#i was educationally neglected
amongie · 7 months
homeschool parents are so cruel, actually. peak "my child is my little barbie doll" behavior. i hope homeschool parents die
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southsuns · 7 months
unpopular opinion (as a homeschooler, who had visitation for years, who was physically neglected and emotionally abused in one home, notably NOT the one where i was being taught…) but if you’re homeschooling and you cannot teach your child basic skills and knowledge like reading, writing, math, science, geography, history, if your child cannot tell you who the leader of your country is or where they live at 10-12 onward (And yes, I have and continue to see this among homeschooled people i know) You are neglecting your child. and i KNOW you, as the parent may well be trying your best, and you may not have a lot of options and it’s hard. you may be taking them to all the co-ops you can. but all of that trying doesn’t make up for the myriad of ways the kid is behind. yes i know learning disabilities exist this isnt about that. this is about the perfectly abled 11 year old i know who struggles to write 3 full sentences every day on paper, who finds that the most miserable part of his schooling, this is about the 8 year old who can barely read basic phonics books. who actually cries trying to read complex phonics books (as in, more complex than “mat sat. sam sat. sam and mat sat.”) and these kids are stunted in ways they may not be ABLE to recover from. studies in the limited forms they exist suggest the height of our language acquisition is until 12 or so, and after that point, it is incredibly difficult or impossible to grasp language. and this will affect them in EVERY aspect of their life FOR THEIR WHOLE LIFE. and we act like it’s just an unfortunate reality of american education. i feel fucking bad for these kids. i lucked out and i loved reading and my mum taught me well and we found ways to push through subjects i didn’t like because she knew it was important, or to make them fun by using different books (science via textbook vs “let’s learn about basic physics and science by making a tiny catapult!”) like holy shit. holy shit
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dirtyheathencommie · 1 year
I’ve gathered some resources and tips and tricks on self-educating after educational neglect. This is only what I did and what I know helped me. I’m about to graduate college with honors after having no education past the age of 9. I wouldn’t be here without the following. Everything is free, and at/well above the standard for education in the US.
The holy grail: Khan Academy. Nearly every course you could take is available here, in order and by grade level. Their open-source free courses rival some of the college classes I’ve taken. This is your most solid resource.
For inattentive types: Crash Course offers a variety of courses that are snappy, entertaining, and extremely rewarding. They work for my ADHD brain. They also have college prep advice, which is essential if you’re looking to go to higher education with no classroom experience.
To catch up on your reading: There are certain books that you may have read had you gone to school that you’ve missed out on. This list is the most well-rounded and can fill you in on both children’s books and classic novels that are essential or at least extremely helpful to be familiar with. You can find a majority of these easily at a local library (and some for free in PDF form online low key). There are a few higher level classics in here that I’d highly recommend. If it doesn’t work for you, I’d always recommend asking your local librarian.
*BE AWARE* The book list I recommend suggests you read Harry Potter books, and given their transphobic author you may or may not want to read them. If you choose to, I’d highly recommend buying the books secondhand or borrowing from a library to avoid financially supporting a living author with dangerous and damaging views.
TEST, TEST, TEST: Again, Khan Academy is your go-to for this. I don’t personally like standardized testing, but going through SAT and ACT courses was the best way I found to really reveal my gaps so that I could supplement.
Finally: As much as you can, enjoy the process. Education can be thrilling and teach you so much about yourself, and help shape your view of the world. It can get frustrating, but I’d like to encourage you that everyone can learn. No pace is the perfect pace, and your learning style is the right learning style for you. In teaching yourself, be patient, be kind, and indulge in the subjects you really enjoy without neglecting others. You are your teacher. Give yourself what others chose not to.
