#idk how people can go to a country without knowing the language no school at maybe 30 40 yo and up and learn
justaholeinmysoul · 2 years
When British people lower their voice or laugh while talking yes baby I can barely understand u when u enunciate it's fine I'll just pretend hahaha ha
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I find it so interesting that with in the twist universe, the boys write things out in English and not Japanese. For instance, the Valentines Day cards having been written in English as well as the contract in the Octavinelle commercial. It feels very deliberate. As if to indicate that they are foreign and don't necessarily speak the same language, but the writers also want us to still understand what's being written so they write it in English. Idk I just think it's a neat way of depicting this without having to go full Tolkien.
Mmm, that's definitely an interesting topic 🤔 Most fantasy media doesn't go out of its way to invent entirely new languages for its use (I only know of Devil is a Part Timer! doing it). It's actually difficult to come up with an entirely new language; you don't just come up with substitutions for words, but also new meaningful symbols, pronunciations, grammar and syntax which governs how the and sounds, words can be arranged, and social rules for the language's use. It's just easier to use a preexisting language and then to come up with some excuse for why we can understand them (typically because of magic doing the translating for us, or plain old suspension of disbelief). In the case of TWST, I think there's a number of reasons why they decided to utilize English for its writing system:
Firstly! The main setting for the game, Night Raven College, is modelled after a British boarding school and England's education system in general. With such English roots, it only "makes sense" for the characters to also write in English. If we consider that Yana herself is involved with TWST, "English" is also an aesthetic that is very suited to her skillset, especially considering her other very popular work, Black Butler. (She really was a perfect pick for the job, huh?) Secondly! If TWST's intention always was to go international someday (which it has), English is a safe bet to go since it's considered a "global" or "universal" language. Not everyone knows it of course, but it's the closest thing we have to a "common" tongue, as the most people in the world speak it! Thirdly (and this is the big one)! In Japan, TWST's country of origin, English is seen as (for lack of a better term) "aesthetic" and even as a status symbol. One 2020 poll found that less than 30% of the Japanese population speak English at any level, and 2-8% speak English fluently. In other words, most Japanese people would not understand the level of English being used in TWST, from Azul's contracts to the wording on the Great Seven statues and more. (You can sort of get a grasp for how few Japanese people are fluent in English from the Valentine's Day Gifts, which are all written in English; it's the one time of year when Japanese fans behave like EN fans and ask around for translations of the cards rather than the other way around for generalized TWST content.) Now, continuing off the point I made about English being seen as a status symbol... It's typically the highly educated and/or the privileged of Japan that learn English to a fluent degree. Considering that NRC is seen as an elite institution, the fact that its students can fully articulate (ie use full sentences in complex ways) in English only adds to that feeling of "being elite" (at least for the Japanese audience). English also has the effect of making the world of TWST come across as more "foreign" and helps to simulate the "other-worldliness" of the TWST characters in general (again, because of how rare fluent English is in Japan). The effect is somewhat lost in TWST EN, as most things are in English and the material is presented to predominantly English-speaking audiences in the USA and Canada, although I guess you could make the argument that the spoken dialogue staying in Japanese makes up for that lost feeling of the writing seeming foreign.
So!! There's actually many different reasons (or perhaps a combination of all of these, or unintended side-effects of one of them) as to why the general writing system in TWST is English rather than Japanese.
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irayoeywa · 1 year
avatar characters as humans headcannons vol.3
part one part two
jake, neytiri, tonowari, and ronal.
has a never ending list of dad jokes.
annoyed whenever lo'ak takes his wheelchair and starts rolling around the house popping wheelies.
uses military time and weird military terms and nobody knows what he's talking about.
the absolute goat on the grill.
sometimes gets depressed about his legs and his wheelchair but neytiri reminds him how much she loves him, wheelchair and all.
100% girl dad.
has tea parties with tuk.
loves telling the kids about their uncle tommy.
yells at the top of his lungs when watching sports.
neteyam asks him how to get a girls attention and he tells him how he bagged neytiri.
tries his best not to curse infront of tuk and kiri but uses all type of colorful language infront of neteyam and lo’ak.
literally doesn’t care about clothes like he’ll really just throw anything on.
whenever the kids get into a fight at school he’ll ask “but did you win?”
listens to country and rock.
very sarcastic.
sucks her teeth like an african/carribean mom.
definitely beat her kids at least once so they knew not to play with her but ofc lo'ak never learned his lesson.
an observer.
never understands the slang that lo'ak uses and looks at jake like "what is he saying?"
has a waistline like waterrr.
her husband is her bestie. and she don’t play about her bestie.
does not hide her expressions well.
looks at jake like he lost his mind when he yells at the tv.
gave neteyam special treatment since he’s the first born.
will argue anyone down.
always yelling at lo’ak to clean his room.
“don’t slam no doors in my house!"
talks to mo'at everyday.
will not sleep without a scarf or bonnet on her head.
wakes up everyone in the house on saturday mornings to clean and dragged them to church on sundays.
sylwanin is too much of a touchy subject for her to talk about.
looks intimidating but actually a giant teddy bear.
low key scared of ronal.
literally so proud of tsireya and brags about her all the time.
the type of dad to say “ask your mother” after she already said no or is going to say no.
has a very deep and loud laugh.
him and jake watch sports together.
him and ronal are high school sweethearts.
old school so he barely knows how to use his phone.
dressed like a.c. slater from saved by the bell in high school.
was definitely popular.
one of the only people that can calm ronal down.
would probably do something in the medical field.
or something like acupuncture maybe.
drinks black coffee.
also doesn’t hide her expressions well.
will tell you how she feels right to your face.
her kids are afraid to bring anyone home to meet her.
the most judgmental person you’ll meet idk.
very passionate.
"come eat" is an apology in her eyes.
says no with a quickness and doesn't think twice.
does yoga.
hates ao'nungs friends.
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n in home country. you expected to master foundations before developing personal styles.
as in you need learn tonal drawing of complex still life (fruits & pots & glass & fabric background etc), of plaster statues, of croquis* drawing, of like. tonal still life but with gouache (colored still life?), etc
(*croquis meaning rapid sketch of live models with clothing you suppose capture entire body include face clothing wrinkles pose etc. to illustrate how obsolete, this word in home country language something knew since very young but this word in english literally just now found way word it to search up in google just now learn word. have never heard of it before in english)
art school in undergrad level in home country. admission test is like. similar to US SAT but even more rigorous because like once a year only you go in for idk entire day maybe entire two days (never looked into it because not relevant to me) with millions of people n you get tested on these stuff. then people rank your drawings n give score n that determine what art school you can get into. i think
n heard there absolutely one “standard” style they prefer
which lead to like. expensive bootcamps like stuff where prospective art students live eat sleep draw in studio for weeks months confiscate electronics etc. like that is norm
if you know what home country is then this make sense because this exactly like test for college
vs in US you submit portfolio to each school showcase your art your style showcase individual
know people who got accepted into art school in US without have done any of these type drawings
dont think “have one standard style n have hell boot camp & grade art as if can be objective etc” is answer at all exactly
but having learned even like. a little of these foundations (pencil tonal still life mainly but also colored still life but more bad at that n forgot it so that one lesser). made me better artist.
n if have learned like, tonal still life of those facial sculptures busts (think ancient roman ancient greece classical style). n croquis. would help so much with draw people
because foundations exactly that. foundation that serve as basic where develop own art own style. light n dark. human body n anatomy. drape. wrinkles. color. environmental colors. etc
still use many techniques learned from tonal still life. for example draw curves with straight lines when sketch. which gives more precisions. or mentally see like complex curvy stuff like apple or face into geometric flat surfaces all pieced together etc. more bad at that one but it really help understand where put lines what direction best for shading for shading line placement etc
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neowinestainedress · 1 year
rebs!! within europe, which country would you say have many polyglots?
i personally think it's italy bc i think people there understand 2/3 other languages beyond intermediate level? do you think italy provides solid language-learning system in schools (compared to your european counterparts)?
