#i wanted to make mac and cheese but then i remembered i had to buy milk and it is literally next door but No
todayisafridaynight · 8 months
NO STOP I WAS LITERALLYYYYY THINKING IT SOUNDED LIKE WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT THE KH FANDOM😭😭😭it's not quite to that level yet but a similar misplacement of analysis... especially when like, y'know, Yokoyama's said you'd have to be a genius to work out IW's story from the trailer but it's Technically Possible. Religion being a keyword during development, The Last Supper images actually are meant to be analyzed too...
I Ain't Doing All That and I'm not trying to see it until the game's out so things stay fresh and concrete connections can be made, but it's at least more worthwhile to me than throwing darts at the family tree and seeing what sticks... I am interested in what the writers have to say about religion even if I grew up Muslim and will probably have no idea what they're talking about though...
Anyway speaking of MasaDai I totally forgot to say but I enjoyed your last fic a lot :) You did great with actually making it grounded/believable while highlighting what makes the dynamic so fun methinks
the horrifying word here is 'yet' though it will only get worse !!!!!!!!!! like if mates really do wanna pick apart things i won't stop em, i think it can be fun to watch just don't be insane and ESPECIALLY don't go start bein insufferable to other people 😷
deranged but also not super surprising the last supper pic has depth to it. like Of Course It Would i never doubted that, its just that im not a guy who really likes to do that kind of in-depth analysis- not until i go through the game at least lol. will be fun/ny to see where they go with the religion direction though (and to see if i end up having the bible recited to me in my inbox by the end of all this LMAO)
OH AWFUL YOU READ IT i was thinking of deleting it this morning actually LMAO but im glad you were able to get something out of it :] i just think theyre silly...
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harrywavycurly · 8 months
Sarah my dear dear sweet Sarah I am on my knees begging for a look into the future with One Night Eddie and Reader when Dotty is older! I’ll take anything! I just love them🥰😇
Hiiii babes!!! You’re so sweet, I will give you some conversations with Eddie and Reader where Dotty is older like toddler-ish and in kindergarten! I hope you enjoy!💖
-find all things It Was Just One Night here ✨
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“Why is she wearing that?” “Because we are going to the pool…” “Eddie…you can’t be serious.” “Uh yeah? I’m off for the day and she said she wanted to go do swimmies so…that’s what we are going to do.” “The pool is closed today….it’s Monday.” “What? No it’s not it’s closed on Tuesday’s.” “Are you calling me a liar?” “Why are you like this? No I’m not calling you a liar I’m just saying the pool is normally closed on Tuesday’s.” “Okay then walk down there and see if it’s open…we will be here putting on sunscreen.” “And if it’s closed? Then what?” “Then you’re going to be dad of the year and go get a blow up pool and put it in the backyard….duh.” “Right! Yeah that’s a good idea….love you I’ll be back either in a few minutes or like an hour depending on…what happens when I get to the pool.” “Sounds good.” “Uh..you..wanna say anything to me before I leave?” “Oh sorry..love you too…now hurry up we wanna do swimmies.”
“You have to make her eat something other than chicken nuggets and Mac and cheese.” “Why? She likes what she likes and besides she had broccoli with her Mac n cheese.” “Babe she can’t have your eating habits okay? She needs to like…try new stuff.” “What exactly is wrong with my eating habits Eddie? Hmm?” “I’m not doing this with you…just please maybe tomorrow we can try something new? She’s like four now so she isn’t as picky as she was when she was a baby.” “Next thing you know you’ll be buying her a water bottle from hell to keep track of how much she’s drinking.” “That’s not a bad-” “just let her eat what she likes Eddie…it’s hard enough to even get her to eat her nuggets…that’s why they have to be in fun shapes or she gets bored and won’t eat anything.” “Gee wonder where she gets that from…” “i can’t help that I am more likely to eat something in a fun shape than something that looks boring…now go see if she wants more chicken.”
“It’s her first week of kindergarten and we are already getting a call from her school?” “Don’t look at me…all I did was drop her off at her classroom and went to work.” “Baby…you’re a horrible fucking liar..what did you do?” “I didn’t do shit Edward…” “just tell me.” “I just want to say you would’ve done the exact same thing if you were the one who dropped her off.” “Stop stalling and tell me what happened.” “This bitchy ass mom was walking behind us and I heard her say something about Dotty’s shirt and-” “her shirt? The one she wore today?…it’s just a Metallica shirt…” “exactly and she was saying how she felt sorry for some kids and how their parents dress them.” “Oh god…did you hit her?” “What? No I didn’t fucking hit her you asshole….I dropped Dotty off to her room and then I saw the mom in the parking lot and I…just told her how I felt about what she said.” “Right…and what exactly did you tell her?” “That she doesn’t need to feel sorry for my daughter…but..I might’ve said that I feel sorry for hers because she has a boring ass bitch for a mom.” “Jesus….how are we going to explain ourselves out of this? The principal is the one who wants to meet with us.” “Just toss them some Eddie charm and offer a free oil change or something.” “You’re going to have to apolo-” “it’s bad to lie so..I won’t be apologizing to her.” “You’re so annoying…fine I’ll go in there alone and…see what I can do.” “That’s my man! Go knock ‘em dead.”
“Look at her…doing the monkey-bars all by herself…remember when she needed us to help her up the steps so she could go down the slide?” “Yes…she’s growing up too fast…next thing you know she’ll be asking us to drive her places and never wanna be seen with us.” “Speak for yourself…I’m a fucking cool dad she’ll wanna be seen with me.” “Really? You’re wearing a Fanny pack right now…nothing about that says cool dad.” “It’s easier than carrying the backpack around…it has all the things she needs in it.” “I will say…we are way cooler than those parents over there…total helicopter parents.” “Oh yeah they look like newbies…won’t even let their little boy go down the slide alone.” “He’s so cute though.” “I bet we’d make a cute little boy…” “who’s we? I told you this baby factory only does limited editions and Dotty is a one of one.” “I guess Dotty is all we really need…she is kinda perfect.” “She really is isn’t she? We got lucky with her.” “I love you.” “I love you too..even when you wear your lame ass Fanny pack.
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livwritesstuff · 3 months
Just in connection to my reply to one of your posts with little baby Moe (Okay she wasn't a baby but you get it.)
I really, really need some scenes with the girls (all of them or one by one) where they tell Steve (and Eddie too) how amazing he is as a dad. Not as teeny tiny children but rather as teenagers or even as young adults. Just genuine love between them, no ulterior motives.
Because I feel like Steve NEEDS that too. Every now and then. I know parents always have moments where they feel like they've fucked up or that their children don't really like them. And I feel like Steve could spiral about these things on a bad day. Eddie telling him that the girls love him to pieces doesn't help a lot on these days, I believe (You can correct me since it's definitely your universe and your Steve and Eddie).
So I'm just asking, very VERY politely :))), what you think those moments could look like and what the girls would say or why Steve even feels like he failed them. (Okay that's a LOT I'm asking of you, I'm sorry.) Just see where the flow takes you, if it does.
Thank you thank you thank you 🥰🥰🥰🥰
Steve was home alone with the kids because Eddie was away for a few days of work meetings in New York. The second day of Eddie’s absence, Steve was hit with a killer migraine – his first really bad one in a while – so he set the girls up with a movie (a long one) to give himself a couple hours to try sleeping it off.
A while later, he woke up to an alarm blaring – weird, he’d thought in the moment because he probably wouldn’t have set a loud alarm for a migraine nap (seems a little counter-intuitive), but everything about his brain was foggy so who's to say.
Then, outside the door, he heard this exchange between his two oldest daughters.
Moe: Papa can turn it off.
Robbie: But we’ll get in trouble.
Robbie: It’s on fire.
Half-convinced he was dreaming, he got up and followed the girls into the kitchen where, yep, the microwave was on fire. All Steve really remembers is unplugging it and leaving it to the elements outside.
Turns out Moe had wanted to make mac and cheese (which she knew how to do – they’d actually been about to graduate her to toaster privileges until this incident) and it had been a fluke timer-based accident.
Eddie had thought coming home to a melted microwave in their driveway was hilarious, but Steve was seriously rattled about it because it was the first time he'd felt like something had happened because of a failing on his part. He shouldn't have let himself succumb to the migraine, he should have pushed through it to be there for the girls, but he’d let himself slip and then they set the goddamn microwave on fire.
The same day he got back from his trip, Eddie went out and bought a new microwave (even though it’s one of those purchases Steve would normally handle because he doesn’t trust Eddie for a second to not buy the dumbest appliances he can find), and he took all three girls with him so Steve could have a bit of time alone. When they all returned an hour or two later, the sheer volume and amount of excitement they brought with them pretty much confirmed for Steve that whatever microwave Eddie bought had way more bells and whistles than any person on Earth could possibly need.
Steve didn’t go downstairs to greet them and not too long later, the door to his and Eddie’s room opened, and then three-year-old Hazel was climbing into bed and snuggling up close to him.
“There’s a new microwave,” she told him in her matter-of-fact way she reported on everything that happened in her world.
“I know,” he replied, running a hand through her tangled blonde curls (unlike Robbie, Hazel’s tolerance for “hair time”, as they call it, is pretty much rock-bottom – her hair is more frizz than curls these days and Steve is figuring out how to cope).
“Daddy wants to turn the old one into a diagram,” she continued.
Steve furrowed his eyebrows.
“A diagram?” he repeated.
“He wants to put all the melted spoons in and make them look cool and put it on a shelf.”
Oh – also, no fucking chance. Not in Steve’s kitchen.
“I think he said diorama, Haze.”
Hazel nodded.
Then she said, “You were like a firefighter.”
Steve refrains from pointing out that he shouldn’t have needed to be like a firefighter in the first place (because that would be putting his own issues onto his children and he doesn’t want to do that), even though he knows it’s true. He should have been there.
“You’re the best dad ever,” Hazel continued.
“Uh-huh,” she nods, and she’s just as matter-of-fact now as she was before, and she’s sitting on his chest in a way that has her little knees digging into his ribs, which should hurt but instead feels like a tether to the real world he can grasp onto and pull himself out of his head.
 “You think we should go check out this microwave?” he asks, starting to sit up.
Hazel nods.
“Alright, let’s go.”
When Moe was 21 – a junior in college in New York City – she and her best friend since kindergarten, Gray, started dating (finally, in Steve’s opinion, because he’d seen that coming for ages).
Steve and Eddie have known Gray for as long as Moe has, and they’ve watched Gray grow up nearly as much as their three daughters – as a kindergartener with freckles and dark brown pigtails, as a middle-schooler tearfully coming out as non-binary knowing they’d have to hide it from their family, as a high school senior, still with all those freckles, eager for the fresh start that college would bring.
It was nice to be for Gray (and for a handful of their daughters’ other friends over the years) something that Eddie and Steve had needed when they were their age – a place where they could be themselves without any consequences, a place where they didn’t have to hide, because sometimes, as was the case for Gray for many years, you have to hide. It’s nice to have a safe haven where you don’t.
During Moe and Gray’s senior year of college, the pair made plans to come home for their final spring break. When that first week of March finally rolled around, Moe called from the train to tell them that Gray was finally pulling the trigger – finally coming out to their parents, finally telling them about their relationship with Moe.