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vaginadentatacas · 2 years
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weezeryuri · 19 days
i want to believe shit will get better but HOW? i can’t work becuz of disability and have been educationally neglected since 6th grade and have severe agoraphobia from the trauma of losing my dad. like what else is there to do but rot
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pansyfemme · 1 year
sometimes i wish as a small kid instead of being educationally neglected and self isolating socially i just like. went down to the peir and got on a boat and hid behind some boxes and went to sea for a year and at first theyd be like! oh great a stowaway.. we cant handle another mouth to feed.. we should drop u at the next port!! but then id charm them and make the captain laugh and spend the evening peeling potatoes with the chef and the ship’s cat would start sleeping on my belly in my cramped bunk even though she hisses at everybody else and when i get home everyone who thought i was dead back home would be like hurray he’s back and then i would be loved and cherished and told how smart i was when i told everyone my tales of seafaring life
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
why did your parents homeschool you when they didn't seem to have an interest in teaching you?
Sorry but this ask has me in hysterics cause like,,, I DUNNO, ANON WHY DID THEY????
Ok but fr, from what I can tell it was a mixture of not trusting public education, wanting direct control over what we learned, being bad at teaching kids, and then just kind of getting too busy and giving up. Like our mom did teach us how to read, right? But she kinda got … i dunno, bored?? tired?? Near the end?? So my youngest sister really got screwed in that department and needed tutoring.
I have a lot of memories though where we’d go somewhere like my brothers baseball game and she’d pull out different work books for each of us while starting on a reading lesson with another one of us. So, like, she DID try. I have way too many painful memories of frustrating homework to say that she didn’t try to teach us anything hah. she just didnt teach us very thoroughly, especially about things she assumed we'd just pick up eventually (like time, dates, and months)
Also, my dad is a philosophy professor with multiple degrees who heavily values the education of his children. But I don’t think he’s good at teaching kids, and he didn’t even live with us most of the time. So while he supported the whole thing and would administer science tests (AKA have me read a science text book and then take a test on the chapters I read) he wasn't super involved, from what I can recall.
Wanna know the funniest part tho? Home schooled kids tend to test higher than publicly educated kids. And despite the gaps in our general knowledge and downright educational neglect at times, that’s still the case for me & my siblings.
My brother got insane math scores, I’m talking better than 90% of his peers. And I always scored particularly high in English. my worst subject was math but i never failed anything. i had a breakdown when i got a B in my first ever semester of high school, because to me that was basically failing since my mom said it isn't that hard to get A's :/
my oldest sister has a theory that we're all autistic because we all kinda act like it, haha. which might explain why we didnt realize, cause if all of our siblings are autistic then its just normal to us.
but ALSO: we all have at least one thing we're insanely good at. my oldest brother was fantastic at math (before he self sabotaged but idc about him so whatever). my oldest sister is a wonderful writer and has a fantastic rate of success when she sends out her writing to be published, my other older sister is incredibly smart with math & science and is trying to become a doctor (she also makes all her own clothing and is really good at crafting). i got accepted to every art college i applied to, with scholarships & everything. my younger brother is one of the top football recruits of his year in our entire state. and my littlest sisters skill set is harder to describe, but the gist of it is that she's really good at manipulating people and lying. not sure where she's going with that but she's probably gotten hundreds of dollars of free stuff from people and she enjoys acting. excited to see where she goes cause i genuinely think she could do anything she wants to haha.
ok but now im just ranting about how cool my siblings are. THE POINT IS THIS- as much as I was neglected educationally, I think my parents accidentally did something right: I think they accidentally unschooled us, because our education was NOT as strict as some of the other home schooled kids I met.
my theory is that the neglect/accidental un-schooling kind of led to gaps in knowledge around things i didn't NEED to know to live day to day life (I didn't NEED to know the months or days until I went to public school. before that, I'd just ask mom what day it was, or else just go along with whatever she said we were doing that day)
BUT on the flip side! It also led to me and my siblings basically developing highly practiced skill sets based on our personal interests. and also kept our desire to learn relatively in tact, compared to kids who had the curiosity to learn beaten out of them in middle school with mind numbing homework hahafsdfadf.
OK SO I've clearly gotten away from your original question, anon, apologies but this sparked something in me and i HAD to ramble about my theories.
