#i've played four of them in a row
murdrdocs · 7 months
I've been thinking non stop about Mike liking Abby's new daycare teacher but is too shy to do anything so Abby just casually mentions that her big brother has a crush on you and is doing weird things like checking his hair and only wearing the same pants two days in a row instead of four. So when u spill that Abby told u he doesn't know whether to be mad at her or not bc if ur wasn't for her he would have a date
you’re sweet, patient, professional while managing to slip in some casualness to the conversations that you and mike have (short and cordial always) that make him feel like you’re more of an acquaintance and not just someone he indirectly pays.
you’re young, around his age he assumes, and he confirms his assumptions when he’s questioning abby.
“your, uh, new teacher,” he starts as he’s finishing up dinner (spaghetti again).
abby hums from behind him. “what about them?” mike turns to glance at his sister who sits on the counter, her feet thudding against the cheap cabinets with the way she kicks them.
he turns back to the stove, shrugging and scratching at his ear. “nothing i was just wondering about them. like … are they … cool?”
and mike is so glad that abby has always been the more talkative one out of the two of them because she’s immediately thrusting herself into an analysis of your quirks and how you really care about the children.
long story short, abby likes you just as much as mike does. even more, actually.
she’s always running to hug you when mike drops her off and picks her up, and he distantly wishes he could do the same. he thinks he’s playing it cool, sending you tight lipped smiles and waves that are a little too disjointed.
but abby is more perceptive than he thinks.
each time he tells himself he’s going to have an actual conversation with you. maybe mention the band tee you wear on a casual friday or ask about the song you were humming before he’d arrived. there’s intentions for him to get to know you and eventually ask you out.
but he backs out each time.
leaving abby to play matchmaker.
when mike comes in one thursday afternoon, hoodie soaked from the thunderstorm outside, he greets you and notices that your smile is a little more bashful than usual. abby is running around with her friends inside, playing an intense game of indoor freeze tag, and mike is trying to get her attention but you stop him.
“they can play for a while longer. i couldn’t let both of you go out in that storm.”
he looks out the window and notices that somehow, it’d gotten stronger.
“uh, do you want something hot to drink? hot chocolate? tea? coffee?” you sound shy, maybe, but mike can't figure out why.
he's just grateful for a chance to spend time alone with you.
“coffee would be great, actually.”
you and mike end up in the kitchen of the small cafeteria, each drinking your respective drinks in silence, until you speak.
“um, i hope i’m not overstepping.” mikes ears perk up because that’s never a good start. “but abby told me that you have a crush on me. is that true?”
fucking abby.
his ears redden immediately, head dropping as he considers how to play this. but before he can even decide, you’re speaking again.
“because if so, i just want to let you know that i feel the same.”
he lifts his head too quick, a little bit of his coffee spilling out of the loaned mug with the movement. he doesn’t care about that, though, at least not immediately. instead, he focuses on you. he searches your face for a joking smile, maybe a little bit of mischief in your eyes. but there’s nothing but honesty in them.
he takes the plunge.
“would you wanna do something … sometime?” not very descriptive but you smile at him anyway.
“i would love to.”
god bless abby.
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ravengards-rogue · 2 months
the evening stretch | warm-up series.
ft. the prompts, nsfw / "dinner" / arthur morgan.
✧ tags : afab!reader + fem!reader outdoors sex, oral (f!recieving), reader is an outlaw, established relationship, desperate arthur morgan, 18+
✧ wc : 2.7k
✧ a/n : hello! this is part of a little warm-up series i do on my other blog where i pick three prompts and try to come up with something. i normally do them in a rut. im working on a commission and im super stuck so.
this actually landed on javier four times in a row but im being kind and sparing a friend so. here's mr. morgan.
✧ synopsis : arthur thinks the place between your legs would suit him quite nicely.
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
Honest to God, Arthur's never been like this before.
He ain't all that pious to start, so perhaps the sentiment doesn't stretch as far as he would like it too. But it's true, all the same - that in all the lives he's lived, he's never experienced this much bone-deep desire for another human being.
Which is outright ridiculous, since right now you're just making supper. Dinner, you always clarify with that yankee accent. You're going to have dinner together, 'cause Arthur needs to eat. He works hard, according to you.
It's not much, but you're a better cook than Pearson. Even if that's not saying a whole lot. And you're insistent on making the man eat, always on his case about how it's hardly enough for a man his size.
Arthur can chalk it up to being that you love him, as you have told him foolishly many times. He's sure you're not gonna be happy with him in a minute since again - all you're doing is making dinner.
It's just... something. Something about you today. Dammit, he doesn't understand it neither. You've got a job together, and you and Arthur play convincing husband and wife since you practically are anyway. Arthur's been watching you today closely. You lie pretty. Smile with all your teeth, clever with a careful finesse and an honest knack for debauchery and indecency.
You love calling yourself an awful woman. Joking about dying an unweddable spinster given your crudity.
But Arthur likes it in you. Of you. Likes it so much he's done nothing but readjust his pants watching you squirm your way out of every difficult situation and sling the revolver on your hip like a tried-and-true gunslinger.
You're a fine woman to him. A fine one.
The fire crackles as you place a pot over the little flame of the faux stove. You've made a real dinner somehow - with some vegetables and creeping thyme and carefully butchery of meat. It smells good and you seem proud of it, stirring the thing with the sharp end of your knife. Careful not to scrape the pot.
Arthur watches the light glow orange on your face, carefully observing the way it shines on you. You don't look up at all when you speak.
"Gonna stare a hole into me, Morgan."
He feels something warm crawl up his cheeks. He scratches his beard instinctively, tucking his hat over his eyes.
"'m sorry," He says, unsure of how to cover for himself. "Been thinking about some things."
"Don't hurt yourself," You reply, sardonic and dry. Arthur adores you. He laughs to himself and feels warmed by the pleasant smile that seems to give you.
"I'll try. Ain't much used to thinking,"
"Penny for your thoughts, then Mr. Morgan." You reply, carefully moving the pot around so nothing burns. "Might help you clear your mind if you get some of it off your chest."
He's backed himself into a wall. Goddamn him and his big mouth. He hesitates, taking it off this time. Fidgety.
"Yanno, there ain't a lot women like you. Not that I've met at least."
You give him a look. Your lips pressed into a flat line, unimpressed by him.
"Is that so?"
He laughs to himself. "It is indeed. You're a real piece of work. 'Specially going around batting your lashes, making yourself out to be a housewife."
"Aw what, did you like seeing me all doe eyed?" You smile to yourself, teasing but not entirely insincere. "If it helps, since you're the fake husband, I'm only half-acting."
That makes him grin. Though you say it with confidence, the sincerity it makes you flush.
"It ain't that," Arthur says again, looking at your face for the second time in a few minutes. "Just that you're a fine woman to be around. What do they call it...resourceful. That's what I'm thinking of."
"Who taught you such a big word, Morgan?"
"Trelawny, I'd guess."
You laugh, loud and beautiful and Arthur smiles. You look at him from across the fire. "Well, I'm glad you like my company, Mr. Morgan."
"I do more than like it," He hums, offering a reprieve. He nods at you carefully, head tilted. "Come 'ere,"
Your eyes widen at him, but you don't deny him of what he's asking. For that he is awfully grateful. You're more than capable and much less than needy. There's victory in your deliberate desire for him, Arthur thinks. You want him enough to let him chase you.
You come sit by Arthur. You're a little awkward with him still but he don't mind. It adds to whatever he feels for you, sugar-sweet affection and all. You sit on your knees and Arthur turns his head looking at you.
Beautiful. Beautiful thing you are, really. He has a hard time finding the words to tell you.
He reaches up, hand cupping your face. You lean into the touch, palm resting on calloused hand. He adores you.
"And quit with the Mister Morgan nonsense. Drives me crazy."
"Arthur," You say, slow and deliberate. "You know you're looking at me like you wanna eat me."
'"Read my mind, then."
"Arthur," You repeat, scandalized. He would smile if he wasn't so serious. "We're supposed to be eatin' dinner. You got into a whole spat with them Leymone Riders just today. You need to recover,"
His smile widens.
"Lettin' me go down on ya will heal me just fine,"
You look at him exasperated. Arthur leans into your neck, placing chaste kisses down the line of your jaw. He kisses you just there - underneath your earlobe, knows it drives you crazy.
"Lay down, sugar. Help a poor, injured man heal."
You pull away from him with faux exasperation, fond smiling breaking your face.
"You can be such a dog some times, do you know that?"
"I'm afraid I do,"
You give him another unimpressed look, but you listen anyways. Arthur moves so you can lay down on the bedroll - his bedroll. He takes off his coat just before you lay your head, playing it underneath you to get you more comfortable.
"Dinner's gonna burn," You tell him, almost reflexively. He laughs as he looks at you, your hands folded over your stomach and flat. He laughs at you.
"Burn? You feeling warm?"
And he laughs again, catching your boot in his hand as you go to kick his chest lightly. He sets it back down as he stares at you. You're quite the sight. Adoration bubbles up into his throat, blooms out into a hum. The sound of crickets and owls and all sorts of night wanderers sound - but none are distracting enough to pry his gaze away.
"You're looking too much," You say, your voice a half tremble. He nods.
"Got too," Arthur hums, leaning forward into your space. You always smell good to him, some cross between soft earth, and sweet liquor and clothes left in the sun. Skin and salt and sweet. "Who knows how long I'll be around."
He presses his lips to yours gentle and you kiss him - but only once before pulling away. Your eyes suddenly serious, warm palm on his cheek.
"Don't say something so morbid. If you go, I go,"
"No buts." You affirm, pressing your thumb to his lip all serious. Your eyes meet and for a moment - just one minute, all he wants to do is stop time from moving. From stealing him from you in life at all. Even a few seconds, intolerable. "Don't feel to good to hear, does it? So don't say it."
"Alright, alright," He huffs, laughing against your neck. He kisses it again, right against your pulse - quickening under his teeth as he bites and scrapes. He mulls over how much he wants you, and how little time there is to do everything. "Jus' lemme...I dunno."
Now you're cheeky, smiling up at him. Lord above, you do something so terrible to him. "Now that's just not true, baby."
He laughs deep and raspy. It's not true, because he knows exactly what he's after.
Arthur lets his hands plane over your clothed body. He doesn't bother with the ritual of undressing you entirely - since the act doesn't deserve the intimacy. You do, maybe - but Arthur's head feels too foggy to do anything civilized. He has to settle for letting his hands grip the fabric of your skirt and push it until it bunches around your waist.
There's no real delicacy in it, save for the way your breath hitches as Arthur gives himself better access. He moves to lay on his stomach between your thighs. He wishes it were brighter to give him better view. He's seen it plenty but looking at your pretty pussy alone gets him harder than steel.
His hands go underneath every layer of fabric to undo the little tie of your undergarments. You squirm when Arthur takes them off, but you don't pull away.
It's pretty. Even with the dim light of just the moon and fire to let Arthur see it. What entices him mostly though is the scent, after a long day of riding out alone - there's something about the way you smell - sweat and all that makes the back of his mouth ache with want. Makes his teeth hurt just dreaming about it.
He doesn't let his animalistic urges take him yet. He knows you need the build up. His hand is soft as he grips onto your waist. He pulls your legs further apart and lets his lips brush the inside of your thigh. Starts at your knee and works his way up, his mouth burning hot - open kisses. You giggle at the sensation of his beard, but it's tamped down with lust Arthur knows like the back of his hand.
