#i will love omega till the end of time
crosshairslefttoe · 2 months
One thing from this episode this week that I absolutely LOVE is omega's confidence and determination.
Like that girl is not messing around no more, she got put back in, she's going to get herelf out again.
It makes me so emotionally cause like looking back to S1 she was so tiny and so innocent and now she's grown into this amazingly strong confident girl with the help of her brothers, the people round her, and also herself.
She's matured so much and it's so great to see yet also kinda bittersweet because she's not that little girl we first met 3 years ago anymore, she's grown into so much more, more than any of us could have imagined.
Props to the creators of this show she such amazing character development not only in omega but in so many others too, it's truly amazing.
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kooklovee · 9 months
Jungkook- ff recs masterlist 🔞
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So here's my fav Jungkook ffs of all time plus a MUST READ compilation 💌.
All the recommended ffs are 18+ so MDNI!!
S: smut | A: angst | F: fluff | ❤️: extreme favs
(fics are not ordered in any specific order of preference and neither do they entertain infidelity or any major triggering themes 🙃)
Starting off with the 2 most "SEVEN" mv inspired one shots I've read till now -
■ Night after night by @brown-bi-beautiful ❤️ ( S, A, F )
■ Devoted to trouble by @jeonsweetpea (S, slight A, F)
Seven days a week by @jjkeverlast (S, slight A, F)
Thirteen rounds by @moni-logues (S)
Slow motion by @rerefundslocals(S, A, F)
@personasintro 's masterlist ❤️
Legit ALL her ffs are TOP NOTCH. So here's link to her entire masterlist. Fav author for a reason 💜
Ps - Mutual help & Away from you are Ultimate lovee!
Stay with me by @jungk0oksthighs ❤️(S, A, F)
Reminder by @dollfaceksj ❤️ (S, A, F)
Over wine (Ongoing) by @koocycle (S, A)
There's no way by @redjoonie (S, slight A, F)
Seven ways to sunday (Ongoing) by @jeonjcngkook (S)
Bad Omega, Sweet Omega JJK by @helenazbmrskai (S, A)
Drabble collection by @onlyswan (F)
Office break by @vminizzle (S)
Two point five by @bratkook (S, F)
My you by @wnderkoo (S, slight A, F)
This is how we break by @ahundredtimesover (S, A)
Unplanned night by @vminizzle ❤️ (S)
Rolling stone by @kooktrash (S, A)
4-7-8 by @jiminrings (S, heavy A, F)
Sleepless nights by @wnderkoo (S, F)
Backstage quickies by @btsqualityy ❤️ (S)
So good by @ggukiepie ❤️ (S)
Lost on you by @letjungcoook7 (S)
Cramped quarters by @btsqualityy (S)
Kink series by @btsqualityy ❤️ (S)
Bts reactions by @cheolhub (S)
Early riser by @moni-logues (S)
Bf!Jk drabble by @letjungcoook7 (S)
Standing next to you by @back2bluesidex (S)
On my mind by @angelguk ❤️ (S)
Ceo!Jk one shot by @letjungcoook7 (S, slight A)
All over again by @jungkookstatts ❤️ (S, F)
Return the favor by @back2bluesidex (S, F)
Jk!drabble by @borathae (S)
The bet by @letjungcoook7 (S)
Bf!Jk (kinda break up au) by @letjungcoook7 (S, A)
Bf!Jungkook by @jungkookstatts ❤️ (S, F)
Cherry flavored by @jungkookstatts ❤️ (S, F)
Black dye by @mercurygguk (S, F)
When the end comes by @oddinary4bts ❤️ (S, F, huge A) happy ending tho
Down on you by @ki-yomii ❤️ (S)
I want you to stay by @ahundredtimesover (Ongoing)
Birthday boy by @jeonfics (S)
Wishing for you by @kookiestarlight (S, A, F)
Guilty Pleasures (Ongoing) by @kookslastbutton (S, A)
The violence of the dog days by @youarewhatyoulove-blog ❤️ (S, F)
Stay quite by @hobidreams (S,F)
Chasing cars (Ongoing) by @oddinary4bts (S,A,F)
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absolutebl · 7 months
Pit Babe - it's time for a Trash Watch!
I had to. Well, no I didn't, but COME ON. It's like Thailand is negging me. Let's burn rubber, shall we? Burn rubbers...?
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The things I had been told going in about this show:
it's about car racing (this bores me)
it stars Pavel (my BL ult bias, he is my icon for a reason)
it started as an omegaverse y-novel but the A/B/O aspects would be stripped from the BL series
it's high heat
(There some chatter about whether point 3 was a mistranslation of something the author said, but don't bother me with trifles.)
Here's a definition of omegaverse:
Omegaverse, also known as A/B/O (alpha/beta/omega), is a subgenre of speculative erotic fiction, and originally a subgenre of erotic slash fan fiction. Its premise is that a dominance hierarchy exists in humans, which are divided into dominant "alphas", neutral "betas", and submissive "omegas".[1] This hierarchy determines how people interact with one another in romantic, erotic and sexual contexts.[2] (Wikipedia)
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In my experience and opinion, omegaverse archetypes and tropes are often used to strip out female characters (and The Feminine) and as a tool to excuse extreme hyper-masculine behaviors without a critical feminist lens (leading to lazy characterization). Just as heat is an excuse to get nkd quickly, A/O/B is often an excuse for taboo and dubious consent actions and behaviors. Do I get why writers/readers enjoy it? Yes I do. Do I personally like it? Not particularly. (Although there are always exceptions.)
Putting all that aside, the above represents my foundational knowledge before Pit Babe started.
Oh and that the familiar BL faces appearing in this show were follows:
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Pavel Naret (aka Pavel Phoom) from 2 Moons 2 & Coffee Melody - Pavel is a fluent English speaker, a bit of a drama monger, and a motorcycle rider/car-dude, this role suits him
Nut Supanut from Oxygen & Something in My Room - has an amazing voice, his somewhat wooden acting has improved steadily since Oxygen
Pon Thanapon - one of Star Hunter's stable first seen in the Gen Y series (where he stole the appeal of an intended pair), also v good in Make a Wish, I wish he'd get a lead role as he has a likable screen presence
Pop Pataraphol from La Cuisine - he's playing the Alpha rival and I'm not convinced he's suited to this role
Michael Kiettisak from Love Sick, Oxygen, Call it What You Want, Till the World Ends - playing the comic relief this time rather than his usual tortured stoic... huh
All the rest are either fresh faces or older experienced actors. Interesting mix. They must have some money behind this.
And now, get out your marshmallows! The dumpster is on fire! Let's start the roast.
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Episode 1 - Platypus, Pickles, Pavel, & other Smoking Hot Problems
This first segment told with a 4 day retrospect, because I decided to do a trash watch only after @aliceisathome said I should.
My initial reaction:
the sheer audacity of Thailand being like "PitBabe is not omegaverse" and then serving "Alpha" to us on a platter in the first sex scene is
how dare
but also
what the actual fuck is going on? what world are we living in where a/b/o is LIVE ACTION ON OUR SCREENS?
we getting heat, knotting & mpreg next?
apparently this is my reality now
I'm not sure what weird quantum time stream I've jumped into but someone was all,
yes the whole world is hella screwed, but also...
Thailand has decided live action mm fanfic is gonna win it the culture wars
and I'm beginning to think they may be right
BL is now the platypus of the film industry
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4 days later:
Considering how much chatter this caused there's a part of me that wondered if it was all intentional and a marketing ploy (to say it wasn't omegaverse when obviously it is). In which case... brilliant Machiavellian tactics, production.
But Thai studios are rarely this calculated in their promo. So I think it's all accidental. But it certainly caused a raucous few days on Tumblr.
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On a completely different note, Babe's house looks like it started life as a particularly inventive Olive Garden. Or is that just me?
More random thoughts:
Pavel has had work done, why honey? You were the definition of perfect.
The smell thing is great, I love stuff to do with scent and necks. If omegaverse brings this to the table, fine. But...
Being all Alpha perfect butch manly man = I do not like Babe at all, I kinda want him to be brought down a peg. (Woo... pegging!) I never like narratives that glorify the captain of the football team (side eyes Cdrama CEO romances and Love O2O), Babe better have depth and damage (forget the pegging) of some kind or his behavior will get old FAST, faster than he drives (also, forget the pegging idea)
Nut is ideal in the Beta role. I mean, that's Way's character right? We all can see that. If it's not intentional, it's a miscast. I love how soft he is as as screen presence. He's great in this part.
None of the other characters are sticking out to me yet, but I'm prepared to love the side dishes in this, please make them swoon worthy!
I'm glad they didn't hold the Charlie = trickster reveal off, I like knowing he is a double agent up front.
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Finally, with respect to an adequate trash watch, I'm in a pickle.
How am I going to drink for this show when there is so much else airing on Frigay? I can't keep track, if I'm drunk.
I need a strategy for this trash fire if the puns and snark are to spout forth! (HA Fourth!)
Controlled burn?
Anygay, see you all next week.
Episode 2 - Side Dish Addiction + Second Lead Syndrome are both infecting me at once
[FYI I gotta have my backup computer to watch this so that's why Imma sometimes be delayed getting the trash out to the curb.]
3 minutes! 3 minutes in and I needed to pause and wax snarkful. (Ouch, bet that hurts. Is waxing snark similar to a Brazilian but for BL? Is that why they all so hairless in The Sign?... I digress, where was I?)
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Okay so the subber said Daddy but I don't think that word means what they think it means. Because Way said simply nong paa.
Usually they'll use the English word Daddy (pronounced Dah-deee) for, ya know, Actual Daddies (tm).
Wait wait:
Calling Daddy Actual
(My dumb sci-fi loving arse will see myself out the back before I start drawing Battlestar Galactica = Pit Babe connections. TOO FAR ABL. Too far.)
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Look, I like the tension in this show. It's good to set up an unlikeable Alpha dog and then immediately turn him into an underdog, makes him a bit more likable. I still don't like Babe, but now at least I'm on his side.
Charlie = cute but v sus. Fortunately for him, Babe = cute but v thick.
Everyone calls Charlie Babe's dek. Yes sounds a bit like what you think but also means kid/child and SHOULD be translated as boy in this show. Why doesn't the subber get that? They a sub...ber after all. (I'll see myself out.)
Honestly, the script writers might know what they are doing with abo but our eng sub translator sadly does NOT. I'm so glad this is coming now in my BL watching life. When my ear and knowledge of Thai is so much better than it once was. Others much be SO CONFUSED.
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Snicker. They just fucking with us, but it's fun to watch the mpeg speculation abound.
File this one under: Thailand's trouble with ESL plurals and also "you should have Pavel helping with these subs" sweethearts.
Production knows entirely what it's doing with this show and its omegaverse shizz (even if the subber doesn't) and I am very much enjoying the online carnage that results.
This dumpster fire continues off screen into the blogosphere and I continue to roast things over it.
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Meanwhile, hi Pon! You so adorable! When you gonna lead out a BL for us?
Is Idol Factory stealing all of Star Hunter's talent? Are they the Red Racers of the BL world? These are the questions I ask myself as I watch this.
Is that AGE GAP I smell before me?
Is the 20 yr old college kid meant for the pit boss? Cause you all know I am a slut for age gaps.
Moment of a/b/o: Jeff's fear of touch/heightened personal space would be a plot marker for "baby doesn't want Alphas close cause he smells like an omega" but of course this show it not omegaverse. Not omegaverse at all.
Linguistic corner!
Lung (sounds a bit like loo) is uncle(ish) it means basically a male relation older than phi. So Alan is the oldest in the crew.
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Alan calls Jeff nu (which the subber translated as boy I would have gone with cutie or little one). Nu is a diminutive affectionate term that's technically gender neutral but is most often used by/on cute girls/women. Jeff did NOT like it. Then Alan sort of dodges through pronouns/particles settling on phi for I, ger for you, and ja for a particle. This is interesting because ger & ja kinda lower his age and status into a casual sphere. Not more intimate more equal to jeff... fascinating.
I love the new "Korean" red racer, he drinks my brand of soy milk. He is now my baby snake in the grass.
Get it? Snake.
He and Babe should end up together.
The fight wasn't bad, do both actors have kickbox training in their backgrounds?
Who am I kidding, I care only about Uncle Alan and Nu Jeff now. All others are irrelevant to me.
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WHERE IS A BOY FOR WAY?!!! Or a Daddy. I do not care. (Methinks nether does he.)
I am now captain of the Way Appreciation Society. Let's all find a way... to get him some dick.
Also the BTS stingers are tons of fun. Looks like the set was a blast.
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Finally, and I mean this kindly. Why isn't Noh Phouluang in this? He should have been cast as Winner. Bah. I'm biased.
But one should be with Noh.
Episode 3 - Side Dishes Delux
Gayest bridge n Thailand has made its obligatory appearance.
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How much do I love uncle & nu? They are SO damn cute. Also nu flustered is the best kind of nu.
I could not care less about Babe and Charlie. Except I do love the smell thing.
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Way will break my heart by getting his broken. He is right tho.
Tra la la. I feel like this is a bit like KP 2.0.
Charlie is a such a princess (and ace manipulator). Good thing Babe clearly likes being buttered up.
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Babe's backstory was more interesting than I expected, I didn't think we would go so far into the paranormal side of a/b/o. I like it and I hope they lean into it quite a bit more. Make it part of the plot.
Unlike the kissing thing which seems to have been gotten over rather quickly.
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I gotta say I'm enjoying the corporate sponsorship jockeying and tension more than I thought I would. I'm curious as to who Jef and Charlie are working for and what their motivation is. The plot itself is keeping me intrigued and that is rare for me with BL.
So no trash talk this ep, I was largely absorbed and entertained. I didn't event need booze. Shocking behavior on my part.
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Episode 4 - I (who never ship) am shipping the impossible
Here’s the thing. I just want this to be a better story than it is. Right now it’s kind of like a soap opera. I don’t hate lakorn, I really don't. To Sir With Love is a glorious chewing of the diamanté scenery (completed with death glitter). But...
If this is gonna be a soap opera it needs to lean into the messy side more than the tailored high concept side. Support characters and evil needs more screen time.
Instead, right now, I don’t know where I am with this show because it doesn't know where it wants to be. I’m kind of dangling in the middle of a dirty situation. It’s uncomfortable for me, and the show feels uncomfortable for the performers. 
Also... I have questions.
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Yes, of course I want to know what Charlie & Jeff are up to. Why can Jeff see the future?
But more importantly I NEED to know why Babe has a flying saucer bed?
That kind of lighting makes nobody look good, especially not at that angle. It’s very traumatic and I’m not wild about the shag rug either. I have concerns about Babe's taste. I guess is what I am saying. 
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There’s absolutely no chemistry to justify this, but I have decided that I am going to personally advocate for, and ship, Way and the interloping not-really-Korean. They are both sort of own-moral-code types. I have tiny crush on Kim, and Nut is the prettiest, and Way is Best Boy so there it is, I would like them to hook up, please & thank you.
Arrow guy is cute, too. Will we get to see him bone?
Is he going to be another one of the adopted alpha super-kid pets?
What the hell, throw Arrow Boy a bone! All hot boys in BLs deserve bones.
Plot thickens.
(I am an immature idiot.)
Episode 5 - wait wait way-t, can arrow boy have Way?
Look, BLabies, I didn’t get any screen caps this episode because frankly there wasn’t anything worth capturing.
I guess Charlie really does love Babe? Very dramatic if idiotic saving from the burning car. But Babe has gone to the broken Alpha place of extremely unlikeablability (frankly he was almost there at the start). If I were Charles B Spectacled I would be OUT by now. 
Is that?
Don't get the plastic bowl.
No white towel sponge bath. Please kill this trope.  
I mean, it's not as bad as singing, but that's because NOTHING is as bad as singing in a Thai BL.
AND the main boys are back together.
I don’t find their relationship or Babe’s lack of senses a particularly interesting aspect of the plot.
Unless, of course, Babe is pregnant and that's why he lost his Alpha sniffer.
BUT I do love the sides.
Jeff = the introvert precog who can’t/wont do people and Alan = the extrovert people person who WANTS but doesn’t understand him. 
Were Jeff and Charlie ALSO raised by Evil Daddy MacEvilPants? 
I liked the way Arrow CEO & Way looked at each other. Way, hon, give up on Babe (he sucks) and get thyself a billionaire bf with great aim and BDE.
On a completely different note, the best thing about this show is the blooper reel. That thing with the green smoothie going down his pants was hilarious!
In conclusion, this was a green smoothie down the pants episode. I was entertained, and it’s probably gonna be good for the plot in retrospect, but it was kind of squishy and unpleasant at the time.
Episode 6 - Are they actually listening to us now? Is Tumblr bugged?
This was a fun ep full of like actual racing and shizz.
Charlie is on the team now. All the teams, apparently.
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Can we talk about Jeff and Alan?
The apology scene! Did you hear that Alan dropped to chan/ger? Eeeee!!! So cute. (He equalized their relationship in a soft way.)
Get it with that language play hottie. Next up: lengua play.
Please & thank you. 
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Meanwhile, as all of the Internet knows, they went fully in for omegaverse - no bars.