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So i found this channel called "dad how do i" and I've been enjoying it so much and i thought of yet another texas headcanon of him just watching the channel simply to help with the daddy issues, he usually knows how to do stuff he shows in tutorials but maybe he'd learn better ways to do things.
(which if you wanted to believe my headcanon of him having been homeschooled and educationally neglected, he might've not known how to do things the better way because he taught himself how to do a lot of stuff)
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monratarot · 11 days
Hi Moni! I'd like to please take part in your free readings.
My question is why does my friend group tend to push me away when we are all together.
My initials are C.A, my birthday is December 8th 2004. An event that happened in the past month is that I have been dealing with feeling energetically low, always tired and always lonely... It's actually super draining in all aspects of my life like socially, emotionally, educationally and physically.
Hello, dear @plutoasteroids! Thank you for your request. Hope that my reading will help you and bring clearance to your situation. 
Feedback is very much appreciated and if you consider tipping me, you can do so on my ☕️ko-fi.
Count of questions/requests and answers 10/15.
Without wasting any time, let's get into your reading!🎀💌💓
The cards indicate that you are giving up your time for another person(your friends) and that you want to spend valuable time with them but this makes you feel neglected. I can see that you will receive some gifts, or your financial circumstances will improve. This can be a reason why your friends tend to push you away because you are blessed with some stuff that they don't have in their life. Maybe you are the type of person who likes to exchange small gifts of appreciation to your circle of friends and this is frustrating them. They don't know how to appreciate what you are doing for them and they can also be jealous of you.
Also, you can be a lucky person who can have an easy life and this can irritate them. They are frustrated with everything you do and I think that they don't want you to evolve or grow. The good part is that you are way ahead of them and also better than them. You are like a threat to them. Because of this situation, you can deal with some migraine and intense pain. 
You need to know that soon you will be forced to decide on this situation because you cannot continue like this. You feel vulnerable and confused but soon you will be illuminated and make a change. This change will happen because it's inevitable and due to forces that aren't in your control.
If you want advice from me I think now is the time to change the people that you have close to you because they don't want what is beneficial for you. All this response you are getting from them is like a blessing because the influence is not beneficial for you. Don't see this change as a bad thing, this detachment from them will force you to find something better for you, a better circle of friends that will support and understand you. 
Angel message: You are reminded that your essence is divine so let no one diminish you. When you feel serene and at peace you are powerful, for no one can upset or influence you. Your angel guidance is to find your still, quiet center, then heal your anger, purify your emotions, rely on your judgment, and take your decisions. The power is based on inner strength, self-worth, and confidence. 
Affirmation: I am serene, powerful, and confident. 
Wish you only the best!🍀
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pipcoded · 1 month
sometimes i wonder what my life would’ve been like if i wasn’t autistic and severely mentally ill and poor and disabled and i wasn’t abused and educationally neglected for my whole life, and i feel pretty sad abt it
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carolinalaurel · 4 months
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currently reading:
Wavewalker, by Suzanne Heywood
I was interested in reading this book because it describes a girl who grew up being homeschooled on a sailboat as her family traveled the world, and how she came to realize that lead her to be socially and educationally neglected. My cousin grew up in a similar situation, and she really enjoyed her childhood and grew up to live on a sailboat as an adult, so I thought, well, let’s see the other side.
And idk, I’ve concluded that Suzanne’s parents were the some of the biggest sociopaths alive. I had to go back and re-read almost every section where her parents speak to her, totally baffled that these people would talk to their daughter like she was somehow robbing them by wanting to have a high school education. Even telling my best friend about it, I had to go back and check sections. I just couldn’t believe that was what they’d said.
This book is an incredibly inspiring tale of a young woman’s struggle to leave her abusive parents’ control while trapped on a sailboat with them regularly putting her life at risk. The devotion to education she showed, how her degree put her out of their reach- I finished it and immediately went to go finish all my grad school applications.