Slow, deliberate, sinful. He knows the way you liked to be touched so exactly, but the pace is set more by his desperation. It grows ten sizes listening to you sigh and huff, feeling your hands come down to touch his hair and play with it.
"Arthur," Your voice calls. Pleading. Wanting him. You're so good at making Arthur loose his composure with so little. It's hard to tease you as your voice clips off into a whine. "Arthur,"
"I've got you," He says, assured. He means it as much as he means anything he's ever said. He ain't a decent man, but this much he can say full ways. "I've got you, sugar. Ease up. Let me take care of you,"
And so you again, breathless - boneless and eager. You let Arthur into your space, and something about that. Something about you. His heart races, blood pumping through his body. It pulses in his ears, head swimming with nothing but praise for you.
You're a fine woman. You're a good girl. The best he knows.
Arthur can feel the way your clit pulses with want before he ever puts his mouth on you. Makes him chuckle, gloved hand resting on your navel. He uses his thumb to pull it back, before using both hands to spread you open. Then, in an act less then gentlemanly, spits on it hard. He watches it land, lewd as it drips between your fold. He laughs to himself.
Another pitchy call of his name and Arthur decides he's had enough fun to get him through the evening.
He kisses your clit first, thinks it's only gentlemanly. When your hips buck up trying to chase the feeling of his mouth - he laughs. His hands dig into your hips. You're soft, skin dimpling from just how tight he holds onto you.
When he finally gets what he wants, his own body lurches forward from want. He nearly slumps into the ground - half-way between relieved and utterly addicted. It's a sense of euphoria unmatched by the finest liquor or cigars money can be.
The taste of you fills his mouth as Arthur eats.
Arthur is not used to playing predator. Not interested in the act of devouring. You often compare him to some sort of herbivore. But there's something too hungry, too visceral, too primal for him to be anything but a coyote. A teethed thing, all screwed up from hunger.
He lets his tongue slip against the seam of your cunt, all the arousal collecting in his mouth. His senses flood with something heady, sweet but bitter and he groans shamelessly as a result. Spoiled by the taste and utterly debauched.
"Oh, god - Arthur, you're—"
Arthur is pleased by the way your words are cut off by your own moan. He slides his tongue back up, wet muscle firm as it lays flat against your clit. There's a slight twitch like it's asking for more attention.
Arthur is all to eager vtoo provide, closing his lips around the twitching bundle of nerves. He knows what you like. Learned over time just the amount of pressure he needs to suck with and the speed he needs to draw his tongue over your clit to get you right at the very edge of your orgasm.
He teases you to that pace. Slow increases in either or, until it's just at that perfect medium. Once he hits that spot, you always moan so pretty.
You shudder, your body lurching up as your hands get tighter in his hair. "Aah, fuck. Ngh, Arthur. Don't do this t'me."
You begging him not too makes him want to do it more. If Arthur were any less aroused, he would. But his brain can barely think up enough to stamina to do that. His own cock is strained against his work pants - hips instinctively rutting into the bedroll just beneath him. Silently seeking friction all while hoping he doesn't get enough to distract him.
It'd be a damn shame, he thinks - letting anything pull him from the taste of your pussy. From the smell of it, from the sight of it, from the feeling of you. Sticky, pulsing strings of arousal coating his tongue and turning all his thoughts to dust.
His cock throbs again as you rut against his mouth. Arthur pins you in place.
"Please," You say. A magic word he ain't much stronger than. "Please make me cum,"
You really are a good girl, the way you know exactly what makes him tick. Arthur moans into your cunt as he sucks and licks and eats. He'd die over it, and he does not mean it lightly. It's the only thing in the world he wants to do in the moment. He laser focuses on finding that sweet spot again.
And he knows he does when you start whimpering. Squirming and holding onto his soft brown locks and pleading for something you don't know about. He can feel how wet your getting - dripping along down his beard and face. Thick strings of your arousal stick and slide down his neck.
He's never been a messy eater, but you've been disproving many of his prior understandings of himself. He supposes it's only natural.
"Oh, baby," You say, not even his name. Arthur knows it's a warning that you're gonna cum. All he can do is encourage you. He hums into your soft, wet cunt and you groan again. "Fuck, Arthur. I'm gonna cum."
Arthur knows better. He doesn't do a thing but keep going. Lets you move and thrash and pull away but keeps you firm in his place and eats your pussy until you can barely think.
He knows the knot is untying before you do because of how much you squirm. When you cum, you cum hard. Your back arches up into a picture perfect curve, toes curling and hands tugging at his roots for purchase.
He can feel every pulse of desire as you finally do let go. You cry out, loud enough to startle any nearby critters. Your fingers grip tight at the base of his hair as the orgasm washes over you. It's just as magnetic as it was the first time.
He's sure that will always be true.
When Arthur pulls away from your pulsing, wet core - he can feel just how much of his lower face is sticky. He's sure you also know, if the way you laugh is anything to go by.
And he's not long to follow after. Not even a few seconds and he can feel something in pants tighten - a mess of white staining the front of the denim in an onset of lust damn near shameful. Is he a teenager again? Lord above.
Breathlessly, you look down at him after you've ridden your high out.
Pulling up Arthur by the collar, you look at him slowly and frown. You look impassioned and a little frustrated.
You kiss him tender after you've come too. Once, then twice, then a another time with your hand still drawn into a fist. Arthur grabs it closed, opening your palms before kissing the palm of your hands until you're no longer mad.
"Hate how good you are at that," You admit, a little drunk of the euphoria of all of it. "Make me feel so crazy."
Arthur beams at you unapologetic.
"It's good to be that with me, sweetheart." Arthur says, kissing the corner of your mouth. "Now how about you go and give me one more?"
You laugh breathlessly but don't go to stop him at all.
"Insatiable man."
"Only for you, my girl."
.𖥔 ݁ ˖˚☽˚。⋆
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pictureamoebae · 7 months
USING RELIGHT FOR RESHADE - a tutorial by amoebae
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[You can also find this tutorial over at imgur and patreon]
ReLight is a premium shader for ReShade made by Marty's Mods (Pascal Gilcher). It allows you to add four new lights to your scene that help illuminate, and create realism and drama. To download and use ReLight you need to subscribe to the Path Tracers tier on Gilcher's Patreon to get access to the iMMERSE Ultimate package of shaders. Once subscribed, you'll be prompted to link your Patreon account to discord, and then you'll be granted access to his discord server, and, most importantly, to the Path Tracers discussion channel and the Downloads Level 2 channel, which is where you will find ReLight (along with the other premium shaders included in that tier). 
Be sure to also download the up-to-date free iMMERSE shader package, because you'll need the Launchpad shader and some of the other included files.
The following guide is for the older qUINT_relight.fx version of ReLight. The latest version of ReLight is MartysMods_RELIGHT.fx, released on 31st December 2023. Many of the settings have changed in the newer version, but you can still use this guide to help understand how to enable and position lights. The guide will be updated/rewritten once I've had time to properly play around with the new version. You can continue to use the older version if you'd prefer.
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When you turn on ReLight in the ReShade menu you'll be greeted with these settings. Yours may look different because I've used it a lot and it remembers your last settings.
Take a look at the settings at the top.
Use Smooth Normals = On
Trace Shadows = On
Filter Shadows = On
Use Temporal Supersampling = On
Shadow Mode = Trace All
Shadow Quality = Ultra (change this if you get bad performance)
Shadow Sharpness = I have mine set around 0.65 but you can play around with whatever looks best
Z Thickness = Play around with this too. It controls how realistically shadows fall on and around objects
At the very bottom of the settings is Visualize Light Position. Turn this on so you can easily see where your lights are.
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Now we can turn on one of our lights. Remember, it remembers your previous settings so yours will look different to mine the first time you use it.
Under Light 0 check the Active box.
You should see a big circle appear somewhere on the screen. If you have any object close enough to it, you should see them get brighter. If nothing is close to the circle you may not see any difference.
You can see a difference between this screenshot and the last - Shadowheart's face is brighter.
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Now it's time to move the light where we want it and change it to a colour we like.
Under the Active box you'll see a row of 3 boxes containing numbers, next to the word Position. These control the coordinates of your circle of light in relation to the screen. You can place your mouse inside these boxes and move it while holding down left-click to change the value a little like a slider.
Left box = moves the circle left/right
Middle box = moves the circle up/down
Right box = moves the circle forward/back
In this shot I've moved the circle of light over to the right and a little further back so it better illuminates the front of Shadowheart's face.
Next you can choose the colour of your light.
In the row below Position you'll see it says Tint. Click on the coloured box next to Tint and it will bring up the colour picker you see in the screenshot. Choose your colour from here. Click anywhere in the main ReShade menu to close the colour picker.
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I adjusted the position and the tint a little more until I had it exactly where I wanted it. You can see a darker circle now over in the top right of the screen (my mouse cursor is hovering over it to make it easier to see).
You can use the Intensity slider (directly below Tint) to control how bright the light should be.
You may need to go back and forth between the Position, Tint, and Intensity settings until you get just the right effect.
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Here's a reminder of what the picture looks like without that added light. Compare it to the screenshot above to see how great our new little light has been at helping illuminate Shadowheart.
You can turn individual lights on and off whenever you want by checking or unchecking the Active box next to the light in question. It will save your settings.
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Now I want to add a second light. I've moved my ReShade window over a little so I can see what I'm doing.
I turned on the Active box under Light 1, and positioned my new light where I wanted it. Look over to the left of the statue in the background. You'll see my mouse cursor, and directly above it is a tiny blue circle. That's our second light!
The further you move the light away from the camera (using the right-hand box under Position) the smaller the circle gets, because it's further away!
I made this light blue, and I turned the intensity up quite high. This has helped illuminate the statue and added nice shadows that help give it some depth.
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Here's a screenshot to remind you what everything looks like without any of the ReLight lights I added.
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And here's a screenshot showing how everything looks with ReLight turned on and my two lights in action. I chose a subtle effect because I just wanted to draw attention to Shadowheart's face and to the statue behind her.
When you close the ReShade menu the circles that helped you know where your lights were will go away, but the light they cast will remain. Notice how you can't see the two circles in this shot?
You can also uncheck the Visualize Light Position box if you want to hide the circles while keeping the ReShade menu open. This can be helpful if they're obscuring parts of the scene that you need to see while you continue editing.
And that's it! You can add up to 4 lights and control them independently from one another. You can use them to just help illuminate a character for a portrait, to add drama with bold lighting, or to increase the realism of a scene with better shadows and light falling where you would expect it to. If you have a big fiery sword you can add a light to it that makes orange light cast onto the character who is holding it, which can look really cool. The only limit is your imagination.
(If I ever learn how to make videos I'll translate this tutorial into an easier format, but for now I hope this helps.)
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prokopetz · 3 months
The most consistent piece of playtest feedback I've been getting on Space Gerbils is that the Action Phase sucks, on two counts:
Blowing your roll in the Action Phase can retroactively make the Operations Phase minigame feel pointless, and there isn't really any provision for addressing runs of bad luck; some playtest groups routinely managed to whiff a 15/16 chance of success three or four cycles in a row, which makes the whole engagement grind to a halt, and there isn't an obvious way to mitigate that when an entire round of prep work boils down to a single roll of the dice.
