isellcrackforthecia · 3 years
a film written by  Ayden Wylde
SETTING [starts out taking place at an apartment complex in north carolina] [shows the drive from there to colorado] [blackwater ridge colorado is where most of the film takes place]
[CHARACATERS] [T1_C1_Wade:23; Micahs younger brother and Maries BF:Cocky:skilled] [hunter/tracker:versed in weapons:rock climbing champion:] [T1_C1_Marie:21; Wades GF:Shy:hiker:] [T2_C2_Micah:25; older brother to Wade, leader of the party:Mysterious:skilled] [hunter/tracker:versed in weapons:] [T3_C2_Evie:21; Maries bestfriend and Mariahs GF:Outgoing:athletic/runs track: [T3_C2_Mariah:20; Evies GF:Super smart:versed in the supernatural:versed in] [weapons:] [T4_C1_Caleb:22; Amandas BF:Full of fun:athletic:] [T4_C1_Amanda:22; Calebs GF:Lighthearted:]
[Wade and Marie have been together since the beginning of highschool] [Evie and Mariah have been together for 3 years] [Caleb and Amanda have beenm together since their tenth grade year]
  scene opens with a wide overhang shot of a large forest, with a faint scream, birds fly from the trees                                                           camera flys into the forest where the scream came from (via drone)(one shot)   camera slows into a clearing with 4 tents, torn to shreds, several bags and supplies,   all dumped out and signs of there have being a firepit
fade to black   9 days ago
fade from black opens to a young man and a young woman sitting in a car the young man in the drivers seat of the car jammin out beatin on the steering wheel                                                      
Caleb: C'mon guys what the hell is the hold up?? Amanda: Cal' lighten up. we will get there when we get there. Caleb: Bullshit! (he honks his horn multiple times) GUYS!
            Wade comes flying out the door with Marie's and his bags in hand and begins to load up
Caleb: Wade where is your brother man, im trying to get to the site. Wade: He should be here any minute dude, chill out. Youre gonna piss off my neighbors with all that noise.
            just as Wade says that Micah comes speeding over a hill down the street honking his horn.
Micah pulls up behind his brothers car Micah: Ive got room in the back if you guys need it
            Micah, Evie, and Mariah all step out of Micahs car
             Micah and Wade go inside for a last minute check  
              Micah rapidly slows down and grabs his brothers shoulder                                                                                                                            still walking just slowly Micah: sooo..how are you and Marie doing? Wade: *scoffs* we're uh we're good. great actually. Micah: thats awesome and kinda unbelievalbe, you..talk to mom at all recently? Wade: yeah we-Micah whats up? Wade stops walking Micah: *sighs* i just, i havent been around in more than a couple of years and i, i dont know Wade i feel like i shouldve been,        and im sorry. thats why i set up this trip. i just want to be back in everyones lives again okay. i just- Wade: okay. okay. i get it quit being such a bitch Wade smiles and runs down the hall to the door of his apartment              Micah lowers his head a chuckles a bit and carries on walking to the apartment              leaning in the front doorway catching the end of Wade and Maries conversation
Wade: babe cmon ive already triple checked youre going to be fine for a week in the wilderness. Marie: what if something happens i mean life is unpredictable Wade: well...i'll be here to protect you *leans in* Micah: i wouldnt trust that so much if i was you Marie. *he says jokingly walking into the apartment* Marie: MICAH!! *she runs over to hug him* god how long has it been, look, im all grown up now *laughs* Micah: *scoffs* yeah, we all are.
Caleb yells from the door of the apartment building Caleb: i swear to christ i will come in there and f-
Micah and Wade: OKAY!
cut to them all getting into their cars and hitting the road to Blackwater Ridge CO                                                                                   #montage of them driving from north carolina their drive was roughly going to be 24.5 hrs long during montage they see the north carolina, missouri and colorado state signs they hit several gas stations, and just driving sight seeing shots montage song; gamma rays by louden swain (i dont know if i have to ask XD)
         both cars pull up to a parking area with multiple trails leading off of it                                                                                                     they all exit their cars and begin to grab their things
Micha: so we are going to be walking down this path about a half a mile guys so prepare yourselves Amanda: half a mile!? babe carry me? Caleb: wish i could hun but i am kinda carrying everything else...sooo... Amanda: you want to be an ass then i can just leave Caleb: *drops the things hes carrying and jogs to Amanda* okay im sorry i didnt mean to hurt your little feelings        lets just get to the sight and ill set up the tent and we can...relax...for a bit yknow Amanda:*excitedly* Okay!
