#i was legit in the bathroom when this scene popped into my head so i had to just try and remember all of it until I could write it
iguessigotta · 10 months
*shakes bag of kibble* COME GET Y'ALL'S FOOD Cahara x gn!reader warnings: injury mention other than that it's just some bittersweet fluff 💜
“S-sorry, I’m just…” you said softly, voice shaking as you let the sentence hang unfinished in the air.
Scared, Cahara knew. He understood why – these dungeons would be terrifying enough empty – too many sleepless nights (days? It was hard to tell now) spent running from hulking guards and things that looked human but refused to die even after their heads were cut off. It would wear anyone out.
You’d held out this entire time, moving ever forward using nothing but pure willpower to continue. It reminded him of the flowers he’d seen back home, growing through stone paths and buildings. A slow but unstoppable force from each flower, each leaf, adding to the pressure that would eventually crack those stones in half. You were strong – powerful – in your own quiet way, Cahara knew that. Admired it. Unfortunately….even as tough as you were, you weren’t built to endure this place. No one was.
“I know,” he said with a sad smile, extending his arm to you, “C’mere.”
Cahara barely had time to blink before you’d launched yourself into his lap, trembling arms wrapped around him as tight as they could go. He froze for a moment; startled by how quickly you’d moved (he sometimes forgot you could be so fast) his arms finally coming up to pull you in closer.
He hummed softly to you a while, a song from when he was young, lightly rocking the both of you as you tried to relax in what he hoped was a safe room. The two of you had gotten separated from Ragnvaldr and Enki one, no, two a few days ago and had been running since. You were visibly exhausted and Cahara worried you wouldn’t be able to run much longer.
With any luck, one of them would spot one of the markings Cahara had left around the dungeons, coded messages meant to guide them to one hiding place or another. Hopefully they’d find the right one. He huffed a quiet laugh into your hair as he pictured Enki angrily decoding each message they find, spurring Ragnvaldr onward so he could scold the two of you for getting so lost. That was one angry rant he’d be happy to listen to, he decided, as long as it meant you were all back together.
Cahara hugged you a little tighter, relieved that you seemed to be getting some rest. He tried - and failed - to stop his wince as he adjusted the bandages covering the mangled, bloody stump of his right wrist, one simple phrase repeating in his head.
“I’m scared too”
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steve0discusses · 3 years
S5 Ep6: Joey Wheeler is on Fire, Yet Again
Came down with a little sickness-not the biggie, just a little sly guy. But I took some meds, I’m a little floaty, I’ve only been listening to baroque music all morning for some reason? And I hate baroque music usually? But I’ll leave it to bro to tell me if this is fluid enough.
Just so you know, these caps were kind of a hot mess for a while and some of them read like that Garfield in of hot eat the food comic until...today. So pls don’t judge me, Judge my damn DMV where no one was following Covid regulations because I’m pretty sure that’s where I got this damn cold.
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We start off with Roland getting more attention than he ever has in his entire life. Like honestly, I don’t know what Roland’s job really is...but he’s got a very diverse set of very useless skills. One of which, is knowing how to announce sports games that aren’t really a sport, while those games he’s announcing slowly fall into chaos.
Anyway, Roland’s taking so long cherishing his sweet time before everything goes to hell, that he’s boring Joey, who’s kinda turned into a ball of stress in the waiting room.
A lot of this episode is us watching them watching Joey having a break down moment by moment, TBH.
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(read more under the cut)
Yugi telling Joey to study his cards and straight up--what?
Like at this point they know what’s on the cards, right? Like there comes a point where even Yugioh cards have a finite amount of words and I’m just going to assume that like...Joey probably knows them all in his own deck, right?
(bro note: they have no limit on what they will put on a card)
Then again, maybe Yugi doesn’t know what “study” means?
Also, appreciate how some artist crosshatched the hell on Joey’s nose there and I zoomed out and ruined it.
Now for some reason every duelist is hanging out in the duel lodge, including our current arch-villain guy who’s brought a book. I want to know what book this guy even reads so no one could suspect he’s actually a hacker who uses computers. He’s reading romance, right? And I don’t think he’d even be into Twilight, I think he’s straight up into hard core Mom romance like a lame ass Nicholas Sparks over there reading “Dear John” for the millionth time because he is completely un-phased by anything else happening in this room.
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Joey, our hero, just out there being an asshole for no reason.
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After Tea is pushed into a locker or something screaming about her need for female friends (which she screamed in earshot of Rebecca again, who I figured was on friends terms with her after last episode...but I guess not) Leon hops up to remind us that we should be caring about the fact that his character exists.
And like, I love Leon’s hair color--that’s a good choice, and legit that is the color I tried to dye my hair at the beginning of the epidemic (it didn’t work PS, my hair cannot take dye for the life of it) but also like...he just kinda feels like a weak Rebecca as far as characters go. He’s young, he’s good at cards...I think he goes to a private school? That’s all I can think of about Leon.
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He mostly just reminds us that the big prize of this tourney is to duel Yugi, who anyone could have dueled at any point even without the tournament.
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On the way out of the...duel room? lounge? Area? Joey decides to like...make peace with Zigfried, and I gotta tell you, I kinda have to side with Zigfried, because Joey spent the last ten minutes being a freak in the dressing room/lounge/bathroom and at one point looked like he was going to hold the entire locker room in a stranglehold.
I would also want some space from Joey Wheeler, is what I’m saying.
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After insulting Joey’s style (which honestly, Joey...has a style? He pops his collar, that’s his entire style.) Zigfried assures us that Joey’s gonna lose and like...
...probably, right? Just looking at the plausible direction this season will go.
Anyway, Joey is such a mess (which is the theme of the episode, that Joey needs to learn to chill in order to win at card games) that Rebecca is like “I understand if all of you leave me to go help our poor baby Joey.” And no one felt bad for her.
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Mokuba comes over to tell everyone all of the Kaiba family secrets because Mokuba has no filter.
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Seto has devoted himself to staring at a computer screen for the rest of this episode. I guess he’ll put their names into Google, realize that social media hasn’t been invented yet, and then just lie his head down on the desk and take a power nap until the tournament is over. Much like I did after taking Dayquil this afternoon.
I like how Seto dressed for success and then locked himself in the server room for most of this arc so far. Maybe he’s just...really tired, I dunno. I don’t really blame the guy, he’s had a hard time.
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And we had a weird scene where Yugi just started talking to the ghost and it was while he was talking to everyone else, and the show didn’t treat it like that’s a weird thing to do...but it was a weird thing to do.
This show does that sometimes, where I guess they imply that Yugi’s Pharaoh conversations are split second conversations but...they’re not, right?
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Also this chick ain’t gone yet, and Mokuba is just failing at his entire job for not zeroing in on vibes coming off this chick like stinky cheeseman.
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So listen.
Did the Kaibas make like 3 types of Blue Eyes Caboose to one up Noah? Because Noah made one choo choo dragon, and then Mokuba and Seto were like “how dare” and then made sure that everyone ride every single version of the blue eyes caboose just to see how proud of them they were.
How many months of troubleshooting was the train? Like how long in development did Seto and Mokuba spend on these? A lot right? Like most of the time?
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I did not check the subs to see if Roland said Jumping or Champion but I like to believe that Roland thought it was a cool new name he gave him.
Then these guys all showed up.
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Hey so...can we talk seating arrangements?
Tea decided not to sit next to Yugi after complaining about not spending time with him for like how many episodes? Or was it too awkward to sit on top of what was probably Pharaoh?
Or did Mokuba go like “please, Tea, I cannot sit next to the others because I’m pretty sure one is a mole that is about to go cray” and was Tea like “Good, I need female friends, these ones are driving me crazy!” and then was Mokuba like peering desperately over the edge of his self made dragon train prison realizing he has to listen to Tea complain about boys for the rest of his ride across molten lava?
Headcanons abound about this weird seating arrangement that the animators drew for the reasons they did...but reasons I cannot fully understand. That and the Dayquil is making me overfixate on random stuff.
And also, Tea is kind of the Kaiba’s security’s understudy. Just there to always protect Mokuba with her ass because she’s the strongest woman alive.
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PS I missed the tumblr wars because at the time I was trying to like...run a proper business on blogger. When Blogger died and I jumped over here it was like a weird ruin where everyone was like “tumblr is the most toxic place alive” and...I’ve had a really nice time here, actually. Completely missed that civil war period and I have no regrets.
Now I was there for the Petz wars (warz, I guess) where people were very militant about Petz abuse (abuze?) where apparently people were using the spray bottle on their catz too much and people were very, very upset about it to the point that they were like campaigning about it on their angelfire websites with the most bizarre grassroots campaigns that I still recall, to this day because they were like...well they looked like this:
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PLAPA. Not only am I 100% positive that only this one guy ever called this movement PLAPA, but I’m 100% positive that not only are Catz not real people, but also this wasn’t actually happening and we never had any proof that it was. Either way, if people knew or suspected that you hadn’t deleted the spray bottle from your game (which at the time I had no idea how to do because I was a wee child) they would basically assume you were on a one way road to being a mass murderer in real life.
In real life we were 7 years old so like...thanks?
But that’s the closest I got to toxicity and at the time I was too young to make an email account and actually converse with these people. I was just there to download their Petz hexes, and I already made a post about how wonderful and incredible Petz Hexing was.
And y’all, I heard, just now after a little deep dive into the Petz Abuse debacle (which yes, is on the wiki), that apparently, like gardening, Petz Hexing came back in a big way during the epidemic--and I have found an active Petz forum in this the year 2021. The only problem is that I no longer remember how to use old timey forums...and I think I’m locked out of seeing most of these threads (and like this forum is so old I think I have to send them a letter in the physical mail to apply). But, I’m pretty sure they’re hosting a picture contest for who’s dogz poses the best. And I’m pretty sure someone created a hexxed Pickle Rick. Or it’s a photoshop that was made to look like a hexxed Pickle Rick.
Dammit why did it have to be Pickle Rick? That’s not worth re-installing Petz and getting it to run on Windows 10...
Guys is this the Dayquil? Is this really happening? I feel like I’m losing my mind for so many reasons...
Anyway, speaking about useless hexing it’s about time that our villain did something that was actually dangerous, so Zigfried decided to install a new virus that does more than turn off the lights. (it still turns off lights)
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the Spreadsheet Virus!
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Confounded by the spreadsheet software, it...um...it does this:
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Straight up how does Excel make a volcano erupt? Is that why I have to pay for Microsoft office now?
All this because Joey made fun of Zigfried’s naturally pink hair? Which is the most normal hair on this series outside of like...Tristan?
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Hey guys...Joey’s fine, right? Like how many times has Joey been on fire? And once in an iron cage next to like...a Fire Golem?
Joey’s fine.
MAN I miss Fire Golem. He had a good mug.
And then we just kinda watch chaos go across the park, chaos that includes: Too many ghosts in the haunted mansion (which honestly--you’ll get your money’s worth, sounds great!), the Ferris wheel goes kinda fast and thus might accidentally be fun, the lights turn off at some concert stage that only had 2 people on it (so it might just be motion detector lights and not even a virus), and um...literal fire and magma are going to set Joey Wheeler on fire.
Just...one of these events does not seem like the others. In fact most of these things sound like good improvements to the park and they should just hire Zigfried at this point.
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Roland puts down his microphone and jogs across the stage, about a mile through the audience bleachers, and into the staff lounge, to go and bother Seto Kaiba, who is in a room that has a hi-def classical painting copy-pasted on the wall and I can’t look away from it.
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I almost did a Google search on this painting but then thought better about it. There’s like...a billion classical paintings that look exactly like this, and they wouldn’t use like a Monet, they would have to do something that’s harder to catch to avoid copyright issues (because yes, even old ass paintings have copyright issues, but no one tell NFT’s which are going to be so freakin screwed and was such a bad idea, that I can’t even start).
Anyway, I have no idea who it is and it is legitimately driving me up a wall, but I’m on too much meds to do the effort of putting it in a reverse google image search.
Plus, a reverse google image search would only pull up Seto Kaiba.
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So Kaiba takes us on a little flashback to his weird ass past, a weird ass past that just...doesn’t follow any of the established timelines, but I assume was shortly after adoption but before Seto got into a phase where he wore his school outfit everywhere and tried to shove his MMO off onto his Dad as a business model.
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Seto is like 8 for some reason. I don’t know why, they kinda drew him younger this season anyway, like maybe they got a lot of fan mail and realized “Hey I think we made the 16 yo boy too sexy?” And they just toned Seto the hell down. That, and it’s a different animation team, and maybe they looked at Seto’s character design and were like “we don’t get paid enough to draw this well.” So...since Seto actually looks like a teen again, I guess his 12 year old self has to look like he’s in Elementary school.
Also, I only recognized this, because at some point in S3 as I was roasting Noah Kaiba’s weird fashion:
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I remember distinctly roasting that little bow tie. I don’t remember when I wrote it, I think there was a version of this outfit that was in color...but I don’t remember where.
Anyway, it’s not the same jacket...but man that’s kind of awkward, ya? Like the maid who dressed Mokuba deffo got fired?
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He um.
Turned the lights off a little bit.
Guys this villain is like...
...why does he think lights are scary? Like look at little Seto here. The boy is already bored. Seto duels on the edges of cliffs...he doesn’t care about the freakin dark.
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We had a guy who killed everyone on the planet last season, and this season we have a little fashion gremlin standing in the corner and flicking the light switch going  “wooooo you never catch me!” and it’s like...
...I’m starting to think this guy isn’t a witch.
Like we’re at Episode 6, there’s still time for this guy to be a witch...but I really am starting to think this guy is just...straight up not a witch. It’s everything Seto wanted, a rival who isn’t a freakin magic person...and sets Joey only fake on fire instead literally on fire like last time...
and Seto is just completely unhinged by it.
Anyway, I’m off to go drink a bowl of soup and pass out. If you’re new here, this is a link to read these in chrono order.
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May I request h/c's (separately) of yandere Abbaccio, Narancia, Melone and Joleyne who stalk this random citizen and start to take a liking to them but their victi- dArling legit doesn't give a shit and when they see them stalking them and are just like "oh it's that weirdo again" or "I'm aware that you're in my house, just don't eat my snacks". Thank you for your time and sorry if it's too specific lol -⌖
Yandere! Melone
Pay him mind or not this man can’t take a hint (or at least refuses to), and your lack of caring whether Melone comes or goes just makes things worse.  
He sees your indifference as an open invitation, the man will often pop up wherever you go out to eat at often if he gets the gist of your schedule. Often makes sure you sit right across from him and of course he already ordered what you usually ask for.
Will make some rather lewd comments when it’s just you and him, and he’s rather persistent in how good you’d look in certain clothing. There’s some touching your arms, like poking and prodding type deal as he describes the fabric and how heavenly it would likely feel on your skin.
Honestly the more he does to you, there’s a good chance you might get used to his unbelievable dense nonsense in trying to woo you. Which is fine for him he loves a game of pursuit.
Most people would think one would get bored of somebody after their lack of caring, in Melone’s case he just becomes emboldened. As he tries to push something that isn’t there. It’ll become pretty obvious when he starts buying you things couples would for each other.
Even with his lack of sense in properly romancing someone, he can be fairly observant of your body language if you allow him to be around that much. He has a copy of the key to your house too at that point, it’s pretty much open season for the man with invasiveness.
Doesn’t hesitate to sit close to you while you’re watching something, nothing too dramatic surprisingly other then yours and his thighs touching. Though he finds other ways to inexplicably invade your personal space.
Insistently wants to feed you whatever desserts he decides to buy or make for you. He’ll even bargain to leave you alone for a small amount of time in exchange. A worthy trade in his mind for he sees you more than any kind of friend or acquaintance.
Yandere! Jolyne Kujo
This woman is passionate as can be and certainly won’t betray you in any capacity. She sees her stalking as extra measures to protect you in a way you might not understand. It does make her laugh a bit whenever you simply tell her to not eat your snacks whenever she crashes around your place.
Overall though she definitely wants to avoid aloofness as much as possible, Jolyne already had a hard time with Jotaro and how distant he was with her. And not knowing the reason for the longest time didn’t help either. So she seeks to bond and maybe make something more out of being around you.
She gets pretty friendly, she might twirl some of your hair around her finger and let it slide down while talking to you. Or she sits on your counter right in front of you depending what mood she’s in.
Her particular thing is getting in close quarters with you in some capacity. Maybe you’re getting ready in the bathroom, she’ll quickly be ready there for you to help prepare for the day ahead.
Shopping is another way she decidedly gets time with you, she knows plenty about shampoo and body soap whether it be for men or women. Lipstick? Panties, boxers, dress shirts or dresses, she seems to delve into picking something you like quickly. Everytime you happen to go with her recommendation Jolyne beams with pride.
Often you’ll find her laying on your bed whenever you get home, asking how your day was. As if she didn’t happen to break into your house with little or no warning. The way her eyes look at you almost expecting and begging makes it difficult not to answer. Even if you don’t at first however she finds a way to coax a conversation out of you.
She loves resting her head on your shoulder or putting her arms around your waist. If she can’t do either of those she’s usually trying to intertwine your hand with her own.
The young woman also isn’t hesitant in leaving you some rather passionate letters. It might be with a small gift or something or it’s placed somewhere in your room if she has to do other things.
Yandere! Narancia Ghirga
This teen is practically a lost puppy, he seems to try and seek your approval for some reason. Even though you probably didn’t do much to warrant such admiration. He just saw you as someone to do something with when no one else could before drowning in an obsessive search.
He asks you an abundant amount of random questions just to get you to keep your mind on him. He gets pretty pissy at whoever decides to barge in and interrupt your conversation even if such a thing didn’t happen.
Narancia doesn’t mind hanging outside your place for a couple hours if you’re not home. He just kind of hovers around the place, looking for a sign of a vehicle you ride or drive in or seeing you in the distance if you walked. It gets people talking but he quickly dissuades that gossip with quite a few sharp tongued insults.
Peaks in your windows several times as well, occasionally he does get paranoid that you’re inside but are refusing to let him in. But after a little while he might realize you’re actually out and pace around your property once more.
If he happens to see you out on the streets of Naples, there’s no doubt he’d run toward you to greet you. Or he’ll usually browse somewhere to get you something he believes you might like.
There are times that he’s thoughtlessly in your kitchen looking for something to munch on. But it’s not like you mind right? Honestly he might restock some or your groceries just to be somewhat helpful. it’s likely just to help see him in a positive light even if he did pick the lock to your door to get in. It’s the thought that counts in his head
Yandere! Leone Abbacchio 
Abbacchio is finicky with his deep interest with you, it most likely came after some sort of favor you did for him. Even just a quick check on his well-being helped a bit. So he ends up tailing you every time you walk home from work. If you go home any different way he tries to find out how. You’ll usually be questioned of course. 
