#i was thinking of making them like… a gacha card instead
rorymori · 6 months
i don’t think i’m gonna finish this sketch so have a free dwight and claudette on vacay :)
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starswallowingsea · 1 year
even with just 3stars and the 2 and 1 stars you can probably farm 10k fans
and just having 10k fans doesnt mean you produce a character, i was wondering if people thought it was like a requirement to call yourself one
like i dont produce rinne but i have over 10k rinne fans (i think he is cool though)
reluctantly i agree that you dont have to even play the game much to produce a character if you do stuff like read the stories and make art and collect merch
just seeking peoples opinions 🙂 thanks for yours
oh i'm aware but i also think having fans as a requirement to produce someone is like. not great for new players who are still figuring out who they want to produce anyway. everyone should be able to take their time and feel things out and not feel pressured to try and hit some arbitrary number of fans on a character to "officially" produce them or be a fan of them
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rendy-a · 1 year
Luck of the Draw
An author I read recently expressed interest in reading what others would write about her Self-Aware TWST AU. This is a fan piece I've written for that AU. Check out more of their Masterlist here!
AU summary: When downloading TWST, an error occurs resulting in the game using data from your phone to fill in blanks in the TWST program.  As a result, all the Self-Aware TWST cast view you as the mythical Overseer of legend and develop a yandere level obsession with you.
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I was in the middle of painting the roses but…I guess I can’t turn you away if you need something.  You frowned slightly at the line.  When your friend told you about Twisted Wonderland, you had dismissed it as another phone game in the sea of phone games.  Your friend was so persistent though, that you eventually let them talk you into it.  When you agreed to download the game, your friend had nearly vibrated with joy and immediately gone into advisor mode; telling you tips and handing out suggestions for when you started the game.  “You know, everyone has a Riddle or Leona card to borrow.  If you think about it, Trey is the smart choice for those defense tests.”  So, when the time came for your free SSR roll, you had taken their advice and re-rolled for Trey.
You know it’s only a game but occasionally you feel like you’ve made the wrong choice.  Sometimes when you logged into the game, you enjoyed seeing Trey all dressed up in the bright Heartslabuyl uniform.  Only, then he’d say his voice line and it had a way of rubbing you the wrong way.  He was just so…pushy.  Tea Parties and croquet matches are both special, traditional events in Heartslabyul.  As the vice dorm leader, I have to work hard for them.  So, give me some praise, ok?  You scoff and say lightly, “Great job Trey.  Those roses sure are extra red today.”  Maybe it is your imagination, but it feels like he smiles even brighter when you say that.
Then there are times where the mood feels terribly awkward.  You’d only agreed to try this game because your friend insisted that it wasn’t a dating game but when Trey offers you certain greetings…it makes you so uncomfortable.  I like hats, so I have several of them.  This one is a special one I had custom made to match our dorm uniform.  I’d be happy to have one made for you so we can match.  You offer what feels like a forced chuckle to the screen, “Maybe next time.”  It felt an awful lot like turning down a classmate you had no romantic interest in but still had to see at school.
You mentioned it to your friend and they laugh.  “You must be talking about Malleus.  Everyone says his lines feel borderline romantic.”  When you clarified that you meant Trey, they gave you a weird look.  “I don’t remember anything like that…”  You opened the game and tried to show your friend but the lines you could trigger seemed far more mundane than what you’d been experiencing.  You clicked back and forth from lessons to home several times to try to trigger one of the strange dialogs but to no avail.  It was just eerie.
The next day, you decided to keep a notepad and pen by your bed, so you could write down some of the crazy things you hear from Trey when you log in.  And, come morning, he does not disappoint.  There's nothing better than wearing clothes you are comfortable in.  Except maybe having friends that make you comfortable.  If your friends are making you uncomfortable, you can always come to me instead.  This one was new, even to you.  You gave your device a raised eyebrow and jot down the line.  Then you drag your phone with you to the bathroom (lessons can run while you do your morning routine!) and start brushing your teeth.  You almost spit out your toothpaste on the floor when your random gacha draw pulled a Dorm Leona card.  You thank the gacha gods; now you can swap out your home screen character without feeling disloyal to your SSR’s.
You talked with your friend at school and they seemed extra freaked out for you but, honestly, you feel much better.  You’d just push your strange Trey card to the back of your roster and never think about his creepy voice lines again.  Leona was a fresh breeze of air pushing the past few weeks of troubles from your mind.  You logged in far more than usual today, just to hear his new lines.  Before bed, you pressed your lips to your screen, wishing your new favorite a good night.  Things were so much better with your new man in your life and Trey was just like a bad memory.
The morning was not what you expected.  You opened the game to find Trey back on your home screen.  You looked at it in alarm as he greets you with a stern look.  You are coming to our next Unbirthday Party.  I’ll be waiting to hear what you think of my preparations for you.  It feels almost sinister.  You move to stand from your bed but find yourself unexplainably weak.  You tumble to the floor, your head resting near your phone.  The last thing you see is the ever-widening smile of Trey.  “I’ll see you soon, dearest Overseer.”
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project-sekai-facts · 10 days
chances of miku on wedding to allow more people to get lims?
i think there's a pretty good chance of it. She needs another 4* really soon if they want to keep her ahead or at least equal to the other characters. I don’t think she’ll be on Haruka4. Silly reason but there’s been a theory that the WLE stamp character will be gacha on the next event for that unit and so far this has been proved true; by that logic Luka will be on Haruka4 (also Luka hasn’t had a card since December lmao). I doubt her being on Mafuyu5 too since N25 Miku has a lot of cards.
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In terms of Mikus it has to be MMJ or VBS, and Akito is the only VBS member who could be on the banner (but I kinda doubt his appearance on it). So yeah, MMJ Miku lim looks pretty likely. That would probably make Minori another 4*, then maybe Nene? Both of them had a mixed recently but it seems like the most likely option. Ena could still happen instead of Nene but only if there’s a Miku card. If they give up on the Miku is Miku rule though then anything goes.
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tokyo-tower-symbolism · 2 months
I've been meaning to get into the re:live game story for a while now, but I don't know how necessary the event stories are in comparison to the main and school stories...
do you have a recommended reading order for main story and events if the timeline makes them interspersed?
Uhh, there was this one good google doc that had a bunch of stuff like what stories were important for each character, but I cannot find that right now so I'll do my best from memory but honestly I might miss a couple things so my bad.
Edit: thank you @pallastronomy for finding the doc in question, i really wanted to read that again too
To read it you can go to the wikia, read it on karth.top, or look up the parts on Youtube. That last one might be the best since you'll get the full visual novel experience.
So first off I would suggest reading the first part of the story, so Main Story chapters 1-6. Well, suggest is a strong word. I think those chapters kinda suck, but I guess they're necessary for the premise and to introduce the characters? But then again they abandon the original premise half way in favor of the performance festival so whatever. And if you want a better introduction to the characters you should read the School Stories (ignoring SJH) and also maybe watch Shoujo Cante All Starlight. So really I don't suggest you read those chapters but
I think at this point you are can read the event stories from "Hello to Halloween" to "Surprise! Rehearsal Friends!"
And you don't need to read them all, but they're fun! I couldn't really tell you which ones are super important to the plot, sorry about that. Honestly my personal opinion at this point is to just pick a couple characters you like to follow and read their stories. You can see who participates in each one on the Revue Starlight wikia
Plus, character card bond stories! Each event has a couple gacha cards they're trying to sell, and sometimes they're not super related to the story, but sometimes they are. If someone references something that happened off screen, it either happened in an earlier event or in the bond card, but I'd still only read the bond cards once you're done reading the event is over since otherwise they can be spoilers. Just think of those as prequels instead of preludes.
Then at this point you can read Main Story Chapters 7-11. And I really do think you should read these since they are juicy. There's a new plot and we really get to dive deep into the ReLive characters and see their individual pasts and why they now stand on stage. It's great.
Now for the Event Stories, feel free to read any story from "Starry Diamond Tragic Orion" up until "Royal Retainer"
Although now I gotta bring up some caveats. Anything with Seiran is not going to matter to the main plot of ReLive, and if you're curious about them, then that gets into Stage Play Territory which is much easier to follow but not in ReLive.
And honestly same with the Seisho only stories. They're fun, don't get me wrong, but they kinda don't affect the developments of the cast at all.
Starry Diamond is a live show that had some Revues, so some of the relive events are just rehashings of those. Except Venus & Cupid Story, which is a sequel to Zeus no Chuusai from the Starry Diamond Live, and that revue is actually super important to the Yumeoji Sisters's story but it is not in ReLive.
And once you've had your fill of those stories, you can start reading Main Story Chapters 12-18, Arcana Arcadia. And this one is really good. Iirc, the main revue starlight writer came in for these parts. There's some info that directly leads into the movie. And it's honestly great.