Evie:*grabs Amanda from behind to scare her a little* a half a mile isnt even that bad dont get your panties in a bunch
         Evie begins tickling Amanda and picking on her.
Caleb: quit flirting with my girfriend Ev come get your pack
         Evie begins to walk towards Caleb just barely coming to pass Mariah before grabbing her for a hug
Evie: why would i be flirting with your girlfriend when ive got a perfectly good one right here Mariah: shut the hell up and grab our packs, dork Evie: okay, okay, but you guys havent heard the last of Evie Welsberg
Micah: do you guys ever stay on one task          he says as he grabs his things Wade: why would we ever big brother?
         they head down the trail about halfway through Marie starts to get a wierd feeling
Marie:*looking over her shoulder* i kinda feel like someone is out there watching us guys Wade: just relax, its a forest and theres animals, so there probably is something out there watching you 'oooooh' Marie: shut up wade im serious Micah: lets just get to the camp and if you still feel that way then we will have a look around okay? happy?
          they get to their barren campsite and set up for the night
Amanda and Caleb retire to their tent
Micah: do you feel better or do you still think i need to check it out Marie: *seeing Wade over Micahs shoulder shaking his head no* i dont know i guess i feel fine Micah: so? youre fine then? cool. *he turns*
Wade and Marie retire to the campfire
          Wade starts playing guitar (carry on my wayword son)            Evie, Mariah and Micah gather around the fire with them listening to him play
           a twig snaps in the dark woods             Micah flips around to look              they hear a moan come from the almost pitch black forest which puts them all on edge
Micah: Whos out there!? *no response* Marie: what the hell was that? Micah: i dont know but im going to go have a look Wade: NO! Micah no. its dark i have no idea what that was youre a skilled hunter but just wait for daylight Micah: whatever that was could pick us off by daylight. im going to go have a look,       besides ive got ole bessy *pulls out pistol* Wade: Jesus K Le Christ! Micah why did you bring that you know Evie hates guns. Micah: for protection? and it seems like we may need it
           Micah disappears into the dark forest
           Wade sits back down at the campfire and no sooner does he hear his brother scream
Everyone: Micah?! *saying it at different times and in different times*
           Caleb comes barreling out of his tent buttoning his pants.
Caleb: what the hell was that? Wade: it was Micah. put on your shoes and come with me *he grabs a flashlight* Caleb: say less.            Caleb gets dressed and as theyre heading out into the woods Marie comes running up to Wade
Marie: come back to me okay? one piece. promise? Wade: promise.
            Wade and Caleb venture out into the woods in the direction Micah went.
Caleb: sooo..why are we out here what happened? Wade: we heard something out here..dont know what it was..didnt sound like any animal ive ever hunted. Caleb: and Micah..? Wade: Micah came out here to see what it was and something happened to him you heard it. *Wade begins to panic*
             Caleb Stops Wade
Caleb: okay relax deep breaths hes fine he got away from it hes smarter than all of us combined okay just...       lets walk a little further and if we dont find anything we head back to the camp and look in the daylight
             they begin walking again              they walk a couple of meters when Wade kicks something in the brush              its Micahs gun
Wade: dude... Caleb: okay lets head back to thecamp and wait till light Wade ive got the most messed up feeling              Wade looks around for his brother and doesnt see anything Wade: *taking a deep breath* okay
              making their way back to the camp the hear something behind them and beging to sprint back               they get back to the camp half out of breath looking terrified
Evie: what the hell happened to you? wheres Micah? Wade: we couldnt find him only found this *holds up pistol* Evie: great what are we supposed to do now Wade: we wait till light then we find my brother
cut to the sun coming up
             Evie, Mariah, Amanda and Marie all slept Wade stayed up all night and              Caleb stayed up to make sure he didnt do anything stupid
             as the sun is coming up the girls all emerge from their tents
Wade: okay guys, lets get a plan going Caleb: we should split up into a couple of groups, Wade, you and Marie head off in the same direction Micah went last night       Amanda and i will go around the creek and meet you on the other side       Evie, you and Mariah go back in the opposite direction and see if he just got turned around and lost
             as they go in their respected directions fade to black
open too Evie and Mariah walking through the forest shouting for Micah
Evie: MICAH! Mariah: shhhut up. you dont know what could be in these woods Evie: i swear to christ, youre always going on about the 'supernatural'.      please just give it a rest and try to be serious for one second, please? Mariah: but honestly think about it Micah is a big dude and he had a gun no predator is going to be able to snatch him up        without leaving some kind of trail. im just saying that anything is possible dont rule anything out.
