#this isnt necessarily a criticism
genderentvy · 1 year
I was so ready to get lost in the sauce about star wars, but here I am mentally rotating all of star trek in the rotisserie chicken oven
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un-pearable · 1 year
as true as the jokes about “everyone wants to rewrite ninjago” are i feel like smthn people forget when complaining about the inconsistencies of the show is that…. it wasn’t planned? it’s not like most other animated shows lately - it didn’t start with a deeply fleshed out world or a meticulously designed pitch bible with grandiose plans for a long-term story or character arcs. the ninja don’t originally get their powers from heredity because they weren’t hereditary powers yet. the magic system doesn’t make sense bc they literally just made it up as they went! they go back and forth on stuff like whether non-elementals can learn spinjitzu bc it’s a collaborative piece of media made by people with vastly different levels of control over the story, the animation, the sets, etc. that varied over the course of the series. it’s totally understandable and exciting to see so many people reworking the early stuff with the lore and logic later seasons introduced but i personally feel that… if you’re doing that. you need to understand why the show is like that instead of writing it off as being bad and shitty. it was working with what it had. it’s only what it is now because of that awkward troubleshooting phase, not in spite of it
#ninjago#text✨#you’re 100% allowed to criticize the show but i keep seeing people complain about the inconsistencies about like. their parents giving them#their powers especially. like yeah cool that wasn’t a thing yet? they have different origins than the non-core elementals#because in the real world that idea hadn’t even crossed their minds yet! the original story was a more traditional fantasy narrative of#normal people rising to the occasion and *gaining* powers through their own feats. the fact that they changed it later doesn’t mean#it was necessarily bad to begin with or that it’s something that should be mocked#idk just. there’s a lot of hostility in some circles about this stuff and it makes me kinda sad. enjoy the complexity of production and how#series adapt over time. it’s part of why the show is so interesting to me#that essay i wrote had a whole bit juxtaposing the attitudes about technology in rebooted and prime empire and how they reflect greater#cultural trends between 2013 and 2021. it’s SUPER interesting and yet a lot of people only talk about it to make fun of how ‘bad’ it was :(#this isnt to say i don’t enjoy some of the retcons. the changes to their meetings with wu in s8 are genuinely really interesting! i love the#changes to cole’s backstory. i think his mom makes him in the early seasons even better! i’m just saying.. be respectful? nobody *tries* to#make a bad show. ages and ages of time and dedication were put into what ends up on your screens. it’s all human love and creation.#as goofy as it is#okay sry got all anthropology there but hm. been thinking about this for a while. apologies for being the local annoying early seasons fan
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johnskleats · 4 months
Posting on main so no one is confused on this issue:
actually no hold on. I have a degree in dramatic literature, as in script writing, adaptations, and narrative storytelling. What [bryke stans] are saying is just "if you don't like it get out", which is wild.
You know where folklore comes from? Where mythology comes from, which ultimately shapes culture and society? Stories! Does it matter who wrote down the Iliad? Not particularly. Homer is trivia.
The elements that make up what the Iliad is, what the Grimms fairytales are, what Star Wars and Harry Potter and ATLA are existed long, long before they were amalgamated into a “new” thing. Stories belong to everyone. ATLA, like everything else, is an adaptation of an adaptation of an adaptation going back thousands of years. There are NO original ideas.
A story or seed or idea of concept hangs around long enough, gets seen by enough people, impacts enough people, congratulations. It's folklore now and it belongs to the public. For reference, yes I believe copyright should run out around 20 years, or at MINIMUM when the author dies. It's the market, bestie. Products, like stories in this society, will never, ever improve if there's not competition, not criticism, no incentive for growth. And when someone else does a take on your story that the public likes more? That's what folks remember and what carries on. And your name, as the “creator” (such a generous term), is just trivia.