But the issue is that there are intermission bond stories that need to be read in the middle of the chapters. If you are reading it online that can be kind of pain, but in the game I think it's in the right order? I could not say for sure since I don't actually play it. Anyways, here's the vague order according to the wikia, but I'm not 100% on this
Chapter 12: 1-2
Chapter 13: Tower, Hermit, Empress, 1-3, High Priestess, 4-5, Magician, 6-9, Hanged Man, Strength, 10-15
Chapter 14: Wheel of Fortune, Chariot, 1-2, Lovers, 3-14, Faith, Hierophant, 15
Chapter 15: 1-2, Devil, Sun, Justice, 3-15
Chapter 16: Death, Charity, 1-15
Chapter 17: Temperance, 1, Fool, 2-4, World, Judgement, 5-15
Chapter 18: Hope, 1-9, Emperor, 10-14, 15/Moon
So yeah, after this you have basically free reign to read the remaining event stories. The next big ongoing plot seems to be about Siegfeld Junior High, but that one also isn't really connected to the previous stories at all.
Also some cards have connecting bond stories even without events, such as the Frontier Rangers, Orpheus, Camelot, Snow White, and Yin-Yang.
But for real, I think the best way to get into the story is to read the main story and then see what characters you like. Then you can read along all their bond stories and events that they star in, and maybe you'll find other characters that stand out. If you are missing any information, usually characters will reference whatever they are talking about, so you won't be completely lost.
So yeah, I hope you have fun with the relive story! It touches on a lot of the themes from the show and honestly I just really liked seeing the characters again. And also Arcana Arcadia is great, just so great.
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seangelfish · 9 months
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"Just hold onto me, okay?"
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Izumi Sena x Reader ♡ Tags: Fluff, mutual crush, she/her pronouns ♡ Word count: 2,444 ♡ Synopsis: Inspired by the gacha story Dance on Ice in which this card is featured in. Reader is a soloist idol that has also acquired a photoshoot at the same ice rink Knights was having theirs at. However, you haven't ice skated before, so Izumi lends you a hand. ♡ A/N: I need more Izumi x reader fics.
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"Hm, what? Were you guys looking for me?" asked Leo curiously.
"Not the two of us; just Anzu," Izumi stated. "She says she needs to talk to you about work. She already told me what it was about, but I can't make a decision on my own, right?"
Leo laughed. "Well, it's only natural for the leader to make decisions. So, what kind of work is it?"
Anzu explained that the work she had for them was a pinup photoshoot for a magazine in which the theme was 'Knights on Ice.' Since the theme was geared towards Knights, Izumi suggested that they should take on the offer. Leo agreed on how convenient the offer was to them, and to be on ice would perhaps spark inspiration for new music.
"Naru-kun has skating experience and Kuma-kun will probably be fine too. I'm not sure about Kasa-kun, but I can teach him if he doesn't know how to skate," Izumi rambled on. "Ou-sama, can you skate? It'll be embarrassing if you slip awkwardly. Do you want me to teach you along with Kasa-kun?"
Leo rejected his offer, stating how he has crossed and walked on ice before. "Oh, since we're going ice skating though," he began. "Shouldn't you ask (Y/N) if she wants to join?"
"We're going to be at the rink for work," said Izumi. "We aren't there to have fun."
But the mention of your name did make him think of whether to bring you along. Izumi knew how much you have always wanted to try ice skating, but since you were a soloist at Yumenosaki which took up all of your time working on perfecting your performances, you never really had the time to try out the activities you've always wanted to do.
Leo pointed a finger at him. "You know you want to, Sena! Come on, the client won't even be mad if we bring her along. She's (Y/N) (L/N) after all!"
Izumi flicked his hand away. "I know how much everyone's trying to get their hands on her," he said with a tone of annoyance in his voice. "...I'll think about it."
"Hahaha, so that's a yes then!" cheered Leo before realising that the two have been excluding Anzu in their conversation. "Oh, don't worry, Anzu. You won't get in trouble if we bring (Y/N) along. She actually knows the client very well, seeing that she keeps getting constant job offers, hahaha!"
"Anzu, you could come into the kotatsu instead of standing there like that," said Izumi before continuing on the subject at hand. "But if it does bother you, then we won't bring her–"
"Oh no, it's nothing like that," she said with a light chuckle. "I also got her a photoshoot at the rink too!"
Izumi was actually excited upon hearing those words. The next day, when he arrived at the ice rink, he scanned the area all over for you. Though, he wasn't only looking for you, but for Leo and Ritsu too.
Irked by their absence, Izumi sighed. "I've already given Ou-sama a warning, so I thought he'd be fine... He said he doesn't forget about the important things, but it has completely slipped his mind..."
Tsukasa went off to go find Leo whilst Anzu offered to find Ritsu. Izumi knew that Arashi had a photoshoot before this, so he wasn't too worried about her. But where were you? Anzu had informed him that your photoshoot was set an hour before his, so you would’ve been finished with it, right?
He would’ve called you, but he didn’t want to disturb you if you were still busy. Though, he sent you a text, hoping that you’d read it soon.
“Since we’re here at the ice rink, I guess I’ll warm up,” he muttered to himself.
Izumi kicked off his heel as he started to slide through the ice with grace. He circled the rink effortlessly, performing beautiful tricks with ease.
You watched him quietly from behind the barrier. Your photoshoot hadn’t even started despite it being booked an hour before. Since you told the client you didn’t know how to skate, they gave you an extra hour to learn which would’ve been nice of them, but they specifically said, “Alright, teach yourself then. We don’t have all day.”
This was the first time you’d ever dealt with a rude client, so your usual happy-go-lucky mood had shifted to a gloomy one. However, watching Izumi skate so elegantly made all those bad feelings go away.
You were amazed at how beautiful he looked as he skated. He was light on his feet, his movements mesmerising. You could watch him all day, but you knew you had to practise your own skills before you had to go back to your photoshoot.
Izumi wasn’t paying attention to his surroundings whenever he skated, he was only focusing on himself in that moment, but when he caught a glimpse of your silhouette, he immediately came to a stop.
His eyes lit up and his lips curled into a genuine smile. There you were.
“(Y/N),” he exclaimed. “I was wondering where you were. You must be finished with your photoshoot, right? So, why didn’t you reply to my message?”
You smiled at him sheepishly. “I… haven’t even started with my shoot,” you admitted. “…I don’t know how to skate after all, so they told me to go practise—”
“Wait, they didn’t have someone on the team to teach you?” he asked with concern in his voice.
“No… they told me to teach myself… I have an hour to do so.”
Izumi’s smile was wiped off his face. He had experience within the fashion industry and with modelling, so he knew how unprofessional it was for your client to not teach you how to skate let alone leave you to do it yourself.
He couldn’t believe that you were already having trouble with your client. He never wanted you to experience anything like that at work even if it was inevitable.
He was going to speak to the staff on your behalf right after he was finished.
But right now, he was going to teach you how to ice skate.
“Alright, get in the rink,” he said, skating towards the entrance. “I’ll teach you.”
You instantly smiled at these words, but you were still pretty nervous. You haven’t ice skated before and you were scared of falling. Falling in front of Izumi would be embarrassing too even if you two were close friends.
“You should’ve called me beforehand since Ou-sama and Kuma-kun aren’t here yet,” he continued. “But it’s okay, I can teach you how to skate in twenty– fifteen minutes.”
You hesitated. Your hands gripped onto the barrier as you tried to get into the rink, but couldn’t due to how frightened you were.
This is so embarrassing, you thought. I can’t even get in…
Izumi stretched a hand in front of you. “Don’t be afraid. Come over here,” he said gently with a smile on his face. “Just hold onto me, okay?”
You nodded, taking his hand as you entered the rink. He took your other hand in his as he glided you across.
You held his hands tight which stung him a bit. “(Y/N), relax. I won’t let you fall.”
“B-But this is scary!” you fretted, your grip tightening even more. “Izumi, please don’t let go of me…!”
“I wasn’t planning to,” he stated. "Alright, look straight ahead. Don't look at your feet even if you're scared. If you can't help it, then just focus on me."
You lifted your head a bit and locked eyes with him. His blue eyes mimicked the background the two of you were in right now. Despite how blue and icy his eyes looked, there was some warmness in them as they looked at you.
You blushed and instantly looked away.
"Ah, no. Don't look away!"
You couldn't help it. You were holding hands with him and now you were looking into his eyes? It seemed like the two of you were a couple with how close you two were together.
"People are going to take this the wrong way..." you muttered.
"So? Why not let them think that way?"
Izumi shook his head. "Let's get on with the lessons, okay?" As he kept hold of your hands, he taught you how to skate by bending your knees to keep your balance, then using your body weight from one side to the other to start moving.
He taught you how to glide and to stroke. It was difficult at first, but you were improving really fast. Midway through your session with him, you were getting the hang of it, but the two of you still kept your grip on each other's hands.
"Haha, this is so fun!" you chirped happily as the two of you skated around the rink together.
Izumi smiled. "See, it wasn't too bad, was it?" he said. "You're doing great... as expected from you."
"Thanks to you, of course!" Your fingers began to lock with his. "Izumi, thank you for teaching me, I really do appreciate it."
"Of course, anything for you," he replied, mumbling the last part of his sentence so you wouldn't pick it up.
"Now, let's spin!"
"Wait, what–"
You pulled your body weight to make the two of you start spinning. Unfortunately, since you were still a beginner, it did not work, so Izumi had to try to steady you both again before either of you fell.