The first point feeds into the second: the Operations Phase has its positional minigame, and the Fallout Phase has those lovely lookup tables, but then Action Phase hanging out between them is kind of nothing, mechanically speaking. Many players have reported that it feels like the Action Phase ought to have a minigame as well, and that it's incongruous for the portion of the phase cycle where stuff actually happens to be the least mechanically engaging.
There've also been reports, where drafts 0.1 and 0.2 would often become unplayable due to the play grid filling up with broken stations, drafts 0.3 and 0.4 have swung too far in the opposite direction and made complications too easy to mitigate. It's unclear whether this is due to the Action Phase's mechanics not throwing complications frequently enough, or due to the Fallout Phase not assessing those complications harshly enough; probably it's a mix of both.
Fortunately, the game's modular nature means that it's actually fairly trivial to rip out the current Action Phase procedures and replace them with something else; very little of the rest of the system would have to change. The trick is figuring out what that should look like.
The most obvious routes involve introducing individual actions in the Action Phase, but that's exactly what we don't want; mechanically, because we just made each gerbil perform a tactical action in the Operations Phase, and doing it twice in a row would double the handling time of an already ponderous system; and thematically, because acting "as" the gerbils' singular assumed persona after doing all that setup as individuals is kind of the whole point!
In balance, this is a good problem to have, because I enjoy designing stupid minigames.
As for what that hypothetical Action Phase minigame might look like, I keep coming back to the idea of taking a page from Gone to Hell and formalising the presently-optional rule that the players should take turns "being" the bounty hunter persona in each Action Phase. That would definitely help with sorting out the forthcoming rules for GMless play, since the players whose "turn" it isn't could step into the encounter management roll. However, that leaves the off-turn players twiddling their thumbs every Action Phase in GMful play, which in turns means either having two separate sets of Action Phase procedures for GMful and GMless play, or biting the bullet and making Space Gerbils exclusively GMless, neither of which terribly appeals.
This post is mostly just me thinking out loud, so I don't expect anyone to have an opinion, but as always, I'm open to suggestions!
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romancefranaticstay · 2 months
⋆.ೃ࿔:・Ship on sea ⋆.ೃ࿔:・ 2
Captain! Hyunjin x siren!fem!reader
Category: angst, fluff
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You swam away from the ship, feeling the drops of his tears on your body. You dived to your hiding place, where you always sat. You felt something strange in your body, something strange. Something you had never felt. After a few days you still felt a strange feeling in your stomach, this time it was a little painful.
After a few weeks your belly started to get bigger and at that moment you knew it. You carried the child of your loved one, the child made by melted love. You still remembered the day you swam away from your captain. You missed him, ohh you missed him so much. You still had his necklace glistening in the moonlight.
Your child was born and accepted into the group of the Sirens. Your father always wondered who the person was, your other half. You wanted to tell him, you wanted to tell him about the most beautiful creature on earth, but you couldn't. You couldn't roll his name off your tongue. Your baby was a boy, immediately after he was born you saw Hyunjin in his eyes. It was difficult without giving birth to him, not being able to hold his hand.
Now the boy is four years old. You love your son so much, so much. It's your little Hyunjin. You sat in the cave while your sisters played with your son. He was already a good swimmer for his age. You were resting with your eyes closed, thinking about anything and everything. Suddenly you felt a kind of hyperactive happiness. Your heart was pounding, you were suddenly wide awake. You didn't know what it was. You ignored it.
said your sister Lalisa.
'What is it now?'
"Why don't you ever talk about his father?"
"Like I said, he's unknown."
"Don't you even know who he is?"
"No, only I know who he is."
'Why can't we know?'
'Just, I prefer to keep him in my heart.'
'Okay romantic, just keep him in your heart.'
You went to Lalisa, who was rocking your son. You picked him up again.
"Ohh you little treasure."
"Little Wade."
'What? Wade? That's not his name.'
"You never gave him a name."
'Yes, I have.'
"Why don't you tell me?"
“I've said it a thousand times, his name is Hyunjin.”
“Why Hyunjin? That's not even a Siren name.'
"Because I think it's a beautiful name, and because I'm his mother."
'Maternal behavior.'
'Teenage behavior.'
"Let me be a teenager."
"Yes, so let me be a mother."
"I'm going to be a mother one day too."
"You definitely will."
"And I want to marry a beautiful man."
'Just beautiful?'
"No, that's funny too."
"And grown up."
'That too.'
Hyunjin was tossing and turning in his bed. He dreamed about you again, he dreamed that you had a child. A little child who looked exactly like him. You were in a cave, with him in your arms. You were talking to someone. He was looking at you, he tried to move towards you but he couldn't. You suddenly turned your head. Suddenly he was pulled back and he woke up again. His heart broke again and again when he dreamed about your glowing skin. Your lips that he wanted to bite. Your hands that he wanted to feel.
Tears began to sting his eyes, but he was not allowed to show them. He was not allowed to show his weak side. He looked through his binoculars, no land in sight.
'Row on!'
he was strict. Stricter than before. Since you were gone he had changed, but deep down he was the same. His crewmates were a bit scared of him, except for Jeongin. Jeongin was his son. Not really his son, but he treats him like a son. He had found him on an island, dehydrated and about to die. He took care of him and now he has become a handsome man. He was 14 when he found it. Now he is 19. You could say he has changed a lot.
"We're still 10km from land, Hyunjin." Jeongin said.
"Okay good, we're almost there." he ruffled his hair.
Hyunjin was pacing on the deck, it was night. He was standing near the same ledge you jumped off. He leaned and looked into the water. If you knew how much he missed you, your heart would shrink. Jeongin joined him.
'The water is beautiful.'
"I know, sometimes too beautiful."
They both looked at the waves.
“You go get some sleep Jeonginnie.”
"Okay dad." Jeongin hopped inside to the warmth.
After a while, Hyunjin went back inside. He entered his room and looked at his bed. So many memories, the good times, the magical moments. He locked his door and lay down on his bed. The room was quite dark. He kept thinking about you, he thought about that one night. He felt blood pumping in his cock. It turned him on. His right hand wrapped around his length. He started jerking quickly. He thought about your body, your sweaty body. He started getting faster and faster. Until he groaned. Your name slipped from his lips. He panted.
Little Hyunjin was still sleeping. You admired him from a distance. A little angel, you just wanted to hug him. He is so small and so innocent. You saw him yawn and open his beady little eyes.
“Hello treasury.”
'Ello mommy.'
His small hands clung to you. Your father had collected some food for his grandson.
'Very good food, mhmmmm.'
you said, encouraging little Hyunjin to eat it all. He smacked his little mouth.
'Very yummy, and also very healthy.'
'Yeh, vey healy.'
'No no no, not healthy, but healthy. Heal-th-y.”
'Close enough.' you stroked his hair.
You swam with your son.
'Yes treasury?'
'What is tha?'
he pointed his little finger towards the land. You looked at the land.
'You want to go there?'
'Yes, yes.'
It was uninhabited you saw, so it was safe for little Hyunjin. He also needed to develop his leg strength, so it was good to go ashore. Once you felt the land, your legs started working again. Hyunjinie immediately fell gently into the sand. You smiled seeing him like this. You grabbed his little hands and lifted him up so that he was now standing on his feet. You slowly started to step back so he could step along.
'You can do it.'
His steps were small and somewhat sloppy. He fell into the sand. You saw little tears growing in his eyes.
"Ohh, treasury, don't cry."
you lifted him up and started rocking him.
"Ohh little darling of mine."
'Land in sight!' Jeongin shouted.
"We're here dad."
"Okay, throw the anchor."
The anchor was thrown. Ten men remained on board, while five men began searching the island. The island was not dangerous, it was very small. Jeongin was sitting in the sand, lying on the ground.
"You stay here, I'll go explore some more."
Hyunjin started walking around the shoreline. You sat with Hyunijnie on the other side of the island. From a distance, Hyunjin saw two people. A child and a woman who seemed very familiar for a reason. He pulled out his sword just to be sure. Little Hyunjin started taking small steps towards you as you sat in the sand.
"Yes, almost, two more small steps."
He took two quick steps and fell into your arms.
"Yes, well done, you are such a smart little boy."
You were snuggling with him. Hyunjin recognized your voice. For a second he thought he was hallucinating. He dropped his sword and came closer. You felt something approaching you, you felt your heart pounding faster. You held little Hyunjin tightly. You stood up and took out your sharp teeth. You saw him, you looked into his eyes. You saw your captain standing there, your Hyunjin. You wanted to run to him, but you had a baby in your arms. Hyunjin stepped towards you until he was standing in front of you. His fingers caressed your cheek.
'Are you real?'
'I'm real.'
Tears stung both of your eyes.
"My son... I dreamed about him."
"He's real."
Hyunjinnie's eyes widened, he reached his hands out to his dad. Hyunjin picked him up, tightly in his protective arms. Tears fell into his little hair.
You hugged Hyunjin gently. Your son between you. His lips found yours. The two of you held your son. Jeongin came from a distance. He saw Hyunjin kissing a woman. Jeongin recognized you as 'the woman' he sometimes talked about. Hyunjin had described you perfectly. Your eyes opened again and you saw Jeongin standing there. You removed your lips from Hyunjin's lips.
'Who is that?' you pointed at him.
“That's my son, Jeongin.”
"You, your son... and the mother...?"
"I don't know who his mother is."
You immediately understood what was going on.
"Oww, I see."
Hyunjin brought you back to the ship. The crew members stared at you, still remembering you. Hyunjin made a small bed for your son. Every day you were told how much he looked like his father. You and Jeongin also grew close. He saw you as his mother and you saw him as your son. You heard Hyunjinnie giggle. Jeongin was playing with him again.
“Careful Jeonginie.”
'Yes mom.' Y
ou were watching from a distance. On a rocking chair. Your hand on your stomach. You were pregnant again, you were three months pregnant. You couldn't really deduce what the gender was yet. It wasn't until you were 5 months old that you as Siren could sense it. Hyunjin came to you and kissed you on the cheek.
'Hello Darling.'
'Hello captain.' He placed his hand on your stomach.
'A little boy or girl.'
'Yes, strange, isn't it?'
'It is.' Your heart melted when you saw Jeongin playing with Hyunjinie. The fact that anyone could leave Jeongin behind is a mystery.
“I will never let you go again Y/N.”
"I'll never go again."
"I'll never let you go again."
You turned your face to him and kissed him softly. Jeongin covered Hyunjinnie's eyes.
@newtsbloodygf @trixiekaulitz @bbhyunjinie @wolfyychan
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kamisama1kiss · 2 months
don’t mind me, just an anon dropping the idea of Descendants AU Lloyd Garmadon into your head so I’m not the only one suffering with the idea of it
...Wait, this is smart. Since we all know who his father is 🤭 that is so absolutely yummy! I saw this at about 5 am. And had a hard time falling asleep after wanting to see more of this AU. Whoever you are, you're an absolute genius
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Lloyd Garmadon { Rotten to the core }
Platonic headcanons
• I can definitely see him wear a lot of dark greens, black and gold details alongside some bone design along his outfit, taking insporation from when he was younger
• He is on the VK island. You can't change my mind
• Being one of the chosen ones to go alongside Mal, Evie, Jay, and Carlose to leave for Arudon (if we follow the storyline)
• It took him a lot longer to get used to all the none stealing, discovery of his new favourite food which would be sweets
• Mostly silent or scoffing at others with a nutural expression, but eventually, when getting closer to actually him considering you a friend som smaller hints of smile will be present
• Let only specific people touch him since he had little to nothing or not at all a good connection with his father and his mother, it made him feel weak which is a big no no
• A ton of stolen candy bars hidden under his pillow from the day
• Had naturally a mystery aura around him, being closest to the four other VK with a few others eventually around the school
• Would use his Oni aspect of him whenever anyone gets on his nerves to scare them off or just intimate the person
• Would constantly be on the move. He is everywhere yet nowhere at the same time
•Definitely the trope of you fell first he fell harder
• It took MONTHS for him to even know what the things he felt meant. After listening in on Evie and Mals' conversation, he would understand what he was infant having romantic feelings
•Definitely in denial, having never felt it before, which did scare him even more. Pushing you away at all cost
•The only reason why the relationship even started had to be because you asked/told him that you felt romantic twords him
• Still in denying it, but decided to try after thinking a few days in a row about it
"I suppose it can't hurt.. trying? Just be aware that it will not be a walk in the park."
