#if i lose out on that because people can’t stop screaming about tommy on social media
mishtershpock · 2 months
#right so#firstly: oliver stark i love you please never stop#the way he talks about buck is so nice!! not to mention always reiterating that the show was queer before bi buck was confirmed#secondly: oliver stark i love you but please stop!!!#lmao. ben affleck smoking jpeg#i completely understand his reasoning behind what he says about tommy#he can’t confirm or deny anything and changes are he doesn’t even know anything. just like before#when he was waxing poetic about natalia and buck’s future#i just do not like the whole narrative of tommy being a perfect queer elder who can do no wrong and is there to guide buck through this#it’s a disservice to his character. and to buck’s#and to eddie’s if you really wanna go there#tommy is the perfect first boyfriend because he’s got experience. right? that’s what we’re saying?#experience does not equal perfection#and like i said the other day. it suggests eddie is not worthy of being a queer love yet because he has no experience#they hadn’t written the final episodes yet for a reason. they’re posting positive b/t posts on social media for a reason#they’re testing fan reactions to decide what to do with b/t. sorry but i genuinely think that’s the reason#and this characterisation of tommy as perfect and ideal for buck and they’re smitten etc#a second ben affleck smoking jpeg#i have nothing against tommy or b/t together or multi shippers. nothing at all#but i sweaaarrrrrr#if i lose out on the ship who have 6 years friendship and a history of getting through neg and pos experiences together#coparenting and saving each others’ lives. literally and figuratively#being so intrinsically linked to each other#not to mention oliver and ryan’s chemistry#if i lose out on that because people can’t stop screaming about tommy on social media#i will implode and take this place with me#especially because focusing on buck’s lovely new perfect relationship will probably mean that eddie is pushed aside#with a shitty storyline they put no effort into. wait what who said that that’s crazy#i agree that bi buck isn’t about eddie (it’s not about tommy either) and potential queer eddie isn’t about buck#but i’m so done with people saying we can’t hope the two storylines come together in the future. why is it suddenly bad to want buddie
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arvinsescape · 3 years
Too close.
A/N: This one is a pretty fluffy one but i stumbled across the concept and just had to use it, i really hope you enjoy! I enjoyed writing it!
Summary: At what point do you realise you’re too close to your best friend?
Warnings: Swearing, mentions of smut and implied smut but nothing bad.
W/C: 2.4K
Everyone had always said you and Tom were too close to just be best friends. You’d been best friends for so long and completely inseparable. People thought that when you grew up you’d grow apart somehow but you never did, you only grew closer. People always assume you’re a couple no matter where you go or what you do. His girlfriends always hated you for some reason and your boyfriends always hated him, said you were too close and it was weird. Sure, you were close but how close is too close?
You cuddled all the damn time.
You were sat with the rest of the boys having a film night and of course you were sat with Tom. Your back against the arm of the chair and him sat between your legs as you played with his hair. He sighed in content as you continued to run your fingers through it, he found it comforting.
“When are you two gonna get together?” Harry suddenly said as you halted your movements for a second.
“What do you mean?” Tom asked.
“Well you’re so close I’ve thought something has been going on for years.” Harry shrugged.
“What you can’t be close to your best friend?” You asked.
“There’s close and then there’s you two.” Harrison interjected.
You were in bed cuddled up in your blankets when you heard the front door open and shut, Tom must be home. You leapt out of bed and ran down stairs quietly as to not wake the other boys, tackling him into a hug as he laughed.
“Missed you so much princess.” He said as he squeezed you tight into his chest. Princess. It was a nickname he exclusively had for you and Tess. Sure he had pet names for his girlfriends but he had always said that princess was exclusively yours. That had started at your prom because he said you looked like one and the name stuck.
“Missed you too Tommy.” You said as you squeezed him back. Tommy. A nickname he couldn’t stand coming from anyone else other than you. It was something you’d always called him and you were the only person who got away with it. Not even his exes had been able to call him that without him cringing but when you said it? He smiled.
“I’m gonna go for a shower, wanna get the plane smell off me.” He said into your hair as he kissed the top of your head and moved away from you and up the stairs.
You made your way back into your bedroom as you heard Tom quietly move around his bedroom and take a shower. You heard the water shut off and five minutes later your door was creaking open. He had his pj’s on and he was smiling at you as you returned it from your curled up spot on the bed.
“Shift over.” He said and you did as he grabbed the duvet and climbed in next to you. You laid your head on his chest as he ran his hands through your hair. This was normal, you shared a bed often as both of you slept better, of course you never did if either of you were seeing someone or in a relationship but when you were single? You rarely spent a night apart unless he was away.
“God I’ve missed how warm you are.” He mumbled as he tightened his grip around you and you smiled. “I’ll tell you all about filming tomorrow but for right now I’m so tired and I haven’t had a good nights sleep in weeks.” He mumbled as you snuggled further into each other, letting sleep take you both.
You slept together often.
You and Tom had lost your virginities to each other. You both wanted someone you trusted to be your first time and couldn’t think of any other person you trusted more. It was sweet and it was fun and everything you would imagine losing your virginities to be. Tom was careful and sweet and took care of you before and after.
After that you found yourselves relieving each other often. Whenever one of you were horny the other would help out as best friends do, right? This ranged from all kinds of sex, rough, passionate, shower, morning, phone, you name it, whatever you were in the mood for you did. You didn’t think much of it, loads of people slept with their friends. Of course you never did this when either of you were in a relationship or seeing someone.
You also discussed anything sex related, good experiences, bad experiences. You discussed everything and anything sex related. You tried all sorts together, if either of you wanted to try something new you tried with each other because you could trust each other and you didn’t feel embarrassed about brining it up or not enjoying it.
You held hands a lot.
You’d decided to join Tom on his morning walk with Tess and as you were walking around the park he suddenly grabbed your hand and interlocked your fingers. You smiled as you squeezed his hand slightly. You held hands quite often when you were walking, you’d done it for years and neither of you thought much about it. You held hands when you were sat watching TV together. Or when you went to the cinema or well whenever really. It didn’t seem to matter, your hands just seemed to gravitate to one and other.
Your social medias are full of pictures together.
Your social media was almost mostly pictures of you and Tom and Tom’s pictures that weren’t promotion? Were you and Tom. Special birthday messages would appear on your social medias every year to each other. People thought you were together and you had to correct them and tell them that you were just very close friends. Of course the internet claimed you were too close and you’d never thought much about it until today.
You’d just split up with your boyfriend, Nick, you’d been together for four months and he’d told you he was in love with you. You couldn’t say it back, you found him attractive, of course but that spark hadn’t started so when he told you that his had you broke it off so you didn’t string him along. He wasn’t happy.
“I never stood a fucking chance did I?” He shouted at you.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?” You snapped.
“You hold me to some ridiculous expectation that he’s set.” He growled at you and you rolled your eyes. Every single one of your exes had claimed that you were in love with Tom and that’s why you couldn’t love them back.
“He’s my best friend Nick. I don’t know what you want me to say.”
“You two are way too close. It’s intimidating living in his shadow.” He shouted again.
“I haven’t once said that I compare you!” You screamed.
“You don’t have to. You probably don’t know you’re doing it.” He snapped. “You know what? It’s my own fault, I saw the way you looked at each other when I first met you. I should have gone with my gut that you could never fully want me back. I’m leaving, do yourself a favour and start being honest with yourself or you’ll never be fucking happy.” He snapped before he made his way out of the door.
That was an hour ago and here you were, sat on the couch, talking to Tuwaine who had heard the whole thing because he happened to be in.
“I don’t get it Tuwaine, he’s my best friend why do people always think I’m in love with him?” You sighed.
“I think you know the answer to that.” Tuwaine said with a sad smile. “It’s me now, be honest. Why can’t you love any of these men back? Don’t answer straight away, I want you to really think.” He spoke again and you sat as you thought about it. Really thought about it.
They’d all cuddled you. Just not like Tom. They’d all been good in bed. It’s just Tom was better. They all played with your hair. Tom was just more gentle with it. They all held your hand. But their hands never felt as soft but at the same time rugged like Tom’s. You posted them on social media. But it was still full of you and Tom. They all comforted you when you cried. But Tom was the only one who knew how to comfort you properly. You told them everything. You just always told Tom first. They cuddled you in bed. But you still slept better when Tom was next to you. They all tried so hard to gain your heart. But they couldn’t because it’s Tom’s.
Why couldn’t you love them back? Because you are in love with Tom.
“Oh.” You simply said and Tuwaine laughed.
“Finally!” Tuwaine said. “Watching you two pine after each other whilst simultaneously being in a relationship has been the strangest thing I have ever witnessed.” He laughed and you furrowed your brows.
“Come on. You sleep together, you cuddle all the time, you’re practically obsessed with one another.” Tuwaine said and you furrowed your brows deeper.
“It’s not funny Tuwaine, what am I gonna tell Tom?” You asked.
“The truth?” Tuwaine said as if it was the most obvious and easiest thing in the world.
“What if he doesn’t feel the same?” You worried as your heart beat sped up at all the possibilities running around your head.
“I have a hunch it’ll go the way you want it to.” Was all Tuwaine said as Tom came through the door and your heart jumped into your throat.
“Hey!” Tom said, face lighting up as he saw you.
“Well this is my cue to leave the house for a while.” Tuwaine said loudly.
“What?” Tom asked confused.
“I am not sticking around to listen to you two fuck.” He laughed as he made his way out of the door.
“What’s his deal?” Tom asked eyebrows almost in his hairline. You realised that this was your moment. You had to tell him, for you. Nick was right, you’ll only be happy if you be honest with yourself.
“I broke up with Nick.” You said.
“Oh princess, are you okay?” He asked as he went to make his way over to you but you put a hand out to stop him. He looked at you confused before you sighed and closed your eyes before opening them and speaking.
“Tom, I don’t really know how to say it so I’m just gonna say it. I’ve come to a realisation today and I need to get it off my chest. I am in love with you and it’s okay if you don’t feel the same, I think deep down I’ve known for a while but I’m in love with you.” You said and you felt like a huge weight had been lifted off your shoulders, it felt right to say it. You hadn’t looked at Tom yet, finding anything else in the room to stare at as you spoke. He didn’t say anything and your heart dropped.
You closed your eyes one last time before looking at him, ready to face the heart break but as soon as you looked at his face it was plastered with an amused grin. You furrowed your brows.
“What?” You asked.
“Finally.” Tom said. What?
“What do you mean finally?” You asked almost gobsmacked. You’d just told him you loved him and this is his reaction? You’d pictured many, but not this.
“What I say. I know you are and I’m in love with you.” He stated, amused smile still plastered all over his features.
“What, you mean, hang on. What?” You stumbled over your words.
“I’m in love with you, I’ve known for a couple of months, after I broke up with Lucy. Tuwaine made me see sense.” He said and you looked at him gobsmacked. Why hadn’t he told you?
“Why didn’t you tell me?” You voiced your confusion.
“Well you were still with Nick and you seemed pretty happy and I didn’t wanna upset you in case you hadn’t come to the realisation yet.” He shrugged and you laughed, genuinely laughed.
“So this entire time we’ve been running around playing house together and all we had to say was ‘I love you’ and we’d have saved ourselves all this time and effort on other people?” You laughed the more you thought about it. It really was ridiculous, everyone always said you were too close because you were always in a relationship without realising it. “I feel a bit ridiculous for not realising sooner.” You said.
“Yeah I felt like that until I realised that we’ve been close for so long it’s hard to pinpoint when I started loving you more than a friend, it just seemed so normal for us, you know. Tuwaine and Harrison called us soulmates.” He laughed.
“Not sure I believe in those but if you’re it then it’ll do.” You teased as he mocked offence and made his way over to you. “We always do fight like a couple.” You said as you realised Tom was the only person you ever had an argument with that was fuelled by passion. He hummed.
“We always do post about each other like a couple.” He said as his hands found your waist and yours found his shoulders.
“And hold hands like a couple do.” You said as his face inched closer to yours.
“Cuddle like a couple to.” He whispered face inching so much closer.
“Have special nicknames for each other.” You whispered, faces ridiculously close now.
“We most definitely fuck like a couple.” He whispered one last time, lips ghosting yours before closing the small amount of distance and capturing your lips. It was passionate and full of all the love everything you did always was. Your hands found his hair as you lightly tugged and he pulled you impossibly closer by your waist, tongue skimming your bottom lip for entrance which you happily granted. You stayed like that for a while before Tom eventually carried you upstairs. Tuwaine was smart to leave when he did.
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immortalcoelacanth · 3 years
Between the Walls, Chapter 1: Roommates (Dream SMP fic)
I've noticed there's an unfortunate lack in Borrower AU content, and as that shit is my jam I'm putting forth the content I wish to see into the fandom XD
To quote my friend, "I do not control the hyperfixation"
Word count: 4497
Summary: At first retirement had sounded like an excellent idea. Make a house far away from everyone else, get some peace and quiet, no longer concern himself with the total garbage that was the local government. Nice things, relaxing things.… 
But then the scratching in the walls started happening.
Techno groaned as he flopped backwards into his chair, tired eyes staring into the glowing fireplace as he relaxed after his busy day. A day full of building, repairing the damage dealt by the creeper population, and…
A day spent trying to find any signs of his thief.
You see, Techno had assumed that retirement would be an excellent way to unwind from the massive amount of blood that had been shed after L’Manberg went up in smoke, as well as the aggravation he felt towards his sweet, innocent cows being slaughtered and his bunker being raided.
Raided and dismantled thanks to Phil stealing his bookshelves and in turn chunks of the wall.
It was scuffed, horribly scuffed, and left him with one option.
That, combined with the wanted posters Quackity had hung up demanding his capture and subsequent execution after what he had done. Honestly, talk about the biggest character arc for Quackity, going from fearing him to taking an active role in trying to end his life.
Too bad for him that Technoblade never dies.
But still, having to constantly deal with being attacked while no longer having a truly safe and secure base was troublesome, so he had sought out to make a new home far from L’Manberg and all other communities.
The isolation did not scare him, on the contrary he liked having a space all to his own with no worries about socialization or someone bothering him. Besides, Phil could always visit him if he wanted some company.
Fortunately, constructing his new home had taken relatively little time once he had found the best spot for it, and with some help from Phil, moving all the important resources and equally important fixtures of his home had taken even less time.
All in all, Techno had managed to acquire a new sanctuary away from all the plotting and scheming, although he had a feeling someone would try to mess with him at some point, and he had plenty of space to make a brand new vault. He had achieved peace and quiet, and was even in the process of planning on making a turtle farm. Surely all these positive developments would mean he was happy, right?
Well, he would be if it weren’t for the fact that there was a thief rummaging through his home.