"(Y/N)!" he exclaimed. "You're always like this..."
"S-Sorry, I got too carried away..."
"If you wanted to spin, then you should've let me do it."
Izumi had let go of one of your hands but kept a soft grip on the other. He brought you closer to him and then lifted your hand to twirl you around.
It was a short twirl, but it had excited you. It made you incredibly happy that even his cheeks were tinted with a soft pink colour.
"Haha, that was so cute!" you beamed. "Let's do it again, please?"
Izumi just couldn't say no to you, so he twirled you again, and you looked beautiful. Even with the coat hanging over you, you looked beautiful to him. Your eyes glistened as you looked at him, and he fell for you all over again.
"Again!" you squealed.
"Don't you have a photoshoot to be getting ready for?" he said with a slight smirk. "Our lessons were over once you started spinning us around."
"Oh, right! My photoshoot!"
Izumi sighed. You reminded him so much of Leo, but at least you didn't cause trouble.
"Have a good photoshoot," he told you, lifting your hand up to his lips before planting a soft kiss. "I'll be here waiting for you once you come back."
Your cheeks were hot even when the rest of your body was cold, yet you couldn't stop smiling.
"Off you go then."
Your hands parted from his even if the two of you didn't want it to.
You waved him a short goodbye before skating back to your preparation team. He watched you trail off as you began to get ready, slipping off your coat to reveal the dress you were hiding underneath. You really were breathtaking.
"I found Leader," said Tsukasa as he began to berate the Knights' leader on why he kept getting lost every single time they needed him. Anzu was dragging a coffin in which Izumi assumed Ritsu was sleeping inside.
Once Ritsu woke up, Izumi informed the staff that they were all here. Arashi had been waiting inside for them for a while now.
"I didn't know (Y/N) was doing a photoshoot here as well..." Arashi whispered into Izumi's ear. "She's pretty, isn't she?"
Izumi flinched at this, but calmed down almost immediately.
"Let's just do a good job, okay?" he said.
Your photoshoot lasted longer than you expected, but you preformed well especially since you had help from Izumi earlier. The client was a little bit nicer to you this time, but even if they continued to be rude, you wouldn't let it get to you. Nothing could sour your mood now once Izumi left a kiss on the back of your hand.
Knights were finished with their photoshoots too, even the one where they competed against UNDEAD.
You skated towards the crowd, waving your hands at them to notice you.
"Ah, here comes (Y/N)-chan~" sang Arashi, teasing her silver-haired friend. "Uwa~ her dress is sooo cute~!"
But before Izumi could reply to her, you had slipped. "(Y/N)!" cried Izumi, rushing towards you.
"Ow... ow..." you hissed. I guess I'm still not cut out for this after all.
"You okay?" he asked you worriedly, crouching down on the ice as he lifted your back. "Nothing's broken, I hope?"
"N-No, I'm fine," you replied. "Although this IS kind of embarrassing... I was hoping not to fall today and I was doing so well..."
Izumi chuckled as he leaned down closer to you, hugging you ever so slightly. You were surprised by this affection, but you weren't complaining. You rested your head on his chest, finding comfort in his grasp.
"You did do well and I am so proud of you."
You grinned up at him. "I like it when you're like this," you began. "You could be so sweet..."
"Haha, alright. Let's get you up," he said, noticing how much you were shivering. However, you kept him in place before the others could check up on you two.
"I like you so much."
Now it was his turn for him to turn red. Hehe, revenge, you thought. But you weren't lying when you told him you liked him – you really did like him. You wanted to hold hands with him again, to be within his comfort again.
"I like you too, (Y/N). I always have."
Izumi didn't inform you about this, but he did speak with your client before your photoshoot officially started. He berated them on how unprofessional they were with you, and how they should've had someone on the team to help you with skating instead of leaving it to your own hands.
He didn't want you to experience any more rudeness from them as he knew you wouldn't be able to stand up for yourself. It was one of the ways he wanted to protect you, and it worked because you couldn't stop smiling at him throughout the rest of the day.
Hand in hand, the two of you left the ice rink together with Knights, your fingers interlocked with each other.
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Intro page | Ensemble Stars masterlist | Rules
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ryuichirou · 8 months
Thanks for feeding us neigevil fans. I love your art so seeing you drawing this ship makes me happy, may the gods of twst gacha be kind to you 🥰
Idk if anyone has asked but thoughts or headcanons of neigevil? What about Rollo?
(We got this ask after this art)
Thank you so much for showing our stuff so much love, NeigeVil fans <3 It means a lot! And I, once again, am sorry that it took me a long time to reply. Like I’ve probably mentioned before, I want to draw these two again at some point. But today is not the day; instead, today is the day you get your headcanons, Anon!
Also if you haven’t seen these yet, here is the link to our post with Rollo-centric headcanons. We love this boy very much, and we’re super excited that he got himself a pretty-looking card.
Alrighty, so Neige/Vil…
Neige has a crush on Vil, and this crush has been with him ever since their first meeting. But he isn’t really sure about the nature of these feelings. He is very open about them with his dwarf friends though: sometimes he comes back from work happy and singing because he met Vil after his photoshoot and had a chat with him. So they all know that he is either in love or just really really really wants to be Vil’s friend. Neige isn’t sure which one it is either.
Neige remembers how cool and professional Vil looked when they first met, how he shook his hand and stuff. It wasn’t Vil’s first time on set, even though it was his first role, so he really made Neige feel comfortable by just being so confident and relaxed and excited. Neige really treasures this memory, but Vil doesn’t seem to remember much of it.
But what Vil does remember is that he thought they were going to become friends back then. Maybe it was because Neige asked him to be his friend, maybe it was because they had a lot of fun that day, but unfortunately it was one of many potential friendships that got ruined by the adults comparing these two to each other. It was pretty early on when Vil decided that he’d never be Neige’s friend. Neige is kind of oblivious to this whole thing though, he thinks that Vil is his friend, and the main reason he’s so distant is that he is just way too cool and professional and busy to hang out with him.
Vil has influenced Neige’s style a lot. He has no idea just how much time Neige spends looking at his magicam and taking notes and trying very hard to find clothes that would look as if Vil has picked them for him. If you talked to him about it, he would chuckle and say that he is too shy to ask Vil directly.
Which isn’t a complete truth though: he isn’t really shy around Vil. He gets so excited that he forgets about his shyness entirely and starts talking and clinging to Vil and trying to make him pay attention to him. He is completely enamored and he stares a lot at him in general. He really wishes they’d spend more time together…
A lot of times Vil just rolls eyes at Neige (always sneakily though, he knows better than to show a fellow actor his distaste for him), but he does admire his professionalism. And yes, there are moments when he thinks that Neige isn’t just overly cute and sweet, but actually quite a good-looking guy. Not entirely his type, but still handsome nonetheless…. Why is he thinking about it, again?
Vil is, like I mentioned, oblivious about Neige’s feelings. If anything, he believes that Neige is simply being a nice innocent boy and is friendly with everyone, so there isn’t anything special about the way he treats Vil. But jokes on you, Vil, because every single selfie with you that Neige takes instantly become Neige’s phone lock screen for weeks, until his management asks him to change it into something else.
Neige doesn’t have a lot of selfies with Vil though, because Vil always comes up with an excuse to avoid it. He is either in a hurry, or doesn’t feel good, or has a bad hair day, there’s always something that prevents Neige from taking a selfie with Vil. So it’s kind of a personal mission for Neige at this point lol Their fanbases also crave for this selfie… The day NeigeVil finally drop a picture of them together, the internet is going to explode.
A couple of spicy ones; if these two were to find themselves in any kind of intimate situation (even if it’s just a pretend thing for a role or something), Neige would comment about how much more experienced Vil is, and how he’ll work hard to be on his level. This comment sounds horrible to Vil in any context: the idea of Neige working hard to be a perfect lover to him is too cursed to consider. But it’ll still make him blush.
And jokes on Vil once again, because Neige is such a fast learner, that one moment he is a very sloppy kisser, and then suddenly he kisses and touches his body in all the right places because “he just felt like it’d make Vi-kun feel nice there”. Vil is going to both get overwhelmed by how good it feels, and be in agony because fuck you Neige stop being a prodigy at everything.
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stelladess · 1 month
On power creep, card games (mostly as an example) and gacha. Also how to prioritize what characters/cards to try and get. Kinda felt the discussion around power creep in the context of gacha is often kind of... incendiary and not very helpful, we are all here to have a good time.
So, this was mostly some stuff I have been thinking about in relation to Arknights, because I do not play Star Rail as seriously and play no other gachas then those two. I have played the yu-gi-oh card game since I was a little kid (some of my earliest memories is learning the game from my brothers or playing Kaiba the revenge on PC) so I am coming at this from a primarily TCG perspective and with the prior background of "has played game which has been made unrecognizable by power creep, and still loved playing it." So obviously, this already predisposes me to not see power creep as the biggest deal.