"I understand that very well... even went through the thought many of time, I want this"
• The answer only made him feel more secure about his decision and felt safe to let you in, his heart having never gone this fast before, even from all the danger he has gone through
• He stole things for you just because it reminded him of you and thought you'd like it. Knowing it would make you smile made it worth getting in trouble
• No PDA whatsoever, but if lucky, maybe a little pinky finger holding in the start at least. It took months of resuring and convincing, but now, at least, he'd be willing to hold hand. Maybe even a hand on the small of their back
• If anyone says or looked at his s/o weirdly, he wouldn't hesitate to put the person in their place
• Prefers sitting in silence and just comfortably exist next to one another under the moon and stars
• Playing with his hair would simply put him to sleep within seconds. Any sort of touch from his s/o would immediately relax him. Being on guard and tense from being used to the island
I am tempted to make some sort of fanfiction of this AU 🤭🤭 if there are any suggestions, I'd happily write them of our very beloved evil oni boy.
I've been sat here for an hour, just giggling to myself
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where-is-vivian · 26 days
Starchaser band au
Any trope or type
Maybe like them being rival bands but they are in a secret relationship and write and sing songs about eachother at their shows
Also maybe the media could find out about it because of the songs or something idk
"And the winner is... Regulus Black!"
Everyone was clapping. The entire room was suddenly plunged in the loud maelstrom of noise caused by the announcement. People stood up. James stood up too. He had been nominated in the best songwriter of the year category too, but he stood up.
The camera zoomed on his face; he knew cameras were on him, but he ignored them. He played it nonchalantly, standing up slowly, clapping like a fair loser, a little polite smirk at the corner of his lips. Truth was, he wanted to grin fully, to meet Regulus' eyes. Unfortunately, the latter had been sitting in the back, and James' assigned seat was front row.
Regulus walked up to the stage. Shook a few hands. Adjusted the microphone.
"Thank you. Thank you everyone. I am beyond grateful to be able to stand here in front of you today. If it wasn't for Evan telling me, four years ago, that I could write our bands songs, for trusting me with such an important part of our albums, I would never have gotten this opportunity."
He let out a chuckle, and waved somewhere in the crowd. James guessed he was waving at Evan, and at the rest of the Green Roses, Barty and Dorcas.
Sirius, next to James, elbowed him.
"He's being a bit arrogant, isn't he?"
James smiled downwardly, shrugging at his friend.
"You're not too upset he won instead of you? I know you two had this rivalry. I mean, our band won best performance, but..."
"No, I'm good," James soberly answered, eyes still fixed attentively on Regulus. His stylist had done his aura justice, tonight. James, at this point was not really listening anymore. He was instead drooling, in his seat front row, eyeing the man up and down in his lace top and his pretty pants showing off his ass. He only wanted one thing. Regulus for look at him. His prayers must have been heard somewhere because Regulus then looked down at him from the stage. Directly gazing at him without looking away. James didn't either.
"I've been pushed to always write the best songs. And I believe... there's a difference: between the songs that are meant to be sung, and the ones that are meant to be heard."
James grinned. So did Regulus. Both of their band's songs were meant to be heard... by each other. James knew the Green Roses' songs were about him. And he was more or less sure Regulus knew the Marauders' were about him too.
"I wrote songs meant to be heard. I wrote songs that were meant to be embodied. I think I am, today, lucky enough to say that the person meant to hear them has been able to see them performed several times."
James chuckled to himself, laughing with his nose.
"That's why I'd like to thank The Marauders. For always dragging James Fleamont Potter to our concerts. Thank you everyone," He concluded with the biggest and smugiest smirk ever, knowing look in James' direction, pushing the mic away and holding his trophy up one last time, under the scandalised and supportive cheers and whistles of the crowd.
James now couldn't stop the smirk blooming on his face. He knew the cameras were still pointed on him, and that he probably should keep a straight face. But he couldn't help it. Regulus looked so smug. Tongue poking his cheek, he ended up sliding his eyes back to his band mates. Remus, Lily and Marlene were looking at him with wide eyes from their seats. But the one that said something first was the one sitting at his right, Sirius, singer and guitarist. Accessoringly James' best friend. Accessoringly Regulus' brother.
"James?!" Sirius let out, jaw dropped but hint of a smile on his face, visibly shocked, as James struggled to keep his lips sealed into a neutral expression.
the end ;)
feel free to send more asks...
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marinafanning · 4 days
batfam incorrect quotes (from perchance)
*talking on the phone*  jason: Remember how I said that cass and I were gonna have a calm night out for once?  silena: Yeah…  jason: Well, we’re in jail.  silena: *hangs up*
damien: dick, you risked your life to save me!  dick: And I’d do it again! And perhaps a third time! But that would be it.
tim: Yeah I'm LGBT.  tim: cuLt leader.  tim: God hates me personally.  tim: cowBoy hat.  tim: *sniffles* Trying my best.
cass: I like to play this game called nap roulette. I take a nap and don’t set an alarm. Will it be 20 min or 4 hours? Nobody knows. It’s risky and I like it.
steph, about cass: Can I tell them they look nice?  dick: Sure.  steph: Can I tell them I respect them?  dick: Maybe, if they ask.  steph: Should I show them an oil painting I made of us surrounded by our three cats and four dogs?  dick: …  dick: I’d save that for later.
tim: So what’s the plan?  jason: I don’t know. You’re smart, *points at cass* they’re mean, come up with something.
*at 3am*  cass: *runs into silena’s room and turns on the light* Wake up sleepyhead!  silena: *wakes up* Dude!  cass: *cackles*  bruce: *sits up from where they were sleeping behind silena* What the fuck, cass?  cass: *jaw drops* Wait WHAT-
silena: So, kate is no longer allowed to take the trash out at night.  babs: Why?  silena: Because I've caught them trying to train raccoons to fight five times in a row.  kate, arms crossed and pouting: You'll be thanking me when the third raccoon battalion saves your ass.
kate: Never gonna make you cry!  dick: Never gonna say goodbye!  kate: Never gonna tell a lie—  damien: I will hurt you.
steph, driving and singing to the Little Einsteins theme song: We’re going on a trip-  harper: In our favorite piece of shit!  babs: Doing 95!  tim: We’re gonna fucking die!
harper: I have an idea.  kate: A good idea?  harper: Let's not get ahead of ourselves.
harper: babs, how do you feel about lifting heavy things?  babs: My doctor just said I should avoid—  harper: Being a wuss? I agree.
jason: Where is everyone?  damien: silena had a nervous collapse, alfred is looking after them, kate is trying to kill steph, so I’m in charge.  jason: Oh my god!  damien: I know, right?
babs: If you ever feel stupid or weak or powerless, just remember that I am not. I am out there, very dangerous, and I am looking for you. Good luck.
bruce: babs won’t wake up, what do I do?  steph: Did you try kicking them?  bruce: Yes.  steph: I’m out of ideas.
bruce: I feel like everyone on this island is suspicious, babs. Except you!  babs: But bruce, I think you're suspicious!  bruce: NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!
*when the Squad drops food*  alfred: Eh, oh well.  cass: FIVE-SECOND RULE!  harper: FUCK!  kate: *just gets more food*  tim: *drops to their knees and mourns the food*  jason: *eats the food off the ground*
tim: dick, please calm down.  dick: I asked for two large fries!  dick: *dumps fries onto table*  dick: But all they did was give me a MILLION FUCKING LITTLE ONES!
tim: I'm not superstitious... But I am a little stitious.
harper: Thanks for not telling bruce what happened.  dick, dumbfounded: I wouldn’t even know where to begin trying to explain this.
cass: How do I make a date really romantic?  silena: Be mysterious.  cass: Okay!  *later, while on a date with steph*  steph: So where are we going?  cass: None of your fucking business.
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remidyal · 25 days
So I'm going to start speculating a little about future D20 seasons, just because we're running out of JY and thinking about that makes me sad.
My guess is that we're getting another four side quests, plus the replays of the Time Quangle live shows, before whenever the next IH season is (probably jan or feb 2025). From Dropout's production schedule, most likely at least two, probably three, and maybe all four are either already filmed or filming presently. The strikes may have disrupted this somewhat, however.
We know the names of two from the 5th anniversary video; we also know from the JY FAQ for a fact that one of these two, called "Never Stop Blowing Up" is next.
In the last few years this has been the slot for a campaign not GMed by Brennan or Aabria; I'm going to actually guess that there's a decent chance Brennan also won't be a player though I'm not at all sure of the timing with paternity leave and all. What the season is from that title could be a lot of things, though social media stars or stuntpeople have been guesses I've enjoyed. I think this is going to be a new setting, rather than something set in a preexisting universe, but I could be wrong there and there's been speculation that it might be something Starstruck (in which case I WOULD expect Brennan at the table).
GM possibilities for this or any other season even just from among people who have played on D20 before are too widespread to even do a complete list; highlights who have played on but haven't GMed for D20 and who I understand have experience (and would be excited to see) include but certainly aren't limited to Jasper, Ify, and Anjali from various side quests. Among the IH, Siobhan has made it fairly clear that she's not interested in GMing. I don't know if Ally has experience or not but they would obviously run something wild and I'd be here for it. Lou I believe has DMed home games but not actual plays; I'm uncertain if he'd be interested in running for a show, but I'd certainly watch if he did. Emily and especially Murph have a ton of experience as well but I think NADDPOD is kind of too much for Murph at least to GM outside that. Zac is low-key the IH I think is the most likely to end up GMing a season; rotating heroes is a thing, of course, but I don't think the workload there is as high as NADDPOD's.
We also know a Dungeons and Drag Queens 2 is coming at some point. The most likely format for this is a straightforward sequel with Brennan GMing for either the same four players or four different Queens, but I would actually love to see one of the players from the prior run step into the GM seat if any of them have gotten deeply into the hobby in the meantime. If they swap Brennan out for another DM here, this would maybe be the one season where I'd be delighted for it to be Murph, simply for the makeup possibilities. (One possibility is simply that he wears Cody Walsh cosplay for the season.)
I also think (or maybe I'm just trying to speak into existence) that we will get another 10-episode Aabria-GMed season this year, probably as the lead-in right before the next IH season for the third time running. Burrow's End and ACoFaF are both out of this world, stellar seasons to me (MiMa is... complicated by how much I want the property it's mocking to fade from memory, but that isn't its fault or hers) and I want to see what she does next.
