#if they don't ask invasive questions are they really your friends
pommedepersephone · 2 months
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Chapter 11 of a manual for living with defeat is up!
Crowley was very, very sorry he’d ever told Maggie about his love of 007. He’d told her that he had seen every James Bond film in the theatre, with a big bag of butter popcorn and a soda which was surprised to find itself a pleasant little Pinot Noir instead. He might have even confessed that his favorite Bond was George Lazenby, and that he maybe, just possibly, might have cried at the end of On Her Majesty’s Secret Service. Maybe. And now here he was, stuck playing GoldenEye 007 and losing. Badly.
Post-S2 • (G) • 20k • 11/15
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ktsumu · 2 months
retired apartment neighbour!john price who just misses protecting someone warnings: he's tampering with your stuff, implied home invasion, stalking
belatedly dedicated to @soumies who brainstormed this!!!
Your sink isn't working again.
Two months ago, it was a worn washer and something else the repair guy that your landlord sent told you. The last time, the drain wasn't up to fighting anymore.
This time? You don't know what the fuck it is.
Sometimes, you can fix it yourself— save some good money. Sometimes, something's obviously loose, because you remember that you tightened it well the time before. You make it right again and leave it, but then it just drips again. It makes you worry about the day you don't notice the sound and the wood starts to rot.
You've asked down the hallway a bit about whether their kitchens suck too, but they give you funny looks. You don't know why you've got the cursed unit, but it seems that everyone else is doing just fine.
Everyone but John, at least, because he worries about you.
John Price is half-neighbour, half-friend, half-stranger. That's too many halves, but he's big enough to fit them all.
The five months he's lived next to you, he's been nothing but kind. He's caring, funny when you're tired, helpful. You call him Price in passing, John when you need him for something; he answers dutifully to both.
(He's protective, too, frightens boys you bring back for yourself. You guess that nature came with the dog tags.)
He's kind, but you don't know him outside of when you need him, really. Neither of you seem to mind, though, since you're sure he's a busy man and he probably thinks you're too young to waste time on.
Now is one of those times that you need him.
The wrench in your cramping hand clatters against your kitchen floor, sweat beading at your hairline and under the neck of your shirt. It's the hottest night recorded in a decade and here you are; working on your fucked up sink instead of taking a cold shower.
Being too loud isn't a concern— your hallway is full of rabbits and your building manager lives below you; you hope he hears you groaning.
When you hear a knock, knowing who it's from, you start to care a little bit.
"Everything right?"
"I'm fine," you tell him, but it's wheezy. "Sorry for being loud."
Price simply opens your door, enters your home. It's barely ever locked when you're here, you aren't as careful as you used to be. Sometimes, if he's talking to you, he walks right in.
You never really say anything about it. You don't mean it as an invitation, but it comes out as one.
"It's that sink again?"
"How'd you know?"
Price is already in your space— looming over you, squatting to a kneel. One of his hands guides you away from the cabinet and you follow him without question.
He takes the wrench you gave up on. "S'always the sink with you, kid."
You see glimpses of history in Price. Like how he slides himself under your sink even though it's small, almost silent. Like how he grips your rusty wrench like a knife, backhanded, thumb closed over the handle's end.
His skin is covered in sweat, too, dewy under your kitchen light. It beads by his beard.
There's an ugly grind of metal versus metal, something tightening or being forced back into place. Price drops his thick arms again, lifting himself out from under your counter, and he hands you your tool back.
"How did you," you trail, "how did you know—?"
"Knew where to look, love." He laughs quickly when your face is blank. Price is taller than you remember when he stands, leaning on your kitchen island. "I've seen worse than some sink pipes, yeah?"
Of course he has.
It's why you mostly get him to fix things up in your place. Always knows what's wrong with your stupid apartment.
"Yeah, sorry."
Price doesn't leave when he helps you, either.
He waits, eyes trained on you when you get around your kitchen, getting the water jug and your tray of half-frozen ice cubes, asking if he wants some water. You think most people would kindly refuse, but Price always sticks around.
This time, though, he seems like he's gotten his fill, eyes lidded as he waves a hand when you go for the fridge. "M'good, love. Just call me when it goes again."
Your kitchen is uneasy. You know it isn't him, and it's probably you and the stress from the fact you can't sleep in the heat. The AC sounds like it's fighting in your window.
"How do you know it's gonna break again?" you ask. You know it sounds dumb, because you know your whole unit is a bit of garbage, but he's quiet. "Didn't you fix it well?"
John isn't looking at your eyes, he's looking at where your arms are crossed over your chest, hiding the sweat under your arms and collar. He's looking at your bare legs.
"I did," he assures you, always. "It's just a bad sink, lovie."
Just a bad sink, s'all it is.
"Yeah, it is, huh?" you ask, breathing a laugh at the stupidity of it all. At this rate, he'll be coming in to help you until you move out.
He steps toward you again, resting a heavy hand on the small of your back. You don't realize, don't even notice the fact he's nearly guided you out of your apartment until you're at the door.
Are you seeing him out, or is he seeing you?
John feels intimate when he's this close— head tilted, brows slightly raised, thumb tapping on your spine.
"Call me next time, alright?" he tells you, like you'd imagine he'd coo at a rescue. "I'm always around.”
You just nod. Something is pushing you closer and something is pushing him out.
"I will, promise."
"Have a good one then, kid. Take it easy tonight.”
"Thanks, John. I really, really appreciate you helping."
"Just what neighbours do, aye?"
He waits by the door as you close it, watching your smile just as you watch his, warm like a fire. Something makes your hand rest on the lock.
(You know you shouldn't need to, but you kneel in front of your sink when he leaves, knees pressed against the cold floor.)
Something itches in your stomach, not intuition but not ease either, nipping at the back of your brain. You almost feel stupid, using your phone flashlight to feel around the pipe that's never right, looking for something to tell you that you aren't acting crazy for doing this.
There's something you remember seeing earlier, right? Something obvious that you checked to see if it was the issue, or something you replaced last time, or something you paid for.
Your fingers feel nothing where there should be something— a piece is definitely gone, a washer or a nut, maybe old putty you remember cringing at.
It could be lost under the lip of the cabinets, maybe. Maybe that's where it is. It isn't him, surely. He wouldn't do that. There's nothing for him to do that for.
John Price has does done nothing but be kind to you— who are you to blame him for anything?
A missing handful of little metal pieces is dropped into a duffel, out of his fisted hand. It clatters against the rest of them.
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pretty-little-mind33 · 4 months
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Tangerine x fem!reader
Summary: Your best friends promised never to tell you about their dangerous job. However, all goes to shit when you find out another way.
Genre: Angsty fluff (happy ending)
Warnings: protective!Tangerine, home invasion, mentions of blood and injuries, swearing, sexual innuendo/implying sexual harassment (really not as bad as that sounds lol i would just rather put a warning)? murder, violence
Tangerine always knew you were too kind for the life he had chosen.
He wonders if he hadn't known you so long or if you weren't as much Lemon's best friend as his, then perhaps it would have been an easy decision to cut you out of their lives.
Only, the decision wasn't easy. It was selfish and it eats him up inside, but both him and Lemon had agreed they couldn't lose you. So, they'd made a deal that they wouldn't tell you the true nature of their job. That way, you would be safe. 
You, on the other hand, aren't as innocent as they think. You've known them long enough to know their expressions and whenever you mention their profession, they become eerily silent and tense. You've seen the blood under Lemon's fingernails and the bruises on Tangerine's knuckles when they visit you after one of their so-called "work trips".
However, after countless evasions on their part, you've stopped asking questions. Now, you stay content without knowing because you don't want to lose them either. 
One evening, you hear a knock on your apartment door and your smile widens. He's early. He's usually never early. You stand up from the couch, pulling up your fuzzy sock as you rush over the wooden floorboards to open the door for him. "Hi," you start but your throat locks when you're met with three burly men in black, threatening, masks. 
You don't have time to scream out as one of them presses his hand against your mouth and forces himself inside. The other two follow quickly and you stumble backwards. The man holding you presses his gun into your side and you whimper, tears falling down your cheeks as your mind races. 
Another man hands you what looks like a burner phone from his pocket and says, "Call him."
Your vision is blurred by your tears and when the man's hand leaves your mouth, you ask. "Who?"
"You know who, girl," the last man laughs and your chest tightens. Your hands are shaky when you type out Tangerine's number. You have an icky in your stomach telling you he hadn't been the one to ask you to hang out this evening.
Hesitantly, you hold the phone to your ear and whimper when the man with the gun pushes you over to your couch. He sits closer than necessary and teasingly moves the barrel against your cheeks and up into your hair.
"Hello?" Tangerine answers, his voice hoarse. Your heart leaps hearing him. It doesn't matter how mad he sounds because it's his voice. He'll make sure no one hurts you.
You turn to the men, as if asking them what you should say. All three of them smirk and the one holding you just shrugs.
"T-tan," you whisper, your hold tightening on the phone. Your voice comes out as shaky as your hands. You want to scream but as the seriousness of the situation sinks in, you can't make your mouth work properly. 
"Y/n? Is that you, love?" Tangerine sounds much more awake now, the annoyance in his tone completely gone. 
You're the only person who calls him Tan. 
"I-I don't know who — and I don't know what they want from me, but t-they have a gun," your word vomit tears a whimper from your throat and you hear curses and movement from the other side of the line. "And I'm so scared. Please, h-help me. I need you."
Suddenly, the phone is ripped from your hands and you let out a shriek of surprise and then another whimper when the gun is pressed to your temple to shut you up. The man chuckles darkly and his arm slides around you so you don't dare make another sound.
"Yes, yeah, we know—mmhmm, yes, we will be waiting with your little friend here," the man holding the phone grins at you, "She's a pretty one, ain't she? Such gorgeous eyes when they're all glossy with tears—" he chuckles, "well shove one up yours too. Don't fucking make us hurt her. You know what we want, bring us the money and she'll survive. Yeah, yeah." 
He grunts and throws the phone across the room, causing you to jump as the other man holding you presses the gun harder into your temple.
The man who was just on the phone pinches his nose and mutters, "Bloody fuck," he turns to you and points his index finger accusingly, "You're a lucky girl, you know. Because, if we didn't really need that money, you would have a bullet stuck in that fucking pretty head of yours for the way your boyfriend speaks to me."
You shiver, wincing. You can tell the man means it. "He's not my boyfriend," you whisper. 
"Whatever, darling," he rolls his eyes and leans forward to take your arm, "Just be a good girl for us and shut up."
* * *
Tangerine feels like he's living his worst nightmare. As soon as he heard your voice on the line, from a masked number, he couldn't think straight anymore. He's currently trying to unlock the drawer where he keeps his gun, fumbling as furious tears prickle in his eyes. 
He can't shake the sound of you crying out his name. He sees you, your skin bruised and bloody as tears stream down your cheeks and he wants to punch his fist through the drawer.
He should have protected you from this. He should have known. 
Lemon walks into his room, frowning when he sees how distressed his brother is. "Woah, mate, what's wrong?"
Tangerine finally thrusts the drawer open and shoves his gun in the back of his pants. He stands and runs a hand through his hair, rushing towards the door. His voice is strained when he says, "Someone has Y/n. They're hurting her." 
Lemon's entire face drops. "W-what? H-how?"
"I don't fuckin' know," Tangerine snaps, "Now, are you fuckin' coming or not?"
* * *
You shift your hand, the ropes burning against your wrists, as you sit on the ground of your bathroom. Blood trickles down your eyebrows from when one of the men hit you and slammed your head into the sink.
The gag they had used cuts painfully into the sides of your mouth. The men had used a pair of your panties they'd found in your dresser and bound the lace around your head, finding it hilarious. You didn't find it funny, the embarrassment still lingering as you sit in the darkness of the bathroom.
Suddenly, the faint laughter from the men in your living room stops and, after a moment, you hear loud crashes. You jump, squeezing your eyes shut as you listen intensely. You hear the slamming of doors until the bathroom door opens and you hear a familiar, "Fuck."
Your eyes snap open and Tangerine kneels in front of you. He quickly unties your panties from around your mouth, his eyes dark with anger and his eyebrows scrunch with worry. You whimper, embarrassed by him seeing you like this. He tosses your panties to the side, not commenting on them but fuming inside as he cups your cheeks gently and inspects your injuries. 
"Shit, does it hurt, love?" he asks, looking at the cut on your forehead and the bruises littered across your skin.
You train your eyes on his appearance. Sweat beads at his hair and splatters of fresh blood adorn his cheeks. It doesn't look like it's his considering he looks unharmed. Tangerine looks you over quickly. "I- did they touch you?" he asks hesitantly, insinuating something from the panties in your mouth and he is clearly a little nervous to know the answer. 
You shake your head and his eyes soften. "Oh, thank fuckin' god. I'm so sorry," he says and unties your hands, wasting no time scooping you up into his arms. You lean your head on his chest, still too shocked to form any words. Tangerine places his hand over your eyes as he walks into the living room and you hear shuffling and curses from what sounds like Lemon.
You turn to look but Tangerine keeps your head still and soothes you, "Shhh, you're okay, c'mon," 
Cold air hits you and you hear Tangerine open the door to his car. He places you inside and kisses your forehead. He kneels next to the car and his thumb touches near your cut, his eyes still dark with anger. "I have to check something with Lemon," he says again and his heart breaks when you grab his arm, 
"Please, don't l-leave me," you manage to ask, your voice hoarse.
Tangerine rests his hand on yours and tries to explain, "I won't be long, darlin'. I can't leave Lemon in there alone but we'll be quick. Trust me."
On any other day you would wait for a better time to bring this up, but your mind is still all fuzzy so you whisper, "Trust you? H-how can I trust you after what happened?" you see the hurt and guilt written on his face as the truth in your words sink in. 
Tangerine has never been good with strong emotions. He doesn't like them. They make him feel weak. You watch as his expression hardens and he looks into your eyes. "I'm sorry, Y/n," he says but mechanically closes the car door on you. You hear a lock and Tangerine disappears into your building again. All you can do is bury your face in your hands and cry.
Later, Tangerine is pacing his room. He hasn't changed out of his bloody clothes and he hasn't calmed down since they'd showed you to the guest room.
You'd asked to be alone and while that was understandable, he's worried sick. Lemon is sitting on his bed, which would usually annoy him because he'd made it that morning, but Tangerine couldn't care less about that right now.
"I basically slammed the door in her face! How could I have done that?" he's obviously panicking. 
"You had to come help me clean the scene. You did the only thing you could think of," Lemon tries to reasons, something he's been doing for the last twenty minutes.
"I- I shut her out. She probably hates me."
"Y/n could never hate you. She loves you."
Tangerine lets out a groan of frustration and turns to look at Lemon, his eyes round. "Don't you understand that's the fuckin' problem? I love her. I fuckin' love her and I've been lying to her all these years and now she's hurt because of it. It's all fucked, fuck, fuck, fuck."
Lemon stares at his brother with a deadpan look on his face. "I cannot believe you just admitted you love her."