Whether you say much to him doesn’t matter as Abbacchio simply wants to drink in your presence. Just the way you confidently hold yourself up through your life keeps him going.
Though this doesn’t mean he will keep space with everything you do, often the man will do his best to separate you from those he doesn’t approve of. Even if he has to use underhanded means to do so.
Often replays moments in recent conversation that you have been in to himself. Occasionally Abbacchio acts like you’re saying these things to him. 
The man internalizes your aloof behavior, and consistently thinks about how you should look at him. What things do you not tell him? What have you said that had been out of his hearing? He didn’t deserve answers but his obsessive nature tediously gnaws at him. 
When he gets brazen in his jealousy he doesn’t hesitate to just take you away from the situation that you were involved in. And honestly he would likely end up locking you in your own room given enough time to set up locks while you were gone. Sure you may have not cared about that particular scene but he did. 
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darawonplease · 4 years
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✵ ch.3 – blackout.
「 ☽ Ian's POV」
「 Ian, you’ve hid in your apartment for a week now, are  you alright?」
「 Dude, we need you at the studio」
「 I’ll get your lazy ass myself, I fucking swear」
I scrolled through the DPR group chat out of pure boredom, nothing more.
“450 missed messages, huh?”.
Quite a rare scenario, I was the person who usually spammed nonstop in our group chat, bothering the others.
I threw the phone over the coffee table in front of the leather couch where my body was laying, restless, completely drained. Like a stalled car I was stuck there, my limbs dangling down, almost touching the ground.
The sun splashing into a bundle of warm colors was a view I enjoyed quite a lot from my living room’s large windows. I almost refused to acknowledge how stunning that was just to keep lurking in the darkness, tucked away from any worry.
Defeat left such a bitter taste in my mouth. Our label was going through some rough times and I had abandoned the ship and retired in the comfort of my home for the time being.
I had felt strange ever since Chaerin left for LA. An eerie feeling stalked me each and every step I took, not allowing me any peace.
I looked over my shoulder, my home was completely trashed. Plastic bottles and takeaway boxes were scattered on the floor, my bed undone, all of the surfaces covered in dirty clothes, used glasses. A crack house would’ve been 10 times more hospitable than my apartment.
Maybe it was Chae’s sudden departure or maybe I was just exhausted by the useless amount of editing I did for some - now cancelled - DPR projects. A lethal mix of both certainly put me at my knees when it came to my psychological and physical health.
Overworking was my way to keep my mind busy and forcefully kick out any thought regarding her absence. It worked for a while until that day. The blackout.
I could sense a growing tension that took over me the moment I got into a fight with Dabin.
I couldn’t believe I had let myself get into those conditions. I was forced to contain my rage and melancholy inside the walls of my house; it was the only way to protect the people around me from my mood swings and irritability and, ultimately rest for a bit. I felt like shit.
With the last ounce of strength in me, I dragged my body over to the bathroom.
The mirror’s image told me that wasn’t me. That wasn’t Ian. Ian wouldn’t go into hiding in times of need. Ian wouldn’t get into violent fights. He wouldn’t disrespect his friends. That was the worst version of Ian. The scruffy looking hair, the unshaven face, the deep dark under eyes sitting under those dim eyes, the healing bruises on the cheek. I despised what I saw.
A deep voice started echoing in my head suddenly.
you’re pathetic.
fucking look at yourself.
you look like shit.
I firmly held my head between my hands, my brain felt like imploding in that instant. My hands started trembling out of control. I watched them twitch like crazy, completely powerless over them.
The more I tried to make up the details of my face in the reflection, the blurrier the vision in front of me became.
“Fuck… not again”.
I woke up, strangled by the warmth of my dirty sheets. The stank of cigarettes and whisky choke me, almost making me gag.
“I need to change these”. I immediately thought to myself as I shoved them away from my body.
That persistent headache finally ceased to bother me; its intensity was nothing compared to the one I had the night before.
I slowly turned my head to the right, the blinds cut through the sunlight, just letting a couple of rays penetrate in the dark room as the day was breaking in.
I followed one of the gleams until it hit on tan bare skin.  Someone was lying on the other side of my bed.
A woman with platinum hair cascading on her pale face was still fast asleep beside me.  
I flinched at the sight of her unfamiliar features and covered my mouth to prevent myself from waking her up.
“Who is this person?” - I thought to myself, as I panicked to get out of bed. I needed to wrap my head around what was happening.
I desperately tried to cling onto the blurry, fleeting memories that vanished in the distance the more I tried to recall them. That now familiar feeling of loss slowly ate away every bit of my sanity.
how did this person end up in my house?
and in my bedroom?
did we…?
I wasn’t one who would hook up with random people. I just wasn’t that type of person.
I was definitely too old for that stuff and yet- a naked woman I didn’t recognize was in my bed.
I just couldn’t resolve the mystery as to where I had possibly met her, I could swear I didn’t step out of my house all week for the fear of hurting someone else. No matter how hard I tried to put together the clues around me, the puzzle was missing too many pieces.
maybe she just walked to my place.
what if I downloaded a dating app?
I frantically looked for my phone under the pillows, the bedsheets, in the drawers of the nightstand. With my face squished against the cold floor I scanned under the bed only to find a pile of random clothes that I then started to go through.
There it was, buried under the mountain of dirty garments. I immediately searched for any dating app or messages on my phone to confirm my theory and prove myself I wasn’t actually crazy but to no avail. Of that sort of thing, not a trace.
“Good morning”.
The woman wrapped her arms around me and whispered in my ear with her raspy morning voice.
I froze in place, my mind going completely blank. Having that huge blackout of events didn’t give me any peace but It wasn’t the time to play detective. I had a complete stranger in my bedroom.
“G-good morning”. I forced myself to greet her with a confused smile.
She kneeled to get her stuff from the pile of clothes that stood up at my feet and started dressing up. I immediately turned around in shame at the sight of her naked body, my ears were burning red.
“Why are you so shy all of a sudden, oppa?”.
“Come on, don’t be shy oppa!”.
Chae gently pushed a bowl of rice towards the other side of the table, where I was sitting.
“Just eat to your heart’s content”. She flashed her usual bright smile.
“If I'll find myself at the hospital for food intoxication, I will make your name Chae”.
I pointed at the chef with the spoon in my hand and chuckled, I just loved teasing her.
“Don’t be ungrateful and just eat, will ya?”. She pretended to be offended, crossing her arms and such. It was so obvious that she was anxiously waiting for my critique.
Without further ado I picked a spoonful of fried rice and started munching with no particular expectations. Not because I expected her to be a bad cook, I just didn’t want to put my expectations too high only to be left disappointed.
An explosion of flavors mixed and popped in my mouth. The aroma brought me back to when I was a child and my mom used to cook me a simple fried rice dish before leaving to work. Chae’s cooking felt like home.
I slowly nodded my head in satisfaction and licked my lips.
“It’s… meh-…alright”. I teased her again.
“Alright?! Spit what you ate, this instant!”. Chae threatened me with the wooden spoon she just picked up from the table to hit me on the arm.
“CHAE, OUCH, IT HURTS” - I hurriedly took another spoonful and immediately stood up from my seat, fleeing toward the hallway of her apartment.
“COME BACK YOU IDIOT!”. She chuckled.
The annoyingly loud sound of the intercom made me snap back to reality.
“Hello? You okay? Someone is outside the door”.
The platinum-haired girl waved her hand in front of me to make sure I was listening to her, which I wasn’t until that moment.
I shook my head and sprinted towards the door.
“Come on man, don’t make me buzz for other 5 minutes”. I heard Scott’s stern, yet familiar voice.
I opened the door to find him and Cream on my doorstep, a dead-serious expression plastered on both of their faces. They made their way into my apartment before I could say anything.
“Wait guys I-“.
“Dude, you look like shit”, Cream exhorted, putting his hands at his sides.
Scott looked around my living room, his expression was distorted by a mix of disgust and disappointment as if he walked into a true crime scene.
“What’s up with this Ian? When did you start to smoke legit cigarettes?”.
“Me? You know I don’t smo-“.
He picked an ashtray stacked with cigarette butts from the coffee table and looked back at me with frustration.
“Where does that come from…?”, I muttered under my breath, surprised by the presence of that object in my home.
Cream carefully walked towards the kitchen, almost stumbling in some empty beer cans, “This is so depressing man”, He inspected the empty bottle of what looked like Jack Daniel’s on the messy kitchen counter.
“When did I drink that? Wait guys- “.
“Whoa Ian, are you not going to introduce us to your girl?”.
I widened my eyes at the sight of her; I had forgotten about the stranger in my bedroom for a hot minute.
 A drip of cold sweat dribbled down my forehead as I panicked to recall that person’s name; my mind could only crash into a blank wall.
I paused for an awful lot of time until she interrupted me.
“The nerve! How come you can’t even remember my name? After last night…You know what Mito? You’re a jerk”.
An explosion of pain spread in my left cheek as she slapped me. She then marched directly out of the door, showing me her middle finger as I held my face in agony.
“Man…”, Scott sighed, “I see you’ve been keeping yourself busy lately…”. He pushed aside the stuff occupying the seating surface of the couch and made space for himself.
“Did she just call you? Mito? Ian? Are you into role-playing?”, Cream asked letting out a small laugh.
“Into what?...”.
 “Nevermind”. He heaved a deep sigh and slowly walked towards me, avoiding the trash on the floor like an obstacle course.
I just kept silent. I couldn’t throw a fit again just because I was so burned that I had a complete blackout. I just couldn’t.
“We left you alone for just a week and you managed to turn your pretty apartment into a dumpster”.
“And the girl? You never told me about that pretty blonde girl, did you? Ian you rascal”. Cream grinned, with a proud smile.
“I- I met her recently I guess…”. I lied, not knowing how to justify myself.
Pushing onto his thighs for support, Scott stood up from his seat, “Ian… I know It’s not the best of times for us right now… but hang in there, okay? We’ll get on our feet soon, we do need you though”, He shook my shoulders to make sure I listened to him.
“Yeah sure…”. I just kept nodding.
“You still haven’t talked with Dabin, did you?”.
“I haven’t”. I looked down at the mess in the living room, attempting to avoid his inquisitorial gaze.
A raw and unfamiliar beat started playing out of the blue, interrupting Scott’s soon to be scolding.
“Look Scott, Ian actually worked on something”. He redirected his attention towards me with a satisfied smile on his lips.
Scott raised his eyebrow and looked over the laptop, “Have you?”, his eyes went back to me.
“This? No-”
The strained vocals on the track suddenly became an unsettling background to the messed-up scenario.
 Scott’s scrutinizing gaze felt like a heavy blanket over my body. I could sense the abrupt change of atmosphere, the growing distance between the two of us, the distrust.
“Well, that’s your voice Ian. If not you, who did?”, he smacked his lips.
Cream kept looking around my laptop, “This demo is very aggressive, it’s quite unlike you”, he exhorted.
“I like it, It has character, It’s something different from what you usually write”.
I dashed towards the computer to verify myself.
 「 maybeittookover.m4a」 
“It happened again huh…”. I murmured under my breath. That was the second time an unknown track appeared on my desktop out of the blue.
“Ian? Are you ok? You’re spacing out- like a lot”, Cream tilted his head at me, “Wait, are you high?”.
“N-no, I’m just really really really tired, that’s all…”.
Scott took a short trip to the bathroom only to throw a towel on my head.
“Wash up, we’re taking you to get a breath of fresh air”.
previous chapter. ✵  next chapter. ✵ masterlist
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Spill your heart out about Walter.
Okay so I basically got this question in what, January?? but I’m answering it now since I just rewatched the movie and have inspiration, sorry for the late reply Anon
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Okay so, to start off this post with some keyboard smashing because that my primary go-to for expressing my emotions
sgklhfsgjksdlgdghkjlgjhOHUFLUSKHDGSLIDRGKJGKFSDHGlhjglksdhkglshglllllfa. knjcthxiudhusmnvsoidhéytbvonjyxclkkvbr. haeylicfvshdkgikc
I could legit stare all day at his beautiful face… look at him. Enchanting sky blue eyes… fluffy, wavy brown hair, cute round cheeks, lovely smile… those hidden freckles that you can hardly spot and only in certain screenshots but nevertheless they’re there to raise the cuteness factor… ALSO HIS LASHES. MAYBE IT’S NATURAL?? MAYBE IT’S MAYBELLINE?? WE SHALL NEVER KNOW
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Here you may be able to spot the freckles if you squint hard enough. I have 77 screenshots but this is the best example I could find.
Secondly… well, he’s a sticc. A short sticc at that (though still slightly taller than me bc I’m smol), but a sticc regardless! And that seems to be the most attractive cartoon body type for me. Don’t judge me, I just have a thing for twinks, I’m… twinksexual or whatever.
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Look at him! He would fit through my doorcrack.
(Maaaybe the reason for me liking sticcs so much is partially the fact that I like the idea of a boyfriend I can protect and support, physically and emotionally. I’m mad at the universe for not letting me scoop him up in my arms bridal style and smooch the HECK outta him.)
I’ve encountered a few posts that claimed he’s got cake but, come on. That concept has canonically been proven to be false, even by Lance. This man is flat and you can pry this opinion off my cold, dead hands.
Speaking of hands! I like his big ol hands. Nice shape. They look soft. I wanna hold them.
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According to a DVD commentary, and the visual facts, he has no shoulders whatsoever. Back in Venice Killian was able to restrain him effortlessly with only one foot on his chest, even as he kept struggling ans squirming and generally put in as much effort as he possibly could. Before then, he claimed the database was the first thing he has ever caught in his life.
Conclusion, our boi’s very much NOT athletic. Which makes sense for a scientist, braining all day and stuff, and because he probably barely even eats, or sleeps which are by the way both pretty concerning implications but anyway.
STOP BEATING UP THIS POOR FRAGILE LAD FOR GOD’S SAKE. Makes me want to protect him even more. That’s not necessarily a bad thing, but you get what I mean.
Now, on to the actual reason I’m so head over heels for him, a.k.a his personality.
He is one of the sweetest, kindest, purest boy characters I have ever seen in fiction, if not THE number one himself. (All my other cinnamon roll crushes are, or have been a villain at some point and WILL resort to violence if provoked.) Look at him, his pacifism… is unbreakable. He’s dead set on making the world a better place, by peaceful ways, and helping humanity. If that’s not a quality to be cherished then IDK what is.
And he’s just such a refreshing character. He likes pink, K-dramas, glitter, kittens, things that aren’t traditionally “masculine” (but is never made fun of those things in particular in the movie) and I love that. Nothing’s sexier than a man who’s, despite society’s shitty standards, openly and unashamedly himself!
His femininity is, if anything, just another turn-on. (This didn’t intend to sound sexual… but oh well.) I love his little hand gestures and mannerisms, dorky ramblings, the way he says “yep” popping the “p” at the end, all the small yet significant traits that were incorporated into his character. Bless you, SiD creators, bless you.
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Have I said that he’s a genius?? Which is pretty obvious but c’mon, he graduated at 15!! He can modify human genes!! He successfully turned a man into a pigeon on the first try!! (The serum wasn’t the first prototype but we can assume he didn’t experiment on living humans with the previous ones.) And he’s still just 20!! Like what is that if not hella fucking impressive???!??
His inventions, to the untrained eye, may seem “stupid” or “childish” but alas! The observer couldn’t be more wrong! Because despite the odd designs and themes they’re all highly effective, as we have witnessed in the battle against Killian. And he is extremely creative for coming up with such ideas! Told you he’s brilliant!!
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Which makes me all the sadder about how much they underappreciated him at the agency. In his words, nobody ever listened to him, or gave him a chance. They just left him and his “weird” ideas next to the men’s bathroom and called it a day. How could they be so blind? Didn’t they see the potential in his inventions? Oh well. Maybe I’m just being a smartass bc I have more knowledge, living outside that universe. But I’m totally right.
And I was honestly ready to throw hands with Lance for hurting the boi even further. (I’d stand no chance whatsoever, but still.)
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Oh no baby please don’t cry.
He did cry in that scene though… you could see a tear rolling down his cheek and if it wasn’t for the machine beeping… He did have a pretty rough day afterall. But HEY, if we dwell on it too much the scene loses its comedic effect!! A guy gets sad over a stupid soap opera, har har har!! Now let’s move on, keep it fast and snappy for the kids, don’t let them overthink it!! Can’t have any emotional breakdowns onscreen. Keep it lighthearted y’know. Then let’s kill a random side character and have our dear protagonist almost die twice.
(Well jokes on you Blue Sky! I’m no kid, but a devoted fangirl who can and will overthink any material of my fictional faves at any given opportunity.)
You know what else I love about him though?? His love for animals!! And pigeons, especially Lovey!! He loves her so much, gives her gluten free breadcrumbs, nuzzles her, the first thing he does when he finds out Lance can talk to the pigeons is ask if she loves him too!! Like… That’s so pure and wholesome.
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This here. THIS RIGHT HERE. BROTP forever.
(Not gonna lie, I used to be crazy for pigeons for like, an entire year or something. Not as in looking up all the facts there are about pigeons as I do nowadays with cartoons, but I’d feed them regularly and write my little observations on their behaviors. Did you know they sometimes scratch their neck with their leggies like dogs do?)
I think I’ve summed up mostly everything I love about this nerd. Oh wait, almost forgot the sass!! I love how sassy and smug he can be sometimes, in like, a really harmless way but it’s still a very nice characteristic.
Since I’ve ran out of coherent things to say, here’s an incomplete list of things I want to do to Walter Beckett. Put at the end of this post so those of you who were only here for the analysis part and not the selfshippy gushing don’t have to read further:
kiss he
like seriously
just kiss he a whole lot
cover his whole face in kisses
one kiss for each of his freckles. a finishing kiss onto the tip of his nose. then repeat the cycle
hug him. hug him like the world is ending. hug him so tight he can barely breathe
then ofc let go and apologize bc I would never hurt him on purpose
cuddle him
hold him close, let him lay his head on my chest
run my fingers through his hair
listen to his breathing
discover that he’s fallen asleep on me and smile fondly, then soon drift off to sleep myself so we can wake up entangled in eachother the next morning
fuck he
pin him to a wall and snog he
make him go cherry red
fluster he
compliment him. praise him. appreciate him. he’s a prince, a hero, an angel, a wonderful human being and he needs to know this
feed pigeons together
listen to his scientific ramblings and bird facts
write him love letters and give them to him. maybe read it aloud myself if I’m feeling brave so I can see his reaction in real time
serenade he
be the love of his life, and have him be mine
just… soft things, man
cook something for this malnourished sticc
make him small handmade gifts
they’re nothing like his gadgets but I tried
draw he
have him be my muse in general
not like he isn’t now but it would be lovely if he was real too
carry him bridal style
be the feral cryptid that lurks in his house when he isn’t around
sing along to cheesy pop-song together really badly
watch cheesy rom coms
flirt with eachother clumsily until we’re both laughing at our awkwardness
or, alternatively, shower him with compliments until he literally cannot handle it
have sleepovers together
give him hand kisses
be of emotional support
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Behind The Marriage - Harry Styles Series (Part 23)
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Part 22
“You’re killing me, Harry,” Harry groaned at his stylist as they were doing his final fitting for his Met Gala outfit. “Just a little sneak peek is all I’m asking here.” 