              Evie stops walking and begins to mock Mariah.
Evie: oh yeah what would it be then? Mariah: well i dont have alot of deets on what it does...but i guess it could be a black dog, its quick..?
              Evie busts up laughing and begins to walk again hollering for Micah               when the hear Marie screm from the opposite direction           Evie and Mariah both hightail it back to the campsite as they come barreling in so do Marie along with Caleb and Amanda Marie: What the HELL was that thing?!? oh what the...what.....
Marie looks as if shes seen a ghost
              Caleb grabs Marie by the shoulders.
Caleb: where. is. wade?
              Marie doesnt answer
Evie: give her some space for a second Cal shes obviously in shock just let her breathe
               Evie guides Marie away from the group to sit down on a rock
Caleb: does anyone know what the HELL is going on?! someone is out there messing with us and ITS NOT COOL! *he yells*
               Amanda getting Caleb to calm down in the background of Evie and Marie talking
Amanda: okay babe youre fine just look at me and forget about all of this for a sec
Evie: Marie? you ready to talk about what happened?
                Marie looks at Evie with absolute fear in her eyes
Marie: Evie,i have absolutley no idea what that was...it looked like a man but it was too tall and skinny and grey-*she begins to panic* Evie: okay, okay deep breaths, did he talk Mariah: dont call it that...that thing was not human Evie...                 Evies eyes widen as she gets up and walks over to the rest of the remaining group Evie: Mariah, can i talk to you over here please...now...the rest of you go talk to Marie without making her more distraught, okay?
Mariah: whats the deal. Evie: im not saying its all real, but tall, skinny, greyskinned looks like a man and is fast. Mariah: uuuuhhhhmmm.....gimme a second, it could be a lot of things...maybe a skinwalker?..or a Wendigo,        i kinda believe they are the same thing. Evie: okay so what is it? Mariah: well they used to be human, but cannabalism drove them to mutate both in body and in mind making them no longer human        fun fact actually the donar party mishap was in this area so maybe its a wendigo from that- *Evie interupts Mariah* Evie: please no rambling its not the time...actually that makes sense...kinda, keep going what kills them and where do they keep their 'food' Mariah: well like most things a solid decapitation and burning whats left would be the way to go as in to kill it        but we dont have anything to decap it with so...we could disorient it long enough to get away... Evie: how? Mariah: ffffire?? Evie: baby that is stupid but it may just work *kisses Mariahs forehead*             they both jog back to the group Evie: okay guys i cant explain it all right this second but ive got a plan.
Evie: alright so- Marie: do you even have a clue as to what this thing is? Evie: well- Mariah: its a skinwalker...ooor a wendigo its undecided Marie: a what? Mariah: a skinwalker they- Evie: enough...we need to get our boys back yes? *the group agrees* Evie: alright well then heres the plan. Caleb, you, Amanda and Marie are going to try to keep its attention but be super careful      this thing is quicker and smarter than us. Mariah and i are going to try to find its little hideout Caleb: wait we could do this smarter Evie. Evie: what do you mean? Caleb: weeelll..we get bait out there and the rest of us close enough to follow but not enough to be seen. you following me? Mariah: well whos the bait? Caleb Marie and Amanda all look at Mariah Evie: oh no, Hell no, absolutley not Caleb: oh cmon Ev shes perfect she knows everything about all the monsters right? Mariah: well yeah... Evie: you dont have to babe its okay Mariah: yes i do its okay neither skinwalkers or wendigo kill thier prey before taking them to its 'home'        unless you piss it off...Which i promise i wont do, okay...ill be safe Evie: okay well...what do you guys have that is flammable? *she says with a giant smile* Amanda: ive got a can of hairspray and a lighter. Evie: okay we got booze how much? Caleb: a bottle and a half Evie: okay well make two molotofts use a shirt or something. Caleb: on it. Evie: Marie? are you ready to do this? Marie: we have too. to get Wade and Micah back. Evie: alright babe come here. Mariah walks up to evie and they hug for a long time Evie: i love you you know that right? Mariah: of course i do im going to be fine lets go Evie: you heard the woman, lets go!