"You're in love with her. It's been eating at you for years now. It's fucking obvious, I just didn't think you were this self-aware," Lemon rolls his eyes and stands up.
He walks over to Tangerine and crosses his arms. "Shit, mate, what are you even doing in here? Y/n was just attacked in her home and she doesn't understand why. She's probably scared shitless and tending to her wounds all alone —
After you disappeared in here like a baby I asked if she needed help and she said no, but you aren't the only one who is her best friend. I know her. She doesn't want to be alone, you idiot, she just didn't want me. She wants you." 
Tangerine feels like his heart has been beaten up to a pulp and he can barely breathe. He doesn't speak and he leaves his bedroom in a hurry.
As he walks to the guest room, he feels like he's in a daze. He knows he should but he doesn't knock on the door when he rushes in. He finds you sitting on the ground, dressed in one of his shirts he must have left in the guest room by accident, applying some alcohol to the wound on your head.
Your tears have dried but when you look at him, he sees how bloodshot your eyes are and he wants to kill those men all over again.
He doesn't speak as he crouches down and pulls you into a hug. He wraps his arms around your body and holds you tightly. He hears your small sigh as you wrap your arms around his torso. Tangerine doesn't care when you unconsciously climb into his lap and hug him closer. He nuzzles his head in your neck and kisses your exposed shoulder. He's never given you this type of intimacy and while his head is screaming at him to run from you, his heart won't let him. 
"It was so scary," you whimper against him. 
He cups your head with his hand as he soothes you, "I know, darlin', I know it was. I promise you're safe now. I'm here. 'm not leaving you, doll. I'm so sorry this happened," he pulls away and caresses his large hands down your face, brushing some hair from your eyes. 
"Why'd you open the door, darlin'? You'know you can't open the door to strangers, mm?"
He isn't blaming you, he just wants to know. 
You avoid his eyes. "I thought it was you."
Tangerine frowns.
"I think they somehow sent me a text from your phone and it said you wanted to come over and I-I said yes," you feel your cheeks burn and Tangerine anger bubbles. They'd used him to hurt you. He leans his forehead on yours as you continue. "I did think it was a little weird, but I—"
Tangerine wipes at your new tears with his thumb, interrupting you, "It's okay. You couldn't have known. I'm so sorry."
"I should have known," you whisper.
"No," he shakes his head, pressing his lips to your forehead. "I should have prepared you for something like this. Lemon and I should have warned you."
You lean your head on his chest again, your breathing harsh. "I knew your job was dangerous, but I didn't think you were killing people," you whisper and you feel Tangerine tense. He rubs his hand up and down your back. 
"I-" he doesn't know what he can say to you. 
You pull away and look into his eyes, "I don't want to know," you say, "not today. Not now. You can tell me later but now I want you to hold me and tell me it'll be okay." Tangerine nods, you sound a little in shock, but your voice is serious. 
"And I want you to kiss me."
Your words almost knock Tangerine out.
"Fucking pardon?" he says, instantly regretting cursing.
You move to hold his cheeks in your hands, leaning in closer. You wait for him to make the first move, your heart beating as quickly as his is.
You don't care about his job, or that he'd lied to you, and you know he's probably not an honorable man like you'd wished him to be, but none of that matters because you need to feel his lips on yours.
You need to know he's here.
Tangerine closes his eyes and kisses you. His entire body feels like it's on fire and if he thinks too hard, he might combust into ashes. His hands find your waist and his head tilts so he can kiss you better.
Fuck this. He's so in love with you.
You kiss him back with more passion and he almost loses his mind. If he had lost you today he would have burned the entire world to make those men pay. Killing them would have never been enough.
You pull away, tears streaming down your cheeks. You look into Tangerine's blue eyes. You want to tell him you love him. You're in love with him. However, no words can leave your lips.
Tangerine sees your expression and wipes his thumb under your eye. He stands and pulls you up with him as he whispers, "Shh, you don't need to talk. You need sleep."
He looks at your wound again, making sure it's clean and then cups your cheeks and tilts them upwards so he has your attention. "Lemon and I are just around the hall, okay? I- I lo-," his sentence dies and he starts a new one, "I lo-oked over your injury and it shouldn't hurt that much anymore but if it does, you know where my room is."
Tangerine leans down and presses one last kiss to your lips. He pulls away and says, "You're safe now, my darlin'. Okay? Nothing will ever happen to you again. I promise."
He says it with such security, you nod again. Your lips tingle from his and you savor the moment, wrapping your arms around him. Tangerine is surprised but he kisses your head and whispers just quietly enough for you to miss it, 
"I love you," 
And for the first time in his life, those three words don't stay clogged in his throat. Tangerine's shoulders relax and he sighs. One day soon he'll be able to say them loud enough that you hear him. And, hopefully, you'll say them back.
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creedslove · 5 months
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Husband's best man!Joel Miller x f!reader
Summary: He loves you and he can't bear the possibility of seeing you marry another man
Warnings: angst, cheating, unrequited love, mentions of smut
A/N: idk besties, I came up with the idea of a short drabble because of this picture as it gives serious Joel Miller vibes, but not just any kind of Joel Miller, it gives me best man at a wedding Joel Miller kinda vibes 🤩😜
0.9k words
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“Please don't do this”
Joel's voice made you jump even if his tone was low, just a little bit more than a humble whisper, making you snap back into reality and turn around to face him.
“What are you doing here, Joel?! You were supposed to be at the altar now, right next to my fiance!” you replied in an urgent, almost annoyed tone.
Joel shouldn't be there, it wasn't his place to be, he was nothing more than your soon-to-be husband's best man, he shouldn't just barge into the room where you'd spent the last few hours getting ready for your wedding, where you'd put on your wedding dress, done your hair and makeup. It was invasive, not only that, it was heartbreaking and tempting. He was a man, a real one, he was broad and strong, he shouldn't be looking at you the way he was; sad and disappointed eyes as he took a step further and placed his hands on your side, locking you in a grip you didn't actually want to break free from, but you knew you had to.
“I thought I could do it, I thought I could watch you marrying him, but I can't, darling, I want you for myself, I know I'm selfish and I have no right to ask you this, but please, don't do this..”
“Joel, what we did… it was a one time thing, I shouldn't have happened, it wasn't right, I cheated on my fiance with you to begin with… I was upset and you were there, you held me and made me feel better. It was special, but it was wrong” you could see the way his face fell, he wanted you, he was willing to give you anything if you stepped out of that crazy idea of getting married and finally stayed with him. Joel wasn't stupid, he was well aware of the fact he didn't have much to offer, but he could give you his heart and all the love he felt for you. The love he gathered through the years, ever since his friend introduced you to him. He tried really hard to let go of that feeling, to play it off as a silly crush, a passing crush, but it was impossible. All Joel could think of was you. Your eyes, your smile, your voice, how beautiful and intelligent you were; suddenly, that man who swore he would never let any other woman break his heart, saw himself at your feet. Allowing you to break his heart a little bit every single day without even knowing. He just watched you from afar, loving you, knowing the man you'd chosen wouldn't treat you as good as Joel would. He wanted you and it killed him he couldn't have you.
You, on the other hand, didn't dismiss Joel from your life. Since the day you met, you were taken aback by the fact he was handsome, gentle, sweet, hard-working and it still baffled you a man like himself wasn't taken; you had a soft spot for Joel, he was attractive, but at the same time you were engaged, your fiance was Joel's friend and absolutely nothing would ever come from that.
Until the night you showed up knocking on his door; you weren't proud of that, it shouldn't have happened. But when you saw your fiance walking through the door covered in glitter and smelling like cheap perfume, you knew something had happened in that bachelor party. You weren't a jealous type, but things had a limit and you were certain it had gone way beyond a simple stripper lap dance. No matter how many times you questioned him, even if he wasn't that drunk, you knew your fiance wouldn't tell you the truth, there was only one man who wouldn't falter being honest with you.
Joel Miller.
So when Joel saw you standing in front of him, mascara smeared down your eyes as you blinked away tears, showing him all the hurt you felt after being played by your fiance, he had no doubts. That motherfucker didn't deserve you, he did. So he tried his best to show you he could be good for you, he could be what you were missing out, the way he held you that night, how you asked him for more and more. He stayed between your legs for what it felt like forever and it wasn't enough for him; he wanted to taste you for the rest of his life.
When dawn came, so did reality shattering him once more, you had got dressed and left, asking him not to call you again, which he did, against all his will. But when he saw the opportunity of seeing you again before you could make the worst mistake of your life, he didn't hesitate. Seeing you in a wedding dress was certainly bittersweet. He loved and dreaded that sight in the same intensity. You looked perfect, but you weren't his.
“You don't love him, you know that, it's not too late. You can be happy, you know I can make you happy, all I ask for is a chance and nothing more”
His hand stroked your cheek as you tried hard to fight the desire you felt for him. What if you simply dropped everything behind and went with Joel?! Would it be too bad? For once not looking back and focusing on your happiness first?! You wish you could do it, but unfortunately it was impossible.
“I'm sorry Joel, but no, I won't don't this”
You said and watched pure disappointment in his eyes, the way his hands let go of your body and he nodded, pursing his lips. The rejection stung so hard he didn't think it was possible, but he couldn't force you into loving him. He wished you good luck in nothing more than a whisper and left you, without looking back.
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hello! if you don't mind i do have a request for poly Fizzmodeus x reader
can you do headcanons of them with a crush on an idol/popstar succubus who's secretly a single parent (to keep the kid safe bc reader knows the public will be more than invasive and will only reveal the kid when they're older)? like reader's hesitant to rlly get into a relationship with the two bc she's afraid of what they think.
a certain anime's been giving me this brainrot for a while and i don't have the skill to properly write this sjjdkdkdkskdk
I didn't focus too much on the succubus part, but I hope this is good.
Fizzarolli x Asmodeus x F!SingleParent!Reader
Fizz is not a great father, but he does try his best, and thats why I love him <3. Hope y'all enjoy!
• Your tour ended recently, and you already have a new album being planned.
• For anyone else, it's a dream come true.
• For you, well, it's the break you desperately need to see your kid.
• You've been living a double life for a while.
• On one hand, you're a pop star, hiding her face beneath a variety of masks, with hundreds of thousands of adoring fans.
• On the other, you were a mom just looking out for her kid, trying to keep them out of the exhausting and draining world of fame.
• The mask thing was probably one of your best ideas, as it let you actually go out with your child without being accosted by the paparazzi.
• Plus the whole "secretive succubus" act was great for sales and popularity.
• Most of the money goes to your kid. Yeah, they may end up a tad bit spoiled, but you just want them to be happy.
• Plus, you do have the foresight to not make them an asshole.
• You've dealt with enough rich people in your time, and most of them are the exact kind of people you're trying to keep away from your child.
• Although...there are two that are pretty nice.
• You knew Fizzarolli first, both of you hitting Lust's entertainment circuit at the same time.
• You even had a small thing together for a little bit, although it never really grew. It was more platonic than romantic anyways.
• That's not to say that you hadn't considered going further, or that you didn't have some feelings for him, you just chose not to act on it.
• Asmodeus, on the other hand, found you after you had gotten a decent sized following.
• Unlike with Fizz, nothing really happened between you, but you did become good friends.
• He was also kind of hot too.
• When you had gotten back to your home, you were planning on take your kid out to do...something.
• You weren't sure, but it didn't matter, because someone had sent you a message.
• It was from Ozzie, inviting you over for dinner
• Problem is, you had just gotten back, and you really wanted to be with your kid.
• So, you asked if he could make sure that dinner stayed pg-13, which he questioned, but agreed to.
• You had been wanting to tell Asmodeus about you being a parent for a while, you needed to figure out dinner, and you didn't want to leave your child again, so why not kill 3 birds with one stone?
• When you got there, you got a pleasant suprise in the form of Fizzarolli.
• Fizz and Ozzie also had a suprise, the fact you had a kid.
• (I've been trying to leave the kid's age ambiguous, so that y'all can have a bit of freedom with it. If the kid's old enough, they introduce themselves, and if not you do it. Anyways, back to the headcanons.)
• It takes a good couple of minutes to explain everything, but they understand and respect your decision to keep your child out of the limelight.
• The dinner was nice, fancy too. Then again, you weren't expecting anything else.
• There was something odd though, you felt like Fizz and Ozzie were flirting with you.
• Turns out, they were.
• Apparently, both Ozzie and Fizz, who were together already, wanted to invite you into a little polycule relationship.
• And to be honest, you didn't hesitate to say yes.
• As mentioned before, you did have feelings for Fizz, and you did think Asmodeus was hot.
• Plus, you wouldn't mind having some help raising a child.
• Turns out that Ozzie is a pretty good parent.
• Fizz not so much, but he's trying.
• And dear Satan is it amazing to have people doting on you for once.
• Fans are one thing, romantic partners are so, so much better.
• And hey, at least your kid will grow up around some genuinely good people.
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icallhimjoey · 4 months
Define Close
♥ ♥  Joseph Quinn x Fem!Reader
Summary: What good are flatmates even, if they don't comfort you when you need it most? Or when you need it a normal amount? Or, you know, when you don't really need it, but just really want it?
CW / disclaimer: rpf, fem!reader, afab!reader, hurt/comfort i guess? idk we're sad a lot and joe cheers us up a lot, mentions of reader having hair long enough to be played with
Author’s note: last one! i hope this non-plot fic was all right! it doesnt feel like it fully counted as a five-part story just because it doesn't feel like anything really happened besides... you know, a lot of hugging. anyways. enjoy!
Wordcount: 3.9K
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part one - part two - part three - part four - part five
When Joe woke up the next morning, all promises he made to himself the night before had vanished. Like promises people made late at night in bed were wont to do.
I’ll start on Monday.
I’ll wake up early, do it in the morning.
Thing’s will be different when the sun rises.
They never were.
He didn’t know why he thought it would be different this time. Sure, he still thought it wasn’t exactly normal to wake up with his flatmate’s face pressed into his chest, but why would he risk doing anything that was going to change that?
You kept his bed warm. Satisfied his tactile nature. Filled something hollow within him which he didn’t realise was empty before. And in moments like these, he could tell it was spilling over. Making mess inside his chest.
Joe wanted to know why it never felt invasive.
He tried to think back how he got here.
Where it all began.
How it had evolved.
And why it never felt weird. Why you never needed to talk about any of it, words completely unnecessary. Why the only two words ever spoken about it, your wild and insane “Thank you.” felt like the most disgusting overkill of verbal communication Joe had ever experienced.
The two of you were just bad with words, he decided.
Joe felt how you stretched a leg, one that was still stuck between two of his, and carefully held you a little tighter until he felt you fully relax again.
You weren’t allowed to wake up yet.
Morning sun softly lit Joe’s room through the cracks in his curtains and, Joe knew it was a Sunday, but it also felt like a Sunday.
Nothing planned for the day. Hours of nothing that stretched out before him, time he got to fill with whatever felt right in the moment.