“No can do,” he responded. “Your missus told me not to tell you anything about what we’ve chosen for her to wear.” 
“Then fucking show me!” He pointed out. “Telling and showing are two very different things.” 
“You know what I mean you fucker,” Harry laughed. “Now, stop moving before I poke you with this.” 
Harry rolled his eyes, “You know, you’re supposed to be my stylist...” 
“Yep, but ever since you married Y/N, what’s yours is her’s,” he smirked. 
“Can you at least give me a color?” Harry asked. 
“If it will make you shut the hell up about it, yes. I’ll give you a color. Black,” he said. 
“Well, that could be bloody anything,” he mumbled. “Is it going to form-fitting or loose?” 
“If you’re asking because you want to know if she’s going to try and hide her baby bump, the answer is both,” he said. 
“Excuse me?” Harry asked looking over at him. 
“Let’s just say we’ve designed something that’s sexy and also hides her bump, just a little. People will only catch it if they look close enough,” he said. 
He groaned, “Now, I wish you hadn’t told me all of that shit because it makes me want to know what she’s wearing even more.”
“That’s why you should have just waited,” he smirked. 
The Met Gala was a few days away, which meant you and Harry would be going to NYC soon. You were currently in LA, doing some work for a bit, but also to get a change of scenery. Your baby bump was starting to be a little more noticeable, but you could still hide it fairly well for a few more weeks at least. 
Knowing the Met Gala was something highly publicized and tons of photos would be taken prior and after the event, you knew the chance of your pregnancy getting out was huge. You and Harry still hadn’t really talked about when or how you would address it when the time came for the world to start noticing, so you weren’t quite sure how you would handle the Met. 
When it came to your outfit, you really wanted to make sure you felt your best and looked your best, but also not making it super obvious that you were pregnant. Which part of you felt a little ashamed of it because you were sure the majority of pregnant women couldn’t wait to show off their baby bumps. But your situation was also different from theirs. 
It’s not that you didn’t want the world to know you were pregnant, it’s just you knew what would happen or at least, what could happen, once the news broke. It would be featured on every news outlet and social media website. Fans would flood your mentions with either happy congrats, or something far worse. 
And you weren’t ready for that. 
Not, that you would ever really be ready for it, to be honest. 
But you wanted just a little more time for you and Harry to bask in the excitement of future parenthood with just you, your families, and close friends knowing. 
When Harry L approached you about if you wanted help finding something to wear, you quickly and happily jumped at the opportunity. You two met with some of the designers at Gucci and were able to design the perfect outfit. Not only did you feel absolutely beautiful in it, and that was without proper hair and makeup, but it also complemented Harry’s outfit well, however, it was still something of your own. 
You wanted to surprise Harry by not showing him or telling him about the outfit prior to the event. He was annoyed because he had shown you his outfit as soon as it was finalized. It was sort of cute how he was so desperate in finding even the smallest amount of clues, he had looked through your closet. 
As if you were actually keeping the outfit there. You also made Harry L and the people of Gucci to not utter a word to Harry about it. And as far as you knew they all kept their word. 
“Oh my god what are you two doing?” You groaned walking into the bathroom of your NYC hotel room. 
Harry L was standing there with your Harry sitting in a chair with a needle. 
“It was his idea!” Harry L defended. 
“You’re the one that suggested an earring for pierced ears,” Harry scoffed. 
“True, but I was leaning more for you getting it professionally done, not you sticking your own ear in the fucking bathroom,” Harry said. 
“Oh my god are you seriously watching the scene from the Parent Trap as your tutorial!” You shook your head. 
“Hey! It was the first thing that popped up on Youtube,” he shrugged. 
“You do realized there are probably like hundreds of legit professional piercers in the city, right? And you just like couldn’t go to one of them because?” You asked. 
“Not enough time. I’ve got the dinner tonight and the Met is tomorrow,” he said removing the ice from his ear. 
“I can’t watch this,” you mumbled. “And I swear if your ear gets infected because of this, I will severely hurt you Harrys.” 
“Hey! How did I get thrown into this, I’m not doing it,” Harry L said. 
“You’re in the fucking room with him and assisting his stupidity, so yes you are very much a part of it,” you said. “Now, excuse me while I go get ready like a normal fucking person.” 
Once you left, Harry L looked down at Harry, “Guess I should have locked the door, right?” 
You were putting on your earrings in your black velvet floor length dress with a sweetheart neckline. It was quite form-fitting, but the way it hung over your belly bump made it only noticeable when you stood to the side. Your hair was in a high ponytail with big curls that framed your face. 
When you looked in your mirror, you saw your husband staring at you. You turned around smoothing out your dress.
“What do you think?” you asked. 
He walked over to you, not saying a word, putting his hands on your hips. 
“You look fucking gorgeous,” he smiled. “And if tomorrow’s outfit is better than this, then the rest of us should just stay the fuck home.” 
You laughed, “I wouldn’t go that far,” you smiled. 
“I would,” he smirked. 
He placed his hand on your belly, “How are you feeling about this?” 
“The world is going to find out eventually,” you said. “I’m only going to get bigger and then we’re going to have  a baby tagging along with us.” 
“I know, but I want you to know I’m not going to let anything or anyone get near you and our baby,” he said. 
“I know, “ you smiled putting your hand on his cheek. “You do realize your ear is as red as your suit jacket, right?” 
“It’s fine,” he rolled his eyes. 
“Yeah, when pus starts oozing out, it’s not going to be,” you stated. 
“Well, it’s not going to do that because we were safe,” he smirked. 
“Pretty sure an at home piercing with a sewing needle is not safe,” you said. 
“Yeah, yeah, yeah, come on we’re going to be late,” he laughed. 
The Pre Met Gala dinner went great, even though it was pouring rain both on arrival and departure. You were a little uneasy being surrounded by different celebrities and those that were huge within the fashion industry. You most sat back letting Harry mingle around, which you didn’t mind because this was his event. You were super proud of him and you knew you would only be more proud the next evening. 
When you saw the pap photos of you and Harry, you couldn’t help, but smile. You felt and looked beautiful and couldn’t have been happier. You zoomed in on some of the photos to see if your bump was noticeable, and even though you knew it was there, you couldn’t really find it. You thanked Harry being at your side, the umbrellas being held, and the off lighting. 
The photos at the Met Gala, however, would really be put to the test. Especially since your outfit would be a little bit more daring than the previous night. You were currently getting your hair and makeup done in a different hotel room from Harry because you wanted to keep him waiting on your entire look. 
Once your hair and makeup was finished, it was time to get into your dress. The dress is technically a two piece, but appears as a full dress. The top  is an off the shoulder midnight black crop top with lace bell sleeves from the shoulder down. The same lace covers the skin of your belly and stops just at the top hem of your high waisted midnight black skirt with a slit up to your mid-thigh. 
There was a Robin’s Egg colored fabric on the underside of your skirt that matched your small backpack. Your shoes were black platform sandals that were much more comfortable than any pairs of heels, which you were super grateful for. 
Since your top left your neck bare, you were able to wear a massive, gaudy pearl choker with matching earrings. Your hair was up in a updo, with different strands of pearls, glitter, and matching pinks and robin’s egg strands braided in your hair. 
Your makeup was mostly simple, but you still had elements of glitter and color’s used in your eye makeup and lipstick. 
You texted Harry when you ready for him to come in and see you for the first time. You were nervous on what he would think and if it really fit the look the theme was asking for. Plus, you didn’t want him or  anyone else think you were trying too hard. 
As soon as you heard the knock on the door, you felt your stomach drop. Well, it was now or never. They opened the door for Harry, who was already wearing his black ensemble. 
“Where’s my missus?” He said eagerly. 
“Right here,” you said before walking out into the living area. 
“Holy shit!” he whispered. “Holy fucking shit.” 
“Um... is that a good thing?” you asked confused. 
“You look... wow.. bloody fucking wow,” he said. “I can’t... wow. You look I’m so fucking speechless right now, baby.” 
You smiled, “So I take it you like it?” 
“I do,” he smiled. “Do you like it?” 
“I love it,” you smiled. “When Harry told me you were going to wear lace, I asked about incorporating it with mine and we found a happy medium. And then when I found out what you were painting your nails... I was happy that I had already chosen that color for outfit.” 
“Well, we’re just two peas in a fashionable Camp pod,” he joked. 
“Please, tell me you did not just say that,” you giggled. 
“I did and I’m proud of it,” he smirked.
“So, are you going to go ahead of me?” You asked on the way. “I know the Co-chairs usually go first.”
“What? No, you’re going with me,” he said. “Yes, we go first, but you’re going to be with the while time. I’m not going to let you walk the carpet by yourself.” 
“Are you sure? This is your moment,” you said. 
“And you’re my wife, it may technically be my moment, but it’s also our moment,” he said. 
“I love you,” you smiled. “And I’m so proud of you.” 
“I love you, too,” he smiled. “Now, are we ready to do this?” 
“I’m ready if you are,” you smiled. 
You felt nervous the closer you approached the Pink carpet and the venue. Harry squeezed your hand in reassurance and you it was like your nervousness lessened. You could see and hear the camera’s flashing and the nearby fans screaming. It was a little overwhelming and you weren’t even on the carpet yet. 
When it was finally time to get onto the carpet and walk. Harry kissed your cheek before both of you walked out behind Alessandro. Everyone was shouting Harry’s name and the flashes of light were pretty blinding. But you were holding your own. 
When Harry was taking photos of just himself an with Alessandro, you were taking your own photos, which felt a little weird, but also pretty liberating. While you were perfectly fine being Harry’s wife or plus one for the night, it was nice to be able to stand out and show you were more than that. 
Halfway through the carpet, Harry wrapped his arm around you waist, “You okay?” He whispered into your ear. “We’re almost done.” 
“I’m perfect,” you smiled. 
The rest of the time, Harry never left your side only talking photos with you before walking off and standing where he needed to to greet the other guests. 
“You can on inside, love, and sit down. Harry’s in there and if you need me, let me know,” he said. 
You nodded kissing his cheek before heading inside. 
Once the Gala was over, it was time for the After Party. Harry kept asking you, if you felt up to going since it was so late, but you reassured him you and the baby were fine. You had changed into a more simple, colorful dress for the afterparty and spent your time dancing around and eating sandwiches was because baby was hungry. 
While you were shoving yet another sandwich in your mouth, thanks to Harry bringing an entire tray of them up to the DJ booth, you were started scrolling through social media looking for the photos from the carpet. 
So, far everyone loved your outfit and you were super happy about it. And then...  came the speculations of your baby bump... all ready. 
That didn’t take long. 
“I swear she looked fat or pregnant!” 
“I bet that’s why they got married” 
“She should have covered up more!” 
“Nothing is more Camp than wearing a fake baby bump to “prove” a pregnancy is going to be real.”
And of course, that meant articles were starting to appear as well. 
“Met Gala Co-Chair Harry Styles’ Wife Shows off possible baby bump on Pink Carpet.” 
“Could it be yet another former One Direction star is about to be a father?” 
“Life After One Direction Equals Fatherhood.”
“Harry Styles’ Wife Wore a Different Accessory at this year’s Met Gala. A Baby Bump.” 
You didn’t even click on them because you didn’t want them to gain views. You knew this would most likely happen, but you didn’t think it would be within only a few hours of the event. You didn’t want to show Harry the speculations or what was currently being said because you didn’t want to ruin his night. 
So, you simply put the phone away, grabbed another sandwich, and danced the rest of the night away with your husband before all hell broke loose the next day. 
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sierrabinondo · 5 years
woodland creatures - day 4 (orlando pt. 2)
was i excited to be on tour? yes. was i also super nervous about going on tour before leaving? also yes.
was i excited to go to disney springs? Y E S. was it the one thing i knew i could look forward to even if i sucked at every fucking show??? 
B I G  Y E S. 
my poor bandmates. i said the night before, “hey, i just realized, we never actually really discussed going to disney springs.” and they were like, “yeah.”
but! we went anyway!!! bless their hearts!!!
the morning after staying up and partying was rough. i had the NASTIEST hangover. my headache was so severe that i couldn’t even fall back asleep following 5 hours of rest. i popped some advil and tried to get a couple more hours in but it was impossible, so i just got up and showered. the guys brought back panera for lunch, and then once everyone was ready we were off to disney springs. i could tell everyone was worried it was gonna be lame, i felt it in the air lmao. i was also worried i was leading them to a miserable afternoon in the hot florida weather. but i figured if they hated it we could always leave.
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we pull up to disney springs and there is some semblance of what i remembered from the last time i was there but also a lot that i DID NOT recognize. the parking garages were definitely new. they had sensors over each parking spot that could indicate whether or not a car was in the spot, and it would update an LED screen outside the entrance with how many spots were available on each floor. i thought that was really cool. there were gardens on the sides of the garages too. we then go up some stairs and down an escalator to get in, and hooooly shit i was blown away. there was a brand new area that had a fountain and all of the shops looked reminiscent of spanish architecture. it was so beautiful. 
we got group pictures in front of the fountain, and then i decided to get a happy birthday pin from guest relations lmfao. i wanted to see if i could get any free shit by just waltzing around with a birthday pin on. i was unsuccessful but i had never been in or near disney on my birthday anyways so i just rolled with it. we started to the right and went to world of disney, marketplace co-op, the lego store and the pin trading shop. 
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i was completely overwhelmed by how big all of the stores were. there was so much cool shit. i really thought i would have an easy time abstaining from spending money, since my sister was literally just there and got me the one thing i wanted, but i did NOT. at world of disney i bought ANOTHER pair of minnie ears, the rose gold sparkly ones lmfao. not usually my style, but there weren’t any others i was crazy about. joe got a shirt and ryan bought some stuff for his girlfriend christina. i wanted clothes but i decided to wait to see if there might be better merchandise elsewhere.
we moved on to marketplace co-op and i immediately found a disney world long sleeve shirt i loved so i grabbed that. i alsoooo balled out and got a print of the most beautiful mulan painting i have ever seen. it was a depiction of one of my favorite parts in the movie, when she is singing reflection and chops off her fuckin hair, but in the garden instead of the shrine. that movie means very very much to me as an asian american!!! besides that i got emperor’s new groove patches later on in the afternoon and that was all i spent my money on. $138 later. yeesh.
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my friends eton and jeri who came to the show the night before wanted to meet up for food and drinks, so i walked over to frontera cucina. i thought maybe my bandmates might join us but they weren’t hungry and it was more of a sit down place, so we parted ways for an hour. i hadn’t seen eton and jeri since they moved down to orlando in january, holy shit. it was so good to hang out with them. we caught up and enjoyed some really good lunch. i ordered a gin and tonic that had a whole ass cucumber peel wrapped around the glass and pork belly tacos. i bugged out bad because eton wouldn’t let me pay nor could i get his venmo from jeremiah to cover my portion. it was so sweet of them to treat me. i met them through jeremiah, i always tell him how much i love his friends and how they’ve become my friends the more we all hang out together. it sucks our time was so damn brief but i’m just glad i got to see them.
after late lunch i met back up with everyone and we walked around a little longer, but i mistakenly let us stay a little later and lost track of time. it was just about time to start heading over to hail the sun. i felt really bad because people mentioned wanting to go swimming or take a nap and i effectively robbed everyone of any allotted leisure activity time by wanting to gallavant around more. i was definitely just as wiped as everyone, but i hadn’t been back to disney in forever. we hurried back to the van and drove back to kissimmee. 
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pulses. had been grilling and chillin at the airbnb all day, so they were ready for the gig when we got back. we got back just in time to leave when they did, like 15 minutes before. we both hopped in our respective vehicles and we were off. they always dropped snails in the tour chat and called us with snails ahead because we were slow with the van lmfao but it’s not MY FAULT the shit is SO HUGE damnit. i drove the van to the gig with josef, jaime and kris while ryan and santino stayed home. 
it’s interesting to go to a show in another state, it does feel pretty weird to go somewhere unfamiliar, but it really does feel the same as attending a show at home. people really are pretty much the same everywhere else, just different geographical locations and climates. the gig was really good but the venue was SO SMALL. too small. i like the soundbar but i might like it better if you didn’t have to wade your way through a crowd of swamp ass to get to the bathrooms alllll the way on the other side of the venue opposite of the entrance. plus, it got so packed that it was really difficult to be near the stage, let alone inside the building. for most of the show the 10 of us camped out in a really great spot near the bathrooms that wasn’t getting too much traffic and had its own bar so we stayed there.
we were at the show where sergio broke his headstock. i don’t think i’ve ever seen a show where sergio stands still the entire time, in the dozens of times i’ve seen him play. he was so close to that monitor/the ceiling but i didn’t suspect his guitar was going to break. i completely missed it because i was looking down at my phone (womp) but i heard everyone audibly gasp. that sucks dude. i think that was the only bummer the whole show though besides the heat and some sloppy drunks. pulses. are friends with zach garren so he was hanging out near us here and there throughout the night. daisy came to the gig so she came and found us, we hung out for a good portion of the show, too! it was a really good chance to talk more too after the gig the night before. she told us a lot about what the florida scene is like. we told her it’s infinitely better than the tri-state area LMAO. at least like, people show up to shows and STAY on a monday night which is insane. and then joseph arrington is a friend of ours so he said hi a couple times during the gig, afterwards him and i talked more when it was quieter. 