This is longer than I expected, I had many complaints to do lmao
Honestly, I have no idea... I think Italy sucks when it comes to teaching languages. I learned English by myself because in elementary school the English teacher was never the same and every year we basically did the same things over and over again. In middle school I had better teachers but I didn't have a base so I struggled a lot and one direction and tv series saved my ass. In high school we do grammar for the first two years and then the other three are just literature, so if you're fluent, you're fine, but if you're not, it's going to be hell. (Probably it depends on the professor too, mine was pretty strict and I found her funny and iconic only because I was good, but some of my friends that weren't fluent hated her a lot, and they were right)
We only do another language in middle school (either French or Spanish). I learned French but yeah... The professors were terrible, I only had a good one in the second year but it wasn't enough. I mean, I was better at French than English back then, but I hated it so much I almost completely lost all my knowledge after.
After middle school, if you want to study languages there's the "linguistic high school" but from what I know it's not like it's much better, especially for languages like German or Chinese.
In Italy there are some regions that have other official languages like French, German, and Albanian (don't know if it's official, but a lot of small countries in the east-south speak it).
I just think Italians are slick and most of the time speak with their bodies, and when it comes to understanding others we are not like French (sorry not sorry) and even if the pronunciation is not perfect we just think about getting to the point. Also, quoting that tweet that was popular saying "Portuguese, Spanish and Italian speakers understanding each other without speaking the same language" it's true. We have the same roots so for survival needs I think we can communicate pretty well, and at least understand what we're saying. Still, I don't think many of us are fluent in more than another language. But probably I'm thinking too much about the older generation, idk the younger ones seem to be more interested in languages, I think the Universities that involve languages are the most popular rn, so this could change in the next few years? But we are also a very old country (many old people and no newborns) so I don't think I'm wrong for now.
I would say Switzerland is the most polyglot because they speak Italian, French and German but it's based on the cantons, so I'm not sure they speak more languages in a single one. The other one is probably Germany. They seem like the most open-minded and also very global, but I don't know much about the school system.
In conclusion, I think that the Italian school system is just really hard and puts students under a lot of stress without making them accomplish a lot, and that involves languages too. I wish I was the only one, but if you ask young people where they learned English, 80% of them will answer like I did, on their own, with music, movies, and fanfictions... that tells you everything about how the system teaches languages. Also, I think that the ones speaking more languages are the mixed couples children (I'm one, but for reasons, my Spanish is hanging on a thin line) and the second generations' children that speak Italian, their parent's language, and one or two that they learn later on. But white Italians? Either they're passionate about it or they don't care. This is also why I talked about being open-minded, unfortunately, Italy is going through a very bad fascist turn of events again and foreign languages are seen as threats, the prime minister wants to fine people for using English words when they speak, and that's all from 1925. Not saying that if you don't speak other languages you're fascist, but that's another factor to consider when you analyze the way people act when it comes to the topic, you simply might not be good at that (just like some people are not good at math, or art and so on) but that doesn't give you the right to push foreign languages down or mock them, or treat people that spend time learning a new one as if they're stupid.
So what I'm thinking is, in the new generation there's a lot of us speaking more than 2/3 languages but I think at least 70% is because those are already the mother tongues (so Italian because they were born and raised here and then the one they speak with the family) the rest is taught at school but only if you want to learn them. Considering the oldest generation makes up most of this country, I still think we're losing compared to other places in Europe.
This turned into a rant, and you just learned to never ask me anything ever again I'M SO SORRY PLEASE FORGIVE ME
Also, can you explain why you think we're almost fluent in 2/3 languages? I'm curious to know why it looks like this on the outside.
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mari-m-rose · 9 months
I was tagged by alemanriq (a lot of time ago...I'm revising my drafts. Thanks tho, Ale! ♥)
Tag the person who tagged you and let them know when you’ve finished. (I'm not doing this, tagging people gives me anxiety)
Answer the questions/tasks and then tag 20 people and let them know they’ve been tagged
1. How tall are you? 1.58 m
2. What color and style is your hair? Dark brown and straight
3. Which color are your eyes? Dark brown, almost black
4. Do you wear glasses or contacts? I used to wear glasses but I never got used to them so I dropped them, didn't need them that much.
5. Do you wear braces? I should but I'm not.
6. What’s your fashion style? I like formal attire or close to formal: coats, boots, shirts and jeans, maybe a sweater but a thin one. Dresses in summer.
7. What is your name? Mariana, but I prefer to be called Mari
8. When were you born? 21st December 1990
9. How old are you? 32
10. Where are you from/live now? Perú
11. Do you have any siblings and what are their names? Older brother
12. What school/college do you go to? Graduated at the supposedly best uni in Perú but not actually.
13. What kind of student are you? In uni I was a bad a student, like a bit bellow average. In high school I was a very good student most of my life.
14. Do you even like school? I loathed high school. I liked most of my uni years, more because of friends, less because of learning.
15. What are your favorite subjects? Literature, art, music, language, english, french, biology, art history.
16. What are your favourite tv shows? Breaking Bad and Better Call Saul are amazing shows. As for anime, my fave are Yu Yu Hakusho, HunterxHunter 2011, Akatsuki no Yona, Re:Zero, Digimon tamers/02 and those are all I can remember right now.
17. What are your favourite movies? I adore Pride and Prejudice (basic I know), but in general I tend to adore horror movies more like Midsommar, Hereditary and zombie movies in general.
18. What are your favorite books? Dracula, uh... polemyc I know but I will always say HP series and ...I can't remember any other one rn tbh.
19. What is your favourite pass time? Playing videogames but also organizing stuff and fixing stuff around the house
20. Do you have any regrets? Majoring in graphic design.
21. What’s your dream job? character designer...and if I learn how to draw/shade/color better: illustrator.
22. Would you like to get married one day and where? I did get married, I think the places were nice. It was a beautiful church with a gothic design and the reception was in a house on the country side. The house had a vintage colonial style and it was pretty elegant, the garden with the pool looked nice and the decor me and husband chose was top notch.
23. Would you like to have kids one day and how many? I don't earn enough money to have kids but if I got money I would have 2 kids.
24. Are you a girly girl, a regular girl, or more of a tomboy? I was a regular one most of my life? Kinda like comfy type and no make-up. Now I'm girly, I want all the pink and all the make up!
25. Do you like shopping? Just the right amount of time but yeah.
27. What is the most scariest nightmare you’ve ever had? Some guys entered my family home and killed everyone. I even remember feeling the bullet in my stomach and the blood coming out of me before I woke up.
28. Do you have enemies? I have no enemies.
29. Who are your best friends? I'm not so sure, I'm insecure in this field. I used to think I had 3, but idk anymore.
30. Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend and what is their name? Husband and he doesn't like his info to be disclosed so I won't name him.
31. What is the biggest lie you have ever told anyone? I'm not a good liar.
32. Do you believe in miracles? Yes
Put your music on shuffle and write down 30 songs that come up without skipping. (How about just 5) 1. Almost Home - mxmtoon 2. That's What I like - Bruno Mars 3. Golden Time Lover - Sukima Switch 4. Helena - My Chemical Romance 5. This is Love - Utada Hikaru
This is the part where you tag 20 people! As for me, if you read this you are tagged! You can tag me if u fill this btw, my anxiety only goes one way.
