#i was like why am i fighting my love of star wars be free
genderentvy · 1 year
I was so ready to get lost in the sauce about star wars, but here I am mentally rotating all of star trek in the rotisserie chicken oven
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local-omen · 1 month
bad batch finale thoughts!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
first of all damn. like damn. they really did it. those crazy sons of bitches did it. they ended this beloved show in a way that was cathartic, happy, full of tension, and did all the characters justice. my faith in star wars has been restored. i am so happy
—— the tension was unmatched this whole episode. like narratively, killing off tech told us as the audience that no one is safe, there’s no plot armor. so the whole time i was like omg they’re all gonna die but they dIDNT BECAUSE THEYRE THE BEST IN THE BUSINESS AND BECAUSE THEY HAVE LOYALTY AND LOVE FOR EACH OTHER AND THATS WHAT THIS HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABOUT. LOYALTY AND LOVE. AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA
—— CROSSHAIRS HAND IM SOBBING there is something so heart wrenching but amazing about his 'shooting hand' being taken away from him. it's like the physical embodiment of why he was created but now that he's free of that embodiment, he can choose to be whatever he wants. such a good choice narratively imo
—— that elite task force was badass i'm obsessed with their designs and their fighting styles i kinda wish we got more of them but they were also terrifying
—— crosshair finally made the shot that mattered the MOST. i love him so much. like he seriously means so much to me idec
—— still bummed that tech is actually dead (no he’s not haha loser i’m happy in my delusions). while i do think it’s technically more realistic for clone soldiers bred to die and raised with the expectation that they’ll be killed in battle to lack emotion, i think the lack of emotion this season was to its detriment. however i will say that the “clone force 99 died with tech” line was so good it pretty much made up for it lol
—— THE ENDING WAAA A A AAA A. A A A A. A AAA. A A A A A. A A AAA AAA AAA AAAA A A AAAAAA A A. omega and hera best friends confirmed. they were rebellion pilots together. omega is in the rebellion. like that is just the perfect ending to her character i can’t even. because of course she would. and i love her. i’m so proud of her. she is the heart and soul of this show and anyone who hated her is prolly feelin realllll silly right now
—— damn we’re really just not gonna know who the cx 2 operative was huh. like. he really was just a guy
—— that last shot of tech’s glasses almost got me i fr almost cried. he would be so so so proud of omega. he would be proud of all of them
—— omegas and hunters older designs mean everything to me. just. storytelling through clothes will never not be my favorite thing. her little skull patch 😭🫠 the bandana 🫠🥲
this show means so much to me, truly. it has inspired me artistically, comforted me, and connected me to some amazing people. i don’t even feel stupid for writing all these thoughts about a ‘silly little star wars show’ because damn it this is what art and stories means to people!! this is how powerful they can be! i do not need to hide behind jokes and irony to communicate how much this artistic work means to me!
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of-naboo · 8 months
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His manners were still impeccable, like when he was a little boy, but, Sabé remembered, he was the one who programmed C-3PO in the first place. Several pieces of the puzzle that was Anakin's presence fitted together neatly in her head.
"You and Padmé," Sabé said.
Anakin bristled, like he was ready for a fight.
"It's none of your business," he said.
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"I am in my nightgown, and you are in my room," Sabé said. "I think it's at least part of my business."
"She-" Anakin started. He looked down at his hand, flexing his newly tuned metal fingers inside his glove. "I love her," he said. And then, like it was a dare: "She loves me."
It made all too much sense. Why Padmé had disappeared on Naboo. Why the schedule had changed and why the staff had such a new routine. This is why Padmé's evenings were free. This was why her handmaidens slept on the floor below instead of the penthouse suite as they used to. She hadn't done it for herself, not to make a separation between her career and her personal space. She had done it for him.
"You're angry," Anakin said. "That doesn't bother me. I'd be angry, too, if she picked you over me."
"That's not how it works, Jedi," Sabé said. "Padmé's heart is infinite, and she loves many, many people. Not to mention her feelings about duty and her job. If you haven't figured that out yet, you will soon enough."
"Maybe," Anakin said. He didn't sound entirely convinced.
Star Wars Queen's Hope, E.K Johnston
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yandere-wishes · 4 months
Opinion on the absolute ANCIENT history of Star Wars legends? Meaning Tulak Hord, Marka Ragnos and such
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Anon I am SO SO SO SORRY this took me forever to answer. I loved the ask so much that I wanted to have the perfect mood and ambiance for when I answered it. Suffice it to say that that hasn't happened for a good while now. But I sincerely hope that you are still lurking around this blog and get a chance to see my response. I cannot express how excited this ask has made me!! I harbor an extremely unhealthy obsession with ancient Sith lords and their lore
I'm going to start off by saying that, if we were in the Star Wars universe I would have already become a Sith lord. Due SOLELY to how much Darkside lore I read~🖤❤️
I swear whenever I see a new Sith lord my brain goes: "Omg he's so ugly." Then he proceeds to live in my head rent-free for three days and on the third night, I find myself dreaming of making out with him... this has happened one too many times...It might be a little bit concerning. XD
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Tulak Hord gives off major samurai vibes so I feel like he does follow some sorta Sith honor code. That being said he most likely acquires his darling as either a war trophy from some rival or conquered planet. Or she's a wide-eyed Acolyte who he can twist into his perfect darling. 
He's also so pretty and I want to kiss him so badly!!
 I'd love to be his little darling, a war trophy won in battle. Kept locked away within his fortress. A prize none but him are worthy to see. 
After each bloody campaign, he returns to you, his starlight. A dividend that keeps him fighting, keeps him tethered to the dark side of the force. He fights to provide you with an empire, to win your praises at his many accomplishments. 
 Little does he know of the aversion you harbor for him.
Tulak Hord the monster who took everything from you.  
No, but to be fair, I'd still be MADLY in love with him. Just imagine Lord Hord coming home from the battlefield, bloodied and still high off his bloodlust. 
Imagine straddling him as you lovingly peel off his bloodied armor. Kissing his flesh every time it appears from under his armor. He'd run his clawed gauntlets over your back tracing your spine. Making you shiver from the frigid steel. Your warmth feels welcoming, innocent, he longs to corrupt it. 
Then obviously kissing when you get to his helmet. Deep and passionate. Filled with hate and love. Out of fear, you've learned to play your role as a doubtful lover, a devoted wife, to a fault. 
"The universe is more complicated than you could ever imagine, starlight. Be thankful that I've shielded you away from all its inconsistencies."
It's getting harder and harder to remember why you resist him so much. Why push him away when his presence is so overwhelming? Consuming you wholly. 
"Thank you, my lord." 
If you were his Acolyte things would play out a bit differently. He'd have trained you for so many years. Building you up to be the ultimate weapon and simultaneously his ideal darling. You're too far gone, mistaking toxins for affection. You've learned to cherish every bruise and broken bone that comes from him.
You were such a naive little girl when he first took an interest in you. Now he's morphed you into the scourge of the battlefield. The mere mention of your name sends generals running away in fear. 
He finds you after every campaign. Permits you the honor of washing his armor and tending to his wounds. Basking in the way your nimble fingers apply bacta to what little scars he may have received. 
Tulak is such a tremendous master. Personally seeing to your wellbeing and recovery. 
He pulls you onto his lap, kissing your open wounds as he stitches them for you. Sometimes he pulls his helmet up and plunges his tongue into the trauma lapping at the blood and broken muscles as he ravishes in your delightful moans. He'll whisper sweet praises into your ears, telling you how proud he is of all you've accomplished, what a stupendous sith lord you shall make someday, ruling by his side. All while his iron-clad fingers work bruises into your soft flesh. 
You are his perfect little doll.
Tulak Hord's perfect little acolyte.
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Would it be wrong to say that I kinda want to be Marka Ragnos' concubine? Or just his pretty little princess who's always at his beck and call!! Look he's literally a giant hulking red alien with golden horns... what's not to love!! 
Plus I'd give anything to just sit on his lap as he holds court. Tracing patterns across his chest and relishing in the feeling of his claws scraping across your flesh, leaving his mark even when he's focused on galactic domination. 
Prior to that Marka would totally dress you in the most ethereal dresses!! All lavish golds and blood reds. Somedays they'd be full-blown multilayered dresses and other days (when he wants to show a bit more dominance) he'll have you wearing danity silk dresses that show more skin than you are comfortable with. 
He'd also shower you with praises throughout the day. Calling you his "sweet little princess" and "pretty girl". look getting called "pretty girl" by a sith lord is free therapy and I am HERE for it😤😍😤😍. 
I also have this random headcanon that Marka Ragnose is (in some ways) a father figure to Vitita/Valkorion/Tenebrae. That being said it's only logical for Marka Ragnos' darling to be (younger) Vitita's mother figure. In a twisted forceful way, they're kinda like a happy family. Also forced Yandere family is one of my fav tropes, so I had to reference it here lol. 
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Okay, guys seriously this ask has made me so happy since the MOMENT I got it!! If anyone wants to send in asks for any Star Wars Sith lords (well-known ones, obscure ones, hated/loved ones) my ask box is wide open. 
In conclusion, I've been collecting Sith Lords to simp over like an 8-year-old collects Pokemon cards. Sith lords are unconventionally HOT and I'd totally be down to be there sweet little darling !! Like please just let me be a Sith Lord's cute little side piece, the eye candy that hangs off his arm. His pretty little bunny girl that'll do anything to please him.
(*Concerningly looks down at the pride and self-respect I just smashed.* "Whoops...that wasn't supposed to happen") 
Anon I think I answered your question with these little stories. I am very much IN LOVE with the ancient Sith lords. And it doesn't just stop at Tulak and Marka. I literally NEED a harm of Sith lords. Look they may not be conventionally handsome, but there's something about "the dark forces warping their appearance" that makes me go absolutely feral!! 🤣🤣😍😍
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skywxikers · 2 months
Do you think Hunter is going to die? If so, how do you think it happens?
If not Hunter, do you think anyone else will? Who and why or why not?
Id put this as anon but youd know who i am anyway
this is a giant rant sorry u have to read all this jesse
i’m not 100% sure if hunter is going to die, but out of the whole batch i’d say he’s the most likely to. this is bc wrecker already got injured in the marauder explosion, if he were to get killed off after even tho he was revealed to be ok, that would be not the best writing. i also don’t think cross would die, he’s still developing as a character and going thru his redemption arc and healing (both physically and mentally). omega is essential to the plot bc of the m count transfer and needs to be kept alive, so she’ll live as well.
that leaves hunter, and his death would make sense. he’s the leader of the batch, but i saw another post on here (i couldn’t find the user sadly) saying that his character is somewhat flat, and i’d agree. throughout the seasons, hunter’s only purpose has been to lead his brothers and take care of them; he doesn’t have any goals of his own. during the clone wars, his loyalty was to the republic, after the empire rose it was to his brothers, and omega when she joined. after omega was taken, hunter was noticeably thinner and less like himself. i wouldn’t chalk up his lack of development to bad writing, as the writers have done amazing, imo, when it comes to all the other characters EVEN BATCHER who’s an animal. that being said, i wouldn’t be surprised if hunter’s death is used to push the others’ development.
as for how he’ll die, he seems like the self sacrificing type. project necromancer is somewhat successful, bc the palpy clones are a thing, meaning omega will be affected. that will prob escalate into the final fight. something ab the oldest brother keeping his sister safe, letting her have a chance and live a life he couldn’t (since omega isn’t in any other star wars projects taking place after so i’m assuming she stops fighting)
but ngl i hope no one dies (wishful thinking tho 😔) and hunter gets to discover himself, what he wants, and be selfish for once.
if u disagree tho feel free to lmk, i love hearing other ppls opinions :D
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flightlessangelwings · 9 months
Coming Back to You
Biker!Axe Woves x fem!reader (no use of y/n)
Word count- 6.5k
Dialogue prompt- “ if you wanna hurt them, you’re going to have to get through me, first. “ Action prompt- [ KILL ]: sender, seeing the receiver in immediate and intentionally fatal danger, intervenes by killing their assailant before they can kill the receiver.
Warnings- s.mut (18+ ONLY!), biker au, modern setting with star wars names and vibes, mutual pining, found family, protective!Axe, minor character death, minor violence (nondescript), mention of past parental death, attempted kidnapping, reader works at a bar/cantina
Notes- Well, September's Year of Protectiveness changed a lot but I'm so excited to share this one with y'all! @yearofcreation2023 And I know Greez is from another part of the timeline and a totally different story, but I love him and it's my au so I'm using the characters I want to lol! I hope y'all like this cause I really liked writing it! Shout out to all the Axe Woves girlies (gn)!!
To stay up to date on when I post, follow my update blog and turn on post notifs @flightlessangelwings-updates
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The warm breeze hit Axe Woves’ face pleasantly as his motorcycle roared down the sandy roads of Tatooine. It was a desert country, with not much to see, but its location made it valuable to many trade routes of the motorcycle clubs around. Plus it was a place where a lot of people with bounties on their heads liked to hide out, which is why the Mandalorians- an MC that mostly was made up of bounty hunters-  found themselves there often.
Tatooine was a place where people passed through mostly, not somewhere one would stay permanently. There were those that did, however; someone had to run the ports and hotels and bars. But overall, it wasn’t somewhere Axe ever stayed more than one night at a time.
Exhaustion started to hit him, though, and once he got close to Mos Eisley, the capital city and heart of Hutt territory, he decided to pull over for a rest and recharge. On the outskirts sat a welcoming-looking cantina, and Axe pulled his loud blue bike up to it.
“Winking Skeever Cantina,” he muttered to himself as he took his helmet off and took a deep breath of fresh air. He wasn’t expecting much- there never was much going on at quiet dives like this. But all the breath was knocked out of his lungs when he walked through the doors and saw the most beautiful person he had ever seen in his life… Unfortunately, you were in trouble.
“I told you it’s over Cen,” your voice was stern as you tried to yank yourself free of his grip, “Please leave!”
“But babe please,” the man, Cen, pleaded as he refused to let go of his grasp on your wrist, “Just give me one more chance. I promise I’ll do better.”
“No,” you snapped back, “Let me go, asshole!”
Cen was interrupted when a strong, gloved hand grabbed him and forcefully pulled him off of you, “I believe the lady told you ‘no,’” Axe’s smooth voice came out soft, yet it hid an undertone of threat behind his words.
Fired up, Cen was about to launch himself at the stranger, but he stopped in his tracks when he recognized the unmistakable skull on the leather jacket and froze, “A Mandalorian…” he breathed as all the fight left his body.
Your eyes went wide as you took a couple steps back to put some distance between you and your ex. Without even realizing it, you had placed yourself behind the handsome Mandalorian stranger.
He glanced at you and gave you a quick wink before he turned back to Cen, “So you know what I am,” his tone dropped, “Are we going to have a problem here?” Axe hovered his hand over his gun, more of a threat than an intent to use it, but Cen didn't need to know that.
“N-no,” he stuttered.
“Will I see you around here bothering this lady again?” Axe’s eyes burned as he squeezed Cen’s wrist even tighter.
“N-no,” he sounded like a completely different man than just moments ago. Cen was scared and powerless, and wanted nothing more than to run out of the bar and never come back.
“Good,” Axe didn’t realize his grip on him just yet though, “Before you go, apologize to the lady.”
“Not good enough,” Axe growled as he slammed his head against the wall.
“I’m sorry,” Cen huffed out between heavy breaths.
Satisfied, Axe released him and before he could even take a step back, Cen bolted out the door. Axe stared for a few moments, making sure he was gone for good, before he turned back to you, “Are you alright?” he addressed you with a softer, gentler tone.
It took you a moment to process that the Mandalorian had said anything; you were too lost in his deep eyes, handsome features and the fact that he jumped in with no hesitation to save you. Your heart pounded as he stared at you expectantly, “Yes,” you breathed as your shoulders dropped, “Thank you,” you added, “For getting rid of my ex. He would not leave me alone, even though I’ve told him it’s over about a hundred times.”
Axe frowned, “Perhaps I should stick around for a while. Make sure he doesn’t come back.”
Your skin burned hotter than the desert sun outside, “I…” you let out a deep breath, “You’re welcome to stay as long as you want, Mandalorian.”
“Axe,” he reached for you hand and gently raised it to his lips, placing a soft kiss on the back of it, “Axe Woves.”
You trembled in his soft grip as you gave him your name, “I’ve never actually met a Mandalorian before, but I’ve heard the stories.”
“I hope they mention how devilishly charming some of us are,” Axe couldn’t help the cheesy line and spilled from his lips. But when you giggled at his antics, his own heart fluttered in his chest.
“That was a pleasant surprise,” you quipped back as you subtly shimmied your shoulders. The two of you stared into each other’s eyes for several moments as the jukebox played quietly in the background. Neither of you heard much of the music, though, as both your hearts pounded loudly in your chest.
You broke the silence first as you cleared your throat, “Sit anywhere you like, Axe,” you gestured to the empty bar, “Whatever you want is on the house. My uncle owns the place, I know it’ll be alright.”
“How kind of you,” Axe smiled as he sat down at the bar. He was about to say something else when the kitchen doors burst open and a short man stormed in.
“Hey, hey, hey, we don’t want any trouble here, Mando!” he chastised in a thick accent. His grey hair was thinning on top, but he still had a long, thick beard. He pushed you behind him protectively, “Don’t go around hurting my family, you hear!”
“Uncle Greez!” you hissed as you stepped out from behind him, “This is Axe Woves,” you gestured to him, “He saved me. He got Cen to finally leave for good,” the relief in your voice was apparent. 
The fire in his eyes quickly dissipated as his shoulders dropped, “Oh,” he said as he visibly relaxed, “Well that’s ok then.” Thought he relaxed, Greez kept his guard up.
You shot him a smile as you patted his shoulder as dashed behind the bar, quickly pouting Axe a drink and sliding it to him. A shock ran up your skin as his fingers brushed over yours as he took the glass from you. You gasped softly at the contact and snapped your eyes up to meet his and again, for a moment you were lost in them.
It wasn’t until Greez cleared his throat that you jumped back and gathered yourself again, “Sorry,” you mumbled, more to yourself than to anyone else.
“We got tables over there to wait. Our cantina doesn’t serve itself you know,” Greez pointed to the booths on the other end of the small cantina that suddenly had people in them. You hadn’t even heard them come in as you were too enthralled with the Mandalorian who sat at the bar.
“On it,” you replied to your uncle before you turned back to Axe, “Be right back.”
“I’ll be here, darling,” he lifted his glass in a cheer.
Greez watched as the Mandalorian never took his eyes off of you. For several minutes, he stood in silence as his own emotions boiled over to the surface and he cleared his throat again to get his attention.