Mariah ventures out into the wilderness alone, the group waits 10 seconds and then they follow keeping her in eyeline but keeping their distance
Mariah singing to keep herself at ease: its like teaching arcitecture to an eskimo you can show him everything you know                                        hes still gonna build it outta snow *shakily*
            a loud shout from out in the forest makes her jump it sounds like Wade. Mariah: Wade?! Wade is that you?             another shout seemingly closer but it sounds like Micah the second time around Mariah: okay so mimics voices..dingdingding wendigo for the win..oh jesus
            she continues to walk checking over her shoulder every couple of seconds she can hear the beast circling her              she continues to sing eskimo by louden swain               the rustling stops and she hears what is almost a whisper but sounds scratchy and terrifying "help"                she turns around and everything goes black
Caleb: is she singing? Evie: leave her be shes nervous and i think its cute              they hear the creature making noises and they watch patiently until it snatches up Mariah and bolts
The group of four takes off running following the creature they follow it to an old run down mine it looks over its shoulder and then proceeds to walk into the mine
Evie: okay we give it a second and follow it in weve got to be quiet as mice i dont care what happens not a sound      understand? Group: got it Evie: Caleb you and Amanda stay together with a molotoft and the flamethrower? i guess that what we could call it.      Marie and i will keep a molotoft with us and we are going to find our friends. lets go.
             they collectively head into the mine
             walking through the mine they come to a fork and they split into their respective groups and go along their way
Caleb: its so erie in here Amanda: it is kind of a monsters hide out..what did you expect kittens and rainbows? *laughs* Caleb: SHH! mice remember? Amanda: sorry...i was just pickin Caleb:...did you hear that (he moves Amanda up against a wall next to him) peaking aroung the corner Caleb Gasps and instantly covers his mouth Amanda: tapping him and without using words motions what? Caleb: *mouthing* its right there he peaks aroung the corner again Caleb: i see Micah and Mariah, i dont see wade though. go find the others ill stay here and hidden and keep an eye on what happens here Amanda: *while walking away* i swear to god if you die i will kill you Caleb: *salutes and smiles* understood captain! Amanda giggles and wanders off to find Evie and Marie
Fade to black
Evie: i think we shouldve gone the other way theres nothing down here but a maze. Marie: maybe thats the point Evie...it traps us.. Evie: Marie, refreakinglax okay lets head back the way we came youve been dropping trailmix the whole way? Marie: of course? im shook not stupid?
             they begin to follow their trail back the way they came when they hear footsteps.
Evie: over here! she whispers they duck behind an old couple of crates. Evie peaks over the top
             as a figure emerges from around the corner Evie ducks, then begins to just barely peak over the crate to see Amanda
Evie: *stands* you scared the living christ out of us Amanda where the hell is Caleb? Amanda: hes fine waiting for us actually, we found it. where its keeping everyone Marie: then why are we standing here lets go!