And right now, delaying waking up felt right.
He could pretend to ignore all the things that stirred inside. The questions. The uncertainties.
He could pretend to ignore the bodily reactions you were responsible for. He had done so for ages. Had gotten real good at pretending.
But he wondered if you knew.
If you felt the same stirring he felt.
If you could see it.
If you also sometimes blew off your friends, just to hang out at home. If you also wished the friends you had over would just fucking leave already when you’d feel drowsy after a big meal. If you also sometimes had a hard time falling back asleep after waking up at random hours, just because you had to deal with a lot of disappointment at being alone.
He shouldn’t ask for more.
He was getting plenty.
Right here. Right now.
Joe pulled a blanket of appreciation all the way over himself, and he felt full. Logically understood he wouldn’t have it forever, so he best really focus on the right here and the right now, and push any other thoughts aside.
He tried to focus on every part of your body that touched parts of his body until he located your heartbeat, and then focussed on that until he fell asleep again.
When he woke up about 45 minutes later, it was to your fingers lightly stroking his face that slowly tickled him awake.
You trailed a finger tip down his nose and when you pulled away, Joe tipped his head back a little, chasing your touch. It drew your eye to a little red patch underneath his chin.
“You’ve got a…” you started, voice barely there, throat full of sleep still. Joe felt how you scratched at his skin a little, and stuck his chin out more to help give you a better look.
“Does this hurt?” you asked all innocently before pressing a sharp nail into the soft flesh just past his jawline.
“Ow,” Joe cried, flinching away into his pillow more, immediately far more awake than he wanted to be. “Jesus Christ, good morning, what the...” Joe huffed a laugh, and you hid your face into his armpit to hide your own smile.
Just for a second.
When you moved your head back onto his chest, Joe rubbed at where you poked him.
“You’ve got an ingrown hair,” you used a finger to move his aside and pulled the skin taught for a better look. Joe’s hand moved to hold you by the wrist, making sure he could pull you away the second you’d try some of that bullshit again.
But instead, you took hold of his chin and moved his head to the side, inspecting the whole area closely.
Your intense attention made Joe grow shy, and you saw how a blush crept up his neck from up close. He tried to brave through, tried his best to not tuck his chin in and trap your fingers there.
But then you did it for him, moved his face by the chin and let your eyes trail up his jaw, over his sideburns and up into his hair.
Joe felt a little timid, not sure if he was mentally even fully awake yet, face heating up under your soft gaze.
He realised you’d never done this before. Usually, when you’d wake up next to each other, you’d blink your bleary eyes, have a look around his bedroom and get up and out. Leave his room without another word shared. Leave him alone, all by himself. This was the first time you’d stayed in his bed a little longer. Lazed around and woke up slow.
It was nice.
Your chin pressed into his chest felt nice.
The weight of your thigh that rested over his hip felt nice.
All this innocent soft attention in your shared warmth felt nice.
“Hmm, you’re so warm,” Joe whispered, because you were, and it felt nice.
It was all so nice.
Your eyes roaming his features was maybe a bit much, seeing as you were quite literally able to count his pores, you were so close.
But it was still nice.
You’d created this bubble of blissful contentment together and Joe let himself drown into the right here and right now of it all.
Joe loved it in the bubble.
Would trap you in this bubble with him forever, if he could.
But his cheeks were blushing so hard, and he stared up at the ceiling in hopes of making it stop. In your next move, you let go of his chin and raised a hand up to his hair where three fingers disappeared into his hairline for a second.
Just for a literal second, though.
“You need to wash your hair.” you said dryly and moved to sit up.
Joe groaned a little.
You’d popped the bubble.
Just like that.
It was like reality got shoved right into his face as you sat up and he almost went and pulled right back in. Right back into his chest, into that bubble, where everything sparkled, and tingled, and went fuzzy around the edges.
But alas. You were already gone.
When you later met in your living area, everything was sort of back to normal. All casual. Like you hadn’t just spent another night wrapped up in bed together, parts of bodies close to other parts of bodies that they had no right being so close to.
You were flatmates, for fuck’s sake.
And sure, you were a different kind of flatmate to each other than your average run-of-the-mill flatmate. But still, how were you only just flatmates to each other still?
No lingering awkwardness.
Never an embarrassing moment.
Just a, “We’re out of dishwasher tablets,” as you grabbed the last one and showed him the empty cardboard box.
Followed by a, “Do you want some coffee?” and a neutral face thrown his way.
Like you were talking to your mum.
“Yea,” Joe answered, and tried showing as much indifference as he could in return. “Coffee sounds lovely.”
And that was that. Once again. Just flatmates.
Joe pretended all was fine. Pretended it was fine how you never talked about any of it.
He didn’t really have the right to complain, he thought. Because he still got to reach hands across and squeeze your arm in thanks when you passed him a drink, and you weren’t weirded out by that.
He still got to sometimes come home and see your charming little pouty face and know he’d get to hug you all night long, and you didn’t deny him the snuggles.
And still, if it got really bad, you’d cry and he’d find you and comfort you until you stopped crying, and then he’d make a stupid joke and you’d laugh and, are you fucking joking, he’d be left on cloud nine for a days.
To be able to get you from tears into giggles with just a couple of wrapping arms, and stroking hands, and silly comments?
Did you even know what that did to him?
Joe thought he’d gotten a weird sort of sixth sense for it now. He could snuff out your mood just from the sounds of how you’d walk in after work. Knew exactly what the evening was going to look like from the way that you were breathing. Could sniff it out like a bloodhound, he was that tuned in.
But he loved it too much to really do anything about it.
Even when you started pulling away a little again, like you’d done before. Would walk in sort of happy and pleased and would just make yourself a large salad for dinner before you’d go for a quick drink with friends.
It sent him down that same fucking spiral.
Why was he upset his flatmate was no longer upset so often?
How in the world was he even going to begin to unpack that?
Joe didn’t want to admit to anything, because you didn’t talk about anything, but it affected him plenty. He still got to squeeze your shoulder, and poke you in the side, and sometimes massage a socked foot when you did end up on the sofa together, but... fuck it. Joe wanted your body pressed all up against his, every night, and if he had it his way, not just on the sofa but then also in his bed right after.
He let it build.
He let it build up far too high until, one strange afternoon, it all tumbled down.
He’d been moping around since earlier that morning. Had to get some work done but just grew more and more annoyed and he didn’t really know how to articulate what it was. Was it you? Or was it him? Or was it something else entirely, and was this just easier to be upset with because it was on his mind so often?
He kind of didn’t even want to figure it out.
Just wanted to be annoyed.
And then you’d walked in, and he could hear. He frowned and listened and... yep. That sounded just about right.
Joe was stood in the kitchen when you stepped into the room and for a moment, you just looked at each other.
You expected things to go how they usually went when you walked in the way you’d just done.
If Joe was in, he’d find you and hold your face to make you look at how he empathetically mimicked your pout and knitted eyebrows before he hugged you tight and whispered all sorts of things about pizza toppings into your ear.
If Joe was in, he never even needed to take a proper look at you to know you’d needed tending to. Which is what he’d then always do.
He’d find you, and tend to you until you no longer needed tending to, and yet, now...
Now, he wasn’t really doing anything.
And you never talked.
But, then... now what?
Joe just looked at you, leant into his shoulders as his hands rested on the black shiny countertop of the island and seemed irritated.
Kind of angry.
This was new.
Needed different approach.
“You all right?”
For a moment you thought that maybe Joe was mad with you, with the way his face read thunder as he took a moment to answer that question. Maybe you shouldn’t have asked.
But then he sighed, and his expression softened slightly before he shrugged and answered, “Define all right.”
“Cool, me neither. Come sit.”
For a split second, Joe thought, no. Let’s keep distance and talk for a change.
But before he even knew it, his legs were carrying him over to the sofa where you waited for him to sit down first, which he then simply just did.
Joe let himself fall back into the sofa and kept his arms slightly open, knowing you were likely going to drop down right next to him.
But you didn’t want to just let Joe hug you, this time.
Joe looked like he needed to be hugged himself just as much.
Maybe even more than you, you thought.
So instead, you climbed onto the sofa feet first, sat down next to him but faced into him, and draped both arms around his neck, pushing your cheek against his in a tight hug. Your knees dug into the back of the sofa a little uncomfortably, and it was like Joe could tell, because he shimmied a little until you both sighed and sagged into each other.
You felt Joe hug you back, arms around your waist and flat palms spread around your sides. It almost felt like his arms looped around you twice as he pulled you tightly into him.
It was wild how Joe could feel his bad mood drain from his body, and he wondered if this was how you always felt. If Joe’s embraces did the same to you.
You sat like that for a while, sometimes unsticking cheek from cheek to find a better bit of skin to press your face into.
You sat like that until Joe felt his annoyance make way for something else to shine through.
This would usually be the moment he’d make a joke. A little comment that would make you laugh, even if you didn’t want to and tried to hide it, but Joe could always feel how the muscles in your stomach tensed in his small moment of victory.
Not this time.
And it was silly, because you were waiting for it too.
For Joe to make light of something heavy. Because he was so good at making light of all things heavy.
But nothing really came.
You felt how Joe moved his face down and found the crook of your neck to bury his nose into. Maybe he was actually crying. You weren’t sure. But just in case, you used soothing fingers to swipe across his shoulders, across where they could reach, and you felt Joe’d head grow heavier as he relaxed more.
“Better?” you asked softly, and Joe just hummed in confirmation.
Something euphoric bubbled up inside you.
Then Joe moved his head up and you thought it was maybe to press it against the side of yours once again, but instead he got it right in front of yours and let your foreheads touch. Let your noses bump.
You weren’t sure what happened between the surge of elation and your noses touching, but suddenly, you kind of felt like crying again. Felt the dark mood you’d been in when you walked in a little earlier return.
But it didn’t feel like this moment was really about you, for once.
So you just... stayed there. Stayed put. Kept your eyes closed, and let your noses touch, and hoped that whatever you were doing was at least making Joe feel better.
“Is this helping?” you whispered, and Joe felt it against his mouth.
In turn, he sighed, and you felt that against yours before he answered, “Yea.”
His arms squeezed tighter and you tried thinking of a time where you’d been closer than this. If this counted as the closest you’d ever been.
And then you felt his nose run up along the side of yours before moving down the other side of it and, probably. This was probably the closest you’d ever been.
“Yea,” he said again, and then followed it up with, “You’re not going anywhere.”
The slightly higher pitch of his voice made Joe sound like he was crying. You checked, kind of had to check, and moved back slightly to have a look.
But he wasn’t crying. Seemed wildly wrecked in a different way. One slightly foreign to you. It made you furrow your brow in confusion, because, what did he mean, ‘you’re not going anywhere’?
You weren’t going anywhere.
You never did.
You shared a flat together and you were always there.
Joe saw how you tried to make sense of his words in real time, up close, and it made sense to him that you didn’t immediately get it. You never used actual words together. Of course this was going to take you a second. He understood. But still. It was fucking annoying that you didn’t.
Joe had to look away for a second, to stare at the wall on the other side of the room as he leant back into the sofa more, arms sliding down your back as he did.
With his head tilted back onto the backrest, he carefully started, “You know…” and then took another moment to think. Because, what did you know?
You waited, mostly because you were unsure of what else to do.
You and Joe didn’t talk. Didn’t ask questions. Just... you just were. Were how you were.
So you waited, and saw Joe’s eyes wander down to the collar of your top where he took one of the unbuttoned buttons in between his fingers to play with.
“I don’t think I can… I might not have the strength,”
Never talking also meant you’d not practiced listening. And Joe made listening difficult, because as he fidgeted with your collar, you couldn���t help your eyes from drifting to a bicep. You concluded his top was too tight around the arms, and let your eyes linger there, because it looked nice.
A flex of the muscle brought you back to him.
For a small moment, you made eye-contact and you realised you were too close.
“When are you going to… when will you see it?” Joe pressed, ducking his head to force eye-contact as you tried moving back a little. His voice remained soft, words almost cautious as they found your ears.
You didn’t really have a response.
“I’m not…” you began, thinking you’d find out what exactly you weren’t along the way, but you faltered.
You had no idea what you weren’t. Had no idea what to say.
“I’m not…” you tried again.
Still didn’t get any further. Not good with words, you thought to yourself. Why was Joe making you talk?
You never talked.
But Joe waited, just like you’d waited for him before. Gave you time to find the right way to articulate whatever was going on inside your mind.
And he shouldn’t have.
You suddenly inhaled sharply and created more distance between the two of you as you said, “I’m not really hungry.”
“I–... what?”
You got up from the sofa.
“If you want a pizza, you’re going to have to eat the whole thing yourself I’m afraid. I think we’ve got some– yea, there’s at least two in the freezer still,”
You were already on your way to show him.
“Tandoori chicken and, um, one with mushrooms, I think, I got them last week, unless you’ve already had them, they should be in there...”
Joe couldn’t fucking believe it.
You were... you were being awkward.
Being all weird.
Had he made things awkward and weird? By talking?
Surely, that couldn’t be the case.
He watched you nervously fight with a freezer drawer that didn’t seem to want to budge for a second, until it did, and you yanked it all the way out. Made it clatter against the tiles.
Oh, it was absolutely the case.
“Fuck– sorry,” you near-violently shoved it back into its slot, and the sound of plastic sliding across ice made his skin crawl.
“Hey,” Joe was already up on his feet.
“Yea, see? Chicken and garlic mushroom, you can have–”
“Hey, hey, stop.” Joe rounded the island, got you by the arms and turned you away from the freezer.
“If you want–”
“I said, stop.”
You then did stop. Let Joe close the freezer door as you closed your eyes and exhaled through flared nostrils.
Joe studied your face, confused and worried by what the fuck had just happened. How you’d gone from lovingly embracing each other on the sofa until you’d both left each other’s shapes across your fronts like you were memory foam, to suddenly this weird, embarrassing, panicky state in the kitchen.
“It’s okay if you don’t–” Joe started, wanting to tell you it was fine if you didn’t want to talk, but this time you cut him off. Said, “Joe, please,” in a wobbly voice, because you did want what Joe meant earlier. You did see it. Did want that.
But you were flatmates.
Joe moved his hands and cupped your face.
It made you open your eyes and you immediately wished you hadn’t.
His eyes were so fucking expressive, they kind of bore all.
It was weird to want to look away just as much as you wanted to keep this connection with him, and you moved your hands to hold onto his wrists so that, even if you did end up looking away, he at least wouldn’t let go of you.
You watched his eyes flick between yours before they flicked down at your mouth.
It made you do the same, and, shit.
You were flatmates.
But then Joe leant a little closer, and you didn’t move away. Did the opposite in fact.
Joe let your foreheads touch once more, and allowed the two of you to be close again.
You were the worst at talking.
Never talked.
But, fuck, you were so good at being close.
Joe knew that he was going to have to let everything else do the talking. Like it had always done, up until now. He just... he needed to articulate a little clearer, that was all.