I have to say, one of the greatest typos (or whatever) in existence is enigma instead of omega.
That's where I personally would rank in the omegaverse.
Hello, my gender is... enigma.
 Apparently it's a/b/o and sometimes e!  Also sometimes switch-ee 
Oh I'm very proud of myself with that one.
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Charlie. Babes. When a man asks to be thrown up against the wall. You throw him against that wall.
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OMG is that arrow boy looking at Way in the bar?
3 seconds later.
Wait come back.
That’s what I actually want to watch! 
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OMG. Who said nu was the first step to teelak?
I flipping love Alan. 
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Ah the boyfriend ep. Thank you, but I still don't trust Charlie.
Poor Way.
But nice crying jag, and I don’t say that often in Thai BL.
Now let him go, Way.
A boy with his arrows is waiting. 
Note for the future: tumblr has a bug that stops allowing edits after a certain time/number, thus my full trash often occur in 2 segments as a result. Click on the "abl trash watches bl" tag for the full thing if you're reading this and later episodes are missing.
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reallyromealone · 8 months
Hear me out. Bonten Mikey x omega male reader
A few years after mikey and m/n broke up, mikey discovered that m/n has a 6 year old daughter who looks like a copy of mikey, and mike like connects rhe timeline and realizes m/n was pregnant at the time of their break up but m/n never told him bc he didnt want his kid to be involved in the mafia/gang shit
-🐰 (late birthday gift for me 🥹?)
(Name) smiled as he put his little pups hair in pigtails, her bangs/fringe pinned back with a cute bubble hair band, today they were visiting Draken and Inui and little (daughters name) wanted to dress her best for her favorite uncles--- don't tell the others.
(Daughters name) was (name)s world, the sweetest little pup in the world who was absolutely precious.
Though sometimes it hurt to look at her, she was literally a spitting image of her father-- (name) never realized how feminine Mikey looked till his pup came into the world, but he loved her so much. She was the kindest and most selfless little thing ever. It wasn't the easiest at times but with the support of his friends he managed. Just starting first grade, (name) was thankful to work at the bike shop and being able to collect his little sunshine.
"Don't forget the cookies papa!" (Daughters name) said excitedly as left for their visit, without a care in the world.
Many would ask "where's the sire" upon learning (name) was a single parent, the question annoying and invasive but (name) always lied and made up an excuse about the father being overseas and such.
He refused to let anyone know about the actual reason, that being (daughters name)a father was the most dangerous man in Tokyo, (name) was thankful as much as he was hurt that Mikey dumped him.
He refused to let anyone go through what he did with Kanto Manji Gang.
With what Mikey was quickly becoming.
It was sheer /fucking/ chance that Mikey was waiting for the light to change in his limo as (name) stood at the cross walk holding hands with--
Holy s h i t.
"...boss are you seeing what we're seeing" Kakucho and Sanzu stared in Shellshock as they looked at a tiny Mikey with pigtails and a little dress, all of them doing the mental math and coming to a quick realization that holy fuck (name) was pregnant.
He was pregnant that day, oh my god that's what he wanted to talk to Mikey about!
"What are your thoughts on kids?" (Name) asked awkardly as they ate dinner, Mikey surpisingly home for once to do so "annoying, would get in the way" the blond said simply "a liability"
(Name) forced himself not to place his hand on his stomach, anxiety riddling his body "I see..."
"Just curious"
Mikey was always so disinterested in (name) these days, (name) always suspected that he was cheating, never saying anything though.
(Name) wanted to just scream.
Mikey remembered that night.
It was the night Mikey dumped him, a rash decision on his end and during one of his dark impulse moments.
He immediately regretted it after, the pained look on (name)s face and they hadn't seen each other since.
(Name) had many expectations of life, but seeing his ex sitting on his couch after he put his pup to bed, noticing the other Bonten men guarding the apartment "the fuck are you doing here" Mikey expected (name)a hostility and glanced up "that's my kid"
"What do you want Mikey" (name) wasn't having any conversation, he wanted to know what the hell he was doing here "I want to meet my kid"
"And get involved in your bullshit? Absolutely not! "Babies are a liability" remember that Mikey?" He hissed out and Mikey sighed, knowing this wasn't going to be easy "I deserve to meet her"
"You lost that chance when you broke up with me, I'm not letting my daughter deal with your shit, Mikey you're /dangerous/! She's six and I don't want her to ever go through what I went through!"
"I can keep you both safe!"
"YOU COULDN'T EVEN KEEP ME SAFE!" (name) was crying at this point, so angry at his once beloveds audacity"I kept her away for a reason Mikey, you are dangerous! She gets to play with her friends and have sleep overs! Has sleep overs at the friends you left behind! She gets to have a childhood that isn't currupted!"
"Why can't you let her have that?" (Name)s voice was broken and his body shaking, he would sacrifice everything for his daughter and at this moment he would stand his ground.
Bonten would poison her.
"Can...can I just please /know/ my daughter"
(Name) was tired, he was tired of it all "if you can /promise/ me that nothing will happen to her, I will let you meet her but one slip up Sano and I will never let you see her again"
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ellaa-writes · 8 months
The Bëast Within
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author note: Part 5! Ok this is the last part till I'm back in November. Will be gone from October 21st till November 18th. I'm getting married and then going on my honeymoon. So enjoy! I'll be working on other parts while I'm away. :) you can find the rest of the series here.
summary: Omegas are rare, in a world full of Alphas and Betas. Being a Omega was not only dangerous but they were highly sought after. After living your life has a Beta in disguise, you meet a scary Alpha, but not any normal alpha. But a gaint Apex Alpha who won't stop at anything to make you his.
tags: Alternative Universe, female reader. Slight smut. Reader edges König into an apology. Slightly submissive König (but don't tell him that.) A/b/o dynamics. Alpha König is big and scary but not to reader. not proof read
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König showed his love through acts of kindness and gifts. He felt bad for smashing your phone, and also as you put it "ruined your life". But he knows your just being dramatic, he spent two full days sleeping in one of the spare bedrooms. You didn't leave the master bedroom, only opening the door after König pleaded with you to eat something.
That's why he's currently inside a jewelry store, trying to pick out a gift that says I'm very sorry but I also don't regret doing what I did. The sales person becoming annoyed cause he can not make up his mind so decided to buy all 3, a matching set.
The second day barricaded in the room, you spent most of the time crying in your nest and enjoying the deep soaker tub. König brought you lunch, and also your new phone.
Discarding the food on the dresser you laid in the nest, setting up your phone. Waiting for the thousands of notifications to pop up.
You immediately called Kalina, you missed her voice and knew she's probably in a panic. The phone only rang once before it was picked up. "Please tell me you're alive." you heard her panicked voice on the other line.
"I'm alive." you replied back. "What the fuck is going on?" she all but screamed your name. "It's a complicated story." you tried to explain but she cut you off. "Are you safe, do you need me to call the police? Maybe the military? Who do I need to kill." she was rambling so fast you could barely make out what she was saying.
"Kalina! Hey Kalina! Calm down will you. I'm fine. I'm alright. I don't need any of that." you were finally able to but in. "I went to your apartment and you were gone, like all of it." she explained. Remembering König's actions, rubbing your eyes and pinching the bridge of your nose. "Ugh I know." you didn't know where to start. "It's been a week! A week of no call, no show, no nothing. And Mr. Wojack said you quit? What the hell is going on?" her voice getting higher and higher with each word.
"If you'd shut up I'll explain. It started that night at the club." you started. "We should have never gone." Kalina but in. "Kalina! Please!" you pleaded with her to shut up. "Sorry, sorry!" shaking your head. "Their was a guy there, an Alpha. I guess he sniffed me out, idk how the hell he knew but he followed me home. I woke up to him in my room, and..... and he marked me. That night, and I've been at his place ever since. He helped me through my heat....I think we are mated now." you explained.
The other end was finally quiet, thinking the call dropped until you heard Kalina'a deep sigh." I knew, I knew he would try. I just hoped I got you out of there fast enough." she said, you were confused? She knew? "What do you mean you knew?" you asked. "Don't you remember me pulling you out of the club? Throwing you in that cab?" she asked. It took you a while to thinking back in it, and then I made sense.
She saw him too, just like you did. "You saw him?" you whispered. "It was hard not to." her voice trailing off. You heard a knock on the door, probably König again. "Kalina I gotta go. I call you back later." you told her. Hanging up before she could protest. Leaving your phone on the charger near the bed.
Walking to the door you could see König's shadow underneath. Another knock came "Omega, please let me see you." he pleaded through the wood. If he really wanted to he could break it down, and he was tempted. Since getting a taste of your omega pussy it's all his dick and brain could think about.
"Why should I? So you can lie to me again." you were being a brat but you deserved it. In less than a week you had your home, job and life taken from you. But you also knew your situation could be much worse.
König sighed, he was going to lose his mind if you kept up this act. He had every right mind to knock this door down and make you forgive him. Even when he didn't believe he needed to be forgiven. In the law he had every right to do what he did. Once an omega is claimed she loses all her freedoms and rights. As she now belongs to her Alpha who is responsible in taking care of her. And if he's unfit of that, then the courts step in and interviene. But you were an undocumented Omega and he was a dead excommunicated Alpha.
Slamming his fist against the thick wood, he rolled his neck to try and relieve the tension that's been bothering him. "Please my love, I got you something." in König's other hand held the name brand bag of the jeweler he visited.
Unbeknownst to him, you had been scheming. Spending your time locked in this room, snooping around. Taking out his military uniform and laying it out on the bed. Also finding a few medals that where also stashed away in the closet.
"I'll let you in if you answer some of my questions." Königs ears perked up, what was this? A terrorist negotiation? But the thought of being in your presence, he didn't care. "Whatever you want Omega." his words making you laugh, of course you'll give me what I want, you thought.
König heard the door click, you unlocking the bolt that secured it close. Opening it a bit before stepping away to sit on the bed next to your findings.
König wasted no time in barging right in, about to open his mouth but closing it immediately when he saw his uniform next to you. "What is this?"he asked. His voice getting deep and low, his instincts heightening. He wasn't an animal you wanted to corner and confront but that's exactly what you did.
"That's my question. And I don't want to hear anything from you that isn't a one word answer or anything that's not the truth. You understand?" you fingers ran along the delicate stitching, tracing it slowly. König didn't like any of this.
"If you aren't going to answer me, you can just leave. And take that with you." you pointed to the bag he was holding. He sighed, setting the bag down on the dresser. Leaning against it, he was feared far and wide. The stories men told about him, yet here you are. Standing up to him, and not backing down. The Beast was proud, laughing loudly in König's head. Mocking him for not being able to control you. But that's not what he wanted, he didn't want to control you he just wanted to make you happy. And right now you were not and it was his fault.
Slowly you were wearing him down, his dick hard and throbbing in his pants. Begging and pleading with him to do whatever you wanted just so it can feel you wrapped around it again.
"I served in the Austrian Special Forces, but things came up and now I'm here." hoping his answer sated you. He crossed his arms staring at you, dragging his eyes up and down your body. "Why did you leave?" you asked. Curious about the Alpha in front of you, his aura was dark and mysterious. "It no longer served a purpose in my life. I... uh I do different work now. Similar but different. That's all you need to know." König was trying his best to answer you but to also keep you safe from his world.
You sighed "König you said you'd tell me anything I wanted." you eyed the giant Alpha in front of you. The sight of him alone making you want to heel over and crawl to him. But it was just your horny omega brain. "I am Omega, there's things you wouldn't understand. I'll do anything to keep you safe." König was growing more frustrated. Pushing himself off of the dresser and making his way to you. Getting down on his knees and placing his head in your lap.
"I'm trying to keep you safe and protected. Don't you understand." he looked up into your eyes. His eyes pleading with you, his bottom lip sticking out. "Than say your sorry." you told him. Lightly brushing your hand through his hair. You slightly started to part you thighs, revealing a silky pair of panties under the dress you were wearing.
Königs ears began to ring, his mouth becoming wet with anticipation. If he was a youngling he'd might even start foaming. The smell of your wet Omega pussy hit his nose, a low growl starting deep in his belly. He tried to push your dress up more but was received with a smack. Knocking his prying hands away, he hated when you did that.
Nobody he knew would dare raise a finger at him and since knowing you, that seemed like your favourite thing to do.
"No." you scolded him like a juvenile pup. "Not until you say you are sorry." he heard your words but his mind and eyes couldn't leave the sight of your pussy. The fabric of the silky panties hugged you lips, a small wet spot slowly forming. König knew from that moment on you were going to be the death of him.
Only if one of his men could see him, if one of the many people he's snuffed out could look upon him from hell. To see this feared Alpha on his knees, drooling at the sight of sweet omega pussy. They would laugh, they would mock him. Just like The Beast was doing now, his laughter louder than anything.
König licked his lips and closed his eyes. Taking a moment to clear his mind, too shut up The Beast and to try and not cum in his pants.
"Omega, I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry. I'll never do anything and I mean anything without your approval." he was a starved man, if you told him to walk into fire he would. "Omega I promise to serve and worship you till the end of mine time." he didn't know what else he could say.
You smiled, your eyes turning bright at the words your Alpha was saying. Your heart skipped a beat and your pussy gushed with more fluid. Pushing up your dress a little and tilting your pelvis till it was in König's face.
"I forgive you." you said. You hands tangling themselves in his hair once again. König mouth attached its self to your clothed pussy. Sucking on the wet spot, trying to ripping through the material with his teeth.
Trying once again to touch you with his hands but only stopped when you smacked them again. He really hated that. "No, just your mouth. And be a good boy and I'll let you fuck me." you told him. Spreading you legs open even more, resting you left leg over his shoulder.
Yes, you were going to kill him. But he didn't care, as long as he died by your pussy he didn't care at all.
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Tag list: @plumdreadful @traumaramacenter @kaylp-godly @napalmfairy7 @hisa-plush @ramblingsofachaoticthinker @winters-doll @joyfulfxckery @purebeskar @collete25 @fandomsinthegalaxies @xo-konigs-little-princess-xo @jamieelol @luc1ddreamersatnight @cringeycookies (Tumblr won't let me tag some of you.)
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namelessdumbass · 4 months
Meliora/Popestar Ghouls guide
I noticed some people still have trouble telling the Ghouls apart. Specifically Meliora era Ghouls. So i'll try to make things easier for all of you :)
WARNING: lots of text, my silly comments
Happy reading 😏
Learning which symbol/alchemic element (which was Martin Persner's/Omega's idea btw!) belongs to a certain Ghoul is essential:
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🜂- Fire, 🜄- Water, 🜁 - Air, 🜃 - Earth, 🜀 - Quintessence. The first Fire Ghoul was also called Alpha and the first Quintessence Ghoul - Omega. Why such names? Because Quintessence/Ether Ghoul had Ω sticker on his guitar and fans started calling him Omega and his counterpart - Alpha. These names just fit them perfectly. Meliora era was unique because neither of previous Papas, nor Cardinal/Papa 4 called Ghouls by their names/elements. Only Papa III did that.
There were few changes of lineups during Era 3 and some Ghouls were given different names by fans. Simply because naming their elements wasn't enough. Examples will be seen below.
Ways to tell them apart when they are on stage:
Their instruments and stickers.
They are placed in certain areas of the stage: Quintessence and Earth on Papa's right, Water in the middle, Air and Fire on Papa's left.
Different body types, eyes, rings, bracelets and tattoos.
The way they behave.
When they are off stage, on promo photos etc just take a look at their chests.
Even though every Ghoul has 5 elements embroidered on their suits, their respective element is highlighted.
HQ pictures are pretty helpful if y'all wanna find your favorite Ghoul.
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(from left to right: Air, Earth, Omega/Quintessence, Water and Alpha/Fire)
Also check this video of Papa III introducing Ghouls.
2015 lineup:
Air Ghoul #1. Simply Air. Joined Ghost in 2011. No tattoos, no rings. Usually quite calm on stage, favorite gesture is🤘 . Was the tallest Ghoul till 2017. Had cool keytar solo. Didn't move much.
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Pebble aka Earth Ghoul #2. Joined Ghost in June 2015. Smol (yes, smaller than Papa). Has intense stare. Literal beast when it comes to playing drums. Had a special way of throwing sticks to fans (literally footballed them into the crowd lol). Funny one.
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Quintessence Ghoul #1 aka Omega. Terzo's favorite Ghoul. His butt was smacked and grabbed by Papa countless times during Year Zero solo. Known for his stomping, graceful guitar playing style, has big silver rings on both hands and pretty eyes. Has the cutest laugh. Did lots of interviews when Special Ghoul wasn't around. Loves Abba. Has been in the band from 2010 till july 2016.
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Water Ghoul #4 aka Delta. Slightly shorter than Papa III. Joined in 2015. Sometimes kicks air (literal air, not his fellow Ghoul) on stage, also filled in for Alpha (when he injured his shoulder) and Omega for a few shows. Played rhythm guitar after Omega left. Has no rings, no visible tattoos, but has mad skills. Allegedly he's the one who tried to kick the dude who got on stage and kissed Terzo lol
His regular bass Omega's guitar
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Fire Ghoul #1 aka Alpha. Popular among fans. Hangs out with every Ghoul on stage, especially with Water and Pebble. Loves cameras, does✌ a lot, humps his guitar sometimes. Enjoys attention, a bit horny:) Also did a few interviews (mostly with Omega), has strong accent, also speaks Italian. Has rings and tattoos on both hands (had none during era 1 and 2!). Taller than Papa. Joined in 2010, left in november 2016.
