#i'll try to update you guys on occasion but for now i won't be saying much :
nearestend · 2 months
hi my dear friends. i know i made a promo, said i would be active, and then immediately dipped. i haven't been in the best mental state, considering all things. trying to earn some income is a priority for me right now and is quite draining for me so i don't really have the energy to talk to a lot of people or write atm. i'm still taking commissions, unfortunately i don't have any new examples to show for it, but i'm also working on getting some designs made for my shop (i will update you guys when i have that done in case anyone wants to check them out).
in the meantime, if you'd like a commission of any kind, send me a dm here or on discord (@/thefourthbeastieboy) and i'll try to get back to you as soon as i can.
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sharkdenwrites · 6 months
Hey there ! My name is Carden, welcome to my writing blog ! I'm a trans man and my pronouns are he/him. I have autism and get way too indulgent in media
Keep reading for some rules~
1. General Rules and Stuff
• Most of my works will have the "T" rating on AO3. Please note that an "M" rating will denote violence and the like, not sexual content.
• If you request smut, please be over 18. I won't say minors dni with my blog entirely but please be conscious of my comfort with interacting with minors
• My masterlist will update whenever possible and will include chapter counts, AO3 links, and other useful info
• I mostly write character/character, and mostly write ships I enjoy, but on occasion I might post something platonic or something besides fanfiction
• I would love to talk with you guys about anything currently listed under "current fixations" and hear theories and other things about my work ! I have anon on for my inbox so feel free to blabber away without judgement <3
2. Requests
• I can do character/reader oneshots, but I'm gonna need pronouns and a plot from you
• When I do prompt lists, please follow the specific guidelines for that particular post
• Please don't flood my inbox asking when your request will be done, I'm a perfectionist and want to make sure I put out the best quality work ! Therefore, it will take time.
• I'll do my best to write characters I'm not as familiar with, but please don't send hate because I make a character OOC. I promise I'm trying !
3. Fandom List
• Bungo Stray Dogs
• Jujutsu Kaisen
• Twisted Wonderland
• Obey Me ! (note: will only be /reader oneshots upon request)
• Yuri!!! on Ice
• Sasaki and Miyano
• Pokemon X/Y
• Your Turn to Die
That's all I have for now ! Be sure to check this post every so often to see if anything changes because, let's be real, they'll probably update randomly. I hope you have a good time and I'll see you soon !
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fluidfox123 · 3 years
Follow up rambles from this amazing post about Raph's plurality you should totally read if you want to. I would also like to thank the Constellation System (@december-rains) for giving me feedback on my grammar usage that I kinda messed up on and helping me with figuring out some information I couldn't decide on! You guys should totally check lune out!
Also, once again, please don’t screenshot/repost this post without my permission. I know it’s “only headcanons” but I would rather you ask before doing so. Also you can reblog since that’s not reposting.
Updated info:
Origin: Traumagenic and Protogenic (Mixed Origin System)
Savage is also Trauma-Locked (see the last post for the rest of his roles/identities, linked above)
- Red is reckless and hard-headed. He's usually the one who does dangerous stunts for fun and gets angry the quickest. Even though he's pretty blunt as well, the guy is still pretty hard set in getting the rest of the system and turtle brothers through difficult times. An example of this is when Raph's brothers continued to eat poison despite it being, well, poison and fought with Raph over babying them or them learning to actually solve things by themselves. Red wasn't trying to say that they shouldn't ask for help in any sort of way, but he wanted nothing more than Leo, Donnie, and Mikey to learn how to do things without depending on Raph so much or just continuing to be irresponsible. It's unbelievable for Red that they won't even go out on missions a lot of the time despite them all collectively agreeing to be heroes. - Red is a foodie and has more than once ate so much food that their body suffered major stomach aches and gotten really sick. Mind scolds him each and every time. - Raph watches spy/action movies frequently ever since Red introduced them to him when he was younger. Sometimes rolling around and pretending to point a gun everywhere when on missions/patrols. All his brothers tease him for it. - Red and Raph sometimes co-front whether intentional or not. This causes them to be unsure of who is fronting or/and blur together. This often happens when Red decides to be involved with Raph's brothers without Raph leaving or because the body is in danger and he needs to quickly move them out of the way, only taking enough control to only move the body and protect it. Only on rare occasions do they co-front for long periods of time, especially since it is still fragile for them, and if it's focused on too much one will be forced back. - Red's voice is a lot rougher and a bit deeper than Raph's, despite the two being harder to discern from one another compared to everyone else in the system. - Mind practically lives in their inner world and it's rare for him to ever front unless it's to take care of the body, comfort someone who is fronting (usually by co-fronting and for example comfortingly rubbing the bodies