             quietly they make it to Caleb               standing at the wall where Caleb and Amanda were is Amanda, Marie and Evie
Caleb: psst guys Evie: guys over here *she leads them behind some debre Caleb is hiding behind* Amanda: how are we going to get it to leave? Marie: we could distract it.. Caleb: how so? Marie: well Evie and I were getting pretty lost in the other side of the mine. we left a trail..so just use the trail to hide in that       side of the mine and make a lot of noise to get it to leave long enough we can get Micah and them cut down and get out of here. Evie: whos..gonna do that? Caleb: i will. Amanda: Caleb, what did i tell you i- Caleb: Amanda look at me *he grabs her by the face* ive got to say this now because i dont know if im going to get the chance to later       Amanda Miller, you are my light in the dark, my bell in deep water, you are the sand in my pockets that keeps me on earth.       i love you with every ounce of my being and NEVER think otherwise you hear me. know i always will even if im not here       ill always be here *he places his hand on her heart as a tear falls down his cheek* i am going to do everything in my power to make       it out of here alive with you by god. but if i die protecting you then i die happy. and im okay with that. Amanda: well im not *she struggles to say through her tears* Caleb: not right now youre not, and not for a long time you wont be but one day you will. *he kisses her and then stands up picking up a molotoft on the way then disappearing into the mine*
              they wait what seems like an eternity passes and they hear Caleb in the other side of the mine Breaking things
              the creature turns quickly running down through the mine towards Caleb
              Amanda Marie and Evie make their way through the debre and remains on the floor of this mine                Marie sees Wade tied up and rushes towards him Marie:Oh my God! *while turning around she vomits*
Wades body hanging hands tied to a metal hook on the ceiling his throat slit and eyes still open his stomach torn open with his entrails laying across the ground in front of him. even dead his eyes seemingly filled with dread
              Marie falls to the ground at his feet and begins to sob
Amanda cutting down Micah And Evie cutting down Mariah they both are unharmed other than the bleeding lumps on their heads from being knocked out Amanda lays Micah down on the ground and begins to try to shake him awake Amanda: Micah wake up cmon
Evie gets Mariah down and wakes her up fairly quickly Mariah still groggy: youre here! she says happily Evie: of course i am, im too stubborn to have left you Mariah: i think my arm is broken it hurts and i cant move it Evie: okay, can you stand? Mariah: lets see shall we (shes still obviously groggy the hit on her head probably caused a concussion)
           Micah begins to stand up Amanda: be careful. youre head wound will styphon your senses Micah: im fine wheres my brother? *slurring*
           Marie (who has been quiet stands up and walks towards Micah): Micah im so sorry we came as fast as we could we tried so hard to-
           Micah pushes past her and cuts his brother down crying Micah: im so sorry baby brother i shouldnt have been so stupid...(he closes Wades eyes) *as Micah begins to stand* Amanda: Micah we- Micah: wheres Caleb? Evie: hes distracting the thing...speaking of...*she goes to the corner to peak around it and listen.                                                 she still hears Caleb yelling and Breaking things.* Evie: hes okay for now but we need to go. Marie: we cant just leave him here?! Micah: we have to. no use carrying dead weight. Marie: how could you say that hes your brother?              as marie says that they all hear Caleb Loudly "SHIT" and a scramble
Micah: we need to go now, what did we bring as a weapon. Mariah: *giggling* FFFFIRRRE! Micah: keep her quiet lets go
            they proceed out of the mine when Caleb barrels into the group Caleb: go. Go. GO!
           Micah picks up Mariah knowing she cant run on her own and they all start sprinting
           with the monster gaining on them, coming closer to them faster then they were going to hit the entrance             into the mine let alone the forest
           Micah trips and falls busting his knee and dropping Mariah             Caleb makes a split second decision and turns around to help
           he helps Micah up and the wendigo grabs Mariah in the mess, snaps her neck, drops her and keeps coming   Evie: NO!          Marie grabs Evies arm and frantically tries to keep her running as Amanda makes her way out of the mine           stopping just outside the entrance Amanda: Goddamnit come on!