You lifted your chin slightly, just enough to nuzzle. To press your nose against his and for a brief moment, you moved like you were kissing, but your lips didn’t touch.
“Joe,” you breathed, sounding unsure, and Joe stilled for a second. “We’re flatmates.”
And God, if that same exact thought hadn’t kept him from ever moving past where you were right this second.
“Yea,” he agreed in a whisper.
You were flatmates.
But then you let a hand move up to his neck, and Joe copied the move. Got you by the base of the skull and tested to see if he could guide you to tip your head the way he wanted it to tip.
You easily let him.
Lips brushed. Only briefly. No one flinched or moved back, and Joe hovered right in front until he felt your fingers pull him closer.
“But we’re close.”
the end
The Taglisted
@ali-in-w0nderland, @alwayslindie, @babybluebex, @bylermaxmayfield, @capricornrisingsstuff, @chaoticgood-munson, @choke-me-eddie, @demonsanddemogorgons, @did-it-work, @dirtyeddietini, @djoseph-quinn, @dolcevit4, @eddies-puppet, @emma77645, @emotionaldreamer, @everythinghasafacee, @figmentofquinn, @ghost-proofbaby, @ghostinthebackofyourhead, @hanahkatexo, @harringtonfan4, @hazelenys, @jewellethief, @joesquinns, @keikoraven, @kennedy-brooke, @lovelyblueness, @manda-panda-monium, @mandyjo8719, @mexicanfolklore, @miserybeans, @munson-mjstan, @nadixq, @nglharry, @notverywise, @pepperstories, @phyllosilicate-s, @royale1803, @sherrylyn628, @sidthedollface2, @songforeddiemunson, @sweetberry47, @take-everything-you-can, @thebellenouvelle, @tlclick73, @werepartnersnow, @winterwakesthewolf, @witchwolflea, @yelyahcardella, @yunirgo
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drawnfamiliarfaces · 2 months
Would Jenny allow Danny to tinker with her? I know robotics isn’t exactly the same as aerospace engineering (and I do be headcanoning that my boy chose this as his major since he wants to be an astronaut), but with all the experience he had from handling his parents inventions I believe he can be trusted with fixing something as complex as a robot. I like to think that Danny was really impressed with how Jenny was made and secretly wanted to take a look at how she works, but was too shy to ask because he knows how it’s like to be treated like an object and not a person (with the whole “ghosts are non-sentient globs of ectoplasm with post-human consciousness” spiel he heard so many times) and didn’t want to make Jenny uncomfortable. I believe it took Jenny some time and getting to know Danny and his engineering skills before she let him fix her when she got something badly broken. It was like a show of ultimate trust from Jenny’s side and Danny was flattered, humbled and very respectful. And super careful of course, constantly asking how Jenny’s doing or feeling while he tinkered, mindful of her. I bet she was touched.
Not gonna lie, this is one of the more fascinating asks I got - if only because its incredibly interesting to read about your take/interpretation of Danny & Jenny's relationship! I hope you don't mind me saying, but it feels like you adore both characters and it's very cute!
Well, now, in HoM AU, both Danny and Jenny are close friends and indeed Danny is one of the few people who Jenny trusts with - well, herself - her mechanical self. Like you, I headcanon Danny as quite mechanicaly gifted - in HoM AU he actually graduated college/uni with engineering degree, so he got education to polish his raw skills! He is one of the first people who would help Jenny in and out of the field, if there is a minor malfunction or an injury of some sort!
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But even for that to happen it took a couple of years and a few adventures together.
So to answer the original question, I would have to say that in HoM AU specifically, neither Danny would ask to 'tinker' with her, nor Jenny would probably be totally comfortable with that question if asked. 'Tinkering' would imply a degree of casual poking around, and in this case, both Danny and Jenny have certain life experiences that gave them... boundaries when it comes to their own and others' autonomy. Jenny especially.
(a bit of random background info dump here to explain the reasoning, but feel free to ignore it, since i basically answered the ask xD i just got bitten by a writing bunny, so its gotten a bit long - be warned!)
When Jenny was younger and only just acclimatizing herself with human world and amongst teenagers, she was rather blaze at times with how much access to her body she gave to her human friends and acquaintances.
After all, her mother was rather frank about it - often poking around in Jenny's mechanics and code. But it was her mother, who created her (sort of 'why are you covering yourself, i made you i already know what you have' mother attitude, which is a bit over-controlling and invasive to other's autonomy, but well, Jenny is a robot after all) and it a completely different deal from others.
So, despite her mother's warnings there are instances when Jenny was not very careful. Like when she allowed Brad, Tuck and Sheldon to literally remove and rip out her stuff in pursuit of fashion goals. Or when she dropped her guard around Todd Sweeney and got reprogrammed for her good deed.
And during the events of the last episode, she was once again controlled, by Dr Locus. While not exactly her fault, it still left a lasting impression that any mechanically gifted person could be dangerous to her.
Now, this is where we venture into my personal headcanons for MLAATR that are tied into HoM-verse:
Another aspect of Jenny's developed caution to giving access to her body - is the fact that she is not considered as a real person in the eye of the government/world. She is a thing, a weapon created by Dr. Walkman. She does not have the same rights as a human, and on paper she does not even have rights to her own body. It's all patented Nora Wakeman technology, (secretly) founded by the government.
And she has been fighting it ever since she was a teenager and refused to be called an IT - XJ-9 - and became a HER, a teenage girl Jenny, who also just happens to be a robot.
At first it started as a simple teenage rebellion and she went to school and started to hang out with other kids, but what about later after she graduates? Will she be even allowed to? Sure, maybe her school will give her a diploma, but how legal will it be to give something like that to someone who is legally not a real person? After all, its not like when other kids will turn 18 and can be their own people, not under the legal control of their parents. Jenny is her mother's property, intellectual and physical. For her to be considered a real person in the eye of government, it would require a law being passed about recognizing sentience of Artificial Intelligence.
And sure, she could probably be made an exception, being a hero robot and all, but the problem is, she is not the only human-made robot in existence! What about her sisters, who are prototypes and are not as developed as her? Her brother, who seemed to develop sentiency to the point of turning on humans?? Melody and Killgore?? And its not only in her world (cartoon), but in others (since its a crossover). So the question about AI/Robot sentience, no matter if they are good or bad or how developed they are, would not concern only her, it would be a global debate.
And we all know how the governments of the world would feel about passing laws about sentience of artificial beings that were created to serve the human race. It would be a struggle one way or another.
So, as she grows up and sees the world refusing to aknowledge her as a person, she doesnt have legal rights to finish school and go to college, to get a job, to get married, heck she cant even have a legal documentation that doesnt says 'Dr. Wakeman's creation'. The government says: your body belongs to us, because we paid for Dr. Wakeman to make you - you belong to us, we control you.
That, on top of several unpleasant experiences with other people disregarding her autonomy, will equal to Jenny trying to get some sense of that control back. So she starts to be more cautious about how much access others have to her physical self; she starts to build and reinforce boundaries with other people, starting with her family and friends.
It was one of the darkest days in Sheldon's life, when Jenny started to firmly say 'no' to whenever he asked her about her inner workings and casual access for poking around. xD Tuck was not a happy camper either, that his favorite robot friend became very stingy with all the cool stuff. But Brad got it. And after gentle (and sometimes not) reminders, others became more understanding.
It was a little harder with her mother. Dr. Wakeman truly loved her daughter, but she was a scientist first and mother second. She was so used to casual access to Jenny, in order to keep maitanance that it was hard for her to break the habits. Its still a constant struggle, but she has gotten so much better.
Now, when it came to her new friends amongst HoMies, she already has built a set of boundaries that allowed her to feel more secure as a person, despite how the world sees her, but she is much more reserved to opening herself up to others, at least compared to how she first approached people when she was younger.
It took a few missions and getting to know them better, for her to start trusting with them with her mechanical self. But now a few years later, she feels comfortable enough with most of them to give her a helping hand when needed!
Of course not everyone are capable of helping her though: Danny, Kim and Zak are three of more mechanically oriented people who can help. Though Danny is the one with actual education in that field, while Kim and Zak learned more by necessity, from Kim's various jobs and Zak to operate the Saturday's equipments.
When Rex joined them, he actually became the second best person for her to come to if she needed help. Not only because he has unprecedent skills in mechanics, but also because of his nanites. (but thats info dump for another time, lol)
Jun has some basic knowledge in mechanics, but nowhere near enough for her to feel comfortable poking in Jenny's insides. Jake is perhaps the least capable of helping, when it comes to engineering, followed by newbie Randy (tho we really aint counting him tbh xD).
Ben is a complicated situation - he has some training and knowledge in engineering and robotics because of his Plumber training, but Jenny has heard horror tales from Gwen about how he treats his stuff (the whole hacking/playing with Omnitrix settings), so she flat out refuses for Ben to touch her. However in emergency/battle situation she would allow Ben to use one of his aliens to do so (like, Grey Matter or Upgrade).
So, we talked about Jenny's experiences and why they would contribute to her feeling uncomfortable if someone asked to 'tinker' with her.
Now, let's talk about why Danny would not ask to 'tinker' with her in the first place.
Like you said, Danny is all to familiar with the struggle of being part of something tat is hardly recognized as a sentient species - he had to listen to his parents dismiss ghost sentience most of his younger life. Of course, they have gotten much better since the... 'finale' of DP, but this sort of racism? xenophobia? (im not rally sure which term to use tbh) prejudice against ghosts would have left a lasting impression on Danny.
So I dont remember if I ever implied it, but in HoM AU - events of DP finale happened very differently and the resulting consequences of it diverged a lot from Mr ButtHurtman's 'canon'.
(Also, I had ideas about it, before a Glitch In Time came out, so events from there were not taken into consideration. )
I don't want to reveal much, because it is kinda one of my planned flashback for HoM, but the events that happened reinforced Danny's ... well lets say regard of people's autonomy? It's kind of hard to put into words.
Ok, let's explain it like this: Danny would not ask Jenny if he could look at how she worked and if he could tinker with her, because it would be like if his Mom and Dad casually asked if they could perform a vivisection on him to see how different he is from a full human.
And while sure, the comparison might sound a bit extreme, since there is a difference when it comes to robots and humans about 'poking around' in their innards. But to Danny - it would be too close of a comparison - because of the whole 'recognition of sentience' thing.
After all, wasn't it just some years ago, his parents cried that ghost are nothing more than lump of malicious energy that have no feelings? They changed their mind after Danny's reveal, which allowed them to actually listen and look into evidence proving otherwise and learn. And here is Jenny, struggling to be recognized as a person, since she is considered nothing more than a lump of metal with no feelings - just a weapon to be pointed in a certain direction.
And Danny would feel like asking Jenny if he could casually poke inside her, is a bit... hypocritical? And not to mention insenstitive. After all, he knows how she feels - she is basically still living his worst imagined life in some ways.
So, I don't think he will ever ask to study how she works by casually poking inside her.
At some point, after they became friends, Danny would feel like he should know at least some basics on how Jenny works, just so he could help her in an emergency.
I imagine it happened after a particularly rough mission, and Danny had to help Jenny back home since she was unable to do so herself, so Dr. Wakeman could fix her. After some time thinking, he would sit in front of both Nora and Jenny and ask them for permission if he could learn how Jenny works - from Nora.
After all, Danny does not need to poke inside Jenny to learn how she functions, when there is her mother right there - the creator, the maintanance and doctor all in one package, with access to blueprints and all intricate knowledge, who can evaluate what Danny needs to know in accordance to his passable engineering skills. She could teach him the basics - but of course not without Jenny's permission.
So he asks her, if he could learn, because he is tired of looking how she gets hurt along with them, but unlike most of them she can not be easily fixed with bandages and some time. And Danny, since he is one of the few of them who has the skills, would like to be actually able to help her with those skills. But it is her body - it is her choice, to trust him or not.
And Jenny would be speechless. It would be the first time someone asked her like that. Not even Kim, who is one of her closest friends, asked before (but mostly because Kim was perfectly aware that she is nowhere skilled enough to even think about it).
And you would be right. It would be a show of ultimate trust from Jenny, to agree for Danny to learn. And maybe at some point, simply learning, turned into more on hands learning in some small ways. And Jenny's trust was never betrayed, and Danny always stayed humbled and aware of that.
so, i hope the answer was satisfying, or at least entertaining for you! thank you again, your ask was delightful to read and allowed me to explore some of my own backstory parts for HoM a little bit more!
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poohsources · 10 months
❛  i'm angry at myself!  ❜ ❛  it's easy to do nothing, it's hard to forgive.  ❜ ❛  you miscalculated. i love them more than i fear you.  ❜ ❛  there is nothing wrong with letting the people who love you help you.  ❜ ❛  but now you're not letting yourself feel anything. i know sometimes it hurts more to hope and it hurts more to care. but you have to promise me that you won't stop caring.  ❜ ❛  my own mother thought i was a monster ... she was right of course, but it still hurt.  ❜ ❛  in the darkness, hope is something you give yourself.  ❜ ❛  never forget who you are, for surely the world won't.  ❜ ❛  why am i so bad at being good?  ❜ ❛  it is important to draw wisdom from different places. if you take it from only one place, it becomes rigid and stale.  ❜ ❛  sometimes the best way to solve your own problems is to help someone else.  ❜ ❛  and now you have come to the crossroads of destiny. it's time for you to choose.  ❜ ❛  you may not always see the light at the end of the tunnel, but if you keep moving, you will come to a better place.  ❜ ❛  protection and power are overrated. i think you are very wise to choose happiness and love.  ❜ ❛  get over here, [ name ]. being part of the group also means being part of group hugs.  ❜ ❛  stop! stop it right now! what's wrong with you? we don't have time for fun and games with the war going on.  ❜ ❛  i'm too young to die!  �� ❛  in my country, we exchange a pleasant 'hello' before asking questions.  ❜ ❛  i didn't know what or when, but i knew i'd know it when i knew it!  ❜ ❛  the past can be a great teacher.  ❜ ❛  when we hit our lowest point, we are open to the greatest change.  ❜ ❛  there really is no fathoming the depths of my hatred for this place.  ❜ ❛  failure is only the opportunity to try again, only more wisely this time.  ❜ ❛  i wanted to take out all of my anger on them. but i couldn't. i don't know if it's because i'm too weak ... or if it's because i'm strong enough not to.  ❜ ❛  look [ name ], you're going to fail a lot before things work out. even though you will fail over and over again, you have to try every time. you can't quit because you're afraid you might fail.  ❜ ❛  while it is always best to believe in oneself, a little help from others can be a great blessing.  ❜ ❛  you must never give in to despair. allow yourself to slip down that road, and you surrender to your lowest instincts.  ❜ ❛  if we knew each other back then, do you think we could have been friends too?  ❜ ❛  you know, [ name ], i don't care what anyone else says about you. you're pretty smart.  ❜ ❛  if i try, i fail. if i don't try, i'm never going to get it.  ❜ ❛  let your anger out, and then let it go. forgive him.  ❜ ❛  pride is not the opposite of shame, but rather its source. true humility is the only antidote to shame.  ❜ ❛  life happens wherever you are, whether you make it or not.  ❜ ❛  the greatest illusion of this world is the illusion of separation. things you think are separate and different are actually one and the same.  ❜ ❛  you stand alone. that has always been your greatest weakness.  ❜ ❛  bad skin? normal teenagers worry about bad skin, i don't have that luxury.  ❜ ❛  in my dream, we were right in the middle of the invasion, and you stopped to use the bathroom. we die because of your tiny bladder.  ❜ ❛  you need to find someone who waits and listens before striking.  ❜ ❛  everyone has to be treated like they're worth giving a chance.  ❜ ❛  i don't need luck, though. i don't want it. i've always had to struggle and fight, and that's made me strong. it's made me who i am.  ❜
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becca-e-barnes · 2 years
do you have any pornstar dbf!bucky thots👀
The Video
I've had this thought in my head all damn day and I just needed to write it. I'll link this piece on both my Dad's Best Friend!Bucky master list and the Pornstar!Bucky master list because I don't want to choose.