“Are they sure,” Steve had asked – not because he doubted Gray but because he hadn’t been too much older when he’d taken that leap for himself and he’d felt the subsequent loss of his parents like mourning a death.
“Positive,” he’d heard Gray reply.
Three hours after their train dropped Moe and Gray off at the Wellesley Farms station, Steve and Eddie heard the back door open. A moment later, Moe trailed in with something heavy in her eyes.
“How’d it…” Eddie started to ask from where he and Steve sat on the couch, but he stopped when Moe shook her head.
“Not over yet,” she told them, “Gray made me leave. It’s a fucking trainwreck.”
And even though he knew that was always going to be the outcome, Steve’s heart still sank.
“Damn,” Eddie commented while Steve shook his head, “They’ll always have a home with us, but…”
“Yeah,” Moe nodded, “Still sucks.” 
Steve recognizes something of his own experience in that – he feels so damn grateful that Jim and Joyce had slid into that parent role for him, especially after he’d become estranged from his actual parents in his mid-twenties. Still, they weren’t his parents, and Steve would’ve never not wanted his parents to pull through like they should have.
Moe sat down on the couch between her dads.
“Why did Gray make you leave?” Steve asked (even though he had a sneaking suspicion why).
“Uh…” Moe paused, pushing her blonde bangs back, “Well, I wouldn’t say I was yelling, exactly, but…I dunno. If you ask Gray they might tell you I was yelling.”
Yep, that seems about right.
“I just,” Moe continued, “I know Gray was prepared for this – for their parents, like, rejecting all of this – and I know they’ve always totally sucked so this was obviously how this was gonna go, but I think I had a hard time seeing it because I’d never really had to consider what it would be like for that to happen.”
Moe shook her head, her bangs falling right back into her eyes, and Steve had to resist the urge to ask if she wanted his help trimming them like he’d done when she was little.
“I just mean – it never made a difference to you who me and Haze and Robbie were or what we did. You just, like, love us regardless…and always, y’know? I never had to imagine anything happening to make that stop, and I never had to consider that it might not be like that for everyone.”
She paused again, this time for a while, her eyes trained on the carpet as she fiddled with cuffs on her jeans. 
And then Moe looked Steve dead in the eye.
“You’re the best dads,” she said, “and I’m really, really lucky.”
There were eight hours between Steve and Eddie finding out their fifteen-year-old daughter had been in a car crash during a school trip to Disney World and when they finally made it down to the hospital in Orlando she’d been taken to. There were another agonizing two before Robbie woke up.
When she did, her eyes groggily blinked open, and she looked blankly around the hospital room for a moment, and then she saw them.
Then her pale face crumples and suddenly she’s crying.
And that had Steve’s heart plummeting even faster than the phone call from hell he’d gotten eight hours earlier, because Robbie doesn’t cry.
He can’t remember the last time he’d seen her cry – not since she was a baby, anyway. She’d cried constantly as a baby, but the second she had a firm enough grasp on the English language it had ceased entirely, replaced by an endless stream of words – demands and trains of thought and exclamations and everything in between.
Eddie had joked that she’d only ever been crying out of frustration over not being able to tell them what she needed, and as soon as she could tell them, she had no use for it anymore, so seeing Robbie sobbing – the kind of crying where no sound could come out, where she was barely breathing, where her tears were soaking her cheeks and staining the collar of the hospital gown someone had changed her into – it practically had Steve crying himself.
After a few minutes of we’re here and you’re okay and what do you need, Robbie had tearfully admitted, “I need a hug,” and then she’d broken down again.
She wasn’t exactly in any position to get up, obviously, so Steve had taken off his shoes (because even through tears she’d still side-eyed his sneakers) and slid onto the hospital bed so he could pull Robbie into his arms just like he used to do when bad dreams woke her up in the middle of the night.
Later, when Eddie was just outside the hospital room talking to the nurse and the chaperone for the trip about the accident and how the school was planning on moving forward in the aftermath, Robbie finally spoke.
“Papa,” she said, her face pressed into his shoulder.
“I’m sorry.”
Steve looked down at his daughter.
“Robbie, you don’t need to–”
“Not for this. For…just, like, in general. You–”
She paused, and Steve let her.
“I just mean…” she continued, “I haven’t been, like, good lately, and I’m sorry.”
Steve didn’t know what to say.
She’s not exactly wrong – it’s true that Robbie had been a total piece of work lately, especially since she started high school, especially since she got bumped up to the senior-level band class because she’s that good at the violin (which he and Eddie had been thrilled about initially until they realized it meant she was making friends with high school seniors) – but Steve didn’t exactly know how best to explain to her that up until this, up until she’d nearly died because of it and no matter how much Steve didn’t like it, it was normal.
It was normal for teenagers to do dumb shit, to hurt themselves, to hurt others, to drive their parents goddamn insane with worry. It wasn’t normal for them to nearly end up dead because of it, and this time it wasn’t really even her fault.
It sort of reminded him of Nancy in a way, of how Nancy had never been the same again after what happened to Barb, how Nancy had never let herself be a dumb teenager, never let herself relax, even though picking a boy over a friend was normal. Sneaking out and drinking during a badly-supervised school trip was normal. Sure, there were supposed to be consequences but there shouldn’t be a goddamn death toll.
“I know, Bean,” he finally said, something about the situation pulling out a nickname for her that he hadn’t used in a long time (because when she was born, Moe had turned Robin into Robbean and the rest was history).
“You’re really good to me,” Robbie whispered, “You and dad are so good to me, and I’m not always good back, and I’m sorry.”
“I don’t need you to be sorry,” Steve told her because, for right now at least, it was true, “Just…just stick around long enough to work with us, okay?”
Robbie nodded.
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arctic-hands · 3 months
My milk journey has been
First meal: rice porridge with breast milk
Start dropping weight and can't stay out of the bathroom by age seven, get told to avoid dairy so mom buys Lactaid milk for a year. Whole family despises it and Mac and cheese in particular is now terrible and avoided. I'm still very sick anyway
Be diagnosed with Crohn's at age nine. Resume consuming regular dairy
Twelve-ish: begin to feel a little distress at eating ice cream. Does not stop me from accepting a Dairy Queen cheesequake blizzard reward for single handedly winning a science class quiz game that was supposed to be played in teams but no one wanted me. By sheer force of will and remarkable sphincter control for an IBD patient, mange to wait it out get home that day before having a violent reaction.
Thirteen: throw up violently at school after having cheese sticks for my free lunch. Convince myself it was just the greasiness of the meal that set me off
Fourteen: go into high school conceding the point that I'm lactose intolerant. Unsuccessful at lobbying the head principal to provide lactose free strawberry milk. Start paying more money than a lunch would have even cost if I didn't qualify for free lunch at the snack bar for juice or V8 in order to not go thirsty at lunch. Repeatedly throw up when the only option for lunch other than the very popular spicy chicken every Wednesday that I couldn't tolerate mouth-wise or gut-wise was the same cheesesticks that I had in middle school
Sometime later in high school: discover the Meijer's house brand of lactose free milk actually tastes decent.
Seventeen-ish. Find a hair in the carton of Meijer's lactose free milk and swear off it forever. Try rice milk
(Also an aside at seventeen: develop celiac disease and I thanked my lucky stars that it was polite enough to have waited until I was done with wildly ableist school and too old to trick or treat)
I forget which age but I was a fresh and new adult: discover rice milk ice cream. Desperately pretend it tastes and feels like real ice cream.
Shortly after: try coconut milk. It's tasty, but hardly a neutral milk-like taste and doesn't go well when mixed with other ingredients. Coconut milk ice cream is likewise lackluster
Nineteen? Discover the boxed and shelf stable almond milk. Begin to have hope.
Twenty: find out they started making a cartoned and refrigerated almond milk that tastes brilliant
Twenty three? Realize I have forgotten the taste of dairy milk. Almond milk reigns Supreme
Twenty-six: find out what an environmental menace the non-native aimond trees used in American almond milk is to drought-stricken California. Feel guilty but also feel like there's no real way to avoid drinking almond milk
Twenty-eight: Oat milk explodes in the plant milk scene. I ignore this because there's a high likelihood of cross contamination with wheat in both the field crop and in the processing of oats in the same facilities of wheat. No major and common oat milk brands have any gluten free signage
Twenty nine: Oatly converts its American version to gluten free oats brown in dedicated fields and processing facilities. Try it and it's decent. (CAUTION: some celiacs have a reaction to oats themselves regardless of any cross-contamination. I, however, am not one of them.) Become mostly fully converted to oat milk but still keep ordering almond milk when I get an iced coffee because Dunkin and the anarchist coffee shop/bookstore never label which brand of oat milk they use and you're a millennial and despise phone calls
Thirty: Planet Oats is a bit cheaper so I try it on a lark and like it better. Be bummed that it comes in a smaller carton that Oatly and thus is more expensive in the long run. Start putting oat milk in my oatmeal and have a religious crisis because it seems like a decadent and cardinal sin. Remember I'm an atheist and it's okay to be a lil hedonistic and perverse esp where food is concerned
Nearly thirty-one: realize halfway in making this post that it's entirely boring and pointless and is too long for such an uninteresting subject but goddammit I've sunk the cost and will finish this stupid post.
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roo-bastmoon · 9 months
Remembering Nana today...
Interestingly enough, it was my 93-year-old grandmother who sort of led me to BTS. Today is the second anniversary of her passing, and my rambles about that are under the cut.
So, just to give you a visual: my Nana was a lot like Rose from the Golden Girls but, like, not in any way a ditz. She was a very practical Capricorn, but she looked and spoke a lot like Betty White from that show.
Nana practically raised me. I spent literally every weekend with her, from the day I was born until my parents divorced and we moved away when I was 13. Every Friday, my folks would drop me off at her apartment, and she'd make me homemade mac and cheese for dinner and vanilla ice cream for dessert (I did NOT like to try new things). Then we'd watch Full House, Perfect Strangers, Golden Girls, and Empty Nest on TGIF. After that, it would be bath time and bed.
Fun side note: I was an extremely independent and stubborn only child. So I always insisted on bathing myself. Not wanting me to drown on her watch, Nana would sit in the bathroom with me and read me poetry while I played with my Tub Town toys. But the poetry would always be the most macabre stuff--like The Spider and the Fly, or The Wreck of the Hesperus. I am not saying I was scarred for life by this, but I'm also not saying I'm normal, either.
Anyway, those were our Friday nights. On Saturdays we'd get up at the crack of dawn to go flea marketing with her two younger sisters. She would give me $1 to spend on my "trashy treasures" -- but it was the 80s, so I could make it stretch. After that, we'd all go to a buffet lunch. Then she'd take me in the afternoons to the local library, where I would pick my books for the week.
Another side note: My parents were not big on buying toys, but I could have any books I wanted. As a young kid, I used to take a flashlight and hide in the bathtub at night so I could read past bedtime. I figured I was being super sneaky because they couldn't see the light coming from that room. But we lived in a tiny house with only one bathroom, so of COURSE they knew. Mom told me years later that they thought it was funny I was being rebellious by secretly reading YA novels in the bathroom when I was in elementary school. Nana, of course, let me stay up as late as I wanted to read. I digress.