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Omega left in july, so Water took over rhythm guitar and the first Ghoulette of the Ghost, Mist, was introduced. This lineup toured till the end of the year and nobody returned for Popestar tour in 2017.
Quintessence Ghoul #2. Basically just Water, but with different guitar and highlighted QE symbol on his uniform.
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Mist Ghoulette aka Water#5. Tiny💜, unlike Copia's Ghoulettes she wore the same outfit and mask (that looked a bit too big for her) just like other Ghouls. Badass bass player, has a ring, a tattoo on her finger and painted nails. Veeeeery calm. Cute as hell. Alpha liked her a lot.
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Fire, Earth and Air Ghouls were same as in 2015:
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(from left to right on this picture: Mist, Quintessence #2 (aka Delta/Water Ghoul#4), Alpha/Fire, Earth/Pebble, Air)
All of the previous Ghouls left and the new pack replaced them. If you see Ghouls who are +- same height as Papa, that's them!
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(Dewdrop/Water #7, Aether/Quintessence #3, Zephyr/Air #2, Ifrit/Fire #2, Ivy/Earth #3)
Ifrit aka Fire Ghoul #2. Chaotic, hyperactive, Papa's hype man. Same height as Terzo, sweet bean, has wiiiide chest dorito shaped No tattoos, no rings. Spins, dances, jumps a lot. Gets "shot" during Ghuleh/Zombie Queen. No 🜂 sticker on his guitar. Only toured till 2018.
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Aether aka Quintessence Ghoul #3. Beefy, jumps a lot, has rings and a bracelet. Always looks friendly. Plain black guitar with no QE symbol. Also pretty active, especially with his pal Ifrit. A bit taller than Papa III. Ran after Terzo when he got gragged off the stage by Papa Nihil's people. Joined in 2017, left in 2022.
P.S. since he's not Omega, his butt was safe during Year Zero solo 🙃
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Dewdrop aka Water Ghoul #6 aka Sodo. Smaller than Terzo. Has an aggressive guitar playing style. A bit horny (it got worse). No visible tattoos. Proudly played bass with someone's panties. Syncs with Ifrit and Aether during Ghuleh/Zombie Queen outro. Became Fire Ghoul #3 in 2018. He's still in the Ghost (as of february 2024).
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Zephyr aka chAir Ghoul #2. Sits on chair, a lot :) Charming, more active than previous Air ghoul. Loses it during Monstrance Clock, Per Aspera Ad Inferi and Cirice. Could be a great DJ. Almost the same height as Papa. Has a ring. His Mummy Dust keytar solo -[X]. Only toured till 2018.
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Ivy aka Earth Ghoul #3. Underrated, many don't know much about him. Was present only during European leg of the Popestar tour (from march till july). Has brown eyes, a tattoo and bracelets. Same height as Ifrit. Wasn't around much, but still did a great job. Was later replaced by Mountain.
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Mountain aka Earth Ghoul #4. Joined Ghost in july 2017. The tallest Ghoul. Hates shoes. Has a tattoo on the finger of his right hand, but you won't see shit on photos from this era because he wasn't photographed much and drummers usually get less attention than others in general:/ Quite calm comparing to Pebble. He's still in the band (as of february 2024).
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Honorable mentions:
Special Ghoul aka Phil. Has green eyes, speaks Swedish. Did lots of interviews, showed up to grab a few awards for Ghost, worships cats and loves Abba. Literally Papa in disguise (aka Fire Ghoul's uniform and mask). Has been in the shadows since 2017.
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Cowbell Ghoul. The myth, the legend. Played cowbell during "Ritual" and "If You Have Ghosts" a few times at the end of the Popestar tour in 2016. Tall, has a posture of a shrimp, always got shooed by Papa. Many want him back.
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Aaaand that's it. I hope it was helpful. Thanks for reading :)
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insomniakisses · 6 months
Being the Omega
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General Hcs -
soooooooo protective of you
like you literally always have to have one of them with you if you go anywhere
more chances than no its at least 2 of them
they like to do wellness checks on you
basically holding you to them and scenting and sniffing at your neck to see if your okay
there very instinctual alphas
cuddles is a daily activity
happens more than once a day and lasts sooo long
incredibly horny babies
like you have 4 alphas that almost always have semis
Jen and Lisa do fight over you quite often and it always leads to Chae or Jisoo stealing you
very respectful alphas though
they just love you so so much and want you safe, healthy and happy
Your Heats -
like most groups they prefer you dont go on suppressants
they wont outwardly force you off them if you do take them but there disapproval is clear
they just know they do no good
say the word heat around any of them and there hard and ready to go
take turns with you to an extent
see chae and jen dont mind sharing if its with each other but anyone else is a no
mainly because jisoo and lisa are too possessive to share and if they are fucking you they hate anyone else touching you
soooooo into breeding plugs and tape
if your in heat and not knotted your plugged or taped up to hold their cum
they all have the prettiest of cocks
Jisoo's cock
shes got a pretty lengthy cock
id say easily at the 7-8 inch mark
its heavy too, being thicker than average
has a pretty cock with a blushed tip
her balls are pretty even inside and hang just slightly lower than average but not much
thick potent cum
mommy kink
Jisoo Hcs
possessive baby
aggressive af when her ruts approaching like shit pisses her off so more and she only likes being near you
you wake up to her thrusting in you and nipping your neck
pressed her face to your neck ALOT
When her rut actually hits she goes straight to you
her scent so strong that your practically beggin for her
such a potent alpha so her happy trail is thick and her cum is SO fertile
her moaning is deep and loud
shes rough tbh.
takes you from behind or has you in a mating press
her rut typically lasts 2-3 days
Jennie's Cock
not as thick as jisoo's but just as long
pale cock with a pretty pink tip
her cock curves up slightly
she has 2 small and cute balls perfect to suck on
her cum isnt all too fertile
its runny and her loads aren't that big either
but babys cum is warm af
Jennie Hc's
cuddle monster
always uses the excuse its cold and omegas need heat to pull you close
just nuzzles and kisses at your neck
always ends in cockwarming and making out
baby LOVES making out
will whine for attention
when shes in rut baby is even more clingy and whiney
growls alot instead of just asking for what she wants / needs
if shes in rut she likes to have you ride her till shes shooting blanks
will mark you up SO much
im talking bites and scratches
such needy and whiney moans
cums so many times
just a needy needy baby who is so so horny all the time
her ruts are typically 4 days
daddy kink fr
Chae's Cock -
like she stretched tf outta your pussy
shes big in length too 8-9 inches for SURE
and she LOVES fucking balls deep
speaking of balls baby has some heavy ones
full of hot thick cum
shes relatively fertile
either just above or bellow average
definitely has a thick happy trail
but keeps it trimmed so she can show off her abs
her cock is for sureeee tanned with a light tip
heavy cock fr
always hard
biggggg loads
Chae Hcs -
horny 24/7
like I said always hard
loved just fucking you in missionary to bite and scent at your neck
its also easy for her to push you into a mating press when she needs to
cums so much
asks you to cuddle ends up fucking you all day/night
def has a size kink
daddy kink and breading kink too
likes tying you up
uses toys on you alot
likes how you moan and beg for her
probably likes the idea of food play
her ruts are usually 4-5 days
Lisa's Cock
babys 8-9 inches
and thiccck
heavy low hanging balls
ones slightly higher than the other
they hit you with every thrust
such hot creamy cum
its that thick sticky kind too
tastes sooooo good
her cock has a slight curve
either up or to the side
thick happy trail and such potent / fertile cum
Lisa Hc's
she fucks deep and only deep
so you get so so stretched
cocky as helllll
always teasing you
definitely cums in your pants
like I'm talking your used pants she will jerk herself with them
such a daddy kink
calls you kitten
breeding kink
loves dirty talk
always hard and ready to fuck
will pull you for a quickie just before your about to go on stage
wears vibrating cockrings while she fucks you
falls asleep inside you and keeps thrusting
her ruts about 5-7 days
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thatgoblin · 6 months
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Summary: You thought you were taking a vacation to a ranch that would teach you how to ride horses and have a fun family trip. Instead, you were duped by your parents into being basically sold to a pair of Alphas.
Warnings: It's not as nefarious as it seems. Mostly. No sex or graphic anything. YET. Some abandonment by parents of arranged marriage without consent style shenanigans.
My parents and I had been planning a family vacation for nearly a month with them asking me for help in picking a place to stay. Searching through a few brochures they gave me, I saw this horse ranch and thought it would be fun learning how to ride with my parents. I had just turned 26 and while my parents were getting older, I was taking more and more charge of our own ranch full of cattle. I was hoping that we could talk about maybe getting horses to help with the cattle and enjoy ourselves with down time we had never had before. Usually we’d just walk around or take an ATV, but with horses it would be so much easier in getting around. The whole drive I was excited and talked about what was going to happen on the trip, all the while my parents nodded and encouraged my interest, but they were oddly quiet on the nearly five hour trip.
Once there, we were welcome with a small note asking us to pick one of the spare rooms and make ourselves comfortable. My dad helped me with my bags first, taking my bigger bag to the room, while my mom went to look around the outside of the house. As I began to unpack, at my dad’s suggestion, I gave them a bit of time to bring their items in and pick a room before I heard a car pull away. Confused, I walked outside to see their trail of dirt from the car as they left, already hidden by the clouds of dust. I was frozen in panic, trying to rationalize what had just happened. Maybe Dad was going to go park somewhere or that they had forgotten something or really anything other than my parents leaving me behind.
They wouldn’t desert me. There was no reason to. We were on a family vacation and were just talking and enjoying ourselves. As my chest tightened, my head became fuzzy as my eyes refused to leave the trail of dust that was slowly settling to leave behind faint tire tracks. This had to be an accident. It had to be. Pulling out my phone, my hands shook as I pressed the call button.
They didn’t answer, letting it go straight to voicemail. I tried again and again and again till the phone said the mailbox was full. Swallowing hard, I went back to the porch to sit and wait to see if they would call back or come back. On a table on the front porch there was an envelope addressed to me. Picking it up, I hurriedly ripped it open in hopes to have clarification that this was all a joke or they were surprising me.
As I read over my Mom’s careful handwriting, I sat while resisting the urge to cry and scream and curse.
‘I know this is going to be hard, but we want what’s best for you. We love you so much and want you to be happy and thriving in your life. You can’t do that from home, living with us.
You’re an adult and should be finding your pack and mates. Again, we love you and have loved having you stay with us to help on the farm for so long, but it’s time you moved on. The last thing we want is for you to be a lone Omega on a farm when we pass.
Since you couldn’t or wouldn’t find suitable Alphas, people started to talk and make it hard on us to do business and have our lives, even going as far as offering to play matchmaker. It wouldn’t end well that way, we all know that, so your father and I found two for you. We’ve talked to them for the past few months now and they have proved themselves to be good people. They can provide for you and take care of you easily.
The Alphas are nice men, we made sure they understood that you were the stubborn type and may take some time to warm up to them, that helped with this decision. If we hadn’t done things this way you wouldn’t have given them a chance. It’s time to make a new life. No one back home could interest you and we thought you’d grow out of it.
These two Alphas will make you happy, we just know it. It’s not the ideal way to do things, but we had to do this for you. We’ll send the rest of your things in the next few weeks. You may be angry with us right now, but please understand that we want what’s best for you. We love you.
Mom and Dad’
Not having a mate at my age was odd, but it wasn’t so unheard of that I was an anomaly. Usually an Omega found a mate or mates at about 18 or so that were in their age range between 3-4 years on average, they’d move out, and then start their own family. I was 26 and even though there had been a few interested Betas and Alphas, I hadn’t wanted to be with them. I wasn’t really interested in finding a mate, considering I was from a small town and most of the available partners were not someone I wanted to be with. My life plan was to just live with my parents to take over the cattle farm we had after they retired, MAYBE find a mate, and they knew this. They just didn’t tell me they didn’t like it. Mom had left all the paperwork from the website that she found the Alphas on as well, showing me who they were and what they were listing.
The two strangers that I had just moved in with unwittingly were two Alphas that had contacted my parents over a website made for courting Omegas. It was usually done with the Omega’s permission though. When my parents reached out looking for Alphas willing to court an ‘extremely stubborn Omega,’ the two men saw the profile then began to message my parents.
Their profile from the website was also printed out. I recognized it as part of the brochure they had me look at to pick the ‘vacation.’ They had me pick my new pack without me realizing it, all based on the damn house. The information had their price for the dowry, their names, their ages, occupation, basically everything that prospective Omega parents would want to know.
Seeing the price made it sink in more. My parents had sold me to two strangers because they couldn’t bear the thought of the town knowing they had an Omega child who refused to be mated. After years of dealing with backwoods bullshit growing up, the two people I thought were on my side had lied to me.
What drove the knife in my back deeper was when they left, the two Alphas weren’t even there. I was dumped in a strange place, alone, and with no reliable phone connection. I wanted to go back inside to scream and cry, throw things and wreck the entire house to show them they fucked up in saying yes to my parents.
I didn’t though. The sudden energy brought on by my anxiety and grief was squashed when despite trying to call at least 20 times and sendings twice as many text messages, my parents didn’t pick up and didn’t turn around, let alone even try to call back or text me. Instead, I sat on the front steps to try to get some semblance of control over myself. I wasn’t going to cry, even as tears made my vision hazy and stung my eyes, I refused to. Taking a few deep breaths, I stood up to wander to the stables to see if there were indeed horses or if that had been a lie as well.
The barn where the stables were wasn’t that big, one side having equipment and hay while the other had a few empty stalls between the two horses there, a buckskin and a palomino. Both were eager for the pets that I was ready and willing to give. Since there was no one else to console me in my time of need, they would have to do. Neither seemed to mind though, enjoying the company and the soft touches as I stroked their face and finger combed their manes to give small braids.
“I hope the guys here aren’t bags of dicks,” I sighed, as I pressed my face to the buckskin’s neck. “This isn’t the ideal situation for me and I’m sure you two don’t really care so long as you get attention, but at least you don’t mind the attention coming from me.” The palomino huffed before shaking his head at me, moving away to eat hay in his stall while the buckskin just grunted and pressed against the door to expose his neck to me. “Such a good boy,” I cooed, stroking his neck.
I had a dog back home named Shelby, an Australian Setter, that I adored and loved more than anything. My parents adored her just as much, which meant she probably wouldn’t be joining me. I didn’t even get to say goodbye to her properly, just some tummy rubs and kisses while promising to be home soon before heading out that morning. Swallowing a sob at the thought of my dog not understanding why I was just gone, I didn’t hear anyone come into the barn behind me.
“You know, Ollie doesn't like new people usually.”
Startled, I jumped at the voice, spinning around to see a tall, bearded Alpha with bright blue eyes. He looked at me with a bemused smile as I moved behind Ollie’s head to create a barrier of sorts. This was a stranger and I had been deceived already by my parents. There was no way I was trusting the Alphas there. I stood there tense as he walked over, hands in his front pockets of his jeans with an easy stride.
“You must be our Omega,” he said in a deep, gruff voice that had a British accent, stepping forward to hold out a hand. It wasn’t the stereotypical accent from movies or the ‘cockney’ of Dick Van Dyke either. Which left where he was from originally in the dark. “I’m John Price. Apologies that we weren’t here to meet you and your parents. My mate and I were on our way back from town with supplies for the cattle.” I flicked my eyes between his hand and his face, narrowing them, but not taking the hand. “Okay, seems we are getting off to a bit of a rough start.”
“A bit,” I said, my tone sour.
“I know that you’re probably not used to the idea of two Alphas, as well, we’re a bit older and it’s an odd pairing, but your parents think it’s a good match and so do we,” he said, moving to stand on the other side of Ollie. “We were told you were happy about the arrangement, excited even.”
“That’s what they told you?” I asked with a scoff. Shaking my head, I sighed to keep my voice from catching and betraying how truly devastated I was. “My parents didn’t tell me a thing about you or the other Alpha. I was told we were going on vacation. So, color me surprised when I’m putting my baggage in a room and suddenly my parents are driving off like the devil himself is chasing them,” I said.
“Fuckin’ hell,” John said with a sigh. “I’m so sorry about that. Every time we spoke with your parents over the phone or email, your parents said you were happy and that you were the one that picked us out of other offers.” I rolled my eyes at him, anxiously petting the horse, keeping my hands busy. “This isn’t ideal, I understand that, but-”
“Just save it. You’re not going to convince me this is for the best or that it’ll turn out like some romance movie or novel. It won’t. I’m here against my will and even if I got back home, my parents would bring me right back because you paid for me. I know that it’s perfectly legal and that I have no choice but to be here. So, let me make this perfectly clear,” I hissed. “I want nothing to do with you or your mate, so let’s just keep to ourselves, okay?”
“You live here now, so it’s going to be hard to do that,” he said, leaning against
Ollie’s stall.