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it is one of the greatest honors in my entire life that joseph arrington sees me as a homie. writing this under the presumption he’s never gonna see this lmao, but i have to pinch myself sometimes. we’ve been friends since we played the last ALLB tour september 2017. i introduced myself and mentioned that we had opened for sianvar’s 2016 tour at webster hall and he actually remembered us. ryan also introduced himself as one of his patreon donors and they talked for like 45 minutes. that show he asked for a CD (and it was years in waiting our older album too yikes lol there’s bangers on there but it doesn’t sound like us anymore) and he messaged me later that night like, “we’re listening in the van right now, you’re a great singer”. we’ve hung out at gigs a couple more times, whether we played together or either ryan or i went to go see him play. the fact he considers us peers is one of the most validating things i have. i’ve learned a lot of helpful insight from him. i have tremendous respect for him and couldn’t be more grateful that he actually likes us as musicians and as people. 
all of the bands of course were awesome, i couldn’t stand the heat enough to be inside for every single hail the sun song but i caught most of their set. it’s pretty insane to see them blow up like they have. they deserve it. and i think donovan is one of the best vocalists i’ve ever heard. that whole camp of blue swan musicians are just so talented. 
josef, jaime and kris graciously waited outside for me to finish talking to joe arrington, and during that time josef actually caught will swan outside. he said he had the chance to tell will swan deathstar is the reason he plays music and it made him very happy to do so. it had happened like a little bit before i came back outside. we then got lost trying to find the van and hilariously passed the actual entrance to the parking garage like 3 times. it was literally across the street and i led them around the block twice. 
we went back to the airbnb for one more swim and we almost had another super late night legit just talking to pulses. kris sat outside editing photos while some of the guys swam, some of us just sat with our feet in the pool. when we got back ryan and santino had been sleeping and i think i maybe saw santino get up once to go to the bathroom. i did really want to go to sleep but ughhhhh i also thought to myself, i can sleep when i get home from tour. i get really bad FOMO every day of my life. so we stayed up and we talked about all things dance gavin dance, blue swan, our local scene, and bein in a band. it’s insane how alike we all are in our way of thinking. i also find it hard to open up to other bands though because it seems like no one else sees playing music and trying to grow a band the way we do. i just wanted to eat up any time i could bonding with pulses., taylor and tyler. thankfully we weren’t up until 4 am again but legit any time up spending time with all of my friends was worth it.
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fanfictionslut · 6 years
The New Kid // Jason Dean
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The day is the same as usual, wake up at six, shower and get dressed then leave at seven to catch carpool with Heather and Heather. Nothing new or exciting, the same numb feeling in my body. It never leaves, at least it never leaves when I take my medicine. I'm fine without it but my mother keeps making take it. Dad leaving because of me made her think forcing pills down my throat will make him come back, but you can't fix what isn't broken. After getting dressed I walking across my yards to Heather's house, opening the gate with my set of keys I saw her outside on her patio waiting for me. I walked over and she smiled to see me, I smiled back, she is the only person I feel like my old self with. I walk up the stairs and went to the chair next to her "Morning Heather,".
She grinned "Morning Alyson, what's on the agenda today?" she asked. I grabbed my bag and pulled out a list "Not much, we have our vocab test today" I started earning a shit from Heather "Then the lunchtime pull, and that's all" I said putting it down.
She raised her eyebrows "Shame, I was hoping for more," she told me. Heather never liked to be in one place for a long time, she always needed something to entertain her. I looked over at the garage opened and her dad's car came out. She stood up "Alright, let's get going," and began walking.   I stood up and looked around "What about Heather?" she looked back to me and her eyebrows raised "She'll find her own way, now come on Alyson," I sighed and walked with Heather. Hopefully Heather is right about Heather.
When we arrived we left the car and headed to school the bell ringing as we went in. I saw Heather waiting for us at the door, putting her long blonde hair into a ponytail "Hey Heather, Alyson," she smiled at us. I smiled back "Morning Heather," I said grabbing my math-book "Come on, were all going to be late," I warned them. I had classes with Heather, Heather, Heather, and Veronica so I got to spend a lot of time with them.
Heather looked around "Where's Heather?"
Heather laughed "Don't worry about Heather, she'll find a way," she said walking into the building.
Heather looked at me and I shrugged "Wheres Roni?" she shrugged back. I nodded and walked in continuing to talk to Heather. If there is something I like about Veronica it's that she doesn't have to be near Heather to feel confident.
We went to our first class and I took notes as Heather and Heather talked back and forth, Heather came in late during second-period and got detention. I told her sorry and she said it wasn't my fault, it was Heather's. The day went by normally until around third period, my American History with Heather.
I and Heather sat in the back, despite me not liking to, she was talking to Ram Sweeney. I looked over to his buddy Kurt and he smiled at me "Hey Alyson," he said putting his arm on my chair. "Hey Kelly, what's up with you?" I asked. Kurt and I had been friends for awhile, we've flirted back and forth and done some stuff but nothing too serious.
He looked around "Nothing much, got a game tomorrow night," He said excitedly.
I smiled "Anything I can do to give you some school spirit?"  I asked leaning towards him
"You could go out with me tonight," he chuckled.
I gave him a flirty smile "Love to," I said before the door came opened and we all turned to see the teacher. Our teacher Mrs. Davis came in along with a tall boy, she stood in front of her desk and the boy followed turning the looked at the class. I must admit, he is hot as hell.
He was tall about 5'9, messy dark chestnut hair, pale skin, a sharp angular face, and a long black trench coat. He wasn't my typical guy but how he looked, he looked so...mysterious. Mrs. Davis smiled "Quiet everyone, quiet! Now, I would like to introduce our new student, please be welcoming to him, this is mister Jason Dean. If you would like to tell the class a little about yourself go ahead, if not you can take a seat where ever you would like,"  She said going to sit down, Mister Jason Dean nodded and instead of talking he just looked around for a seat. I glanced over to the seat next to me, empty.
He smiled and started walking toward me "That seat taken?" he asked.
I shook my head "No, go ahead," He nodded back taking his seat. I smiled at him before I turned to focus on the teacher.
The rest of day went by fast and soon lunch came. I walked along with Heather to the caf, she looked around "Wheres Veronica?" she asked as Heather and Heather came up to us.
"I haven't seen her all day," I told her. I started to look around, she was nowhere in sight, that or I couldn't see her through the crow of people.
She looked at Heather and Heather "Go find her," she ordered. I looked at her my eyebrows furrowed "What are you planning?" I asked.
She giggled "I'm going to play a little prank on Martha Dumptruck, you've never talked to the loser so you can't do the handwriting," I and Veronica are very good at forging peoples handwriting, but Heather was right, the last time I spoke to Martha Dunstock was in second grade.
As we waited Heather went on about something annoying her but I tuned out as I saw the black trenchcoat swoop through the cafeteria. Looking at JD he went to a back table only accompanied by a sleeping student, he sat down pushing his tray away from him and pulled out a thick book, reading calmly. He seemed so mysterious and different, unlike most of the kids in class he paid attention. Intently taking notes and not paying attention to the other student's stupidity, seeming unimpressed with their cruel attempts. I wish I could be like that, just not care and focus on myself "Alyson!" I heard Heather yell.
My eyes shot over to her "Sorry Heather, zoned out," I said sheepishly.
She frowned "Are you okay? You've been wired acting all week," she asked. It was moments like this I remember childhood Heather, a Heather who wasn't a piranha.
I nodded "The usually, mom won't stop trying to get me to take my pills and when I refuse she gets pissed and tries to fight me," I said leaning on a cafeteria table sighing.
She rolled her eyes "She's such a bitch," she said laughing, I smiled and laughed too "I wish my parents would let you live with us," she said. She looked around "Who were you looking at earlier anyway?" She asked leaning towards me. I went to say something back but Heather, Heather, and Veronica came to us.
Heather picked up her red clipboard "Sawyer, Blake, guess what today is?"
Veronica dropped her food "Ouch, what's the question today?" she asked standing up. I stood up to "The same thing she was going on about on the phone yesterday," I rolled my eyes as did Veronica.
We began walking around and asked the lunchtime poll to different people, today's question "You win 5 million dollars from the publishers sweepstakes but the same day the big headed guy gives you the check, aliens land on Earth and say they're going to blow up the world in two days, what do you do?" We got many different answers including but not excluding;
"Easy, I'd just slide that big wad over to my father, he is the one the top brokers in the state," "If I got that money, I'd give it all to the homeless, every cent," "I'd go to Eygpt, with a girl," "I'd use the money for an end of the world get together," "I'd pay Veronica or Alyson to sit on my face and have her ride it like the Kentucky Derby," "That's got to be the most spooky ass question I've ever heard,"
All of them just made me (except two) just made me go; what the fuck? Manly Ram but still, some people are just horrible. Not that I was paying much attention, I kept looking at JD and he seemed to be looked back at me too. As we walked back to our table Heather started freaking out as Martha got up with the note in her hand walking over to Kurt and Ram's table. As Heather, Heather, and Heather waited with anticipation Veronica and I looked at each other bored with everyday life, especially this part of it. My eyes shot back as I heard Kurt's loud laughter as he threw the note to Ram he began laughing too. I frowned and shook my head looking away from the scene, I looked over to JD and saw him throw one of his hands up tired of what was happening too.
I sighed as Veronica left and Heather went over to her "Makeup check?" I asked Heather and Heather. They nodded and we left for the bathroom, going across Heather and Veronica who followed us into the bathroom. As I went I saw myself in the mirror, out of all of this I wore the least makeup, just some lipgloss, and mascara. Heather fixed her makeup while Heather stood fixing her hair next to her, and Heather went into a bathroom stall to puke up her lunch. Veronica came to me "You see the new kid?" I asked her, she shook her head "Check him out when we leave," I told her.
She furrowed her eyebrows "Why? Does the great Alyson Maria Blake think a guy is cute?" She teasingly asked. I laughed a little "Maybe she does!" it was true, I had never had a legit boyfriend. The only guy I had kissed was Kurt, that's all we did just make out and I'd let him do some under the shirt stuff but we never went the full way. Yes, I was the only Heather who was a virgin still as a junior.
Heather peaked over the stall "Veronica! Come here please," she said. Veronica looked to Heather and Heather "A true friends work is never done," she said popping up one of her fingers "Gross," we all said in sync. Veronica went in pulling out her nail filer "You know Heather, maybe you should see a doctor," she suggested. Heather chimed in "Or get over it, I mean come on, bulimia is so '87," she said while walking towards the door "Come on girls, let's take another look at today's lunch," Lunch was always horrible. It could make anyone puke at the sight of it, as we went out the door Veronica saw JD. I could tell she was just as obsessed as I was.
Heather smiled and looked at us "God you two, drool much? Veronica, his name is Jason Dean. He's in mine and Alyson's American History class," I smiled and turned to Heather taking the clipboard lets to see what he thinks about the question. I walked over and he smiled seeing me walk towards him "Hello Jason Dean," I said to him. He smiled up at me, giving me a better look at his face. He had bright hazel eyes, sharp angular cheekbones, thin eyebrows, pink full lips, and soft locks of chestnut hair. He gave a small wave "Greetings and salutations, you a Heather?" he asked furrowing his eyebrows.
I laughed "No, I'm an Alyson, Alyson Blake," I said moving a seat out to sit with him, "Now I have a really stupid question," I told him. He smiled "There are no stupid questions," he told me.
I bit my lip "You win 5 million dollars from the publisher's sweepstakes but the same day the big headed guy gives you the check, aliens land on Earth and say they're going to blow up the world in two days, what do you do?" I asked.
He looked around "Well that's the stupidest question I've ever heard," he started "Ah, I don't know. Probably row out to the middle of a lake somewhere, bring along a bottle of Tequila, my sax, maybe some 'Bac,". I cocked up an eyebrow "How very,".
Out of nowhere, my chair was pushed out the way and I felt myself get pulled upwards, looking to my right I saw Heather standing by me angry. I rolled my eyes "Hello Heather, Jason Dean this is Heather," I said smiling at Heather, she looked to me "Come on Alyson, I need your help with my math homework," She told me pulling me away "Goodbye Jason Dean," I waved. He waved back "Goodbye Alyson Blake," he looked down and picked back up his book.
As Heather pulled me back and I argued with her I hadn't seen the two football players go towards JD, Ram Sweeney and my date for the night Kurt Kelly. As we got to our table I looked at Heather "What's your damage, Heather?" I asked looking at her.
She rolled her eyes "Oh please, Alyson he's good for nothing. He looks like a school shooter, the only thing you could use him for a one night stand, I'm doing you a favor!" she exclaimed. Yeah right, I thought, that's why you went behind my back two weeks ago and spread a rumor that I fucked a geek. Before I could say anything else two gunshots rang through the cafeteria and my head spun back to see JD holding a gun and Kurt and Ram on the floor clutching each other as urine surrounded them. My mouth fell open in shock, I looked up at him and he smiled to himself. He looked up at me and the principle busted through the doors, he let out a loud fuck, before ripping out a page from his book and grabbing a pencil.
He scribbled something done and went towards the principle, he stopped when he got to me "If you ever want to talk here's my number doll," He said throwing the piece of paper onto our table before he left with the principle, leaving the whole cafeteria shocked and I intrigued.
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minaminokyoko · 6 years
How about favourite captain America movies scenes?
The First Avenger
-Steve at the movie theater, telling that douche to shut up and getting his little ass kicked for his trouble. Oh, Steve. Goddammit, Steve. You are too pure and good and wonderful for all of us. I like that it’s both a good quality trait and a weakness for Steve that he can’t abide bullies and he’ll stand up to anyone even if all it means is he’ll just get the stuffing beaten out of him. Plus, Bucky stepping up to help his idiot best friend is so heartwarming it’s insane. I love that Bucky is just fucking used to Steve getting himself beaten up because he stands up to shitty men. That’s best friends for you. 
-Peggy punching the bejeezus out of Whatshisface in the troops’ first scene together. Oh, dear Lord. Where do I start? First, her telling him to step forward. Second, the completely placid look before she does it. Third, the fact that she puts his bitch ass on the ground no trouble. Fourth, Steve’s appreciative smile. Fifth, the General not even blinking that she flattened that douche. It’s just brilliant.
-Steve jumping on the grenade. Standing ovation. Steve is too good and too pure a cinnamon roll for any of us.
- “Not a perfect soldier, but a good man.” This is the heart and soul of Captain America and Steve Rogers and I cannot stress enough how this is honestly probably my favorite scene of the movie. We follow this guy not because of the strength of his body, but the strength of his heart. Steve has all the heart.
-Bucky and Steve being reunited. The best bros just knock it out of the park. 
-Peggy’s reaction to Steve returning with all the captured soldiers. Seriously, it is the most NC-17 thing I’ve ever seen in a PG-13 movie. That smile Steve gives her and the smile she gives him right back is 100% code for “if we weren’t in the middle of this camp right now, I would tear your clothes off and fuck you to Jupiter and back.” It’s such a pure, awesome moment of sexual tension, and it’s done in such a classy way. I love that scene to death. They eye-fucked the shit out of each other and I adore the overwhelming yet subtle acknowledgement of what’s going on between them.
-Steve having a picture of Peggy in his pocket watch, and the fact that Peggy sees this during the little film montage. I want to scream. I LOVED the General giving her an amused side eye but not actually saying anything. It was a wonderful little nod to Steve’s reciprocated feelings for her. 
-Steve and Peggy’s kiss. Whyyyyyyyyyyy, Lord? Whyyyyyyyyyy? Why didn’t they get more time together?! They were so fucking cute and I know if they’d have gotten together, it’d have been amazing and wonderful and they would have been so happy. Dammit.
The Winter Soldier
Disclaimer: Legit, The Winter Soldier is arguably one of the best comic book movies ever made and it is taking so much restraint for me not to list the entire goddamn film as my favorite scene, because I love it from end to end. Gun to my head, I’d say my Top 3 MCU films would be this, Ragnarok, and either Avengers 1 or Avengers 3. It’s really hard to pick out scenes in a perfect movie.
-Sam and Steve’s introduction to each other. The sheer chemistry here is stellar. I was in stitches that Steve Rogers was just okay with teasing a total fucking stranger for no reason other than just lolz. I love that TWS starts out reminding us that Steve isn’t some humorless do gooder. He has a great sense of humor and he’s just a friendly guy in general, so they couldn’t have picked a better scenario to introduce their dynamic. I adore that opening scene, man.
-Taking back the ship. Fuck, dude. Talk about one of the best executed action scenes in the MCU. Everything from Cap racing around just laying those fucking dudes out on his own to Nat popping in to the absolutely genius execution of Cap vs. Batroc. Oh, if a film scene could get me pregnant, it’d be that one, man. I fucking love that entire damn sequence.
-Nick Fury vs. Hydra. I appreciate this simply because we saw some badass Nick Fury in Avengers, but this was a delightful addition to remind us that the man is the head of SHIELD for a reason. He is NOT to be fucked with. He is a very capable agent and held his own and it was awesome.
-The elevator fight scene. ‘Nuff said.
-Natasha confronting Steve with the flash drive. So this was the first moment where I knew I was going to ship Captasha/Romanogers until the end of time, regardless of the canon. I loved this interaction. Steve is frustrated and suspicious, and so is Nat, but they both find a common ground and realize neither one is actually the enemy. I especially love: “Bye bye, bikinis.” “Yeah, I bet you look terrible in ‘em now.” That snark tho. Cap is flawless, and there is a healthy dollop of sexual tension delightfully overlaid with this scene of him backing her up against a wall and then her showing some skin. Yas lawd. 
-Steve and Nat undercover at the mall. Not only is it just funny as hell and delightfully awkward, but it really shows off the great chemistry between the two of them. You’d think that with them being polar opposites that they’d butt heads, but they actually just complement each other extremely fucking well. Then there’s the exquisite escalator kiss. I mean, mm, did that look yummy. Even Steve comes out of it like, “well, damn.”
-The car conversation on the way to Jersey. I think that I would’ve only liked this movie, not loved it, if Nat hadn’t been there. I think Nat’s presence is what helped make this one of the MCU’s best films period. The honesty between them as they have probably one of their first real conversations getting to know each other is amazing. I adore this scene. I adore seeing them bond. “That’s a tough way to live.” “Good way not to die, though.” I think that is one of the best lines in the whole MCU, personally. 
-Recovering at Sam’s place. First off, the two of them sharing the guest room and bathroom says a whole lot of shit right there. It’s an implied intimacy. Then Cap walking over and just knowing in his gut that Nat isn’t okay, and just gently, gently asking her what’s wrong is so important to both of their characters. You get to see them go from coworkers to friends and from friends to good friends in such an amazingly short period of time that it’s so heartwarming. Evans and Johansson have worked on several films together, and this is definitely one of those things where they just play off each other so well from being friends in real life. I love the inflections. I love the close up on their expressions. I love how Steve is able to get Nat to lower her walls and just talk to him about how she’s feeling, and how she sincerely thanks him, and how she’s even a little scared when she asks “if it were down to me to save your life, and you be honest with me, would you trust me to do it?” and Steve emphatically answers, “I would now” and then smiles at her so sweetly and makes a little joke. I just…my heart, man. My heart. Steve and Nat’s relationship is possibly my favorite out of all the Avengers, and I should note that Chris Evans ships it and I am really happy about that fact.
-The Winter Soldier’s attack. Flawless. This fucking sequence is flawless. Getting to see everyone’s skills on display, and then capped with the emotional realization from Steve that his best friend is not only alive, but has been brainwashed and is trying to kill them, is just so great. Huge, huge kudos to Evans, Stan, Mackie, and Johansson as well as their stunt team and the choreographers, because it’s some of the most gorgeous, polished action I’ve ever laid eyes on. Especially Evans and Stan’s fight. Wow, that could not have been easy and it’s all them when there are close ups during the knife fight. I really appreciate them going HAM on that shit. It turned out beautifully.