Consider this the piece I wrote to celebrate my birthday today 💗 here’s to 23 with you lovely folks! 🥂
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Pairing: Pornstar! Dad's Best Friend!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 3K
Summary: You find out what your father’s best friend does for work.
Warnings: Age gap (reader is in her mid 20’s, Bucky is in his late 40’s), vaginal fingering, masturbation, unprotected sex, creampie, size kink, praise kink, mentions of rough pornography, dirty talk, pet names, degradation
Minors, do not interact
Avoiding Bucky had never been your plan, purely because it would’ve been a fucking stupid one.  Realistically, it wouldn’t have been easy to avoid someone who probably spent more time at your house than they did their own.  When he wasn’t at ‘work’, your father’s friend seemed to spend his time at your house, mowing the lawn or polishing your mom’s car or watching some pointless sports game with your dad.
You’d never really questioned what Bucky got up to for work.  You imagined growing up that he must’ve practiced a trade since he was always the one your father called to fix the kitchen sink when it sprung a leak or tinker with the garage door when it became difficult to pull down.
Now that you were fully clued in however, it all made painful sense why Bucky had been so evasive when you had come right out and asked him what he did for work the year before you graduated from college.
“What do you think I do, sweetheart?”  He had asked with a smirk tugging at the corners of his soft, pink lips.
“I have no idea, Buck!  You seem to have as much free time as you like, I just don’t understand how you pay the bills.”  You had mused, sitting in your own garage on a work bench, swinging your legs in front of you, secretly hoping that Bucky would notice just how cute and tiny those shorts you were wearing are.  Unfortunately for you, he didn’t look up from under the bonnet of your dad’s jeep.
“I guess you could say I’m self-employed, angel.  I pick and choose the jobs I want.  I have plenty of offers.”  He tried to keep it as non-descript as possible, dodging the question rather than lying about it.
“I bet you do, you seem good with your hands.”  He could tell by the genuine innocence in your voice that you truly had no idea.  You weren’t leading him to answer one way or another.
He huffed out a laugh as he grabbed the rag beside him, wiping the oil from his hands, muddying the white cloth with the dark residue.  “Oh sweetheart, you have no idea.”
It all made perfect sense now though, scrolling through picture after picture on your phone.  Every drag of your fingertip brought a fresh wave of video thumbnails, each somehow more obscene than the last.  The titles certainly weren’t much better.  
Pictures of beautiful young women flooded your screen.  Some had their makeup thoroughly ruined, mascara tracked down their cheeks and a fucked-out look in their eyes.  Some were on their knees, their hair grabbed into a rough ponytail while they rested the tip of a cock on their tongue.  Some were bent over, evidently ‘trapped’ under their bed with their ass in the air. 
Curiosity got the better of you, after ignoring a warning from your brain that this might be an invasion of Bucky’s privacy.  It was all posted on the internet after all, it’s not like he could keep it a secret forever.  
One video caught your eye, titled ‘James Barnes fucks tight brunette, HUGE cumshot’.  The crude objectification made you wince a little but the short snippet of video that the thumbnail provided you with seemed a little bit gentler than the rest.
Skipping the first few minutes helped you feel like you weren’t too invested.  This was research.  Plain and simple nosiness.  You had no intention of watching this for any purpose other than to see whether Bucky Barnes had perfected his craft or not.
“Shit, that’s it.  So fuckin’ pretty like this.”  The voice from your phone was familiar but so much lower than you’d ever heard it before; so deep, you could only have described it as a growl.
The girl whimpered, almost pathetically.  You couldn’t blame her.  Bucky wasn’t small by any stretch of the imagination and judging by the reaction of the woman he was buried inside, he managed to hit all the spots he needed to.
You’d heard fake moans before.  Hell, you’d made plenty of them yourself.  Enough to know that the woman you were watching wasn’t orchestrating hers for the benefit of the camera.  No, those were real.  Right down to the trembling thighs either side of Bucky’s narrow hips.
“You have no idea how perfect you feel.  Tight and wet and warm.  You take me so fuckin’ well.”  You watched as he slid inside her, painfully slowly.  Admittedly, her body did take him well, letting him sink in until he had nothing left to give.  This poor woman was already looking somewhat blissed out, begging him to fuck her but that’s when you skipped forward to about a minute before the end.  That same woman was now clawing at his muscular back, whimpering and sobbing delightfully while Bucky pounded into her.  He wasn’t holding back in the slightest, letting the same filth tumble from his lips.
“Oh baby, you sound like you can’t take any more.  Are you done?”  He was so condescending, it made your gut tighten with lust, a dull throb settling between your legs but the woman only shook her head.
“Good girl.  God, ’m so close.  You’ll never get enough, will you?  Just a needy fucking slut for me.  Gonna have you all cock obsessed.  Bet you’ll think of me every time you touch that pretty pussy of yours from now on.  You’ll be begging to see me again.”  Bucky sounded wrecked, finishing his sentence with a drawn out, low groan.  Within a couple of seconds, he had pulled out, splashing his seed all over the woman’s tummy, pearlescent spend rolling down her sides and onto the sheets while some pooled on her heaving chest.
Over the next few days, you tried desperately to get what you had seen out of your head.  You tried hard, you really did.  Perhaps it didn’t help that late at night, you found yourself going back to watch more.  Perhaps it also didn’t help that you found your hand drifting under your panties as you watched, taking care of that familiar throb that seemed to turn into an ache when you watched for too long without touching yourself.
Dodging Bucky was simple enough but you knew you couldn’t keep it up forever.  Hiding in your room couldn’t become a hobby just because you found out your father’s best friend, the older man you had been so innocently crushing on, was a porn star.
The first time you bumped into him though, it was game over.  He could tell just from the way you looked at him that something was up, or rather, the way you couldn’t look at him.
“Everything okay, sweetheart?”  He asked, watching you make yourself look busy in the cereal cupboard late one afternoon after he had walked into your kitchen.  You saw him coming and very obviously tried find any excuse that meant you wouldn’t have to talk to him.
“I’m fine, looking for cereal.”  You replied, your head almost buried in the cupboard.
“Well, I hope you find it.  If you can’t see it from there, you’ve got a problem.  I bet your nose is practically touching the box, you’re so deep in there.”  He sounded too damn amused and it only made you more embarrassed.  This really was the last thing you needed.  “Why are you avoiding me, honey?”
There it was.  You were called out.
“I’m not!”  You tried to sound sincere but you weren’t awfully successful; you knew even as you were saying the words that it wasn’t going to fly.
“Mhm, and the fact you saw me coming has nothing to do with how you’re buried shoulder deep in the cereal cupboard?  Don’t think I’m stupid.  I know you’re avoiding me.”  In hindsight, you maybe could’ve handled that a little bit better but now here you were, pulling yourself back out and forcing some painfully awkward eye contact.
“I’ve seen the videos.”  You mumbled, looking away and making yourself busy with your nails.
“Okay.”  He dragged the word out a little, slowing it down and only adding to it’s gravity.  “And?  You’re an adult.  You know what porn is.  Things don’t need to be weird but if you’re uncomfortable having me around, I can leave you alone.”
“No, you don’t have to, I don’t have a problem with it.  It’s all just very… Rough?”  You weren’t really sure this was a conversation you wanted to be having, shame burning in the pit of your stomach because clearly you’d just admitted to watching more than a video or two.
He paused for a second, nodding his head, the couple of light grey hairs at the crown of his head glinting in the light.  “You’re right, sweetheart.  It's a little rough at times.  That’s not my preference, that’s the script I’m given.”
That made sense and somehow settled you just a little.  “So you just stick to the script?”  You quiz, holding eye contact with him again for a few seconds before it got too intense.
“For the most part.  It doesn’t tell me what to say, that’s all up to me.  It just gives me direction.  It’s a running order of the scenes we’ve agreed to shoot.  Most of those videos certainly aren’t a representation of how I would want to fuck if I got the choice.”  His lips were curled in a soft smile, watching you lap this all up.
“A-and how would you want to fuck if you got to choose?”  You couldn’t quite believe you’d said it but apparently you did because the question hung in the air longer than you might have wanted it to.
“Well sweetheart, that depends.  I’d treat a pretty little thing like you a bit differently.  I’d have to be slow with you.  Really ease you into it.  I bet I’d have to spend a lot of time working you up to take me.  I think I’d start by giving you my tongue until I can slip a finger into you.  Then a second finger.  Maybe a third if I think you can manage it.”  He could see the effect this was having on you.  You’d wanted to imagine it while you’d watched his videos but you couldn’t bring yourself to fall into the fantasy.  Now he was dragging you into it.
“Then I’d put you on your hands and knees.  I’d tell you to rub yourself while I press inside you, so slow you’ll be begging me to give you all of me.  And when you’re at that point, ruined and desperate for more, I’ll fuck you nice and slow.  I’ll have you just as addicted as those other girls but with a kinder pleasure.  I’d tell you how beautiful you are and how badly I’ve wanted to kiss every inch of your skin I can.  I’d tell you how gorgeous you look when you cum and how it’s better than I ever imagined.”
God, this was something close to a dream come true.  “I-I’d like that.  That sounds… Nice.”  Words were really failing you, hoping this was a genuine offer and not just some hypothetical situation that would never play out.
“It does sound nice.”  Bucky huffed out a laugh.  “It sounds real fucking nice.  I shouldn’t want my best friend’s daughter cumming around me.  I know I shouldn’t.  I know I think about it far too often but nothing gets me off the way you do.”
Your breath caught in your throat, an embarrassing arousal throbbing its way around your body, settling in the pit of your stomach.  Heat blossomed in your chest, hoping beyond hope that this wasn’t some sick joke.  
“I want that.  But I don’t want you to be too gentle.  I want you to fuck me the way you want to fuck.  Not what you think I need.”  Your confidence almost caught him off guard and he didn’t expect to find it as sexy as he did.
“God, you’re a tease.”  He muttered under his breath, crossing the short space between you both to crash your lips against his.  You could feel the heat of his body against yours, the difference in size almost making you shudder because you’d never felt this small against a partner.
His lips were soft, his hands wandering seemingly everywhere at once and it was so much to take in.  Fuck, it was perfect.  Intense and hungry but not overwhelming.
“Bed, Buck.”  You pant between fervent kisses before he’s grabbed you by the back of the thighs, helping you wrap your legs around his waist so he could carry you to your room. 
You both had your clothes stripped off in a frenzy, not giving much thought to anything other than the way your lips slotted together.  Your bottom lip felt perfectly at home between his teeth, the slight pain of his bite only making you moan.
“You’re such a good girl.”  He whispers, tugging your panties off and groaning when he realises how slick they are already.  “Fuck, I should’ve known how bad you’d need this.  It’s always the ones you least expect.”
His breath feels so hot on your neck, littering the skin with kisses and gentle nibbles, panting tiny groans against you while his fingers slide over your core.
You’re wet and messy, aching with a need you didn’t know you were capable of.  “Oh sweetheart, I could slip right into you.  You’re soaking wet for me.  God, you’re a dream.”
“Buck, please.  I want your tongue later.  P-please just fuck me first.”  You could hardly manage a conhesive thought with the way his fingertips played with your body ever so gently, alternating between rubbing little circles on your clit and teasing your hole with the tips of two fingers, pressing them in just to the first knuckle.
“This is wrong, sweetheart.  So fucking wrong.  I shouldn’t get this fuckin’ excited hearing you beg for my dick but it’s all I’ve wanted for months.”  His voice is just as low as you heard in those videos, dripping with arousal.
“The only thing ‘wrong’ here is the fact you’re not inside me yet.”  You giggle quietly, rolling over and presenting your ass to him, exactly how he had described earlier.  
Whatever self-control he had was gone.  Long gone.  The sight of you offering your slick, hot core was more than enough to ruin him but the way you watched him over your shoulder with an excited smile almost had him trembling with need.
“This is wrong.”  He whispered, lining the tip of his dick up with your entrance, grunting at the feeling of the wet heat.
“So wrong.”  You repeated quietly.  “S-so fucking wrong.  We shouldn’t be doing this.”  You were breathless already, pressing yourself back until his tip had just slipped inside you.  “We shouldn’t need this as badly as we do.”
Bucky’s groan was beautiful, watching as you shifted yourself back to allow the rest of his length to slide slowly into you.
“You know damn well what you’re doing to me.”  He sighed, looking away from the sight of his thick length gliding home.  “Play with yourself.  I won’t last long this time sweetheart but trust me, I’ve got all night with you.”  
You’d never seen him this wrecked so early on in any of his videos so you did as you were told, letting two fingers circle your clit the way you often did when you watched him slide into those other women.  
You heard him take a deep breath, pulling back out as far as possible without slipping out before pressing back in again, dragging a soft groan from both of you.  This was everything you’d both longed for and more.
His huge hands squeezed the cheeks of your ass, admiring the how soft and plush it felt under his touch, dragging himself back out only to press back in, earning another groan.
You could’ve taken this forever, enjoying the way his tip nudged that delicate spot inside you while your fingers worked exactly how you like them to.  This was bliss in its truest form.  This was the passion you had craved, the gentle touches and soft praises but accompanied by an all-consuming pleasure.
“Faster Bucky, please.”  You whined and hell, you looked like a goddess, fallen forward onto the bed, so consumed by sensations that you wanted to have no control over and he could recognise that so clearly.
“Tell me you need me.”  He panted, speeding up his thrusts, letting each one land beautifully before forcing himself momentarily from the heat of your body once more.
“Oh God, I need you.  I need you, Bucky.  I need you to fuck me faster.  Fuck me harder.  It feels so good.  I’m gonna cum for you, I just need more.”  You couldn’t help but sob, drowning in the litany of groans and curses falling from the older man lips.
Your fingers worked faster, in time with the thrusts you were receiving until it all come crumbling down around you.  The knot in your tummy tightened unbearably, your heart pounding as the sensation took over entirely.  It was a perfect release, your body clenching and tightening rhythmically while you sobbed the ecstasy into the pillow under your head.