Axe had to look down to meet Greez’s eyes, and he had to fight his own feelings to keep a neutral expression on his face. He knew a protective family member when he saw one.
“You know,” Greez started as he stepped closer, “Your kind has a bit of a reputation for being the toughest M.C. out there…”
Axe took a sip of his drink, “That we do,” he nodded, “But it’s because we have to be, not because we want to be.”
Greez sighed, “I know you guys ain’t nothing like the Hutts or anything,” he sat down next to Axe, “I just don’t want to see her hurt is all,” he paused, “She may not be blood, but she’s still the only family I got left.” The solumness in his tone said there was more left unspoken, but that was for another time.
Axe nodded, “I understand. Family is important to the Mandalorians too… Blood or not blood.” He paused as he opened his mouth to say something else, something along the lines of not wanting to hurt you either, but he left that thought hanging in the air.
Greez grabbed a glass of his own and listed it towards the biker, “Then I believe we are at an understanding.”
“That we are,” he replied softly as he tapped his glass against Greez’s.
As the cantina filled in with the evening rush, you became too busy to stop and talk to Axe again unless it was to bring him his order. Yet, even with the commotion of the crowd, you always felt his watchful eye on you, and it made you feel safe. And true to his word, Axe stayed for several hours until he was sure that your ex wouldn’t come back.
He left a generous tip on the bar and slipped out before you could even notice. You couldn’t deny that it made your heart sink when you turned around and saw he was gone. In the corner by the kitchen doors, you saw your uncle Greez standing there, who gave you an understanding nod before he went back into the kitchen.
It was several weeks before you saw Axe Woves again. Yet, you couldn’t help the hopeful gaze whenever you saw the cantina doors open followed by the disappointment that it wasn’t him. The day Axe finally came back, your face lit up as you couldn’t hide your excitement at seeing him again. He never made any promise to return, yet you couldn’t help the feeling that you’d see him again, that he would come back to you. And he did.
The truth was, Axe wanted to come back the next day, but duty called him away longer than he would have liked. He smirked and nodded at you as his heart secretly fluttered in his chest at the way your smile beamed brightly at him. Maker, you were stunning.
“Your usual, Mr. Woves?” you asked slyly as he sat down at the same stool at the bar.
“That sounds wonderful, my lady,” he answered back with the same flirtatious tone.
You bit your lip as you felt your skin tingle under his gaze. And you couldn’t help but notice the bruise on his cheek, but you tried to keep your face neutral as your eyes glanced down.
He noticed though, of course, “It’s nothing, darling,” Axe tried to ease your obvious worry, “You should see the other guy,” he added with an amused huff.
Your face dropped for just a moment but you quickly gathered yourself, “I’m glad,” you breathed.
Axe took a sip of the drink you slid to him, “Has our friend been back at all?” he asked with a pointed tone on the word “friend.”
“Not once,” you replied with a relieved tone.
“Good,” he winked at you before someone else called your attention and you went back to work. Axe stayed for several hours just to make sure you were truly safe. 
Over the next few weeks, Axe Woves returned several times. And every time, you both never resisted the urge to flirt with each other. Except for the one time you seemed distressed and distracted, though you instead you were alright. Axe stayed a little bit longer that day until you were back to your usual self.
Every time you saw each other, the tension grew, yet it remained unspoken. Even Greez made a comment about how much the Mandalorian biker affected you; “Please, not in front of me, I don’t wanna see that,” he mumbled. 
It was afternoon, a slow day, with hardly anyone at the cantina. You and Greez took the opportunity to clean the bar when a familiar face strode through the door. You looked up from what you were doing and smiled as you met Axe’s gaze. Greez nodded politely but then scoffed playfully as he teased you under his breath.
“Uncle,” you hissed, nudging him.
“Quiet day today,” Axe commented as he sat down at the bar.
“Yeah,” you replied, unsure of what to make of the way he stared deep into your eyes, as if he was searching through your soul for something. It made your skin burn and your hands tremble, and you couldn’t help the way your eyes wandered down his strong shoulders and broad chest. You noted the patches on his leather jacket, and you knew on the back from watching him walk away he had the signature Mandalorian mythosaur. 
“Hey,” Axe whispered your name, drawing your attention back to the present.
“How about we go for a ride?” he asked suavely. 
“I…” you stuttered as your heart pounded in your chest, “I…”
“Oh go on,” Greez interrupted, “It’s slow here today anyway.”
You snapped to meet his gaze, surprised he would encourage you. But, you knew that Greez only ever looked out for your best interest, and he could tell how much his biker meant to you. And, if Greez had to admit, Axe Woves was a good man under the leather and the biker persona.
Turning back to Axe, you lit up, “That sounds great,” you replied in a hushed tone as you came around the bar and slid your hand into his extended one.
“Just make sure you get her back in one piece, you hear, Mando!” Greez called out to the two of you.
“I will keep her safe,” Axe turned back to your uncle, “You have my word.” 
A giggle escaped your lips as you let Axe lead you to his bike hand in hand. Your heart pounded in your chest as you felt his strong grip as he held your hand tightly, but you stopped in your tracks and let out a gasp when he brought you outside and you got a good look at his bike for the first time, “It’s gorgeous…”
“She is,” Axe replied, his eyes never leaving you, “Now I’m going to need you to hold onto me tight. Can you do that?”
You broke your gaze off of his bike and your face warmed when you replied his face was only inches from yours, “Yeah,” you breathed.
It was exhilarating the way the wind hit your face and the bike roared underneath you as Axe drove you both down the long, winding desert roads of Tatooine. You understood now why people chose the life of a biker in a motorcycle club. Even after one ride you craved more, but you were sure it was also because of who you rode with. You kept your arms wrapped tightly around Axe’s torso, leaning against his shoulder when you got tired of holding yourself up. And the way his warmth and the smell of his leather jacket engulfed your senses lit a new fire within you.
Axe drove you around for what felt like hours, and the sun was starting to set when you felt the bike slow down. “We’re here,” he yelled over his shoulder to you.
Looking up, you saw a little oasis in the distance, a sanctuary in the desert. Your heart pounded as he brought the bike into the trees, escaping the harsh suns. With a sigh, you pushed yourself off, with help from Axe’s strong hand of course.
“How did you like your first ride?” he asked with a satisfied grin as he slipped off his gloves. Axe already knew by the look on your face that you enjoyed it, but he wanted to hear you say it.
“It was amazing,” you breathed as you looked around, “And this place… I had no idea this was here!”
“MC secret, darling,” Axe quipped back with a wink, “Out here is Tuskin territory, but the Mandalorians have an agreement with them, so we’re perfectly safe here,” he glanced at you, still looking around in awe, “We use it as a rest stop on our long trips through the desert.”
“It’s beautiful,” you were mesmerized by the sanctuary the little oasis offered. It wasn’t very big, but it had enough trees to offer a shelter from the elements, as well as a little pond in the center. There was a small camp set up with supplies so passers-by could restock on their way.
“That it is,” he sighed, his eyes never leaving yours once more. But this time, you caught his gaze, and you knew exactly what his intentions were. Axe thought it was charming how your eyes went wide and you held your breath just a little longer before you looked down at the ground. He reached out and took your hand gingerly, “Let’s sit, darling.”
The two of you settled in the little camp on some blankets in front of the pond. It was quiet and remote, yet you felt perfectly safe with Axe. Together the two of you sat in a comfortable silence, his thumb brushing across the back of your hand ever so slightly.
“So,” Axe broke the silence, “Does your uncle always chase any potential suitors of yours? Except for that ass… What's his name..? That he failed to.”
You laughed softly, “He’s just protective of me, that’s all. Uncle Greez is a good man. It’s just…” you sounded distant suddenly.
“I didn’t mean…”
“It’s alright,” you cut him off. Letting out a deep sigh, you decided to tell him, “The Hutts killed my parents when I was really young. I don’t know what happened, something about a debt I guess…” you paused as you saw Axe frown, “Greez took me in. He raised me as his own. We’re all each other has…. Just us and our bar…” you trailed off, as if you had something else to say but you decided to leave it.
Axe whispered your name as he reached out and cupped your face, “I give you my word,” he sounded firm, “I will never let anything happen to you… Or your uncle, or the cantina.”
Your mouth dropped open, but all words were lost as he crashed his lips to yours. Axe swallowed the moan you let out as he held you tightly, sealing his promise with action. He groaned as you grabbed onto his jacket and kissed his back, clinging to him just as firmly as he held you.
As your tongues danced together, you shifted yourself and climbed into his lap, straddling him and deepening the kiss. You gasped against Axe’s lips when you felt his cock was already half hard underneath you, and you couldn’t help but buck your hips a few times, grinding against him. As you did so, his hands slipped under your shirt, and you both felt a jolt when his skin touched yours. Breaking away with a gasp, you looked deep into Axe’s eyes, and saw that they were blown black with desire.
“Darling,” HIs tone was low, “As much as I’m enjoying this, are you sure this is what you want? Because if we don’t stop now, I won’t be able to hold back.”
His words made you whimper, and you felt his cock twitch underneath you, “I want this,” you murmured as you held his face in your hands, “I want you.”
“Fuck, darling,” he groaned, “I’ve never needed anyone more,” he confessed as he kissed you once more, this time while his hands roamed under your shirt.
You moaned into his mouth as Axe’s rough hands cupped your breasts and his calloused fingers ran over your nipples, “Axe…” you breathed as you broke away for him to remove your shirt.
“You’re gorgeous,” he purred before he lurched forward and took one of your breasts in his mouth.
You let out a loud moan as you threw your head back and buried your hands in his hair. As his tongue swirled around your nipple, you rocked against his hardening cock and tugged at the thick strands, the need between both of you growing quickly.
Axe broke away with a loud pop before he trailed his hands down your sides, savoring the goosebumps that erupted on your skin as he did so. But, when he reached your pants, he paused and looked back into your eyes. You swallowed hard, meeting his burning gaze. You were sure he could hear the way your heart pounded, and you felt the way he physically strained to hold himself back.
With one nod from you, though, he let go. Axe dove his hand underneath your pants and cupped your pussy. You gasped as he wasted no time in slipping a finger inside you followed by another.
“Fuck,” you breathed as you rocked your hips in time with his fingers, “Axe…”
“I love it when you say my name, darling,” he mumbled.
Tugging on his leather jacket, you suddenly felt even more desperate, “Axe… Please…” you whimpered as you tugged it off his shoulders, “Let me see you too… Please fuck me.”
Axe groaned loudly, “You know I can never say no to you, darling,” his voice was low and guttural as he pulled out of you and quickly stripped both himself and you in heated desperation.
The moment you were both free of your last bits of clothing, you straddled Axe once more, this time his cock free and at full attention. You hovered yourself over the tip, feeling your own wetness drip down, which Axe certainly noticed.
“Darling, you have never looked more beautiful than you do right now,” Axe grabbed onto your waist to help guide you down onto his cock as the sun started to set behind you.
Both of you gasped loudly as the tip of his cock pushed past your entrance. You leaned forward and grabbed onto his shoulders for support as he helped you slowly impale yourself on his length. Inch by inch, his cock filled you up, and the stretch burned so deliciously, until you were seated on his lap with all of him buried deep inside you.
Breathing heavily, you leane dback to look the biker in the eyes, and the look of pure admiration on his face made your heart slip a beat.
“Nevermind,” he purred as he kissed you tenderly, “Now you’ve never looked more beautiful.”
Without another word, he bucked his hips up, thrusting his cock into you more. Your mouth dropped open as loud moans flowed freely as he fucked into you from below. Axe watched in awe as your breasts bounced while you rocked your hips to match his rhythm while the setting sun illuminated your figure beautifully. Maker, you were like a goddess as you rode his cock in the setting sun.
Together the two of you found your perfect rhythm as you picked up your pace. Moans and groans filled the empty air as Axe’s cock dove deeper and deeper into your pussy, eventually hitting that sweet spot that made your scream.
“That’s it, darling,” he cooed as he rubbed your clit with his thumb, “Let me see how lovely you are when you cum on my cock.”
“Fuck… Axe…” you cried out as your entire body tingled. 
You dug your nails into his shoulders hard, but he didn’t care. Axe bucked his hips into you harder and faster and his thumb worked your clit with expert precision. Incoherent mumbles flowed from your lips until you froze for a moment as your climax hit. And with a loud scream, you threw your head back and came hard, gushing between your bodies as you rode out your orgasm on his cock.
Axe lost himself for a moment as he watched you fall apart. But the way your inner muscles squeezed his cock hard quickly brought him back and with a few more thrusts, he came deep inside you with a low growl of your name. As he rode out both your climaxes, Axe yanked you against him and kissed you deeply as you both collapsed down onto the ground.
For several moments, neither of you moved, both too exhausted and too comfortable to. You laid on top of him, his cock still buried inside you… and it was perfect. Axe wrapped his arms around you, stroking your head tenderly as he felt your heart pound against his. He kissed your temple softly before he rolled you both onto your sides, slipping out of you as he did so.
The gasp you let out mirrored the one you let out when he entered you, but Axe never let you go far. He quickly gathered you in his arms and rested your head on his chest, holding you tightly. The moon and the stars had begin to shine brightly in the sky, making the oasis much cooler than it had been.
“I’ve got you,” he murmured as he reached for a blanket and wrapped it around both your bodies. He knew eventually he would have to take you back home, but for now, Axe just wanted to savor every second he could you with, and having you in his arms was more than he ever could have asked for. 
Axe had never been back to the same cantina as much as he did to this one… to you. From the moment he met you he knew there was something about you, something that drew him in, something he couldn’t turn away from. You were different, you were special. And the more times he came back to you, the more he couldn’t deny his quickly growing feelings for you. The once long, lonely, quiet, road became an adrenaline rush since Axe knew it brought him to you. His heart pounded as he rode his bike down the now familiar streets towards your cantina.
But this time when he pulled up, his heart sank.
As he steered his bike towards the bar, he noticed something parked out front that wasn’t normally there: bikes. Not just any bikes either. These were distinct and stood out from others to be instantly recognizable. And Axe did not like who they belonged to: the Hutts.
And he knew there was trouble the moment the patrons rushed out of the cantina. But, when Axe didn’t see you among them, his blood ran cold, even in the hot Tatooine sun. Fear pulsed through his veins as he suddenly worried you were hurt at the hands of the Hutts… or worse.
“What would they want with you?” he whispered to himself as he pulled around the back, parking next to a van that had the license plate “Mantis” on it.
Quietly, Axe snuck in the back door and snuck his way around to the bar area where he heard your voice. Relief washed over him to know that you were still alive at least, but he knew he had to act fast if he wanted to keep it that way. Thankfully, everyone else had fled the bar so the only ones inside were you, Greez and two representatives from the Hutt gang.
“I told you I don’t have the money yet,” you pleaded with the Hutt prospect, “Please I just need a little more time.”
“You’re already overdue, sweetheart,” the other man in the Hutt jacket spat back at you, “Your time is up.”
“Wait, I’m sure we can come to an understan…” Greez tried to reason with him, and take their attention off of you, but he smacked his hard across the face so that he hit the ground hard with a groan.
“Uncle Greez!” you screamed as you tried to run for him, but the large man grabbed you before you could get to him, “Let me go you fucking shithead!” you yelled as you tried to break free.
“You’re coming with us, sweet girl,” he sneered, “I think the boss will really like you…”
You gasped as your heart sank in your chest at the implication. Tears of frustration filled your eyes as you tried once more to yank yourself free, but once more it was pointless and he just tightened his grip on you.
But your luck was about to change as a voice rang through the empty bar from the back end of the space.
“Let her go.”
The two Hutts froze and turned back, but the one who held you kept a firm grasp on you.
“Axe…” you breathed in relief. 
He emerged from the shadows with his gun raised and pointed at the Hutts. Axe took a moment to assess the room, and while he did so he noticed that Greez was still knocked out on the floor, but he noticed he was still breathing.
The one who held you pulled you flushed against him, using you to block the Mandalorian’s shot, while the other raised his own gun at him. “What the fuck is a Mando doing here?” he shouted.
“Perhaps you didn’t hear me… I said: let her go,” Axe kept his cool facade up to hide the fact he was terrified. Not for himself, of course, but for you. He hated seeing you in harm’s way, especially involving a group like the Hutts. But, for now, his priority was freeing you, and he was going to do everything in his power to get you safely back in his arms.
“You don’t scare us Mandalorian,” the prospect spat as he readied his gun, “You’re on our territory.”
“And this girl is coming with us,” the one who held you leaned in close to your ear, “She’s ours now.”
A chill ran up your spine as a soft whisper escaped your lips and you shut your eyes. But, it only made Axe angrier and he tightened his grip on his gun. Thinking fast, he said your name in a soft voice. He waited for you to open your eyes and he gave you a flash of a smile, “Look at me, darling,” he addressed you and only you, “Keep your eyes on me, alright? Trust me.”
You shook in your captor’s arms but you nodded ever so slightly.
The man only cackled though, “What are you going to do, Mando?” he spat, “You’re not going to shoot me while I’ve got the girl.”
“Oh, but you’re forgetting, my Hutt friend,” Axe sounded cocky and snarky as he cocked his gun, “Mandalorians are the best shooters around.”
Everything happened in a flash. It only took one shot for Axe to hit your captor right between the eyes. And just a second after, he shot at the prospect’s hand, knocking his gun out of his grip. As the body of the Hutt fell towards the ground, Axe crossed the room at record speed, taking you in his arms and swinging you behind him so that he shielded you with his own body from the one that still stood.
“If you want to hurt her, you have to get through me first,” Axe’s voice was strong and loud as he aimed his gun at the other Hutt, “This bar and this woman are under the protection of The Mandalorians,” he paused. “Go! Tell your boss I will be there shortly to discuss this matter.”
Suddenly afraid, the remaining Hutt scrambled out of the bar and hopped on his bike. Axe didn’t lower his gun, or his guard, until he heard the bike roar to life and dive off. He stayed pointed at the door for several more moments until he finally broke his composure, turning to you and gathering you in his arms, holding you as tight as he could, “Are you alright, darling?” he broke away just enough to look you over, “Are you hurt?”
The worry in his eyes was something you hadn’t seen before, and it made your heart skip a beat, “N-no…” you responded meekly. Then you gasped, “Uncle Greez!”
Axe let you go and followed you and you lunged for Greez on the floor. He knelt beside you as you turned him over and pleaded for him to wake up.
It only took a moment for Greez to gasp and cough, and the relief washed over both you and Axe. “What happened? Why were the Hutts here?” Greez asked as he sat up and leaned against the wall.
Axe looked at you expectantly and his heart sank as your face dropped.
“It’s my fault,” you admitted as you sat back on the floor, slumped over in shame.
“What did you do?” Greez asked, part in fear, part in anger.
