Jupiter persons ego and the Jupiter person loves that. They are super silly together. Again may be a tendency to gloss over serious matters and miscommunication can occur because they are focused on the fun exclusively. remember there is a lot more to a healthy relationship than fun.
Jupiter in 8th: this is definitely not somewhere Jupiter is comfortable, but depending on the Jupiter persons chart, they may just survive in this intense house. Sex is allllll the time and very very satisfactory for both parties. However Jupiter can feel overweighted and suffocated in the house of darkness and intensity and passion. The house person may attempt to bring the Jupiter person into the darker parts of their world and the Jupiter person may not run with it like they hoped they would. This can lead to a feeling of shame, which again the Jupiter won’t know how to deal with. Jupiter is expansive though, and will not naturally judge the House person, they will just take some time to warm up to the themes of the house. And then they’ll have some more sex.
Jupiter in 9th: this is where Jupiter is the most comfortable and thus the two individuals with this overlay will feel very comfortable in their union. Talking about all their philosophical and spiritual dreams! Expanding together via traveling far and wide! Trying new things - food, cities, continents. They love different cultures and make excellent travel buddies. The Jupiter person probably greatly admires the knowledge the house person has and are probably strongly attracted to them for that specific reason. They grow well together mentally and otherwise. Very few riffs because they have such a similarity.
Jupiter in 10th: another place where Jupiter can really help the House person with their work! Mostly in the way of image and networking here. The Jupiter person brings luck to the House persons occupation and image. They make them look better immediately which the house person with be ever grateful for. The Jupiter person can feel stifled here though. They don’t care as much about image and career as their counterpart and may feel a bit used. The house person will fight for them to stay and may have to give up something they cared a lot about in the area of career and image.
Jupiter in 11th: electric friendship that can lead to romance! They have a spark where they have a great back and forth and bring out each other’s wit. They challenge each other’s ideas while reinforcing others. A good balance of a lot in common and a lot of differences to keep both parties that love stimulation interested. They both may feel a superiority to others once they get together and may because of this spend a great deal of time together, feeling they finally found someone original and cool. Will always be great friends first and foremost. May fight for very liberal causes together.
Jupiter in 12th: Jupiter gets complicated here. The Jupiter person is expanding in the house of their partners subconscious. That’s tricky. There’s a push and pull coloring this relationship. However, they may really appreciate each other when they get to see each other for who they really are (especially if they’re really seeing the House person!). The Jupiter person may help them come out of their shell and actually speak up about their dreams and hidden idiosyncrasies and the things they are afraid of because Jupiter comes without much judgment! They think everyone has something to offer that’s interesting and unique and that will warm the house person up quite a bit! They can feel they can tell the Jupiter person more than they can tell most or anyone. There can be a lot of affection and attraction that other people may not understand or the two people involved. A lot of illusions could arise.
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xswestallen · 5 years
Yes on everything about how the Flash has failed Iris when it comes to friendships with anyone but Barry. My first thought is that it's slightly more understandable this season since, naturally, the focus has been on her relationship with Nora. But they could still give her time with Caitlin or Cisco when Nora is doing something with Barry. And I'd love to even see some Cecile/Iris bonding.
Yes, they really should’ve done a better job establishing Iris’ friendships in previous seasons so that season 5 could focus on her maternal relationship with Nora and not feel like her only relationship. 
I would also love to see more Cecile and Iris scenes. Honestly, I’ve loved every scene Cecile is in. Danielle Nicolet has such a fun chemistry with the entire cast. She was one of the few highlights of season 4 and she keeps getting better in season 5. It would be so nice to have a mother/daughter scene with Cecile, Iris, and Jenna. I want to see more of Cecile as a mom and Iris as a big sister.
Just because Iris and Caitlin are around each other a lot doesn’t mean they would make sense as friends. They have nothing in common except knowing the same people, they’ve had fewer meaningful interactions than Iris and Felicity, and considering Caitlin tried to kill her, Iris has a very good narrative reason not to want to be her friend, ever. In real life not all women get along anyway. Forcing it now for some fake girl power sentiment would just be bad writing.
Iris and Felicity don’t have anything in common. And, I think it’s obvious Iris and Caitlin have had much more meaningful interactions than either had with Felicity. 
Caitlin helped save Barry’s life when he was in his coma. Iris saved Caitlin’s life in 1x22. Iris was one of 5 people who witnessed Caitlin and Ronnie getting married. Caitlin and Iris (and the rest of the team) worked together to save Barry’s life countless times. Caitlin gave Iris the encouragement to finally act on her feelings for Barry. Caitlin saved Iris’ life in 3x12. Iris was never angry with Caitlin for Killer Frost, she wanted to help Caitlin. They’ve coached each other through life or death battles with metas over the past 5 years. They’ve also been side by side in the field fighting metas. 
Iris and Caitlin have shared some of the most intimate and intense moments of their lives. Neither would be alive if it weren’t for the other. You can’t say that about Iris and Felicity. Iris and Felicity just happen to both have vigilante boyfriends, but that’s where their connection ends. If Barry and Oliver weren’t friends, Iris and Felicity wouldn’t be.
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hellerism · 3 years
6, 11, 22, and one question you really want to answer
6. which supernatural creature is your favorite?
i actually love the hellhounds theyre like the only creature that arent just some guy
11. favorite funny episodes?
yellow fever, changing channels, and scoobynatural
22. worst episode of supernatural?
the finale, obviously
and one question i really want to answer....hm....