It started with small things, like his chests becoming less and less organized over time. Yes, there were moments where he simply chucked whatever useless items were in his inventory into the nearest empty chest, but he would never clutter up chests containing important items, like potions and enchanted books.
So, finding several misplaced items as well as random blocks of dirt and stone, practically pebbles given their size, while also finding certain resources such as wood and leather missing was the first sign of something strange going on.
The next was the odd noises that seemed to come from the walls of his home. Faint scratches that would be inaudible to anyone but himself due to his heightened hearing. It reminded of a rat infestation, and he unconsciously shuddered.
Not due to fear or discomfort, but the sheer amount of work it would take to get rid of a pest infestation. At that point he might as well take his house apart and build elsewhere.
However, despite his suspicions and hypothesis, there was practically no evidence to support. There were, thankfully, no signs of rat activity, or activity from any other pests. No scratches, bite marks, signs of wood decaying, or anything like that. Other than the noise and the strangely messy organization of his chests, there was no sign of the thief.
And he had looked.
Intensely, as best he could. Logic and inductive reasoning had led him to this conclusion. There was a thief, so there had to be signs of this thief somewhere. A lack of footprints meant they must use pearls to get around. The fact that his rarer resources had not been stolen, his potions of strength and enchanted books, meant that his thief was either unconcerned with stealing things of value from him and just wanted to mess with him, or they were a cocky idiot.
… So it was either Ranboo or-
His ears perked up, cutting off his train of thought as he glanced over at the nearby wall. His eyes narrowed and he pushed himself up and out of his chair before striding over to the wall, cape swishing about behind him.
He pressed the side of his head against the wall, eyes closing as he tried to focus on where the sound was coming from. It was here! It had to be! There was something hidden in this very wall. The source of his annoyance, his thief.
Well, there was only one way to find out.
Techno readied his axe, and swung it down-
There are times where Tommy can’t stop himself from looking in the nearest reflective surface and asking how he managed to fuck things up this bad. It was painful to recall the steps that had led him to this outcome, the signs obvious but he had been too stupid and ignorant to pay them any mind.
Causing trouble was in his blood, something the local borrower community had reluctantly accepted over the years, helped by how eager he was to throw himself into dangerous situations. Something that should have been concerning to the adults who watched them, taught them how to borrow, how to gather items and even hunt in order to survive, but he had learned that lesson at a very, very young age.
The lesson that no one would step in to help him if he was in danger. That he was on his own and had to prove his worth in order to stay, constantly putting his life on the line for the slightest crumb of respect.
To hear someone say that he had done a good job, to be thanked for his hard work instead of always being brushed off and ignored.
Of course, his friendship with Tubbo helped to soothe that constant within him, dulling the sting of rejection while reminding him that there was one person who truly cared about him. One person who would always be there for him, would lift him up when he was down, and jump into any situation to protect him.
Orphans had to stick together, after all.
And it was a good thing they did end up working together as the duo balanced each other out perfectly. Tommy was far more outgoing and blunt, hotheaded being the best word to describe him. He was willing to do whatever he needed, always ready to speak up when he thought there was bullshit going on, and spoke his mind freely.
It was an ironic honesty, a trait that one assumed would help to attract friends but only aided in driving them away.
Meanwhile, Tubbo was much softer in some ways. Much more reserved than Tommy, he was more of a thinker and planner. Nowhere near as comfortable with spontaneous action as his friend, but he had the knowledge and skills to reign in those impulsive actions before things got dangerous.
They were the best of friends, pals to the very end.
Even though they would never see each other again.
And it was all his fault.
Tommy had ruined everything.
The plan had been simple, easy. All he wanted to do was mess up Mrs. Brigsburry’s house. Just a tiny touch of crime and freaking the old bat out.
She deserved so much worse because of that day. The pot that had been thrown at Tubbo and how much blood Tommy had seen running down the side of his face. The bitch’s shrieks and curses as she insulted them over and over again.
Swearing they both should have died with their parents-
How was he supposed to know he accidentally left one of her rags near the lit stove, the fire within causing the piece of fabric to ignite and in turn allowing the flames to spread to the rest of the house.
It was a good thing she lived on the edge of Borrowton, the fires thankfully only burning her home to the ground.
No one wanted to live near an asshole like her.
Tommy, who had been feeling proud of himself, quickly experienced true regret and fear once the meeting started. Shouts, demands, and insults had flown through the air, many of the people he had grown up with insisting that he be tossed out for what he had done, exiled from the only home he had ever known.
It had been terrifying to see how quickly everyone had turned against him, how they refused to give him the chance to defend himself or even explain why he had done what he did. Not even Tubbo had been able to protect him from the crowd’s wrath, his attempts at standing in front of Tommy and blocking him from sight thwarted when one of the adults grabbed his arm and dragged him elsewhere.
He would never be able to forget the haunting sight of Tubbo reaching for him, tears pouring from his eyes as he screamed his name over and over. It was the last time he had seen his friend, too.
And yet, this was not the worst part of his punishment.
He had been given an hour, one measly hour, to pack up everything he had ever owned before being forcefully exiled from Borrowton. The realization of what was happening had slammed into him all at once, leaving Tommy trembling and unable to move.
He was going to lose everything he had ever known, everything he had worked so hard to build, Tubbo-
He was going to lose his Tubbo.
And there was nothing he could do to stop it.
No amount of begging or pleading had stopped the adults who dragged him to his shoddy, shared home. He had groveled on his hands and knees, promising to change, to do better, to do whatever they wanted if they just let him stay.
Don’t take my Tubbo away. Don’t take him away. I need him, I need him-
The harsh sting of his cheek and the painful sensation of his neck snapping back from the force of the slap was enough to snap Tommy out of his trance. He blinked and looked around, feeling all the more disconnected from reality as he noticed the two bags that had been placed beside him.
One for food, and one for clothes and tools.
… He was really getting exiled, wasn’t he?
“You have no one to blame but yourself for this.” The adult beside him grumbled, dragging the stunned teen up to his feet and shoving him towards the door.
“Front gate. Now. And if I find you causing more trouble, you’ll be leaving with nothing but the clothes on your back.” The man sneered.
For a moment that spark of anger rose up in him, rage flowing through his veins and making his fists clench while he ground his teeth together. The urge to lash out, both physically and verbally, was strong, and yet…
As quickly as those feelings emerged, they faded, and Tommy was left feeling hollow and drained. What was the point in fighting back if all he did was get himself into more trouble. It was obvious they weren’t going to change their minds, he would be exiled no matter what, and if he did lash out-
Tubbo screaming his name as he was dragged away, snot and tears flowing down his face. Thrashing and struggling in a futile attempt to reach him.
… The risk, the damage he could do to his friend, was far greater than the satisfaction of breaking the man’s knobby nose. So, with extreme reluctance, Tommy left the house and made his way towards the front gate. The streets were surprisingly empty, he had expected to see a mob of people cheering while watching him leave, maybe even get the occasional bit of dirt thrown his way.
Treated like the trash they thought he was.
His send off lacked all formality. Only the usual guards of the gate were present, and even then they paid him no mind. He was simply shoved towards another borrower, a lady this time who, based on the immense amount of foliage covering her clothes, spent most of her life out in the wild.
God, how would he ever survive out there. Between the wild animals, the shitty weather, and the mobs that would wander the lands when darkness fell, he was doomed.
He had only ever known how to survive in his community, where you could barter for goods and depend on someone to help you. Now he wouldn’t have any of that. There would be no shelter, no safety in numbers-
No Tubbo.
Numb, Tommy was shoved towards the woman and quietly took note of the presence of the animal he could not see before. It was a fox, quite large compared to him and the other borrowers, and domesticated since it wasn’t ripping anyone apart.
… Or maybe it was just waiting until he got outside, then it would rip him to shreds. Wouldn’t want any blood splatters staining the inside of the gate.
He was so absolutely, royally fucked.
“C’mon, we gotta get moving.” The woman barked, grabbing his arm and pushing him towards the fox with little care for his comfort and the fact that she was adding more bruises to his arm. Tommy hissed in pain and rubbed the aching spot while glaring at her.
Everyone in this place was a fucking asshole.
“Alright, alright, chill the fuck out. I’m moving.” Tommy grumbled as, after a moment of hesitance, buried his hands in the animal’s warm fur and climbed up its side. A moment later, the woman jumped up to join him, taking a seat near the fox’s shoulders while Tommy struggled to pull his bags up as well.
Finally, once his meager supplies had joined him, it was time for them to set off. He had nearly been thrown off as the fox stood up, and when the animal sprinted out of the hidden tunnel and into the fading sunlight-
Well, it was a good thing he managed to grab hold of his bags before they were knocked off. He shuddered in the sudden, stinging breeze, and did his best to hunker down into the warm fur below him. He had no idea where they were going, no clue what far away biome he would be abandoned in, and quietly decided to not think about it further. The last thing he wanted to do was to start crying.
… Even if he had been ever since they first left the front gate.
He quickly rubbed at his face, trying to dry the lingering tears so there were less signs as to his degenerating mental state, and instead decided that it would be best to strike up a conversation, something that would help to distract him from what was going on.
Tubbo, Tubbo. He missed Tubbo. He wanted to see Tubbo again-
“Name’s Tommy!” He called out. “What’s yours?”
Silence was his answer.
“... Well fuck you too then.”
Much like the start of their journey, the rest of the trip was silent as the fox ran through various biomes, fields, and forests. On multiple occasions they stopped, the woman gathering some sort of herb every single time.
… Perhaps she was making drugs.
Tommy snorted to himself at the joke, mood lifting just the slightest bit before plummeting back to bedrock. God, he was tired. His body ached from sitting still for so long, as well as the general discomfort from the fox nimbly jumping from cliff to cliff, ducking around trees, and just being an agile shitbag. It was annoying and he hated it.
… Hated the fact that he was getting further and further away from his friend. Hated the fact that the fox could cover far more distance than he could ever hope of traversing on his own, and that the odds of him managing to reunite with Tubbo at some point were growing slimmer with every block they crossed.
Eventually they reached the coldest biome Tommy had experienced yet, ponds covered by ice and snow layering the ground. The snow seemed to muffle their surroundings, the only sounds coming from the snow crunching under the fox’s paws and the animal’s panting as it started to feel the strain of their journey.
And yet, for as desolate as this tundra seemed to be, Tommy spotted something in the distance. A structure that was definitely man made and appeared to be well taken care of, which meant there was someone living there.
Someone he could mooch off of and boost his chance at surviving his exile.
It had been a stroke of pure luck that he had managed to convince the borrower escorting him to change their route, practically begging her to take him to the lit house that was just barely visible through the snow.
The sounds of Tommy sniffling and sobbing since the start of their journey had probably helped to wear down her resolve to take him to wherever he was originally supposed to go.
In the end, she had agreed and directed the fox towards the house. It was interesting to see her previous confidence of navigating the cold tundra diminish the closer they got to their destination, as though she was unsettled by the house.
Strange, but then again she probably thought the same of him and how much of an idiot he was for getting kicked out of somewhere perfectly safe.
Safe aside from the prying eyes, the cruel words and harsh hands. His salvation was Tubbo and their whispered promises. They would leave one day, set out into the world and make their own home.
The moment they arrived at their destination, the woman wasted no time in metaphorically, and literally, kicking him off the fox. He dropped into the freezing snow, landing face first, and pushing himself up seconds later to cough out the chilly substance that had invaded his mouth.
The memory of Tubbo laughing as his snowball hit Tommy in the face, the other teen turning to the side and yelling about how “cold as shit” it was.
“Maybe you should try keeping your mouth shut for once.” Tubbo teased as Tommy, snow still stuck to parts of his face, flipped him off.
“Fuck you.”
Tubbo’s laughter rang out around them, and the teen kept laughing until his face was red and tears leaked out of the corners of his eyes.
… Damn, it was cold.
Trembling, he stood up just in time to dodge the bags that had been carelessly thrown his way, getting a concussion from one of his tools would definitely be a death sentence in this situation, and he promptly flipped the woman off.
“Oi! Watch where you’re throwing that shit!” He shouted before crouching down to inspect his supplies, quietly relieved that nothing seemed to have been damaged. “Fucking bitch...”
She just rolled her eyes in response to his insults and looked unimpressed as he grumbled, huffed, and got himself organized. No words were exchanged between the duo, no goodbyes or wishes for good luck, just the howling of the winds while the borrower made his way to his new home.
As Tommy had trudged through the too tall snow, he had been oblivious to the way the woman stared at the house, eyes wide with some sort of emotion. Was it fear? Not quite, it was more a combination of dread mixed with reverence, emotions fueled by her knowledge of the being who resided in this place. A whispered phrase floated through the air, much too quiet for him to have heard. It was a simple sentence that made her stance and understanding of the situation clear.
“Blood for the Blood God.”
Then she fled, leaving Tommy alone to deal with whatever fate he had stumbled into by breaking into the house.
And what a house it was.
All pretty and neatly designed, complete with various floors and tons of storage, and even some decorative flowers outside the windows, which meant Tommy had many things to rummage through. The roaring fireplace was an added bonus since the cold was one of the things he had been the most worried about.
Knowing those assholes, they had probably planned to abandon him somewhere in the tundra, leaving him alone and freezing in the cold…
Honestly, all things considered, this was a good place to settle down in. He had basically everything he needed, as well as access to some rarer resources too. It was ideal, practically perfect given how easy it would be to create small, unnoticeable entrances into each chest for him to use to snag items, but there was one downside to his new home.
His roommate.
He was tall, far taller than anyone Tommy had ever seen before, and he looked… weird. Like one of those pig monsters he had heard stories about back in Borrowton. Monsters from hell that craved gold and bloodshed. With his pig-like features, including a set of tusks that poked up from his lower jaw, he was a perfect match for those nightmarish beasts.
… But, they weren’t in hell, and this man seemed to be far less gold and bloodshed obsessed than the stories had said, even with the various scars the borrower had seen littering his body.
It was weird, he was weird, and the weirdness had only increased the more time Tommy spent in the house. Despite his regal attire, consisting of a flowing cape and golden crown, it was obvious that the pig-man was no prince or nobility. Plus there were those shitty reading glasses Tommy had seen him wearing once, stuck together with taping and looking like they were on the verge of breaking again. He was the strangest combination of loud-yet-awkward behaviour, something that the borrower actually related to quite a bit. His roommate was not “normal” and acted how he wanted, whenever he wanted, with little regard to how “improper”, “violent”, or “rude” he was.
Like Tommy…
He found it comforting to know that there was someone else more like him out there, someone else who was unlike everyone in Borrowton, someone else who would know what it felt like to be treated as an outcast, like he did not belong there or anywhere. Stuck in this new place, he did not feel as alone as he originally expected.  