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minilpark · 2 years
hi :) - i was just thinking about what languages the top gun maverick pilots can speak ... and you're the first person i thought of to ask. feel like you have quite a good grasp on them (i say that as if i've already watched it. i haven't). not sure if you even do something like this 🙈
oh my god wait i feel so honoured i was the first person you thought of to ask- i'll do my best but a majority of these pilots will probably be similar
1. rooster
so in his file that appeared on screen closer to the beginning of the movie, we see he has a proficiency in spanish! i'm not sure how well he is in speaking it but he did study it so there's that. i definitely think he has an opportunity to improve if he talks to fanboy or is stationed in spanish speaking countries though!
2. hangman
concerning jake, i think he would know spanish as well. i like to think that jake's known a bit of spanish since high school, but not through taking classes, more so just passive learning through people he's met or interacted with (i def believe he grew up in texas like glen powell). he only really started becoming fluent in college and when he got stationed to spanish speaking countries.
3. phoenix
besides speaking spanish, (i think she'd already be proficient in it because i think nat is part latina-) phoenix probably learned a bit of french as well (don't ask how i know i just have a feeling) but she doesn't use it as much as she does with spanish so she's starting to forget it
another language she totally learned was asl! i like to think she has a cousin and aunt who are deaf and hard of hearing (respectively) so she learned from them and practices it often.
4. bob
now i fully believe bob was enrolled in a spanish immersion program in elementary school so he's fully fluent. his parents thought it would be a useful skill considering how common it's spoken.
besides spanish, bob learned asl in high school and continued those studies in college. he practices often with phoenix and sometimes the two gossip or talk shit through sign
5. fanboy
fanboy knows spanish, bUT i like to think he also learned tagalog too since the languages are somewhat closely related! plus he was stationed in manila for a while (my hc, idk if he actually was). he even made some filipino friends while he spent time in the Philippines and he keeps in touch with them.
6. payback
i feel like payback has been stationed a bunch of places and picked up and learned a lot of languages. however, before leaving the states he learned spanish through classes (which aren't always the best) and improved his skills being stationed in a spanish speaking country. then he learned some russian (and lost it), learned german (and lost that too lmao), and lastly he was stationed in japan for a while before going stateside so he had to pick up japanese.
i would say the only language he can speak now is spanish, but he still understands some things in the others he's learned (especially japanese).
7. coyote
i think coyote learned spanish at a later age but once he picked it up he worked hard to keep it fresh in his mind and he converses a lot with the crew too. besides spanish, i think javy learned portuguese because he has some family from portugal and he wanted to be able to talk to them without his mom translating :)
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charmixpower · 1 year
Ok honestly any rivusa shipper will enjoy the comics and their stories like as a child (I collected the comics from the debut issue and in the country I live every month they would realise a new issue so I’d buy the winx comics every month) I watched the show but the comics made me genuinely love the characters and their relationship ESPECIALLY rivusa and it’s honestly thanks to the comics they solidified their spot as my otp. I mean rivusa have a whole wiki section on the winx fandom wiki dedicated solely to their comic storyline and honestly it’s so iconic. They just have great moments (like I rmb there was one issue where Musa was panicking to look presentable while she was gonna go meet riven in magix city and once she got off the bus to meet him as he’s waiting at the bus stop there’s a whole frame of them holding each other and staring into each other’s eyes and he calls her beautiful😍😍😍 and in that issue when the girls ask about him there’s a whole frame of her heart eyes with hearts in the bg as she raves to the girls “riven is very sweet and kind when you get on his good side” like PLEASE YOUR HONOUR I LOVE THEM SO MUCH and I distinctly rmb from my childhood this issue where the winx and specialists get stranded on an island back In time and Musa and Brandon are knocked out cold and even tho there’s no dialogue riven is just carrying musa to safety bridal style🥺🥺 (I think this ig acc @/rivusa._ did this thing where they screenshotted the moment he carries her in the animated cartoon and in fate and the in the comics and put all 3 side by side and idk there’s smth so fulfilling and heartwarming knowing riven will always carry musa to safety when she needs it in every version of them😭) so yes if you ever have time please go read the comics it really made me love the winx franchise as a whole even more
I've been slowly reading the comics and I'm obsessed with their s1 interactions, tho I mostly open them to see if I can make thematic edits XD
It really shows how Riven is more interested in school stuff over dating, while Musa is easily swept up by crushes
It's really cute. Riven hears something maybe dangerous and he gives it his full focus and Musa is trying to flirt with him because she doesn't think it's dangerous
They have completely different priorities, which I think is a adorable way to keep them apart lol
Omg!! That must of been so much fun!!!
The comics actually involve the assassin's that Sky's family has been so scared of in the story and I'm really excited to see how it includes other details the show glossed over
The more you talk up the comics the more I want to read them 👀
I think all of the couples have a couple part of their wiki but don't quote me on that, it's the middle of the night and I don't feel like checking
Musa definitely worries about her outfits, for no reason tho bc Riven is like 😍 abt her always. I imagine the most ideal response she wants to get is looking so good he forgets words exist for a while
Nfkskskejsjskskwjjw Musa and Riven are the epitome of two mentally ill people dating that are just similar enough that they understand each other without being too similar but so different that their friends are like "what???" Riven definitely stuggles to let people in, but he clearly wants to help people by going to RF and it's just 🥰🥰🥰 he doesn't trust people but he wants to protect them and I love him
Riven's love language is acts of service and physical affection, change my mind. He would never leave Musa in danger come hell or high water and I love him!!! He's doing his best and it's amazing!!! Musa from her actions in s1 isn't used to having people she can rely on so seeing that Riven will always try to help her gives her the warm fuzzies
I've always had this hc that before Musa and her dad start understanding each other, and her dad is still deathly terrified of Musa going the way of her mother if she joins the industry, Riven offers to help her get an apartment. Like no questions asked. You dad sucks? Let's help you move out. He didn't have a clear picture, Musa's dad is over protective the exact opposite of Riven's and he was projecting just a bit, but Musa was all like 🥰🥹 when he offered
I love them your honor that is all
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your-littlesecret · 9 months
i got tagged by my dearests @singsweetmelodies and @duquesademiel thank you 💕💕💕💕
and since i am roting in this train, welp. this is my distraction for now (i loved this one haha)
rules: color the ones that are true and tag fifteen (15) people
i’m over 5’5" (i’m actually a hobbit) // i wear glasses/contacts // i have blonde hair // i prefer loose clothing to tight clothing (i love them both equally really) // i have one or more piercings // i have at least one tattoo // i have blue eyes // i have dyed or highlighted my hair (i had it like, bottom half blue for around 2 years? but it’s been a while) // i have gotten plastic surgery // i have or had braces (i did but it was like, 6 months and almost exclusively to fix the ranging teeth - idk the name in english obviously haha) // i sunburn easily // i have freckles // i paint my nails (i literally can’t bc work)// i typically wear make-up (same as nails) // i don’t often smile // i am pleased with how i look (i mean, i am not going to do anything about it so…) // i prefer nike to adidas // i wear baseball hats backwards
hobbies and talents:
i play a sport // i can play an instrument // i am artistic (i like to believe i am, at least) // i know more than one language // i have won a trophy in some sort of competition // i can cook or bake without a recipe (this is hilarious really haha) // i know how to swim // i enjoy writing // i can do origami // i prefer movies to tv shows // i can execute a perfect somersault // i enjoy singing (do i know how to? absolutely not) // i could survive in the wild on my own // i have read a new book series this year // i enjoy spending time with friends // i travel during school or work breaks (currently on my way to schipol to get the hell out of here and go to somewhere they didn’t shut off the sun) (no but like, i oike to do it but it’s kinda complicated with where i live) // i can do a handstand
i am in a relationship // i have been single for over a year (i mean, for over 25 years but okay) (don’t make me cry) // i have a crush // i have a best friend i have known for ten years (i have very good friends that i’ve known for over 20 but living in different countries is kinda not really good for relationships but yeah, we used to be best friends for many years) // my parents are together // i have dated my best friend // i am adopted // my crush has confessed to me // i have a long distance relationship // i am an only child // i give advice to my friends // i have made an online friend // i met up with someone i have met online
i have heard the ocean in a conch shell // i have watched the sun rise // i enjoy rainy days (would be so fucked if i didn’t…) // i have slept under the stars // i meditate outside // the sound of chirping calms me // i enjoy the smell of the beach (i miss it so much) // i know what snow tastes like (clean snow tastes like nothing but just like. don’t do it unless you’re very sure. please.) // i listen to music to fall asleep // i enjoy thunderstorms // i enjoy cloud watching // i have attended a bonfire // i pay close attention to colours // i find mystery in the ocean // i enjoy hiking on nature paths // autumn is my favourite season
i can fall asleep in a moving vehicle // i am the mom friend // i live by a certain quote // i like the smell of sharpies // i am involved in extracurricular activities (what the fuck would be this?????) // i enjoy Mexican food // i can drive a stick-shift // i believe in true love // i make up scenarios to fall asleep // i sing in the shower (when i have music on, mostly) // i wish i lived in a video game // i have a canopy above my bed // i am multiracial // i am a redhead // i own at least three dogs
i am supposed to tag 15 people but 1. train internet is a bit shit and 2. i don’t even have that amount of mutuals so. anyone who sees this post is legally obliged to do it. you have no way out.