arm), they've been forced to front (Red and Raph have been forced away/other reasons), or because they were positively triggered by something in the outside world that causes them to front (Like the strong smell of cinnamon or song Mind may love). - Mind is a very calm person, everything about them is practically soothing. They usually are the one everyone goes to for advice and comfort because it's something they radiate constantly. They're pretty peaceful but could practically kill you with their stare of disapproval when something bugs them. They're not very blunt, liking to think things through and adjust to the person they're around and talking to, making sure that they say what they know will get through to them or that Mind's presence isn't bothersome. Plus, they're practically the Mom friend but actually takes care of you like a soft-spoken mother. His ideas may not be the best but he tries his best to help everyone in the system and helps Raph with the people on the outside when he's having trouble. - Mind has a thing for bubbles. He loves the way they pop, make little soapy rainbows, and how much of a mess it makes after you've blown a whole bottle. In the outside world, Mind will practically jump to the front to blow some bubbles if offered. In the Inner World Mind's Station has bubbles floating around it constantly. - Mind might not be the best singer when it comes to anything fast or really upbeat, but slow and lullaby-like songs are his thing for sure. Mind has distinct memories of Splinter singing to the turtles when they were younger and learned it to help Raph and Savage when they're scared, upset, or unable to sleep. Mikey once asked if he and Splinter could do a lullaby duet. They said they would, but they haven't yet. Everyone wants nothing more than to hear it so they're all waiting for the day that two of the best lullaby singers put on a show. - Mind's blue eyes glow dimly,
making them a bit otherworldly than everyone else. His voice is pretty feminine, quiet, slow, and soft. He speaks the most formally out of everyone besides Donnie. - Mind likes to braid their mask tails from time to time. Red always compliments the look when he sees it. - Mind keeps track of everything within the inner world by using a very large computer. Using files and keywords in a search system to organize and find information easily. - Savage is someone who hates fronting. Practically avoids it at any cost and the only time he does front is when he's forced to, and it's always forced. He's emotional, most of the time non-verbal, and the most untrusting of everyone else out of everyone in the system. He hates the world outside just as much as he does the Inner world if not more and he wants nothing but for the outside world to never exist in the first place. - Savage is 6 years old, the youngest out of the system. - Savage is pretty silent and only speaks when he's distressed or so angry that he's on a warpath. He might be seen as the stereotype for the "evil alter" for systems, but he's not. He's far from it, in fact, and never intended to reinforce something so hurtful. He's simply a little kid who's forced to front when Raph's left alone for too long, and the pain and loneliness of being the worst feeling in the world. Even if he is the only one who can take it. But, despite his loathing for existence, he's a sweet kid. He loves strange animals, rock candy, and climbing things. He has fluffy pillows and likes the piece of brown cloth always wrapped around him, it comforts him and it's his own personal little blankly for wherever he goes. - Mind is the one who takes care of Savage, constantly giving him first aid for his climbing accidents, bathing him after he's dirty from his cuts, and playing in the sand/dirt in the Inner World. Mind is the only one Savage somewhat trusts out of the whole 2 worlds, and the only one he can even think to feel safe with. - Savage loves animal crackers. - The little Snapping turtle has neon bandaids constantly littering his skin other than bandages and bruises. He has no pupils and has gotten the nickname white eyes for that reason, it being the only nickname he'll allow people to call him other than his name. - Savage is the one out of everyone in the system that looks closest to a dinosaur. - He likes hanging from branches with his tail and digging pointless holes with his claws. - It's canon that Raph has a peanut allergy (Mascot Melee), but I feel like he's also allergic to Pineapple. - Mind pitched the idea when the body was a pre-teen to wear bracelets so everyone on the outside knew who was there, even if Red and Raph are the ones always present. Red wears a red thread bracelet similar to this:
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Mind wears a blue, white, and turquoise bracelet that looks similar to this:
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Raph usually doesn't wear one, but when he isn't fronting for an unusual amount of time, anyone else being the host would wear a bracelet to show Raph is co-fronting/co-conscious with them. The bracelet being a pink, yellow, and white mini rubber band bracelet Mikey made for him when he told him about Mind's idea:
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And, even though Savage doesn't front, Mind made sure to include him by having a neon lime green triple rope bracelet:
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That should be it for now! That's mostly the information for their system other than their Inner World, but I haven't really made anything for that yet, so I guess I'll make a third post for that eventually! Thank you for getting to this point! It really means a lot! Asks are open if ya'll wanna send one in about any of this!