He did not consider the possible problems this could cause in the future, of course. Tommy had never the best at planning ahead since that had been Tubbo’s specialty-  
But, the positives ended there as he realized that trying to survive in this relatively small, isolated house was going to be far more of a challenge then he had originally anticipated, with his roommate presenting the greatest obstacle to his success. Breaking in had been easy, actually situating himself and building a decent base within the walls of the house was downright impossible in these circumstances. At most he had managed to dig out a shitty hole close to the fireplace where he stashed all his stolen goods.
And even if he wanted to leave, it was impossible thanks to all the snow and how bloody cold this damn biome was!
So, here Tommy was, having essentially trapped himself with some creepy pig guy who owned too many weapons for comfort and was decked out like he was about to fight the whole damn world. Sure, his house was pretty nice, there was tons of food for him to steal and snack on, and the resources were plenty, but he would have rather had anyone else as a roommate in this situation.  
At least this guy was in retirement, or whatever that meant.
He let out an annoyed sigh, arms dropping as he allowed his axe to rest against the wooden floor of the passage he had been carving out. While most of the house was made out of concrete, Tommy had focused on carving passages through the wooden supports in order to have a network of tunnels he could easily move around in without being spotted. All in all, it was a good plan, even if it was a massive pain in the ass to make.
It was like every time he started making a tunnel, no matter what time of the day it was, that piggy dipshit would show up and start stalking the walls, looking for him!
… Granted, maybe it wasn’t the best idea to make boar-face all suspicious by messing with his chests, but Tommy needed the resources! And it was pretty funny hearing the surprised sounds the man would make echo through the house.
His trouble making nature might have been the cause for his exile, along with some other bullshit, but that did not mean he would try to suppress it, even if it would be better for him in the long run. That was like asking to stop breathing. It was just a part of him that could only be controlled and never truly stopped.
… He missed Tubbo. He missed him so much and the ache in his chest still had not faded, and he felt all hollow and empty, without purpose-
Unfortunately for the borrower, the world refused to give him a break as he spiraled, his negative emotions distracting him and preventing him from paying attention to his surroundings.
Like the footsteps that were slowly getting closer to his location.
Without warning, the wall beside him cracked and split open, and Tommy let out a terrified shriek. He jumped backwards, dropping his axe in the process as light spilled into the carved out passage.
The now exposed passage.
A passage that had been cracked open by a certain pig man who had clearly been awake instead of asleep like he had assumed. Brilliant red eyes met terrified blue, and Tommy swallowed nervously.
Of course, of fucking course! As if the world didn’t hate him enough as is! Now he had to deal with that pig shithead who’d been tormenting him for days with his stupidly good hearing, preventing him from making any progress in creating his new home.
And of course the second he tried to make a tunnel this bastard just had to appear and ruin everything!
On the plus side, he had not actually done anything yet, although Tommy was certain things would turn south soon based on the axe the man was holding. So, he would live for now, and his shocked state allowed the borrower to make the first move.
“How do,” Tommy greeted, tilting his head to the side and smirking. “You ugly motherfucker.”
If he was going down, he would go down swinging.
Technoblade, holding up a cup containing Tommy: So I found this, anyone wanna trade a book of mending for him- Tommy: *feral screaming intensifies*
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chrysalizzm · 3 years
i uh. realized people follow me now because of uh. you’re human tonight on ao3 asdjgfs
i have content!! behind the scenes content as promised. i do outlines for my fics as a general rule of thumb just because i personally can’t write things to a satisfying finish if i don’t Do That, and so - here are my chapter/plot outlines for you’re human tonight ^^ (i have no idea if this is interesting content or not i thought i’d put it out there because i think outlines are kinda fun hhhh)
chap 1 fundy
subtitle: an inkling
fundy makes an iron golem gone wrong, dream makes it go boom
chap 2 purpled
subtitle: uh oh social interaction
purpled shelters a fugitive, gets his house explosion-proofed as thanks
this is probably gonna be the only chapter with a funny title hh oh well
update: it’s not and i’m pleased with myself for branching out with my dry humor
chap 3 sapnap
subtitle: dust to dust
sapnap’s dying via wither effect, and he knows respawn’s around the corner but goddamn if it doesn’t hurt til then. dream skids in around the nether fortress corner, drops all his weapons cradles sapnap’s head in his hands, has always taken death much harder than anyone sapnap’s ever met. at the last few seconds, when death creeps up like a shroud, dream starts to hum to him hoarsely, pressing his forehead to sapnap’s, and in the final moments sapnap doesn’t hurt at all. the last thing he hears is dream whimpering. he visits dream’s bunker the next day, knocks on the door over and over, but there’s no sign of life there. sapnap shrugs, bites his lip out of guilt for forcing dream to sit there watching him die (if temporarily), and moves on.
the chapter that introduces dream’s primary ability of soothing hurts. put a lot of emphasis on the fact that sapnap ached up until the moment dream started humming, because for dream to do that is pretty frivolous considering once sapnap died he’d respawn and the hurt would just disappear but dream wanted sapnap to have a peaceful last few seconds. emphasize how abnormal it is that withering stops hurting. 
chap 4 ponk
subtitle: beaches dry of sugarcane
dream visits ponk after george burns down the first tree. when ponk arrives to the second tree to move in, he realized dream made the tree flourish, grow healthier and bigger. 
chap 5 sam
subtitle: fuck this shit i’m out (edit: the official subtitle is “oh god oh fuck”, i changed it last-minute)
dream picks sam’s brain for manhunt strategies while the latter is mining for redstone. sam stumbles upon a spawner and reels back, trips, nearly misses the moment dream sweeps him behind him and his eyes flash beneath the mask and when sam gets back up, dazed, there’s nothing but the splay of cobwebs all over the walls. 
chap 6 punz
subtitle: lines drawn
in an unrelated skirmish, punz drives his sword up to the hilt in dream’s chest, relying on respawn for dream to not feel any pain and for punz to get paid. dream doesn’t die. this is understandably alarming. 
can we get some funnies in chap? just a few laughs?? a lil funny for mr luke punz man?
can we get some panicky dry humor for real tho because punz strikes me as someone who copes with morbid humor and dream spluttering up blood is def a situation that punz would not know how to deal with
chap 7 wilbur
subtitle: so about that date
wilbur makes platonic moves on dream while dream fake texts his fiance under the table. wilbur also accidentally vents to dream about his little brother tommy and how afraid he is that tommy will get himself hurt for how reckless he is. dream siphons some of his anxiety from him, smiles as they depart from one another. wilbur notes that dream is shaking when they leave. 
chap 8 skeppy
subtitle: get wrecked noob
dream walks skeppy through some pvp. when skeppy demands a rematch w tommy and gets a lil stage fright kinda sorta thing, dream siphons his anxiety and his nerves and goes full soccer mom with bad and skeppy loses 5-2 but like!! he won!! against tommyinnit!! HH
is there any mental image nearly as powerful as dream wastaken, the soccer mom
chap 9 jack
subtitle: mandatory volunteering
after tommy goes on another one of his destructive rampages lmao, dream enlists jack, newest-comer, to help him rebuild stuff bc underclassmen have to do whatever upperclassmen tell them to do thems just the rules. after rebuilding a statue near the community house, dream pats it fondly, and when tommy sneaks back to set in on fire for shits and giggles, he finds that it’s fuckin fireproofed AGAIN
rebuild efforts, i promised monuments rebuilt so thats what theyre gonna fuckin Get
chap 10 antfrost
subtitle: twist the knife
ant on what ends up being an unpublicized manhunt: dream stops the manhunt because he’s triggered a raid and by the time the hunters get there, alarmed by the screaming and the fire and dream’s unresponsiveness, the villagers are all dead and there are raider corpses everywhere and dream is lying near the bell on his side, whimpering. (what the hunters don’t know - dream tried to fight off the raid but was overwhelmed and witnessed the village get slaughtered, he took the pain of the villagers that weren’t dead but were dying.)
segment: There’s a reason they do the manhunts, and it’s not just for them to horse around and try to kill one another for a few days. Antfrost is the newcomer but he’s always been good at reading people and from the outset he knew that Dream was someone filled to the brim with the restlessness that characterizes humans, that never-settling wanderlust, and his brain works too fast for the rest of his body sometimes, and he just needs an outlet. It’s part of why he eggs Tommy on in their little war games, why he holds onto those discs even though he doesn’t need them, why he gets that delighted look on his face when someone tells him that Tommy’s griefed them or stolen from them or otherwise ruined their morning. Antfrost thinks the only times he’s ever really seen Dream silent, Dream waiting, Dream unmoving, are when Dream is 
chap 11 karl
subtitle: head in the shallows
karl, sapnap, george, and dream have a sleepover after mcc 11. karl, nearest to dream, wakes up when dream starts tossing and turning from a nightmare. when he tries to shake dream awake, dream’s eyes fly open and he slams his fist into the wall behind him and the earth, the literal earth, the entire slab of it, shudders like an earthquake. sapnap and george sleep like the dead, so it’s just karl and dream staring at one another. finally karl asks, concerned, “do you want some tea or water or anything?”
chap 12 hbomb
subtitle: a maid’s burden
“i want to dress up as a maid for fundy,” says hbomb with false bravado. fundy’s fiance levels a very impassive look at him for an awkward minute or two and just when hbomb thinks he’s misread dream and fundy’s relationship dream says “i’ll get you a wig” and the entire chapter is just dream idly twisting the fabric of reality to get hbomb the items he needs to put the outfit together
pranks, i promised pranks, theyre gonna get pranks
chap 13 alyssa
subtitle: message in a bottle (edit: official subtitle is “ship in a bottle”)
alyssa’s leaving, at least temporarily. 
alyssa tells dream it’s getting dangerous on his server, doesn’t relish the expression that brings to his face, but he holds her hands and nods and bids her safe journey. when alyssa returns, running for something (later we’ll learn she had heard that dream was bad, that he might be dying), she finds that her house is completely inaccessible by everyone save her, placed in complete stasis by someone. 
start of the chapters leading up to festival arc. build unresolved tension in this one. 
chap 14 niki
subtitle: life doesn’t discriminate
wilbur and tommy are relentless, they waste no time; niki is willing to wait for it. 
the night before the duel, she goes to dream and holds a sword to his throat and demands he call it off, even though she knows it’ll mean little because of respawn, tells him she won’t stop hunting him down until he gives up l’manberg. dream smiles a little sadly and pats her hand and her fright, her rage, it simmers back down, and the anger that had swarmed her and made dream out to be the devil dies down until it’s just her friend, who was playing along with tommy til it got serious and he got cocky, who’s just as in over his head as she is, and maybe niki’s soft but she likes that about herself, that she’s always the first to forgive. niki is looking at the healing cut on dream’s neck, uncovered by any bandages, when dream shoots tommy, a clean shot that causes no suffering.
a long chapter, probably. i think at some point in this i want to mention niki’s respect for dream for apologizing during the first pet war, for not letting things get any bigger until fundy came back. some parallels can be drawn here - that dream let the fire die down in the initial stages of the pet war, that dream won’t let go of the l’manberg war now, and it occurs to niki that she doesn’t know dream nearly as well as she thinks she does if she expected him to act exactly the way he did during the pet war. she’s got what she’s wanted - dream’s remorse, proof of dream’s humanity - even though it’s not in the form niki wanted it. 
chap 15 eret
subtitle: crown of thorns
the king in name only consults with the true leader. 
they’re both upset about pogtopia’s exile, eret arguably more so because they think their early betrayal of l’manberg somehow butterfly-effected into the current dumpster fire, and as they talk eret works themself into a full panic attack reflecting on things that were, things that could’ve been - and the tide washes out all of a sudden, and eret’s left with the same looming hollowness they’d been feeling before, no dregs of the panic, they’ve never had a panic attack that left them feeling normal after - but dream is now wheezing like he’s about to die and eret immediately walks him through the panic attack, levelheaded even as they’re confused out of their mind. 
chap 16 quackity
subtitle: water to blood
quackity is a snake in the grass. 
quackity at schlatt’s side during the few weeks of his presidency. he knows schlatt from before, has been his friend, so he knows when his friend is acting off. the cynical, straight-faced humor is still there, his completely bland delivery and brazen showmanship, but it’s twisted to the left somehow, to make it so that those qualities that make up his friend have rotted, hurt people. quackity eventually goes to dream after schlatt first overdoses with a lot of questions, maybe even to confess that his allegiance has begun to shift because he can’t go to pogtopia and he can’t go to schlatt - and dream just gives him a long, sad look before lightly patting quackity’s shoulder and says “i can’t guarantee anything - just that you’ll be safe” and shooing him off and as quackity heads back to manberg he realises all the hostile mobs are avoiding him like the fucking plague. 
it’s big q!!!! fattest ass in the cabinet!!!!! pog!!!
fun fact this chapter’s subtitle was almost “chekhov’s gun” until november fucking 16th of 2020
chap 17 tommy
subtitle: most disputes die and no one shoots
tommy learns how a legacy dies.
a compendium of tommy watching the madness consume wilbur. it needs to be emphasized in this chapter that wilbur becomes an entirely different person when they’re ejected from manberg, that he becomes obsessed with the legacy he’s created and watching it crumble is what twists him; when dream gives tommy his crossbow, tommy, out of desperation and a need to have an older sibling again, asks what’s wrong with wilbur; dream’s face hardens and he asks tommy to take dream to wilbur. it’s a terse meeting, the only one they have before techno and before wilbur completely loses it and demands the tnt; wilbur says a lot of things tommy doesn’t understand (it’s complex mythological jargon hinting at dream’s status as a god but could be misconstrued to refer to dream’s status as simply the world owner) and at one point wilbur sneers, “are you trying to play god, dream?” and dream lurches forward and grabs wilbur by the wrist, and there’s a completely silent moment where tommy feels the air suck out of his lungs and there’s an off buzzing in his ears and he fancies he hears something that sounds, just a bit, like dream, whispering desperately wilbur wilbur wilbur it’s me it’s me listen listen listen then a shrieking, acrid wave of no and tommy reels back and when he looks up dream has staggered back, his hand to his mouth, blood dripping from somewhere beneath his mask, sounding like he’s gagging or maybe he’s sobbing, as wilbur shrieks in a voice that is entirely not his “get out get out if i can’t have l’manberg...” and tommy understands, finally, as dream sprints out. that’s not wilbur.
a distinction needs to be made perfectly clear in this chapter, as with schlatt’s chapter: it’s not them. they’ve been twisted out of control by something bigger than them, something that wants to toy with the young god running an oasis of peace for his people. it doesn’t need to be outright said in this fic; in another we can delve into the madness and who did it and why. for now, just make it clear it’s not explicitly anyone’s fault.
chap 18 techno
subtitle: colosseum
dream had to let techno in first, you know. 
techno and dream have interacted often - the duel, the championships, they’re friends more than acquaintances now. but techno was called in by someone wearing his brother’s face that he honestly doesn’t recognize from his voice and when he arrives at spawn, before tommy fetches him, he sees dream sitting cross legged waiting for him and they talk about the situation, dream giving techno a quick brief. when tommy comes, crying “techno, this way, this way to pogtopia”, and crossbow bolts are being fired at techno, dream gives him a lil wave goodbye (or what techno thinks is a lil wave goodbye but what actually turns out to be putting a swiftness effect on him).