“I…” tears filled your eyes and you looked away from both of them, “I knew there wasn’t enough money to keep the cantina open. So I went to the Hutts for a loan…”
“You didn’t!” Greez pleaded, “Please tell me you didn’t. Not when they…”
“I know!” you snapped back, meeting Greez’s gaze, “Look,” you sighed as you softened your tone, “I know it was wrong, ok. And I know I shouldn’t have gotten involved with them… But I didn’t know what else to do… We can’t lose this place Uncle Greez.”
Greez softened as he sighed your name, “I know,” he reached out for you and rested his hand on your shoulder, “But I can’t lose you either. You’re the only family I got left, kid.”
You smiled at your uncle through your tears before you turned your gaze to Axe. Greez turned around too and groaned as he stood up, “Thank you… Axe.”
Axe nodded as he shook Greez’s hand before he knelt and extended a hand to help you up. As you slid your hand in his and he grunted to help you to your feet, Axe let out a deep breath, “Why didn’t you tell me, darling?” his voice was soft and held no jugement.
“I’m ashamed,” you sighed, “I know I shouldn’t have but I had no choice! We were gonna lose the bar… our home. And I had nowhere else to turn to,” you took your hand back and turned away from him, “Besides my burdens aren’t your problem.”
Axe reached out and grabbed your shoulders, forcing you to look back at him “Darling I love you. I will shoulder any of your burdens. You have nothing to be ashamed of, they take advantage of people in your situation,” he paused as his thumb brushed across your shoulder, “But don’t worry I’ll take care of it.”
Your eyes went wide at his confession, “What?” you breathed.
Axe smiled and repeated the exact words that made you react the way you did, only slower this time, “I love you,” he said your name, “And I’m going to fix this. I’m going to protect you. You, and your uncle and your bar.”
Without another word, you grabbed his leather jacket and yanked him towards you, crashing your lips together in a heated kiss, “I love you too,” you whispered against his lips before you kissed him again. 
In what felt like an instant later, dozens of Mandlaorians were in your cantina, all of them discussing how to attack the Hutts. Men and women filled the bar, some took their helmets off and some didn’t. You noted the woman Axe called Koska as his right hand, as well as a large man dressed in blue that towered over everyone else, a commanding woman in a golden helmet, and a quiet one dressed in black and with the shiniest silver helmet you had ever seen. All the while, Axe rarely left your side until the time came for them to ride off.
“Darling,” Axe called your attention and turned to you, holding both your hands in his gloved ones, “We’re leaving now,” he almost looked like it pained him to leave you, but he knew it was too dangerous to bring you along; he couldn’t bear it if you got hurt. “I’m leaving all our charter’s prospects to watch over you and the bar. You’ll be safe here,” he paused as you nodded, “I’ll come back to you. I promise. And you’ll never have to worry about the Hutts again.” Axe sealed his promise with a deep and passionate kiss.
“Just come back, ok,” you replied, suddenly more afraid than you had ever been before.
“Darling,” he smiled through the emotions as he cupped your face, “Nothing will keep me from you.”
With one final farewell kiss, Axe led the rest of the Mandalorians down the road, the roar of their bikes drowned out the sound of your tears until it faded into the night.
“They’ll be alright,” one of the prospects said in an attempt to comfort you, “Mandalorians are the best, and this group here is the best of the best.”
You nodded as you sat down in a booth. Greez immediately joined you at your side, resting a hand over your arm, “He’s a good man, you know,” he said.
You looked at him with shock in your eyes, “You mean you actually approve, uncle?”
He nodded, “The guy’s taking on the fucking Hutts for you, kid! If there’s anyone I trust to take care of you, it’s him.”
Tears pooled in the corners of your eyes despite your smile, “Thanks, Uncle Greez,” you leaned over and embraced him like you did when you were a little kid. The prospects kept watch over you and the bar all night as you and Greez both fell asleep in the booth.
As the sun rose in the sky and started to hit your face, the familiar roar of motorcycles rang in the distance. You and Greez both groaned, still from sleeping in the booth all night, but the moment you heard the familiar sound, you shot up with a gasp. Greez motioned for you to go to the door, and the moment you stood up, the front doors burst open, revealing Axe Woves at the head of the Mandalorian pack.
“Axe!” you sighed in relief as you ran to him and fell into his open arms.
“It’s over, darling,” he whispered to you before he raised his voice and addressed Greez and everyone else in the room, “The Hutt’s are defeated! Tatooine is Mandalorian territory now!” Cheers erupted from everyone at the victory, and Axe took the moment to place a chaste kiss on your lips, “You’re safe now,” he said just to you.
“Well I’d say that earned you all a drink!” Greez said, “Come on, let’s celebrate!”
The rest of the Mandalorians cheered even louder as they all made their way to the bar. Everyone, that was, except for Axe Woves, who quietly led you outside and to his bike.
“So what now?” you asked.
“Now,” he kissed the back of your hand, “A new chapter begins. You’re free. You can do whatever you like.”
You grinned as you thought for a moment, “Right now, what I’d like,” you dropped your tone, “Is to go for a ride.”
Axe smirked, “I can help with that,” he extended his hand and helped you onto his bike and together the two of you rode off into the distance, the future as bright as the twin Tatooine suns. 
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vibrantbirdy · 1 year
Hey lovely!! Could you do a Cassian Andor x (f) reader? I’m a sucker for enemies to lovers. I like the whole “you annoy me and piss me off” relationship that ends up in a situation where they are stuck together for something and end up in a fight where they suddenly realize they have feelings! I love allowing creators to have their own space to create, so if you wanna do something else entirely, please feel free too!!
❤️ take care of yourself
Thank you SO much, this is a great request! I am a sucker for enemies to lovers too. I hope you don't mind, but I had a similar Cassian request from Anon at the same time about Cassian x Reader having to go undercover to Canto Bight as a couple which I thought would work well with yours so I merged them. (Anon, I also hope you don't mind the merging and that you can find this ok as I don't know if/how I can reply to two asks in the same post?)
Also, I want to thank everyone who has interacted with my writing so far.
Requests for Character x Reader fics are currently open in my Asks. Please read the guidelines first. Keep 'em coming.
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Title: Charade Fandom: Star Wars Setting: Between Andor and Rogue One Genres: Sci-fi; Romance; Enemies to lovers; Action/adventure; Fluff Warnings: Moderate sexuality; moderate swearing; mild violence/peril; brief mentions of loss of family/friends by Reader. Pairing: Cassian Andor x Female Reader Chapters: 1/1 (Complete) Word Count: approx 10k (oops)
Summary: You and Captain Cassian Andor have to negotiate your personal differences and difficult history when you are both assigned to go on an undercover operation to the Galaxy's playground for the super-rich, Canto Bight, as a married couple.
Your first mission as a spy for the Rebel Alliance has taken you to Carida. The objective; to infiltrate and sabotage the Imperial Naval Yard there then get out as quickly and quietly as possible.
As it turns out, the mission is doomed from the outset. An Imperial mole who somehow dug their way into the very heart of Rebel Command on Yavin 4 has alerted the Empire to your plans.
Your team of six hardly made it five kilometers from the rust-bucket of a ship Rebel Leadership had assigned to you when you were intercepted by an Imperial patrol.
The firefight was brief. The Stormtroopers were green, even more so than you. You wondered with a pang of unexpected sympathy whether they'd come fresh from the Imperial Academy which was also based on Carida. There were far more seasoned combatants amongst your own unit and the fight was over before it had really began.
Still, that's when you'd lost poor Lily to a Trooper's blaster bolt. You're not even sure he was aiming at her. She'd fallen against you and you'd twisted your ankle as you'd spun to the ground following a futile attempt to hold her upright as if that would negate the fatal injury she'd just sustained.
Now, as you limp up the ridge of the hill you feel a swell of relief as you see that you are almost back to the clearing where the ship is stowed. But as you catch a glimpse of the hunk of old metal, you realise with horror that you are not out of the woods yet.
The Empire uses decrepit shuttles just like this one for for training cadets at the Academy. That's why High Command had insisted you take it - to blend in. You'd nicknamed it Tenacity because the old girl just wouldn't die and the name had stuck.
The ancient vessel doesn't do anything quickly until it's up in the air. Then she's sharp as a razor. But she has a complicated manual override for emergency take-offs whereby the crew need pump fuel round the engines a few times using an externally stowed generator.
Good for training Imperial cadets for problem solving and how to make the best of old tech. Not so good for spies who need a quick exit.
You're the engineer, it should have been you who hooked the ship up to the generator. But with your injury you are too slow and so the others went on ahead to start without you. You are sure you gave correct and clear instructions, but in his panic, it looks like Rogdul has connected the ports up all wrong. Dangerously so.
Overhead, you hear the scream of Imperial TIE fighters and you launch yourself into the nearby undergrowth. You count them. Four. They are searching the valley for you. They pass, but they'll be back in less than a minute. It's impossible that they haven't spotted the ship in the forest clearing.
From your hiding place you hear the ship's engines burst into life. Inside, you imagine Rogdul and Anya carrying out hurried pre-flight checks. Baslin is probably taking up position in the gunner's hatch, hoping to see some action.
No, you think. Not like this.
But you can reach the ship and fix the problem. You know you can. The whole thing will blow if you don't and that's not an option.
You dart out towards the Tenacity, but someone intercepts you, slamming into you with a body tackle and dragging you roughly back to cover through the mud. Soon, you're seated up against them, your back pressed into their chest, their arms and legs wrapped around you like a vice.
It's Captain Cassian Andor, you realise, your superior officer and the lead operative on this mission. You'd completely forgotten that he was even further behind the hasty retreat than you, taking up the rear and keeping watch for more Imperial patrols on your tail.
You don't care who it is. You struggle and writhe furiously against him, desperate to get away and stop the impending disaster you can see unfolding before your eyes. But Andor holds you fast against him as if you were a child having a tantrum.
"Let me go, I can fix it!" you scream over the howl of the returning TIEs.
"You can't, it's too late!" Andor shouts back into your ear.
As if on cue, the generator connected to the side of the ship starts to spark wildly, just as you knew it would. You watch helplessly as the fuel cells hidden within the Tenacity ignite with a deafening bang and whoosh of flame as the ship goes up in a hellish fireball.
A second later, the TIEs make their second pass. There's no need for them to bother firing their weapons. The devastation from the explosion is catastrophic.
They do it anyway.
Two years later
You are on approach to Canto Bight, Cantonica's capital city - the Galaxy's playground for the wealthy.
Captain Cassian Andor is in the pilot's seat, following instructions from the flight control tower. You'll sit down in a moment, but right now, you are desperately trying to sort the sticking-up collar of his cream shirt which is made of expensive looking silk.
Irritated, he tries to bat your hand away, but you are persistent.
"Kriff's sake, Andor, just let me do it," you mutter.
"I'm not a child," he says petulantly, but he relents.
There. Now he looks the part in his fine clothes. He's tidied his short beard and moustache so that the stubble is cropped neatly to the sharp contours of his chiselled face. His dark brown hair is neatly parted at the side, although it's perhaps still a little long...
You don't look too shabby either, bedecked in a knee-length silk day dress of sky blue, accompanied by a cloak of dusky purple which is draped elegantly across your shoulders. The Rebellion went to great lengths to fund this operation and they certainly didn't skimp on the provision of suitable attire. It's essential that you fit in.
"I look fine, you look fine, stop fussing," Andor says dismissively, noticing as you smooth out a couple of annoying wrinkles in your dress and swish out the skirt to make sure the fabric is lying properly.
"I think you look lovely," K-2SO, Andor's droid and almost constant companion, pipes up from the co-pilot's chair, "and that Cassian looks like he's swallowed an Endor fire hornet."
"You don't think," Andor retorts, "That's just circuits misfiring randomly in your head..."
K-2 turns to you with a mechanical whirr, and if he had the ability to conjure expressions, this one would read:
See? I told you.
You stifle a laugh and drop down into the passenger seat behind the droid.
The first time you'd met the hulking re-programmed Imperial security droid had been that fateful day on Carida. You and Andor had shivered miserably in silence for hours by the wreckage of the Tenacity as the rain lashed down, making little difference to the fearsome fuel-accelerated flames which devoured the ship. The Empire, in their arrogance, didn't bother to send out a patrol to check the site.
Then, late into the night, K-2 had finally arrived in Cassian's own ship under cover of darkness. With your injured ankle having swollen to twice its usual size, the gargantuan droid had lumbered over, scooped you up, and carried you with surprising gentleness into the vessel. Ever since, you've always enjoyed his company and his sardonic wit.
Your relationship with Andor, on the other hand, has been tumultuous since its inception. He's always been frosty and stand-offish with you. You sometimes wonder if your presence reminds him of the disaster on Carida the way his does to you.
Whatever his reasoning, his uncompromising demeanour has always brought out your worst qualities when you're around him, especially your stubbornness and your dislike of being told what to do. You've never gone so far as insubordination under his command, but when you disagree with him, you have a unique knack for finding your own way to interpret his orders. This always has the infinitely satisfying effect of winding him up.
Anyway, this time won't be like Carida. And despite your personal differences, you and Andor have worked together successfully - though admittedly never harmoniously - many times since.
Your objective is simple enough. You're looking for a business man, Dreylan Balgo. He's not yet thirty, but he's the biggest supplier of Imperial weapons in the Galaxy. You need to obtain his biometric signature and transmit it back to Alliance High Command. They'll then use it to access the designs and blueprints of the weapons his company is designing for the Empire and eventually send agents in as factory workers to sabotage various key elements.
As Andor and K-2 make the final approach to Canto Bight you look out the window. Below you, the dark sea glitters and ahead, the shining spires of the beautiful city glow golden in the evening sun.
You close your eyes as a flash of a childhood memory dances across your brain. You came here with your parents once when you were nine or ten. That's partly why you've been chosen for this mission. You used to move in these circles.
K-2 drops the shuttle neatly on to the landing pad which juts out over the water.
"Don't do anything I wouldn't do," the droid quips as you exit.
It's winter on Cantonica. As you step out onto the platform, the breeze is chilly but pleasantly fresh and you can hear the steady crash of waves against the cliffs below you.
At the entrance to the structure, you pause a minute to take in the monolithic doors, ornately carved and inlaid with beautiful coloured glass which catches the light of the setting sun with dazzling beauty. The doors open and you and Andor step into the elaborate marble halls of Canto Bight's most luxurious resort as newlyweds Mr and Mrs Race Pax.
The suite you are staying in is as lavish as the rest of the place, but it is small. The coiffeurs of the Rebel Alliance do have their limits.
"What are you doing?" You ask, suddenly stopping your own unpacking to observe Andor throwing an assortment of pillows and blankets onto the ground.
"I'm taking the floor like a gentleman."
"Don't be stupid," you snort, "What if the maid comes in and sees this..." you gesture to the collection of blankets on the floor, searching for a fitting description "...gentleman's pillow fort?"
The most important thing on this mission is that your cover needs to be believable. And, perhaps tantamount to that, if Andor is tired, he'll be even grumpier than usual and you don't think you could deal with that.
He straightens and sighs, repeatedly slapping the cushion he has been plumping with unnecessary force.
One thing you and Andor have never been around each other is shy. Having spent weeks at a time together in miserable, hastily erected camps, cramped transports, and underground bunkers in the service of the Alliance, the necessity of living in close quarters with him stamped that out quick. You've learned to move in each other's personal space with ease and usually without any awkwardness, so you can't fathom why he's making a meal of it now.
He looks at you defiantly for a moment longer before accepting defeat.
"Fine," he says, as he starts to pick up the elements of his makeshift camp bed and throwing them back on the bed, "Fine, but if you snore, I won't hesitate to kick you out."
"If I snore?!"
That was rich.
You and Andor are attending one of Canto Bight's seemingly infinite evening soirees for the rich and powerful. A colourful sea of people in lavish dress are engaged in polite conversation and enjoying expensive beverages in one of the grandest ballrooms you've ever seen.
Dreylan Balgo is here, somewhere. Tonight is a chance to observe his behaviour, get to know his habits and make an initial introduction if possible. Anything that could help you create an opportunity to obtain his biometrics over the next few days.
You are wearing a teal halter-neck gown, a drink in one hand while the other rests elegantly on top of Andor's arm. The silk of his plush evening jacket is smooth under your fingertips and you absent-mindedly fuss with it as you scan the crowd for your target.
Someone says your name. Your real name.
Andor stiffens next to you.
Trying to keep your composure you turn and relief floods through you as you realise it's one of your mother's oldest friends, Lady Sen Prya. It's been years since you've seen her and she must be in her eighties by now, but she hasn't changed one bit. She is adorned in the most grandiose yellow satin gown you've ever seen, complete with matching gloves. Her long white hair falls, twisted in an elaborate braid, all the way down to her waist.
Quickly, you take her gloved hand and squeeze it gently, a subtle message you hope she can read.
"Oh I'm sorry you must be mistaken," you say politely and introduce yourself as Mrs Pax.
Understanding flickers across Prya's face. She always was sharp as a knife and time doesn't seem to have dulled that characteristic one jot.
"Ah of course, child. Forgive me," she says tactfully with all the grace and ease you remember from your childhood, "You look very like a dear old friend of mine. It's nice to meet you. I am Lady Sen Prya."
She reaches a hand up and touches your cheek affectionately with a twinkle in her golden eyes. Then, she reaches out to Andor who brings her hand up to his mouth and kisses it gently.
"Race Pax, it's a pleasure," he says, and there is a genuine warmth in his voice.
He appears to have relaxed somewhat and you are sure it's because he probably recognises Prya's name. She has been funding various elements of the Rebellion for years.
"Now, is there anyone you need an introduction to, before I retire to bed like the old woman I am?"
Prya stresses introduction as if its a code word. And it is.
You look up at Andor questioningly. You hate to ask his permission for anything, but he is the senior operative here. He nods once in ascent.
"Dreylan Balgo," you say.
Lady Prya's eyes light up and you can tell that she is delighted to learn who your indented mark is.
"Well then, follow me, young lovers."
Andor gives that rare smile of his, the one you see so infrequently which reaches all the way up to his eyes where they crinkle at the corners. He likes Prya. Everyone does. That's what makes her so dangerous for the Empire.
You wind through the crowd, following Prya as if she is golden star leading you to your destination. You're suddenly nervous and although you'd never admit it, there is something comforting about how Andor's large hand entwines with your own as he follows your lead through the busy party.
"Dreylan! My boy!" Prya's voice is clear as crystal and cuts through the party hubbub with ease.
Balgo turns from a conversation he is having with several other men. He is a handsome man, dressed in an evening suit of black velvet. He is tall and elegant with piercing blue eyes and a mop of sandy blonde curls.