As the years passed, even when I went out of state and the country for school, or moved across America to take jobs, Nana and I emailed every day, called once a week, kept in constant touch. When I moved back to my home state 13 years ago, I sort of became her caregiver and weekend companion.
This time it was my turn on the weekends to make her food, take her shopping, drive her around, get her books from the bookmobile. She raised me, and then for 10 years, I took care of her.
I loved my Nana. She was funny and soft-hearted and well read, but she grew up *dirt poor* and never got to see the world except through books and the TV, so she was always very humble and a bit shy. She loved me so much--she was the only person in the world who would listen to me drivel on about anything, and still be interested.
At 93-years-old, she died of a sudden heart attack on August 30, 2021. Emergency personnel were with her in her apartment, so she wasn't alone or in pain very long, but I couldn't get to her fast enough to say goodbye. Mom and I identified her later, at the hospital.
I am grateful she had a long life, and didn't suffer, and wasn't alone. But my family is very, very small. Just Nana and Mom and me. And after the whirlwind of taking care of her funeral and packing up her apartment and donating everything, suddenly there was just all this free time--these empty hours I usually filled taking care of Nana.
I just was so lost.
I started trying to read, or quilt, or watch movies. I got into some K dramas for a bit. Nothing really interested me. Then I started watching dance compilations on YouTube before bed.
And one snowy December night, I found a Steezy video where Brian Puspos was reviewing Jimin's dance style. I had no idea what it was. It was like this weird impulse--as if someone moved my finger to hover over and click that video...
You cannot imagine how every nerve-ending woke up. My brain suddenly came online. (I was a semi-pro ballet dancer as a kid, and I knew the absolute second I saw Jimin that he was a master who trained relentlessly--nobody had to point it out to me.)
For the first time in months, I FELT something other than grief.
I watched every single video of him I could. I had no idea who BTS were, didn't know anything about Kpop. But eventually I found more videos, I listened to their songs, and later I discovered Jikook, and I made online accounts and I watched RUN episodes, and I got to go see Yoongi as my first-ever concert, and now I'm making my way through In the Soop and Bon Voyage.
In fact, pretty much every day since I discovered Jimin, I've been thinking about, learning about, and trying to support Jimin and the people Jimin loves.
Jimin and BTS got me through the grief at losing the person I loved most in the world. They saw me through uterine cancer, and the surgeries, and mourning the fact that I can never be a bio mom now. They got me through the medical tests and the chronic fatigue and pain I've had for the last 4 months.
I really love our boys. I may not understand or love everything about them or their company or their industry, but loving someone doesn't mean thinking of them as demi-gods; it means being loyal even as they grow past any flaws.
To be honest, I feel like I owe Jimin my life, in a way. I was in a really, really dark place a year and a half ago. Jimin was the only joy, the only reason to keep going (besides my mom and kitties, of course).
Now I own every digital release BTS has put out--the whole discography, even the skits. I try to vote on all the apps whenever I can, and stream on premium family bundle accounts for Spotify, YouTube, and Pandora; I also do free trials for Tidal and Qobuz. II've never done any of this stuff before, never been a fan of any musicians, but I really, truly do try to return the favor.
It's a bit hyperbolic to say they "saved me" because lots of people cope with grief and illness and loneliness and it doesn't mean they just throw in the towel.
But BTS helped me stop surviving, and made me want to really live.
Plus, even when I'm too sick to go out or call up my friends, I can always get on my phone and come here, to chat with my fandom friends. I don't know most of their real names or faces or anything about their real lives, but we all love BTS; we all talk about and work together for BTS.
Nana would have loved that. (She also would have let me talk her ear off every day about Jimin and Jikook and the Tannies because that was her love language.)
Is BTS a replacement for real, genuine human interaction? No. Of course not. It is, at the end of the day, a band. Not a life.
But it also feels like getting to know 7 people I'd be honored to be friends with, if we ever met. People I want to support so they can achieve all their dreams--because they always pay it forward, too.
I sometimes wonder if Nana guided my hand to click on that video that day. Maybe she was looking down at me and thought "Ah, this will be good for her. This will be healing."
Probably not, but still, I'd like to think that. I'd like to think it was Nana who led me to the Magic Shop.
I miss her. I love her. I still can hear her voice in my head every day.
But I'm gonna be okay. (The future's gonna be okay.)
There's still so much to look forward to and work to be done. Fighting!
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p-taryn-dactyl · 2 years
a/n: i can never spell that right (also i only did general + platonic headcanons for this one, romantic headcanons i felt like could be their own post)
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we already know this but: golden retriever in a human body
she eats the crust of the pizza first, then folds the rest like a sandwich
Considers plastic ware to be cutlery
she doesn’t use bed sheets, just a bunch of different blankets
owns 1000 million pillows
she sometimes forgets to sleep
caffeine addiction
amazing kitchen, terrible cook
One time Yelena almost had a heart attack when she dropped by Kate’s apartment and saw her scooping flour with a drinking glass.
“Kate Bishop, what are you doing?” “The recipe calls for a cup of floor!”
If she is really into something, she won’t stop till she’s mastered it (have you seen all of her trophies?)
She seems like she listens to voicemails
purple lover: will buy anything and everything that is purple
Clint: “Kate, you don’t need a baby cradle!” Kate: “but the lavender, the shades of violet, it’s calling to me” *proceeds to buy 12*
She can and will get distracted while firing her bow, causing many of her instructors (plus Clint) heart attacks while she shoots an arrow while trying to pet a puppy
Don’t tell Yelena I said this but Kate is peak bestie material
She will show up at your door with bags of your favorite foods at 3am if you had a bad day
She seems like the kind of person to have several life long friends but only a few very close friends she’s only known for a short while
prepare yourself for sleepovers
lots of sleepovers
who cares if you’re in your 20s, if Kate wants to put on My Little Pony pajamas and then give you a 45 minute slideshow presentation about why Matt Donovan should’ve been killed off in season two of TVD, that’s what you’re doing
She actually listens
If your friend group is hanging out and you’re really into a topic and are going on a tangent about it but you start to trail off because no one is paying attention to you, she’ll ask you questions about your rant and encourage you to finish
she remembers the small things, like if you mentioned you were allergic to a certain brand of mascara or if you don’t like melted cheese
Y/N: “god my eyes keep watering again” Kate: “Oh shit did you buy [brand]? You’re allergic remember?” Y/N: “…i told you that 3 years ago.” Kate: “your point?”
Yelena: *making mac n’ cheese* Y/N: *uncomfortable as the smell makes you nauseous* Kate: *noticing* “oh hey, Y/N, you can’t eat melted cheese right? I’ll see if I have any frozen pizza pockets left” Yelena: “oh good, i thought they looked disgusted because of the hot sauce”
If you get into a fight, and she’s the first one to apologize, then expect her to show up at your house while your out and set up a movie night with your comfort movies and favorite snacks
if you’re the first one to apologize, all you have to do is call her or show up at her door and she’ll immediately forgive you
Y/N: “damn it Kate, I had a whole speech planned. I was going to tell you all the ways I was wrong and you were right, it was very humble!” Kate: *squeezing the life out of you in a hug* “mmhm i bet it was. Now lets never fight again and go watch Brave”
If she ever breaks something of yours, or borrows clothes then rips it, she will buy you at least ten of the items
She is rich, let’s not forget, and will sometimes tip people $200 dollars when you’re out for coffee
you’ve seen her awkwardly comfort crying waitresses as they thank her profusely
Since her family business is a security company, you never get hacked. Ever. (Unless you’re late to a planned meet up and Kate wants to know where you are)
The first time you went out for boba together, Kate didn’t know about the tapioca pearls. Her first drink and immediately they were coming out of her nose by how surprised she was
yes of course you videoed it and sent it to Clint and Yelena
a/n: well that’s all i got for now! If you would like more, either with Kate or another character, feel free to send them in! (I have a Tony Stark list soon -maybe tonight even idk lets see how much homework i can procrastinate-) also, that melted cheese headcanon? That’s actually a problem i have
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scarfacemarston · 8 months
Yelena Belova Fluff Alphabet
This can be read as x reader or with Kate Bishop. It can be viewed as queer platonic.I headcanon her as asexual as she is in the comics.A - Affection (how do they show affection to their s/o)She loves playing with hair or gussying up that matches with your gender identity. It doesn’t matter if it’s casual or something more formal, she’d love to dress you up and do make-up if you wear it. Quick kisses on the cheek, the largest of smiles that light up her eyes, hand holding - sometimes in public, letting you win in Mario Kart or giving you the fruit you need in Animal Crossing, hiding at least one treat and one drink to make an emergency pack if you ever have a “hangry” moment. She also likes to buy little trinkets she finds on her travels.
B - Best Friend (what are they like as a best friend?)She makes for a great friend. She’s very extroverted, and while she does have a bit of a wall, she is happy to make friends if it feels natural to her.. She knows when to joke around and when it’s time to be more serious. She knows when to lift you up, but when to bring you (or Kate) to Earth. She’ll show up at your workplace/university with a cup of coffee or tea just because she can. Did your partner break up with you? Well, do you want him dead or eat ice cream in our PJs, or both? (Then she remembers she can’t kill people like that anymore.). Expect shopping trips and walks with Fanny. She’s fine to veg out or have a fun night out.
C - Cuddling (do they like to cuddle? And how would they do it?)It takes some time for Yelena to become accustomed to positive touch again. As a child, she was clingy and cuddly, which was stamped out in the widow training. She loves cuddling with her dog on the couch, and while she’s not supposed to be on the bed, she sometimes ends up there. She’s not used to cuddling with people so she’d have to be introduced to it. It takes some time to warm up, but far quicker than Natasha.  She likes to wrap her arms around someone’s waist and lay her chin on their head or shoulder. 
D - Domestic (do they want to settle down? How good are they at cooking and cleaning) Yelena never thought domesticity for the sake of it was something in her cards, but she fell back into it quickly upon reuniting with Melina and Alexei, and it’s something she craves. It’s stabilizing and a great comfort. Black Widows are taught how to care for a household, as seen in Agent Carter. Yelena lived more off of MREs (Meals Ready to Eat) and protein bars, but again, she’d branch out to whatever she could find. She’s not the most tidy of people, but more so than Kate. She enjoys her Mac n Cheese but also comforts from home. She thinks chicken nuggets are the oddest things. Taco Bell is also odd to her.
E - Ending (if they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?)She’d be brisk and professional as though she was breaking up with a business partner. She doesn’t want to think about the emotional aspect. However, she would be heartbroken inside. 
F - Fiancé (how do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?)Again, Yelena never thought about the domestic side of life or really any positive aspects. Queer Platonic or otherwise, I think she could definitely commit. She’s a team player at the very least, and she develops friendly relationships quickly, like with Kate. I think she’s a ride-or-die type of girl, and if you hc her as romantically involved, she’s hesitant, but it’s something she secretly would be open to. I think she’d really enjoy it. However, I do not see her getting married. She seems to have no interest in doing so in the movie or comics.