“Oh good girl, that’s it.  Cum nice ‘n hard.  O-oh God.”  You vaguely registered Bucky coaching you through your orgasm before reaching his own but unlike any of his videos, he didn’t pull out.  He stayed buried inside you, pressed as deep as he could go.  You felt the weight of his seed inside you, the position allowing it to drip deeper, pooling at your cervix and the thought alone made you shudder.
“My God, that was…. Wow.”  He laughed, kissing down your spine before pulling out and flopping onto the bed beside you.  
“Yeah… Wow.”  You giggled, kissing his cheek and curling up against him, not really worried that you were both a little sweaty.  
“I meant it though.  I’ll be gentle with you later.  I’ll take my time with you.  I just needed that.”  He kissed your forehead, running a hand down your back and damn, he certainly wouldn’t hear you complaining.
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mxlktxa · 11 months
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ᴘᴀɪʀɪɴɢ: ᴄᴇʟᴇʙ!ᴇʟʟɪᴇ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ x ꜰ!ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ; ᴇʟʟɪᴇ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ*, ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, ɪɴᴛᴇʀᴠɪᴇᴡᴇʀꜱ
ᴄᴡ; ɪɴᴠᴀꜱɪᴠᴇ Qᴜᴇꜱᴛɪᴏɴꜱ, ʟᴀɴɢᴜᴀɢᴇ, ꜱᴛʀᴀᴘ-ᴏɴ ᴜꜱᴇ (ʀ ʀᴇᴄᴇɪᴠɪɴɢ), ᴛᴇᴀꜱɪɴɢ/ᴘʀᴀɪꜱɪɴɢ, ɴɪᴄᴋɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ/ᴘᴇᴛ ɴᴀᴍᴇꜱ
ᴡᴄ; 1.1ᴋ ᴡᴏʀᴅꜱ, 6.0ᴋ ᴄʜᴀʀᴀᴄᴛᴇʀꜱ
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‘Famous singer/songwriter and artist, Ellie Williams seen with famous actress and singer/songwriter Y/N’
‘Songwriter Ellie Williams, leaving the studio with Y/N? Is this the internet's new favorite couple?’
“So, as you know, we’ve seen some things about you and Y/N. Is there anything you’d like to share about the two of you with your fans?”
“I wish there was something to share. We’re just good friends. I’m just trying to see if I actually want to get into the acting industry. She’s my—, like… I don’t know, she’s my decoy. My practice, if you wanna put it like that.”
“Look, we know this isn’t a very appropriate question and it’s been asked a lot. Y’all are fuckin’?”
“C’mon, Ellie! You and Y/N, of course! We gotta know. Give us the scoop, man.”
“Jesus, no. I’ve got my eyes set on somebody else anyways, she’s just a good friend.”
“You two, Y/N and you, have been spotted together a whole bunch lately. Is there any reason or coincidence to it?”
“I mean, no. Other than just she brings me with her to check out what the acting industry is really like. It’s… It’s crazy, honestly. Props to her for having the courage for that, she’s a fucking… She’s super fucking strong.”
Blah, blah, fucking-blah. I hated all these stupid fucking articles and interviews with the same dumbass questions. Why did people have to know my relationship status with someone else? Why did they care so much? Why is it a problem for people who don’t know either of us? Just let us live our fucking lives, good-fucking-god. Can I just live my life the way that I want to without being harassed about my love life?
Y/N and I had met at an award ceremony, both fairly new to the respective careers we had gotten ourselves into. We were both assigned to open the show and also seated next to each other. She's such a lovely girl, super chill and respectful. She also minds her business when she's supposed to and never bothers anyone. But her fanbase? I don't know how or why she deals with any of the men she's attracted, but good on her.
I couldn't even be mad at the people asking such invasive questions because here I was, in a hotel room with her, burying my strap deep into her, face contorting into such a wonderful face that I needed to be engraved into my mind. She was so sweet and delicate, a wonderful view to just gaze upon. She sat on my lap as I used my hands to guide her hips down and push my hips up into her. The drool slipping from her lips, hanging from the corner let me know just how much she was really enjoying our time together.
"Fuck, Ellie, I can't do this anymore, I can't take it," a rich whimper came from the gorgeous figure above me, hands gripping onto my shoulders like crazy. A smirk grazed my face as her teary eyes came to meet mine, begging for us to come to an end. I couldn't help but lift her ever-so-slightly so she would offer me yet another cry from those beautiful lips of hers.
I couldn't respond to her. No way, no how. I tilted my head to glance down at the mess she was making on my lap, chuckling at how crazy it was. One hand slid up to her slightly parted lips, thumb slipping in to press down on her tongue. Those lovely moans were now muffled, hips grinding on mine to create that friction she had loved so dearly, starting to now shake at the euphoric sensation she had been receiving for the past hour and a half.
"Oh, but you're taking me so well, princess. How many times have you finished, hm? It's a fucking disaster down there, y'know."
As much as she wanted to respond to me, we both knew she couldn't. She was sucking on my thumb at this point, those delicious sobs still detectable. Chuckling at her attempts, my arms wrapped around her waist as I shoved my face into her chest to lick from her sternum to just below her neck while my thumb had left her oral cavity.
"You're so cruel, Els."
"I'm cruel? You really think so?"
"Mhm. I can't take this. It's too much, I'm so shaky."
She was not kidding about that. She was shaking like a little chihuahua, holding onto me for dear life. I hummed at her situation, peeling away so sluggishly.
"My sweet girl," I whispered, "I'll let you lay down next time. I promise."
"You said that last time and had me against a wall for a full forty-five minutes."
"You looked so angelic. What was I supposed to do? Give you what you want?"
"Yes!" She pouted, though there was a slight smile in that pout she gave me. I shook my head at her, helping her up from my lap as she tried not to fall over and eat shit. I should really give her a break but... She's all good. I know she is.
“I wish we didn’t have to hide this shit anymore,” her face rose up only to hide in the crook of my neck, sighing softly as she ran her hands up and down my arm, “if only people could mind their own fucking business.”
“We could always just say fuck it and go public. I don’t care anymore, they already know.”
Y/N’s eyes popped up, all wide and happy, a lovely smile taking over the pout I knew she had set up just seconds ago. I nodded to her, sitting her in the chair I was in, grabbing her a damp rag and her clothes that had been dumped on the bed.
“But that’s only if you’re willing to answer some questions people ask.”
“I don’t care. As long as you’re okay with it then I am too.”
Shrugging, I cleaned her up, taking my time when I came to run the rag over her still hardened nipples and her cunt which still was glistening in the dim lights. Her chuckle brought me back to looking at her, speeding up the process before kissing her forehead.
“So,” I chuckled, “that song we recorded is getting released at midnight and you are going on tour with me. You think that’s enough confirmation from the both of us?”
“Oh definitely. If they need more, sucks to be them.”
“Okay, fair enough.”
“What are we gonna do? Put out a sex tape?”
“I mean…” I smirked softly, glancing at our phones on the bed, “we—,”
“Shut up, Ellie,” a giggle cut me off while her hand beckoned me over, “you get an hour and a half. Go crazy,” her legs spread open, the heaven’s calling my name as I stared down at her glistening core.
“You know me so well.”
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runawaymarbles · 4 months
I saw one of those "it's weird that people always want to know about baby's genitals right away" posts and so I am here to give you a secret about polite human interaction:
most people do not actually care.
It's just that when someone says they're pregnant, it's incredibly rude to be indifferent. They're pregnant! it's a big deal! so you have to ask follow up questions to indicate interest.
HOWEVER, most questions are rude! "C-Section or vag?" invasive as hell. "Hospital or home birth?" a little less invasive but can be a touchy subject for people. Questions about how they're going to raise it are premature and rude. So that basically leaves you
OMG congratulations, when are you due????? (always safe.)
Did you find out the gender??? (they either know, are planning a gender reveal, or are waiting for it to be a surprise. People will usually elaborate on this choice.)
That's so exciting, have you picked out a name yet?? (Riskier than the first two because sometimes people will be not sharing and tired of people asking. But still pretty safe. They'll usually tell you whether it's a secret or not. Sometimes they'll elaborate. Sometimes they'll ask for suggestions. This is my time to shine I fuckin love baby names.)
Now granted some people really do care about gender and those people can get weird. But the person you're chatting with in the doctor's office waiting room, your brother's friend's girlfriend, and that type? Don't actually care about the gender, they just want to show you that they are excited for you, or at least aware of the social expectations.
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sophie-frm-mars · 1 month
Hi, ex-supporter here. Genuinely hope you’re doing well. I have been tempted to start up my support again because you genuinely are a talented writer/creator and I do enjoy your work.
I hope you understand supporting your Patreon is somewhat fraught. Your private life should be none of our business, but sadly it is relevant here. Moral action, both private and political is central to your work; you have called out plenty of people for abuse & morality drives your politics. We know abuse took place on your end, but that’s all.
A lot of people like myself might be emotionally rooting for you to bounce back from this, but are unable to support you right now because that moral dissonance has not been resolved. We really don’t know if you are like other ‘cancelled’ leftist influencers and just use leftist values to deflect attention away from abuse, or you are actually trying to do better and working on yourself.
You don’t owe us anything. However, many of us who are eager to support you are forced to hold back because trust has been damaged, and there has not been any real sign of reparation or reconciliation. Maybe you think those kind of questions are invasive, maybe you don’t think we are real fans for not sticking by you despite the allegations.
I don’t know, I just want you to know that there are plenty of people who do want to support you, but feel they need to trust you first. And that can’t happen without addressing some things.
Anyways, best wishes. Take care.
Hiya, thank you for speaking to me on this.
Before I say the rest of what I say I want to be clear that between me and the people I was involved with in 2023, there were some instances where I was responsible for harm, there were instances where I received harm and there was also a general pervasive ecosystem of harmful behaviours in the community I was in. This includes people who signed the statement against me, and in one instance one of them did something which everyone to whom I have described it has agreed is sexual assault, though there is more besides.
For the time being I'm not talking publicly more about what happened because it was a very messy situation, and although I have been seriously harmed by issues in my personal life being litigated in public in this way, I don't want to give my full account of my relationships with everyone involved because I don't want that type of harm to be done to other trans women. There are plenty of complicating factors as there often are in real life that social media isn't really capable of parsing. I have made it clear repeatedly that I am open to hearing anything that people involved want to say to me, and I talked in this post in January about that and about what I would be doing to ensure that I put in the work and make sure I don't cause harm like it again
I think that that post says everything I would like to say for now, although I regret saying I agree that my behaviour was abusive, because with more distance and perspective I don't think abusive behaviour was actually described to me.
As I understand it via the support that my therapist and friends have offered, my problems in 2023 were that: I wasn't taking my mental health seriously, I didn't learn good kink practice, I had very little appreciation of my own boundaries and when I shouldn't be doing something that someone asks me to do, and I was high basically all the time. I am in therapy and doing DBT and taking my mental health deadly seriously, I have done a huge amount of reading assigned by my therapist about kink, sex, relationships and mental health, I am working in an ongoing way on learning how to effectively communicate, know my boundaries and understand myself well enough to not be in the kinds of situations that risk harm, and I'm no longer high all the time.
(If anyone is interested in those book recs, so far I've read: Tomorrow Sex Will Be Good Again by Katherine Angel; The Right To Sex by Amia Srinivasan; Screw Consent (I hate this edgy title) by Joseph Fischel; Playing Well With Others; The Loving Dominant by John and Libby Warren; I Hope We Choose Love by Kai Cheng Thom; The New Topping Book by Dossie Easton and Janet W Hardy; and Dissociation Made Simple by Jamie Marich. There have been some others, and I've written a bit about them in the book club channel on my discord as I've been reading)
I haven't heard from the people involved. The last I heard from anyone was one of my exes calling me a pathological liar and saying that they just want to move on with their lives, so while I'm doing the work to make sure I act better in future I am just trying to get on with my life and let them get on with theirs. I hope this clarifies why I have not talked further about the situation.
I will say that the last few months have been hellish for me. I have been frequently suicidal, I spent Christmas and new years alone, I lost a tooth because I couldn't afford proper dental treatment, people from within the community I've been ostracised from have been putting pressure on my remaining friends to cut ties with me, Keffals had my abuser on her twitch stream, a bizarre exaggerated and monsterised version of my personal life has been publicly gossiped about by trans people, fash and "leftist" drama streamers alike, I have been doing other work to make sure I can still pay rent and afford my bills and my HRT, and to survive. As I've been getting more stable and more able to focus on things besides this, I've been working on new writing because all I want with regard to my work and my channel is for my writing to help people. I don't want to talk about my private life, but I do understand that some number of people will feel after what has been said about me that they can't move forward with me without hearing the full details. Lots of people in my life have repeatedly encouraged me to publish a full account of everything that happened but I know how the Internet works and I don't want other trans women to be harmed in the ways that I have been harmed.
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redamoureux · 6 months
hi!! could u write yandere scout <3 prompt is all yours 🫶 love u
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Yandere Red/Blu Scout headcanons/short
↳ content warning: yandere themes, some fluffs? obsessive behaviour, posessive behaviour, implied invasion of privacy and cloth stealing, implied future forced relationship, ooc?, not proofread
↳ genre: romantic
↳ a/n: Hi! Sorry this took pretty long, didn't have much time and motivation to write so i wss just able to write it just and it's sorta crappy :")
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It was long ago, Jeremy first met you when he was on yet another run from his brothers and wasn't paying attention where he was going, causing him to bump into you and throwing the both of you onto the ground.
He'd hastily help you up and picking all the things you had dropped and hurriedly saying sorry before running off. You could only gawk slightly before snapping out of it and continuing with your day.
After weeks, you had almost completely forgotten about the encounter until the day you finally met your roomate. And it was that boy again! He seem also surprised meeting you aswell making your first introduction bit awkward but eventually you both melt into a good long conversation. You two quickly became good friends and you'd often help him with his assigments he couldn't do. At times he'd get bit embarassed and tried to repay you with a box of pizza in return.
When you're working on some project, he'd be a little stubborn and try to persuade you to join him instead for the evening to go hang with his other friends, though you'd often decline.
Sometimes he'd also borrow your jacket with the excuse his is on the laundry. Or even using some of your stationary and more often than not even forgets to give it back, so you'd always have to remind him.
Though once you lost your jacket, jeremy was quick to give you the biggest puppy eyes he could do and convice you that you'd probably forgotten it somewhere when you just asked if he knew where it is-
Jeremy would definitely take you on various 'hangouts' (it's really is a date but he's too embarassed and bit shy to tell you at the time) like watching a drive in romantic movie or trying to share the same milkshake with you. He'd even put his arm around your shoulder, you didn't think much of it, but his heart is thumping real hard.