You don't like fandom? Get out :^)
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marmett · 8 months
if i had the motivation to write, i have sooo many ideas for writing abt wyllstarion. there are some v good fics for them out there, but i kind of want more that are wyll-centric. bc i think astarion would also be good for wyll.
like, theres the whole monstrous transformation thing. astarion has had 200 years to adjust to being a vampire spawn, while wyll has had days/weeks of being a devil. and astarion can be very kind to a tav/durge who goes through similar things to him, and i think he'd also be that way toward wyll.
and there are also the parallels btwn mizora and cazador, but wyll refuses to see it. hes sympathetic toward astarion bc of how cazador coerced him into being a vampire spawn, but when its compared to what mizora did to him, wyll rejects it and says it was his choice and he knew what he was doing. i think some rlly interesting conversations could come up w/ that. it could go several different ways, and theyre all juicy.
i just think theres a lot of potential for bonding, and tension btwn the two, and it would be happening at the same time. bc they have similarities (cazador, mizora, the "ive prayed to every god, no one answered," and "the only thing i've ever gotten from a god is a cold shoulder"), but they also have massive differences in their world views that would rlly clash and cause fun conflicts btwn them that they could both grow from.
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koolcherry · 2 months
this is how im coping with not being able to afford these dolls :p
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sparring-spirals · 1 year
Oooh, the specifics of Imogen talking about her mom constantly cutting off her conversations and saying "It feels like she doesn't have a choice, you know? And she's trying to keep us away." because oh, of course Imogen would want to think that, has to think that, over the alternatives. Imogen, who has grappled with control and choice for so much of her life, offering it as the ultimate justification, a path of behaviour she would understand. It has to be this, or something like it, because otherwise. Because otherwise.
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oh if you're interested in getting asks to give you a break? my ''hot'' take is that I do like the father figure/mentor dynamic with Edgeworth and Kay, but also I find everything about their relationship and character parallels that aren't dadworth to be way more interesting to think about
I think liking the Kay and Dadworth dynamic is only a hot take when it comes to dealing with me, personally HAHAH I do get the appeal of them, honestly, but I think my main reason for not enjoying it is that I've never bought into the Dadworth characterisation to begin with. I generally don't like where they took his character post AA4 (still peeved about him calling Pearl by Nick's nickname for her), and idk I feel like placing him in that role declaws his character a little. Like, he's never had a good mentor after his dad and his idea of growing as a person involved faking his own death; are we SURE he can handle guiding young people meaningfully and patiently. Anyway, didn't mean to rag on something you enjoy, Anon. I do understand enjoying them like that, and yeah, I think their non-Dadworth relationship is fascinating. I always find it so interesting to think about how their relationship is rekindled, essentially, on the foundation of revenge. Edgeworth didn't seem to be searching for Calisto himself, which is curious considering how impactful she was to what was meant to be his first trial. She tried to kill him, and he's not really interested in finding her. And then Kay drops in, talking about looking for revenge/justice for her father, and, suddenly, Edgeworth is all in. That alone feels like it adds so much to both their characters and colours their relationship in a very specific way, and idk. I think pushing it just into a father-daughter dynamic cheapens it all in a way, and I wish there were more explorations into the nuances of what they have.
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mostlikelyshutup · 8 months
to feel sad about never writing poetry anymore while also knowing that writing poetry was a reprieve from dark times and thoughts, y'know?
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sad--tree · 9 months
keep saying i don't want 2 work another retail xmas but canNOT 4 the life of me make myself finish my goddamn fucking job applications !!!!!! death & dying & despair etc. etc.