G - Gentle (how gentle they, both physically and emotionally?)She’s not as smooth as Natasha. She can be a bit more brash and more likely to jump into things. She’s very hardy. She’s broader and damn strong. She can take quite the beating. Outside of that, she doesn’t care as much about grace as Natasha did. She’s more relaxed in how she handles things like walking or handling objects, but she’s not sloppy and has her own grace. She can be very dexterous. Emotionally - she can be pretty gentle. Some people have called her more childish, but that’s not quite fair. She just cares and wants connection; she’s highly receptive to that. She can be blunt, but she does know when to soften her approach.
H: Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?)Yelena seems quite tactile in some ways, but it depends on if SHE wants to hug. She loved hugging Natasha, and I can totally see her hugging Kate, but you have to have a connection before she’s giving hugs. Otherwise, she’ll step away or give an awkward pat on the back.
I: I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?)Depends on how you hc her as ace or aro or aro. If aro/aro ace, it’s not going to happen, but that doesn’t mean she can’t be affectionate or have a queerplatonic relationship. If she’s not aro, I think she’d feel it relatively quickly. I think she can be very sweet and excitable, and there are so many ways it could come out.
J: Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they're jealous?)Depending on hc/canon:She can be possessive. She hasn’t had many relationships in her life, and sometimes, she has to check herself so she doesn’t become clingy… She also has to be careful not to push someone away. She was used to being second best in a lot of categories, and while she did excellent in her training, she wasn’t always at the top of her class, so that made her a little insecure as well as a friend or romantic partner. She’ll be polite at first as she tries to analyze the situation, but she’ll give sarcastic comments and a few borderline icy comments - things that could also be missed. She’ll glare when the person isn’t looking. If you start icing her out, she will have words about it, but she won’t beg for your attention. 
K: Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you?) Depending on your hc, of course.Soft teasing butterfly kisses. She’s playful; she’ll want them to chase her. It’s a quick peck or a swift kiss before she dashes to the other side of the room or speeds walk away. Other times, it’s holding her partner’s face in her hands before giving a slow kiss. It can become more heated, but not always!
L: Little Ones (How are they with kids?)Yelena wasn’t sure about kids outside of the Black Widow program as she wasn’t really around them too often, but her heart always hurt for them. Outside of the program, she’s quite decent with kids! She’s playful when she wants to be and is hilarious.  She’s sweet and would enjoy playing with them, but she has no desire to have children. Now, a bunch of puppies and or kittens? Hell yeah.
M: Mornings (How are mornings spent with them?) She prefers nights. She hates getting up in the morning. It was one thing when you were four, but at 26? No. Not if she doesn’t have to. If she does get up that early? It’s a labor of love. Luckily she doesn’t expect Kate to be up early in the morning, either. She prefers it to be a slow morning where she wakes up anywhere between 9-10, even 11 on her laziest relaxed days. She’ll wake up snuggled with her pillow or sometimes her partner, laying in bed as long as she can. She’ll nurse a hot cup of coffee and munch on either sugary cereal or last night’s leftovers. Sometimes, she’ll make eggs and toast or polenta, but cooking in the morning is not her favorite thing. She is not the most talkative in the morning. Once the caffeine hits her bloodstream, she’s more her peppy self. 
N: Night (How are nights spent with them?)Her job often requires her to work late. Sometimes, she’s wound up after her mission and will want to go out to do something fun or will find a way to decompress with a shower. She’s fine going out at night but also having a relaxing night. It also depends on your/Kate’s day. She loves eating casseroles and watching game shows or maybe enjoying wine and a cozy game. Sometimes it’s painting her nails and watching you play a game, or even just quietly cuddling. She usually goes to bed around 11. 
O: Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?)It takes you a while before you realize you don't know anything about her.  You know she’s foreign from her accent. You figure out things from her habits like sriracha and mac n cheese or her favorite beer, but her past? Nothing. She prefers to keep it that way. She will eventually let you in, but it will take a lot of patience on your part for her to reveal things about her throughout your time together.
P: Patience (How easily angered are they?)She’s extremely patient. She’s had to survey from incredibly uncomfortable places for long hours or even days. If she has to wait for something, she will. However, the more she discovers about herself, the less patient she is. She occasionally becomes very excitable, almost bouncing on her heels. In terms of anger, she’s slow to anger and pretty tolerant, but it can only reach so far. She might give two, three or even four chances if she cares for you, but it depends on how you treat her. If you throw her past at you, she’ll brood and sometimes agree, or she’ll have a righteous anger, feeling betrayed. She might bicker with you over things like chores or picking out where to eat, but actual anger? That’s not often.. 
Q: Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every detail in passing, or do they kind of forget? ) Yelena knows EVERYTHING. It’s part of her training, and she loves to startle Kate with what she knows, details that even Kate might forget.  She does the same to her partner/friends. She can’t help it, and she finds it entertaining. However, if there is something super personal, she’ll avoid mentioning it. At least she won’t forget your birthday, or a graduation, or a festival! If you’re in a relationship, no worries about the anniversary, too if that is something she celebrates.
R: Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?)If it’s Kate, it’s eating Mac & Cheese in her flat. If it’s with you, it would be something sweet like driving to a beach or relaxing in the countryside, maybe near some woods. She has a small element of cottage core in her, so a day or two there would be fun, but she’d also love for you to play tourist with her in a new city.
S: Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?) She knows that some aspects of her life get rather wild, and while she does her best to prevent her work from spilling into your life, sometimes things happen. You will have one of the most secure homes in the world. She has all the tools to set up traps or distractions. She can turn anything into a weapon, even when half asleep. You’re safe. Emotionally, unless it goes against her core beliefs, she’s there to support you emotionally. Yelena doesn’t need protection and doesn’t want it. However, she would prefer something like you to have her back in an argument or support in something difficult she’s experiencing as a form of protection. 
T: Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, and gifts?)She is a planner, but she is more of a loose planner. She’ll start with some things like calling in class/work and managing you to get a day off so you can sleep in if you want. She has already gone to the grocery store the night before to buy you your favorite treats and to make you your favorite meal if you choose not to go out. She has taken all your interests into account and has made an outline, but she doesn’t like things completely regimented. It’s more, “Do you want beignets or greasy plates of bacon?” “Do you want to relax on the beach or have a picnic?”. It’s your day. Gifts are the same; your interests matter to her. 
U: Ugly (What would be a bad habit of theirs?)She jumps to conclusions more than she should. Sometimes, she’s trying to be helpful by anticipating a situation, but not always. It can and has led to arguments. Less seriously, sometimes you find her gear and weapons in the oddest places in your home/Kate’s home.
V: Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?)Yelena is stunningly beautiful, but she is a total femme. She takes great stock in her appearance, picking out fashionable clothing and styling her hair and her makeup at peak perfection. However, she is also flexible --- and sometimes “lazy” enough to go completely casual. Never messy, though. Yelena knows she’s pretty. The program values it, and she agrees she’s beautiful, but she doesn’t obsess over it. Kate thinks she should use it to get them free drinks, but Yelena just rolls her eyes at the idea. 
W: Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?)She says she’s fine, really. She’s a former Black Widow. She’s fine. In actuality, while she would survive, she would feel the hole in her heart, whether friend, queerplatonic or more.  
X: Xtra (A random headcanon for them) She loves watching cooking competition shows! Great British Bake Off, Halloween Bake Off, and Master Chef, to name a few. Cut Throat Kitchen is a particular favorite of hers. She loves how diabolical they get.Z: Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) Yelena used to sleep with her hand held up and handcuffed on her back like Dottie Underwood. She sleeps purely on her stomach now because she can, and it’s comfortable.
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Could I please request some rope bondage and size kink, with a bit of overstimulation and knife play with Angel, please? Thank you! :D
My first full fic for Angel. Thank you so much for requesting!!!
Steady Hands
Contains: Fluff, mild angst, protective Angel, consent and kink negotiation, Dom Angel/sub Reader, rope bondage, size kink, overstimulation, knife play, oral sex M and F receiving, fingering, P in V.
2.8K words
Comment if you want to be tagged/removed or follow #sp's kinkfest pick and mix
Angel never misses the chance to use his size against you.
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"AHHHH Angel, stop." He laughed along with you, trying to take the piece of candy from your hand.
You reached away from him as best you could but his arms were far too long, "come on preciosa, give it up, you've already had two pieces."
You laughed, "and you've had three, you should learn to share."
He put his weight on your legs as you tried to crawl away, "I bought them."
You thought fast and nipped his exposed arm, "no, it's mine."
He snorted as your teeth left his skin, "biting? Real mature."
You were starting to lose your breath, "yeah, says the man fighting his woman over a bit of boiled sugar." Angel smirked at you, his eyes filling with affection as he leaned down and pressed his lips to yours.
You relaxed into his kiss, wrapped your arms around his body and he rested his weight on you, pressing you into the couch. You forgot about the candy in your hand and Angel's hand ran lovingly up your arm, taking it from his back to press it into the cushions. You opened your hand, thinking he was moving to link his fingers in yours until he was plucking the treat out of your open palm.
You went to take it back but he held you down with one hand and unwrapped the candy with the other, popping it in his mouth with a smile. "You are so mean, that was mine."
Angel chuckled, talking around the candy, "it's not my fault you're weak, maybe get some muscles so you can keep up."
You huffed, "I am not weak, you're just freakishly long, it wasn't muscle strength that did me in, it was your long limbs."
Angel smile, brushing a stray strand of hair from your face, "you love it."
You smiled back, pressing your face into his palm, "I do, now if you're done bragging, we have a party to get to."
You had your legs slung over Angel's lap as he spoke to Gilly and Coco about his plans for the weekend, which amounted to spending most of it with you. "You are comfortable there?"
Angel's tone was light, "yes, you are very comfortable."
He smiled, "sometimes I think you only keep me around to use me as a pillow."
You giggled, "yep, you caught me."
Angel shook his head and turned to Gilly, "see what I have to deal with?"
You huffed, "you stole my candy this afternoon, I don't steal your food."
His eyebrows wrinkled, "you sure about that?"
Your face broke into a grin, "ok, maybe I do steal your food but you and your longness take advantage of me."
Coco shook his head, "I don't think that's a word."
Angel smirked at his friend's support, "yeah, y/n, that's not a word."
You slapped Angel's chest playfully, "I'm going to look it up when we get home and then you're going to buy me another piece of candy."
Angel smirked, "sure Cariña."
He wrapped his arms around your shoulder and brought you into his side, "now behave, we're in public."
It was later in the night and you were outside sitting at the picnic benches with Angel and some of the guys enjoying dinner from the food truck up the road. "How's the food?"
You smiled, "really good, you gotta learn to cook so you can make this for me all the time."
Angel shook his head, "that might not be a good idea, you remember the last time I tried to make something more than mac and cheese?"
You nodded, "yes, I managed to put the fire out so there's no harm in trying again."
You went up to get and drink, Angel shaking his head, "if you're so happy to clean up my mess, can you take the rubbish and throw it away?"
You rolled your eyes, "hand it over, you owe me."
He smiled and pressed his lips to the side of your head, "yep, of course I do." You made your way to the bin, opened the lid and tossed it in. Just as you were about to walk away, you slipped on a stray pebble and in righting yourself, ending up stepping in a pile of barbed wire in a heap right by the can.