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fyodorloveclub · 1 year
Helloooo! This is my entry for the matchup event! <3
- I'm fine with it being both sfw and nsfw
- You can call me Amy
- I'm currently a student at university and I'm studying japanese because I've been obsessed with japan ever since I was a child thanks to all the videogames I played and anime I watched
- My hair is very long (it reaches my butt), wavy and brown. My eyes are also brown. I'm around the same height as chuuya, perhaps just a little taller, and my weight is the same as atsushi's
- I'm a very introverted person, I don't like socializing that much and I have a very limited social battery that dies immediately when I spend time with people I don't consider friends (so crowded places like parties, clubs, concerts are a big no no for me). But when I'm with my few close friends I open up a lot more and I'd do anything for them. Online I'm usually more friendly and chatty, while irl I'm more distant and quiet, basically I like observing people and listening to conversations without actively participating in them. I tend not to voice my thoughts or opinions out loud (because of anxiety), and I tend to overthink a bit too much. I'm also a huge daydreamer, I can go entire days simply sitting there in silence thinking of the most random things and scenarios. People usually describe me as kind and patient and I've been told that my eyes look mysterious so it's hard to understand what I'm thinking about (which is cool tbh). When I move I'm also very quiet because I'm always deep in thought and I walk very silently, my family calls me a ghost because I never make any kind of noise and they can never hear me coming lol
- I tried taking the enneagram test many times before but I kept getting different results (either 4 or 5 or 6) so idk what my type is. However I do know that my mbti is infj and that I perfectly fit that description
- I love videogames, especially pokémon and other nintendo things. My room is literally full of retro videogames and pokémon merch, I'm a big nerd. I've always been interested in foreign languages and cultures so I love learning new things from other countries (I can fluently speak 4 languages) and lately, thanks to bsd, I picked up a new hobby which is reading literature classics and I'm loving it a lot so far! I don't really do it much anymore but I also love drawing and doodling things, mainly on my desk at school lol. Ofc anime and manga in general are also part of my hobbies. Also idk if it counts but since I like observing people I tend to understand how they behave and their quirks and then I like to try and put myself in their shoes to understand what they might be thinking about in certain situations (very psychological stuff oof)
- I love nature, plants and observing bugs, all kinds of animals (especially cats), dresses, cottagecore and vintage stuff, plushies, and the colour pink! I particularly enjoy sitting at home in silence by myself, drinking tea, either playing videogames, browsing social media, reading fanfics or daydreaming. I dislike smoke and alcohol, crowded places, noisy people, people who don't respect boundaries and people who don't like animals (I kinda dislike people in general djsjdj except for my friends ofc)
- You can match me up with anyone, it's ok for me
- Despite disliking people and hating being touched I am very touch starved, but I'm also incredibly ticklish so it does not help at all lmao. Also if I like someone I'll be very loyal to them, but once my trust gets broken they cannot get it back
I think this is it, if there's something wrong or missing then feel free to tell me and I'll send a new request! And thank you so much for your match up event and good luck with everything! <3
amy x fyodor
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❊ ta-daaaa i match u with the one true rat himself, fyodor dostoevsky
❊ if there's one thing i know about u, is that you are a researcher. you love learning and dive head first into any new subject that piques your interest. it truly just speaks to your passion for knowledge and for learning, and this is something fyodor would really respect and admire. you fascinate him with your fascinations, and he would gladly listen to you ramble all day long about what ever new rabbit hole you fell down that week. fyodor values knowledge and the truth, and admires your never-ending search for it
❊ you have passion and you are very committed, you seem to me like the type of person that has to finish anything they start. again -> fyodor shares this value and admires it in you greatly
❊ he also dislikes most people. you guys will bond over discussing whatever and whoever annoyed you that day
❊ you are someone who chooses to be a wallflower, and is okay with people watching, and fyodor is the same. he keeps quiet and lays low, watching others, as do you
❊ he would completely and totally see you as his equal and have immense respect for you. you match, if not exceed, his intelligence level, and that is what fyodor wants. as fun as it is to write fyodor as a psycho with a god complex who wants an inferior SO, thats just not the truth, he wants an equal. he wants someone who can keep up with him in conversation, will listen to what he has to say, and can truly engage with him. you fulfill this completely for him
❊ your loyalty is something that keeps him feeling safe in your relationship, as he knows he can trust you, and how important trust is to you. you both are the same in that once trust is broken, it cannot be regained. you both feel comfortable with this shared ideal (kunikida coughs in the corner) and that you would never betray each other. with what fedya chooses to do with his life that is very important to him fkldsjkfdkjfkjf
❊ your family calling you a ghost bc of how quietly you move reminds me so much of fyodor pls he moves, acts, thinks in silence and only actually wants others around him who are the same
❊ you and him would definitely bond over classic literature, it seems like something he is passionate about and would enjoy discussing in detail
❊ also you as an observer. i mean this in the nicest way possible bc he truly does respect you as an equal but he also finds you very beneficial jdffjdj two things can be true at once. he greatly values your ability to read and understand others, and can count on you to pick up on the little things he might miss.