So... first of all, the incentives that causes power creep! Well this is pretty straightforward, the way a trading card game or a gacha makes money is by making you want to spend money on new cards/characters. You also need to have a solid team or deck as a whole, usually you cannot just brute force your way on a single powerful card or character. As a result to prevent players from just getting one strong team/deck and then never updating again is why we end up with power creep, since the option of just outright banning cards tends to piss people off even more and is straight up not a thing they do in gacha games. As a result, since players will usually not want to spend money/pulls on a character who will not improve their team/deck, especially when its so often chance based what you even get, it means that to make people keep pulling packs you gotta upgrade the power over time of new units. Generally the developers want to keep this at a slower pace, since it feels bad if someone gets a great character/card and then one month later they are weak, and if people feel like what they put in do not pay off they will not keep playing. But occasionally there are bigger bursts of power creep to kind of bring the state of the game to a new level, often brought on by accidentally making something too strong, at least that is how I think this goes from my experience. But for example, if when Typhon came out her damage was worse or just on par with Rosa, how many would have pulled for her? Sure you´d get some who would because they like her story, personality, design, etc. But not that many would have if we are being completely honest here.
This is not to say that power creep cannot be a problem, especially if too severe, as already touched on earlier it feels really bad when your favorites no longer hold up. I just want to highlight that it is an inherent part of the game that cannot really be avoided. It can also add a big pressure to feel like you have to keep up by getting all the new characters or cards, which can cause a lot of stress due to the random nature of who you get. Which is where the other thing I wanted to talk about comes in....
You do not need every strong or limited character. And in fact you wont use most of them because you have finite team space. In a trading card game you focus in on a playstyle you like, or a few if its affordable enough, and then focus on building and enhancing those instead of getting every good card in the game. I think this is the healthiest way to view it in a gacha too. Prioritize who suits your playstyle and your team, or to fill weak spots you got (or you just like as a character of course). You do not need all the top tier characters in the game. You can skip multiple top tier characters in fact and still do just fine, these games are not balanced around the assumption you have *every* single one of the best characters or cards. And in fact, having to slowly make adjustments to better suit your needs is, to me at least, one of the most fun parts. And a lot of the strategy and fun of these kinds of games disappear if you have access to all the strongest options and can just brute force things. It is not healthy for your mental state to fret over having to have all the best options and it makes the game less fun, to me at least. These games assume you only have maybe half of the top tier options, and you can beat pretty much everything with that if you put some effort into strategizing, which is fun~!
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yuuainnie · 2 years
Self aware AU In which you realize the phone your using is taken over by a game character(s) of twisted wonderland.
You stared at the screen that won't log off from the same app. Your staring at certain character who seems to hacks and possess your device. Breaking the forth wall and shit.
"smh, I never know this could be a thing." You are totally chill about it as you read fanfic on your other phone away from the view of the hacked or posses phone in front of you.
"namechi seems very cool about your phone being possess. Shouldnt you be throwing your phone or something?" Idia shroud commented as he shake his head staring at you from behind the screen.
"I don't have money to buy a new phone, nor this is my personal phone I'm using to play." You added whole scrolling to the fanfic on your other hand.
"namechi, you really think low of me to not look at me while chatting with you? Shouldn't it be super mega rare occurrence of breaking the fourth wall happen to any weeb?"
"can you break the code and make all your cards come out of the gacha without making me broke or something." You ignore the words of the house warden. You saw him sigh in the corner of you eyes as he press the screen of hologram in front of him, Ortho face appear from it. You become destructed by the odd sight.
You don't realize your other phone also been hacked by the younger shroud. You don't notice it shut down and reload with the logo of the Shroud appear in the screen instead of your mobile logo.
"big brother, the mission is a success!" You heard Ortho voice from your other phone as the screen went back to the home screen but the difference is Ortho is on it, like a live 2D wallpaper. The difference is that his more of an AI of your phone now.
"...ok. cool" you commented as you scroll back to the Tumblr app to return to the fanfic your reading before you scream when you saw Ortho in front of the nsfw fanfic your reading... Cough of a twist characters.
"scanning content, analyzing content. Sending context to mobile ####... Wow name, you have odd taste!"
"NONONONONO CANT YOU ALL LEAVE ME WHILE READING...? ORTHO DONT YOU DARE LOOK AT THAT (LAST NSFW FANFIC YOU READ) ITS NOT WHAT IT LOOKS LIKE. STOOOOOPPPP." You try to press the back to the home bottom but you don't have control over your phone, you watch in despair and misery the robotic teen reads the fanfic list out loud while being connected to the other phone, which have his older in it.
"your going to hell with that kind of fanfic your reading." You felt very miserable being judge as your browser history being seen by those shrouds. "Oh wow your taste on Nsfw is really going to make you bound to the underworld."
"shut up idia. You probably read the same things on your man cave." You hiss at idia on your other screen, you do notice someone is walking toward idia to look at the content of the browsers history Ortho is scanning while sending from the other phone.
You watch as 3 Ignihyde dorm member stared at your browser history. They all roasting and commenting on it.
"wow you read that kind of tag?"
"wow is that (tag)? Very spicy taste."
"why are you research picture of (game)? Are they twst competition? Your phone don't seems to be able to download it either way. So it's still twst win."
You can't even stop them from looking as the crowd increase in number, you just wait that your phone become drain by all that activity they are doing inside.
The torment last for so long, you went to get break fast. And become immune after the nth teasing.
And your phone is drain. Thank goodness.
My mind is blank as I write this crack fanfic of a self aware au in which You get torment by shroud who's pro on anything gadget related and got your browser history read out loud for others to hear
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alienssstufff · 1 year
TLDR: A *reads* +4k words infodump about imagining a hermitcraft fakemon game O(-(
CONTENT: >Region >New Gen Mechanic >Hermits (and their roles in the plot of the fakemon) >Maingame Story >Additional Locations of interest >Post-Game & Empires
A/N: Basing this as if it’s a game you can just pick-up and play. Cuz of this there’s lots of mentions of ‘The Player’. Will I update this? Maybe! There’s still lots of holes (eg actually building each Hermit’s teams, lore behind the legendaries). Will update ideas come to mind.
Entire server of Season 9 is the region. Hypothetically it should be possible to fight each hermit at least once. Most you can find and battle them at their main-bases, which for some hermits doubles as a Gym. 
King Ren is the current champion and the Pokemon League of this game is located at The Vault. The champion’s status is guarded behind the Knights of the Squaretable also known as the Elite 4. Together they also make up the antagonist group of the game known as Team Crown. By successfully conquering the champion also means overthrowing the monarchy :]
The region of Hermitcraft S9 is what Johto is to Kanto - after defeating the main game, a whole new area is opened to the player allowing access to travel to the Empires server.
Whole new way of battling - the mechanic introduced here relies on the synergy and teamwork of the player’s entire team as not one - but 5 of your pokemon must be brought onto the field. Same win-conditions as canon Hermitcraft TCG - eliminate at least 3 or all of your opponents’ pokemon off the field.
As it’s a team-based game, it is not advised to harm yourself and KO your own pokemon as a point would then be awarded to the opposing team regardless.
Players cannot bring in any outside items into TCG matches. Items that are permitted in these matches are acquired via cards from the TCG gacha system that can be used to help strengthen the power of a pokemon’s moves (ITEM CARDS), strengthen a pokemon from oncoming attacks and remedy status effects (EFFECT CARDS), or put the opposing at a disadvantage (SINGLE-USE). These come in the form of slips to bring in before each match. Instead of minecraft items, these are named after pokemon items (Burn heals, Hyper Potion, escape rope, etc)
Players can’t revive fainted pokemon in TCG matches BUT can bring in their 6th Pokemon into the field using a Revive Card (SINGLE-USE).
Specifically - hermits prominent in the plot of the game’s story. Technically all of them are there. These are just some I thought of :]
IMPULSE: Head of the Resistance, ELECTRIC Type Gym Leader! First person to approach the player into joining the Resistance. Helps keep the agriculture of the region running but progress has been running into a lot of conflict, unfair treatment because of Team Crown as of late.
PEARL: Another founder of the Resistance, Pokemon Professor from another region! She is studying the new species of pokemon and is currently investigating the mysterious behavioral patterns this region of pokemon has! Sources of this nature later show stemming from the Grass/Dragon legendary and the Tree of Whimsy.
GEM: Another founder of the Resistance, FAIRY Type Gym Leader! Is suspicious of the player at first but her trust is earned later. Quite an intimidating foe nonetheless. Often absent from her gym here and there. Later discovered it’s because she travels between Hermitcraft and Empires regions (a Gym Leader for both)
REN: Current Champion, Figure-head position of Team Crown! Once a humble champion, now corrupted by a strange aura and influence from his Hand. I like to think he’s like Leon PKMN SWSH :] Later becomes an advisor himself when training people for TCG-type matches post-game!
BDUBS: Royal Hand, the Brains behind Team Crown, GRASS Type Elite! Unconfirmed if true, gains his status by connections with the Grass/Dragon legendary and the Tree of Whimsy. Often surrounded by a group of burmys at his side. Talent for being able to understand Pokemon fluently.