Angel came racing over at the noise, looking you over to see if anything was bleeding, "are you hurt?"
You shook your head, "no, the barbs are stuck in my jeans." He nodded and knelt down, pulling out his knife before gently grabbing your leg and using the blade to pull away the wire slowly and methodically.
It took a while, his thumb rubbing your skin in a soothing motion. When the wire was free from your leg he stood up and returned the knife to its holder, looking over you one last time to make you were ok, "does anything hurt?"
You rolled your ankle, "no, I think I'm going to need new pants but I'm ok."
He smiled, "alright then, I think it's time we head home."
"I'd like that too, it's been a long night."
The moment you got in the door, Angel was on you, he slammed you against the solid wood of the entrance and pressed his lips to yours, his beard scratching your skin as his hands ran all over your body. You pulled back to catch your breath, smiling as his eyes became heated, "what's gotten into you."
He smirked, "you don't think I missed the look in your eyes this afternoon, or tonight when I had that knife in my hand."
"I was hoping not."
Angel chuckled, "do you trust me?"
You nodded, "of course, with my life."
He smiled softly, kissing you as his hands held your face, "let's take this to the bedroom, I have some ideas." He took your hand and led you into your shared room, pulling you back into a kiss while his fingers worried at the buttons on your top.
He stepped back, grabbing your hip as he pulled you closer to the bed, "you want me to tie you up too?"
"Are you attached to this outfit?"
You thought for a moment, "no, not really, are you?"
He shook his head, "no, I'd really like to slice it off you, would you like that?"
You swallowed, "with your knife?" He bit his lip, "if you want."
You took a deep breath, "yes, yes I would like that very much."
You felt your body grow warmer, "oh yes please." He smirked and detached from you, walking over to the closet to pull out the lengths of super soft rope you kept for times like this.
He came back, dropping the rope on the bed and removing the knife from the sheath, "the moment you want to stop, you got to tell me, what are you going to say?"
You met his eyes, the fun forgotten for the moment, "stop or red, or any variolation of ow."
Angel smiled, "good girl." He looked you over for a place to start, knife is hand ready to cut your clothes free. It seemed he decided on your top because he was looking you in the eyes while slipping the blade along the collar to the centre where the buttons started.
The knife was sharp and it cut through the fabric like butter, once he had cleaved through the parts that held the buttons to the shirt, he was brushing the ruined top off your torso, "you could have just unbuttoned it."
He smiled, "and miss that look in your eyes? Never." He dropped down to his knees and started on your jeans next, even with the thick denim, the cutting edge had no issues making quick work of the fabric.
He stood back up and looked over you, clad in nothing but your underwear then went to take the knife to your bra as you stepped back, "hey, we agree to the outfit only, not the underwear, I like this set."
Angel smiled, "I can buy you more, lots more." You held up your hand, pressing it to his chest in hopes of holding him off but it was no use, a giggle burst from your chest and he was throwing the knife to the side before tossing you on the bed and climbing on top of you in a mirror of earlier that day.
"Don't you dare Angel, I swear to God if you even think about it I'm going to."
He kissed you hard, holding your wrists with one hand while he grabbed the rope with the other, "you'll what, there's nothing you can do right now." You tried to struggle away but even though he only had one hand around you, it was impossible.
He made quick work of your hands, tying them together in front of your body before standing up and using your tied wrists to bring you to the ground and onto your knees, "if you suck my dick I'll leave your lace alone."
You wrinkled your eyebrows, "that's not much of a trade on your behalf, I want to suck your dick." He shook his head with a huff, losing his shirt then unzipping his jeans and yanking them down.
"Take me out." You did as he asked, reaching up as best you could with your hand tied together to pull his hard, leaking cock from his boxers. His hands made their way to your cheek, tilting your head up to look at him, "I'm going to take it easy on you since you can't tap me if you want to stop, if you need to break all you need to do is pull back and I'll let you go."
You nodded, "that's not an answer little girl."
His thumb was drifting over your cheek, "if I want to stop I'll pull my head away."
He smiled, "alright then, get to it." You smiled once more before leaning in and pressing a kiss to the head, then as best you could, you wrapped one hand around the base. The bulk of the ropes made it a bit harder for you to fit his length in your mouth so you focused on the head in earnest, Angel's mouth dropping open as your hot mouth surrounded him.
"You are so good at that, fuck bella" Angel laid on the praise as you worked him up, grunting as he got closer until he was tugging you back and pulling you up by your arms, "we ain't going to be done for a while. Lay on the bed and let me look after you."
"Make me." He raised his eyebrows, nodded with his lips pressed together before all but picking you up and throwing you down, "that do it for you?"
You smiled, "yeah, it does." Before you could think, his knife was back in his hand and he was lifting it in question, "you better replace them Reyes." He took that as permission the start cutting, the flat, dull part of the blade pressing against your skin as he cut your panties away.
The bra went next, Angel's eyes growing wide at your exposed breasts, he looked over you and then met your eye, "do you trust me?"
In an echo of your early answer, you replied, "with my life." Your breath caught in your throat as the very tip of the blade made its way down your sternum. It didn't hurt, not even a little, it was just the threat of it that had all your hair standing on edge, the arousal becoming overwhelming.
"Angel, I want more."
He smirked and put the knife down, "I can do that." His lips found yours then he was kissing down your body. His hand moved down before his lips, his fingers finding your slit, "wow you're wet, what's that from Querida?"
You smiled, "that's anyone's guess, the night has been very enjoyable."
"Really? Well it's about to get even better." He kissed across your hips, his fingers beginning to move up and down your centre, when you were holding back your moans he shifted his hand and spread you open then his lips were wrapped around your clit. The realisation that you weren't tied to the headboard hit you like a fright train as you brought your hand down to weave into his hair. Angel didn't stop, rather, he slid two of his long thick fingers inside you as his tongue circled your clit.
"Oh fuck, I need more please."
He lifted his head, a mischievous look on his face, "you sure?" You nodded, "alright, remember you asked for this." That felt ominous but you couldn't ask for clarification as he went at you like a man starving. You were arching off the bed in no time, pressing his face to your core as you came around his fingers.
He didn't stop, pressing his forearm down on your pelvis to stop you from flinching away from him. The next one came hard and fast, sweeping you up in wave after wave of pleasure until you flew into another one. The pushing towards turned to pulling away as Angel continued, then you were whimpering for him to give you a break. He didn't, instead, he lifted his head and replaced his tongue with his thumb, only slowing enough so you could make sense of what he was saying.
"You did ask for this."
You gasped, "I, please."
He smiled, his thumb gaining speed and force, "please what pretty girl?"
You swallowed, having trouble finding the words, "I need more." Angel's face was filled with heat, "you feel empty, do you?"
You nodded ,"yes, yes, I feel empty."
He smirked, "let me fix that for you." His lips travelled up your body as he removed his fingers until he reached your mouth to kiss you and you could taste yourself on his skin.
He rolled you onto your side and lifted your leg over his hip before grabbing his cock and notching it at your entrance, "you ready?"
You took in a sharp breath, "yes, please, I'm begging."
He chuckled, "no need." Then he was ramming himself inside you. He held your hip hard, your bound hands pressed to his chest as he took a punishing pace, the way slicked by all his hard work with his mouth.
You were stuck between trying to pull him closer and trying to flinch away from him, no matter how you felt, Angel left you no room to move as he fucked you, grunting in your ear like an animal. It was on the cusp of too much when his fingers brushed your clit, "one last time and then I'll fill you up, you want that don't you?" You couldn't find the words, settling for pressing your lips to his as his fingers moved in tight, well aimed circles.
"Come on, I know you can do it." That was all it took for you to contract around him, you could feel every ridge and vein as he pushed himself inside your ever tightening body, his own expression revealing that he was struggling to keep himself under control. After a handful of hard thursts, you felt him pulse inside you and your vision started to fade as his warmth filled your body.
When you came to, he was still inside you, untying your hand while he softened and slipped out, "you doing ok y/n?"
You took a deep breath, "can you ask me that in twenty minutes?" He smiled softly, brushing a sweat slicked strand of hair off your face, "I can, but I'd like if you told me now." You took another deep breath and rolled your wrists, Angel allowing you to before returning them to his large hands to rub out the stiffness.
"I'm great, utterly wonderful, in fact. I'm having trouble feeling my toes but I'm great."
He kissed you softly, a barely there brush that had you following his lips as he pulled away, "I'll be back before you know it, you just close your eyes and relax." You did as he asked, listening out as he ran the water and returned with a warm, damp hand towel to wipe you done.
When that was done, he pulled you into his arms and rested your head on his chest, "once you can stand I'll run a bath for you and make sure you'll all clean for bed, how does that sound?"
You smiled, "sounds great, can I have a nap first?"
He shook his head, "nope, I can't have you complaining that you can't sleep. It's almost bedtime, once we're all clean, I'll tuck you in and spend the whole night holding you, that sound good."
"That sounds perfect, I love you."
He pressed his lips to your forehead, "I love you too y/n."
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diamonddiv245 · 1 year
Colliding Hearts
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A/N: I figured that I can’t stay sad forever, I’ve got to carry on and keep pushing out chapter for all of you. So that’s what I’m going to do, this chapter is dedicated to you Lisa. I don’t know why but I’ve had so much trouble with this chapter, I just couldn’t seem to find a right flow so my apologies in advance if it’s not very good, I knew that if I didn’t post it no I would never end up posting it.
Chapter 6: Could it?…. I Mean……No!…..It’s Impossible……..is it?
“Y/N would you be a dear and fetch the bag of ice that is in the freezer please, I want to start filling the cool box.”
Y/n Abandoned her place at a table where she had been helping several other volunteers to put helium in balloons and walked towards the gazebo where the makeshift kitchen was.
Today was the yearly Medford autumn fair, so y/n had been here since 7am this morning helping set everything up.
It was sort of a tradition in the Y/L/N family, Y/N’s mother had always signed the family up as volunteers, this tradition had been happening for as long as y/n could remember.
Even now with Y/N and her siblings grown up they still sign up every year along with their parents to help, really it was far better to sign up than having to face the look their mother would give them.
Pam L/N was a devout member of the town’s community council, if there was one thing she loved more than anything was organising amazing and elegant fundraisers for her community. Hence forth she expected the same level of commitment for her kids.
This year they were putting on a fair for the community, they had Local business setting up stall’s with food, baked goods, drinks, ornaments and other goods for people to buy, they had game stalls and live music, there was going to be a large BBQ for which everyone was welcome to as well as drinks.
Y/n made her way around the multitude of people who were busy setting up their own stall’s, she was able to spot her sister Rachel along with her husband Paul helping set up the petting zoo, well Rachel was more or less siting on a comforting arm chair whilst giving her husband orders, her 7 month pregnant belly had made it harder for her to do much heavy lifting.
Pulling back the tent flap y/n was able to spot the large white freezer easy enough, already the makeshift kitchen was packed with people busy looking the food for the bbq.
People were making slaw and potato salad, Mac and cheese, rib’s, burgers, hotdogs and an assortment of other dishes and that wasn’t even counting the suckling pig that was being slow cooked on a fire.