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prettyblfan · 3 years
Coffee Shop Boy
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Chapter Four
Today started a little differently for Sorawit than his Monday and Tuesday had.
It began when he spotted none other than his brother Bun down stairs preparing the coffee shop. This was rare in two senses one being Bun almost always worked the early morning shifts at the hospital so Sorawit almost never saw him in the morning, and the second being the rare occasion he had the day or morning off he definitely wouldn't be spending it doing this.
"P'Bun?" Sorawit called out, the confusion in his voice very evident.
"Ah Sorawit you're awake, if you want you can go back to sleep i can take over for today." Bun said stopping what he was doing to smile at Sorawit.
This was weird. Definitely weird. Bun was broken.
"P'Bun are you sure? Did something happen at work?" Sorawit questioned cautiously.
Of course it wasn't bad that Bun was home during the mornings, quite the contrary this was good for him between working at the coffee shop and the hospital he almost never had a break. The worrying thing is that Bun loves doing what he does so he'd never be home willingly.
"Umm, everything's fine just thought I could do with a bit of a break" Bun hummed brushing off Sorawit's questions.
Sorawit wasn't buying it. Not one bit.
Could most things get past him. Yes. But definitely not this.
In the end Sorawit decided not to push any further and rather than returning to his bedroom he opted to instead help Bun set up, after all there was still a small chance That would show.
Speaking of That Sorawit pondered briefly about the text that he had sent him last night.
You see it was only when he woke up this morning that he had seen not only That's message but also the message he sent.
Sorawit: Night That sleep well 😴 💓.
'Why did he send him a heart???'
Sorawit screamed internally as he forced himself to stay focused on wiping down the surfaces.
This wasn't a big deal, nor was it weird.
So, Sorawit had no idea why he was freaking out over something so small. He had sent hearts to practically everyone, like Bun and Nam so why was That any different.
Sorawit tried to reason with himself but in his heart he still felt very unsettled.
How was That any different?
Being so absorbed in his thoughts, yes his thoughts, 4:30 had finally rolled around. And to Sorawit's disappointment? there was no sight of That.
The table by the door was left usually empty.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Bun asked teasingly as he poked Sorawit on the cheek.
"No." Sorawit replied quickly.
Why was he expecting him to turn up in the first place. That had said yesterday he most likely won't make it.
"You were staring at the door so intensely, so it looked like you were" Bun continued only to be met with no responsed.
Sorawit pouted.
That was strange. 100% strange. Why is it that he managed to make Sorawit feel so... weird.
Sorawit head whipped around to the door, his heart pounding. That made it. Sorawit forced himself to breathe as the door opened further.
"YOU!" Bun yelled out pointing towards the men in the door way.
And so it was like that Sorawit's hopes had vanished, none of the men standing in the door way was That.
They were all well dressed men. That in itself was very apparent, Sorawit had no idea what brands they were wearing he just knew they had to be expensive.
"P'Bun" Sorawit called completely baffled, how did his brother know these people. Sorawit was pretty sure he knew all of Bun's friends, it wasn't hard he didn't have very many as he rarely focused on anything other than work.
"What the hell are you doing here?" Bun questioned glaring intensely at the trio in the door way.
The man in the middle and objectively the most handsome made his way to the centre of the coffee shop smiling playful as the men that came with him remained by the door.
"Well you're open right?" The man replied raising his eyebrow teasingly at Bun.
Now Sorawit was completely and utterly confused. His eyes flickered between the two before it finally clicked, or he had atleast made a reasonable guess.
Judging by his brother's hostile nature this was the man that had picked a fight with him on Monday.
"Not for you!" Bun huffed making his way over to him.
"Why?" The unknown man briefly paused before continuing, his eyes gleamed with something Sorawit couldn't really identify.
"Aw Bun~ are you still mad about your suspension, remember it's only temporary" The well dressed man smiled.
Sorawit could practically feel the ridicule in his tone, he quickly glanced at Bun. The tips of his ears were red and his body had completely stiffened.