27. make up an episode of spn and give specifics
wes and mary already know about this one bc they helped make it but an episode for jacks fourth birthday party
jack is still friends with the lebanon kids in this, so he invites them, the wayward sisters, and kevin to his party in the bunker
sam and dean have an urgent hunt, so its just cas supervising (dont worry the four of them will still celebrate after they get back)
as with mixing any friend groups, its extremely awkward at first. patience is the first to get along with the lebanon kids, but claire freaks them out. kaia and max strike up a few tentative conversations. eliot annoys the shit out of alex
kevin only came bc he was promised cake
he and patience get along great by the way (“i was a normal overachieving high school student until my powers of prophecy thrust me into the supernatural world alongside people with the most fucked up trauma ive ever heard of” “you too?”)
(its not relevant to the episode but missouri is alive in this)
cas did extensive research on birthday parties beforehand and keeps trying to get everyone to play party games, but no one is into it except for jack and kaia. she never really had a party for herself like this growing up and she doesnt care how “uncool” it is, shes going to enjoy herself
at some point one of the lebanon kids wanders into one of the bunker’s storerooms and accidentally unleashes a creature. by some plot contrivance, cas is unable to fight it, so all the kids have to work together to defeat it and find friendship along the way
after they defeat the creature, they all look at each other and are like “hey cas? you think we could play those party games now?”
jack is beyond thrilled that all his friends are getting along and playing games
sam and dean get back after theyve cleaned everything up from the fight and are just about to have cake
sam and dean: “how was the party?”
everyone exchanges looks with each other. “uneventful”
ask me about my spn opinions!
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ariesbilly · 6 years
fredsythe vietnam au thoughts?
and by vietnam au i mean something along the lines of they are bunker buddies not one of them being stuck in ugly ass riverdale
but i think we also need to consider the au where they MEET in vietnam. cuz thats… also sexy…
like i dont know… theyre still both from riverdale but theyve never crossed paths because their sides of town are a lot more segregated than they are in the present timeline, and maybe theyre both drafted but fps not entirely mad about it because its not like he was leaving anything special behind back at home. any excuse to get away from his old man…
but freds fucking torn up about it. he’s got a family. people who’ll miss. people who will miss him… not to mention he’s against this whole goddamn war to begin with. and he’s not made for combat. any of it. he doesnt have the stomach for it nor does he know how to fight.
so he and fp share living quarters. thats how they get acquainted with each other. they dont exactly hit it off at first. fred kinda annoys fp tbh but theres not a whole lot he can do. 
they dont really talk at first. fp doesnt have a lot to say to begin with and he especially doesnt want to get into his home life when freds going on about his mom and dad and brother back at home, all his friends, all the girls and dates he’s missing out on. its just… a lot.
but then one day fps had enough of freds clumsy ass not knowing how to handle the weapons properly and he’s on a serious learning curve, he’s just not picking it up as quickly as the rest of the guys so fp drags him out one day to show him some shit. he says its because he doesnt want fred accidentally killing one of their guys or “if you end up killing yourself its gonna be a problem for everybody” but like… lowkey freds been growing on him. and fps not lying about his excuses but… maybe he’s also just trying to spend some time with the guy in his own weird way.
and thus a friendship is sparked. slowly but surely they start spending more time together outside of fp training fred and they start actually having conversations on their downtime. and its a nice distraction. fp thinks fred is a total square but its kind of endearing. maybe even cute. 
they start leaning on each other more and more. their conversations get deeper. fp actually opens up to fred which shocks the hell out of both of them.
and maybe one day its just the two of them, sent out to get water or food wait for supplies, i dont know, but the lights hitting fred just right an he’s laughing at some joke fp just told, and fps realizing freds the first person in a really fucking long time that actually makes him feel warm, in the middle of a fucking war, no less, and he thinks maybe that means something, and maybe fred feels it too, so he leans in and kisses fred real soft. he thinks he should be scared but he also realizes he could die at any minute anyway so who really cares if he completely misread the situation and fred ends up pummeling him to death. he doesnt really have a lot to lose here.
freds obviously stunned but only because it was so unexpected, not because he didnt want it. so when fp pulls back fred just kinda stares at him for a second before blushing and looking down and theres a smile tugging at the corners of his mouth and just as he goes to kiss fp back theyre interrupted so there goes that plan.
but then they become a thing. all in secret, obviously. but they sneak whatever touches they can and it makes their days a little more bearable
until… ya know… obviously one of them has to get seriously fucking injured in the middle of battle. like… life or death shit. and the other ones next to them screaming and yelling at them to hold on and “dont die on me! you cant die on me!” 
and then the injured one wakes up in the army hospital or tent or whatever i dont fucking know how wars work but the point is the other one is right there by their bed, has been the whole time, starts talking about how scared they were and what a fucking close call it was and honestly its like really fucked them up and the other one can sense it and has to tell them not to do anything crazy…
but in the end they both make it back home alive and in one piece, even if they are both shaken up by the shit theyve seen. and for a while they only have each other to lean on because no one else is gonna fucking get it, what theyve been through. fred eventually decides to go to therapy to work on his shit but fp refuses because “i can handle myself, fred. dont need some shrink telling me about my problems”
which of course… just ends up leading fp to hitting the bottle and he becomes even more of a mess and keeps spiraling until it all gets to be too much and he fully hits rock bottom. freds long since left him behind because he just couldnt do it anymore. he had tried and fought so hard to get fp help but he just wouldnt listen and at some point fred had to start putting himself first.
but then ya know fp finally gets some help and starts to clean up his act and years later he’s doing better for himself and he and fred run into each other and start talking again and theyve never stopped being in love with each other but now theyre both in good places and they can actually have a fair shot at things this time and they live happily ever after the end
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