Opening the fridge y/n spouted two large ice bags, placing one on top of the other y/n heaved both of them into her arms biting her lip as the cold bags seeped through the thin Cotten of her blouse.
For y/n the journey back seems twice as long but she was finally able to get the band to the ice buckets and with the help of another volunteer both ripped open the bags and filled the large metal tubs.
Y/n would like to of perhaps taken a break afterwards but with the fair set to open in let than and go out she had to set up the ticket booth.
This year y/n had pulled the short straw and was placed on ticket table, her job was to take peoples ticket and give them a wristband.
However she wasn’t going to be alone, lacy was also manning the booth along with her.
Lacy Hidge and Y/N had been friends in school…. Well y/n wouldn’t necessarily call them friend but they had hung around in the same friendship group so of course they had hung out together with their mutual friends.
Much like Y/N lacy’s mother was on the community council, so both girls had bonded over their mother’s mutual love of guilting their children.
Lacy was already waiting for her when y/N approached and beside from slightly tilting her head didn’t give much acknowledgement to y/n, not that y/n took it personally Lacy had always been a woman of little words.
Soon enough it was time to open and already there was a crowd that was beginning to gather, putting in her best customer service face y/n smiled at the men, woman and children who were handing her their ticket and giving them wristbands or even taking money from those several passerby’s that had taken interest.
Them she was approached by someone who quite frankly y/n had no desire to see.
Michelle Matthews,the unofficial golden star of south Medford high school and y/N’s tormenter.
For all of those who say the popular kids always peak in high school they haven’t met Michelle.
When y/n said Michelle was the poster child of their year she wasn’t kidding. Y/n honestly wouldn’t be surprised if she had been born under a blessed gold star. Captain of the Gymnastics team and prom queen was only scraping the surface. Honour student and valedictorian, she was the girl who had it all.
And just when you think she’s finally going to be humbled what happens, she gets a full ride to Yale.
Michelle was the perfect girl and she knew it as well, this turned into a hobby of letting all those she considered beneath her know just how irrelevant they were compared to her, this unfortunately included Y/N.
Hair pulling, shoving and “accidentally” spilling her soda over homework or lunches was just a few of her favourite torments.
“Oh my gosh! Y/N it’s been so long. How are you?”
Not so Great now your here, was what y/n was desperate to say to the women in-front of her yet it was lacy’s gentle kick to the shins that made her hold her tongue.
“I’m great, how are you Michelle?”
Y/n studied Michelle from head to toe, stilettos that y/n was sure cost more than her monthly rent, a Chanel handbag and a cashmere coat but that’s wasn’t what caught y/N’s attention no it was the giant rock on her left hand. From the way Michelle was using that hand to brush back what looked like to be invisible hairs it was obvious she was showing it off.
“Oh you Know nothing much, I’m just in town for the holiday’s, you know sometime’s you just need to take a break from living in the big city not that you would understand of course, not all of us have the courage to leave the quiet country life, I hear your working at a bar now?”
County life?
Michelle made it sound like they lived in the middle in nowhere.
Oh how y/n longed to grab her prefect blond hair and just rip out those fake extensions, still it was lacy’s hand practically gripping her knees under the table that kept y/n rooted to her chair.
“Yes I do.”
“I thought you were planning to become a photographer, you were always carrying that stupid camera around with you.”
“I’m still planning on doing that but I need to pay my bill’s while I build up my portfolio.”
The patronising look that y/n was receiving from Michelle just made y/n want to…..
“Yes I understand, we can’t all achieve our dreams, some of us just have to live with what we have.”
“I hear congratulations are in order.” Y/n desperate to change the conversation gestured to the extravagant ring on Michelle’s finger.
“Oh this small thing!.” Michelle brushed it off as if she hadn’t just been purposefully flashing it at all those who passed. “Well my boyfr- sorry my fiancé finally proposed, you remember Chadwick don’t you.”
Chadwick, Michelle’s super rich boyfriend that Michelle met at Yale, he was almost at awful as Michelle and the one time Michelle had brought the pompous ass with her to Medford two years ago the man had not tried to his his distaste.
“I do, a true match made in heaven.” Or hell.
“What about you? Any man in your life?”
“No yet, but there’s still plenty of time to do all that.”
“Of course there is, your bound to find someone who will agree to settle with you but hey if it doesn’t happen I hear dogs are good companions. Anyway one ticket please.”
Y/n took the money and handed Michelle her wristband, despite to be as far away from Michelle as possible.
It was only after y/n had walked into the fair did y/n let out a Breath and slump into her chair.
“Still as pleasant as always.” Lacy joked from beside her, getting her a laugh out of y/n.
It was amazing how someone she hadn’t spoken to since high school still had the power to bring y/N’s confidence down.
“Ticket for one doll.”
Huh? Y/n knew that voice.
Quickly turning her head to see if it was who she though it was, y/n looked at the man I form of her.
Dark hair that unlike when she had last seen him looked thicker and more styled, dressed In a simple button down and slacks, looking 10x better than when they had last spoken after y/n had dropped him off at the church.
“Elvis.” Y/N breathed out.
Elvis smile was wide showcasing his pearly whites.
“Miss Y/F/N, it’s a pleasure to once again lay my eye’s on you.”
“What are you doing here?” Y/N almost winced at the abrasiveness. “I Mean I didn’t expect to see you here.”
Elvis didn’t seem offended at all which gave y/n comfort.
“Pastor John asked me if I would be willing to help out with the churches stall at the fair, sister Margret has come down with the flu.”
Somewhere in the back of her mind y/n knew she would be slight worried for sister Margret the elderly woman had always been nice to y/n but all she could think of was how…….. y/n couldn’t describe what she was feeling as Elvis stood in front of her. That magnetic feeling once again stirred up inside of her, it had been a feeling she hadn’t experienced for weeks, the magnetic feeling that always seems it follow ‘Elvis’.
It was only when she received a sharp kick to her shin by Lacy did y/n come back to the present moment. She had unknowingly been staring smart Elvis for goodness know how long. Her cheek were stained red in embarrassment.
To Y/N’s relief ‘Elvis’ didn’t say anything of the matter but that Doesn’t mean y/n didn’t spot the slight quirk of his lips.
Thankfully Lacy came to the rescue to save Y/N more embarrassment.
“That’s $10 please.”
Elvis handed over the paper bill and Lacy gave him a wrist band.
While this was happening y/n continued to look down at the floor begging for the ground to open and and swallow her whole.
Once Elvis had disappeared Lacy turned it y/n with a smirk and question.
“Please don’t.” Y/n begged.
“Well, I gotta give you props, he’s certainly handsome, let me tell you he’s got the whole-“
“Elvis look down to a spot.” Y/N Finished lacy’s sentence, yes she had already heard it before.
Everyone who met him compared his to the departed singer and the man didn’t even deny it, even with all these weeks that have passed.
Honestly….. y/n would not be surprised if some how it was acutely-
Her mind was not going there.
She will not even think about such a thing, and she most certainly hasn’t been spending her evening researching possible time travel theories and those who have experienced it.
Still there was a very cool theory that there were multiple universes and there were thousands of versions of yourself in these other universes, and when you experience déjà vu your actually linking with another version of yourself that has already done the task, anyway she was getting of topic it say’s that if two different universes crossed each-other and you were somehow able to link with the other universe’s wave length in the nanosecond timeframe then hypothetically you could end up in that universe, at least that’s what y/n thought it meant, all those words were big sciency words that only smart people understood.
By the time Y/N was finally allowed it leave the ticket booth the fair was already in full swing, Manoeuvring around the large crowds y/n went in Search of her family, hopefully they had saved her some food.
Yet she wouldn’t see her family for the rest of the night, and it would be after y/N’s entire world would get shifted on its side.
Y/n looked to where her name had been called from, and was able to spot pastor John waving at her.
“Evening Pastor.”
“And to you y/n, I was hoping you could do me a favour.”
“I have to relive the old tank , but I can’t leave the stall unattended, would you be a dear and man it until I get back.”
“No problem.”
“Thank you.” Pastor John hurried away from the stall leaving y/n standing by it.
“Looks like we will be spending time together after all doll.”
How could she of forgotten he was also working at the church stall.
“Hey.” Y/M tried to sound nonchalant, like she had completely embarrassed herself earlier.
‘Elvis’ was leaning against the table with his arms crossed and grinning.
“I didn’t get to tell you earlier, but I must say you look just like a magnolia in May.” ‘Elvis’ spoke in the southern drawl y/n had come to like.
“Thanks, you look nice too.” She wasn’t even lying. “So how have you been, I know we haven’t had a chance to speak since you first arrived at the church.”
“It’s been swell doll, the folks there are real nice and have treated me well, I’m currently doing some work for the church mainly filing and bookkeeping but it keep me busy plus there even given me some money, what about yourself.
Y/N shrugged her shoulders.
“Oh you know, bartending mostly I’ve been dining overtime.”
Y/n did know what else to say, she didn’t have the money for hobbies and she didn’t have time for friends.
If he was out of with her short answer, Elvis didn’t comment instead he simply held out a mason jug with what looked like ice tea.
“I just got some ice tea but I don’t think I can drink it all by myself, would you like some?”
Well her throat was a bit parched.
“Sure thanks.”
She reached out to grab the offered glass.
Yet the moment their skin touched something happened.
It was as if electric was running throughout your body, then as soon as it was there it was gone, only to be replaced with memories that assaulted your brain. Yet they weren’t your memories.
A little boy running through the streets Tupelo, Mississippi.
A Ten year old Elvis standing on a chair with a microphone singing "Old Shep".
Elvis singing at Sun Studio
Singing for the firts time at Louisiana Hayride.
Preforming on The Milton Berle Show and the Steve Allen show.
Elvis shooting his first movie, “Love Me Tender,”
Elvis buying Graceland mansion
Elvis receiving his draft notice.
Elvis marrying Pricilla
Birth of Lisa-Marie Presley
Elvis preforming his comeback special.
Elvis laying in bed and then waking up In The woods.
The overload of memories come to an end.
The mason glass falls from y/N’s hand and lands on the ground spilling ice tea everywhere.
“Y/n?” Hands gently grasp her, forcing her back to the present.
Elvis is in front of her looking worried.
“Elvis.” Y/n breaths out.
Elvis gave y/n a crooked grind
“That’s me doll.”
It really was……. I mean how…….. why…… just……… I mean…….
Holy Shit! She almost killed THE Elvis Presley.
Y/n knew she probably want making much sense to the man if it go of her right now but y/n was badly making sense of herself right now.
“Your really him….. aren’t you.”
By now Elvis realised that Y/N had finally caught in to what he had been saying because his posture stiffens and an apprehensive look appears on his face, like he’s waiting for y/n to start screaming or running.
Perhaps that’s exactly what she should of done, instead she could only utter one word.