SCAR: Head of the Royal Guard, Region-Wide Celebrity (Hotguy), FLYING Type Elite! Having the title as one of Team Crown’s Elite gives him a lot of power over what he can do. Throughout the main game he goes on about a Hotguy film he’s in the middle of making, aspiring to be one of the best pokemon superhero movies ever! However in the process of making it he goes drunk with power, causing a lot of wreckage when filming very dangerous stunts across the region. It is the player’s job to stop him from doing so- eventually talking him into a better, safer solution for his scenes.  [MORE ON SCARLAND AND HOTGUY HQ LATER] SCAR’S PARTY INCLUDES: >SWELLOW - His ace- also the second shining star in the Hotguy films and airshows. >ALTERIA , SWANNA , EMOLGA , SKARMORY Overall beautiful and/or strong, heroic looking pokemon - they’re all show worthy. The Player NEVER fights Jellie btw (Scarland’s mascot and his bestie!) Scar won’t allow anyone to hurt her.
CUB: Pokemon researcher for Team Crown (and himself), DARK Type Elite! Literally imagine the Colress of Team Crown that is him. Strat uses a lot of items and gizmos for his team - which is like broken for a Pokemon game. Was in the process of making an army of mechanical pokemon - super diabolical shit you find in Pokemon Violet kinda vibes. He plays more fairly (albeit more chaotic) post-game and even runs Total Chaos. [MORE ON TOTAL CHAOS LATER]
PEARL: [Mentioned above]
GRIAN: A close research friend of Pearl, he is mentioned to the player early on- one of the first tasks is to give him a letter from Pearl when the player reaches the capital (spawn) - and meets him for the first time in front of the Normal Type Gym venue. Unlike Pearl, Professor Grian studies time-and-space travel! Grian’s adaptive and changes his type specialization based on the situation (ie the people he subs for) but his personal party is entirely bird-themed SOME OF GRIAN’S PERSONAL PARTY INCLUDES: >ARCHEOPS - Grian’s ace. The very first pokemon he was able to revive using >XATU - The party’s second in command. Recruited shortly after his Archeops, Xatu’s future/past sight and intelligence helps Grian in his Rift research.
TANGO: Official researcher and archeologist of the Citadel! Throughout the main game, the player encounters Tango several times and does several errands/tests which would help the development of the Citadel which is currently off limits until post game. [MORE ON DECKED OUT AND THE CITADEL LATER]
BEEF: Pioneer of pokemon TCG-battles! Researches the importance of synergy between different pokemon and their typings. Was used to observe patterns with multiple pokemon playing as a team - now a popular mechanic across the region (and Empires)! [SEE NEW MECHANIC] Also serves as move tutor and general advisor when caring and training your pokemon!
‘FALSE’: FIGHTING Type Gym Leader! Backstory similar to every victim affected by time travel. There is also another version of False in the Empires region as well (the current Champion of that region, similar to the pokemon party to Steven Stone).
ETHO: Ex-Champion! The Hermitcraft region’s previous Champion. Disappeared unknowingly. Carries a similar vibe to Champion Red when the player fights him on Mt Silver. The Player can fight him post-game as a sidequest [MORE ON THE EX-CHAMPION ETHO LATER]
HOMETOWN You start in the canyon where Soup Group have built their bases (gyms), supposedly one of the people who group up in the civilisation of Pearl’s base. Pearl is one of the region’s (many) professors who has been studying the nature of pokemon and their unique behavior in the region as of late and needs YOU to broaden her research. You’re given your starter when she invites you to the upstairs secret lab. Pearl directs to go through the gym badges as per usual - starting with tackling the Electric Gym across the canyon that is run by Impulse. There is also a Fairy Gym in the same area but is currently inaccessible from the current location (also the gym leader isn’t there right now).
By defeating the Electric Gym and its leader, Impulse notices the starter pokemon and your potential strength as a trainer blah blah and he lets you in on his plan to start a resistance and overthrow Team Crown and their strong grip on the region. By joining the Resistance, the plan is to collect all 8 Gym Badges as per normal whilst convincing the other gym leaders -strong pokemon trainers- to join the cause. The player leaves via the secret human-tunnel under Pearl’s base and that’s where the journey truly begins.
GYM LEADER LIST (and order)
GYM 1 : IMPULSE - Electric Gym
GYM 2 : KERALIS - Rock Gym (bc someone else took grass)
GYM 3 : XB - Water Gym
GYM 4 : GEM - Fairy Gym
GYM 5 : JEVIN Fire Gym (because of the firework shop)
GYM 6 : GRIAN sub for Mumbo - Normal Gym
GYM 7 : ‘FALSE’ - Fighting Gym
GYM 8 : DOC - Dragon Gym
Choice in gym leaders (excluding Etho) comes from who participated in the Vault Challenge. Often before challenging each gym and their leader, the player must do a few tasks/challenges that would benefit the development of each base / help along each gym leader. Some (at least half) the gym leaders are TCG-based games!
GYM 4 - FAIRY TYPE (Gem): Start of the story begins with the original THREE members of the Resistance: Soup Group. The player meets ⅔ of the founders early within the game whilst only hearing word of Gem who is MIA until you can access the 4th Gym that she runs. This is also when you are awarded the fast travel option of FLY (the elytra). Meeting Gem, she is still skeptical of her co-captains’ choice of a scouter (Pearl can be a bit too lax sometimes and Impulse straight-up the sweetest, kindest person on the
GYM 6 - NORMAL TYPE (Grian sub): All the gyms are located at their bases EXCEPT for the Normal Gym. At first the player will go to Mumbo’s base only to find it sealed shut. Grian shows up explaining the Normal Gym Leader hasn’t been there for a while so he’s filling his spot for the meantime (he tends to do this a lot - he’s very adaptive). Grian brings the player to his underground lab giving first glance of a very Suspicious Machine that would not be completed until post-game. The player can play against the ACTUAL Normal-type Gym Leader post-game through a sidequest.
POKEMON LEAGUE - COUP DE VAULT: By helping the Hermits around the server would lead to opening a train in the Shopping District which leads to Pokemon League AKA the Vault where the Player alongside Soup Group and all the Gym Leaders a part of the Resistance will go to confront Team Crown. The group will go through various obstacle challenges in each Elite 4 room before fighting each Knight.  [I love the themed rooms they did for the Elite 4 in PKMN BW/BW2 so the same thing happens here!]
The order and typing goes as follows:
CUB (DARK - reminded me of Skulk): Obstacle course is a dark, scary labyrinth from point A to point B. Player must press buttons that would both create a path to help the other Resistance as well as expel skulk that is in the way.
CLEO & JOE (GHOST/PSYCHIC): Imagine the colour tiles from Undertale except they actually work. They act as a double battle.
SCAR (FLYING): Vertical labyrinth with springtraps that propel the player - needing to press buttons to build the bridge to the Hotguy Arena.
GRIAN ? (N/A): Normally Iskall would be Steel but Grian subs in for him. He loans the player his set of TCG cards to help in the upcoming fights when the player beats him.
BDUBS (GRASS): No obstacle. The player isn’t even meant to fight him here but he interjects with a strange aura surrounding him that compels him to protect the King’s position. The player fights him in a back-to-back fight: First phase with his team, second is a TCG-based fight against him and the Grass/Dragon legendary he pulled somehow in a fit of rage… Something seems to be controlling both of them. [Best I can describe this fight is the Rose/Eternatus fight between the Elite 4 and the Champion in PKMN SWSH.] Defeating Bdubs would not only remove the spell off of Bdubs and the legendary done on by the Tree of Whimsy but triggers the legendary to come to its senses and flee (the player can catch it later in a post-game sidequest).
REN (N/A): Classic pokemon battle. No specialized typing but carries balanced, regal themed pokemon. His party changes entirely to something more TCG-battle heavy post-game.
DECKED OUT (CITADEL): Like canon Decked Out it’s still a dungeon crawler. In each run the player must travel through the floors collecting artifacts. Each player in each run is given a special device that gauges health and bloops them back to the start if it detects the player is too weak or all their pokemon have fainted. 
The run starts at the top floor ‘ground floor’ at the Crypts and they have to survive as long as possible solving ancient puzzles, avoiding traps and find collectibles that would help in Tango’s research. To reach the ‘endgoal’ of Decked Out, a player must collect all artifacts and survive one more run and make it to the lowest floor alive in order to interact with the Mythical Pokemon that lives there. 
Like TCG-based battles, no outside items are allowed in the Citadel. This is to prevent littering and damages to the floors below. Instead Tango rewards players items after each run, these items are specialized to best aid the player throughout the floors.
GAMING DISTRICT: With the help of Scarland and a bunch of hermits - the Gaming District was born! It’s a giant casino and funpark where games are played for the same reason it is in real life. The owner of the district is a seasonal event as he is a famous producer from far away regions (often hosting elsewhere) but the player can battle him whenever he’s in town. This owner (MC?) is known as Martyn InTheLittleWood and while his party doesn’t have a specific typing, the requirements must be that each pokemon involved must be from a different region. It was rumoured that he dominated a Pokemon League once with a party entirely consisting of regional mice!
TOTAL CHAOS: Hypothetically the player can battle against every hermit multiple times. If the player has met them at least once whether throughout main game or post - their name will be added to the register of Total Chaos which acts as this region’s Battle Towers.