“It’s actually really easy. Don’t talk to me unless you have to, don’t look at me unless you have to, don’t even acknowledge me being here unless you absolutely have to,” I said, the immediate area starting to stink from my distress. The Alphas would want to come closer and comfort me when they got a whiff. That was the last thing I wanted. But in the enclosed area a sour, tangy scent was quickly filling the area.
“Love,” John said with a sigh. “As much as I know that’s what you want, we can’t do that. You can’t go home, you have nowhere else to go, and as much as you hate it, you were a part of a deal made by your pack and we took you in. Legally and biologically we can’t ignore you and pretend you’re not here. You’re in our care now, whether or not you like it, especially for when your next heat hits.”
I couldn’t help the choked laugh that bubbled out of me that spooked Ollie a bit.
“What?” He asked, frowning.
“Oh shit, they really didn’t tell you?” I said. “I’m not surprised. After this whole date, I’m wondering if they told you anything that was true. I don’t get heats. I never have. As far as the doctors can tell, I’m sterile. So no heat driven Omega or suppressants to worry about.”
“Shite,” he huffed under his breath. It was the one thing I could do to put a twist in their obvious plans of knocking up an Omega and having pups. No one wanted a sterile Omega, especially Alphas who had arranged mates and paid for them. “It doesn’t matter,” he said after a few moments, breaking my one wish that they’d return me. “You’re still here, whether or not you like it.”
“Oh fuck off,” I growled, moving to walk past him.
“Hold on,” John said, reaching out and grabbing my arm to stop me. On instinct I turned on him with a growl, snapping my teeth at him. He was a stranger that had obvious intentions that I had no plans to allow to happen.
“No!” I shouted, spooking the horses as I pulled from John’s grasp before he could close his hand completely. “Do not touch me,” I growled, the angry animal in me that was cornered came out. Danger was everywhere and I was not about to be snuck up on or taken without a fight.
“Easy there,” John said, holding his hands up to pacify me. Not that I wouldn’t expect him to try and grab me again. I’d spent my entire life dealing with Alphas who didn’t think Omegas would fight back, so I knew to not let my guard down. “I won’t touch you. All I ask is that you don’t run off suddenly. We’re miles from the nearest neighbor and you don’t want to get lost out here.”
He was right. I had no clue where I was or how to get home. We were damn near in another state compared to my home and I was not about to shoot myself in the foot to spite the Alphas.
“Let’s head back inside and you can meet Simon. We’ll give you your space, promise,” John said. A moment of hesitation passed before I let him take the lead back to the house.
The house itself was a two story cabin style with a green tin roof. Perfect for a pack starting out. It was close to the horse barn with a thick mix of pine and oak trees to one side and the other a wide open range of tall grass and rocks and rolling hills. We were truly in the middle of nowhere.
Stepping inside, John let me go in as he shut the door behind us. “Have a seat,” he said as he pointed to a kitchen table worn with years of use before going to the bottom of the stairs. “Simon! I brought our new friend inside!” He called up the stairs.
Getting a better look at him, John was rough looking. Short, sandy brown hair with mutton chops and mustache that was trimmed neatly and close to his jaw while there were soft wrinkles around his bright, sky blue eyes. His hands were large and calloused from work as his body as a whole looked like he knew how to use it as a tool more than others. He would fit right in with most farmers and ranchers that I knew at least.
When Simon came down, I quickly realized how odd the arrangement was getting. While John had a decent tan with hints of rosiness in his cheeks from working in the sun, Simon looked like the adult version of the emo kid in high school. He was wearing all black, shirt, jeans, boots, as well as skeleton decorated work gloves and a skull balaclava with black eyeliner smeared around his eyes. His eyes were dark and looked darker with the black around them. These men had to be in their late thirties to early forties, over a decade older than me. They should have had a pack by then, their own Betas and Omegas with pups. Why were they looking so late in their lives? I found myself curious, but I pushed it away. I wasn’t there because I was sympathetic, I was there by force.
“This is Simon Riley,” John said, motioning to the man standing next to him.
“Pleasure,” Simon said, his voice similar to John’s with gruffness and accent as he held out his gloved hand like John had. “Your parents told us a lot about you.”
“So I heard,” I said evenly, ignoring the hand as I sat back in my chair with my arms crossed over my chest.
“Simon. . . They’re not happy about being here,” John said with a small sigh, as Simon dropped his hand.
“What?” Simon asked, confusion in his voice as he looked from me to John.
“Their parents didn’t tell them anything about us or moving here. They didn’t even tell us the whole story,” John said as he took a seat, scratching at his jaw before looking at me. “They said that you were coming here willingly and that you just had not had a heat in a while,” John said, looking at me. “That you had fallen ill a few months ago and that delayed your cycle for a bit, but should be fine in a month or two.”
“So it seems we all are disappointed about this,” I said, earning a stern look from John. “Where’s my room or do I not get one because you two planned out a whole deal of me staying in your bed?”
“It’s upstairs and to the right. We wanted you to have your own space,” Simon said gently. At least they weren’t too pushy, demanding I be obedient and fulfill my Omega ‘duties’ right then.
“I’d like to go lay down if that’s okay with you,” I said, standing up without waiting for their answer. “It’s already been a long, shitty day.” It had taken my parents and I over 8 hours to drive to this ranch, having left at 4 AM. I was tired, pissed, hungry, and just needed to be alone.
“When’s the last time you ate?” John asked before I got too far.
“I don’t know, probably this morning,” I said, stopping at the bottom of the stairs. Had it been that morning? I wasn’t sure. The whole drive to the middle of nowhere and abandonment was messing with my brain a bit. It was getting late in the afternoon, almost 5PM. While I should have had something to eat with my stomach getting upset at the need to have something in nearly 9 hours, I didn’t want to on principle alone. I could be in control of at least one thing and that was food. “I’m not hungry and I’d rather just lay down.”
“You should eat something before laying down,” Simon added.
“I’m not hungry,” I said, doubling down on my stance.
“Alright,” John said as he stood. “Go ahead. If you get hungry, help yourself to whatever you’d like in the kitchen. We’re going to finish up chores then start dinner in a couple of hours.”
I nodded, taking the stairs back to the room I had originally picked as mine. While it wasn’t too big, I had originally assumed that my parents would take the big bedroom, it suddenly felt much, much smaller. The room I had demanded was not as big as I had thought it was, after all spending time in a room during a vacation is usually just to sleep and rest, not to live in.
Flopping onto the bed, I stared at the ceiling as I listened for the two Alphas to leave the house. It was only then that I let my walls down. Why had my parents felt they had to abandon me to two strangers to make sure I was taken care of? I could look after myself. I wanted to look after myself.
Hell, most of the time on the farm I was doing the work, whether it was with the cattle or the bills or taking care of the house. My parents were older than my peers’ parents were when I was in school, so to be taking care of things that most others my age had no clue about wasn’t odd. Was a headstrong Omega that odd and embarrassing that they thought I would be better off nearly a state away in a place I’d never been before? Was I a disappointment? I’d worked my ass off, earning respect for doing the same work that Alphas and Betas were doing with a pack.
But I’d always be ‘Just an Omega’ to everyone. No matter what I could do, no matter how hard I tried to prove myself, I’d just be a thing to trade for in a pack.
Tears pricked my eyes as I curled up into a ball as tight as I could, quietly crying myself to sleep.
For the next few days, I did my best to avoid the men, keeping to the house while they worked outside. The time inside wasn’t spent being lazy either. I cleaned and cooked and pitched in, but I made myself scarce around them when they came in. They would spend evenings in the livingroom after a shower and dinner watching TV, but always offered their company to me. Whether it was just them sitting there or eating, they offered.
I felt like I had to refuse on principle alone, to take out my anger and frustration on them. It wasn’t entirely their fault, but they were still a part of it. My parents still refused to answer my calls and texts, making my attitude worse than the first day I had arrived. I still did my chores, but stopped speaking to them before refusing to be in the room with them all together. They had given me space, but after a week of this, things came to a head.
John and Simon had come in for lunch as they usually did. I was hurrying to put the cooking dishes in the sink so I could leave, but Simon stood in my way of the stairs. His arms were crossed over his chest as he gave me a stern look.
“Sit,” he said firmly, pointing to the kitchen table. I tried to challenge him, growling as he kept his position in front of me, but when he growled back, something much deeper and stronger than mine, my body folded after a few moments. I sat back down with a huff, glaring hard. He followed, taking a seat next to John across the table from me, taking the lead in this ‘intervention.’ “I know that this isn’t an ideal situation, but we should make the best of it. We’ve given you some space and haven’t pushed for you to do more than the chores, but you can’t keep ignoring us. It’s not healthy and I doubt you’re ha-”
“I don’t care. I don’t want to be here. I can’t go home, I can’t leave, so this is what you get,” I said, holding back a growl.
“You will wait until I am done talking,” Simon snapped. It was shocking to hear one of them raise their voice, but then again I was being a bitchy asshole. I wanted to argue, to yell and scream, throw things, but his stare held me in place in silence. “Now, we are going to make the best of this situation. You have your room and we have ours. We are not going to make you do anything that you don’t want to do, but you have to be around us more. That means you are to come outside into the fields or at least out onto the porch while we’re in the garden, not inside by yourself. Understand?”
I gave a curt nod, not willing to say anything because I knew I would argue. They seemed to understand that as well, not pushing for a verbal answer.
“We are a pack now,” John said. “That means spending time together, helping one another, trusting each other. I know that you probably hate us, but we’re not going to leave you. You’re our Omega and we’re your Alphas. Bonded or not. Got it?”
Again, I nodded. My brain wanted to keep pushing back against them, yell, scream, making them miserable till they finally had enough and kick me out. At least then I could be free. As free as a jobless, homeless, packless Omega could be. Yet, I didn’t. It was stupid to do that and the Alphas weren’t being horrible. They were talking to me, accepting my need for space, and not forcing me to ‘perform’ for them. It wasn’t as bad as it could be and I was losing steam in continually pushing them away.
“Good,” John said. “Now, we have chores to do, so we’re going to show you around the rest of the homestead. You were on a cattle ranch before this?”
“Yeah,” I said, my tone drastically different than before. No longer was it biting or snide, now it was more even and calm.
“Well, we have a couple hundred head of cattle out in the pasture grazing that we need to check on. Have you ever ridden a horse?” He asked. Oh shit.
“Uh, no. I usually went out in a truck to check on ‘em cause that’s all we had,” I said, looking at him a bit worried.
“Alright, you’ll ride with Simon then,” John said before both men stood up. It took me a moment to realize I was supposed to follow and while I didn’t want to listen to anything they told me to do, one look from them had me swallowing my words. I walked behind Simon and John out to the stable where I watched as they got their horses ready to ride. Horses were not something I was familiar with aside from petting here and there, so I stood back to see how things were done. It was part of the reason why I wanted to go to this ‘vacation ranch.’ I wanted to learn how to handle horses, but I had almost no experience with them.
Both men were already dressed for going out on horseback in jeans, tall boots, and long sleeved shirts. With Montana fall settling in, they had grabbed wool lined jackets to slip on as well before heading to the barn. I just had on a pair of hiking boots, jeans, and a thin, long sleeved shirt. The trip was supposed to be short in the warmer weather so packing anything heavy didn’t seem necessary, let alone need anything jacket or coat wise.
“Did you bring a coat or jacket with you?” Simon asked, looking me over.
“No, I didn't think to bring it,” I said, standing to the side with my hands in my jeans’ pockets. He nodded as he handed the reins to the palomino, Charlie, over to me. Wide eyed, I held onto the leather straps as Simon went back into the barn. “I. . . Uh, what do I do?” I asked, looking at John who was just grinning.
“Hold onto ‘em,” he said with a chuckle as he led his horse back over to us.
“Okay,” I nodded, still unsure. While I was used to being around large animals that could hurt me if they really wanted, I was never in control of them like this and inside a pick up or outside a fence or head shute most of the time.
“Charlie’s a pretty relaxed guy, he doesn’t startle that easy,” John said, patting the horse’s forehead. “You’ve never been around horses much, have you?” I shook my head.
“Most time I’ve spent around them is when I go to the state fair and look at the livestock show,” I said, keeping a keen eye on Charlie.
“Here,” Simon said, coming back out. “It’s old, but it’ll be better than what you have on.” He handed me a similar denim jacket with wool lining, taking back the reins.
“Thanks,” I said, sliding it on. It was big, but with the wind picking up and no trees to break the wind when we were out in the pasture, it’d be better than nothing. “So. . . How do I get on?”
“I’ll get on first, then John’ll help you get up,” Simon said. He stepped into the stirrups to easily swing his body up and over into the saddle. Intimidation didn’t seem the right word to use for the image before me, seeing this large man on a large animal. Terror felt more apt. Having never been on a horse ever, I was hesitant, unsure where I’d go or how I would get up there. While both Alphas were tall and could easily pull themselves up into the saddle, I was barely tall enough to look over the back of Charlie without a saddle on.
“Here,” John said, wrapping his reins around a pole before moving over to me. “Hands here and here, then put your foot in the stirrup.” He placed my hands on either end of the saddle before helping my foot into the stirrup. “On count of three, jump and pull,” he said. “One, two, three!” John’s hands went to my hips and helped hoist me up as I pulled and jumped as I was told. There was no time to feel awkward about having the man hold my hips or how close we were because if I didn’t do as I was told, I was going to go flying over the other side. I swung my leg over and found myself pressed flat against Simon’s back, his arm reaching behind him to keep me from going past the saddle and onto the otherside.
“Where do I hold on?” I asked, suddenly very nervous when I saw how far up we were, not to mention that I was pressed right up against the Alpha when I’d never been closer than a quick hug from anything on two legs.
“Here,” Simon said as his gloved hands took my arms to pull them around his middle to latch together in front of his belly. “You’ll have to hold on tight because it can get bouncy.”
“Wait, what?” I asked as John moved away to quickly get in his saddle. Simon clicked his tongue, squeezing with his thighs to spur Charlie on. I yelped as we moved forward, tightening my grip on the Alpha.
“Alright, let’s move out,” John said with a chuckle. As much as I wanted to look and see where we were going, I was too scared to look. I buried my face in Simon’s back as we picked up speed, and indeed it did get quite bouncy.
“Ease up, Pet,” Simon said with a grunt. “I won’t be able to breathe if you keep squeezing me like a tube of toothpaste.”
“Sorry,” I squeaked. Chancing a look, we hadn’t even gone that far. Just a handful of yards to the gate where John was letting us into the pasture.
“You’re good, just don’t let go,” Simon said, reaching down to pat my leg. As quickly as I was to hate the two Alphas, try to challenge them and fight them, they were turning me around on the whole situation. Not completely, but enough to be civil. Once we were in the pasture, we didn’t stay trotting for long. Instead we began a gallop that had me burying my face into Simon’s back again while we flew across the fields towards their cattle.
Honestly, it was probably the most scared I’d been in a long time. The fear began to fade though as I opened my eyes and watched as the world whipped past us. I began to hear Simon laughing and realized John was too. This was exciting for them, thrilling really. It was second nature for them to go that fast as if they were flying low over the ground. I could feel that joy catching on with me, but the fear of falling was still in the forefront of my mind. With that speed, we reached the cattle in no time.
Calving season was over and most of the calves were big enough that they were weaned. Which meant less worry about predators and that come spring they’ll be big enough to sell. With the horses at a walk, I eased up my grip on Simon to actually look around. I was more familiar with this part of the job; counting cattle and checking for disease or lameness while they came up for treats or pets. The ranch back home only had about 50 head of cattle while John and Simon’s ranch had four times that almost. As we moved through the cattle, I relaxed more and didn’t even realize I was leaning against Simon with my cheek to his back and my arms loose around his middle in more of a hug than death grip.
This was something I could do without even having to think about it. Which actually made me feel, dare I say, more at home.
“Are you doing okay back there, Pet?” Simon asked as he began to slowly herd the cattle towards another part of the pasture. They had grazed enough in the section they were left in, so they were being moved to a new part to let that section regrow as well as move them closer to the house.
“Yeah,” I said with a hum, rubbing my cheek against him without thinking of it. The warmth of his body against mine was becoming more and more familiar as we worked with the cattle. It took a bit of time as we didn’t rush, but when we finished we didn’t run off at a gallop. Instead it was a slower, meandering walk that I didn’t mind one bit. Simon would reach back here and there to give my leg or thigh a reassuring pat while John would get close to lean over to kiss Simon or rub my back.
I was surprised given that most of the time Alphas didn’t mate together. They were in packs together, but that was usually because there was a Beta and an Omega or several Betas. These two seemed to be odd ones out.
Like me.
Maybe it wouldn’t be so bad to be in a pack with them. It would take more than just one horse ride to mate with them though. I couldn’t have pups and didn’t plan on even being mated. Friends though, I could probably do that.
Back at the house, Simon dismounted first before helping me off the back of Charlie.
“Fuck, Pet, your hair is a bit wild,” he chuckled as John took the saddle off Ollie.