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lacunasbalustrade · 1 year
made by @utterchaios and I thought it’d be a fun tag game! (I’m so sorry if you didn’t want it to be a tag game.)
also, I love open curtains.
tag game, bold what applies, italicise what sometimes does, cross out what never ever applies
types of people - places
library dank chemistry memes, coffee, has a gigantic purse with enough stationery to start a store, "pls stop breathing im trying to study", eats a LOT of candy, curses you in a dead language, carries textbooks literally EVERYWHERE, dark academia, watches harry potter bc nostalgia, takes showers at 3 am while listening to audiobooks. why have pillows when you can have books?, "who folded the corner of this page?, im gonna commit homicide" , the encyclopedia of the group, has like 25 sweaters and one pair of chuck taylors, short hair, most likely the valedictorian. Stranger Things.
art gallery mysterious eyes, leather jackets, hands stained with paints and pigments, " if you open the curtains, i swear to God i will obliterate you", may or may not be a soul-sucking vampire, changes clothes every 2 hours bc" its icky ok?", stares at a painting for hours unless you physically carry them away, would always rush to help you, DIY Michelangelo Plaster sculptures, lost count of their pinterest boards, wants to eat mac and cheese but its 12 am and the fridge is empty,"i have crippling depression", doesnt remember their birthday or anyone elses, likes blueberry cheese cake, reads Dan Brown, owns a reptile. buys you coffee without asking.
the park flower pressings, "i only consume caffeine when i need to", doodles on their shoes just because, wants to have a swing in their backyard, most likely cottage core, plays minecraft on creative mode only, makes pies for everyone, loves sunny days, the optimistic one in the squad, " im made you this flower crown, here!!" , prefers milkshakes, home-cooked meals, has cool colored hair, "i will only come over if we can watch "spirited away" again", you really wanna be their friend, looks like a softie, but will sucker-punch someone to mars if they had to, watches nature documentaries, hand-woven journals, names their plants, likes green tea.
planetarium shiny eyes, sleep is for the weak, the most motivated one, usually quiet in their own thoughts, probably neurodivergent, has a cat or cats, " free food WOOOOOOOOOO" day-1 organization guru, day-2 "where IS my wallet???", wears different socks on each feet, pizza pizza PIZZA, doodles little planets on your arm, productivity who?, will eat anything, f.r.i.e.n.d.s, unlimited vine references, solves a complex equation within 2 minutes, but can't figure out the directions for the nearest fast food, looks at the sky like its their first time, forgets to study, but aces the exam anyway, "why can't movies follow the laws of physics? im calling the cops bc this breach is UNNACCEPTABLE!!!", never sleeps on time bc vsauce rabbithole, the kindest person you'll know.
@melting-morning-blues @thehistorynut19
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ericsonclan · 1 year
Hey guys! Remember me? xD
Yeaaah, I was a little busy, school, drawing, work, life in general, but I played TWDG again with my lil' sister and got some questions, I'd like to ask you. If you still take requests, maybe you do a christmas break or something similar ^^
Sooooo, the questioooons:
-My sister and I argued a lot about that fight Clem had with Marlon. We like it, it's just a bit short in our opinion, but my sister always complains about how fast Clem can beat Marlon, like he's some pushover compared to other enemies we encounter in the game (or games in general). And in my opinion, he's got a little handicap there, being at the edge of a real breakdown, a physical breakdown too. It's not really animated, but winning a duel with shaking hands is, eh... hard xD Anyway, my question is, do you think, Marlon would be able to beat Clem in a real fight, when he's got his head in the game? He took to kicks from her straight to the guts and didn't faint immediately, for which I'm blaming the adrenaline, but it's still a little impressive, didn't expect that from him, hehe
-What do you think the Ericson Kid's favorite meals were, before they had to rely on a little bit of soup? Imagine Omar having a real kitchen in there, man....
-Welllll, who do you think would be the most motivated for Christmas? My personal guess is Louis, but also secretly Violet, because maybe she just doesn't want to show how much she really loves the affection they all give each other then...
-When you look at the Ericson Kids, which music genre pops up in your mind? For real, I got a whole part of my Drawing Music Album for each of my favorites, if I don't listen to that while drawing them, I won't ever get it right xD Drew Marlon and AJ the other day and my god, I never listend to Metal for such a long time. That's six hours straight, Sabaton, Metallica, Man 'o War, Metal Covers....
-Rather an awkward question, but my sister wanted me to ask, so here it is - You think there's anyone who doesn't like hot chocolate? Almost all of them are kids, sooo... there's not much chance, but my sister said she can't see Aasim drink hot chocolate for some reason, weird, I know xD
Alright, that's it from me for now!
Wish you all the best and happy holidays! Stay safe!
Our requests are always open and we're happy to answer more questions.
For the first question Marlon vs Clem who would win in a fight: We think that Clementine would still win. We think that Marlon would put up a pretty decent fight but since Clementine has had to experience more life or death situations and has gotten into more fights so she has the skills needed to win.
Oh man Omar with a real kitchen then the Ericson kids would really be having feasts every day.
Let's see favorite meals or food...
Clementine: She loves pancakes specifically chocolate chip pancakes. She could eat those all day every day
Louis: Those PB & J's uncrustables. Definitely not what people would think is rich people food and isn't but Louis loved to buy some and stealthily eating them in his room
AJ: Ants on a log, that snack with celery that has peanut butter and raisins on them
Violet: Chicken nuggets but that's the obvious choice given you can hear about it in the game so we're also gonna add Craft Mac and Cheese. It was one of her comfort foods growing up
Marlon: Meatloaf, specifically his mom's meatloaf. He'd claim it was the best meal in the world and he would be lying if he said he didn't miss it when he got sent to Ericson
Brody: Fruit salad it's something fresh and sweet and she liked switching the fruits ever now and again when it was made
Mitch: Burgers. He loves them especially bacon burgers. He'd punch someone in the face for a bacon burger
Willy: Applesauce he loved it before the apocalypse happened and he was dancing on the picnic tables when he learned that they could use the apples from the apple tree they had to make some for everyone. He also liked those beef sticks that you can get at the checkout at grocery stores he'd scarf those up like there's no tomorrow
Tenn: Peanut butter, banana and honey sandwiches that was his go to and he could eat them for the rest of his life
Omar: Brussel sprouts with candied bacon. His grandma had a great recipe for them and he always wishes that he could make them again some day
Sophie: Grilled cheese sandwiches. Damn she loved that food and she had suggest at one point that they make the trek out to the nearest town in hopes of finding ingredients for it
Minnie: Not a meal but she loves gummy worms and would always be snacking on them while she worked on her music
Ruby: BBQ and all the fixin's. Ribs, brisket, pulled pork she loves it all
Aasim: Lamb vindaloo it was something that he grew up on and his mom always made so it has a special place in his heart
Who's motivated the most for Christmas: Louis for sure he only keeps track of days so he knows when holidays, birthdays and anniversaries are. Ruby absolutely loves decorating and loves all that Christmas time symbolizes. Brody is in a similar vein with that and finds wintertime magical. Violet also really loves Christmas even if she couldn't do much to celebrate it growing up. She'd mainly spend the day with her grandparents and mom and had a small celebration. So she was surprised when Louis brought up the idea that they should celebrate Christmas even after the world had ended but she was glad that he did.
Okay music genres. I don't know if we have specific ones for all the Ericson kids so we might just add a few here for what we associate them with
Marlon: Classic Rock: Queen, The Who, The Doors music like that. To us he just gives those vibes
Louis: Classical music and really soft and cheesy love songs
Ruby: Country Music
Violet: Not a genre but usually quiet or somber music
This is an interesting question I'd say most of all the kids like or love hot chocolate. We agree that Aasim wouldn't be the biggest fan of it but he'd probably drink it around Ruby since she loves it.
Thanks for the ask and we hope you had a safe and fun holiday!
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meowtalhead · 1 year
Went out to dinner with the friend I've been avoiding since october and. god.
"Do you remember our big adventure 😊😊😊💕"
Omg YEAH girlll!!!! I do remember you showing up at my house unannounced waking me up and rushing me into the car before I had time to think driving for 4 hours to visit some friend of yours making me listen to Christian rock and pray SO MANY rosaries like more than my entire time at catholic school interpreting EVERYTHING as a sign from god making ME TAKE THE STEERING WHEEL from the PASSENGER SEAT so you could do some shit on your phone going 80 ON THE HIGHWAY NOT LOOKING AT THE ROAD NEARLY HITTING THE CEMENT WALL not even BOTHERING to tell me oh yeah! This guy (your ex btw) DOESN'T KNOW WE'RE COMING then leaving me at a panera bread while you DRIVE PAST HIS HOUSE TO MAKE SURE HIS FAMILY ISN'T HOME and STALK HIM AT HIS FORMER WORKPLACE. and then the two of you come BACK to panera bread and I have to be present for the most uncomfortable stressful conversation I have ever experienced in front of my fucking. Mac and cheese BREAD BOWL. And then him being like hey idk what kind of mental breakdown you're having here ex gf, but uh you aren't driving another 5 hours home so you and your friend stay for the night EVEN THOUGH I'M SO PISSED OFF AND CREEPED OUT but NO you wanted to be alone with the guy so you told me to drive home and I said NO I'm not leaving you here with a guy I don't know with no transportation if anything happens (also because you are very clearly trying to strand yourself at his house because you're desperate and acting so fucked up and honestly I'm far more worried for him) so instead of letting me stay or driving home together you left me at some random train station in Fucking Nowhere New Jersey and I had to take like 2 trains back to NEW YORK PENN STATION where I then got LOST for TWO HOURS at LOW PHONE BATTERY and then had to buy a 200 DOLLAR amtrak ticket back to Boston and have my dad pick me up at like 3am. On the day of my FUCKING Halloween party. So fun bestie!!!
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ahordeofwasps · 11 months
☁️cloudy & 🏝 hurricane for the weather wip asks! (--@space-writes)
Thanks for the asks for the WIP Weather Ask Game!
☁️ Cloudy - What inspired you to start writing your WIP? (or in general)
I'm going to do this one for To Not Falling Off Cliffs as there's a funny story behind its creation.
One day, I'm home alone making mac & cheese, not out of a box, but the kind that you make yourself with pasta, butter, milk, flour, and mountains upon mountains of shredded cheese. This is important. Particularly the milk part of this recipe.
I live in a flat in a multiflat building. By the door, there's an old school landline-esque phone that connects to the buzzer at the building's entrance. It goes off. Thinking it's the postperson trying to deliver mail, I pick it up.
I'm not greeted by the postperson. Instead, I'm greeted by "Hiya ma'am! Do you drink milk?" He's a door to door salesman... selling milk of all things.
I do drink milk. I just used a bunch of milk. But, one thing I've learned, both from my parents and from living in areas with an abundance of seniors and students (often targets of door to door salespeople, particularly ones selling crappy internet deals), is to avoid door to door salespeople and to never ever buy what they're selling. I lie and say, "No."
The salesman persists and asks if my flatmate drinks milk. Now that I'm writing this out, it is kinda creepy how he knew I had a flatmate. Lucky guess, maybe?
"No," I say again and it's truthful this time. Sort of. She doesn't drink milk. She drinks oatmilk.
He then proceeds ask if either of us drink oatmilk.
I lie to him again and tell him, "No."
This repeats for a several different types of milk. Eventually, sounding quite exasperated, he says, "Neither of you really drink milk?"
I lie of course and again, tell him, "No."