❊ fedya relates completely to being touch-starved while also hating being touched fjkdlaklj he needs his space and hates anyone too near him, but having someone like you around who he can place his trust in to fulfill his clingy needs makes him incredibly happy
❊ tldr: your calm and quiet demeanor, passion for learning and knowledge, empathic tendencies, and respectable presence makes you out to be the perfect partner in crime (literally and figuratively) for our fave slutty rat
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vraska-theunseen · 11 days
resorts like boggle my mind. you want to go to another country but... not interact with any of the people beyond them serving you??? or GO OUTSIDE the resort even ??? it's just the knowledge of knowing you're in a different country that you like?? im just thinking about one time my aunt was talking abt going to mexico just to go a resort and talking about how the activities she did outside the resort like hiking etc were not as fun so next time she would just want to stay in there like. WHYYYY DO YOU WANT TO SPEND SO MUCH MONEY AND GO THEN YOURE NOT EVEN SEEING ANOTHER COUNTRY AND INTERACTING W LOCALS AND SEEING THE SIGHTS WHATS THE POINT OF GOING ON A TRIP THEN ITS SO WEIRD AND OUT OF TOUCH AND WASTEFUL. idk maybe i'm just insane i don't travel basically ever i've never been outside the US because i've never had the opportunity and also i think being in a foreign place and not knowing how to communicate would make me anxious i think seeing places and sharing culture is cool but i don't want to be a big dum dum tourist like this is the only thing i can compare it to but i feel so stupid and embarrassed when someone is trying to talk to me who only speaks spanish and the part of my brain that can parse and decipher syllables and language just completely shuts down and instead of trying to remember a shred of anything i learned in spanish in school or trying to use my human brain logic my brain is just a big neon sign going ⁉️⁉️ and also i would feel hedonistic and obtrusive i don't want to be an annoying tourist to people but if i could get over that i probably would like going other places but the appeal of that wouldn't be going to a resort it would be like sightseeing and eating new food and whatever not. being in another country without actually ever walking the streets and having real appreciation for the new things you could be seeing and instead living in a theme park built just for you instead of like a normal hotel. resorts are soweird
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nihondontknow939 · 7 months
Hi! I’m Celina!
This is my side blog for language/linguistics!
I am Japanese, as well as American + Canadian. (Half, Quarter-Quarter)
I’m just here to idk- practice my shitty Spanish and get better at Kanji + harder Japanese vocab!
Japanese Level:
I would say I’m pretty good at speaking Japanese. I might not get harder concepts, but I can definitely get around if I needed to.
My reading and writing…ugh yeah definitely not it. Primarily, I struggle with kanji. I’m like at a 3rd grade level lmao.
So if I practice Japanese, it’ll probably be that.
English Level:
2nd language. But I’m WAYYY better at it than Japanese. I think and go to school in an English-speaking country. Ahem 🦅🔫💥💥
I speak a weird mix of American and Canadian English Aha-
Spanish Level:
I would say around A2…?
As of current I’m trying to figure out how some tenses work, and picking up more vocab. Yes I need to work on conjugation omg-
I’m only learning it for future job purposes and just for convenience, so I actually am not as fascinated with it. But, I’ve decided to use my motivation as “The faster I learn it, the faster I can move on to other languages”.
As for my 4 skills:
Reading: If I know the vocab, pretty good. Strongest skill.
Listening: Bad. If it’s like, moderate speed, Duolingo podcast level, then. I can understand everything.
Speaking/Writing: Pronunciation is easy. I think I just need to get more secure with my grammar.
Languages I want to learn after Spanish:
• French (I’m actually learning French a tiny bit, but it’s not on my main focus)
• Flemish/Dutch (French and Flemish bcs I want to live in Belgium when I’m older)
• Korean (Closely related to Japanese, I listen to quite a bit of K-pop lmao)
• Russian or Ukrainian (I’m a 3rd gen Russian/Ukrainian [yes a mix] and I wanna speak with my cousins without them making fun of me ;-;)
Ok! Less Boring stuff.
Things I’ll do on here!
Song Vocabs.
(Basically I take songs and translate any vocab I don’t know. I’ll do this more for Japanese rather than Spanish.)
Translations of my fanfics.
(I think I’ll do this in both Spanish and Japanese. On my main blog, I write yandere fanfics so…yeah. I think it would be an easy way to obtain vocab for me.)
(As of write now, I write Yan: Rottmnt, Splatoon, Spiderverse, and Cookie Run [weird arrangement Ik])
Little journals.
(I’ll do this more with Spanish rather than Japanese. Just because it’ll benefit my Spanish more.)
Single-Kanji Studies.
(Kinda obv. Only Japanese. I’m actually not that bad at Japanese definition, but my Chinese derivatives? Yeah no- a disaster.)
Things people can ask/interact about:
• Any questions or practice with Japanese! I’m not like the best, but my grammar is pretty solid. (And English too-)
• My study routines, how I learn.
• Just simply talk about whatever! I’m pretty extroverted online-
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justwosothings · 11 months
So according to twitter now ireland had a genius master racist plan to have the game called off so refs think Africans are too rough because we play Nigeria in the last game. The mental gymnastics people have to be doing to reach this conclusion is actully mental. Ignoring the fact colombia is a south American team not African. The whole point is its a pre world cup friendly. That we don't want players injured before the biggest competition of our lives! Most of this from what I've seen coming from English people which honestly is a bit rich considering I'm black Irish and while there are racists everywhere, I've never felt more threatened or treated worse because of my skin colour than when I was in England. I understand a little bit their anger at the word animalistic because i understand in England what that means but language is different everywhere. I've heard and used that word many times in my life, it's never been about race. It's like we call cigarettes f*gs but in the states that's a big no no. Its just how language develops in different places, things have different meanings and it baffles me how people refuse to even try understand things like that. Honestly not everything is about race. Sometimes things just are what they appear to be and there isn't hidden meanings. Again I know the race problem is different in England and the states and everywhere. But I grew up in a small town in rural ireland where I was the only black kid in my primary school and only a handful in secondary school. And never once have I not been anything other than proud to be irish! For people to look at things only through the lens of their own experiences and decided thats enough information to label a whole country racist is the is just... its sad if nothing else.
Anyway, sorry for the rant. I don't expect you to post this because I don't want people coming after you for my opinion. I understand especially when it comes to race issues that white people can be uneasy on weighing in without concern you may say the wrong thing so don't feel pressure to make this public. I do follow you though so if you feel like you want to respond without making my rant public I'll still see it. And on a side note, thanks for being one of few (😜) reasonable chelsea 🤣🤣
Mental gymnastics is right. I feel like when stuff like this happen most of the people causing uproar are just wanting to spread hate for one reason or another and usually not actually involved in it. To give an example you would’ve seen some Chelsea fans hear of what happened yesterday and their first response is to make comments about McCabe and her physicality. They don’t care to understand the situation, the situation doesn’t affect them and they just see an opportunity to hate for one reason or another. Look if this was literally any other match at any other time of the year it probably never would’ve been abandoned. Like I was saying yesterday the decision was made with the world cup in mind and keeping the players fit (also keeping in mind Ireland doesn’t have a team full of superstars so injuries of any sort massively effect the world cup). Was it over cautiously? Maybe, we don’t know because none of us saw what happened. But in light of a player needing to go to hospital to get scans and the disrespectful comments made after I believe it was the right decision. If you have that little respect for your opponents to make comments like that then there’s a big chance that disrespect can be noticed on the pitch too. Obviously this point only relates to the players who made those comments btw not the whole team.
That being said the use of the world animalistic isn’t right and shouldn’t have been used (I haven’t been online today so idk where it was used but it shouldn’t be and it’s not right).
I think looking any more into this as being more than cautious (maybe even overly cautious) is a stretch in any direction. It’s their first major tournament the last thing they want is girls getting injured at the last second in a match that didn’t need to be played.
I can’t speak on the racism part in terms of Ireland being better than England or anything like that because as a white person I’m obviously not experiencing that so couldn’t and wouldn’t ever speak on whether we in Ireland create a space that’s safer for black people. I know Ireland is certainly not perfect and we absolutely have issues with racism too and we can always do better. I really do appreciate your input on that though and your experience. It’s very nice to hear that you are proud Irish! I think your point about seeing thing through their own experience is valid though and we’re probably all guilty of that at times so I can understand why that’s a first reaction of some people but I do think it’s a stretch in this case and even more than that we all have hardly any info of what actually happened.