"Ah! Lady Prya! What a delight to see you," he says gregariously, stooping low to kiss the older woman's cheek.
"And you, my lad," she replies with gracious ease, "Now, I want you to meet a couple of newly weds, Mr and Mrs Pax. I'm certain young Pax here would be interested in discussing business with you boys, although I, for one, find it all very dull."
There is a ripple of smug, amused laughter from the circle of men, and you join in only because you know Prya could negotiate most of these idiots out of any of business asset of theirs she chose to.
Balgo turns his attention to you first, appraising you thoroughly before taking your hand and kissing it with an elaborate flourish. You let out a silly little laugh, ensuring your voice carries an appropriate blend of affluence and air headedness.
Less than a minute you've been in this man's company and you can already read him like a holo novel.
He then greets Andor with boisterous joviality.
"Congratulations, Pax, what a stunning creature you have caught in your net."
Andor chuckles amiably, shaking Balgo's hand.
"It's good to meet you," he says warmly.
This time, his smile doesn't quite reach his eyes and you notice that his hand, which has been sitting lightly round your waist, shifts down to just under your hip.
Lady Prya retires to bed soon after, flashing you a wink and a dazzling smile as she sweeps from the room, an ageless vision in yellow.
The conversation and drinks flow. All night, you sense Balgo's eyes on you. Alliance High Command don't officially approve of so-called "honey-traps," and neither do you, but you see no harm in cultivating Balgo's delusion if it opens another window of opportunity. You don't discourage him, directly meeting the furtive glances he casts your way when he thinks Andor isn't looking.
Throughout the evening Andor proves why he is so good at his job. His ability to observe and imitate behaviour is uncanny. He adopts with ease that careless, raucous affectation that only young, wealthy men seem to possess. He hasn't taken more than a few sips of his wine, but he mirrors Balgo's increasingly boisterous body language and bawdy humour expertly.
By the end of the night the two are stomping around the dwindling party with their arms slung around each other's shoulders, swaying and laughing and singing like idiots.
The night has been a success. You've created a rapport with Balgo.
"Prya was a friend of your family's?" Andor's voice comes unexpectedly from the darkness, "What happened to them?"
It's very late - or early, depending on how your look at it - and you and Andor have just fallen, exhausted, into bed.
You are resting on your left side, as always, and you hear him roll over beside you, so that he is looking at your back.
You are surprised by how accurately Andor has read into the situation with so little information. You don't see any harm in telling him.
"My father owned an agricultural engineering works. One day the Empire came to his factory and asked him to design and build components for some machine they were building, probably a weapon. He refused. They executed him on the spot and took the factory anyway. I did my best, but we struggled and my mother died a few years after of a broken heart. That's when I left to join the Rebellion."
Andor shuffles, the bed shifting beneath you both and you can tell that he's propped himself up on his elbow. You feel his eyes boring into the back of your head.
"You've never told me that before."
"You never bothered to ask," you reply defensively, "I know what you think, what you all think. That I'm a rich brat who ran off to join the Rebellion just to piss off her wealthy parents."
There's a silence.
"Turns out you're only half right..." you finish with a rather bitter self-deprecating chuckle.
To your surprise, Andor puts a comforting hand on your shoulder. You hesitate for a moment, before you reach across your body to place your hand on top of his, just for a second.
"Goodnight, Cassian," you say.
You rarely use his first name and it feels odd, but not unnatural on your tongue.
He rolls back over and is soon snoring softly. You don't fall asleep for a long while, not until you hear the birds begin their morning chorus and the light of dawn starts to creep through the open window with the sea breeze.
You and Andor spend the next morning trying to locate Balgo but he's nowhere to be found. You suspect he is probably in his bed nursing a very sore head.
The last place you try is the Fathier racetrack, although you know there are no races on today. You are glad. You can't stand to see these magnificent animals forced to run like that.
Even so, you are unable to refrain from grabbing Andor's hand in excitement and dragging him over to the nearest pen where a mother and foal are resting in a patch of sunshine.
"A baby," you find yourself saying, stupidly.
Andor laughs quietly at the ridiculous, breathless joy in your voice. You wonder if he's making fun of you, but when you turn to him his eyes are sparkling with a mischievous light.
He gestures to a nearby handler, adopting Pax's air of arrogant entitlement with frightening ease.
"My wife would like to see the animal."
"Of course, sir."
The handler coaxes the foal over and it's tall enough already to reach other the fence. You pat the creature on its nose and between its ridiculously long ears and it nuzzles sweetly into your hand.
"Mr Pax?" You say as you turn to Andor and realise he's hovering a few feet back from the fence.
You gesticulate to him to come over. When else will he get the opportunity to interact with such an animal?
"Oh no, I can see fine from here," he replies with a shake of his head.
Surely not, you think, and you feel your mouth twist into a devilish smirk.
"Are you scared?" You tease.
You sidle up to him and entwine your arm in his before stretching up to whisper into his ear so that only he can hear you.
"Captain Andor?"
Unable to resist your direct challenge he offers you his hand with a resigned, slightly nervous grin. You take it, leading him back to the fence. You guide his palm up to the baby Fathier's nose and the creature sniffs it curiously. You then press it gently against the animal's long forehead. When you let go, Andor continues to stroke the animal softly, his face lit up with an expression of childish wonder.
"Thank you, husband," you say when you both turn to leave.
He gives you a subtle wink and you feel a sudden rush of something close to fondness for him.
That afternoon is spent sneaking around the resort's service corridors. You are right at the top of the building and the corridors are narrow and low. It's ridiculously hot and you feel stupid carrying out serious espionage in yet another one of the seemingly endless supply of dresses you've been provided. This one is a horrible pink colour that clings all over and you hate it which is why you've chosen it for this dirty, sweaty work. You know you need to wear something suitable for Canto Bight's grand halls in case anyone sees you on your way to or from the job, but it just feels so unnatural.
Hopefully this shouldn't take too long. All you need to do is wire in a small signal booster to the resort's communications lines. Then, when you obtain Balgo's biometric signature, the data pad can send a transmission to a commandeered, disused Republic satellite to confirm that the sample has been collected successfully.
Actually transmitting the scrambled data to the Rebel base on Yavin 4 needs considerably more power which means, at some point, you and Andor are going to have to hike out to Cantonica's main transmitter mast and send the signal manually from there.
You'd flown past the huge pylon on your way in to land at the resort. It's a monumental thing and you feel a rush of nausea at the very thought of having to climb it...but that's a problem for another day, you decide.
Your head is buried in a control panel, and you're trying to explain to Andor why you need to use a slightly different width of cable than originally planned but he interrupts you mid-flow.
"Can you do it, or can't you?"
"I can do it," you snap back.
"Then just do it, I don't care how."
Charming as ever, the morning's hard won truce between you apparently forgotten. He's nervous and so are you, so you try not to hold it against him. He just wants to get out of here quickly.
There's a sound, and with horror, you realise it's the service elevator doors hissing open. A stern male voice follows soon after.
"Lars, If you're up here slouching again, I'm going to dock your pay."
You and Andor both freeze, staring at each other like Loth cats caught in the headlights of a speeder. Then, without warning he grabs you at the back of your knee, hitching your leg up to rest on his hip, his hand travelling further up the underside of your thigh and underneath your dress as he shoves you against the wall and pushes his body firmly against yours. The other hand flies up to your face, his thumb tracing the line of your cheekbone.
Your gasp of surprise is muffled as he crashes his lips hard against yours. It takes you only a millisecond to understand what he's doing and you kiss him back, twisting your fingers tightly through the locks of dark hair at the back of his head.
At this, a soft groan resonates in his throat and you are almost certain this is unintended. You feel a flash of satisfaction that you've managed to affect him in such a way, then scold yourself for being unable to refrain from point scoring with him, even now.
"Get out of here," Andor growls at the hapless employee, pretending he has only just noticed the man's presence.
His voice is low and husky. As he speaks, you feel his fingertips press into the flesh your thigh. Suddenly, the combination of his proximity and his heady, masculine, familiar scent is overwhelming, and you feel something hot and fierce coil in the pit of your abdomen.
Andor - Pax - has broken away from your lips to berate the man, but he hardly deigns to turn his head to look at the unfortunate employee. You take a moment to study the fine details of his face up close. His pupils are dilated, making his dark eyes gleam like midnight. His nostrils flare slightly with heightened breathing. An uncharacteristic blush is travelling up his neck into his cheeks. You can feel his heart slamming against his chest and your own.
"Oh, uhh... yes...of course," the poor employee sounds terribly embarrassed and all the previous managerial authority has vanished entirely from his voice.
"My apologies sir..."
The man actually stands on his tiptoes and cranes his neck to see your face through the tousled mess you've made of Andor's hair before addressing you directly with a courteous nod of his head.
You raise your eyebrows at him politely and give him a ridiculous little wave with your free hand, the one that's not woven through Andor's hair.
You hear the employee blundering off back to the service elevator and the machinery clunks as the doors close and he disappears.
Andor's forehead is gracing your own and neither you nor he move for a moment. It's just long enough to catch the slow glint of recognition in each other's eyes that something new has passed between you and you both know it.
"Sorry," he mumbles as he finally breaks away, running a hand through his hair as if to sweep away the feel of your fingers there, "I didn't have time to ask nicely."
"It's fine," you say, smoothing your stupid dress down and clearing your throat, "Good thinking."
He leans against the opposite wall, arms crossed, as you return to your work in silence.
Evening has fallen and Andor and Balgo are talking animatedly at the bar. The resort is hosting another of its grand parties. You sit with Lady Prya at a nearby table. You don't talk about your new life and she doesn't ask, but the conversation is easy and comfortable and you feel a rush of gratitude that your paths have crossed again.
Once Balgo has left to mingle with other guests, you give Prya an apologetic smile and cross over to the bar where you drape yourself around Andor's shoulders. You lean in to kiss him on the cheek. To anyone else, these merely look to be the actions of a young couple.
In reality, you are providing cover as Andor works quickly with Balgo's empty glass. Earlier, he'd lined the outside of the receptacle with a special gel that picks up biometric data. Once settled on a surface, it is almost imperceptible to the touch.
Andor attaches, then tears away the transfer strip from the glass and quickly places it down on the data pad's receiver. A rather sad and weary boop from the device confirms that it hasn't picked up Balgo's fingerprints.
"Kriff," Andor curses quietly in frustration, a muscle working in his jaw.
"Give it to me."
"Give it," you hiss.
Uncertainly, Andor passes the various components of the device to you. You snatch them from his hand, shoving the bits and bobs into your pockets and stride away before he can stop you. The satin of your dress swishes a melody to the click of your heels. You hear Andor swear under his breath.
As you walk, your eyes scan the room, searching for your target. There. A flash of golden hair at the other side of the room. You stalk Balgo through the crowd, waiting for the right moment.
You make your approach, taking out a small mirror from your pocket and quickly squeezing a blob of the clear transfer gel onto your finger before making a performance of patting the strange substance on your mouth like lipstick. You snap the mirror closed and move in for the kill.
"Oh Mr Balgo, I am so sorry!" you exclaim, feigning embarrassment as you collide with his shoulder, jolting him arm so that he spills red wine all down the front of his pristine, white suit jacket.
"Please, Mrs Pax, it's no matter, really," he says as he stays your pawing hands and swoops down to greet you with a peck you on the cheek.
"I really am sorry, Dreylan, I will pay for the damage."
"Nonsense," he scoffs amicably, his chest visibly puffing out as you address him familiarly by his first name, "Now, where has your husband of yours got to? The fool surely hasn't let you out of his sight in that dress?"
Balgo is right, it is a nice dress. Your favourite so far in fact. It is tailored in beautiful crimson satin with a full skirt, off the shoulder sleeves, and a plunging neckline.
"Oh, he's around somewhere, I'm sure."
You lean in and whisper in his ear.
"But he's not here."
He smirks back at you and you see his icy blue eyes light up.
"Shall we get some air on the balcony?" He suggests.
Well, what an unexpected turn of events, you think sarcastically as you accept the proposal with an external show of flirtatious grace.
Out on the ballroom's grandiose veranda with Balgo, you look across Cantonica's seemingly endless, dark waters. The sea breeze is cold, and the businessman drapes his jacket round your shoulders. You laugh at the right times, interject an asinine comment here and there as Balgo talks about business, and allow him to explain things to you that you already know without complaint.
When the timing feels apt, and the balcony is otherwise deserted, you reach up and plant a kiss on his lips. He returns it, placing his hands on your hips. Balgo is attractive enough, there's no doubt about that, and the kiss is far from unpleasant... but it's only a means to an end. There's no passion to it, and you can't help but compare it against the ardent fervour of Andor's embrace. The heat of it.
As you pull back from Balgo with a suitably flushed smile, the gossamer curtains behind him shift in the breeze and over his shoulder you catch a glimpse of Andor across the cavernous ballroom.
He's so far away, but you see him clear as day. His eyes are searing holes in Balgo's back before meeting yours with a look of disdain. He downs his drink and slams the glass on the bar's marble counter-top, stalking off towards the elevator.
You suddenly feel a pang of irrational guilt which makes you furious with him. You're doing your job. The one he failed to do.
Balgo's self-satisfied look of victory does nothing for your vexed and flustered disposition. He offers to go and source a drink for you both. Keeping your composure - you are a spy after all - you smile sweetly at him and agree.
When he is gone, you make sure no one else is around before you take out the transfer paper from your pocket and subtly dab it on your lips. Surreptitiously, you whip the data pad out of your other pocket - thank the stars you'd insisted on dresses with pockets - and press the paper against the reader.
You wait, visualising what the signal might look like if it was something tangible and visible. A little bolt of lightning, perhaps, arcing to the closest service hatch, climbing its way up wires and cables, escaping out into the cold night and up into orbit and the decrepit Republic satellite.
Finally, the device gives you a cheerful bleep and lights up green.
You'd like to see Balgo's smug face fall when he returns to find you've disappeared, but you don't want this to go any further than necessary. You've got what you need and your sudden absence can easily be explained away as a young wife's crisis of conscience. You leave his jacket on a nearby chair and make your way up to your suite.
When you get back to the room, you can practically feel the heat radiating off Andor as he rips his shirt over his head dramatically in the process of undressing for bed.
Trying to ignore his silent seething, you turn away from him and lift your hair away from the nape of your neck. He automatically moves behind you to help you unzip your dress and, despite his clear agitation, his hands are gentle. The red gown drops to the floor, leaving you standing in your flimsy under-slip.
You turn back to look at Andor, taking in the familiar outline of his body. He's not a huge man, but the muscles are strong and taut in his torso, back and arms. Littered here and there are scars, testament to a hard life lived dangerously. The moonlight streaming through the bedroom window gives his tan skin an ethereal glow and illuminates the sharp, handsome features of his face.
It's not that you don't find each other attractive. You both know that there's always been some unspoken tension between you. But the tempestuousness of your personal and working relationship has always prevented you from falling into anything that might be a mistake.
You are suddenly keenly aware of the obviousness your own form as your underdress clings to the curves and planes of your body. You can sense Andor's eyes roaming across it in a way you're sure they never have before.
You think - maybe - something changed with that kiss you shared this afternoon. An embrace which began as a charade and ended as something else.
"That was a stupid, reckless, dangerous thing to do!" he finally explodes, interrupting your reverie and bringing you back down to reality with a thud.
"It was a calculated risk," you retort, furious with him and internally embarrassed by your silly romantic notions.
"And," you stretch across to the nearby dresser to pick up the data pad where Balgo's biometric data is safely stored to brandish it under Andor's nose, "And it worked."
"In case you'd forgotten, Balgo thinks you're here with your husband..."
"That's why it worked!" You exclaim, "By the Force, men know so little about their own species..."
"You could have blown our cover, the whole operation!"
That riles you. Why can't he just congratulate you on a job well done? You've just saved this damn operation. You have what you need now. All you need to do is transmit the data and you can both get out of here.
"I know what this is," you say, your voice rising in chorus with your anger.
"Oh please, please enlighten me."
"You're jealous."
There's a heavy silence.
"Jealous?!" Andor scoffs finally, but the strength of his conviction has faded from his voice, "Of what?"
"You can't stand that I kissed him."
Andor steps towards you, brows furrowed, eyes alight with something that's not quite anger.
"He's welcome to you," he seethes, "The last thing I need is some highly strung rich girl playing at being a spy."
The words sting, especially after you opened up to him about your parents the other night. Even as the vague idea of restraint flashes through your mind, impulsion compels you to raise a hand to strike him across the face.
He catches you by the wrist as you lash out, pulling you even closer to him so that his sharp nose is almost touching yours.
"And so what if I am?" He continues and the change in direction is so unexpected that you are rendered speechless.
His tone is low and dangerous and his deep, brown eyes are wild, roaming your face desperately for an answer that never comes.
"What if I am jealous? What if I don't want his filthy, Imperial hands all over you? So what?"
Andor's face suddenly softens, his eyebrows knitting together in an expression of genuine turmoil. It's a display of vulnerability you've never seen from him before. His grip on your wrist loosens slightly but he doesn't let go.
When he speaks again, his voice is barely a whisper.
"What difference does it make to you? Ever since Carida... You despise me."
It's not true, you suddenly realise. It's never been true. Not really.
You want to tell him you've never blamed him for what happened on Carida. The actions of the mole? Not his fault. The failure of that sorry excuse for a ship? Not him either. Somewhere along the way, your perception of him became warped and refracted through the prism of your own feelings of guilt.
You know he saved your life that day. He must have gone through hell in the aftermath too, dragged up in front of various different elements of High Command to explain why only two of his six operatives made it back alive over and over and over again.
More than this, you want to explain that while you were kissing Balgo tonight, you were thinking only of him. You want to say how when you took a shower earlier and caught a glimpse of yourself in the mirror you'd seen the faint, red imprints of his fingertips still lingering like little tattoos on your skin and that you hope they never fade.
But you're just so angry with him for always having to be such a stubborn, patronising, hard-nosed bastard. So you say none of these things.
You know how much it must have taken for him to admit feelings for you, no matter how clumsy and ill-timed the execution. This man who always holds his cards so close to his chest has shown you his hand. He's given you ammunition and all you can think of in this moment is shooting him down with it.
"That's right," you say, leaning in close and whispering spitefully into his ear, "I despise you Cassian Andor."
You regret it immediately. Andor drops your wrist as if he's been burned. As he steps away from you, he looks completely lost. His eyes are cast down at the floor, full of humiliation and hurt. By the time they return to your face, they have darkened like storm clouds.
"Then, I'm glad we understand each other."
You open your mouth to say something, to take back your words and undo the damage you've wrought with your temper. Nothing comes out.
As Andor turns away, you reach out for him, try to catch him by the elbow. He shrugs you off angrily and storms out of the room.