-“But I knew him.” Yep. Let me die. Just let me die. Poor tortured Bucky’s memories surfacing at the sight of his best friend saying his name just tears me up inside. Ugh. Bury me. 
-Cap remembering Bucky’s words after his mother’s funeral. Bury me again.
-Cap’s speech to SHIELD after they arrive at the HQ. Hnnnnnnngh. I would die for Steve Rogers. Without question. This speech is why. He knows that he might die trying to stop Hydra, but he gives those people the choice to do what’s right at great cost, and he believes that they will do the right thing, and he’s absolutely right. I had mentioned years ago that this is why the DCEU’s current Superman has failed; that trait, believing in people despite evidence pointing to the opposite, is what make Cap and Superman two American icons. This is why we rally behind them as characters. Because they believe in us and they believe we are worth protecting. It’s a fucking shame the DCEU writers don’t understand that and have forced a decent actor like Henry Cavill to be a morose, joyless, brooding Superman, and don’t even try to tell me they “fixed” him in the JLA movie, because they retconned it and thought that did the trick, and they were wrong. What Cap said in that speech is precisely why he is as great a man as we’ve all come to love over the years. It’s nothing short of incredible.
-The entire ending helicarrier sequence. Good to the last fucking drop, man. Everything about it is flawless. Especially “You’re my mission!” “Then finish it. ‘Cause I’m with you ‘til the end of the line.” Cue me screaming and crying and clawing down my curtains. Bucky pulling Steve from the river turns me into an absolute wreck of emotions. 
Civil War
-Cap consoling Wanda after the bullshit news report. Man, fuck the whole ass world for that reaction, by the way. Wanda saved that entire marketplace full of people, but she still got blamed for intervening anyway, and we know Crossbones would’ve killed countless people if they hadn’t stopped him, so you can all fuck off. But what I really like about this scene is Cap’s almost fatherly concern for her, knowing she was still recovering from the pain of losing her twin brother not too long ago. He understands the loss and the pain she feels and knows that she has doubts about herself and he’s there to assure her he doesn’t blame her, if that is any consolation. Cap is so conscious of her needs and emotions that it’s extremely touching to see, even though the scene is brief.
-The team going over the Accords and choosing sides. This was very well done, as everyone’s reactions are very interesting. I personally don’t see how the hell anyone could be Team Iron Man, but that’s just me. I at least like that Tony’s actions are justified in that he has been trying so hard this whole time to do the right thing, but it feels like the harder he tries, the more awful things become until he’s left with no good choices at all. I feel for him. So much. I feel for Cap as well knowing that about Tony and yet being unyielding in his feelings about the Accords.
-Nat comforting Steve at Peggy’s funeral. Cue gross sobbing. Damn, this is why I ship Captasha so hard. She tells him that she’s pretty much going along with the Accords for the sake of keeping their little family together if possible, and Steve sadly tells her he can’t do it, but she already knows, and she’s just there to support him. That’s love. You can debate if it’s platonic or romantic, but that scene is just pure love between Nat and Steve. She is there for no other reason than to hug her friend and check on him and make sure he knows he is not alone in this awful time in his life. It’s by far one of the most touching scenes in the entire MCU. 
-The death of T’Chaka. Oh my God. Give Chadwick Boseman all the awards. How did we become that emotionally attached to him in such a short amount of time? Wow. I mean, wow, was that powerfully acted. 
-Nat warning Steve not to intervene. Again, you can’t tell me these two people don’t love each other. She’s so worried about him, and even Sam acknowledges that she’s not wrong to want them to stay out of it since they’ll now get arrested. 
-Everyone chasing after Bucky. Hnnnnnngh, yes please, this shit was awesome. Especially Cap and T’Challa racing over moving fucking cars and Bucky snatching that motorcycle mid-air. I love that scene with all my heart and soul.
-”So, you like cats?”
-Bucky’s escape. Seriously, the Winter Soldier is not to be trifled with. Holy hell, does he put everyone through their paces.
-Tony recruiting Peter Parker. And now we have it, the shining crown jewel of Tony Stark’s development as a character, in the form of a tiny adorable baby he adopts to fight a ninety year old veteran. I know, right? I never expected that Tony recruiting Parker would be anything like what we got and yet it’s by far one of my favorite relationships in the MCU. It’s so genuinely cute and sweet and the word choice during that scene in Parker’s room is very important from a character standpoint. “When you can do what I can do, but you don’t, and then the bad things happen…they happen because of you.” Without saying it out loud, they were able to convey what happened to Uncle Ben, and that’s really good storytelling, man. You see this kid is hurt and blames himself and he will do anything to make up for his sins. Tony is even touched by it. Plus, the humor in that scene is awesome and it’s so warm and evident that RDJ and Tom Holland really got along and had chemistry.
-Recruiting Scott Lang. It’s so brief, but that fucking scene puts me in stitches every time, especially Paul Rudd’s improv of grabbing Chris Evans’ shoulders when he sees just how goddamn built and cut the man is. I thought that was genius. It’s so perfect.
-”Can you move your seat up?” “No.”
-The airport fight scene. Gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah. This is so good. For so many reasons. How it’s staged. How it starts off quiet and it slowly builds tension. How Tony is so hurt that Cap appears to be choosing Bucky over him, how Cap is protecting him, how Tony absolutely doesn’t want to fight his friend and yet they are on opposite sides anyway. “You’re gonna come with us because it’s us.” The utter desperation in Tony’s eyes when he almost begs Cap to turn himself in is so heartbreaking. It kills me, man. Emotions aside, I simply love all the fights and the various match ups. Especially Spidey versus Bucky and Sam (”Couldn’t you have done that earlier?” “I hate you.”) and Spidey versus Cap (”That thing does not obey that laws of physics at all!”) and Spidey versus Ant Man. It’s all so glorious.
-Nat stopping T’Challa from getting to Bucky and Steve. It’s raining on my face. “You’re not gonna stop.” “You know I can’t.” “I’m gonna regret this. Go.” It’s so important. It’s so important, y’all. Nat chose Steve when it mattered most and I ship them until my dying breath.
-“Vengeance has consumed you. It is consuming them.” All the awards, Chadwick. All the motherfucking awards. 
-The final scene of Steve walking up to Sam’s cell. There’s just something about the playful confidence and determination in his expression that despite how sad the ending is that Tony and Cap are no longer on speaking terms that it gives you just a tiny flicker of hope that maybe things will be okay for Team Cap. 
Well, there you go. Cap and Thor are currently tied for the top spot in my heart of Favorite Avenger, hence all the word vomit. Sorry, not sorry. 
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anthonyboordain · 5 years
a youtube video described kl’s cocktail scene as nascent. i’m no cocktail expert, but it’s not nascent, at all. i was blown away by the cocktail bar scene. from concepts to crafts, everything was top notch. my 5 visits are below.
1) pahit
first stop was pahit. pahit means bitter in malay language. i did not expect a gin scene in kl, but apparently gin is the shit in kl. they served some legit gin cocktails with intricate flavors while featuring the local ingredients. kumquat and dragonfruit. gin cocktails were refreshing and were perfect in the humid weather.
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2) potions
next weekend, i explored chinatown area. potions is a straight up concept bar. it’s about the presentation and the show. and the drinks back it up really well. lawson was one of the most memorable bartenders i’ve interacted with. he is feisty and entertaining. lawson would say “that drink fucking sucks. don’t order it. and i don’t want to make it.” LOL. he didn’t give a fuck. i started with “allow me to die” which is their take on whiskey sour. top notch. then i tried the “carbon monoxide”. it was a smoked tequila drink with charcoal powder. lawson added if he put too much charcoal powder then i would have to run to the bathroom. i can’t recall what wood he smoked but it had such sensual smell. i would lift up the glass to smell the remaining scent in between sips. then lawson informed me that my next hit list bar the deceased is their sister bar. so i was able to get his recommendation on drinks and headed off to the next spot. oh and potions is hard to find. because there is no storefront door, rather a closet..
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3) the deceased
as lawson mentioned, the deceased is a commercial bar. nonetheless, chill vibes and good drinks. it’s a creepy bar - halloween themed. when i opened the door, the mannequin scared the fuck out of me. i screamed out loud. after the long flight of dark stairs, you enter this chinese medicinal shop looking place with pretty solid patio with skyline view. i started with the “ti a of oblivion”. again, i don’t know why the hell kl has an amazing gin culture, but this drink was off the hook. thai premium black tea infused london dry gin with passion fruit and lime juice. i also tried “petty person beating”. like the potions, the deceased is a themed bar. so i was supposed to read the letter that comes with the drink and beat the shit out of hay doll with wooden shoes, but i missed the note lol. i simply enjoyed the drink.
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4) botakliquor
on my last night, i went back to china town area for dinner at chocha foodstore. before the dinner, i checked out botakliquor bar located on top of the restaurant. it had mystique feeling to it. botanical garden like bar. it was green and yet dark. it felt off and yet trapping. the chairs and the stools were all low - leaving you feeling more grounded. i sipped on two delicious drinks served with flower pedals or on flower pedal as coasters. time flew by in this airy space.
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5) ps150
another speakeasy bar. you can’t find the entrance unless you know where to look. it was very crowded and popping. a lot of expats but also a lot of locals. i was happy to stand by the bar, chow down some snacks, and enjoy drinks. the menu breaks down the drinks by various time ages - golden age, prohibition, etc. it reminded me of anvil in houston.  ”roots ‘n’ bark” and “bee’s knees” is the way to go. kick back and relax. and don’t get lost.
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Power Ranger Script VS Final Movie
Hey All,
I came across the 2nd draft of the Power Ranger movie that’s been floating online.  From my knowledge the script is legit, but for all, I know a fan dedicated a lot of time into it, lol.  Anyways, here are the difference, and pardon me on some of the randomnesses of it.
I would say SPOILERS but fuck it.  This is so different it doesn’t count.
- Zordon was the original Red Ranger, while Rita was the Black.  Zordon defeats Rita and puts her in like a deep freeze sleep for 20K years.  
- Rita betrayed her team due to Lord Zedd’s Promise of Power.  Side note Lord Zedd pops up on the last page, with the Green Power Coin.  (Hinting at him being the original Green Ranger)
Apparently, there’s this dig that awakens her scepter, and that’s what awakens her.
Goldar was defeated in a battle but was also in a mummified state.  He later gets revived and becomes the very much like the Goldar from the original Mighty Morphin Series.
The dig is very close to finding the Command Center, which is technically a part of a ship.  Which if activated in the right way could fly off the earth.  However, it needs to drain the energy from the earth’s core to power it; hence earth is fucked if Rita succeeds in operating it.
Zordon, who is this alien octopus/jellyfish thing, travels to earth along with alpha 5 to stop Rita.  They crash near Trini’s place, which leads to Jason, Billy, and Trini finding them.  The three freak out and after a kinda bullshit kiddish fight knock out the two and lock them in a truck.
By the way, the three go to school with the aliens in the trunk.  (smh)  Anyways school is let out, b/c all the alien activity knocks out communication in the world.  So cell phones, tech, etc… are useless.  Once the everyone is leaving Zach kinda overhears Trini, Billy, and Jason talk about the alien and follows them.  
The four eventually let Zordon out of the trunk and end up getting their asses handed to them by a pissed off Zordon.  The fight finally ends when Billy apologizes, and Zordon can see that he means it.  
Zordon gives the exposition about the history of the Rangers and explains they need the command center to give off a distress single to their main base so more rangers can show up and stop Rita.  This leads to the group splitting up.  Zordon, Alpha 5, Billy and Zach all go to the command center while Trini and Jason go to a museum to collect Rita’s Scepter.   (Note: At the beginning of the movie all the kids go to their local museum to see the display of “ancient tech” aka the scepter, Goldar, etc… it pretty much reminded me of the beginning museum scene in Scooby Doo 2)
Before they leave, Zordon gives Jason a power coin, which leads to Jason giving Billy a power coin. Two major fights happen at the same time.  Jason fights putties and a revived Goldar at the museum.  Jason kicks the putties ass but ends up losing badly to Goldar.  He ends up getting saved by Trini who nails Goldar with her car.  Jason gets in the car with Rita’s scepter and escapes.  Meanwhile, the Command Center has this security robot that almost kills Billy and Zach.  Billy falls off this walkway and morphs midway through the fall.  We don't see the morph we just see Billy as he recounts his survival.
Kim is like Jason Statham in Spy where he floats in and out, but once she becomes a Ranger, then she becomes a key player.  She actually encounters Rita, Baboo, Squatta, and Scorpiona first.  She meets them outside the police station and either follows them or sneaks onto their “ship”… it was getting kinda boring at this point, and I didn’t want to re-read it.
At the command center, Zordon is trying to build power to send a distress signal, but once he sees that Rita has assembled her group of assholes he then realizes that they’re going to need the Zords.  He sends Jason off to retrieve his in the jungle, but Jason didn't want to go alone and asked Billy to come.  Billy chickens out, and the two have a fight.  Zach defuses the situation by telling them that the earth is in trouble and to knock their shit off.  Zach then steps up and asked to be a Ranger to help.  Jason gives him a coin, and then Zordon sends both Zach and Jason to the Jungle.
There are bits in the jungle, but frankly, you don’t care.  The only thing that comes out of that sequence is the reveal that Zach is the Pink Ranger.
Meanwhile, Zordon is powering the ship and keeping eyes on Rita and her gang.  Rita is trying to find the command center and decides to investigate where Zordon initially landed.  Which is by Trini’s house.  Trini flips her shit and demands that Billy gives her a coin.  He does, and she rushes off.  Zordon’s pissed b/c she could get herself killed, so Billy goes after her.
Trini ends up in a fight with Rita and the gang.  Billy comes to help, and the two get their asses kicked.  Kimberly pops up and saves them by using a taser gun, brass knuckles, and a baton.  Don’t worry it only last for like five seconds, but then Rita beats her.  All three end up getting teleported out (along with Trini’s parents - who are knocked out) back to the command center.  This apparently made shit worse b/c it gave off their location.
Rita and the dickheads all head to the command center to ambush the Rangers.  Billy gives Kimberly a power coin, and they try to hold off the army of putties.  
Jason arrives with Zach in the T-Rex Zord but instead of calling the rest of the Zords.  Jason sees the opportunity to destroy Rita and fails.  Which leads to him getting drained and almost killed.
Zach and Jason are thrown from the Zords, and it’s Trini’s super speed that saves Jason from getting murdered by a sniper bullet.
Kimberly fights like a bad ass but then is teleported out by Billy once he realizes shit’s going south.  In the end, the Rangers lose the fight and the command center and are teleported.  Billy remains behind, and it's due to his suit that he’s able to hide in plain sight.  From there we discovered that the SOS message from Zordon did actually go through, but Rita reveals that all the Rangers are dead and that Lord Zedd is now in charge.   (Apparently, it’s been over 20K years, and this asshole's still alive so… okay….???)
Billy gets ahold of Kim first to tell her the news and the gang take it hard.  However, they realize that if they don’t regroup the world will be destroyed.
(From the actual script)
                                              Jason What’ve we got to lose, that we die twenty minutes before everyone else on the planet? I’m not gonna stand here, waiting for the world to end.  You wanna lose to them?  Really, they’re the ones who take out earth?
The Rangers yell our responses.  Consensus: Dominators suck.
                                             Jason I am not going to let our planet be destroyed by a bitch, a blue baboon, a bug and two rejects from the Muppet Show.
                                            Zach I heard that I want round two.
                                            Kim My cell phone hasn’t worked in over 24 hours, and I am PISSED OFF.
I will say in my opinion the funniest scene happens directly after this.  Which is the gang use Kim's car to get back at the command center.  
(From the actual script)
All of the Rangers are awkwardly asked into Kim’s car, driving in tense silence.
                                           Zach SAVING THE WORLD!
The Ranger immediately all start whooping and celebrating.
They only have one shot of using the teleport station, so they hold off using it.   Kim ends up destroying her car as she plows it into a pile of Putties by Jason’s T-Rex Zord.  The group splits up, causing Rita’s dipshit crew to split up as well.  That when Billy uses the teleport to zap everyone into Jason’s Zord.  Billy gets caught by Godar but teleports just in time.
From the T-Rex Zord, Jason summons the Mastodon, Saber Tooth Tiger, Pterodactyl, and Triceratops.  Everyone gets in their Zord and get into a massive fight.  Zach ends up blowing up this alien tech tower thingy that’s stopping all our communications.  Billy and Trini end up destroying this powerful cannon that the command center has.  Jason and Kim finish killing this spider alien ship thingy that Rita has.  (just go with it)
This pisses off Rita, so she makes Goldar grow.  Which BY THE WAY she does not say “Make my monster grow!” now excuse me if you’re throwing in alien spider ships you might as well commit to the cheese factor and put in the infamous fucking line.
The gang realizes that they are fucked, Jason’s red screen soon becomes multi-color, and he knows that shit’s about to go down b/c… that’s right… he activates the Megazord feature.  The group is barely in the Megazord for two minutes before they fuckin split up again.  Billy and Kim go back to the command center to shut shit down.  Scorpiona is trying to sabotage the Megazord on the outside, so Zach exits to fights her.  Jason and Trini end up using the Megazord to fight Goldar.  Jason is having a hard time focusing, due to the mental strain from the ship but soon realizes that Trini can handle it much easier.  He gives up control, and she takes point.  
In the End: Kim fights Rita and hold her own, but doesn’t actually beat her.  Billy stops Rita from activating some switch that would end up killing the earth.  For a second I thought they were gonna kill Billy, but they pussed out and didn’t.  Rita get’s teleported off Earth by Squatta, and baboo once they realize that the Rangers were winning.   Gondar is defeated by Trini and Zach beats Scorpiona.  
Alpha 5 and Zordon who were injured/damaged when Rita first invited the command center are fine, and the Rangers win the day.  People hook up, people say I love you, and everyone is celebrating like it’s 1999.
Cut to months later.. I guess.  I don’t know, but you assume it.  Anyways Trini’s in Harvard turning in her exams, and teleporting from the bathroom to a lake house.  All the rangers are there and have a fun time when Zordon call them saying that Rita is making an attempt to get another ship that was damaged in Tokyo.  The Ranger zoom off to save the day again.  The ending teaser scene is Lord Zedd realizing that Zordon is alive and that he has a power coin that is… wait for it… green.
Boom cut to black and me thanking God that the script is finally over.  I’ll post more differences once my brain reboots.
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olicitysizzles-blog · 7 years
CBR: Obviously, “Arrow’s” writers didn’t simply want to recycle what had been done with Ra’s al Ghul or Nyssa. How is Talia different than her father and half-sister?