Haha I don’t mind a rant and I’m not afraid to post this. Your viewpoint is important here as a black Irish person so I’m actually glad you shared it. Like I say most people who shout the loudest when there doesn’t appear to be genuine reason to are people just taking any opportunity to hate whether they don’t like McCabe or it’s and English / Irish rivalry etc.
Also, twitter and in particular football twitter is so toxic. People are so hateful on there constantly. I love a bit of friendly rivalry but football twitter always has people who take everything too far in my opinion which is why I don’t use it much. I don’t like that side to football.
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loulicate-recs · 1 year
Hello sweet Hanis! I’m so sorry for the delay, but I’m finally back!! I hope you didn’t miss me too much and had a nice December 19th. In a similar fashion, I’m wishing you the best for December 20th. And wow, I didn’t realize we were so close to the end, already! I’ve been working on your gift, and I must say it’s a little bit stressful. I hope it will bring you happiness anyways. I should definitely try to hurry up if I want it to be done on time… And for now, it’s not entirely to my taste so I have a lot to work on!
I’m still sick but a lot better. I probably had a fever last night cause my forehead felt super warm, but I felt incredibly cold. I’m glad I woke up today without feeling like my hands would fall off with how cold I was! Honestly can’t wait to have two functioning nostrils dklsdql and speaking about going to the cinema, I was supposed to go see a movie tonight, but I feel too tired to do so. Having a cold sucks! But no, I usually don’t eat food at the cinema. It has happened I’ve bought popcorn, but it really doesn’t happen often because I thin it’s too expensive for what it usually is. And the feeling of having popcorn stuck in your teeth is the absolute worst, too, idk how I managed to forget it every time. What about you? Homemade snacks like the housewife you are or victim of capitalism? Fond of popcorn? I don’t know how shameful it is to admit, but I’ve actually never seen legally Blond dkjsqhd. When I was 10, I bought the books at a flea market but ended up never reading them because the covers were ugly in my opinion. I know that’s the pettiest reason ever but ten years old me was something else! It’s funny you mentioned HP, as one of my siblings is watching HP at the moment. I think he’s watching the 6th one, though. My favourite one is probably the 3rd one and least favourite one the 4th. Once again, it’s not linked to the quality of the movie but more to the fact that the sibling aforementioned would watch the Goblet of fire every day at some point. Kinda traumatized me. Plus, the only girl sucks at being a witch and the movie makes it seem like the girls of her school are only good at being pretty.
My uni is about 45 minutes away door to door–I have a 10/15 minute walk to the station then a 25 minute ride with the tube and another 5 minute walk to get to uni. Compared to most people in my area, that’s very reasonable. Around here, I think the average time is 45 minutes to an hour so anything around that is considered normal. I’d also say that despite a lot of people complaining about the deficiencies of the public transportations, it works quite well–I’m once again only speaking about my area, as experiences vary from suburbs to suburbs. I think there are enough underground trains too that I usually don’t have to worry about missing one. I just go to the station and if I miss one by a minute then there’ll be another one. I’m always early anyways kdslkqdlsm I think taking the tube is not quite the same as taking a plane! I am 4548646456% more stressed for a long journey than I am when I take the tube. Where have you flown to before?
I can’t believe I’ve given you another clue. At the same time, I thought you already KNEW English wasn’t my first language as I’ve mentioned l live in Europe and in Europe, very few countries have English as their official language (besides the UK and Ireland, I mean). And I also felt like I already had implied I didn’t live there when we discussed the English countryside. BUT anyways I feel like I’m speaking too much and shouldn’t remind you everything I’ve said. And I’ve listened to a video to learn how to speal easy malay and can only say nama saya secret santa <3 saya dari a secret country <3
That’s interesting! Are you planning to get married, someday? I think I’m quite lucky because I don’t feel pressure to marry–not that I don’t want to, I’m just not quite set on that. And it’s not entirely linked to the question before but to you, what’s the ultimate proof of love? And I can definitely relate! I’m always scared I’ll accidentally like one of your posts.
I do celebrate Christmas, though it’s pretty lowkey and entirely unreligious. We exchange gifts, have a nice but not too long meal, and then we’re done before midnight dskqdjsq it’s nice, though as I don’t really like huge gatherings. Too many people makes it a little bit too impersonal for me. Do you? If not, what do you celebrate and if so, what’s your favourite thing about Christmas?
You’re such an older daughter! Trying to live up to expectations and all that jazz. And when I say I sing in the car, it’s just not me putting up a show it’s more like, everyone’s singing together to tunes we listen to as a family dslkdjsq I wouldn’t have the confidence to try and belt otherwise lol. I’m sure you sing really well!!
Maybe I’ll hate US promo a little less for the mere fact it brings you happiness dskdjs I usually don’t love it because it’s very… US like? I don’t know, it’s probably more of a feeling than a real thing. AND I KNOW!!! He’s just there, his face facing the crowd, and hands stroke and pet him gently :( he’s not even fazed! You mentioned how comfy he makes us feel but I feel like it is also true the other way around and that’s super cute :( I’m so deeply sorry you couldn’t see him. I was in a similar predicament for my own show and it took me a while to get used to the idea. Fingers crossed for FITF tour! I have a ticket for the show so I really hope everything goes according to plan for you and me both.
You want me to reveal myself by asking me my star sign, don’t you? I’m not giving it to you but to make it better, I’m gonna tell you I’m a daughter to a cancer father and a taurus mum. I don’t know what you can do with this info, but it’s out. By the way, do you get along with your parents? If it is an uncomfy matter to you, please feel free not to answer!
Sending you kisses and love <3<3<3<3 I still hope it won’t get you sick. It was once again a pleasure reading you :) love you babe and take care! xx
hello hello my santa ♡ hope you had an easier day compared to the previous! i have missed you! forgiving you with a sorry from me for being a day late. i was actually planning to write you back yesterday but then i was so caught up in finishing the gift for my santa baby too and eventually fell asleep while working on it :( i am both blushing and feeling guilty for basically being the reason to your stressful situation, i appreciate how you are trying your hardest and best to gift me when you didn’t even have to! talking to you have felt rewarding to me, you made my days more meaningful for the past few weeks and i cannot ever thank you enough for that. not to be sentimental but with you i feel… listened ♡ regardless of feeling guilty, i am stilll eager to find out what you’re giving me, i KNOW that i will love it and definitely will store it in my core memory!
i am partially happy that you’re feeling better but not entirely recovered! do you have any special coping mechanism to ease your painful state when you’re under the weather? i personally have to eat something spicy just to feel something when i get sick. speaking about nostrils, are you having a flu too? my nostrils get blocked almost every night, i haven’t been able to completely get rid of sinus since my preteen years :/ by the way, how long will it snow there, where you live? and do you often get sick during the cold december? oh no, what movie were you supposed to be seeing :o i completely agree with you about the popcorn part, honestly the first time i went to see a movie at the cinema i found that popcorns during movie was an overrated concept, but sometimes i still bought them because my friends always insisted us to. but most of the times i’d sneak in pretzels or chips from my favourite vendors outside of the cinema. more affordable and fits to my taste. and certainly never a homemade snack for cinema sdfgfj i’m not louis enough for that </3 just like how you were shamed to admit you’ve never watched legally blonde, i am also shameful to admit that i didn’t know it had a book. i think it’s safe to tell you that hp 4 is also my least favourite, it just feels less magical compared to the rest. and let’s not talk about harry’s characterisation being watered down :|
hearing about your routine is fascinating although i don’t how to feel about the 45 minutes journey to class everyday :o and you mentioning that you’re always early… wow. i complain for the stupid 7 minutes walk to my faculty/ or on some days i’d carpool with my friends, if my lecturers cancel the class last minute after i’m already in the class sdgfhd and i even stay in the campus. you are really a dedicate student! how long are your lectures daily on average? i’ve flown to the neighbouring countries before for holidays, have yet to escape asia </3 what about you?