"You got suspended?" Sorawit questioned.
None of this made sense. There was no way in hell that Bun would ever be suspended.
"Get out!" Bun yelled glaring at the man infront of him before shooting Sorawit an apologetic look.
"This is a really nice place you've got here, you know what I think we might stay for a coffee right M" The man completely ignored Bun's outburst making his way over to a table and sitting down.
"If you keep on teasing him a vain might pop." The man known as M spoke as him and the other man sat down.
"Sorawit you should head up stairs and study I'll handle this shift today" Bun sighed as the man seemed to pay no attention to his words.
"P'Bun, you sure" Sorawit asked raising his eyebrow questioningly in the direction of the men sat in the corner.
"Umm, go" Bun replied picking up the note pad used to take orders with.
"You better explain later" Sorawit warned playfully.
Bun nodded with a light smile before making his way over to the table to take their orders.
Sorawit didn't really want to leave Bun alone with men like that but Bun didn't leave any room for argument.
And maybe a small part of Sorawit couldn't wait to text That. Like a really small part.
As he was heading up the stairs he heard Bun yell.
"Tan don't push your luck"
Tan... Wasnt that the man Ploy was talking about before. Sorawit paused before reluctantly continuing up the stairs, he knew for a fact that his brother could hold his own but he'd have to remind Bun to stay away from this Tan guy. He seemed like bad news.
Pouncing on his bed Sorawit grabbed his phone smiling brightly as he opened his contacts.
His fingers lingered on the call button.
'Would he even answer, maybe I should just text him' Sorawit thought as he rolled over onto his back staring blankly at his phone.
The loud noise of his phone startle Sorawit to the point that his phone had dropped flat onto his face. Sitting up and grabbing his phone Sorawit stared at the caller ID looking completely surprised.
That had called him, That had called him first.
Sorawit answered the phone without hesitation.
"Sorawit" That called, his voice echoing from the phone.
Sorawit flushed, That had never really called his name before, even if he had this time felt different.
"Yeah." Sorawit responded softly.
"I didn't think you'd answer" That said just as softly.
'This feels strange'
"Well my brother is at home today, so I didn't have to help" Sorawit replied.
"You have a brother?" That questioned.
"Umm i do, he's older" Sorawit said.
For some reason this whole conversation made Sorawit feel queezy. Maybe it was because That's voice was a lot softer than usual, whatever it was it was definitelythrowing him off.
That rarely talked so softly to him.
"You couldn't come today?" Sorawit asked.
"Umm i worked late yesterday and I had something to do this morning." That said before yelling out to someone in the background.
"Tell Por that I'm not doing it I don't take orders from him, he can asked Pued if he's so desperate"
It was moments like this that reminded him how long he'd exactly known That, since they spoke to each other so comfortably it made him feel as if he had known him forever. But in reality he had only known him for two day, so of course they were still getting to know each other. It was just that Sorawit hated not knowing these little things.
"Sorry" That said letting out a sigh.
"Are you busy you seem busy, we can talk later if you want." Sorawit asked.
"It's fine just tired... honestly I'm slightly surprised that you haven't bombarded me with questions yet" That teased with a light laugh.
"What's the point you never answer them" Sorawit spoke his tone completely sour.
"I answer at least one of your questions, so what's today's one" That said.
"Where do you work but you have to also include what you do as well, I won't let you rip me off with these hardly detailed answers" Sorawit responded, the corner of his lips pulling into a soft smile.
Sorawit likes That a lot. Apart from Nam he hadn't made very many close friends since moving here, so That was a very nice addition. (Friend, I mean okay Sorawit😂)
"Haha, I work as a security guard at The Mist" That laughed keeping his response short even despite what Sorawit had said.
Sorawit huffed before mumbling into the phone upset.
"And, I said no short answers"
"And... I've worked there since I moved here umm" That paused struggling to find anything else to say.
Just as That was about to continue a voice in the background cut him off.
"That Por said he wants to see you now. In his office"
That sighed before speaking to Sorawit, the annoyance was clear in his voice.
"I'll call later"
And just like that before Sorawit could even complain That had hung up.
'What was he going to say' Sorawit pondered.
Sorawit glanced at the time on his phone before getting up and making his way over to his desk.
He let out a huff before pulling out his text books. He couldn't help but think every time he got close That would pull away intentionally or unintentionally.