As time went on however, you notice he was slowing stopping and skipping his classes. It was abit subtle at first, telling you that he was simply feeling unwell. Though overtime, he began skipping whole one, two and so on. Soon you'd hear several rumors from other students that he'd drop out. You feel a little saddend, his disapperance was so sudden! And when you returned back to your dorm, most of his stuffs were missing, save for the few insignificant things here and there. You were baffled and wished he could've said a goodbye but you finally accepted it and went to try moving on. Mysteriously though, some of your belongings seem to be gone too, and you can seem to find them anywhere.
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Years passed and today you're going to finally start your first day of your job. You felt little nervous as you walk down the hall. after all you are still quite unexperienced. And hearing about the guys you're going to be working with from your contractor doesn't make it any much better. They said some of them were rude, easily hostile and even insane. Or dumb. You tried reassure yourself, it couldn't possibly be that bad. Your contractor is probably just exaggerating bit too much, you thought as you open the door.
Seconds after that you heard an audible gasp and fast footsteps, before you know it, hands yanked you closer to the person's body and giving you the tighest hug ever. "Ohh babe! I thought i'd never see you again!" Said the man- and you instantlu regonized that voice. Even after years, his voice still hasn't changed much. You pulled back a little, flabbergasted. "Jeremy??" You questioned. He finally let go of you saying, "Hm? Yeah sweetheart? Ohh don't say you'd almost forgotten me there!" He exclaimed as if he had not just suddenly disappeared years and just went back from playing the arcade he usually hang out in. "What are you doing here?-"
"Ttthat's a question i should be asking, Why are you here? Didn't you finally got your dream job? But anyway, i'm just happy that you're here!" He replied. You let out a sad sigh at that, "well yea-i mean no.. it's pretty complicated."
"Hey hey don't be upset. Sorry, i really didn't mean to ruin the mood. So listen, how 'bout we get some milkshakes huh? I'll pay for the both of us!" Jeremy declared. You thought for a second. "That.. would be great. Thanks jeremy." "Just call me scout, sweetie. That name is for the old me." He half joked. After all, his old self is just so stupid and childish for letting you go and even upsetting you for not even saying a goodbye or even able to confess before leaving. Well, don't worry now. He's new now. He would finally confess his habored feelings and he'll never be stupid enough again to ever say goodbye, ever.
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💙Future Leonardo Guide🐢
(updated 06.04.2023 - release!)
A guide to my future Leonardo desktop ghost! You can learn more get this boy on your computer here!
This post is for people who want to learn more about how Leonardo works. You can jump in and experience it all yourself, but if you feel like things are not going anywhere, this will be a kind-of-a-walkthrough to unlock all of the content you can for him
Such as that, ⚠this post contains spoilers for Leonardo Ghost's features⚠ I recommend playing around with him a few times yourself before diving into this
💙Info under the cut💙
Leonardo's mood resets every time you boot him up, and increases and decreases depending on your actions.
You can see his current mood in your stats list
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His mood actually slightly raises with every minute he's booted, and there's only a few ways to bring it down. So, you don't have to really worry about it.
🟢You can bring Leo's mood up by (in order from the most to least):
Asking him questions about himself, Michelangelo, April or Casey Jr for the first time since you booted him (essentially asking how they've been doing) (big boost)
Giving him things (big boost)
Giving him a compliment, or ask about puns, Casey Jr, Michelangelo or April (a bit)
Ask him about himself, the past, his powers and the other people (slightly)
🔴And his mood decreases if you:
Ask him about how he lost his arm (a lot)
Ask him about Raphael, Donatello or Splinter (quite a bit)
Ask him about the invasion, resistance, (slightly)
◾If you ask about Splinter and Leo replies with a random Lou Jitsu movie, you can say 'what a classic' and it will cancel out mood decrease
There is also a couple of events where Leo will feel distressed, and his mood will automatically go down.
Leo having a bad mood will impact your ability to ask him questions, give him things, and his idle and patting dialogue. Good mood will unlock more idle dialogue.
The more you interact with Leo, the more he grows to trust you. The more he trusts you, the more dialogue options unlock.
You can see the current state of it in your stats list
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🟢You can improve your friendship level by (no particular order):
Asking about himself, puns, the past, Michelangelo, April and Casey Jr
Petting his head
Give him compliments and things
Calling Lou Jitsu movie a classic if you asked him about Splinter
🔴There's not a lot of way to disappoint him (for now, anywa), but it will decreases if you:
Ask about Raphael, Donatello or Splinter before a certain point of trust
Ask how he lost his arm (not simply about his arm)
🎇Friendship unlockables🎇
Most of the things are unlockable with your friendship level, and here's a more straightforward list for those who want to see what you unlock with each level described in the status menu:
◾'He's getting a read on you' - new line if you ask him about yourself
◾'He think you are alright' - when you ask about his arm you might get an option to ask what happened to it. You can certainly try.
◾'He thinks you are cool' - unlocks new dialogue when you ask about April, new idle dialogue, new line if you ask him about yourself
◾'He calls you his friend' - unlocks new Raphael, Donatello and Splinter dialogue (and it doesn't negatively impact your friendship level anymore). Halfway through this level you also unlock the possibility of Leo opening up about Splinter
◾'He completely trusts you' - unlocks new dialogue when you ask about Michelangelo, as well as the possibility of Leo opening up about what happened to Raphael and, a bit more into the level, Donatello
◼ There's a few bonus lines sprinkled around that unlock at the high friendship level
One for when you ask about Raphael post-reveal, Donatello post-reveal, Michelangelo, April,
Three when you ask about Casey Jr
✨Raphael, Donatello, Splinter✨
So... you wish to know what happened to Raph, Donnie and Splinter. And Leo can tell you. And I'll tell you how.
◾ You need to reach a certain friend level. You can find out which one in the above section
◾ After you reach the 'he calls you his friend' level, you need to ask about them at least five times (if you want to know about Raph, you ask about him five times, at any point after you reached that level. Same thing for others)
◾If you met the requirements above, you can ask Leo for idle dialogue, or it will come up by its own if you don't have his talk rate turned to not talking. At some point he should get sad, and you get the prompt where you can ask him if he's doing alright. If you ask him, the reveal should start
◼ You can unlock those separately - earliest being what happened to Splinter.
◼ You don't have to do them in order of unlockability, so if you meet requirements for more than one reveal he will tell them in a random order
◼ If you don't ask him if he's alright when the prompt comes up, or he doesn't finish the whole story after the event triggers, it will trigger again later from the beginning
🎇Post-reveal unlockables🎇
After you find out what happened to the character, Leo will actually answer your questions when you ask about them! Woo! His mood still goes down when you do so, but not by much.
◾ For Splinter, when asking about him you can get the option to ask Leo to stop telling you Lou Jitsu movie names. No matter what you choose, the option to turn it on or off will be added to the stats menu
Leo is not very excited about being pet on the head like a kid by someone he just met, but, as the time goes on, he can warm up to it. Tired old man do be craving affection...
You can unlock new petting dialogue:
After first 20 pets - less surprised, but still on edge
After 100 pets - accepts his fate. And the pets.
◾ If he's in a bad mood, he will get way more snappy about them.
◾ There's one special pet he just says 'Nice' to. Guess which one.
◾ Certain number of pets unlock new idle dialogue
✨Other things✨
A couple of other unlockable things that did not fit in the sections above
◽ Things like giving Leo a pizza or asking about his day for the first time actually don't reset daily. They reset with each time you boot him up. Well, for all you know, it's been a whole day for him in the time it took for you to close and open SSP again!
◽Most of the lines in 'ask about yourself' are unlock with the things I've mentioned above, but I didn't mention them there because there's quite a few of them, and they unlock with different things - mood, friendship level or number of pets.
◽If you've not been good about entering your name... Leo will know. And he will remember. There is a couple of lines that unlock if you do so, but... do you want him to judge you?
◽ He has different dialogue if you close Leo after he's been on your screen for less than 5 minutes, but you may not want to see what it is
✨And that's about it! If you still have any questions, want to report a bug or a mistake, have a suggestion or want to share an opinion, my ask box is open here, or over at my main blog @venelona! Thank you for checking my boy, I worked quite hard on this and would appreciate a word 💖
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beskarinhyperspace · 7 months
A Ripple In Space
I want to do that with you, all of you.
More Chapters | MASTERLIST
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5. Prejudice
*Mature, Explicit, NSFW*
Kylo Ren x fem.reader
*Canon Divergence, angst, soft dom, hurt/comfort, NSFW, touch starved kylo, Soft claiming
WC 3.9k 
A/N; Tysm for the love and support guys! Hope you enjoy xx
As you follow him on your way to his quarters you stay on guard. Even through the distance, you can feel how tense he was. Kylo was known for being unpredictable and violent, but this felt different. Even though he appeared calm and collected, you could feel his anger in the crinkling of his leather gloves. Afraid it overflowed to a point of no return.  
Once inside he kept his back to you. Standing still between the living room and dining table. You start to feel nauseous from his lack of words. Wondering what he's thinking about. What will he do about you or worse, to you. To be totally honest with yourself, you didn't want to stay to find out. Remaining silent, you slowly and carefully walk backwards towards the entrance. Kylo, sensing you moving and knowing exactly what you're trying to do, turns around quickly. Extending his hand towards you. From across the room, you could feel the pressure compressing your waist tighter and tighter.  
Within a blink of an eye, he comes rushing to you. Instinctively, you close your eyes shut expecting the worst but instead he brings his other hand a few inches away from your forehead. Before you could even understand what was going on, memories start flashing in front of your eyes as you sense a tight pressure around your skull. He's reading your mind again and you're trying your hardest to keep him out before he stops on Henry. The way he makes you smile when he looks at you. How excited you were seeing him after your time apart, his hand softly touching yours.. He stops abruptly, taking a few steps back himself. In a quick motion he removed his helmet, staring down. He looked scared, confused? But you didn't give a fuck.  
The fear was morphing into rage, “THOSE ARE MY THOUGHTS! You can't keep forcing yourself into my head!” 
Still disoriented, he blinks a couple times before looking at you. “I think you forgot where you are sweetheart, who is he to you?” He asks calmly but you refuse to respond. Still holding your head to the painful invasion. “I said, who is he to you?” His tone becoming darker, ordering you. 
After a moment you reply voice low, “a friend.” 
 “Liar.” he exclaimed with disdain. “You’re just a poor pathetic girl, coming from a place no one cares about!” His harsh words coming purely from anger leaves a ball in your throat. “He clearly wants you and you can't say no, now can you..” His eyes were intensely daring you to deny his statement. 
You don't want to bend but you're also so hurt by the way he's treating you. As if the way he previously kissed and touched you, didn't mean a thing. You have opened yourself to him in a way you never did before. You were pained but not surprised. Maybe you were right after all. You shouldn't have trusted him to begin with. A heavy weight settles upon your chest. “You're just a cruel man who doesn't care about anything or anyone but himself. And you know what? I do enjoy his presence. At least he's a gentleman, unlike you Ben..” Even you could hear the bitterness in your tone floating in the open. 
Stunned, he stares at you with his lips parted and eyes full of questions, “What did you say?”  
Uncertain of what's happening, you raise a brow “I said he's a gentleman.”  
“No, my name. Where have you heard it?” 
“I-“ you don't know how to respond. You can't exactly say that your new friends told you. Now you'd be really trapped here forever.. 
“What else have you also learned about me?” 
Panicked, you reply trying to stop your voice from showing your nervousness, “Nothing, I heard it in the cafeteria one day, I think. Trust me, I know nothing else I swear.” 
“Trust? What do you know about trust mh? The second I turned my back you go to this low life soldier”  
“You lied to me.” 
Now he's the one raising an eyebrow, “lied?” 
 “Yes, you lied.”  
“About what, mh? Tell me what did I lied to you about?” He looked so sure of himself. Making you doubt your accusation.  
“Um, that I was your first-” you say extremely low. 
He chuckles, “What?” 
“Yes, when we–” You stop yourself. Being afraid of speaking more than you should. Finding the situation apparently amusing, he crosses his arms, waiting with a smirk for you to finish your sentence. Ugh, does he really need to be like this right now? With hesitation, you let out a soft sigh, “You said that I was your first.. touch. That can't possibly be true.” 
Keeping his eyes on you, he begins to walk in your direction. “Why don't you believe it?” 
Suddenly, you feel anxious again. Regretting the words you said starting this awful conversation. “How can someone like you never.. I mean, you literally can take whatever you want.” 
He stares at you with frowning brows, almost surprised by your perception of him. “You really think I would force myself on a woman? Do you really think that low of me?” He sounds hurt, “I trained all my life. Personal relations are a distraction.”  
“You could've paid for it.” 
He chuckles, “What?” 
“Yeah, some people pay for this type of service.” 
He plays awkwardly with the end of your hair. “Well, I'm not some people..” 
“Then why me? I'm simply a poor girl coming from nowhere like you enjoy reminding me.” Saying to him cold. 
The amusement in Kylo's face quickly vanishes. “I shouldn't have said that.”  
“Yeah, well I know you also regret giving me more freedom by letting me stay in your quarters. You made it perfectly clear that you don’t trust me. You know you can send me back to my cell whenever you want right?” 
He pursed his lips, ”Is that what you want?” He takes a deep breath, “I regret nothing, and I have no desire to send you back either. I never lied to you, and I don’t intend on starting now. You can trust me when I say that you are safe here.” Saying as he still toying with your hair, wrapping stands of it around his gloved fingers. “Actually, you’re the one who lied to me. From your memories, I saw that I wasn't your first?” Your eyes widen to his words before he asks, “Who was he?” 
The truth is you didn't want to talk about him. He was a bad distant memory and you never really talked about him to anyone but your sister. But you also don't want to lie, now knowing that he can find the truth himself. But mainly because he was so transparent. You never would’ve thought that Kylo Ren could be this honest with anyone. Especially not to someone like you. So, you decide to take a page from Kylo’s book and try to be as open as he is. “He was a boy from my planet. Everyone in village kept saying how good of a man he was and that we would be good together. He would always come into my shop, asking me out and so, one day I did. Before I knew it, we started to go out. A few months after, he had to move away. We slept together a couple–“ you raise your eyes to meet Kylo's. “Anyway, I don't remember much of it. It's not important.” 
He stays still, wondering where to go from here. He wanted to know more but he also knew how uncomfortable you were. Again, his curiosity takes over as he asks, “Did you had feelings for him?” 
Shocked by his intrusive question you step back, “How can you say that?” 
“You didn't answer my questio—” 
“–Well, that's because it's a rude question, it's personal.” 
“I'll take it as a no.” He fills the gap between you, lifting your jaw up to him, “How about your friend? Do you have feelings for him?” 
“Henry? No.” 
“Are you sure?” His eyes, searching yours for the truth. 
“Yes..” saying firmly, rolling your eyes. 
He brings his face closer, lips almost kissing you, “And me? Do you like being with me?” You don't answer as you're searching for the answer yourself. “Please, answer me..” 
“No, what?” 