shdjdf i know, i wasn’t meant to say that english is your first language as in you don’t speak another language beside it like the british! because there are some malay friends of mine who have been using full english from the day they were born and only use the malay language when it is necessary. and they claim that english is their first language! that’s what i meant to ask, if you’re one of those people, sorry that it was unclear </3 now I am speaking too much. waa that’s cute! and when you say that again but the ‘secret santa’ and ‘secret country’ are replaced with the actual names >:) i wonder what you first language is, i’ve reached duolingo’s level 3 in french before and maybe that’s the most i’ve learned in one of the many third languages i’ve attempted to learn before lmfao. anyway 3 more days and maybe i’ll find out if it’s french or something else that you speak :3
oh tbh we are the same! i don’t find marriage is something that should be my priority, not now and i don’t think that’s gonna change in the future too, but who knows :) when i talk about possible partner i always envision the idea of me being in a non serious relationship where me and the other person just do, discover and learn new stuff together as we grow. i’ve always liked the idea! though it might also has something to do with me living in a place where i’d be expected to marry only the men if i ever wanted to. and newsflash hanis prefers something else mwah <3 btw, i find your question is kinda hard to answer since i’ve never been in a situation where i love someone too hard (louis look away for awhile) or i am loved romantically. but i think time is quite the mastermind of everything, so i get pretty fond when i see old couples showing their affection towards each other. like imagine all the things you’ve gone though together, physical changed, too many ups and downs and you’re still tied together like the first day you confessed your love to each other?! like what more could you ask in order to believe that you are absolutely loved by your lover? sdgdh am i answering your question by the way?
enlighten me, as i don’t know much about the deeper meaning of christmas apart from what’s been shown in the media and public presentations, is christmas a religious celebration for some? i know this is stupid but i used to think that christmas is to celebrate the arrival of the snow, and it’s probably why christmas is not that big here because we don’t have snow… k1ll 10 year old me. i understand you! well as obvious as it is i don’t celebrate christmas, but i do celebrate the eid. and i guess any celebration can’t escape the huge gatherings :/ i’d sometimes lock myself in the room for awhile if the hosting tired me out. by the way despite not celebrating christmas, i do have a lot of things that i like about it, and one of them is the films <3 because all of them have snow scenes and i just love it sgdhdh, i need to roll on the snow someday. what’s your favourite part about christmas, if there’s not many people in your house?
that sounds like a lot of fun, singing together as a family! mine just be putting on our own headphones because we all have different taste in music.
it IS very US like but i think he does more fun things there? don’t get me wrong it will never be enough to me, he needs better better promo i need him to play more games on the real talk shows and not just singing and more youtube segments. but to me a lot of things he does during UK promo is quite UK fans-centered? i mean it’s great he does all that to get closer to the fans but still! tho i’m not complaining about the content we got from his fitf love performance and the album signings <3 as someone who is neither from the US not the UK i’ll take what i can get! yes, he never fails to mention how thankful he is for the fans, he never forgets! it’s like a mantra coming out out from his mouth to call the fans incredible eeee he’s too cute :( “thank you for letting me make the kind of music that i want to make” well thank YOU for making the kind of music that i want you to do and that i want to hear??? one day i’ll eat him i promise. omg you got a ticket? for the europe date i assume? you will meet him you will nothing’s coming in your way i am praying on both of my knees! so happy for you ♡
yah actually :3 but i failed dang! a taurus and a cancer, sounds like a perfect pair! would you say your parents share the same personality or more like a pair of opposite attract? i have a good relationship with my parents but i don’t think we are that affectionate compared to some families. they forgot my birthday this year but since we’re not always that big on birthdays it didn’t affect me that much. i personally get more validation from my dad, and not too often if not never from mum. she is quite strict with us, sometimes i feel like i have a mid mommy issue lol. but thank god my parents actually do co-exist, what i don’t get from my mum i’ll seek from my dad especially when it comes to compliments over something i achieved. but she can be generous on some days! do you get along with both of your parents?
keeping the kisses and hugs deep in my heart! and sending you back, doubled ♡ i saw in your other ask that you’ve been thinking about the reveal day, just want you to know i’m truly excited to find out who you are, whether we’ve talked before this whole secret santa thing or not. are we even mutuals? if yes, how close we were and if not, how could it possible to feel so comfortable talking to you? you don’t have to answer, they’re just my personal monologues. 3 more days! perhaps just 1-2 more letter exchange(s) between us and we’ll meet soon ♡ have a perfect day, love you!
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bigkpopstan · 2 years
also let me be really honest with u!
its true that latinos that live in their mother countrys are very harsh on kids who are born on north america but have hispanic background, but we have so many vAliD reasons to be like this
bc these kids are normally more focused on "looking the part" that forget one fact: we are more than an aesthetic
theres lenguaje, culture, food, history but they are often ignored and people end up "claiming" their hispanic side but can't even talk to their cousins 🥴
we are never going to deny ur identity, we even encourage you to connect with it in every aspect possible but the first step is to understand this is more than looks
also don't be scared of not liking etnich food, there are things that are just not of ur taste lol but as long ur are trying authentic food is probably going to be bomb 🤚🏼
💌 anon
i definitely get that! like I say I’m proud to be Hispanic but I also…don’t ? feel Hispanic enough. it’s like I feel left out where I see other Hispanic people talking about experiences and stuff that they learned actually being brought up in their culture and stuff and I’m always there like “I should understand and get what they’re talking about” but I don’t. or like !! my only year irl in high school I was in a room granted I was new but I’m definitely obviously mixed when it comes to my looks but two other Hispanic kids mentioned that they were “the only ones” in the room. which yeah I know you don’t know me but ! idk it unnecessarily made me feel bad lmao. I want to try it so bad !! i just don’t know where or what to get bc I already have a thing where I know what I’m going to like and not like without even trying it so there are something’s that I don’t wanna try bc I don’t think I’ll like it but other things 👀
I grew up on a very, ethnically/culturally diverse area in my state so most of the other people in my state, that are Hispanic that I have met personally are all like what are the ways to describe this shit brain fart…like they were like first gen kids? like the guy that I was talking about in tags that I knew was born in Mexico and went back every summer. idk I’ve never met any other person from different cultures n stuff like that in my area that didn’t speak their other language but that is very interesting I can see that. that’s the thing I personally don’t really care much about the looking-I already am very physically, but I want to know like the history and I want to know more about my culture and I want it to be a big part of my life like it should’ve been. everyone I know or meet also think it’d benefit me esp with how I am very like-conscious about not being Hispanic enough.
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tf2-hellhole · 3 years
can we get some fluffy tf2 headcannons? giving you full creative liberty over this one! :)
Idk if you meant tf2 x reader headcanons or just general head canons, so I did two sections for each merc; the first point is a general headcanon, the second is X Reader.
sorry this took forEEEEEEEEVER, I was just experiencing burnout and working on a prize for a contest on my server (BTW WE HAVE A NEW DRAWING CONTEST GO CHECK IT OUT)
Scout is actually really self-concious about his intelligence. He’s not very bright and he knows it, and it makes him feel horrible. He had flunked out of high school and struggled in most of his core classes. He honestly feels really stupid and he hates when people point it out. But luckily for him, a lot of the other mercs understand what it’s like to be looked down upon and empathize with him. Quite a few of them help him relearn the skills he never mastered in school. Engie helps him with math, Spy sometimes helps him with writing, and even Pyro has him read children’s books to them to improve his reading.