Last, probably between D&DQ2 and that 10-episode season if that happens, we'll probably have another 4-6 episode original. If Brennan DMs D&DQ2 and Never Stop Blowing Up, this will probably be someone else; otherwise, not much to go off of.
It's possible that the live shows end up filling in one of these slots and are treated as a season until themselves, but I think they're going to be released not all in a row but rather to fill weeks between seasons. This might just be a greedy hope on my part, though! I do hope Brennan sits out at least one season, and I'd love it if the person who GMs who isn't Aabria or Brennan is someone who's done less prominent projects. (I'm actually talking myself into really rooting for a Zac-GMed season, though Ify's been my main hope for a long while.)
One thing that does seem to have shifted lately, specifically in Dropout's marketing - in the past, they were always extremely secretive about seasons past the currently airing one until it was complete, with the names not even known until the release of the season trailers. This changed a little when they teased Matt Mercer gming a season (which turned out to be RavWar) during Never After's airing; it's changed much more in the last two seasons, with a teaser for Junior Year coming out before Burrow's End had even started airing and with the names of multiple seasons being given in advance. It wouldn't surprise me if we continue getting little seeds for future seasons as we move forward.
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formosusiniquis · 8 months
today is a new day to find you
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Eddie is having the worst day known to man. It might qualify as a catastrophic event. Missing homework, lunch spilled on the cafeteria floor, broken strings at band practice, and that's not even touching Steve Harrington.
Steve Harrington who keeps talking to him like they're friends. Steve Harrington who has become a new person overnight. Steve Harrington who keeps making hypotheticals about time loops. Steve Harrington who is somehow the best and worst part of his day.
AKA my @steddiebang fic!!
Steve Harrington/Eddie Munson; Tommy Hagan & Steve Harrington & Carol Perkins; Past Steve Harrington/Nancy Wheeler; Corroded Coffin & Eddie Munson WC: 57K | Rated M | Tags/Themes: Time Loop, Sort of No Upside Down AU, Angst w/Happy Ending, King Steve Growth Arc
Check out my fantastic artists who brought this fic to life, I've been so blessed to have them pick out my fic to make art for! You can find @sammichtastic on twitter at sammichesnstuff and her piece here! You can find @milkychai on twitter too at at milkychai and their piece here!
And a special thank you to my Beta @rainingingeorgia who really helped whip what you're seeing into shape!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five (FINISHED)
It was, in a word, fucked that he had to take gym a second time along with the rest of senior year. It was, in several words, absolutely fucking bullshit because he had actually passed gym the first time. Surely, his senior gym credit should still count, even if he’d treated it like office hours to set up deals with meatheads in a venue that didn’t actively put him in harm's way. Well, mostly out of harm’s way, as the blood spotting his uniform shirt can attest.
Hell, there were some days his last block gym class was the only one he’d attend. Slipping in with the bell at 2:15 in time to be the last one in the locker room and out on the line for attendance. Now he’s being forced back through it for what? No seriously, for what? Surely there was some other elective that could fit in this block, shouldn’t the second year senior get first dibs at study hall or something.
Maybe if he complains enough about the loss of his civil liberties. His freedom of expression is being taken from him by forcing him into this shit uniform. Maybe if he’s a big enough headache they’ll just let him leave. He’s learned the rules to enough of these little sports, there had to be a test he could take to prove that he doesn’t need to be a walking target on a volleyball court.
Not that he thinks Jenny Marshall meant to peg him in the face and give him a bloody nose, but the sentiment stands. Between the shorts and the blood he looks like a sad shaky shelter dog or something.
There are, of course, some fringe benefits. Eddie may have to wear the signature Tiger green, but so does Steve Harrington, who definitely has the legs for the outrageously short gym uniform they’re forced to dress out in. And if he’s going to keep looking for that silver fucking lining like he promised Uncle Wayne he would; thanks to Jenny Marshall he gets to ride the bleachers and watch pretty, pretty Steve Harrington bounce around in those shorts for the rest of class. Maybe a more bronzed lining than silver, Harrington hangs onto the sun warmed summer glow even with the October chill creeping in. Freckled thighs with nary a tan line in sight Eddie lets himself wonder if the rumors that had circled the big 18th birthday bash are true: when Harrington’s not in the swim team speedo he doesn’t swim in anything at all.
The volleyball net that Steve is playing at, floppy and torn, is more of a suggestion than a barrier. Now that Eddie is benched, it’s Harrington’s five against Hargrove’s four. The tides haven’t changed in anyone’s favor.
Billy had placed himself across from Harrington at the start of the game, his patience rewarded now as they rotate positions and the King is once again opposite him in the front row. That not-barrier doing all it can to keep the two a foot apart, Hargrove pacing in the eighteen inches of space his position in front of Steve allows. Jenny and her nose killer serve send the ball over to Hargrove’s side of the net. They get it up in the air again and Hargrove smacks the ball down hard between Steve and Sarah Smith. 
It hits the floor with a thwack that makes Eddie wince. Almost drowning out Billy’s mean little laugh, but there’s no missing the smug look on his face. The far too proud of himself smirk he sends somewhere to the left of Steve. 
It’s for Steve though. Definitely for Steve.  
The usurper to the throne, Hargrove has been sniffing for weakness that Eddie was pretty sure wasn’t there. The closest Harrington has ever come to failure was last year’s attempts at Nancy Wheeler, one he seemed to give up as soon as it started.
Tommy H. would be the reason, if Eddie had any guesses. He tried to base an NPC group around the Harrington court once. Tommy a loyal knight to a mostly inept king. Tommy who sidles up close to Sarah, despite his own maiden the Lady Carol playing one net over, smirking the same smug smile as Hargrove -- maybe another weak spot in the Harrington reign -- he says something loud enough to embarrass Sarah if the way she flushes and scurries closer to Harrington’s side is any indication but not enough for Eddie to make out.
He never did get the character balances to work in the game. He scripted and broke down motivation and drive but every time he just couldn’t figure out what Hagan did for Steve. Couldn’t figure out why Harrington kept his so-called friends around.
Gym takes too damn long to end. Or maybe it ends too soon. The final bell that releases him from his prison like Cthulu from the deep is buried quickly under the ringing in his ears as Steve Harrington is calling his name. Resignation fills his spirit, but when the King beckons you wait.
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bordysbae · 1 year
Ethan and "that's the prettiest fan i've ever seen"
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“unfamiliar faces”
ethan edwards x fem reader
word count: 0.8k
you decided to go to your first college hockey game since your friends have been begging you to come. you know a little about how hockey works, but you also know that umich goes crazy at hockey games. you arrive in a umich hoodie and a pair of jeans, your friends wearing similar outfits as well. instantly you’re met with tons of people in both student section and everywhere else in the stadium. when people say umich is a sports school, they really mean it.
“im so excited! i love hockey games” your friend valerie exclaims. “no you just love hockey boys” your other friend angelina retorts. “both of you love hockey boys, you guys kept telling me about how ‘hot luke hughes and ethan edwards’ are” you chuckle, making both the girls laugh. “you’ll be saying the same thing when they get out on the ice” angelina says. you guys were about 3 rows up from the ice, and you couldn’t really see if the hype over the hockey boys was real. eventually the game starts and you realize that hockey isn’t so boring after all.
during the game ethan couldn’t help but notice a new face in the student section. not that he pays too much attention to the crowd during games, but the hockey games don’t get as many people as the other sports, so there’s usually the same crowd at every game. “mark, did you see that new girl in the crowd?” ethan asks during intermission. “no? what girl, why would i know who’s never been to a game before” “well i’ve seen her friends before, and i’ve never seen her. she’s three rows up from the ice. i’ll point her out when we’re both on the bench” “yeah okay whatever man” mark chuckles, earning an elbow in the rib from ethan. eventually ethan gets the chance to point you out to mark, “look her right there!” “oh yeah she is cute. i don’t know how you’ll end up talking to her though” mark chuckles before getting onto the ice.
after the game, val and angelina need to use the restroom, so you stand outside of the door waiting for them. as you’re waiting you hear someone calling out to you, “girl with the y/h/c hair, gray hoodie!” you look up and see a very tall boy frantically making his way over to you. “um, am i in trouble?” you chuckle nervously. “no no no don’t worry. my friend thinks you’re really pretty, he plays on the hockey team. i’m injured so i didn’t play today, so he asked me to come find you. i know this might sound strange but could you come with me so i can sneak you in the back to talk with him?” the boy asks awkwardly. “oh um, yeah sure i need to grab my friends first though” “alright go right ahead” he says as you enter the bathroom. you see your friends washing their hands and you frantically try to explain what’s going on, and they start freaking out. “i told you ethan was checking you out!” val exclaims, as you three quickly exit the bathroom. “oh my god that’s luke hughes!” angelina loudly whispers as you three approach the tall curly headed boy.
he leads you guys to a hallway that has a locked door, and he swipes his athlete badge across the censor. “alright cmon in, oh and by the way i’m luke, in case you didn’t know” he smiles as he pulls back the door, gesturing you guys to go in first. “i’m y/n, this is val and that’s angelina” you say with a smile. as you’re walking in you see a brunette boy standing at the other end of the hallway, leaning against the wall, his hockey bag is on the floor by his feet. “eddy i found your mystery woman!” luke chuckles as all four of you meet halfway with who you now know as ‘eddy.’ “thanks bud, but uh could we have some alone time actually?” ethan asks and luke nods, taking both val and angelina farther down the hall. “hi, im ethan. i’ve never seen you at a game before and i thought you were really pretty” ethan says shyly, rubbing his hand on the back of his neck. “oh that’s so sweet! and yeah this was my first hockey game. how’d you know i was new?” “i usually see the same reoccurring faces at the games, hockey isn’t really the biggest sport at michigan.” ethan chuckles. “yeah that’s true. you know, my friends kept claiming that they saw you looking at me but i thought they were crazy. i guess they were right” you smile. “yeah i guess they were. could i get your number? i’d love to take you out sometime.” he smiles, making your cheeks turn pinkish. “of course!” you say grabbing your phone from your back pocket. ethan types in his number and you do the same on his phone. “i’ll text you” he says, his heart racing. “bye ethan” you smile, your heart racing as well. maybe hockey games aren’t so bad after all.
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fuckthemforthis · 5 months
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Maribor recap or long rambling, some pics and trying to make sense in my head:
1. Thank you @chibi-chellist again for reaching out, it meant a lot not to be alone! Rambling about the boys is so much better in person and when it's not one-sided. I enjoyed meeting you and sharing experiences! 💕
2. Kaj pa Ester? is one of the cringiest things I've recently seen, especially dialog wise haha BUT it is also funny and kinda cute. Very teenage-y I guess, with too much lots of kissing and parties for which scenes they used some terrible modern cajke music (like use the good old soul ripping ones that don't mention Elon Musk... teenagers today smh). Anyway, I wouldn't mind it being longer and better developed in the emotional areas which you see they scratched but need deepening to give an actual sense of plot and sense to the movie. Could be due to the fact it was supposed to be a show first tho. However, I couldn't see Bojan's personality, mannerisms or gestures so in that sense I feel he did a great job acting 👏
And THE SCENE. Oh boy. Less sad and more frustrated bojerking. Putting shame aside to admit I would love to have it available on demand, especially for some ragged breathing appreciation...
3. Bought and tried Jan's fav cookies, yaay! They're really soft and don't crumble so I approve and will enjoy. I'm sure sentimental reasons are definitely a big part of why he named them as favorite and when I think about it they really suit him but there are better Slovenian cookies like almost any from Težak bakery in Zreče.