“Oh shush,” I said, trying to finger comb my hair. I should have put it back with something, but that was too little too late. I winced, feeling the knots already there from being whipped around and pulled during the gallop. With a huff, I pulled it back as much as I could to at least get it out of the way. “I’ll comb it out later with some conditioner,” I said as the two men took care of the horses. Staying out with them, I watched as they brushed and watered the large animals, taking time to give them extra treats and soft spoken words of love.
“Come on. There’s some wood that needs to be chopped before it gets too dark,” John said, shrugging off his coat. “We’re trying to get enough done before winter so when the snow falls we won’t have to rely on the electric heater as much. That thing sucks up power and is a pain to pay for.” I nodded, taking the coat I had off as well, letting Simon have it to hang up again, before following them to the side of the house. There was already a large wood pile started and logs set up for splitting, so John took the lead with the ax as Simon and I helped with picking up the slit wood or putting the logs in place for the other to strike before the men switched places.
I wasn’t naive. I knew what men looked like, even Alpha men. The internet was a wonderful place to find things to broaden your horizon, but it was very different when the real thing was in front of you. At first I was shocked at how easy John split the logs in just one stroke each time, but then he took off his shirt. This handsome, strong, built like a goddamn brick house of an Alpha was just going to town like it was no one’s business as his skin started to shine with sweat. He was better than the internet too. I had always seen clean shaven Alphas as well, no hair except for on their head. John had HAIR. Up his arms, across his chest, down his belly and a sprinkle across his back. No one could have prepared me for how it would affect me to see this Alpha with a belly and hair.
It was getting to the point that Simon had to nudge me a few times to get me to pay attention, always having a husky, soft chuckle each time.
When Simon switched places, I wasn’t any better off. How the hell had these two Alphas stayed together and alone for so long? If they were in my hometown, they would have trails of Betas and Omegas after them. While John was built and a little shorter, Simon was tall and covered in tattoos. His biceps were the size of my head, I’m pretty sure at least. He did have hair as well, but it was a light smattering and shimmered in the light. John noticed my staring at the other Alpha as well, giving me a wink when he asked me a question about ‘the scenery.’ I choked out something that I thought was sarcastic as the men chuckled. Had I been missing out on this the whole time I stayed cooped up inside? Damn it.
After the chores were completed, we all went back inside for dinner and to clean up for the night. I made quick work of leftovers to serve while the other two took turns in the bathroom washing up.
The only downfall for the house was that there was one bathroom with a shower and a bathtub. There were two with toilets,one upstairs and one downstairs, but we had to take turns with showers. Letting John go before me, I went about with my usual habits of cleaning up the kitchen and washing dishes. It was a habit now, one I didn’t mind. Long days of work weren’t that unusual for me either, but these two were almost completely self-sufficient with their own garden, cattle, horses, and solar panels. Their work was twice as much as mine had been.
However, I could appreciate the effort put in to take care of everything and welcomed it. That meant no more sitting around and sulking. I would be too busy working to have time to continue my pity party.
When night had fallen completely, Simon and John were on the sofa freshly showered and watching TV while I cleaned myself up. Funnily, Simon kept covered all day, but at night he would relax in a tee and sweatpants. It was the first time I had seen him without a sweatshirt on or gloves, aside from splitting wood earlier that day. I guess it wasn’t just me that was getting more comfortable with a new living situation.
My hair had only gotten even more tangled as the day had gone on after I forced it into a bird's nest, refusing to come out even with a glob of conditioner on it. Giving up on it in the running water, I finished washing myself before stepping out. Dried and dressed, I carried a comb and leave-in conditioner with me to the living room to sit on the floor next to the loveseat they were on to work on my hair slowly and carefully.
Neither of them said anything at first, as it was our first real evening spent together. Maybe they were worried that I’d turn feral and bite them or we’d argue again. The TV filled the silence, making it less awkward than if it was just me grumbling softly under my breath as I painstakingly took my time with my hair.
“Are you still trying to get those knots out?” John said with a snort. I nodded with a huff as I kept working at the ends to slowly move the comb through it. Very slowly. “Come here,” he said, waving me over. I looked up, but listened to him. He spread his legs to let me sit on the floor in front of him with my back to the couch. Handing over the comb and conditioner, he took over while I watched TV.
Packs regularly groomed one another, so it wasn’t out of the norm to do it. I just wasn’t used to it. I had always been the one to take care of myself and my parents that it was second nature to fight against offered help. Then again my parents were Betas. They didn’t really know how to handle a willful Omega who was determined to do things themself. They would get frustrated with me or give up halfway through whatever we were doing.
Sitting there and letting John detangle my hair felt so simple and yet it meant so much more. No one had taken the time with me to help. Teachers, friends, even my parents never took the time to make sure I was okay or to see if I needed help. If they did happen to make an effort to ask, they didn’t mean it. There was no action behind their words. But these two Alphas. . .
John was gentle, never pulling or yanking my hair. He cared about not hurting me, showing me through his actions with simple gestures like combing my hair. As the night went on, Simon shifted to lay on the sofa next to John. My hair had already halfway dried with no more tangles, but I had stayed put between John’s legs in my place on the floor. I noticed Simon’s foot was next to me, hanging off the couch with the other in John’s lap.
Without thinking, I took it in my hands to begin to massage it. He hadn’t asked or indicated that he wanted me to do that, but I took the initiative. No one said anything, but I could feel their eyes on me as my hands worked deftly over the pads of his toes and foot. I kept watching the TV, not saying a word. It was a way for me to say ‘I’m okay with you,’ without having to actually say it. Because words are hard sometimes.
As the credits rolled for the crime drama we had been watching, I yawned and popped my neck. It was nearly 10 PM and I was usually in bed by 9 PM. Simon’s foot had moved to my lap, after the massage I had idly rubbed his leg while watching TV.
“Alright, I think it’s time to hit the hay,” John said. I patted Simon’s leg one last time before letting him move so I could. All of us stretched and felt joints pop before Simon checked the doors as John got the lights. I was already up the stairs and in my room when they walked by. I was ready to sleep alone again, to pass out from all the work we had done that day, but I paused. It wasn’t necessary for me to sleep alone anymore.
The Alphas had made it clear they weren’t going to hurt me, they weren’t going to force anything on me, and had helped me feel comfortable with them by respecting my boundaries. The small blow up at lunch wasn’t them forcing me to be with them, it was concern and worry for me, wanting me to actually be happy even if nothing came of us. Toying with my long sleeves of my oversized sleep shirt, I sat on my bed as I tried to decide what to do. I had been alone all week, but really, I’d been alone for most of my life.
It hadn’t occurred to me till I was forced to see it. But, I realized I didn’t want to be alone. To have a farm and work it by myself with just a dog for company wasn’t what I wanted after all. Maybe things would be better if I had met these two naturally and not through a scheme by my parents, but the maybes and what ifs didn’t matter anymore. What did matter was right then and there, where the Alphas were.
Reaching over, I turned my own light off as I pulled my shirt collar over my mouth, something I had done as a child when scared or nervous to ask for something. Stepping out into the hall, the bathroom was in front of me and the Alphas’ room directly to my right. The lights were all off in the house except for in their bedroom where a single side lamp was on, showing a king sized bed that John and Simon shared. With a small hesitation, my feet took me to their door where I shyly knocked on the door frame, getting their attention.
“Everything alright, Love?” John asked, sitting on his side of the bed as he plugged in his phone to charge. Love. . . It sounded nice, something people called each other when they were familiar with each other. A nickname of affection. In that second of him calling me that, I felt relief rush through me. It didn’t make sense, why was I relieved when they hadn’t said yes or no yet? Still, it solidified me asking for them.
“Can. . . Can I sleep with you guys?” I asked, shirt still over half my face as I pulled at the collar nervously. I felt so small and far away, like a child checking to see if their parents were awake as they were scared from a nightmare.
“Of course,” Simon said, his face uncovered to show his blond hair and scars. Seeing him like that, open and accepting, allowing me to be let in as I did the same to him and John, was perfect. He pulled back the covers and moved to let me have a space to get into bed, but I still hesitated. It was new and different and I was scared enough that I wanted to cry. But I wanted to run to them to hide. They didn’t move though, letting me take my time as I damn near tip-toed over to Simon’s side to crawl into the middle of the bed. Once I was settled, they both pulled the covers back for themselves before John turned off the lamp.
In the dark, I could feel them being careful to give me space as I was curled in on myself. I took a moment to calm myself before I turned on my side to face John. Reaching behind me, I grabbed Simon’s arm to tug on him to get him closer, wanting less space between us before reaching forward to do the same to John. Sandwiched between them my heart was racing, but the longer we laid there, the more their calming scents washed over me. I pulled my shirt from my face, nuzzling into the back of John’s neck as Simon did the same to me.
It was peaceful and fulfilling. Something I had not felt before with someone else, let alone two Alphas that were practically strangers.
I was still angry with my parents, so very angry, but not with John and Simon. No, I wasn’t angry with them or bitter. I was, dare I say, happy?
Taglist: @birdstoprey @sebbytheraccoon @pricescigar @alwaysshallow @sae1kie @sleepydang @lexi-zsy09 @ghostlywhiskey @ghosts-cyphera @poohkie90 @neothewitch @shadofireshinobi @shadowlali
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allwaswell16 · 2 months
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A fic rec of One Direction fics in which a character had experienced abuse of some form in the past as requested in this ask. Please don't forget to leave kudos and comments for the writers! You can find my other fic recs here.
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(E, 143k, Supernatural au) Louis hunts demons; Harry's the strangest demon he's ever met, and he keeps fucking meeting him.
🧱 Saving Symphony Hall by @helloamhere
(E, 124k, omegaverse) “That’s the attitude,” said Louis, “I’ll tell you tomorrow. Tonight, I need to do some research. Zayn, give me your number. I’m gonna save our symphony.”
🧱 Hang there like fruit, my soul/Till the tree die by louloubaby92 / @louloubabys1992
(M, 111k, omegaverse) Louis knows he's a defective omega. He knows its also not his fault but it is what it is. He takes the world head on even when the world is unkind to him. 
🧱 Give Me Truths by iwillpaintasongforlou / @canonlarry
(E, 110k, punk Louis) the one in which Louis falls in love with a fragile boy and tells him every beautiful truth in the world, as long as it makes him happy.
🧱 The Naked Truth by @larrysmomfics
(E, 80k, Naked Attraction au) The producers of Naked Attraction decide to do a 'Second Chances' edition of the show where past contestants who didn't find love on the show the first time can re-apply in hopes that the second time's a charm. 
🧱 Here In The Afterglow by fondleeds
(NR, 88k, historical) 1970’s AU. In a tiny town in Idaho, Louis’ life is changed forever by the arrival of a curious stranger.
🧱 Shout It From The Rooftops by therogueskimo / @bravetemptation
(M, 70k, PTSD) Plagued by memories of the worst day of his life, Louis Tomlinson feels like he’s constantly living in darkness. Harry Styles might just be the person to bring him back to the light.
🧱 These High Walls by LarryAlways28
(E, 68k, omegaverse) Born to one of Seattle's wealthiest families,  Harry was raised exactly as a Styles heir should be: sharp as a tack, witty, charming, and powerful. He was the ideal son - until he presented as an Omega.
🧱 you're ripped at every edge, but you're a masterpiece by Valentia
(E, 50k, uni) The one where Harry is soft and pretty but doesn't see it and Louis just wants to love him the way he deserves.
🧱 elephant juice by @stylinsoncity
(M, 32k, uni) harry doesn't understand boundaries. louis doesn't mind at all.
🧱 With These Arms Folded by @taggiecb
(NR, 21k, famous/not famous) Harry Styles is living a peaceful existence in California as a very successful songwriter. That is until he receives a curious email one sunny summer morning, and his life almost immediately gets turned upside down buy a force that's bigger than any storm he's seen outside his window.
🧱 why take your life when you give it so willingly by we_are_the_same / @so-why-let-your-voice-be-tamed
(M, 19k, pirates) When Louis Tomlinson, Captain of The Rogue, ends up adrift at sea after Captain Cowell attacks his ship, he is surprised to find his enemy, Captain Styles, coming to his rescue.
🧱 vatican cameos by nightwideopen / @themarshalstale
(T, 14k, asexuality) sometimes louis gets sad and sometimes harry lets louis write on him
🧱 Just a touch of your love by @thegirlontheblackhoodie
(E, 12k, omegaverse) Harry is a touch starved omega trying to get through it on his own. Louis happens to be the only alpha around to realize it and offers to help.
🧱 You've Got A New Life (Am I Bothering you?) by LilyBlue28
(NR, 5k, omegaverse) the one where Louis is an omega who suffers from PTSD and is triggered one day. He doesn't know how to ask for help from his doting alpha, doesn't think he deserves it, and tries to handle it on his own.
🧱 I Don't Wanna Hurt Anymore by offwiththeirheads / @hazzabooween
(M, 5k, kidfic) Harry walks a thin line between breaking his best friend’s heart and fighting a losing battle.
- Rare Pairs -
🧱 Sugar, We're Going Down by sunsetmog / @magicalrocketships
(E, 131k, Louis/Nick Grimshaw) At 37, Nick has everything he could possibly want in life: huge success in business, a Bachelor of the Year award hanging in his toilet, piles of money, and a rather odd little habit of visiting a cafe with terrible service on his way into the office every morning.
🧱 It's You by happily_missy
(E, 56k, Zayn/Liam) Liam is a PA for a famous fashion designer and Zayn is their gorgeous new model.
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r0-boat · 2 days
Love your work I just read your poly wrio neuvi a/b/o with reader and it was so good! Could we get a part two of more information? Like what is it like when readers in heat or when wrio has his rut. Your writing is ❤️❤️
Yes I can totally do a part two!
Alpha Wriothesley x omega reader x alpha Neuvillette headcannons part 2
Author's notes:
I usually try not to give reader too much headcanons because I want to leave just enough wiggle room for you guys to imagine your own scenarios but in this one ill add more
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Wriothesley does behave(ish)during his ruts. That doesn't mean he wants to, though... If anything he just gets more possessive and touchy. However when you are the overseer and warden of an entire prison you have to at least keep yourself sane till the end of your shift.
Wriothesley The first thing he does when he gets home is rip off your clothes. His hunger for sex is unlimited always down to fuck Even when he's buried in paperwork.(maybe that's the reason why his ruts aren't that bad? Or maybe he's just good at hiding it ;) )
Wriothesley is an alpha and seems dominant, but he likes being a pillow princess. He likes laying down and having you play with him till he's had enough, then he flips you over and takes control.
While Neuvillette smells like rainwater in a forest, Wriothesley smells like the sea with a hint of a floral sense of whatever tea he had that day mixed with his cologne. And he is shameful about presenting his scent as powerful and prideful; he does not use scent blockers at all. He's a prideful Alpha and likes presenting even more so now that he knows that even Neuvillette turns his head to it.
Wriothesley's scent blends so well with the sea water and the fortress that the only ones who can successfully pick it out are the inmates and his partners, while he lays undetected by outsiders as long as he's in the fortress that is. He does not mind his powerful scent in fact he prefers it. Keeps people obedient, not wanting to do stupid shit. As soon as they smell him coming around, They immediately straighten out their backs and cower.
They will never know how much of a sweetheart your partner actually is.
And then there's you. During your heat You are the only one that can sedate Wriothesley's large sexual appetite and still come your other partner for more. Bratty yet obedient just the way Wriothesley likes it.
Though he cannot help but joke about how good and obedient you are with Neuvillette and not him. Which Neuvillette is quick too crack a smile and say "You just need to train them better."
And when your heat strikes, you're even more unsatiable. But that's probably because your heat's hurt so damn much that you could hardly even think. Well, it's good thing You're two partners like it a little rougher. Your heat's hit you like a train. Once you can feel your pre-heat, you only have a matter of time before it hits you. The next day, He will be feeling whimpering and pulling while trying to give one of your partners a surprise awakening.
Your body is super hot yet cold screaming at you too seek the warmth of your partners. And how busy they can be the only thing that can sedate you or toys until one of them gets home. And when they do... You will rejoice in the dicking you will receive.
Neuvillette has tried to urge you to take suppressants because he hates seeing you hot and writhing, almost in pain. But he understands when you say no because after suppressants, it will just get worse.
Your scent is a calming lavender. You're like catnip to your overworked partners rubbing against you and bearing their face in your neck, holding you close. You can practically hear them purring like kittens. It's cute until you are being crushed by two big men who haven't slept in days.
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lilypadlys · 2 months
The ghouls and what circus acts they would perform
Aerial Silks, Tightrope, Trapeze, Lyra: Cirrus, Cumulus, Aurora, and Zephyr. You know our air ghoulies thrive in the air. Daredevils the lot of them. Cirrus especially loves the sudden drops with silks that have the audience gasping. Cumulus practically dances on her tightrope. Aurora and Zephyr are pros with trapeze and lyra and will honestly just chill on their respective perches between acts. They all have costumes in various shades of blue.
Slack Rope/Trampoline: I feel like Swiss would have a blast quite literally bouncing around the stage. Loves doing backflips and spins in the air. Also a daredevil. Flashy purple and orange costume to show his elements (quintessence and fire)
Contortionists: Water ghouls are lithe and flexible so Rain and Mist would make great contortionists. Bending into pretzels till you can't tell where Rain ends and Mist begins. Identical iridescent fish scale patterned unitards.