#i dont dislike the application process for gc jobs on principle BUT#it does not mesh well w/ my difficulties re: starting & finishing tasks#but like i understand why u cant just send in a resume n hit done#NOT that there are many IT listings up atm...... and ill apply 4 clerical/admin stuff too#but an IT-1 STARTS a good $10k a year higher than a CR-5 soooooo :///#which is whatever its fine money isnt everything!! ill gladly make less if it means not hating my job!!!#but i also wanna. u know. LIVE. move out of my parents house. buy brand name snacks occasionally. maybe -gasp- go on a vacation#(not 2 say i dont make an attempt at travel now but thats with very finite savings that are def only going down not up)#also extremely frustrating 2 me the emphasis put on having a degree that completely locks me out of certain job categories#like. yes. there are for sure some where having the bg knowledge is important eg. an AU (auditor/accountant) or MA (methodologist)#and there are certain skills a degree (in theory) provides eg critical thinking research etc.#but not all of us have $40k+ to get tge fancy piece of paper saying we have those things. and u can have those skills w/o a degree#and smth like an EC which needs a degree in economics sociology or statistics is so arbitrary#and maybe not necessarily actually based in the majority of work done by the majority of positions in that category#ANYWAYS not me being bitter abt education standards YET AGAIN lol#idek if i could go to uni even if i could afford it. even tho i have 2 college diplomas id probably have 2 redo my grade 12 english 😶‍🌫️#also if money were no object id probably go for like. film studies or smth lol not sociology#tho. ngl. if i had the willpower and determination 4 smth so rigorous (i 100% dont) accounting does seem. interesting asdffhkkfdghh#ANYWAYS pt. 2 all this 2 say this is why i instead spent $10k+ on the only possible 2 yr diploma#that can still get u in2 the higher paying public service jobs. even tho ive discovered i Dont Particularly Care for programming. :(#thats an understatement actually i was actively in hell for like 80% of that program and the remaining 20% mostly wasnt coding
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isorottatime · 9 months
'george lucas said the force is in everyone' idk man george lucas also made the special editions
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mbspolls · 1 year
I think that might've been me and I'm sorry. I don't remember ever saying anything about that, but I can be unconsciously rude when it comes to adaptations. I never meant to be that way.
I understand entirely if you still feel that way towards me, and I will be unfollowing I promise.
I'm sorry for whatever I may had said.
if this completely unprompted response to "what did you think of my quiz" is you (which i believe it must be, as i haven't really gotten any other rude uquiz comments in a while):
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then i don't understand how this can be "unconsciously rude" or some sort of accident. do you just always throw this kind of thing around without thinking?
i also don't understand how, if this is, in fact, you, you can apologize for something you apparently don't remember. "sorry if i was mean, i forgot, and it was probably because i'm always mean about adaptations"??
i happen to love adaptations, and this one in particular. and both my blog and the uquiz were labelled as being primarily TV/show verse. if you don't enjoy that, that's fine! but that's no reason to come into my house and piss on the furniture??
so, basically. listen, dude, i'm open to apologies, and i'm quick to forgive. but this? this is kinda a non-apology, my guy. "i'm sorry for whatever i may have said" is literally textbook non-apology.
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strawbeb · 2 years
tiktok is actually the worst thing to happen to both music and books
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wygolvillage · 2 years
v4 era english female vocaloids were like. "ok she HAS to be nasally as fuck" (this post is about cyber diva, ruby and daina)
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i feel like ppl on here need to learn the difference between "this character is doing horrible things that are being unintentionally portrayed in a positive light by the author due to a lack of accountability/acknowledgement of those things as wrong" and "this character is doing horrible things that are being portrayed in a positive light by the narrator/protagonist due to their own bias/unrealiability" bc ive seen way too many people accuse media of being the former when its actually the latter or vice versa
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toast1862 · 23 days
the goal of dnd is to slaughter hundreds of people and creatures for your own gain, so it's totally in line with the game being played... but there's definitely a tonal difference between dayne and penelope, cartoonish villains with very little motive except to gain power and hurt people, getting murdered horrifically in season 1 vs the rat grinders, who have had a lot more screentime and backstory, have childish but understandable grievances that have been used by adult authority figures to mold them into tools, and just generally feel a bit more well-rounded as teenaged victims of grooming, getting murdered horrifically. like it's the obvious outcome of a dnd boss battle. but it has different emotional resonance. i mean a lot of time was spent trying to understand them emotionally, especially kipperlily. her motives are bratty and misguided but there's something you can empathize with. so as an audience member it's weird to have them be... i guess dehumanized? there's just a strong dissonance there
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p-inkbrush · 2 months
I do not want to unfollow people over this so I will ask nicely. Please tag your negative/hate posts
edit: THIS INCLUDES fandom centric negativity, not just hate *of* the source. In fact, I can tolerate source centric negative posts way better than 'these fans suck', etc. posts.
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