Caleb: Go. Micah: What? no. Caleb: GO! NOW!          Caleb lights a molotoft and throws it at the beast turns and pushes Micah closer to the mine entrance Caleb: GO! *he says as he full body tackles the flaming monster getting over it and running into the mine* Caleb: come get me you stupid son of a bitch
          during this Micah gets out of the mine grabs the girls and keeps them moving
           the creature turns and sees the rest of them are gone and follows Caleb down into the mine
Micah, Marie, Evie, and Amanda haul ass to their campsite and rapidly grab the packs with only their radios and keys and continue to haul ass through the forest looking over their shoulders the whole time
           they get to their cars get them into the road and wait just in case he made it out
cut to Caleb running through the mine Caleb: *panting* theres got to be something in here to kill this thing with he hears the monster make a shrill moaning sound still a bit aways from him rummaging through debre he finds a pickaxe
Caleb: oh hell yes! a very low growl coming from right behind him he jumps up turns around and swings
cut to black
still waiting in their running cars for the slightest sign that Caleb is out there they hear it
In the depths of the forest, the wind begins to rush against the fragile tree branches. A shrieking howl can be heard. It starts as a bone chilling moan and continues to rise in both power and terror until it climaxes in blood-curdling horror. A sense of dread consumes them as they realize their friends will never make it out of those woods,
backing up wide shot as they drive off
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nozapuns · 5 years
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For those who think tour is glamorous... My next 12 hours will be spent on this bus with 8 other humans and a dog. #IActuallyLoveIt
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hopediana · 5 years
If you find gym workouts to be boring, perhaps you should get an Aussie! 😂 #getapuppytheysaid #itwillbefuntheysaid (( #iactuallyloveit )) 🐶🖤😜 (at Boston, Massachusetts) https://www.instagram.com/p/BrHBDfHnuKg/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1309m1tsmx3wi
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leawkwardshadow · 6 years
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Gave the father the spotlight he deserves. #farcry5 #farcry #gamer #gaming #videogames #gamergirl #figures #collector #preorder #fatheredition #spotlight #iactuallyloveit
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mindofthepowers · 7 years
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In case you thought it was all just memorizing lines and standing where you're told, and maybe pretending to have some feelings. #actorlife #ilovethispart #artishardwork #thefeelingsarereal #thesituationsarepretend #iactuallyloveit #meisnertechnique (at Thirsty Scholar)
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universal-gay · 5 years
An Ask Game? On MY Blog?
It’s more likely than you think
Thank you @dizzypinwheel for tagging me in this!! I’m super flattered and love your blog a lot!! 🥰
Rules: Tag 20 followers you’d like to get to know better. Wrangle them into asking the questions below.
Nickname: The only frequent one I can think of is “Banana” which, typical, all Hanna(h)’s know the pain
Gender: Cisfemale
Astrological sign: Aries
Height: Somewhere between 5’5” and 5’6”, my family loves to debate it and doctors always switch it up
Sexuality: Bi
Hogwarts House: Im a Huffleclaw (Ravenpuff?) but typically just go with Hufflepuff
Favourite animal(s): Elephants!! And anything cute
Number of blankets: TOO MANY. My mom told me to stop asking for blankets for Christmas. I won’t.
Where I’m from: Ohio, the bane of my existence
Dream trip: I don’t really have one set dream trip? I want to travel to all kinds of places eventually
When I created this account: About a month before the whole Mishapocalypse of 2012. It was A Time
Why I started this account: Initially I was just really curious about what even happened on tumblr and why people (my then friends) talked about it so much so I signed up and started as a THG blog and was essentially not planning to be on this website for that long. I was wrong lmao
And now I’m gonna tag some people but don’t feel obligated to do this, and feel free to jump on in anyway if you weren’t tagged! I mostly just went off of who I saw in my notes the most and don’t think I came up with 20 people but 🤷🏼‍♀️
@harrigton // @pygmychimera // @menageatwats // @missile--toe // @frodogaygins // @iactuallyloveit // @okinginthenorth // @bumblingbeez // @hazza-weasley // @trulyalpha // @rubinoscuro // @lo-v-ers // @353gays // @desvariation // @goldviens // @reveille413 // @luckybreadllamas // @ssdenbrough
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My closet hasn't looked like this since maybe hs. Maybe not even then. I have actually been buying myself clothes. I want to look nice and not like the crazy cat lady I am. Hanging is just my tops, dresses and shorts. My jeans are all folded on the top shelf in the corner. In my dresser in the living room i have 4 drawers of leggings, one for tanks and then all my other stuff. I also have more shoes than I have had since HS. It feels so amazing to want to get dressed and have a bunch of options. I'm becoming more comfortable in my body. #clothes #bodypositive #shopping #iactuallyloveit
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cicinicole-14 · 10 years
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The aftermath... 😳😁 #iactuallyloveit #thisiswhathappenswhenimhomealone
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idgafclifford · 10 years
Fireside sounds so good and I'm getting emotional it's like indie but not indie and I'm 100% here for it
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shred666-blog · 10 years
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When ya get injuries while skiing.
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