Lexa Doig: It’s hard to say. This is my interpretation of it: Talia left the League of Assassins and forged her own way in the world, and her way is more in the real world as opposed to influencing events from the periphery. She may have a more direct hand, yet she’s very Talia al Ghul in that mentality of, “Why do it myself when I can get someone else to do it for me?” She is still someone who is a bit of a chess master. That would be my interpretation. All of my stuff has been with Stephen Amell, and it’s all been the flashback training. There hasn’t really been a reference for me of how she operates outside of that context.
In Talia’s first appearance, she disposed of Oliver’s assailants and rescued him. What did you enjoy about what that said about Talia?
The funny thing that I enjoyed about that introduction, from a completely technical perspective, is that it was one shot. That was the only thing I did the entire episode, but what a cool entrance. What it said was how badass the character is, taking out all those guys without batting an eyelash, and just stepping in with this mysterious, “Where have you been? I’ve been looking for you.”
Genre fans know you from “Jason X,” “Andromeda,” “Stargate SG-1,” and “Continuum.” What’s it been like joining the DC Universe?
It’s been so much fun. My ultimate goal – and I really want this, so I am putting it out in the universe – is I want Talia to have a Funko Pop! character. In my mind, I will have arrived if I can bring home a Funko Pop! character, a little figurine, and show it to my kids and say, “See. Mommy is cool.”
What did you make of Talia’s costume? Did it help you get into character?
What I love about the costume is how badass it makes me look. What made me laugh about the costume is the logistics of being in a superhero costume. They don’t tell you the quirks. For example, the quiver that goes in the back is often like a cone that your cat wears when he comes home from the vet. You’re not aware of it, you go to walk through a doorway, you slam your quiver into the side and you get stuck. Or the hood, when it’s up. My hood has to have a certain thickness. It’s made out of leather, so it stands up and looks nice, but then you have no peripheral vision and you can’t hear anything.
Then, there are these amazing side harnesses they have for me and they squeak a bit when I walk. The thing that I found funny about my very first day on set was walking around and looking so incredibly badass, but sounding like [makes squeaking noises]. As I walk, I’m bumping into things. I can’t hear what anybody says. I can’t see anything. It was just funny. Those are the hilarious things you discover about playing a badass, and how awkward it is. I have such respect for everyone on the show who has to wear these incredible costumes and stand there, looking badass and fighting and doing all the cool stuff. You have to overcome this hurdle of [squeaking sounds] and catching your cape on the back of your quiver.
When she arrives, Oliver was a lost soul. What does Talia see in him?
I think she saw potential. Oliver is somebody who is savage. He’s incredibly adept at what he wants to accomplish, but is a little directionless. He is on the side of good in those circumstances. It’s a bit murky and gray in the question of how he’s going to accomplish his goals, though. I don’t think that moral gray area is a difficult place for Talia to inhabit. She’s quite comfortable living there herself. What she saw in Oliver is the fact that he’s an incredible killer, and he’s doing it for the right reasons. She’s trying to point him in the right direction of what he really wants to accomplish.
Do you consider Talia a hero, wanting to make the city a better place out of the goodness of her heart? Does Oliver serve her agenda?
He sort of serves her agenda. I used to play Dungeons & Dragons when I was younger, and Talia strikes me as someone who is neutral in that it’s a balance, but maybe adding into that a little bit on the chaotic evil side. She has things she wants to accomplish, and she’s going to accomplish them by any means necessary. If it turns out to have positive ramifications and be a good thing, then “Yay” for everybody. If it doesn’t, it sucks to be anybody but her.
She’s described as “an elite warrior.” Where do you feel she ranks among the other League of Assassin members and Oliver?
Right up there. After a certain point, when you’re that good, it’s a matter of substance. Anybody can accomplish the things they need to accomplish. It’s just a matter of how they go about doing it. When you compare all the various superheroes and supervillains – and you have these wonderful theoretical discussions of who would win between Nyssa and Talia – it largely ends up being a draw. Or, when you get two really good hockey teams playing against each other, sometimes it just goes your way, and sometimes it doesn’t. I think they’re all elite.
Audiences have only gotten a taste of what Talia is capable of. Are we going to see more of her fighting prowess?
A little bit. I had a really great stunt double. I didn’t do a ton of it. You do see a little bit of it, but not a ton. The storyline really isn’t about how badass she is. It’s more about Talia helping Oliver find himself and find the Hood. Again, what seperates Talia from Nyssa and Ra’s is her ability to operate in the real world, the not-so-secret world. As accomplished as she is as a fighter, some of Talia’s strengths may lie in her intellect and her ability to read or manipulate a situation and play the long game. She’s someone who knows things and has the patience to play the long game.
So far, the series has only scratched the surface between Talia and Oliver. What can you tease about how that relationship unfolds?
She does what she set out to do. She very rarely doesn’t succeed at what she wants to accomplish. At this point, what she wants to accomplish is to help Oliver make peace with the savage side of himself and find a way to partition that into a place where he feels very comfortable with his alter-ego, whether the alter-ego is Arrow or Oliver Queen. That’s for him to decide, but it’s for whatever part of him that needs to exist in the real, above-ground, legit world versus the one that exists in the shadows. I do believe she actually accomplishes her goals.
Will viewers eventually get to see Talia in present day?
I don’t know. I will plead the fifth. I will say that Oliver seems to think that some of her interactions from the past may leave echoes in the present day. I can’t tell you whether it’s correct or not, but he does have that theory.
Fans have speculated that Talia shares ties with Prometheus. Have you come across those presumptions? What are your thoughts on that possibility?
I have no idea who Prometheus is. I only ever work with Stephen because of the nature of the flashbacks. It’s funny, because even on the call sheets, when you are shooting scenes that have Prometheus in them, he’s not technically listed on the call sheet. The character is listed, but no performer or actor is listed as Prometheus. Even I, who works on the show, have no idea who Prometheus is. So, if Talia has connections to Prometheus, I don’t know about it.
Katrina Law has told me she would love for Nyssa and Talia to square off. How would you like to see their dynamic play out?
I would love that. Here’s my problem. My instinct is to always go for funny and comedy. It doesn’t always play well in the comic book world, because everything is always very high stakes, which is also fun. I think it would be hilarious if the two of them didn’t get along, but in a very modern-day, sibling kind of way. Maybe they butt heads, but it’s over somebody taking too much time in the bathroom. That would be hilarious, although the fight scene would look pretty badass. It would be a killer fight sequence. I’m also a family sap at heart, so I’d also love to see Talia and Nyssa fighting on the same side – and arguing with each other at the same time.
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theareya · 7 years
even numbers for the gaming asks!
Okay, its been 1000 years since I posted this gaming ask. But here are the answers!!!! I put most under the read more…
2. First game you played?The first game I ever played ever, in thehistory of forever, was Super Mario Bros. at my babysitter’s house, if mymemory serves me correctly
4. Longest consecutive hours you’ve played agame?Ohkay, let’s see. Without eating or bathing,but I did get up briefly to bathroom and drink water, I finished uncharted 1,2, and 3 consecutively in 120 hrs. Needless to say, I never did that again, asthe blood vessels in my eyes popped, I ate two bigmacs after, and my parentsyelled at me. Otherwise, without moving or tending to most of my basic bodilyneeds, 10 hours max as of late.
6. An underrated game from within the last fewyears?I don’t know, I’m probably biased and neverreally look online to see how the game was rated/how it’s doing. Oh! But! Ireally liked Battleborn, which was basically a game that came out like a littlebefore Overwatch? Or near the same time, actually. You also fight in teamsagainst one another with unique character abilities to obtain certainobjectives. Honestly, it is extremely well done and detailed, but very muchfalls in Overwatch’s shadow possibly due to similarity and budget D:  8. The game with the best atmosphere/scenery?I’m biased. I love Bioshock. But I also am ahuge fan of those apocalyptic, dystopia aesthetics. So, essentially, anythingalong the lines of bioshock, Fallout, and Last of us.
10. Prefer PC or console?I’ve always played on console. And I’m so bad atPC. You would think it’s a bit easier to aim a cursor to shoot at something,but I’m particularly bad at that.
12. Most bizarre game you’ve ever played?Most games are pretty… bizarre. Most of theactual weird ones I’ve only seen online on those “top ten weirdest video games”but maybe Katamari? There are definitely weirder ones… The Nightmare Within wasalso… strange. I don’t actually know what counts as bizarre anymore in thegaming world. Shrek party…
14. Do you watch playthroughs online?Sometimes, yes! If I know I am never going toget the game. For example, an xbox exclusive (I do not have an xbox) or if Ialready played the game and want to see others suffer, lmao. Or if I like thestreamer.
16. The best year in gaming you’ve experienced?… I don’t remember. I’m going to say 2011.
18. Worst game you’ve played?There are probably worse games, but I’ll go withthe most recent one I’ve played, which was Bound by Flame. It was kind of thisunfortunate mix of—attempt at—Dark Souls, Dragon Age, and other medieval games.Some parts of the gameplay were unnecessarily hard for kicks, with no way toovercome the boss aside from chipping away at the health by throwing a rock atit, while your single dead companion lay sprawled in the middle of the fieldten seconds into the fight. And of the one and a half romance options pergender you were allowed, none of them were very enticing. Spoiler** I overcamethe end fight by purchasing 10,000 potions to fight the dragon. I made itthrough just fine, only after using 600 potions. Strategy was little help, butheyo I made it through. 20. Favorite publisher and/or developer?…Sony? I don’t know… I’m terrible at thesequestions.
22. If you could turn one game into movie, whichwould it be?You know I don’t know, since any game thatturns into a movie makes me want to cry bitter tears of hate. I’m looking atresident evil specifically. But if I could turn Bioshock into a really goodmovie with the proper actors/actresses, storyline, extras, atmosphere, then …yeah.
24. Ever cried because of a video game? Whichone(s)?…Too many. Nothing gets me more invested andemotional than a videogame. I guess the only one that has made me actually cryvisible tears is Journey. The ending overwhelmed me in an inexplicable way.
26. How often do you play online? Co-op?Relatively often now, especially withOverwatch, and the fact that a lot of my friends have Overwatch as well. So,like, every other day, if not daily. Otherwise, I love co-oping with a friend mostlybecause the AI that they give to work with you tends to … suck butts. Lookingat Resident Evil… again.
28. Who got YOU into gaming?My babysitter. Haahaa. I used to hang out ather house all the time and I’d watch her play all sorts of games. She’s alsothe one who gifted me my purple game boy color :’D30. On average, how long does it take you in thecharacter creation screen?Could be up to an hour. But at least 30minutes. It depends on if I know what I want.
32. Do you cosplay?I do! But I’ve actually only cosplayed animethings. Most of the video game stuff I would like to cosplay is too hard and/orI wouldn’t do it justice. Also I’ve been parts of group cosplays generally, sowe gotta find a good match.
34. Favorite male npc?For some unknown reason, the only personpopping into my head right now is erandur, the dark elf companion, from skyrim.Like… he’s not my favorite npc, but…my mind is drawing a complete blank. And isjust repeating that name over and over in my head. Oh boy
36. Best antagonist?Albert Wesker. …Spoiler??** Look… if you gottathrow him in a volcano to get rid of him after 200 tries of “just survive longenough” fights, he’s pretty good to me. Please let him die.  
38. Have you tried a game, hated it, then triedagain, and loved it?N….no? There are some games where I getfrustrated, then invite a friend to play, who is extremely over-leveled, andthen they help me… live. Does that count?40. Favorite voice actor?Okay, I love Troy Baker. How can one person beso gosh darn versatile?? For anyone who doesn’t know (I doubt that) He voicesJoel from TLOU, Booker from Bioshock, Sam Drake from Uncharted, to name theones that pop into my head. And he does like a million other voices, and sings,and is just very excellent overall. 
42. A game you will never forget (in a bad ORgood way)?Resident Evil 5 in the respect that I justplayed it during a very happy time in my life with one of my friends. And itwas also when I learned that I really love co-op, as well it was a supertreasured bonding time with that friend. We legit screamed so obnoxiouslythroughout the whole thing, apologized profusely, yelled for help. Like thatgame brought out our full range of emotion while playing.
44. Do graphics matter?Not necessarily. They add a nice kick, butthere are quite a few games I can think of where the gameplay and story aremore prominent. Storyline is generally always the main thing I look for first.Storyline and characters. 46. Always, sometimes, or never use subtitles?ALWAYS. Even for NPCs. Like the setting thatsays “ALL SUBTITLES” one of the reasons is because it alerts me to enemiessometimes too as they whisper in the distance. Which is the closest thing to awarning from jump scares that I’m going to get.
48. A game you’ve always wanted to play but havenever gotten to it?Um. I’ve actually been pretty aggressive ingetting my grubby hands on the games that I want. EXCEPT. Nearly everythingthat came out after Kingdom Hearts: Chain of memories?? Like 2.3, 2.4, 2.5, 5 ½,365/3 days  idk there were too many?? AndI basically had almost every console except the PSP so I just kind of gave up??
50. How many games do you own?…uh… too many?? At least 200 if you total allof them from the dawn of my first game boy color.52. A game you will always stand behind, andsupport no matter what?..Fable. OKAY So, even though the game, alongwith the game company crashed and burned, I really loved that first game??Along with The Lost Chapters. I essentially based the experiences I had withFable 2, 3, Journey on how good the first game was. If I were to make someoneplay it now, they would probably think it’s pretty dumb, but I thought it was acleverly made game…54. A sequel you really want?… lmao Fable. AND/OR The Wolf Among us, becausethat’s been sitting there for far too long.56. Do you tell people irl that you play videogames?Yeah. If it comes up in the conversation. Or if…they have merchandise that I want.
58. Ever have someone walk in on a sex scenebetween you and you LI?N…o…60. The game you are best at?I know Bioshock inside and out… I don’t knowwhy I’ve played it so much, it’s a very linear game, but wuh. Also weirdly, I’mvery good at Sonic Adventure 2 Battle. And the only reason I’m obnoxiously goodat that game is because of the Chaos. I love those ridiculous little things andwould do anything to make sure they’re happy and healthy. And in order to dothat I had to play each stage multiple times to get the right power-ups andanimals to feed the Chaos…. There was a whole garden. And god.
62. Would you want to work with video games whenyou are older?I feel like if I start working with it I’llstart disliking it very much, unless I literally work as a tester… that getspaid a decent amount. Like seriously, walk in, sit down, play for… hours uponhours. Otherwise, I do not have the creativity or skill. lmao.
64. Describe your favorite video game using onlythree words?Underwater death city.
66. Game with the yummiest looking food?Final Fantasy XV. Okay, so I haven’t finishedthe game. I’m really not even that far into it, like… at all. I just saw thefood and got hungry. It’s so realistic and pretty.  
68. An older game that you’ve just recentlygotten into?I guess… Fallout New Vegas was pretty old, butthen my friend bought it for me on sale, and I tried it out and it was supergood??? And now I’m really into the Fallout series.
70. Do you play any mobile games?I.. play Fire Emblem Heroes, and a variety ofother mobile games like.. Notice me Senpai, Zen Koi, Mystic Messenger, uhhh…whatever is recommended sometimes. .
72. Have any guilty pleasure games?Not really. I’m pretty prideful in every game Iplay, including my otome games.74. Which game has the best lore?…Once…. Again, BIOSHOCK. Idk there are just somany little things in the city that you can find that point to the history ofthe residents, and what happened to them. There are those audio messages and littlesecrets that everybody has in the city, leading to its fall. I just love it somuch. Skyrim is a close second, to be fair. It’s more immersive and I canroleplay more on there.
6 notes · View notes
drtanstravels · 5 years
The annual Euretina Congress was upon us again and this year it was to be held in Paris, France. Anna was speaking at the conference on the morning of September 3 and attending other events as well. We figured that while we were in France on this occasion we should venture out of Paris for the first time once the conference was over. Anna and I got married in Colmar Tropicale, a fake french village in Berjaya Hills, Malaysia so we decided we should take the opportunity to visit the real village of Colmar in northeastern France. However, there were a couple of other events that reared their collective heads during the planning of this trip; first of all, Anna’s cousin, Robin, was to be married in Vancouver, Canada on September 7 and nobody from Anna’s immediate family were able to attend. Secondly, Anna had been invited to speak at another conference in Paris on September 15 so our adventure would be as follows:
We would fly out from Singapore on the evening of Tuesday, September 3, arriving in Paris early the following morning.
We would stay three nights in Paris before flying out for Vancouver on the morning of Saturday, September 7 and, due to timezones, landing the very same morning of the wedding.
After four nights in Vancouver we would return to Paris on Wednesday, September 11 and immediately make a two-and-a-half-hour train ride to Colmar after we landed on Thursday, September 12, changing trains in Strasbourg along the way.
We had two nights in Colmar to see the legit town before making the same train journey back to Paris on Saturday, September 14.
After two more nights in Paris we would make the 13-hour flight back to Singapore on Monday, September 16.
We had a hectic and exhausting itinerary planned and this post is about the initial Paris leg of the trip, but the story begins a little before that — My 40th birthday fell five days before we were to depart, on Friday, August 30. Anna had planned several surprises for me, but they didn’t quite go as secretly as she wanted, nonetheless it was a fantastic night all the same. She had initially organised a surprise party at my local pub, Coq & Balls, complete with karaoke and a bar tab for my friends, however, the surprise was kind of ruined when one of the staff asked me if there was anything else I’d like planned for my birthday after Anna had just finished organising everything while I was in the bar’s toilet. A few days later a package arrived in the mail for Anna, but the contents were written on the outside; my favourite films are the original Planet of the Apes series and Anna had found a copy of the Mad magazine from 1973. She also caught on that I knew what was in the package because I left it discreetly on the bench, as opposed to telling her like I usually do when something comes in the mail for her. None of that mattered, though. When the night came it was so much fun, just hanging out with mates, drinking, singing, and eating an incredible sushi cake that Anna’s friends, Pat and Roshini, made for me, as well as a crêpe cake from Anna’s favourite store, Lady M. Pat and Rosh didn’t want to try their own cake though, because they did a trial run the previous weekend and had been eating sushi all week as a result. A great night was had by all, take a look at some scenes:
I’m pretty pleased with this!
Belting out a tune with Mike in the Trump-ish tie that Anna’s auntie bought me without a hint of irony
Cheers Rosh and Pat for the sushi cake, I can just never get a photo where they all have their eyes open
With Pat and Rosh’s cake
But enough about me, let’s get down to brass tacks here — Our epic journey.
Tuesday, September 3, 2019 There wasn’t much that is particularly relevant to this post that happened on the Tuesday, however, before we left to the airport that evening, Anna had been notified of a promotion she had received. Her official title will soon be Adjunct Associate Professor so that made me feel more than just a little bit proud. Anyway, we had no problems boarding our flight, popped a sleeping pill each, and when we woke up it was time to prepare for our landing in Paris.