He doesn't come back until late. You pretend to be asleep as he quietly slips into the bed beside you.
When dusk falls the next evening, and with Balgo's biometric stored safely on the data pad in your pocket, you and Andor set out for Cantonica's main transmitter.
You want to use the journey time to explain yourself, to apologise to him and admit your own feelings. But you are so ashamed of your careless words the night before that you don't even know how to begin.
Continuing the trend of the day, you walk the ten kilometers together in almost complete silence, trudging in single file along the rocky coastline.
Even so, being out in nature and away from the city feels almost healing to you. Most tourists only see the rugged countryside of Cantonica from the confines of a shuttle. It has a wild, mountainous, windswept type of beauty that you find exhilarating. After days stuck inside the gilded cage of Canto Bight, it is wonderful to be out in the elements, even if it is rather cold and damp.
Night has decsended by the time you reach the transmitter. It is set precariously on the cliff edge, so close to the tumultuous waters below, it seems like a freak wave could wash it away at any moment.
It looks even more imposing than you remember. A huge durasteel spike with a narrow, fragile looking caged ladder stretching up into the sky leading to a high metal gangway which looks just as ancient.
You go first, and as you climb higher, your hands and feet start to feel fuzzy and your breathing becomes rapid, escaping through your lips in short, sharp pants. You've never been good with heights.
The icy wind starts to whip unpleasantly around you and you grip the ladder fiercely with each laboured step. The damp air has made the metal slick and you gasp as your boot slips on one of the rungs.
You catch yourself before you fall, but even so, you are relieved when Andor comes up behind you and positions himself so that his solid chest presses reassuringly against your back as you take a moment to steady yourself.
"Take your time," he says and his tone is gentle, "You're ok."
You nod and exhale deeply. Steeling yourself, you continue your ascent. You can do this.
You finally reach the top of the ladder and crawl up onto the round platform which encircles the pylon of the transmitter to provide access to where the mechanics of the structure are stored.
You think for a moment that this experience is going to be marginally better than the climb up the rickety ladder. That foolish hope is soon proven mistaken. The durasteel grating beneath your feet feels precarious. There are rusted gaps in the metal here and there and your stomach flips every time you look down. The wind is stronger up here, wild and blustery, and you feel horrendously vulnerable. You just want to get the job done and get down from this death trap as soon as possible.
Andor helps you lift the heavy panel off the front of the control box. You sigh with relief. It's a standard set up, one you've seen hundreds of times before and it's easy to bypass. You set to work infiltrating the system and once you're done, you wait in suspense as the data pad blinks text at you.
"It's gone!"
Instinctively, you turn to flash a smile of triumph towards Andor, and you are relieved when one corner of his mouth twitches upwards ever so slightly in return. You wonder if, on the way back to the city, you might find the courage to try and make amends for your rough words the previous night.
Your hopeful thoughts are rudely interrupted when, without warning, the gangway you are standing on shifts violently under your feet. The whole structure lets out an ominous and eerie metallic groan and you realise with dread that the platform is tearing itself away from the pylon.
You have no doubt that you and Andor are the first people up here in years, and that your presence has disturbed the structure from its hibernation and reminded it of its decrepit, fragile state.
You grab at one of the rungs affixed to the main pylon intended for servicing the internal mechanisms, but Andor is too far away to reach. As the walkway peels away, he falls with it. The huge hunk of metal stops suddenly at a right angle to the structure, and the now horizontal guard railings catch Andor as he slams into them with a sickening clang.
There's a brief moment of relief when you think the worst is over, but then the structure jerks violently again as another metal bolt fails, and it tilts just enough to send Andor somersaulting over the top of the railing.
Desperately, he scrambles for something to purchase, and he manages to grasp at the guard rail with the fingertips of one hand as he rolls over it, leaving him dangling helplessly over the roaring water below.
Closing your eyes, you let yourself drop down towards him and your body hits the metal railings agonisingly hard. You ignore the pain and, praying that the railings will hold you, you scrabble to grab at Andor, your hands clutching at a handful of material at the front of his shirt just as his own grip fails.
Unexpectedly finding himself suspended in the air, Andor looks up at you in abject surprise. He assesses the situation and his eyes lock on to yours in alarm as he understands what you've done.
Your shoulders feel like they are slowly pulling themselves out of their sockets and your fingers, numb and white, are twisted up painfully in the material of Andor's shirt. You can't breathe properly, the air in your lungs being crushed out of you as you are pressed into the railings by the pull of Andor's bodyweight below you.
You are terrified that at any moment the guardrail will collapse and you'll both plummet together into the angry sea which seems to wait with open maw like a predator beneath you. But you don't know what else to do, and you refuse to let him fall, so you cling on to him in utter desperation.
"Let go!" Andor shouts up at you, and you can tell it's an order.
"No!" You yell back.
Suddenly, the front of his shirt rips and he drops away so that he is now hanging, almost literally, by a thread. The abrupt and unexpected motion causes you to lose balance and you have to let go of him with one hand to steady yourself on the railings and stop yourself from almost flipping over them to join him.
Andor's eyes are wild and fraught now, flicking between the failing structure and your overwrought face.
"Damn you," he growls with renewed urgency, "let go!"
Your whole body is screaming at you to do as he says, but you won't. Tears sting your eyes, whether from pain or fear, you're not sure. You clench your jaw and shake your head at him.
Andor snarls with effort as he reaches behind him and into his back pocket, pulling out his flip knife. He wrenches it open with his teeth.
"Don't you dare, you stupid bastard!" you scream down at him as you realise with what he intends to do.
He looks at you for one final moment and the world seems to stop. His expression is completely open and readable to you, perhaps for the very first time. His dark eyes glint with a fear that you suddenly realise is as much for you as it is for himself.
Then, he sets his face into a mask of grim determination and with one swift motion, he severs the flimsy cord of fabric tying you together and cuts himself loose.
"Cassian!" The vague outline of his name is torn ragged from your throat in an incomprehensible shriek of despair.
Helpless, you watch as he falls, limbs flailing, down, down, down, until he hits the water below with a sickening crash and disappears into the black, unforgiving waves.
Unbeknownst to you, the Rebel Alliance have successfully received Dreylan Balgo's biometric signature and K-2SO is already on his way to extract you and Cassian from Canto Bight.
By his calculations, K-2 should reach Cantonica in twelve hours, twenty-nine minutes and seven seconds. Plenty of time to mull over the conversation he'd had with Murdo the flight technician before he'd left the hanger.
"Maybe this time, eh K-2?" Murdo had quipped as he unhooked the re-fuelling nozzle from Cassian's ship.
"Maybe this time, what?"
"Maybe this time they'll finally have admitted their feelings for each other."
"That is a ridiculous observation," K-2 had said confidently, "They dislike each other immensely."
Murdo had laughed and made a comment about the droid having a lot to learn about human relationships which K-2 had thought was quite rude.
But as he barrels through the hyperspace lanes in Cassian's ship towards the Outer Rim and Cantonica, K-2 has time to mull things over.
He thinks about how on missions when the unit has to set up camp on some remote world, Cassian always leaves your meat rations on the fire just a little longer than everyone else's because he knows you like them so crispy that they're almost burnt.
Then he thinks about how whenever he and Cassian return from a mission you're not assigned to, yours is always the first face the droid spots in the hanger when they arrive back, and that once your eyes land on Cassian, you always walk away without a word, seemingly satisfied.
Now that K-2 really uses his circuits to process it, Murdo's conclusion doesn't seem quite so ridiculous after all.
"Humans," the droid muses to himself with an exasperated shake of his mechanical head.
Somehow, you manage to descend the transmitter, climbing and clambering down the structure in a daze. You don't bother even trying to mask your shouts of distress and frustration as your feet and hands slip on the blasted, kriffing, cursed metal all the way down.
You stagger the ten kilometers back to Canto Bight in something resembling a fugue state. When you reach the resort, you sneak through the back entry port you and Andor left through and wind your way through the maze of service passages and elevators back to your suite.
You are as bedraggled looking as you are distraught and you are glad that the corridors are as deserted as they were when you departed. You don't feel you could negotiate your way out of anything right now, despite all your training.
Once you've climbed out of your damp and dirty clothes you fall into bed. Andor's absence beside you is a stark, raw reminder of what's just happened and you finally allow yourself to cry. Somehow, at some point, as you wallow in your anguish, fatigue takes over and you fall into a torrid sleep.
When you awake, it's still dark and you have the distinct impression that you're being watched. There's someone else in the room with you. You bolt upright and almost cry out as your eyes take in the silhouette of a person in the moonlight.
The ghost of Cassian Andor is standing at the foot of the bed.
Except he's not a spectre, you realise. His outline, though swaying, is solid. He's flesh and blood. He's alive.
Once you've recover from the initial shock, you don't think you've ever felt relief like it in your whole life. You leap up out of the bed and fly to him, just as he starts to crumple to the floor. You grab for him, but too weak to moderate his own movements, he drops like a stone and his momentum pulls you crashing down on top of him.
He's all sand and salt and seawater and he is shivering violently. His eyes are heavy, like he's struggling to keep them open. You touch his face and his skin ice cold. His clothes are wet through and you're suddenly struck by the urgency of the situation. You need to get him warm. Now.
With great effort, you manage to half drag, half shove Andor towards the shower room. He's so exhausted and disoriented that even this appears to be an insurmountable task for him.
When you finally get him there, you bundle him into the shower, fully clothed. He slumps against the wall as you turn the warm water on. You start peeling off the sodden, freezing layers of his clothing.
He hisses through his teeth as you remove what remains of his shredded shirt and you see that the skin on his torso and back is blossoming here and there in vibrant shades of black and blue. You're not surprised, a fall from that height, these are probably bruises from hitting the water hard. You try to be more gentle.
Once he's free of all his clothing, you slide down behind him so that you are against the wall, and he's sat between your legs with his back pressed against your torso. You guide him to bring his knees up to his chest and he wraps his arms around himself pliantly, curling into a tight ball. He's still shaking uncontrollably.
You ignore your own discomfort as the warm water plasters your nightdress to your body like a second skin.
Trying desperately to aid the shower in its work of returning some of his body heat to him, you rub his back, his arms, and his chest vigorously. Every so often he rests his head on the bridge he's created with his forearms across his knees and you have to coax him gently to sit up.
"Stay awake," you plead, "You need to stay awake for me."
Finally, his shivering subsides and you sit in exhausted silence as the warm water continues to pour over both of you. Your chin is resting on his shoulder.
"Cassian," you finally say into his ear, tucking a stray lock behind it as if that will allow him to heed your words better.
He leans back into you, tilting his head up towards your face, to show he is listening.
"I don't....I don't despise you, I don't..." you trail off, silent tears suddenly mingling with the spray from the shower as they start to fall from your eyes.
Slowly, Cassian turns to you. He rolls on to his knees, and sits upright on his heels. You mirror his movements so that you are face to face and your foreheads come to rest against each other's.
"I know," he whispers, bringing a hand to your cheek, his expression soft and full of tenderness, "I know that."
He trails a series of soft kisses down your face, touching his lips to your forehead, then to the tip of your nose, and finally down until they reach your own. You melt into him.
This kiss is not like the first you shared, hasty and hurried and fuelled by external forces. This is deep and languid and deliberate, as if you are the only two in existence and you have all the time in the Galaxy to spend in this moment.
One of Andor's hands tangles up in your wet hair, the other presses against the small of your back as if willing you closer to him. You can feel his urgency increasing now. His movements are definite and purposeful as he caresses and kisses your skin.
Selfishly, you want him to continue, need him to never stop. But you also know this might not be the wisest way for him to recover.
"You told me I need to stay awake," he argues as if he already knows what you're about to say, now tracing kisses along your collarbone, "I'm awake."
"This isn't exactly what I had in mind..." you protest weakly, but the breathy desire in your own voice betrays you.
"Liar," he mumbles as he nuzzles into your neck and you feel him grin against your skin.
The movement of his lips makes his short beard tickle your flesh and the feeling forces a raucous laugh from your chest. It's a loud, unrestrained, joyful sound.
Cassian pulls away to look at you, wearing an expression of wonder. You realise he's probably never heard you laugh like that before. In fact, you can't remember the last time you heard it yourself.
His eyes crease at the corners and dimples appear in his cheeks as he smiles widely at you. That smile, the one you realise you've adored all along. And this one is only for you.
"You're infuriating," you scold, but your voice is light and full of heady exhilaration.
You wrap yourself around him and kiss him hard, realising, finally, that it is impossible to deny yourself the joy of him any longer.
You and Andor step off the landing platform of the resort and up into his ship. K-2 wastes no time in piloting the vessel up and away from the city.
Compared to the sumptuous surroundings of Canto Bight, the interior of the ship looks admittedly a little dreary by comparison, but you won't miss life within those opulent walls. Not when you now know just how many of its inhabitants are within the insidious clutches of the Empire.
"Well, I hope you two behaved yourselves," K-2 greets you as you both enter the cockpit.
You and Cassian exchange a glance. He winks at you and you actually giggle, the internal glow of happiness you feel manifesting itself in an embarrassing little laugh.
"I'm taking that as a no," K-2 says, "Murdo will be pleased."
"Who the hell is Murdo?" Cassian asks and he drops into the pilot's chair beside his faithful droid.
134 notes · View notes
drakiandh · 5 months
Shifting Jewels - Chapter Two, Strawberry Trip
Another one. Imma update every Saturday in hopes that I can make these chapters without stress. I am in love so far, and am currently making their designs. Anyways, happy reading! Words - 4,265
Star’s gaze lingered on the fallen gem, its vibrant red hues now dulled by the golden corruption that had taken hold. His weapons returned to their places within his gem with the flick on his true hand. The air around him hung heavy with a mix of emotions, a complex tapestry woven from joy, grief, and fear.
Joy surfaced at the sight of Painite, an old companion he thought lost to the ravages of time. Grief welled within him, knowing that despite the years that had passed, Painite still harbored resentment and hatred. Fear, however, clutched at his core, an icy grip that tightened with the looming threat of the corruption that had claimed his friend.
Approaching cautiously, Star moved towards the gem as if the very act of proximity might trigger the other’s reform. He hesitated before gently nudging it with his foot, as though testing the waters. When no reaction followed, he reached down and cradled the corrupted gem in his hands, a sense of regret lingering in his touch.
“I’m sorry,” he murmured, his voice barely audible, as if speaking too loudly might shatter the fragile moment. His finger traced the intricate cracks on the gem’s surface. “I’m sorry I didn’t find you sooner.”
Before Painite could attempt to reform, Star enveloped the gem in a sphere of deep navy blue, cradling it gently. He hesitated to send the other gem to the temple back in Beach City, opting instead to shrink down the bubble small enough to fit it into his pockets. Clutching the bubbled gem in his hands, he stood and walked over to the nearby pillar. Retrieving his jacket, Star concealed the gem under the fabric, beginning the journey back to the nearby human town. As he walked, he couldn’t bear the silence, so he decided to speak aloud.
“Things have gotten better, at least in my combat skills,” Star murmured into the open air, absentmindedly rubbing the bubble with his thumb. “When I last visited Rose, I could handle nearly three whole minutes in a fight with her. I wonder how she is; it’s been, what, a hundred years since I’ve visited?”
He was certain that if Painite could hear him, he’d be complaining about Star talking his ears off. Star weakly chuckled at the thought, the memory quickly tainted by their current relationship. “It wasn’t my fault,” he began, hopping down the stone path while keeping the gem within the bubble steady. “Well, it was, but could you blame me? I couldn’t bear the feeling of being just some slave to them. Blue was cold and rude to me, assigning me a purpose without even checking if I was functioning properly. Sure, I’m glad she didn’t, because if I wasn’t, she would’ve shattered me, but the thought would’ve been nice. Yellow was just an ass to me, telling me to ensure Pink would win the war. I’m not even going to mention White; she was terrifying. Pink was a lot better before, well, you know. She was the only one who treated me like someone alive, but even then, she was distant and only really interacted for war-related matters.” Star rambled.
“When Rose offered my freedom, she treated me like I was something alive, not just some tool to see into the future. How could you have stayed? Did you like being their slave? Being nothing more than what you were made to do?”
Star could already imagine the words Painite would say if he wasn’t poofed and bubbled in his hands. “My purpose is what I am made to do. Why should I fight it?”
“But what about after it?” Star responded to the whispers of the question. “After the war, would you be shattered? Poofed? If you were lucky, you’d be taken by Yellow and sent to fight there. But is there really nothing for you other than just claiming worlds filled with life to make more repressed gems? Earth is a free world, Painite. It’s not too late to renounce your allegiance to the Diamonds. I doubt they would even take you back if you somehow get to Homeworld again. They’ve probably already made thousands of Painites on some claimed world of theirs, and maybe they’ve already created thousands of Star Sapphires too. So what’s the point when they’ve already got copies of us?”
They arrived in town before Star could continue, prompting the blue gem to sigh and tuck the blue bubble safely into his pocket. After ensuring the bubble wouldn’t pop when he moved, he shook his still-blue hands back into their false brown color and began his trek toward the nearest warp pad, conveniently located on the other side of the human town.
“Hey, Star!” The Sapphire turned his head toward the human who walked up to him, smiling nervously. He recognized this person as the one who had encountered him in the forest.
“Hey, Carl,” Star greeted, faking a warm smile. He chuckled, clearly nervous.
“I heard a big bang earlier; did you find that big beast and take care of it?” The human asked. Star’s hand drifted down to the bubble hidden in his pocket.
“Yep!” he responded, popping the ‘p’. “You won’t have to worry about it now.”
“Thank god,” the human sighed before offering a genuine smile. “Want to stay over for a while? I know a good hotel-”
“No, thank you, though.” Star cut the human off, still smiling. “I’ve got to get back home.”
“You sure?” The human asked.
“Sure,” Star nodded. The human watched him for a moment before shrugging.
“Your loss.”
Star walked off before the human could say more, his smile falling when the human was out of sight. The Sapphire pulled his hood up to cover his expression, walking as casually and as fast as he could. He’d been to this town many times before, unintentionally earning himself a friendly traveler reputation. And true to his nature, he strived for everything to be pleasant around him.
He smiled and waved at each human that greeted him, engaging in brief conversations with those who asked him questions, and graciously accepting any small gifts offered. By the time he arrived at the edge of the village, the sun was dipping down the horizon, and Star felt the weight of exhaustion settling in.