Scarland ITSELF is similar to Pokemon’s Nimbasa City in the way it has advanced technology designed to heighten the entertainment of the park. Beauty contests are held here too. And the park’s mascot is Scar’s very special Togetic, the happiness pokemon named Jellie :3
HOTGUY HQ: Repurposed from an evil lair during the main game to a Hotguy movie studio. It is an extension of Scarland but the equivalent of Pokestar Studios where both the player and Scar can make their own movies and shows etc.
Includes post-game quests! Players are now able to rematch Hermits not just in regular battles but TCG-based battles as well at the TCG Arena! Decked Out (2) in the Citadel is also available region-wide!
BDUBS & LEGENDARY SIDE-QUEST: Completing the championship and breaking the Tree of Whimsy’s control. The player can visit Bdubs in his Monolith - a mysterious, broken-down white temple structure discovered by him and is currently under renovations. This is also the only region in the server where burmys are native to the area - you can’t find them anywhere else. Talking to him, he tells he’s coping with the situation fine but still feels guilty about the way he treated his friend (the Grass/Dragon legendary) during the reign and wishes to apologize to it.
Triggering this interaction spurs a number of quests Bdubs sends the player on, visiting various ruins across the region - collecting different items that would help both summon the Grass/Dragon legendary as well as things that would help Bdubs apologize to it. Once all quests have been done, Bdubs will do a ritual under the Tree of Whimsy that summons the Grass/Dragon legendary - he apologizes - the legendary forgives him - and the player is allowed to catch the legendary if they want.
ETHO SIDE-QUEST: Not presented as a ‘side-quest’ more of an unexpected encounter or one of those spooky ghost encounters that happen in older generations. Once the player is able to access the jungle section of the region (locked until post-game) and the Joe Hill’s pinball machine. After fighting Joe in a TCG-based fight, he tells the player about a strange tower that has appeared nearby and asks the player to check it out. It is never stated in the game but this tower is Etho’s gym (his base). 
The aesthetic of it is a mix between steampunk and an abandoned waterpark.The base is very run-down, claimed by encroaching growth from the jungle biome around. There are several completed and incomplete passageways to the top riddled with redstone puzzles and zoomy labyrinths - the state of it only adding difficulty when in goal of getting to its peak.
Getting to the top the player finds the person behind such tower overseeing the view from the top-to-ground below him. He gives a casual hello ^_^ and initiates a battle. No particular typing but his team consists of older-gen pokemon including his Absol.
Winning against him he gives a casual buh-bye u_u and disappears - triggering the player to black-out finding himself at the bottom of the shallow river (the base was built above), with a worried Joe Hills hovering above them. He helps the player up and asks just what on earth they are doing in the middle of the jungle. And when the player asks about Etho and the tower- Joe has no idea what they are talking about - as if he never gave the player that quest at all.
MUMBO SIDE-QUEST: By visiting the Vault (the TRUE Normal Type Gym) again they’ll find that it’s left… ajar! Going inside it is dark but make enough ruckus and solve enough redstone puzzles  will bring out a very disgruntled Mumbo who wants you out of his gym. Winning in a battle against Mumbo would make him reflect - thinking how easy it was to enter the Vault “If YOU could make it this far… so would Grian!”. This triggers a mini-quest of his own helping Mumbo fortify the gym (making it as Grian-proof as possible)...
RIFT SIDE-QUEST (GRIAN): By the time the main game is complete Grian would have near completed his studies on the Rift. Grian requests help from the player to send out invitation cards for the machine’s grand opening -  NOW giving the player access to the Empires region!
From there, like Kanto, the player is able to collect 8 more gym badges, another Elite 4 and challenge Champion False of that region.
Additional quests by both Hermits and Empires can lead to the development of the Empires’ very own Pokemon League known as Hermitopia. 
GYM LEADER LIST (and order) The following order is put together based on geography in accordance with the Empires 2 map - guiding the player across the Empires in one giant circle back to spawn.
GYM 1:PIX - Rock Gym (Ancient Capital) One of the first people the player will meet at spawn (since it’s so close). Winning against him he awards the player a map of the region! He directs you to the next Empire with the next gym location (Tumble Town)
GYM 2: JIMMY - Ground Gym (Tumble Town) Entering the town begins in total chaos with a rampaging, hostile pokemon in the mines Someone released as a prank on the gym leader. Catching the pokemon and then battling Jimmy he thanks the player and asks to help him find who the culprit is. The player is motioned to head East to Eversea (Also to say hi to a friend in Sanctuary!)
GYM 3: JOEY - Water Gym (Eversea) The region’s portland and main place of external goods and bounty etc. Interrogating Joey after his gym battle the player finds it’s not him but discovers an important clue that guides the player to the next location (AFTER Sanctuary of course).
GYM 4: SAUSAGE - Grass Gym (Sanctuary) The quieter side of the two neighboring empires. Built on sacred land, the people and pokemon that dwell here praise the legendary pokemon for the changing of seasons, the night that gives time for rest, and the days that bring new harvests. (The player can’t catch these legendaries) I like to think these legendaries as well as the Grass/Dragon legendary back in the Hermitcraft Region are connected in some way too :]
GYM 5: SHUBBLE - Poison Gym (Evermore) A small shanty village hidden deep within the swamp. Questioning Shubble, while she was not the perpetrator - she was able to deduce the poison that came with the clue Joey identified and what type of pokemon was able to produce such poison. The player is directed to said location (Chromia) where said pokemon is most common there.
GYM 6: SCOTT - Psychic (Chromia) A newer settlement set in the plains. Bustling and lively for its arts and festivals held there. While Scott confirms the pokemon that produced the pokemon comes from Chromia, he cannot disclose who caught this pokemon (under contract). Maybe if the player could talk to the pokemon (get a translator) they would be able to get information from them about the situation.Scott directs the player to Animalia - advising to take the gym badge from Gobland in the process (needed to pass through)
GYM 7: FWHIP - Steel (Gobland) The empire has a direct entrance that takes trainers from Gobland straight to Animalia. This empire specializes in regional trade. It is also one of the first places to implement the TCG-based battle system. The player gets to see both trainers and pokemon alike practice the new system. Fwhip alongside Pix (with remote guidance from Beef) also in charge of creating new TCG cards - special to the Empires region!
GYM 8: LIZZIE - Normal (Animalia) Another pokemon concentrated hub, the pokemon here especially are intelligent enough to be able to fluently communicate with its human citizens. It is the region’s knowledge hub. Completing Lizzie’s gym challenge and bringing out the pokemon from Tumble Town - Lizzie is able to communicate with it discovering the perpetrator for the prank was Joel all along.
The player can still access other unvisited empires such as Dawn - they just won’t get to verse the leaders there until the league.
By the time the player collects all 8 gym badges. The Pokemon League (Hermitopia) would be complete and a region-wide event would be held there. Here, the player would be able to go against the 3 (technically 4) Elite members and Champion False.
OLLIE (N/A): Technically was not nominated as an Elite Member but interrupts before the player could proceed higher into the tower
GEM (DRAGON): The REAL beginning of the Elite. The player discovers this is the same Gem from Hermitcraft but keeps it a secret. Turns out this region is where she flies to! (She’s dragon-type not only cuz it’s a nice parallel to her Fairy-type gym but also her Season 1 lore)
KATHERINE (DARK): Chose dark because contrast and so I can say that morepeko is her ace :]
JOEL (FLYING): The true culprit of the prank in Tumble Town… They make up in the end after this fight it’s fine!
No challenges, just classic back-to-back Elite 4 fighting like regular pokemon games (This plotline is so long already)
FALSE (N/A): Reaching the top of Hermitopia is a familiar feeling with familiar people. No typing, a strong balanced team of pokemon from newer generations. (Like to think however THIS False’s ace is the same type of pokemon as the False back in the Hermitcraft region.
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starryeyedfroggy · 2 years
Gacha Luck
Disclaimer: I don’t own Disney or Twisted Wonderland.
(A/N Wrote this to hopefully manifest Ghost Marriage Idia)
Idia’s bio, it says that his best subject is summoning.
Scenario: Idia NEEDED this event card of his fav character, so he decided to use his summoning skills to help him out. But he accidentally summons you instead?!
>WHY did the devs decide to make his favorite character an SSR?! DiD they really have to Go all out on aRt?! And it just haD to be equiPped with all the mechanisms he wanted?!
>Idia knew he wouldn’t be able to rest until he got this card!
>He did all he could to prepare! He saved up in game currency ( even added a bit of his own real madol). He got all his merch of said character all together and got everything they liked. Heck he even reviewed all story data on them and did character analysis on them!
>But it still didn’t feel enough. That’s when he got the idea to do a REAL summoning ritual!
>Gotta put to use what he learned in school right?
>So on the night the event started, Idia set up his prepared summoning circle. He took a deep breath and visualized the character as he worked his magic.
>Oddly enough when he thinks about it, they’re a lot like you?? They share your personality, your warm eyes, your smile—
“aAHahH!” Thud.
Something had fallen right into his room!
>Idia opened his eyes to find you, nursing a bump on your head and looking very confused.