He proceeds to ask me if I can let him in so he can try selling milk to my neighbors.
I then tell him one honest thing and say that I don't let in door to door salespeople, before hanging up the phone.
I have peace and quiet for one whole second, before hearing another buzzer go off from somewhere in the building. Thirty seconds later, I hear the distinct ka-chunk of the door to the building being opened. I remember thinking to myself how door to door salespeople were like vampires, needing permission to enter a building and the companies behind them leeching off of those unlucky enough to get swindled by them, bleeding them dry in some cases.
The idea of door to door salespeople being vampires is what lead me to write the first chapter of To Not Falling Off Cliffs, Erika with a K's Rest Day.
🏝 Hurricane - Do you often stick to one WIP and finish it, then move on, or do you bounce between WIPs?
Depends on what stage. Usually during the writing stage I stick to one WIP, however during editing I will bounce between WIPs. This might change however. Also thanks to To Not Falling Off Cliffs, which when I started writing, I thought it would be a short story. I really want to work on Crying Wolf's sequel (tentatively going to be called The Emissary Project) and I don't want to put if off too long, however To Not Falling Off Cliffs has turned out to be a novel. So I'm going to work on both at the same time.
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types of people - places
[ made by @utterchaios, reposted from @lacunasbalustrade! ]
tag game, bold what applies, italicise what sometimes does, cross out what never ever applies
library, dank chemistry memes, coffee, has a gigantic purse with enough stationery to start a store, "pls stop breathing im trying to study", eats a LOT of candy, curses you in a dead language, carries textbooks literally EVERYWHERE, dark academia, watches harry potter bc nostalgia, takes showers at 3 am while listening to audiobooks. why have pillows when you can have books?, "who folded the corner of this page?, im gonna commit homicide" , the encyclopedia of the group, has like 25 sweaters and one pair of chuck taylors, short hair, most likely the valedictorian. Stranger Things.
art gallery, mysterious eyes, leather jackets, hands stained with paints and pigments, "if you open the curtains, i swear to God i will obliterate you", may or may not be a soul-sucking vampire, changes clothes every 2 hours bc "its icky ok?", stares at a painting for hours unless you physically carry them away, would always rush to help you, DIY Michelangelo Plaster sculptures, lost count of their pinterest boards, wants to eat mac and cheese but its 12 am and the fridge is empty, "i have crippling depression", doesnt remember their birthday or anyone elses, likes blueberry cheese cake, reads Dan Brown, owns a reptile. buys you coffee without asking.
the park, flower pressings, "i only consume caffeine when i need to", doodles on their shoes just because, wants to have a swing in their backyard, most likely cottage core, plays minecraft on creative mode only, makes pies for everyone, loves sunny days, the optimistic one in the squad, "i made you this flower crown, here!!", prefers milkshakes, home-cooked meals, has cool colored hair, "i will only come over if we can watch 'spirited away' again", you really wanna be their friend, looks like a softie, but will sucker-punch someone to mars if they had to, watches nature documentaries, hand-woven journals, names their plants, likes green tea.
planetarium, shiny eyes, sleep is for the weak, the most motivated one, usually quiet in their own thoughts, probably neurodivergent, has a cat or cats, "free food WOOOOOOOOOO", day-1 organization guru, day-2 "where IS my wallet???", wears different socks on each feet, pizza pizza PIZZA, doodles little planets on your arm, productivity who?, will eat anything, f.r.i.e.n.d.s, unlimited vine references, solves a complex equation within 2 minutes, but can't figure out the directions for the nearest fast food, looks at the sky like its their first time, forgets to study, but aces the exam anyway, "why can't movies follow the laws of physics? im calling the cops bc this breach is UNNACCEPTABLE!!!", never sleeps on time bc vsauce rabbithole, the kindest person you'll know.
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onthesandsofdreams · 2 years
Late Night Meals
Fandom: Rogue One Pairing: Cassian x Jyn Summary: What are you doing?" Cassian's voice startles her, almost making her drop the pot of pasta on the floor. Jyn doesn't turn, but continues towards to sink to drain the pasta. "Mac and cheese." She answers with as much aplomb as she can. "At three in the morning?" Words: 1105 Notes: Amor - Love Prompt(s): 15.- What are you doing? From @fictober-event
Read @ AO3
"What are you doing?"
Cassian's voice startles her, almost making her drop the pot of pasta on the floor. Jyn doesn't turn, but continues towards to sink to drain the pasta. "Mac and cheese." She answers with as much aplomb as she can.
"At three in the morning?"
Oh, she can hear Cassian's doubt in his voice. Say what you will about her and Cassian, but the connection they have is deep, and there are no secrets between them. How can they be, when one will find it by looking at the other's eyes or simply listening to the voice and the choice of words. "I found myself ravenous." She admits. "I am in a point of my book that is really making me think, and you know..."
"...That when you get in that state of mind, you get hungry, yes." Cassian's voice is full of amusement. "You could have woken me up."
She drains the pasta and turns back to finally face Cassian, she smiles. Cassian looks handsome all the time, but there is something beautiful about the way he looks when he's freshly out of bed, tousled hair and barely standing awake. "It's boxed mac and cheese," she says with a hint of amusement. "That is something that won't burn down the house. And thank you, by the way, for buying more powdered cheese. I don't know what it is, but this brand taste less cheesy lately."
Cassian chuckles, "Yeah, I've noticed too."
She smiles and returns to add milk and butter to the pot, then adds the drained macaroni onto it, adds the packet of cheese and then dumps more from the one Cassian had gotten. She knew that they had odd habits, with both of them being writers and Cassian being a bit of an insomniac, they always made sure to have their pantry well stocked with basics and stuff they could just grab and snack when they didn't feel like cooking. Or, like right now, it was an unholy hour of the morning and they were hungry.
She mixes everything and gives it a quick taste, still not cheesy enough. She adds more cheese and tastes again, this time, it's much better. "Want a plate?"
Cassian blinks, "You know, I'm already up. Why not?" He says and sits on the small kitchen table. Then quickly stands, "Hang on, do you want a soda or juice?"
"Juice please," she tells him.
Cassian returns with cranberry juice and two glasses, which he sets on the table. Then, grins, boyish and mischievous. "You know, amor, this reminds me when we were living in New York. Both overworked and underpaid junior editors who were barely making end's meet."
She snorts and places a his portion in front of him, sitting opposite to eat her own. "Yeah, I remember. You know, I recently heard from an old colleague, she rage quit her job because her boss refused to give her a raise and, I quote, 'Perhaps this is not the industry for you.'"
"Asshole." Cassian says and bites into the mac and cheese. She agrees. "I hope she finds another, better paying job."
"She's pretty much like us now, she went independent."
"Good for her."
She smiles. She and Cassian had been in the trenches together. They knew what her friend had gone through, for them, it had come to a head when their landlord had raised their rent and they realized that no, they could not continue living like they were. So, they had began to do their research and moved Portland together. Their work, both as writers and editors gave them a leg up when it came to share their expenses and have some emergency savings. Cassian was a wiz when it came to finances, thankfully. "Yeah, she's unsure if she'll stay in the city, but at least now she can charge a livable wage."
They did not speak more, they simply sat in silence and enjoyed their early meal. It is her who finishes first and waits for Cassian to finish, when he does, he lifts the plates. "Are you going to stay up longer, amor?"
"I am," she tells him as she stands. "I have plenty of ideas as to what to write, and I want to take advantage of it. You know how writing goes."
"I do. Just promise me you'll take a nap at some point."
"I will likely crash later today," she says with a laugh. "I have not been drinking coffee, only tea, water and juice. So, I'll likely end up falling asleep as soon as I finish what I have plotted already."
Cassian leans back against the sink and gives her a small, knowing smile. "Good, I think I'll read for a while."
Guilt washes over her, "Did I made you loose your sleep?"
"No. I woke up on my own, but perhaps having the food wasn't the best idea, now I'm fully awake and I'm pretty sure I'll be struggling to sleep if I went to bed right now... wait, do we still have the lavender and chamomile tea?"
She blinks, she had forgotten about that tea! "Yes we do. Do you want a cup?" The lavender and chamomile tea she had bought had been a desperate buy after struggling to sleep and whether it be placebo or not, she fell asleep quicker whenever she had a cup with honey. She hurried to the pantry and began searching, unfortunately, they were out. "Crap, we ran out. I'll put it on the grocery list."
"That's alright amor, I'll make myself a cup of warm milk."
She watched him as he moved in the kitchen, gathering what he needed for his own sleeping draught. She did not offer to make it herself, she always got the measurements wrong. Even if Cassian did them by eye and never followed a recipe, his food and drinks came perfect. She could cook and bake - living on her own had taught her that she had better have some good meals on her arsenal - but she was the kind of person who followed the recipe to the letter, else it could be tragic.
Cassian finishes making his drink, toasts her and blows on it. "I'll be going to bed, amor. Good luck with your writing."
Warmth spreads over her chest, God but she loves this man. "Thank you. Sweet dream my love."
Cassian smiles, rises his mug and makes his way back to their bedroom. She watches him go, and only then, she grabs another glass of juice and makes her way to her office. She has a book to conquer.
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autisticlenaluthor · 2 years
do you have any thoughts about lena with an eating disorder? especially arfid because that's what i struggle with. but any ed would be fun to hear about if you have thoughts.
hi im so sorry it took me forever to get to this. I saw it and had so many thoughts but just never responded. but anyways, lena with ARFID
tw for some restrictive ed thoughts and body image stuff
-lena has always been 'picky', at least, that's how it's described by her parents. for as long as she can remember, she's struggled with trying new things, eating out with friends, and just meals in general
-lena has like 3 or 4 foods that feel safe and reliable. pre packaged things that always taste the same and are high in calories like boxed Mac and cheese, certain types of chips/crackers, and one very specific type of granola bar. she practically buys them in bulk but even in the comfort of her apartment, tries to keep them hidden behind 'good' foods. because if anyone comes over, she doesn't want them to know she's so secretly unhealthy
-from Lillian, lena has a lot of internalized rules around food and body image. she grew up constantly having her weight criticized and being put dozens of failed diets as a result of Lillian projecting her own insecurities onto lena. lena still carries a lot of Lillians beliefs with her and feels very shameful over the things she eats/how much she eats. she hates that the only things she can stomach are such unhealthy, childish things and feels like if anyone found out, she'd be judged for it
-lena stresses a lot about meals. every single thing about them she hates. the fact that she has to plan what she's going to eat (she can never find anything that appeals to her. it all makes her want to gag) and then there's actually cooking and go through with eating it (80% of the time she finds something that seems somewhat appealing, it repulses her by the time she actually has to eat it). she's filled with so much anxiety around wether she's eating too much/too little, or the fact that what she's eating might make her feel sick later, and just general food aversions, she feels like it's just easier to not eat at all.
-lena tends to use work to manage her anxiety. she gets out of lunches with friends or just meals in general because of meetings and assignments. at first, it's unconscious. lena doesn't really realize what she's doing. it takes a few weeks for her to realize she's doing it. but when she does, the thought of having to plan out meals and actually eat them and everything that comes with it gives her so much anxiety that she figures she can keep going like this for a little while longer.
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