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4. Half the venue were teenagers or parents with anything between 4 to 12 year olds. I was surrounded. And since I sat a few rows above the backstage entrance, kids all tried reaching for them as they were going off stage and among all the girls there was an 8 (?) year old boy who reached out and Bojan gave him a high-five... and lemme tell you I very much dislike kids but the way that boy turned and excitedly smiled melted my icy heart.
5. Third concert of theirs, third time on Jan's side. And I think Kris somehow knows & takes revenge by not singing NGVOT whenever I'm in the audience 😔
Well Krisko, princess dear, no photos of you 😝
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6. Found it adorable how as ASTP was starting, Nace went to drink some water, took his bottle and clinked it against Jure's 🥂
7. Love that Maks was there again, I like the guy. At some point during the concert he was leaning on the fence above me taking pics and I missed half a song watching him work 🙈
8. As I was behind the loudspeakers, I heard Bojan's singing fine, but talking barely because it was often too distorted. What I did hear was him saying we came there for a workout to burn all the cookie calories from the last few days... and boy are you on the wrong track because I came back home with four different packs of cookies 🍪
9. Band dad Niko's daughter was with him watching the concert from next to the stage and he danced with her and it was adorable. The existence of good dads baffles my poor unloved ass...
10. We all know how in the setlist there's a connection between Padam and Demoni because Bojan even sometimes said "and when we fall they come", but I realised the chain starts with Dopamin. First you get a dopamine rush and feel like flying but soon you experience a crash because your body used up all the good stuff and then comes the falling and the demons (and then you go back to someone so the demons would go away but that someone just plays you again - if I wanna extend it to Katrina). Yes it's kind of a concert - post concert sadness - concert rinse&repeat metaphor
11. Janči had problems with his pedalboard for the first two or three songs, he and Kiki spent minutes fiddling with it trying to get it to work. Poor guy can't catch a break.
12. So yeah, the last point is based on Jan being sick, but it's actually about the main reason I like them so much - the connection, love and care they share.
I realised Jan wasn't okay during the concert so Bojan just confirmed it for me. He obviously still slayed, and he went to play at the front a lot, but there were telling moments.
A) When Bojan came to Jan at one point and rubbed his back in a very non performative way, squeezing at his shoulder and whispering something.
B) When Jan plopped down during Padam I thought "not when he usually goes down, is he okay?" and then Bojan leaned down to stroke his hair.
C) The most telling of all, when he sat down during Umazane misli. I kept looking at him, ignoring the left-front-right karaoke. He looked so tired and off, put his head in his hands and then Kiki gave him a bottle of water. When Nace turned around and noticed him like that, he smiled encouragingly and told him it's okay three times (yep they were close enough to read lips) and that's when I was 100% sure something was wrong and he was either feeling off emotionally or sick. He then got up, went to the front, played his ass off and only when he was walking back was it visable again for a moment how empty his expression was.
D) Jure coming to comfort him and cheer him up as soon as he could lift his ass away from those drums, leading him to the front where in the end Jan turned out to be the one stroking Nace's back in a "yeah it's okay" kinda way
E) As they were leaving for the final time, someone gave Jan a wrapped present he looked actually happy about and he threw back a pick but it fell where the person couldn't reach so Nace took over making sure the person gets it.
That's it. They are all utterly beautiful. And anyone who knows me, knows I use that word to describe people first and foremost on the inside. Beautiful.
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thosehallowedhalls · 2 months
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Book: Crimes of Passion
Pairing: M!Trystan Thorne x Emma Rose (F!MC)
Rating: Teen
Word count: 1138
Summary: Five times Trystan asked Emma to move in with him and the one time she said yes.
A/N: Submission for @choicesmonthlychallenge, rainbow prompts + National Take a Walk in the Park day (both in the fourth vignette).
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“No offense, but old New York apartments are a menace,” Trystan says, opening his door wider to let Emma in.
“I’ve lost half my plays,” she complains as she drops her overnight bag on the floor. “My Folio editions were spared, but my collection of second-hand Penguins is a soggy wreck.”
“Not to be insensitive to your predicament, but I’m more worried about other things.”
“Like my furniture?”
“That, and the fact that your apartment flooding means the probability of mold in the very near future.”
“Ugh, don’t remind me. I’m not looking forward to a mold infection.” She pinches the bridge of her nose. “Can I stay with you for a few days?”
“I hoped that went without saying.”
“Thanks.” She looks around. “I don’t think I’ve ever spent more than a couple nights in a row here. It’ll be a little weird staying longer than that.”
“Maybe we should see it as a sign.”
“Of what?”
“That you should move in here.”
She snorts. “Yeah, let’s ask Ruby and Luke while we’re at it. Make a commune out of it.”
He could tell her he wasn’t kidding, but if that’s her reaction to what she thinks is a joke, she definitely isn’t ready. So he files it away for now.
“Come on, I’ll make you dinner.”
She sighs. “I really love you.”
“So I’ve been told.”
He tries again a month later. They’re lying in bed on a Sunday morning, lazing about and enjoying a rare day off. Tracing a hand down her side, relishing the warmth of her skin, he doesn’t even think before the words are out of his mouth. “Move in with me.”
She goes completely still. “Here?”
“Yes? We can look for someplace else if you want, but I've always thought you liked my apartment.”
“I do, it’s just…” She seems to be searching for the right words. “We’ve only been together for three months.”
“And in that time, we took down three killers, an extortion ring masquerading as a cult, the Russian mob, and a jewel thief. Besides, if spending a month with my family didn’t send you running for the hills, nothing will. Move in with me.”
“That’s a no tone if I ever heard one.”
“It’s been three months,” she says again. “It’s too soon.”
“Very well. We can revisit the topic later.” He pulls her on top of him. “In the meantime, I have a few ideas about how to spend today.”
She smiles against his lips. “I’m all ears.”
They’ve just stumbled into his apartment, both bleeding from various scrapes and cuts, and bruising already forming on their bodies.
Never again, Trystan swears, will they go after a pair of knife-wielding accidental kidnappers amped up on methamphetamine.
“Ugh.” She winces when she places a hand on her stomach. “Why couldn’t this happen closer to my apartment? I have an actual first aid kit there, not the pitiful thing you think passes for one.”
“You could keep your first aid kit here. You know, if you lived here.”
Emma groans. “You’re seriously bringing up moving in together now?”
“Why not? I love you. Do you love me?”
Even when aching from half a dozen different body parts, she can’t resist teasing him. “Well…”
He waves this off. “You love me. So why not move in with me? I’ve got a better coffee machine and wi-fi connection anyway.”
“Can’t argue with that one. But it is, I am forced to repeat, much too soon.”
He shrugs. “As you wish. Pass me those bandages, will you?”
They’re walking down Central Park, both holding a cup of coffee and enjoying the balmy spring breeze. A motley of flowers explodes around them, a vibrant jumble of colors and scents. Trystan takes a deep breath. “God, I love this time of year.”
“Yeah, it’s hard to beat New York in the spring.”
He laces his fingers with hers. “Or this particular spot in the city. This is your favorite coffee shop, isn’t it?”
“One of them.”
“It’s only a couple of blocks from my apartment.”
She rolls her eyes. “Oh, here we go.”
“You’re practically living there already,” he points out.
“I keep a toothbrush and a set of workout clothes there. Not quite the same thing.”
“Semantics. If your things live with me, why can’t you?”
“I don’t think you understand what you’re asking. I’d be there all the time.”
“Yes, I believe that goes without saying.”
“Most couples that live together don’t also work together. We’d be on top of each other nonstop.”
“Can’t say I’d mind that,” he says with a grin, then laughs when she gives him a light shove. “Fine. I’ll ask again next month.”
“So when are you two taking the plunge?” Luke asks.
They’ve just left Mafalda’s house after dinner, a dinner where he and Ruby announced that they’re moving in together. Appalled, she turns to him. “Luke! Rude!”
“Oh, today isn’t about us.” Emma chimes in. “I’d rather talk about when you’re going to ask Ruby to marry you.”
When he flushes bright red, she smirks. “That’s what I thought.”
Once they’re in his car, Trystan turns to her. “You know, Luke makes an excellent point. When are we taking the plunge?”
She gives him a sideways glance. “Of course you’re going to jump on that. I’m almost surprised you didn’t say anything back there.”
“I would never.” Taken aback that she’d think otherwise, he cuts her a look. “First of all, that was their moment. And second, using others to convince you falls outside the bounds of fair play.”
“I know.” Her voice has gone a lot softer. “I’m just teasing.”
“Besides,” he adds. “I wasn’t particularly eager to hear you say no in front of all our friends.”
She gives him an odd look. “And you’re sure I would have said no, huh?”
“Evidence points to yes.”
“Hmm.” But she doesn’t say anything else afterwards.
Emma stretches from her spot on the couch after the longest workday in recent memory. “God, I hate paperwork days. I’m too tired to move. Okay if I stay over tonight?”
“Sure. Or you could just move in already,” Trystan says, reaching for the remote.
His hand freezes in mid-air. “Sorry, what?”
“I’ll move in.”
He blinks. “You’ll move in. With me?”
“Unless you’re planning to move out, yeah.” At his blank look, she seems to shrink a little. “But hey, if you’ve changed your mind…”
A slow smile spreads over his face. “Oh, not even close. Took you long enough.”
“From where I’m standing, it took me just long enough.”
“You would find a way to argue about this.”
“Does that surprise you?”
“Not remotely.” He tugs her into his arms and presses a lingering kiss to her forehead. “Welcome home, Emma.”
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When the Moon Watches Over You
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Summary: Some Beau and Y/N enjoying their time in the moonlight.
Pairings: Beau Arlen x Y/N
Warnings/Explicit 18+: Smut and fluff. Romantic smut (?) is that a thing. 🤷‍♀️Lol! Skinny Dipping. Semi-public nudity. Implied semi-public sex. Unprotected PinV sex, oral mentioned briefly (m receiving).
Word Count: 1,390
A/N: This little one shot is for @smellingofpoetry's 400 Follower Celebration. The prompt I chose for that fun challenge was Beau Arlen and skinny dipping. So, you'll find that here. 😏🫠
But then I saw this post shared by @justagirlinafandomworld, and knew I wanted to add it into this story about Beau, Y/N and the moonlight.
This story continues on in the "When" series of one shots:
When Fantasy Pales When the Thunder Rolls When the Law is On Your Side
As before, you don't have to have read the others to enjoy this one, but I really think you'll enjoy it more if you do. ❤️
The beautiful dividers below and at the bottom were created by @saradika
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Sex with Beau was always hot, always passionate - whether you were playing out a long held fantasy or just connecting with each other after too many days apart. 
Sometimes his job and single-fatherhood kept him out of your bed for a couple days in a row. So, when he was finally back with you, the sex tended to be energetic, slightly frantic, and desperately needy.
Then there were times that he was all playful-puppy-dog energy, making you grin from ear to ear even while your stomach was filled with dancing butterflies. Like the other evening when he'd driven you out to the middle of nowhere, a lopsided, endearing smile on his face as he grabbed your hand and led you down a path through some brush. 
When you finally emerged into the open, you gasped to see a wide, empty beach, secluded and slightly rocky. The sun that was nearly set, threw a million sparkles on the water, and it was the very picture of serenity.