“that’s not my brother, dream,” says techno, and dream’s mouth wobbles and he says, hoarse, “i know.”
techno Suspects, but only knows that dream has world-manipulating powers and thus standard minor god powers. he doesn’t let dream know he suspects. 
chap 19 bad
subtitle: run devil run
bad trusts dream, perhaps against his better judgement. 
dream comes to visit bad and skeppy on neutral grounds in the interim leading up to the festival that everyone on the server is side-eyeing and side-stepping. bad considers his friend and the owner of the world as he gives dream an impromptu tour through the escape route he and skeppy have dug out, wonders with a little reproach how dream could let things get to this point, then, soft, gentle as always, acknowledges that dream is only human kindly. when he says that, though, dream’s face crumples, as though those words hurt him more than any criticism bad’s given him in the time he’s known him, as though bad had driven a blade into his heart, and bad doesn’t understand but he lets dream run away from that. when a small flock of creepers explode over the tunnel the night before the festival and bad grumbles that he has to fix it, he learns dream left him with a fortified escape tunnel.
a/n: i’m sure the irony isn’t lost on you.
chap 20 tubbo
subtitle: cadmean victory
what say the sacrificial lamb?
tubbo is coming to terms with the fact that he might not make it out of office in one piece and it’s not his first time respawning but the older members of the server always, always did their best to shield the younger ones from death. he runs into dream by complete coincidence while he’s avoiding pogtopia (mostly wilbur) and manberg (mostly schlatt), caught between two strangers wearing his friends’ faces. he looks at dream, who looks back at him impassively, and tubbo starts to cry, because it finally hits him that even with his death and respawn nothing will be fixed, nothing can change, the poison’s run too deep into the veins of dream’s beautiful little world and now nothing can be right anymore and it feels like he’s shattering into tiny, aching shards - and then dream kneels before him, takes his hands, presses his forehead to them, sighs like his heart’s breaking, and tubbo feels a small calm thread back into him as dream stands abruptly, jittery. dream, with hands that shake, grips tubbo’s shoulder, hovers for a second, then his head jerks up and he bolts into the forest, clambering up a tree with admirable ease and disappearing away into the leaves as schlatt suddenly emerges from the bushes nearby with a joyous, plastic “hey! tubbo!”
chap 21 george
subtitle: lantern burns low
a moment in the night; george is visited by a specter. 
dream comes, pale, and asks george if there is anything wrong, is everything okay with you? takes george’s caught-off-guard face in his hands and says george george george, are you - and george catches a glimpse of dream’s powers (is he safe safe does he hurt no but fear but anxiety there are dregs hush now quiet now he is safe all quiet quiet quiet he’s safe) and he says, stricken even as the constant thrum of nervous energy he’d kept with him fades out, “dream what was that,” and dream presses his hands to his mask where his eyes are and says, despairingly, “they don’t get to have you too,” and staggers back out. 
george is the first person dream overtly “comes out” to. this is also why george doesn’t see dream til the festival. 
chap 22 schlatt
subtitle: the empty throne
dream visits schlatt in his office. 
schlatt, possessed by madness, has no idea what he’s saying but it feels right, it’s exactly right, everything is in his hands, and when dream approaches, his hands facing up, is he there is he there yes yes yes tainted polluted this is twisted this is madness madness madness dream reels back, shaking, and schlatt leans in and leers, not even knowing what he’s saying, “you can’t even fix it, young god,” and relishes the way all the color drains from dream’s face.
chap 23 dream (edit: this monster ended up being split into three for pacing purposes and also if i left it together it was gonna be. h. 14K WORDS. also the drama of a cliffhanger at what most people thought was going to be the last chapter was too good to pass up don’t @ me
subtitle: do you feel like a young god?
running, running, running again
finale!! dream takes everyone’s old hurts into himself, takes the madness from schlatt and wilbur, promptly passes the hell out because no one should be doing that, wakes up, gets the shit hugged out of him, and explains a little, and gets told that he’s loved over and over. 
i uh! take questions! i like talking about this story, there’s a lot i still want to show, and even apart from that i just really love mcyt haha
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imaginesmai · 5 years
Tom Holland-The Impossible (1)
Tumblr media
Plot: Your relationship with Tom is on edge. Work, paparazzi and not seeing each other for months is making you tear apart from each other. Thankfully, he’s an amazing boyfriend and propose you what you thought it would be the perfect holidays; Thailandia. The hot sun, the beach, a cute hut and privacy to mend your relationship. Neither of you thought you would be witnesses of one of the greatest natural dissasters of history
Warnings: right now, none. This part only has fluff, but there will be!
The sight in front of you was… indescribable. Tall and green trees stood proud in the middle of that village, where children ran from one side to another laughing and pushing each other. All type of people were there; from elders who were talking between themselves to pregnant women, from natives to tourists like you and Tom.
Birds sang as you looked up to the new country that would be your home for two weeks, a happy smile on your face. You closed your eyes and enjoyed the sun kissing your skin, so different from the cloudy weather back in London.
A feather touch in your hand made you open them again, and you saw Tom beside you brushing his fingers with you. You let out a happy giggle and showed him a full-teeth smile.
“I take that you’re happy” he teased, brown eyes warming your whole body. There was something about him that had you always smiling, even in your worst times. 
“You can’t even imagine how much” you sighed, pecking his cheek quickly. “Thank you so much for this, Tommy, I-“
“Hey, stop with the thanks, alright?” he cut you off. “I’ve already told you. We both needed a vacation.”
For the last month, your relationship with Tom, the man you thought you were going to marry, had been hard. He was away filming and you were busy with your own job, barely seeing each other once a month. And you had noticed that you didn’t kiss good night, made time for each other or something as simple as eat together. Instead of boiling it up until you exploded, you decided to talk with Tom about it. He promised to make it better, and the next day you found two tickets to Thailand; a two weeks holidays much needed just for the two of you.
No castmates, no family, no friends. Just you, Tom and the beach.
“Mrs and Mr Holland?”
You turned to see a short man with glasses looking at you with a kind smile, dressing the yellow overall typical of the hotel’s staff you had seen on the internet. Tom coughed to cover up a laugh, knowing how you hated to have your surname changed. If you did ever get married, he knew there wouldn’t be any legal way of making you take his.
“Actually, it’s-“
“Yep, that us” Tom said, still smiling. He took your hand in his and gave you a soft squeeze.
The man told you he was in charge of showing you around the village and your way to the hotel. As you walked, he started talking about the traditions. How, the night before Christmas, they threw a big flighting lights and let them disappear in the sky; a way of getting rid of everything bad that had happened that year. Tom moved his arm and wrapped it around your shoulders, bringing you closer.
He was the kind of man who didn’t have to use cologne to smell good. Even when he came from training or playing with his brothers, you always admired how well he smelled. Your arm made its way around his waist, and you pinched his stomach softly. It made him squeal away, emitting a strange noise that had the man looking at him with wide eyes.
After assuring him that he hadn’t been ‘punctured’ with anything, the man explained you the different risks of the plants and animals of that country. They were more dangerous, and the government couldn’t assure the proper treatment if you got infected by a venomous plant; although he assured you they would do everything they could.
“I can’t wait to see the beach” you whispered to Tom, a few feet away from the man. He looked ahead and then lowered his head to your ear.
“And I can’t wait to see you in the black bikini I saw you packing” he whispered, and you smacked his chest, chuckling. “What? Or without it, I can’t decide what is better.”
“You’re a perv” you teased, knowing that you would probably end up testing every surface on your hotel room. “We are here to enjoy the beach, the people and the customs. Not to satisfy your endless sexual drive”
“That hurt, love” he faked indignation. “Even more when I know that your ‘sexual drive’ is as big as mine.”
“You’re a weirdo, Holland”
“That’s why you love me, Y/N”
He tilted his head to kiss you, and you closed your eyes for a second. Enjoying the soft breeze that moved your hair, the sound of the leaves moving and the sun shining above you. You teared apart when the man cleared his throat, having stopped a few steps ahead. And you let your mouth fall open.
If you thought that the village and the nature were amazing, you were wrong; the hotel was the most amazing thing you had ever seen. Cute huts were distributed in an uncoordinated pattern around a beach bar and a pool. From where you were standing, you could see the blue and calm sea where some kids were playing with their families, and you could hear the waves hitting the shore. Tom said something to the guide and the man said his goodbyes, wishing you a good time and leaving. Your boyfriend looked down at your stunned face and laughed softly.
“I wish I had brought my phone” he complained, his eyes bright. “I could have you as my lockscreen for the rest of my life.”
“This-This is amazing, Tom” you let out an incredulous laugh. “How did you find this place?”
“Chris told me about it. Elsa and him like to spend their holidays here, with the kids and family” he explained. “It’s a good chance to, uh, you know, get away from the media. And press. To, um…”
“Make things right” you helped him, not wanting to say that the trip was a way of mending your relationship. Because you were sure it wasn’t broken yet. “I can’t wait to see our room.”
“House, actually” he smirked. “Each house is for one family, or tourist that come here.”
“Oh, couldn’t you have booked two then?” you joked, pouting. “I don’t want to be next to your hot ass all the time.”
“Such a shame that it only has a bed, Mrs Holland”
“Shut up”
Tom started walking to your hut, where your suitcases would be waiting for you, giving you a perfect view of his ass. You whistled at him and he blew you a joking kiss, shaking it for you. Running until catching up with him, you linked arms and pressed your cheek on his shoulder.
What a holidays
The two first days passed too quickly for your liking. After the long flight, all Tom and you wanted to do was relax, so you spent the whole morning in the beach. The water was crystalline, and you could see the little fish that swam there. The rest of the day had been uneventful; making love, naps, making love again, going to the beach, almost having public sex, and having dinner. And, at night, making love. For the second day, you decided to go the village; met some people, learn about them and tried different foods, although Tom wasn’t a big fan of the spicy one.
It had been perfect, but your favourite moment without a doubt was the Christmas night. To avoid being distracted by phones, you and Tom had agreed of only bringing one, old enough to not have social media; only to call families and for emergencies. You had called your families and were in the beach, lighting up your flying candle, when you looked up.
Tom’s face was slightly tanned because of the sun, small freckles in both of his cheeks. He had his jaw clenched, focusing of not burning the whole thing down. In his brown eyes the small flame was reflected, which only made his face more perfect.
You smiled when your eyes landed on the necklace that one of children had made for him. Colourful shells with two feathers decorated it, and Tom had refused to take it off. Thinking about him with his own children made your heart swell with love.
“Well?” he asked, and you noticed he was looking at you, smirking. “Have you drooled enough or do I have to do anything by myself?”
“I thought Spiderman could light a candle without any help” you laughed, getting up from the sand.
“And miss a chance to do this?” Tom was by your side and pushed you closer to him, your arms locking behind his neck. “Not even Spiderman can resist that, love.”
You laughed and pressed your lips against him, Tom smiling in between. Laughs and happy screams surrounded you and, as you kissed the love your life, sand covering your bare feet, you found yourself happy again.
When you teared apart, Tom started leaving kisses all over your face. On your cheeks, nose, forehead, chin. You tried to push him away between friendly kicks, what only made him try harder.
“Tom! The light!” you finally pushed him off you, and he was back at trying to light the lamp, a small scoff on his face.
Walking in front of him, you took the stick with the flame and lowered it down, Tom watching you with his head on your shoulder. A yellow light surrounded you, creating a warm and comfortable moment. It remined you to those nights where you would stay over the Holland’s house, in front of the fire and playing board games with the family. The endless discussions between Paddy and Harry, Sam trying to cheat and Nikki not understanding why she was losing. It was your first Christmas away from home, and you missed them the most.
But then, you looked back and found yourself trapped in Tom’s arms, his nose brushing your cheek and eye lashes creating shadows on his cheeks.
You had met him five years ago, when he had thrown a coffee at you. It wasn’t like a romantic movie; it was hot coffee and your skin was awfully sensitive, so you got a serious burn on the middle on your chest. You had thrown every insult you knew at him on the way to the hospital, where he had offered to take you. And, two hours of waiting later and thirty minutes of treatment, you found the same boy who had thrown you the coffee with a guilty, nearly teary, look on his face and a new cup on his hand.
Best friends to lovers, that was your story. You giggled while remembering it.
“I love you” you blurted out, hugging him tight and pressing your ear against his chest, listening how it sped up at your words. It was not the first time you told him, but Tom’s reaction was always the same. “So much, Tom. I love you a lot, and I want to be always by your side.”
“Wow, those are major words” he joked. “Are you sure? Even with my huge sexual drive?”
“With everything you have” you rolled your eyes, and sneaked your hands until they touched his butt. “Especially this awesome ass you have, Mr Holland.”
“I’m glad to know I’m just a fucktoy for you?” Tom smacked your head softly. “Weirdo”
“Gorgeous” he chuckled, knowing that neither of you meant those words.
“Love you Tommy” you closed your eyes, the warmth of the many lights hitting your face and making you go sleepy. “Thank you for this.”
“Love you more, Y/N. You deserve this and more”
In Tom’s eyes, you deserved everything. You had put up with his work since nearly the beginning, didn’t mind his family sticking around always and loved every imperfection he hated. That night, you watched the lights disappear in the sky as you hug each other, whispering sweet words or stupid compliments to each other, as if you were drunk of love.
You convinced Tom to carry you to your room, giving you a piggy back ride, and you almost fell asleep on his shoulder. When he laid you down, he pecked your lips and made its way down your neck, already planning in which way he could surprise you the next day. Because for him, you deserved everything.
Everything expect what was to come.
Want to know more about me? Here is my Masterlist! Feedback is always appreciated!!
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johnismyreason · 6 years
Episode 4: « I force the entrance »
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gif credit: @peakystitches
The next day, as expected, the Solomons and the Shelbys met at the same café the day before, at the same time. They had coffee and breakfast and set off.
"I have several places to show you, in several different parts of Paris, all different. What kind of customers do you want ?”
“The best” answered straight away Arthur.
“That has the merit of being clear. Well, I have what you need."
They get into a car, which Elsa drove. They crossed all types of streets, boulevards, avenues,... Once again the English discovered Paris and marvelled inside. They're English, they don't let anything appear, right ? They finally arrived in front of a fairly busy café-bistro: it was a mixed population. There were bourgeois, merchants, craftsmen, workers,... They were all mixed because they come to this café particularly because it made most of the sports bets, especially horse racing. The manager sees the group entering his establishment and already knows what will happen.