Wednesday, September 4, 2019 It took us forever to get out of the airport as there was only one booth open at immigration, but after about an hour we were through and in a taxi en route to our hotel. I remembered from the last time we visited Paris that it was a very dirty city with dog shit everywhere and countless tramps wandering around, the level of both depending on the area in which you were staying, but I had completely forgotten about the large villages of small tents, some legit one-man camping tents and swags, others a folded piece of cardboard propped up with a stick, in which the more privileged homeless dwell, occupying large parks and grass areas, particularly along the freeway in the spaces between entrances and exits as you get closer to the city from Charles de Gaulle Airport. We eventually made it through the insane traffic and checked into our home for the next few nights, the Hotel-Residence Foch, a name that had required us to ask our taxi driver for the correct pronunciation so as not to offend the staff or other potential drivers. Apparently it’s pronounced “fosch.” Once we had checked in we took the tiny elevator that barely had space for the two of us and our suitcases up to our room, one where there was only space for one suitcase on the counter and one on the floor. The only problem was that my suitcase was the one on the floor and when it was open the door could only open wide enough for someone to slide through sideways, but in a strange twist the bathroom was really large.
Once Anna was ready we left the Foch, her for the conference and me to just have a bit of a wander around. Just like our last visit we were staying near the Arc de Triomphe so I just Googled some flea markets and stores that I thought I might like, inadvertently ending up walking quite a distance to where we had spent an entire day on that previous trip. The ever-unreliable Google Maps led me past the Eiffel Tower, where there were endless stalls selling unofficial merchandise, as well as counterfeit and stolen goods, and then I made my way across the Seine to a dodgy-looking market under the train lines that was beginning to shut down by the time I had arrived. I put my wallet in my front pocket and had a look through the stalls that were still open and the rest of the afternoon was spent browsing through stores and looking at statues in the 15th arrondissement until Anna messaged me to let me know that she was done with the conference and to meet her back at the hotel. A bit of what I saw on my walk:
Even Napoleon himself would say that our room was definitely on the small side
Looking at the bathroom from the bed
The view down our street
A statue on a roundabout taken during a split second when there wasn’t traffic chaos
Not sure what’s going on here
The fake goods start well before the Eiffel Tower…
…but this is just a fraction of the knock-offs sold once you are nearby
It doesn’t look all that dissimilar to one of the numerous cranes on the surrounding construction sites to be honest
A chair baked out of bread in a bakery
A bridge over the Seine
A closeup of the figures on the bridge
A statue near the bridge
Carvings on the way back to the hotel
Another carving
“To the glory of the French army 1914-1918”
Once I was back at the hotel Anna told me about an area where there were a bunch of shops she wanted to look at, as well as some decent restaurants, it all just happened to be in the general direction from where I had just come. We wandered to where I had been, albeit taking a few different streets, looking at some cool shops, as well as a really bizarre furniture store. Anna loves French bakeries, especially all of the cakes and macaroons, so we also visited some bakeries along the way, despite the fact we would be having dinner soon, and it became clear it wasn’t just the case with the one I bought a coffee at that morning — The cabinets in the bakeries in Paris that contain all of the sweet pastries, tarts, and cakes also have bees flying around inside and absolutely nobody seems to care at all! The cabinets with quiches and cheesy items are fine, but if I were working there I’d be extremely hesitant to put my hand in one to grab a sugary dessert item. Seriously, some of the bakeries we saw over the course of our time in Paris had swarms of bees inside the cabinets! I guess the flies pay more attention to all of the dog shit on the ground instead.
Maybe it was just the bee-ridden cakes, but Anna was starting to get peckish, it was around time for dinner and she had her heart set on soufflé so she managed to find what was rated as one of the better soufflé restaurants in town, however, they were completely booked out that night. We walked around for a bit, but there wasn’t anything else on the block except for a small restaurant that looked a little suspicious with menus in multiple languages and the word ‘pasta’ stencilled largely on the wall among the names of some French dishes. Still, we were hungry and it had a lot of people inside so we took a seat at the only spare table, one which had to be pulled out so Anna could sit. In fact, if she needed to go to the bathroom while eating, at least three other people would need to slide across the bench seat to let her out. It took forever for menus to come and while we were waiting it soon became abundantly clear that everyone in the restaurant was a middle-aged person from the USA. “This is the best foie gras I’ve ever had, it’s even better than that one in San Francisco!” was one pearl of wisdom we heard while sitting there. We were a tad disappointed at the prospect of what was potentially going to be our first dinner on this trip to Paris, one of the food capitals of the world. Generally it isn’t a good sign when a place has the menus out the front written in several different languages with no mistranslations and there isn’t a single local person eating there, plus the service was so slow so I gave Anna a nod and we both stood up to leave. This got the waitress rushing over with the menus, but I had already prepared for this by looking at my phone with a shocked look on my face as we stood so we could simply tell her we had to go, as if it were an emergency.
Once out, Anna took to Google again and found what looked like was going to be a decent restaurant in the 6th arrondissement. When we arrived it turned out to be unbelievably good and as an added bonus it had a whole bunch of different soufflés so we ordered beef tartare, foie gras, a phenomenal local pasta dish with mushrooms and truffles, and an escargot soufflé to top it off. By the time we had finished all of that food, all of the other patrons had left and it looked like the staff wanted to close up so we went to a nearby bar for a drink or two, but we were tired from the flight and Anna had the conference the next day, plus we were super-full, so we didn’t have a late night. Here’s some shots from that strange furniture store, plus some from dinner:
Just a bed frame covered in pictures of people doing it
This would probably clash with most of our other furniture
Even though it has a tail, this still wasn’t the weirdest bike we would encounter in France, but you’ll have to wait for the other one
I guess it’s kind of cool if you like polar bears or fluffy white dogs or whatever the hell they’re supposed to be
That’s one bad-ass bike
There was some strange stuff in this shop
Notre Dame de l’Assomption
Snail souffle
Beef tartare
Anna with some foie gras
Place Vendôme
The interior of the restaurant as we were leaving
Thursday, September 5, 2019 Anna was at the conference again in the morning so I waited until she was done and then we checked out another part of town, this time in the 3rd and 10th arrondissements with a lot of vintage and retro stores. Much like the previous day, we spent a fair bit of time looking at shops and avoiding bee attacks in bakeries when Anna got it in her mind to check out Canal Saint-Martin, which is described on Wikipedia as follows:
Today, the canal is a popular destination for Parisians and tourists. Some take cruises on the canal in passenger boats. Others watch the barges and other boats navigate the series of locks and pass under the attractive cast-iron footbridges. There are many popular restaurants and bars along the open part of the canal, which is also popular with students.
That seems cool so we walked down through the Place de la République to the canal, but we definitely didn’t end up at the section Wikipedia was referring to. To be honest, I’ve been considering updating that portion of the page to something along the lines of this:
Today, the canal is a popular destination for the homeless and beginner graffiti artists. Some take the wallets, phones, and other personal items of unwitting visitors. Others watch the drunks and strung out junkies while navigating a winding path through garbage and, of course, canine faeces. There aren’t many shops or restaurants along this particular open part of the canal due to a fear of everything in the building, right down to the final length of copper piping, being stolen in order to fund the perpetrators’ various addictions.
Yeah, that sounds like a more accurate depiction of what we saw along the particular length of the canal that we walked. After the canal we looked around a few more stores in a different area, grabbed a coffee each, and then went home to clean the grime off ourselves before we had dinner at the house of Anna’s former colleague from New York, Polina Astroz, and her husband. We took an Uber to meet up with her and instantly remembered exactly how bad Parisian traffic is, especially at peak times. The main roads have many roundabouts with at least six other roads consisting of about the same amount of lanes leading into each roundabout and thousands of drivers throwing caution to the wind, and when it comes to traffic lights, nobody tends to care either, both situations resulting in a massive gridlock. Our driver told us about how the key to driving in Paris is stubbornness, as it is the only way you will get anywhere, you’ll just get stuck or cut off if you obey the rules or give way to other drivers, and when two truly stubborn drivers won’t budge, it usually results in a fight on the side of the road. Just as he finished talking we passed a fistfight between two drivers who both refused to budge. It took us almost an hour to get to where we needed to be, making us extremely late, and it would’ve been almost twice as fast if we had’ve walked, but we finally made it. Prior to dinner we had drinks with Polina and one of her friends at an awesome rooftop bar near her place until Polina assumed her husband had almost finished preparing dinner. When we arrived at their beautiful apartment we spent a few hours that night chatting, mainly reminiscing about old times in New York over home-cooked duck confit with apricots, a traditional dish from Toulouse, the area of France they are both originally from, and a few more drinks. It was quite late when we left and some of Anna’s Singaporean colleagues were meeting up in a bar that night, but that was all over by the time we were done. I didn’t take any photos around the canal for fear of my phone being stolen, but here are some others that I got that day:
The Museum of Modern Art
Me with some of our lunch
Although she had been there before, Anna still wanted the token shot
Place de la République
Walking around
The view from the rooftop bar
A closeup of the church
Now at dusk
Looking out Polina’s apartment window
Friday, September 6, 2019 We did most of the tourist attractions on our first trip to Paris; we walked down Avenue des Champs-Élysées, saw the Arc de Triomphe and the Eiffel Tower, visited Notre Dame, and saw the Mona Lisa in the Louvre. However, there was one attraction I had always been fascinated with and wanted desperately to see — The Catacombs:
The Catacombs of Paris are underground ossuaries in Paris, France, which hold the remains of more than six million people in a small part of a tunnel network built to consolidate Paris’ ancient stone quarries. Extending south from the Barrière d’Enfer (“Gate of Hell”) former city gate, this ossuary was created as part of the effort to eliminate the city’s overflowing cemeteries. Preparation work began not long after a 1774 series of gruesome Saint Innocents-cemetery-quarter basement wall collapses added a sense of urgency to the cemetery-eliminating measure, and from 1786, nightly processions of covered wagons transferred remains from most of Paris’ cemeteries to a mine shaft opened near the Rue de la Tombe-Issoire.
The ossuary remained largely forgotten until it became a novelty-place for concerts and other private events in the early 19th century; after further renovations and the construction of accesses around Place Denfert-Rochereau, it was open to public visitation from 1874.
The catacombs in their first years were a disorganized bone repository, but Louis-Étienne Héricart de Thury, director of the Paris Mine Inspection Service from 1810, had renovations done that would transform the underground caverns into a visitable mausoleum. In addition to directing the stacking of skulls and femurs into the patterns seen in the catacombs today, he used the cemetery decorations he could find (formerly stored on the Tombe-Issoire property, many had disappeared after the 1789 Revolution) to complement the walls of bones. Also created was a room dedicated to the display of the various minerals found under Paris, and another showing various skeletal deformities found during the catacombs’ creation and renovation. He also added monumental tablets and archways bearing ominous warning inscriptions, and also added stone tablets bearing descriptions or other comments about the nature of the ossuary, and to ensure the safety of eventual visitors, it was walled from the rest of the Paris’s Left Bank already-extensive underground tunnel network.
Although the catacombs offered space to bury the dead, they presented disadvantages to building structures; because the catacombs are directly under the Paris streets, large foundations cannot be built and cave-ins have destroyed buildings. For this reason, there are few tall buildings in this area.
Anna booked an audio tour of the catacombs for us and after we caught the train to that area and walked to the entrance, we were glad that we already had tickets. The line for tickets was around the block, and we even had to wait for about 15 minutes to enter, because according to the official catacombs visitor’s website, despite being 1.5km (1 mile) long, the number of simultaneous visitors is limited to 200 so those people in line for tickets could be there for hours! Once inside we walked down the 131-step spiral staircase to the tunnel network and soon we were in the winding corridor of human bones. One thing that became abundantly clear is that some people can be complete dicks when visiting historic sites. An extreme case you may remember was when a fifteen-year-old Chinese school student was identified back in 2013 as he who had scratched his name into a 3,500-year-old Egyptian artwork in the Temple of Luxor. Although the defacing of the catacombs may not be quite as severe as that, it is extremely frustrating to enter and see that tags have been sprayed and stickers stuck allover the place, some even on actual skulls! However, this soon ceases and we spent over an hour walking through a mile of winding passages consisting of exquisitely arranged human remains, all the while learning how it came to be that way. Take a quick tour of this macabre, yet beautiful construction for yourself via just a handful of the pictures we took during our adventure underground (all translations via Google Translate):
It’s a long way down
There are some areas I struggle to fit
A tunnel leading to the catacombs
I’m not sure why this guy has a bone in his eye
Upon entrance not all of the remains are organised
Arranged into a heart
I guess I shouldn’t try to smile for ALL photographs
“Bones of the old cemetery St. Laurent deposited in 1848 in the western ossuary and transferred in September 1859”
A collapsed cross
“They were what we are, dust, toys of the wind; Fragile as men. Weak as the nether!”
Winding our way around
Don’t let the expression fool you, Anna thoroughly enjoyed it, but just thought this look was a little more appropriate
Continuing either side of a supporting pillar
Random arrangement
A skull bearing torture scars
The amount of effort that went into arranging the remains of six million bodies is staggering
Dick move example #1
A pile of bones beneath an inscription too small to translate
“M.D. bones of St. Laurent Church filed on April 17, 1873”
Still making our way through
“Bones of the Old Cemetery of the Magdalen (street of the city Leveque No. 1 and 2) deposited in 1844 in the ossuary of the west and transferred in the catacombs in September 1850”
Approaching the end
Dick move example #2
The piece de resistance
A little bit of trivia: Scenes from Will Smith’s upcoming film, Gemini Man, appear to have been filmed in the catacombs, although it was more than likely just a set.
Anyway, after the catacombs we had dinner with some of Anna’s colleagues and then went out until the wee hours of the morning to avoid sleeping too much; we had to catch an early flight in a few hours that, due to timezones, would arrive at almost the exact same time in Vancouver, and then we would need to rush to a wedding so we wanted to sleep as much as we could on the plane. But that story is the basis of my next post so stay tuned for Part 2!
Oh, and I just wanted to say that while we were touring the catacombs, I could help but smile as I thought of this classic Michiel Sweerts piece, Self-Portrait with Skull, circa 1660:
It was tempting… (Image source)
The first leg of a trip that would have us covering a lot of distance over a relatively short time The annual Euretina Congress was upon us again and this year it was to be held in Paris, France.
0 notes
flightykickback · 5 years
Before BTS in Chicago, I didn’t believe in post-concert depression.  Clearly, I was wrong.
If you thought some of my other posts were long, you’re in for a treat! This one is longer!
  ~ 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜 ~
  I spent four, long, arduously stressful months trying to get tickets to see BTS in New York or Chicago.  My friend and I combined devices to become a tiny force to be reckoned with, only to lose out on tickets for New York AND Chicago!
October was coming around the corner.  I had set-up dozens of Facebook and Twitter notifications for various BTS groups and one extra special gem, BTSTicketBOT.  Eventually, I had to make a decision on one location instead of being bombarded by notifications for two, so I picked Chicago.  I started to search for BTSxChicago hashtags and various keywords in search engines until I hit the jackpot! I found LoveYourselfxChicago, a BTS fanbase in the Chicago-area that organizes fan events and charity drives.
DO NOT buy from unreliable websites such as Craig’s List.  You WILL be scammed.  No matter how tempting and how desperate you may have become during your search, DON’T DO IT! There will be tickets, just keep reading! (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑
LoveYourselfxChicago was selling tickets for a suite ($250 each), at the tip-tip-tippy top of the arena with a full meal plan and semi-private bathrooms.  I told them, “I do.”
K, I was at peak gambling mode at this point before I had to look at the time and stop taking chances.  Originally, I told them NO! I wanna see sweat dripping from Namjoon’s forehead from P1 seating! Then I crumpled my wish on a piece of paper (seriously, I wrote exactly what I wanted multiple times on several slips of paper), before I meekly asked to be put on a waitlist.  (*≧▽≦)ノシ))
Luckily, we had already booked an Airbnb and THE cheapest transportation through Megabus ($13 total with tax, for two tickets)…..but you ought to know I’m never on time, so we missed it and had to drive (LOL!).
Yoooooo, my friend and I wanted to enjoy those charter seats and avoid the erratic Chicago traffic so bad that I called my niece to see if I got ahead of the bus, would she keep my car at her college over the weekend, just gas it up.  We didn’t make it.  Which…worked out for us later…We stocked up on flavored soju at Joong Boo Market and got some awesome food at San Soo Gab San Korean BBQ *cackles*
Finally! We’re in Chicago! We go to Mecca and it’s a barricaded parking lot across from United Center with people dancing it out to BTS music blaring from BigHit speakers.  Choreo, cheers, screaming over biases, everyone was just having so much fun! Hanging out in a parking lot was a bit of a let-down considering how much money we ARMY deliberately and emotionally give BigHit, but at least the Love Yourself banners and images were displayed everywhere.  It was nice seeing the block decked out for BTS:
    Right at the entrance of the barricade was the lightstick help desk, so I made a beeline!
HERE’S THE ULTIMATE V3 LIGHTSTICK FIX!…put a little cushion on the bottom of the battery pack to boost it up.  There’s an issue with the battery not completing the circuit, so the light doesn’t come on.  The cushion eliminates that issue.  o(≧∇≦o)
There was NO line for merch.  Everyone came and went.  (I meeeaaaan, if you’re going to line up all night for first dibs, you shouldn’t have to wait all day right?).  Luckily, I had found a GO and we got merch without having to wait in line! We were able to meander over to the merch table after getting my lightstick fixed and lazily check off the order ballet whatever we wanted.  Merch availability was posted on banners.  The more popular items like the photo book, slogan, certain t-shirt sizes, premium photos, etc., were sold out, but there was a ton of lightsticks, mini lightstick rings, and photo cards, left over.
Legit. We were in and out in minutes.  The longest part was making up my mind.  I even purchased more PCs after a change of heart while still staring at the cashier (I needed at least two packs!).
Next, we were on the prowl…to sell fanmerch! This was our first time.  We had created some Love Yourself themed pocket mirrors and were hoping to recoup some of the concert costs.  We almost got bounced by BigHit Staff (LOL!).  This lady came over to us like, “this is your final warning.” My friend said to her, you mean our first?! Cause, we ain’t never seen this chick or spoke to her before.  She pursed her lips a bit cause she knew that was dumb to say.  Meanwhile, fansites and savvier fan merchants were stealthily dodging BigHit Staff and United Center Security, just making a KILLING!
I friggin love fan merch so much.  I buy from fans all the time online and it’s my favorite thing to do at a kpop concert. Fan merch can be beautiful and are usually the better things the band’s company doesn’t sell.  Since they’re unique, you’ll never find it anywhere else and if they’re discontinued, it’s once in a lifetime, so it was a bit disappointing that BigHit had the place on lockdown.  It was greedy, especially with how they’re pummeling us fans with various collaborations and activities (Mattel dolls, Funko Pop Vinyls, UNO cards, BTS World, The Notes Books, etc.)  Support your fandom family!