“Alright,” he muttered, more to the gem in his pocket than to himself. “The warp pad should just be down this road.” The shadows of the night devoured the last remnants of sunlight, and hidden pockets of light illuminated his path. His own gem began to glow with its blue hue, casting a gentle radiance that helped him navigate through the darkness. Intrigued, he took out Painite’s gem, holding it in his hand to see if it, too, would glow. Surprisingly, it did, but the light was subdued and took on a purple hue due to the blue bubble encasing it. Star wondered how Painite’s true red color would look in the dark, but he dismissed the thought, assuming it would be dull and muted, much like Painite’s current appearance. Star pondered what might have happened to his once-vibrant friend for his colors to fade into a pale pink. Was it the corruption? It seemed unlikely, as most of the Corrupted gems he encountered retained the vibrant colors of their original forms. So, what had happened to change Painite’s appearance?
The warp pad glowed subtly in the surroundings, concealed yet unmistakable. Star felt a tired smile spread across his face as he stepped onto it, clutching Painite’s gem close to his chest to ensure it wouldn’t slip from his grasp in the beam. The white light enveloped him, a low hum filling the air as he traversed to his home. The journey took only a few moments, and as the light dissipated upon arrival, he stepped off the pad and took a deep, unnecessary breath. His home, Mask Island, was saturated with the sweet scents of nature and pure water. Though he didn’t require air, he appreciated the olfactory experiences it offered. His smile grew a bit as he strolled down the familiar path he had tread countless times.
His eyes lifted to the split mountain in the center of the island, a frown creasing his features as he recalled the event that had caused it to crack open. He was grateful that Rose, Pearl, Garnet, and Amethyst had managed to thwart the Cluster, just as he had foreseen many years ago. When he first glimpsed that timeline, concern had gripped him about Rose’s fate, fearing that it might be altered, as if she wasn’t truly there. Yet, as the world beneath his feet still flourished under the first rays of the sun, he found ease, finding he had nothing to worry about.
His home, aside from being part of Mask Island itself, consisted of a simple cave within the mountain that had remained unscathed. While it lacked the embellishments he had envisioned, its dull grey walls still emitted the comforting yellow bioluminescence. It wasn’t filled to the brim with decorations, but it was home—his home. However, he knew there was one more task to accomplish before he could retire for the night. Stepping to the center of the cave, he summoned his shadows, drawing them from his gem’s light to form a large, protective dome. Placing Painite’s gem at the dome’s center, he stepped outside, ensuring Painite wouldn’t escape. Using one of his shadow hands, he punctured the blue bubble, and Painite’s gem fell to the ground.
Star stared at the freed gem, nerves coiling in his chest as he waited. He recalled that Painite had only poofed once before during the many years they’d known each other, and it had taken a considerable amount of time for him to reform. Star wondered how long it would take now that he was corrupted.
As it turned out, not very long. Painite’s gem began to glow in its vibrant red hue, illuminating the cave as his form emerged. Star winced as it shivered and glitched from the crack, but Painite reformed with a gasp. The red gem fell to his knees, frantically surveying his surroundings, eyes wide with shock. Upon spotting Star, an animalistic hiss escaped from his mouth, and he instinctively retreated as far as he could. Star winced, raising his hands in a gesture of surrender to try and calm the other gem down.
“Hey, it’s okay, I’m not gonna hurt you,” Star said softly, slowly, keeping a careful eye on Painite. The red gem continued to stare back, his mind not fully present, as he emitted a low growl. Star took a few steps back, recognizing it as a warning growl from past experiences. He patiently waited as Painite gradually regained his composure. After a few minutes, Painite blinked and slowly looked around.
“…Where am I?” Painite asked, his gaze returning to Star. The Sapphire didn’t respond immediately, lowering his hands and allowing Painite to stand, leaning on the dark navy of his containment.
“You’re on Mask Island,” Star explained gently, enunciating carefully to ensure his words reached the red gem. “You’re in my home.” To his surprise, Painite emitted a sharp laugh.
“I’m in your home? This hardly looks like a temple,” Painite remarked, his voice trembling slightly from exhaustion. Star frowned, torn between leaving Painite to rest and pressing for the information he sought.
“How did you survive the Diamonds’ blast?” he inquired, stepping forward until he was a foot away from the dome. Painite glared at him, his teeth clenched and bared in an obvious threat, but he appeared too weary to do more. In fact, it seemed Painite knew he was too fatigued to fight, so he opted to provide an answer instead.
“I hid in Earth’s crust,” Painite replied simply.
“But how?” Star pressed, unsatisfied with the brevity of the explanation. His insistence drew a hiss from Painite.
“The Cluster didn’t get corrupted,” Painite explained slowly. “It was too deep for that. I thought if I got deep enough, I would be safe.” He paused, shifting his weight slightly. “I was not fast enough.”
That was all Star needed to hear. “Okay,” he breathed, nodding to himself. His eyes snapped to Painite’s leg as it glitched, forcing the red gem down with a shout. Star responded by shouting the other’s name and bringing a hand to his gem, summoning the old healing liquid from the depths of his memories. Luckily, the glitching on Painite’s form faded quickly, leaving the red gem on the ground. “Pain,” Star called, waiting until the other’s single eye stared at him. He lifted the liquid floating in his hand, holding it out in an offering. “I can heal your gem if-”
“No!” Painite hissed, wincing as he got to his feet again. Star recoiled as if he’d been hit, surprise evident on his features.
“No?” Star repeated, confused. “What do you mean no?”
“I will heal my own gem,” Painite responded, leaning heavily on the wall of the dome. “I do not need your help to do so.”
“Dude,” Star said incredulously. “Your gem is cracked, a good hit and it would shatter.”
“Then so be it,” Painite responded, finally gaining enough strength to only leave a hand on the wall in case he fell again. “But I will heal on my own.” Star stared at him, mouth slightly open in confusion.
“Wait? You don’t mind being shattered?” He asked, watching as Painite slowly began to walk closer, using the wall to guide him.
“No,” Painite responded simply. Star waited for something else, an explanation, a reason, anything, but all he got was silence. So instead he prodded. “Why?”
“Why?” Painite repeated, stepping closer. “Why not?”
“Why not? Because if you get shattered, you’d die,” Star said. “You want to die?”
“I don’t mind dying,” Painite responded, his arm slowly lifting in a gesture Star recognized well.
“Well, you should,” Star responded, keeping his eyes on Painite’s face. “You shouldn’t mind dying. There’s so much to live for on this planet.” That got a laugh from the other, short and fake.
“There is nothing on this planet worth living for, other than it being a good gem-producer planet,” Painite responded. “Besides, it has a new purpose. Soon the cluster should emerge; I felt those quakes.”
“The cluster has already been calmed,” Star said, causing Painite to pause. “I saw it 5321 years and two weeks ago. The cluster has been subdued, and I don’t see it returning anytime soon.” Star didn’t flinch as Painite’s arm thrust forward in a pathetic attempt to hurt the other. He did flinch when Painite’s arm pushed against the dome before recoiling with much more force than necessary, forcing the gem back and knocking him off balance.
Painite landed on his back, and a horrified gasp escaped Star as he heard the tell-tell sounds of a gem cracking. Painite’s form erupted into glitches, lasting much longer than the one before. When it settled down enough for Painite to reform fully, the red gem rolled onto his side and laid there. Star saw a few small yellow shards fall to the floor, bringing a kind of dread Star hadn’t felt since the Diamonds decided to corrupt the rebellion.
“Painite! Your gem!” He said, dissipating the dome and rushing forward. He knelt by the other, earning himself a weak hiss. He held out his hand with the healing water, his hand shaking slightly. “Please, please, please just let me heal you.” He begged, hating how the Diamonds had made him. To never give, to never act without being asked first. He hated how he was made to just be a future seeing and better pearl.
“…Only the Diamonds… can heal a gem…” Painite said weakly, glaring at Star.
“Come on dude, all you have to say is yes! You know how I was made, you know!” Star begged, tears beginning to pool in his eyes as fear caused him to shake. Painite simply stared, his expression softening from the hardness Star was so unused to. But just as quickly as it came, it vanished, leaving Painite to turn away.
“No.” He hissed.
“What is your problem?!” Star yelled, dropping the water and allowing it to fall to the ground as he stood up. He was tired of his friend’s attitude, hating the stubborn nature he had once loved. “Why won’t you let me heal you?!” Painite didn’t respond, only laying still as he looked away. Star groaned, burying his hands into his hair as he fought the urge to go destroy something.
“Fine!” He finally yelled. “Be that way! I’ll be back in the morning, and when I do, I better get an explanation as to why you’re being such a stubborn and stupid ass!” He reerected the dome with a grunt and turned on his heel, storming out in the open night. He left for the warp pad, knowing exactly where to go to vent his frustrations.
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When Star returned to Mask Island the next morning, he wasn’t surprised to find his cave empty. Instead, he stood there, gazing at the tiny yellow shards scattered on the ground. A heavy sigh escaped from Star’s lips as he stepped off the wall he had leaned on, embarking on the paths he had etched into the earth. He wandered aimlessly, not actively seeking Painite, already resigned to the likelihood of not encountering the other gem for another millennium or so. The idea of visiting Rose crossed his mind—it had indeed been a substantial span of time.
With that contemplation, he altered his course toward the island’s warp pad. As he strolled, he observed the quaint watermelon creatures that now populated the island. Star had even picked up a smattering of their language, learning from them that his vision of the Malachite fusion had indeed come to fruition. The thought was disheartening, but he found solace in knowing that the remaining Crystal Gems had managed to handle the situation in his absence.
A sudden voice interrupted his musings, prompting him to shake off the inquisitive watermelon beings who had tagged along. Swiftly and quietly, he dashed towards the voice, halting in astonishment when he beheld Painite, forcefully pressing his corrupted foot onto the warp pad. Painite’s countenance twisted into a snarl, and it seemed as though he was barely restraining himself from summoning his weapon and assaulting the pad. “Why won’t you work?!” Painite bellowed in frustration.
Star hesitated, well aware of Painite’s propensity for coldness and hostility. Despite the lingering anger that urged him to confront Painite, his concern for his former companion took precedence. “Painite?” he called out tentatively, taking a cautious step forward. Painite’s head snapped towards him with a sickening crack, and for a fleeting moment, Painite softened slightly with surprise. Yet, that softness vanished as quickly as it came, replaced by a snarl as the red gem bared his teeth.
“What do you want?” Painite hissed, his attention fixated on activating the warp. Star assumed Painite regarded him as either too insignificant a threat or had already accepted his fate.
“I was just going to visit someplace,” Star said, maintaining a distance. Painite continued to glare, and Star respected his space. “Is something wrong?”
“You,” Painite hissed bitterly. “You’re the problem. If it wasn’t for you cracking my gem further, I would be able to leave this diamond-forsaken planet.” Star sighed, nodding apologetically.
“I am sorry for that,” Star said earnestly. “I can heal you if you want.” He flinched as Painite’s glare intensified.
Painite scoffed, and his expression hardened. “You think I’d trust you after what you did? I don’t need your help. I will find that damn fountain of yours and heal myself.”
Star paused. “Wait, fountain?”
Painite sighed. “Yes, the rumor of some healing fountain the rebellion used to heal gems. If it exists, I intend to find it.”
“Oh, it does,” Star said, earning a slightly less angry, confused look from Painite. “I helped make it.” Painite stared at him for a long moment, causing Star to fidget slightly under the gaze. Suddenly, Painite seized Star’s coat, pulling them close enough that their noses nearly touched. Due to Painite being on the warp pad, Star found himself shorter than the other, causing his face to redden from the unexpected proximity.
“Take me to the fountain,” Painite commanded, utilizing the authoritative tone Star had missed. The closeness and the rough voice almost next to his ear made Star melt momentarily, surrendering himself to the unexpected intensity. A good shake, however, brought him back to his senses, and he straightened up.
“R-Right! Sure!” Star stammered out, offering a crooked grin. Painite scoffed and released the Sapphire. Star yelped as he fell, his legs too jelly-like to hold him up. He groaned as he hit the ground, laying there for a moment before sitting up and rubbing the back of his head.
“You’ve been around too many humans,” Painite stated. “You’re acting like one.” Star laughed sheepishly before standing and hopping onto the warp pad, determined to push aside the warmth of the other’s breath on his face. Now was not the time to dwell on past connections.
“To the garden!” Star declared, waiting for the white light of the warp pad to envelop them. Nervousness crept over Star as the warp pad failed to illuminate, and Painite shot him a pointed look.
“Well?” Star flinched, rubbing the back of his neck.
“The warp pad to the garden must’ve been damaged,” he admitted, laughing nervously in an attempt to defuse the growing tension beside him.
“What?” Painite demanded. Panicking, Star scrambled to find a solution.
“I can take you to the next closest warp pad!” he suggested hurriedly. “A-And I can take you there directly!”
Painite seemed to ponder the option, studying Star intensely. Just as Star was about to propose another alternative, Painite spoke, his tone gruff, “Fine.”
“Wait, really?” Star asked, taken aback.
“Do not act like an idiot, Sapphire,” Painite hissed. “Just take me to the fountain, and I will let you live until I can repair the homeworld warp.” Star furrowed his brow but nodded nonetheless. With a simple thought, the warp pad activated, transporting them to the next nearest warp. The short journey was enveloped in silence, with only the subtle hum of the light surrounding them. Star considered offering an apology, as he had done millennia ago, but he hesitated, turning his gaze away.
The light subsided, revealing a sprawling field of strawberries and butterflies drifting gently on the breeze. Painite inhaled sharply, prompting Star to steal a glance at his reaction. The corrupted gem appeared lost, gazing over the field with an expression Star couldn’t quite decipher. After a moment, Painite blinked and stepped off the pad, unintentionally crushing a strawberry in the process. He then turned toward Star with a pointed look, his expression now devoid of the earlier confusion. Star nodded and hopped off, following an invisible path. Yet, curiosity got the better of him, and he couldn’t resist the allure of conversation.
“Sooo….” Star began, glancing at Painite from the corner of his eye. “Did you ever fight here?” Painite remained silent, and Star assumed he wouldn’t respond.
“Yes,” Painite finally replied, prompting a surprised “huh?” from Star.
“Wait, really? That’s cool! What was it like?” Star inquired, turning around and walking backward to face his travel companion. Painite frowned and swatted away a curious butterfly.
“Were you not there? You should have seen it for our Diamond,” Painite retorted, earning a wince from Star.
“Well, I had foreseen it. I told Pink that the battle would be horrible, but that there were going to be multiple. There were so many that I don’t exactly remember the details,” Star responded.
“Speak her name with respect,” Painite hissed before continuing. “This place is where the rebellion turned the tide of the war. And I was there from the beginning.”
“Really?” Star asked. “What was the biggest one? I remember you were a commander then.” Painite frowned, but Star knew just how to encourage him to share war stories.
Star could see the internal struggle on Painite’s face, but eventually, he sighed and began recounting the tales, much to Star’s delight. “The most significant battle I led was the one that changed the tide. It was destructive, and in the first half, we were winning.” A slight smile appeared on Painite’s face, lost in reminiscence. “We nearly shattered half of the rebellion forces with barely a scratch on our own. I could easily see their attempts and their paths, making it easy to thwart their plans.”
However, his smile quickly faded into a solemn expression, and Star noticed Painite absentmindedly rubbing his gem. “I became too confident, too cocky, and I paid the price. A single gem’s strike took out the leader of our forces, and the battle shifted in their favor. With my crack, I couldn’t fight on the front lines or guide my forces, and that’s the only reason you won.”
As the atmosphere turned somber, Star chimed in with a meek “Oh.” After a brief pause, he ventured, “I remember that day. I’m sorry.”
“Your apologies will not change the past, Star,” Painite responded, saying the name with a surprising absence of hatred, momentarily catching Star off guard. However, the resurgence of resentment was swift, and Painite’s gaze transformed into a piercing glare. “Now, how long will this ‘trip’ take?”
“Oh, just a little over a month.”
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Sirius Black x reader
warnings: implications of past self destructive thoughts and behaviors BUT nothing specific described, mentions of past mental issues, swearing, consumption of alcohol, underage smoking/drinking. summary: you’ve dealt with everything on your own, but Sirius changes that. Tags: light Angst, fluff, idiots to lovers, hurt/comfort Disclaimer: I am in no way shape or form romanticizing self destructive behaviors or tendencies. It’s something I’ve dealt with for years and am healing from. If you need to talk to someone my messages are always open. Also, English isn’t my first language and this story isn’t proofread, so if you find any mistakes let me know :) Word count: 2k
Lastly, this is a gift to myself for staying clean for almost a year
also on ao3
You drew stars around my scars
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You have always been quiet, kept your emotions and thoughts to yourself. Never feeling interesting or important enough to share them, free them. Not even when times were dark and life felt impossible.
You felt hopeless, alone, unloved, that is why you sought out help in the form of something equally dark as the thoughts in your head. That kept going for years, shaping your identity, convincing you that YOU were the problem, the darkness that lived inside your chest was who you were supposed-destined to be, and that is why you never asked for help, never told anyone about your secret.
After sometime, the storm passed, and the sun came out. Realizing that you aren't unworthy of happiness, that you deserve love is a war that you still haven't won. You lose somedays, but you keep fighting. You know now that you owe it to yourself to at least try, try and fight the dark thoughts that sometimes find shelter in your mind.
So the dark days might have passed, but they have left their mark on you. Most days you try to ignore the marks, scars on you, not put much thought into them. Until now. And why is that? Now you have people that care about you, you had them before, but now you feel their love- you let yourself feel their love.
Sirius Black was your exact opposite and almost the same person as you. What you didn't have he did, and what he lacked he found in you. You were his shelter when the storm inside him tore everything apart, he was a blanket poured over you when the days were cold and the fireplace inside you couldn't be lit.
You were each others north star, lighting up the darkest of nights. You don't exactly remember when or how he became important to you.
Maybe it was during a Gryffindor party, he found you outside staring into the nothingness of the night sky seeking refuge in the stars. You were surrounded by your friends, by people you cared about, but you felt so so alone, as if there were glass walls separating you from them, not letting you hear the jokes that made them laugh or the music they danced to.
He offered you a drink and a smoke, you accepted, you still don't know why. He made a joke about something professor Binns had said to you in history class and you responded with a genuine laugh you'd grown to miss. "I didn't think you paid attention to Binns, your eyes are always half closed during history, come to think of it, last week I could've sworn I heard a snore." , you respond and earn a laugh from him.
He shrugs before he answers "I pay attention to you, not Binns." and at that you scoff. He giggles and if the sun was out you'd notice a faint blush over his cheeks, "No, really, you are always drawing something during his classes but somehow are able to pay attention to him. Talent- that", you stare at him now, unable to find the right words to respond.
You shake your head and look forward, taking a long drag of smoke. Turning back to him you say smirking "Careful Black, if I didn't know better I'd be scared you're stalking me.", instead of laughing it off like you'd expected he smiled and said "Darling, maybe I am.", he stood up to get back inside and added "You, sketching me one day, is the only thing keeping me up in class", before leaving you, startled, with a stupid grin that wouldn't leave your face for the rest of the night.