"Good morning, gentlemen and lady. My name is Clément. What can I do for you ?”
“We're going to have some tea," Elsa replied.
“Good. Green, grey, black tea ?”
“Give us the color you want, man. We're going to sit down.”
“Perfect” he swallowed. “I'll bring this to you right away.” He waved to them to move forward in the room to settle in. They sat on a red couch under large mirrors.
“So what do you think ?” asked Alfie.
“I say it's fucking chic here. This makes me want to fart in silk" said Arthur. John laughed at his brother's remark, while Tom looked up at the ceiling, jind of desperate.
“The place welcomes all types of people. There are no longer any social classes when it comes to making money effortlessly," said Elsa. “It seems that the manager makes 5000 francs in just one week. Not just when there are horse races. People bet on other sports too.”
“It looks very good to me," said John.
“Besides, if you have a racehorse, people will take it as their mascot, and bet on it. They will come to consume and play even more.”
“It's a good strategy," commented Thomas. “Are the games rigged ?”
“No, everything is in order.”
“And the manager, what do we do with him ?”
“We'll take care of it.” At the same time Clément walked in with the tea and served his customers. “Do you need anything else ?”
“Yes. Your business.” Elsa answered, looking into his eyes. Clement, stopped moving and breathing. He knew he was going to lose his bistro the moment Elsa came in with his gang.
“I can't, miss... This bistro has been in the family for generations. I can't sell it to you.”
“Who told you I want to buy it ?”
“I thought that....”
“No, I'm gonna put the pressure on you, the pressure of my gun on your skull and either pull the trigger or not. It's up to you.” She took a sip of her tea, as if her threat was a little friendly message.
“Miss Solomons, I'm really sorry, I can't give it to you.” Elsa put her cup down.
“The thing is, it's not even for me. It's for them” she pointed at the Peaky Blinders with her chin. “They wanted to have a business in Paris and I thought this was the best place to do it. You know, you're very lucky it's for them and not for me. They're much softer than I am. They may be willing to buy it from you.”
“Again, the bistro is not for sale.” Clément raised his voice, which Elsa didn't like.
“Very well. We're leaving. I'll leave the tea on your account, huh... As compensation for the bad service.” She got up and signaled to the men to do the same.
“We're leaving ? asked JOhn who didn’t understand the conversation in french.
“Yes, he's a wanker. I'll find you another place. Come on.” Thomas caught the young woman by the arm.
“There is no way I'm leaving," he said quietly to Elsa.
“Who told you we were leaving ?” She freed herself from Tommy's grip, and turnt to Clément. “Where is the phone, please ?”
“There is one only in my office," replied Clément.
“Well, where's your office, then," she sighed.
“It's this way.” Clément showed him the way to his office. They entered a small room with a window. He handed Elsa the phone. She took the member who allows to hear and stunned Clément with it. He fell to the ground but Elsa immediately lifted him up by the collar, and punched him in the nose. Then a second time, a third time. That was when the Peaky Blinders came into the office, alarmed by the screams.
“Elsa !” shouted Tommy. But the young woman didn't care and put Clément against the wall. He moaned in pain. She approached his ear and whispered:
“You're gonna give me your bistro or I'm gonna blow your fucking head off, understand ? I'm losing patience here, I don't know if you've noticed.” Clément cried and grined. His whole body was shaking with fear and pain. As he gave no answer, Elsa pulled out her weapon, removed the security and pointed it at the poor man's temple. “I count to three Clement, then I blow your brains out. One... two... two... thr…”
“Alright !” he shouted. “It's okay! It's okay! Take the bistro... Take it…” he sighed. Elsa had a smile of satisfaction on her face.
“Thank you. Wise decision.” She dropped him to the ground and he curled up moaning in pain and sadness. “There you guys are, you're the new owners of the bar. We'll make new documents saying you own the place. My guys will do that.” She paused for a short while and examined the desk and the man on the ground, then turnt to the Peaky Blinders. “Shall we have a drink to celebrate ? You invite me hahahaha !” She laughed hysterically. She took her uncle's arm and they left. Arthur got behind the bar and served the group some whiskey. They each had a drink and Elsa rose hers. “To the new bosses ! Welcome to Paris, darlings !” She made her glass ring on those of others who imitated her.
A customer walked up to a server and asks: "I would like to bet on Moca, number 7. I bet 150 francs". Elsa looked at the boys who didn't understand what the man had just said.
“Guys, you're going to get yourself some golden balls," she said, drinking a sip of her whiskey.
“It's all thanks to you," said John. “If you knew it made a lot of money, why didn't you take it ?”
“I don't know... I wanted to have other businesses than bars and restaurants. Also, I like to save bistros that suck. So there was no challenge there.”
“Anyway, it's a very nice place. Thank you again Elsa.” Tommy rose his glass in her direction.
“I should learn from you, Elsa," said Alfie.
“What do you mean?
“Put my fist in someone's face to get what I want. That's the only thing they understand. When I get home, I'll do that. The guy you just smashed up, he barely fought for what he has ! It's so easy.” Elsa laughed, but not the Peaky Blinders, still embarrassed by the young woman's methods of persuasion. They finished their drinks and left.
“What do you want to do now ?” asked Elsa.
“Let's go see the Bastille! I want to see where the fucking French cut off their fucking king's head," laughed Arthur.
“Arthur, first of all the Bastille was destroyed during the Revolution, there is nothing left, so you won't see the prison," explained Elsa with a slight hint of contempt in her voice. “Secondly, he was guillotined in the Place de la Révolution, now called Place de la Concorde. If you want we can go, and then there is the Tuileries garden and the Louvre. What do you think of that ?”
“It's perfect," replied Alfie always very enthusiastic. Let's go!"
They climbed into the car and Elsa drove them to Paris. They arrived in a perpendicular street to the Place de la Concorde, where they parked. They got off the car and walked towards the Obelisk. Once in the square, Elsa recounted what happened on January 21, 1790, the day the French guillotined their king. They then headed for the Jardin des Tuileries in the direction of the Louvre:
"It's still incredible that you dared to behead your king," John told Elsa. The other three men being further ahead. “You really have to hate your sovereign.”
“I don't think we hated our king. We hated the system to which we gave everything, but which gave us nothing in return, not even the right to express ourselves, not even the right to count in society. It had to stop. But you're not going to tell me you love your king, are you ?”
“I could !” he replied. “No, the thing is, I don't really care. I do my business and that's it. Politics and all that crap, it's not for me.”
“Your stuff or Tommy's ?”
“What do you mean ?”  
“Well, he's still the one who makes all the decisions without ever consulting you and Arthur, he makes you do the dirty work,... Alfie told me that.”
“That's not true. We decide together.”
“Oh, yeah? What about the story with the Russians ? Alfie told me no one knew what was going on except Tommy. And that he was giving you assignments and that you shouldn't ask questions. Isn't that true either? I thought your company was a family business. Tommy is a family member, he's not the family alone. You deserve to know what's going on.” She stopped talking for a moment, and saw that John was uncomfortable. “Anyway, it's none of my business. Let's talk about other things.”
“ About what ?” asked the youngest of the Shelbys.
“Anything you want.
“All right. Would you like to have dinner with me ?” dared to ask John. And here it is again, that naughty smile that has certainly broken many hearts. Elsa was surprised by his request.
“I don't know. I don't know. If it's asked correctly, we can work something out," she says.
“Elsa Solomons,” John stopped and standed in front of the young woman so that she faced him, “would you do me the great honor of having dinner with me tonight ?” He smiled and she didn’t know what to do anymore.
“Avec plaisir. But tonight I can't, I have business to do. Tomorrow, I'm free," she smiled. John imitated her, satisfied with the answer of his future date for one night. They started walking one step faster to catch up with the rest of the group.
They finally arrived at the pyramid. They then decided to enter the museum. They visited a few rooms, examining paintings and other works of art. Everyone stopped at different paintings to look at them.
"It pisses me off with all this museum bullshit stuff,” grunted Arthur. “What the fuck are we doing here ? And then this painting, what's so special about it ?”
“It's Arthur art, try to appreciate it.” said Thomas.
“Yeah well, it pisses me off," he replied, sitting on a bench in the middle of the room.
Thomas joined Elsa who was admiring a huge canvas depicting a war scene. She saw him approaching in her field of vision and started the conversation:
"Don't you think we feel the fear of the soldiers ? But also their hatred towards their enemies. I don't understand that.”
“ What don’t you understand ?”
“War.” Thomas closed his face in confusion. “After all, they are men used as pawns in a context they did not choose. The kings, the government chose, not them. They just wanted to survive and hope one day to live.”
“Isn't that what you do ?”
“War ?”
“Yes. You manipulate people, you use them as your pawns. You're confronting other clans. And the people you torture, they didn't choose that.” Elsa listened to the Shelby chief carefully, but didn’t look at him.
“Of course if they chose it. War is something I do locally, between two damn Mafia clans. Civilians are not in danger. You choose to be a gangster. I don't manipulate, I'm an open book in terms of my working methods. I'll let you know. People don't listen, it's their problem, they pay the consequences.”
“Did you choose to be a gangster ?” asked Thomas. Elsa thought, staring into the void.
“I chose to survive, Thomas. I had several choices, I chose this one. I will pay the consequences for the rest of my life.” She turnt to him. “So will you.”
“I’m not like you.”
“Fuck no, you're not like me. You're weak and scared... You're sentimental and you let your emotions guide you. We don't play in the same class, Thomas. You're not like me. But you're a gangster anyway, because you chose to get involved in this, and now you're already starting to pay the consequences.” She started leaving but Thomas kept talking.
“How do you plan to integrate my horse into Longchamps ?”
“How do you expect me to do that ? I force the entrance, old sport, I force the entrance…” She joint her uncle, and continued the visit.
After a two-hour visit, the Peaky Blinders and Solomons decided to return to their hotel, so they headed to their car. The vehicle was still there but someone was inside. Elsa pulled out her gun: "Get the fuck out of there, asshole ! Hurry up!". The thief started the car and it exploded, propelling the group backwards.
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imagines-hoarder · 6 years
My Husband’s Brother (Pt 2a)- Thomas Shelby/ John Shelby
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Part 1 // Part 2b
Request// Would you ever consider writing a second part to 'my husband's brother'? I loved that imagine a lot! 
*I didn't realize how long this was going to be when I first started writing it, but here you got. All 7,500 words. You may want to go grab a snack or something because this is the most in-depth one shot I have written to date. This will be posted in two parts (2a and 2b) and the second part will be up in about 12 hours for those who are early readers. Also, the publishing of this one shot marks when I begin watch S4 of Peaky Blinders, so get crazy for an explosion of works (?)!*
As little girls, you and Martha had spent far too much time daydreaming together about your future weddings. You had already planned out the dress, the cake, and the venue, but the groom-to-be had never been something you’d talked about as you did each other's hair and stumbled around in her mother’s heels, careful to be quiet or else get a beating.
You’d felt terrible lying to Martha for years whenever she asked who you thought the lucky man ought to be, brushing her off or saying that you hadn’t met him yet. Although it pained you to be dishonest, it was better than telling her that you’d hoped it would be John Shelby — her boyfriend and your own best mate — waiting for you at the end of the aisle someday. The three of you had been close friends since Year 1 in Primary School, but as the years went on, you had wanted John to stop seeing you as friend or even a sister. You had thought it was a shame when he started when he instead starting falling head over heels for Martha but knew that you couldn’t hurt the two people you loved the most by saying so. You didn’t want to lose either of them so you held your tongue, not uttering a word out of line through their young love that bloomed to teenage sweethearts. You hadn’t realized that something in the back of your mind still ached and hoped to be John’s until they told you the news: Martha was pregnant and they planned to marry within the month.
So here you stood, trying the put the happiness you had for your closest friend’s wedding and how beautiful she looked over the heavy burden of loving John. The church’s backroom wasn’t quite as grand as either of you had imagined as tots, but Martha didn’t seem to mind, staring at herself in the mirror as you did her hair, youth and happiness bright in her eyes.
“Do you think he’ll like it?” Martha asked, playing with the ends of a curled lock before looking at you through the mirror’s reflection.
You put on a reassuring smirk as she looked for your guidance. “We both know that boy has loved you for a long time. Even if you cut it all off, he’d still be waiting for you at the end of the aisle,” you replied, putting the last of the pins in her long locks.
When you took a step back to observe your work, she took the opportunity to stand up, flattening down her gown. “And what about the dress?
Martha had always been a beauty above Small Heath standards, but never did you believe she had ever looked so stunning. You had reassured her several times already that both she and the gown were nonetheless beautiful. “Oh Martha, if he’s not able to see how lovely you look, he’s more stupid than I thought.” The two of you giggled, only regaining yourselves when a firm knock on the door came. You cracked the door only to peak out and find stupid himself.
“John, you know the rules. You can’t see her, it’s bad luck,” you reprimanded as you blocked the door, making sure he couldn’t get the glimpse of his bride he was bound to be looking for.
“Come on, Y/N, we both know luck doesn’t exist.” You rolled your eyes at his remarks, something that had become a natural impulse. Before you could even put up a fight, he’d put his weight on the door — far too much for you alone to hold — and burst into the room. The room filled with yours and Martha’s cries of objection.
“John Michael Shelby,” Martha fumed as she looked for anything to cover herself with. “Can you not listen to the most-bloody-simple instructions?! I told you all I wanted for our bloody w-”
“Calm down, calm down,” John yelled over her, hand clasped over his eyes as he tried to get her to stop screaming but not without finding some amusement in the situation. “Just came to see my girl, didn’t know that was a crime now.”
“It is when we’re not supposed to see me before the ceremony. You saw me two days ago John!”
“Two day too long.” He stuck his free hand out and Martha was too late to realize his tricks before he snatched her in his arms and found her lips without a peek, as if he could sense where they were after becoming so familiar with them.
In that moment, you remember where you were and how familiar this feeling of foreignness between you own friends felt deep in your gut. You turned away slightly embarrassed about intruding on their simple intimate moment, or at least that’s what you told yourself as John pressed Martha against his chest snugly like she belonged there. Because she did.
It was only after a couple moments into what could have been forever that Martha finally smacked John’s shoulder and pulled back from his embrace. “You’re lucky you didn’t ruin my hair or I’d be screaming your ear off right about now,” she mumbled into his ear playfully as she tried to avoid looking at anything but his hand-covered face to keep up tradition.
“Believe me, love. You’ll find something by nightfall,” he teased quickly trying to find the exit before getting smacked. You helped your friend by pulling him towards the open doorway before he broke something, which happened with John more than any other teenage boy. “Thanks, Doll. Don’t know what I’d do without you.” You shook your head and gave a quiet chuckle in reply. “Just make sure she doesn’t leave me at the aisle, yeah?”