Fire Jugglers: Our resident pyromaniacs Dewdrop, Sunshine, and Ifrit have a little too much fun seeing how many batons they can juggle without setting themselves, each other, or the stage on fire. Rain and Mist on standby with fire extinguishers. They're not in any real danger being fire ghouls/fire hybrids and all, but the audience doesn't have to know that. Black pants. The guys are shirtless and a cage bra for Sunny.
Strongman: This one's gotta go to our strong boi Mountain. His act includes deadlifting a beam that both Dew and Aurora are balanced on. Brown pants and sleeveless forest green vest (got to show off those muscles).
See-Saw: The quintessence bois. Aether, Phantom, Omega, and Swiss (since he's part quintessence). This act requires a lot of coordination because they have to time their jumps and swap out regularly so I feel like the shared element of quintessence would help them psychically communicate with each other and maintain a precise rhythm. Purple and black costumes.
Ringleader: Copia of course, complete with a fancy top hat. Make no mistake though. Just because he’s the ring leader doesn’t mean he has any control over his ghouls. It’s still like herding cats.
Note: I wrote this a while back before I better understood what ghouls were in what eras so don't mind me shoving three different eras together :)
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bts-trash-blog · 1 year
Best Of Us
Chapter 23: No Apologizes 
Summary: Being an Omega is hard, it could be so lonely. The hardships that you would sometimes feel seemed to much, always expected of things you could never fully reach. Always seen as a piece of meat to some, seen as weak and stupid. So you worked your ass off to finally work your dream job. And the world all changed when you met one of the bosses. And couldn't help but end up falling.
Paring: Rap Line X Fem!Chubby OmegaReader
Warning: A/O/B!VERS, mentions of sexual harassment, heats, ruts, knotting, breeding, angst, possessive behavior, more warnings will be added as needed.
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You woke up the next morning, eyes crusted over and drool dried on your chin. Sniffling you stretch a yawn dropping from your chest as you roll onto your back. The sound of your back popping had you whining as the sound of your phone dinging again and again then your phone started to ring. Reaching for it  you see Namjoon was face-timing you making your eyes widen as you face the front camera to the ceiling and answer.
“Morning honey! I heard you and Yoon had a good date last night.” Namjoon calls through the phone then he starts to giggle. “Where are you?”
“Why?” His question made you whine as you slap your hand on your face.
“I look horrible.” You whine making him giggle as you hear him shuffling.
“I highly doubt that baby, come on let me see you I miss your face.”
“I have no makeup and I’m all puffy.”
“Y/n I’ve seen you in the morning before.” He paused as you peek over, your face still out of view but his face was fully on show. His eyes are puffy, his hair a mess and covered lightly with a hoodie that looks all too familiar.
“Is that my hoodie?” Your question seemed to surprise him as he jumped and then started stuttering-you could imagine his ears turning a bright red.
“What? Nono of course not.” He muttered, making you chuckle as he whined. “See not fair you can see me but I can’t see you-I want to see you.” He whispers, making you huff as you roll over and sit up. Grabbing your phone you move to your face as you finally move for the screen to face you. “Hi beautiful….love your hair.” He chuckles, making you whine as you move the camera back away from your face, making him whine once again.”Wait wait please.” He huffed making you giggle as he let out an actual whimper making your heart thud as you slowly let your face pop up onto his screen. His frown slowly evaporating as he sees more and more of your face. “Drooly!” he said with a teasing smile as you huffed and glared at him.
“Bye.” You mumbled, hanging up making you giggle to yourself as your facetime started ringing again. Pressing the answer button you quickly see a pouting Namjoon.
“I'm sorry.”  He muttered, making you giggle as you whip at your chin. “But you are drooly-my drooly.” He mumble quickly making you roll your eyes as you shake your head at him.
“I swear if you call me that.” You huff making him smile brightly at you, your next words cut off with a knock at your bedroom door- sighing you huff as it cracks open your moms head peeking through as she smiles.
“Hey baby-just wanted to check in and make sure you took your morning dose?” You blink slowly while shaking your head as you hear Namjoon humm.
“I'm not in pain so I think I can hold it off till the afternoon.”
“Y/n.” Your mom scolds as you pout, hearing Namjoon clearing his throat making you look over at your phone.
“Pup you gotta take it so you’ll stay out of pain-so take it so we can maybe go out this afternoon on a lunch date? Just me and you?”
“But I can wai-”
“Then I won’t take you out-not gonna make you and your body be in a uncomfortable state just to go out wi-”
“But I wouldn’t be uncomfortable with Joonie.”
“How do you know?” His question had your mother humming, shoulders straightening as she gave you a ‘I told you so’ look as you held your hand out making her smile as she moved to your side table-grabbing your pill bottles and handing you your dosage as you sigh as the glass of water that she had brought up was shoved into your face. Taking your meds you look down at your phone screen and huff.
“Hmm good girl.” At his words it instantly felt like your blood was on fire, the way it heated your body from the tips of your ears to your fingers and toes. It had you rolling your eyes as you let out a soft chirp as your mother giggled making you look at her.
“Oh but that blush of yours is just so cute.”
“Mommmm.” You whine as she pats the top of your head, shuffling the strains of your hair as you sigh. Namjoon chuckles once more as you look at him and pout.
“She’s telling the truth- you look all cute red.”
“I’ll hang up again.” Your words had him whining as you heard your mother chuckling as she walked out of your room as you sat up and yawn. “So lunch date?” You asked as you saw him nod a large smile on his face as you tilt your head at him.
“Yeah I know this cute little ramen spot- I went there all the time when I was in school.” He paused as he smiled brightly above the camera. “Hey babe.”
“Hi Joonie, who are you on the phone with?”
“Oh my pup!” Hoseok's voice calls out as his head pokes out of the top of the screen. His eyes bright, his scrunched nose making you smile brightly as you wave at him.
“Morning Alpha.” Your words had him letting out a shaken breath as you see a deep blush spreading across the apples of his cheeks.
“Making Hobi all red.” Namjoon chuckles, making the Alpha shush at him as he moves to sit next to the Omega.”The two of you look so cute all red.”
“Omega.” Hoseok mutters a small growl after the last letter it had you moving your thighs together as you take a shaken deep breath in. “Teasing me isn't very nice.” He paused as you see his hand spread across Namjoon's neck as you clear your throat as you see a smirk lifting at the end of his mouth. “Yet I think our little pup likes the teasing- especially with what Yoon said last night…” His words had your cheeks flaring up- your eyes widening as you drop your phone down, sitting up and covering your face as you whine at his words. “Alpha was very vocal about how whiny you were.” Namjoon whispered, making you peek back at your phone screen, seeing Namjoons face, and it looked like pure ecstasy. Hoseok's face was pressed into his neck, one arm around his neck holding his jaw and the other was spread across his chest. You could see his tongue poke out with each shaken breath Namjoon let out and it had you whining again. Grabbing your phone you prop it up against a pillow that rests on your head board as you catch Hoseok's eyes. You couldn't tell where the dark eyes were looking- your messy hair or the way you had changed into a crop top tank top- your stomach almost on full display. But it could also be your shorts- black and tight. His eyes jumped everywhere and so did Namjoons.
“You’re okay if I touch him, pup? Huh? Can I touch our Joonie with you on video call?” His question had you whimpering as you moved to pull at your shorts, trying to tug them down, twist them around. Yet the small bruises on the side caught your eyes, making Hoseok's chuckle. “Yoongi hyung wasn't very gentle last night was he- he was about drooling, explaining how you looked in the skirt-and his cock was twitching when he talked about the way your thighs squeezed his hips.”
“And the way they felt in his hands-god pup he is obsessed with your thighs.” Namjoon cut off the Alpha, making Hoseok's growl slightly against his skin-though the mention of Yoongi and you being brought up once again made your heart skip a beat- wondering just how much the Alpha had told the other two. “Please can Alpha touch me,please please.” Namjoon begged, making your eyes snap up at the two, Namjoon's phone was now propped against what you assumed was the lamp on the nightstand. Hoseok now behind Namjoon, one hand still wrapped around his jaw yet the other was now moving up and down the Omegas torso. “Please please please.” Namjoon begged, making you nod, lip being pulled by your teeth as Hoseok tutted, his head lifting from Namjoons neck making him whine as he panted up at the Alpha.
“Say yes or no. I don't do the nodding little girl.”
“Yes what?”
“Yes Alpha.” You automatically said, making him chuckle and shake his head as the fire burned from your core upwards. The feeling had you blinking rapidly as he shakes his head once again. “Please?”
“Please what pup?”
“Please touch him?” You mumbled, a question towards the end head tilting- making Namjoon let out a moan as Hoseok smiled at you.
“Yeah? You want to watch me touch our Omega?”
“Yes.” You whispered as you watched the way his hand moved down the black fabric of your hoodie as you saw Namjoons fingers peeking from the edge of the sleeves as his hand moved to grip Hoseok's arm that was wrapped around his shoulders.
“Alpha please.” Namjoon whines as you see the way Hoseok's hand drops lower and lower to the gray sport shorts that Namjoon was wearing. You could see the outline of his cock- the way it twitched when he looked at you and you swear you could see the glissing of slick going down his inner thigh as he whined. Hoseok's hand pressing against this bulge as his head throws itself back against the Alphas shoulder.
“God you should smell how sweet he is.” Hoseok's words had you whining as you moved to rest on your knees as you saw the way Namjoons hips buckled upwards as Hoseok moved down and pressed a kiss to Namjoon's lips. As the two made out you felt your slick dripping thickly- it had you growing frustrated- too nervous to actually touch yourself in this moment but also too embarrassed to even ask. “Fuck.” Hoseok whispered, it had you looking to see his eyes on you- watch as your thighs move against one another as you huff hands moving to cover your face as he chuckled. “Eyes on us baby- or did Yoongi not teach you anything last night.”
“Di-did he tell you everything?” You whisper, nerves pulling at your heart and your brain starting to feel fuzzy. Blinking away warmth behind your eyes as Namjoon whined as Hoseoks stopped his actions- his hand freezing from slipping into Namjoons shorts as he sighed softly.
“No- not everything he said he wanted to keep some stuff between just the two of you-baby..hey hey look at me-’mega move real fast.” Hoseok muttered- the tears you were fighting finally falling as you huff hands moving back to cover your face as you whined slightly.
“Sorry sorry-just-just.” You stumble over your words as you hear Namjoon whine softly as you look back to the phone as you rub at your eyes. Namjoons face was dazed- yet focused on you. His eyes wide and blown out as he took a deep breath in trying to stabilize his breathing as he moved closer to the phone following Hoseok's movements.
“Sorry sorry.” You mumbled quickly to hang up, you mind wandering to the night before. How intimate it had been between you and Yoongi. How personal you had gotten with the Alpha- and though you understood you were being courted by the trio-that you four would be a pack. Yet you thought that something would be kept between the two of you-- like Namjoon had said- you thought that last night would’ve fallen into that. You thought the bruises and teasing was going to be well kept secrets only spoken though hush whispers and lingering looks shared to the others only when you had spoken to each other about it. The constant buzzing interrupted your thoughts as your reached forward to see Namjoon had sent message after message
Joonie: pick up
Joonie: Please Y/n
Jooie:he didn't say anything but what we said. I swear.
Joonie: Baby i swear to you
Joonie: Please just pick up- Y/n
Joonie: I dont mean to sound like an ass but pick the fuck up
Joonie: Hoseok and I are on our way.
You felt tears building in your eyes as you took in a deep breath fighting off the fuzzy feeling that was slowly over taking your brain-your vision becoming slightly blurry- you couldn’t tell if it was from your mind dropping or from the tears. Why did you hang up? Why did you have to ruin the moment for Namjoon first off- secondly why did Yoongi have to tell them and why did it make you feel-used? The sound of your phone dinging again had you looking down and opening the message.
Hobi: We’re on the way to you pup-we talk things through not just hang up or not talk about how we feel in this pack. Be there soon.
You felt your chest tighten, your whimpering and whining growing with each breath you took- you dropped your head-phone falling out of your hands as you dive into your pillows. Trying to cover your sounds not knowing if your mom was still home or not. Yet your fear was confirmed as the knock on your door and her scent spilt into the room.
“Oh baby.” Your mothers voice calls out-her scent growing stronger and stronger till you move your head to look over and see her-her makeup slightly done-hair pulled back and her eyes tilted in worry. “What's wrong?”
“Made Alpha mad.” You whimpered, making her sigh as her hand reached forward as you felt her hand rubbing into your hair.
“What happened?”
“Alpha mad.” You repeated making her nod slowly as you phone went off again-the ringing made you let out an actual sob making your mom reach forward answering the ringing phone with a soft sigh.
“Hello? Yes she’s here-yeah I have to go to work…yeah I think she did….yeah I can try to wait for you guys..what happened?” You whimpered as your mother paused, once again-hand moving through your hair making you huff as you moved your head against her hand tears slowing down as you tried to ground yourself. “I think I understand. She seems very upset….yeah ten minutes? Yeah yeah okay yeah see you then bye.” Your moms lips pressed against your temple phone being placed on your nightstand as you take a deep shaky breath in. “Baby no ones mad.”
“But but..”
“No one is mad. I swear.” She whispers, making you nod softly as you feel the fuzziness lift from your mind as you take a deep breath in trying to focus on your breathing.  “They’ll be here to talk about what happened-I’m not sure what exactly happened but from what I understand miscommunication is the main issue here my baby.”  you sigh, nodding slowly as you take another deep breath in-still trying to stabilize yourself. “I’m gonna finish getting ready. I have to go in today- they’ll be here soon okay?” Nodding once again she leans forward pressing a kiss to your temple as she stands and moves out of your room-leaving your door open slightly. As you steady your breathing- one of your blankets between your legs wrapping into your hands and being kneaded between your fingers.
Suddenly a rapid knock-and the sound of the door opening had your heart rate picking up, your breathing also grew rapidly as you blinked again and again trying to stop the flow of tears. Yet they seemed to just fall when the scent of Namjoon entered your room. It had you looking up to see said Omega. Still in the same clothes he was in before- the gray shorts shuffled up slightly on one of his legs- your black hoodie wrinkled and the hood thrown over his head and glasses sliding down his nose as he looked at you. A deep whine leaving his chest as he suddenly came towards your bed-dropping onto his knees as he leaned his head onto your mattress as he let out whimpers and whines. His eyes staring at you- the way you sniffled and shuffled around- it had him huffing and puffing.
“Can I come into your nest?” His question had you nodding slowly as you nuzzled into the blanket you were kneading. His body moving to crawl over you, the way his warm body moved against yours had you feeling as if you were vibrating. He fit perfectly behind you, his arms resting around your waist as his nose nuzzled into the back of your neck. Legs twisting into yours as you felt his other arms move under your neck, it had your letting out a soft whine as you quickly turned around and moved your head into his chest. The feeling of his fingers running through your hair as you take a deep shaky breath in. “You’re okay- first off we’re not mad-not at all.” he paused kissing the top of your head as you wrapped your arms around his waist as you took a deep breath in the smell of his slick still fairly thick with his natural scent. “Alpha is just upset you let your feeling build up into not wanting to to talk to us- we always talk things through okay? Always no matter if we are screaming at each other or about to fuck-we stop everything all togther and we talk everything through do you hear me pup? We'll talk it out.” He pauses as you look up at him and nod- your mind racing as you take another deep breath in. “Now I had Hoseok stay in the car. I know you probably wouldn’t have felt comfortable with him coming in here- but he said if I don't come down with you in ten minutes he was gonna come and get you.” he mumbled a small smirk curled at the end of his lips as he looks down at you. A small gleam in his eyes as you huffed and moved to nuzzle into his neck making him flinch back slightly and let out and awkward mix of a moan and a giggle. “I’m still scestive.” He breathed out making you huff a laugh as you rolled on top of him slightly the feeling of him twitching below you had you look down at his shorts watching the way he shuffled around then back up to his face as he chuckled awkwardly at you. “Sorry.”
“No..don't be, I'm sorry I made a scene and Hoseok stopped.”
“No-no sorrys about that, we can always have that type of stuff happen again-trust me they treat me very well and we are very uh active I will say. “ He words were met with an awkward giggle as you nod against his chest. “So lets pack a bag-make sure you have work clothes for the next couple of days just to be safe- and then we’ll head over to our den.” his words had you tilt your head as he smiled down at you.
“Our den?”
“Well yeah? Hoseok clears a couple draws for you in the closet to start and a whole hanging rack too- and Yoongi is talking about getting you a vanity for you to get ready at.” He paused, making you smile brightly at him-you move forward nudging your nose against his as he huffed your way. You quickly pull away til it your head at him then move forward to kiss him on the lips- your tongue swiping his lips making him moan as you felt his hips jutting against your thigh as you pull away and smile teasingly at him. “Yeah no we’re gonna get you that vanity now.” His words had you giggling as he moved to press another kiss against your lips, his hands moving to wrap around your waist and his fingers grip at your top.  Lips moving together as you pull back and let out a soft breath.
“We can pack now.” You whisper his head nodding as you smile softly at him.
“Are you still out of it?”
“Yeah a little- not too bad though.”