Honestly, there’s not much more to do and since I didn’t enter the photo booth lottery, I don’t have more to describe. I realized the set-up is more of a dip-in and dip-out scenario.  Buy merch, see some sights, get pictures, then bounce (although, I’ve seen posts from fans in Asian countries where it’s a whole damn festival, but whatever America.  Capitalism sucks.).  We tried to sell more merch while fans were lining up at the entrances, then made our long walk back to the bus stop (I was not driving or paying for parking) and turned in for the night.
The lines into the United Center were extraordinary…because people wouldn’t listen.  Granted, everyone had to form a line prior to the doors opening, but eventually, security was telling people to exit the lines and enter through any of the other doors.  One whole section, with multiple entrances, had no lines, but fans were so damn scared to lose their place that they didn’t trust to leave their spot.  Most had reserved seats!  Swear, fans must have PTSD from how they have to fight for everything.  Security was checking bags and scanning people through the metal detectors very quickly, so there was no need for the uncertainty.  ¯\_(⌣̯̀⌣́)_/¯
The next day was CONCERT DAAAAAAAY! I’m gonna skip a bunch of stuff because it’s redundant and I pretty much talked about security.  How. Ever.  We did sell more fan merch (Thanks!), made mutuals, spoke to some great people, and even met Dee Skelliton.  Eventually, it was time to check our bags and ride that evasive elevator to the sky-I mean, our suite.
Kudos to the people that handed out free stuff.  I got a couple of PCs and lyrics to Seesaw in support of Yoongi’s solo stage.
Word of caution.  Don’t overexert yourself.  We brought water, snacks, a hand fan, extra batteries, charger, and other necessities.  I thought we were ready, but that walking! Ugh! We must’ve walked the equivalent of 10 miles from the bus stop to United, around United several times, to Subway for grub, back to United.  We were tired AF, so when we got to the suite, we wanted to chill, but there were 20 other people already there and not enough seating with a view (suites can accommodate 20 people, but only have 10 stadium seats.  There were barstools and couches, but the TVs were not broadcasting the show).
But we had fooooooood, baby!  *raps* I’m a big girl, that likes big things, and I keep a plate, for my big dreams.  There was hotdogs, ciabatta sandwiches, meatball subs, fruit, a bunch of other stuff and champ-angia.  I was so stressed from low sales and so many people around me, I really needed a breather so when the attendant cracked that bottle open, I didn’t shy.  I got lit.
Music videos were blasting.  Snapchat Geofilter was on! We had our fan project banners ready (Day 1 and 2)! Fans were singing along with their lightsticks on.  And then, THE LIGHTS DIMMED! Our lightsticks went crazy colorful! BTS popped up from beneath the stage and I blacked out.
Swear, I remember screaming my head off, trying my best at the Korean lyrics, crying a shitload, streaming to my closest BTS friends (shhhhh! (*≧艸≦)), hopping from our suite to the practically-empty-suite these beautiful, magnificent, gracious girls were willing to share, but otherwise, I don’t remember a lot.  Luckily, there’s film….but I’m too embarrassed by my screeching to post it (and it’s taking forever to upload!), so enjoy these photos instead!  Mind you, we reached the last summit when we walked off the elevator.
  We also got some amazing scenes:
Jungkook’s abs
Jimin’s abs
Namjoon getting emotional at all the love he was receiving and thanking everyone for coming to the concert.
Baepsae was a biiiiiiitch!
If I were to describe the euphoric feeling I had seeing the boys in person, I’d never do it justice.  They were marvelous, engaging, funny and oh-so-sweet.  Hence why I’m pissed that I’m missing their stadium tour.  I told myself, I’m definitely seeing them next time…who knew they’d drop tickets this week?! This sounds weird, but I was extra upset that I won’t be able to go to one of the stadium stops and see the awesome light show.  Up to 80-90,000 lightsticks flickering and forming multicolored art in unison! Have you seen those videos? Wow. It would be such a breathtaking experience.
If you’re looking to get BTS Tickets, check out my other post.  The title is a little misleading, but my Plan B for getting tickets after they’re sold out is there.
If you’re banking on getting tickets direct from Ticketmaster…it’s all luck.  You can do everything correctly according to fans:
Have multiple devices
Recruit friends with multiple devices
Have the fastest internet service
Have multiple browsers and tabs open
Not refresh the page
For certain platforms, refresh the page
Log-in hours in advance and wait to be placed in the queue
Even Ticketmaster provided a preparation guide.
You can do all that and some (I did) and still not score a single ticket.  Remember, based on the stage set-up, only 2/3s of the stadium’s seating will be sold, part of the tickets are already reserved for BigHit, Ticketmaster or another broker, and season ticket holders.  That means even fewer tickets will be available! Not only are you competing with each other but also scalpers with dedicated servers to snatch up tickets.
I’m not trying to scare anyone, just stating facts.  If Plan A doesn’t work, don’t give up hope! Plan B may be your best option. Just keep storing your coins and be flexible.  A couple of things on my previous post in the bonus section actually happened:
Ticketmaster released additional tickets, unannounced, a week or two before the Chicago concert date.
United Center sold extra tickets both nights of the show
People were posting last-minute ticket sales in various groups
It pays to keep checking the website, staying tuned to social media and just waiting in the box office line at the venue.
Another thing I learned while talking to various fans at United Center and also from social media posts, is that sometimes people with extra unsold tickets may just give them away! *screams*
If you choose to purchase resale tickets, do it through StubHub or Vividseats.  Both sites guarantee similar tickets if the ones purchased are fake or will refund your money.  Last year, StubHub realized how popular BTS is and created a dedicated customer service hotline (too many people were calling lol!).  Also, if you call into Vividseats, they might give a discount (the rep offered me 15%).  Lastly, if purchasing resale tickets from another fan, ask for proof and have someone else look at the proof with you.  You can even ask in groups if other people know of the account selling the tickets.
  ~ My Last Humble Opinion ~
  Last year, Love Yourself tour tickets for Metlife Stadium had a decent resale price on StubHub because many ARMY had already purchased tickets: extremely overpriced resale tickets and multiple face value tickets in hopes for the right seats.  I’ve seen many ARMY say they might sit this tour out because they’re broke like me, they’re saving for other kpop concerts, or they’re unsure how different the Speak Yourself concert will be from Love Yourself stages.  That ups the chances for tickets and, if the demand isn’t as high as last time, the resale prices will go down about two or three days from the concert date and they’ll become lower the day of.  Hell, Ontario wasn’t a popular destination and those tickets were nuts.
Just don’t buy tickets because you can and then hold them in hopes of better tickets.  There will be more chances.  There were lots of tickets that were unclaimed.  Some of the top tier levels. Were. Not. Full.
So anything is possible! Believe it and stay fighting!
  There you have it: This behemoth posting that tired me out enough over the weeks that I had to just publish the sucker and get it over with! LOL! Hopefully, this is useful.  I wanted to get it out sooner than the day Speak Yourself tickets go on sale.  I also forgot about DPR! Oh well. (੭ ˃̣̣̥ ω˂̣̣̥)੭
Experience: #LoveYourselfInChicago where I learned first hand what PCD is and the overwhelming disgrace of blacking out. Before BTS in Chicago, I didn’t believe in post-concert depression.  Clearly, I was wrong. BE FOREWARNED!
0 notes
winstonhcomedy · 5 years
“Dope A-F” - 2/1-2/2- “Country Clubs and Meadery Fun”
Five super ridiculously fun sets spread across four shows this past weekend. Kind of a blast. Got to do some fun shows with some dope people. What more can you ask for from comedy. So let’s hop right into it my sweet sweet laydees!
Friday after work I headed immediately to my first show. I am booked to headline at Haley’s Honey Meadery in Hopewell VA. This is the second show they’ve done there. It is hosted and ru n by Sarah Pip Rose. A soft-spoken and super nice comedian. Her shows are always fun, and usually in pretty unique locations. Her and I had talked beforehand about what kind of show she wanted. She told me there is no content restrictions, but she prefers a more pg-13 show so I prepare a set that respects that.
I get there and Haley’s is a super dope spot. It is a super cool room. It is long and narrow with a bar on the side. They have a food truck outside, and also offer their own menu. There are a few people here when I arrive. Mostly older and white.
I go to the back of the room and hang with Mike Engle. He is one of the featuring comics on the show. We talk about his day job, upcoming shows, and his recent tour with his band The Alex Jonestown Massacre. A pop-punk band from RVA featuring three comedians. Dope band. Check them out.
Mu Cuzzo shows up dressed to the nines in a jacket and hat combination. He is the other comic featuring. He is also going first because he has to get back to RVA for the WRIR comedy showcase. We hangout, they get some drinks, we all order a little bit of food, All in all it is a good hang before the show starts.
Apparently the month before the show was completely packed out. They had people lined up all the way to the back. Unfortunately that was not the case this time. We had an intimate crowd of about 20 people not counting the staff. Which honestly isn’t awful. It is such a cool and dope room I am still excited with the prospect of hopefully a pretty fun show.
Sarah went up first and had a pretty good set. She got everyone to pay attention even though they were all spread out. She got some good laughs and really set the table nicely for the rest of the show. After her Mu went up. Mu has really improved over the last year or so of doing comedy. He is a great performer whose joke writing is catching up to his energy on stage (which is a good thing, this is the same track I was on when I started), He knows how to sell his jokes and connect with the audience. He has a pretty good set. He said it was the longest set he has done so far, and he did a good job weaving in and out of his material and didn’t have to check notes. All in all a strong set for the venue.
Then Mike went up. I don’t know if it was how he was holding his microphone or if the PA got messed up, but it was really hard to hear him. It sounded like the microphone was in his mouth. I know a lot of people were struggling to pick up what he was laying down. I think Mike is a funny dude, and he has some of my favorite jokes in the scene. This was an older crowd, and that is definitely a tougher sell for Mike’s act. He did his time, and delivered his material. Definitely respect that, and I think the set would have gone better if people could have heard him more clearly.
After he gets off stage. A group of people leave, because they are heading over to the Beacon Theatre for the Eagles cover band. Cover band’s will always beat free comedy. In the hierarchy of live entertainment the Eagle’s will always crush credit less comedians.
I get brought up on stage and start my act. I make sure the PA sounds good and go into my material. I am doing ok honestly. Like I am not killing, but I am supposed to do at least 30 and doing ok for 30 minutes is a living hell. After about 5 minutes I start doing crowd work. I am not doing anything crazy. I just start asking questions about what a meadery is. I talk about how nice the bathroom is. I am starting to build some momentum. A dude comes in a little into my set and I ask what he does. He says porn. This gets a pretty big laugh because of how unexpected it is. He forced my hand. I am headlining and honestly at this point do not care how dirty my set is going to be. I want to give this audience what they want, and I do not want to bomb. So I proceed to do 40 minutes of crowd work.
We talked about midget porn for about 15 minutes, and then I went around the room just riffing on what people are into sexually. The owner Haley is absolutely loving it. I talk to her and her husband. I also talk to her parents who were in the front row (Nancy and Bob). Nancy loved it. I was tying crowd work back to other members of the crowd. I made sure to interact with everyone who was there. I am absolutely killing for the 40 minutes. Everything is working, and it is unique and fun. One guy was a programmer of robots with drill bits, and I riffed about fashioning dildos to the machine. I tied that back to Nancy. I talked to a guy in the back who said he no longer masturbated because his wife forbid it. His wife was there so we went back and forth. Legit there is too much insanity in the 40 minutes to remember it all without listening again.
I’d give this set an A-. My material didn’t work, but I absolutely slaughtered. I get so much anxiety about comedy that when I haven’t done crowd work for this long in a while I worry I have forgotten how to do it. So it is nice to flex that muscle. After the show everyone came up to me and talked about how much fun they had. This is an awesome room. Honestly it is so cool that Hopewell has this meadery. I’d recommend this show/venue to anyone. The food and mead were great. The staff were super friendly, and I legit can not wait to come back.
After this I jetted over to do my second set at Wabi Sabi in Petersburg. This is one of the best/toughest rooms around. You really have to work for it, but when they are on board with you it is one hell of a ride.
Jason Klingman was hosting as usual and we had a dope lineup. We had Nick Deez (doing his first set at Wabi), Benjie Saunders (who was coming back from a extended break from standup), Dylan Vattelana, Anthony Thompson, Kenny Wingle, and myself.
The hang is great, everybody is laughing and joking around. The crowd looks dope, and the energy is good. We are all ready to get this thing started. Klingman goes up first and has a super good hosting set. He was feeling himself and the audience was vibing from the beginning.  The energy kept building and it just felt like it was going to be an amazing show.
Nick and I’s buddy Bryan Williams showed up to support us. Nick is up next. He starts out super strong. His first 5 minutes his jokes are hitting super hard. The second half the energy changed. I had walked out of the room for a minute to write my set down, and when I came back it just felt different. He was still doing well, but he was having to work for it.
After him was Benjie. You could tell he was rusty. He hadn’t been up in a while and it showed. He was having a difficult time capturing the audiences attention. There were four birthday’s being celebrated and people were pretty intoxicated. By the time he got off stage the energy was just depleted. It was insane that this was the same audience as Klingman’s set. It didn’t feel that way. It felt like they had all realized they hated comedy.
I go up next. As I get on stage a table of 8 or 9 people were putting their coats on and getting ready to leave. I wasn’t gong to let that happen. I was still riding the confidence and the high from the first set of the night. I jumped right into crowd work. It was one lady’s birthday in the group so I talked to her. I busted her balls and started talking to her about dating. This is going well and some of the people who had walked out came back in. I start ridding back and forth between the two sides. The momentum starts to build and the laughter comes back. I’m working my ass off to get the energy right. As I am finishing up a heckler comes in. I don’t really have time to deal with it, but I am definitely happy with the set. I’d give it a B.
After me that table leaves anyway, and the energy goes back to normal. Dylan tried to do his material, but the audience was being wack and not giving his jokes the attention they deserved. He eventually answered the phone for a drunk woman and talked to her boss. I really hope he got her fired. She was awful.
Anthony was up next and he went into his act as well. Another set full of dope jokes, but the crowd was just being super weird. I don’t know what was up. I really think they were all just super hammered. Wingle went up last to his new walk up song. He did some crowd work and it felt like a high school reunion because some lady kept talking to him. I think they knew each other but I could’t make it out. It ended up just turning into a birthday party for one lady. They brought out a damn cake and singing. Wingle handled it like a pro, but it was one of the weirder shows I’ve seen.
During the show I was just so ecstatic about my two sets I was jamming food in my mouth. In the way of Calimari and homemade Oreo cheesecake. The shit was so good. I can’t wait to get booked there again so I can have that exact meal.
We all went back up at the end to do Sex With Me is Like. Which is one of my least favorite things to do. I don’t know it’s just not for me. I am so fearful of saying something unfunny that I end up saying nothing. I get in my own head and I have to get over that. Everybody else had great lines and were doing super well. I just kind of sat back and let it happen.
We all hung out for a bit at Wabi after the show before I had to head home. All in all it was a super fun night. Even with the weird show at Wabi. I had a blast.
Now I was stoked because today was going to be a doozie. I had been booked by the DC Improv to host for Tim Dillon (Netflix, Comedy Central) at the Bethesda Country Club in Bethesda MD. I was exhausted from the night before so I slept in for a bit, before meeting up with some friends to watch the VT vs NC State basketball game at BWW. After this I took a super long nap and then headed to Fairfax to meet Chris.
I get there and meet up with Chris/Paige/TJ at Tj’s place. We chill for a bit before all going our separate ways. Chris and I head to Bethesda. We get to the country club and it is crazy nice. Everyone is super kind to us and we help ourselves to the buffet before the show.
The food was ridiculously good. The buffet had chicken, filet mignon, salmon, lamb chops, sushi, and so much more dope stuff. It was an open bar for the comics. Chris and I pack our plates and then go pig out. 
Tim Dillon gets there and he is a nice dude. He talks to us and jokes around so it is actually pretty fun. He does have a tendency to ask us questions just to set up us asking him the same question so he could brag. I could just be projecting, but it just felt like ehe was asking us what we were going to do for the Super Bowl so he could tell us his dope plans. Still incredibly nice and funny guy,. He hung with us and he didn’t have to. I am used to some headliners not wanting to hang out so this was dope.
The show starts and I go up and have a pretty good set. Nothing too wild or crazy, but I was definitely doing well. I’d give it a solid B for the first set. I didn’t do a ton of crowd work and I lost them on a KKK joke (they said they were a diverse crowd, but they were white as hell). I got them back in the end and got an applause break to end my set.  
I bring up Naomi Karavani and she has a fine set. They’re digging her stuff and she ended strong. This show is really starting to roll. Then Chris goes up and he absolutely murders. He just owns the stage. Honestly if there wasn’t an intermission after him I think he would have kind of buried Tim Dillon. Everything he does works, and even when it doesn’t kill the way he wants it to he is able to get a huge applause by telling the audience they’re wrong. He also tires this joke that he and I riffed I the car and it absolutely murdered. It was so dope to see him have a killer set. 
They then have a ten minute intermission so people can go to the bathroom. After the intermission I go back up and do a second set. I use my set to get people to sit down, and then do a little crowd work. I know this set is just to get people ready to see Tim. I do a couple quick jokes about teaching and end on a huge laugh. I give this set a B as well. I bring Tim up and he gets right to work. I decide to go hang with Chris and Naomi for a bit.
We are eating, and talking shit. Going over different types of body shaming. What is and is not ok. It all in all is a great hang. Then we all head back to watch the last fifteen minutes of Tim’s set. He is doing well, but he isn’t murdering the way he was earlier. Maybe they were a little tired I don’t know. He switches to crowd work and it starts to destroy. He ends on a super huge laugh. 
We all say goodbye and thank everybody involved. We all get in Chris’ Prius and drive to Big Hunt for the late night open mic. We get there and meet up with Paige. There are a bunch of other comics there hanging out. The more I go up to DC the more comfortable I get. I love talking and hanging with these people.  Chris goes up fifth and has a killer set again. He had me record his Governor Northram bit and it kills again. A really good video. 
I go up ninth and have a hot one. I am ridiculously proud of the set I had. I’d give it an A-. It feels like the jokes I did are pretty much done. The audience was super into it, and this weekends sets are a stark contrast to the three bombs in a row I had earlier in the week. I am still working on understanding that bombing is part of the process. It’s a shit part of the process, but it’s part of it nonetheless. 
That’s it laydees. What a fun hot weekend. I took Sunday off to be with family and watch football. I felt like I earned it. I love comedy again, and am feeling good. At least until my next breakdown. Thanks for reading and I’ll see you sweeties soon! xoxo
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