You bring yourself even closer to his lips, knowing how dangerous this game is about to get. “I love it” 
Relieved, a smile appears at the corner of his lips. “Remember when you said anything I wanted?” You swallow hard, knowing exactly what he's talking about as he passes a finger on your hip making your body go stiff. “I've waited for what felt like an eternity to be this close to you again. And ever since I came back, you seem to always slip through my fingers. I guess what I'm trying to say is that, I really need to kiss you.” His lips now lightly brushing yours. “Right now.”  
You want to response but all you could manage to do was nod. He doesn't waste a second taking you fully in his mouth. His kiss is passionately filled with lust. “You need to stop kissing me like you mean it.” 
“That's because I do mean it.” Kylo's eyes were becoming more intense. Staring at you like you were the only thing in this galaxy that could quench his thirst.  
With a single motion he lifts you off the floor. Bringing your legs around his hips before moving to his bedroom. A trick that he seems to be really enjoying these days. He drops you slowly on his bed. Placing both of his hands on each side of your head, kissing you freely as he's hovering you. His soft tongue caresses yours sweetly. Even his spit tasted like desperation. He stops a moment trying to catch his breath, “Is this, okay?“ You don't let him finish as you start to remove his thick belt, quickly throwing it on the floor. Moving to unbutton his jacket and he helps you by undoing the top ones. Before he could remove the last, you pull him by the neck.  
He can't help but smile at your impatience. How did he get so lucky? He wondered. The only girl that had managed to capture his attention wanted him too. He can't remember the last time he felt this good. It seemed so long ago.  
Now free of his jacket, you can finally feel his warmth and scent. You move your hands under his shirt, caressing his strong and chiseled chest. Resting your palm in the middle of it, you can feel his heart beating against your skin. He doesn't stop kissing you as he moves his underneath yours as well. Covering and squeezing your entire breast with his hand. 
“You're so beautiful” he breathes softly. 
All you could do was smile as he brought himself lower, pulling your shirt over your head. You begin to feel nervous. Even if you had done it with him before, this was different. You cared about him. What happens after this? Is this just temporary?  
After a moment of kissing your chest, he noticed your mind slowly drifting away. “Hey, we can stop if you don't want to.” 
“I want to do that with you, all of you.”  
Surprised you search for your words, “I-I’m sorry. I just like you a lot and-” 
“A lot huh?” Asking with a smirk. “Can you define a lot?” 
 “Enough to make me nervous..”  
“Well, I am too, plus you clearly have more experience than me..” He says in a teasing tone. 
You gasp, eyes wide open as you hit him on the shoulder, “not fair!” 
“You're right, I'm sorry.” Bringing himself back to you. Kissing your jaw and neck delicately. Wanting desperately to go back to his important business, “Does it mean that you feel for me Hyal?” 
And then you sense it again, that magnetic attraction towards him. If he was so wrong for you, why does this feel so right? This is the connection you've been searching for your whole life. This intimacy, this vulnerability. There was something alluring about Kylo, and definitely something to love about Ben. The duality in him was intoxicating and you wouldn't have it any other way. Tilting your head away, you make room for him to do whatever he wants to. “What if I say yes?” You respond softly. 
You can feel his lips curl against your skin. “Then I would say that also feel the same..” as he answers, he passes his tongue flat along the side of your neck. Feeling the warmth going straight in between your legs as you let out some soft whimpers. Letting him know that you want it too. 
He grunts low hearing you make noise for him. Moving his kisses rapidly back to your chest. After detaching your bras, he takes a moment admiring your tits. Holding them in his hands gently before grabbing one with his mouth. Taking his time sucking on it. Switching between them while twirling the tip of his tongue around your hardened nipples. “Oh Ben, that feels so good” 
He smiles, seeing you enjoy his touch. Which only makes him hornier as he starts to rub his hard cock on your pussy over the fabric. Licking them a few more times before moving down the bed. He removes your bottoms completely before placing himself in between your legs.  
You sense his breathing followed by a soft pillowy push on your clit. Did he just kiss my pussy? As if he could hear your thoughts, he brushed his tongue gently over it. You finally relax as Kylo grabs your legs going in fully. Tasting and licking you in between your folds. He's becoming famished, watching you moan and twitch for him. He loved the view he got down there. Your body twisting with each stroke. Only giving you short breaks to calm down a bit before going back in. This time putting his tongue inside you as he uses his thumb to circle your slippery clit.  
The sensation becoming unbearable, “This is torture..” You say desperately in between your exhausted moans. 
Which only makes him want it more. “I'm sorry Hyal, I just love watching you..” He lets you rest briefly as he removes the rest of his clothes. The truth was that you were exiting him too much. All of this was new to him, and it was truly overwhelming. Afraid to cum first, he wanted you to enjoy as much as you could possibly handle. Knowing that once you're on edge he wouldn't have to hold back too long. Plus he just loved staring at you in total heat for him as you wait patiently for his cock. Coming back to you, he rubs his thick tip in between your folds, “No matter with who you are, no matter where, I want you to know and remember that your true place is with me.” He says, pushing the tip of his cock in and out, teasing your entrance. You were starting to feel overwhelmed by the sensation, desperate to cum. But he was enjoying seeing you come undone for him. “And mine, with you” he follows, now pushing in fully.  
You gasp, inhaling sharply, still not familiar with his thickness and length filling you in this quickly. He grinds slowly, giving you time to adjust as he admires you from above. Holding your legs up to his chest as he goes in deeper. Moving gently by fear of hurting you. You were quite small compared to him and he was always afraid to crush you. Although as soon as he hears your begging moans he starts moving faster. Your juices were fully coating him and overspilling on the sheets. The pleasure was intense, making you whimper desperately. He knows you won't last long. Spreading your legs, Kylo moves closer to your lips. Holding you by the hips as he's now breathing hard and thrusting inside of you faster. No longer able to hold back, you cum on him shamelessly. As soon as he feels your body relaxing, knowing for sure that you finished, he lets out a muffled moan.  
Moving slow a couple more times as he catches his breath. He comes kissing you, moving his hand up to push the hair out of your face. “Hi..” 
“Hi back.” trying to hide your bliss unsuccessfully. 
“You make me feel too good.” Saying as he lays his head on your chest. Being careful not to crush you. 
You adjust yourself, moving your hand through his damp sweaty hair, “You're saying it like it's a bad thing.”  
Your words stings him. “I don't know yet” He didn't want it to be a bad thing, but he also didn't know you that well. All he knew was that The First Order was at war, and he had to stay vigilant especially in times like these. 
“Can I ask you something?” He tilts his head back noticing how sleepy you were getting. “I was captured months ago, why now?” 
“What do you mean?” 
“Why am I meeting you now? Why was I captured?” 
He takes a moment before replying. Pondering and searching for the right words. “I don't know why you were captured.” 
“We went on your planet thinking we would find some information about a rebel base, but we found nothing. I wasn't even aware that we took prisoners. I was informed of your presence on the ship about a week before we met.” 
“Are you saying that I'm on this ship by mistake?” That's it, you start to freak out. 
“Technically yes but no..” You stop moving completely now, totally in shock. He looks up to you nervously, “I was ordered to find a rebel base. We had a lead, but the lead changed and then, I was told that we still had prisoners which I wasn't aware of to begin with. So, I decided to interrogate them before moving from the lead completely. Then I met you, and then I was ordered to kill you..” 
“What??” You say, cutting him right off. 
“But I didn't want to.. Plus, I couldn't read your mind, so I didn't know if you knew something worth knowing.” 
After a moment you finally relax, trying to make sense of the situation. Taking a deep breath before resting your eyes. “But now you can.”  
“I can’t fully do it and I don’t want too anyway. I didn't act the way I should've. I was angry and childish, and I do believe we can be honest with each other. Please you must trust me.”  
“Why do you sound afraid?” 
He takes a moment before answering. Enjoying being this close and intimate with you. Breathing out as he squeeze the side of your stomach, “I'm afraid I might lose something..” 
“And why is that?” 
“I'm not good. I break things, I destroy.. kill. Everything I touch burns.”  
“Well I'm here, still in one piece and alive I believe.” Keeping your eyes closed as you slowly drift away. 
He smiles to himself knowing he completely drained you. He gets up, coming back with a warm and dampen washcloth. Cleaning you gently before joining you under the covers.  
The following morning you wake up to the sound of Kylo stirring a spoon in his mug. “I have something for you.” Hearing the words coming from the other room. Knowing you were now fully awake. 
As you get out of bed to greet him. You see him already dressed and back into his supreme leader’s uniform, pointing you to a pile of fabrics. 
“Clothes?” You confirmed as you walked closer. 
“They will fit you better.” 
He's intensely staring at you, watching you get dressed in front of him. Knowing well enough that he could no longer look inside your head like he did yesterday. The way you reacted when he did, made it clear that he could've lost you right there. Things could've gone in a totally different direction, and he was happy they didn't. He was grateful that you chose to trust him and so he needed to do the same with you. 
The clothes were comfortable. Black leggings and a long sleeve dress that was distressed at the bottom. Feminine and airy. One shoulder even has the emblem of the first order embroidered in dark gray. “How do I look?” You ask smiling. 
“It doesn't matter what you wear. In fact, I prefer when you wear nothing at all..” 
You automatically roll your eyes as you tie your boots, “That wouldn't be practical.” 
He comes closer to you. Pushing the hair off your shoulder, “Don’t need to be when you're with me.” He takes your hand, pulling you up before giving you a kiss. “I have to go; I'm going to be late. Promise me you'll behave in my absence.” 
“What do you mean in your absence?” 
He sighs, “I was supposed to have more time to myself, but I have been called to the base. Shouldn't be more than a couple of days.” 
“Already? But you just came back.” you say defeated. 
“It's only for a couple of days, I promise.” You nod as he gives you one more kiss before leaving quickly. 
It's been two days since Kylo was gone and you were already missing him. You were so bored on this ship. Nothing was exciting or somewhat interesting. As you're sitting on the couch you notice the third door again. Still wondering what was inside of it. You get up hoping this time it's unlocked but as usual, it isn't. You sigh as you look around the room. You didn't like having no news from him. You knew that anything could happen. Even if he was strong and powerful, he was still capable of bleeding. All this worrying was making you anxious. So, you decide to get out and try to see what your friends are up to. 
As you're walking the corridors. You suddenly get lightheaded. Stopping for a moment to take a deep breath. As you’re reaching the entrance of the cafeteria, you notice Henry and Eira. Greeting them as you sit at their table.  
She smiles to you, “We thought you were gone; it's been a while.” 
“Yeah well, I needed some time.” You let out, sheltering your eyes with your hand from the ceiling lights. 
“That's okay. Actually, seeing you reminds me. I learned something the other night when we were talking about you know who.” Henry looks at her puzzled. “Yeah, we were talking about some rebels, and I learned that ben killed his own father.” 
Henry was in shock, “What? How? What do you mean he killed his own father?” 
Eira nodded, “yeah, I know right? Who would do something like that?” 
You let out deep breaths as you struggle to keep your eyes open. Henry, noticing that something is wrong, stares at you worryingly. “Are you okay?” Are the last words you hear, feeling an arm around you before your eyes shuts down completely. 
dreamtofus  capitanostella brittneyblueyes21-blog 
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spacexseven · 1 year
Wait wait wait wait in mer au I have never seen you talk about mermaid darling
What if darling is the mermaid and idk dazai or chuuya or both maybe are the humans and discover darling
Or them still being well whatever they are in mer au (siren and sea monster from what I remember) and darling also a mermaid:D
CW: yandere characters, toxic relationships, unhealthy idolization, implied murder/violence, invasion of privacy, reader is referred to as 'pet' in siren chuuya's part. unedited
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human dazai is thrilled. he can hardly believe it! expect to be met with a barrage of questions from him, some from innocent curiosity, but mostly him wanting to know uncomfortably personal information. he begs and begs for you to let him stroke your tail, just once? it’s so shiny, you can’t really expect him to not be mesmerized by it! he’s impossible to escape, as he makes a habit of coming to your usual spot every waking moment, preferring to creep up on you and watch you go about your day before making his presence known. even if you switch to another spot—still close enough to watch the people walk by—he’ll scour the waters for you. soon enough, he even starts taking out a little boat to see you farther away from prying eyes. dazai brings you trinkets, despite you being the one with access to more valuable and rare items, and he knows that even though you act all huffy, you’re entranced by the newest gadgets he proudly waves at you. ah, but don't worry! he knows how to keep a secret. after all, he can't have anyone else coming after you, can he?
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eelzai (eel dazai) isn't exactly used to cute little things like you coming by these parts of the waters. most other mer creatures are far more sociable than him and tend to live in more populated areas, never wandering near his cave unless it's out of curiosity about the rumored sea monster that lived there. it didn't particularly bother him to know that he was more feared than liked, and honestly, your shocked expression was awfully cute. what was surprising was how you kept coming back. maybe you were curious about him, too, peering shyly into his cave and quickly jolting back when you heard the slow swishing of his tail in the water. he didn't mind the company, though you probably thought he had no idea that you came around. sometimes, he'd lay as still as possible, waiting for you to come a little closer. closer, until your face was right next to his as you studied him carefully. he hoped you would stay longer, trace a finger, but within a few minutes, you were gone.
so he planned accordingly for the next time, hiding in a dark corner of the cave, lying in wait for you to believe it was empty, and come wandering in. and right as you came near the center, far enough from the opening so nobody would hear the yelp as you got dragged away, he would finally be able to have a nice conversation with you.
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it shocks human chuuya the first time he sees you peering at him from the water, so much so that he jumps back and maybe cries out a little. despite his initial reaction, you were more than happy to educate him about your species, and you eagerly entertain all his questions and requests. maybe you were just lonely. not that he minded your attention. chuuya answers all of your questions and carefully remembers all the details you tell him about your life and home just in case. sometimes, startled by the sudden sounds of footsteps, you rush back into the water, and something you brought to show chuuya falls out beside his feet, which he silently pockets and pretends not to have seen when you ask about it. but no matter how much you plead with him to let you meet more humans, his friends, he refuses. there was no way he was going to let anyone come near you. chuuya even decides to learn diving, just to surprise you with a visit one of these days, now that he knows your favorite spots nearby.
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siren chuuya is used to the envious stares of other mers, wishing they were as refined as him in any way. he's not as used to admiration, but it wasn't that uncommon. the degree of your admiration, however, was far from normal. he didn't know how you came to meet him, but the day you saw him you had fallen into a trance (as you liked to say) and since then, were rarely seen apart from him. you adored chuuya, constantly complimenting him and praising him, openly admitting you wished you were as alluring or as pretty as him because no human ever looked twice at you, especially not when all they wanted to see were sirens and other mystical creatures. chuuya never tells you that he's glad you're not as popular as him, he never tells you that he hates the idea of any foolish human fawning after you, nor does he tell you that he's already had to take care of a few suitors who were after your affection, those stupid enough to come and ask him for help in wooing you. no, he lets you believe that you should be happy in your current position, and lets you gush over him more and more, over the moon at any semblance of affection or praise from him. he liked you trailing behind him with starry eyes, his little pet.
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