Glancing away from his books he quickly sent That a text.
Sorawit: Are you free this afternoon. Let's hang out 😊
Did I take my sweet time yes, yes I did but don't worry, actually do worry as since I've now officially started school again these updates might be a bit slower but I shall try to procrastinate less. No promises ☺
But any how we love Bun and Tan going from enemies to lovers as well as both Bun and Sorawit falling for shady men and being kinda of oblivious about it. 😂
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I loved this scene.🥰
Trigger Warning ⚠️ i don't proof read that throughly so feel free to point out mistakes and correct me.
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serene-aesthetics · 3 years
Welcome to my tumblr :)
Hey dudes! The name's serene-aesthetics, and the game's moodboards. If you want more info, my pronouns are either she/her or ae/aer and you can just call me Serene if you want I guess.
My tumblr's named after my main account @wishingforserendipity so you can follow that if you want to, I don't actually post anything at all there, basically I just reblog on occasion and that's it.
Anyways, I should probably just get onto the important moodboard stuff.
Posting Things
Requests should be open and anonymous all the time unless I start to have issues, but legitimately don't expect to fill them in any sort of timely manner. I have pretty bad ADHD and a host of other shit going on right now, so requests are basically just what they should be: asking nicely and maybe I'll do the thing in the next two weeks. If you want to, feel free to DM me to check on how I'm doing and I'll be sure to give updates on when I'll be able to do your request since I do check my DMs.
On a related note, I won't be the super frequent poster that I know a lot of you guys are used to, and I hope you're okay with that. I might try to fill the space by reblogging from a few other moodboard/aesthetic accounts so you guys can follow those, so be on the lookout for that. I'll try to give updates on when I'm planning on being more or less active than usual, and I'll tag them with #info.
I'll try to just use simple and obvious tags for the most part starting out, like colors and themes and saying it's a moodboard and all that jazz.
If you want me to start tagging something, shoot me a DM (for urgent, trigger-type stuff) or an ask (for preferential-type stuff), and I will 100% add that tag to ongoing and past posts. I might have trouble remembering with the less urgent tags, so just comment that I forgot the tag to remind me.
As I stated earlier, asks should be open and anonymous all the time unless I have a problem, which I probably won't have since I won't be too active. Use asks for things like moodboard requests, tag requests, or just general random questions for me.
Submissions should be open because well, I don't see why not. If you want me to post a moodboard made by you, I'd be very happy to do so! I don't care if you think it's bad, I know it'll be amazing <3
My DMs are and will continue to be open, and I think this is necessary because of my inactivity. It's a way for you to talk to me without requiring me to be active already, which I think is very useful. Due to this, please limit DMs to triggering tag requests, checking up (nicely!) on if I saw your moodboard request and how that's going, and other things you think are important for me to know. If I get spammed because you're impatient, I'll have to close my DMs, and I don't think anyone wants me to have to.
Image Sources
First off, I'm not going to cite where I got every image from in my moodboards, because I'm only going to do this casually and that would take forever and most people really don't care about citations.
However! If you drastically need an image you saw in one of my moodboards for a wallpaper or profile picture, have no fear. I will keep all of my images saved separately on my phone (most of the time the images in my moodboards will be slightly edited or cropped by me) and from there I'll be able to reverse image search any image you need. If you don't need the source, just ask for the picture and I'll send it your way right away!
Something I count as "important for me to know" that would consitute a DM is if there is a reason I shouldn't be using a picture, whether it's been stolen from an artist, the artist/photographer is a bad person, or something else, please do let me know and I'll take down the moodboard(s) that their pictures are in. If I really liked them, I might remake them with a different picture in the original's slot, and you can request taken down moodboards to be remade as well.
Miscellaneous Important Stuff
Currently, the application I use to edit my moodboards together is Picsart. If that changes, I'll change what it says here or at the very least I'll make another post tagged #info. If you're wondering about the fact that you can post your images onto Picsart, I don't actually do that anymore since I far and above prefer Tumblr to that.
The types of moodboards I'll post are limitless, given your suggestions towards what to make next. As of writing this post I'm leaning more towards the "character + aesthetic" genre of moodboards, but if you want something that's not in that I don't care! Broadening my horizons in photo editing is what this tumblr is for in the first place.
As of right now, I don't have anything more to say. So relax, sit back, and enjoy the vibe :)
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