Beau pulled you close and pressed a soft kiss to your temple as you wrapped your arms around his waist. You turned your face to look out at the water, and laid your head against his broad chest. The two of you stood staring out at the picturesque view until the sun was completely gone and a soft blue dusk spread across the horizon.
Seconds later you felt Beau hitching up the hem of your t-shirt slightly and running his fingers teasingly across the small of your back.
You looked up at him with a grin and a questioning expression and he shrugged.
"I came across this place a few months ago and all summer I've been hoping to bring you here." 
His gaze turned mischievous. "I thought maybe we could try one of my fantasies again."
Your mind returned to the last of his fantasies that the two of you had played out, the one that had involved him worshiping you like a goddess, and not letting you up from the bed for four hours straight.
You nodded eagerly. "Hell yeah!" You said enthusiastically. "What's the fantasy this time?"
Beau turned to look out at the water again. "Skinny dipping." He said simply.
You smiled broadly and nodded but laughed softly. "Absolutely! But that's a bit tame, isn't it?"
Beau shrugged and his mouth quirked up on one side again. "Maybe. But I've been imagining taking you here for months."
He pushed his hands up under the back of your t-shirt and easily unhooked your bra. He dragged both shirt and bra off together in one smooth motion, over your head and down your arms. He dropped them on the rocky, sandy, shore, before pulling his long sleeved t-shirt off as well and letting it fall to lie on top of your clothes.
"I've imagined you here just like this." He said, his soft Texan drawl making your knees weak even before he brought his fingertips up to run softly over your breasts and trail goosebumps across your skin. 
He kissed you gently and then let his lips skim along your jawline. He pushed your hair off your neck and his breath was dewy as he let the tip of his tongue draw patterns over the curve of your shoulder. 
"I've imagined undressing you." He said, as he reached for the button on your jeans and popped it open, unzipping them slowly. He licked your lips open, and sucked on your tongue while he pushed them and your panties down to join the pile of clothes on the ground.
Your breathing was rough; you leaned your hands against his bare chest as you stepped out of your jeans and underwear to stand in front of him completely naked. He dragged a deep breath in through his nose and shook his head, the tip of his tongue pressed lightly between his teeth.
"And I've imagined how it would feel to look at you when you were here, wearing nothing but moonlight and a blush." He shook his head. "But God damn woman, my imagination just does not do this moment justice."
He yanked you back into his arms, lifting you so your legs wrapped around his waist. He kissed you senseless as he headed towards the water.
You pulled out of the kiss, completely breathless and laughing. "Take your pants off, you fool!" You said as you reached between your bodies and tried to unbutton them before he soaked them through and had nothing to drive home in. 
Between the two of you, you managed to get them off seconds before he plunged you both into the cool water. You screeched loud enough to wake the dead as the cold water contrasted sharply with your heated skin. But you got used to the temperature quickly and Beau soon had you so hot and aching that the cool liquid felt like a blessed relief.
All in all, skinny dipping had been a resounding success and you'd made plans for another round before the summer was done. 
Yes, sex with Beau, in all its forms, was never less than incredible.
But when you thought about it, and if you were forced to choose, your favorite kind was the kind of sex that came in the middle of the night.
Something would wake you both - one or the other of you having a dream, or something as simple as a dog barking or a car alarm going off. But whatever woke you, you'd instinctively reach for one another, seeking the other's presence. Sometimes you'd settle back to sleep quickly, soothed by the comfort you found in each other's arms. 
But sometimes Beau would kiss the corner of your mouth and you'd sigh, leading him to kiss you deeper. Or he'd push his knee between yours and his hard thigh would hit just right to bring an unexpected moan up out of your throat, which inevitably made him press closer to you, dig his fingers into the fleshiness of your hips and push you against his rapidly hardening cock, or rut sleepily against your soft, warm body.
Sometimes too, you might reach for him as you drifted in and out of sleep, and awaken properly to find that the reality of his sleek, smooth muscles, and warm, taut skin was far preferable to the abstract images of heat and want that ran through your dreams of him. 
When that happened, you would often bring him to consciousness as you wrapped your mouth around his thick length, looking up at his sleepy face as he woke, and moaning at the way his features tightened with arousal. 
Sometimes he'd let you continue your ministrations and then spill hot and salty into your mouth, and sometimes he would pull you up off of him so he could wrap his arms around you, knee your legs open, and fuck you slowly from behind. 
Languorous and delicate, his slow movements were designed to take advantage of the darkness, of your heightened senses as he scraped his teeth over the roundness of your shoulder, and dropped kisses under your jaw. His fingers searched out the soft swell of your naked breasts and he'd fill his hands with them, squeezing and coaxing breathless moans of pleasure from your parched throat.
And into this quiet, dim, softened air, your gentle and lingering climax would fall from your lips as a gasp, a shuddered breath, making your body quiver as Beau pressed deep inside you, his own body stiff and rigid, as he buried an almost pleading groan into the crook of your neck. 
Usually you'd both fall back to sleep quickly, bodies still joined, limbs entwined and every inch of skin perfectly fitted against each other. When you woke in the morning, your muscles would have a pleasant ache, and the stickiness on your skin usually led to a joint shower, which made for very enjoyable morning/shower sex.
Every facet of your life with Beau was a gift, and every spark he lit within you turned quickly to a raging fire of need.
But if you had to choose, it was when the moon watched over you, and the entire world was no bigger than the width of Beau's arms - that was when sex felt like more. That was when it felt like pure love.
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1 - Jensen RPF + Any/All characters Jensen plays. @lyarr24 @deans-spinster-witch @impalaslytherin @maggiegirl17 @akshi8278 @candy-coated-misery0731 @nt-multi-fandom @deanswaywardgirl @slytherinlyn314 @globetrotter28 @jensensgirl @perpetualabsurdity @tristanrosspada-ackles @djs8891 @muhahaha303 @kayyay1219 @emily-winchester @recoveringpastaaddict @maximumkillshot @mimaria420 @sacriceria @envyaurora95 @lacilou @jc-winchester
3 - Any/All Fics (regardless of fandom/character.) @sunshineandwings86 @kazsrm67 @sexyvixen7 @alexxavicry @nancymcl @spalady26
4 - Everything (includes fan vid/DOOL edits as well) @unabashed-lover-of-fictional-men @maliburenee @supernatural4life2022 @spn730015 @kickingitwithkirk @waywardbaby @foxyjwls007 @deanwanddamons @deandreamernp @deanwithscissors @myloversgone @snowlovespie @leigh70 @all-alone-he-turns-to-stone @charred-angelwings @hopefuldreamers-world @mysherlock221b @jensensgotyoudean @stixnstripesworld @thoughts-and-funnies @magssteenkamp @norman1967 @princessmisery666 @eevvvaa @mishkatelwarriorgoddess @deepsketchsupernaturalcowboy @b-i-t-c-h-i-e @twirpbunwarrior @mysweetlittledesire @waynes-multiverse @mrsjenniferwinchester @bernasaurus @jensenslady79 @courtn92 @avanatural @ellie-andthemachine @this-is-me19 @roseblue373 @katbratsupernaturalwhore @fanfic-n-tabulous
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gunilslaugh · 3 months
haii, i’ve been reading your imagines and honestly they’re my favorite + you’re my favorite author, I was wondering if you can write a polyamory relationship between Y/n and 02 line of xh, like some scenarios of how they share the s/o and how each of them treat the s/o. Also can I be anon 👾 or 🫧? You can choose a different one for me if you’d like (this is my first time writing an anon ^^)
Welcome 🫧 anon! Thank you so much for saying I'm your favorite author that means a lot.
A/N: I've never written poly relationships before so if this sucks I didn't write it lol
Kwak Jiseok/Oh Seungmin/Han Hyeongjun/Lee Jooyeon
Summary:What being in a poly relationship is like with the 02 line of Xdinary Heroes. (idol/non-idol au)
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photo not mine credits to owner.
When it comes to the four of them sharing you things can get a bit messy sometimes. Complaints of another member hogging you is a common recurrence. 
“You’ve been with y/n all morning and afternoon. Stop hogging them,” Jooyeon complained to Seungmin. 
“We’re watching a show,” Seungmin dismissed.
“That doesn’t make it fair,” Jooyeon sulked. He plops himself beside you on the couch, practically curling up on your lap. Your hands went to card through his hair. 
“This is the last episode. Just wait a bit longer then we can do something ok?” you tell him.n Jooyeon lets out a muffled sound, pressing closer against you. 
You never find yourself short of receiving affections though. Especially when you find yourself sandwiched between all of them in a cuddle pile. Whether you guys are a row of spoons or a tangled mess of limbs. 
“Who’s hand is touching my butt?” you asked in the mist of one of your group cuddling sessions. 
“I think it’s mine. Do you feel this?” Jooyeon replied.
“No,” you answered. 
“That’s my butt,” Hyeongjun stated, sounding less than impressed. 
“Oh. Well I’m touching Hyeongjun’s butt. I don’t know who’s touching yours.” You guys break out into a chorus of giggles as Hyeongjun tells Jooyeon to move his hand away from his butt.
“Do you feel this?” You feel a light drumming of fingers. 
“Yeah,” you say. 
“Then it’s mine,” Jiseok states cheekily.
A group date has the tendency to feel more like a hangout rather than a date, but then one of them does something that reminds you that it is a date. Like Hyeongjun linking his pinky with yours or Jiseok pecking your cheek. Seungmin lacing his hand with yours, making sure that you’re not feeling too tired or Jooyeon’s hand coming to rest on your lower back as he talks to you. 
In your poly relationship Jiseok likes to keep things a bit playful with you. The type to take you out on fun dates to try new activities, but he also enjoys staying in and being alone with you. He will “hog” you for as long as he can get away with it. Yes, he agreed to sharing you, but sometimes he just wants to cling to you. He really just wants to make you smile. It’s his goal to make you smile everytime you see him. He puts your happiness before everything else. If you ever come to him feeling sad he’ll do whatever it takes to make you happy again.
Seungmin takes on a bit more of a nurturing role in your poly relationship. Things can get a bit chaotic at times and he somehow found himself being the one to try and manage it (When he isn't contributing to it himself that is). When he’s with you he likes to relax and keep things simple. He likes to take you on cute cafe dates or for a stroll in the park. He always looks out for your well being. Reminding you to eat and drink or to take a break and rest. Your number one forehead kisser. 
He’s very sweet and more laid back in your relationship. Sometimes he might feel a bit insecure when he thinks about you with the others, but it’s not because he’s jealous. He just worried that he might not treat you “well enough”. He thinks his dates with you might be more boring. Which definitely isn’t the case. He’ll play his guitar and maybe even sing to you. He likes to watch shows. He also likes to cook with you, whether you’re good at it or not. Had to do the thing where his hands guide yours while you cut something (even if it made him a blushing mess).
He is always excited to hang out with you. Literally doesn't matter what you’re doing as long as you’re with him he’s happy. He would try to convince you to game with him at some point, but if you’re bad at it or simply not up for it you can find yourself situated in his lap instead. He likes stay-in dates with you, but is also totally up for going outside. He particularly likes going out on late night adventures with you. Stopping by a convenience store then exploring the city as you share snacks together. Number one complainer about not getting to spend enough time with you.
Taglist: @purplelady85 @odesonnets @gingerjunhan @chewednails @ezlynkisses
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but what happened when they got off the plane 🥺
Masterlist because now there are three parts
I...Cannot stress enough that I've barely written for Bradley and I have not written for ANY of the other characters listed herein.