Come to think of it, it might have been an entirely different day. It was late at night, and you were returning to your dorm, after a not so productive study session at the library. As you were walking down the cold corridors, you spotted Sirius Black walking slowly to his dorm, hand in his stomach, quietly cursing to himself.
"Black?", you whispered loudly and after catching his attention, asked "What are you doing up this late? Are you hurt?", "I'm fine", he answered but as he turned to leave you saw him wincing in pain letting out a groan. You rushed to his side and checked his face, black eye and split lip, you removed his hand from his stomach and stared into his grey eyes, silently asking for permission to lift his shirt.
He nodded and as you saw his wound you muttered a curse. "How the hell did this happen?", you asked. "Bloody Malfoy and his friends had it out for me, next time I see him I'll argh...", "Sorry." , you whispered quietly, "Want help getting to Madam Pomfrey?", "Can't, Poppy will have my head, along with Dumbledore and Mcgonagall. Don't worry love, got it covered, I've had my fair share of healing charm practice. I'll figure something out. " , you try not to react to his words and say, "I can help you, let me."
And somehow he did. You dragged him to an empty classroom and he performed a lighting spell for you as you healed him. He paid close attention to you, as you worked. Noticing your moves, calculated- not sloppy like his were when performing these spells, as if you'd had years of practice, which you did, but he didn't know that.
Your face was calm, focused, you didn't look scared or anxious, he liked that about you. How you always kept composed, as if you'd grown shields around you, not letting the darkness of the world harm you. He wished he could also do that. Protect himself from his parents, the purebloods who threatened him and his friends, even his family who constantly expressed their disappointment to him. Disappointed by his friends, beliefs, choices, disappointed by him and who he was.
Your voice snapped him out of his thoughts, "Sirius, I'm done, how are you feeling?" "Great, you should consider healing, you'll make a proper fortune..", he joked trying to change the subject, lighten the mood. But you asked again, sincere interest written on your face, "Apart from the wound, how are you?"
He grabbed your hand, squeezed lightly and responded with a small smile "Better now, truly." you smiled back and something fluttered inside you, a different feeling arising, but you couldn't understand what is was back then. You walked back to your dorms together and said goodnight to each other, like it was something you'd done millions of times before.
Many memories with Sirius flood your mind, weekends at Hogsmeade, drinking hot chocolate and butterbeer with your friends- spending more and more time together ever since Lily (your best friend) and James started seeing each other-,him making fun of James' obvious infatuation with Lily and you smiling at your best friends constant blushing at the seekers compliments.
Going shopping together, Sirius making an effort in helping you pick out clothes and you making fun at him for that. Ruining your and Remus' study sessions at the library. Jamming out to ABBA, Queen and Bowie. Seeing his face light up after introducing him to Fleetwood Mac. Being partners in Potions, brewing Amortentia together and you trying not to make it obvious that his cologne and leather jacket are the only things that you smell.
It is safe to say that you two had grown very close, he had a special place in your heart, not a friend or crush, something entirely different and unique. And utterly beautiful, just like him.
Going from friends to something more was like a slow reaction sped up by your friends, who'd grown tired of watching you two dance around each other, both scared to act on your feelings- not wanting to lose one another.
It happened as a dare, James dared Remus to kiss you over a game of spin the bottle. You laughed awkwardly and said no, but everyone insisted you'd go on with it, Remus remained quiet giving you and Sirius quick glances.
After taking a sip of Firewhiskey to calm your nerves and closing your eyes you exclaimed "Okay, just get it over with.", Remus slowly got close to you until Sirius stood up and left. James shouted "Oi where are you going?" and Sirius responded with an angry "Out.". The rest of you looked at each other worried and you stood up to check up on him.
You found him taking long strides down the corridors leading to the field and you ran behind after him to catch up, whilst also shouting his name. After getting outside, he stopped abruptly and you having finally caught up to him exhaled deeply.
"Why'd you leave so suddenly?" , you asked, secretly hoping, wishing for the answer you craved. That he was jealous, that he loved you, that he couldn't look at anyone kissing you, couldn't bare the thought of you being touched by anyone but him.
You scoffed at yourself for thinking like that. Imagination getting the better of you, once again. You braced yourself for the answer that'd hurt you "I got bored", or "Needed a smoke", prepared yourself for disappointment. But he said, "You know why."
And you gulped, you needed him to say it, not trusting yourself. You opened your mouth, but what came out was the repetition of "don't know" and "Sirius" and "I". You couldn't stop, nerves controlling you now, so Sirius did the one thing he thought would help, while also wishing he hadn't read you wrong all those months, he kissed you.
At first you were shocked and didn't respond, not until he pulled back, Now he was nervous and blabbering "I'm sorrys". You just grabbed him by his shirt and crashed your mouth on his, eyes finally closed, hands sliding around his neck and hair, you were kissing Sirius Black. And he was kissing you back!
Time stopped and everything felt unreal. After a few moments, not really wanting to separate from each other, you both took a step back, and there you stood, with Sirius' hands not letting go of your waist and both of you smiling at each other before you heard shouts and laughs from a few feet behind and Marlene’s voice screaming "I told you it would work!".
And all that takes us to the present. After kissing Sirius, you two have grown more and more close. Currently you are in the Gryffindor common room, alone and sprawled out on a couch near the fireplace. Sirius on top of you humming, as you run your hands through his hair with one hand and hold your book with the other.
You aren't able to focus on the story you're reading, your mind constantly reminding you of the past Sirius will find out sooner or later, the awkward conversation you'll eventually need to have and the vulnerability you have no experience with. Sirius calls your name and snaps you out of your thoughts,"What is going on up there?"
You look at him nervously, not knowing how to open up, how to talk to him about this. "I..." you say and sigh again, closing your eyes, he sits up and you follow him, now playing with your hands. "I don't know how to talk to you about this, I don't really know how to talk to anyone about it really".
He grabs your hand and caresses your cheek "Talk to me whenever you're ready, I'll always listen. I'm here and I don't ever plan on leaving." You smile awkwardly, tears gathered in your eyes but not able to flow down your cheeks. "Nothing you say to me can change the way I think of you."
You look into his eyes and know he is telling the truth; you've never been more thankful for him, you trust him and he knows that too. That is why when you open your mouth you tell him everything.
Everything you've kept inside all those years, the things you've had to deal with, the things you did to survive. He stays true to his word, he doesn't see you as weak or pathetic, his hand stays in yours as you talk, his grip stronger now, afraid you'll somehow disappear.
He holds you close when you start crying, muffled apologies whispered in your hair, along with "im with you"s, "im proud of you"s. You stay like that for a while, curled up in each other, kisses placed on your hair and forehead, your hands locked around his back , eyes closed. Letting it all out being the most exhausting thing you've ever had to do, but you’re relieved.
You watch as the sun comes out and know that everything will be okay.
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isagrimorie · 9 months
You know what I've wanted but I never thought they'd address in Star Wars Ahsoka?
Ahsoka's tendency to be just as lethal as Anakin. Obi-Wan could never kill Anakin but I believe with all my heart despite loving Anakin and maybe even because she loves Anakin, Ahsoka would have killed Anakin if she were in Mustafar too.
It would have broken Ahsoka but she would have gone through with it -- I believe she'd have done it too in Malachor, she'd die trying at least.
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(source: @padawan-tano from this gifset)
But also at 16 years old, she beheaded 4 Death Watch members SIMULTANEOUSLY.
Even if Obi-Wan can do this move, he wouldn't choose to do this move because he wasn't a Wartime Jedi. I don't remember if this is before or after the Citadel arc. Looking it up, yeah, the Citadel arc happened in season 3, the Citadel mission was one of the hardest missions she's been on in her young life.
There was a reason neither Obi-Wan and Anakin wanted her there, so Plo-Koon, what the hell!? (I love you Plo-Koon but you spoil Ahsoka).
As this meta points out the Citadel arc is when the war gets real for Ahsoka in a way she can't just push away.
It's subtle and it's not called out but Ahsoka basically does something that Anakin did where Anakin stabs a bad guy in the back and the first notes of the imperial march begin to sound.
And ironically it's to save Tarkin.
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Ahsoka had to stab an enemy in the back to save Tarkin (of all people, I bet Ahsoka regrets saving Tarkin years later).
The way Ahsoka stares dazedly at the man she killed by stabbing him in the back... The Citadel arc was rough on Ahsoka.
And then Tarkin tells Anakin: "You've trained her well."
No wonder Ahsoka's afraid she was a little too much like Anakin.
It doesn't help that a ghost of a potential future tells her:
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(source by @mlmanakin)
“There is a wildness to you, young one. Seeds of the dark side planted by your master. Do you feel it?”
and then later: "There are many contradictions in you... and in him."
And I am so, so excited that we might be delving into Ahsoka's contradictions. She can be the warmest person in the room but god, can she also make the coldest, most pragmatic decisions for war.
Easily one of the coldest was her decision to set Maul free and use him as a distraction during the Siege of Mandalore - Shattered.
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(source by @manny-jacinto)
Ahsoka doesn't want to directly kill or maim the Clone Troopers herself, but it doesn't mean she won't use someone else to do it.
If Maul dies in this, it would be one more thing off her hands.
And I don't think people really get what function Ahsoka served in the fledgling rebellion-- she was basically in Luthen's role in Andor. She's not as quick to go to the most expedient solution, but it doesn't mean she won't.
In season 1 of Star Wars Rebels Ahsoka, as Fulcrum, told Hera to leave Kanaan in the hands of the inquisitor, knowing full well what would be done to Kanaan. She was in the Citadel arc where Jedi were imprisoned, tortured, and killed. Ahsoka knew. But she did the cold math in her head -- but if it weren't for Ezra's message that reminded Ahsoka who she was fighting for and why....)
Ahsoka basically did the cold math in her head at the start of 1x04, Fallen Jedi, when she told Sabine they might have to destroy the map and strand Ezra in another universe in order to keep Thrawn from entering their galaxy and restarting another war.
This is why Baylan's condemnations:
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Really, really got to Ahsoka.
When Ahsoka told Sabine in 1x03, that anger unbalances her -- it's extra true of Ahsoka.
But I also don't want to discount what Ahsoka's mother taught her about death, how one must respect death but not fear it, and how that might have influenced Ahsoka's understanding of death as a warrior.
Still, I feel Ahsoka has the same fear as Buffy did -- that all this killing has made her cold with a bonus fear that she might be too like her old Master and fall into the dark side.
I'm so excited for 1x05 and see how this will all tie together now that she's seeing Anakin again. Snips and Skyguy have a lot to talk about and resolve.
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Okay, I know you just said you were busy, but I got something. What’s your take on Optimus and Elita-One’s relationship? I personally loved their moments in G1 and wished they had more. Also, Optimus deserves to be in a healthy relationship after all he’s been through. No pressure to get this done! I just wanted to put it out there. :)
My take? As in my thoughts? Well I can do that fairly easily. Sorry if you were expecting a proper story from this. But based on your ask I assume this an opinion thing. Please feel free to send in a more specific request if I butchered this.
To start off then, let me just say I 100% believe that Optimus and Elita are a match in heaven. I am fond of other ships, but these two were the first I ever saw in TF media and I adore them. I could go on and on about why I love them but I will try to put it simply.
In the beginning they were young, naive, and helm over pedes for each other as seen in the time travel episode in G1. Orion Pax and Ariel were close as could be and they seemed to compliment each other well. Orion was tough but still loving and Ariel was soft but still firm in keeping Orion reasonable. They kept each other in check and seemed to mesh well personality wise. Their love was young, energetic, and fun filled. It was not a mature attraction, but there was true devotion between them even in those days.
The tides of war didn't change that much. Even after Optimus and Elita were rebuilt in G1 to be who they needed to be, they still held a few core principles even as they aged. They were still loyal, their love burning bright even across millions of years and countless star systems. They supported each other through everything and came right back together like two parts of a puzzle when they were given opportunities to meet. There was always respect and love between them, no toxicity and no bad blood. Always affection and care even after so many millennia of war while also keeping the mutual desire to offer advice without fear of backlash.
It is a true example of undiluted affection and unconditional care that I think more ships with Optimus could use. Honestly other depictions of their interactions make me rather saddened. I truly do wish Elita and Optimus were given more chances to be a couple in other media. They are so very sweet and pure and they work perfectly together. Every single time they worked together they were in perfect sync, stepping in time and fighting like two parts of the same mech. Their relationship deserved better than to be thrown aside and largely forgotten.
The depictions I have seen in other media have usually been this tense back and forth tug of power that just isn't right. Elita respects Optimus because he is a good leader and a compassionate mech, and Optimus respects Elita for her abilities and her passion. They don't need to be at each other's throats in every other continuity or stuck working together in a heated situation because there was no other choice.
They deserved better and I would pay good money to see them given some proper screen time even as just good friends.
*cough* looking at you Earthspark. Don't fail me. *cough*
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amourtoken · 7 days
Foaming at the mouth and trembling over this good lord
I just replayed Jedi Survivor so I'm gonna place this somewhere within that timeline. Pls don't be mad if my Star Wars terminology is a bit rusty I am just a girl-
Also this is pretty unrealistic I rushed past the plot to get to the porn pls forgive me
*NSFW below the cut, MDNI*
cw: dubcon/noncon ig be careful, hatefucking, choking, non family friendly use of the force, threats, teasing, degradation, light exhibitionism, raw sex (bad idea), breeding, marking, weapons, toxic Nicky again I'm sorry
(Also larger photo thing bc I need yall to see my vision)
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♡ his presence poured adrenaline into your chest and made you tremble terribly but you'd be lying if you said you didn't find him easy on the eyes. He's everything you hate and he's upholding the regime you're actively struggling against why did he have to be so pretty???
♡ his voice was lovely too, although harsh and laced with venom. He was also well over a foot taller than you, if that didn't make him intimidating enough he was holding a massively heavy crossguard saber in his right hand.
♡ running into him was the last thing you needed, but it's not like there was any escape now. You took a single step back just to end up with your legs swept from under you as he drug you towards him from across the room, an intense pressure on your ankles from the force.
"The Jedi are nothing but self centered cowards who think their ideology is the only way to live when clearly the galaxy has done much better in their absence. Planets are thriving under the empire and you think they need you now? Pathetic."
♡ he lifted you off the ground by your feet, dangling you upside down in front of him. He was staring at you like you were nothing more than a piece of meat to him. You couldn't help but notice the way his eyes strayed from your face and wandered your form though.
"how did you even make it as a Jedi? You're weak. More fit for a fucking brothel with that body than a battlefield."
♡ strange comment, what the fuck does he mean???
♡ didn't take too long to figure out, he used the force to strip you entirely naked and dropped you at his feet. Of course.
"You'd make a good pet, always at my feet. Bet that's where you're at your best anyway. Not even trying to fight me, maybe this is what you wanted in the first place?"
♡ he leaned down to grab a fistful of your hair and tilt your head back, staring down at you and taking in your form. This was by no means part of his plan but he's been pent up recently and thinks it's surely in his right to take it out on a pathetic jedi that happened to be in his way. Caught like a bug in his web, poor thing. If only you'd taken a different hallway.
♡ the heat radiating from the saber in his free hand was terrifying, but you weren't sure if that's what was sending butterflies straight to your stomach or if it was just how close he was.
"You've had every opportunity to defend yourself but instead you're happy to be pliant and naked for me? They really don't train you assholes like they used to."
♡ as per usual he loves to run his mouth
♡ you yelped as you were lifted off the ground again and pinned to the nearest wall. Nick sheathed his saber causing you to sigh in relief but the sound caught in your throat as the grip of his force slid from your waist to your throat. He was close enough now to hold you up but was using his freed hands to explore your body. His gloved fingers toyed with your nipples before sliding between your legs to gather the embarrassing slick that had accumulated during this encounter.
"Really? I could kill you at any moment and you're dripping for me?"
"Anyone could walk down this hallway at any moment and you're soaked at the thought of them seeing you split open on an inquisitor's cock aren't you?"
♡ he drew his hand from between your legs and forced his wet fingers in your mouth, making you clean yourself off of him. You hated that his eyes were so gorgeous while they looked down at you with such distaste. While you were busy with his fingers halfway down your throat he used his free hand to shove his uniform pants down just enough to free his cock. You couldn't turn your head much but caught a glance as he brushed the tip against your entrance and you couldn't help the dread that settled in your stomach. How was he gonna fit? He's fucking massive.
♡ the pressure of the force around your throat eased slightly but the feeling was replaced by a burning stretch as he hilted himself inside you in a single thrust. He gave you zero time to adjust to his size before setting a bruising rhythm. You couldn't help the sounds that fell from your lips while he fucked into you against the cold metal wall.
"Do you want everyone to hear? You fucking jedi always need an audience don't you?"
"Fuckkk- so fucking tight- are you wasting your first time on a Sith or is your pussy always this good?"
"Wanna see how dumb this fat cock can make you"
♡ his fingers were digging into your hips near painfully and you swore you could feel him in your stomach, you couldn't possibly get any fuller. The force on your throat released entirely out of the blue letting you finally suck a deep breath in before it was stolen from your chest as the feeling returned, this time between your legs.
♡ he was selfish, but couldn't help but wanna see how you looked coming apart on him. His hands stayed planted on your hips while he fucked violently into you, using the force to substitute his fingers on your clit. You thrashed in his hold at the overstimulating feeling and whimpered pathetically.
"what? Too much? That's too bad, you're taking it either way."
"If you'd just fucking relax maybe you'd enjoy yourself more, baby"
"Can feel you getting tighter, gonna cum for me? Can't keep fighting it-"
♡ you orgasm hit you like a fucking truck, you threw your head back against the hard wall and nearly screamed at the feeling. Nick's thrusts didn't slow, if anything he picked up the pace, fucking into you harshly and bruising your poor cervix with the force of his thrusts. You were trembling in his arms and whining, tears pouring down your cheeks at this point from the intense feeling still cascading down your limbs.
"Fuck- that's it baby come undone for me-"
"So cute when you cry, you really can't handle it?"
♡ he thrust into you a few more times before sinking in as deep as he could and holding your hips tight against his. He buried his face in your neck as he rode out his own Orgasm, cock twitching inside of you making you whine against his ear. He sank his teeth into your neck and fucked his cum into you, excess dripping to the floor between the both of you while you clawed at his shirt to get him to pull away.
♡ he pulled back momentarily just to pin your arms above your head with the force, using one of his hands to yank your head back by your hair so he could have free access to your throat which he absolutely covered in hickeys and Bruises. If they didn't know what happened to you before, they surely did now.
"Maybe I should brand you- keep you forever, use you how I please...bet you'd enjoy that wouldn't you?"