Shoot! In his sidetracked thoughts about you, he had accidentally summoned you!
>To say he was panicking was an understatement. He had no idea what he’d tell you if you asked him how you got here! What if you figured out his crush on you—
“Idia? What am I doing here in your room?”
Idia gulped.
You gasped. “Wait, are you doing a summoning ritual for a gacha pull?! OH can I help you?! People usually get good gacha pulls when I’m around.”
Wait. Wait. You weren’t even gonna question it?!
>To avoid having to explain this awkward situation, Idia just enlisted your help.
>He had brought you over to his device and you pressed the button for a ten pull.
>In that single ten pull, Idia got the SSR card he wanted not once, buT TwiCe in a roll?!
>In his utter shock and happiness, Idia did something very normie like.
>He grasped your hands and the two of you jumped up and down in joy.
>This went on for several minutes before the two of you realized how close you were and backed off.
>Idia awkwardly coughed. “S-since you’re here, wanna celebrate with me with a cup of noodles?”
“A cup of noodles is all I need to be summoned!”
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2goldensnitches · 9 months
There’s a lot to be said about how bad feh has gotten storywise—it was never a masterpiece, but book 7 really seems to be the nadir so far—and i sure have a lot to add to the many that complained before me, but atm im just thinking about how lazy it’s become in terms of mechanics and general qol.
One thing i can commend feh for is that it’s relatively easy to farm for materials and exp, stacking up crystals, feathers, and even orbs with relatively little effort compared to other gacha (fgo is particularly bad in this regard, langrisser too, hi3’s crystal rate is glacial)—but even this comes with a catch. The catch is in fact the biggest reason for why gameplay is so ass and at least half of the reason for players quitting the game: the powercreep.
Feh’s powercreep is legitimately the worst i have seen of any top gacha game, hands down. It’s become a meme at this point even among non-players and completely wrecked the game’s initial ethos of being able to build your faves through merges, skill inheritance, and weapon swaps no matter their rarity. Does the previous still work? Kind of. it’s not nearly as effective as it used to be and intsys itself no longer prioritises it when their business model as a gacha is pushing shinier newer waifus out each month. Gacha is prime waifubait pushing territory but feh is notorious for ignoring most characters (especially men, and especially from thracia rip) or locking some behind seasonal alt hell while lyn, edelgard, fjorm, and camilla (im so sorry my queen but it’s true) get their tenth overpowered alt with egregiously bullshit special skills exclusive to them that make it borderline impossible to complete stages.
Want three extra orbs for beating seasonal chapters? Good luck fulfilling the requirements for passing with a whole surviving team with no revives on hand to help despite not having ANYTHING to counter infuriating nonsense like godswords and over 80% damage reduction. Bonus points for those extra stage rewards being time locked!
Want to advance in the coliseum for extra materials? Better make sure you have a full team of new seasonals because not only do they sweep the competition away, they also give you additional arena points to climb the rankings, as lower tiers give you less rewards, and so does losing matches, with even a single loss breaking a rewards streak and forcing you to start aaaalll over again for those rewards.
Want to survive those bs no-kill survival boss stages in each book? Better make sure you have an effective counter for their shiny new skills and insane mobility (canto 5!), and if you don’t, then you’re shit out of luck!
Literally what is the point of investing in a unit, using up feathers and orbs to level and merge them, and search for the most optimal skills for them if a new banner introduces another unit that not only decimates them, but completely blows your entire team comp out of the water? The answer is that there is no point! It simultaneously forces players to catch up through constant summoning (and hopefully for intsys, turn into whales) yet stagnates gameplay because the only challenges and mode of play is basically trying to not get left behind. Houses was mocked for making the weapons triangle obsolete but feh spits on the weapon triangle entirely. You can plow through any type of team, no matter how balanced and well-built, as long as its comp is older than three months and you have the newest shiny jpeg with skills that require the length of a yugioh card to fit its explanation text because it’s just stacks upon stacks of buffs/debuffs, cooldowns, damage reduction, and nullifications. Surtr used to be game breaking and now he’s passable if he can barely survive the bullshit summer duo eir/Ymir throw at anyone unlucky enough to cross their path.
“But every game introduces new unit mechanics and skills! You’re just being a hater!” Every other game also makes sure to introduce counters to those new mechanics and skills instead of rendering the state of meta completely poisonous. Adding in those counters at a later date is not just bad game design, but so greedy because it exposes just how blatantly p2w the entire model of powercreep is. Fallen!Edelgard was so toxic for the game that legendary byleth’s entire toolkit was based specifically on nuking her (which pleases me thematically but that’s another story). Now the latest cyl units make f!edel look like a dog’s chew toy and we’ve restarted the trimonthly cycle of a new banner completely dominating the meta and making those units basically indispensable to pass stages.
And speaking of cyl units, they introduced new skills so groundbreaking that they loop right back to basic bitch territory: area of effect/terrain effect attacks. Which is hilarious because not only do they make the elemental line specials kind of obsolete, but mainline fire emblem games have had those attacks for years now; setting the map on fire would make celica yawn. Yes, good for you, griege sniddie lady, for filling the terrain with spikes. That is something we’ve seen before but good for you and intsys for finally catching up to your own main games. The bs doesn’t stop at unit attacks though, because even the maps have not progressed past seven whole damn years of existence: they are still the game grid-based top-down view with a few obstacles preventing movement. No healing tiles, no mud pits or sand slowing down units, no plant material to hide units in and increase their evasion, no lava or evil swamps that can burn or poison your characters and thus force the player to really strategise on their placements like in the main games. It’s just a few rocks, trees, and water that Cavs and infantry can’t pass. That’s it. Fliers just go anywhere.
Other gacha games not backed by a powerhouse like Nintendo achieve far more on a smaller budget. Arknights for example has new challenges in every chapter/banner event: different terrain types that force you to think carefully about where you can place who (as units are also restricted to terrain types), environmental hazards that can either aid or harm your team like fields, healing tiles, flooding shorelines, and even weather damage from events like sandstorms. Enemies/traps can freeze you, burn you, shoot you and paralyse you, and there’s nothing you can do about it except plan around those dangers to beat stages.
Hell, even enemy types are more varied. Feh still just does generics in every single book chapter and legendary clears, with the same infantry, mage, fliers, and cavalry enemy units present in all of them with the same attacks and effects, and all of them dressed as Emblian soldiers to boot. It doesn’t matter if the OfH goes to realms literally inaccessible to mortals like dreamland, the land of light, or even HEL, we’ll still find the same stable of emblian mooks to fight with the same movesets and movement types. It was almost revolutionary when intsys introduced manakete enemies and gave the book 7 mooks snake masks to wear over their generic costumes. Meanwhile, in fgo, if we go to Rome, we fight centurions; if we go to frozen Viking-era Scandinavia, we fight frost giants, and in the 17th century Atlantic, pirates, and so on and so forth and all of them present different attacks, harmful effects, and damage dealt that need different strategies to beat them better.
Even just having a single op new unit on your team in feh can instantly mean enemy defeat, which is especially heinous in the worst, most rigid mode of all, summoner duels. That shit basically forces you to have a new banner unit plus at least one duo/harmonic on your team. The limited amount of turns to defeat an opposing side in battle isn’t as bad in flying fortresses because at least ff has hazard tiles and restrictions allowing only one duo/harmonic, plus far more freedom of movement and team building. FF doesn’t have the bullshit seasonals requirement the arena has and so you can even run older (!) units provided you’ve built them well enough and placed them in a team that has good synergy within its comp. But sd? Nahhh fuck that. Five turns compared to ff’s 7, and a goddamn limited amount of space to move in because the mode punishes you if you don’t move your characters into the designated grid fast enough, plus opposing teams being awarded extra turn movement if they use dancers, and with duos/harmonics basically being built to stall and give extra moves and award/demote extra skills to everyone on the entire goddamn map. Is sd a mandatory mode to play in? No, thank gd. Are there fun modes in feh at all? Yes, seer’s snare, which not only gives extra goodies, but also provides rest points for a team and bonus skills to keep up with the harder levels; Loki’s chess also forces opposing teams to powerscale as long as they merge and position themselves correctly. But seer’s snare isn’t available all the time while sd is far more ubiquitous, and those cycle out anyways while we’re still stuck with the crap thrown at us in the arena and story stages.
I think the biggest issue so far is that feh is ultimately built around pvp, which is never a good idea for any gacha game, period. Gacha is literally gambling! And though other games are far more famous for having worse drop rates and requiring extensive grinding (fgo, honkai, genshin, nikke, counterside, granblue fantasy), they at least do the bare minimum of not having pvp. Loot crates in overwatch and other games were banned in some countries for that reason: pvp is a huge incentiviser for gambling when it promises the latest new gear to make sure you can stay on top of the meta.
Fgo has atrocious rates but at least teams and craft essences have deployment costs that restrict you from being able to run a full five star team with all 5 star ces, plus forcing players to save their main third slot for a friend’s servant; honkai impact has strong units like the herrschers, but in a game whose play is mostly frantic button mashing, any non-story locked (which means the game provides fully levelled valkyries for you that you cannot swap out) stage can be cleared with any character you like as long as you know how to use them, plus you can also ask friends for help; Arknights also has deployment costs at a capped rate that severely limits which types of operators you can use, forcing you to have a mixed bag, and you can also ask friends for help with their own operators. Arknights, like fgo, also has non-inheritable weapons and skills for their characters and just means you have to build them instead of foddering high rarity units to them (with the exception of grinding for materials).