Scout absolutely loves little casual dates. Stuff like going out to eat lunch, going to the movies, maybe just cuddling up in his quarters and watching a movie. He tries to plan one every week. His dream date is taking you back to Boston to meet his family and go to a Red Sox game. But obviously, since you’re both in New Mexico at the time, he’s going to have to shelve that dream for a few years.
Soldier is an excellent raccoon dad. At first, the other mercenaries thought they’d all end up dead by the end of the month when he first found them. But surprisingly, they are are very well cared for. They’re all fed regularly and basically have his entire assigned quarters to themselves. He loves every single one of them dearly, even the ones that hiss and scratch him every time. The raccoons, at least some of them, are kind of like weird, quiet dogs, and actually get along pretty well with most of the other mercenaries.
Soldier is a surprisingly very physically affectionate partner, and he’s not at all opposed to PDA. He loves hand holding, cheek kisses, cuddles, the whole nine yards. Whenever he’s particularly excited, he loves to run up to you, scoop you up into his arms, and press a hard, sloppy kiss to your lips. Of course, he’s careful to not hurt you, but he’s a very intense, emotional guy and he needs to express all that love he has for you!
Pyro is and excellent listener, so they’re a person a lot of the other mercenaries depend on to vent. Demo often comes to them to vent about his emotions, Scout, Sniper, or Medic will rant about what’s bothering them, and even Engineer will talk about his stress. And of course, Pyro doesn’t understand a lot of what is told to them, but they’re still happy to help them feel a little better, and they would happily do it a hundred times over to make their friends feel better.
Pyro has a hobby of baking and making candy/treats, and they love sharing everything they make with you. When they first gave you a treat, you honestly thought it’d be burnt or bad in some other way. But to your surprise, it was amazing! They’re actually and excellent cook, but they just love making sweet things the best. They’ll make you just about anything you could ask for without hesitation, but they’re best at making anything sweet.
Demo obviously has the potential to pretty emotional when he’s drunk, there’s no doubt about that. But on the off-chance that he’s sober, he’s actually pretty sweet and considerate. Though he still is a rough-housing joker, he’s much more considerate of his friends’ feelings and has deeper and more meaningful conversations with them. He often likes to go to bars with his friends and co-workers on ceasefire weekends, having lots of fun conversation, drinking together, and generally causing chaos around town.
Demo, to put it simply, doesn’t like himself. He’s critical of everything, from his skills to race, because people have always put him down about them. His mother told him he’s lazy and unskilled too many times to count, just everyone makes fun of his eye, and many have made fun of his skin color. But you make him feel so much better about himself. Just the fact that someone so kind and gorgeous is actually with him makes him feel like he’s not as horrible as he thought. There’s been a couple of times where you’ve accidentally almost brought him to tears with a sweet compliment or show of affection, because he never thought in a million years that someone would love him and care for him like you do. He feels so blessed that he has someone like you.
I know the fandom’s decided that Engie is the Team Mom and makes the food, but I also think that Heavy cooks a lot too. He makes all of his own food, so he often makes a lot of extras to feed the team because a lot of them just eat junk food and Medic’s always complaining about their eating habits. Heavy often takes like half the food for himself (he does have a huge appetite and loves food, so he likes to take a lot) and just boxes up the leftover portions and leaves them in the fridge for the team to take. He says he’s only doing it because they can’t work properly if they’re unhealthy, but he also does it because he cares about their health. A little bit.
At first, you wouldn’t think Heavy’s the most cuddly guy. But surprise, he actually loves giving and receiving physical affection. He just doesn’t show it often out of respect for your boundaries, and doesn’t do it around others. His absolute favorite thing is to cuddle you against his chest. Sometimes it’s when going to sleep, or cuddling on the couch, or maybe just a quick hug. He just loves the feeling of your head resting against his chest and your arms trying (and failing) to wrap around his torso. It makes him feel like you’re safe. Nobody could ever get you when you’re wrapped up in his arms.
You’d think Sniper’s the only nature nerd on the team, but Engie absolutely loves the outdoors, as well as animals. It’s because his father would often take him out camping every couple of months. It was often the only time he would get 1-on-1 time with his usually very busy father. So he does love the great outdoors, especially that of his home state. He especially loves animals. He was raised on a farm and helped take care of lots of injured wild animals with his mother. He absolutely loves pets and would like to have many when he retires. His dream is to have is own ranch, with horses and cows and a bunch of dogs and the whole shebang.
Engie absolutely loves playing the guitar, so of course he loves playing for you. He learns all sorts of sweet love songs to sing to you. He’s an excellent player and actually has a pretty decent singing voice (think Johnny Cash, he kinda has that singing style). I hope you like country music, because that’s all he’s going to sing to you until you give him some requests or he finds out your favorite artists or genres. You can tell how happy he is every time he gets to surprise you with a new song he learned, and he’d be a giddy, laughing mess if you sang along with him.
You’d think this guy takes horrible care of his birds because of the environment he keeps them in, but his birds are actually exceptionally well cared for. He buys them only the best and most expensive bird food, gives them super high-quality water with vitamins n stuff in it, takes them to the vet regularly, the whole shebang. Yeah they get a little dirty from sitting around in his lab, but he always gives them a little bath at the end of the day to get all the blood and guts off.
Medic is honestly such a playful partner. Of course, around his co-workers he’s a little more professional; he still gives you soft touches, a kiss on the cheek, or a big smile, but that’s about it. In private, however, he’s such a sweetheart. He’s always sweeping you up into big hugs, kissing all over your face, and calling you all sorts of adorable nicknames in a variety of languages. It comes as a surprise, because you’d think he’d be a little more formal, but that’s really only for special occasions. It honestly brings him so much joy to have someone like you by his side, and every day he’s going to make sure you know just how grateful he is to have you in his life.
Sniper is an incredibly independent and self-sufficient man, but he’s also secretly a real mama’s boy. He loves his parents dearly and has a particularly close relationship with his mother. As well as sending them money every month, he sends them all sorts of gifts, letters, postcards, and souvenirs. He also makes sure to call them regularly. He goes home every couple of months to visit them, and one could see that he loves helping around the house and chatting with his parents. His mother loved gardening, so his number-1 favorite thing to do is help her in the garden.
Despite Sniper’s obvious lack of knowledge on self-care, he takes a lot of time out of his day to make sure you are happy, healthy, clean, and well-fed. He doesn’t hound you like a helicopter parent but he likes to ask how you’re feeling, if you’re hungry, stuff like that. It feels nice to know you’re taken care of or take care of you himself. If you switch it around and try to take care of him, however, he’s honestly baffled as to why you would care so much as to make sure he’s doing well. He does absolutely love the affection and attention he gets out of it though, it makes him feel loved.
I’ve mentioned this before, but I have a head canon that Spy has a dog. Her name is Charlotte, and she’s an elderly Chihuahua. One would think he’d buy a French breed, but he found her out in the pouring rain one day and fell in love with her fluffy ears and spunky personality. She’s now 17 years old, extremely frail, missing most of her teeth, and extremely aggressive to anyone other than Spy, but he loves her dearly and pays for all of her medical expenses without batting an eye. And of course, she expresses her thanks with lots of kisses.
Spy loves dancing, and knows all kinds of dances, from flamenco to ballroom dancing to the Charleston to, canonically, disco. So of course, he’s dying to share all of the most romantic dances he knows with you. He’d love to actually teach you how to dance, rewarding you with kisses every time you finally get a move right and laughing softly when you make mistakes. But in reality, he just wants to use it as an excuse to dance with you against his chest and smother you in affection.
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