“No promises, John,” you taunted, though everyone in the room knew you’d had and would do your best to make sure this was one of the happiest days of their lives (even if it hurt you every second in the process). 
He quickly gave you a thankful peck on the forehead — one that scorched your skin and warmed your cheeks — and shouted “20 minutes” over his shoulder, before taking his leave.
You stared at his path for a moment, trying to come to grips what the next 10 hours would do to your heart and how this next lifetime would uproot anything you’d ever felt. Only Martha had pulled you back to reality.
“He’s a keeper,” she chuckled to herself.
You turned back to fix her hair, “If you say so.”
Everything had gone perfectly. The ceremony? Perfect. Dinner? Perfect. Their new lives? Perfect. You’d always seen the glances of adoration passed between them, but there was something new and abiding about it.
           Since the beginning of the reception, your head and your heart had been at war, and the liquor interesting enough wasn’t helping. You had been sitting at the bar for a while, just watching the other guest as well as the happy couple. Everyone was smiling and dancing and laughing. You had thought, hoped, that that could have been you tonight for the sake of you friends and your unofficial family, but it was like you were glued to the seat, succeeding just barely in keeping your head above the self-pity. You only ripped your head away from the newlyweds when someone sat on the bar stool next to you.
“I’ve gotta say, Y/N. I’ve never seen such a daze in your eyes before.” The deep voice with a hint of mischief and amusement had been a family trait.
“Don’t think you’ve paid me much mind before this moment then, Tommy.” He gave a grunt in reply before reaching over the bar to serve himself.
John’s older brother, five years your elder, had been a conundrum his entire life. He smiled and joked and flirted with the girls, but there was something intimidating behind those bright blue eyes. You’d once seen him and Arthur beat up these two twats who wouldn’t stop harassing girls that were leaving the school yard when you were in year 6. They were so bruised and bloody — you swear you even saw a tooth or two go flying —  that the two boys and all the school children watching and scrammed as fast as they could when they heard the police coming. That was the moment you saw the real Tommy, a boy who didn’t hide behind the charm he flaunted to his school teachers and the airheaded girls at the pictures. It scared you at a young age, but seeing the menacing and capable side of Tommy and having processed it as a matured young woman made you realize his moral compass was held higher than his need to follow social norms. Those boys were assholes and deserved more than what they got if what you had heard was true. You respected Tommy more in the total of ten conversations you’d ever had with him than anyone else in that entire pub, or town for that matter.
“How long have I been staring off for?” You asked, knowing that Tommy wouldn’t be starting a conversation with you anytime soon.
He gave a shrug and took a swig of his gin. “Maybe 40, 50 minutes.” You cursed under your breather as you threw back the rest of whiskey in your glass to the amusement of Tommy. “Don’t think anyone really noticed. The guest are all smashed themselves and the newlyweds can’t see past each other. They’ll be leaving in the next hour or so, I presume.”
“We’ll I’m happy for them,” you stated, pushing back your hair as you reached for the bottle of gin next between you and Tommy.
You jumped from your dazed state when his warm, rough hand stopped yours, shifting all of your attention to his slender face and the devilry clear in his eyes. “Of course you are,” he retorted with a small smile.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” the sneer could be heard in your voice but to anyone on the outside, it would look only like a civil chat.
“Not sure what you’re talking about, love.”
“I’m not your love, and I’m definitely not one of those brainless floozy you pick up, Tommy. I can hear the meaning behind your words.”
He looked unbothered, but the raise of his eyebrows were from what you assumed to be impressing him. “It’s just that the three of you have been inseparable all your lives.”
“And what happens now?”
“We go our separate ways now, I guess.”
“You go your separate way now.” You let his words sit in your mind for a moment, and the longer they were there, the longer it stung like a bitch. He was right. This story would only branch two ways, a divide between you and your two best friends who were madly in love with one another and ignorant to the fact of how much it had hurt you every step of the way.
“I go my separate way.” The words felt foreign on your tongue, but admitting it was the first step to recovery, right? Tommy filled your glass and you clinked your glasses at the start of a new era.
A little over a year ago, you were still caught up in the misery of loving a man who you couldn’t have and the grief that came with having to hide it. Toasting with Tommy really had changed a lot, and for the better you suppose. After you both had finished your glasses, the tension had left the room and the heavy shackles you’d been lumping around felt lighter, at least light enough for you to dance with Tommy which had happened several times through the what was left of the evening. You hadn’t noticed that Martha and John had left until the place had cleared out and Tommy offered to walk you home.
It had been bizarre how quick and painless the ‘branching off’ had been, but it had allowed you to come to terms with your feelings. Martha had teased you, saying your cheerfulness since her return from her honeymoon had to be because of some mystery man, and every time you told her to shut it. There was no need to speak into existence something that wasn’t there, especially when you were just becoming sure and confident of yourself again. Yes, you’d had 10+ new conversations with Tommy and maybe he’d offered to take you to a film or dinner a couple times, but that didn’t have to mean anything. You weren’t stupid: you were a young woman and he was a young man. These outings would be called ‘dates’ by anyone else, but you and Tommy had done nothing but talk and learn about one another. You’d learned that just as you had respected him, he had come to respect you, which was a breath of fresh air. You saw him more than John’s older brother now. He was just Tommy.
But life had a crazy way of throwing a wrench in plans didn’t it? A war was coming. The men started leaving faster than anyone expected or wanted and soon enough, the call came to Small Heath. Boys you had been neighbors with and gone to school with were being thrown in to uniforms and pushed into battle.
Around that time Tommy started speaking very little. He had on his charm as always, but this time you had difficulty seeing through it. It was almost as if the last year had yet to happen and he was once again a stranger.
After the third outing ending with a semi-cold shoulder, you finally decided to address his behavior. He’d walked you home and you invited him in for tea, knowing it was better to be able to talk openly behind closed doors than mild-mannered and restricted in the street. “So are you going to tell me what’s been on your mind or are we going to act as if nothing is happening some more?”
He shrugged off his jacket and his cap before sitting down at your table. “Don’t worry yourself about it.”
“I’m me. You know it’s my job to worry.”
He showed off a tight smile before leaning back cautiously in the chair, watching you put on the kettle. “You’ve been able to read between the lines for a while now. It’s becoming troublesome.”
“Well, did you expect me to dumb down in your presence?”
“I’d want no such thing.” He waved you over, wordlessly asking you to sit across from him. When you settled in the chair, his hand found its way to yours, and your heart jumped in your chest. His palm was warm and hard just as they were a year ago, but they held your own small hand with caution. “The wars approaching quickly, you know.”
You looked away from your intertwined hands. “Of course I know.”
“It’s not long before they start scraping for men, any that are able.”
It was then that you pulled back, pretending that the kettle whistling was what took you away. “I don’t want to talk about this.”
“We have to talk about it, Y/N,” his voice was stern, but it was the real him, not some facade.
“Why is it so important that we talk about this right now? Why is this worrying you so much now?”
“You’re not stupid. You’ve told me so yourself.” By the time you’d poured the tea, he was front of you, looking down at you.
You finally met his eyes and found the answer you never wanted. “You’ve been drafted.”
He said nothing at first, which was worse than him saying anything. “No, John’s been drafted.”
A lump formed in your throat. You felt a panic rise in your chest. “What has that got to do with anything?”
“I thought you’d be worried, that’s all.”
“No, that’s not all. That’s never all with you. I can read through your bullshit. It’s troublesome, remember?” You grabbed your cup and sat down, watching him from across your small kitchen still standing, his own tea going cold. “We all care about John, we’re all worried, but you decided to ask me how I felt. I’m over my childhood crush if that’s what you’re referring to, Thomas. I thought you’d have known by now.” For two blunt people, you’d never been so direct, at least when it came to feelings and emotions.
“I do, but it’s always good to check for reassurance.”
“So instead of just asking you decided to worry me for the last three we-”
“I’ve enlisted.” You changed your mind. You would have preferred if he said nothing over anything. It was like that everything seemed to flip upside down. Life did have a funny way of throwing a wrench in your plans. You hadn’t really processed his words before your chair scrapped against the wood floor and your feet led you out of the room.
“Get out,” you ordered as you went to grab his coat.
“Y/N, you don’t want to do this.” He tried to grab your arms to get you attention, but you snapped at him, pulling out of his grasp.
“How could you? How could you do something so foolish?!”
“They would be drafting me soon anyways. It was only a matter of time,” he remained calm about the entire situation, and that’s what you hated the most.
“But you still had time. We still had time!!”
“Would it have really changed anything?”
“It could have.” You felt something wet run down your face and you quickly turned away, not wanting to make a fool of yourself in your own home.
He warily put his hand on your shoulder and you didn’t push him away this time, not knowing what touch would be the last. “I want to be a man my family can be proud of. I don’t give a damn about pleasing other people or being respectable in others’ eyes, but I want to make you proud.” But he already had.
“When do you leave?” Your voice was monotone and your emotions blanketed.
“Three days.” Everything had been perfect. You had been happy for the last year, the happiest in a long time. You had your friends, a steady income, a clear conscious, and even Tommy, whatever he was. Now it was all ruined.
You turned back around, not caring if he saw your pale skin and red eyes as you handed him his belonging. “I’d prefer you as you are over dead any day.” He seemed thrown by your comment, his body rigid but his eyes still wide. “Please leave.”
You left for your bedroom and he did not follow. It wasn’t long after that you heard the front door slam, and only then did you find it in yourself to weep.
Peaky Taggers:  @thinemineours @buckybarnesisalittleshit @w0nderlxnd @kill-thy-zombie-babies @roliepoliegirl
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plounce · 6 years
compilation post of whichever bbc america employee who wrote the captain’s blogs being an ally and a hero via treating janto as more than just a sex joke, being genuinely warm and funny, and mentioning ianto super fondly in nearly every single entry (especially s2) because jack is in love with him despite what everyone else would have you believe. but i, a gay, know, and so does bbc america social media staffer circa 2007-2008.
some may call this “fringe canon.” i call it “some of the only specks of canon that respect the show’s canon gay relationship as the loving and affectionate relationship that it is.”
text pulled from ianto’s desktop, which is a fun read despite the defunct photobucket embeds - i only included captain’s blog stuff, but there’s a couple more janto tidbits in there. none as nice as these, though. under a cut because it is Long.
season 1
(one really cool thing the writer did for early season one is have jack note unexplained energy surges in the lower levels of the hub - handy foreshadowing for cyberwoman)
1x03 (ghost machine - alien tech leads to murder mystery):
Other issues: According to Ianto, Splott is pronounced "Sploe". I think Ianto may have been lying.
Upcoming issues: Energy surges in the lower areas of the hub still unexplained; there have been several more in the past week. Ianto volunteered to investigate, but has not discovered an explanation yet.
1x04 (cyberwoman - the episode where ianto’s secrets are revealed and we all have a Bad Time):
Other Staff issues: Ianto Jones temporarily suspended from active duty, to return at my discretion. His love for Lisa clouded his judgment, and he made some serious mistakes - but I have to wonder if I would have done the same thing in his situation. Ianto's personal needs and emotional state have been overlooked; I should not have missed something like this. During his suspension, I will try to spend more time with him. Hopefully we can establish a closer working relationship.
1x05 (small worlds - the one where the “fairies” abduct the little girl and jack has to let them, which makes everyone else very mad at him):
Staff: Ianto Jones' first week back after his suspension four weeks ago. I have tried to put him at ease, and have briefed the team to be as sympathetic as possible. Obviously there is a level of resentment remaining, but they are trying.
Other Staff issues: After what happened with Jasmine, nobody is talking to me (except Ianto). They'll come around. Everyone comes around.
1x06 (countrycide - the one with the cannibals and we all have a Bad Time):
Staff: Brought Ianto Jones along to get him out of the Hub, out of the city, get some relaxing time in the country with the team. May not have been the best decision I made this year.
1x07 (greeks bearing gifts - mindreading and predatory lesbian, the episode):
Other Staff issues: Ianto is still suffering, but putting on a brave face. Will try talking to him over dinner, outside the Hub, see if there's anything more I can do for him.
1x08 (they keep killing suzie - the episode that ends with ianto hitting on jack with a stopwatch):
Other Staff issues: Ianto and I stayed back to go over the case files and reorganize the safe. Internal security cameras were temporarily shut down to run diagnostic tests, so there was no monitoring of the Hub for approximately four hours - but there were no security breaches to report. Everything went very smoothly.
Upcoming issues: Need to requisition a new stopwatch. Old one damaged while moving a desk.
1x09 (random shoes - outsider pov, the episode):
Staff: Things seem to be calming down with everyone. Ianto is coping well; I'm pleased with his progress.
1x11 (combat - owen has manpain and fights weevils. whatever):
Other Staff issues: Ianto surprisingly proficient at the good cop/bad cop routine. Although obviously, he's the good cop. He's too cute to be the bad cop.
1x12 (captain jack harkness - jack and tosh are stuck back in time during the cardiff blitz and owen and ianto fight about what to do about it):
Other Staff issues: Ianto tried to stop Owen opening the Rift, and actually shot him in the shoulder. Everyone except Owen is finding this very amusing.
season 2
2x01 (kiss kiss bang bang - jack returns from his doctor who appearance, deals with his terrible ex spike from buffy, and asks ianto out on a proper date):
Other Staff issues: Gwen is now engaged. I'm happy for her, but I'm concerned about what it might mean - can she stay here, still keeping everything from Rhys? I worry that we're going to lose her. And I worry about Ianto. I think he took it harder than anyone when I ran off. It's going to take me a while to make things up to him. He is a decent, good man, and I'm lucky I met him.
2x02 (sleeper agent - the episode with sleeper agents):
Other security issues: Gwen taken hostage again. I’m beginning to think she’s jinxed. And why am I never taken hostage? I could be a good hostage. I never get any of that Stockholm Syndrome action. And according to Ianto, my bad cop routine needs some work.
Other Staff issues: I’m in trouble with Ianto for duct-taping a CB aerial to the SUV. Apparently the tape made the wing mirror “disconcertingly sticky”. Still, nothing a bit of warm, soapy water can’t fix.
2x03 (a man out of time - tosh’s cryo-boyfriend they unfreeze once every year. also, jack and ianto Have A Talk and then make out):
Other Staff issues: Ianto and I made some progress, talked things through. What happened with Tommy got to us all. I know it got to Gerald and Harriet, too, back then, considering what they went through to try and make up for it – but that’s another story for another day.
2x04 (meat - the episode with the whale and rhys finding out. some of the team gets taken hostage and ianto tazes a bad guy in the head and growls out “pray they survive.” or something and it’s VERY GOOD TELEVISION):
Staff: Ianto turned into a fighting, kicking, stun-gun machine, it was very exciting. I must get put in danger more often.