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baphometboots · 6 months
me, 90% of my waking hours; i have struggles with literacy all my life due to having been educationally neglected as a child i must do what i can to understand the words i see me when im sleapy; im just a silly lil puppy ! i shouldnt need reading comprehensoins :3 baps keyboard with my paws and accidentally recreates the iliad in perfect klingon
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lwmessiah · 9 months
Readerly Exploration #1
September 3, 2023
Cambourne (1995) "Toward an Educationally Relevant Theory of Literacy Learning"
Britsch & Meier (1999) "Building a Literacy Community: The Role of Literacy and Social Practice in Early Childhood Programs"
Creating an authentic literacy experience is very important in a child's education.
Britsch & Meier
Literacy ownership and inclusion practices of literacy
Finding that children are more apt or open to learning from an educator that they like or enjoy being around. This helps reduce stress/anxiety in the child.
Britsch & Meier
I read a disheartening quote that lay heavily on my mind throughout the reading and creating this blog. The quote was from a teacher who said "Independence is not a big deal because a lot of them have been pretty much on their own for a long time now" (Britsch & Meier, 1999, p. 210). This rested heavily because of the thought of a child being so neglected that it is normalized in the school.
My Readerly Exploration:
For my exploration, I chose to deep dive into the authors Britsch & Meier. Susan J. Britsch is a literacy expert at Purdue University. As an Associate professor for literacy and language education. She is involved in many top research articles such as 'But What Did They Learn?' Clearing Third Spaces in Virtual Dialogues with Children", "The Role of Children's Journals in Elementary School Science Activities", and many more. Daniel Meier works at the San Francisco State University as a decorated professor. He has an expertise in Early Childhood Education. Researched many scholarly projects and either aided in the writing or wrote himself. Researching these two decorated authors in the field of Early Childhood Education helped me understand the time and care put forth in their work. They provided well-researched documents creating respect and a thorough resource for many educators.
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chicago-geniza · 1 year
This fanfic author who wrote the only good story for a webcomic I read about the autistic paleontology-obsessed girl who is often mistaken for a 12-year-old child and her educationally neglected, homeschooled, golden retriever Exvangelical polisci-grifter gf whose father was murdered...also wrote what seems to be a superbly-reviewed Vicar of Dibley femslash fic about Alice and Geraldine and it's like.
They know me in the 5th grade. How
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jerek · 1 year
VERY IMPORTANT SHOULD I OR SHOULD I NOT MAKE A PROFILE ON SOME FUCKING APP SAYING "21 y/o dyke with exceptions, most i've ever done is kiss, severely educationally neglected and can't drive. if you look like you had to stop playing WoW for the kids and you're willing to be my actual substitute father like Adults Adopting Adults... hit me up o warchief my warchief"
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nerves-nebula · 2 years
That made sense! Sounds like Philip cares about indoctrinating them young but also like, he got all the other adults without that childhood indoctrination so he's probably confident enough to believe that it wouldn't matter tooooo much if one or two things slip through, he has more important things to plan (?)
I imagine in that environment the only reason why Hunter doesn't get toooooo educationally screwed (said loosely, because you know the whole cult thing) is because he likes to research things himself.
Also oof, educational neglect sounds pretty rough, I hope that you've been able to recover/aren't in too bad a situation anymore! You deserve a good life :)
Yeah I'm imagining a lot of the cult lives together in groups, or at least close by for a sense of community & trust. So as long as Philip can drop by or call them to a meeting spot, it's not a huge deal to him what they're taught. so long as it doesn't break any of the NUMEROUS STRICT rules he has :)
And yah you got it one, Hunters just a little nerd like that.
AS FOR my personal education neglect... eeeeeehhhhhhhh its fine. me and my siblings kind of just taught ourselves stuff. My dad harps a lot about how we're so smARt cause we taught ourselves a bunch of cool talents. But we really only knew how to do stuff we needed to know how to do, or stuff we cared about. which isn't TOO bad tbh (I think my parents accidentally unschooled us or something, which is cool)
BUT to be clear: When I was 13 I knew how to do all kinds of digital art, but I didn't know the order of the days of the week or the names/order of all 12 months. I learned once I went to school and had to keep track of that sort of thing.
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