“Good-well after we talk things out…maybe we can finish what we were doing over the phone.” he mumbled, making you blush deeply as you pull back and nod slowly making him move forward. His body slowly made you lay back down as he leaned over you. “I’ll make sure to mark you just how I need to- god  can’t wait to see you covered.” He whispered, making your blush deepen as he chuckled, kissed your nose and rolled off you. “Now where is your bag?”
@kth-kpoplover @alex4243 @malyxsoulpersonal @purelyecstacy @ryuyalana @nlost21 @xanny91 @barbyisafangirl @lashaysaurusrex @scentedsope @purpleheartsfortae @btsforlif @barbikatherine @mauranglc @uniquelyabnormallyoriginal @keepyourdreamsalive @chimchimooo73 @channiespup @4evahevah @moonchilreneverywhere @tinieretro @caratarmy131 @milopenne @fauxthephoenix @cuteipat @lustremyg @rosexbangtan @tinyoonsblog @bitchyzombienacho @rue331 @queenc22x @sanislifealways @yourfakerthanbarbie @agustneeds @livetay84 @black-rose-29 @miriamxsworld @namjoonia @taeyohonic @thefirewasfriendly @sinceritythatcouldntbedelivered @beach-bitch-bitch-beach @juju-227592 @brit97 @slytherindigo @openup-yourmind @that-author @so-da-1 @kyrah-williams @schokoshaker 
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reallyromealone · 11 months
Back to you
Mikey x male reader
Omegaverse, angst, attempted suicide, depression, mentions of miscarriage
(name) was silent as he listened to the saved voice mails of his once fiance, Mikey's warm voice as he spoke about their plans and the soft "I love you" before they ended, he was always so gentle when speaking to (name).
He was always so wonderful to (name).
He worked so hard for (name) especially after the Takemichi incident, he and takemichi actually grew quite close over the years.
"Don't stay up too late, Sanzu and I got business... I love you" Mikey's voice spoke out before the audio clip ended and (name) was left in silence, tears streaming down his eyes as he whispered a watery "I love you" back, body slumped slightly as a sob broke through his body.
He took care of Grandpa Sano till his passing, the house given to (name) when he died and (name) became a recluse, each room exactly how it was left, Emma's room unchanged.
It was a time capsule of broken memories.
(Name) kept everything clean and tidy, taking the spare room as his own and keeping keepsakes of his family now gone, a shrine of his three siblings.
He always put their favorite desserts and foods out for them, shrines in the empty dojo for each member of the Sano family Izana included, photos of each of them.
He hoped they rested easy.
Mikey was never the same after leaving (name), his beloved Omega, his everything.
Sanzu locked his pain away with drugs, guilt filling him for abandoning his beloved younger brother, the only sibling he claimed and valued deeply.
Takeomi pretended nothing was wrong but his heart clenched at the sight of anything or anyone reminding him of the omega.
Mikey didn't eat much, he didn't sleep really either.
He could feel the pain from (name) in the claim mark, he bit (name) during his rut but (name) never got a chance to return it during his heat, Mikey forced to feel it all.
The abandonment.
The suffering.
The heartache.
Every night like clockwork was when it was at its worse, like it started all over again.
And it was all Mikey's fault.
The two had been engaged since they were children, been through the good and the bad and Mikey left (name) with OAS (Omega abandonment syndrome).
Mikey was living in the life of luxury while (name) lived alone and broken.
Mikey kept close tabs on (name), he was obsessed with him-- he always was.
(Name) was perfect.
He had pictures of him, regularly getting updates on every aspect of his life and every little moment he had.
Draken got (name) a dog, it helped a little.
It got him out at least, (name) regularly going out to walk the pooch.
"It's for the best" he would tell himself, it's what all three of them would tell themselves.
(Name) walked with Draken, the Alpha always the big brother figure to him, he was supposed to be his brother in law after all. The tall mechanic decided to give (name) a job at his shop with Inupi, the passive blond never really interacted with (name), Draken explaining his situation and the therapy (name) was going through. (Name) made strides compared to how he was in the beginning, when Mikey abandoned him... (Name)... He... Draken hated thinking about it.
(Name) was good at the job, the consistency with social interactions distracting the Omega and he even laughed once, even if it was only slight.
"Yeah, inupis boyfriend and him want to live together and I offered to move out so they can have the apartment"
"Are you still looking?" (Name) asked softly and Draken grunted "yeah, preferably something close"
"... You could stay with me"
Draken accepted it, (name) and him packed up grandpa sanos belongings, some things spaced around the house but many things out in Mikey's former room (Draken had to put it in as (name) refused to enter that room), Draken moving in the same week.
Mikey looked at the pictures and didn't know how to feel though the mics and cameras in the apartment showed Drakens genuine concern for the Omega, helping him move on from the 'deaths' of all his loved ones.
"You kept these?" Drakens voice through the recording was shocked and almost heartbroken, Mikey leaning into his seat as he watched the recording "I couldn't get rid of them... I have a box of memories as well"
Mikey was shocked as the Kanto and Toman jackets were lifted, they were in perfect condition, Mikey thought he got rid of those...
"I miss him" (name) croaked out and Draken held him close "did you know I was pregnant when he left?"
Mikey froze as he heard this, Sanzu walking in as he heard it "pregnant?" Both Sanzu and Draken said in shock.
"Yeah, a little girl... I hoped she would look like Mikey... I always teased him that he would make a pretty girl" (name) said with a lifeless chuckle and everything clicked for Draken.
This is why he couldn't move on.
"I had a whole dinner planned for telling him, do you think he would have been happy?"
"Yes..." Mikey whispered broken, he would have been over the moon! He would have lifted (name) and carried him around, never letting him lift a finger and and... He killed his baby.
He was the worst.
"I was wondering... If you maybe wanted to go out sometime?" A customer asked (name), the Omega shocked as he fiddled with his fingers "uh... I'm sorry I'm not looking for a relationship right now" he mumbled looking stressed out and leaned away, he had stopped saying he was married anymore.
The concept of a relationship was hard for (name), who would want him? A broken Omega widow?
It also felt like a betrayal.
He was betraying his alpha...
But Mikey was also dead.
Mikey was dead.
(Name) was sitting in his room thinking about this, maybe it was time he go on a date.
(Name) wanted to cry.
His date didn't show up.
(Name) felt defeated as he stood up and left the restaurant, tears staining the nice clothes Mitsuya put together for him, walking down the street with a distant look.
He decided to take an alternative route, wanting to eat some sweets at a bakery he knew stayed open late.
(Name) was in a haze as he walked, staring at the road before him and walking into it.
He stared down a truck barreling towards him when he was ripped away "ARE YOU INSANE?!" a voice screamed at him and (name) just stared off before glancing up.
"Oh I'm dead..." (Name) mumbled as he stared at Sanzu, so broken and lifeless was the man before Sanzu.
"You're not dead! You almost fucking died! Why would you do that?!"
Because he wanted to see his loved ones.
He just wanted to be with his family.
He lost so much.
His brothers and his beloved.
"I lost it so bad I'm hallucinating..." (Name) laughed to himself as Sanzu looked at his brother in horror, had (name) been that emotionally damaged by them leaving him?
(Name) stood up and began wandering off, clothes tattered and scrapes on his body and Sanzu didn't trust him to be left alone.
(Name) sat on the leather couches, taken to god knows where but he didn't particularly care.
He didn't care what happened anymore.
He was already hallucinating his dead loved ones.
Glancing around he took in the high end building and the large clear window of Tokyo, wandering to look out of it.
He wondered how fast he would die at this height.
"(Name)?" A voice took (name) from his thoughts and he turned to see Takeomi, the other in shock "you're not real" (name) said simply as he looked at Takeomi up and down "(name)... I'm real" takeomi said to his brother who scoffed and returned to look out the window.
Takeomi walked towards him and reached out but got a volatile reaction instead "don't fucking touch me! Is this some sick fucking joke?! Let's get people who look like the poor omegas dead loved ones and emotionally torment him!" (Name) cried out as he stepped away, shaking and just every emotion he repressed came out as he began crying hysterically. He was so angry and just done, screaming his frustrations onto the other and hyperventilating to the point he felt dizzy.
His screaming and angry caught the attention of the rest of Bonten, Mikey stepping out to see his beloved being held by takeomi while struggling and screaming.
"Look! There's Mikey!"
(Name) was sobbing and absolutely furious as he locked eyes with his mate and at this point absolutely lost it, not noticing takeomi putting pressure against his neck before the world went dark.
Mikey didn't leave his mates side, the closest he had been in a long time, he knew he shouldn't have but crawled in the bed and held (name) close in his lap, kissing his temple.
"I'm so sorry... I shouldn't have left you" Mikey whispered, he wasn't going to let him go anymore.
He just hoped (name) wouldn't despise him when he woke.
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ellaa-writes · 5 months
Good Dog
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author note: Part 3 yay!! Series list found here. I actually edited this one, I know! Probably still mistakes lol, I love writing this type of Simon but mean Simon is still my favourite. Reader and Simon parts are going on at different times, weeks apart, just in case of any confusion of time line. Enjoy!
summary: His favourite words include; down boy, good dog, heel, fetch and his most favourite, get 'em. Well trained, and listens good. Loyal through and through. Always striving to be the absolute best. Ready to attack at all times, always on guard. Loves discipline, either giving or receiving. Working for a criminal mastermind, lurking in the shadows. You both trying not to be seen or noticed but after one unlucky night, all you both can see are the ghosts. He invades your life, if you both like it or not.
tags: Alternative Universe. Female reader. A/B/O dynamics. Alpha Simon, Beta Reader, Bad Scottish lingo (I tried). Very tame and a chapter filler.
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You hadn't seen Simon in a few weeks, must have gotten bored you thought, eventually everyone leaves so why wouldn't he. Things felt different with him, like timed slowed down and life finally had a meaning.
You stopped in front of a news stand, big bold letters. OMEGA POPLUATION HITS AN ALL TIME LOW; leading scientists may have found a solution. You snatched the paper and handed the worker $5 telling him to keep the rest as you rushed back home paper in hand. The title wasn't what caught your attention, it was a few paragraphs down the words doctor and experimental procedure. Tossing your belongings on the dining table soon as you entered your grungy apartment.
Reading the article fully, then once more. Doctors have developed a experimental drug that could alter a Beta women's chemistry. Tricking the body into thinking its an Omega, a few experiments have been conducted and results have so far been proven successful. But they are searching for more Beta women to submit themselves into the program.
Those words playing over and over in your head, becoming an Omega, and having a loyal and supportive Alpha. Not having to worry about all the small things, not having to work and struggle to make ends meet. You could leave your pathetic life behind.
All Simon did was follow orders, being the good dog, he is. A successful mission out of the way, the Boss left before he did. Having to hurry back cause of his Omega. Simon used to have dreams about settling down, but that was before he became ghost. Stupid child aspirations, but mostly because he felt like he didn't deserve one. And who would want him as an Alpha, all teeth, and hard edges. It would be a punishment to be stuck with him until death, and death would be the reward.
You jotted the number down on a piece of paper and stuck it to your fridge. You didn't have to decide now, but you were tempted to.
Dealing with Makarov was easier than expected most of these men act tough on the outside but soon as you start pulling out their insides, they change their tune. He wasn't in too much of a hurry to get home, it's been two weeks since he last saw her, he's been keeping his distance, not wanting to poison her cause that's what he was poison.
It was very late into the night when he finally arrived in the city, driving down the desolate neighborhoods till he found himself parked in front of his apartment. Not the one across from hers but the one he bought himself soon as he had enough money too. The only thing that remained from his previous life. Cutting the engine and walking inside.
He still had a landline, hard wired into the wall next to the thermostat. He's never used it and has never had anyone call it. Not like many people have the number anyways, emergency he told himself when he bought and installed it all those years ago. Having the number updated in his file, but now it hangs there mockingly. Much to his surprise when he walked into his quiet home, a little red dot glowing from the device.
He ignored it at first, taking his clothes off to take a quick shower. To wash away the memories that still plague him, the water never being hot enough. He stood there in nothing but a towel around his waist. Staring at that glowing red light, missed call.
He should just delete it, but he decided to play the message. A voice came through the small speaker, one that he thought he'd never hear again. John Price.
"Oi Simon, it's John. Ain't sure if this dog and bone's still on the go. Tried your mobile, but it's saying it's disconnected. Anyways, thought I'd drop you a bell 'cause we're gonna be in the city for a bit. Fancy a chinwag, like the old days, yeah? So, give me a call, same digits as ever. It'd be proper nice to catch up, Simon."
It was silent for a while afterwards, only Simon's heaving breathing filling up the space. Not once did they call him while he was locked up doing time, not once did they reach out and say they cared. They were family once, at least he thought they were. Stupid.
All the rage simmering up inside of him finally boiled over the edge. Simon grabbed the stupid phone and slammed it into the wall as hard as he could, again and again until there was nothing left but broken pieces of plastic, wiring and now a hole in his wall.
It only took you three hours of pacing back and forth in your tiny apartment, the small piece of paper stuck to your fridge door taunting you. As the line rang you debated on hang up, forgetting any of this happened but it was to late. The reception answered your call, redirecting you to the head of the project. Giving a little info over the phone they scheduled you in for the same day if you could make it. It was on the other side of town, the side you hardly went to cause there was no need. Unless you wanted to make yourself feel even more shitty about your life.
He debated if he should call, be the bigger person the little voice in his head called out. They had their reasoning for abandoning him, for treating him like the plague, they had to, right?
You were on the bus, watching as the fading sun descended and the moon turned brighter. The glow of city coming to life, some many people out and about. You barely had enough money to and back, getting off at the stop further away. Walking the rest to save a bit of cash and take in the scenery. The air was crisp, it never got too cold during the winter season. Also, long as the wind stayed away it was a mild year so far.
To say this was awkward was an understatement. Simon sat across from the beta Scottsman, not much has changed he thought. The group of men still joking around like nothing happened like good ol' times, they kept trying to get him in on it. Simon soon realised that this was a mistake, all of it. Calling Price and picking out this bar. They weren't his pack anymore, they ditched him soon as things went south.
Simon's grip on his glass of bourbon tightened when Johnny yelled "Right Lt." the group getting quiet afterwards, Johnny knew he fucked up. Simon got up abruptly, taking a big gulp of the burning liquid amber, polishing off his drink before slamming it back down.
"Goin’ for a smoke." as he grabbed his jacket off the back of his chair. Marching towards the front door. He could hear Kyle's faint call of his name, the beta man always playing mediator, Price holding Johnny back like an Alpha would a misbehaving puppy as Simon made his way outside.
"Bunch of fuckin' pricks." it was a whisper to himself, digging out his pack of smokes and shoving one into his mouth. Lighting it with ease as he sucked in a big lung full. The door to the bar opened and closed, fully expecting to smell the cigar-soaked Alpha but instead it was Johnny tail between his legs.
"I ken ye dinnae wanna gab about it." he tried but Simon cut him right off. "I don't." blowing a huge cloud in the betas face. "Weel, someone's gotta." he just wanted some fucking peace and quiet. "The start talkin’ or shut the fuck up." dropping his finished cigarette to the ground, giving it a good stomp before putting another to his lips.
"Things have changed, ye've changed. Ah ken everything's aw fucked up right now. We tried-" Simon huffed out a stiff laugh, not believing a thing the Scott was saying. He could see his lips still moving but he couldn’t hear what he was saying as a familiar scent caught his nose.
Before Simon could think a small body collided with Soaps as he stepped out towards the curb with a hand to the back of his neck. "Ah, fuck, sorry ‘bout that, lass." Simon watched in slow motion as you got knocked off balance. Johnny reaching out to help the poor thing but before, he could feel the growl coming from his chest and throat. Pushing the Beta to the side as he took a hold of you, bring you to his chest.
He could hear your lower whimper, there was something different about you. Your scent was sweeter, it was pulling him in like a bee to a flower. "Simon?" letting out in a shaky breath. "What are you doing here?" you looked up into his eyes. Your hands resting against his chest, the hard muscle underneath flexing, a low rumble coming from within. You’ve never seen him like this, so casual but also feral, eyes blown and panting.
"Am I interrupting ye in the midst of somethin'?" Johnny didn't know what the hell was going on. Looking at the Omega flushed against the old Alpha, he was just happy that after everything that happened it was nice to see his old lieutenant finally settling down with such a sweet thing. Simon finally broke his gaze from you, settling it on the Beta. “It was a nice chat, gotta go.”
"Come, I'll drive you home." he stated, gripping your upper arm as he moved you towards his car. The more you stood outside surround by people the more Simon got irritated. He couldn't put his finger on it, the changes within you. He'd been away from a couple of weeks; it was hard staying away but he had a responsibility and a job to do. "I can take the bus." you tried moving around Simon, spotting the other man who was now gawking. "Like hell." Simon held onto you firm, walking you to his car.
"See you around." the Scott yelled from somewhere behind. He couldn't wait to tell the other two men of what he witnessed. The grumpy old Alpha had found himself a sweet Omega.
The drive home was in silence, not even the radio to help ease the awkward tension building up in the car. When Simon pulled onto your street you gathered your belongings. "Wait." you snapped your head to the driver's side.