2x05 (adam - an alien infiltrates their memories and inserts himself into the team, and his plot is foiled by ianto reading his diary and finding inconsistencies because he’s Very Clever):
Other security issues: The only thing out of place was Ianto’s diary, which I found in my office. Naturally, I gave it back to him immediately after reading through it. Several interesting factual errors in there - and I thought he would know how to convert inches to centimetres. You think you know someone...
2x06 (reset - martha visits and owen ‘dies’):
Security: Must speak to Ianto about using names from ‘’Sex and the City’’ on fake IDs. Last week he sent me into an alien smuggling operation as ‘’Mr Big’’, without telling me. Wish I knew how he kept a straight face. I’d give him a stern talking-to, but I think he enjoys that too much.
(right after this is a very solemn paragraph about owen dying lmfao)
2x07 (dead man walking - jack resurrects owen and owen has manpain about it):
Other Staff issues: In big trouble with Ianto for risking everything to go and get the second glove. I should have told him before I went, but he’d probably have cuffed me to the chair to stop me. And I’ve fallen for that one way too many times.
2x08 (a day in the death - owen continues to have manpain):
Other Staff issues: Now that we have all tried, it is clear that only Ianto knows how to operate that damn coffee maker. I suspect it contains alien technology.
2x09 (something borrowed - gwen gets married, but not before playing host to shapeshifting pregnancy alien):
Security: ... Female Nostrovite proved to be extremely resilient to bullets, so I had to get my massive weapon out and take care of business. Ianto is still quietly chuckling about that now, days later. Gwen’s mother taken hostage. Must run in the family.
2x10 (from out of the rain - the terribly written ianto-’centric’ episode about circus film reel ghosts):
Alien activity: ... We only managed to save one of them, but that’s better than nothing. Sometimes in this job, one is enough. I can still see the faces of the people we lost - they weren’t part of this, they were just living their lives, until they were taken. Ianto took it badly, this one really got to him.
Staff: Have convinced Ianto to take me to a normal cinema, to see an actual movie. He’s also curious to know if I still have my old circus outfit. If I can find it, I think a private show is in order.
2x11 (adrift - gwen pursues a mystery about the people the rift takes and then puts back traumatized, even though jack resists. ianto is the one who gives her the info she needs. she also walks in on them naked in the greenhouse. wild):
Staff: Gwen would never have found the facility if Ianto hadn’t helped her. He was wrong to do that. But, of course, he was actually right in the end. There’s no way Gwen would have let it go. I should have trusted her with the information, but I knew what it would do to her. Sometimes, the only way to realise that you shouldn’t look behind that door is to actually go and look. Gwen learned that. Nikki learned that. We all did.
Other Staff issues: Seeing Gwen experience it for the first time took me right back to when I first heard that terrible scream. After Gwen had gone home, I just held on to Ianto for a couple of hours, as tightly as I could.
2x12 (fragments - a bomb explodes and everyone gets a flashback to how they joined torchwood 3 as jack and gwen rescue them from the rubble):
Staff: Everyone came out of the explosion pretty beaten up, but no major damage. We got lucky. And so did John. Because if he’d killed anyone - if he had hurt Ianto - I would have slowly ripped him limb from limb.
Other Staff issues: Although I have to say, Ianto does look good all messed up and dirty.
2x13 (exit wounds - jack’s brother comes back and blows up half of cardiff and kills owen and tosh):
Other Staff issues: The one glimmer of hope in all this? I still have Ianto and Gwen. Whatever the future throws at us, whatever madness the Rift vomits out next, whatever we have to face - Torchwood will be ready.
Capt. Jack Harkness.
Ianto, I know you’re reading this over my shoulder, pretending to fix that damn shelf. So get over here and take me out somewhere.
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sending-the-message · 6 years
I Could See Alternate Timelines by MeliousIntent
I know it's hard to believe, but I can assure you that it's true. I don't know how I got this ability. It just sort of happened, one day. I'll try my best to explain how it works. So, I could use this ability anytime I wanted, and when I did use it, I would be able see through the eyes of a future version of me, making a decision, and if I wanted to, I could see through the eyes of another version of me, making a slightly or completely different decision. I could see into a possible future for a few minutes at best until brought back into reality. It only would last for a second in real time.
I first realized that I had this ability when I was twelve years old. My mom and I were grocery shopping, and I spotted a tasty looking candy bar. I already knew my mom wouldn't let me have it, but I really wanted it. I then saw myself ask her for and heard her say, "No." A second later, I saw myself trying to sneak candy bar on to the cart without her noticing. Then, I snapped out of it. At the time, I thought it was an intense daydream or something. I even came up with a name for it, 'lucid daydreaming.' I know the name doesn't make any sense, but I still thought it was pretty clever. When happened again, I knew I wasn't daydreaming. A few weeks after the grocery shopping incident, I was at school, and I really needed to use the bathroom. I raised my hand to asked the teacher if I could go, and he told me to make it quick, so I took the hall pass, and I was on my way. While I was in the hall, I passed a teacher.
When I was walking by, I noticed her shoes were untied. Then, it happened. I saw myself telling the teacher about her untied shoes. She stopped to tie them, and she thanked me. I then saw another version of myself walk by and say nothing. I watched her trip over them and fall. She would then scream from the burns she would've gotten by the coffee she was holding. And just like that, I snapped out of it. I was back to just walking in the hall, pass a teacher, and then I noticed her she shoes were untied. I thought it was really strange, at the time. Not wanting to take any chances, I told her about her untied shoes. She stopped to tie them, and she thanked me. She did it the exact way I saw it. Something weird was definitely going on. While my mom was driving me home from school that day, I told her about it. She said that I just had an overactive imagination, and I believed her. It was better than believing that I could I could actually see into the future. That didn't last long, though.
By the time I was fourteen I could control what I saw and how long saw it for. At this time, I was really asocial. It wasn't because I was nervous or anything. It was because there was no one I could really talk to. Sure, I could talk to other students about homework or life at home, but none of it mattered to me. I thought about telling people about what I could I do. I knew over time I could convince them, but what would be the point? If I did tell people, they'd probably just constantly ask me about what's going to happen next. I guess that's why I was really asocial. No one, not even my parents, could really understand what I was experiening. Some of the students and teachers tried to get me to socialize, but I wasn't up for it. I just wanted to finish my classwork, put my head down, and not talk to anyone. After two entire months of trying to get me to talk, they finally gave up and left me alone. None of the other students talked to me after that, and the teachers only talked to me if they were giving instructions. I liked it this way.
During my last year at highschool, I noticed something. I started to realize that I wasn't able to completely control what I saw. I was able to see slightly different possibilities, but that was it. I wasn't able to see what would happen if I punched a random person in the face or walked into traffic. It took me a while to notice because I usually only used it to see any possibly dangers ahead. When I finally did notice, I didn't think too much of it because I would never do those things anyway. I was a bit worried that I would lose this ability. I still went on with my life. There was really nothing else I could do. I eventually graduated highschool, and went to college, a few states from where I lived. While I was there, I managed to make a few friends and even meet a cute girl, who eventually became my girlfriend. Life was really going great.
During my third year, I decided to tell Melisa, my girlfriend, about my powers because we were already living together. While we were in our apartment on night, I told her everything.
"Are you serious?" she asked while smirking.
"I'm dead serious," I replied.
"Alright, then repeat everything I'm saying right now..." As she said that, I repeated her exactly.
She did more of these tests, and I passed every single one of them. After an entire month of trying to convince her, she finally believed me. By then, it was Spring break, and her parents were dying to me. The only problem was that they lived in Europe. Luckily, her parents were visiting us. The day before they would arrive, I had this really strange dream. It was of my girlfriend and I... at a funeral, but I wasn't me. I was outside of my body, just spectating. I didn't recognize most of the people there, but there were a few friends and family of mine. The funeral was for Melisa's parents. As soon as I realized that, I woke up. I decided against telling Melisa because I didn't want to freak her out. I don't think it would've even mattered if I told her, anyway. That morning, we went to the airport, but her parents weren't there to meet us. She tried calling them, but it went straight to voicemail. Even though I didn't want to admit it, I already knew what this met. We decided to go back home.
"Hey, Tommy, can you... see anything about my parents?" she asked me while I were driving.
I didn't know how to respond, "Um... I- I told you I could only see a few minutes of what could happen." It felt wrong to lie to her. I wanted to tell her about that dream, but I didn't want her to think that it was my fault. I tried to tell myself that it was just a dream and nothing more.
"Okay," she said softly. We rode in silence after that.
When got back to our apartment, she stayed in the bedroom. I tried cheering her up but nothing worked. I stayed by her side, though. About two days later, she got a call from her older brother. I didn't get to hear what he said, but seeing the expression on her face told me everything. She was crying her eyes out. It was hard to listen to. It made me feel angry at myself because I could've just told her about it as soon as I woke up... but I didn't. I hugged her tight and told her everything's going to be okay. She kept saying under her sobs that it wasn't fair. Every time she did, it felt like getting punched in the stomach. It wasn't fair. After about a week, there was a funeral. The caskets were empty because their bodies were never found. There were a lot of people that attended. I didn't recognize most of the people there, but there were a few friends and family of mine. Just like in that dream. It was exactly the same.
After the funeral was over, Melisa and I drove home in silence. By this point, my sadness was turning into curiosity. Why did I even have that dream? Was it an extension of my ability? Could I control it? Was the dream a possible future, or was it destine to happen? I didn't know the answers to those questions at the time, but I eventually found them. After Spring break ended, things were slowly getting better. Melisa started to socialize again. I wished things could've just stayed that way but... they didn't. I ended up having another dream. This time, I knew I was dreaming. The dream wasn't like the one before because I wasn't... inside of my body. I was spectating myself, again. I was running to my apartment. I had to have been running as fast as I could. I didn't know why, though. Before I opened the door, I stopped, and then I woke up. At the time, I didn't know if that was this new ability or a really weird dream. I went on with my daily schedule of freshening up, getting dress, eating breakfast, and going to class. Melisa was waiting for me, and when I finished, we drove to school.
The school day was uneventful. When school over, I went to wait for Melisa at my car, but it wasn't there. My first thought was that she must have taken it. I pretty angry because we lived four miles away from school. I decided to call, but there was no answer. She must have turned her phone off. I went to a nearby bus stop and caught one. When I sat down, I started to think about why she would take my car. I couldn't come up with any answers, that were good at least. Was she cheating on me? If she was, would she be this obviously about? I didn't want that to be the case. When I got off the bus I was still a good twenty minutes away from the apartment. I started to walk, and then I got a phone call. It was from Melisa. I answered almost immediately.
"Hey," she said. It was obvious that she was holding tears back.
"Hey, Melisa, did you take the car?"
"Well, where are you are, right now?"
"I'm at the apartment."
"Okay, I'm almost there."
"Listen Tommy, I can't... I can't take it anymore," she said while starting to sob.
"Hey, I'm almost there! Just give me a few minutes!" I yelled frantically.
She hung up, and I started to run. I just needed to make sure she was okay. While running, I almost tripped and ran into people several times, but it didn't matter. None of it mattered. All that mattered to me then was Melisa's wellbeing. I had to have been running as fast as I could. When I finally made it to the apartment door, I stopped. I thought about that dream and what it meant. Instead of opening the door, I decided to see what would happen if I did anything else. I used my ability to see what would happen I called her or knocked on the door, but... none of it worked. I couldn't see it. I couldn't see any of it. I thought about how long it's been since I actually used the ability, but I couldn't remember. I didn't care about that, now. I just to know if Melisa was okay. I slowly opened the door and went inside. It didn't take any time at all to find her. She was hanging from the ceiling fan in our bedroom. I didn't freak out or cry. I just stood there. Deep down, I already knew this is what I would see.
I called the cops, and when they arrived her death was ruled as a suicide. I didn't go back to school for while after that. I stayed home. I didn't talk to her family, my family, or friends. It was like being highschool all over again. Eventually after about a month, I went back to school. I missed a lot. If I wanted to pass, I would need to work my ass off. The professors didn't give me any make up work. I tried using this as a distraction from what happened, and it actually worked. I managed to ace most of my assignments for the rest of that year. Things were slowly starting to look up for me again. I acutally ended up graduating college under a degree in physics, and by then, started socializing again. I reconnected with friends and family, and they were all supportive. I always feared having those dreams while I was still in school. I don't think I would have been able to take it. Luckily, I never had another... until a few weeks ago.
To give you some context, I lost the ability to see into possible futures. It had been almost three since I lost it. It didn't bother me, though. I sort of felt like I was freed. I wasn't constantly checking for possible dangers, like I was before. I'll admit that I was afraid at first, but that then turned into excitement. I could finally be unpredictable with my life and surprise myself. One night, I fell asleep after coming home from work. And I immediately knew that I was having one of those dreams again. It was like the ones I had before; I was spectating myself. This time, I was in an elevator, along with a few coworkers, and I saw smoke slowly creeping its was in. I then woke up. I was confused and scared, so I called in sick for work that day. My boss wasn't too happy about. Nothing about a burning building was on the news. Maybe I was overacting. It could have just been a dream and nothing else. That what I thought because I would always have those dreams a day before it happened. I went back to work, still a bit on edge, and I made it my mission to only use the stairs. The building I work at has three floor, and I happen to work on the third one.
A few weeks had passed, and I had almost completely forgot about the dream. I was still using the stairs, though. While I was working, I heard the fire alarm. No one panicked or over reacted. We just made our way to the exits. That was until we saw flames engulfing the walls around us. We started to run for the exits. Most of us, including me, ran for the elevator. I know I should've used the stairs, but I wasn't thinking. I was too caught up in the moment. I managed to fit in the elevator. The people who didn't make it tried using the stairs, but the flames made the metal doors untouchable. When the elevator door close, and we were moving down, I could hear screaming and people trying to cry for help. It reminded me of Melisa, and I started to tear up. The suddenly elevator then stopped. We were in between the second and third floor. I could feel the heat, and I could see smoking slowly creepy its way in. I called the cops and so did everyone else. They said they be here as soon as possible.
We're still in the elevator. The heat is unbearable, now. I'm typing this on my phone, right now, because I just want people to know about my life. The heat is only getting worse. I don't know how this fire started. Maybe it was caused by a failed experiment. I don't have too much time left, so I'll leave you with this. I could see into possible futures, just like the titles says, but now... I can see the future. The ABSOLUTE future. A future that I couldn't change. I don't know what the point of seeing my future was, but I guess I won't be able to figure that out.
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survivingjapan · 7 years
EPISODE 5 “Can’t we just bring the crazy 15 year old in? Why is that so hard?” - Sarah
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The internal struggle is real rn. Do I throw Alex under the bus and secure my safety? Or do I try to sit back and hope a new target emerges?