So I am again sorry if this is not it.
A part two to this post
Warnings: Fluff! Switches POV from Bradley to Reader. No physical descriptions, no use of y/n. And a surprise twist near the end 👀
Not beta-read.
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Landing isn't nearly as bad as taking off. She still grasps his hand for dear life, and lets out a panicked little squeak as the plane's wheels touch down. She even slaps his chest with her free hand when he teases, "I don't know if that sound was you or the plane."
"Don't make fun!" She laughs, tipping her head back against the seat. "Jeez! You spend four hours on a flight next to someone, watch roughly two hundred hours of House Hunters and you think you know a guy."
The two go quiet as they listen to the pilot's announcement, listing their arrival destination, and the time and temperature. The cabin fills with the sound of people's phones chiming as they shut off airplane mode, and the clicking of seat belts being undone.
They lower their gazes to their joined hands, and each seem to have to pry their hands from one another's. Her hands scrub nervously over her thighs, as they did before they took off. Bradley can't imagine what's making her nervous now. He doesn't ask; he doesn't dare.
Things with them are quiet and stilted, even as he gets her luggage down from the overhead and trails her out of the aisle and off of the plane.
They offer waves and smiles, and she thanks him for the four hundredth time before they go their separate ways—him to the baggage claim, and her to the taxis.
It's strange.
Bradley feels like they left their teasing at 35,000 feet, and his heart back in row 27.
"Where the hell's your head, huh?"
Bradley doesn't answer the taunt; he just takes a swig from his beer. He doesn't wanna say that his head is back with that woman's, resting atop hers, six miles off the ground.
"Hey. Rooster," Jake tacks on, snapping twice in front of his face, making Bradley shift his head back. "Cock-a-doodle doo, asshole. What's going on up there?"
"Just trying to tune you out, man. I am sorry to report that it is not working."
Jake rolls his eyes. "Who pissed in your gasoline?"
"Just lay off, Seresin."
"Who wants to play pool?" Phoenix pipes up before they can get any further. Rooster does not want to, but he stands as the others do, obligingly trailing them to the table. He waves off a proffered cue, and raising his beer to his lips again and looking around. It's not quite packed, but it's close. A few more people, and it'll take them an age to get another round. Bradley starts to open his mouth, to suggest that someone heads over to get order in. And then he freezes as his eyes catch on a familiar face.
She doesn't look nearly as nervous as when they were taking off or when they were landing, but she does seem a little anxious as she slots herself in at the bar, waiting for a drink. Rooster's heart leaps into his throat, but he hurriedly shoves it back down with the last of his beer, pushing himself off of the wall with a mutter of, "Be right back."
His squadron's questions land on deaf ears as he pushes through the crowd, muttering his apologies and doing his best not to lose sight of her. It takes some time, but he finally manages to muscle in behind her.
Bradley has two options. He can put his team's drink order and disappear. Or—
"Sure you wanna get the special?" He asks in a murmur, his lips brushing the shell of her ear. "It can be a little bumpy on the way down."
He sees her shoulders pull tight, and grins as he hears her huff a laugh.
"I think I can manage it," She says firmly.
"Hey. Long as you don't make that noise you made when the plane landed."
"That came from the wheels."
"I don't think it did."
When she whirls around, eyes bright with indignation, Bradley can't help himself. His stomach swoops like he's just taken off, like his head is back at 35,000 feet while his feet are still on the ground.
"Could we get two of those, Penny?" He adds, head tipping toward the woman behind the bar, his eyes still set firmly on his seat partner's.
"Sure," Penny nods. Bradley can hear the smug amusement in her voice. Frankly, he couldn't care less.
"What are you doing here?" He asks. It's only been a couple of hours, but he has missed her face, and the warmth of her eyes.
"I'm getting a drink," She bats back. "Problem with that?"
"Not at all. Free country."
"Thanks to you."
"You're gonna make me blush. 'Sides, I can't take all the credit."
"Would it have anything to do with the people staring at us?" She nods back toward the pool table. Bradley finally manages to tear his gaze from her, looking back to where the others are watching them. Seresin has a shiteating grin on his face, his brows jumping when Bradley meets his gaze.
"...Guess we can give them some, too. Not the smiling guy, but everyone else over there."
She laughs, looking between them again.
"Friends of yours?"
"A couple of them."
"And the smiling guy?"
"He's a nuisance."
"He's a nuisance in uniform."
"Careful," Bradley reaches out, bracing his hands on the bar behind her and pressing close. "I'm gonna get jealous."
"Well. We wouldn't want that."
"Here you go," Penny pipes up behind them. "They're on your tab, Bradshaw."
"Thanks, Pen."
"Thank you!" His seat partner chirps, turning and taking hold of a drink, passing it to him. Bradley glances over, finding his squadron staring at them with renewed interest.
"Christ—You wanna get some air?" He asks.
"I think I got enough on my way here."
"C'mon, smartass," Bradley chuckles, taking hold of her hand and leading her over to the patio.
It's nice to have her hand in his again. It's only been a few hours, but he's missed the feeling of it. He doesn't let go of it as they settle side by side at a patio table.
"You didn't tell me you'd be coming here," He chastises.
"You didn't tell me, either," She laughs.
"No, I guess not...I think we managed to talk about everything but that."
"I guess we did," She agrees. He smiles as she raises her drink to her lips, his gaze holding steady on her mouth as she takes a drink.
"So?" He asks. "Do you like it?"
You fight to keep your expression steady as you swallow. He wasn't kidding—that's a little bumpy on the way down. The alcohol burns your throat more than you thought it would. You swallow, clear your throat, and nod.
"It's...Wow," You manage, "Okay, putting that down and taking my time."
Bradley chuckles, raising his glass and drawing in a deep gulp, swallowing it steadfastly.
"Showoff," You mutter, averting your gaze. "Are you stationed nearby?"
"For the time being, yeah. What about you, what brings you out here?"
"I'm visiting someone."
"Someone at base?"
"Friend, family?"
"Nothin'. Just. Mm."
You smile, lowering your gaze to where he's still holding your hand. You think that he may pull it away, and you sweep your thumb along the side of his, like that'll entice him to hold on.
"You gonna be here long?" He asks.
"Uh—Couple of weeks. I'm here to—I mean, I'm not just here to visit, I've got um...I'm working. Like, a little."
"In town?"
"At base."
Bradley's brows shoot up at that, and you have to fight back a bashful smile as his head tips forward.
"What are you doing at base?" He asks.
"They're introducing a new inventory software. They wanted me to be in-person, make sure there aren't any hiccups."
"Why didn't you board with me when they asked for military personnel?"
"Oh, my—god, I was so, so late, and I only had a standby ticket. They, like, just squeezed me on."
"Well, hell," Bradley comments, leaning back a bit. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"I just...I wasn't thinking about it, and once I knew you were in the Navy...I dunno, I didn't wanna bank on us going the same place."
"Bank on it?"
"You know. I didn't wanna get my hopes up."
Bradley's smile widens warmly at you, and it makes your stomach flutter. You actually reach out and grasp your drink, taking a sip, just to occupy your hands and mouth before you can say or do anything stupid.
"...Couple of weeks," He comments softly, "A lot can happen in a couple of weeks."
"Oh? Like what?" You ask once you've swallowed.
"Like I can take you up."
"Oh—Oh no—"
"Oh yeah," He chuckles, nodding.
"Are you kidding? I could barely manage a commercial flight!"
"Mm, but I wasn't piloting. I swear, you'll find this flight way more smooth, way more enjoyable."
"I don't know if I believe that."
"C'mon," He laughs, leaning back and raising his free hand and holding up two fingers. "Scout's honor, remember?"
"I remember. I don't believe it this time, but I remember."
Bradley scoffs, leaning back and slapping his hand over his chest.
"You're breakin' my heart here."
"I think you'll be fine."
"Agree to disagree."
You hold one another's gazes, your smiles growing in tandem.
"Seriously, though," He says softly, shifting closer on the bench seat. "Can I see you again?"
"You really want to?"
"Yeah. I'd like to see if we're as good on the ground as we are in the air."
Your smile widens, and you can't help but swipe your tongue across your lower lip. Your heart thuds in your chest as he tracks the movement.
"You know," He murmurs, "The air host that came by with snacks—"
"Oh, you mean the snack you didn't wake me up for?"
"I gave you all of my sun chips."
"If you'd just woken me up, we both could've had our own bags—"
"Anyway," He presses, "She asked me...If my girlfriend wanted anything."
"...Oh did she."
"She did."
"Well, next time, you can tell her that I want to be awoken for snacks."
Bradley smiles more widely, leaning in just a touch.
"Next time," He repeats softly. You nod a little, gaze drifting to his lips.
"God forbid you get stuck beside me on a plane again."
"I should be so lucky."
His insistence is soft, his breath brushing against your lips. Your stomach flips, your grip tightening on his as his hand raises to cup your cheek.
And then you hear your name called, and your eyes snap open. You whirl around, spotting a familiar figure standing by the door.
"Dad!" You spring up, jogging over to him and meeting him where he stands in the doorway. He hugs you tightly, patting your back.
"I'm sorry I'm late. A meeting ran over," He mutters.
"Oh, it's okay! Really, it is, I, uh..." You lean back. "I had company."
"I can see that." Your dad tips his chin up, raising his voice. "Evening, lieutenant."
Turning around, you spot Bradley practically standing at attention.
"Admiral Simpson," Bradley greets with a stiff nod.
"Let's go," Your dad urges, nodding over his shoulder. "We'll be late."
"Yeah! Give me like two minutes."
Your father's eyes flicker between you and Bradley, and he mutters, "Make it fast," Though his eyes stay on Bradley.
"I will...Dad."
He gives Bradley one more nod before he heads inside. You shove your hands in your pockets, walking back to Bradley.
"So...I take it you know my dad," You hedge carefully.
"Admiral Beau Simpson...Is your father," Bradley manages, eyes still set over your shoulder.
"Yes." Your nerves begin to well up, and you find yourself taking your drink up and draining it. "Um—I really should go, but if—If my dad hasn't managed to scare you off—" Bradley's eyes drop to your rapidly heating face, watching as you fumble with your phone, "I would like to see you again. Might even hold still long enough for you to take me up."
You think he'll say thanks, but no thanks—you're certain he'll grip your hand and shake it, and tell you that it's been nice meeting you again before he flees the country.
But Bradley takes hold of your phone. You watch, stunned and elated, as he enters his information, then holds it out again. You can't help but grin, and take it from him when he holds it out.
"Great," You breathe. You turn, making it three steps away before you whirl around. You jog back to Bradley and lean up, pressing a gentle kiss to his cheek. When you lean away again, you find Bradley's brows raised, lips parted in mild surprise.
"I'll, um—" You hold the phone up and wave it, "You know?"
"Yeah," He nods, smiling.
"Okay," You chirp, giving another nod before you turn, hurrying toward the door.
"Was that Simpson?" Jake asks as Bradley rejoins them.
"Yep," Bradley pops the 'p', leaning back against the door.
"He left with—"
"His daughter."
Jake's mouth works wordlessly before he laughs.
"Oh, Bradshaw," He shakes his head, "You are...So screwed."
Bradley can't help but smile a bit, face warming where she'd pressed a kiss.
"You have no idea."
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