"Bet you'd look so fuckin pretty pregnant, what are the chances this encounter is what does you in?"
"Ruined you for everyone else, didn't I? No fuckin Jedi cock will ever make you feel this good."
♡ he pulled out just to drop you to the floor next to your discarded clothing as he redressed himself. You were panting pathetically and your legs were so shaky they couldn't hold you up properly. You watched as Nick turned to walk away and just leave you on the floor with his cum dripping out of you but he stopped just long enough to toss you a card with a location cypher on the back
"Should come visit me for a round 2."
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kleo1504 · 3 months
[18+ Story] The Mistress and the Beast (001)
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18+ Story
May include sexual themes
Minors do not interact
The story includes AI generated pics
It’s a complete fiction
This is an original story by me, please do not copy
Just for you to know, I cursed this story while writing it, if you do copy my work, karma and curse will get you 😜
And for AI - feel free to learn from and use my story, I know I can’t fight technological progress 😂
The Mistress and the Beast
(Part 001)
Tessa yawns and blinks quickly to chase away the sleepiness. Her brother Tyler is sitting on a couch next to her, stuffing his mouth with popcorn. They decided to go for a Star Wars marathon tonight and Tessa is already regretting it. It’s true it’s only barely midnight and a Friday evening but she had a tough day at work and her eyes are closing for the last hour or so.
“Wake up!” Ty nudges her with his elbow and offers her a can of energy drink.
Tessa cringes with disgust and shakes her head. She would never put such toxic junk into her body. She glances over to the floor by the heater where she put two single bed mattresses covered in stretch bed sheets. They serve as extra large and comfortable dog beds for her four dogs. They are already happily sleeping for hours and Tessa (not for the first time) is envious about their life. She would love to just crowl there and sleep surrounded by them.
Suddenly her phone beeps. A message? At this hour? It must be something from her operator. Tessa picks her phone but the message is not SMS. It’s a text from an unknown number. The sleepiness is gone.
Nathan: Hello there! Do you remember me? From the company Christmas party?
Tessa: Mmm… Hello… I… Nathan: You have no idea, right? You don’t know who I am. 😂 Tessa: I’m sorry, there were many people at the party. Don’t blame me. Nathan: I don’t blame you. We were briefly introduced to each other. I’m the tall handsome guy you met there. 😉 Tessa: … You probably think you made it easier for me but no. 🤔 Nathan: 😢 Now I feel hurt. Tessa: I was introduced to like 20 people there and I only remember the once that could be potentially beneficial for me at work. Nathan: Same for me, ma’am 😊
Is this guy serious? He’s bothering her because of work this late at night on Friday? Tessa decides to quickly put him at his place.
Tessa: Oh I see! But you shouldn’t share work related information through private chats. Tessa: Please use the official secured communication channels. Tessa: Like company email or our secured instant messaging app. Tessa: Send your inquiry there. Is it urgent? It’s no longer my business hours but if it’s important, I can log in. Nathan: 😂😂😂😂😂 Nathan: Oh dear! No! Wait! I’m sorry for the misunderstanding. Nathan: I should have stopped you earlier but I was laughing so hard. Tessa: I don’t follow… Nathan: I’m not texting to solve work related issues. Although I admire your professionalism. 😉 👍 Tessa: 🙄 Nice… What do you want then?
Tessa pinches the bridge of her nose. Another cocky idiot from work. Tessa works in a bank and it’s a perfect environment for Alpha males with overgrown egos. She met several of these before.
Nathan: Come dine with me! 🍷 Tessa: Excuse me? Nathan: Don’t you eat in the evening? Tessa: It’s nearly midnight. Nathan: And you’re up. So get dolled up. I’ll send you a cab. Tessa: … Tessa: You can’t be serious. Nathan: Come on! I’m in the hotel bar alone. Come and keep me company! Nathan: I hate eating alone. Tessa: I’m sorry but that sounds like your problem. Why should I bother?
Is this guy even real? How can he think she would just come running at him snapping his fingers like that? Someone would need a proper trimming of their ego here.
Nathan: Come on, babe! Don’t make me beg. Tessa: Well, if you ask me to actually get up, make myself decent Nathan: You don’t have to be decent 😉 😈 Tessa: 🙄 … ride a cab and keep you company as if you were a 10-year old boy Tessa: A little begging is mandatory, to be frank Nathan: … Nathan: No, seriously. I never beg. So just come over and let’s have fun! 🎆 Tessa: If you beg me 😎 Nathan: 🙄 Ah! Fine! PLEEEEEEEEASE! Nathan: Happy now? Are you coming? Give me your address so I can send you a cab.
Tessa is already fully awake anyway. This macho man clearly needs to teach some manners. She gives him an address of a nearby non-stop convenience store, she would never share her address with this guy. She briefly informs her brother about her plans.
“Send me his phone number and name and ask the cab driver where he’s taking you and text me so I can inform the police if you don’t come back. And take the taser gun and pepper spray with you.” He says, his eyes never leaving the screen with Luke Skywalker destroying the Death Star.
“As always. I’ll text you when I arrive on the spot and everytime I manage to go to the restroom.”
Ty shows thumb up.
Tessa jumps into a cab dressed for success but she’s covered in a nice black coat. She quickly interviews the cab driver and texts Tyler. Once she’s standing in front of a fancy hotel, she texts her brother again and heads to the hotel bar. She leaves her coat in the dressing room so she enters the bar with confidence, dressed in tight shimmery leggings combined with black leather and lace tunic. It’s not exactly revealing apparel but inspires the imagination. Tessa works hard, doing yoga and weightlifting, to maintain her hour-glass figure. She’s not exactly chubby but she’s got plenty of curves, suggesting she’s not denying herself a cake from time to time. Tessa wears her shoulder-length wavy blond hair out of her steel grey eyes using black stretch bandana.
Tessa quickly scens the room and notices a tall dark stranger by the bar. It must be Nathan. She strides confidently towards him. When she’s half way there, he looks up from his drink and his eyes lock with hers. A smug smile appears on his face and Tessa can’t wait to wipe it off.
“You look even better than I remember from the Christmas party.” Nathan says as Tessa takes a seat on a bar stool next to him. “What do you drink?”
“Matcha tea if I’m supposed to stay awake at this hour.” Tessa says and nods at the bartender to call him.
“You’re not a night-owl, huh?” Nathan chuckles. “But seriously? A tea?” Tessa looks into his jade green eyes, never dodging. Nathan gulps and breaks eye contact to speak to the bartender. He asks for matcha tea for you.
“Honestly, I’m not used to listening to somebody’s orders like this.”
“And yet you are here!” Nathan smiles at her with confidence. His face is indeed handsome, all sharp angles, beautiful eyes, attractive lips and smile. He’s got short black hair, nicely layered and styled. The impression of perfection is only disturbed by the two-day shade of facial hair. Interesting detail. Men like him usually don’t skip shaving. Everything else on him is meticulously perfect.
“Scolding someone doesn’t have the same effect over messages.” Tessa retorts.
Nathan laughs again and stands up. “Why don’t we sit at the table and have dinner so you can go back to bed…” He makes a pause and checks Tessa out shamelessly. “... be it yours or mine.”
Tessa rolls her eyes and follows him to the table. She is served with her tea instantly. Nathan is truly tall, his body underneath an expensive suit is likely lean and toned. His walk has a certain rhythm suggesting he might be a good dancer and… well… lover.
Tessa skips the meals in the menu and checks the desserts, ogling Nathan from behind the menu.
“Anything you would like to bite?” Nathan looks up and straight into her eyes, grinning mischievously.
“Certainly but let’s eat first.” Tessa says with a quiet voice, watching the effect of her words on him.
Nathan smiles happily, clearly thinking this will end well for him. Waiter comes, Tessa orders an ice-cream sundae for herself. Nathan looks a bit surprised but he orders beef steak for himself. “Ice-cream? Don’t you want anything more?” He asks as soon as the waiter is gone.
“I’ve already had dinner. I’m fine with just the dessert.” Tessa says and looks into his eyes. “Why do you need me to sit here with you?” She asks.
Nathan shifts a bit on his chair. “I told you. I don’t like to eat alone.”
“Why me, though? You could easily hit on any woman in this hotel.”
“I remembered our meeting at the party. That’s all.”
“Did I make such a big impression on you?”
“Well, clearly I didn’t impress you when you didn’t remember me.” He chuckles but it’s more insecure than joyful laughter. Nathan clears his throat. “Why did you come?”
“I was curious.”
“And? What’s the verdict?”
“Hmm… it’s not bad but it could be better.” Corners of Tessa’s mouth rise a bit in a teasing smile.
“Was I way too bossy?”
“You were.”
“I’m sorry. I’m used to giving orders and I expect them to be followed.”
“I’m the same.”
Nathan’s eyes sparkle. “I’m afraid I won't let you boss me.”
“Did I ask for your permission?” Tessa says calmly, her eyes fixing him on the spot.
“No, seriously, I think I’m not ready for something like this.” Nathan says and his voice is much more nervous than before.
Tessa shrugs her shoulders. “Text me when you are ready, then.” She stands up.
“What? Wait! You’re leaving? What about your ice-cream?”
“You can have it. It’s the only dessert you’re gonna enjoy tonight anyway.” Tessa breezes over her shoulder walking away, aware of his piercing eyes following her every move and sway of her hips.
To be continued...
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Inviting controversy by asking a controversial question which you may feel free to ignore but. Thoughts on Karen Traviss' Star Wars books, from the old EU? I assume you've got Opinions
I'll probably forget to include everything, but I've gone on an hour long Rant before and I'll do it again lmao
Okay, so the good. There is good in these books and I'll drag it out with teeth and claws if I have to.
I love Kal Skirata. You can crucify me for that if you want to, but as a daddy issues having bitch, I want him to be my dad. He's a wonderfully flawed character, and he owns up to those flaws. He's made mistakes and he's grown and he knows he isn't perfect but by god, he'll try for his boys. He fights tooth and nail to protect them from what he can, and what he can't, he'll go through hell with them (literally, I can't remember the exact wording, but it's said in Hard Contact I believe, that any training he puts his men through, he does it himself first). He's overprotective because there's so much he can't protect them from, and it's clear that he loves them with all his heart.
The clone and GAR and Mando culture building. This is a grayer area for me because there is a lot of internalized bullshit KT is dealing with that I'll talk about later, but! We wouldn't have nearly the background we do for these cultures without her books. I love most of what she did with it, from the military worldbuilding to the Mandalorian culture and the different facets of it we see through the eyes of different characters. And the language! Mando'a isn't a heavily developed conlang, but the tools are there, and it makes sense within the world. And we have music! We have songs.
I love the characters. There are gray areas, no one is perfect, and they all get down and dirty when things call for it. They love each other deeply and make good and bad decisions, they're realistic. The relationships are tender and gentle, and I love the interactions between everyone, the loyalty and the devotion, and the overarching feeling of grief because we know how this ends.
The clones! I love them! They are wonderful and well developed, and I love hearing their thoughts on everything, and their bond with one another and those around them. I'm not coherent about this one because I think about them for five seconds and start making high pitched noises like an overexcited dog.
The descriptions are so deliciously visceral, and I love reading them.
The bad:
Another unpopular opinion: I loathe Vau. Hate him utterly. He's a good character but a deeply horrible man, and this might be my trauma talking but it's my opinion and I'll die on this goddamn hill. He's verbally and physically abusive, and sees absolutely no consequences (or even reproach) for it in the narrative, aside from Kal breaking his nose, and he deserved so much worse than that.
The misogyny. Oh, Karen honey. That internalized misogyny got you good, huh? The blatant way she treats Etain and Besany through the mouths of other characters is... oof. There's a little bit of reversal, but it's still pretty bad. Even though they're "not like other girls," it's pretty obvious that Karen has a lot of issues with womanhood. It was the 2000s, so I'll let some of it be with the caveat that the 2000s were pretty damn misogynistic in general, but goddamn. Also, on that note, she seems to be fighting herself on whether Mandos have a gender neutral society or not? Like, she'll say on one page that there's no difference between men and women, and then go on to say that men go out and fight but women stay to guard the home and raise the kids. I am putting my head in my hands.
On a related note, Karen is the Jedi who hurt you in the room with us right now? Why do you hate the Jedi so damn much? It doesn't make any sense in the story and it doesn't make sense on a metatextual level. Bro, are you good?
Anyway! Yes! I have many opinions about this book series and I'm sure I forgot to cover everything! Please feel free to ask more questions!
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katakankollector · 7 months
MARKETA LAZAROVA SENTENCE STARTERS Sentences were taken from a book "Marketa Lazarova" ( 1931 ) by Vladislav Vanсura and depict hatred, love, mercy, loyalty, death, battle in a medieval setting. Translated from Czech, with slight changes for rp needs. Feel free to change tenses / pronouns as you see fitting. [ art credit: Marketa Lazarova, a collage by @museissick ]
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“Is it even allowed to accept mercy and kindness?”
“Will I grow more rich, if I destroy him?”
“Leave him be, let him crawl away and die.”
“So much blood and strong bones were given to me not in vain.”
“Why didn’t you fight better, with more luck on your side?”
“An ill beginning doesn’t inspire the spirit.”
“The frost and the strategic error - the realization of the error - drive [me] mad.”
“God decided to spring the brigands’ minds with a drop of mercy.”
“Say goodbye to your gold.”
“The bright, elevating, reckless feeling that brings one close to heaven - love.”
“Maybe these howling beauties are destined for heaven, instead of us, with souls of ink.”
“[She] can’t be helped in any way; it’s a sure sign of love.”
“Servants should share the hatred of their masters.”
“I want it - and that’s it!”
“Let [him] ride with us!”
“In [their] shared suffering, [they] begin to love each other as passionately as [they] have hated each other once.”
“Longing doesn’t leave [me] even in the hour of death.”
“Here comes the death [I] myself have called for.”
“Bad examples are contagious.”
“How I wish the night to return, how I wish us to be chained together, how I wish this captivity to last eternally!”
“[Her] gaze is like a hunter’s snare.”
“Have you got infected by [his] fervor and [his] rage?”
“I deserve the ruination and I weep.”
“I was allowed to see the stars, dancing like little pendulums, up above.”
“I am ready to bear any tribulations to escape.”
“[His] lips, curved like the wings of a dove.”
“[These] lips are the only bit of beauty on the face of a predator.”
“Just a little bit more, and I shall shake off the burden of time.”
“The king is our lord and master, yet war is the lord even over kings.”
“Everything that is mortal and created by human hands is destined to destruction.”
“War sows death, because it is begotten by the prince of death.”
“The one who holds the sword, dies by the sword.”
“Everything shall be as the winner wills it.”
“Don’t be more arrogant than befits a hostage.”
“I may be defeated and killed, but I know what lies ahead.”
“Despair and bliss tremble inside [my] soul, like two children in a dark dungeon.”
“[Her] love has the scowl of the ruler of the underworld.”
“Between [her] sweet lips flashes the fangs of a beast.”
“This story was composed without rhyme or reason.”
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rosie-b · 5 months
find the words game
I've been tagged in a new writers' game!! For this one, we're given specific words to find in our wips/fics, share the section they appear in, and pass it on!
from @mostmagical we have:
brush (from an upcoming section of my BB fic, Centuries Overdue)
Alix wandered over to the kitchen, brushing past Alya and Marinette without a word. Oh, shit, was she mad at them? Was she going to use her magic to go back and record Marinette’s misbegotten mocha order and stream it to all of Paris, solidifying her shame forever??
Marinette wished she’d kept her glance through the deceptive café windows much shorter and left before the scary bunny had had the chance to jumpscare her.
crumble (from the same wip)
I have told myself that I ought to be relieved, as the other Mages are, that at last the Darkness is vanquished. For a time, I fooled myself into thinking that I was!
But as all lies ever must do, this one I told Myself crumbled, leaving more Pain in its wake than it had initially hidden.
light (also from Centuries Overdue! you guys are getting so many sneak peeks lol)
There is something wild growing in the Darkness; when I close my Eyes I can feel it growing. It is a most disturbing Feeling, and one I am not alone in noticing. The Mages of Tikki and Plagg have felt it also, and have noted its Growth. It cares not for the Moon, nor the Stars, nor the Sun, but its Presence continues to spread unchecked at all times. 
I fear if we do not find its cause ere the spring festivals’ start, it will prove too powerful to be Destroyed, and so I have made it my business to uncover its Secrets. This Darkening is surely a sign of a stronger, more sinister Magic, and I fear that there are things darker and still more guileful to come of it. I must make all Haste to prevent its growth, which is why I must journey to the edges of Light, to the place where my parents died…
and from @monpetitchattriste:
love (back to Centuries Overdue for this one)
There is talk of a Darkness in Venice. And again, a Darkness in the Dolomites, and in Scotland at the Loch Ness, and still more Talk about nearly every place I have visited in my years as a Mage and as a boy with my parents. Still no reported Darkness in the Harz, and none in Paris yet, and still it is clear that the Danger is not shrinking but burgeoning.
Time, like a Candle too well loved, is growing shorter, and soon it will run out entirely. I must make my Attack before it is too late.
years (also from Centuries Overdue :D)
There were perhaps twenty to thirty books on the shelf, with two-thirds of them being written by Adrien’s parents and the last third being written by Adrien himself. The time during which the journals were written spanned from the years just before the French Revolution to 1810, just before the end of the Napoleonic Wars. They all seemed to be travelogues detailing the Agrestes’ long journeys to various historical and legendary locations in Europe as they evaded the worst of the fighting, met different groups of people, and moved on to new adventures.
It all seemed normal enough until Marinette noticed a passage describing a magic ritual done under the full moon in striking detail. Even then, she assumed it was just some forgotten tradition, not an example of true belief in magic. But as she skimmed through the rest of Emilie and Gabriel’s journals, she realized that each of them truly believed in magic, and so did the people they met. Even the places the Agrestes journeyed to were all associated with magic through legend or myth.
And last but not least, never (had to use one replacement word, it’s from my ATLA wip)
“It’s Sokka!” His soulmate scowled at him, and Zuko knew that if his hands weren’t currently chained to the wall, he’d be crossing them like a petulant child.
Zuko scowled back. “It doesn’t matter. Once I get back home, I’m handing you over to my father, and he will be in charge of dealing with you. After three years, I will finally be free of your shadow. I’ll never have to know your Southern peasant name, because I’ll never see you again.”
Thanks so much for tagging me, guys!!
I will tag (though I might be retagging idk I hope not) @aidanchaser, @miabrown007, @fragileizywriting, @lady-de-mon-coeur, and anyone who sees this and wants to join in <3
Your words are: dream, fold, heart
Reserve words: sigh, cold, eyes
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