I don't know how many people know this, but I try to write a big piece of bullshit before every tribal to release if I'm the one voted out. Here's the one from tonight.... First of all I just want to say thank you to the hosts and to my fellow competitors. Now I'm going to expose some snakes. (Please don't hate me people, I just want to blow the game up while I'm leaving). -Linus, Alex, and Tommy are in an alliance -Jonathan HATES Richie and Alex -Jaiden has told me that he has an idol -Crow, Sarah, and Brian have an alliance -Of the 3 mentioned above, Crow and Sarah have a F2 -Tommy is by far playing the best strategic game -Junior is playing an extremely well social game -Brian is connected to the heroes on MANY levels and he'll flip to them at a tribe swap -Linus also has a good social game -Jaiden is messy as fuck
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hi my name is im fucked how r u?
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BIIIIIITCH I'M GOING FOR MY OTTNN5 EDGIC I'M NOT FUCKING AROUND RIGHT NOW!!!!!!!! (but hopefully i at least get a CPM) The vote was 4 votes Alex. 4 votes Kage. 1 vote ME. 1 vote tommy. 1 vote Jon. theres a tie, brian gets the rock drawn and my stupid ass was like wait my names not on the list and that alone should make me a hero for being an honest bitch but then redo and jaiden leaves and bam i ERUPT.  in the main chat i'm like YO WHO VOTED WHO LETS GET TO THE BOTTOM OF IT!!! Jon/Crow/Junior all say they voted for alex, Linus says he voted for Kage and I say i voted for kage so thats 5/11 votes accounted for and i cant believe anyone actually listened to me and revealed their vote in the tribal chat lmao WILD i was completely left out of this vote and everything thats been happening on this tribe so its clear im on the bottom and with my name being thrown around at this vote whether i was actually a possible target or a decoy that shit isnt okay im not in the long term plans for ANYONE on this tribe so i have nothing to lose worst case scenario i put a big target on my back and i go out next and if that happens at least i didnt go out as a useless pawn in anyones game and its because i did something but what im hoping is to gain information (which i did because i found out how everyone voted within an hour after tribal) and 2. i wanted chaos so everyones mad at someone like kage voting jon was a big win bc that furthered their fight thats been alive since day 1 after that i went on a bit of a pity tour where i went to everyone and like was like "i feel so alone and isolated and no one trusts me and i just feel like i havent done anything to prove that you shouldnt trust me i just want to be included" just trying to make people feel bad lmao im so worked up its been 2 hours since tribal and i literally havent stopped ive been at a 100 out of 10 with everyone and im going to need to cool down and lay low but while i have momentum i caaaaant just sit around and do nothing so i guess we'll see what consequences my outbursts have had???? 
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idk how to explain what just happened
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I've wrote myself a hit list of people who ARE going home before me.... Jonathan Richie Linus Alex Tommy Brian
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So after a few hours of info gathering I think I have bits and pieces of what happened in that last vote.... So the alliance of 7 (Myself, Jonathan, Sarah, Tommy, Brian, Jaiden, & Junior) were supposed to vote for Alex. However, Jaiden, being bored with the game or feeling outcast at the bottom decides that this is merely a ploy to get us to throwaway our votes. Then, he approaches various people, which I know to be Brian, Linus, and Junior (at least) about the possibility of still voting Kage. Whether this was to insight chaos or division for entertainment or strategy, I don't know.... Meanwhile, Alex is feeling on the outs as he's a smart player and observed it so he threw a vote at Tommy. Whether this was because he knew it would force the vote to tie or simply because he didn't like Tommy and wanted to give him a parting gift, I also don't know.... Jonathan, Tommy, myself, and Sarah stuck to the plan to vote out Alex (however, Sarah doesn't want to expose her vote in public and cause a confrontation between her and Junior considering Junior lied about his vote too....) Kage voted Jonathan in the same regard that Alex did. (Again, I don't know if it was planned or not or if either had connections to Jaiden's plans, but they both threw away their votes despite them being clear targets.....sketch....) Which means that someone threw a vote at Richie and is not fessing up about it. Richie voted Kage because I'm sure that's what everyone told him to do (as we were supposed to) and he was just alone. The vote for Richie, in my opinion, was likely Jaiden, given his rep for paranoia and throwing votes away to avoid rocks/idol plays (ironic, huh?) and that Junior voted for Kage as a part of Jaiden's plan considering there's a strong possibility that him and Linus are connected.... So right now, I trust Tommy, Jonathan, Alex, Sarah (but I'm also a little worried as to why she doesn't want to tell the truth to everyone....) and honestly, still Brian because I can relate to his position.....I want to build trust with Richie but we're not there quite yet. My targets would be Kage and Junior as of now. Kage just....just needs to go and Junior is a massive rat with a few too many strings on this tribe. Either or, I don't care which one goes first.... Or I'm totally wrong and still aligning myself with rats =)
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I got REALLY lucky yesterday, however I also lost my closest ally in the process.  And I told him I would slay the rest of this game for him, so I must avenge Jaiden (who I will confessional-ize about all the time!).  I had some major damage control and I just pushed over and over again that I voted Kage, the truth, so that people would trust me more.  I hope they do still trust me, and I do think they realize that I'm still useful to most of them.  I grew insanely close to Richie after that happened, and the two of us will most definitely be working together.  Linus still trusts me, and I think Alex might still trust me to an extent.  Kage and I are probably done which is fine.  Junior is a snake or so I think.  Tommy doesn't not trust me, he just probably won't trust me as much.  But he did know about the Kage vote, so I didn't completely shock him.  Sarah and Crow need me, I think.  Jonathan needs me.  I hope my thoughts on all this are right djskahsd.
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OK LISTEN THE FUCK UP HUNTIES!! IM ABOUT TO SPILL ALL THE GOOD TEA AND HONESTLY I WOULD HAVE DONE IT ON A VIDEO BUT MY PHONE! IS A POS AND apparently i have too many videos already? ANYWAYS SO I HAVENT MADE A CONFESSIONAL AND WEVE GONE TO TRIBAL COUNCIL THREE TIMES VILLAINS ARE A MESS HONESTLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! so the first vote was between brian and pat and then i messaged brian and i was like heheh i wannt to keep u so crow and i went around talking to ppl to see how they felt (crow and i didnt plan this out btw i guess we both just wanted to keep him?) SO THEN PAT WENT HOME! on a 9-3-1 vote ash self voted kage(mess), tommy and pat voted brian and the rest of us voted pat so anyways then WE FUCKING LOSE AGAIN!?!? are these heroes on steroids? idk? anyways! we gotta go to tribal council again and at this point im kinda like ok i feel fine.....AND DO U WANNA KNOW WHY??? crow and brian and I have an alliance jaiden and jr and I have an alliance tommy felt bad about being in minority and not listening to me for the pat vote so we have pledged our f2 together and he is literally the light of my life...i cant tell if he feels the same but boy do i love this boy...hes my ned pt 2 anyways so jonathan decided that he wanted a majority alliance with crow, brian, me, him, jaiden, jr andDD TOMMY !!! LEGIT ALL THE PPL IM ALLIGNED WITH SO IM IN THE FUCKING MIDDLE AHHHH SCREAM SCREAM BITCH THE FUCK CREAM CHEESE SCREAM so that works out ...obv i dont like jaiden or jr bc they fucking suck anyways so we all vote together to vote out ashley ... and kage and richie and linus and alex are just there i heard there have been an alliance with alex, kage, linus and tommy -which tommy doesnt like btw i know jr and linus are a thing richie and alex are prob a thing everyone is connected and tbh i dont really care for any of these players except for tommy...and Id like to add crow to that list but we all know hes a mastermind so ...i aint a dumb bitch SO ANYWAYS NOW ONTO THE THIRD VOTE...WE HAVE MAJORITY AND WE DECIDE TO VOTE OUT ALEX well DOESNT THAT GO ASTRAY jaiden decided to vote out kage, brian voted with him so basically heres how the voting went (hopefully im correct) crow-alex jon-alex tommy-alex sarah-alex kage-jon richie-kage brian-kage jaiden-kage linus-kage jr-richie alex-tommy but everyone thot i voted out ....richie..and I KNOW IN THE BOTTOM OF MY FUCKING HEART THAT JR IS LYING!! AND HE WONT ADMIT IT and heres why i know hes lying and hes a snake a rama 1) he put ashleys name out there on the second vote-he got scared it was gonna come to bite him in the ass so he told ppl "hes hearing ashleys name" 2) he has a clear alliance with kage and has been trying to keep him this entire time when its obvious no one likes him !?!? 3) he told kage that ashley went around saying kages name LOL which is funny so now kage hated ashley and they both hated eachother and tbh idrc if jr wants to make stupid obvious moves like this to pit two idiotic players against one another but hey ! like ...as long as u aint trying ur shit with me then idfc about u bitch 4) he voted richie and hes lying...like fucking stop? so anyways BECAUSE JAIDEN AND JR ARE UGLY AF INSIDE AND OUT I NOW NEED TO AMEND TIES WITH FUCKING ALEX bc him and i had an agreement of f2 :c so i tell him i voted him and that i didnt want to lie and then he wants a majority alliance with me, crow, brian, linus and richie !!! which im down for like bitch im not gonna turn down an alliance!?! but i will tell tommy about this bc i like that alex and tommy both dont like eachother hehe but alex is def playing middle but ill just let him think hes being slick BUT ANYWAYS I WAS BORED AT 1 AM LAST NIGHT SO GUESS WHAT I DECIDED TO DO ... look for the idol... so it went a little something like this me: josh i know ur online LET ME SEARCH FOR IDOL josh: yes hello wanna search me: YES josh: ok! me: josh pls give me an idol pls josh *crickets* josh: Congratulations! You have found the Modoru idol. This is a special idol with special powers. This idol, when played, will restart the round to before the last immunity challenge, halting the tribal council, resulting in no elimination from the game. The immunity challenge will be reconducted, and the game will continue as normal. It is important to note that is idol must be played before the votes are read, at the same time as a normal idol. If any other idol is played in addition to this idol, it shall be returned to it’s owner. me: AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I HAVE A FUCKING FISH IDOL anyways ya so thats what u missed on glee
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The Heroes showing up to slay the villains in the challenge honestly I dont know whats my more favorite thing, winning immunity or watching the villains descend into madness
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We won immunity again out of luck..... woopdy freakin doo. I feel kinda bad for the heroes because the Villains are having all the FUN and I wanna be included in on the fun, but I do have to keep reminding myself that no matter how eager I am, it's good that I've been immune these few times because, eventually, if I make it there, I'll have to go to every single tribal council, and knowing how horrific I am under pressure when it comes to individual immunities, I probably won't win many of those. But one good thing did come out of this round, and it's the fact that Kendall painted a bigger target on her back if we were to go to tribal, and it's to get her the fuck out of here. I know she's a strong player, and taking this opportunity to take her out, without even cutting the legs off of her body (and by that I mean taking out Ruthie first, so she feels safe and then stabbing her in the throat), but since Kendall is making it so easy to just target her dumb ass, I guess that'll work too and maybe I can now look into using Ruthie as an asset in this game, especially since she's so nice, she seems really loyal and doesn't have many social skills going around according to what I'm hearing from the tribe. Maybe it's time to start building that final relationship in our tribe, so I can use it in case we swap tomorrow, which I'm highly speculating
I also think it's about that time where I start picking up those strong relationships with those Villains like I had night one, especially if we're swapping tomorrow. I want to keep conversations raw and not too deep. Like a "Good Luck at tribal" and see if it'll spark anything. I've been consistently talking to Tommy, Linus and Crow, but I also know Tommy has been having consistent conversations with members of our tribe, and honestly, there's a chance I might slip this information to Crow to see if he can take out Tommy, especially because he's a winner. OMG THIS CONFESSIONAL JUST GAVE ME A BRILLIANT IDEA. Let's see if I can low-key just plant the seed to get him the fuck out of here and see what's up :)
Drew and Alex C. hosting a main season TOGETHER during Japan? Mood. This is from after me winning the duel. Oops forgetting to submit it from last round
BY THE MOTHERFUCKING GRACE OF JESUS CHRIST I SOMEHOW GOT THE IDOL CLUE WITH AN 8% CHANCE OF IT POTENTIALLY GOING TO ME (ya know.... 1/12 #math). I know it's in the meadow based off of the clue, and lucky for me I already searched there once, so I've got a 1/3 shot of finding it........ AND I FUCK IT THE FUCK UP. Essentially I have two options here, either go to one of my closest allies (Steffen or Trace) to search for the idol as well in the space I told them to, and then they hopefully will it over to me, OR I just wait until next round and HOPE I'm still on Heroes beach (despite the high speculation of a swap), and just hope that I can search again to better my odds. I decided there's no time like the present, so I run to Steffen and Trace, but Steffen answers first, so lucky for Steffen, and I tell him the predicament, and he goes to look for the idol and nada. Now at this point, I just gotta wait it out because I think there's a decent chance we won't be swapping, and that would be incredible for my game because then I can actually go for it now and find out if it has been found or not. I'm getting the feeling that at the fifth round of this game, either someone got a secret idol clue during their search (which is very possible) or that someone got DUMB lucky. Either way, I'm keeping optimistic at this point and praying that shit goes my way. ~Cheers to not a swap~
Also, fucking Tommy keeps messaging me about swapping tribes and wanting to abandon ship with the villains because it's essentially him and Kage vs everyone else. I'm not really sure if this is true, especially because he has fucking won this game before, but I'm going to assume, based on what's been told to me, that it is actually Tommy and Kage vs the tribe, and I think it'll be an interesting tribal tonight, with it being likely that Kage goes home. On a totally different note, I decided to try to utilize my relationship with Crow on the villains tribe, and let him know that A LOT of Heroes have been getting messages from Tommy nonstop, and as much as I think he's nice, the second I found out about Tommy messaging ALL the heroes, and not just me, it made me realize that I don't really think I can trust him and that he's gotta go. I wonder if Crow is going to be taking my advice, or maybe cutting the legs off of Tommy, but Tommy can be a huge tool for me that I can use against the Villains if I end up on a swapped tribe that could fuck me over in numbers, but with Tommy, I've got a shot. As of now, I think Kage is going from what Tommy told me, which means that Tommy is likely next on the chopping block, and he's been talking to me A LOT about mutinying, but I'm not really sure he can do that, but if he can, and he chooses to, there probably won't be much stopping me from booting him out of our tribe almost immediately. We'll see how tonight goes because I'm HIGHLY skeptical about it, but I've got faith that we're not swapping because our tribe declared that Dom is competing in this duel for our tribe, and idk if the hosts are fucking with us or not, but if they are, then kudos to them because I don't know what to think at this point
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