"What were you doing out so late?" he was trying to interrogate you "I had an appointment." you held your hands in your lap, fidgeting with your fingers. "Hmm" Simon grunted out, the whole way back to your apartment he had to stop himself from pulling the car over and pouncing on you.
Something wasn't right and he didn't like it or maybe he did. It confused him nonetheless and he wanted answers.
"You want to come up?" you don't know why you asked, why those words spilled out of your mouth. Simon was surprised too, cocking his head to side. "Sure." he cut the engine.
Once inside your apartment you didn't bother asking him if he wanted anything to drink. Unless he's into expired milk or tap water. The hulking man walked around your small place, picking things up and putting them down. Take in his surroundings, he already didn’t like you living in this area. He’s scoped out your apartment, the front door was a piece of shit, with a little bit of a jiggle and it popped open.
Walking towards your dingy couch he noticed the paper on the table, picking it up he scanned the words. You didn't.... His eyes found your form, busying yourself around your small kitchen. Shoving dirty dished into the sink to be forgotten about till later. Simon sniffed the air again, there was that familiar scent again. The smell of an Omega, the similar one that clung to his Boss, that filled every space of his home.
He felt is heart quicken, his blood run thin. He's only had this feeling a few times, he was going to throw up and pass out at the same time. You noticed his completion pale, worrying you, grabbing a glass and filling it with your last bottle of water. Rushing to his side and calling his name.
Simon was so far away; he was in the middle of the raging ocean. The waves crashing over him, pulling him deeper under every unforgiving wave. Lungs full of burning salt water, gasping with arms stretched to the sky.
You could do the only thing you could think of you climbed into his lap. Curling yourself around him, rubbing your scent glad over his nose and mouth.
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Adam apple high school AU PT 3
(this is a pretty long one so bear with me)
. On the very first day at his new school, Lucifer had felt as though his soul had been stripped away from his body, the reason being...Adam Mann
. You see everything was going fine he was given a schedule of his classic, and a basic tour of where his classes were, and everything seemed to go well during his introduction as the new student during first period
. sure, when he said his name, he got a weird look from this one girl in the middle row, but he just ignored it
. it wasn't until after class when he was waking to his next class, and he accidentally bumped into the one person he never thought he would see again that it's kind of all went to Hell
Lucifer: I'm so sorry! I didn't see where I was going, are you alright?
Adam: yeah, I'm fine no skin off...YOU!
Lucifer: A, Adam!?
. Lucifer would hardly believe it, the most beautiful person that he had ever known was right before his eyes, and as it couldn't be even more possible was even more beautiful than ever
. His face was more defined as he had a small stubble on his chin, he had gotten taller too, his soft brown eyes had a sort of golden shine to them, and his scent was even stronger than ever before his scent was of freshly peeled oranges with a hint of soft soil
. but the most prominent feature about him would be his body and his body, oh holy mercy it had curves not the normal amount of curves the usual omega had he had curves for days, right from the top of his perky chest to his soft tummy, all the way down to his big thighs, then to end it was his big juicy booty, though (of course, he didn't see it till after Adam left, but he was only looking respectfully he swears!)
. But before he could fully admire the angel before him he was suddenly pressed up against the lockers with the once lovely scent turned sour as Adam glared down at the person who was responsible for ruining his life back in middle school
. Lucifer gulped, both in horniness and fear(but mostly for being a horny little gremlin)
Lucifer: listen, I know we didn't leave on good terms, but
Adam: But nothing! you stay out of my way here and I'll stay out of your way, got that pipsqueak!?
Lucifer: Pipsqueak?! (before he could say anything else Adam turned around, skirt swishing as he did so, and stomped off. And all Lucifer could process were these cold facts, the one who got away is here, he’s even more hot than ever, and he hates his guts
. this was going to be the longest semester of his fucking life
. a month and a half had passed since the incident, and neither Lucifer nor Adam could barely even tolerate being in the same room together let alone speak to one another
. Lucifer has tried to talk to Adam during this time when he sees him outside of class or when they do have class together tries to sit next to or at least near him
. however it keeps failing for him because A. Adam doesn’t want anything to do with him, and B. His guard dog Lute won’t even let him look at Adam’s general direction let alone try and go near him
. it all comes to a head one day when out in the school football field sitting on the bleachers, waiting for Adam to finish lacrosse team practice, once he saw he was done he waved and called out to him to get his attention
. luckily Adam did acknowledge him with an eye roll and walked over to him
. Lucifer gave himself a mental fist bump as they finally were going to clear the table and maybe Lucifer would finally be able to tell Adam how he felt
. which is why it made so much sense that the plan went to shit
. see while rushing down the bleacher steps he slipped on the last few steps causing him to trip and fall of landing on top of Adam
. at first Lucifer thinks he must have landed right on his stomach because the body part he lands on is soft and squishy…with a space in between
. he slowly lifts himself away to see that he had landed right on Adam’s breasts, a fiery blush spreads all across his upper body as his eyes look into Adam’s shocked/disgusted filled ones
Lucifer: I’m sorry, I’m so so sorry it was a complete accident, I swear!
. he didn’t get a chance to say anything else as he was picked up by the scruff, thrown off of Adam, and was proceeded beaten by Lute
. Adam was in a daze for a minute as he tried to understand what the actual Hell happened
. his attention was then focused on the fight between Lucifer and Lute fighting on the ground
. that was really bad for two reasons, they were still on school grounds and if the coach came back those two would be on grounds for expulsion while he was more worried about Lute getting into trouble, he couldn't help but feel a ping of worry in his chest for Lucifer, damn omega instinct, reason number two was that two alphas fighting especially over an omega can more often than not turn bloody
. So, scrambling to his feet, he made his way over to the small crowd where the girls from the team were watching the fight, some even egging it on
. He pushed his way through them and saw Lucifer had Lute pinned under him with his fist raised up ready to strike her
. Adam ran towards them and tried to pull Lucifer off when he suddenly felt a hand hit right in the eye, he falls backwards and clutches his eye while whimpering in pain
. both alphas stop immediately and turn their attention to the omega in distress
. Lucifer gets off the female alpha and rushes towards Adam, while Lute stays frozen in place not believing that she hit Adam, on accident of course she didn't expect he'd be on the crossfire she just wanted to get Lucifer off
Lucifer: Holy shit, are you okay!? here let me take a look
. at first, Adam tried to just leave but Lucifer kept him still while giving a pleading look he sighed and allowed the alpha to look him over Adam's eye appeared to be swollen and starting to throb
Adam: is it bad?
Lucifer: It's not so bad that you'd need an eye patch just need to get something cold on it, come on let's get you home
. Despite his own injuries he helps Adam up and starts to lead him away as the crowd slowly starts to dissipate now that the fight was over
. Adam turns his head slightly and says in a frustrated tone
Adam: Not now Lute, just, not now, I'll text you later ok?
. Lute doesn't say anything as she watches from the ground in complete shock as Adam allows himself to be taken away by that little demon
. after carefully maneuvering around the school so no one would see them in their current predicament they made it over to the student parking lot where a small white car resided
. Lucifer unlocked it with a push of his key's button, went to the passenger side to open the door for Adam, and went to his side to start the car, before turning to Adam
Lucifer: do you mind giving me your address?
Adam: No, please don't it's my aunt's day off and she'll freak the fuck out if she sees this.
. he says while referring to his damaged eye
Lucifer: ok I get it, um well, if your comfortable with it, are you okay with coming back to my house? I can get you the right medical aid you need
. Adam doesn't say anything as he silently nods
. The drive there is silent and tense as Adam's attention is solely focused on what is happening out the window, while Lucifer keeps checking on him every so often
. They soon made it to a high-class condo complex, they park in front of one and Lucifer quickly opens his door to open Adam's and helps him out
. They head inside and Lucifer calls out to Uriel, he breathes a sigh of relief when he gets no response
Lucifer: Ok were good, let me take you to the kitchen
. There he gets Adam a bag full of ice and he gently places it on his eye, wincing from the slight flinch from the cold
Lucifer: you need anything else? are you hungry or thirsty?
Adam: all I need now is how to tell my Aunt on how I got this, though shouldn't you be more concerned with your own injuries?
Lucifer: I think the worst I got was a bump on the head, I'm ok
. It was true that while he had some bruises he was mostly a-ok
Lucifer: but if you really need an excuse for her, just say you accidentally ran into a door while rushing to class
. suddenly Adam's phone starts to buzz he picks it up and sighs seeing the caller's ID
Adam: speak of the devil (answers it) hey Aunt Sera, no I uh stopped at Mcdonald's for an after practice snack with a friend, yeah I know they cause people to get fat but guess what that sentiment can't really be applied to me when I'm already fat, no that's not sarcasm that is stating facts, uh huh, yeah, yeah I'll be home soon ok, I don't know an hour soon ok? See you then, yeah love you too
. he ends the call and looks at Lucifer
Adam: ok, situation averted, for now at least, so
Lucifer: So?
Adam: (sighs and looks straight into Lucifer's eyes) you have exactly thirty minutes and explain why the Hell you've been trying to follow me around and won't just leave me alone? I mean if you're trying to apologize over what happened in Eden you're doing a pretty shitty job at it
Lucifer: I, I'm sorry but while I did want to talk to you about the whole Eden situation, I don't see why I have to apologize for anything
Adam: um ok how about you stealing my girlfriend then making me feel like complete shit by constantly following me around and trying to shove your tongue down her throat, oh! and let's not forget the rumors that destroyed my reputation, because I know you and Lilith were the ones that start them!
Lucifer: first of all, YOU broke up with Lilith first I think that made it perfectly ok for me to "Steal your girlfriend" second I didn't start those rumors I swear I didn't Lilith must've said something to her friends and those friends said something to their friends and it probably spiraled out of control from there, thirdly Lilith was the one to drag me to those places I swear it was a giant coincidence
Adam: Broke up with her, what the Hell are you talking about I didn't break up with her she broke up with me by being a slut!
Lucifer: what about Eve then?! the girl you left Lilith for!
Adam: You mean Eve my cousin?
Lucifer: what?
Adam: Eve is my cousin, and she was a new student there and I was just helping her settle in!
Lucifer: I, I, you're not lying to me, are you?
Adam: What the actual fuck would I earn by lying to you?! No, I'm not lying she was the one who fucking cheated on me why don't you get that?!
. Lucifer took a shaky breath and turned away eyes going wide in realization
Lucifer: she lied; she's been playing me this whole time
Adam: YES! finally you see the truth, she was a lying cheating alpha whore who only cared about her own wants and needs
Lucifer: A, Adam I, I am so, so fucking sorry I swear I didn't know I just I swear if I knew the truth I wouldn't have done that...if it makes you feel any better, she wasn't the best girlfriend to me either
Adam: Makes me feel a little better
Lucifer: I don't know how I'm going to make it up to you, actually I have an idea
Adam: what is it?
Lucifer: this Friday I don't know if your aware but there's a festival happening at school and if you're ok with it, why don't you let me take you? we could have fun and get to know each other better, get to know the real us, not the version's Lilith's lies had created; so what do you say wanna do it?
Adam: Uh I
. Adam didn't know what to say to an offer like that, he literally just spilled his guts to someone who he held onto a great amount of resent towards, or he at least he did once the realization that Lucifer was used just like he was, he supposed that maybe he could give him a second chance
Adam: sure, what's the harm
. Later when Lucifer drops Adam off in front of his house, he walks him to his door when Adam turns to address him
Adam: Well, I'll see you later, I I'm glad we had this chance to finally clear the air
Lucifer: me too
. Lucifer gives him a soft smile which caused Adam to blush then in a last-minute decision Adam places a soft kiss on his cheek, Lucifer's face turns to a deep Scarlett and before he had a chance to react Adam went inside closing the door
. Lucifer's lips split open into a goofy grin as he sways his way back to the car in a lovesick manner
. Inside Adam reels from realization from what he just did when he suddenly hears his aunt
Sera: Oh good your back hopefully you didn't ruin your appetite because dinner is, IS THAT A BLACK EYE?!
. Oh shit he forgot about that
(sorry it’s late, hope you liked it)
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insomniakisses · 1 year
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hii! what kind of alpha do you think katherine would be and how she acts towards her omega? <3
A/n: omg Hiiiii!! I see u in my notifs alot 😄
Katherine Pierce as your alpha Headcannon
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Character: katherin pierce nèe katerina patrova (The vampire diaries universe)
Reader type: G/n, omega, afab
Warning/notes: SFW & NSFW themes, nsfw stuff will be under the cut, MINORS DNI, OMEGAVERSE AU, true mates (soulmates)
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Getting together (sfw)
- okay so this girl didnt know what to do when she caught feeling
- ofc she wants to jus pull u into her arms and hold u forever
- shes under the impression u hate her along with the rest of ur friends (the mystic gang)
- and many supernaturals tbf girlie got some enemys
- also why shes unsure
- the last thing she wants is to hurt u or be why u r hurt
- your her fragile little human at the end of the day
- she confesses when shes trapped in the tomb (season 2) and a little whoozie from not having blood in her system
- elena pushed u in for her to feed on u in exchange for information about the originals
- she was 75% sure kat wouldnt kill u
- still kinda a dick move tho 😒
- kat imediatly feeds on u sinking her fangs into ur neck
- after a few mouthfuls her senses kick in
- her eyes go wide AFFFFFF
- from ur scent she can tell ur her true mate
- whimpers as she pulls away
- feeding u her blood for ur wound as she holds u closer
- knows now that she cant leg u go or ignore her feeling bc ur destined for eachother
- glares at elena
- elena is like ????
- “i gave u blood now u give me answers”
- que kat picking u up and speeding to the centre of the tomb
- she kisses ur healed neck softly as an apology
-“u should get better friends”
- “she didnt bite into my neck and almost kill me katerina”
- 😳😒 “i object to the first part, but say my name again?”
- “Katerina~”
- girlie is jus 😳 bc she loves how her name sounds on your tongue
- she shyly asks if she can kiss u
- you smirk at her and say youll give her a kiss everytime she tells u something about klaus and why elenas in danger
- pouty huffy baby but will agree.
- u gave her MANY kisses
- made u sit in her lap tho
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General relationship hcs (sfw)
- she sees everyone and everything as a threat
- an unfortunate side affect from running for 500 years
- wants ur undivided and devoted attention 24/7
- she doesnt share whats hers
- so so so sooooo many kisses
- hugs hugs hugs
- your chair is her lap
- no arguments
- you will sit there with her arms round u as she kisses ur face and neck
- FEEDING ON YOU (if ur okay with that)
- your blood is the sweetest shes ever tasted
- shes sure its a mate thing bc u taste so divine
- loves jus having u on her lap sharing soft kisses
- trailing her kisses to ur neck and around ur mate mark
- kissing to your shoulder and sinking her fangs in
- rubbing ur back when u whine in pain
- drinking from u eyes closed and moaning in delight
- pulling away gently and kissing you
- biting into her lip till it bleeds into the kiss so u take her blood to heal urself
- did i mention cuddles?
- this a touch starved baby
- wants u in her arms all the time
- head kisses
- nose kisses
- cheek kisses
- any type of kisses and shes a soft soft baby
- insecure of your love sometimes
- questions why ur with a monster like her
- u jus tell her how much u love her and how perfect she is
- speaking of love
- when u told her you loved her she jus
- 🥺 “why?”
- </3333
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- shes rough
- R O U G H
- this girl will fuck u into a coma on a soft day
- choking
- spanking
- clit spanks / pinches
- nipple pulling / pinching
- marking (biting, scratches, bruises)
- ties u up
- owns a leg spreader but hardly uses it bc u cant out power her
- breeding press is her go to
- having u on ur back under her
- knees pushed to ur chest
- wrists tied to the headboard
- pussy spread wide for her
- her dick fucking hard fast and deep
- balls practically spanking ur ass and pussy as they hit u with ever thrust
- her hands propping her up
- hammering her hips into u
- biting and kissing at your neck, jaw, shoulders and chest
- occasionally feeding
- kissing u and sucking on ur tongue
- degrading u
- praising u
- calls u her little cock slut, cum dump, dirty whore etc
- fills u with 4-7 loads before popping her knot
- rubs ur clit till her knot goes down
- then she’ll pull out and round 2 starts 😉
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- shushes ur whines as she pulls out of u
- kisses every mark on ur body so sofly
- praising u as she does
- soft soft touches and kisses
- speeds out to start a bath running
- uses every fancy and extortionately priced bathing product
- scoops u up and and places u on the sink counter
- kissing your head with a coo at the whine of how cold it is against ur bruised ass
- speeds off to change the sheets in vamp speed
- comes back and kisses you softly as she pulls u into her arms as she leans to flick the water off
- climbing into the bath with u
- setting u on her lap as she leans against the side of the bath
- your back against her chest
- slowly and gently washes u as u fall in and out of sleep
- the heat of the bath and all the relaxing products lulling u to sleep
- holding you until the water runs cold
- gently getting out with u in her arms and setting u onto the towel she placed atop the bed
- towelling u dry so soft and gentle as to not wake you
- picking you up and placing you under the covers
- getting in after you and pulling u into her arms softly nuzzling into your neck
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