In fact, a distinct lack of co-op sets feh apart from the competition in a very bad way. I can understand not being able to count on co-op/help in the direct PvP modes like the arena, but for story/reward stages to not allow help is quite telling, as is the absence of deployment restrictions except in flying fortresses. Even fgo, where everyone agrees most 1-2 star servants are garbage, still forces you to have at least one on your team to progress, if not a 3 star, and quite a few low-rarity characters like Arash (my beloved) can perform just as well as any 5 star with the right investments and team build.
Mihoyo is an especially greedy company but their games at least allow co-op (with the exception of ToT but that’s another post) and being able to play with your faves instead of having a nakedly tiered system of good units vs bad units who mostly exist to sweep instead of providing synergy to a comp.
Perhaps feh wouldn’t have become so stagnant if they made it into a warriors-type game that does focus less on strategy and more on skills and crit executions (instead of the garbage we got with Nopes)—because whatever feh’s selling stopped prioritising strategy a long time ago. I’m certain I’m not the only one with these complaints; I’m sure I’ve missed a few mechanics issues here too. But I am a player, and as a player I’m baffled over the state of play and why intsys (Nintendo, but mostly intsys) is so lazy with introducing any type of qol improvements or at least address any issue at all that isn’t a “sorry we made the meta toxic” apology unit released months later that you still have to pull for to make the game playable at all.
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weirdgirlcroix · 5 months
@void-botanist I'm making a whole new post on my main so I don't hijack your writeblr but re: salmon leap it's perfectly okay that there's no salmon in it because Cú Chulainn is in Puzzle and Dragons, one of my favorite video games ever, and now I get to infodump about it. For context PAD is a gacha game (sorry) where you match orbs on the board to attack monsters and.. that's the entire game they only just added story dungeons like a couple years ago but I like it a lot. It's like if bejeweled had bigger numbers and let you move the jewels anywhere you wanted. And the music and weapon designs are really cool.
(disclaimer: I don't play PAD consistently anymore and I'm kinda behind on the meta, and I've never used Cú Chulainn on a team, so take all of this with a grain of salt)
So this is card #1209, Wolf Hero, Ignis Cú Chulainn. 1209 sounds like a lot but this game has been around since like.. 2012, and idk when this card dropped but it's likely pretty close to ten years.
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There are a lot of different evos but I'm just going with this one for now. I doubt it's historically accurate, this game just pulls deities from a lot of different mythologies and does whatever the hell it wants with them. But it does look cool!
It's a wood/fire attribute, which means it deals wood (PAD version of grass type in Pokémon) and fire damage. Since fire is its second attribute it usually doesn't deal as much fire damage.
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So these are its current awoken skills. Those are basically like passive skills that deal extra damage, change how the board looks, etc. for example the one with the 7 and the red arrow makes it so that if you get 7 combos or more, that card gets a damage boost. The more of those 7c skills a card has, the more that effect is multiplied. So having 3 of them on one card is pretty cool. I don't think 1209 is the strongest card at all but it's gotten a lotttt of buffs since it first dropped; the entire game is subject to a lot of power creep so the devs are constantly adapting old cards to fit the new meta.
The blue squares are a different type of awoken skill called a latent awakening, and if I explained every detail I'd be here all day but basically they increase how much damage 1209 does against certain types of monsters. It doesn't have all of those latents at once but I could pick a few to give to it if I wanted.
So now I'd like to take a look at a different Cú Chulainn Evo that I have actually used, #3919, Gáe Bulg. The huge jump in numbers is because this card was added like years after 1209.
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Tbh I don't remember which team I used this card on, it's been years, but I can tell you how to use it. This is a special type of evo called an assist (or inherit). Basically that means that you don't put the card on a team as its own unit. Instead you attach it to a different card, and the main card "inherits" this card's awoken skills, its active skill (which is basically when you press a button and then something cool happens like a stat boost or changing the attributes of the orbs of the board), and a fraction of its stats IF the inherit and the main card share an attribute. 3919 is just a wood attribute, so based on that alone it'd be best on a wood attribute card if you want that stat boost. But you can also look at the awoken and active skills to make sure:
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Active skill: Unlock all orbs; Change Heal, Jammer, Poison, Mortal Poison, and Bomb orbs to Wood orbs
To be clear, this set of awoken skills is kinda weak by 2024 meta standards if you're trying to beat mid-level to endgame dungeons and there are plenty of better cards you can use. 3919 hasn't been hit by the power creep beam. But let's pretend that it's 2016-ish and this is a really powerful card still lol. So starting with the awoken skills, the sword and shield one just tells you that all the following skills can be used by the main card as well. There are 2 enhanced wood orb awokens. Each orb deals a set amount of damage on its own, but when it's enhanced that damage is multiplied by a small amount. The one with the fire attribute symbol on the shield makes that fire attribute types against you deal slightly less damage. And the sword just boosts that card's overall attack a little bit. Finally the active creates more wood orbs, which goes well with the orb enhance awokens. Basically, this is the kind of card you'd want on a team that mostly deals wood attribute damage.
I don't really have a conclusion for this, I could spend an hour talking about these cards alone because this game is so dense lol. But yeah, that's the kinda info you'd take into account if you were building a team. I left a lot of details out but if people ask I'm always happy to explain. Tentatively pinging @vacantgodling and @wayfarer-orca , because y'all both like this game iirc and would maybe enjoy seeing it on the dash
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twilight803 · 1 year
Okay, so I read your twst self-aware post and like I love it. I love this au so much because it's so fun to think about it especially if it somehow works with your Twisted Wonderland game experience.
For example, I love Epel (my favorite boy fr), and when the Pomefiore showcase came to the english game, I was really happy. I was hoping to get Epel BUT FREAKING ROOK CAME HOME TWICE TWICE AND LEONA TOO
I literally got Rook and Leona in 20 pulls, and on the 100th pull, I got Rook again. I was so mad- With the tokens, I bought Epel instead BUT I'M STILL SALTY ABOUT IT
(I like all the characters in twst but sometimes they pull stuff like this and I end up broke and salty)
Hello and like FRRR I always end up getting Ruggie and never Lilia or Malleus who are my FAVS, BUT LILIA LIKED ME THIS TIME I GOT HIM AT 60 PULLS, I FELT BLESSED.
SOMETIMES I think about what if it was real, then I get SUPER EMBARRASSED like I know one of them would judge me (probably Vil).
I start covering my camera lol.
Epel is adorable and I feel for him, I hope you get Epel cards like crazy.
Anyways I also love this AU cause it makes me think and try to have an explanation why gacha hates me😭
Have amazing luck and a great year!
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project-sekai-facts · 3 months
so uhm. now that the minori announcement happened who do we think is getting the feb lims
My thoughts haven’t really changed, honestly Kohane banner was more impactful because I had Toya4 down as possibly being Toya/Kohane/An lims, but that’s clearly not happening now. I guess you could replace Kohane with Akito or VBS Kaito but neither of them make sense. But the schedule doesn’t make sense either so. Yknow.
Other than that maybe An/Mafuyu/??? honami or airi??? None of this makes sense anymore. I guess you could do a Kanade event. God knows who you’d put on it? Mafuyu and Honami make most sense, and it’s not like Honami is out of the question, there was only a one event gap between Valentines Haruka and her upcoming 4* tomorrow. It won’t be Emu mixed 2 that’s for sure because she’s got wle and she’s definitely fes. For real this time the world link schedule gives it away (Leoneed WL event being held at the second half of july instead of the first half to distance it from the lim gacha heavily suggests that there’s leoneed cards on that gacha, which i assume are fes Saki and fes 2 Ichika)
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p5x-theories · 5 months
Hey, I wanted to ask what do you think those’re recolors were for from the first beta, if anything? I was looking over them and I realized something. The regular gacha cards for the thieves use new art from P5X, except for Ryuji, but all the recolors use the original character art from P5, again except for Ryuji who gets new art. Even Yuki’s regular card uses her new art, while her recolor uses her art from Code Nam X. The only outliers in this are Yusuke, because he didn’t seem to have a recolor I could find and Ann, who uses her new art for both. Just something I thought was interesting, my guess is that if the original phantom thieves are returning and are apart of the story, and Merope’s phantom idols are separate beings, this might be them going rogue or evil maybe? Kinda like in P4AU when the team had to fight their shadow selves when really it was just shadows made to look like the characters?
Ooo, maybe! Honestly, my guess best guess is that they were recoloring the original art because the new art wasn't done yet when they were making them, though whether it was tests for some kind of alternate palette versions of them (like how you can change color palettes in P4AU) that might become available later in the gacha, or like you said, maybe the color palettes changing for some sort of story reason, I'm not sure.
Another strange aspect of it all is that Yuki has the wrong Persona on her recolor, too- Pegasus instead of Styx.
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